IRC log of #maemo for Thursday, 2010-05-13

BCMMMohammadAG: it tells you what sort of file a file is (without looking at the filename)00:00
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BCMMfor some more common formats, if gives you useful information (things like codec and bitrate, for some AV containers)00:00
hawai`iIt's probably in Jebba's ETCH repository.00:01
BCMMhawai`i: what is that?00:01
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MohammadAGhe recpiled all etch packages for maemo00:01
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hawai`iBuilt them against extras repo.00:02
hawai`iIt's actually extremely awesome.00:02
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BCMMhawai`i: so, previously you could get debian stuff with a chroot00:02
BCMMnow you can basically have normal debian things on the system in a sensible way?00:02
hawai`iBCMM: I suppose, it's sensible yes.00:03
DocScrutinizerbeware, it's HUGE00:03
hawai`iYou still need to be extremely careful.00:03
BCMMwell, without multiple C libs and such00:03
hawai`iYou're probably better off using the imaged chroot00:03
hawai`iIt allows for a huge margin of error00:03
BCMMhawai`i: why the careful?00:03
DocScrutinizernot optified of course00:03
BCMMooh, gnu screen00:04
hawai`iThey are optified. Initial pass optification.00:04
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DocScrutinizertalking out of my arse00:04
BCMMwhat does "all Debian Etch source packages" mean?00:04
BCMM8 days doesn't seem long enough to build everything a distro offers00:04
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hawai`iAll the packages from the Debian etch release.00:04
MohammadAGall souces from debian etch00:04
hawai`iDo you ever stop asking absolutely silly questions?00:04
BCMMhawai`i: what i mean is something like, how comprehensive is the debian etch release?00:05
* MohammadAG washes hawai`i's mouth with soap00:05
* BCMM looks at the list00:05
hawai`iBCMM: it's the entire Debian semi-stable release.00:05
DocScrutinizerI never thought that might help00:06
ProteousSOAP BLINDNESS!!00:06
DocScrutinizertook some hours to build00:06
DocScrutinizer~hail jebba00:06
* infobot starts crying and hides from docscrutinizer in the darkest corner of the room. :(00:06
* infobot takes two shots to the head and crumples to the ground, lifeless.00:06
MohammadAG~fix infobot00:07
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hawai`iThey are optified on-the-fly00:07
BCMMso he hasn't tried to remove stuff that is already in maemo like GTK+?00:07
hawai`ibut it's a weak optification, to be honest.00:07
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DocScrutinizerBCMM: for sure not00:07
BCMMhawai`i: what does "optified on-the-fly" mean? every single file symlinked?00:08
BCMMperhaps i am tired and should stop asking silly questions00:08
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DocScrutinizermaybe I should go out get me a beer00:09
BCMMor perhaps i should actually work out how debian works first00:09
* satmd pours some of his beer into the dsl cable00:09
satmdit's all yours, doc00:09
BCMM(or just try and get a gentoo chroot :-p)00:09
DocScrutinizernative gentoo ftw :-P00:09
johnsqDocScrutinizer: works fine00:10
BCMMDocScrutinizer: there is native gentoo on the n900?00:10
hawai`iThere is chroot Gentoo, as regular.00:10
DocScrutinizer"please call me again the next week, I'm just updating"00:10
trumeeHow do i change mobile number in My Information in contacts?00:11
DocScrutinizer"actually make that next month"00:11
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BCMMDocScrutinizer: distcc :)00:11
trumeeit is an uneditable field00:11
BCMMwell, in terms of it actually being a phone, the phone app is closed, right?00:11
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trumeedont know where the phone populated that number from.00:11
johnsqDocScrutinizer: its not so pad only 48hours to compile00:11
DocScrutinizerprolly from SIM00:11
BCMMtrumee: buy a new SIM card?00:11
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DocScrutinizerjohnsq: you did, on N900? XP00:12
trumeei looked into skype/gtalk profile. cant find there00:12
johnsqDocScrutinizer: no on the slowly n8x0 and archos 5it.00:12
trumeeBCMM: what do u mean?00:12
DocScrutinizerjohnsq: amazing :-D00:12
trumeeBCMM: i didn't buy a new sim card.00:12
BCMMtrumee: well, your SIM card has a number, right?00:13
BCMMtrumee: which can be used to telephone you, right?00:13
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johnsqDocScrutinizer: i'm out of luck with crossdev and crosscompiler.00:13
trumeeBCMM: yes, but that doesnt match my phone number00:13
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BCMMtrumee: eh?00:13
BCMMtrumee: oh, you mean the one in "my information" is wrong?00:13
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trumeeBCMM: yes00:14
BCMMtrumee: are you sure?00:14
trumeeBCMM: yup00:14
BCMMtrumee: you should ring it and see what happens00:14
BCMMit probably belongs to another you in a parrallel dimension00:14
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DocScrutinizer51it's actually from SIM00:14
BCMMon mine it is correct, and it can only have got it from the sim card / network00:15
wazd~seen vdvsx00:15
trumeeBCMM: my number is 079xx and that number is 0753xx00:15
infobotvdvsx <~Valerio@Maemo/community/contributor/VDVsx> was last seen on IRC in channel #maemo, 3d 7h 30m 36s ago, saying: 'fine here :D'.00:15
BCMMtrumee: have you recently moved network or change your number or something?00:15
DocScrutinizer51(my sim has a bogus 2nd one 0000000 that's also shown)00:15
trumeeBCMM: yes i had moved networks00:15
BCMMtrumee: did you have your number moved?00:16
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trumeeBCMM: guess that was the original number of the sim.00:16
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trumeeBCMM: yes, i had the number ported.00:16
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BCMMtrumee: how recently/00:16
trumeeBCMM: 2yrs ago00:16
BCMMi had my number moved but it comes up fine in my information00:17
trumeeBCMM: maybe the info is never updated in the sim, only on the carriers server.00:17
DocScrutinizeranyway a nice bugreport00:17
BCMMi have no idea how the system works, tbh00:17
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DocScrutinizertrumee: exactly00:18
DocScrutinizerhow should it00:18
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BCMMmy sim had a different number for several days between starting to work and my number getting moved00:18
DocScrutinizerthat's JFYI data in the SIM00:18
BCMMbut the number is correct now00:19
trumeeDocScrutinizer: how did it work for BCMM then?00:19
DocScrutinizerGSM is a strange system, with a lot of redundant data pathes00:19
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DocScrutinizeror short: I dunno :-P00:20
trumeei am going to insert another sim to check if it changes00:20
DocScrutinizere.g for carrier name showing up in top bar there's 3 potetial sources00:21
trumeei called that number, carrier returned 'number not recognised'00:21
DocScrutinizerat least 300:21
ptl~seen qole00:21
infobotqole <~qole@Maemo/community/council/qole> was last seen on IRC in channel #maemo, 63d 4h 45m 31s ago, saying: 'Stskeeps, oh that's some great news!'.00:22
hawai`iGo get a new SIM00:22
DocScrutinizertrumee: probably some carriers implement a way to signal the actually assigned number back to the mobile00:22
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DocScrutinizerjust like some carriers transmit correct time of day, and some don't00:23
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iPeter-I dont know should i ask this here but anyway.. is it possible to put opera load pages as normally on PC, annyoing to get example mobile youtube -.-00:24
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BCMMiPeter-: does it have a way to change you user agent?00:24
DocScrutinizerchange browser ID00:24
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DocScrutinizerask timeless_mbp00:25
MohammadAGabout:config, same as firefox00:25
DocScrutinizeror ask MohammadAG :-D00:25
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iPeter-MohammadAG: Thx00:26
MohammadAGthinking about getting the nokia BH-21400:26
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DocScrutinizererr, the nice expensive one?00:27
MohammadAGlol no00:28
iPeter-MohammadAG: Could you tell what to do from about:config to get rid of that?00:28
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MohammadAGoh, opera, sec00:28
MohammadAGthought you were talking about microB00:29
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iPeter-MohammadAG: Yeh, opera :)00:29
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millenomi(workin' in the background, lurkin':
MohammadAGiPeter-, scroll down to useragent, it doesn't support flash so I don't see any point of using the full yt00:31
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MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, you know you want one
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iPeter-MohammadAG: Yeah, i just try out this browser. Umm im in User agent, what now?00:31
MohammadAGchange the useragent to what you want :)00:32
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MohammadAGFirefox/3.5.6 is a valid one, i think00:32
iPeter-I changed user agent value to 0, still going to mobile youtube if im typing
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iPeter-Well nvm. Not going to use this as default browser, yet.00:35
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MohammadAGiPeter-, try 400:35
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iPeter-MohammadAG: I changed it to 4, clicked save, and did shutdown browser and now its back to 1 ):00:37
MohammadAGwhy did you shutdown00:37
MohammadAGjust hit save00:37
iPeter-it said it may need reboot :o00:37
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iPeter-but, it seems it doesnt need.00:38
iPeter-MohammadAG: Worked, thanks.00:38
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MohammadAGiPeter-, the settings thing is a known issue00:39
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MohammadAGsettings get saved here though00:39
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iPeter-but opera seems to be fast and is easier than microb on some things, i like of it. Few things need to be fixed to replace microb :)00:40
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* GAN900 wonders why Texrat got 5 thumbs for:
SpeedEvilHe's a mutant?00:43
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Ic3manHi.. trying out x-chat for the first time on my N900 :)00:43
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Dima202Hey Doc still alive?00:44
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Dima20210 min left on my uppload00:44
Gilles__hi here00:44
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Dima202Ic3man: how is xchat? I like irssi00:44
Gilles__i'm trying to install nitdroid on an n80000:45
Ic3manxchat is very user friendly i think...00:45
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: lmao00:45
Gilles__and i'm looking for help00:45
Dima202irssi too for irc00:45
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Dima202Gilles__: I've found help.. in a bottle :)00:46
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* Dima202 pokes DocScrutinizer 00:47
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Gilles__i've followed what's written in nitdroid00:47
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MohammadAGHildon Mutant Manager?00:47
* N900evil loves xchat.00:47
Ic3manI must say that the N900 is by far the best mobile ive ever used... :)00:48
* MohammadAG seconds that00:48
* MohammadAG seconds that too00:48
ManoftheSeaI like it too.00:48
DocScrutinizerDima202: you summoned me?00:48
Dima202Remind me of my Zaurus00:48
ManoftheSeaBut then... I haven't had a new phone in 2.5 years.00:48
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Dima202:) hey DocScrutinizer almost done with what upload :)00:48
Ic3manAny ubuntu users here?00:49
DocScrutinizerplease send URL to /query DocScrutinizer5100:49
MohammadAGIc3man, sadly00:49
* DocScrutinizer ponders to finally get out, beer, and a few 100 random manpages offline, for leisure00:50
Gilles__i'm not sure if it's working with rs mmc card00:51
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DocScrutinizerDima202: you got qwerty kbd?00:52
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DocScrutinizerhmm, seems irssi isn't that great00:53
Dima202DocScrutinizer: why not?00:54
Dima202Works great for me00:54
Dima202got used to pg up and pg dwn for scrolling00:54
Dima202everything else is fine00:54
Dima202DocScrutinizer: got my query?00:55
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DocScrutinizer51xchat is fine since I got shift-up/down (only available on qwerty)00:57
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Dima202can you screen xchat?00:57
tybollthow do I move copy entries from my ovi calendar to my ovi calendar 1.6 beta?00:57
DocScrutinizer51irssi seems to fail for you as you didn't answer00:57
DocScrutinizer51Dima202: no screen for xchat - it's a gui app00:58
Dima202my point :p00:58
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SpeedEvilDima202: you can use quassel multi-headed00:59
DocScrutinizer51why would you want to use screen anywway?00:59
DocScrutinizer51any bouncer00:59
MohammadAGcool, I can slide my N900 open using the display now00:59
MohammadAGkinda like a shotgun :P00:59
DocScrutinizer51errr wut?00:59
Dima202i usually tunnel into my dedcated box and screen irssi through there01:00
MohammadAGslider's looser than before01:00
an0therb0xis there a program to send certain numbers directly to voice mail  for the n90001:00
DocScrutinizer51MohammadAG: you really got a lemon01:00
MohammadAGCall forwarding I think01:00
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer51, nope, don't they all get like this sooner or later?01:01
DocScrutinizer51hmm dunno01:01
an0therb0xMohammadAG: so i can send certain contacts directly to voice message ?01:01
MohammadAGthink so01:02
MohammadAGnever used it01:02
DocScrutinizer51if you dmesg doesnt explode of 'slider now open' 'slider now closed'01:02
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer51, tehkseven/join duct taped it01:02
fralsanyone figured out a way to spoof an incoming call?01:02
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer51, it's not that loose lol!01:02
fralsi dont feel like calling myself everytime i need to test this script :[01:02
tybolltfrals: ?01:02
MohammadAGfrals, make a skype account and call yourself?01:02
MohammadAGoh nvm01:02
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fralsMohammadAG: skype goes over telepathy :(01:03
DocScrutinizer51frals: hard01:03
MohammadAGyeah, the N900 crashes when i do that01:03
Dima202Does video skype work on the 1.2 thats out in hk right now01:03
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MohammadAGvideo calls are supported in 1.2, qole confirmed it01:03
SpeedEvilfrals: Put up little cards in phone boxes nearby01:04
Dima202same guy who condemned flash 10.101:04
fralsSpeedEvil: :D01:05
fralsMohammadAG: you should probably clarify its skype video and not 3g video calls ;)01:05
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MohammadAGskype and gtalk video calls then01:05
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MohammadAGDima202, that "guy" made easy debian, and is a respected member, I doubt the 10.1 thing was a lie01:06
rektidewhich guy?01:06
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DocScrutinizer51Dima202: dl isn't lightning fast either01:06
Dima202wow, he made easy debian?01:07
ArkenoiDo SIP video calls work as well?01:07
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Dima202DocScrutinizer51: it better be, 100 megabit connection01:07
pwnguindoesn't that just make it more likely he'd condemb flash on philosophical grounds?01:07
DocScrutinizer51wonder if that's due to internets or N900 write bandwidth to uSD01:07
Dima202DocScrutinizer51: are you sure its not on your end?01:07
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MohammadAGthe N900 downloads stuff slowly01:07
DocScrutinizer51Dima202: would you mind to rened the URL to DocScrutinizer ?01:08
DocScrutinizer51woglinde: joo01:08
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MohammadAGbattery low01:10
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DocScrutinizerDima202: ok, avrged at 220KiB/s. Doesn't feel much faster than on N900 though :-P01:12
user_i can barely read anything in xchat01:12
Dima202Hmm, I am maxing my d/l at 500kb/s01:13
SpeedEvilDima202: over 3g?01:13
DocScrutinizeruser_: maybe adjust fontsize then?01:13
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Dima202must be you DocScrutinizer01:13
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Dima202SpeedEvil: lol nah over cable01:14
DocScrutinizerI think that's a 1Mbit DSL here01:14
SpeedEviluser_: Is it a colour problem?01:14
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fralsso how do i translate this to a dbus-send command: signal sender=:1.17 -> dest=(null destination) serial=77049 path=/com/nokia/csd/call;; member=Coming  object path "/com/nokia/csd/call/1" string "346893489"01:15
* SpeedEvil wonders that true01:16
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: hmm, 16lines here instead of your 14, but otherwise rather identical01:16
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: well - if you hide the top...01:16
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DocScrutinizernah, smallet PT01:17
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SpeedEvilI sometimes use it outside in direct sun with the backlihgt down01:17
DocScrutinizernokia sans 1201:17
SpeedEvilIn this case, the resolution is hurt01:17
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Dima202DocScrutinizer: maybe someone is tapping your wirless?01:18
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DocScrutinizerbtw, on related topic: I use the tabs instead of treeview for the chanlist - and I found it's impossible to read red on gray in bright sunlight01:19
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Dima202k, on related topic, did you test the video to tv out issue?01:20
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* Dima202 pokes DocScrutinizer01:21
DocScrutinizerDima202: still downloading Opening the video streaming in mediaplayer gave me black screen even on N90001:21
Dima202you tried to steam a divx file?01:21
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BCMMtalking of video, anyone else had videos that won't play, but work fine after a reboot?01:21
SpeedEvilBCMM: you can wedge the infrastructure01:22
BCMMi've had this several times with stuff made with tablet-encode01:22
BCMMSpeedEvil: ?01:22
SpeedEvilBCMM: It crashes the DSP01:22
DocScrutinizerso what? N900 on opening the link asked me "store or play?"01:22
SpeedEvilor something01:22
BCMMSpeedEvil: what does "wedge teh infrastructure" mean?01:22
SpeedEvilBCMM: and won't come back without rebooting01:22
BCMMoh, the DSP can get in a confused state, i see01:22
SpeedEvilBCMM: Some aspect of the video chain crashes01:22
BCMMah, that must be what happens when you feed it stuff straight of of get_iplayer01:22
BCMMh264, but not the sort of h264 it wants...01:23
DocScrutinizerBCMM: nota bene after DSP crashed it won't play *any* video until reboot01:23
BCMMyeah, that is consistent with what i've seen01:23
BCMMit sounds like i can repeatably crash the DSP by trying to play the output of get_iplayer01:23
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BCMMi've encountered another oddity with stuff from tablet-encode01:24
BCMMfwiw, this one was with pretty poor-quality video to start with01:24
SpeedEvilBCMM: Oh - random interesting factoid.01:24
* DocScrutinizer wonders if a kill -9 to the right process might do, instead of boot01:25
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SpeedEvilBCMM: I am part of a n900 survey that is being conducted by nokia01:25
SpeedEvilBCMM: One of the questions was 'how much would you like to be able to easily play web-tv /iplayer)01:25
BCMManyway the tablet-encode output played back at a decent speed on the desktop, but was jerky (like maybe 5fps) on the n90001:25
BCMManyone else had that? any tablet-encode/mencoder flags that help?01:26
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* SpeedEvil wishes that the bbc would get with the damn program, and just podcast _everything_.01:30
