IRC log of #maemo for Friday, 2010-06-04

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DocScrutinizeryoutube also nice ;-P00:00
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DocScrutinizeryou won't watch Ben Hur00:00
valdynskype needs push ( but I somehow doubt carriers would cooperate there ;) )00:00
DocScrutinizerwithout recharging00:00
ZeNz0rwoglinde: it didnt work, it found errors (dependency problems)00:01
DocScrutinizervaldyn: skype is a braindamaged peer2peer concept00:01
DocScrutinizervaldyn: no room for push00:01
woglindezenzot pastebin?00:02
xDaReaperxis there actually a liquid under the N900's screen ?00:02
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DocScrutinizereven 200:02
dmj726_develthink of the first word in the acronym00:02
DocScrutinizerthe liquid crystal, and above the touchscreen separator oil00:03
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xDaReaperxHmm so thats 200:03
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loufoque_anyone know what "Maemo 5 device SSU repository (PR1.2)" is?00:03
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xDaReaperxdoes the liquid , relate to the problems of the white spots on your screen ?00:03
xDaReaperxi meant dead pixles00:04
DocScrutinizerwhite spots? eew00:04
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DocScrutinizershouldn't have dead pixels00:04
xDaReaperxmy friend has bought his N90000:04
xDaReaperxit has few bright spots00:04
xDaReaperxhe replaced it00:05
DocScrutinizerQA says: zero defect pixels00:05
woglindeZeNz0r you only downloaded python2.5 you need python2.5-minimal00:05
ZeNz0roh ok... sry... give me a sec00:05
valdynloufoque_: you mean , maybe00:06
DocScrutinizerxDaReaperx: anyway dead pixels are caused by matrix defects, not by the LC00:06
xDaReaperxhmmm , there's no fix for that ?00:06
woglindezenzor I meant install both deb00:06
DocScrutinizerxDaReaperx: nope00:06
woglindepython2.5 and python2.5-minial00:06
xDaReaperxyeah good thing he replaced it00:06
ZeNz0rwoglinde: oh i c, sry00:07
loufoque_valdyn: no, I mean a package repository, referenced at
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ZeNz0rwoglinde:  im guessing i have to install pymaemo-optify00:10
* noobmonk3y_ is tired of babysitting tmo... sleep i think00:11
valdynloufoque_: you have no n900?00:11
woglindezenzor you didnt do it already?00:11
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valdynloufoque_: the urls are in the package manager "Catalogues"00:11
loufoque_valdyn: I know.00:11
loufoque_valdyn: please try to answer my question now.00:11
b-man|laptop < the tiniest c compiler that can produce dynamically linked ELF binaries in the world00:11
ZeNz0rwoglinde: pymaemo-optify no i didnt... didnt even know of such a thing xD00:12
loufoque_valdyn: what is the address of that repository00:12
loufoque_it's not ./00:12
woglindeb-man hehe bellard again00:12
loufoque_which repository is that00:12
woglindedont know what we will invent00:12
woglindein the future00:12
woglindehe started so many cool stuff00:13
b-man|laptopwoglinde: yeah :)00:13
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valdynloufoque_: it is00:13
loufoque_what is what00:13
valdynloufoque_: for me00:13
valdynloufoque_: maybe you are trying to download a package directly?00:14
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loufoque_I have missing dependencies, and the package needed are in that repository00:14
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DocScrutinizerX-Fade: damn you're fast today :-D00:14
valdynloufoque_: while apt-get cant install it?00:14
loufoque_the packages are *missing*00:15
loufoque_they're not found in any repository I have configured00:15
loufoque_an example is bzip00:15
loufoque_bzip2 sorry00:15
valdynloufoque_: its there, probably extras-devel or -testing00:16
valdynloufoque_: actually probably both as I'm having 2 sources00:16
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loufoque_bzip2 is in Maemo 5 device SSU repository (PR1.2), Fremantle SDK free armel and Fremantle nokia-applications explicit armel00:17
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ZeNz0rwoglinde: i typed apt-get install pymaemo-optify and it says it needs python2.5 that depends on minimal, but the 2.5.4-1maemo5 is to be installed.... so it seems i need to get an older version first.... does this make sense?00:18
woglindeZeNz0r download python-optify deb00:20
woglindeand install all 3 together with dpkg00:20
loufoque_valdyn: let me give you another one for example. libgles1-sgx-img. This is required for ioquake3 for example. It is only available in "Maemo 5 device SSU repository (PR1.2)"00:20
ZeNz0ru mean 1line of text to install the 3 .deb?00:20
loufoque_hmm no my bad this one is in others as well00:20
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loufoque_regardless I don't have it either00:21
loufoque_even though I've got all repositories one can find on the internet enabled00:21
woglindezenzor by the way the python-optify.deb should be already in /var/cache/apt/archives/ bye noiw00:21
valdynloufoque_: i can install it00:21
woglindezenzor dpkg -i 1.deb 2.deb 3.deb00:21
valdynloufoque_: what does "apt-cache policy bzip2" give ?00:21
loufoque_valdyn: could you paste your /etc/apt/sources.list.d/hildon-application-manager.list ?00:21
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valdynloufoque_: hold..00:24
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valdynthats not the hole list, but apt-cache policy its one of those 300:25
valdynthats not the hole list, but according to apt-cache policy its one of those 300:25
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loufoque_if I add it works00:26
loufoque_where did you get that one from?00:26
valdynloufoque_: no idea00:26
loufoque_how did you install PR1.2?00:26
valdynloufoque_: I never added it manually, I flashed pr1.200:26
loufoque_global firmware or different one?00:26
valdynbut this could just aswell be the result of restoring the backup I guess00:27
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loufoque_i flashed uk firmware, maybe that's the reason why I have ?00:27
Juozapashi, i cant find midnight commander in extras repository. Where i must search for it ?00:27
valdynon top of that I had pr1.2 pre which could have put that repository there..00:28
valdynall my own repositories are there too, so the backup / restore must have taken care of that00:29
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woglindeZeNz0r look at it again00:30
woglinde5 vs 600:30
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woglindedownload latest python-minimal00:30
ZeNz0rthe minimal doesnt have a 600:31
ZeNz0ri thought it was ok00:31
woglindehm uh00:31
valdynits an annoyance that the nokia repositories are layed out in a way that makes apt-cache policy not show the actual source00:31
woglindethen download the version 5 of python2.500:31
ZeNz0rim getting dizzy... xD00:32
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valdynit should be " <whitespace> apps"00:32
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ZeNz0ri always wanted to learn but put it back in the list... now im forced :p00:32
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woglindezenzor hihi00:34
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crashanddievaldyn: "space" is %2000:37
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crashanddie~nickometer ZeNz0r00:37
infobot'ZeNz0r' is 97.280% lame, crashanddie00:37
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Juozapascan anyone help me with mc installation ?00:38
MohammadAG* Received a CTCP PING 1275550949977918 from xnt14 <-- is that an autoping feature or an autoannoy one00:38
crashanddieMohammadAG: yes, that's the highest we've ever seen in this channel00:38
ZeNz0rwoglinde:  it seems it worked00:39
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ZeNz0rshould i try 6 now?00:39
crashanddieapart for maybe z0mB13K1lL00:39
woglindezenzor no00:39
crashanddie~nickometer z0mB13K1lL00:39
infobot'z0mB13K1lL' is 88.000% lame, crashanddie00:40
woglindewhen there is no python2.5-minial deb00:40
crashanddienot even00:40
ZeNz0roh ok00:40
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ZeNz0rgonna test installing those apps00:40
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ZeNz0rw00000t... woglinde masta its installing ;DDD00:41
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ZeNz0rawesome, now i can tell it to get the rest of the apps^^00:41
ZeNz0rthks a lot00:41
ZeNz0ri def couldnt have done it without u00:42
ZeNz0rsince im 97.28% lame and 100% n00b :p00:42
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woglindezenzor he you doing fine00:42
SpeedEvil1~nickometer SpeedEvil00:42
infobot'SpeedEvil' is 0.000% lame, speedevil100:43
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SpeedEvil~nickometer n900Evil00:43
infobot'n900Evil' is 46.000% lame, speedevil00:43
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Mousey~nickometer Mousey00:44
infobot'Mousey' is 0.000% lame, mousey00:44
satmd~nickometer satmd00:44
infobot'satmd' is 0.000% lame, satmd00:44
w00t_~nickometer w00t_00:45
infobot'w00t_' is 37.000% lame, w00t_00:45
w00t_oh dear.00:45
ZeNz0rwell guys i gotta go pay some attention to my fiance or i'll get killed before the wedding00:45
ZeNz0rthks a lot woglinde ;D00:45
satmdw00t_: too much l33t and _ ;D00:45
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MohammadAG~nickometer MohammadAG00:46
infobot'MohammadAG' is 8.000% lame, mohammadag00:46
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shinkamuianyone know the flag off the top of the head when reflashing to reformat all partitions?00:53
shinkamuiI want it to be like factory, but pr 1.1.200:54
shinkamuior do I have to delete the partitions manually myself before reflashing?00:54
shinkamuieg rm -rf /home and rm-rf /opt00:54
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DocScrutinizerflash *COMBINED* and *EMMC*00:55
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DocScrutinizerpreferably other way round00:56
DocScrutinizerfirst emmc, then combined aka rootfs00:56
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DocScrutinizerdon't reboot in between the two flashes00:57
midas_just spool it with random data when updating, it's always fun00:57
midas_off to bed it is!00:57
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monkeyiqGeneralAntilles: just to double check, did you send out emails about n900 devices within the last 12hrs?01:01
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shinkamuiwhat does nokia mean when they say the fiasco image01:04
shinkamuiis that the actual firmware image for rootfs?01:05
shinkamuiif you understand what I mean01:05
shinkamuiby that01:05
SpeedEvilAs I understand it, fiasco is the packer for the big images.01:05
SpeedEvilIt puts together bootloader, kernel, rootfs, ...01:05
shinkamuispeed, Im trying to purge my n900 completely01:05
shinkamuiso I downloaded pr1.2 image and the emmc01:06
SpeedEvilFor what purpose?01:06
shinkamuiordered a new one, giving this one to my father01:06
shinkamuianyhoo, the site says as doc said, flash the fiasco image first, then emmc image, and never reboot between01:07
SpeedEvilyes - that should work.01:07
shinkamuii just wanted to be sure that the fiasco image is the pr 1.2 firmware01:07
shinkamuiand not something EXTRA I also need to flash01:07
SpeedEvilHowever - any really incriminating images can potentially be recovered.01:07
SpeedEvilSee the 'photorec' software in extras-devel I think01:07
shinkamuiits my dad, if I needed to worry, I would just zero out the partition multipass01:07
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SpeedEvilif you have any, you'll want to fill up the free space.01:08
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shinkamuiha ha01:08
shinkamuihow long would it take for that arm cpu to fill 25gigs01:08
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shinkamuicat /dev/random > /home/filler01:09
shinkamuiI would imagine it would take hours01:09
shinkamuior days01:09
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shinkamuimaybe not days01:09
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GAN900crashanddie, 3D TVs for $2,000. WTF?01:11
ioancan someone please direct me to documentation on how to create status bar plugin with python?01:11
alteregoYes, that is right, I'm smiling :)01:11
thpioan: get the repeatswitcherstatus source01:12
crashanddieGAN900: so?01:12
GAN900crashanddie, makes me feel old.01:12
GAN900Also: makes me determined to get a 3D video rig set up.01:12
ioanthp: thanks!01:12
crashanddieGAN900: nha, you'll start feeling old when kids use gadgets you don't even understand01:12
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* GAN900 wonders about mounting two GH1s to a steadicam.01:13
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crashanddieGAN900: get a 5D01:13
GAN900crashanddie, iPhones? :D01:13
crashanddiewell, 5DII01:13
thpioan: and for "generic" pymaemo docs01:13
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GAN900GH1 is better for HD, I hear01:13
crashanddieGAN900: fuck that01:13
GAN900Plus, we already have one01:13
GAN900I'm not actually buying one01:13
GAN900since it just pisses me off for stills.01:14
GAN900Not actually being SLR sucks.01:14
crashanddieGAN900: get a merlin steadicam01:17
crashanddieor a glidecam 1000 pro01:17
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ioanthp: I got the code for Repeatswitcherstatus, but is not what I want, probably I didn't ask the right question. I want to build an app that will show a small icon next to the battery icon, for some event. For example, if ssh is running, I want to show a small icon there, when ssh doesn't run anymore, the icon dissapears01:20
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DocScrutinizerload applet, simple brightness applet01:23
ioanDocScrutinizer, thanks01:24
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TomaszDX-Fade, around?01:28
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tremnite all, sweet dreams01:29
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alteregoAnyone happen to know how I can get a GtkWindow from a xid?01:37
MohammadAGw00t_, did you announce what you were working on yesterday?01:37
w00t_MohammadAG: what in particular? (I sometimes think I do more stuff than is healthy for my mental state)01:38
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w00t_ah, yes, ish01:38
MohammadAGon tmo?01:39
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w00t_frals and I have talked about it, nothing's been posted/mailed yet though because it's simply too early01:39
w00t_I (think) we'd rather have something to show of it first01:39
MohammadAGw00t_, thought you should say something about it, devs are starting to implement their own keyboards now01:40
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w00t_they're still probably going to do that anyway, a final solution is not going to be a walk in the park I think (else someone would have done it sooner)01:41
w00t_but maybe, yeah01:42
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konfooany flumotion people around?02:01
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Dassuwould you guys consider adblock as microb speed up or slow down?02:07
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TTilusdunno, at least it is annoyance-down02:11
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cehtehadblock can only improve speed :P03:16
MohammadAGo/ lcukn90003:16
lcukn900evening moh \o03:17
lcukn900so whats goin down in bacon town then03:18
MohammadAGit closed down cause of bankruptcy03:18
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lcukn900thats normal i turned into a lobster today03:19
* lcukn900 caught the sun at waterslide park03:19
MohammadAGis it hot?03:20
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woglindehe lcuk03:20
lcukn900yeah im practically glow in the dark03:20
lcukn900hey woglinde03:20
* MohammadAG wonders what gee is03:20
MohammadAGgee-1.0, never heard of it03:21
lcukn900in relation to?03:21
MohammadAGsome app I'm compiling03:21
MohammadAGNo package 'gee-1.0' found03:22
lcukn900lol i thought you meant gravity gee's03:22
* MohammadAG rm -rfs the working directory03:22
MohammadAGguess it's targeted for Maemo 603:22
lcukn900speaking of which i went on the steepest slide i ever went on03:22
lcukn900what you building03:22
MohammadAGSpecifically designed for GNOME (Mobile) and is therefore planned to be one of the key new features of Maemo platform in the Harmattan  release.03:23
lcukn900libgee is a gnome lib03:23
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lcukn900libgee0 - GObject based collection library03:24
* MohammadAG can't find that in scratchbox03:25
MohammadAGor in Ubuntu03:25
lcukn900i only have my device and std repos03:25
* lcukn900 has nothing specia03:25
lcukn900apart from sand in tracys sliders03:25
MohammadAGyou're special :P03:25
SpeedEvilFun - 1024*768 display -
SpeedEvilWhere is the edit button? :)03:26
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lcukn900which model has that res03:26
SpeedEvilerr - none03:27
SpeedEviloh - sorry - I see.03:27
SpeedEvilI mean - with a 1024*768 screen - load that page in a browser, and try to find the edit link.03:27
SpeedEvilOr maybe it's just FF.03:27
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MohammadAGthat fails lol03:28
MohammadAG here you go03:28
lcukn900we once tried to ensure all the layouts fitted t tablet res i think03:28
lcukn900but it got hard03:29
MohammadAGcan't find libglee003:29
MohammadAGcould be in -devel03:29
SpeedEvilMohammadAG: yeah - I found it.03:29
* MohammadAG checks03:29
* SpeedEvil ponders libglee.03:29
* SpeedEvil goes into a stirring cover of a Prince song.03:29
lcukn900oh ffs tracy likes glee too03:29
* SpeedEvil wonders where to find a magazine.03:29
lcukn900shes having a good time rocking to angry birds extra levels tho so keeping music semi quiet03:30
MohammadAGnope, not in devel grr03:30
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lcukn900build it03:31
SpeedEvilAngry birds is awesome. :)03:31
MohammadAGyou'd think I haven't tried that03:31
MohammadAGE: Unable to find a source package for ligblee003:31
MohammadAGoff to some other devices, again03:31
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lcukn900i keep thinking about a snake game using accel03:31
SpeedEvillcukn900: There is one03:32
lcukn900moh? other devices?03:32
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lcukn900whats its name03:32
SpeedEvillcukn900: Though I couldn't make sense of it03:32
SpeedEvilthat may on reflection be as I was lying down.03:32
lcukn900thats about as much fail as getting sand in your slider03:33
lcukn900for context
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lcukn900anyway short stay. zoo tomorrow.03:34
lcukn900\o night03:35
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GAN900DocScrutinizer, haven't done it, but haven't forgotten.03:35
DocScrutinizerGAN900: np, I found your mail quite late as well03:36
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GAN900DocScrutinizer, just got back from my run tonight, gonna put together the spreadsheet later tonight03:37
DocScrutinizerbtw, SpeedEvil - I've seen you applied for a devel dev as well :-) fine!03:37
SpeedEvilI'm using it way too much as an actual device.03:37
GAN900Lot of good folks on that list03:38
GAN900Wish I had bugged qgil about this earlier.03:38
SpeedEvilThat I don't want to stop working for hours at a time.03:38
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: exactly03:38
DocScrutinizerand then, you quite usually want to do such tests on a "clean" system, and that's equally annoying to whipe it, do the tests, then hope you can restore the every-day state03:39
SpeedEvilLast time I did that - it wanted to download 600M over my connection which was then going at 16K/s.03:40
DocScrutinizernice :-S03:41
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GAN900Aren't there imaging tools?03:46
GAN900So you can just flash the clean image.03:46
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SpeedEvilyou don't want to flash the clean image though03:53
SpeedEvilyou want to unflash the unclean image to a nice safe place, flash the clean image, and then restore03:53
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Termanagood morning04:08
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odin_it is too quiet, must be a holiday04:09
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GAN900SpeedEvil, oops04:24
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GAN900SpeedEvil, that's what I meant04:24
GAN900Image your install and flash that04:24
GAN900instead of flashing the clean image.04:24
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SpeedEvilyes - One of the tasks on my todo list is an unflasher.04:28
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SpeedEvilBut there are so many tasks on it.04:28
b-manhmm, people on are starting to pm me about Ubuntu and now Mer..04:33
b-mana member by the name of Dany-69 is trying to get Mer up and running on his N900 but isn't having any luck04:36
b-manand people want me to port Ubuntu to the N900 really badly04:36
dotblankb-man, why?04:36
b-mandotblank: because i ported ubuntu to the N800/N810
b-manwho are you calling a weirdo, weirdo lol04:38
SpeedEvilCan you port it to my other device - it's clearly better suited, as it's got a full keyboard.
