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jacekowski | every drm can be cracked | 00:00 |
jacekowski | it's just matter of time and effort | 00:01 |
jacekowski | or sometimes it's just easier to get another phone | 00:01 |
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achipa | it's not a DRM, not that anyone cares | 00:06 |
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Venemo | does it have any advantages at all? | 00:12 |
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nusse | anyone using bluetooth pan? just recently my bt connection drops every other minute and i have no clue how to fix that | 00:21 |
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Macer | http://www.archive.org/details/ComputerNetworks_TheHeraldsOfResourceSharing | 00:30 |
Macer | lmao! awesome! | 00:30 |
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DocScrutinizer | nusse: interference with nearby WLAN? | 00:33 |
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DocScrutinizer | lmao not playing anything | 00:37 |
nusse | never heard of that, linkquality ist reported to be 255 | 00:38 |
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vi___ | yo guys | 01:02 |
vi___ | how do I launch rtcom-call from xterm? | 01:02 |
ruskie | http://wiki.maemo.org/Phone_control <-- maybe this page can help vi___ | 01:04 |
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vi___ | -_- it is first on the list | 01:08 |
ruskie | hehe | 01:08 |
vi___ | my noobishness has brought shame to this channel | 01:08 |
ruskie | not really | 01:08 |
vi___ | ty anyway | 01:08 |
ruskie | yw | 01:08 |
vi___ | next question, what is the best way to parse an xml file to get the 'meat' ot with bash? | 01:10 |
piggz | im trying to upload a new package to extras-builder, but am getting a 'file upload error' are there any known issues atm? | 01:10 |
vi___ | i.e. an RSS feed | 01:10 |
vi___ | dont worry, I dont really expect an answer | 01:11 |
ruskie | vi___, if you want rss there is rsstail that can help | 01:11 |
ruskie | if you want generic xml... xml-twig can be helpful | 01:11 |
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ruskie | xml-twig has xml-grep | 01:11 |
ruskie | it is perl though | 01:12 |
piggz | found http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=74703 | 01:13 |
vi___ | perl | 01:13 |
* vi___ shudders | 01:13 | |
ruskie | hehe | 01:13 |
ruskie | you just use xml-grep | 01:13 |
ruskie | same way as you would grep | 01:14 |
ruskie | don't need to know anything about perl at all | 01:14 |
ruskie | or you can figure out an awk/sed parser for it... | 01:14 |
ruskie | frankly I find that most times I don't need full xml... just sed from line starting with <a> to line that has <b> | 01:15 |
ruskie | and sed can do that well enough | 01:15 |
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vi___ | mmm | 01:16 |
vi___ | rsstail looks exactly like what I want | 01:16 |
vi___ | actually, looking at the feed I am interested in | 01:18 |
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vi___ | all I need is the data between <description> <description /> | 01:18 |
vi___ | all this because all the RSS widgets suck! | 01:19 |
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vi___ | ok bb | 01:23 |
vi___ | :q | 01:23 |
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DocScrutinizer | vi___ loves to exaggerate | 01:30 |
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DocScrutinizer | or I simply dunno that emoticon | 01:31 |
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javispedro | oh, QGraphicsView is nice. | 01:32 |
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* javispedro is doing something cool. | 01:32 | |
DocScrutinizer | o,O | 01:32 |
javispedro | see? I don't always rant about everything. | 01:32 |
javispedro | there's stuff I like. | 01:32 |
DocScrutinizer | hehehe | 01:32 |
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DocScrutinizer | I particular like your comments :-D | 01:33 |
DocScrutinizer | +ly | 01:33 |
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javispedro | heh | 01:33 |
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GeneralAntilles | javispedro, liar. | 01:34 |
GeneralAntilles | It's just a wind-up. | 01:34 |
GeneralAntilles | So you'll have our attention when you start ranting again. | 01:34 |
* javispedro curses | 01:34 | |
DocScrutinizer | LOL | 01:34 |
javispedro | ok, I just realized it is not caching my rendering | 01:34 |
DocScrutinizer | RM680-22-6_PR_RM680:~# uptime | 01:34 |
DocScrutinizer | 00:33:51 up 1 day, 1:57, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00 | 01:34 |
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javispedro | so here comes the rant =) | 01:34 |
GeneralAntilles | See?! | 01:35 |
DocScrutinizer | dunno if I like the 0s there :-P | 01:35 |
GeneralAntilles | OK, describe Qt Quick Components in one sentence. | 01:36 |
GeneralAntilles | "Native widget set for QML"? | 01:36 |
DocScrutinizer | this week's hype | 01:36 |
javispedro | "no-one-knows-what-it-does multifaceted monster" | 01:36 |
GeneralAntilles | "Qt Quick Components are ready-to-use UI elements for QML that fit well into the native User Experience." says Nokia | 01:37 |
javispedro | are those harmattan's? | 01:37 |
DocScrutinizer | next week we get a new toy to play with | 01:37 |
DocScrutinizer | mhm | 01:37 |
GeneralAntilles | http://developer.qt.nokia.com/wiki/Qt_Quick_Components | 01:37 |
GeneralAntilles | DocScrutinizer, played with QML at all? | 01:38 |
GeneralAntilles | It's pretty fantastic for UI prototyping. | 01:38 |
DocScrutinizer | does that mean the datepicker is a sane calendar-like widget then? | 01:38 |
DocScrutinizer | GeneralAntilles: I don't even know how to spell it | 01:38 |
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DocScrutinizer | and I always thought Qt designer was the best I've ever seen for UI rapid prototyping | 01:39 |
DocScrutinizer | admittedly I haven't touched it since maybe 5 years | 01:40 |
GeneralAntilles | The underlying code is easy to approach for people with graphics backgrounds. | 01:40 |
javispedro | http://labs.qt.nokia.com/2011/07/06/ready-made-ui-building-blocks-at-your-service-qt-quick-components-for-symbian-and-meego-1-2-harmattan/ | 01:40 |
GeneralAntilles | QML would've been a big boon for application development on Harmattan. | 01:40 |
GeneralAntilles | javispedro, yeah, that's the story I'm summarizing. | 01:41 |
DocScrutinizer | meh | 01:41 |
javispedro | ah, mwkn. | 01:41 |
DocScrutinizer | unless you tell me it doesn't come with slotmachine for datepicker, I'm only mildly interested (to be polite) | 01:42 |
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javispedro | "A set of native-looking QML 'widgets' for both Symbian and Harmattan" | 01:42 |
DocScrutinizer | WTF native-looking? | 01:43 |
DocScrutinizer | native like what? | 01:43 |
DocScrutinizer | iPhone? | 01:43 |
javispedro | like the other ones in the system. | 01:43 |
DocScrutinizer | if they look like MTF then I'm all \o/ | 01:44 |
javispedro | well, that wa the idea.. | 01:44 |
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DocScrutinizer | BWAAH, this c-ts is so :-x | 01:47 |
ieatlint | well, the swipe interface is qml | 01:47 |
ieatlint | mtf is in there, but the components are used for much of the gui | 01:47 |
DocScrutinizer | definitely doesn't like to get touched by somebody not "connected" to the device | 01:47 |
DocScrutinizer | I wonder if it would work at all with all sorts of c-ts saussage stylii | 01:48 |
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DocScrutinizer | it's absolutely reproducible: place my wrist on the table and doubletap: 1 out of 3..8 success to unlock. BUT touch the case with a finger of my other hand, then do same doubletap: 100% success | 01:51 |
DocScrutinizer | and unlocking is just one part. Scrolling in any menu longer than the screen doesn't behave at all, unless I touch the device with my other hand | 01:53 |
DocScrutinizer | I gather it picks up interference from nearby laptop LCD and charger SPSUs - or rather *I* pick up those interferences | 01:53 |
DocScrutinizer | funny detail: fast tapping on both screen frame long sides in sequence gets detected as swipe | 01:55 |
javispedro | ieatlint: ?? | 01:55 |
javispedro | ieatlint: I'd say it's the opposite, which apps are qml in the base image? | 01:55 |
* DocScrutinizer *yawns* | 01:55 | |
DocScrutinizer | another funny detail regarding 950 bme: they don't keep it charging all the time while screen is unlocked | 01:58 |
DocScrutinizer | good!! | 01:58 |
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DocScrutinizer | wow, another update of sdk-connectivity tool, again 78k. Darn I didn't memorize the revision of yesterday's update, this time it's 0.4.4+0m6 (so now I can look chanlog tomorrow ;-P) | 02:00 |
DocScrutinizer | HAH download failed | 02:01 |
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DocScrutinizer | meh | 02:01 |
* DocScrutinizer <- idiot | 02:02 | |
DocScrutinizer | I flashed since yesterday | 02:02 |
nid0 | doh | 02:02 |
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DocScrutinizer | 5th try and "All updates installed" \o/ | 02:04 |
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GeneralAntilles | DocScrutinizer, I think the thick glass interferes with the sensitivity. | 02:12 |
GeneralAntilles | DocScrutinizer, I was discussing this with my boss today. | 02:13 |
GeneralAntilles | That Apple will market whatever bullshit benefits them at the cost of consumers and the market. | 02:13 |
GeneralAntilles | Capacitive | 02:13 |
GeneralAntilles | 200 billion apps is the only viable way to have a platform | 02:13 |
GeneralAntilles | No hardware buttons is desirable. | 02:13 |
GeneralAntilles | etc etc | 02:13 |
DocScrutinizer | it works like a charm mostly when I hold the device with other hand, if only with two fingers | 02:13 |
SpeedEvil | I wonder how the all-plastic case will affect the n9 | 02:14 |
DocScrutinizer | indeed | 02:14 |
nid0 | DocScrutinizer, random question, does it work as well if your other hand is grounded to something? | 02:14 |
DocScrutinizer | on that issue it will have some impact | 02:14 |
nid0 | instead of holding the device | 02:14 |
DocScrutinizer | good question - lemme try | 02:14 |
DocScrutinizer | I killed or detuned it, now it always has poor sensitivity | 02:16 |
nid0 | :\ | 02:17 |
GAN900 | How's the curved glass? | 02:17 |
SpeedEvil | 'but no user would do that'! | 02:17 |
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DocScrutinizer | in fact I can't get it to activate | 02:17 |
nid0 | GAN900, presumably not curved on the n950? | 02:17 |
GAN900 | nid0, no, I think the latest devices match the N9 there. | 02:18 |
DocScrutinizer | aah I was too fast | 02:18 |
DocScrutinizer | this thing needs >100ms between taps | 02:18 |
javispedro | just watch until the c-ts decides to electrocute you | 02:19 |
javispedro | oh, I just had an idea. | 02:19 |
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javispedro | can we bribe the WHO so that it declares c-ts to be cancerigenous? | 02:20 |
DocScrutinizer | GAN900: nah, seems random grounding doesn't help | 02:20 |
GAN900 | javispedro, nah, they're good for some things. | 02:20 |
GAN900 | But damn sure it's not phones. | 02:21 |
javispedro | but there might not need to even bribe anybody. I don't think anyone has conclusively proven c-ts does not cause cancer. | 02:21 |
* javispedro quickly goes to write a few papers | 02:21 | |
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GeneralAntilles | When science becomes faith, bad things happen. | 02:24 |
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MohammadAG | GeneralAntilles, citation needed ~GLaDOS | 02:27 |
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GeneralAntilles | One of the nice things about having to wade through all of this idiocy every week for mwkn is that you really pick up a better understanding of things you wouldn't normally care the least about. | 02:28 |
GeneralAntilles | For instance, N9/N950 subforums on talk.maemo.org. | 02:29 |
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SpeedEvil | Psuedo-random question. | 02:32 |
SpeedEvil | Does anyone happen to know if hte headswt that comes with teh n900 had a 2 year warranty? | 02:32 |
SpeedEvil | s/w/e/ | 02:32 |
infobot | SpeedEvil meant: Does anyone happen to knoe if hte headswt that comes with teh n900 had a 2 year warranty? | 02:32 |
SpeedEvil | meh | 02:32 |
nid0 | in the uk at least, yeah | 02:33 |
SpeedEvil | Oooh. | 02:33 |
nid0 | in theory the nokia warranty states 12 months, but that's basically bullshit | 02:35 |
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DocScrutinizer | in EU there's something that's unrelated to "warranty", in German it's called "Gewaehrleistung", and it says your *dealer* has to ensure you can use the product for two years, free of any defects | 02:38 |
DocScrutinizer | it's not linked to the manufacturer but to the dealer, and it's not granted by anybody but rather it's madatory by law | 02:38 |
nid0 | yeah in the uk the actual dealer only has responsibility for a year, and only automatically for 6 months, but the manufacture of *any* electrical/electronic item has to warranty it for a minimum of 2 years, and up to 6 years as reasonably determined to be "fit for purpose" | 02:39 |
DocScrutinizer | yeah, the 6 months a a magic timeline. Also here you *may* have to prove the defect was caused by manufacturer and immanent in the product from beginning. In the first 6 months the dealer (or manufacturer) has to prove it wasn't | 02:42 |
nid0 | yep, that's the same boundary at 6 months here | 02:42 |
DocScrutinizer | the duty to prove moves from dealer to customer after 6 months | 02:43 |
* SpeedEvil ponders bothering, versus buying some on ebay. | 02:46 | |
nid0 | i'd just send you mine if I had any idea whatsoever where they are | 02:47 |
DocScrutinizer | this crappy headset isn't even worth the walk to your dealer, or the stamp for the letter | 02:47 |
SpeedEvil | Well... | 02:47 |
SpeedEvil | I find it useful. | 02:47 |
SpeedEvil | The noise isolation is good enough for me to dispense with ear protection when using powertools. | 02:47 |
DocScrutinizer | I find it less useful than similar 5€ headsets I bought in random IMEX-shops | 02:48 |
SpeedEvil | And the sound reproduction is adequate. | 02:48 |
DocScrutinizer | th cable is abysmal, way too hard and this way introducing body noise to the earplugs | 02:49 |
SpeedEvil | That aspect doesn't really bother me. | 02:49 |
SpeedEvil | Most of the content I listen to is timeshifted speech radio | 02:49 |
DocScrutinizer | just tested it - unbearale | 02:50 |
DocScrutinizer | unbearable* | 02:50 |
DocScrutinizer | the cable even seems to *generate* noise on its own | 02:51 |
DocScrutinizer | even without hitting against any other part | 02:51 |
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DocScrutinizer | mechanically | 02:51 |
SpeedEvil | I tend to wear it under the top layer of clothing, so it can't flap or move much | 02:51 |
DocScrutinizer | the problem zone are the last 10cm to the ear plugs | 02:52 |
DocScrutinizer | I'd probably kill for a really good BT/USB-alternative stereo headset | 02:55 |
DocScrutinizer | with a BT sender dongle with a 2.5mm and a 3.5mm end, for devices that don't support either og BT or USB-soundcards | 02:57 |
merlin1991 | SpeedEvil: I read your last line out of context, made me go "wtf?" | 02:57 |
SpeedEvil | :) | 02:58 |
SpeedEvil | I'd like a nice one of those too. | 02:58 |
DocScrutinizer | but please with multiple concurrent BT pairings, concurrently active | 02:59 |
DocScrutinizer | accept calls by turning down from parking position the mic lever, and a decent set of easy to operate multimedia buttons | 03:01 |
SpeedEvil | http://www.theyworkforyou.com/peer/countess_of_mar | 03:03 |
SpeedEvil | oops | 03:03 |
SpeedEvil | Concurrant pairings is as I understand it hard | 03:03 |
SpeedEvil | you tend to need two radios, or at least clever firmware | 03:03 |
DocScrutinizer | and of course the whole thing detects if you *wear* it or just have it dangling from your neck, and accordingly reconfigures rsp disassociates from the source device(s) | 03:04 |
SpeedEvil | And clever firmware means firmware that is developed by you - currently the CSR stacks that are common - for example - have a binary blob of bluetooth code, and your own code runs in a little VM | 03:04 |
* RzR950 http://rzr.online.fr/q/handset# : built and shared : rsync, tmux, git and other cli tools for #n950 #nokia #maemo #meego #harmattan #handset | 03:04 | |
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* DocScrutinizer ponders what was that - spam? | 03:06 | |
javispedro | most "dedicated" spam ever. | 03:07 |
DocScrutinizer | indeed, but I'm still puzled | 03:07 |
javispedro | I mean, the 10 people with n950s are probably the only ones interested on that =) | 03:07 |
javispedro | you should feel honored or sth. | 03:07 |
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DocScrutinizer | Duh, "he" i sgone | 03:08 |
DocScrutinizer | [2011-07-11 02:05:58] [Whois] RzR950 ist ~RzR@rzr.ww7.be (Who Cares ? You, Mr KGB ?) | 03:08 |
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DocScrutinizer | err, or not? | 03:09 |
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DocScrutinizer | RzR950: bother to elaborate on that? | 03:10 |
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DocScrutinizer | ~seen RzR950 | 03:10 |
infobot | rzr950 is currently on #maemo (2m 21s) #meego (2m 21s), last said: 'Caco3: congratz you built some deb !'. | 03:10 |
DocScrutinizer | that site indeed is o.O | 03:13 |
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DocScrutinizer | >>test my packages : http://repo.pub.meego.com/home:/rzr/ << | 03:14 |
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DocScrutinizer | RzR950: hint hint: devel-su is shorter than ssh root@localhost | 03:16 |
RzR950 | so you did rtfm :) | 03:17 |
ieatlint | bah, the manual is for elitists and literates | 03:18 |
javispedro | ok, qgraphicsitem is utterly fantastic. I am throwing a shitload of strokes to it and it's quite performing. | 03:18 |
* ieatlint is on a plane | 03:18 | |
ieatlint | this is weird | 03:18 |
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DocScrutinizer | aegis-exec /usr/bin/connect-proxy | 03:21 |
javispedro | NOOOOOOOOooooooo | 03:21 |
* DocScrutinizer giggles evilly | 03:21 | |
javispedro | =) | 03:21 |
RzR950 | DocScrutinizer: doesnt this screw the system ? | 03:22 |
DocScrutinizer | well, I quoted from the page you liked up there | 03:23 |
RzR950 | well a logout would be prefered let me fix it | 03:23 |
DocScrutinizer | seems aegis-exec is another word for "trigger selfdestruct" | 03:23 |
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RzR950 | DocScrutinizer: well it did not | 03:24 |
DocScrutinizer | wanna know what did, nevertheless? I may share the secret incantation | 03:25 |
javispedro | yes! | 03:26 |
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DocScrutinizer | look there: http://forum.meego.com/showpost.php?p=25529&postcount=94 | 03:27 |
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RzR950 | OMG | 03:28 |
DocScrutinizer | I still fail to see what aegis-exec is meant for, basically | 03:28 |
DocScrutinizer | is it a replacement for shell's exec command? | 03:29 |
RzR950 | i used it to run my stuff as root | 03:29 |
RzR950 | but it is not needed | 03:29 |
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RzR950 | DocScrutinizer: thx for the link | 03:30 |
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DocScrutinizer | \o/ ovi.com is dead for me :-/ | 03:31 |
DocScrutinizer | Bad Request | 03:31 |
DocScrutinizer | Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand. | 03:31 |
DocScrutinizer | Reference #7.8c5e6cc1.1310344256.0 | 03:31 |
RzR950 | https://www.meego.gitorious.org/meego-platform-security/librestok/blobs/483c56d4fc875c17e3af8bbe442f04ac008bf88a/aegis-exec.c | 03:32 |
DocScrutinizer | and the URL definitely is the WTF of the weekend: | 03:32 |
DocScrutinizer | https://account.nokia.com/fed/idp/samlv20?SAMLRequest=7b0HYBxJliUmL23Ke39K9UrX4HShCIBgEyTYkEAQ7MGIzeaS7B1pRyMpqyqBymVWZV1mFkDM7Z28995777333nvvvfe6O51OJ/ff/z9cZmQBbPbOStrJniGAqsgfP358Hz8iHjfZolw9Ol638+Wr/Bet86ZN3y3KZfOIv/jso3W9fFRlTdE8WmaLvHnUTh+9Pv7i+aO98c6jVV211bQqP/Je2fxG1jR53RbV8qP0pb78pFjOiuXF5vcm0qh59O03b15uHxOI82zafpQeG3gn1bJZL/L6dV5fFtP8q1fPP/ | 03:32 |
