IRC log of #maemo for Tuesday, 2011-01-11

meceyes i am00:00
mecebut they include qml stuff in a qdeclarativeview00:00
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MohammadAGno, i meant the qml parts00:00
alteregomece: this is what I di:
infobotalterego meant: mece: this is what I do:
MohammadAGbut anyone can read the qml right?00:01
alteregoPaolo: MeeGo will be easy, you can create your own .ks file which will generate a super minimal rootfs ready for flashing straight away. It's worth the investment seriously.00:01
woglindethats an ugly .pro file00:01
mecewoglinde, show a better one or stfu :P00:02
alteregowoglinde: yes, it looks really ugly doesn't it ....00:02
alteregowoglinde: I find it more visually appealing than the shit Qt Creator generates by default ..00:02
alteregoAdmittedly I should probably not have all those graphics in OTHER_FILES ..00:02
mecehmm i find it looks a lot like mine..00:02
mecei just don't have the maemo5 bits right00:03
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woglindealtergo yes00:03
alteregoyes what?00:03
Paoloalright, thanks for the help, I'll look into meego, ofono, telepathy a.s.o.00:03
woglindeabout the images00:04
alteregoAnd is that your reasoning for it being "ugly"?00:04
alteregoPaolo: it'll be well easy, just in your .ks file put "ofono" and "telepathy"00:04
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alteregoThen it should import all required deps that you need and you're set.00:04
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alteregowoglinde, well, that's a pretty bs reason tbh :P00:05
alteregoWhat if I had that many .qml files!00:05
MohammadAGi'm sure it's sexier than nokia's code00:05
alteregoMuch more simple too.00:06
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* lardman lols at Tool Academy, the new E4 wunder-series00:08
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mecealterego, does the qml ui benefit from opengl in your application?00:08
* lardman then cries that he's watching such shit and turns the telly off00:09
pupniklardman: please don't watch telly00:09
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pupnikgo beat people up instead00:09
alteregomece: in mine, yes.00:10
* lardman opts for heading to bed instead00:10
lardmannight all00:10
alteregomece: try it with and without :)00:10
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mecealterego, I guess I need to do something in my (5 line long) c++ file to make use of it..00:11
alteregomece: I'll post hang on, it's like one line ;)00:13
mecealterego, thanks :D00:13
MohammadAGthere's a golden egg in the angry birds credits00:15
MohammadAGjust scroll down00:15
MohammadAGand the level's hard as hell00:16
jacekowskiit's called easter egg00:16
MohammadAGgolden egg :P00:16
jacekowskieaster egg00:16
MohammadAGit's golden in the game's menu :P00:17
jacekowskialterego: settle this dispute00:17
alteregoLiterally, it is a golden in the credits, which exposes an easter egg feature :P00:17
alteregos/golden/golden egg/00:18
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infobotalterego meant: Literally, it is a golden egg in the credits, which exposes an easter egg feature :P00:18
MohammadAGno, it's called golden eggs in the level selector, those are easter eggs00:18
* MohammadAG stabs a random tree00:18
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alteregoOkay, yeah, you're right, it's a normal Golden egg, just cunningly hidden :)00:20
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CaCO3hi all00:41
CaCO3happy new year ;)00:41
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mecealterego, what qt stuff do you include in your main.cpp?00:47
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mece<QtOpenGL> seems not to exist00:48
alteregoHAve you got QT += opengl?00:48
mece opos00:48
piggzlo...trying to build a package in scratchbox, i cant get past this error dpkg-checkbuilddeps: error: syntax error in debian/control at line 10: first block lacks a source field00:48
MohammadAGmece, it's foss00:49
luke-jris QtOpenGL likely to support Maemo which doesn't have OPenGL?00:49
MohammadAGxbox 360 remote00:49
meceMohammadAG, true that :)00:49
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alteregoluke-jr: of course it does.00:50
CaCO3Hi all. Question; is also down for you?00:50
MohammadAGmeh, I hate lag00:51
alteregoQtOpenGL has platform independant support for OpenGL 1.x and 2.x as well as OpenGL ES 1.X and 2.000:51
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mikki-kunCalciumcarbonate: yes, i have trouble accessing it as well01:04
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alteregoYou are kidding.01:07
alteregoAfter 10 years: Experimental packages for Symbian development on Linux01:07
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lcukjust in time for the transition to bsd :P01:07
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MohammadAGalterego, they're out?01:09
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MohammadAGah found it,
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MohammadAGmeh, 32 bit01:16
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* ds3 adds HCl to CaCO301:21
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MohammadAGlol ds301:24
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Proteousholy join/part spam batman01:25
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Proteousstop performing a resouce exaustion attack on my irc logs plz01:26
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jacekowskierror: QSqlDriver: No such file or directory01:31
jacekowskiwhere is that file coming from?01:31
jacekowskihmm i found it01:31
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MohammadAGthe N8 doesn't have 4.701:42
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RST38hMohammad: The horror! The suffering!01:49
RST38hMohammad: There should be a .sis package for it though01:50
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MohammadAGIn addition, currently you cannot use this approach to develop for the N8, because Qt 4.7.1 is not installable there. When N8 receives its first phone update however, it will be upgraded to Qt 4.7.1, and then you should be able to deploy on it.01:51
MohammadAGwell, it's not my phone01:52
MohammadAGso I don't want to f with it :p01:52
DocScrutinizerok, who wants me to ban CACO301:53
MohammadAGtoo late DocScrutinizer :p01:54
RST38hkick him a few times first, with really cool ironic kick messages,then ban!01:54
* MohammadAG wonders how to detect device orientation in Qt01:54
DocScrutinizerRST38h: I have to check the logs again if he really is logged in long enough for me to kick him01:55
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DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: Fahrplan does portrait now :-D01:55
MohammadAGI can't use the official Qt way of doing it for what I want01:56
MohammadAGthe Qt way is to detect screen resolution changes01:56
MohammadAGif width is more than height, then it's landscape01:56
MohammadAGRST38h, as I said, I don't want to flip the desktop01:56
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MohammadAGI want to flip the UI elements, while keeping the desktop in landscape mode01:57
RST38hMohammad: actually, detecting screen resolution and adapting to it IS the right way01:57
MohammadAGRST38h, not in this case01:57
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RST38hit is the most general way though, also accepts other resolutions01:57
mikki-kunMohammadAG: what are currently working on? :)01:58
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MohammadAGRST38h, true, but in this case, I'm keeping the actual window 800x48001:58
MohammadAGmikki-kun, same, mediaplayer01:58
mikki-kunwith portrait-support? :o01:58
MohammadAGbut hildon-desktop will slow down some parts of it if I allow rotation that way01:58
MohammadAGuh, that's already in there01:58
MohammadAGbut the video player will support portrait01:58
MohammadAGwith orientation lock01:59
mikki-kunMohammadAG: my media player doesn't go portrait01:59
DocScrutinizer(that's been a cinema operator burp01:59
MohammadAGmikki-kun, ...01:59
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MohammadAG mikki-kun02:00
mikki-kunahhhh, i thought you meant it was already built in into pr 1.3 :) sorry for that :/02:00
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mikki-kunthe n900 should consider itself lucky it has MohammadAG ^^02:02
yaccAny way to make pnatd log the pseudo modem chat?02:03
* DocScrutinizer wonders idly if there are any movies in "portrait ratio"02:03
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MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, hey, meego does it :p02:04
MohammadAGand no, there aren't02:04
DocScrutinizeryacc: any way to quit pnatd without sending a kill ?02:04
DocScrutinizeryacc: how do you quit pnatd?02:05
mikki-kunthere are movies in portrait mode... they are called facetime by apple02:05
RST38hMohammad: just rotating all widgets or what? =)02:06
yaccDocScrutinizer: Not at all I guess, why?02:06
diabolgood idea to hack up and have some fun with meego on windows?02:06
DocScrutinizeryacc: because that proves pnatd is braindamaged02:06
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yaccDocScrutinizer: Well, you can close the tty I guess, that's how the "SMS send via pnatd" scripts seem to work?02:07
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diabolDosScrutinizer: send a sigterm instead of sigkill? :D02:07
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MohammadAGRST38h, rotate the widgets, keep the window normal02:07
DocScrutinizerkill -SIG??? may do02:07
yaccDocScrutinizer: Anyway, compared to Android connectivity (well in this case it's Archos code, so don't blame Google, but WLAN in Android is rather primitive to be nice), pnatd looks like perfect stuff :)02:08
RST38hMohammad: Are you modifying hildon-desktop by any chance? ;)02:08
yaccDocScrutinizer: yeah, but how do I log the traffic going into pnatd?02:08
MohammadAGRST38h, no no lol02:08
DocScrutinizeryacc: wait til you try to use perfectly standard mandatory AT commands not supported by pnatd02:08
yaccDocScrutinizer: Or actually, I'd like to have the full debugging log of the ppp LCP negotiation going on.02:08
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DocScrutinizeryacc: (log traffic) is this so difficult? Write a wrapper02:09
mikki-kunRST38h: he is secretly working on it, he ust can't cope with that much fame ;) ^^02:09
RST38hMohammad: seriously though, if you just want screen orientation, query the accelerometer02:09
yaccDocScrutinizer: yeah, wait till you have to try out WLAN APs till you find some that are good and work with Archos, while an iPhone, the N900 and a couple of laptops have no issues with these, ...02:09
DocScrutinizerfrooodledoodle | tee mylog | pnatd02:10
MohammadAGRST38h, there should be a Qt way02:11
yaccDocScrutinizer: actually the equivalent of the pppd log for the LCP negotiation would be more useful, byte-analyzing pppd traffic does not sound THAT sexy. (Gosh, I'm getting old, a decade past I'd be happy to do some byte level hacking), ....02:11
DocScrutinizerpfff, it's AT02:12
RST38hMohammad: Qt way would be via QtMobility02:12
DocScrutinizerplain text02:12
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DocScrutinizerpppd traffic is payload02:13
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DocScrutinizerROOAAAR, there's a *02:14
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DocScrutinizerPLOP said the cap02:15
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DocScrutinizerdude! battry went flat after some 7h :-(02:16
DocScrutinizerand just 3 of them on GPRS, rest WLAN02:17
MohammadAGRST38h, yeah, looking for the class I need02:17
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DocScrutinizerwho thinks it's a poor concept when Nokia decides to have elementary system protection functions - like thermal control and shutdown - in a closed source userland daemon rather than in kernel where it belongs?02:19
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DocScrutinizerthe only system architecture where such an approach would be faintly bearable is if the device hardare would deal with forced shutdown unrelated to any software running02:22
DocScrutinizerRST38h: bme02:22
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* yacc takes the advanced course on soft-bricking his N90002:24
yaccDocScrutinizer: payload? As in it's only forwarded to the mobile network and not interpreted in any way on the N900?02:24
DocScrutinizersoft-bricks? sounds like kindergarden02:24
yaccDocScrutinizer: no sounds like installing Debian Sid debs ;)02:24
DocScrutinizeras in pnatd doesn't interpret any of it02:25
yaccDocScrutinizer: What interprets it?02:25
diabolstill better than closed source kernel modules imo02:25
DocScrutinizerdunno - maybe pppd02:25
DocScrutinizerdiabol: heh, but they were not allowed to use closed kernel modules :-P That's why they did it this way02:26
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diabolgood thing02:26
DocScrutinizerhmm, not really02:27
diabolwell, scrap and rewrite. i mean how hard can it be (famous last words xD)02:27
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DocScrutinizerit's closed either way. But for the kernel modules you could at least rely on it02:27
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DocScrutinizeryeah, really famous last words.02:27
MohammadAGmainwindow.h:23: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of 'QSensor' with no type02:28
MohammadAGffs what does it mean?02:28
DocScrutinizerbme is a monster, and nothing even of the interfaces is documented02:28
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diabolsooo, i'm about to set up a dualboot to meego on my n900, any advice?02:28
MohammadAGyeah, are you a dev? :P02:28
DocScrutinizeryeah, check out meego.com02:28
diabolcheck and check02:29
DocScrutinizeror whatever might be the name02:29
diabolsaw the scary charging bug and the uboot stuff02:29
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MohammadAGthen you're good to go02:29
DocScrutinizercharging bug? LOL02:29
MohammadAGyou can't complain how it sucks02:29
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yaccsigh, strace from sid just installed without any need for forces, I'm feeling sick, ...02:29
DocScrutinizerthere's charging in meego for N900?02:29
MohammadAGcause you're a dev :p02:29
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, yes02:29
diabolDocScrutinizer: apparently using a usb-cable to computer :D02:30
MohammadAGit's actually quite good02:30
diabolafter long struggles02:30
MohammadAGI use it as a hand warmer sometimes02:30
MohammadAG(btw, it uses bme)02:30
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DocScrutinizeryeah, got that02:30
diabolMohammadAG: ok, so can it actually use the wall charger?02:30
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MohammadAGand with no mce to shut off the display, which is running at max brightness02:30
yaccDocScrutinizer: no pppd binary on the N900 :(02:30
DocScrutinizerand also expected it would be buggy and ever will be02:30
MohammadAGyep, pretty good hand warmer02:30
MohammadAGdiabol, it does, sometimes02:31
DocScrutinizeryacc: sorry I have nfc what you try to do02:31
MohammadAGMeeGo really needs devs right now02:31
MohammadAGsadly, it's repelling them, in some ways02:31
yaccDocScrutinizer: Well, I'm trying to debug why my Archos cannot DUN tether to the N900. The pppd debugging level on the Archos side is not that great, hence the idea to capture the debugging log of the LCP negotiation on the N900, ...02:32
DocScrutinizer"WAIT! come with patches when we're done! and: IS IT UPSTREAM??"02:32
DocScrutinizer"docs? what docs? we do it the standard way, just tweaked to match the usecase"02:33
diabolwhy exactly did the "alternative os" projects like mir die anyways?02:34
diaboldevs getting real life?02:34
alteregoMeeGo came02:34
DocScrutinizerdevs like stskeeps (mer) are actively developing meego now02:35
alteregoThat and they realised it wasn't as easy as they thought it might.02:35
diabolbut meego doesnt seem nice from what ive seen so far (which is not a lot :D)02:35
RST38hdiabol:and what have we seen so far?02:35
diabolsome random screenshots of preview versions xD02:36
diaboland the wall charger bug02:36
MohammadAGdiabol, screenshots always look nice :p02:36
RST38hOh, I see we have seen different things...02:36
diabolthose didnt :D02:36
MohammadAGphotoshopped ones look awesome02:36
DocScrutinizermaemo has years and years of community support doing the devels' duty of documenting how to deal with the shit. Meego otoh is completely missing such docs02:36
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diabolare there still any active maemo devs anyways or is it really dead?02:37
alteregodiabol: look at the forum and tell us if you think it's dev.02:37
MohammadAGthere are a few02:37
alteregoI think there's still just as much activity as there was a year ago tbh ..02:37
RST38hit is dead02:37
RST38hnothing to see here02:38
MohammadAGalterego, it kinda got more active in september02:38
MohammadAGwhich is weird02:38