dotblankubuntu's launchpad hates me.. its given me 10 rejections :(04:39
dotblankin the last 10 mins04:39
SpeedEvilb-man: I booted that a month ago - 4 AA's - came up in 10s, worked fine.04:40
b-manSpeedEvil: funny thing is, i've herd of a project that some guy started in the uk that's aimed at porting linux to those machines lol04:41
b-mani can't remember the source though04:41
SpeedEvilIt's an 8 bit proc - not going to get much of the way of linux on that :)04:41
b-manyeah, try telling him that xD04:42
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DocScrutinizerb-man: especially those who are trying to install a declared dead mer to N900 and then are surprised it doesn't work like a charm04:46
Arkenoianyone seen conversation inbox widget being out of sync with conversations, messages that do not go away when you delete conversation or other inconsistencies?04:47
b-manDocScrutinizer: yeah - i hate it especially when they realize that and then start complaining aimlessly about it04:47
b-manthere are too many rant threads on tmo these days - i kinda miss the old itt days...04:49
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astruasdhplease... I'm using debootstrap to use my own debian with easy-chroot. what arch I am supposed to use for nokia n900 - arm or armel?05:14
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b-manastruasdh: ^05:15
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astruasdhthank you :)05:16
b-mannp ;)05:16
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astruasdhI will repatition my n900. that 27 Gb vfat partition is weird. Is there some problem in remove such a partition and use a big /home?05:17
b-manyou'd loose the /opt partition - so you wouldn't be able to install applications unless you formatted the whole partition as ext305:19
b-manand that would cause problems with the camera05:19
b-manand may mess up the rootfs if you have RP1.205:19
astruasdhpr1.2 is the latest update of 113.64 Mb?05:20
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astruasdhwhat is the main purpose of MyDocs? Is there a special use? I'm asking this to determine a size for this partition05:22
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b-manastruasdh: MyDocs is mostly used for storing personal files such as music, pictures, documents, and in some cases, application cache05:24
b-manApplication Manager uses it for package caching ;)05:24
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astruasdhgot it... so it is more sane to keep MyDocs partition higher than /home one... what do u think?05:25
b-manastruasdh: /home isn't mounted to a partition, /home/user/MyDocs is the mountpoint for the 27GB partition05:26
b-manastruasdh: i'd recommend using an sd card - playing with the eMMC can be dangerous and may really mess up your device ;)05:27
astruasdhhmmm so all I need is to make MyDocs partition a little short (size=20GB) and ext3. that free unpartitioned space is for future use, like enlarge /usr or something like this05:27
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astruasdhb-man, ya, but I dont have one... I'm really annoyed with that vfat partition05:28
astruasdhb-man, hey... is it possible to remove the eMMC to backup it from an external pc in a safe way?05:29
b-manit's a surface-mounted chip on the device's PCB05:30
SwedeMikeso I just noticed that PR1.2 meant I can do the *number# semnatics to check balance on prepaid cards, really nice. I had to use another phone (swap sim cards) before to do those things05:32
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SwedeMikeI've wondered what the name of that feature is?05:32
astruasdhb-man, got it! thank you very much!05:32
SwedeMikewas very surprised when my 20 EUR nokia had it but my N900 didn't (before) :P05:32
* b-man is going to bed - c ya later guys :)05:35
astruasdhb-man, I will make MyDocs partition shorter and make it ext3. Can this break some app or is it ok to do that?05:35
zChrishello SwedeMike^^05:35
astruasdhb-man, hmmm go there, thank you!05:36
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DocScrutinizerastruasdh: it *should* be safe. Check ruskie's wiki page about repartitioning, or ask SpeedEvil05:38
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DocScrutinizerSwedeMike: USSD05:38
SpeedEvilI am going to sleep.05:38
SpeedEvilSo no05:38
DocScrutinizerastruasdh: IIRC SpeedEvil shrinked MyDocs to 4GB, and created an additional new partition ext3 on the freed up space05:40
DocScrutinizerit seems 1.1.1->1.2 OTA upgrade has problems with that occasionally, otherwise it should just work05:42
SwedeMikeDocScrutinizer: thanks!05:42
SwedeMikenow that I know that it's called USSD I found lots of information about it and the inclusion in PR1.2 :P05:44
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astruasdhty guys05:54
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astruasdhDocScrutinizer, that sounds good... but using a vfat partition sounds kind of ugly for me. But I'm just speculating, because I have never analyzed that standard partitions05:57
astruasdhI like also to keep an unpartitioned space for future use05:58
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astruasdhhey... navigating through app manager, I saw 2 kernel-related apps to install (kernel-power, etc). Is such packages improves performance and/or energy consumption?06:08
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SwedeMikeastruasdh: there is a custom kernel that allows to set voltages etc, so in combination with those tools you can experiment with undervoltage to save power. google and you'll find information.06:11
Feuervogelalmost surprised how big this maemo channel is06:11
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Feuervogelanyone here done any overclocking of the n900?06:13
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astruasdhSwedeMike, ty :)06:15
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astruasdhis the e-mail read able to download just the unread e-mail using imap?06:17
astruasdhs/e-mail read/e-mail read app/06:17
infobotastruasdh meant: is the e-mail read app able to download just the unread e-mail using imap?06:17
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astruasdhthe best bot ever! hehe06:17
astruasdhs/e-mail using/e-mails using/06:18
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astruasdhcya guys, ty06:20
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asjhuh, the n900 volume keys work with the screen locked...06:25
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luke-jrasj: nice06:28
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stuffzhey hey06:41
GAN900luke-jr, yes, that was me. :P06:41
stuffzwill the n900 I buy in the US work everywhere in europe too?06:41
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stuffzasj, so it has support for all of those channels, and I can easily switch to their providers?06:44
stuffzanything I should know ahead of time to avoid costs?06:44
asjget a local sim06:44
stuffzand use tmo in the US06:44
asjunless you don't like your money06:45
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stuffzI like my money06:46
asjlocal prepaid sims are good then06:46
asjmight want to research who has the best rates06:46
asj(or coverage)06:46
stuffzsort of a trip across europe06:46
luke-jrGAN900: am I getting one, or just a mass mail to complete some database?06:46
stuffzand I'm going to switch from sprint right now06:46
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luke-jrstuffz: afaik, all Europe providers use the same channels06:47
stuffzinstead of getting the evo4g and experiencing another 2 years od cdma old06:47
luke-jrstuffz: I hear 3G is basically CDMA anyway06:47
stuffzwhat does that mean?06:47
stuffzis there a clever trick to use cmda in europe  or something06:48
luke-jrstuffz: "it's all the same crap"06:48
GAN900luke-jr, I assume so. I'm not actually doing the mailing out, just collecting the requisite info for Quim, but everybody I've emailed I've done so with the intention of having them provided a loaner.06:48
luke-jrno, they're different just enough to break things I think06:48
stuffzwell that's nice06:48
Termanastuffz, 3G (WCDMA/UMTS) is just an extension to the standard CDMA.06:48
stuffzwell im comparing the n900 video performance to the evo 4g currently trying to decide06:49
luke-jrGAN900: I see. Thanks. Now I feel responsible for completing my N810 mainline port ;p06:49
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luke-jror working on bits till it's complete anyhow06:49
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luke-jrwould be nice if the next NIT had 4G support, including non-SIM-card services06:50
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luke-jrbut then, I'd also want a bigger display at least :p06:52
stuffzluke-jr, the 4g is attracting me to the evo, especially since I'm currently with sprint, but I'm pretty close to changing over06:52
luke-jrwhy does Nokia only do one device at a time?06:52
GAN900Research platform06:52
Termanaluke-jr, I'm planning to separate my patches for the patches from my n8x0 mainline port.06:53
GAN900So there's not much of an investment behind it06:53
luke-jrI thought it left the "experimental" phase with N90006:53
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GAN900Should be changing with MeeGo06:53
luke-jrTermana: I think the difficult part is CBus06:53
GAN900N900 is still experiment06:53
luke-jrGAN900: does that mean two phones? :p06:53
GAN900Thus why they're dropping support06:53
GAN900I can only hope06:53
luke-jrone for the "omg N900 is too big!" idiots, and one for "eck, too small!"?06:53
GAN900Capacitive sucks06:53
* luke-jr honestly has never used capacitive06:54
TermanaRight, I don't have intentions of pushing anything up mainline. But just making sure its usable for the MeeGo n8x0 project06:54
luke-jrTermana: :(06:54
luke-jrTermana: then we need to rinse and repeat every N kernel versions06:54
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Termanaluke-jr, your free to try and push stuff out of my tree to mainline :P But I have my doubt, it would seem like a waste of time06:55
luke-jrTermana: if it was done up front, we wouldn't have to be porting it now ;)06:56
stuffzhow cheaply can the n900 be had for?06:56
Termanaluke-jr, heh :P no06:56
Termanastuffz, I've found them on ebay for about $600 AUD06:56
luke-jrTermana: no? yes06:57
stuffzoh tat is a shitload06:57
stuffzmight as well get the 4g for 20006:57
Termanaluke-jr, I mean, no we wouldn't have to be porting it if it was done up front06:57
luke-jryeah, 4G gets unlimited supposedly too06:58
luke-jrpretty sure there's no unlimited 3G in the US06:58
TermanaIt looks like most n900 stuff is going be up in mainline which is good06:59
stuffzbut I;m thinking about swtiching from sprint just so I dont have to use a shit phone while backacking in europe06:59
stuffz(sprint = cdma only crap)07:00
luke-jrNokia really improved that side for N900 I think07:00
luke-jrstuffz: not Sprint's fault Europe doesn't support CDMA phones07:01
stuffzyeah, if you have any innovative solutions for me, then I'd happily consider them07:01
stuffzcdma is old tech afaik07:01
stuffzi.e. sprints fault that it doesnt use gsm07:01
luke-jrstuffz: GSM is older than CDMA I think07:02
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luke-jr3G is a combination of both kinda07:02
luke-jrSprint is plain CDMA as an early adopter, it seems to me07:03
luke-jrCDMA is the 3G before 3G :P07:03
TermanaBut Sprint has the EVO!07:03
Termana:D :P07:03
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luke-jrwtf is EVO07:03
Termanaluke-jr obviously isn't up to snuff on tech news07:04
Termanathe HTC EVO07:04
stuffzevo is first 4g phone07:04
stuffzand it is android07:04
luke-jrthe only problem I have with Sprint is that they won't sell dataless plans for use with even semi-open phones07:04
luke-jrI don't really have $ for data plans here07:04
TermanaIts like... the HTC HD2... except not Windows Mobile and its 4G07:04
stuffzyeah, im not sure what to get termana07:05
luke-jrbut I would like an open phone so I can prepend all my calls with 1<mynumber><pause><mypassword>#<actualdestination>07:05
stuffzit wont work at all in europe where ill be for 2mo this summer07:05
stuffzso im thinking n90007:05
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stuffzso long as i can get one for cheap07:05
stuffzim already with sprint07:05
stuffzand id like to change07:05
Termanastuffz, Nexus One!07:06
Termanastuffz, iPhone!07:06
stuffzwhat about them07:06
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luke-jrI'd be leaning toward finding a cheap Bluetooth-tetherable phone07:06
Termanastuffz, Samsung BADA phones07:06
stuffztetherable to what?07:06
stuffzcheap phone ----tether-----evo 4g?07:06
luke-jrto another smart device07:06
luke-jrlike that07:06
stuffzno idea that worked07:06
asjwhy all the drama seriously?07:06
luke-jrstuffz: depends on the cheap phone I think07:07
luke-jrand Android07:07
TermanaI don't think you can tether another phone to the EVO over Bluetooth etc.07:08
asjif I'm to have a smart phone I just want to whip it out and have ti work07:08
luke-jrTermana: then replace EVO Android with mainline + Gentoo07:08
luke-jrasj: sure, once you configure it07:08
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Termana<stuffz> what about them07:08
asjand I don't want to carry a belt full of crap07:08
TermanaI'm just listing of different phones. No exact reason07:09
luke-jrasj: most cheap phones are small07:09
stuffzi can tell07:09
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luke-jrI could easily fit two N810s in a single pants pocket07:09
asjstuffz: what's your goal exactly?07:09
stuffzreduce costs while have the best07:09
asjstuffz: there is no "the best"07:09
stuffzin terms of phone plans reduce costs07:09
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stuffzwell my best07:09
stuffzIm a linux geek07:10
stuffzbut Im currently on sprint07:10
luke-jrstuffz: I'm waiting. Nothing matches my best yet.07:10
stuffzand id consider switching to tmo for n90007:10
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asjstuffz: ok, and does that solve the cost issue?07:10
luke-jrstuffz: be aware that Android and Maemo are not Linux, just Linux-based07:10
stuffzwhats wrong with n900 luke-jr07:10
luke-jrN900 is too small, for a start07:10
luke-jrand doesn't support CDMA07:10
asjstuffz: he hates it or something, ignore him07:10
stuffzit solves buying a decent phone for two months of use in europe07:10
simula_i wish my n900 had wimax, like the 810wimax version ;)07:10
luke-jrsimula_: WiMax is rarer than iDEN :p07:11
simula_luke-jr... in the seattle area we have clearwire.... a wimax isp07:11
luke-jrsimula_: you also have Boost Mobile, an iDEN ISP :P07:11
luke-jrand they're not limited to Seattle07:11
simula_clearwire is $30 for home and phone :07:12
asjstuffz: ok, then buy it if it's what you want. I think ovi maps with pr1.2 is good enough to use while traveling to find restaurants and such, not as good as google maps, bt ok07:12
stuffzthe evo 4g will be 200$ for me, but im not sure how much switching to tmo and getting the n900 will be07:12
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luke-jrasj: Ovi Maps work w/o Maemo?07:12
Termanaluke-jr, your the first person to say Maemo is not based on Linux, expand your thinking07:12
stuffzah, so l33t things like goog maps dont work, heh07:12
asjluke-jr: <boggle>07:12
luke-jrstuffz: if you don't buy the phone from TMO, they have $10/mo less07:12
TermanaI've heard all the arguments of people saying Android is not Linux07:12
stuffzi heardthe n900 dual boots with android07:13
luke-jrTermana: I didn't say that, I said it IS based on Linux07:13
luke-jrstuffz: not really07:13
TermanaSorry rephrase my question, your the first person to say it isn't Linux, its linux based07:13
luke-jrTermana: maybe07:13
asjstuffz: the web site works just fine, but it's not as good as the symbian google maps client07:13
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Termanaexpand your thinking07:13
luke-jrTermana: it's no more Linux than Android is07:13
asjluke-jr: what's ubuntu? linux?07:13
luke-jrasj: AFAIK07:13
luke-jrat least, you can run Ubuntu with a Linux kernel07:14
stuffzmaemo is more linux than android07:14
luke-jrMaemo will complain it's missing non-standard /proc entries etc07:14
TermanaIn what way, its uses 'linux' userland mostly AFAIK07:14
* asj boggles07:14
luke-jrTermana: Linux is a kernel, not a userland07:14
TermanaAlthough it replaces things like GNU tools with, say like, Busybox07:14
asjok, I'll stop feeding the troll07:14
luke-jrasj: it's "Linux" if it can boot/etc with mainline07:15
Termanaluke-jr, right, but whats your argument that Maemo is NOT Linux, just Linux-based07:15
TermanaI assume this:07:15
Termana<luke-jr> asj: it's "Linux" if it can boot/etc with mainline07:15
luke-jrTermana: Maemo cannot boot with mainline07:15
luke-jrsee /proc/bootreason, etc07:15
asjluke-jr: my laptop can't boot with mainline, it can run ubuntu07:15
TermanaWhich just sounds like crap and semantics and the same bullshit people try to say about Android07:16
luke-jrasj: that's your laptop, not Ubuntu, at fault07:16
luke-jrTermana: I said Android isn't Linux either :P07:16
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asjluke-jr: ubuntu doesn't use mainline. btw, why are you even on this irc channel?07:16
Termanaluke-jr, right, but your arguing that if you have out-of-tree patches in your kernel, your not using Linux, just linux-based07:16
stuffzfucking lockin07:16
stuffzlose lose situation07:16
luke-jrasj: Ubuntu won't fail to boot if you run mainline07:17
stuffzare these craigslist n900 for ~$300 possible/legit?07:17
luke-jrTermana: no, I'm arguing if your userland depends on functionality not present in mainline, and won't boot with mainline, then it's not Linux07:17
asjluke-jr: this is the dumbest aregument I've ever heard07:17
luke-jrTermana: in other words, even after the N8x0/N900 hardware is supported 100% by mainline Linux, the Maemo userland will STILL refuse to boot with it07:18
Termanaasj, I think what he is saying is legitimate enough. I'm not going to say weather I agree or not, but he is making a legitimate argument07:18
luke-jrUbuntu might ship a patched derivative of Linux, but if you replace it with a vanilla kernel, it WILL still boot and work07:19
luke-jrI'm glad Nokia is aiming to get N900 hardware supported by Linux. That's all I really care about on their end anyway.07:20
luke-jrhopefully MeeGo will be tolerant of vanilla Linux kernels, solving the easy half07:20
asjTermana: he's arguing that if I change the kernel source to deal with a different boot loader/init routine to deal with some particularities of some hardware, yet leave 99.99% of the code unchanged it's not linux.07:20
luke-jrasj: no, I'm not arguing that at all with regard to MeeGo07:21
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luke-jrasj: I'm arguing if you change the kernel to have a new syscall that you never merge to mainline, and your userland refuses to boot without that syscall supported, your overall OS can't be said to be Linux07:22
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luke-jrbecause if you boot Linux, your OS will refuse to start07:22
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stuffz this look legit?07:23
stuffzunder $300 for a n900...07:23
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luke-jrin your example, if you claimed your bootloader supported Linux, I'd argue with that ;)07:23
