ErwinJunge | Anyways, I'm off. Byebye all. | 00:01 |
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ZogG | user32, if you did, did you restarted udev? | 00:02 |
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beetlee | Hi | 00:26 |
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beetlee | Esbox doesn't run on my box, Debian SID. Do I need an specific version of Xulrunner to start it up or may it be a different issue? | 00:27 |
UberNeo | Hi All, I am getting the missing icons ,pink screen and automatic retstarts on my N900 .. have flashed few times .. even though its hapenning .. can anybody help me out | 00:27 |
SpeedEvil | UberNeo: I vaguely remember that that symptom has been in others cause dby the EMMC - the main mass storage - failing. | 00:28 |
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UberNeo | I have fsck the /dev/mmcblk0p1 and /dev/mmcblk0p2 .. even though its hapening | 00:30 |
UberNeo | SpeedEvil: do i need to repartition the emmc | 00:30 |
SpeedEvil | UberNeo: can you get dmesg? | 00:32 |
UberNeo | SpeedEvil: okk . gv me some time .. i will just ssh and gv u the dmesg | 00:32 |
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UberNeo | SpeedEvil: here is the dmesg -- | 00:46 |
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SpeedEvil | Ok - no clearly obvious errors, which is good | 00:47 |
SpeedEvil | What does the composite out show? | 00:47 |
UberNeo | composite out ?? | 00:49 |
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SpeedEvil | Video out | 00:50 |
SpeedEvil | If you happen to have something suitable to plug it into, and haven't lost the lead | 00:50 |
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UberNeo | no I dont have a TV .. alno no video jacks in my Laptop :( | 00:51 |
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UberNeo | actually this time .. it restarted properly .. i can see all the images on the N900 screen | 00:52 |
SpeedEvil | Have you been overclocking? | 00:52 |
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SpeedEvil | In principle, you can get subtle damage. Also soldering defects can cause wierd issues | 00:53 |
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UberNeo | no ...just using the RX-51_2009SE_20.2010.36-2_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin image | 00:53 |
UberNeo | does repartioning the emmc will help ?? | 00:54 |
SpeedEvil | Sorry - too tired to answer that. | 00:55 |
SpeedEvil | Night, and good luck. | 00:55 |
UberNeo | give me any . pointers . so that i shud spend the night with tha | 00:56 |
SpeedEvil | You might try looking over tmo | 00:56 |
SpeedEvil | | 00:56 |
SpeedEvil | !logs | 00:56 |
SpeedEvil | Dunno if there are any published logs for here | 00:56 |
UberNeo | ok .. thanks a lot .. i wiil try tonight .. may be we can talk tmmrw | 00:57 |
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UberNeo | during what times u come online ?? | 00:57 |
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SpeedEvil | It's usually more actuve here from around 2 hours ago to 8 hours ago | 00:58 |
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UberNeo | okk .. | 00:58 |
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archl | anybody can tell me how to use on N900? | 00:59 |
archl | thanks | 00:59 |
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GeneralAntilles | RST38h, ping? | 04:24 |
GeneralAntilles | Actually, nevermind. | 04:24 |
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Macer | wtf | 05:50 |
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cehteh | is there a way to query the device lock state of the device? (pin required) | 07:25 |
cehteh | lists only keyboard lock | 07:25 |
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cehteh | ... grep ftw | 07:41 |
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cehteh | .. bah bugs | 07:47 |
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cehteh | having an account for reporting bugs is the first hurdle to build a community | 08:07 |
cehteh | $fail nokia .. | 08:08 |
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ruskie | cehteh, hmm most bugtrackers and projects require an account to report bugs... | 08:26 |
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cehteh | ruskie: yeah i dont like that, besides posting a bug against MCE is likely pointless | 08:42 |
cehteh | i doubt nokia will care for maemo5 much anymore, nor will it be opensourced | 08:43 |
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CPUnltd | hello all... | 09:31 |
CPUnltd | have a webkit error I'm trying to hammer out and was suggested to post it in this channel... | 09:31 |
CPUnltd | when executing the browser I am porting, I get the following message: symbol lookup error /.../ undefined symbol: ZNSt11__timepunctIcE2idE, version GLIBCXX_3.4 | 09:34 |
CPUnltd | not sure what that means... | 09:34 |
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cehteh | CPUnltd: missing symbol, doesnt look like a standard function to me, prolly some implementation detail | 10:03 |
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psycho_oreos | lol any of you guys installed extended-locked-media-control_0.1_armel.deb by qwerty12? looks like he left a parting note of his angerness | 10:26 |
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edheldil | psycho_oreos: ? Can you elaborate? | 10:54 |
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psycho_oreos | edheldil, nevermind, looks like there's been plenty of people that have beaten me to it :) qwerty12 left a note when one installs that package which was made by him | 10:56 |
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psycho_oreos | edheldil, fyi I was referring to this package: and the note he left is available to read here: jd4200: beat me to pasting that but oh well | 11:00 |
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psycho_oreos | mece, ping | 11:02 |
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Jaffa | Morning, all | 11:08 |
psycho_oreos | morning | 11:09 |
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edheldil | psycho_oreos: thanks. | 11:16 |
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psycho_oreos | mece, if you see this message. I have placed your issue into bugzilla, whilst its not completely not working the GPS takes far longer than usual to lock down on GPS: | 11:19 |
povbot | Bug 12399: GPS takes longer than usual time to acquire information from satellites | 11:19 |
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psycho_oreos | edheldil, nw | 11:19 |
archl | how long is usual? | 11:19 |
archl | It usualy took 4 minutes for me, | 11:20 |
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psycho_oreos | I think it took around 6-7 minutes, and this is with assistance mode on (i.e. communicates with the SUPL server | 11:23 |
psycho_oreos | hmm this gives me a bit of an idea | 11:24 |
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joga | has anyone (of you :) used an uvcvideo webcam with n900 host mode? it seemingly works, the module is there, I get /dev/video2 but trying it with gst-launch dies with either the error that it can't allocate memory (tried num-buffers=1 too) or "no space on device" | 11:33 |
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joga | some googling gives stuff from 2006 hinting something about ARM mmap but I dunno | 11:34 |