DocScrutinizer | to3rarR3fvNvOszsfVZTGeVou7hPN5UebjrFm9+z3W9DY6++ynq7y+eLiz83ugx6xuPzs+frX8faqvPv3d95791OQ7z85/+tXLe9Pp29Pj7yze/V7z14t3B9l3Z/uv35ze++5Pf+f3/uLZk7c/UT776qvli5/+4u0Xv/u9p+8B6MV3f5/r7Omzly9++idfvvm9n/zeefliOdv76t3r07P3A/RTO/PfK3/6k9+Zlj/5ZPLmO7sv3s5ezPbm9/Jn1fsB+smffPJs+vY7L3/qB7P7L5bH97Jvf7X7+3x3/tNfffvi/QBlX812sq9+6quf+u6r8stvz+tXn6/KyU8/+er1V9P3A/TVD148+Wpn9eL32X1RvNi7vyQafXv2k0+aV999T4y++OnZMitfLH7ip599Od0p5z+5d//tT77d38s+f0+MfrJ88SL/vV/ | 03:32 |
DocScrutinizer | 99Otvz3/vF29f/MRP7s1/0Yvlk5Pf597b9wM02/2p9avld74z+fwnn/7k6Yu9F2/L3+e7T7+Tzb7aeT9AL95+58sX322/PfnJF8vfZ3f+019+fnD95gev3k3K4/cD9OV3y2//5JuffPNTT+eLn/z8fvH7/GB+Ofn2Vzv5V6fvB+jNvRffzX/6xe/91XLe5N/+qadfvXnye//Ud9vvzvbec9Z+8umr7HX59gdvFu9ev9j7zouvPp+++332Zu1Pfvu9h3Zw9d3v3n/x4rv333z19O3+Ty12v5j+9IvvTn7v95y13+cnf+onf2L3SfbVsxc/+RM//eTbs+/Of+onn86rn9h7T1l7/YPvfJotZl+8+r2r3Z/46v6r6b1nbydvH3766tvvrUba5Vc7774z+/ynfp/Z2/LJTz4rP3+z+1Pf/uLZV+8H6Kd2v7j/ | 03:32 |
DocScrutinizer | U+WrL2Y7X9ybLldffHFv9nu9+OnZk+nT96TRq7K8n51eXP0+P11+J//8WfnF3k9+9fv85Hz9YvmefPSTn8/2X3y1f/8n35Ynr376O6tXP/3k1ZvTF1999817Tv/ku99ZZD/55Hr6bLWYffXuu8SYP52VT76YPn1PjN58tfrpN3s/9eVPffvFyasfnN3/4ru7Zz/5+YvsJ/ea9wP0++ysXmWL7+xlP/2dX/TVT//k+qvPm538uy92p2/eUx+9efvwJ3/q7XfOZj89b7/Ya6uvyhdPfvJ09xe9uPeeQ/upvZ86+6mf/sn709NnxezeT/4+X50Sdt9+cZ394D2nf7L3nWf5t7/ze71581PLbOfFT7z47u4eDe33+fL3fk/pf/22ffuT955Vr/d27v0+y9X8ze/9k1ezxU+ezJ6959C++snyy9nb+eXrvdN3X/ | 03:32 |
DocScrutinizer | 3e5Yvs2bPi9eer32v60xjaR+nZ088+aq9n9ec/8eb8zeevvrv/1UX+UfqTed2Qh/HZR+SIUJumWedny6bNli19tLO7u73zYHt3983OzqN7O4/u3x8/2N/9qY+O2LF6xK3ro5gn8viu30L9sBfkjJw9fVmVxfQ6PS7L6uqkzrM2J7zqNeHyrKoXWTvsK+2Od/mTYrZ9zk0f5YusKI9nszpvmo/uHkmvocN39P8A&SigAlg=http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#rsa-sha1&Signature=UZuVbv3xvHSvCgZF11S+DQuHPMTvVPEylTGfC2FesZgqI594gJk41eCrxEjj+FiA5ytxcz8xRIe5+bgAgHILNXlnpwozv2TR+t8t4gTmhFKxUIIjKncJcf8z0qsnwx6bB2/2GM/ | 03:32 |
DocScrutinizer | myoifOp+BhsjhyKX6DTmbjSad5sWOwKdtx7o=&isPassive=1&serviceId=Ovishare&returnURL=http://share.ovi.com/profile.aspx?username=joerg900?SAMLart=AARnYoU6%2FZbJFfjRP3cckEAJmxKhSmx8aWd4STE3WjJXMFBkQlFUUnNjMkM%3D?SAMLart=AARnYoU6%2FZbJFfjRP3cckEAJmxKhSmx8NWYyaDFPNjVPTXBXelNnd2UxSEI%3D?SAMLart=AARnYoU6%2FZbJFfjRP3cckEAJmxKhSmx8Z0hKeDVJclVBbTJ1NkdNd2h3eFo%3D?SAMLart=AARnYoU6%2FZbJFfjRP3cckEAJmxKhSmx8VVBFckJPZzd5NnA3aHU1YWhjUHg%3D?SAMLart=AARnYoU6% | 03:32 |
DocScrutinizer | 2FZbJFfjRP3cckEAJmxKhSmx8aUd0aUZUZWRlOHhrRGplbjBUSUc%3D?SAMLart=AARnYoU6%2FZbJFfjRP3cckEAJmxKhSmx8UzNBU0pNY1NiN25nelNHdVBsRWg%3D?SAMLart=AARnYoU6%2FZbJFfjRP3cckEAJmxKhSmx8MjdnalNmQjFOc0lhV25kVk42aGc%3D?SAMLart=AARnYoU6%2FZbJFfjRP3cckEAJmxKhSmx8VlNNeXRjSHhXNkNQV2hqNnBCY3k%3D?SAMLart=AARnYoU6%2FZbJFfjRP3cckEAJmxKhSmx8d1ZuRnJJbGVDVEN2NklYWDJadU0%3D?SAMLart=AARnYoU6%2FZbJFfjRP3cckEAJmxKhSmx8NkJONWtHbVNnY1hjOG8yTzRxblA%3D?SAMLart=AARnYoU6% | 03:32 |
DocScrutinizer | 2FZbJFfjRP3cckEAJmxKhSmx8OWlHVTVTZDhmVG5iYzhvbHU0eUE%3D?SAMLart=AARnYoU6%2FZbJFfjRP3cckEAJmxKhSmx8T3NWejNXUnhseHZDUTBXZWtWd2g%3D?SAMLart=AARnYoU6%2FZbJFfjRP3cckEAJmxKhSmx8VDRaSlkzTmxSN2JNUGcxY2dtVHA%3D?SAMLart=AARnYoU6%2FZbJFfjRP3cckEAJmxKhSmx8OW8wWW5NNW5TUDk4Zm1McjNWbXk%3D?SAMLart=AARnYoU6%2FZbJFfjRP3cckEAJmxKhSmx8YVZVQ1BaUFNVQjBHdWhZVDhoQ2o%3D?SAMLart=AARnYoU6%2FZbJFfjRP3cckEAJmxKhSmx8SzJ6amdMRXo1QU5Rc3Fkbk96RHM%3D?SAMLart=AARnYoU6% | 03:32 |
javispedro | nananah. | 03:32 |
DocScrutinizer | 2FZbJFfjRP3cckEAJmxKhSmx8NWtnU0xJdGZYdklBVFlGT1ZHMFU%3D?SAMLart=AARnYoU6%2FZbJFfjRP3cckEAJmxKhSmx8Z1M5ZlRMd0M3cnpMM3dKNjdBcDk%3D?SAMLart=AARnYoU6%2FZbJFfjRP3cckEAJmxKhSmx8Rll5aEgwYjlJeGFlM2VUYVhuNnE%3D?SAMLart=AARnYoU6%2FZbJFfjRP3cckEAJmxKhSmx8VGd4NU45VklCRjJpRjBRTENUWTA%3D?SAMLart=AARnYoU6%2FZbJFfjRP3cckEAJmxKhSmx8bWJmaVBycFpmdUxWUnhjalBMcDE%3D?SAMLart=AARnYoU6%2FZbJFfjRP3cckEAJmxKhSmx8TUpjT2ZOZHNCRzI5MW1IVGNaV2s%3D?SAMLart=AARnYoU6% | 03:32 |
DocScrutinizer | 2FZbJFfjRP3cckEAJmxKhSmx8Y0pRamJ2ajJqUjVuUGs0eWN1cTc%3D?SAMLart=AARnYoU6%2FZbJFfjRP3cckEAJmxKhSmx8Tk9VZkJIdjhtM2toUlNBVE1qN3E%3D?SAMLart=AARnYoU6%2FZbJFfjRP3cckEAJmxKhSmx8Z2ZIZjV5cEFid3VYUEJ2aHNyazk%3D?SAMLart=AARnYoU6%2FZbJFfjRP3cckEAJmxKhSmx8b2JFeHJKTTZna0NQNW12eWNYOXg%3D?SAMLart=AARnYoU6%2FZbJFfjRP3cckEAJmxKhSmx8SktkV3FoS203YnphTXVwdmVCdFE%3D?SAMLart=AARnYoU6%2FZbJFfjRP3cckEAJmxKhSmx8UVlOdkhvS2ExUXlNaF | 03:33 |
DocScrutinizer | waaaah, sorry | 03:33 |
APTX | wtf | 03:33 |
DocScrutinizer | didn't realize it's SOOOOOO long | 03:33 |
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javispedro | Kick yourself! | 03:35 |
javispedro | well done. | 03:35 |
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DocScrutinizer | duh | 03:36 |
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infobot | DocScrutinizer: infobot joined! | 03:53 |
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DocScrutinizer | ~botsnack | 03:58 |
infobot | DocScrutinizer: :) | 03:58 |
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DocScrutinizer | sorry again for the spamming | 04:03 |
* javispedro lols | 04:03 | |
javispedro | "Stop current playback. Note that if the backend is PulseAudio, due to the limitation of the underlying API, tis stop will only prevent next looping but will not be able to stop current playback immediately." | 04:03 |
ieatlint | i will consider your apology and will inform you of whether i offer forgiveness at a future date | 04:04 |
DocScrutinizer | but that's actually what ovi.com/account.nokia.com tried to use with my browser accessing share.ovi.com | 04:04 |
DocScrutinizer | javispedro: yeah, PA is *so much better* than ALSA | 04:05 |
DocScrutinizer | ;-P | 04:05 |
ieatlint | the loop shouldn't be that big | 04:06 |
javispedro | I guess they are using canberra instead of PA | 04:06 |
javispedro | canberra is designed for UI sound effects, no wonder they cannot be stopped. | 04:06 |
ieatlint | i would guess less than a second before the loop returns | 04:06 |
javispedro | PA couldn't care less about stopping, just stop sending data to buffer. | 04:06 |
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DocScrutinizer | we all know PA happily plays back /dev/NULL infinitely, | 04:07 |
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DocScrutinizer | adding autogenerated zeroes to zeroes for mixing | 04:08 |
javispedro | btw, have you seen this: https://www.developer.nokia.com/swipe/ux/pages/Tone_and_Language.html | 04:08 |
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javispedro | it probably explains why someone considered "Application $APP sucks. Close it?" | 04:09 |
* javispedro ponders what the Spanish localizer will do. | 04:11 | |
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GeneralAntilles | Yeah, I kinda like the Tone and Language section. | 04:16 |
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MohammadAG | Workdays should start at 3 AM | 04:26 |
MohammadAG | at least till N950s are shipped :p | 04:26 |
DocScrutinizer | hah | 04:26 |
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ieatlint | MohammadAG: come now, many of them have shipped | 04:32 |
ieatlint | nokia just hates you, so they're making you wait | 04:32 |
GeneralAntilles | MohammadAG, and end at 11 | 04:33 |
* javispedro expects to see "Device thrown into Aperture Science Emergency Intelligence Incinerator Hole" in DHL tracking page at any time now | 04:33 | |
GeneralAntilles | We decided Elop had Quim killed with the Nokia ninja's | 04:33 |
GeneralAntilles | and it's all just a hoax | 04:33 |
ieatlint | pff, nokia doesn't have ninjas | 04:34 |
ieatlint | elop probably just used the microsoft waones | 04:34 |
javispedro | GeneralAntilles: considering the latest post on his blog, he has been already brainwashed by Elop, so I guess they are not killing him. For now. | 04:34 |
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javispedro | funny post btw. depending on how you read it, you might get that future nokia devices will be "not Linux but webkit+Qt", or "not Meego but Webkit and Qt and Linux", or ... | 04:39 |
GeneralAntilles | javispedro, tomorrow we're going to celebrate "Everybody but DocScrutinizer, Jaffa, and X-Fade hates javispedro Day". | 04:39 |
GeneralAntilles | Consider it a good omen. | 04:39 |
javispedro | here's to hoping carrier arrives in the smallish time frame I will be at home. | 04:40 |
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Termana | Good morning | 04:41 |
GeneralAntilles | javispedro, hire a neighbor to sign for it? | 04:42 |
javispedro | DHL refuses to ring neighbors, at least here. | 04:42 |
*** divan_ is now known as divan | 04:43 | |
GeneralAntilles | That sucks. | 04:43 |
GeneralAntilles | Hire a friend to hang out at the house for the day? | 04:43 |
javispedro | heh | 04:43 |
javispedro | They usually ring me early afternoon, and ask me for a "better" time. | 04:44 |
GeneralAntilles | How much stuff gets shipped DHL over there? | 04:44 |
* SpeedEvil got a grid-tie inverter sent through DHL. | 04:45 | |
SpeedEvil | I need to ring them as tehy've managed to screw up the duty. | 04:45 |
javispedro | Amazon used to, but last shipment they used UPS. | 04:45 |
GeneralAntilles | Interesting | 04:45 |
GeneralAntilles | I see a DHL truck on the road about once a month. | 04:45 |
GeneralAntilles | Only shipments I've ever gotten from them have been from Nokia. | 04:46 |
SpeedEvil | In addition to the 10 quid processing fee, they've managed to charge me 20 quid duty on a 35 quid item - delivered. | 04:46 |
SpeedEvil | Ebay shipping can be a bit random. | 04:46 |
SpeedEvil | vis the guy that thought a layer of cardboard, two layers of (small bubble) bubble-wrap, and 'fragile' tape was OK to ship a 1800mm*54mm glass tube. | 04:47 |
GeneralAntilles | Nice | 04:47 |
GeneralAntilles | My friend ordered one of those high-flow rate showerheads the busybodies outlawed years ago. | 04:48 |
DocScrutinizer | what's a grid-tie inverter? | 04:48 |
GeneralAntilles | eBay seller put a half-dozen Jolly Rangers in the box and a handwritten note wishing him well. | 04:48 |
GeneralAntilles | DocScrutinizer, home solar, I'd assume. | 04:48 |
SpeedEvil | It is a device which converts 18-24V to 240VAC | 04:49 |
DocScrutinizer | aah | 04:49 |
SpeedEvil | For solar | 04:49 |
javispedro | GeneralAntilles: lol | 04:49 |
SpeedEvil | A small solar panel makes sense for me - ~300-600Wp./ | 04:49 |
SpeedEvil | If I DIY it, I can get it to come in at under a dollar a watt for the complete system. | 04:49 |
GeneralAntilles | SpeedEvil, what's the life on the solar panels these days? | 04:50 |
SpeedEvil | Which at ~15p/unit of electricity pays off fairly soon. | 04:50 |
SpeedEvil | GeneralAntilles: 25 years is likely. | 04:50 |
SpeedEvil | Though I question that the ones I'm hacking up will do more than 10. | 04:50 |
SpeedEvil | But they pay off in 2 years for the ones I'm making. | 04:51 |
SpeedEvil | They'd pay off in 6 months or so if I could get the magic paperwork certifying that they were made by magic monkeys, and installed by magic monkeys. | 04:51 |
* GeneralAntilles teehees at silly government interference. | 04:52 | |
SpeedEvil | Indeed. All I'd really want would be for it to be legal for me to 'net meter' - that is to simply run the meter backwards. | 04:53 |
GeneralAntilles | You know interior designers have to be licensed in the state of Florida? | 04:53 |
SpeedEvil | If that was the case, I'd be putting in 5Kwp of panels. | 04:53 |
SpeedEvil | DIY of course. | 04:53 |
javispedro | ! | 04:55 |
MohammadAG | I need to take another mobile on me, N900 or N86? | 04:55 |
GeneralAntilles | SpeedEvil, you should go to more garden parties. | 04:55 |
GeneralAntilles | Meet some officials. | 04:55 |
GeneralAntilles | Then you can get a waiver. | 04:55 |
SpeedEvil | GeneralAntilles: I'd be too tempted to stab them in the face with cutlery. | 04:56 |
SpeedEvil | It's all for 'the solar industry' - who have engineered subsidies to be put in place. | 04:56 |
GeneralAntilles | A large part of why I try to avoid paying too much attention to the local news. | 04:57 |
SpeedEvil | For the largely pointless industry of putting solar panels on roofs. | 04:57 |
GeneralAntilles | Somebody should write a book: "Using the Government to Put My Competitors Out of Business" | 04:57 |
SpeedEvil | When this is perhaps 2-3 times more expensive than putting them in sensible (megawatt) sized clusters in fields. | 04:57 |
SpeedEvil | Or indeed, making easy plug-in-DIY panels. | 04:57 |
GeneralAntilles | "Legislation to Make Your Business Plan Viable" | 04:58 |
SpeedEvil | It's not especially hard to make a panel you can stick on a solid support in a part of the garden with sun. | 04:58 |
SpeedEvil | Yup. | 04:58 |
SpeedEvil | And you haven't even heard the best part yet! | 04:58 |
SpeedEvil | It's revenue neutral - costing the government nothing! | 04:59 |
SpeedEvil | It just costs the domestic electricity users. | 04:59 |
SpeedEvil | So government doesn't really care about the details, as it's not their money that's being spent. | 04:59 |
SpeedEvil | As much as they ever care of course. | 04:59 |
GeneralAntilles | Yet people want to centralize more power there. | 05:00 |
SpeedEvil | :/ | 05:00 |
javispedro | seemingly my undergrad thesis was just awarded cum laude =) | 05:02 |
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MohammadAG | as much as I want an N950 | 05:02 |
MohammadAG | * javispedro expects to see "Device thrown into Aperture Science Emergency Intelligence Incinerator Hole" in DHL tracking page at any time now | 05:02 |
MohammadAG | that would be awesome | 05:02 |
SpeedEvil | javispedro: Is that good? :) | 05:02 |
SpeedEvil | javispedro: What was your topic? | 05:02 |
GeneralAntilles | SpeedEvil, sure isn't bad. | 05:02 |
GeneralAntilles | javispedro, enjoy it while you can, in the morning: Hate. | 05:03 |
javispedro | SpeedEvil: building an online system for the formal verification of hdl | 05:03 |
SpeedEvil | javispedro: Ah - bug gree software. | 05:03 |
SpeedEvil | s/g/f/ | 05:03 |
infobot | SpeedEvil meant: javispedro: Ah - buf gree software. | 05:03 |
javispedro | heh | 05:03 |
SpeedEvil | :) | 05:03 |
GeneralAntilles | Buf Gree Software, Inc. | 05:04 |
SpeedEvil | Bugs in software proved to be bug free are the best sort of bugs! | 05:04 |
GeneralAntilles | Sounds like a used car salesman. | 05:04 |
javispedro | on spain cum laude is max grade (unlike other grading systems where there's magna, etc. aiui) | 05:05 |
GeneralAntilles | MohammadAG, how's customs down there? | 05:05 |
GeneralAntilles | javispedro, really? Wow. | 05:05 |
SpeedEvil | You just bounce the bugs a layer down, to the specifications. | 05:05 |
javispedro | SpeedEvil: "We do not do that" ;) | 05:05 |
SpeedEvil | javispedro: Many congratulations then! | 05:05 |
MohammadAG | GeneralAntilles, you'll probably see it in Portal 3 | 05:05 |
javispedro | there's even money involved =) | 05:05 |
javispedro | 1250eur =) | 05:06 |
javispedro | less than the google summer of code, which was easier =) | 05:06 |
SpeedEvil | Will more people use the GSOC though? | 05:06 |
javispedro | that's a long story.. | 05:07 |
SpeedEvil | Hmm - vkbds | 05:08 |
SpeedEvil | Of course - now that GTK is evil... | 05:08 |
SpeedEvil | :/ | 05:08 |
javispedro | and I need to pay 40€ to claim the money prize? /me sighs | 05:09 |
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javispedro | SpeedEvil: also, I do not know what the state of gtk on meego is. IIRC, csaavedra was doing that under gnome foundation money | 05:10 |
SpeedEvil | I thought it was all Qt/weyland in the future. | 05:11 |
SpeedEvil | wayland? | 05:11 |
javispedro | wayland | 05:11 |
GeneralAntilles | Waylaid | 05:12 |
* SpeedEvil learns that the simpsons char is not called Wayland. | 05:13 | |
SpeedEvil | I'd always thought he was. | 05:13 |
javispedro | either way, about Maemo on Meego, I think this will all speed up once devices are given out | 05:13 |
SpeedEvil | Indeed. | 05:13 |
javispedro | but I was surprised to see noone put any gtk app on their DDP projects list. | 05:13 |
javispedro | maybe they all have since realized it is not as easy as it sounds.. | 05:14 |
SpeedEvil | javispedro: For DDP, it's pretty much a killer, I'd think. | 05:14 |
SpeedEvil | javispedro: Platform apps - like mine - were heavily deprecated. | 05:14 |
SpeedEvil | Indeed - much of the stuff I proposed was even against the terms of the NDA. | 05:14 |
SpeedEvil | As I understand it. | 05:14 |
SpeedEvil | It was very much an 'apps, apps, apps' type of process, with a few people leaking round the edges. | 05:15 |
javispedro | have to say that I would have given you a device -- at the final batchs there's people with way less of a resume that have been approved. | 05:15 |
SpeedEvil | I haven't been active at all in the meego side. | 05:16 |
SpeedEvil | And to be fair - I have absolutely no hope of coding a Qt app as my skills are at the moment. I'd have to learn. | 05:16 |
SpeedEvil | I have touched GTK in the past, but it was trivial modifications - adding a few buttons - to an existing interface. | 05:16 |
javispedro | (note: by resume I mean maemo contribution history :) ) | 05:17 |
SpeedEvil | I can only hope there are further rounds. | 05:17 |
SpeedEvil | I want to get some apps out. I suspect I've instigated a few apps, but that's even harder to track. :) | 05:17 |
GeneralAntilles | SpeedEvil, I suspect Quim may not have recognized your name. | 05:18 |
SpeedEvil | Possibly. | 05:18 |
GeneralAntilles | SpeedEvil, QML | 05:19 |
GeneralAntilles | SpeedEvil, he's not on IRC, so. | 05:19 |
SpeedEvil | And yes - I know QML. | 05:19 |
GeneralAntilles | Unfortunately I didn't think to prod him about it. :\ | 05:19 |
SpeedEvil | I needed to write up what I'd done anyway. | 05:19 |
SpeedEvil | Making it hard to motivate myself towards platform documentation, for obvious reasons. :/ | 05:20 |
javispedro | SpeedEvil: did qgil send you an email with the reasons, btw? | 05:20 |
MohammadAG | GeneralAntilles, it's never too late, he can handle outside cases afaik | 05:20 |
MohammadAG | http://repository.maemo.org/meego/n900-de/daily/ <-- also, where tf are the new images | 05:21 |
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SpeedEvil | I got a generic rejection letter, then I basically got 'out of scope, and history of developing apps was not there' or similar. | 05:21 |
SpeedEvil | When I pinged about if my updated application had been looked at if that was possible. | 05:21 |
javispedro | btw, some other thing I ponder now is whether meego.com Launchpaders will be also be the sent the promised free WP7 dev phone? | 05:23 |
javispedro | s/be also be the sent/also be sent/ | 05:23 |
infobot | javispedro meant: btw, some other thing I ponder now is whether meego.com Launchpaders will also be sent the promised free WP7 dev phone? | 05:23 |
SpeedEvil | Interesting question. | 05:23 |
SpeedEvil | 'thank you for my wp7 phone, I put meego on it kthxby' | 05:24 |
SpeedEvil | I suspect a lot of people will be trying that. | 05:24 |
javispedro | or viceversa =) | 05:24 |
SpeedEvil | :) | 05:24 |
ieatlint | you probably will get the free phone | 05:24 |
SpeedEvil | Triple-boot wp7 meego/maemo | 05:24 |
SpeedEvil | At this point harmattan-on-n900 would be a great leap forward. | 05:25 |
javispedro | you will have the option to exchange the n950 for the wp7 device | 05:25 |
SpeedEvil | (in terms of a dev pool) | 05:26 |
javispedro | in a few months, after Elop has had the chance to fiddle with the harmattan updates development process. | 05:26 |
javispedro | and everyone's n950 has been either bricked or turned into an useless aegis-enabled zombie. | 05:26 |
DocScrutinizer | HEH | 05:26 |
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SpeedEvil | Though I guess anyone that could officially code it is not actually at nokia anymore. | 05:27 |
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SpeedEvil | It'd be interesting to see what the meego/harmattan/kernel/... people graphs look like over time. | 05:28 |
GeneralAntilles | I was thinking about some ad videos for the N9. | 05:28 |
javispedro | I keep hearing that | 05:28 |
javispedro | so, how many meegoers have been fired from nokia? | 05:28 |
javispedro | 1000? | 05:28 |
GeneralAntilles | It'd be funny to do some side-by-sides of the N9-WP7 and the N9-Harmattan doing various tasks. | 05:28 |
DocScrutinizer | PM on tmo: | 05:28 |
GeneralAntilles | With the first failing miserably. | 05:28 |
DocScrutinizer | someone said that there is a newer version of pulse audio, its pulse audio 43. | 05:28 |
DocScrutinizer | so is it ok to update to that ? is it official ? | 05:28 |
DocScrutinizer | and how can i know my current pulse audio version ? | 05:28 |
DocScrutinizer | to ME!! LOL! | 05:28 |
javispedro | LMAO!!!!!! | 05:28 |
javispedro | ROFL. | 05:28 |
MohammadAG | you got that too? | 05:29 |
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DocScrutinizer | YOU TOO? | 05:29 |
