IRC log of #maemo for Friday, 2011-10-07

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TiagoTiagoor any other incompatibilities i should be aware of?00:09
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TiagoTiagoWould it be safe to modify the script from so that it puts all those folders inside a subfolder of /home instead of directly in /home to keep things more tidy?00:54
momcilo /away00:55
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* lardman looks at said script00:59
lardmanTiagoTiago: yeah I can't see why not, just as along as they aren't placed onto the VFAT partition01:00
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TiagoTiagoalright, thanx01:01
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lardmanTiagoTiago: and do let us know that it does work ;)01:05
TiagoTiagoI won't be doing that today, i'm just trying to clear some details before i  reflash and start building the system up in the next few days01:06
lardmanYou'll of course need to alter paths and the like in the scripts, but I'm sure you realise that01:06
TiagoTiagojust in those scripts there, right?01:07
lardmaner, yeah, though I didn't actually look at them, just the description of what was being done01:07
lardmanonce you chroot it makes no odds to what runs inside01:07
lardmanit's just setting up the chroot correctly, and there you will probably need to alter how the symlinks, etc. are created01:08
lardmanbit late in the evening now, but I can have a look tomorrow01:09
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TiagoTiagomostly just a matter of looking for each instance of "?home/" and replacing with "/home/newfolder", checking them one by one just in case there is somthing unique about some instance, right?01:10
TiagoTiagooops, typo01:10
TiagoTiagoEach instance of "/home/" and replacting with "/home/newfolder/"*01:10
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lardmanhmm, I guess the only question there is whether it uses chroot or tells the kernel to use a different root device01:14
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lardmanTiagoTiago: ok, so I take it back, I don't think it uses chroot01:16
TiagoTiagoso it might not be possible to set it to a subfolder the way i described?01:17
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lardmanno, at least not necessarily so easily01:18
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lardmanor possibly at all - I'm just trying to work out what his scripts do01:18
lardmandoes this require e.g. bootmenu to be used?01:20
lardmanI should really read all of the post01:20
TiagoTiagoi think it will load the system from this new place if you boot with the keyboard open01:20
lardmanI just don't see where he alters e.g. init to make that work01:22
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lardmanbut I'm half asleep, so it may be staring me in the face01:22
DocScrutinizerthere might be references to physical devices/partitions, in mounting scripts etc01:22
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lardmanbut re. making a sub-dir under ~, more investigation needed01:22
TiagoTiagoalright, thanx for trying :)01:23
lardmanI don't know how bootmenu works, and there's a check for that in the scripts01:23
lardmanTiagoTiago: sorry for the initial mis-info01:23
TiagoTiagoit's alright01:23
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DocScrutinizerand a chroot isn't probably the right thing to do here, if we'Re speaking about a full maemo system. Rather you want to do a pivotroot sometime early in original init01:23
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lardmanwell the two are pretty close ;)01:25
lardmanmy fault with terminology01:25
zeroc00lhey guys im using xchat anybody know how to change color of replys there always so dark .01:27
lardmanSettings > Preferences iirc01:27
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zeroc00ltryed that but the color never seems to change01:29
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lardmanoh I don't know then, is this on a Maemo device?01:30
lardmanah no idea, perhaps that's not hooked up then01:31
zeroc00lok cheers any one else any ideas01:33
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lardmanI guess the other option is to see if the conf file can be edited directly01:34
* lardman looks on his laptop to see where it is located01:34
lardmanah, XChat2 here, but there is a ~/.xchat2/colors.conf file, so you may find something similar01:35
* lardman heads for bed01:35
lardmannight all01:35
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zeroc00lnight night01:40
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zeroc00lhas anybody ever installed SET on n90001:46
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TiagoTiagolardman|gone: seems it was modified later to use a subfolder, it just wasn't mentioned in the original post:
TiagoTiagooh, wait, no, wasn't the same guy...01:56
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wirrhi all!02:08
