IRC log of #maemo for Tuesday, 2010-05-11

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DocScrutinizersince the days when red pill vanished00:02
DocScrutinizera pity00:03
DocScrutinizergeeks *love* easter eggs00:03
* DocScrutinizer starts a tmo thread "1.2 been there since February - you just need the secret code to enable it"00:04
TomaszDDocScrutinizer, you do know red pill vanished because it would show category user/hidden packages, essentially Ovi Store content00:04
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Stskeepsstupidest 'protection' -ever-00:05
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MacerStskeeps: ?00:05
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Macercmon! red pill was great haha00:05
MohammadAG<TomaszD> DocScrutinizer, you do know red pill vanished because it would show category user/hidden packages, essentially Ovi Store content00:05
MohammadAGdo an apt-get install (ovistoreapp)00:06
TomaszDit won't work00:06
TomaszDapt-worker gets killed00:06
hawai`iIt's a downstream apt patch00:06
StskeepsTomaszD: nah, worse, .. there's a patch to disallow user/hidden in apt00:06
MohammadAGthe old source is maemo.org00:06
MacerStskeeps: wtf.. so does that mean no red pill in mer?!00:06
hawai`iIt's easily "reversed"00:06
MohammadAGjust build a package and downgrade with a fake number00:06
hawai`iMohammadAG, precisely.00:07
MohammadAGwhich I've done :)00:07
MohammadAGcan't bother with ovi00:07
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MohammadAGpinned apt in /etc/apt/preferences00:07
DocScrutinizerhmmm yummy, gimme binary!00:07
TomaszDthere is no interesting content to even bother doing all this00:07
MohammadAGseriously? sec :P00:07
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MohammadAGTomaszD, true, but I'd avoid HAM whenever i can00:08
hawai`iTomaszD: nothing interesting, but it's not conducive to the point of Ovi Store00:08
TomaszDthe biggest bonus for me would be to avoid the atrocious ovi web interface00:08
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MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, ^00:09
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tybolltis there anything worth even a canned fart in Ovi Store?00:09
MohammadAGyou'll need to pin apt though00:09
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MohammadAGbut i restore my installs using apt-get00:10
MohammadAG(not the backup app)00:10
hawai`ipin apt?00:10
hawai`iHold it through dpkg --set-selections00:10
* tybollt farts in a can and hands the can to MohammadAG 00:10
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DocScrutinizerhawai`i: that's voodoo, you know ;-P00:10
Maceris cups in dev?00:11
Maceri want cups! :)00:11
hawai`iMacer: nope00:11
Macerdamn :(00:11
MohammadAGhawai`i, can't bother to read more documentation :)00:11
* DocScrutinizer pins hawai`i00:11
* tybollt hands Macer 2cups1grl00:11
hawai`iDocScrutinizer: it's not wrestling! it's aggresive cuddling.00:11
Maceri want to print from easydeb's openoffice :(00:12
DocScrutinizerI want win7 in a virtual machine00:13
ShapeshifterMacer: print to pdf, print pdf somewhere else? thought true... the n900 needs cups00:13
ShapeshifterI mean, printing from it isn't absurd00:13
MohammadAGnow with host mode and all00:13
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* Shapeshifter puts it on list of packages to port00:13
MohammadAGoptified cups00:13
DocScrutinizerplease port hplip as well ;-D00:14
MohammadAGWoL + SSH + Static IP = scratchbox OTG00:14
GAN900TomaszD, only half the story.00:14
GAN900TomaszD, and the latter half.00:14
ShapeshifterDocScrutinizer: are those the hp drivers?00:14
DocScrutinizeryep - lol00:14
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tybolltMohammadAG: host mode? o_O00:14
* MohammadAG seconds the request00:15
Shapeshiftermeh. I have on my list: cups, urxvt, zsh and curl (with binary)00:15
GAN900TomaszD, mostly it was removed because we had a discussion and decided it caused way more problems than it was worth.00:15
MacerShapeshifter: for that i can just print somewhere else in openoffice ;)00:15
MohammadAGsomeone needs to update factoids00:15
Macerwhy print to pdf?00:15
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Macerthat's redundant heh00:15
GAN900So it was community consensus that got it killed.00:15
tybolltMohammadAG: does it work now?00:15
DocScrutinizersomeone needs to give infobot a good kick00:15
MohammadAGinfobot, hostmode is
infobotokay, MohammadAG00:16
MohammadAGinfobot, forget hostmode00:16
infoboti forgot hostmode, MohammadAG00:16
tybolltGAN900: for pre N900 release definitions of "community" then?00:16
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MohammadAGinfobot, hostmode is
infobotokay, MohammadAG00:17
hawai`iShapeshifter: cURL isn't done?!00:17
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jaemHello, #maemo00:18
MohammadAGbreaking mp-fremantle-generic-pr is like breaking virg....00:18
MohammadAGversion numbers, yeah, that00:18
GAN900tybollt, no.00:18
MohammadAGhi jaem00:18
GAN900tybollt, for about the end of 2009 definition of discussion on maemo-developers. :)00:18
hawai`i<~ Simon BTW, MohammadAG:00:19
MohammadAGLOL i know ;)00:19
hawai`iShaddap mister know it all.00:20
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tybolltGAN900: booo00:20
* MohammadAG cries in the corner00:20
GAN900tybollt, boo at what?00:21
* hawai`i paints MohammadAG into a corner00:21
* MohammadAG flashes a corrupt NOLO and hits hawai`i with a brick00:21
* MohammadAG ships the brick to DocScrutinizer 00:21
GAN900tybollt, having an open community discussion to remove a feature of dubious usefulness that mostly serves to harm users?00:21
tybolltUhm are nokia indeed releasing an adaptor cable for OTG on the N8?00:21
GAN900Clearly, you can't please anybody.00:22
MohammadAGyes, in box00:22
hawai`itybollt: ships with one in the box.00:22
MohammadAGha! beat you to it00:22
jaemIn the Fremantle SBox shell, the SBOX_UNAME_MACHINE env variable changes depending on the target, from what I can see. What I'm wanting to do (for convenience, not general use) is to have my QMake project files use the correct architecture of libraries, which are stored in appropriately-named subdirectories.00:22
hawai`iI'll beat you00:22
tybolltWas the argument NOT that shipping such adaptor voids USB certification?00:22
jaemIs there a better way to do that, either in SBox or QMake itself?00:22
* MohammadAG hits hawai`i with a ton of bricks00:22
* MohammadAG sees hawai`i immobilized, so he gets out his Javelin00:23
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GAN900tybollt, er?00:23
GAN900tybollt, the argument was that Red Pill should be removed from h-a-m00:23
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tybolltGAN900: I clearly do not agree with you. But I will agree to disagree :)00:24
tybolltGAN900: red pill was (IMHO) certainly very much usefull00:24
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MohammadAGblue pill otoh...00:24
GAN900tybollt, the issue with USB certification had to do with port selection and hardware issues.00:24
GAN900tybollt, then you're doing it wrong.00:24
GAN900Red Pill was never more useful than apt-get.00:25
jaemOut of curiousity, has anyone been working on a third-party apt (GUI) frontend?  HAM is fine, and certainly more consumer-friendly than some, but the lack of things like queueing annoys me a bit.00:25
jaemI can use apt-get, but sometimes pointy-clicky is nicer.00:25
GAN900and quite a bit less when you're someone who has to play "Help the user fix their Red Pill-begotten problems". :)00:25
tybolltGAN900: is HW different on N8 then?00:25
GAN900tybollt, clearly.00:25
dmj726I'd like a package management gui with screenshots and such00:26
jaemdmj726, there were discussions about things like that.00:26
tybolltthen why are people bringing that up?00:26
GAN900jaem / dmb, danielwilms is working on app downloader.00:26
jaemAnd there is an app in -devel that has some fanciness like that, but IIRC it doesn't have installation ability00:26
dmj726I'd probably have more apps if I could find out more about them first00:26
GAN900dmj726, http://downloads.maemo.org00:27
jaemGAN900, oh right, I've heard of that.  Any idea how it's coming along?00:27 the top of your head, I mean - I can go look it up later.00:27
zlimvossup all, in order to make my n900 ssh server to work i indeed need to create key files on my own right?00:27
dmj726I've been there...I just often am browsing through the list on my phone.00:27
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tybolltGAN900: Again, it may be a matter of taste, dpkg and apt are there so I guess it's not critical and it doesn't lock users in, but still :)00:28
FIQWould N900 be able to boot in a live SD session?00:28
FIQw/a bootloader ofc00:28
jaemFIQ, do you mean just normal booting from a card, as with the N8x0?00:28
GAN900jaem, slowly00:28
FIQlike that i guess00:28
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GAN900tybollt, well, if you don't like it, put the patch back in, package your own or create a replacement.00:29
GAN900That's why it's open source.00:29
tybolltGAN900: and that's why you will call me a lousy whiner, cause that is what I am :)00:29
jaemMacer, heh... that reminded me of my high school days, when I thought that playing that scene's audio on my TI-83 with headphones was pretty cool.  *strokes his N900 and smiles*00:29
jaemSorry, 83+.  1-bit audio FTW!00:30
Macerjaem: ?00:30
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Maceri'm watching braveheart :)00:30
jaemMacer, yes, and someone hacked the 83+ (digital) link port to play audio.  One of the demos was the epic speech from Braveheart.00:31
jaemYou just had to plug in a 2.5mm->3.5mm phone plug adapter to the link port, and then plug in headphones00:31
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MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, attack attack attack!00:32
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DocScrutinizererr huh?00:33
MohammadAGSpeedEvil1 joined... :p00:33
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andyfrommkshoulda typed00:34
jaemandyfrommk, there is no escape from #maemo00:34
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jaemeven backslashes don't work ;)00:34
MohammadAGthere's a channel for that...00:34
Macerjaem: haha00:34
MohammadAGI *think* it's #itsatrap00:34
MohammadAGI think..00:34
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MohammadAGnot sure if it's freenode00:35
DocScrutinizerjaem: 1bit PWM?00:35
DocScrutinizeror ADPCM00:35
jaemDocScrutinizer, I wasn't knowledgeable enough back then to actually read the code (I think it was ASM), so I don't know.00:35
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jaemIf you give me a few, I'll see if I can get you the link, but it's probably on's download pages somewhere.00:36
DocScrutinizerprolly PCM00:36
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MohammadAG#DontJoinItsATrap it keep forcing you to join after partitng, not here it seems00:37
jaemIt was pretty terrible quality, but that I could recognize the voices after seeing the movie once, months before, and that's running on a 6MHz (?) Z80 caclulator. Heh.00:37
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BCMMwhat does one use to record audio in an n900?00:39
jaemBCMM, the microphone?00:39
jaemSeriously, though, do you mean as a voice recorder, or for calls/streaming/whatever?00:40
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BCMMjaem: i mean software, to record audio to disk00:40
DocScrutinizerjaem: done this on my first selfbuilt z80 'computer'00:40
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SpeedEvilBCMM: There is 'recorder' or something like that in the repos00:40
jaemSpeedEvil, thanks, I forgot the name.00:41
BCMMjaem: for use as a ringtone or as a note to yourself or because you heard a weird noise and wanted to analyse its spectrum when you get home or whatever00:41
BCMMSpeedEvil: thanks00:41
DocScrutinizerBCMM: recorder00:41
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DocScrutinizerahh SpeedEvil beat me00:41
pupnikhow do you record and overdub a few tracks through00:42
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tybolltwhom do I ask for a braindead fanboi filter on tmo?00:47
jaemtybollt, GAN900, who then gets annoyed at tyou. :)00:48
pupniki was going to say, can't you delete your own account?00:48
pupnik(joke! joke!)00:48
XisdibikDocScrutinizer: theres a reason Speed is in his name ;)00:48
pupnikit would be nice to be able to ignore certain users.  -- it is so hard to not be mean and angry00:49
XisdibikDocScrutinizer: makes you wonder about the second half of SpeedEvil's name too ;)00:49
SpeedEvilIt initially came from a competition on a MUD - where several times, I answered a question before it had been asked.00:49
SpeedEvilWhcih was more to do with the fact that the quizmaster was rather predictable.00:50
XisdibikSpeedEvil: in this mud, were you Lawful Evil, or Chaotic Evil, or Neutral Evil?00:50
tybolltmud? oh dear...00:50
pupnikahh no finland beat germany in hockey tonight00:50
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tybolltfinland got entirely butfucked by Denmark in hockey the other night00:51
Xisdibiktybollt: that must have been alot of "buts"00:51
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tybolltbuttfucked too, yes :)00:51
Xisdibikbut are you sure? ;)00:52
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tybolltanyway it was the most misserable performance in hockey history - by Finland :)00:52
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SpeedEvilXisdibik: IIRC it diddn't really do alignment.00:52
XisdibikAKA, nothing topping America probably :P00:52
SpeedEvilIt's been a while though.00:52
XisdibikSpeedEvil: then where is the evil part of your name from ;)00:52
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* SpeedEvil is really an ex-assasin.00:53
Xisdibikassassins arnt neccessarily evil :p00:54
Xisdibikmany were doing "good" by eliminating "evil" :P00:54
jaemWelcome to #moral-philosophy00:55
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SpeedEvilI know. Then there was the incident with the puppies, and the candy factory, and it kind of stuck.00:55
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Xisdibikhaha ok00:56
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omari'm using find . | grep jpg | xargs rm to try to recursively delete all jpgs from a certain folder but since the file names/directories have spaces it won't work. xargs -0 doesn't work either. what should i do? :)01:01
Robot101find . -iname \*.jpg -print0 | xargs -0 rm01:02
omarthe xargs -0 switch doesn't work on the n90001:02
omarjust gives you a usage error01:02
SpeedEvilinstall gnu find01:02
SpeedEviland the utils01:02
SpeedEvilor rm */*jpg */*/*jpg ...01:03
DocScrutinizerlo Robot10101:03
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hawai`iomar: are you essentially trying to keep things out of the Gallery?01:03
omarhawai`i, no my album art is screwed up, for just about every single album i have the same stupid jpg shown01:04
omarSpeedEvil, i have the findutils installed already01:04
hawai`iomar: ah. Yes.01:04
omari tried deleting that jpg manually but it was sitll showing for some reason so i'm just going to wipe them all out ;)01:05
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omarNokia-N900-02-8:/home/user/MyDocs/.sounds# find . -print | grep jpg | xargs -0 ls01:05
omarxargs: invalid option -- 001:05
omarBusyBox v1.10.2 (Debian multi-call binary01:05
omarUsage: xargs [OPTIONS] [COMMAND] [ARGS...]01:05
jaemhawai`i, hmm... yeah, I had forgotten about the album art issue.  Did Nokia do anything about that specifically?  (I know you can fiddle with Tracker for the same effect, but I keep forgetting to do it)01:05
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jaemThat's actually kind of a silly oversight.01:06
hawai`ijaem: I don't believe so. It's a stupid problem - I store them in the tags, but I had to re-tag my entire collection - PITA.01:06
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omari think i prepend/append quotes if i pipe the grep to awk but i don't know the expression to do so01:07
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hawai`i`find` doesn't have -f argument either.01:09
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DocScrutinizer~nuke busybox01:09
* infobot starts crying and hides from docscrutinizer in the darkest corner of the room. :(01:09
* infobot takes two shots to the head and crumples to the ground, lifeless.01:09
SpeedEvilIIRC busybox awk will also not handle zeros01:09
hawai`i~breathe damnit!01:09
SpeedEvilwith gawk you can do gawk -v RS="01:09
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DocScrutinizerapt-get install coreutils01:10
DocScrutinizerapt-get install find-utils01:10
DocScrutinizerapt-get install less01:10
hawai`ihow about...01:11
hawai`iappend -exec rm {} \;01:11
Arkenoiif rumors about free root fs space are true we will be able to install non-optified gcc, make and stuff  there without any fatal consequences01:12
Arkenoi(in pr1.2)01:12
DocScrutinizerfind doesn't know that either, err CRAPPYBOX01:12
hawai`isymlink's are perfectly fine, Arkenoi. Why bother?01:12
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tybolltArkenoi: rumours? what rumours?01:13
