IRC log of #maemo for Tuesday, 2011-06-28

GeneralAntillesmece, you. Are you ready for cleansing?00:00
javispedroGeneralAntilles: though I was thinking we could for once try a separate user vs developer forum00:00
javispedrobut it might be too late already for f.m.c00:00
GeneralAntillesmece, the issue of TMO trolls potentially migrating to f.m.c00:00
Jaffajavispedro: Separate how?00:00
* Jaffa would rather the sodding forum<->email bridge was finished.00:00
meceGeneralAntilles, haters gonna hate00:00
GeneralAntillesjavispedro, Kathy might have some input there. :P00:00
JaffaI've avoided two strong swear words in that sentence00:01
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GeneralAntillesOK, somebody explain to mee.00:01
GeneralAntillesIt looks an awful lot like spam.00:01
meceGeneralAntilles, it aggregates the links in your feed00:02
Atariihey, if I don't have a SIM inserted is there network related daemons I can disable?00:02
Atariii.e. SMS-manager etc00:02
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MohammadAGcrashanddie, remember the thing we talked about once, did you ever get on with it?00:06
meceGeneralAntilles, Jaffa, trolls will be trolls, but perhaps we could have a developer area with very strict non-confrontational policies. User area has to be open imo.00:07
GeneralAntillesmece, open, definitely.00:07
GeneralAntillesBut I think abuses of the forum goodwill need to be punished quickly and effectively.00:08
GeneralAntillesIf you're posting all day about how everything and everyone involved in the project sux00:08
GeneralAntilleswell, ban time.00:08
alteregoGeneralAntilles: you should target board members with you new campaign ;)00:09
alteregoIf only we could get Nokia to say, keep producing fucking maemo handsets ...00:10
alteregoIt's quite frustrating00:11
meceGeneralAntilles, yep00:11
mecealterego, yep!00:11
JaffaMaybe it will be less so in 18-24 months time00:11
alteregoWhat would happen if Elop was to, /accidentally/ get involved in a car crash in some tunnel in france.00:11
meceGAAH!!! "Qemu finished with error: Exit code was 1."00:12
javispedrook, that was funny.00:12
* mece gives up00:12
mecealterego, elton john would sing at his funderal?00:12
alteregomece: hahah00:13
Jaffaalterego: Would he be christened the Prince of (Dark) Hearts?00:13
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MohammadAGalterego, why france though? :P00:14
alteregoSeriously, we could arrange something for a lot less money than getting a company to do what we want ;)00:14
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meceahemm... aanyway00:15
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alteregoI know this guy, that'd make it look like an accident for about 5k EUR ..00:18
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MohammadAGalterego, this channel is logged, just saying00:19
javispedroalterego: I'm sure he has on his will that after his death Nokia is to be sold to Nokla or similar00:19
MohammadAGbefore continuing this discussion, kick povbot :P00:19
javispedroalterego: so, forget.00:19
javispedrodid I said sold? I meant given off as a present to Nokla.00:20
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javispedrohm... interesting.... where's that accident thing you were mentioning?00:20
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mecegary cole!00:22
alteregoI bet he already gets quite a lot of hate mail and, erm, probably death threats.00:22
javispedro#maemo -- conspiring against selop!00:23
meceset the topic00:23
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GeneralAntillesI hate that you can't have capital letters in your username on MeeGo.com00:28
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meceGeneralAntilles, is there a bug for that?00:29
GeneralAntillesIt's unlikely to be repairable now, though.00:29
Sc0rpiususernames shouldn't have capital letters globally00:30
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Sc0rpiusemail address, unix accounts, etc00:30
GeneralAntillesSc0rpius, then you should clearly s/Sc0rpius/sc0rpius/g00:30
meceSc0rpius, true00:30
Sc0rpiusactually it's, it's just that your browser doesn't care if you type it :P00:30
GeneralAntillesIt's an old branding thing.00:31
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Sc0rpiusnicknames are like real names, they have to have capital letters00:31
Sc0rpiusbut my username is in lowercase:00:31
Sc0rpius[Sc0rpius] (~naikel@ Hell was full, so I came back00:32
GeneralAntillesThus my complaint.00:32
GeneralAntillesSorry for the imprecise language. . . .00:32
alteregoGeneralAntilles: what we need is a professional grade UX designer ...00:32
javispedroboth need an n900:32
Sc0rpiusI need an N9 with keyboard00:32
mecealterego, for what?00:33
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alteregomece: nothing in particular right now.00:33
alteregoJust contemplating a new MeeGo UX, but I lack the, erm, experience to work on such a large design00:34
javispedroANOTHER one00:34
alteregoSmall UXs, no probs, a whole handset profile, well that's a rather larger endeavour.00:35
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MohammadAG<GeneralAntilles> I hate that you can't have capital letters in your username on MeeGo.com00:37
MohammadAGthe reason I opted for my old mohammad7410 nickname instead of mohammadag00:37
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MoonTigeris it me being dumb or is the layout sizing stuff in qt really confusing?00:41
RST38hThe former00:41
javispedropackage sources are disappearing frm harmattan-dev repo00:41
alteregoquick mirror!00:41
RST38hget 'em FAST00:41
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alteregoOr it's being updated ;)00:42
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RST38hNo, really, mirror them00:42
javispedro no longer there00:42
RST38hWith madman at the helm, there is no saying what will happen to them00:42
javispedrooh, this is bad00:42
javispedroonly a few have disappeared.00:42
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javispedromore like only one :(00:45
* javispedro curses00:45
javispedrook, so I am left without source to read tonight.00:45
RST38hI can give you a random coredump of mine =)00:46
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RST38hMeanwhile: "TSA employees at Logan International Airport believe they have identified a cancer cluster in their ranks"00:46
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javispedroRST38h: but is it fun?00:48
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RST38hjavispedro: probablynot=(00:49
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ShadowJKjavispedro, just like with maemo4 and maemo5, good stuff vanishing :)00:52
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MohammadAGHmm, according to twitter, MeeGo devices in Transformers 300:53
MohammadAGexplains why there are only 250 devices00:53
Corsacdo they transform themselves?00:53
javispedroobviously it is an extension of that meegoproject video00:55
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javispedroDocScrutinizer: aegis. aegis. aegis! aegis?01:12
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javispedrofunnily enough.01:17
javispedropackage-manager was released as free.01:17
javispedroyet now it is inside nokia-binaries01:17
javispedroso, the source was out there.01:18
javispedrofor a few days.01:18
javispedrostill on google01:18
javispedro117MiB tarball O_O, damn I really wish I had downloaded.01:19
NIN101look at, maybe its there cached...01:19
javispedrono way they cache tarballs =), but I wish01:21
javispedroit mush have been quite a sizeable leak of harmattan source =)01:22
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NIN101 sorry I meant this, but no, it does not seam to be cached.01:23
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* DocScrutinizer wonders (not so idly) how the pre-rm script for a library patcher should look like :-o01:28
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DocScrutinizermake sure the still is the same you patched months ago, if yes go restore the original you stashed away somewhere. But what if no? And what if your friggin stashed away original got lost?? :-O01:30
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DocScrutinizerUNPATCH? yuck01:31
DocScrutinizerMEH, this thing *can not get uninstalled* PERIOD01:32
DocScrutinizernobody sane would want to do that anyway01:32
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MohammadAGjavispedro, is package-manager the UI or the backend?01:40
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javispedrothe backend01:40
MohammadAGalso, if it was free for a while, that means legalities aren't an issue if they want to foss it01:40
javispedroui is imaginatively called "package-manager-ui"01:41
MohammadAGis Harmattan actually more closed?01:41
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MohammadAGapt-worker and HAM were open, crappy, but open01:41
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javispedrono data, but I'm going to say it does not seem more open...01:41
divanjavispedro, are you sure it's now in nokia binaries?01:42
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javispedrodivan: look for yourself.01:42
javispedronokia-binaries is pw protected.01:42
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ShadowJKDocScrutinizer, there'll be loads of "My N900 crashes after installing X. I also dropped it from 5th story balcony and it got overrun by a steamroller, but I'm sure that has got nothing to do with it. I need to figure out how to uninstall X!!!"01:42
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divanjavispedro, I don't have harmattan sdk installed for now, and nokia-binaries pool is protected, so I can't check01:43
MohammadAGyeah, X sucks on the N900, I don't think it's used for anything01:43
* MohammadAG removes it01:43
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MohammadAGQML seems nice-ish01:44
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DocScrutinizerShadowJK: indeed01:55
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EliteTeckeIs there a reason why maemo on the nokia n900 needs unallocated space.01:59
EliteTeckeI forget.01:59
EliteTeckeAs I accidentally used this.01:59
EliteTeckeAnd I screwed maemo.01:59
cehteheh what?02:02
DocScrutinizerjavispedro: goddammit! nobody mirrored the repo?02:02
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EliteTeckeon the partition table02:03
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javispedroDocScrutinizer: I was this near getting the source for that package, I had scheduled downloading it for tonight, and I think it disappeared today.02:03
DocScrutinizerplease elaborate02:03
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MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, nope, nobody02:03
EliteTeckeThe emmc image for the n900.02:03
EliteTeckeFlashes an unallocated space.02:03
EliteTeckeat the end of the partition table.02:03
MohammadAGEliteTecke, tbh, I'd keep the table as is02:03
EliteTeckeAnd I accidentally used it.02:04
MohammadAGif i need more partitions, I'd add them after mmcblk0p302:04
EliteTeckeAnd well maemo broke.02:04
MohammadAGrecreate it?02:04
EliteTeckeThat's what I did.02:04
MohammadAGit's 64MBs02:04
EliteTeckeAh nvm.02:04
MohammadAGor MiBs, idk02:04
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DocScrutinizerEliteTecke: hmmm. I need to check this, but without looking at it yet I'd guess it has to do with aligning, and possibly a bug in one-off for writing to end of a partition02:05
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DocScrutinizerthere were such nice bugs in e.g drdos or sth02:06
EliteTeckeI can't flash the emmc.02:06
EliteTeckeIt doesn't write properly.02:06
DocScrutinizerno way02:06
troulouliouhi i m launching rescue mode with flasher but i can not see the menu on the sceen (no light)02:06
DocScrutinizeryou always can flash eMMC02:06
EliteTeckeah f****02:06
troulouliouwhat should i do to be able to mount my partition02:06
EliteTeckeit only writes 30%02:06
EliteTeckethen finishes process is 100%02:06
DocScrutinizertroulouliou: meego rescue initrd? forget it!02:06
DocScrutinizerEliteTecke: PC OS?02:07
troulouliouDocScrutinizer, i used it with gparted a while ago to resize my prtitio without problem02:07
EliteTeckeUbuntu(Linux Mint)02:07
DrGrovI have a quick question... What actually happened with Alberto Torres? Anyone got any solid info on this?02:07
EliteTeckeAh lets face it I have screwed with the device that many times I'm not surprised.02:07
DocScrutinizerEliteTecke: hmmm, no issues known afaik02:08
EliteTeckeIts my own doing.02:08
EliteTeckeI have f**** up the partition table completely.02:08
EliteTeckeThat's why it can't flash properly.02:08
DocScrutinizerEliteTecke: try to flash COMBINED, then do the VANILLA flash again02:08
EliteTeckeThat's what I am doing now.02:09
EliteTeckeIt has saves my ass b4.02:09
DocScrutinizerEliteTecke: nonsense, the part-tab gets rebuilt on flashing02:09
EliteTeckeWe'll see.02:09
troulouliouDocScrutinizer, just typing U is perfect to have usb storage mode ...02:09
DocScrutinizeraah yes. for storage mode it works. but storage mode is mostly useless02:10
DocScrutinizeras it doesn't expose the rootfs02:10
EliteTeckeI am trying to partition it like this p1=FAT32/home partition, p2=maemo/root/android partition p3=Meego partition, p4=Swap partition.:)02:10
EliteTeckeOnce flashing maemo I will re flash emmc.02:11
javispedroDrGrov: left02:11
EliteTeckeThen maemo again.02:11
DocScrutinizerEliteTecke: you know about the patch-the-image hack?02:11
EliteTeckeI think so.02:11
DrGrovjavispedro: Ok. That is the official version?02:11
EliteTeckeBut which are you referring too?02:11
EliteTeckePlease refresh my memory thanks.:)02:11
javispedroDrGrov: yep, iirc.02:11
hiemanshuDocScrutinizer: its easier to use the rescue initrd and gparted02:11
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EliteTeckeI use the rescue as well.02:12
EliteTeckeTo repartition it.02:12
DocScrutinizersed "s/2048/4096" -i vanilla.bin02:12
EliteTeckeah no I was thinking of something else.02:12
EliteTeckeBut thanks anyway.02:12
DrGrovjavispedro: Ok, thanks for clearing it up.02:12
EliteTeckeIt goes init 20%02:12
DrGrovjavispedro: Just stumbled across it when reading about the N902:13
EliteTeckethen writing.02:13
EliteTeckeI might just be overlooking things.02:13
DrGrovjavispedro: May I PM you?02:13
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javispedroDrGrov: of course, extraofficial, it probably was a elopcalypse move02:13
javispedroDrGrov: yes02:13
DocScrutinizerhiemanshu: how are you typing things on rescue initrd?02:14
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arvutgood evening/night fellas02:14
DocScrutinizerno blue chars02:14
DocScrutinizermeans not even digits02:14
DocScrutinizerhard to operate gparted I guess02:14
EliteTeckeWho me.02:14
hiemanshuDocScrutinizer: typing things?02:14
arvutcoloured chat is nice, cans wees hath it?02:14
EliteTeckeI just pressed u on rescue02:15
EliteTeckeI had to reconnect sometimes.02:15
hiemanshuDocScrutinizer: well, with resuce initrd, the whole eMMC is exposed as a usb mass storage device, so I can access the partiton data with a computer02:15
EliteTeckeIf you don't boot to maemo first and reformat the fat 32 partition02:15
arvutI saw something about +c awhile ago, possibly in #gentoo-chat02:15
EliteTeckedunno why gparted just moans that it can't access the mount point.02:15
DocScrutinizeraaah yes. forgot about it again :-/02:15
EliteTeckeWe have loading bars.02:16
DocScrutinizerarvut: we are obviously not interested02:16
DocScrutinizerhiemanshu: yes, thanks02:17
EliteTeckeThat's what I did.02:17
EliteTeckeahah nokia boot vid.02:17
EliteTeckeIt worked.02:17
DocScrutinizerI thought you were running gparted on device02:17
arvutI'll go back to reading about that enhanced lockscreen then02:17
EliteTeckeWhat no.02:17
EliteTeckeI ran gparted from Linux Mint.02:17
EliteTeckeBut I used rescue to access it.02:18
EliteTeckeAlso a quick note.02:18
hiemanshuhaving gparted on a mobile device is a bad idea in itself02:18
EliteTeckeIf you do need to reflash the n900 and the emmc.02:18
* arvut gotta try mint some day..02:18
EliteTeckeMake sure you disable R&D02:18
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EliteTeckeAs I had problems.02:18
EliteTeckeOtherwise it won't flash properly.02:18
DocScrutinizerthat's new02:18
EliteTeckeDunno why.02:18
EliteTeckeIts done this six times already.02:19
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG is flashing since ages with R&D mode on02:19
EliteTeckeI have the new emmc.02:19
EliteTeckeSo that could be it well.02:19
EliteTeckeThe new emmc image flashed.02:19
DocScrutinizernew eMMC?02:19
arvutwhat's R&D anyways?02:19
EliteTeckeYeah I'm not on vanilla no more.02:19
DocScrutinizermhm, probably MohammadAG does that rarely02:19
EliteTeckeIronically I was trying to reflash the emmc.02:19
EliteTeckeWith R&D enabled.02:19
MohammadAGR&D has been on since May02:20
MohammadAGat least May02:20
MohammadAG09 of course02:20
EliteTeckeTry to repartition again just make sure I don't delete the unallocated space.02:20
EliteTeckeI have never done that before.02:20
MohammadAGI repartitioned my eMMC with gparted02:21
EliteTeckeI have had this device for over year.02:21
hiemanshuEliteTecke: any new partitions you make should be at the end02:21
EliteTeckeI know.02:21
troulouliouDocScrutinizer, storage mode is usefull to copy big files too :)02:21
MohammadAGand unallocated space did change02:21
EliteTeckeI have done this many times.02:21
EliteTeckeJust this time I f*** up.02:21
EliteTeckeIt happens.02:21
MohammadAGbut I set it back to 64 then confirmed changes02:21
DocScrutinizertroulouliou: yes sir02:21
troulouliouthat my actual need copying the bt5 image :)02:22
troulouliouit is pretty sad that the N900 like phone is discontinued02:22
EliteTeckeYou mean a tablet with a phone application.02:23
troulouliouthey should release a N900 v2 with same specification but higer speed CPU ; ram/rom and screen resolution02:23
DocScrutinizerN900 was a NIT, N9 is a phone02:24
MohammadAGis there a way to emit a signal with a QString in QML?02:24
MohammadAGI tried Text, String, char, QString, nothing seems to work02:24
javispedroDocScrutinizer: oh, I'm not sure N900 was a NIT.02:25
javispedroI mean, large, finger sized buttons?02:25
EliteTeckeI don't like how with R&D mode enable the thing boots on power source plugged in such as the battery being inserted.02:25
EliteTeckepain in the rear.02:25
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javispedrodevil's thing!02:25
DocScrutinizerEliteTecke: try this --force-powerbutton option02:26
MohammadAGI like that, swapping batteries is something I do a lot, it saves me having to press the power button02:26
EliteTeckeNote to self leave the 64mb unallocated space alone!02:26
troulouliouMohammadAG, but you have to reset the clock on statup no ?02:27
MohammadAGthough the SIM always leaves its place, so it shows the welcome screen again02:28
MohammadAGbut time and date are correctly set there02:28
troulouliouok maybe this is cause most time i remove battery is to change SIM card02:28
DocScrutinizerthat's unrelated to SIM02:28
MohammadAGactually it is DocScrutinizer02:28
MohammadAGI noticed it when my N900 was new02:28
EliteTeckeTo get the meego partition as p3.02:28
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MohammadAGtake the battery out for 30 secs, nothing happens02:28
EliteTeckeI have to move the second partition up.02:29
MohammadAGEliteTecke, NO02:29
EliteTeckeDelete swap02:29
MohammadAGdon't f with p1-p302:29
EliteTeckeWhat cool it.02:29
MohammadAGif you want MeeGo on the eMMC, put it on a new p402:29
EliteTeckeI have done this many times with android.02:29
EliteTeckeThen add the p3 partition and the swap with remaining 64 allocated space.02:29
Sc0rpiuswho would want to run Meego on the N900? it's SLOWER than nitdroid02:30
MohammadAGBesides extending the partitions, I wouldn't change anything with numbering02:30
EliteTeckeNot the community edition.02:30
SpeedEvilyeah - if you swap SIM - you get a new welcome screen02:30
EliteTeckeIts much better.02:30
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DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: yes, maybe02:30
troulouliouEliteTecke, really ? with phone ....02:30
EliteTeckeNo one said do this how I do.02:30
EliteTeckeIts just how I do things.02:30
MohammadAGSpeedEvil, no need to swap it, just take it out and put it back in02:30
DocScrutinizerbut swapping sim isn't the same as removing and re-inserting same sim02:30
MohammadAGSc0rpius, it's a bit faster as of the latest images02:31
Sc0rpiusI think it's a waste of time02:31
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: that *definitely* does nuttin02:31
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, sure of it, SIM slot somehow detects the sim is removed even without the battery02:31
SpeedEvilMohammadAG: how could it tell if the phone is off? Unless you mean remvoe SIM - power up - replace SIM02:31
EliteTeckeAnd did you bother to increase swap if you flashed the entire emmc with it.02:31
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DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: it simply can't, as device has no means to track such action02:31
EliteTeckeIf you don't its slow.02:31
MohammadAGSpeedEvil, if you replace the sim while the device is on, it simply works02:32
MohammadAGI didn't flash the entire eMMC with MeeGo...02:32
arvuthotswap sim? thats cool02:32
SpeedEvilHow can you do that?02:32
MohammadAGjust copied the files to mmcblk0p4 and booted it up02:32
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EliteTeckeHow can you do that if the sim is behind the battery.02:32
EliteTeckeWhilst having it on.02:32
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: hehe ;-D02:32
arvuthaha good point02:32
Sc0rpiusyou have exactly 30 seconds to do it02:32
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: you actually can02:32
MohammadAGSpeedEvil, offline mode, rmmod ssi_m(tab)02:32
Sc0rpiusleave IT PLUGGED02:32
MohammadAGremove battery by hotswap (see DocScrutinizer's method)02:33
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EliteTeckeYou mean hotswap.02:33
MohammadAGswap sim, put battery back in, insmod, online mode02:33
Sc0rpiusjust leave the charger02:33
SpeedEvilOh - yeah - I was assumign you weren't cheating02:33
EliteTeckeYeah great idea.02:33
EliteTeckeWhy don't we all run the risk of frying our devices.02:33
EliteTeckeNo thanks.02:33
MohammadAGhow would that fry your device...02:33
EliteTeckeWhen ppl say static kills devices they don't say as a joke.02:33
MohammadAGthere's a bigger chance of frying the device because of overclocking than because of hotswap02:34
DocScrutinizerbut when device is powered down, no way it ever detects you opening and closing again the SIM holder02:34
EliteTeckeBut by all means go ahead and cook it I'm sure steve jobs would love you for it.02:34
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Sc0rpiusfuck Steve Jobs!02:34
Sc0rpiusanyway there's no risk of frying it02:34
arvutsome macfreak told me there were mac's that you can hotswap RAM at now, doubt that was true02:34
EliteTeckeA mac rly.02:35
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, well, yes, I realize that02:35
MohammadAGI first thought it tracks IMSI02:35
arvutyeah, eff the cult02:35
MohammadAGbut now it's doing it all the time02:35
MohammadAG(I removed the paper under the sim)02:35
EliteTeckeI am not a supporter of apple hence I own no apple products.02:35
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EliteTeckeNever have never will.02:35
MohammadAGhotswapping ram lol02:35
arvutyeah, hes not very techsavvy02:36
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MohammadAGhotswapping the SIM is possible cause the device doesn't give a shit about the SIM when it's in offline mode02:36
MohammadAGoh and btw, DocScrutinizer02:36
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MohammadAGplug a charger in MeeGo02:36
MohammadAGremove the battery, the device stays on02:36
EliteTeckeWell duh the iphone has the same cpu chip as the n900 and yet the iphone runs slower.02:36
MohammadAGwe have to stop bme on maemo, but not on MeeGo02:36
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DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: (offline) exactly02:37
arvutsame with maemo on n900?02:37
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EliteTeckeThe cpu is clocked down to 600mhz.02:37
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: (meego) WTF?!02:37
EliteTeckeSilly really as it can run at 1Ghz just fine.02:37
MohammadAGno, if you remove the battery with the charger in the screen flickers and the device dies02:37
arvutEliteTecke: yeah, fancy crap with too much bloat in it top stay sharp02:37
troulouliouwahou kernel panic while removing the device from flash.rescue without unounting02:37
MohammadAGI thought you'd wtf at that02:38
arvutEliteTecke: would you actually recommend overclocking it then?02:38
Sc0rpiusSteve Jobs can die for I care but I know the reason02:38
DocScrutinizerEliteTecke: please don't spread nonsense02:38
Sc0rpiusiPhone's battery last like a week02:38
Sc0rpiusthat's the reason of the underclock02:38
MohammadAGbut I pulled the battery out by mistake02:38
EliteTeckeMaemo runs at 600mhz02:39
Sc0rpiusand the lack of real multitasking also saves battery life02:39
SpeedEvilEliteTecke: the iphone and the n900 do not share a CPU02:39