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wirrI'm running MyDocs off a vfat lvm volume (/dev/mapper/docs) everything works fine, only the camera complains abount "memory not accessible". probably some hardcoded check for mmcblk0. any hints which scripts to check?02:10
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DocScrutinizerzeroc00l: see
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NIN101wirr: I'm running something similiar02:16
wirrNIN101: ah yes, I saw your forum posts for crypto setups.02:17
NIN101wirr: mkdir /home/user/MyDocs/DCIM02:17
wirrhaven't had any success with your osso scripts though02:17
DocScrutinizerwirr: camera is creating the folder in a weird way (upper vs lower case, root creates, user tries to write to it)02:17
wirrls -lhd /home/user/MyDocs/DCIM/02:18
wirrdrwxrwxrwx    2 user     root       16.0K Oct  3  2011 /home/user/MyDocs/DCIM/02:18
DocScrutinizercameraui is known to break when MyDocs is no VFAT02:18
wirr/dev/mapper/docs on /home/user/MyDocs type vfat02:18
DocScrutinizerdunno, there are quite a number of quirks wirh camera and storage02:19
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DocScrutinizerseveral clever devels looked into that back in PR1.1 times02:20
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DocScrutinizerconclusion been "it's terribly coded/designed"02:21
wirrDoc: easy to believe. :-(02:21
zeroc00li did wonder were you was doc , can you help me with my SET install , will check link cheers02:21
DocScrutinizerdunno SET02:22
zeroc00lThe Social-Engineer Toolkit (SET)02:23
DocScrutinizersorry, I don't know this02:23
DocScrutinizerso probably I can't help02:23
wirrNIN101: you basically are running the same setup as I do. what does your fstab say for MyDocs?02:23
zeroc00lwould you know how to start a file ??02:24
NIN101wirr: it doesn't matter I mean02:25
NIN101because I intercept the mounting attempts and then truecrypt mounts it.02:25
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NIN101it's also ext3. But do you mount with? noauto,nodev,noexec,nosuid,noatime,nodiratime,utf8,uid=29999,shortname=mixed,dmask=000,fmask=0133,rodir02:26
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e0xcmt failed when flash = hardware problem right ?02:33
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DocScrutinizere0x: not always02:36
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DocScrutinizerthere are known issues with e.g. the US local image02:36
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e0xDocScrutinizer: for some reason it don't let me flash eMMC02:40
e0xi can flash fiasco but the cmt faild02:40
e0xi can flash fiasco but the cmt fail02:40
e0xSpeedEvil: yes02:40
e0xi think the telephony hardware is dead02:41
e0xi will clean it again with alcohol02:41
zeroc00lare you flashing a custom emmc ??02:41
e0xsuch exist ?02:42
DocScrutinizerumm, you got some water in your N900?02:42
e0xnot sure , is for sure that i drop it a few time02:43
DocScrutinizercleaning won't help then02:43
e0xhope is the last thing with lose :(02:43
DocScrutinizerand for cleaning with ethanol you should use 99% anyway02:44
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SpeedEvile0x: You're in the EU aren't you?02:44
* SpeedEvil tries to remember.02:44
e0xSpeedEvil: not , caribbean02:44
e0xdon't exist nokia repair center here02:45
e0xand i think is out of warranty anyway02:45
SpeedEvilNot in the EU.02:45
e0xoh ok02:45
SpeedEvilNo nokia repair centre, however, it's not likely to be 13C indoors either.02:45
zeroc00lye they do search for EMMC By.Mido FaYad02:46
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e0xwhat nokia repair center will do in this case ? change the board logic ?02:47
Zer0cool@doc thanks config file worked mint ...02:49
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wirrNIN101: yep using the same mount opts02:50
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DocScrutinizerZer0cool: glad to help :-)02:56
Zer0coolany idea how to run file .?02:57
Zer0cooltryed all the normall commands but nothing02:57
e0xpyhon install ?03:00
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Zer0cool@e0x this is the error im getting
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fainais the toolkit checking dpkg?03:24
Zer0coolnope im building from source03:25
Zer0coolthe problem is todo with build-essential i think03:26
fainaYes, but build-essential is a debian/ubuntu meta-package. python's setuptools shouldn't depend on it.03:26
fainayou should look at and see if its doing apt-get inside it03:27
Zer0coolthis is my error
fainaYes. somehow is running apt-get. and one of the packages it depends on isn't available03:29
fainalook at the to figure out what it's trying to install.03:29
fainagotta go though, good lick03:30
fainaer luck03:30
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reenignEesreveRis there a good mp3 encoding app for n900?09:53
