IRC log of #maemo for Saturday, 2011-05-21

DocScrutinizertesting not really needed if you got devel00:00
MoonTigeri know someone took over the project i started .... i auth'd him to do so00:00
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DocScrutinizeras the version in devel always is newer00:00
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MohammadAGMacer, merlin1991 has backups00:01
DocScrutinizerjust one good advice: test the bare bones device/OS for a week or so, to get a feeling for how it's supposed to feel&work like00:01
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DocScrutinizera lot of users installed/enabled crap on day0, and then claim "the N900 is power hungry and has standby of <8h" while it's their skype, or battery-eye, or whatvere crap that's causing that00:03
DocScrutinizera lot of it from extras, not devel ;-D00:04
MoonTigerok just added the repo00:04
MoonTigerwhats the story with the USB connector thing these days?00:05
DocScrutinizeradding the repo alone usually doesn't hurt (except for HAM getting slow like geotectonics)00:05
MoonTigeryah im seeing that now :)00:05
DocScrutinizerstill you shall take darn care not to break it00:05
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DocScrutinizernever aply levering force to the USB plug00:06
MoonTigeri filed off the hook things on the cables too00:06
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DocScrutinizerwell, I didn't00:07
MoonTigeris there some way to make it stronger *before* it breaks?00:07
MohammadAG<MoonTiger> and qt is the target platform right?00:07
DocScrutinizermy USB works just nice now, even for force needed to un/mate00:07
MoonTigeroh and im geting an error from:
MohammadAGQt or Gtk, doesn't matter if you want it only on Maemo 5 :)00:07
MohammadAGGtk apps start and repaint faster, Qt is easier to work with imo00:07
DocScrutinizerit is00:08
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BCMMdo Qt apps still start slower if there is already another Qt app running?00:08
DocScrutinizerMoonTiger: you might find some tiny useful bits there:
MoonTigeri guess the qt libs have to load right?00:09
MohammadAGat least that's the fastest I could get my mediaplayer to start00:09
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* MohammadAG tests his facebook app00:09
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MoonTigerinteresting ... so the CSSU is recommended?00:10
DocScrutinizererrrrr, not yet00:10
* MoonTiger pauses over the button00:10
DocScrutinizerlatest version introduced some nasty bugs00:11
* MohammadAG still blames Qt upstream00:11
DocScrutinizerbut that doesn't help cssu00:11
MohammadAGtrue, and #qt sucks in terms of Qt-related help00:11
MohammadAGyou know, building, bug fixing etc00:11
DocScrutinizerso KICK IT, MohammadAG00:11
MohammadAGpinged w00t three times or something00:12
DocScrutinizerwhat's with the cssu-semistable I requested00:12
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, better idea, gimme two days00:12
MohammadAGachipa mentioned Qt 4.7.4 being "interesting" maemo-wise00:12
GAN900Ah, finally the stupid laptop fan isn't 100% all the time now.00:12
DocScrutinizer(as our cssu SID is called "testing" which I think is odd anyway)00:12
MohammadAGlast time a fan bugged me it spun its last spin00:13
* MohammadAG pulled the plug on it00:13
DocScrutinizershoot the bastard!00:13
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MohammadAGfunny enough, the desktop runs at 34C without it, so no harm done00:13
DocScrutinizerI assume it's not been the CPU fan then00:14
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MohammadAG40-50 under load00:14
GAN900It's actually reasonably quiet at full speed00:14
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, I think I unplugged all fans once00:14
MohammadAGit ran quite well, not sure if I plugged them back in...00:14
GAN900But I don't particularly need the laptop running at 40C all the time.00:15
MohammadAGmy laptop boots up at 4000:15
MoonTigerthnx guys ... bbl :)00:15
MohammadAGgoes up to 80 sometimes...00:15
MohammadAGoh wait00:15
MohammadAGGAN900, shouldn't you be using F? :P00:15
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GAN900Not for computer temps.00:15
GAN900If I can run the fan at level 2000RPM and get 48C versus 3500 and 40, well.00:16
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MohammadAGthe number of reboots hotswap saves is awesome00:19
* MohammadAG thanks DocScrutinizer for that00:19
BCMManyone know what uses MyDocs/.maps and MyDocs/.map_tile_cache?00:22
BCMM(doing backups, care about maep; don't care about Ovi)00:22
DocScrutinizerheh, when my CPU got throttled @ 100°C, I finally had to remove the new fabric plastic my laptop invented and manufactured inside, and now it's down to 40° again00:24
BCMMhate laptops.00:24
DocScrutinizerBCMM: you hardly can tell who's using it. Tendencies are for all map apps to share same cache00:25
MohammadAGor just string the binaries!!!100:25
DocScrutinizerwhich is a rather sane thing00:25
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BCMMDocScrutinizer: is there a standard format for the cache, or a library or something?00:25
DocScrutinizerbut not all map apps are already doing it00:25
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BCMMi know there are a few different apps that use the same libs as maep00:25
DocScrutinizerdunno about lib, seems there's some sort of common format00:26
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: won't a lsof do, while running the app in question?00:27
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DocScrutinizerlsof|grep <appname>00:27
BCMMok, i've got a backup from the backup app, and everything i want from MyDocs, and my ~/bin/ directory with scripts, and my custom bootvid - what have i missed?00:28
DocScrutinizerrootfs :-P00:28
BCMMi'm not going to do a complete copy of hte filesystem.00:28
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DocScrutinizerwhy not, it's only 220some MB00:28
BCMMmaybe i should00:29
BCMMhow useful is it?00:29
BCMMi mean, how would i go about restoring it, if the phone had been flashed clean?00:30
BCMMi have no idea how kernels and booting works00:30
DocScrutinizerlater on you'll curse when you're missing your LED patterns set up with pattern editor and stored in /etc/mce/mce.ini - or whatever random other detail00:30
BCMMgood point00:30
BCMMactually, that's only an argument for keeping /etc/00:30
BCMMwhich i should really do actually00:30
BCMMcustom sshd config and so on00:31
DocScrutinizer/etc is about 98% of what'S worth backup00:31
DocScrutinizersome stuff might hide under piles of crap in /var00:32
DocScrutinizeralso /var has lots of symlinks to eMMC so it's not a good idea to backup indiscriminately00:33
BCMMi sort of figure that a mostly-clean start from time-to-time isn't a bad thing00:35
BCMMespecially since i've got some trouble from having used apt-get upgrade00:35
BCMMi'm just working out the details of the compromise00:35
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BCMMhmm, how does restoring00:35
BCMMthe application list from the backup program work?00:36
BCMMi mean, will it carry over apt-get upgrade -related mistakes00:36
DocScrutinizerexcept for apps that have vanished from repo meanwhile, of course00:36
DocScrutinizerno, it won't00:36
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BCMMah, just looked at the file format00:37
BCMMpackage names only00:37
BCMMwell, that and some truely superflous XML00:37
DocScrutinizerand repo list00:37
BCMMthat's a seperate file00:38
BCMMi suppose this XML would help in the case that an application name included a \n00:38
DocScrutinizerXML is en vogue00:38
BCMMseriously, it's starts with <backup>, then every line until </backup> is like <pkg>openssh</pkg>00:39
BCMMpersonally, i think i would've opted for a simple file of package names, seperated by newlines...00:39
DocScrutinizeryou got a DTD?00:40
DocScrutinizermaybe there are unused easter eggs in the format00:40
DocScrutinizeranyway, who cares00:41
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DocScrutinizeras long as it's 'plain text' and not a friggin binary dump00:41
Macernot for nothing...00:41
BCMMDocScrutinizer: nah, <backup> is literally the first line00:41
Maceris there a way to backup the entire phone?00:41
BCMMDocScrutinizer: oh, it's no trouble, but it's funny00:41
DocScrutinizerMacer: backup-menu00:42
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DocScrutinizerpkg backupmenu00:42
DocScrutinizera special bootmenu00:42
BCMMlike, that generation for whom the first cool thing they learnt to do with a computer was write HTML? they're allowed to design things now.00:42
Macernot to throw it out there but i mean.. something similar to android recovery00:42
* Macer ducks 00:42
Maceroh. ok. let me take a look00:42
DocScrutinizerwill tar up your / and /home00:43
DocScrutinizerand restore00:43
Macerbroken packages00:43
DocScrutinizercourtesy robbiethe1st00:43
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Macer backupmenu: Depends: bootmenu-n900 but it is not going to be installed00:44
MacerE: Broken packages00:44
DocScrutinizerinstall bootmenu first00:44
Macertrying to install bootmenu-n900 fais00:44
DocScrutinizeruse an older version00:45
DocScrutinizerI seem to recall they "fixed" sth recently00:45
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DocScrutinizerfundamentally breaking API (i.e. directory structure and parameters for calling backupmenu)00:46
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DocScrutinizerwell, it's been a real mess so probably they did the right thing. I only hope for robbie to update backupmenu now00:47
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DocScrutinizer worked for me last time I tested. I guess you should use a way newer backupmenu00:52
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MohammadAG<DocScrutinizer> MohammadAG: won't a lsof do, while running the app in question?00:52
MohammadAGI'm not sure about lsof, never worked properly on the N900 tbh00:53
TechnomikeI cannot find your sociality app. Is it definetly still in extras development00:53
DocScrutinizero.O lsof didn't work properly?00:54
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DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: how much would it bug you to try and build foomatic-filters for fremantle?00:57
MohammadAGTechnomike, yes, I don't push to -testing00:58
MohammadAG-testing's concept was nice, till it started requiring votes00:58
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infoboti guess extras-testing is the maemo testing repository, or
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MohammadAGmost N900s I've seen had -devel enabled01:01
SpeedEvilTesting is a good concept - but it doesn't really work with a tiny pool of testers who are often not motiovated for various reasons.01:02