EliteTeckeIt hasn't gone higher without power kernal and overclocking.02:39
arvutSc0rpius: and he will, the bastard even tore down his mansion bcuz he doesnt want others to live there when he takes his dirtnap02:39
EliteTeckesnapdragon cpu.02:39
EliteTeckeI dunno about the iphone 4.02:39
arvutthat mansion was like 300 years old02:39
EliteTeckeBut the same as the 3d02:39
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arvutso, worth overclocking the n900 to 1ghz?02:40
Sc0rpiusif you want to kill it yes02:40
MohammadAGyeah, cooking steaks will be fun again02:41
arvutor should it stay at 600?02:41
troulouliouarvut, if you have permanent access to car / wakk power outlet yes02:41
EliteTeckeI wouldn't recommend you do it all the time.02:41
SpeedEvilIt is likely to be significantly less reliable.02:41
MohammadAGlast thing I would worry about is battery life when overclocking02:41
Sc0rpiusI wouldn't recommend you do it even once02:41
SpeedEvil?However - go for it if you don't care much about that.02:41
EliteTeckeBut with all overclocking you will shorten the cpu's life time.02:41
infobotextra, extra, read all about it, omap-oc is  read that!, or and this
arvutoh yeah, battery drain.. forgot about that :P02:41
trouloulioui m in 1 ghz all days without any issue except some battery drain02:41
MohammadAGwhere's that warning igor posted02:42
arvutmine can be somewhat slow sometimes02:42
MohammadAGah yeah, this thing
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infobot"OK, listen up.  This is your CPU."  apt drops the CPU into a hot frying pan.  "This is your CPU on overclocking.  Any questions?"02:42
arvutI'll keep it at 600 then.. this phone is gonna live as long as my 3410 did02:42
EliteTeckeIf your that bothered stick android on it and downclock.02:43
arvutnah, dont like android02:43
arvutI'd rather install gentoo on it then02:43
* SpeedEvil ponders selling teeny CPU fans for n900.02:43
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DocScrutinizertroulouliou: I'm smoking since decades, with absolutely no problems except a bit of coughing02:44
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MohammadAGjavispedro, does Harmattan show isntallation progress or just a static icon?02:44
javispedroMohammadAG: good question. Code shows it might show a progress bar, but didn't manage to reproduce it (swipelauncher is closed)02:45
EliteTeckeI think I have found the issue with the partitioning.02:45
javispedroso, no idea.02:45
EliteTeckeIf you delete the swap the unallocated space goes with it.02:45
MohammadAGIf I wanted Android I'd get an Android device02:45
EliteTeckeSo moving the partition is the only option.02:45
arvutMohammadAG: is that enhanced-lockscreen still in extras-devel btw?02:45
arvutI wanna try it02:46
MohammadAGcause tbh, Android works better there02:46
javispedroalso, this is what happens when you break packages on harmattan =)
MohammadAGarvut, yep02:46
arvutoh :(02:46
MohammadAGSorry, I don't use -testing02:46
arvutso its safe to install?02:46
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arvutnot exactly sure which category is which yet02:47
EliteTeckehaha worked and my partitions are how I like them.02:47
EliteTeckeWhat was that don't do x y z oh come on.02:47
arvutextras-devel is the dangerous one, right?02:47
SpeedEvilI've had few problems though.02:48
arvutgood, ty02:48
EliteTeckeDo you really think I wouldn't do this if I knew it would f**** up my device.02:48
MohammadAGhad -devel enabled since day 102:48
EliteTeckeFound another bug with the emmc.02:48
arvutadvanced power was a mistake I made quite early02:48
EliteTeckeHaving R&D enabled and four partitions may sometimes jerk the booting.02:49
EliteTeckeI think it just gets stuck in ram.02:49
MohammadAGumm, no02:49
EliteTeckeSo I just removed the power source.02:49
MohammadAGfirst boot is always slow02:49
EliteTeckeAnd re inserted and it was fine.02:49
arvutnow its not in -devel anymore I think but it kinda messed up my device02:49
MohammadAGit was optifying rootfs, chances are you broke that02:49
MohammadAGumm, no, all devices optify rootfs on first boot02:50
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EliteTeckeOkay its how you root the device to the point where you can have access to everything.02:50
arvutroot and d...?02:50
EliteTeckeSo no need for silly sudo gain root package installed02:50
EliteTeckeTo go to root from terminal.02:50
MohammadAGR&D is more than root access02:50
troulouliouis there any way to adjust xterm font to a slower value then 602:51
EliteTeckeI know but I am just simplifying it.02:51
trouloulioui mean the osso-term02:51
arvutwhat does the D in it mean?02:51
DocScrutinizerEliteTecke: why do you simplify things that are simple enough the way they are?02:51
EliteTeckeWho knows.02:52
EliteTeckeI am not really that fussed.02:52
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arvutyeah, give the real meaning and see if ppl understand it instead X)02:52
DocScrutinizerit's a bit annoying you spreading semi-nonsense all the time02:52
EliteTeckeThen get more questions.02:52
MohammadAGResearch and Destr, err, Development02:52
EliteTeckeoh yeah a brilliant way to spend my time.02:52
arvutroot & destroy x)02:52
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DocScrutinizerR&D is research and development02:53
MohammadAGit's not about root or not02:53
DocScrutinizerthe flasher R&D mode switches the hardware to a different state02:53
MohammadAGit's more about watchdogs, or killing them02:53
DocScrutinizersome debugging things get enabled that a normal user neither needs nor wants02:54
EliteTeckeNo I just explained what it enables/allow you to be able to do in simple terms as otherwise I get people saying I don't understand yada yada.02:54
DocScrutinizere.g yu kbd backlight starts flickering weird ans sucks battery all the time for nothing, in R&D mode02:55
arvutI understand :)02:55
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arvutthat page was quite brilliantly summarized02:55
EliteTeckeOnce I have done screwing around with the device I usually disable R&D mode.02:56
EliteTeckeUntil I need it again.02:56
arvutand research & devel speaks for itself02:56
arvutyeah, maybe feed the bot with that link for easy reminder?02:56
arvutso you can enable/disable r&d without a reflash then?02:57
arvutor not02:58
EliteTeckeI just flash flasher-3.5 --disable-rd-mode02:59
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EliteTeckeAnd then flasher-3.5 -R02:59
EliteTeckeTo reboot.02:59
arvutinteresting. not gonna try it until I have to tho. not into development yet02:59
arvutbut atleast I know what you speak of now :)03:00
EliteTeckeYeah sorry about that.03:00
EliteTeckeYou won't believe how many times I tell people the whole thing from a to b and then they got what?03:00
EliteTeckeSo then I simplify it what something does that they most concerned of.03:01
EliteTeckeThen they may get pissed at me for not doing that in the first place.03:01
EliteTeckeSo I either do that or don't bother answering.03:01
EliteTeckeNo offence but if people are that bothered just google stuff for your self.03:01
arvuthaha yeah, I tend to start babbling with ppl about new exciting techstuff I've read about or try to explain thing I do and all I get is "I have no clue what ur talkin about. please shut up!"03:02
GeneralAntillesThe Handset forum is gonna make me get back into reading forums.03:02
EliteTeckeYeah exactly.03:02
EliteTeckeSorry arvut.03:03
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arvutI do enjoy conversing tho, which is why I'm here. and learning new thing keeps me alive :)03:03
EliteTeckeAnyway's I am off to install meego and if I can get it to boot from the partition I won't and still have maemo and android(optional) from the emmc I will post a tutorial on it.03:03
EliteTeckeIf people are interested.03:04
arvutnice, much appriciated ;)03:04
EliteTeckeI will still stay and chat but my responses maybe long in between replies.03:04
EliteTecke*I want03:04
arvutI'm off to bed as soon as I've finished scanning my uncles laptop with mbam03:04
arvutsooo tired -.-03:05
EliteTeckeYeah mbam is good for windows.03:05
EliteTeckeBut I stopped using windows all together a long time ago.03:05
arvutthis is a vista laptop, lenovo junk with a 3 min batterylife (hw is crap)03:06
arvut137gb hdd and its 80% full03:06
arvutinstalling ubuntu on it tomorrow so they can dualboot for some speed03:07
EliteTeckeDamn you need more space.03:07
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DocScrutinizerprobably #ubuntu is appreciating lessons about rm * usage03:14
EliteTeckeI won't mention them again.03:14
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EliteTeckeJust a question that sparks your mind. If say your cpu dies on your n900 in say the next 5 to 10 years would you solder on a new cpu if you could find one to buy?03:17
arvutyeah #ubuntu always need good helpers ;)03:17
EliteTeckeOr just buy a new phone or device?03:17
EliteTeckeMyself I would get a new cpu if I could.03:18
arvutEliteTecke: probably not, would you buy a new cpu for your old P2?03:18
arvutor P3 for that sake03:18
EliteTeckeAs I have many p2 for spare parts.03:18
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EliteTeckeI know not every one would.03:18
EliteTeckeBut I just don't see the point in buying an entire new device if all it needs is one part replacing.03:19
EliteTeckeIf it say need more then three parts.03:19
EliteTeckeI wouldn't bother.03:19
arvutI actually considered buying a P3 and some cheap ram for an old serverbox I found.. turned out the hdd was dead too and the cd-rom was kinda weak03:19
EliteTeckeDamn that's bad.03:20
EliteTeckeYeah in those cases I wouldn't bother.03:20
arvutI collect P4's instead :P03:20
EliteTeckeBut a cpu being needed to replace.03:20
EliteTeckeI mean come on I build pc's all the damn time.03:20
EliteTeckeAnd replace countless cpu's.03:20
EliteTeckeSo why the heck not.03:20
arvutwould cost me £4503:20
EliteTeckeGranted I don't have to solder them in a desktop.03:21
arvutfor the cpu03:21
EliteTeckeI don't understand people that just buy a whole new pc instead of upgrade or replace the part.03:21
EliteTeckeJust because they don't know how too.03:21
EliteTeckeYeah but other people do.03:22
EliteTeckeAnd it is usually cheaper to replace a piece of hardware in a pc.03:22
arvutsinglecores can be a pain when it comes to requirements and stuff03:22
EliteTeckeEvery chip is different.03:22
EliteTeckeReplace one cpu with the same one with the same default clock is fine and yes I know all cpu's of the same model are never going to be exactly the same.03:23
EliteTeckeHence why some cpu's clock better then others.03:23
arvutbut my new i7 generates less heat than my old p4 does, so now I gotta keep the window shut during the winter :P03:23
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EliteTeckeThe highest overlclock I ever managed was a Intel Pentium duo core(silly name just call it a pentium duo) was from 2.0Ghz stock to 3.80Ghz03:24
EliteTeckeIdle temps 22-24 degrees.03:24
EliteTeckeFirst overlclock I ever did as well.03:25
arvutnot using stock cooler then? ;)03:25
EliteTeckeOh god no the most I got with that on any cpu would be +0.6003:26
EliteTeckeI use a artic cooler.03:26
EliteTeckeWith artic silver.03:26
EliteTeckeBest make for me.03:26
arvutgood stuff03:26
EliteTeckeWhen it comes to cooling.03:26
arvutI found mx-1 to be quite good too03:27
EliteTeckeBut then weirdly I can't even push a stock duo core from intel at 3.0Ghz to 4.0Ghz03:27
EliteTeckeThis is with the Arctic cooler.03:27
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EliteTeckeI think it is down to my ram.03:27
arvutcould be03:27
arvutI know not too much about overclocking03:28
EliteTeckeI have two 1gb sticks of DDR2(Geil) and 2 2GB ram of DDR2(Corsair)03:28
EliteTeckeAnd they run slightly different speeds.03:28
EliteTeckeBut only by about 30.03:28
arvutcorsair makes excellent stuff03:28
EliteTeckeYeah mine have the flashing leds.03:28
EliteTeckeThe gold bars.03:28
EliteTeckeWell gold plated ones.03:29
EliteTeckeBest system I ever built was my first one.03:29
EliteTeckeHad to be.03:29
EliteTeckeIn my opinion.03:29
DocScrutinizerprobably dramatically increases speed of flasher-3.503:29
EliteTeckeJust started high school many years ago.03:29
arvutheh, I modified my first one so many times that only one ram stick and the mobo remained original at the end03:30
EliteTeckeAnd I had I think it was an asus motherboard.03:30
arvutthen I built my i7 which I'm very happy with03:30
EliteTeckepc4-e something or other.03:30
EliteTeckeWith a asus cpu upgrade hit.03:30
EliteTeckeRunning a laptop processor.03:30
EliteTeckeBrilliant temps.03:30
* divan finally fixed a bug in echonest-codogen which drove me crazy. Codegenerator algorithm works perfectly for the first time, and fails the next ones, unless the program is restarted.03:31
EliteTeckeA 1gb stick of DDR1 gold plated ballistixs.03:31
arvutwas massivly suprised that with the low-cost ram these days, 8gb ddr3 for under 80€03:31
EliteTeckeA Nvidia 6800GT03:31
EliteTeckeAnd A 500watt psu.03:31
divanBTW, QtCreator gdb frontend is awesome03:31
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EliteTeckeAnd omg a 80Gb ide hard drive.03:31
EliteTeckeHow old.03:32
arvuthaha those were epic03:32
MohammadAGI'm guessing N950 applications deadline is over?03:32
arvut74.4gb wd?03:32
EliteTeckeAnd a pioneer rw sata drive03:32
EliteTeckeAs well as a Sony dvdrom/cdrw (IDE)03:32
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EliteTeckeTurned out to be a rebranded liteon drive.03:32
EliteTeckeSo I flashed that sucker with a liteon firmware.03:33
EliteTeckeAnd now I can backup gamecube games.03:33
EliteTeckeAnd possibly Nintendo Wii.03:33
EliteTeckeGames I think.:)03:33
javispedroMohammadAG: do not think it is hard deadline, prolly form will stay up until someone remembers03:33
EliteTeckeIt also had Hercules Fortimissmo III sound card.03:33
EliteTeckeBut I sold it some years back.03:33
MohammadAGjavispedro, heh03:34
arvutundblasger live! 5.1 :)03:34
EliteTeckeIt was good but no where near as good as my onboard HD sound.03:34
MohammadAGjavispedro, done any work on QML?03:34
javispedrodid some stuff reimplement the wp7 ui03:34
javispedrodo not know what I'd use it for =)03:34
EliteTeckeAnd I had a good system but had a crappy 17inch crt!03:34
EliteTeckeWhat was I thinking.03:34
EliteTeckeI had a 2.1 Logitech sound system with sub-woofer which I still own.03:35
EliteTeckeNo way am I getting rid of that.03:35
EliteTeckeEventually the PSU died after about five years or so.03:35
javispedroMohammadAG: have you seen this movie?
EliteTeckeI think playing Fear with a few hardware upgrades drained it quicker.03:36
EliteTeckeAwesome game by the way.:)03:36
arvutI had one of those too, sold it to my mom and bought a 2nd hand cerwin vega 2.1 which I've used with an old yamaha amp for a few years03:36
arvutgood stuff. logitech speakers were a rip-off compared to these03:36
EliteTeckeI bet.03:37
EliteTeckeI used to have 5.1 surround sound system.03:37
EliteTeckeHooked up.03:37
EliteTeckeBut the speakers went.03:37
EliteTeckeSome other ones.03:37
EliteTeckeThat came with my LG dvd player.03:37
EliteTeckedamn old.03:37
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EliteTeckeAnd yeah I region hacked the dvd player.03:38
EliteTeckeWho wouldn't.03:38
arvutmy neighbour blew up both soundard (intergrated ac97 7.1) and Z3 speakers (same as I had)03:38
EliteTeckeIt had a sub-woofer as well.03:38
EliteTeckeI could of just blown the speakers.03:38
javispedroMohammadAG: cause it's exactly what's going to happen when they announce they only have one single n950 to share =)03:38
EliteTeckeBut it turned out all the wiring had worn out.03:38
EliteTeckeAnd some of the connectors as well.03:38
javispedroeither way, good luck for everyone who submitted03:39
javispedrocya gentlemen.03:39
arvutmbam is finally complete, 12 infected, 2 rogue AV's and 1 rogue spyware remover among with some toolbars and other junk03:39
arvutlovely program that is, go mbam! and goood niight!! -.^03:40
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MohammadAGlmfao javispedro03:42
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SpeedEvilOooh - impressive!03:49
SpeedEvil - some numbers gathered from various places indicate that - the n9 camera resolution is a fair bit better than the n90003:50
Ken-YoungStop torturing us!03:50
SpeedEvilAround 4.4 megapixels.03:51
MohammadAGthe N900 was 2?03:51
SpeedEvilStill way under 8 megapixels. But ~1.7mm lens is lots better03:51
MohammadAGyay for night time photos03:52
SpeedEvil0.39 milliradian resolution if I've not blown off the numbers.03:52
* MohammadAG hopes the flash is the same as that on the N8603:52
SpeedEvilIt's '20% brighter than any nokia flash'03:52
MohammadAGthat thing is almost as good as Xenon03:52
SpeedEvilany nokia LED flash03:52
MohammadAGhmm, interesting03:52
SpeedEvilOf course - that doesn't saaay anything about the sensitivity03:52
MohammadAGthe N86 was very bright03:52
MohammadAGa lot brighter than two N900s combined03:53
SpeedEvilThe chip is only 5.7mm diagonal - which isn't very large.03:53
SpeedEvilAnother question is - is that in terms of actual light output, or brightness. If it's in terms of actual light output, the brightness will be lower, as it's got to illuminate a larger angle03:53
ShadowJKN900 was 2Mpix?03:54
SpeedEvilShadowJK: Somewhere of that order. The lens really handicaps it03:54
Ken-YoungSpeedEvil, Doesn't the F 2.2 mean it will be better in low light?03:54
SpeedEvilKen-Young: Not quite.03:55
SpeedEvilKen-Young: For a given sensor, if you drop the F ratio, the image gets brighter.03:55
SpeedEvilBut - not if you swap sensors.03:55
SpeedEvilOr decrease the QE, or ...03:55
SpeedEvilSo it's a crapshoot.03:56
Ken-YoungWhat is QE?03:56
SpeedEvilQuantum Efficiency03:56
SpeedEvilHow many photons get turned into photoelectrons.03:56
Ken-YoungOh, I'd lump that in with swapping sensors.03:56
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SpeedEvilyeah - sorry - not very clear at this time of night.03:56
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Ken-YoungSpeedEvil, Is there any indication they are actually using a less sensitive chip?03:57
SpeedEvil implies it's more sensitive - but the lower area means its performance in low light is similar to n803:58
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Ken-YoungI'm surprised that the N950 has a four row keyboard, but the upper row isn't numeric (whichout shifting).   By far my biggest complaint about the N900 keyboard is having to shift for numerals.04:01
ShadowJKN900 keyb makes it hard to enter IP addresses04:03
Ken-YoungFrom the looks of it, they managed to make a four row keyboard for the N950 which will be no more convenient than a 3 row one would have been.04:04
Ken-YoungNot that I'll ever get to touch one...04:05
SpeedEvilThe bigger spacebar, for example, seems  - with the benefit of using the n900 for a bit - pointless04:05
MohammadAGhmm, no camera key on the N9 means you have to launch the camera from the menu04:05
SpeedEvilWell - I'd like xephem, or similar, with magnetometer and accel pointy goodness! :)04:06
SpeedEvilThat would be a useful app on the n9.04:06
SpeedEvilAnd worthy of a dev device IMO.04:06
SpeedEvilBut yes - time is limited.04:06
Ken-YoungSpeedEvil, Well, I applied for a Devkit to port orrery and add magnetometer support, but I doubt I'll get one.04:06
SpeedEvilAh - hope you're successfull.04:07
Ken-YoungI wonder if Meego has code to figure out magnetic declination from GPS coordinates, so that they can derive true north from magnetic north.04:08
SpeedEvilThere is lots of code out there to do similar.04:08
SpeedEvilWas recently talking with someone with commodity sensors getting ~0.1 degree heading info with a proper magnetic model and GPS.04:09
SpeedEvilThat's in the range where you need to worry abou tthe ionosphere pushing the magnetism around!04:09
Ken-YoungIt's tough to do that in Northern Canada!04:09
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MohammadAGSpeedEvil, you can see the flash in this vid
SpeedEvilHmm - yes - he was in Cambridge, UK04:10
SpeedEvilMohammadAG: Difficult without a lightmeter.04:10
MohammadAGI said see,  not measure how bright it is :P04:11
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SpeedEvilOne thing I don't like about the n9 is no hardware camera.04:11
SpeedEvilcamera shutter04:12
SpeedEvilwhich is a pity04:12
Ken-YoungI wish it had a cover, too.04:12
Ken-YoungStyle be damned!04:12
bistonO_o that phone is really fast (watching the video)04:13
SpeedEvilyeah - that's what I mean by cover04:16
Ken-YoungOh, I misunderstood.04:16
SpeedEvilI get fingerprints on things.04:16
SpeedEvilI also want a shutter button.04:16
SpeedEvilOr a magic grip04:16
SpeedEvilFor example, pull phone out of pocket, and drag from both edges at the same time.04:16
SpeedEvilpinch from the edges of the display into the middle04:17
Ken-YoungHas anyone put a folded optics camera in a cell phone?04:17
SpeedEvilKen-Young: It's a _damn_ huge package to put a 'proper' camera in there.04:17
SpeedEvilThe n9 camera is probably of the order of 7*7*5mm04:17
SpeedEvilIt's amazing the performance for a camera of its size.04:18
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SpeedEvilBut sometimes you just want a damn huge lens.04:19
GeneralAntilles28mm is a bit wide04:21
* SpeedEvil is pondering making a 2.88m^2 lens.04:21
SpeedEvilWell - mirror.04:21
SpeedEvilThough for solar concentration.04:21
Ken-YoungBoils water for a steam powered phone.04:22
MohammadAGremind me to make a flashlight app for the N904:22
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SpeedEvilKen-Young: Tempting. :)04:22
MohammadAGor N950, if I ever get either one04:22
SpeedEvilI'm aiming at getting some solar-DIY panels at a fair bit under a dollar a watt of PV.04:22
Ken-YoungMohammadAG, If they don't give you an N950, they're deranged.04:22
MohammadAGI'm actually expecting they won't, idk why04:23
MohammadAG250 devices, 600-700 requests, my chances are small04:24
Ken-YoungMohammadAG, But people know how much you'd done for the N900.04:25
SpeedEvilBut are those the right people?04:25
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mrexcesso/  - anyone know of a way to show / hide a homescreen (on the fly)04:58
mrexcessor a icon dock that toggles on/off?04:58
SpeedEvilYou can set the number of homescreens.05:00
SpeedEvilI'm unsure you can do this truly on the fly though05:00
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mrexcesshmm i want to be ablte to put all my system stuff on one that hides, like conky and cmd shortcuts etc05:02
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mbufwhat is the recommended procedure to install, use Debian on N900?05:10
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mbufmrexcess, okay05:11
mrexcesspretty easy tbh just use app manager, its not running natively tho05:11
mbufmrexcess, I see05:12
mrexcesswell it run over hte top of maemo i mean05:12
mbufmrexcess, running native is possible?05:13
mrexcess(wtb spellcheck for pidgin)05:13
mrexcessnot sure tbh any of the 332 other people have any idea?05:13
Sc0rpius331, since I don't have a clue05:13
mrexcess- infobot too, also need maths checker]05:14
Sc0rpiusI don't think running it natively is an option05:14
Sc0rpiusyou'd need drivers that are not open05:14
mrexcessEasy Debian uses a fully installed Debian system to run applications  inside of Maemo. The Deblet project helps you install a bootable Debian  system from scratch; Deblet is mainly designed for booting to an  alternate OS.05:15
Sc0rpiusfor keyboard, screen, etc05:15
mrexcesslook into deblet but its 404'ing me atm05:15
mrexcessdont even know if that was ever out for n900 tbh just asking uncle google05:16
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mrexcessheres a community plan on getting debian onto n900 btw: discussion
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mrexcessoooold tbh id stick to easy deb and use the lxde interface05:22
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mrexcessits hardly nippy tbh05:22
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mrexcessgl o/05:23
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Kilroo...I feel as if I must be overcomplicating this. It seems unlikely that it's really this difficult to share my ipv6 beta connection with my android tablet.05:24
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fredrinanyone use shr on their n900? lol06:56
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SpeedEvilThere is a SHR channel I think06:56
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fredrinsame same, but different06:58
fredrinwill i get better battery time with suspend that 0 clock?06:59
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SpeedEvilSuspend to ram uses about 3mA less power.07:06
SpeedEvilThis could lead to stabdby life of ~300-400 hours in an optimally configured system07:06
* ShadowJK observed his spare n900 consume 3mA. (Offline mode, 15)07:07
SpeedEvilthat was online with GSM07:08
SpeedEvilbut in suspend mode07:08
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cehtehSpeedEvil: now do the calculation how long the suspend must be to conserve more power than a shutdown/reboot07:19
cehteherr ShadowJK07:19
SpeedEvilUm - no.07:19
SpeedEvilSuspend-disk would be the appropriate way to deal with that07:20
cehtehnot even sure :)07:20
cehtehwriting to flash is such a hog :P07:20
SpeedEvilIt's about an hour, anyway07:20