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ohwhymeAnyone know why my phone log keeps getting cleared after a little01:40
DocScrutinizerPP:hald-runer  PID:821 hald-addon-usb-cable: listening on /sys/devices/platform/musb_hdrc/usb1/../mode01:41
* DocScrutinizer really wishes someone @ Nokia would write a little summary on how that friggin USB crap is supposed to work (or has been supposed to, before they ditched hostmode)01:44
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BCMMSpeedEvil: apparently they think people won't let them buy programs unless they drm everything01:46
BCMMSpeedEvil: (except for iphone obviously)01:46
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ajf_rename guysoft22 guy01:46
BCMM(oh, and flash cause it's fiddly)01:46
SpeedEvilAnd of course people are pushing for ipad.01:46
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guysoft22ajf_, wha?01:47
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BCMMSpeedEvil: and of course they forgot the bit were they are the bleedin' bbc and actually could just threaten to take their business elsewhere01:47
BCMMor provide non-stupid copies of their own stuff01:47
BCMMbasically, i smell lobbying01:47
BCMMstill, get_iplayer is pretty brilliant01:48
BCMMthe perfect interface01:48
BCMMwell, it was until they dropped the iphone versions for some reason01:48
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ohwhymeu guys know where the call log is located?01:54
frals~/.rtcom-eventlogger/el.db or el-v1.db afaik01:55
* SpeedEvil sighs.01:56
SpeedEvilI was playing with seeing if I could get meego to boot as a rescue disk, to avoid flashing.01:56
SpeedEvilSo put it on the SD in the phone.01:56
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SpeedEvilThat had had my backups on.01:56
* SpeedEvil is doing a lot of scrolling and clicking right now.01:57
woglindegood nite01:57
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ajf_rename njsf_1 n01:59
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SpeedEvilAt least 1.2 keeps its place in the app-list, so I don't need to scroll01:59
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SpeedEvilerr - 1.2.101:59
SpeedEvilerr - 1.1.101:59
* SpeedEvil sighs.01:59
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LinuxCodedoes anyone know if maemo 5 support smartcards readers using ccid ?02:10
LinuxCodeI see gnugpg2 2.0.15 on the site02:10
LinuxCodewhich is one of the two things I would need02:10
SpeedEvilhow would these be connected?02:11
LinuxCodeits like a smartcard standard02:11
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SpeedEvilthere is no working USB hostmode02:11
infobotrumour has it, usb is Unusable Serial Bus.  Useless Serial Bus.  Ugly Stupid Bus02:11
SpeedEvilUSB is
infobotwell, usb is Unusable Serial Bus.  Useless Serial Bus.  Ugly Stupid Bus02:12
SpeedEvilSee that02:12
SpeedEvilinfobot: USB is
infobot...but usb is already something else...02:12
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LinuxCodesad ;-|02:13
SpeedEvilinfobot: USBHOST is
infobotSpeedEvil: okay02:13
LinuxCodethat would have been really cool02:13
infobotusbhost is probably
SpeedEvilIt's probably coming. It's not there yet though.02:13
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* lcuk ensures DocScrutinizer is stocked up with bacon and coffee to his taste02:18
lcukDocScrutinizer, im gonna see whether theres any more info we can obtain for you02:19
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DocScrutinizer51errm... missing context02:20
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lcukyour rant earlier02:22
fralslcuk and the bacon is going to do their thing and see what comes out02:23
DocScrutinizerlcuk: fine02:24
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tremnite all, sweet dreams02:36
LinuxCodeSpeedEvil, thanks again for earlier02:37
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ajf_guysoft22: sorry about that.. was my bitlbee_rename script for facebook going crazy for some bizarre reason02:37
LinuxCodehi lcuk , good night lcuk02:37
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ajf_rename kkb110 purple02:44
SpeedEvilrename ajf_ noob02:45
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Dima202Hey Doc, so anything interesting yet?02:47
Termanagood morning02:47
Dima202good morning Termana at 7,47 pm but okay ;)02:47
Termana:P That link is golden, thanks to however showed it to me :P02:48
Dima202haha nice02:48
TermanaDima202, also - its 9:18am here, so very much morning :)02:48
Dima202"Resistance is futile." <- rofl02:48
DocScrutinizerlo Myrtti02:50
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Dima202DocScrutinizer: did that download finish yetA?02:50
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ajf_rename b0unc3 b0unc302:50
Dima202Can you check please02:50
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DocScrutinizerin a short while02:51
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Dima202DocScrutinizer: can you give "in a short while" a time frame?02:52
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DocScrutinizerajf_: send me a query if you have anything better to say than rename x y save02:53
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* DocScrutinizer wonders if that's a bot02:55
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DocScrutinizerDima202: next 60min02:55
MyrttiDocScrutinizer: look at the backlog at 37 past this hour02:55
Dima202oh my02:55
Dima202ok, thanks I'll be here02:56
DocScrutinizerMyrtti: oh, thanks02:56
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Myrttiit's not a bot, but he still needs to fix his script02:56
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DocScrutinizerstill [Whois] ajf_ ist (Unknown)02:58
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DocScrutinizerlooks strange as well02:58
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Pekuja_I'm having a problem trying to install the SDK03:00
Pekuja_it seems like sudo is failing03:00
Pekuja_"mmap: Operation not permitted"03:00
Pekuja_this is on Ubuntu 10.04 inside Virtualbox03:00
wazdhmmm, "Design by Community" is an interesting thing :)03:01
Pekuja_oh, hmm03:01
Pekuja_should had taken a look at the installation guide. the solution is right there03:01
wazd <- they are now making design concepts according to the chosen specs03:02
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Dima202DocScrutinizer: very soon?03:24
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DocScrutinizercopying, remaining time 25min03:27
Maceravatar the cartoon is great03:28
Maceromg the earth bending girl cracks me up03:28
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FunnyfacemobI just can't explain how much more I like my N900 than my old htc tytn II.. that device was the dumbest thing I ever spent my money on :>03:34
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luke-jrFunnyfacemob: the opposite for me03:38
acidjazzany1 in here get android on their mameo yet?03:38
luke-jrI liked my C760 more than my N810, which was the dumbest thing I ever spent my money on :p03:38
luke-jracidjazz: that's a contradiction03:39
acidjazzon their n90003:39
luke-jralso, Android sucks03:39
luke-jr#NITdroid for Android fanboys03:39
acidjazzlol its the best phone os next to maemo03:40
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luke-jracidjazz: they both suck03:42
luke-jrand N900 isn't a phone03:43
ptland windows isn't an OS03:43
acidjazzthis isnt irc03:44
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DocScrutinizerDima202: ok, so when do you say the AV signal turns black?03:56
Funnyfacemobyeah the N900 is a phone whether you want to accept it as one or not :P03:56
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luke-jrFunnyfacemob: nope03:58
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Funnyfacemobanyway what is wrong with the N900?04:00
luke-jrit's junk :P04:01
luke-jrtoo small04:01
FunnyfacemobI can only think of one thing I'd like to add to it, and that's 2 hardware buttons on the front panel, which can be used without the keyboard04:01
luke-jrtoo closed04:01
Funnyfacemobthe size makes it fit well in your pocket as a phone, while still having a decent portable OS04:02
luke-jrwell I don't want a phone04:03
luke-jrN8x0 fit in my pocket fine04:03
luke-jras did C76004:03
luke-jrwithout the insane small screen04:03
Funnyfacemobyeah but it's not junk, being in the category it is :P04:03
luke-jrNokia doesn't put it in the phone category last I checked04:03
luke-jrit's in the tablet category04:03
luke-jror handheld category04:04
Funnyfacemobit's a bit like saying "my laptop sucks as a phone because it's too large to fit in my pocket"04:04
luke-jrexcept N900 isn't supposed to be a phone04:04
luke-jrmost NITs don't even have a cell modem04:04
Funnyfacemobwell for the average "I just want a good phone" type of people they'd be disappointed and find it hard to navigate simply because the phone stuff is too hidden away04:05
luke-jrI'm still waiting for a decent successor to C76004:06
DocScrutinizerDima202: video from AV 'works' (well it's the usual crap with only 65535 colors making faces look like painted with a big brush, it's jumpy and red is way too saturated)04:06
DocScrutinizerbut it's not black after maybe 10 minutes now04:07
DocScrutinizerDima202: so I'll finish watching that movie now04:08
Funnyfacemobalso regarding the "too closed" part, I haven't looked too much into it, but I guess if you stripped maemo down to just the gpl licensed stuff, you'd still have a decent OS04:08
Funnyfacemobinstalling open source stuff to replace the junk04:08
luke-jrFunnyfacemob: if you stripped it down to only the Free parts, you wouldn't have anything that worked period04:08
Funnyfacemobno idea about the drivers04:08
DocScrutinizerDima202: maybe your TV has problem with the 2.25:1 cinemascope format?04:09
luke-jrthe closed junk is not replacable unless Nokia releases specs04:09
DocScrutinizerluke-jr: uhuh04:09
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budfiveanybody using an invisibleshield for an n900?04:11
FunnyfacemobI wish I had because I made a small scratch the other week04:11
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Funnyfacemobnothing major, can't see it unless I look for it, but it's annoying to know that it is there :(04:12
budfivewell, if anybody installed one, is there any trick to preventing liquid from entering the speaker?04:12
Funnyfacemobdoesn't it just cling to the screen the same way as the original screen protector did?04:14
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budfivethere's a liquid spray involved in the installations04:19
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Funnyfacemobhmm no idea. maybe don't spray too much on? :P04:22
Funnyfacemoband hold it so any excess liquid doesn't run into the spaker04:23
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LiraNunaall my application catalogs are gone04:46
Scifi_Hi, Is there a way to know how many times an app is downloaded/installed from a repository?04:46
SpeedEvilScifi_: yes04:47
SpeedEvilfrals cheats though by pushing a new update every 8 or 9 seconds.04:48
crashanddieGAN900: fail, TF2 not available on mac yet04:49
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Scifi_SpeedEvil: Thats what I need. Thank you :)04:49
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SpeedEvilTo get a number for an app, you need to correlate the above graph with the release versions, and come up with a function that decomposes the superposition of all of the versions downloads into one number of users.04:50
SpeedEvilthis is tricky04:50
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Funnyfacemobare there any reliable estimates of how many N900 units nokia has sold?04:52
Scifi_I am not looking at processing that data automatically. Just for reference.04:53
LiraNunaall my application catalogs are gone, what are the default ones?04:54
LiraNunaI did the update04:56
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LiraNunaChromium and LED Pattern editor04:56
LiraNunaand the update failed because of slow network04:56
LiraNunaafter I tried to update again, all the catalogs are gone04:56
SpeedEvilFirst I would try a reboot.04:57
SpeedEvildoes 'application catalogs' show null?04:57
LiraNunanope, empty04:57
LiraNunaonly the [NEW] button is there04:58
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LiraNunalet me try and reboot04:58
LiraNunaI didn't reboot the phone in months04:58
Funnyfacemobreally? mine reboots by itself :p05:00
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LiraNunathat worked, weird05:04
LiraNunathanks SpeedEvil05:04
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SpeedEvilI blame solar flares.05:07
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LiraNunawow, Opera is impressive05:12
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SpeedEvilis it not in repo?05:13
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pexi-how impressive?05:13
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LiraNunapexi-, worth installing05:13
LiraNunafaster than microB05:13
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pexi-hmm.. how about js-engine?05:14
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LiraNunavery impressive - worth installing05:15
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LiraNunachecking if it supports flash now05:15
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pexi-LiraNuna, does it have any device api support like geolocation (gps) or orientation?05:16
LiraNunaorientation - YES05:16
LiraNunavery well too05:16
pigeonno flash yet i thought05:16
LiraNunadidn't check geolocation05:16
SpeedEvil'no flash or other plugins'05:16
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LiraNunaah, yeah05:17
LiraNunayoutube isn't working05:17
pexi-kernel driver for rotation, I see05:17
LiraNunalet's check geolocation05:17
LiraNunagoogle maps mobile says05:18
LiraNuna"Your current location is unavailable in Safari"05:18
dougtLiraNuna: try:
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pigeondo you know how to zoom in/out in opera?05:19
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LiraNunapigeon, click and hold05:19
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LiraNunaas in05:20
LiraNunalong tap05:20
pigeonthanks, double tap also works05:20
LiraNunadouble tap works as well05:20
LiraNunaOpera is very impressive05:20
* LiraNuna runs sun spider05:21
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SpeedEvilNo flash.05:22
pigeonthe default browser is the only one that can do flash at the moment i thought05:23
ds3would you like NAND or NOR? ;)05:23
SpeedEvilpigeon: and fennec IIRC05:23
SpeedEvilOr was that firefox05:23
pigeoni installed firefox, but still haven't used it.05:23
pigeonalso wondering about midori.05:23
LiraNuna<SpeedEvil> DEALBRAKER.05:24
LiraNunadude it's alpha05:24
SpeedEvilfirefox is regrettably slow.05:24
SpeedEvilI know.05:24
LiraNunaI'm impressed with it as an alpha05:24
FunnyfacemobI used both iceweasel and some hmm "ephiphany"? browser with debian and I think they are both about as fast as microb even though they are not really optimized for this hardware05:25
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LiraNuna25301ms +/- 6.4%05:27
pigeonwell my firefox doesn't have flash installed.05:27
Funnyfacemobhmm I was going to come up with a point  to that but I forgot what I was going to say05:27
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LiraNunaflash 9 is annoyingly slow on N90005:29
LiraNunaI hope 10.1 will speed things up05:29
FunnyfacemobI hope HTML5 will speed things up05:29
Funnyfacemoblet's get rid of the shitty flash once and for all05:30
ds3this is amazing what a difference locking to GSM/EGPRS makes on the battery life05:30
LiraNunayeah, 3G is a battery whore05:30
LiraNunaeven more than wifi05:30
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SpeedEvilWifi uses lots of power only when not powersaving really.05:32
ds3EGPRS/GSM seems to have increased my battery life 2-3x05:33
SpeedEvilIdle with a decent powersaving router having it on and allowing ssh in adds maybe .1% battery drain per hour05:33
ds3WiFi doesn't seem to impact battery life, AFAICT05:33
SpeedEvilds3: It does - it's not easily noticable though.05:33
ds3I have mail checks every 30minutes along with IM in the background05:33
SpeedEvilds3: It's something like 150 hours live vs 13005:34
Funnyfacemobwell I notice a difference with wifi05:34
ds3SpreedEvil: *nod* it is down in the noise05:34
Funnyfacemobno idea what power saving modes my AP supports though05:34
SpeedEvilFunnyface: do you have your powersaving mode set to ma?05:34
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Funnyfacemobit's a WRT54GL that I haven't installed DDWRT on yet05:35
Funnyfacemobon the N900 or AP?05:35
SpeedEvilI have a wrt54g that I need to hook back up05:35
SpeedEvilthe n900 has to have it set to max05:35
SpeedEvilthe AP has to support it too, or it won't work05:35
SpeedEvilIt's a low-level driver function as I understand it, not something ddwrt might help05:36
Funnyfacemobcan't remember.. I remember seeing the settings05:36
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Dima202DocScrutinizer: are you there?05:37
Dima202Sorry i stepped out05:37
Funnyfacemobactually I might have disabled it on the N900 because I was trying to get it working with a messed up adhoc network05:38
Funnyfacemobwhere were those settings again?05:38
SpeedEvilFunnyface: settings -> internet - > select the connect - and it's at the end IIRC05:39
* Dima202 poke DocScrutinizer 05:39
Funnyfacemobah ok. well I don't have the network saved like that, I just bring up a list of broadcasting networks and connect :P05:40
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FunnyfacemobI will take a look at it when I get back home, atm I am at a place where I don't know the AP password if I get disconnected05:41
N900evilnonpowersaving uses stupid power.05:42
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N900evil1/6th bat per hour05:42
Funnyfacemobhehe yes, adhoc showed me that05:42
Funnyfacemobimmediate improvement as soon as my WRT54GL arrived05:42
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kantlivelongping MohammadAG hai05:46
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kantlivelongMohammadAG: if you get this can you ping me @ kant_mobile.. thx05:50
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SpeedEvilopera looks very interesting05:58
SpeedEvilIt is in some places lots faster than microb05:59
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Dima202I've heard Opera release for n900, any good?06:24
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SpeedEvilIt's somewhat faster in places.06:25
SpeedEvilAnd some interesting touches06:25
Dima202I'll try it then06:26
SpeedEvilif it had flash - it would be an interesting alternative06:26
Dima202aww now flash :(06:26
SpeedEvilmany sites I'm on pretty much require flash06:26
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Dima202no hack to enable it like on firefox?06:27
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ajf_rename swc|666 swc06:27
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swc|666rename ajf_ ajf_biteme; commit06:28
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Dima202wow opera is very attractive06:38
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pigeonhmm, how come they say the front camera on the n900 isn't working?07:43
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pigeonor they just mean it's not being used by any apps07:46
luke-jrthey mean if you take a picture of them, they will stab your N900 through the camera07:47
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ajf_rename DocScrutinizer-8 joerg07:48
luke-jrrename ajf_ idiot07:50
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RST38hdelete *07:55
RST38hmoo wazd07:55
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swc|666luke-jr, +108:03
swc|666idiot is right08:03
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RST38hGermans To Get Fined For Not Securing Wi-Fi Networks08:07
swc|66664-bit wep ftw08:08
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rektidehaha word swc|66608:14
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opdf2anyone in chicago T-Mobile?08:18
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dotblankomg.. steam for linux is official08:36
luke-jrand worthless08:38
microlithdid valve announce it?08:38
