IRC log of #maemo for Friday, 2011-02-11

derfThe stuff like, "All variables in shared memory are placed at the same address" is just insane, too.00:00
derfYou can work around it by declaring a struct to avoid having to do all the address calculations yourself.00:00
* lardman|home had not seen that00:00
derfBut it's like, come _on_ people, this is what compilers are for.00:00
lardman|homeI don't need to use shared memory though, so perhaps that was also the thought of the CUDA designers ;)00:01
trumeecan applets be triggered from commandline?00:02
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LjLis Tear a good choice for a web browser on OS2008, or does it have pitfalls i have so far (in my 30 seconds test) missed?00:04
* lardman|home wonders how much texture memory his GTX 470 has00:04
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pupnikLjL: i liked the speed a lot00:05
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PhonicUKlardman|home, I'm pretty sure its 1.25GB for a stock 47000:05
LjLpupnik: so far i like that it has kinetic scrolling and that i can search google from the address bar (not just "i'm feeling lucky" style)00:06
lardman|homePhonicUK: thanks, well that's more than enough for my needs00:06
LjLare there any other gems from Mer (i believe Tear is from Mer, anyway?) i might want to try out?00:08
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pupnikLjL: wish i'd installed a gps logger so i could have nailed the guy who stole my device :D00:35
pupnikin fact, it's tempting to set that situation up :)00:35
LjLa potentially expensive experiment :P00:36
SpeedEvilNailbomb works better.00:36
merlin1991I awlays thought you guys are friendly ;)00:38
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lardman|homeyeah, but you need a bucket to catch him then00:41
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Per_n900I have a n800 that i never really used. Is there anything newer than os2008 that will work on it? Debian or something?00:44
LjLis MyTube supposed to be working, with the patch at ?00:45
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jonwilall my reverse engineering and development efforts seem to be going nowhere :(00:51
lardman|homewhat's up jonwil ?00:52
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jonwilCant seem to get anywhere with my reverse engineering efforts00:52
lardman|homewell yeah, I sort of got that bit ;)00:52
lardman|homebut what specifically?00:53
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jonwilwell I have been trying a few different things00:53
jonwilbeen trying to reverse engineer the isi/phonet stuff for GPS (as well as the interface to liblas) without success00:53
jonwilAlso been interested in reverse engineering and cloning libcal, again no joy00:54
lardman|homesome of the GPS stuff is in the wiki isn't it?00:54
jonwilsmall bits of it00:54
jonwilbut nowhere near the full story00:54
lardman|homeWell I was reverse engineering init (from the Tab) and likewise no immediate sucess, nasty compilation00:55
lardman|homethough init is quite small, but it is statically compiled which makes life harder00:56
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jonwilI did find one thing for IDA that has helped a bit00:57
lardman|homenot aqualung?00:57
jonwilthat never worked00:57
jonwilIt lets you parse header files and it generates a type library file for it00:57
jonwilthat you can load00:57
jonwilwhich then gives you all the typedefs and structure and enums00:58
lardman|homehmm, sounds interesting00:58
jonwilso things like gboolean or DBusMessage or whatever00:58
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lardman|homewhat's that called?00:58
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jonwildepending on various factors it may also automatically recognize imported functions00:58
jonwiltilib. But I doubt you have access to the place I found it :)00:59
jonwilWhat version of IDA are you using?00:59
lardman|homewhich works with aqualung01:00
jonwilthe thing I have is for 5.501:00
lardman|homedunno will have to check, i think before that though, is quite old01:00
lardman|homeah ok01:00
jonwil5.5 is the newest I can find01:00
lardman|homeam tempted to write my own decompiler, would be quite interesting, but time consuming01:00
lardman|homenever ideal when you have something you want to get done :)01:01
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lardman|homeI've got to hit the sack, got a meeting first thing tomorrow, but would be interested to chat about your reverse engineering problems, perhaps over the weekend if you're about01:02
lardman|homeotherwise give me a shout next week01:02
lardman|homeanyway night all01:02
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jonwilMaybe someone needs to win lotto and buy a copy of the new IDA PRO HexRays ARM decompiler and use that :P01:03
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jonwilAlthough I have been pulling apart some x86 binaries from the SDK and HexRays isn't a magic bullet there either :P01:03
SpeedEviljonwil: Find a name inthe executable, and then turn up at their door with a large amount of alcohol.01:04
jonwilOur best hope for GPS is either that Nokia publishes the isi/phonet calls or that Nokia releases GPS for N900 MeeGo with a much smaller (and therefore easier to reverse engineer) set of closed bits01:04
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jacekowskijonwil: there is info for that in spec01:05
javispedrojonwil: that just happened:
jonwilI seen those before01:05
jonwilthey cover most of isi/phonet01:05
jonwilbut not GPS01:05
jacekowskigps as well01:05
DocScrutinizerjonwil: ^^^^ oops too slow01:05
jacekowski20:03 < DocScrutinizer> jacekowski: luke-jr, whom-it-may-concern: ISI specs actually mention how to talk GPS and even AGPS to cmt, it's called Modem LCS (Location Server) there. ((actually Mickey found this, so credit goes to him))01:05
DocScrutinizer[2011-02-10 20:09:55] <DocScrutinizer> luke-jr: g2, i_modem_lcs_fp.pdf01:06
DocScrutinizerLCS = LoCation Server01:06
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luke-jrjonwil: also, I reverse engineered the GPS protocol like a year ago01:07
DocScrutinizerV 11.0 Wireless Modem 10-Nov-2010 MSW-04.0301:07
luke-jrand released example code that works with gpsd01:07
jonwilfrom what I saw on the wiki, that's just parts of it. agps wasnt covered at that point01:07
luke-jrno, I didn't mess w/ AGPS01:07
luke-jrread those docs DocScrutinizer linked01:07
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DocScrutinizer^^^ footnote of i_modem_lcs_fp.pdf01:07
DocScrutinizerso it's quite fresh01:08
jonwilhmmm, those docs dont seem to match the N900, liblas is sending to a resource 80 whereas the LCS server in those docs is listed as being resource 14401:11
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DocScrutinizerproblem with ISI is it's an incredibly universal concept, which inevitably multiplies complexity01:12
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DocScrutinizerthere might be spec-violations in BB5 CMT01:13
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javispedroat least the 3d location report packet seems to match =)01:14
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jonwilwhich packet is the 3D location report packet?01:17
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Psianyone know if the EU's "one charger for all" chargers will do fast charge on n90001:23
jacekowskias long as it complies with usb standard01:24
jacekowskibut it should01:24
jacekowskiunless it's apple charger01:24
Psii mean the wall chargers01:24
jonwilThe good news is that since the GPS phonet messages are in the modem spec, getting Nokia to release the specific specs for the n900 cellmo (to support GPS on MeeGo) should be easier :P01:25
Psianyone know whats happening with meego lately?01:26
Psiive heard some strange things01:26
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bjvhow's fast charge supposed to work with usb?01:28
ieatlintuh, for the n900, it bridges data +/-01:30
ieatlintis that actually part of the usb spec though?01:30
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ieatlintthe bridging the data pin method is the standard adopted now i think01:30
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ieatlintthe usb3. spec allows something like 800mah-1ah to be drawn as i recall though, but no phones support that methinks01:31
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bjvah, right
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jollymushr0omis this the right place to ask some general questions about that os?01:33
bjvbut, yes01:34
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jollymushr0omis this application manager gui used to be not that stable?01:35
javispedrojonwil: MODEM_LCS_SB_RRC_REF_LOCATION or so I think.01:35
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javispedroor MODEM_LCS_SB_RRC_LOCATION_INFO ...01:36
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skrulliswhat's the name of the root device on nokia n900? I need to mount it01:39
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SpeedEvil /dev/mmcblk0p?01:39
SpeedEvil0 Ithink is root01:39
SpeedEvilerr - no01:39
Sc0rpius"rootfs" I don't think it's mapped in /dev01:40
Sc0rpiusit's like tmpfs01:40
bjvdf -h always tells me what is what01:40
skrullisso how can I mount it then? if it's not in dev :)01:40
SpeedEvil /dev/mtd5 is root01:40
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SpeedEvilit's ubifs01:40
javispedroskrullis: but, but, but why you'd want to do that?01:41
SpeedEvilskrullis: why do you think you need to mount it01:41
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skrullisSpeedEvil: lol01:41
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skrullisI just booted the device with an initrd :)01:41
Sc0rpiusI'm talking (via IM) with a coworker she's a beautiful girl of only 25 years old01:42
Sc0rpiusI wish I could be at least 10 years younger right now01:42
SpeedEvilcat /proc/cmdline01:42
SpeedEvilinit=/sbin/preinit ubi.mtd=rootfs root=ubi0:rootfs rootfstype=ubifs rootflags=bulk_read,no_chk_data_crc rw console=ttyMTD,log console=tty0 snd-soc-rx51.hp_lim=42 snd-soc-tlv320aic3x.hp_dac_lim=601:42
javispedroskrullis: in that case you should know that mount a ubi volume is not as trivial as a ext3 one; you'll have to google a bit01:42
DocScrutinizermeh, now that's really polite and nice:01:43
DocScrutinizerThis interface is used to forward a privacy notification (notification or verification) from01:43
DocScrutinizerthe network. When the network wants to determine the position of the terminal, it can01:43
DocScrutinizerfirst ask the terminal for permission. When the network invokes the privacy01:43
DocScrutinizernotification in the terminal, it can either ask the terminal to request acceptance from01:43
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DocScrutinizerthe user (verification), or it can tell the terminal to notify the user, but not ask the user01:43
DocScrutinizerfor acceptance (Notification).01:43
javispedrothat's when a hammer comes handy.01:43
skrullisjavispedro: ok...01:44
skrullisSpeedEvil: thanks01:44
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kerioDocScrutinizer: can we somehow block that?01:45
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: thanks! I tortured /etc with find -name *pre*init* all night long :-P01:45
DocScrutinizerkerio: with a hammer, like javispedro said01:45
SpeedEvilI'm, unsure where it's getting the mtd partition number from in there01:46
DocScrutinizerjavispedro: or with a nice MU-metal sleeve to shield all 1.8GHz(?) GPS signals01:46
DocScrutinizerkerio: or with a shorting plug for X6200 GPT RF test connector01:48
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SpeedEvilOr you operate a 4G device near the phone.01:48
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DocScrutinizeranyway, the question is: can we make the device reliably signal when network is asking for a location report01:49
skrullisis it possible to access the ubifs over usb?01:50
DocScrutinizerit's way more useful than obscuring the true GPS location01:50
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skrullisso I can mount it on my laptop01:50
DocScrutinizer*spoofing* GPS location however would be a really nice idea, as nobody would expect that01:50
SpeedEvilskrullis: No. Not withthe usual software.01:50
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SpeedEvilYoucould in principle do nfs01:50
SpeedEvilIt's easy.01:50
DrGrovGood evening guys and gals01:50
DrGrovWhat is the news around here? :)01:51
skrullisthe problem is that my phone doesn't boot, I was hacking a few files and know I need to undo the changes... or format it :(01:51
infobotflashing is probably
SpeedEvilIm;ess upi01:51
skrullis(well, it boots and it doesn't do anything else, over and over again)01:52
SpeedEvilSee above.01:52
DocScrutinizerskrullis: beware to deplete battery01:52
DocScrutinizerskrullis: you'll fall in a deadlock01:52
skrullisso it doesn't charge without os?01:53
DocScrutinizeras device doesn't charge while bootlooping, and doesn't flash with empty bat01:53
DrGrovAnyone interested in the Nokia press conference scheduled for tomorrow? Or actually today...01:53
skrullisf*ck. Thanks for telling me01:53
javispedroskrullis: so you're new to the device, killed maemo and already playing with a custom initrd without learning to reflash first? =)01:53
SpeedEvilDrGrov: tomorrow.01:54
DocScrutinizerbrave new user01:54
DrGrovSpeedEvil: Yes, tomorrow for most of you guys :)01:54
DrGrovSpeedEvil: It is today for me since it is 2 AM here.01:55
SpeedEvil7h:35 min anyway01:55
skrullisjavispedro: well I've had it a while and got pissed on the vfat user system (i tried to uncompress the linux kernel source on it and the filesystem went crazy because of to many files) so I was going to do my new ext2 automount and obviously i did bad things01:55
SpeedEvilSimply flashing it should work fine.01:57
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DrGrovSpeedEvil: My plan is to stay awake until I read that 9:30 Finnish time scheduled memo01:57
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DrGrovSpeedEvil: I know, I am an idiot with a capital I01:57
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DrGrovNobody got any theories on what Elop will announce tomorrow?01:58
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DrGrovI need someone to talk to about this before it drives me insane01:58
Per_n900DrGrov: maybe you are taking this a bit too seriously?01:59
Proteoushe will announce that he will not step down and will stay in office until September and then everyone will shake shoes at him01:59
skrullisthanks for help guys. sleeptime01:59
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DrGrovPer_n900: Well, perhaps yes now that you're saying so.02:00
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DrGrovPer_n900: I think just that it is very important for us Finns to see where Nokia is heading02:00
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Per_n900DrGrov: I see. All I know is that I promised myself in 1998 to never again buy anything microsoft related so if Nokia adopts windows phone 7, thats it for me with the nokias :(02:03
DrGrovPer_n900: Yeah, I really hope that Elop is not cooking it up with Mr. Ballmer and throwing a M$ party later02:03
DrGrovPer_n900: I fear though Elop have been cooking the soup already a long long time with M$.02:04
Per_n900DrGrov, I seriously think that would be the end for Nokia. Microsoft is already dead but they just keep floating like a dead fish or something.02:05
GAN900They're licensing iOS.02:05
GAN900That's the only explanation.02:05
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Gorrothyeah, MSFT is so dead...02:05
Per_n900DrGrov: Yes, thats not at all impossible.02:05
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DrGrovPer_n900: I still wonder why Elop was allowed to leave MS otherwise. There has to be a corpse buried somewhere.02:06
Gorrothallowed?  how could they force him to stay?02:06
DrGrovGorroth: Well not in the sense they allowed him to stay or made him stay. More like he had a plan already from the beginning to integrate Windows Phone 7(8 when they arrive?) into Nokia's strategy.02:07
DrGrovGorroth: Sorry, that was a poor explanation from the beginning.02:07
Gorrothno, it's okay02:08
DrGrovMy dream scenario is that Elop announces the resignation of McDowell, Öistämö, Savander and the rest of these "high-end" executives and get down and dirty and clears house once and for all.02:08
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DrGrovAnd in the process keeps Symbian as the main platform and keeps the MeeGo view open and integrates it when it is suitable02:09
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Gorrothwell, i still wanna see meego happen02:10
DrGrovI would not care so much about this otherwise except that after the N97 I promised myself to never go with Nokia if they do not do something to bring the joy back. The N8 somehow gives that joy back, at least a bit. But still a long way to go.02:10
DrGrovGorroth: Me too, I really want MeeGo to happen. For me that is the logical next step in developing Nokia in the right direction.02:10
Gorrothi think so too02:10
DrGrovAndroid for me is too crowded already with Samsung, HTC etc.02:11
DrGrovNo need to crowd it even more with Nokia also competing in a segment that is way overcrowded.02:12
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DrGrovGorroth: Would you stick with Nokia even if they go with Windows Phone 7 ?02:12
Gorrothi don't really stick with them as it is02:12
DrGrovGorroth: Ok :)02:13
jonwilI would not buy a Windows Phone phone from anyone, Nokia included02:13
Gorrothi have my n900, but i really just use my nexus one02:13
DrGrovjonwil: I agree with you on that.02:13
Gorrothoh, i don't think windows phone looks bad, but it needs some backend work on some things that bother me02:13
Gorrothlike SD card expansion and what not02:13
DrGrovI think that Nokia could fix those issues but would the customers still believe in Nokia?02:14
DrGrovDamn this Mr. Elop! You have mixed up my brain completely with your crypting sayings LOL02:15
Gorrothall they need are some compelling products; people are fickle02:15
Per_n900Gorroth, there is also the issue of trust. MS cant and should not be trusted with anything, and google is no better. But I guess everybody values different tings.02:15
DrGrovPer_n900: I completely agree with you on that Google can not be trusted.02:15
GorrothPer_n900: that's a personal decision.  i have no problem using google and/or microsoft02:16
DrGrovPer_n900: I have tried to tell my wife that not to trust Google with too much information etc. She has a Galaxy S at the moment.02:16
Gorrothi have a nexus one, and i love giving google my info02:16
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DrGrovI think my wife is a bit of a nerd actually like me :)02:16
Gorrothanything i wouldn't care about someone knowing anyway02:16
DrGrovGorroth: Yeah, then it is no worries there. It is a personal preference anyhow :)02:17
DrGrovMy wife actually told me to try and come to sleep some time tonight.... That is 3 hours ago already :D02:17
DrGrovSeems like I'm not going to bed :D02:17
Per_n900Google and NSA are homies since a long time back, and I really do not like the NSA or any other agency like that.02:18
Gorrothi have some differential equations to do in a while.  i want to prove a theorem "i came up with" to directly solve exact first-order linear ODEs02:18
jonwilI think the lack of control over Windows Phone that Microsoft gives OEMs would hurt nokia02:18
DrGrovPer_n900: I do agree with you on that last thing you said about not trusting agencies like the NSA or similar agencies.02:18
Gorrothso i can then use that on my homework02:18
Per_n900But I am slightly paranoid when it comes tho things like that.02:18
DrGrovPer_n900: Paranoid, well that is a perfectly good approach to things today. I am also paranoid, slightly though only02:19
DrGrovjonwil: You mean Nokia would lose the control of the products they develop?02:19
jonwilyes, Microsoft places too many hardware and software limits on OEMs02:20
DrGrovGorroth: You better not rely on my answers regarding anything mathematical nor such things LOL :)02:20
Gorrothhaha :)02:20
Gorrothi actually know that more advanced people know theorems better than this, but it was awesome discovering this with a question the professor asked02:21
Gorrothbecause now i can solve them all in a couple steps vs. the 10 steps the others will use02:21
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DrGrovGorroth: Give me an example. Dying to know :)02:21
Gorrothi take it you know what a total derivative of a multivariate function is?02:22
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DrGrovjonwil: Agree with you. Microsoft is locking their "stuff" and only keep the key themselves. That can and would seriously hurt Nokia.02:22
DrGrovGorroth: Sure02:22
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DrGrovGorroth: Let's say so02:22
jonwilI think Microsoft is locking things down for what it believes are good reasons though02:23
GorrothDrGrov: well, a total differential of a function is also known as an exact equation in first-order ODEs02:23
DrGrovGorroth: NO! I do not want to know anymore! Too much information! LOL!02:23
Gorrothand in this case, you can use some sort of method to solve them, but it takes several steps, depending on how many variables there are02:23
Gorrothok :)02:23
Gorrothactually, i have to eat02:23
wmaronejonwil: sure, anything that keeps users in their ecosystem is a good reason, for them02:23
DrGrovjonwil: Yes, they presume and think their reasons are good.02:24
DrGrovI would think Nokias ecosystem would be lost somehow if adapting Microsofts ecosystem thinking.02:24
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DrGrovWhere would Ovi be put for example?02:24
DrGrovIt would be like shooting yourself in the leg somehow.02:25
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DrGrovBut perhaps things would be solved, not too confident though if Windows Phone is the right way to go.02:26
DrGrovI strongly still believe MeeGo is the answer for Nokia.02:26
ieatlintthere's something really kind of morbidly funny at the prospect of nokia ditching linux for windows :P02:27
DrGrovAnd as I said already, getting rid of too much "yes-yes executives" would be a good thing to start from02:27
DrGrovieatlint: It sure is, now that you say it in a sentence LOL02:27
* jonwil wonders what the easiest way to wire up to a DBUS signal would be02:27
ieatlintwell, it's reasonable to believe they're looking at diversifying02:28
ieatlintnot dropping meego, but still using another platform...02:28
ieatlintif they bring qt to windows mobile 7, it'll be interesting02:28
ieatlintand they better be damned clear tomorrow about what's happening at least.. suspense hurts everyone, especially their stock price02:29
jonwilWM is .net only02:29
jonwilis there a QT port for .net?02:29
ieatlintindeed... so unlikely for qt02:29
ieatlintbut it'd be interesting :P02:29
Per_n900.not mm ah yes.02:29
ieatlintwatch them come up with a QML interpretor that can run in .net02:29
DrGrovieatlint: They sure as hell need to be clear tomorrow. It is painful to see Nokia wandering about without any "purpose".02:30
DrGrovAs a Finn I do hate this current Nokia state that they are in. Nothing happening, just promises after promises and no delivery.02:31
ieatlintfinland is going to get screwed by it all..02:31
SpeedEvilieatlint: The alternative is that tomorrow, they open-source _everything_ - and provide free hardware docs and everything.02:31
jonwilGood news everyone. I am seeing "incoming_cell_broadcast" in my syslog02:31
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SpeedEviljonwil: :)02:32
ieatlintthe leaked memo already says they're moving major operations out of espoo02:32
DrGrovI consider myself a quite good loyal customer since I have bought the N97, N900, N8 and countless of phones over the years.02:32
ieatlintand they just bought a massive building out here in silicon valley02:32
jonwilI am definatly not loyal to Nokia.02:32
DrGrovI am not going to be a loyal customer much longer though02:32
SpeedEvilI consider myself a loyal customer since I bought both my phones from nokia over the years.02:32
SpeedEvil3310 -> n90002:33
DrGrovSpeedEvil: :)02:33
SpeedEvilI hope the n900 will last as well.02:33
ieatlintwell i know that part of tomorrow's announcement will be to push their "calling all innovators" stuff for the n802:33
DrGrovYeah, Finland will be screwed. But the politicians in this country are all a bunch of yes-yes persons doing the best for themselves.02:33
ieatlintwill be a new offer to try and get more people into it02:33
SpeedEvilFart apps of the world unite!02:33
javispedroSpeedEvil: hey, by that logic I'm then a Nokia fanboy!02:34
DocScrutinizeryaySatellite C_NO  satellite_cno  Value range: 0 to 63 Satellite code phase Fractional GPS chips  fractional_chips  Value range: 0 to 1023 ;; Doppler  doppler  Value range: -32768 to 32767 ;; Multipath indicator  multipath_indicator  Constant:... ;; Pseudo range RMS error  pr_rms_error  Value range: 0 to 6302:34
jonwilScandinavians have invented some cool products and brands02:34
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: ^^^02:35
DrGrovjonwil: Yes they have. For example Swedish smokeless tobacco known as SNUS! =)02:35
DrGrovjonwil: Yes they have. For example Swedish smokeless tobacco known as SNUS! =)02:35
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SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: Oooh!02:35
jonwilNokia (inventor of the best phone ever made :), IKEA, SAAB, LEGO to name a few02:35
Per_n900DrGrov: Ah snus! You like grov I presume?02:35
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SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: Is fractinal GPS chips an integer?02:36
* jonwil has an apartment full of IKEA furniture02:36
DrGrovPer_n900: Sure do ;-) My lip is full of Grov Lös at the moment. No, Grov portion but I will crack up a good can of pure ultra fresh Grov Lös right about now.02:36
DocScrutinizerSatellite code phase Fractional GPS chips  fractional_chips  Value range: 0 to 102302:36
DrGrovPer_n900: I like Ettan as well. I keep changing from brand to brand but always go back somehow to Grov.02:37
Per_n900DrGrov, have yo tried göteborgs rape?02:37
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: Sure - is that an integer I meant.02:37
DocScrutinizeryep, sure02:37
DrGrovPer_n900: I have always 3-5 different flavors in the fridge and freezer. Stockpiling :) Yes of course, Göteborgs Rape I have as well about 1 roll (10 cans).02:37
DocScrutinizersize in bytes: 202:37
DocScrutinizerSatellite code phase Whole GPS chips  whole_chips  Value range: 0 to 102202:37
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: Pity - that gives a resolution of ... 300m on the code phase.02:38
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SpeedEvilWhere's this from?02:38
DocScrutinizerzip:/home/jr/Documents/N900/docs/Wireless Modem API G2 V2
Per_n900DrGrov, I really like göteborgs! I Smoke, and when I tried to replace cigarettes with snus, well... Now i smoke and do snus :)02:38
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* jonwil hates people who smoke02:40
DrGrovPer_n900: Me too :) I smoke 2-4 cigarettes per day and using snus about 1-1,5 can per day. I've been snusing for the past 15 years, 16 years later this year.02:40
jonwilSeeing a family member in hospital with cancer caused by smoking will do that to ya02:40
BugBlueisn't that illegal here?02:40
KilrooOn IRC?02:40
DrGrovjonwil: I have seen that as well. A relative though.02:40
BugBlueno in the EU Kilroo02:41
BugBlueit's illegal to sell in the EU except sweden02:41
Per_n900BugBlue: where?? Snus illegal, I would hate that...02:41
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DrGrovBugBlue: No, it is legal to use but illegal to sell except Sweden02:41
KilrooI'm going to go on not knowing what you mean, because it amuses me to sit here and think "Well, my alarm clock has a snus button."02:41
DrGrovMy next snus stockpiling will be a gigantic stockpiling02:41
DrGrovKilroo: Snus is a smokeless tobacco product made in Sweden.02:42
Per_n900haha the snusbutton :)02:42
Sc0rpiusI stopped smoking like 11 years ago02:42
BugBlueDrGrov: yes, that's what I said :)02:42
jonwilwhy is it illegal then?02:42
jonwilwhat makes it different to regular tobacco02:42
Sc0rpiussmokeless or nicotineless?02:43
BugBluejavispedro: because they outlawed selling it in 1992 after alarming research02:43
BugBluesweden got exception when joining the EU in 199402:43
Sc0rpiusSweden... Yngve Malmsteen is from there"!02:43
Sc0rpiusthat's all I know about Sweden :(02:43
BugBluejavispedro: sorry, I ment jonwil02:43
Per_n900Malmsteen is all you need to know about sweden really :)02:44
DrGrovThat "alarming research" was not conducted with Swedish snus but American version of snus02:44
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jonwilScandinavia ftw02:46
DrGrovYes, Scandinavia ftw02:46
Per_n900DrGrov, you dont speak swedish do you?02:47
DrGrovPer_n900: Jo, jag talar svenska.02:47
KilrooDoesn't Sweden also have some kind of like...tar-flavored candy?02:47
DrGrovKilroo: In Finland we have it as well.02:47
Per_n900DrGrov, fantastiskt! )ag är obildad, varför gör så många finnar det?02:47
DrGrovPer_n900: Inte så många egentligen. Ca 5,5% eller 6% vad det nu är är finlandssvenskar. Alltså är tvåspråkiga.02:48
Per_n900Kilroo, yes, and we eat rotten fish from cans a few times a year, rather strange really.02:48
DrGrovPer_n900: Det beror på att många av tvåspråkiga bor på västkusten av Finland. Egentligen från Karleby i norr till Åbo och Helsingfors i söder.02:49
DrGrovPer_n900: Endera förälder är oftast finsk eller svensk och vice versa. Min pappa är svenskspråkig och mamma finskspråkig.02:49
Per_n900DrGrov, I have learned something new! I tried to learn finnish when I dated a finnish girl, but its a hard language.02:50
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DrGrovPer_n900: It sure is a difficult language.02:52
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DrGrovPer_n900: From which part of Sweden are you?02:52
Per_n900DrGrov: My family is scatterd all around the country, but I used to live in stockholm until very recently. I got fed up with people there, quit my job and moved to dalarna, right in the middle of nowhere.02:54
ProteousI prefer rotten grapes or barley02:54
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Per_n900DrGrov: and I am one of the people that thinks that our modern way of living is coming to an end, and it is wise to prepare for change in any way one can, hence the move to a less crowded area.02:57
pupnikwhere's dalarna?02:57
DocScrutinizerI really love those names:  MODEM_LCS_RRC_POS_MEASURED_RESULT_REQ02:57
pupnikoh nm02:58
Per_n900pupnik, dalarna is kind of in the middle of sweden.02:58
DocScrutinizerthe REQuest is actually the result of a GPS fix, while  MODEM_LCS_RRC_POS_MEASURED_RESULT_RESP is just a short ACK on that02:58
pupnikwhat kind of work Per_n900 ?02:59
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DocScrutinizerWireless Modem API - another nice way to lose your mind03:01
Per_n900pupnik: I used to do security systems for banks, prisons and places like that, if that was what you was asking.03:01
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* DocScrutinizer tries desparately to wipe those flyshits of his screen... åååååå03:04
jonwilso anyone here know anything about dbus signals?03:05
DocScrutinizerwhat's got to know about them?03:06
jonwilHow can I talk to one03:06
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javispedro"talk to a signal"?03:06
DocScrutinizersomebody is sending them, and you may listen, ...or not03:06
jonwilthats whta I mean03:06
jonwilhow can I listen to one03:06
jonwilI can see it in dbus-monitor03:06
jonwilnow I want to wire up to it and dump the data03:06
javispedrowell you first have to choose a dbus binding..03:06
javispedroeither low level, or glib's ones.03:06
javispedroif it's low level google for dbus_add_watch03:07
javispedroif it's glibs one it's just getting the proxy object and listening to normal glib signals, it will convert them for you03:07
Sc0rpiusDocScrutinizer you never sleep`?03:08
* DocScrutinizer BURPs on proxy objects03:08
Sc0rpius'cos I can see you talking here 24/7 with no breaks03:08
javispedrosleep is for the weak!03:08
Sc0rpiusand it's actually 2 am where you are?03:08
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DocScrutinizerno, I faked your [CTCP] CTCP-TIME-req answer :-P03:08
DocScrutinizeractually it's 2:09 on my PC03:09
DocScrutinizerbut you're right, I should try and get some breakfast03:11
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DocScrutinizerSc0rpius: I'm too old to sleep03:16
Sc0rpiusdon't worry, you'll sleep when you're dead03:17
DocScrutinizerexactly :-D03:17
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jonwilanyone know how to use dbus_bus_add_match?03:29
jonwilcant find anything of value on google03:29
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DrGrovDamn I hate this waiting03:35
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DrGrovAnyone own a Nokia N8 ?03:47
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DrGrovJust thought, haven't got any confirmation about the new PR 1.1 firmware...03:50
DrGrovNot sure though how someone can get it before others.03:50
DrGrovDoes Nokia always do firmware upgrades in steps and make it available in different regions on different times?03:51
pupniki don't know03:51
DrGrovOk, thanks though.03:51
DrGrovGotta be patient and still wait03:51
pupnikhow do you like the n8?03:52
DrGrovBeginning of week is more likely next month03:52
DrGrovI do love the N803:52
pupniki think its' beautiful03:52
pupnikand wow, what a camera03:52
DrGrovI agree, it is beautiful03:52
DrGrovYes, the camera is extremely good03:52
DrGrovMakes absolutely fantastic close up pictures03:52
pupniki did some comparisons to the n900 camera03:52
pupnikand it was better03:52
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DrGrovNot done any 720p HD video yet since I have not found anything to film but hopefully I will find something come spring03:53
pupnikbut i find the n900  camera good enough03:53
DrGrovYes, I liked the N900 camera as well. Good enough pictures and clearly good to use on a daily basis.03:53
DrGrovThe N8 though I gotta love even if I have taken some longer distance pictures.03:54
DrGrovpupnik: You've seen some nice videos with the N8 and its 720p HD video capture?03:54
pupnikmmm. i never tried that03:55
pupnikjust took some comparison pics03:55
pupnikthe styling is beautiful on n803:55
pupnikso much better than asian stuff03:56
DrGrovI do not like the HTC way of styling the phone03:56
pupniki would have preferred the N8 with a kickstand03:57
DrGrovpupnik: This has to be my favorite N8 video.