SpeedEvilArkenoi: that's rather irrelevant01:13
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SpeedEvilArkenoi: cp / /home/user01:14
SpeedEvilcd /home/user/01:14
SpeedEvilchroot . sh01:14
DocScrutinizeraah yes - lol01:14
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SpeedEviland that's fine for building stuff01:14
infoboti heard optification is a inventive duct tape workaround to reclaim space in fs root, done due to the fact the partitioning is FUBAR, or,_Deploying_and_Distributing/Installing_under_opt_and_MyDocs01:14
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DocScrutinizerIf we had a decent /usr  partition (and maybe a /var) we'd not need that crap01:16
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* DocScrutinizer thinks there's not a single devel at Nokia who knows how nix worked ~20 years ago01:17
DocScrutinizerthey *knew* how to handle storage contrains back in the old days01:17
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: Indeed. All you need is a small deck of cards, of r booting using the rear cam.01:18
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tremnite all, sweet dreams01:18
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* DocScrutinizer waves as well01:19
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jaemDocScrutinizer, "back in MY day, I had to walk uphill to school BOTH ways"... :P01:20
jaemI take your point, though...01:21
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Maceroh wtf01:23
Maceri have a goddamn scratch on my screen!01:23
Macerand i don't know how!01:23
Maceri am always so careful with my phone01:23
jaemMacer, :O01:23
Macerit's not a bad one but still01:23
Macerhm. i need to find a replacement part01:23
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jaemIt must have been $mythical_mischevious_creature01:24
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jaemI hate those01:24
Macerthere is a way to like... replace the top plastic part of the screen isn't there?01:24
tybolltMacer: ket me know when you do.. I have a scratch too01:24
jaemespecially because it takes longer to write that than whatever string that expands to :P01:24
tybolltsame thing here01:24
tybolltI had a P1i for several years - no scartcj01:24
jaemMacer, I think so, but I've only heard hear-say01:24
jaemand not much of it01:24
tybolltthis thing scartches w/in a coupla months01:24
Macerwell... let me see01:24
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SpeedEvilMacer: Adding a screen protector will often reduce the visibility of existing scratches01:25
Macerit looks like something easy to replace01:25
MacerSpeedEvil: i should have added one BEFORE the scratch01:25
SpeedEvilMacer: The top part is not especially easy to replace.01:25
Macerbut i figured i'd be real safe with it01:25
MacerSpeedEvil: seriously? that sucks01:25
Macerit seem slke something that is easy to replace01:25
SpeedEvilMacer: It's $50 or so IIRC - and requires doing something during which DocScrutinizer bricked his phone01:25
Macerdo you mean just finding the piece is hard?01:25
SpeedEvilinstalling it is basically a complete dissasemble01:25
jaemMacer, "easy" is not well-defined, anyway01:25
Macerwow that totally sucks01:26
jaemIs there anything you can get that can just smooth it over?01:26
Macerjust to replace a piece of front plastic is that serious?01:26
Maceryeah it's not a bad scratch.. but i know it's there :)01:26
SpeedEvilMacer: It's not the front piece of plastic.01:26
SpeedEvilMacer: It's the front half of a touchscreen panel.01:26
omarhad to use this command find . -print | grep jpg | awk '{ print "\"" $0 "\""}' | xargs rm -f01:27
SpeedEvilMacer: this has a front and a back half, some assorted electronic connections, and stuff.01:27
omarhopefully that fixes my album art issue :)01:27
Macerwow :(01:27
SpeedEvilomar: or rm */*jpg */*/*jpg */*/*/jpg01:27
Macerthat suks01:27
Macerlet me see about getting a protector01:27
omardidn't know i could do that SpeedEvil01:28
omarbut my album art still screwed up, where does it fetch these images?01:28
Macerwow. that's nice01:28
Maceri think i am going to leave my phone at home and use my G1 til i get an invisible shield for it01:29
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omari had a screen protector on mine and removed it cause it made the touchscreen pretty damn insensitive01:32
omarand display wasn't very crisp01:32
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omarit was kind of thick though01:32
DocScrutinizerFAIL! *why* I decided to have a short look - seems they start to talk about that IDIOTIC id-pin over and over and over again - OMFG01:34
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* DocScrutinizer starts to cry01:37
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GAN900DocScrutinizer, it's easier if you imagine them all dying by fire.01:40
MohammadAG_that's cruel01:40
* MohammadAG_ imagines them burning in a fire01:40
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omarMohammadAG are you a muslim?01:52
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ioanhi. in a script, how do I test that the internet connection is over GPRS and then start a script?02:01
ioanstart another script02:01
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Mace_N900ugh. knowing i have a small scratch on my n900 is hurting me emotionally02:04
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Mace_N900gftp is broken02:06
Mace_N900too bad02:06
Mace_N900it wont scroll righgt02:06
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MohammadAG_relaunched as 2.0
MohammadAG_I wonder if it actually works now02:06
MohammadAGomar, yeah02:08
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omarsalam alaykam then ;)02:09
* MohammadAG_ replies using a notice02:10
MohammadAG_Switch back to english, we don't want DocScrutinizer wondering wtf we're talking about :P02:10
Ken-YoungThe Doctor knows all.02:10
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omari don't know arabic to be honest02:11
omarwell not that much02:11
omarnot enough to speak to you in it;)02:11
DocScrutinizereven more that that02:12
MohammadAG_Ken-Young, we don't wanna lose another N900, you don't want to see DocScrutinizer when he's angry02:13
MohammadAG_actually you do, he might get host mode fully working02:13
omarhow'd we lose the first n900?02:14
Ken-YoungI thought he was always angry - knowing that somewhere, someone is overclocking.02:14
* omar hides02:14
MohammadAG_someone made him angry02:15
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Mace_N900omg the avatar is a riot02:15
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b-manhe turns green when he gets angry xD02:18
dAnIeLLLMace_N900 what irc client u r using?02:19
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ManoftheSeaSo, I'm starting to think that some of you are actually employees of Nokia or something.02:20
derfSome people in here are.02:21
ManoftheSeaThat'd make sense and all, I don't know why I didn't consider it before.02:21
MohammadAG_ManoftheSea, lol who made you think that02:22
Mace_N900avatar is great (the cartoon)02:22
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ManoftheSeaMohammadAG_: just a general feel.02:22
dAnIeLLLsome1 know any app for 3g data control?02:23
ManoftheSeaI mean, who'd do this out of love for a pen-testing phone?02:23
Mace_N900youre wrong02:23
Mace_N900nokians dont wander amongst the mortals02:23
b-manMace_N900: i use to watch avatar all the time :)02:23
SpeedEvildAnIeLLL: Control - how?02:24
SpeedEvildAnIeLLL: there is 2g/3g switcher in extras02:24
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Mace_N900b-man, im watching it with my son02:24
ManoftheSeaIf you have 3g, why would you want 2g?02:24
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ManoftheSeaJust for the power difference?02:24
dAnIeLLLno no02:24
Mace_N900it cracks me up02:24
dAnIeLLLcontrol data02:24
DocScrutinizer512g also has better latency02:25
ManoftheSeaoh.  Hmm.02:25
ManoftheSeaDo we know how accurate the GPS is?02:25
ManoftheSeaI don't know how such things are measured, but I was asked that.02:26
SpeedEvilManoftheSea: It is within the typical accuracy of GPSs02:26
SpeedEvil+-4m seems about right02:26
lioriManoftheSea: up to 1 meter, depends on weather and amount of satellites visible02:26
SpeedEvilI haven't done any detailed tests02:26
SpeedEvilI really, really doubt 1m.02:26
ManoftheSeaYeah, I don't really know what kind of accuracy they were expecting, either.02:27
ManoftheSeaThe camera puts an exact number in the exif, yeah?02:27
lioriI've seen it in my freerunner, with crystal-clear sky02:27
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SpeedEvilManoftheSea: Yes. Too exact. :/02:27
povbotBug 6584: GPS geotagged pictures truncate precision of GPS reading (0 decimal places)02:27
SpeedEvilA nice round number.02:28
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ManoftheSeaHey, I accept if you don't answer these questions... but do we know anything about kismet, airsnort, or using the wireless as an AP?02:29
ManoftheSeaI was reading something about only channel 6?02:29
ManoftheSeaBut is there any functionality to replicate a "MiFi" like device?02:29
ManoftheSeaNot just single computer tethering.02:29
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lioriManoftheSea: I don't know about N900, but with Freerunner it was possible only with external wifi card02:30
tripzerothere is a mobilehotspot app02:30
tripzerobut idk if it works02:30
ManoftheSeathat sounds right... extras-devel?02:30
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tripzeroit hasn't worked for me02:30
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ManoftheSeaWhat about kismet?  Have others gotten it to work?02:32
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DocScrutinizer51airodump kinda works02:32
DocScrutinizer51on dchan602:32
MohammadAG_yes, mobile-hotspot works for others02:32
MohammadAG_I use JoikuSpot, but it kills custom kernels02:32
ManoftheSeayeah, I was reading that chan 6 only.  I don't understand the details, but that seemed weird.02:33
ManoftheSeaAny reasoning on that?02:33
tripzerodoes the kernel-flasher in extra's devel install a custom kernel?02:33
MohammadAG_killing custom kernels?02:33
DocScrutinizer51abi issue?02:33
MohammadAG_well you can use them, but...02:33
lioriManoftheSea: you might be interested in
MohammadAG_Joikuspot wouldn't work02:33
MohammadAG_it imports a .ko module02:33
ManoftheSeaoh, that is cool liori02:33
MohammadAG_which doesn't get imported on t-tan's kernel02:34
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DocScrutinizer51now THAT is evil02:35
ManoftheSeayes, that is cool.02:35
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DocScrutinizer51can't t-tan use compatible kernel abi version and symbols??02:37
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DocScrutinizer51~lart the GUI fool that though changing from light blue to WHITE was a great idea for taskswitcher notification icon02:40
* infobot squeezes the GUI fool that though changing from light blue to WHITE was a great idea till the GUI fool that though changing from light blue to WHITE was a great idea turns blue like papa smurf for taskswitcher notification icon02:40
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DocScrutinizer51that's been brilliant02:41
infobotDocScrutinizer51: :)02:41
ManoftheSea~lart sum gai02:44
* infobot nabs the moon and broadsides sum gai with the sea of tranquility02:44
ManoftheSeaDoes Nokia have an engineering mode for the n900?  I don't expect that regular joe can get it02:45
ManoftheSeaBut if there is one, that seems like an all in one wireless solution, no?02:45
ml-mobilethere is an R&D mode, of variable utility02:46
ManoftheSeaYeah, with the flashing keyboard?02:46
ManoftheSea(Disclaimer, I don't know what 'engineering mode' actually means)02:46
ManoftheSea(I think it has to do with figuring out how the cell coverage is doing)02:47
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ml-mobile90% of all interesting things can be done without special modes beyond root access02:48
ManoftheSeaalright.  I won't push the issue, since I know it's of dubious merit.02:49
DocScrutinizer51ManoftheSea: no   alas no cellmo EM02:49
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ManoftheSeaI don't know what cellmo EM is.  I'd just be guessing02:49
DocScrutinizer51modem engineering mode02:50
DocScrutinizer51R&D just for main linux szstem02:51
ManoftheSeaI guessed wrong.02:51
DocScrutinizer51modem pretty closed02:51
ManoftheSeaThanks.  I'm looking at openBTS now.02:51
ManoftheSeaDocScrutinizer51: doesn't surprise me, as it's where people would get into the most trouble.02:51
DocScrutinizer51check out pnatd (cmdline)02:52
ManoftheSeaI mean...  look at how easy backtrax is.02:52
ManoftheSeaIt has a legit use and all... but I can't deny it's used by skiddies either.02:52
DocScrutinizer51whats backtrax?02:53
ManoftheSeaThe pen-testing linux distro?02:54
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ManoftheSeaor... security-related?02:54
ManoftheSeaI guess it does forensics too.02:54
DocScrutinizer51heh you're looking at openBTS? cool02:54
DocScrutinizer51greet all of them :-))02:55
ManoftheSea"looking at" is not understanding.02:55
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ManoftheSeaanyway...  gotta go for now.  Talk to you guys later.02:55
DocScrutinizer51yeah Harald and Dieter are far above what I know02:56
DocScrutinizer51anyway if you talk to harald aka lafPrge then toss a EHLO for me02:58
DocScrutinizer51laf0rge even02:58
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SpeedEvilopenbts is insanely cool02:58
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SpeedEvilI would love to go to germany for it - but...02:59
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DocScrutinizer51reminds me... kontorri promised to see what can be done for EM03:03
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DocScrutinizer51reminds me... kontorri promised to see what can be done for EM03:04
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DocScrutinizer51~seen onenbmap03:06
infobotDocScrutinizer51: i haven't seen 'onenbmap'03:06
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DocScrutinizer51any howto on debugging kernel?03:11
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* jaem just read the scrollback... for reference, "BackTrack" is singular </pedantic>03:13
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Termanagood morning03:51
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omargood mooorning03:54
Ken-Younggood evening03:55
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infoboti heard ugt is Universal Greeting Time. Created in #mipslinux, it is a rule that states that whenever somebody enters an IRC channel it is always morning, and it is always late when the person leaves. The local time of any other people in the channel, including the greeter, is irrelevant.
omari wonder if gmail mfe mail will work in pr1.204:02
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DocScrutinizer51ask MohammadAG - he testedthe whole 1.2 on scratchbox aiui04:03
omari have the SDK, how can i launch the 1.2 firmware?04:03
MohammadAG_quite complicated, and you'll have to reflash when 1.2 comes out04:04
MohammadAG_I already lost mp-fremantle-generic-pr *sniff*04:04
MohammadAG_oh well04:04
omarso did you test if gmail mfe worked? :D04:05
MohammadAG_don't use mfe :)04:05
MohammadAG_it was basically just a challenge04:05
MohammadAG_the first time I failed, and DocScrutinizer51 got a virtual IRC beer04:06
omaris there a better to get e-mail pushed to the device?04:06
omari was using nokia messaging then found intellisyncd roasting my cpu04:06
MohammadAG_Nokia Messaging04:06
omaryeah i deleted that04:06
omarbattery life went to shit04:06
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MohammadAG_I have two batteries, and I might order the zaggsparq 2.004:07
MohammadAG_so I don't care about that :P04:07
DocScrutinizer51still 14 short of the 3:104:07
MohammadAG_Now, instead of spending time figuring out what time of day is it for every member of the channel, we spend time explaining newcomers benefits of UGT.  LOL04:08
DocScrutinizer51wtf????? 13 line in 0.1s04:08
omari have no idea what you two are talking about now04:09
MohammadAG_me neither04:09
MohammadAG_ <-- ZaggSparq 2.004:10
omaryah saw that04:10
MohammadAG_<MohammadAG_> Now, instead of spending time figuring out what time of day is it for every member of the channel, we spend time explaining newcomers benefits of UGT.  LOL <--- from the link above04:10
ptlUGT == UTC?04:10
omarwhat's ugt04:10
MohammadAG_Universal Greeting Time04:10
ptlUTC is the most weird acronym ever. It's inverted. Universal Coordinated Time.04:10
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MohammadAG_if someone joins, you say morning04:11
ptlWe could use stardates from startrek.04:11
MohammadAG_regardless of the time04:11
MohammadAG_when he leaves you say night04:11
MohammadAG_<infobot> i heard ugt is Universal Greeting Time. Created in #mipslinux, it is a rule that states that whenever somebody enters an IRC channel it is always morning, and it is always late when the person leaves. The local time of any other people in the channel, including the greeter, is irrelevant.