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SpeedEvilBut if you're doing that, you need to be a haxxor07:21
SpeedEvilFor example - a limited phone app in early boot.07:22
cehtehsome semi-deep sleep would be nice ... that is, turn off all radios, most interrupt sources and stop services which are not essential (trackerd, ...)07:22
SpeedEvilTo be fair - services which are not essential do go dead.07:22
SpeedEvilOn battery.07:22
cehtehthats why i saied trackerd :P07:22
cehtehsomeone at nokia decided trackerd is essential .. haha07:23
SpeedEvilI often get an average time-between wakes of 3s or so07:23
cehtehyes .. would be nice to extend that to tens of seconds07:23
cehteh(maybe even disabling the watchdogs, at least when not charging)07:23
cehtehhey i can configure my laptop to do that07:24
* SpeedEvil wonders why pulseaudio has decided it's gonna burble along at 3% CPU07:24
cehtehyes pa is another example07:24
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SpeedEvilOh - media player was up. (though not playing)07:25
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SpeedEvilI'm really unsure that the wake time is the actual problem leading to sleep.07:25
* SpeedEvil sighs.07:25
cehtehanyways .. standby and otherwise idle power management isnt that shabby ...07:26
SpeedEvilleading to sleep current over the suspend -RAM07:26
cehtehif only the device would consume less power when used :P07:26
SpeedEvilAnd saving 3mA - at best - is questionable.07:26
SpeedEvilI meant to try reducing colour depth too.07:26
SpeedEvilI have a laptop that uses 10% less power at 4bpp07:26
cehtehhighly depends on the graphics chipset07:27
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cehtehi bet the n900 graphics are only designed with one mode in mind07:27
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SpeedEvilGraphics chipset, LCD, RAM.07:27
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cehtehwell no ram when the device is idle .. it completely powers down the graphics then07:28
SpeedEvilHowever - ram BPP is generally going to be accepted just fine with the LCD, it gets upset if you change bitrates07:28
cehtehidle == screen off07:28
SpeedEvilI meant reducing active power07:28
cehtehwell try it07:28
cehtehis there a xorg.conf?07:28
SpeedEvilI should try to poke more.07:28
SpeedEvilCurrently working on my n950 application.07:29
SpeedEvilThere is so much of the n900 that I haven't properly explored.07:29
* cehteh wonders how much fun it will be when you break the xorg.conf 07:29
SpeedEvilCan the DMA unit be configured to stream audio from a RAM buffer to the soundcard without the CPU being awake.07:29
cehtehwhen x doesnt come up .. does sshd do .. or do the initscript count that as fatal error and do a reboot loop?07:30
SpeedEvilDoes the helix mp3 decoder go faster on the processor?07:30
SpeedEvilAll of the user stuff is brought up in IIRC07:30
* cehteh better doesnt try .. tell me when it works for you07:31
cehtehi dont want a bricked device and dont want to reflash :P07:31
SpeedEvilThere are fairly risk free ways to so it.07:31
cehtehyes .. but i am lazy :)07:31
SpeedEvilYou have the init script you edit, as the first thing it does - move the old script over the new07:32
cehtehyes go ahead07:32
SpeedEvilI have way too little functional tim. Trying to do more.07:32
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dan_hi guys , dummy network does not show up in my internet connection list ? how do i get it to show up there ?07:40
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fredrinwould be nice to make the n900 suspend with the use of the side knob, it only woke up by call or sms08:30
robbiethe1stTo be fair, the N900 almost does that08:31
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robbiethe1stwith the screen off and no programs taking much, the chip is actually off for a signifigant portion of each second, resulting in negligable power usage08:31
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dan_hi guys , dummy network does not show up in my internet connection list ? how do i get it to show up there ?08:57
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bindiI'm in windows xp mode (on top of a win7 x64)09:17
bindiattached the n900 (update mode) to the vm09:18
bindiyet flasher says "suitable usb device not found, waiting"09:18
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dan_hi guys , dummy network does not show up in my internet connection list ? how do i get it to show up there ?09:24
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SpeedEvildan_: 'dummy network' ?09:28
dan_SpeedEvil  ya  dummy network used in USB Networking09:29
SpeedEvil'internet connection list' ?09:29
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jonwilbah, still no closer to figuring out all this stuff I need to figure out :(10:01
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jonwillibconnui is really annoying me :(10:03
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Termanagood morning10:05
SpeedEviljonwil: What bit of it specifically?10:06
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jonwilI am trying to figure out how to use connui_cell_net_status_close, connui_cell_net_status_register, connui_cell_net_get_operator_name, connui_cell_network_dup, connui_cell_network_free, connui_cell_sim_get_service_provider and connui_cell_sim_is_network_in_service_provider_info from libconnui_cellular10:08
jonwilparticularly connui_cell_net_status_register/close10:08
SpeedEvilWhat are you wanting from it?10:09
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jonwilI want to be able to call those functions10:09
jonwilor failing that, somehow come up with functions that do exactly the same thing10:09
SpeedEvilhave you looked at 'netmon'10:10
jonwilof course "do exactly the same thing" implies that somehow we have to figure out just WHAT those functions do10:10
jonwiland yes I have looked at netmon10:10
SpeedEviloh - hang on - I think I pointed you to that last night10:10
jonwilyes you did10:10
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jonwilSo far as I can tell, connui_cell_net_status_register takes a callback function10:12
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jonwilI either need the prototype of that callback function or to find out what information its passed10:13
jonwiland also what triggers a call to it10:13
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jonwilARM reverse engineering is a lot harder than the x86 I am used to :(10:16
ruskiewhat are you reverse engineering?10:17
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jonwilas per what I am talking about with those functions10:19
jonwilIts annoying because libconnui is undocumented :(10:21
jonwiland understanding it is important for understanding any of the interesting bits in the connectivity widgets10:22
cloudyLightsjowil: interesting , according to the netmon app I think I can10:23
jonwilyou think you can figure what out?10:24
cloudyLightswrite aprogram to wake me up when I sense a change in location10:24
cloudyLightsin 15 min  I saw the cellular zone change and also the cellID10:24
cloudyLightsI may also use the signal strength10:25
cloudyLightswish I could query signal to a certaintower10:25
cloudyLightscertain tower10:25
cloudyLightsso, please share your finindings10:25
jonwilThats the point, I dont know how libconnui and libconnui_cellular work10:26
jonwilso I havent got any "findings" yet10:26
jonwilif I could call those libraries, a lot of things would become possible10:27
jonwilor easy10:27
SpeedEvilAlso - I think the you get some dbus messages on signal change - at least when netmon is on10:27
SpeedEvilI assume you've tried googling the function names?10:27
jonwilthere is a dbus signal signal_strength_change10:27
jonwildont know much about it though10:27
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SpeedEvilalso tower10:28
jonwilgoogling for "connui_cell_net_status_register" only shows some places that mirror/repost a post from me on the devel mailing list10:29
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LorisseHi, i'm having problems with connecting my n900 to my mac via bluetooth. I can browse or send files to my n900 from my mac but i can't send files the other way around. Any thoughts?10:41
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alteregoMacs are scht10:42
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alterego(just a thought) :P10:43
Lorissewell sometimes! but before, it used to work.10:44
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Lorisseis there a way to re-install the bluetooth on my phone?10:45
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alteregoMust be an anti N900 service update for OS X10:45
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MasseRThe sdk gui installer does not work in archlinux. Is there any other way to get a development environment without installing some debian derivative?10:47
alteregoInstall Fedora10:47
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alteregoOr Open SuSe10:47
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MasseRs/installing some debian derivative/installing yet another different distro/10:48
infobotMasseR meant: The sdk gui installer does not work in archlinux. Is there any other way to get a development environment without installing yet another different distro?10:48
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alteregoWell, why would you install archlinux to begin with10:49
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alteregoNothing works with it to the point of it being pre10:50
alteregoNothing works with it to the point of it being pretty useless ..10:50
MasseRYou're probably the first one (besides me) saying that D:10:50
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alteregoJoin the light side, install Ubuntu :P10:51
* SpeedEvil is still on slackware.10:51
* jonwil uses Gentoo10:51
MasseRalterego: Seeing what canonical does, I'd rather not10:51
jonwiland all the SDK stuff works just fine there :)10:51
alteregoThough I'd install 10.10 11.04 is a bit buggy10:51
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MasseRCan madde still be used for maemo?10:51
* alterego still can't tether his N900 with 11.04 :/10:51
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alteregoMasseR: yes10:51
* frals cats /etc/debian_version10:52
javei'm curious about the n950. any faq about it?10:52
alteregoI use it for maemo, harmattan & meego10:52
jjoMasseR: which SDK? and how does it fail?10:52
alteregojave: are you a developer?10:52
alteregoThen go to
MasseRjjo: and fails when creating a user. I tried continuing manually, but as arch no longer has hostname, I had to patch some files. After that I was able to log in and set the environments but apt couldn't update anything10:53
alteregoinfact ..10:53
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alteregoMasseR: that sounds like a horrible mess, use a better distro :P10:54
javealterego: I would get it for my personal hacking, but im a dev even so10:54
MasseRalterego: Two weeks ago I moved from fedora which was fubar. I will not touch buntus and debians too old, so no, not right now anyway :P10:54
javealterego: so im curious if its worthy upgrade from n90010:55
alteregojave: well if you're not actually creating apps to share or sell, you're not getting an N95010:55
javeah ok10:55
alteregoMasseR: then suffer.10:55
alteregoAnd do it in silence :P10:55
MasseRalterego: So the official view of the maemo community is that ubuntu or gtfo, or is it only the official view of alterego?10:56
jjoMasseR: ok then. I thought I might be able to help, since I know the command line installers and the "gui installer" is just running them but that sounds "exotic"10:56
alteregoMasseR: I told you, ubuntu or fedora or open suse10:56
alteregoOne of the major supported distros.10:57
alteregoNo one supports archlinux.10:57
jonwilThe SDK works just fine on Gentoo FYI10:57
MasseRjjo: Hmm.. I'll try madde, but could you have helped with apt? That's where I got stumped10:57
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jjoMasseR: in maemo5 the installation can still be done manually and doing it so, would reveal the exact point where it fails10:58
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jjoI have a feeling that scratchbox isn't working properly or the networking inside scratchbox10:58
jjoif apt indeed is failing10:58
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jjobut by the time you'd be running apt, you should have scratchbox installed already10:59
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MasseRjjo: I just tried to continue where the gui failed10:59
alteregojjo: I think he's talking about apt from within scratchbox ..10:59
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jjoalterego: that's why I thought he should have sb installed :)11:00
ruskiehmm hmm looks like I'll need to build a fresh kernel with the mobilehotspot stuff enabled11:00
jjoMasseR: can you use the network connection from inside scratchbox?11:01
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MasseRHold on a while, I'll try it again soon11:01
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cloudyLightsjowel: you said you use gentoo?11:06
jonwilI use gentoo yes11:06
cloudyLightsjowel: so we need to talk later11:06
jonwildo you use gentoo? Or do you plan to use it?11:06
cloudyLightsjowel: I am also using gentoo at home and need advice on scratchbox11:06
cloudyLightsnow I am at work on ubuntu11:07
jonwilAll I did was to unmask the scratchbox packages and then I was able to install scratchbox with emerge11:07
cloudyLightsI amy just install xen and use a irtual OS for maemo develop11:07
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MasseRWhat weirds me is that the installer seems to check if user directory exists before creating it, while still giving advice on how to create it11:08
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MasseRAnd the users directory exists with both my username and 'user'11:09
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MasseRjjo: I'm now logged in, sb-conf says that there is no default environment. I'll create it like wiki says11:11
jonwilAnyone know what "cherry" is?11:11
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MasseRjjo: Is there any utility in sb that I can test the internet connection with?11:15
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jjoMasseR: you could try to wget something11:15
cloudyLightsjonwil: what are SystemNoteInfoprint ?11:15
MasseROh of course :D11:15
MasseRIn that case network works11:16
cloudyLightsjonwil: why should the cellular network send me a msg?11:16
MasseRFailed to fetch  Unable to fetch file, server said 'Failed to open file.  ' [IP: 21]11:16
jonwildont know what SystemNoteInfoprint is, where are you getting that from?11:16
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jjoMasseR: that fails even in a browser11:16
cloudyLightsnetmon: line 1711:16
MasseRjjo: Yup, I just checked too11:17
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jjoMasseR: if you extract the rootstraps, then you'll have most of the sdk already11:17
jjono wait11:17
jjoI was thinkin g about harmattan11:17
jjobut extracting the rootstraps would give you the sources.list and stuff for maemo11:18
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jjowould be interesting to see what apt complaints then11:18
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MasseRjjo: Where are the rootstraps?11:20
jjoI had to look it up from the installer :)11:23
jjoit's been a while...11:23
MasseRSo logout, and download the sh files11:26
jjosh files?11:26
jjooh yes, the command line installer11:27
jjowell, it's doing just that, but kinda hiding some things11:28
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MasseRApt is working now :)11:31
MasseRApparently the gui was only able to install sb, but nothing for the sdk, which is naturally why the apt failed11:31
jjothe gui side is really trying to hide things11:32
jjobut I guess it mostly works, haven't ever used it11:32
MasseRYep. I wish there were completely manual installation instructions, but then again the wikipage isn't too up to date even as it is11:33
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jjoI was tehre for the few of the first fremantle releases and I think we had instructions for a manuall install11:33
jjocan't be sure though11:34
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jjowe tried to make sure you could do most thing by yourself and that the sdk would work as well as possible without closed components11:35
jjolater that became impossible though :(11:35
* ruskie wonders if he'll manage to part brick his n900 with a new kernel or not...11:36
* jonwil wonders if the "license change requests" stuff in bugzilla ever went anywhere or if it was just a waste of time...11:36
jonwilall the stuff on seems like a waste of time11:40
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MasseRjjo: What do I do after adding the nokia repos? I suspect I should install something after it11:48
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DocScrutinizerjonwil: alas waste of time11:50
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jonwilI suspect that the problem with some of the requests wasnt so much "this contains stuff we cant release" but either "we dont have the resources to have a legal guy review this code and make sure its clean" or "this talks to stuff we dont want people talking to"11:51
DocScrutinizerfor #1, #2 not so much I guess11:52
DocScrutinizerquite obviously Nokia dasn't want to allocate $randomnumber lawyers to things like opening bits for a dead /from their PoV) product11:54
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DocScrutinizerso unless this stuff eventually 'leaks' 'accidentally', I think the chances to go ahead with Nokia for this are exactly zero11:55
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jonwilI think many of the items can be solved via various community options.11:57
jonwilwell not all of them11:57
jonwilbut some11:57
jonwilnew media player is being done as oss11:57
cloudyLightswish we could get the calender source11:58
cloudyLightsso I can add a few fields11:58
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jonwilcalendar, dialer, messenging are closed for product differentation/UX reasons11:59
hiemanshu_N900so is there a way i can tether my gprs via wifi or usb to my laptop? (no bt sadly)12:00
bindion windows you need to install pc suite12:00
ruskiejuikospot(or whatever that other thing is)12:00
ruskiea few other random scripts12:00
bindion ubuntu it works out of the box :>12:00
DocScrutinizeryoghurt sport12:01
bindii never got joiku/mobile to work12:01
hiemanshu_N900isnt joiku paid?12:01
nid0joiku is, mobilehotspot isnt12:01
ruskiehence why mobilehotspot exists12:01
ruskieand there is atleast one custom script for the same thing as well12:02
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DocScrutinizerhence why Nokia used yoghurt for N9/harmattan12:03
hiemanshu_N900mobilehotspot is in -devel I assume?12:03
nid0no, extras afaik12:03
DocScrutinizerit's probably cheaper to buy that paid cruft rather than wrap their heads around mobilehotspot12:04
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hiemanshu_N900DocScrutinizer: hah. well its a one time thing12:04
hiemanshu_N900i forgot my 3G modem at home and this coffee shop has no wifi12:04
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ruskieDocScrutinizer, I do hope it'll be possible to remove it12:05
ruskieatleast with my insane ripping of everything from the system I can it would be nice12:05
DocScrutinizerruskie: sure, any time - in developer mode12:05
jjoMasseR: there were some meta packages that you could select12:07
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MasseRjjo: Found them. Nokia-binaries and such12:07
jjoyes plus memo-sdk-runtime, maemo-sdk-dev and maemo-sdk-debug12:08
jjodepending on what you want12:08
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MasseRjjo: I think the sdk installer installed them12:09
hiemanshu_N900ok reboot time12:10
MasseRIf I try to ' start' xephyr windows gets a nice pink clock and nothing else12:10
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jjoMasseR: oh yes, it does12:10
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MasseRjjo: Seems like I don't have any themes12:17
MasseRThe clock opens the normal panel, where I can see .. clock and the ui looks normal gtk theme12:17
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MasseRShould I update the sources list to fremantle-1.3?12:31
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user0-if you have all 3 repos enabled and an app is found in all 312:54
user0-installing it using FAM would get you the version from devel correct?12:56
SpeedEvilhighest version12:56
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MasseRDammit I'm close to giving up13:03
MasseRCan't get any themes to work13:03
MasseROkay this is better, at least now I got home screen looking okay13:07
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MasseRBut all the widgets are still normal gray widgets13:07
MasseROh isn't this nice. All of the maemo links are redirected to n9. Even the user guide points to N913:11
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alterego530 candidates for 250 devices13:14
alteregoNot as bad as I originally thought13:14
MasseRHmm.. The theme tries to load images from /etc/hildon/images o.O13:15
MasseRHmm.. The theme tries to load images from /etc/hildon/theme/images o.O13:15
psycho_oreosif only Nokia could have produced more than just 25013:15
andre__why does everybody think that there's only 250?13:15
psycho_oreosthere's a few places that says there's only 250 available :)13:16
psycho_oreosone of them is that thread13:16
andre__yeah. for ***device program***13:16
alteregopsythere are a _lot_ more than 2250 ..13:16
pabs3available != produced13:16
alteregoErm, There are a lot more than 250 ..13:16
* pabs3 heard orders of magnitude more13:16
robbiethe1stFigure at least 1K, probably more like 10K+13:16
RST38handre: Being only 250 of them makes the whole situation more dramatic!13:17
robbiethe1stsome will be sold off as developer devices13:17
robbiethe1stsome loaned13:17
psycho_oreosthe thing is qgil stated 250, granted they maybe more however there's no concise evidence is there?13:18
robbiethe1stThere *are* more. 250 for the OSS dev program13:18
infobotpsycho_oreos meant: the thing is qgil stated 250, granted there maybe more however there's no concise evidence is there?13:18
robbiethe1stand some for the commercial dev program13:18
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alteregopsycho_oreos: there is plenty of evidence there is13:18
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alteregopsycho_oreos: quim only said that there were 250 for the developer programme13:18
robbiethe1st...I wonder: So, say you get one of these devices as a loan, and manage to lose it, or have it stolen. You can't exactly just replace it, nor can any insurance company... what would you do?13:18
alteregopsycho_oreos: if you're a developer you can try your luck at
robbiethe1stEspecially as it's only a Loan from Nokia?13:19
lardmanPresumably you would then move to an N913:19
psycho_oreosrobbiethe1st, sure enough but if that was the case why does it only appear that the only way one can obtain it is through the develop program?13:19
X-Faderobbiethe1st: You'll be banned for ever.13:19
lardmanX-Fade: that too ;)13:19
andre__robbiethe1st, IANAL13:19
alteregorobbiethe1st: it's a loan, but quim said, when the N9 is released it will be possible for those that have got an N950 from the MeeGo DDP can either keep it or trade it for an N913:19
psycho_oreosalterego, yes but there's no evidence of exactly how many were produced :)13:20
alteregorobbiethe1st: if you lose, break, or damage it in anyway, then you're silly :P13:20
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jaskanot sure which sane person would trade a n950 for n913:20
alteregoAnd no, no warranty, no replacements.13:20
lardmanWhen do we find out if we've qualified, that's the question - though someone may have already answered that13:20
alteregojaska: I will, if I can't get an N9 any other way.13:20
lardmanjaska: Yeah, but in terms of dev hw13:20
psycho_oreosI think you might get an email if you were selected13:20
alteregoThe N9 will at least get more support than an N950, we don't even know if the N950 will get updated in line with the N913:21
robbiethe1stalterego: Yea, that makes sense, but my real question was: would you have to pay Nokia back for the lost device, and if so, what sort of value would they use?13:21
* pabs3 wonders if the 280 folks who will miss out on the MeeGo N950 program would have a chance to buy or otherwise get an N95013:21
alteregorobbiethe1st: neah13:21
lardmanpabs3: are there 530 requests in then?13:21
alteregopabs3: like I said, if you can't get one through the DDP, then go direct to with your proposals.13:21
alteregolardman: quim just said 530 applicants on twitter13:21
lardmanoh ok13:21
robbiethe1stI've heard of people losing their N900s(or frying them via getting water/etc spilled on, etc)...13:21
psycho_oreospabs3, I'd love to get N950 if I can't get it through dev program. I wouldn't want to put up with a N9 unless I really had no other choice13:22
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robbiethe1stpsycho_oreos: Same here. N9 = not interesting. N950 is interesting.13:22
