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alterego | joker_89: still pretty unlikely you're going to find any here O_O | 00:07 |
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alterego | Though, I have actually used it myself ... :D | 00:07 |
MohammadAG51 | same, but i only made a restard app :P | 00:08 |
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MohammadAG51 | t* | 00:08 |
joker_89 | but nobodoy use it? | 00:09 |
MohammadAG51 | nope, i switched to pygtk and pyQt | 00:09 |
MohammadAG51 | the latter was a big mistake | 00:09 |
crashanddie | joker_89: this channel is about maemo, nothing to do with s60 | 00:09 |
crashanddie | MohammadAG51: not a fan of pyqt? | 00:09 |
MohammadAG51 | crashanddie, the whole Qt thing annoys me | 00:10 |
MohammadAG51 | why do you think i'm sooo negative about MeeGo | 00:10 |
MohammadAG51 | crashanddie, tbh, I'd like that my apps actually output errors, instead of segfaulting (yes, pyQt apps segfault) | 00:11 |
crashanddie | haha | 00:12 |
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mece | yeah why don't we get errors on pyqt apps? | 00:12 |
MohammadAG51 | cause Qt is C (or C++ not sure) | 00:13 |
mece | I really like to work with pyqt, but the lack of information when things go pear-shaped is truly annoying | 00:13 |
mece | c++ | 00:13 |
mece | what's gtk then? | 00:13 |
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MohammadAG51 | <mece> I really like to work with pyqt, but the lack of information when things go pear-shaped is truly annoying | 00:14 |
MohammadAG51 | exactly | 00:14 |
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mece | :) | 00:14 |
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mece | if I have a symlink, s and that points to a file, f. What happens if f is overwritten with another f? The symlink stays put, right? | 00:19 |
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Wolfie | afaik, the symlink stays even if the file is removed | 00:22 |
Wolfie | hence, symbolic link | 00:22 |
Wolfie | a hard link is another matter | 00:22 |
mece | ...yes :) | 00:22 |
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Wolfie | anyways, night | 00:23 |
Jaffa | GTK HELP! If I have a GtkContainer with set_size_request_policy(...CHILDREN) and a GtkHBox underneath it; how can I stop the button at the right hand side of the HBox (and the HBox itself) growing if the first container (a treeview) isn't showing anything? | 00:23 |
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alterego | Can't believe how cheap N900's are going for now .. | 00:24 |
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alterego | If I just waited a couple of months :/ | 00:24 |
tripzero | how much? | 00:24 |
tripzero | the one i wanted sold for 405 on ebay | 00:24 |
tripzero | used though | 00:24 |
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alterego | Yeah, about the same. | 00:24 |
alterego | Is that USD? | 00:25 |
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tripzero | Jaffa, why gtk? qt is the new coolaid | 00:25 |
lbt | Jaffa: simple... http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.6 | 00:25 |
tripzero | alterego, yeah, usd | 00:25 |
Jaffa | tripzero: Because the app already exists. | 00:25 |
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tripzero | you could probably rewrite it faster in qt than to make it work using gtk | 00:25 |
tripzero | :P | 00:25 |
lbt | Jaffa: porting is a great way to learn Qt | 00:25 |
DocScrutinizer51 | wtf? 40 qud? | 00:26 |
DocScrutinizer51 | quid | 00:26 |
lbt | and it's surprisingly therapeutic | 00:26 |
mece | jaffa, wait.. it's in the packing | 00:26 |
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alterego | lbt: there's porting and then there's rewriting :P | 00:26 |
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Jaffa | lbt: Now's not the time for this port ;-) | 00:26 |
lbt | ah, good point... I used gtkmm | 00:26 |
* lbt sobs at the memory | 00:26 |
tripzero | haha | 00:26 |
alterego | Heh | 00:26 |
tripzero | lbt: i bet you are still trying to clean it out of you? | 00:27 |
* lbt goes back to his happy place | 00:27 |
mece | jaffa, start_pack(item, expand, fill, spacing) | 00:27 |
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mece | jaffa you want the treeview to have both expand and fill set to 1 and the button to have both set to 0. | 00:28 |
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Jaffa | mece: Thanks - I was on the right lines, there's a level missing I think. Hang on. | 00:29 |
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mece | jaffa you might need to put another box inside the hbox or something. I always end up with a bunch of hboxes and vboxes inside eachother. | 00:31 |
Jaffa | mece: Yeah, putting the HBox packed and not expanding into a new VBox seems to have done it. Although my button seems to be being constrained and truncated by some padding | 00:32 |
* DocScrutinizer51 burrps | 00:32 |
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MohammadAG51 | alterego, what's the dbus-send command that's needed to get the song's name? | 00:39 |
alterego | MohammadAG51: good question. Hang on :P | 00:40 |
MohammadAG51 | thanks :) | 00:40 |
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alterego | MohammadAG51: it looks complicated | 00:41 |
DocScrutinizer51 | user:jebba/DBUS | 00:41 |
MohammadAG51 | DocScrutinizer51, nothing there | 00:41 |
alterego | Basically, you find out the uri for the file, then you query the tracker plugin | 00:41 |
MohammadAG51 | that's what your plugin does? | 00:42 |
alterego | No, I just listen for changes. | 00:42 |
MohammadAG51 | oh | 00:42 |
alterego | Everytime the track changes, the metadata is sent out via a dbus signal | 00:42 |
MohammadAG51 | yeah saw that | 00:42 |
MohammadAG51 | in dbus-monitor | 00:42 |
ljsdofuynsdfufuh | cehteh, were you the one saying you build your own cases? | 00:42 |
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alterego | MohammadAG51: I think, call this: method call sender=:1.29 -> dest=com.nokia.mafw.renderer.Mafw-Gst-Renderer-Plugi | 00:43 |
alterego | n.gstrenderer serial=2329 path=/com/nokia/mafw/renderer/gstrenderer; interface=c | 00:43 |
alterego | om.nokia.mafw.renderer; member=get_status | 00:43 |
alterego | Oh, god that was fail :) | 00:43 |
MohammadAG51 | indeed | 00:43 |
MohammadAG51 | :P | 00:43 |
alterego | That tells you the uri, | 00:43 |
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MohammadAG51 | thanks alterego | 00:45 |
alterego | MohammadAG51: http://pastie.org/1000094 | 00:45 |
alterego | rough, but that looks like the basic idea. | 00:45 |
* crashanddie starts dancing while listening to Battles - Atlas (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uv38m36-nsU) | 00:45 |
alterego | MohammadAG51: what are you doing may I ask? :) | 00:45 |
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MohammadAG51 | alterego, just experimenting with some sh*t, not a project or something I'll think about releasing :P | 00:46 |
MohammadAG51 | alterego, promoted to -testing yet? | 00:46 |
alterego | MohammadAG51: yeah | 00:47 |
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alterego | MohammadAG51: do you think it's ready? :) | 00:47 |
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MohammadAG51 | yeah | 00:47 |
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alterego | Well, vote! :D | 00:47 |
MohammadAG51 | that's what i'm doing lol | 00:48 |
alterego | How many QA testers does it need to go to extras? | 00:48 |
SpeedEvil | 1000 | 00:48 |
alterego | woof | 00:48 |
MohammadAG51 | LOL | 00:48 |
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MohammadAG51 | 10 | 00:48 |
alterego | Cool, | 00:48 |
alterego | probably take a while then, doesn't look like there's much interest :) | 00:48 |
pupnik | http://blogs.forum.nokia.com/blog/long-live-your-mobile-battery/2010/06/07/color-makes-a-difference color vs power consumption oled vs tft | 00:49 |
alterego | I feel like I'm talking to myself on the t.m.o thread :D | 00:49 |
DocScrutinizer51 | 1 to test app, and 999 to keep maemo.org running | 00:49 |
MohammadAG51 | alterego, my app stayed about a month in testing | 00:49 |
alterego | Heh | 00:49 |
MohammadAG51 | till someone actually posted a "we need testers" thread | 00:49 |
alterego | Wasn't there an auto promote? | 00:49 |
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lbt | who needs testing? | 00:49 |
alterego | lbt: people that want there app in extras :P | 00:50 |
alterego | s/there/their/ | 00:50 |
infobot | alterego meant: lbt: people that want their app in extras :P | 00:50 |
alterego | awful :D | 00:50 |
lbt | in the specific, not the generic | 00:50 |
MohammadAG51 | alterego, man your email's gonna get spammed :P | 00:50 |
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MohammadAG51 | alterego, request a bugtracker | 00:50 |
alterego | MohammadAG51: (cough) already does ... | 00:50 |
MohammadAG51 | xD | 00:50 |
lbt | http://maemo.org/packages/package_instance/view/fremantle_extras-testing_free_armel/shopper/0.5.9-2/ | 00:51 |
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lbt | swap you? | 00:51 |
MohammadAG51 | seriously, switch to a bugtracker | 00:51 |
MohammadAG51 | alterego, vote your app up, it's sad but I did it | 00:51 |
alterego | Hahah | 00:51 |
alterego | I was going to ... :D | 00:52 |
* lbt proposes a mutual admiration and testing club | 00:52 |
lbt | we need 10 members... | 00:52 |
alterego | :) | 00:52 |
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benno2 | Hi, I read some time ago that Nokia sold about 100k N900 in 5 weeks, how many do you think were sold until now ? I see that the N900 is still launched in new countries like India and on many www.nokia.* sites the N900 is on the front page. do you think 500k N900 might be realistic ? | 00:54 |
lbt | yes | 00:54 |
lbt | no | 00:54 |
jacekowski | more | 00:55 |
MohammadAG51 | hopefully not | 00:55 |
alterego | I think a lot more. | 00:55 |
lbt | there you go... all possibilities covered | 00:55 |
alterego | Hahah | 00:55 |
MohammadAG51 | lol | 00:55 |
frosty` | lol lbt | 00:55 |
jacekowski | MohammadAG51: ? | 00:55 |
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alterego | MohammadAG51: where do I vote it up? | 00:55 |
MohammadAG51 | jacekowski, from the looks of tmo, I really would like a smaller community | 00:55 |
lbt | MohammadAG51: try MeeGo | 00:56 |
MohammadAG51 | alterego, go to the packages page and hit the testing armel one | 00:56 |
MohammadAG51 | lbt, fsck no | 00:56 |
lbt | it's smaller :) | 00:56 |
alterego | Ah, right, cool. | 00:56 |
MohammadAG51 | lbt, at the moment yes, in half a year... | 00:56 |
lbt | *nod* | 00:56 |
MohammadAG51 | well, at least whiners will move to MeeGo | 00:56 |
MohammadAG51 | I'll be a happy bastard | 00:56 |
lbt | anyhow... who wants to start a test group? | 00:57 |
MohammadAG51 | isn't there aready one? :) | 00:57 |
alterego | I think we should close off some parts of the forum for real community members :) | 00:57 |
lbt | MohammadAG51: is there? | 00:57 |
MohammadAG51 | alterego, was thinking the same | 00:57 |
alterego | Add a limit (you can only post here if you've had an account since 2007) | 00:57 |
MohammadAG51 | 1000 thanks | 00:57 |
MohammadAG51 | or 1.5k | 00:57 |
lbt | that suggests pmo users... | 00:58 |
MohammadAG51 | private.maemo.org? | 00:58 |
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alterego | When I read posts like: "290 crappy apps" ... | 00:58 |
MohammadAG51 | alterego, that's kinda lame :P | 00:58 |
alterego | It makes me think, w .. t .. f ?! | 00:58 |
MohammadAG51 | i joined in 09 | 00:58 |
MohammadAG51 | i always thought the N8x0 and 770 had a crappy OS | 00:59 |
MohammadAG51 | never read a wiki article about it | 00:59 |
MohammadAG51 | i was a bit blinded by Symbian | 00:59 |
alterego | I was kidding, about '07 thing. I'm sure there are some very active members who are worth their weight in gold that only hopped on for the N900 :P | 00:59 |
MohammadAG51 | then the N97 came and changed all that | 00:59 |
DocScrutinizer51 | damn, there's ome 30k on tmo | 00:59 |
* MohammadAG51 likes the N97 | 01:00 |
alterego | Symbian does have an interesting distortion field surrounding it. | 01:00 |
DocScrutinizer51 | so you bet >500k | 01:00 |
MohammadAG51 | it made me hate symbian | 01:00 |
alterego | I've never realy liked it. I got the first Series 60, (7650) | 01:00 |
MohammadAG51 | i wish I had an N810 | 01:00 |
MohammadAG51 | or N800 | 01:00 |
DocScrutinizer51 | why | 01:00 |
alterego | I liked it, but it was so far ahead of it's time, but, well, I was sort of expecting more. | 01:00 |
alterego | I love my N810 :) | 01:00 |
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MohammadAG51 | DocScrutinizer51, so I could've been part of the community when it wasn't shit | 01:01 |
DocScrutinizer51 | i love both of them | 01:01 |
alterego | Though, compared with the N900, when I pick it up it kind of feels like a toy :D | 01:01 |
MohammadAG51 | well, tmo | 01:01 |
alterego | tbh, before the N900, I actually never really used t.m.o | 01:01 |
DocScrutinizer51 | neither | 01:01 |
alterego | It was all just here really, in IRC | 01:01 |
MohammadAG51 | what about Itt? | 01:02 |
alterego | This is where the more interesting things happen, but as the size increased, it's pretty hard to keep track of the information that goes through here. | 01:02 |
alterego | MohammadAG51: yeah, I mean ITT, never used it before the N900 and it changing to t.m.o | 01:02 |
mece | in shellscripts, # for comments, right? | 01:03 |
Shapeshifter | DocScrutinizer51: do you run 0.2.0-1 or -1 of alarmed? | 01:03 |
alterego | But people are getting pretty good at wikifying the interesting substance I think. Still though, I'm sure there's a lot of duplicated effort in the community and not enough, erm, mind sharing. | 01:03 |
alterego | mece: yhes | 01:03 |
* DocScrutinizer51 is going to kick users a* thru k* to keep irc chan small enough | 01:03 |
SpeedEvil | meceyes | 01:03 |
Shapeshifter | DocScrutinizer51: and what exactly happens when there's a problem with deleting? | 01:03 |
DocScrutinizer51 | Shapeshifter: latest | 01:03 |
mece | ok, thanks. | 01:03 |
SpeedEvil | Including A through K? | 01:04 |
alterego | DocScrutinizer51: can you start from 'b' or should I change to capitals? :P | 01:04 |
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DocScrutinizer51 | Shapeshifter: bothing happens on hitting delete | 01:04 |
nidO | surely youll get to D then run into problems | 01:04 |
* mece is writing preinst and postrm scripts to backup and restore the libhildonfm.so.2.0.0 file | 01:04 |
Shapeshifter | DocScrutinizer51: have you had the chance to run it on a CLI and look for error output? | 01:04 |
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alterego | ptl: you about? | 01:05 |
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DocScrutinizer51 | Shapeshifter: not yet | 01:06 |
SpeedEvil | Is there a syslog somewhere in the repos? | 01:09 |
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SpeedEvil | ah - I forgot the d. | 01:09 |
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alterego | Well, if there's anyone interested in doing some testing here: http://maemo.org/packages/package_instance/view/fremantle_extras-testing_free_armel/media-im-status-updater/0.2/ | 01:11 |
alterego | pleeeeease! | 01:11 |
DocScrutinizer | SpeedEvil: -ng? | 01:12 |
SpeedEvil | ? | 01:13 |
DocScrutinizer | Shapeshifter: no "about" in the menu :-S | 01:14 |
alterego | Is repository.maemo.org down? | 01:14 |
Shapeshifter | menu? | 01:14 |
DocScrutinizer | SpeedEvil: syslog-ng | 01:14 |
DocScrutinizer | Shapeshifter: exactly | 01:14 |
Shapeshifter | what menu, what "about"? | 01:14 |
DocScrutinizer | Shapeshifter: exactly | 01:14 |
Shapeshifter | why add unnecessary stuff | 01:15 |
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DocScrutinizer | lol | 01:15 |
alterego | Well, this is annoying. | 01:15 |
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DocScrutinizer | i could try a alarmed -V in shell | 01:15 |
alterego | Oh, was my internet .. | 01:16 |
DocScrutinizer | doesn't pan out - no alarmed at all | 01:16 |
DocScrutinizer | :-o | 01:16 |
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DocScrutinizer | Shapeshifter: optification borked it? | 01:17 |
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Shapeshifter | huh | 01:18 |
DocScrutinizer | alterego: no, it's been me, starting to kick a* | 01:18 |
alterego | :P | 01:18 |
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MohammadAG51 | he killed himself | 01:19 |
Shapeshifter | I'm not sure if I have a symlink in my package. I guess I should make one or something. Or maybe py2deb should? I dunno. Anyway /opt/alarmed/alarmed.py should work | 01:19 |
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DocScrutinizer | damn, i'm d* | 01:19 |
alterego | Shapeshifter: permissions? | 01:19 |
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alterego | Shapeshifter: I.E. is it executable? | 01:19 |
* Jaffa beds. | 01:19 |
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alterego | Oh, wait, my bad, didn't actually read all of that :D | 01:20 |
DocScrutinizer | alar<tab> doesn't pan out | 01:20 |
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Shapeshifter | huh | 01:20 |
Shapeshifter | DocScrutinizer: you mean without the path? Well as I said probably there's no symlink in /usr/bin/ or similar | 01:21 |
DocScrutinizer | Shapeshifter: optification borked it? | 01:21 |
DocScrutinizer | c&p from 10min ago | 01:21 |
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Shapeshifter | what?? | 01:23 |
Shapeshifter | nothing is broken | 01:23 |
Shapeshifter | everything works | 01:23 |
Shapeshifter | I don't understand what you're trying to say. | 01:23 |
DocScrutinizer51 | alarmed.py: error: no such option: -V | 01:23 |
Shapeshifter | so? | 01:23 |
SpeedEvil | DocScrutinizer: ah - I found syslogd - which I have installed and working. | 01:24 |
Shapeshifter | why would an app need to advertise it's own version. that's package-manager business. | 01:24 |
SpeedEvil | (once I set it up to drop its logs in /home | 01:24 |
Shapeshifter | or do you mean verbose? | 01:24 |
DocScrutinizer | Shapeshifter: I'm not supposed to have /opt/alarmed/ in my $PATH | 01:24 |
Shapeshifter | DocScrutinizer: yeah I know | 01:24 |
Shapeshifter | I'm saying it probably never worked | 01:24 |
DocScrutinizer | and -V should give me an idea about version | 01:24 |
DocScrutinizer | just saying | 01:25 |
Shapeshifter | DocScrutinizer: I disagree. Apps don't need version info inside the app. That would mean I'd need more build-periphery that does stuff automatically, or I'd need to update version numbers in two places. that's from the old times, when there was no package management. or on windows :> | 01:25 |
Shapeshifter | where everything is in chaos. | 01:25 |
DocScrutinizer | or if -V doesn't then at least --help should | 01:26 |
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Shapeshifter | why | 01:26 |
Shapeshifter | apt-info alarmed | 01:26 |
Shapeshifter | or | 01:26 |
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Shapeshifter | apt-cache info | 01:26 |
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DocScrutinizer | package management? which package manegement?? | 01:26 |
Shapeshifter | apt | 01:27 |
* DocScrutinizer *cough* | 01:27 |
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DocScrutinizer | apt seems even unable to tell me the REPO a particular app is installed from | 01:27 |
MohammadAG51 | HAM can | 01:28 |
mece | yay HAM! | 01:28 |
jperez26 | so...any idea when a viable test version of meego for n8x0 will be ready? >.>;; | 01:28 |
* DocScrutinizer heads off to warm up some wieners | 01:28 |
jperez26 | i'd love to get my hands on it for testing | 01:28 |
DocScrutinizer | /join meego | 01:29 |
jperez26 | oh psh | 01:30 |
jperez26 | you're no fun doc >:/ | 01:30 |
DocScrutinizer | Shapeshifter: HAM takes 5 minutes just to start up. Couldn't bother less to try and find out about a version of a pkg this way | 01:30 |
alterego | http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/photo.php?pid=4325663&id=695772868 | 01:30 |
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alterego | A picture of me with my N900, taken by someone with an N900, :D | 01:30 |
alterego | That was timed impeccably. | 01:30 |
MohammadAG51 | alterego, No way the flag ye sent fer can be spied upon now. Yer lookin glass may be foggy or yer shipmates may be planning yer mutiny! Better watch yer back. | 01:31 |
MohammadAG51 | next time, link to a .jpg :) | 01:31 |
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alterego | Oh, hahah, privacy settings. | 01:31 |
alterego | I was wondering what you were talking about for a moment. | 01:32 |
MohammadAG51 | (English (Pirate) language selected) | 01:32 |
alterego | http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs319.ash1/28105_397565012868_695772868_4325663_6844699_n.jpg | 01:32 |
alterego | Is that better? | 01:32 |
MohammadAG51 | oi! change to 5MP photos | 01:32 |
Shapeshifter | DocScrutinizer: Nokia-N900:~# apt-cache show alarmed | grep Version | 01:33 |
Shapeshifter | Version: 0.2.0-2 | 01:33 |
mece | damn you modified filemanager! quit giving me sw_rst reboots! | 01:33 |
alterego | MohammadAG51: ? | 01:33 |
alterego | Not my camera :P | 01:33 |
MohammadAG51 | heh | 01:33 |
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Funnyface | am I the only one that keeps entering "Settings" since they removed the "More..." icon from the menu? :P | 01:33 |
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alterego | Funnyface: probably yeah :P | 01:33 |
mece | Funnyface, I have to admit I did that a couple of times after upgrade | 01:33 |
Funnyface | hehe | 01:34 |
alterego | Funnyface: no, I'ver heard a couple of people talking about that issue | 01:34 |
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DocScrutinizer | Shapeshifter: is there a way to use rpm? | 01:34 |
MohammadAG51 | Funnyface, nope, I just moved the settings icon, and made terminal where more is | 01:34 |
Shapeshifter | DocScrutinizer: why would you want to do that? | 01:34 |
MohammadAG51 | so if I actually do it, I just run the app from terminal | 01:35 |
Shapeshifter | DocScrutinizer: is rpm any better than apt? apt is such a pita. | 01:35 |
DocScrutinizer | because I don't know a shit of apt | 01:35 |
MohammadAG51 | rpm sucks | 01:35 |
Shapeshifter | DocScrutinizer: ah well. no clue. I had to learn apt as well. it's not that complicated | 01:35 |
Shapeshifter | or rather, it is VERY complicated | 01:35 |
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Shapeshifter | but the 3 things you need everyday are not. | 01:35 |
* MohammadAG51 finds it quite easy | 01:35 |
DocScrutinizer | I only know <cmd> -V | 01:35 |
Shapeshifter | apt is a mess | 01:35 |
Funnyface | I guess I haven't used my device enough since the upgrade :\ | 01:36 |
Shapeshifter | horrible. but I've said that many times enough | 01:36 |
MohammadAG51 | it's much better than RPM tbh | 01:36 |
DocScrutinizer | and <cmd> --help | 01:36 |
alterego | MohammadAG51: anyhow, I prefer the 3.5 widescreen images :P | 01:36 |
MohammadAG51 | rpm is soooo slow | 01:36 |
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Shapeshifter | dunno, I don't know rpm, so that maybe true. | 01:36 |
trem | nite all, sweet dreams | 01:36 |
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DocScrutinizer | if both doesn't tell me about version of the program text loaded, then I can't be bothered to ask some 3rd app about it | 01:37 |
Shapeshifter | DocScrutinizer: what third party app? | 01:37 |
Shapeshifter | apt-cache is part of apt | 01:37 |
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MohammadAG51 | indeed | 01:37 |
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mece | does test -f return true on symlinks? | 01:38 |
DocScrutinizer | I installed my system with flasher-tool | 01:38 |
DocScrutinizer | what is apt? | 01:38 |
DocScrutinizer | or, what is xterm, for that topic? alarmed has a GUI | 01:38 |
MohammadAG51 | err | 01:39 |
MohammadAG51 | Shapeshifter, | 01:39 |
MohammadAG51 | just add a dpkg -l alarmed to your app | 01:39 |
mece | errm. could I get the output of ls -l /usr/lib/libhildonfm* on N900 pls? | 01:39 |
MohammadAG51 | make it show version number | 01:39 |
Shapeshifter | imo the application doesn't need to advertise anything about it's state. If you'd want that, you'd have to add a little package manager to every single app you write that checks integrity, cares about versioning... | 01:39 |
MohammadAG51 | lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 20 Jun 10 13:22 /usr/lib/libhildonfm.so.2 -> libhildonfm.so.2.0.0 | 01:40 |
MohammadAG51 | -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 301476 Apr 15 18:55 /usr/lib/libhildonfm.so.2.0.0 | 01:40 |
DocScrutinizer | uhuh | 01:40 |
Shapeshifter | you're just used to it from the old times | 01:40 |
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DocScrutinizer | ~ $ uname -a | 01:41 |
DocScrutinizer | Linux Nokia-N900-02-8 2.6.28-omap1 #1 PREEMPT Wed Jun 2 18:49:44 IDT 2010 armv7l unknown | 01:41 |
DocScrutinizer | ~ $ less -V | 01:41 |
DocScrutinizer | less 429 | 01:41 |
DocScrutinizer | Copyright (C) 1984-2008 Mark Nudelman | 01:41 |
mece | MohammadAG51, Much obliged. Thank you. | 01:41 |
Shapeshifter | *click on help -> about, see copyright notice, license, and credits and that you're not allowed to copy the program" | 01:41 |
DocScrutinizer | don't tell me about modern times, mate | 01:41 |
vldcnst | crashanddie: cool song | 01:41 |
Shapeshifter | DocScrutinizer: yeah. less is from the old times | 01:41 |
Shapeshifter | today you do: apt-cache show less | 01:42 |
DocScrutinizer | maybe it's fashinable to be stupid... I just don't care | 01:42 |
Shapeshifter | Version: 429-2maemo1 | 01:42 |
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MohammadAG51 | oooh | 01:42 |
MohammadAG51 | i like this -V shit | 01:42 |
Shapeshifter | DocScrutinizer: you get more useful info out of apt-cache than if every single app were to increment an internal counter. which of course gets forgotten and is just one more redundant step in packaging | 01:42 |
DocScrutinizer | Shapeshifter: no, as I copied over the executable, and apt doesn't know a shit about it, or about my $PATH | 01:43 |
Shapeshifter | DocScrutinizer: why do you do that. | 01:43 |
Shapeshifter | use apt | 01:43 |
DocScrutinizer | NO I WON'T | 01:43 |
Shapeshifter | well then that's your problem :) | 01:43 |
DocScrutinizer | and you won't tell me to do | 01:43 |
DocScrutinizer | that's YOUR problem, not mine | 01:43 |
Shapeshifter | why is it? | 01:43 |
DocScrutinizer | YOU asked ME about the version of the executable I used | 01:44 |
* DocScrutinizer get's pissed, slowly but inevitably | 01:44 |
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MohammadAG51 | Beer? | 01:44 |
Shapeshifter | DocScrutinizer: I was assuming that you got it from extras-devel. Do you think that assumption is not sane given that maemo 5 uses apt and alarmed is in extras-devel? | 01:44 |
DocScrutinizer | you don't even know which version of maemo I use here | 01:45 |
Shapeshifter | again, why would you go around placing stuff by hand instead of letting the package manager do it | 01:45 |
MohammadAG51 | lol | 01:45 |
DocScrutinizer | damn you don't even know the device | 01:45 |
MohammadAG51 | RX-91 | 01:45 |
Shapeshifter | woot | 01:45 |
MohammadAG51 | it runs Mac OS X | 01:45 |
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DocScrutinizer | Shapeshifter: I'm on 1.1.1 here, with a custom kernel, and a messed up apt database | 01:47 |
Shapeshifter | DocScrutinizer: that is unfortunate. | 01:47 |
DocScrutinizer | and I copied back a partition image of /opt | 01:47 |
MohammadAG51 | you didn't upgrade to 1.2? | 01:48 |
DocScrutinizer | so now tell me, is the version I report to you from apt really the one of the executable I used | 01:48 |
Shapeshifter | DocScrutinizer: unlikely so | 01:48 |
DocScrutinizer | you CAN'T | 01:48 |
DocScrutinizer | so don't tell me about modern fucking times, dude | 01:49 |
Shapeshifter | DocScrutinizer: then again, you probably got the files from a tar.gz or deb labeled with a version :) | 01:49 |
Shapeshifter | aaanyway | 01:49 |
Shapeshifter | unusual circumstances | 01:49 |
crashanddie | chill, children | 01:50 |
DocScrutinizer | you NEVER face 'usual circumstances' when troubleshooting | 01:50 |
DocScrutinizer | WTF is wrong with a version number in --help? | 01:51 |
crashanddie | vldcnst: I heard a remixed version for some honda ad, and I just felt like I knew it (almost impossible to hear, maybe 3 seconds in the ad) | 01:52 |
crashanddie | vldcnst: was watching a stupid movie, but couldn't focus. The song kept popping back, till it hit me, I heard it yesterday while playing little big planet with some friends | 01:52 |
DocScrutinizer | too much hassle for the developer? | 01:52 |
MohammadAG51 | crashanddie, oh you have a PS3? | 01:53 |
crashanddie | I have 3 | 01:53 |
crashanddie | lol | 01:53 |
MohammadAG51 | LBP is epic :D | 01:53 |
Shapeshifter | DocScrutinizer: as I said, I'd need to increment it by hand in two files (build script/changes + in the code) or build around some magic that it gets incremented automatically when changed in the build script | 01:53 |
MohammadAG51 | crashanddie, what's your ID? :) | 01:53 |
crashanddie | MohammadAG51: crashanddie_ | 01:53 |
DocScrutinizer | hmm, just do it then | 01:53 |
crashanddie | MohammadAG51: do you have RDR? | 01:53 |
mece | aw crap.. | 01:54 |
DocScrutinizer | you see less can do it as well | 01:54 |
MohammadAG51 | Red Dead Redemption? nah, is it good? | 01:54 |
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vldcnst | crashanddie: the lyrics are also interesting. | 01:54 |
crashanddie | yeah, pretty fun, if you like spaghetti westerns | 01:54 |
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Shapeshifter | DocScrutinizer: I don't see the necessity. | 01:54 |
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Shapeshifter | DocScrutinizer51: I'm more concerned with functionality than topping ans sprinkles. | 01:55 |
crashanddie | MohammadAG51: played online for the first time today, heaps of fun. You just find some people in this huge desert, and the leader goes "ok, let's go and shoot some criminals", and as a gang you raid some other gang hideout | 01:55 |
Shapeshifter | each to his own | 01:55 |
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mece | annoying. if I do an install of a package (p1) that is already installed (p2), it runs like this: p1 preinst, p2 postrm, p1 install. | 01:55 |
Shapeshifter | DocScrutinizer51: you can always fork ;) | 01:55 |
mece | which results in my preinst magic is based on the already installed thing, but then the postrm is run before the actual thing is installed. damn und blast! | 01:56 |
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DocScrutinizer51 | you bet I'll do rather than share my thoughts to people who don't care and prefer to ask me meaningless quewtions, just to answer them with 'unusual circumstances. your system isn't maimtained the "modern" way' | 01:59 |
Shapeshifter | sure | 02:00 |
DocScrutinizer51 | if you're lazy then why at all share packages? | 02:00 |
Shapeshifter | DocScrutinizer51: you really want to keep going? | 02:01 |
Shapeshifter | I think I've endured enough DocScrutiny for today, I'll rather go to sleep :> | 02:01 |
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crashanddie | lmao, watching a documentary about fraudulent landlords... Some landlord has a civil company, and the associates are himself, his wife, his two daughters and his son. Only problem, his daughters are twins born 4 years ago, and the boy is under a year old | 02:17 |
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asj | can a 4 year old not be stock holders in your country? | 02:18 |
crashanddie | sure they can | 02:18 |
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crashanddie | just makes it quite hard for the assemblies. "Motion to give daddy a new car, Johnny boy vote yes or no dessert tonight" | 02:19 |
asj | maybe I'm just cynical, but that's only slightly more silly than what happens in companies all the time. "Edward, we recommend you vote yes since they would greatly increase your quartly bonus" | 02:20 |
asj | err, s/they/that/ | 02:20 |
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pigeon | is there a way to add the usb net connection to the list of connections for things like auto update for things (e.g. modest)? | 02:35 |
pigeon | usually they only show "WLAN" and "any connections" | 02:36 |
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jperez26 | meego channel seems useless. no one is active ._. | 02:38 |
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SpeedEvil | Maemo runs. http://qkwv.com/zombeef.jpg | 02:45 |
* vldcnst runs. | 02:47 |
* mece runs, screaming "ZOMBIECOWS! RUN!!!" | 02:48 |
mece | damn you ssu! | 02:49 |
mece | or whatever it's called. Firmware | 02:49 |