luke-jrstuffz: well, now it's taken ;)07:23
asjstuffz: if you want to be screwed by a 2 year contract, why not just buy the device outright?07:23
stuffzis it that much worse07:24
luke-jrhow many people aren't going to have 2 years of service?07:24
stuffzill need service anyway, so it seems reasonable07:24
luke-jrstuffz: the catch is, T-Mobile charges more for subsidized phones07:24
asjstuffz: but what is the service? it's neve mentioned07:24
stuffzhe n900 is subsidized?07:25
luke-jron the other hand, the difference between T-Mobile subsidized Nexus One and standalone Nexus One + T-Mobile no-phone service, makes the subsidized cheaper still07:26
luke-jrstuffz: ... that's the meaning of cheaper-phone-with-contract07:26
asjand if the phone ends up locked you can't change carriers or use to travel to europe07:27
luke-jrasj: they're advertising unlocked07:27
Termanaluke-jr, on an unrelated topic I'd like to hear your argument of OS X not containing BSD (from the other day). To my knowledge, there is the BSD Subsystem and while it can be removed, it is actually required for some pieces of OS functionality.07:29
asj -- not good smart phone plans...07:29
TermanaNot an OS X user, but you said I had been 'tricked into believing BSD code is in OS X'07:30
luke-jrTermana: I think you mean FreeBSD.07:30
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luke-jrIIRC, OS X has some BSD roots, but not via FreeBSD07:30
luke-jrand certainly not direct07:30
luke-jrOS X is based on NeXTStep07:30
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Termanaluke-jr, NeXTStep pulled BSD code from FreeBSD and NetBSD to my knowledge. And collaboration efforts go on between FreeBSD and Apple currently (eg. Grand Central Dispatch)07:31
konfoostuffz: 300 is maybe legit if its off the back of a truck or was a dev phone07:33
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TermanaOn another kind of unrelated note - BSD for n8x0/n900 anyone? :P Seriously though, in comparison to Linux, ARM efforts are seriously lacking on the BSD side07:34
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konfoosounds like a waste of time07:35
Termanakonfoo, BSD for n8x0/n900? Well actually I was joking. But it would be interesting to see it done.07:36
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Dotblank2will garage host projects that may violate DMCA?07:48
slonopotamusuntil someone complains about violation :)07:48
Dotblank2worried my grooveshark client would be suspect07:49
konfoolike my pandora client that rips the tracks? :P07:49
konfoojust host it somewhere else...?07:49
Dotblank2konfoo, yea basically07:49
Dotblank2that may have to get taken down tho07:50
Dotblank2*if they complain07:50
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luke-jrkonfoo: hey, with git it's just a re-push08:01
konfoodotblank: i dont even host my ripper online anymore.. any reason why you're even sharing it with the world?08:01
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konfooluke: ?08:02
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astruasdhplease, what is the difference between easy-debian and easy-chroot? I'm planning to use my own Debian distro; is easy-chroot sufficient for chrooting into the image and use debbie to run image's apps?08:33
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luke-jrso my N810 was literally too hot to hold...08:47
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Feuervogelluke-jr my n900 gets frighteningly hot when it charges08:49
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luke-jrit was charging on my car's dashboard in the sun on a hot day08:50
Feuervogelthat'll do it08:50
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luke-jrhmm, found 3 GB of 5 year old swap files08:51
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* luke-jr wonders if there's anything useful he might have lost in them08:51
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MiXu-Save them. Maybe in the future there's technology that can bring them back to life!08:52
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luke-jrassuming "they" exist08:52
Feuervogeljust like walt disney...08:52
luke-jrdunno, I kinda prefer 3 GB of free space right now08:52
luke-jrthe whole reason I found them at all was because I'm compressing my old system image >_<08:53
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Feuervogelhow much space does the 810 have?08:53
luke-jrthis is on my desktop box08:53
luke-jrbut fwiw, N810's internal SD is 2 GB08:54
luke-jrNAND memory is like 256 MB or so IIRC08:54
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Feuervogelnot too shabby. certainly beats what the 770 had08:56
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piku {(°)}-}--}--- COME TO NECRON! We have a goat! ~  irc.necron.org09:29
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piku {(°)}-}--}--- COME TO NECRON! We have a goat! ~  irc.necron.org09:34
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piku {(°)}-}--}--- COME TO NECRON! We have a goat! ~  irc.necron.org09:35
piku {(°)}-}--}--- COME TO NECRON! We have a goat! ~  irc.necron.org09:35
piku {(°)}-}--}--- COME TO NECRON! We have a goat! ~  irc.necron.org09:35
piku {(°)}-}--}--- COME TO NECRON! We have a goat! ~  irc.necron.org09:35
piku {(°)}-}--}--- COME TO NECRON! We have a goat! ~  irc.necron.org09:35
piku {(°)}-}--}--- COME TO NECRON! We have a goat! ~  irc.necron.org09:35
piku {(°)}-}--}--- COME TO NECRON! We have a goat! ~  irc.necron.org09:35
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timeless_mbpdoes the picture at the top left look like an n900?09:36
konfoono, see the 3 buttons on the right side09:37
fragmentit also says "Dell Streak" :)09:38
konfoo oh snap09:39
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konfooalso: linking to an ipad. sheesh.09:40
pupniksell streak = listening to us old hands at internettablettalk.com09:41
jscinoz_hmm... telepathy-idle and the conversations application do not like 400 people in one room09:41
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konfoopupnik: is there anyone here not an old hand? ;)09:42
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ruskie <-- hmm09:50
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pupnikit is fun how defensive apple users get when you point out the ball and chain on their ankle09:56
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Feuervogel <-- mmm qwerty09:59
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Feuervogelurg. wrong channel. though. i guess it's somewhat applicable here10:00
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Duvelhedzping muelli10:08
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zaheermX-Fade, ping10:45
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pupnikoops, "nice mv foo bar" seems to be very slow10:49
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BCMMcpu-bound mv? wtf?10:53
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jacekowskithat's way how nice schedules things10:55
jacekowskiso cpu probably goes to 0Hz10:56
pupnikperhaps the nice level makes it unresponsive to an event10:56
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pupniki havent benchmarked yet.  waiting hours to move 4gB to SD10:57
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kkb1101Is Maemo still being developed??? I thought it's dead now11:00
Appiahkkb1101: why would it be?11:00
Appiahthere are things that needs to be fixed...11:00
kkb1101because it's not merged11:00
kkb1101oh ok.11:00
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SwedeMikestuff being developed for maemo right now should still be valuable for meego, I'd imagine?11:01
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SwedeMikeso there is little reason to freeze development for maemo11:01
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kkb1101but I guess there is no more big innovative update am I right?11:02
Appiahhow can you be so sure?11:02
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Appiahdid you read some rumor on a blog or something11:02
kkb1101because devices from now on will have meego instead of maemo.. I think11:02
Appiahor do you have a nokia annoucment saying so?11:02
kkb1101that is just my thought but.. isn't it right?11:03
Appiahwhat's right?11:04
jacekowskithere was announcment11:04
Appiahsaying that maemo would be freezed?11:04
kkb1101I haven't read that11:04
jacekowskithere will be no new devices with maemo11:04
jacekowskiand n900 will not have meego11:04
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Appiahbut that does not say that the development for maemo will be frozen..11:05
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jacekowskibut it means nobody will care what happens to maemo11:06
kkb1101I'm surprised that n900 can't be upgraded to meego.11:06
Feuervogelmeego on arm is still kinda in its infancy though isn't it?11:06
Appiahyou can install whatever you want on n90011:06
Macerthere is an announcement?11:06
* Appiah sees no link11:06
Feuervogel <--11:08
kkb1101Appiah: I'm not sure which one is true
Appiahkkb1101: just beacuse you cant "upgrade" does not mean you can install meego or whatever you want on your n90011:08
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Macerthat is sad11:09
meceMacer, what is sad?11:09
Macerthe lack of plans for meego on n90011:09
libbenim trying to update my n900. it says i dont have memory for it.. how do i clean up so i can install the 113 mb update?11:09
Surfaplan is that there won't be such?11:10
Appiahnokias plans?11:10
Surfavery strict plan imo11:10
Appiahwe still have the community..11:10
mecelibben, it's the rootfs that it complains about.11:10
Appiah libben11:10
TomaszDX-Fade, ping11:10
Macerlike the n900 will get the non official scraps11:10
mecelibben, disable extras, extras-testing and extras-devel and try again11:10
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Surfalibben, on rootfs you have too little space, check web instrcutions11:10
Macerif nokia does that i swear i will never buy another nokia ever11:10
infobotsomebody said rootfs was mount ro, but all the nessary files that need to be writen to are created in a ramdisk that is rw11:10
* Appiah throws rocks on infobot 11:10
SurfaMacer, may i ask reason for that?11:11
Macerthis will be my last one they are pulling a sega11:11
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till-well nokia didn't release maemo5 for my n800 as well11:11
MacerSurfa: because they are rolling with intel crap and leaving faithful consumers in the dust11:11
Macerditching the n900 :)11:11
Maceri could understand if it was old hardware11:12
Appiahnokia wants to make more products and make more money , THOSE BASTARDS11:12
Macerbut to ditch it while it is rolling11:12
Appiahwho could have thought?11:12
MacerAppiah: uhm11:12
* Appiah ducks11:12
libbenarent n900 getting hacked meegos from the community in a later stage?11:12
Macerat the expense of people who bought their product.11:13
Appiahlibben: it is atm11:13
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Macerlike i said they pulled a sega11:13
libbena bit more stable hacked release i mean =)11:13
Macersymbian is crap11:13
Appiahpeople been putting ubuntu and other dists on their n90011:13
Appiahwhy wouldnt they try meego?11:13
jacekowskiall in chroot11:14
Maceri will wait for meefail11:14
Macerwhich will suck :) and watch nokia switch to android in 2 years11:14
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Macerany takers on starting a pool for the day this will happen?11:15
Surfaactually n900 is pretty old hw :P11:15
libbenit performs well thougj11:15
Surfaand it has nothing to do with intel, your reasoning has huge holes11:15
libbenso it doesnt matter11:16
MacerSurfa: if you say so11:16
Macer2 years11:16
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Macerandroid for nokia after releasing crappy phone OSes11:16
Surfa2 years in mobile devices is very long time still11:16
Macerand abandoning their consumers for the next possible thing11:17
Trewasgetting the open source parts of meego to n900 won't necessarily be that great if nokia's n9x0 will have large part of the user visible stuff as closed source, like in n90011:17
MacerTrewas: it will be like mer11:17
Macerstuck because of psuedo-open hw11:17
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Macerah well.. time to look for a new phone and sell this thing while i have the chance11:18
SurfaMacer, well, maemo5 will run through normal lifecycle, so abandoning is false statement also11:18
MacerSurfa: a shortened life cycle11:18
Surfashortened from what to what?11:18
Surfaor is that just personal opinion?11:19
psycho_oreosandroid isn't a true linux, period11:19
libbeni love my n90011:19
MacerSurfa: time will tell... nokia is jumping on the bandwagon and dont have the os to do it11:19
libbennext phone will be similar and with meego hopefully11:19
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Macertrying to play catch up to the iphone market so throwing whatever they can out there hoping it catches on11:20
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SurfaMacer, ok, so you have just hard feelings, try think facts through too :)11:20
Macerthis strategy will make nokia the next palm11:20
psycho_oreosheard of: saturated advertisement?11:20
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Macerpsycho_oreos: iphone is not such a good seller simply from marketing11:21
Surfayour n900 won't stop working as has been said to people like million times, it will have meego as community release, it will have maemo5 roadmapped releases11:21
Macersay what you want but at the time it really was innovating11:21
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Macerand whatevwer anybody says.. the rest of the market is simply playing catch up11:22
Macerand i dont like apple :)11:22
petteriI love my n900 and can't wait for the next nokia device11:22
psycho_oreosMacer, afaik it was, and they made it so all the people crave for it like mcdonalds. Plus iphone wasn't the only phone that featured touchscreen11:22
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SurfaMacer, i just say thing the way they are11:23
Surfayou are just having too much feelings right now,drop them and check the picture again11:23
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Macerpsycho_oreos: sure sure. the typical anti iphone argument11:23
Macer"the commercials made the world do it"11:24
Macernot the fact it was the most intuitive interface for a touchscreen at the time not requiring a stylus11:24
Surfai personally prefer stylus over finger touch11:25
Surfai kind of hate finger touching in general11:25
psycho_oreosstylus on n900 wasn't a mandatory feature, it was only for those with who wants to do some artwork or to finely select certain words, actions11:25
Macerpsycho_oreos: or click on links without zooming in?11:25
psycho_oreosMacer, there's pinky finger for that unless you have dick fingers :)11:26
Maceranyways. 2 years... nokia will be late yet again in jumping on the android bandwagon11:26
Macerafter meefail11:26
Macernite :) sleep time11:26
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psycho_oreosandroid again, isn't a true linux OS11:27
Macerdidnt say it was11:27
psycho_oreoserr true linux based distro/platform11:27
psycho_oreosI'm sure people who bought maemo knew to some extent maemo was no conventional phone :P11:27
Macerjust saying what will be left after abandonments and failure11:27
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MacerHI RST38bis ! :)11:28
psycho_oreosmore like a curse than a prediction11:28
Macerpsycho_oreos: we will see ;)11:28
RST38bismoo, Macer11:28
Maceryou can say you told me so11:29
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zaheermTrewas, there is a community effort to get harmattan inluding nokia binaries etc onto n900 that Stskeeps is leading11:29
psycho_oreosMacer, no if that happens I'll be happy to own a properly linux powered phone, I've lost many chances in the past and I'm sure I won't lose that many more in the future. meego will be very interesting11:29
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fralsnice feature in outlook.. "would you like to send a read receipt: yes/no", i press no.. read receipt still gets sent11:30
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StskeepsTomaszD: no, at stilo11:31
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mecefrals, lol11:32
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TomaszDStskeeps, what?11:48
StskeepsTomaszD: not at home, in the middle of nowhered11:49
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TomaszDumm, k11:53
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Appiahsez peppa bay plz11:56
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X-Fadezaheerm: ping?12:14
zaheermX-Fade, we're having a problem with a package in the autobuilder12:15
zaheermX-Fade, builds fine in scratchbox on multiple machines in armel root12:16
X-Fadezaheerm: Yes, usually this happens when your control or rules file is broken.12:16
zaheermX-Fade, summary.log shows it is after dpkg-checkbuilddeps that it stops12:16
X-Fadezaheerm: binary-predeb/gstreamer0.10-plugins-musepack::12:16
X-Fadezaheerm: Is that valid?12:16
X-Fadezaheerm: Double colon?12:17
zaheermX-Fade, aah no idea that could be it12:17
X-Fadezaheerm: Hmm no, that seems to be in more places.12:17
zaheermyah i have the same in -vp8 and that worked12:18
X-Fadezaheerm: In control you have duplicate fields btw.12:18
twoutersbarisione: I just installed contacts-merger (but didn't enable extras-devel for it, I downloaded the .deb and installed that one) but now I get an internal application error when I want to find duplicates12:19
barisionetwouters: another person told me the same12:20
barisionetwouters: and he is debugging it atm12:20
pillar_twouters: did you reboot?12:20
barisionetwouters: where the other person is zaheerm :)12:20
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twouterspillar_: yes12:20
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zaheermX-Fade, thx looking at that12:20
twoutersbarisione: thanks12:21
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pupnik   Nokia N8 knockoff $139  said :)12:22
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TomaszDX-Fade, I have a security-related question. Is it true that anyone with devel access can build anyone's package in the autobuilder?12:23
X-FadeTomaszD: Yes.12:24
TomaszDso the maintainer requests are... for what?12:24
pupniktwo 900mah batteries?  would be awesome to hotswap batteries without reboot12:25
TomaszDwhich btw still don't work12:25
X-FadePromotion etc.12:25
zaheermso you can promote the packages12:25
pupnikhey nokia, next innovation12:25
TomaszDso extras-devel is a wild west of sorts12:25
pupnikbattery swap without reboot12:25
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X-FadeTomaszD: I'm debugging the request issue. As it works for most packages, but bugs for the vp8 one.12:25
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TomaszDit bugs for mkv, vp8 and flv too as zaheerm didn't get any mail12:26
TomaszDnot that we need this now really, as decoders-support will pull those packages automatically anyway12:26
X-Fadeyeah, something in those packages triggers something.12:26
TomaszDbut we need this last gstreamer package to build damn it :)12:27
X-FadeAnd I didn't see this issue before on any other package.12:27
TomaszDok :)12:27
X-FadeMaybe it is scared of zaheer.12:27