alteregorobbiethe1st: you're not under any liability with the DDP, they're not going to get hitmen or bailiffs if you break it ;)13:22
robbiethe1stOK, that's good.13:23
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psycho_oreosN900 is a different case lol, I think there's still shops that sells N900, N950 is like a `rareified' thing. If you lose it/destroy it/etc you pretty much won't have another chance at owning one unless you work inside Nokia for instance ;)13:23
alteregoOr you have good friends ;)13:24
jaskathis being rare loot irritates me :|13:24
SpeedEvil'I accidentally sold it on ebay'13:24
psycho_oreosyeah people networking13:24
SpeedEvilRare is silly.13:24
psycho_oreosrobbiethe1st, though if N950 isn't available through any other means than for one to be a developer and the time limit to join was up, would you get N9 instead? or would you just completely give up the whole Nokia meego move?13:25
robbiethe1stSold on ebay nothing; Not knowing that you might get a chance to keep your N950, I was wondering how many people might, at the end of their loan, decide to keep it and proclaim it lost. Sure, you couldn't use it on the cellphone network, but...13:25
alteregopsycho_oreos: move? You mean the last of it's kin ;)13:25
psycho_oreosrare isn't silly, N950 wasn't made public which clearly indicates Nokia only wants to give out as little units as they can13:26
robbiethe1stpsycho_oreos: N900+OC+Harmatton would be the next choice13:26
SpeedEvilI'm unsure if they're actually going to bother asking for them back at the end of the term.13:26
SpeedEvil3yo phones are not worth much13:26
psycho_oreosalterego, well I could also mean move on ;)13:26
robbiethe1st...Or just keep messing with the N900 until some more decent meego devices will come out.13:26
psycho_oreosrobbiethe1st, *nods*13:27
MasseRIs there btw any official updates for N900 anymore?13:27
SpeedEvilHaving said that - earlier there was a corporate dev that found one in a drawer.13:27
SpeedEvilUnloved by the company.13:27
MasseRSo N900 is 'dead' except for the community13:27
SpeedEvilThat's the sort of phone it'd probably end up better on ebay13:27
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psycho_oreosdamn! sounds like there's plenty of love if that were to be sold :D13:27
SpeedEvilThere are no new n900 official updates13:28
SpeedEvilSince last year sometime13:28
SpeedEvilfeb? Mar?13:28
MohammadAGso, anyone got an email for an N950?13:28
psycho_oreosI personally haven't13:28
alteregoMohammadAG: they'll be sent out by the end of the week, don't panic :P13:28
SpeedEvilNot me.13:28
alteregoThe deadline is not even up yet.13:28
MasseRDamn these themes :D.13:28
psycho_oreosalterego, though they did mention 28th of June for applications on that forum thread :)13:29
lardmannor have I, but wasn't the closing date today? Or are we thinking of the comment about some obvious decisions being made before today?13:29
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alteregopsycho_oreos: it is still the 28th of June ;)13:29
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psycho_oreosyeah the thread was dated end of applications 28th of June13:29
DocScrutinizergiven the way the council elections used to be organized, I don't expect any email at all :-P13:29
Hurriansince the n950's a loaner device, wont they collect them after 3 years?13:29
alteregopsycho_oreos: quim literally said a few minutes ago that all need to be in "by tomorrow" presumable to save people hassle from time zones.13:30
Hurriannot exactly what i'd put on ebay13:30
MohammadAGalterego, leaving town on 7/7, no address there13:30
alteregoHurrian: actually you'll probably only have the N950 for a few months13:30
psycho_oreosalterego, *shrugs* I guess its a matter of waiting and hoping :)13:30
MohammadAGso if I do get the device, I'll have to delay that13:30
alteregoMohammadAG: once you get the coupon code, you can "order" it anytime you like.13:30
psycho_oreosalterego, its also funny to note that he didn't mention which timezone was it. So I had to sort of compensate by going against my timezone (GMT+10H)13:31
* SpeedEvil ponders 'clear cases'. Eldar, of course.13:31
alteregopsycho_oreos: that is why I think he said tomorrow, so basically anyone submitting before 23:59 tonight in any timezone ;)13:31
alteregopsycho_oreos: anyway, Quim is currently in Europe :P13:32
psycho_oreossomeone also said in the other channel about TexRat processed 400 (!!) odd applications already13:32
Hurrianhow much do we have to spend to pay someone to design the PCBs from a modified N900 schematic and produce them?13:32
* lardman looks for a goat to sacrifice to the N950 selection committee Gods13:32
Hurriani'm guessing $$$$$$13:32
MohammadAGalterego, I'm leaving for a month or two :p13:32
psycho_oreosalterego, true but which part? ;) anyhow I guess I'll just hang tight and hope :D13:32
alteregoMohammadAG: give me your coupon code, I'll look after it for you ;)13:32
SpeedEvilHurrian: you can't get the nokia modem parts13:32
* MohammadAG passes one abill_uk to lardman 13:32
SpeedEvilHurrian: you'd need to redesign it13:32
alteregopsycho_oreos: Finland :P13:32
psycho_oreosalterego, ahh!13:33
* lardman gets his most blunt sacrificial knife13:33
* SpeedEvil gets his sacrificial pillow.13:33
robbiethe1stSpeedEvil: Buy a few broken N900s, yank the chips off?13:33
psycho_oreosHurrian, I suppose instead of starting from scratch, you could probably base some of the ideas off that OM device.. too bad it lacks plenty of things that N900 has13:33
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jaskawouldnt a sacrificial wooden spoon hurt more13:34
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: (delay) no issue as you get a token to receive your device from I don't think the token epires13:34
Hurrianspeedevil , we can't just buy replacement BB5 chips?13:34
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DocScrutinizeraah, alterego beat me to it13:35
Hurrianpsycho_oreos , OpenMoko is the very definition of fragmentation13:35
robbiethe1stAny other cheap nokia phones have that chip?13:35
psycho_oreosI'm sure if one's token expires, they can just ask qgil :) its like Nokia is planning to chuck the device elsewhere however :)13:35
MohammadAGI'll delay the trip, if I'm accepted anyways13:35
lardmanjaska: good call13:35
alteregoMohammadAG: seriously, I'll look after it for you ;)13:36
psycho_oreosHurrian, granted but at least for the running hardware stuff to get one started its not too bad of a start comparing to starting from literally a clean slate.. or maybe even a beagle board :)13:36
Hurrianif we can't get an embedded BB, we can just use some USB 3G baseband13:36
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MohammadAGalterego, aww, how nice of you13:36
Hurrianthen again, we can trash the n900's awful positioning of components and start from scratch with an all new SOC13:36
MohammadAGActually I have an address where I'm going, but I wouldn't trust that place13:37
robbiethe1stWhat about going to an oem like Aeva for such a device?13:37
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: Hurrian: (modem parts) you can get - buy a 5800 or whatever ;-)13:37
MohammadAGI'd expect the N950 would be stolen/sold if I send it there13:37
jaskatheyd probably charge you thru the nose13:37
psycho_oreosAava? they're mainly interested in x86 platform mind you :)13:37
robbiethe1stWell, yes.13:38
psycho_oreoswhat about those chinese knockoff clones? I'm sure you might be able to ask them for some of the modem parts that they used ;)13:38
jaskax86 is fine.. if you happen to have invented some sort of vacuum energy source13:38
robbiethe1stHey, they got 4hrs+ of WoW out of that prototype Aeva phone, so...13:38
robbiethe1stOur N900 can't do more than 2 hours of CPU pegged...13:39
SpeedEvilpsycho_oreos: Most of the chinese knockoffs are gprs13:39
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: do you trust your neighbours?13:39
Hurrianrobbiethe1st: that would cost $$$$$$$$$ than $$$$$$ it would require to self-design the board and produce enough for TMO13:39
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: NB you can choose arbitrary shipping addr13:40
psycho_oreosSpeedEvil, true but not all :)13:40
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psycho_oreosthey (Aava Oy) haven't released the specs of their Aava mobile, so its not a fair competition imo ;)13:41
DocScrutinizernaaw, guys. If you're going to build a N900 replica, you want to go for modem module13:41
psycho_oreosit might even be equipped with 2000+ MAh battery13:41
infobotpsycho_oreos meant: it might even be equipped with 2000+ mAh battery13:42
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, no, I only trust my address for this kind of stuff :P13:42
DocScrutinizera module like that one:13:42
HurrianDoc : completely right ;)13:42
DocScrutinizera module like that one:
MohammadAGif the device was mine that's one thing13:42
mecealterego, your (I guess you're @thomasswindell) tweets made me nervous. I had been able to block that out all day...13:42
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Hurriancompletely upgradeable, replaceable parts13:42
MohammadAGbut it's Nokia's13:42
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alteregomece: yes, that's me ;)13:43
kerioMohammadAG: use my shipping address!13:43
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Hurriantoo bad nokia's not letting devs buy devkits :(13:43
kerioHurrian: i bet that's elop's strategy13:44
kerio"we don't have any devs for the meego platform"13:44
Hurrianthey'll probably throw the devices in the bin after collecting them13:44
MohammadAGkerio, IF I get accepted13:44
Hurriananyone in finland want to dumpster-dive nokia?13:44
meceMohammadAG, can haz url to enhanced lockscreen git plz?13:44
jaskathey probably destroy protos13:44
psycho_oreosI'm hoping at the end of one's loaned term, one has a choice to either keep it or trade it for N9.. by then I'm sure the majority of the devs would prefer to keep N950. If that's not the case I think people will think of ways to retain their N950 :)13:44
meceHurrian, I've got a friend in hw design.. what do you need?13:45
MohammadAGmece, add that after
meceMohammadAG, thanks13:45
Hurrianmece, still thinking what the hell should a community device have13:45
Hurrianpsycho_oreos , fake identities?13:45
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meceHurrian, oh.. :)13:46
meceMohammadAG, well it was a little bit more complicated it seems..
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MohammadAGmece, I'm on the N900, sue me :P13:47
MohammadAGI should figure out where my Nokia Developer emails go13:47
MohammadAGor ones for that matter13:47
meceMohammadAG, np :)13:47
psycho_oreosHurrian, they'll have their own ways I think :). It would be absolutely ludicruous imo for the devs to have to cough up these loaned devices after having developed with them. Furthermore what is Nokia going to do with all these used N950? dump it? what a waste of perfectly useful hardware and keeping it out of people's hands13:47
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alteregoQuim said we'll have yes/no email notifications13:48
alteregoSo we'll all know either way, btw.13:48
MohammadAGno notifications? /me cries13:49
Hurrianpsycho_oreos , well, what better way to kill off the "keyboard devices" maemo people want than to collect and dump them?13:50
psycho_oreosin the very least I hope if Nokia is that understanding, they should sell the loaned N950 as a way of showing some appreciation to the parties involved. If they were to destroy it after collecting it all back, its just a waste and showing the lack of love13:50
Hurriananyways, it'd be interesting to see nokia's dumpsters after they've collected them13:50
MohammadAGI wonder if non-devs applied13:50
MohammadAGthe 700+ applications seem weird13:50
alteregopsycho_oreos: Nokia have a great recycling programme ..13:50
alteregoMohammadAG: 530 as of 20 minutes ago13:50
psycho_oreosHurrian, I don't think they'd just dump them... they probably crush it. In either case I think its unlikely and its really waste of resource in the first place13:50
JaffaI bet lots of non-devs applied.13:51
psycho_oreosalterego, yeah that's what I thought13:51
alterego700 is what I said yesterday when Quim said 250 x 3 :P13:51
JaffaI also bet the "loan" is exactly like the N900 & ExoPC13:51
meceMohammadAG, I'm guessing a lot of would-be-devs applied13:51
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Jaffai.e. it's a legal instrument to avoid taxes/gifts etc.13:51
MohammadAGwe don't have that many devs13:51
JaffaThe return request will never be actioned13:51
Hurrianif they don't dump them, i'm heading straight to eBay and F5ing like the fist of the north star13:51
meceJaffa, I REALLY hope so. But not as much as I hop I'll actually get the damn thing.13:51
mecekhertan_, khteditor for harmattan ready yet?13:51
lcukMohammadAG, more devs than those that use irc13:51
alteregoJaffa: did anyone actually send the Amsterdam protos back?13:51
Jaffaalterego: I know people were asking if people still had the address. I just stayed quiet.13:52
khertan_mece, not really13:52
MohammadAGlcuk, has like 20 devs13:52
MohammadAG50 at most13:52
mecealterego, @thomaslp still has his at least.13:52
alteregomece: I know a few people that still have theirs13:52
khertan_mece, i was waiting for answer on how to do complex text with this dumb qml13:52
alteregoI know one person that got his replaced via Nokia Care after the USB port came out13:52
ruskie <-- could see this applying to all the touch-only devices ;)13:52
lcukkhertan_, one rectangle per character13:53
MohammadAGalterego, so that's 250*2.x13:53
khertan_lcuk, and one cpu to manage each line ? :)13:53
alteregoMohammadAG: yes, but I'm just going by what Quim is saying :P13:53
Jaffaalterego: I think I got mine replaced because of audio drop out.13:53
khertan_lcuk, we are talking of qml ... :)13:53
MohammadAGalterego, I hit a brick wall with QML yesterday13:53
meceMohammadAG, what was the wall?13:53
alteregoMohammadAG: what wall is that?13:53
lcukkhertan_, sure13:53
* Jaffa looks forward to using achipa's code at dAG> alterego, I hit a brick wall with QML yesterday13:53
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* Jaffa looks forward to using achipa's code at to detect Qt Quick Component being present13:54
Jaffa..and set a different root file in that circumstance.13:54
achipaJaffa: it ain't pretty, but it does work until we have something more elegant13:54
* khertan_ reach the normandy wall each time it try to do qml13:54
meceachipa, wait, what does it do exactly?13:55
Jaffaachipa: I'd tried something similar but hadn't got the convenience of the QDeclarativeView and the knowledge to check stats() == Ready13:55
lcukJaffa, you need to use .cpp to make qml changes?13:55
lcukdo you use "sed" to do the change?13:55
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alteregoYou don't need to load separate main.qml files to select which qt-components you're using13:55
MohammadAGalterego, suppose I have a signal, urlChanged(string url)13:55
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Jaffalcuk: No, I'm going to have main.cpp set the root QML element to either one which imports com.meego and uses a PageStackWindow containing my app's Main.qml, or set the root to Main.qml directly.13:55
alteregoNot realy, it can all be done in QML, as long as you have a flag that says: "meego-ux-components", "qt-components" or "none"13:55
MohammadAGI can handle that with onUrlChanged13:55
alteregoMohammadAG: m'hmm13:56
MohammadAGhow do I get "url" from the signal?13:56
Jaffaalterego: Really? How? There seem to be *no* examples of that13:56
alteregoMohammadAG: onUrlChanged: function(url) {console.log(url)}13:56
alteregoJaffa: well, it'd still require a C++ plugin to detect the presence of qt-components, or meego-ux-components13:56
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alteregoJaffa: I'm just saying you don't really need to have separate main.qml files ..13:57
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MohammadAGalterego, what's with function(url)?13:57
alteregoMohammadAG: it defines a function13:57
MohammadAGyes but why? :p13:57
alteregoWhich is called onUrlChanged signal13:57
alteregoMohammadAG: so you can specify the parameters.13:58
alteregoI _think_ you can just do: onUrlChanged: {console.log(url)}13:58
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alteregoWhere 'url' matches the _exact_ name of the parameter in the SIGNAL definition.13:58
alterego(I think that should work)13:59
mecealterego, Id use a property..13:59
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alteregomece: this is MohammadAG's code, and you don't even know what he's doing :P13:59
Jaffaalterego: Yeah, I got that - but doesn't the "import" blow up?13:59
alteregoJaffa: not if you do that bit at runtime.13:59
mecealterego, yep I understand.13:59
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meceMohammadAG, is the signal coming from some external object?14:00
Jaffaalterego: I'm not sure how you're structuring the code then... Some Loader trick?14:00
alteregoJaffa: you can dynamically create QML components at runtime, through the use of string source, or runtime loading of a .qml file.14:00
MohammadAGexternal component14:00
alteregoJaffa: effectively yes, a loader trick14:00
MohammadAGalterego, I don't know what I'm doing tbh :P14:00
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meceMohammadAG, you can put a property that aliases url on the external component, and in the (not external) component you do an <external component>.onUrlChanged: { do something with <external component>.url }14:01
meceMohammadAG, that way url is available outside the external component14:02
meceMohammadAG, there are many other ways14:02
mecedepending on what you're trying to do :)14:02
fralsalterego: when doing onXChanged you can use X in the signal handler14:04
frals(re: < alterego> I _think_ you can just do: onUrlChanged: {console.log(url)})14:04
fralsie no need for a function to specify parameters14:04
mecefrals, :)14:04
fralseven then you dont even have to specify the paramters in the defintion14:05
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fralsyou can do function bla() and reference using arguments[0]14:05
fralswith the possibility that the array is not called arguments but something similar14:05
alteregofrals: yeah, that's what I thougth14:05
MohammadAGalterego, the other brick wall would be accessing C++ methods from QML14:06
MohammadAGsince this is something with #defines14:06
fralswhy is c++ methods from qml a problem? O_o14:06
* frals has not read whole convo btw14:06
alteregoMohammadAG: you just declare them as public slots and bind the object instance to the QML root context.14:06
alteregoOr mark the as Q_INVOKABLE, which does the same thing14:07
alteregoI prefer just making them Q_SLOTS14:07
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meceor create an object, set it to the rootcontext and access methods directly from there.14:07
alteregomece: that's exactly what I said :P14:07
mecealterego, ah yes. missed that one.14:08
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fralswonder what setting it as rootcontext does to memory usage, if anything14:09
* frals needs to read up on how that works14:09
mecejaffa, that nfc hub thing you tweeted about is awesome. but now, even if I get the dev device I still don't have nfc :/14:10
alteregomece: quim said you can swap N950 for N9 on release14:11
alteregoIf you do so please.14:11
mecealterego, i don't want to!14:11
alteregoWell, that's your problem :P14:11
mecealterego, but I'll buy one.14:11
alteregomece: that's the way to do it :)14:11
mecealter :)14:11
mecealterego, :) contract on N900 is up in november anyway14:12
mecealterego, might as well get a new one14:12
fralstbh, i prefer using my n9 over the n950...14:12
fralsnot that i ever give up the n950 willingly14:12
mecefrals, do you code on device?14:12
alteregomece: neat, I've got two dormant contracts that are up but I reduced their service plans to a minimum whilst waiting for possible ideas for upgrades.14:12
fralsmece: not atm, i guess that would be the reason to have the n950 ;)14:12
DocScrutinizerfrals: why?14:12
mecefrals, that is the reason I want it.14:13
fralsDocScrutinizer: unless i use ssh+irssi, the vkb is good enough for me14:13
DocScrutinizerfrals: why you prefer N9?14:13
Corsachmhm, do people applying to the dev device started to receive updates? the “final” day is supposed to be today isn't it?14:13
fralsthe screen and feeling of n9 is just... *drool*14:13
mecefrals, it is sexytiems14:13
fralsand my n9 is pink ;D14:13
lcukfrals, do you still have your girly pillow too?14:14
mecefrals, and I understand completely. For general phoning and playing around I'd love the N9.14:14
* lcuk is worried about you :P14:14
DocScrutinizerhanna montana phone14:14
fralslcuk: the pink hello kitty pillow is my gfs! ;)14:14
lcukyeah right!14:14
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alteregoCorsac: the deadline is 23:59 tonight in your timezone, you'll get yes/no email by the end of the week14:15
fralslcuk: ;)14:15
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lcukfrals, since you are an awesome developer we will let you have your oddities :P14:16
fralsDocScrutinizer: however, if i know ill be spending some time where twitter/facebook/other websites wont be enough id bring the n950 so i could irc comfortably14:16
mecelcuk, does that mean I'm not allowed oddities?14:17
Corsacalterego: ok, thanks14:17
lcukmece, no, but we do have to redefine oddities just for you :P14:17
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meceRiussi, yay, moar n9 videos!14:20
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meceoh damn, it wasn't a video14:20
Hurrianwhat the, are they forcing use of arial and nokia sans in the browser?14:23
Hurrianshoot me.14:23
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cloudyLightsDocScrutinizer what is cellular RNC ID?14:24
cloudyLightsI see it in netmon14:24
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Jaffaalterego: (Belatedly) OK, so there are multiple QML files, but the root one makes the decision (via an Item and a Loader) rather than the main.cpp?14:25
meceHurrian, I doubt that...14:26
meceHurrian, but it does seem to display mobile websites, which makes me cry a little inside14:27
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* lardman feels exhausted, that was a rubbish paper I just reviewed14:27
lardmanso what do we know about the camera app, is it plugable?14:27
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Hurrianmece ++14:33
DocScrutinizer51cloudyLights: no idea14:33
DocScrutinizer51O here14:33
Hurriannokia, y u no use desktop user-agent14:33
cloudyLightsjonwil: what is RNC?14:33
lardmancloudyLights: Google? Comes up with some techno-speak for it14:33
cloudyLightsrnc id14:33
jonwilI have no idea what RNC is14:34
cloudyLightsI dont understand what google answered14:34
cloudyLightsa sort of ID?14:34
cloudyLightsfor the cellular subscribber?14:34
cloudyLightsso - it doesnt change...14:34
lardmanradio network controller id14:34
cloudyLightsmy is 6114:35
alteregoJaffa: that's the idea yeah.14:36
DocScrutinizerlardman: now THAT IS ONE POS of a page you linked up there14:37
lardmandocscrutinizer: The wonders of Google ;)14:37
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lardmanit did say what the acronym stands for, or at least it sounded reasonable :)14:37
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DocScrutinizerloading 2 minutes, ~600 picures loading. Then displaying broken useless shit14:38
lardmanah well FF5 actually worked on that page, rather than using 100% of one of my cores for the plugin-container process14:38
DocScrutinizerRNC ID == ID of the controller of a node-B (UMTS BTS)14:41
alteregoI think we're about to have a rather interesting storm ..14:41
lardmanalterego: metaphorical?14:42
MasseR\o/ sdk installed. Took me like 5 hours14:42
alteregoNo, the thunder is literally deafening :D14:43
lardmanoh right, it's actually brightening up here14:43
alteregoI think I'll record this shit when it starts :D14:43
lardmanalterego: as long as you're not using mains power ;)14:44
DocScrutinizercloudyLights: used to construct long CellIDs:  Long CID=99494171.  99494171 / 65536 = 1518 Rest 10523  -> RNC==1518,   short CID=1052314:44
alteregoTurned off all plugs for the next few hours, running off batteries ;)14:44
* lardman wonders about phone lines....14:44
lardmanI guess a wireless hub is pretty cheap to replace14:45
alteregoI'm using 3G14:46
alteregostarting to rain :)14:46
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* RST38h reMoos15:15
RST38hSo, what have I missed?15:15
cloudyLightslast night I saw some comparation between thr N9 and the N95015:16
cloudyLightsthey had pictures of the N950 in black15:17
cloudyLightswhat is the processor in the N9/950?15:17
cloudyLights1Ghz? dual core? new omap right15:17
psycho_oreosTI OMAP 353015:17
psycho_oreosno dual core15:17
cloudyLightsprobably a dsp,15:17
cloudyLightswhat is the dsp used for?15:18
lardmanvideo decoding presumably like on the n90015:19
cloudyLightspowerVR ...15:19
lardmanis for opengl es not e.g. mpeg15:20
RST38hlardman: BTW, got an android 2.3 gadget and DDMS nearby?15:20
lardmannot nearby, Tab w/ 2.3 at home15:20
lardmanwhat's DDMS?15:20
RST38hlardman: the tool required to view debug messages printed from android apps15:21
lardmanah ok, well I should have that too from the SDK15:21
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lardmanRST38h: do you need something debugged?15:22