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mece | stupid ham. | 02:49 |
mece | HAM tells me that it will not install that because it pokes at my precious firmware in a way that I'm not comfortable with | 02:50 |
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mece | ~curse hildon application manager | 02:51 |
infobot | May the fleas of a thousand camels infest your most sensitive regions, hildon application manager ! | 02:51 |
SpeedEvil | pr1.2 you mean? | 02:51 |
mece | well yes. | 02:51 |
mece | I aimed to discreetly replace one small library. | 02:51 |
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mece | well it works fine with dpkg, so it's not really that much of a problem. | 02:51 |
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mece | it even makes a backup of the library, so it can restore it as it were when uninstalled. | 02:52 |
mece | which it even does :) | 02:54 |
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mece | I'm out. tata. | 03:04 |
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pupnik | http://www.notebookcheck.net/Mobile-Processors-Benchmarklist.2436.0.html useful benchmarklist for portable x86 cpus | 03:10 |
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sexpapst | . | 03:16 |
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sexpapst | lol | 03:17 |
sexpapst | lol | 03:17 |
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flailingmonkey | howdy | 03:24 |
flailingmonkey | damn, looks like I just missed mece | 03:24 |
nextime | uhm | 03:25 |
nextime | just discovered that the n900 email client shoud support imap idle | 03:25 |
flailingmonkey | was this from change logs mentioning a reworking of imap idle? (spoiler: its not really imap idle) | 03:26 |
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jaem | 'afternoon | 03:26 |
nextime | flailingmonkey : no, it is from a blog describing nokia messaging service that use imap idle | 03:27 |
budfive | nextime: i believe the imap idle implementation in libtinymail is highly inefficient so it's a battery hog and disabled | 03:27 |
nextime | budfive: mumbl | 03:27 |
nextime | so, how can i get email push feature on n900? | 03:28 |
MohammadAG51 | email.nokia.com | 03:28 |
budfive | https://bugs.maemo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3888 | 03:28 |
povbot | Bug 3888: IMAP-IDLE not working | 03:28 |
budfive | you can use an email proxy such as nokia messaging | 03:28 |
budfive | also I think the exchange is supposed to support it | 03:29 |
nextime | budfive : i'm escapingg from blackberry cause i'm a privacy fanatic and i DON'T want to useany third pary proxy for my email | 03:29 |
budfive | s/exchange/exchange client/ | 03:29 |
infobot | budfive meant: also I think the exchange client is supposed to support it | 03:29 |
nextime | and also i don't use any microsoft technology, so, no exchange | 03:30 |
budfive | nextime: I don't know of any good ways at this point. Seems like the RIGHT solution is to fix libtinymail | 03:30 |
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budfive | nextime: read the comments on the bug in the link | 03:30 |
nextime | i'm doing so | 03:31 |
SpeedEvil | You mean modest? | 03:31 |
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SpeedEvil | modest is open-source | 03:31 |
budfive | no | 03:31 |
SpeedEvil | ah | 03:31 |
budfive | modest is a frontend to libtinymail | 03:31 |
budfive | libtinymail is the part that needs to support imap idle more correctly | 03:32 |
SpeedEvil | ah | 03:32 |
budfive | it's open source too, though. So could be done for sure | 03:32 |
budfive | somebody just needs to invest the time | 03:32 |
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SpeedEvil | If someone does, I will sponsor them one shiny carrot. | 03:32 |
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pigeon | what's the diff between nokia messaging and ovi mail? | 03:34 |
budfive | nokia messaging is an email proxy, ovi mail is a webmail service | 03:35 |
pigeon | right | 03:35 |
flailingmonkey | I think it is necessary to create an established procedure for "upgrading" packages that are part of PR/"Maemo 5" meta package | 03:35 |
budfive | ovi mail gives you an email address, like gmail, hotmail, etc | 03:35 |
flailingmonkey | that is supported by HAM, specifically | 03:35 |
pigeon | i'm now trying nokia messaging, funny thing though, when i use the sign up on the web, it says my phone already has the latest nokia messaging software installed, and i should just set it up on the phone. | 03:36 |
budfive | nokia messaging checks your existing email account and alerts you in an intelligent way when messages are available | 03:36 |
pigeon | but then if i can't sign up, what do i set up on my phone? like address and password | 03:36 |
jaem | budfive, is there FOSS server software that one could use in place of Nokia's proxy for that? | 03:36 |
budfive | pigeon: it's supposed to show up in the list when you add new email accoutns | 03:36 |
jaem | I don't like giving third-parties my e-mail credentials | 03:36 |
flailingmonkey | N900 can create account when you set it up on phone | 03:37 |
budfive | pigeon: but it doesn't work for some people, since Nokia determines eligibility in some non-transparent manner | 03:37 |
pigeon | hmm | 03:37 |
flailingmonkey | s/\$/ with Nokia Messaging/ | 03:37 |
budfive | pigeon: If they decided you're not eligible for some reason, "nokia messaging" doesn't appear in the list of new accounts | 03:37 |
flailingmonkey | bah, no regexps | 03:37 |
pigeon | i'm trying to create a new account in modest now | 03:37 |
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pigeon | now it asks me for my e-mail address and password | 03:38 |
flailingmonkey | I had it so that the entry was above the top of the list that was displayed, just had to scroll up | 03:38 |
pigeon | that would be my real e-mail address and password? | 03:38 |
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flailingmonkey | yeah, it wants the e-mail/pwd for the address you want to proxy. it uses that e-mail as your user name | 03:39 |
pigeon | so NM's proxy talks imap to fetch e-mails? | 03:40 |
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pigeon | never mind, i should just read NM's faq on their website first ;) | 03:42 |
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flailingmonkey | yep, ya should :-p | 03:44 |
pigeon | :) | 03:44 |
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pigeon | so NM will have access to all my e-mails? | 03:44 |
SpeedEvil | If NM is fetching them for you, then yes. | 03:45 |
pigeon | ok | 03:45 |
pigeon | thought so | 03:45 |
SpeedEvil | I recall some rather bogus terms in their T&Cs that gave them the right to - amongst other things - publically perform excerpts from your emails. | 03:45 |
pigeon | and they'll have to store your e-mails somehow too then | 03:46 |
SpeedEvil | However - I wasn't reading closely - check that I'm not making stuff up. | 03:46 |
pigeon | yeah, i was thinking maybe i will not use NM for like my work e-mails, for example. | 03:46 |
pigeon | reading the t&c now | 03:48 |
* nextime now goes to sleep, 2:47am here, but tomorrow will look more deeply on libtinything and will start to study the code to try to fix it in someway | 03:48 |
sexpapst | ll | 03:48 |
nextime | 'night | 03:48 |
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pigeon | fix imap folder subscription while you're there too then ;) | 03:49 |
pigeon | night | 03:49 |
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flailingmonkey | hehehe | 03:56 |
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flailingmonkey | still, we need to empower community to be able to share updates outside PR releases | 03:57 |
SpeedEvil | Get some hosting. | 03:57 |
flailingmonkey | they should also submit the patches too of course, but whats the point of scratching an itch when you have to wait for months to use your work | 03:57 |
SpeedEvil | Add it to the repository list | 03:57 |
flailingmonkey | the problem is, I really would prefer to be able to use HAM, and not require more hoop jumping for users | 03:58 |
flailingmonkey | and it seems to complain when you step on files associated with "Maemo 5" package :-p | 03:59 |
flailingmonkey | lol, maybe have the install just run a script to do the dirty work | 03:59 |
SpeedEvil | You can add repositories to HAM | 04:00 |
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flailingmonkey | indeed, but it won't install a package that interferes with files in the "Maemo 5" package. Should also plan to handle future OTA PR upgrades gracefully | 04:07 |
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pigeon | can you enable those dial number sound when dialing a number in the phone app? | 04:11 |
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pigeon | wouldn't you need modest running to get nokia messaging push? | 04:14 |
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MohammadAG51 | nope | 04:18 |
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MohammadAG51 | it should work in the background | 04:19 |
MohammadAG51 | afaik | 04:19 |
pigeon | when you say background, you mean modest running in the background? | 04:19 |
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pigeon | i don't have any modest process running now, and i just sent myself a test e-mail, there's no notification or anything yet. | 04:20 |
MohammadAG51 | tbh it isn't that good on hotmail | 04:20 |
MohammadAG51 | for gmail and ovi, it's instant | 04:20 |
pigeon | i'm testing it with a gmail account | 04:21 |
MohammadAG51 | no idea then | 04:21 |
pigeon | hmm | 04:21 |
pigeon | let me start modest now then | 04:21 |
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pigeon | ah, hmm, maybe i know why | 04:23 |
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pigeon | still nothing. | 04:26 |
pigeon | weird, i'm not getting any notification. | 04:29 |
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pigeon | i'm guessing it's one of the options i've got which switched it off or something... | 04:34 |
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pigeon | if i start modest, then go into the account under nokia messaging, the new mails are there. | 04:37 |
pigeon | but i'm just not getting any notifications. | 04:37 |
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pigeon | ah, the notification only works when i have the phone locked/screen down | 04:48 |
pigeon | that's not very obvious... | 04:49 |
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flailingmonkey | weird | 05:18 |
flailingmonkey | maybe it just works now? | 05:18 |
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pigeon | i guess i could try reboot my phone too. | 05:25 |
pigeon | but for now, i have to lock the phone before i get a notification | 05:26 |
pigeon | works very well btw, nokia messaging + gmail | 05:26 |
pigeon | i just need to somehow setup something so i can use NM with all of my other e-mail accounts | 05:26 |
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ljsdofuynsdfufuh | any tmo users in the US? | 05:27 |
ljsdofuynsdfufuh | curious about what plan to get | 05:27 |
pigeon | like my personal home one requires ssh tunnel and etc. | 05:27 |
flailingmonkey | now that you have a NM account you can login to the website | 05:27 |
pigeon | ah | 05:27 |
pigeon | good point, thanks | 05:27 |
flailingmonkey | ljsdofuynsdfufuh, I've found tmo associates are usually very interested by the N900 :-) in the stores atleast | 05:29 |
pigeon | nice | 05:29 |
flailingmonkey | ssh tunneling into your personal IMAP server? isn't that overkill, or is it more like a makeshift vpn | 05:30 |
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pigeon | oh... rebooting did solve the problem... | 05:30 |
ljsdofuynsdfufuh | flailingmonkey: so they'll help me get good deals if i bring it in? | 05:31 |
flailingmonkey | I've found that its unnecessary to have push e-mail, it mostly interrupts my work | 05:31 |
wazd_n900 | morning people :) | 05:31 |
pigeon | flailingmonkey: heh | 05:31 |
flailingmonkey | ljsdofuynsdfufuh, lol, I doubt it but I like people praising N900, our lady of hardware | 05:32 |
pigeon | flailingmonkey: that's the whole point ;) | 05:32 |
ljsdofuynsdfufuh | well I just bought one yesterday | 05:32 |
ljsdofuynsdfufuh | the scale thinks I lost 10 pounds, but that is only because I weight myself with my wallet | 05:32 |
flailingmonkey | saving battery would be the only thing to move me to push e-mail | 05:33 |
ljsdofuynsdfufuh | why is email separate from 'internet' on the plans | 05:34 |
ljsdofuynsdfufuh | I feel marketing at work! | 05:34 |
flailingmonkey | wazd_n900, what timezone now? | 05:34 |
wazd_n900 | cet+3 :) | 05:34 |
wazd_n900 | 6:35 am in here | 05:34 |
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flailingmonkey | ljsdofuynsdfufuh, i'd just ask them what the difference is | 05:36 |
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flailingmonkey | EDT-4, 22:36 for me | 05:36 |
wazd_n900 | hehe | 05:36 |
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flailingmonkey | what country? | 05:39 |
SpeedEvil | 3:43AM | 05:43 |
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* SpeedEvil gets pancake. | 05:43 |
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flailingmonkey | irc should indicate each users country/timezone, to promote understanding | 05:44 |
budfive | ljsdofuynsdfufuh: I'm on tmo in the US | 05:44 |
budfive | ljsdofuynsdfufuh: if you go contract-less, the voice plans are cheaper. Data is $10/mo if you tell them you have a featurephone. If you tell them you have an n900, it's $25/mo | 05:44 |
* SpeedEvil cheeses. | 05:45 |
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ljsdofuynsdfufuh | budfive, can they know what you have? | 05:47 |
ljsdofuynsdfufuh | what is a 'featurephone'? | 05:47 |
ljsdofuynsdfufuh | 10$/mo unlimited for data prepaid? | 05:47 |
ljsdofuynsdfufuh | that is really good | 05:47 |
ljsdofuynsdfufuh | I'm not sure they've 3g prepaid | 05:48 |
budfive | ljsdofuynsdfufuh: featurephone is any old phone | 05:48 |
budfive | ljsdofuynsdfufuh: the data plans are exactly the same | 05:48 |
budfive | ljsdofuynsdfufuh: borrow and old non-smart phone, go in and get the cheap data plan | 05:49 |
SpeedEvil | 'Yes, I'm using 23Gb/mo with a nokia 3310 - so?' | 05:49 |
ljsdofuynsdfufuh | I don't want to pay monthly because half way through the month I may be in another country | 05:49 |
ljsdofuynsdfufuh | lol | 05:49 |
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budfive | ljsdofuynsdfufuh: this isn't prepaid. You still pay monthly, but you don't have a contract | 05:50 |
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budfive | SpeedEvil: they'd have to check to know that :) | 05:50 |
budfive | ljsdofuynsdfufuh: http://www.t-mobile.com/shop/plans/Cell-Phone-Plans.aspx?catgroup=Individual&WT.z_shop_plansLP=individual | 05:50 |
budfive | ljsdofuynsdfufuh: "even more plus" is what you want | 05:50 |
ljsdofuynsdfufuh | so 60/mo | 05:51 |
ljsdofuynsdfufuh | hmmm | 05:51 |
ljsdofuynsdfufuh | I'm looking at pay-as-you-go | 05:51 |
ljsdofuynsdfufuh | maybe the sidekick plan: http://www.t-mobile.com/shop/plans/Cell-Phone-Plans.aspx?catgroup=Individual&WT.z_shop_plansLP=individual | 05:53 |
Proteous | I pay $40 a month for 500 minutes and unlimted data for my n900 | 05:53 |
ljsdofuynsdfufuh | 1$/day for unlimited sms and data? | 05:53 |
budfive | Proteous: exactly what i do :) | 05:54 |
ljsdofuynsdfufuh | any sms? | 05:54 |
Proteous | I don't really use it | 05:54 |
ljsdofuynsdfufuh | google voice might be a solution | 05:54 |
flailingmonkey | they will be looking for people trying to abuse the prepaid plans more than the monthly plans | 05:54 |
budfive | ljsdofuynsdfufuh: $10/unlimited or $0.20 each | 05:54 |
Proteous | but I can, for $0.20 a text | 05:54 |
ljsdofuynsdfufuh | so you guys pay monthly right? | 05:54 |
Proteous | yes, monthly, it's no contract prepay | 05:55 |
ljsdofuynsdfufuh | well I don't want to be paying them when I'm in another country | 05:55 |
flailingmonkey | the good thing is that with no contract you can cancel any time, no fee | 05:55 |
Proteous | but your account goes away if you don't pay | 05:55 |
Proteous | you can't just skip out for 6 months then start it back up | 05:55 |
Proteous | well you can, you'll just have to buy the plan again when you start it back up and you'll get a new number | 05:56 |
ljsdofuynsdfufuh | okay, how do I skip out for 2mo? | 05:56 |
ljsdofuynsdfufuh | any way to do that? | 05:56 |
Proteous | you don't | 05:56 |
ljsdofuynsdfufuh | heh | 05:56 |
ljsdofuynsdfufuh | oh, I can't lose my number | 05:56 |
budfive | ljsdofuynsdfufuh: sounds like you need to talk to tmobile :) | 05:56 |
ljsdofuynsdfufuh | okay, I was planning, during a trip across europe to just get a new sim for every country since it will be way cheaper with native providers instead of roaming...... | 05:57 |
ljsdofuynsdfufuh | is this not reasonable? | 05:58 |
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flailingmonkey | yes, prepaid can be very affordable | 06:00 |
flailingmonkey | at least in finland | 06:00 |
ljsdofuynsdfufuh | hey, I might even visit finland | 06:00 |
Proteous | in the US it can be if you only want a voice plan | 06:00 |
Proteous | the prepaid data offerings pretty much all suck | 06:01 |
ljsdofuynsdfufuh | so how do I prevent spending on a US tmo plan when I'm out of the country? | 06:01 |
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Proteous | except for fanegaling the tmobile plan like we were talking about | 06:01 |
Proteous | ljsdofuynsdfufuh: you seem to think that if you keep asking that somehow the reality of the situation is going to change | 06:01 |
Proteous | spend the $80 to keep your plan active for 2 months | 06:02 |
Proteous | that is the solution | 06:02 |
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ljsdofuynsdfufuh | lol | 06:03 |
budfive | ljsdofuynsdfufuh: if you're extra-cheap you can turn off the $10/mo data for when you're not there | 06:03 |
ljsdofuynsdfufuh | I'm thinking about trying the sidekick plan | 06:03 |
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budfive | ljsdofuynsdfufuh: link? | 06:04 |
ljsdofuynsdfufuh | can the provider tell what kind of phone you have? | 06:04 |
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simula | $10/month for data? what? | 06:04 |
ljsdofuynsdfufuh | http://www.t-mobile.com/shop/plans/Cell-Phone-Plans.aspx?catgroup=Individual&WT.z_shop_plansLP=individual | 06:04 |
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flailingmonkey | yeah, sidekick is a special case | 06:04 |
simula | dang that's expensive | 06:05 |
simula | i use a prepaid and rely on my wifi | 06:05 |
simula | less than $10/month | 06:05 |
ljsdofuynsdfufuh | in the US? | 06:06 |
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simula | yulps | 06:06 |
ljsdofuynsdfufuh | which plan is that? | 06:08 |
ljsdofuynsdfufuh | only data prepaid? | 06:08 |
simula | only voice prepaid | 06:08 |
simula | i rely on external wifi for my data | 06:08 |
ljsdofuynsdfufuh | ah | 06:09 |
simula | there are a couple open hotspots where i eat lunch, the only time i really use a connection | 06:09 |
ljsdofuynsdfufuh | yeah, I'd like 3g | 06:09 |
ljsdofuynsdfufuh | i thought I'd be able to get a sim for every country i visit to keep costs down | 06:09 |
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luke-jr | simula: prepaid monthly, or prepaid per minute? O.o | 06:10 |
luke-jr | my wife uses 70 hours in a month -.- | 06:10 |
simula | ahhh, i use mine rarely... it was for a set number of minutes and it lasts a year | 06:11 |
simula | i paid $100 for it | 06:12 |
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flailingmonkey | its quite amazing how much use a phone can get, even just with a feature phone | 06:13 |
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flailingmonkey | why are most people on IRC in Europe... | 06:28 |
Proteous | most people in Europe are on IRC? | 06:29 |
Proteous | or most people are on IRC servers located in Europe? | 06:29 |
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Proteous | or most of the people who use irc are from Europe? | 06:30 |
Proteous | isn't english fun | 06:30 |
flailingmonkey | very fun is | 06:33 |
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ohwhyme | LoL | 06:34 |
flailingmonkey | new try, most people in #maemo seem to be from Europe | 06:35 |
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flailingmonkey | s/#maemo/#maemo at this moment/ | 06:35 |
infobot | flailingmonkey meant: new try, most people in #maemo at this moment seem to be from Europe | 06:35 |
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derf | Sigh, Mappero is still unusably bad, I see. | 06:42 |
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flailingmonkey | what does that one do? | 07:16 |
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flailingmonkey | gnight, 0023 localtime | 07:24 |
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sprite | hello, is this the right place for troubleshooting a problem with my n900? | 07:26 |
sprite | my N900 screen saver has started coming on during movies which is VERY annoying | 07:26 |
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ptl | it is | 07:29 |
ptl | during movies --- which player are you using? | 07:29 |
sprite | the default player 'movie player' | 07:30 |
ptl | have you tried using simple brightness applet? | 07:30 |
sprite | ptl: how do you mean? I've not installed anything except the new maemo kernel update recently. | 07:31 |
ptl | I dunno, some people say this application help avoiding screen blanking at wrong times. | 07:31 |
ptl | s/help/helps/ | 07:31 |
infobot | ptl meant: I dunno, some people say this application helps avoiding screen blanking at wrong times. | 07:31 |
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sprite | well i can turn the screensaver off. but obviously that's a pretty poor fix | 07:32 |
ptl | let me see if I have this issue. | 07:33 |
* ptl starts playing a movie in his N900. | 07:33 |
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ptl | so far, nothing, image still on | 07:35 |
ptl | and I'm using PR1.2 | 07:35 |
sprite | PR1.2? is that the default player? | 07:35 |
ptl | no... lol | 07:35 |
ptl | PR1.2 is the latest maemo update. | 07:35 |
ptl | no issues here, default movie player is playing the flick correctly and not blanking the screen | 07:36 |
sprite | my version is 10.2? | 07:36 |
ptl | ? | 07:36 |
sprite | maemo 10.2010.19 | 07:37 |
ptl | yep | 07:37 |
ptl | that's the one | 07:37 |
Macer | i know i asked this before but does anybody know how i can add a fn key to the xterm toolbar so i can use f1 - f10? | 07:37 |
Macer | i still havent found any info for it :( | 07:37 |
ptl | Macer: I've written a tutorial for it, just a minute. | 07:37 |
Macer | ptl: awesome.. thanks so much | 07:38 |
Macer | i want to use htop and mc | 07:38 |
Macer | :) | 07:38 |
Macer | they use f keys | 07:38 |
Macer | mc especially.. need it to manage files a little easier over ssh | 07:38 |
sprite | ptl: any idea how i can trouble shoot this problem. the backlight turns off exactly after 30 seconds (as set in settings). | 07:39 |
ptl | Macer: http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?p=660761#post660761 | 07:39 |
ptl | I don't know the codes for the F<x> keys, though, but you might be able to google for that | 07:40 |
ptl | you can get the keysyms list here: http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/List_of_keysyms | 07:40 |
ptl | sprite: I dunno, maybe you should post a message in talk.maemo.org to see if someone can help you. | 07:40 |
ptl | F1 through 20 0x0100 through 0x0113 Fx keys are used for string mappings. | 07:41 |
ptl | cool, it has the F<x> keys. | 07:41 |
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sprite | LOL, i think i will have too. it's not doing it now | 07:41 |
Macer | heh | 07:42 |
Macer | ptl, i am actually trying to figure out a way to make it like ctrl on the special key toolbar | 07:43 |
Macer | where Fn will work like ctrl does.. and stay locked down | 07:44 |
Macer | and keeping it locked lets you press 1 through 0 for f1 through f10 | 07:44 |
ptl | Control_Lock 0x0a02 | 07:44 |
Macer | remind me to go on maemo.org and request this as a default feature for xterm heh | 07:45 |
ptl | Shift_Lock 0x0a00 _Lock keys toggle the relevant modifier's default state; Caps_Lock is the exception as Caps is not a modifier | 07:45 |
ptl | AltGr_Lock 0x0a01 AltRLock is a synonym | 07:45 |
ptl | | 07:45 |
ptl | Read more: http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/List_of_keysyms#ixzz0qW5gUnRe | 07:46 |
Macer | heh | 07:46 |
Macer | dont think altgr is what i am looking for.. but let me try it out | 07:46 |
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Macer | no offense.. but the maemo theme is ugly as sin | 07:49 |
Macer | :) | 07:49 |
ptl | I agree | 07:50 |
ptl | I use iStyle light | 07:50 |
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Macer | | | 07:56 |
Macer | pipe is in the vkb | 07:56 |
Macer | :) | 07:56 |
Macer | guess quicker access? | 07:56 |
Macer | i dont see anything that lets me lock fn :( | 07:56 |
Macer | maybe i can find some other way to do it | 07:57 |
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budfive | Macer: fyi, htop has mouse support | 08:03 |
budfive | Macer: you can click on the labels that say "f2: blah" | 08:03 |
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Macer | budfive: over ssh? ;) | 08:04 |
budfive | oh | 08:04 |
Macer | mc is more important | 08:04 |
budfive | Macer: you ssh from your phone and run htop on the client machine? | 08:05 |
budfive | might work. let me try | 08:05 |
Macer | not really... but mc doesnt let you click.. i use mc on a remote box | 08:05 |
Macer | i wonder if i can add a 2nd bar for f1-f10 | 08:05 |
budfive | yes | 08:05 |
budfive | works | 08:05 |
budfive | :) | 08:05 |
Macer | heh | 08:06 |
Macer | that may be the best solution even tho i dont want to lose the screen space | 08:06 |
Macer | but what can you do ? ;) | 08:06 |
Macer | would be nice to have maybe.. an option in xterm to make it pop up and go away | 08:06 |
Macer | like "enable function bar" | 08:07 |
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Macer | "disable function bar" in the xterm menu | 08:07 |
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Macer | for now i think i will just add rename and move f keys for mc.. but that is a crappy quick fix and i dont have the time to mess with this for too long | 08:08 |
budfive | Macer: mouse works for mc too | 08:08 |
budfive | just tried it | 08:08 |
Macer | budfive: over ssh? | 08:09 |
budfive | Macer: it's a function of ncurses | 08:09 |
budfive | Macer: yes | 08:09 |
Macer | really: | 08:09 |
Macer | ?? | 08:09 |
Macer | wow | 08:09 |
Macer | let me try it | 08:09 |
budfive | Macer: it's a function of ncurses | 08:09 |
Macer | in screen? | 08:09 |
Macer | :) | 08:09 |
Macer | well.. that helps a ton budfive | 08:11 |
budfive | :) | 08:11 |
Macer | but i still need the f keys for screen | 08:11 |
budfive | Macer: ncurses is cool :) | 08:11 |
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Macer | mouse doesnt work in screen | 08:11 |
Macer | budfive: hehe.. yeah.. tbh didnt know it could do that | 08:11 |
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budfive | Macer: I've never really used mc. What do you use it for? | 08:12 |
budfive | Macer: any killer features? | 08:12 |
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Macer | not really | 08:20 |
Macer | it is just that renaming files and moving them with the term can be a bitch | 08:20 |
Macer | :) | 08:20 |
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Macer | well.. bbl.. thanks a lot for the help | 08:25 |
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pigeon | does anyone know if an imaps server with a self signed cert will work with nokia messaging? | 08:41 |
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pigeon | hmm, ah: http://discussions.mea.nokia.com/t5/Messaging-Email-and-Browsing/N/m-p/456516 | 08:50 |
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mece | Good morning maemonians! | 09:08 |
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nas_ | goodmorning mece ! | 09:26 |
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Stskeeps | morn tekojo | 09:43 |
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solrize | anyone know if the n900 can decode avchd 1080i in real time? | 09:49 |
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mece | solrize, I don't really know, but my guess is that no, it can't. | 09:50 |
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solrize | tx | 09:50 |
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stonda | my old Pentium 4 3.2ghz even can't do that, so go figure. | 09:51 |
mece | I know nothing about the standard though, but anything with 1080 in the name is usually a bit miuch for omap3 | 09:51 |
solrize | i thought maybe decoding takes less cycles than encoding | 09:52 |
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sandst1 | yep it does | 09:54 |
luke-jr | stonda: P4 sucks though | 09:55 |
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stonda | well that's for sure. :) | 09:55 |
stonda | but gives a good measurement | 09:56 |
ljsdofuynsdfufuh | anyone here use the sidekick plan from tmo (1$/day for unlimited data)? | 09:56 |
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ljsdofuynsdfufuh | also you guys recommend any cases for the n900? | 09:57 |
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ljsdofuynsdfufuh | I'm pretty sure cehteh was talking about building cases for it | 09:57 |
ljsdofuynsdfufuh | I'm very interested if you'd like to pm me about the ones you've built | 09:57 |
cehteh | ljsdofuynsdfufuh: yes | 09:57 |
ljsdofuynsdfufuh | awesome | 09:57 |
mece | my boss has a nice leathery one that is pretty sweet.. | 09:57 |
cehteh | http://git.pipapo.org/n900case/n900_shell.html | 09:58 |
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mece | cehteh, DUDE! That is soo sweet! | 09:58 |
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cehteh | next comes a bike holder :P | 09:59 |
tekojo | Stskeeps: morning, morning coffee raged ot of control again :) | 09:59 |
Stskeeps | heh | 09:59 |
ljsdofuynsdfufuh | bike holder? | 09:59 |
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cehteh | clamp the n900 onto the bike handlebar | 10:01 |
ljsdofuynsdfufuh | oh wow | 10:01 |
cehteh | shock and water proof | 10:01 |
sandst1 | solrize: here's a demo of a 720p MPEG-4 running on OMAP3 beagle board http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BdnDpH3543Q, that one has a bit more kick than n900 though :) | 10:01 |
ljsdofuynsdfufuh | I used to be a bike messenger in chicago and my plan was to do just that | 10:01 |
ljsdofuynsdfufuh | how will you make it water proof? | 10:01 |
cehteh | possibly with DC from hub-dynamo :) | 10:01 |
solrize | tx, maybe the next gen hardware can do 1080 | 10:01 |
ljsdofuynsdfufuh | if you make more than one, then I might like to buy one off of you | 10:01 |
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cehteh | actually i made 2, the frist one in the photo is a hasty prototype | 10:02 |
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solrize | nice shells, i wonder why the phone makers don't include stuff like that | 10:02 |
ljsdofuynsdfufuh | do you not like any ones from companies like otterbox? | 10:03 |
solrize | the otter commuter cases have gotten nice reviews | 10:03 |
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cehteh | but there is a lot efforts put into this things, i dont make a business from that, counting the work-hours this thing should cost 50 Eur at least :P | 10:03 |
ljsdofuynsdfufuh | think they're like $35 | 10:03 |
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cehteh | does otterbox make a n900 case meanwhile? | 10:03 |
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solrize | yes they have a couple | 10:03 |
ljsdofuynsdfufuh | yeah - so you think yours are a lot better than an otterbox for example | 10:03 |
solrize | the "commuter" is the good one apparently | 10:03 |
cehteh | a friend of me has a generic otterbox for a n810 but it looks bit ugly | 10:04 |
cehteh | http://www.christeck.de/wp/2009/02/28/nokia-n810-in-a-home-grown-bike-mount/ | 10:04 |
ljsdofuynsdfufuh | nice, but don't you want to be able to use it? | 10:05 |
ljsdofuynsdfufuh | like check out maps and directions and such? | 10:05 |
mece | oh my boss has this one: http://kauppa.nokia.fi/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/productdetail_10513_10107_-12_80000409 | 10:05 |
ljsdofuynsdfufuh | I might just go case-less | 10:06 |
mece | case-less ftw! | 10:06 |
cehteh | well i think you have to make some compromises, for example when you leave the touchpad reachable that means a crash can damage the display because its unprotected | 10:06 |
mece | although I do regret not using a screenprotector. | 10:06 |
cehteh | i also bike at rainy days sometimes | 10:06 |