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gomiampsycho_oreos: I guess if it worked correctly on N8x0 it should work even better on N90009:57
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psycho_oreosgomiam, not that I have tried using it mind you :) I have a proper computer to do it with not to shorten the lifespan of my N90009:59
gomiampsycho_oreos: lifespan or battery span? ;)10:00
gomiampsycho_oreos: I converted a few short videos long time ago10:01
psycho_oreoseither way :)10:01
DocScrutinizer600MHz is "official overclocking" and shortens lifespan of CPU to 23%10:01
DocScrutinizer*to*, not by10:02
gomiamDocScrutinizer: I think nobody mentioned overclocking :)10:02
DocScrutinizerI did10:02
DocScrutinizerN900 on stock kernel runs at 600MHz with heavy CPU load10:02
gomiamDocScrutinizer: that's what nice is for ;)10:03
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DocScrutinizerI don't think nice will help for that (though I'm not entirely sure how cpufreq / governor will react to nicing a heavy-load-process. Would think it's still following run-to-idle strategy)10:05
DocScrutinizermoo mece10:05
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DocScrutinizercheck nice manpage and general scheduler concepts - nice doesn't reduce CPU clock generally, it even does nothing at all if the nice'd process is the only running process. Nice simply changes the priority which in turn decides who (which process) is next to get a timeslice. If there's no competing process, your nice'd process will still get all the timeslices available10:09
reenignEesreveRalso, anybody knows a robust app/script for timelapse videos?10:13
DocScrutinizeror generally a *working* app for simple video postprocessing (like truncating, joining, cutting)?10:15
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reenignEesreveRand which also makes use of the builtin DSP10:15
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robbiethe1stWell, guys, the N900's lived up to it's reputation: I just got myself a pair of broken phones, one with a so-called reboot loop problem. Turns out, just something screwy with NITDroid; reflashing the rootfs with a known-good image solved the problem10:55
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psycho_oreosits moreso the merrier reason that the illiterate owner got sick of woes and sold it to someone more literate :)10:58
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robbiethe1stYeah. Also, someone who knows how to use Testdisk. <_<11:01
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psycho_oreosnot necessarily :)11:03
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robbiethe1stNo. I do.11:06
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robbiethe1stWhich means I've now found all sorts of media to play with. People should really reflash their phones before selling them :\11:07
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HardknoxI love N900 but is there any change to get full workable android with call for this phone ?11:23
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dm8tbrlook at nitdroid...11:24
Hardknoxsince now I look at this project, this time I managed to buy a HTC with android and the N900 is in the drawer with the sentiment, I would finally use it or sell but hesitate because I do not know what are the current capabilities of the hardware11:27
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psycho_oreosyour purpose of N900 was just to have nitdroid (android equivalent) on it? what a waste11:42
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chem|stHardknox: if I want google handcouffs I buy one...11:51
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chem|stmaemo is and will remain for a while the best phone os for n90011:51
robbiethe1stYeah. I don't get the benefit of Android...11:52
psycho_oreosFor some reason there are those who think putting a Ford engine in a Porsche would be cool :S11:52
psycho_oreosand honestly, you'll end up looking more like a wannabe fanboy than being some real hacker who did all the hard work of porting it across and still spends time on porting it11:53
robbiethe1stWell... I'd do /that/ before using Android on my N90011:54
psycho_oreosporting and cursing11:54
robbiethe1stThough, I'd actually go the whole way and toss out the Porsche body for a proper ford one...11:54
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psycho_oreosand you end up with a Ford car by the end of all that conversions when you could have simply just buy a Ford -_-11:55
robbiethe1st'course, I'd much prefer a Ford over a Porsche... I'm just that sort of person.11:56
psycho_oreosI was using Ford and Porsche as an analogy for the case with maemo 5 vs android :)11:56
psycho_oreosmore like Nokia N900 vs HTC ???11:57
robbiethe1stI know.11:57
robbiethe1stI have to say, though, the N9 actually seems like it has good potential to match the N900, assuming we can work around Aegis properly.11:57