lardmanI won't have time this evening, off to see TF3, but can bring the Tab in with me tomorrow and do live debugging if that would be of use?15:23
* lardman checks to see that there's a Windows version of the SDK15:23
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JaffaYou know how we were discussing going TMO-like yesterday? It's already started15:25
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lardmanprobably just an effect of a forum15:26
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lardmantmo was ok before many people actually used or cared about the devices15:26
ilonis there any way to make a "share image" (usally for upload to facebook/flickr) to upload to a server using SSH?15:27
lardmanJaffa: perhaps a forum which requires a valid IMEI to access it? :)15:27
ilonbasicly, i have a webserver, and want to be able to easy publish photos etc to it, should be possible thru the use of pub-key for ssh15:27
Corsacilon: there's a command line sharing plugin15:28
Corsacwhich you can give a ssh command to15:28
Termanalardman, most of the bozos on tmo are owners anyway15:28
lardmanTermana: yeah, but that's the danger of releasing to more than just devs15:28
ilonCorsac: would it be possible to integrate in the GUI as a service?15:29
ilonCorsac: seems like something similair for FTP, but requires a pixelpipe account15:30
Corsacilon: it's already a service?15:31
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ilonCorsac: not that i know of15:32
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Corsacthen I guess you're wrong?15:33
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ilonCorsac: which one are you talking about then?15:33
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Corsac ?15:34
ilonCorsac: yeah, that is still CLI tho.15:34
ilonCorsac: what i asked about was a one integrated in the GUI15:34
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Corsacit *is* integrated in the gui15:34
Corsacyou just have to configure the service once15:34
ilonCorsac: the i will just shut up and read. :)15:34
Corsacthen you just share like any sharing service15:35
ilonCorsac: and thank you very much.15:35
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RST38hlardman: frankly, yes15:36
RST38hJaffa,lardman: the solution to the cancer problem is relatively well known15:37
RST38hNot a perfect solution, but....15:37
RST38hYou let people post and comment based on merit15:37
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RST38hStart by having invites, where a user has to be invited to the forum by the existing user15:38
RST38hThis alone will cut down on the biomass15:38
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lardmanhaving rules for where people can post depending on their post count, and having people moderate and remove those who post rubbish might also work15:39
RST38hIf this is not enough, limit new users to comments only (no new threads) with a certain limit of comments per day/week.15:39
RST38hlardman: Moderation usually just causes turmoil15:39
RST38hlardman: And a local repeats of the Lords of the Flies15:40
infobotRST38h meant: lrdman: And a local repeats of the Lords of the Flies15:40
lardmandepends what the mods are out to achieve15:40
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lardmanthough perhaps it will always happen no matter what15:41
RST38hlardman: Oh, all moderation ends up in the same way15:41
RST38hlardman: It is a social thing, and not a pretty one15:41
RST38hSo, it is better to *NOT* moderate, or stick to very technical barebones moderation15:41
RST38hBesides I can give you a plenty of forum cancer examples that do not violate any posting rules, such as 100 lemmings complaining that "CSSU bricked their device"15:42
lcukRST38h, do you happen to visit a forum for your suffering?15:43
lcukis there a collective of you15:43
lardmanlcuk: he's channeling our collective pain15:44
RST38hlcuk: Nah, we are all nice and comfortable inside our skull. You? =)15:44
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lcukRST38h, i am a little sleep deprived but otherwise sane15:46
RST38hlcuk: Ah, denial is how it always starts ;)15:46
lcuklardman, tracy managed the birth on 2 paracetamol15:46
lcukshe was saving the strong drugs until she needs it15:46
lcuknahhh RST38h I have a note from my doctor15:46
lardmanlcuk: I saw you mentioned that somewhere15:46
lardmangood going15:47
RST38hlcuk: falsified, no doubt.15:47
lardmanI think the less I say to Holly about pain the better15:47
lcuklo lrst15:47
lcuklardman, holly knows.15:47
lardmanyeah, but I feel a bit harsh mentioning it15:47
RST38hMeanwhile: Resident Evil: Mercenaries 3D for the Nintendo 3DS will be an experience that can be completed once per customer. Using a single, unwipable save slot Capcom ensures that a second hand customer gets a second rate experience.15:48
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lcuklardman, make her feel better, tell her about the time you once endured a papercut or something!15:48
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lcukRST38h, was just reading that, what if same person wants to try game again15:48
lardmanlcuk: yeah I did graze my knuckle yesterday fiddling with a door, very painful ;)15:48
lcukto make tracy feel better she has been playing with n8 today15:49
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lardmanbored of the new baby already? ;)15:49
RST38hlcuk: I do not think Capcom cares.15:50
RST38hActually, there is an even funnier piece of the news today:
lcuklardman, photos of the baby15:53
lcukand not really too much that can be done whilst he is feeding15:53
RST38hlcuk: Wait until she discovers the video option =)15:55
lcukRST38h, hdmi video out is quite an impressive feature15:55
RST38hlcuk: I have no hdmi in, so can't test15:56
lcukRST38h, direct neural input is rumoured on the next generation15:57
lardmanis using timers expensive from a pm point of view?15:58
lardmanI'm guessing this page means sleeping or using a timer within a polling loop15:58
* lardman heads to a meeting15:59
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RST38hlcuk: won't be the next generation16:01
RST38hlcuk: and the wp8 will connect directly to your buttocks, I am sure16:02
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RST38hlardman: timers=expensive16:02
lcukRST38h, ms times perhaps16:02
RST38hlardman: So, do not tick every second, tick every minute and screw users who complain that "the clock is 30 seconds off on the average"16:03
lcukbut wakeup once every few seconds timers not so bad16:03
DocScrutinizerjavispedro: hi16:03
RST38hlcuk: FBreader did that, drained the battery fast16:03
lcukRST38h, did what?16:03
RST38hlcuk: Now ticks every 30 or 60 seconds, drain gone16:03
achipaconnected directly to buttocks16:03
RST38hlcuk: ticked every second16:03
lcukdifferent issue surely?16:03
lcukdepends what it did every second16:03
RST38hlcuk: oh, no it was a timers issue16:04
RST38hlcukL simply counted time16:04
RST38hlcuk: XChat had similar issues but much much worse16:04
lcukwhere is the code commit you mean?16:05
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lcukRST38h, i am wondering just what happened in the timer16:06
DocScrutinizerone wake per second isn't hard, as long as the executed code alows immediate return to idle16:06
DocScrutinizera process that wakes up every second to do a ping is another class of rape16:07
javispedrotimers is today's topic?16:07
RST38hThat was roughly what XChat was doing16:07
DocScrutinizerjust surfaced lately16:08
RST38hFBReader was way less agressive, but still managed to drain the battery16:08
DocScrutinizerRST38h: exactly, that'S why I chosen this example16:08
RST38hjavispedro: lardman asked if timers were bad for power16:08
DocScrutinizersimple answer: no, but the code they start may be16:09
javispedroit depends on wheter the screen is on or off I'd say =)16:09
RST38heven with the screen off, lots of timers is still a bad idea16:09
javispedroI mean it because screen on = probably timers are not going to cause a noticeable battery life drop16:09
fluxI guess he means if the screen is on, a few timers here and there don't matter16:09
DocScrutinizerthere's e.g. bme that does like 20 timer wakes per second iirc16:09
javispedrooff = probably yes.16:09
RST38hjavispedro: first HP tablets have hit the stores, I heard16:09
fluxin any case, your clock doesn't need to be off by 30 seconds, you can calculate a proper sleep so that you'll land at the first second of the next minute16:10
javispedroRST38h: yes, also, webos-internals guys got a few.16:10
javispedroless than the 250 n9devkits from Nokia =)16:11
RST38h"Fukushima radiation fears: children near nuclear plant to be given monitors" <== they still got children near that plant???16:11
DocScrutinizerflux: duh, isn't that how clocks are implemented always?16:11
fluxdocscrutinizer, it was related to the comment about the users complaining about the offset ;)16:11
RST38hjavispedro: well, none of those 250 got sent out yet, I guess, so the webos guys still got more =)16:11
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javispedroRST38h: also, hp is offering ~250$ Pre2 for devs16:12
DocScrutinizerflux: a clock that's off by a max of 59s is clearly a flawed design16:12
javispedroN9-like hardware except screen and camera16:12
javispedroRST38h: quite tempting.16:12
achipajavispedro: that's just the cache, there is more16:12
achipa(FN, etc)16:12
RST38hjavispedro: how is the sdk though?16:12
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fluxdocscrutinizer, but it will still be wrong, if the user adjusts the clock!16:13
RST38hachipa: no clear way to get one via FN at the moment. In fact, FN website got seriously screwed and now looks like some deserted version of MSDN =(16:13
javispedroRST38h: I'm heavily biased towards their HTML5 stuff vs Qml,Xaml (mostly because I've use XUL)16:13
DocScrutinizerflux: you always do a calculation so your timer fires on next hh:mm:0016:13
javispedroRST38h: apart from the webby stuff, there's only SDL still.16:13
RST38hjavispedro: Don't tell you *prefer* HTML!16:14
DocScrutinizeryou do that calculation each time you wind up timer16:14
fluxdocscrutinizer, typically applications don't know about system clock changing16:14
achipajavispedro: and *memory*. and magnetomter. and NFC if you care. and battery.16:14
DocScrutinizerthey'll learn about it on next calculation16:14
fluxdocscrutinizer, but that's too late. misinformatino was provided for possibly 59 seconds!16:15
DocScrutinizerso if you advance sysclock by 30s, your clock app will expire timer on next hh:mm:00 old time, then shedule a new timer for now+30s16:15
javispedroachipa: ok, ok.16:15
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DocScrutinizerflux: indeed :-P16:16
fluxas it annoys me to say it, N9 looks like a much more usable device than the devkit. I guess it's time to learn to use the touch keyboard.16:16
javispedroRST38h: I am yet to really try any of them. But HTML I mostly know.16:16
fluxwell, usable perhaps is not the right word to use, keyboard is much more usable :-)16:16
fluxthere is always hope that someone builds an extra battery+keyboard-cradle for n9 :)16:16
achipaRST38h: well, the way is pretty clear, write an endearing letter, etc16:16
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RST38hMeanwhile: Psychologists in the US report that people who have suffered a serious blow to the head and who have "a sense of connection to a higher power" tend to report feelings of much greater life satisfaction16:17
javispedroHey, I'm going to write a _menacing_ letter if I don't get any word about my launchpad application soon.16:17
DocScrutinizerachipa: memory???16:17
RST38hachipa: Letter to WHOM?16:17
javispedroDocScrutinizer: pre2 has 512MiB, n9 has 1 GiB16:17
RST38hachipa: As I said, poor FN wasn't very systematic inthe best of times, and it is seriously screwed now.16:18
DocScrutinizeraah sorry, missed the comparison base16:18
DocScrutinizerthought it's about n950 vs n916:18
achipaRST38h: did you guys read ? you have aparagraph, address, deadline, etc16:18
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RST38hachipa; Ah, I see now! Thanks!16:19
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RST38hachipa: Will wait and see what the community program request ends up with though. Do not need two devices.16:19
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DocScrutinizerRST38h: duh? deadline in 3 days?16:21
achipaDocScrutinizer: read again16:21
javispedroone month16:21
DocScrutinizerjust did :-P16:22
achipajavispedro: launchpad. applications. take. time. sorry. about. that.16:22
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javispedroachipa: it's been half a year!16:23
MohammadAGcommunity deadline is tomorrow16:23
javispedroand DocScrutinizer's was approved in an overnight =)16:23
achipaflux: more usable ? in what terms ? they are equally usable, depending on your addiction to qwerty and such16:23
DocScrutinizeranyway I'm clearly repelled by and the friggin launchpad with its registration process and just showing "devices available to you <nul>" when you're not a company lauchpad member16:23
DocScrutinizerjavispedro: yes, but it's useless16:23
DocScrutinizeras mine is an individual account, not a corporate account16:24
achipajavispedro: yeah, I know. I wish I could poke people, but it really is a manual/broken process16:24
fluxachipa, I was under the impression N9 had more memory?16:24
achipaDocScrutinizer: this is completely unrelated. The devkit has nothing to do with the DDP this time around16:24
achipaflux: than the PALM PRE16:24
DocScrutinizerand you need to bitch at forum about it so sb hits your face with the exact wording of one sentence somewhere16:25
fluxachipa, in other words N9devkit has 1GB as well?16:25
achipaflux: the only major difference is qwerty, NFC and the colors16:25
DocScrutinizerachipa: another good way to annoy visitors and make them jump hoops for days to find it's been useless16:25
achipathe rest are nuances... '10% more sensitive magnetometer' and such sillyness16:26
fluxachipa, in that case I shall amend my statement: the devkit would be nicer :)16:26
DocScrutinizernuance OLED16:26
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fluxactually there was the battery thing as well?16:26
achipayes, color nuances :)16:26
achipaand 100mAh nuance16:26
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achipaokay, I'll give you that, if you're hardcore, you could say the devkit battery is replaceable16:27
javispedroand the n9's is not by the same hardcore definition? =)16:28
DocScrutinizerOT: when your browser freezes on selecting "print" from menu, how'd you go recover the data you entered into that friggin webform?16:28
achipajavispedro: No. I can actually replace batteries with fingers only in about 15 sec. For the N9 I need tools and abour 3 min16:28
fralsachipa: you need a screwdriver for n950 as well ;)16:29
achipafrals: I consider losing the screws as part of the unboxing :)16:29
DocScrutinizerisn't there a file somewhare that caches form data or sth like that?16:29
fralsunless you have some mutant fingers that can unscrew the screws16:29
fralsachipa: haha, ok16:29
javispedroachipa: hah16:30
fralsnot that ive ever got to see a box for it, thou :p16:30
achipapretty much like the N900s16:30
achipabit shorter on accessories, tho16:30
DocScrutinizerachipa: so it's been you who told that "swapping battery by night" story16:30
achipabut who cares about thos16:30
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achipaDocScrutinizer: huh ? Yes, I can swap batteries with closed eyes, just like true marines can assemble their guns... :)16:31
DocScrutinizeryes, it's been you :-)16:31
DocScrutinizerexactly this wording :-D16:31
DocScrutinizerwe've been wondering if you were talking bout n950 or n916:32
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DocScrutinizeras N9 seems to be a real nuissance to take apart16:32
achipaN950. N9 is a whole different beast.16:33
achipaYeah, you really don't want to disassemble those16:33
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DocScrutinizerthought as much16:33
DocScrutinizerso N9's battery is actually not user replacable by any metrics16:34
achipaI would say it's not even service-point replaceable unless they know what they are doing16:34
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achipaI.e. you do have to have a manual to know where to prod/poke, it's not really 'oooh, here's a screw, lets see if it opens up I loosen it' :)16:35
DocScrutinizerwe had a nice internal argument and shouting and names calling about a similar design, back at OM16:35
lcukachipa, if the service point do not know how to service the phones there is somethign wrong16:36
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javispedrothey just trashem and replace them with n8s16:36
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DocScrutinizerended with "cell replaceable with standart tooling, incl some soldering *maybe*"16:36
DocScrutinizerstandard* OMG16:36
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DocScrutinizerlcuk: reflash, check, pack, send to nokia service center16:38
DocScrutinizersome fail even at the reflash part16:38
lcukDocScrutinizer, was responding to achipa who said service point folks wont know16:38
DocScrutinizerme too16:39
DocScrutinizernokia service point doesn't really mean much at least here16:39
DocScrutinizerYMMV depending on country16:39
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DocScrutinizerthere's one service center in Germany, and they for sure know how to do such things16:40
DocScrutinizerservice points usually can help you unboxing and that's been it16:40
DocScrutinizerthe better half of service point employees maybe come *here* to ask for advice16:41
DocScrutinizeractually, though my issue was a "simple" flex cable swap, and though the service point had a veritable lab with ESD and all, they sent the device in to nokia service center, as Nokia wouldn't *let them* repair it16:44
DocScrutinizerand when device came back with a damaged power button, they told me they *could* fix that but I'd had to pay, as Nokia broke it so they need to send it in _again_ to get it fixed for free. Nokia wouldn't pay them to fix it locally16:45
bindido you think running ideal settings on the n900 (overclock 250-850) is a good idea?16:46
bindiwill it die? D:16:46
infobothmm... omap-oc is  read that!, or and this
infobot"OK, listen up.  This is your CPU."  apt drops the CPU into a hot frying pan.  "This is your CPU on overclocking.  Any questions?"16:47
bindibut but lower voltage!16:47
infobotextra, extra, read all about it, omap-oc is  read that!, or and this
DocScrutinizerlower voltage is complete placebo16:47
DocScrutinizerwell, mostly16:48
bindiwell i'll go with 250-600 ULV then16:48
MohammadAGwhy not use stock anyways?16:48
bindisaves some battery :>16:49
DocScrutinizerhow much? :-P16:49
bindii dont know16:49
bindibut i'm p sure it does16:49
DocScrutinizerso I tell you it doesn't16:49
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bindidont see a reason why not to run with less volts16:49
DocScrutinizerI don't see a reason why not run it under the shower16:50
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bindiso you're telling me that 0.912V @ 250 MHz will not consume less power than 1.075V16:51
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DocScrutinizerlet me tell you a seemingly unrelated story: there are step up converters to power your 220V stuff from 12V car battery. The design of those makes them rather immune to input voltage variations, as they transform anyway so you'd thing 10V, 12V, 14V what's the difference. But some of thuse may burn out on too *low* input voltage as they need to draw more _current_ on lower input _voltage_, to get same amount of energy for the output16:55
RST38hDoc: lovely16:57
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MohammadAGfrals, what was in that tweet of yours? :P17:00
MohammadAGor is, Sorry, this item is not available for your country.17:00
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edheldilDocScrutinizer:  so it means that they start ok on 12V and as the battery gets depleted and/or you attempt to start the engine, they catch fire? Niiiiice :-D17:05
bindiDocScrutinizer: you're saying lowering voltages increases ampere..?17:05
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DocScrutinizeractually usually it's just the fuse that blows17:05
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fralsElop is a mischievous boy. He is on a platform and want let it burn! Please help (not him!) and shoot the water on the fire. You will only win, if you can drop Elpo from the platform. Are you a hero?17:06
fralsMohammadAG: ^17:06
DocScrutinizerbindi: no, I'm saying things are way more complex with real electronics than what you learned at school with "battery-switch-lamp->now this is electricity, pupils"17:06
bindiI still think lowering the voltage will increase battery life17:07
bindinot greatly, but an increase is an increase17:07
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DocScrutinizerprobably it will, unless e.g your gfx core reboots constantly due to "segfaults"17:07
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RST38hbindi: You can think whatever you wouldlike to think17:08
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RST38hbindi: Does not necessarily make things true though17:08
lcukfrals, did you write this?17:09
fralslcuk: no, valerio linked it to me ;)17:10
lcukis it available for Windows Phone?17:10
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MohammadAGfrals, LOL17:11
DocScrutinizerbindi: unless *proper* numbers from *proper* long term testbeds, I'm tending to trust into Nokia's/TI's capabilities to find out about optimum voltage settings, based on weeks of test runs on arrays of several hundred devices17:11
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DocScrutinizerin the end it's them who know their hw best, not mr joe randomhacker out there who thought "duh, there's a sysfs node to tamper with core voltages, now let's see what I can get away with"17:13
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DocScrutinizerthey know info you never get a hold on17:14
alteregoDocScrutinizer: what gets me is, how people don't expect Nokia to want to make it go as fast as they possibly can.17:14
alteregoMobile devices are so highly tuned already ..17:14
DocScrutinizeralterego: indeed17:14
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alteregoThe fact that OCing doesn't even work the same on everyones devices, some can't get about 800Mhz some can get up to 1.4Ghz17:14
alteregoShows how random the outcomes can be, and why things are done the way they are ..17:15
DocScrutinizerdon't tell me, I'm EE and I know my shit17:15
alteregoTI, ARM, Nokia, they're not Intel, they don't churn out the same chips and lock the frequencies to cater for different budgets :D17:15
lcuki hope you know more about circuits DocScrutinizer17:16
alteregoThey want things to be the fastest and most reliable the can :D17:16
crashanddieDocScrutinizer, don't get cocky now :P17:16
alteregoEE is that a CISCO certification?17:16
* alterego chuckles17:16
alteregoTalking of EEs, where is abill_uk? I thought he only had a 7 day ban17:16
alteregoI was sure he'd have something to say about the N9 or N950 ..17:17
edheldilDocScrutinizer:  otoh the difference in achieved OC might mean that your specific device might really support higher freq, *if you are lucky*17:17
DocScrutinizeralso may mean your device is one of the lucky 7% that burn out even on 500MHz after 5000h17:18
alteregoedheldil: it's like getting a group of people to jump out of an aeroplane and you're the only one with a working parachute.17:18
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jaska7% burn out at normal clock after 5000h? ow17:19
edheldilhehe. I do not OC :)17:19
DocScrutinizerjaska: TI specs17:19
jaskaso effectively theyre selling garbage binned ones17:19
fluxI think it is quite rare to run your N900 for 5000h at 500MHz?17:20
DocScrutinizernope, that's normal expected lifetime for the CPU17:20
fluxhow many recharges would that even take..17:20
crashanddieyes, considering the CPU doesn't run at 500Mhz constantly17:20
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jaskawhat clock do you have to run them at to get the normal works-until-cosmic-event lifetime?17:21
DocScrutinizercrashanddie: unless yu're such OC fanboy that tries to cure the slowdown caused by running mp3enc17:21
fluxI think a reasonable person would overclock for the hopes of the device running at the boosted MHz only for split-seconds at a time.17:22
DocScrutinizerjaska: all under 500 is speced to 100.000h17:22
achipajaska: no such thing, even minimum clock has a non-zero defect rate (except it's in the 0.0000x% range)17:22
jaskajust sounds like an awfully high failure rate to me17:23
infobotwell, omap-oc is  read that!, or and this
jaskaim not an overclocker.17:24
flux5000 hours is like running the device full blast 24/7 for 208 days. nobody who uses the device as a personal communication device does that.17:24
DocScrutinizer100K total PowerOnHours when operating across all OPPs and keeping the time spent at OPP5 (overdrive = 600MHz) to less than 23K POH.  --- for commercial grade device (up to 95°C)17:24
fluxwell, unless they carry a car battery with them.17:25
user0-will the n900 run meego or maemo?17:25