psycho_oreos | archl, you don't use agps at all do you? | 11:35 |
archl | psycho_oreos: No, I don't. | 11:35 |
archl | psycho_oreos: I just test it while others driving :D | 11:35 |
psycho_oreos | archl, bugger, that's why it takes time to lock down :) I needed some confirmation.. I guess I'm more or less on my own on this one | 11:36 |
psycho_oreos | archl, lol if I could get the whole nokia-maps or whatever to work with voice-nav, etc I'll be happy to mount it on me car :) | 11:36 |
archl | psycho_oreos: you don't need ovi map.. it not going to show you accurate position... | 11:37 |
psycho_oreos | archl, I agree it doesn't show you accurate position, but the GPS functionality could be handy in numerous ways.. plus it also sort of doubles N900 as a `cheap man's' GPS device | 11:39 |
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archl | use some other maps that will get you right position, like modrana. it also got voice aid | 11:40 |
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hp2510p | Hi I'm trying to upgrade the kernel on my n900 from the power42 kernel to at least power47. I have 'extras-testing' enabled but it won't get a later version. Can I manually get it? | 11:41 |
psycho_oreos | problem with modrana is for one to `cut' up the maps for installation into device, but of course there's plenty other navigation products like mappero, marble, etc | 11:42 |
psycho_oreos | you can manually get it but you'll have to manually install 3 or 4 packages (I think it was 3) | 11:42 |
psycho_oreos | you may as well enable extras-devel, you get power48 | 11:42 |
archl | psycho_oreos: ok, the 4th day I got N900, I enabled extra-devel *^* | 11:43 |
archl | It has been 2 months now. | 11:43 |
hp2510p | will 48 work with cleven? | 11:45 |
psycho_oreos | archl, I can't even recall when I first enabled extras-devel but definitely not within the 4th day of N900 ownership.. I wasn't too keen ;) | 11:45 |
psycho_oreos | hp2510p, you mean with lxp's bleeding-edge drivers? yes | 11:45 |
hp2510p | beautiful | 11:45 |
hp2510p | so if I enable extras-devel will the process to install power42 automatically install power48? | 11:46 |
psycho_oreos | yes its automatic if you update the repo list and do upgrade.. it won't be fully automatic if you have uboot/multiboot in the way for instace | 11:46 |
psycho_oreos | s/instace/instance/ | 11:46 |
infobot | psycho_oreos meant: yes its automatic if you update the repo list and do upgrade.. it won't be fully automatic if you have uboot/multiboot in the way for instance | 11:46 |
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hp2510p | a repo list upgrade can be done via the application manager, right? | 11:48 |
psycho_oreos | yes, it'll automatically update when you make changes to repository list | 11:49 |
psycho_oreos | basically that little popup menu that says its checking for updates is when its updating the lists from repositories | 11:50 |
hp2510p | cool | 11:50 |
hp2510p | it could be done via the console in the same way it would be done on any debian system right? | 11:51 |
psycho_oreos | and I personally wouldn't advise using HAM (Hildon Application Manager), with extras-devel enabled, CPU usage on high could last for up to 10 minutes | 11:51 |
psycho_oreos | yes | 11:51 |
psycho_oreos | debian system or debian package management based system such as ubuntu, mint, knoppix, backtrack, etc | 11:52 |
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archl | psycho_oreos: can i change the size of the button on left-top corner? | 11:52 |
archl | psycho_oreos: I don't know how to call it, is that home button? | 11:53 |
psycho_oreos | archl, not sure what's it called.. might be called a `multi' button but don't quote me on it.. and not really.. I believe it would be somewhere inside the themes.. like maybe /usr/share/themes | 11:53 |
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archl | psycho_oreos: ok, thanks, I want it be curve look. | 11:55 |
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hp2510p | I wish they had built an ethernet port into this puppy, it would make a nice little webserver | 12:00 |
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DocScrutinizer | psycho_oreos: ok, let's see how long my GPS takes today :-) | 12:02 |
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psycho_oreos | DocScrutinizer, you have the latest CSSU installed as well? I think I may have found a workaround but I'm suspicious of this workaround being an instant success | 12:03 |
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hp2510p | thankyou for the help, power48 is now installed! | 12:08 |
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dreamer | hmm, has anyone seen this bug on the n900? Quite frequently when I go out of the screen-lock the camera-application starts. as if the camera-protector is opened | 12:13 |
DocScrutinizer | A) GPS sucks | 12:14 |
DocScrutinizer | B) 10s of direct sun to frontside suffice to dim the indicator LED when it starts flashing on TK_lock | 12:15 |
DocScrutinizer | B)1) covering both LED and ALS doesn't change that | 12:15 |
DocScrutinizer | :-o | 12:15 |
biston | ?! | 12:16 |
biston | dreamer i've never had that | 12:16 |
DocScrutinizer | now for A), what's been this alternative google supl? | 12:16 |
malin | DocScrutinizer: I have difficulities with gps too. It takes to long before it detects GPS. Don't know if this is common on other devices as well? | 12:16 |
RST38h | Moo, gentlemen | 12:16 |
DocScrutinizer | moo RST38h | 12:17 |
malin | google maps works like a sharm on N900 with geolocation (gps) but the + and - buttons is not present, so that makes it pretty unusuabel | 12:17 |
biston | nokia has yet to implement a decent gps in their devices | 12:17 |
DocScrutinizer | detail I noticed: A/supl placed me ~2° lat higher, and 1° lon more to west | 12:18 |
DocScrutinizer | than where I got last fix yesterday | 12:18 |
psycho_oreos | DocScrutinizer, that's what I used and it seems to lock on real quick.. the problem is that I cannot repeat the same issue again.. I'm guessing because I'm using mobile broadband with another provider, they probably have cached data.. hence the almost instantaenous lockdown.. maybe even moreso with the other device already locking down way beforehand.. hmm | 12:18 |
DocScrutinizer | and where I'm today still | 12:18 |
RST38h | Doc: The continent is drifting | 12:19 |
RST38h | Doc: toward the huge hole in the North Pole. | 12:19 |
biston | lol | 12:19 |
DocScrutinizer | RST38h: is drifting away | 12:19 |
RST38h | WEAREALLGONNADIE!!! | 12:19 |
DocScrutinizer | WHATSGOOGLESIPLURL? | 12:19 |
dreamer | biston: well it's strange that this is happening since ~2 weeks now | 12:19 |
DocScrutinizer | SUPL even | 12:19 |
dreamer | almost every time I unlock the device | 12:20 |
RST38h | Doc: Well, | 12:20 |
dreamer | biston: and there hasn't been an update of anything. nor did I install any software | 12:20 |
psycho_oreos | yeah | 12:20 |
RST38h | port 7276 | 12:20 |
RST38h | 7262 too | 12:20 |
DocScrutinizer | err, I hope that's the default port | 12:20 |
RST38h | which of the two? =) | 12:21 |
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DocScrutinizer | fsck any of those | 12:21 |
DocScrutinizer | s/default/nokia supl/ | 12:21 |
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DocScrutinizer | \o/ -> 20s | 12:23 |
