IRC log of #maemo for Thursday, 2011-01-06

crashanddie_and all the cool kids think that grey goose is the best vodka around00:00
ieatlintheh, no, hangar one is the best vodka around00:00
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MohammadAGtsk tsk tsk, another mid week conference :P00:01
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ieatlintthere won't be a lack of good booze here though... we have napa valley immediately to the north, one of the best small distilleries across the bay (where they film all those episodes of mythbusters on the old runway), and awesome local breweries throughout the area00:03
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GAN900MohammadAG, don't you remember, we don't want your kind there.00:04
Proteous209 gin FTW00:04
GAN900It even rhymes!00:05
Proteouswe have tons of good beer here00:06
wmaronehmm, SF. that's actually close enough I could go00:06
MohammadAGGAN900, /me cries00:08
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javispedroso, they did indeed announce windows nt for arm.00:20
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ShadowJKSo my plan was to buy a second N900 to use while my first N900 goes in for repair00:21
ShadowJK(and maybe sell one of them if/when nokia manages to repair it)00:21
javispedrothey're not going to use stock explorer.exe as gui for windows for arm00:21
pradeep_ShadowJK, what happen to your fone00:22
javispedroso it will be something more like what apple did .00:22
ShadowJKBut, of the 3 big stores in town, one didn't have it at all (and the seller was a useless drooling lobotomized idiot), second store had only a display model, and some window shopper had entered a lock code, so I would have had to crack that myself or have it on 3 week round trip to nokia anyway00:22
ShadowJKand third store had the most helpful seller, who claimed that the N900 is out of production, but that their (the store's) main warehouse still has 3 of them, and that although it'd be difficult he'd be able to get one for me00:23
ShadowJKpradeep_, cellmo probably desoldered itself00:23
ShadowJKor cracked PCB, dunno00:23
ShadowJKtoday FMTX didn't work, that was new00:23
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pradeep_ShadowJK, why not get another product probably andriod00:24
javispedroShadowJK: ebay? :)00:24
ShadowJKpradeep_, the goal is to minimize tiem without working phone. If I get an android phone, I'll ahve to spend weeks on hacking it so I can run maemo on it?00:24
ShadowJKOnly vaguely usable android I saw was some Samsung thing, and it didn't even have a keyboard, which was silly considering they wanted 700 Euro for it00:25
RST38hShadowJK: desoldered itself and started aimlessly scrambling inside the casing, looking for a way to escape!00:26
RST38hevening javispedro00:26
javispedrohey RST38h00:26
RST38hSamsung is preparing a 4.5" 4G Android handsed btw00:26
ShadowJKRST38h, well it works if I place it ona table (and give some echo blah blah > /sys/devices/platform/gpio-switch/cmt_* magic), or if I carefully hold it00:26
GAN900I don't get the appeal of giant handsets.00:27
ShadowJKbut like, ctrl-backspace on keyboard often makes cmt reset itself00:27
GAN900I mean, maybe if it were 1024x640 or summuch.00:27
ShadowJKwell... I think I'd prefer N810 size screen tbh :/00:27
ShadowJKeven with 800x48000:27
ShadowJKN900 is sort of at the limit of my eyesight00:27
RST38hGan: Screen. Most of that handset is screen. Good for reading and the web.00:27
RST38hGan: It is still pocketable though, very thin and almost no frame00:28
ShadowJKhey can you make phonecalls on samsung tab?00:29
RST38hhave to have a handset though00:29
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javispedroI should get a palm t|x again =)00:32
RST38hMeanwhile: Samsung launches 'world's first' Android MP3 player00:32
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* RST38h cackles00:32
ShadowJKhm :-)00:33
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javispedrothis entire windows arm thing..00:34
javispedroI'm still impressed, but guess MS is late.00:35
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RST38hSo, anyone betting on this being a repackaged WinCE?00:38
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RST38hOr is it a full Vista rewrite for ARM? =)00:38
Proteousonly if it's a realtime OS00:38
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javispedroRST38h: that would be stupid. it's actually wp7 over wnt instead of wce00:38
javispedroreason (imo) is to get similar if not same kernel & userspace API00:39
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RST38hjavispedro: Sounds like the "best" of both =)00:39
javispedrobut as I've learnt, bad usually wins =)00:39
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eppi need the injection driver for n900 :(00:48
alteregodonate then00:50
alteregoI wouldn't mind it, but I don't need it00:50
alteregoI've got 3 dongles and integrated wifi card in my laptop capable of injection.00:51
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pradeep_i need internet but it is pretty expensive00:52
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pradeep_sometime i wish i could break some wep KEY00:52
javispedroyou know a movie is awful when it's only few minutes into it and you already want the hero to die DIE DIE00:52
pradeep_HELLO alterego00:52
alteregoHello pradeep_00:53
* alterego downloads another caprica00:53
pradeep_alterego, what is a caprica00:54
alteregorubbish tv show00:55
alteregoprequal to the battlestar galactica remake00:55
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ZogG_worki like that in meego they went separetly with windows decoration and status menu01:02
ZogG_workwould be nice to have it in maemo as hildon modification01:02
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alteregoZogG_work: too much work01:03
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alteregoBetter to just port mtf tbh01:03
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ZogG_workyeah it would be nice to have both to choose01:04
ZogG_workbut on other hand you can't fully port and support it01:04
ZogG_workas it would be made for multitouch devices01:04
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alteregomtf works fine with single touch01:05
alteregoJust don't use multitouch gestures01:05
ZogG_workfor now it is01:05
ZogG_workbut it's only start =(01:05
alteregoIt's up to  the app dev01:05
ZogG_workas well as does maemo apps depend on hildon somehow?01:06
alteregoSure a lot do, but most are developing in Qt now01:06
alteregoanyhow bbl01:07
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ZogG_workyeah but i mean specific componets01:08
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ZogG_worklike switching between subwindows?01:08
ZogG_worki mean screens when u have several screens in same appp01:08
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mikki-kunhm, how many devices can i plug into the usb simultaenously to work on the n900?01:24
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mikki-kunso like if i use a hub, can i insert there mouse/keyboard/dvd/hdd (powered hub of course) and the n900 manages them all?01:25
MohammadAGas much as you want, as long as power suffices01:25
MohammadAGor get a powered network of hubs and connect 100 devices, but seriously, you're better off finding a PC then :P01:26
alteregoOr a new hobby01:27
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ds3try connecting 129 devices ;)01:30
SpeedEvilI thought there was a hardware limit on the number of inbound endpoints01:31
SpeedEvilI've not read details though - it was just soeones clai01:31
MohammadAGprobably, never checked that01:31
* MohammadAG used to have 4 hubs connected to each other01:31
javispedroobviously there's always a limit01:31
MohammadAGbut that's the max I ever did01:31
MohammadAG4x4 = 1601:32
SpeedEvilI mean a limit under the max logical limit01:32
javispedroI am not sure -- there's a limit for the gadget controller01:32
javispedrobut host, dunno.01:32
ds3SpeedEvil: :D01:32
ds3there are 127 possible addresses01:32
ds3and hubs consume one so :D01:32
MohammadAGchances are your battery will die before you find out the limit01:32
ds3it is all part of that conspiracy to not put the extra power connector ;)01:33
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javispedroa conspiracy Nokia seems not to be part of.01:35
ZogG_workMohammadAG: it's 4x4-3=1301:35
ZogG_workas u connect each hub to each other01:35
MohammadAG14, I connect two hubs together, the last one is plugged into my PC01:36
ZogG_workit's funny that modern phones don't have separete battery input01:36
MohammadAGdon't try to correct me, you'll end up wrong :P01:37
ZogG_worki think it can be much batter01:37
MohammadAGN8 has microUSB and 2mm charging01:37
ZogG_workit's not modern01:37
mikki-kunhm, thanks01:37
ZogG_workbut modern as android devices and iphones01:37
mikki-kuni will buy myself then a powered hub :)01:37
ZogG_workoh n801:37
ZogG_worknot n80001:37
ZogG_workmy mistake01:37
ZogG_workMohammadAG: so was it 3 or 4 hubs01:38
mikki-kuni hope i can get then as well a proper video output cable :)01:38
MohammadAG3 hubs01:38
mikki-kunthen my n900 might act as a full fledged computer \o/01:39
MohammadAGstart of chain - 4 port -1 = 3 -> 4 ports -1 = 3 + 4 ports01:39
mikki-kunjust the battery is... does the powered root hub power the n900?01:39
MohammadAG4 hubs01:39
MohammadAGstart of chain - 4 port -1 = 3 -> 4 ports -1 = 3 + 4 ports -1 = 3 -> 4 ports01:39
MohammadAGso that's 3+3+3+401:39
* MohammadAG stabs self01:40
ZogG_workHAHAHA =)01:40
mikki-kunif i use hen, is the n900 drawing power from a powered hub?01:40
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alteregomikki-kun: not yet01:43
mikki-kunis it development?01:44
MohammadAGyou can with a few tricks in terminal01:44
mikki-kunMohammadAG: are you willing to share them with me? :)01:44
MohammadAGthey're on tmo somewhere :P01:45
MohammadAGin blue_led's posts01:45
mikki-kuni might be using my n900 in the future as a true umpc in case my netbook dies or so01:45
mikki-kunthanks :)01:45
MohammadAGbut you can't with the GUI ;)01:45
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mikki-kunMohammadAG: i am used to the xterm :)01:46
MohammadAGgood :)01:46
mikki-kuni started that one first when i got my n900 ^^01:46
mikki-kunand i think kernel-compiling and gentooing without a terminal is not possible :)01:46
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ds3it all depends on what you need done as your umpc01:47
ds3it does most things already01:47
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MohammadAGexcept the dishes01:47
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ds3bluetooth dishwasher ;)01:47
MohammadAGsomeone submit a patch to MeeGo, maybe they could have it in 1.301:47
MohammadAGds3, hey, there's a bluetooth coffeemaker in the repos, so who knows01:48
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* MohammadAG has a project in mind01:48
MohammadAGa bluetooth messenger01:48
ds3but has anyone really sat down and listed what they want to do with their current laptop and see what is missing?01:48
MohammadAGwould be awesome in the MeeGo conference :P01:48
mikki-kunMohammadAG: what kind of messenger?01:48
MohammadAGmikki-kun, text01:48
ds3MohammadAG: though there was one out for the N800 or 770 before?01:49
MohammadAGsomething that can be used without bothering people around you wish noise01:49
MohammadAGds3, idk, but I'm thinking Qt01:49
MohammadAGsince most people I know have Symbian devices01:49
ds3tied in with telepathy?01:49
MohammadAGthen maemo ones01:49
MohammadAGnah, that's not pure Qt01:49
MohammadAGI want something that works on Windows/Linux/Mac/Maemo/MeeGo01:50
MohammadAG/Symbian/Windows Mobile (if it gets 4.7)01:50
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MohammadAG/android (if they get an unofficial port on it)01:50
javispedrojust standarize on the protocol01:50
mikki-kunhm, i hope i will get tomorrow my micro sd card then as well01:50
mikki-kunwill try nitdroid01:50
javispedrothe only problem is that aiui bt allows for a max of 8 devices on a net01:51
MohammadAGjavispedro, 8 including you, yes01:51
MohammadAGwe could always do something like an extender :P01:51
MohammadAGsomeone who forwards traffic between each 8 devices01:51
javispedrowell, that's the good idea :)01:51
mikki-kunbut why go bluetooth?01:52
MohammadAGor everyone connects with a different group of octasomes,  with one common person in between01:52
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SpeedEvilOctasomes + wifi briginators.01:53
mikki-kuni thought bluetooth is a power hogger01:53
MohammadAGit uses less than the display afaik01:53
javispedrowell, adhoc wifi eats more01:53
MohammadAGs/more/most/? :)01:53
javispedrosomeone link the wiki page with the raw data ;)01:54
SpeedEvilThere isn't any data on bluetooth being actively used, nor adhoc wifi01:54
SpeedEvilI would suspect adhoc wifi to use lots more though01:54
javispedroperfect. then we can keep on elaborating the truth instead of using the real one!01:55
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MohammadAGso, is anyone with me on the project?01:56
MohammadAG(after the mediaplayer, so post-January)01:56
mikki-kunhas here anybody had with muppen64 success in running zelda oot?01:56
MohammadAGalterego, might be interested01:56
javispedromikki-kun: me. with older gfx plugin.01:56
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mikki-kunjavispedro: did it run good enough to be of use?01:56
javispedroimho, no.01:56
mikki-kuni miss oot :(01:57
javispedrothen again imho nothing in mupen64 currently runs good enough...01:57
mikki-kunreally? :o01:57
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MohammadAGepic win
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ds3I want it tied in with the conversations stuff so there is just one UI01:59
alteregojavispedro, MohammadAG didn't we talk about this, I had an idea of a daisy chaining network with bluetooth01:59
MohammadAGds3, no chance, it's not telepathy and it's not gtk01:59
MohammadAGalterego, I don't think I was here if you did02:00
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javispedrowell, I kinda remember02:00
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alteregoWell, you have unlimited capacity if you daisy chain02:00
MohammadAGso, yes/on? :P02:00
javispedroI am not exactly a fan of the entire manet craze so I tend to ignore the stuff =)02:01
MohammadAGregardless of who mentioned it first02:01
alteregoOh, that's right, I was trying to give Venemo ideas for an app for his course.02:01
MohammadAGwanna start on it in feb :P02:01
alteregoI don't even know what "it" is.02:01
alteregoI only reviewed the BT bit ;)02:01
MohammadAGa bt messenger02:01
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MohammadAGin pure Qt02:02
SpeedEvilOn a related matter.02:02
javispedroMohammadAG: ah, one-to-one?02:02
internetishardThe internet stopped working on my phone, any idea how to tell if this is Tmo or me?02:02
alteregoYes, that was my idea ^_^02:02
MohammadAGjavispedro, one to one or one to many02:02
SpeedEvilIs there a 'browse BT ftp device' ?02:02
internetishardI can send and receive texts and calls, of course02:02
javispedroSpeedEvil: probably gone in Fremantle, was on the Diablo file manager.02:02
MohammadAGyou could communicate with MeeGo device owners and they could diss your closed source OS02:02
alteregointernetishard: restart device.02:02
MohammadAGor you could talk with mac owners and tell them how it sucks02:02
alteregoHeh, bbiab02:02
internetishardalterego: I did02:03
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alteregointernetishard: wifi or 3G02:04
internetishardwifi works, 3g no02:04
alteregoOh, mine isn't working on either at the moment02:05
ZogG_workwho is maintaining
ZogG_worki mean who can edit and add changes?02:05
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lcukZogG_work, what changes?02:06
ZogG_workin downloads section there is install icon for the packages02:07
ZogG_workit would be more nice if it would be QR code icon as we have mbarcode02:07
lcukfile a website bug.02:07
lcukand related people will pop up and discuss02:07
ZogG_workshould it go to
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internetishardhow could I determine if tmo is cutting me off or if my phone is malefunctioning?02:09
alteregoZogG_work: yes, under website stuff02:09