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DocScrutinizerflux: that's why 600MHz is safe17:25
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user0-the wiki says it will run maemo17:26
crashanddieactually, that would be 8 hours of 500Mhz use every day for a year, 8 months and 12 days...17:26
user0-random sites only say meego17:26
crashanddieuser0-, maemo17:26
fluxcrashanddie, and how many recharges a day?17:26
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DocScrutinizera maemo called meego17:26
crashanddieflux, a lot.17:26
user0-i just paid for my n900 a few days ago17:27
crashanddiehow much did you pay for it?17:27
fluxactually, does someone have the number? how long will n900 last with its default configuration at 100% cpu?17:27
fluxisn't there a meego for N900 as well?17:27
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DocScrutinizerflux: see above, 100.000h17:27
fluxdocscrutinizer, I meant how far the battery lasts17:28
fluxI don't think there is any meego available that is actually usable for an end user yet..17:28
user0-cashanddie : too much?17:28
DocScrutinizer4h with screen off17:28
fluxbut I hear they just released a summer release of MeeGo for N900 (for developers)17:29
user0-and will the new device run the old apps or will they have to port them first17:29
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lardmanseems I missed the response to the timer question :)17:31
DocScrutinizerflux: >>md5sum /dev/zero 250 mA T17:31
lardmanit was a rhetorical question though17:31
lardmando we know the system heartbeat frequency?17:31
DocScrutinizerlardman: [2011-06-28 15:09:00] <DocScrutinizer> simple answer: no, but the code they start may be17:32
cloudyLightsDocScrutinizer: I am seeking to run a script like jowel did17:32
lardmandocscrutinizer: That was my conclusion too17:32
cloudyLightsto log my bus travel using the celular info17:32
lardmancloudyLights: we could do with an extension to liblocation to allow offline conversion of cell id to lat/lon if you're game?17:32
DocScrutinizerjonwil I guess you meant17:33
cloudyLightsthis what Iam seeking17:33
cloudyLightsbut I am at work17:33
cloudyLightsin 1hr I will try to understand more17:34
DocScrutinizercloudyLights: this one??17:34
cloudyLightsI just want to run a log on my way back home17:34
cloudyLightsthen sit and figure out how to use the numbers17:34
DocScrutinizerlook into netmon source, how to get the CID17:35
cloudyLightsI need to log the data17:35
cloudyLightsI am not saying I CANT do it17:35
cloudyLightsbut maybe it allready exist17:35
DocScrutinizervisit openbmap, they might have scripts to do exactly what you want, for N90017:35
cloudyLightsa program to log 15 min drive in a bus17:36
lardmanDocScrutinizer: yeah, but it would be nice to add it to liblocation as another location option17:36
DocScrutinizer~seen onen_openbmap17:36
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cloudyLightslardman: I hear you mate17:36
infoboti haven't seen 'onen_openbmap', DocScrutinizer17:36
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DocScrutinizer~seen onen_bmap17:37
infoboti haven't seen 'onen_bmap', DocScrutinizer17:37
jonwilliblocation is closed source17:37
lardmanjonwil: I hear you're an expert with binary patching though ;)17:37
jonwilnot really17:37
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lardmandon't worry, I know it's closed source17:37
lardmanI suppose an nice transparent alternative would be a proxy server that intercepts the lookup requests and uses the openbmap data to return the known lat/lon without needing a net connection17:38
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DocScrutinizer  I argued with onen a lot about the assumed polygon or even radius. Rela life it's all but a circle or even simple area defined by a toplologic order 1 ploygon17:46
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DocScrutinizerreal life it's usually  a random checkered area where you can get signal from a BTS17:46
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DocScrutinizermore often than not the servicing cell (aka the tower with best signal) is *not* the one with shortest distance to your location17:47
cloudyLightsI am just glad you are here to advice me about this idea17:49
cloudyLightsI mean if I had to learn it all by myself , it would take a lot of time17:49
cloudyLightsbut the idea of using cellular is good17:49
DocScrutinizerreal world out there isn't an ideal landscape with no obstacles and an evenly spaced pattern of BTS17:49
DocScrutinizerin towns you frequently have so called umbrella cells that are mounted on really high locatons and serve for a fill in in a radius of several km. So you might have such an umbrella as your servicing cell despite the fact 30 BTS are way closer to you but hidden by obstacles17:51
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edheldilbut would you be able to triangulat depending on signal strength from several towers without the need for some operator signal propagation maps?17:52
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SpeedEvilachipa: how did you know how to open teh n9 - did you see a manual?17:52
DocScrutinizeredheldil: nope, as signal is a random value17:52
achipaSpeedEvil: either that or I have dropped one by accident and have seen it fly apart :)17:52
X-FadeSpeedEvil: We all know how to do that. You are the only one not having one :)17:53
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edheldilDocScrutinizer:  really? No use in reading sigmnal strength?17:53
DocScrutinizeredheldil: see my mail
DocScrutinizeryou see real life variations in signal strength by moving device 50cm or 1m17:54
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jonwilAbout to post a post to the mailing list describing the interfaces exposed by hald-addon-bme17:54
jonwilso someone can use it to create hald-addon-bme clone that talks to low level stuff17:54
* ShadowJK sees 50kbytes/s go to 200kbytes/s by moving device 1cm17:55
SpeedEvilalterego: Actually - there are speed grades of the processor in the n900 up to 720MHz - they might well do binning.17:55
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: exactly17:55
* ShadowJK has marked the "proper" place for 200kbyte/s with masking tape on his table17:55
DocScrutinizerRF signal is all but a mere function of distance17:56
SpeedEviledheldil: 'no use' - is overstating it.17:56
ShadowJKthen there's a relatively large .5m diameter sphere in midair that gives 500, but only if I am holding it there. Putting it on a tripod in same spot doesn't work17:56
DocScrutinizerwell, my mail has all the bits in rather compressed concentrated form17:56
SpeedEviledheldil: But it's at best a ceiling, and you would need to use it along with lots of clever code that tried to guess things about the cell-tower antenna17:57
SpeedEvilAnd yes, that neglects reflections.17:57
DocScrutinizerand obstacles at large17:57
achipaShadowJK: the layout of the room, items in and around it might create a 'natural' focal point17:57
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ShadowJKgps receiver seems good at detecting ceilings, if you do a 24 hour run17:58
SpeedEvilAs a simple example - if there is a flat plate behind the phone away from the transmitter, pointed at it, then there will be 2*maximum/zero signal in 5cm spacings.17:58
DocScrutinizerbasically the ONLY thing you can say for sure from CID is: you are <35km distance from that particular BTS, and signal strength doesn't matter really17:59
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RST38hDoc: Aren't cells smaller in the city?18:00
RST38hDoc: And for 3G?18:00
DocScrutinizerRST38h: there's no such thing like a cell outer limit18:00
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DocScrutinizerexcept for the 35km max distance to BTS18:00
ShadowJKfor gsm the timing advance could give you a rough distance (not counting reflections)18:00
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DocScrutinizereven that can get pushed by technical means, for umbrella cells e.g in aussie outback18:01
* ShadowJK has heard some cells refuse to talk to mobiles too far away even if signals were fine18:01
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edheldilDocScrutinizer:  your mail message seem to say that getting reasonable location accuracy is possible. Or have I misread it?18:03
lardmanI was planning on using the cell id to know when I'm near some location, and only then turn the gps on18:04
ShadowJKare you refering to the one where he decodes coordinates sent by the network over cell broadcast?18:04
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: yep, that's the mountain-summit effect that makes your phone drop connection to a seemingly perfect cell - it's >35km away18:04
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lardmanDoes anyone have any links to docs on the CPU and network "heartbeats" on the N9(50)?18:05
DocScrutinizeredheldil: it is possible, but not on the assumption of any relation between signal strength and distance to BTS18:05
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edheldilah, ok18:06
DocScrutinizeryou can get a map of fingerprints for each square meter18:06
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edheldilalso another liblocation extension would be to do the wifi google trick, then18:06
DocScrutinizeryou also can do heuristics on which BTS are visible at all18:07
MoonTigerhas anybody else had the screen brightness status applet just disappear from the status area?18:07
DocScrutinizerand you can exploit TA18:07
jonwilbah, cant find bme-dbus-names.h18:07
jonwildefinatly exists, mce source code references it18:07
lardmanedheldil: yes18:07
edheldilMoonTiger:  might be a stupid question, but is not it just scrolled away? The status menu is scrollable, as I have found :)18:08
achipalardman: another trick is timed gps reads - if you know a position, you know that you cannot get into a target area under X minutes, so no point in making another read before that18:08
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MoonTigeredheldil, no i just tried and there is no scrolling18:08
MoonTigeri only have 3 rows of items showing plus the volume / battery meter18:09
achipalardman: and if you have additional info (like knowing that you're on foot, bicycle or bus), you can optimize even further18:10
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG is going to play with a N950?18:10
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DocScrutinizerin 2 minutes ;-)18:10
MohammadAG1 minute till RDA session starts :P18:10
ruskieanyone got any opinions on the tablets+keyboard dock devices that can be got now-a-days?(acer, asus, anyone else?)18:11
MohammadAGsession ends in 2:49 hours18:12
SpeedEviledheldil: Some cell modems can report distances to several towers in range - that lets you do postion18:12
MohammadAGsession started :D18:13
lardmanachipa: yes, good calls18:13
MohammadAGnice, portrait, gotta tilt my head18:13
MoonTigerruskie, i have a asus TF with keyboard18:13
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: really?18:13
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DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: distance? how do they do that? forced assoc and TA?18:13
MoonTigerso no clues as to what would make the brightness applet vanish after the CSSU update?18:14
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ruskieMoonTiger, good?18:15
jonwilaha, now I see why someone would bother to clone the battery status widget, the open-source clone is improved/better18:15
jonwilTime to post to the mailing list with information for hald-addon-bme18:16
MoonTigerruskie, it takes a lil while to get used to having a tablet but it works really well ... the keyboard is useful for more than the keyboard - it doubles the battery life ... i would recommend the asus18:16
hiemanshuMohammadAG got a N95018:16
Venemohe is using RDA18:17
user0-whats rda?18:17
Venemoremote device access18:17
MohammadAGthink VNC, but slower18:17
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MohammadAGok, you'll love this everyone18:19
DocScrutinizersure, what else :-S18:20
user0-seems more like bad news18:20
MohammadAGno root access?18:20
user0-some new release of maemo or what?18:20
DocScrutinizerno root? HAHA18:21
MohammadAGcan't find a way to gain root18:21
MohammadAGsu root needs suid18:21
MohammadAGdmesg => operation not permitted THE FUCK18:21
K-Wallanderlol no root? :D18:22
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alteregoMohammadAG: it needs to be in developer mode to get root18:22
lardmanso now we need to look at the package list and see if there are any security bugs that could be exploited to get a root shell18:22
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: sudo -l18:22
* MoonTiger sighs and kisses the N950 bye bye18:22
* MohammadAG tilts head again18:23
MohammadAGcouldn't they have done what they did to the SDK18:23
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: check if device is in developer mode18:23
MohammadAGI hate portrait only on a landscape only laptop18:23
MoonTigerok wow ... just uninstalled the latest twimgo and my brightness applet came back18:23
MohammadAGwaiting for it to respond18:23
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MohammadAGalterego, developer mode is enabled18:24
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alteregoMohammadAG: apt-get install openssh-server18:24
alteregoand ssh to localhost18:24
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MohammadAGoh great idea18:25
MohammadAGssh is installed18:25
DocScrutinizeralterego: uhuh, is apt-get in sudoers?18:25
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: sudo -l18:25
MohammadAGtime to guess the root pass18:26
MohammadAGit's not meego18:26
MohammadAGnor root18:26
alteregoOh, install it from the application manager then18:26
MohammadAGsudo not installed DocScrutinizer18:26
Jaffarootme was the default on Maemo18:26
MohammadAGrootme it is18:26
MohammadAGthanks Jaffa18:26
JaffaMy 770 days coming back to haunt me18:26
DocScrutinizercheers on Jaffa18:27
MohammadAGklogctl: Operation not permitted18:27
MohammadAGon dmesg18:27
DocScrutinizerless /var/log/*18:27
MohammadAGtheehe, syslog18:28
fralsaegis-su or something like that18:29
DocScrutinizerfrals: \o/18:29
MohammadAGlots of aegis- stuff, no -su though18:29
VenemoMohammadAG, 'lspci'18:29
fralsaegis-exec maybe18:29
* MohammadAG fetches pastebinit18:30
fralswonder what kind of device that is18:30
jonwilso yeah once I post this info, someone who knows how to use hal and dbus APIs will be able to write a replacement hald-addon-bme that talks directly to the hardware18:30
fralswhen your time is almost up do rm /usr/sbin/validator-init and reboot18:30
JaffaMohammadAG: Can you do a df -h to check the size of the MMC?18:30
VenemoMohammadAG, or 'lshal'18:30
MohammadAGno no no18:30
MohammadAGbefore all that18:30
jonwilwhilst still remaining compatible with the closed source bits18:31
MohammadAGI want the public IP18:31
MohammadAGhopefully it has port 22 open18:31
MohammadAGactually, what's reverse ssh again?18:31
MohammadAG<frals> when your time is almost up do rm /usr/sbin/validator-init and reboot <-- lol?18:31
MohammadAGfrals, N95018:31
fralsMohammadAG: depending on some stuff im not sure if it will come back up after that :P18:31
ShadowJKbefore all that, tar -cf - / | ssh me@computer "cat > rdarootfs.tar"18:32
JaffaMohammadAG: ssh -R2222:localhost:22 external18:32
Venemoand before your session ends, 'rm -rf /' as root18:32
lardmanMohammadAG: devel-su perhaps?18:32
hiemanshuVenemo: naah, cat a > /boot/vmlinuz works better :P the rootfs is there but it wont boot :P18:33
Venemolol hiemanshu18:33
Venemothing is, if MohammadAG does these nasty things, they will probably disable all root access...18:33
fralsVenemo: a developer device without developer mode is...18:34
fralsdoesnt the symbian phones reflash the phone between rda sessions btw?18:34
lardmanI can't see them getting rid of it really, they've written the docs already after all ;)18:34
fralsMohammadAG: whats the hostname btw?18:34
fralsMohammadAG: also, settings -> about -> version number18:35
DocScrutinizerfrals: that's what I thought18:35
VenemoI meant, they disable root access on RDA18:35
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MohammadAGJaffa, then?18:35
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JaffaMohammadAG: Then you can ssh -P 2222 external to get through to the remote box18:35
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SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer:  Sorry - I may have misunderstood - I understood that report way back of yours gave TA to multiple cells.18:36
DocScrutinizerif there's no NAT18:36
JaffaMohammadAG: Actually, by default you'll have to "ssh -P 2222 localhost" unless you've reconfigured SSH to listen on remote ports beyond the loopback address18:36
JaffaDocScrutinizer: No, this is SSHing back over an SSH tunnel18:36
JaffaDocScrutinizer: As long as you can get out, you can get back in18:37
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: it does. I managed to get the TA for NCEL by forcing the phone to register with all those BTS18:37
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: Ah. I see, thanks.18:37
DocScrutinizerJaffa: AAAH18:37
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: TA is a parameter the BTS tells to MT18:38
KaadlajkMohammadAG: try "/usr/bin/aegis-exec -a CAP::sys_admin /usr/bin/dmesg"18:38
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: you need to actually talk to BTS to get TA18:38
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: yes, I know. I was assuming things.18:38
lardmanKaadlajk: I thought devel-su was supposed to support the Harmattan security model?18:38
fralslardman: whats devel-su? O_o18:38
Kaadlajknever heard of it either18:39
lardmana tool listed here:
lardmanbut perhaps that's just the package name, who knows18:39
Kaadlajk"devel-su root" should work apparently18:40
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fralsuh, dont have that package installed here18:41
Kaadlajkshould come with developer mode18:41
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fralsdidnt for me18:41
fralsguess ill ping someone about it tomorrow if i remember ;o18:41
Kaadlajkmaybe this doc is out-of-date18:41
fralsMohammadAG: 403 and then 40418:42
DocScrutinizerhehe, so can we assume "N950 out in the wild" state now - though even virtual18:42
DocScrutinizerso e.g achipa may post pastebins of his device's dmesg etc?18:42
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SpeedEvilMohammadAG: Quoth the server '404'.18:43
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DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: fix file permissions!18:43
DocScrutinizerYou don't have permission to access /public/MeeGo/syslog.txt on this server18:44
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alterego2.6.32 ..18:44
alteregoNice ..18:44
DocScrutinizerok, now we'Re talking18:44
DocScrutinizerI'll keep it for later... afk for a while18:45
lardmanSmartReflex working now apparently18:45
DocScrutinizeryou mean they enabled it?18:45
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lardmanhmm, perhaps not then, just the driver is present18:46
alteregoN950 only has 512M RAM?18:46
DocScrutinizerit's always been thare until recently, on n90018:46
fralsi wouldnt make too many assumptions about the dev devices going out from that dmesg18:46
alteregoYeah ...18:46
DocScrutinizerfrals: indeed18:46
DocScrutinizerbut I make assumptions about the OS and kernel running there, based on uname -a etc18:47
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lardmanhmm, root on an SD card18:47
DocScrutinizeranyway, bbl18:47
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lardmanBCM4751 GPS driver, /me looks for spec sheet18:48
hiemanshummcblk0: mmc0:0001 F0KC0M 60.0 GiB18:49
Jaffahiemanshu: Was about to paste that myself.18:50
alteregoWow, swap on nand18:50
lardmanpretty recent image on the cellular bit: SW=DFL61_HARMATTAN_1.2011.22-6_PR_RM68018:50
pabs3huh, 0.2% bad erase blocks18:50
lardmanlol bme: [bmetimer_calc_cc_diff()] Insane coulomb counter difference: 41936281518:52
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hiemanshuJaffa: hah, I beat you to it :P18:52
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hiemanshuALSA device list: #0: dfl61-twl4030 (twl4030) #1: dfl61-dac33 (tlv320dac33)18:53
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javispedroI've read something about RDA being available already?18:54
hiemanshuinput: ST LIS3LV02DL Accelerometer as /devices/platform/lis3lv02d/input/input718:54
pabs3javispedro: yep, MohammadAG posted the syslog from it:
hiemanshuinput: ST LIS3LV02DL Accelerometer as /devices/platform/lis3lv02d/input/input718:55
lardmandocscrutinizer: ah thanks18:55
javispedrokernel: [62453.751739] Aegis: verification failed (no reference hash)18:56
javispedrodevice is in closed mode18:56
javispedroaegis fully armed and operational :S18:56
Jaffajavispedro: MohammadAG has an RDA session right now18:56
javispedroso what can you do in developer mode?18:56
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DocScrutinizerjavispedro: toldya18:58
javispedroDocScrutinizer, but he was able to run it after all, so what happened?18:58
DocScrutinizerkernel: [    0.088806] musb_hdrc: version 6.0, musb-dma, peripheral,18:59
DocScrutinizerbut probably little use in messing with that either then18:59
lardmanhmm interesting, that gps chipset supports LTO18:59
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lardmanLong Term Orbit19:00
DocScrutinizerjavispedro: no clue19:00
JaffaLow Target Orbit?19:00
JaffaOh, wow - it is orbit.19:00
Jaffalardman: Guessing satellite positions into the future?19:00
lardmanhigh precision ephemeris predictions19:00
DocScrutinizerumm, thought all chips did that. then otoh I got no clue about GPS, really19:01
SpeedEvillardman: Oh - and you asked earlier about camera openness - it's implied you can screw with it. See
lardmanthanks SpeedEvil19:01
* DocScrutinizer heads out again19:01
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lardmantime to head for my internetless home, catch you guys tomorrow19:03
lardmanMohammadAG: have fun! :)19:03
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* javispedro is interested in dfl6119:09
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javispedroMohammadAG, can you also pastebin /etc/pulse/daemon.conf , /etc/pulse/ =)19:10
javispedroor I will get those from rootfs, forget.19:10
alteregoHeh, Harmattan still has libConIc19:11
MohammadAGdamn internet connection19:11
javispedroalterego, it still has icd219:12
alteregoI want that IMEI: 00440213192223319:12
MohammadAGjavispedro, need anything not in rootfs?19:13
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javispedroalsa controls, but I do not have any binary to dump them arund19:13
alteregoMohammadAG: you could tar up the whole rootfs so we can get Nokia closed binaries19:13
alteregoOh wait, we already have those.19:13
alteregoIt's really just system information that's useful from a device right now I guess.19:14
javispedro"amixer contents" would list controls19:14
javispedronot sure if amixer is around19:14
* alterego wonders if you can do a tree /sys19:15
alteregoWithout it doing a recursive loop19:15
javispedroalterego, find does detect loops19:15
javispedroalterego, even busybox's iirc.19:15
fralsjavispedro: amixer is there19:15
alteregoMohammadAG: find /sys > sysfs.tree19:15
javispedroMohammadAG, also a trivial one: ps ax19:16
fralsjavispedro: otoh im using preproduction sw etc so no guarantees19:16
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MohammadAGwhy the fuck does pastebinit not work19:16
javispedroMohammadAG, and qdbus =)19:16
javispedroMohammadAG, how did you paste syslog ?19:16
MohammadAGjavispedro, scp and pastebinit from PC :P19:20
alteregoMohammadAG: psst, find /sys > sysfs.tree19:20
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MohammadAGI wonder if this reduces my chances of getting an N95019:21
* javispedro lols at cat /sys/kernel/debug/pvr//hwrec_event19:21
alteregoI don't see why :P19:21
javispedroMohammadAG, we didn't had any to begin with ;)19:21
JaffaMohammadAG: df -h to confirm the MMC size from syslog - just in case things are screwy and to better see the partition layout19:22
alteregoJaffa: wouldn't cat /proc/partitions be better for that ;)19:22
alteregoWell, I'm resigned to the fact that I probably wont be getting a package today :(19:22
fralsJaffa: dont make assumptions about n950 mmc size based on that ;o19:22
MohammadAGalterego, I was stupid enough to cat that19:22
MohammadAGso wait till ssh clears out :p19:23
fralsalehorst: i got a package today!19:23
alteregoMohammadAG: cat what?19:23
fralsuh, alterego*19:23
alterego/proc/partitions shouldn't be beg ..19:23
jonwilHharmattan still has the closed source mess that is the CSD daemon19:23
alteregofrals: :(19:23
alteregoEveryone got a package but me.19:23
javispedrojonwil, that was  known...19:23
fralsalterego: was from Lee store thou. not sure what you are expecting :P19:23
alteregoI'm expecting a Nokia N8 and a book on Qt19:23
alteregolcuk got his today  :(19:24
* jonwil is surprised at the amount of useful information out there if one knows where to look19:24
alteregoCan't believe they'd go to Mancester first, and he asked for a C5-03 as well ..19:24
jonwilor one finds it by accident looking for other things19:24
SpeedEviljonwil: yeah - the problem is that it's hideously organised.19:24
MohammadAGhis what? N950?19:24