TomaszDit's also scared of me apparently12:27
X-FadeAnd it doesn't want to bother him.12:27
X-FadeTomaszD: As you might have noticed, I could request maintainer for your package without problems.12:28
TomaszDyeah, noticed12:28
TomaszDso that was you heh12:28
X-FadeBut not for zaheer's.12:28
zaheermX-Fade, you're a star12:30
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zaheermX-Fade, it got past that stage now in autobuilder removing the dup fields12:30
X-Fadezaheerm: Cool. Yeah, silent failure is not great.12:30
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X-Fadezaheerm: Btw debian/optify -> auto might help ;)12:31
zaheermok noted :)12:31
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X-FadeWill save users some space on rootfs.12:32
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zaheermits TomaszD's package that i'm helping fix :)12:32
X-FadeAh so we need to blame and shame TomaszD then :)12:32
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TomaszDoh boy12:34
zlimvosheya all, has anyone tried to copy paste into xterm when logging with vnc to the n900?12:34
TomaszDfirst of all, I don't think it's a good idea to put gstreamer plugins on slower memory12:35
TomaszDso it's intentionally non-optified12:35
X-FadeIt is only initial startup cost. Won't hurt performance on runtime.12:35
X-FadeIt is not like these libs are being loaded 1000 times a second ;)12:36
TomaszDsometimes I'm not so sure about this :P12:36
TomaszDanyway, yeah, I think we can optify things later, these .so files are very small anyway12:37
TomaszDonce we merge with ogg-support it'll be on my radar12:37
SpeedEvilTomaszD: It's not slower.12:38
moo---_hey all12:38
moo---_are there offline blogging apps for n900?12:38
SpeedEvilTomaszD: Both / and the mmc go at about 13Mbytes/s read12:38
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barisionetwouters: I found where zaheerm's problem is and I will fix it12:40
barisionehopefully it will fix also your crasher12:40
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X-Fademoo---_: MaStory12:40
moo---_looks good12:41
moo---_need to test drive it tonight12:41
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corecodehow's the host mode going?12:41
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Appiahthink there's a thread for that12:42
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phellarvHmmm - I just got an idea - I've got USB-port on my Car-Stereo - Wonder if it can be used as an car-charger...12:43
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jacekowskithat's for n8x012:43
jacekowskicorecode: well, apparently it's working12:43
jacekowskiphellarv: it can12:44
Appiah"Note: The N900 does not support USB Host-mode/OTG. See discussion for details., as well as On usb on the n900"12:44
jacekowskicorecode: mohammadAG managed to get it working12:44
jacekowskicorecode: now it's about making it into nice package12:44
jacekowskibut hardest part is done12:45
Dima202Anyone here have n900 and ssh tunneling working?12:46
Appiahdefine ssh tunnel Dima20212:46
Dima202I want to vnc to desktop via ssh tunnel12:46
IkarusUSB Host mode is not quite working12:46
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jacekowskiIkarus: it's working12:47
Ikarusit still requires crashing the OTG statemachine which is not that great12:47
AppiahDima202: and the problem is.?12:47
jacekowskicorecode: and n900 can push 200mA12:47
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Dima202sorry about caps12:47
phellarvDima202: ssh-keygen is your friend12:47
Dima202I get that error while trying to use id_dsa.pub12:47
corecodejacekowski: sweet12:47
Appiahneed to fix your keys Dima202 ..12:48
Ikarusjacekowski: I don't call it working until it is doable without the OTG abuse, given that that procedure just isn't great12:48
Dima202I tried no keyphrase but then it asks me for a password12:48
phellarvDima202: ssh -vvv12:49
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Dima202when i do use a keyphrase it asks me for it and when it's wrong it repeatedly asks me if i enter correct it just saysPermmission denied (public key)12:49
Dima202phellarv: yeah that's where I am getting the info from12:49
jacekowskiIkarus: otg is incompatible with normall host mode so it will never work according to your definition12:49
phellarvPermissions on .ssh?12:49
phellarvDima202: ~/.ssh I mean12:50
phellarvand on the files?12:50
Dima202user read/write12:51
SwedeMikeI'd like to be able to use a serial port connected to my N900, but I guess it's out of the question. Thought about bluetooth equivalent, but never checked it out further.12:52
IkarusSwedeMike: actually UART 3 is exposed in the battery bay12:53
Ikaruswe just don't know on which pins :)12:53
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SwedeMikeIkarus: well, I'd like to have it user friendly, not hackable :P12:53
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Ikarusbluetooth serial devices work fine though12:54
Ikarusbit expensive12:54
alteregohrm, Python startup times still an issue then :/12:54
phellarvDima202: 700 on .ssh, and 644 on id_dsa.pub12:54
phellarvDima202: Btw - are you sure the ssh-server allows DSA?12:54
jacekowskin900's ssh server allows dsa12:55
IkarusSwedeMike: or the like (there are cheaper ones and battery powered ones, etc)12:55
satmd0600 on the files within .ssh/12:55
Dima202I'm using freeSSHd for windows, it should12:55
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satmdalso make sure owner and group are correct12:56
satmdsshd is strict about that12:56
kwtmHi.  Just got my n900, trying to get used to it.  Ok to ask for tips here for beginner, or go elsewhere?  (No one is awake at #n900.)12:56
SwedeMikeIkarus: what software would be used to talk to it?12:57
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SwedeMikewow, 80 USD... not cheap at all :P12:57
IkarusSwedeMike: hey, it was the first shop I remembered having them12:58
Ikarusfar from the cheapest12:58
IkarusSwedeMike: you can just use minicom or the like12:58
SpeedEvilSwedeMike: what are you wanting it for?12:58
SpeedEvilSwedeMike: USB host mode is a work in progress.12:58
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SwedeMikeSpeedEvil: I want to be able to talk terminal 9600 8N1 with devices sometimes.12:58
SpeedEvilSwedeMike: Wait a couple of weeks, and you might have the ability to just use USB serial12:58
SwedeMikeSpeedEvil: nice.12:59
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SpeedEvilAll you need is the stock cable, and a gender bender.12:59
SwedeMikesounds good, I already have a usb serial thingie for my pc13:00
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jacekowskiSpeedEvil: where you can get gender bender?13:00
Ikarusotoh, the bluetooth adapters are nice for NOT having to stand behind hot equipment racks13:00
SpeedEviljacekowski: thailand.13:00
jacekowskiSpeedEvil: because i bought 2 cables and i was thinking about soldering them myself13:00
Dima202phellarv: i tried 644 on id_dsa but it gives me a warning that it's too insecure so it won't even touch it13:00
SwedeMikeI am actually in Thailand right now :P13:00
phellarvDima202: Oh13:01
* SpeedEvil is not questioning SwedeMikes gender.13:01
SwedeMikeSpeedEvil: there are enough ladyboys here already :P13:02
Dima202phellarv: not on .pub.. n900 wont even use .pub for authentication.. that's for the public key for the ssh server13:02
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Dima202I get the following PEM_read_PrivateKey failed and read PEM private key done: type <unknown> then it asks me for my /.ssh/id_rsa passphrase13:04
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Dima202i'll just pastebin the whole thing13:05
Dima202maybe someone can read it better the i13:05
jacekowskiSpeedEvil: that's HK not uk13:07
jacekowskibesides, i'm just looking at that host mode post13:07
SpeedEviljacekowski: Err - so?13:07
jacekowski[2010-06-02 18:33:04] <MohammadAG> echo e > /proc/driver/musb_hdrc13:07
jacekowskiSpeedEvil: takes like a month to deliver13:08
jacekowskiand i don't see 'e' in musb_proc_write13:08
SpeedEviljacekowski: Or you can pay the seller an extra $20, and get it in a week13:08
jacekowskiwell, that's more than i'm willing to pay13:08
SpeedEviljacekowski: however - I'm sure there are others available - that was simply the first one I found when searching for f-f13:08
jacekowskii'll solder my own cable13:09
Dima202well.. it just crashed13:09
jacekowskii already have cables13:09
Dima202and not its working13:09
Dima202now* it IS working?13:09
SpeedEviljacekowski: yeah - I meant for normal users.13:09
SpeedEviljacekowski: you're not normal.13:09
Dima202sorry to waste your time13:10
Dima202must be a windows thing13:10
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SpeedEvilDima202: If nobody could waste anyone elses time, where would IRC be?13:11
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sECuREhm, what is the recommended way to store settings when using qt to develop applications? still gconf? is there a wrapper?13:13
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frals qsettings i think?13:16
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sECuREfrals: alright, thanks13:18
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alteregosECuRE: I just used .ini files :D13:20
alteregoanyhow, shower time.13:21
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lardmandmj726_devel: ping13:25
lardmandmj726_devel: re autoconf and finding gst-camerabin, the only thing I can suggest is to take a look at the mbarcode Makefile, etc.13:26
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ShapeshifterMh, is there some way of initiating an update of the RSS widget from the CLI?13:41
HtheBsup all13:43
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hmiltn5apt-get update && apt-get install rss widget ?13:51
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noobmonk3ymovement in the OVI store13:59
noobmonk3yits like nokia is releasing it's bowels into the store.... Maemo alarm, converter, calculator and freecell14:00
noobmonk3yooo and it no longer says beta... shocker14:00
phellarvWow - Beta is off - Now we probs have to pay for shit.14:01
X-FadeStill shows beta for me?14:01
noobmonk3yX-Fade:  you are not special enough :P - on a pc or the n900?14:01
noobmonk3yon a pc - it aint there for me14:01
X-Fadenoobmonk3y: On device.14:01
* noobmonk3y checks on the device14:02
HtheBlet me check14:02
noobmonk3yyup still beta14:02
X-FadeWeird ;)14:02
w00t_HtheB: yes?14:02
noobmonk3yhehe :) - oh well, as i said, nothing to shout about yet14:02
psycho_oreosgotta install new ovi store14:02
noobmonk3ygood to see new content though14:02
noobmonk3ybe it rubbish or not14:02
pigeonoh, there are some new stuff on ovi store14:02
phellarvThe templates haven't propagated down to the mobile site?14:02
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X-Fadenoobmonk3y: Also don't see new content on device?14:02
* noobmonk3y checks updates14:02
noobmonk3yX-Fade: nope neither do i14:03
X-Fadelame ;)14:03
noobmonk3yX-Fade: i think you just described Ovi in one word.... :)14:03
phellarvX-Fade: Sneak Preview - Not for daily use on your phone.14:03
HtheBi said w00t because of ovi store14:03
* frals thinks noobmonk3y forgot to pick "N900" as phone14:03
w00t_I see14:03
HtheBnot to poke you14:03
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noobmonk3yw00t_: ..... Are you related to the ovi store? long long hallf-brother twice removed?14:03
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* noobmonk3y picks frals nose14:05
* frals trouts noobmonk3y14:05
noobmonk3yfrals: - Your mobile: Nokia N900 (Change)14:05
fralsstill havent fixed that gps bug i take it? *prepares for down vote*14:05
noobmonk3yfrals:  lols - :) - was waiting for buggy reporty14:05
fralsi reported it to you didnt i? ;)14:06
noobmonk3yi still need to downote fmms... as i cannay be assed to remember what settings i need to enter lols14:06
noobmonk3yfrals: who what where? meh14:06
X-FadeGAN900: Ping, wake up you slacker ;)14:06
* noobmonk3y has a memory the size of a goldfish... with a shorter time span14:06
fralsnoobmonk3y what oprator are you on again?14:06
noobmonk3yvoda uk14:06
Sceltfrals: - I'm a bit worried about those last three entries14:07
fralsScelt: heh, they are a tad long ye... wonder how that looks on device14:07
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Sceltfrals: yeah :P14:07
fralsnote to self; dont try to do anything on device while launching ham :(14:08
noobmonk3ybtw frals almost finished pirate UK translation14:08
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* noobmonk3y slaps MohammadAG with w00t_ 14:08
fralswhat lang code is that? en_PR? ;D14:08
phellarvfrals: en_YARR14:09
X-Fadefrals: No, pr_US or pr_GB :)14:09
w00t_the US only has modern-day geeky pirates14:09
w00t_"i be copyin' yer DVD'14:10
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DocScrutinizerX-Fade: lo, 36min for accepting a garage project. Dude, that's record I guess14:12
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fralsnoobmonk3y: does the phone actually detect your internet settings correctly with voda sim?14:12
noobmonk3ydoesnt detect anything :(14:12
noobmonk3yall blank fields14:12
X-FadeDocScrutinizer: Nah, multiple people are watching that. tekojo is fast :)14:13
* MohammadAG slaps scratchbox with a noobmonk3y 14:13
* noobmonk3y giggles14:13
MohammadAGthe freaking thing keeps resetting14:13
MohammadAGI need to reinstall it at each reboot :S14:13
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fralsnoobmonk3y: i mean regular gprs connection stuffs, not fmms14:13
noobmonk3yoh yeah net etc all workies fine14:13
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sezuanShould it be possible to establish a video call between the n900 and a desktop empathy?14:14
X-FadeDocScrutinizer: Although the bme one was me.14:14
DocScrutinizeryeah, that's the 36min one14:14
fralsnoobmonk3y: hmpf, whats the access point name for your internet stuffs in settings > internet conenctions > vodafone internet?14:15
noobmonk3yVodafone Internet GPRS14:15
DocScrutinizernoobmonk3y: I guess that's the connection's symbolic name14:16
* noobmonk3y blinks14:16
fralsnoobmonk3y: if you edit it, you can see a field called 'access point name'14:16
MohammadAGnoobmonk3y, lesson of the day, dmesg resets at each reboot :P14:16
noobmonk3yacces point name = internet14:16
* noobmonk3y thanks DocScrutinizer for being as clear as mud, but pointing me in the right direction14:16
MohammadAGwoke up today and the N900's clock was frozen, so I was kinda 3 hours late14:17
noobmonk3ylol Mo14:17
MohammadAGfeedservice2 is causing it to hang (facebook/twitter/ap news widgets all use it)14:18
noobmonk3yMohammadAG: The N900 is not your life... life can go on without it..... (BLASPHEMY screamed from the hilltops!)14:18
SpeedEvilFile a bug!14:18
X-FadeMohammadAG: Hmm I thought it used hardware events for that?14:18
SpeedEvilIt's fun!\14:18
SpeedEvilAnd you get valuable cash rewards!14:18
SpeedEvil(the last may be a lie)14:18
fralseletrtric beams games from ovi store is pretty funny14:18
MohammadAGerr, no ^14:18
noobmonk3yfrals: when it works, sometimes stuff needs to be positioned right outside the screen by about 1mm lol14:19
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: the world was 3h too early ;-D14:19
X-Fadefrals: rip off of old game. But yeah.14:19
MohammadAGX-Fade, it does, but when I looked at the clock I said I could sleep another 3 hours or so14:19
X-FadeMohammadAG: Ah yeah, it needs to redraw on wakeup.14:19
X-FadeMohammadAG: And if it is swapping heavily it shows the old value for a long time.14:19
MohammadAGX-Fade, which it didn't, after 5 minutes of waiting for xterm to open CPU load was 10+14:19
MohammadAGand memory was 1MB14:20
MohammadAG(free memory ^)14:20
X-FadeYeah, I see the swapping unresponsiveness too.14:20
X-FadeEverything seems to block then.14:20
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DocScrutinizerman ulimits14:20
MohammadAGI wanted to turn swap off, but I thought the results wouldn't be all that great14:21
tekojoDocScrutinizer: you wouldn't believe how fast some people request upload rights after they get a garage project :)14:21
MohammadAGeven mce couldn't detect a power button hold, I had to take out the battery14:21
LynoureI would.14:21
MohammadAGalthough halt in terminal would've been equally fun14:21
DocScrutinizertekojo: is that a friendly hint & pushing, or what?14:22
tekojono, just that you were wondering about garage project acceptance speed :)14:22
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, *defines engadget*
DocScrutinizeraah, yes14:22
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: seen that. blah14:23
MohammadAGNokia N900 gets USB host driver from a dude with a mugwarmer14:23
MohammadAG^ interesting title eh14:23
X-FadeDocScrutinizer: That guy just wants to show off he has a scope ;)14:23
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: n900 gets usb host from two guys with a javelin and a M-134 ;-P14:23
PolarFox"I made N900 an USB Host, and all I got was this lousy T-Shirt"14:24
phellarvI have a scope up in the attic somewhere - I do however not flaunt it.14:24
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, I switched to Stingers :P14:24
* noobmonk3y has gone for lunch14:25
* MohammadAG eats noobmonk3y's lunch before he even reaches it14:25
* DocScrutinizer wonders how to answer that...14:25
frals"N900 gets USB Host, doesnt need an oscilloscope to do it"14:25
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* frals trouts noobmonk3y, have a nice meal!14:25
* noobmonk3y is going to go sit on the beach and watch trout go by........14:26
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MohammadAGwell that killed the conversation14:28
* MohammadAG pokes DocScrutinizer, waiting for an answer14:28
* noobmonk3y throws a trout at MohammadAG 14:28
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MohammadAGI thought you were supposed to be out14:28
phellarvMohammadAG: You don't have to go away from the PC to order a Pizza?14:29
Lynourenoobmonk3y: I'm already sitting by the beach, I love the view here. :)14:29
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rangeHas the twitter widget been pulled from ovi store?14:29
MohammadAGUnfortunately, your country is not currently supported. <-- racists!14:29
MohammadAGphellarv, he isn't the pizza kind14:29
* RST38h laughs diabolically14:30
phellarvMohammadAG: Did you pay the license fee?14:30
MohammadAGrange, yes, for a good reason14:30
MohammadAGsee above14:30
RST38hGo for a proxy!14:30
MohammadAG(A instead of an E was intentional)14:30
rangeMohammadAG: Ah.14:30
rangeScrolled back but didn't see that.14:31
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: digging my arms chamber... "there's been that backpack, with the dial from 5kT..25kT! Darn... where it's gone..."14:31
MohammadAGI think I have it though14:31
GregoryRasputinHi MohammadAG :)14:31
MohammadAGif you want it non the less14:31
rangeMohammadAG: Ummm. No, I think I reactivate the mauku one, then :)14:31
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* phellarv wants to exchange the desktop with screen session, with irssi and mutt in - Plus some scripts for convenience.14:33
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phellarvFull-blown CLI phone - that would be awesome14:33
MohammadAGdsmetool -k hildon-desktop14:34
mgedmin$ dial 1-555-1234566 && speak "Hello, there"14:36
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: aah...