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DocScrutinizersee chanlog ^^^01:05
Technomikehmmm can't find it. going to refresh catalogues...01:06
MohammadAGjust add -devel already01:06
* SpeedEvil needs more battery life.01:06
DocScrutinizer*cough* what's that?01:07
DocScrutinizerReading package lists... Done01:07
DocScrutinizerW: Conflicting distribution: fremantle-1.3 Release (expected fremantle-1.3 but got )01:07
SpeedEvilI was around and about today with 2 batteries, and ran out.01:07
DocScrutinizerW: Conflicting distribution: fremantle-1.3 Release (expected fremantle-1.3 but got )01:07
DocScrutinizerW: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems01:07
MohammadAGSpeedEvil, I run out with 4 batteries01:08
SpeedEvilI need to make a leetle battery pack.01:08
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: has cssu issues? with apt-get update?01:08
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DocScrutinizerwhat's that ^^^ then? repos down?01:09
DocScrutinizeror borked?01:10
MohammadAGthat's extras01:10
MohammadAGpaste your sources.list.d/* files01:10
DocScrutinizeror do I have to enable cssu repo to make apt-get update work?01:10
MohammadAGnope, apt-get update works fine01:11
MohammadAGyour sources.list files are borked it seems01:11
MohammadAGW: = warning anyway01:11
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DocScrutinizerwhich sources.list?01:12
DocScrutinizerFQN please01:12
MohammadAGall I guess, /etc/apt/sources.list is usually empty01:12
MohammadAGcat $(find /etc/apt/ -name "*.list") | pastebinit01:13
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG:    jr@halley:~> cat /home/jr/Documents/N900/backup/IroN900/etc/apt/sources.list.d/hildon-application-manager.list | netcat 123401:15
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DocScrutinizerno other file there01:15
* MohammadAG has deb fremantle free non-free01:15
MohammadAGalso, remove -testing01:16
MohammadAG-testing is a subset of -devel01:16
MohammadAGapt will prefer -devel, meaning you're wasting time in each apt-get update01:16
DocScrutinizerI think I already did01:16
MohammadAGchange fremantle-1.3 to fremantle01:17
MohammadAGafaik it's not available for -devel01:17
DocScrutinizerI never ever edited anything there01:17
DocScrutinizerbut indeed, those don't exist afaik01:18
DocScrutinizerneither for devel nor for testing01:18
* DocScrutinizer wonders what he's doing during the time others would call sleeping01:19
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MohammadAGyou see me awake...01:20
MohammadAGI'm pretty sure others are awake01:20
DocScrutinizernah, is clean01:21
Macerit is 5pm in chicago01:23
Macerwhy would people be asleep?01:23
MohammadAG1:23 AM here01:23
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Macerwell... then nm01:23
Maceri'm wondering if installing the sdk is possible in natty01:24
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: WTF? can you doublecheck my steps please?01:24
Maceronly boxes i have are ubuntu 11.0401:24
DocScrutinizerjr@halley:~> ll /home/jr/Documents/N900/backup/IroN900/etc/apt/sources.list.d/hildon-application-manager.list01:24
DocScrutinizer-rw-r--r-- 1 jr users 460 19. Mai 22:42 /home/jr/Documents/N900/backup/IroN900/etc/apt/sources.list.d/hildon-application-manager.list01:24
Macerit would be nice to have a login to the phone01:25
Macerlike kdm or gdm :)01:25
Macerand more than just user as a user01:25
DocScrutinizerjr@halley:~> grep devel /home/jr/Documents/N900/backup/IroN900/etc/apt/sources.list.d/hildon-application-manager.list01:26
DocScrutinizerdeb fremantle-1.3 free non-free01:26
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DocScrutinizersorry, nonsense01:26
MohammadAGchange those to fremantle01:27
DocScrutinizerIroN900:~# grep devel /etc/apt/sources.list.d/hildon-application-manager.list01:27
DocScrutinizerdeb fremantle-1.3 free non-free01:27
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DocScrutinizerstill in HAM I have an absolutely proper definition of devel01:27
DocScrutinizerWITHOUT -1.301:27
MohammadAGthen remove the extras line01:28
DocScrutinizerwhich extra line?01:28
MohammadAGHAM reads from an xml file btw01:28
MohammadAGnot /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*01:28
MohammadAGso I guess removing the line from the list file and reopening ham should rewrite the xml01:28
DocScrutinizerI'd think something should rewrite the /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* when I edit catalogs in HAM01:29
MohammadAGyeah, HAM does that from the xml file01:29
DocScrutinizernot always though, it seems01:29
Macerah well. going to take a nap01:30
merlin1991macer the backups MohammadAG mentioned are @
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: might cssu have caused HAM not to update /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*01:33
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Macermerlin1991: ah. those are repo backups?01:34
merlin1991yep complete apt-mirrors01:34
Macerfor when nokia shuts down :)01:34
Maceri am sure it is a matter of time01:34
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Macerhow big is all of it?01:35
merlin1991lemme du it01:35
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merlin199181 GB01:35
Maceroh.. wow that is pretty small01:36
Maceri should back it up locally01:36
DocScrutinizerand even has old pkgs that got removed on nokia repos afaik :-D01:36
Macerheh. like chromium?01:36
Maceri thought it would be larger01:37
Macerthis weekend i am going to work on maemo.rancorous.net01:37
DocScrutinizerI think it's just large enough :-S01:37
jacekowskii have some backups as well01:37
Macerheh... 80GB is peanuts nowadays01:37
jacekowskibut cleaned up sometimes01:37
DocScrutinizernot on my disks ;-)01:38
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DocScrutinizerok, I have one 160GB here, but it's mostly filled with backups now01:38
merlin1991it has everything that was there on feb 16 and everything that got added since then01:38
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Macer/dev/sda1             6.3T  1.4T  4.9T  22% /mnt/Storage01:39
merlin1991it adds about 540 mb per day01:39
* DocScrutinizer waves01:40
Macerwell.. i would like to make a local maemo dev box01:40
Macerso hopefully it will work01:40
Maceron my quad core amd opteron hahaha01:40
Macerold school dual socket 940 box01:41
Macerwith its awesome pci-x areca raid01:41
DocScrutinizeror what's that sda1?01:41
jacekowskiraid0 probably01:41
Macer8 x 1TB hw raid501:41
merlin1991btw DocScrutinizer fremantle-1.3 not existing for -devel? what's that then:
Macernice enough for a good maemo dev project server01:42
Maceralthough i am not sure how well my upstream would handle it01:42
DocScrutinizermerlin1991: I have N F C :-o01:42
Maceras a matter of fact i have never really tested my upstream01:42
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* merlin1991 whoises Macers ip and rapes the http port01:43
Macerthanks :)01:43
merlin1991it's quite funny how different upstream is even withing the same provider having the same deal in the same flat01:44
merlin1991we switched our all in one router we got from the provider to a generic modem, and the upstream tripled01:44
DocScrutinizermerlin1991: maybe those are symlinks, while for extras1.3 it's a really separate thing from extras?01:44
merlin1991yea they look like symlinks to me01:45
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: ^^^ ?!01:45
merlin1991but at least it should work with fremantle-1.301:45
merlin1991my apt-mirror.list for example uses fremantle-1.3 for -devel too01:46
DocScrutinizerI'm lost on that friggin warning, on why my /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* isn't in sync with  /etc/hildon-application-manager/catalogues, on why there are *-1.3 for testing and extras anyway, and I'm out for booze now01:46
merlin1991gl :)01:47
DocScrutinizerand all I planned was updating backupmenu to test the recent version :-S01:47
DocScrutinizerl8r folks01:48
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Maceronly 200KB?01:49
Macerthat cant be right01:50
MohammadAGthey are, on extras, not -devel or -testing afaik01:50
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Macerwow my upstream only gives 300KB/s01:55
Macerfriggin lame01:55
Macerthat does not sound like the 12mbit i am supposed to get01:56
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Macerdamn thing is giving me only 4.77 upstream?01:59
Macertomorrow SOMEONE is getting a call02:00
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MohammadAGMacer, I thought the world's ending tomorrow02:07
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nox-.oO(end of the world predicted, film at 11...)02:09
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MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, down?02:24
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DocScrutinizerno idea. Is it?02:27
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DocScrutinizer51sorry, no idea why I thought backupmenu had pkg versions of 1.x and eve 2.x - actually 0.65 is the most recent03:56
Macerdoes that mean it will install now?04:02
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Macerguess so :)04:04
Macerso what do i do after installing it?04:05
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xd13was there an update not to long ago ? i can't seem to run an update right now all catalogs don't get connection04:12
DocScrutinizerMacer: backup-menu? boot with kbd slider open04:13
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Macerfigured that out by accident lol04:20
Macerwow backing up with compression takes forever04:20
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Maceri am moving all my m3ps off of the internal memory to the sd04:20
Macermaybe that will help a bit04:20
Macerbut 40MB took like 15 mins.. and booting i got some weird libacl error04:21
Macermaybe a pkg is missing?04:21
Macerwow.. moving internally between the internal storage and the sd is slow as hell04:22
Maceri'm moving 1700 mp3s and it is going like 2 mp3s per second04:23
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DocScrutinizeryeah, known04:23
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DocScrutinizerbackupmenu WARNs about "compression is SLOW!"04:24
DocScrutinizermy backup of rootfs (280MB?) took 90s04:24
Macerreally slow04:25
Macerwhat is the error i get on booting tho04:25
DocScrutinizeropt is at 376 now, and 220s04:25
Macerthe or something like that04:25
DocScrutinizerquite probably unrelated to backupmenu04:25
DocScrutinizer500MB 305s04:26
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DocScrutinizercompression sucks, I'd not even consider to use it04:26
Macerheh.. yeah well.. slow is an understatement04:27
Maceri will try backing it back up again in a bit.. but it'd be awesome if it worked properly04:27