DrGrovYes, now that you mention it. It feels difficult to watch a movie with the N8 without the kickstand03:58
pupnikare you happy with the OS?  it seemed fine to me except for the lockups03:59
DrGrovWhat lockups?03:59
pupnikwell i didn't see the recent releases03:59
DrGrovI have had no issues with lockups04:00
DrGrovAh well, today with Ovi Maps it kind of locked up due to my mistake.04:00
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pupniki was thinking of selling my camera and getting the n804:00
pupnikbut it would have still been too expensive for me04:01
DrGrovI was pressing a few times extra since it lagged a bit so I got a error that I can not do that04:01
pupnikthat is often a torture test for software04:01
DrGrovBut that is just not a problem luckily.04:01
DrGrovI just exited the Maps and re-entered and no issues nor problems04:01
pupniki don't see why people say symbian can't be modern04:02
DrGrovYeah, me neither.04:02
DrGrovI really love Symbian since it makes at least my life a whole lot easier04:02
DrGrovI think it is modern in its own way.04:02
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pupnikit's just a belief that has spread among the phone crowd04:03
DrGrovYes, unfortunately people tend to go with what is the "in" of the moment.04:03
DrGrovSymbian "was" in but not anymore.04:03
DrGrovI will not go back to an Android OS based phone. I have the Galaxy 3, the mini Galaxy S and I must say I am far from satisfied.04:04
DrGrovWhy interesting!? :)04:04
pupniknot many people have experience with both04:04
DrGrovAh yes, that is true.04:05
pupnikmaemo is fun for me because i know how to make it do what i want04:05
DrGrovYes, I love Maemo too :)04:05
DrGrovI had it do what I wanted but still it found a better home. I sold it for a reasonable and cheap price for my cousin.04:06
pupnikis he a linux person?04:06
DrGrovYes, he is. He is the reason I got into Linux in the first place.04:06
pupniki don't think maemo needed to be abandoned.  just a few more 800x480 phones04:07
pupnikbigger,  smaller...04:07
pupnikcheaper, more expensive04:07
pupnikso much effort got thrown away04:07
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pupniknone of my annoyances were unfixable04:09
DrGrovNo, Maemo could easily co-exist with Meego/Symbian if Nokia tells that tomorrow.04:09
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DrGrovI do not see the problem.04:09
pupnikand there's a lot of fun software for it now.  put on speakers that don't need software filtering.  oled display...04:10
pupnik4 row keyboard04:10
pupnik1500mAh+ battery04:10
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pupniklet ppl install meego on the same device if they want04:12
pupnikmaybe a modular camera system04:12
APTXnot really a linux person myself, but I like being able to do what I want with my phone04:12
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SpeedEvilpupnik: The camera is already replacable.04:15
SpeedEvilpupnik: Admittedly, there aren't anysuitable replacement cameras AIUI04:15
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pupnikit looked detachable indeed04:16
DrGrovpupnik: Will Meego somehow be a fully functional thing on the N900 eventually?04:17
pupniki don't know04:17
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DrGrovpupnik: I hope so, then I will get myself a N900 again :)04:21
pupniki wish for slightly improved device04:21
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pupnikis not so impossible :(04:23
pupnikbut nokia wants to make giant steps04:24
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* jonwil wonders who around here might be able to ping the right people at Nokia about getting the correct GPS/LCS info/packet formats for the N90004:26
jonwilwhich is one of the 5 pieces of info I wish I had at this point04:26
pupnikwould 'gpsmon' help you?04:27
jonwilnope, it wont04:30
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jonwilwhats needed is documentation on the packet formats and messages for the specific isi/phonet cell modem firmware on the N90004:30
jonwilthose that apply to the N90004:31
blackthorneAnyone tried chat roulette on the n900?04:32
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SpeedEvilthe camera does not work with flash.04:32
DocScrutinizerjonwil: what's missing/different?04:34
DrGrovDamn this waiting for 9:30 AM Finnish time04:34
DocScrutinizerjonwil: aiui the ofono people used that spec we mentioned before04:34
jonwilwell GPS is definatly different04:34
DocScrutinizerthat's possible04:35
jonwilliblas is sending packets to a resource ID 8404:35
blackthorneSpeedEvil: Does the cam works with html5?04:35
jonwiland yet PN_MODEM_LCS in those headers is 14404:35
jonwilIt would also be very usefull to know what values of AT_MODEM_ISI_VERSION, MODEM_CALL_ISI_VERSION, SMS_ISI_VERSION etc match the N900 cellmo firmware04:37
DocScrutinizerI bet there's a way to query cmt04:38
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DocScrutinizerflat`: ????04:39
blackthornedamn, vimeo doesn't work on the n900. How do they dare to use it on the official website as a flash showoff04:40
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jonwilso yeah it would be good to get the right GPS info for N900 cellmo firmware. With that, someone could write open-source GPS for MeeGo and go down that route instead of waiting for Nokia to port liblas, location-daemon, location-proxy etc :)04:56
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blackthornewhy is everyone so annoyed about n900 gps all the time?04:59
blackthornedoes it have a problem?04:59
felluI dont have any problem with it05:00
DrGrovDocScrutinizer: You are in Germany, right?05:05
DrGrovDocScrutinizer51: You are not tired? Time over there is 04:05?05:05
jonwilI have no problem with N900 GPS05:06
DrGrovJust wondering, you seem to be like me. Like being up during the nights05:06
jonwilbut people using MeeGo on N900 with a non-working GPS certainly do05:07
yigalnot like me 7pm in old California05:10
yigalno burning the midnight oil05:11
yigalok so you weren't actually chit chatting05:11
yigalowell my bad05:12
yigaljust saying temperature in the 70s with blue skys in Winter isn't too bad05:13
* johnx shakes first at you from the still coolish/dampish north05:13
* jonwil wishes he had some headers for libisi (or some other n900 code for sending isi packets so I could test stuff out)05:14
yigalyes, sorry Southern California it's really a country in its own right05:14
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jonwilIts too hard to disconnect the ofono isi code from the rest of ofono :P05:15
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GeneralAntillesyigal: only places not freezing to death are CA and FL05:15
yigalya it's just our economy that's frozen over05:17
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DocScrutinizer51nah, it's US moral that's at 0 kelvin05:22
johnxDocScrutinizer, jeez. Who pissed in your cheerios :P05:23
DocScrutinizer51fsckng killing innocent Reuters reporters, helping Dads and possibly also childs (shit, missed them), then asking for same treatment for the ones publishing the video05:24
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DrGrovDocScrutinizer51: What happening is that about? Egypt or?05:26
DocScrutinizer51damn, even WE over here are ashamed for the USA for being on same planet05:26
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DocScrutinizer51nah, Iraq05:26
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yigalthat's the new product from Apple right, the iRack?05:27
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johnxDocScrutinizer, sooo, just FYI, when make you sweeping generalizations about all the people in a country, it tends to make people feel defensive05:27
DrGrovDocScrutinizer51: Ah yes, you have also seen the documentary on ITV called The War You Don't See?05:27
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DrGrovDocScrutinizer51: I can recommend that documentary for you which tells very much in case you haven't seen it.05:28
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pupnikI think i saw part of that05:29
DocScrutinizer51what about generalization when here everybody been a nazi?05:29
pupnikbtw anyone in GB wants some great noodle-paste i'm putting together another order05:29
yigalJew in California05:29
DrGrovjohnx: I kind of agree with DocScrutinizer on that thing but though I believe the problem is more the government, not the people.05:30
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DocScrutinizer51those wo don't speak out loud and stand up against are as guilty as the frontmen05:30
pupniki agree with DocScrutinizer51 of course05:31
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yigalthere's speaking and then there's action and both are necessary in pov05:31
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johnxDrGrov, I was against the war in Afghanistan, to say nothing of Iraq. I voted against Bush.05:31
johnxIf you want to alienate people who agree with you, go ahead though05:31
DocScrutinizer51here in Germany a radio  or TV moderator or politician honestly suggesting to kill Asange would go to prison05:32
DrGrovjohnx: That is not my intention.05:32
johnxDrGrov, right. that last one wasn't aimed at you ;)05:32
DocScrutinizer51in US you get visitors05:32
DrGrovjohnx: Ok, no problem :)05:32
johnxshould have prefixed it with the right nick. my bad ...05:32
DrGrovjohnx: Good, I was also against the war in Afghanistan and of course more so Iraq. Never Bush.05:33
DrGrovjohnx: But I do have my own non American reasons for those opinions though. Nothing to do with the people but as I mentioned more to do with the politicians.05:34
johnxI dearly wish we could figure out a way to fix our voting system to make it easier for third parties to gain ground05:34
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johnxwell, figuring it out is one thing, getting it enacted is another05:34
DrGrovI really do hope Assange gets out clear and free from those rape accusations05:34
yigaljohnx: it's rediculous right now05:34
yigalthe number of05:34
yigalrepresentatives per citizen05:35
DrGrovPerhaps it's just me but I feel that the American government is sticking its nose into business that is not theirs to be decided05:35
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yigalyes well that's in general what the world does05:35
DrGrovjohnx: What is the general opinion of Barack Obama in the U.S ?05:35
yigalbad for local business05:35
johnxDrGrov, generally positive I think. Though I'm here in Seattle and politics tend to be pretty liberal around here05:36
DrGrovjohnx: I see. I think Obama could perhaps be a long term solution to gain some kind of stability.05:36
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johnxIf he can manage to keep the healt care reform from getting killed, I think he'll have had an overall positive impact05:37
yigalyes but have you been following the abortion issues surrounding the health care measure05:37
DrGrovYes, I have. It is insane05:37
yigalyes, I really hope we can get something reasonable passed05:37
johnxyigal, not as closely as I should have (/me reads the cliff notes)05:37
yigaljohnx: it's pretty bad, imo05:38
pupniknon-interventionism is a clear, constitutional credo05:38
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yigalbest of wishes gentlemen I'm off05:40
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DrGrovpupnik: Care to get the link for that documentary?05:43
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pupnik  [ The War You Don't See - John Pilger ]05:45
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jonwilI dont think ANY politician has been willing to consider REAL healthcare reform in a way that delivers better outcomes for people07:56
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RobbieThe1stjonwil: Of course not. It wouldn't make them money.08:00
jonwilREAL reform means introducing genuine competition so people can switch to a cheaper provider anytime they like without loss of cover08:00
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jonwiland it means an end to the "corporate health plan" and the large number of people who cant afford to quit their job in case they cant find a new one with coverage08:01
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jonwilAustralia has it right, they have basic health-care for everyone plus a large choice of private health care options for better service in hospitals or for coverage of things like dental work, glasses etc08:04
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meceIt's not just you! looks down from here.08:06
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jonwilits up now08:12
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* rtyler is sad08:15
rtylerif meego is canned, what will my successor to the n900 be :(08:15
pupnikwho says it is?08:16
rtylerawafaa of openSUSE fame posted about MeeGo for netbooks dying out, then this:
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RST38hrtyler: It is absolutely clear we are all gonna die.08:18
RST38hrtyler: Andtheendoftheworldiscoming too08:19
pupnikHasn't it been obvious that maemo and now meego needed to be on a variety of devices?08:20
RST38hpupnik: Obvious to whom?08:20
pupnikus old hats08:20
RST38hpupnik: If you ask Stskeeps for example, he is quite happy hacking at the core OS, does not need it to be onany devices08:20
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rtylerpupnik: I think Nokia just doesn't have the cajones to build a tablet and a smartphone08:21
rtylerboth of which meego could do well at08:21
RST38hOMG we have got another armchair analyst08:22
pupnikhow about a 3", a 4" and a 5" phone?08:22
wmaronertyler: nvidia is a logic/silicon company, not a smartphone/tablet company08:22
wmaroneI'm sure they're plenty happy to just sell chips into other devices08:22
rtylers/nvidia/nokia I presume?08:22
wmaroneah yes08:23
* wmarone needs to go to bed08:23
wmaroneI  just took the tegra powered tablet I had back to the store08:23
* rtyler find tablets boring tbh08:23
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RST38hwmarone: in what way?08:23
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wmaroneRST38h: for all the reasons I should have known better, and bought my N900 for08:24
wmaronetoo big, no real use, and wifi only08:24
wmaroneoh and the terrible TN screen08:24
RST38hwell, has to be pocketable, as I have said before :)08:24
RST38hotherwise, a laptop does just as well and better08:24
wmaronemy goal was to get meego running on it, and I did to a degree08:25
pupnikexcept no battery life08:25
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wmaroneRST38h: yes, I plan on redirecting the money towards an E-350 based netbook at some point08:25
wmaronenow that my aspire one can barely hold itself together :/08:25
RST38hnetbook != laptop08:25
RST38hpupnik: modern laptops can do 6-8 hours08:26
pupnikbut the standby sucks08:26
RST38hpupnik: and you normally store them plugged in anyway08:26
pupniki'm going to be using my thinkpad x200 tablet with wwan/gps for a while08:27
pupnikbut with 1-2 spare batteries08:27
pupnikit can get about 8 hours with all powersaving on, screen brightness unusably dark08:29
pupnikand a brand new 4600mAh pack08:29
pupnikright now my real use is about 3 hours08:29
RST38hLenovos suck and thusdo not count =)08:30
pupniki looked a long time, didn't see anything i liked better08:31
pupnika c-8 with 800x480 and maemo5 would make me real happy08:32
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RobbieThe1stPersonally, I'd love to see a high-res, high-powered tablet PC with a Maemo 5 interface. It's -responsive-.08:34
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jonwilEven the simplest looking parts of Maemo can be more complex09:02
jonwillike the cell operator name status bar widget :P09:02
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CokeAny idea how to get hold of EPS attachments from an e-mail? The email has one of them little icons for attachment, it's 24.5M and the author said "here are the originals for print" etc, yet I cannot find any menu option to save the attachments. How can I save/view them?09:27
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Sazpaimonwell,it's 7:30. the finanial briefing press materials are  going to be released any second now09:31
CokeHow active is Maemo? If I file a bug on this (this problem has been consistant for the last year) is there any chance of an update? I mean, will Maemo get updates?09:32
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skrullisi started the meego rescue mode on my n900 through an initrd (i run maemo normally). The led shines yellow when booted. Is that a sign that it is charging?09:37
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Mece_Coke, well community ssu updates at least.09:39
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CokeWhat are ssu updates?09:39
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CokeMece_: I noticed this bug last year, haven't seen any updates for it since.09:40
* Mece_ facpalms as he reads the open letter09:41
CokeI tried sylpheed (iirc), it works, but the UI really isn't adapted to a small screen.09:41
CokeIt's as if the code testing to show "save attachments" option in the menu fails to see the attachments.09:41
CokeThe code to test for that little clip icon works, it shows up.09:42
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CorsacMece_: is there a summary changelog for the CSSU?09:47
Mece_Corsac, probably, dunno where. am to stunned by nokiawin7 fail09:49
Mece_"Under the new strategy, MeeGo becomes an open-source, mobile operating system project. MeeGo will place increased emphasis on longer-term market exploration of next-generation devices, platforms and user experiences. Nokia still plans to ship a MeeGo-related product later this year."09:50
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sivanghi all09:54
trx2win phone... terrible09:54
CorsacMece_: not too sure how well intel likes that :)09:55
Corsacthe “strategic partnership” between them is a bit betrayed by that09:55
Corsac(though MS wasn't exactly happy to see Intel going the OS road)09:56
trx2and what are intel's plans for meego? does anyone know?09:56
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Corsactrx2: don't think they intend to ship a device, though they do intend to have a handset UX running on top of intel hw09:57
Corsac(like aava stuff)09:57
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Trewasand they specifically say that microsoft tools will be used for development, bye bye qt10:00
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jhb1just had a python-qt book arriving. Not worth reading it anymore?10:02
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trx2why is this bye bye to qt?10:05
jonwilIf Nokia wanted to kill whats left of their smartphone business, adopting Windows Mobile is the way to do it10:05
trx2qt is cross platform10:05
trx2i make qt apps for windows10:05
RobbieThe1stjonwil: Exactly what I'm thinking10:05
jonwilEven Android would be a far better fit for Nokia than Windows10:05
trx2jonwil exactly10:05
RobbieThe1stMicrosoft probably offered them a -lot- of money10:05
jonwilsince with Android they could completly rewrite the userland for that famous "nokia experience"10:06
Sazpaimonso what happens to qt as a company10:06
RobbieThe1stWell, they are still working on Meego apparently10:06
Sazpaimonno, they're still working on launching a meego product10:06
RobbieThe1stone device in the next year, and who knows what happens after that10:07
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Sazpaimoni mean after that, what happens to qt as a whole10:07
Sazpaimonnokia bought trolltech, did they not?10:07
Shadikkawell, now Trollsoft bought Nokia10:07
hajgod dammit....10:08
Sazpaimonwill they just abandon qt as a company? That would completely destroy their reputation from the OSS community10:08
hajsome kind of phone with meego must show up...10:08
Sazpaimonwho says it has to be a phone10:08
Sazpaimonit can just be some slate tablet10:09
RobbieThe1stI think QT'll stick around; if only with what Intel makes10:09
toadpolei read somewhere that MeeGo has been restructured into the computers department10:09
hajSazpaimon: I say.. I don't want a tablet.. I want a smartphone ;)10:09
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toadpoleso possibly it'll be for netbooks10:09
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RobbieThe1stWell, I'd be surprised if they don't throw a 3G+ phone module in whatever it is10:09
RobbieThe1stConsidering the effort so far in making Meego work as phone software10:10
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CokeQt lived before Nokia and will live after.10:10
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Sazpaimonqtlived because it had a company backing it10:11
CokeNow that it's LGPL it will probably continue growing in usage by others.10:11
RobbieThe1stYea, definitely10:11
Sazpaimonthe only thing I can hope is that nokia releases meego with it's UX experience and it can be flashed onto other devices10:11
CokeForget about MeeGo.10:11
CokeMaemo will be the best mobile device platform for years to come.10:12
Sazpaimonmeego's pretty much the same idea10:12
Sazpaimonjust rpms instead of debs10:13
Sazpaimonbut hey, you can install apt on fedora10:13
Cokeit's not about the package manager10:13
Cokeit's about how things are organized and the general philosophy10:13
hajCoke: It still would be nice to have a more powerfull device than the N900 for it..10:13
Cokemaemo is a fully fledged linux system that just has an UI slick enough to use on a phone10:13
Cokehaj: yep. don't hold your breath.10:13
hajCoke: I'm not.. :)10:14
CokeSazpaimon: in all fairness, I've only tried the intel meego10:14
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Sazpaimoni'd like to see forward ports of maemo, but quite frankly i dont see it happening10:14
Cokebut that's the first stumbling block, vendors are trying to lock down their respective meego to their own hardware10:14
Sazpaimonbesides, we haven't seen nokia's handset ux for meego10:14
toadpoleyou know, i love maemo and meego to death, but i have to say it just doesn't have the fluidity of iOS and android10:15
CokeNokia is going to go with Winmo 7 and then leave the smartphone business forever.10:15
Coketoadpole: have you tried meego on a phone?10:15
toadpoleyup, using it on an n90010:15
Cokeusing the intel ui?10:15
RobbieThe1stToadpole: edit  /etc/powervr.d/hildon-desktop.ini and set the value to 110:15
SazpaimonCoke, that's the only UI available for meego10:16
toadpole( RobbieThe1st ): whats that do?10:16
RobbieThe1sttoadpole: Makes things "iphone-smooth", seriously10:16
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Sazpaimonnokia hasn't shown their UI yet. It was expected they would do it at the MWC, but now, who knows10:16
Coketoadpole: I tried using meego on a few devices, it crashes10:16
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Sazpaimonone has to wonder how long nokia and microsoft were in talks10:16
CokeIn my book, MeeGo is not stable and not fit for use, not even on a laptop or netbook10:16
toadpoleit wouldn't work on the two netbooks i tried it on10:16
toadpolesome problem or the other10:17
ShadikkaIn other news, Nokia's stock is going dooooooown.10:17
Sazpaimonbecause there was an awful lot of silence from nokia in the last year10:17
Shadikka-9% at the moment.10:17
CokeNokia had a great idea, but they didnt market it properly. Now they are desperate and desperate people do stupid things.10:17
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Cokethey ditched the lead designer from one of the most popular hand held OS' on the planet in favour of a marketing guy from a company (MS) who havent done jack shit for the mobile or laptop market.10:18
CokeMS haven't improved anything on their system over the last 20 years10:18
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Cokethat's who nokia intends to team up with10:19
Cokegood plan. Apple will buy them for a nickle in five years10:19
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KhertanMorning all !10:20
KhertanWhat cruel news this morning10:20
jonwilThis move from Nokia is up there with "New Coke" on the list of "bad business decisions made by big companies"10:20
RobbieThe1stCoke: Nah; Microsoft could do -nothing- for their os, and it'd still give em loads of money for 20 years or more10:20
RobbieThe1stCause of all the legacy software10:20
jonwilWindows Mobile has already been a flop10:21
jonwilWP7 that is10:21
CokeRobbieThe1st: true, the reason MS sucks is because the customers allow it10:21
Cokebut they've lost a lot over the last 10 years10:21
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Pavlovits too early to throw in the towel on wp710:21
RobbieThe1stWhat... 7% of the desktop market?10:21
Cokeapple has a significant chunk of the desktop market, they have an even bigger chunk of the laptop and well. They own mobile devices right now.10:21
jonwildesktop and mobile are 2 totally different things10:21
RobbieThe1stEh, I threw in the wps towel when they tried to be like Apple10:22
VladNistorin case you missed the press release :)10:22
franz_even if wp7 were to really "save" nokia10:22
franz_they are simply not relevant to me, personally, anymore10:22
jonwilThe big mistake Microsoft made on WP7 is that they coped all the bad things from Apple (like the locked un-hackable OS) and none of the good things10:23
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jonwilWindows Mobile was so popular because the handsets (especially from HTC) were so hackable and customizable10:24
ShadowJKGartner says it's even between symbian and android, with RIM and IOS both at 15%10:24
jonwiland you could write all sorts of apps with no need to pay anyone anything10:24
Pavlov'Nokia still plans to ship a MeeGo-related product later this year.'10:24
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Cokejonwil: I always said that winmo 6.5 was better than ios and android10:24
Cokein fact, it's easier to write Qt apps on winmo than it is on Maemo10:24
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KhertanPavlov: but with which support ?10:25
KhertanPavlov: and did you think it ll be a success ...  i don't ... how dev can believe in a plateform where the manufacturer do not believe in it10:25
KhertanPavlov: so an other poor ecosystem10:26
Pavlovmy crystal ball is a bit blurry10:26
jonwilI think if Nokia had chosen Android they could have really made something. Replace all the Android UI layer and UX with the "familiar nokia experience" (as one commercial10:26
jonwilone commercial I saw put it)10:26
Pavlovshort term is hard to say10:26
Cokeisnt it that douchebag Elop who instigated this bullshit?10:26
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Pavlover, shor term not sure how it would work out10:26
Pavlovlonger term, hard to say10:26
jonwiland then underneath the Nokia10:26
jonwilUI/UX, release a more open Android OS than other vendors are doing10:27
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Cokeandroid is fucked from the start10:27
Cokeplagued by a very bad design10:27
Cokeits a bad hack version of linux with a bad hack of java on top10:27
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KhertanPavlov: it ll be like maemo ... sidelined project, few support, few sell, few dev ...10:27
Cokehad they used a proper linux system with support for native libraries, etc, it'd be different10:27
PavlovCoke: native libs work fine on android10:28
Pavlovwelcome to the ndk10:28
CokePavlov: then how come they have such a hard time porting qt?10:28
Cokeenthusiasts working with lighthouse10:28
jonwilAndroid isn't using X10:28
jhb1Hi *, I think I made an error when modifying /etc/event.d/rcS-late, now the n900 won't boot anymore. Anything else besides reflashing?10:28
Cokehow come I can't run my ARM quake 3 on it? etc10:28
Pavlovdid you try?10:29
Pavlovmy app on android is 99.9999% native code10:29
Pavlovand a lot of it10:29
RobbieThe1stjhb1: Unless you've got Backupmenu or something, no10:29
CokePavlov: what toolkit?10:29
Pavlovmostly our own10:29
CokeCan I run my PyQt apps that run on Maemo on android?10:29
Cokewell then10:29
CokeI don't have time to write my own toolkit10:29
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Cokethe fact of the matter is, Android is cut of from most linux things because of it's faulty design10:30
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jhb1RobbieThe1st: ah, the daemons of backup got me again. I though 'I should install backupmenu, but didn't do. Should have.... Thanks for your advice10:30
Pavlovandroid isn't trying to be linux10:30
CokeThe only hope for a decent platform right now is Intel morestown and MeeGo.10:30
Pavlovnot in the slightest10:30
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jonwilWhy won't someone just sell a range of phones running a genuine Linux platform10:31
CokeWhich cuts them off from seriously good software.10:31
Cokejonwil: intel is working on it10:31
Cokethey have a developer version out10:31
KhertanCoke: python apps run on android10:31
CokeKhertan: not with Qt10:31
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KhertanCoke: not tryed yet10:32
CokeI'm not interrested in running a little snippet script, I'm interrested in porting a suite of applications10:32
CokeI want to run GIMP on my phone10:32
jonwilNo way Intel will be successful with mobile phones10:32
Cokejonwil: no but perhaps some other mobile device10:32
KhertanCoke: i didn't want to run GIMP ... but want to be able to code pyqt apps on it10:32
Cokeif they get a pad with phone capabilities I'll buy it10:32
jonwilI dont want a pad with 3G10:32
KhertanCoke: the best candidate is still n900 :)10:32
CokeKhertan: please let me know if you are successful10:33
CokeKhertan: I run pyqt on my n90010:33
jonwilWhat I want is a mobile phone with all the important features of a modern smartphone10:33
CokeI want a real keyboard on my phone too10:33
jonwilbut running a good Linux operating system10:33
KhertanCoke: :) I code directly on it :) (KhtEditor, Khweeteur, ....)10:33
jonwilwith a physical qwerty keyboard10:33
CokeKhertan: when I dont have time to port I run X forwarding10:33
Khertanjonwil: +110:34
CokeMaemo is the most capapable mobile OS today and will be for some time unless MeeGo really gets going.10:34
KhertanCoke: indeed10:34
CokeOne thing is certain though: no more Nokia phones for me.10:34
CokeI smelled bad intentions when I first heard Nokia had recruited the failure Elop10:35
toadpolethe press release says: With Nokia's planned move to Windows Phone as its primary smartphone platform, Symbian becomes a franchise platform, leveraging previous investments to harvest additional value.10:35
Mece_Coke, well it says they will release one meego device10:35
jonwilbasically what I want is the hardware of the HTC Desire Z or Motorola Milestone, the open-source software base of MeeGo (and the general openness of MeeGo), the famous nokia UX and the level of support/updates/improvements of iOS10:35
CokeMS can't make software and are unable to sell devices, why get the leader of the losing team?10:35
toadpolewhats that supposed to mean? no future symbian investment?10:35
Khertanoh my god ... -10,42%10:36
RobbieThe1stCoke: MS probably payed them a rediculous amount10:36
CokeYou think that's the case?10:36
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Pavlovtoadpole: yeah, i wouldn't expect any real new symbian investment10:36
Pavlovrun it out on the low end side of things10:37
Pavlovuntil it stops making money10:37
Pavlovis what i'd do!10:37
jonwilIf MS has paid Nokia money for this, Nokia will have to disclose such information and we will find out soon enough10:37
RobbieThe1stYou mean like Intel did? Until they got caught10:37
Cokejonwil: you don't know many accountants, do you? :)10:37
CokeMoney isn't real, good accountants can do magic with it.10:38
PavlovI actually think tihs is a decent move for nokia10:38
Pavlovbut it is all in the details10:38
toadpoleanyone know an android phone that was even half as good as the n9 could have been?10:38
CokeExcept, nobody will buy their phones.10:38
Pavlovwhich aren't clear yet10:38
Cokewhat is MS market share? under 1% ?10:38
Pavlovon mobile?10:38
Cokeon phones specifically10:38
Pavlov2% in the US?10:39
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dotblankugh windows phones10:39
Pavlovbut that doesn't really mean anything10:39
Pavlov2 years ago, android has 0 marketshare10:39
Cokeevery customer and software vendor I've seen looked at winmo 7, shook their heads and then ported from winmo 6.5 to ios or android10:39
Khertanit s funny elop talk about a good ecosystem is important, and day later he announce switch to wp7 which have a worst one than Meego10:39
CokePavlov: the difference is, Android is pretty solid10:39
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PavlovWP7 is almost solid10:39
dotblankdid he actually announce that?10:39
CokePavlov: no it isnt10:39
Pavlovyeah it is10:39
CokeOk, we disagree then.10:39
dotblankthat they are switching to WP710:40
Pavlovthey need to release a native development kit10:40
Pavlovdotblank: yes10:40
toadpole( Pavlov ): i wouldn't bet on it... it's an MS product, it'll take years to get it right10:40
jonwilI think Nokia's real problem was that they have nothing. Maemo was dead the moment MeeGo appeared and MeeGo is far from usable for a mainstream consumer smartphone10:40
Pavlovthey need to polish the OS10:40
KhertanPavlov: and an great os10:40
ShadowJKApparently Windows Mobile still outsells WP710:40
jonwilWebOS, iOS and Blackberry are closed and not an option for Nokia10:40
Pavlovtoadpole: they have a history of making their 2nd or 3rd releases pretty solid10:40
dotblankwell as long as they still developm meego10:40
CokePavlov: they have to replace their UI, it's not user friendly in the slightest, ditch silverlight, make it less restrictive and rewrite the core from scratch10:40
jonwilso that left WP7 or Android10:40
Pavlovthe core is fine10:40
Pavlovcontinue to merge with windows 810:40
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KhertanPavlov: until you use it10:40
CokePavlov: I disagree with you again.10:41
kerioso... was the decision to shoot itself in the foot something related to shareholders or what?10:41
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CokeHowever. If Nokia has a rather liberal end user license maybe we'll see a Qt port for windows too10:41
Pavlovpart of their UX is quite interesting, part of it needs more work10:41
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jonwilI think the #1 thing Microsoft could do to improve Windows Phone 7 and its prospects for long term survival is to dump the developer license fees10:41
MohammadAGuh what's the announcement?10:41
dotblankYea I don't see how WP7 would make sense without a Qt port10:41
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CokePavlov: it still felt crippled compared to android, ios and maemo10:42
Pavlovwhy does Qt factor in?10:42
KhertanMohammadAG: a suicide one10:42
jonwilMaybe retain fees for submitting to the WP7 marketplace10:42
Pavlovyou've got to think total reset10:42
jonwilbut ditch the requirement to pay fees just to write your own software for the thing10:42
CokePavlov: because that's the toolkit I use when I want to reach many target platforms10:42
CokePavlov: if I write using MS SDK I can only run it on MS10:42
Cokeif I use Apple's SDK I can only run on ios10:42
Cokeif I use android SDK I can only run on Android10:42
Pavlovright -- and Qt doesn't help you on any of those10:42
KhertanCoke: and only for one version of windows10:42
dotblankI saw someone was working on a qt android port in the works10:43
Pavlovi understand why you as a developer want Qt10:43
CokeOur systems are ported to windows xp, windows vista, windows 7, linux 32, linux 64, Maemo and OSX.10:43
dotblankI also work on an iphone one as well10:43
Pavlovbut that isn't the same as it making sense for Nokia or Microsoft10:43
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ThreeMNokia will use Windows 7 Phone series10:43
KhertanPavlov: qt can be used to write end user apps on symbian, meego, (soon Android), and is present in WebOS10:43
Cokeoh it also runs on winmo 6.5, but nobody is using it any more.10:43
Cokestill maintaing a port tho10:43
kerioi don't get how would it work - those 4 things have *completely* different UX paradigms10:43
kerioyou'll still going to rewrite the whole of your UI10:43
PavlovKhertan: the first 2 are dead, and no one is using webos right now10:43
CokeKhertan: you think Qt will run and integrate properly on android?10:44
ShadowJKI think you're doing it wrong if you need to port between linux32 and linux64 ;p10:44
dotblankI guess there is still intel for meego10:44
KhertanCoke: there was some announce about it10:44
Cokedotblank: yes! I'm hoping morestown will be awesome10:44
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kerioShadowJK: or you're doing it very very right10:44
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CokeKhertan: all I've seen is the blogs of the hobby development of lighthouse10:44
CokeI wondered why Nokia didnt jump on lighthouse like a cat on tuna, but now it's painfully clear.10:44
ShadowJKkerio, no I think you're doing it very wrong :P10:44
Khertandotblank: intel never do a great support of their os ...look at moblin10:44
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toadpolemaybe its time for intel to get more into smartphones10:45
CokeI've managed to crash MeeGo horribly, it's not production ready10:45
Khertandotblank: look in the meego bug tracker in netbook ... seems they will stop evolution on netbook ux10:45
dotblankhonestly I could care less about netbook UX10:46
Cokethat's the only one Ive seen, the development platform10:46
dotblankthere are like 10 distros that can fill that role10:46
RST38hDocScrutinizer: Can I set the topic ? =)10:46
kerioShadowJK: ok, port psyco to x6410:46
keriogo ahead10:46
Cokedotblank: oh, but the meego UI is actually ver nice10:46
toadpoleQt will continue to be the development framework for Symbian and Nokia will use Symbian for further devices; continuing to develop strategic applications in Qt for Symbian platform and encouraging application developers to do the same. With 200 million users worldwide and Nokia planning to sell around 150 million more Symbian devices, Symbian still offers unparalleled geographical scale for developers.10:46
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Cokeif MeeGo didnt crash like a drunk turkey I'd use it on our work laptops10:46
dotblank"Microsoft would make available the existing free Windows Phone Developer Tools; Visual Studio 2010, Expression, Silverlight and the XNA Framework to developers. Together, we will provide guidance for developers wishing to port their applications to Windows Phone. "10:47
dotblankthat makes me sick10:47
ShadowJKkerio, it's doing almost only things that according to the C standard produces undefined behaviour :)10:47
toadpoleso no small time developers, unless they plan on making visual studio freeware10:47
kerioShadowJK: well it's the only way10:47
RST38hShadowJK: So, Android for us now?10:47
Cokeso guys... if nokia releases a meego phone, should one buy it?10:47
toadpolei would10:48
Cokeit's a canundrum. on one hand, i want a new linux phone10:48
MohammadAGWhen can I kill Elop?10:48
RST38hCoke: Whom are you asking?10:48
Cokeon the other hand that money will help sponsor MS10:48
MohammadAGslowly, in front of a BSOD10:48
ShadowJKRST38h, need an unfucked uncrippled and not locked down device too10:48
kerioCoke: hug CSSU and don't let it go for the n900, buy the n9 and hope for a matching thing i suppose10:48
toadpolethere's no need to get personal about it, Coke10:48
Cokebasically I will be paying to ditch my system10:48
RST38hMohammad: The correct question is HOW not WHEN10:48
RobbieThe1stNo way in heck Nokia'll pay MS anything10:48
Ken-YoungCoke, I'd buy it, but I'll bet no such phone is ever released by Nokia.10:48
RobbieThe1stProbably the other way around10:48
dotblankwouldn't it still be possible to put meego on a nokia wp7 anyway10:48
zutesmogHmm time to start getting ophono stack  working on ununtu I think.10:48
RST38hShadowJK: Many Androids fit10:48
Mece_i need to buy a bunch of N900's10:48
CokeRobbieThe1st: not pay like that10:48
infobotzutesmog meant: Hmm time to start getting ophono stack  working on ubuntu I think.10:48
toadpole( Ken-Young ): they've said they would release one by the end of the year10:48
Cokebut, Nokia would use the N9 revenues to develop MS phones10:48
ShadowJKdotblank, not if their wp7 phones are like their symbian phones, locked down10:49
keriohaha, ununtu10:49
RST38hShadowJK: Although the dev environment is majorly bonsaied, yes10:49
Cokeand with them partnering up with my old nemesis, it's a no go10:49
PavlovMece: might have a few hundread for sale soon!10:49
toadpole( Coke ): it's not like you're not getting anything for your money10:49
Mece_Pavlov. cheap?10:49
RobbieThe1stMeh; I'd buy it to show support for the MeeGo brand10:49
ShadowJKRST38h, so there's gainroot or similar there too?10:49
RobbieThe1stProvided it's good10:49
RST38hShadowJK: yea10:49
Pavlovdepends what we decide to do10:49
Coketoadpole: true. that's also true for iphone buyers, but the slave workers who manufacter them might still be a concern.10:49
dotblankSeriosuly i'm not happy with android being the linux phone10:49
CokeI mean, for your own feelings.10:49
RST38hShadowJK: Not with every phone but with most10:49
Mece_today, the awesomeness of N900 turned legendary10:49
Ken-Youngtoadpole, Didn't they say they're release a Meego-related device?   That might not be a phone.   Anyway, who'd trust anything they say now?10:49
kerioNokia expects 2011 and 2012 to be transition years, as the company invests to build the planned winning ecosystem with Microsoft. OH COME ON10:49
keriowho decided this?10:50
RST38hShadowJK: What puts me off is the lack of SSHD and a decent video player10:50
Mece_wow. just like 2010-201110:50
MohammadAGso let me get this straight10:50
MohammadAGthey killed Maemo 510:50
RST38hShadowJK: But I guess you can't have everything and some things need time...10:50
dotblankreally I feel like MS is also a dying brand as well10:50
jonwilWindows Phone 7 is MORE locked down than iOS10:50
zutesmogI think Nokia will divest themselves of Qt or release it entirely open source.10:50
toadpole( RST38h ): i think there's a VLC for android10:50
MohammadAGThey encouraged Qt development, killed M5 development10:50
Mece_MohammadAG, hehe... well cssu ftfw!10:50
RST38htoadpole: No.10:50
MohammadAGthen they encouraged QML development10:50
Cokezutesmog: it's LGPL already, how can it get more open source?10:50
dotblankwhat if they kill Qt10:50
Pavlovzutesmog: that'd be my bet10:51
Shadikkadotblank: Not with Windows and Office, no.10:51
Cokeit's on gitorious. the sources are there.10:51
MohammadAGthen switched to a platform that doesn't use QML10:51
toadpolethey're saying they won't kill Qt10:51
Mece_did you read this?