mece | it's a bit late now though. | 10:06 |
ljsdofuynsdfufuh | what happened mece? | 10:06 |
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cehteh | scratches, what else :) | 10:07 |
mece | well nothing really, but it's rather scratched. I suppose I could get one before it gets more scratched, but I don't really feel like it. | 10:07 |
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ljsdofuynsdfufuh | yeah, but from what? | 10:07 |
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mece | I got one deep scratch that I got the first day I had it. dunno how it happened. | 10:07 |
ljsdofuynsdfufuh | I just wont keep anything in my pocket with it | 10:07 |
cehteh | the touchscreen is plastic, not glass | 10:07 |
mece | others are tiny, but they are there. | 10:07 |
Lynoure | I got kind of lucky and PDAir stuff for my Palm Treo fits N900 quite prettily | 10:08 |
mece | regular use. I use it constantly and don't have time to be gentle. | 10:08 |
cehteh | my screenprotector has one scratch at a side .. happy to have it :) | 10:08 |
mece | I've got 4 small kids, so there's sand and dirt everywhere. I guess that's the main reason for the smaller scratches. | 10:08 |
ljsdofuynsdfufuh | isn't it even less responsive in a screen protector? | 10:08 |
cehteh | not noticeable | 10:08 |
sandst1 | nope | 10:08 |
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ljsdofuynsdfufuh | interesting | 10:09 |
Lynoure | http://www.pdair.com/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=10100000_1900000_11000787&products_id=27477 looks quite decent too | 10:09 |
cehteh | depends a bit on the brand of the screen protector | 10:09 |
mece | I thought it would be, that's why i dint use one. but my friiends protector is just amazing. and VERY slick. better than without it even. | 10:09 |
cehteh | this rubbery things dont feel good | 10:09 |
cehteh | the stylus sinks in and you cant use it comfortably | 10:09 |
sandst1 | i've got that one http://www.amazon.com/Premium-Protectors-Accessory-Export-Packaging/dp/B00333A0TW and it's pretty much unnnoticeable | 10:10 |
cehteh | Lynoure: yeah that looks cool | 10:10 |
mece | damn now that you're talking about it, I think I'm gonna get one of those protectors. | 10:11 |
cehteh | Lynoure: if that would be available in january i wouldnt have build mine | 10:11 |
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mece | might stop my stylus and nails from getting stuck in my big scratch | 10:11 |
mece | the nokia CP-408 leather case thing has a nice lid on it that has soft fabric on the inside. pretty good protection against scratches. and it's not that expensive either. | 10:12 |
mece | but not as comfy as one that doesn't have a lid I suppose. | 10:12 |
mece | it's a matter of taste I suppose. | 10:13 |
lostinmirkwood_ | [ANNOUNCE] Ansel-A: Digital Darkroom for N900 released! http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=55861 | 10:13 |
Lynoure | cehteh: Building one's own stuff is way cooler, though. | 10:13 |
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cehteh | but in materials it costed more (or about the same maybe) plus a lot of labour | 10:14 |
mece | lostinmirkwood_, wow. Looks awesome! | 10:14 |
lostinmirkwood_ | thanks guys, for all your help here on #maemo | 10:14 |
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ljsdofuynsdfufuh | yes #maemo is great | 10:15 |
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ljsdofuynsdfufuh | one of the reasons I got the phone actually | 10:15 |
mece | lostinmirkwood_, is it in devel? | 10:15 |
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sandst1 | lostinmirkwood_: WOW | 10:16 |
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lostinmirkwood_ | mece yeah it is but i just submitted it to nokia's calling all innovators, so i also promoted it to testing. | 10:17 |
mece | what the shit | 10:18 |
mece | ham says 0.8-1 | 10:18 |
mece | aah need to update first. | 10:18 |
mece | man I can't wait to test this! | 10:18 |
lostinmirkwood_ | ergh, why is that happening seems like everyone has 0.8-1 which was, let's say a dud release. v0.9-1 is the one promoted to testing. | 10:19 |
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solrize | http://www.peltor.com/peltor.com/comm_detail.cfm?prod_family=BlueTooth%20Headsets&ind_prod_num=MT53H7AWS2001 here's the bluetooth headset i want ;) | 10:20 |
mece | solrize, it's such a new release and everyones lists aren't updated yet. | 10:20 |
solrize | lostinmirkwood_, ansel-a looks great but is it unfeasible to run gimp or something like that on the n900? | 10:21 |
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solrize | it's written in python? cool | 10:21 |
mece | solrize, gimp is very slow on N900. It works though. If ansel-a does what you need, you'll have a much nicer experience. | 10:22 |
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solrize | cool | 10:22 |
mece | gimp via easy debian that is. | 10:22 |
solrize | one thing i wish gimp had was an easy way to put arrows into a picture | 10:22 |
mece | arrows? | 10:23 |
lostinmirkwood_ | solrize it sure is and i have, it's just my contribution to the community, specifically for simple photo touchups not full blow gimp. | 10:23 |
solrize | yeah, to make 8x10 color glossy photographs with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one ;) | 10:23 |
cehteh | my 'conversations' doesnt show any conversations since 1.2 update anymore wasnt there a bug or so? | 10:23 |
mece | lostinmirkwood_, put a link to this page: http://maemo.org/packages/package_instance/view/fremantle_extras-testing_free_armel/ansela/0.9-1/ on the announce post | 10:23 |
mece | so you get some votes. | 10:23 |
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ljsdofuynsdfufuh | yeah, if any of you guys find a waterproof case for the n900 that still allows you to use it - that would be sick | 10:24 |
solrize | lostinmirkwood_, cool, i wish i could use it (i don't have an n900 for now) | 10:24 |
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lostinmirkwood_ | ah i will, put the link. | 10:24 |
solrize | ljsdofuynsdfufuh, maybe you could just use a sealed pelican case and a bluetooth headset | 10:24 |
mece | ok., 0.9-1 comes up after a "refresh" in HAM | 10:25 |
solrize | bbl | 10:25 |
lostinmirkwood_ | solrize what are you running? it's pyQt so it'll run on a n8xx i think | 10:25 |
Duckboot | ljsdofuynsdfufuh: Melt plastic round the N900 - Should be waterproof, but the usability part..... | 10:25 |
mece | LOL | 10:25 |
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ljsdofuynsdfufuh | lol | 10:26 |
ljsdofuynsdfufuh | hey, any of you use VoIP via 3g? | 10:26 |
mece | ljsdofuynsdfufuh, does skype count? | 10:26 |
ljsdofuynsdfufuh | I guess - why not? | 10:26 |
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mece | ljsdofuynsdfufuh, well then I do every now and then :) | 10:27 |
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mece | ljsdofuynsdfufuh, what about it? | 10:27 |
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ljsdofuynsdfufuh | i might just go without voice if i can | 10:27 |
Stskeeps | morn andre__ | 10:27 |
andre__ | heja Stskeeps | 10:27 |
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ljsdofuynsdfufuh | data is 1$/day unlimited and voice is 15cents/min | 10:27 |
Stskeeps | andre__: how goes? | 10:27 |
mece | oooh the eyecandu! | 10:27 |
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mece | s/eyecandu/eyecandy/ | 10:28 |
infobot | mece meant: oooh the eyecandy! | 10:28 |
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andre__ | Stskeeps, just arrived in Berlin. Work for two hours, then LinuxTag :) | 10:30 |
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Stskeeps | andre__: cool :) | 10:32 |
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mece | there's a method to find all files installed from a certain package, right? | 10:33 |
mece | with dpkg and whatnot | 10:33 |
Stskeeps | dpkg - | 10:33 |
Stskeeps | L | 10:33 |
mece | big L ok. | 10:33 |
mece | capital even | 10:34 |
mece | nice. good way to check optification. thanks. | 10:34 |
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mece | Stskeeps, can make that show me the filesizes and such (by piping it to ls or something) | 10:39 |
Stskeeps | xargs ls? | 10:39 |
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Macer | hm | 10:44 |
Macer | does the web browser in 1.2 seem a little flakey to anybody else? | 10:44 |
Macer | where it keeps randomly crashing? | 10:44 |
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Milhouse | Macer: Can't say, I tend to use Opera more these days | 10:45 |
Macer | usually it does it to me when i type in an address and it tries to pull up its version of the ff awesomebar | 10:45 |
Macer | :) | 10:45 |
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Macer | Milhouse: microb isn't too bad... i wanted to try out chromium | 10:46 |
Macer | i don't like google that much.. but chrome is great | 10:46 |
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Milhouse | Macer: I find Opera starts more quickly - whenever I start MicroB from the bookmark screen it takes an age to load the first page (which is typically my list of bookmarks I have hosted on my own website... it's as if it's loading stuff into memory or reaaaaly slow to start resolving DNS) | 10:47 |
Milhouse | Macer: I tried Chromium but it crashed way too much - barely worked. | 10:47 |
Duckboot | Milhouse: Same behaviour here - Seems like MicroB have some DNS issues. | 10:48 |
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ohwhyme | milhouse: u happen to have a solution so that pages dont show the mobile version of their website? | 10:48 |
Duckboot | Milhouse: And the Speeddial in Opera is a killer feature. | 10:48 |
Milhouse | Macer: I notice the new Safari has DNS prefetching - might be useful for MicroB :) | 10:48 |
Macer | i get that problem with a few sites.. where it seems to take a while.. but i don't see how microb would have much to do with the dns | 10:48 |
Milhouse | ohwhyme: in which browser? I don't normally have problems with Opera or MicroB - some sites have duff detection though | 10:49 |
Milhouse | Duckboot: agreed | 10:49 |
Duckboot | Macer: Better to use Opera-servers for DNS-resolving - They might even have a local DNS-cache or a full blown DNS locally. | 10:49 |
Milhouse | Macer: It only seems really slow to begin with, when loading the first page so may not be DNS but could be loading libraries or other stuff. In general though the DNS resolution doesn't seem to be lightning fast, maybe something that could be improved in future. | 10:50 |
Duckboot | BUT - and there is a capital but - I don't use Opera for sensitive browsing (Like logged in sessions at work), since my stuff is cached on a Opera Server, and I have no control over it. | 10:51 |
Macer | not if meego has anything to say about it! | 10:51 |
* Macer hides | 10:51 |
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Milhouse | Duckboot: is it cached if you are NOT using Opera Turbo? | 10:51 |
Surfa | shouldn't be | 10:52 |
Surfa | if we're not talking about opera mini | 10:52 |
Duckboot | Milhouse: Mmm - I think so, but I'm not sure. And, Not sure == Not use it. | 10:52 |
Milhouse | Surfa: That would suggest there is some control that Duckboot has whether his data is cached or not... | 10:52 |
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Milhouse | Duckboot: I don't see why it would be cached if you are NOT using Turbo. Totally agree it would be when using Turbo. | 10:53 |
* lcuk presses Milhouse's turbo button | 10:53 |
* Milhouse remembers Turbo buttons on PCs... how cr@p they were :) | 10:54 |
Surfa | turbo is only mode when opera mobile is interacting with opera servers | 10:54 |
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Surfa | oterwise it should go directly | 10:54 |
Milhouse | Surfa: Aye | 10:54 |
Milhouse | I stopped using Turbo because the graphics where too heavily compressed | 10:55 |
lcuk | over 3g my images are compressed anyway afaik | 10:55 |
Milhouse | by your ISP? | 10:55 |
lcuk | ya | 10:55 |
mece | ~seen lostinmirkwood | 10:55 |
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Milhouse | niiiice - who is it? mine is T-Mob UK, haven't noticed any obvious compression | 10:55 |
infobot | lostinmirkwood is currently on #maemo (28m 10s), last said: '<alterego>, too bad seems that their installer for maemo has a bit of a bug.'. | 10:55 |
lcuk | Milhouse, o2 | 10:56 |
Milhouse | ta | 10:56 |
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Scelt | http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=53567&page=4&highlight=account-plugin-salut - anyone solved this problem? | 10:57 |
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mece | lostinmirkwood, apparently a wiser tester than me found a blocker for Ansel-A. Here are some instructions to fix it: http://talk.maemo.org/showpost.php?p=710001&postcount=31 | 10:57 |
mece | Scelt, it says EDIT: Solved on #31... | 10:57 |
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Scelt | wat | 10:59 |
mece | vat? | 10:59 |
Scelt | How to install an older version of telepahty? | 10:59 |
Scelt | I'm not installing older version | 10:59 |
Scelt | I'm upgrading | 10:59 |
mece | eehe ok. | 10:59 |
mece | LOL | 10:59 |
Scelt | apt-get dist-upgrade | 10:59 |
Scelt | fails with telepathy-extras and account-plugin-salut | 11:00 |
mece | Scelt, It was just the first thing I saw when I clicked your link. | 11:00 |
X-Fade | Why would you dist-upgrade? | 11:00 |
X-Fade | That is a nice way to set you up for a reflash. | 11:00 |
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Scelt | Usually dist-upgrade works just as well | 11:01 |
Scelt | such as it has been working with debian and me since 2001 | 11:01 |
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X-Fade | Yes, but it has never been supported for Maemo. | 11:01 |
Scelt | no surprise for me. I would use the application manager gui if it wasn't so freaking slow | 11:02 |
mece | I did an apt-get install mp-fremantle-generic-pr on one of the updates. worked fine. | 11:02 |
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mece | Scelt, disable testing and devel for more speed. | 11:03 |
Scelt | yeah, and actually not updating will speed it even more | 11:03 |
mece | X-Fade, how does the community SSU thing work on diablo? | 11:03 |
mece | scelt, what do you mean by that? | 11:04 |
Scelt | sarcasm | 11:04 |
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mece | hee :D | 11:04 |
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mece | it's annoying when one's sarcasm detector fails. | 11:04 |
Scelt | Can't disable devel and testing. I want to have the newest fmms changes immediately | 11:05 |
mece | Scelt, :) | 11:05 |
mece | hey frals, I finally went for fmms, and after a bit of messing about I actually got it working. Very nice :D | 11:06 |
Scelt | X-Fade: application manager fails just as well as dist-upgrade. any other ideas? | 11:06 |
mece | Scelt, what failed on dist-upgrade? | 11:06 |
Scelt | installing process, wait for details | 11:06 |
* mece waits for details | 11:06 |
Scelt | /etc/init.d/avahi-daemon not found | 11:07 |
mece | wtf? | 11:07 |
Scelt | yeye | 11:07 |
mece | spooky. I hate it when my demons go missing. | 11:07 |
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mece | Scelt, how about apt-get install mp-fremantle-generic-pr | 11:08 |
Scelt | that file is there | 11:08 |
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Scelt | but for some reason install script wines about it | 11:08 |
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crashanddie | does it cheese about it, too? | 11:09 |
Scelt | no, only wine | 11:09 |
mece | mm. I want wine and cheese | 11:09 |
Scelt | I want pus... let's let it be | 11:10 |
crashanddie | Scelt: oh, whine, sure. | 11:10 |
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mece | hee | 11:10 |
Scelt | crashanddie: ya, got my typo but I thought you got it too so didn't care to fix | 11:10 |
crashanddie | I did, that was called sarcasm. | 11:10 |
Scelt | I know | 11:10 |
Scelt | but hey | 11:11 |
Scelt | http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?p=653761 | 11:11 |
Scelt | mohammed the fixer | 11:11 |
Scelt | all hail the MohammadAG51 | 11:11 |
mece | indeed :D | 11:11 |
Scelt | nice fix I would say | 11:11 |
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X-Fade | crashanddie: People can take that the wrong way, please be careful with that. | 11:13 |
mece | hey, in the symbols virtual keyboard, what character is second row leftmost? | 11:13 |
crashanddie | X-Fade: and if they do, I'll make sure to clarify it with them | 11:13 |
Macer | mece: tab | 11:14 |
X-Fade | crashanddie: Just don't want to lose valuable contributors like Mohammad because of misunderstandings. | 11:14 |
hypothermia | i cant find anything about chaning the windows manager.., killall hildon-home just reboot.. | 11:14 |
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crashanddie | X-Fade: you won't | 11:15 |
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mece | Macer, does it say "tab" on it? | 11:16 |
hypothermia | doh, did you get what I asked? | 11:16 |
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Scelt | I think Mohammad is such a nice guy that he can take all the jokes and pranks about himself. But maybe Mohammad is a bit of a crossed the line -subject. | 11:16 |
Scelt | Wait, what? | 11:16 |
mece | Macer, The missing one: http://s2.imgimg.de/uploads/Screenshot20100609212825f32b2f51png.png | 11:16 |
visz | mece, the button is blank | 11:16 |
visz | but there is one | 11:16 |
mece | oh. wait. these are dependent on languages | 11:16 |
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simon | connection lost ... any other irc server i can use? | 11:18 |
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Macer | mece: on my vkb it is tab | 11:18 |
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Macer | your layout is different than mine | 11:19 |
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Macer | ugh | 11:22 |
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Macer | microb just crashed again | 11:22 |
Macer | it is starting to bug the hell out of me | 11:23 |
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mece | Macer, that's not mine, but anyway the layout depends on what language you are using. | 11:24 |
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Macer | mece: ah.. well.. i am using imperialistic US English | 11:27 |
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Macer | soon the world shall be forced to use ounces and pounds! | 11:27 |
Macer | im installing opera now | 11:28 |
Macer | i will probably try out chromium later | 11:29 |
Macer | im still holding out for a portrait media player | 11:30 |
Macer | :/ | 11:30 |
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mece | Macer, I think chromium was removed... or how was it? | 11:40 |
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mece | anyway, who wanted to know about screenprotectors? | 11:40 |
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mece | this screenprotector actually improves the usability of the phone, because it's so slick and smooth. http://www.protectionfilms24.com/article/vikuiti-dqc-160-screen-protector-nokia-n900-28210.html | 11:43 |
jacekowski | i have to get one | 11:44 |
jacekowski | i already have 3 scratches | 11:44 |
jacekowski | or i'll just drop it from 20m | 11:44 |
jacekowski | and use my insurance | 11:45 |
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mece | :D | 11:49 |
mece | both are viable options. | 11:49 |
mece | well I ordered a bunch of those. | 11:49 |
DocScrutinizer | or you get a new ts glass for ~60 bucks | 11:49 |
mece | hey anyone at #LinuxTag? | 11:50 |
X-Fade | Or you just don't care. Let's say you protect your screen for 2 years and then replace your phone. You then protected your screen for a paperweight? :) | 11:50 |
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X-Fade | Screenprotectors really take away some of the sensitivity. | 11:51 |
DocScrutinizer | I replace glass after 2 years, that's what my suggestion above was all about | 11:51 |
X-Fade | I usually replace the device with a new generation one ;) | 11:52 |
mece | X-Fade, I guess it depends on how careful you are. I wanted those protectors because they make the device better. My screen is a bit.. sticky without it. | 11:52 |
Appiah | sticky? | 11:52 |
DocScrutinizer | I know I'll hate next generation Nxxx | 11:52 |
mece | Appiah, well not sticky, but not slick like glass. | 11:52 |
* lbt_ paid ~1.99 for 6 protectors... they're nice | 11:52 |
mece | Appiah, and that protector feels slick like glass. | 11:52 |
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Appiah | lbt_: which protector? | 11:53 |
crashanddie | lmao | 11:53 |
crashanddie | http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE65960S20100610 | 11:53 |
lbt_ | it's in the thread .... an ebay special | 11:53 |
crashanddie | look at the picture in that story | 11:53 |
mece | also didn't seem to affect the sensitivity | 11:53 |
crashanddie | and then third or fourth paragraph down, it says "Goatse Security group" | 11:53 |
mece | OMGLOL | 11:54 |
mece | wtf? | 11:54 |
Appiah | "The breach, first reported by the website Gawker on Wednesday, occurred when a group calling itself Goatse Security hacked into AT&T's" | 11:54 |
mece | LOOOOOOL | 11:54 |
Appiah | so people will google goatse | 11:54 |
Appiah | and then go : WTF | 11:54 |
Appiah | smart | 11:54 |
Stskeeps | excellent | 11:54 |
X-Fade | ;) | 11:54 |
crashanddie | Appiah: look at the picture | 11:55 |
Appiah | crashanddie: OH | 11:55 |
crashanddie | Appiah: they already found the goatse picture | 11:55 |
Appiah | Now I get it | 11:55 |
mece | man this is comedy gold! | 11:55 |
Appiah | haha | 11:55 |
Appiah | <--- Was a bit slow | 11:55 |
crashanddie | "FBI probing AT&T" | 11:55 |
mece | soo.... there are 4 reporters mentioned. which one is the funny one you think? | 11:59 |
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RST38h | The one with his head stuck in his own ass? | 12:00 |
RST38h | Oh, wait, that describes all four... | 12:01 |
mece | lol | 12:02 |
crashanddie | Hahaha... I just had an idea for an application... (no, nothing to do with Goatse) | 12:03 |
Appiah | awww =( | 12:03 |
crashanddie | Use the accelerometer to detect when the N900 is lifted, then start playing this song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1EHEcY2UI1M | 12:03 |
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crashanddie | And detect when the N900 reaches the parrabellum of the elevator, and play the "ding" sound. | 12:04 |
X-Fade | That should not be hard btw, n900fly already does the detection. | 12:05 |
lcuk | that would get rather frustrating when you are just traveling | 12:05 |
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crashanddie | lcuk: I said app, not daemon :P | 12:05 |
crashanddie | X-Fade: indeed | 12:05 |
crashanddie | X-Fade: maybe jsut adapt the curves a bit, doubt that elevators will be as hard as throwing shit | 12:06 |
Appiah | haha | 12:06 |
mece | hey, freeciv one 2 votes away from extras... | 12:06 |
mece | http://maemo.org/packages/package_instance/view/fremantle_extras-testing_free_armel/freeciv-client-sdl/2.1.10-1maemo5v2.3/ | 12:06 |
lcuk | crashanddie, if its an app | 12:09 |
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lcuk | just a widget with that tune would do to as X-Fade says wait for peak | 12:09 |
Appiah | uuhh | 12:09 |
Appiah | is there no way to login with openid on maemo talk? | 12:09 |
lcuk | crashanddie, i also now want to watch morph | 12:10 |
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MohammadAG51 | Oi! | 12:10 |
Appiah | wb | 12:10 |
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* MohammadAG51 slaps crashanddie | 12:10 |
jacekowski | Appiah: openid sucks | 12:11 |
jacekowski | Appiah: and it's insecure | 12:11 |
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MohammadAG51 | Appiah, ty | 12:11 |
Appiah | but maemo talk provides you with openid | 12:11 |
Appiah | but you cant login with it , or others | 12:11 |
Appiah | why is openID so insecure? | 12:11 |
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jacekowski | because any bug in openid provider software and somebody gets access everywhere | 12:12 |
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jacekowski | any administrator of that site can get access everywhere | 12:12 |
Appiah | so thats why you can get an openid at maemo talk but not use it at maemo talk? | 12:13 |
lcuk | jacekowski, is there a bug? | 12:13 |
jacekowski | it's insecure by design | 12:13 |
lcuk | i never asked that | 12:13 |
lcuk | is there a bug in the implementation | 12:14 |
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jacekowski | i bet there is | 12:14 |
lcuk | have people reviewed it and identified it | 12:14 |
jacekowski | nobody just found it yet | 12:14 |
lcuk | i didnt ask that | 12:14 |
Tachikoma | moin | 12:14 |
lcuk | your dislike of openid then heads down FUD route | 12:14 |
Appiah | :D | 12:14 |
jacekowski | well, i had bad experiences with openid | 12:14 |
X-Fade | On this issue I have to agree with jacekowski though. | 12:15 |
lcuk | why didnt you document them or discuss with the openid specialists | 12:15 |
lcuk | who might have agreed with you | 12:15 |
jacekowski | biggest polish openid provider had a lot of issues with their implementation | 12:16 |
Stskeeps | i vote for x509 certificates | 12:16 |
Appiah | Well I take it as a no , there is no way to use your OpenID to login to talk.maemo.org | 12:16 |
Appiah | Thank you | 12:16 |
jacekowski | and it ended up with them losing whole database | 12:16 |
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Appiah | maemo.org is just a provider | 12:16 |
lcuk | X-Fade, so its not all roses! | 12:16 |
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X-Fade | lcuk: No, you have to trust the people owning your openid provider. | 12:17 |
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lcuk | isnt the idea of give trust, take trust | 12:18 |
lcuk | you expect people to trust maemo.org :P | 12:18 |
jacekowski | X-Fade: do you trust me? | 12:18 |
jacekowski | lcuk: or you | 12:18 |
X-Fade | jacekowski: no. | 12:18 |
jacekowski | exactly | 12:19 |
* MohammadAG51 sniggers | 12:19 |
MohammadAG51 | X-Fade, do you trust me? | 12:19 |
jacekowski | only thing that would be reasonably safe is centralised password storage | 12:19 |
X-Fade | MohammadAG51: Of course not. | 12:19 |
jacekowski | so you send your encrypted passwords | 12:20 |
MohammadAG51 | grrr | 12:20 |
* MohammadAG51 slaps X-Fade | 12:20 |
jacekowski | and it's stored somewhere | 12:20 |
jacekowski | if it's lost or something it's not a problem because it was encrypted | 12:20 |
crashanddie | MohammadAG51: no, but X-Fade likes you. He slapped me on the wrist for kicking you, going the whole "boo, you may be losing us some good contributors if you keep doing that, y'all" | 12:20 |
jacekowski | and your browser then pulls these passwords - decrypts locally and logs in | 12:21 |
jacekowski | most of openid benefits | 12:21 |
jacekowski | with less security problems | 12:21 |
MohammadAG51 | lol X-Fade don't worry about it (I'd settle for a temp +o though :P) | 12:21 |
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MohammadAG51 | nah, that's too much | 12:22 |
MohammadAG51 | he can unban himself though | 12:22 |
* MohammadAG51 waits for him to unban himself, otherwise i've pissed him off | 12:22 |
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MohammadAG51 | wb | 12:23 |
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crashanddie | you actually made me look up a command on chanserv, damn you. | 12:23 |
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MohammadAG51 | LOL | 12:23 |
MohammadAG51 | /cs unban #channelname | 12:23 |
MohammadAG51 | you could've PM'd me :P | 12:23 |
crashanddie | next time I'll use recover :P | 12:24 |
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jacekowski | MohammadAG51: you could have requested permanent +o | 12:24 |
crashanddie | no he couldn't have | 12:25 |
crashanddie | well, he could've requested it | 12:25 |
crashanddie | but after kicking me, he'll neva get it | 12:25 |
MohammadAG51 | why request something I won't get :P | 12:25 |
* MohammadAG51 should've used akick | 12:25 |
crashanddie | MohammadAG51: won't work | 12:25 |
crashanddie | MohammadAG51: even I don't have akick | 12:25 |
MohammadAG51 | err | 12:26 |
MohammadAG51 | someone said they could use it | 12:26 |
crashanddie | yeah, but not regular ops | 12:26 |
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crashanddie | probably x-fade or GeneralAntilles | 12:26 |
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MohammadAG51 | it needs level 10 access on our server | 12:26 |
MohammadAG51 | not sure about IRCSeven | 12:26 |
crashanddie | is that uber-paladin or just rogue? | 12:26 |
MohammadAG51 | lolwut | 12:26 |
X-Fade | I'm Founder, so ... ;) | 12:27 |
crashanddie | yeah, but you're not really the founder | 12:27 |
MohammadAG51 | lol | 12:27 |
crashanddie | you have founder status, we all know you're a fraud | 12:27 |
crashanddie | it's just for admin purposes | 12:27 |
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X-Fade | Heh, I went through the registration process. Which took 2 years :) | 12:27 |
X-Fade | Talk about commitment :D | 12:27 |
crashanddie | you just idled, dude | 12:28 |
MohammadAG51 | /cs register took 2 years? | 12:28 |
MohammadAG51 | :P | 12:28 |
crashanddie | it's like "I"m the founder", and two years later "hey, still founder" "uh, sure", "here you go" | 12:28 |
X-Fade | No, registered org. | 12:28 |
MohammadAG51 | oh | 12:28 |
MohammadAG51 | you own maemo.org? | 12:28 |
crashanddie | no | 12:28 |
crashanddie | he represents the admin officer for #maemo | 12:28 |
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MohammadAG51 | i know that | 12:28 |
X-Fade | No, but you have to register your org with freenode etc etc. | 12:28 |
MohammadAG51 | that's stupid lol | 12:29 |
MohammadAG51 | don't tell me it's for cloaks... | 12:29 |
crashanddie | amongst other things | 12:29 |
crashanddie | it used to be for services too. | 12:29 |
crashanddie | (didn't have chanserv if not registered) | 12:29 |
crashanddie | also, you should be using ##whatever (double pound-sign) if it's not an official project channel | 12:30 |
marcus | I have a little problem with creating a .deb package for my n900: Where should I put the resources (imgs and music) that my .exe should read? | 12:30 |
crashanddie | .exe? | 12:30 |
MohammadAG51 | .exe... | 12:30 |
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crashanddie | resources == weed? | 12:30 |
MohammadAG51 | that's an insult to me tbh | 12:30 |
crashanddie | are thee high? | 12:30 |
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marcus | Oups | 12:30 |
marcus | Too much Windows lately. | 12:31 |
MohammadAG51 | /usr/share/pixmaps anyways | 12:31 |
crashanddie | MohammadAG51: not /opt? :P | 12:31 |
marcus | Please accept my apologi :-) | 12:31 |
woglinde | hms dont find a site how to setup pr1-2 sdk | 12:31 |
crashanddie | marcus: I'll even accept your apology. | 12:31 |
MohammadAG51 | crashanddie, I think the whole folder was moved in 1.2 :) | 12:31 |
woglinde | anyone can help me? | 12:31 |
Ikarus | marcus: Windows on the brain | 12:31 |
marcus | crashanddie: Please accept that as well. | 12:31 |
crashanddie | woglinde: that's an interesting name for a ship. | 12:31 |
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marcus | MohammedAG51: But when I manually add the imgs to /opt/, they are deleted when I compile the .deb | 12:32 |
woglinde | crashanddie what? | 12:32 |
woglinde | *g* | 12:32 |
crashanddie | Ikarus: insane in the membrane? Windows in the brain? | 12:32 |
lcuk | MohammadAG51, crashanddie yes, /usr/share/pixmaps is optified | 12:32 |
lcuk | http://maemo.gitorious.org/maemo-af/maemo-optify-boottime/blobs/master/maemo-optify-auto-opt.conf#line24 | 12:32 |
MohammadAG51 | marcus, debian/rules | 12:32 |
woglinde | crashanddie sources.list would be enough | 12:32 |
crashanddie | woglinde: HMS stands for Her Majesty's Ship. | 12:32 |
MohammadAG51 | lcuk, see? I know what was optified :P | 12:32 |
woglinde | autotoptify isnt that good | 12:33 |
woglinde | crashanddie ah yes right | 12:33 |
crashanddie | woglinde: that's why I said: interesting name for a ship, when you said < woglinde> hms dont find a site how to setup pr1-2 sdk | 12:33 |
woglinde | crashanddie its something like *sigh* to | 12:33 |
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crashanddie | lcuk: cool | 12:33 |
crashanddie | lcuk: I kinda suspected it though, hence the smiley | 12:33 |
woglinde | better optify by hand | 12:34 |
marcus | So I should put the imgs in /usr/share/pixmaps, and then make the app read the images directly from /usr/share/pixmaps/APPNAME/pic1.jpeg | 12:34 |
lcuk | woglinde, read up on maemo-optify-boottime, it tries to just take large whole folders | 12:35 |