ptlwhat time is it there, wherever you are, MohammadAG?04:11
omarwhat if i leave and say "i'm going to class bbl"04:11
MohammadAG_Tue May 11 04:11:35 IDT 201004:11
MohammadAG_you say night04:11
MohammadAG_technically that's morning ^04:12
TermanaAnd even if its not morning for you when you join - you say good morning and even if its not night for you when you leave, you say good night04:12
omarguess i dunno the idiosyncrasies of irc chat anymore04:12
ptlSeg Mai 10 22:12:34 BRT 201004:12
DocScrutinizer51nah time for a decent meal anyway04:12
DocScrutinizer51lrts call it lunch04:13
ptlWhen I get to 4 AM the hour will be all used up and wasted.04:13
omarweird.. my clock shows 4:52 AM04:13
DocScrutinizer51~ugt ftw04:13
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omaryet i go to time settings it says 5:1304:13
omar05:15 AM04:15
MohammadAG_it's 5:1504:15
omarmy applet is locked at 4:5204:15
MohammadAG_I'm kinda tired04:15
omarwhat's the applet name?04:15
MohammadAG_Night #maemo o/04:15
MohammadAG_just killall hildon-status-menu04:15
omari mean on my desktop :)04:15
omarnot my phone04:15
omarno ubuntu 10.0404:16
MohammadAG_had an "ewww" ready04:16
omari just killed osmethign called clock-applet and nothing happened04:16
MohammadAG_oh well, next time04:16
MohammadAG_reboot X04:16
MohammadAG_mh, bugzilla email04:17
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MohammadAG_sleep will have to wait04:17
omarlol i have like 3 clcok applets runnign invisibly on my top panel04:18
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DocScrutinizer51WTF?? CTCP time????04:18
dAnIeLLLalready managed to run droid(100%) on N900?04:19
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* DocScrutinizer51 kicks MohammadAG_ 04:20
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* MohammadAG_ is still awake04:21
DocScrutinizer51now the bd aftermath has its impact04:21
MohammadAG_how dare you!04:21
* MohammadAG_ kicks DocScrutinizer51 back04:22
MohammadAG_I'm off now (again) :P04:22
DocScrutinizer51ppl coming to my desk with bottles of swiss wodka04:22
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TermanaMohammadAG, good night04:23
TermanaDocScrutinizer51, and you drink all that "wodka" obviously04:23
MohammadAGoh didn't notice this was still on04:23
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MohammadAGhope the alarm wakes me up04:24
asjWrkdon't forget to set it04:24
* DocScrutinizer51 slaps Termana with smell TV04:24
MohammadAGif i'm not here by 12 send a fake nuke to IL, the emergency sirens might help04:24
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TermanaTurn you speakers up and turn notification sounds on - I'll ping you when you want to be woken04:25
MohammadAGlast time they didn't though04:25
asjWrkMohammadAG: it's 11:25am right now...04:25
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MohammadAGasjWrk, different time zones04:26
MohammadAGthe other side of the globe does exist04:26
asjWrkMohammadAG: you didn't specify...04:26
asjWrkMohammadAG: there's nothing but dragons and deamons04:26
MohammadAGTue May 11 04:26:23 IDT 201004:26
emmais maemo okay?04:26
emmai heard it was merging with something else?04:26
MohammadAGno, it's evil04:26
MohammadAGit eats babies04:26
Termanaemma, no - its in the emergency room04:26
DocScrutinizer12 *what*??04:27
Termanaoh and what he said as well ^^04:27
emmaI like maemo04:27
emmaI don't want it to die04:27
MohammadAG9 AM UTC time04:27
ptlmaemo died. Swallowed by meego.04:27
Myrttiyou're also a bit out of time04:27
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emmaMyrtti: is that the Myrtti i know?04:28
DocScrutinizeremma: you're kidding?04:28
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, i said fake nuke btw04:28
emmaDocScrutinizer: no why would I be? Do I seem to not be serious?04:28
MohammadAGwe don't want a WWIII04:28
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DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: hehe04:29
DocScrutinizerreal ones are only a few in my arms chamber04:29
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DocScrutinizertoo expensive just to wake you04:29
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MohammadAGyou torture the N900 with em?04:29
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, I'll send you a brick04:30
asjWrkMohammadAG: if it's a big enough nuke to .il...then there won't be ww304:30
MohammadAGN900 brick that is04:30
MohammadAGfanboys will help04:30
DocScrutinizeremma: sorry, but the maemo/meego merger is so widespred knowledge...04:30
emmai just heard abut it now. sorry.04:31
MohammadAGjust say IL is linux and the EU is mac04:31
MohammadAGand watch04:31
emmaDocScrutinizer: will it make maemo better?04:31
TermanaThe n900 is already a brick out of the box.04:31
TermanaI keed I keed :P04:31
DocScrutinizeremma: wait a second...04:31
ml-mobilebest brick ever04:31
MohammadAGTermana, i keek keek (kick)04:31
asjWrkwhat's wrong with a brick in your front pocket?04:31
TermanaMohammadAG, lol04:31
MohammadAGanyways, night04:31
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emmai wish very much i could get something like a n900 but without the phone parts since I have no use for the phone.04:32
asjWrkemma: n800?04:32
DocScrutinizernah, N81004:32
asjWrkthere are many options...04:32
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DocScrutinizer~bomb asjWrk04:33
TermanaWhy not just get the n900... and not use the phone bit?04:33
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asjWrkwhat makes the n900 rock though is always having the data bit on the phone04:33
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asjWrkanywhere I am, I have access to wikipedia so my wife can prove me wrong04:33
DocScrutinizer~kill timriker04:34
omaryou mean so you can prove her wrong?04:34
asjWrkomar: it always starts that way04:34
DocScrutinizeror whoever asked to remove "offending" factoids04:34
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asjWrkTermana: ??? TWSS abuse04:35
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emmais n800 or n810 not phones?04:35
GeneralAntillesDocScrutinizer, offending?04:35
DocScrutinizeremma: nope04:36
TermanaasjWrk, I abusing it whereever I can04:36
emmaso they are phones?04:36
asjWrkTermana: that's what he said =)04:36
Myrttimy sarcasm generator is working so hard it's overheating, I think it's a signal to do something else than look at IRC04:36
omaremma what do you have against phones?04:36
DocScrutinizerGeneralAntilles:  <infobot>          profanity -- possibly offensive factoids04:36
TermanaBesides cancer inducement04:36
DocScrutinizerGeneralAntilles: ~help04:37
asjWrkomar: doesn't want to the gov't sending phone seeking missles...04:37
emmaomar: nothing but i have a phone and all i want in a phone is to send and recieve calls. Nothing else.04:37
ptlemma: N800 and N810 are internet tables, no phone functions. N900 is a tablet with phone functions.04:37
TermanaWhat a useless phone. Pfft send and recieve calls. Who wants to do THAT with a phone?04:37
emmawhat i ould like is a portable pc for doing quick browsing and listening to media.04:37
omaremma n900 is nice for that :)04:37
ptlemma: N900 can do that for you nicely.04:37
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asjWrkemma: where do you plan to get your data for quick browsing?04:38
Termanaemma, full disclosure - we are all on the n900 marketing team04:38
DocScrutinizeremma:   not a phone04:38
Termanalol :P j/k04:38
emmawireless access point?04:38
asjWrkI need to write an app that blocks outgoing calls in the n900...04:38
emmai think the ideal thing would be like an ipad-LIKE device with maemo running on it.04:38
asjWrkemma: pita around here, that all want $$$, unreliable04:38
Termanaemma, joggler? I think people will be getting MeeGo onto it04:39
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DocScrutinizeremma: (portable pc for doing quick browsing and listening) get a N900 - then evetually bin your current ""phone""04:40
omaremma you can buy the n900 and not put a sim card in it ;)04:40
Termanaomar, actually I think that a lie - I thought people were having trouble getting it to start with a SIM04:40
DocScrutinizeromar: but then no data abroad04:41
Termanathats a lie*04:41
Termanawithout a SIM*04:41
TermanaI think i've had some of DocScrutinizer's wodka04:41
DocScrutinizerTermana: FUD!!!04:41
emmaTermana: is this what you were referring to --
TermanaDocScrutinizer, Not from me :P I was just saying I THOUGHT04:41
b-manyou can buy and run an N900 without a sim - you just can't use the cell functions04:41
DocScrutinizerN900 works great without SIM - just no connectivity abroad04:41
emmacan you use the gps04:42
emmait's tempting.04:42
omarDO IT04:42
asjWrkgps lock will be slow04:42
Termanab-man, "can't use the cell functions" without a sim..... obvious statement is obvious?04:42
DocScrutinizeremma: without SIM? No!04:42
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omargps will be slower without agps04:42
emmayou can't use gps without sim?04:42
b-manTermana: duh04:42
omaremma what current phone you have that you love so much?04:42
Termanaemma, also yes, that is what I was referring to (o2 joggler)04:42
omaremma you can but with a sim it'll lock on much faster04:43
DocScrutinizeremma: that's a bug in the GPS driver04:43
omaroh you can't?04:43
emmai don't have a smart phone. I just like to call people and receive calls. In fact I just pay like 5 dollars a month for my cell phone.04:43
DocScrutinizerbut for now you don't want to use GPS without conectivity04:43
b-manPR1.2 is suppose to fix the gps issue04:43
emmai dont really get why people are getting smart phones instead of hand held pcs.04:43
DocScrutinizeremma: I pay 30$ / month and that's incl 5GB of data traffic04:44
omarwat the hell04:44
omarDoc i pay 30$ a month just for 100 megs/month04:44
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omarmy isp here is a rip off04:44
omarerr isp + carrier04:45
omarand they like to block off large portions of the intarwebs04:45
DocScrutinizergreat arabic wall?04:45
Myrtti*KRRRRUMP* oof, there, see, now my sarcasm generator is broken04:45
omari have a vpn though so that issue is kinda moot but i haven't really had the patience to see how to get pptp working on my n90004:46
b-manTermana: i don't view the N900 as a phone first, if that's why i made that statement ;)04:46
b-man*if that's why you were wondering why04:46
Termanaoh right fair enough :P04:46
* DocScrutinizer feels like having a snack04:46
Termanai guess04:46
Termanacya DocScrutinizer - bring me back something to eat as well :P04:47
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emmaTermana: o2 joggler doesn't look like quite hat I want.04:47
omarwat do you want exactly04:48
crazyhorssHey fellas, having a small problem when i use medial player to display video to tv it doesn't show.... just black screen04:48
emmaI think I want this, but I'm not sure if it is real or a hoax ---
emmaimagine if that is real and putting maemo on that baby ♥04:49
SpeedEvilMaemo will never go on other devices.04:49
crazyhorssirssi and anything else works just fine.. is this a known issue with the app?04:49
SpeedEvilmaemo has nokia closed components.04:49
SpeedEvilThat form a large part of the UI04:49
SpeedEvilThe open parts of course can be used04:49
Myrttiwho knows what MeeGo will bring. It is aimed at tablets too, but that's a different discussion04:50
Myrttimove on.04:50
DocScrutinizercrazyhorss: no, usually you should get video from your 3.5mm with the cable that came with N90004:50
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TermanaWhich is rather bullshit. I'm not entirely sure you can call it an open source distro, if MOST of it is not OSS - 60% non-free is the statistic I've seen, but Stskeeps has made an actual list somewhere04:51
crazyhorsshey doc. i know but its an avi i ripped and its showing on n900  just fine but wont play on tv for some odd reason04:52
crazyhorssdoc, any ideas what might be causing this?04:52
* DocScrutinizer suspects Myrtti and emma are left and right half of one brain04:52
MyrttiDocScrutinizer: hardly04:53
crazyhorsssib works but frame rate is horrble... constant freezing04:53
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DocScrutinizercrazyhorss: please elaborate on the symptoms04:53
emmaNo Myrtti is much more intelligent than me :)04:54
DocScrutinizercrazyhorss: usually AV and LCD should be more or less in sync04:54
emmaAnd I think she hates me.04:54
DocScrutinizersounds like classic schizophrenia, emma04:55
TermanaFor anyone that wants to know the exact statistic for PR1.1 - 57% is non-OSS and 43% is OSS04:55
asjWrkTermana: is that package numbers? kloc? :)04:55
crazyhorssDocScrutinizer: i get the loading dots then tv dots dissapear while n900 still has then 2sec later video starts on n90004:56
DocScrutinizercrazyhorss: AV isn't granted for anything but mediaplayer04:56
b-manTermana: Stskeeps keeps the non-OSS/OSS statistics ;P04:56
b-manTermana: it's on a wiki somewhere04:57
DocScrutinizerb-man: exactly04:57
Termanab-man, have you got something in your eye?04:57
crazyhorssDocScrutinizer: just tried another video and it is workingti04:57
Termanab-man, you obviously just missed my last 3 sentences :P04:57
asjWrkDocScrutinizer51: that's bloody conufing04:57
b-manTermana: Stskeeps knows what he is talking about04:57
DocScrutinizercrazyhorss: good news04:57
crazyhorssi decoded in ffmpeg to .avi at 848x480 with 128kb audio04:58
b-manoh, ok04:58
crazyhorssI still get audio04:59
DocScrutinizerasjWrk: check what is a link!04:59
crazyhorssIt's an exercise program i wanted to use.. maybe there is some kind of copyrigh that n900 video driver detects?t05:00
Myrttihate - no. distaste, yes.05:00
DocScrutinizeryou can click on almost everything05:00
DocScrutinizercrazyhorss: strange05:00
DocScrutinizercrazyhorss: you should file a bug ticket, if you can share the video source file05:01
omaru wanna know what's super strange? my skype account doesn't work for skype out on the n90005:01
DocScrutinizerhooooooo scary05:01
DocScrutinizerskype == BS05:02
TermanaThats right DocScrutinizer uses a tin can and a piece of string05:02
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DocScrutinizer/mode +q Termana05:02
omarthat kind of communication won't work from UAE to USA05:02
crazyhorssDocScrutinizer: alright i guess i will... thanks05:02
MyrttiI vote for cheesecake05:03
DocScrutinizercrazyhorss: thanks for that, mate05:03
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ManoftheSeauh, wupz.05:03
ManoftheSeawrong window, lol05:03
ManoftheSeagood night room05:03
DocScrutinizerManoftheSea: beware, shit hits the fan here05:04
ManoftheSeauh, what?05:04
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ManoftheSeaI've been around the block.05:04
TermanaThats what SHE said05:04
ManoftheSeaI want a $1000 personal GSM network.05:04
ManoftheSeaSanta, please put it in my stocking.05:04
TermanaMyrtti, nomnomnom give me some :P05:05
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crazyhorssDocScrutinizer: so i need to post on bugtrack?05:06
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DocScrutinizercrazyhorss: https://bugs.maemo.org05:07
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DocScrutinizerhave fun, kids05:09
DocScrutinizerdaddy doesn't want to get disturbed05:09
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DocScrutinizerexcept a 'ping' maybe - it's a lil tooooo quiet05:10
infobot:), DocScrutinizer05:10
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* GeneralAntilles hands DocScrutinizer a rubik's cube05:13
* DocScrutinizer mnyummcrunchcrrrk05:14
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* Termana hands DocScrutinizer the Droid Rubik's Cube solving robot so he can do it in 24 seconds05:15
DocScrutinizerbah, polystyrene in there :-(05:15
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* DocScrutinizer spits a few times, then opens the bag with bread and cheese05:16
Termanaare you making a sandwich?05:17
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TermanaBetter question - are you making ME a sandwich while your at it? :P05:17
DocScrutinizeryou forgot sudo05:18
Termanalcukn900, good morning05:18
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Termanasudo make me a sandwich05:18
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TermanaDocScrutinizer, have you seen the robot someone made, that allows you to type "sudo make me a sandwich" at a terminal and it makes a sandwich?05:20
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* DocScrutinizer chomps05:21
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omari just realized i don't have a toaster... at least i think i don't05:28
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ptlI don't also05:31
ptltoo much carbohydrates anyway05:31
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DocScrutinizerI got a laser05:33
DocScrutinizerand a propane torch05:33
* DocScrutinizer muses about his soldering station05:35
omarDoc whatta you do for a living?05:36
DocScrutinizerentertain you?05:39
omarto make money05:39
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DocScrutinizermoney? not seen any for quite a while05:39
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DocScrutinizerThe envelopes with Nokia's bribes seem to get lost05:42
Omar_whatre you bribing them for05:43
asjWrkDocScrutinizer: if there were bribes don't you think the symbian deviced wouldn't come with a little atm machine built into them?05:43
DocScrutinizerseems you missed my point05:44
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DocScrutinizerIt's not me sending bribes to Nokia - I wouldn't know what for anyway05:44
Omar_so whatre they bribing you for05:45
DocScrutinizerdunno - the envelopes get lost :-P05:45
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DocScrutinizermaybe to fix their hardware?05:46
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dAnIeLLLsome1 here run android?05:47
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dAnIeLLLDocScrutinizer =]05:48
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lcukn900\join ##c05:57
MyrttidAnIeLLL: on what?05:58
* b-man|n900 runs fedora05:59
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dAnIeLLLif maemo/meego fails, android save us05:59
dAnIeLLLb-man wow06:00
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b-man|n900dAnIeLLL: ;)06:00
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DocScrutinizer51~lart dAnIeLLL the heretic06:02
* infobot frags dAnIeLLL the heretic with his BFG900006:02
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dAnIeLLLb-man|n900 and calls functions?06:04
kajkoso i hear usb host mode is coming to n900?06:04
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Funnyfacemobwill probably need some hardware hacking06:05
b-man|n900dAnIeLLL: not yet, but i can get the gsm modem working - i just need an application that can use it06:05
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FunnyfacemobI don't think the N900 can supply power to the device plugged in06:05
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dAnIeLLLb-man|n900 hmm06:06
DocScrutinizer51errr what?06:06
