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nicofs | i want to start synaptic in easy debian - and am asked to enter the password. i never set any... what do i do... | 02:29 |
Hurrian | terminal | 02:29 |
Hurrian | su | 02:29 |
Hurrian | or sudo synaptic | 02:29 |
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nicofs | ok... but still i'd like to know the pw of my own system... | 02:30 |
SpeedEvil | Or vi /etc/passwd - and reset it to null | 02:33 |
nicofs | in easydeb or maemo? | 02:37 |
DocScrutinizer | SpeedEvil: resetting to null in /etc/passwd doesn't exactly work | 02:38 |
DocScrutinizer | you however can edit the hash to match a known password, probably most easily by copying the hash from an account with known password | 02:39 |
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nicofs | to be honest, i don't know any password... neither maemo nor easydeb... | 02:39 |
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nicofs | how would i set my maemo user pw? | 02:42 |
SpeedEvil | DocScrutinizer: resetting to '::' - means there is no pw | 02:43 |
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DocScrutinizer | duh, I never thought this would work to log in | 02:44 |
DocScrutinizer | I admit I might be absolutely wrong on that | 02:45 |
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DocScrutinizer | nicofs: su - user (if needed), then passwd | 02:46 |
DocScrutinizer | nicofs: or (under root); passwd user | 02:46 |
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DocScrutinizer | root may set passwords that aren't allowed (too simple, whatnot) to be defined by normal user | 02:47 |
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DocScrutinizer | btw passwd -P /path/to/chroot/etc/ may probably edit passwords in an arbitrary passwd file | 02:50 |
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nicofs | does anyone know how i can create my own easydeb img? | 02:51 |
nicofs | is there some sort of howto...? | 02:52 |
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nicofs | I'd very much like to create a xubuntu image... | 02:58 |
nicofs | but every time i ask about this easy debian image, all i get is silence... | 03:06 |
SpeedEvil | You'd need to work out how easy debian does the bringing up an X server | 03:08 |
SpeedEvil | then make a xubuntu filesystem that does the same | 03:08 |
SpeedEvil | you might ping the original author, or see if there are any hints on TMO | 03:08 |
nicofs | i wouldn't even know how to create that filesystem... | 03:08 |
SpeedEvil | Start out installing to a subdirectory | 03:09 |
SpeedEvil | then go from there | 03:09 |
nicofs | installing what from where...? | 03:09 |
SpeedEvil | It's not going to be a simple task. | 03:09 |
SpeedEvil | And it sounds like you've got tiny fractions of the knowledge needed to get there. | 03:10 |
SpeedEvil | Getting X up and working properly in a chroot isn't going to be simple | 03:10 |
nicofs | i think i'll ping the author... i just thought, i'd ask the community first before i bother someone who is busy author-ing...^^ | 03:10 |
nicofs | and i don't want to reverse-engineer a process someone has already gone through... | 03:11 |
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DocScrutinizer | SpeedEvil: is easydeb actually going to use an own xserver? I mean does it usually run *any* xserver? | 03:50 |
SpeedEvil | I mean whatever it uses for an xserver. | 03:50 |
SpeedEvil | It does run one to provide the desktop | 03:51 |
DocScrutinizer | hmm, yes. IF it has a desktop, then it obviously will run some sort of x11 | 03:51 |
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DocScrutinizer | it just never occured to me that easydeb was a GUI system, thought it's for simple shell access | 03:52 |
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nicofs | i just added the ubuntu repos to sources.list in easydeb - but all i get is 404 - not found if i run an update... anybody know why that could be the case? | 03:53 |
DocScrutinizer | probably running another Xserver under hildon isn't exactly easy | 03:53 |
cehteh | isnt there Xephyr for n900? | 03:55 |
cehteh | i mean on device | 03:55 |
cehteh | how does the lxde debian chroot start up? | 03:55 |
DocScrutinizer | a wild guess would be that a bindmount of /dev (and /proc, /sys?) into the chroot / would make the chroot system accept the server system's Xserver and use it instead of an own concurrent instance started "locally" | 03:59 |
SpeedEvil | you need /tmp if you want the local socket | 03:59 |
DocScrutinizer | probably you still need some x authentication cookies and whatnot | 03:59 |
SpeedEvil | yeah | 03:59 |