tank-man"app store"08:39
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njsf_OMG no PR 1.2 yet :)08:39
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tank-manspeaking of steam ... "Today, nosy PC gamers discovered  that the version of Rockstar Games' Max Payne 2 being sold through Valve's Steam service looked an awful lot like the one released by pirate group Myth"08:42
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Dassuoke, so my n900 headphones just broke. Well, they lasted for 5 months, imho that's pretty good.10:08
DassuFucking pisses me of that no manufacotrer can't produce a wire that actually witstands10:08
Dassu *manufacturer10:09
alteregoDassu: I had some really nice sony headphones that broke a couple of months ago, had them for two years, used them every day :(10:09
alteregoI've been looking for the same model, but I can't find 'em anymore :'(10:09
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jacekowskiDassu: they can10:12
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alteregoNokia headphones are cheap and rubbish though IMO,10:12
jacekowskiDassu: but do you want to carry 10mm^2 wire with you?10:12
alteregoDassu: get a bluetooth set :D10:12
jacekowskithat would withstand it10:13
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arachnistDassu: get good bluetooth headphones10:27
arachnistDassu: like the sennheiser mm10010:27
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gerrymothOh not been on irc for awhile. Thing to remember how to use again :D10:35
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RST38hgerry: the most important command is /sign10:36
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ajf_rename b0unc3 b0unc310:40
gerrymothRst38h: remind me what that does? :D10:40
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Stskeepsthey got usb host working on n90010:56
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stranger_Stskeeps, ya, link please11:07
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RST38htmo is dead again11:09
stranger_is there a list of software in repositories somewhere in the web?11:12
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stranger_RST38h, any link?11:16
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MohammadAG(just trying to work out how that bot works)11:20
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ajf_rename AD-N770 josep_torra11:26
AD-N770ajf: why do you want rename me?11:27
stranger_if something went wrong during flashing and the N900 was bricked. is there a way to 'restore' it back to factory condition?11:28
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pupnikhey AD-N77011:29
AD-N770hi pupnik11:29
X-Fadestranger_: Just flash it again.11:29
Stskeepsajf_: that's a rather lame script11:30
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alturiaklooks like bitlbee-commands to me11:43
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hrw-uds~curse people which use word 'bricked' when they did not bridket their devices12:25
infobotMay you be reincarnated as a Windows XP administrator, people which use word 'bricked' when they did not bridket their devices !12:25
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SpeedEvilStskeeps: awesome12:39
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wall[e]seriously, must build a theme...12:46
wall[e]where are moods?12:46
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b0unc3ajf_, ?12:52
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pupnik  << interesting - an artist's view on what needs doing for mypaint12:59
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WizzupIs there a way to change the way the mount points are set up a bit? My / is constantly at 100%, while /dev/mmcblk0p2 is at 41%. I know how to change mount points, but I couldn't find a wiki page with a recommended setup13:03
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SpeedEvil / is on a seperate device13:04
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SpeedEvilthe stock firmware will not boot if you copy the filesystem to mmc, and try to boot it13:05
SpeedEvilfind can be of use13:05
SpeedEvilinstall gnu findutils13:05
WizzupI have find :)13:05
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SpeedEvilfind / -mount -mtime -2013:06
SpeedEvilwill find all files altered every 20 days ago13:06
SpeedEviladd -size +200k - and you get a list of largish new files13:06
Wizzupwell, it isn't particulary new, I've had this for quite a while, will try the size opt13:07
Wizzupmainly /var/lib/apt and and /var/lib/dpkg13:07
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Wizzupis it not possible to mount /var/lib/ to the other storage device?13:08
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SpeedEvilthe cache files can be nuked13:08
SpeedEvilI think lib can be moved13:08
Wizzupmoved, as in mounted to a diff folder with bind?13:10
WizzupNokia-N900-02-8 lib # du -sh .13:10
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SpeedEvil15m herr13:13
pupnikwow linapple is *loud*13:13
BCMMsomewhat OT: how much should it cost to insure an N900 in the UK?13:14
SpeedEvilBCMM: 50 quid/year13:14
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BCMMbuying off the nokia website gives you three months free insurance and an automatic direct debit to start paying 6 a month afterwards if you don't cancell13:16
BCMMbe warned13:16
SpeedEvilIt diddn't for me13:17
BCMMwonder if they can be pressured into not partnering with mobile phones direct?13:17
BCMMSpeedEvil: well did for me...13:17
BCMMordered around easter with t-mobile contract13:17
* Wizzup reboots phone now and hopes everything goes fine13:18
BCMM50/pa including theft, damage?13:18
SpeedEvilBCMM: bought outright13:19
SpeedEvilBCMM: yes13:19
BCMMSpeedEvil: what about water damage?13:19
BCMMalso, with which company? looks like i'm ringing to cancel this one and whine about being signed up for it13:20
BCMMthey gave very good deal with t-mobile13:21
SpeedEvilgoogle it.13:21
BCMMperhaps they intend to make it up in ripoff insurance13:21
SpeedEvilThere are a few insurers that will insure already purchased phones.13:21
WizzupSpeedEvil: It seems to hang on boot13:21
* Wizzup investigates13:21
SpeedEvilt-mobile have their own insurance that will cover phones contracted to them.13:22
SpeedEvilWizzup: ?13:22
BCMMi think ensleigh can do it as part of house contents13:22
WizzupSpeedEvil: after I added a mount line to /etc/fstab to the /var/lib mount13:22
BCMMSpeedEvil: included in contract or extra?13:22
Corsachmhm, did someone try to reduce vm.swappiness?13:22
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BCMMSpeedEvil: i don't really understand contracts; t-mobile doesn't do n900 or know about it on website13:23
SpeedEvilWizzup: yes - it's easy to screw it up13:23
BCMMbut mobile phones direct sells t-mobile contracts with an n900...13:24
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SpeedEvilBCMM: Look round t-mobiles site - see if there is an option to get insurance through them.13:24
SpeedEvilCompare the rest of the market too for accidental damage/loss insurance - consder what risks you want insurance for13:24
WizzupSpeedEvil: easy to fix, too? ;)13:24
jacekowskicarphone warehouse sells N900 with tmbile contract13:24
SpeedEvilWizzup: Well - flash it.13:25
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fralshmm hmm13:25
jacekowskii don'think they sell it directly13:25
jacekowskiand it's sold unlocked btw13:25
SpeedEvilWizzup: flashing nukes all installed apps - but not your homedir13:25
Wizzupeh, I'd rather not13:25
fralsis there any qt widget that is like a notification but stays on tophalf of the screen until dismissed?13:25
* Wizzup will mess around more13:25
* frals steals a look at w00t_13:26
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BCMMi do wonder wht i actually need13:26
lcukSTOP THIEF!13:26
* w00t_ looks at frals 13:26
BCMMi only broke a phone once13:26
BCMMbut i never had one worth stealing before13:26
* frals trouts lcuk13:27
SpeedEvilBCMM: Read your home insurance policy - if you ahve one. Some can - or can be upgraded to - cover some aspects of phone problems.13:27
lcukhiya frals w00t_ \o13:27
BCMMand it has a camera and so on so will come out of pocket more13:27
fralsi suspect i would have to do my own widget based on xq11embedcontainer or something13:27
w00t_frals: QMaemo5InformationBox?13:27
BCMMSpeedEvil: yeah, ensleigh can13:27
BCMMproabably will do expensive phones too cause they'll do laptops13:28
fralsw00t_: ah, i could try with that i guess! ty13:28
w00t_frals: :)13:28
fralsbut id prefer something like androids pushnotifications or what they call it, but i suspect there is no such widget by default13:29
w00t_I have no idea what it does, never used android13:29
SpeedEvilBCMM: I think I was looking at cusc phoneguard.13:29
fralsw00t_: or rather, something like this on symbian
frals(first 5 seconds)13:31
CorsacAard: /win goto #meego13:31
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w00t_frals: which part of it?13:32
fralsthe part that shows "searching for ..." and then shows information when it calls13:32
fralsie overlays on the call ui13:32
fralssorry for not being clear, just woke up!13:32
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fralsalso lcuk stole all my bacon13:33
w00t_I don't think I've seen anything like that13:33
lcukno i didnt13:33
lcuki havent had bacon in about a fortnight now :'(13:33
w00t_mmmm bacon13:33
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oscillikthis is damn good bacon
oscilliki'm very picky with bacon13:40
lcuktheres another problem with it - theres only 5 rashers there :p13:42
oscilliklcuk: heh i remember that one :p and yeah, the bacon doesn't last long. but it's damn good13:44
WizzupSpeedEvil, flashing now. I just find it really weird the / is set up like this - installing a just a few apps very quickly fills it up to 100%, and after that has happened, I can't install more apps and such13:44
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oscilliki <3 my minidisc recorder13:47
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phellarvWizzup: Well - All debs should really be optified.13:48
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Wizzupphellarv: Right - but isn't /opt/ mounted on the small device as well?13:48
phellarvWizzup: Nope13:48
WizzupI'll check in a bit13:49
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phellarvNokia-N900-02-8:/opt# df /opt13:49
phellarvFilesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on13:49
phellarv/dev/mmcblk0p2         2064208   1048468    910884  54% /home13:49
SpeedEvilopt is on the 2g /home13:49
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phellarvWizzup: /opt is really a symlink13:50
SpeedEvilAnd any applications installable through HAM should be optified with a few K at most on /13:50
phellarvHildon Application Manager13:50
Wizzupwell I did use apt-get quite a lot ... :)13:51
phellarvSame sources13:51
omarthere's no way to play mkv files is there? mplayer not working for me13:51
phellarvOr - Almost13:51
phellarvomar: But not all mkv-files. Dunno which is supported or which is not.13:53
omari see thanks phellarv13:53
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pigeoncan you zoom in/out in the default n900 photo viewer?13:53
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threshI can13:53
smokupigeon, use the zoom buttons13:53
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pigeonsmoku: ah, hardware buttons, thank you13:54
smokuso obvious that it's impossible to come up with ;-)13:55
pupnikwhere did usleep() go?13:55
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asj       4.3BSD,   POSIX.1-2001.   POSIX.1-2001  declares  this  function  obsolete;  use  nanosleep(2)  instead.14:00
asj       POSIX.1-2008 removes the specification of usleep().14:00
asjgood to know :)14:00
pupnikty ty14:00
pupnikthe slower i get, the faster things change14:01
asjI didn't know it was deprecated either, interesting to know14:02
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pupnikwhy does it want two params?  :)14:03
asjread the man page, it's a pita function compared to usleep14:04
pupnik  << for RST38h14:04
asj(well not really since it can be null, but there's more caveats)14:04
asjlol, read up on clock_nanosleep(2)14:04
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pupniki just want to s/usleep(100)/SOMETHING and move on...14:06
asjpupnik: nanosleep isn't that bad14:07
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pupnikgood grief this is confusing14:21
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DocScrutinizerStskeeps: now you got the stick to poke at nokia14:27
Stskeepsyeah, i saw14:28
DocScrutinizermake them send me a NDA and then the BME source14:28
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* SpeedEvil passes Stskeeps a 3m long branch of hawthorne.14:29
DocScrutinizerStskeeps: and a spare N900 ;-P14:29
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timeless_mbppupnik: actually, nanosleep is friendly :)14:39
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timeless_mbpit lets you easily handle the case that someone was annoying and woke you early14:39
* DocScrutinizer sighs over noticing that egoshin's results are basically not really anything beyond what is shown to work in but then that's just 2 weeks ago14:40
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DocScrutinizerand especially in
DocScrutinizerwe're still using OTG14:43
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SpeedEvilI think the enumeration reports were new?14:43
Slaianyone have a clue as to why the power key menu wont display anything except Phone? dont mean to intrude in the conversation or anything =/14:44
SpeedEvilSlai: sensible questions are always welcome.14:44
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: hmm, maybe14:44
timeless_mbpSlai: eh?14:44
timeless_mbpdo you mean you really have a menu w/ only one item?14:44
SpeedEvilSlai: I'm unsure. That sounds odd.14:44
timeless_mbpthe menu is controlled by a series of (pluggable) xml files14:44
timeless_mbpeach file provides a set of rules for when to show what14:44
SpeedEvilSlai: my first attempt would be to reboot, and see if it fixes it.14:45
Slaii edited systemui.xml to display the reboot button14:45
timeless_mbpthus there are a couple of obvious reasons for things to go bad :)14:45
SpeedEvilSlai: have you installed anything ...14:45
Slaiwhich worked fine14:45
SpeedEvilthat'll do it14:45
timeless_mbpyou probably broke the xml file :)14:45
Slaihehe probably14:45
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: nota bene I had no device connected to enumerate, when happened14:45
Slaibut it doesnt appear borked at all14:45
SpeedEvilrestore the file from the backup that you made.14:45
SpeedEvilSee if it fixes it14:45
Slaii did, thats when shit hit the fan14:45
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: yes14:46
Slaiso i took another guys xml file which works for him14:46
Slaistill nothing changed.14:46
timeless_mbpdid you reboot?14:46
timeless_mbpbecause the file isn't treated as dynamic14:46
Slaicountless times14:46
timeless_mbpit's read by an app at boot14:46
timeless_mbpalong w/ a bunch of other things14:46
* timeless_mbp changes the strings that those things use and of course that requires a reboot14:47
timeless_mbppersonally, if i were tech support i'd say "reflash"14:47
Slaiyeah, i rebooted after any change made14:47
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timeless_mbpwhat you're doing is for people who know what they're doing :)14:47
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timeless_mbpif you broke it, … :)14:47
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timeless_mbp(and yes, i've manually hand edited those files)14:48
Slaiyeah problem is i dont have any computer, so unless i can reflash from the device itself that wont happen =P14:48
timeless_mbpfind a friend ;-)14:48
timeless_mbpmake friend14:49
SpeedEvilI would really not screw with stuff without a computer.14:49
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timeless_mbpfind friend14:49
timeless_mbpyour n900 probably doesn't have make, but it should have find ! :)14:49
SpeedEviltimeless_mbp: find: `friend': No such file or directory14:49
timeless_mbpfind /a friend14:49
timeless_mbpthat works on emergency solaris systems where /a is a mount point :)14:50
Slai <- shows the systemui.xml im using14:50
timeless_mbpSlai: load the xml file in the browser14:50
SpeedEvilI suppose the bootmenu would be a sort-of-solution to many causes of bricking it14:50
timeless_mbpif it complains, fix it until the browser stops complaining14:50
SpeedEvilwell - near bricking14:50
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RST38hEHLO maemopunks14:51
Slaiwell aint i the sad panda14:52
timeless_mbp421 Please come back in 2040 seconds.14:52
Wizzuphm... Why does HAM see less apps than apt-cache? I'd really like git back14:53
Slaibut the xml file itself looks to be fine, right?14:53
timeless_mbpWizzup: ham shows apps in section: user/*14:54
timeless_mbpif your app isn't in user/* then it won't be shown14:54
timeless_mbpthings like git typically aren't in user/*14:54
WizzupSo just install with apt-get then?14:54
timeless_mbpSlai: did you try loading your local version in the browser on your device?14:54
timeless_mbpWizzup: .14:54
* DocScrutinizer laughs at timeless_mbp working in graylist mode now14:55
DocScrutinizerlo RST38h14:55
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* SpeedEvil tries to understand rtmpdump.15:00
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ajf_rename Jophish_n900 joe_h15:01
timeless_mbpRST38h: where?15:01
DocScrutinizerajf_: YOU SUCK!!15:02
Stskeepsi vote for a +q as well by now :P15:02
DocScrutinizerajf_: no matter if robot or not, fix your script or accept +q15:03
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Stskeepshas been going on for quite a while15:03
Arkenoinow there are two packages named mapper?15:03
DocScrutinizerwell, let's start gentle but noticable15:04
timeless_mbpanyone here familiar w/ cairo?15:04
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E0xusb stick mount in n900 YAY !15:08
* pupnik keeps his things happily hidden from user/* :D15:08
pupnikyaay for DocScrutinizer15:08
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DocScrutinizerc'mon shall I take a laptop with me, to connect the N900 to its USB while 'echo host >mode' - to enable mounting a USB stick?15:09
DocScrutinizerclosely check egoshin's procedure15:09
DocScrutinizerit's basically useless, and that's because we not yet entered generic hostmode. That's still OTG15:10
E0xDocScrutinizer: but they are almost close15:10
E0xto a nice solution for host mode15:10
DocScrutinizerwho's "they"?15:10
E0xegoshin , jorge , etc15:10
Stskeepswell, otg is a big step :P15:10
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corecode_where is the difference to generic hostmode?15:11
* Stskeeps is perfectly fine with otg15:11
DocScrutinizerE0x: checked my cloak?15:11
DocScrutinizerStskeeps: OTG won't work15:11
StskeepsDocScrutinizer: .. because?15:11
lbtneeds soldering15:11
Stskeepsin device or outside?15:11
DocScrutinizeras OTG needs an insane abuse of VBUS for "data transfer"15:11
Stskeepseven with powered hub?15:12
Stskeepsmeh, okay :P15:12
Stskeepsit's still a plus15:12
* lbt recalls seeing that in a bug recently15:12
DocScrutinizerOTG depends on BOTH devices know how to talk it15:12
DocScrutinizerand they use glitches and voltage probing (for sensing capacitor size etc) on VBUS15:13
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DocScrutinizerthat's why I think OTG will never work corretly on N900, even if we ignore the incompatibility of micro-B-receptacle with OTG specs15:14
DocScrutinizerdisclaimer: this parts of OTG specs are so complex I forgot 4/5 of it and only remember it's insane and useless15:15
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Pillumhey, can you watch with a n900 ?15:15
DocScrutinizerbaseline: we DO NOT WANT OTG - we want generic hostmode15:16
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* RST38h wants a pony15:16
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* frals wants colorfax in his n90015:16
Stskeepsbut it's still one way to get usb sticks on your n900.15:16
Stskeepsor other things15:16
E0xor only can generic hostmode15:16
Pillumwants a full hd beamer in his n90015:16
DocScrutinizerStskeeps: yes, with the help of a PC nearby15:16
Stskeepsi mean, we did OTG in the n81015:16