MohammadAG51 | marcus, yeah | 12:35 |
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woglinde | oh boottime okay | 12:35 |
lcuk | and has logic to try and prevent recursive loops, ie it will not touch a folder thats already got opt links inside afaik | 12:35 |
woglinde | so now back to sources.list for pr1.2 | 12:35 |
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marcus | MohammadAG51: Will give it a shot, and see if automaticly removes the imgs again, when compiling | 12:35 |
woglinde | and I am happy | 12:35 |
MohammadAG51 | marcus, there's no such thing as automatic removal, you never added them to debian/rules | 12:36 |
MohammadAG51 | read the install: part in that file | 12:36 |
marcus | AHA! :3 | 12:36 |
marcus | install: build | 12:36 |
marcus | dh_testdir | 12:36 |
marcus | dh_testroot | 12:36 |
marcus | dh_clean -k | 12:36 |
marcus | dh_installdirs | 12:36 |
marcus | # Add here commands to install the package into debian/fixedratepigs. | 12:36 |
marcus | $(MAKE) INSTALL_ROOT="$(CURDIR)"/debian/fixedratepigs install | 12:36 |
marcus | That part? | 12:37 |
marcus | Oups, crap. Sorry for spam | 12:37 |
MohammadAG51 | yes | 12:37 |
MohammadAG51 | add a cp | 12:37 |
marcus | after the command to install, I guess? | 12:37 |
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ghostcube | hmm, who killed the maemo.org site :P | 12:37 |
MohammadAG51 | cp -a -r $(CURDIR)/path/to/images/folder $(CURDIR)/debian/usr/share/pixmaps/ | 12:38 |
MohammadAG51 | after the make install | 12:38 |
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MohammadAG51 | also add usr/share/pixmaps in debian/dirs | 12:38 |
marcus | Thanks, I will give it a shot. | 12:38 |
MohammadAG51 | without the first / | 12:38 |
marcus | Like this? $(MAKE) INSTALL_ROOT="$(CURDIR)"/debian/fixedratepigs install | 12:39 |
marcus | cp -a -r $(CURDIR)/path/to/images/folder $(CURDIR)/debian/usr/share/pixmaps/ | 12:39 |
marcus | Or should I have the $ in front. | 12:39 |
MohammadAG51 | replace the path/to/images/folder with the right path | 12:39 |
marcus | Yeah. | 12:39 |
MohammadAG51 | oh wait | 12:40 |
MohammadAG51 | cp -a -r $(CURDIR)/path/to/images/folder $(CURDIR)/debian/fixedratepigs/usr/share/pixmaps/ | 12:40 |
MohammadAG51 | now it's right :P | 12:40 |
woglinde | *sigh* | 12:41 |
DocScrutinizer | MohammadAG51: you spammer! moinmoin | 12:41 |
woglinde | common only the sources.list | 12:41 |
* MohammadAG51 kicks DocScrutinizer | 12:41 |
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DocScrutinizer | ghostcube: meee | 12:42 |
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ghostcube | DocScrutinizer: hmmm i would have bet 50 bucks if you dont have told mne now | 12:42 |
ghostcube | :D | 12:42 |
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ghostcube | hihi | 12:42 |
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marcus | MohammadAG51: So the place where I copy the files from, should be on my local machine, and then the rules part, automaticly copy them to my debian pkg, is that correct? | 12:43 |
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MohammadAG51 | $(CURDIR) is where dpkg-buildpackage is started from | 12:43 |
marcus | Aha. So it should be somewhere in my "uncompiled" package. | 12:44 |
woglinde | hm hm | 12:44 |
woglinde | okay then you will get not a new navit package | 12:44 |
woglinde | bah | 12:44 |
marcus | MohammadAG51: Should pixmaps be a complete mess, or should I create a folder within pixmaps? | 12:45 |
MohammadAG51 | as you wish :P | 12:46 |
MohammadAG51 | i'd say make a folder though | 12:46 |
marcus | I'll see what happens o.o | 12:47 |
Appiah | BOOM | 12:47 |
Appiah | i bet | 12:47 |
marcus | :p | 12:47 |
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achipa | okay, who killed the maemo.org repos ? Not me again I hope... | 12:50 |
X-Fade | achipa: ? | 12:50 |
X-Fade | Just installing mypaint from extras, works for me? | 12:51 |
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achipa | http://maemo.org/packages/package_instance/view/fremantle_extras-testing_free_armel/python2.5-qt4-doc/4.7.3-maemo5/ | 12:51 |
achipa | Server error: Failed to load component net.nehmer.static: Component not in manifest list. | 12:51 |
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Appiah | works fine | 12:52 |
X-Fade | achipa: reload? | 12:52 |
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achipa | hm, I swear I pressed reload 3 times previously and it came back with that error... | 12:53 |
Appiah | :) | 12:53 |
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X-Fade | achipa: Sure :) | 12:53 |
achipa | no, seriously, the error page even has a time stamp | 12:53 |
X-Fade | achipa: Yes, I flushed cache on that server ;) | 12:53 |
achipa | ah... ok... | 12:54 |
woglinde | hm okay | 12:54 |
woglinde | its all automagicly now | 12:54 |
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achipa | http://maemo.org/news/ | 13:15 |
achipa | gives me an empty page, too | 13:15 |
achipa | yes, I pressed reload repeatedly :) | 13:15 |
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ghostcube | achipa: DocScrutinizer killd the server :P | 13:18 |
achipa | ghostcube: how ? did he post a news that PR1.3 is out ? | 13:19 |
woglinde | lol | 13:19 |
SpeedEvil | The next release is PRsqrt(2) | 13:19 |
SpeedEvil | They weren't rational about the numbering. | 13:19 |
ghostcube | PRpi o.O | 13:19 |
satmd | :D | 13:20 |
* satmd still waits for a fix on the icq account | 13:20 |
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DocScrutinizer | achipa: I uploaded the definition of recursion | 13:20 |
ghostcube | woah, the one steve jobs hides under his bed? | 13:21 |
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DocScrutinizer | and pointed to it with a selfrefering symlink | 13:21 |
DocScrutinizer | ~recursion | 13:21 |
satmd | woa, those are evil! | 13:21 |
infobot | To understand recursion, you must first understand recursion. see ~recursion | 13:21 |
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DocScrutinizer | then, when the load hit the roof, I started tracing network traffic on the servers to my local console | 13:24 |
DocScrutinizer | to see what's wrong... :-S | 13:24 |
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DocScrutinizer | still trying to analyze the logs :-P | 13:25 |
ghostcube | DocScrutinizer: bad ass chinese hackaaas | 13:25 |
ghostcube | :D | 13:25 |
* satmd resortet to iptables -A INPUT -m geoip --geoip-src CN -j DROP a month ago | 13:25 |
satmd | don't like it, but nothing helped | 13:26 |
crashanddie | resortet? | 13:26 |
satmd | t suffix = german past tense :P | 13:26 |
satmd | resorted | 13:26 |
satmd | typical german typo | 13:26 |
crashanddie | resorted? | 13:26 |
satmd | yes | 13:26 |
DocScrutinizer | crashanddie: don't spoil his excellent german grammar please ;-P | 13:27 |
DocScrutinizer | most do it wrong here | 13:27 |
crashanddie | oh, you mean "you had to resort to" | 13:27 |
* satmd takes notes | 13:27 |
satmd | 13 years of school english doesn't make perfect | 13:27 |
satmd | +me | 13:27 |
satmd | but chat sure does :D | 13:27 |
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SpeedEvil | Where ar eyou from? | 13:28 |
SpeedEvil | Oh | 13:28 |
jacekowski | SpeedEvil: it's not chat | 13:28 |
jacekowski | not you | 13:28 |
jacekowski | satmd: it's not a chat | 13:28 |
jacekowski | satmd: it's IRC | 13:28 |
satmd | fun fact: been working on unreal and inspircd and being that is just lol | 13:29 |
satmd | +told | 13:29 |
mece | bäääck! What is up maemonians? | 13:29 |
SpeedEvil | Not much. | 13:30 |
SpeedEvil | PR1.2 was released. | 13:30 |
mece | LOL | 13:30 |
SpeedEvil | Also - there is now a phone in the N*** range. | 13:31 |
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mece | SpeedEvil, the mythical N900? | 13:32 |
mece | is there a video of the linuxtag meego/maemo stuff? | 13:33 |
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*** DocScrutinizer changes topic to "Welcome to #maemo | http://maemo.org/ | http://maemo.nokia.com/ | Maemo Community Council http://maemo.org/community/council | http://mxr.maemo.org/ | http://mg.pov.lt/maemo-irclog | Free software mirror: http://espejo.freemoe.org/" | 13:36 |
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mece | ok.. hopefully some of it will appear here: http://www.linuxtag.org/2010/en/linuxtag-tv.html later. | 13:41 |
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achipa | oooh, what's this ? 'Remote Compiler allows you to push the compilation to an external Nokia Server' | 13:44 |
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BCMM | achipa: is that something like distcc? | 13:50 |
mece | achipa, sounds sweet! Where is this? | 13:50 |
achipa | BCMM: dunno, just installed the plugin, still trying to find out what exactly it does and how :) | 13:51 |
achipa | nokia qt sdk, start updater and switch over to components | 13:51 |
mece | achipa, is there a new version out? | 13:51 |
achipa | ummm, the release candidate from yesterday ? | 13:51 |
mece | sweetness! | 13:52 |
mece | I haven't been following. | 13:52 |
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mece | Khertan, ping | 13:54 |
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mece | ~seen khertan | 13:54 |
infobot | khertan <~Khertan@AAmiens-155-1-51-205.w92-142.abo.wanadoo.fr> was last seen on IRC in channel #maemo, 5d 36m 25s ago, saying: 'bye'. | 13:54 |
mece | ~seen khertan_ | 13:54 |
infobot | khertan_ <~d4eabb96@gateway/web/freenode/x-xlpumktyfckxtdiz> was last seen on IRC in channel #maemo, 7d 20h 19m 17s ago, saying: 's/it/he'. | 13:54 |
mece | grr what is the nick he uses? | 13:55 |
ghostcube | achipa: something like launchpad eh? | 13:57 |
achipa | i guess... don't know how that fits OBS plans... | 13:58 |
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jacekowski | would it be ok if i would host chromium in my own repository, and then post a link to it on tmo or somewhere? | 14:20 |
RST38h | Yes, it would be ok, until your provider receives a takedown notice | 14:25 |
SpeedEvil | Which you can then inform them to ignore | 14:25 |
RST38h | Then, there are several possible ways the events may develop | 14:25 |
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SpeedEvil | The way your provider should deal with it is - they get takedown notice - they may takedown your stuff - you state that it's not infringing, and it gets put back up | 14:26 |
SpeedEvil | Or just teach HAM about bittorrent. | 14:26 |
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SpeedEvil | Is it me, or is every edit link on the wiki dead? | 14:36 |
SpeedEvil | http://wiki.maemo.org/index.php?title=N900_Hardware_CPU&action=edit§ion=6 | 14:36 |
SpeedEvil | Fatal error: Call to undefined function makeTitleSafe() in /usr/share/mediawiki/includes/Revision.php on line 281 | 14:36 |
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SpeedEvil | dneary: http://wiki.maemo.org/User:Dneary - were you poking at this a couple of nights ago? | 14:38 |
dneary | SpeedEvil, Have I killed wiki edits? | 14:38 |
dneary | Eek! | 14:38 |
SpeedEvil | It was working after you had done stuff. | 14:39 |
SpeedEvil | It's certainly not been broken since then | 14:39 |
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dneary | Working now? | 14:39 |
SpeedEvil | Seems to be | 14:39 |
SpeedEvil | yes | 14:40 |
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mece | thinking on putting libhildonfm2-community in extras-devel. Any objections? | 14:41 |
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* SpeedEvil objects! | 14:44 |
SpeedEvil | (not really) | 14:44 |
SpeedEvil | this is the file manager/. | 14:44 |
mece | yes | 14:44 |
SpeedEvil | Planning on fixes? | 14:44 |
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mece | SpeedEvil, well I have done the extension displaying thing. | 14:44 |
SpeedEvil | I've been using cuteexplorer, which is OK | 14:44 |
lcuk | mece - extension displaying thing? | 14:45 |
mece | SpeedEvil, yeah, but this one affects the filepicker dialogs too. | 14:45 |
mece | lcuk, well filemanager and filepicker doesnt display extensions. so I fixed that. | 14:45 |
lcuk | do you want to file a bug and include a patch? | 14:45 |
SpeedEvil | Module Size Used by pn-pep 12992 0 g-nokia 30504 6 vfat 9600 1 [http://mxr.maemo.org/fremantle/source/kernel/./fs/fat/vfat.c Module source] fat 43420 1 vfat [http://mxr.maemo.org/fremantle/source/kernel/./fs/fat/fat.c fat source] sd-mod 20372 0 scsi-mod 82016 1 sd_mod iphb 3300 1 [http://mxr.maemo.org/fremantle/source/kernel/./net/ipv4/netfilter/iphb.c sd-mod source] rfcomm 33620 14 [http://mxr.maemo.org/fremantle/source/kernel/./net/bluetooth/rfcom | 14:46 |
SpeedEvil | argh | 14:46 |
mece | lcuk, it's already a wontfix so I don't think they want it into upstream | 14:46 |
mece | or whatever it's called, the official stuff. | 14:46 |
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SpeedEvil | Did I really paste all that? | 14:46 |
lcuk | if its a wontfix and you fixed it | 14:46 |
mece | haha LOL | 14:46 |
mece | lcuk, but they want it the crappy way. It's a supereasy fix, also for nokia. | 14:47 |
lcuk | sure mece :) | 14:47 |
mece | lcuk, but they don't want it. hence the "community" edition. Besides you'd have to wait for pr1.3 to get it. | 14:47 |
SpeedEvil | Won'tfixes are also improperly used for invalid | 14:47 |
SpeedEvil | IMO | 14:47 |
SpeedEvil | 'conforms to spec' should be invalid | 14:47 |
lcuk | mece "they" | 14:47 |
lcuk | i think its great you are hacking on it | 14:48 |
lcuk | if therers a patch there for something lots of people want then.. ? | 14:48 |
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lcuk | mece, please submit it as a patch on the bug report | 14:49 |
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mece | lcuk, I don't know how to do it. | 14:49 |
mece | it's bug #430 | 14:50 |
povbot | Bug https://bugs.maemo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=430 Show and edit filename extensions | 14:50 |
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mece | lcuk, I don't know how to create a patch I mean. | 14:50 |
lcuk | ok mece :) | 14:51 |
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lcuk | do you have a git | 14:51 |
lcuk | because you should be able to ask git to give you the patch between the official version and yours | 14:52 |
mece | lcuk, nice. | 14:52 |
lcuk | and add that as an attachment onto the bug report | 14:52 |
lcuk | it shows you have supplied a fix and it shows which versions its on :) | 14:53 |
mece | well i've modified the packaging alot right now, but I can do the code mods on the original. | 14:53 |
lcuk | yes, please do :) | 14:53 |
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mece | lcuk, should I clone the official git, or is it enough to dl the tarball, create git and then mod and then diff? | 14:53 |
lcuk | mece - git itself holds all its info but the tarball does not | 14:54 |
mece | lcuk, so where do I find it? | 14:54 |
lcuk | the tarball is a snapshot, if you clone the repository | 14:54 |
lcuk | it downloads the files and all the history | 14:55 |
mece | lcuk, yeah. but where is the repository? | 14:55 |
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mece | for this: libhildonfm_2.28.18+0m5 | 14:55 |
lcuk | oh crap i thought it was on gitorious did you just apt-get source it | 14:56 |
mece | lcuk, it might be. I actually just dl:d the tarball from repository.maemo.org | 14:56 |
lcuk | right mece, i see | 14:57 |
lcuk | just turn the original 2.28.18 into a git repository and then make your changes ontop | 14:58 |
mece | lcuk, will do. | 14:58 |
lcuk | i forgot hildon-fm isnt directly on gitorious | 14:58 |
* lcuk is used to many of these components being there | 14:58 |
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mece | ok hold on.. | 14:59 |
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mece | lcuk, do I want git root in asdf/libhildonfm-2.28.18+0m5/ or in asdf/ | 15:01 |
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mece | probly the first option. | 15:01 |
melmoth | anybody succeeded in installing maemo-sdk-install-wizard_5.0.py on a ubuntu 10.04 ? | 15:01 |
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melmoth | each time i try to install a maemo sdk, i need to restart 4 times before it works.... some things never change :-( | 15:01 |
melmoth | now, with the new graphic thingy... things just fail, and leave me with a scratchbox half installed. | 15:02 |
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alterego | i've always installed manually, and in a vm. | 15:04 |
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melmoth | i always do it on a vm too. | 15:04 |
DocScrutinizer | vm in a vm in a vm | 15:05 |
DocScrutinizer | :-P | 15:05 |
DocScrutinizer | well, maybe sb isn't exactly a vm | 15:05 |
alterego | i've always installed manually, and in a vm. | 15:06 |
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melmoth | well... I ll install it another day... | 15:07 |
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mece | lcuk, ok, mods done. What do I do now? | 15:08 |
lcuk | right mece you said theres a bug report thats been wontfixed | 15:09 |
mece | https://bugs.maemo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=430 | 15:10 |
povbot | Bug 430: Show and edit filename extensions | 15:10 |
mece | lcuk, I havent gotten the "patch" data yet. should I first commit the changes? I commited the original before doing anything. | 15:10 |
lcuk | i think "git diff" will show you the patch | 15:11 |
mece | ok. | 15:11 |
mece | after I've committed it i guess? | 15:11 |
mece | oh.. just git diff without committing works.. | 15:12 |
lcuk | no need actually, the git diff will compare whats there now | 15:12 |
lcuk | with any prior commits | 15:12 |
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mece | ok. then what? do I simply pipe git diff to something or what? | 15:12 |
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mece | lcuk, here is the diff: http://pastebin.com/R77d7yJQ | 15:14 |
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dneary | OK - things are supposed to be working now :) | 15:16 |
dneary | Sorry for the disruption with the wiki | 15:16 |
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Khertan_Home | Hi ! | 15:17 |
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Khertan | Hi again :) | 15:17 |
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Khertan | http://wiki.meego.com/BOSS <<< seems features creeped ... far from : "Keep It Simple and Smart" | 15:18 |
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GeneralAntilles | Is there anything less professional than diagrams with spelling "errors"? | 15:19 |
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mece | Khertan, I made a fix for the filename extension for file picker dialog and file manager? You still need that? | 15:19 |
lcuk | mece, it would be great if you would add that text to a patch attachment on the bug. make notes about it and explain what it does and does not do | 15:19 |
GeneralAntilles | Why is that now the hallmark of open source diagrams and presentations? | 15:19 |
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mece | lcuk, which text? the comments in the file? | 15:20 |
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lcuk | yes, the file generated when you piped git diff | 15:20 |
Khertan | mece, oh ... yes could be interesting ... but how did you do ? patching the header ? | 15:20 |
mece | Khertan, no modified libhildonfm2 source. Made a community package that replaces the lib file and even backs up the original :) | 15:21 |
lcuk | Khertan, could you discuss with mece about making a gitorious account perhaps, so he can make a branch on gitorious | 15:21 |
mece | lcuk, I could make it on garage too. i have a gitorious account. | 15:21 |
Khertan | :) | 15:21 |
mece | anyway, how do I submit the patch to the bug then? | 15:22 |
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alterego | has anyone looked at building the fremantal ui from git? i was going to attempt building some of the elements like the home screen. | 15:22 |
lcuk | mece on the bug 430 page | 15:23 |
povbot | Bug https://bugs.maemo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=430 Show and edit filename extensions | 15:23 |
lcuk | Attachment Type Creator Created Size Actions | 15:23 |
lcuk | Create a New Attachment (proposed patch, testcase, etc.) View All | 15:23 |
mece | lcuk, ok but what do the patch look like? | 15:23 |
lcuk | the same thing you pastebinned | 15:24 |
mece | lcuk, as a file? | 15:24 |
lcuk | yeah, i normally do something like | 15:24 |
lcuk | git diff >bug_430_proposed_fix.patch | 15:24 |
mece | ok so if I do git .. right :D that | 15:25 |
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* GeneralAntilles finds the comments here utterly bizarre. http://tabulacrypticum.wordpress.com/2010/06/10/maemo-missteps-for-2010/ | 15:25 |
lcuk | just make sure in the comment you make, you make notes about the version you based it on and what mods it makes and its scope etc | 15:25 |
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lcuk | mece, thanks for your hacking btw \o | 15:26 |
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alterego | GeneralAntilles: the whole of maemo as far as community has become somewhat of a twilight zone :P | 15:27 |
mece | lcuk, like which files are modified and what they do? | 15:27 |
GeneralAntilles | alterego, the A.T. / silpol comment I must be misreading. | 15:27 |
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GeneralAntilles | Because it sounds like an attack on Texrat. | 15:27 |
GeneralAntilles | claiming he's hiding anonymity is . . . interestingy. | 15:28 |
lcuk | mece, the file list is done, its more how this effects what is seen and stuff | 15:28 |
GeneralAntilles | s/interestingy/interesting | 15:28 |
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Stskeeps | GeneralAntilles: i read it as the people on talk.maemo.org hiding behind anonymity | 15:28 |
Stskeeps | not texrat | 15:28 |
GAN900 | Stskeeps, ah. | 15:29 |
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alterego | GAN900: i don't think he's a Nokian tbh. | 15:32 |
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GAN900 | alterego, dunno | 15:33 |
GAN900 | Blog looks fairly authentic. | 15:33 |
Arkenoi | sp, linux flash is updated to fix security bug. ours is not. | 15:33 |
alterego | he sounds shock ingly like abill_uk ;) but then all the general negativity and slightly flamy comments seem to all sound like one whinging little bitchy teen :D | 15:33 |
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Stskeeps | what if abill_uk -was- a nokia employee.. ;p | 15:33 |
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psycho_oreos | which might explain why red pill mode was eventually removed ;) | 15:34 |
GAN900 | Song on the radio this morning is the same song it was as it was when I got out last night playing at almost the same spot. | 15:34 |
* RST38h moos evilly and asks for a bloody sacrifice | 15:34 |
GAN900 | Creepy. | 15:34 |
alterego | Stskeeps: it's always a possibility, as he did claim to have "inside" knowledge of the leaked firmware .. | 15:34 |
RST38h | GAN900: Sure it is not in the CD player mode? =) | 15:34 |
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GAN900 | RST38h, quite | 15:35 |
alterego | Still, he sounds like a reckless moron, and not the kind of person zi'd expect anyone to employ as he sounds like an idiot kid :/ | 15:35 |
mece | lcuk how about this: http://pastebin.com/Q2qVNiJL | 15:36 |
mece | lcuk as a comment. I want to be politically correct here and not annoying. | 15:36 |
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lcuk | sounds reasonable mece, but thats got feature creep over it :p | 15:37 |
mece | lcuk, how would you put it? | 15:37 |
mece | lcuk, I suck at this kind of thing. | 15:38 |
lcuk | mece, dont fret :) your description is good | 15:38 |
mece | lcuk, ok fine. I'm posting it. | 15:38 |
lcuk | i just wonder why the fremantle bug itself | 15:38 |
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lcuk | got assigned as clone of 430 | 15:38 |
lcuk | which is clearly old old maemo | 15:38 |
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mece | lcuk, yeah I was fascinated by the low number there :D | 15:39 |
MohammadAG51 | 1:20 left till the WC starts :) | 15:39 |
lcuk | me too, its quite an interesting one, i like the idea | 15:39 |
lcuk | mece, submit it on 430 :D | 15:40 |
RST38h | bug #430 | 15:40 |
povbot | Bug https://bugs.maemo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=430 Show and edit filename extensions | 15:40 |
lcuk | its clearly right to have been on 9525 but its amusing at same time | 15:40 |
lcuk | bug 9525 | 15:40 |
povbot | Bug https://bugs.maemo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9525 Unable to distinguish files in File Manager | 15:40 |
alterego | I want to start building harmattan components on top of the MeeGo code drop | 15:41 |
mece | oh well I posted. | 15:41 |
alterego | not sure if I can be bothered though. | 15:41 |
RST38h | lcuk: Well, this will definitely be marked as "enhancement" with ETA set to "never" | 15:41 |
alterego | heh | 15:41 |
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mece | anyway there is my magical replacement package for those that want it right fn now :) | 15:42 |
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lcuk | RST38h, the code now exists. the right thing to do is to assign it against a bug. | 15:42 |
RST38h | It almost feels like Maemo Devices and Lada Cars share the same business processes | 15:42 |
lcuk | mece :) thanks | 15:43 |
RST38h | lcuk: That has also been done before (see Maemo4 screen rotation, xterm patches). It makes no significant difference. | 15:43 |
SpeedEvil | It's good practice. | 15:45 |
SpeedEvil | It can be used as ammo in principle. | 15:45 |
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Khertan | lcuk, and it there is other duplicate of #430 which was closed for won't fix | 15:48 |
xkr47-DI | \o | 15:48 |
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crashanddie | lcuk: you're going to like this: http://www.ted.com/talks/blaise_aguera_y_arcas_demos_photosynth.html | 15:50 |
lcuk | crashanddie, ive seen it i believe | 15:50 |
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mece | Khertan, here: http://talk.maemo.org/showpost.php?p=710395&postcount=14 | 15:51 |
mece | and everyone else that want the filemanager fix thing. | 15:52 |
mece | good luck :D | 15:52 |
mece | I'm out. ta. | 15:52 |
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Khertan | You can't install this from HAM <<< ah ... could not be use so for iser | 15:53 |
Khertan | You can't install this from HAM <<< ah ... could not be use so for user | 15:53 |
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Khertan | but thx for the Patch mece | 15:54 |
Khertan | at least i ll use it personnaly :) | 15:54 |
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GAN900 | alterego, yeah, after some of my encounters with MeeGo Devices people. . . . :P | 15:59 |
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* GAN900 would really like to push that discussion to somewhere higher profile. | 16:06 |
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alterego | heh, you would be the one to know :) | 16:08 |
alterego | I need to find a freakin' job, I'm so bored. | 16:08 |
* Khertan didn't understand this discussion ... | 16:08 |
Khertan | :) | 16:08 |
alterego | I also need to come up with another integration idea for Maemo/N900 | 16:09 |
GAN900 | Khertan, Texrat's blog post about Nokia's idiocy. | 16:09 |
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GAN900 | http://planet.maemo.org | 16:10 |
Khertan | ah ... ok :) | 16:10 |
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Khertan | i ve put a comment on it :) | 16:10 |
alterego | alsol, any of you guys fancy testing me app to vote it into extras :) | 16:10 |
alterego | need 8 more! | 16:10 |
b-man17 | sure, i'll vote :) | 16:10 |
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Khertan | this war, t.m.o whine ... make me lost most of my interest in the community | 16:10 |
GAN900 | Khertan, it's Nokia that killing my enthusiasm | 16:11 |
* b-man avoids tmo as much as he can | 16:11 |
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alterego | Has anyone done a brainstorm on dev only are of tmo? | 16:11 |
Khertan | yep i consider we are still fighting again some "closed" nokia decision | 16:11 |
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alterego | s/are/area | 16:11 |
GAN900 | Talk whining is simply a product of Nokia's anti-community attitudes and policies. | 16:11 |
Khertan | GAN900, yep nokia is the first reason | 16:12 |
Surfa | i must admit that t.m.o is one of the most disgusting forums I've ever seen | 16:12 |
Khertan | talk is resulting of the first ... | 16:12 |
GAN900 | alterego, define "dev" | 16:12 |
alterego | GAN900: well, there is more to it that that. | 16:12 |
GAN900 | Surfa, you don't get out much, do you? :P | 16:12 |
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alterego | GAN900: community developer, not nessassarily software :D | 16:12 |
Surfa | GAN900, going out and discussing on forums are related how? :) | 16:12 |
Khertan | but i was expected more a community of people creating turn around .. than waiting and whining | 16:12 |
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b-man | moderation on tmo seems short-handed | 16:13 |
GAN900 | alterego, "contributor" | 16:13 |
alterego | Seems a bit lax. | 16:13 |
GAN900 | Surfa, in-context | 16:13 |
DocScrutinizer | ~status | 16:13 |
infobot | Since Fri Jun 11 13:08:26 2010, there have been 0 modifications, 0 questions, 0 dunnos, 0 morons and 0 commands. I have been awake for 4m 55s this session, and currently reference 117070 factoids. I'm using about 15524 kB of memory. With 0 active forks. Process time user/system 6.8/0.94 child 0.13/0.09 | 16:13 |
GAN900 | We're on the internet, you're not getting out enough on it if you think Talk is bad. :P | 16:13 |
alterego | GAN900: yeah, but I'd already said dev. so I thought I'd push that :P | 16:13 |
Surfa | GAN900, or perhaps I go out too much and don't spend enough time on different forums? | 16:13 |
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GAN900 | alterego, yeah, Reggie is very much a hands off sort of admin | 16:14 |
GAN900 | Surfa, __context__ | 16:14 |
b-man | try looking at 4chan's /b/ lol | 16:14 |
Surfa | actually t.m.o is worse than motorcycling forums and that is bad :) | 16:14 |
Surfa | really bad | 16:14 |
GAN900 | Surfa, it's a joke, man. :) | 16:14 |
alterego | hahah | 16:14 |
Khertan | it s just an feeling ... or does their is less third party developpers now and application developpment than one year ago ... ? | 16:15 |
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b-man | "newbies get eaten alive on t.m.o like a bloody trout in a tank of hungry sharks" lol | 16:16 |
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alterego | i think there is a blatant la of enthusiasm. | 16:16 |
GAN900 | Shit, how do I post a new thread in a forum. . . . | 16:16 |
Myrtti | what you people need is more cheesecake | 16:16 |
GAN900 | alterego, quite obviously | 16:17 |
alterego | We were always excited with previous devices. now we all have what we all wanted in the N900 (pretty much) it's kind of bad. | 16:17 |
Stskeeps | i wonder if we stopped being activistic | 16:17 |
GAN900 | and it wasn't for initial lack of it | 16:17 |
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GAN900 | Nokia just choose to cut us off at the knees and kill all of the enthusiasm and goodwill | 16:17 |
GAN900 | and it's going to hurt MeeGo, too. | 16:17 |
melmoth | my enthusiasm decreased with the regular strategic changes (gtk->qt, .deb->rpm).I think it died when i realised i needed an intel machine to run the meego emulator. | 16:18 |
* melmoth is studying qt none the less. | 16:18 |
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Stskeeps | meego netbook ux, and i still think its cos people dont drop in nvidia libGL for instance | 16:19 |
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ptl | GAN900: I agree wholeheartedly | 16:19 |
alterego | exactly, the N900 is what I hoped maemo devices would become but we've now been flooded by impatient customers that think the community forum is a good plac eto bitch about "290 crap apps" and their dissapointment with Nokia. | 16:20 |
Appiah | 290 crap apps? | 16:20 |
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achipa | I wonder if MeeGo as such will have a community at all, or just the Moblin style dev-camaraderie, with the rest of the people on device-specific forums | 16:20 |
b-man | alterego: i agree | 16:21 |
achipa | alterego: I protest ! We have 308 crap apps ! | 16:21 |
alterego | Appiah: just paraphrasing a post I read yesterday that was pretty insulting tbh. | 16:21 |
alterego | and I'm not really heavily developing, but we all contribute. | 16:22 |
DocScrutinizer | Myrtti: ack | 16:22 |