MohammadAG | sec | 05:30 |
MohammadAG | can you take a look at THIS ? | 05:30 |
MohammadAG | if you can't read arabic this means that there is a newer version of pulse audio, its pulse audio 43. | 05:30 |
MohammadAG | so is it ok to update to that ? is it official ? | 05:30 |
MohammadAG | and how can i know my current pulse audio version ? | 05:30 |
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DocScrutinizer | MUHAHAHA | 05:30 |
DocScrutinizer | agogdata | 05:30 |
DocScrutinizer | a pretty funny guy obviously | 05:31 |
ieatlint | what is the current version of the n950 fw as reported when *#0000# is dialed? | 05:31 |
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MohammadAG | 0.9.15-1maemo43+0m5 looks like it's 43 to me | 05:31 |
ieatlint | and does the ovi/nokia store work on it, or is it just the placehold? | 05:31 |
MohammadAG | ieatlint, something 22-6 | 05:31 |
MohammadAG | placeholder | 05:31 |
DocScrutinizer | ieatlint: the same as the one in the name of one-click-flasher | 05:31 |
MohammadAG | Coming soon | 05:31 |
ieatlint | ok | 05:31 |
ieatlint | cool, thx | 05:32 |
javispedro | MohammadAG: answer: "Yes, it's very easy to install. You need to synchronize the activation circuitry of the plasma injectors, and when the warp coil destabilizes the strength of the plasma injectors, increase the fluctuation of the dysfunctional audio processor." | 05:32 |
javispedro | DocScrutinizer^^ | 05:32 |
MohammadAG | DocScrutinizer, remember mobile4arab? | 05:32 |
GeneralAntilles | Can you work thetans in there somewhere? | 05:32 |
DocScrutinizer | hihihi | 05:32 |
MohammadAG | the guys who watermarked our hostmode images | 05:33 |
DocScrutinizer | yep | 05:33 |
MohammadAG | the "THIS" link points to them | 05:33 |
DocScrutinizer | OUCH | 05:33 |
GeneralAntilles | Watermarked? | 05:33 |
MohammadAG | stamped mobile4arab and posted them as exclusives on the next page | 05:33 |
GeneralAntilles | Pff | 05:34 |
GeneralAntilles | Awesome | 05:34 |
MohammadAG | lemme test my googling skills | 05:34 |
MohammadAG | found it | 05:35 |
MohammadAG | GeneralAntilles, http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?p=691712#post691712 | 05:35 |
DocScrutinizer | I feel like sitting here since ~1week | 05:35 |
MohammadAG | and the post afterwards | 05:35 |
GeneralAntilles | DocScrutinizer, dah fuck time is it over there? | 05:36 |
* javispedro should go -- gnite! | 05:36 | |
MohammadAG | javispedro, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO | 05:36 |
MohammadAG | don't leave us! | 05:36 |
javispedro | let's try some n950-sleep | 05:36 |
GeneralAntilles | MohammadAG, dah fuck time is it there?! | 05:36 |
GeneralAntilles | javispedro, good luck tomorrow. :) | 05:36 |
MohammadAG | you'll miss out on some pulseaudio fun | 05:36 |
GeneralAntilles | MohammadAG, that's awesome. | 05:36 |
MohammadAG | good luck? exams or something? | 05:36 |
javispedro | yes, carrier interaction exam. | 05:37 |
MohammadAG | GeneralAntilles, 5:36, need to be up at 9 | 05:37 |
MohammadAG | good luck javispedro :) | 05:37 |
GeneralAntilles | MohammadAG, bed. now. | 05:37 |
* javispedro concurs | 05:37 | |
MohammadAG | GeneralAntilles, naw but I don't wanna | 05:37 |
GeneralAntilles | Well, fine then. | 05:38 |
GeneralAntilles | But don't complain when you're sleepy tomorrow. :P | 05:38 |
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* SpeedEvil ponders if to go to bed, or to search a couple of thousand pages of PDFs of mind-numbingly-dull psuedo-legislation. | 05:38 | |
MohammadAG | nice way of distributing pulseaudio packages, mediafire | 05:38 |
MohammadAG | http://www.mediafire.com/?9q2vjz855lvg9t5 | 05:38 |
javispedro | is that a virus? it better be! | 05:39 |
MohammadAG | javispedro, it's what I got through PM :P | 05:39 |
GeneralAntilles | SpeedEvil, bed. | 05:39 |
MohammadAG | a rar containing like 15 PA packages | 05:39 |
javispedro | lol | 05:39 |
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MohammadAG | no sources, of course | 05:39 |
SpeedEvil | :/ | 05:39 |
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javispedro | MohammadAG: tell him that package is TEH SHIT. Attach new pulseaudio version v2011 with your choice of bricking postinst. | 05:40 |
* SpeedEvil looks at the two devices he has without source that makes him unhappy. | 05:40 | |
MohammadAG | pfft, v2012 ftw | 05:40 |
MohammadAG | http://www.mobile4arab.com/vb/showthread.php?p=5704256#post5704256 if anyone feels like google translating the page | 05:40 |
DocScrutinizer | javispedro: install aegis! | 05:41 |
javispedro | oh. | 05:41 |
javispedro | we could create a version of pulseaudio that replaces every stream with a predefined sound effect. | 05:42 |
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DocScrutinizer | THE fart app | 05:42 |
SpeedEvil | I want voice effects on calls. | 05:42 |
SpeedEvil | And a soundboard. | 05:42 |
MohammadAG | cause the N900 runs so smoothly during a call | 05:42 |
javispedro | "Forum Maemo & MeeGo > Department of programs and applications" | 05:42 |
javispedro | fine translation I bet. | 05:43 |
MohammadAG | I want amplifier effects in calls | 05:43 |
MohammadAG | lmao | 05:43 |
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javispedro | MohammadAG: this pulseaudio is the one you built with the pr1.2/3 patches before official release I bet | 05:43 |
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DocScrutinizer | I wonder why I know this agogdata name | 05:43 |
MohammadAG | javispedro, brings back memories | 05:44 |
javispedro | my stock PR1.3 pulse is already v43, so installing this random version will at most unprelink the pulse binaries, thereby slightly slowding down device startup. | 05:45 |
DocScrutinizer | anybody an idea why I can log in to 950 via LAN, but not from outside via NAT, shows prompt for password but refuses log in - password been correct though | 05:48 |
ieatlint | syslog say anything? | 05:48 |
DocScrutinizer | nuttin | 05:49 |
ieatlint | i've logged in via wifi and usb/lan | 05:49 |
ieatlint | no issues | 05:49 |
DocScrutinizer | my router's FW log shows the conection ends at correct IP | 05:49 |
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DocScrutinizer | how could N950 sshd tell apart a LAN login from an externally-originated one that goes thru NAT? Wrong RDNS or sth? | 05:51 |
SpeedEvil | Umm... | 05:51 |
SpeedEvil | Does ssh complain in anyway? | 05:51 |
ieatlint | every now and then the touchscreen seems to get really messed up, detecting presses in random places | 05:51 |
DocScrutinizer | no | 05:51 |
ieatlint | seems to happen more when usb plugged in | 05:51 |
DocScrutinizer | ieatlint: 950? | 05:52 |
SpeedEvil | DocScrutinizer: to recap on my earlier comment - sure it's the right device? :) | 05:52 |
ieatlint | with harmattan | 05:52 |
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DocScrutinizer | SpeedEvil: FW log says it's the right device, yes | 05:52 |
SpeedEvil | hmm | 05:53 |
DocScrutinizer | ieatlint: same here | 05:53 |
SpeedEvil | From the same source device? | 05:53 |
DocScrutinizer | ieatlint: I found it gets better when you hold the device with th other hand | 05:53 |
SpeedEvil | allow_hosts? | 05:53 |
DocScrutinizer | aaaah, alow-hosts | 05:54 |
SpeedEvil | Does the headset worn on the body work as a 'ground'? | 05:54 |
DocScrutinizer | maybe not in the local netmask | 05:54 |
ieatlint | yeah, i don't get it... it's unusable when usb is plugged in pretty much | 05:55 |
MohammadAG | USB networking I'd guess | 05:55 |
DocScrutinizer | I gather that's some sort of interference | 05:55 |
MohammadAG | try unloading g_nokia.ko | 05:56 |
DocScrutinizer | MohammadAG: go to sleep | 05:56 |
DocScrutinizer | MohammadAG: we're talking about touchscreen | 05:56 |
MohammadAG | what? | 05:56 |
ieatlint | yeah, when you plug the phone into usb (computer, not tested with wall charger), it gets very weird | 05:57 |
DocScrutinizer | wallcharger here, same issue | 05:57 |
MohammadAG | oh dear | 05:57 |
javispedro | electrocution danger, will robinson! | 05:57 |
MohammadAG | capacitive + charger parts not covered well = that | 05:57 |
DocScrutinizer | in the settings menu I wasn't able to select a menu entry | 05:57 |
* javispedro waits for n950 to make engadget front page news like n900 usb port problems | 05:58 | |
MohammadAG | I'm surprised, Nokia had experience with c-ts | 05:58 |
MohammadAG | X6, N8 etc | 05:58 |
ieatlint | c-ts? | 05:58 |
MohammadAG | capacitive ts | 05:59 |
ieatlint | ah | 05:59 |
DocScrutinizer | btw seems I've seen a ref to Atmel related ts | 05:59 |
MohammadAG | DocScrutinizer, can I have ssh access tomorrow? | 05:59 |
ieatlint | well i heard they made an error on the n8 | 06:00 |
MohammadAG | illegal, if released, but I want to try and get the swipe UI on the N900 | 06:00 |
ieatlint | and that the accuracy of multitouch is extremely low | 06:00 |
MohammadAG | MeeGoCE | 06:00 |
MohammadAG | N8 works fine for me | 06:00 |
DocScrutinizer | sure, if you manage to sort the >><DocScrutinizer> anybody an idea why I can log in to 950 via LAN, but not from outside via NAT, shows prompt for password but refuses log in - password been correct though<< issue | 06:00 |
MohammadAG | reverse ssh DocScrutinizer ;) | 06:00 |
ieatlint | yeah, the n8 works, and it's "accurate enough" for the pinch gestures | 06:00 |
ieatlint | but that you can't do much more complicated things than that | 06:01 |
ieatlint | if he can't, i can probably get you a login, depending on what your intentions are :P | 06:02 |
MohammadAG | scp the swipe UI | 06:02 |
MohammadAG | binaries, libs, etc | 06:02 |
ieatlint | can't you just go grab the fw image? | 06:02 |
DocScrutinizer | SpeedEvil: would you know off top of your head where to check for alowed_hosts? | 06:02 |
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MohammadAG | no one could mount it afaik | 06:03 |
MohammadAG | also, how does one import contacts on MeeGoCE? | 06:03 |
ieatlint | i thought the flasher tool had an "extract fiasco image" option? | 06:03 |
MohammadAG | yeah, that gives you a non standard rootfs.lzo file | 06:03 |
ieatlint | huh, i'll have to play with that and see | 06:03 |
javispedro | ali1234 already solved that, it was just non-standard block compression | 06:04 |
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SpeedEvil | DocScrutinizer: it's in ~/.ssh/ | 06:06 |
SpeedEvil | But I'm not sure that's the issue. | 06:06 |
MohammadAG | javispedro, he got another image he couldn't mount afaik | 06:07 |
DocScrutinizer | :-P | 06:07 |
DocScrutinizer | AllowUsers *@ *@ *@ *@ | 06:07 |
DocScrutinizer | how bad is THAT | 06:07 |
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javispedro | MohammadAG: I think he did, as that's how that Hurrian guy uselessly bricked his n900. | 06:07 |
ds3 | you don't trust the link address (169.169.x.x)? | 06:07 |
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ieatlint | DocScrutinizer: that makes sense actually | 06:07 |
DocScrutinizer | that is BS actually | 06:08 |
DocScrutinizer | a lot of LANs are 192.168.1.x or .2.x | 06:08 |
ieatlint | ds3: anyone who isn't able to actually run a network with ip address assignments shouldn't be developing on this phone :P | 06:08 |
MohammadAG | javispedro, he flashed the image? | 06:08 |
javispedro | that's captured by the mask? | 06:08 |
javispedro | MohammadAG: yes. | 06:08 |
* MohammadAG facepalms | 06:08 | |
ieatlint | DocScrutinizer: the /16 means only match the 192.168 part | 06:08 |
MohammadAG | shouldn't you be in bed javispedro ? | 06:08 |
DocScrutinizer | ooh I see | 06:08 |
javispedro | yes. | 06:08 |
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ieatlint | the list of hosts match all home address ones except the 169 | 06:09 |
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DocScrutinizer | MohammadAG: ok, you can have ssh access | 06:10 |
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DocScrutinizer | anybody knows about the >>port 22<< parameter? is it >>port 22, 666<< or >>port 22 666<< or >>port 22\nport666<< ? | 06:12 |
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SpeedEvil | man sshd_config - ListenAddress | 06:13 |
MohammadAG | DocScrutinizer, tomorrow please, need to sleep in a bit | 06:13 |
ieatlint | DocScrutinizer: neither | 06:13 |
ieatlint | it's multiple lines | 06:14 |
SpeedEvil | local addresses. Multiple ListenAddress options are permitted. | 06:14 |
MohammadAG | I'm leaving for a long trip, taking the other N900 with MeeGoCE on it | 06:14 |
ieatlint | so you do "Port 22" and then another line with "Port 666" | 06:14 |
DocScrutinizer | >>port 22\nport666<< | 06:14 |
Dhraakellian | so how is MeeGoCE for daily use? | 06:14 |
DocScrutinizer | thanks | 06:14 |
MohammadAG | that's what I'm aiming to find out | 06:14 |
ieatlint | DocScrutinizer: correct | 06:15 |
ieatlint | whee, turbulence | 06:15 |
MohammadAG | SMS notifications are fun | 06:15 |
Dhraakellian | I loaded it up on a microSD card and wasn't impressed *quite* enough to keep using it | 06:15 |
Dhraakellian | but it did look greatly improved | 06:15 |
Dhraakellian | just from a casual poking-around standpoint | 06:15 |
MohammadAG | well, imported all my contacts | 06:16 |
MohammadAG | nice script alterego :) | 06:16 |
MohammadAG | and lcuk | 06:16 |
Dhraakellian | (of course, it doesn't help that my antenna connections are rubbish) | 06:16 |
* Dhraakellian wonders if he dares open up his n900 to see if there's an easy fix | 06:16 | |
ieatlint | just go buy a nokla n900 | 06:17 |
Dhraakellian | should probably grab a cheap GSM Android phone first, just so that I'm not without a phone | 06:17 |
Dhraakellian | actually, I am without a phone right now, since I'm getting the simcard errors every time | 06:17 |
Dhraakellian | ieatlint: running meamo5? | 06:18 |
ieatlint | i don't know what they call the os | 06:18 |
Dhraakellian | Nokla Meamo? | 06:19 |
* Dhraakellian guesses poorly-ported Android? | 06:20 | |
MohammadAG | alterego, I tried to import contacts, it said saved 235 contacts, but phone and contacts are empty | 06:21 |
ieatlint | MohammadAG: http://forums.internettablettalk.com/showpost.php?s=34b79a78f6fcac3f5af9d55801398625&p=1043548&postcount=303 btw | 06:21 |
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hiemanshu | Morning | 06:27 |
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divan | Morning. Did anyone installed Meego CE to the eMMC on N900? I follow these instructions http://wiki.meego.com/ARM/N900/Install/EMMC but the script doesn't work for me on Ubunut 10.10. | 06:30 |
hiemanshu | divan: what is the error? | 06:31 |
divan | First of all, it ignores kernel command line parameter, second, it looks for file initrd-n900 (which I don't have), and as a result it cannot bring up usb0 interface. I don't mention bugs with NetworkManager detect/stop functionality. | 06:32 |
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divan | Do I need to use Rescure Initrd to install Meego CE? | 06:36 |
divan | s/Rescure/Rescue/ | 06:36 |
infobot | divan meant: Do I need to use Rescue Initrd to install Meego CE? | 06:36 |
hiemanshu | divan: this is not the right channel, lets talk in #meego-arm | 06:36 |
divan | hanspeter, yep, I've asked there. | 06:37 |
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ieatlint | so the maemo/n900 flash utility doesn't work with meego/harmatan, right? | 06:59 |
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DocScrutinizer | right | 07:08 |
DocScrutinizer | that's what I think at least | 07:08 |
ieatlint | ah, looks like there is a flasher for the n9/50 on nokia's site here http://tablets-dev.nokia.com/maemo-dev-env-downloads.php | 07:11 |
hiemanshu | yeah | 07:11 |
hiemanshu | and any idea where the images are? | 07:12 |
ieatlint | i think there's just the one public image dated 22-6 | 07:12 |
ieatlint | (which btw is a date, it should be week number - day of week) | 07:13 |
ieatlint | (counted 1-7) | 07:13 |
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krayon | DocScrutinizer: Did you end up getting an N950? | 08:41 |
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pavi | DocScrutinizer, I tried the cable with my netbook running sid , it works :D . | 09:01 |
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divan | DocScrutinizer, talking about fiasco image, should I create it by myself? I see different tutorials in the net, not sure what to choose. | 09:22 |
divan | Any good how-to on this topic? | 09:22 |
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Sicelo | nice pavi :) | 09:55 |
pavi | Sicelo, I am thinking that my desktop which has Linux Mint Debian edition has some broken USB drivers . | 09:56 |
pavi | I kind of removed mint repo and upgraded stuff on it . it had some package conflits | 09:56 |
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Sicelo | question: if i install h-e-n package, do i still need to get anything else to make it work? (reason for asking is because i don't have the cable for it atm, so i can't test.. but will have use for it soon as i have cable with me) | 10:40 |
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hiemanshu | Status is still New Order :( | 10:52 |
hiemanshu | looks like they are shipping today though | 10:53 |
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RST38h | moo ladies and gentlemen | 10:56 |
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RST38h | hiemanshu: what is the URL to check? | 10:57 |
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hiemanshu | RST38h: https://forumnokia.secure.force.com/apex/ProductOrders it should change from new orders to something different | 10:58 |
hiemanshu | and you will have an email too | 10:58 |
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RST38h | hiemanshu: thanks! | 11:03 |
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Jaffa | Morning, all | 11:29 |
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rzr | hi | 11:36 |
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khertan | Morning | 11:46 |
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khertan | Your order has been sent | 11:46 |
khertan | :) | 11:46 |
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Hurrian | ah, how i love the 5 second boot time | 11:54 |
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tackat | we have a Qt Components Version of Marble now in the works: https://projects.kde.org/projects/kde/kdeedu/marble/repository/show?rev=gsoc-2011-qtcomponents | 12:10 |
Hurrian | hmm, i was playing with a friend's Nokia 8800 Arte | 12:11 |
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Hurrian | it shows you a clock if you double-tap the screen when locked | 12:12 |
hiemanshu | khertan: what was your order number? | 12:13 |
khertan | hiemanshu, i didn't got an tracking number yet | 12:15 |
hiemanshu | khertan: the order number, the OID- something number | 12:15 |
hiemanshu | khertan: tell me the last 3 digits please :) | 12:15 |
khertan | ah this is one :) | 12:15 |
khertan | 52751 | 12:15 |
hiemanshu | :( I am 887 | 12:16 |
hiemanshu | more than a 100 away :( :( :( | 12:16 |
khertan | ;) | 12:16 |
khertan | hiemanshu, i think there are packaging all device ... and sent seems to be a 5 oclock fi time | 12:17 |
khertan | so there is time to package some more device | 12:17 |
khertan | :) | 12:17 |
hiemanshu | khertan: well yeah, but I am hoping mine goes through today | 12:17 |
hiemanshu | or I will shoot myself waiting :( | 12:17 |
khertan | :) | 12:17 |
cpscotti | hiemanshu, khertan 775 here.. | 12:18 |
hiemanshu | cpscotti: sent? | 12:18 |
khertan | :) | 12:18 |
cpscotti | no.. | 12:19 |
cpscotti | no tracking number too | 12:19 |
hiemanshu | k | 12:19 |
hiemanshu | well you should get an email telling sent | 12:19 |
cpscotti | well.. but we have a whole week coming.. | 12:19 |
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hiemanshu | and how hard is it to pack say 1000 phones a day, shouldn't take more than 3-5 mins to pack one :/ | 12:19 |
cpscotti | so.. now.. changing subjects.. chaps.. I got a problem.. My notebook is dying (like.. for real).. Any recommendations? Is a thinkpad that good? | 12:20 |
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hiemanshu | yeah TP is the way to go for linux | 12:20 |
cpscotti | hiemanshu, that's what I was expecting.. just wanted to b sure :D | 12:21 |
hiemanshu | heh yeah | 12:21 |
cpscotti | the shit is.. they take 2 weeks to ship that.. the bastards | 12:21 |
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lardman | morning | 12:37 |
lardman | any dhl news? | 12:38 |
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hiemanshu | lardman: yours was sent? | 12:40 |