* satmd waves at sts15:16
StskeepsDocScrutinizer: why needing a pc, fwiw?15:17
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corecode_i'd like serial port via usb15:17
corecode_so that i can read my dive computer15:17
Pillumhey, can you watch with a n900 ?15:17
DocScrutinizerStskeeps: check egoshin's detailed procedure description15:17
corecode_without having to bring a laptop15:17
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DocScrutinizerStskeeps: he connects USB to PC, then does a few 'magic incantations', then swaps USB to his device to attach15:18
E0xcorecode_: that would be very nice ( serial port connection via usb )15:18
corecode_E0x: well, i have a serial usb data cable15:19
DocScrutinizerStskeeps: AIUI he forces N900 OTG state machine into a pathologic state15:19
corecode_E0x: so usb would be good15:19
E0xi mean in the n90015:19
StskeepsDocScrutinizer: yes, still cool and a step on the way15:19
corecode_if you can bitbang the lines of the usb or headphone out?15:19
pupnik-Os Pure CPU MHz:9.9   -O3 +pupnikflags Pure CPU MHz:15.115:19
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corecode_that would be interesting15:20
corecode_bitbang on the headphone out15:20
BCMMis there a technical reason that one couldn't construct a device which appears as a USB host on both sides, as it were?15:20
DocScrutinizercorecode_: don't worry, it will come in a few weeks15:20
BCMMi'm sure the driver would be pretty weird and wonderful15:20
corecode_DocScrutinizer: host mode?15:20
corecode_DocScrutinizer: or headphone bitbang15:20
BCMMand performance would probably not be nice15:20
BCMMbut is there a reason it's not possible?15:20
BCMM(and it would need it's own power source)15:21
DocScrutinizercorecode_: btw bitbanging on headphone out isn't rhat weird an idea - I like it15:21
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corecode_DocScrutinizer: i know15:21
DocScrutinizercorecode_: hostmode will come15:21
Slailoaded the systemui.xml into browser and it yells at me15:21
corecode_DocScrutinizer: yea, good job everybody involved15:21
corecode_the headphone out can do video, no?15:21
corecode_or where does the video out get connected15:21
DocScrutinizeryep, as well15:21
Slaiyeah, its av out15:21
corecode_oh serial bitbang, now i like it even more15:22
corecode_headphone bitbang15:22
corecode_boink boink15:22
Slaixml parsing error: not well formed. -<powerkeymenu path "/">15:23
DocScrutinizercorecode_: the headphones amp is a D-type without decoupling capacitors or any form of DC suppression (which gave Nokia decent headache with fried speakers btw ;-P), so you actually could 'bitbang' to AV-jack via audio device15:24
Slaiany ideas whats up?15:24
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corecode_heh, just audio bitbang15:25
corecode_even easier15:25
DocScrutinizerooh wait, seems I'm mixing headset jack and nternal speakers15:25
corecode_and quite insane15:25
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corecode_are there rx51 schematics around?15:25
DocScrutinizersorry, coffee didn't kick in yet15:25
DocScrutinizer(schem) check wiki15:25
corecode_nm, you could also just rectify the output15:25
RST38hchanging the name has not made maemo mapper any faster =(15:25
corecode_input, dunno15:26
Slaigod damn systemui.xml...15:26
Corsac“cellular network not available”15:26
Corsacthat's not good15:26
DocScrutinizerserial input via hold-button (short mic ring of AV to GND) should work without any problems15:26
BCMMRST38h: maemo mapper isn't maep, is it?15:27
Corsacthere are maep/mapper/mappero which are 3 different apps15:27
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corecode_the genious is that you don't need to do the timing yourself15:27
DocScrutinizercorecode_: yes, and of course a rectified 20KHz would suffice nicely for 300Bd15:27
corecode_but the audio card does it for you15:27
smokuSlai, path="/"  maybe?15:28
DocScrutinizeror even 240015:28
BCMMCorsac: what does it do that maep doesn't?15:28
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smokuSlai, XML disallows valueless attributes15:28
DocScrutinizercorecode_: (timing) yep, exactly15:28
Slaismoku i have no idea what that means =P15:29
CorsacBCMM: maep is pretty basic15:29
Corsacjust display map and that's all15:29
Corsacand tracking, though15:29
BCMMCorsac: yeah, there is tracking15:29
Corsacmapper/mappero are more complete, with routing and stuff like that15:29
Corsacheavier too15:29
Slaiwhat should i put in there instead? problem is the powerkey menu only shows Phone =s15:29
smokuSlai, put = in place of space :P15:29
BCMMCorsac: and getting to compare openstreetmap with aerial photos is pretty useful15:29
DocScrutinizercorecode_: btw I did similar thing several times, e.g. on ZX8115:30
BCMMCorsac: is there a fairly simple map program that you can persistently or temporarily mark points on?15:30
BCMMCorsac: (like adding markers to google earth)15:30
Slaibetween what, so its powerkey=path="/" ?15:30
smoku<powerkeymenu path="/">15:30
CorsacI don't think so, but it sure would be a nice addition to maep15:30
Slaithats what it says =s15:30
Corsac(mapper/mappero can do it afair but they're heavier too)15:31
smoku[14:23:51] Slai: xml parsing error: not well formed. -<powerkeymenu path "/">15:31
smokuwhere? :>15:31
Slaiah my bad15:31
Slaimistype on my end, theres an = between path and "/"15:31
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Slaitrying to fix your device while only having your device to do so with is... a challenge. especially when you havent got the faintest idea how =P15:33
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timeless_mbpSlai: so was browser helpful?15:34
Slaihey timeless15:35
Slaixml parsing error: not well formed. -<powerkeymenu path="/">15:35
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corecode_DocScrutinizer: so the L and R channels are connected to gnd via a capacitor15:36
timeless_mbpis there actually a - before <powerkeymenu ?15:36
Slaihm yeah15:36
timeless_mbpin the file?15:36
Slaiyes =/15:36
DocScrutinizercorecode_: hmm15:36
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corecode_mk too15:36
tybollttimeless_mbp: do you use the services?15:36
timeless_mbptybollt: ovi has services?15:37
corecode_and are out only15:37
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corecode_fair enough15:37
corecode_mk can be switched to be outgoing15:37
DocScrutinizercorecode_: please do not disturb - looking into hostmode atm. Unless you have a precise question I may answer to you15:37
Slaitimeless, i assume from your outrage that there shouldnt be?15:37
timeless_mbptybollt: why?15:37
corecode_DocScrutinizer: nevermind then, you go make hostmode work :)15:37
tybollttimeless_mbp: it is confusing :)15:37
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timeless_mbpSlai: that was a calm and polite question :)15:37
timeless_mbpyou'll know when i'm angry15:37
timeless_mbpbut yes15:38
tybollttimeless_mbp: you usually know things like that so I figured what the hell I'll ask :)15:38
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timeless_mbptybollt: oh, ask anyway15:38
Slaihehe ill remove that from all < then?15:38
timeless_mbpbut i prefer to believe that doesn't exist and doesn't have any services15:38
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timeless_mbpSlai: err15:39
* timeless_mbp sighs15:39
* timeless_mbp wants to see a movie15:39
tybollttimeless_mbp: ovi calendar and then there's ovi calendar beta (the latter is free for anyone, no NDA BS). Supposedly there's a way to use the calendar from ovi calendar in ovi calendar beta, but I don't know how.15:39
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tybollttimeless_mbp: s/see/watch/15:39
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tybollt\\o o// \o/15:39
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timeless_mbpno clue15:40
timeless_mbpask sp300015:40
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timeless_mbpfor unknown reasons he seems willing to look at ovi services15:40
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Slaiallright, ill assume its all aboot the -15:41
Slaiit had them in the file i copied, ill get rid of them all and see if that helps15:42
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timeless_mbpSlai: you want the browser to be happy about the file15:42
timeless_mbpuntil the browser likes it, there's no point in rebooting15:42
sp3000well, I document bugs in ovi services in ovi share occasionally ;)15:42
timeless_mbpthe browser is your friend :)15:42
Slaicool, appreciate the help, you patient demigod of rainbows and kittens you15:43
timeless_mbpsp3000: so, i'm going to a thing at 6pm :(15:43
tybolltthe browser source is not timeless_mbp friend ;P15:43
timeless_mbpwhich means i can either watch something lame early (date night / from paris with love)15:43
timeless_mbpor try for something late15:43
timeless_mbphow does one get 'points'?15:44
Slaiahahaha yeah now it has no problems with it15:44
tybollttimeless_mbp: there are free movies15:44
Slaior so it seems... hm... reboot time.15:45
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tybollttimeless_mbp: right most tab 'free videos'15:45
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* RST38h killed Maemo Mapper. It took time. 40+ seconds of time. And the could not even get locked/unlocked during that time.15:46
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* timeless_mbp wonders if that's bugmenot compatible15:46
RST38hWhatever that sucker does, cannot be healthy15:47
RST38hs/the/the device15:47
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Slaiahaha thanks for the help.15:48
AstralStormany chance of making my n810 usable?15:48
AstralStorm(no, don't tell me "buy an n900")15:48
Slaiits up perfect now, it was all aboot that single -15:48
AstralStormsee, the old Diablo is crashing every now and then15:49
timeless_mbpSlai: see, the browser is your friend :)15:49
AstralStormby watchdog15:49
AstralStormesp. on high cpu usage15:49
Slaitimeless is my friend15:49
AstralStormso, any ideas?15:49
Slaithanks a bunch, been bothering me for days15:49
AstralStormswitching to a better distro is of course nice15:50
Slaiand thanks for the browser tip15:50
alteregoLooks like there will be a real "production"-like image for the N900 of meego, very cool.15:50
AstralStormI know n810 is previous gen hardware15:50
AstralStormany help there?15:51
smokuAstralStorm, have you tried raising watchdok kicker process priority?15:51
Slaiand now i feel like i should go about breaking another part of my phone by doing something silly...15:51
Stskeepsalterego: if you mean my mail, it doesn't mean a nokia 'product'15:51
SpeedEviltimeless_mbp: potentially awesome - but.15:52
alteregoStskeeps: agreed, but it does sound like they're working hard to make something that is end-user ready at least?15:52
SpeedEviltimeless_mbp: I think the only precedent it might set is for software that is demonstrated by a salesperson.15:52
alteregoStskeeps: even if it isn't an "official" upgrade path for end-users.15:52
Stskeepsa proper hardware adaptation, the UX+Core is up to rest of project15:53
SpeedEviltimeless_mbp: Which is valuable - but not that relevant for most endusers15:53
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AstralStormsmoku: hmmm, isn't it RT already?15:53
AstralStormif not, then I'll try it15:54
AstralStormwhere do I put that in the init script?15:54
AstralStormthe renice15:54
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AstralStormstill, it'd be nicer if it didn't swap so hard that watchdog dies15:54
AstralStormit usually crashes that way on boot15:54
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lcukwell Stskeeps if the apps ontop of the core are not viable the meego project has failed.  its meant to allow that sort of thing?15:55
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Stskeepslcuk: i don't know the future15:55
* SpeedEvil does. But he has signed a NDA from Chronos.15:56
lcukme neither but when i get round to writing apps the promise of running on multiple targets would be a goal15:56
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tybolltok so this opera mobile now comming15:57
tybolltis that one of those silly things that talks to a proxy at opera etc? or is it opera made for a smaller screen?15:57
lcuktybollt, its proper full opera browser, the turbo mode (proxy version) is available but thats not the same15:58
lcukopera used to be on the original NITs15:58
tybolltthe 'mobile' part of opera mobile makes me suspicious :)15:59
tybolltsince for all intents and purposes I use microb and firefuck as I would on a real PC on my device15:59
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corecode_DocScrutinizer: you know what chip the stereo audio codec (N4040) is?16:00
corecode_can't quite read the label on
SpeedEvilcorecode_: it's documented in the kernel16:00
* SpeedEvil forgets16:00
DocScrutinizercorecode_: lemme check my notes I took16:00
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corecode_also check n4070 if possible16:01
DocScrutinizeryou got the coords?16:01
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corecode_W2 and R316:01
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corecode_both back, sim side16:01
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smokuAstralStorm, I don't know. It's just a thought. I've never touch N810 ;-)16:02
AstralStormstill, a good suggestion once it exits the watchdog reboot loop16:02
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smokuAstralStorm, IIRC there are also some proc/sys tweaks that controll swapping16:03
AstralStormshouldn't swap *at boot*16:03
AstralStormesp. with swap disabled16:03
AstralStormbut yeah, I'll try those16:03
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RST38hHeya AstralStorm BTW16:03
AstralStormwhat I have problem with is where to put the tweaks, so they're applied on boot16:03
DocScrutinizercorecode_: W2: TI97A065I (with blurr mask TI97A????)16:04
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DocScrutinizercorecode_: R3??? that's a huge chip16:05
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AstralStormso, any chance I can salvage my n81016:05
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AstralStormmaybe build a fresh distro for it16:06
corecode_DocScrutinizer: yea16:06
Stskeepsreinstall diablo, imho16:06
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corecode_DocScrutinizer: that's the stereo codec16:06
AstralStormyou wish, it's not the first diablo reinstall I've done16:06
AstralStormit tends to explode quickly16:06
corecode_mic in has some opamp circuit16:06
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corecode_but i don't know opamps enough16:06
AstralStormprolly not16:06
AstralStormprobably a single transistor amp - it's cheaper16:07
AstralStorm(and sucky)16:07
SpeedEviltransistors are no longer cheaper16:07
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AstralStormstill are than opamps16:07
SpeedEvilif you have to place them on the board in addition to a chip with the function in16:07
AstralStorm(which are tens to hundreds of transistors)16:07
AstralStormit's an IC16:07
AstralStormthat amp is integrated16:08
DocScrutinizercorecode_: from /home/jr/Documents/N900/n900/images/n900_11.jpeg N4040 is Texas Instruments TAIC34116:08
AstralStormso a single transistor is still cheaper16:08
SpeedEvilIt's not.16:08
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SpeedEvilFor a low price IC, a large fraction of the price is in the package and pin connections.16:08
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SpeedEvilAdding functionality is moderately cheap.16:08
AstralStormstill cheaper to cut the opamp16:08
AstralStormand put a cheap transistor ;p16:09
AstralStormconnection count stays the same or lower16:09
SpeedEvilIf an opamp costs .1mm^2, and a transistor .001mm^2 - the difference may not be functionally measurable16:09
AstralStormthe power usage might be16:09
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AstralStormhow much is n900 these days?16:10
Stskeepsin .pl? think 2000 zt or something16:10
DocScrutinizercorecode_: or TA1C34116:11
AstralStormI'd prefer the US keyboard though16:11
AstralStormpossible to get here?16:11
corecode_DocScrutinizer: thanks16:12
DocScrutinizer51anytime mate16:12
corecode_what's that local path?16:12
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corecode_you have some other pictures?16:12
AstralStormreverse engineering N900, are you?16:12
DocScrutinizer51nah just my original local copy16:13
corecode_also the opamp is covered by shielding16:13
Corsachmhm, nice, n900 BT tethering to n81016:13
corecode_but i'll pester somebody else for understanding opamp circuits16:13
StskeepsAstralStorm: i think the polish keyboard should be fairly close to us one16:13
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AstralStormexcept the arrows16:14
AstralStormand the function key16:14
corecode_looks like a follower16:14
StskeepsAstralStorm: hmm? really?16:14
corecode_putting .6v on it?16:15
AstralStormwhat's the watchdog process called like on n810 diablo?16:15
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DocScrutinizer51corecode_: (opamp) out=(in+ - in-) * 100.00016:16
corecode_there is a voltage divider on in-, with 0.6V16:16
corecode_and a resistor from out to in+16:16
corecode_that is the same as the resistor if in- to gnd16:16
smokuStskeeps, it's very close. 100% same :)16:17
corecode_so in idle, mic should be at 0.6V as well16:17
corecode_i think16:17
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Stskeepssmoku: btw, i'm also warsaw based so if you're up for a beer sometime :)16:18
AstralStormdammit quick people, I'm in a hurry16:18
AstralStormwhich daemon takes care of watchdog prodding in diablo16:18
StskeepsAstralStorm: dsme16:18
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phellarvAstralStorm: k == thanks?16:18
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GAN900Man, MicroB REALLY wants focus on the URL bar. . . .16:19
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AstralStormphellarv: no, ok16:19
AstralStormI'll thank if it works16:19
AstralStormreniced it -1916:19
lcukphellarv, "k" == "ok" == "okay"16:19
AstralStormbut I don't have schedtoold there to set it realtime16:19
AstralStormor fifo16:19
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phellarvlcuk: Hehe - I knew that - Just thought that a simple thanks could be nice.16:20
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lcukhe might not have wanted to thank you16:21
AstralStormI'd thank Stskeeps16:21
AstralStormstill, have to fly16:21
smokuStskeeps, surely :D16:21
AstralStormhope this renicing holds16:21
phellarvOfc - Wasn't me he owed a thanks16:21
AstralStormI'll thank you later ;>16:21
AstralStormany easy way to set scheduling class on n810?16:22
AstralStormlike, schedtool package16:22
smokulcuk, more like: k == /ˈkeɪ/ == okay16:22
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DocScrutinizercorecode which partlabel?16:25
DocScrutinizerand page?16:26
AstralStormnicing dsme helped performance16:26
AstralStorma lot16:26
AstralStormStskeeps: thanks :)16:26
AstralStormand bye16:26
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AstralStormmsg me where to add that nice call16:27
Stskeepssmoku: happen to be knowing other n900/n8x0 users in warsaw?16:27
AstralStormStskeeps: say, myself16:28
DocScrutinizercorecode_: N4007 N4008?16:28
AstralStormarachnist is there too16:28
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arachnistStskeeps: /me16:28
Stskeepsi guess it could be cool to organise some sort of meetup - even though i don't speak much polish :P16:28
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AstralStormwe'll talk about that later16:29
* AstralStorm runs16:29
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smokuStskeeps, there are 3 in my office :)16:29
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smokuone of them ported htop16:30
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Omegamoonanyone know if there is a workaround for the 256mb memory limit on qemu arm (versatilepb)?16:30
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raster(swap could be a devicefile on a ramdisk on the host... :))16:31
DocScrutinizercorecode_: both are comparators (aka Schmidt triggers), N4007 at 2V5 * (6.8 / (22 + 6.8)) hyteresis +- 1/2216:31
* DocScrutinizer moos at raster16:32
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SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: what's this re: ?