MohammadAGthen it went down again02:38
alteregoWeird? PR1.3 weird? :P02:38
alteregoI was waiting for 4.7 :D02:38
DocScrutinizerWTF!? at least 20% of users in this chan are devels02:38
RST38hpr4.7? weird.02:38
alteregoNow I'm waiting for 4.8 :(02:38
diaboli rather dont look at the forums, they are uhg, hard on the eyes02:39
RST38hDoc: But does he need to know that? =)02:39
diaboland probably 90% of those are idlers :P02:39
DocScrutinizerRST38h: ok, no he doesn't02:40
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diabolsooo on my checklist to hacking up and prettifying my n900 i've got no 1 pinned down: find out where the devs hang out (check)02:42
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DocScrutinizerRST38h: and goddamn fix your irc-client - it for sure supports tab-nickcompletion02:42
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MohammadAGalterego, any ideas why this errors out if(sensor->reading() = QOrientationReading::TopUp) ?02:42
alteregoWhat error?02:43
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SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: Or tell it to colon complete.02:43
MohammadAGmainwindow.cpp:22: error: lvalue required as left operand of assignment02:43
yaccWhen we are at it, is there a way to query the expected upstream bandwidth of the current GSM/UMTS connection?02:43
diabolMohammadAG: sensor->reading() == QOrientation...02:43
alteregodiabol: saw it :P02:43
MohammadAGthat errors out too :P02:43
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: tab was a placeholder for a concept02:44
MohammadAGmainwindow.cpp:22: error: conversion from 'QtMobility::QOrientationReading*' to 'QChar' is ambiguous02:44
MohammadAGI had it that way at first02:44
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: colon-complete is a nice idea actually02:44
diabolyou surely dont want it to be an assignment02:44
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alteregoNever used the sensor api, hang on02:44
diabolalterego: find a way to cast it !02:44
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* diabol plays the batman melody02:45
DocScrutinizeryacc: nope02:45
DocScrutinizercenceptually not02:45
yaccDocScrutinizer: Well, does the path02:45
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yaccdoes the path buffer packages?02:45
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alteregoMohammadAG: use if(sensor->orientation == QOrientationReading::TopUp)02:46
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MohammadAGalterego, I did that, it doesn't work02:46
alteregosensor->orientation() ..02:46
* MohammadAG facepalms02:46
diabolyou mean orientation()02:46
MohammadAGmainwindow.cpp:22: error: 'class QtMobility::QOrientationSensor' has no member named 'orientation'02:47
yaccDocScrutinizer: well, basically, does the upstream path buffer packages, or does it drop packages quickly?02:47
alteregoWhat version of mobility are you using?02:47
alteregoBaring in mind we have 1.0.1 on the N900 ..02:48
DocScrutinizeryacc: I'm not sure about that, but I think it shouldn't drop packages easily02:48
diabolthe class is called QOrientationReading02:48
alteregoYeah, that then :P02:48
diabolnot QOrientationSensro02:48
yaccDocScrutinizer: I've just discovered how much nicer my cable modem works if I suppress it's buffer, ...02:48
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alteregoLike I said, I've not touched the sensor APIs :P02:48
yaccDocScrutinizer: Actually, the reverse is true, TCP relies on quick package drops to gauge the available bandwidth.02:48
MohammadAGalterego, tbh, I thought you helped noobmonk3y02:48
* alterego continues his meandering through GLES202:48
nox-ooh you mean packets .)02:48
MohammadAGhis source code shows m_sensor02:48
MohammadAGthat's how you name objects02:49
DocScrutinizeryacc: tbh I'm not sure I know what you're talking about02:49
alteregoMohammadAG: that's sort of standard c++ practise :)02:49
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DocScrutinizeryacc: trying to fit in pnatd and GPRS02:49
nox-DocScrutinizer, s/packages/packets/02:50
MohammadAGalterego, tbh, I think their QSensor API is shit02:50
MohammadAG 3070  3057 root     R    15956  6.4 10.1 /usr/local/bin/orientationtes02:50
DocScrutinizernox-: that's not my main problem02:50
diaboli wish somebody would take the best of c# and put it into c++ *sigh*02:50
MohammadAG10% CPU usage, the whole mediaplayer doesn't use that02:50
alteregoWhy's it shit?02:50
alteregoOh, right.02:50
MohammadAGalterego, 10% cpu usage02:50
MohammadAGand it's not the first time02:50
alteregoI just presumed it listened for dbus signals ..02:51
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MohammadAGwhen Venemo patched in QSensors into mediabar, it showed the same02:51
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MohammadAGand that's why I didn't release that02:51
yaccDocScrutinizer: a little buffer suppression in the cable modem via QoS and I can interactively work via ssh, while bittorrent is hitting the connection at maximum. (It's another topic, not related to pnatd ;) it's about latency, which is bad with mobiles anyway at best).02:51
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DocScrutinizeryacc: sorry but I never seen a buffer in my DSL modem, not to mention how to suppress it. Maybe you're talking to a noob02:52
MohammadAGalterego, so should I just dump Qt Mobility?02:53
diabolMohammadAG: any way to set polling rates in qt mobility?02:53
alteregoMohammadAG: No, just don't use the sensor API :P02:53
MohammadAGyes, setDataRate(int)02:53
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MohammadAGint is in Hz apparently02:53
alteregoMohammadAG: also, what freq is your N900 running at with that 10%02:54
MohammadAGalterego, stock02:54
alteregoMohammadAG: what did you set it to?02:54
MohammadAGI didn't, it's default (0)02:54
alteregoHrm, set it to 102:54
yaccDocScrutinizer: well almost any cable modem has a buffer. This buffer is actually what is mostly guilty of causing stalled downloads while you max out the upload, because the normal TCP/IP stack relies on timely packet drops.02:54
MohammadAGtried that, same :P02:54
yaccDocScrutinizer, that's why it makes sense to limit the upstream going to the cable modem at say 99% of the official upstream, ...02:55
DocScrutinizerhmm. I never heard of that02:55
MohammadAGalterego, setDataRate: rate 1 is not supported by the sensor.02:55
diabolalso i'd like to test something out regarding polling: if the last change was big, then poll more frequently, if it wasnt poll less frequently02:55
alteregoMohammadAG: I mean what frequency is the CPU running at when it's running that test. Not whether you're oc'ing02:55
MohammadAGjust noticed that02:55
DocScrutinizerI thought limiting upstream to something below max bandwidth was for geting through ACKs02:55
alterego10% isn't bad if it's at it's slowest tbh02:55
SpeedEvilyacc: That's only partially true.02:56
orangeydoh! my n900 overheated and died!02:56
MohammadAGalterego, 500MHz02:56
yaccDocScrutinizer, this way, packets are not queued in the cable modem, instead they are queued in your router.02:56
yaccSpeedEvil, ?02:56
SpeedEvilyacc: If you have multiple contended streams, they only play nicely together if the RTT are comparable.02:56
alteregoorangey: ?02:56
orangeyah, just joking : ) It's been FINALLY working properly02:56
orangeyalterego: bad follow-up to earlier in the day02:56
orangeyalterego: to fix my SIP audio, I finally am fixing the CPU speed to 600 (it was 850 earlier), and was warned against02:57
alteregoorangey: why are you telling me? :P02:57
SpeedEvilyacc: If the RTT of a high bandwidth demanding stream is lower than the rest of the traffic, then it can swamp the whole connection. The other connections go to exponential backoff02:57
DocScrutinizeryacc: I'm aware of my router's bw-mgmt, and I think I know how it works. I think we are using incompatible namespace02:57
orangeyalterego: DocScrutinizer and MohammadAG were doing the warning. it was a bad joke directed at them02:57
MohammadAGorangey, I really don't care :p02:57
yaccDocScrutinizer, yeah, bandwidth management becomes a little bit easier if you know the total bandwidth available, ...02:58
orangeyalterego: you're collateral damage. I send a heart-felt apology.02:58
alteregoorangey: ;)02:58
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alteregoorangey: it's okay, I thought you were telling me one of my apps bricked your device :D02:58
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orangeyalterego: i'm sorry for the angst02:58
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diabolMohammedAG: wheres the docs for setdatarate?02:59
orangeyalterego: one thing is that this puppy kills battery while talking now02:59
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DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: thanks for taking over. Your statement is more like my namespace02:59
yaccSpeedEvil, yep, sounds very logic. I did not say that managing the upstream bandwidth carefully is a cure-all, but it's usually feelable better at latency/bandwidth quality then without such management, ...03:00
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MohammadAGdiabol, I'm more interested in
DocScrutinizerI'm thinking more in terms like MTR & QoS/TOS and buckets. And I have NFC where in my modem there's a buffer that can be surpressed03:01
MohammadAGdiabol, though I have no idea how to process a "QRangleList"03:01
yaccSpeedEvil, if you want to prevent that monopolization you need some QoS outgress queuing, which is again easier (although I think not absolutely necessary) if you know the total bandwidth available.03:01
orangeyDocScrutinizer: That was an awesome paragraph.03:02
SpeedEvilIn principle, you can monitor the total number of missing packets03:02
DocScrutinizerorangey: ??? o.O03:02
yaccDocScrutinizer: you suppress the buffer by sending slightly less than what the upstream can manage, this way the cable modem never has the need to queue anything.03:02
orangeyDocScrutinizer: not really knowing much about the field, it sounds impressive.. I feel like I could easily pick up women with that line03:03
DocScrutinizeroooh, yeah I know that trick :-D03:03
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diabolMohammadAG: working through the docs03:03
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yaccAbyway, if I got that right, the ppp endpoint doing the negotiations is actually on the mobile network side, and not inside the N900 (no pppd binary on the thing, and pnatd never ever fork/execs anything, while doing some monkey business with sockets that strace cannot translate the PF value of ;) )03:04
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diabolits typedefined as a QList<qrange>03:05
diabolwhereas qrange is a QPair<int, int>03:05
MohammadAGhmm, so foreach would work?03:05
dotblankHonest opinion please, how good is qt mobility?03:06
MohammadAGdoesn't seem too good03:06
dotblankis it worth rewriting stuff for it?03:06
DocScrutinizeryacc: my modem though has a bw-mgmt that priorizes packets based on arbitrray SPI rules, sets TOS and assigns buckets of BW to the packets. I easily have SIP working great while downloading AND uploading jiggabytes of shit03:06
dotblank1.21 jigawats?03:06
DocScrutinizeryoh exactly03:07
diabolgawd, how about just making gtk and qt work nicely?03:07
jacekowskii already downloaded 160G this month03:07
yaccDocScrutinizer: well, my modem is not my property, and managed by callcenter monkeys.03:07
jacekowskiand i'm not sure how03:07
dotblankdiabol, O think you can.. I don't see what would be too hard about it03:07
yaccjacekowski, as long you don't use TB as the unit, ...03:08
jacekowskii almost filled up my 2T hdd03:09
jacekowskiand i had it for less than year03:09
jacekowski/dev/md2              1.9T  1.5T  361G  81% /shares/Data03:09
yaccI just had a sick idea, write a small program that answers to AT commands with OK, and at ATD forks into pppd on the n900, then you can have a fake Bluetooth DUN that is terminated inside the N900, and uses iptables NAT to share the connection, *scratch-head*03:10
jacekowskiwhat's the point03:10
jacekowskibtw. do you know that is how it's done03:10
ds3yacc: slirp, it does basically that and it works great.03:10
BCMMwhy can't i seem to make standard output from a Qt program running on my n900? the exact same code, built for my desktop, works03:11
jacekowskiyacc: rapuyama does exactly that03:11
jacekowskiyacc: almost03:11
BCMMusing std::cout << "foo" << std::endl;03:11
DocScrutinizeryacc: funny idea, I'll think about it03:11
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BCMMalso built using the same sequence of commands, in scratchbox and in a normal environment03:11
BCMMthere is simply no standard output from the Maemo version03:12
yaccDocScrutinizer: I cannot easily fix the pppd options that the stupid Archos uses, and I cannot fix the other endpoint if my network is providing that, ...03:12
diabolBCMM: did you try redirecting stdout to a file on the n900?03:12
diabolmaybe its the terminal or busybox or something03:12
BCMMdiabol: i have tried it now... nothing.03:12
BCMM(actually, ssh and bash in this case)03:13
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DocScrutinizer<BCMM> there is simply no standard output from the Maemo version --> yep that's the point - nah nfc, j/k03:13
MohammadAGheh diabol03:13
MohammadAGit didn't work :P03:13
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diabolno clue, maybe qt eats it D:03:13
diabolMohammadAG: what? :D03:14
BCMMDocScrutinizer: sorry, i don't understand03:14
DocScrutinizernevermind, I'm getting silly03:14
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MohammadAG diabol tried this, and meh :p03:14
DocScrutinizerjust thought maybe there *is* no std output03:14
BCMMDocScrutinizer: it does seem like that, but i'm not sure how that could be the case03:15
MohammadAGerr what the...03:15
MohammadAG[sbox-FREMANTLE_ARMEL: ~/qt-mobility-1.1.0] > cd plugins/sensors/03:15
MohammadAGdummy/          maemo6/         s60_sensor_api/ simulator/03:15
MohammadAGgeneric/        n900/      symbian/03:15
MohammadAGmaemo6? lol03:15
BCMMi'm a c++ noob, but it shouldn't be possible for Qt to override std::cout, right?03:16
diabolBCMM: does qt have its own debug output streams?03:16
DocScrutinizerBCMM: lsof is your friend03:16
diabolwrong :D03:16
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BCMMdiabol: i was going to look in to using that instead03:16
diabolexactly, try using that03:16
BCMMDocScrutinizer: to see if it's opening stdout?03:16
diabolMohammadAG: what does the code say?03:16
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MohammadAGQt mobility is just polling the file03:17
BCMMthing is, i can't see how it can possibly not work, unless maemo has a weird version of iostream03:17
MohammadAGchar const * const n900accelerometer::filename("/sys/class/i2c-adapter/i2c-3/3-001d/coord");03:17
DocScrutinizerBCMM: btw override stdout is simple, even in shellscripts: exec >foobar03:17
diabolMohammadAG: you're better off doing that yourself then03:17
MohammadAGit doesn't even use QString or QFile03:17
MohammadAGit uses fopen()03:18
MohammadAGoh well that explains why setting rate doesn't work03:18
MohammadAGcat: /sys/class/i2c-adapter/i2c-3/3-001d/rate: No such file or directory03:18
diabolsomebody was going for a "hey dude, check out what i got working" there03:18
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: QTmob is as brainfucked wrt accel-sensors as is meego03:19
MohammadAGoh wait03:19
MohammadAGwhy did I do that cat in scratchbox...03:19
MohammadAGmy fault, sowwy :P03:19
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: you MUST NOT poll the g-meter, there's IRQs for that, and kevents03:19
diabolwhats scratchbox anyways?03:19
infobotThe key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED",  "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.03:19
MohammadAGthe SDK03:19
MohammadAGvoid n900accelerometer::poll()03:20
MohammadAG    // Note that this is a rather inefficient way to generate this data.03:20
MohammadAG    // Ideally the kernel would scale the hardware's values to m/s^2 for us03:20
MohammadAG    // and give us a timestamp along with that data.03:20
SpeedEvilPolling can be not so bad.03:20
SpeedEvilIf you do it at a sane rate03:20
diabolsomebody had my idea first03:20
DocScrutinizerexactly, but there's much worse shit03:20
BCMMright. i'm sleeping before i do anything else to this.03:20 meego03:20
ptlwhat if every little program does polling at a sane rate?03:20
ptltoo much sane and you get insane03:21
MohammadAGoh nice03:21
MohammadAG    addDataRate(100, 100); // 100Hz03:21
SpeedEvilptl: yeah - tehre is that03:21
SpeedEvilMohammadAG: lol.03:21
MohammadAGonly 100MHz supported03:21
BCMMi think i've been uploading an old version of the program by overzelous ctrl-r'ing03:21
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: polling *IS* B_A_D03:21
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: yes - it's bad - if done at a sane rate it may not meaningfully affect battery life.03:21
diabolwhos with me on making a kernel module?03:21
BCMMwell, that was really, really stupid03:21