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* DocScrutinizer51 slapps Funnyfacemob with a bag of bq2415006:07
FunnyfacemobI imagine an N900 hooked up to a TV with, with a usb hub connected, with mouse keyboard, printer etc etc plugged in :P06:08
DocScrutinizer51ability to read is a clear advantage06:08
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b-man|n900Funnyfacemob: it'ts a software issue, not hardware issue - minimal host mode has already been achived on the n90006:09
* b-man|n900 grabs the source06:09
infobotfrom memory, hostmode is
b-man|n900DocScrutinizer51: thanks lol06:09
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Funnyfacemobwell sorry  if I am talking crap, I just think I remember reading that the USB port can't supply power, but is still capable of serving as a host if you modify a cable to supply power from an external source.. correct me if im wrong.06:12
DocScrutinizer51friggin fail06:12
* DocScrutinizer sighs06:12
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DocScrutinizerinfobot: no, hostmode is
infobotokay, DocScrutinizer06:13
DocScrutinizerFunnyfacemob: ^^^06:14
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Funnyfacemobalrighty, not the same thread that I read but that explains a bit I guess06:17
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DocScrutinizer51Funnyfacemob: btw thanks for closely following - the statement about "IF we can't get 5V for usb, we still can ahve hostmode with a special cable" was exactly my claim in roundabout february06:32
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DocScrutinizer51Funnyfacemob: and it's still true - even better, with such a cable you can even power/charge the N900 while e.g. a kbd is plugged in and active06:35
Funnyfacemobyeah I haven't followed that progress too closely, because I can't see any real use for USB host other than "this is cool", there's still bluetooth :P06:36
DocScrutinizer51BT kbd seems to suck06:37
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DocScrutinizer51usb memstick a friend gives to you to copy a file06:37
DocScrutinizer51for 5 minutes06:37
DocScrutinizer51your professional cam with sony memsticks or other non-mmc storage media06:38
FunnyfacemobI have seen VM software that supports tunneling USB over networks, perhaps something similar can be done over wifi06:39
Funnyfacemobif someone would make a tiny device with a wifi nic and a usb port :P06:39
DocScrutinizer51there's a zillion possible setups that work for a particular case06:40
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DocScrutinizer51all of them involve a bulky set of adapters etc06:40
DocScrutinizer51incl a 2nd battery etc06:40
Funnyfacemobthe easiest solution is probably.. "bring your laptop" :P06:41
DocScrutinizer51tbh the best and most compact solution seen so far was "use zour N810 to tether the USB to N900"06:41
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DocScrutinizer51but we got hostmode now, so ditch all that crap06:42
Funnyfacemobanyway, can bt connect multiple devices at the same time?06:42
Funnyfacemobif not, that's a major drawback06:43
hawai`iFunnyfacemob: Yes. Depends on the profiles though.06:43
hawai`iFunnyfacemob: You can't host to A2DP profiles at the same time06:43
hawai`iFunnyfacemob: but you can A2DP and use the serial profile. Though, sound will come through choppy as you're chewing up the limited bandwidth.06:44
DocScrutinizer51hmm, yet to proove06:44
hawai`iDocScrutinizer51: you talkin' to me?!06:45
hawai`iDocScrutinizer51: N900 we're talking about here?06:45
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hawai`iDoes work. Yep.06:45
hawai`iI've done it numerous times.06:46
DocScrutinizer51amazing news06:46
hawai`iMind blowing.06:46
hawai`iIt's actually the reason the Hindenburg went down, believe it or not.06:46
Funnyfacemobwhat speeds did you achieve with it?06:46
hawai`iBasically un-useable.06:47
Funnyfacemobmy past experiences with bt has been roughly 60KB/s06:47
hawai`iI never bothered to check the through-put06:47
hawai`ibut anything over 1MB, I don't even bother to send while using A2DP06:47
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hawai`iThe ConnectNow widget has improved quite a bit06:50
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FunnyfacemobI'll go get some sleep.. laters06:53
hawai`iMe too.06:53
hawai`iGF is in bed, and I'm out here sitting in the dark.06:53
hawai`iGlad I've got nothing to do this week :D06:53
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RST38hHELO punks08:17
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silbo__Characterization of Silver Kuusik's the Eesti Infotehnoloogia Kolledž second year student.08:18
silbo__is that a correct sentence?08:18
silbo__the words aren't in correct order, how would you guys order them08:19
silbo__Eesti Infotehnoloogia Kolledž is an Estonian school08:19
RST38hit makes no sense08:20
silbo__lol i know08:20
RST38hDoes Silver Kuusik own a student or what?08:21
asjWrkCharacterization of Silver Kuusik, a second year student at  the Eesti Infotehnoloogia Kolledž ?08:21
silbo__can someone help me make this sentence logical08:21
RST38hthen the sentence is wrong08:21
asjWrks/ +/ /g08:21
RST38hsilbo: What exactly should it mean? If you know Russian, say it in Russian08:21
silbo__sorry i don't speak Russian08:22
* RST38h starts having suspicions about what "characterization" was supposed to mean08:22
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asjWrksilbo__: any other language?08:23
silbo__im writing my caracterization or description, and im from IT kolledž08:23
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RST38hsilbo: You are writing a CV? A Resume?08:23
silbo__I can speak Germany yea08:23
silbo__no it's not for CV08:23
silbo__it's not that formal08:23
RST38hWhat is it for then?08:23
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silbo__for a Stipendium08:23
silbo__they told me that i should describe my self08:24
RST38hA ll right08:24
silbo__so is caracterization OK?08:25
ruskiesilbo__, fyi: college if you feel like using the right word ;)08:25
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RST38hsilbo: The word Characterization (Characteristic) is not used in English in the same way08:25
silbo__can you find me a better word then xD?08:25
RST38hsilbo: I.e. there is no direct analog to XAPAKTEPuCTuKA that you are trying to use08:25
RST38hsilbo: I would skip the word completely, just have your name in larger font and the "Eesti ... student" underneath in smaller font08:26
silbo__hmm, i thought that the first sentence is all about whats in the letter08:27
RST38hsilbo: They will figure it out from the rest08:27
RST38hsilbo: The internet seems to suggest using CV for academic applications of this type08:28
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silbo__ok, thx for the help08:32
RST38hsilbo: Oh, wait, it would look better if you used "X year student at Eesti ... Institute"08:33
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silbo__i wrote it like that08:35
silbo__Silver Kuusik, a second year student at the Eesti Infotehnoloogia College.08:35
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TravelerAnyone here installed the SSU for Maemo4?08:37
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RST38hyou mean community supported ssu?08:39
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RST38hHe! I have found the word!08:42
RST38hsilbo: This is ASSESSMENT. Or self-assessment, for that matter08:43
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Shapeshifterthe way touch screen events are queued and executed when the gui is ready is really annoying.09:15
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Surfahow is te 10 days count calculated? as fmms has received new version 8.5. it can't be promoted to extras before 18.? even that relatively stable version was pushed in testing at 4. of may already?09:32
CorsacSurfa: btw, does fMMS add something to the “share picture” tool?09:33
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SurfaCorsac, i have no idea, but it has sharing plugin that adds "MMS" option under the Services when sharing a picture09:35
Surfaif that's what you were looking for :)09:35
viliny__I noticed fmms seems to add a connection called mms as well...09:35
Surfaviliny__, in certain connection methods yes09:36
Surfabut using havoc mode souldn't do that09:36
Surfashould not09:36
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viliny__Wish i knew someone who gave a flying fwoop about mms :)09:37
CorsacSurfa: yeah, thanks09:37
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pupnikviliny__: the author of fmms, perhaps09:44
pupnikwho happens to be here, frequently09:45
viliny__pupnik: no i mean i wish i had a base of friends that actually use that tech - i don't know anyone who actively uses mms - it's not that common here09:45
viliny__which i guess might have to do with the finnish designers to not take it as a priority either09:46
pupnikah yes very true.  no interest in that crap here either.09:46
Surfamany people actually use mms09:46
ruskieI think I in 10 years or so only once received an MMS09:47
Surfatake a scenario, your wife is at shop wanting to buy something and she wants you to see it, how can you share a photo?09:47
Surfashe has no ovi share, no email..09:47
viliny__if i take a picture and want to share it i: 1. Use e-mail because i can get a higher quality of picture 2. It's free 3. Receiver is more likely to be able to read his mail than receive an mms09:47
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Surfae-mail in phones i niche for nerds, crowds don't have it configured09:48
Surfaany other ideas?09:48
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viliny__Surfa, in my example the recipient is sitting at home when i'm buying my... well in your example a dress. E-mail is plentiful there - but yeah. Phone to phone... idunno.09:49
Surfathis is actually a real life scenario that my colleague had.. he had n900 and what happened was that his wife bought whatever it is with husbands money without showing it :)09:49
Surfabuying some baby stuff from a mall09:49
viliny__only mms i ever got was animated stupid bunnies at easter or other juvenile shitty humour stuff that i wish i never received09:49
Surfahey guys, even that you don't use it doesn't mean crowds don't09:50
viliny__I'm not arguing that09:50
viliny__this started off by an off remark that the function is very underused in my country09:50
Surfait's quite widely used and useful feature as almost every phone is mms capable nowadays09:50
Surfawhat country may I ask? :)09:50
viliny__Ah we share the country, how is your friend base then?09:51
Surfasurprise: finland09:51
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Surfaand actually many relatives are sending mms too09:51
* pupnik is visiting finland and *loves* it09:51
viliny__Where about in Finland are you surfa?09:52
Surfa"here's my lovely grand doughter swinging"09:52
Surfaviliny__, tampere09:52
viliny__hmmm... ok09:52
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Surfait's not very advertised, but actually it is very used feature in finland09:52
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viliny__I reside in the Turku-Helsinki-Hanko triangle for the most part, heading to tampere next weekend for a party though - i'll ask them about mms ;)09:53
Surfapeople who have email of course mostly prefer that, but for typical s40/symbian user uses mms quite a lot09:53
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Surfanow that people are used to the thing that they have reasonable camera on the phone and you can actually share what you see with mms09:54
viliny__Surfa: yeah, i can admit i'm wrong about the popularity - just haven't been subjected to the thing since it came out... Even my GF uses a phone so old that it doesn't support it.09:54
KhertanIn order to promote VectorMine to extras i offer 5 licences to the first tester. details on :
KhertanHi !09:54
viliny__But now that i thought of that, my EX-EX sent me a lot of pictures via mms so i guess that alone makes me wrong09:54
Surfaviliny__, camera development has probably given big boost for mms as well09:55
Surfaso it's only lately i've noticed that most of my relatives are using it too09:55
pupnikJust found a sweet little Vietnamese restaurant in Tampere if you want cheap/good food09:55
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Surfawhich one?09:56
nid0Khertan - you've got another thumbs up from me anyway, I tested it back when it first showed up but held off voting because of the package interface bug09:56
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nid0didnt have any problems with it other than that09:56
viliny__We went to this small place that lets you build your own meals... in the form of noodles with beef in a cardboard cup thingie09:56
viliny__in tampere that is09:57
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pupnikTay Do
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pupnikGive me an excuse to go again09:58
viliny__Those pictures make the meals look like vomit but i guess thats most often the case09:58
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pupnikThe vietnamese pancake is interesting and enough for two meals09:59
viliny__having been there, are there any good parking spots near to that resteurant?10:00
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Surfaa lot10:00
adeushey it's tampere10:00
adeusparking is not a massive problem10:01
viliny__last time i went to tampere, my navigator couldn't tell what a bridge was so that got interesting very fast10:01
mecewhat the fuck is abill_uk doing in the community section?! Grr argh!10:01
Stskeeps'report post'10:01
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Surfaviliny__, btw. the havoc mode is probably the preferable way you want to use the fmms10:02
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pupnikgood suggestions on the mypaint thread mece10:03
mecedid I suggest something?10:03
Surfaviliny__, newly created mms apn seems to cause more trouble than hacked havoc mode as automatic connection seems to use mms-apn quite often :|10:03
Surfaso not having an additional mms apn is appreciated10:03
meceStskeeps, I don't think he is breaking any actual rules. Just being a douche and off topic.10:03
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meceyeah ok.10:04
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pupnikhei Addison10:04
AddisonGreetings gentlemen!  :)10:04
AddisonHeya buddy!10:04
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viliny__Surfa: Havoc sounded a bit... well chaotic and destructive so i didn't want to choose that :)10:05
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AddisonHey, I'm just here to see if someone would like to waste a little time with me partitioning my memory card and extracting a rootfs file into the ext2 partition.  Anyone up for some pain?  :)10:05
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alteregoOoo, Opera 10 on the N900, nice,10:06
* alterego downloads10:06
pupnik   Roguelike i am testing.  Maybe you can tell me if it is worth a decent build for diablo/fremantle.10:06
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alteregoHas portrait mo0de, this will be interesting :)10:06
Surfaviliny__, you may feel that yes, but it hasn't caused any trouble yet.. but aggressive mode actually has :)10:07
AddisonHey pupnik, I've got ukki's Angband newest Angband port that he never bothered sharing with anyone.  Interested?10:07
Scifi_Hi, first time uploader here. Autobuilder says the status is OK but I can't see the app in extras-devel. Where can I check whats going on?10:07
pupnikalterego: url / Addison - sure10:07
pupnikyeah Addison10:07
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alteregoNo, flash, has it's own VKB currently, no power management10:08
adeuswhee now I hae 4 browsers on the phone10:08
AddisonIt's 1.7 MB, pupnik.  Where can I send it?10:08
Stskeepsopera mobile 10 for n8x0 too?10:08
alteregoWe've not had Opera on a tablet since the 770! RETRO!10:09
pupnik*sweet* alterego10:09
alteregoI'm actually excited :D10:09
pupnikAddison: maybe take it to #knots?10:09
alterego(I actually don't use Opera at all mind)10:10
alteregoThough it was quite nice on my N95 *G & N9610:10
AddisonOkay.  Heading there now.  :)10:10
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meceHey opera! Cool!10:10
mecenot that I need it, but the more the merrier.10:10
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Scifi_never mind. got it :)10:11
alteregomece: I'm interested in performance, if it performs better I'll keep it on there :)10:11
TigerTaelalterego, how is it going?10:11
alteregoTigerTael: how's what going? :P10:11
alteregoIt's not downloaded yet :P10:12
TigerTaelI see flash isn't supported. ;/10:12
alteregoSt00pid 2G connection.10:12
alteregoTigerTael: I'm sure it'll be in their next release.10:12
alteregoMight be worth having a look to see if you can hack Flash support to work.10:13
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alteregoNot sure how Opera manages it though.10:13
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alteregoOkay, I'm gonna try downloading it now I've tethered my phone to my laptop's ADSL :)10:15
alteregoMuch quicker :D10:15
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meceare there any social media aggregators (or what the hell you call it) on n900?10:18
* mece is talking about software that bundles a bunch of social media networks into one app10:18
Appiaha what now?10:18
AppiahWasent there in maemo select or in ovi store?10:19
AppiahI avoid these apps since I dont have any of the social media crap10:19
AppiahBut I'm sure I've seen that kind of stuff on the n90010:19
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petteriopera is sweet it has even nice keyboard for portrait mode :)10:20
alteregopetteri: I know! :D10:20
alteregoThisis neat.10:20
mecethat is sweet.10:21
NitialIsn't the whole telepathy framework/conversations the social media aggregator? :)10:21
fraggelnmece: Hermes?10:21
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Appiahmece: this10:21
alteregoquick too ...10:21
alteregoLittle bit of tearing when scrolling, but apparently that'll be fixed.10:21
alteregoI really like it.10:21
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Appiahis that not only for syncing the contacts fraggeln ?10:22
petterishould thank those opera devs since the blog says that they did this with their spare time :)10:22
mecefraggeln, thanks, I'll check that out.10:22
fraggelnAppiah: I have no clue :)10:23
mecepetteri, I agree. Perhaps we will see an official release too someday.10:23
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alteregoHeh, opera just crashed :(10:23
Appiah <-this seams to be for interacting10:23
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Appiahthats for sync10:23
Appiah(I could be wrong)10:23
alteregoIf you have it, try this, zoom in by tapping on an area (in portrait) then rotate the device to make it landscape.10:24
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alteregoDoes that reproduce it??10:24