povbotBug 10110: Wired headset button does not trigger D-BUS event16:33
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DocScrutinizercorecode_: for N4008 the math is 2V5 * (22 / (22 + 6.8)) hysteresis +- 0.47/2216:34
rasterDocScrutinizer:  doook16:34
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pigeonraster: ahha!16:35
Omegamoonraster: hmm, I tried swap, but I prefer more internal memory ;-)16:36
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: that's a stupid nobrainer. You need micbias to detect the holdbutton. Thought I commented on that one16:36
rasterpigeon:  prrrrprrrr16:36
crashanddiecorecode_: he's just showing off16:36
rasterOmegamoon: you asked for a workaround :)16:36
hrw-udsOmegamoon: make hdimage in tmpfs and use swap on it?16:37
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: see
povbotBug 10110: Wired headset button does not trigger D-BUS event16:37
DocScrutinizer100% ack16:37
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SpeedEvilYou commented in IRC at some point - I don't think...16:37
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DocScrutinizermaybe yes16:38
DocScrutinizeror on tmo16:38
hrw-udsOmegamoon: versatilepb is done in such way that it cant take more ram then 256MB16:38
DocScrutinizeranyway, a nobrainer16:38
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SpeedEvilPolling the hold button with MICBIAS high automagically isn't clearly the wrong thing to do16:41
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DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: just reading #c516:41
satmdbut perhaps not the most efficient thing16:42
Omegamoonhrw-uds: 512mb on versatiliepb should be possible according to
SpeedEvilsatmd: I'm measuring the micbias current ATM16:42
SpeedEvilwell - if I can find my phones16:42
DocScrutinizerthe micbias is a) only useful as long as headset is attached. b) spec says it's 2.5V source-Z 2k, do the math by yourself16:42
SpeedEvilyes - but what else is alive typically when you do that normally16:43
* raster wonders why people who work professionally as software enigneers.. havent heard of "diff"16:43
SpeedEviland measuring this is moderately easy16:43
ShadowJKraster: or how mail administrators have the worst mailing list netiquette16:44
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hrw-udsOmegamoon: lool made ugly patch to get this16:44
Pekuja_are there repositories that I need to manually add to my apt sources.list after installing the SDK? I'm trying to install the OpenGL ES libraries, but it seems like they're not in the repos I have set up16:45
Omegamoonlool: did you? ;-)16:45
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: see  p10 LC-007016:45
hrw-udslool: you here too? I will be scaried too much to open fridge...16:45
hrw-udslool: extra 256MB ram for versatilepb qemu16:45
MohammadAG_hmm, is writing to RAM possible?16:46
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: (what else...) mompls, will have a glance at schem16:46
Pekuja_or did I do the installation wrong?16:46
rasterShadowJK: thank god i dont need to deal with them often.. but i need to talkl with these engineers who dont know what diff is.... :)16:46
rasterand now they fuck with text encoding too16:47
rasteroh and hooray.. can't format code properly16:47
MohammadAG_was thinking of something like hibernating the N90016:47
raster(i.e. follow the existiing formatting)16:47
ShadowJKbonus points for changing cr/lf for entire file and then comitting it along with some other minor/major changes16:48
loolOmegamoon: Yeah, so I got it working by moving to 2g/2g IIRC16:48
rasterthank god they dont get to commit16:48
StskeepsDocScrutinizer: you are on meego-dev btw? mailing list16:48
looland moving phys offset around in qemu and in the kernel16:48
DocScrutinizerStskeeps: afraid I'm not (yet)16:48
RST38hShadowJK: You want bonus points, use TABs16:48
Omegamoonlool: I tried your patches, but couldn't get them to work. What qemu release did you used the patches on?16:48
loolOmegamoon: I used them against the Ubuntu package16:49
RST38hShadowJK: And people with heavy, pointed bonus points will surely track you down16:49
loolOmegamoon: Which patch broke it for you?16:49
StskeepsDocScrutinizer: think there's a good moment to start constructively to talk about how to deal with BME / open source it16:49
StskeepsDocScrutinizer: / make open source replacement16:49
DocScrutinizerStskeeps: k, you could CC me anyway16:50
loolOmegamoon: So basically, the PHYS OFFSET change need to be applied in lock step in the kernel and qemu16:50
loolOmegamoon: I suspect we'll eventually move to beagle instead16:50
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DocScrutinizerStskeeps: ...until I manage to register to meego-devel16:50
loolbut versatile is more convenient to boot16:50
Omegamoonlool: I tried qemu-git with the tip.patch16:50
loolThat doesn't sound like something I'd share16:50
loolOmegamoon: What happens exactly?16:51
Omegamoonlool: it's in here
OmegamoonI guess it's yours ;-)16:51
StskeepsDocScrutinizer: or at least baby steps, presenting your work and such and where you see things are safe16:51
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DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: damn, that's a weird construction around N4022 & N4007 / N4008. Anyway there's no additional consumer that's obviously switched by micbias16:53
StskeepsDocScrutinizer: forking the thread would probably be useful, prefix with N90016:53
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Omegamoonlool: so I should use the 0.10.x.patch on the qemu-ubuntu version then?16:54
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SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: yes - I'm trying to measure it - to see what the actual existing software does - rather than what might be done16:55
corecode_sorry, was cleaning16:55
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* ShadowJK wonders if maemo5 runs without bme (after disabling dsme watchdog over bme)16:55
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: anyway N4007 / N4008 are IRQ generating Schmitt triggers16:55
SpeedEvilThough I'm somewhat confused why after flashing, my n900 is using 10mA more than before under idle.16:55
* SpeedEvil must have installed something that's woken some peripheral up.16:56
DocScrutinizerStskeeps: darn, that's a unbearable pita to read those non-wrapping HTML-posts16:56
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DocScrutinizerStskeeps: anyway consider me on board, and feel free to fork the thread (and cc me joerg at about (jr)bme16:57
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SpeedEvilWhat thread is this?16:57
fralsDocScrutinizer: fwiw theres a bug about the non-wrapping at so hopefully its getting fixed ;)16:57
DocScrutinizerStskeeps: I'm missing the right insight in the whole nettiquette on that ML yet16:57
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DocScrutinizerStskeeps: an answer of me directly to would sound a little odd for sure ATM, as I'm not aware of all the context16:59
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Stskeepswell, or wait until it's being looked closer into in jun :P16:59
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Omegamoonlool: can you give me a link to the working qemu patch then?17:02
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corecode_so the microphone input is buffered with 33nF17:03
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pupniknever saw that [Changing host] before17:06
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t-tanwhere can I find info about dmsetool?17:12
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MohammadAG_man dsmetool? nvm, no manuals17:12
* MohammadAG_ slaps crashanddie for coming back17:12
MohammadAG_the party was just about to start :(17:12
crashanddieit's such a pain that there is no manuals on the NITs17:13
t-tanit's not a feature. it's a bug...17:13
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crashanddieNokia Internet Tablets17:13
crashanddieIt's what we called the family of 770, n800, n810 before the arrival of the n90017:14
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MohammadAG_oh, there's a man-db package *shameless advertising*17:14
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DocScrutinizercorecode_: nevermind a 33nF17:15
t-tanMohammadAG: does it restore deleted manpages?17:15
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DocScrutinizercorecode_: aah you meant "is DC-decoupled"17:15
corecode_my bad17:16
MohammadAG_t-tan, docpurge purges /usr/share/man, I moved the dir to /opt/man17:16
corecode_likewise, the headphone out is 1uF decoupled17:16
MohammadAG_so what was lost was lost17:16
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MohammadAG_t-tan, it's not a symlink btw, that would get them purged too17:16
corecode_a mandb package?17:16
t-tanMohammadAG_: that's what I expected17:17
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MohammadAG_t-tan, if only we can get all packages rebuilt to install to /opt/man :)17:17
MohammadAG_t-tan, btw I've uploaded a 14MB pages deb file, it contains the basic Ubuntu man pages17:17
t-tanwould not killing dsme lead to a reboot or is bme responsible for the watchdogs?17:17
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t-tanMohammadAG_: ok, thanks.17:18
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ShadowJKdsme reboots when bme doesn't exist/respond17:18
MohammadAG_t-tan, stop bme stops it17:18
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MohammadAG_and no reboots should occur17:18
t-tancause I want to disable dsme and not start it during boot17:19
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t-tanoh, wait dsme source is avaiable  :)17:20
Stskeeps.. why would you want to do that17:20
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ShadowJKdsme is used to start everything else17:20
alteregoI quite like Kernel hacking ..17:20
ShadowJKremove dsme and you kill everything :)17:20
t-tanit reboots a kernel that has only USB host, w/o OTG17:20
MohammadAG_something I missed on Symbian17:20
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t-tanthere is a dummy bme included in the sources...17:21
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DocScrutinizercorecode_: yep, the amp inputs are decoupled by 1u. Doesn't help much unless you know amp input Z17:21
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ShadowJKt-tan, i think it's outdated..17:22
t-tanit's the same version as on LR1.217:22
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DocScrutinizert-tan: I think the BME bootloop is caused by upstart initscripts calling bme -r, or maybe by some side effects via hal etc17:23
DocScrutinizert-tan: probably purging DSME won't help17:23
t-tanno: boot log says: reboot requested by dmsetool17:24
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corecode_too bad i don't have a 3 pole connector17:24
corecode_or i'd look at the scope17:24
corecode_also too bad i don't have a digital storage scope17:25
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corecode_and there i go buy one17:25
DocScrutinizert-tan: [2010-05-13 00:41:14] <DocScrutinizer> PP:hald-runer  PID:821 hald-addon-usb-cable: listening on /sys/devices/platform/musb_hdrc/usb1/../mode17:25
MohammadAG_why ../?17:25
MohammadAG_isn't that the same as /sys/devices/platform/musb_hdrc/mode17:26
DocScrutinizerdon't ask ME17:26
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DocScrutinizerprolly yes17:26
MohammadAG_yeah lol17:26
MohammadAG_Nokia-N900:~# cat /sys/devices/platform/musb_hdrc/usb1/../mode17:26
MohammadAG_Nokia-N900:~# cat /sys/devices/platform/musb_hdrc/mode17:26
DocScrutinizersure, you bet I did this ~2010-05-13 00:2017:27
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t-tanif you want to play with a USBhost-only kernel:
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t-tanfbcon is enabled17:28
MohammadAG_an uninstall .desktop file?17:28
DocScrutinizert-tan: is it booting?17:29
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t-tanit boots to a certain stage. then dmse reboots17:29
DocScrutinizeryou considered to kick the 'bme -r' lines out of the upstart scripts?17:29
MohammadAG_wouldn't disabling the watchdog help?17:29
t-tanso I far I've tried to bme pre-script which access some usb stuff17:30
DocScrutinizert-tan: ...or better, in / coment out *all* calls to bme?17:30
DocScrutinizerBin / comment17:30
pupnikemulators would be *so* much easier if we had more buttons17:30
pupnikwell, computer emulators17:31
digitalsurgeonis there any app to download backgrounds and set them ?17:31
digitalsurgeonfor n900 ?17:31
digitalsurgeonfor example from flickr .17:31
DocScrutinizeror start bme under strace, in init/upstart, and write the debug to a file17:31
digitalsurgeonexample: backgrounds for android/ifone17:31
MohammadAG_just download them and set as background17:31
MohammadAG_no need for an app17:31
DocScrutinizerpreferrably one that can be read out later ;-P17:31
t-tanjust rebooting...17:32
slingrhave you guys been bombarded lately with foos who bricked their n900 trying to do illegal things?17:33
t-tanit continues !!!17:33
MohammadAG_t-tan, is there any way of decompiling a compiled kernel?17:33
MohammadAG_illegal things like what17:33
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slingr*points to the topic*17:33
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t-tanI'm running a hostmode-only kernel17:33
slingrputting on unofficial 1.217:34
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MohammadAG_slingr, we prefer not to talk about it :)17:34
MohammadAG_I am on 1.2 packages though (not LR)17:35
DocScrutinizert-tan: what coninues?? the kernel booted up to full system?17:35
t-tanyes. success!17:35
slingrYeah, you are a dev tho right?17:35
DocScrutinizert-tan: you're MAD17:35
MohammadAG_I wonder if anyone would for this Nokia-N8:~# uname17:35
MohammadAG_slingr, nope17:35
slingrI was debating loading that leaked one, but logic told me otherwise.  I figure, PR1.2 isn't released yet for a reason17:35
StskeepsNokia-NXX:~# is where it's at17:36
slingrI'm just itching to get wifi at work17:36
DocScrutinizerPLEASE t-tan first thing dmesg|pastebinit17:36
slingrand its WPA EAP-TLS encrypted17:36
slingrwhich 1.1 has troubles with, unless I want to run authentication through command line each time17:36
pupnikN8 is beautiful looking.  Check the pics.17:36
tybolltwon't it have S^3? :-(17:37
MohammadAG_Nokia-N10:~# uname17:37
MohammadAG_Mac OSX17:37
MohammadAG_happy? :P17:37
MohammadAG_at least someone fell for that one17:37
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* tybollt trouts mohamma17:38
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slingrwow, that N8 is pretty nice.. when is it released17:38
* MohammadAG_ points and laughs at tybollt 17:38
t-tanok, everything is under
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t-tandmesg, my modified bme upstart script and the kernel17:39
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* tybollt rolls mohammad in tar and throws him to the crowd for the feathering :)17:39
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MohammadAG_oh, USB charing is broken17:41
MohammadAG_well I guess I need a .fiasco with a working one17:41
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tybolltMohammadAG_: USB charging is broken on the N10, eh? ;)17:42
MohammadAG_tybollt, we got rid of that, now it's an N11 with Windows 817:43
tybolltwill it be charging by electricity OTA?17:43
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MohammadAG_no, it will be powered by human energy17:44
tybolltuh oh17:44
tybolltthe matrix17:44
MohammadAG_so when the battery low's expecting something17:44
* tybollt runs17:44
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Pekuja_I'm having trouble installing the OpenGL ES libraries. tells me to install libgles2-sgx-img-dev, but I just get "E: Couldn't find package libgles2-sgx-img-dev"17:50
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pupnik   Humble Indie Bundle received over 1 million USD in donations, is opening-up sources to a bunch of cool games.  Porters, fire up your SDKs!17:52
MohammadAG_Pekuja_, sec17:53
MohammadAG_think I have it in my archives17:53
Pekuja_MohammadAG_: great. thanks :-)17:53
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Pekuja_MohammadAG_: I'd really rather figure out why it's not in my repos though.17:56
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MohammadAG_Pekuja_, no one has it, I just keep archives of stuff I downloaded17:57
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Pekuja_no one has it?17:58
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MohammadAG_Pekuja_, not unless they have it in /var/cache/apt/archives17:58
MohammadAG_but most people clear that17:58
MohammadAG_I keep it after flashing17:58
Pekuja_yeah but why would no one have it?17:58
MohammadAG_no idea, it's not on the repos anymore17:58
MohammadAG_libgles2-sgx-img_0.20091104.30+0m5_armel.deb <-- this?17:59
Pekuja_yeah I think that's it.17:59
Pekuja_why is it gone from the repos?17:59
MohammadAG_lol no idea17:59
smokuPekuja_, I just reinstalled it without problems18:00
MohammadAG_had to change the + to _ though18:00
smokuare you on a correct SDK target?18:00
MohammadAG_pj waot18:00
Pekuja_smoku: does it only work on ARMEL?18:00
MohammadAG_oh wait*18:00
MohammadAG_you need the -dev package18:01
MohammadAG_no idea about that18:01
MohammadAG_don't have it, that package is for the N90018:01
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Pekuja_ok :-/18:01
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smokuPekuja_, yes. on X86 you have emulation libraries instead18:01
MohammadAG_[sbox-FREMANTLE_ARMEL: ~] > apt-cache search libgles2-sgx-img-dev18:02
MohammadAG_libgles2-sgx-img-dev - OpenGL ES 2.0 SGX development files18:02
MohammadAG_opengles-sgx-img-common-dev - PowerVR SGX support development files18:02