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SpeedEvilinternetishard: one non-exhaustive test would be to try another phone or SIM02:09
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ZogG_workinternetishard: what do u mean tmo or internet?02:10
internetishardif they're cutting me off 3g access or if my phone is02:10
ZogG_worktmo around here is talk.maemo.org02:10
MrBawbinternetishard: does it error out when you try to get a 3g connection?02:10
internetishardIt did a few times, but if I restart it doesn't02:11
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internetishard(but I can't ping google or anything)02:11
alteregointernetishard: probably something wrong with you phone providers network.02:11
alteregoI'd wait a few hours and try again02:12
internetishardwill do02:12
MrBawbwhen you try and ping google, you get an ip but not response to ping? have you tried traceroute?02:12
ZogG_workhave u changed anything lately and did u have internet before?02:13
internetishardhostnames don't resolve02:13
internetishardI don't think I changed anything02:14
nox-internetishard, do you still get gsm?  /me via tmobile as well and their 3g was down twice since i have the n900, for several days each time...02:14
internetishardyeah, I can make and get calls02:14
nox-ah ok02:14
MrBawbok, what about trying to ping an ip? /var/run/resolv.conf.gprs should have your DNS IPs02:15
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alteregoMohammadAG: anyway, yeah well up for it, though I would like to include telepathy02:16
alteregoIt's a project I've had penned for about 4 maybe 5 years.02:17
MrBawbheh, apparently only one of the resolvers t-mobile hands me works right now02:17
infobottmo is, like,, or too much off-topic, or not ~t-mo02:17
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alteregobloody wget stalls :/02:22
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BCMMalmost certainly not wget's problem...02:23
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alteregoI know02:24
alteregoI get it every now-and-again on the N900 :/02:24
BCMMctrl-c, !! -c02:25
alteregoOh wait, actually it's scp02:25
alterego(I'm an idiot ;)02:25
BCMMif the network is dodgy, use rsync...02:26
alteregoStill retarded02:26
alteregoYeah, I should learn rsync via ssh at some point ..02:26
BCMMit's effectively a drop-in scp replacement for simple operation anyway02:26
alteregoIt's single rather large files02:26
BCMMand it has the --partial option, which you appear to need desperately right now02:26
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alteregoseems to have finished good, brb02:27
BCMMyeah, no learning required. replace literally replace the letters "scp" with the letters "rsync", unless you are using some arcane scp flags02:27
BCMMit uses the same user@host:/path/to/file syntax02:27
alteregonice, and it'll do partials?02:30
alteregoresume automatically like that?02:30
BCMMit also has --progress, which is good for large files too02:30
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alteregoYeah, I'd want that for what I use it for02:31
alteregoThanks :)02:31
BCMMalso, -z to use compression02:31
BCMMwhether that makes things faster is a function of network speed and cpu speed though02:31
lcukBCMM, which protocol does rsync use?02:31
lcukdoes it go over ssh?02:31
BCMMlcuk: various, but ssh is simplest02:32
SpeedEvilalterego: It also does changes in files efficiently02:32
SpeedEvilalterego: and is all-round cool.02:32
BCMMif you just do rsync file user@host:/file, if behaves just like SCP02:32
BCMMuses SSH, including SFTP if the server supports it02:33
BCMMbut it also has options to deal with partials and to efficiently update directories and to inform you of progress and so on02:34
ZogG_workwrote a whole assay as the answer to post and shitty internet doesn't post it02:34
ZogG_workand it's gone from it's cache =(02:34
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BCMMlcuk: ssh by default, but also does rsh, etc., or the rsync daemon02:36
BCMMwhich can be set up for anonymous "pull" access for mirroring stuff02:36
MohammadAGalterego, is telepathy compatible with windows/mac/meego?02:36
BCMMit's how Gentoo distributes it's portage tree02:36
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MohammadAGscratch the meego part02:37
alteregoMohammadAG: Yes, should be if it isn't and I want it to be, so I'd happily put in effort there.02:37
ZogG_workBCMM: finally gentoo is switching for git =)02:38
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BCMMZogG_work: for syncing the tree?02:38
alteregoWith tele we wouldn't need to develop a new UI though, except it would be cool to have an open conversations, Qt Empathy02:38
alteregobasically ;)02:38
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MohammadAGalterego, hmm, maybe part of the conversations rewrite?02:40
ZogG_workBCMM: yes from 2.202:40
ZogG_workBCMM: already there but hardmasked02:41
ZogG_workDaniels convinsed the guys as he implented it in funtoo02:41
ZogG_worki'm looking towards funtoo more and more02:41
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ZogG_workas Daniels has a great vision imo02:41
BCMMZogG_work: yeah, i've been using 2.2 for a while, but are they seriously gonna release that sometime before DNF comes out?02:42
lcukZogG_work, who do you mean by daniels, who is he since I know a user with that nick.02:42
BCMMoh, i see they've started calling portage 2.2 releases "alpha" instead of "rc". when did that happen?02:43
ZogG_workDaniels the founder of gentoo02:43
alteregoMohammadAG: exactly,02:43
ZogG_workhe left gentoo project and now he has gentoo based distro named funtoo02:43
MohammadAGalterego, that wouldn't be compatible with symbian though :/02:43
ZogG_workBCMM: what is DNF?02:43
lcukZogG_work, so, Daniel Robbins02:44
BCMMZogG_work: duke nukem forever, a video game i presumed everybody knew about by now due to the infamy of it's delayed release02:44
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BCMMZogG_work: kinda like Hurd jokes, for gamers02:44
ZogG_workoh i know02:45
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ZogG_workjust didn't know what for stand DNF02:45
ZogG_workas i see it portage is getting there02:45
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* MohammadAG never read about DNF02:46
ZogG_worki'm on unstable even today updated(for last 3 days0 and got new portage that is 2.19 something i think =)02:46
BCMMMohammadAG: do, it's funny. it was supposed to be released in the 90s. The latest release date is in 2011.02:47
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BCMMthe funny thing was earlier this year when it was cancelled, and people thought it was actually dead. they must've forgotten how many times it'd been cancelled before.02:49
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BCMMZogG_work: i upgraded to portage 2.2.0rcsomething ages ago for the new sets, and presumed it would be released soonish because that's what I think "rc" means. now i don't really know how to find out anything about it's progress or when it is supposed to be released02:50
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ZogG_workBCMM: i less and less like gentoo community, maybe it's personal as i was banned for now reason from off chan but still. that's why i'm looking at funtoo and thinking to give a try02:53
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ZogG_workBCMM: the funny thing that now devs of DNF can't fail as people really do excpect it to be cool after all these years02:54
BCMMno, that's why it can't win...02:55
BCMMoh god, they called portage 2.2 "alpha" because they'd reached rc9902:55
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ZogG_workasi heard they didn't want to move it to git till he asked them =)02:56
ZogG_workbtw i saw something interesting at funtoo homepage - metro02:56
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BCMMZogG_work: heh, it sounds like what i'm actually using, tbh - only stable. openrc, portage 2.2, etc...03:00
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ZogG_workopenrc is there for a long time correct me if i'm wrong03:01
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ZogG_workand funtoo has some changes as well03:01
BCMMZogG_work: yes, but it is still masked on gentoo03:01
ZogG_worki'm on unstable03:02
ZogG_worki think unstable is not really masked03:02
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BCMMi installed it anyway a couple of weeks ago, and it literally halved my grub->xorg time.03:02
ZogG_workas stable for servers and not desktops03:02
ZogG_worki think i read about it somewhere today03:03
ZogG_workit was or fixed or in todo list =)03:03
ZogG_workbut what does word halve means?03:03
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pupnikas a verb, the process of 1 -> 1/203:07
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mikki-kunMohammadAG: can you remember maybe some keywords of blue led's post? i have trouble finding it03:08
MohammadAGorange led03:09
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mikki-kunthanks :)03:10
ZogG_workpupnik: thanks, it's from the "half" =) now i got it03:10
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pupnikit would be logical to spell it "halfs" not "halves"03:11
lcukw000t b-man|N900 :D03:12
pupnikbut english is a tree of traditions03:12
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MohammadAGmikki-kun, page 50 post 50003:13
BCMMZogG_work: to "halve" is to multiply by 0.503:14
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MohammadAGBCMM, or divide by 203:14
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BCMMi like english's irregular words for certain common multiplication tasks03:14
mikki-kuni just found it :)03:14
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BCMM"double", "triple", "quadruple"03:14
mikki-kunthanks for the help though :)03:14
* b-man|N900 does some math homework03:15
ZogG_workpupnik: i think i even knew that word but didn't used it for a long time as well as it simple a lot of words change f to ve =)03:15
MohammadAGb-man|N900, care to do mine?03:15
lcukb-man|N900, do you still have the stuff you did back at the start of mer03:15
lcukwith ubuntu afaik?03:15
lcukbecause something stands out - the desktop background picture you used03:15
BCMMand i don't know why "halves" has a V, but i suspect it's for similar reasons to the Vs in "leaves" and "wolves"03:15
mikki-kunMohammadAG: would these instructions also work with a powered hub?03:15
lcuki think it was green03:15
MohammadAGlcuk, red03:16
MohammadAGmikki-kun, probably03:16
MohammadAGlcuk, the last mer release was red03:16
MohammadAGlike a bloody Nseries theme03:16
mikki-kunok, i might try it out if i can get a decent hub :)03:16
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ZogG_workanyone played with linux on ebooks trying to change it?03:17
lcukit was this b-man|N900 ^^ :D03:17
lcukand I was right, it was green03:17
lcukMohammadAG, dont recall red mer03:17
lcukdo you have screenies?03:17
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MohammadAGlcuk, nope, sadly03:18
MohammadAGbut I'm sure there was a red one03:18
MohammadAGand by sure I mean very sure :P03:18
lcukpics or it didn't happen.03:19
ZogG_workthere is mer for n900 i thought it was for n8*003:19
MohammadAGlcuk, which reminds me03:19
MohammadAGit was kinda sexy03:19
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lcukMohammadAG, what was?03:20
MohammadAGthe red background03:20
MohammadAGnope :P03:20
pupnik"Opportunities multiply as they are siezed." - Sun Tzu03:21
ZogG_workshortkeys in menu is patches or standart hildon ?03:21
lcuki suppose there was a duke nukem icon too :P03:21
lcukZogG_work, "linux on ebooks" ?03:21
* lcuk just reads books on liqbase03:21
ZogG_worklcuk: there are ebooks and most of them use linux03:21
ZogG_worki have sony prs 650 and wonder how hard it ould be to add extra lang support and formats03:22
lcukwhat sort of screen refresh do the eink guys get?03:22
MohammadAGlcuk, found it!
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lcukheh cool MohammadAG03:23
lcukall those mer packages are in obs you know03:23
MohammadAGI told you it was red :P03:24
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lcuklol yeah03:24
lcukbut that actually showed more that mer was ubuntu based03:24
lcukrather than a clean start03:24
MohammadAGidc, it was red03:24
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* MohammadAG is a bit childish atm03:24
ZogG_worklcuk: what u mean refresh, it's not refreshing03:24
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lcukZogG_work, i mean when content changes the screen must be redrawn03:25
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lcukhow long is it taking03:25
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ZogG_worklcuk: oh that, i dunno, but there are elemnts that changed without redrawing all screen btw03:26
lcukZogG_work, sure, but when you are using it, how well is the ui coping03:27
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MohammadAGlcuk, can you watch the vid and check sth out03:30
MohammadAGthe dialogs open differently03:30
MohammadAGwith a bounce effect03:30
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MohammadAGit's controllable in transitions.ini03:32
MohammadAGlooks kinda awesome03:32
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lcukMohammadAG, yeah :)03:33
DocScrutinizerwhat's new?03:33
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ZogG_worki have this model03:36
lcukZogG_work, the full black flickering appears quite shocking03:36
lcuki wonder why it has to fully reset whole screen when only certain pixels need rotating03:37
lcukie the white areas should remain white, etc03:37
ZogG_worku getting used to it, as it's not video but static reading it's okay03:37
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DocScrutinizerlcuk: I guess something with matrix, and resetting whole screen to a same state (like warming up oil in the bubbles)03:51
HtheBanyone here ? :)03:51
DocScrutinizerHtheB: obviously not03:51
HtheB:D heh03:51
HtheBwhat's up doc...03:51
HtheBI have some problems with aircrack-ng  :p03:52
DocScrutinizerheh, that's interesting03:52
HtheByesterday, it worked ok on my n90003:52
lcukDocScrutinizer, I thought eink was polarised balls?  perhaps it simply does not know state so has to reset to "known set" before deciding what to do with it03:52
HtheBbut now, I cant even airmon-ng start wlan0 ¬_¬03:52
HtheBgives an error03:53
HtheBdid a lot03:53
DocScrutinizerlcuk: the balls are embedded in mircobubbles, swimming in a liquid (oil?)03:53
lcukbattery pop?03:53
HtheBsays: neither the sysfs interface links nor the iw command is available.03:53
lcukDocScrutinizer, sure03:53
DocScrutinizerlcuk: also they are not polarized but simply half black half white03:54
ZogG_work Qualcomm is buying atheros =)03:54
MohammadAGHtheB, ignore that03:54
DocScrutinizerthey have a electrostatic polarization though03:54
MohammadAGZogG_work, back to intel03:54
HtheBok :)03:54
lcukDocScrutinizer, to be rotated they must be03:54
HtheBthen.... let's try again03:54
DocScrutinizerlcuk: yep03:54
HtheBoh by the way03:54
HtheBthe Bluetooth problem I have, is still not solved :(03:54
HtheBmaybe some of you guys can help me03:54
HtheBI have a bluetooth problem on my maemo03:55
HtheBI removed a paired device (my laptop) from the N90003:55
HtheBand now... I can't even start my bluetooth again03:55
ZogG_workQualcomm is intel?03:55
BCMM"e-ink" has been used for several (possibly any) tech that doesn't draw current when it isn't updating03:55
ZogG_workbtw i hate lack of middle click mouse as paste on windows03:55
MohammadAGno, i hate qualcomm and was gonna buy an atheros card03:55
ZogG_worki hate windows actually03:55
lcukBCMM, sure03:55
lcukbut my observation was that to change full screen it does a flick to one color first03:56
ZogG_workMohammadAG: atheros on linux wasn't that good till last year03:56
lcukinstead of just changing the "wrong" pixels03:56
ZogG_workwhat card did u want?03:56
lcukso was wondering why03:56
MohammadAGI need an intel 512N03:56
MohammadAGcan't remember the model of the atheros card03:56
MohammadAGbut i need the 512N03:56
MohammadAGbroadcom is just too crappy03:56
lcukit would certainly help make screen refreshes more fluid03:56
ZogG_workwhy do u want wlan card?03:57
MohammadAGcause it's a laptop03:57
MohammadAGand broadcom is retarded on linux03:57
ZogG_workdon't u have built in?03:57
ZogG_workjust wait03:57
MohammadAGwait for what03:57
ZogG_workbroadcom is developing drivers as well as there are open drivers03:58