alteregoStrange, didn't crash this time.10:24
alteregoI especially like the "small" interface. Quite usable and less screen estate.10:25
meceAppiah, thanks.10:26
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alteregoOoo, and "Opera Link" for sync between devices10:27
alteregoOh, really like the tabs/dashboard thing.10:28
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timeless_mbpplease load:
timeless_mbpplease click "Get support and software" at the top of the page10:32
ruskieAn Unexpected Error has occurred.10:32
Corsac#  An Unexpected Error has occurred.10:32
timeless_mbptry again? (repeat until their server logs fill up)10:33
timeless_mbpi actually get:10:33
timeless_mbpYou don't have permission to access /get-support-and-software on this server.10:33
JaffaMorning, all10:33
timeless_mbpso i want to know why i'm special10:33
ruskietimeless_mbp, hmm are you logged in?10:33
Corsactimeless_mbp: we can't even access the initial page10:33
StskeepsJaffa: MWKN should definately look at the opera mobile 10 news :)10:33
timeless_mbpno, i couldn't figure out how to do that either10:33
timeless_mbptry loading:
Corsacbut is 403 here too10:34
timeless_mbpdoes my last url work ^ ?10:34
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pupnik  scroll down 1/3 of page to get some interesting pictures (good for work!)10:34
Corsactimeless_mbp: yes10:35
JaffaStskeeps: URL?10:35
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ruskiepupnik, nice ones10:36
StskeepsJaffa: even for N8x010:36
timeless_mbpCorsac: now click "Get support and software" ?10:36
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Corsactimeless_mbp: 403 again10:39
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alteregoCorsac: are you in the UK?10:39
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timeless_mbpCorsac: can you repeat for a while and then call them in 20mins to explain that the user experience sucked?10:40
Corsacalterego: fr10:40
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timeless_mbpwell, anyone in .uk? :)10:40
* timeless_mbp wonders if the phone number is skypable10:40
timeless_mbpnope, not skypeable :(10:41
alteregoI'm in the UK10:41
ruskiethere are non-skypeable phone numbers?10:41
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timeless_mbpruskie: .eu numbers that start: 0800 and .us numbers that start 1800/1866/1877/1888 are skypeable from anywhere in the world for 0CUR10:42
timeless_mbpalthough sometimes skype is busy10:42
timeless_mbpbut i've been using skype for over a year and had my first failure w/ that last night10:42
timeless_mbpyou're welcome to pay skype to call someone anywhere in the world, of course10:43
timeless_mbpbut i'd feel bad asking you to do so10:43
TigerTaeltimeless, got a free number for me to test? :D10:43
alteregoWell, I tried installing the flash plugin manually for opera, no worky :(10:44
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timeless_mbptry: news, technology, main menu, weather, 20210, main menu, entertainment, movies, **, travel, airlines, delta10:44
ruskietimeless_mbp, I guess I just don't bother with skype at all10:44
timeless_mbpTigerTael: that path should work, although at about 5mins they'll probably cut you off, just redial and continue :)10:44
timeless_mbpnote that they don't cut you off during a transferred connection10:44
timeless_mbp(movies, airlines>*, hotels>*)10:45
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timeless_mbpanyway, when you get tired you can use 'go back'10:45
TigerTaellet me test10:45
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timeless_mbpthere's also +1800555121210:45
timeless_mbpiirc tell me still has driving directions too10:46
timeless_mbpbut as i'm not in .us, it isn't as useful10:46
TigerTaelsweet, works10:46
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timeless_mbpi use most of 'news' on my way to work10:46
timeless_mbpthey used to let you select 'favorites' which would play through your favorites w/o requiring interaction10:47
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timeless_mbpbut they broke it a while ago :(10:47
TigerTaelI never knew I could call those numbers for free.10:47
TigerTaelBut there's a 5 minute limit?10:47
timeless_mbpthe 5 minute limit is on tell me's side, not skype10:47
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TigerTaelokay cool!10:48
TigerTaelThanks timeless_mbp!10:48
timeless_mbpi don't think it's precisely 5 minutes10:48
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timeless_mbpand again, if they gateway you to someone else, they won't cut you off until you return10:48
timeless_mbpand they never cut you off while you're using an item10:48
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timeless_mbpit's just when you're done w/ something10:48
TigerTaelI just never knew that about skype...10:49
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dotblankCheck out the app im building..10:50
dotblankusing this app as a way to learn qt10:51
ruskiewhat does it do?10:51
alteregoSearchs and plays songs obviously ruskie :P10:51
dotblankIts a grooveshark client10:51
Corsacwhat's grooveshark?10:51
alteregoInternet radio10:52
timeless_mbpoh, i'm limited to 10,000 minutes / month10:52
timeless_mbpi suppose i should figure out how that works out10:52
dotblankactually I fiqured out how the client-server communication all works..10:52
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dotblankim going to pretend to be the flash client10:53
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furunk3ly helo thar!10:53
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alteregoIS Opera Turbo the proxy version?10:57
alteregoWhere you go through Opera's server's to get a customised "experience"?10:57
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alteregoThough so, cool.10:59
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jacekowskiopera for maemo?11:00
jacekowskii'm in love11:00
alteregojacekowski: try it, it's really good even in Alpha11:00
jacekowskii want to make kids with it11:00
jacekowskithat's a good question11:01
jacekowskiwhere is my phone11:01
alteregoThough, I had to install it manually.11:01
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adeusnow you start looking for the phone to call it to find it11:01
jacekowskii have phone on my desk11:01
jacekowskiwhich i recently cleaned up11:02
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jacekowskibut there is one annoying thing with n90011:02
jacekowskiwhen i go to work i use fm transmitter to play some music in my car11:03
* timeless_mbp pokes alterego11:03
timeless_mbpalterego: did you try that web site?11:03
jacekowskithen i just pause media player when i get to work11:03
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jacekowskiand after 1st phone call mplayer unpauses itself ( with fm tx disabled )11:03
dotblankjacekowski, then you get a phone call and the music resumes?11:03
dotblankyea I know11:03
dotblankthat is annoying11:04
jacekowskithat's so annoying11:04
JaffaStskeeps: thanks11:04
jacekowskiin middle of meeting or something11:04
jacekowskiphone on silend11:04
timeless_mbpjacekowski: is there a bug filed?11:04
jacekowskitimeless_mbp: probably yes11:04
dotblanksilent profile doesn't stop media player11:04
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jacekowskii know11:04
timeless_mbpjacekowski: can you switch from probably to 'yes'?11:04
timeless_mbp(find or file a bug)11:04
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jacekowskii'll check11:05
Corsacthat'll hold 1.2 more!11:05
* Corsac giggles11:05
timeless_mbpplease don't assume we know about bugs11:05
timeless_mbpwe're really not that bright11:05
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dotblankjacekowski, if you modify the pulseaudio policy I think you can add it to a sink that will get muted in the silent profile mode11:05
* timeless_mbp points to nokia's uk website11:05
jacekowskiit looks like there is no bug filed11:05
timeless_mbplike the idiots running this support number interrupt the song more than once a minute, or so it seems :(11:06
dotblankjacekowski, it also happens with the headphone deamon11:06
Corsactimeless_mbp: are you implying that n900 doesn't have included mind readers which will report bugs automagically?11:06
timeless_mbpCorsac: yep11:06
Corsacpff, that device sucks!11:06
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timeless_mbpthe feature was causing too many product delays!11:06
dotblankim really liking this Qt thingy11:06
dotblankQt creater is a sick ide11:07
TomaszDoh boy oh boy, opera mobile for maemo :)11:07
dotblankwhen thext release comes out.. it will be awesome..11:07
timeless_mbphrm, my hold music died11:07
dotblankall my newly made apps will work11:08
timeless_mbpbut there's no one on the line11:08
timeless_mbp(it happened around the 5min mark)11:08
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timeless_mbpand resumed at 6:2011:09
timeless_mbpso i guess they had a 90second pause for the music11:09
timeless_mbpthat was nice of them11:09
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timeless_mbpand they hung up on me?11:10
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jacekowskibut going back to that music unpausing11:11
ZogG_N900anyone awake here?11:11
jacekowskithat's very annoying11:11
jacekowskiwhen you are in the meeting or something11:11
timeless_mbpah, looks like my SIP presence died11:11
ZogG_N900jacekowski, yeap that bug is annoying11:11
ZogG_N900is it me or extra dev is down?11:12
* timeless_mbp ponders11:12
* ruskie ponders if it should be worth getting a webkit 1.2 deb and uzbl on the n90011:13
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timeless_mbp1maybe my wifi ap hickup'd :(11:14
Shapeshifternokia dude who designed the stand on the n900 is a bit dim. well, not the first time this is mentioned I guess ^^11:15
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flashnthe stand is fail11:16
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Stskeepsthe stand is just a hiding place for the cover magnet11:16
Shapeshifterwell I like it better then no stand, but it's completely fail designed11:16
Mecehey, is there a way to send only text through pixelpipe on n900?11:16
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budfivethe n900 opera port is amazing!11:19
ruskiehmmm that was a solution for getting a more working perl on the n900... scped over the perl 5.8.3 from scratchbox to /opt/perl and then bound mounted it... then only lacked one .pm and I had backup-manager working yay11:19
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jacekowskiwhat's a current fw version?11:21
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jacekowskior is that 1.2?11:21
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ruskieisn't that 1.1.1?11:21
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jacekowskii'm asking11:21
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jacekowski~bug 1015411:27
povbotBug Music resumes after phone call11:27
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jacekowskiZogG_N900 dotblank11:27
pupnikruskie: help fix for everyone?11:28
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ruskiepupnik, it's probably not the best solution11:28
ZogG_N900i was here and not here11:28
ruskielol... that a weird bug11:28
ZogG_N900ruskie, \o/11:29
ZogG_N900opera \o/11:29
ZogG_N900maemo \o/11:29
ZogG_N900summer \o/11:29
ruskieZogG_N900, bored?11:29
ZogG_N900so is extra dev is down?11:29
ruskieno clue11:29
ZogG_N900ruskie, have u ported any client for xmms2?11:30
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ruskieZogG_N900, only built the xmms2-scrobbler11:31
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ruskieZogG_N900, not packaged11:32
ruskieI more or less gave up on bothering with it11:32
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ruskienot in the mood to learn how to backport debhelper 7 builds to deb5 or whatever ancient stoneage version is used11:32
pupnikruskie: I could use an app that lets me shuffle through my music library and delete mp3s11:32
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pupnikjust change compat from 7 to 5 and if it breaks, give up11:33
ruskiethat's what I generally do11:33
ruskieI'll probably try to get checkinstall working and just abuse that to generate packages11:33
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povbotBug 7415: When accepting a call, music playback not paused & keeps on playing muted11:34
dotblanksorta similar11:35
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ruskiethe main problem with all these bugs is... it doesn't actually interact with the mediaplayer11:37
ruskieit only mutes the pulse player group11:37
ruskieand probably all others as well other than the comm one11:37
ruskieso it doesn't interact with anything else11:37
dotblankno.. headphone deamon pauses.. then the player is resumed11:37
dotblankit is not muted11:38
ruskiebut that's an extra tool that interacts11:38
ruskieit's not core to the phone app11:38
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dotblankno but the phone app goes to the media player and resumes.. it is not a function of headphone daemon to resume after call11:39
ruskieit is11:39
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dotblankwell then the bug is in headphone deamon11:39
ruskiethe headphone daemon is third party isn't it?11:40
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ruskieheadphoned <-- yeah this is third party not nokia11:40
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dotblankright.. but im still not certain11:41
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dotblankjust cause you say its headphoned doesn't mean it is.. I guess it needs to be debugged to find out whats really going on11:41
dotblankheadphoned's only purpose is to pause on headphone removal11:42
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dotblankruskie, hmm I see. Where these implemented says the bug is still open11:44
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ruskiethe phone app as said simply tells pulse to mute all other streams and then unmutes them to the previous state11:45
ruskiesince without headpohend music just keeps playing but muted11:45
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dotblankI guess it just needs someone to submit a patch or something11:46
dotblankfor headphoned11:46
ruskieI wonder if it supports running arbitrary commands yet11:46
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ruskiehmm doesn't seem to yet11:47
jacekowskiruskie: and it unpauses media player after call11:48
ruskiejacekowski, the phone app doesn't pause anything11:49
jacekowskiso mplayer unpauses itself after a call11:49
ruskiewho unpauses? the phone app? or headphoned?11:50
jacekowskii don't have headphoned11:50
jacekowskiso it's either phone app or mplayer11:50
ruskieit mutes11:50
dotblankthis is weird.. I looked at headphoned's source and it sends no unpause or resume signals11:51
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dotblankjacekowski, it resumes with playback from headphoned11:51
dotblankjacekowski, these are two differant bugs now11:51
ruskiejacekowski, how do you know it pauses?11:51
ruskieand not just mutes?11:51
dotblankruskie, he says it mutes11:51
jacekowskii don't know11:51
ruskiedotblank, he doesn't11:51
jacekowskii have media player paused11:51
dotblankruskie, lol11:51
jacekowskii go to meeting with phone on silent11:51
jacekowskisomebody calls me11:52
jacekowskii ignore him11:52
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dotblankright in that way they are the same bug..11:52
jacekowskiand then it starts11:52
dotblankbecause phone app resumes11:52
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jacekowskimedia player is unpaused for some reason11:52
ruskiehmm I see the bug now... gah... need to read better11:52
dotblankI looked at headphoned's source and it isn't resuming it. so its either media player or phone11:52
pupnik<BTAxis> I dreamt there was a program called "goodbye world", which actually destroyed the world.11:53
ShadowJKisn't the resume known bug?11:53
jacekowskiShadowJK: yes11:53
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jacekowskibut nobody reported it11:53
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jacekowskii did 20 minutes ago11:53
jacekowski~bug 1015411:54
povbotBug Music resumes after phone call11:54
ruskiedotblank, you sure it doesn't just toggle a state? not send an explicit resume11:54
ruskiedotblank, a lot of apps use the same pause signal for both play and pause11:54
ruskieit could be though that either mediaplayer listens for a phone hangup signal or phone app actually sends a resume11:55
dotblank osso_rpc_run(headphoned->osso,MEDIA_SERVER_SRVC,MEDIA_SERVER_PATH,MEDIA_SERVER_INTF,"pause",NULL,DBUS_TYPE_INVALID);11:55
jacekowskiruskie: well it happens only once11:55
jacekowskiand then if you pause it again11:55
ruskie <-- but jacekowski this is according to some other bug... the music only gets muted11:55
povbotBug 7415: When accepting a call, music playback not paused & keeps on playing muted11:55
jacekowskiit doesn't happen11:55
jacekowskiread the fucking bug11:56
jacekowskii pause it myself11:56
jacekowskiand it resumes hours later11:56
jacekowskiafter a phone clal11:56
ruskiejacekowski, yes I read that11:56
ruskieno need to be insulting11:56
ruskiebut I'm looking at it from a differnt point of view11:56
ruskietrying to see what might be the prob11:56
dotblankjacekowski, yup and its when you hangup / terminate the call it actually resumes media player11:56
ruskiebecause due to that other bug it should just mute11:56
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dotblankruskie, no.. this is differant... his music is paused BEFORE he gets call manually11:57
ruskiehas anyone actually dbus-listened for after call signals to see what might be triggering it?11:57
ruskiedotblank, yes I know11:57
dotblankI can do that right now11:57
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alteregoErm, hasn't the photo's application alwayus had a bulk share feature?11:58
alteregoThis guy is mentioning it's in the leaked FW11:58
ruskiealterego, hmm I don't recall bulk share11:58
ruskiewhat leaked fw?11:58
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dotblankruskie, what package has that tool. I recently reflashed and don't have it anymore11:59
alteregoThe leaked N900 PR1.2 firmware11:59
viliny__ruskie, i guess he means the pr 1.2 that leaked out11:59
dotblankruskie, nvm its called dbus-monitor11:59
ruskieit leaked out? OMG!!! save it save it save it... ;)11:59
alteregoYou just open photo's: menu -> share images. and away yougo ..11:59
alteregoI've had it from at least 1.1.1 (which is what I'm on now)12:00
ruskiegah need to dig up the code for the cli sharing thingy12:00
angeranyone tested 1.2?12:00
alteregoanger: you're unlikely to get a response from that question in here.12:01
angerjust wondering about updates for MfE12:01
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angerand of course wlan with peap and mschapv212:02
dotblankruskie, jacekowski it didn't trigger for me on call termination12:02