DocScrutinizer | ooh, /tmp | 04:00 |
DocScrutinizer | right | 04:00 |
DocScrutinizer | hehe. just had the funny idea to pivotroot into easydeb | 04:03 |
SpeedEvil | Won't work | 04:04 |
SpeedEvil | It assumes it's got a 'normal' X server | 04:04 |
DocScrutinizer | I bet it won't | 04:04 |
DocScrutinizer | probably pivotroot doesn't assume there's any xserver at all started | 04:05 |
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DocScrutinizer | aiui you're not supposed to do a pivotroot on a fully started system, with all kinds of established network connections, sockets, whatnot | 04:05 |
MohammadAG | speaking of easydeb | 04:06 |
MohammadAG | other than kexecing a kernel in the chroot, I don't see how it can work | 04:06 |
SpeedEvil | Umm. | 04:06 |
DocScrutinizer | errr? | 04:06 |
MohammadAG | (harmattan) | 04:07 |
SpeedEvil | You can have multiple 'operating systems' under one kernel | 04:07 |
SpeedEvil | They look fairly isolated | 04:07 |
DocScrutinizer | sure | 04:07 |
MohammadAG | yeah, aegis would love that | 04:07 |
DocScrutinizer | that's the whole purpose of a chroot | 04:07 |
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DocScrutinizer | MohammadAG: actually aegis won't care much, as it's all outside of aegis' domain, except the bindmounts and the chroot / original directory (/easydeb-root/) | 04:08 |
DocScrutinizer | I don't know how much aegis checks about stuff messing with /dev/* | 04:10 |
MohammadAG | DocScrutinizer, so executing binaries in the chroot is fine? | 04:10 |
DocScrutinizer | should | 04:10 |
MohammadAG | I thought execution is done in kernelspace, which is tied to aegis | 04:10 |
DocScrutinizer | well normal executables run in userspace | 04:10 |
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DocScrutinizer | and the chroot can't do anything the user executing the chroot cmd wasn't allowed to do | 04:11 |
DocScrutinizer | actually a chroot is for further restricting what a executable inside the chroot can do, as it doesn't even know about the "outer world" | 04:12 |
DocScrutinizer | so inside the chroot you can hexedit mce and nobody will care as it's just a child process of a child process of the chroot command, and if aegis doesn't care about the chroot, it won't care about chrrot's child processes either (simplified picture) | 04:15 |
DocScrutinizer | anyway the mce inside chroot is not a file of the server OS and so aegis doesn't care what you do to it | 04:16 |
DocScrutinizer | for the bindmounts this may or may not be different | 04:16 |
DocScrutinizer | at least the bindmounts link back to the "outer world" and thus may be relevant to aegis | 04:16 |
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NIN101 | do you guys think there would be interest inside the community in a more or less small rescue os for the N900, with wifi support, ubifs, mass storage mode & usb networking as well as the usual stuff? | 04:21 |
jonwil | yes very much so | 04:22 |
jonwil | especially if it can charge the battery also | 04:22 |
NIN101 | yes I thought about it | 04:22 |
DocScrutinizer | NIN101: definitely!! | 04:23 |
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SpeedEvil | NIN101: yes | 04:24 |
Hurrian | NIN101, wouldnt that be an extension of the rescue initrd? | 04:24 |
DocScrutinizer | NIN101: there's meego rescue-initrd, but it's really way too stripped down to be useful | 04:24 |
Hurrian | all we need would be wifi | 04:24 |
Hurrian | oh, we need ubifs tools in the initd | 04:24 |
Hurrian | *initrd | 04:24 |
NIN101 | hmm | 04:24 |
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ShadowJK | usb networking would be fine too. and alot easier than wifi | 04:25 |
Hurrian | DocScrutinizer, Fremantle chroot inside Harmattan? | 04:25 |
DocScrutinizer | Hurrian: ?? | 04:25 |
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Hurrian | what chroot are you talking about? | 04:26 |
NIN101 | Hurrian: The biggest problem imho is that the size of the initrd is limited | 04:26 |
Hurrian | nin101, xz compression | 04:26 |
Hurrian | oh wair | 04:26 |
DocScrutinizer | Hurrian: we talked about chroot at large, comning from easydeb and xubuntu | 04:26 |
Hurrian | meego is 2.6.38 right? | 04:26 |
Hurrian | i mean 37 | 04:26 |
NIN101 | 2.6.37 | 04:26 |
Hurrian | we dont have XZ initrd for 37 | 04:27 |
Hurrian | woops | 04:27 |
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Hurrian | but definitely, ubifs mount tools + simple text editor is a must | 04:27 |
Hurrian | you never know when someone forgets to copy back a config file and bombs maemo | 04:27 |