MacerDocScrutinizer: have you tried recovering?04:27
DocScrutinizeractually not04:27
Macermy fear is that it won't work for the recovery04:28
DocScrutinizerbut as it's tarballs...04:28
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Maceri got socket errors with /tmp as well04:28
Macerdon't know what that was about04:28
Maceri will try again in a bit once i move all my music off the internal memory04:28
Maceris 32GB still the largest sd out there?04:29
DocScrutinizeryep, uSD04:29
Macer$50 huh?04:30
DocScrutinizerallegedly 64 are near04:30
Macerthat's not too bad. right now i have a 16GB04:30
* SpeedEvil wonders how you'd get the device to boot if it did not have onenand.04:30
Macerare they? i thought 64GB was xd04:30
Maceris the xdhc stuff just a matter of an update for the n900?04:31
Maceror is the physical connection for the SD going to change?04:31
DocScrutinizeractually I seem to remember even 32 is outa HC specs04:31
DocScrutinizerthe protocol changes afaik04:32
DocScrutinizersd, sdhc, sdxc04:32
SpeedEvilDoes the interface change - or only the 'software' side.04:32
SpeedEvilI think it's simply the packet format alters a bit to accomodate more bits.04:33
SpeedEvilAnd you go to exfat04:33
DocScrutinizerI think the change is like sd->ddr04:33
DocScrutinizerI.E. electrically diferent04:34
* SpeedEvil hates non-public specs.04:34
DocScrutinizerthough probably backward compatible04:34
Macerwell i gues once they release one04:35
Macerwe will find out :)04:35
Maceri would like to add 64GB to my n900 tho04:35
Macer128GB heh04:35
* Macer pictures 1TB SD in his n90004:35
DocScrutinizerwhat for?04:35
SpeedEvilI've found surrpising amounts of stuff on edonkye04:35
Macermusic... videos etc04:35
SpeedEvilsearching for random specs04:35
Macerportable porn04:36
Maceretc etc04:36
SpeedEvilNaah - I was looking for linux distributions.04:36
DocScrutinizerisn't it way simpler to swap cards?04:36
MacerDocScrutinizer: no04:36
Macerhow is swapping cards easier than just leaving one in with all the space you need? :)04:36
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DocScrutinizerfsck time, just one argument04:37
* SpeedEvil drops ext3 on DocScrutinizer.04:37
DocScrutinizerlarger storage needs larger buffers in ram as well04:37
SpeedEvil(though that just postpones the fsck)04:37
Macerdoes maemo even have exfat support?04:37
Macermeh. i would use ext04:38
Maceractually... no i wouldn't .. would kind of be stuck with fat so my windows user loser friends can get stuff off my phone if they need it04:38
DocScrutinizermore storage also tends to eat more power04:38
DocScrutinizerthen the mere time to fill such a card is unbearable04:39
Maceradding music to it is usually incremental04:40
DocScrutinizeresp if it can't be mounted on the phone as it's in your PC, or your phone is tied to PC's USB04:40
Maceranyways.. i gotta go out. enjoy your night04:40
SpeedEvilwikipedia claims SDXC is same interface electrically04:40
SpeedEvilOf course...04:40
DocScrutinizersame timing?04:40
DocScrutinizersame clockrates?04:40
DocScrutinizerno multilevel on datalines?04:41
SpeedEvilI should go into it - but in practice, making some nice oatcakes is higher on my stack.04:41
DocScrutinizerI'm wondering where's the "special thanks to H-EN, ShadowJK & jOERG, for battery charging" acknowledgement in backup menu04:48
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: ever pondered about a vkbd on a r-ts actually is rather protected against all sorts of eavesdropping04:51
DocScrutinizeraccoustic? no dice. EM? it's mostly DC04:52
SpeedEvilNaah - it's not.04:52
SpeedEvilYou can snoop the LVDS easily.04:52
DocScrutinizeryou might be able to listen to the ADC04:52
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DocScrutinizerLVDS holds nuttin about me entering the PIN, as long as there's no stupid feedback04:53
SpeedEvilI was assuming button going a colour to register a touch04:53
SpeedEvilWhich is invariably the normal case04:54
DocScrutinizeryeah, that's not helping04:54
DocScrutinizerI'm thinking with my EE hat on04:54
* SpeedEvil puts a comedy duck hat on DocScrutinizer.04:54
DocScrutinizerbtw the friggin "autostart=always" or whatever it's called that you set in .desktop to make an app autostart on boot - it also REstarts the app once you close it, MUHAHAHAHA04:56
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DocScrutinizerautostart=true or what's been suggested in desktop-file-format_wiki, doesn't work at all for me04:58
DocScrutinizernot being able to close xchat, well it kinda sucks, sometimes04:59
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ShadowJK"Charging? What about flash10 720p 1080p 4kp?!"04:59
DocScrutinizeryou contributed flash10 720p for bootmenu?05:00
DocScrutinizerdoesn't really shine up ;-P05:00
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DocScrutinizerin fact that flash looks pretty much like ncurses, or worse05:03
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ShadowJKnah I meant it in a "throwing pearls at swines" kinda thing05:08
ShadowJKdoesn't matter what you do, they'll always whine about flash current-version+1 and video resolution+105:09
DocScrutinizernot the devels, not all of them at least05:09
DocScrutinizer could miss the missing dependency and use a "courtesy DocScrutinizer&ShadowJK" after the note about charger05:14
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ShadowJKI discovered the past few days on tmo people talking about mjy charge script05:29
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ShadowJKI should like, add disclaimers and maybe error recovery..05:29
DocScrutinizerhow come?05:30
DocScrutinizeractually charging got introduced here:
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DocScrutinizerand I now remember talking him thru it05:30
* DocScrutinizer wonders how anyone of you can discover *anything* on tmo :-o05:32
ShadowJKthey also found my reswap script, and I don't even remember uploading that, or why05:32
ds3wait til something goes boom ;)05:32
DocScrutinizerfor me?05:32
DocScrutinizerswap swap ;-D05:32
SpeedEvilyou mean multiple swapfiles?05:32
ShadowJKSpeaking of,05:33
* ShadowJK runs a reswap while logging disk access to uSD, this is going to hurt :D05:33
SpeedEvilI had that idea ages ago.05:33
DocScrutinizerwe all had that idea05:33
DocScrutinizerShadowJK however wrote a script for it :-)05:34
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DocScrutinizerwhile I just thought "duh, look! there's an unused swap partition on my FR uSD. Let's try some fancy"05:34
ShadowJKreswap is more like "defragment", by means of temporary swap partition and cycling your main swap off/on05:36
SpeedEvilTe annoying issue is that swapoff is atomic05:36
SpeedEvilSo to get decent performance I guess you'd need a few hundred swapfiles.05:36
SpeedEvilWhich isn't impossible I suppose.05:36
ShadowJKBut doesn't really play nice05:37
DocScrutinizera cronjob will do05:37
* SpeedEvil should write that NBD shim.05:37
ShadowJKyou get horrible access patterns with multiple small swaps05:37
DocScrutinizerbetter than Sony P1 rebooting via "cronjob"05:38
ShadowJKSpeedEvil, linaro is thinking of doing it through llvm(?)05:38
DocScrutinizerdarn, is kswapd SO daunting?05:38
DocScrutinizerso nobody dares to give some love to it, and fix the damn thing?05:39
SpeedEvilI understand how to do it in nbd. It's simple userspace code.05:39
SpeedEvilAnd it would be a proof of concept.05:39
SpeedEvilSo you could point someone with more clue at it.05:39
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ShadowJKthis swap defragmentation scheme I have has the side effect of pushing random bits of apps and cache out of ram, so some things respond sluggishly for awhile after05:39
ShadowJKDocScrutinizer, it's not a trivial fix05:39
SpeedEvilThe nbd hack has the major flaw that it doesn't know about pages being thrown out but not overwritten on disk.05:40
DocScrutinizerotoh I guess kswapd is "trivial", on a kernel metric05:40
ShadowJKNokia has done alot already to it actually.05:41
ShadowJKWhat's missing is "garbage collection", or "runtime defragmentation", whatever you want to call it05:41
DocScrutinizercoupled with CPU load detection05:41
DocScrutinizerplus IO load of course05:41
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DocScrutinizerhell, back in the days they defragmented HDDs while the system been used05:42
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Macermaybe i should work on installing the sdk soon05:44
Maceranybody here running it on a natty box?05:44
Macerstill uses scratchbox?05:44
SpeedEvilDefragmentation would be pretty  much working out the least allocated    256K block - say - reading it and compacting, then writing out new.05:44
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ShadowJKRumours of compcache used on N900+1 by default06:13
ShadowJK(sauce: tmo wastelands)06:13
ShadowJKI shoudl investigate that thing06:14
ShadowJKI wonder how it decicdes between swapout and compressing06:14
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timsamoffBring jackets to MeeGoConf. It's chilly.06:42
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RST38h"Since the rapture is tomorrow (May 21) at 6:00 pm local time (everywhere), I was just wondering: what plans does everyone have? I've got no specific plans for what to do. What will you be doing around 6:00 pm tomorrow?" -- Slashdot08:06
Sc0rpius6 pm local time everywhere?08:07
RST38hNo, US time. Also, I suspect only Americans will be taken. =)08:07
Sc0rpiusmaybe a stupid new TV series start at that time or something and it was just publicity08:08
RST38hSo, if you were walking the streets looking for nice cars with fish signs on them, forget it =)08:08
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RST38hSc0rpius: No, just another mad "christian" preacher.08:09
yigalya I'd pass08:10
Sc0rpiusthe only thing that will collapse is twitter with these #rapture tweets everywhere08:10
RST38hnot a bad thing.08:10
Sc0rpiusindeed :)08:10
yigalough Facebook and Twitter please humans, please think, thanks, sorry but in general that's my though08:11
Sc0rpiusI've heard this Harold Camping guy already predicted the end of the world in 1994 and failed08:12
yigaland of course there was 200008:12
yigaland we have 2012 coming up as a big one08:12
Sc0rpiusand all weird dates like 11/11/1108:12
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RST38hPlease remind me, when time() is supposed to expire? :)08:14
Termanagood morning08:14
yigalTermana: good morning, though in my time zone it's the evening08:14
Termanayigal, it is in mine too but:08:15
infobotugt is, like, Universal Greeting Time. Created in #mipslinux, it is a rule that states that whenever somebody enters an IRC channel it is always morning, and it is always late when the person leaves. The local time of any other people in the channel, including the greeter, is irrelevant.