alteregoWell, 1.2 hasn't been released yet anger :)12:02
dotblanklike it didn't resume.. jacekowski what firmware are you using?12:03
alteregoNo one can truthfully say that the leaked FW is 1.2 :P12:03
alteregoIn fact, we know it isn't 1.2 :)12:03
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angeralterego: yep12:03
dotblankI KNOW this used to happen12:03
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ruskiedotblank, so you can't reproduce the bug?12:04
dotblankruskie, not on my firmware.. I recently reflashed... I want to know jacekowski version12:04
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ruskiedotblank, it's in the bug12:04
ShadowJKI'm pretty sure I've seen "music resumes after call" bug on bmo before..12:05
ruskieShadowJK, this maybe?12:05
povbotBug 7415: When accepting a call, music playback not paused & keeps on playing muted12:05
ShadowJKno not that12:05
dotblankruskie, ok I am running that version.. maybe it has more conditions12:05
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ruskiedotblank, hmm and you have headphoned or not?12:09
dotblankruskie, well I can't seem to reproduce it12:09
dotblankruskie, I tried it with both12:09
dotblanknot reproduceable with the specified criteria12:09
dotblankBut its weird in that I have observed this behaviour12:10
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ruskiedotblank, hmm according to jacekowski it happens only one time then it works as expected apparently or so I understood him further up in the backbuffer12:12
ruskiemight need a freshly rebooted system for it to happen12:12
dotblankim about 99% sure it isn't headphoned12:13
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ruskiecould be some stray double signal that isn't consumed on the first go12:13
ShadowJKdo you have mediaplayer widget?12:13
ShadowJKtry remove that12:14
ShadowJK(from desktop)12:14
jacekowskii'm 100% sure that it's not headphoned12:14
jacekowskibecause i don't have it12:14
ShadowJKI vaguely remember that widget mentioned in the bugreport that apparently doesn't exist12:14
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ruskiejacekowski, if I understood your earlier comment it happens for the first time but after that it works as it should?12:15
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jacekowskii'll have to do some more testing12:15
dotblankjacekowski, im having trouble reproducing it. Are you able to reproduce it?12:15
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dotblankjacekowski, if you are can you run dbus-monitor | tee debug.txt during the event12:16
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jacekowskijust give me a sec to restart phone12:16
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jacekowskiwhy tee?12:16
dotblankwell if you want you can just >12:17
dotblankbut i assume your curious12:17
jacekowski > something would work12:17
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dotblankI just spilled mountain dew all over my desk12:19
dotblankthis NEVER happens12:19
timeless_mbp1never say never!12:19
dotblanksome got on my bed12:19
dotblankit was one inch away from my caseless computer12:20
alteregoAnd lucky :P12:20
dnearyamigadave, You saw my mail to maemo-community yesterday?12:20
dotblankIt landed on my cat too.. Now hes tearing up all my papers12:21
dnearyThe wiki import didn't happen, as you can see12:21
amigadavedneary: i did not see it, but i saw that the update did not go through, so i categorized the pages12:21
jacekowskii can't make it happen again12:22
dnearyamigadave, X-Fade nixed the import (rightly so, in my opinion) - "I'm not going to install 45 packages from a custom repository and then write directly into a production database"12:22
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jacekowskibut it happened loads of times before12:22
dnearyhi teko12:22
dnearytekojo, even12:22
jacekowskii'll play around with it little bit more12:22
amigadavedneary: ha, i should read that email, sounds better than caffeine :)12:23
dneary"Cannot import directly..."12:23
dnearyis the subject12:23
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* timeless_mbp1 ponders12:25
timeless_mbp1i've been on hold for 55 minutes12:25
timeless_mbp1it's nice to feel like a customer12:25
dotblankhold for 55 mins?12:25
timeless_mbp1well, "sorry, our lines are busy, we will answer your call, shortly"12:26
timeless_mbp1the lady has a strange definition of "shortly"12:26
dotblankI like pressing 0 on the keypad over and over12:26
timeless_mbp1(she said it again)12:26
timeless_mbp1dotblank: that's cheating12:26
timeless_mbp1but you're welcome to try12:26
dotblanksome systems have diction and if you say help help help12:26
dotblankthey will answer12:26
timeless_mbp1but why should i cheat?12:26
timeless_mbp1i'm just a customer12:26
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dotblankyouve been on the line for 55 mins12:27
timeless_mbp1as an employee, if i wanted to cheat, i could call them internally12:27
dotblankdidn;t know that12:27
timeless_mbp1dotblank: at this point, i might as well stick around and see how long it takes12:27
Stskeepscalling nokia care? :P12:27
timeless_mbp1i'm sick of playing email tag w/ internals12:27
timeless_mbp1Stskeeps: try this12:27
Stskeepsbusy, sorry12:27
timeless_mbp1at the very top, click "# Get support and software"12:28
timeless_mbp1use any browser, it takes <1min12:28
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* timeless_mbp1 sighs12:30
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timeless_mbpdotblank: got an n900 handy?12:31
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pupniki can try whatever12:31
timeless_mbpopen settings12:31
timeless_mbpopen certificates12:31
timeless_mbpis there a way to import?12:32
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pupnikjust a popup list of certs12:32
timeless_mbphrm, so this is a "new" broken feature12:32
pupnikin Settings->Certificate manager12:32
timeless_mbp"certificates" is my translation12:32
timeless_mbpw/o an import feature, it's hardly a manager :)12:33
timeless_mbp(w/ an import button that doesn't let you import anything, it's still hardly a manager)12:33
pupnikgood point12:33
Corsacwell, I had that issue since the beginning, but quickly found the workaround to double tap in the file manager12:34
Corsac(I guess someone told me that here)12:34
timeless_mbpCorsac: yeah12:34
timeless_mbpbut that's not really my problem12:34
timeless_mbpah, it works better closer to pr1.212:35
* timeless_mbp considers downloading pr1.212:36
X-Fadetimeless_mbp: There is a '+ Import certificate' button there.12:37
timeless_mbpX-Fade: yeah12:37
timeless_mbpin my ancient build, the dialog is empty12:37
timeless_mbpin my pr12 cand, the dialog works12:37
timeless_mbpnote to self: reflash old device12:37
timeless_mbpno, that's not the problem12:38
timeless_mbpthe problem is that MyDocs is exported via USB12:38
* timeless_mbp figured it out when file manager behaved the same way...12:39
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X-Fadercg-work: ping?12:41
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angeryou had problems importing certificates?12:52
Scelttimeless_mbp: where is pr1.2?12:53
pupnikshush please12:53
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angerI just emailed it, opened the message in n900 and clicked the attachment12:53
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timeless_mbpanger: no, i had problems using the file picker12:55
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timeless_mbpbecause i forgot about the usb cable12:55
timeless_mbpboth of my n900s are plugged into usb cables12:55
timeless_mbpbut one's usb-power, and one's usb-pc12:55
angertimeless_mbp: ok, didn't quite follow :)12:55
timeless_mbpi do have a problem w/ a certificate12:56
timeless_mbpbut it's a problem w/ a certificate, not importing it12:56
angersame here12:56
timeless_mbpthe certificate imports, it just goes to the wrong place12:56
timeless_mbpgimme yours12:56
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timeless_mbpi have 2 which import fine and work great12:56
timeless_mbpand one which seems broken12:56
angerI have imported the certificate but it seems like it's not being used...12:56
wall[e]i think i need a harder reflash12:56
wall[e]qtirreco stops working after reflash12:56
timeless_mbpanger: presumably this is a public certificate, please provide me w/ a url to it12:57
angerI'm trying to setup both MfE and corporate wlan12:57
wall[e]or may be i should wait for 1.212:57
timeless_mbpanger: i have both of those working12:57
timeless_mbpgimme your public cert!12:57
timeless_mbpgimme! gimme!12:57
timeless_mbpthis mythical problem has been haunting us for a year now12:57
timeless_mbpbut no one came with an actual cert, don't be a tease. gimme!12:57
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* timeless_mbp has been listening to hold music for 88 minutes12:58
pupnikPostel’s Law: “Be conservative in what you do; be liberal in what you accept from others.”12:58
SpeedEvilWith Fusnik's addendum - and hunt down and kill all flash developers.13:00
RST38hOnly after Java developers are all taken care of13:02
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RST38h(and that may require at least one large scale genocyde)13:02
ruskieyou left out .NET13:03
ruskieow an silverlight13:03
pupniki accept that from you guys13:03
jacekowskihmm mono on maemo13:04
* RST38h will spare .NET people13:04
ruskieapt-get install nomono13:04
ruskieor what's that metapackage13:04
RST38hLet them live in their really small closed garden13:04
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jacekowskiit's faster than java13:06
jacekowskiuses less memory than java13:06
jacekowskiand it's still portable13:06
ruskiehahahahahahahahaha *gasp* hahahahahahahaha *gasp* hahahahahahahahaha *breathe* *gasp* *breathe*13:07
jacekowskidon't hate something just because it's microsoft13:07
rmrfchikBRAINS... I NEED BRAINS13:07
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ruskiermrfchik, you don't for .NET most of the time13:08
SpeedEviljacekowski: I quite like some of their mice.13:09
jogams had nice hardware, like joysticks13:09
dotblankoh god not .net13:09
jogaheh this is prolly old already but anyway
dotblankIm liking Qt more and more everyday13:10
jacekowskiSpeedEvil: microsoft keyboard is quite nice as well13:10
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dotblankyou can't multitask on the ipad?13:11
jogaof course not, c'mon13:11
dotblankOh my god...13:11
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jogathought it was a computer? think again!13:11
dotblankLIKE WOW13:11
dotblanksomeone should get meego on that device13:11
dotblankthat would be completely awesome13:12
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ruskieI'd more like a fully working MeeGo on the N90013:12
Stskeepsdefine working13:12
SpeedEvilI'd like a slightly working - booting from mmc one13:13
SpeedEvilSD one13:13
* SpeedEvil isn't managing.13:13
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pupnikjoga: thanks ... that... ... just thanks13:13
ruskieStskeeps, atleast on par with the current maemo5 install13:13
dotblankWhy.. Why13:14
SpeedEvilAh - I should inspect the rootfs to see if it has SD modules13:14
dotblankwhy would you get an IPad13:14
Stskeepsruskie: it took them several years to get maemo5 to the point it is now, what makes you think they'd have a shiny system in the back hand? :P13:14
dotblankIn contrast MS is alright13:14
jacekowskidotblank: because you will probably be able to stick maemo on it13:14
jacekowskidotblank: sometime soon in future13:14
dotblankjacekowski, thats a good reason13:14
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ruskieSpeedEvil, I thought the extra power kernel had all that you want13:15
dotblankjacekowski, does the pad have a mic?13:15
* SpeedEvil wants to see an ipad running windows 9513:15
jacekowskidotblank: i don't know13:15
jacekowskidotblank: probably yes13:15
dotblankjacekowski, because with maemo you could turn it into a phone13:15
jacekowskiquite big phone13:15
ruskieStskeeps, lol because there's a lot(or so I think/assume) people working on the MeeGo stuff?13:15
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dotblankconferance calling device13:16
SpeedEvilStskeeps: Are you aware of anyone booting meego/mer on SD?13:16
StskeepsSpeedEvil: yes..13:16
SpeedEvilStskeeps: Can you point me to any links - I'm coming up with the wrong search terms13:17
pupnika lot of us should be doing that13:17
SpeedEvil(or it's not written down)13:17
pupnikto help get ball rollingk13:17
StskeepsSpeedEvil: for Mer, mer-project.blogspot.com13:17
Stskeepsfor meego, wait for 1.013:17
Stskeepswell, or go see the documentation being made for it on the wiki13:17
jacekowskidotblank: there was a project for linux on iphone13:18
SpeedEvilI'm trying to work out how to boot from SD without bootloader installed.13:18
jacekowskidotblank: and there was new version released couple weeks ago13:18
jacekowskidotblank: with almost everything working13:18
SpeedEvilflasher -broot=/dev/mmcblk1p1 for example13:18
StskeepsSpeedEvil: right, that should actually work13:18
wall[e]how do i clean up /home/opt to factory default?13:18
Stskeepsthe problem is just the kernel doesn't have mmc enabled, SpeedEvil :)13:18
SpeedEvilStskeeps: Ah.13:18
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SpeedEvilStskeeps: That would explain it.13:18
* SpeedEvil sighs. 13:19
dotblankI don't like android.. UI dunno why13:19
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SpeedEviltoolchain setup on slackware is annoying.13:19
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ruskiewall[e], rm -rf /home/opt/*13:19
dotblankfeels like your just making one big java app13:19
ruskiewall[e], or apt-get remove everything you installed13:19
wall[e]ruskie thanks, and then restore application list?13:20
jacekowskidotblank: but that means linux can be easily ported to iphone13:20
wall[e]apt-get remove leaves unusual folders13:20
ruskiewall[e], that's an option yeah13:20
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wall[e]i didn't purge13:20
ruskiewall[e], you can still purge13:20
jacekowskiwall[e]: purge13:20
ruskiewall[e], basically factory default is an empty opt dir13:21
dotblankjacekowski, how does it being in java help.. its interpreted. I would rather have something like qt13:21
wall[e]can I reset /home/user to factory default? just reflash?13:21
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wall[e]hmm no13:22
dotblankQt for android?13:22
ruskiewall[e], hmm I think with both a rootfs and a emmc reflash... or you could unpack the fiasco image and manually copy stuff you want13:23
wall[e]ruskie, what's a fiasco image?13:23
SpeedEvilStskeeps: thanks for the pointer.13:23
wall[e]saw them all the time, no idea what it is13:24
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SpeedEvilA fiasco image is a kernel and a rootfs wrapped up in one ball13:24
jacekowskidotblank: it's not in java13:25
jacekowskidotblank: android is linux based13:25
jacekowskidotblank: very heavily modified linux13:25
jacekowskidotblank: and on top of that there is dalvik13:25
wall[e]SpeedEvil,  in ?13:25
Termanajacekowski, wait just there13:25
omarhey dotblank ;)13:25
wall[e]this flickr sharing doesn't stop crashing13:25
TermanaMake sure you know what your talking about when you say very heavily modified linux13:25
wall[e]i reflash, didn't help...13:25
SpeedEvilwall[e]: I would try to create a new account13:26
dotblankomar, hey13:26
jacekowskiTermana: mods that it cannot be replaced easily with vanillia kernel13:26
wall[e]SpeedEvil, I did, and when clicking using existing account (after you've created one) it crashes the controlpanel13:26
jacekowskiTermana: ( except hardware drivers )13:26
SpeedEvilwall[e]: Odd. I wonder what you're doing.13:27
wall[e]more than one sharing crashes in the same fasion13:27
wall[e]SpeedEvil, it's a known bug13:27
ruskiewall[e], yes the emmc image there is also a fiasco image... you can unpack it using maemo-flasher onto your disk and then lo_setup the stuff and mount it somewhere13:27
* SpeedEvil is currently wanting GPL sources for two of his boxes. :/13:27
Termanajacekowski, For starters, the main thing, wakelocks has been actually mainlined, in the form of suspend blockers13:28
wall[e]ruskie, thanks.13:28
Termanajacekowski, secondly, try dropping a vanilla kernel onto any ARM smartphone. The current state isn't that great13:28
jacekowskiTermana: lot of stuff has been removed in february13:28
jacekowskiTermana: i said except drivers13:28
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viliny__bah, for a moment there i thought the FM sender somehow managed to make my lcd flimmer but turns out it was a loose vga cable :(13:29
TermanaExcept drivers - thats silly. You still can't use a vanilla kernel13:29
jacekowskidrivers are easily portable13:29
* timeless_mbp will have been on hold for 2 hours13:29
Termanajacekowski, so is the Android kernel modifications13:29
ruskietimeless_mbp, having fun I see ;)13:30
timeless_mbpi think it's time for lunch13:30
timeless_mbp2 hours on hold is a bit obscene13:30
TermanaBut where do you start saying, this is heavily modified and this isn't - you just stop at drivers? What about when OMAP wasn't supported at all in the kernel - where those extremely modified changes?13:31
wazdOpera for maemo13:31
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pupnikthe fact is, we can, and will, make that android shite run on standard linux smartphones13:31
jacekowskiwazd: old news13:31
lcuktimeless_mbp, 2 hours for what?13:31
pupnikand kick those poseurs in the nuts13:31
wazdjacekowski: screw you :P13:31
Surfatoo bad opera for maemo is pretty bad at this point :(13:31
jacekowskiwazd: die13:31
ruskiethe problem with the android changes were that nobody bothrede to do any work to merge them into mainline and that they did things nothing else in the kernel did13:31
Stskeepswazd: on n8x0 too13:31
wazdStskeeps: yeah13:32
wazdStskeeps: that's kinda awesome :)13:32
TermanaAs an aside - everyone see that Android is ahead of iPhone marketshare in the US now? Maybe not everyone likes Android, but that means Linux is in a lot of pockets13:32
StskeepsTermana: if android is ahead, meego has a big shot :P13:32
jacekowskiTermana: woooooooooot?13:32
timeless_mbpTermana: not marketshare13:32
dotblankruskie, Yea google is notorious for that13:33
Termanatimeless_mbp, I thought it was marketshare :P They articles I've read weren't entirely clear on it13:33
pupniknow the question is, can and will we make sure intel doesn't walled-garden meego?13:33
TermanaStill, Linux is selling more than the iPhone :P13:33
wazdStskeeps: microb got a competitor :)13:33
wazdStskeeps: doesn't support flash though :)13:33
timeless_mbpTermana: how hard is it to get the gist from a url like that? :-(13:33
jacekowskisomebody has to port dalvik to maemo13:33
Stskeepswazd: meh, who uses flash..13:33
wall[e]will eMMC flashing remove created partitions?13:34
dotblankhow about the HTC13:34
Termanatimeless_mbp, I read engadgets article.13:34
dotblankthat seems to be doing good sales wise13:34
wazdStskeeps: me :D13:34