HardknoxDo not have understood me well, I got rid of the N900 is not because I have a great fondness for it because it is waiting for the good times come more and more I wonder about its sales outlook because I see no instance of an update to meego as in N912:00
psycho_oreosI beg to differ, N900 = more mobile computer centric vs N9 = more smartphone centric12:00
robbiethe1stWell, yeah, I noticed that12:00
psycho_oreosN9 is also fyi a dead end as well12:01
robbiethe1stMore or less, yeah. Though, Nokia /may/ be using the UI and QT/linux on some of their low-end devices, apparently12:02
HardknoxIt would be even used a fully functional android on it, but from what I read on the forum nitdroid very distant future12:02
psycho_oreosthe much talked meltemi? I really don't know if that'll ever fly. Flop signed an agreement with microsoft and I thought that would bring the death of linux for nokia. I can't really imagine meltemi being a linux platform12:03
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HardknoxMeltemi is a pipe dream, an invention of the Internet12:03
HardknoxMy close friend who works for NOKI in Oslo says this nonsense12:04
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robbiethe1stSo they're completely getting out of the low-end phone market?12:04
psycho_oreosandroid is slowly withering away too, look at microsoft signing deals already with the biggest handheld manufacturers because of that scare over apple patent trolling12:04
HardknoxCzy chodziło Ci o: wierzę mu bo polityka NOKI znacząco się zmienia12:04
HardknoxI believe him because politics has changed significantly NOKI12:04
maybeHereHardknox: but then, what do nokia employees know about their companie's strategic decisions12:05
Trewasa friend working for a nokia contractor said "oh they already announced it", when there was some news about meltemi12:05
maybeHere(what does nokia management know about their company's strategic decisions)12:05
robbiethe1stEh, android isn't going away. MS is signing deals, yes, but that means MS can't sue them about it.12:05
HardknoxI trust him on these matters because what else troops and another to work directly under the marketing and the industry is working there12:05
robbiethe1stAnd, of course, you have Motorola with Google behind it... we'll see some major sparks fly when MS hits them12:06
psycho_oreosno no microsoft isn't suing them but apple sued these other android handheld manufacturers which is not only to win some money but also used as a scare tactic for other players to get off the android platform or face similar dire consequences12:06
ruskieintellectual ventures already hit motorola12:06
robbiethe1struskie: who? And are they fighting it?12:07
ruskieex-m$ stuff12:08
ruskieif you believe it ;)12:08
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robbiethe1stWell, we'll have to see what happens. Honestly, I hope google gets fed up and pays off the right people; gets proper patent reform.12:09
robbiethe1stOr at least sues these people back to the stone age12:10
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edheldilnot probable12:10
edheldilyou can't sue real patent trolls12:10
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robbiethe1stAll you have to do is stall until they go bankrupt12:10
edheldilbecause thay do not produce anything except of litigation cases12:10
robbiethe1stAnd google has plenty of income to pay their lawyers12:11
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Robot101/wg #ra12:13
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DocScrutinizerRobot101: o/12:17
Robot101DocScrutinizer: ahoy. stupid Irssi paste detection + laggy 3G12:17
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robbiethe1stOk, where would I find a list of the known test points on the back of the N900?12:24
psycho_oreoson the wiki page and cpkb12:24
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robbiethe1stWhich wiki page? ?12:24
DocScrutinizerotherwise ask me to find out about particular testpoints, using my blank PCB12:24
robbiethe1stWell, I'm trying to find J5300/J5301. They look like the most likely candidates for USB connection12:25
robbiethe1stAnd, a vbus line12:25
DocScrutinizerabout D+/- and VBUS, see:12:26
infobotusbfix is probably - and **NEVER** use epoxy (unless you want to seal your device for underwater)12:26
robbiethe1stAs soon as I get my data migrated to my new, used N900, I'm going to be hacking a new USB port into my old N900, using wires from the debug pins12:27
robbiethe1stIt looks to me like I'd still have ESD protection, as I'm connecting in-line with the ESD protector diodes, though I might have to do something about Z530012:27
DocScrutinizerwhich isn't completely correct and also not comprehensive12:27
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DocScrutinizerrobbiethe1st: the methods with short wires to next component inside can nearby is the recommended method to fix a USB that's completely broken to the pads12:29