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hiemanshu | cpscotti: more reports of it being shipped or people getting it | 12:41 |
hiemanshu | cpscotti: I suddenly have the need to die :/ | 12:42 |
hiemanshu | cpscotti: and some with 92x got the sent email :/ | 12:42 |
hiemanshu | s/some/someone/ | 12:43 |
infobot | hiemanshu meant: cpscotti: and someone with 92x got the sent email :/ | 12:43 |
cpscotti | wooa | 12:43 |
cpscotti | I didn't get the "sent" e-mail | 12:43 |
cpscotti | not yet | 12:43 |
cpscotti | 775 here.. | 12:43 |
hiemanshu | well lets wait | 12:43 |
hiemanshu | yeah, I hope they send it today, or somebody is gonna get a hurt real bad | 12:43 |
cpscotti | yeah | 12:43 |
lardman | hiemanshu: I've not received a package nor a dhl email, so I guess not | 12:44 |
cpscotti | I'm waiting patiently.. I think... | 12:44 |
hiemanshu | lardman: did you get the 'Your order has been sent' email ? | 12:44 |
cpscotti | hiemanshu, lol! | 12:44 |
lardman | hiemanshu: no | 12:44 |
hiemanshu | cpscotti: ? | 12:44 |
hiemanshu | lardman: then wait till they send it | 12:44 |
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cpscotti | hiemanshu, "somebody is gonna get hurt real bad" | 12:45 |
hiemanshu | lardman: you will get a sent email too | 12:45 |
hiemanshu | cpscotti: heard of russel peters? | 12:45 |
cpscotti | no.. | 12:45 |
lardman | hmm | 12:45 |
cpscotti | who's that? | 12:45 |
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lardman | would be interesting to see a break down of who's received what | 12:45 |
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rcg | meh | 12:46 |
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rcg | what was the last thing i send in here? | 12:46 |
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rcg | (11:44:47 AM) rcg: ehm.. just a little heads up.. seems like Druid23 messed up the wiki page: http://wiki.meego.com/Community_Office/Community_device_program/Nokia | 12:47 |
rcg | (11:45:20 AM) rcg: messed up as in kinda reverted to a very old state | 12:47 |
rcg | (11:46:06 AM) rcg: should we just revert his change? | 12:47 |
cpscotti | hiemanshu, who's that? | 12:47 |
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rcg | just in case i didn't sent it correctly before i got disconnected | 12:48 |
cpscotti | s/that/b/he | 12:48 |
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hiemanshu | cpscotti: a comedian | 12:48 |
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hiemanshu | cpscotti: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nn5jlrxcpkI | 12:48 |
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rcg | alright Vitaminj fixed it already | 12:50 |
cpscotti | hiemanshu, haheah lol! | 12:51 |
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hiemanshu | cpscotti: listen to the whole thing :P | 12:51 |
lcuk | lardman, same here | 12:52 |
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* cpscotti watching.. :d | 12:53 | |
lardman | lcuk: :( | 12:53 |
hiemanshu | cpscotti: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nn5jlrxcpkI | 12:53 |
hiemanshu | errr | 12:53 |
hiemanshu | cpscotti: N950 email received and device ordered 7th (OID-052796). Sent on 11th (AM) | 12:54 |
lcuk | lardman, it should be sent soon :D | 12:54 |
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hiemanshu | from the wiki | 12:54 |
hiemanshu | lcuk: I hope | 12:54 |
hiemanshu | because they are sending random OIDs | 12:54 |
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cpscotti | hiemanshu, shiiet.. | 12:55 |
cpscotti | yeah.. | 12:55 |
lardman | well let's just hope they're in gear and will send a tranche today | 12:55 |
cpscotti | hiemanshu, got to the "somebody's gonna get hurt real bad" part.. | 12:56 |
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hiemanshu | cpscotti: and http://twitter.com/#!/seiflotfy/status/90356475423236099 | 12:59 |
cpscotti | hiemanshu, stop this! hehe.. is that torture of some kind? lol | 13:00 |
hiemanshu | yup :P | 13:01 |
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cpscotti | hiemanshu, lol! anyway.. I have faith I'll see it sometime this week.. (humm.. !?!?faith!?!?.. am I getting religious about this thing.. geez!) | 13:03 |
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hiemanshu | cpscotti: I want it before friday to show off at the Qt meetup | 13:04 |
hiemanshu | cpscotti: so if its not sent today or maybe tomorrow, there is a good chance I wont see it until the next week :( | 13:04 |
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chem|st | morning | 13:06 |
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cpscotti | hiemanshu, faith man! faith! :P | 13:07 |
hiemanshu | cpscotti: lol, well I am going to see if I can sleep for a bit, head hurts :( | 13:07 |
cpscotti | hiemanshu, hangover? or too much F5ing? | 13:10 |
hiemanshu | cpscotti: both | 13:10 |
cpscotti | haha.. join the club! | 13:11 |
hiemanshu | :D | 13:11 |
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hiemanshu | well I slept after being up for over 36 hours, that adds to the list too | 13:11 |
cityLights | any sed guru in the house? | 13:12 |
hiemanshu | cityLights: just ask, if someone knows the answer, they'll answer | 13:13 |
cpscotti | hiemanshu, gosh.. that's a nice weekend! enough pizza? | 13:14 |
hiemanshu | cpscotti: well no pizza, but a lot of other stuff, and a nice sunday morning trek | 13:14 |
cpscotti | cityLights, try awk it's a lot more "readable" | 13:14 |
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cityLights | hi all | 13:32 |
cityLights | ip route list |sed 's/.*dev \([a-z]\+[0-9]\+\).*$/\1/' | 13:32 |
cityLights | is giving me two lines, how to get only one? | 13:32 |
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bindi_ | hey | 13:32 |
cehteh | which 2? | 13:33 |
bindi_ | ive got cssu, and when using camera, it says memory is full | 13:33 |
bindi_ | just reflashed and installed cssu | 13:33 |
bindi_ | 26G free on internal | 13:34 |
cityLights | cehteh: I got two lines with eth0 | 13:34 |
cehteh | strange | 13:34 |
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cityLights | I can explian why | 13:34 |
cityLights | I got two defaults with difrrent metric | 13:34 |
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cityLights | any way , I can pipe and get one, but is there a sed wt? | 13:35 |
cehteh | i am not logged in to my device but does it really do that? .. | 13:35 |
cityLights | way? | 13:35 |
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cehteh | | head -1 | 13:35 |
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cityLights | right | 13:35 |
cityLights | I was looking for the sed way | 13:35 |
cehteh | some sed or awk way prolly too | 13:35 |
cehteh | actually learning awk would make this easiers :) | 13:35 |
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cityLights | this is to fix xen's bridge script | 13:36 |
cehteh | ip route list | awk '/default/{print $5; exit(0);}' | 13:37 |
cehteh | does that work? | 13:37 |
cityLights | yes | 13:37 |
cehteh | :) | 13:37 |
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cehteh | bindi_: configured to save pics to µSD? | 13:39 |
cehteh | or do you have usb still plugged in and in storage mode? | 13:39 |
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* SpeedEvil completes a nokia survey he has been sent about his current phone. | 14:04 | |
SpeedEvil | For all the good it'll do. | 14:04 |
cehteh | lol | 14:04 |
cehteh | [ ] Will you buy a WP7 Phone | 14:05 |
SpeedEvil | Exactly. | 14:05 |
SpeedEvil | Though it also mentioned lenovo as a handset maker. | 14:05 |
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SpeedEvil | Of the future phone. | 14:05 |
SpeedEvil | I suppose they are positioned well for it. | 14:05 |
cehteh | haha "anything but nokia" :P | 14:06 |
SpeedEvil | They already make rectangular black things. | 14:06 |
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cehteh | when my n900 breaks, i'll buy the next open plattfrom gnu/linux based phone ... maybe i have a few vendors on my blacklist (sony, apple, microsoft) but i dont expect those to come out with an open platform anyways | 14:07 |
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cehteh | i'd like if samsung goes the open way, i thing they would be welcome by the community | 14:08 |
cehteh | but iff this certainly takes years for a product | 14:09 |
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cehteh | how long did maemo evolve before the n900? 5, 6, 7 ..? years? | 14:09 |
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bindi_ | cehteh: how to check? | 14:27 |
bindi_ | the settings doesnt cover that | 14:27 |
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cehteh | yes you can select where to store on the camera app .. settings or the 'memory card' icon on the lower lefr | 14:29 |
cehteh | left | 14:29 |
cehteh | also when/while usb is plugged in in storage mode, the drives are unmounted at the device and not available | 14:30 |
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hiemanshu | cpscotti: anything yet for ya? | 14:33 |
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cpscotti | hiemanshu, nope | 14:33 |
hiemanshu | cpscotti: gah, ok :( | 14:34 |
bindi_ | cehteh: it said root volume | 14:34 |
bindi_ | i changed it to internal memory | 14:34 |
bindi_ | whats the difference | 14:34 |
cpscotti | :/ | 14:34 |
cehteh | woot it can write to root? | 14:35 |
cehteh | thats really bad | 14:35 |
cehteh | if root becomes full, then your device will become unreliable | 14:35 |
cehteh | if you have already some pictures stored there, better move them out of the way | 14:35 |
cehteh | (i dont know that this even works) | 14:36 |
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Hurrian | cehteh, full root isnt much of a problem | 14:38 |
Hurrian | on UBIFS | 14:39 |
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cehteh | Hurrian: how that? if the OS wants to store something there and this fails then things get hairy | 14:39 |
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Hurrian | cehteh, logs in /var are compressed because UBIFS | 14:39 |
Hurrian | linux doesnt panic on full root anywat | 14:40 |
Hurrian | on a side note, the n900's rootfs is lzo compressed right? | 14:40 |
SpeedEvil | Linux doesn't - which doesn't make any difffernecte if the stach you're using over it fall over. | 14:40 |
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Hurrian | it's not like we're swapping on root, in fact i got the N900 to start on a read-only file system once | 14:41 |
Hurrian | mostly because of a broken UBIFS, but my point stands | 14:41 |
Hurrian | the N900 will still work with a full root, you may not be able to write new files though | 14:41 |
cehteh | Hurrian: i meant the OS/installation becomes unreliable, not the kernel or filesystem per se | 14:42 |
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Hurrian | however, most of everything you download for apps writes to emmc, no problem there | 14:42 |
Hurrian | hmm, wonder if we can recompress the N900's rootfs in zlib | 14:42 |
cehteh | if apt-get cant even create its lockfiles for example (are these on /?) | 14:42 |
Hurrian | cehteh, that's for debian-apt | 14:43 |
Hurrian | fapman works fine | 14:43 |
cehteh | well since 1.2 and 'normal' use, full rootfs is not a problem anymore | 14:43 |
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cehteh | but bugs, like writing pictures to root may pose problems | 14:43 |
Hurrian | didnt know that camera-ui even allowed that | 14:44 |
cehteh | Hurrian: well even startup may (i dont know for sure) writes data to root, nologin, lockfiles, fsck marker, and so on | 14:44 |
cehteh | if that fails then the devices doesnt boot correctly .. either fatally or just something becomes unreliable | 14:45 |
Hurrian | cehteh, isn't the N900's fstab 0 0 at the end? | 14:45 |
Hurrian | fsck marker would only be for /home | 14:45 |
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Hurrian | anyways, doesnt ubifs not come with a fsck tool? | 14:46 |
cehteh | yeah that was only an example .. there are other things on a 'normal' linux system which require a writeable root | 14:46 |
cehteh | but most/all of this things can be turned off/ relocated | 14:46 |
cehteh | and i dont know how much maemo5 does this on the n900 | 14:46 |
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Hurrian | cehteh, /dev/sda3 / ext4 ro 0 0 | 14:48 |
Hurrian | fastest boots ever | 14:48 |
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Hurrian | tmp on ram, /home and /usr on separate drives | 14:48 |
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hiemanshu | cpscotti: 2 hours to the end of the day :/ | 15:02 |
cpscotti | hiemanshu, you mean.. in helsinki? | 15:03 |
hiemanshu | cpscotti: yeah | 15:03 |
cpscotti | hiemanshu, hope! | 15:04 |
cpscotti | hehaeuhue | 15:04 |
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khertan | we want to believe | 15:05 |
khertan | :) | 15:05 |
hiemanshu | khertan: yours was sent, so STFU :P | 15:05 |
khertan | :) | 15:06 |
khertan | yeah but no tracking number ... and didn't expect dhl to found my little town before next week :) | 15:06 |
hiemanshu | well tracking number will come at the end of the day really | 15:06 |
khertan | i know | 15:06 |
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hiemanshu | but atleast the sticker is with your name has been printed | 15:07 |
khertan | yep | 15:07 |
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cehteh | and they'll drop it by parchute? | 15:07 |
khertan | :) | 15:08 |
khertan | i just hope they will not use iphone gps ... didn't found my town :) | 15:09 |
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cehteh | where do you live? .fr we have someone from martinique with a .fr domain, bit off the mainland :P | 15:09 |
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lardman | hmm, still no notifications :( | 15:13 |
* lardman goes to cry into a sandwich | 15:13 | |
khertan | cehteh, north of paris ... 77km | 15:13 |
hiemanshu | lardman: same here, the shipping is fucked up :( | 15:13 |
khertan | but in very small town ;) | 15:14 |
cehteh | well .. looks still central | 15:14 |
hiemanshu | I ordered on thursday, and it and its monday, for fucks sake, send my device alreadyh | 15:14 |
khertan | cehteh, yeah ... but tnt and dhl never deliver thing in time | 15:14 |
cehteh | i am in karlsruhe 15km away from the french border .. and over there on the vosges are really small and hardly reachable towns | 15:14 |
khertan | cehteh, last time tnt said that address didn't exist | 15:15 |
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khertan | cehteh, you can say it s hardly reachable ... mine town isn't ... | 15:15 |
cehteh | some valleys are better reachable from the german side than from france :P | 15:15 |
khertan | :) | 15:16 |
hiemanshu | khertan: in the order page, what does your order status show up as? | 15:16 |
khertan | germany have this days a better budget than us | 15:16 |
khertan | which wasn't the case 10 years ago | 15:16 |
khertan | hiemanshu, let me check | 15:17 |
* khertan hate OBS and RPM | 15:17 | |
khertan | Device Sent to Customer | 15:17 |
khertan | hiemanshu, ^ | 15:17 |
hiemanshu | khertan: ok thanks | 15:18 |
khertan | error: Installed (but unpackaged) file(s) found: ... *.pyo <<<< of course dubfull packaging tool it s not suppose to be installed | 15:18 |
cehteh | "device lost while shipping" :) | 15:18 |
khertan | :) | 15:18 |
khertan | cehteh, my last 2 tnt delivery was lost | 15:19 |
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lardman | mine says "New Order" | 15:23 |
lcuk | lardman, which page shows the order | 15:23 |
lcuk | or is that the email | 15:23 |
lardman | the order page | 15:23 |
lardman | click on orders | 15:24 |
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lardman | https://forumnokia.secure.force.com/ProductOrders I guess | 15:24 |
MohammadAG | New order here too | 15:24 |
CaCO3 | my order page also sais "new order", since last thurstday when I oredered it | 15:24 |
lcuk | same here | 15:25 |
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hiemanshu | same here | 15:25 |
hiemanshu | I wanna shoot the nokia shipping dept. | 15:26 |
lardman | more interesting would be to know whether that changes to anything else | 15:26 |
lardman | or if it just vanishes once it's been shipped | 15:26 |
hiemanshu | changed to 'Device Sent to Customer' | 15:26 |
hiemanshu | changes* | 15:26 |
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CaCO3 | well, as we get it for free, i don't want to make pressure | 15:29 |
CaCO3 | I see it as good will of nokia | 15:29 |
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MohammadAG | would be fun if it changed to "Difficulties while processing your payment" | 15:30 |
* Jaffa wants MOAR SOFTWAREZ :-p | 15:31 | |
CaCO3 | :) | 15:31 |
Jaffa | Hurry up & get your devices. | 15:31 |
MohammadAG | yeah, totally our fault | 15:31 |
CaCO3 | I am more disapinted that there is not yet a properly set up building system :( | 15:31 |
hiemanshu | Jaffa: make nokia send us our devices soon | 15:31 |
CaCO3 | I already tried to pack/build packages, but without some how to explanations I just got stock | 15:32 |
Jaffa | CaCO3: http://wiki.meego.com/Getting_started_with_OBS and http://forum.meego.com/showthread.php?t=3694 | 15:33 |
CaCO3 | well, it nowhere explains how to pack the *.tar.gz and the debian.tar.gz | 15:33 |
Jaffa | CaCO3: http://forum.meego.com/showpost.php?p=24047&postcount=15 :-p | 15:33 |
Macer | ok | 15:33 |
Macer | google+ is actually... kind of nice | 15:34 |
Jaffa | CaCO3: (cos I had the same problem, I wheeled out an updated mud) | 15:34 |
Macer | although i hate the way it does that whole blacked out video/photo thing like fb decided to do | 15:34 |
CaCO3 | and my dsc files seem to be wrong, at least the builder sais always architecture: excluded) | 15:34 |
Jaffa | CaCO3: Let mud2 create your .dsc for you, if you're using Qt Creator | 15:34 |
CaCO3 | well, after 2 days of consulting google I gave up | 15:34 |
Macer | and i am curious how fb isn't suing the hell out of them for a pretty obvious clone of fb :) | 15:34 |
CaCO3 | I am waiting until the system is set up and documented | 15:34 |
CaCO3 | Jaffa: I got very confused about suse, spec and so on | 15:35 |
CaCO3 | I am working on a debian sytsem | 15:35 |
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CaCO3 | I am packing python projects, so qt creator cant handle them, and the other ones are ports | 15:36 |
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Hurrian | http://goput.it/ewx.jpg | 15:37 |
khertan | Whouhou !!! Pyflakes packages | 15:37 |
khertan | Whouhou !!! Pyflakes packaged ... what a pain to package a simple package with obs | 15:38 |
CaCO3 | I havent even figured out yet which architecture the N9* will use. Is it armv8el or something 7 | 15:38 |
khertan | undocumented errors and full of googling to avoid | 15:38 |
Hurrian | CaCO3 - armv7l | 15:38 |
khertan | CaCO3, for the moment ... i didn't see any target for harmattan on the meego community obs | 15:38 |
CaCO3 | thys why I am confused... | 15:39 |
khertan | https://build.pub.meego.com/project/show?project=home%3Arzr <<< some have a harmattan repository | 15:39 |
khertan | :)à | 15:39 |
Hurrian | to be exact, armv7tnhl | 15:39 |
CaCO3 | does mud2 work in scratchbox? | 15:39 |
Hurrian | t - thumbee , n - neon , h - hardfp , l - little endian | 15:40 |
Hurrian | *thumb | 15:40 |
Hurrian | woops | 15:40 |
CaCO3 | I asked rzr yesterday for some hints, but he didnt want to help or didnt see my request :( | 15:40 |
rzr | sorry guys i was afk | 15:40 |
CaCO3 | in my OBS, I cant even add the harmattan repo or something with armv7el | 15:41 |
rzr | CaCO3: ping me again in a couple of hours, else i did rtfm you can try to branch my git | 15:41 |
Jaffa | khertan: http://forum.meego.com/showthread.php?p=25005#post25005 <- how to enable Harmattan COBS target whilst it's not visible yet | 15:42 |
khertan | ;) | 15:42 |
CaCO3 | yea, thanks. maybe later, i am just heading off to a job interview | 15:42 |
khertan | Jaffa, thx you jaffa | 15:42 |
Jaffa | khertan: CaCO3: Follow the threads "apps.meego.com in the Nokia N9" and "Qt Creator, debian_harmattan and Scratchbox" | 15:42 |
CaCO3 | ok, thanks, I will have another look on it later | 15:43 |
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hiemanshu | khertan: did you get an email from DHL? | 15:45 |
khertan | hiemanshu, not yet ... will probably come soon | 15:45 |
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* CaCO3 is heading off | 15:49 | |