zutesmogcanonical could by the trolltech assets10:51
dotblankyea but i'm talking later10:51
RST38hMohammad: That was chaotic frenzy of rats on a sinking ship10:51
MohammadAGHow much is a Nexus S again?10:51
Pavlovthere is no reason to keep Qt around10:51
zutesmogthey seem keen on qt at the moment10:51
PavlovMohammadAG: hold out for the Atrix or other Tegra2 based phone10:51
ShapeshifterBut I want a meego phone ;_;10:51
dotblankQt is big.. I can see intel and ubuntu getting buddy buddy10:51
RST38hMohammad: I would also suggest the Atrix *or* the supposedly incoming Dell Opus One10:52
MohammadAGI'd rather hack a phone and get MeeGo on it than use a WP7 device10:52
CokeQt is the worst thing that could happen for MS, Apple and Google.10:52
zutesmogyep very, Qt/Unity on a smartphone maybe10:52
CokeThey don't want portability, they want lockability10:52
RST38hMohammad: Dell will be more hackable than Motorola10:52
jonwilI dont care who makes it, I want a nice OPEN phone10:52
keriojonwil: openmoko freerunner10:52
zutesmogMaybe MS want a decent ui toolkit in Qt ;-)10:52
Cokeperhaps some vendor will sell blank phones in the future?10:52
Cokewith complete hw specs10:52
Coke(or decent enough to make linux run on it)10:52
ShapeshifterCoke: oh you10:53
jonwilThe N900 is the closest you can get to an open phone10:53
Cokelike u can buy blank desktops today10:53
MohammadAGRST38h, the Nexus S has a basic MeeGo port10:53
ShapeshifterCoke: jester10:53
jonwilif you want something with somewhat recent hardware10:53
dotblanksomeone should develop thier own phone on the u8500 platform10:53
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CokeShapeshifter: optimist :)10:53
dotblanksome small electronics company10:53
jonwilI think part of the problem for Nokia is that the cell carriers HATE open10:53
Cokethe biggest issue all my friends have with n900 is the lack of a decent spotify port10:54
jonwilwhich is why so few cell carriers sold the N90010:54
Pavlovbiggest issue my friends had with the n900 is the screen10:54
Pavlovand the size10:54
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Pavlovand battery life10:54
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Pavlovmostly the screen10:54
keriowell, having a n900 justifies you from using *any* cellphone data plan with your computer10:54
ShapeshifterCoke: spotify is evil10:54
dotblankActually I found battery life to be great now10:54
KhertanPavlov: battery is an issue ... indeed10:54
ShapeshifterCoke: use grooveshark instead10:54
ArkenoiPavlov, what's wrong with the screen, despite size?10:55
dotblankAlso tmo seems to be glitched with my data plan on my n900 so... free 3g for me10:55
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Pavlovno one knows how to use them10:55
Pavlovi've literally watched people try and move things with their finger for at least a minute10:55
Pavlovwithout success10:55
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Shapeshifterthe n900 has an awesome screen. I'm still astonished every time I see one of those desire HD screens and all that lot, their pixels are so chunky and bad10:55
MohammadAGShapeshifter, the groove client is dead10:56
RobbieThe1stShadikka: Amen10:56
dotblankMohammadAG, ah yea I really need to get on that10:56
PavlovShapeshifter: yeah, the actual display part of the screen is pretty nice10:56
Pavlovjust the touch part10:56
ShapeshifterPavlov: I also like that it's resistive. Ever checked out mypaint? plus the accuracy you get for controlling possible apps which have not been written for a mobile device10:57
KhertanPavlov: personnaly i like the touch part ... not like this unaccurate iPhone touch part !10:57
dotblankwell lets not get into a screen type debate10:57
ShadikkaHeh, now that's some tab confusion again.10:57
dotblankboth are good for certain things10:57
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ShadikkaFive people with nicks starting with "sha" here :)10:58
CokeAnybody else snowed in?10:58
Pavlovnope the snow got canceled too10:58
Cokecouldn't get to work today10:58
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ShadikkaNope, no snow here, just lots of wind10:58
Shadikkawell, no snowfall :P10:59
Arkenoiwhy not just make n900i with 512Mb RAM? it resolves almost all problems n900 has.11:00
KhertanArkenoi: indeed :)11:00
CokeArkenoi: why not N9 with a for row keyboard and new hw? :)11:00
Cokeit'd be the best phone even if it runs an outdated maemo11:00
Arkenoipavlov: i do not give a f**k. capacitive screens are "sexy" but that's all. resistive ones are better.11:01
KhertanArkenoi: noone study for a modification hack to add ram to the n900 ?11:01
KhertanThe screen isn't the point to fight ... taking out wp7 is !11:01
KhertanNokia n9-01 :
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* Arkenoi won't by a device without a keyboard. 11:04
Arkenoiand they say it is delayed again anyways, so meego is dead i think.11:05
dotblanklol everyone is freaking out in all the Qt channels as well11:05
jaskaguess i need to mirror the nokia n900 repos locally incase they drop them11:05
Ken-Youngjaska, Good point.11:05
CokeHehe, my buddy just ordered the latest HTC with android, he's ditching is N900 immediately.11:05
Arkenoia new one is scheduled to 2012, and the world will end anyways.11:05
CokeOut of spite.11:06
dotblankI'll never ditch my n90011:06
dotblankI still love it11:06
toadpoleme too11:06
Cokedotblank: he wants nokia to go bankrupt, doesnt want to promote them in any way shape or form it seems11:06
toadpolethough i wouldn't mind getting an additional qwerty android11:06
Cokehe's a device geek11:06
* SpeedEvil wakes up.11:06
dotblankwhere I am noone has even seen my phone before11:06
* Arkenoi 'd better buy another n900 as spare device just in case this one dies. There is no migration option anyways.11:07
dotblankI could lie and say it runs a special version of android11:07
SpeedEvilSo - windows 7 running under qemu is the new way forward?11:07
* SpeedEvil ponders actually looking at announcement.11:07
SpeedEvilWas anything substantive revealed?11:07
dotblankoh man11:07
ShapeshifterGovs in europe and other places are switching to linux quite happily. maybe some day a gov will put a policy in place that communication devices used for the gov need to be open as well, e.g. for security reasons and then there would be an actual economic demand for such devices11:08
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dotblankSpeedEvil, nokia is switching to WP711:08
merlin1991SpeedEvil, nokia wp7 and meego dead11:08
PavlovSpeedEvil: nothing i've seen yet11:08
dotblankwell meego isn't dead there is still intel11:08
merlin1991not exactly that words but kinda11:08
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Khertandotblank: so it s dead :)11:09
merlin1991I'm waiting for a press release from intel11:09
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SpeedEvilAnd symbian remains at the low end?11:09
PavlovSpeedEvil: i think symbian is just on a death march11:09
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Pavlovuntil it stops making money11:09
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Shapeshiftermaybe I should buy some n900 replacement parts just in case11:09
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dotblankI mean I would think there are enough people that would want a completely open phone11:10
jaskaguess i need to get some cheapo backup (nonsymbian) dumbphone11:10
dotblankI'm astonished its taken this long11:10
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RST38hShadowJK: Because they are bureaucratic marketroids?11:12
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Sceltoh man Nokia, what did you do now?11:12
rmrfchikso, big crying?11:13
RST38hShadowJK: Who additionally live in their own imaginary world where WP7 is a stunning success, and not 1.5% of North American market? (below WM6.5 with 3%)11:13
rmrfchiktwo losers had united.11:13
mavhchow near is meego to being able to compete?11:13
Sceltrmrfchik: as a Finn, a very big one11:13
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rmrfchiki was afraid of this. when I whined about dropped maemo, i said "they will drop meego as well". damn, I didn't expect they will adopt windows11:14
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Arkenoibtw there was dalvik for meego already11:15
ShadowJKwho gives a shit about dalvik :(11:15
mavhcwhat does that imply?11:15
Ken-Youngrmrfchik, I figured they'd at least make one meego device before dropping it.   TTheir ADHD is getting worse.11:15
RobbieThe1stIt's cause the new CEO's from MS11:15
ShadowJKif anything I'd want to run meego on some android hardware :P11:15
dotblankthis is so rage inducing11:15
ArkenoiShadowJK, it could make android fanboys happy (and there is plenty of them)11:16
RST38hShadowJK: javispedro says WebOS is worth a look11:16
TrewasKen-Young: they still promise to make one meego phone11:16
RST38hShadowJK: Linux underneath, with native devkit based on SDL11:16
rmrfchikKen-Young: doesn't help meego. they will have to support 3 SDK: qt/meego (I hope, this will one sdk), Symbian and wp711:16
dotblank"Mobile consumers want, like bing"11:16
ShadowJKRST38h, yeah sounds nice11:16
Ken-YoungTrewas, I don't think so, they promise to make "a meego-related device".   THat might not be a phone.11:16
rmrfchikKen-Young: developers will just abandon meego11:16
frikinzpromise LOL11:17
Ken-Youngrmrfchik, Yup11:17
ArkenoiRST38h, HP seems to suck :-(11:17
RobbieThe1st"people like bing"? Really now...11:17
TrewasKen-Young: well, a tablet is also possible come to think of it11:17
Ken-YoungNothing is also possible.11:17
RST38hArkenoi: Why? They have got rid of Fiorina. They fired Hurd11:17
rmrfchikI think HP's webOS will have big success.11:17
KhertanThe only hope we can have is that they let TrollTech separate from them11:17
RobbieThe1stI haven't seen anyone who cares and doesn't use google. Bing is -only- used by people who don't care.11:17
mavhcbing has 100% of the marketshare of people who don't know how to change their search engine11:17
RST38hArkenoi: With all the main assholes gone, HP has good chances11:18
dotblankWow.. i don't think elop has nokia's best interests in mine11:18
Khertanelse nokia will kill Qt with them11:18
dotblankI think hes going for MS11:18
rmrfchikRST38h: indeed11:18
dotblankin mind*11:18
RobbieThe1stI suspect I'll be keeping my n900 for a couple of years, and buying a replacement when it fails11:18
rmrfchikwebos ftw, win7 is so backward.11:18
mavhcwhy not android?11:18
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Ken-YoungRobbieThe1st, I just orderd another N900...11:18
Khertanmavhc: java ... burk11:19
crashanddieKhertan, you can write C as well11:19
rmrfchikKhertan: you can use scheme on android ;)11:19
RobbieThe1stFor me, the N900 syncs perfectly with my computer. That is, I drag and drop files onto it. And it works.11:19
ShadowJKit's not even java11:19
RobbieThe1stWho cares about iTunes or Zune11:19
Khertancrashanddie: nope ... prefer python ... and python isn't useable to run end user apps on android11:20
mavhccan't you do like jython?11:20
SpeedEvilRobbieThe1st: Drag and drop? cron + rsync11:21
crashanddieKhertan, as someone looking for a job, you shouldn't disqualify yourself by saying "I'm a python developer"11:21
Khertancrashanddie: ?11:21
SpeedEvil'I'm a developer that knows python'11:21
crashanddieonly bad developers limit their scope to a single language: the language has relatively little importance.11:21
SpeedEvilWhich implies you're willing to learn.11:21
ruskie <-- bye bye Nokia... been nice knowing you11:22
Khertancrashanddie: SpeedEvil: indeed ...11:22
mavhcwhat's this scripting layer for android thing?11:22
chem|stKhertan: where are you from?11:22
alteregoI still believe it MeeGo, but we need newer arm hardware11:22
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alteregomavhc: jscript? :)11:22
crashanddiechem|st, he's in Paris11:23
Khertanchem|st: france11:23
chem|sta amazon headhunter was tracking me down somehow (
maybeArghamazon is on the prowl for kindle devs atm apparently11:23
chem|stcalifornia but visas not before june11:24
mavhcCan I use SL4A to write a real Android application or embed SL4A scripts in my application? -- Yes11:24
crashanddieyou don't want to be a kindle dev11:24
SpeedEvilcrashanddie: Why not?11:24
crashanddieactually: You do not want to be a dev for Amazon, unless you're a manager in the EC2 department11:24
chem|stcrashanddie: it is linux 2.6.26 afair11:24
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crashanddieAmazon is 100% customer focused. If you announce delays, you get *massacred*11:25
SpeedEvil'  With the demotion of MeeGo from "platform" to "project", and Torres' surprise departure, we can draw our own conclusion.' - Torres=?11:25
chem|stcrashanddie: it is lab123 looking for coders not amazon11:25
RobbieThe1stSpeedEvil: I'm not the sort of person who "syncs" or anything. I drag and drop files where I want them to go(or use cp).11:25
crashanddieRobbieThe1st, 2nd or 3rd time you're saying the same thing? STFU?11:25
RobbieThe1stcrashanddie: see his response?11:26
RobbieThe1stJust saying..11:26
crashanddieExecutive Vice President, MeeGo Computers, Mobile Solutions11:26
chem|stSpeedEvil: by now I would say get a new device and put maemo5-with-CSSU on it and you got your massmarket...11:26
SpeedEvilchem|st: If the new devices aren't locked down.11:26
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ruskie"Under the new strategy, MeeGo becomes an open-source, mobile operating system project. MeeGo will place increased emphasis on longer-term market exploration of next-generation devices, platforms and user experiences. Nokia still plans to ship a MeeGo-related product later this year." <-- I ...11:27
* SpeedEvil sighs at the news.11:27
ruskie... wonder what this will actually be...11:27
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pillumhey, how do i delete files with filebox11:27
SpeedEvilruskie: A CD.11:27
ruskieI guess I need to get myself a backup N90011:27
SpeedEvilruskie: Or a t-shirt.11:27
chem|struskie: that is what I thought lately11:27
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ruskiechem|st, I've had plans on getting a second one for a while11:28
SpeedEvil'I wanted a meego device, and all I got was this lousy t-shirt'11:28
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chem|stSpeedEvil: exactly11:28
RobbieThe1storlok: Late on that one11:28
SceltI grief. Cu and stay strong11:28
chem|storlok: you are late11:28
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SpeedEvilMeego related product - promise kept.11:28
ruskieand maybe one of the S40 devices as a backup phone after everything else breaks down...11:28
orlokmy N900 is the only phone i've been able to use without it being a pain11:28
ruskieSpeedEvil, good point...11:28
pillumIs it even possible to delete files with Filebox? :S11:28
orlokAny other non-droid linux based phones coming out?11:29
pillumOpenMoko :D11:29
chem|stI will never buy a android/iphone/wp7 phone so I will wait till those freaks do something useful11:29
SpeedEvilorlok: Openmoko related one keeps making noise.11:29
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SpeedEvilIn a small way.11:29
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SpeedEvilTruly hideous problem OM has is that their volumes will be tiny.11:30
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orlokreckon nokia will abandon the linux tablet?11:30
SpeedEvilSo their prices/performance are unattractive, or their initial profit margin is tiny.11:30
ruskieSpeedEvil, the other problem they have imho is they lack decent design...11:30
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Pillumcan you hear me?11:30
keriojust copy maemo11:30
SpeedEvilPillum: no.11:30
Pillumoh, thats bad :(11:30
kerioPillum: nope11:30
kerioyeah, that's pretty bad11:31
ruskieorlok, well nokia speek seems to say it'll be an R&D project(I thought this is what it was so far)...11:31
Pillumso, does any of you guys use filebox for n900?11:31
jonwilIf OM could get some decent hardware (say 3G/3.5G cell data for a start along with 3D graphics) they might stand a chance11:31
SpeedEvilruskie: It was supposed to be the new way forward for all highend devices at one point.11:31
Pillumits a pita to use terminal to delete  multiple files11:32
Pillumdoes any of you guys use filebox for n900?11:32
SpeedEviljonwil: 3D graphics is easy - all the SoCs come with it built in. 3G/3.5G is annoyingly hard.11:32
SpeedEviljonwil: Vendors are not interested in selling tiny volumes.11:32
jonwilMaybe the best answer for 3G is to find a vendor willing to sell something similar to the guts of one of those USB 3G broadband sticks11:33
jonwilexcept with voice support11:33
mavhcjust buy a nexus s and put meego on it11:33
SpeedEviljonwil: Modules are possible, but add bulk and cost.11:33
jonwilNexus S has no physical QWERTY11:34
mavhcg2 then11:34
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MohammadAGwhat's the G2?11:34
jonwilNo-one makes an Android handset with physical qwerty that isn't locked down11:34
jonwila GSM one that is11:34
* orlok actually has a few GSM modules lying about11:34
Pillummeep meep beep11:34
jonwilMilestone from Moto has bootloader locks and you cant replace the kernel11:34
orlokwork makes an arm+linux based GSM data modem11:34
mavhcg2 was rooted months ago11:35
jonwilHTC G2/Desire Z is locked and you have to use funky exploits to unlock it to the point where you can replace the kernel11:35
orlokso i bagged a few units used for debugging and prototyping before they were turfed11:35
kerioi want a smartphone with a "closed" modem11:35
orlokserial, ethernet, a button and some LED's. and a SIM socket11:35
PillumMohammadAG: hows the progress with your open media player?11:35
orlokkerio: what, that relace the A in AT with an X or something? :)11:36
kerioorlok: well, the FCC wants modem code to be signed and unhackable11:36
orlokyay yet another obsucated version of hayes11:36
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SpeedEvilorlok: It's not that.11:36
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keriobut hey, a little bug in the sign checking...11:36
orlokyeah, i get it11:37
SpeedEvilorlok: You can do really nasty shit to the network with an uncontrolled radio.11:37
orlokyup yup11:37
orloklike the guys that decided to tap into their motorola brick those many years ago11:37
kerioSpeedEvil: fuck yeah11:37
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keriowhat happens if you have a phone where you can do that?11:38
kerioi mean, to you11:38
orlokkerio: seen the recent picocell research?11:38
jonwilbtw what was said about vendors not wanting to sell in small quantities, why would Samsung or Marvell or TI be willing to sell an ARM SOC to OpenMoko for a small-production-run device any more than vendors for cell modems would be?11:38
SpeedEviljonwil: It's the way the market is.11:38
orlokkerio: software controlled radio based picocell, IIRC.. they could do some nasty stuff11:38
PillumOpenMoko has even worse support than maemo11:39
Pillumwhy would anyone use uit11:39
mavhcwith 4 $15 phones you can crack GSM11:39
SpeedEviljonwil: 3G vendors typically need to do a moderate amount of suppot work to get a design working with a customer.11:39
* range stabs nokia in the eye.11:39
orlokjonwil: well, the support required to get the chip properly integrated into a new bit of hardware for one11:39
rangeSo they go from one of the most open eco systems in that area to the most closed one they could find?11:39
SpeedEviljonwil: If they need to do this support work for 5000 chips, they're not interested.11:39
rangeThey poured shitloads of work into Qt and into their UX and they go to an OS whichs only great feature is the snazzy UI?11:40
rangeCan someone pinch me please?11:40
* Pillum pinches range11:40
orlokkerio: there was a demonstration in the past few months, at a hacker con i think.. iirc they got fcc permission to demonstrate11:41
SpeedEvilorlok: they did not need permission.11:42
Pillumorlok: do you mean ccc conference at berlin?11:42
SpeedEvilorlok: As they were operating in a permitted for amateur radio band - which happened to overlap a european band11:42
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SpeedEvileu cellphone band11:43
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Pillumthey needed a permission of the german official11:43
orlokcoulda sworn it was at one of the yank conventions11:44
mavhcwhy do smartphones cost more than laptops?11:44
SpeedEvilOh - I was referring to defcon 1811:44
orlokyeah defcon sounds like what i was thinking about11:44
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SpeedEvilmavhc: Because laptop parts are widely sourced, and putting together a low-end laptop isn't that challenging.11:44
SpeedEvilUsing 10* less power or more and still getting acceptable performance costs.11:45
Pillumhow do i get mslug to run on mame ?11:45
Pillumitt always says missing rom or chd immage11:45
rangePillum: So I was awake. Damn.11:46
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ruskiehmm Huawei E1550 actually supports voice calls apparently... so something like a smart/touch book could work with this... I guess11:47
ruskieNokia Windows Phones (get used to that phrase)  <-- I can't get used to this... makes me want to throw up each time I read it :(11:48
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rangeOh, so this time they pissed of all community members? Qt, Symbian and Maemo/Meego?11:49
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psycho_oreosif they don't yield something like N9 my next device may either be another n900 or I'm jumping across to android11:49
ruskieI'm not jumping to android...11:49
Pillumis it sure that nokia uses windows mobile?11:49
Shapeshifterrange: everyone. probably even windows fanboys xD11:49
psycho_oreosthere's a big news headline, look under google news11:49
ruskiePillum, yes11:49
Pillumohhh ;(11:50
Pillumi cant believe11:50
psycho_oreosI don't fancy windows phone with that stupid windows icon as a button, its more `eat your face' than apple's iphone which sticks on the back of the device and thus isn't a button11:50
mavhccalm down dear, it's just an os11:51
psycho_oreosandroid maybe ugly with only linux kernel being the one closest to somewhat a little like linux but the rest is garbage.. too bad. n9 would have been my device if they didn't axe it11:51
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psycho_oreosyou've never seen WP7 phones have you?11:51
ruskiepsycho_oreos, have they?11:51
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psycho_oreosruskie, its still rumours that they've axed it, I'd be really disappointed if n9 never comes out or something equivalent to n9 in terms of specs.11:52
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mavhcmaking 1 phone with each OS isn't a strategy either11:53
mavhcso why don't you like android?11:53
ruskiecrappy UX?11:54
psycho_oreosthat was the problem with nokia, maemo/meego were never meant to take on the world stage because nokia only wanted to focus mainly on symbian. This is why maemo lacked features and hence when it came to n900 as the last stand it failed11:54
ruskiepsycho_oreos, they should have focused on symbian11:55
rangeIt feels a bit like when oracle bought sun.11:55
ruskieand kept maemo/meego as R&D until they got something viable11:55
mavhcjava, c, python, lua, perl, rhino11:55
alteregoN900 wasn't supposed to be a last stand.11:55
psycho_oreosruskie, they did until they axed like 50% of employees. Thus I'm not happy with symbian in many aspects either11:55
Ken-YoungIt feels like when Compaq bought DEC.11:55
mavhcnokia never took software seriously11:56
jonwilmy god even the simplest-seeming of plugins can be so hard11:56
jonwilso complex11:56
psycho_oreosthough N900 does seem like the last stand.. running pretty much what is heralded as the last maemo operating system11:56
jonwillike the cellular network name status widget11:56
ruskiemavhc, non-news really11:56
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mavhcindeed, that's why I bought a droid11:56
mavhcwhen my n810 died11:57
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ruskiefor a tablet I'll be happy with a touchbook11:57
mavhcwell, it still works, just have to plug in a mouse11:57
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ruskiefor a phone device... the n900 was nice since it combined what I needed from a mobile device with a basic phone11:57
Ken-YoungIs there any video feed of the press conference available?11:57
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Pillumi wont believe any of the news until the conference at barcelona11:58
ruskiePillum, this is from the horses mouth so to speak...11:58
mavhcruskie: what about the UX?11:58
ruskiemavhc, of the N900 ?11:58
ruskieperfect for me11:58
ruskiemobile computer...11:58
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ruskiethe meego handset UX is crap... the droid UX is crap... the icrud UX is crud... atleast for my needs11:59
ruskieI need something that behaves like a normal desktop computer...11:59
jonwilWP7 ux is crap11:59
ruskienot something that behaves like a phone11:59
jonwilBest ux I have seen on any phone to date is n90011:59
mavhcof android11:59
ruskieif I want something that behaves like a phone I'll buy well a phone... with physical keypad...11:59
ruskiemavhc, as said... it's phone centric...12:00
mavhcphone's just an app12:00
ruskiethe entire UI is built around that app12:00
_berto_the webcast should be starting now,
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ruskiethe device in essence is meant to be used as a phone... everything that runs on top is just nice shiny candy...12:01
Pavlovit is12:01
ruskiesame as symbian...12:01
jogasomeone knows if this is still up-to-date info?