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robbiethe1stYou mean, try to connect to the ESD protection chips?12:30
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DocScrutinizerlike this:
DocScrutinizeroops nop12:34
Hardknoxaustria =)12:34
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DocScrutinizerlike this:
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DocScrutinizercheck my notes on ID pin though (small red connection from 1st right to 2nd pin, next to [GND] label)12:36
robbiethe1stIs ID even used?12:36
DocScrutinizerwell, it's connected to some circuitry, though rarely ever used in real life12:38
DocScrutinizerconnecting it hard to GND however is a silly thing to do12:39
DocScrutinizerbetter keep it unconnected12:39
Shapeshifteruhm how can I disable automatic upgrade notifications? as in, not sync repos automatically at all?12:44
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robbiethe1stYou can set it to an arbitrary time like 1yr between checks12:46
SiceloShapeshifter: you can't, but can extend the period before updating. check Customizing Maemo wiki page12:46
DocScrutinizerheh, sicelo bet me to it12:48
robbiethe1stBad, DocS! You need to be faster!12:48
DocScrutinizersorry, was busy with coffee12:48
robbiethe1st100 practice copy and pastes! Now, soldier!12:48
ShapeshifterSicelo: thanks12:49
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Shapeshiftergconftool -s --type int /apps/hildon/update-notifier/check_interval 2147483647 since a bit more than 4 years is just what I need.12:54
Shapeshifter4000 years, excuse12:55
DocScrutinizerShapeshifter: there've been reports it fails completely in some weird way when value is completely outa bounds. better use something equivalent to 1 yera, or 212:56
Shapeshifterthat is apparently the maximum value12:56
DocScrutinizeryeah, and something is truncating this max value by a bit or two (or 4 or 8)12:57
Shapeshifterokay okay12:58
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DocScrutinizer2147483647 is 7FFFFFFF12:58
HardknoxN900 its best for watching porn =) quick and everything is hide :D12:58
DocScrutinizeraka maxint_s3212:59
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Shapeshiftererminig is such a buggy piece of software13:01
Shapeshifterit barely works13:01
Shapeshifterwhich is sufficient and great but really...13:01
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robbiethe1stAlso, I'm quite happy. BM's been working great on my new N900. I loaded my older flashable image, backed up the old data on it to an image over USB, flashes emmc, PR1.3, then reflashed my flashable image, then loaded in my latest device backup via SD card.13:34
robbiethe1stWith any luck, I'll then just have to restore my MyDocs data and everything will be good13:34
reenignEesreveRno google maps on n900? :(13:36
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robbiethe1stCan't you just use the webinterface though?13:42
infobotwell, usbfix is - and **NEVER** use epoxy (unless you want to seal your device for underwater)13:43
chem|strobbiethe1st: sounds like pain! I skip the flashable image and be good... reflash, start backup restore, rsync /etc/ and home and I am fine...13:43
robbiethe1stWell, going from a brand new device with other people's shit on it13:43
robbiethe1stAnd someone had nitdroid, so I had to flash emmc13:43
chem|strobbiethe1st: still just what I said above with any device!13:44
chem|stMyDocs is part of home13:44
robbiethe1stSo what's the advantage? You'd still have to redownload all applications13:44
robbiethe1stNot to mention that this is about 5x faster than trying to redownload even 100mb over my connection13:45
chem|stthey are in the backup-restore, and just two taps away and some waiting...13:45
robbiethe1st...for it to redownload off the internet13:45
chem|stwell connection speed is no issue for13:45
robbiethe1stI have a 1.5mbit connection.13:45
SpeedEvilAlso - some apps are no longer available13:45
SpeedEvilangry birds and sygic, for example.13:45
chem|stthe installed programs are part of the backup13:45
robbiethe1stNo, just the list of programs13:46
chem|stSpeedEvil: I dont need closed source...13:46
robbiethe1stWhich means if it's gone from the server, you can't get it13:46
chem|strobbiethe1st: thats what I mean13:46
chem|stfor all things I need I have .debs anyways...13:46
robbiethe1stI can tell you from previous experience... The Nokia backup tool does /not/ include the deb files.13:46
chem|strobbiethe1st: I know13:47
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chem|stbut even sygic and angrybirds are available via torrent13:47
reenignEesreveRwebinterface isn't integrated with gps13:48
robbiethe1stThis allowed me to do stuff otherwise impossible: 1, pull files off a bricked phone. 2, load my stuff /exactly/ as I had it before; all files exactly as I had them.13:48
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chem|strobbiethe1st: true13:48
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reenignEesreveRdoes anybody know the status of dalvik-vm port of n900?13:48