DocScrutinizer | with it had no fix after 5 min | 12:23 |
malin | jepp instead of I too use | 12:23 |
DocScrutinizer | thought as much, there've been no firmware updates to GPS | 12:24 |
malin | but still it is slow I think, but what is slow is the detection of GPS, could take several minutes | 12:24 |
malin | testing right now | 12:25 |
malin | looking for gps | 12:25 |
DocScrutinizer | well, it had been fast for me here, then I recently noticed it sucks, and with google it's back to normal sub-30s TTFF | 12:25 |
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psycho_oreos | port 7275 for supl services.. I checked that via running wireshark on wlan0 and then columbusGPS | 12:25 |
malin | still looking for gps | 12:26 |
DocScrutinizer | it seems it's not unusual Nokia purposely breaks supl for their "aged" devices | 12:26 |
psycho_oreos | `from nokia, with love' lol | 12:26 |
malin | I think it has looked for gps in almost two minutes now | 12:26 |
DocScrutinizer | malin: doesn't mean a thing unless you're in same location with same orientation of device and same weather as before when it been faster | 12:28 |
RST38h | Doc: no ill intent there | 12:28 |
RST38h | Doc: I doubt anyone at Nokia still *remembers* this supl server exists | 12:28 |
DocScrutinizer | even then you *might* have spotted a gap in GPS sat coverage | 12:28 |
malin | DocScrutinizer: it always use this long time | 12:28 |
malin | I am located in Norways third largest city, but maybe that dosen't mean a thing? I Just can't imagen other people wait this long | 12:29 |
malin | on their androids? | 12:29 |
DocScrutinizer | then either you're actually holding it wrong (no kidding), or you're in a locaton with poor signal from sats | 12:29 |
malin | I have waited in 4minutes | 12:29 |
malin | Holding it wrong? how should I hold it then? | 12:29 |
DocScrutinizer | if you got too poor signal you can't compensate that by waiting longer | 12:30 |
DocScrutinizer | landscape upright | 12:30 |
DocScrutinizer | not covering left upper corner | 12:30 |
malin | Don't think there is poor coverage for satelites here. The local university is one of the first in the world with a campusguide-app who use gps as a navagiation tool so you can figure out where you are at campus | 12:30 |
malin | on the screen side of the device? | 12:30 |
psycho_oreos | yeys | 12:31 |
malin | I see. I had it placed on my desk | 12:31 |
psycho_oreos | s/yeys/yes/ | 12:31 |
infobot | psycho_oreos meant: yes | 12:31 |
malin | så I didn't touch it | 12:31 |
malin | it found the gps now. Took five minutes only | 12:31 |
DocScrutinizer | yeah, now make that desk dielectrically active, or of steel and you're done | 12:31 |
malin | I put it on my couch instead | 12:32 |
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malin | hm.. | 12:32 |
malin | it happend much faster now | 12:32 |
malin | it found it | 12:32 |
malin | so something is strange :) | 12:32 |
DocScrutinizer | you're supposed to hold it up in the air upright landscape holding it on lower half only (or place it on desk witj stand:-D ) | 12:32 |
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malin | DocScrutinizer: okey :) | 12:33 |
DocScrutinizer | it definitely has poor performance when placed flat on a table | 12:33 |
malin | yeah, and now it lost contact | 12:34 |
malin | but I have to go | 12:34 |
malin | going for school :) | 12:34 |
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DocScrutinizer | now for the next big mystery of science and EE | 12:34 |
DocScrutinizer | indicator light | 12:35 |
DocScrutinizer | less than 10s full sun to screen and then tk_lock, and ind-LED is dim | 12:36 |
DocScrutinizer | that's definitely no thermal effect | 12:36 |
DocScrutinizer | except maybe in LED chip itself (for now) | 12:36 |
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DocScrutinizer | mhm, properly covering upper 20mm incl LED and ALS witj my hand stops the efect | 12:37 |
DocScrutinizer | it's ALS | 12:39 |
DocScrutinizer | so: | 12:39 |
DocScrutinizer | ~lart FSCKNG MCE | 12:39 |
* infobot executes killall -HUP FSCKNG MCE | 12:39 | |
DocScrutinizer | seems reasonable, thoug I'd prefer -KILL | 12:39 |
angelox|laptop | good morning people! | 12:41 |
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eichi | what is the common ways to save user data in application? pickle? josn? xml? | 12:44 |
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edheldil | eichi: or sqlite db | 12:50 |
robbiethe1st | sqlite if you've got it | 12:51 |
robbiethe1st | Or, for things like config, you can go with pickle/whatever-text-format-is-easy | 12:51 |
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eichi | I read about pickle security issues and I like portable and human readable data | 12:53 |
eichi | maybe I try xml | 12:53 |
eichi | also it should not have to much depencies. python xml is default on maemo5? | 12:54 |
robbiethe1st | either that, or just make comma/| seperated, \n delimited values | 12:54 |
eichi | sqlite needs a package i thing | 12:54 |
robbiethe1st | simple, easy to read. | 12:54 |
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eichi | for cofig it is okay, but I have some data with hirarch. structure | 12:55 |
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eichi | but never coded with xml but then its a good point to lern ;) | 12:56 |
eichi | robbiethe1st: thanks for discussing that | 12:56 |
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crashanddie | Californian politician Scott __Wiener__ tries to curb nudism... Oh the irony. | 12:57 |
robbiethe1st | I think the XML modules would be a bit more problematic to learn, if you don't already know it | 12:57 |
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psycho_oreos | archl, you found the name of that file that shows the icon on top left hand side? | 12:59 |
archl | psycho_oreos: sorry, I just come back from dinner | 12:59 |
psycho_oreos | archl, heh nw, did you find the name of the file? I guess you didn't :) | 13:00 |
archl | psycho_oreos: you are right, I haven't find it. | 13:01 |
archl | :D glad to hear you telling me | 13:01 |
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psycho_oreos | archl, /opt/usr/share/themes/alpha/images/wmTaskSwitcherIcon.png | 13:02 |
psycho_oreos | :p | 13:02 |
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archl | psycho_oreos: thanks :D but I want to change the size rather than the Icon image :D | 13:07 |
archl | psycho_oreos: now I'm having moon cake. | 13:07 |
archl | psycho_oreos: happy mid-autumn festival, probably your father celebrate it :D | 13:08 |
psycho_oreos | archl, ahh yes indeed, mid autumn festival. I had early one on saturday | 13:08 |
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psycho_oreos | well you can't change the size but you can change the size within the file :P so that way you'll have a bigger image | 13:09 |
archl | psycho_oreos: well, i want it be larger :D configurable UI would be fun | 13:10 |
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DocScrutinizer | ~lart mce | 13:18 |
* infobot puts mce through a wood chipper | 13:18 | |
DocScrutinizer | ~lart mce | 13:18 |
* infobot blasts mce with a huge firehose then strangles mce with it | 13:18 | |
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DocScrutinizer | IroN900:~# grep lux /usr/lib/mce/modules/* | 13:19 |