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alterego | and I think there are some kick ass apps.even now, I think we have the most functional device. what are these apps people want? why can't they just tell us so we can provide? | 16:23 |
Stskeeps | achipa: i think its important to see it not as community vs company. its more about committers and people without commit bits. and there's same opportunities to become a team member and provide yourself.. | 16:23 |
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achipa | alterego: super-duper 3D games and fart apps with cool UIs | 16:23 |
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Termana | <b-man> try looking at 4chan's /b/ lol <--- I wouldn't insult /b/ too much, we might hear you! | 16:23 |
alterego | I spend most of my time getting pissed that I can't think of a ecent app to develop. I'm just waiting for a good idea I can get into and enthused about and I'm sure I' not the only one. | 16:24 |
b-man | Termana: hehehe | 16:24 |
achipa | Stskeeps: I'm not talking company perspective at all, just trying to fit Joe User into MeeGo and have difficulties fitting him in there, meego-community and forum.meego.com notwithstanding | 16:24 |
alterego | Well, tbh, I'm not interested or evn good at game dev :D | 16:24 |
Stskeeps | achipa: yeah.. that is difficult cos meego isnt the product as such.. the stuff built on top is | 16:25 |
Khertan | personnaly ... i didn't have any interest in meego for the moment | 16:25 |
achipa | Stskeeps: exactly | 16:25 |
Stskeeps | there's a lot of ambivalence | 16:25 |
* Arkenoi still cannot understand why, despite having great developer community, Nokia sucks that much. why people are able to develop and fix everything lightspeed fast outside nokia and if something depends on something inside nokia everything just goes wrong | 16:26 |
RST38h | Arkenoi: There is a simple answer to that | 16:26 |
alterego | We're not tied down with legalities and corporate chains. | 16:26 |
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achipa | Stskeeps: and special per-device per-manufacturer APIs are not helping | 16:27 |
DocScrutinizer | Arkenoi: +1 | 16:27 |
RST38h | Arkenoi: It is a corporation. It's business is governed by corporate decisions, made by people who are not aware that developers exist, do not know who they are, what they want, and basically have not communicated with any live people at work for the last 10+ years | 16:27 |
Stskeeps | achipa: per manufacturer apis are notoriously difficult if they arent in 'meego sdk' | 16:27 |
RST38h | Arkenoi: [other corpses obviously not inlucded] | 16:27 |
pexi | there are lots of rumours @ finnish media atm how nokia should/could/will/may re-organize their strategy and leaders | 16:27 |
Appiah | time to take down "the man"? :) | 16:27 |
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* achipa shivers at the thought of the incoming Ovi API | 16:28 |
jacekowski | ovi | 16:28 |
Stskeeps | achipa: but its better (imho) that we finally have a platform we actually can have influence on. | 16:28 |
RST38h | Arkenoi: There is actually a great historic example of such a structure taking a fall: Commodore | 16:28 |
jacekowski | you are talking about that mythical shop | 16:28 |
jacekowski | that will work properly one day | 16:28 |
GAN900 | pexi, down with Anssi. | 16:28 |
pupnik | "interesting times" :/ | 16:28 |
RST38h | Arkenoi; At the end, their actions lacked any kind of detectable logic | 16:28 |
achipa | Stskeeps: will we ? still not exactly convinced | 16:28 |
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MohammadAG51 | apt-worker is one fucked up piece of shit | 16:28 |
Appiah | is OVI that bad? I haven't used it ... Dont wanna register at nokia... | 16:28 |
Khertan | Stskeeps: you finnally have a plateform where you feel to have influence on | 16:28 |
RST38h | pupnik: What? Have been reading dailyrotten ? :) | 16:28 |
ptl | MohammadAG51: btw, do you still have that uncrippled apt you recompiled? | 16:29 |
pupnik | people always bitch about appstores | 16:29 |
ptl | MohammadAG51: I can't find it on your site | 16:29 |
b-man | MohammadAG51: it's annoying and a resource hog | 16:29 |
Khertan | Appiah, of course it s bad ... you cannot submit python apps | 16:29 |
MohammadAG51 | ptl, I'll dig for it in a bit, but I have it | 16:29 |
Appiah | Khertan: eeeh what? | 16:29 |
ptl | MohammadAG51: thanks | 16:29 |
jacekowski | Khertan: python is a scripting language | 16:29 |
Khertan | jacekowski, and ? | 16:29 |
jacekowski | Khertan: you can't make an application in it | 16:29 |
MohammadAG51 | ptl, ovi store doesn't use it btw ;) | 16:29 |
achipa | pupnik: Ovi needs improvement so it could GET to the phase where people could bitch about it :) | 16:29 |
Khertan | jacekowski, LOL | 16:29 |
jacekowski | C FTW | 16:30 |
achipa | jacekowski: C is a no go, too | 16:30 |
jacekowski | even python is C based | 16:30 |
Stskeeps | achipa: if you have merit, you have influence | 16:30 |
Khertan | yeah ... but c sucks !!! it s too slow ! use directly ASM ! | 16:30 |
ptl | MohammadAG51: guess not, but I'm tired of trying to download fennec and the likes and getting Handler silently failed | 16:30 |
Appiah | so if I make a pymaemo application its not a application but a script | 16:30 |
b-man | achipa: the linux kernel is c | 16:30 |
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Appiah | Guess we need a "Script Manager" | 16:30 |
DocScrutinizer | *yawn* | 16:30 |
achipa | b-man: you can't download the linux kernel from Ovi | 16:31 |
Appiah | beside the Application Manager | 16:31 |
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GAN900 | Stskeeps, do you? | 16:31 |
Stskeeps | GAN900: yes, i do | 16:31 |
GAN900 | I hear that said a lot, but I'm not seeing a lot of it | 16:31 |
GAN900 | You're paid | 16:31 |
Khertan | Stskeeps, didn't see anything noticeable :) | 16:31 |
MohammadAG51 | porting synaptics would be cool | 16:31 |
Stskeeps | GAN900: i still function as a community member. | 16:31 |
achipa | Stskeeps: I have yet to see that function in practice. We threw out karma, so it's currently buddy-o-cracy with Intel+Nokia BDFL-ism | 16:32 |
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Khertan | or worse | 16:32 |
achipa | Stskeeps: (not that karma is a guarantee of anything, but currently we have a purely a subjective estimate of merit) | 16:32 |
Arkenoi | RST38h, redhat and sun/orcale are big corporations too. but they *can* work with opensource without messing everything up. | 16:32 |
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Surfa | explain, how has nokia messed up? | 16:33 |
RST38h | Arkenoi: First, Sun/Oracle cannot really work with open source developers | 16:33 |
alterego | I'm sure most of us understand what itams like working for a stupid short sighted corp that try to seem like they'r looking into the future. | 16:33 |
achipa | Stskeeps: for example, what level of Merit would one need to lift SSSE3 requirements ? | 16:33 |
RST38h | Arkenoi: Secondly, in both these cases (especially Redhat's) you have got a corporation living off open source developers, taking their stuff and adopting it for its own needs | 16:33 |
achipa | Stskeeps: or to actively push for a more proactive 3rd party video driver approach ? | 16:33 |
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Arkenoi | yes, why don't do the same | 16:33 |
RST38h | Arkenoi: As a matter of fact, Nokia is going this as well in Maemo, and sending a lot fo stuff upstream too | 16:34 |
alterego | developers usually have the best ideas, but management really don't give a shit what you think, unless they can steal it and say it was their idea. | 16:34 |
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Arkenoi | i'd be happy if many extras apps will become builtin | 16:34 |
RST38h | Arkenoi: But this model has nothign to do with developers support | 16:34 |
Myrtti | This Too Shall Pass | 16:34 |
Stskeeps | achipa: ssse3 is funny - it does make sense to optimize for it. but i see no reason why sdk should build for it (qt) | 16:34 |
* RST38h passes Myrtti a doughnut | 16:34 |
Stskeeps | just like apps should built for v5, not v7 | 16:34 |
* DocScrutinizer shares the coffee | 16:35 |
RST38h | Arkenoi: You are not committing to anything by taking OSS code and modifying it as you see fit | 16:35 |
Stskeeps | achipa: third party approach - suggest one. intel cant legally drop in nvidia libs :) | 16:35 |
Stskeeps | and by that, i mean LF | 16:35 |
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DocScrutinizer | actually this feels like Friday afternoon - wait it *is*... :-P | 16:36 |
alterego | well, it's even worse when you have entity like us (the maemo community) management probably odon't even kbow the tuerm community ... :D | 16:36 |
RST38h | Arkenoi: For example you are not promising that you will take every new version, every code patch, heed any criticism of the company made in the forums, however just | 16:36 |
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pexi | alterego, well in lean/agile methods the core development team has an important role from management point of view.. but ofc it is hard to implement it for big organizations | 16:36 |
achipa | Stskeeps: I understand that, just saying that the whole things just reeks of 'we do it our way' and I can't see the 'this is the super-universal standard all mobile linux gadgets will be base on' spirit | 16:36 |
alterego | MeeGo has potential, it is apparently going to be more open. | 16:36 |
DocScrutinizer | though this particular Fri aft chan mood is quite whiny | 16:37 |
alterego | the community can make choices. | 16:37 |
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Arkenoi | btw did anyone see email widget working? mine just shows no messages all the time | 16:37 |
ptl | There could be some kind of antitrust law or something that forces these stupid middle management people on Nokia to be good open source citizens and follow the protocols. | 16:38 |
Reffy | @Arkenoi I'll assume you're using Nokia Messaging? | 16:38 |
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Arkenoi | Reffy, yep | 16:38 |
alterego | Yes, why don't we have a positive friday. how can we fix this issue with community being drowned by users :) | 16:38 |
Reffy | Yeah, it's a common bug. Nokia Messaging doesn't work at all with the widget | 16:38 |
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Arkenoi | lol | 16:38 |
Arkenoi | and that's why we waited for pr1.2 for months | 16:39 |
Arkenoi | fixing bugs, my ass | 16:39 |
Reffy | https://bugs.maemo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10294 | 16:39 |
povbot | Bug 10294: Email desktop widget does not display mails from Nokia Messaging accounts | 16:39 |
Appiah | Arkenoi: are you not happy with the PR1.2? | 16:39 |
Arkenoi | there are damn several times more bugs than 1.1.1 had | 16:39 |
alterego | I vote we organise a maemo jusers conference... then drop a nuke. | 16:39 |
b-man | lol | 16:39 |
Arkenoi | Appiah, is anyone? | 16:39 |
alterego | otoh, they'll all be overclocking and probably reach some kind of critical mass :D | 16:39 |
Reffy | I knew exactly what was coming with Pr1.2 so I wasn't disappointed | 16:40 |
Appiah | Arkenoi yes | 16:40 |
Termana | DocScrutinizer, *every* afternoon the channel is whiney | 16:40 |
andre900 | Reffy, what's with that bug? | 16:40 |
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Arkenoi | show me that man ;-) i want to see | 16:40 |
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marmoute | Termana: which afternoon ? | 16:40 |
Termana | Its just the level of whinyness. | 16:40 |
Appiah | Talked to my friend yesterday who got a n900 , I myself have not updated yet and I asked about the PR1.2 experince | 16:40 |
Stskeeps | achipa: i am looking forward to meego providing their intentions of a real openly developed system. it will take time and not happen overnight, but a lot of areas are popping out now. | 16:40 |
b-man | woooh! ny virtual machine's network connection is functional again | 16:40 |
b-man | *my | 16:40 |
Reffy | @Andre900 | 16:40 |
Reffy | Dammit | 16:40 |
Reffy | Ummm what you mean? | 16:41 |
DocScrutinizer | marmoute: Termana: afternoon somewhere on Sol3 | 16:41 |
Termana | marmoute, normally when someone uses the word 'all' | 16:41 |
andre900 | Context for the bug URL that you posted here. | 16:41 |
alterego | I was suprised how much harmatten is in gitorios ... | 16:41 |
Termana | marmoute, they mean, all | 16:41 |
b-man | *gitorious ;) | 16:42 |
Reffy | Someone asked why they couldn't see their mails in the email widget so I posted the relevant bug url. I assumed he'd vote for it or something. | 16:42 |
achipa | Stskeeps: hey, I'm not apriori rejecting anything, and am pretty sure that most of the issues stem from plain "dontcare" to "toobusydoingsomethingmoreimportant", not some super-evil conspiracy, but time is precious, we're already way way behind in the game | 16:42 |
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marmoute | Termana: but what kind of all ? all afternoon of the week or of the day ? | 16:42 |
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andre900 | Reffy, oops, missed that when reading here. Okay, sorry :) | 16:43 |
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Termana | marmoute, we'll the sentence was specifically, every afternoon of the week. But all day every day would be accurate as well | 16:43 |
Termana | achipa, The Game | 16:44 |
Termana | You already lost it | 16:44 |
marmoute | :-) | 16:44 |
alterego | hah | 16:44 |
achipa | Lost it ? Did I ever have it ? I'm a linux geek ferrichsake ! :D | 16:44 |
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Stskeeps | achipa: my understanding is that people are happy to finally work in the open. some habit die hard though, so we need a compelling infrastructure for people not to fall back on internal tools. | 16:45 |
alterego | omfg, has it got that bad that now "the game" is here ... | 16:45 |
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Khertan | Hum ... i ve a question ... a bit out of topic ... but what soft did you use for your Personnal backups ? i ve try some ... but i found them not stable enought ... i m trying to backup to a simple nas which support only ftp/smb | 16:46 |
alterego | Stskeeps: I agree completely, I'm sure the meego devices dept at Nokia are extremely happy about it. | 16:46 |
Termana | alterego, sorry, going back to 4chan now :P lol | 16:46 |
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melmoth | Khertan: rsync & ssh | 16:46 |
alterego | in fact reading blogs and stuff they're the most up beat out of everyone and it does truely seem geniune. | 16:46 |
Khertan | melmoth, hum ... this is the problem ... no scp on the nas | 16:47 |
Khertan | no rsync daemon too | 16:47 |
Stskeeps | alterego: the open mindset does exist but it is a bit like 'is it okay to come out of the cave now?' mentality | 16:47 |
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melmoth | mount your backup directory as a samba share ? | 16:47 |
Stskeeps | QA discussions in public between nokians, intelians, others, for instance | 16:47 |
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marmoute | alterego: the Game are everywhere everybody play it. | 16:48 |
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Khertan | melmoth ... hum ... why i didn't think about something like that ... pfff | 16:48 |
achipa | Stskeeps: yeah, that's interesting. But also scary for outsiders, especially if you're used to being presented a finished piece of software | 16:48 |
Khertan | melmoth, thx :) | 16:48 |
Termana | GOOGLIANS | 16:48 |
Termana | sorry had to chuck that in there | 16:48 |
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alterego | I'm hoping to be pleasantly supprised with the openness of the next device from Nokia. but I'm not holding my breathe. we know that there are going to be 4 UX's 2 of which are mobile. I don't see Nokia opening too much that aspect of Harmattan. | 16:50 |
alterego | and we've seen the tablet UX, looks like it has a lot of apps in by default. what will users expect to see in the mobile UX? | 16:50 |
achipa | Stskeeps: speaking of which, I still don't see any focus on educating the PUBLIC (=non-core-dev power users) what open development is and how it works, and IMHO that's pretty essential otherwise people will just treat it as patchwork | 16:51 |
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Termana | alterego, when your talking about Nokia opening the Harmattan UX are you specifically talking about the UI or the apps on top as well? | 16:51 |
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alterego | And vendors, well, I can really see them screwing this. | 16:51 |
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achipa | alterego: isn't it 5 UX-es ? | 16:52 |
alterego | Termana: a mixture really, I've noticed there is a lot of Harmattan open, but the apps are part of the UX and should be open? | 16:52 |
alterego | achipa: probably :) | 16:52 |
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alterego | Termana: just looking at the tablet UX demo, the guy said they were core UX apps. what will lHarmattan have? | 16:53 |
Stskeeps | achipa: a very good question. how do you tell users how open developers work? | 16:53 |
alterego | How many maemo 5 apps are open? X Terminal? | 16:53 |
Khertan | alterego, modest | 16:53 |
SpeedEvil | alterego: modest | 16:53 |
Termana | alterego, I think you'll find the UI itself is open. They will be using the Handset UX's UI AFAIK. But there will probably be things in the Harmattan UX not included in the Handset UX | 16:53 |
Termana | eg. Ovi Store | 16:54 |
SpeedEvil | alterego: most of hildon | 16:54 |
alterego | Yeah, modest too. | 16:54 |
Myrtti | my, aren't we a positive lot | 16:54 |
alterego | SpeedEvil: I mean apps, core apps. | 16:54 |
SpeedEvil | ah | 16:54 |
Stskeeps | achipa: a very good question. how do you tell users how open development works? | 16:54 |
SpeedEvil | well - modest | 16:54 |
zaheerm-lp | hildon application manager | 16:54 |
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SpeedEvil | Stskeeps: Think of it as applications coded by a herd of unpaid cats. | 16:54 |
achipa | Stskeeps: I'm a coder-tinkener, it's hard to make myself think as a general user, but I DO see that there is a difference-in-perception issue, stemming from users not familiar with the process :( | 16:55 |
ptl | damn. pulseaudio now frequently gets caught in a high-CPU cycle, I have to kill it otherwise it keeps using 1/3 of CPU time when idle. | 16:55 |
RST38h | http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2010/06/main-wikileaks-source-outed/57753/ | 16:55 |
* RST38h laughs satanically | 16:55 |
alterego | SpeedEvil: more like monkeys :P | 16:55 |
Stskeeps | achipa: talk.maemo.org is a example of that | 16:55 |
Termana | Stskeeps, I didn't realise you have a parrot | 16:55 |
achipa | Stskeeps: just like doctors. You want to hear 'my problem is this, do that and all will be well'. You don't want to hear half a dozen doctors disagreeing and talking about compromise | 16:55 |
Stskeeps | Termana: what? | 16:55 |
Stskeeps | :P | 16:55 |
alterego | And GAN900 who's just the silverback of the community :P | 16:56 |
achipa | (even though technically that is what *is* and should be happening) | 16:56 |
Termana | Stskeeps, nothing :P you just repeated what you said twice | 16:56 |
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* Mece is always enthusiastic about all things maemo and meego. He approaches problems with a childlike naivity and sense of wonder. | 16:56 |
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Stskeeps | Termana: it's boiling hot here | 16:56 |
Termana | Stskeeps, achipa - anyway, is it really important for end-users to know how the development works? Because I'm not sure they care too much | 16:56 |
achipa | Termana: the 'trouble' is they ARE more exposed to it | 16:57 |
RST38h | end-users only need to know when to fuck off, true | 16:57 |
achipa | as said, it's like hearing a bunch of doctors discussing course of action - it's scary (but normal) | 16:57 |
Aranel | initctl: mce respawning too fast, stopped wha..? | 16:58 |
jo-erlend | hehe... i just had to test this. i read an article about iphone4, that it could run 4 apps at the same time. im currently running 32 on n900 and its still fast! | 16:58 |
alterego | I think a lot of things would be solved if thread creators could admin their own threads :) | 16:58 |
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Termana | RST38h, well thats not really what I meant :P but ok | 16:58 |
jacekowski | alterego: no | 16:58 |
achipa | Termana: plus, it can even be detrimental - see for example the USB host thread, people could not keep on topic even if their life depended on it | 16:59 |
jacekowski | alterego: it will finish in anarchy | 16:59 |
alterego | We'd just have a thread per user and only the interesting ones would be worth reading. | 16:59 |
alterego | jacekowski: that's kind of close now right? :P | 16:59 |
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SpeedEvil | achipa: Especially with the problem that in some cases, unskilled people literally can't help. | 16:59 |
jacekowski | alterego: it's not even as half as close to what would happen | 16:59 |
SpeedEvil | achipa: Basically - if you can't at least read datasheets, or kernel code - you're not helping in that thread. | 17:00 |
jacekowski | s/read/understand/ | 17:00 |
SpeedEvil | (other than thanks, perhaps, but even then - you don't know who to thank) | 17:00 |
Stskeeps | achipa: anyway.. it all bends down to, if you can contribute, you can gain merit, if you have merit, you can influence decisions in the field you're contributing in | 17:00 |
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Stskeeps | achipa: if your team lead is not open to sanity, that's where the discussions really start and you can move disputes to TSG | 17:01 |
Stskeeps | :P | 17:01 |
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achipa | SpeedEvil: that's what I'm saying about general user education - they're simply used to jumping in discussiong in forums, and have no understanding of what 'technical discussion' means - that's why there has to be some level of platform education | 17:01 |
alterego | I think the basic theme is obviously impatience. | 17:01 |
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alterego | maybe auto ban people that use the word "when" :P | 17:02 |
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Stskeeps | achipa: but if you're wondering how big this thing is.. we're having people talking in a public irc channel about BME and battery charging. | 17:02 |
alterego | actually "when will" would be more succinct. | 17:02 |
Stskeeps | achipa: nokians and potential future team members exchanging ideas | 17:03 |
Stskeeps | now imagine that up on a bigger scale | 17:03 |
RST38h | Stskeeps: even the current scale took years to achieve and is quickly dissolving | 17:03 |
Stskeeps | RST38h: i believe all our trouble exists from a link to talk.maemo.org on maemo.nokia.com :P | 17:03 |
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RST38h | Stskeeps: With meego.com being a separate community frm maemo.org, there will not be continuity between these communities | 17:04 |
Stskeeps | RST38h: am i a cynic for being happy about the community being reset? | 17:04 |
alterego | RST38h: agreed, but the cool kids willl stay here :P | 17:04 |
achipa | Stskeeps: Yeah, that's all OK, but the problem is as follows - to reach the merit level, you have to be seriously invested in a particular area. So ? Well, this precludes people who have a different (but strong !) tech background | 17:04 |
RST38h | Stskeeps: Mmm, no, it does make sense to a certain degree | 17:04 |
RST38h | Stskeeps: But I believe the drawbacks will overweight the advantages | 17:04 |
achipa | Stskeeps: take for example the Qt vs GTK issue, or the RPM vs DEB angle, it is very difficult to contribute as those who know equally well the merits and drawbacks of both are very few | 17:05 |
Stskeeps | achipa: aren't you typically invested already and has experience? | 17:05 |
Stskeeps | achipa: that's up in architecture which is a place i wouldn't wish upon anyone :P | 17:05 |
alterego | I see my mission as integrating services on the devices. Enhancing inbuilt UX, that's why I did the mafw telepathy status updater. stupid little app, but it's kind of what I'm interested in. Just looking at where to go next. | 17:06 |
Stskeeps | achipa: the issue isn't made easier by that a large number of community members have been sucked into nokia over time :) | 17:06 |
RST38h | Stskeeps: Between having to deal with raving teenagers and not having the current developers community we have with maemo.org, I would take the first | 17:06 |
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alterego | heh | 17:06 |
RST38h | Stskeeps: Besides, it would mean I could go there every weekend and scalp a few | 17:06 |
RST38h | Stskeeps: Out of sheer sadistic fun | 17:07 |
achipa | Stskeeps: what I'm saying is that to be able to change something, you have to have had contributed to it a great deal, which can get counterintuitive :) It's a bit like saying that for a party to lose power they have to agree with it :) | 17:07 |
Termana | Maybe its just me, but relatively I think the RPM vs DEB debate is just a bunch people having a pissing match. Who really cares, I'm sure either one would be able to do the job its suppose to do. | 17:07 |
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achipa | Termana: the bottom line is it doesn't touch users, but they DO see it, so it's get all FUDdy | 17:08 |
RST38h | achipa: Maybe you should return to square #1: You *cannot* change anything in Maemo, no matter what kind of merit you have earned | 17:08 |
Stskeeps | achipa: depending on area of contribution. hopefully there'll be a large number of teams so you can contribute in an area and work your way up | 17:08 |
RST38h | achipa: In fact, you cannot change much in Maemo even if you are *working* for Maemo Devices as a developer | 17:08 |
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alterego | Termana: I have the same stance there, I might personally prefer deb, but that preference comes from an inherent trust of debian systems, that are my preference in general Linux terms ... | 17:08 |
Myrtti | people need better hobbies | 17:09 |
Stskeeps | i mean, even though i have the failed Mer project on my back, that experience is getting widely accepted as knowing something about mobile linux and going about things :) | 17:09 |
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alterego | at least it's not gentoo .... :D | 17:09 |
Stskeeps | and contributions speaking for themselves | 17:09 |
RST38h | achipa: The decisions are often done by people who have "proper" corporate standing but have no expertise to make the decisions | 17:09 |
alterego | Stskeeps: Mer would have been awesome :( | 17:09 |
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RST38h | Myrtti: knitting? | 17:10 |
Stskeeps | alterego: MeeGo's going to be awesome-r | 17:10 |
alterego | Stskeeps: yes, it seems so :) | 17:10 |
Myrtti | RST38h: cooking or gardening are options too | 17:10 |
Termana | Thats right because they added a -r | 17:10 |
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Termana | :P | 17:10 |
DocScrutinizer | Myrtti: sitting here watching IRC, I tend to agree with you, at least for my case | 17:10 |
RST38h | Myrtti: hunting! | 17:10 |
alterego | especially with the _corporate_ support against antitrust bs. | 17:10 |
Stskeeps | at least my general impression of the current architects is people that have a boatload of merit :P | 17:11 |
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Stskeeps | and i can understand qt vs gtk and rpm vs deb | 17:11 |
achipa | Myrtti: http://img40.imagefra.me/img/img40/6/6/5/yagodinac/f_nsvsfm_3df9ce5.jpg | 17:11 |
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* RST38h sighs at Stskeeps' general impression | 17:11 |
Stskeeps | (and no, i'm not just a fanboy, i really do criticise stuf.) | 17:11 |
achipa | Myrtti: when fishing is not an option, of course | 17:11 |
Myrtti | indeed | 17:11 |
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* DocScrutinizer ponders to charge up that 1000uF/400V capacitor :-P | 17:11 |
DocScrutinizer | always has been fun | 17:12 |
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alterego | Stskeeps: I used to prefer Gtk, in someways I still do, but Qt is rapidly becoming better in my eye, all my maemo/meego is Qt from now on. It does the whole XP thing much better than Gtk... | 17:12 |
achipa | DocScrutinizer: used to call it "jumpy", eh ? | 17:12 |
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DocScrutinizer | with some tin foil it's really exciting | 17:13 |
DocScrutinizer | and LOUD | 17:13 |
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LuciusMare | Hello, how to reset the password for "lock screen"? | 17:14 |
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DocScrutinizer | elementary physics | 17:14 |
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DocScrutinizer | LuciusMare: too bad, you need to visit nokia store afaik | 17:14 |
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alterego | LuciusMare: type in the old one, then type in the new one and confirm? :P | 17:15 |
LuciusMare | DocScrutinizer: uh? It can't be simly reflashed? | 17:15 |
DocScrutinizer | afaik not | 17:16 |
LuciusMare | aw | 17:16 |
achipa | which reminds me... haven't tried the nightshot mode for astrophotography, there's something less polarizing for tonight's activities :) | 17:16 |
LuciusMare | Any alternatives how to lock screen? | 17:16 |
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DocScrutinizer | LuciusMare: err what? | 17:16 |
LuciusMare | DocScrutinizer: other app to lock screen | 17:17 |
RST38h | achipa: You can see stars from where you are? | 17:17 |
LuciusMare | maybe requesting the password on startup | 17:17 |
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DocScrutinizer | LuciusMare: sorry I don't get your problem | 17:17 |
achipa | RST38h: not NOW, but _tonight_ I certainly will be able to :) | 17:17 |
DocScrutinizer | LuciusMare: thought you locked your device and forgot the password | 17:18 |
achipa | RST38h: I'm not in Finland currently so I actually get a few hours of actual cloud-free nighttime even in June :) | 17:19 |
RST38h | achipa: lucky | 17:19 |
LuciusMare | I didn't lock it, I just set the password and forgot it -_- | 17:19 |
DocScrutinizer | aaah, so make sure you got ssh configured | 17:20 |
LuciusMare | heh | 17:20 |
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MohammadAG51 | qwerty12 made an app to change it - I think | 17:20 |
DocScrutinizer | I read something about it long ago. maybe it's something about http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=20465 | 17:21 |
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crashanddie | there's one thing that always bothered me with wardriving and monitoring networks | 17:24 |
crashanddie | there's no tool to "see" what other people are browsing | 17:24 |
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LuciusMare | :o | 17:25 |
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crashanddie | I'm obviously not interested in https and shit | 17:25 |
SpeedEvil | crashanddie: yes there is | 17:25 |
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crashanddie | SpeedEvil: so it displays the web pages that are coming back? | 17:25 |
DocScrutinizer | LuciusMare: maybe this might help: http://wiki.maemo.org/User:Jebba/DBUS#dbus-send-unlock - at least to find more info | 17:25 |
SpeedEvil | http://tcpick.sourceforge.net/ | 17:26 |
SpeedEvil | crashanddie: | 17:26 |
SpeedEvil | Well - nearly. | 17:26 |
crashanddie | only text-based | 17:26 |
crashanddie | I want graphical, see the web page the guy is browsing | 17:26 |
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SpeedEvil | crashanddie: You'd need a few dozen lines of scripting, in order to push it into a directory structure compatible with wwwoffled - or some other webcache, with fake URLs | 17:27 |
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SpeedEvil | crashanddie: and then a thing to point the browser at it | 17:27 |
crashanddie | or write a browser that could use some cap file directly | 17:27 |
SpeedEvil | that looks significantly harder. | 17:27 |
crashanddie | filter the cap in wireshark to only track http streams | 17:28 |
SpeedEvil | This thing already emits the files in - more or less - the right structure for wwwoffled | 17:28 |
SpeedEvil | you just need to move them to teh right filename, and directory, and it will basically work. | 17:28 |
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LuciusMare | I'll never browse on wifi again | 17:29 |
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SpeedEvil | WPA is really hard to sniff. | 17:29 |
SpeedEvil | WEP quite easy | 17:29 |
LuciusMare | I'll never browse on unprotected wifis again | 17:30 |