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phellarvmgedmin: Awesome - I could script my conversations with my wife. "Blah Blah Blah" - "Yes, dear"14:38
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SpeedEvilphellarv: You need a soundboard14:49
SpeedEvilphellarv: A screen with a dozen bubbles that you press to generate a prerecorded clip14:49
SpeedEvilSo - you tap 'Hello' - and it says 'Hello'.14:49
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SpeedEvilYou slide your finger up from hello a bit, and release - and it says it in a slightly higher tone.14:50
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SpeedEvilTo the right - and slightly faster14:50
phellarvAha - Jean Michel Jarre style phonecall.14:50
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DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: found it! ADM H-912 here a picture (taken in my backyard):
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phellarvDocScrutinizer: The non-cropped version of that picture contained your T-90?14:53
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MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, err, you keep that in your backyard?14:55
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DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: nah, just took it out of the arms chamber to shoot the pic.14:57
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DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: If I leave it in the yard, neighbour children play with it. I don't like that :-P14:58
DocScrutinizerbtw it's actually called Mk-5414:59
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plastunhello! Does anybody know, how to fix G_IS_OBJECT warnings when using FileChooserDIalog?15:01
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GAN900X-Fade, what?15:02
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DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: darn, forgot to stash it away. 30 minutes in my backyard, with the neighbour kids around:
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lardmanmmmm, bacon15:11
* lardman comments on lunch15:11
pupnikwhere did you get screen for n810?15:11
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: what's that - a stupidly high power dummy load?15:12
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, hm channel15:12
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, I also expected something like this
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DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: Mk-54 10T..1kT TNT equiv. adjustable. Designed for one man operation, to be carried as a backpack15:15
SpeedEvilI only had the larger one.15:15
SpeedEvilSo I diddn't recognise.15:15
DocScrutinizerI culdn't find the stash space ib my chamber to get one of those15:16
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Shapeshifterweapons are for kids15:17
Shapeshiftergrown-ups playing with weapons, that's just silly.15:18
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* MohammadAG drops a nuke on Shapeshifter 15:19
ShapeshifterMohammadAG: here, have a penny, kid.15:19
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* MohammadAG buys an AC-13015:19
MohammadAGThanks Shapeshifter, I was a penny short from its full price15:20
* MohammadAG shoots Shapeshifter from above15:20
ShapeshifterMohammadAG: eat your vegetables.15:20
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Shapeshifterno shooting during lunch.15:20
MohammadAGShapeshifter, what difference would it make15:21
ShapeshifterMohammadAG: vegetables are good for you15:21
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DocScrutinizerwell, I was able to get rid of some 250kG of old TNT which eaten up quite some space in my chamber, and traded it in for this nice Mk-54, during FEATHER test of operation nougat15:23
BCMMis a G eight grams?15:24
DocScrutinizersorry, Kg of course15:25
noobmonk3ylol Lynoure sorry had already gone15:27
noobmonk3ywas a lovely lunch :)15:27
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BCMM(sorry, i've just been raging against wget's use of an uppercase K, as in "20.1K/s")15:28
viszkelvins per second?15:28
BCMMsince it doesn't specify b or B, and uses and uppercase K, i presume it's tracking Kelvin per Second15:29
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DocScrutinizerwell, SI is upper case for units >1, and lower case for units <115:30
BCMMgah, flaky, flaky connection15:30
BCMMDocScrutinizer: except for k...15:30
DocScrutinizerso K,M, G, T, but m, u, p15:30
BCMM(well, and da and h)15:30
DocScrutinizerthat's not SI I suppose15:31
BCMMi think they may be recognised bit deprecated or something15:31
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BCMMseriously though, anyone know if wget is measuring things in bits or bytes?15:32
BCMM(or kelvin)15:32
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MohammadAGbytes most probably15:32
DocScrutinizerWTF, actually k instead of K :-S15:32
BCMMactually, kelvins are probably the reason for that15:33
BCMMnot that that makes any great deal of sense, since mm is allowed15:33
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DocScrutinizerk, I stand corrected. Thanks BCMM for pointing me at it15:34
jacekowskii was building my gender bender15:34
jacekowskiand was about to solder screen together15:34
BCMMyou could also theoretically have TT15:34
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jacekowskiand i realised it's made out of alluminium15:34
jacekowskinot copper15:34
BCMMbut you'd probably need some stars or something15:34
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MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, got 5-10 minutes or so?15:35
DocScrutinizerjacekowski: dunno the english term. Use a Aderendhuelse or Hohlniet15:35
DocScrutinizerjacekowski: ...or a proper solder free connector for crimp mounting15:36
alteregodagnamit :/15:36
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jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: well, i already soldered data cables and put heatshrink on it15:37
t3rm1n4lis it possible to do video streaming on maemo sdk ?15:37
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: so i would have to desolder it and do it again15:37
alteregoAnyone know if it's possible to get the .desktop file associated with an osso plugin for the control panel app?15:37
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DocScrutinizerjacekowski: pragmatic solution: use a short piece of stranded wire, and wind it with the shielding15:38
DocScrutinizerthen tighten the whole mesh with some plastic clip or steel wire15:39
jacekowskiit won't give me mechanical strenght15:40
SpeedEvilI cheat.15:40
SpeedEvilYou get mechanical strenght by placing the wires parallel, and binding tightly with string or tape.15:41
SpeedEvilIt's not as neat - but works fine.15:41
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alteregoOkay, I'm going to have to put my thinking cap on, I really hope this is actually possible :(15:46
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psycho_oreosany of you guys tried to repack installed files back into deb? I painfully downloaded some nice tools from OVI store which took me awhile, I don't intend to go back to OVI store and follow the same process after upgrading to PR1.215:49
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alteregoDownlaoding from Ovi store is a pain?15:49
alteregoDo you use dial up with your N900? :P15:49
E0xwhat ?15:50
E0xdialup ?15:50
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E0xpsycho_oreos: hmm ovi store don't use .deb files ?15:50
E0xif they use it you can find the cache in your /var/cache/apt15:50
psycho_oreosno, I meant in a way that when you install the packages, you had to wait for a brief moment for each applications to be installed.. and several minutes after that usually15:51
E0xerr /var/cache/apt/archives15:51
phellarvE0x: hidden15:51
fralsquite sure you shouldnt be doing that for ovi content as it should be some kind of contentprotection on it, afaiu15:51
crashanddiealterego: yup, dialup using a RJ11 to I2C converter15:51
E0xi just was thinking in a debian way...15:51
psycho_oreosE0x, they're deb packages, and they are listed as user/hidden15:51
alteregocrashanddie: :D15:51
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psycho_oreosalas I have tried looking there as well, no luck15:51
crashanddieI now have internet in every hotel I go to.15:51
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alteregocrashanddie: I've got a carrier pidgeon that I bribe with the false hope I'll buy it an N900 to send/recv my packets :)15:52
jacekowskimy geneder bender is finished15:53
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alteregojacekowski: anything special about it? I bought a nice one from Maplin for my N8x0's :)15:55
jacekowskialterego: are you serious?15:57
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alteregojacekowski: erm, yeah...15:57
jacekowskialterego: how much you paid?15:57
alteregoAbout 4 quid15:57
jacekowskii paid 5 quid for my cables15:57
jacekowski+time + heatshrinks15:58
alteregoWhat about the solder? :D15:58
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alteregojacekowski: did you not ever use one with an N800 or N810?15:59
Dima202Does video work with knots2 through ssh tunnel?15:59
alteregoActually, they're ~8 quid it seems ...15:59
jacekowskii never had n9x015:59
Dima202jacekowski: that was fast15:59
jacekowskiit was for alterego not for you15:59
alteregoDima202: he was talking to me,15:59
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Dima202lol ;)15:59
alteregoThey're nice and neat,15:59
alteregoThe gender benders16:00
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alteregojacekowski: just like this one .. For 1.48 GBP
Dima202Does it make any sense to run knots 2 through ssh tunnel?16:01
alteregoDima202: I don't know, how paranoid are you? :D16:01
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Dima2021-10 i'd say a 516:01
alteregoDima202: also, I don't see any reason why it wouldn't work.16:01
alteregoBut I also see little benifit in actually doing, just extra overhead.16:02
jacekowskiDima202: but ssh is encrypted16:02
jacekowskiDima202: and you will get a lot of overhead because of that16:02
SpeedEvilnot much16:02
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SpeedEvilssh will go at ~2M/s here over wifi16:02
alteregoSpeedEvil: sure, still pointless :P16:03
Dima202yeah and for some reason video doesn't work through tunneling .. I'm not too worried though16:03
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SpeedEvilOr 30% CPU for 1.5M/s16:05
alteregoThis is mildly annoying.16:05
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alteregoOh, it was a typo, silly me.16:05
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GAN900X-Fade, repong?16:07
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dnearyX-Fade, Ping?16:13
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noobmonk3yX-Fade: is busy eating bannanas.... its a favourite past time of his ;) lol16:20
fralssays mr monkeyboy!16:21
MohammadAGguess who was banned, yay!16:21
fralsthey finally banned you? bout time!16:21
noobmonk3ylol frals16:21
noobmonk3yMohammadAG: banned from life?16:22
MohammadAG/kickban frals16:22
noobmonk3ythat bugged me that did :(16:23
noobmonk3yhad a long chat with him over msg last night16:23
noobmonk3yand he finally calmed down, backed off then got kicked16:23
Dima202What is a decent cpu for knots2? My current core2duo t7600 is getting pounded16:23
fralsawesome, off-topic threads no longer showing in "active topics"!16:23
noobmonk3yeveryone has the odd rant, he did over step the line, just he finally saw the light and calmed down :(16:23
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Dima202Wish they would release the gpu decoding for knots2 soon16:24
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pupnikdefine pounded Dima20216:24
Dima202100% cpu usage16:24
Dima202And video isn't that great sometimes freezes or audio goes out of sync16:25
pupniktranscoding what source? res? codec?16:25
MohammadAGnoobmonk3y, he was banned before16:25
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SwedeMikeDima202: core i5 66116:25
MohammadAG<frals> awesome, off-topic threads no longer showing in "active topics"!16:25
MohammadAGI wanted to thank Reggie but... no thanks button16:25
alteregofrals: I'm working on something a bit nicer, but that by itself is nice and flexible.16:25
MohammadAGnoobmonk3y, yes, he was banned for two days I think16:25
pupnikSwedeMike is right, nm16:25
SwedeMikeDima202: when doing mencoder it's twice the speed as a 660016:25
MohammadAGor 24h, not sure16:25
Dima202.mkv like 480p i would guess?16:26
pupnikmm that isnt much work to decode16:26
Dima202SwedeMike: yeah those new core i5 i7 are sick16:26
SwedeMikeDima202: I run tablet-encode (which I guess does the same thing), and I had an E6600 before, and now a i5-661, and the 661 is approx twice the speed, so vlc should be the same.16:26
MohammadAGnoobmonk3y, he was given many many chances16:26
SwedeMikeDima202: so first it has turbo-something to 3.33GHz, and then it's faster per GHz, so compared to 2.4ghz c2d it's approx 2x16:27
Dima202I think I will be going with i7 260 D0 stepping to get 4+ghz16:27
GAN900monkeyiq, he's a troll. :)16:27
Dima202My friend has c0 stepping we coulg get it only to 3.6ghz16:28
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GAN900Dima202, how about that new unlocked one?16:30
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Dima202which one?16:30
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Dima202the $999?16:30
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Dima202oh i see a cheaper one but for me 920 is plenty if I can get it to 4+ghz it will be insane16:32
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SwedeMikeDima202: why do you need 4 cores?16:34
FIQNot Found16:34
FIQThe requested URL /news/planet-maemo/ was not found on this server.16:34
SwedeMikeDima202: i5 needs less power and already does 3.33GHz, lower TDP, should be possible to overlock easier.16:34
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FIQ"www." failed16:35
Dima202SwedeMike: I never even considered an i5 before you mentioned it..16:36
SwedeMikeDima202: i7 920 is fairly expensive as well, and you need more expensive motherboard16:36
SwedeMikeand also you need 3x memory sticks to get full memory performance16:36
Dima202i5 doesn't support tripple memory bandwith?16:37
Dima202SwedeMike: so how far have you overclocked your i5?16:38
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SwedeMikeDima202: I don't do overclocking.16:40
SwedeMikeDima202: I prefer stability.16:40
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Dima202ok, that's fine16:40
biertieis there a way to save the 'conversations' <sms, bluetooth, ...> somewhere else? because my memory seems to be full, and I don't feel like I want to delete something16:41
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GAN900Dima202, 875k16:48
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GAN900SwedeMike, virtualization.16:49
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MohammadAGbiertie, unlike Symbian bluetooth messages aren't stored in "conversations"16:50
MohammadAG/home/user/.rtcom-eventlogger/ is what you want to backup though16:50
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biertieMohammadAG: yeah, I meant 'jabber' or something16:51
biertiedoesn't really matter16:51
biertiemy goals stays the same :)16:51
SwedeMikeGAN900: VT-x ? all core i3, i5 and i7 have that according to wikipedia.16:52
MohammadAG/home/user/.rtcom-eventlogger/ is what you want to backup though <--16:52
alteregoGod, is it too much to ask ...16:52
TomaszDStskeeps, either this one or this one
TomaszDStskeeps, and I still want that picture16:53
GAN900SwedeMike, virtualization.16:53
alteregoOoo, ide a..16:53
SwedeMikeGAN900: please elaborate.16:53
Dima202GAN900: I'd get the i7 920 because while it's not unlocked and maybe a bit harder to o/c then 875k it's still do-able and cheaper.. Other then 300 to 400 mhz clock rate increase per core i don't really see the point of wasting extra $100 I can spend elsewhere16:53
GAN900Some of them don't have hyperthreading either16:53
GAN900Dima202, $350 vs $300 according to my numbers16:54
alteregoThis will be a nice hack if it works ..16:54
Dima202yeah hyperthreading is waht makes intel intel16:54
alteregoAnd by nice, I mean awfuyl ..16:54
GAN900and no need to get a super-expensive motherboard16:54
GAN900You save your money on the mobo with the Lynnfield chips16:54
SwedeMikeGAN900: are you always this incoherent? I recommended i5 and asked why he wanted i7, and you said "virtualization" twice.16:55
alteregoHahah, that's pretty coherent :P16:55
GAN900SwedeMike, um, yeah, OK.16:56
alteregoAnyone know if it's possible to get the currently processing gobject signal?16:56
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Dima202they both have virtualization only diff is -2 cores nd socket16:56
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GAN900SwedeMike, ah, I see.16:57
GAN900SwedeMike, blame the godawful placement of the N900's up and return leys16:57
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SwedeMikeGAN900: ok.16:57
GAN900SwedeMike, don't believe that's true16:57
GAN900Was what I intended to send.16:57
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SwedeMikeGAN900: belive what is true? that i5 has VT-x?16:57
* GAN900 is at work16:58
GAN900Not all models of each grade have virtualization.16:58
SwedeMike says that 661 has VT-x16:58
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Dima202I'm also considering amd because they have great upgrade support17:03
Dima202no hyperthreading though17:04
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jacekowskiwhy anybody want hardware vt?17:09
jacekowskiunless you need 64bit guest there is no reall need for that17:09
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SwedeMikejacekowski: afaik it's more efficient compared to completely sw virtualization17:21
jacekowskiit's not software virtualisation17:22
jacekowskiit's done in hardware, just differently17:22
SwedeMikejacekowski: so what hw function are you referring to now?17:24
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jacekowskibesides, what are you using to virtualise your stuff?17:26
jacekowskibut fact is that virtualisation is using ring2 that's unused to run guests17:26
bfreeis there a virtualisation system that can run on a non-vt capable cpu which can stand comparison to e.g. kvm on a vt capable machine?17:29
Disconnectbfree: virtualbox is pretty close17:29
jacekowskibfree: kvm is quite slow17:30
jacekowskibfree: mostly because it's hardware emulation is slow17:30
Disconnectjacekowski: istr kvm without hwvirt uses qemu. and qemu is pretty terrible at emulating x86.17:31
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bfreeDisconnect: virtualbox without vt?   never heard anyone go from it to kvm and not be delighted at how much faster kvm is17:32
Disconnectvirtualbox hasn't needed/used vt until the most recent versions anyway. also, commercial version, not open source version.17:33
Lazy^Hello, anyone from Finland and using roadrunner app ?17:33
Disconnect(for that matter, i'm not sure it uses vt at all on osx still.)17:33