DocScrutinizer | Übereinstimmungen in Binärdatei /usr/lib/mce/modules/ | 13:19 |
DocScrutinizer | IroN900:~# grep lp5523 /usr/lib/mce/modules/* | 13:19 |
DocScrutinizer | Übereinstimmungen in Binärdatei /usr/lib/mce/modules/ | 13:19 |
DocScrutinizer | Übereinstimmungen in Binärdatei /usr/lib/mce/modules/ | 13:19 |
DocScrutinizer | so HOW THE F*CK can indicator LED get dimmed by ALS sensing too much ambient light??? | 13:20 |
mece | psycho_oreos, it was network location that didn't work. | 13:23 |
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DocScrutinizer | hmm, obviously also has no link to "lux" and still evidently knows about ambient light | 13:24 |
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SpeedEvil | Power saving measure. | 13:25 |
SpeedEvil | It was assumed (by someone) that the light would not be visible in light of over x intensity | 13:25 |
DocScrutinizer | so it pretty much seems somebody thought it's a cool thing to dim ind-LED on bright ambient, and implemented that bullcrap on purpose | 13:25 |
psycho_oreos | mece, err ok now I'm confused.. so if that doesn't work you won't get an icon showing that its trying to acquire GPS satellites? | 13:25 |
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mece | yes | 13:26 |
mece | psycho_oreos, or. | 13:26 |
DocScrutinizer | SpeedEvil: it *would be* visible if it wasn't dimmed. And dimming is a terribly stupid thing, they as well could completely switch it off then | 13:26 |
psycho_oreos | mece, whoa ok, that sounds more serious than in my case lol I thought it was the case of it took forever to lock down GPS signal | 13:26 |
mece | psycho_oreos, I got no location period. | 13:26 |
SpeedEvil | DocScrutinizer: sure | 13:27 |
mece | psycho_oreos, I didn't really investigate that much | 13:27 |
psycho_oreos | mece, just curiously (even though this may not resolve the issue), have you tried changing the supl server to see if you can acquire a lock? | 13:27 |
mece | psycho_oreos, no, and this issue might have been around for a while for me. I only checked because the tmo post asked if there were issues | 13:28 |
DocScrutinizer | have you tried resetting the external paired BT GPS mouse to internal GPS, in settings? ;-P | 13:28 |
psycho_oreos | mece, ahh d*mn ok.. I thought we had similar issues :/ and on top of that it seems as though I might have resolved my own issue | 13:31 |
mece | psycho_oreos, good :) How? | 13:31 |
DocScrutinizer | ? | 13:32 |
psycho_oreos | mece, well I didn't have that issue without the GPS icon not appearing.. it does appear when I go back to home screen but yeah I tried | 13:32 |
psycho_oreos | yup DocScrutinizer beat me to it :) | 13:32 |
DocScrutinizer | mece: ^^^ | 13:32 |
DocScrutinizer | have you tried resetting the external paired BT GPS mouse to internal GPS, in settings? ;-P | 13:32 |
psycho_oreos | ahahaha.. that reminds me.. if my other N900 acquires GPS really quickly, and my old N900 doesn't but both has columbusGPS installed.. I could have set the other N900 up as bluetooth GPS mouse :D | 13:34 |
* psycho_oreos facepalms self | 13:34 | |
* DocScrutinizer *hates* the idea google keeps track of all his GPS locations and IP | 13:35 | |
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psycho_oreos | its inevitable in this digital day and age :) | 13:36 |
DocScrutinizer | just all hail to DHCP for 3G | 13:36 |
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archl | um... closed. | 13:36 |
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psycho_oreos | even walking outside into the street exposes you to video cameras that can probably be publicly viewed through google web search and bit of security penetration | 13:36 |
DocScrutinizer | bah, they don't know about my ever changing trout mask | 13:37 |
psycho_oreos | don't forget to dab superglue over all of yer fingers ;) | 13:38 |
DocScrutinizer | why? | 13:38 |
psycho_oreos | leave no fingerprints behind | 13:38 |
DocScrutinizer | do you think I ever dare to touch things that don't belong to me? | 13:38 |
psycho_oreos | well you still have to punch a few keys into ATM machine.. do EFTPOS transactions, etc, etc, etc :) | 13:39 |
DocScrutinizer | there are knuckles and pens for that | 13:39 |
psycho_oreos | lol what a hassle, superglue for the laziness and for the win ;) | 13:39 |
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DocScrutinizer | feels shitty | 13:40 |
psycho_oreos | plus superglue costs like next to nothing these days :D | 13:40 |
psycho_oreos | indeed, but price of being a little careless and accidentally using fingers to dab on things that doesn't belong to you? priceless :D | 13:40 |
DocScrutinizer | I got superglue all over my fingers more often that I like - I know how that feels ;-P | 13:40 |
* DocScrutinizer invented a cool thing - I call it "gloves" | 13:41 | |
psycho_oreos | hahahaha, I never really had too many superglue on me fingers and I can vaguely recall my moments of having one.. definitely not convenient when I had to go to work and use my fingers to get through doors as well as signing in | 13:41 |
DocScrutinizer | you know it's like a sock, but for your hand | 13:41 |
psycho_oreos | it needs to be clear or people will think you're nuts ;) the only other exception is on winter days.. but in summer, people would sweat in their gloves :D | 13:42 |
DocScrutinizer | psycho_oreos: wut? you don't use a fingerprint stamp for that? | 13:42 |
psycho_oreos | DocScrutinizer, never tried but I don't think I can fool the biometric verification like that :) | 13:42 |
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DocScrutinizer | psycho_oreos: I dress like Michel Jackson, and people *know* I'm nuts while I'm actually not and can wear gloves whenever I like | 13:43 |
psycho_oreos | DocScrutinizer, lol bet that'd score you some freebies ;) | 13:44 |
DocScrutinizer | it's just that dress doesn't match nicely to my trout mask usually | 13:46 |
DocScrutinizer | and still it seems people recongnize me instantly - dunnno why :-P | 13:46 |
psycho_oreos | I think they got old of you wearing a fancy costume ;) | 13:46 |
DocScrutinizer | but I bet google / picasa is lost on such a behaviour | 13:46 |
* DocScrutinizer yaws, and ponders to write /dev/urandom over /usr/lib/mce/modules/ | 13:48 | |
psycho_oreos | why not move that file somewhere else and create a null file in place? ;) | 13:48 |
DocScrutinizer | or maybe I should study source of the apparently only foss thing in there: | 13:49 |
psycho_oreos | *shrugs* or that | 13:49 |
DocScrutinizer | ~kill mce | 13:50 |
* infobot shoots a magneto-ionized anti-neutrino gun at mce | 13:50 | |
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* DocScrutinizer ponders opening a ticket "mce reduces indicator LED brightness on high ambient light, in a braindamaged manner" | 13:51 | |
DocScrutinizer | damn I *must* be bored | 13:51 |
DocScrutinizer | HAH tadaaa I could hack up the lp5523 kernel driver to simply ignore all mce madness | 13:52 |
DocScrutinizer | lp5523.ko neeed an overhaul anyway, it's retarded | 13:53 |
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DocScrutinizer | basically cripples the nice LP5523 chip to a reduced set of capabilities and features similar to LP5521 | 13:54 |
DocScrutinizer | damn I *must* be bored | 13:54 |
DocScrutinizer | afk | 13:54 |