psycho_oreossymbian is more like locked down version of windows12:02
jonwilwhat I wouldn't give for libconnui header files (and headers for related libs)12:02
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Pavlovjoga: looks a little dated12:02
Pavlovbut some is still accurate12:02
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ruskieit would be nice if everything for the N900 could be opened up... now that they basically put a bullet in the already dead horse...12:03
* ruskie needs food...12:03
kerioyeah, having source code to rapuyama would be cool12:03
Pavlovjoga: they've announced some stuff about the mango update, as well, but no date yet12:03
SpeedEvilWebchat is starting - but you need to register - see above
jogaPavlov, k12:03
Pavlovwish they'd start -- i'd like to go to sleep12:05
jonwilJust having source code for the things that arent in some way sensitive would be nice12:05
Pavlovstarting now12:06
SpeedEvilTalk starting now.12:06
alteregoruskie: we have meego now12:06
* SpeedEvil wishes he was there with some eggs.12:06
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SpeedEvil'A war of ecosystems' - so we're pitching in with the losing side.12:07
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psycho_oreosSpeedEvil, heh s/eggs/grenades/12:08
SpeedEvilThis is last years speech isn't it?12:08
Pavlovthe real question is: when is the first phone12:09
psycho_oreosmight even be better if you smited elop with a small cake12:09
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SpeedEvilAny bets that he says the word meego once?12:10
psycho_oreosyeah as in `we decided to break up with Intel in terms of meego development' :p12:10
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* psycho_oreos is gutted12:10
stevomanuyo all have a major issue using ubuntu10.10 every time i connect my n900 it crashes my pc anybody any idea ?>?12:10
PavlovSpeedEvil: and if he does, that he calls it maygo? ;)12:11
psycho_oreosstevomanu, I don't have that version of ubuntu and I sort of found the issue was related to the USB hub I was connecting the device to12:11
SpeedEvilstevomanu: Odd. Do you get an oops or something?12:11
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stevomanunope just dies out , if i boot windows its all fine !! but ubuntu an backtrack both crash !!12:12
SpeedEvilDamn - I really wish I had eggs now.12:12
stevomanupsycho_oreos its the same in all of my usbs12:12
jonwilIf I was there, I would hit elop with a pie, not eggs12:13
alteregostevomanu: works fine for me, even with two N900s connected simultaneously.12:13
psycho_oreosstevomanu, weird, not sure then.12:13
SpeedEvilOh my god! It has hotmail! I'm getting it.12:13
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stevomanumy n900 has just come back from nokia broken usb , its every since that but cant really see thats the problem #12:13
Pavlovhotmail might be better than ovi mail12:13
jonwilso many things I could do for the N900 (on either Maemo or MeeGo) if I just had a few pieces of information/headers :P12:15
Pillumjonwil: what do you want to do12:15
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jonwilFirstly there is cell broadcast (which is definatly possible if we knew the right way to connect to/listen for the IncomingCBS DBUS signal12:16
Pavlovthis feels to me like they havent fully put a plan together yet12:16
zutesmog1i wonder if any of the closed drivers might get opened up under the "meego open source project"12:16
jonwilI cant see any of the N900 binary blobs being opened up12:17
jonwileither for Maemo or MeeGo12:17
jonwilAll of the binary blobs are closed for valid reasons12:17
jonwillike the BME which is closed due to risk of battery damage12:17
jonwiland the PowerVR blobs12:17
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Pillumjonwil: mediaplayer is closed for what? risk of playing bad music? :D12:18
jonwillots of stuff was closed on Maemo because of other reasons like12:18
jonwil"product differentation"12:18
jonwilwhich was the case for a lot of UI code on Fremantle12:18
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zutesmog1which is sort of irelevant now12:19
jonwilyeah it would be good to see more Maemo Fremantle code12:19
jonwilbut I dont see it happening :(12:19
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zutesmog1maybe a last hurrah !12:20
jonwilAlso on my wishlist is N900 GPS on MeeGo which right now is non-existent. If Nokia documented the isi/phonet calls for the N900 GPS, that could be solved12:20
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Pavlovi want my nokwinpho12:21
zutesmog1can't see anything the community does now can either compromise nokias direction or maemo/meego dev group :-)12:22
keriohow much did nokia's stock crash?12:22
Pillumi will drop a bomb on nokia if theyll release n9 with win or wont release it at all12:22
joga9 point something percent?12:23
Khertankerio: -9.44% currently12:23
Pillumim cereal12:23
MohammadAGkerio, it went under 012:23
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ruskiehopefully they haven't signed anything yet...12:24
Pavlovhe said t12:24
mavhchow much is MS paying them to do this?12:24
* jonwil wishes he had the Cellmo-headers and Cellmo-icpr82-headers packages that used to exist in nokia-binaries but don't exist there anymore12:25
ruskieprobably the other way12:25
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zutesmog1done deal nothing will change for 2 years when it dawns on them that it wasn't a good move :-j12:25
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* jonwil also wishes he had access to the Symbian source code that was published one but is now no longer available for download12:26
mavhcMs would pay nokia not to use android12:26
Pillumthe ineternet nevar forgets12:26
zutesmog1100 mill to not run dalvik is my guess12:27
SpeedEvilI read that as meego device - one phone - and then no more.12:27
SpeedEvilWith all devs then being pushed onto w7 or symbian12:27
Pavlovsymbian will be going away too12:28
Pavlovexcept maybe s4012:28
Nomas40 is not symbian12:28
SpeedEvilyeah - I mean the low end.12:28
ruskiehopefully s40 sticks around12:28
ruskiebut just in case need to get one of those for my own use if ever it arises12:28
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ruskiemavhc, why does there need to be "for-something"...12:29
ruskieI don't need python for maemo12:29
ruskieor ruby for maemo...12:29
ruskieit's the same core as on the desktop...12:29
ruskieanything that needs a "for-something" isn't the same12:29
zutesmog1unfortunately python for android has no real ui though you could in theory do it sdl12:29
zutesmog1s/sdl/vi sdl/12:30
infobotzutesmog1 meant: unfortunately python for android has no real ui though you could in theory do it vi sdl12:30
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Khertanzutesmog: really ?12:30
zutesmog1yeah pygame supposedly runs on android12:31
kerioyeah, but i suspect devs want something integrated with the UI12:31
Khertanzutesmog: it s ok for game ... but ouch making a application ui with pygame is a long path12:31
zutesmog1yep so its still not a great story12:32
* jonwil still needs to find someone with access to 2 different wireless networks, both of which they can see at the same time12:32
Khertandoes it s possible to code directly on device on android ? (java, or something else) to do end user app like i do it with my n900 ?12:33
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keriowell at least we can hope that nokia will release full source code of qt and maemo12:33
jonwilqt is already fully open source12:33
Khertankerio: lol ... i doubt they will12:33
jonwilmaemo being more open would be great12:33
jonwilbut it wont happen12:33
MohammadAGQt's open...12:33
mecewell cordia will be awesome12:33
meceI hope12:33
kerioMohammadAG: i thought it was still with that weird license12:34
zutesmog1pyjamas python bindings for webkit might be an alternative for android in the near term but its all a work around12:34
jonwilno, QT is LGPL last I checked12:34
MohammadAGKhertan, probably not12:34
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MohammadAGI think Android doesn't even have python12:34
Cokeyou can run python through jython iirc12:34
mecethis ms garbage makes me more enthusiastic about fully open source meego12:35
RST38hMohammad: Android has got its own scripting language12:35
RST38hMohammad: Java! =)12:35
nomiskerio: QT is LGPL, but you *can* buy a commercial license if you want to change and distribute QT without making your changes public.12:35
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RST38hWhy would you need Python, with Java being so perfect?12:35
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kerioRST38h: python >>>>>>>>>>> java12:37
infobotkerio meant: RST38h: python >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>...12:37
zutesmog1maybe something will come of pypy on arm - we can only hope12:37
MohammadAGI'm thinking of starting Mer v212:37
kerioi still haven't tried pypy :|12:37
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kerioyay, there's mac binaries now12:38
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rangejonwil: Ask me again this evening (european time) or over the weekend: I do have access to two different networks in my appartement :)12:39
rangejonwil: Or tell me what you're looking for.12:39
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RST38hMohammad: I have got a better idea12:40
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RST38hMohammad: Rather than hold onto this or that Linux distro, why not use that goddamn QML/QtQuick to create a platform-agnostic mobile desktop/app suite?12:41
RST38hMohammad: Then use other peoples' work in putting Linux onto Android phones12:42
jonwilI think the way forward is something like what happened to OpenSolaris when Oracle bought Sun12:42
jonwila community project was set up to replace those bits that got in the way of forward movement...12:43
jonwilrange: are you comfortable with compiling things for the N900 and loading them onto the phone?12:43
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rangejonwil: Um, not really, no.12:44
ruskie <-- hmm12:44
jonwilok, well I can provide a binary file12:45
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rangeAt least I don't have anything set up to do so at the moment.12:45
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jonwilare you comfortable running this binary then?12:45
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rangeWell, I see you're well known around here - if my n900 still works after that :)12:45
jonwildont worry, this file is tested on my N900, its just a logging thing, worst that could happen is if you leave it running too long and it somehow fills up all space on wherever /var/log lives12:46
jonwilbut the logging is only small amount12:46
jonwiland you can turn it off any time12:46
jonwilso there is no risk of that12:47
alteregoWhich will cause you device to enter an infinite reboot loop :P12:50
jonwilwell the test should be concluded long before it can full the device up12:50
jonwilits a matter of "copy some files to the device, run a shell script to load the test policy plugin, do some wireless network things, run another shell script to unload the plugin, copy off the log file"12:51
alteregoSure, depending how full it is already :d12:51
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alteregootoh, Symbian suddenly doesn't seem so bad :D12:58
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lolloobad news for nokia13:00
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psycho_oreosif getting symbian is just to be loyal with nokia after the fallout of maemo, one needs to get their head checked.13:01
alteregoHeh, that's not what I'm saying13:02
alteregoI'm just saying, I'd rather Symbian than WP13:02
psycho_oreosI'd rather android or even iOS over WP13:02
psycho_oreossymbian is like a defunct child of windows13:03
alteregoSymbian, with a nice Qt UX would be great imo13:04
ZogGi just read it13:04
psycho_oreossymbian is no better than iOS, locking down user's rights13:05
ZogGlet's go troll #meego13:05
rangejonwil: I have no problem with reflashing the phone when something goes wrong or running "unstable" software.13:05
ZogGDocScrutinizer, ping13:05
psycho_oreosmaking it look pretty won't make the overall user experience any better for tinkerers13:06
jonwilok, great13:06
ZogGrange, i get bluescreen on flashing =(13:06
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ZogGi don't get it, when there is one loser with one Os and other loser with other, why do they think that together they wouldn't be double losers?13:07
ZogGsimple math13:07
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Khertani didn't consider nokia as 0 (until tomorrow)13:09
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KhertanZogG: but anyway 0*1 = 0 ... same result13:09
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ZogGKhertan until today13:11
ZogGKhertan, that's the time to make your own company with meego phones =)13:11
alteregoZogG: I've been thinking the same :D13:12
* jonwil wishes he could find that @!$%$^@#$ Symbian source code :P13:13
ZogGbut it wouldbn't work13:13
ZogGonly cause if you succeed Nokia will sue you and use all your hard work13:13
ZogGbut seriously, how hard it's to buy phone by parts13:14
ZogGeven without nice looking case13:14
jonwilall I can find for Symbian is links to the no-longer-existent source code and announcements about it :(13:15
psycho_oreosthere's lots of chinese n900 clones, it shouldn't be too hard for one to get them to create n900 with some leaked n9 internal specs13:15
jonwilMost of the chinese clones are using low-quality hardware13:16
psycho_oreosthat's true but there are some that can do clones of n900 in proper if I'm not mistaken13:16
psycho_oreosthere's not much other choice considering nokia decides to desert the maemo/meego community in favour of wp713:17
KhertanZogG: it s an idea13:17
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ZogGm9 is nice phone13:18
ZogGand as well you don't need n9 specs13:18
ZogGas you can use your own13:18
compengisorry i was disconnected13:18
compengidoes anybody has issues with GPS?13:19
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Neccno. GPS works fine. it is prooved ages ago.13:20
compengii opened ovi maps and left the device for ~20 minutes, it couldn't connect13:21
JaffaWell, at least the CSSU will last longer now :)13:21
JaffaNo obvious N900 successor!13:21
compengishowed all the time, searching gps13:21
NeccOVI map turns off the GPS after a specified time due to energy safe reasons13:22
Neccaaarg time to drink another ice coffee13:23
* Khertan think it ll be time to study how to do some mods hacks to add memory in n90013:23
ZogGJaffa i think we should make MohammadAG new leader and open our own company =)13:23
* Sicelo supports ZogG's idea13:24
* mece also13:24
ZogGi want to talk to DocScrutinizer about it13:25
* Khertan like it too ... but put MohammadAG has a leader is bad idea ... his tech skill can be used better than wasting them in leading team :)13:25
ZogGas he has some experience13:25
ZogGKhertan disagreed13:25
compengiNecc, hmm.. how do i get it work then13:26
Khertani see it more as a tech leader13:26
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ZogGthe problem of big compnies that doesn't work with free software is that they have leader that doesn't give a shit and understand how it works in OpenSource13:26
Necccan i ask for a little help? months ago i installed "advanced clock plugin", possibly one of the firsts versions. I uninstalled it quite a while now, but inside "Settings" application, there are still a menu point labeled: "Advanced Clock Plugin" however i uninstalled it. There are any way to remove it from the "Settings"?13:26
ZogGand he doesn't care about devs and you13:26
Necccompengi use something else then OVI maps, or use mobile/wifi network for A-GPS functionality13:27
compengibtw where do i see the satellites13:27
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ZogGNecc try to reinstall and uninstall again13:27
Neccyou need 3-rd parity apps for this13:27
ZogGcompengi, in the sky =)13:27
NeccZogG: can't it says some error13:27
ZogGwhat errors13:28
ZogGdid you try t force it?13:28
compengiZogG, very intelligent answer13:28
Neccdpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/advanced-clock-plugin_0.15.3_armel.deb (--unpack):13:30
Necctrying to overwrite `/opt/maemo/usr/bin/advanced-clock-plugin-settings-ui', which is also in package advanced-clock-plugin-settings-ui13:30
Neccof course the file do not exists, i removed it manually13:30
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ZogGNecc apt-get install -f package13:32
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compengiNecc, what other navigation app do you suggest13:33
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ZogGcompengi try mappero13:33
Necccompengi i don't use any, but i read maemo bugs months ago about this, i just wrote down what i read13:33
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ZogGi need DocScrutinizer !!13:34
NeccZogG: same error as above (apt-get install -f advanced-clock-plugin)13:34
ZogGNecc try clean autoremove and check comands13:34
Neccapt-get clean13:35
Necctoo many window open... not like if this helps but i'll see13:35
Neccno change...13:36
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erstaziWell, Nokia is leaving n900 users in the dust.13:38
NeccNokia *DO NOT* leaves N900 users in the dust...13:38
LinuxCodeNokia always left people in the dust, as no updates were made for mameo after a few years anyway13:39
erstaziLinuxCode: agreed13:39
LinuxCodehowever, now that meego is there13:39
erstazieven since Nokia 77013:39
LinuxCodeand the linux foundations runs it13:39
LinuxCodeIm hopeful13:39
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erstaziI wonder where this partnership with microsoft will leave meego, even.13:40
LinuxCodeand longer term, I hope we can get the meego stuff thats important, into Fedora13:40
ZogGno updates for meego now13:40
LinuxCodeso I can run the distribution I want13:40
ZogGooo ooos nokia is not realing it =)13:40
Necchonestly, sometime you people what updates do you hope for? infinite lifetime updates or what?13:40
LinuxCodeerstazi, Noia is dropping meego,, from what I read, apart from for its tablets13:40
LinuxCodeif they ever make tablets13:41
psycho_oreosthey plan to13:41
Per_n900I seriously can not believe this. I am done with nokia, I love my n900, but this is just... No. Microsoft, windows phone 7, sigh.13:41
LinuxCodeuntil windows tablet OS comes along13:41
LinuxCodenow that they will do arm13:41
GAN900Oh fuck me.13:41
erstazimaybe NITDroid is looking good.13:41
psycho_oreos`Extending the scope of Qt further will be our first MeeGo-related open source device, which we plan to ship later this year. Though our plans for MeeGo have been adapted in light of our planned partnership with Microsoft, that device will be compatible with applications developed within the Qt framework and so give Qt developers a further device to target.' -
LinuxCodeerstazi, loooks ok, but I am not keen on android13:41
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psycho_oreosout of all that briefing, only once was meego mentioned in one paragraph.. good one nokia13:42
Neccdon't make me laugh with such restricted OSes like windows phone 713:42
LinuxCodepsycho_oreos, I give that a year maybe two13:42
erstaziLinuxCode: agreed, but there seems to be a future there at least13:42
psycho_oreosLinuxCode, maybe never! even better13:42
LinuxCodeof sorts13:42
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LinuxCodeas long as meego carries on dev work, I dont care13:42
LinuxCodebe it with Nokia or with other partners13:42
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erstaziagreed, as long as meego carries on dev work, I am fine.13:42
* DocScrutinizer pukes13:43
erstaziI just felt that was a slap in the face with their partnership.13:43
Per_n900Once again, Microsoft has held back the progress of things that would make things better. I have had it with them sons of...13:43
erstazinah, Microsoft is just doing what others are doing (including iOS and to a lesser extent, Android). Walled Garden approach. I just thought Nokia wouldn't go to that length.13:44
nidOwhat would you rather they do, turn down nokia's request to buy and use their not-half-bad operating system on their phones?13:44
erstaziFrom one extreme to the other, is the shocker to me.13:44
nidOyeah, thats what companies like to do, turn away sales.13:44
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LinuxCodethe worrying this is this13:45
LinuxCodemobiles were pretty shit the last years, because there wrre only a few systems out there13:46
LinuxCodenow, if we once again end up with 2 systems13:46
LinuxCodeone of which is
LinuxCodethe other completely closed13:46
SpeedEvilYou forgot WP713:46
LinuxCodeyeah and that one13:46
LinuxCode3.6% market share ?13:46
LinuxCodeor whatever it was13:47
erstaziWP7 had 1.5% in Q413:47
BCMM_that may change with nokia pushing it now...13:47
LinuxCodeor that13:47
MohammadAGZogG, aww :)13:47
erstaziNokia had something like 33% or something.13:47
LinuxCodeMicrosoft 200913:47
LinuxCodeMicrosoft 201013:47
LinuxCodethats by gartner13:47
LinuxCodethats not very encouraging13:47
LinuxCodein terms of Nokias point of view13:48
erstaziMicrosoft definitely got the most out of this.13:48
LinuxCodewhich is why this whole saga baffles me13:48
LinuxCodeI think Nokia doesnt get, that people like familiar things13:48
LinuxCodehence ipod>iphone13:48
Per_n900Will this end with Microsoft buying up nokia? Its not like that is not the way the used to do things to get rid of competition...13:48
Ken-YoungWell, at least I never have to learn Qt.13:49
LinuxCodeor Android users using android phones13:49
GAN900I shoulda fallen back to sleep instead of rolling over and picking up the phone.13:49
nidOmy query is more the timing really - If nokia could get a raft of wp7 phones out the door in a few months tops then fine, but supposedly this is going to be a 2 year transition which will only see a select amount of devices in that time13:49
erstaziI guess they are still releasing a Meego Device.13:49
LinuxCodemainly because all they want to do is chat, use google products13:49
LinuxCodethe stuff they do at home13:49
nidOI dont get how 2 years could apparently not be long enough to sort symbian's ui, and get meego fully going13:49
erstazinidO: agreed13:49
mecei wonder. the meego device, will obviously be a project phone with no future. Which means it could be awesome for hackers13:50
Ken-Youngerstazi, Do you still believe things that Nokia says they will do?13:50
LinuxCodenidO, I would ahve ditched symbian a long long time ago13:50
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SpeedEvilWhat was the earliest contact mentioned withMS - I think I heard november.13:50
erstaziKen-Young: no, but they even said this in the press release today (or yesterday)13:50
Ken-Youngerstazi, Tomorrow, they will say something different.13:50
* GAN900 should get up and catch the sunrise.13:50
erstaziKen-Young: I am a naturally born skeptic13:50
SpeedEvilmece: It may also be a tablet13:50
LinuxCodeI bet you, had they chosen Android, instead of WP713:50
markinfo    Do you know these man?13:50
LinuxCodetheir share price would have gone up 10%13:51
erstaziLinuxCode: haha, no joke13:51
SpeedEvilLinuxCode: Yup.13:51
SpeedEvilLinuxCode: They are _fucking_scared_ of china though.13:51
LinuxCodewell, they need to be scared of themselves13:51
Ken-YoungSpeedEvil, As well they should be.13:51
LinuxCodeandroid is probably a lot chaper than WP713:51
LinuxCodeso handsets be cheaper13:51
SpeedEvilFor example13:52
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LinuxCodenot a phone or ?13:52
SpeedEvilNo, it's not.13:52
LinuxCodequite nice, I must admit13:52
SpeedEvilIt's just an example of what's out there from random devs.13:52
SpeedEvilThe parts that make it poor are generally not the parts that actually cost money.13:53
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meceSpeedEvil, yeah, I have a feeling it is a tablet. But I'd rather have a phone. if it has a keyboard.13:53
SpeedEvilThat much - if done right.13:53
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SpeedEvilIt's QC and engineering.13:53
SpeedEvilWell - not cost per-unit money13:53
keriomarkinfo: developers developers developers developers13:54
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LinuxCodeSpeedEvil, tablets for me are glorified remote controls13:54
Neccso anyone any idea how can i get rid of remained junk "Advanced Clock plugin" menupoint inside "Settings"?
LinuxCodeI am sorry to say13:54
akikhaw91 million shares traded so far today, that's quite a bit :)13:54
keriothe form factor of nokia internet tablets is actually really nice13:54
SpeedEvilNecc: I would reinstall the latest version, and tehn uninstall it13:54
meceLinuxCode, they are quite nice though. But if it's just one device, I want a phone with a keyboard. I don't need a tablet for anything.13:54
kerioway better than those crappy android tablets13:54
kerio(or the ipad lol)13:54
erstaziNecc: let me do a search on packages13:54
Neccdpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/advanced-clock-plugin_0.15.3_armel.deb (--unpack):13:55
Necctrying to overwrite `/opt/maemo/usr/bin/advanced-clock-plugin-settings-ui', which is also in package advanced-clock-plugin-settings-ui13:55
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keriomece: is the n900 ok?13:55
LinuxCodemece, which si why I went for a N90013:55
LinuxCodenot an android device13:55
mecekerio, the n900 is the best device ever.13:55
GAN9002 years cracks me up13:55
LinuxCodeas I could not find an android device with keybaord13:55
keriobecause the n900 is perfectly fine for me and i'd really want a n900 but thinner and with some real ram13:55
Neccoutput of apt-get -f13:55
LinuxCodebesdies the fact, Im banking on meego13:55
SpeedEvilThinner with a keyboard is _hard_13:55
erstaziNecc: did you try to reinstall the package and then remove it?13:55
mecekerio, but one day it will be a little slow, and I will want something new13:55
LinuxCodeI need/must have/want meego parts in Fedora13:55
erstazikerio: agreed13:55
kerioSpeedEvil: n9 prototype photos :)13:55
SpeedEvilkerio: AIUI, 512M would be 'easy' upgrade13:55
LinuxCodemobile units should only be mere conduits13:56
SpeedEvilAs would 720MHz13:56
LinuxCodelike you buy a pc13:56
markinfokerio, Stephen Elop & Steve Ballmer13:56
mecekerio, so I'm hoping there will be a phone with full linux stack and lots of memory and a keyboard.13:56
GAN900For all of the furious arm waving, they really aren't better off than they were yesterday.13:56
kerioyou know what, a n900 with a faster cpu and more ram is ok13:56
kerioand with a better and/or bigger battery13:56
mecekerio, that is exactly what I want.13:56
ruskieGAN900, they are worse off... look at the nokia stock ;)13:56
mecen900 is perfect for me.13:56
erstazikerio: at least we can *replace* our battery13:56
Neccdoesn't matter what i type into apt-get, i ALWAYS get that message whenever i try to mess with that package13:56
keriomece: well a full linux stack means nothing13:56
keriounless you mean that you also want linux on the modem13:56
mecekerio, well13:56
keriowhich could already be the case, but we don't know13:57
DocScrutinizerGAN900: LOL13:57
ruskiekerio, well cpu is fast enough imho... but bigger screen and more ram certainly...13:57
keriohaving the source code for rapuyama would make lots of things better13:57
MohammadAGkerio, agreed13:57
kerio(and the private key for signing would be even better - but still, only the source would be fine)13:57
timeless_xchatjonwil: QT is apple proprietary. Qt otoh is LGPL+others13:57
mecekerio, regardless, I want an n900 with more memory and bigger screen. pretty much. also "not android" is a very important feature.13:57
kerionah, bigger screen would make it unwieldy13:58
ruskiekerio, a 4" screen wouldn't13:58
meceand I want Qt13:58
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Psionly extra features i'd want in a new n900 would be faster cpu so apps in easydebian were quicker and HD tv out13:59
* RobbieThe1st wants a n900 with a larger, high-res screen and dual-core chip :P13:59
kerioin order of what's plausible: more RAM (!!!!!!!!!), faster CPU, slightly thinner, hd out, bigger/better battery, bigger screen13:59
Psiyeah, dualcore cpu would be good13:59
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SpeedEvilThe n900 has something like 12 cores.14:00
* xkr47 just wants to buy redundant n900:s while you can still get them14:00
MohammadAGI wonder what the cost of a self-built device would be14:00
NeccRobbieThe1st: wait the new fantastic does not existing N9 to be released :P14:00
MohammadAGor we could convince OpenMoko to do it :P14:00
Necci would love my N900 if it would include 512MB physical RAM14:00
xkr47I love my n900 as it is!14:01
meceI already love my n900.14:01
Psiyeah, the ram does get a bit full when you have samba and apache running :P14:01
ruskiexkr47, I think atleast a few of us will buy a spare n900 if not two14:01
meceme too14:02
mecedefinately going for a spare n90014:02
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Ken-YoungI bought a spare this morning.14:02
ruskiespare n900 and some s40 device as well for when that dies14:02
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meces40 wasn't going away they said14:02
* rmrfchik sold n900 and happy ;)14:02
ruskieI don't really trust them much at this point...14:02
xkr47the price is slightly down from the original, nice14:03
Psii dont think ill get a spare, as much as i love the n900 i think there will probably be somemthing better available when mine dies14:03
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xkr47lol 18 n900s sold this morning in local computer shops14:03
xkr47sorry it was yesterday, doh14:03
ruskiehmm 533 eur new...14:04
DocScrutinizerruskie: exactly, I need another 1 or two14:04
xkr47429e here14:04
ruskiexkr47, lucky14:04
ruskieI'll hev to check around... and check at the official importer... but I'm guessing this is their price14:04
DocScrutinizermeh, I'd hoped for cheap used ones now14:04
xkr47who would sell.. :)14:05
_berto_live webcast again ->
ruskie265 used here14:05
ruskiewell used new14:05
xkr47wow 185 used14:05
ruskieby someone who doesn't want it14:05
ruskiewarranty and all14:05
ruskie180 from some ppl14:06
ruskiethat's a more acceptable price point14:06
xkr47to buy multiple :)14:06
ruskieI was thinking just one spare14:07
ruskieif the hw is anywhere as durable as the n5110 was I'm expecting a good solid 5 years of runtime from one...14:07
SpeedEvilNokia stream started again14:07
SpeedEvil'strategy and financial briefing.14:07
xkr47let us know14:07
ruskieI wonder how much further their stock will crash14:08
SpeedEvil'3 buisness objectives we must pursue' 1. Reinforce leadership in mobile phones.14:08
akikhawelop can talk atleast, at last quarterly, he spoke the stock back up from a ~8% crash14:08
akikhawjust hoping he can do the same again today :p14:08
SpeedEvil2. Collect underpants14:08
SpeedEvil3. ???14:08
ruskiewinpho certainly isn't leadership in mobile phones...14:09
nidO•Elop clarified that MeeGo will ship this year but "not as part of another broad smarpthone platform strategy, but as an opportunity to learn."14:09
nidOhead > gun > trigger14:09
GAN900As a Nokia investor, color me fscking pissed.14:09
RST38hGAN: You actually invested?14:09
SpeedEvilYeah - he's basically saying meego was too slow and too risky.14:09
RST38hA true believer!14:10
GAN900RST38h, sometime in 2006. It was a gift. *g*14:10
akikhawRST38h: 90% of my stocks were in nokia :p14:10
Neccahh sorry for asking it again but -> how can i remove that junk function from there by *NOT* using dpkg or apt-get? (Please /query me as i can not follow this extremely fast chat and i can't read everyone's answer. thank you)14:10
nidOI cant see how development of meego can be going so slowly they cant get a decent product in place within the next 2 years14:10
akikhawor, are, still14:10
Per_n900Too slow and too risky, that sounds like wndows phone 7 to me.14:10
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GAN900nidO, Nokia is an old, slow, ineffectual company.14:11
GAN900They clearly couldn't manage to ship their grandmother an iPod.14:11
ruskiebroken internals really14:11
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ruskienothing wrong with old...14:11
GAN900ruskie, indeed, but it's a symptom with Nokia, not a point of pride.14:12
ruskiebut they should have had business phone section that makes tried and tested devices... an general population section that would do all of the fancy feature phones for teens and joe averag...14:12
keriodid they really say "We need to go deeper"?14:12
kerioI N C E P T I O N14:12
ruskieand a r&d environment for all the new stuff that the other two could use...14:12
akikhawhmm, that explains a lot14:12
nidOGAN900: 2 *more* years on top of the more-than-a-year theyve already had for meego, is beyond rediculous for what was supposedly going to be their high end14:13
akikhawinception was actually a documentary14:13
ruskieand for the love of all that is sane... don't make them compete... but cooperate...14:13
RST38hnid0: Well they have killed every single viable Maemo product/project14:13
nidOMS got wp7 from start to done in substantially less time than that, and its effectively a sideline project for MS14:13
GAN900What the hell are they going to sell in the mean time?14:13
RST38hnid0: They killed Diablo (perfectly good platform)14:13
GAN900Nobody will want to buy zombies from them.14:13
RST38hnid0: Then they killed Fremantle.14:13
RST38hnid0: Then they killed that Qt framework of theirs.14:13
nidORST38h, exactly, and I cant for the life of me see why theyre repeating it. beyond pissing off a lot of devs, switching to wp7 isnt in my book an inherantly bad thing, as someone that's actually used it it's not shabby14:14
ruskiemaybe with an experimental section that can play with all the other OSes out there...14:14
nidObut taking 2 bloody years to do it is beyond crazy14:14
RST38hnid0: You mean they will switch to WP7 in 2 years?14:15
nidOsupposedly the next 2 years are a "transition period" which suggests to me that anything they do release in that period will be relatively sparse, and essentially testbed devices14:15
ruskieor simply unsupported for more than a week14:15
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rangemv nokia foxconn214:16
akikhawpersonally i read that as "2 years until the offical funeral of symbian"14:16
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akikhaweg. wm and symbian side by side for 2 years14:16
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SpeedEvilnidO: Or they could mean that symbian mid-high range goes over to wm over that period, and new devices ASAP14:16
akikhawif they don't announce a new device, or two at barcelona its going to be very bad for them14:17
akikhaw(that comes out very soon)14:17
nidOwell, he had no announcement for a phone today, which suggests it could be a good 6-12 months before a wp7 nokia arrives14:17
akikhawthe phone announcements should come at barcelona, not today14:18
* ZogG mp> the.big.bang.theory.s04e15.720p.hdtv.x264-ctu.mkv [1280x720 H264 24.000fps]14:18
SpeedEvilIf there was a device coming down the pipe, it'd be announced today to improve share price.14:18
nidOthey may be waiting on mwc, but it seems to me if they have anything coming anytime soon, showing it off at the same time as announcing the partnership woulda been smarter than waiting for mwc14:18
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SpeedEvilHmm. That last comment was certainly as if there is no device coming down the pipe.14:19
SpeedEvil'right now, ... chipset suppliers, ...'14:19
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SpeedEvilAnd ad-revenue from maps.14:19
Scorcereri'm sorry if this is inapprioprate here, but i just have to say this to someone high in Nokia management: MORONS14:20
SpeedEvilI, for one, welcome our new windows overlords.14:21
SpeedEvil(not really)14:21
Scorcererplease, don't say anyhing with the makers of windows company name, i already have a headache, and it's not helping14:22
Scorcererwhat is nokia hoping to gain with this?14:22
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ruskieScorcerer, nothing14:22
SpeedEvilScorcerer: 'stellar hardware, great software, a wonderful value propisition'14:22
SpeedEvilScorcerer: To quote the president.14:23
SpeedEvil(speaking right now)14:23
ruskiehmm stock did rise a bit...14:23
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SpeedEvilThey basically considered that meego was too slow in coming out, and starting from 'zero' - it wasn't going to be a starter.14:24
nidOthe kicker for nokia is going to be if intel and other backers can get meego out on moorestown, and have it pick up some decent traction14:24
alteregoI still think the real action is around meego arm14:25
nidOthe problem for meego arm now though is that while the os is there all fine and dandy14:25
alteregoAt least in the short term 1-2 years14:25
SpeedEvilWasn't nokia the partner moslty pushing the ARM side?14:25
Scorcererhope so14:25
nidOit needs a big name to actually ship devices using it14:25
alteregoI funny or not, think Nokia still may be the first vendor to ship a meego handset14:26
SpeedEvilIf it's not a tablet.14:27
ruskieI do wonder if after that device they'll keep going on meego...14:27
nidOit wont help much if they ship one then forget about it, which is almost exactly what elop seems to have said will happen14:27
ruskieatleast as an R&D project14:27
alteregonidO: well, what he said was a development device would ship.14:27
SpeedEvilTodays phrase of the day.14:28
alteregothis year, it seems they're being careful about saying anything specific about the future of meego ..14:28
SpeedEvil'Our primary strategy is windows phone'.14:28
nidO"not as part of another broad smartphone platform strategy" to me suggests theyll ship the one device, and itll have no nokia/ovi/anything services support14:28
keriocan we ask nokia to make a new hardware revision for the n900?14:28
SpeedEvilkerio: We can.14:28
ruskiekerio, sure but they'll just stuff fingers in ears and go lalalalalalala14:28
keriowill they answer affirmatively?14:28
SpeedEvilkerio: yes.14:28
kerioawesome, let's do that14:29
SpeedEvilkerio: If you show up with an order for 250K14:29
alteregoSpeedEvil: I think we could do that ...14:29
ruskiehmmm nokia stock is certainly rising14:29
keriook, we need 249519 more people14:29
alteregokerio: actually we need a viable strategy14:29
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alteregoMaemo, MeeGo, where now :/14:30
jonwilWhat is wrong with the N900 as it stands now?14:30
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jonwilhardware-wise that is14:31
alteregoI for one will continue to stand behind meego for as long as Nokia continue to help us.14:31
keriojonwil: are you kidding14:31
jonwilI think its good hardware14:31
ruskiecould do with more ram14:31
kerioit has like 10 bytes of ram14:31
SpeedEvilBetter swap algorithms can help enormously.14:31
ruskiebeyond that... frankly don't see any other reason14:31
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alteregoI for one will continue to stand behind meego for as long as Nokia continue to help us.14:31
kerioruskie: i did a tiny list before14:31
alteregojonwil: it is, but what about next year.  want a compass, hdmi out at 1080p resolutions and probably some more stuff.14:31
jonwilI am not interested in compass or HDMI14:32
alteregoThat'd I'd be interested in.14:32
alteregojonwil: well, you're a minority :P14:32
nidOjonwil, plenty of other people are tho14:32
SpeedEvilOh - he implied that meego device was a smartphone.14:32
ruskiepeople need to get together and define some sort of a mobile spec for pluggable devices...14:32
nidOpersonally, i'd just rather a less godawful keyboard14:32
jonwilThe #1 thing I hope for from Nokia is continued support for MeeGo N900 non-oss blobs (open-souring of them would be good but that wont happen)14:32
* andrewfblack just shakes his head has no idea what to say this morning14:33
SpeedEvilruskie: Pluggable devices don't work.14:33
ruskieSpeedEvil, not usb...14:33
SpeedEvilruskie: I keep meaning to write a FAQ why modular doesn't work for mobile devices.14:33
keriojonwil: hdmi is kinda useless, yeah14:33
alteregoandrewfblack: :( It is a truely sad day for everyone.14:33
ruskieSpeedEvil, really why doesn't it?14:33
ruskienobody never tried really14:33
SpeedEvilruskie: Ok. being modular has many, many costs.14:33
jonwilI hope also that features not currently working on N900 MeeGo can be made to work14:34
jonwili.e. GPS14:34
keriojonwil: more ram(!!!!!!!!!!!), more cpu (!!), slightly thinner, better antenna placement, bigger screen (no front facing camera)14:34
jonwiland battery status stuff14:34
jonwiland whatever14:34