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Pekuja_MohammadAG_: so they are in the repos18:03
MohammadAG_the -dev packages yes18:03
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Pekuja_MohammadAG_: what's in your sources.list?18:05
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MohammadAG_Pekuja_, expires in 10 minutes
Pekuja_ok, thanks18:06
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MohammadAG_if you don't have the token part go to / you didn't follow the SDK installation instructions if you don't have it18:06
Pekuja_I do have one18:07
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pupnikfremantle/GETYOUROWNTOKEN!  ??18:07
pupnikoh ty18:07
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loolOmegamoon: Ok, well these patches worked for me, but you also need to apply these
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Pekuja_I think perhaps Ubuntu 10.04 just doesn't run the SDK very well18:07
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Pekuja_probably not the reason I'm having trouble installing the libraries18:08
Pekuja_but I'm having problems with Xephyr and installing the SDK in the first place required some fiddling18:08
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MohammadAG_like what?18:09
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Pekuja_well Ubuntu has a different version of Xephyr18:11
Pekuja_so doesn't work18:11
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Pekuja_but ok, it seems like I can get the libraries with apt now. I was just using the FREMANTLE_X86 target18:11
Pekuja_which doesn't have that18:11
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hawai`iALL BY MYSELF18:27
hawai`iDON'T WANNA BE18:27
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hawai`iThis better not be a rickroll18:29
hawai`iL M F A O18:30
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smharwhat is license of the meamo source code?18:30
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DocScrutinizerhawai`i: feeling good?18:31
hawai`ismhar: I want to say, a lot of it is (L)GPL18:32
slingrsmhar its distributed under Microsofts EULA18:33
jcrawfordlol NPL18:33
jcrawfordNokia Public License :)18:33
luke-jrsmhar: the imporant parts are all proprietary, etc18:35
luke-jrexcept what they're legally required to open18:36
luke-jrlike kernel modifications18:36
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smharluke-jr, so what the developers are using are just the API to the system?18:37
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hawai`iThe official ones, yeah.18:37
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smharhawai`i, you mean official developers or official API?18:39
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smharso stuff in and are using the official API?18:41
hawai`iWhat is the point of these questions?18:42
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hawai`iI don't want to say, there is no real "API" for Maemo like there is for other platforms18:42
hawai`ibut there really isn't. IPC is done through dbus18:42
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luke-jrthere really is, when it comes to GUI :/18:43
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luke-jrI had hope when Maemo planned on switching to Qt18:43
hawai`iBut it's not a required necessity18:43
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hawai`ithere's GTK on Hildon and QT18:43
luke-jrbut it looks like it's just going to destroy Qt by making a Maemo-specific API for it18:43
hawai`iand you can do it through almost any language or interpretor18:43
luke-jrhawai`i: APIs aren't necessarily language-specific18:44
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hawai`iYes and no.18:45
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achipawhat APIs are you guys are talking about ? What's the API to, say, Ubuntu ?18:49
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hawai`iThat is what I am trying to get at.18:50
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crashanddiechem|st: around?18:58
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luke-jrachipa: Ubuntu just uses standard APIs, plus GTK/GNOME19:00
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pupnikN900:  apt-cache pkgnames | sort -u | wc -l  7715 packages   My debian box: 38484  Nice job #maemo community and Nokia19:00
luke-jrMaemo has its own APIs in addition19:00
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AppiahAnyone have experince with gtk 2.16 or newer on Maemo5? (n900)19:04
Appiahis it even possible..19:04
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kalikianaAppiah, possible yes. but you can't properly install it since you can't replace system packages19:06
kalikianaie. you need to force it via dpkg19:06
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Appiahhmm =/19:07
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Appiahtrying to compile something that requires 2.16 or newer19:08
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AstralStormAppiah: should be trivial, you need to apply Hildon patches, they should go in cleanly19:10
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AppiahI know nothing about that, can you point me in the right direction?19:10
AstralStormgrab the source package from the repository19:13
AstralStormyou should know how to get the url19:13
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AstralStormotherwise, you should ask someone instead19:13
kalikianaAstralStorm, still it can't go into Extras19:13
kalikianathe bot would reject it19:14
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AstralStormwhy would it?19:14
kalikianabecause you can't replace system packages19:14
AstralStormah right19:14
AstralStormbecause the deps are broken as usual19:14
AstralStormnokia can't package properly19:14
kalikianaI tried once accidentally with a package which I thought were community19:14
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kalikianaUnless you were to rename all files and linking but that's complex in the case of gtk19:15
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tybolltterve konttori19:19
tybolltwhat's latest? :)19:19
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konttorifor what? pr1.2 release? Afaik, date is set, and has been told even to ovi store developers even.19:20
konttoribut then again, I didn't participate in the finalization of that (as that took place on my daddy month), and then I was immediately dragged to harmattan / meego work19:21
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tybolltkonttori: not for anything in particular, anything and everything... :)19:22
AppiahAstralStorm: im sorry ,what source are you talking about?19:23
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konttorioh, hmm... well, I have been looking at the API story a bit and I'm pretty concerned about some issues in our vanilla qt offering in harmattan.19:23
tybolltkonttori: hmmm so you still regard of harm and meeg as diff projects... that's very interesting in the context of things. :)19:23
konttoriI'm sure we can fix it still, but for some reason seems like no one has really thought things through for vanilla qt devving.19:24
tybollt<-- silly user reading way too much into everything konttori says ;)19:24
konttoriwell, harmattan is based on well... harmattan lower layers, and it has debian packaging.19:24
konttoriwhereas meego will be based on basically the moblin lower layers (+ some stuff), and rpm packaging19:25
konttoriso, those things alone justify calling them different beasts.19:25
GAN900konttori, who do we need to talk to about Fremantle stuff now?19:25
konttoritalk to rodarvus19:25
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GAN900Or is that just a total dead end at this point? :)19:25
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Take0nHello folks19:25
GAN900tybollt, MeeGo Devices vs MeeGo Operations19:26
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GAN900tybollt, it's a beautiful sort of confusing.19:26
konttoriGAN900: no, the development is not over, and we want to focus now still on the visible issues for end users.19:26
konttoribut do talk to rodarvus.19:26
* GAN900 wishes Modest wouldn't put signatures BEFORE the quoted text. . . 19:27
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konttoriI think that's a matter of taste19:28
Take0nare there any other devices that run maemo except of nokia n900?19:28
konttoriI personally would like it before the quoted text (I always sign there).19:28
konttoriTake0n: some chinese copy products19:28
konttoribut that's it19:28
tybolltGAN900: =)19:29
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Take0nhm.. I would like to contribute to the maemo project in any way19:30
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Take0nbut doesn19:30
Take0nbut doesn't own a nokia n900.. are there any other ways to do so without the phone?19:30
Take0nmaybe translate applications etc? I speak English, greek and swedish19:30
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Chikuwith SDK?19:31
konttoriooo shiny.. new opera looks nice.19:31
twoboxendoes anyone know if Nokia has any luck tracking down the annoying browser bug that delayed PR1.2?19:31
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konttoritwoboxen: which bug?19:32
twoboxenit is really nice, though it randomly slows down network traffic and doesn't have flash19:32
twoboxenkonttori: the browser memory leak that was hard to reproduce19:32
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twoboxenmentioned on a nokia blog a week or two ago19:33
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konttoritwoboxen: well, one leak was caused by SSO for every page that didn't support SSO. Leak size was up to 128 kb per page load (although usually smaller).19:33
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konttorithat was trivial fix though.19:33
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konttoribut could be that the leaked 12-9 didn't have that fix (can't remember if it did or not)19:33
konttorifunnily enough that sso issue also leaked on every click of page.19:34
tybolltkonttori: new opera looks nice and ... closed source.19:34
twoboxenkonttori: perhaps I misheard.  yeah, there are definite bugs (i've heard, I don't run it) in that browser build, but I thought there was something else19:34
konttoriwell, many things are great while they are closed source.19:34
tybolltbut why should users of N900 care about open source code, right?19:34
twoboxentybollt: closed, yeah, but it's always nice to have choices19:34
konttoriI enjoy games immensely and they are all closed source.19:35
konttoricompetition is always good. It is the engine of progress.19:35
konttoriso, if opera is great, perhaps the next version of fennec will strive to be even better.19:35
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twoboxenkonttori: how is the meego UI dev sprint going?19:36
tybolltkonttori: new fennec beta isn't all that bad ;P19:36
twoboxenyeah, i ditched fennec when the weave functionality NEVER worked for me19:36
frals~curse users19:36
infobotMay the fleas of a thousand camels infest your most sensitive regions, users !19:36
frals~nuke ms exchange19:36
* infobot prepares 100 missle silos, and targets them at ms exchange ... B☢☢M!19:36
tybolltfrals: HUGGZ!1111 to you too19:36
konttoritwoboxen: what UI dev sprint (sorry, I am not yet following meego activities)19:36
MohammadAGinfobot's back!19:36
* MohammadAG celebrates19:37
tybolltare we to understand users sent you viruses that pwned your ms exhange server frals?19:37
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twoboxensorry, maybe that question shouldn't have been directed at you.  I know they are pushing hard with meego dev to have a 1.0 release this month and the previous was UI-less19:37
fralswe are to understand that my exchange server has stopped receiving for some unknown reason and instead they go to my backup mx19:37
* RST38h puts on his grammar nazi hat19:38
fralsbut for some reason the smtp actually works fine on my exchange server so i have no clue why other servers are sending to the backup mx19:38
* MohammadAG shoots it19:38
konttoritwoboxen: interesting thought. To be honest, I'm not sure. Is that the handheld meego delivery?19:38
twoboxeni am just guessing (no real insider information), but i would think so19:39
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konttorias if it's that, then it would be visually probably based on harmattan codebase.19:39
Chikuhey , I installed Flashlight applet,  3G/2G/DUAL mode selection applet , SSH status applet, brighness applet but I display all applets19:39
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Arkenoiwell, "starving" tables do not work for me (i get sw_rst, not 32_wd, though). back to xlv.19:39
konttoriwhich reminds me to mention that we have now started the preparations for the alpha sdk release.19:40
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Chikuhow I can diseable applet because this is limit number applet display right?19:40
twoboxenwho is "we"19:40
konttoriUnfortunately, qt4.7 will not be in the alpha sdk yet.19:40
konttorias you all know 4.7 isn't yet released, so... well, we could not include it there yet.19:40
konttoriit'll be in beta though.19:40
twoboxenwhy is 4.7 necessary... what does it add to qt4.6?  an expanded QtMobility?19:41
konttoriqt quick.19:41
konttorithat's what it adds19:41
konttoriand some perf improvements in general19:41
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konttoriand as you all know, qt quick is the best thing to happen to linux development for a long time19:41
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RST38hbest thing after Java? =)19:42
* RST38h ducks19:42
konttorijava is great, but it never had good Ui development possibilities.19:43
zaheermwhat is qt quick exactly?19:43
twoboxenwatching it now19:43
RST38hQt Flash!19:43
twoboxenanswer to WPF19:44
twoboxenis what it seems like19:44
twoboxenXAML vs QML19:45
luke-jrzaheerm: Qt is a cross-platform programming language based on C++, but with standards for networking and GUI19:46
zaheermi know qt didn't know qt quick19:46
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twoboxenso QML will replace the .ui files?19:46
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RST38hQt is a programing language? Really?19:46
konttoritwoboxen: it will replace all code really related to UI.19:47
RST38hSounds more like answer to either Flash or Android19:47
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konttoriwell, it is.19:47
RST38hi.e. create UI in some interpreted language, then do heavy stuff in c/c++19:48
konttoriit allows designer driven development19:48
inzAnd that's supposed to be a good thing?-)19:48
konttoriyes. and very little really ever needs to be done on c++ side for a normal app (well, outside of the already existing c++ interfaces).19:48
luke-jrRST38h: if you consider C++ a programming language, you have to consider Qt one as well19:49
omarso we're talking about programming now, is vim really worth the learning curve or should i just use eclipse?19:49
luke-jromar: if it's vim vs eclipse, definitely vim19:49
luke-jrEclipse sucks19:49
omarso what kind of things should i do to vim to make c++ development easy? so far i've downloaded omnicppcomplete and ctags19:50
zaheermkonttori: will qt quick only be supported on qt 4.7?19:50
MohammadAGhawai`i's here again19:50
* MohammadAG leaves19:51
RST38homar: no19:51
* ShadowJK suggests using /ignore19:51
RST38homar: pico.19:51
* luke-jr glares at RST38h19:51
zaheermkonttori, and will this hit maemo 5 in any supported capacity?19:51
luke-jrpico is non-free19:51
konttorithe qt declarative module available as preview on 4.6 is not compatible with the final version in 4.719:51
konttorizaheerm: it will hit it.19:51
MohammadAGShadowJK, what good would that do :P19:51
RST38hluke: nano.19:51
luke-jrRST38h: ok19:51
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, nope, not that I noticed19:51
konttoriimmediately when 1.2 goes out, 4.7 hits extras-devel19:51
DocScrutinizer[2010-05-13 18:51:18] * ShadowJK suggests using /ignore19:52
RST38hand it rains frogs =)19:52
MohammadAGand we'll have the same autobuilder problems :P19:52
omarwhy nano? no one i see talks about nano, everyone seems to love vim19:52
luke-jromar: vim is for the power user. but nano is easy19:52
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, 4 lines up, I was only jk19:52
twoboxennormally UI languages are interpreted at compile-time19:52
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RST38homar: that is because nano does not require advicacy19:52
zaheermkonttori, so wt 4.7 will come as part of an official future public release or will we have to rely on it being in extras?19:52
DocScrutinizeraah k19:52
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crashanddieDocScrutinizer: is omar a troll?19:52
luke-jrif someone can't use nano "out of the box", then they shouldn't be using computers :P19:52
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omari'm a troll!?19:53
DocScrutinizercrashanddie: how can I tell?19:53
omarwhat makes you say that ;)19:53
twoboxenomar: maybe.  how tall are you?19:53
aquatixmaybe he's a dwarf19:53
RST38hwell, ok, you are a small, meek troll19:53
twoboxenHOLY CRAP.  TROLL!19:53
DocScrutinizerwasn't in this chan for some 30min now19:53
RST38hlike gorlum or something19:53
hawai`iOH HAI MohammadAG19:53
omari think i'm taller than gollum ;D19:53
MohammadAGOH CRAP he saw it19:53
luke-jrgollum is a hobbit, not a troll19:53
twoboxenare you counting the hunch?19:53
Tobaon a related note19:54
Tobawhen is dwarf fortress gonna be available on maemo (jk)19:54
luke-jron a vaguely related note19:54
luke-jrwould anyone pay for a port of Armagetron to Maemo?19:54
fralsnice my isp all of a sudden decided to block port 25 \o/19:54
MohammadAGwhat's arma(*presses tab*)19:54