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biston | im trying to extract my calendar data from the phone backup files bit by bit, im on the Birthdays table from the sqlite db now and i have a column called DayMonth. the only bdate i remember is 5/21 which is converted to 420 in the column. any idea of how this 420 was calculated ? | 14:56 |
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biston | nevermind, i found a way | 15:01 |
MohammadAG | I think the calendar engine is open source | 15:01 |
MohammadAG | how? would be useful to have in channel logs | 15:02 |
biston | there's another table with a startdate and enddate, which are unix timestamps to be converted | 15:02 |
biston | i didn't know bdates are on that other table as well, that's all | 15:03 |
biston | by the way, n900's contacts manager is so freakn messy. the extracted file has every contact 3 or 4 times | 15:04 |
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crashanddie | Nuclear leak after explosion some 200km away from me. | 15:44 |
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RST38h | crashanddie: Do you see the glow? =) | 15:45 |
crashanddie | Not yet. | 15:45 |
crashanddie | Going to buy some marshmallows for the upcoming barbecue | 15:45 |
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LinuxCode | crashanddie, where are you based ? | 15:49 |
crashanddie | Perpignan | 15:49 |
LinuxCode | thats far enough from here | 15:50 |
LinuxCode | ;-p | 15:50 |
crashanddie | Haha | 15:50 |
* LinuxCode loves it how countries build their nuclear plants on the edges of the country | 15:50 | |
LinuxCode | best, close to somebody elses border | 15:50 |
LinuxCode | especially if that neighbouring country imports half of the power from there, but itself doesnt wany nuclear power | 15:51 |
LinuxCode | hehe | 15:51 |
LinuxCode | Germany , for instance | 15:51 |
LinuxCode | crashanddie, no need to panic | 15:52 |
LinuxCode | There were no radioactive leaks after the blast, caused by a fire near a furnace in a radioactive waste storage site, a French nuclear official said. | 15:52 |
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crashanddie | yeah | 15:52 |
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LinuxCode | saying that | 15:53 |
LinuxCode | then you read on... | 15:53 |
crashanddie | the same way the nuclear cloud from tchernobyl magically stopped at the french borders (because it didn't have a passport?) | 15:53 |
LinuxCode | ohh just btw, it recycles plutonium into mox fuel | 15:53 |
LinuxCode | rofl | 15:53 |
LinuxCode | crashanddie, hahaha | 15:53 |
LinuxCode | for a French person, you do show some great insight into sarcasm | 15:53 |
LinuxCode | ;-D | 15:53 |
crashanddie | Nuclear power just loves France. Always does exactly what the politicians say | 15:54 |
crashanddie | I'm not French, is why ;) | 15:54 |
LinuxCode | ahhh hahah | 15:54 |
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LinuxCode | gotta give the French one thing though, they wont have power cuts, like germany in 20 years time | 15:55 |
LinuxCode | when the wind doesnt blow | 15:55 |
LinuxCode | ;-p | 15:55 |
* LinuxCode goes back to work | 15:56 | |
sasquatch | france has brownouts because of nuclear power | 15:57 |
sasquatch | the nuclear power plants dongt adapt fast enough to power consumption changes | 15:57 |
sasquatch | but thats a different tale... | 15:57 |
* ShadowJK thought they were usable for balancing | 15:58 | |
ShadowJK | (but usually all nuclear plants are run for baseload and don't even attempt to balance) | 15:58 |
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sasquatch | but i'm pro nuclear... i support everything that accelerates human self extinction | 16:00 |
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DocScrutinizer | no, none of those nuke plants were designed for frequent load changes. They may even break on that | 16:00 |
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sasquatch | lets give earth a 2nd chance | 16:00 |
sasquatch | without homo sapiens! | 16:00 |
DocScrutinizer | ShadowJK: never been a design or audit goal that the pipes, turbine, whatnot can withstand a huge number of temperature/pressure changes | 16:02 |
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ShadowJK | right so France has a deficit of balancing power then | 16:03 |
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sasquatch | ! | 16:03 |
DocScrutinizer | they're built to run @90..100% all the time, for decades | 16:03 |
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ShadowJK | i suspect the average "uptime" is <90% each year | 16:07 |
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DocScrutinizer | the number of power cycles is what counts | 16:08 |
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DocScrutinizer | like a car always driven for <3km then stopped again for hours | 16:08 |
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DocScrutinizer | will kill the engine, usually | 16:09 |
DocScrutinizer | aiui you can run a power plant (nuklear) at 50% of max output and it doesn't care too much. But you don't want to crank up and down from 50% to 100% and back more than twice a year maybe | 16:11 |
ShadowJK | "for the last 25 years EdF has used in each PWR reactor some less absorptive "grey" control rods which weigh less from a neutronic point of view than ordinary control rods and they allow sustained variation in power output." | 16:11 |
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DocScrutinizer | not the piping and pressure vessel and all the fittings etc pp though | 16:12 |
DocScrutinizer | dang, even a Lavazza espresso machine service dude honestly suggested to keep the thing running as switching it down each night would kill the seals | 16:13 |
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ShadowJK | "PWR plants are very flexible at the beginning of their cycle, with fresh fuel and high reserve reactivity." ... "When they are 90% through the fuel cycle, they only take part in frequency regulation, and essentially no power variation is allowed" | 16:14 |
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DocScrutinizer | now I don't mind too much a killed seal on a Lavazza, not so on a nuclear popwer plant | 16:14 |
ShadowJK | so like the newly refueled plants do load-following, and the ones close to refueling only participate in emergency regulation | 16:15 |
DocScrutinizer | ShadowJK: we talk different topics | 16:15 |
marmoute | ShadowJK: it seems exactly the opposite | 16:15 |
ShadowJK | DocScrutinizer, I'm reading about what they're actually doing | 16:16 |
sasquatch | in france nuclear power behaves differnetly - obviously | 16:16 |
sasquatch | they must have a different physics | 16:16 |
DocScrutinizer | they have, some of their statesmen ordered it - possibly DeGaule | 16:17 |
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DocScrutinizer | and to keep their secret wisdom and not share it to others, they use french terms for everything that nobody understands in the rest of the world | 16:18 |
DocScrutinizer | ;-) | 16:19 |
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DocScrutinizer | SIDA, ordinateur | 16:19 |
DocScrutinizer | OTAN | 16:19 |
sasquatch | they have nanoscaled orders of their president... so each uranium atom can read the orders | 16:19 |
DocScrutinizer | heard they frequently even translate family names | 16:20 |