SpeedEvilFor example - if when the screen is on.03:21
MohammadAGoh well, custom class to listen to mce03:22
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: It does03:22
diabolor not ._.03:22
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: at 2Hz?03:22
BCMMin my defense, it's scratchboxes's fault for making me confused about which directory i'm in.03:22
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: with the screen on?03:22
MohammadAGSpeedEvil, that's not the problem03:22
DocScrutinizereven then you got CPU resumes @ 2Hz03:22
MohammadAGproblem is, something as light as a simple label being updated should NOT take 9% CPU03:22
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: that's utterly not an issue witht eh screen on.03:22
DocScrutinizerwell with screen on it's negligable03:22
MohammadAGI appreciate it that Qt mobility wouldn't keep my CPU @ 500MHz03:23
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DocScrutinizerbut the concept is brainfucked, no matter what03:23
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DocScrutinizerthe LIS302 has hardware to deal with that03:23
diabolok, either scrap qt mobility or patch it03:23
MohammadAGthis is taking up 7-17%
* MohammadAG pokes alterego to see that ^03:24
diabolwith the sensor stuff running?03:24
* MohammadAG does a custom class03:24
diabolare you doing this stuff on maemo? <303:24
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diaboland you've got a text, dude03:25
MohammadAGemail :p03:25
MohammadAGyou noticed that, but not the time? :P03:25
DocScrutinizerFSCK, use kevents and let do LIS302 the job for you! just read /sys when there's new stuff to cope with03:25
diabol<-- ger03:26
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer's from there too :p03:26
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DocScrutinizerno way03:26
DocScrutinizerI'm from Atlantis03:26
MohammadAGlies, you're from bermuda03:26
MohammadAGdotblank, does your qmaemo5rotator class send a signal for each orientation?03:27
dotblankhmm.. let me check.. I think it does..03:27
dotblankand its not my class03:27
diabolwait, why exactly are you guys working on rotationstuff? :D03:28
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MohammadAGit's for an app03:28
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: you don't want 20 apps polling the g-meter sysfs-nodes to check if there's rotation needed. Each of them 2 times a second (and I dare to rant 2Hz is way too slow for a responsive UI)03:28
MohammadAGdotblank, even top down/up right up/down?03:28
diaboldo you know whether gtk in maemo currently supports rotation at all?03:29
MohammadAGas in, ones not supported by hildon desktop03:29
dotblankMohammadAG, its sends " void orientationChanged(Orientation orientation);"03:29
MohammadAGdiabol, this is Qt, and hildon-desktop supports rotation03:29
MohammadAGplus I'm only rotating widgets inside a window, so why bother :P03:29
dotblank    enum Orientation    {        LandscapeOrientation = 0,        PortraitOrientation = 1    };03:29
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diabolbecause i wanna make stuff like pidgin get off its lazy ass and rotate nicely :P03:30
dotblankI think to get the up/down/left/right you would need sensor info03:30
MohammadAGdotblank, dbus signals exist for all of them03:31
diabolhaving it use the default modes would be good enough for now03:31
MohammadAG   string "portrait (inverted)"03:31
MohammadAG   string "off_stand"03:31
MohammadAG   string "face_up"03:31
DocScrutinizerfor g-meter it needs an API (preferably via dbus) very very much identical to liblocation functionality03:31
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MohammadAGsignal sender=:1.12 -> dest=(null destination) serial=792 path=/com/nokia/mce/signal;; member=sig_device_orientation_ind03:32
dotblankMohammadAG, but you can't rotate qt in the manner you would like right? Qt on supports 2 right?03:32
MohammadAGanyways, I'll use qmaemo5rotator now03:32
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diabolshould be as easy as replacing gtk with a hacked version that gets rotation data one way or another and uses that to rearrange the widgets (which is identical to resizing the window)03:32
dotblankmaybe you could use xrandr to set rotation of the x display03:32
MohammadAGdotblank, that doesn't matter, it's an always landscape window you see03:32
DocScrutinizerheh, MohammadAG is already there03:32
diaboland BOOM automagically every gtk app gets rotation support03:32
MohammadAGI just need to rotate the widgets it contains03:32
MohammadAGthat way, rotation would be much faster03:32
dotblankMohammadAG, are the graphics done manually? like sdl?03:32
MohammadAGthere are no graphics, yet03:33
MohammadAGwe need to add a video layer03:33
dotblankhow would you rotate the widgets abnormally?03:33
MohammadAGthen overlay those widgets that rotate03:33
DocScrutinizerdiabol: except for font and icon rotation XP03:33
dotblankwell I would personally use xrandr or something03:33
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diabolDocScrutinizer: yea, the cool stuff ._.03:34
DocScrutinizerdiabol: aah, and layout rotation03:34
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MohammadAGdotblank, I noticed another thing03:34
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diabolDocScrutinizer: nonono, it should be easy! :P03:34
MohammadAGdotblank, your new build has the progress bar set to some value that isn't 003:34
diabolok guys, gotta go to sleep now03:35
dotblankyea.. I know03:35
DocScrutinizerhave fun, I'm going to have a different kind of fun now. cya03:35
diabol*this* is exactly what i was looking for03:35
MohammadAGnight diabol :)03:35
dotblankMohammadAG, I pass a signal to it with 2 parameters03:35
diabolpretty rotation stuff03:35
MohammadAGdiabol, hope to see you around :)03:35
diabolsame here :D03:35
diabolnighty night03:35
eichidoes the n900 also has an "undestroyable" "first bootloader" for everytime reflashing, doenst matter, the firmware was destroyed before kline the n800 has?03:35
MohammadAGnight :)03:35
MohammadAGsetDataRate: rate 1 is not supported by the sensor. <-- lol03:35
MohammadAGand 100 isn't supported03:35
DocScrutinizereichi: yes03:35
dotblankMohammadAG, but the problem is that right after the constructer gets called it resizes the window03:36
diaboleichi: dont worry, you can probably still brick it03:36
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DocScrutinizerit's called the rom bootloader - check coldflashing03:36
dotblankMohammadAG, so that is supposed to set it 100% of screen.. but it gets resized03:36
eichiokay. this is one of the best things, the nxxx series has03:36
MohammadAGyeah, got it03:36
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DocScrutinizerpfff, inherited it from NEO FreeRunner :-P03:37
eichii'm very excited at the moment :D selled my n800 yesterday and buyed a n900, hope it comes soon03:38
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MohammadAGdotblank, hmm, so does it actually make the window rotate? Cause I see you're not doing that manually03:39
dotblankMohammadAG, well thats done with the Qt:flags I don't use auto-rotate03:40
dotblankpar->setAttribute(Qt::WA_Maemo5PortraitOrientation, true);03:40
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MohammadAGI see03:41
MohammadAGneed to break that part03:41
MohammadAGdotblank, what exactly does this do orientationChanged(QMaemo5Rotator::LandscapeOrientation);?03:44
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dotblankMohammadAG, wow.. that looks like a bug03:45
dotblankits supposed to emit03:45
dotblankI never needed to use it03:45
MohammadAGheh, guessed as much :P03:45
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DocScrutinizerthe eternal joy of C++ class libs without any decent docs03:48
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, you can't believe how fun it can be :P03:49
DocScrutinizerI *know*03:49
MohammadAGdotblank, connect(rotator, SIGNAL(orientationChanged(Orientation)), this, SLOT(onReadingChanged(Orientation)))03:49
MohammadAGshouldn't void MainWindow::onReadingChanged(Orientation *orient) work?03:50
dotblankdoes it know about that enum?03:50
MohammadAGI'm including the .h file, shouldn't it?03:51
dotblankand would you really want to use a pointer?03:51
dotblankIt has a namespace03:51
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dotblankand its passing by value not a pouinter03:52
DocScrutinizeroh how I adore C++03:53
MohammadAGneed to go to bed03:54
MohammadAGnight everyone03:54
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WhiteWidowhow do i dualboot with powerkernel and meego?04:02
yaccHmmm, does the powerkernel have ppp support?04:04
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DocScrutinizerWhiteWidow: check uBoot configuration. IIRC it's via a file on external SD-card04:26
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DocScrutinizerWhiteWidow: or was the question not how to configure but rather how to actually select during bot time?05:00
DocScrutinizerboot even05:01
WhiteWidowDocScrutinizer: nevermind05:01
DocScrutinizerk :-05:01
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WhiteWidownow i only need to know how to uninstall uboot05:01
DocScrutinizerinstall a kernel that doesn't include uboot05:02
DocScrutinizerbut I feel like mentioning multiboot is BAD and *deprecated*05:02
DocScrutinizerit's nasty and eventually will eat your N90005:03
DocScrutinizeruBoot is the future, multiboot is last night's nightmare05:03
b-manand the NITDroid people don't get that ;P05:04
DocScrutinizeryeah :-/05:04
MohammadAGthey just need a uImage05:04
DocScrutinizerthat's why I'm afraid it's also tomorrow's nightmare05:05
MohammadAGand boot parameters05:05
dotblankdon't try this...05:05
DocScrutinizernot that nitdridiot itself would seem any reasonable to me05:05
dotblankI tried to set the screen rotation using xrandr05:06
dotblankand wow05:06
b-maneveryone has their preferences ;)05:06
dotblankwhole device rebooted05:06
dotblankI think it had more to do with include files having the same #defines05:06
DocScrutinizerb-man: people who prefer foodridiot are wrong here and als have chosen the wrong hardware05:06
DocScrutinizerhell, I don't wait for a Nokia device with a 3rd grade android clone OS, whe I can get the real stuff05:07
MohammadAGmmm, gingerbread05:07
ds3much rather have a nice honeycomb breakfast05:08
dotblankI feel like the widget system was ripped from maemo05:08
b-manDocScrutinizer, i haven't really tried nitdroid, so it was just my assumption05:08
DocScrutinizerif you want andridiot then sell your N900 and get a milestone and a really nice dinner for the money :-P05:08
MohammadAGor do what b-man did05:09
b-manMohammadAG: stfu :P05:09
MohammadAGturn to blasphemy, and buy an iPhone05:09
MohammadAGoops, too late05:09
b-manand it's not an iPhone05:10
dotblankAre programs run as root or something?05:10
dotblankon the n90005:10
DocScrutinizerdotblank: ehh?05:10
dotblankthen how did my device reboot05:10
MohammadAGb-man, busted05:10
dotblankthats a bit freaky05:10
MohammadAGdotblank, dsme rebooted it05:10
MohammadAGnot your app05:11
DocScrutinizerdotblank: what's the question, what's the problem?05:11
b-manMohammadAG: i could care less if everyone new :P05:11
MohammadAGDumb Shit Memory Eater05:11
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MohammadAGit reboots the device when a system app crashes05:11
dotblankDocScrutinizer, I implemented Xrandr.h and called some function and it freaked out and rebooted05:11
MohammadAGprobably X05:11
DocScrutinizerdotblank: dsme is a central scrutinizer also supperted by a couple of nasty dogs, err watchdogs05:11
MohammadAGb-man, your transformation to an iUser has started05:12
MohammadAGb-man, it's knew, not new!05:12
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MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, I shot the dogs05:12
DocScrutinizerdotblank: if your call to xrandr made X segfault or stall then probably dsme will reboot the system05:12
dotblankwell great... I hate x now05:12
MohammadAGshoot the watchdog05:12
MohammadAGyou know you want to05:13
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DocScrutinizerX is considered an essential component of maemo05:13
DocScrutinizerkill X -> reboot05:14
MohammadAGkill X -> back to framebuffer for me :P05:14
dotblankwell.. I think its a bit odd... does x run in user-land?05:14
dotblankIt must05:15
dotblankwell x needs to segfault less05:15
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DocScrutinizerinstall proper ps, do a ps ax --forest and check what is started and controlled by dsme05:18
DocScrutinizer  700 ?        S<Lsl   1:20 /sbin/dsme -p /usr/lib/dsme/libstartup.so05:19
DocScrutinizer  761 ?        S<s    6:10  \_ /sbin/mce --force-syslog05:19
DocScrutinizer  806 ?        Ss     0:00  \_ /usr/sbin/wappushd -b05:19
DocScrutinizer  842 tty2     S<s+  73:14  \_ /usr/bin/Xorg -logfile /tmp/Xorg.0.log -logverbose 1 -nolisten tcp -noreset -s 0 -core05:19
DocScrutinizer 1029 ?        Ss     0:00  \_ /usr/bin/ohm-session-agent05:19
DocScrutinizer+30 more05:19
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DocScrutinizeralas dsmetool has no option to list all managed processes with their dsme option parameters05:22
DocScrutinizerpondering this fact, it smells like Nokia05:23
DocScrutinizerdon't implement anything beyond what's needed05:23
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DocScrutinizerI *bet* dsme sources have a (C) Xen Ynen, Nokia 200805:25
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DocScrutinizerand I don't even blame Xen, as he just dis what his boss told him - "Mr Ynen, these are the specs. Please implement. Don't waste time on concerns about usability or completenes/orthogonality"05:28
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DocScrutinizer"and *especially*, don't waste time on useless docs writing!"05:29
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DocScrutinizer"but boss, then nobody in community ever will dare to touch it, as it's a mess and a maze!" - "yeah Mr Ynen, exactly. That's the idea"05:32
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DocScrutinizerand the worst part in it: for me it looks like meego is adopting exactly that mindset05:41
DocScrutinizerwhile importing iPhonisms all over the place, and other madness05:41
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DocScrutinizermaemo4 you could use even with a broken touchpanel, just via hw kbd. On maemo5 you're screwed for quite several elementary operations, without proper working tp. On meego I swear I'll praise the Lord when the hw kbd is even on par with the vkbd05:53
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DocScrutinizerbut meh, probably no hw kbd at all on meego handset devices05:54
luke-jrDocScrutinizer: that will happen by making the vkbd worse05:54
DocScrutinizerlol, then if we assume my last statement will be correct, they really got a task to accomplish05:55
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[DrkGUNMAN-N900]bit early in the morning to aska question like his but who here is versed in successcessfully compiling source on their n900?07:50
chxpractically everyone but you and me :D07:58
dotblankyup :)07:58
dotblankWhat do need compiled?07:59
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reeniginEesreveRi just bought a second hand n900! yayy ... ok so how do i flash it to clean it up?08:05
infobotmethinks flashing is
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[DrkGUNMAN-N900]Ive installed the sdk image and ther nokia binaries. Need a build environment to compile PhoneME08:39
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[DrkGUNMAN-N900]sorry, just snoozed08:40
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[DrkGUNMAN-N900]awake now08:40
[DrkGUNMAN-N900]bear in mind this is the first time ive ever attempted this kind of stuff.08:42
dotblankNever heard of PhoneME08:43
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dotblanki'm going to see what I can do wuth MR2 source bundle (b97)08:44
[DrkGUNMAN-N900]this would provide midp2 java support instead of using an emulator like microemu08:46
dotblankseems they have some linux-arm makefiles08:47
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dotblankWhat? how is this not already on the n900?08:47
dotblankit has programs built with qt08:48
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dotblankhmm.. I think I need a jdk first08:50
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dotblankOptional. Java build tools (for javac, etc.).09:00
[DrkGUNMAN-N900]sorry just switched to gprs, what did i miss? thanks for looking at this dotblank09:01
dotblankwell I set up the makefile somewhat09:02
dotblankbut its says the jdk is optional for building cdc09:02
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dotblankyet.. its erroring out from me09:02
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dotblankAnyone know where the fremantle arm sysroots are?09:17
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[DrkGUNMAN-N900]If it helps there is a thread in development section of the forum.