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bfreeDisconnect: eh virtualbox could use vt when I last used it before kvm went mainline, maybe 2 years ago17:34
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jacekowskivirtual box can't use vt17:35
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bfreejacekowski: calling kvm slow ... I can't agree with that and would like to see some hard facts to back that up as it is very different to my experiences17:36
jacekowskiSwedeMike: biggest part performance is lost on hardware emulation/virtualisation17:36
SwedeMikejacekowski: and VT-x isn't that?17:36
bfreejacekowski: If you are right then I guess they removed the option then after Sun took it over.  it certainly used to use it17:36
Disconnectvirtualbox can use it but it was added/supported around 1.6 or so. (2008) looking at the changelogs and such.17:38
Disconnectand "The Linux kernel 2.6.20 (February 2007) included the first version of KVM." so.. not before kvm went mainline ;)17:39
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jacekowskibfree: they have hardware vt for 64bit guests,17:40
jacekowskibfree: but that's all17:40
bfreehmm, guess I'm mixing something up timing wise17:40
jacekowskiand there is lot of different types of virtualisation/emulation17:41
Disconnectand virtualbox is about as fast as it gets w/o hw. so if that doesn't count as "standing comparison" then you're just asking how to make your ppro as fast as a quad xeon :)17:41
Disconnectbfree: he was saying kvm without hwvirt is slow. and he's totally right..17:42
jacekowskino i wasn't17:42
jacekowskikvm depends on hvirt17:42
jacekowskibut thing is that you need to emulate hardware that guest is using17:42
* Disconnect has attempted to boot bare-bones linux images on 12-core 2.3ghz boxes w/ hwvirt disabled. after 20 minutes of "where is my box" I got a console. it was just getting to grub..17:43
jacekowskiand that's slowest part17:43
Disconnectjacekowski: must have misread you. sorry17:43
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jacekowskiDisconnect: that was emulation17:43
jacekowskiDisconnect: and it's not that slow17:43
jacekowskiDisconnect: qemu emulation is only 10x slower than native17:43
Disconnectjacekowski: tried it recently? this was less than a year ago (f'ing dell servers ship with hwvirt disabled in the bios)17:43
jacekowskiDisconnect: then you have virtualisation running in userland that's slow because there is no help from hardware whasover and it's really tricky to run17:44
jacekowskiand then you have virtualisation that run on almost everything using ring217:44
jacekowskiand that's what virtual box is using17:45
jacekowskiand vmware17:45
jacekowskiand everything17:45
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jacekowskiand then you have virtualisation using vt-x/pacifica/hardware virtualisation17:45
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Disconnectit was exactly as i described above - "kvm without hwvirt". as in, disable it in bios, then run kvm as usual. its significantly slower than 10x. (also, x64 guest. that might have a lot to do with the speed difference between 10x and 'omgwtf')17:45
jacekowskiDisconnect: then you don't have kvm17:46
jacekowskiDisconnect: kvm is disabled17:46
jacekowskiDisconnect: and qemu failsover to software emulation17:46
Disconnecti realize at that point hte kvm module is simply providing an interface to qemu but it is still there and active. and the executable 'kvm' is running. etc.17:46
Treibholzsyncevolution is just as broken as anything SyncML-based...17:46
* Treibholz wants syncintelligentdesing17:46
jacekowskiDisconnect: there is no fail over to what all other virtualisation solutions are duing17:47
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jacekowskiDisconnect: which is running virtualised code in ring217:47
jacekowskiDisconnect: only thing that full hardware assisted virtualisation is giving is iommu17:47
Disconnectjacekowski: at least as of a few years ago, vmware could fail over to full-virt.17:47
Disconnectthats where all those nested-vmware videos came from. not that its useful particularly.17:48
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jacekowskiDisconnect: that's ring2 virtualisation17:48
Disconnectring2 doesn't nest.17:48
Disconnectin any case. was there a point to this discussion? I came in late..17:48
jacekowskii don't know17:49
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* GAN900 wonders if Peter actually meant Thursday sometime in 201117:58
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DocScrutinizerol'a GAN90018:01
tmartins_hello! Where would be the appropriate place to ask some questions about freemantle on the n900?18:01
noobmonk3ytmartins_:  here :P depending on what you are asking18:02
b-manhere ?xD18:02
tmartins_Nice! Is there anyone having trouble streaming media with the default media player when there are spaces on the url?/18:02
DocScrutinizeror on tmo, when the question is stupid enough to qualify ;-P18:02
noobmonk3ynot tried :(18:03
tmartins_Ok, if it's stupid enough, please tell me :D18:03
noobmonk3ylol not a tupid q :P18:03
noobmonk3yjust not tried :P18:03
noobmonk3yand excuse mr grumpy - he hasnt been fed his sugar today :P18:03
dsfyou can't spell letters.18:03
tmartins_Well, after the pr1.2 upgrade, I'm getting an "No Connection to Server" error every time there's a space on the url18:03
DocScrutinizernoobmonk3y: how did you know?18:04
DocScrutinizeractually it's true18:04
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dsftmartins_: you probably don't want spaces in your urls then.18:04
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noobmonk3yor just sugar addict?18:04
tmartins_dsf: Yeah, I suppose I don't... The thing is, It's not always an option18:04
DocScrutinizernah, just ran out of shugar for my caffee latte18:04
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DocScrutinizertmartins_: though not known yet here, that sounds like Nokia. I remeber a similar issue on 1.0.1 with special chars in bookmark *names*18:06
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MohammadAGnoobmonk3y, that's like frals running out of trouts18:08
DocScrutinizertmartins_: check bugtracker, file a new ticket if there's none yet18:08
tmartins_Yeah, well, to be honest, I'm streaming from my NAS running a lighthttpd... I'm still trying to figure out if that's an lighthttpd issue or a maemo issue... Other media players can stream it just fine though, including KMPlayer18:08
tmartins_It would be nice if I could find a publicly accessible mp3 file with spaces on names...18:08
konfooyou want to dry one off our cdn? :P18:09
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DocScrutinizerhard enough a task for a friday afternoon18:09
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* noobmonk3y is on a very random telecom18:11
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noobmonk3ycan only hear bits of the person on the other end18:11
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tmartins_Yeah, I found something... It sounds a bit odd though :S18:13
tmartins_Can anyone please be so kind to try to open this url on a pr1.2 media player?
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tmartins_Be warned though, it's some kind of odd Irish/celtic music... :P18:15
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Shapeshifterwhat's the default lock code for the n900?18:16
Shapeshifterthe lock device one18:16
Shapeshifterb-man: thanks18:16
b-mannp :)18:16
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* noobmonk3y blinks18:16
noobmonk3ysun is shining and aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh to telecons18:16
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noobmonk3y¬seen Texrat18:17
noobmonk3y~seen texrat18:17
infobottexrat <~ad4a12f4@Maemo/community/council/Texrat> was last seen on IRC in channel #maemo, 37d 16h 49m 59s ago, saying: 'tsg meeting tomorrow bitches'.18:17
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noobmonk3ylong meeting18:17
* MohammadAG wonders why qwerty12 never comes here18:19
b-manhe use to18:20
b-mani think he got tired of it18:20
noobmonk3y~seen qwerty1218:20
infobotqwerty12 <n=faheem@Maemo/community/contributor/qwerty12> was last seen on IRC in channel #maemo, 182d 20h 56m 47s ago, saying: 'Khertan: "As of hildon 2.2, HildonDialog has been deprecated in favor of GtkDialog. "'.18:20
* frals blames MohammadAG and noobmonk3y18:20
GAN900Hopefully because he's doing well at university and got some hot girlfriend.18:21
* noobmonk3y blames frals for blaming MohammadAG 18:21
Khertanroh ... again ?18:21
Stskeepsthen he joined college and discovered girls18:21
* MohammadAG blames hildon18:21
* b-man blames noobmonk3y for blaming frals for blaming MohammadAG 18:21
MohammadAG2.2 to be more precise18:21
* Khertan was hilighted again 18:21
Khertan182d ... qwerty12 didn't come anymore on #maemo18:22
fralshmpf should format my laptop and make sure everything i need is on it :(18:22
tmartins_Well, this really seems to be a pr1.2 issue... I'm still a bit reticent to fill a bug report, since I've tweaked my installation more than a bit... Has anyone tried that url?18:22
b-man~seen qole18:22
infobotqole <~qole@Maemo/community/council/qole> was last seen on IRC in channel #maemo, 85d 22h 46m ago, saying: 'Stskeeps, oh that's some great news!'.18:22
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MohammadAGfrals, that means you're getting rid of everything you need?18:23
fralsmeans im clearing out all old junk ive installed for uni courses and then reinstalling stuff i actually need18:23
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* noobmonk3y re-installs MohammadAG - aghhhhhhhhhhhh darn viruses18:24
* MohammadAG adds a Win32.trout.backdoor to frals's Windows disc18:25
MohammadAGuni? I thought you were 45 years old18:25
MohammadAGjk :P18:25
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b-man~trout frals18:27
* infobot slaps frals around a bit with a large trout!18:27
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Ikarus[N900]anyone managed to get PAN working, as in the N900 in a server/gateway mode18:28
MohammadAGBT or Wi-Fi?18:29
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tmartins_Uhn... little help here... How do I find which version of Media Player I'm using?18:31
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Ikarus[N900]for NAT there is no other way but a custom kernel, right ?18:32
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tmartins_bugzilla is asking me what is the version of the Media Player, but I frankly can't find it18:36
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SpeedEvilit's the version of the software release18:37
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SpeedEvilput PR1.2 or 10.2010 or whatever it is18:37
tmartins_dpkg-query -l mediaplayer shows something like 1.2-18+0m5, which is as far from any available options on bugzilla as it can be18:37
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SpeedEvilabout -> settings18:37
SpeedEvilit's not the player version18:37
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tmartins_SpeedEvil: Got it, thanks18:38
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lostinmirkwoodHave any developers used Nokia's Remote-Device-Access to connect, install and test their N900 software? My PyQt Application FAILS the install when I use the Install-Software "Function" to load a .deb built from garage.maemo's autobuilder.18:39
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timeless_mbpi think someone demo'd it for me recently18:41
timeless_mbpdoes that count?18:41
zlimvosI have a tricky question on cat6k ios. Need someone to verify my findings. the command 'remote login switch' -> 'show mls rate-limit hw-detail' will show me the actual traffic being rate limited. the mappings of 'Hw ID' are the same with the mapping of 'Layer3 Rate Limiters' in the 'show mls rate-limit usage' command in enable mode.18:44
zlimvossomeone can confirm?18:44
zlimvosooops bad me18:44
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tmartins_Uhn... almost filled my bug report, just one last question... what's the URL field for exactly?18:45
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tmartins_I'm thinking of entering that mp3 file I found on it, but I'm not sure it that's its intended purpose18:47
andre__tmartins_, just leave it empty, same with Alias field18:48
andre__tmartins_, available version options is about Maemo 5 version, not about the version of a specific package18:49
andre__oops. already answered here :)18:49
Viliny__ShadowJK: have you got any new tips on how to make mugens show battery properly?18:52
tmartins_Ok, I hope I got it right:
povbot`Bug 10557: Media Player cannot stream through http if there are spaces in the url18:52
SpeedEvilViliny_: Reimplement BME properly.18:52
SpeedEvilViliny: Or more likely - hald-addon-bme18:52
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SpeedEvilViliny: There are projects that will peripherally probably fix the battery in passing.18:53
GAN900It's depressing how little traffic the community forum gets.18:53
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Ikarus[N900]forums are a pain18:54
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Disconnectmailing lists ftw. can view on the web (ooh, like a forum?) -or- through any number of interfaces that suit your style..18:55
twoutersbarisione: thanks for the quick fix of contacts merger btw18:55
DocScrutinizerViliny__: SpeedEvil ;-)18:55
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Viliny__SpeedEvil: how does one do that?18:55
barisionetwouters: np :)18:55
SpeedEvilViliny: By attacking the problem with cod.18:55
SpeedEvilViliny: err - code18:55
Viliny__with fish?18:55
disco_stuwhat i hate the most about forums is that you have to cope with all the other guys avatars18:55
Ikarus[N900]and IRC for rapid cluebatting of developers18:56
tmartins_the source is on gitourious, right? I think I can tackle this one myself...18:56
Viliny__wait, DocScrutinizer this project does the trick?18:56
SpeedEvilViliny: It does about half of it18:56
SpeedEvilViliny_: it's a required part of USB hostmode18:56
Viliny__what does that mean?18:56
SpeedEvilViliny_: It's also not done yet18:56
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Viliny__ah but there is hope yet18:56
Viliny__which is nice to know18:57
SpeedEvilViliny_: It means that after the BME reimplementatoin - someone needs to work on the stub - which is hald-addon-bme - which is what tells the rest of the stack the battery state18:57
SpeedEvilstop bme18:57
SpeedEvilfor example - and the battery stops updating in the statusbar18:57
FauxFauxCan anyone honestly read that without thinking "bmezine"?18:57
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flailingmonkeyIt just seems more and more inevitable that bme will have to be replaced sooner rather than later18:58
flailingmonkeyrofl, bmezine18:58
GAN900Ikarus[N900] / Disconnect, -community is even worse. :P18:58
DocScrutinizerViliny__: mugen support (like every other proper reporting of capacity to hal) will have to wait for version 2 though - if you wonder: atm we're at version
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tmartins_SpeedEvil: excuse me for jumping in, but usb hostmode is possible?18:59
SpeedEvilSee that18:59
Viliny__DocScrutinizer oh... "we" well thanks for contributing to the community with awesomeness :)18:59
SpeedEvilalso several other threads18:59
SpeedEvilIt's in progress.19:00
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tmartins_Whoa, I got outdated on that... I remember when it was supposed to be hardware-limited19:00
SpeedEvilThat's not quite a lie.19:00
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SpeedEvilNothing of what any of the nokia people said is actually incorrect - if you read it right.19:01
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tmartins_hmmm... what's the problem? Power limitation?19:01
SpeedEvilIt's just that it wasn't saying much interesting.19:01
SpeedEvilBasically - it's looking like in several weeks - all you need is the stock USB cable, and a F-F adaptor to plug stuff in.19:02
tmartins_hehe, great news! :D19:02
DocScrutinizertmartins_: actually this is a little bit more up to date19:02
flailingmonkeyyeah, OTG is hardware limited19:02
flailingmonkeybut hostmode != OTG, because it requires you to choose which mode to be in, instead of doing the dance19:02
SpeedEvilOn The Go19:02
SpeedEvilA somewhat unrelated standard.19:03
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tmartins_yes, of course, hostmode != otg! That got overlooked!19:03
tmartins_now all I'm missing is infrastructure mode on the wifi :)19:04
tmartins_Aw damn, media player is closed-source?19:05
DocScrutinizertmartins_: oops, this ->
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DocScrutinizertmartins_: (MP) yep :-/19:06
flailingmonkeyit seems like the media player would be getting tons of attention if it was open, and instead we have a handful of alternate video players, audio players, streamers etc19:07
DocScrutinizerand braindamaged19:07
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tmartins_Well, it's all cool, as I said, KMPlayer is working just fine19:07
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flailingmonkeyis KMPlayer able to use the dsp-accelerated codecs?19:08
tmartins_but yeah, I would attempt to fix that right now if it was open... sounds like a quick fix19:08
BCMMactually, has anybody compiled a list of software that uses the DSP?19:09
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DocScrutinizerplus with open mediaplayer we could get rid of PITA#1 -> the tracker19:10
flailingmonkeytracker is great, in theory :-p19:10
DocScrutinizerand useless crap in practice19:11
N900eviltracker can be tamed19:11
N900evilI've got it behaving by editing config file19:11
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flailingmonkeydoes tracker fall into the "Maemo 5" package? such that updates are tied to PR releases?19:11
DocScrutinizerbut MP can't be fixed to *simply* use the fs tree19:11
flailingmonkeytracker could use a configuration GUI19:12
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: cuteexplorer is almost good enough to make it work19:12
SpeedEvilfilemanager that you just click and it starts the player19:13
DocScrutinizerso you can tame tracker like you want, MP still remains fubar crap19:13
SpeedEvilIn testing now.19:13
SpeedEvil(vote up)19:13
flailingmonkeyyeahhh. tracker has many "possibilities" but MP uses only a tiny amount of the data it records19:13
flailingmonkeySpeedEvil: playlists is the major thing you need, then you'd be golden19:14
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DocScrutinizerflailingmonkey: I don't give a shit on tracker, I KNOW where my media files are19:14
arachnisttracker, a useless crap?19:15
DocScrutinizerand MP simply doesn't handle the concept of file generically19:15
MohammadAGactually, it's a good load test19:15
flailingmonkeyyes, especially since there is no search app19:15
MohammadAGand a battery burner19:15
arachnistMohammadAG: if you often change files, yes.19:16
arachnisti actually prefer to have my media on the device scanned and stuff sorted by artist/album19:16
SpeedEvilAny comments on missing bits of: ?19:17