ShadowJK | "France's nuclear reactors comprise 90% of EdF's capacity and hence are used in load-following mode and are even sometimes closed over weekends, so their capacity factor is low by world standards, at 77.3%. However, availability is almost 84% and increasing." | 16:20 |
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DocScrutinizer | heard this morning even France *starts* to think about when and how to end nuclear age | 16:23 |
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sasquatch | they'll think for a very long time | 16:24 |
marmoute | DocScrutinizer: translating famility is an urban legend. | 16:24 |
DocScrutinizer | nah, our French teacher told us they did that on his last name | 16:24 |
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DocScrutinizer | wuld he lie to us pupils? ;-D | 16:25 |
marmoute | DocScrutinizer: lines about nuclear power ine france did not moved. State and power industry say we won't change. sustainable-grow guys say we should get out. | 16:25 |
marmoute | DocScrutinizer: what was it ? | 16:25 |
DocScrutinizer | his name? | 16:26 |
ShadowJK | the french grid company's realtime status website doesn't work in microb :( | 16:26 |
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DocScrutinizer | ShadowJK: use a french browser ;-P | 16:26 |
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marmoute | ShadowJK: URL ? | 16:27 |
ShadowJK | | 16:27 |
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edheldil | DocScrutinizer: we translate family names as well - adding suffix to some female names | 16:27 |
sasquatch | needs java | 16:28 |
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sasquatch | ok... now i know why they need nuclear power... | 16:28 |
sasquatch | too much java in france's internet | 16:28 |
sasquatch | :-P | 16:28 |
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marmoute | DocScrutinizer: yop his name | 16:29 |
DocScrutinizer | Rottenbacher iirc | 16:29 |
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crashanddie | people who are supposed professionals in IT and still miss the difference between "1" and "l" in production systems ought to be shot. | 16:35 |
crashanddie | Even more so, when it's INSIDE AN IP ADDRESS! | 16:35 |
jonne|reconnecte | agreed | 16:36 |
jonne|reconnecte | let me get my gun | 16:36 |
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RST38h | Meanwhile: HP is shipping a final batch of 6,000 HP Touchpads to the UK but only employees will be able to nab them, | 17:36 |
RST38h | No, really | 17:37 |
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flux | I think the best side of the HP Touchpad thing is that it might've saturated the market a bit, so companies need to put out extra-good products out to be able to sell them :P | 17:38 |
RST38h | The best side of HP Touchpad is that it has shown how dumb some business people can be | 17:41 |
RST38h | With the right marketing, the Touchpad had all chances of succeeding (although not taking over the market of course) | 17:41 |
SpeedEvil | But they were only happy with taking over the market. | 17:42 |
RST38h | Yet, they killed it, "window of opportunity closed", "there can only be Android and iPhone" | 17:42 |
SpeedEvil | Which was crack-pipe. | 17:42 |
RST38h | Exactly | 17:42 |
RST38h | "Can't become Apple? Well, fuck it." | 17:42 |
nid0 | well, its right marketing and the rather large incentive of the psychological impulse price-point | 17:43 |
RST38h | Meanwhile: | 17:43 |
SpeedEvil | The only way apple is getting knocked off the perch any time soon would be IBM-esque anti-trust issues. | 17:43 |
RST38h | nid0: These things only cost $100-$200 to build | 17:43 |
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SpeedEvil | nid0: It's not marketing to shove something out the door way below cost | 17:43 |
nid0 | teardowns put the bom at $281 afaik | 17:43 |
SpeedEvil | Indeed. | 17:43 |
RST38h | nid0: Then bring the price down | 17:43 |
SpeedEvil | $200 is under BOM | 17:43 |
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SpeedEvil | RST38h: Bill of materials - how much the components cost. | 17:44 |
RST38h | nid0: Bring the cost down, sorry. And sell for $250 or something | 17:44 |
RST38h | Speed: I know what BOM is | 17:44 |
SpeedEvil | RST38h: You are going to have to shave something off the device to get it to hit $250 | 17:44 |
RST38h | Speed: The Chinese manage it quite nicely | 17:44 |
RST38h | Speed: Why can't HP? | 17:44 |
nid0 | there are plenty of cheap tablets with cheap materials costs and cheap end prices | 17:44 |
SpeedEvil | The chinese are good at making tablet shaped objects. | 17:44 |
RST38h | Meanwhile: | 17:45 |
nid0 | but they tend to feel cheap, look cheap, and act cheap as a result | 17:45 |
SpeedEvil | With crappy LCD, crappy build quality, crappy processor, crappy integration, crappy battery life. | 17:45 |
SpeedEvil | REmoving the crappy adjective from each of those costs. | 17:45 |
nid0 | hannspree's hannspad is a good example. for its cost, you sure as hell cant argue with it as it costs dick all, great if someone wants something cheap | 17:45 |
RST38h | Build quality, integration - do not depend on BOM much | 17:45 |
nid0 | but having used one, it most definitely is a cheap tablet | 17:45 |
SpeedEvil | RST38h: True. Memory, CPU, LCD, case does though. | 17:46 |
RST38h | Speed: But even these can be optimized | 17:46 |
SpeedEvil | Sure. | 17:46 |
RST38h | Speed:And are optimized, in my experience. When your motivation is to bring the costs down. | 17:46 |
RST38h | Speed: And not solely to get a corporate promotion | 17:47 |
SpeedEvil | The fundamental problem is that there may be a little fat in HPs design. | 17:47 |
SpeedEvil | (and probably a fair bit in the corporate strucutre) | 17:47 |
SpeedEvil | But there isn't enough to get a profitable device of the touchpad class out at $200 | 17:47 |
SpeedEvil | Sure - you can do a cheap well-built tablet at that price -point - but the performance will be dissapointing. | 17:48 |
SpeedEvil | And if the CPU isn't cutting edge, app developers will have to work harder to get adewuate perfomrance - and they won't. | 17:48 |
SpeedEvil | Because it's a small platform and they can't be arsed. | 17:49 |
SpeedEvil | So you get a viscious circle. | 17:49 |
SpeedEvil | Which leads to any 'decent' tablet being priced at over what half the ipad2 costs. | 17:49 |
SpeedEvil | And at that price point - a large slice of the consumers start thinking 'hmm, it's only $x mode' | 17:49 |
SpeedEvil | HP dumping touchpads at cost (not $99) and carrying on doing so for a couple of years - may have changed things. | 17:50 |
SpeedEvil | Dropping 100K or 250K or whatever on the mareket at $99 probably only does negative things. | 17:51 |
crashanddie | Don't care, getting to TPs tomorrow. | 17:51 |
crashanddie | well, three, but the third one is for a friend. | 17:51 |
crashanddie | one for the gf, one for me. And a pre3 for the gf as well. | 17:51 |
SpeedEvil | I tried to order some, but failed. | 17:52 |
SpeedEvil | At that price, I'd have wanted at least 3 | 17:52 |
nid0 | I managed to get one, couldnt get a 2nd for the gf though | 17:52 |
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SpeedEvil | Even neglecting ebay. | 17:52 |
crashanddie | One for the loo, one for the kitchen and one for the bedroom, SpeedEvil? | 17:52 |