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[DrkGUNMAN-N900]There is also a thread relating to getting PhoneME to N900
[DrkGUNMAN-N900]though I'm learning the rocky road of compiling from scratch!09:56
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[DrkGUNMAN-N900]dotblank > by JDK do you mean OpenJDK or J2SE Embedded?09:58
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[DrkGUNMAN-N900]Both are easy enough to get. Do these need to be copied to the chroot development environment as well?10:03
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dotblankwell i'm trying to set up a better sdk for myself10:05
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djszapiHow can I check the set options with flasher ?10:09
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dotblankthey wan't me to fill that out10:11
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DocScrutinizerdjszapi: there comes a README file with at least the tgz flasher. Also flasher --help might help ;-)10:15
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DocScrutinizerdjszapi: --query-rd-mode         Query the device R&D mode status and flags10:16
[DrkGUNMAN-N900]I think I can zip up the copy I have if it helps. didn't realise they were asking for feedback now. will try and find a direct link10:16
dotblankThis is kinda funny10:18
DocScrutinizerno, kinda *huge*10:18
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dotblankthe title of the pdf is How to Port phoneMETM Advanced Software to10:19
dotblankGoogle Android, iPhone, OpenMoko, LiMO,10:19
dotblankand More10:19
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* DocScrutinizer wonders why we need that google crap URL...
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dotblankDocScrutinizer, oh whoops.. sorry about that10:21
DocScrutinizerbut yeah, Openmoko being mentioned there is actually rather funny :-)10:21
dotblankdidn't mean to do that :(10:21
dotblanklol.. it uses gtk10:22
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dotblankthis in theory should be easy to prt10:22
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dotblankI think its working..10:34
dotblankIt's compiling right now10:34
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[DrkGUNMAN-N900]nice! if it is still of any help heres thr direct j2se links10:35
dotblanknvm I got one error here10:36
dotblankerror: asm/ucontext.h: No such file or director10:36
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[DrkGUNMAN-N900]will be online but got to work for a bit. will keep an eye on the chan when i get a chance10:38
DocScrutinizerdotblank: duh, a whole header file missing :-o10:39
dotblankapperently you don't really need it10:39
dotblankbut there is a fix someone posted in the forums BUT..10:39
dotblankall the forums post are "This has already been answered go here" and its 404'd10:39
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DocScrutinizernow at least we all (re-)learned something about how to write forum posts10:40
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DocScrutinizeryou might want to ask the author of that pdf you linked up there. He seems to be alive still, and even active10:42
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DocScrutinizercomplained about common notion regarding java's future :-)10:42
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DocScrutinizer(blog on the homepage mentioned on last page of document)10:43
dotblankugh another error.. because someone hardocded a path in the makefile10:44
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crashanddie[09:43:36] -NickServ- You are now identified for CrashandDie.10:44
crashanddie[09:43:36] -NickServ- 3 failed logins since last login.10:44
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DocScrutinizera wabbit, a wabbit10:48
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dotblankbin/cvm: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, ARM, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.14, not stripped10:59
dotblankim kinda happy10:59
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DocScrutinizerheh :-D11:02
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DocScrutinizerand... does it work?11:03
dotblanktesting it now11:03
dotblankI spent five mins trying to figuer out why scp to my n900 wasn't working.11:03
dotblankthen I relized my n900 was off11:03
dotblankI bet it linked with all the wrong libs11:04
dotblanklol the n900 doesn't have tar with the -a option11:05
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dotblankok I get a java VM panic11:07
dotblankI actually half expected it to happen11:07
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dotblanktoday is a great day11:12
dotblank*CONGRATULATIONS: test Test completed with 411 tests passed and 0 failures11:14
dotblank*Output lines starting with a * should be checked for correctness11:14
dotblank*They can be compared to src/share/javavm/test/TestExpectedResult11:14
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DocScrutinizerdotblank: nice11:14
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dotblanknow what.. I had no idea why i started doing this11:16
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MohammadAGcrashanddie, failed logins show an IP for me11:19
crashanddieMohammadAG, yeah, it's someone in Germany11:20
DocScrutinizerhahaha. maybe compare size / feature completeness / performance to other java implementations you might find in the repositories11:20
* MohammadAG glares at DocScrutinizer 11:20
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MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, you twied to blame the wabbits11:21
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DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: what's been the catch with call-ui not rotating unless you open a menu?11:22
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MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, you restarded hildon-desktop with a killall11:23
MohammadAGreboot required to fix it11:23
DocScrutinizerthanks :-D11:23
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MohammadAGI found a workaround for it btw11:23
MohammadAGbefore doing a killall, put the desktop in portrait mode (open phone app or sth)11:23
DocScrutinizerwhat does it cause first instance?11:23
MohammadAGthen do the killall11:23
MohammadAGif you do the killall rotation won't happen properly11:24
MohammadAGwhen you open a dialog, you'll notice it flips11:24
MohammadAGbut X and the tasks button are still wide11:24
MohammadAG(they shrink from their normal size in proper portrait mode)11:25
DocScrutinizerbut what fsckd my X up?11:25
DocScrutinizeror my HD11:25
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MohammadAGyou didn't kill it?11:26
DocScrutinizernot yet11:26
MohammadAGno, killing it does this11:26
DocScrutinizerI didn't kill HD11:26
MohammadAGso it must've crashed, or you killed it11:26
MohammadAGcrash maybe11:27
DocScrutinizermaybe ... err yes it crashed11:27
DocScrutinizerI recall11:27
MohammadAGit happened to me once, with ctrl+bs thingy11:27
DocScrutinizeranyway, thanks. I'll try if I can fix it with another kill11:27
DocScrutinizeryes, same here11:27
MohammadAGsleep 10; killall hildon-desktop11:27
DocScrutinizero/ (breakfast)11:28
MohammadAGduring the 10s, put the desktop in portrait mode11:28
MohammadAGmight fix it, or not11:28
jpinx-eeepcis there a way to stop the display rotating - fix it in landscape?11:29
MohammadAGonly one unclean way11:29
MohammadAGstop mce11:29
jpinx-eeepcmy n900 spends so much time trying to keep up with rotations when I am getting it out of my pocket to answer a call11:29
MohammadAGah, that11:30
MohammadAGi just fixed it to portrait mode11:30
MohammadAGin phone settings11:30
jpinx-eeepcOooo...  let's look in there :)11:30
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jpinx-eeepcMohammadAG: phone settings doesnot appear to have that option :(11:32
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dotblankok.. I hat java applets11:32
MohammadAGthey do lol11:32
dotblankhow do I run one from the command line?11:32
MohammadAGjpinx-eeepc, start the phone app11:32
MohammadAGtap the title bar11:32
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MohammadAGturning control, first combobox11:32
jpinx-eeepcMohammadAG: gotcha ;)  thanks11:33
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[DrkGUNMAN-N900]Dotblank - sorry I seem to have given you more of a challenge than i realised!12:03
dotblank[DrkGUNMAN-N900], I got it working12:03
dotblankjust not midp because I have no really idea what on earth midp means12:03
dotblankidea really*12:04
[DrkGUNMAN-N900]i guess thr best way to test this would be to get Opera Mini 4 working :)12:05
[DrkGUNMAN-N900]is it easy enough to package?12:05
dotblanklets see12:06
[DrkGUNMAN-N900]direct downloads for all opera mini versions12:06
dotblankok yea.. I can't start or urun it yet12:07
dotblankor I don't know how12:07
dotblankI need to build midp12:08
dotblankor figure out how this works... it doesn't run with a Main-class in the manifest its some midlet vodoo12:08
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dotblanki'm exhausted I feel like a zombie.. i'm going to bed12:21
dotblank[DrkGUNMAN-N900], if you wan't to play around with j2me on the n900 you can download it from the forum post12:22
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[DrkGUNMAN-N900]one more useful link i googled...12:23
[DrkGUNMAN-N900]and thank you for having a look!12:23
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derknecht i want to encrypt my home folder on my maemo 5 / n900 like shown here: . i want to solve the problem that no password can be asked at boot time due the lack of a framebuffer. What is the name of the application that asks for the pin (not sim pin) at startup. i thought of generate a md5 hash from the pin that unlocks the device, and set up a shell command that unlocks the crypted user dir. Can som12:24
derknechtebody give me some hints where to start? Or what is a good way to get a passwd input at bootup? Thanks12:24
FauxFauxYou realise that offers no security at all, right?12:25
FauxFauxMaximum pin is 8 digits -> log2(10^8) -> 27 bits.12:26
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derknechtFauxFaux: a key file on the device has no security, yes. Or what do you mean?12:28
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FauxFauxNo, a pin number offers no entropy so no security.12:29
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derknechtFauxFaux: it provides the level of security that i need. Its much better that using a keyfile12:30
derknechtFauxFaux: but you are right, its not the best solution. How can i get a keyboard input at boot time without a started x server?12:31
pupnikstudy how linux drive encryption works12:33
derknechtpupnik: i know how it works for my purpose, the problem is to get a user input at boot time.12:34
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pupnikhow does it work on desktop linux?12:34
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FauxFauxpupnik: You have vconsoles during boot.12:37
derknechtpupnik: before the user folder gets mounted you will be asked via framebuffer (or splash screen on dists like ubuntu) to input a passphrase12:37
derknechtFauxFaux: i google it12:38
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derknechtFauxFaux: i cannot find vconsole, what do you mean? i have found something about xvfb, what maybe is an option12:40
pupnikwell you don't need framebuffer if you know that you need to enter a pwd12:40
pupnikblackscreen is fine12:40
DocScrutinizer51also I don't get it where's the problem with lockcode12:42
MohammadAGanyone used QFileDialog on maemo?12:42
MohammadAGI thought it should use the hildon one...12:42
DocScrutinizer51just kick out the mass storage mode12:43
FauxFauxDocScrutinizer51: The digit limit is too low?12:43
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DocScrutinizer51FauxFaux: well, you have to enter the right digits anyway12:45
derknechtpupnik: hmm, maybe thats an option.12:45
derknechtDocScrutinizer: what is lockcode? cant find a package with that name12:46
DocScrutinizer51otherwise you have no access to device directly, only an possible ssh and mass storage12:46
DocScrutinizer51it's in settings of default12:46
FauxFauxDocScrutinizer51: Yeah, but anything under about a 15 digit pincode makes encrypting the filesystem entirely pointless against an offline attack (i.e. the only kind when you'd be looking at the filesystem).12:46
FauxFauxOh, you mean lockcode in general, not lockcode as the LUKS password. :P12:46
DocScrutinizer51why encrypt the fs?12:46
FauxFaux'cos you're MAD.12:47
DocScrutinizer51no, you're confused12:47
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derknechtDocScrutinizer51: have some ssh keys and passwords in browser from business customers server on my device. i simply want to protect them in case i loose it12:47
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DocScrutinizer51yes. so how would a possible attacker get access?12:48
DocScrutinizer51screen and kbd are locked12:48
derknechtDocScrutinizer51: take out the storage chip and dump it12:49
FauxFauxIf only ssh keys supported passwords.12:49
DocScrutinizer51ok, that's a level of security you won't achieve even with your encryption12:49
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derknechtDocScrutinizer51: if i found a way to give a passwd to cryptsetup, than its really secure.12:50
DocScrutinizer51the problem is flashing mode12:50
derknechtDocScrutinizer51: User data stays while the system gets overriden, yes12:51
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DocScrutinizer51you even can boot a rescue initrd12:52
derknechtso encrypt the user folder does make sense in my opinion12:52
DocScrutinizer51you can crypt some other storage area though and keep secret stuff tjere12:53
derknechtDocScrutinizer51: thats plan b12:54
DocScrutinizer51this can be done *after* normal user login12:54
noodles900anyone know how to copy a link in a webpage and paste it in irssi?12:54
derknecht DocScrutinizer51:but i am willing to search for a solution with plan a12:55
DocScrutinizer51blind typing is best I can think of12:55
derknechtnoodles900: select it, ctrl + c12:55
derknechtDocScrutinizer51: testing this will take some time . . .12:55
noodles900I can "copy lin location" but Ctrl-v does not paste it12:56
inznoodles, hold your finger/stylus down over the link to open context menu, choose "copy link address"12:56
inznoodles, ctrl+v doesn't work in terminal, you need to access "paste" from the menu12:57
derknechtDocScrutinizer51: do you know how the pin input app on boot is called? (not the sim unlock) i like the idea of generate the md5 hash of unlocking pin and use that as key.12:57
DocScrutinizer51in irssi? that's xterm, no?12:57
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noodles900inz: thanks :D12:58
DocScrutinizer51derknecht: bad idea. lockcode is easily john'd from sha in cal partition12:58
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derknechtDocScrutinizer51: All python qt stuff will not work to get an text input cause there is no x at this time13:00
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derknechtDocScrutinizer51: how the lockcode dialog is written? it runs without x13:01
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DocScrutinizer51I think I heard they are using a special matchbox x server for that13:01
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DocScrutinizer51search chan log for matchbox13:03
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* timeless_mbp frowns13:05
timeless_mbpis there a boot-loop troubleshooting page? :)13:05
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MohammadAGQ: My device is bootlooping13:12
timeless_mbpthe flasher 5 http headers are broken for
MohammadAGA: kill the fucking watchdog13:12
timeless_mbpit downloaded as: "maemo_flasher-3.5_2.5.2.2_i386.dmg"attachment13:13
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jonwilMy N900 finally arrived, now I need to figure out what to do with it :)13:17
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* timeless_mbp grumbles13:19
timeless_mbpFlash-3.5 has a x86_64 mach-o component13:19
timeless_mbpbut libusb doesn't seem to ahve one13:19
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jonwilwhere do I get the N900 SDK?13:27
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timeless_mbpok, so my n900 isn't booting past nolo13:28
timeless_mbpit shows me the green text and then reboots13:28
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psycho_oreoscould be kernel issue13:30
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timeless_mbpthis is using the pr1.3 sales kernel13:32
timeless_mbpit had no rd mode flags until i added some13:32
timeless_mbpsp3000: you in the area of your apt?13:33
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jonwilIs the software revision offered by Nokia Software Update the one I should be running?13:38
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timeless_mbpanyone here ever use ./flasher-3.5 -F ... -l <- instead of -f ?13:39
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chem|stwhat is steady orange led while off and on wall charger and does anyone know where the patterns are written down?13:40
timeless_mbpsteady green = charged13:40
chem|ststeady orange != pulsing orange13:41
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* timeless_mbp got a fading yellow :o13:42