MohammadAGarachnist, or if it feels like corrupting the database19:17
SpeedEvilerr - the whole page I mean19:17
DocScrutinizerarachnist: so what? sort it as you like. you got the nice simple commands mv and mkdir for that19:17
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arachnistMohammadAG: never happened to me, yet19:17
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, that's not the easiest way if you have a lot of crap19:18
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arachnistDocScrutinizer: that stopped being "nice" and "simple" after 5th GB of music on my device19:18
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flailingmonkeyin the end, you need playlists somehow. if you were able to base it all on filesystem, maybe a folder of symlinks could act as a playlist?19:18
DocScrutinizertss, playback of a file you just copied over to N900 also sn't exactly easy, given tracker not even noticed that fact yet19:18
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer; cuteexplorer19:19
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: yesyes, but then I have no playlists19:19
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flailingmonkeySpeedEvil: what do you think, of making "playlists" by playing a directory of symlinks?19:19
DocScrutinizerMP is fubar, *because* it depends on tracker, which by itself is the wrong tool for the purpose19:20
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SpeedEvilflailingmonkey: insane.19:20
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flailingmonkeyare you using MP to play the songs, and just selecting the songs with cuteexplorer?19:22
flailingmonkeyor another program19:22
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DocScrutinizerhonestly, each time I find the irreco buttons sorted in under my pictures to view, or the ringtones under my mp3 library, I feel strongly tempted to kill somebody19:22
SpeedEvilflailingmonkey: I've just been using it to browse my podcasts directoyu19:23
SpeedEvilYou can tell it directories to exclude or include19:23
flailingmonkeyahhh, yes that is a major problem with tracker19:23
DocScrutinizeryes, I know that19:23
SpeedEvilIt should exclude ringtones by default19:23
DocScrutinizernot my proprietary ringtones folder19:23
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flailingmonkeyQT tracker "configurator" tool? might be a good project19:24
DocScrutinizerso if configured *right* the fsckng tracker would scan MyDocs/myMP3 and MyDocs/myPics *only*19:24
DocScrutinizerand then I honestly don't need it anymore19:25
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DocScrutinizertracker is the *wrong tool* for the *wrong concept*19:25
jcrawfordgrrr contacts is pissing me off19:26
DocScrutinizersee how e.g Amarok is doing that -> "ad folder to library"19:26
arachnistDocScrutinizer: care to explain what's wrong about indexing mediafiles by the metadata they contain?19:26
jcrawfordi merge my contacts but they keep "unmerging"19:26
GAN900flailingmonkey, problem is, the open experiments aren't going well19:26
DocScrutinizerarachnist: I gues that's been caused by lag now :-)19:26
flailingmonkeyif there was some system-wide search, that's when having tracker makes sense19:26
GAN900Modest never gets any patches, nor h-a-m, MicroB or any of the other open projects.19:27
GAN900If people would start seriously contributing to these projects we'd have a lot more ammo to go to Nokia with to open up other stuff.19:27
DocScrutinizerflailingmonkey: exactly - except for media in mediaplayer19:28
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E0xGAN900: agree19:28
arachnistflailingmonkey: i guess you never heard of "locate"19:28
DocScrutinizerwut? HAM is FOSS?19:29
flailingmonkeyit's been claimed before, and I can't back it up, but my intuition tells me that people would contribute if they were able to see those contributions pushed out more often19:29
SpeedEvilGAN900: I suspect many people assume more stuff is closed than is.19:29
flailingmonkeyI think many people think that everything that is tied to the PR updates isn't "open" because of that19:29
SpeedEvilexactly flailingmonkey.19:29
flailingmonkeyyeah, what SpeedEvil said19:29
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SpeedEvilGAN900: For example - I was really surprised to find that hildon-desktop was open.19:33
SpeedEvilAnd I cloned the git repo, and was on the point of trying to work out what was causing the bug I was hitting, when it went away.19:33
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MohammadAG<GAN900> Modest never gets any patches, nor h-a-m, MicroB or any of the other open projects. <-- HAM's open?19:34
* MohammadAG doubts that19:34
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fralshams open19:35, look for yourself! :P19:35
GAN900SpeedEvil, I agree.19:35
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flailingmonkeyPR updates should basically be only closed-source code :-\19:36
GAN900SpeedEvil, so let's focus on education and building that community contribution that we can convince Nokia to open more products with.19:36
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GAN900flailingmonkey, the nature of Nokia's development structure and certification processes makes that more complicated than it sounds.19:36
GAN900MohammadAG, is and has been for a while.19:37
MohammadAGTemporarily disabled <-- yay I can't download master19:37
GAN900MohammadAG, the category view was a patch from Jaffa.19:37
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MohammadAGGAN900, category view?19:37
MohammadAGthe icons?19:37
flailingmonkeyGAN900: I am certain that you are right. the testing phase would be much much harder with the rest of the system being moving targets19:38
SpeedEvilGAN900: I'm working on the hardware docs - - intend to eventually have the user be able to click on 'lock button' - and it says 'the lock button is implemented in hardware by... 'and is dealt with in software by [[link]].19:38
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flailingmonkeySpeedEvil: the Computing section has some missing components, like the DSP at least19:39
flailingmonkeyis there an ambient light sensor? for the auto-adjusting sceen brightness?19:40
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flailingmonkeyand the last ones I can think of are microSD slot and SIM card slot (no clue how the latter is handled though)19:41
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SpeedEvilSIM is there19:41
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flailingmonkeyyes, I see it now19:42
flailingmonkeytouch screen/sensor?19:43
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DocScrutinizer51flailingmonkey: it's a rather cute sensor with a dedicated a/d converter and two separate sensors for IR-only and full-spectrum19:44
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DocScrutinizer51only drawback: it's too slow for a lot of interesting usecases19:45
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer51: can you answer some questions?19:45
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flailingmonkeylast and almost least, FM transmitter (as opposed to the receiver in the Bluetooth chip) and infrared transmitter19:45
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer51: in regards of host mode19:45
SpeedEvilFM TX is seperate19:46
DocScrutinizer51not now probably as I'm on a 90% load by watching TV19:46
SpeedEvilhas most of the HW pages - including the FM TX19:46
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer51: well 2 questions19:46
jacekowski[2010-06-02 18:33:04] <MohammadAG> echo e > /proc/driver/musb_hdrc19:47
flailingmonkeysounds good19:47
jacekowskii've looked into driver source code and there is no option 'e'19:47
jacekowskiwhere that came from, patch?19:47
MohammadAGjacekowski, and did you look at the patches? no19:47
MohammadAG2nd question?19:48
jacekowskiand 2nd, what i2cset is doing?19:48
jacekowskithat's just for battery managment?19:48
MohammadAGraising power output to 5V19:48
DocScrutinizer51jacekowski: visit h-e-n.garage.maemo and get the patch19:48
MohammadAGnot yet19:48
MohammadAGI found some minor problems, nokia forgot a = in the original source19:49
MohammadAGsince it's commented out in the original source, it's not a problem19:49
DocScrutinizer51jacekowski: i2cfoo is for VBUS 5V19:49
jacekowskipatch applies against vanilia kernel?19:50
MohammadAGI said wait19:50
jacekowskior maemo sources?19:50
MohammadAGmaemo sources19:51
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MohammadAGwait, the package will fail19:51
MohammadAGsorry, had to delete the patch since it will fail19:52
MohammadAGwill put up one in a bit19:52
jacekowskii made a copy19:53
MohammadAGjacekowski, then fix it yourself :)19:53
MohammadAGit has 4 errors in it19:53
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thplardman: ping19:54
jacekowskii want to hack bme so you don't have to kill it19:57
teilzeitstudentAnyone using MADDE with the "rx51-fremantle-pr12" runtime?19:57
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slonopotamus(more generified version: anyone using MADDE?)19:58
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MohammadAGjacekowski, feel free to get the new patch, which I know you won't do20:01
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MohammadAGfrals, when I get the promote package button and it says promoted, does that mean it will stay 10 days in quarantine then it'll get promoted?20:03
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mikki-kundoes anybody know how i can add more 'buttons' to my xterm's bar?20:07
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slonopotamusgoogle knows20:08
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slonopotamusi saw tips in the past on adding more special symbols keys to it if i'm not mistaken20:08
mikki-kunslonopotamus: i am trying to find it, buz apparently i am not using the right keywords ;/20:09
mikki-kunthat's why i am asking20:09
mikki-kunfound it :)20:10
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MohammadAGmikki-kun, gconf20:14
MohammadAGsomeone else already found that, meh20:15
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mikki-kunthanks for the help :)20:17
mikki-kuni really love that with this community :)20:17
mikki-kuncya DocScrutinizer20:17
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mikki-kun:> haha ^^ makes typing via irssi now way faster20:23
jacekowskiMohammadAG: have you made a package with i2cset?20:24
MohammadAGmsg'd it20:26
jacekowskithat's standard i2cset from lm-sensors?20:27
jacekowskior something fancy?20:27
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MohammadAGit's all i2ctools20:28
MohammadAGi2cset is in the package20:28
MohammadAGif you don't want the rest of the binaries20:28
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jacekowskibtw. how is it done on n8x0?20:35
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jacekowskiyou have to plug in a cable with grounded id pin or something?20:36
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flailingmonkeyn8x0 had no OTG (which is what ID pin is used for), they just had a program to switch the usb hardware into host mode20:45
jacekowskiYou can find a professionally modified USB OTG adapter designed specifically to provide automatic host-mode functionality on the N800 here20:46
jacekowskiEnsure your tablet is running OS 2008, the device you want to use is supported, and plug it in using the adapter; the tablet will automatically switch into host mode20:46
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SpeedEvilAll we need with proper host-mode is a F-F adaptor20:49
flailingmonkeyah, that looks like it had some OTG support20:49
SpeedEviland the standard cable20:49
SpeedEvilthat's it20:49
flailingmonkeybut look below, there is: "How to manually set the N800 with OS2008 to host mode"20:49
SpeedEvilNo special adaptors, no nothing.20:49
flailingmonkeythat is basically what we are doing. and SpeedEvil is right, the cable from Nokia with an F-F adapter (plugs into the end of the cable, and has a USB socket on the other side) is all that is needed20:50
jacekowskiwell, it would be nice if there would be no software required20:50
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jacekowskii mean, plug in cable and it just works20:50
SpeedEvilThat's the idea eventually.20:51
* RST38h moos at the moon20:52
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jacekowskistop bme; sleep 3; i2cset -y -m 0x07 2 0x6b 0x01 0x05; while true; do sleep 28; i2cset -y -m 0x80 2 0x6b 0x00 0x80; done20:53
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jacekowski0x07 is battery charger/usb power thingy20:53
jacekowskibut what's under 0x80?20:53
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odin_which number is the self destruct arming mechanism again ?20:54
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odin_Self Destruct Primary Sequence Engaged ... Charging Up Reactor Core .... Detonation in 10 ... 9 ...20:55
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RST38h...Requesting approval for TI headquarters...APPROVAL GRANTED (Note: Why, let the sucker bite it!)...Self Destruct Initiated...20:56
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lasergunHi all.21:25
lasergunAnyone here knows where can I get the Maemo SDK (Scratchbox) on an VMWare image file?21:25
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lasergunan1  alive/?21:27
cehtehisnt that the default for the windows version?21:27
MohammadAGI think he means back it up21:28
lasergunI'm talking about the Ubunto VMWare Image file that contains the Maemo SDK.21:29
lasergunThe thing is I want to compile some Hildon sources..  and I can't do it on windows Madde for some readon.21:29
cehtehso why dont you make your own vm install21:30
lasergunE0x, thanks for that, but for some reason it isn't htere.21:30
E0xbetter this
cehtehE0x: that talks about diablo21:31
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E0xgoogle is outdate :(21:31
lasergunIt should be there.. but I don't see it.21:31
MohammadAGLinux ftw21:31
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cehtehwell just install some linux distro which is supported by the sdk on your vmware or virtualbox or whatever21:31
lasergunEven the file list claims it should contain those files.21:31
cehtehand then install the sdk21:32
lasergunThat's an idea.21:32
cehtehtake a snapshot in case you want to start over ..21:32
lasergunAnyone here compiled maemo hildon sources ??21:32
E0xsomebody at the forum21:33
E0xpost update images21:33
E0xlook for it21:33
lasergunI tried looking for it there, with no success.21:33
lasergunThere was someone who added links to the same place, but you can't download them.21:34
lasergunMohammad, you are not the one who wrote the hildon-input-method by any chance?21:34
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MohammadAGhildon-input-method is closed source21:36
MohammadAGand I'm not employed by Nokia21:36
lasergunnot anymore.21:36
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lasergunok.. I thought there might be a chance you were Mohhamad Anwari21:37
lasergunbut the hildon-input-method is an open source, and distributed, it wasn't used to be open though.21:37
lasergunAnd that's what I am trying to compile..21:37
E0xMohhamad is not the more common name in the world ?21:38
lasergunYes it is :)21:38
fralslasergun: parts of it is still closed21:38
lasergunE0x, thanks , but you can't download it. download starts and it downloads only a coulpe of xml bytes saying there was an error.21:40
E0xoh , look like they remove it21:40
lasergunyep :(21:41
E0xif you search in google Maemo_Ubuntu_Intrepid_Desktop_SDK_Virtual_Image_Final.7z21:41
E0xyou can fine some torrent site with it21:41
lasergunCool! thanks!21:42
lasergunhopefully it's online there.21:42
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flailingmonkeylooks like libhildon-im-ui3, whatever it is, isn't open, and there is a dbg version of hildon-input-method that doesn't have source, but that is probably just compiler settings21:44
lasergunI downloaded this:21:44
lasergunAnd this is the package I want to alter.21:45
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jacekowskiMohammadAG: i'm pretty sure that hildon-input-method isn't21:46
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MohammadAGjacekowski, <frals> lasergun: parts of it is still closed21:46
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lasergunI also saw a video about hildon-input-method of mohhamad,  claiming it will be open soon.. and was  a long time ago.21:47
jacekowskiMohammadAG: anyways, where have you found chip id's?21:47
MohammadAGjacekowski, err?21:47
flailingmonkeyinteresting bit from TODO of hildon-desktop: Implement Close Applications dialog, shown when the user wants to start a new application but we don't have enough RAM.21:47
jacekowskifor i2c21:47
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MohammadAGAsk DocScrutinizer51, I only packaged it21:48
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer51: where have you found chip id's?21:48
ShadowJKI don't think anyone has solved the problem of detecting when there's not "enough" memory yet :)21:48
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DocScrutinizer51jacekowski: which chip id?21:49
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jacekowskiDocScrutinizer51: for i2cset21:49
DocScrutinizer51in the datasheets21:50
ShadowJKThe IDs are hardcoded into the chips. The id can be found in the datasheet for the chips21:50
ShadowJKand the N900 schmeatics show which i2c bus they're on21:50
DocScrutinizer51then pray you dodn't err somewhere and accidentally erase some firmware by a malformed I2C read21:51
ShadowJKI suspect most of the chips lack eeprom to store firmware anyway21:52
DocScrutinizer51it's quite exciting :-)21:52
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DocScrutinizer51the chances are low21:52
DocScrutinizer51but non-zero21:53
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DocScrutinizer51that's the reason you have that BOLD warning in i2ctools readme21:54
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jacekowskiso 0x07 is for GAIA?21:56
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jacekowskior battery charger21:57
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xDaReaperxlol's at : apt-get moo21:58
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lasergunthanks all....21:59
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xDaReaperxur welcome22:01
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xDaReaperxhey , how do i know if my firmware is a global firmware ?22:06
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MohammadAGSettings > about product22:06
MohammadAG-002 is US, -003 is UK22:07
MohammadAGnot sure about global, version number got wiped by the custom kernel22:07
xDaReaperxmine is 00322:07
xDaReaperxi bought it in the Middle east22:07
MohammadAGhmm, sec22:07
MohammadAGmy bad22:07
xDaReaperxi wonder why the price of the N900 over here is 518 $22:07
xDaReaperx003 is middle east ?22:08
MohammadAGMENA, yes22:08
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xDaReaperxcan i flash it to Global firmware ?22:09
xDaReaperxcause i dunno what all features have been removed in the ME firmware22:09
MohammadAGnothing afaik22:09