ZogG_worki had crappy and still have atheros card03:58
MohammadAGumm, those suck too fwiw03:58
ZogG_workthat works terrible under linux03:58
ZogG_worknow it works much better with new drivers03:58
MohammadAGintel worked best03:58
MohammadAGi had a 2200BG in my old laptop03:58
ZogG_workback when i bought it i used ndiswrapper to use it03:58
MohammadAGused to have a connection before the desktop was up03:59
ZogG_worki have only one laptop03:59
ZogG_workthat iFORGOT today to bring to work03:59
DocScrutinizerlcuk: more astonishing is you obviously can't reset single pixels. So aiui they first change whole screen to black, so the erase to white gives a really clean screen03:59
ZogG_worki brought empty laptop bag03:59
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ZogG_worknow stack with windows computer and bored03:59
MohammadAGZogG_work, any ideas where i can get a 512N here?03:59
lcukDocScrutinizer, hence my thinking that the technology does not actually know the state04:00
MohammadAGit's a half-mini card, whatever that means04:00
ZogG_worki almost never took it out at home but as girl was last weekend at my place and i have win only on laptopo and she needed it for photoshop i took it out04:00
HtheBanyone has any knowledge of the Bluetooth from n900?04:00
HtheB(where the config file is been saved)04:00
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MohammadAGit's bluez, google bluez config file04:00
lcukHtheB, no sorry04:01
lcuki bet tmo folks will have04:01
ZogG_workMohammadAG: have u checked zap?04:01
DocScrutinizerlcuk: I assume there's static friction. that's why you need to reset all to white, then rotate each ball to the destination pos in one move04:01
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MohammadAGZogG_work, that site freaks me out for some reason, probably the eyes04:01
ZogG_workMohammadAG: if you would say earlier i would get you one from russia =)04:01
lcukDocScrutinizer, but certain refresh operations do it differently04:01
MohammadAGZogG_work, mind checking it for me? idk hebrew :P04:01
lcukie, when selecting a word or a box04:01
lcukit only updates the small amount04:01
lcukso, I think its possible but makes assumptions04:02
lcukie "invert all pixels in rect"04:02
lcukis feasible04:02
DocScrutinizerlcuk: a slightly grey ball has a low momentum when trying to move it back to white04:02
ZogG_workMohammadAG: i want to make an app like zap when u can check prices by barcode =)04:02
ZogG_worki bet it something like /etc/blue something (use tab-tab)04:02
lcukeven if one or two pixels are a bit wrong04:02
lcukit doesnt actually matter04:02
BCMMhow low-spec is the device with the weird display? is it resetting to black each frame as a scheme to avoid having to waste memory remembering the state of each pixel?04:02
ZogG_worklcuk: it really got u ah?04:02
lcukZogG_work, i have thought about eink for years04:02
lcuki often wondered how well liqbase would run on it04:03
ZogG_worklcuk: contact the devs and talk to them04:03
lcuk(since liqbase is originally greyscale)04:03
DocScrutinizerlcuk: you can't erase light grey areas without first switching them to black04:03
ZogG_worklcuk: qt is ported to prs 505 =)04:03
ds3is maemo ported to the prs505?04:03
HtheBwtf :/04:04
HtheBhow can I know that maemo even SEEs my bluetooth04:04
lcukBCMM, I think its related to the hw, not the cpu/memory spec04:04
ZogG_workMohammadAG: do u speak hebrew btw?04:04
HtheB:( dman04:05
DocScrutinizerBCMM: lcuk: static friction04:05
ZogG_workHtheB: what exactly u want from bluetooth?04:05
ZogG_workbtw how does color eink work than?04:05
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DocScrutinizerwith colored balls?04:06
HtheBZogG_work: I removed my laptop from the bluetooth paired devices04:06
HtheB(the list on my N900)04:06
HtheBand then... Bluetooth just died :/04:06
HtheBI can't turn on my bluetooth anymore04:06
ZogG_workwhat do u mean died?04:06
ZogG_workon n900?04:06
HtheBit removed my other paired devices04:06
HtheBok second04:07
BCMMZogG_work: probably three different sorts of balls?04:07
ZogG_workdmesg |tail04:07
lcukwhich kernel were you using?04:07
BCMMsomehow i think that should be a band name04:07
BCMMor maybe an elaborate curse04:07
lcukat what frequency?04:07
HtheB900 :p04:07
HtheBbut I donno if it was at that moment on 90004:07
MohammadAGi blamed that too btw04:08
MohammadAGdmesg is fine, checked it yesterday04:09
MohammadAGi'm just suspecting that overclocking ='d corrupt config04:09
HtheBMohammadAG: I tried to locate the config files04:09
HtheBgoogled it04:09
ZogG_workhmm /etc/init.d/ has nothing bluetooth releated04:09
DocScrutinizerHtheB: reflash!04:10
HtheBi checked  /etc/init.d/bluetooth doesn't even exist :p04:10
HtheBDocScrutinizer: nooooz :(04:10
HtheBnot again04:10
lcuklook there ^^^^04:10
mikki-kunhm, where is the power46 kernel stored?04:10
DocScrutinizerHtheB: you really expect we chack your device to figure what file got corrupted by OC?04:10
HtheBI'm on stock now :(04:11
MohammadAGdoesn't matter, you oc'd04:11
MohammadAGDEBUG_OUTPUT=1 hildon-status-menu04:11
lcukwhen you crash your car, you stop moving at 100mph too.04:11
HtheBlcuk: nice one :P04:11
MohammadAGhopefully, that'll show bt status menu output04:11
ZogG_workdoes we have locate on maemo?04:13
ZogG_workas i'm not good at find =)04:13
MohammadAGdoubt it04:13
MohammadAGyou have which :P04:13
DocScrutinizerodds are you even broken your SoC or BT interface with OCing04:13
comawhitewhats a good shopping list app?04:13
DocScrutinizerZogG_work: install it04:13
ZogG_workinstall what?04:14
ZogG_worki think i did04:14
ZogG_workstill didn't goit it04:14
peetahoops sorry04:14
HtheBno luck04:15
ZogG_workgot ya04:15
MohammadAGi suggest a reflash04:15
MohammadAGif it doesn't work04:15
HtheBdamn :(04:15
MohammadAGwell, you know04:15
ZogG_work!kick peetah04:15
ZogG_worklol =)04:15
mikki-kunhm, anybody knowing where the kernel is from power46?04:15
BCMMlast time i checked, building the slocate DB broke due to assuming a GNU /usr/bin/find04:15
ZogG_workHtheB: find '/' -iname 'blue*t*'04:15
MohammadAGmikki-kun, unable to parse question04:15
DocScrutinizerZogG_work: it's a separate pkg here04:16
MohammadAGZogG_work, exclude MyDocs04:16
mikki-kunif i install kernel-power46, where is the boot-image of said kernel? :)04:16
ZogG_workmy n900 died04:16
MohammadAGflashed into the kernel partition04:16
ZogG_worknot enuf battery from usb for terminal? =)04:16
DocScrutinizermikki-kun: in ... what moh said04:16
mikki-kunand uhhh, may i ask where that one is located?04:16
mikki-kunahhh, thanks04:17
MohammadAGno, you can't extract it04:17
HtheBZogG_work: rebooting device04:17
HtheBwill do that now :)04:17
HtheBhang on04:17
MohammadAGoh and don't experiment with mtds, they fight back with annoying bricks04:17
mikki-kun-_- the n900 really is on my love/hate scale pretty high... *sigh*04:17
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MohammadAGmikki-kun, most/all embedded devices are like this04:18
MohammadAGmy set top box is one04:18
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MohammadAGmy router is another04:18
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MohammadAGso, it's not an N900 issue04:18
mikki-kunguess i will fetch at some point an arch install and just bash it over the n90004:18
BCMMthere are plenty of pure-hate embedded devices04:18
BCMMlike alarm clocks and ipods04:19
MohammadAGwhat do you want to do exactly04:19
SpeedEvilMohammadAG: To make your router more loved -
MohammadAGif you want the image just dl it04:19
MohammadAGor apt-get --reinstall install kernel-power04:19
MohammadAGand it's in /boot as a .fiasco file04:19
mikki-kunjust installed multiboot (want to try prepare for nitdroid and i assumed by also installing the kernel-power multiboot files it would just add them properly...04:19
mikki-kunseems i was wrong...04:20
mikki-kunwell, kernel-flash needed then i guess04:20
MohammadAGrun flasher -F *.fiasco -u to extract the zImage04:20
DocScrutinizertime for 1264843004:20
MohammadAGmikki-kun, no04:20
MohammadAGI said kernel-power04:20
MohammadAGnot kernel-power-flasher04:20
MohammadAGSpeedEvil, sfw? :P04:20
DocScrutinizer~nuke multiboot04:21
* infobot prepares 100 missle silos, and targets them at multiboot ... B☢☢M!04:21
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SpeedEvilMohammadAG: totally sfw04:21
mikki-kunDocScrutinizer: you seem to understand where i want to get it placed :)04:21
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, I'm the maintainer of it, maybe I should replace it with "This package is totally deprecated, ha"04:21
mikki-kunMohammadAG: not for nitdroid users, right?04:22
mikki-kunor you found an easier way of booting there?04:22
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mikki-kuni read in their forums it doesn't do the trick pretty good04:22
ZogG_workHtheB: try to run /etc/osso-backup/restore.d/always/bluez-restore.sh04:22
MohammadAGyeah, usually nothing does the trick well if it's not attempted04:23
MohammadAGno one tried nitdroid with multiboot04:23
MohammadAGerr, uboot04:23
mikki-kuneyes tried04:23
HtheBZogG_work: it says Segmentation fault04:23
MohammadAGweird, last time i asked him he said he never looked into it04:23
MohammadAGand last time was this year04:24
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spiritdwhere is log settings for n900?04:24
ZogG_workHtheB: does it work and just don't see devices or u can't turn it on?04:24
spiritdi suspect my n900 for unexpected shutdown04:24
e-yeshi all04:24
HtheBZogG_work: I can't even turn it on04:25
MohammadAGhey e-yes04:25
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HtheBit's like I never used my bluetooth ever04:25
mikki-kunhi there04:25
HtheBdoesn't have a bluetooth name too!04:25
spiritdMohammadAG yes some kind of black-box :)04:25
HtheB(field is empty)04:25
mikki-kunseems you woke him up MohammadAG ^^04:25
e-yesnot really. i think it's doable, but some efforts needed04:25
HtheBand when I enter something and save the info04:25
HtheBit doesn't do anything04:25
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HtheBdoesn't save the info04:25
mikki-kune-yes: which efforts are needed to do it?04:26
HtheBit's like the OK button is cancel04:26
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HtheBwb ZogG_work_04:26
MohammadAGe-yes, not really hard to do :)04:27
ds3MohammandAG: are you going to use the general broadcast feature of the bluetooth stuff that doesn't require pairing?04:27
HtheB<ZogG_work> HtheB: does it work and just don't see devices or u can't turn it on?04:27
MohammadAGds3, messenger? we haven't looked into it04:27
mikki-kune-yes: and which kernel do you actually recommend for gingerbread?04:27
e-yesMohammadAG, i never told it's hard task;)04:27
ds3MohammandAG: yeah04:27
MohammadAGmikki-kun, does it matter? nitdroid uses its own kernel04:27
MohammadAGwhy the n? :P04:28
e-yesmikki-kun, nit06 + update (zImage)04:28
mikki-kunMohammadAG: there are a couple of them seeming to float around...04:28
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ZogG_work_e-yes is here all spying on us =)04:28
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HtheBZogG_work_: did you read my messages? :p04:28
ZogG_work_ШПИОН!!! =)04:28
MohammadAGmikki-kun, i see04:28
MohammadAGe-yes, indeed, we just need two kernel04:28
e-yesШПИЁН :)04:28
MohammadAGone to boot from mmc, and from SD04:28
ZogG_work_HtheB: cat /etc/dbus-1/system.d/bluetooth.conf04:29
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ZogG_work_MohammadAG: nope, we need symlinks =)04:29
MohammadAGe-yes, multiboot is deprecated, it has to be dropped, and better sooner than later04:29
MohammadAGsymlinks for what?04:29
e-yesMohammadAG, or try alister's patch, or some initrd-crap:)04:29
MohammadAGbme can be included04:29
ZogG_work_why would someone use something like eselect kernel on gentoo istead of multiple kernels =)04:30
e-yesbme is too big04:30
e-yes(with all dependencies)04:30
MohammadAGhow big?04:30
mikki-kune-yes: where can i find said file? the nit06 one... i have loaded gingerbread, the first update to it and then the superuser patch as wekk04:30
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ZogG_work_mikki-kun: i saw it somewhere on tmo, i think it was in huge instruction post04:31
ZogG_work_HtheB: i saw it04:32
HtheBmy bad04:32
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ZogG_work_kernel power can't change the user groups can it?04:32
MohammadAGuserspace != kernelspace04:32
e-yesand (replacement for vmlinuz* in /boot/multiboot)04:34
e-yesfor vmlinuz*nit0604:34
mikki-kunahhh, many thanks :)04:34
HtheBe-yes: I saw a patched nit installer04:34
HtheBit didn't format my card04:34
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HtheBbut the patched one worked for me :p04:35
ZogG_work_is event.d is like init.d?04:36
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mikki-kune-yes: so i should install that via dpkg -i and after install overwritte the vmlinuz*nit06 image i got with the one i downloaded lastly?04:36
ZogG_work_how do i start the something from there?04:36
HtheBZogG_work_: good question04:36
e-yesmikki-kun, yes04:36
ZogG_work_MohammadAG: i meant the whole package but not the kernel itself04:37
DocScrutinizerZogG_work_: start foobar04:37
ZogG_work_HtheB: ^04:37
ZogG_work_start bluetoothd04:37
ZogG_work_DocScrutinizer:  i used to do it /etc/init.d/foobar start/restart/stop04:38
HtheByes I did that yesterday, it gives me this output04:38
DocScrutinizerthat doesn't work for events.d04:38
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DocScrutinizerevents.d is upstart, not initd04:38
ZogG_work_DocScrutinizer: didn't use event before04:38
mikki-kune-yes: i assume i can have two install of nitdroid on a single card, just use different boot-commands on them, right?04:39
nox-is there a `service foo start'?04:39
DocScrutinizermikki-kun: sure04:39
ZogG_work_don't know the difference as well, i'm like monkey =) monkey sees - monkey does04:39
HtheBZogG_work_: oh w8, it gives a different output now04:39
mikki-kuni guess i will install 0.0.9 then to see stable and ginger to see bleeding-edge :)04:39
HtheBbut it gave me this just a second ago:04:39
DocScrutinizernox-: not service, initctl04:40
mikki-kunsandisk ultra are ok for that job? (i would do manual installs of both via pc)04:40
e-yesmikki-kun, right. i have 3 android installations:)04:40
DocScrutinizerman start04:40
e-yes2 - on sd, 1 - on emmc04:40
nox-ive seen service on some linux, and freebsd now uses it too (as an alias for /etc/rc.d/foo start/stop etc)04:41
mikki-kunwhy 3 runnings androids?04:41
ZogG_work_i wich intrwebz were more physical so i can punch it04:41
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HtheBZogG_work_: ok,
ZogG_work_mikki-kun: developing testing?04:41
HtheBthat is the output :p04:41
mikki-kunZogG_work_: that is called PoIP :) Punch over IP... sadly noone implemented it :(04:41
DocScrutinizerwe did, but no distro adopted it04:42
ZogG_work_nope not person04:42
ZogG_work_the interwebz itself04:42
ZogG_work_for being slow04:42
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ZogG_work_HtheB: try it now if it works04:42
ZogG_work_and check dmesg |tail if it has something new related04:43
infobotfrom memory, flashing is
mikki-kune-yes: are there any things i should not do on ginger? maybe some stuff crashes it04:43
ZogG_work_mikki-kun: don't eat it04:43
mikki-kunZogG_work_: but gingerbread tastes so awesome!04:43
HtheBZogG_work_: nope04:43
HtheBjust wifi04:43
ZogG_work_i don't get why all of u are awake04:43
HtheBand slide :p04:44
e-yesmikki-kun, enable logs, crash it and write good bugreport :)04:44
DocScrutinizerZogG_work_: to shout at you X-D04:44
ZogG_work_ when u try to turn it on what does it do?04:44
ZogG_work_DocScrutinizer: i love u too04:44
HtheBZogG_work_: ........ I think you know why I'm here lol04:44
mikki-kune-yes: i am just writing a report... for physics...04:44
HtheBdont need to explain xD04:44
ZogG_work_X-D is a cartman smile04:44
ZogG_work_mikki-kun: what physics?04:45
DocScrutinizerhtenah, we all heard you saying you OC'd04:45
MohammadAGlol @ cartman04:45
ZogG_work_i'm studing electrophysics and it's pain in the ass04:45
mikki-kunZogG_work_: first semester lab-courses, vaporization pressure of ethanol on toluene04:45
ZogG_work_mikki-kun: u can't swear here =)04:46
mikki-kuni might switch to quantum physics...04:46
DocScrutinizerZogG_work_: no, it's fun04:46
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ZogG_work_can u build kanabis vaporazer?04:46
mikki-kunswear? did i use a bad word? Ö.ö04:47