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SpeedEvil | crashanddie: Something like that. | 17:52 |
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* RST38h makes sure crashanddie has not forgotten the toilet | 17:53 | |
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SpeedEvil | Also - there is a big plus about the touchpad sized form factor. | 17:53 |
SpeedEvil | It won't fall quite into the water in most toilets. | 17:54 |
RST38h | mhm, an unexpected angle | 17:54 |
jaska | heh, expected usage environment tho. | 17:55 |
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vi__ | MohammadAG: yo | 18:09 |
vi__ | latest CSSU update braeks ovi store. | 18:09 |
vi__ | just a heads up. | 18:09 |
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vi__ | It says 'ovi store coming soon', 'ipdate your n900'. | 18:16 |
vi__ | which is total ass | 18:16 |
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vi__ | so either cssu has broken it or store is down. | 18:16 |
blackthorne | I don't really understand this but my original n900 headphones | 18:17 |
blackthorne | give a very bad sound, with eco | 18:17 |
vi__ | wtf is eco | 18:17 |
blackthorne | and becomes great when I press the (microphone?) button | 18:17 |
blackthorne | echo | 18:17 |
vi__ | is this during a call? | 18:18 |
blackthorne | no | 18:18 |
vi__ | music? | 18:18 |
blackthorne | I'm using in other devices | 18:18 |
blackthorne | yes | 18:18 |
blackthorne | I was told they should work anywhere | 18:18 |
vi__ | you can here yourself through headset microphone? | 18:18 |
blackthorne | no, I am using it on a macbook pro | 18:19 |
blackthorne | it starts my iTunes when I press it | 18:19 |
blackthorne | while I press it, the sound becomes ok | 18:19 |
vi__ | -_- | 18:20 |
vi__ | headset uses 4 pole jack | 18:20 |
vi__ | macbook pro uses 3 pole/apple nonsense | 18:20 |
blackthorne | I think I know | 18:20 |
blackthorne | what's happening | 18:20 |
vi__ | so it aint gonna work anyway | 18:20 |
blackthorne | seems to be a noise filter | 18:20 |
vi__ | when you press mic button you turn 4th pole to gnd | 18:20 |
blackthorne | applied to the music itself | 18:21 |
MohammadAG | no, it's the 4th pin | 18:21 |
MohammadAG | it messes up with apple detection | 18:21 |
blackthorne | I hear some sounds | 18:21 |
blackthorne | but not others | 18:21 |
blackthorne | like a music where a member of the band didn't show up | 18:21 |
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vi__ | MohammadAG: you saw my message? | 18:23 |
MohammadAG | vi__, unless the postinst didn't run, there's nothing that would break it | 18:24 |
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vi__ | how would I check? | 18:25 |
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MohammadAG | dpkg --configure -a | 18:26 |
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vi__ | MohammadAG: ovi store relies on user agent | 18:33 |
vi__ | MohammadAG: derp. | 18:33 |
blackthorne | so sad, I have so good music but can't hear it | 18:33 |
vi__ | blackthorne: stop being a cheapskate and buy a pair of headphones then. | 18:34 |
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vi__ | wow, ovi store is literally empty. | 18:35 |
vi__ | 0 things. | 18:36 |
blackthorne | cheapskate? | 18:36 |
blackthorne | :D | 18:36 |
blackthorne | sorry if that wasn't my first attempt | 18:37 |
blackthorne | tried to understand how it works if possible first | 18:37 |
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MohammadAG | blackthorne, just click the mic button | 18:57 |
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MohammadAG | Apple's using non standard jacks | 18:57 |
MohammadAG | not that Nokia's using a standard plug... but it should work on standard jacks | 18:57 |
blackthorne | that's the thing | 18:58 |
blackthorne | this is the first headphone bringing me troubles | 18:58 |
blackthorne | on this laptop | 18:58 |
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nid0 | headphones, or headset? | 19:02 |
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NIN101 | srsly, where is the TMO moderation? | 19:05 |
blackthorne | headphones | 19:05 |
blackthorne | sorry | 19:06 |
blackthorne | headset | 19:06 |
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NIN101 | somebody is spamming TMO since hours and nobody is doing something :-). | 19:41 |
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andre__ | NIN101, known. report it to the mods. | 19:42 |
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pompa | hi everyone. I was trying to solve the error about config file in the cssu config app and I subtituted the config file in hildon-desktop folder | 20:32 |
pompa | now everything is a mess, and I cannot access terminal to restore the old file | 20:32 |
MohammadAG | got ssh? | 20:33 |
e0x | do have ssh enable ? | 20:33 |
pompa | don't think so | 20:33 |
e0x | :S | 20:33 |
pompa | is it enabled by default? | 20:33 |
e0x | noup | 20:33 |
e0x | well i think when you install it get enable | 20:34 |
e0x | by default | 20:34 |
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e0x | not sure | 20:34 |
e0x | you have it installed ? | 20:34 |
MohammadAG | I'm thinking of adding ssh to CSSU depends | 20:34 |
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MohammadAG | a lower version than the one in extras | 20:34 |
pompa | anyway | 20:34 |
MohammadAG | that defaults the password to root or something | 20:35 |
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pompa | other than ssh no way to access /usr/ecc...? | 20:35 |
MohammadAG | desktop shortcut? | 20:36 |
MohammadAG | anyone know hebrew here? | 20:36 |
e0x | is not css optify ? maybe if it mount the device will access it | 20:37 |
pompa | I have it but also if I press on the icon the system doesn't launch the app | 20:37 |
pompa | I don't understand why it acts like this... I can run contacts, phone and mail | 20:38 |
pompa | but cannot run terminal | 20:38 |
MohammadAG | DrLaunch? | 20:38 |
pompa | what is it? | 20:39 |
MohammadAG | customizable grid of shortcuts | 20:39 |
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pompa | well, it's quite a strange situation mine... | 20:39 |
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pompa | at present time I cannot swipe between desktops | 20:40 |
pompa | neither rearrange icons order | 20:40 |
Shapeshifter | Has anyone tried outputting sound to a pulseaudioserver on the network? Maemo doesn't seem to have pax11publish... | 20:40 |
MohammadAG | hildon-desktop isn't running | 20:40 |
MohammadAG | you should be in a reboot loop, but the latest update prevents that | 20:40 |
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pompa | mmm, I did a backup of the old config file | 20:41 |
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pompa | but if I cannot access the system folder is quite useless | 20:41 |
pompa | I suppose there is no "recovery mode" in maemo, am I right? | 20:42 |
NIN101 | pompa: if you are familiar with the linux console you can try to boot rescueOS | 20:42 |
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pompa | NIN101, I'm not so familiar, but all I have to do is replace a file | 20:43 |
pompa | NIN101, but actually I don't know how to boot a rescueOS | 20:43 |
NIN101 | | 20:43 |
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NIN101 | do you use linux pompa? | 20:44 |