chem|stbut why do you need to flash vanilla and then flash again?13:48
* SpeedEvil wishes someone had gotten / on sd working13:49
robbiethe1stBecause I wanted to get CMT etc flashed to PR1.313:49
robbiethe1stI could have flashed everything /but/ the rootfs, yes13:49
chem|stif it is flash once for all ok, in terms of programs not available anymore ok... but anything else is fixable... and rsync restores exactly what I need13:49
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: harmattan ;-P13:50
chem|steven installed programs as I backup persistent /13:50
robbiethe1stheh. Try to restore / and you'll run into exactly what I did when I tried a year ago13:50
chem|strobbiethe1st: I did that twice13:51
robbiethe1stany programs that are open at the time... it'll sometimes crash the device.13:51
robbiethe1stIf you restore the wrong bits13:51
chem|stdo not restore open files... sure13:51
robbiethe1stI mean... anyone can tell you that trying to restore a root backup to an in-use drive is just asking for trouble. That's why I went to all the trouble of making BM run inside a chroot13:52
chem|stdo not backup openfiles is more the key13:52
robbiethe1stBut then you don't have /everything/13:52
chem|stfor a good backup you have to stop all userinterfaces13:52
robbiethe1stYes. See BM.13:52
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chem|stI know you did a good job with BM but for me it is just another tool I don't need13:53
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robbiethe1stEh, one of these days, you'll likely need it. Fortunately, you may be able to make your rsync backups compatible if needed13:54
chem|stas there is no other PR coming I think it is just my restore script13:54
chem|stplus backup restore13:55
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robbiethe1stI just hope it works.13:56
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SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: show me the SD slot13:59
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DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: s/mmcblk0/mmcblk1/14:02
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robbiethe1stFlash + HWAccel + Nvidia drivers = unstable14:09
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joejoehi, the image-writter from is not available the link points to which responds with "502 Bad Gateway"18:07
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Sazpaimonanyone try the latest firefox build for maemo?18:22
SazpaimonI think they're on 8.0 and also have a qt port of 718:22
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Sazpaimonactually, this qt port isnt that bad18:39
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Sazpaimonstill get some checkerboarding, but its faster than gtk fennec18:40
Sazpaimonmaybe I'll try co to compile a more recent version qith qt18:40
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reprI'm looking for the fm-carkit source code, but points out the same issue as mine;19:31
reprdo you know where I'd find it?19:31
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MohammadAGis there a way to copy the contents of a drop down box on a site?19:49
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timelessMohammadAG: in js?20:02
timelessyou can use view-source, view-selection-source (Firefox), or some magic javascript:20:02
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timelessif you have a desktop browser, using DOM Inspector or an equivalent lets you copy the <select> as xhtml and then you can do whatever w/ it20:03
MohammadAGtimeless, what's view selection source?20:03
MohammadAGI'm using firefox20:03
timelessin Firefox, make a selection around the <select> and right click20:03
MohammadAGit's a drop down box20:04
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MohammadAGright clicking it does nothing20:04
MohammadAG(this )20:04
timelessyou make a selection of text before and after the select20:05
timelessand right click the selection20:05
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MohammadAGtimeless, thanks!20:06
thopiekarcan someone help me getting this fixed? trying to get Hildon-Desktop build on Ubuntu Oneiric..20:06
thopiekartook smoku's source and applied his patches..20:07
MohammadAGtimeless, another thing, the first text box has auto completion, is there a way to access the list it autocompletes from?20:07
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OkropNickSometimes all my calendar reminds are stopping working (no popup, no sound). The only way to make them working again is to restart N900. Does anyone knows other way? Maybe some daemon restart or something?20:12
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timelessi'm sure there is :)20:16
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timelessask sp300020:16
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OkropNickwhat is uset for launching calendar reminds? Alarmd?20:32