ZogG_work_mikki-kun: what are u studing?04:47
mikki-kunbiochem so far04:47
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DocScrutinizerZogG_work_: yes, we can :-D04:47
HtheBok kill me04:47
ZogG_work_HtheB: and if u just run bluetoothd ?04:47
DocScrutinizerdid it 35 years ago04:47
DocScrutinizerusing a soldering iron :-P04:47
ZogG_work_DocScrutinizer: old bag? =)04:47
e-yesmikki-kun, (how write WORST bugreport, example) >:-(04:47
HtheBproblem is: I can't even assign a simple name04:47
HtheB(bluetooth name)04:48
HtheBit's empty at the moment04:48
mikki-kunthat is google.... is that the sms bug? ^^04:48
MohammadAGZogG_work_, no, DocScrutinizer is immortal04:48
ZogG_work_e-yes: "i push red button and it all works wrong"?04:48
MohammadAGhe extends his life by feeding on tmo troll posts04:48
ZogG_work_docyoda51 =)04:48
ZogG_work_MohammadAG: don't u have school tomorrow? =)04:49
mikki-kune-yes: wow, that looks like a really good bug report :)04:49
MohammadAGI don't recall that I do04:49
ZogG_work_MohammadAG: do u speak hebrew?04:49
ZogG_work_u didn't answer me04:49
MohammadAGthrowing an inflated battery in school to make it catch fire wasn't a good idea04:49
e-yesгорячие финские парни :)04:49
DocScrutinizerpffff >>The server encountered an error and could not complete your request.<<04:50
MohammadAGprivet to you too04:50
mikki-kunMohammadAG: WTF did you do?!04:50
MohammadAGmikki-kun, nothing, jk xD04:50
ZogG_work_и-да, =)04:50
MohammadAGpoka poka04:50
HtheBZogG_work_: guess that i rly have to flash it? :(04:50
mikki-kune-yes: how can i enable the logs? :)04:50
ZogG_work_MohammadAG: it doesn't sound good with our nations problem =)04:51
ZogG_work_HtheB: it seems so or u can bug report for kernel-power devs as well and wait04:51
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MohammadAGZogG_work_, politics can f off, I don't care :p04:51
mikki-kunHtheB: i had to do it also a couple of times, trust me, it feels like a fresh device then...04:51
ZogG_work_i don't too04:51
e-yesjust uncomment lines that contain 'log' (in /default.prop)04:51
ZogG_work_otherwise i would be scaried of DocScrutinizer04:51
HtheBmikki-kun: I know :(04:51
HtheBbut.... I just flashed some time ago04:52
HtheBlong time *04:52
MohammadAGZogG_work_, you're russian, not jewish04:52
HtheBand... well...04:52
e-yesor adb logcat (on PC)04:52
DocScrutinizerZogG_work_: I was about to write with CAPSLOCK ON04:52
HtheBI was happy that I didn't had to flash it for such a long time04:52
HtheBdone all my tweaks04:52
HtheBand now... Im gonna loose it lol04:52
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, but you used shift instead, right? right? :P04:52
ZogG_work_u have to pay for what u do04:52
mikki-kunadb logcat? why do i need that on my pc?04:52
HtheBwell... today is not a happy ending! >.<04:53
ZogG_work_MohammadAG: btw how is the ideo of separete status menu and windows decoration for hildon on ssu?04:53
mikki-kunHtheB: that's what we have backups for :)04:53
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HtheBmikki-kun: I did so much04:53
HtheBdonno what I did xD04:53
ZogG_work_MohammadAG: the problem is that for russian i'm jewish and for jewish i'm russian04:53
ZogG_work_noone likes me =(04:53
HtheB(which tweaks I did all those time)04:54
mikki-kunZogG_work_: we like you :)04:54
DocScrutinizerbugreport against PK: "my bloetooth doesn't work after OC" muhahaha04:54
HtheBall I can do now is a default backup04:54
HtheBand put it back04:54
HtheBoh by the way04:54
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HtheBthere is a bug :p04:54
HtheBdidn't check if it exist or not04:54
ZogG_work_is it there?04:54
HtheBbut when you make a backup while a repo is disabled04:54
HtheByou can't install those apps again04:54
HtheBDocScrutinizer: I never had an issue before :p04:55
mikki-kunHtheB: i guess user convencience04:55
ZogG_work_the backup enables repos + u can restore apps after u install them again04:55
DocScrutinizersaid the smoker04:55
HtheBZogG_work_: The backup puts the repos back in its original state (so if they were disabled, they are disabled again... which means: it cant find those packages :P)04:56
HtheBI had that once04:56
HtheBtried EVERYTHING04:56
HtheBcouldn't get it to work04:56
DocScrutinizer"so write a letter of complaint to MArlboro" said the doctor04:56
ZogG_work_HtheB: backup before flashing, doh?04:57
ZogG_work_ - vote for this04:57
povbotBug 11745: Change the "install" icon of the package for qr code04:57
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mikki-kunhm, is there a command to check the consistency of a filesystem in maemo?05:01
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mikki-kunDocScrutinizer: i should unmount the partition first i assume05:02
DocScrutinizeryep :-)05:02
DocScrutinizeror use backup-menu05:02
HtheBZogG_work_: yeah05:03
HtheBbut do you ever think there will be a new pr? :p05:03
HtheBdont think so05:03
mikki-kunmmcblk0p1 is vfat, right?05:03
DocScrutinizererr yep, iirc05:04
mikki-kunHtheB: community hacked version maybe, we have here many very good devs :)05:04
HtheBoh w8, that's qr code lol05:04
mikki-kunDocScrutinizer: is that fsck then there as well?05:04
DocScrutinizermikki-kun: I strngly suggest you mount that via mass-storage and run fsck on a desktop PC against it05:04
HtheBanyway... time to sleep now05:04
HtheBand let's hope that the toothfairy will bring my bluetooth back :(05:05
mikki-kunDocScrutinizer: what does it do as a difference?05:05
mikki-kuni don't have here any windows pc :)05:05
mikki-kunand i have time :)05:05
HtheBwindows ftw05:05
DocScrutinizersomebody did it on N900 some days ago - took hours05:05
* HtheB hides05:05
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DocScrutinizermikki-kun: search chanlog for that event (fsck.vfat maybe)05:06
HtheBZogG_work_:  :)05:06
HtheBThanks for trying to help me05:06
HtheBand all the others :)05:06
HtheBI'll flash the device soon05:06
HtheBwhen I will get my second N90005:07
HtheBon monday05:07
pupnikwish i could get a job at the local recycling center05:07
HtheBpupnik: why05:07
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pupniki would take so much stuff home05:07
DocScrutinizerto pick up HtheB 's devices? XD05:07
mikki-kunleaving filesystem unchanged...05:07
HtheBI did that once05:08
mikki-kunwtf? i answered all with "correct the damn stuff"05:08
HtheBcouple years ago05:08
HtheBI found some hdd's and just checked who's it was05:08
DocScrutinizermikki-kun: search chanlog for that event (fsck.vfat maybe)05:08
HtheBthey didn't even format it! :p05:08
mikki-kunit is fsck-vfat...05:08
HtheBall kinds of pics were just stored on it ...05:08
HtheBabout pics......05:08
DocScrutinizermikki-kun: or use backup-menu, it's really nice for that at least05:09
mikki-kunor fsck.msdos... shame it doesn't repair those orphaned nodes...05:09
mikki-kuni didn't intend to reflash today as i might need a flash after i experiment with nitdroid...05:09
MohammadAGwordpress app is truely awesome05:10
pupniki have a whole case of DAT backups from a media company05:10
HtheB~nuke DocScrutinizer  !!!!05:10
* infobot prepares 100 missle silos, and targets them at DocScrutinizer !!!! ... B☢☢M!05:10
pupnikno idea what data is on it... hundreds of clients05:10
pupniki wish i were evil :(05:11
HtheBAnyway, I'm off now :)05:11
nox-btw one problem with dat was that often one drive could not read another one's tapes...05:11
HtheBgood night all05:11
DocScrutinizerpupnik: if they were clever, they erased them with a strong magnet05:11
luke-jrlook good?05:11
mikki-kunahhhh, -aw are the needed parms :)05:11
pupniktrue nox-05:11
DocScrutinizermikki-kun: tolya, search the chanlog05:12
pupniknox-: you ever have to restore data off DAT?05:12
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pupnikfor a client?  like once a week?05:12
mikki-kunbut why does fsck.msdos not do that by default when i gt asked?05:12
nox-pupnik, fortunately i didnt :)05:13
DocScrutinizeralso it's fsck.vfat - maybe same but clearer05:13
pupniknox-: it sometimes cost me half a day05:13
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nox-i can imagine...05:13
nox-dat really gave tape a bad name...05:14
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SpeedEvil np: Bon Jovi - Dat gave tape a bad name.05:14
pupniki ended up quietly putting together a unison server and running incremental backups on all the secretaries files05:14
nox-haha SpeedEvil05:14
nox-pupnik, :)05:15
mikki-kunDocScrutinizer: and you need multiple runs of it05:15
mikki-kunDocScrutinizer: i used now .msdos, i guess .vfat might have done the same05:15
DocScrutinizererrr? never seen that05:15
nox-isnt .msdos fat w/o the v?05:16
nox-(i.e., 8.3...)05:16
MohammadAGit's slim w/ the v05:17
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mikki-kundunno, i just know it fixed mine05:17
DocScrutinizermsdos is fat12/16/(32?)05:17
DocScrutinizervfat is fat3205:17
nox-hm ok05:17
MohammadAGi think msdos is fat1605:17
nox-and here i though the v was about getting rid of the 8.3 filename limitation...05:18
nox-thought even05:18
MohammadAGmsdos = FAT = FAT1605:18
MohammadAG/dev/mmcblk1p3: SEC_TYPE="msdos" LABEL="boot" UUID="4CFE-8A10" TYPE="vfat"05:18
MohammadAGmeego uses msdos for the kernel05:18
nox-heh ok05:19
mikki-kunwhy msdos? :(05:19
DocScrutinizerwho cares about labels?05:19
MohammadAGwho mentioned labels?05:19
DocScrutinizernobody ;-)05:20
MohammadAGthought so :P05:20
MohammadAGmikki-kun, uboot expects a vfat partition05:20
MohammadAGthey went with FAT16 for some reason05:20
DocScrutinizeractually I got NFC what you are quoting there above05:20
MohammadAGblkid output05:20
DocScrutinizerwho went with what? and where to?05:21
mikki-kunMohammadAG: btw, where should i run "flasher -F *.fiasco -u" ?05:21
DocScrutinizerwhat *IS* SEC_TYPE05:22
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MohammadAGmikki-kun, in /boot05:22
mikki-kunhm... what if there is only uhhh a dor to multiboot?05:23
MohammadAGapt-get --reinstall install kernel-power05:23
ZogG_work_he is actually gonna buy second n90005:23
mikki-kunok, i just thought it will get finalized by rebooting05:23
DocScrutinizer~nuke multiboot05:24
* infobot prepares 100 missle silos, and targets them at multiboot ... B☢☢M!05:24
ZogG_work_i'm waiting for the day u can buy OS free smartphone05:24
ZogG_work_and install whatever uwant05:24
MohammadAGkeep waiting05:24
ZogG_work_as laptops uses almost same hardware as smartphones now it's comming soon05:24
MohammadAGi don't recall ARM laptop05:25
DocScrutinizerthere are05:25
DocScrutinizerstill use different architecture05:25
mikki-kunMohammadAG: there are bunch of tegra2 based ones floating around and i think there was a toshiba arm one05:25
MohammadAGnetbooks, not laptops :P05:25
ZogG_work_there are double core arm as i recall05:26
ZogG_work_as x86 smartphones and other tech smartphones05:26
mikki-kunquads will be coming as well...05:26
ZogG_work_MohammadAG: netbook is laptop just samll screen05:26
ZogG_work_same shit05:26
MohammadAGdifferent day05:26
DocScrutinizerZogG_work_: those x86 smartphones didn't exactly fly yet05:26
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DocScrutinizer(except out the window XP)05:26
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, they did, but they went down with the 3000 birds05:27
nox-ipods have been dualcore arm years ago already :P05:27
MohammadAGthe N96 is a dual core ARM05:27
ZogG_work_there are even arm servers05:27
MohammadAGnothing special05:27
DocScrutinizerso what?05:27
ZogG_work_!google ARM servers facebook05:27
zgoldbergResults for ARM servers facebook on Google:05:27
ZogG_work_nox-: than why noone used them for phones>05:27
ZogG_work_zgoldberg: are u even a bot or troll?05:28
MohammadAGcause they're not something special05:28
MohammadAGagain, the N96 was 2-cored05:28
DocScrutinizerZogG_work_: simply because phones have no nuclear cells yet05:28
ZogG_work_but soon it would be same vidoe chips and gpu as well05:28
nox-ZogG_work_, arm is just an arch, almost every board/system is different05:28
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, I'd like portable terrorism too05:29
nox-(the dualcore ipods were pretty wimpy cpus)05:29
ZogG_work_yes but more netbooks use phone's specs more option to have different OS's on phones05:29
BCMM_i for one do not want an RNG in my pocket05:29
DocScrutinizerand the whole intel x86 mobile phone SoC eats battery like it's coming from wall outlet05:30
nox-oses would need to be ported to each one again and again...05:30
ZogG_work_rocket nuclear generaotr?05:30
BCMM_(because lead underwear isn't comfy)05:30
MohammadAGradioactive nuclear grenade05:30
MohammadAGi think05:30
ZogG_work_nox not really as specs would be similuar for netbooks specs05:30
ZogG_work_and it's going that way05:30
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nox-yeah maybe05:30
nox-one day :)05:31
MohammadAGyep, just like duke nukem05:31
DocScrutinizerZogG_work_: what do you dream  of when you're asleep then?05:31
* MohammadAG dreams of the mediaplayer source05:31
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ZogG_work_i don't dream05:31
ZogG_work_i hardly sleep05:31
BCMM_i meant rtg05:32
ZogG_work_and if i do have time i sleep for a lot of hours so i don't really rememeber05:32
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MohammadAGneed to wake up @ 1005:32
MohammadAGso, i'm off05:32
DocScrutinizerpower management in a smartphone is quite a bit different from what you see in laptop OS05:33
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DocScrutinizerbtw that's where android came from05:33
DocScrutinizerand you see what they did to your desktop OS to make it run on smartphones05:34
mikki-kunhm, do i have to rename the kernel from zImage-$NAME.fiasco to vmlinuz-$NAME for mulitboot it able to read? :)05:34
DocScrutinizerno idea - multiboot is deprecated05:35
DocScrutinizerand *BAD*05:35
mikki-kunDocScrutinizer: not as of now for me :) i will take a look into uboot soon though and if i think i will use android heavily... and another OS...05:35
mikki-kunthen i will tripleboot with uboot :)05:36
toresbemikki-kun: IIRC, FIASCO is not to be confused with normal kernel images.05:37
ZogG_work_mikki-kun: i don't think u need, you just need to use it correct in boot menu config05:38
mikki-kunZogG_work_: i just copied the whole name of the image then now05:38
DocScrutinizeryes, if they use flasher to flash the new kernel on boot, then it needs a fiasco img, not a raw kernel img05:38
ZogG_work_qmlreddit is sweet05:38
DocScrutinizerI guess05:38
ZogG_work_mikki-kun: u want just to replace standart nit kernel with new one?05:39
ZogG_work_nox what i told you05:39
mikki-kunZogG_work_: i want to have kernel power running again...05:39
nox-ZogG_work_, so you just read that too? :)05:39
ZogG_work_mikki-kun: so?05:40
mikki-kunZogG_work_: nice, can't flash kernel :)05:40
ZogG_work_mikki-kun: just use the guide05:40
ZogG_work_it has it all05:40
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mikki-kunZogG_work_: which one and where is the "real" one?05:40
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DocScrutinizeryou're aware a kernel expects its matching modules?05:41
DocScrutinizermeh, have fun05:42
mikki-kunhm, ZogG_work_ that post isn't really helpful if somebody can't mount MyDocs :)05:43
ZogG_work_nox-: DocScrutinizer
ZogG_work_mikki-kun: saywhat?05:43
mikki-kunaahhh, ok05:43
mikki-kuni should rename it i see in small letters05:44
mikki-kunthanks for the link:)05:44
ZogG_work_mikki-kun: u don't have to, it's just thta standart .item on multiboot menu use this name05:44
ZogG_work_u can add/eddit your own05:44
mikki-kun3. There you should find zImage- where xx stands for kernel-power version.05:44
mikki-kun4. Rename it to vmlinuz-, then copy it to05:44
DocScrutinizerwtf is so interesting in arm based server arch?05:45
mikki-kunrename wasn't done05:45
mikki-kunDocScrutinizer: i guess low power usage05:45
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ZogG_work_DocScrutinizer: energy save05:45
DocScrutinizernot for the topic of this chan05:45
nox-is semiaccurate something like thonion? :)05:45
DocScrutinizerthe problem with smartphones isn't the CPU. It's smart peripherals05:46
nox-theonion even05:46
ZogG_work_DocScrutinizer: u can use 1000 n900 as servers for facebook =)05:46
ZogG_work_is this for the topic?05:46
DocScrutinizernah, it's just boring05:47
DocScrutinizerdidn't you know is hosted on 586 devices 770?05:47
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ZogG_work_not it's hosted on 300 nexus one05:48