ruskie | hmm has anyone tried updating telepathy with a more recent release? | 15:49 |
ruskie | on the n900 | 15:49 |
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khertan | hiemanshu, i got the tracking number | 15:52 |
khertan | No result found for your DHL query. Please try again. | 15:52 |
khertan | lol already lost ? :) | 15:53 |
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Jaffa | khertan: Takes them a while. | 15:53 |
khertan | Jaffa, yeah i know just joking :) | 15:53 |
khertan | PREMIUM Service .... nice for a free device ... | 15:54 |
khertan | thx nokia | 15:54 |
khertan | Jaffa, maybe you can help me | 15:55 |
khertan | :) | 15:55 |
khertan | Jaffa, what excluded really mean in obs ? :) | 15:55 |
Jaffa | khertan: Be quick - got a meeting in a minute | 15:55 |
khertan | yep no problem i m learning packaging for meego and harmattan | 15:55 |
khertan | :) | 15:55 |
Jaffa | khertan: "Excluded" means the target matching functionality didn't find the necessary trigger file. For example, I've configured my home project to build against MeeGo 1.2, but Attitude is "excluded" becaused it doesn't have a .spec file. | 15:56 |
khertan | ok this mean i need a spec file, and a dsc to target meego and harmattan. thx | 15:56 |
khertan | have a good meeting :) | 15:56 |
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khertan | %define _unpackaged_files_terminate_build 0 <<< the magic define to be able to build python package with python setup.py | 16:16 |
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hiemanshu | khertan: FU, still new order here :( :( | 16:30 |
hiemanshu | well nothing today then :( | 16:31 |
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hiemanshu | cpscotti: http://twitter.com/#!/Summeli/status/90415959336157186 | 16:44 |
rm_work | hiemanshu: same :( | 16:44 |
rm_work | still "New Order" for me :( | 16:45 |
rm_work | did more people actually get theirs shipped today? | 16:45 |
hiemanshu | rm_work: well fucking nokia, I am not going to develop anything for them now, untill N9 releases and its 2 months old | 16:45 |
hiemanshu | rm_work: yes, like khertan | 16:45 |
hiemanshu | and a few more | 16:45 |
cpscotti | hiemanshu, god! this is getting bad... | 16:45 |
hiemanshu | s/months/years/ | 16:45 |
hiemanshu | cpscotti: yeah, and well its almost the end of the day there in .fi | 16:46 |
rm_work | wtf | 16:46 |
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deimos | rm_work, me too since 7 jul :( | 16:46 |
khertan | rm_work, yep i got it shipped today and with tracking number | 16:46 |
rm_work | people really getting pissed off because Nokia is taking a while to loan them a device, for free? :/ | 16:46 |
cpscotti | hiemanshu, I see the day tomorrow taking the same course it did today.. lots of hope in the beginning and then hate at the end | 16:46 |
hiemanshu | and they said they will ship within one business day | 16:46 |
hiemanshu | yup | 16:46 |
nmjnb | Hi everyone. I've got some trouble with my N900, it won't connect to Nokia Ovi Suite. | 16:46 |
deimos | khertan, when you made the order ? | 16:46 |
khertan | 7 jully 12h27 fi time | 16:47 |
nmjnb | I didn't need it before but recently I tried the "Kernel Power" kernel, and now I'm trying to reverse it without luck. | 16:47 |
rm_work | seems a little odd, but i guess they should expect that... when you make people feel entitled to something, they get pissed off when you are slow at providing it, even when you didn't have to provide it in the first place and are doing them a favor <_< | 16:48 |
nmjnb | So I was thinking of flashing the OS | 16:48 |
rm_work | it's not like we're paying them a bunch of money | 16:48 |
khertan | rm_work, it s human | 16:48 |
hiemanshu | rm_work: well esp when a big company like nokia takes a whole fucking week to ship something | 16:48 |
rm_work | :/ | 16:48 |
hiemanshu | khertan: they cant handle 500 orders in one day? | 16:48 |
rm_work | you made the order on thursday, no? | 16:49 |
khertan | rm_work, and this prove that we have interest in there device | 16:49 |
hiemanshu | rm_work: yes | 16:49 |
rm_work | that means there's only been 2-3 working days now | 16:49 |
khertan | hiemanshu, probably when it s done in an office and not a the production center | 16:49 |
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khertan | hiemanshu, and they probably reflash them all before packing them | 16:49 |
rm_work | and they are probably not equipped for this kind of rush | 16:49 |
rm_work | just calm down and give them some credit for doing this program in the first place | 16:49 |
khertan | it s come from the 5th floor | 16:49 |
khertan | :) | 16:50 |
rm_work | and wait :P | 16:50 |
hiemanshu | rm_work: thats stupid, if they weren't equipped for it, they shouldn't have let me order it | 16:50 |
fiferboy | rm_work: New Order for me too | 16:50 |
fiferboy | Maybe they're doing North America last? | 16:50 |
rm_work | i'm excited, and i'm disappointed it's not shipping yet, but i don't feel like i have a right to get pissed at them for it :/ | 16:50 |
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rm_work | they're doing me a favor, for free, because they decided to | 16:50 |
khertan | you didn't order it ... you ask it :) they give it free remember | 16:50 |
khertan | :) | 16:50 |
rm_work | and quim and others have put in a LOT of work | 16:50 |
nmjnb | What are you all waiting for? demo samples of the N950? | 16:51 |
hiemanshu | rm_work: we are doing them a favour too for free | 16:51 |
rm_work | I don't look at it that way, so much | 16:51 |
rm_work | i guess if you were JUST developing because you want to help them? | 16:51 |
hiemanshu | rm_work: we shouldn't have to fix stuff the lazy coders there forget to add | 16:51 |
hiemanshu | but its just me | 16:51 |
rm_work | but i'm developing because i want to use this phone and make it the best experience for me and others | 16:51 |
rm_work | :/ | 16:52 |
hiemanshu | I am pissed for multiple reasons, plus I have a hangover :P | 16:52 |
rm_work | admittedly, their development department is sometimes frustrating, but honestly they're doing better than a lot of other companies at open-sourcing at least | 16:52 |
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rm_work | and they're being strangled at the corporate level at the same time and fighting just to exist | 16:53 |
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khertan | the thing that pissed me off is the qml switch | 16:53 |
khertan | :) | 16:53 |
hiemanshu | khertan: do you think they will manually flash images? really? | 16:54 |
hiemanshu | I would hire interns to do that kind of work, packaging/flashing, etc | 16:54 |
khertan | hiemanshu, they do it manually before n900 loan at maemo summit in 2009 :) | 16:54 |
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rzr | hi guerby | 16:55 |
khertan | ask to tekojo ... :) | 16:55 |
rm_work | yeah it was ridiculous | 16:55 |
hiemanshu | MEH, its the end of the day in .fi, and this is pissing off really, I would expect a company like Nokia to be really fast | 16:55 |
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rzr | guerby: u talked about compilefarms last time we met at hsf, do they support scratchbox ? | 16:56 |
GAN900 | ieatlint, build number, not day of the week. | 16:58 |
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hiemanshu | GAN900: shipped yet? | 17:00 |
achipa | rm_work: khertan: hiemanshu: guys, note that the DDP is a bit different channel than retail, so there is a lot more overhead. Plus meego.com is not the only channel (see launchpad, Qt Ambassadors, etc), so there are actually a fair number of people to be dealt with | 17:00 |
frals | 15:45:21 < hiemanshu> rm_work: well fucking nokia, I am not going to develop anything for them now, untill N9 releases and its 2 months old | 17:00 |
frals | lol | 17:00 |
hiemanshu | frals: hah :P | 17:00 |
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frals | we can forward that to the person responsible if you want | 17:00 |
hiemanshu | achipa: I know, just ranting :P | 17:00 |
frals | im sure the device can go to someone who wants it instead ;) | 17:01 |
hiemanshu | frals: naaah, just ranting :P | 17:01 |
achipa | frals: don't need to, I'm right here :) | 17:01 |
frals | achipa: ^^ | 17:01 |
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khertan | achipa, this is why i try to explain with my word :) | 17:01 |
GAN900 | hiemanshu, not yet. | 17:01 |
GAN900 | khertan, not fair, my order was placed at 12:04 Finnish time! | 17:02 |
hiemanshu | GAN900: its completely random, someone who ordered much later than me got their shipped | 17:02 |
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hiemanshu | achipa: are the devices flashed manually before being sent? | 17:02 |
khertan | GAN900, when you have a ton of things to send, you didn't care about order ... you try to send the whole things as fast as possible | 17:03 |
GAN900 | I'm still convinced it's just one unpaid summer intern. | 17:03 |
khertan | ;) | 17:03 |
hiemanshu | GAN900: working part-time :P | 17:03 |
khertan | GAN900, it s fair for unpaid device | 17:03 |
khertan | :) | 17:03 |
achipa | hiemanshu: no, we have cyborg aliens for that purpose :) | 17:04 |
hiemanshu | achipa: hah | 17:04 |
GAN900 | khertan, fair or not, it seems like Nokia would want to get these things out quickly. | 17:04 |
hiemanshu | well anyways, I just need the device to test what I have done so far, SDK/sbox doesn't cut it really | 17:05 |
hiemanshu | achipa: ^ | 17:05 |
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rm_work | achipa / frals: exactly why I'm telling people to CALM THE F#*% down and be happy they're going to all this effort :P | 17:06 |
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GAN900 | qemu is impressively slow. | 17:06 |
achipa | we're approving/sending as fast as we can, as said, the process has a bandwidth and not much we can do about it (it's as if you get into a traffic jam and say 'well just build a couple of extra lanes') | 17:06 |
hiemanshu | achipa: yeah, and we are just the angry people in the jam waiting to get to work :) | 17:07 |
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GAN900 | Daniel Wilms and his jig just can't flash fast enough. | 17:07 |
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GAN900 | Remember kids, everytime you complain about the shipping delay he docks you another week number on your firmware. | 17:09 |
hiemanshu | :( | 17:09 |
GAN900 | At least Thursday is about the cutoff for "one week" | 17:09 |
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khertan | GAN900, we are the 11th jully, the deadline for submission was the 28th june, result was given few day after, ... it s less than two weeks | 17:10 |
GAN900 | khertan, Nokia's estimated ship date from the DDP | 17:10 |
khertan | GAN900, i found that it s pretty fast for a dead plateform, dead didn't walk normally :) | 17:10 |
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pabs3 | does anyone know who runs http://www.octofish.net/bugjar/ ? | 17:11 |
khertan | GAN900, i didn't get estimated date :) | 17:11 |
GAN900 | khertan, either the email or the order summary page said to expect shipment within a week. | 17:11 |
khertan | GAN900, a week ... 11 - 7 - 2 day of week end ... | 17:12 |
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khertan | less than a week :) | 17:12 |
GAN900 | exactly | 17:13 |
lcuk | pabs3, sjgadsby | 17:13 |
khertan | and dhl isn't better ... no estimated date ... | 17:13 |
GAN900 | Hopefully that means it'll ve here by Friday and not Monday | 17:14 |
khertan | i just hope dhl will not lost himself, or lost my precious like the two other time | 17:14 |
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hiemanshu | GAN900: it said expect it to arrive by then :P | 17:19 |
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hiemanshu | achipa: anyways, any idea if we will get a newer N950 image? | 17:28 |
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achipa | hiemanshu: newer than... ? | 17:34 |
hiemanshu | achipa: the 22-6 ones that others hae | 17:34 |
achipa | no, that's the one for all N950s | 17:35 |
hiemanshu | ah ok | 17:35 |
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alterego | So, what are the order state changes? I've still got "New Order" :) | 17:39 |
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Jaffa | alterego: New order -> Device sent to customer IIRC | 17:41 |
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Jaffa | alterego: Then you're in DHL land, "Received shipping information" -> "Collected" -> "With delivery courier" -> "Delivered" | 17:41 |
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alterego | Cool, | 17:43 |
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alterego | Probably nothing will happen until tomorrow then | 17:43 |
alterego | :) | 17:43 |
* alterego waits patiently :) | 17:44 | |
hiemanshu | alterego: yeah, waiting here too | 17:44 |
Jaffa | alterego: Mine got picked up from Helsinki at 1900 Helsinki time | 17:44 |
Jaffa | alterego: Although it sat for hours in "Device sent to customer" | 17:45 |
alterego | :) | 17:45 |
alterego | Well, we'll see. | 17:45 |
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fiferboy | alterego: At least you've been acknowledged now | 17:54 |
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hiemanshu | cpscotti: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lGikV3oOW50 <--- more torture :P | 18:02 |
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cpscotti | hiemanshu, lol! I don't wanna watch this! ughh! stopped before he opened the box.. I'll leave that as a surprise! hehe | 18:04 |
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hiemanshu | cpscotti: its no suprise really | 18:07 |
hiemanshu | cpscotti: everyone knows there is a phone and USB cable inside that :P | 18:07 |
cpscotti | hehe. I know.. I saw the box and everything inside at a meetup here.. but anyway.. | 18:08 |
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hiemanshu | cpscotti: the device looks lovely, cant wait to get my hands on it :P | 18:11 |
cpscotti | hiemanshu, yep! same here.. but it's proving quite hard to do so.. eheh | 18:12 |
alterego | fiferboy: indeed, always nice to be acknowledged ;) | 18:13 |
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hiemanshu | cpscotti: yeah, well there is no video of the N950 booting up, I'll make one once I get mine | 18:13 |
hiemanshu | cpscotti: and N900 vs N950 comparison | 18:13 |
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cpscotti | hiemanshu, cool.. btw anyone knows how far the beast can be overclocked up to? | 18:14 |
cpscotti | (just out of curiosity) | 18:14 |
cpscotti | hehe | 18:14 |
hiemanshu | cpscotti: overclocking is a nice way to kill your device | 18:15 |
hiemanshu | cpscotti: but 3630 can be OCed upto 1200 without hurting it, and around 1.6Ghz | 18:15 |
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cpscotti | well.. as far as the n900 goes, overclocking is a nice way to Rock your device | 18:16 |
cpscotti | "live fast, die young" | 18:16 |
cpscotti | all devices will eventually die young anyway | 18:16 |
alterego | Heh | 18:16 |
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DocScrutinizer | cpscotti: to 7.75GHz | 18:19 |
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cpscotti | DocScrutinizer, you're kidding right? | 18:20 |
cpscotti | bring the ice! | 18:20 |
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DocScrutinizer | noooo, it's all true. this is a 1337 device, you can even OC to 16.31415926GHz but we don't want to make you feel bad with your lame 900 | 18:22 |
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DocScrutinizer | don't you think Nokia considered which clock is the best to save them lots of repair costs during the max 2years warranty while maximizing the thrill and sales of *any* of their devices? | 18:23 |
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DocScrutinizer | soo if you're so venturous then please accept you WON'T SELL YOUR DEVICE after you overclocked it, and YOU WONT GET WARRANTY REPAIR when the device breaks during the 2 years warranty time. What makes you think you are using the device so much less than the average user so you can get away with running it OCed for 2 years? | 18:26 |
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flux | so, how many broken OC devices are there around? the quoted statistics hasn't really made me a believer that it's likely to brick a device that way. | 18:27 |
flux | it seems that in about 95% of cases the reason for n900 dying is a malfunctionin usb port.. | 18:28 |
DocScrutinizer | or are you so convinced there'll be a better device or even just a spare N900 when your device breaks after 6 months | 18:28 |
flux | I sure hope so. | 18:28 |
flux | so I just need to be extra careful with my usb port for the next 6 months.. | 18:30 |
* DocScrutinizer sels flux a 220V->300V transformer so this guy can "overclock" arbitrary appliances. Image!! OCed incandescent bulbs! Buy 40W get 100W brightness ;-P | 18:31 | |
flux | docscrutinizer, have you btw noticed that incandescent bulps are used at their ~full capacity for extended periods of time? | 18:31 |
flux | whereas on a mobile device I hope to use the full capacity for a few seconds, or perhaps fractions of a second, at a time. | 18:32 |
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DocScrutinizer | HAHAHAHA | 18:32 |
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DocScrutinizer | now this sentence fully qualifies you for OCing to 100GHz, next step will be infinity | 18:33 |
flux | I haven't actually OC'd my device. I'm just dubious about the scale of the bad effects it is advertised as having. | 18:34 |
DocScrutinizer | ~omap-oc | 18:35 |
infobot | somebody said omap-oc was http://mg.pov.lt/maemo-irclog/%23maemo.2010-08-01.log.html#t2010-08-01T22:16:05 read that!, or and this http://mg.pov.lt/maemo-irclog/%23maemo.2011-03-11.log.html#t2011-03-11T03:04:11 | 18:35 |
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DocScrutinizer | the second link should tell you enough, if you're really so scientifically touched | 18:36 |
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flux | so, it appears I've run 0.75 cpu hours a day currently. asusming it's 600MHz, at 800MHz that would be around 0.56h per day. so that 1000h hour 800MHz would be around four years. | 18:39 |
flux | sounds OK to me. | 18:39 |
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DocScrutinizer | this calculation isn't exactly based on correct assumptions: much of the CPU hours the CPU spends with polling and similar waiting for slower parts of the system. As you can't OC e.g RAM or esp MMC similar and same amount you could do with CPU, your CPU hours won't reduce liner to clock increase | 18:47 |
DocScrutinizer | linear* | 18:48 |
DocScrutinizer | and you know your CPU is running at full speed during all your call times? | 18:49 |
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DocScrutinizer | while the modem TX adds to overall heatup of device and thus is pushing CPU temp, so the degradation factor multiplies another time | 18:49 |
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DocScrutinizer | maybe *you* have only 30 min cals per month, average user may have like 90min a day | 18:50 |
kerio | i thought nerds didn't talk | 18:51 |
DocScrutinizer | then maybe pandora is the device for you | 18:51 |
DocScrutinizer | I thought nerds watch youtube videos a lot - flash->max_cpu_clock plus internet-download->modem_at_max | 18:52 |
kerio | zomg, it's really cool | 18:53 |
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DocScrutinizer | same thing like a call | 18:53 |
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kerio | holy shit 440€ | 18:54 |
kerio | that's a lot ( | 18:55 |
kerio | :( | 18:55 |
DocScrutinizer | not for a 1kg brick of platin - what are you talking about? | 18:56 |
kerio | pandora | 18:56 |
cpscotti | DocScrutinizer, I totally agree OC is a crazy thing but then again, isn't the experiment worth? I'm not saying nokia doesn't have a reason to set the clock as they do. What I'm saying is that I'm up for the adventure sometimes. | 18:56 |
hiemanshu | cpscotti: http://forum.meego.com/showpost.php?p=25686&postcount=577 | 18:56 |
hiemanshu | DocScrutinizer: well if you want to watch DivX formats on the phone, you need to OC, or there is a lag in the video :( | 18:56 |
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cpscotti | hiemanshu, haehae.. whenver u post a link it's like I already know what I'll find but I click anyway.. lol :D | 18:57 |