alteregoI should probably look to get a tracking number if it doesn't arrive in the next couple of days.19:24
achipafrals: ditto. Not from Lee :) Not to think how to fit a 12mm oversize monitor into a desk frame...19:25
Jaffafrals: I don't assume anything, but if we go off yours having 16GB and another one having 60GB...19:25
SpeedEviljonwil: And the assumption is often that stuff is closed, when it may not be - because everything else it talks to is closed.19:25
fralsJaffa: im sure achipa can tell you his size ;-)19:25
jonwilGot an example of something that appears closed at first glance but isnt?19:25
fralsachipa: heh, thats why desk frames are bad ;)19:25
alteregoJaffa: these test devices may need more storage to allow for more application developers to copy stuff on 'em.19:25
jonwilhmmm, maemosec and maemosec-certman seem to fit that bill IIRC19:25
jonwilthey are open source19:26
jonwilincluding all the certificate files19:26
jonwilbut the code isn't in the "free" repos19:26
jonwilits out there though19:26
MohammadAGJaffa, 6219:27
achipafrals: hey, when that desk was made, I'm pretty sure nobody expected monitors of that size, maybe not even TVs ;)19:27
MohammadAGso 64GBs19:27
fralsachipa: sounds like it's time for a new desk ;-)19:27
jonwilI found a whole pile of stuff related to bme and libbmeipc, I think with that I can make just about any BME libbmepic call19:27
achipafrals: still contemplating if I can around it by a software solution ;)19:28
jonwilthere is also documentation for talking to both libcsd-net and libcsd-gprs out there19:28
Jaffaachipa: Can you confirm the MMC size of the DDP N950s? ;-)19:28
achipaJaffa: 16G19:29
Jaffaachipa: Thanks19:29
fralsachipa: any contact info for the remote device access crap?19:29
achipafrals: yes ?19:29
achipavillev might have an idea :)19:30
fralsok, curious why they are using HW different from the DDP...19:30
fralsguess ill go hunting in phonebook tomorrow at work ;p19:30
MohammadAGso they're not the same devices19:31
achipafrals: no need19:31
JaffaMohammadAG: Can you activate the front and back cameras and take photos of it, so we can see if it's black or silver? ;-)19:31
Jaffa(hoping there's a conveniently placed reflective surface & CSI-style photo enhancement software available to us)19:32
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MohammadAGJaffa, RDA can't show that19:32
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MohammadAGand last time I took a pic with a 5800 I saw cables19:32
MohammadAGgot a gstreamer commad?19:32
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MohammadAG/dev nodes:
JaffaMohammadAG: No idea19:33
alteregovideo{0,1,2,3,4,5,6} ?19:35
achipaJaffa: and, of course, they are not  DDP but, "N9DK" or whatever19:36
MohammadAGdon't look at me :p19:36
achipaooofff.... something tells me the trolls use HD screens19:37
achipajust tried QtC on one and suddenly the size of stuff is right :)19:37
MohammadAGJaffa, any way to check if it has HDMI ports? so you can post on forums that it doesn't have any? :P19:38
fralsachipa: i remember having to fiddle around when i tried it on my 2560x1920 screen at work ;(19:38
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JaffaMohammadAG: We know it doesn't have any ports; the guy wants it to be a magic signal muxed into the headphone jack ;-)19:38
achipafrals: yeah, that's prolly too much, 1680x720 is still too small, 1920x1080 is just right19:39
javispedrooh it has many hdmi ports, as soon as I connect this DisplayLink device...19:39
fralsachipa: as long as the screen size is decent as well. 1920x1080 on 15.6" is *NOT* right :D19:39
achipayeah, yeah19:40
MohammadAGoh that AEGIS shit is bullcrap19:40
MohammadAGRM680-22-6_PR_RM680:~# chmod +x sociality-harmattan-armel19:40
MohammadAGRM680-22-6_PR_RM680:~# ./sociality-harmattan-armel19:40
MohammadAG-sh: ./sociality-harmattan-armel: Operation not permitted19:40
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achipa24" is a minimum for HD, at least for my eyes, 27" is the ideal one19:40
javispedroMohammadAG, try installing  it from a .deb instead of using scp19:40
fralsachipa: sounds about right :)19:40
MohammadAGjavispedro, I don't have a deb19:41
alteregoMohammadAG: try not executing it on fat filesystem :P19:41
achipaMohammadAG: yeah, that is a pain19:41
MohammadAGalterego, I'm use / isn't fat :p19:41
javispedroalterego, bad answer, msdos filesystem would have barked on chmod19:41
fralsnuking /usr/sbin/validator-init should work on RDA19:41
achipaalterego: won't help, no running of executables not put there by package management/aegis19:41
alteregoOh, :/19:42
alteregoIs this the security crap?19:42
javispedroalterego, yes...19:42
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alteregoI hope we can disable that19:42
alteregoI want viruz19:42
MohammadAGachipa, but it's in developer mode19:42
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javispedroit's called "open mode" aiui19:42
javispedrono idea still what developer mode allows.19:42
MohammadAGjavispedro, to me developer-mode seems like a big metapackage19:43
MohammadAGinstalls terminal etc19:43
javispedrojust I believe it is "something lesser" than full open mode.19:43
JaffaMohammadAG: According to Quim developer mode *is* different to open mode19:43
achipaMohammadAG: that's not really how it goes... but you'll figure out19:43
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javispedrowhy the secrecy dammit?19:43
MohammadAGRM680-22-6_PR_RM680:~# aegis-developer-mode19:43
MohammadAGaegis-developer-mode [--developer-origin <value>] [--relaxed-exec] [--help]19:43
MohammadAG  --help        Help screen (this)19:43
MohammadAG  --relaxed-exec        Enable relaxed exec mode.19:43
MohammadAG  --developer-origin    Set developer origin to be <value>19:43
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javispedrojust ship the damn devices so that we can finally find aegis is THE EVIL REINCARNATED!!! ;)19:43
achipayep, developer mode is the proprietary one, but with safety belts off19:43
achipaopen mode is the one without the outer shell :)19:44
MohammadAGthis is crappy at best19:44
JaffaMohammadAG: --relaxed-exec sounds handy19:44
MohammadAGI need to see what aegis does19:44
MohammadAGJaffa, permission denied19:44
achipait's not that bad (compared to what it could be doing to you)19:44
MohammadAGRM680-22-6_PR_RM680:~# aegis-developer-mode --relaxed-exec19:44
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MohammadAGError: Permission denied19:44
javispedroMohammadAG, resistance is futile.19:45
MohammadAGusage: aegis-constrain COMMAND VALUE19:45
MohammadAGThe available commands are:19:45
MohammadAG        imei imei-code  Test the imei number of the device19:45
MohammadAG        mode open       Test the mode of the device (open)19:45
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jonwilBy far the worst thing with information spelunking is when you find information that sounds great but turns out not to be available to you, e.g. the link to the (closed access) git repo here
javispedrojonwil, lol19:48
javispedrojonwil, were you here yesterday when I discussed that ~120MiB source code leak19:48
fralssource code leak?19:48
* javispedro is looking up irc logs link19:49
jonwilpackage-manager is what exactly?19:49
MohammadAGk, so we know how it adds executables19:50
MohammadAGRM680-22-6_PR_RM680:~# /usr/bin/aegis-postinst-hook19:50
javispedronobody I know could fetch it and see what was inside19:50
jonwiland what would have been in this tarball if we could have gotten it?19:50
MohammadAGPackage name is missing19:50
MohammadAGand /usr/bin/aegis-preinst-hook19:50
javispedrojonwil, dunno, but it is surely not 120MiB. So there was way more there, or maybe just random garbage. Who knows.19:50
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jonwilunfortunatly the file was removed before anyone could snarf it19:50
JaffaDocScrutinizer: In answer to your pre-rm for library patching - stash the original alongside the patched, and if it is missing fail the uninstall19:52
MohammadAGyay, icd2 in Harmattan19:52
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javispedrojonwil, but it has been very close, I had been also talking about package-manager itself yesterday so I had scheduled downloading it as soon as I got home19:54
javispedroand then realized it was gone -- must have been yesterday or two days ago max19:55
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* javispedro ponders the evil deeds he could have done with 120MiB of who-knows-what19:55
fralsjavispedro: 120MiB of german midget porn? ;)19:56
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javispedrowhat are 120MiB of german midget porn doing in ? =)19:58
MohammadAGand how does frals know? :P19:58
javispedroI mean, I've seen worse stuff in professor's completely public samba shares, but..19:58
DocScrutinizerJaffa: thanks19:58
MohammadAGhow does aegis work?19:58
MohammadAGI mean, how does it hook into the device? kernel?19:59
DocScrutinizerjavispedro: I can't believe nobody is running a git mirror for $nokia19:59
javispedroMohammadAG, if you don't know, it's working19:59
CorsacMohammadAG: yes, and a userspace daemon19:59
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DocScrutinizerdamn you MohammadAG - 18000 lines of pastebin :-P20:03
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MohammadAGalterego, can a qml file in a binary be decompiled?20:03
JaffaMohammadAG: QML files aren't compiled yet. Coming in Qt Quick 2.0, IIRC20:04
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JaffaMohammadAG: So they're only bundled/compressed as qrcs20:04
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MohammadAGactually no use, C++ backend20:05
javispedroso they can20:05
JaffaInteresting: the Drive & Facebook apps seems to be QML20:05
JaffaMohammadAG: Is that what you were looking at?20:05
fralsMohammadAG: dont steal my code ;-)20:05
* javispedro notes that webos-closed components are actually more hackable than Maemo's, because, after all they're HTML and JavaScript20:05
DocScrutinizerjavispedro: where's the mystery tarball been sitting?20:05
javispedroso people just hack on them right away20:05
javispedroand distribute patches (quilt files actually)20:05
javispedroso, if QML is not compiled...20:06
* javispedro stops daydreaming20:06
javispedroDocScrutinizer, you have the full url on irc logs20:06
hiemanshuwell from the comments on my app post, it seems like plain Qt is ugly on the N9 atleast20:06
javispedrohiemanshu, why?20:06
hiemanshu'They could be bigger, utilize the whole toolbar (not just the right corner of it) and look less like Windows 95 :-)'20:07
hiemanshujavispedro: ^20:07
MohammadAGJaffa, yes, facebookqml20:07
MohammadAGstringing the binary shows the QML files, but they're more than 1, so ripping each one is a bit hard :p20:07
fralsMohammadAG: and you would be in violation with the license20:07
MohammadAGfrals, fu I'm selling it on ebay!20:07
fralss/with/of/ maybe20:07
MohammadAGValerio, isn't that VDVsx?20:08
JaffaMohammadAG: Yup20:08
javispedrohiemanshu, you should try it yourself on sbox sdk20:08
hiemanshujavispedro: it looks fine there, but that is a comment I got on my app20:09
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MohammadAGfrals, jk, naturally :p20:09
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hiemanshuexcept QWebView just crashes in the sbox SDK20:09
MohammadAGso VDVsx wrote the facebook app20:09
MohammadAGI suggest again, using QLabel20:09
MohammadAGQWebView isn't practical for an image20:10
fralsMohammadAG: what are you basing that on? ;)20:10
javispedroQWebView for an image?20:10
DocScrutinizerjavispedro: honestly, somebody should set up a mirror for and sync 2 times a day20:10
javispedrothat's probably entire webkit...20:10
MohammadAGfrals, nothing, just his (C) being in each qml file20:10
javispedroDocScrutinizer, technically we can only do for packages in free20:10
hiemanshujavispedro: well more than an image, it does some scraping too20:10
fralsMohammadAG: sure it says (C) Valerio? ;)20:10
hiemanshuMohammadAG: have the bug link handy?20:10
javispedroDocScrutinizer, ok, legally.20:11
JaffaMohammadAG: Usually such things should say (C) <employer>20:11
javispedro(C) 2011 Stephen Elop, All Rights Reserved.20:11
DocScrutinizerI can download whatever they offer. I mustn't share20:11
hiemanshuMohammadAG: (the sbox webview bug)20:11
DocScrutinizerbig difference20:11
javispedroDocScrutinizer, you said "Mirror".20:11
javispedrobut I get the idea.20:12
MohammadAGJaffa, Contact:, nvm :p20:12
DocScrutinizerI didn't say publicly accessible mirror20:12
MohammadAG and povbot, stfu20:12
povbotBug 197: kernel builds, but device keeps rebooting20:12
DocScrutinizerjavispedro: aiui there are ready-made scripts for that purpose?20:13
javispedrohate povbot being in red20:13
fralsi need to signin to VIEW bugs there?20:13
* frals spits20:13
javispedroDocScrutinizer, wget can20:13
javispedroDocScrutinizer, man wget, grep for spider20:13
DocScrutinizerhmm, indeed20:13
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DocScrutinizernow if I had a bit more storage than the meager 30GB on my box20:14
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javispedroin the near future I'm going to download-spider the docs, cause I want them in plucker version20:14
DocScrutinizerbackbone you don't think that'S possible, but only 30GB :-/20:14
fralsDocScrutinizer: /dev/sda1             917G  208G  705G  23% /mnt/storage120:14
fralsDocScrutinizer: only on 100Mbit downlink thou :[20:14
javispedro[sda] 195371568 512-byte logical blocks: (100 GB/93.1 GiB)20:15
javispedrodon't laugh.20:15
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DocScrutinizer/dev/mapper/VolGroup00-LogVol00                       47G  8.5G   36G  20% /20:15
MohammadAGwhat am I laughing at?20:16
javispedrowho has the shortest epenis competition!20:16
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frals/dev/mmcblk0p2        6.7G  1.7G  4.8G  26% /20:17
fralson this machine :<20:17
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javispedrofrals, cheating, that's an embedded device20:17
fralsjavispedro: bah :( its my sheeva!20:18
MohammadAGlemme telnet into my decoder box20:18
DocScrutinizer2011-06-28 19:17:50 (6.40 MB/s) - `binutils_2.19.51.20090709-0maemo10+0m6.tar.gz' saved [21038587/21038587]20:18
javispedromy router has a 16MiB flash chip. of which 15MiB are used =)20:18
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fralsthink my router actually has 64MiB20:18
fralsor not20:19
frals/dev/root                 5.6M      5.6M         0 100% /20:19
* jonwil is surprised that Harmattan seems to be taking backwards steps on openness in a few areas20:19
DocScrutinizerI have to talk to my 'sysadmin' to give me some more GB20:19
frals<3 dd-wrt20:19
MohammadAGmostly the UI jonwil20:19
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MohammadAGdd-wrt didn't support my "open" router, so <3 OpenWRT :P20:20
jonwilI dont think the UI of Harmattan is any less open than that of Fremantle20:20
jonwilthe core UI libs all seem to be open20:20
jonwilfor the most part20:20
javispedro we need objective data on this20:20
javispedrocause I also got that feeling.20:20
jonwiland the actual apps are just as closed as they were on Fremantle20:20
MohammadAGit is20:20
MohammadAGswiping is closed20:20
MohammadAGemail client is closed, modest was open :p20:21
jonwilyeah that sucks that the email client is closed20:21
javispedrorevolt! grab the pitchforks!20:21
JaffaEspecially if it sucks. Spoiled by iOS' on the iPad understanding archiving etc. for Gmail20:21
jonwilI suspect the package manager is closed because of all the new security stuff20:21
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javispedrojonwil, security is actually also handled by apt-get (has to be), so I don't think so20:22
Jaffajonwil: Aegis itself was supposed to be open source20:22
fralsiirc parts of securitycrap is on meego.gitorious.org20:23
fralsor somewhere around there, no telling what happend when intel took a shit on it thou20:23
jonwilswiping being closed makes sense, its something fancy Nokia have invented and dont want to share20:23
fralsMohammadAG: qmf is open thou! ;-)20:24
jonwilemail client being closed, if its a totally new written-from-scratch email client then it is probably closed for the same reasons dialer and other UI/UX is closed20:25
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javispedrojonwil, sadly what worries me about swipe is the definition of it. For now, I understand it includes the slidng animations, swipe gesture detection actual algorithm, swipe launcher, swipe task switcher, swipe coffee maker machine..20:25
javispedroall of them closed.20:25
jonwilyeah its stupid that its closed20:26
jonwilbut Nokia invented it and dont want to share20:26
jonwilThey probably also dont want to see people hacking certain bits of it in ways they dont want (e.g. talk about people wanting close buttons on apps)20:26
javispedrotechnically that is doable20:27
DocScrutinizerjavispedro: maybe the 120MB tarball had the complete apt cache?20:27
jonwilapt-get is GPL, is it not?20:27
javispedrojonwil, I think there can be "hooks" into it that can be in separate binaries, and that's how they do it20:27
javispedroit has a name, I don't remember it20:27
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javispedros/they do it/they get away with it20:28
javispedroDocScrutinizer, or midget porn. I really have no idea. The only way I could think of filling 120MiB is with all the theme source images, or sth.20:28
javispedrojonwil, ah, "triggers"20:29
MohammadAGjavispedro, aegis-postinst-hook20:30
javispedrooh, so there's fmrx and tx hardware, ut no antenna connected to tx,20:31
javispedroand headphones as antenna as usual for rx20:31
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RST38hProduce purveyors create edible iPhone20:33
jonwilbtw, whoever it was that said they wanted a hald-addon-bme replacement, I posted a message to the devel list with all the information required to allow one to completly replace bme, libbmeipc and hald-addon-bme with something talking directly to the hardware20:33
RST38hI am sure N9 can't do that!20:33
jonwiland yet mantain functionality of all the closed-source bits20:33
frals<jonwil> They probably also dont want to see people hacking certain bits of it in ways they dont want (e.g. talk about people wanting close buttons on apps)20:33
fralsbut we have swipe down to close! ;-)20:33
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javispedroRST38h: N9 surely can be eaten.20:35
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javispedroyou might even gain superpowers if you survive the experience.20:35
javispedrowhich you will need cause Elop will then come and kill you for promoting the N9.20:35
RST38hIf I survive the experience, I may have well hadthe super powersto begin with20:36
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cloudyLightshow come there is no "screen" for the N90020:38
cloudyLightsapt-get install screen = no package20:38
DocScrutinizerjavispedro: NO antenna on TX?? W*T*F??!?!!20:39
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DocScrutinizerI wonder if they were at very least polite enough to have a testpoint then20:42
RST38hDoc: I am sure that with an electrode connecting the N950 with just the right part of one's body, FMTX is also possible!20:42
javispedronow I realize that fmtx is probably broken since day 0 on my n90020:43
RST38hwell...n900 fmtx is very very weak20:43
javispedrocause it's not normal that I'm the only one not caring about it because it's range was in the centimers20:44
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RST38hto thepoint of unusability20:44
javispedroRST38h, so yours too? =)20:44
ShadowJKA coworker once said he heard the fmtx, and he was standing 20 metres away :P20:44
DocScrutinizersee, that's what you earn by not running your device thru DocScrutinizer's acme awesome hw QA20:44
RST38hYour receiver has to have a really good antenna, then it gets a bit better20:44
javispedro_no car I've ever been could listen to the n900 fmtx_20:44
ShadowJKcars are special20:44
valdynRST38h: it can work perfectly fine20:45
RST38hDoc: does the first answer say "no"?20:45
valdynRST38h: thats typically cars with window antennnae20:45
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jacekowskiRST38h: works for me20:45
RST38hjavispedro: driver's side, n900 in your left pocket, external car antenna fully extended20:45
RST38hjavispedro: only then it works, not very well though20:45
jacekowskijavispedro: emm, my car can20:46
jacekowskiRST38h: external antenna doesn't help20:46
DocScrutinizerRST38h: sorry?20:46
SpeedEvilOptimal range is perhaps 5-6m20:46
javispedrotruth be said I've never tested n900 in driver's side..20:47
RST38hDoc: i.e. is your QA about things one CANNOT do with N900? =)20:47
RST38hSpeed: Never works this far with n90020:47
RST38hSpeed:50cm is about the max range for me20:47
jacekowskiRST38h: range to what?20:47
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ShadowJKIn my car, the external antenna can't see any signal at all from the N900. The radio isn't very well shielded though, so that's the signal path, direct to radio20:47
RST38hjacekowski: range from n900 to an fm receiver20:48
ShadowJKI put the N900 in the tray below the radio20:48
jacekowskiShadowJK: exactly20:48
jacekowskiShadowJK: metal roof shields antenna from n900 quite well20:48
valdynRST38h: you mean transciever20:48
valdynRST38h: err nm20:48
DocScrutinizerRST38h: my QA is about better schematics and about getting the most out of the precious chips you buy20:48
SpeedEvilRST38h: That's basically the best use-case - to a good reciever with a proper antenna, set up in a field20:48
jacekowskiShadowJK: radio is shielded quite well too20:48
RST38hSpeed: does not make me feel better20:48
SpeedEvilWith an empty spectrum20:49
SpeedEvilIn congested regions - it's not going to work at all.20:49
javispedroat 50cm I get pure noise with n900 and a handheld received.20:49
jacekowskiRST38h: it's not for you to transmit to every car on motorway20:49
jacekowskiSpeedEvil: works for me20:49
jacekowskiSpeedEvil: i have it on lowest possible frequency20:49
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rlinfatiPirates_of_Caribbean.mp4, Rio.mp4, Tron_Legacy.mp4 on N950 via RDA :P20:49
ShadowJKjacekowski, also start fmtx first, run fmboost (probably useless since 1.3), then connect charger while fmtx is running and playing. Seems to boost it a bit :-)20:49
javispedrorlinfati, last years device =)20:50
jacekowskiShadowJK: ekhm, you are teaching me what do with fmtx?20:50
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valdynShadowJK: depends on your car, i would say the charger more often than not causes annoying interference20:50
ShadowJKjacekowski, no I said what I'm doing :P20:50
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MohammadAGmy N900's FMTX is actually quite good20:50
jacekowskiShadowJK: are you using my modified fmtxd?20:50
ShadowJKvaldyn, it's a nokia DC-10 (or 11?), doesn't seem to cause any interference at all..20:50
ShadowJKjacekowski, nope20:50
jacekowskiShadowJK: you should20:51
jacekowskiShadowJK: that boosts power a bit20:51
valdynShadowJK: probably, i only know cheap car chargers20:51
jacekowskiShadowJK: and does some other stuff as well20:51
jacekowskiShadowJK: like it's not switching off/reducing power when you plug in usb to it20:51
javispedroI have a chinese car GPS that also has an fmtx, and its range is probably in the kilometers. If I connect it I get not only crystal clear sound but also _noise on other frequencies_20:52
ShadowJKthat kernel "lock" they introduced in 1.3 prevents it from stepping down power if you turn on fmtx first, it seems20:52
jacekowskiShadowJK: it doesn't20:52
jacekowskiShadowJK: you can still do it via ioctls20:52
jacekowskiShadowJK: and that's how fmtxd is doing it20:52
DocScrutinizeryou're aware the TX power reduction on charger plugin is basically nonsense as there's always a chance user plugs in a mere single ended USB cable20:52
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: yeah20:53
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RST38hjavispedro:just proves that chinese are practical20:53
RST38hjavispedro:and will end up owning the world outside of the courtroom =)20:54
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jacekowskitbh, there should be like 1MHz at low end of spectrum where you can transmit with bit more power20:55
jacekowskiand that should be used for all micro transmitters20:55
jacekowskior even single frequency on very low end20:55
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MohammadAGanyone got tips on getting the public IP of a device?21:05
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valdynMohammadAG: www.whatismyip.com21:05
SpeedEvilMohammadAG: Turn it upside down, and look at the post-it-note21:05
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javispedroRST38h, indeed21:06
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DocScrutinizervaldyn: looks like a really rogue site21:09
SpeedEvilMohammadAG: Go to wikipedia.21:10
SpeedEvilMohammadAG: Don't login. click edit21:10
SpeedEvilIt tells you your IP21:10
valdynDocScrutinizer: a rogue site?21:11
valdynDocScrutinizer: youre joking right?21:11
DocScrutinizerplatered with popups and js crap, and maybe all other sorts of nasty beasts21:11
MohammadAGSpeedEvil, valdyn something with wget/curl please21:12
valdynDocScrutinizer: ok, I wouldnt know, i filter ads and similar, but its not a rogue site anyway21:12