ZogG_work_and google is hosted on htc win7 phones05:49
DocScrutinizeryeah, cya05:49
ZogG_work_u gonna kick me? =)05:49
ZogG_work_anyway i have to go too now =(05:49
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mikki-kunman, 5 am05:51
mikki-kuni need to go as well05:51
mikki-kunsee you later guys ^^05:51
mikki-kunsleep well :)05:51
nox-good idea05:51
ZogG_work_good night05:54
nox-oh and btw there was a joke going about making a beowulf cluster of those dual core ipods...05:56
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spiritdso does n900 have some kind of blackbox<06:11
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spiritdmy n900 shutdown unexpecetdly06:17
spiritddunno when, dunno why06:17
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SpeedEvilcat /proc/bootreason06:19
ZogG-worknew motorola with android 3.0 looks great06:22
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wmaroneit'll have a signed kernel just like every other Motorola device06:34
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GeneralAntilleswmarone: for all the interesting hardware Android seems to get, it's all quite lackluster, isn't it?06:44
wmaronefew nice features here and there, but it's all just next in line06:45
wmaronethen dragged down by contracts and other nasties06:45
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GeneralAntillesand Android.06:45
wmaroneoh yes, that too06:45
chxwell i was expecting something spectacular06:46
chxso far the biggest surprise is the honeycomb keyboard of a motorola06:46
chxbut nothing really exciting06:46
wmaronehonestly I was more interested in the AMD Fusion announcements yesterday06:46
chxI am mostly bummed by the fact that Lenovo introduced this and that shitty laptop but where are the new T series?06:47
chxIdeaPad, ThinkPad Edge -- *yawn*. I want a laptop not a joke.06:48
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wmaronethat's what desktops are for :)06:48
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chxhm, most desktops are not 4lbs.06:49
chxor less.06:50
wmaroneno, but you get quite heavy as you get up there in power06:50
wmaroneI hate carrying around my W510, but do so cause it's for work :)06:52
johnxmy desktop is about 40lbs I think ...06:55
johnxsmall price to pay for being able to sit or stand on it :)06:55
johnxalso: can't wait for a nice skinny core 2011 X200 series06:56
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GeneralAntillesjohnx: whimpy.06:59
GeneralAntillesCurrently 58lbs here.06:59
johnxbut can you stand on it?07:00
johnxwhat case is it?07:00
GeneralAntillesMac Pro07:00
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johnxhuh. I would have though the bottom not-handles would break07:00
johnx*have* you ever stood on it before?07:01
GeneralAntillesG5 case, once, to reach a high shelf when I was moving stuff.07:02
johnxfair enough :)07:02
GeneralAntillesThe handles aren't failure prone.07:02
johnxso I searched for my case on google and the second result is someone suggesting to someone else that they dump the case before upgrading ... to an athlon ... in 200107:07
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GAN900johnx, clearly a classic.07:10
johnx (cat not included)07:11
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SpeedEvilI have a desktop case that started out with an AT PSU in it07:15
johnxdid you redrill it to take an atx board?07:15
SpeedEvilMust be 20Kg empty07:15
johnxthat ... is some dedication07:15
SpeedEvilAlso a rope carrying handle07:15
johnxhats off07:15
SpeedEvilI have accidentally dropped it down the stairs before.07:16
SpeedEvilIt dented07:16
SpeedEvilthe stairs07:16
SpeedEvil(the paint got scuffed too.07:16
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johnxwhat were the stairs made out of? (please say concrete)07:17
SpeedEvilyes, concrete07:19
SpeedEvilit was shitty concrete07:19
SpeedEvilbut still07:20
johnxalmost lost hold of a CRT walking down a flight of carpeted concrete steps. I pulled off a nice diving catch though <_<07:22
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johnxdoes the case have a model number? I'd love to see what kind of a case inspires that kind of dedication :D07:22
chxSpeedEvil: oh those nice old cases07:22
SpeedEviljohnx: it's not dedication - it's cheapness.07:23
chxSpeedEvil: had one of those , it was black, made of  thick steel or some shit like that07:23
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SpeedEviljohnx: and it was purchased maybe ~199007:23
SpeedEvilFrom Aashima IIRC07:23
SpeedEvila no-name box-shifter07:23
johnxthe AT case from my parents' first computer (circa 1993/1994) was ... pretty awful07:24
johnxhuge, but really flimsy feeling07:24
zgoldbergZogG: Neither, really07:27
zgoldbergZogG: t'was just a bad copy paste... a really bad one07:27
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ZogGzgoldberg, man' it was hours ago =)07:29
zgoldbergZogG: I don't check IRC as often as I should =p07:29
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pupnikwhy aren't we researching and curing Apoptosis07:30
johnxpupnik, because we're not doctors07:31
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ZogGis ukeyboard on garage?07:36
ZogGcause i can't find it07:36
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johnxZogG, this might help explain that:;a=commit;h=a17bfeecfff4ca70cf4b9a08e145d50ddc6e885007:43
johnxit was splited07:43
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ZogGjohnx splitted why ?07:46
ZogGofficial and non official?07:46
ZogGor how?07:46
johnxI have no idea. read the link?07:47
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pupnikhttp://   Wikileaks: cable 90BAGHDAD4237, SADDAM'S MESSAGE OF FRIENDSHIP TO PRESIDENT BUSH07:48
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dotblankHello, I seem to have an issue with autobuilder. It seems it doesn't produce QGraphicsview elements from .ui files when compiling08:39
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Termanagood morning09:12
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johnxquick, everyone look productive!09:55
* ZogG is trying hard but unsuccessfully 09:57
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FauxFauxMy new place of work are going to force me to use ubuntu; now I'm torn between that and an Aero glass theme. ¬_¬10:25
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RobbieThe1stFauxFaux: I suggest installing Compiz and setting up the 3d cube. -so- much nicer!10:28
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FauxFauxLies, linux doesn't support 3d acceleration so that'll just break. ¬_¬10:29
RobbieThe1stI can't tell if that was meant to be a joke or not...10:30
RobbieThe1stIn -reality-, provided you install the blob drivers for ATI or Nvidia, Compiz works excellently.10:31
psycho_oreosmaybe a troll in the making ;)10:31
RobbieThe1stPossibly. Re: Compiz:
RobbieThe1stSuck -that-, Aero.10:32
FauxFauxText scrolling and flash are significantly better under radeonhd than under fglrx on both the machines in this house.10:33
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psycho_oreosyou have to pay more for aero to be enabled, and yet compiz being free deserves the same amount of scrutiny? ludicrous!10:33
RobbieThe1stHow does that work? I thought text-scrolling wasn't accellerated anyway10:34
RobbieThe1stAnd flash too... Unless you've got the latest beta or something10:34
FauxFauxAll scrolling is accelerated under x.10:34
ZogGFauxFaux you can set kde on ubuntu10:34
lcukFauxFaux, hmm10:34
FauxFauxLike, just reblitting an area somewhere else is accelerated.10:34
ZogGand still all these glass effets suck10:34
RobbieThe1stI suppose...10:34
FauxFauxZogG: I want it to be less broken, not more broken!10:35
RobbieThe1stPersonally, I use KDE and haven't had any trouble with speed, either on my dual-core laptop, dual-core desktop or quad-core desktop, so...10:35
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ZogGFauxFaux as kde breaks it means kde is evil and only for show off =)10:36
lcukFauxFaux, are you sure that you can jhust set an offset on existing x surface then draw the extra bits..  I thought that required knowledge and planning of the individual app widget itself10:36
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ZogGit's not about speed as nowdays computers are pretty strong10:36
lcukRobbieThe1st, look out for battery life improvements10:36
FauxFauxYou'd think that until you tried to view a man page with acceleration broken. :p10:36
psycho_oreosthank goodness that many other OS still retains terminal access unlike windows :P10:37
ZogGFauxFaux you have screenlets, and smooth docks for gnome btw10:37
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lcukFauxFaux, no, I know an awful lot about accelerated graphics ;)10:37
FauxFauxlcuk: I was replying to ZogG.  You obviously know what you're talking about so aren't a good target for trolling. ¬_¬10:37
ZogGlcuk can it be applied to eink screens =)10:37
* MohammadAG wants a HW accelerated tty10:38
FauxFaux(The main problem is that these problems shouldn't exist and they do, and they make me really angry.  Really, really angry.)10:38
RobbieThe1stIcuk: Improvements on the n900?10:38
ZogGFauxFaux haha, i woundn't care as i do't like those effects and heavy DEs and i mean not cpu memory usage but libs and dependies10:38
ZogGFauxFaux so than it's mainteiners problem10:39
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RobbieThe1stWell, I'm gonna go play TF2 on virtual screen #2, so... Say my name if you want me to read something10:40
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Loomi am trying to copy a file from the n900 and at 30/100@11:01
Loomit stops saying cannot read from source the storage damaged ?11:02
RobbieThe1stWhat file?11:02
RobbieThe1stI'd suggest using chkdsk on the disk - It might be damaged11:03
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Loomtyped chkdsk in console says file not found11:06
Loomhow do you use chkdsk?11:07
tybollt_assuming you're using an N900 (we're in #n900 you know) you should be using the command 'fsck'11:07
tybollt_#maemo :)11:08
Loomsame typed fsck file not found11:09
tybollt_what device are you typing this on?11:09
Spookjeofcourse you need to be root for that..11:09
Loomok let me try as root11:10
tybollt_sigh, does he not understand the concept of root?11:10
* tybollt_ goes for coffee instead :)11:10
tybollt_but chkdsk - what the hell are you smoking there RobbieThe1st? :)11:10
Spookjeback to dos :P11:10
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Loomok typed fsck as root it shows me a version and a date11:12
Trewasa couple of weeks ago n900 decided to mount MyDocs partition as read-only and I had to fcsk it manually... maybe it would be better to do it automagically when needed, for a linux-noob that problem would have probably been unfixable11:12
SpookjeLoom: any linux experience?11:13
Loomyes but first time i hear of fsck11:14
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Loomcan't you just tell me how to do chkdsk in linux what parametres fsck needs ?11:15
MohammadAGwhich partition?11:16
MohammadAGand please don't insult fsck by calling it chkdsk :P11:16
ZogGhaha defregmention tool =)11:17
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Loomthe hole disk11:18
Loomfsck /dev ?11:18
Loomye whole11:19
kerioyeah, fsck /dev/11:19
kerioyou can't be sure that a virtual file system is not damaged11:19
Spookjedo i sense sarcasm? :P11:20
MohammadAGLoom, what "disk", there are like 411:20
Loomi thought it was 111:21
Loomit doesn't work anyway11:21
MohammadAGwell duh11:22
MohammadAGfsck -a /dev/mmcblk0p111:22
MohammadAGfor MyDocs11:22
MohammadAGjust unmount it first11:22
MohammadAGor it'll say you're a bonehead11:22
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Spookjeand add verbose output maybe?11:23
Loomfsck help doesn't work neither11:24
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MohammadAGread up11:25
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RobbieThe1stTo be fair, guys, I -assumed- that Loom was copying a file to a windows PC. Ergo, running chkdsk on a fat32 filesystem.11:39
RobbieThe1stTeaching someone how to do fsck requires more than one line.11:40
kerionot really11:41
kerio"man fsck"11:41
RobbieThe1stYea. Try that on your (stock) n900.11:41
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MohammadAGit works, you just need man-db(-n900) installed11:42
MohammadAGit's still stock when you install it11:42
RobbieThe1stAnd what repo is that in?11:42
MohammadAGseriously, who doesn't have -devel these days11:43
RobbieThe1stPeople who aren't developers or don't mess with things?11:44
RobbieThe1stEither way, my point is that I couldn't know that A, he has devel enabled, or man-db installed. Or, B, that he knows how to read a manpage.11:44
RobbieThe1stNow, telling him to "google man fsck" or something might have worked, but I'm betting it would still have taken a few lines. And I was playing TF2 :P11:45
RobbieThe1stOh well.11:46
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RobbieThe1stEither way... Making instructions for the LCD is pretty dang hard, no matter -what- you are trying to do.11:47
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MohammadAG<RobbieThe1st> People who aren't developers or don't mess with things?11:49
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MohammadAGwhich rock have you been living under :P11:49
RobbieThe1stYea. Like the many-percent who complain about things not working right, and are told to "disable devel", which they do.11:49
trxhow can you not mess with n900?11:49
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RobbieThe1stYou'd be surprised.11:50
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RobbieThe1stPersonally, I intend to mess more than most... As soon as my new replacement capacitor & screen get here11:50
MohammadAG<RobbieThe1st> Yea. Like the many-percent who complain about things not working right, and are told to "disable devel", which they do.11:51
MohammadAGno no no, they disable it, and reenable it11:51
MohammadAGjust to make sure it's working fine11:51
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RobbieThe1stStill, there are a -few- who are literally scared to enable Devel. Though, they don't come in here usually, so...11:52
RobbieThe1stEither way, new user - Assuming == problem11:52
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RST38hAnotherminor amusement:
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ieatlintRST38h: heh, yeah, i'd be happy if half those symbian issues get fixed in the upcoming software update12:32
RST38hin the upcoming *MAEMO* software update =)12:33
ieatlintmaemo has at least half those fixed :P12:33
ieatlintthe updates and home screen widgets for two12:35
ieatlintthe default camera interface is if anything worse, but i could argue fcam helps reverse that issue12:36
ieatlint(which is at least partially an official nokia app)12:36
ieatlintthe browser has less issues than the symbian one, but still issues, heh12:36
Arkenoii'd say maemo fixes more or less 8 of 1012:36
Arkenoiquite enough to dump symbian forever12:36
ieatlintpicking names out of the contact list is also much better in maemo12:36
Arkenoiieatlint, but still sucks12:37
ieatlintand podcasting/internet radio works well for me at least12:37
nidOits just a shame the mail client on maemo is just so utterly abysmally terribly dreadfully awful12:37
ieatlinti like how all the good symbian^3/n8 reviews start off with some disclaimer about how their review is based on coming from older symbian versions rather than from android/iphone to symbian^312:38
ieatlintmy last symbian phone was an s60 3rd edition... and s^3 is definitely an improvement, but when compared to android, iphone or maemo... it's a pos12:39
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ieatlintreal shame too, because the hardware on the n8 is pretty awesome12:40
ieatlinti use it as a camera and a gps unit now, heh12:40
nidOI dont really see the problem, practically every shortcoming can be sorted with extra software12:41
ieatlintwell i'd also personally criticise the n8's resolution and ram12:41
ieatlintthe n900 has twice the ram..12:42
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nidOsame amount of ram*12:43
ieatlintah, my mistake, you are correct12:44
ieatlinti for some reason believed the n900 was 512mb like most smartphones in its class12:44
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ieatlinti still like that my n900's camera kicks the ass of most other smartphones12:47