Sc0rpiusI didn't know that08:15
yigalso it is always evening with an international gathering08:16
Sc0rpiusfrom that link:08:16
Sc0rpius"Local time of any member of channel is irrelevant. Resistance is futile. Your ass will be laminated. (geoman is exception to this rule - his ass will be fried instead). "08:16
yigalwell refrences from the Borg and laminated sound pretty scarry08:17
yigalbut in general I'm not ruled by fear :D08:18
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yigalah Beck, Mellow Gold what a worthwhile album08:19
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Macerwell.. let me see if i can understand these instructions on how to set up the maemo sdk09:04
Maceris there a newer one for cssu?09:04
Maceror is it still 1.309:04
Macershit.. my n900 is about to die... need to track down a charger09:05
yigaldie of what cause?09:05
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alteregoMacer: if by SDK you mean scratchbox, it's the same.09:14
alteregomadde on the other hand for the qt12 libs is tricky09:14
Maceralterego: ok. well. just tying to make a build environment09:16
Macerand learn how to pkg stuff09:16
MohammadAGpackaging stuff in Qt Creator is meh at best09:16
Macerwell.. i have never done it before09:17
Macerso what it is is how i will learn09:17
alteregoAnyway, I've gotta go, I've got a plane to catch09:17
alteregoPackaging is better done in scratchbox09:17
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alteregomadde/qt-creator packaging is pretty pointless imo09:17
alterego(though I've not tried the latest version of Qt Creator 2.2)09:17
alteregoWas gonna try that on the plane.09:18
alteregoAnyway, see you all later.09:18
alteregoI'll be back in about 15 hours (FROM SAN FRAN) :)09:18
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Jay_BEEsafe travels09:26
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* alterego is on coach to airport :)09:56
alteregoand still hung over.09:57
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lolcatAny news on the N9?10:53
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alteregoN9 averted rapture comensing :P11:45
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alteregoHoly cow, 1,111 posts in 3 days ..11:46
alteregoAt that rate it'll kill the android thread ..11:47
RST38hHow many of these are from abill_uk?11:47
alteregoHow many of them are from people who only a week ago were saying they'd never get a Nokia again ...11:47
alteregoI'd say at leats 99%11:49
RST38hI surveyed the area this morning, most posts are from happy android/iphone users being "clever"11:49
alteregoAre you at the conf?11:50
alteregoI'm stuck on a boiling coach to the air port.11:51
alteregoThe air con isn't working11:51
RST38hWill be over soon11:51
alteregoBut there is a really hot girl sitting right behind me stairing at the back of my head.11:51
RST38hIs it a good thing or a bad thing?11:52
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alteregoNot great, I'd rather be staring at the back of her head :)11:53
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alteregoThreads like that are just ridiculous.11:57
alteregoIt's impossible to catch up11:57
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alteregoI doubt there's anything too interesting in there either.11:58
RST38hIf you have got a good chocolate bar, slowly show it above your seat back, do not turn! =)11:58
RST38halterego: I checked a few more intelligent ones, it is the same shit11:58
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RST38halterego: Stops being interesting after you figure out all the 4-5 possible outcomes11:59
alteregoWhoops, I accidentally skipped 20 odd pages12:00
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RST38hOne amusing thing is how many people think that WP7 is a "completely new codebase".12:02
RST38hAnother amusement is how many of these lemmings still wonder if N9 is "Harmattan or Meego"12:03
RST38hI mean, wasn't there a clear announcement about this?12:03
alteregoGod, I've tried drumming that into their brains so many times.12:03
robbiethe1stIt;s Harmattan with a Meego frontend, right..?12:03
RST38hbrains? what brains?12:03
alteregoAnd still, it seems like I'm fighting a battle that is impossible to win.12:03
alteregorobbiethe1st: no12:03
RST38hA zombie would starve on tmo posters...12:04
alteregoit's just f'ing Harmatten until Nokia says otherwise.12:04
alteregoThe whole MeeGo certification debacle is Nokia trying to keep face.12:04
alteregoGreat, no another girl to the right of me is throwing up.12:05
alteregonow ..12:05
robbiethe1stIt's just that I happen to know a former Nokia employee who told me that they apparently had Harmatten ready to go, then had to change some stuff for the MeeGo deal, and it's ended up being a whole mess of incompatible bits12:05
robbiethe1stOf course, some stuff may have happened in the last 5 months, but...12:05
* alterego blames robbiethe1st for making my energy cause her to vomit.12:05
RST38halterego: Consider it a mental preparation for the security check at the airport12:06
alteregoThey're probably adding some meego apis, but it's still not meego12:06
alteregoIt's not a meego core.12:06
alteregoIt's not a meego handset12:06
alteregoit's harmatten all the way through :P12:06
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alteregoLuckily I can't hear the baby screaming because my music is so loud.12:07
lolcatAny news on N9?12:07
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* RST38h does not understand the excitement about Meego switch12:08
RST38hMaemo, Meego, Moblin, who cares? It has to be open/hackable enough and provide a decent user experience.12:08
alteregoRST38h: exactly12:09
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alteregoI do a lot of stuff with MeeGo at the moment and I'm pretty happy about how it's coming together, problem is, no one has taken the initiative and actually shown us what a real meego device (handset) looks like.12:10
slonopotamus_RST38h: and, actually, i don't understand what was bad with maemo so that it was abandoned in favor of meego12:10
RST38hslonopotamus: Same here12:11
alteregoWell, maemo is better really12:12
RST38hslono: finally, the third choice:
alteregoBut for the sake of some eutopean vision Nokia and Intel want this universal platform.12:12
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robbiethe1stShoulda stuck with Debian...12:12
RST38halterego:I do suspect either company wanted something different from the deal, something for itself12:13
alteregoHopefully it'll be great for Linux, not so great for Maemo or us because it'll take ages before we have a system as stable and optimized as maemo.12:13
slonopotamus_alterego: what universal platform? ain't there separate ui in meego for each device type?12:13
RST38halterego: But it is too late to guess now.12:13
alteregoslonopotamus_: seperate ux, same apis12:13
RST38hslono:anything below the UI is the same12:13
RST38hThe UI choice is dictated by the use cases though12:13
slonopotamus_alterego: ... how glib on meego is more universal than on maemo?12:14
alteregoslonopotamus_: likewise for vendors, they can make their own UXs12:14
slonopotamus_or libxml, or whatever "anything below the ui"12:14
alteregoslonopotamus_: glib isn't an official api for meego (though it is there below apis that are)12:15
alteregoslonopotamus_: your argument is basically what Nokia is arguing, I'm not going to agree or disagree.12:15
alteregoIt's a dead horse :)12:15
RST38hslono: Why are you concentrating your argument on GLib? There are way more APIs than just GLib12:16
alteregoAnd nothing to do with me :)12:16
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RST38hslono: and yes, I am afraid alterego is right and it is a dead horse12:16
RST38hThe more interesting question to ask would be why Intel suddenly switched from Debian to Fedora in Meego2?12:17
RST38hSorry, Moblin212:17
alteregoslonopotamus_: meegos mother12:17
alteregomaemo being the father that left ;)12:17
RST38hWell, there was a Debian based Moblin1, then Fedora based Moblin2 that got renamed to Meego.12:17
* slonopotamus_ thought there was only one moblin12:18
RST38halterego: Father that got eaten, spider-style12:18
RST38hslono: Oh, no.12:18
alteregozehjotkah has now explicitly said Nokia have been planning on distributing N9/50s in sf12:20
alteregoI'm still somewhat skeptical.12:20
alteregoIf it true, I think I might give away one of my N900s to a needy cause, developer, maybe a competition.12:21
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alteregoOr maybe a friend who's been eying mine up for ages :)12:22
Jay_BEEgn.... can't wait to get to the conference w00b w00b12:22
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Jaffaalterego: How're you doing?12:38
* Jaffa is on the Heathrow Express12:38
lcukJaffa, you are heading for SF aren't you?12:39
Jaffalcuk: I am12:39
JaffaLooking forward to it. Although I flew business class to the US last week, so 10 hrs in economy is suddenly unaopealing ;-)12:40
infobotJaffa meant: Looking forward to it. Although I flew business class to the US last week, so 10 hrs in economy is suddenly unappealing ;-)12:41
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EvanescenceIs there some chinese guys here ?13:08
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Neccrobbiethe1st, accidently around here?13:37
Neccif i re-format the optfs to ext3/ext4 i still can use backup made by backupmenu? or it stores the partition table too or such things witch may prevents this?13:38
jacekowskioptfs is ext313:39
jacekowskiand formatting it will make your phone not bootable13:39
robbiethe1stNecc: You may have to go in and change the mount line so it can mount it as ext3/4, but otherwise there isn't any problem with /my/ application13:40
Neccbackupmenu related files stored on rootfs and that´s what i need to restore the files13:40
jacekowskiNecc: it will still make your phone not bootable13:40
robbiethe1stActually, make sure you can access SSH mode before you do it13:40
jacekowskiNecc: ext2 is hardcoded in couple scripts13:41
robbiethe1styou may have to go in and re-format the partition as ext2 if you don't get everything fixed.13:41
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jacekowskiand ext3 will wear your flash much faster13:41
jacekowskiand ext3 is slower on emmc13:41
DocScrutinizerlo jacekowski robbiethe1st13:42
Neccext2 collapsed 2 times in a row so far!13:44
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jacekowskiNecc: then you have a hardware problem13:44
Neccnah, i´m 99.9% sure it is a software issue13:46
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Neccas when it first happened i just simply restored a backup with backupmenu and didn formatted or something13:46