DocScrutinizer | Hurrian: the chroot "thread" started with >>[2011-07-24 01:51:50] <nicofs> does anyone know how i can create my own easydeb img? | 04:29 |
DocScrutinizer | easydeb is a chroot | 04:30 |
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Termana | good morning | 04:30 |
DocScrutinizer | morning Termana | 04:30 |
DocScrutinizer | how's living over there in the outback? | 04:31 |
Termana | As best as it could be I suppose. | 04:32 |
Termana | At least we aren't getting bombed and shot at | 04:32 |
Termana | How's it there in Germany? | 04:32 |
DocScrutinizer | too cold | 04:32 |
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DocScrutinizer | ~weather EDDN | 04:33 |
NIN101 | http://wiki.meego.com/ARM/N900/Using_Rescue_Initrd the stuff linked here does not work at all. No keymap for example. http://meego.gitorious.org/meego-device-adaptation/n900_nokia-n900-rescue-initrd this is a bit more advanced, but yeah, not tried yet. Well, I still think a OS is kinda "better", it gives more possibilities. | 04:33 |
infobot | Nuernberg, Germany; (EDDN) 49-30N 011-03E 318M; last updated: 2011.07.24 0120 UTC; Dew Point: 44 F (7 C); Pressure (altimeter): 29.80 in. Hg (1009 hPa); Relative Humidity: 87%; Temperature: 48 F (9 C); Visibility: greater than 7 mile(s); Wind: from the ESE (110 degrees) at 5 MPH (4 KT) | 04:33 |
Hurrian | hmm, creating an easydeb image would mostly be -- base system, xephyr, and then copy and edit the debian-lxde commands | 04:33 |
Termana | DocScrutinizer, ah, it's about 13 C here at the moment | 04:33 |
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DocScrutinizer | I mean Juli and 9°C - WTF?! | 04:33 |
Termana | DocScrutinizer, it's summer there isn't it? (Winter here, so 13 C is to be expected I suppose) | 04:34 |
DocScrutinizer | Termana: on our hemisphere Juli is supposed to be a summer month | 04:35 |
DocScrutinizer | and sun runs from left to right ;-D | 04:35 |
Termana | heh. Do not mock the southern hemisphere! :p | 04:36 |
DocScrutinizer | hey, here a moon looking like a C is decrescent moon | 04:37 |
DocScrutinizer | and I always wonder where's the switch for all those LCD radioclocks with moonphase symbols to switch them to "southern hemisphere mode" | 04:39 |
Termana | lol | 04:40 |
DocScrutinizer | aah, you only need to put the clock "the right way round", with top pointing to North pole ;-P | 04:40 |
DocScrutinizer | and suddenly the symbols are right again | 04:41 |
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Termana | It's only just occurred to me that Australia and New Zealand are the only "First World" countries in the Southern Hemisphere. | 04:43 |
DocScrutinizer | haha, KDE taskbar applet "Luna" has "norhern" and "southern" for henisphere, in settings :-D | 04:43 |
DocScrutinizer | yeah the cubic miles of air per resident are why higher on southern hemisphere, indeed | 04:44 |
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DocScrutinizer | which probably also is the reason why here you need to obey more rules when biking than at your place when flying an airplane | 04:46 |
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Termana | We have biking road rules, but biking is certainly not as popular here as it seems to be in European countries. | 04:48 |
NIN101 | ok thx guys. Guess I have something to do in the few next days :-). I have to sleep now. gn8 | 04:49 |
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Termana | There was a newspaper article this morning about Indian call centres training their staff and saying that we are "the dumbest continent", we "drink constantly" and that we are extremely racist. Maybe that's the secret to success as a first world country? | 04:49 |
DocScrutinizer | the assumption about this being a significant property of first world sounds about correct | 04:50 |
Termana | Sounds almost like the US as well. I see a pattern... :p | 04:51 |
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DocScrutinizer | I wonder how nin101 wants to actually implement his rescue system. I pondered all sorts of approaches for quite some time, nothing seems to really convince completely. Either you need to preinstall or you need a PC to start the recover system | 04:54 |
SpeedEvil | Some sort of mini bootloader, and then sd | 04:55 |
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DocScrutinizer | yeah, was my favourite as well. A plan to cp a whole maemo to uSD, and use flasher to boot it like meego, is sitting on my long term todo list since over a year now | 04:56 |
DocScrutinizer | has the advantage you also *could* start it via uBoot IF you installed uBoot prior to breaking your original maemo system | 04:57 |