jonwilhmmm, damn, I need to get my Gentoo box working again before I can get MAEMO SDK working13:42
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timeless_mbpok, flashing the rootfs gave me something13:43
timeless_mbpexcept um.. the startup wizard is slow ?13:43
* timeless_mbp needs to clear-rd-flags13:43
timeless_mbpwhy am i getting "Memory card not available.\nUSB cable connected." I'm using PC Suite mode!13:45
* timeless_mbp kicks something13:45
chem|sttimeless_mbp: or fading yellow != steady orange13:45
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chem|stwas it emergency charging from flat?13:45
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timeless_mbpchem|st: possibly13:46
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timeless_mbpso um13:46
* timeless_mbp frowns13:46
timeless_mbpis it possible to not have an eMMC? :)13:46
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timeless_mbpwhere would i find the eMMC in dmesg? :(13:47
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chem|sttimeless_mbp: pls elaborate13:51
timeless_mbpMyDocs doesn't seem to exist13:52
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chem|stit should be /dev/mcblk113:53
chem|stgot no n900 atm so cannot look it up13:53
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chem|stcat proc/mtd migt help too13:53
* timeless_mbp kinda wants it back....13:54
timeless_mbpyeah, um...13:54
timeless_mbpfile manager says "(no files/folders)"13:54
timeless_mbpand it isn't plugged into anything13:54
chem|stthe devices are there?13:54
timeless_mbpbootloader, config, log, kernel, initfs, rootfs13:54
timeless_mbpwhat am i looking for?13:54
chem|stok mtd is the core flash...13:55
timeless_mbpno /dev/mm*13:55
chem|styou are looking for some mmcblk113:55
timeless_mbpthere's a lot of /dev/mmcblk* in my working device13:55
timeless_mbpso.. did this device really lose its mmc? :)13:55
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chem|stah wait it is mmcblk013:56
chem|stmmcblk1 is the external flash13:56
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timeless_mbpright, my working device has both 0 and 113:56
timeless_mbpmy non working device has none13:56
alteregoJust restart your device, that fixed the issue for me.13:56
chem|stis there home? (without home it would not boot...)13:56
timeless_mbpalready did that13:56
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timeless_mbpdf . shows rootfs /13:57
alteregoOh, you're probably screwed then :d13:57
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chem|sthome and MyDocs are on the same device just different partitions13:57
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timeless_mbpall i have is rootfs, ubi0:rootfs, tmpfs, tmpfs, none, tmpfs13:57
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alteregoAnd no mmcblk0 device node?13:58
chem|st you might want to reflash to factory defaults (vanilla emmc withour -R option and then rootfs with -R)13:58
timeless_mbpalterego: correct13:58
alteregoWhat about cat /proc/partitions13:58
MohammadAGand no mmcblk1?13:59
MohammadAGand this is an N900?13:59
timeless_mbp"major minor #blocks name13:59
alteregoNokia Care (tm) ... (Or do they?)13:59
MohammadAGReplacement time13:59
timeless_mbp"<this line empty>13:59
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chem|stit should actualy bootloop in this state...13:59
alteregochem|st: no14:00
thpMohammadAG: where do I request a patch to be merged into the community SSU?14:00
MohammadAGit would show 400MBs in settings14:00
timeless_mbpchem|st: it *was* boot looping14:00
timeless_mbpuntil i flashed rootfs14:00
alteregoyou can boot rootfs only images fine.14:00
MohammadAGthp, just send it on gitorious14:00
timeless_mbpanyway, the lack of the eMMC explains why it was bootlooping :)14:00
thpMohammadAG: do you have a quick link to the project on gitorious?14:00
* timeless_mbp figured out that part14:00
MohammadAGthp, you're not in #maemo-ssu ? :)14:00
thpMohammadAG: thx :)14:01
MohammadAGtimeless_mbp, what does Settings > Memory show14:01
MohammadAGthp, yw :)14:01
chem|stthought that unable to mount /home would cause bootloop o_O14:01
timeless_mbpan empty bar for [Device]14:01
timeless_mbpand 78.1MB available for "Applications"14:01
timeless_mbpdetails has 227.8MB for "Total size"/"In use by system"14:01
thpMohammadAG: ok, another problem. the patch is against "vte", which isn't yet a subcomponent of the community ssu14:01
MohammadAGchem|st, it'll just make a /home under /14:01
timeless_mbpUser files "1 kB", Avialable "1 kB"14:02
timeless_mbpand "(no data)"14:02
chem|stMohammadAG: nice14:02
thp(i want to get fixed, which has a patch that worked great for me for many months already)14:02
povbotBug 6009: "Enter" key sends wrong keycode to console applications14:02
timeless_mbphrm, this mbp's VirtualBox session isn't touch screen enabled!14:02
MohammadAGthp, ah, can you send a .patch? I'll upload vte to git and patch it14:02
* timeless_mbp tried to tap the screen to wake it up...14:02
thpMohammadAG: sure, where to?14:02
MohammadAGpoke it14:02
* timeless_mbp ponders14:03
MohammadAGsec, lemme check if vte is already on maemo's git14:03
thpMohammadAG: grab it from
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timeless_mbpright, so... what should i do? :)14:04
timeless_mbpand no, i don't have a sales slip for it14:05
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MohammadAGhmm, what's the syntax for git commit --author?14:12
thpMohammadAG: thanks :) will submit a merge request there14:12
thpMohammadAG: git commit --author='First Last <>'14:12
MohammadAGthp, then I'll commit it myself ;)14:13
JaffaMohammadAG: Ah, you've seen :-)14:13
MohammadAGthp, what's your email again? :)14:13
thpMohammadAG: and while we are at it, for would also be nice14:13
povbotBug 7164: osso-xterm dark grey color shown as black14:13
thpMohammadAG: m@thp.io14:13
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MohammadAGlol nice email14:14
MohammadAG(well, since your name is on IRC (/whois))14:14
MohammadAG"Thomas Perl <>" this is correct right?14:14
thpMohammadAG: yep14:14
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thpi've updated both bugs with a mention of the community ssu14:15
MohammadAGoh cool14:16 recognizes names and all14:16
thpMohammadAG: btw, the commit message mentions the wrong bug ID ;)14:17
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MohammadAGdoes it? crap14:17
MohammadAGnaw crap indeed, that's the attachment ID14:17
thp6009 is the correct one. git commit --amend + git push -f (i don't think it will matter in that short timespan that you "modify history")14:17
MohammadAGright, fixed and pushed14:19
thpMohammadAG: thanks a lot!14:19
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MohammadAGthanks for the patches :D14:20
DocScrutinizerthp: (6009) I guess that's what I'm using as well since months with absolute success: . Does it work for you with PR1.3?14:21
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sp3000timeless_mbp: no14:21
timeless_mbpsp3000: heh14:21
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thpDocScrutinizer: yes, i have PR1.3 and the fix. i don't think vte has been updated in 1.3?14:24
DocScrutinizerthp: probably not. I don't know for sure, as no 1-3 here yet14:24
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MohammadAGcan someone compile a Qt app for windows pwease? :P14:26
MohammadAGI just realized the libs are 300MBs14:27
DocScrutinizera wabbit, a wabbit!14:27
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thpMohammadAG: which app?14:28
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MohammadAGthp, GUI for the PS3 package signer14:29
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DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: maybe unrelated, but it's been filebox' menu that crashed HD14:30
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DocScrutinizermy comment back when: "yeah, I probably shouldn't switch a modal dialog to the background with ctl-bs14:32
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JaffaMohammadAG: I look forward to seeing if an mp-fremantle-community-pr update works for vte with the shim :-)14:33
JaffaMohammadAG: Is the source which builds the meta-package in, btw?14:33
DocScrutinizerJaffa: meh, I had to uninstall mp-fremantle-foo-pr-generic, to make HAM install *anything* after vte patch, iirc14:35
JaffaDocScrutinizer: Yes; because you've broken all the explicit dependencies and HAM gives up14:35
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thpDocScrutinizer: if you apply the patches without changing the version number and then build the package and install it, it works ;)14:35
DocScrutinizerwhich is one of the reasons I'm still on 1.214:36
DocScrutinizerthp: I was lazy and copied in the binary or whatever. downloaded and dpkg'd the .deb? sth like that14:36
DocScrutinizerI'm reluctant to touch that sharp-edged scratchbox14:37
MohammadAGscratchbox is fine :P14:37
DocScrutinizeronly if grinded to fine dust14:38
MohammadAGdamn N900 battery14:38
infobotDocScrutinizer meant: only if ground to fine dust14:39
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* Jaffa wonders looking through bugzilla for things with a `patch' keyword which are unresolved.14:39
DocScrutinizerJaffa: does "solved" actually mean a thing?14:40
DocScrutinizerREsolved even14:40
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DocScrutinizerisn't it mainly a tag saying "we have a patch for that, maybe it gets applied eventually, for PR2.17"14:41
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JaffaDocScrutinizer: Generally it should be fairly meaningful. If something's RESOLVED FIXED (or similar) with a `patch' it means it's been included in the source tree. Not sure how many patches there are for stuff which is open source, has patches, but has closed development and the bewer version is unshipped14:42
DocScrutinizerI seem to remember somebody here complaining about Nokia generally never accepts patches from community. And afaik most Nokia generic patches are not published on bugzilla14:43
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DocScrutinizerwell, I should stfu as I have no clue about it, other than citations of rant14:45
DocScrutinizer6009 anyway has been around since ages14:46
DocScrutinizerthe patch for 6009 that is14:46
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DocScrutinizermethinks it has been fixed for diablo14:48
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keriothe nethack devteam has listed tons of bugs as "fixed" or "Fixed", but the last release was 7 years ago and they keep their code private ._.14:52
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DocScrutinizerkerio: seems Nokia maemo team - though officially discontinued - has the plan to top this record15:11
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DocScrutinizertimeless claimed there's a maemo team still, some months ago?15:13
trxwhat do they do?15:14
phellarvDocScrutinizer: Urban Myth.15:14
DocScrutinizeryeah, probably15:14
TermanaOf course they don't have a Maemo team15:15
DocScrutinizeror just a glitch of memory15:15
TermanaThe Maemo team was renamed15:15
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DocScrutinizermoot discussion. There will be no maemo update anyway. And even if there were, none of the rant started now will change anything about what's getting fixed in there15:17
crashanddieJust join community SSU15:17
crashanddieand stop bitching15:17
crashanddieall of y'all15:17
crashanddieNow get the hell off my lawn.15:17
DocScrutinizerwho's bitching15:17
trxwhat are the plans for BME?15:17
crashanddieA nuke. Hopefully.15:18
TermanaThere are none15:18
trxon meego at least, will they open anything?15:18
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TermanaThey have already said so15:18
crashanddieTermana, you seem very pessimistic, did the floods get to you?15:18
DocScrutinizernuklear obliteration15:18
JaffaDocScrutinizer: I had a HAM patch, which I submitted through Bugzilla, included.15:18
JaffaDocScrutinizer: Two, in fact.15:18
JaffaDocScrutinizer: One of them changing the UI15:18
alterego"I read from internet that i could get sorce code of maemo from nokia if I write a letter,the reason I want to compile it is that I need to compile a module into it.but I wander if it is possible to compile maemo onto n900 "15:18
* alterego sighs15:19
Termanacrashanddie, :p no - I'm just stating the truth, Nokia hasn't and won't change their policy on BME for current and future handsets15:19
ke^Does anyone else use here clawmotia (mythtv frontend control program)15:19
DocScrutinizertrx: on meego there will be no open source bme either15:19
DocScrutinizerbatery management entity15:19
TermanaIn fact, Nokia is going so far as to say they think EVERYONE should do it like them15:19
DocScrutinizerbattery even15:19
crashanddieTermana, how bad is it, btw?15:20
trxDocScrutinizer so there is no way for us to have proper host mode unless we write our own BME or am i mistaken?15:20
Termanacrashanddie, the floods? Well thankfully I'm unaffected. However, it's a disaster in Queensland, one had it gush in without warning, no time for evacuation.15:20
Termanaone town*15:20
DocScrutinizertrx: that's not entirely correct.15:21
TermanaI saw a video on the news last night of this guy sitting in his ute, and the water just comes smashing in and then you see his wind screen wipers go :p15:21
Termanago as in, wipe15:22
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DocScrutinizerwe just need to get rid of bme for normal hostmode. Yet a bme replacement yielding better control would be fine, for special cases15:22
trxDocScrutinizer we only need a replacement while host mode is on and bme isnt working?15:22
Jaffaalterego: Nice.15:22
trxwhat im targeting is charging while in host mdoe15:22
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DocScrutinizertrx: yes, basically15:22
alteregoLanguage barriers really make me angry :P15:23
DocScrutinizertrx: I'm working on that. It's not really hard to implement15:23
alteregoThat and idiocy.15:23
alteregoWhen you mix the two ...15:23
trxDocScrutinizer oh, i didnt know that. Good to know15:24
trxif you need testers, im arround :)15:24
DocScrutinizertrx: I'm a week late on it, according to my own callendar. But it should roll out RSN15:25
Termanatrx, not very healthy15:25
Termanatrx, being a round that is15:26
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MohammadAGQt bme replacemeny anyone? .P15:26
trxTermana yeah, i know :)15:26
DocScrutinizerwhy not LISP in a emulator written in COBOL?15:26
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trxi seriously need to learn C so i can help out with something, or we should rewrite everything in delphi :)15:28
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: and *you flamed me* because you considered shellscripts inappropriate?15:28
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MohammadAGnah, I'd rather have it as a pulseaudio plugin15:29
DocScrutinizeraaah not THAT makes sense :-D15:29
kerioi second the pulseaudio plugin15:29
trxMohammadAG how's media player going btw?15:29
TermanaI would had to be an outsider reading #maemo logs15:30
MohammadAGwe could use tracker to track battery charge!15:31
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RST38hMohammad:Hush, do not give Nokians wrongideas!15:32
trxthat would be nice :)15:32
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trxwe should have Maemo team working on that :)15:33
RST38hOn the other hand,we could rewrite Tracker in C#or Java for betterportability and to avoid memory leaks15:33
trxoh yeah :)15:33
trxwhy not ASM...15:34
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RST38hassembly languages are outdated, Java, Python, and Ruby are the languages o the future!15:34
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* RST38h cackles15:35
trxyou got that right :)15:35
* phellarv shudders15:35
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jonwilhow can I tell on my N900 how full the battery actually is?15:42
jonwilAll I get is a "charging" light15:42
Gyjfthere is a app that tells you15:43
trxdoesnt it turn green when its full?15:43
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jonwilis this something I have to install or is it part of the system?15:43
Gyjfand some cli stuff15:43
Gyjfyou have to install it15:43
ke^batterygrap is good app15:43
jonwilwhere do I get batterygrap from?15:44
jonwilI dont know how to install apps yet15:44
jonwilfirst time owning anything from Nokia :)15:44
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alteregoieatlint: ping15:45
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ke^jonwil: its in application management. But i suggest that you install also faster application manager cause the nokia:s default application manager is slow.15:46
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jonwilok, so what should I install then starting from a stock setup of the latest Nokia firmware?15:46
jonwili.e. whatever nokia update installed for me earlier15:46
pahartikjonwil: "hal-device bme"15:47
jonwilok, thanks, that command told me what I want to know15:48
jonwilis it normal that the phone takes a while to charge when it is first set up?15:49
jonwiland as if by magic it now says "battery full" :)15:49
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MohammadAGI think my N900 broke15:51
jonwilthat sucks :(15:51
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MohammadAG[ 4367.525939] HWRecoveryResetSGX: SGX Hardware Recovery triggered15:52