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DocScrutinizern99-mount:  /dev/mmcblk0p2 on /home type ext3 (rw,noatime,errors=continue,commit=1,data=writeback)13:47
DocScrutinizern900 even13:47
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DocScrutinizernow how hard was this?13:47
DocScrutinizerbtw ext3 is backward compatible to ext213:48
DocScrutinizeri.e. you can mount an ext3 part as ext2 any time (given it umounted cleanly last time)13:48
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Neccit is a bit hard as i remember maemo completely re-generates /etc/fstab each reboot13:50
DocScrutinizerso what?13:50
DocScrutinizerwhat's your plan/problem?13:51
Neccmy problem is:
Gyjfwhat would be the easiest way to share your 3g connection and act like a wifi access point on the n900?13:52
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Gyjfi have tried with airbase-ng and failed13:52
jacekowskiGyjf: it drains battery in like half an hour13:52
Neccthere´s a dedicated app for that, called ¨mobile-hotspot¨13:53
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Neccit requires titan´s kernel or something else then the built-in one13:53
DocScrutinizerNecc: 1) your mmcblk0p2 is ext3, NOT ext2.13:53
DocScrutinizerWarning!  /dev/mmcblk0p2 is mounted.13:53
DocScrutinizerWarning: skipping journal recovery because doing a read-only filesystem check.13:53
GyjfNecc yes i looked at it but it says it can mess the kernel up13:53
NeccDocScrutinizer, fsck.ext3 and fsck.ext2 calls the same binary: e2fsck13:54
DocScrutinizerso what?13:54
Neccfsck.ext3 /dev/mmcblk0p2 -n -v outouts exactly the same. 100% the same13:55
DocScrutinizerdo you expect a live mounted fs to be "clean" in a e2fsck way?13:55
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Neccwould be easier if i could ssh when it is not mounted (via backupmenu) but i fail at setting up USB-networking under windows13:56
DocScrutinizeryour only option: use bootmenu to run a fsck on the non-mounted partition13:56
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DocScrutinizererrr backupmenu13:57
DocScrutinizerif backupmenu builtin fsck doesn't cut thru it, due to a suboptimal cmdline+parameters, pester robbiethe1st13:58
robbiethe1stOr add -y to it yourself...13:58
NeccGyjf, the kernel is read-only, it doesn´t messes up anything, i used it many times in the past13:59
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Necci added -y (replaced arguments to -y -v) by myself and i got that mess since then13:59
Gyjfwill it work with the custom wireless bleading edge drivers for injection?14:00
psycho_oreosdepends on who made the custom wireless drivers, in most cases it should work however. Though you cannot get wl1251 in proper AP mode, only IBSS/AdHoc14:06
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TechnomikeHey guys14:08
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Gyjfany usb device should work with the n900 in hostmode right?14:10
DocScrutinizerbasicaly yes14:10
SpeedEvilWhat he said.14:11
DocScrutinizerwell, mustn't eat too much power14:11
Gyjfthen i just need to get a converter14:11
SpeedEvilAnd it must have ARM drivers.14:11
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SpeedEvilMany wireless cards will eat too much power.14:11
DocScrutinizerand not be too picky about timing etc14:11
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Gyjfbut most usb wificards and keyboards?14:11
SpeedEvilmost wireless things I've seen want 300mA14:11
DocScrutinizerkeyboards yes14:11
DocScrutinizerwifi no14:12
NeccUSB keyboards will work, most of them14:12
Neccwifi however, not. Or you need huge luck14:12
SpeedEvilYou would need a teeny powered hub.14:12
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DocScrutinizerwifi needs drivers, and usuallly a Y-cable or powered hub14:12
Technomikeis extras-devel down?14:12
DocScrutinizermight be14:12
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DocScrutinizerseems there've been problems and reports/questions since ~15h14:13
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Gyjfextras-testing seems to be down for me14:13
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Technomikeit says the hash sum is wrong/doesn't match14:14
DocScrutinizerusual weekend holiday ;-)14:14
DocScrutinizerif you're lucky it's only an issue of some of the boxes, and occasionally load ballancing will route you to a working one14:15
DocScrutinizeror you jump the stepstones thru DNS and dig/host, and use an IP directly14:16
Technomikemust be. just started working now ;)14:16
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Gyjfhow about hdds then? they should be fine?14:16
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DocScrutinizergenerally yes, as long as not too much power again14:17
Gyjfif its externaly powerd ones14:17
DocScrutinizerN900 H-E-N can deliver 200mA. Usual USB host does 50014:17
DocScrutinizer3.5" -  no dice usually14:17
Gyjfnice, unlimited space for the phone :)14:18
DocScrutinizerbut those quite frequently come with a dedicated powersupply anyway14:18
DocScrutinizerGyjf: 3.5" needs way too much power on spinup14:19
DocScrutinizerfor N90014:19
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DocScrutinizersome of them don't even work with standard USB hosts of laptops14:19
DocScrutinizeryou definitely need a powered hub or dedicated wallwart PSU14:20
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Gyjfi mean ones with their own power14:22
DocScrutinizerooh, you already anticipated that >> <Gyjf> if its externaly powerd ones14:22
cehtehslapping an 4TB disk on the back of the phone? :)14:22
Gyjfnah just 2tb atm14:23
DocScrutinizerwhy not :-D14:23
cehtehDocScrutinizer: can one enable hostmode and charging the same time (yes thats in no way standard conforming)14:23
DocScrutinizerliskeys hostmode14:24
DocScrutinizer~liskeys hostmode14:24
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DocScrutinizer~listkeys hostmode14:24
infobotFactoid search of 'hostmode' by key (3): hostmode-powered ;; hostmode ;; hostmode #DEL#.14:24
cehtehthanks for the ~answer :P14:24
infobotextra, extra, read all about it, hostmode-powered is
DocScrutinizer~hostmode-charging is see hostmode-powered14:25
infobotokay, DocScrutinizer14:25
infobotit has been said that hostmode-charging is see hostmode-powered14:25
DocScrutinizer~forget hostmode-charging14:26
infobotDocScrutinizer: i forgot hostmode-charging14:26
* cehteh imagines a n900 dock ... disk, network, charging, usbhub with keyboard and TV out to a monitor haha14:26
Gyjfok, have anyone goten mumble to work propperly?14:26
infobotwell, hostmode-powered is
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DocScrutinizercehteh: well, I'm thinking about the same basically14:29
cehtehthere was this hack which does framebuffer over usb to displayport .. but i think that stretches the limits a bit :)14:31
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cehtehwhile tvout is crap but welll14:31
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DocScrutinizerchem|st: ping14:42
DocScrutinizercehteh: indeed, to both14:42
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DocScrutinizerwell, you should - iirc - talk to javispedro about the USB-fb thing14:44
DocScrutinizerit kinda worked for him14:44
cehtehyes i know .. but i dont really need it14:44
Macerso where can i find instructions on installing the sdk in natty?14:44
cehtehgetting some reasonable higher res out without degrading performance would be nice14:45
DocScrutinizerforget it14:45
cehtehbut in either way this cant work well .. usb is to slow, ram is too low14:45
DocScrutinizerMacer: nfc. You searched the wiki?14:45
Maceri'm looking now14:46
cehtehxvnc works ok ... but i guess thats the best you can get, while it needs a computer on the other side14:46
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cehtehno direct monitor14:46
Macerso do i use the fremantle sdk?14:46
Maceri lose track of these names14:46
robbiethe1stGyif: Yea, mumble works excellently last I tried it14:47
DocScrutinizerwe're using fremantle OS14:47
Macerpython script to install it huh? :)14:47
MohammadAGthe GUI installer sucsk14:47
DocScrutinizerwell, sounds like nice pain14:47
DocScrutinizerMacer: listen to MohammadAG - he knows his stuff14:48
MohammadAGwell, you can't resume for one14:48
MohammadAGand the packages aren't small14:48
MohammadAGa resume option is usually handy14:49
MohammadAGthe packages are 915MBs14:49
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: just talk him thru a std install14:49
Macerusing sdk on x86_64 is not supported but you can install it anyways14:49
Macerso does that mean it doesn't work or that it is simply unsupported?14:49
MohammadAGLinux mohammad-i5laptop 2.6.38-8-generic #42-Ubuntu SMP Mon Apr 11 03:31:24 UTC 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux14:49
MohammadAGdoes that answer your question? :P14:49
DocScrutinizerMacer: first thing: you need LOTS of free disk space, usually on /14:50
MohammadAGadd vm.vdso_enabled = 0\nabi.vsyscall32 = 0\nkernel.vdso = 0 to /etc/sysctrl.conf14:50
MohammadAGerr, sysctl.conf14:50
MohammadAGthen sudo sysctl -p14:51
MohammadAGthen just follow this
Macerok. it's installing14:51
Maceri have 62GB free14:51
Macerthat isn't enough to install this?14:51
DocScrutinizerit is :-)14:52
MohammadAG(\n are actually newlines, just cut them off for IRC)14:52
DocScrutinizerwill only need 15% of this14:52
Macerthat's on this one tho.. if push comes to shove i can always just use my nfs14:52
Macercan't be too bad over gbit14:52
Macerso i'm guessing all this downloading is going to take a while.. so is it just like using the n900 except you have building tools?14:53
DocScrutinizernot really14:53
Maceri need a pkg building 101 class.. going to start with these damn foomatic filters14:53
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Macerand maybe work on building an abiword that can print14:53
Macerif that doesn't require mad dev skills :)14:54
DocScrutinizerprolly not14:54
Macerthis is a weaker box.. i should have put this on the quad core14:54
Macerdoes scratchbox thread well?14:54
DocScrutinizerfriggin scratchbox needs quite some skills, esp if you're used to use a *decent* unix environment, and not this crippled chroot shell14:54
Macerso realistically.. can i build an entire maemo from this? similar to the base and flash it to my phone?14:56
MohammadAG2GBs are enough14:56
Macerafter testing everything out in xeyphr?14:56
MohammadAGscratchbox is basically a stripped maemo14:57
MohammadAGlacks camera, phone app, ovi maps, etc14:57
MohammadAG~seen Venemo14:57
infobotvenemo <> was last seen on IRC in channel #maemo, 1d 14h 46m 23s ago, saying: 'MohammadAG, you could easily make it happen'.14:57