SpeedEvilruskie: Firstly. You have to reimplement stuff over boards - decoupling and stuff. 2 boards is more expensive to make than one.14:34
alteregojonwil: gps is almost done, as is camera and decent power management14:34
jonwilHow is GPS on MeeGo being done?14:34
jonwiland camera and PM?14:34
alteregoSame as maemo really14:34
jonwilso GPS is just a port of location-daemon and friends from Maemo?14:35
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ruskieSpeedEvil, what about single board with standardised package slots... so that all you need is drop in whatever chip you want?14:35
alteregojonwil: yes14:35
SpeedEvilruskie: Secondly, if you have a user-pluggable module, you need a connector (which is unreliable) a outer shell for the module, an inner shell and cover for the module. A weaker cover or chassis, as you've got extra holes.14:35
ruskieand if it's absent ignore it14:35
SpeedEvilruskie: And extra decoupling componenets.14:36
jonwilI hope for binary blobs on MeeGo N900 only where absolutely necessary14:36
SpeedEvilruskie: Then you run into other issues like there will always be wasted space if you pick a given module size.14:36
SpeedEvilruskie: Mobile high-pin-count connectors are _hard_, and expensive.14:37
jonwilthe ISI commands for GPS ARE documented in the wireless modem docs that Nokia published14:37
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jonwilIts just that the docs on that site dont match the actual GPS commands used for the N900 GPS14:37
E0xsad day for me14:37
SpeedEvilruskie: Then there are other issues like antennas not matching.14:37
DocScrutinizerget it, modular DOES NOT FLY for small devices14:37
SpeedEvilYou can do modular. It can work.14:38
jonwilso if Nokia can document the proper GPS commands for N900, all the GPS blobs can go away14:38
DocScrutinizertoo clunky, too many source of failure14:38
SpeedEvilBut expect 1.5-2* the price, and 1.5-2* the volume, and 0.8* the batery life.14:38
jonwiland we can write a backend for whatever open-source GPS/location thing exists14:38
SpeedEvilAnd 0.1* the reliabilirty.14:38
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SpeedEviljonwil: gpsd14:38
alteregoI think this summerises my dispair
ZogGnow i got it14:39
jonwilso yeah Nokia documents the isi/phonet stuff and let the community write a gpsd backend for n90014:39
ZogGNokia is failing again and again coz they used to release ready to use phone and OS and only small bugfixes are needed after14:39
ZogGwhile maemo and meego should be long term developed OS14:39
jonwilinstead of investing effort into porting the clunky stuff from Maemo14:39
ZogGno i mean not that14:40
* jonwil wonders if power stuff is going to mean more binary blobs14:40
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jonwilor if all the important closed PM bits will end up in bme14:40
ZogGlook n700 maemo2 or what ever, n800 maemo 3 n81*0 maemo4 n900 maemo514:40
ZogGbut it's not same maemo14:40
DocScrutinizerin the end what's the use of modular? to pay 4* the price, to have a device where you can leave out 20% so X*4*0.8, and in the end the case has to cary thin air instead of the expensive modules you left out?14:41
ZogGwhile android 2.3 is the same android 2.2 just with new features14:41
* jonwil agrees that modular doesn't work14:41
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ZogGDocScrutinizer, what do you mean?14:41
ruskiemodular doesn't work because nobody bothered to find a way to make it work14:42
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SpeedEvilruskie: Frankly - you're wrong.14:42
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SpeedEvilruskie: The issues have been explored for over 60 years or so.14:42
SpeedEvilruskie: There has been enormous pressure to find some nice generic solution - it hasn't happened.14:42
markinfo must see.14:43
markinfothe music is the best.14:43
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DocScrutinizerlet me put it this way: it's quite common in industry do build *one* hw that has it all, then - by *drilling holes tru traces or the like* - switch off comfort functions and sell two products: foobar-basic, with holes, and an expensive foobar-XXL without those holes14:43
ruskieSpeedEvil, a) it requires cash b) requires out of box thinking c) cellcos aren't interested d) phone manufcatrures don't want to carry the cost and brunt of the research...14:43
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SpeedEvilruskie: I'm talking about the generic electronics market - this is not only an issue with phones.14:44
markinfobut is it symbolic that the Microsoft logo is half hidden?14:44
keriowell nokia is really good at hardware14:44
jonwilWhat I want to know is what OS cell carriers would like to have seen Nokia support14:44
SpeedEvilruskie: The other problem is that while you do in fact get plug-in modules for 3G - say - they are all a differnet size and shape.14:44
kerioso maybe this won't totally suck14:44
SpeedEvilIf you say you want a module of a given size and shape, the cost will be ruinous.14:45
kerionah who am i kidding, this will suck badly14:45
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ruskiewell I guess my point was that everyone needs to agree on common module sizes for certain stuff...14:45
ruskiefrom manufacturers to designers etc...14:46
SpeedEvilruskie: 'common module sizes' = wasted space14:46
SpeedEvilWhy would makers want to make modules bigger than they can?14:46
chem|stmicrosoft sucks... and any time a product is close to die they change its name and announce it as new feature rich BS being exactly the same apart of logo and naming...14:46
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DocScrutinizerruskie: this topic has been discussed for weeks literally, in the last 4 years, in OM community alone, by dozens of savvy people, and THERE IS NO WAY to make a B2B connector design compensate for the cheap-as-dirt chips you leave out14:47
DocScrutinizerit's simply more expensive to build in empty space into a device, than to populate it with the right chips14:48
ruskiemakes no sense to me but ok...14:49
SpeedEvilAlso - look at how upgradable laptops are.14:49
SpeedEvilBasically not, with very, very limited exceptions.14:49
* ruskie still wishes for an upgradable laptop14:49
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ruskieuntil such time won't have a laptop14:49
chem|styou may change 3 things... RAM, PCIs-cards and HDDs...14:49
SpeedEvilLaptops aren't upgradable for the same reason mobiles aren't - largely.14:49
alterego"Another thread about Nokia and WP7" wtf14:50
BCMM_fsck upgradable, even just replaceable parts would be nice14:50
DocScrutinizerruskie: then your 'laptop' will have the form factor of a mini tower14:50
SpeedEvilConnectors and packaging is hard.14:50
chem|ston mine they saved the 15c for the second pcie connector as it was not needed14:50
SpeedEvilThe most unreliable bits of any system are generally the connectors.14:50
ruskieyet I had everything else fail so far BUT the connectors14:50
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SpeedEvilOn what?14:51
DocScrutinizerand the most clunky part of any system are the service doors14:51
SpeedEvilBy connectors, I mean internal board-board connectors in a mobile device.14:51
Khertanone small pc seller, sell upgradable laptop in Paris14:51
DocScrutinizerguess why iPhone has no swappable battery14:51
SpeedEvilLarge connectors can do things that small ones can't.14:51
DocScrutinizertoo clunky14:51
ruskieDocScrutinizer, I don't really care if I need to take the whole device appart to do the upgrade...14:51
ruskieso don't really care for service doors...14:51
Khertanbut it s look like more a pc towel with keyboard put on the side that something else14:51
chem|stDocScrutinizer: it would brake their design...14:52
SpeedEvilAnd how reliable do you think your mobile tower will be if you bounce it around like a mobile?14:52
ruskieconsidering I don't bounce around any electronic gear...14:52
DocScrutinizerexactly, as you need a second wall inside, to protect electronics from user, you need a emovable back cover, whatnot else14:52
SpeedEvilruskie: You do not treat your mobile phone as gently as your desktop.14:52
ruskieSpeedEvil, gentler14:53
SpeedEvilruskie: Put a G meter on it.14:53
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ruskiemy desktop will get a kick every so often...14:53
chem|struskie: you got a screenprotector?14:53
ruskiehard one enough to leave dent in the chassis14:53
ruskiechem|st, yup14:53
chem|struskie: you do not need that if you are gentler with it than with your desktop...14:54
ruskieand it's in a soft semi-hard shell... that is in another bag14:54
* RST38h eagerly awaiting Texrat commit suicide right in his blog =)14:54
nidOI have no protector on mine14:54
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chem|stnidO: +114:54
ruskiechem|st, well the screenprotector is mainly on it because it's a privacy guard...14:54
ruskiei.e. polarized to only be viewable straight on14:54
chem|stah fixed angle14:54
DocScrutinizermeh, sorry I'll leave you alone here. Mobile Modules discussion is so.... *yawn*14:54
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chem|stDocScrutinizer: I would love to kick those designer asses only once!14:55
LjLnot much space to install things on on the N810 :\14:55
nidOit occurs to me all this exclusivity dealing with nokia could be the major thing that hurts wp7 as a platform and "ecosystem"14:55
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ruskiechem|st, basically if I had a way to input pin and other things into the device without needing to use the touchscreen or to have them visible why I type them in... I wouldn't get a screenprotector...14:56
chem|stnidO: wp7 is not exclusive to nokia14:56
DocScrutinizerLjL: you probably want to do your very own optification on N81014:56
nidOchem|st: no, but nokia's ability to apparently change whatever the hell they like with it is14:56
LjLmy what? O.o14:56
nidOHTC werent even allowed to use Sense on it14:56
infobothmm... optification is a inventive duct tape workaround to reclaim space in fs root, done due to the fact the partitioning is FUBAR, or,_Deploying_and_Distributing/Installing_under_opt_and_MyDocs, or ""OMG - I wish somebody had looked into FHS and moved /usr to eMMC"", or bullet1,2 and fhs-2.3.html#PURPOSE16 sentence314:56
nidOso what other manus are going to bother pushing wp7 when nokia are the only ones allowed to differentiate it?14:56
ruskienidO, all those with current valid contracts that won't expire for the next 5 years ?14:57
KhertannidO: nokia will probably not personnalize it too much14:57
Khertanput a link to ovi ... who know ?14:58
chem|stwill be pretty straight as they got no time to modify much...14:58
nidOKhertan: no, they've said they probably wont, but I dont imagine HTC are too chuffed when they want to, but cant, and nokia have been allowed to, but wont.14:58
SpeedEvilInteresting - they say meego invesrtment will continue.14:58
nidOwhats the incentive for HTC to keep pushing WP7 against nokia rather than just getting back fully behind android14:58
chem|stthey will try to get it rtunning stable on some hardware put it together and TADA new device in april14:58
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SpeedEvilnidO: Same as anyone else14:59
ruskieSpeedEvil, I've heard that much but apparently once decoded it's something along the lines of: This will be R&D in the long term14:59
SpeedEvilnidO: HTC is not scared of nokia - somewhat.14:59
nidOSpeedEvil: yeah, none. may as well stick to android and ditch windows again14:59
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SpeedEvilnidO: HTC is scared of china - in the long term, and the commoditisation of android.14:59
nidOwhich leaves wp7 as, effectively, a nokia exclusive14:59
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ruskieI wonder if anyone actually introduced Elop to the cluebat...15:01
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LjLDocScrutinizer: uhm... unless i'm mistaken, doing that properly would mean recompiling everything to use a different directory structure. what about i symlink /usr/share to the eMMC instead? doing it with /usr might be a bit too much i guess, but somehow /usr/share feels safer15:01
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ruskieLjL, actually it's exactly what you said... symlinking a lot of stuff from another partition15:02
DocScrutinizerLjL: the correct way to do is to *mount*, not symlink15:02
ruskieand hope nothing breaks15:02
LjLDocScrutinizer: so i should repartition the eMMC? :\15:02
DocScrutinizerLjL: and no, no need to recompile anything15:02
DocScrutinizerLjL: yes15:02
LjLis the eMMC much slower than the rootfs?15:02
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DocScrutinizeror use bindmounts on directories living on eMMC15:03
ruskieI was considering getting some n8x0 devices as upnp players/control points for home...15:03
DocScrutinizerLjL: not that much15:03
LjLi'll investigate bindmounts then, i'm not keen on repartitioning, right now15:03
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DocScrutinizerLjL: ...and your overall user experience will get better even, as you can have more space on rootfs, and place some files with heavy traffic there15:04
LjLhmm, rootfs porn...15:04
* LjL kids15:04
DocScrutinizerLjL: the only catch is: you need to do these bindmounts early in init process, prior to accessing any of the bits in /usr15:05
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LjL /etc/fstab won't do?15:05
DocScrutinizerthis might incluse some mv of a few binaries from /usr/* to /*15:06
kerioDocScrutinizer: you mean like IT SHOULD BE DONE in a real unix system?15:06
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keriowith the stuff in /usr/ not necessary to the boot process before mounting volumes?15:06
LjLyeah that's the idea of /usr as i knew it :P15:06
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DocScrutinizerkerio: see ~optification15:06
kerioi know, i know15:06
kerioi'm just saying that whoever put binaries required to boot in /usr/ needs to be shot15:07
LjLwell... if i only do it with /usr/share, there shouldn't be an issue with boot, methinks?15:07
kerioLjL: maybe!15:07
LjL*crosses fingers*15:07
DocScrutinizerfor example on maemo5/N900 it's a *bug* that parts of PA are in /usr/* while early in init they use PA to playback the shakehands video15:08
DocScrutinizerergo PA needs to move from /usr/* to /*15:08
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DocScrutinizerat least that's what FHS says /usr is meant to be like15:09
kerioDocScrutinizer: no, we need to stop with the bullshit video15:09
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keriothere's no reason why the boot process requires audio15:09
DocScrutinizerthat's the better alternative :-D15:10
kerioor, at least requiring pulseaudio15:10
DocScrutinizerkerio: exactly15:10
ruskiekerio, there are some libs that stuff in /bin requires from /usr/lib as well15:10
kerioruskie: and whoever put them there needs to be shot as well15:10
keriowhy the hell do we use busybox15:11
kerioi thought not having to rely on a shitton of libraries was one of the reasons15:11
DocScrutinizerruskie: then somebody had a gashead when installing those bits in /bin depending on /usr/lib instead of /lib15:11
DocScrutinizerjavispedro: moaning15:12
DocScrutinizerkerio: yep15:12
infobotmessy... err busybox is meant for lean scripting. Regarding all the missing options and immanent limitations (see su) it's not really the interactive shell of choice. A lot of people hate busybox because a lot of system integrators don't understand the difference between busybox and a decent user interactive shell plus unix utils15:12
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DocScrutinizergenerally executables depending on /usr/* go to /usr/(s)bin, NOT /(s)bin15:13
SpeedEvilTo be fair, using 'normal' tools on a low memory device is insane.15:13
SpeedEvilbusybox uses less RAM, starts builtin processes faster.15:14
ruskieSpeedEvil, when defininng low memory as it used to be... 8MB...15:14
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ruskiewhen you have 256mb of mem... there is no sane reason...15:14
SpeedEvilruskie: That's not really true - it's not only RAM15:15
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: using busybox as a login shell, THAT *IS* insane15:15
chem|stDocScrutinizer: +115:15
SpeedEvilash uses a whole lot less memory on startup than bash. This means it's faster when memory is contended15:15
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javispedroalso, it doesn't fork as often as bash.15:16
DocScrutinizerand how do I care for my xterm??15:16
DocScrutinizerI give a flying F about forks15:16
SpeedEvilFor interactive use, it's not an issue15:17
SpeedEvilI'm not arguing against bash for interactive.15:17
ruskieSpeedEvil, talking about busybox ash with most options disabled? or something like dash?15:17
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DocScrutinizerdudes, I got 256MB RAM plus lots of swap on this device. My last laptop running full sized Opensuse10 had 192MB, and a 300MHz P-II, and I got KDE running on it15:18
DocScrutinizerplus bash OF COURSE15:18
javispedroand yet if you try to run KDE on the N900 it will be deadly slow.15:18
ruskiejavispedro, yes but the cause isn't the device15:18
DocScrutinizerplus manpages, though it had a 12GB HDD15:18
ruskieit's the coders...15:18
javispedrowhen it happens for one application, it's the device.15:19
ruskienow-a-days nobody bothers to even remotely optimize their code15:19
javispedro*it's the coders ;)15:19
javispedrowhen it happens for each application...15:19
SpeedEvilruskie: Whatever the shell is on the n90015:19
ruskiejavispedro, not really...15:20
javispedrowhat I just what to mean is that sadly the performance of the N900 is not comparable to a 300 Mhz laptop.15:20
ruskiejavispedro, I can run midori vs firefox... and there will be a huge difference...15:20
RST38hmoo javispedro15:20
javispedroI run Eclipse on my Celeron 333Mhz with 96MiB of RAM (yes, 96MiB)15:20
RST38hjavispedro: having fun? =)15:20
javispedrohowever, I've tried to do so on the N900 -- disaster.15:20
RST38h(and the first mistake is obviously to run Eclipse)15:21
javispedroRST38h: yes, having fun =)15:21
javispedroRST38h: reading #meego too I guess, so you having fun too :)15:21
ruskiejavispedro, good for you... I've seen eclipse bring a lot better systems than that to a crawl15:21
RST38hjavispedro: oh yes15:21
DocScrutinizerjavispedro: guess why. Just because there's not even 50MB *free* RAM left over on N90015:21
DocScrutinizerwith all those UIs fixed to mem15:21
* jonwil wishes he could find someone who has contacts at nokia and can ask about possibility of n900 GPS isi/phonet info and some other stuff :P15:22
javispedroDocScrutinizer: naa there's way more than that, they're not fixed to mem.15:22
SpeedEvilI just checked15:22
RST38hjavispedro: The Tentacled One is going to be mightily constipated on all this food tonight15:22
javispedroDocScrutinizer: see .desktop files, they have a field which indicates at which values of free mem they're pinned into memor15:22
javispedroRST38h: probably mine as well.15:22
SpeedEviluses 208K RAM, bash& 164k15:22
SpeedEvilIt wasn't that way last time I lookd15:23
DocScrutinizernot really, as messybox comes with all that useless halfarsed cruft builtin15:23
CokeAre there any employees at Nokia working with things like Qt, PySide and MeeGo still?15:23
ruskieSpeedEvil, what where you checking?15:23
ruskieps aux?15:23
RST38hjavispedro: Well, I hope that for you, this is not a moment for catharsis etc =)15:24
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SpeedEvilno - unique memory used15:24
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ruskieSpeedEvil, what tool did you use?15:24
SpeedEvil - the 'smem' python script15:24
lardmanX-Fade: ping15:25
* jonwil doubts he will ever be able to complete any of his15:25
jonwilhis N900 reverse engineering projects15:25
ruskieon my desktop system... dash 132 | bash 1628 | zsh 267215:26
* jonwil doubts he will ever get any of the info he is seeking15:26
ruskiedon't think I have a busybox around on this...15:26
SpeedEvilruskie: Is that uss?15:27
SpeedEvilunique set size - the unique mapped pages?15:27
lardmanjonwil: use it as a reason to write your own decompiler? ;)15:27
SpeedEvilruskie: you need to run at least two copies of each shell15:27
KhertanSpeedEvil: smem ... hum ...15:27
SpeedEvilRSS counts mapped pages. This includes multiply mapped pages. If your app maps libc - you don't actually want to count that memory in the memory footprint.15:28
ruskiezsh 2664 bash 1544 dash 60|6415:28
SpeedEvilUSS is unique set size - pages used only by this process. PSS is proportional set size. This counts 1/150th of libcs pages, if there are 150 processes using it15:29
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DocScrutinizerhonestly guys. Bothering about 208k vs 164k of RAM(!!)? c'mon. There's simply NO sane reason to have messybox as your login shell. There's a lot of sense in using it as scripting shell during init though15:29
ruskieDocScrutinizer, not really... dash can do things probably better15:30
SpeedEvilI'm nt arguing it's good for login shell.15:30
DocScrutinizerruskie: eeh? sorry?15:30
SpeedEvilAt least on n900, ash started lots faster than bash.15:30
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SpeedEvilin some test cripts I did a bit ago.15:31
DocScrutinizerhow did you start it?15:31
DocScrutinizerfrom a shell I gues?15:31
ruskieload time really depends on the binary size in the end15:31
ruskieif you want to see what outperforms try a few 1000+ loops15:31
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kkalsad day today15:31
ruskiesome things actually run better in bash than in other things15:31
ruskiekkal, yup15:32
SpeedEvilI was doing that sort of stuff - benchmarking 'realistic' startup scripts.15:32
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SpeedEvilThere were meego devices in HW devel.15:32
SpeedEvilMore than one.15:32
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SpeedEvilThese are being repurposed as windows phones.15:32
ruskiewell if you want best peformance there you want a single unified boot script...15:32
SpeedEvilruskie: In  busybox, lots is bundled in the same binary15:33
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SpeedEvilstarting - for example - dd - is lots faster15:33
KhertanSpeedEvil: i like smem !15:33
DocScrutinizerI want best manageability15:33
SpeedEvilLol. Someone mentioned throwing chairs. :)15:33
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: I don't care much about what OS I'm deleting to flash maemo/meego/SHR to the device. Be it W7 or sybian or andridiot15:35
SpeedEvilI was wondering if tehre might be any scope for support of meego on a 'specs only' basis for the community.15:35
DocScrutinizerI don't care about the lemmings buying latest 'cool stuff' - be they happy with W715:35
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DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: now that'S a good point to rise to Nokia15:36
KhertanOuch QML Use really more memory !15:36
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KhertanKhweeteur use 14.8Mb while just a list of tweet from khweeteur in QML use 27.7Mb15:37
DocScrutinizerextremely compelling to them, as it costs them nothing and earns them community driven meego for their eventually coming smartphones-meego15:37
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KhertanDocScrutinizer only if there is still a community15:37
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DocScrutinizerNokia: sell your phones with "choose your OS" option! unique in the market15:39
KhertanDocScrutinizer: it ll be an idea :)15:40
ruskiedefinately interesting15:40
ruskiethey should partner with always innovating... they seem to have a clue about that15:40
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psycho_oreosDocScrutinizer, with added windows button? :)15:41
DocScrutinizerN9 - comes with W7, Andridiot, and meego. Sybian next year. You choose!15:41
* jonwil doesn't have the skills to produce his own ARM decompiler15:42
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DocScrutinizerNokia needs to learn they are seling HARDWARE, not OS15:42
jonwiland even if I had one, it wouldn't help with some of the tricky stuff15:42
KhertanDocScrutinizer: Integrated Sybian ?15:42
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* jonwil would give ANYTHING for a set of libisi header files :P15:43
DocScrutinizerjonwil: you know the names to ping15:44
jonwilwhich names are those?15:44
jonwilremind me again15:44
* jonwil forgets stuff15:44
* alterego finds it important to make notes.15:44
DocScrutinizerstskeeps, tekojo, collabora maybe15:44
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psycho_oreosjonwil, if anything I think qwerty12 did have something like de-ice plus probably whatever fancy scripts he has ontop of it to decode the stuff15:44
DocScrutinizereven quim gil15:44
psycho_oreostoo bad he left for the android realm15:45
DocScrutinizerjonwil: first addressee: council15:45
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jonwilok, so I should ping the council? Or ping stskeeps? Or tekojo?15:46
ruskiehmm sad stock went a bit up... then straight down again15:46
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alteregoI doubt Collabora could help, I could ask if you want though.15:46
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crashanddieI hereby announce I am no longer interested in any Maemo or Nokia related projects. Please only highlight me for funny and/or entertaining stuff.15:47
jonwilcollabora probably cant share the info I need (if they even have it), only Nokia can15:47
crashanddiefeel free to take my ops, whatever.15:47
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DocScrutinizercrashanddie: NOOOOO, so I can't do that, or otherwise no ops anymore here :-P15:47
crashanddiewho fucking cares?15:47
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crashanddienot like this channel will be of any interest 6 months down the line15:48
SpeedEvilWill to some.15:48
DocScrutinizerthat's probably sadly right15:48
alterego6 months isn't too long.15:48
psycho_oreosthe tombstone has been set15:48
jonwilJust need to find the right people to ping to ask if getting this info is possible (along with describing the use case for it)15:49
jonwilif the Council is the right place to start, I need contact details for that15:49
ruskie13:32: 7.33   0.82 (10.01%) <-- whoa...15:49
* DocScrutinizer off for booze, with funeral march and lots of tears shed15:49
Nomais there any considerable little independent mobile phone company that could make linux phones with decent hardware?15:49
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Nomathere could be market for such15:49
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alteregoAnd I was thinking updated maemo ssu with up-to-date meego binary blobs15:49
alteregoMaybe even hardfp ...15:50
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* crashanddie gets ready to pre-order an iPad 2, and buys some random Android tablet15:50
RST38hcrash; Don't forget to get a crackberry15:50
ruskieNoma, http://road.de15:50
crashanddieRST38h, already have that :)15:50
crashanddieRST38h, have had for quite some time15:50
SpeedEvilNoma: basically - the problem is you can't be a small little independant mobile phone company that makes competitively priced smartphones with 3G15:50
psycho_oreosthey'll soon have plabook15:50
infobotpsycho_oreos meant: they'll soon have playbook15:51
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lardmanjonwil: there's also a justification page in the maemo wiki which might be worth filling out15:51
SpeedEvilNoma: Simply as the pricing structure of the electronics market, and electronics production works against you.15:51
psycho_oreosNoma, have a look at openmoko :)15:51
NomaSpeedEvil: they don't have to necesserily be competitively priced, the geek community could still be interested15:51
lardmanso have Nokia now jumped into bed with M$ or was I dreaming this morning?15:51
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SpeedEvilNoma: Really?15:51
SpeedEvilNoma: You'd have bought a n900 at twice the price?15:51
alteregoPandora project can do it? :D15:51
psycho_oreoslardman, its official already15:51
psycho_oreosthen there's aava mobile :p15:52
alteregoSpeedEvil: N900 was competitively priced?15:52
Nomaif my choices are HTC Desire Z for 600 euros and Nokia N900 for 1000 euros, I would've bought the latter15:52
lardmanAtom, poor power consumption15:52
DocScrutinizer Freerunner15:52
psycho_oreosalas it did run moblin :)15:52
lardmanwell apparently Nokia are still planning to release a Meego device this year15:52
DocScrutinizer< Freerunner>15:53
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psycho_oreosthat'll probably be a tablet based as rumours say15:53
crashanddielardman, what's the point, really?15:53
lardmanworks for me15:53
DocScrutinizeror  ??15:53
psycho_oreosrumours have already said that they've axed n915:53
lardmancrashanddie: well one does have to hope that mobile Linux will survive15:53
crashanddielardman, you honestly believe people will dev for a device that has no chance of offspring?15:53
lardmanthough really Symbian without all the crap would be a better mobile kernel15:54
crashanddieI'm not going to waste my time with any of that shit15:54
lardmancrashanddie: people dev for Linux because it's a religion, devices are not that important15:54
lardmannot everyone I hasten to add15:54
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crashanddielol xkr47, Symbian is worse off than MeeGo?15:55
lardmanso do we have a read on what will happen to Meego? Apparently it will still be a business entity for Nokia, but presumably very long range15:55
alteregoI will develop for what I have, I hope I continue to have the quality and flexibilty to do so in what we've had with the NITs15:55
SpeedEvilpsycho_oreos: It was mentioned as a smartphone during the talk15:55
xkr47crashanddie, the meego:symbian percentage seems the same as meego:wp715:55
alteregolardman: quim tweeted "midterm innovation" in regards to meego15:55
crashanddielardman, [10:57:32] <crashanddie> "Nokia’s one-year collaboration with the chip maker Intel called MeeGo, to produce a new generation of Nokia smartphones, will become a long-term open-source project designed to develop new kinds of devices, Mr. Elop said."15:56
crashanddie[10:57:50] <crashanddie> Translation: We're not going to be spending any more money into it. It's Open Source. If you want something, build it.15:56
crashanddie[10:58:35] <crashanddie> Also, nice lapsus: I thought MeeGo was about an OS platform, not "devices".15:56
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psycho_oreosSpeedEvil, funny how it wasn't stated here as a smartphone:
jonwilwhere is this justification page? I cant find it on the wiki15:56
lardmanalterego: thanks15:57
lardmancrashanddie: yeah, agreed15:57
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SpeedEvilpsycho_oreos: I'm not saying it wasn;'t - however, it was clearly mentioned as part of the smartphone strategy15:57
lardmanjonwil: /me looks15:57
SpeedEvilpsycho_oreos: In the talk beginning an hour ago15:57
lardmanis this event on now? The one we all thought might announce a new Meego phone?15:58
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jonwilbtw if anyone knows where to get the previously-available-but-not-available-anymore Symbian code, that would be great :)15:58
SpeedEvilAt around 12:32 GMT specifically15:58
psycho_oreosSpeedEvil, I didn't bother watching/listening to the talk, am still absolutely gutted by elop's indelible decision on adding wp7 to its range of mobile/cell phone OS15:58
marmoutelardman: you mean the one where they announce they choosed Windows Portable 7 ?15:58
SpeedEvilpsycho_oreos: yeah15:59
javispedroclassic joke:
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lardmanmarmoute: I thought that was a press release rather than a talk?15:59
lardmanjonwil: and
* jonwil has about 7 or so requests for headers/info that he wants for various things16:00
jonwil7 or so things I want16:00
MohammadAGhaving used an iphone for a day now16:00
lardmanI think they need to be added to bugzilla, see the link on that first wiki page16:00
MohammadAGI can't see those 100000 apps16:00
lardmanMohammadAG: jumped ship already then? ;)16:01
MohammadAGmost of them are duplicates :/16:01
lardmansearch the market for "fart"16:01
MohammadAGlardman, nah, it's my dad's16:01
psycho_oreosprobably only available after jailbreaking *snickers*16:01
lardmanthat will give the 10k apps ;)16:01
jonwilI dont think adding to bugzilla will get anywhere16:01
MohammadAGpsycho_oreos, don't think I could jailbreak an iPhone 4 with the latest software16:02
MohammadAGlardman, searched for "fart", it's still loading :P16:02
jonwilthere are already about 50 bugs in bugzilla for things where info is wanted from Nokia and none of them are going anywhere16:02
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MohammadAGfirst iPhone lock up16:02
MohammadAGno apps start16:02
lardmanjonwil: I know, but then when you approach someone about it you point to the bug16:03
DocScrutinizercrashanddie: clearly shows Mr Elop has NFC16:03
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psycho_oreosMohammadAG, ahh iphone 4 eh? heh that's going to be a bit of a tough nut to crack16:03
lardmanyou will need to talk to people, the bug won't do the job, but it is a central point of explanation, justification, etc16:03
jonwilok, makes sense16:03
MohammadAGwhen do we rebel against Elop?16:03
jonwilsome of the items I want already point to bugzilla bugs16:04
MohammadAGi was a lot happier yesterday16:04
alteregoMohammadAG: :(16:04
javispedroMohammadAG: are you a stock holder?16:04
MohammadAGjavispedro, no, I just equally hate all other OSes16:04
RST38hMohammad: What do you have to do with Elop?16:05
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crashanddieDocScrutinizer, Elop's reaction was about as stupid as the ones you see in theatres: They look at the greatest expenses (in theatres, that's human salaries and movies), and slash the ones they can: employees. The thing is, employees are the ones who sell you food, the part of the theatre that has the greatest profit margin on it. So instead of giving people the tools they need, for long-term improvement, they slash whatever16:05
crashanddiethey see, for instant gratification.16:05
MohammadAGRST38h, he tied Nokia with Microsoft16:05
MohammadAGI hate microsoft16:05
lardmanjonwil: get people to vote for them, then go chasing Nokians16:05
RST38hMohammad: So, why is it bad?16:05
GAN900psycho_oreos, gutted is a good word for it.16:05
RST38hMohammad: We get to see TEH DRAMA16:05
MohammadAGRST38h, know the feeling when you get something, and it's taken away from you?16:05
DocScrutinizercrashanddie: ack16:06
RST38hMohammad: Never got anything from Elop16:06
GAN900RST38h, we also don't get a usable mobile device any time in the near future.16:06
MohammadAGAri got nokia into Linux, Elop took that to Windows16:06
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crashanddieRST38h, that's not true16:06
RST38hGAN: Android + a set of files16:06
MohammadAGRST38h, you get windows on your next device16:06
ArGGu^^Reason to love maemo is open source and Qt, I hope that there will be meego phone :S16:06
psycho_oreosGAN900, if only I lived in EU to witness that conference with a bottle of motolov cocktail handy...16:06
MohammadAGandroid sucks16:06
RST38hGAN: (not the computer files too)16:06
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crashanddieRST38h, Maemo + MeeGo got a massive surprise buttseks from Elop.16:06
MohammadAGI'm not learning Java16:06
GAN900RST38h, Android?16:06
GAN900Fuck off.16:06
crashanddieMohammadAG, you can code C in android16:06
javispedrook, let's panic.16:06
GAN900Tried that with the Nexus One16:07
RST38hGAN: I am simply choosing from available alternatives16:07
alteregopsycho_oreos: it's in London, I could have got a train there in less than an hour :D16:07
MohammadAGjavispedro, yeah, let's16:07
GAN900Wanted to put my eyes out.16:07
javispedroPANIC!!!!!! PANIC!!! I'm iN DENIAL! This CAN'T be TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!16:07
MohammadAGcrashanddie, and the UI?16:07
crashanddieMohammadAG, also, Java is a very good thing on your CV16:07
MohammadAGcrashanddie, I'm not fond of it :P16:07
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GAN900Unfortunate thing is the blow mobile open source took today.16:07
lardmanah sod Android, just buy the device and port Meego to it16:07
MohammadAGI'd so get an iphone now16:07
RST38hcrashanddie: Nowadays, Java is not a good thing on your CV16:07
crashanddieMohammadAG, chances are, you won't be fond of your job either, but you still need the money you whore.16:08
MohammadAGif it was open source16:08
RST38hcrashanddie: C# is though ;)16:08
GAN900Now we're really down to Android's evil.16:08
DocScrutinizerand BYE16:08
lauriHello, can anyone tell me OpenDUNE key bindings? None of the keys seem to work!16:08
crashanddieRST38h, dude, Java on my CV got me a 120k a year job aged 24.16:08
psycho_oreosalterego, I'd imagine carrying a bottle of motolov cocktail wouldn't fancy the bouncers at the front, though really maybe people should throw lemons at elop16:08
* MohammadAG bitchslaps crashanddie 16:08
RST38hcrashanddie: Now you are a legacy coder ;)16:08
crashanddieRST38h, no, now I code C++ :)16:08
alteregopsycho_oreos: Apples would be more interesting16:08
RST38hcrashanddie: see?16:08
psycho_oreosalterego, nah apples won't make elop any smarter16:09
MohammadAGI like the iPhone's BT stack16:09
keriohump the geese?16:09
MohammadAGyou can pair other mobiles, you can only connect to headsets16:09
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alteregoMy only concern is Qt Mobility16:09
alteregoAnd where that is heading.16:09
MohammadAGgotta love steve jobs16:09
javispedroQt is dead.16:09
alteregojavispedro: bullshit :P16:09
javispedroIT IS DEAD!!!16:09
alteregoNO IT ISN'T16:10
psycho_oreosit isn't16:10
alteregoStop being a drama queen16:10
lardmanwhat is the name of this conference thingy going on atm?16:10
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alteregolardman: divide and conquer16:10
crashanddieRST38h, Java demand rose 1.13% between Feb 2010 and Feb 2011. Meanwhile, over the same period, C lost 1.62%, C++ 1.26%, and PHP 3.03%. Only Python is the big winner: gaining 2.72%.16:10
GAN900Global Markets something or other.16:10
psycho_oreosnokia luvs microsoft16:10
MohammadAGgtk is dead too javispedro :P16:10
lardmanGAN900: thanks16:10
javispedroMohammadAG: *more panic*16:10
alteregoLOUD NOISES!16:11
psycho_oreoszomg.. and the death of some gnome projects16:11
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DocScrutinizerfscking wish I had some 10k to invest in puts and calls today16:11
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* psycho_oreos watches as they wither :p16:11
MohammadAGjavispedro, we're dead too16:11
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rmrfchikMohammadAG: java the language is learning you16:11
MohammadAGbored on Windows and iTunes16:11
* MohammadAG reboots, throws iPhone16:11
psycho_oreoswe're already dead :) maemo doesn't exist in nokia's vocabulary anymore16:11
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* E0x i see dead ppl !16:12
MohammadAGNokia doesn't exist in everyone's vocabulary16:12
javispedroMohammadAG: *clings to his pre* no, I'm not dead, I still have a few months left!16:12
alteregoLook on the brightside, no more fscking Ovi Suite.16:12
MohammadAGjavispedro, you're dead, face it!16:12
* JockeTF loves Maemo 5.16:12
MohammadAGyou know16:12
javispedroalterego: actually, more Ovi Suite.16:12
crashanddieLook at the good side of things16:12
MohammadAGas much as I used to rant about MeeGo16:12
psycho_oreosits a well deserved title for nokia to not be in everyone's vocabulary, after what elop did16:12
alteregojavispedro: Microsoft Ovi Suite?16:12
psycho_oreosit was just epic16:12
MohammadAGI think I'll start working on it16:13
javispedroalterego: they do not plan to kill the brand...16:13
javispedroalterego: and their budget for services will be as this year.16:13
MohammadAGNokia Zune16:13
alteregoMohammadAG: :D16:13
MohammadAGNokia Vista?16:13
psycho_oreosnokia kin 316:13
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alteregoNokia Zuvi16:13
javispedroUNFORTUNATELY, Nokia switched to .NET instead of E17 as I used to say.16:13
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javispedrowhich toolkit they will use next year?16:13
alteregolets have some product differentiation please.16:13
MohammadAGjavispedro, asm16:14
psycho_oreoskin 3 by nokia16:14
keriolol :(16:14
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MohammadAGwhat's the status for NOK's stocks?16:15
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RST38hMohammad: down16:16