MohammadAGLOL frals19:55
crashanddiewhat, you mean the game that has been free for decades at a time, and you want people to pay for it luke-jr ?19:55
twoboxencrashanddie: yeah, that one ;)19:55
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twoboxeni would pay upwards of $0.0019:55
konttorizaheerm: afaik, it's there on the one after pr1.219:55
luke-jrcrashanddie: so because I develop for gratis in 2005, I have to do it for gratis in 2010?19:55
zaheermkonttori, great19:56
crashanddieluke-jr: you didn't develop squat shit, it's been ported a billion times and a half, there are gazillion clones out there, I'm pretty sure there's a javascript clone somehwere19:56
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luke-jrcrashanddie: clones aren't Armagetron19:56
crashanddieluke-jr: in other words: porters should *never* ask for money19:56
twoboxeneasy fellas19:56
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luke-jrcrashanddie: then maybe it won't get ported19:57
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crashanddieso be it, it sucks anyhow19:57
twoboxencrashanddie: aren't porters the ones who carry your bags? I think it's customary to tip19:57
MohammadAGlol @ DocScrutinizer19:57
hawai`iporting isn't developing.19:57
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crashanddielol twoboxen19:57
luke-jrcrashanddie: the Armagetron community begs to differ, I think19:57
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crashanddieoh, all 3 of them?19:57
luke-jrcrashanddie: try over 100 servers online at any one time19:57
luke-jrtwoboxen: no, I think it's 20 on average that are used :)19:58
MohammadAGwith tumbleweeds19:58
luke-jrup to 32 players each19:58
twoboxenwhat % of that community has n900s?19:58
luke-jrprobably not19:58
crashanddieWell, I guess geeks need something to do between wanking sessions19:58
twoboxenright... there's your business case19:58
SpeedEvilporting is developing.19:58
luke-jrthey want iPhone ports ;P19:59
twoboxenno it's not19:59
DocScrutinizerkonttori: I missed the answer from r* (forgot the nick)?19:59
twoboxenit's porting19:59
MohammadAGcrashanddie, when's the next session?19:59
SpeedEvilIt may be low-level developing, but it still is.19:59
crashanddieMohammadAG: dunno19:59
twoboxenreverse engineering is developing19:59
hawai`ino it's not19:59
crashanddieMohammadAG: stopped synching the google calendar19:59
luke-jrtwoboxen: porting OpenGL SDL to OpenGL ES Qt is development19:59
konttoriDocScrutinizer: rodarvus is his nick.19:59
MohammadAGcrashanddie, lol19:59
hawai`ilol twoboxen :D19:59
konttorirodrigo novo real name19:59
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luke-jractually, a N900 port would probably mostly consist of optimization19:59
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DocScrutinizeraaah, that's why my userlist didn't help me out19:59
luke-jrArmagetron is CPU-bound on my desktop system, and averages 110 fps20:00
* MohammadAG gets 300fps on compiz20:00
MohammadAGthen my graphics card died20:00
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luke-jrI can't imagine Compiz is *ever* CPU bound20:00
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DocScrutinizerkonttori: (or anybody else) do you know if rodarvus answered wrt modem Engineering Mode?20:00
* MohammadAG misses his GPU20:01
MohammadAGrunning on sw emulation, windows doesn't even boot up20:01
hawai`iCatalyst versus CUDA20:01
konttoriDocScrutinizer: try again tomorrow.20:01
twoboxensomeone else say something dumb so i can make fun20:01
trumeeis there any way to find out which carrier has the strongest signal in my area20:01
twoboxeni'm bored at work20:01
MohammadAGtwoboxen, you're fired20:01
hawai`itwoboxen: MSPAINT is for professionals20:01
hawai`itrumee: look at their coverage maps.20:01
DocScrutinizerkonttori: ok, thanks. Also will leave him a /msgserv note20:01
trumeewithout buying every carriers sim of course20:02
luke-jrtrumee: well, if you're in the US, you only really have one choice for N90020:02
twoboxentrumee: you can probably get 1 month trials for most providers20:02
* MohammadAG uses /memoserv20:02
hawai`iluke-jr: hardly.20:02
MohammadAGms for short20:02
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crashanddietwoboxen: get a new job20:02
trumeeluke-jr: in the UK20:02
twoboxenMSPAINT is a God among men20:02
twoboxeni am soon20:02
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: yeah prolly better idea20:02
twoboxeni was laid off a couple years ago... taking effect in 2 months20:02
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twoboxenwaiting until i can collect severance to start interviewing20:03
crashanddietwoboxen: cool20:03
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trumeet-mobile sim gives me "sim not recognised" crap.20:03
hawai`iReminds me of Office Space20:03
crashanddietwoboxen: I quit my job about two weeks ago20:03
trumeeon the UK firmware20:03
twoboxeni will be taking everything with me that isn't bolted down (or is bolted down too tightly)20:03
crashanddiestarted sending out CVs and contacting old friends to get interviews20:03
twoboxencrashanddie: what did you do?20:03
hawai`iTake the water cooler for good conversation.20:04
twoboxeno, i'm good... i have at least two companies waiting with offers20:04
crashanddiesecurity expert for banks and governments20:04
twoboxenpeople always need that.  you'll be good20:04
crashanddienha, don't want to do it anymore20:04
crashanddielooking at other stuff20:04
twoboxenyeah screw security.  who needs it20:04
omarnot me20:04
trumeewhy sim is not recognised!!! it has been 6 months that N900 is out20:04
twoboxenomar, we need security FROM you20:05
crashanddietrumee: sorry?20:05
crashanddietrumee: sounds like a dodgy SIM, not a problem with the N90020:05
twoboxenare you putting it in upside down?20:05
twoboxenthat makes it tougher20:05
trumeecrashanddie: my PAYG t-mobile sim doesnt work. it works in N9520:05
luke-jrtrumee: try licking the terminals20:06
twoboxentrumee: try a friend's sim20:06
crashanddietrumee: try another SIM20:06
omartrumee, try another n90020:06
luke-jrtrumee: buy me a pizza20:06
crashanddietrumee: TRY ANOTHER PLANET20:06
twoboxentrumee: try another day20:07
trumeecrashanddie: yup tried two other sims of other carriers, they work20:07
aquatixtrumee: sudo make me a sandwich20:07
twoboxenqueue :bond music20:07
MohammadAGtrumee, try another channel20:07
crashanddietrumee: seems like a SIM issue then. Seriously, just go to the local t-mobile shop, and tell them the SIM card is deffective20:07
luke-jrtrumee: did you try licking the terminals yet?20:07
DocScrutinizeraquatix: sudo: please enter your IRC password20:07
aquatixyep, t-mobile should take care of that20:07
trumeeluke-jr: !!!!!!!!!20:07
omartrumee, put whipped creme on b4 licking20:07
crashanddietrumee: they just need to reinitialise a card, costs them like 10 quid20:07
MohammadAGcrashanddie, that's the polite way of doing it20:07
aquatixDocScrutinizer: it's ohaimakemeasammich20:08
Arkenoii had a problem with october-made n900 and old 5V sim20:08
trumeecrashanddie: will call them up20:08
Arkenoithe same sim works ok in modern n900's20:08
twoboxencrashanddie: i would like to add that the most effective way to make your point is to dip the SIM in sick dog feces and fling it in their face before requesting a replacement20:08
crashanddietrumee: don't bother calling, they'll convince you to pay for something20:09
DocScrutinizer/ns ghost aquatix ohaimakemeasammich20:09
twoboxenthat way they know how important it is20:09
omartwoboxen, i'd love to do that to my carrier20:09
* MohammadAG gets two cars and puts aquatix in between, then floors the pedals20:09
crashanddietrumee: just go to a shop and ask them to exchange it20:09
MohammadAGyou are now a sammich20:09
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trumeecrashanddie: ok.20:09
tybolltmmmh sammich20:09
* tybollt is drooling now20:09
twoboxenhow do you do IRC status messages like ^20:09
crashanddietwoboxen: /me say something20:10
* omar dies20:10
aquatix* DocScrutinizer has quit (i don't like tuna)20:10
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* twoboxen figures it out20:10
* twoboxen thanks crashanddie20:10
* Arkenoi has a SIM with two imsi/ki pairs, the problem is i can only use the first one on n900: i need to select the active pair via sim menu (which is not supported) and n900 resets sim when i insert it so that the first one is active again20:10
crashanddiedon't use it too often though20:10
* twoboxen is using it for the last time. promise20:10
Arkenoiif i do select second one on a different handset20:10
* aquatix thinks you couldn't use it too often20:10
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* omar castrates twoboxen, just to make sure20:11
* twoboxen is ball-less now. and a liar since i did it again20:11
luke-jrcan N900 copy a SIM to a file for later use?20:11
DocScrutinizerI wonder who's *!*@
luke-jrmaybe copy multiple SIMs and use them concurrently?20:11
aquatixtwoboxen: you should talk in the 3rd person way if you use /me ;)20:11
DocScrutinizernah, I wonder how to find out20:11
Arkenoiluke-jr: i doubt it20:11
crashanddieluke-jr: nope20:11
luke-jrnot even simple ones?20:12
Arkenoithough some phones surely could do20:12
crashanddieluke-jr: nope20:12
MohammadAG<-- @ DocScrutinizer20:12
twoboxenaquatix:  damn, you're right.  by jov I think he's got it20:12
luke-jrI know there's some "smart SIMs", but IIRC some aren't...20:12
twoboxenyou can get SIM readers20:12
crashanddieluke-jr: well, maybe very simple ones, but AFAIK, all recent ones have a private sector that can't be accessed20:12
hawai`iYour carriers switch to asplode if you do that.20:12
Arkenoii've seen old siemens hacked firmware that did crack sim authentication on-device and it could operate without sim at all20:12
luke-jrcrashanddie: is it another proprietary-nokia-won't-let-us-do-it problem?20:12
Arkenoiemulating one in the phone itself20:12
twoboxenluke-jr: BLASPHEMY.  NOKIA ONLY USES OPEN SOURCE /s20:13
crashanddieluke-jr: dunno, but even if you had access to the card, it would be the card not answering to those kind of requests20:13
luke-jrtwoboxen: nonsense, Maemo is a closed OS20:13
DocScrutinizerluke-jr: SIM has a crypto algo built in, you can't copy20:13
hawai`iYes you can20:13
twoboxenluke-jr: notice the "/s"20:13
hawai`iYou simply brute force the KI20:13
tybolltmaemo certainly is20:13
DocScrutinizerhawai`i: nope, on new ones you can't20:13
luke-jrcrashanddie: so basically, it's not that it can't, but that there's no "simple ones" anymore? :(20:13
hawai`iYes you can.20:13
crashanddieluke-jr: pretty much20:13
hawai`iIt's no longer a bruteforce attack20:13
ArkenoiDocScrutinizer, i've seen circa 2008 sims that could still be copied20:13
luke-jrtwoboxen: /s means nothing to me20:13
tybolltcrashanddie: what w/ all the spam kiddies in here tonight? :-/20:13
hawai`ibut you can extract the key.20:13
crashanddietybollt: no idea20:14
crashanddiehawai`i: be my guest20:14
DocScrutinizerArkenoi: that's news to me20:14
crashanddiehawai`i: seriously, try20:14
twoboxenluke-jr: me neither... i just mashed my hands on the keboard and it popped up20:14
hawai`iYou simply need the proper hardware.20:14
crashanddiehawai`i: BOLLOCKS20:14
ArkenoiDocScrutinizer, pretty rare, though, most cannot20:14
twoboxentybollt: spam in IRC??? NEVAH!20:14
omartybollt, shh they can hear you tooo20:14
* luke-jr ponders a N900 doing 100 virtual SIMs :P20:14
Arkenoihawai`i, but it is no longer a simple usb reader, you need dirty tricks like undervoltage now, right?20:15
twoboxenanyone in here good with kernel hacking?20:15
aquatixluke-jr: hspa multiplexing?20:15
twoboxenmy good random internet friend DJ_Steve is looking for some kernel expertise for the Android work20:15
MohammadAGt-tan, not here anymore though20:15
luke-jraquatix: nfc?20:15
luke-jrtwoboxen: does it pay well?20:15
crashanddietwoboxen: pretty hard to hack an android phone when you don't have one available20:15
hawai`iArkenoi: yes. You have to do a lot of hardware switching to fake it out.20:15
luke-jrcrashanddie: dj_steve does Android on N900 IIRC20:15
crashanddietwoboxen: if he pays me $80/hour and sends me an android phone, I'm his new bitch20:15
twoboxenluke-jr: as well as porting Armagetron to maemo, yeah20:15
luke-jrtwoboxen: ?20:16
twoboxennot hacking android20:16
twoboxenputting android onto the n90020:16
DocScrutinizerhawai`i: any pointers?20:16
twoboxensee #nitdroid20:16
Arkenoihawai`i, well, that means the cost of attack raises from $10 to $1K+, not worth trying in most cases :-(20:16
crashanddietwoboxen: tell him to contact querty12 and stskeeps20:16
Arkenoihawai`i, i love having my Ki backed up, but i'd not pay that much for it20:16
luke-jrtwoboxen: see, the problem is I at least enjoy Armagetron dev; if it were Android, it'd be "more boring work" and I'd charge my full rate :P20:16
DocScrutinizerluke-jr: btw the SIM is connected to modem chipset directly, no way to intercept and fake a SIM20:17
hawai`iIt's still very feasible, which is all I'm saying.20:17
luke-jrDocScrutinizer: :(20:17
twoboxentoo bad.  android is also a fun OS.  I plan on running both.  DJ_Steve has gotten it working pretty well--he's just trying to finish up a few drivers for additional hardware support20:17
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luke-jrDocScrutinizer: in that case, it IS Nokia's fault for being too closed20:17
luke-jrlet's start a riot20:17
luke-jrdemand modem source20:17
hawai`iDocScrutinizer: hardware bus injection.20:18
Arkenoihawai`i, could you point me to any recent papers on that? i am curious.20:18
DocScrutinizerlol, in a certain manner it is20:18
DocScrutinizerhawai`i: hw-bus?20:18
hawai`iDocScrutinizer: pin out from SIM to hardware contacts with an interception board in between20:18
luke-jrhawai`i: obviously we're all talking about w/o hardware mods20:19
DocScrutinizerhawai`i: that's easy, yes20:19
crashanddiethe cake is a lie20:20
aquatixcrashanddie: but but but20:20
* DocScrutinizer muses over SAP20:20
hawai`iArkenoi: I'll try and find it20:20
aquatixi was kinda looking forward to the cake20:20
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DocScrutinizerand other weird stuff20:20
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hawai`iOpening the modem access will cause problems.20:24
DocScrutinizersorry english wikipedia wasn't able to locate it20:25
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crashanddieDocScrutinizer: you do realise that SAP only provides "remote access" to the card20:25
crashanddieit doesn't actually allow for the card contents to be copied or anything20:26
crashanddieyou're still asking the card to do basic crypto operations, whether it's your phone directly or another device20:26
DocScrutinizeryes, but there has to be a method inside the car unit that uses SAP to access the remote SIM20:26
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crashanddiethe output of those operations is then used to do x, but the next time you want to do x, if card is not available, you can't just replay the same output20:27
DocScrutinizerso I pondered if maybe the N900 modem would support such method, to 'inject' a fake SIM from linux system20:27
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crashanddiewell, it wouldn't be that hard to try20:27
crashanddieas long as you had a container that could contain all the SIM data, and had a simulator that could reproduce all the SIM functions20:28
DocScrutinizeryou readout KI of a SIM, emulate it in linux userland, and inject the authentication yaggediyag into the modem via SAP client method20:28
crashanddiewhich wouldn't be a small amount of work either20:28
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DocScrutinizerI wouldn't think it's easy. Just pondering about ways to implement it at all20:29
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DocScrutinizerwe already learnt it's even not that simple to readout the KI from a SIM, so the whole thing is rather academic anyway20:31
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DocScrutinizerexcept if you plan to spread fake sim emulator software all over the world - in which case it might be worh the effort20:31
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hawai`iNot worth it.20:32
DocScrutinizer(such a software emulated SIM could easily be shared obviously)20:32
hawai`iHuge ass amounts of work20:32
DocScrutinizeruntil it gets on the blacklists20:32
hawai`iand I don't that you can easily inject the data20:32
hawai`ithat's why it's closed.20:32
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DocScrutinizeryes, I'm rather sure no normal modem FW will allow SAP client mode20:34
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DocScrutinizerit's an insane thing to implement20:35
DocScrutinizerso back to hw-bus injection ;-P20:35
hawai`iNot worth it either.20:36
DocScrutinizerof course, just chatting20:36
DocScrutinizerthe whole copy-sim thing isn't worth it20:36
DocScrutinizerif you want multi-SIM, get a sim-doubler20:37
DocScrutinizeror, better, get a dual-line SIM20:37
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DocScrutinizerif you want to use your sim in different defices and don't like to swap, then get a twin-SIM20:38
dhqcan i install a 32gb card on my n90020:38
infobotDocScrutinizer meant: if you want to use your sim in different devices and don't like to swap, then get a twin-SIM20:38
ArkenoiDocScrutinizer, most cellular operators do not allow it20:39
Arkenoiso you heed to do it yourself20:39
hawai`idhq: not sure if the controller supports microsdxc20:39
dhqhmm so what is the maximum20:40
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DocScrutinizerdhq: yes you can20:40
jacekowskidhq: if you can get 32G card20:40
jacekowskidhq: because i couldn't find any place where i could buy one20:40
DocScrutinizerafaik 32G isn't xc yet20:40
DocScrutinizerit's still hc20:40
DocScrutinizerthough out of the specs iirc20:41
jacekowskithere is always i2c20:41