Arkenoiif we had 512Mb RAM n900 would be lightspeed fast, as almost all slowdowns are caused by io bottlenecks while heavy swapping12:48
ieatlintand the n8's camera just laughs at all other smartphone cameras12:48
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* Dassu only uses cameras for taking a digital photos of paper documents12:50
* kerio thinks a scanner would be *soooooooo* much better for that12:50
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ieatlintscanners aren't as portable12:51
Dassukerio: :( Dont have a scanner12:51
ieatlintthe n8 has one other big issue that is also a feature... the flash12:52
ieatlintsince it's not simply an led, it can't be kept on, so it fails as a flashlight (which is a fucking awesome and useful feature)12:52
ieatlintand for things like a barcode reader, it's not as practical to use the flash to help readability -- which can really reduce its effectiveness12:53
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ieatlintbut the flash is a lot brighter, heh12:53
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JeneaIt's very strange why nokia's phone have so small amount of RAM13:10
RST38hNo,it is not.13:10
Jeneayes, it's cheaper. Maybe symbian and meamo are better13:11
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RST38hGoogle OneNAND.13:11
RST38hAnd apply your analytical skills.13:11
JeneaRST38h: Please explain13:11 analytical skills. Ok.13:12
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RST38hJenea: Nokia uses OneNAND chips from Samsung for its phones13:12
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RST38hJenea: OneNAND combines RAM and flash on a single chip and comes in several different sizes13:12
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RST38hJenea: The 256+256 size you find in N900 was pretty much the best readily available part at the moment when N900 was designed.13:13
JeneaRST38h: I think it is better to ask some one than to pretend that you have a world brain13:15
RST38hIt is better to google, Jenea. Really.13:15
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JeneaSo phone chips for nokia are made by samsung and samsung mades its own phones13:19
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crashanddieJenea, yes, economics 10113:20
trxso what, nokia should make every capacitor, every resistior, etc, in house?13:20
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trxthat would of course be idiotic.. :)13:21
ieatlintand idiotic doesn't sound like nokia at all ;)13:21
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Jeneano but it should have good OS13:21
MohammadAGno, that would be economics 01013:21
crashanddieJenea, have you come here to troll?13:22
crashanddieBecause, if that's the case, just state your point clearly so I can ban you out of here13:22
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DocScrutinizerRST38h: AIUI OneNAND is the storage POP of SoC, so even while it's Samsung, the whole "chip" is TI13:46
RST38hDoc: Personally, I do not have any strong opinions on itbeing Samsung13:48
RST38hDoc: Samsung makes shitloads of various electronic components used by everybody around the world13:49
DocScrutinizerRST38h: sure13:50
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DocScrutinizerwhile /ping is even more polite13:53
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DocScrutinizerjust >><Jenea> So phone chips for nokia are made by samsung and samsung mades its own phones<< is completely missing the point. If there's any funny part in it, then it's TI shipping SoCs that are labeled with a Samsung label on outer PoP13:56
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daxtHow can i use Wimax in N900 ?14:07
RobbieThe1stUm... There's a wimax transceiver in the n900?14:08
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daxtno clue14:08
Corsacthere's not14:08
daxtthat is why i ask u guys , the professionals14:08
RobbieThe1stSo, yea. No wimax. You might be able to find a wimax -> wifi router box14:09
daxtif there is a SD card based wimax tranceiver , that would be awesome14:09
RobbieThe1stand then connect to it via wifi14:09
daxtsince we dont use any sd cards on N90014:09
daxtwe can use that slot to hook up a wimax tranceiver :D14:10
RobbieThe1stWell, it's a microSD slot... but14:10
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RobbieThe1stYou'd have to find proper drivers, too...14:10
daxtwimax  >> WIFI is also cool14:11
daxtbut i need an extra device for it and unable to use on the go :(14:12
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RobbieThe1st..why? Get yourself a wifi hotspot, a little power-pack, tape em together and you're good to go14:13
DocScrutinizerdaxt: use USB-WIMAX-dongle14:13
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daxtbut it needs an external power source right , docscrutinizer ?14:14
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RobbieThe1stN900'll give you 200ma, so...14:14
DocScrutinizernot sure. Depends on power requirements of dongle. N900 provides 200mA@5V14:14
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MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, care to design external portable power supplies?14:15
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: ??14:15
daxtcheck the dongle in there14:15
RobbieThe1stAll you need, plus a couple connections/custom cable14:15
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, an external battery14:16
MohammadAGto power hubs/hotswap batteries14:16
MohammadAGI'd buy one14:16
DocScrutinizerIbought one with solar cell, for 8EUR14:16
MohammadAGhmm, link?14:16
daxthow do u hook up an external battery and a usb wimax dongle both together ?14:16
daxtu got only one usb port in N90014:16
MohammadAGa hub? this is 201114:17
daxthub also needs power14:17
daxtfor that u need another battery14:17
MohammadAGerr no, you need one battery for the hub which then powers the wimax adapter14:18
MohammadAGit's not rocket science :P14:18
RST38hDoc: Does the solar cell help? :)14:18
naeI just got a second hand n90 running maemo. which flashing process is most appropriate to restore the OS on the device to a trusted state?14:18
RST38hYes, but does it help?14:19
DocScrutinizerRST38h: not really14:19
RST38hthought so =(14:19
DocScrutinizeryou allegedly can charge the 1Ah LiIon during one day of bright sunlight14:20
DocScrutinizerI'm happy to think it compensates for cell self discharge, if device not stored in a dark drawer14:21
MohammadAGso much spam on wordpress14:21
RST38hDoc: Sunlight changes drastically depending on your geo location and time of the year14:22
DocScrutinizerRST38h: but hey, 8 bucks14:22
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RST38hDoc: To me, it is "another useless piece of plastic" and not "8 bucks"14:22
RST38hWould pay 80 bucks for a working one though14:22
DocScrutinizerfor me it's an external battery powered USB PSU14:23
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DocScrutinizerand I'm fine with it's usability when charged from USB14:24
daxtcan u guys recommend me a good usb hub for N900 ?14:24
DocScrutinizerthen charging via USB on the go14:24
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DocScrutinizerdaxt: model X of brand Y - special criterion: externally powered by a 5V PSU14:25
daxtplease be more precise14:26
DocScrutinizerOMG even *moar*14:26
DocScrutinizerdaxt: model * (pick what you like) - special criterion: externally powered by a 5V PSU14:27
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daxtnow its better14:27
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DocScrutinizerthat's no hub ;-P14:31
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comawhitewhat you guys think of this?
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thpis it possible to get greasemonkey and/or stylish (both firefox extensions) running in microb?14:34
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thptimeless_mbp: ^^14:34
* timeless_mbp looks up14:34
MohammadAGprobably not thp14:34
timeless_mbpiirc greasemonkey exists for microb14:34
MohammadAGgreasemonkey works14:34
timeless_mbpiirc sp3000 uses it14:34
MohammadAGyep, it does, I use it14:34
timeless_mbpstylish, dunno14:34
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timeless_mbpdepending on how stylish works, it's probably possible to port, but i wouldn't spend the time on it myself, sorry14:35
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timeless_mbpgenerally i think greasemonkey and usercss should be sufficient for most needs14:36
timeless_mbpi only use user css14:36
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DocScrutinizertimeless_mbp: in for fun? use microb to visit
timeless_mbpDocScrutinizer: today's my day off, i'm writing up an analysis of SNI support14:52
DocScrutinizerwhatever that is14:53
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DocScrutinizerday off - never heard about :-P seriously, SNI?14:54
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thptimeless_mbp, MohammadAG: thanks. i'll have a look. any links for greasemonkey maybe? ;)15:02
timeless_mbpshould be in the repositories15:03
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Corsactimeless_mbp: thanks btw, because SNI works pretty fine in maemo browser and it's not exactly the case for other mobile browsers15:04
timeless_mbpCorsac: if you have more details, i'd love to hear them15:04
timeless_mbp(or you could add them to the Wikipedia page)15:05
timeless_mbpyeah, i was thrilled to see Maemo just listed in the <works> section of the Wikipedia item15:05
timeless_mbpthat was awesome15:05
thpoh yeah, greasemonkey-webaddon :) got it. thanks!15:05
MohammadAGyep, in the repos15:05
MohammadAGthp, any luck with g_sound?15:06
timeless_mbpthp: again, if someone wants it to go into testing, i'd suggest asking romaxa and then doing an nmu15:06
Corsactimeless_mbp: details on SNI or on the fact it works on maemo?15:06
timeless_mbpCorsac: if you have details on mobile platforms where it fails (how), i'd love to hear15:06
timeless_mbpthe thrilled part was for the just works on maemo15:07
CorsacI remember a test on iphone (but before iOS4) which failed miserably15:07
Corsac(SSL on iOS is a massive fail anyway, afair)15:07
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DocScrutinizer~SNI is
infobotokay, DocScrutinizer15:09
timeless_mbpCorsac: per my research any iOS before 4 doesn't have SNI support, so yeah :)15:09
timeless_mbphrm, i didn't list w2k in my research15:10
timeless_mbpi think the bottom line for sni is that you buy one cert for m.<your>.com15:11
timeless_mbpand then an sni for everything else15:11
timeless_mbpor rather, not one cert15:11
timeless_mbpbut you dedicate one ip not doing sni for m.<your>.com15:11
timeless_mbpso you only need 3 ips: DNS, m., *.,15:12
timeless_mbpand you can probably have your provider run DNS for you15:12
timeless_mbpso your cost is 2 ip's15:12
thpMohammadAG: no luck with g_audio yet..15:13
timeless_mbpCorsac: sound about right?15:13
* DocScrutinizer frowns ad wonders if he is in need of another coffee15:13
* timeless_mbp offers DocScrutinizer an 'n'15:13
infobotfrom memory, xyawn is nice coffee15:13
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infobot:), DocScrutinizer15:13
DocScrutinizerthanks for the nice 'n', mate15:14
* timeless_mbp wonders if DocScrutinizer knows where to put it :)15:15
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Corsactimeless_mbp: the whole point is to make vhosting easy with ssl15:17
timeless_mbpCorsac: yeah, i know15:17
Corsactimeless_mbp: so you can only have one IP serving multiple vhosts, without having one large certificates with subjectaltname and wildcards15:17
timeless_mbpi'm just saying that if you need to support mobile, you just have one non vhosted site (m.)15:17
timeless_mbpyou can buy normal certs and sni the rest of the things w/ vhosts15:17
CorsacI'm lost15:18
timeless_mbpbut to support iPhones running iOS3- you'd want a non vhost for m.15:18
Corsacdo mobile browsers first try m.<anything> before <anything>?15:18
timeless_mbpusers might do m. before <anything>15:18
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timeless_mbpbut users tend to do <google> before <anything>15:18
timeless_mbpso if you ensure that m. wins in google15:18
timeless_mbpyou're fine15:18
timeless_mbpand google will try to offer an m. to phones15:19
Corsac(not sure I prefer m. over standard site but maybe that's a maemo habbit)15:19
timeless_mbp(not sure if that includes iOS, but i suspect it does)15:19
timeless_mbpi like m. for certain things15:19
timeless_mbpand i have usercss on my n900 to "fix" m.15:19
timeless_mbp(it makes the fonts big enough to read)15:19
MohammadAGi hate how ovi needs an N900 useragent15:20
timeless_mbpMohammadAG: do you know/want to know why? :)15:21
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DocScrutinizertimeless_mbp: (where to put it) of course :-) I put it where I keep all my saved letters, ad it looks nice there :-D15:23
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DocScrutinizer(user tend to do <google>...) yeah, depressing. Quite a lot never heard about URLs at all15:27
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MohammadAGtimeless_mbp, yeah sure15:28
DocScrutinizerecho "" >>/etc/hosts; they will think "the internet is dead"15:28
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timeless_mbpMohammadAG: so, before pr1.1 ovi sales wouldn't work properly15:29
timeless_mbpand you can't upgrade from 1.0 to 1.1, you need to get 1.0.115:29
timeless_mbpso ovi uses the version to determine if it needs to tell you to upgrade and how :)15:29
alteregostrange ts vibra has stopped working15:30
alteregoAh, back now ...15:30
DocScrutinizerI honestly witnessed a "user" enter into google search's text input box15:31
MohammadAGyeah, I've seen people googling google.com15:32
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: yeah - mum used to do that.15:32
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jonwilFinally took the plunge and ordered my Nokia N90o :) Cant wait for it to arrive so I can start writing cool stuff for it :P15:33
MohammadAGtimeless_mbp, couldn't you hook microb up with osso-product-info?15:34
MohammadAGI really hate the N900's useragent15:34
MohammadAGespecially with google15:34
MohammadAGand youtube15:34
DocScrutinizerjonwil: congrats! Believe it or not, you can start writing cool stuff tight away :-D15:34
timeless_mbpMohammadAG: um, eh?15:35
timeless_mbphow exactly do you want this to work?15:35
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SpeedEviljonwil: congrats.15:35
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timeless_mbpthe only thing web sites get is a useragent15:35
jonwilyeah, the whole reason to buy the N900 is that its the most hacker friendly phone out there15:35
timeless_mbpMohammadAG: exactly how foolishly a server parses a useragent is up to the stupidity of hte web master15:35
infobottimeless_mbp meant: MohammadAG: exactly how foolishly a server parses a useragent is up to the stupidity of the web master15:35
jonwilwell there is the OpenMoko Freerunner phone but that's technology that was a decade obsolete even when it was released...15:36
SpeedEviljonwil: regrettably, yes.15:36
SpeedEviljonwil: that's really a bit harsh.15:36
MohammadAGit's not that hard to let microB store that somewhere, and have ovi read it :P15:36
jonwilheh :P15:36
SpeedEvil2-2.5 years - maybe15:36
SpeedEvilThough they could actually have released a mass-market - well - hacker - phone in xmas 200715:37
SpeedEvilGTK, basic phone/sms/... stack, X.15:37
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SpeedEvilBut they decided they needed it to be pretty - and lost the plot.15:37
MohammadAGi wonder how hard it would be to get ofono on maemo 515:37
SpeedEvilMohammadAG: IIRC people are trying15:37
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jonwilwhats ofono?15:38
MohammadAGkinda lowers the difficulty of rewriting the phone app15:38
MohammadAGgoogle it15:38
MohammadAGopen source phone stack15:38
DocScrutinizerjonwil: (FR obsolete) TWO, hell THREE decades... of months15:38
jonwilok so maybe it wasnt THAT old15:39
DocScrutinizerjonwil: that's the price you pay for using open documented chips15:39
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MohammadAGis the FR a bit small?15:40
jonwilThe other thing I dont like about the FR is that it doesn't have a keyboard15:40
MohammadAGor should i blame my eyes?15:40