erstaziWall Garden levelness: WP7 > iOS > Symbian > WebOS > Android > Maemo/Meego16:16
DrGrovGood day all16:16
SpeedEvilmeego >SHR16:16
alteregoMohammadAG: going up ...16:16
MohammadAGRST38h, duh, how much? :P16:16
MohammadAGalterego, you can't be serious16:16
DrGrovThis is a fucking disgrace with Nokia16:16
javispedroDrGrov: PANIC, RUN!!16:16
erstazithere is SHR support for N900? surprising16:17
RST38hMohammad -7% or so16:17
DrGrovI will sell my Nokia N8. Anyone interested?16:17
* GAN900 takes away javispedro's coffee.16:17
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MohammadAGthe pic is lulz
psycho_oreoseww n816:17
Andy80I will sell my N900 and C7 and buy a Samsung Galaxy :P16:18
DrGrovI gotta rid of my fucking Nokia phones now since I will commit suicide otherwise16:18
akikhawit's not going up, it's going further down. -11.52% atm on live chart16:18
RST38hakikhaw: no shit sherlock16:18
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GAN900Well, good news is that I now know what career direction I'm NOT going to be pursuing.16:18
psycho_oreoswon't be long before NOK reaches its newest low :)16:18
LjLis there some patch or something for MyTube or other YouTube playing programs that actually makes them work on OS2008 nowadays?16:19
DrGrovjavispedro: Yes, I will panic and run the fuck away from Nokia LOL16:19
DrGrovLuckily I don't have any Nokia shares16:19
javispedroGAN900: a pity :(16:20
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DrGrovElop says in Finnish business news that "investers will understand the Microsoft connection eventually"16:20
GAN900Well, now I can pursue my dream of becoming . . . a wedding photographer! *g* ;)16:20
RST38hGAN: Bad news is that a similar outcome may await you in just about any large corporation16:20
erstaziGAN900: just become your own boss (via 1099)16:21
MohammadAGwhat if people stopped getting married?16:21
psycho_oreosmaybe we could all get a metal file and start shaving off the nokia logo off the n900, then proudly taking a photo of it and putting it on one tmo thread showing our love for nokia :)16:21
GAN900RST38h, true enough.16:21
MohammadAGI mean, most people live with gfs nowadays :P16:21
RST38hMohammad: He will photograph pets16:21
GAN900MohammadAG, them I'm well and truly fucked.16:21
GAN900Perhaps I could become a PI.16:21
trxyeah, what if instead of getting married, they switch to WP7?16:21
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MohammadAGtrx, I see what you did there16:22
mikhasGAN900, PI in times of facebook?16:22
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mikhaswhat could you find out that people wouldn't already post themselves?16:22
jhb1maybe nokisoft is a good thing in the end: the r&d made the fantastic n900, and now that they have the go ahead for another experimental device, maybe they create a fantastic n9+ without the constraints of the mainstream company?16:22
DrGrovThis is going to -20 aroundish stilll16:23 is being emptied as we speak.16:23
GAN900mikhas, maybe provide Facebook searching services for old people?16:23
mikhasbrilliant idea!16:24
DrGrovYou guys like Elop's action or?16:24
erstazijavispedro: what is that?16:24
javispedroerstazi: nokia job postings16:25
lardmanjhb1: I was thinking the same, no need to go mainstream now ;)16:25
erstazijavispedro: ah16:25
RST38hjavispedro: They started removing job postings?16:25
psycho_oreosfrozen lemon bazooka anyone? time to aim that at elop16:25
alteregojhb1: actually I see that happening for the opposite reason. The next "NIT" will probably be a lot more like previous NITs in that they use components they use a lot in their other handsets to reduce costs. So hopefully we'll get the same shiny hardware that their new high end line will have.16:26
lardmanalterego: though with those closed components again in that case16:26
psycho_oreosone can only hope but only time will tell16:26
RST38hKhertan: OMG16:26
MohammadAGwhat if Nokia employees do what Egypt did?16:27
DrGrovThis is definitely the end for me with a Nokia, ever16:27
FauxFauxI'm glad that didn't load.16:27
alteregolardman: such is the price we will always suffer. They've never shown any indication of changing that and some of it has nothing to do with them.16:27
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lardmanalterego: :nod:16:27
trxKhertan hahaha16:27
javispedroMohammadAG: what if the country does? I'm sure some finns might not like this...16:27
psycho_oreosMohammadAG, what was that? closed areas off to the public access? :)16:27
DrGrovjavispedro: I am a Finn actually16:27
DrGrovjavispedro: I am seriously considering suicide atm16:28
DrGrovjavispedro: And I am fucking pissed16:28
RST38hjavispedro: Imagine what the guy will feel when he comes to the new work and finds out...16:28
MohammadAGpsycho_oreos, err, no, rebel against Elop16:28
alteregoDrGrov: :( lots of beers will be drunk in Tampere and Helsinki tonight I fear.16:28
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alteregoDrGrov: on the bright side, lots of beers will be drunk in Helsinki and Tampere tonight!16:28
psycho_oreosMohammadAG, I so wish that would happen, in fact people should really start throwing shit at him16:28
alteregoDrGrov: also, consider banning Elop from your country, I hear he's in London at the moment :P16:29
RST38hMohammad: You do not rebel against your CEO16:29
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naeWhat do you think the chances are that we'll be able to load a different OS onto the Nokia/MS phone?16:29
alteregonae: no chance16:29
RST38hMohammad: You say "Aye aye, my dearest leader" and continue on the new course16:29
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RST38hMohammad: Under assumption that he knows better16:29
naealterego: why are you so convinced?16:29
DrGrovalterego: Elop should get the fuck out now.16:30
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DrGrovalterego: I will go with some Finlandia vodka myself. A lot more pain relieving than beer16:31
alteregonae: because if they can decide to completely screw the world and opt for WP7, what makes you think they'll make that line in the slightest open?16:31
psycho_oreosits possible to load another OS, the guys who did chevronWP7 (WP7 jailbreaker tool) were being given a free WP7 phone and were asked to join the ms team. However in turn they must no longer publish their tool online. Supposedly newer WP7 may have alternative OS capability through probably some `power' menu16:31
DocScrutinizerdoooown doooown doooooown16:31
alteregoDrGrov: well, I hope we all survive, I have a couple of doomsday scenarios in my mind at the moment that were started by the announcement this morning.16:31
javispedrowe are going DOOOOWN ... ♬16:32
DrGrovalterego: I sure as hell hope that everyone that has Nokia shares got rid of them already before the shit hit the fan16:32
alteregopsycho_oreos: they probably work in the cafateria :P16:32
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alteregoDrGrov: they'll recover ..16:32
RST38halterego: depends16:32
psycho_oreosalterego, *shrugs* I'm sure they wouldn't want to work there forever :)16:33
DrGrovDocScrutinizer: Can you link to where you are following the NOK share? My Finnish business news are fucking slow on updates16:33
MohammadAGRST38h, with 0 experience in a company, I know better16:33
DrGrovDocScrutinizer: Thanks, time to closely monitor the fall of Nokia16:33
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MohammadAGthe only way he can fix this is if he says devices will dual boot MeeGo and WP716:34
naealterego: all that makes me hope it will be open is just that, blind hope. I don't see what nokia has to gain from making it closed.16:34
MohammadAGand android16:34
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psycho_oreosMohammadAG, but what? still retain that stupid windows button?16:34
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javispedroMohammadAG: ha-ha. For Microsoft, dual-boot means running two versions of Windows.16:34
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psycho_oreosand only ntfs/fat32 is supported16:35
MohammadAGpsycho_oreos, replace it with a small LCD button16:35
MohammadAGthat changes to a home button on other OSs16:35
GAN900Is it April 1st anywhere? Please?16:35
DrGrovI wonder what is my next phone then... Any good suggestions? :)16:36
javispedroGAN900: be happy, Nokia will continue to develop Meego on the alternate universe (</fringe quote>)16:36
psycho_oreosMohammadAG, if that also comes with the phone as standard then yeah that would probably also boost the sales of nokia devices16:36
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MohammadAGpsycho_oreos, that would rescue their stocks, sort of16:36
zap_hello, windowserz16:36
RST38hjavispedro: but it will be steam powered there16:36
psycho_oreosDrGrov, I'm looking at nexus S16:36
RST38hjavispedro: and made of copper16:36
DrGrovMy wife is fucking kill me with Aqua - Barbie Girl fucking shitt!16:36
zap_any1 crazy left to develop for meego here?16:37
DrGrovShe is happy I am suffering like a cancer patient....16:37
psycho_oreosMohammadAG, as in if they do that in conjunction with allowing booting of meego/android16:37
RST38hDrGrov: Is it a good thing or a bad thing?16:37
DrGrovRST38h: That is a really bad thing.16:37
MohammadAGI love that song, on mute16:37
MohammadAGzap_, me16:37
psycho_oreoszap_, meego isn't founded solely by nokia alone16:37
trxthey wont make dual boot we know it16:37
MohammadAGalternatives aren't looking nice16:37
javispedroIt is also funded by Intel, which might actually be more interested in Android for x86.16:38
javispedroneat, good looking future.16:38
DrGrovI think I will call Nokia and demand a fucking refund on my N8 since they have fucked up16:38
MohammadAGMeeGo isn't dead...16:38
Per_n900We are talking about microsoft, there will be no dual boot possibilites.16:38
psycho_oreosor at least x86 for portable markets, continuing the push with atom/moorestown16:38
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RST38hMohammad: Talk to raster.16:38
* MohammadAG waits for that "Elop deletes*" headline16:39
xDaReaperxaww i'm sure Nokia wouldn't give up that easy16:39
xDaReaperxon meego16:40
MohammadAGThis isn't Nokia16:40
zap_they already did16:40
zap_yep, it's MS Nokia16:40
GAN900Nothing good ever came from Canada.16:40
MohammadAGI wouldn't be surprised if the next device was called Nokia Elop16:40
rmrfchikxDaReaperx: they give up maemo alredy16:40
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rmrfchikxDaReaperx: and meego is intel's child. easy to drop16:40
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RST38hGAN: As I said before and was rebuffed, EVIl CANADIANS! =)16:41
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RST38hGAN: Michael Moore agrees! :)16:41
psycho_oreosheh heralding the great historian who literally melded microsoft and nokia hands together. Powered by WP716:41
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MohammadAGI wonder if the Nokia logo is Elop and Steve ballmer shaking hands16:41
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psycho_oreoselop with the smaller hand16:42
* javispedro mentally plays nokia tune ♬ ♪16:42
Khertanhum ... and they will fire people ...16:42
DrGrovI am sure the next new MS Nokia logo will be a happy fucking smile from Elop with a caring hand of Ballmer on his head. Like a fucking retard being caressed16:43
psycho_oreosmight even be ballmer's right hand man too, ballmer will be greeting him saying `good job soldier!, now time for us to get rid of the fins!'16:43
* Khertan is listening Freedom - Rage Against The Machine ♬ ♪16:43
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Per_n900Elop is all microsoft, he only has their interest at heart. Is it just me that thinks microsoft planned this all along? This is why elop is at nokia at all?16:43
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DrGrovPer_n900: I knew that Elop had planned this fucking shit all along16:43
DrGrovPer_n900: You remember when I told you yesterday about that there is a corpse buried when Elop left MS for Nokia?16:44
KhertanDrGrov: i think elop was put here by something else which plan the thing16:44
Per_n900DrGrov: I do, and I completely agree with you!16:44
MohammadAGElop used to work at MS?16:44
KhertanMohammadAG: yes16:44
DrGrovKhertan: Well yes, Elop got himself put there by someone. Perhaps not Ballmer but someone else.16:44
Per_n900MohammadAG: as far as I know YES16:44
DrGrovPer_n900: I agree with you too! :)16:44
MohammadAGAnd they gladly hired the asshole?16:45
DrGrovElop has been in charge of Microsoft Office stuff at Microsoft before he got the CEO position at Nokia16:45
* MohammadAG cries16:45
xDaReaperxNokia got stolen16:45
ptltwo years and a half ago he was president of the business division of microsoft and signed an older deal with nokia16:45
doc|homelast I checked, Office was one of the few useful things microsoft is doing...16:45
Per_n900Microsoft kind of got him in. Nokia was doing bad things and microsoft could not have that. If you know your history, microsoft has done things like this many times before.16:46
doc|homePer_n900: how and why would they do that?16:46
MohammadAGso this was a conspiracy?16:46
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KhertanMohammadAG: maybe ... maybe not16:46
DrGrovI am 100% sure this was a conspiracyt16:47
Per_n900MohammadAG: I dont know, but I would sure think so.16:47
javispedroa conspiracy to fsck you all?16:47
ptlNo, not this OS deal, but in August 2009 ”The worldwide leader in software and the world’s largest smartphone manufacturer have entered into an alliance that is set to deliver a groundbreaking, enterprise-grade solution for mobile productivity. Today, Microsoft Business Division President Stephen Elop and Nokia’s Executive Vice President for Devices Kai Öistämö announced the agreement, outlining a16:47
ptlThe plan was to bring “Microsoft Office Mobile and Microsoft business communications, collaboration and device management software to Nokia’s Symbian devices.”16:47
DrGrovYes, a conspiracy to fuck us royally16:47
ptlWhat happened? Two and a half years later the same Stephen Elop announced that Symbian will be deprecated.16:47
DocScrutinizerdooooooooown! I'll buy at 7.0016:47
javispedroDocScrutinizer: I don't think it's getting that low.16:48
DrGrovNOK is surely getting under 7.0016:48
DrGrovIt will drop down to 5 something still16:48
MohammadAGjavispedro, chances are stock prices will be divided by 016:48
DocScrutinizerASK 7.0616:49
Per_n900Microsofts only way to compete when the products the produce sucks, is to use foul play. Study the history of microsoft and you will see.16:49
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psycho_oreosthere's a good docu-drama for that, its called pirates of the silicon valley :)16:49
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DocScrutinizerok, I buy at 7.0116:49
psycho_oreoswhy bother16:50
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psycho_oreosyou're going to lose money either way16:50
alteregoYou know, the more I try to digest this the more I'm thinking "wtf" ...16:50
alteregoI'm trying to see this from a corporate standpoint.16:51
GAN900alterego, idiocy.16:51
KhertanDocScrutinizer still going down16:51
alteregoAnd even that makes me puzzled.16:51
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GAN900alterego, more proof the company is being run by blind dinosaurs.16:51
javispedroalterego: yeah, I can find virtually no justification.16:51
javispedrowhy gates? just why?16:51
alteregoThis is such a huge move, and it just doesn't make sense.16:51
KhertanGAN900: i didn't think it s dinosaurs ... but i more thinking of some hobbying ...16:52
alteregoExcept the obvious CEO being an MS mole.16:52
javispedroit's like they just ignored the entire market, suddenly decided MS was #3 in market share and merged with them.16:52
MohammadAGalterego, they're asking to get bankrupt16:52
javispedroreminds me of one Dilbert episode...16:52
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alteregoI know he's the CEO, but seriously, did no one think "Wait a minute, this isn't a good idea."16:53
alteregoThe amount of trust they've lost and will lose ..16:53
GAN900Apparently the board didn't.16:53
GAN900Thus, dinosaurs.16:53
Khertanalterego: they surely said ... it s bad idea ... but i didn't care, ms give me enough money on a suiss account ...16:54
alteregoBrand loyalty, stability and rock hard platforms is why Nokia are great.16:54
javispedroI think I just saw an BrainSuck Industries (A dogbert company) OVNI16:54
Khertanjavispedro: and innovation ...16:54
RST38halterego: I am sure they have got a PPT presentation that shows how perfect and idea it is16:54
javispedros/OVNI/UFO =)16:54
RST38halterego: Words "synergy" and "paradigm" are almost surely used16:54
alteregoThis just seems like someone has rotated one of those game show boards and gone with it.16:54
Khertanjavispedro: Object Volant Non Identifié ?16:55
naethe reg article says there's no mention of exclusivity, so why do we assume that nokia will screw the dev community even more by not letting them put another OS on the phone. Back when big OEM pc makers were making deals with MS, MS didn't have them stop people loading other OSs onto the hardware16:55
alteregoOr the guy at the wheel of the ship thought "fuck it" and just span it round randomly.16:55
javispedroKhertan: yeah =)16:55
DocScrutinizermeh, some fonds have a limit at 7.08 (-1.0 from day before)16:55
Khertanjavispedro: french ?16:55
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DrGrovIs there any way to watch that whole press conference when Elop fucks Nokia?16:55
javispedroKhertan: actually no, it's the same acronym in spanish16:55
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alteregoDrGrov: I'm sure there will be, I'll probably look tomorrow.16:56
Khertanjavispedro: actually no .. did you plan it ? or reborn in a next life in france ?16:56
javispedroKhertan: believe me it is :)16:56
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alteregoI just feel really sad for all the Nokians, they've just been continually f'd.16:57
javispedroit's just the stress of the PANIC!16:57
Per_n900Is there something we all can do about this?16:57
javispedroPer_n900: killing spree!!16:57
Khertanalterego: did they said how people they will fire ?16:57
alteregoPer_n900: watch and wait.16:57
jhb1alterego: well, it might be outdated hardware by the time it sees the magical device. But then there is the option that in 6 months time its "we scrapped it, because Ballmer told us to'. I am just glad that they only lost it after making the n90016:57
alteregoKhertan: no, but I imagine it will be substantial.16:57
GAN900alterego, seriously. Thoughts go out to Nokians and their families affected by this tragedy.16:57
alteregoGAN900: indeed :/16:58
alteregoEven qgil seems to be like "wtf, computing ... computing ... computing ... BSOD!!!"16:58
Khertanalterego: i read in a finnish news that around 1000 people go out and walk in the street to manifest again this decision16:58
DrGrovFor the whole of Finland as a country this is really a death blow16:58
alteregoKhertan: wow16:58
alteregoDrGrov: I know, it's devistating really.16:59
GAN900Look on the bright side, if MeeGo Devices is going back in the closet, we might see a 770 Mark II in 2014!16:59
javispedroGAN900: good point!16:59
javispedrolet's go back to what made Maemo fun.16:59
DrGrovalterego: I thought that Nokia would finally learn a lesson but no, get a real fuck up to run the company.16:59
DrGrovI will go now and buy a new phone17:00
DrGrovAny suggestions? A easy phone without any Nokia shit?17:00
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DrGrovI put away a few hundred euros just in case this fucking thing happened yesterday17:00
DrGrovSo, a new easy phone without any connection to Nokia?17:00
DrGrovShoot guys17:00
alteregoDrGrov: blackberry?17:00
alteregoDrGrov: just don't go to India!17:01
KhertanDrGrov: the samsung 3210
DrGrovalterego: There is no Blackberrys here :(17:01
* MohammadAG pukes17:01
DocScrutinizerc'mom ASK 7.0417:01
Per_n900In all honesty, I think this just may go down in history as the most stupid decision ever made. Sigh.17:01
DrGrovKhertan: Not a samsung :(17:01
DrGrovHow about a LG?17:01
alteregoNo offence to those it may inadvertantly effect but. Fuck you American Corporatism!17:01
DrGrovalterego: AGREED! :)17:02
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alteregoDrGrov: not sure the build quality is that great with LGs17:02
Khertanalterego: ok the traduciton wasn't good ... it s hundred ... not thousand ...17:02
alteregoSo, what does Europe seriosuly have now? :D17:02
Khertanalterego: alcatel ...17:03
DocScrutinizerseve dot oh one  BUUUUUUYYYY!!!17:03
DrGrovalterego: The TV I have from LG has good build quality. Not sure though as you say about phones17:03
MohammadAGNexus S?17:03
javispedroalterego: I saw the news of this on local TV today and that was their point. They were putting a heavy anti-americanism spin on the it.17:03
alteregoDrGrov: tbh, I'm running on old info, the fact is, even now, nothing beats a Nokia imo :(17:03
DrGrovNever Google17:03
psycho_oreoshahaha it was worse enough that the boards of Nokia had to sack that outgoing CEO, its even worse that the boards elected someone whose backgrounds were with microsoft whom now took a shot a stabbing their back17:04
psycho_oreoswhat irony17:04
MohammadAGiPhone? :P17:04
javispedroalterego: "what does europe have in comms right now: nothing"17:04
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DrGrovFuck no, no iPhone17:04
javispedroalterego: that's why they mentioned they had asked the EU commision17:04
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alteregojavispedro: :/17:04
javispedro(being a spanish network they mentioned telefonica as another european asset in comms, but I say HA)17:04
Khertan(16:04:25) javispedro: alterego: "what does europe have in comms right now: nothing" <<< alcatel and thales17:04
doc|home<alterego> No offence to those it may inadvertantly effect but. Fuck you American Corporatism!17:04
DrGrovalterego: So you think I should stay with the N8 even though we got royally fucked in kiesher?17:04
Khertanthales do the satellites :)17:05
alteregoThe EU are too worried about Egypt at the moment. :D17:05
doc|homealterego: that's kinda irrelevant17:05
Khertanalterego: also17:05
alteregoDrGrov: yes, give it time, the N8 is a beautiful device.17:05
DrGrovalterego: Can I hold you personally responsible for that quote that the "N8 is a beautiful device" ? :)17:05
LjLwhen programs on my OS2008 say "resuming", what does that mean? have they been hybernated somehow? and if so, why don't they do that instead of saying "out of memory" when i'm out of memory?17:05
psycho_oreospolished turd ;)17:05
alteregoDrGrov: at least it isn't running Windows Phone! :D17:06
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DrGrovalterego: Ah yes, the N8 is still running Symbian17:06
alteregoLjL: they do if they're coded right :P17:06
KhertanLjL: did you prefer ... i out of memory... crash you loose informations ?17:06
psycho_oreoswhich isn't the one that's going to axed big time17:06
DrGrovI gotta get some shopping done, a lot of vodka and food to last for the weekend.17:06
LjLKhertan: who mentioned crashes?17:06
DrGrovBe back a bit later though17:06
Per_n900Is there any chance meego will run on the n8?17:06
alteregoExactly what I said earlier. Suddenly Symbian doesn't seem so bad!17:06
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Khertan:) this is the other way ... do not managing that you are out of memory ...17:07
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javispedrohey, I hate WinMo. But Symbian is STILL crap.17:07
Khertanjavispedro: .... both are crap17:07
javispedroI'm not that desesperate yet ;)17:07
Khertanbut at least ... symbian have QT !17:07
jonwilok, thats got those bugs filed17:08
javispedroyou know what will happen when they point out they can now use MS VS to develop.17:08
GAN900Gonna be a loooong weekend.17:08
* javispedro can't wait for mwc17:08
jonwilI didnt ask for source for stuff, I only asked for header files (figuring that header files are a lot more likely to happen)17:08
javispedrothank god, I didn't register to the Nokia QT dev event =)17:09
jonwilI have one existing bug plus 4 new bugs I just filed17:09
Khertan7,08 € -13,45%17:09
jonwilexisting bug is for cell broadcast stuff17:09
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DocScrutinizer7.01 BUUUUYY!17:10
yaccAh, Nokia decided to go for the Seppuku option ;)17:10
jonwilnew bugs are for cellmodem headers (including GPS and stuff) plus libisi headers, libbmeipc headers, connectivity UI library headers and ICD policy plugin stuff17:10
DocScrutinizermeh, 7.0017:10
javispedrojonwil: everything is dead just close shop like everyone else and panic!17:10
javispedrojonwil: (joking) good work!17:10
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jonwilnow I just need to figure out who to ping with these bugs (and what to say)17:11
* alterego imagines Nokia scrapping Qt Dev days and giving out MSDN licenses to those that are eager and keen to get butt raped.17:11
KhertanIt s a fucking bad Day ... nokia switching to WP7 ... Lopsi 2 adopted by french gouv (restrain net neutrality, and liberties) ...17:12
jonwilPersonally I think that if Microsoft wants Windows phone 7 to succeed, they need to scrap the need to pay a development fee to develop for the platform (still have a fee if you want to actually submit apps to the marketplace though)17:12
jonwilAnd they should also release "Visual Studio Express for Windows Phone 7"17:13
Khertanfor free17:13
jonwilwhich would be like the current Visual Studio Express editions but specifically targeting WP717:13
jonwilyes for free17:13
Khertanjonwil: and provide Qt17:13
jonwilMS arent going to provide QT or native code at all17:13
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Khertanso it s a fail17:13
jonwilunless someone wants to port Qt to 100% .net code and create Qt# or something, I cant see it happening17:14
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javispedroMS VS is more known than Qt.17:14
javispedroFrom a brand PoV.17:14
jonwilbut yeah releasing the tools for free and letting people dev on real hardware for free will really boost WP7 adoption17:14
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Khertanjonwil: we can't do c on WP7 ?17:14
trxwho cares about microsoft17:14
jonwilnope, only .net17:14
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trxyou can develop qt apps for win17:14
jonwilWP7 is .net only17:14
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trxyou just need .dlls17:15
javispedroomg god is dead.17:15
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javispedrohello trx, we're alone =)17:15
trxas i was saying, you just need qt dlls17:15
trxand there are no problems :)17:15
javispedrotrx: we've been split17:15
javispedronoone's listening =)17:15
javispedroand not being logged either.17:16
trxyeah, you are listening :)17:16
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javispedroah, silence.17:16
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jonwilok, so having filed these bugs, who is the best person to ping about them? stskeeps? council? tekojo? someone else?17:17
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javispedrowe've just travelled into the alternate universe's freenode!!17:18
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trxyeah :)17:19
javispedrowhere the microsoft-nokia merger did not happen17:19
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javispedroand thus everyone is asleep17:19
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trxthats a nice universe :)17:19
GAN900Oh thank god.17:19
javispedrohowever, Maemo was based on NetBSD instead of Linux :(17:20
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javispedroget ready to go back to the normal universe =)17:22
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* DocScrutinizer opens the champagne for the welcome drinks17:22
javispedroback into the normal universe! =)17:22
jonwilok, so having filed these bugs, who is the best person to ping about them? stskeeps? council? tekojo? someone else?17:22
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* DocScrutinizer hands javispedro a glass of champagne. "welcome!"17:23
DocScrutinizercouncil, stskeeps, tekojo17:23
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javispedroDocScrutinizer: ;)17:23
jonwilhow do I contact council then?17:23
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javispedrojonwil: put into -community list17:24
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jonwiland say what exactly?17:24
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javispedrojonwil: propose your plan....17:25
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DocScrutinizertime for 12648430   ☕17:25
* jonwil wouldn't know what to say in such a formal proposal17:25
DocScrutinizerthis doesn't have to be formal. even rant allowed ;-)17:26
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DocScrutinizerthough your chances are better without rant, and a clear crisp description of problem and planned action to tackle it, needed support etc17:27
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jonwilshould I send one mail for all my different things or multiple mails?17:28
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DocScrutinizerone mail per topic17:30
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jonwilwill send the mail tommorow, its too late in the evening for me to be sending important mails such as these17:30
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jonwiltoo tired17:30
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jonwilcya later guys17:30
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Guest20599How is the N900's battery life?17:47
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Guest20599I could get one for free but I'm a bit worried because I'm used to my Nokia 1208 with 1-2 weeks of stand-by battery life.17:48
KhertanGuest20599: Depends on your use and network coverage17:48
KhertanGuest20599: it could be 2 hour to 8 days17:49
melmothi dont usually dont use network, and recharge it every days.17:49
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Guest20599I see.17:50
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Guest20599Well, I suppose I could give it a shot.17:51
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orospakrwell, folks, sad news today.17:54
kkalorospakr: lol.17:55
kkalnot actually. it IS a sad day, just the fact that quite a few individuals have showed up to express condolances is depressing and funny17:56
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orospakr"Over a thousand Nokia employees walk out in protest in Tampere, Finland."17:59
DocScrutinizerheh! :-D18:00
orospakrI've been dreading the announcement all week.18:00
crashanddiefo reel?18:00
orospakrfrom twitter. so who knows?18:00
Robot101orospakr: I'd guess those guys work on Symbian...18:00
trxthey should make a riot and take over18:00
orospakrRobot101, yeah, I suspect as much.18:00
trxwhatever they are doing18:00
trxanything is better than this..18:00
DocScrutinizerRobot101: could you help with ISI .h ?18:01
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kkalsymbian is open source, what are the chances of it living as a fork?18:01
Robot101absolutely none18:01
Robot101Nokia already shitcanned the Symbian Foundation and took the source offline18:01
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Robot101nobody cared to contribute anything, at all18:01
kkaloh :(18:02
DocScrutinizerRobot101: we got the public wirelessmobileapi specs for ISI, but they are not correct for BB5 RAPUYAMA N900 cmt18:02
Khertan6,94 € -15,16%18:02
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KhertanDocScrutinizer: buy tim18:03
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DocScrutinizerKhertan: I spent all my virtual money when ASK 7.0118:04
Robot101DocScrutinizer: I don't know anything about this... check ofono source code is the only idea I have18:04
DocScrutinizerwell, the question is where from ofono got their specs. Parts of ISI aren't dealt with in ofono, e.g GPS18:04
DocScrutinizerand the specs in wirelessmobileapi are not correct for GPS18:05
KhertanDocScrutinizer : Nokia is the worst performance of the day18:05
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Khertanon the market18:05
DocScrutinizerKhertan: you bet it is18:05
Robot101DocScrutinizer: the ISI code in ofono is all from Nokians18:05
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Robot101DocScrutinizer: so they got their specs inside somewhere :)18:05
Khertanand alcatel-lucent go up ... (i didn't know if they still made mobile phone)18:06
DocScrutinizerRobot101: :nod: so whom to prod to get those ""leaked""18:06
Robot101DocScrutinizer: people on #ofono? you could always go ask if anyone knows how $foo works18:06
Robot101DocScrutinizer: but they might be busy/distracted/drinking today18:06
DocScrutinizerLOL, of course18:07
DocScrutinizerRobot101: thanks a lot18:07
Khertanlol alcatel made Android Phone today ...18:07
Khertan(alcatel is a french phone maker)18:08
crashanddie"Nokia said today it has named Chris Weber as President of Nokia (US), and head of Markets, North America. He spent 16 years at Microsoft in a number of senior executive roles, including sales, marketing and professional services. "18:09
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Khertancrashanddie: lobbying ....18:09
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Per_n900its a takeover. It was planned.18:10
trxMS staff is taking over..18:10
DocScrutinizerbyebye Mubarak18:10
Khertanaction go down18:10
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trx-15 for now18:10
Khertanand ms will be able to bough it at interesting price18:10
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Khertan6,89 € -15,77%18:10
trxif it continues to fall like this18:11
trxi will be able buy nokia18:11
NIN101and make everything open source18:11
crashanddieErhm... Khertan, Nokia still has a MC of what, $35B?18:11
trxi wouldnt even think about it, just press the "go open source" button18:11
DocScrutinizerKhertan: WTF?, 6.96 ASK here18:11
Khertanouch ... someone didn't explain they that they should jump far ... else they will bloat them on the Pillar of the burning plateform ?18:12
crashanddieit would have to drop *drastically* before MSFT can buy them18:12
KhertanDocScrutinizer: it s moving fast18:12
trxDocScrutinizer Nokia Oyj6.92-1.2418:12
ruskiealready 15% drop???18:12
ruskie <-- hmm18:12
crashanddieKhertan & trx NYSE?18:12
Khertan 6,93 € -15,28% now :)18:12
SpeedEvilruskie: look at the graph - it's not that much down since last month18:12
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crashanddieKhertan & ruskie: if you're looking at the NYSE, please fix your browser and look at the shares in $18:13
DocScrutinizerKhertan: seems you're watching another stock exchange18:13
Per_n900Having a CEO completely loyal to microsoft is a takeover. The rest is just formalities, you will see.18:13
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ruskiecrashanddie, might not be even watching the right... but seems to be right for me...18:14
Khertancrashanddie: it s an european company ... so €18:14
trxeur, yes18:14
crashanddieKhertan, that has nothing to do with it, LOL18:15
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crashanddieI could have a small company in Switzerland and be publicly traded in YEN18:15
Khertani know ... just joking18:15
Khertancrashanddie: did you know i work 2.5 year to do software that make performance report ? :)18:15
crashanddieI did not18:15
crashanddieYou fancy getting a python dev job in Paris?18:16
ruskiealso why would I want to see it in $ ?18:16
ruskieconsidering I'm in europe and use euros everyday?18:16
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crashanddieWell, Nokia Corp is down 13.6%18:16
crashanddieand is traded in USD18:17
Khertancrashanddie: a position was just cancelled (for c++/qt for symbian / meego) three hour ago, and i m waiting answer from one18:17
crashanddiewe're going to need someone who can use Robot Framework and to develop our public high-level API18:17
crashanddiewell, I don't know if I have the budget to "need someone", but I can always have a word with HR if you want18:17
DocScrutinizerBID 6.94  ASK 7.0118:18
Chikuso more open OS for mobile ?18:18
Sc0rpiusdown 13.6%? that must be because the announcement of Windows Mobile phone18:18
MohammadAGWell, Egypt was successful, the guy left18:18
Sc0rpiusgood for them18:18
DocScrutinizer[2011-02-11 17:10:19] <DocScrutinizer> byebye Mubarak18:18
MohammadAGTime to start planning the same for Elop18:18
DocScrutinizerI'd suggest lynching him before he vanishes with 70 billion, like Mubarak did18:19
lollooalllllllah akbaaaaaaar18:19
DocScrutinizerprobably too late though, the contract with M$ is already signed18:20
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crashanddiecontracts can be broken18:21
SpeedEvilWe could make them change their minds! Just buy more of the meego device than all the other windows devices!18:21
crashanddiebasically, Nokia should go back into startup mode18:21
Per_n900I think nokia has alot more that would be of interest to MS, QT for example.18:21
crashanddiewell, not Nokia -- the people responsible for Maemo / MeeGo.18:21
crashanddieGet Ari Jaaski back, Quim and timeless in a dusty office.18:21
SpeedEvilcrashanddie: Fundamental problem is you need several millions in VC to do a prototype phone.18:22
SpeedEvilI'd contribute a few hundred tops - but...18:23
ruskieI'm guessing M$ is getting access to the nice fat patent portfolio as well...18:23
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ruskiewell I guess it helps that they'll keep the S40 investments going...18:29
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Khertancrashanddie: why not ... where is it located, what the purpose of the project ?18:31
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* ZogG xmms2> Rage Against The Machine - Killing In The Name Of [2009]18:32
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MohammadAGI still think Mer v2 should be done18:34
MohammadAGthen a prototype community device18:34
Per_n900MohammadAG, that is not a bad idea.18:34
ZogGMohammadAG, talked to DocScrutinizer , not a good idea =(18:35
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MohammadAGswitching to WP7 wasn't a good idea either18:35
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ZogGthough if there are people to organize anything and preorder money it can work18:35
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ZogGMohammadAG, what mer v2 are you talking about btw?18:36
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vi_i am going to sick in my own mouth18:36
DocScrutinizer"MeeGo" in the front of the bus :-D18:36
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MohammadAGZogG, writing maemo bits as foss bit by bit18:37
MohammadAGI'm not talking about bme and the likes18:37
BluesLeeinteresting day18:37
Sc0rpiusNokia will be so screwed18:38
Sc0rpiuswith Windows18:38
ZogGMohammadAG it would stay maemo18:38
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BluesLeehonestly we shouldt care ... always look on the bright side of life  ...18:39
BluesLeenow all :-)18:39
DocScrutinizer>>...3000 people working at Nokia’s Tampere facility (which will be closed down)...<< WTF?!18:39
Sc0rpiuswell everybody working at Symbian will be laid off eventually18:40
KhertanDocScrutinizer: 600 are megoon18:40
KaadlajkDocScrutinizer: that is a translation error18:40
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DocScrutinizeromm k18:40
MohammadAGZogG, a better maemo18:40
KaadlajkDocScrutinizer: original finnish article does not say anything about closing down18:40
BluesLeei thought 1000?18:40
KhertanBye ....18:40
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KhertanJust say about hundred person in the street at 14h0018:41
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ZogGBluesLee, totally right, oh wait... where is bright side in it exactly?18:42
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DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: actually I sympathize with that idea (mer'ed maemo5)18:43
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BluesLeeZogG: i expected such a deal so i am not suprised at all, things change ... if not meego that webos or whatever ...18:44
Sc0rpiusnow all QT would disappear as well18:44
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DocScrutinizerthough, farnkly, Nokia shall move their lazy stinky arse and open up the sources, as maemo isn't on their sales list anymore18:44
ZogGSc0rpius Qt18:44
ZogGDocScrutinizer, and sent us batteries18:45
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ZogGi have an idea18:46