Macerah ok14:58
DocScrutinizerMacer: basically you have a chroot environment that has bare minimum, in SB. So you probably want to edit/whatever using sth like 'myeditor /scratchbox/users/jr/home/jr/' then change to the xterm with SD and kick off a compile/build run14:58
Maceris that where it stores by default? /scratchbox?14:59
Macerwell once it is done with its 2 hr install i will tinker15:00
Macerget the foomatic src and track deps down15:00
Macerthen nag you guys to teach me how to pkg it hahaha15:00
Macermaybe start my macer abomination repo15:01
DocScrutinizerjr@halley:~> du -s /scratchbox/15:01
DocScrutinizer4378204 /scratchbox/15:01
DocScrutinizerok, that's with kernel15:01
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, you can edit in scratchbox's shell15:01
DocScrutinizerI bet it got vi15:02
* MohammadAG has a /Scratchyhome symlink though15:02
DocScrutinizergood plan15:02
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DocScrutinizerMacer: also BEWARE as SB does some tricky bindmounts. Never do a poorly thought rm -rf /scratchbox/foo/bar - MohammadAG killed his whole system like that15:04
MohammadAGworse, my 100km-away-from-where-I-was server15:05
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MohammadAGa reboot should fix it, but `reboot` won't work without /dev15:05
MohammadAGor /tmp15:05
MohammadAGor /sysfs...15:05
licensedhey how can i get root on terminal?15:05
licensedi didn't know password =(15:06
DocScrutinizertype >>root<<15:06
DocScrutinizerthere is no password15:06
DocScrutinizeryou need to install rootsh pkg first15:06
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DocScrutinizer(if all this is about maemo :-D )15:06
licensedDocScrutinizer, hehehehe yes.. i would like to install nitdroid-installer pkg.. but i need root to do this15:07
licensedand to get root i need a pkg? how can i install a package without root? sorry i'm noob on maemo15:07
DocScrutinizeryou know you're about to fsckup your system?15:07
DocScrutinizernitdroid is *BAD*15:07
licensedi love android =(15:08
licensedi would like to try nitdroid =P15:08
licensedwhat is fsckup? i'm sorry it's my first time on maemo15:08
DocScrutinizernever uninstalls, you need a reflash to get rid of it. But to compensate that, it borks your maemo every other week15:08
mer_geis firefox mobile 5 (beta) available for maemo ?15:09
licensedmy friend uninstall android with software update on OVI.. back to factory defaults15:09
MohammadAGif I'm not here when Venemo's on15:09
DocScrutinizeryeah, that's basically a full flash I guess15:09
MohammadAGtell him he shouldn't include ALL of QtCore :/15:10
DocScrutinizer~tell licensed about flashing15:10
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: /msgserv help15:10
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, lots of users miss memos15:11
licensedDocScrutinizer, yeah, he did this15:11
DocScrutinizeryeah, *sigh*15:11
Macernewgrp: group 'sbox' does not exist15:11
MacerV [07:03:42 21.05.2011]: Failed to install SDK15:11
GreatGonzo_Does anybody know if a Qt window can be manipulated to appear above the task manager. I am trying to work around the lock screen to make it customisable.15:11
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DocScrutinizerlicensed: if you're not afraid to lose all your nicely configured wallpapers, apps, etc then go ahead with friggin nitdroid. If you're not a poor man though, I suggest you go for a used moto milestone and try proper andriod there15:12
licensedDocScrutinizer, i bought my n900 yesterday.. have nothing =D15:12
licensedand i'm sorry my poor english =x15:12
licensedmy n900 it's empty =D it's new15:13
DocScrutinizerbest time to try, and get fed up and done with, nitdridiot15:13
Macerwell... hopefully manually creating the group won't cause that again15:13
Macerugh :)15:13
Maceri should have done this remotely from my n90015:13
DocScrutinizerlicensed: your english is good enough. Anyway see /topic15:14
Macerso i don't have to sit here and watch this15:14
GAN900Today is going to be a long day.15:14
licensedi already saw.. i'm there right now =D thank you man15:14
MohammadAGGreatGonzo_, see MediaBar15:14
MohammadAGhowever, the task manager will always gain focus15:14
MohammadAGQt::X11BypassWindowManagerHint set this attribute15:15
DocScrutinizerMacer: do I get it right you ignored MohammadAG's advice about NOT to use the installer-script as it will cause exactly that: abort @ 70% done, no resume, start over again15:17
GreatGonzo_That's what I am doing but as you said it doesn't ork with the task manager.15:17
GreatGonzo_work not ork15:18
Macerdidn't se that15:18
Macerit was more like 40 :)15:18
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DocScrutinizermacer in a week you're up to 70 ;-P15:18
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DocScrutinizerand a download volume of 500GB :-P15:20
Maceri scrolled up and i don't see a warning15:20
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DocScrutinizerMacer: >>[2011-05-21 13:50:45] <MohammadAG> add vm.vdso_enabled = 0\nabi.vsyscall32 = 0\nkernel.vdso = 0 to /etc/sysctrl.conf   [...] ff15:21
DocScrutinizerMacer: >>> [2011-05-21 13:48:32] <DocScrutinizer> Macer: listen to MohammadAG - he knows his stuff [2011-05-21 13:48:45] <MohammadAG> well, you can't resume for one15:22
licensedhey.. maemo is debian basead? pure linux.. coool15:23
licensedcan i have idle (python interpreter) on maemo?15:23
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DocScrutinizerthere is python on maemo15:23
DocScrutinizeralmost inevitably15:23
Macerdo i have to do anything special after editing sysctrl.conf?15:24
Macerlike logout or reboot or some craziness?15:24
licensedthank you15:25
DocScrutinizermaybe a reboot won't hurt, as it is changing some kernel parameters. Might be not needed, but for sure won't hurt15:25
Macerdoh! ok :) brb15:25
DocScrutinizerMacer: you seen the next line15:26
DocScrutinizer[2011-05-21 13:51:08] <MohammadAG> then sudo sysctl -p15:26
NeccDocScrutinizer, as i said hour(s) ago, there´s no difference if i run fsck with robbiethe1st´s bakupmenu:
DocScrutinizer(sorry, sysctl noob here)15:27
MacerDocScrutinizer: what time is it where you are?15:27
robbiethe1stWell, you've evidently got a problem with your optfs15:27
robbiethe1stTry wiping it, then fsck15:27
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robbiethe1stYou may need to put it into USB Mass Storage mode, connect to a Linux PC, and reformat the partition from there15:28
DocScrutinizerthen reflash anyway as whiping /opt will render it useless :-P15:28
robbiethe1stNo; he'll be able to restore an image over the new filesystem then15:29
DocScrutinizeryes, indeed15:29
robbiethe1stand yes, BM works /without/ the OPtfs15:29
DocScrutinizeras long as he's using backupmenu for that15:29
GreatGonzo_MohammadAG, is there a way to send a signal to the task manager to "hide"?15:29
robbiethe1stOr, yea... reflash, install BM, reload BM backup15:29
robbiethe1stAnyway, I'm off.15:29
DocScrutinizerrobbiethe1st: o/15:30
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MohammadAGGreatGonzo_, no, but you can play around with X to do that15:30
licensedoh shit! i get a error trying install nitdroid :: formatting /dev/mmcb1k1p1 (vfat) FAILURE. Bailing out... anybody can help me?15:30
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DocScrutinizerno help for nitdroid here :-)15:31
MohammadAGwmctrl -k on15:31
licensedoh i'm sorry15:31
DocScrutinizer/join errrrr, #nitdroid ?15:31
Necci´m trying to re-format it but i can not set up USB networking because no proper driver for win x64 -.-15:31
licensedDocScrutinizer, likes people here hates nitdroid, right?15:31
DocScrutinizersee /topic15:32
GreatGonzo_MohammadAG, I was afraid I had to. X11 knowledge is minimal.15:32
Macererror: "vm.vdso_enabled" is an unknown key15:33
Macerread that wrong15:33
Macererror: "vm.vdso_enabled" is an unknown key15:34
Maceris he yanking my chain or something? :)15:35
Macererror: "nabi.vsyscall32" is an unknown key15:35
DocScrutinizerhmm, I'm temped to say "google is your friend", but probably that's explained on the wikipage as well15:36
Macerno. the wiki only has one thing required for the sysctl.conf15:36
MohammadAGMacer, two of the three keys should fail15:37
DocScrutinizerMacer: btw \nabi isn't nabi, but <newline>abi15:37
DocScrutinizerMacer: please reread your channel scrollup *carefully* and completely (for that few lines)15:38
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Maceri noticed that DocScrutinizer15:39
Maceri changed it and placed them on different lines15:39
DocScrutinizerecho -e "vm.vdso_enabled = 0\nabi.vsyscall32 = 0\nkernel.vdso = 0"15:39
DocScrutinizerfine, so as MohammadAG said, two of the 3 are expected to throw error15:40
DocScrutinizeraiui as long as one gets accepted, everything just fine15:40
MohammadAGit depends on the kernel being used I guess15:41
MohammadAGmohammad@mohammad-i5laptop:~$ sudo sysctl -p | error: "vm.vdso_enabled" is an unknown key | abi.vsyscall32 = 0 | error: "kernel.vdso" is an unknown key15:41
licensedhey last thing... what the best 3d game on maemo? (to shows graphics powerfull)15:41
MohammadAGsame old bounce15:42
Macernone of them are :)15:42
Macerall 4 are invalid keys15:42
MohammadAGnah, bounce is neat15:42
MohammadAGthey're only three keys...15:42
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Macergoogle directed me to a 4th in the threads15:43
Maceram i missing something here?15:44
DocScrutinizerlicensed: there's been that free game that comes with maemo, maybe it's called bounce15:46
licensedi got.. thank you =D15:47
SpeedEvilBounce is awesome.15:47
SpeedEvilIt's a pity there were no more levels.15:47
DocScrutinizerthe real hype is angry birds though15:47
DocScrutinizerno 3D but nonetheless15:48
DocScrutinizermy personal favourite is numpty physics15:48
Maceroh.. i can do it with sysctl15:48
Macerwell.. guess i should read this wiki :) thanks. i'll get it going15:48
SpeedEvilI think I spent most hours on 'blocks'15:48
SpeedEvilOr closely tied with angry birds.15:49
DocScrutinizerI'm clearly spending all my time on xchat :-P15:49
SpeedEvilWell - that's not really a game as such.15:50
GreatGonzo_MohammadAG, btw sorry about the lack of progress on the OMP entertainmentview. I tried to get an answer re reparenting of components on the qml mailing list but there was only silence.15:50
DocScrutinizer\o/ vivid community there15:50
Macergot it15:50
MohammadAGGreatGonzo_, no worries, I wouldn't expect a reply from Qt lists anyway :P15:52
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: nuke it!!!15:52
DocScrutinizerwon't be 2 days, rather 2 months ;-)15:53
DocScrutinizeror simply never makes it upstream15:53