jonwilwhich the n900 does15:40
jonwilIt looks like the N900 is more hacker friendly than even the "google" phones like the Nexus 1 and Nexus S15:41
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MohammadAGit's less user-friendly though15:42
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MohammadAGI mean15:42
MohammadAGI love android so much that I started hating it15:42
peetahCorsac: grrrr sorry wrong window15:42
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jonwilI can handle a full Gentoo Emerge. I think I can handle the N900 and its UI quirks :)15:43
DocScrutinizerjonwil: andridiot isn't hacker friendly. Never was, never aimed to be15:43
jonwilwhich is why I bought a smartphone where the manufacturer doesn't try and fight the hackers at every turn.15:45
crashanddienope, you bought a phone where the manufacturer just leaves the users on their own and tells them "tough"15:46
DocScrutinizerthe fighting is on a different level:
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jonwilNokia is no different to any other company when it comes to open source support15:50
jonwilThe only companies who care about the community are those where open source is their business like RedHat15:51
jonwilEven then RedHat cares a lot more about you if you have a support contract15:52
chxDocScrutinizer: oh thats a good one!15:52
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Corsacpeetah: no problem :)15:54
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crashanddiejonwil, redhat doesn't really care about its open source community15:54
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jonwilRedHat contributes a lot of code (and development hours) to open source projects15:55
crashanddiethat's not community15:56
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ieatlintheh, that's random, i know josh berkus... never recall him saying a word about meego/maemo/mobilin15:58
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lolloohello, I get error when loading pidgin, what does it mean?15:59
lollooRROR: Caught a segmentation fault while loading plugin file15:59
crashanddielolloo, it crashed15:59
lolloohow can I fix it.15:59
djszapiHow could I type ö ä characters in stardict on my n900 ? I tried to copy a file onto the device for instance with those characters but I cannot copy anything from the terminal into the stardict ? What is the easiest way ?16:00
lollooit seems it crashed because of this libgstvolume.so16:00
lollooI tried reboot, and remove it and instal it again. but didnt wokr.16:00
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lolloohow can I reinstall usr/lib/gstreamer-0.10/libgstvolume.so16:01
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lolloostill crashing!16:06
lolloois it sometimes because of new instalation of other apps?16:07
DocScrutinizerlolloo: blame pulseaudio :-P16:08
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DocScrutinizerlolloo: you *might* want to run pidgin under gdb control, then on segfault do a backtrace. This would maybe yield additional helpful info about why it segfaults16:10
lollooalright, also I will disbale audio in pidgin.16:10
DocScrutinizerthat should help :-D16:11
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djszapictrl, shift insert magic cannot work either in terminal since there is no insert button.16:16
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DocScrutinizerdjszapi: in xterm there's copy and paste buttons in menu16:20
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DocScrutinizerdjszapi: to highlight text you need to click the cursor-alike arrow left hand icon in toolbar16:21
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DocScrutinizerdjszapi: ...then highlight text, select "copy" from drop-down menu, and insert into any app's text input field by whatever is the appropriate way there - usually ctrl-v16:23
DocScrutinizerdjszapi: similarly in apps that don't use raw input like ctrl-<anykey> (shell does, see ctrl-c), you cut, copy, paste as usualy via ctrl-x,c,v16:25
DocScrutinizers/ususly/usual/ .16:26
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pupniki keep trying the 'date' command but i haven't gotten any dates from it yet16:34
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lolloowhen I attemp to reinstall pidgin I get this error when installing16:36
lolloovar/lib/dpkg/info/pidgin.postinst: line 11: maemo-select-menu-location: not found16:36
MohammadAGecho -e "#!/bin/sh\necho 'whatever'" > /usr/bin/maemo-select-menu-location16:37
MohammadAGchmod +x /usr/bin/maemo-select-menu-location16:37
MohammadAGdpkg --configure -a16:37
DocScrutinizerheh :-D16:37
MohammadAGdirty hack, but whatever16:37
djszapiany idea for the ö ä characters _16:37
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lollooso I just type this all down?16:38
MohammadAGin a root shell16:38
DocScrutinizeryou better c&p it16:38
DocScrutinizerwtf is /usr/bin/maemo-select-menu-location supposed to do and to come from?16:39
MohammadAGdiablo heritage afaik16:39
MohammadAG~ $ cat /usr/bin/maemo-select-menu-location16:40
MohammadAGis a newline16:40
MohammadAGit's an empty script16:40
DocScrutinizerNo such file or directory16:41
DocScrutinizerI'd be interested in /pidgin.postinst: line 1116:42
MohammadAGit selects the menu16:42
MohammadAGprobably with arguments and all16:43
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DocScrutinizersorry, you lost me16:43
MohammadAG  gconf-editor maemo-select-menu-location16:43
MohammadAGgconf-editor depends on it16:43
MohammadAGso yeah, diablo heritage16:43
MohammadAGinstead of fixing a package, they uploaded an empty scriptpt16:43
MohammadAGlazy devs16:43
DocScrutinizerwho did?16:44
MohammadAG  maemo-select-menu-location gconf-editor.hildon.desktop tana_fi_extras16:44
MohammadAGthat's an example usage line16:44
MohammadAGfrom a postinst16:44
DocScrutinizeryou're talking gibberish16:44
MohammadAGDescription: Fremantle dummy package16:45
MohammadAGnah, i'm pasting lines without saying where they're from16:45
MohammadAGit's qole's package, and since the description says it's a dummy package...16:45
MohammadAGwell, then it's a dummy package16:45
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lollooit installed correctly thanks! but pidgin still crashes.16:46
lollooam going to remove it completly from the device and remove the directory manually.16:48
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JaffaAf'noon, all17:07
lardmanhi Jaffa17:10
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DocScrutinizerhi Jaffa17:12
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DocScrutinizerJaffa: hope you feel better17:18
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SpeedEvilForums contain a cacophony of people telling you to do diametrically opposite things, very loudly, often for bad reasons.17:52
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GAN900SpeedEvil, appropriate brain filters help with that.18:00
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timeless_mbpGAN900: not reading them helps more18:01
MrBawbIt takes a lot of effort to ignore people hurling insults at your personal work (for real or perceived defects)18:02
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* SpeedEvil hurls insurgents at MrBawb.18:11
ZogGand i hate all this "look at my thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!" posts with same questons again and again =*(18:17
* MrBawb hides in a bunker18:17
lardmanwould be nice to have an "electrocute" button next to the "thanks" button... :)18:17
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maybeHere"stab in the face"?18:19
pupnik'ignore posts from this user'18:21
pupnikthe lack of that feature led me to ignore t.m.o18:22
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DocScrutinizerpupnik: ++18:27
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GAN900pupnik, that's a feature.18:33
DocScrutinizerGAN900: ??18:34
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GAN900DocScrutinizer, ignoring a user.18:34
lardmanTMO that is18:34
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DocScrutinizerGAN900: sorry does not compute18:34
DocScrutinizerGAN900: this is an *existing* feature?18:34
GAN900DocScrutinizer, for a while.18:35
DocScrutinizerGAN900: this is the definition of a feature?18:35
GAN900I was on geneven's ignore list for at least a year.18:35
eppGAN900, you're so cool, can I be your friend?18:35
DocScrutinizerGAN900: now THIS is a nice feature?18:35
lardmanI wonder if it would be illuminating to be able to see peoples ignore list contents18:35
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GAN900epp, no.18:36
DocScrutinizerGAN900: sorry, I don't see any ignore-button on tmo18:37
GAN900lardman, about as illuminating as being able to see recent thumb downs on
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lardmanwell if a name were attached to the thumb18:37
lardmanI'll call this new feature a "thumb print"18:37
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DocScrutinizeractually a subscript next to the thanks list would be cool. mentioning at least number of ignores for this post/user18:39
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DocScrutinizerautoignore posts of users that are ignored by those particular users as well >list of tmo users>, or have more than >xxx< arbitrary ignores18:40
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eppbing bong bing18:44
ZogGpupnik report bugfix, but you can't to ignore all new comming users with their questions, they just make forum un navigatable18:45
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pupnikwhich is sad because in 2010 a lot of people did great work for maemo519:13
pupnikmy lack of contributions stems more from my own faults19:13
pupnikbut it's nice to blame it on others19:13
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BCMMDocScrutinizer: the web of distrust?19:14
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Jaffapupnik: DocScrutinizer: As GAN900 says, you can "ignore posts by this user"19:15
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pupnikoh awesome, they implemented it19:18
DocScrutinizerBCMM: maybe even the economy of trolling: each new user gets 10 credits / month (users with higher karma accordingly more), opening a new thread costs 10 credits (or maybe 5 in noobs-subforum, and up to 50 in special interest sections). Answering a thread costs 1/10 of the opening costs, and you can earn credits by thanks19:18
BCMMDocScrutinizer: this sounds like several failed spam email solutions19:18
BCMMthen again, they might've been the sort that failed because everybody would've had to adopt them, which can be forced on a forum19:19
pupnikDid you guys know that one of the very first Science Fiction short stories predicted the Internet, and IRC/chat?  1909: "The Machine Stops" , by E.M. Forster
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BCMMDocScrutinizer: anyway, is there a trolling problem on TMO? i thought it was mostly just honestly stupid people19:19
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BCMM(with a serious sense of entitlement, presumably coming from thinking that the forum is tech support for something they paid good money for, etc.)19:20
BCMMactually, the karma economy thing sounds a bit like slashcode's karma system, which basically works pretty well, apart from the occasional humorous usage like modding especially good trolling "insightful"19:22
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nidOwell, the big problem with that kind of system is that it's weighted heavily towards contributors rather than "users", which is a problem for a forum like tmo that has a lot of "user" activity19:24
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nidOsomeone clueless can be perfectly legit and asking perfectly valid questions, which will suck up all their credits in no time, leaving them essentially unable to post for a month19:25
RST38hsounds good to me19:25
RST38hBCMM: Honestly Stupid People are otherwise known as "cancer"19:26
mikki-kunwe also have this chat here for small problems :)19:26
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RST38hNone of them are trolls, but the end effect is the same.19:26
RST38hmikki-kun: Yes. The answer to your question is Next.19:26
nidOgoogle didnt answer my wondering :(19:27
mikki-kunRST38h: for the german-speaking people there is ""19:27
mikki-kunRST38h: and i didn't have any question...19:28
mikki-kunso how can it answer me a question i didn't have?19:28
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mikki-kunbut uhhhh, 10 credits per month... and a thread costs 10... this will eventually lead to thread hijacking19:30
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mikki-kunand just to make a special thread, wait 5 months? tbh that doesn't sound really helpful...19:31
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DocScrutinizereconomy parameters are of course adjustable. I'm no ecosystem expert19:43
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mikki-kuni much rather think of 100 points for each month or such19:48
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mikki-kunbut i think it is still important to have areas free of those rules19:51
mikki-kunso that you can at least do something in the forums19:51
mikki-kunmaybe this credit-system could be applied to a subforum called "tech support" :)19:51
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pupnikty for the link mikki-kun20:05
mikki-kunlol ^^ np :)20:06
SpeedEvil - can you get waterproof cases for the n900?20:07
pupniksince trying out an android device, i have been horrified by how terrible the search results are for it20:07
pupnikand how dispersed the good information is, and how many spam sites come up in results20:08
pupnikthe amount of time that costs is incredible -- maemo is almost paradise in comparison20:08
SpeedEvilsearch results for what?20:08
BCMMthat sounds a lot like Windows20:13
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pupnikyes, it reminded me a lot of it20:14
pupnikfor example searching for a ssh-client to run from terminal20:14
pupniki spent 1 hour20:14
* BCMM shudders at the thought of not having OpenSSH20:15
pupnikand finally came up with a dropbear build from an obscure site, with very little confirmation that it was safe20:15
BCMMthat sounds *exactly* like getting anything done on windows20:15
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nidOpupnik: ConnectBot?20:16
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Aderlassgood evening :)20:19
ZogGthey see me trolling and hatting ... lalalala20:21
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Aderlasssorry guys i want to buy 1 or 2 new bl5j accus for my n900 ... do you know where i may find a REAL nokia bl5j or atleast one that you would recommend ?20:21
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pupnikchromium-browser crashed X (possibly from html5/youtube)20:23
DocScrutinizerI got a "real" faked "original" bl-5j from a turkish we-got-everything shop nearby, for 1/5 of what it costs in a Nokia shop. Works ok for me20:24
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Jaffapupnik: TMO's had "ignore posts by this user" for *years*. Since ITT days.20:25
pupniksomehow i missed that20:26
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Aderlassyou know ... working is ofcourse one thing ... lasting like an original like the ones n900´s are shipped with is onother ithink ;)20:26
nidOmy original battery seems to have magic powers, it decided to suddenly get like 2-3 times better a couple of weeks ago20:27
lcukjaffa, did you ever remove the block on GAN900? :P20:27
Aderlassiam am confused and frightend already ... :P20:27
lcuknidO, caused by change in behaviour or app list most likely20:28
timeless_mbpif X11 crashes, that's X11's fault20:28
nidOtheres been no app changes, and its 2-3x better than when the device was *brand new and with no software installed*20:28
nidOstarting just before christmas the device can suddenly manage over a week idle, where previously it'd struggle to manage 2-3 days20:28
timeless_mbppupnik: i tried nitdroid, i found two packages which are addons for a third20:29
timeless_mbpafaict the third package doesn't exist anymore20:29
timeless_mbpwhich is well... awesome20:29
Aderlassmaybe it EXPLODES inside of my baby -and kills me also ORSOMESHITLIKETHAT :P20:30
timeless_mbpfor x11 crashing20:30
* timeless_mbp still hasn't found a Terminal for android20:30