timeless_mbpTermana: that was your first mistake ;-)13:34
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TermanaBut still like I said - I think its great some sort of Linux is reaching into peoples pockets.13:35
dotblankI can see Meego taking the in car stuff by storm13:35
timeless_mbpcalling android linux is um...13:35
timeless_mbpwell, it isn't GNU Linux anyway13:35
iPeter-could someone give me a howto link to backup and flash n900?13:35
ruskiewall[e], yes13:35
wall[e]ruskie, thanks.13:36
timeless_mbpit's Android w/ a Linux-like Kernel13:36
ruskieiPeter-, should be all on wiki.maemo.org13:36
ruskieiPeter-, atleast teh flashing bit is there... the backup there is a backup tool you can use13:36
ruskiethat will save most thing onto a SD card if you have it13:36
iPeter-Okay, ill look around. thanks.13:36
timeless_mbpi mean, call it a win for open source, sure13:36
timeless_mbpbut linux?...13:36
iPeter-i dont have sd card13:36
jacekowskiiPeter-: if you don't flash emmc you don't have to worry13:36
iPeter-I want to save that backup to PC13:36
iPeter-jacekowski: emmc?13:36
dotblankiPeter-, the internal fs.. thats not the rootfs13:37
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iPeter-I want to clean my device fully. I think it jams sometimes13:37
ruskieiPeter-, do you have ssh on it?13:38
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ruskieor you could use bluetooth to send the generated backup over13:38
Termanatimeless_mbp, how is it not a win for linux13:38
iPeter-No, but i can install if needed13:38
Termanaits not a win for GNU, I agree13:38
TermanaI'm sure Stallman is rolling in his grave13:38
iPeter-ruskie: sftp13:39
Termanaerrmmm metaphorically speaking that is13:39
ruskieiPeter-, well then you can as said sftp it over13:40
iPeter-Im just worried only of the backup part because i need my calendar stuff and contact etc.13:40
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iPeter-ruskie: Where it will be save13:40
ruskieiPeter-, the backup app asks you what you want to backup13:40
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matt___hey guys13:40
ruskieiPeter-, it will store that backup in MyDocs/Backup13:40
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matt___any phone engineer here ?13:41
wazdportrait keyboard :D13:41
iPeter-ruskie: Okay, thanks.13:41
matt___Some people were as far as I remember...13:41
wazdnow that's cool :)13:41
iPeter-Ill come cry if i need help, lolz13:41
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lcukwazd, you found vertsms?13:42
matt___I remember there were plenty here!13:42
wazdlcuk: no, I've installed opera 10 :)13:42
matt___I need a BER report from one of them :)13:42
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* dotblank just descovered you can import a project with cmakelist.txt files in qt creater13:44
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mikki-kunhm, why the heck are the passwords limited to 8 chars?13:46
mikki-kuni mean if i change the password for root it tells me "min 5, max 8"13:47
TigerTaelI hate maximum password length of 8.13:47
ruskiemikki-kun, you sure it is?13:47
mikki-kunmy usual passwords are way longer than even 15 chars13:47
ruskiemine is 9 chars long13:47
TigerTaelmikki-kun, my old ones have been known to exceed that too.13:48
TigerTaelInfact, I had one that was 32 characters long. ;P13:48
ruskiemy low-security passes tend to be up to 10 chars13:48
ruskiemid-security 16+13:48
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ruskiehi-security 30+13:48
jacekowskiyou keep forgetting one thing13:48
TigerTaelI -hate- maximum password length enforcement.13:48
jacekowskiit's ussualy hashed to md513:48
mikki-kunruskie: it just cuts the last char away13:48
TigerTaelI also hate minimum password length enforcement.13:49
Surfasecurity is not about lengths of the passwords but content..13:49
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jacekowskiand md5 uses 128bit for hash13:49
smharhow do you guys sync you N900 with linux?13:49
TigerTaelInfact, I hate ANYTHING password enforcement.13:49
jacekowskiso passwords longer than 16 chars are useless13:49
jacekowskiruskie: anything longer than 16 is as safe as 16 char13:49
ruskiejacekowski, you seem sure about that13:49
mikki-kunruskie: i just tried adding my normal pw which is around 20 chars...13:49
jacekowskiruskie: md5 is most popular hash function13:50
mikki-kunthen i just gave the first 10 chars and i got in13:50
jacekowskiruskie: other popular sha1 uses 160 bit which is 20 char13:50
viliny__jacekowski: anything longer than 16 is as secure as 16?13:50
ruskiejacekowski, that's what I'm questioning not the hash ;)13:50
chem|struskie: having a kombination of various chars like %mnH*67 is more secure than any dictonary based password13:50
mikki-kunand uhm, is there a way i can change my username on the n900?13:50
viliny__so um... a 64 password wouldn't be more secure?13:50
jacekowskiviliny__: in 99% of cases13:51
jacekowskibecause of limited lenght of hash function13:51
viliny__why, though?13:51
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chem|stviliny__: well it just scales the time to calculate13:51
jacekowskilimited password field in database13:51
dotblankWow.. I just built LMMS13:51
dotblankfor the n90013:51
viliny__chem|st: aight... yes13:51
dotblankit could use a lot of work13:51
Surfadotblank, what are your plans? :)13:52
chem|stviliny__: and as jacekowski said the hash function is the key13:52
achipaviliny__: because it is almost certain there will be a shorter password that will have the same hash13:52
dotblankI just wanted to see if it would compile and run... and it does13:52
mikki-kunhm, is there a way i can change my username from "user" to "mikki-kun" on the N900?13:53
viliny__achipa: that aspects actually makes a lot of sense in my head :)13:53
smharis there a gui app for this yet?13:53
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ruskiemikki-kun, I think you'll break a ton of things doing it13:53
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mikki-kunmehhh, that kind of sucks...13:54
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mikki-kunhm... i could delete "user" though, and then use his UID13:55
mikki-kunafaik the UID is the important thing, not the string in the username13:55
ruskiewould still break13:55
ruskieactually both are important13:55
ruskiesince tools might use user not the uid13:55
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ruskiebut you can always create an extra user with the same uid13:55
mikki-kunok, you got a point there13:55
ruskiethat's how I have root and toor both uid 013:55
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ruskiethe one you want to show up as the name set it before the other13:56
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ruskieand it "*should*" resolve to that13:56
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smharor is the only way is to just 'copy' the folders to the local computer?13:56
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ruskiesmhar, to do what?13:57
mikki-kunhm, would love having not "user" but mikki-kun there on my n900... that is kind of a lil too preconfigured13:57
smharruskie, to sync N900 data: contacts, sms, emails, etc with linux13:57
ruskiesmhar, theres syncevolution13:58
matt___Is there any engineer here?13:58
ruskiedoes syncml13:58
mikki-kuni would love installing maemo from scratch on my n900 but not having it too complicated13:58
fralsmatt___: i think you have to be more specific than that13:58
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smharruskie, I am using thunderbird13:58
ruskiemikki-kun, well it lacks imho in a lot of areas13:58
* lcuk waves @ frals 13:58
chem|stviliny__: my hdd-crypt passwords are 14 digits but 256bit aes, will take up to 900GWatts for one year13:58
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lcukhows the packing going13:58
* frals waves @ lcuk13:58
matt___frals: Hey again; i need to get a BER letter on headed paper13:58
mikki-kunruskie: i would love installing gentoo on my n900 :D13:59
smharthanks ruskie13:59
ruskiemikki-kun, I would love to have just a normal layout on there13:59
fralslcuk: not even started! waiting to hear from HR whats suppose to happen lol13:59
ruskiemikki-kun, as it is can't even boot with /usr NOT on /13:59
matt___So basically any1 working with mobile phones14:00
mikki-kunyou mean if /usr is not mounted it can't boot?14:00
matt___in a store or w/e14:00
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ruskiemikki-kun, yeah if you want to for example have /usr as a separate partition14:02
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chem|stsmhar: sync or backup?14:03
mikki-kunisn't that already on another partiton than the rootfs?14:03
smharchem|st, both14:03
Manjiri_I am trying to install a test app on my N900 using Nokia's Qt SDK beta14:04
Manjiri_but I am getting the following error: "Assembler messages:  Fatal error: can't create tmp/obj/debug_shared/main.o: No such file or directory "14:04
chem|stsmhar: mmh backup is easy, use backup tool on device and export contacts to folder in same namespace and rsync or copy or whatever to your backuplocation14:05
fraggelnI wonder if any of the big backupsoftware-vendors will make a client/agent for a cellphone :)14:06
viliny__anybody here remember the name of that linux livecd that could crack windows passwords?14:06
viliny__ah, google was useful :)14:07
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matt___frals: Why version me?14:08
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chem|stsmhar: there is no proper way for syncing yet, extracting data to somewhere else can be scripted but the formating is hell14:08
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matt___another one. uh14:09
SpeedEvilmatt___: It's international version matt___ day.14:09
matt___SpeedEvil: Werent u working at some mobile phone place?14:09
adalalhey, anyone here knows how to add custom monitors onto the desktop that shows information such as uptime, or current freequency?14:09
SpeedEvilmatt___: No.14:09
Treibholzadalal: yes.14:10
SpeedEviladalal: See 'queen beecon'14:10
omaradalal ya14:10
chem|stadalal: yes14:10
adalalthanks all14:10
SpeedEviladalal: Or 'command-line execution widget'14:10
chem|stSpeedEvil: you are a show stopper...14:10
matt___My insurer wants to take my phone for assesment for up to 2 weeks unless i provide him with a report stating that the phone is Beyond Economical Repair (Motherboard problem)14:10
chem|stTreibholz: two nuts one thought14:10
omaradlal i'll send you a screenshot of my desktop it has all that and a bit more14:10
matt___in which case they will just arrange an exchange.14:10
adalalomar: sure thanks14:11
SpeedEvilmatt___: why can't you take it to a nokia care centre?14:11
SpeedEvilmatt___: What's the problem with it?14:11
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matt___SpeedEvil: Speaker going silent, screen blinking14:12
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matt___left right corner of the touch screen not reacting14:12
SpeedEvilmatt___: Where are you?14:12
matt___top left corner*14:12
matt___SpeedEvil: UK14:12
SpeedEvilWhere did you buy it?14:13
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SpeedEvilAs I understand it - your first port of call should be nokia care centre14:13
mikki-kunhm... how the heck do you actually add a new user on the n900?14:13
SpeedEvilto get it repaired under warranty14:13
mikki-kuni have even the coreutils from gnu14:13
matt___SpeedEvil: No need, that's why I got insurance14:13
mikki-kunand there i can't find an "useradd"14:14
Appiahand you dont have useradd/adduser ?14:14
matt___£13 a month, they've got no problem replacing it (my screen is also scratched as hell)14:14
SpeedEvilmatt___: Sure - then do what your insurer wants.14:14
matt___SpeedEvil: But the guy told me the fastest way is to get an engineer to write a short BER, email it to them and ill have new phone tomorrow.14:14
matt___Yh stupid I was honestl could've just told them i dropped it down the sink.14:14
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mikki-kunAppiah: ok, i found it, but on a rahter obscure way... it was located in /usr/sbin as i thought, but it didn't show up...14:15
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Appiahthats where it should be mikki-kun14:15
* SpeedEvil could write one, but is not employed in that field.14:15
Appiahatleast thats where debian puts it14:15
matt___SpeedEvil: Are you an educated engineer ?14:16
SpeedEvilYes - but not qualified in any normal route.14:16
matt___What do you mean ?14:16
ruskiemikki-kun, $EDITOR /etc/passwd copy paste the line you want... do changes save passwd user14:16
SpeedEvilmatt___: I have no formal electronics qualifications, and have never been employed in the area.14:17
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mikki-kunAppiah: i know... and yeah... somehow i overlooked it i think...14:17
mikki-kunusual case of pebkac14:18
dnearyX-Fade, Now would be a good time to intervene with your opinion to Jarmo14:18
dnearyBefore I lose my temper :)14:18
povbotBug 6907: Media Player widget suddenly starts music after Phone call ends14:18
omarlol i had that bug happen to me once14:18
Appiahonly happend to me once14:18
jacekowskibut afaik it's not related to media player widget14:19
omarlike a split second of music and stops14:19
Manjiri_I havent updated my device with the latest firmware. Will that cause problem when trying to install a app I am developing on the device?14:19
ManoftheSeaI got that one.14:20
Manjiri_I am using Nokia Qt SDK beta in windows14:20
ManoftheSeaI had the media player open and stopped... got a call14:20
ManoftheSeaWhen it hung up, music came on.  I was like, "OMGWTFBBQ"14:20
Manjiri_I have mad-de on the device14:20
omarManoftheSea, when it came on did was it just for a second or it played contiuously?14:20
omarfor me it was like a short "yelp"14:21
ManoftheSeauntil I went and paused it14:21
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chem|stManjiri_: might do as the version of Qt might differ?!14:22
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Manjiri_chem|st : oh I need to chk that. But the error I see seems to be unrelated: Assembler messages:  Fatal error: can't create tmp/obj/debug_shared/main.o: No such file or directory14:23
omarsorry for delay my bandwidth is hosed from 7 active torrents14:23
Manjiri_chem|st: Any clue?14:23
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Omar_ubuntu just froze and started screeching at 2 second intervals14:25
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adalalOmar_: lol, pulseaudio fault?14:26
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Omar_nah hardware issue its not booting now14:27
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r0gcashi, excuseme, i want to make one question. how is the easiest way to begin trying to devel with qt for maemo5? i have scratchbox and gtk. scratchbox is not more needed when doing with qt? i look for the simplest and easiest way to try qt for devel, minimum things...14:29
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slaxiumhas some tried to compile qpalringo for the n900?14:30
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ruskier0gcas, you still need scratchbox to build usually14:30
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adalalon queen beecon, how do you remove the background image?14:32
ruskieI thought there is some config option14:33
Omar_there is an option near the top that says something to that effect14:33
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adalaloh nvm.. found it14:34
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r0gcasruskie, so how is the process, what i must download to can preserve much of the way i develop for example a gtk_helloworld app14:36
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pupnikr0gcas: if you know some gtk would you be intderested in making gqview work better?14:38
RST38hmoo, yes?14:38
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pupnikit is usable for me already without any changes actually14:38
pupnikRST38h: should be downloadable14:39
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crashanddier0gcas: it's been a few days that you've tried to explain your problem, but with little success apparently. Could you -- very simply -- explain what you are doing, and where you are stuck14:50
crashanddiethe bastard left?14:50
iPeter-ruskie: Still there?14:50
bleadercrashanddie: 13:49:32 -!- r0gcas [~5803b28e@gateway/web/freenode/x-mkyxlhciaadfnmrh] has quit []14:51
bleaderyep :)14:51
ruskieiPeter-, yup14:51
* crashanddie doesn't see join/parts14:51
bleaderapparently, my emails aren't properly checked, is this a known issue ?14:51
iPeter-ruskie: I use N900 backup software to back this thing up?14:51
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ruskieiPeter-, to create a backup of the things it's telling it'll do14:52
bleaderI recently re-enabled autoupdate, but apparently my mailboxes aren't updated14:52
crashanddielcuk: that sounds wrong in so many ways... I'm still in bed14:52
ruskiebleader, it never really worked for me14:52
lcukoh cripes14:52
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bleaderruskie: ok, well good to know at least :)14:53
ruskiebleader, I'm still hoping for a simple report new mail app(i.e. gnubiff like) that also has imap idle support14:53
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iPeter-ruskie: im now in sftp and trying to search that backup. I logged in as root and im on /14:54
ruskieiPeter-, /home/user/MyDocs14:54
ruskieiPeter-, should find a backup or Backup dir there14:54
crashanddiebtw, for anyone doing web devel, there's one script you absolutely need14:54
ruskiecrashanddie, rmallflashandjsfrommywebprojects.script ?14:55
crashanddie <-- drag the green "shell" button to your bookmark bar14:55
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crashanddiethen go to any webpage, and click on the bookmark14:55
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iPeter-ruskie: Thanks, i found.14:55
crashanddieand you have an interactive javascript shell for that page! Allowing to go through the full DOM in real-time :)14:56
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omarwow thanks for that crashanddie14:56
crashanddieomar: there's another one that allows to modify the CSS in real time as well, so you don't need to save/refresh continuously14:57
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omari can do that with firebug though just as easily14:57
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crashanddieoh, yeah, right14:58
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omarcrashanddie, actually firebug is kind ofa nnoying if you want to add stuff.. so would prob be more useful14:58
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pupnikany gles gpu updates from team zoddtd in sight smoku?15:01
omarsmoku you've prob been asked this a million times but i didn't have patience to read through the whole thread... when'll the next psx4all supporting save states come out? :D15:01
mecedoes anyone here use MaStory?15:03