DocScrutinizer | cpscotti: fair enough, as long as you know what you're doing, are not hyping it for noobs, and agree on the don't-sell&don't_ask_for_warranty policy | 18:57 |
hiemanshu | cpscotti: thats love :P | 18:57 |
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hiemanshu | DocScrutinizer: well that and dont rant about it | 18:58 |
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hiemanshu | cpscotti: something different http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zn7-fVtT16k | 18:58 |
cpscotti | DocScrutinizer, well.. I'd say most of my CS/hardware knowledge came from playing with something without knowing what I'm doing.. but of course accepting whatever consequences it might bring | 18:59 |
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RST38h | moo javispedro | 18:59 |
cpscotti | totally agree with the don't-sell&don't_ask_for_wrrrnty | 18:59 |
filip | hi :) | 18:59 |
DocScrutinizer | javispedro: moo | 18:59 |
kerio | why "don't ask for warranty"? o:) | 18:59 |
cpscotti | but the guys that stole my n900 will probably sell it anyway.. can't help on that | 19:00 |
filip | I am an open source contributor (for example kernel support for jornada7xx), and enjoy hacking. Would you rather suggest a nokia n900 or motorola milestone? | 19:00 |
kerio | n900, definetely | 19:00 |
filip | I am afraid of maemo being the dead end on an n900 after nokia's fail | 19:00 |
hiemanshu | filip: if you ask here, N900, if you are in android forums, milestone | 19:01 |
DocScrutinizer | kerio: because otherwise that'll cause what already happened: Nokia will discontinue the device due to economic disaster from RMA | 19:01 |
filip | does maemo get any funding for development? | 19:01 |
kerio | DocScrutinizer: if it already happened, what's the problem? | 19:01 |
DocScrutinizer | kerio: let's just say OC gave use spare N8 for N900-repair | 19:01 |
cpscotti | kerio, it's like.. it can't get any worse.. so from now on it's just happiness | 19:02 |
kerio | do they still repair N900s? | 19:02 |
DocScrutinizer | no they don't | 19:02 |
kerio | DocScrutinizer: will you repair my n900? :( | 19:02 |
hiemanshu | so if they dont repair N900s and I give mine for repair, do I get a N8 for an extra cost? | 19:02 |
filip | btw, is nokia n9 buyable? | 19:03 |
DocScrutinizer | N900 obviously TOTALLY discontinued, they don't even have swap devices | 19:03 |
hiemanshu | yes | 19:03 |
cpscotti | filip, basically.. everyone I know that owned a n900 still owns it and loves it.. | 19:03 |
cpscotti | (random people included) | 19:03 |
DocScrutinizer | kerio: no | 19:03 |
Jaffa | hiemanshu: No, I got an N8 instead. Swapped it for an E7 | 19:03 |
kerio | DocScrutinizer: but my usb port is still broken! | 19:03 |
filip | cpscotti: do I understand correctly that meego is a 'merge' of maemo and moblin? | 19:03 |
hiemanshu | Jaffa: yes but yours was in warranty | 19:03 |
chem|st | DocScrutinizer: I would swap for a n900 or a n950 in order of appearance and nothing else! | 19:04 |
DocScrutinizer | kerio: find somebody else to repair it please | 19:04 |
cpscotti | filip, politically yes.. technically no. | 19:04 |
kerio | really though, is there someone who knows how to repair n900s? | 19:04 |
chem|st | kerio: solder it? | 19:04 |
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cpscotti | filip, and harmattan is not meego anyway.. | 19:04 |
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filip | cpscotti: so ppl here are generally not very much involved with meego? | 19:04 |
DocScrutinizer | kerio: there are good USB-repair thread on tmo | 19:04 |
chem|st | filip: this is #maemo... | 19:05 |
cpscotti | humm.. I thing we'd say pretty much everyone's involved with qt and linux | 19:05 |
DocScrutinizer | and there are a few cellphone service points in almost every town | 19:05 |
javispedro | mooo | 19:05 |
DocScrutinizer | bring the two together | 19:05 |
kerio | DocScrutinizer: but that would require me to go on TMO | 19:05 |
cpscotti | filip, the bits in between are a bit cloudy | 19:05 |
cpscotti | s/thing/think | 19:05 |
filip | I'm just wondering why development hasn't moved to meego | 19:05 |
filip | is there something you don't like about it? | 19:05 |
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DocScrutinizer | filip: for now maemo5 still is the most usable most mature OS for N900 | 19:06 |
DocScrutinizer | with the best support "app-wise" | 19:07 |
trx | also, there were no devices that run meego | 19:07 |
filip | trx: it has been partially ported to the n900 | 19:07 |
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trx | yeap | 19:07 |
trx | and community partialy moved to meego.. | 19:07 |
filip | well I think that in the open source world the main scarcity is developers time | 19:08 |
DocScrutinizer | kerio: if you're interested, I got a bookmark colection for USB repair | 19:08 |
filip | that makes me wonder why the force is being split between meego and maemo | 19:08 |
villager | meego partially ported isn't good enough for me to use it regularly, so I'll continue developing for maemo for a while | 19:08 |
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kerio | DocScrutinizer: well i suppose i am, the alternative is a n8 | 19:08 |
kerio | unless they'll eventually swap my phone with a n9 | 19:09 |
javispedro | GeneralAntilles: so, where's the hating? | 19:09 |
ShadowJK | I don't think "partially ported" is a good description. It just happens that plain MeeGo does almost nothing :) | 19:10 |
gri_ | the dhl delivery guy knows how to work: let the n950 package stay in the garden without any notification | 19:10 |
DocScrutinizer | ~usb-fix is <reply> Fixate receptacle like this: http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?p=547991#post547991 - get the pic.zip form there http://talk.maemo.org/showpost.php?p=870017&postcount=27 for details how to deal with contact pads came off | 19:10 |
infobot | okay, DocScrutinizer | 19:10 |
DocScrutinizer | ~tell kerio about usb-fix | 19:11 |
filip | so the best open source smartphone is atm the n900? | 19:13 |
kerio | ty | 19:13 |
villager | filip: I don't think you need to assume that community-written software couldn't run on both maemo and meego (and maemo and meego themselves aren't written by the community anyway, but by paid engineers) | 19:13 |
kerio | i doubt i'll be able to do that myself though, i don't have a solder gun or the required manuality | 19:13 |
DocScrutinizer | filip: many here will answer "yes" | 19:13 |
DocScrutinizer | incl me | 19:13 |
kerio | filip: technically there are no open source phones | 19:13 |
filip | DocScrutinizer: what could be better? freerunner is hardly usable... | 19:14 |
filip | kerio: yeah, I mean something more open than androi | 19:14 |
kerio | the openmoko devices get close, and the n900 is somewhat behind | 19:14 |
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kerio | oh, absolutely then | 19:14 |
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filip | kerio: and n900 can be hacked to support usb host 2.0? | 19:15 |
kerio | DocScrutinizer: do you think a somewhat skilled technician will be able to do it? | 19:15 |
kerio | filip: you mean in host mode? | 19:15 |
kerio | it's already there | 19:15 |
filip | kerio: yup | 19:15 |
DocScrutinizer | filip: future devices incl future OS *could* be better - I don't see this happen any time soon | 19:15 |
kerio | it just works badly | 19:15 |
kerio | :) | 19:15 |
DocScrutinizer | kerio: definitely | 19:15 |
DocScrutinizer | ~lart kerio | 19:16 |
* infobot pushes the wall down onto kerio whilst whistling innocently | 19:16 | |
filip | kerio: what are the problems? | 19:16 |
kerio | hey, it *does* work badly! | 19:16 |
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filip | kerio: I was wondering about a possibility of using n900 with a bluetooth mouse, usb keyboard and a displaylink video device | 19:16 |
kerio | filip: well, there's tv-out, which is *kinda* what you want | 19:16 |
DocScrutinizer | kerio: you are *using* it badly! ;-P | 19:17 |
filip | kerio: 720x574 is hardly more than the 800x480 internal display :P | 19:17 |
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kerio | DocScrutinizer: i am not using it, pay attention | 19:17 |
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kerio | my usb port is brok | 19:17 |
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DocScrutinizer | kerio: so yeah, obviously USB hostmode works badly for *you* then | 19:18 |
kerio | it's sad because it's true :( | 19:18 |
kerio | filip: do you really care about the "phone" part? | 19:18 |
hiemanshu | DocScrutinizer: anything for the N950 yet? | 19:18 |
kerio | because apparently the pandora is better | 19:18 |
DocScrutinizer | filip: | 19:18 |
DocScrutinizer | ~hostmode | 19:19 |
infobot | extra, extra, read all about it, hostmode is http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=65232 | 19:19 |
DocScrutinizer | and | 19:19 |
DocScrutinizer | ~hostmode-charging | 19:19 |
infobot | extra, extra, read all about it, hostmode-powered is http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?p=921203#post921203 | 19:19 |
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Jaffa | javispedro: Shiny | 19:20 |
javispedro | indeed. | 19:20 |
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DocScrutinizer | hiemanshu: regarding hostmode? yeah, we are as fsckd as I expected | 19:20 |
* javispedro was impressed when flicking through the time zone list | 19:20 | |
DocScrutinizer | hiemanshu: so will be fun again ;-D | 19:20 |
Jaffa | First phone I've had where one of the shipped ring tones is one I quite like | 19:20 |
hiemanshu | DocScrutinizer: hah, well any chances of getting the schematics, or should I put my ninja suit on? :P | 19:21 |
DocScrutinizer | Jaffa: DUH, which one? | 19:21 |
Jaffa | "Blip" is quite sci-fiey and distinctive, without being an annoying tune | 19:21 |
javispedro | the bootsplash is very webos1 like ;) | 19:21 |
Jaffa | javispedro: Ari's influence? ;-) | 19:21 |
DocScrutinizer | hiemanshu: ninja suit is OK | 19:21 |
hiemanshu | javispedro: you got yours? | 19:21 |
DocScrutinizer | Jaffa: lemme check | 19:22 |
javispedro | yep! | 19:22 |
hiemanshu | javispedro: you lucky bastard :( | 19:22 |
javispedro | seems that one of my worries about the UI (that the swiping out thing would be tiresome) has disappeared. | 19:23 |
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DocScrutinizer | Jaffa: that's ALL? I'm tempted to sort my glasses on the board and blame my neighbour | 19:23 |
javispedro | for some reason though, when holding it in portrait, it's best to swipe from right to left otherwise I hit sensitivity issues. | 19:23 |
javispedro | but the opposite direction works very well. | 19:24 |
hiemanshu | javispedro: does the phone need charging before the first use? | 19:24 |
gri_ | no | 19:24 |
* hiemanshu wants to know because I want to make a unboxing video | 19:24 | |
hiemanshu | with powering it on, etc | 19:24 |
ruskie | liion/lipo don't need charging for first use | 19:25 |
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DocScrutinizer | Jaffa: how's about "Noise Experiment" or "Retrobot" or even "Roboioioi" | 19:25 |
gri_ | mine had 75% load at arrving | 19:25 |
DocScrutinizer | ;-P | 19:25 |
ruskie | usual stored charge is ~70% iirc | 19:25 |
ruskie | for li* bats | 19:25 |
hiemanshu | ah awesome! | 19:25 |
ruskie | anyway sharing those ringtones? | 19:25 |
ruskie | erm anyone even | 19:25 |
hiemanshu | well once I get my device I might | 19:26 |
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DocScrutinizer | hiemanshu: no, doesn't need charging, but hooking up to N900 wallcharger soonish won't hurt neither your video nor the device. Be aware though the screen is covered by a completely opaque protector ;-P | 19:27 |
ruskie | fun | 19:27 |
ruskie | I can see that going... wtf it's not working... | 19:27 |
ruskie | return to sender | 19:28 |
hiemanshu | DocScrutinizer: yeah, will make sure about that :) | 19:28 |
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DocScrutinizer | fooled me quite a bit first time XP | 19:28 |
hiemanshu | <--- dinner | 19:28 |
filip | kerio: yes I do, that's the primary function for me :) | 19:28 |
kerio | filip: then... tough shit, i suppose :P | 19:29 |
kerio | i guess that it could work with easydebian though | 19:30 |
DocScrutinizer | hiemanshu: ruskie: http://share.ovi.com/media/joerg900.public/joerg900.10140 | 19:30 |
kerio | install a kernel module to get the fb device, then run X on it from easydebian | 19:30 |
filip | that could be funny | 19:31 |
DocScrutinizer | javispedro: you got your N950? \o/ | 19:31 |
javispedro | yes | 19:32 |
* javispedro fails to enter his wpa password using vkb | 19:32 | |
GeneralAntilles | javispedro, HATE | 19:32 |
GeneralAntilles | javispedro, did you meet DHL? | 19:32 |
javispedro | yes, funny guy, only took like 8h </grumble> | 19:33 |
fiferboy | Just curious, has anyone in North America gotten a device? | 19:33 |
javispedro | why the hell the device comes preloaded by Baidu and lots of chinese bookmarks? | 19:34 |
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GeneralAntilles | fiferboy, probably qole, but they just sent him one to make us irritated. | 19:34 |
fiferboy | qole has his? | 19:34 |
DocScrutinizer | javispedro: ??? | 19:35 |
javispedro | oh. | 19:35 |
javispedro | I can guess why | 19:35 |
Jaffa | javispedro: ??? Mine didn't. | 19:35 |
javispedro | I selected Spain as region, and probably Spain comes with China bookmarks. | 19:35 |
Jaffa | That isn't particularly obvious | 19:35 |
GeneralAntilles | fiferboy, no, but that would be my assumption. | 19:35 |
* DocScrutinizer wonders if he knows where to look for bookmarks at all | 19:36 | |
RST38h | javispedro; you already received the device/ | 19:36 |
javispedro | yep | 19:36 |
DocScrutinizer | the browser startscreen is pretty annoying and messed up | 19:36 |
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Jaffa | Actually, good question. I only thought you had bookmarks through "Add to apps" | 19:38 |
gri_ | Jaffa: Is it normal that the n950 syncs contacts with the n900 and all are lost after a reboot? (used your wiki descriptions for that) | 19:39 |
javispedro | nah, browser home page is bookmarks, like on n900 | 19:39 |
javispedro | albeit instead of small thumnails it shows horizontally large vertically clipped | 19:39 |
DocScrutinizer | *cough* the one with lots of rubbish like "Welcome to the..." (SIC!) and "welcome to the Corporate..." (SIC!) ? | 19:40 |
hiemanshu | DocScrutinizer: ah, I noticed that :P | 19:41 |
DocScrutinizer | also hooray for this page not zoomable | 19:41 |
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javispedro | question: does touchscreen vibration work? | 19:41 |
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DocScrutinizer | hiemanshu: a pity, the protector foil kinda looks WAAAY cooler then the glary glass actual screen ;-P | 19:42 |
DocScrutinizer | than* | 19:43 |
DocScrutinizer | or was it "glossy"? | 19:43 |
hiemanshu | DocScrutinizer: yeah, I would went wow, seeing it for the first time, and then I realized its just a protector | 19:43 |
hiemanshu | s/would // | 19:43 |
infobot | hiemanshu meant: DocScrutinizer: yeah, I went wow, seeing it for the first time, and then I realized its just a protector | 19:43 |
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hiemanshu | DocScrutinizer: the missing camera/sensors give it away | 19:44 |
DocScrutinizer | indeed | 19:45 |
DocScrutinizer | yet I never before bothered about removing protector foild prior to first functional tests ;-P | 19:46 |
DocScrutinizer | so I went "WTF?!" on powering N950 up | 19:46 |
GeneralAntilles | I see Lenovo opted for a shitty LCD panel with their U1 tablet. | 19:46 |
hiemanshu | DocScrutinizer: and stupidity strikes again! :P | 19:47 |
DocScrutinizer | ~lart all glossy LCD | 19:47 |
* infobot beats all glossy LCD senseless with a 50lb Unix manual | 19:47 | |
javispedro | DocScrutinizer: does vibrator feedback when tapping work for you? | 19:47 |
javispedro | I can't get either sound nor vibra feedback, despite feedbackd running. | 19:47 |
DocScrutinizer | hiemanshu: I was just so happy about the matte black screen, I guess | 19:47 |
DocScrutinizer | javispedro: yes | 19:48 |
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DocScrutinizer | faintly | 19:48 |
* javispedro grumbles | 19:48 | |
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DocScrutinizer | or actually only rarely | 19:48 |
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hiemanshu | DocScrutinizer: matte screens on mobiles isn't really common | 19:49 |
DocScrutinizer | setings-dound_and_vib | 19:49 |
DocScrutinizer | sound* | 19:49 |
hiemanshu | DocScrutinizer: esp when you expect mobiles to have perfect colors and everything | 19:49 |
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DocScrutinizer | javispedro: or not at all actually, just booting after ramping everyting up in settings | 19:52 |
DocScrutinizer | javispedro: nope, no feedback | 19:52 |
javispedro | ah, ok, Iwas starting to think broken vibra.. | 19:53 |
javispedro | fortunately though I just realized that if you set it on silent it briefly vibrates, and that does work. | 19:53 |
DocScrutinizer | power-on kick also WFM | 19:54 |
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DocScrutinizer | however the GUI and UX is a mix of 90% WOW and 10% WTF | 19:56 |
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DocScrutinizer | while maemo5 is like 80% WOW, 18% "thank God for that, it's classic", and 2% "meh, this is clearly a case for CSSU" | 19:57 |
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DocScrutinizer | a friggin lot isn't working in landscape at all, a clear reminiscence to N9 | 19:59 |
javispedro | time to see what this usb sdk mode is for. | 19:59 |
DocScrutinizer | o.O | 19:59 |
DocScrutinizer | ??? | 19:59 |
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DocScrutinizer | remote GDB etc? | 20:00 |
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javispedro | seems usbnet | 20:00 |
DocScrutinizer | mass storage for installing the SDK to PC? | 20:00 |
DocScrutinizer | :nod: | 20:00 |
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DocScrutinizer | ~ping | 20:02 |
infobot | ~pong | 20:02 |
DocScrutinizer | DARN, the friggin cdc_ether killed my eth0 | 20:02 |
* DocScrutinizer unpluggs 950 from laptop | 20:03 | |
DocScrutinizer | this thing DOES NOT EVEN HAVE a SIM, still advertises on USB as NIC | 20:04 |
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DocScrutinizer | btw sth that never woked like that with N900 for me | 20:04 |
DocScrutinizer | obviously overdone | 20:05 |
DocScrutinizer | for harm | 20:05 |
DocScrutinizer | well, I should blame knetworkmanager or what that thing is | 20:06 |
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* DocScrutinizer has moved the USB plug back from PC to wallcharger ;-) | 20:06 | |
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DocScrutinizer | javispedro: tell me when you start to tackle aegis and kernel :-D | 20:07 |
DocScrutinizer | aegis<tabtab> is interesting | 20:08 |
DocScrutinizer | but same time puzzling | 20:08 |
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DocScrutinizer | ~seen MohammadAG | 20:08 |
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infobot | mohammadag is currently on #maemo #meego. Has said a total of 77 messages. Is idling for 4h 37m 22s, last said: 'yeah, totally our fault'. | 20:08 |
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* javispedro ponders what the "password" field in SDK connectivity is, considering the password seems to always be rootme no matter what.. | 20:15 | |
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DocScrutinizer | where? | 20:19 |
DocScrutinizer | I gather you're playing with USB SDK mode? | 20:20 |
javispedro | yes | 20:20 |
DocScrutinizer | I'm wondering if the global policy for developer-mode in aegis is way too restrictive. I'd hope for a developr-mode that basically disables all aegis checks | 20:21 |
* javispedro wants to try his SDL before bricking the device ;) | 20:21 | |
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DocScrutinizer | if you want aegis "protection" then there's "normal" mode for that | 20:22 |
DocScrutinizer | in devel-mode aegis ought not bother about manifests for binaries at all, please | 20:22 |
frals | DocScrutinizer: agreed | 20:23 |
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DocScrutinizer | so where do we open this ticket? whom do we pester to fix the issue? | 20:23 |