SpeedEvil | I'm currently taking part in a study, which involves tracking all my web browsing on the n900. | 17:31 |
DocScrutinizer | I don't care | 17:31 |
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SpeedEvil | I just don't do anything illegal on the n900, so it's not a major concern. | 17:31 |
DocScrutinizer | SpeedEvil: they really need to pay you better for that :-P | 17:31 |
SpeedEvil | yeah - well - it pays for the internets connection to the n900. | 17:32 |
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LuciusMare | SpeedEvil: "I've you've done nothing wrong, you've got nothing to fear."? :P | 17:33 |
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DocScrutinizer | lol | 17:33 |
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crashanddie | "If you have something that you don't want anyone to know, maybe you shouldn't be doing it in the first place." --Google CEO Eric Schmidt | 17:34 |
SpeedEvil | For various reasons - I don't do anything questionable on the n900. | 17:34 |
SpeedEvil | So - if the browsing history were made public, it doesn't bother me. | 17:35 |
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Termana | /nick FBI | 17:35 |
Termana | SpeedEvil, yes, but we're interested in what questionable things you are doing on other devices/computers. | 17:35 |
LuciusMare | Meh, so the solution: don't go out? | 17:35 |
Termana | :P | 17:35 |
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Tachikoma | isn't it possible to just browse without creating a history? | 17:37 |
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SpeedEvil | No. | 17:38 |
SpeedEvil | You will always create some traces - even in only the farside logs. | 17:38 |
SpeedEvil | The best you can do is to anonymise your origin, and merge it with others. | 17:39 |
DocScrutinizer | I obviously should stop thinking, as not always I want everybody to know what I think | 17:39 |
LuciusMare | Become anonymous(tm) . | 17:39 |
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DocScrutinizer | but then, if Google CEO Eric Schmidt would eat his ofn dogfood, we never seen google | 17:40 |
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* SpeedEvil is economising on food. | 17:40 |
SpeedEvil | I haven't gone that far though. | 17:40 |
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DocScrutinizer | there's quite a number of other stuff than just dogfood I'd like to shove down Eric's throat | 17:41 |
LuciusMare | LOL | 17:42 |
LuciusMare | Why so, DocScrutinizer? | 17:42 |
Tachikoma | SpeedEvil: what are farsight logs? | 17:43 |
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Tachikoma | farside logs | 17:43 |
DocScrutinizer | because he sounds like all those other wankers, the one we suffered from 33-45, the founder of scientology, you name it | 17:43 |
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SpeedEvil | Tachikoma: err - what? | 17:43 |
SpeedEvil | Tachikoma: oh | 17:43 |
th3hate | Someone help: http://bit.ly/b5Mek4 | 17:43 |
SpeedEvil | Tachikoma: For example - browse to 4chan. | 17:43 |
sjgadsby | Tachikoma: Logs on the far side of the connection, on web server. | 17:43 |
SpeedEvil | Tachikoma: 4chan will have some record of inbound connections. | 17:43 |
SpeedEvil | Tachikoma: If you have a static IP, that points directly at you with no indirection. | 17:44 |
SpeedEvil | Tachikoma: If you're on NAT - it's a bit harder. | 17:44 |
LuciusMare | Why did you choose 4chan as the example? O_o | 17:44 |
Tachikoma | yeah, that stuff usually gets hidden via anonymizers like tor, doesn't it. I assumed already anonym browsing and was wondering if one could also shut up the browser ... | 17:45 |
SpeedEvil | Tachikoma: Well - somewhat | 17:45 |
th3hate | i'm getting this error when i download wget: http://bit.ly/b5Mek4 | 17:45 |
th3hate | how to fox? | 17:45 |
th3hate | fix* | 17:45 |
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SpeedEvil | https://blog.torproject.org/blog/effs-panopticlick-and-torbutton - for example | 17:46 |
Tachikoma | th3hate: apt-get update? | 17:46 |
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Tachikoma | SpeedEvil: thanks, that looks interesting, will read tonight | 17:46 |
SpeedEvil | Tachikoma: Getting true anonymity is hard. | 17:46 |
SpeedEvil | Tachikoma: It basically means leaking no information - like history | 17:46 |
Tachikoma | SpeedEvil: i know. | 17:47 |
crashanddie | SpeedEvil: isn't the whole point of 4chan that they delete everything after a month or so? Inluding logs and everything? | 17:47 |
SpeedEvil | http://whattheinternetknowsaboutyou.com/ | 17:47 |
SpeedEvil | crashanddie: Or do they? | 17:47 |
SpeedEvil | crashanddie: Is moot really running 4chan, or is it the FBI. | 17:48 |
Tachikoma | i always wondered what privoxy actually filters but never had time to take a deeper look. currently that is my "out-of-the-box" solution to feel a little bit better ;) | 17:48 |
SpeedEvil | The above website indicates another problem - CSS history leaks | 17:48 |
crashanddie | SpeedEvil: "Congratulations, we did not find anything in this category in your browser history." | 17:48 |
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SpeedEvil | On the PC I use for my all my n900 browsing, it shows no xxx sites. | 17:48 |
DocScrutinizer | get an anonymous prepaid SIM, change your IMEI, browse thru 3G only, from a place where you usually aren't doing this, and never use that phone for any other purpose, or to access any personalized website/service, like e.g email-POP3 | 17:48 |
Tachikoma | I know people that just use differen firefox profiles for different kind of websites ... | 17:49 |
SpeedEvil | Tachikoma: But do they use different resolutions, extensions, versions of firefox? | 17:49 |
SpeedEvil | Tachikoma: OSs, ... | 17:49 |
crashanddie | DocScrutinizer: or just run a windows VM, change the mac address in vmware, then connect to a public hotspot at mcdonalds or something | 17:49 |
crashanddie | DocScrutinizer: it'll be sometime before mac addresses will allow government agencies to track you, anyhoo | 17:50 |
Tachikoma | SpeedEvil: of course not, this is just to feel better - like me using provoxy | 17:50 |
DocScrutinizer | crashanddie: hmm, equally valid, though you need to watch out for surveilance cams etc | 17:50 |
SpeedEvil | DocScrutinizer: large 1.2m dish pointing at a distant AP | 17:50 |
crashanddie | DocScrutinizer: same for n900 browsing :) CSI could probably read our screens in the reflection of the guy with sunglasses at starbucks | 17:50 |
Tachikoma | wasn't that CTU ?; | 17:51 |
Tachikoma | ;) | 17:51 |
DocScrutinizer | crashanddie: no they can't | 17:51 |
SpeedEvil | DocScrutinizer: yes they can. | 17:51 |
SpeedEvil | They have visual basic. | 17:51 |
DocScrutinizer | ooh, sorry, yes they can - I got your statement wrong | 17:51 |
* LuciusMare is getting paranoid | 17:52 |
DocScrutinizer | for CRT you can read out the image content from indirect light | 17:52 |
Tachikoma | currently i browse from n900 only through openvpn -> home. Not for privacy but to avoid the forced redirects to the telephone companies proxies that scale down all pictures and screw with content in other ways .... | 17:52 |
th3hate | Tachikoma: apt-get update didn't fix it | 17:53 |
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DocScrutinizer | reflection of the image in a sunglasses is a much simpler matter though | 17:53 |
Tachikoma | th3hate: mh, usually i get this message when the local package database points to some package on the seerver that is not there anymore, so it fixed it for me usually/ | 17:54 |
SpeedEvil | http://it.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=02/03/09/199242 | 17:54 |
DocScrutinizer | th3hate: iirc wget is in tools repo | 17:54 |
SpeedEvil | snooping on CRTs with indirect light | 17:54 |
DocScrutinizer | tzzz | 17:54 |
LuciusMare | how is the history reading even possible? | 17:54 |
th3hate | DocScrutinizer: how to iirc wget? | 17:54 |
SpeedEvil | www.springerlink.com/index/b334pxu7x060213l.pdf | 17:55 |
SpeedEvil | Snooping on LCDs with RF | 17:55 |
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RST38h | Try snooping on LCDs with the tiny magnets implanted into your fingers | 17:55 |
SpeedEvil | http://www.freedom-to-tinker.com/blog/felten/acoustic-snooping-typed-information | 17:55 |
SpeedEvil | snooping on keyboards with sound | 17:56 |
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Tachikoma | SpeedEvil: i guess you already know this: http://www.erikyyy.de/tempest/ | 17:56 |
SpeedEvil | yes | 17:56 |
Tachikoma | you can play music on your radio using your CRT monitor as transmitter :) | 17:56 |
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LuciusMare | no, really :< | 17:56 |
SpeedEvil | Tachikoma: there are much cooler ones. | 17:56 |
th3hate | How do i iirc a package @? | 17:56 |
Tachikoma | SpeedEvil: i only tried that years ago - when CRTs were still popular | 17:57 |
SpeedEvil | http://bellard.org/ | 17:57 |
SpeedEvil | _so_ much awesomeness | 17:57 |
SpeedEvil | Specifically - http://bellard.org/dvbt/ | 17:57 |
SpeedEvil | broadcast digital video signal with CRT | 17:57 |
Tachikoma | just read it, crazy :) | 17:57 |
DocScrutinizer | th3hate: enable all repositories, incl -devel and -tools, then redo apt-get update and aptg-get install wget | 17:58 |
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DocScrutinizer | then disable all the repos again that you just had enabled!! | 17:58 |
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DocScrutinizer | and do a apt-get update agin | 17:59 |
MohammadAG51 | wget is in -devel, qole needs it for easy-deb-chroot | 17:59 |
th3hate | DocScrutinizer: i know i did that but im still getting the error | 18:00 |
th3hate | maybe wget is really missing? | 18:00 |
Tachikoma | then an apt-get update would still solve it and you get "no such package" or a similar message | 18:00 |
MohammadAG51 | 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 1 reinstalled, 0 to remove and 5 not upgraded. | 18:00 |
MohammadAG51 | nope | 18:00 |
crashanddie | Tachikoma: or in bones, from old (printed) emails, they found the IP address of the guy (incidentaly in the 192.168 range), and they were able to immediately view his screen, and then his webcam. | 18:00 |
DocScrutinizer | th3hate: something in your install is borked | 18:01 |
MohammadAG51 | it's in extras too | 18:01 |
MohammadAG51 | Get:1 http://repository.maemo.org fremantle-1.2/free wget 1.10.2-2osso3 [620kB] | 18:01 |
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* Tachikoma just creates his first gitorious repository :) | 18:01 |
Tachikoma | crashanddie: bones? | 18:02 |
th3hate | can i download it from app manager directly? | 18:02 |
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crashanddie | Tachikoma: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bones_(TV_series) | 18:03 |
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Tachikoma | crashanddie: ah - now it makes sense :) pseudo scientific TV series and reality - two different things :) | 18:04 |
MohammadAG51 | lol | 18:04 |
MohammadAG51 | it's a cool show though | 18:04 |
crashanddie | good characters, I love TJ Thyne | 18:04 |
Tachikoma | yeah, i actually know it, just didn't get it immediatly | 18:04 |
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DocScrutinizer | crashanddie: (view screen/webcam) isn't that exactly how windows works, though? | 18:05 |
crashanddie | superb shortfilm with tj thyne: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cbk980jV7Ao | 18:06 |
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xDaReaperx | Hi | 18:06 |
xDaReaperx | is anyone there in need serious help | 18:07 |
xDaReaperx | my N900 shows the logo and vibrates but dosent start | 18:07 |
xDaReaperx | it keeps showing the Nokia logo and vibrates | 18:07 |
DocScrutinizer | ouch | 18:07 |
MohammadAG51 | infobot, flashing | 18:07 |
infobot | i heard flashing is http://wiki.maemo.org/Updating_the_tablet_firmware | 18:07 |
crashanddie | < xDaReaperx> is anyone there in need serious help <-- you? :D | 18:07 |
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xDaReaperx | oh i have to flash ? | 18:08 |
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xDaReaperx | will i loose data ? | 18:08 |
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crashanddie | no, but you may lose data | 18:08 |
DocScrutinizer | not much though | 18:08 |
xDaReaperx | hmm what kind of data | 18:09 |
xDaReaperx | images and stuff ? | 18:09 |
crashanddie | no | 18:09 |
DocScrutinizer | just enough to remind you about backup app | 18:09 |
crashanddie | those are on the emmc | 18:09 |
xDaReaperx | i have backuped | 18:09 |
xDaReaperx | but how do i flash if the mobile wont start ? | 18:09 |
crashanddie | xDaReaperx: usb and stuff? | 18:09 |
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DocScrutinizer | which logo exactly does it show? | 18:09 |
xDaReaperx | oh | 18:09 |
xDaReaperx | nothing only the Nokia logo comes up and it vibrates | 18:09 |
xDaReaperx | and goes blank and again comes up and vibrates | 18:10 |
xDaReaperx | keeps doing the same thing | 18:10 |
xDaReaperx | over and over | 18:10 |
DocScrutinizer | hold 'u' button | 18:10 |
DocScrutinizer | see if it stops looping | 18:10 |
xDaReaperx | ok | 18:10 |
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DocScrutinizer | then reflash rootfs | 18:11 |
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xDaReaperx | holding U dosent stop it looping | 18:12 |
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xDaReaperx | can you tell me which package to download plz : http://tablets-dev.nokia.com/maemo-dev-env-downloads.php | 18:13 |
xDaReaperx | should i download the .exe ? | 18:13 |
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DocScrutinizer | ~tell xDaReaperx about flashing | 18:16 |
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BCMM | what do i need to get started with compiling stuff for the n900? | 18:16 |
BCMM | (e.g. just a C Hello World to start with) | 18:16 |
DocScrutinizer | http://wiki.maemo.org/Documentation/Maemo_5_Developer_Guide | 18:18 |
th3hate | south africa scored finally :P | 18:18 |
BCMM | DocScrutinizer: thanks | 18:19 |
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BCMM | also, any gentoo users here? is dev-embedded/scratchbox-devkit-maemo3 what i need, and is it up-to-date? | 18:20 |
xDaReaperx | DocScrutinizer : Now i've kept my device for recharging , since it is said to charge the battery to the fullest , but when i charge the phones loops again | 18:20 |
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DocScrutinizer | can you switch it down by holding the power button? | 18:21 |
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xDaReaperx | no i cant | 18:21 |
xDaReaperx | i have to remove the battery | 18:21 |
DocScrutinizer | then I suggest you don't waste battery on useless effort to charge, but start flashing right away | 18:22 |
xDaReaperx | okay fine | 18:22 |
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DocScrutinizer | on a second thought, your problem might be caused by a broken battery as well | 18:22 |
Escafane | \join #redditscooer | 18:22 |
Escafane | \join #redditsoccer | 18:23 |
DocScrutinizer | not yet | 18:23 |
xDaReaperx | no my battery is new | 18:23 |
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xDaReaperx | some app installed this Kernel power for users | 18:23 |
xDaReaperx | and this caused the problem | 18:23 |
DocScrutinizer | Escafane: windows, eh? ;-P | 18:23 |
xDaReaperx | it was not able to restore the nokia kernel | 18:23 |
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xDaReaperx | and told me to restart the phone and since then i got this problem | 18:23 |
DocScrutinizer | ouch | 18:23 |
Escafane | er yes. also wrong page | 18:23 |
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DocScrutinizer | xDaReaperx: you need to reflash kernel and rootfs. both should work from flasher, by flashing COMBINED fiasco image | 18:25 |
xDaReaperx | how do i do that ? | 18:25 |
MohammadAG51 | infobot, flashing | 18:25 |
infobot | [flashing] http://wiki.maemo.org/Updating_the_tablet_firmware | 18:25 |
DocScrutinizer | xDaReaperx: I strongly suggest you try using the linux flasher | 18:25 |
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xDaReaperx | but i should have linux for that dont i ? | 18:26 |
DocScrutinizer | MohammadAG51: I did a better job on that, previously :-P | 18:26 |
DocScrutinizer | xDaReaperx: yes, would help | 18:26 |
MohammadAG51 | DocScrutinizer, actually, read 10-100 lines before, I mentioned it the first time XP | 18:26 |
DocScrutinizer | the windows flasher is constantly giving problems | 18:26 |
xDaReaperx | oh man , why wont the windows flasher work ? | 18:26 |
MohammadAG51 | it would | 18:27 |
xDaReaperx | damn , now i'm tensed | 18:27 |
DocScrutinizer | MohammadAG51: that's what I meant | 18:27 |
DocScrutinizer | it didn't help the first time | 18:27 |
DocScrutinizer | xDaReaperx: occasionally win-flasher works as well | 18:27 |
DocScrutinizer | just has more issues than linux | 18:27 |
xDaReaperx | so now since i dont have linux i should use Windows | 18:28 |
DocScrutinizer | so if you got the choice | 18:28 |
xDaReaperx | :( | 18:28 |
DocScrutinizer | yes | 18:28 |
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xDaReaperx | what are the chances that something will go wrong ? | 18:29 |
crashanddie | BCMM: install build-essential from the SDK repo and you're good to compile on-device. | 18:29 |
crashanddie | xDaReaperx: 18.2% | 18:29 |
DocScrutinizer | today's friday, so 18.4 | 18:30 |
BCMM | crashanddie: i have been told that enabling the sdk repo will make the n900 eat my pets | 18:30 |
crashanddie | BCMM: ok, then no compilation for you. | 18:30 |
BCMM | crashanddie: (or that there was some kind of issue to be careful of) | 18:31 |
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crashanddie | just add the repo, apt-get build-essential, remove repo | 18:31 |
DocScrutinizer | ~hail t-tan for the userfriendly "power kernel" :-S | 18:31 |
* infobot bows down to t-tan for the userfriendly "power kernel" :-S and chants, "I'M NOT WORTHY!!" | 18:31 |
crashanddie | don't run updates, don't apt-get upgrade, you'll be fine. | 18:31 |
th3hate | is petola widget working for anyone? | 18:31 |
SpeedEvil | http://bellard.org/otcc/ | 18:32 |
* SpeedEvil bows down, and is not worthy. | 18:32 |
SpeedEvil | Take that GCC! | 18:32 |
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SpeedEvil | A compiler in 2048 bytes of c. | 18:33 |
DocScrutinizer | though ""some app installed this Kernel power for users"" also sounds a little... err, searching for excuse | 18:33 |
xDaReaperx | yeah thats the app that made my phone to die now | 18:33 |
xDaReaperx | i'm really tensed , i dunno how safe flashing is | 18:33 |
xDaReaperx | what if something goes wrong | 18:33 |
BCMM | SpeedEvil: good god, that is terrible | 18:33 |
DocScrutinizer | flashing is safe | 18:33 |
BCMM | in a wonderful sort of way | 18:34 |
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MohammadAG51 | <xDaReaperx> what if something goes wrong | 18:34 |
MohammadAG51 | rereflash | 18:34 |
DocScrutinizer | try harder - fail better :-P | 18:34 |
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xDaReaperx | omg this .bin file is 179 MB | 18:36 |
xDaReaperx | i have to download that too ? | 18:36 |
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DocScrutinizer | SpeedEvil: fsckng awsome | 18:37 |
DocScrutinizer | YES | 18:38 |
* achipa sees that maemo.org/news is still dead. Is it just hiding or is it going to play dead all weekend ? | 18:38 |
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Tachikoma | yikes | 18:39 |
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DocScrutinizer | xDaReaperx: feel happy you've not killed your phone by installing random garbage without reading the instructions | 18:39 |
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xDaReaperx | oh | 18:40 |
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Tachikoma | i just saw that i received a mail from nokia on 3.6.2010 telling me that there is ovi store 1.6 now and that it's awsome and explain tomns of features ... Why do they send me that - i should be marekd as n900 owner in their database ... | 18:40 |
xDaReaperx | so all i need is the Nokia USB cable , The Maemo 3.5 flasher software and the .bin file , to reflash | 18:41 |
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DocScrutinizer | yes | 18:41 |
* DocScrutinizer sighs | 18:41 |
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DocScrutinizer | xDaReaperx: and a lot more of patience and coolness as the real dl load comes *after* you've flashed the rootfs, on restoring your backup | 18:42 |
xDaReaperx | oh so there's more to download later ? oh man | 18:42 |
xDaReaperx | on the documentation it says : Make sure that the device battery is fully charged before doing any sort of flashing operation because flashing fails if the battery runs out of power during the image flashing operation, and the device may not be able to charge an empty battery after a failure in flashing. | 18:43 |
xDaReaperx | but i cant charge as i told u it keeps looping | 18:43 |
Tachikoma | yes, that is a big issue | 18:43 |
DocScrutinizer | you need to reinstall all the friggin apps you had. and take care you don't install power kernel during that restore session :-P | 18:43 |
xDaReaperx | oh i dont care of the apps | 18:43 |
xDaReaperx | i need the mobile running back , i'm so tensed | 18:43 |
Tachikoma | i actually bough an external battery charger for mobile phone batteries to never face the battery dead/flash scenario | 18:44 |
DocScrutinizer | xDaReaperx: *I* told ya [2010-06-11 17:22:05] <DocScrutinizer> then I suggest you don't waste battery on useless effort to charge, but start flashing right away | 18:44 |
Tachikoma | xDaReaperx: if you know anothe n900 owner, charge your batteryu full in his n900 before flashing | 18:45 |
xDaReaperx | well i dont | 18:45 |
Tachikoma | and it does not have to be 100% full, it must just not become empty WHILE flashing | 18:45 |
xDaReaperx | no its not empty its 43 % | 18:45 |
xDaReaperx | or so | 18:45 |
xDaReaperx | i think | 18:45 |
DocScrutinizer | and gets less while you're arguing here | 18:46 |
Tachikoma | xDaReaperx: that should be enough, flashing takes not longer than 5 minutes from my experience | 18:46 |
xDaReaperx | oh thank God | 18:46 |
DocScrutinizer | actually it takes ~30s | 18:46 |
Tachikoma | xDaReaperx: but TAKE OUT THE BATTERY NOW. And only put it back in the moment you will flash | 18:46 |
xDaReaperx | yeah i did that ^ | 18:46 |
Tachikoma | DocScrutinizer: yeah, I was flashing emmc as well | 18:46 |
Tachikoma | another way to get a full battery is to go to a nokia shop | 18:47 |
Tachikoma | just in case | 18:47 |
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DocScrutinizer | *yaaaaawwn* | 18:47 |
Tachikoma | http://www.123handydiscount.de/2-3-12-0-0-1080/nokia-batterycharger-dt-14-handy-bestellen.html?ref=true | 18:47 |
Tachikoma | this is my "backup :) | 18:47 |
Tachikoma | i got it for 7 euro | 18:48 |
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Tachikoma | for n800 actually, had to saw of one end so n800 battery di fix, but charged the battery as expected | 18:48 |
xDaReaperx | DocScrutinizer : what kind of menu will be there when i run the flasher ? | 18:48 |
DocScrutinizer | none | 18:48 |
xDaReaperx | you told me about some Fiasco img or something | 18:48 |
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DocScrutinizer | ~tell xDaReaperx about flashing | 18:49 |
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DocScrutinizer | ~tell xDaReaperx "read that!" | 18:49 |
xDaReaperx | okay | 18:49 |
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xDaReaperx | so once the mobile starts flashing i can plug the charger right | 18:53 |
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xDaReaperx | says in the documentation : You can plug the device back into power once it starts flashing). | 18:54 |
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* GAN900 is evil. | 18:59 |
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SpeedEvil | http://images.4chan.org/b/src/1276271582184.jpg | 19:10 |
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Ian-- | hi in the virtual keyboard since pr1.2 has the backspace button been removed? | 19:17 |
jacekowski | i never had any problems with virtual keyboard | 19:17 |
jacekowski | maybe because i don't use it | 19:18 |
SpeedEvil | backspace is under ? | 19:19 |
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trumee | guys, i used tcpdump to create a dump of the network for maemo sip bug. How do i extract just the sip/rtp stream for bugzilla. i want to remove all the sensitive info before uploading it to bugzilla | 19:24 |
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SpeedEvil | trumee: I recommend tcpick perhaps | 19:25 |
trumee | how can i extract using wireshark | 19:25 |
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trumee | SpeedEvil: ok, i will install tcpick then | 19:25 |
SpeedEvil | http://tcpick.sourceforge.net/ | 19:25 |
SpeedEvil | dunno | 19:25 |
SpeedEvil | I've used tcpick for that in the past, and it's worked well | 19:25 |
SpeedEvil | I'm unsure about tools that will parse the tcpdump capture | 19:26 |
DocScrutinizer | wireshark has arbitrary filtering, and afaik a convenient way to print out and/or save | 19:26 |
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DocScrutinizer | nobody will care about a pcap file on tracker anyway, I guess | 19:27 |
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svanheulen | Hello! | 19:27 |
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DocScrutinizer | and you open pcap simply in wireshark I guess | 19:28 |
trumee | DocScrutinizer: i cant take a chance of that. How can i extract sip/rtp streams for uploading to bugzilla? | 19:28 |
trumee | SpeedEvil: unfortunately i dont have tcpick on my gentoo system | 19:28 |
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trumee | DocScrutinizer: yes, i can open it but what do i save from wireshark: | 19:28 |
DocScrutinizer | the info you want to share on your track ticket. Nobody will do that filtering and data dissect for you | 19:29 |
LiraNuna | what the hell @ chromium? | 19:29 |
LiraNuna | are the Maemo repositories became Apple's ass store? | 19:29 |
LiraNuna | s/are/did/ | 19:30 |
infobot | LiraNuna meant: did the Maemo repositories became Apple's ass store? | 19:30 |
SpeedEvil | LiraNuna: REgrettably lawyers do not think like normal people. | 19:30 |
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MohammadAG51 | LiraNuna, not really, 'we' just don't want trouble | 19:30 |
SpeedEvil | And - given the opinion of nokias lawyers that it should come down - and the domains hosting - it was pretty obvious what'd happen | 19:30 |
MohammadAG51 | feel free to create your own repo and host it | 19:30 |
svanheulen | yeah i was confused about the chromium thing too... i thought it used BSD license? | 19:31 |
SpeedEvil | svanheulen: It's a patent issue | 19:31 |
microlith | svanheulen: software licenses don't get you around software patents | 19:31 |
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MohammadAG51 | some IL company sued google | 19:31 |
SpeedEvil | svanheulen: A company claims it infringes a patent. | 19:31 |
SpeedEvil | svanheulen: The patented - allegedly - stuff got pulled - and it reuploaded. | 19:31 |
svanheulen | oh god, software patents, my fav ... | 19:31 |
SpeedEvil | But the lawyers were still unhappy taking the risk | 19:31 |
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MohammadAG51 | i'm not really sure how patens are infringed in open source SW | 19:32 |
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microlith | MohammadAG51: everything does, probably | 19:32 |
SpeedEvil | MohammadAG51: The same way they are in regular SW. | 19:32 |
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MohammadAG51 | SpeedEvil, but it's open source | 19:32 |
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SpeedEvil | MohammadAG51: Because it's open-source doesn't mean it cannot infringe patents. | 19:33 |
svanheulen | MohammadAG51: yeah, but they're still taking away business of the patent hold i guess | 19:33 |
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svanheulen | *holder | 19:34 |
SpeedEvil | If open source infringes patents - there may be no direct financial remedy against the author - but the patent holder can still insist it's removed. | 19:34 |
SpeedEvil | And in some countries this has legal force. | 19:34 |
microlith | iirc, there's a patent less than 10 years old that covers linked lists | 19:34 |
LiraNuna | aren't software patents cute | 19:35 |
LiraNuna | I know one that covers how to do a fast 'abs' in 3 instructions | 19:35 |
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svanheulen | LiraNuna: if by 'cute' you mean retarded, yes | 19:36 |
SpeedEvil | My pet hate. | 19:36 |
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SpeedEvil | The kernel had - back in 2.0.20 times or so - a (out-of-tree) module - 'mergemem' | 19:36 |
LiraNuna | svanheulen, sarcasm | 19:37 |
SpeedEvil | This hashed all memory, and found pages with identical hashes, and merged them so that they were using the same page of RAM - protected them - so they would get split again on write. | 19:37 |
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SpeedEvil | Fast forward to ~2006 or so, and vmware gets a patent on exactly this. | 19:37 |
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microlith | SpeedEvil: err, isn't that exactly what KSM does? | 19:37 |
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SpeedEvil | In ~2008 - KSM explicitly avoided this obvious technique in order to do the same thing. | 19:38 |
SpeedEvil | sort-of, not quite. | 19:38 |
microlith | ahh | 19:38 |
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SpeedEvil | mergemem was designed to do _all_ memory. | 19:38 |
SpeedEvil | Also, I note the n900 has a hashing engine in the CPU. | 19:38 |
svanheulen | SpeedEvil: to be fair, you can't expect the people approving patents to know everthing that ever existed | 19:39 |
SpeedEvil | Sure. | 19:39 |
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LiraNuna | hence why patents are retarded | 19:39 |
SpeedEvil | But 'hey - look at this code from 2002' should be a simple straight-forward free excersize to get the patent cancelled. | 19:40 |
SpeedEvil | Not the risk of expensive court action that may drag on for years. | 19:40 |
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zaheerm-lp | what is funny is that meego distributes chromium | 19:40 |
LiraNuna | the patent council is made of retards - you really expects them to know better? | 19:41 |
svanheulen | Well yeah, I don't see why they can't just allow people to sumbit prior art to get patent invalidated before they cause court cases | 19:41 |
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microlith | zaheerm-lp: I suppose Intel is playing 800lb gorilla | 19:41 |
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LiraNuna | http://lolpics.se/pics/3982.jpg | 19:46 |
LiraNuna | er | 19:46 |
LiraNuna | wrong window | 19:46 |
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MohammadAG51 | alterego, you could add a terminal option to show what song your listening to | 19:57 |
MohammadAG51 | kinda like a backend | 19:57 |
MohammadAG51 | it would export the same %s and %t | 19:57 |
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kwtm | Hi! Need advice: what is MeeGo, and if I have Maemo5 on my new N900, will I be able to use it? Sounds like the brand new Maemo5 is already obsolete. | 19:58 |
kwtm | I just bought my N900, can still return it for refund if I should wait a month or two before getting a MeeGo tablet/phone. | 19:59 |
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Stskeeps | noone knows when the first meego device is coming out and your n900 isn't breaking of that reason :P | 19:59 |
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RST38h | actually, 4Q2010 for Harmattan device | 20:00 |
RST38h | which is marketed as a meego | 20:00 |
Robot101 | despite obviously not being... :P | 20:01 |
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kwtm | Stskeeps: Would it be reasonable to expect that I can load MeeGo onto my N900? | 20:02 |
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microlith | kwtm: entirely | 20:02 |
MohammadAG51 | heh, you're asking the guy who's porting it :P | 20:02 |
kwtm | I don't want to have a shorter useful life for my tabletphone software because I've come in at the end of Maemo, as opposed to (say) someone with a N810 who has had a longer time to enjoy/use Maemo before it became obsolete. | 20:02 |
microlith | you can run it now (sans gui | 20:02 |
RST38h | kwtm: Nokia will not officially support your meego installation though | 20:02 |
Stskeeps | what RST38h said.. you can't call nokia care about it and it may possibly not come with shiny nokia bits | 20:03 |
MohammadAG51 | ovi? :) | 20:03 |
RST38h | i.e. it will not have GSM, GPS, and power saving | 20:03 |