pompa | NIN101, Yes, I do | 20:45 |
pompa | NIN101, I'm not an expert, though | 20:45 |
NIN101 | pompa: where is the backup of the file? On the rootfs itself? | 20:46 |
pompa | yes | 20:47 |
NIN101 | then you could just boot the initrd | 20:47 |
pompa | I'm reading the rescueOS documentation | 20:47 |
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pompa | NIN101, seems exactly what I need... Just need an SD to do the thing... | 20:51 |
NIN101 | no | 20:51 |
NIN101 | you can download the initrd image, it does not requiere an sd. | 20:52 |
NIN101 | *a | 20:52 |
pompa | NIN101, How do I manage to boot it on N900? | 20:53 |
NIN101 | turn it off | 20:53 |
NIN101 | download the kernel and the initrd | 20:53 |
NIN101 | flasher-3.5 -k 2.6.37 -n initrd.img -l -b"rootdelay root=/dev/ram0" | 20:53 |
NIN101 | and connect it with USB. | 20:53 |
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NIN101 | MohammadAG: Couldn't you guys modify /sbin/preinit so it restores the old config if the users wishes to do so? | 20:57 |
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pompa | NIN101, for initrd.img you mean resos-0.4.img, right? | 21:01 |
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NIN101 | yes. | 21:02 |
MohammadAG | NIN101, don't you think that's too much of a big change? | 21:02 |
MohammadAG | and no, I'm not prepared to deal with that file | 21:02 |
MohammadAG | multiboot edits it, backupmenu maybe editing it | 21:02 |
NIN101 | well, you are right. | 21:03 |
MohammadAG | I'm working on a recovery-terminal | 21:03 |
MohammadAG | this would ideally force focus to itself and capture all key events | 21:03 |
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NIN101 | but somewhere else, /etc/init.d/rcS for example. or rcS-late, just before Xorg starts. | 21:04 |
pompa | NIN101, USB device found found at bus 001, device address 009. | 21:05 |
pompa | Error claiming USB interface: Operation not permitted | 21:05 |
MohammadAG | sudo | 21:06 |
NIN101 | you have to be root. | 21:06 |
pompa | NIN101, ok | 21:06 |
smhar | I am trying to update my N900 and it seems there is an update to SSU but when I try yo update I got an error that it conflicts with libqt4-test. trying to remove that will also remove python2.5-qt4 . what should I do? | 21:08 |
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MohammadAG | can someone post the output of "which root" in terminal? | 21:13 |
Sicelo | MohammadAG: by the way, i read somewhere that u were able to flash one N900 with another. this required powered hub, or is one N900 able to provide sufficient power for the whole operation? | 21:13 |
MohammadAG | smhar, remove libqt4-test | 21:13 |
MohammadAG | Sicelo, no hub | 21:13 |
RST38h | MohammadAG: it is in ~ I think | 21:13 |
Sicelo | /usr/bin/root | 21:13 |
MohammadAG | the N900s are self powered, they just won't charge | 21:13 |
RST38h | MohammadAG: sorry, wrong, just a FileBox script referring to it is in ~ | 21:14 |
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smhar | MohammadAG, can I install python2.5-qt4 later? | 21:15 |
MohammadAG | no, you don't need it | 21:15 |
MohammadAG | if apps are depending on it, it's wrong | 21:16 |
Sicelo | thanks for the info. lastly, what was the reason why flasher is installed on N900 itself? just curious | 21:16 |
smhar | MohammadAG, wont I need it if I wanted to develop qt python applications with qt libraries? | 21:17 |
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NIN101 | Sicelo: for kernel updates I think. | 21:17 |
MohammadAG | it's just a meta package that depends on other packages | 21:18 |
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pompa | NIN101, I replaced the file, and It's working as before... You really saved me! | 21:26 |
NIN101 | pompa: yw :-). | 21:26 |
pompa | I'll be back to know how to make the transitions.ini file working | 21:27 |
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pompa | the one I used this time was the one that i found on the maemo talk... but as you know it doesn't work | 21:27 |
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pompa | NIN101, anyway rescueOS is a great tool. It is also easy to use and well documented | 21:29 |
pompa | NIN101, thaks a lot | 21:29 |
NIN101 | yw. | 21:30 |
MohammadAG | Got a working terminal that gains focus without a window manager | 21:30 |
MohammadAG | Qt terminal widget is also a static lib, so it's only one binary | 21:30 |
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MohammadAG | DocScrutinizer, ping | 21:38 |
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smhar | is it me, or the update of the SSU is taking way too much time! | 21:42 |
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MohammadAG | security packages take some time to install | 21:44 |
javispedro | heh | 21:46 |
javispedro | moo gentlemen. | 21:46 |
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MohammadAG | | 21:49 |
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javispedro | haha | 21:51 |
javispedro | interesting stuff =) | 21:51 |
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MohammadAG | javispedro, yeah, now I need to figure out how to know when dsmetool stopped trying to start hildon-desktop | 21:58 |
MohammadAG | it's in syslog | 21:58 |
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javispedro | there might a upstart stanza for that | 21:58 |
smhar | MohammadAG, this long? I have an almost blank screen with only the status area visible | 21:59 |
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smhar | even opening the camera cover does nothing ! | 22:00 |
javispedro | aw sorry it's dsme as you said doing the respawning, not upstart. | 22:00 |
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smhar | should I reboot? | 22:08 |
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smhar | I am starting to be worried. it is still blank screen | 22:16 |
MohammadAG | smhar, hildon-desktop crashed | 22:24 |
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smhar | MohammadAG, what should I do? | 22:24 |
MohammadAG | what's with people breaking transitions.ini recently | 22:24 |
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MohammadAG | smhar, does hildon-desktop start after a reboot | 22:25 |
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MohammadAG | smhar, do you have ssh? | 22:25 |
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smhar | did not reboot yet | 22:25 |
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MohammadAG | you can safely reboot as of 16.7 | 22:26 |
smhar | rebooting | 22:27 |
smhar | what is16.7 | 22:27 |
MohammadAG | version 16.7 of the CSSU | 22:27 |
smhar | reboot ok. desktop is there. but how would I know if the update is successful? | 22:28 |
smhar | trying the update again... | 22:29 |
smhar | it did not complete.. update of SSU is still listed | 22:30 |
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MohammadAG | apt-get install mp-fremantle-community-pr in terminal | 22:31 |
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smhar | the second attempt was successful | 22:39 |
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smhar | thank you MohammadAG | 22:39 |
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MohammadAG | yw smhar | 22:55 |
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