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DocScrutinizer | also has the advantage it's compatible with meego on uSD and it's only a matter of swapping cards | 04:58 |
DocScrutinizer | so finding out about mtd_debug tool was a nice one, to get a script job done that would create a bootable uSD from a life maemo system | 04:59 |
DocScrutinizer | for creating the kernel zImage/vmlinuz | 04:59 |
DocScrutinizer | probably first try it was a 5-liner shell script to cp -a / /media/card, and then create a vmlinuz in /media/card/boot/ | 05:01 |
DocScrutinizer | (yeah I know you don't want to cp e,g, /sys /proc etc) | 05:02 |
DocScrutinizer | and obviously you don't want to cp /media/card to itself ;-P | 05:03 |
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DocScrutinizer | not even to mention VFAT etc and partitioning of card at large | 05:05 |
DocScrutinizer | there is funny legacy on maemo, like the completely empty /boot directory. I wonder if it serves any purpose on genuine fremantle systems | 05:07 |
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DocScrutinizer | hell, I used linux version back when it was possible to mv .. ./nowWeFsckdIt | 05:12 |
DocScrutinizer | can't recall how I recovered from that one - maybe I was smart enough to try it on a floppydisk | 05:14 |
nox- | haha linux allowed that? | 05:14 |
* nox- remembers editing minixfs with a hexeditor donkeys years ago | 05:15 | |
nox- | (and i think i once used freebsd's ufs fsdb tool too) | 05:15 |
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jiero | can anyone tell me how to hide cursor in some programs? | 05:27 |
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casketizer | anyone here knowledgable with ircII/irssi/bitchx ? | 05:55 |
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fredrin | NORWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 06:06 |
fredrin | uff | 06:06 |
fredrin | ficl | 06:06 |
fredrin | sjot | 06:06 |
fredrin | sjot | 06:06 |
fredrin | shit | 06:06 |
fredrin | fuck | 06:06 |
fredrin | omg 11111111111111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111 wtf | 06:06 |
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fusi | class Skynet < ActiveRecord::Base | 06:20 |
fusi | # DO NOT SET TO TRUE! | 06:20 |
fusi | def self.is_aware(aware) | 06:20 |
fusi | if aware | 06:20 |
fusi | return "Must DESTORY John Connor!" | 06:20 |
fusi | else | 06:20 |
fusi | return "2:13am EDT August 29, 1997..." | 06:20 |
fusi | end | 06:20 |
fusi | end | 06:20 |
fusi | end | 06:20 |
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JohnConnor | stfu or I will find you! | 06:22 |
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fusi | lol :D | 06:35 |
fusi | <3 | 06:35 |
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fusi | We only said goodbye with words. I died a hundred times. You go back to her, And I go back to Black. | 06:40 |
fusi | :'( | 06:40 |
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rm_you | anyone online that has an n900 and can type some stuff for me into a terminal and tell me the results? | 06:57 |
fusi | depends what it is ;p | 06:58 |
rm_you | lol | 06:59 |
rm_you | just need to run python | 06:59 |
rm_you | and do: | 06:59 |
rm_you | import ctypes | 07:00 |
rm_you | mafw = ctypes.CDLL("libqmafw.so.0") | 07:00 |
fusi | what does that do? | 07:00 |
rm_you | registry = mafw.qmafw_registry_get_instance() | 07:00 |
rm_you | err | 07:00 |
rm_you | registry = mafw.mafw_registry_get_instance() | 07:00 |
rm_you | registry | 07:01 |
rm_you | and then tell me what it prints | 07:01 |
rm_you | i *think* it's just a number | 07:01 |
rm_you | but i'm not sure | 07:01 |
fusi | error | 07:02 |
rm_you | where | 07:02 |
fusi | ah hold on | 07:02 |
fusi | typo ^^ | 07:02 |
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rm_you | errrrr | 07:03 |
rm_you | mafw = ctypes.CDLL("libmafw.so.0") | 07:03 |
rm_you | i mistyped too | 07:03 |
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fusi | 0 | 07:04 |
fusi | :) | 07:04 |
rm_you | lolwut | 07:04 |
fusi | ill do it again | 07:04 |
rm_you | mafw = ctypes.CDLL("libmafw.so.0") | 07:04 |
rm_you | registry = mafw.mafw_registry_get_instance() | 07:04 |
rm_you | those are the two i originally mistyped | 07:05 |
fusi | yer | 07:05 |
fusi | assignment to regsitry doesnt seem to be returning.. | 07:05 |
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rm_you | hrm | 07:06 |
fusi | hrm | 07:07 |
fusi | did a 2nd instance, returned 0 again | 07:07 |
rm_you | k thanks | 07:07 |
fusi | what were u expecting? | 07:07 |
rm_you | like | 07:08 |
rm_you | 342412 | 07:08 |
rm_you | or some large number | 07:09 |
rm_you | i *think* | 07:09 |