pahartikjonwil: "Desktop Command Execution Widget" is good too, with presets for showing battery status15:52
MohammadAGand something else15:52
MohammadAGbut it shows in screenshots, so15:52
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DocScrutinizer51who's m.perez?15:58
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andre__who should know without context?16:00
DocScrutinizer51m.perez should ;-)16:01
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DocScrutinizer51but to release the suspense: author of filebox16:01
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DocScrutinizer51anyway, kudos. FM done right. Would be awesome to get the whole filebox design and function as a replacement for hildon/qt/whatever, so all apps could profit16:05
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crashanddie"Koalas and humans are the only animals with unique fingerprints. Koala prints cannot be distinguished from human fingerprints. Luckily, few koalas pursue a life of crime."16:16
crashanddieSomething tells me that trying to identify Australian flood bodies using fingerprints might be rendered a tiny bit more difficult16:16
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Gyjfi dont think they use fingerprints for that anyway16:17
Gyjfi think they use dental records16:17
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lcukcrashanddie, I am guessing that its pretty easy to distinguish a koala from a human16:18
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crashanddielcuk, depends, do you mean before or after the crocs had lunch?16:21
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togglesit's been a while since i've had a good koala pie16:22
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crashanddieI'm sure the crocs must be thinking the same.16:22
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diabolmy gamegripper arrived \o/17:21
diaboltime to set up the sdk and get some emus to fullspeed17:22
MohammadAGyou're back :)17:22
diabolaye :D17:22
diabolyou know, in the good ol days we had fullspeed snes emulation on the gp32's 100mhz17:22
diaboland drnoksnes is barely managing at 600mhz17:23
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diabolMohammadAG: any luck with getting the rotation stuff to suck up less cpu power?17:23
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MohammadAGnah, went to bed :P17:24
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MohammadAGI'll poke around it today17:24
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diabolalright, ill see whether i can port some pandora emus17:27
diabolthe devs other there are hardcore emu coders17:27
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diabolso much work to do!17:31
Gyjfdiabol drnoksnes works fine for me without overclocking17:32
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diabolGyjf: aye, cant say its unplayable. with sound, accurate gfx and speedhacks it runs good enough, but eats ~50% cpu @ 600mhz17:42
diaboli just want to get rid of that last part :D17:43
Gyjfi didnt play with sound tho17:43
diabolyou really should :D17:45
diaboli mean, cmon, the n900 has stereo sound17:45
diabolits *meant* for this17:45
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Gyjfhehe yea17:46
Gyjfjust beat the 2nd boss on contra 3 :D17:46
Gyjfcontra is full of win :D17:47
jogaafter updating to pr1.3 I can't use the camera anymore :( when I try to start it it says operation failed17:48
jogaI had blessn900 installed earlier so I removed it now to no avail (it never worked properly anyway)17:48
jogaany tips?17:48
Gyjfweird, i get the same :(17:48
DocScrutinizerhmm, you might want to remove it17:48
Gyjfboth with bless and without it fails17:49
joga...for the love of god, I do *not* want to update a third time17:49
jogait took me about 4-5 hours last time to get it working proper17:49
diabolgood thing i updated first thing17:49
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jogais this cursen900 supposed to break everything17:50
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jogaI did notice some popup about fcam something in the update while it was reinstalling packages, apparently I don't have fcamera installed though17:51
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jogais there supposed to be four instances of /usr/bin/camera-ui running at startup17:53
joga(I did try to start it though)17:53
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Gyjfalso, when i try to launch the flashlight it says camera is in use by some other aplication17:54
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DocScrutinizerjoga: yes17:55
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diabolive got 2 D:17:56
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diabolalso ive got omap3camd running17:57
jogaDocScrutinizer, so is it a known problem that blessn900 will break the camera?17:57
Gyjfwill killing those instances help?17:57
jogaheh I can try17:58
joganothing to lose I guess...fuck17:58
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jogaI doubt it'll help though17:58
DocScrutinizerjoga: blessn900 is known to be incompatible with new kernels17:58
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jogaDocScrutinizer, even when it's removed? could reinstalling the (power) kernel have any effect?17:59
jogaor is there some package to get the 'vanilla' camera back17:59
diaboli've got blessn900 working on pr 1.3 o.o18:00
DocScrutinizeryes, quite probably will fix the issue, if you uninstall both fcam and blessn900 prior to that - afaik18:00
jogain case blessn900 overwrote something18:00
diabollet me take a look at fcam..18:00
DocScrutinizerjoga: but better ask smebody else here. I'm too tired right ATM to give proper advice18:01
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jogaDocScrutinizer, ok, thanks a lot18:01
jogaah, in ham I see "fcam-drivers", though I don't think I've ever installed anything related to fcam18:02
jogabut they're uninstallable so getting rid of them..18:02
diabolfcam-drivers is necessarry for blessn90018:02
DocScrutinizercheck tmo for threads about powerkernel and fcam and maybe blessn900. The issue is known and there are ways to fix it18:02
ShadowJKi didn't know blessn900 actually required kernel features18:02
jogaI'll do the obvious first...let's see18:02
ShadowJKoh, it uses fcam, right18:02
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diaboljoga: did you try unloading the fcam modules from the kernel?18:03
jogadiabol I just removed them now and rebooting18:03
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Gyjfid like to fix this without reinstalling the kernel18:04
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jogaGyjf, hold on..I'll see if this works18:04
DocScrutinizerwhat's wrong with reinstalling kernels?18:04
joganot a big deal really18:04
Gyjfi have the custom one with injection/monitormode for wifi18:05
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DocScrutinizerbtw actually you only need to reinstall kernel modules18:05
Gyjfuninstalling fcam18:05
jogayay it works18:05
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jogauninstalled fcam-drivers and rebooted, now I can cam18:06
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Gyjfwhile talking about cameras18:07
Gyjfhow do i use the front facing camera?18:07
jogaGyjf, at least skype and mirror use it18:07
diaboltheres an app called mirror18:07
Gyjfcan i take pics/video with it?18:07
diaboland, how to actually videocall on the n900?18:07
DocScrutinizerwhile the true original mirror app is just a black screen18:08
Gyjfthe app installer is slow :(18:08
diabolGyjfget faster app installer18:08
Gyjfand the faster one dosnt work18:08
diabolits quite fast18:08
jogadiabol, iirc, you make a skype call and enable it when you're connected18:08
diabolit doesnt?18:08
Gyjfhavnt ever worked for me18:08
jogaI did try the video call once and it worked ok18:08
Gyjfit cant fetch the list18:08
diaboljoga: alright, but i cant find a way to skype call somebody to his skype account18:08
jogadiabol hmm? you're online in skype and you've put their skype name in their details? you see some skype call button?18:09
diabolyea, but just skype call to their phone numbers18:09
jogaI've never done such a call, I dunno. I don't even have credits18:10
diabolalso it shows everyone as being offline, even if they're not18:10
Gyjfit cant find pskill when i try to install it?18:10
Gyjfshouldnt pskill be built in also?18:10
jhbmmmh, modest does not fetch emails from my imap account anymore - it tells me it last synchronised yesterday, and nothing changes no matter how often I click on 'send and receive'. Any ideas? (account works fine with thunderbird on laptop)18:10
diabolGyjf: did you try it as root?18:11
Gyjfseems like i cant do anything from non-root18:11
diabolwait, whats pskill?18:11
diabolhow about just kill?18:11
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DocScrutinizernever heard pskill18:12
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DocScrutinizeror was that the obscure playstation killer app? :-P18:12
Gyjfoh crap this is embarasing :(18:13
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* Gyjf hides under a rock18:13
diabolbeen using windows crap too much18:13
Gyjflets never talk about that again...18:14
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diabolabout what?18:14
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Gyjfabout me mixing up kill with the windows pskill18:15
diabollets not talk about that18:16
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Gyjfill try this mirror thing18:16
diabolit looks daaaaaark in anything but really bright daylight18:18
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diabolsweet, frozen bubble runs pretty fast18:23
diabolbut somebody forgot to test it -_- no touchscreen controls18:23
Gyjfbah, its so sloooow18:24
Gyjfthe program manager18:24
Gyjfi should just apt-get everything -_-18:25
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Gyjfsweet, there is mumble for it :D18:28
alteregoAll it would take to kmake everyone happy it seems, is an "accidental" leak of all Nokia N900 sources.18:28
SpeedEvilalterego: yup.18:28
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alteregoThough, I still think MeeGo is the way forward, but we need more devs improving the core apps.18:29
SpeedEvilalterego: Including  BT, modem, SoC boot-block, wifi, and all required keys.18:29
jonwilIsnt the wifi driver on n900 open?18:29
SpeedEvilOh - and full docs for the above too.18:29
alteregoSo we have a viable future proof FOSS alternative.18:29
SpeedEviljonwil: No.18:29
jonwilI thought it was18:30
SpeedEviljonwil: I mean the firmware on the various chips.18:30
jonwiloh ok18:30
alteregoSpeedEvil: I'd settle without any docs tbh ;)18:30
SpeedEviljonwil: the firmware on the wifi card is not open.18:30
Gyjfthe gsm thingy would be nice also18:30
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SpeedEvilThe chances of the above leaking are ratehr small though. :)18:30
Gyjfnah but there is s special kernel/patches to get injection/monitor mode working18:30
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DocScrutinizeryou couldn't use it even with full source18:31
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Gyjfso i dont get what else you would need to have the wireless part open for18:31
SpeedEvilGyjf: AP mode18:31
Gyjfit can do ap mode18:31
diaboldoesnt that work?18:31
chem|stieatlint: have you got a tracking number for me pls?18:31
SpeedEvilGyjf: It can do ad-hoc.18:31
Gyjfit can do normal ap too18:32
alteregochem|st: mine arrived today, where do you live?18:32
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chem|stalterego: germany18:32
chem|stalterego: that is why I asked18:32
jonwilI wonder if there is any interest in replacing closed-source bits of N900 OS with reverse-engineered open bits (specifically for lower-level bits like battery charging)18:32
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alteregochem|st: he sent them all out at the same time, so I suspect yours will arrive in the next day or two :)18:32
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DocScrutinizerjonwil: there already *is* a replacement for battery charging18:33
SpeedEvilGyjf: I've never tried it - I thought someone said it won't do it.18:33
alteregoI've used them with his software, works well :D18:33
jonwiloh ok, I wasnt aware of the replacement for battery charging18:33
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chem|stalterego: that has my mother told me once for a package that was 2 weeks on tour for about 500km...18:33
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alteregoThough, no distrust to him, I checked  the source for possible trojan before I ran it ;)18:33
Gyjfwith the special kernel it can18:34
Gyjfyou have to donate to get that tho18:34
chem|stjonwil: #maemo-ssu18:34
Gyjfi managed to get it running with airbase-ng18:35
alteregoCan never be too careful when using an always on device to read credit card information :D18:35
jonwilin any case I have been looking for an excuse to learn ARM assembly and some reverse engineering of closed-source bits of the n900 seems like as good a reason as any :P18:35
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SpeedEviljonwil: yes, there is interest.18:36
jonwilSomething that I think WOULD be interesting/fun/challenging to reverse engineer would be the binary blob for the GPU18:36
DocScrutinizerjonwil: mce is a worthy target18:36
SpeedEviljonwil: the problem is it's all in one nasty fucking ball.18:36
jonwilwhat is mce for?18:36
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jonwilwe have all kinds of reverse engineering for desktop GPUs (i.e. noveau etc18:37
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alteregojonwil: handles policies like power buttons, system ui status (statusbar) pulse audio policies for incomg call routing etc18:37
SpeedEviljonwil: dsme/mce/bme/phone UI/internet connection daemon - it's all one undocumented blob with poor or no documents on the interactions.18:37
alteregoMonitors modem for sms' I believe18:37
jonwiloh ok18:37
Gyjfno way :D they have made an opensource ver of jazz jackrabbit :D *nostalgia*18:37
jonwilI have never seen anyone interested in reverse engineering mobile/embedded GPUs for some reason18:37
Gyjfcause its hard i think18:38
alteregojonwil: I'd be interested, but I don't really have the time :D18:38
SpeedEviljonwil: Yeah - it's a hell of a lot easier for most on a platform where they are familiar.18:38
SpeedEvilReverse engineering embedded stuff - you have to cross the 'it isn't a PC' barrier - which is hard for many.18:39
jonwilI think I might grab the relavent binary blobs (once I figured out which blobs I need to look at) and have a poke around in there18:39
crashanddieso Nokia lied when in their marketing they said "Mobile PC"?18:39
alteregoI was bought up around ARM and non PC hardware, coming from an Acorn background18:39
DocScrutinizerGPU: no docs. RE GPU-driver: mission impossible18:39
pipnukthere's open source battery mgmt available afaict18:39
pipnukjust look at the android omap3 source18:40
jonwilthere is no such thing as "mission impossible" when it comes to reverse engineering18:40
diabolpipnuk: does android do anything apart from framebugffer stuff in the gpu, tho?18:40
SpeedEviljonwil: I look forward to your reverse engineering of SIM secrets.18:40
DocScrutinizerbah, all just use jrbme-draft0, flavour ShadowJK with icing18:41
pipnukdiabol: i don't know but this archos A70S is fantastic for battery life18:41
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DocScrutinizerjonwil: the RE the cellmo firmware :-P18:42
jonwilnot interested in the radio firmware18:42
jonwilor the SIM card18:43
DocScrutinizeror better even: RE NOLO, then RE the key to sign it18:43
diabolso whyd you wanna re the gpu parts anyways?18:43
diabollol, anyone read up on how they got the ps3 rootkey? :D18:43
diabolfunny stuff18:43
jonwilI am interested in the GPU parts because they are necessary if one wants working 3D on alternative OS's18:43
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jonwiland because it fits in with my interest in all things 3D18:44
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DocScrutinizerstskeeps and crew seems has done quite most part of implementing GPU driver for OMAP343018:44
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jonwilGPU as in frame-buffer or as in 3D?18:45
DocScrutinizerasl on #meego-arm18:45
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pipnukjonwil - a framebuffer isn't a gpu18:46
DocScrutinizerand aiui there's something between fb and 3D. Lemme think... was it 2D acceleration?18:47
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MohammadAGhow do i do static linking?18:47
DocScrutinizer-static ?18:47
diaboljonwil: ever had a look at openpandora? theyre using the same chip with a community developed linux18:48
diabolno clue tho whether they used the ti stuff or reimplemented the driver18:48
lardmanTi stuff I imagine18:50
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lardmanwhile re-implementing the driver is not all that trroublesome I guess, most of the functionality resides in the user-space side support libs and opengl implementation18:50
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jonwilyeah the driver isn't the hard part, its the x11 libs and the opengl libs18:51
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MohammadAG-static gives me an error18:52
MohammadAGgod I hate windows18:52