GreatGonzo_I could work in something like the lyrics widget but you have plans for that alread ;-)15:53
MohammadAGmonitoring mafw is actually pretty easy15:55
MohammadAGyour widget has better looks anyway :p15:55
DocScrutinizerooh, thought you were about to fix borked qt4.7.?15:55
MohammadAGnah, OMP15:56
GreatGonzo_That is saying something. I am normally all thumbs when it comes to design.15:56
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* DocScrutinizer muses aout necessity to quickly change recent MMI of embedded, or evolution will create man with 3 thumbs plus a stiff support built from last two fingers, on each hand16:00
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MoonTigerhi guys :)16:02
DocScrutinizersorta like parrots or chameleons16:02
MoonTigeri'm trying to get hold of that mobwebgmail thingy but having no luck16:02
DocScrutinizerhi MoonTiger16:02
MoonTigerany idea where i can get it from?16:02
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Macermobwebgmail thingy?16:03
MoonTigerthe gmail app browser thing16:03
DocScrutinizererrrr, there's some sort of gmail-sync iirc16:03
DocScrutinizerMacer: MoonTiger got his first N900 yesterday16:04
MacerMoonTiger: have no idea what you are talking about16:04
MoonTigerCrochik Mobwebmail16:04
MoonTigerits in the maemo talk forums and in ovi store16:05
DocScrutinizeraaah Mr Crochik16:05
MoonTigerbut there is supposed to be a download avilable16:05
Neccnoob question, but not mkfs is the ¨format¨ under linux?16:05
DocScrutinizerjust a known name16:05
MacerNecc: yes16:05
MoonTigerany idea where i can download the app?16:05
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Neccrob´s backupmenu doesn includes mkfs.ext3 ._.16:06
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DocScrutinizerNecc: indeed, it's not supposed to format partitions16:07
MacerNecc: i just started using backupmenu today to backup.. dont think it formats16:07
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MoonTigerDocScrutinizer, thnx ... very odd ... i tried that link an hour ago and it failed16:07
MoonTigerand yes i am a n900 beginner BUT i have had an n810 for years16:08
Macerit is the maemo equal of android recovery16:08
Macerbut doesnt part/format the sd16:08
Necci want to format /dev/mmcblk0p2 FFS!16:08
MacerNecc: then do it from within maemo in xterm16:08
MoonTigerDocScrutinizer, yes i have a deb file now but it wasnt there earlier i swear :|16:08
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Necc/home/ or /opt/ is not formatable under maemo! (filesystem is in use)16:09
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DocScrutinizerNecc: indeed16:09
MacerMoonTiger: i found the mail for exchange + imap for gmail works great16:09
DocScrutinizerthat's rather tricky to do, almost impossible16:09
MoonTigerahhhhhhh cool ... when i connect usb in mass storage mode it is only the memory card that gets mounted :)16:10
MoonTigermacer ... really?16:10
MoonTigercan you decide what folders to subscribe to?16:10
DocScrutinizereMMC and uSD, yes16:10
Maceryes. contacts and calendar sync16:10
Necci want to mount up root, and run the mkfs.ext3 from there... but i has no idea what should be the root in /dev/ now (under bacupmenu´s /dev)16:10
MoonTigeroh wow i will try it16:10
Maceroh. dont think so :/16:10
MoonTigerdo i need to grab a package?16:10
Macerit is in settings16:11
MoonTigeri will try it16:11
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Macermail doesnt work with it tho16:11
Maceryou have to set up imap in a client16:11
DocScrutinizerNecc: probably best practice is what robbiethe1st suggested: make a backup, reflash rootfs and eMMC, then install backupmenu again and restore16:11
MoonTigerhmmmmmmm but calendar and contacts sounds good16:11
Macerbut my contacts and calendar sync16:11
MoonTigeri have an android device too and my contacts are in my gmail acc16:11
Macerme too16:11
Maceri have a g216:11
Macerso it helps16:12
MoonTigerhtc desire rooted and running oxygen :)16:12
DocScrutinizerNecc: moment please (for mount rootfs)16:12
Macerespecially the contacts16:12
Maceri dont really use the calendar much but got it going16:12
Neccreflashing with vanilla is not an option, i have custom partitions as i store the debian image (for easydebioan) inside optFS instead of the MyDocs16:12
DocScrutinizerNecc: ubi0:rootfs on / type ubifs (rw,bulk_read,no_chk_data_crc)16:12
MoonTigeryah i dont have that many calendar items but its useful for flights and appts etc16:12
DocScrutinizerman mount16:12
chem|stDocScrutinizer: SYN16:13
Macerthe calendar has to be empty i think16:13
Macerand i set it to "device takes priority"16:13
Macerso far so good16:13
MoonTigerMacer, i'll try it out ... think i really have to get my mgcal applet running on the N90016:13
Macerinstructions are online somewhere16:14
Macerbut like i said... mail doesnt work :(16:14
Macerit can receive but not send16:14
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Macerhangs when trying to send via exchange16:14
Macerso did the world end?16:15
* Macer peeks outside16:15
Macerwaiting on these earthquakes all day yesterday16:16
MoonTigeroh and today i tried the bless camera thing ... wow ... the hdr mode really takes awesome pics :)16:16
Macerwait until next year.. all the cooks will come out of the woodwork16:16
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Maceri never understood bless16:16
MoonTigertakes awesome pictures16:17
Macerdoes the standard cam app not use the hardware well?16:17
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Maceri am curious as to how or why it takes better pics16:18
Neccblessn900 does series of images and makes a better quality one by some kind if software interpolation16:18
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Macerah ok16:18
Necci? gona reinstall backupmenu 0.56 after this mess16:19
Neccusing the lock screen doesn´t reboots my device...16:20
SpeedEvilMacer: yes - Elop got taken.16:23
SpeedEvilMacer: maemo is back on.16:23
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Neccmaemo is back on? how? why?16:34
Neccbecause new device will be released soon?16:34
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SpeedEvil(02:15:50 PM) Macer: so did the world end?16:36
SpeedEvilSorry - I'm not fully woken up today16:36
Neccsame over here16:36
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toresbeworld not ended here16:44
toresbenot quite 18:00 yet though16:45
toresbeI'll keep y'all posted.16:45
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SpeedEvilDr Dre will go first. Can't have rapture without Rap.16:50
amtiHmm... I was downloading stuff via application manager, and then it interupted and now when syncing email with my exchange-account it says "storage full". gmail account works. any ideas how to fix that?16:52
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* GeneralAntilles hopes he isn't forgetting anything.16:53
amtiwell I'm not really used with working with linux..16:54
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amtiokay... weirdly after reboot apt-get autoclean fixed that.17:03
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jacekowskihave you heard that if you go to random english wikipedia page17:17
jacekowskiand then click first link on that page17:17
jacekowskiand few next pages17:18
jacekowskiyou will always end up on
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amtiwell theorically if you have endless time and buch of monkeys, they will write some works of Shakespeare eventually.17:21
Neccall works of all writer17:22
maybeWTFdoes it have to be a certain kind of monkey17:22
maybeWTFor will any kind do?17:22
jacekowskiany kind17:22
jacekowskiamti: thing is that it's more than random17:23
Neccsince it is endlesss time, it doesn matter17:23
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maybeWTFwouldn't it be faster if you got some monkeys that are better suited to handle  writing equipment17:23
amtiI would just go to library and pick one of the already written ones...17:24
Neccbetter to make acode witch sandomgenerates text, and push a lot TB capacity to store it17:24
Neccin theory, part of that random generated code will be actually shakespeare :|17:25
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maybeWTFwouldn't you infringe an awful lot of copyright since you give the monkeys endless time?17:26
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amtior would be monkeys do everything what is possible so if no one else owns that specific copyright, you would own everything?17:30
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amtiso basically after "endless time" you would own copyright to everything possible because "you already startet working on it ages ago"?17:37
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arvutdo you own a n900 and have a invisible shield on it?18:20
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GAN900Ah, the airport.19:52
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* GAN900 managed to avoid any "Opt out!" theatrics.19:52
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ShadowJKoh wow20:03
ShadowJKI saw a tv ad for a Nokia phone20:03
ShadowJKC7 + 6 months spotify premium20:03
* ShadowJK wonders what happened to Ovi^WNokia Music Unlimited20:04
SpeedEvilIt seems 'comes with music' won't die20:04
SpeedEvilThat reminds me, I forgot to claim my free tracks for the n900.20:04
ShadowJKah it was CWM20:04
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MohammadAGo/ timsamoff20:55
GAN900timsamoff, make it through the TSA gauntlet OK?20:55
timsamoffTSA is my nemesis.20:55
GAN900I just play it really friendly20:56
GAN900Usually gets me through without any groping.20:56
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timsamoffUnfortunately, I have parts that make TSA buzz.20:57
loft306e there taking your baggage off the plane to toss through it20:57
GAN900Ah, that'll make it fun.20:59
RST38hPlaying friendly isn't worth it20:59
RST38hThey do not give a damn about your friendliness21:00
timsamoffSearch for the Twitter hashtag #preflightmassage . ;)21:00
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GAN900RST38h, usually works better than being an asshole.21:02
GAN900The average TSA agent isn't a bad person.21:02
RST38hBeing asshole also isn'tworth it21:03
RST38hTreating them as unsentient fixtures works though21:03
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GAN900This is also more-or-less the South, people respond to friendly. ;)21:04
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GAN900I had to break the winter clothes back out for SF.21:06
RST38hAh, true.21:07
RST38hTo a certain degree, anyway21:07
GAN900New York they'll be lubing up their latex.21:07