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MohammadAGonly the indian version lacks Skype22:09
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MohammadAGthe rest are mostly the same22:09
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xDaReaperxhmmm okay , yeah good thing i didn't buy it from India22:10
xDaReaperxlol , i thought of22:10
arachnistwhy would the indian version lack skype?22:11
xDaReaperxyeah Indian regulatinos22:11
xDaReaperxregulations *22:11
MohammadAGarachnist, the firmware version is also smaller than the rest22:11
xDaReaperxThe Indian Government has some regulations about Skype usage22:11
ioanI'm looking for that vmware image that has the maemo sdk/development tools already installed22:12
MohammadAGdeja vu22:12
* MohammadAG scrolls up22:12
MohammadAG<E0x> lasergun:
ioanthanks :-)22:12
xDaReaperxinstead of removing the battery , isn't there a command line or something to display the IMIE number ?22:13
SceltxDaReaperx: *#06#22:13
MohammadAGdbus-send --system --print-reply --type=method_call /com/nokia/phone/SIM/security Phone.Sim.Security.get_imei22:14
ShadowJKi think it's in settings - about22:14
xDaReaperxoh ya lol i forgot abt that22:14
MohammadAGwouldn't an app be able to hijack that and replace the IMEI?22:14
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ShadowJKMohammadAG, as in tell other apps lies about the imei? yeah22:15
ShadowJKbut the imei going out through the radio couldn't be changed I'd think22:16
MohammadAGshould've said "replace" :)22:17
ioanMohammadAG: the link is broken, and the torrent says ETA 3 years, probably by then the SDK is too old22:17
MohammadAGala fmtx-faker22:17
MohammadAGthe images were taken down22:18
* MohammadAG pings X-Fade, hopefully you'll see this on Monday22:18
xDaReaperxUSB host mode ? whats that ?22:19
E0xconnect usb-things on the device22:19
xDaReaperxoh okay use USB sticks and stuff22:19
* frals is starting to wonder if the art of using a search engine is lost22:19
xDaReaperxfrals : i actually found it out22:20
MohammadAGfrals, actually they were taken down :)22:20
E0xhmm the maemo sdk install download a few things but the proxy block the site , where i need put that things22:21
E0xand the maemo install script look it22:21
MohammadAG3,059 items, totalling 389.1 MB != a few22:22
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E0xMohammadAG: no all are block22:23
E0xi think the only one is the binary closed22:23
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andrewfblackdidn't PR 1.2 fix problem with Dynamic WEP keys?22:25
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Ikarusdynamic wep keys22:26
Ikarusyou mean WPA22:26
Ikarus(not WPA2)22:26
xDaReaperxwill my N900 work with the Network providers of India ?22:26
xDaReaperxcause i bought it from the Middle east ?22:27
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microlithxDaReaperx: n900 hardware is the same worldwide except for the keyboard22:28
MohammadAGand the FMTX in hong kong22:28
microlithcan't that be enabled though?22:28
MohammadAGthe HW was removed22:28
microlithwow, they went farther than I thought they would22:28
xDaReaperxwell isn't it like certain network providers have different frequencies ?22:29
MohammadAGwell qwerty12 enabled it, so... :)22:29
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MohammadAGI wouldn't be surprised if they made the HW revision different for the indian version22:29
jacekowski21:28 < MohammadAG> the HW was removed22:29
jacekowski21:29 < MohammadAG> well qwerty12 enabled it, so... :)22:29
microlithxDaReaperx: yes, so check the N900's supported frequencies against the ones used in India22:29
jacekowskiso qwerty12 enabled removed hw?22:29
MohammadAGenabled it in other devices...22:29
xDaReaperxhmm okay22:30
MohammadAGjacekowski, you seem to be picking on what I'm saying lately22:30
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jacekowskii'm picking on what everybody is saying22:30
MohammadAGjacekowski, some EU devices had the HW, but it was disabled, qwerty12 enabled that22:31
MohammadAGif they left it in the HK version they're basically telling everyone to go install a package22:31
MohammadAGoh and US devices have the step set as 0.2 (88.1-88.3 etc...), the package fixes that too22:32
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jacekowskihave somebody opened it and noticed hole where fmtx was supposed to be?22:32
jacekowskiwell, i'm not going to belive in that unless somebody posts pics22:32
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jacekowskiThe FM transmitter option is missing from the Setup menu. However, I manage to use the fm-transfmitter by apt-get fmtx-faker and fmtx-middleware.22:34
* MohammadAG stands corrected22:34
BCMMooh, an update for extra codecs says it has webm support22:34
BCMManyone know if that uses the DSP?22:34
MohammadAGdecoders-support installs gstreamer packages afaik22:35
MohammadAGgstreamer is what the DSP uses22:35
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jacekowskiMohammadAG: well, it might be just somebody saying bs22:35
X-FadeThat is so wrong in many ways ;)22:36
MohammadAGhey X-Fade22:36
jacekowskiMohammadAG: so i wouldn't belive in anything unless they show pics22:36
microlithMohammadAG: rather, gstreamer uses the DSP, but only if the codec binary supports it, no?22:36
MohammadAGI went with jacekowski's suggestion, and uploaded i2c-tools, along with a shitload of warnings and agreements22:36
X-FadeThat is more like it, yes ;)22:36
MohammadAGhope you don't mind X-Fade :)22:36
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Mozillionif I want to file a bug report against UMTS/GPRS data, is this product Connectivity, or which?  I cannot find the right component22:37
X-FadeMohammadAG: No, as long as it is not user/* sectioned?22:37
jacekowskiX-Fade: so what is going to happen to chromium?22:37
jacekowskiX-Fade: because i'm sort of lost22:37
MohammadAGX-Fade, nope, not in a user/ section22:37
X-Fadejacekowski: Was there an announcement already?22:37
X-FadeMohammadAG: good.22:37
jacekowskiX-Fade: i never saw one22:37
MohammadAGand it uses maemo-confirm-text to show an agreement dialog22:37
MohammadAGX-Fade, oh and the package didn't get imported at :05, no idea why22:38
jacekowskiWarning: This package does not have a proper description22:38
MohammadAGneither at :3522:38
MohammadAGjacekowski, that's cause it wasn't imported22:38
MohammadAGjacekowski, Size:22:39
MohammadAG0 bytes should've given it away22:39
jacekowskiwell, happened to me before22:39
MohammadAGimporter's down I guess?22:39
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X-FadeMohammadAG: Ah, maintenance node is down.22:39
ShadowJKwebm would not use the dsp, there's no vp8 codec for dsp22:39
MohammadAGX-Fade, grr22:40
X-FadeWonder why.. Let me check the vm host.22:40
ShadowJKso I'd guess slightly slower than mplayer doing h26422:40
MohammadAGlots of packages to be imported after i2c-tools22:41
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DocScrutinizerfmtx can not be removed on a hw level - it's integrated with bt22:43
X-FadeHmm typical friday afternoon the admin is gone issue ;(22:43
jacekowskiso you don't have 24/7 NOC?22:43
MohammadAGX-Fade, so it's down till monday?22:43
X-FadeSure, that is not it. It is just that things like that always happen when you have weekend ;)22:43
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andrewfblackIkarus: Network says its WEP22:45
X-FadeAnyway, it is importing atm.22:46
GAN900X-Fade, repong?22:46
X-FadeNow to find out why I the kvm did not close down gracefully.22:46
X-FadeGAN900: Which one? ;)22:47
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GAN900X-Fade, you pinged me about something early this morning.22:47
X-FadeAh yeah, the testers thingie.22:47
* GAN900 was sleeping, as you were clearly aware. :P22:47
X-FadeGAN900: I miss the insomnia GAN :(22:47
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jacekowskiMohammadAG: one thing came to my mind22:48
* MohammadAG gulps22:48
jacekowskiMohammadAG: have you checked what happens when you connect n900 in host mode to other host?22:48
jacekowskidoes it explode?22:48
MohammadAGnope, but it won't stay in host mode after you unplug it22:49
DocScrutinizerjacekowski: no22:49
MohammadAG"OTG crap" I guess22:49
MohammadAGit goes from a_host to a_suspend22:49
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DocScrutinizerjacekowski: also I wonder why you nag MohammadAG with this... ;-D22:49
Ikarusandrewfblack: yeah, WPA is WEP with a key changing scheme22:49
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, I'm really not sure :P22:49
jacekowskiwell, he made a patch22:50
MohammadAGI just 'compiled' all patches needed22:50
jacekowskiwell, packaged it22:50
MohammadAGinto one huge patch22:50
jacekowskiyou managed to do something that nobody else did22:50
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: that's what you earn by such niceness ;-P22:51
jacekowskiyou should fell like a god or something22:51
MohammadAGwhich could be a positive defect in my N900, according to t-tan22:51
MohammadAGjacekowski, I'm quite humble :)22:51
DocScrutinizerjacekowski: I honestly doubt you have a clear perception of the whole picture22:51
xDaReaperxhow abt under clocking ?22:52
MohammadAGhe doesn't :)22:52
andrewfblackI'm going to put my theme's Pr 1.2 up for ransom for getting my N900 connected to work network.  I'll release it once my phone connect lol22:52
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xDaReaperxwill under clocking reduce device life ?22:52
jacekowskixDaReaperx: it will reduce battery life22:52
jacekowskixDaReaperx: and it will be unstable22:52
xDaReaperxunderclocking is done to increase battery life right?22:52
jacekowskinot if you go too low22:53
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xDaReaperxhmm ok22:53
MohammadAGjacekowski, it got imported, now it has a description, you noob :P22:53
jacekowskiapparently underclocking reduces time device spends in idle22:54
jacekowskiand makes it go to higher frequencies more often22:54
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xDaReaperxhmm yeah i think it cracshes all apps22:58
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DocScrutinizer125MHz actually is reported to be unstable22:59
xDaReaperx250 should do23:00
DocScrutinizerthat's why it's not used.23:00
DocScrutinizerotherwise why should Nokia not use it??23:00
DocScrutinizerif it actually improved the user experience you bet they'd enable it23:01
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* DocScrutinizer wonders what strange minds might think Nokia is crippling N900 features/performance just to piss users23:01
E0xapple do that23:02
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DocScrutinizerfor sure nokia sometimes does errrr suboptimal decisions and think they know what users need, see e.g. hiding real fs tree away from user and just offering MyDocs and Card23:03
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konfoohiding the real fs tree makes perfect sense23:04
DocScrutinizerbut nokia isn't a bunch of pathological sadists that feel joy in pissing off users23:04
jacekowskithey don't hide it23:05
jacekowskijust default app manager shows 2 folders23:05
jacekowskixDaReaperx: 250 is normall speed23:05
DocScrutinizerso if underclocking isn't enabled: ask yourself why. if overclocking isn't enabled: ask yourself if there might be a good reason for that23:05
xDaReaperxwat's a flasher?23:06
DocScrutinizerif SmartReflex dynamic corevoltage is disabled - all the same23:06
jacekowskiwell it flashes23:06
infobotflasher is probably
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: smartreflex is disabled?23:06
GAN900DocScrutinizer, Nokia wants to keep the poor man down.23:07
fralsDocScrutinizer; you are wrong! tmo users >>> TI/Nokia engineers when it comes to evulating whats good for the soc and not!23:07
DocScrutinizerjacekowski: it wasn't used in pre 1.2, and is even not supported in 1.2 kernel23:07
DocScrutinizerfrals: exactly, that's why I love tmo so much I can't tell23:07
fralsbah, made the mistake of importing gtk in my status menu plugin23:08
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fralsinteresting none has noticed their battery draining faster yet23:08
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fralsonce you hit promote on a package to get it to -testing, you cant demote it?23:12
X-Fadefrals: Yes, vote your own package down.23:13
fralsalright, cheers :)23:13
X-FadeThen it will be removed from the queue.23:13
xDaReaperxhey is there a widget to see how much you have downloaded and uploaded in your life time ?23:14
xDaReaperxon the n90023:14
GAN900X-Fade, yeah, actually working most of your time tends to fix your sleep schedule right quick. :P23:14
X-FadeGAN900: Yeah, I can imagine.23:15
GAN900X-Fade, I'll try to get the final push going this weekend.23:15
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X-FadeGAN900: Thanks23:16
GAN900The device queue is rolling, so there's one thing off my list.23:16
* GAN900 pumps his arms in the air.23:16
* MohammadAG blackmails andrewfblack 23:17
andrewfblackMohammadAG: got to have something I want to blackmail me23:17
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asj_xDaReaperx: do you use the build in bandwidth counter?23:19
xDaReaperx>hey is there a widget to see how much you have downloaded and uploaded in your life time ?23:19
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xDaReaperxthere is a bandwidth counter ?23:19
xDaReaperxbuilt in ?23:19
xDaReaperxnever saw it23:19
asj_xDaReaperx: then install the bw counter widget, hmm it's cell data only thoguh23:19
xDaReaperxOh well yeah thats what i wanted, the 3G data thingy23:19
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valdynxDaReaperx: you can reset it, and you can have scheduled resets23:23
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xDaReaperxwell you can do this right ? /sbin/ifconfig wlan023:23
xDaReaperxto know total send and received bytes ?23:23
valdynxDaReaperx: thats a different counter23:24
valdynxDaReaperx: that one resets if you reboot23:24
xDaReaperxhmm there's none which dosent reset ?23:24
jacekowskisort of23:24
jacekowskiifconfig counters overflows23:25
valdynxDaReaperx: the bandwidth counter for 2g/3g doesnt reset by itself23:25
jacekowskiat 4G23:25
jacekowski32bit int23:25
X-FadexDaReaperx: personal-gprs-mon23:25
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jacekowskion 64 bit platform it's almost infinite23:25
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jacekowskiiptables counter is much bigger23:25
jacekowskiand it can be saved/restored23:26
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xDaReaperxwhats the personal gprs mon ?23:26
X-FadexDaReaperx: google ;)23:26
asj_xDaReaperx: that's the one I talked about, the name of the widget23:26
xDaReaperxoh okay23:26
asj_xDaReaperx: I think it's what you want actually23:26
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* MohammadAGRX-51 tests again23:26
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xDaReaperxsadly there's no Wlan data counter that dosent reset23:31
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xDaReaperxi think i found something wrong in the background image option23:36
xDaReaperxit shows home_li_get_ovi23:36
xDaReaperxinstead of Ovi23:36
MohammadAGRX-51missing string23:36
MohammadAGRX-51* MohammadAG51 :Nick/channel is temporarily unavailable23:36
xDaReaperxyeah , i downloaded the theme23:36
DocScrutinizer51muhaha, locked in portrait mode23:36
DocScrutinizer51works great for even systray menu23:37
MohammadAGRX-51xDaReaperx, that theme won't be updated23:37
MohammadAGRX-51till andrewfblack gets what he wants23:37
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xDaReaperxoh , that sucks .... i better tick to the Nokia Nseries theme then23:37
xDaReaperxstick 823:37
MohammadAGRX-51xDaReaperx, check the blackmail thread :P23:37
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xDaReaperxoh lol i saw that23:37
xDaReaperxbut i thought he was joking23:37
MohammadAGRX-51nope lol23:38
DocScrutinizer51any suggestion except reboot?23:38
MohammadAGRX-51ctrl shift x23:38
MohammadAGRX-51killall hildon-desktop23:38
xDaReaperxwait i changed the theme now but it still shows home_li_get_ovi23:38
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DocScrutinizer51please in less than2pchar)23:38
MohammadAGRX-51(all other crap will be in portrait mode till you open a portait app and close it)23:38
MohammadAGRX-51DocScrutinizer51, open terminal and kill it!23:39
DocScrutinizer51sorry only can read the nick :P23:39
xDaReaperxkillall hildon-desktop23:39
MohammadAGRX-51happy? :)23:40
xDaReaperxhey how is there a broken string mohammad ?23:40
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xDaReaperxstill shows home_li_get_ovi23:40
xDaReaperxhow to fix it23:40
MohammadAGRX-51not sure23:40
MohammadAGRX-51did they keep the widget in 1.2?23:41
DocScrutinizer51YEAH!! :-D23:41
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asj_while you are at it why not kill -1 -1 ?23:41
xDaReaperxwell i'm not sure23:41
DocScrutinizer51MohammadAGRX-51: thanks23:41
MohammadAGRX-51DocScrutinizer51, check the status menu :P23:41
* MohammadAGRX-51 hides23:41
MohammadAGRX-51DocScrutinizer51, open a portrait app and go back to landscape23:41
MohammadAGRX-51e.g phone :P23:42
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DocScrutinizer51tried that23:42
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DocScrutinizer51or do you suggest that for the systray menu only?23:42
MohammadAGRX-51the status menu should go back23:42
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ponyofdeathhi, how do i get the virtual keyboard to display?23:43
HexaByteHey guys, i'm having problems installing python on fremantle 1.2: >> python: Depends: python2.5 (>= 2.5.2-15) but it is not going to be installed  <<23:44
DocScrutinizer51lol. that gave  me 'full portrait mode' again XP23:44
HexaBytecan anyone help?23:44
MohammadAGRX-51desktop and status menu23:44
MohammadAGRX-51kill em23:44
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DocScrutinizer51ok invoked dialer from desktop (fter killing h-desktop) and autorotated dialer to portrait and back. now menu is fixed23:47
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HexaBytecan anyone help me? with this problem?: python2.5: Depends: python2.5-minimal (= 2.5.4-1maemo6) but 2.5.4-1maemo5 is to be installed23:47
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DocScrutinizer51is this a 'feature' of the 1.2 kernel? (can't think how)23:48
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MohammadAGthat's ctrl+shift+r23:49
MohammadAGyou upgraded?23:49
Sargun_Screenctrl shirt are.23:49
DocScrutinizer51just 'your' kernel23:49
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DocScrutinizer51btw originally triggered that by an accidental 'doubleclick' in taskswitcher23:50
MohammadAGhasn't happened to me on 1.223:51
MohammadAGmaybe it was fixed?23:51
DocScrutinizer51never happened to me before either23:51
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MohammadAGit happened to me loads23:52
DocScrutinizer51yeah, you also get stuck in hostmode while nobody else even can start it ;-P23:53
b-manMohammadAG: jump on #xceleo-tmp until i can fix #xceleo ;P23:54
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