valdynMohammadAG: that site has instructions21:12
valdynMohammadAG: below your ip "Automation Rules"21:12
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: (echo -ne '\x00\x01\x00\x08'; \     echo -n "$session"; \     echo -ne '\x00\x03\x00\x04\x00\x00\x00\x00'\    ) \    | netcat -w ${t_listen} -u ${stunserver} ${port} \    | od -w4 -t u1 -j 28 -N 4 -A n \    | sed 's/^  *//g;s/\  */./g'21:13
valdynMohammadAG: gives me *only* the ip21:13
* javispedro notes DocScrutinizer should remember we are talking about messybox here21:14
MohammadAGcan't find them21:14
DocScrutinizersession=`tr -d -c [:alnum:] < /dev/urandom | dd  bs=16 count=1 2>/dev/null`21:14
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DocScrutinizerrealy lean:
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MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, no dice on busybox21:19
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DocScrutinizeryeah, sure21:19
javispedroMohammadAG, either way:  don't. it will be hidden behind a thousand layers of nat21:20
javispedroipv4s are not that cheap these days to assign one to each RDA device21:20
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DocScrutinizerjavispedro: you bet on that21:21
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javispedromaybe ipv6 =921:21
DocScrutinizerbut he pierced a hole into the NAT aiui21:21
javispedrothen ssh into your computer :P21:22
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javispedrogoogle has closed the paid apps section in the taiwanese android market because of a new state law that mandates consumers have 7-days to return goods21:24
ShadowJKit's 14 days in EU21:26
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SpeedEvilShadowJK: I don't think that applies to software.21:28
cehtehever tried to return a burger to Mc Donalds 14days after buying? :)21:28
SpeedEvilShadowJK: Also - if they don't comply with the distance selling rules it may be considerably longer - IIRC 6 months 14 days21:28
SpeedEvilcehteh: Only online purchases of non-perishable goods.21:28
ShadowJKIt was (is?) actually better in finland before EU's imposed DSR21:30
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ruskielast I checked the EU wide minimal is 14 days for distance selling21:30
ShadowJKafter the harmonized EU rules, buyer pays return shipping21:30
ruskiethough iirc the UK has it set to longer than that21:31
GeneralAntillesrm_work, ping?21:32
GeneralAntilles(or rm_you)21:32
rm_workGeneralAntilles: pong21:32
rm_worklow latency today21:32
rm_workthough not for long21:32
rm_workwhats up?21:32
GeneralAntillesrm_work, you do much photography? fiferboy and I are talking over working on a simple photography suite for MeeGo.21:32
ruskiehmm nice... managed to flash a fresh kernel now with hotspot stuff21:32
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GeneralAntilles(as part of the N950 pitch, of course)21:32
rm_workGeneralAntilles: I've done some21:32
rm_worktook Digital Photo 101 in college, got 110% <_<21:33
GeneralAntillesLight meter, GPX track recorder, that sort of thing.21:33
rm_workhrm, not much experience with light meter21:33
GeneralAntillesLow programming effort, reasonably high reward.21:33
rm_workI know basics like f/stop and such21:33
alteregoGeneralAntilles: if you need a dev i'd be interested ;)21:34
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rm_worki mean, there's a pretty good list of all the relevant things in any photo's EXIF data21:34
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rm_workand all of them are researchable on wikipedia :P21:34
GeneralAntillesalterego, ah, good.21:34
rm_workbut yeah it is more helpful to have a dev who is already intimately familiar21:35
rm_workif alterego is a photography geek, pick him :P21:35
rm_workotherwise, i could probably help21:35
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alteregoWell I have the geolocation experience and I like taking pics and videos, but I wouldn't say I'm extremely knowledgable about the subject.21:36
GeneralAntillesrm_work, well, probably 4 or 5 small applications.21:36
alteregolight meter is fairly simple.21:36
GeneralAntillesSo I doubt we're going to be full-up on talented people.21:36
rm_worklol k21:36
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alteregoIs it me or am I the only one that hasn't wrote an essay for the ddp submission?21:38
GeneralAntillesMine's fairly short.21:38
alteregoI just wrote: I want to update my apps, write some new ones, and continue my meego platform work.21:38
alteregoOh and that sexual favours aren*mt out-of-the-question21:39
GeneralAntilles250 words or so.21:40
alteregoAnyway, we'll all know in a couple of days or so.21:40
alteregoWas there a word limit?21:40
MohammadAGalterego, 3 lines21:40
MohammadAGI'll be writing a brightness applet for the N950 in a bit21:40
MohammadAGwell, once I find the status menu API21:40
alteregoMohammadAG: cool21:40
alteregoI want to write a widget plugin setup for the lock screen ..21:40
* javispedro 's "essay" is 293 words21:43
MohammadAGalterego, I can't find the status menu API thoguh :p21:43
alteregoWell, we use the same thing in meego so ...21:43
javispedroMohammadAG, mcompositor draws it, and it is opensource.21:44
javispedroand alterego is right =)21:44
* javispedro away to commute21:44
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rm_workwooo competing brightness applets :P21:44
MohammadAGalterego, MTF?21:44
rm_workbbl, meetings T_T21:45
rm_workGeneralAntilles: let me know21:45
* rm_work runs to a meeting 21:45
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alteregoMohammadAG: I don't know the area very well, I thought it was related to sysui21:45
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alteregoHmm, I could use one of my N900s as an internet connected security camera21:47
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* alterego contemplates an easy pan and tilt asembly.21:47
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GeneralAntillesalterego, hrm, need a name for the suite.21:49
alteregoHmm, SnapSuite?21:49
* alterego chuckles21:49
hiemanshugah, stupid question, but where do I change the version in Qt Creator to change the package version?21:51
hiemanshuI use google translate to name my apps :P21:53
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* ruskie wonders if there will be a fully rooted n9 with all the fancy stuff that one can do on the n900 eventually...21:53
kerioruskie: i'd assume i can buy a n9 and install xterm or something21:53
ruskiethat still doesn't say anything about rooting it21:54
piggzwhy in theme customiser is the option disabled to 'not draw icon backgrounds' it because of a different hildon-home from cssu?21:54
alteregoGeneralAntilles: what about "Aperture"?21:55
* GeneralAntilles hides from the Apple thugs.21:55
alteregoOh, is that used?21:55
GeneralAntillesYeah, that's Apple's photo manager.21:55
alteregoLame ..21:55
ruskiedo you plan on selling it in the appstore?21:55
ruskiethen I don't really see much of a problem21:56
ruskieas in the apple app store that is21:56
alteregoI like to name my software after pioneers21:56
owenhAnyone know how to get sound in a debian chroot on an n810?21:56
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* alterego chuckles21:58
fiferboyI liked Photohipster before it was cool21:58
GeneralAntillesShould appeal to the Finns.21:58
RST38hfiferboy: Jesus liked you before you were hip21:59
fiferboyRST38h: I was never hip22:00
RST38hThis means Jesus still likes you, doesn't it?22:01
fiferboyRST38h: True, maybe I will be hip sometime in the future22:02
DocScrutinizerWTF? essay for DDP?22:02
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DocScrutinizeralterego: GeneralAntilles: what are you talking about?22:03
DocScrutinizertwo days ago it's been a project homepage beauty contest, now we need an essay to apply for devel-devs?22:04
RST38hfiferboy: Better start discussing it with the Tentacled One, for a smooth transition!22:04
alteregoApparently, :D22:04
alteregoGeneralAntilles: Asparagus?22:04
GeneralAntillesDocScrutinizer, putting together a website for a photography suite for MeeGo.22:04
RST38hGeneral: Is there a photography suite?22:04
DocScrutinizerI hope you keep the copyright, as this sounds like the start of facebook-2.0 to me22:04
GeneralAntillesRST38h, plans only.22:04
RST38hGeneral: Then why the web site? :)22:05
GeneralAntillesRST38h, for the N950 proposal, of course. :P22:05
alteregoI still like flasher22:05
RST38hGeneral: rotfl22:05
alteregoOr "Exposure"22:05
DocScrutinizerGeneralAntilles: >><alterego> Is it me or am I the only one that hasn't wrote an essay for the ddp submission?22:06
RST38halterego: iExposure!22:06
GeneralAntillesAlso, because it's a good way to kick-start myself into making the website for myself that I've been procrastinating on for years.22:06
RST38hGeneral: bad, bad idea22:06
alteregoDocScrutinizer: I've had a few people show me their submissions and they put my 3 lines to shame :P22:06
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RST38hhockus, actually22:07
DocScrutinizerwell, I don't give a damn f* about whether they accept my application or not. I'm just offering to help on a subject I'm not really excited or involved22:07
derfI know if I had to read those submissions, I'd award bonus points for brevity.22:07
RST38honSteroids - YAPPSTER22:07
* RST38h has got brevity there22:08
DocScrutinizerbut gonestly, this application contest starts to become ridiculous22:08
DocScrutinizerhonestly even22:08
RST38honly due to the lackofresponse22:08
fiferboyGeneralAntilles: Tagline - "Expose yourself!"22:08
derfMore ridiculous than "Karma doesn't matter. Don't worry about karma. Oh, we're giving devices to people with at least X karma"?22:09
SpeedEvilWell - if you said 'karma matters' - imagine the drama beforehand22:09
RST38hderf: Got an Android 2.3 device and DDMS?22:09
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SpeedEvilSo there was basically no choice.22:09
alteregotbh, the N900 DDP was a fucking farce :P22:09
derfI think my Android device is only 2.2, still.22:09
RST38hderf: May not work =(22:10
alteregoI ended up buying an N900 full price, taking out a second contract just to get one.22:10
alteregoGeneralAntilles: Dorkroom?22:10
alteregoGeneralAntilles: I mean, DarkRoom?22:10
derfalterego: So did I, except without the contract.22:10
derfBecause I didn't actually need a phone, I just needed a device to test code on.22:11
SpeedEvilI ended up buying one too.22:11
SpeedEvilThough I managed to get some ridiculous amount off.22:11
SpeedEvilI think I ended up paying 40%.22:11
RST38hSolution or PhotoSolution22:12
SpeedEvilCounting all of the discounts and rebates, and cashback due to testing programs.22:12
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MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, I don't like to think of it as a contest22:13
MohammadAGdoesn't work with the community concept22:13
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* RST38h agrees with Mohammad on this22:13
SpeedEvilUnless you're giving devices out like candy - it pretty much needs to be.22:14
alteregoI would actually honestly prefer not to get a device, if there were 250 better applications.22:14
DocScrutinizerin the end it *is* a contest, and it seems the rules are moving target22:14
SpeedEvilProblem is that some people will take the device, and do nothing with it.22:14
alteregoAnd Quim is very pragmatic, so I trust his judgement.22:14
derfDocScrutinizer: That's life, I suppose.22:14
SpeedEvilAnd how to find that is hard.22:14
DocScrutinizerproblem is most people are eager to receive and *keep* a device22:15
alteregoI'm sure if I don't get one from the DDP I can procure one by another means.22:15
ds3is this for the N950?22:16
alteregoI heard there's a Qt Ambassador programme ..22:16
DocScrutinizerand Quim did no good job in telling this might actually work22:16
ruskienokia just needs to actually sell the n95022:16
alteregoThe N950 is even more out-of-date than the N922:17
alteregoAnd the N9 will sell well, I think it will sell extremely well22:17
DocScrutinizerruskie: indeed, or at least tell they'll do. And make damn sure they want N950 back after 6 weeks22:17
DocScrutinizerwould reduce the amount of "it's free, it's cool, and chances are better than on lottery" applications drastically22:18
alteregoSeriously, when the day comes up to give it back for an N9 or keep it, I'm getting an N9 ..22:18
alteregoI have an N900 with a keyboard, the N9 will make a great keyboardless primary device.22:18
SpeedEvilalterego: Or a bluetooth keyboard. :)22:19
alteregoAnd the N900 will stay with me, as a light SSH terminal when I need it, or when I want to write essays on the move ..22:19
DocScrutinizerprobably you're right on that22:19
alteregoSpeedEvil: yup, I've got one of those too.22:19
ruskie <-- I'm gonna get myself one of these for a bt keyboard22:19
alteregoI got a BT keyboard for 15 GBP (~30 USD) the other day.22:19
alteregoWorks great, it's light, compact and charges via mini usb22:20
SpeedEvilmini usb?22:20
alteregoThat's the keyboard I use with the exo22:20
DocScrutinizerthe OS clearly isn't tailored for a N950 class of device, and the c-ts of N950 makes it less attractive than N900 if you want that class anyway22:20
alteregoSpeedEvil: you know, the connector the 770 had :P22:20
alteregoAnd the N800 iirc22:20
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DocScrutinizerif you want the OS (i.e. harmattan meego) then N9 is the better device for sure22:21
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alteregoDocScrutinizer: well, there's the other side, will the N950 ever get official images in line with the N9?22:21
ruskieI should just get a second n90022:21
alteregoI doubt it ..22:21
DocScrutinizerN950 would be my dream device with fremantle and a r-ts, not with meego-harmattan and c-ts22:22
ds3but the N950 is a better replacement for the N900 hw if you are going to muck with it22:22
alteregods3: maybe22:22
ds3the unknown seems to be - how is the N950 going to be sold... can anyone give $$$ and get one?22:22
DocScrutinizeralterego: exactly. N950 is a dead platform right now22:23
alteregoI have a few N900s plenty to mod, and the N900 is far from being redundant for me ..22:23
ds3alterego: the microsim elimates the N9 before it is even considered22:23
alteregods3: I don't see why that is a problem.22:23
alteregods3: can you not get microsims?22:23
ds3alterego: the only way I can get a microsim is to cut my sim but then I can't use it again in my N90022:24
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Atariiyou can use an adapter22:24
alteregods3: I think you probably can22:24
griwhy would you exchange the sim all the time?22:24
alteregods3: if you keep the other half and slot it in after the actual sim part ;)22:25
alteregogri: battery going flat?22:25
ds3cuz phone plan pricing is messed up22:25
DocScrutinizeralterego: I got a really precious SIM from 1998 which is still of the cloneable type, I'd never let it expire to go for replacement, nor would I want to change my number for N922:25
grialterego: An usb adapter helps for that also22:25
ds3I can't combine 2 accounts with the same carrier w/o increasing my overall bill but at least 50%22:26
alteregogri: what?22:26
alteregoA USB adapter for what?22:26
grialterego: For loading the flat battery if you're not in a discotheque or something like that22:26
ds3you just cannot get a unlimited 3G enabled service with voice for under $35/month22:27
alteregoI was right,
alteregoQt Ambassador N950 programme ..22:27
RST38halterego: Ambassa-what???22:28
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alteregoI'm suprised this got 0 coverage22:28
alteregoI got told by a friend in Nokia about it22:28
alteregoJust did a quick google and there you go.22:28
alteregoHow come no one picked up on this before me?!22:28
RST38hSo what is it, N950s for bloggers?22:28
alteregoRST38h: A Qt Ambassador is a Qt FOSS coder that has proven to be helpful to the commmunity22:29
alteregoIt sounds (from that thread) that their applications are similar to ours, it's an app store filler programme.22:29
alteregoAlso, btw, Nokia do _not_ want the N950 in bloggers hands ;)22:30
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frals"Should ‘Qt Ambassadors’ get limited edition ‘Nokia N950 phone’"22:33
fralsi missed the post saying they are getting it?22:33
alteregoRead the one that says they should check their email22:34
alteregoAnd the n the ones after it saytalking about the form they're filling it ..22:34
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DocScrutinizerand receiving confirmation on July 622:37
alteregoA week wednesday aye22:37
DocScrutinizerdamn, never knew I need to become a Qt Ambassador X-P22:37
alteregoThe fact it's been kept so quiet, makes me want to become one22:37
alteregoWell, it makes me want to join Qt22:38
alteregoI spoke to loads of them in SF, they were all so nice.22:38
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alterego"Collectors will probably call the N9 the best pure Nokia phone of all time." - He's not wrong ..22:39
DocScrutinizerjudging by the length of that thread I guess there were probably an amazing 30 Ambassadors that applied. Then OTOH you dunno how many develdevs they will hand out to those Ambassadors in the end22:39
alteregoDocScrutinizer: actually, those 30 are just the people that didn't read their email or care to enquire further in the forum22:39
alteregoMaybe there's more info in mls22:39
alteregoAnd in my experience, most people just fill in the forms and send them off.22:40
alteregoWhat's there to talk about really?22:40
DocScrutinizerindeed, and what's interesting in Qt Ambassadors in the end?22:40
alteregoNot sure what you mean there22:41
DocScrutinizerit's just a joke they are a completely segregate group also developing apps for harmattan now22:41
alteregoYou mean, why are they giving out devkits to Qt Ambassadors?22:41
alteregoWell, I think you'll find there is a lot of cross-over22:42
alteregoThe Qt area is mainly focused around Symbian and MeeGo though22:42
DocScrutinizerI bet I'm going to see a lot of redundancy22:42
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alteregoI'm starting to think I might not unbox the N950 and keep it in an airtight room ;)22:43
alterego"My Precious!"22:44
alteregoThat would make a good video22:44
alterego"The Lord of the NITs"22:44
alteregoOr "The Finlander"22:45
alterego"There can be only one! (N950 owner)"22:46
alteregoI think I like that one even more :D22:46
* DocScrutinizer giggles22:46
* alterego is thinking of all sorts of short films.22:46
hiemanshualterego: "Dead or Alive" its funny if you get the phun :P22:47
DocScrutinizeryeah - smash the opponent's N950, take the junk as spareparts for your own22:47
alteregohiemanshu: heh ;)22:47
hiemanshuthere is also "The attack of the WPs"22:47
alterego"Episode 3: Revenge of the MeeGo"22:48
DocScrutinizertbh I think N950 is too rare to get momentum as a real collector's item22:48
alteregoDocScrutinizer: but it would be nice to have the full NIT range!22:48
alteregoI literally have every one released.22:48
DocScrutinizerI have here 2 prototype boards of Openmoko GTA02 Diversity22:48
alterego770, N800, N810, N90022:48
alteregoI need an N950 and an N9 in my life!22:49
* hiemanshu only owns a N90022:49
DocScrutinizerdon't think anybody is interested in them at all22:49
alteregoJust so I can take a picture of them all together.22:49
alteregoSure, but it's a legac22:49
* SpeedEvil owns a n900 and 3310.22:49
DocScrutinizergta03 even22:49
infobotextra, extra, read all about it, legacy is industry-ese for "crappy old stuff that we hate and that's why we upgraded in the first place but we can't seem to rid of at all and so now we have to support both (the incomprehensible new stuff *and* the crappy old stuff)."  --Mark Minasi22:49
alteregoThat is quite fitting ..22:49
hiemanshu"The N9 - Walking tall" :P22:50
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DocScrutinizernow I misread that as "dead man walking"22:51
hiemanshuDocScrutinizer: its the same :P22:51
hiemanshumore like "The Dead Man - Walking tall" :P22:52
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alteregoI think I can see now, how Twitter can quite easily become your life.22:53
alteregoIt's not as intrusive as facebook.22:53
alteregoBut it's even more social, I guess, in some ways.22:53
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MohammadAGalterego, probably because you mostly follow people you don't know IRL, but you don't add people you don't know on fb23:05
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rm_workGeneralAntilles: SnapGo sounds good if the suite is oriented towards TAKING the pictures, PhotoGo seems more like the overall process23:40
rm_workGoDark -- A Complete Darkroom on the Go"?23:40
alteregoI like DarkRoom23:42
alteregoDrop the Go ..23:42
rm_workwell, DarkRoom is just.... darkroom23:42
rm_worknot exactly creative23:42
alteregoDon't want get into a bloody MeeGo naming convention cascade.23:42
rm_workthen again neither is slapping "Go" on the end of every MeeGo package23:42
rm_worklol yeah23:42
alteregoExactly :P23:42
alteregoDorkRoom would be better23:42
rm_worklike the "Maemo-Barcode" issue23:42
alteregoBut they'd probably think it was an e comic reader23:43
SpeedEvilIt's as bad as (qt|cute|q|)*23:43
SpeedEvilWTF as a user would I care what toolkit the app is made with you idiot.23:43
rm_workfirst time I heard Qt pronounced as "Cute" was when i was staying with jott in Berlin :P23:43
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rm_worki'd apparently been saying it wrong for like four years23:44
rm_workalways just said "Q. T."23:44
alteregoIt is a common mistake23:44
alteregocutie? you mean :P23:45
rm_worki know almost no one in the US who pronounces it "Cute"23:45
rm_worki think maybe it's only really known that way in europe? :P23:45
rm_workor else i just have a very limited social circle23:45
alteregoYeah, but you even pronounce "Nokia" wrong ..23:45
rm_worklol truth23:45
rm_workwhich one is right again?23:45
rm_worknoKIA, or NOkia?23:45
JaffaDocScrutinizer: alterego: The programme should get confirmation by 1st July ;-)23:46
alteregoJaffa: thanks :)23:46
alteregoJaffa: I'd heard the same anyway23:46
rm_workand is it "KNOW-kia" or "KNOCK-ia"?23:46
DocScrutinizerJaffa: thanks23:46
alteregorm_work: what Jaffa said, I'm rubbish at phonetics :P23:46
JaffaNot, "Noh key a"23:46
Jaffarm_work: Well, 'ia'23:46
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JaffaAs in Kia cars23:47
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rm_worknow you're a southerner in the US23:47
alteregonok ia23:47
alteregonot no kia23:47
Jaffarm_work: Yes, that's it. Knockier. As in more knocky than the others.23:47
DocScrutinizerfunny enough in german knock-ear makes me answer "good night Jaffa !"23:47
rm_workimagine a southern drawl23:47
rm_workfrom a redneck23:47
JaffaWhere knocky rhymes with cocky23:47
alteregoGuten Noch ia23:47
rm_workah yeah23:48
rm_workNoch or Nach?23:48
* alterego trademarks23:48
DocScrutinizer"ich hau mich dann ma auf's Ohr"23:48
DocScrutinizercolloq: hit the sack23:48
DocScrutinizerknock ear23:48
MoonTigeranybody can give some advice on making a QMaemo5ValueButton / QMaemo5ListPickSelector / QStandardItemModel work? it all seems to work except no data shows up in the list when activated :|23:49
rm_workin that sentence i manage to only know "ich mich dann auf's Ohr" T_T23:50
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rm_workthis is right?
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rm_workstill sounds like he's saying "No Kia" which jaffa said was wrong?23:52
DocScrutinizerhau -> knock23:52
rm_workwhat's "ma"? flavor?23:52
DocScrutinizereinmal, ""filler""23:53
rm_worklearning that one was interesting23:53
Jaffarm_work: Who's that?23:54
rm_workour teacher was having a hard time explaining how we know when we're supposed to use it :P23:54
MohammadAGwhy waste lines of channel logs when you're gonna be deciding how to spell Microsoft soon :p23:54
rm_workJaffa: no idea, googled for it23:54
rm_workrofl Mo23:54
rm_work*rofl MohammadAG23:54
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DocScrutinizer"I gonna knock my ear"23:54
MohammadAGknock ear means go to bed?23:55
MohammadAGDIE Microsoft devices means the microsoft devices23:55
MohammadAGpfft, bad things are good in german23:55
DocScrutinizeror "listen to the mattress"23:55
* MohammadAG ponders making a finger friendly car UI23:56
MohammadAGsomething to control the mediaplayer, FM transmitter, wifi, 3G etc23:56
MohammadAGmaybe with 6 favorite contacts23:56
rcg1MohammadAG: just a question.. how much time do you invest daily (average) on development stuff like for maemo, meego and the like?23:57
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MohammadAGrcg1, depends on the day23:57
MohammadAGif I'm home, it's that23:58
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MohammadAGwhen I'm out, you don't see me anywhere :P23:58
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rcg1well a rough average would do.. lets say if you take your "common" week into account what average would that make for the day23:58
rcg1hehe.. good to hear23:59
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DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: mad useful, brilliant idea23:59
MohammadAGrcg1, plus #maemo wasn't always about giving, I learned quite a lot here23:59
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