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MN_does anyone know where i could get a maemo 5 rootfs from?18:52
lardmandocscrutinizer: yeah gles sorry18:52
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MohammadAGQtCore4.dll missing18:56
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MohammadAG MN_18:56
MN_cheers MohammadAG :)18:56
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MN_hmm there doesnt seem to be a rootfs for maemo 518:58
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MohammadAGuh, check Maemo 518:59
DocScrutinizerit's 'zipped' into FIASCO18:59
MohammadAGabove sources18:59
jhbjhb: the answer is to use ip numbers instead of hostnames for the imap server18:59
diaboljonwil: check. had a look at the github, pandora does use the ti binaries19:00
DocScrutinizerjhb: sounds like something blew chunks in DNS19:00
MN_ah yes but i dont have an n900 so no imei to download :(19:01
jhbDocScrutinizer: well, it persistet even after rebootin the n900 and while testing from my laptop using the same dns19:01
jhbanyhow, me is happy to be in sync again19:01
DocScrutinizersomebody nessed your N900 resolv.conf?19:02
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DocScrutinizeror etc/hosts19:02
DocScrutinizeror sth?19:02
SpeedEviln900 resolv.conf should only point at localhost19:02
SpeedEvilIt uses dnsmasq to do DNS19:02
Venemo_N900how can I get the windows live web pages to show me the non-mobile version of the site?19:03
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SpeedEvilget the user-agent-switcher thingy19:03
DocScrutinizerhi SpeedEvil :-)19:03
MN_any ideas :)19:03
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Venemo_N900MN_: for what?19:03
alteregoMohammadAG: how hard would it be to add widget lock mechanism to hd?19:03
Venemo_N900hi DocScrutinizer19:04
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: just thought we should start a business with glowrings and gourmet raspberry jam19:04
Venemo_N900alterego: what mechanism do you mean?19:04
MN_Venemo_N900: hi, well im looking for a maemo 5 rootfs19:04
Venemo_N900MN_: see19:04
MohammadAGalterego, widget lock?19:04
alteregoVenemo_N900: Basically a button somewhere that says "Lock desktop widgets" which stops you being able to move them accidentally.19:05
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MohammadAGVenemo_N900, how do you use windows :P19:05
MohammadAGeven cmd gives me eyestrain19:05
MohammadAGumm, isn't that already done alterego ?19:05
Venemo_N900MohammadAG: hmm?19:05
MohammadAGgear thingy19:05
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MohammadAGotherwise, mhd has a lock option19:05
alteregoMohammadAG: which is annoyingly too easy to accidentally press19:05
Venemo_N900alterego: well the widgets can only move when you are in edit mode19:05
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alteregoYes, I'm talking about a way to disable edit mode.19:06
MohammadAGalterego, modified hildon-desktop19:06
MohammadAGmade less crappy through the SSU19:06
alteregoIt's been requested by a few people.19:06
jhbDocScrutinizer, SpeedEvil: the resolv.conf (now) points to
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MohammadAGwindows's $PATH sucks19:06
jhbno idea what it was before that19:06
Venemo_N900alterego: I'll look into it when I get back my laptop19:06
MohammadAGalterego, yes, it's possible19:06
jhbah well, as long as it works19:06
alteregoMohammadAG: also, I think maybe it might be a good idea to reimplement contacts rather than conversations next.19:07
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Venemo_N900MohammadAG: my only OS for now is Maemo :P19:07
MohammadAGalterego, there's MyContacts19:07
MohammadAGcould be improved19:07
SiceloMN_, I wonder if the SDK won't give you what you want :/ At least sdks from other devices tend to contain the filesystem of the target device19:07
MohammadAGelse, yeah, why not19:07
alteregoWell, maybe work on that, I want a complete clone :P19:07
alteregoSo we can add groups.19:08
MohammadAGor both, since they both tie to each other19:08
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MohammadAGactually, it's too bloated19:08
infobothmm... flashing is
alteregoMohammadAG: yeah definitelly.19:08
crashanddie"Bhutan police can raid homes of smokers in a search for contraband tobacco and are training a special tobacco sniffer dog in a crackdown to honor a promise to become the world's first smoke-free nation."19:08
MohammadAGKnightStalker, you say hi first :P19:08
alteregocrashanddie: crazy :/19:08
lardmancan someone pastebin the output of "apt-cache search dsp" for me please?19:09
Venemo_N900crashanddie: yay!19:09
Venemo_N900I'd be happy if people wouldn't smoke around me19:09
lardmanI just saw someone wants dspctl opened, but afaik it's already open and in a curiously named package, whose name I don't remember19:09
MohammadAGsmoke-free, porn-free, next thing they'll say sex-free, reproduction-free19:09
MohammadAGthen the UK will get extinct19:09
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crashanddieVenemo_N900, then don't hang out with the cool people?19:09
MohammadAGI suggest they keep smoking allowed19:09
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crashanddieVenemo_N900, AFAIK, smoking is banned from public places (and most smokers won't light up if they're well behaved, and you ask them not to)19:10
Venemo_N900alterego, MohammadAG: let's finish the mediaplayer reimplementation first19:10
alterego~seen ieatlint19:10
infobotieatlint is currently on #maemo #meego, last said: 'nah, some woman from arizona that i've never heard of'.19:10
crashanddieI know I would never light up in someone's car, house / whatever without asking permission first, and finding an open window or so19:10
Venemo_N900crashanddie: yeah, however noone tells them off in public places.19:10
crashanddiebecause it's public?19:10
Venemo_N900anyway, I think smoking is a sickness19:10
alteregoIsn't it supposed to tell me when that was last said? :D19:10
crashanddiewalk 5 meters?19:10
pipnukdon't kill yourself crashanddie - vaporise tobacco if you're addicted19:11
GAN900Venemo_N900, addiction, not sickness. ;)19:11
pipnuktastes way better too - incomparably so19:11
crashanddieVenemo_N900, if you didn't like the smell/sound of cars, would you ask the cars to drive some other place, or just move along the street?19:11
Venemo_N900GAN900: addiction is a sickness19:11
crashanddieand don't tell me car fumes aren't lethal19:12
MohammadAGi wonder how much compiling Qt would take19:12
Venemo_N900crashanddie: I'm not telling you that.19:12
MohammadAGmuch time*19:12
alteregoIt's a choice, and people should have the choice to do what they want as long as it doesn't directly harm others'19:12
alteregoAll you can do is educate people and hope they make informed decisions. More people die from alcohol abuse than smoking.19:13
alteregoYet it is much more socially accepted to destroy one self in that regard.19:13
crashanddieVenemo_N900, I think smokers in the past few years have already given a lot of leeway to non-smokers. We're paying for our own healthcare (taxes), we're going outside a bar/pub to have a fag (alcohol and cigarettes should never be separated -- it's against god's will)19:13
SpeedEvilI have major problems with other peoples ciggies - asthma - I'm really, really grateful for the current tide against cigs.19:14
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crashanddiein other words: I'm really tired of the smoker-bashing. If you don't smoke, fine, just don't tell me what to do. It's a public space, just shuffle away, or if they're friends, stay inside the pub while they go outside.19:14
Corsacmaybe the card should go outside to smoke too?19:14
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pipnukUS mil banned smoking in subs now19:15
crashanddieand rightly so19:15
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crashanddie17SAAP4ZN, once more, and you get a +q19:16
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pipnukvaporizing tastes so much better man19:16
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lardmannot to worry, found it19:16
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crashanddiepipnuk, you sound like one of those "don't smoke cocain, snort it man, so much better man"19:17
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crashanddieyeah man19:17
crashanddieduuuuuuuuuuude, don't drink that last mountain dew, duuuude19:17
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pipnuk5000 cycles in Underworld 1 :D19:18
MohammadAGcan we end the smoking discussion?19:18
MohammadAGlet's talk about crack instead19:18
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DocScrutinizercrashanddie: (17SAAP4ZN) uh?19:23
DocScrutinizeryeah crack19:24
DocScrutinizeramazing chemical thing.19:24
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DocScrutinizermix baking soda with cocaine to get a completely new thing? weird19:25
DocScrutinizeranybody tested smoking baking soda pur?19:25
* MohammadAG prefers a potassium + warm water drink19:25
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DocScrutinizersomehow it sounds as weird as injecting marijuana or smoking LSD19:27
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pipnukannybody interested in helping out with hildon on other linux19:28
alteregoPeople smoke marijuana laced with lsd quite often19:28
alteregoIt's not uncommon to have enhanced pot19:28
jogawhat a waste of acid19:28
diabolgawd, just had the best tetris run so far. lvl21 :D19:29
SpeedEvildiabol: you mean 'blocks' ?19:29
diabolnah, tetris dx on vgb19:29
povbotBug 9826: Blocks collision detection bug19:29
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alteregoI'm thinking of writing a 3D tetris game19:30
alteregoAs I've already got all the rendering done :D19:30
jogamake a 3d of this
jogathe base could be a sphere...19:31
diabolanyone here familiar with 1d tetris?19:31
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infobotrumour has it, xkcd is or only the best webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math and language.19:32
pipnukyou could implement accelerometer to try to jiggle the blocks into a row19:32
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diaboljiggle... and DANCE19:33
alteregoThat's quite cool, the controls are a bit difficult19:34
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DocScrutinizerW*T*F?!! freezing konqui (js?) on entering a single char to search textbox19:36
crashanddieworks fine on FF419:36
DocScrutinizerFSCK google search19:37
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DocScrutinizeryeah, konqui JS is known to not support some mess that may slip through on other browsers19:38
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AranelI'm working on a small python app, but I really wonder how can I add menus to it? I mean, those dropdown menus when you click on the titlebar?19:43
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Venemo_N900Aranel: if you use PyQt, then the regular menus will appear that way19:45
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AranelVenemo_N900: Since I'm not any good at Python, I'm using Qt Designer and pyuic4 one-liner. Do you mean "Add toolbar" thing?19:47
DocScrutinizercrashanddie: works on FF, just I had a funny effect that suddenly autocompleted textbox to techsupport and didn't allow me to backspace, autocompleting everything faster than I could enter or delete chars :-P19:48
MohammadAGtoday's 1/11/11, just noticed that19:48
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Venemo_N900Aranel: I think there is an add menu bar option in Qt designer19:48
crashanddieno, it's 11/01/1119:48
MohammadAGAranel, QMenuBar19:48
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DocScrutinizerso evidently it's google search that has massive shit going on, and just konqui reacts more consistent19:49
MohammadAGok it's 11/1/11 :P19:49
MohammadAGat least it's symmetrical that way19:49
AranelVenemo_N900: MohammadAG: thank you! :)19:49
Venemo_N900Aranel: you're welcome. if you have other questions, we'll be happy to answer :)19:50
* DocScrutinizer suspects google wants to push their new browser, so they introduce "issues" into google search19:51
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Venemo_N900DocScrutinizer: I hate google's search since it automaticaly corrects for typos which are in fact not typos20:03
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MohammadAGok, seems someone's working on a Nexus S MeeGo port20:05
alteregoVenemo_N900: agreed :)20:06
MohammadAGmight as well jump to it, the only that's annoying is that it lacks a kb20:06
Venemo_N900MohammadAG: yeah, I read it on #meego-arm the other day20:06
alteregoMohammadAG: MeeGo is better without keyboard than Maemo :D20:06
Venemo_N900MohammadAG: if I were you, I'd wait for a fully working port, especially in the telephony regard20:06
MohammadAGVenemo_N900, the port seems to be progressing faster tha the N900 adaptation20:07
alteregoThis reminds me, I need to find a 2.5mm headphone jack.20:07
Venemo_N900MohammadAG: that's because the guy started it maybe yesterday20:08
MohammadAGVenemo_N900, Nokia started in september i think :P20:08
Venemo_N900MohammadAG: unless you want to turn to the dark side and use android20:08
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Venemo_N900MohammadAG: I meant the nexus port20:08
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MohammadAGi know20:08
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MohammadAGVenemo_N900, not turning to any side, I expected to buy a MeeGo device in early january20:09
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smokuMohammadAG, it's easy to port until you hit the accelerated SGX requirement20:09
nidOI think his point is that initial progress is understandably superfast, its niggly "minor" details later on thatll slow it right down20:09
lardmanwell that device is an OMAP20:10
lardmanso hopefully the N900 binary blob will work too20:10
lardmanbut, I'm not sure I'd be certain enough to buy a phone on the off chance20:10
MohammadAGthe Nexus S is an OMAP?20:11
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smokulardman, since when samsung uses OMAP? :>20:11
MohammadAGwell, that's another plus20:11
lardmanoh crap, what am I thinking about then20:11
MohammadAGOmnia HD smoku :P20:11
smokuMohammadAG, but that's since till ;-)20:11
smokuthey Hummingbird eats competition ;-)20:12
MohammadAGNokia needs to start announcing and delaying already20:12
smokus/since till/till when/20:12
smokumy english-fu is poor today20:12
MohammadAGspeak C my friend20:13
nidOMohammadAG: that's generally expected to happen in a month though afaik?20:13
Venemo_N900MohammadAG: it is omap4 though, so don't expect N900 driver compatibility20:13
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MohammadAGwhat's OMAP4?20:14
lardmandual arm core20:14
MohammadAGi thought it wasn't OMAP :s20:14
diabolMohammadAG: you mean stop? :P20:14
MohammadAGno i know that20:14
MohammadAGbut what's the device with the OMAP420:14
lardmanok, I was wrong about nexus s, dunno what I was thinking20:14
lardmanthough it looks like all the rest of the hw is supported which is nice20:15
smokuMohammadAG, pandaboard :>20:15
MohammadAGsmoku, Venemo_N900 mentioned OMAP4, what was the device he meant :p20:15
MohammadAGsmoku, if you noticed, i'm on #pandaboard :P20:15
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smokuMohammadAG, i have a very poor IRC clients. I don't even see people hostnames :> not saying about chans ;-)20:16
Venemo_N900MohammadAG: N900 uses a version of the omap3 soc, and the nexus s has an omap420:16
MohammadAGI'm confused, i thought someone just said it was a snapdragon20:16
smokuVenemo_N900, OMAP is a Texas Instruments thingy, not Samsung20:16
lardmanno it's a hummingbird20:16
Venemo_N900I may be mistaken then20:17
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MohammadAGi envy how other companies announce and release the week after20:17
Venemo_N900wikipedia says, 1 GHz Samsung Hummingbird S5PC110 (ARM Cortex A8) with PowerVR SGX 540 GPU20:17
diabolall hail wikipedia20:18
lardmanah, so I wasn't wrong, though it was similar hw20:18
DelphiWorldhello all20:18
lardmantoo late in the evening20:18
DelphiWorldi just got an new n90020:18
DelphiWorldbut sadly no text to speech20:18
DelphiWorldno screen readability20:18
DelphiWorldand i'm blindf20:18
DelphiWorldany work arround it?20:18
crashanddiethen why the fuck did you buy it?20:18
DelphiWorldcrashanddie: is a gift.20:18
MohammadAGcrashanddie, be nice20:19
diabolnot the best idea20:19
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crashanddiesee, DelphiWorld, I'm not aware of any IRC-enabled screenreaders, that do nick completion20:19
* DelphiWorld totaly agree with MohammadAG20:19
lardmanflite, but there's no system-wide integration20:19
_trineyes crashanddie that was a crap comment20:19
SpeedEvilI'm not aware of any text-speech for n900 DelphiWorld .20:19
crashanddiehe's not blind20:19
smokuDelphiWorld, since you asked for workaround... you may install eSpeak.   but it's CLI only20:19
SpeedEvilDelphiWorld: If I were you, I suspect I'd sell it.20:19
diabolid buy it for $10020:20
Venemo_N900DelphiWorld: there is an eSpeak based apps that can read aloud the name of the person who calls you20:20
diaboltalk about tripping a blind man :D20:20
DelphiWorldVenemo_N900: and about speaking menu... :P20:20
crashanddiesmileys? Really?20:20
MohammadAGI'd go for an android or an iPhone20:21
Venemo_N900DelphiWorld: I don't know of any way, sorry.20:21