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thopiekarhere is the term-log again using pbuilder:
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Kowalczykhi. I have a question. what widget is that media player? I added media player widget on mine but I dont get those "levels" stuff on the right.. how do I get that? I've seen a lot of SS with that kind of media player. but doesnt have it21:19
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C-S-BAnywhere selling spare N900 screws in the UK?21:54
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SpeedEvilFarnell, but only generally small screws21:58
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C-S-BWho or what is Farnell?22:01
C-S-BAs I only need the ones that fix the screen.22:01
C-S-Bthe longer ones are fine.22:01
SpeedEvilA general electronics supplier22:02
C-S-Band they will sell in small quantity?22:02
SpeedEvilProbably you'd need to buy 10022:02
C-S-Bfair enough. :)22:03
C-S-Bthank you. Now to get the part size.22:03
C-S-B M1.4x2.8  <- these are the six that fix the sliding assembly to the screen arent they?22:04
SpeedEvilUnsure, I've never dissasembled it22:04
C-S-BSeems obvious, but what should I search for, 'screw' seems to provide nothing.22:05
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SpeedEvilI They don't seem to do that size22:11
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C-S-BDamn it. :( just on livechat with them22:16
C-S-Blooks like they dont have them.22:17
C-S-BMust be able to get them somewhere....22:17
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abufaisalHi all, I plan to flash my N900 with 8G flasher. And I want to backup the application using backupmenu before I do that. Can I restore the application on the 8G version???22:21
Kowalczykhi. I have a question. what widget is that media player? I added media player widget on mine but I dont get those "levels" stuff on the right.. how do I get that? I've seen a lot of SS with that kind of media player. but doesnt have it22:21
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psycho_oreosnever heard of 8G flasher22:30
psycho_oreosthat's not levels Kowalczyk, that's a fake equaliser thing. It is only available on PR1.2 with standard mediaplayer and it only moves when you're actively playing a music22:32
DocScrutinizer/kick $USER22:32
abufaisalI mean 8GB as installable space. It is costumed image. Sorry for confusing info.22:33
psycho_oreos8GB installable space on rootfs? on /home|/opt or? in most cases its probably not possible22:34
MohammadAGpsycho_oreos, 1.122:34
abufaisalI think it is on /opt partition22:35
MohammadAGI miss tunewiki22:35
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MohammadAGthe one on android/symbian/iOS is meh22:35
psycho_oreosMohammadAG, interesting I thought they also had it in PR1.2 but that vanished in PR1.322:35
DocScrutinizer/kick $USER22:35
psycho_oreosabufaisal, you don't sound like you know what this `8GB flasher is' I'd suggest you to avoid it to prevent headaches later down the road and stick with the standard way of flashing22:36
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abufaisalthanks psycho_oreos22:37
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SpeedEvilWorst case, if it doesn't owrk, you can flash back to normal22:38
MohammadAGpsycho_oreos, sorry, 1.1.122:42
* MohammadAG wonders how to process a line like this <option value="2903|">West Karmel</option>22:42
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psycho_oreosMohammadAG, I'm still surprised that PR1.2 doesn't have it.. I guess I should probably try that theory out on one of my devices22:53
DocScrutinizer/kick $USER22:53
reprexport USER=DocScrutinizer22:54
* repr hehe22:54
psycho_oreosinteresting to see that script in place, /kick $USER I'm guessing its targeting me :p22:57
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Kowalczykpsycho_oreos: ok. so not possible to achieve now? ok thank you :)23:06
psycho_oreosKowalczyk, it probably is still somewhat possible if you're willing to install that older widget I guess23:07
psycho_oreosI'm thinking it was removed probably because of battery drain23:07
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MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, my N950 was shipped, it's in Leipzeg :D23:18
SpeedEvilMohammadAG: the replacement?23:22
MohammadAGSpeedEvil, yeah23:24
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CorsacMohammadAG: that's unfair, there's a lot of people wanting an n950 and you had 2!23:37
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Macersend me an n950 :-P23:43
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SpeedEvilI'd actually really like broken ones.23:44
SpeedEvilTo play with23:44
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MohammadAGmine's wit Nokia23:52
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SpeedEvilYeah - I know.23:54

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