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ZogGwe sent DocScrutinizer to Nokia, he got CEO job, than he go to Ms and got CEO there and than he announce bankrupt18:47
andre__DocScrutinizer: somebody has to pay the lawyers for opening sources :-/18:47
DocScrutinizerat OM we had NDAs with some hw suppliers, and we carefully checked when those NDAs expired and immediately published stuff as soon as they did18:47
Gh0stynokia going into sea with microsoft ... :P18:47
Gh0stythats a bad joke :)18:47
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, if things like this are done, we'll be done quick
povbotBug 11913: cloned notification light applet with proper portrait mode dialog18:47
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DocScrutinizerandre__: need of lawyers to open docs of any kind is *largely* overestimated18:48
RST38biswell. moo.18:48
MohammadAGSc0rpius, doubtful18:48
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Sc0rpiuswe'll see18:49
andre__DocScrutinizer: generalization of complex processes is largely overpopular ;-)18:50
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DocScrutinizerhehe, yeah. Though I've done that process18:50
DocScrutinizerso I'm not pulling this outa my arse18:50
ruskiewouldn't lawyering only be needed with those bits that might be somehow related to something from some patent or other?18:52
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andre__DocScrutinizer, I remember times when I was in HEL when every second answer to my questions was "That involves lawyers". I don't think that laws changed in the meantime...18:52
Choomhow's the news about the switch to windows phone being digested around here?18:52
ruskieChoom, can you guess?18:52
andre__Choom: My coffee still tastes good ;-)18:52
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Choomis it possible that the N900 will end up being both the first and last linux phone from nokia?18:52
ruskieChoom, they did say they'll have one meego device18:53
RST38bisyes it is possible, says the 8-ball18:53
DocScrutinizerlemme put it that way: if 'somebody' would take a 64GB usb stick, copy the sources et al, clean it to s/Nokia/NNNN/, and upload it to rapidshare or wikileaks or whatever, I bet absolutely nothing bad would happen to Nokia Inc.18:53
RST38bisDoc: funny way to state things18:54
RST38bisDoc: I mean what MORE can happen to Nokia INc.?18:54
DocScrutinizer...than what happened today. Actually nuttin18:55
Choomruskie: isn't meego essentially dead too?18:55
Sc0rpiuswell next step is filing for bankrupcy and the total disappear of the company18:55
ruskieChoom, only if nokia suddenly became the linux foundation18:55
Sc0rpiusso there are worse things that can happen18:55
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Sc0rpiusif I was Nokia, I would have killed Symbian anyway at least two years ago, and all phones today would be Maemo "7" or something18:56
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DocScrutinizerandre__: I wonder if Elop asked 157 lawyers if what he did today was OK with them and their screwed view of reality18:57
trxhe doesnt have to18:57
DocScrutinizerwell, probably yes. That's why it turned out to be like it is18:58
trxms has plenty of lawyers..18:58
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DocScrutinizertrx: @M$ lawyers write the code18:58
trxum, you're probabbly right..18:59
Choomwhat happened "today"?18:59
DocScrutinizerI really doubt Nokia has to *pay* a lot for lawyers telling them they are allowed to open up sources (C) Nokia that were closed due to BS like "differentiation"18:59
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trxif they dont want to open it up, they could at least give the source to the council or something19:00
trxso that at least someone can fix the bugs if they are scrapping it anyway19:01
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DocScrutinizerandre__: actually meego gets maemo sources, while maemo community never will - go figure19:02
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MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, we can rewrite parts19:03
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MohammadAGimplement what Nokia didn't19:03
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: That's not the point - though I mostly agree19:03
NIN101Drivers are the most important thing if you ask me.19:03
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MohammadAGsupport a platform Nokia failed to do19:04
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fralsDocScrutinizer: opensourcing a component is not as easy as throwing (l)gpl on it and then releasing, as you surely know19:05
MohammadAGfrals, Nokia isn't doing both afaik19:05
DocScrutinizerfrals: depends on what you're referring to19:05
DocScrutinizerfrals: per definition it is19:06
fralsDocScrutinizer: but most likely not legal to do so ;-)19:06
DocScrutinizerfrals: actually not even any gpl needed, just publish or make available the code and it's open source19:06
DocScrutinizerfrals: WTF could be illegal in publishing my own code?19:07
derfDocScrutinizer: Patents.19:07
fralsmight be licensed from someone else, patents, etc19:07
DocScrutinizerpatents on calendar, SUUURE19:08
fralsit needs to be verified its not breaking any previous agreements or anything, which i guess is a costly process19:08
fralshey apple patented icons didnt they? ;P19:08
DocScrutinizereven if there were, an anonymous code drop wouldn't have any impact on patent trolling scene19:08
derfSomeone tried to patent doule-clicking. Why wouldn't they patent a calendar?19:08
Choomthere's also the FCC / CE compliance issue19:08
frals"anonymous code drop", you mean, breach of contract?19:08
lolloo  Uninstalling Mubarak ... █████████████100%██████████████19:09
derfBut, 3rd party code is more likely for calendar.19:09
DocScrutinizerwhat f'ing contract?? with whom??19:09
fralswho would the "anonymous code drop" come from?19:10
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fralsi interpret is a a dev or something, which would probably have signed a contract with his employer19:11
DocScrutinizersee, either there's a (C) Nokia header in a file, then ->publish immediately. Or there's a header (C) ACME Colabora, then ->don't publish, post a "sorry NDA"19:11
DocScrutinizereasy as this19:11
fralsid love to live in your b/w world :-)19:11
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DocScrutinizerfrals: hahaha19:12
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DocScrutinizermy worls actually is B/W, as in B=1 W=0, I form ascii chars and even poems out of that19:13
DocScrutinizerand a header in a .c or .h usually isn't colored19:13
DocScrutinizerit's friggin clear19:13
GAN900frals, andre__. :)19:13
BCMManyone know how to make ordinary sound come out of the earphone (like sound from a call)?19:13
DocScrutinizereither you own the source or you don't19:13
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DocScrutinizerif you own, you publish after cleaning it, so nobody can prove it's actually yours.19:14
BCMMand can i mess stuff up by manually copying alsamixer settings from a call?19:14
DocScrutinizerif you don't own, and you are a guy playing nice, you won't break contracts with yozr partners and won't publish their IP19:15
trxeven if it does cost money, why cant they do this one last thing for us and do whatever they want later..19:15
NIN101yes, it would be at least a good away present.19:15
fralsdoing "nice things" doesnt generally provide cashflow, which is what investors care about, hence managers care about it :[19:16
DocScrutinizertrx: +119:16
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fralspretty sure many devs share your views, thou.19:16
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trxafter all, you guys made software that helped sell the n90019:16
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trxas soon as i heard of n900 and hen i bought one19:17
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trxmaemo and h-e-n*19:17
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DocScrutinizerfrals: those managers must get fired, as they can't think about tomorrow, their idea about how business and esp customer relationship and corporate identity works obviously ends 60min from now with next newsflash and stock exchange reports. And you've seen what that gets them, today19:18
javispedroDocScrutinizer: time to change the topic?19:18
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javispedroDocScrutinizer: suggestion: "LIVE ON #maemo: FALL OF NOKIA"19:18
piggzso, guys, its been pretty doom and gloom on twitter with the news..but....will there be anything as good as the n900? ..... will the next meego device be a phone?19:18
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* frals retires back to the kitchen and the beers19:19
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SpeedEvilpiggz: At 12:32 today, I heartd something that implied to me the next meego device is to be a phone.19:20
SpeedEvilI wasn't recording though.19:20
jacekowskinokia with windows?19:21
javispedrogood morning jacekowski19:21
javispedroand happy doomsday19:21
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jacekowskii may just get an iphone19:22
piggzSpeedEvil: that i suppose is a silver lining...i only hope that qt development stays on, its a great toolkit19:22
slonopotamusso... nokia's dead? :)19:22
javispedrogood morning and happy doomsday to you slonopotamus too19:22
slonopotamusjavispedro: ohai19:23
marmoutejavispedro: morning ? it's 18h30 here !19:23
javispedro~tell marmoute about ugt19:23
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trxmeh, we have our n900's... when they are dead, we can allways carry our desktops arround :)19:23
* marmoute tell javispedro about "gug"19:23
jacekowskiand i have a headache19:23
Tukanfanhmm, actually thinking of buying a n900 - never been into smartphones before, but linux19:24
marmouteok ok19:24
jacekowskiTukanfan: you would be buying very dead platform19:24
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Sc0rpiusI actually think the best thing I have ever done in my life was buying the N90019:25
merlin1991Tukanfan, if you want to play around, get one on ebay, other than that it's outdated running a dead os19:25
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Tukanfanjacekowski: don't you think the community still will be around for some time?19:25
pupnikit's the best device in the world merlin199119:25
merlin1991for playing around doing dev, being a geek, ...19:26
jacekowskiTukanfan: not for much longer19:26
piggzmerlin1991: thx for the positive outlook!  afaict, n900 is still one of the most advanced other phone has such great features built in, like connecting to all my IM accounts19:26
merlin1991and pupnik I own one myself and I'm proud of it :D19:26
Juozapasbut it will be possible to run meego on n900 ?19:27
SpeedEvilIn principle, yes.19:28
SpeedEvil2011-02-10.173519+0000GMT.txt:(07:16:56 PM) SpeedEvil: I think they're going to try to use W7 as a fill-in till meego is ready.19:28
* SpeedEvil sighs.19:28
pupnikthis is literally a victory for satan19:28
fralsheh, got a txt from a friend.. "2 Steves doesnt make the Jobs"19:28
DocScrutinizerhurry or I'll buy those remaining N900 to pile up a stockof spares19:28
TukanfanAre you guys then keeping your n900's for as long time as possible, or do you switch platform?19:28
Juozapasi will keep it19:29
merlin1991SpeedEvil> In principle, yes., that's the main problem with the n900, in principle everything is possible but you need to ignore all the -devel warnings and spend time with the device19:29
Juozapasand after few years maybe some other phone with meego19:29
GAN900Tukanfan, to what? :(19:29
SpeedEvilAnd hope the meego phone is nice.19:29
NIN101We need more real linux phones out there.19:29
Per_n900I dont know what I would switch to, there really is nothing to switch to in my opinion.19:29
TukanfanGEAN900: Yeah, excactly...19:29
SpeedEvilAnd that it sells well, and w7 doesn't and nokia leaps back aboard meego in desperation.19:29
DocScrutinizerfor next 5 years minimum19:30
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ptlSpeedEvil: I think at that time Nokia will not exist anymore19:30
javispedrothen, better start stocking n900s.19:30
ptlor even if it exists, will have no remaining resources19:30
Juozapasis there any meego phone already ?19:30
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DocScrutinizerI don't give a shit about more linux phones out there. I'm happy with my stash of linux phones here19:31
ptlI give a shit.19:31
ptlI want a phone with meego.19:31
Juozapasthere only problem with n900 is lag19:32
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GAN900DocScrutinizer, I want more RAM. :(19:32
merlin1991hm n900 for 6,50 on ebay here19:32
NIN101DocScrutinizer, basically I agree. But what do you wanna do if your n900 etc. gets too much outdated?19:32
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DocScrutinizerGAN900: I actually wouldn't know what for19:32
linuxplatformthis years biggest disappointment,  Nokia & Microsoft19:33
linuxplatformcome on19:33
javispedroGet a Macintosh!19:33
pupnik_you don't understand how these things work NIN10119:33
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DocScrutinizerNIN101: how would it get outdated?19:33
NIN101I mean the hardware19:33
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javispedrohi pupnik_ , happy doomsday :)19:33
pupnik_hi javispedro19:33
DocScrutinizercarriers tearing down 3G? :-P19:33
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TukanfanWhat about intel? Would like to know what they're thinking in this mess19:33
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MohammadAGcopying schemas into a deb isn't illegal is it?19:36
javispedrothe stock is just 14% down and stabilizing, nothing is going to happen.19:36
Per_n900What should we do? Try to help get meego running good on n900 or keep developing maemo? Stupid question?19:36
ptlI want a Samsung Meego Powr Dluxe 4G or with dual superdragon processors, 1 GB RAM, 2 GHz and 15 MP camera or any fashionable name like that.19:36
javispedroMohammadAG: you can copyright a gconf schema file, but I don't think Nokia^W Microsoft is going to pursue that.19:36
JuozapasPer_n900: meego is a future i think19:36
MohammadAGjavispedro, lies, we're all gonna die19:36
MohammadAGjavispedro, mmk19:36
Per_n900It would be a real shame to see this community dissolve, that is for sure.19:37
MohammadAGthen osso-applet-notificationlight will be replaced with a FOSS rewrite in the CSSU, thanks to nicolai19:37
javispedroPer_n900: already didn't have anything to do with nokia19:37
Juozapasyeah ... looks like it is only question of time19:37
MohammadAGdoubt it19:38
NIN101javispedro: It has19:38
pupnik_where is your pride, finland.  stick with linux.  windows IS evil.19:38
MohammadAGfinland isn't responsible for this, canada is :P19:38
* ruskie waits for the: Linus uses a WinPho719:38
javispedroLinus uses Android, that is shocking enough for me.19:38
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* MohammadAG waits for the: Linux kernel was developed on Windows19:39
* DocScrutinizer throws a 1800g powerblock at ptl19:39
javispedroMohammadAG: minix19:39
MohammadAGjavispedro, that's what was planted in your head, as a kid19:39
MohammadAGthat's what they WANT you to believe19:39
Per_n900javispedro: ok, fair enough, but it seems everybody here wants different things.19:40
MohammadAGit was written on a early build of Windows 719:40
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javispedroMohammadAG: quite early build then19:40
* slonopotamus orders openpandora. and ftw.19:40
javispedrogood stuff.19:40
Sc0rpiusLinux kernel was developed on Windows19:41
Sc0rpiusand Linus is an ass19:42
uhsfI'd like to comment here about the disaster, but my thoughts have mostly been posted already, in a slightly more peaceful way.19:42
javispedrouhsf: feel free to panic.19:42
merlin1991uhsf, this is officialy a channel of rage today, go ahead :)19:43
DocScrutinizer""Joe Hacker reveals WinMo7 is actually a linux-based OS with a funny skin created by a student at M$, and much closed to linux mainstream than for instance Android ever was"" :-P19:43
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MohammadAGwhat if Ari gets palm to use MeeGo? o_O19:44
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ruskiethat might be interesting19:45
sebsaueryoh piggz :-)19:45
javispedroMohammadAG: what for. They have their toolkit already.19:45
javispedroif anything they will use it as a base.19:45
javispedroand if that's all you care about, well... WebOS already uses a sane userspace.19:46
ruskieit does?19:46
MohammadAGjavispedro, Nokia had more than one toolkit :P19:46
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javispedrosave for lack of X11 and Bluez, it's on sanity level that's good enough for me, and way higher than Android's stupid mess.19:47
MohammadAGI hate both tbh19:48
ruskiewhat does it use instead of x or bluez?19:48
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MohammadAGwell, dislike19:48
wmaroneobviously we need to push hp to move webOS to wayland and meego :)19:48
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javispedroruskie: qt for embedded, and something propietary for bt.19:48
ptl  ---> still going down19:48
uhsfWhat future can you forsee now on maemo/meego if there is no successor for the N900?19:48
MohammadAGmost users will be gone, developers will stay19:49
ruskiejavispedro, hmm and you can pop open an xterm? and get root?19:49
javispedroruskie: yes....19:49
jacekowskisane is nice19:49
jacekowskiportable is even better19:49
vi_mohammed aka mo, what are the ekrnel modules that are tying the n900 to .28 kernel19:49
ptlmeego will end up on netbooks, the netbooks will shrink to the size of tablets then tablets will shrink to be smartphones and then Meego will thrive.19:50
vi_i.e. the closed ones19:50
luke-jrvi_: there are none afaik19:50
wmaronethere are no closed kernel modules19:50
ruskiejavispedro, hmm what exactly is the issue with webos then?19:50
javispedroruskie: HP. Since they've rised to power they've already replaced dbus with a propietary ipc system.19:50
vi_there must be or why are we still on .28 kernel?19:50
luke-jrvi_: but just because they are open, does not make them compatible with >.2819:50
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luke-jrvi_: Maemo does not work with real Linux19:50
luke-jronly Nokia's modified version19:51
luke-jrMeeGo is not using .2819:51
vi_ok let me ask a different way19:51
javispedroruskie: however, recently they've been talking again with webos-internals (basically their equivalent of so there might be hope...19:51
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Naikelactually I'm pretty sure Linux kernel was developed on BSD19:51
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Sc0rpiusand I thought netsplits were a thing of the past...19:51
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BCMMSc0rpius: why?19:51
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* slonopotamus fails to order openpandora, they don't ship here19:51
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slonopotamus this is especially funny19:51
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BCMManyone know anything about making use of the n900's internal earphone?19:51
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ruskiewth was that19:51
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wmaroneruskie: freenode being awesome19:52
piggzlo sebsauer19:52
piggzsebsauer: what brings you here, you want to join in the rage?19:52
vi_why is ubuntu mobile unable to use phone function?19:52
ruskiejavispedro, hmm how about open and documented?19:52
vi_lack if gsm chip driver?19:52
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ruskieubuntu is useless for everything19:52
luke-jrvi_: no, just because Ubuntu sucks19:53
uhsfI don't know why but it's like I knew all along that that Nokia/Meego was DOA since the Intel partnership last year.19:53
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uhsfNokia didn't died today, it died one year ago.19:53
javispedroruskie: it is obviously NOT open....19:53
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javispedrowhich is a pity, if they gpl'd their frameworks they would probably be on a compatetive level of openness.19:54
ruskiejavispedro, so basically other than the few GPL components that they might use... nothing else...19:54
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javispedroenvision maemo with the current % of openness and add closed gtk, browser, and hildon to the mix.19:54
javispedrowhat's left? parts of base distro.19:55
sebsauerpiggz: no, I am just lurking and probably pointing ppl at which says MeeGo will continue and Qt will be on there WP7 :)19:55
piggzsebsauer: ?? i read qt would _not_ be on wp719:55
uhsfMaemo was so close to be perfect on the N900. If Nokia would have keep improving Maemo instead of starting all again from scratch with Meego, we would have plenty of great Maemo devices to choose from by now.19:55
sebsauerpiggz: what source?19:55
vi_        why did nokia shit on me?19:55
Sc0rpiusI agree19:55
Sc0rpiusand actually Nokia should have ditched Symbian when the N900 was released and release all phones after that with Maemo, even the low-end phones19:56
vi_low end phones cant handle maemo19:56
RST38hhow lively here and on #meego...19:56
ruskies40 is still great19:56
Sc0rpiusa "reduced" version of Maemo19:56
vi_symban makes even the lowest of the low a smartphone19:56
Sc0rpiusfor low-end phones19:56
crashanddie_Sc0rpius, maemo 5 wasn't ready for mass production19:56
Sc0rpiuswhy not?19:57
Sc0rpiusit was actually great in the N90019:57
Sc0rpiusthe first release19:57
ruskiefor a subset of people19:57
crashanddie_Sc0rpius, the team wasn't big enough, the QA was ridiculously bad, and the amount of stupid bugs was unbearable19:57
Sc0rpiuswell too bad, that's called "lack of a good management"19:57
RST38hcrash: and these issues were  impossible to fix?19:57
Sc0rpiusbeacuse Maemo had the potential, back in 2009, to be today the most powerful (and pretty) mobile OS19:58
ruskieprobably undesired19:58
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Sc0rpiusevery bug is fixable.19:58
Sc0rpiusyou name a bug, and gimme the source code, I'll fix it.19:58
crashanddie_the code wasn't open19:58
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crashanddie_MfE? Closed source. Browser? Closed source (IIRC). Etc.19:59
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crashanddie_Conversations? Closed source.19:59
ruskiecrashanddie_, I thought only the front end for conversations is19:59
crashanddie_Mediaplayer? Closed source.19:59
ruskiethe backend is telepathy isn't it?19:59
ruskieas for mfe... that's m$... until they open the protocols it'll remain close and broken19:59
crashanddie_erhm... Exchange is an open protocol20:00
slonopotamuscrashanddie_: oh really?20:00
crashanddie_it isn't?20:00
crashanddie_I dunno, I had access to some pretty awesome doc in my last company20:00
ruskieExchange == MAPI20:00
piggzsebsauer: will find source after i find osme pants!20:00
DocScrutinizeruhsf: are you crossposting?20:00
ruskiethe EU did some arm bending20:00
slonopotamuscrashanddie_: actually no. reverse-engineered20:01
ruskiebut nothing really came out of it...20:01
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ruskieelse I would expect tbird to have support20:01
ruskiethere actually is some stuff for mapi in samba420:01
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ruskienot sure how well it works... and iirc it's only evolution that has some support20:02
crashanddie_Anyway, people who say Maemo was open are just pulling some red cloth over their eyes20:02
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crashanddie_And drinking the Nokia koolaid20:02
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MohammadAG<crashanddie_> Mediaplayer? Closed source. <-- MafwPlaylist, please? :)20:06
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sebsauerpiggz: Nothing but speculations and I doubt your source got it. Qt is the bridge that brings there 3 platforms together.20:06
sebsauerbut that's imho too20:06
sebsauerwe will see20:07
piggzsebsauer: i hope you are right, most of my skills ar ein Qt!20:07
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APTXnot having Qt in wp7 is a retarded idea for nokia. It's doing the exact same thing using Qt was supposed to fix20:09
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GAN900Well, I guess some good has come of it20:11
GAN900Elop fixed Egypt.20:11
pupnik_anybody use webos?20:11
ieatlintnokia should've gone webos :(20:11
ieatlinthp would've played game20:12
MohammadAGGAN900, I hope Egypt can fix Elop then20:12
DocScrutinizermv nokia microkia20:12
MohammadAGmv nokia microsoft /dev/null20:13
DocScrutinizermv Elop /dev/null20:13
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ruskiecat /dev/zero > /dev/Elop20:13
DocScrutinizerdd if=/dev/urandom of=Elop-core20:14
ieatlinteelopacalypse 201120:14
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ieatlintminus one extra e20:14
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MohammadAGhow do I check if dpkg versions are bigger than the other?20:14
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DocScrutinizermeh, e20:16
ieatlintso the other hilarious thing... meego conference for spring is due to open registration and cfp on monday20:16
MohammadAGX-Fade would know, but it's the weekend so ;P20:16
DocScrutinizerwas about to suggest a bathroom balance20:16
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ieatlinti guess with intel's support and nokia saying "no, we're dropping meego entirely", it's still going on20:16
GAN900ieatlint, screw Elop.20:16
RST38hBTW, there will be a FRUCT conference in Moscow this March, where Meego guys are supposed to tlk about Qt programming20:16
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RST38hGuess, everyone will be in pretty funeral mood...20:17
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MohammadAGRST38h, I'd come, but I'm not used to subzero temperatures :P20:17
RST38hMohammad: Middle of March is rather vegetarian 0..+520:17
RST38hMohammad: Very wet though20:18
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ieatlinti can't get the time/money for a trip to moscow to see depressed developers drink vodka20:18
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MohammadAGJan 19 17:02:48 <X-Fade>dpkg --compare-versions X gt Y <-- found it!20:19
vi_plz email me code fr bme20:19
vi_what exactly is bme?20:19
RST38hbattery management daemon20:20
RST38hif you do not know what it is, you do not need it20:20
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Proteousinfobot nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo20:21
uhsfby curiosity, what is your back up solution now if your N900 ever dies in the future? buy another N900?20:21
Proteousit's n900s all the way down20:21
vi_i know it is the battery managment entity! however i am asking what tasks does it perform?20:22
* ShadowJK has two N900's20:22
* ruskie needs to buy one or two as well20:22
ShadowJKalmost 2 year warranty left on second n900 :)20:22
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ruskieand they are cheap on the local ebay-equiv20:22
ruskie180eur for a new with 2 year warranty20:23
DocScrutinizerget a spare #3 and #420:23
uhsfwhat HP just announced for WebOS seems like the second best option, at least the hardware is new. but I'm not sure I would be comfortable with the software.20:23
ruskieppl got them in various packages with phone companies and are now selling them20:23
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DocScrutinizervi_: why do you ask?20:23
* MohammadAG needs another 2 N900s for a project :/20:24
trumeeHP should grab the opportunity and open its UI.20:25
Juozapasbut is it possible that users will run updates for n900 for long time ?20:25
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ieatlintso the n9 is dead, symbian is dead, and meego and qt just got kicked in the balls20:25
* trumee finds it pathetic that Palm Pre lacks any sip software20:26
DocScrutinizerJuozapas: why do you want to run updates? I for one always shudder when I have to do20:26
ieatlintand we have intel over here crying, hoping that it didn't burst a testicle so they can still have kids20:26
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* RST38h idly considers putting together a handset ui20:26
JuozapasDocScrutinizer: i mean bug fixes and all that stuff20:27
trumeeieatlint: has there been any official announcement from intel?20:27
DocScrutinizerJuozapas: I'd hope there won't be too much bugs coming up in a few months20:27
trumeeieatlint: link?20:27
ieatlint"While we are disappointed with Nokia’s decision, Intel is not blinking on MeeGo"20:28
ieatlintlet me find link20:28
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ieatlinta google search of that quote yields 64 sources right now20:29
MohammadAG Closed source settings applet replaced by open source clone, thanks to nicolai20:29
povbotBug 11913: cloned notification light applet with proper portrait mode dialog20:29
Choomwithout a platform, meego is useless20:29
MohammadAGhopefully, this'll trend20:29
ieatlintChoom: we'll see tablets and netbooks...20:30
vi_nokia have just assfucked themselves in teir own asses20:30
trumeeieatlint: thanks20:30
ieatlintheh, i'm sure that nokia employees feel more assfucked than anyone else right now20:30
ieatlint"oh hey, those huge projects you just spent the last 2 years on? yeah, haha, about that..."20:31
Choomieatlint: I doubt anyone is willing to follow that path, especially with androind to compete against20:31
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ieatlint"now go sit around awkwardly and see if we start handing out pink slips"20:31
vi_good, can som1 capitalise on this bad feeling and get one of them to steal all the code for maemo and upload it to teh piratebay?20:31
DocScrutinizerieatlint: actually meego is maybe fine for tablets, but Intel just ignores (like Nokia does) that a OS for a PHONE has quite a different set of major design goals than a tablet OS20:31
RST38hieatlint: "wait for your pink slip"20:31
pupnikvi_: or wikileaks ;)20:31
DocScrutinizerand meego-arm never looked like it's getting into shape IMHO20:32
ieatlintDocScrutinizer: indeed20:32
ieatlintand i could see meego working quite well for a tablet20:32
ieatlintincluding with qt/qml... which, if the right devs get into it, can really do some awesome stuff20:32
ieatlintmuch more so than what you'd see on an android platform, or rim, or ipad20:32
trumeewhat is the deal with WebOS. Is it a normal linux OS with just a closed UI?20:33
ruskietrumee, from what I understand something along those lines...20:34
RST38htrumee: Linux, no X11, HTML5-based "normal" SDK, SDL based native SDK20:34
trumeeRST38h: no normal linuxy things like ssh, openvpn, shell scripts, python work fine?20:34
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ieatlintthere is a terminal with linuxy things20:35
ShadowJKI need openvpn to access my email :/20:35
ieatlinti've heard awesome things about webos20:35
DocScrutinizer"It's not a phone, it's a computer on your palm" - I should have noticed 2 years ago the misconception at Nokia regarding this20:35
ruskiejavispedro explained it before...20:35
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trumeeieatlint: that is a relief20:35
trumeeruskie: ?20:35
javispedrohi again.20:35
ruskieabout webos20:35
trumeeruskie: ah, i need to check the log20:35
DocScrutinizerNokia as well as whole meego-arm taskforce never realized a phone is NOT just a miniaturized computer20:36
trumeejavispedro: can qt apps be ported with a recompile over to webos?20:37
ruskieDocScrutinizer, but but but that's what I want it to be20:37
javispedrotrumee: yes, qt over a sdl framebuffer works20:37
javispedrotrumee: however, hardly "native feel":20:37
trumeejavispedro: nice20:37
RST38hDoc: you are taking Nokia's marketing department output too seriously20:37
trumeejavispedro: ah. i see20:37
RST38hDoc: N97 has been labelled a computer.And n95 ~20:38
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DocScrutinizer/nick-remane WP7 WM720:38
WP7why wm20:39
WP7isn't it WP :p20:39
ruskieit's windows phone20:39
ruskiethey ditched mobile20:39
WP7it's Windows Phone20:39
WP7damn man20:39
WP7this sux20:39
Proteouswindows 7 phone series 7 phone20:40
ChoomI don't mind windows -- as a replacement for symbian20:40
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ieatlinti hear WP and i think word perfect20:40
ruskieDocScrutinizer, you mean he actually reads that?20:40
RST38hDoc: Goin' to mailbomb poor chap? =)20:40
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ieatlinti'm not sure if a word perfect phone would be scariar20:40
MohammadAGChoom, this isn't #symbian :P20:40
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javispedroKILL KILL KILL20:41
javispedroDIE DIE DIE20:41
ChoomMohammadAG: I don't think the move to windows intended to replace the linux platforms either, it's just a casualty20:41
ChoomI'll happily buy their windows phones20:41
ieatlintif nokia wanted to save a bit, they'd let users install meego on the forthcoming wm7 phones20:41
Choomsucks that my n900 is condemned to be one of a kind20:41
MohammadAGno, it's not a casualty20:42
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MohammadAGMeeGo was the #1 priority for Nokia20:42
MohammadAGMeeGo and Qt20:42
ruskiefrom what I've read it'll just have a severely reduced budget20:42
javispedroI guess that a full Linux platform can't never be a #1 priority.20:42
ChoomMohammadAG: so why were they going to release the N9 with symbian?20:42
MohammadAGChoom, they weren't20:42
MohammadAGwho said the N9 was going to have symbian?20:43
javispedrowhen it seemed like it was going to happen (because it didn't happen), a microsoft buyout puts a nice end to it.20:43
ChoomMohammadAG: they did?  it's in the product page, I think20:43
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MohammadAGthe N9 wasn't even announced...20:43
ieatlintall the rumours said meego, and the n9 has never been announced20:43
DocScrutinizerieatlint: [2011-02-11 14:39:45] <DocScrutinizer> Nokia: sell your phones with "choose your OS" option! unique in the market20:43
Juozapasso no n9 at all ?20:43
ieatlintDocScrutinizer: you misunderstand, it's more important when *I* say it20:43
ieatlintit's part of my whole arrogant elitist attitude, you see20:44
javispedroDocScrutinizer: _no_ big device manufacturer is going to do that. if anything, expect such an important change to come from a sw only manufacturer first.20:44
Choomthen I must be confusing something20:44
MohammadAGDevices should be announced on monday, if any20:44
javispedroon monday, Nokia had qt dev sessions planned =)20:44
MohammadAGyes, you're confusing the N9 with the E720:44
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ieatlintjavispedro: you mean like how i can change the bootloader and such on the n900?20:45
ieatlintnone will ever do it, you're right20:45
ChoomI'm confusing it with the N820:45
javispedroieatlint: you can also change it on some htc devices.20:45
ieatlintjust like the google adp1, google nexus one, etc20:45
javispedroso what.20:45
ieatlintso the point is they are capable20:45
RST38h#symbian issoooo quiet tonight20:45
javispedroieatlint: bootloader is not even 0.1% of what is needed.20:45
ieatlintand by just leaving that hole open, they can satisfy a nerd base20:45
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ieatlinteh... it's more than 1%, but yes, i realise the driver support required20:46
javispedroyou don't even need bootloader support to run other OSes.20:46
javispedroif the main kernel is sane enough.20:46
uhsfwhat about the possibility of flashing WP phones to install Meego instead? would the hardware be too different?20:46
javispedroso, way less than 0.1% :D20:46
DocScrutinizerRST38h: you must be mad, regarding your IRC channels20:46
vi_im still getting my n900 meego upgrade right?20:46
ieatlintgood point, i'm sure window's is20:46
ruskievi_, what upgrade?20:46
ieatlintjust like i'm sure that kexec was enabled on android phones20:46
ieatlintyou know, what with their sane kernel20:47
Choomvi_: you were never meant to20:47
vi_meego 1.3 for n90020:47
javispedroieatlint: sane android kernel? :(20:47
ruskievi_, where did you get that idea?20:47
Choomthe n900 is a maemo platform, you can install meego on it, but it was never intended to be supported20:47
ruskieofficially that is20:47
ieatlintChoom: have you installed meego on it? :P20:47
vi_yeah but n900 is meego development platform20:47
vi_ergo meego works on n90020:47
Choomieatlint: no, I actually do like maemo20:47
ruskieit's a reference platform20:47
ieatlintit's not workable.. at all20:48
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ruskieieatlint, mostly due to meego limitations atm20:48
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ieatlintit just gives an X interface and the api20:48
DocScrutinizerdudes, actually there's no such thing like hw tailored to match any particular OS20:48
javispedroDocScrutinizer: oh, with microsoft there is.20:48
DocScrutinizerit's always just a question of OS supporting the hw20:48
javispedroDocScrutinizer: read about their crappy sd slot requeriments, and gfx, and ..20:49
ChoomDocScrutinizer: my keyboard has windows keys20:49
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DocScrutinizers/hw/mobile device platform/20:49
flailingmonkeynot like it matters, the whole thing will be locked down with DRM20:49
javispedro  (windows phne 7 sd slot requeriments)20:50
flailingmonkeyI guess this sits well with the management, who never liked/groked open source20:50
ieatlintno no, MS software is known for being open, free, secure and stable20:50
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javispedroa fun read.20:50
flailingmonkeythey'll keep the management, and lose the engineers20:50
Choomflailingmonkey: quite frankly I don't care much about "open source" either20:50
Choomto me, open source means poorly documented, in most cases20:51
flailingmonkeyNOK stock down 8% yesterday from rumors, and today has dropped another 14%20:51
ChoomI do, however, like maemo's "desktop" feel20:51
ieatlintflailingmonkey: indeed... other companies are about to pick up a good number of qualified people20:51
ieatlintif nokia doesn't lay them off, they'll quit20:51
Choomit feels like a proper unix system20:51
flailingmonkeyI guess Elop thought that Wall Street would be happy with the announcement, but they can sense desperation without having to know technical details20:51
DocScrutinizerChoom: aaaaha, so windows is a synonym for good complete comprehensive documentation of system internals then?20:52
flailingmonkeyDocScrutinizer: AHAHAHAHA. oh, you just made me smile :)20:52
vi_so nokia have lost almost 25% of their market value in 2 days?20:52
flailingmonkeyanyone who thinks that close source leads to better documentation is simply ignorant of reality20:52
javispedrovi_: also alienated their customer base and employees.20:52
* vi_ in unreal tournament announcer voice20:52
vi_HOLY SHIT!20:53
ieatlintvi_: closer to 20%, but slightly under20:53
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ChoomDocScrutinizer: no, but unless you are developing drivers or debuggers, that's unlikely to affect you20:53
flailingmonkeyi'm pretty sure the 14% is 14% of the 92% remaining yesterday. apparently $8 billion lost in market value though20:53
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vi_holy fucking ass20:53
DocScrutinizerChoom: so maybe the fee to get development tools for WP7 is, then20:54
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ieatlinti still expected them to go with qtopia20:54
vi_that is more money than scotland20:54
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pupnikthe cancer from redmond has metastasized again20:54
ChoomDocScrutinizer: microsoft has their own development tools20:54
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DocScrutinizerChoom: orly?20:55
flailingmonkeyI understand why people associate open source with poor documentation. you can actually see whether the docs are poor. with proprietary often times you have to pay for the "docs" and so assume you'd get something worth while20:55
Choomand there's a free / express version of them if you don't feel like paying for more20:55
javispedronot for wp720:55
javispedroWP7: go away, you're not loved here.20:55
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flailingmonkeyalso, anyone can write an open source program. and most people don't like documenting. but that doesn't lead to closed source projects magically getting good docs20:56
DocScrutinizerChoom: now THAT'S REALLy GREAT!  I get a express/light/crippled version for free. Incredibly generous20:56
denoHi there20:56
flailingmonkeyapparently they will make the WP7 dev tools free, something they announced20:56
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flailingmonkeyvery smart20:57