Stskeeps | errmm. | 20:03 |
Stskeeps | :P | 20:03 |
Stskeeps | that's not true | 20:03 |
MohammadAG51 | RST38h, err... | 20:04 |
Stskeeps | phone stack is getting opened, gps we haven't touched yet | 20:04 |
Stskeeps | power saving is just bullshit to say we're not getting :P | 20:04 |
kwtm | Thank you, all. Final question: has Nokia announced any specific device which will run MeeGo? (I know no one has announced when it will come out.) If it's specific, may be worthwhile waiting; else I'll keep my N900. Have to refund within 4 days else no refund. | 20:04 |
xDaReaperx | ugh the .bin file for flashing the phone is taking lots of time to download | 20:04 |
Stskeeps | kwtm: no, no announcements. | 20:04 |
xDaReaperx | i still dont understand which app made my phone to not boot any more | 20:04 |
MohammadAG51 | knowing nokia, if they announce it tomorrow, expect it next december | 20:04 |
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kwtm | Thanks. Will probably keep my N900, keep observing MeeGo. (I bought a Sharp Zaurus, too, just before it went obsolete --lack of software ecosystem.) | 20:05 |
DocScrutinizer | xDaReaperx: you installed power kernel, no? | 20:05 |
xDaReaperx | no some app installed it for me | 20:06 |
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DocScrutinizer | xDaReaperx: and then you fsckd it up by not following the insructions how to deinstall it | 20:06 |
xDaReaperx | it shows the deinstall power kernel , i tried to but it said error on reinstalling nokia kernal | 20:06 |
DocScrutinizer | xDaReaperx: there is no app that installs power kernel | 20:06 |
Stskeeps | kwtm: long story short. Nokia is funding a rather big team to maintain MeeGo (not Harmattan) on N900. N900 is the reference device for ARM platforms in MeeGo and hence all packages in MeeGo should build against this (with some exceptions). | 20:06 |
MohammadAG51 | DocScrutinizer, I think kismet does | 20:06 |
xDaReaperx | hmm but i dont remember intalling that power kernel app | 20:06 |
MohammadAG51 | w/e that is | 20:07 |
xDaReaperx | ya i installed kismet | 20:07 |
Stskeeps | kwtm: nokia also provides the ability for some closed source components to be added, either in a premade image or downloadable with a n900 IMEI | 20:07 |
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DocScrutinizer | omfg | 20:07 |
MohammadAG51 | xDaReaperx, reflash the kernel | 20:07 |
kwtm | Stskeeps: Ah, I see. So there *is* substantial support from Nokia for N900 MeeGo, just not officially supporting MY installation of MeeGo so I can't go sue them or something. | 20:07 |
xDaReaperx | yeah i'm going to do it now , i'm still downloading the .bin file | 20:07 |
w00t_ | GAN900: I think that it's not entirely correct to say they do everything possible to fail, though | 20:07 |
xDaReaperx | slow connection here | 20:07 |
Stskeeps | kwtm: bingo. | 20:07 |
DocScrutinizer | can we please nuke kismet then? | 20:07 |
w00t_ | GAN900: I mean, if *that* was true, then they'd not have bothered investing effort into taking the N900 further at all | 20:07 |
Stskeeps | kwtm: the key term is productization. | 20:08 |
MohammadAG51 | infobot, nuke kismet | 20:08 |
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kwtm | Sounds like I picked the right phone to buy, then. My colleagues were just talking the other day about how the iPhone 4 will be So Much Better when it comes out, and I asked, "Does it have multitasking yet?" | 20:08 |
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* infobot prepares 100 missle silos, and targets them at kismet ... B☢☢M! | 20:08 |
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Stskeeps | kwtm: meego.com to read more about meego. | 20:08 |
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CosmoHill | kwtm: i still think the iphone is the phone of tomorrow today | 20:09 |
CosmoHill | no wait | 20:09 |
Stskeeps | when did CosmoHill get in here? | 20:09 |
CosmoHill | the phone of yesterday today | 20:09 |
Stskeeps | :P | 20:09 |
DocScrutinizer | MohammadAG51: fail, the maintainer wasn't near enough to ground zero | 20:09 |
GAN900 | w00t_, yeah, hyperbole. | 20:10 |
CosmoHill | Stskeeps: 2 mins ago, I shuck in behind w00t_ | 20:10 |
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GAN900 | w00t_, that was just cathartic. :P | 20:10 |
* MohammadAG51 waits for the maintainer to show up @ ground 0 | 20:10 |
kwtm | CosmoHill: Different people have different needs. I feel uneasy with the locked-down nature of the iPhone (starting with "You *must* use AT&T as your provider!"). | 20:10 |
xDaReaperx | so that app is kind of like a malware ? | 20:10 |
MohammadAG51 | not really | 20:10 |
CosmoHill | kwtm: in the UK you have a choice of 3 or 4 | 20:10 |
MohammadAG51 | DocScrutinizer, just hates t-tan | 20:11 |
MohammadAG51 | :P | 20:11 |
xDaReaperx | oh | 20:11 |
MohammadAG51 | lol jk xP | 20:11 |
Stskeeps | i think the key term about the cutting off official upgrades is that the community is acting like the wife that always comes back to the husband who beats her | 20:11 |
w00t_ | Stskeeps: i made the mistake of mentioning #maemo on #meego :-P | 20:11 |
GAN900 | w00t_, it just REALLY frustrates me that they'll let the N900 slip away by not providing official support. | 20:11 |
kwtm | CosmoHill: Also no removable battery, no removable storage card. I need to be able to travel to Asia (I do it at least once a year) and pop in a local SIM card and be ready to go. | 20:11 |
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kwtm | GAN900: It feels like KDE3 and KDE4 all over again. :P | 20:11 |
w00t_ | GAN900: I'm not happy about the decision, admittedly, but I'll wait and see how the situation ends up like | 20:12 |
GAN900 | Stskeeps, well, because as much as Nokia sucks there's nobody better. | 20:12 |
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DocScrutinizer | xDaReaperx: that app is kind of incredibly bad maintained, when it leaves you with a broken device. Evidentally, no? | 20:12 |
MohammadAG51 | you know why I hate the iPhone? | 20:12 |
GAN900 | I'd LOVE to be able to take my money elsewhere | 20:12 |
GAN900 | But where? | 20:12 |
MohammadAG51 | the 2G was soooo underpowered, yet it succeeded | 20:12 |
MohammadAG51 | iPhone 2G that is | 20:12 |
Stskeeps | GAN900: i'm more talking about they're not actively trying to make the situation better. mostly chatting about the beating but that's about it. | 20:12 |
xDaReaperx | DocScrutinizer : oh okay , next time i better think before i install anthing | 20:12 |
Ikarus | hmz, *ponder* | 20:12 |
Ikarus | I am hacking on getting BT PAN mode working | 20:13 |
microlith | MohammadAG51: goes to show what interface design and hype gets you | 20:13 |
GAN900 | Stskeeps, making the situation better involves dropping Nokia like a rock and moving to another state. :) | 20:13 |
Ikarus | but I am doubting between working up a userland NAT daemon | 20:13 |
GAN900 | Stskeeps, so the analogy doesn't quite work. :P | 20:13 |
Ikarus | or requiring a custom kernel | 20:13 |
Stskeeps | GAN900: or trying to work out a solution :P | 20:14 |
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GAN900 | Stskeeps, when a relationship is abusive, there is no solution. :) | 20:14 |
DocScrutinizer | Ikarus: I thought there already is some NAT alike shit used for similar purpose? | 20:14 |
t-tan | MohammadAG51: ?? | 20:14 |
MohammadAG51 | Nothing | 20:14 |
CosmoHill | wouldn't dropping nokia be like dumping your girlfriend after one argument? | 20:14 |
GAN900 | CosmoHill, no. | 20:14 |
Ikarus | DocScrutinizer: Wifi hotspot uses a custom kernel | 20:14 |
GAN900 | CosmoHill, this is the beaten wife analogy. | 20:15 |
DocScrutinizer | ouch | 20:15 |
Ikarus | DocScrutinizer: haven't found anything else yet | 20:15 |
CosmoHill | ah okay | 20:15 |
Ikarus | and I have a userland NAT daemon in the rough | 20:15 |
GAN900 | One argument would've been dropping them in 2006 after the 770. | 20:15 |
Ikarus | (it's pretty optimistic and all that, but for BT PAN with a couple of laptops should be fine) | 20:15 |
Stskeeps | i wonder how the mobile landscape would have looked if maemo 1.0 was like meego 1.0. | 20:15 |
DocScrutinizer | Ikarus: much better than yet another custom kernel | 20:16 |
w00t_ | Stskeeps: bit too early to say, I still think | 20:16 |
Ikarus | DocScrutinizer: well, BT PAN can use the same kernel as wifi hotspot | 20:16 |
Ikarus | DocScrutinizer: it only needs the NAT | 20:16 |
* DocScrutinizer sighs | 20:16 |
Ikarus | (BT DUN works for me, but I can't have both my phone and my laptop online that way) | 20:16 |
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aziwoqpd | and bridging, to connect pan1 with the bnep* interfaces | 20:17 |
DocScrutinizer | why-owhy do we need custom kernels for every shit? | 20:17 |
kwtm | I like having the clout of Intel Moblin joined with Nokia, but since Microsoft may scramble to create a competitor (see IE7 vs. Firefox), MeeGo may or may not go far, so I'll stick with the bird in hand (Maemo) rather than two in bush (MeeGo). | 20:17 |
Ikarus | DocScrutinizer: well, with NAT, the N900 kernel lacks low level hooks for it | 20:17 |
Stskeeps | kwtm: they're trying with windows phone 7 or something.. | 20:17 |
Ikarus | certain parts of iptables/netfilter need to be compiled in | 20:17 |
DocScrutinizer | Ikarus: hmm, seems the stock kernel is real crap | 20:18 |
t-tan | xDaReaperx: you installed kismet from devel? | 20:18 |
SpeedEvil | Windows 7 is really based around the 2.0.33 kernel. | 20:18 |
xDaReaperx | i think yes | 20:18 |
SpeedEvil | It's got some way to go to catch up. | 20:18 |
Ikarus | DocScrutinizer: it's erm, barebones | 20:18 |
DocScrutinizer | yeah | 20:18 |
microlith | kwtm: what will microsoft do, release windows phone 7 in all its deliberately crippled glory? | 20:18 |
kwtm | SpeedEvil: Sorry, what?? Did you just name a Linux kernel, or you're talking about the Windows kernel? | 20:18 |
t-tan | xDaReaperx: don't blame anyone if you use -devel | 20:19 |
* SpeedEvil wasn't being very serious. | 20:19 |
Ikarus | DocScrutinizer: and modifying netfilter to be fully module insertable is significantly more scary then a userland NAT daemon :) | 20:19 |
w00t_ | I believe SpeedEvil was being facetious | 20:19 |
kwtm | microlith: <laugh> knowing MS, they'll say: "Windows 8 for Phones! (requires DVD burner in your smartphone)" | 20:19 |
xDaReaperx | well i'm not blaming any one yet , i just want my phone back up | 20:19 |
xDaReaperx | should i enable R&D mode during Flashing ? | 20:19 |
* kwtm was being gullible. :P | 20:19 |
GAN900 | Stskeeps, can you imagine? | 20:20 |
Ikarus | xDaReaperx: NO | 20:20 |
Stskeeps | GAN900: imagine what? | 20:20 |
xDaReaperx | ok | 20:20 |
GAN900 | Picture where the iPhone is now | 20:20 |
t-tan | xDaReaperx: on the wiki page you can read how to deinstall it in 1min | 20:20 |
GAN900 | Maemo 1 being like MeeGo | 20:20 |
GAN900 | But on a much wider range of devices and open | 20:20 |
Stskeeps | and earlier than android.. | 20:20 |
kwtm | Where *is* the iPhone, anyway? Is the new iPhone 4 still tied to AT&T? Does it have removable storage (e.g. microSD) yet? | 20:20 |
xDaReaperx | well i dunno about de install , i'm just trying to reinstall using the flasher | 20:20 |
Stskeeps | basically my point was about, what if maemo 1.0 had been fully open source. | 20:21 |
microlith | kwtm: yet it is still tied, no support for SD cards. | 20:21 |
xDaReaperx | i'm reading the updating the firmware wiki and reflashing it | 20:21 |
kwtm | I normally don't care about the iPhone but I have to defend the N900 against these iPhone enthusiasts. | 20:21 |
Ikarus | Stskeeps: differentiation, it wouldn't have been deemed sellable by Nokia commercial | 20:21 |
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t-tan | kwtm: but Apple has just invented Multitasking and videochat! it's so exciting ;-> | 20:22 |
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kwtm | t-tan: Yeah, and my colleague said: "Now it has FOLDERS! Now I can put things into CATEGORIES!" lol | 20:23 |
Jaffa | Stskeeps: Imagine if Maemo 1.0 was open source and came from anyone-but-Nokia (e.g. Apple or Google) | 20:23 |
GAN900 | w00t_, also, I'm not so much negative about what I see now, as much as all my optimism has been beaten out. | 20:23 |
GAN900 | (of me) | 20:23 |
Mece | helloo-o | 20:24 |
w00t_ | GAN900: that's a shame, really | 20:24 |
Jaffa | kwtm: You need some damned awesome app to put N900 apps into categories :) | 20:24 |
Mece | haa | 20:25 |
GAN900 | w00t_, yeah, well, I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens | 20:25 |
Mece | oh noes not another iPhone discussion | 20:25 |
Jaffa | w00t_: Don't worry, it'll happen to you too | 20:25 |
GAN900 | I just wish I actually had the drive to try to make it better. | 20:25 |
kwtm | Jaffa: Yeah, I had to blow $0.00 on this Catorize app to do that. :) | 20:25 |
GAN900 | What a ripoff | 20:25 |
Ikarus | kwtm: well, I don't like how Catorize work | 20:25 |
w00t_ | Jaffa: I'm not that easy to break.. ask Stskeeps, he knows my masochistic tendancies | 20:25 |
Ikarus | otoh, I am planning to rip it off :) | 20:26 |
w00t_ | GAN900: well, you still do obviously, because you're still doing things like writing that, and talking about it here, you still *do* care | 20:26 |
Mece | categories are confusing. | 20:26 |
kwtm | Ikarus: I don't either, but it's better than before. | 20:26 |
Ikarus | I want custom catagories and be able to throw them into the groups I need | 20:26 |
kwtm | Ikarus: Please do! I want to set categories of my own choosing, not the categories that were assigned previously. | 20:26 |
Ikarus | exactly :) | 20:27 |
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Jaffa | GAN900: :-p | 20:27 |
Jaffa | IkarWhat's re your idas? | 20:27 |
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GAN900 | Jaffa, I installed the stupid thing and it messed up my application menu! | 20:27 |
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Jaffa | Ikarus/kwtm: You don't have to fork - I'mm happy to include that in Catorise. The only things neede are icons and a (Qt?) editor | 20:28 |
GAN900 | w00t_, I do care, but I don't have the energy to try seriously to work my way in from the mailroom in MeeGo and make constructive things happen | 20:28 |
DocScrutinizer | damn, is taskswitcher known to be a cpu hog? my device was almost too hot to do that call, after it sat there idling in taskswitcher for some hours (microb started as one of the running tasks, fwiw) | 20:28 |
GAN900 | Also harder because there isn't much demand for my sort of talents over there. | 20:28 |
w00t_ | GAN900: I was about to say - they're in a better starting position.. :) | 20:29 |
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w00t_ | I think (hope?) the future will be a lot clearer once the handset ux is out in the open | 20:29 |
Ikarus | Jaffa: well, I really want the normal app UI, but with custom folders so I can dump stuff like games and utilities out of the main screen, so I am not sure how close that fits with Catorise | 20:29 |
kwtm | If I go through all of maemo.org/downloads, have I exhausted all the (stable-enough-for-daily-use) maemo apps? Or are there other "app catalogs" that I can browse through for more apps? | 20:30 |
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DocScrutinizer | Ikarus: +100 for catorize++ | 20:30 |
Jaffa | Ikarus: You want MyMenu. Apparently. | 20:30 |
GAN900 | Always with the hope and the future and the RSN. . . . | 20:30 |
Stskeeps | GAN900: where are you fighting for any area of contribution in meego atm? out of curiousity | 20:30 |
GAN900 | "But I want it now!" | 20:30 |
GAN900 | Stskeeps, nowhere currently. | 20:30 |
Jaffa | kwtm: That's everything. You can get stuck into the QA queue if you want to help get more apps in there. | 20:30 |
Ikarus | Jaffa: that one didn't even work for me | 20:30 |
GAN900 | Stskeeps, helped a bit with the bz startup because Quim or somebody threw my name in there and with the forums. | 20:31 |
Stskeeps | bz? | 20:31 |
Stskeeps | ah, bugzilla | 20:31 |
GAN900 | bugzilla | 20:31 |
GAN900 | So much has shifted into paid hands, though. | 20:31 |
Jaffa | Ikarus: It's abandonware :-/ | 20:31 |
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GAN900 | And unless it's code, I dunno where to start trying to push. | 20:31 |
GAN900 | (another problem with MeeGo losing enthusiasm) | 20:32 |
kwtm | Jaffa: Okay, time to break out the PyQT stuff so I can get some simple scripts/programs on my N900. I need more customization. Thx. | 20:32 |
Ikarus | Jaffa: anyway, I might just for Catorise to make a sample, then we can see how/what we want to merge in | 20:32 |
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kwtm | I still use Catorize. I figure that, if I am not in the mood to use it, I just choose the category "All" and it goes back to having all the apps in one place. | 20:32 |
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kwtm | By "still" use Catorize I mean that I loaded it 2 days ago. :P | 20:33 |
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Jaffa | Ikarus/kwtm: It'd be worth sharing the GUI editor, perhaps? | 20:33 |
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Mece | hey you who care about which parts are open, can you tell me which parts of media player is open on N900? | 20:34 |
GAN900 | Stskeeps, I find it unfortunate that there hasn't been a more concerted effort to try to engage Maemo contributors. | 20:34 |
SpeedEvil | gstreamer partially, ofr example | 20:34 |
DocScrutinizer | Ikarus: I got a personal howto on tweaking catorise conf files some months ago. It was a pain so I gave up on it. but probably you could add the configure feature without even touching catorise code | 20:34 |
SpeedEvil | ~closed | 20:34 |
GAN900 | But everything just sort of defaulted to Moblin | 20:34 |
infobot | it has been said that closed is http://wiki.maemo.org/Why_the_closed_packages | 20:34 |
Jaffa | Ikarus: or, if nothing else the editor can have a "reset" option which lets you start from scratch. Leave the grunt work to /opt/catorise/catorise and the editor plays with /opt/catorise/menu file | 20:34 |
kwtm | Jaffa: what do you mean? You speak as if I'm a programmer --don't scare me. I left the software industry 12 years ago and now only know how to do Python (or C programs if they're less than 20 lines long). | 20:34 |
GAN900 | So you can talk about starting fresh with a new community and establishing merit blah blah blah | 20:34 |
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GAN900 | But the Moblin folks got a big boost up | 20:35 |
GAN900 | Which is discouraging for everybody who's not them. | 20:35 |
Jaffa | kwtm: Just brainstorming - same UI, different engines | 20:35 |
Ikarus | Jaffa: hmhm, we'll see | 20:35 |
DocScrutinizer | GAN900: ack | 20:35 |
Stskeeps | GAN900: well, that was the hope maemo community would help with, i would think - i mean, not many people have stood out in this initial phase | 20:36 |
Mece | speedevil, i was thinking about playlist generation/sorting is an open part. | 20:36 |
kwtm | I see. I like DocScrutinizer's idea of making it easy to configure Catorize, though. | 20:36 |
Mece | s/about/if/ | 20:36 |
infobot | Mece meant: speedevil, i was thinking if playlist generation/sorting is an open part. | 20:36 |
Stskeeps | and the internal wars of maemo.org haven't helped either, i think | 20:36 |
GAN900 | Mmm | 20:36 |
xDaReaperx | flashing my n900 now | 20:36 |
GAN900 | But why hasn't anybody stood out? | 20:36 |
xDaReaperx | says flashing done | 20:36 |
xDaReaperx | erasing cmt | 20:37 |
GAN900 | I think there's more to it than just becuase "they suck" | 20:37 |
Mece | gan900, in what context has noone stood out? | 20:37 |
Stskeeps | GAN900: there was also a problem that contribution agreement(wrong term) wasn't set up until late | 20:37 |
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Stskeeps | at least with code | 20:37 |
kwtm | #1 on my Wishlist is something to make text entry easier: on my Treo 650, there's an app for "double-tapping the key [on the keyboard] means capitalize, and holding down the key for 0.3 seconds is same as pressing the Alt key". | 20:37 |
xDaReaperx | yes N900 workign again ! | 20:37 |
GAN900 | Mece, talking about Maemo contributors not really stepping up to MeeGo | 20:38 |
GAN900 | Stskeeps, sure, but that's only a part of things. | 20:38 |
xDaReaperx | DocScrutinizer : Thanks a lot man ! you helped me a lot ! N900 works again | 20:38 |
xDaReaperx | :D | 20:38 |
xDaReaperx | took hardly 1 min | 20:38 |
DocScrutinizer | xDaReaperx: welcome | 20:38 |
kwtm | xDaReaperx: Did your N900 enjoy seeing you expose your naked body? (j/k. "Flashing my n900 now") | 20:38 |
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xDaReaperx | huh | 20:38 |
Mece | gan900, why would they? we've got the awesome maemo going here :D | 20:38 |
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xDaReaperx | lol | 20:38 |
GAN900 | As a Maemo contributor, I can't say the initial atmosphere felt particularly welcoming. | 20:38 |
xDaReaperx | DocScrutinizer : The Dots are shown on the mobile , still not started fully | 20:39 |
kwtm | GAN900: Were they cliquey? And were there official Intel/Nokia people, or just community? | 20:39 |
Stskeeps | do a retrospective then while we all remember the troubles | 20:39 |
xDaReaperx | should i unplug the cable ? | 20:39 |
DocScrutinizer | xDaReaperx: takes a while | 20:39 |
DocScrutinizer | xDaReaperx: that's a fist-boot | 20:39 |
xDaReaperx | yeah nokia hands come now | 20:39 |
DocScrutinizer | first even | 20:39 |
DocScrutinizer | :-P | 20:39 |
Mece | well to me, maemo feels comfortable, and meego feels cold and industrial :) | 20:39 |
xDaReaperx | now it shows to set reginal settings | 20:39 |
xDaReaperx | oh lol | 20:39 |
crashanddie | fist boot. I wonder... | 20:39 |
GAN900 | Mece, aye | 20:39 |
Jaffa | GANThere's so much discouragement (and ignoring of suggestions) that it's soul destroying. Not checked to see if it's different in the forums recently. | 20:40 |
crashanddie | I quite liked MeeGo on the tablet | 20:40 |
Jaffa | i.e. "we'll have the mailing list for official comms, and the forum for end-users" | 20:40 |
DocScrutinizer | crashanddie: I knew you lke it XP | 20:40 |
DocScrutinizer | like, damn | 20:40 |
crashanddie | Jaffa: how is that different from Maemo, really? | 20:40 |
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GAN900 | Jaffa, yup. | 20:40 |
Mece | gan900, then again, maemo is at a much higher level than meego, at least I feel intimidated by the unfinished nature. easier with maemo. | 20:40 |
GAN900 | crashanddie, define "Maemo" | 20:41 |
crashanddie | Jaffa: maemo has been like that for ages. Real discussions went on on the mailing lists, and then at some point an announcement was made (officially or not) on TMO | 20:41 |
t-tan | GAN900: I won't have a look a MeEgo before it is somewhat useable on my N900 | 20:41 |
Stskeeps | do keep in mind in meego that it's not a democracy, as in, someone does have a last word, or disputes can be taken to people higher in hierarchy | 20:41 |
GAN900 | Yeah, the TSG | 20:42 |
Stskeeps | ie, i might disagree with release engineering but there's a dispute path | 20:42 |
crashanddie | Jaffa: hire me | 20:42 |
Jaffa | crashanddie: yeah, so we pointed out the problems that caused on maemo.org and.... were just plain ignored | 20:42 |
GAN900 | Which doesn't bother to do its homework | 20:42 |
GAN900 | and cancels meetings with amazingly short notice half the time | 20:42 |
MohammadAG51 | <crashanddie> Jaffa: hire me | 20:42 |
Jaffa | crashanddie: where I work? I wouldn't do that to you :( | 20:43 |
MohammadAG51 | wow, I guess i could be convinced to go to meego | 20:43 |
crashanddie | Jaffa & GAN900: I think we may have put ourselves in that situation | 20:43 |
GAN900 | crashanddie, which situation? | 20:44 |
crashanddie | Jaffa & GAN900: the whole .deb vs .rpm continuous and unending debates, trolls and discussions basically yelled one big message to anyone who has @intel or @nokia in their email address: They're nitpicking instead of trying to move forward. Everytime a decision will have to be made, we'll lose 2 weeks in useless debates until we've convinced every single noisy person. | 20:44 |
Stskeeps | i wouldn't have minded council to stand together and collaborated | 20:44 |
Stskeeps | appear as one and drag suggestions from consitutients | 20:45 |
crashanddie | Jaffa: nha, you, yourself. You're plenty rich. Gimme a bit of your children's inheritance and we're set. I'll also do some work. | 20:45 |
sjgadsby | RPM vs DEB was an embarrassment, but the micromanagement in MeeGo is smothering. | 20:45 |
t-tan | crashanddie: they should have learned that "decide behind closed doors and don't communicate the arguments" doesn't work in a democracy | 20:46 |
GAN900 | that shit takes place everywher | 20:46 |
GAN900 | It's hardly anything new | 20:46 |
Trizt | was it flameware like? | 20:46 |
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GAN900 | and if you want to claim to be "open", trolls and insane people are something you have to cope with | 20:46 |
xDaReaperx | all my apps are uninstalled after flashing lol , gotta install the important ones and this time i gotta be really carefull | 20:46 |
GAN900 | Also: Howdy, sjgadsby. :J | 20:46 |
sjgadsby | Hi, GAN900. | 20:47 |
GAN900 | s/J/) | 20:47 |
Stskeeps | t-tan: except it is clearly not a democracy, just like the linux kernel isn't | 20:47 |
Stskeeps | :P | 20:47 |
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GAN900 | t-tan, s/democracy/open distribution | 20:48 |
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mece1 | GAN900, you need a trailing / | 20:48 |
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t-tan | on the continuum of autocracy - democracy it's definitely not going on the latter end | 20:49 |
mece_ | GAN900, you need a trailing / | 20:49 |
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GAN900 | mece1, I know, but I only use it when I actually want infobot to help out. | 20:49 |
t-tan | Mece: yes, I'm waiting for it, too. otherwise I can't parse it :) | 20:49 |
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mece_ | hehehe | 20:49 |
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t-tan | MeEgo = Stalinux? :) | 20:50 |
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Stskeeps | while this may upset some people, at least with MeeGo it seems like it's not about endless discussions, it's about actually doing something. | 20:51 |
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Stskeeps | which i can't say that we were in maemo.org - it was limited how much work was actually performed as a community | 20:51 |
Stskeeps | there are, of course, good examples. | 20:51 |
t-tan | lol: http://stalinux.com/ | 20:52 |
RST38h | BTW, is Quim still visiting maemo.org? | 20:53 |
RST38h | Or is it out of his scope of responsibility nowadays? | 20:53 |
DocScrutinizer | mece_: t-tan: s)gadsby ? | 20:53 |
Stskeeps | yes, he peeks in quite often | 20:53 |
Stskeeps | he's probably just as tired of tmo as the rest of us | 20:53 |
sjgadsby | RST38h: He left comments this morning and said he'd be back later today. | 20:53 |
microlith | can someone ban PradaBrada and delete his worthless posts? | 20:53 |
RST38h | ah, cool | 20:53 |
mece_ | DocScrutinizer, i believe that was aimed at the smiley at the end. | 20:53 |
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* RST38h kinda thought maemo.org has been abandoned now | 20:54 |
RST38h | microlith: Would you also like someone to spank him with extreme prejudice? =) | 20:54 |
sjgadsby | RST38h: "No one goes there anymore; it's too crowded." | 20:54 |
GAN900 | w00t_, official helps with perception, it maintains inertia and it doesn't kill enthusiasm. | 20:55 |
* mece_ still likes maemo.org | 20:55 |
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RST38h | sjgadsby: twue enough | 20:55 |
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RST38h | Motorola Planning 2GHz Android Phone For Later This Year | 20:57 |
sjgadsby | microlith: We may begin using an infractions system at t.m.o soon. I'm hopeful it will help. | 20:58 |
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* mece_ wants more of these kind of things: http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?p=708816#post708816 | 20:58 |
mece_ | RST38h, does it run meego? | 20:59 |
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RST38h | mece: Android? No. | 20:59 |
RST38h | sjgadsby: Are you an admin at tmo? | 20:59 |
sjgadsby | RST38h: super moderator, not admin. | 21:00 |
mece_ | RST38h, just kidding. I don't want android, but I'd like the hardware for maemo or meego :) | 21:00 |
frals | bug #10654 | 21:00 |
povbot | Bug https://bugs.maemo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10654 Strategic projections do not save images from MMS-and memory and can not see the number or name of the sender. | 21:00 |
RST38h | sjgadsby: Can I ask for a feature? | 21:00 |
frals | can anyone explain that to me? | 21:00 |
sjgadsby | RST38h: I can't implement features. | 21:00 |
RST38h | sjgadsby: Can you insist on someone else implementing features? | 21:00 |
FIQ | is there an easier way to refresh km and hour counter for a way other than cleanup, search and set it again? | 21:01 |
FIQ | @ maps | 21:01 |
sjgadsby | RST38h: No. Reggie's the only admin, and he's hard to get even a reply from, even as a moderator. | 21:01 |
andrewfblack | RST38h: Super Mods can hardly ask let alone insist :) | 21:01 |
RST38h | sjgadsby: <sigh> | 21:02 |
andrewfblack | RST38h: what feature were you wanting? | 21:02 |
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RST38h | andrew: "Do not show threads started by people whose accounts are younger than X months" | 21:03 |
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cehteh | where X=12? | 21:04 |
RST38h | cehteh: I would let the user choose X, and maybe make a few other tweaks | 21:04 |
t-tan | Stskeeps: what do you think are the odds for #9314 | 21:05 |
Stskeeps | bug 9314 | 21:05 |
povbot | Bug https://bugs.maemo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9314 relicense BME | 21:05 |
ptl | voice changer for n900 | 21:05 |
ptl | that would be useful. And creeepy | 21:06 |
t-tan | would it be possible give some developers access to the source? | 21:06 |
Stskeeps | t-tan: short story: no way in hell, long story: DocScrutinizer is talking to the nokia guys | 21:06 |
Surfa | ptl, how would it work? | 21:06 |
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RST38h | voice chaRger for N900 would be creepy indeed | 21:06 |
ptl | Surfa: change pitch and formants and some other elements of speech on-the-fly | 21:06 |
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t-tan | Stskeeps: ok, thx | 21:07 |
xDaReaperx | wow my N900 is heating up real bad | 21:07 |
andrewfblack | RST38h: I'm not not even sure I've seen an addon to block users by account created date | 21:07 |
RST38h | andrew: Not looking to block them, just hide their threads | 21:08 |
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RST38h | andrew: I mean, we are all nice liberal and democratic, cannot ban people by arbitrary parameter | 21:09 |
DocScrutinizer | Stskeeps: t-tan: well I *tried* to talk to them. No idea if there'll ever be an answer beyond "I have to do internal queries first" | 21:09 |
andrewfblack | RST38h: either way I'm not sure it can be done also what if a new dev joins and creates really cool software you might miss it | 21:09 |
RST38h | andrew: Which of course does not mean one cannot *ignore* them ;) | 21:09 |
sjgadsby | RST38h: Even if Reggie didn't object to the idea of the feature, it sounds like custom code, which pretty effectively kills it. | 21:09 |
dr34m | damn that akku is annoying had to charge it 3 times today already :o | 21:09 |
Stskeeps | DocScrutinizer: you're much further than most people have been in the later years, so | 21:09 |
RST38h | andrew: I am ok taking a chance with that new developer, there are other ways to find out | 21:10 |
DocScrutinizer | Stskeeps: an occasional poke general direction hah won't hurt, if you incidentally run into him | 21:10 |
Stskeeps | DocScrutinizer: :nod: | 21:10 |
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Stskeeps | man, PradaBada is a troll | 21:12 |
andrewfblack | RST38h: just did a quick search and couldn't find any vbulletin plugins for it so I would say it can't be done. but like sjgadsby said even if we found a plugin for it as Super Mod it takes weeks sometimes for him to reply to us. | 21:13 |
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t-tan | Stskeeps: how many people are authorised to talk the Guardian of BME? :) | 21:14 |
andrewfblack | anyone remember the name of the program for N8x0 that would let you connect your N8x0 to a cell phone over bluetooth then put internet access out over wifi? | 21:14 |
xDaReaperx | does extended call log work for anyone ? it just crashes for me | 21:15 |
FIQ | about maemo.org | 21:15 |
FIQ | http://rapidfiles.net/images/88313tmp.png | 21:15 |
FIQ | interesting huh | 21:15 |