DocScrutinizer | NB I'm fine with e.g mediaplayer not (fully?) functional in devel-mode - if that's an implication of completely open mode | 20:24 |
DocScrutinizer | I don't need CSS to work in mediaplayer, when I'm in devel-mode | 20:25 |
DocScrutinizer | I'm happy with videos with CSS simply not playing | 20:26 |
DocScrutinizer | but honestly, that's what aegis mode switching is all about, to allow such a policy | 20:27 |
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DocScrutinizer | a devel-mode that's still restricitve is nonsense | 20:27 |
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javispedro | one interesting consequence of the swipe out thing is that by default you leave applications open instead of closing them | 20:28 |
javispedro | hope the GiB will be enough for that. | 20:28 |
frals | after that cgroups hopefully terminates the right thing ;) | 20:28 |
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javispedro | more worries | 20:29 |
javispedro | cause that's what android would do :( | 20:29 |
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frals | well what do you do when out of memory? | 20:29 |
javispedro | it's just a different approach | 20:30 |
DocScrutinizer | javispedro: (leave open) already mentioned and critizised it | 20:30 |
frals | DocScrutinizer: swipe from top closes in later releases | 20:30 |
SpeedEvil | javispedro: yeah - it took me ages to work out how to close apps. | 20:30 |
SpeedEvil | (on the rda) | 20:30 |
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javispedro | on fremantle user is the one say "ok, I want this application so much I'm willing to let it waste my precious memory to let it do whatever it is doing" | 20:31 |
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DocScrutinizer | frals: <quote me> with swipe-from-top to close apps the gui is almost nice</quote> (OWTTE) | 20:31 |
javispedro | the android way is "the user is an idiot, let's just run all applications and a wizard will choose which ones we close" | 20:31 |
javispedro | harmattan seems like a weird compromise. | 20:32 |
frals | javispedro: and when the system is out of memory, what happens? :) | 20:32 |
frals | roulette with all pids? :D | 20:32 |
GeneralAntilles | Yeah, I prefer Fremantle's approach. | 20:32 |
GeneralAntilles | I'm more than capable of dealing with my own failings. | 20:32 |
frals | id say harmattan is more like, if the user wants to close something he can do it, otherwise we have this fallback for people who have no clue whats going on | 20:32 |
javispedro | frals: on Diablo you got a "out of memory" _before_ launching an app. | 20:32 |
javispedro | on Fremantle I don't think I ever had an out of memory event. | 20:32 |
DocScrutinizer | javispedro: harmattan is like windows6 in that respect | 20:33 |
javispedro | probably because with the close button being so accesible, the average number of open apps was 2. or 3. | 20:33 |
javispedro | while on harmattan, well, after toying with it for a minutes I already have _all_ of the applications open. | 20:33 |
javispedro | (compliment: it is still performing) | 20:34 |
DocScrutinizer | javispedro: but taskswitching gets a PITA | 20:34 |
frals | DocScrutinizer: using the 3x3 grid? | 20:34 |
DocScrutinizer | for mere matters of cluttering the switcher | 20:34 |
javispedro | either way, the close gesture is a welcome adition and probably makes it more like fremantle. | 20:34 |
DocScrutinizer | frals: even then | 20:35 |
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frals | fair enough :) | 20:35 |
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* javispedro still sometimes wants to "swipe cards out" of the task switcher | 20:35 | |
DocScrutinizer | duh, never thought about that - what does it do? | 20:36 |
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mtnman | hello | 20:36 |
javispedro | that is a webos gesture that got on me, does nothing on harmattan (scrolls actually) | 20:36 |
GeneralAntilles | javispedro, ooh. | 20:36 |
GeneralAntilles | Can't we implement that in the theme? | 20:37 |
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javispedro | we had this discussion, and it seems harder than that, because there are no available free scroll "directions" | 20:37 |
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javispedro | horizontal switches to launcher or feedview | 20:37 |
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javispedro | and vertical pans | 20:37 |
lcuk | javispedro, technically border panning should be available from all edges | 20:38 |
DocScrutinizer | javispedro: actually swipe and flick are redundant in the 3 basic screens | 20:39 |
fiferboy | Are there any multi-touch gestures? | 20:40 |
fiferboy | Like two-finger swipes, or anything? | 20:40 |
DocScrutinizer | it never occured to me I could also flick aka "scroll" to switch from taskswitcher to any other of the 2 screens | 20:40 |
DocScrutinizer | fiferboy: nope | 20:40 |
javispedro | DocScrutinizer: how you'd do it? | 20:40 |
DocScrutinizer | fiferboy: which is quite a pity | 20:40 |
javispedro | DocScrutinizer: fiferboy: try pinching in task view | 20:40 |
javispedro | hmprf. | 20:41 |
javispedro | web browser cannot install non user/* packages | 20:41 |
DocScrutinizer | javispedro: I'd use swipe to switch to screens and reassign horizontal "dragging" of apps out of screen to "close app" - for example | 20:42 |
javispedro | which btw on harmattan seem to be marked as such with a different method | 20:42 |
DocScrutinizer | javispedro: please share how to reproduce | 20:42 |
javispedro | the what? | 20:43 |
javispedro | pinching, p.debs? | 20:43 |
DocScrutinizer | install via webbrowser | 20:43 |
javispedro | click on .deb, click again on download manager, wait a few seconds, get error message | 20:43 |
javispedro | ? | 20:43 |
DocScrutinizer | I'm still lost on how to install *anything* | 20:44 |
khertan | ovi store | 20:44 |
khertan | :) | 20:44 |
DocScrutinizer | yeah that's what I did after typing in the URL of that bash repo | 20:44 |
javispedro | aegis-installing libsdl1.2 lol | 20:44 |
khertan | :) | 20:44 |
DocScrutinizer | khertan: "Coming soon..." | 20:44 |
DocScrutinizer | ;-P | 20:44 |
khertan | DocScrutinizer, yep ... like everything on this plateform | 20:45 |
khertan | at least git should be available in rzr home | 20:45 |
DocScrutinizer | javispedro: so how did you get to any URL where you could actually click on .deb? | 20:46 |
khertan | and pyflakes on my home :) | 20:46 |
javispedro | I would be careful installing things external things until we get to know aegis | 20:46 |
javispedro | otherwise you risk getting the "Device is malfunctioning you dumbastard!" | 20:46 |
khertan | :) | 20:46 |
javispedro | DocScrutinizer: http://depot.javispedro.com/nit/hsdl/ | 20:47 |
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DocScrutinizer | o.O | 20:47 |
javispedro | as I said, I _couldn't install_ it, but I got a "Package is not wellformed" or sth like that | 20:47 |
javispedro | which is very similar to the one you got in Fremantle when it was not user/* | 20:47 |
DocScrutinizer | same here | 20:47 |
DocScrutinizer | I then clicked again on the local download copy | 20:47 |
frals | package malformed or something seems to be some catch all crap | 20:47 |
javispedro | the way to make user/* packages has changed in harmattan, so no wonder nothing works | 20:48 |
DocScrutinizer | which actually installed the bash.deb | 20:48 |
DocScrutinizer | iirc | 20:48 |
frals | seen it when trying to install proper packages | 20:48 |
javispedro | heh | 20:48 |
frals | or what i consider proper anyway, and whats in the image you guys have so :P | 20:48 |
javispedro | it is not a dep issue as that installs without any external dep here | 20:48 |
javispedro | (I already used dpkg -i ) | 20:48 |
khertan | http://repo.pub.meego.com/home:/khertan/Harmattan/ | 20:48 |
khertan | :) | 20:48 |
GeneralAntilles | frals, get us a new image. :P | 20:49 |
javispedro | is that user/*? | 20:49 |
frals | :p | 20:49 |
khertan | javispedro, hum ... good point | 20:49 |
javispedro | khertan: http://www.developer.nokia.com/Community/Wiki/Harmattan:Developer_Library/Reference_documentation/Harmattan_Appendix_to_the_Debian_Policy_Manual | 20:49 |
javispedro | khertan: I do not know how much QtCreator automates that. | 20:49 |
khertan | javispedro, oh there is a doc finnaly | 20:49 |
javispedro | yep :) | 20:50 |
khertan | Maemo-Flags: visible <<< nice it didn't respect debian policy | 20:50 |
khertan | whouhou | 20:50 |
javispedro | well, it's better than the maemo trick | 20:50 |
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khertan | maemo trick isn't so bad | 20:50 |
javispedro | the maemo trick actually violated policy, this one's just a nonstandard extension. | 20:50 |
DocScrutinizer | I'm missing a tools-repo actually | 20:50 |
javispedro | DocScrutinizer: with dev mode a metapackage containing most of what was on tools repo is installed | 20:51 |
javispedro | but of course I bet you mean "your" tools repo ;) | 20:51 |
CaCO3_ | khertan: what does it mean on the OBS builder when it sais *4 hours" job time? Doues your package take that long to compile or is it waiting sinz 4h? | 20:51 |
javispedro | instead of stuff like oprofile | 20:51 |
javispedro | etc. | 20:51 |
DocScrutinizer | I mean a proper repo with random stuff like the nnnn pkgs found under develpment in any sane distro | 20:52 |
fiferboy | GeneralAntilles: What are /you/ going to do with a new image? | 20:52 |
javispedro | DocScrutinizer: the calendar app is formidable and the pickers impressive. | 20:52 |
DocScrutinizer | indeed | 20:52 |
DocScrutinizer | see my screenshots on OVI | 20:52 |
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javispedro | we finally have something that could compete with Palm's PIM :) | 20:53 |
DocScrutinizer | alas MTF which aiui is deprectaed for app devels | 20:53 |
javispedro | also, in the general direction of making this more like a phone and less like a computer, | 20:53 |
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javispedro | the note application now handles the notes database by itself (ie no file picker) | 20:54 |
DocScrutinizer | see the abysmal slotmachine date/time-picker widgets from QMLcomp...(1,2) apps | 20:54 |
javispedro | you could disagree here, but I prefer very much the database approach vs file picker. | 20:54 |
khertan | burk | 20:54 |
DocScrutinizer | eeeew | 20:55 |
DocScrutinizer | and the notes somewhat acted up on me, on first note I intended to enter | 20:55 |
javispedro | woah | 20:55 |
GeneralAntilles | fiferboy, same thing /you're/ going to do. | 20:55 |
* javispedro loves floating formatting bar | 20:56 | |
javispedro | in notes | 20:56 |
javispedro | beatiful | 20:56 |
DocScrutinizer | also globally no markup+C&P | 20:56 |
fiferboy | GeneralAntilles: I knew that was coming :P | 20:56 |
javispedro | DocScrutinizer: yes there is! | 20:56 |
DocScrutinizer | uhuh | 20:56 |
DocScrutinizer | then it's friggin well hidden | 20:56 |
javispedro | it just appeared on me! | 20:56 |
javispedro | it's a floating formatting bar | 20:56 |
javispedro | great. | 20:56 |
DocScrutinizer | in browser? | 20:56 |
javispedro | albeit I have to see how that works on larger notes. | 20:56 |
fiferboy | DocScrutinizer: link to your ovi screenshots? | 20:57 |
javispedro | DocScrutinizer: no, notes app. | 20:57 |
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DocScrutinizer | in arbitrary text input fields? | 20:57 |
javispedro | yet to see that. | 20:57 |
DocScrutinizer | bah! | 20:57 |
javispedro | albeit when I used to work on the input method there was global c&p support | 20:57 |
javispedro | in the form of a button in the vkb | 20:57 |
DocScrutinizer | fiferboy: somewhere next to http://share.ovi.com/media/joerg900.public/joerg900.10140 | 20:57 |
javispedro | which does not seem to be present now.. | 20:57 |
* fiferboy needs to live vicariously | 20:58 | |
javispedro | so how do you copy from browser? good question.. | 20:58 |
DocScrutinizer | muhaha server error on OVI | 20:59 |
fiferboy | DocScrutinizer: It is working now | 20:59 |
frals | DocScrutinizer: all textinputs should have c&p | 20:59 |
frals | afaik | 20:59 |
frals | but text selection in browser :((( | 20:59 |
DocScrutinizer | frals: maybe, by using kbd | 20:59 |
* CaCO3_ is wondering why build.pub.meego.com is not accessable anymore. Is it me? | 21:00 | |
frals | DocScrutinizer: no, swipe over text to select and it should appear magically | 21:00 |
DocScrutinizer | you can't highlight text with "the mouse" - thanks c-ts | 21:00 |
javispedro | DocScrutinizer: you can.. | 21:00 |
javispedro | hold | 21:00 |
frals | long tap on text for magnifier | 21:00 |
DocScrutinizer | I tried for ~10min, no success | 21:00 |
javispedro | you clearly have never used an iPhone, DocScrutinizer ;) | 21:00 |
DocScrutinizer | my friend neither | 21:01 |
DocScrutinizer | and he owns an iPhone | 21:01 |
javispedro | well weird stuff still happens on this image | 21:01 |
javispedro | for example now vibrator feedback has appeared | 21:01 |
javispedro | for no discernible reason. | 21:01 |
DocScrutinizer | "2 : 1" on lockscreen. Hooray for now "0" missing instead of "9" | 21:02 |
javispedro | mine says " 0:01" | 21:02 |
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DocScrutinizer | "2 : 2" | 21:02 |
javispedro | for a moment I thought the clock had been resetted until I remember what DocScrutinizer about weird font missing chars ;) | 21:02 |
javispedro | " 0:0 " | 21:02 |
javispedro | today's missing number is "2" here. | 21:02 |
frals | fwiw its fixed now at least ;-) | 21:03 |
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javispedro | btw, screen fingerprint magnet | 21:03 |
javispedro | definitely more than n900. | 21:03 |
DocScrutinizer | woooohaha, vib feedback in notes on vkbd | 21:03 |
javispedro | or maybe n900 already has a shit layer | 21:04 |
GAN900 | javispedro, we should make bingo cards. | 21:04 |
frals | DocScrutinizer: seems vibra is only on the vkb and not actually on tapping icons and stuff in my experience | 21:04 |
frals | why its like that i have no idea... | 21:04 |
javispedro | GAN900++ | 21:04 |
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DocScrutinizer | still I fail to get it how to highlight text even in notes. all I get is the magnifier-view of cursor position | 21:05 |
frals | less pressure and move over the text | 21:05 |
DocScrutinizer | MEH | 21:05 |
DocScrutinizer | OMFG | 21:05 |
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javispedro | download manager is also good. | 21:06 |
javispedro | accesible from status area btw. | 21:07 |
frals | transfer ui is pretty good aye | 21:07 |
DocScrutinizer | unbearable | 21:07 |
DocScrutinizer | ohwell that's c-ts | 21:07 |
javispedro | btw, qml applications on stock firmware: qml widgetsgallery, maps, and facebook. | 21:08 |
DocScrutinizer | I now have learned how to highlight random text in word chunks | 21:08 |
DocScrutinizer | random, not arbitrary | 21:08 |
javispedro | DocScrutinizer: :) | 21:08 |
javispedro | step by step! | 21:09 |
DocScrutinizer | screwit | 21:09 |
Scifig | Good morning/evening. Did anyone's status change from "New Order" today? I've noticed some people received their device today, but no one mentioned change in order status. | 21:09 |
DocScrutinizer | this device isn't meant for serious work being done | 21:09 |
javispedro | DocScrutinizer: fortunately, your device still has a keyboard to get some work done | 21:09 |
javispedro | including arrow keys and Ctrl+C | 21:10 |
DocScrutinizer | it a multimedia smartphone, not any kind of palmtop computer | 21:10 |
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DocScrutinizer | who minted the term? "optimized to shine on first usage, rather than for serious use" | 21:11 |
DocScrutinizer | you can attract drive-by-customers this way | 21:12 |
Jaffa | grinsekatze: Worked for me, but I had an effort getting them across. I'd delete all from N950, delete the sync profiles are try again... | 21:12 |
javispedro | DocScrutinizer: well, not that you had consistent and/or coherent global copy&paste on the N900. | 21:12 |
javispedro | each of the applications doing it his way. | 21:13 |
GeneralAntilles | Scifig, not me, not fiferboy. | 21:13 |
DocScrutinizer | pick from display in shop, randomly tap here and there, admire the transitions, buy... | 21:13 |
GeneralAntilles | khertan got a shipping, not sure about anybody else | 21:13 |
GeneralAntilles | At this rate we might all have them by the time Nokia's a Microsoft subsidiary. | 21:13 |
Jaffa | s/grinsekatze/gri_/ | 21:13 |
infobot | Jaffa meant: gri_: Worked for me, but I had an effort getting them across. I'd delete all from N950, delete the sync profiles are try again... | 21:13 |
Scifig | GeneralAntilles - Thanks. Btw I think both of our orders were submitted on same day too 7/7/11. | 21:14 |
javispedro | wth | 21:15 |
GeneralAntilles | Scifig, khertan's went in at about 12:30 (Finnish time) on the 7th, so it's definitely in order of reception (12:04 here). | 21:15 |
javispedro | n950 comes with imagemagick including decades-old "display" image viewer =) | 21:15 |
javispedro | and it even runs =) | 21:15 |
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DocScrutinizer | LOL | 21:16 |
DocScrutinizer | I'd love to make maps run | 21:16 |
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DocScrutinizer | I'm eager to test that app, more than anything else | 21:16 |
* javispedro finally colides with aegis | 21:16 | |
DocScrutinizer | alas it fails for me on Nokia account | 21:16 |
javispedro | "Aegis: verification failed (no reference hash)" | 21:16 |
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DocScrutinizer | haha | 21:17 |
DocScrutinizer | :-S | 21:17 |
Jaffa | Interesting, gPodder stays landscape in Harmattan in tsk switcher. Will have to ask thp how he does that. | 21:17 |
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javispedro | hah, it is very easy if your app is plain X11 :) | 21:18 |
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Scifig | GeneralAntilles - I might have submitted around 16:30 Helsinki time, so more wait for me then. | 21:18 |
fiferboy | GeneralAntilles: Do you mean NOT in roder of reception? | 21:19 |
fiferboy | s/roder/order/ | 21:19 |
infobot | fiferboy meant: GeneralAntilles: Do you mean NOT in order of reception? | 21:19 |
Jaffa | javispedro: Having 'display' is cool, as displaying random images was always a problem on Maemo | 21:19 |
Jaffa | That reminds me, I must put screenshot instructions on Migrating_from_N900_to_N950 | 21:20 |
javispedro | Jaffa: sadly I wouldn't suggest using it because it is probably unoutswiplable | 21:20 |
javispedro | # touch /home/user/crap | 21:21 |
javispedro | touch: /home/user/crap: Permission denied | 21:21 |
javispedro | I. WANT. REAL. ROOT. | 21:21 |
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Jaffa | javispedro: I thought an atom *prevented* that, not enabled it | 21:21 |
javispedro | unredirected windows also prevent it | 21:21 |
javispedro | and seems this uses them | 21:22 |
javispedro | eitherway it seems to work though... albeit corruptely ;) | 21:22 |
javispedro | GOT IT!!!! | 21:23 |
javispedro | develsh | 21:23 |
javispedro | hum.. now I can copy to /home/user but still cannot exec() .. | 21:24 |
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dm8tbr | hmm so does anyone know if I can get all sorts of notifications from harmattan easily? | 21:25 |
DocScrutinizer | WOW it accepted my Nokia account!!! \o/ | 21:25 |
dm8tbr | like incoming call, text message, IM, ... | 21:25 |
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Itschue | moin moin | 21:26 |
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DocScrutinizer | the maps app is absolutely overwhelming | 21:32 |
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e0x | DocScrutinizer: n950 ? | 21:33 |
DocScrutinizer | yup | 21:33 |
e0x | i hate you | 21:33 |
e0x | i was reject :D | 21:34 |
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Itschue | n900 nachfolger? | 21:35 |
Itschue | sorry dont know nachfolger in english | 21:36 |
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CaCO3_ | successor | 21:38 |
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piggz | any qtmobility experts here? it seems there is some missing symbols in libqtm-12-location | 21:44 |
Jaffa | DocScrutinizer: Maps is better than Fremantle version but still shit compared with Wayfinder on Diablo (I tried using it yeseterday, with Drive, in the car) | 21:44 |