DocScrutinizerstill I don't give a fsck yet on redmond crap20:57
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DocScrutinizerthey couldn't even pay me to use it20:57
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denodoing apt-get source kernel in the scratchbox environment what kernel I'll get?20:58
denoIf I want the latest n900 kernel,20:58
javispedrodeno: the good one.20:58
vi_mmm, symbian sdk was free.  so what.20:58
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Choomthe thing about the n900 to me is that I can, in many cases, simply cross-compile software and run it on my phone20:58
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DocScrutinizerI've been thru with M$ the very moment I first installed DrDOS insted of their crappy MSDOS20:58
Choomthat's the only loss windows represents for me20:58
LjLany clue why trying to install Pidgin results in my OS2008 installer saying that libhildon-extras1 is not available?20:59
flailingmonkeysome people are like "well WP7 sounds good, whats wrong with that?" the real fundamental change is that Nokia will stop its (very grudgingly made) progress towards open source, and be quickly back in its comfortable proprietary womb20:59
Choomin any case my phone isn't going anywhere any time soon20:59
denojavispedro, but I'm looking for the kernel that provides both the overclocking and h-e-n support20:59
vi_then get powerkernel 46 bro20:59
denovi_, are you speaking with me?21:00
DocScrutinizerdeno: yes, kernel-power is the one for you21:01
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denoDocScrutinizer, do you know where can I get it?21:03
denoI m looking in the maemo packages21:04
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WP7Who played Snake on Youtube? :)21:04
denoit should be  this21:05
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WP7DocScrutinizer:  u ever played snake on youtube?21:06
DocScrutinizersorry, doesn't parse21:06
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DocScrutinizerI played snake on Nokia 6210, and I played back music videos from youtube on N90021:08
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denothere are 3 files:21:09
denothe orig is the one unmodified right?21:10
javispedrojust do dpkg-source -x *.dsc21:10
denois there no the original source?21:10
denoso the only important file is the .dsc?21:10
javispedroread it and you will understand what it is.21:10
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denothanks :)21:11
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ieatlintremember, yahoo partnered with microsoft and it saved them.. i'm sure nokia made the right choice21:11
flailingmonkeyDocScrutinizer: youtube has a easter egg where you can play Snake on their website21:11
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javispedroand palm, they saved palm too!21:11
denois like the description21:11
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flailingmonkeyyahoo saved microsoft search21:11
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flailingmonkeynot the other way around21:12
ieatlintjavispedro: you mean hp?21:12
ieatlintflailingmonkey: wrong21:12
ieatlintyahoo uses bing21:12
ieatlintthey backend queries to it21:12
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uhsfaren't you amazed by the extreme stupidity of Nokia's leaders? I mean 15% market shares drop in a few hours, I don't know anything about market shares, but even I could've predicted this easily. why so much stupidity is beyond my understanding.21:13
javispedroieatlint: I hoped you were being ironic.21:13
pupnikcan the n900 be 'locked'?  i see people writing the network name in auctions21:14
ieatlintjavispedro: i'm lying next to a yahoo sysop... i'm not..21:14
ieatlintnokia just took a page from their book21:14
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ieatlintincluding the severely demoralize all your workers and plan random layoffs21:14
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flailingmonkeyyesterday they lost 8%, from the rumors21:15
javispedroeverytime some company has an slowly outdating but still big market share operating system,21:15
javispedrothe choice of using whatever crap M$ has at that moment appears21:15
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javispedroapple didn't do it, look where they are.21:15
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javispedropalm did it. went bankrupt.21:15
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javispedrobought by hp.21:15
ieatlintpalm made their own stuff, and linux based at that21:16
DocScrutinizerpupnik: yes21:16
javispedroieatlint: you're failing at palm story :)21:16
EdLinieatlint: only after years of using Windows Mobile for most of their devices instead of PalmOS21:16
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flailingmonkeyI do have to applaud microsoft. a very cunning strike from them21:17
javispedroieatlint: they had like 70% of smartphone market share.21:17
javispedroieatlint: now they're battling for the 1%21:17
ieatlinthaha, ok, i happily blinded myself to that then21:17
denowill the apt-get source kernel-power  command  give me the latest power kernel 46 ?21:17
EdLinieatlint: understandable, the Windows Mobile Treos were a nightmare most of us don't want to remember.21:17
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flailingmonkeydoes nothing against their competitors who are actually in the market though. Apple must be ecstatic21:17
javispedroand I predict that in two years Nokia will be a shadow of what it is now.21:17
pupnikI remember Microsoft tried to prevent us from having THE INTERNET21:18
javispedroin fact, it is already a shadow of what is was yesterday, considering the layoffs and cuts in R&D spending21:18
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pupnikif R&D doesn't generate ROI then it's a waste21:18
javispedrofrom being one of the largest R&D budgets in the world, to a dying noname microsoft hardware-making subsidiary21:19
korhojoadepends on the R&D21:19
flailingmonkeydoing only applied research, and no pure research, ensures that you will always be catching up21:19
pupnikkorhojoa: exactly how is R&D which doesn't generate returns, a good investment?21:19
javispedropupnik: by generated long-term returns21:20
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korhojoawell, if it generates a brand or assists people outside of your business21:20
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wmaronepupnik: my current project is years away from turning into something profitable. all the peripheral research into raw technologies will basically define how a number of future computing subsystems will be built.21:21
korhojoapupnik: like IBM doing the watson thinfg21:21
wmaronelong-term R&D is never a bad thing, so long as your short term isn't fucked :)21:21
DocScrutinizerjavispedro: korhojoa: that's exactly why Nokia should happily afford whatever lawyers' fees they think it might take, to open up maemo source21:22
flailingmonkeyDocScrutinizer: they might as well at this point. they'll have no use for it21:22
ieatlintyeah, but they cut meego's r&d by about 75%21:22
javispedroDocScrutinizer: good luck asking Microsoft to open the source of legacy products from one of the companies they just adquired.21:22
DocScrutinizerhaha :-S21:23
flailingmonkeyjavispedro: but this deal is the best of both worlds. they basically "own" Nokia, but without having the capital outlays of buying them out21:23
uhsfnow that Nokia's dead, my main concern is about the future of open mobile devices. what company could make any interesting hardware in a foreseable future?21:23
flailingmonkeyat least until Nokia stock is in the pennies21:23
javispedroflailingmonkey: I hope the EU comission sees through it =)21:23
javispedrothey would probably have something to say to an outright buyout.21:23
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korhojoaDocScrutinizer: hm.21:24
flailingmonkeyuhsf: I think there is space now for a new entry to the industry actually21:24
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federico2hi there21:24
flailingmonkeyuhsf: especially with the soon to be available Nokians (engineers, the management will stick around, happy to return to purely proprietary development)21:24
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dos1uhsf: if you're Linux-related hacker, then maybe GTA04 will be the way to go :)21:25
pupnik"long term R&D is never a bad thing"  <<< - pay MEEEE!  i'm an ARTIST!!!21:25
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uhsfdos1: i had a Neo FreeRunner but changed it for a N900, i don't have much interest in GTA0421:26
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uhsffor example, HP hardware really doesn't cut it either, I think it's Sony that should lighten up and bring Meego to life21:27
DocScrutinizerfuture Nokia phones are as suited for open mobile linux based OS, as they were before they switched to WP721:27
flailingmonkeyhey, now they have no excuses for when Nokia WP7 phone doesn't integrate properly with Active Directory, Exchange, and Windows syncing21:28
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WP7Nokia shares: -18% !!!21:28
javispedroflailingmonkey: pfft. microsoft does not know how to do a proper exchange client either.21:28
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DocScrutinizer-15.7% here21:28
flailingmonkeyjavispedro: I said no excuses. I fully expect it to fail in the most agonizing ways21:28
WP7I hope nokia will fail :) sorry21:29
WP7then they will pleased to return to meego21:29
federico2may I join and hope that both will fail?21:29
WP7Windows should be just on pc's... not on phones21:30
WP7federico2: Both? U mean meego too?21:30
federico2nokia and m$21:30
WP7MS wont fail21:31
WP7at least, they are already failed21:31
flailingmonkeyElop is one ugly ugly guy21:31
pupnikthe corrupt US government has a part in this21:31
pupnikthey were the ones that pushed software patents on the planet21:31
RST38hpupnik:And the UN. Do not forget the UN21:31
pupniksoftware patents21:31
javispedrotbh I think I'm with pupnik on this conspiracy theory21:31
WP7Another Ex-Microsoft appointed as Nokia’s North American President.21:32
RST38hjavispedro: YOu mean, you will believe intoUS government overthe Tentacled One???21:32
javispedrothe tentacled one is to blame!21:32
pupnikok RST38h do you mean it is not an entity? - that's a fair comment21:32
federico2pupnik, more than corrupt, I'd say it's built to work in that way. The bigger a company is the more lobbying can do21:33
flailingmonkeyDocScrutinizer is right, the phones and the chips in them will be just as useful running an open source mobile OS as WP7. but a lot of work goes into ironing out the kinks21:33
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javispedrowhich means you never get a N900-like thing.21:33
javispedrounless you can counter the previous 1000 experiences.21:33
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* WP7 FAILS!21:34
* WP7 should die!21:34
ieatlintSpeaking at the launch of the partnership, Nokia's chief executive Stephen Elop revealed that there would be "substantial" job losses as a result of the tie-up.21:35
* WP7 < iPhone21:35
ieatlintok, enough of watching the titantic head slowly towards the iceberg, i'm going to go get food21:35
* WP7 iOS *21:35
* WP7 < RIM !!!!!21:35
pupnikwell if hardware is a commodity, can we make a company that sells that plus a working linux OS?21:35
ieatlintios is cisco, and it always will be21:35
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WP7hell, even BB has a better OS :/21:35
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RST38hpupnik: you can, go ahead:)21:35
EdLinpupnik: many windows mobile 6 devices can run android.21:35
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WP7seems to be right21:36
EdLinpupnik: so it should be possible, my hd2 can run meego and android and ubuntu as well as it's native wm6 or wp7.21:36
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WP7end of the world = 2012 :p21:36
javispedroEdLin: the reason for that is that hd2=hd7=some other phone I forgot21:36
javispedroEdLin: they just swap the operating system and resell it to you for full price.21:37
EdLinjavispedro: hd2 = about any htc device made after it21:37
javispedrofor now.21:37
EdLinjavispedro: hd2 = desire and n1 fairly exactly.21:37
flailingmonkeyif anyone at Nokia really thinks they will be able to "drive and define" the future of Windows Phone, they are completely delusional21:37
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EdLinjavispedro: though the best kernels are evo-based21:37
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flailingmonkeylol, Elop tries to counted the "two turkeys don't make an eagle" comment with "Or this: Two bicycle makers, from Dayton Ohio, one day decided to fly."21:38
EdLinI also have an n810, so I do belong here. ;-)21:38
flailingmonkeythey certainly must be flying, because they are clearly HIGH off their asses21:39
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EdLinflailingmonkey: studying the history of Palm should show that partnering with a rival, especially Redmond, for your OS is a kiss of death. But elop is a microsoftie himself, who's presided over the destruction of some other companies like Macromedia, so he probably doesn't care about Nokia's long-term interests.21:41
flailingmonkeyEdLin: indeed. history shows very clearly how this "strategic partnership" will work out. the investors don't need to know anything about the technical issues, they have seen this happen before21:42
EdLinmicrosoft is known to eat it's strategic partners for lunch. ;-)21:43
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flailingmonkeyfrom the open letter Elop and Ballmer on nokia conversations, the only thing Nokia is "getting" is "Microsoft development tools will be used to create applications to run on Nokia Windows Phones, allowing developers to easily leverage the ecosystem’s global reach. "21:44
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vi_that is gay, evveryone knows vim is the only sdk you will ever need21:45
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pupnik'global reich' is more like it21:46
MohammadAGjavispedro, mind helping out with git? :)21:46
vi_reducto ad hitlerum much?21:46
javispedroMohammadAG: what's the problem?21:46
EdLinvi_: vim? only the original vi(1) is worth using, not recognizing your terminal's arrow keys, ftw!21:46
flailingmonkeyMohammadAG: git makes my brain hurt sometimes21:47
vi_trading linux for wp7 IS like trading vim for a bowling pin21:47
MohammadAGjavispedro, I need to fix
povbotBug 11868: Pull tinymail sources into
MohammadAGI pulled tinymail, then pushed it to the CSSU repo21:49
MohammadAGalthough I recall I did a git push origin/tinymail-1-2 master, it pushed the main branch to master21:49
javispedrothat is hard (TM)21:49
javispedroI guess that you want there is what git calls to cherry-pic21:49
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MohammadAGI want origin/tinymail-1-2 as master21:49
flailingmonkeyi love a lot of things about git. but moving changes around often leads to my ass getting kicked by git21:50
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* WP7 killed MeeGo && Symbian21:52
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jaskawordperfect 721:53
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javispedroMohammadAG: ah, so you didn't work on any SSU changes for tinymail. you're starting afresh?21:53
* SpeedEvil stabs WP7.21:53
uhsfI think it would be a great time to reunite Maemo and Meego communities into one, to join forces and produce the best open mobile platform, and under a better name by the occasion.21:54
javispedroMohammadAG: then you can rename local branches with -m, and push it to some other remote21:54
javispedros/-m/git branch -m <old> <new>21:54
flailingmonkeymoving Meego from their awesome high-end mobile OS to, "a learning, experimental blah blah blah" IS the kiss of death for Nokia dev on Meego Handset21:54
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* WindowsPhone7 rapes MeeGo21:55
Per_n900uhsf: I think you could be right.21:55
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Per_n900WindowsPhone7: thats great.21:56
flailingmonkeyuhsf: yeah, unfortunately maemo is in a more useable state, but is burdened by closed code.21:56
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SpeedEvilThere has been a fair amount of progress at last at understanding what needs to be done tomake replacement blobs though.21:56
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Per_n900Is there a point to keep at maemo? Why not join forces with meego?21:59
WindowsPhone7Per_n900: because meego is not out yet22:01
WindowsPhone7(usable meego)22:01
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WindowsPhone7LOL! Nokia stocks are on -19%22:03
chx ? says -16%22:03
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ZogGfrals, what is your plans after nokia contract is finished?22:03
javispedro"Some have said that I'm Microsoft's Trojan horse. That's silly- I'm Canadian, duh!"22:04
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ZogGMohammadAG what is tinymail? any announcements screenshots?22:05
WindowsPhone7I feel another "steve jobs / bill gates" comic is coming.....22:05
WindowsPhone7frals is working for nokia?22:05
WindowsPhone7i feel sorry for the ones that works @ nokia22:05
WindowsPhone7Microsoft planned this whole thing from the very beginning22:06
Per_n900Seriously, can anyone explain why we should not join forces with meego?22:06
WindowsPhone7Per_n900: I told ou...22:06
WindowsPhone7[21:01] <WindowsPhone7> Per_n900: because meego is not out yet [21:01] <WindowsPhone7> (usable meego)22:06
uhsfi would have expected most people here moving to meego and let maemo die as it's not supported by anyone anymore. but the thing is not a single meego device was ever released, so all that's left are Nxxx maemo users questioning about the future of open mobile platform22:06
Juozapascheck stupid assholes want to celebrate22:06
MohammadAGZogG, it's the backend for modest, nothing new22:06
ZogGoh i thought it's instead of it22:07
Per_n900Windowsphone7: that is not what I asked.22:07
WindowsPhone7Im not a dev.. so dont ask me :p22:07
WindowsPhone7I'm just a end user22:07
_trinehey you're all going windows :P22:08
WindowsPhone7though I rly love to tweak all stuff22:08
Juozapas_trine: :DD22:08
MohammadAGPer_n900, no one's stopping you from doing that22:08
MohammadAGmost of the users here are on #meego22:08
_trinenokia must have gone completely mad22:08
uhsfi think it shouldn't be considered as trolling here to say that meego is the one to look forward to. unless one already has a Nxxx device there is absolutely no point in maemo anymore22:08
javispedroMohammadAG: what did you do :(22:09
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_trineits wasnt a burning oil rig they jumped off it must have been a transatlantic airliner22:09
Per_n900MohammadAG: I know, but why is maemo the better choice? Its just a question.22:09
MohammadAGjavispedro, nothing, yet :P22:10
MohammadAGjavispedro, trying out gtk22:10
WindowsPhone7Maemo has better multitasking if you aks me22:10
andre__Per_n900, Maemo in a working state. MeeGo is not. ;-)22:10
andre__now. of course.22:10
MohammadAGWindowsPhone7, that's just a UI22:10
javispedroMohammadAG: I mean by telling about #meego here =)22:10
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WindowsPhone7MohammadAG: UI is important if u ask me22:10
pupnikuhsf: maemo is supported22:10
MohammadAGI'd rant about RPM vs deb, but meh22:10
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MohammadAGI should rant about MeeGo vs Android vs iOS vs WP722:11
javispedroMeego, what Meego?22:11
WindowsPhone7vs RIM22:11
MohammadAGWindowsPhone7, port hildon, UI fixed22:11
MohammadAGjavispedro, ha22:11
uhsftoday's news is a big hurt for Meego, but it still represents the best hope for an open mobile OS with Intel and some others. such a big hurt that I suggest changing Meego's name to wash up it's tainted Nokian origins22:11
WindowsPhone7MohammadAG: there was some project going on22:11
WindowsPhone7porting hildon to meego22:12
MohammadAGI know22:12
javispedrouhsf: meego was a intel trademark, so that would be stupid.22:12
MohammadAGI suggest you stop trolling #meego22:12
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skythonMany nokia employees aren't happy with the decition, maybe they should do the same like the people in egypt ^^22:13
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javispedroNokia should hire Mubarak?22:13
javispedroI heard he's looking for a new job.22:14
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skythonno, they should stop working and stuff22:14
MohammadAGno, they should send Elop to company Mubarak22:14
villagerwasn't Intel's project called Moblin before it got renamed to Meego when it merged with Nokia's stuff?22:14
RST38hjavispedro: What a wonderful idea!22:15
uhsfpupnik: even if maemo still has some sort of support, we have to admit maemo is dying along with Nxxx devices as there are no successors in sight22:15
skythonvillager: meego was meant to be a merge of moblin and maemo22:15
javispedrouhsf: by that logic, meego is dying.22:15
pupnikuhsf: you are dying too22:15
javispedrohey RST38h =)22:16
villagerskython: yeah that's what I was saying?22:16
pupnikuhsf: you understand now why that's senseless trolling?22:16
RST38hjavispedro: Make Mubarak head of developers' relations22:16
pupnikyou convey no information22:16
skythonyeah, but it's not quite moblin, it's not just a rename22:16
javispedrohe would probably do it better than whoever Microsoft would put there.22:17
javispedroat least Mubarak would offer us some CONTINUITY...22:17
villagerskython: ok, I can admit poor wording22:17
RST38hjavispedro: He would at least notbe spewing marketing garbage at us22:17
uhsfmy point is meego is "less" dying than maemo, because it still has Intel and others to hope for new devices. after my N900 dies, maemo is going nowhere 'cause i can't run it on any hardware, that's no trolling, just facts22:18
RST38hjavispedro: Just glare evilly22:18
villagerbut point is anyway... if the nokia part is gone, then meego can perhaps go back to being moblin22:18
villagermoblin was a better name22:18
javispedrolet's ask the Anonymous guys to ddos nokia.com22:19
Per_n900I hate to be a schmuck@but I kind of agree with uhsf :)22:19
javispedroyet another marvelous idea.22:19
skythonhow is the hardware support atm for meego on the n900 ? are the closed source modules from nokia working there already?22:19
RST38hwhat is the point?they will disconnect and make it point to pretty soon now=)22:20
Juozapas;]]22:20 ;)22:21
javispedromaybe a mouse/keyboard manufacturer is what Nokia expects to be in two year.22:21
MohammadAGjavispedro, will they run linux?22:22
MohammadAGor will the mice run symbian and run out of memory22:22
javispedrothey will not be compatible with linux.22:22
javispedrowhatever they run is unimportant.22:22
HtheB-17,8 over here22:22
MohammadAG-9000 here22:23
RST38hdoesn't look like investors agree with the new ceo22:23
MohammadAGRST38h, who does?22:23
RST38hMohammad: that was a body count.22:23
HtheBI hope the guys from Myriad will release their stuff soon... So we can at least enjoy sme Android apps :(22:23
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MohammadAGIf I was CEO I would've announced MeeGo devices, doubled the pay so devs work double time, release the device next month max22:24
RST38hWhich is why you are not a CEO22:24
HtheBMohammadAG for president!22:24
RST38hCEOs do not operate in such concrete terms =)22:24
lollooi vote yes22:24
chxwell, Nokia got into an impossible situation22:25
MohammadAGthat's how a platform on fire fixes itself, not by spending $4b+ on R&D that results in WP7, which was R&D'd by Microsoft22:25
RST38hInstead, they cultivate an ecosystem, ponder paradigms, and raise internal competition22:25
javispedroofficial nokia tickets there22:25
lollooguys I still cant get this to work on my N900 it says media format not supported.22:26
HtheBthis just makes me cry :(22:26
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lollooI have done everything. installed codecs22:26
HtheBlet's just thumb down that video22:27
* _trine installs nice picture of Bill on his N90022:27
HtheBBill Gates? :p22:27
HtheBwhos bill anyway :p22:28
_trinethis story must have come from the 'you cant make it up department'22:28
MohammadAGI wouldn't worry about competition if I were Nokia22:29
MohammadAGtrying to catch up when you're last isn't hard22:29
_trineif someone had have suggested that the new nokia OS was going to be windows 7 last week they would have been carting you off to the lunatic asylum22:30
RST38hpeoplesuggested that before22:30
_trinebut as they say a week ia a long time in politics22:31
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HtheBlol reactions22:31
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RST38hNokia workers mourn death of Symbian, thousands walk out22:31
javispedroseems that the finland gov. already says they're going to intervene22:32
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RST38hjavispedro: will they convict Elop of crimes against the state and execute him? Do finns execute foreign spies? =)22:33
RST38hOr maybe they will swap him for Linus Torvalds? =)22:33
HtheBbend him over!22:34
javispedroRST38h: they're just going to name him a national hero and erect some statues22:34
LjLuh... i reflashed my new N810. before reflashing, my Power button gave options such as "Reboot" and "Soft off", now there's no trace of those. also, now when the screen is off the LED flashes, it didn't do that before. how come? O.o22:36
javispedrothey will no longer have to worry about those pesky new technologies22:37
Dhraakellianso, if Nokia were to drop MeeGo Handset, would we get an actual rpm/zypper-based MeeGo phone from someone else?22:37
RST38hyea, nobody ever got fired for buying into microsoft products!22:37
* Dhraakellian , being an openSUSE user, would lik that22:38
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Dhraakellian"No one ever got fired for buying Microsoft" ...except possibly Elop, we hope22:38
ieatlintRST38h: remember, elop is canadian, not american.. you can't blame us for this one22:38
Dhraakellianieatlint: ⁵!22:38
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RST38hieatlint: Wait, whom should I blame? Americans or Canadians?22:38
javispedrotechnically, canada is in america =)22:39
Dhraakellian"blame canada"?22:39
ieatlintcanadians, always canadians22:39
ieatlintquebec if possible22:39
* RST38h considers, then blames damned Anglosaxons for all the evil22:39
ieatlintyou can blame us for meego though, we do have intel22:40
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RST38hAmericans, Canadians, who cares22:40
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ieatlinti suspect we'll have a better idea on monday of how dead meego is22:40
RST38hIdiocy has no citizenship, race, or gender22:40
javispedroieatlint: why?22:41
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javispedroRST38h: but it has wealth. economic wealth.22:41
RST38hAs I said, one can just as well throw together a completely free mobile apps pack in QML/QtQuick22:41
ieatlintjavispedro: because that's when the spring meego conference was due to open its registration and cfp22:41
RST38hjavispedro: Sometimes. More often, it is just idiocy.22:41
RST38hWill take 3-4 months. Won't be as extensive as anything from Nokia, but at least will be easier to get around and fix bugs22:42
javispedrosadly, estimating it would take only 3-4 months is probably why we're on doomsday today.22:42
RST38hjavispedro: nope22:43
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RST38hjavispedro: Doing this for free on your own time, without several layers of management is somewhat different from what Meego has22:43
RST38hjavispedro: First of all, you can do it ad hoc, then quickly discuss the designs and change them on the fly22:43
RST38hjavispedro: No design documents, no guidelines, no ux people22:44
RST38hjavispedro: Yes, it will be way less professional. But faster.22:44
javispedrogood point.22:44
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RST38hjavispedro: Secondly, I suggest choosing something like QML from the start.22:44
RST38hjavispedro: It allows prototyping UI quickly22:45
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* javispedro is at this point more sold at anya (webos ui framework) than qml22:45
RST38hjavispedro: As we already know what core apps are needed (address book, messaging view, mail view, calendar, settings), there is no need to spend time defining this part22:45
RST38hjavispedro: Thirdly, we can drop all the evil parts, such as Tracker and connect to some lighter backends instead22:46
RST38hjavispedro: preferably with DBus, basically making various UI elements do dbus calls and show results22:47
RST38hjavispedro: again, won't be as solid as Maemo/Meego stuff, but way faster to implement22:47
flailingmonkeyI think that defining things would be actually helpful, but shouldn't block putting together rough/usable first drafts either22:47
javispedroSee FHS22:48
RST38hjavispedro: And there won't be core OS to take care about, this can run on any Linux distro22:48
javispedroor GPE22:48
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RST38hWell,GPE has been a success of sorts22:48
RST38hOpenMoko was a clusterfuck due to mismanagement and general fanaticism of developers (see our friend PaulFertser answering calls from emacs on his mokophone)22:49
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RST38hIf you are doing this with the main goal of FINISHING and SELLING or at least promoting the end result, you will have more chance of success22:49
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javispedronot sure.22:50
javispedroI've seen one-man suites before, and they all usually suck.22:50
SpeedEvilThe OM problem wasn't the devs. It was themanagment.22:51
Per_n900RST38h: I like the part that it will run on any distro.22:51
RST38hjavispedro: so you do not make it like those suites22:51
SpeedEvilThey made various poor calls throughout.22:51
RST38hjavispedro: you model it on Maemo5 to begin with22:51
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javispedrothat might be a good plan.22:51
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javispedroreusing maemo's ui basically.22:52
RST38hjavispedro: it may not be ideal, but it is perfectly usable in terms of layout22:52
RST38hyour UI elements will comefrom QtQuick components, you won;t be drawing your own22:52
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RST38hHell, I have just done about 1/3 of this job. In PHP/HTML (!)22:54
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RST38hAlone, in about 1 week, between other jobs22:54
javispedroI have to agree that PIM stuff doesn't seem horribly hard22:54
RST38hSo it cannot be all that bad22:54
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javispedrothe code for the Pilot PIM applications is basically leaked,22:54
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javispedroand it's pure C, über fast engine.22:54
RST38hyea,but you will probably needmore modern backend22:55
javispedrowhich I always wanted to use as a base for something =)22:55
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RST38hsomething built on SQL,with sqlite as default storage + option to use remote sql server22:55
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RST38hjavispedro: But something *simple*, as there are no resources to build another sandcastle like Tracker22:58
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javispedrotracker was not built though22:58
javispedroit was reused22:58
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RST38hservicing a sandcastle also takes time =)23:00
SpeedEvilRST38h: And causes abrasion to sensitive regions.23:00
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RST38hCOnstant abrasion, yes, I am scratching all over23:01
pupniki like RST38h's comments this evening23:01
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* javispedro used to use GarnetVM as PIM on the N81023:04
javispedroso there's some levels of suckiness I'm willing to accept23:04
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RST38hPalm's core apps were pretty well thought out23:05
RST38hBut still, using that 160x160 stuff nowadays...23:05
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javispedrowell the only use I can see for the extra pixels is ... eye candy.23:05
RST38hmore data!23:06
jacekowskiso anybody up to date with recent events23:07
jacekowskiwhere are we standing?23:07
RST38hon a burning platform? =)23:07
Juozapasnokia sold us ?23:07
javispedroon a burning platform with a shiny microsoft logo23:08
merlin1991RST38h, we are jumping from the burning platform23:08
RST38hmerlin: You are.23:08
jacekowskiless indirectly23:08
jacekowskiso what is happening23:08
jacekowskithere will be no n9-0023:09
jacekowskibut there will be n9-01?23:09
GAN900Burn it all with fire.23:09
Juozapasjacekowski: who cares? it will be with windows23:09
RST38hjacekowski: to save you some googling, Symbian set on a timer of about 1-2 years, Meego politely called a "learning tool", and WP& called the main smartphone platform at Nokia23:09
javispedrojacekowski: I wouldn't put my finger on anything like that. pre-fire, n9-01 was the keyboardless model.23:09
GAN900jacekowski, there'll probably be both with WP7.23:09
jacekowskiN9 with windows?23:09
RST38hjacekowski: Other small news include more changes to the Nokia management and mass layoffs23:10
GAN900I keep getting closer and closer to rage mode whenever I think about it.23:10
jacekowskiso htc will be android OEM23:10
merlin1991and there is a sidenote about a meego "device" at the end of this year23:10
RST38h+ there is a photoshop-worthy picture of Elop and together23:10
jacekowskiand nokia will be windows phone 7 oem23:10
LjLuh... i reflashed my new (used) N810. before reflashing, my Power button gave options such as "Reboot" and "Soft off", now there's no trace of those. also, the screen doesn't turn off immediately when i lock, like it did before, long-pressing Power doesn't ask for a confirmation before shutting down, and when the screen is off the LED flashes, it didn't do that before. how come? i assume the previous owner did something, but what? O.o23:11
RST38hGAN900: You can't go to the rage mode, you are working with customers!23:11
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jacekowskihmm, that really sucks23:11
jacekowskilot of open source work and platform that was quite close to being usable just went down a drain23:11
jacekowskiwhat about intel-nokia partnership with meego?23:12
RST38hyes, you can mourn now23:12
javispedrowell it didn't went down a drain. it will just never be used.23:12
jacekowskijavispedro: that's same thing23:12
javispedrobut if you're fanatic enough, you get to use it!23:12
javispedro"Everybody come to the communication meeting Friday!  Oh, and you might want to pack up your personal belongings and bring them, just in case."23:13
pupnikLjL: what did you flash with?23:14
RST38hjavispedro: There is a fire alarm, and whoever can't get back to the building with his RFID card has been laid off!23:14
GAN900RST38h, don't I know it.23:14
LjLpupnik: the official image from
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GAN900If anybody tries to shoplift today, there will be blood.23:14
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* javispedro shoplifts a WP7 phone23:15
* federico2 shopstairs23:16
LjLpupnik: latest one, of course23:16
pupnikLjL: i don't recall what mine did - perhaps the previous owner used a different OS version23:16
DrGrovI think just for the fun of it I will get the HTC Trophy 723:17
DrGrovAnd manhandle the living hell out of it23:17
LjLpupnik: no, it was the same version number, i checked...23:17
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merlin1991hm tea-party in #meego23:17
LjLpupnik: i've found out that you can enabled Soft off and Reboot by editing a file in /etc/systemui (or somewhere), but that doesn't explain the rest of the behaviors. i guess i can always try asking the seller23:17
javispedro"  Reading through the Microsoft-Nokia press release gave me flashbacks of the IBM-Apple deal that produced Taligent.  The wording, the vagueness of the details, and the miasma of mild desperation clinging to both partners is very familiar."23:18
pupnikmanagement never fires the management, do they ;)23:19
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pupnikmy vision for a high-end nokia phone would be linux-based, that can run webOS and Android apps23:20
pupnikand maemo523:20
DrGrovIs there any chance that the board of directors could eventually fire Elop, that rat bastard?23:21
RST38hAsk the board! =)23:21
DrGrovI can't ask the board LL23:21
korhojoapupnik: a vmware hypervisor and what ever os you want?23:21
RST38hThen do not ask US stupid questions.23:21
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DrGrovRST38h: Well, nice fucking mood your're in.23:22
pupnikkorhojoa: no, not virtual machines - linux23:22
javispedrohey, it's doomsday.23:22
korhojoapupnik: but vm's would be nice.23:23
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RST38hjavispedro: Fire in the circus!23:23
pupnikkorhojoa: have you tried dosbox?23:23
Tukanfanare there any big differences between Maemo 5 and WebOS 2.0?23:24
RST38hAll the clowns are on fire! They run around the arena and ignite the audience!23:24
jacekowskiany news on alien dalvik?23:24
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javispedrothe only top executive gone is curiously the meego one.23:26
javispedroHP just said also that they're not making any more WM/WP stuff.23:27
javispedroHP was at least once the biggest WM licensee iirc.23:27
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javispedrobasically, Nokia is now the only WP7 licensee of any importance left.23:32
GAN900I wish webOS were viable.23:32
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RST38hYOu do not yet know if WebOS is viable or not23:33
RST38hGive it 6 months23:33
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javispedrowebOS is not viable either imho, but it will at least be here for the next two years.23:34
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javispedroplenty of time23:34
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javispedro(i do not see it ever getting ahead of its current position in market share...)23:35
javispedrowhich will probably and ironically be higher than wp7's (it is now =) )23:35
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jacekowskiHP has a lot of funds from other sources to keep that platform running23:37
jacekowskinokia, not really23:37
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javispedrowhich is a good thing because they're yet to make a profit for hp =)23:38
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ieatlintwebos has a larger dev community and (i believe) application base than wp723:39
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anidelubt they're both very nice OSes... both good alternatives to Android and iOS if one doesn't fancy either///23:40
Francimanguys what's a good alternative to Eclipse/ESBox to develop Maemo 5 applications ?23:42
merlin1991depends on what you want to use23:42
javispedroEverytime I see it I still think it's funny they decided to abandon what currently is #1 platform in share for what currently is #10 platform in share =)23:42
merlin1991if you hopped on the qt train, it'd say qt-creator23:42
javispedroclearly, management was on drugs.23:42
FIQno meego?23:43
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RST38hok, sleep time23:43
Francimanmerlin1991 , I'd like to start with gtkmm before23:44
javispedrotime to say goodbye and thanks for the fish23:44
javispedroand the last one out please take out the lights =)23:44
pupnikcu javispedro23:44
FIQok, i will use my n900 until it gives up, then changing platform. >_>23:44
MohammadAGjavispedro, R&D'd drugs, normal ones don't do this much damage23:45
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merlin1991Franciman, I don't think you have much alternatives in this case, you might try code::blocks, or use something like vim, joe, emacs23:46
Francimanok , and where can I find a good tutorial on setting up the environment ?23:47
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merlin1991for the cross-compiler and emulator see
uhsfFIQ: same. but the high price I paid for my N900 meant for me that I expected to use it for at least ~5years. I would expect things to get better in the open mobile world since then. to me it's only annoying to see the situation deteriorate so badly for the platform i chose to give my money to.23:52
merlin1991Franciman, also check out
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Francimanok thanks very much merlin199123:53
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