Stskeeps | t-tan: i've met the guardian of bme | 21:15 |
Stskeeps | :P | 21:15 |
Ikarus | Stskeeps: kidnap him | 21:15 |
Ikarus | then torture him to get him to reveal the secrets | 21:15 |
BCMM_ | xDaReaperx: works here | 21:16 |
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xDaReaperx | i dunno it just shuts for me | 21:17 |
xDaReaperx | never worked for me even before | 21:17 |
t-tan | if something happens to him all Nokia batteries will break. he probably has to live in an atomic shelter... :) | 21:17 |
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jacekowski | DocScrutinizer: if you want to modify bme i can do it for you | 21:29 |
jacekowski | DocScrutinizer: i've spent last week trying to understand how it works and what is where | 21:29 |
DocScrutinizer | jacekowski: we don't want to modify it though, we want to get a FOSS replacement | 21:30 |
crashanddie | FIQ: you need to shut down some tabs | 21:30 |
jacekowski | well, then you can ask how does bme work | 21:30 |
jacekowski | i'll have to document that | 21:30 |
DocScrutinizer | jacekowski: nevertheless any knowledge sharing highly welcome | 21:30 |
DocScrutinizer | jacekowski: please visit jrbme.garage | 21:31 |
ptl | jacekowski: would it be appropriate to document it on wiki.maemo.org ? | 21:31 |
SpeedEvil | http://wiki.maemo.org/N900_Software_BME | 21:31 |
t-tan | jacekowski: cool. is it possible to temporarily disable some operations of bme? | 21:31 |
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t-tan | i.e. without shutting down bme | 21:31 |
SpeedEvil | not easily. | 21:32 |
jacekowski | not by bme itself | 21:32 |
SpeedEvil | Possible if you for example jam a ld_preload or kernel shim layer in there | 21:32 |
DocScrutinizer | I suggest not to spread about details too much, as we don't want to see Nokia feel uncomfortable with some ""potentially hazardous"" info and maybe even code emerging | 21:32 |
xDaReaperx | offtopic : anyone watching the world cup ? | 21:32 |
SpeedEvil | xDaReaperx: I'm fairly certain some are. | 21:33 |
SpeedEvil | I'm not. | 21:33 |
xDaReaperx | oh | 21:33 |
pronto | xDaReaperx: there is a #archlinux-offtopic :p | 21:33 |
andrewfblack | will N900 do adhoc networking? | 21:33 |
jacekowski | t-tan: there is only one function in bme code that acctualy writes over i2c | 21:33 |
xDaReaperx | lol ok | 21:33 |
jacekowski | t-tan: when it's running | 21:33 |
jacekowski | t-tan: and that function can be easily patched | 21:34 |
SpeedEvil | andrewfblack: yes | 21:34 |
BCMM_ | andrewfblack: yes | 21:34 |
FIQ | <crashanddie> FIQ: you need to shut down some tabs | 21:34 |
andrewfblack | then I guess I found a way to get internet access at work to bad I'm going to have to carry 3 devices all the time | 21:35 |
FIQ | mej | 21:35 |
FIQ | mwh* | 21:35 |
FIQ | .. | 21:35 |
FIQ | w/e | 21:35 |
BCMM_ | andrewfblack: and there is an application for sharing your 3g connection over an adhoc | 21:35 |
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andrewfblack | BCMM_: problem is N900 doesn't have any cell connection at work I'm going to have to bridge my second phone to my N900 thought my N810 | 21:36 |
* andrewfblack so wishes it was possible to connect his N900 to his work network | 21:37 |
crashanddie | FIQ: amazingly powerful retort. You should join a debate team. | 21:37 |
jpinx-eeepc | andrewfblack: what's stopping you? | 21:38 |
andrewfblack | jpinx-eeepc: crazy security setup that from what I can figure out only windows can connect to | 21:38 |
jpinx-eeepc | Ah - ok. Maybe try samba? | 21:39 |
* SpeedEvil points andrewfblack to win95+dosbox | 21:39 |
andrewfblack | SpeedEvil: would that work? | 21:39 |
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t-tan | jacekowski: would it be difficult to implement some dbus option for bme that can put the i2c function into r/o mode? | 21:40 |
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jacekowski | t-tan: it would be easier to do over dsme interface | 21:41 |
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andrewfblack | jpinx-eeepc: problem is WEP key is assigned by server and Radius server verifys who I am using login and cert. Windows has an option to let Server assign WEP Linux doesn't | 21:41 |
SpeedEvil | andrewfblack: Probably not. No wifi driver | 21:41 |
SpeedEvil | WEP crackker | 21:41 |
DocScrutinizer | jacekowski: most parts of Nokia still seem to believe messing with BME will turn your N900 into a little bomb. Patching BME won't help to convince them about anything different. I suggest you don't discuss such hacks too publicly | 21:41 |
andrewfblack | SpeedEvil: I prefer not to break in lol | 21:42 |
DocScrutinizer | SpeedEvil: enroll.exe - google will help | 21:42 |
t-tan | jacekowski: dsme is undocumented and closed as well, correct? | 21:43 |
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jacekowski | t-tan: yes | 21:43 |
jacekowski | t-tan: then there is bme interface as well | 21:43 |
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jacekowski | but as DocScrutinizer noticed patching bme isn't very good idea | 21:44 |
jacekowski | but there are workarounds | 21:44 |
jacekowski | like LD_PRELOAD | 21:44 |
DocScrutinizer | and there's a bit of safety measures taken in BME as well (and in DSME), and that is much more interesting than mere charging. As we know how to charge, we don't need to RE BME for that | 21:45 |
jacekowski | but bme is doing fuck all really | 21:45 |
jacekowski | DocScrutinizer: what part are you interested in? | 21:45 |
t-tan | yes, but that would require messing with the boot scripts.... | 21:45 |
DocScrutinizer | temperature monitoring and overtemp handling, e.g. | 21:45 |
jacekowski | t-tan: or restarting bme after boot | 21:46 |
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jacekowski | t-tan: so you start phone with clean bme | 21:46 |
jacekowski | t-tan: then you restart it | 21:46 |
jacekowski | t-tan: with LD_PRELOAD | 21:46 |
DocScrutinizer | that's really easy, what's the problem in doing a simple "stop bme" for now? | 21:46 |
t-tan | jacekowski: for some reason restarting bme that crashes my device | 21:46 |
jacekowski | t-tan: you have to do it by doing stop bme | 21:47 |
DocScrutinizer | t-tan: then you fsckd it up ;-P | 21:47 |
jacekowski | t-tan: otherwise upstart will detect it and send info to dsme | 21:47 |
t-tan | yes, I do "stop bme" | 21:47 |
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DocScrutinizer | WFM | 21:47 |
jacekowski | AWFM | 21:47 |
t-tan | ..with non-stock kernel, which we need for USBhost anyway | 21:48 |
DocScrutinizer | t-tan isn't happy until he solved the issue on kernel domain level XP | 21:48 |
DocScrutinizer | t-tan: it works with stock kernel 1.1.1 and 1.2 as well as with MohammadAG51's patched version | 21:49 |
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MohammadAG51 | what? | 21:50 |
MohammadAG51 | oh, nvm | 21:50 |
DocScrutinizer | MohammadAG51: if it doesn't work for you, I strongly recommend to sort out the issue - but not by patching BME | 21:50 |
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DocScrutinizer | oops | 21:50 |
MohammadAG51 | ??? | 21:50 |
DocScrutinizer | t-tan: if it doesn't work for you, I strongly recommend to sort out the issue - but not by patching BME | 21:50 |
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MohammadAG51 | riiight, back to wc | 21:51 |
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DocScrutinizer | WC? | 21:51 |
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DocScrutinizer | 00 | 21:51 |
t-tan | MohammadAG51: yep, don't patch BME!! | 21:51 |
DocScrutinizer | toilet? :-P | 21:51 |
andrewfblack | I'm not going to give up on N900 at owkr for another month or so then I'm just going to order a http://www.shopping.hp.com/webapp/shopping/product_detail.do?storeName=storefronts&landing=handheld&category=PDA&lanAttr=Type&orderflow=1&product_code=FB041AA%23ABA&catLevel=2 for work | 21:51 |
MohammadAG51 | World Cup xD | 21:51 |
t-tan | MohammadAG51: on the toilet? :) | 21:52 |
MohammadAG51 | hehe | 21:52 |
MohammadAG51 | no XP | 21:52 |
xDaReaperx | oh lol | 21:53 |
MohammadAG51 | anyone else watching it? | 21:53 |
xDaReaperx | yeah me | 21:53 |
MohammadAG51 | i'm still waiting for a maemo.org ad | 21:53 |
MohammadAG51 | did anyone get it in there? | 21:54 |
t-tan | DocScrutinizer: bme fails if enable more features, which means it's very instable | 21:54 |
DocScrutinizer | you bet it is | 21:54 |
t-tan | MohammadAG51: is there an App for it? | 21:54 |
DocScrutinizer | seems to be *mega-ugly* poorly written code | 21:54 |
MohammadAG51 | t-tan, you could've stopped before "if" | 21:54 |
MohammadAG51 | t-tan, nope | 21:55 |
MohammadAG51 | pelota | 21:55 |
t-tan | I know, Big MEss | 21:55 |
MohammadAG51 | not an official app | 21:55 |
t-tan | MohammadAG51: thx | 21:55 |
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kaudio | hi | 21:56 |
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DocScrutinizer | bbl | 21:56 |
kaudio | can i conect usb modem in n810 ? | 21:56 |
jacekowski | everything that don't need more than 200mA | 21:58 |
jacekowski | and has linux drivers | 21:58 |
kaudio | how conect usb modem in n810 ? | 21:59 |
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jacekowski | hmm n810 | 21:59 |
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DocScrutinizer | enable hostmode with usb hostmode app, plug in externally powered hub, plug modem to hub | 22:02 |
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GAN900 | Goddamn I'm tired of having to reboot this thing like it's Windows 98 | 22:03 |
DocScrutinizer | you'll need an adapter USB-F2F, to plug the hub upstream cable to the Nokia CA-101 cable | 22:03 |
DocScrutinizer | gnao.O | 22:03 |
DocScrutinizer | GAN900: O.o | 22:03 |
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DocScrutinizer | ""you moved the mouse pointer. Please reboot to put the change to effect"" | 22:05 |
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DocScrutinizer | (sorry for poor back-xlation) | 22:05 |
GAN900 | It starts to become slooooooowww | 22:05 |
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DocScrutinizer | oooh | 22:05 |
DocScrutinizer | memleak or cpu hog? | 22:06 |
DocScrutinizer | or something really nasty? | 22:06 |
t-tan | DocScrutinizer: "please click here to save your changes and to reboot" | 22:06 |
DocScrutinizer | t-tan: thanks :-D | 22:06 |
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ptl | /etc/event.d/reboot start on startup | 22:08 |
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DocScrutinizer | ptl: sounds like a nice idea :-D | 22:09 |
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GAN900 | DocScrutinizer, probably memleak | 22:10 |
GAN900 | I haven't done any investigation yet though | 22:10 |
DocScrutinizer | GAN900: blame microb/flash | 22:10 |
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DocScrutinizer | flash is proven to be leaky | 22:10 |
DocScrutinizer | GAN900: watch a 30s youtube, keep browser window open for a day ->fscked | 22:11 |
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MohammadAG51 | same with javascript | 22:12 |
DocScrutinizer | hmm, prolly | 22:12 |
DocScrutinizer | tbh I never faced that "gets slow after days" issue. Just that "freezes on inbound call, after keeping open microb" | 22:13 |
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DocScrutinizer | and that only on "special" sites, where some crap js/flash is displayed | 22:14 |
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konfoo | hot damn i just love fixing broken erlang installs | 22:14 |
jacekowski | DocScrutinizer: what do you specificaly want to know about these protections? | 22:14 |
DocScrutinizer | so probably 90% of "commercial" pages | 22:14 |
DocScrutinizer | jacekowski: how they work, what sensors they use, when they are triggered | 22:15 |
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DocScrutinizer | there's roundabout half a dozen temperature sensors inside N900 - that I know of | 22:16 |
SpeedEvil | the one in the SoC is mentioned as 'don't use' | 22:16 |
SpeedEvil | by TI | 22:17 |
DocScrutinizer | also other protective messures highly interesting | 22:17 |
SpeedEvil | no, I diddn't save the link to the forum | 22:17 |
DocScrutinizer | like "general battery error" - whatever the triggering cause might be | 22:17 |
DocScrutinizer | BSI (the ADC in twl4030) | 22:18 |
DocScrutinizer | how is it used? | 22:18 |
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RST38h | Doc: Got a list of /sys entries? | 22:21 |
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maddler | howdy!!! | 22:21 |
ptl | howdy ho! | 22:22 |
maddler | wake up, lazy bummers! | 22:22 |
maddler | :) | 22:22 |
DocScrutinizer | jacekowski: especially BSI - as there's a lot of fuzz and legends around that one. Could be everything from NTC temp sensor inside battery to cell chemistry indicator to "just used for no special purpose, as it's there" | 22:22 |
jacekowski | BSI? | 22:22 |
maddler | Butchered Smoothly Inside | 22:22 |
DocScrutinizer | jacekowski: the third contact of battery | 22:22 |
DocScrutinizer | supposedly Battery Size Indicator | 22:22 |
DocScrutinizer | RST38h: of what exactly? | 22:23 |
xDaReaperx | i tried the roadrunner app , dosent seem to work lol , hope i dont get caught speeding | 22:23 |
RST38h | Doc: Of all the temperature sensors of course! | 22:23 |
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jacekowski | DocScrutinizer: you are talking about thingy connected to pin named BSI | 22:24 |
DocScrutinizer | RST38h: I guess most of then aren't used at all, probably none of them is exposed to /sys | 22:24 |
DocScrutinizer | yep, jacekowski | 22:24 |
RST38h | Doc: shame | 22:24 |
jacekowski | hmm that's going to be fun | 22:24 |
jacekowski | there is nothing about it in datasheed | 22:24 |
jacekowski | datasheet | 22:24 |
GAN900 | lol, resounding endorsement from Reggie | 22:24 |
GAN900 | Interesting | 22:24 |
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DocScrutinizer | jacekowski: I gather it's going to a A/D inside twl4030 GAIA | 22:25 |
RST38h | BSI = Blowing to Shit Immediately | 22:25 |
RST38h | When you see a logical "1" there, RUN. | 22:25 |
jacekowski | DocScrutinizer: i do know that | 22:25 |
jacekowski | DocScrutinizer: but i have no idea which one | 22:25 |
jacekowski | DocScrutinizer: i'm using tps65950 datasheet that's supposed to be pin compatible | 22:26 |
jacekowski | but c10 on that is a ground | 22:26 |
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RST38h | Wilder Publication is under fire for putting warning labels on copies of historical US documents, including the Constitution. The label warns "This book is a product of its time and does not reflect the same values as it would if it were written today." | 22:27 |
DocScrutinizer | Sorry, seems I'm missing a bit. Thought I remember it's routed to GAIA, but actually scanning the schem it runs to GAZOO (modem) | 22:27 |
DocScrutinizer | jacekowski: ^^^ | 22:27 |
Mousey | RST38h: they should put that label on bibles | 22:27 |
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jacekowski | do we have any ida what gazoo is? | 22:28 |
RST38h | Mousey: they will rather put the Constitution title on the bible | 22:28 |
jacekowski | DocScrutinizer: and bme isn't talking to anything except two bq chips and twl4030 | 22:29 |
t-tan | Mousey: they will put "Warning: this it the truth" labels on the bible | 22:29 |
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DocScrutinizer | jacekowski: yes, there's another "battery temp sensor" on GAIA ADCIN0 | 22:29 |
Mousey | Truth(tm) | 22:29 |
RST38h | jacekowski: Gazoo is a really lousy Martian from a cartoon | 22:30 |
DocScrutinizer | jacekowski: so the question is: does BME or DSME talk to the modem - maybe the modem's drivers whatever they are? | 22:30 |
xDaReaperx | there's an actual Temperature monitor for N900 ? | 22:30 |
DocScrutinizer | xDaReaperx: dozens :-P | 22:30 |
xDaReaperx | hmm name a good one | 22:31 |
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DocScrutinizer | xDaReaperx: yes, there's another "battery temp sensor" on GAIA ADCIN0 | 22:31 |
xDaReaperx | hmm okay | 22:31 |
DocScrutinizer | one is inside LYSTII LP5523 LED controller chip | 22:31 |
DocScrutinizer | (unused) | 22:32 |
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xDaReaperx | so much and i never knew lol | 22:32 |
DocScrutinizer | one is inside bq24150 bat charger chip (probably used bot not exported to sys) | 22:32 |
Mousey | t-tan: http://www.mopo.ca/uploaded_images/Bible-Warning-Label-702307.jpg | 22:32 |
RST38h | Doc: sneaky, they really expected the led controller to overheat | 22:32 |
RST38h | Doc: They need a bigger led! | 22:33 |
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DocScrutinizer | RST38h: nope, it's for calibrating LED current to compensate fro changing efficiency of LEDs over temp | 22:33 |
xDaReaperx | any applications that can actually read the temperatures ? | 22:33 |
t-tan | Mousey: yes, I think I have watched that thriller movie recently ;-) | 22:33 |
RST38h | oh | 22:34 |
* RST38h thought that was only true for led lasers | 22:34 |
Mousey | ^_^ | 22:34 |
RST38h | normal led stuff isn't very sensitive to temperature | 22:34 |
jacekowski | xDaReaperx: well, you can read it from /dev/twl4030-madc | 22:34 |
xDaReaperx | hmm okay | 22:34 |
DocScrutinizer | anyway, you *can* calibrate a temp-coefficient to compensate for that | 22:35 |
xDaReaperx | like ? | 22:35 |
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pupnik | nokia, please give n9 better speakers than n900) | 22:35 |
DocScrutinizer | pupnik: I don't think N900 speakers are particularly bad | 22:36 |
RST38h | pupnik: is it ok if n9 runs Symbian^3? | 22:36 |
* RST38h ducks | 22:36 |
tripzero | lol | 22:36 |
timoph | :) | 22:36 |
tripzero | n8 runs symbian, i thought n9 was going to be a meego device? | 22:36 |
xDaReaperx | lol | 22:36 |
RST38h | nobody ever said that | 22:36 |
xDaReaperx | well could be that the N9 would run meego , but its never sure | 22:36 |
tripzero | rumors | 22:37 |
greenfly | I don't think anyone ever says anything until the day something is released | 22:37 |
xDaReaperx | or a prototype ^ | 22:37 |
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RST38h | ah, hello, konttori | 22:38 |
DocScrutinizer | please pointers to N9! never heard of... | 22:38 |
konttori | hi | 22:38 |
RST38h | Doc: google? | 22:38 |
RST38h | Doc: (there are not many though, nothing to look at) | 22:39 |
DocScrutinizer | konttori: Hi :-) | 22:39 |
frals | o/ | 22:39 |
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GAN900 | MeeGo's actually just Nokia conning us into directing our energy somewhere | 22:39 |
GAN900 | They're never actually shipping a product. :P | 22:39 |
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RST38h | You never know | 22:39 |
RST38h | Maybe they will ship a netbook! | 22:40 |
GAN900 | DocScrutinizer, stupid house digram on Engadget. | 22:40 |
frals | so where in finland would i go to get some tiger balm? | 22:40 |
* RST38h ducks even harder | 22:40 |
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GAN900 | frals, I could sell you some and mail it. :P | 22:40 |
pupnik | DocScrutinizer: the existence os software speaker protection indicates they do not perform up to spec | 22:40 |
t-tan | what does the chimney mean? | 22:40 |
frals | GAN900: thanks but err, it be faster to get someone back home in sweden to mail it i assume ;) | 22:40 |
t-tan | smoking hot device? | 22:40 |
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timoph | frals: the pharmacy? | 22:41 |
DocScrutinizer | pupnik: not really, the problem is we got a class-D amp with no highpass filter to get rid of DC/LF | 22:41 |
frals | alright | 22:41 |
xDaReaperx | This is weird , my phone is up to date , but now when i browse to store.ovi.com it says you need to update maemo | 22:41 |
frals | apotekki or whatever its called? ;o | 22:41 |
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timoph | apteekki :) | 22:41 |
pupnik | DocScrutinizer: if the speakers need lf filter to not break, it should be designed in the pcb | 22:42 |
pupnik | why are we even discussing this | 22:42 |
timoph | not sure if they sell it but it's good place to start asking | 22:42 |
vldcnst | maemo.org down? | 22:42 |
DocScrutinizer | pupnik: ack, but it wasn't | 22:42 |
frals | ah, think i have that across the street | 22:42 |
xDaReaperx | wait maemo.org is down ? | 22:42 |
frals | cheers timoph | 22:42 |
xDaReaperx | wont load | 22:42 |
pupnik | DocScrutinizer: i am curious to learn the reason for xprot | 22:42 |
timoph | yep. waiting for maemo.org | 22:43 |
pupnik | DocScrutinizer: listening to n810 now. volume is sufficient | 22:43 |
xDaReaperx | maemo loads now | 22:43 |
DocScrutinizer | well, I'm not any wiser than you about Nokia's internal bugtracker and the details. But it's obvious there is a LF/DC issue in the circuit | 22:43 |
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DocScrutinizer | but that doesn't mean the AMP is *not* too strong for the speakers, nevertheless I like it better this way round than the other which would mean amp is clipping before speakers porform up to their full power | 22:46 |
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DocScrutinizer | so wrt that your N900 is in no way diferent to your home stereo | 22:47 |
DocScrutinizer | just for your home stereo *you* are the limiter usually ;-P | 22:48 |
DocScrutinizer | while for N900 we need one in software | 22:48 |
xDaReaperx | my N900 firmware is up to date , but when i go to the ovi store it says you need to update your firmware | 22:48 |
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DocScrutinizer | just forget ovi | 22:49 |
xDaReaperx | hmm | 22:50 |
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xDaReaperx | why ? | 22:50 |
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DocScrutinizer | because it seems ovi store is utterly useless for N900 | 22:51 |
lbt | SpeedEvil: :) thanks | 22:51 |
lbt | mece_: you too | 22:51 |
xDaReaperx | hmm ok | 22:52 |
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DocScrutinizer | ++ for texrat | 22:55 |
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ptl | it's useless for me at least | 22:55 |
ptl | I'd like to buy QuickPanorama | 22:56 |
ptl | but I can't | 22:56 |
ptl | not supported for my country | 22:56 |
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lbt | how do I type swedish into an N900 with a uk keyb? | 22:58 |
lbt | Mjölk | 22:59 |
pupnik | n810 screen size is better | 22:59 |
MohammadAG51 | swap em | 22:59 |
GAN900 | DocScrutinizer, did you just read that post? | 22:59 |
pupnik | i have a great dpad design | 23:00 |
DocScrutinizer | just skipped to the thread you started on tmo | 23:00 |
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GAN900 | DocScrutinizer, ah, do read the whole of his article. | 23:03 |
DocScrutinizer | the cryptotabula? | 23:04 |
DocScrutinizer | I did | 23:04 |
ZogG | MohammadAG51, say wat? | 23:05 |
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ecksun | is there a way to find out if the GPS is in use or if the phone uses cell ids or something similar to determin the location? | 23:13 |
microlith | if the GPS goes active, there's a satellite dish icon in the notification area | 23:14 |
ecksun | yes, but even if i use nonstattelitepositioningmethods the dish appears | 23:14 |
ecksun | Im developing with qtmobility - location | 23:15 |
microlith | hm, no tsure | 23:15 |
crashanddie | stattelite positioning methods? | 23:15 |
crashanddie | what the fuck is stattelite? | 23:15 |
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ecksun | crashanddie, a typo | 23:15 |
crashanddie | you meant satellite? | 23:16 |
ecksun | yes | 23:16 |
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ecksun | http://doc.qt.nokia.com/qtmobility-1.0/qgeopositioninfosource.html#PositioningMethod-enum | 23:16 |
crashanddie | damn, that's a serious typo bro | 23:16 |
ecksun | indeed, never the less my question still remains :) | 23:16 |
jacekowski | DocScrutinizer: if you are interested it's very simple to read from twl4030 | 23:17 |
DocScrutinizer | jacekowski: I know. The question is what BME does with it | 23:17 |
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jacekowski | not a lot | 23:17 |
jacekowski | there is one function that's used to read from it 00015D84 | 23:18 |
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jacekowski | and there are couple calls to it and these calls read ADCs: 4,9,0,12 | 23:19 |
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DocScrutinizer | mhm | 23:19 |
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b-man | did you guys see this? http://learningwebgl.com/blog/?p=2303 | 23:22 |
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mece_ | lbt, huh, what? | 23:24 |
* mece_ was watching the game. | 23:25 |
mece_ | b-man, yeah, I tested some demos, and it was pretty cool. | 23:25 |
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jacekowski | hmm i just said 0 | 23:27 |
lbt | mece_: testing shopper | 23:27 |
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lbt | although annoyingly someone had a bug wrt utf-8 and I fixed it... | 23:27 |
lbt | so I'm debating pushing the fixed version... | 23:28 |
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ljsdofuynsdfufuh | is there a minimal browser for maemo or a minimal mode for fennec - so I can use mobile sites faster (I'm assuming it loads the full site in fennec) | 23:30 |
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mece_ | lbt, I suggest pushing the fixed version right away and making a [maemo5] announce thread with a link to the testing page. I don't think you ever actually announced the app for N900. | 23:31 |
lbt | OK :) | 23:31 |
lbt | it's a weekend | 23:31 |
CutMeOwnThroat | how do you save the current time to the hardware-clock? | 23:31 |
lbt | hwclock | 23:32 |
mece_ | lbt, :D | 23:32 |
CutMeOwnThroat | that's not in my maemo... anyway, isn't that pc-hardware only? | 23:32 |
lbt | Usage: hwclock [-r|--show] [-s|--hctosys] [-w|--systohc] [-l|--localtime] [-u|--utc] [-f FILE] | 23:32 |
lbt | on my n900? | 23:32 |
lbt | from busybox | 23:33 |
CutMeOwnThroat | well, N810 here | 23:33 |
jacekowski | CutMeOwnThroat: all devices have rtc | 23:33 |
lbt | well now... it doesn't work on an Atari either ;) | 23:33 |
* lbt ducks | 23:33 |
CutMeOwnThroat | jacekowski, with what you mean what exactly? | 23:33 |
jacekowski | RTC- real time clock | 23:33 |
jacekowski | that's what hwclock is manipulating | 23:33 |
CutMeOwnThroat | i got the abbreviation, I just don't know what you mean | 23:33 |
jacekowski | 22:32 < CutMeOwnThroat> that's not in my maemo... anyway, isn't that pc-hardware only? | 23:34 |
CutMeOwnThroat | ok | 23:34 |
CutMeOwnThroat | so hwclock would work if I had it | 23:34 |
jacekowski | just stating that it isn't pc only | 23:34 |
CutMeOwnThroat | right | 23:34 |
jacekowski | yes | 23:34 |
jacekowski | hwclock can access clock in 2 ways | 23:34 |
jacekowski | one is pc way | 23:34 |
jacekowski | which is default one | 23:34 |
jacekowski | another is trough kernel driver | 23:35 |
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jacekowski | and /dev/rtc | 23:35 |
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jacekowski | or it's other way round | 23:35 |
mece_ | lcuk, aahaha I just got what "feature creep" meant. And you're right. Although I think the filename extension is a pretty good feature and I've cursed the lack of it many times. | 23:35 |
mece_ | wait, omg lcuk is not here! | 23:36 |
jacekowski | hmmmmm | 23:36 |
CutMeOwnThroat | hm, in lenny, hwclock is supposed to be in util-linux, which is not in diablo (I'm supposing it hasn't migrated between packages since etch) | 23:36 |
jacekowski | that looks interesting | 23:36 |
CutMeOwnThroat | so how does the N810 ever set the hardware clock? | 23:36 |
DocScrutinizer | probably the usual GUi / system ways to set time deal with setting RTC, on diablo | 23:37 |
CutMeOwnThroat | I noticed that if I run ntpd and adjust the time, it'll be wrong again after the device was switched off | 23:37 |
jacekowski | DocScrutinizer: http://pastebin.com/G1wjArcB | 23:37 |
jacekowski | DocScrutinizer: that looks interesting | 23:37 |
jacekowski | DocScrutinizer: it's reading adc 4 | 23:37 |
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jacekowski | ret: 0 status: 0 result: 469 | 23:38 |
ljsdofuynsdfufuh | is there an automated way to install lots of stuff from the package manager other than one-by-one? | 23:38 |
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MiXu- | Yes. I'm not sure how it works but the backup/restore function utilizes that. | 23:38 |
jacekowski | apt | 23:38 |
ljsdofuynsdfufuh | oh, you mean use the cmd line rather than the gui? | 23:39 |
MiXu- | apt from command line is prolly easier solution :) | 23:39 |
DocScrutinizer | strongly discouraged, but yes | 23:39 |
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DocScrutinizer | jacekowski: that's for sure interesting, but needs further investigation otherwise is quite obscure and meaningless | 23:40 |
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CutMeOwnThroat | discouraged? | 23:41 |
mece | ljsdofuynsdfufuh, yeah apt ftw. Also, a good way for getting help is to change your nick to something shorter and easier to type :P | 23:41 |
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mece | CutMeOwnThroat, well I suppose you can cause some damage with apt if you don't know what you're doing ;) | 23:42 |
CutMeOwnThroat | like what? | 23:42 |
jacekowski | hmm BSI isn't a temperature | 23:43 |
jacekowski | that's for sure | 23:43 |
CutMeOwnThroat | I think you'll do damage by adding weird stuff to your sources.list independent of if you use the gui thingy or apt-get | 23:43 |
jacekowski | unless it's working in reverse | 23:43 |
DocScrutinizer | why not | 23:43 |
mece | CutMeOwnThroat, well.. if you do apt-get remove libhildonfm2 for example, which I did recently, and ignore the gigantic list of stuff listed under "these will be removed" you'll have some trouble :) | 23:44 |
jacekowski | well, i'm reading 29 on really warm phone | 23:44 |
jacekowski | and colder phone was reading 38-39 | 23:44 |
DocScrutinizer | as mentioned before these are usually NTC, which means Ohms drop with rising temp | 23:44 |
ljsdofuynsdfufuh | mece, you know you can just push tab after the first few chars and it fills in the name | 23:44 |
ljsdofuynsdfufuh | speaking of tab, where is it on the n900 | 23:44 |
ljsdofuynsdfufuh | heh | 23:44 |
CutMeOwnThroat | mece, that's a lot of ifs :) | 23:44 |
mece | ljsdofuynsdfufuh: OMG | 23:44 |
mece | ljsdofuynsdfufuh: thanks :D | 23:44 |
ljsdofuynsdfufuh | lol | 23:44 |
jacekowski | well, i'll have to find that code in bme | 23:44 |
ljsdofuynsdfufuh | suddenly everything is easier | 23:44 |
crashanddie | ljsdofuynsdfufuh: could you use a real nick, please? | 23:44 |
mece | ljsdofuynsdfufuh: but I like to use , instead of : | 23:44 |
ljsdofuynsdfufuh | yep, I've 'puter skills; time to get phone skills | 23:45 |
mece | crashanddie: well yours isn't the best one either :P | 23:45 |
ljsdofuynsdfufuh | just bought the n900 | 23:45 |
crashanddie | mece: no, but at least it means something | 23:45 |
ljsdofuynsdfufuh | wonder if there is a guide somewhere to initial tricking it out | 23:45 |
mece | crashanddie: tru dat. | 23:45 |
mece | s/tru/true/ | 23:45 |
infobot | mece meant: crashanddie: true dat. | 23:45 |
DocScrutinizer | jacekowski: yes, the compares against certain limits, that's what is interesting, and what exactly are those limits | 23:46 |
DocScrutinizer | cya | 23:46 |
ljsdofuynsdfufuh | what do you all use instead of kismet on the maemo | 23:46 |
mece | ljsdofuynsdfufuh: what kind of tricking are you thinking about? | 23:46 |
ljsdofuynsdfufuh | for gps/hotspots | 23:46 |
mece | ljsdofuynsdfufuh: nothing. | 23:47 |
ljsdofuynsdfufuh | tricking, just getting used to all of the possible features etc | 23:47 |
ljsdofuynsdfufuh | that's odd | 23:47 |
MohammadAG51 | BlessN900 is kinda weird | 23:47 |
MohammadAG51 | it replaces the camera driver | 23:47 |
crashanddie | MohammadAG51: yeah, I don't know what to think of it | 23:47 |
crashanddie | MohammadAG51: apparently they're in the process of patenting a shitload of idaes | 23:48 |
crashanddie | though the results are marginal at best | 23:48 |
ljsdofuynsdfufuh | how do you manage all of the apps you guys have installed? | 23:48 |
crashanddie | and their website is ridiculous. | 23:48 |
ljsdofuynsdfufuh | just call them everytime via cmdline? | 23:48 |
mece | MohammadAG51: what is BlessN900? | 23:48 |
MohammadAG51 | mece, a camera app which makes it magical | 23:49 |
DocScrutinizer | jacekowski: like "bme stops charging, when readout of ADCIN4 in GAIA (0xF0, adr xy, blah) is <4711" - then write that down and post to jrbme forum or wiki about bme | 23:49 |
MohammadAG51 | and takes "HDR" pics | 23:49 |
crashanddie | ljsdofuynsdfufuh: please change your nickname, I've sent you a private message, and you've been asked twice in this very channel. Next stop for |