Jaffa | Pretty, but functionally and usably limited | 21:44 |
piggz | either that, or i have messed up, and it maybe isnt finding the libs | 21:44 |
piggz | Jaffa: compared to google maps nav? | 21:45 |
rm_work | Jaffa: I just want an official GoogleMaps app already >_> | 21:45 |
rm_work | i don't see how, faced with the correct way to do things, they still get it so wrong | 21:45 |
GAN900 | Jaffa, really? | 21:46 |
GAN900 | That's too bad. | 21:46 |
GAN900 | Screenshots make it look like a reasonable Garmin replacement. | 21:46 |
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GAN900 | Contractors | 21:47 |
javispedro | "This selects the Maemo Aegis Security Framework. If you are unsure how to answer this question, answer N." | 21:48 |
javispedro | direct to the point... | 21:48 |
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piggz_ | pls repeat anything ive missed since 19:45 GMT+1 ...hotel wifi kicked me off :) | 21:53 |
hiemanshu | piggz_: http://fpaste.org/zdbw/ | 21:54 |
piggz_ | hiemanshu: nothing much then :) | 21:54 |
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hiemanshu | yup | 21:54 |
piggz_ | still waiting for dispatch of phone...so working on new game | 21:54 |
hiemanshu | yeah | 21:55 |
piggz_ | i guess the app im about to release for maemo will have to be re-written using qt components as it uses qwidget | 21:55 |
hiemanshu | same here, hoping it ships tomorrow | 21:55 |
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javispedro | oh, zImage is now lzo compressed seemingly. | 21:59 |
ruskie | http://www.linuxfordevices.com/c/a/News/Toshiba-Thrive-ships/ <-- interesting | 22:00 |
GeneralAntilles | 10.1" is way too big for a tablet. | 22:02 |
hiemanshu | no, 10.1 is perfect, anything smaller is bad | 22:02 |
ruskie | I'm still hoping the touchbook becomes more than vapourware | 22:02 |
fiferboy | No, 10.1" is too small for a tablet. 15" at least | 22:03 |
ruskie | naahhh 30" atleast | 22:03 |
javispedro | so, booting a new kernel without aegis = reboot after 8 seconds | 22:03 |
ruskie | javispedro, owww fun | 22:03 |
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hiemanshu | ruskie: then its not a tablet, its a full size capsule :P | 22:03 |
ruskie | heh | 22:04 |
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GeneralAntilles | 7" | 22:05 |
ruskie | GeneralAntilles, to small | 22:05 |
DocScrutinizer | Jaffa: the POI integration is awesome | 22:05 |
GeneralAntilles | 10.1 you can't hold it and type. | 22:05 |
ruskie | GeneralAntilles, well the touchbook is 8.9" | 22:05 |
hiemanshu | GeneralAntilles: you can, you just have small hands | 22:05 |
ruskie | 1024x600 | 22:05 |
DocScrutinizer | maybe shit compared to a *real* navi, but best *I* have seen so far (I never used a 'real' navi) | 22:05 |
ivan4th | that Aegis seem to retain too much from Gorgon... It worries me as I'll receive my N950 soon, too | 22:06 |
ruskie | a nice inbetween a to small 7" and to big 10" | 22:06 |
GeneralAntilles | hiemanshu, my hands are pretty normal sized. | 22:06 |
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DocScrutinizer | Jaffa: it finds all the relevant pubs nearby, allows direct phone call, calculates route, gives routing detail... | 22:07 |
DocScrutinizer | but beither map nor drive seems to use the *compass* :-/ | 22:07 |
DocScrutinizer | neither* | 22:07 |
javispedro | oh, we have a compass | 22:07 |
DocScrutinizer | javispedro: yeah, bit obviously nuttin that's using it | 22:08 |
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DocScrutinizer | which is a nuisance as that bit is one of the most intriguing ones | 22:09 |
DocScrutinizer | even announced and planned an app based on it | 22:09 |
pauly | hey, "yone want to buy my n900 for $250 | 22:10 |
DocScrutinizer | hah, now you want to sell? | 22:10 |
pauly | any^ | 22:10 |
DocScrutinizer | what went wrong with swapping it for a N8? | 22:10 |
pauly | no 1 has an n8 | 22:10 |
DocScrutinizer | timeless had | 22:11 |
pauly | timeless has not been on | 22:11 |
hiemanshu | I want an N8 too, but not after selling my N900 | 22:11 |
DocScrutinizer | you spoiled the deal, I guess | 22:11 |
pauly | no i didnt i been waiting for him to come on irc | 22:11 |
pauly | but he not here? | 22:13 |
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Jaffa | DocScrutinizer: The biggest problem with it are the light grey roads, on a lighter grey background on a white background. | 22:21 |
Jaffa | DocScrutinizer: Makes using in a car a bit... tricky | 22:21 |
SpeedEvil | !seen timeless | 22:24 |
DocScrutinizer | in drive? yeah that's bad | 22:24 |
SpeedEvil | I think he was on last night. | 22:24 |
DocScrutinizer | SpeedEvil: ~ is the key | 22:24 |
SpeedEvil | ~seen timeless | 22:24 |
infobot | timeless <d04149cb@firefox/developer/timeless> was last seen on IRC in channel #maemo, 4d 52m 47s ago, saying: 'well, for mine, you add my repo and install a locale (en-US/en-GB) :)'. | 22:25 |
SpeedEvil | yeah - for large values of last. | 22:25 |
DocScrutinizer | timeless is known by many names ;-P | 22:25 |
DocScrutinizer | Jaffa: tried nightmode? | 22:26 |
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rm_work | ~seen timelessx | 22:30 |
infobot | i haven't seen 'timelessx', rm_work | 22:30 |
rm_work | hrm forget his other name | 22:30 |
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DocScrutinizer | http://mg.pov.lt/maemo-irclog/search?q=timeless | 22:34 |
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DocScrutinizer | timeless_mbp, timeless_n900, timeless_$randomfoo just some of those | 22:36 |
DocScrutinizer | I really hate this nickname switching | 22:36 |
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hiemanshu | DocScrutinizer: true, just use one common nick or a distributed client | 22:40 |
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DocScrutinizer | well, I'm the right one to bitch, with my up to 4 different concurrent nicks. It's just not exactly trivial to keep all on one bouncer, and some users may not even have the option to use a bouncer. But if you are logging in mutually exclusively from different clients, then I couldn't care less about learning you're just on your N900, or on your MBP or whatever. And I absolutely hate the itsme_zzZZzz itsme_onToilet itsme_dinner scheme | 22:44 |
hiemanshu | Well i have the same nick from all my devices, and yeah stateful nicks are stupid | 22:46 |
DocScrutinizer | http://sackheads.org/~bnaylor/spew/away_msgs.html | 22:50 |
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fiferboy | Is it possible to programmatically assign focus to a Qt Component, say a TextField? | 22:56 |
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DocScrutinizer | sure | 22:57 |
DocScrutinizer | just don't ask me about details | 22:57 |
DocScrutinizer | sth along object.takefocus() or whatever | 22:58 |
fiferboy | I can see how to determine if an object HAS focus, but not to assign focus | 22:58 |
DocScrutinizer | setfocus() prolly | 22:58 |
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DocScrutinizer | for all I recall from my Qt time 5y back it's trivial | 23:00 |
fiferboy | There is focus and activeFocus, both for determining focus | 23:00 |
fiferboy | There is forceActiveFocus, but it doesn't seem to work as I would expect | 23:00 |
DocScrutinizer | object.focus.set() maybe? | 23:00 |
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fiferboy | It looks like "object.focus: true" is supposed to work, but it didn't look like it to me | 23:02 |
fiferboy | Retesting | 23:02 |
DocScrutinizer | http://lists.trolltech.com/qt-interest/2004-02/thread00633-0.html | 23:03 |
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fiferboy | Unfortunately, QML doesn't seem to work the same way | 23:04 |
Jaffa | DocScrutinizer: Nightmode wasn't great. Maps' "Terrain" view seemed best, but navigation in there kept crashing. | 23:04 |
fiferboy | But focus is not a read-only property, so maybe setting it from the right place will work | 23:05 |
Itschue | is there any app that change the fm transmitter frequenz autmatical when an other radio sender my n900 stört? | 23:05 |
cehteh | no | 23:05 |
Jaffa | There's an Empty Frequency Finder script | 23:05 |
DocScrutinizer | that wouldn't help much either, Itschue - how would your radio learn about the freq change? | 23:06 |
cehteh | i'd like the opposite, turn microphone on, find out which broadcast is on, and then hijack it with your own music | 23:06 |
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cehteh | i sometimes need that when i am guest in others cars :P | 23:07 |
Jaffa | DocScrutinizer: RDS is already used, so the radio should be able to track. | 23:07 |
DocScrutinizer | I suggested the concept of user selecting a quiet spot on radio, then hit a "tune" button on N900 so the device sends an acoustic beacon on each channel and listens to mic to tell the right channel | 23:08 |
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Jaffa | Itschue: The biggest problem, AIUI, is that the FM RX & TX can't both be active at the same time | 23:08 |
fiferboy | Setting the focus property within the element definition does not work for me | 23:08 |
cehteh | DocScrutinizer: thats slow | 23:08 |
DocScrutinizer | Jaffa: won't work when the transmission already got messed up | 23:08 |
DocScrutinizer | cehteh: well maybe | 23:08 |
DocScrutinizer | cehteh: I know ways to speed it up ;-P | 23:08 |
Itschue | the radio didnt change it automatic but when i change it on the radio the n90 change it automatic some fm trans devices can do those thing | 23:09 |
cehteh | wider band :P | 23:09 |
cehteh | more output! | 23:09 |
fiferboy | Hmm, http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTCOMPONENTS-403 | 23:10 |
DocScrutinizer | Jaffa: obviously. How ould the RX *inside* N900 tell about interference on the car radio some meter distant | 23:10 |
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Itschue2 | shit fucking disco | 23:11 |
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cehteh | can it receive and send at the same time? iirc not the receiver is used to tune the transmitter right? | 23:12 |
DocScrutinizer | Jaffa: though I actually created nice feedback by sending FMRX signal to FMTX and tuning both to same freq X-P | 23:12 |
DocScrutinizer | s/signal/audio signal/ | 23:12 |
infobot | DocScrutinizer meant: Jaffa: though I actually created nice feedback by sending FMRX audio signal to FMTX and tuning both to same freq X-P | 23:12 |
cehteh | as i saied, turn microphone on, listen to ambient and analyze it if that what you send | 23:13 |
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DocScrutinizer | cehteh: oh yeah, will for sure pan out - in your car, at max volume | 23:14 |
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cehteh | :) | 23:14 |
cehteh | well needs some serious signal processing | 23:14 |
Itschue2 | still i use fm boost but this wont work anytime because the radio signal from other sender are stronger | 23:14 |
DocScrutinizer | with extremely smart algos to compensate for RTT and EQ | 23:14 |
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cehteh | but on the other hand a frequency analyzer app would be nice for the sound enginerrs on the road :P | 23:14 |
cehteh | yeah and delay compenstation and maximize, not match | 23:15 |
cehteh | i know that :) | 23:15 |
DocScrutinizer | Itschue2: find a silent spot on your car radio, read the freq, tune N900 FMTX to that freq | 23:15 |
Itschue2 | fuck ey | 23:16 |
Itschue2 | das geht net so einfach weil immer wieder irgendein sender stört | 23:16 |
DocScrutinizer | sorry the, that's not going to get fixed by any means | 23:16 |
Itschue2 | ich suche zu hause ne freie frequenz und 15 km später werde ich gestört | 23:16 |
DocScrutinizer | then* | 23:16 |
cehteh | Itschue2: there is some fmtx boosting app and then search for a good spot to place the n900 | 23:16 |
Itschue2 | i know i have the fmboost script but i dont know how much battery energy it use? | 23:17 |
cehteh | sometimes thats at surprisingly odd places because the car antennas are outside or on the window and the car is a faraday cage | 23:17 |
DocScrutinizer | pro tip: plugging in a dead-ended USB cable is reportedly amplifying the FMTX signal quite a bit | 23:17 |
cehteh | yes | 23:18 |
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Itschue2 | ohh good idea | 23:18 |
DocScrutinizer | fmboost won't eat significant amounts of battery power | 23:18 |
Itschue2 | cool | 23:18 |
cehteh | prolly less than the speakers :P | 23:19 |
DocScrutinizer | it's like ramping up power used by FMTX chip from 0.0000001W to 0.0000005W | 23:19 |
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Itschue2 | ok that is to forget | 23:19 |
Itschue2 | ähm | 23:19 |
DocScrutinizer | you'll hardly find a way to measure it | 23:19 |
Itschue2 | how can i change the order of the milkyway desktop pics i want that all 4 pics goes one to left i hope you know what i mean | 23:20 |
cehteh | move all desktop icons one to the right :P | 23:21 |
KhLoveNickSwitch | Departed Facility in HELSINKI - FINLAND HELSINKI - FINLAND 21:51 | 23:21 |
KhLoveNickSwitch | :) | 23:21 |
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Itschue2 | no the start desktop is empty there is only these cool eyes | 23:21 |
cehteh | cool eyes? | 23:22 |
Itschue2 | the eyes widget | 23:22 |
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cehteh | well anyways .. the pics are ordered by the theme or whatever container sets this .. you have to redefine/recreate that, possibly thats easy but some work | 23:22 |
cehteh | that certainly eats a lot of power | 23:23 |
Itschue2 | the eyes eats lot of power? | 23:23 |
* cehteh put the gnome eyes widget on his wifes menubar (desktop computer) and surprisingly its one of the apps which accumulate the most cpu | 23:23 | |
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cehteh | note that it needs to wake for every screen redraw | 23:24 |
cehteh | doesnt matter for a desktop but certainly matters on the n900 | 23:24 |
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Itschue2 | note that it needs to wake for every screen redraw in german plz | 23:25 |
villager | I thought it only needed to wake for every input event | 23:25 |
holmesII | I am using QT, in which header that I can get the battery charge level (mhA) information ? | 23:25 |
DocScrutinizer | Itschue2: it will run on *every* action that takes place on the phone | 23:26 |
DocScrutinizer | Itschue2: it sucks | 23:26 |
Itschue2 | but ist cool | 23:26 |
Itschue2 | its | 23:26 |
Itschue2 | fuck denglish | 23:26 |
holmesII | battery.reporting.current = 847 (0x34f) (int) how can i get this information in QT? | 23:27 |
DocScrutinizer | will kill your batteryin half the time :-) | 23:27 |
DocScrutinizer | (eyes) | 23:27 |
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Itschue2 | hmm i will test it | 23:28 |
Itschue2 | and the desktop background pics kann i change the order evene when it is installed or is it better to download the.deb file and change it in this? | 23:29 |
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Itschue2 | ok time to go see you tomorrow | 23:30 |
DocScrutinizer | desktp wallpapers are changed by clicking on desktop background, clicking on the gear icon, selecting sth like "change wallpaper" from the menu from upper right | 23:34 |
gri_ | DocScrutinizer: Am I allowed to use the n900 wall charger for the n950 or will that damage something? | 23:34 |
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DocScrutinizer | perfectly sane | 23:35 |
DocScrutinizer | doing it all the time | 23:35 |
gri_ | good :) | 23:36 |
DocScrutinizer | if it would break anything, I think I should have a visit at Tampere | 23:36 |
DocScrutinizer | ;-P | 23:36 |
DocScrutinizer | nah, nokia EE mostly know their business - well they practiced for quite some time :-) | 23:39 |
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DocScrutinizer | I wish my colleagues in Taipei always had delivvered such quality of hw design | 23:39 |
gri_ | ok, I only had in mind that the wall charger is/was not recommed for meego ce, so I thought it might handle things a bit different :) | 23:39 |
gri_ | recommended* | 23:40 |
DocScrutinizer | I don't know about any such limitations for meegoCE | 23:40 |
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gri_ | it was about "might not load, use to usb cable to be sure" | 23:40 |
DocScrutinizer | if they have such limitations then because of their messed up bme implementation that probably doesn't know how to detect the fastcharger | 23:40 |
DocScrutinizer | musb_hdrc driver implemetation might be related somehow as well | 23:41 |
DocScrutinizer | as charger detection is a task of musb_hdrc USB driver | 23:42 |
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DocScrutinizer | use ShadowJK 's charger script and profit ;-P | 23:42 |
DocScrutinizer | guaranteed to work with fastcharger | 23:43 |
DocScrutinizer | even unde meegoCE (as long as they don't completely mess up sysfs) | 23:43 |
DocScrutinizer | no, fastcharger works like a charm for N950 | 23:44 |
* DocScrutinizer ponders where to dump this particular factoid to... | 23:45 | |
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DocScrutinizer | maybe make Jaffa add it to his "first encounter" compendium? | 23:46 |
DocScrutinizer | Jaffa: ^^^ | 23:46 |
gri_ | btw, my n950 was missing the "0" at the first start ;) | 23:47 |
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DocScrutinizer | hey, "0" here | 23:49 |
DocScrutinizer | now | 23:49 |
DocScrutinizer | yesterday it was "9" | 23:49 |
DocScrutinizer | might be timezone and moonphase dependent | 23:50 |
gri_ | second boot was also cool: contacts application said "no contacts" whereas the call-ui showed all contacts | 23:50 |
* DocScrutinizer would so much appreciate to see Nokia opening up nb-tracker to public read access | 23:50 | |
DocScrutinizer | all contacts???? where from? | 23:51 |
gri_ | copied from n900 | 23:51 |
DocScrutinizer | copied as in...? | 23:51 |
gri_ | like jaffa wrote in the wiki | 23:51 |
DocScrutinizer | aaah | 23:51 |
DocScrutinizer | k | 23:51 |
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* ShadowJK has a different version for meegoCE in N900 | 23:52 | |
ShadowJK | N950 didn't come with a wallcharger? | 23:54 |
gri_ | only phone and usb cable | 23:55 |
cehteh | hehe prolly the same for the N9 .. the really dont want you to like it | 23:55 |
DocScrutinizer | ShadowJK: nope | 23:55 |
cehteh | if you want a wallcharger, buy the WP7 Phone | 23:55 |
DocScrutinizer | nonsense :-D | 23:55 |
cehteh | :> | 23:56 |
ShadowJK | usb is slooow | 23:56 |
DocScrutinizer | wallchargers would create need for localized packaging | 23:56 |
ShadowJK | though I do have one hub I can get 700-800mA out of | 23:56 |
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DocScrutinizer | ShadowJK: won't fly, unless your hub has D+- short | 23:56 |
cehteh | DocScrutinizer: not really .. almost any device which has a small wallcharger i have came with a adaptor for the plug | 23:56 |
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cehteh | well the n900 wallcharger should work for the n950 too | 23:57 |
ShadowJK | DocScrutinizer, well my script ignores d+/d- ;) | 23:57 |
DocScrutinizer | an adapter wouldn't fit into the box ;-P | 23:57 |
DocScrutinizer | ShadowJK: :-D | 23:57 |
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DocScrutinizer | ShadowJK: *I* know that | 23:57 |
cehteh | btw i now tried your script with the bike charger on a trip, seems it doesnt work well | 23:58 |
DocScrutinizer | I think I'm the father of all charger scripts ;-) | 23:58 |
ShadowJK | Amusingly: powered hub - self powered hub - n900 and it barely stays at +-0 current with screen on | 23:58 |
cehteh | next i aim for a cap in the charger cable then look ahead | 23:58 |
ShadowJK | cehteh, I'd imagine alot of Undervoltage faults in the log | 23:58 |
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cehteh | ShadowJK: yes the n900 can suck more than 500ma constantly .. netradio and some other app are enough | 23:59 |
cehteh | ShadowJK: right | 23:59 |
DocScrutinizer | and how exactly does that matter? | 23:59 |
cehteh | ShadowJK: would be nice to make it back off the current and gracfully restart | 23:59 |
ShadowJK | In other news, google lost patent lawsuit and has to pay 5 million un damages for using *drumroll* a linked list | 23:59 |
cehteh | haha | 23:59 |
nox- | haha | 23:59 |
DocScrutinizer | is your bike charger so weak it can't deliver >500mA? | 23:59 |
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