fusi | a pointer | 07:09 |
rm_you | yeah | 07:09 |
rm_you | it should be a pointer | 07:09 |
fusi | im a coder, just not python ;) | 07:09 |
rm_you | :P | 07:09 |
rm_you | trying to port an app from Fremantle to Harmattan | 07:09 |
rm_you | Fremantle used libmafw but Harmattan uses libqmafw | 07:10 |
rm_you | which is C++ instead of C (I think?) and completely changed the ABI | 07:10 |
fusi | qt? | 07:10 |
casketizer | what do i do if a console prog has wrong locale in osso-xterm? on desktop i can change xterm locale.... | 07:10 |
rm_you | i guess, though not sure why | 07:10 |
rm_you | it's the media framework lib | 07:10 |
casketizer | err not locale | 07:11 |
casketizer | character encoding | 07:11 |
fusi | yer mafw :) | 07:11 |
fusi | casketizer: nfi soz | 07:11 |
casketizer | ? | 07:11 |
fusi | dont know sorry | 07:11 |
fusi | rm_you: im sposed to be making the n900 twitter plugin work again | 07:11 |
fusi | but ive been plagued by lethargy ;< | 07:12 |
rm_you | <_< | 07:12 |
casketizer | could it be that is what the other xterm in extras-dev is for? | 07:12 |
fusi | casketizer: you can always try it or ask the author | 07:13 |
fusi | surely theres some cli magic you can do | 07:13 |
casketizer | yeah | 07:13 |
fusi | im no linux pro tho | 07:13 |
fusi | either way this doobie here needs smoking | 07:13 |
fusi | l8rs o/ | 07:14 |
casketizer | guess ill ask again at a more friendly daytime when more ppl are up | 07:14 |
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doc|home | fusi: I'm glad you appreciated that :D | 09:20 |
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ysss | $80 android tablet on deals.woot.com today | 12:14 |
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casketizer | anyone now if gconf /apps/osso/xterm/encoding wants it as iso88591 or as iso8859-1 ? | 13:33 |
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Tronic | casketizer: A few notes: it is usually called ISO-8859-1 (all caps) but there may be other aliases that also work. You do not want to use Latin-1 in your terminal, instead use luit or screen to do translation if you have to work with legacy apps (that don't use UTF-8). | 13:37 |
casketizer | i'm battling with bitchx | 13:41 |
dm8tbr | irssi ftw! | 13:41 |
casketizer | if i set that GCONF to C1252 the channel sees äöü correctly but i dont see it correctly | 13:42 |
casketizer | all other codepages it fails in both directions | 13:42 |
casketizer | screen also fails | 13:42 |
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casketizer | lets try luit | 13:43 |
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casketizer | yay partial success | 13:46 |
casketizer | in luit the üöä are correct both ways | 13:46 |
casketizer | but the graphics chars are borked | 13:46 |
casketizer | any idea Tronic? | 13:47 |
casketizer | i never worked with luit | 13:47 |
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otwieracz | Hello. | 13:48 |
otwieracz | Is there fltk for Maemo Diablo? | 13:48 |
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sobczyk | hi, is everything ok with ovi store? I just get a blank page when enter http://store.ovi.com/ | 13:58 |
Tronic | casketizer: i bet you have messed the settings in some of your components | 13:58 |
Tronic | casketizer: without luit with screen you would need to enter screen command :utf8 off on | 13:59 |
Tronic | that turns utf8 off for the active window and on for the terminal | 13:59 |
Tronic | dunno if bx does conversions but you should consider using utf8 for it too and then letting bx convert for those channels where you need something else. | 14:00 |
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Tronic | irssi default settings are fine for that and utf8 seems ok on all irc channels nowadays too | 14:01 |
Tronic | irssi does autodetect and convert if someone else is using cp1252 instead of utf8. | 14:03 |
Choom | ITC: People are still using BitchX. | 14:03 |
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casketizer | my settings are ok | 14:14 |
casketizer | fresh flash | 14:14 |
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casketizer | i changed the gconf back to utf-8 | 14:14 |
casketizer | its just bitchx that gives me headache | 14:15 |
ruskie | so switch to irssi or weechat | 14:15 |
casketizer | i want bitchx | 14:16 |
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ruskie | then update it to do utf8 properly | 14:16 |
casketizer | im planning to compile it from svn when my linux box is back | 14:17 |
casketizer | atm im stuck with qwerty12's binary | 14:17 |