timeless_mbpi found something that claimed to be a terminal from the android devs, and installed it, but i can't find it in the launcher20:30
* timeless_mbp hearts maemo20:30
Aderlassyou think an extra accu like for 7 or 10 dollars is ok ... ?!?20:31
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pupniki suggest spending a bit more20:31
Jaffalcuk: Nah, I've got an ignore on "*" ;-)20:31
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Aderlassmohammadag ?? :) what do YOU think :)20:31
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trumeetimeless_mbp: got a reply from romaxa, "That is part of Maemo PR1.2 image already."20:32
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trumeetimeless_mbp: this is about "microb-engine-common-ext" btw20:32
timeless_mbptrumee: oh, heh, right20:32
timeless_mbpyeah, the same thing happened for geoloc20:32
* timeless_mbp forgot20:32
trumeetimeless_mbp: but dpkg -L microb-engine-common-ext says not installed!20:34
timeless_mbptrumee: it's integrated into the core packages20:34
timeless_mbpinstead of being its own package20:34
lcuklol Jaffa20:34
trumeetimeless_mbp: ah right. ok so how do i edit the password for a domain?20:34
timeless_mbpyou need to load the right chrome: url20:34
timeless_mbptrumee: got firefox + dom inspector?20:34
timeless_mbp(That's the easy way to find it)20:34
trumeetimeless_mbp: i dont have firefox installed on N90020:35
timeless_mbptrumee: desktop20:35
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timeless_mbprunning domi on the n900 would be amusing20:35
RST38hSorry for a generalquestion, but what program should I use to transcode video for Nokia 5800?20:35
trumeetimeless_mbp: yup, do have firefox installed on the desktop.20:35
timeless_mbptrumee: install dom inspector20:36
timeless_mbpthen open dom inspector20:36
timeless_mbpthen open the password manage20:36
lcukhmm RST38h, well do you know what format it needs to be in?20:36
timeless_mbpin dom inspector, inspect chrome winndow > password manager20:36
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timeless_mbpthe location bar will tell you the url you need to load in your microb20:36
nidORST38h: whats the source format20:37
trumeetimeless_mbp: i dont have a password manager in Dom inspector20:38
Aderlassexcuseme for disturbing you, but i am sitting next to a friend of mine wich has an ibay account and evrything you know, and i am to confused to dicide wich accumulator i should take for MY BABY .... idont want to HURT IT you know ;P ... the n900 is somehow IMPORTANT to me and thats why i did not order just the first thing i saw at ebay/amazon ... but on the nokia-uk-shop - and idid not find the german one - the bl5j kosts 29 po20:38
Aderlassunds ... and thats like nearly 40 euros AND THAT IS TO MUCH ithink ... please help me :(20:38
timeless_mbpdomi is an addon20:38
timeless_mbptrumee: password manager is somewhere in options in firefox20:38
pupnikby the way the 27c3 lectures are all online, all accessible via one directory, in video or audio format20:38
timeless_mbponce you get to the window through options, then you inspect it in domi20:39
timeless_mbpdomi lets you inspect any open window20:39
pupniki volunteer to do that for any conference20:39
nidOAderlass: not sure what nokia uk shop you're looking at, but at nokia UK a bl5j is £19, not £2920:39
nidObut, delivery from the uk will probably not be overly cheap20:39
Aderlassjeah but with shipping 29 !20:39
Aderlass10pounds for shipping20:39
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Aderlassok 4 normal 10 express20:40
KhertanHi all !20:40
trumeetimeless_mbp: Preferences>Security>Saved Passwords. Is that password manager?20:40
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Aderlassplease someone20:41
nidOI hate to state the obvious, but why not just walk into a real genuine physical shop and buy a nokia battery in a clearly labelled pack?20:41
Aderlass:) help20:41
KhertanSomeone have already use twitpic ? Is it normal that image aren't automatically tweeted to your timeline ?20:41
nidOim sure media markt must sell them, and im sure germany must have phone shops20:41
Aderlasswhat bl5j should i take formy n90020:41
trumeetimeless_mbp: ok it is showing the passwords for all the domains, now what?20:41
timeless_mbptrumee: open dom inspector20:41
trumeetimeless_mbp: do i first browse to the domain i want to change?20:41
timeless_mbpall you need is the url of the window20:42
timeless_mbpthe chrome window20:42
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Khertantimeless_mdp : grrr do not talk about dom inspector ... lost 2 hours to understand a stupid html/css bug i ve ...20:42
trumeetimeless_mbp: i cant get to the addons until i close the password manager20:42
timeless_mbptrumee: that's why you open domi first!20:43
Khertanit s a real pain this javascript / html / css things .... and worse nokia is pushing for qml20:43
* timeless_mbp kicks safari for being stupid20:43
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* Khertan kick qml for the pain to do interface !20:44
trumeetimeless_mbp: ok, i have domi and password manager open20:44
timeless_mbptrumee: now go back to domi and in the file menu select inspect chrome window20:44
timeless_mbpand select the password manager window20:44
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alteregoKhertan: what you interfacing qml with?20:45
trumeetimeless_mbp: i get this chrome://passwordmgr/content/passwordManager.xul20:46
Khertani ve try to remake khweeteur with qml20:46
timeless_mbptrumee: right, that's what you enter into microb20:46
trumeetimeless_mbp: ok. let me try20:47
alteregoYes, I remember you mentioning this a few weeks ago or so.20:47
alteregoIf you need any help with anything I'm always here ;)20:47
trumeetimeless_mbp: nice one. thanks!20:49
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Khertan_how did you made a menu ? is it possible ?20:50
Khertan_or use qwidget ?20:50
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Khertan_Someone know if posting a picture to twitpic should result in a tweet creation in the timeline or not ? As picture is posted but no tweet appear in my timeline20:52
Khertan_and as i m just starting implementation20:53
alteregoKhertan_: a menu system you'd have to come up with yourself.20:53
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alteregoThough what I'd do is write a Qt container app, which integrates with maemo/meego, that displays your QML canvas.20:54
Khertan_alterego ... hum so ... useless ...20:54
Khertan_i already have something portable that work on desktop, maemo, meego20:55
Khertan_with qwidget20:55
alteregoThat way you can use normal Qt/QtMaemo dialogs/buttons/widgets on a layer ontop of your main QML interface.20:55
alteregoOh right, so what's the QML for?20:55
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Khertan_just because nokia qt guys say that meego nokia style could maybe apply just to qml and not qwidget for handset ux20:56
Khertan_so they force dev to use qml20:57
Khertan_no choice20:57
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alteregoThat's not going to happen.20:59
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Khertan_alterego: read the meego mailing list it ll happen21:02
Khertan_and as cylon said : and will happen again21:02
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* khertan hope it ll be more stable21:05
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infobotfrom memory, sni is
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lcukkhertan, post specific links when making bold statements21:09
lcukrandomly pointing to ML doesn't help people in future21:09
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khertanlcuk : true21:12
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alteregoQML is fine for quite a few things but you'll always need to use Qt to do anything complex. That's just the nature of QML development.21:14
alteregoYou can't do anything exciting without custom widgets in any Qt app.21:14
khertanwill be hard as isp blocking imap on my n900 but will try21:15
alteregoLet alone a QML one.21:15
khertanbut anyway qml is a nice addon for javascript fan21:16
alteregoQML is great, but QML is pretty usless without Qt21:16
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alteregoThe idea of QML is for designers to do their job whilst developers write the custom widgets and application code in Qt/C++21:18
khertanlike edje21:19
khertanyep it s a nice add for large team21:19
alteregoOf course it's possible to write full albeit thin apps in nothing but QML and JS.21:20
alteregoAnyway, this is why QML wont replace QtGui, It'll just transform what we already do.21:20
khertanjust hope ... i didn t understand thing like that from the ml link i post21:22
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alteregoYeah, this is the problem with these types of medium, mailing lists, blog posts, whatever, they can so easily be taken out of their intended context, maybe because the author presumes the readers know what they're reading about :)21:23
alteregoBut I've been following Qt, MTF and QtQuick/QML a lot and sure declarative UIs are the future as far as Qt, but we'll always have thhe C++ side of things to properly lay a foundation for the apps.21:27
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alteregoMTF is a bit of a joke, but I still quite like it.21:28
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jacekowskidoes n900 support CSD and HSCSD?21:59
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mschlensjacekowski: it seems to have hscsd22:00
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*** onen|openBmap has joined #maemo22:16 doesn't seem to be accepting my ssh public key for package uploads22:18
jacekowskishow your key22:19
jacekowskihow you tpe it22:19
jacekowskipublic part of course22:19
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dotblankk one sec22:22
dotblankssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDRbfwndum46/ip3ipfC+tqzvoowrun1qPLZ1wj2/oO7GR7enbW+vI4K1PhKt3svEQBFlePDEmu0+CUjgM6QZzcui5orWYU9X9NngXP3okXGqziDZQXPCzROs+P+P+A/AmvXPdtC7Z/AFpLGJVTdUeymcMe7Nq4tQ/iwrkYbM8vDt5xT+zgczSm+czCSMywb0NImIBQM2B6D1FwZBXhXNWn/Zm+LTdY7mjTEV+c61ioh3is67rfJ5YYqEoxCexAXggCELa3Lty1h5XvG3BaUmtaQ2H1d6Hv6UbA0UuFsX7zqi6N80p3IYHhawiym58/3cQYRscCfppIYTBxYG+qW8P3 EliasWoods@gmail.com22:22
dotblankAm I allowed only one public key pair? I ahve 3 set up22:23
dotblankon my garage account22:23
jacekowskiit should work22:24
jacekowskione per line22:24
dotblanklet me be safe and use only that one key anyway22:24
jacekowskiand you have to wait like 15 minutes22:25
jacekowskifor it to update22:25
dotblankah well its been at least 24 hours22:25
dotblanksince I added my key22:25
dotblankalso this is a bit odd22:26
jacekowskithen you're doing it wrong22:26
dotblank2011-01-06 22:08:01] Processing package groove 0.4-13. Uploader: dotblank, builder: builder122:26
dotblank[2011-01-06 22:08:04] Unexpected error:22:26
dotblank   OSError'>: [Errno 5] Input/output error: '/mnt/builder/fremantle/groove_0.4-13'22:26
dotblankbut then it says the package built fine22:27
dotblank(I uploaded it throught the extras assistant)22:27
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saLOUthow do i get git 1.7 on my n900?22:42
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saLOUti am an advanced linux user and a new owner of an n900 (but I am only familar with rpm based distros)22:43
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BCMMsaLOUt: i don't know; i think maybe the latest version of the package is 1.6.622:44
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saLOUtBCMM: and how would i install that version?22:45
BCMMsaLOUt: apt-get install git-core, from memory22:45
BCMMi'll just check that that's what the package i have is called22:45
saLOUtBCMM: do i need gainroot for that?22:45
saLOUtthat would be nice.22:45
MohammadAGgit-core, you need root obviously22:46
BCMMsaLOUt: i think sudo is configured to allow use of apt-get22:46
BCMMcould be wrong22:46
BCMMsaLOUt: "sudo apt-get install git-core" may work, but you're bound to want gainroot at some point anyway22:47
BCMMsaLOUt: oh, and you'll need to make sure HAM is closed. only one package-manager instance can do stuff at once22:47
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MohammadAGsudo is configured to allow apt-worker22:48
MohammadAGdifferent things22:48
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saLOUthow can i upscale the font in the inbuild browser or firefox?22:49
MohammadAGwith sense22:50
MohammadAGi.e open options and adjust view22:50
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saLOUtMohammadAG: sense?22:51
saLOUtdo you mean in firefox?22:51
MohammadAGwas it hard to figure out it was in options? :P22:51
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MohammadAGalterego, is the thing about QWidget not being styled true?22:56
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saLOUtwhich ssh app do i have to install to access the n900 via ssh?22:57
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jacekowskiMohammadAG: i have a question to you22:59
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jacekowskiMohammadAG: do you eat pork and that sort of food?23:00
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jacekowskibecause it's not halal or some other reason?23:00
MohammadAGnope, just that23:00
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MohammadAGjacekowski, random question heh23:02
jacekowskinah, i've seen video on one of polish sites23:02
jacekowskiwhere some bloke went berserk after he was asked if they have bacon23:02
jacekowskiand that was in kfc or something23:02
MohammadAGif I found something had pork, I'd be like meh23:03
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MohammadAGjacekowski, do you know how to use IDA pro?23:03
MohammadAGjacekowski, can you help someone out please?23:04
jacekowskiand what is a problem23:04
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nidOyou missed how, why, and when :(23:04
MohammadAGjacekowski, idk, never used it and he's been asking for help all day :)23:05
MohammadAGjacekowski, sec, i'll ask him to join freenode23:05
RST38hwhat help do you need with ida?23:06
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MohammadAGjacekowski, him ^23:07
MohammadAGRST38h, i don't :)23:07
jacekowskiMohammadAG: morninh23:07
RST38hah ok23:08
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jacekowskiMatt`: hmm, so what is your problem?23:10
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MohammadAGjacekowski, err, morning? lol23:10
jacekowskiit's always morning in here23:10
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johnxuniversal greeting time after all :)23:12
johnxmornin' all23:12
lardmanhey johnx23:12
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* lardman uses non-time-related universal greeting :)23:13
MrBawband a universal greeting to you, lardman23:13
lardmanlikewise MrBawb :)23:14
johnxlardman, but that's cheating :P23:14
lardmanI've been found out!23:14
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RST38hJimmy Wales has got his money but is still plaguing Wiki readers23:19
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khertanUh i got a strange error with QFileDialog : any advice : /home/user/MyDocs/Projects/khweeteur/khweeteur/ Warning: /home/bifh4/fremantle-arm-fremantle1.2.cs2007q3/work/glib2.0-2.20.3/gobject/gsignal.c:2387: instance `0x7330d0' has no handler with id `555' sys.exit(Khweeteur().exec_())23:26
MohammadAGwhat's the code?23:27
MohammadAG1276 lines in python, oh my :P23:27
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khertanthe 1276 is sys.exit23:28
khertandon t understand why it print that as app didn t quit23:28
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khertani think this is due the .exec_()23:29
saLOUthow can i set my maemo to open epub files with fbreader by default?23:30
khertan/home/user/MyDocs/Projects/khweeteur/khweeteur/ Warning: g_object_unref: assertion `G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed23:30
khertani m sure i m missing something trivial23:31
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saLOUthow do i know the n900 unix user password. I need it for ssh23:35
SpeedEvillogin as root using the password you set23:36
SpeedEvilpasswd user23:36
SpeedEviluser does not have a password normally23:36
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BCMMno, use SSH keys23:43
SpeedEvilor, yes, that23:44
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