dhqwhats xc and hc20:41
DocScrutinizerhigh capacity and extended20:41
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hawai`iI'm bored. What else needs to be worked on?20:53
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SpeedEvilUSB host mode?20:54
SpeedEvil / checkpoint app in early boot?20:54
hawai`iYes go on...20:54
hawai`iwait what?20:54
hawai`icheckpoint for what?20:54
SpeedEvilA way to take images of the whole of / - and restore them20:55
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hawai`iWhy not just package a mini-Mer-esque installation that dd's it off?20:56
SpeedEvilthat'd work20:56
hawai`iSeems like the easiest way and less mucking around with upstart/initfs crap20:57
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hawai`iokay I'll do it20:58
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hawai`isuppose I should get an externally bootable kernel first huh21:00
SpeedEvilIt's moderately non-trivil21:00
hawai`iYes. Just have to actually, sit down and do it.21:00
SpeedEvilthe 'easy' way would be something like the boot-loader app - that installed prior21:01
SpeedEvilthe slightly less easy way is a meego or something-based image that boots from mmc and lets you do rescue stuff21:01
SpeedEvilso you can just use flasher to boot the rescue kernel - which doesn't need to be installed even - and have a spare 'rescue' mmc21:02
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derfInteresting. I managed to lock up the N900 without triggering the watchdog timer.21:11
ShadowJKI've done that21:12
derfIt doesn't respond to input or network, and has been stuck like that for almost 5 hours (and I wasn't doing anything with it 5 hours ago, either).21:13
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derfIt also doesn't respond to the power button.21:13
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ShadowJKlong press power button?21:13
derfYes, that is what I meant.21:14
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ShadowJKOnce I managed to trigger some kernel bug. IO to /home and MyDocs was blocked, everything trying to access it hung. swap IO was fine.21:14
derfIt does respond to yanking the battery.21:14
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SpeedEvilI would be much more impressed if it diddn't.21:15
ShadowJKoptified stuff and apps that read/write settings, or access any of the dbs, hung21:15
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hawai`iI love the iPhone commercials that fail to mention other requirements.21:23
hawai`i"The iPhone can turn off your living room lights!"21:23
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kalikianasounds scary. if that were true, I should be afraid of anyone with an iphone walking near my house21:26
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MohammadAG_hawai`i, apparently copying and pasting is something I've never seen before (or that's what the ads think)21:26
hawai`iMohammadAG_: They're stuck in 200221:27
MohammadAG_sure it's not 10 years before that?21:27
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MohammadAG_I remember copying and pasting in Win 9821:27
MohammadAG_hey johnsq21:28
hawai`iI remember it in PPC200321:29
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MohammadAG_hawai`i, Read the MCE file, devildriven. It clearly states the last end values of the strings control the pickup speed. They are adjustable between 1-25421:32
MohammadAG_isn't it 0-255?21:32
hawai`iEssentially the same thing.21:33
MohammadAG_1 != 021:33
MohammadAG_do you run on a SoC or something?21:33
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GAN900RST38h, can you ship a flipped rotation arrow with the next FBReader update if I make one for you?21:35
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RST38hGAN900: yea21:36
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richieeee72Hello, does anyone know how to recover data from the internal memory on the N900, after getting "Memory Card Corrupted"? On MyDocs partition mmcblk0p1?21:42
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Stskeepscheck if the partition table is still there21:43
SpeedEvilyou mean the vfat partition?21:43
richieeee72yes, the vfat partition, the 20 something gb one.21:44
DocScrutinizer(spare 'rescue' mmc) that would be mad useful, indeed21:44
richieeee72how can I check the partition table, I don't have fdisk on the N900, is there something else?21:44
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG_: mce file? what ya talkin bout?21:45
MohammadAG_this'll be hard to find21:45
SpeedEvilthere is sfdisk installed by default21:45
SpeedEvilI flashed 1.1.1 - why is there a really huge maemo update in HAM21:45
MohammadAG_nvm, DocScrutinizer
SpeedEvilI flashed 1.021:46
tybolltSpeedEvil: Don't do that21:46
tybolltSpeedEvil: I hate you21:46
SpeedEvilthat'll do it21:46
tybolltso it's 1.1.1 you have?21:46
MohammadAG_he still hates you21:46
tybolltin HAM?21:46
tybolltMohammadAG_: sssssh you21:46
SpeedEvilI flashed21:46
SpeedEvilwhich unsurprisingly ...21:46
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MohammadAG_1.0 lol21:47
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tybolltyou do realize I die a little inside every time you get my hopes up like that ;)21:47
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DocScrutinizerMohammadAG_: lame topic :-/21:48
hawai`iHe's just razzing me.21:48
hawai`iDocScrutinizer: what else is new?!21:49
richieeee72Speedevil: thanks, used sfdisk -l /dev/mmcblk0 and can see the three partitions, but not sure what to do next...21:49
DocScrutinizerhawai`i: new??21:49
MohammadAG_hawai`i, not really, 1-254 != 0-25521:50
RST38h1.2 1.2 1.221:50
* RST38h made tybollt die thrice21:50
hawai`iDocScrutinizer: with lame topics21:50
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SpeedEvilrichieeee72: I would dd it off to some linux or dos box, and then run a filesystem repair tool21:50
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG_: hawai`i: dudes you drive me nuts, what's so difficult in reading that friggn mce.ini?21:50
MohammadAG_DocScrutinizer, umm, nothing?21:51
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hawai`iWait what?21:51
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hawai`iThat's what I told the clown to do.21:51
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MohammadAG_it's getting weird in here *switches screens*21:51
DocScrutinizer# Speed from 1 to 25521:52
MohammadAG_he missed a value then :P21:52
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* DocScrutinizer sobs over noticing he wasted 47 sec to c&p a stupid silly line from a simple stupid config file21:53
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RST38hwazd hey21:54
wazdRST38h: heya :)21:54
DocScrutinizerbtw "pickup speed"? PICKUP?21:55
richieeee72SpeedEvil: thanks for the idea, I'll give it a go as soon as I've got my N900 networked to my pc, cheers.21:55
DocScrutinizerwhat's pickup speed?21:55
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG_: and a vibrator speed of 0 doesn't make much sense, does it?21:56
MohammadAG_unless you want it off21:57
* MohammadAG_ takes a break, brb #maemo 21:57
SpeedEvilIIRC a vibrator speed of 15 or so is the minimum21:57
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hawai`iDocScrutinizer: pick-up speed is how long it takes to reach full voltage21:57
hawai`ier rotation21:58
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DocScrutinizerhawai`i: aiui that # Speed from 1 to 255  clearly is the PWM value for vibrator when it reaches max in OnPeriod22:00
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RST38hWait, what are you doing with that vibrator?22:03
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SpeedEvilRemember - n900 is not waterproof.22:04
DocScrutinizeryou got attack-sustain-release shape, where $AcceleratePeriod is the duration of attack, $OnPeriod is the duration it runs with $Speed, $BreakPeriod is decay, and $OffPeriod is the pause between loops22:04
DocScrutinizerhawai`i: MohammadAG ^^^22:04
hawai`iWho wrote that?22:04
DocScrutinizerme, this very moment22:04
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DocScrutinizeryou're free to quote me though ;-)22:06
hawai`iYou ever see soap roll down the crack of a mans ass?22:07
_radz_hey guys, I have just installed maemo5 sdk using the python GUI wizard, and I get the error: configure: error: Package requirements (hildonmm >= 0.9.6) were not met:22:07
_radz_No package 'hildonmm' found22:07
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_radz_any help would be appreciated22:08
DocScrutinizererr, s/decay/release22:09
DocScrutinizerhawai`i: seems you're got another idea how to read those values?22:09
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hawai`iNo, just the last one.22:11
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joker_89anyone knows how to know phone model using python?22:13
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DocScrutinizerhmm, I edited the Speed values for some of my vib profiles, seemed to work the way I expected22:14
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Dima202DocScrutinizer: hey you there?22:28
DocScrutinizeralmost not22:28
Dima202Sorry ran out on you yestorday22:28
Dima202So it worked just fine for you and for me my tv goes black22:28
Dima202I need ideas to fix this issue22:29
DocScrutinizersorry no idea wrt that. Except maybe try with a different TV22:29
Dima202But TV is displaying eveyrhing else22:30
Dima202and mplay is displaying video (although laggy)22:30
DocScrutinizermaybe mediaplayer is sending some control signal (like format=16:9) that your TV doesn't like22:31
* RST38h burns the rom image22:31
RST38hwhat a silly excuse for the sdk...22:31
DocScrutinizerreally, either your TV is weird, or your HW is broken22:32
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Dima202DocScrutinizer: tv or n90022:32
DocScrutinizeror you're using another version of mediaplayer than I do22:33
DocScrutinizerDima202: whatever, cable N900 TV. Really the reported facts are non-conclusive22:33
Dima202DocScrutinizer: what if I record whats happening22:34
Dima202on a camera22:34
Dima202With voice over and everything22:34
DocScrutinizernad as I can't make a reasonable story out of the whole set of symptoms, I also am short of ideas how to fix the issue22:35
DocScrutinizercheck with another TV22:35
Dima202DocScrutinizer: when you have your n900 connected to the tv the picture is pretty ugly no?22:35
Dima202DocScrutinizer: I have just the one22:35
DocScrutinizeryes, like always22:35
ShadowJKI'm not sure I'd call it ugly22:36
DocScrutinizeranyway, bbl... ->dinner22:36
Arkenoiwhat is the maximum resolution one may get from tv out?22:36
Dima202Alright DocScrutinizer good appetite22:36
Dima202640x480? i dunno22:36
DocScrutinizerx*512, 16bbp22:37
DocScrutinizeraka 65k colors22:37
DocScrutinizerfor PAL, for NTSC it's probably x*48022:37
Arkenoiand that is the maximum x?22:38
DocScrutinizernot sure about that22:38
TrewasI'd but an 'f' to the front of ugly when speaking of n900's tv-out, quality is something you'd get from a VHS... if it even was anamorphic widescreen it would be a bit better22:38
ShadowJKthe widescreen seems to cut y resolution a bit22:38
Dima202Trewas: yeah but it's using a pretty standard connector, easy to find and just one hole for audio/video and audio is pretty decent.. It's fine for what it is really22:39
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Dima202The newer ones will come out with hdmi so should see lots of improvement there22:40
ShadowJKthe video (as in media player) actually has different path through dss to screen, as evident by UI only appearing on n900 :)22:40
ShadowJKit's probably like PC graphics cards a few years ago, where video was different hardware than the thing drawing rgb framebuffer22:41
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damnshockhello everyone :)22:41
Dima202ShadowJK: so you think that path is using the dsp chip and thus my n900 dsp is broken22:41
DocScrutinizerit's using different framebuffers. The fb for AV seems is only 16bbp deep22:41
DocScrutinizerthat's really bad quality22:42
ShadowJKDima202, no if dsp was broken you'd get no video playback at all, with or without tvout22:42
damnshockI wanted to ask if any of you has installed the maemo sdk on a non debian distro22:42
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damnshockI'm currently running on Archlinux22:42
ShadowJKwell video is 12 bits per pixel ;D22:42
damnshockand I downloaded the gui installer22:42
damnshockshould it run without problems?22:43
Dima202hey DocScrutinizer what version is your mplayer?22:43
Dima202i mean media player22:43
Dima202how did yo ucheck?22:43
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DocScrutinizerI got Pr1.1.122:44
DocScrutinizerand no special mediaplayer22:44
Dima202me to on pr 1.1.122:44
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DocScrutinizerso you say your TV is black from beginning, whenever you playback a videofile >400MB?22:45
Dima202yeah, i see media player on tv and i choose the file it starts showing those circles22:45
Dima202then i see n900 circles stuck on 3rd or 4th circle and tv is black22:45
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DocScrutinizerI'd guess you have a uSD with read errors22:46
Dima202HMM Was there an update for media playuer in devel or extras?22:47
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DocScrutinizersorry, no good idea how to check that. bbl22:47
Dima202later DocScrutinizer thanks22:47
Dima202media player is  Media Box Media Center right?22:48
Dima202I have version 2010.05.08 of MediaBox Media Center22:48
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ShadowJKmedia player is what's included22:51
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ShadowJKit's not in extras at all.22:51
ShadowJKMedia Box Media Center is something else22:52
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BCMManybody else just get spammed by someone in this channel?23:11
BCMMjust got sent a porn link23:12
tybolltwow cool23:12
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BCMMtybollt: i'm not especially inclined to click it23:12
BCMMi mean, it may not be porn23:12
BCMMi won't name names in case it was a real user and meant for somebody else23:13
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BCMMyeah, it was animooo23:14
Stskeepsgot the same on cycle, so23:14
BCMMso yeah, probably got pwned...23:14
DocScrutinizer51friggin idiot23:15
BCMMme, or animooo?23:16
DocScrutinizer51animooo of course23:16
BCMM(i dunno, there are probably still mirc fans...)23:16
ZogGdoes anyone here use twitter from n900?23:17
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petteriZogG: i use23:19
petteri is what I am using23:19
DocScrutinizer51I wonder why ircd7 hasn't klined that moron. detecting mass /query shouldn't be hard23:19
ZogGpetteri i mean any client23:20
ZogGit was fine23:20
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ZogGi used it alll the time but today in the middle of day o got - can't autificate (how do i spell that word)23:20
BCMMDocScrutinizer51: sounds like he was going pretty slow23:21
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ZogGtried on meego and mauku23:21
ZogGbut works on microb23:21
DocScrutinizer51so somebody should join #freenet and report23:21
petterii think the errors are because is not working, Too much users or something23:22
petterii am happy with tweetgo.net23:22
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hawai`iN900 locked up.23:33
hawai`iNo wd interrupt.23:34
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DocScrutinizer51so it's probably not locked up, but terribly busy23:43
DocScrutinizer51usually swapping23:44
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hawai`iI pulled the battery.23:45
DocScrutinizer51take care,all your input will store up23:45
hawai`iI can't be arsed to wait around.23:45
DocScrutinizer51lol then not23:45
hawai`iI did spawn about 40 different processes23:45
hawai`iso  was sort of ready for it when the phone rang.23:46
DocScrutinizer5110sec powerbtn hold should work and is a lil more polite than pulling bat23:46
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DocScrutinizer51alas can't test it as mine is borked23:48
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hawai`ifsck and I'm over it.23:48
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GAN900DocScrutinizer51, again?23:50
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DocScrutinizer51pwrbtn broke23:51
DocScrutinizer51nokia fsckd it on repair :-P23:51
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DocScrutinizer51needs more feeling than a virgin to convince it23:52
DocScrutinizer51well N900 has such a plenty of hw pushbuttons - I can bear the one23:53
joker_89any knows any database will all firmware codes for nokia?23:53
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DocScrutinizer51for now23:54
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tybolltjoker_89: sorry no we will not give you the leaked beta 1.223:55
lcukDocScrutinizer51, you know in movies when people sit there cleaning guns and stripping them down timing them..23:55
joker_89leacked beta 1.2?23:55
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DocScrutinizer51yeah assemble AK47 in 3.9s23:56
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lcukDocScrutinizer51, o_O23:57
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* DocScrutinizer51 burrps23:57
lcukwell i imagine you doing same with n90023:57
Arkenoii studied ak-47 assembly/disassembly in school23:57
Arkenoior was it ak-45?23:58
Arkenoidon't remember23:58
tybolltArkenoi: in school? What the fucking fuck?23:59
* Arkenoi wonders if i still can do it23:59
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tybolltif you study ak47 in school it's pretty fucked up a school =)23:59

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