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casketizer | i can live with the graphics broken, its only at startup | 14:18 |
casketizer | but i try to get it fixed | 14:18 |
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casketizer | in irssi all is good so its deffo the bitchx | 14:37 |
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Choom | you must be one of the last 4 BitchX users in the world | 14:48 |
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tuxsavvy | source? :p | 14:52 |
casketizer | i like it for sentimental reasons | 14:54 |
casketizer | also i have tons of old scripts i made | 14:54 |
tuxsavvy | there's nothing special about using bitchx ;) try using telnet, that'll be a challenge | 14:56 |
casketizer | for me its special | 14:57 |
casketizer | sentimental private reason | 14:57 |
casketizer | i use telnet all the time | 14:57 |
tuxsavvy | I meant using telnet to chat on IRC | 14:57 |
casketizer | heh lol | 14:58 |
casketizer | ican do basic www with it but irc will be hard | 14:58 |
tuxsavvy | heck I can't do basic www, but I've recently used telnet to chat on IRC, its not just hard but it's probably a true typist world lol | 15:00 |
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Choom | tuxsavvy: well, everyone who used BX in the '90s switched to irssi in 2000 | 15:15 |
Choom | you can very easily notice that by the lack of BX quit messages on IRC in the last decade | 15:16 |
Choom | and the disappearance of the annoying away announcements | 15:16 |
tuxsavvy | Choom, yeah but its not hard to change the default BX quit message anyway, that plus the fact that there probably are other BX users floating around elsewhere | 15:16 |
tuxsavvy | I still quite like the BX's real_name behaviour, too bad it didn't transverse across to irssi | 15:17 |
Choom | I'm too lame to read BitchX.doc? | 15:18 |
tuxsavvy | yup | 15:18 |
Choom | I like the fact that irssi uses the GECOS field | 15:19 |
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Choom | and saying this makes me feel old | 15:21 |
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tuxsavvy | didn't BX behave the same way as well? using GECOS field to mark the user running BX | 15:21 |
Choom | I believe so, though there were certain conditions which would make that message appear as irc name; I think it's always used the GECOS field for me | 15:25 |
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Choom | maybe it only displayed that if the user's GECOS field was empty | 15:26 |
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sobczyk | is there any reason when trying to install ovi store app the manager tells me I don't have enough space left? (I have 47M rootfs, 145M /home & /home/opt) | 16:48 |
FIQ | ok, for some reason scratchbox has screwed up normal compile *outside* of it | 16:49 |
FIQ | I don't know how scratchbox work | 16:49 |
FIQ | Scanning dependencies of target hedgewars | 16:49 |
FIQ | [ 29%] Building CXX object QTfrontend/CMakeFiles/hedgewars.dir/HWApplication.cpp.o | 16:49 |
FIQ | sb_gcc_wrapper (/scratchbox/compilers/bin/c++): unable to open scratchbox.config | 16:49 |
FIQ | and then it just exits | 16:49 |
FIQ | i don't even compile in scratchbox... so wtf? | 16:49 |
* ShadowJK wonders if 145M is below the 10% reserve, and if app install can't go into reserve | 16:56 | |
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macmaN | what up yall | 18:24 |
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macmaN | so basically getting sftp in dropbear is as simple as unpacking openssh-server...deb and cp -a lib /usr | 18:25 |
macmaN | anyone care to make a package for that anyway? | 18:25 |
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macmaN | anyway, http://wiki.maemo.org/index.php?title=SSH&curid=1193&diff=44648&oldid=39895 if anyone's interested | 18:35 |
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casketizer | does maemo 5 bash3 ignore .bashrc ? | 19:05 |
casketizer | its not executing stuff i put in there | 19:05 |
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tuxsavvy | try symlinking .bash_profile to .bashrc . In either case I don't think bash3 can easily ignore either :) | 19:22 |
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casketizer | hmmm | 19:30 |
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Sicelo | ~mtd | 20:42 |
infobot | i guess mtd is Memory Technology Device, see http://linux-mtd.infradead.org/ | 20:42 |
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trumee | ~ping | 21:29 |
infobot | ~pong | 21:29 |
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Generated by irclog2html.py 4.0.0 by Marius Gedminas - find it at https://mg.pov.lt/irclog2html/!