MohammadAGbetter apps for this kind of thing20:21
* DelphiWorld allready have nexus one20:21
Venemo_N900crashanddie: umm, what's the problem?20:21
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SpeedEvilThere is _no_ speech support in the normal user interface. At all. You'd have to convince someone to add it. And much of the bits are closed-source only, so only nokia can.20:21
SpeedEvilDelphiWorld: And nokia are not interested in doing further development on maemo - so the chances of this are approximately zero.20:21
pahartikcrashanddie: I know blind person who uses "Irssi"20:22
peetahhi all20:22
SpeedEvilI know several blind people that use IRC.20:22
peetahI just got on of those annoying ads call20:22
SpeedEvilOne that uses a screen reader at 600wpm20:22
Venemo_N900well there is a11y (accessiblility) code in HD, but I don't know of a GUI that enables it20:22
peetahany one know of a *working* call and sms blacklister ?20:22
diabolmaybe you could hook up a braille device using usb host mode and do everything from the terminal :D20:22
Robot101SpeedEvil: you can look up incoming callers in the address book and tts them pretty easily...20:22
DelphiWorlddiabol: yes but do the kernel support it?20:23
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peetahI tries catblock but it does not seem to be effective20:23
SpeedEvilRobot101: sure. But 99.99% of the normal UI is useless. Even making a call is going to be nearly impossible.20:23
diabolDelphiWorld: just kidding, its not worth the effort20:23
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pipnukcool, we can still buy incandescent bulbs in germany20:24
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Venemo_N900DelphiWorld: well since it is brand new, I'd sell it right away.20:24
diabolpipnuk high five20:24
DelphiWorldand doe there is ebooks reader but tts!20:24
DelphiWorldVenemo_N900: ;)20:24
Robot101SpeedEvil: oh sorry, I thought someone was asking specifically to read incoming caller names20:24
Robot101the general a11y of the code is terrible - you'd have to dig around a lot in hildon and hildon-desktop to get anywhere :(20:25
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JaffaRobot101: Something only going to get harder with QML, I suspect.20:26
Venemo_N900DelphiWorld: apparently the N900 was not designed for visually impaired people, sorry20:26
Gyjfis there a way to enter a WPA hash for a network instead of the key on the n900?20:26
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Gyjfthe wpa key editor dosnt seem to work with maemo520:27
DelphiWorldVenemo_N900: honestly... no only n900 but all nokia products is not for blind people20:27
pipnuka lot of males have some degree of color blindness20:28
Venemo_N900DelphiWorld: yeah, although it is hard to imagine any meaningful way to operate a touchscreen without seeing its contents20:28
DelphiWorldVenemo_N900: ok, go try iPhone VoiceOver and android TalkBack20:28
Venemo_N900DelphiWorld: why would I?20:29
DelphiWorldVenemo_N900: i use nexus one with issue less usage20:29
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Venemo_N900DelphiWorld: I have perfect eyesight, so no need20:29
diabol"perfect eyesight"20:30
diabolyou dont wear glasses?20:30
Venemo_N900no, I don't20:30
DelphiWorldi think nokia never think about blind people... only ^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^ $$$$$$$$$20:30
lcukJaffa, qml has translation functions in.  when i have a hand free i will dig20:31
Venemo_N900DelphiWorld: okay, so then sell the phone for $$$ and stop whining.20:31
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DelphiWorlddoe the GUI in n900 maemo is QT?20:31
Venemo_N900DelphiWorld: yes, it supports Qt20:31
DelphiWorldVenemo_N900: but the original gui is qt or gtk?20:32
diabolVenemo_N900: dude, do you at least have a beard? o.O20:32
crashanddiebut most of the GUI is GTK, not Qt20:32
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Venemo_N900diabol: not right now20:32
lcukJaffa, timeless answered
diabolVenemo_N900: duuuuuude, beard up20:33
MohammadAGQt's still compiling20:33
Venemo_N900diabol: sometimes I grow it, then cut it when I'm bored of it20:33
DelphiWorlddoe N900 support FM radio?20:33
Venemo_N900DelphiWorld: yes20:34
jacekowskiDelphiWorld: unless it's hk version20:34
jacekowskior some asian version20:34
diabolDelphiWorld: what gives? no offense, but the n900 is pretty much useless to you20:35
timeless_mbplcuk: today i'm packing. I'm going away from home. there's a wedding, and i'm invited :)20:36
crashanddietimeless_mbp, mazal tov20:36
timeless_mbpcrashanddie: yeah, we'll be wishing them that soon :)20:37
lcuk++ thankfully you already pre answered jaffas question so its all good.  have a great time \o20:37
* timeless_mbp frowns20:37
* timeless_mbp tries to figure out how to transfer an ssh private key to an ideapad20:37
infobothmm... ffs is for f**k's sake, or for fine's sake.  UCB's Fast File System20:38
MohammadAGscp :P20:38
jaskafind first set (bit)20:38
DelphiWorlddiabol: useless... but i will chalenge myself maybe helping other blind persons with my experiance20:38
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* timeless_mbp frowns20:38
smokuDelphiWorld, you may install android on it though.20:38
timeless_mbpso, i just opened an at&t trouble ticket20:38
crashanddieOK, I was hoping to wait this storm out, but it seems I'm going to get drenched. Wish me luck, (I really need to get new tyres on the bike)20:38
timeless_mbpyou know what i forgot to get?20:38
DelphiWorldsmoku: yep20:39
timeless_mbpthe phone number where i should use the ticket :)20:39
diabolDelphiWorld whatevs20:40
DelphiWorlddiabol: ?20:40
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DelphiWorldwhat about a fm transmiter?20:42
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crashanddieDelphiWorld, yes, but the quality isn't amazing20:44
DelphiWorldcrashanddie: any page for guide to install android on it?20:45
crashanddieDelphiWorld, sorry, don't know of any worthwhile reference material20:45
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lirakis_DelphiWorld, hello20:47
DelphiWorldhi lirakis_!20:48
DelphiWorldhehe lirakis_20:48
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DelphiWorldi think i'm going to flash it with android20:55
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DelphiWorldwhat Os nokia C7 is runing?20:56
diaboli found it \o/20:56
diabolskype video call only is an option if you open the contacts from phone app20:57
MohammadAGyou can also tap the title bar and turn on video20:58
diabolthe problem before was that if you open up contacts it doesnt list the option to call via skype20:59
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dRbiGhmm, any app for maemo to somehow controll powerpoint as pointer? via bluetooth or (but less diserable) via wifi/network?21:04
Oli``Would it be unreasonable to expect to be able to install/run a N900 application (as it is, from a package) on a standard x86 desktop Linux machine?21:05
trxOli`` yes21:05
wmaroneyes, mostly because any N900 package will be ARM21:05
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wmaroneand not x8621:05
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dRbiGOli``: first packages for arm, then some specific maemo libs21:06
dRbiGand then some maemo messy hackery :)21:06
trxnot so much the libs but entierly diffrent CPU architecture..21:06
Oli``How about a virtualised/emulated ARM/Maemo environment running on top of a x86/x86_64 environment?21:07
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trxthat can be done21:07
trxvia scratchbox21:07
trxyou can get it at maemo.org21:07
MohammadAGwhy do you want to do that anyway21:09
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lardmanany mBarcode users here?21:19
SpeedEvillardman: I installed it once.21:21
lardmanand why did you uninstall it?21:21
SpeedEvilIt seemed to work. I haven't got it installed right now.21:21
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dRbiGoh and btw. as i still remember - anyone had problems with theme(changer/editor/whatever-its-name-is) like the desktop shortcut icons' backgrounds disappearing? the only fix i found was to uninstall the app and change the theme a few times...21:22
SpeedEvillardman: because I was't likely to do the required scripting to make it do something useful, and I had way too much shit installed.21:22
lardmanok, so not something I did wrong then, other than not providing a useful plugin for you :)21:22
lardmanoh crap, so it was my fault21:22
lardmanoh dear :)21:22
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* lardman curses the Qt documentation on DBus21:23
SpeedEvillardman: i found a tesco API now that lets me search on barcodes - looks interesting.21:23
SpeedEvillardman: Though above caveats apply...21:23
lardmanthat could probably be pulled into a nice easy Python plugin21:23
lardmanbut yeah21:23
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lardmanI was actually going to add DBus broadcast back into mBarcode and was looking for someone to test it as my N900 is broken21:24
lardmanI need to write the code first though, so no rush21:25
SpeedEvil:/ getting it fixed?21:26
SpeedEvilI could probably setup a ssh or something, if needed.21:26
lardmanwaiting for Quim to get back to me21:26
SpeedEvilWhat died?21:27
lardmantouchscreen, LCD works, but no input21:27
SpeedEvilOh yeah - I remember now.21:27
SpeedEvilCan you use BT mouse?21:27
lardmandunno, do they work?21:27
SpeedEvilI seem to recall someone saying that sort-of-worked.21:27
SpeedEvilI dunno21:28
lardmanhmm, might have to get one then21:28
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lardmanotherwise I guess the usb host hack21:28
SpeedEvilPlease investigate first - I've not tried it21:28
lardmanyep will do don't worry, thanks for the idea though21:28
SpeedEvillardman: you have a conference one?21:29
lardmanapparently in warranty :)21:29
lardmanso I could just send it in I guess21:29
lardmanbut thought I'd ask the powers that be first21:29
* pahartik wants to know if anyone has "maemo_flasher-3.5_2.5.2.2_ppc" installed21:29
* lardman does not21:31
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pahartiklardman: I would try whether binary works on "MacOS X 10.4" even though package is set to require "MacOS X 10.5"21:35
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lardmanpahartik: not me21:37
lardmanI don't have any Mac boxes I'm afraid#21:38
lardmanor are you saying that's what you want to do?21:38
lardmanin which case it's probably possible to force installation, which I had to do on my 64bit Linux box21:38
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* lardman finds DBus docs rather confusing21:40
RST38hlardman: it is programmed with cut&paste.21:40
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pahartiklardman: What I am looking for is "flasher" to use to upgrade "Nokia N900 Maemo fremantle PR1.2"21:43
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infoboti heard flashing is
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alteregoLame, so I have to wait for this package to get imported into -testing before I can promote the next one.21:54
alterego(the next package depends on it)21:54
alteregoThat means it's going to take like half an hour :/21:54
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pipnukwowwww.  Underworld is still very playable with stretching and hq2x filter21:55
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pipnukwhat a great day21:56
nox-on... n900?21:56
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pipnukarchos a70s21:56
pipnukbut n900 + disabled pulseaudio would be similar21:56
pipnuk@ 1000mhz21:57
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pipnukunderworld really benefits from the dirty rectangles rendering21:57
pahartikalterego: Upgrade would be easier if "SSU" was offered, but there is no known indication about what is missing...21:57
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AranelMohammadAG: I couldnt find the menu thing :| Can you help me about it? :)22:04
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* Aranel wonders how to create a QMenuBar (dropdown menu that appears when clicked on app title) on Qt 4 Designer..22:12
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alteregoAranel: just make a proper application menu and hildon renders it like that.22:13
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Aranelalterego: I'm a newbie to Python, Qt and its designer, so I don't know to make a proper app menu :| How to do that?22:14
alteregoAranel: you use QMainWindows' menu bar btw ..22:14
alteregoHrm, I'll see if I can dig up a how-to, ang-on22:14
alteregoYou're using PyQt?22:15
alteregoHrm, I might have to write one :P22:15
Aranelalterego: I'm using Qt Designer and doing pyuic4 -x vodasms.ui -o vodasmsui.py22:18
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alteregoHrm, let me see how to do it in Creator then.22:19
Aranelalterego: :p somehow I found it by accident. Designer calls them "Toolbars"22:19
Aranelyay ^^ thanks :)22:19
alteregoNo, not toolbars, it's the QMainWindows' menubar22:20
alteregoI hope you're using a QMainWindow btw22:20
alteregoAh, it's pretty easy.22:21
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alteregoCreate a QMainWindow form in Qt Designer, click on the "menubar" item in the object explorer to the right of the editor. Then at the bottom there's a pane with a tab called "Action Editor" use that to create items.22:22
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Aranelalterego: object explorer doesn't have any menubar item on mine.22:23
pipnukheh 4 fps in Arena22:23
alteregoHave you created a QMainWindow ?22:23
MohammadAGAranel, using Qt Designer?22:24
Aranelalterego: New Form > Main Window? I'm already using it.22:25
AranelMohammadAG: yes.22:25
trxis there any way i can config the front camera? (brightness)22:25
MohammadAGAranel, in the side bar, select the mainwindow, right click it, create menu bar22:25
alteregoMohammadAG: has probably more experience with designer than me :)22:25
alteregoI'm more of a hands on man :D22:25
MohammadAGalterego, dontcha call me a noob!22:25
alteregoHah :D22:26
AranelMohammadAG: It has "add toolbar" and "create status bar" options.22:26
Araneladd toolbar option already adds menus compatible with Hildon btw. When I touch to them nothing happens, I guess now it's something to do with actions.22:27
alteregoAranel: yes22:27
MohammadAGdo you have the Type here thingy at the top?22:27
MohammadAGof the mainwindow22:27
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MohammadAGI am never, working on windows again22:28
AranelMohammadAG: guess not. It's showing up as Object Inspector, seperated as Object and Class, nothing at the top of it.22:28
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trip0n900 doesn't support NAP?22:34
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* Sicelo thinking to sleep now22:40
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pahartiktrip0: I think it is provided by "pc-connectivity-manager"22:50
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trip0pahartik, i don't see it as an exposed profile when I pair with it :(22:50
epphey, so i was dumb and installed multiboot. how do i switch back to just the enhanced kernel22:51
pahartiktrip0: What I do is just execute "sudo pand --role PANU --connect 0C:DD:EF:5B:B7:BB --auth --secure --encrypt --device 00:02:72:16:18:6F" and then "sudo ifup br2" on workstation22:57
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trip0so pand just isn't running by default22:58
trip0and/or isn't running in the right role22:59
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trip0pahartik, wouldn't you want "--role NAP" though?22:59
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pahartiktrip0: "br2" bridge contains "bnep0"... On mobile device, I have to "ip link set dev bnep0", "ip addr add 2001:14b8:15a:0:edd:efff:fe5b:b7bb/64 dev bnep0", "killall radvd", "/opt/radvd-1.6/usr/sbin/radvd --config /opt/radvd-1.6/etc/radvd-mobile.conf"23:01
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pahartiktrip0: Well, no... "Nokia N900" is my mobile network IPv6 router and Bluetooth PAN...23:03
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pahartiktrip0: Did you expected something of opposite kind?23:10
trip0pahartik, no, i'm just trying to make sense of this document:
pahartiktrip0: Did you expect something of opposite kind?23:11
pipnukopen source arena gfx engine
MohammadAGnsfw, andwobble
pahartiktrip0: I think same package does provide GUI for connecting to Bluetooth PAN router, though it is somewhat cryptic...23:15 matter what i do with a debian/contrl file...dpkg-checkbuilddeps always returns a syntax using scratchbox, and im sure the file is fine, any ideas?23:17
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MohammadAGwindows line breaks23:18
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piggzMohammadAG: not likely, havnt used windows in years :)23:20
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piggzMohammadAG: it was way easier building a package for a smake project...just let cpack do it automagically ;)23:25
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piggzok, i wonder if its because im missing dh_make ... within scratchbox i have debhelper installed, but listing the contents with dpkg -L debhelper, dh_make isnt included?23:45
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eppkernel-power wont install..23:47
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