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RST38hmoo javispedro21:21
javispedroso, how's stuff, getting ready for conf?21:22
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* javispedro reads /topic and wonders why nitdroid still uses multiboot...21:25
* GAN900 is now exactly as close to boarding as he was 20 minutes ago.21:25
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jacekowskithat's why if i have a choice between plane or train i'll go for train21:29
GAN900Trains are for hippies.21:30
jacekowskiyou're saying it like it's something bad21:31
loft306though the stinky amish are if enough complain relagated to there own car21:31
GAN900Trains are currectly pointless for most potential routes in the US.21:31
jacekowskiwell, here i can go to big part of europe faster on train than on plane21:32
GAN900Metropolitan density.21:32
loft306wel/l you got a decent system that ppl iuse there21:32
GAN900and stupid anti-travel regulations.21:32
GAN900(abolish the TSA)21:32
loft306the TSA feeling you up again?21:32
jacekowskiif it would be my choice there would be no security at all21:33
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GAN900I avoided it.21:37
GAN900Yes, I agree.21:38
GAN900It's all theater.21:38
GAN900It just hurts everybody economically (which is the whole point of terrorism operations).21:38
SpeedEvilNot the beuraeuoeoereuruecrats of the TSA.21:38
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GAN900It actually does hurt them21:39
SpeedEvilIncreased budget never hurts!21:39
SpeedEvilIt doesn't matter what you do with it - it's how you measure your success in government.21:39
SpeedEvilAnd how you get a good job at a lobbying firm after you leave.21:40
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SpeedEvilWon't you please think of all the poor high-priced-call-girls and cocaine!21:40
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xd13anything official with meego on that phone ?21:51
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GAN900Which phone?21:51
GAN900No, nothing official.21:51
xd13i love my n90021:51
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xd13but shit need faster processor more ram21:51
SpeedEvilI think that you can in principle double the amount of rAM, and bump the processor speed by 20%.21:53
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SpeedEvilI've not found somewhere that will source small quantities of the memories though.21:53
SpeedEvilAlso - there are major issues with upgrade yields.21:53
xd13they will almost def decrease flash space21:53
xd13that 30gb on the n900 came out of nowhere21:53
SpeedEvilFlash space is 100^ pountless21:53
SpeedEvil32G now is a _lot_ cheaper than it was 2 years ago.21:54
xd13true but i would easily trade off that much space for a faster processor and more ram21:54
SpeedEvilFair enough.21:54
xd13i'm fine with my 16gb sd cartridge21:54
SpeedEvilThe ROM/RAM in the n900 case is soldered ontop of the chip.21:54
xd13i prey for hdmi out but i don't think its going to happen21:54
SpeedEvilon top of the CPU21:54
SpeedEvilupgrading it to 512M/512M (and leaving the 32G RAM there would be a completely trivial mod.21:55
xd13hehe prey 4 hdmi21:55
SpeedEvil(for nokia)21:55
SpeedEvilIt's literally a case of 'solder on a different chip'.21:55
SpeedEvilThey are completeyl compatible.21:56
jacekowskinothing is compatible21:57
SpeedEviljacekowski: ?21:57
jacekowskithere are always some differences21:57
SpeedEviljacekowski: Compatible as in specced to work with the omap353021:57
jacekowskiand doubling amount of ram means 2xmore transistors21:57
jacekowskilot of stuff can go wrong21:57
jacekowskipower consumption may change21:58
SpeedEvilIt's similar.21:58
* SpeedEvil suspects jacekowski is just playing the devils avocado.21:58
SpeedEvilIn practice - you can't get these chips in singles.21:59
xd13thats the other thing they better do right, battery on n900 was prolly its worst aspect, even though the scud battery is awesome22:00
SpeedEvilxd13: It depnds.22:00
jacekowskii'm just saying that that kind of stuff is working on thin border between working and not working at all22:00
SpeedEvilBattery life can be very good.22:00
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jacekowskiand modification like that isn't just plug&play22:00
SpeedEvilI get closing on 10 days in the truly minimal case.22:00
jacekowskiyou have to do loads of testing after that22:00
SpeedEvil(5 days practically)22:01
SpeedEvil(truly minimal = suspend-RAM, modem off, wifi off22:01
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xd13ya allow me to turn the wifi and internets off22:01
xd13i don't mind waiting for a few seconds to connect online22:01
SpeedEvilPractically, 5 days with ssh over wifi active once a minute.22:01
SpeedEvilIf you bring up 3G, and do intermittent transfer over that, battery life drops into the toilet.22:02
SpeedEvilMore constant transfer, and teh toilet flushes.22:02
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DocScrutinizerand those aren't numbers out anybody's arse, see SpeedEvil's incredible awesome power-consumption_hardware wikipage22:06
SpeedEvilI went through 2 batteries yesterday.22:06
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SpeedEvilBeing out from 10AM to 6PM22:06
xd13if you consistently use the phone battery is horrible22:07
SpeedEvilI thought that as I had 2, I didn't really need to bother with power saving, so I left it on 3G, not force it to 2G22:07
SpeedEvilTo be fair - 3G is pretty much inheerently a power hog.22:07
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infoboti heard power is for newer opie releases you need to have apmd installed to have a working power button. or see external power, or the derivative of energy with respect to time22:09
DocScrutinizer~#maemo power22:10
infobot#maemo power is, like,
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DocScrutinizerin fact infobot is right again, it *ought* be N900_Hardware_Energy_Consumption22:12
DocScrutinizerbut as we all do it.. ;-D22:13
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DocScrutinizerummm, maybe it's just the "consumption" part that's a bit odd :-)22:14
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SpeedEvilIt would be energy if it was specified as over a constant period of time.22:16
SpeedEvilIt's a power consumption if it's a power measurement22:16
DocScrutinizerit is, in fact22:16
DocScrutinizerall on that page is22:16
DocScrutinizer(a power measurement)22:17
DocScrutinizerthe correct German term translated would be "power intake"22:17
DocScrutinizeras opposed to power output22:18
DocScrutinizeror power yielding22:18
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DocScrutinizera lightbulb has 60W power intake, and an energy consumption of 3600J/s22:19
cehtehwouldnt "Energieumsatz" be the better word? :)22:21
DocScrutinizeran idle N900 has a power intake of 3.6mA * 4V = 14.4mW, and a energy consumption of 0.0144Wh/h22:23
DocScrutinizercehteh: "Leistungsaufnahme"22:23
DocScrutinizera BP-5J - according to writing on it - holds an energy of 4.9Wh22:25
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DocScrutinizer~4.9 / 0.014422:26
DocScrutinizerhours standby22:26
cehtehunless trackerd starts up :P22:27
DocScrutinizerlol, yeah22:27
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DocScrutinizer3600J/minute of course22:32
DocScrutinizeror 3600 Ws / 60seconds22:33
DocScrutinizeror 60Wh / h22:34
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* DocScrutinizer waves at javispedro22:35
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Necci need a little help: witch package uses /opt/qtm12/plugins directory?22:41
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Arkenoiovi xmpp service just stopped working today22:50
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RST38hForget Ovi22:53
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MohammadAGNecc, libqtm-12-multimedia22:57
MohammadAGfunny that I'm playing with that (and failing) right now22:57
Neccty ty ty22:57
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trumeeany merit in this, ?23:07
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SpeedEvilI hate undocumented shit.23:10
SpeedEvilDownloaded patch - but tl;dr23:10
ShadowJKone hint "cgroup"23:10
ShadowJKit probably fiddles with the priorities23:10
ShadowJKOnly so much you can do with that though, as main source of jitter is I/O starvation23:11
Macergoing line for line with this scratchbox install23:12
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licensedi have space problems when i try to install nitdroid my installer.log
SpeedEvilShadowJK: I saw the cgroup stuff, but I'd have to read on what it does23:20
chxlicensed: topic23:20
Macerlicensed: there is a #nitdroid23:21
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licensedwrong channel i'm so sorry chx Macer23:22
Maceri'm still trying to install the sdk heh23:23
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Macer/scratchbox/ has not been run!23:25
Macerln: creating symbolic link `/scratchbox/users/mace/home/user': No such file or directory23:25
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Macer/scratchbox/ has not been run!23:28
Macerwtf. there IS NO run_me_first.sh23:28
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Macerok i'm lost23:30
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Maceri am trying to add a scratchbox user but get run_me_first has not been run but there isn't a /scratchbox/ to run23:31
Maceranybody ?23:31
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Maceromg this is retarded23:37
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MohammadAGI don't recall that script23:40
MohammadAGor having to run it...23:40
Macerwell.. i installed scratchbox from the maemo wiki23:40
Macerand tried to install the sdk23:41
Macerand i get an error saying user mace not scratchbox user... and to add the user23:41
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Macerand when i try to run thScratchbox installation found... yes23:43
MacerScratchbox home directory... no23:43
Maceri downloaded the script from scratchbox.org23:43
Macerand ran it23:43
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Macerugh... FINALLY23:44
Macerthe sdk is installing now. what a pain. the scratchbox pkg for the sdk has GOT to be broken23:44
Macerbut then again i am sure there is no further dev on the sdk23:45
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MacerWELL.. looks like this is going to take a while :)23:46
Maceromg wtf23:50
Macerinstalling this scratchbox shit is like pulling teeth23:50
Macerdpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of maemo-core-runtime:23:51
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