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smokupupnik, zod is not responding to me15:04
omarhow rude of him15:04
crashanddiemece: I installed it, never used it though15:05
crashanddiemece: well, I installed it, downloaded my blog articles, etc15:05
smokudoes anyone use dput with cauldron?15:05
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smokui uploaded package and it looks like it is not coming out of builder15:06
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smokuomar, with current psx4all code it's very hard to switch from emulation to GUI15:07
omaroh i see15:07
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omari read something about you waiting for zod to make some new code15:08
lcukfor ssh passwordless login,what are the security implications in backing up the ssh keys from other machines?  its not like im giving the password to the machines is it?15:09
smokuyup. search youtube for 'psx4all pandora' - you will see that the current psx4all code is FAST. the old sources I'm working with is not worth putting a lot of effort15:09
lcukie if i make a .deb package that backs them up15:09
iPeter-Hey, what is this.. why i have to be in SSH to get SFTP connection? If i close SSH connection SFTP drops off too.15:10
dnearyX-Fade, Ping?15:10
omarsmoku, yeah i'm able to emulate final fantasy tactics and with 1/2 frame skip it runs beautifully.. only problem i saw was a slight graphical glitch with the dialogue boxes but it ran the game marvelously15:10
smokulcuk, what do you mean by "backing up the ssh keys from other machines"?15:10
lcukomar, cool beans15:10
lcuksmoku, on my 900 i have at different times configured passwordless login15:11
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lcukbut everytime i reflash i lose those15:11
lcukso have to reconfigure it15:11
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lcuki would like to backup the files that ive manually copied on from my desktop and laptop and scratchbox accounts15:12
lcukso that after a reflash i can carry on happily passwordless login without having to muck around15:12
smokuyou may add /root/.ssh directory to backup15:12
lcukor is it reasonable to patch openssh package to add this15:13
lcukrather than making a new package15:13
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lcukor does that cause security complications (by backing up the whole folder15:13
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lcukmorning Noma15:14
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lcuknoobmonk3y too15:14
lcuksorry Noma15:14
sECuREwell, of course that has security implications15:14
noobmonk3ymorning :D15:14
Nomagood afternoon lcuk :D15:14
noobmonk3ymorning to Noma too :D15:14
lcuksECuRE, hence my question, passwordless login is different15:14
sECuREbest way is to just use a passphrase for your keyfiles15:14
lcukim not on about my keyfiles tho am i?15:14
smokulcuk, store your private keys in /home/user/.ssh and you'll be fine. :)  you shouldn't use root account to do any actuall work anyway15:14
* lcuk gets confused by all this OTT security15:15
crashanddielcuk: need help?15:15
lcukdunno crashanddie im just finishing reflashing and all my ssh accounts need passwords again15:15
smokuand you should have private keys protected by password anyway, so it's safe to back them up too15:15
lcukso i cant run scripts to copy/move stuff15:15
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adalalanother question, is there a dc++ client for maemo :P?15:16
lcuksmoku, this sint the same thing15:16
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lcukadalal, ive not heard of one yet - we have torrent support tho, so its capable15:16
lcuki would like DC15:16
lcukits a great protocol15:17
crashanddielcuk: all your ssh accounts?15:17
lcukcrashanddie, no15:17
crashanddie14:15 < lcuk> dunno crashanddie im just finishing reflashing and all my ssh accounts need passwords again15:17
lcuki just have passwordless ssh login setup15:17
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lcukafter reflashing this happens:15:17
lcukssh blah@n90015:17
lcuknormally i can pass a file from my laptop once and forget about passwords15:18
crashanddieah, yes, and?15:18
lcuki want to back those up15:18
lcukie modify openssh package - but i dont know what kind of security issue that would be15:19
crashanddieerhm, you don't need to modify the openssh package15:19
crashanddieyou just need to backup your private keys15:19
lcukok then, create a new .deb package which does this backup15:20
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X-Fadecrashanddie: Public keys even15:20
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lcuki dont want to backup private keys15:20
lcukthats different and insecute15:20
crashanddieno it's not15:20
crashanddiebut anyway15:20
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X-Fadelcuk: just register them to be backupped by the tool.15:20
lcukyeah X-Fade but thats not persistable15:20
lcukwithout it being a package in extras15:21
lcukso i was wondering about it being in the openssh meta package15:21
X-Fadelcuk: you'd need to ask Ed to add it to the package then?15:21
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lcukbut i didnt want to ask anything without knowing if it was foolish security wise15:21
X-Fade.ssh/authorized_keys should be fine.15:22
wall[e]ok, fixed my remote finally15:22
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lcukX-Fade cool beans :)15:22
wall[e]anyone know if anyone want to implement a radial dial pad?15:22
crashanddieI'd really not recommend putting them in a .deb15:22
wall[e]like old dial panel on ancient phone15:22
ruskiethat would be nice to play15:22
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cehtehwall[e]: iirc there is one somewhere15:23
X-Fadecrashanddie: No, he is not intending to.15:23
lcukcrashanddie, its not putting htem in a .deb, its adding the XML file to tell backup to include it15:23
cehtehi once seen screenshots on maemo.org15:23
wall[e]cehteh, want one hehe15:23
lcukso they are included in backup/restore process15:23
crashanddieX-Fade: he was at some point :P15:23
smokudamn Ubuntu... dput uploaded my package to  :D15:23
lcukno crashanddie the .deb part has to be the backup config file15:23
crashanddieaaah :)15:24
crashanddieman, I don't get all those backup fretting15:24
lcukdata is important15:24
X-Fadesmoku: I didn't know if I should scream or laugh when I read that bug report ;)15:24
lcuki dislike random scripts to be run via copy paste15:24
lcukbecause it doesnt allow reproducability15:25
wall[e]i guess i find why flickr crash settings15:25
wall[e]it's something to do with the network15:25
wall[e]so i don't bother reflashing15:25
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smokuX-Fade, I noticed that in parallel. Went to invalidate my bugreport and saw the comment.  Guess I'm to tired and should go for a walk to regain some sanity...15:26
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rcg-workX-Fade: thanks for deleting that old icedtea6 version from non-free :)15:28
X-Fadercg-work: This caused the bug url to change all the time.15:29
rcg-workX-Fade: ic .. so that was the problem15:29
X-Fadercg-work: url from free, url from non-free, url from free, etc.15:29
rcg-workX-Fade: uhh, ic ...  my bad15:30
matthew-What phones have oLED's now?15:30
smokuX-Fade, where should i put my GPG key for autobuilder to get it?15:31
iPeter-could someone give a how to link to flash n900..? Cant find from maemo wiki15:31
X-Fadesmoku: in your account at garage. Or just don't sign it.15:31
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rcg-workX-Fade: i think the problems with ant and libjline are caused by something similar .. i accidently uploaded i386 versions for these which because of missing icedtea6 for i386 complain about missing dependencies15:31
smokuX-Fade, I see a field for SSH key, but not for GPG15:31
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X-Fadercg-work: ant seems to have an empty line in the description. This marks the end of the package part.15:32
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matthew-btw any1 seen nokia n8 yet?15:34
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Surfai think on this channel answer is absolutely yes15:37
matthew-i just saw it15:39
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matthew-bit let down that they make it on symbian15:39
matthew-and makes me wonder how their proc and gpu can offer hdmi out when my n900 get clamped with simple divx15:39
matthew-when i connect it to my tv15:40
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smokumatthew-, for TV out you need to render second display, and you may put the same both on LCD and via HDMI15:43
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wazdafter reboot my n900 screwed up menu transitions, is that normal? :)15:49
Stskeepsprobably not15:50
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rcg-workX-Fade: hmm i can't find that empty line ..15:51
rcg-workDescription: Ant is a system independent build tool.15:51
rcg-work Ant is commonly run from the command line.15:51
rcg-work Ant is distributed under the terms of the Apache License Version 2.0.15:51
fraggelnanyone tried to compile mysql to run on n900?15:51
fraggelnjust for fun that is.15:51
crashanddie~tell iPeter- about flashing15:52
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ZogGStskeeps, your are mod on talks right?15:57
crashanddiegod save us all15:57
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crashanddieMohammadAG_: sorry, Allah save us all :)15:58
ZogGany mod here, i just wonder is anybody reading reports? or it's useless?15:58
crashanddieZogG: they're reading15:58
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ZogGMohammadAG_ is a horny MohammadAG15:58
* MohammadAG_ kicks crashanddie for being a racist!15:58
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ZogGno more15:58
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crashanddieMohammadAG: Mohammad (or Mohammed) is the most common name on the planet, and 97% of them are muslim15:59
ZogGcircumcised now =)15:59
MohammadAGand the other 3% are?15:59
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crashanddieMohammadAG: statistically speaking, I'm being considerate when respecting the statistically most probably religion of your name15:59
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MohammadAGI heard statistically twice in one sentence, consider me lost16:00
ZogGMohammadAG, others are those who turned into islam and they are Alis =)16:00
crashanddieI love that expression, "Turning to Islam"16:00
crashanddieThere's almost this racist connotation that it's "taking a wrong turn"16:01
fraggelncrashanddie: the most common name in India is Kumar ;)16:01
fraggelneveryone in India is named kumar :D16:01
crashanddiefraggeln: never met a kumar actually16:01
ZogGcrashanddie but you saw the movie =)16:02
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noobmonk3yMo mo moooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!16:02
* frals slaps noobmonk3y around a bit with a large trout16:02
ZogGcrashanddie, i didn't say that. i respect any religion until person is not fanatic16:02
* MohammadAG hides16:02
* noobmonk3y eats frals16:02
* MohammadAG locks the doors16:02
MohammadAGand the windows16:02
crashanddiefraggeln: though I've met quite a few zahid's, pallavi, nilesh, chandra16:02
wazdlooks like it ignores "sequenced" parameter16:03
noobmonk3ymo can you msg me pls - web chat is smelly and doesnt love me16:03
wazdthat's strange16:03
fraggelnnoobmonk3y: a small idea, dont use the webchat :D16:03
noobmonk3yfraggeln: at work :P16:03
MohammadAGhow helpful ^16:03
crashanddiefraggeln: most corporate networks block irc outgoing16:03
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* noobmonk3y is too lazy to use his n90016:04
crashanddieZogG: hang on, that's the most stupid statement i've ever heard16:04
luke-jrMohammadAG: could always change your name...16:04
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luke-jr(this is where you come back "why should I? he's the one that sucks!" :P)16:04
fraggelncrashanddie: shellbox? :D16:04
crashanddieZogG: you respect any religion as long as the people who endorse it are not fanatic?16:04
fraggelncrashanddie: there is always a way out :)16:04
ZogGcrashanddie right16:04
crashanddieZogG: how does the religion change based on its fanatics?16:04
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MohammadAGwhy should I? he's the one that sucks!16:04
ZogGcrashanddie, i just think there is one God and everyone call it different16:05
crashanddiefraggeln: actually, my previous job blocked ssh as well, even ssh on port 443 was a no-go16:05
fraggelncrashanddie: its all just a matter of encapsulation :D16:06
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ZogGcrashanddie, as well i say - do the way you think is the right one and don't try others to go this way - that's all16:06
MohammadAGIRC sometimes = Off Topic16:06
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MohammadAGand Off Topic = Totally unrelated but still worth discussing. An "other" of sorts. No religious or political topics please.16:06
* MohammadAG hides16:06
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crashanddieMohammadAG: need I say more?16:06
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MohammadAGcrashanddie, yes16:07
ZogGcrashanddie, you see - you overusing your power16:07
MohammadAGI dare you16:07
ZogGyou are weak16:07
Stskeepswhy on earth are you showing off16:07
ZogGwe will come to you16:07
MohammadAGno need16:07
* MohammadAG gets out the Javelin16:07
MohammadAGAustralia right?16:07
Psianyone know what memcoder video codec i need to use so that the default n900 mediaplayer can use its hardware accel to play it16:07
crashanddieMohammadAG: not anymore :P16:07
crashanddieZogG: but why does your perception of religion change based on how the people who say they fight for it react?16:07
MohammadAGdamn cloaks16:07
MohammadAGI want your IP!16:07
ZogGi think people that act cool being OP have small penises =)))16:08
* ZogG hides16:08
crashanddieZogG: if anything, zealots should make you hate zealots, not the religion they hide behind16:08
crashanddieStskeeps: hey, I haven't kicked anyone in weeks16:08
Stskeepscrashanddie: i know, it's just an odd show of power16:08
crashanddieStskeeps: I haven't been abusive in weeks16:08
MohammadAG^ he wants to mind you16:08
matthew-was there a sport/training app?16:08
matthew-on n900?16:08
ZogGcrashanddie, that's what i'm saying - if person is douche - it doesn't matter what religion he is16:08
rcg-workmatthew-: ecoach?16:09
MohammadAGif the person is a douche, he's a crashanddie16:09
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rcg-workhehe ;)16:09
ZogGi'm saying if you think your religion is cool - you have to be proud of it and don't try to show off infront of others16:09
* MohammadAG waits for it16:09
crashanddieZogG: yes, but then your initial statement was incorrect. You respect any religion, however you lose respect for people who pretend to partain to a religion if they are extremists16:09
* MohammadAG waiiits for it...16:09
ZogGcrashanddie, right16:09
luke-jrZogG: so you hate all Catholics?16:09
ZogGcrashanddie, because they use the religion to hide behind16:10
* RST38h whispers something to the giant statue of the Tentacled One16:10
rcg-workmatthew-: also exercise counter i think16:10
ZogGluke-jr, nope =) i don't care about them16:10
MohammadAGhmm, crashanddie and die wasn't annoyed16:10
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MohammadAG- and die16:10
crashanddieMohammadAG: not by a long shot, i only get highlighted when my nickname is the first thing in the sentence16:10
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luke-jrZogG: no? it is Catholic dogma (= everyone MUST profess, or they aren't Catholic) that all outside the Church go to Hell for eternity16:10
crashanddieluke-jr: not quite16:11
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fraggelnanyone have trouble with enter and escape when running in a screen on a remote box?16:11
* MohammadAG grumbles16:11
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* MohammadAG thinks of a way to provoke crashanddie 16:11
crashanddieluke-jr: I come from a hardcore catholic family, and sunday mass was really not big on our list16:11
MohammadAGoverclo... wrong guy16:12
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luke-jrZogG: it is also doctrinal (= everyone must accept, but not necessarily know) that false religions are not to be respected, and have no equivalence with the true religion16:12
StskeepsMohammadAG: now, don't be an idiot16:12
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* MohammadAG was an idiot?16:12
ZogGluke-jr so they think i made sin - it's fine - they can keep thinking - but they also should look at themselves. like in their religion - when jesus walked and saw people throwing stones at prostitute, he said - the next who can throw is one who has done no sins - and they stoped16:12
ZogGpeople have to judge themselves - not others16:12
bleaderfraggeln: I do, but haven't search for a fix16:12
ZogGand if the fat asses pops uses religion to make wars and so on - they are the ones who are f***ed upo16:13
fraggelnbleader: but you have the same "problem"?16:13
fraggelnbleader: are you running utf-8 on your shellbox as well?16:13
luke-jrZogG: but also to teach all nations ;)16:13
bleaderfraggeln: yep, I can't press enter when in ssh + screen on my box16:13
bleaderfraggeln: yes too16:13
ZogGluke-jr, teach != force16:13
fraggelnbleader: annoying :/16:13
ZogGluke-jr, i'll give you maemo example16:13
* noobmonk3y overclockles MohammadAG 16:13
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luke-jrZogG: if the death of one criminal spares the common good, capital punishment can be justified by the State16:14
fraggelnbleader: maybe I should make a post on the forums and see if anyone have a fix.16:14
ZogGluke-jr, nokia pr1.2 was leaked and nokia could invistaged and get ips of people and find all guys with new version, but they just said that it's wrong to use it - that's all16:14
wazdыукшщгыднб фтв тщц ьутг ырщцы ьу ецщ дфнукы фе еру ыфьу ешьу16:14
wazdoh sht16:14
luke-jrtotally different. PR1.2 won't land anyone in Hell16:15
ZogGwazd, привет16:15
wazdseriously, and now menu shows me both layers at the same time :)16:15
crashanddieluke-jr: there are a lot of inacurracies in the bible and the different religions16:15
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ZogGluke-jr, so what - same thing.16:15
luke-jrcrashanddie: Catholicism is 100% consistent and factual.16:15
wazdZogG: hi there :0 spotted you at the habr :)16:15
Termanawazd, is that a warning or a threat?16:15
ZogGwazd, now i remember who are you16:15
crashanddieluke-jr: why do the preachers of cathol say you need to ignore other religions, when jesus was a jew?16:15
wazdTermana: more like a spell :)16:15
ZogGwazd, it was wierd - even someone shitted in my karma for that topic =)(16:16
crashanddieTermana: he's reciting latin coruses backwards, imoleha...16:16
luke-jrcrashanddie: Judaism was nothing other than Catholicism before Christ16:16
wazdZogG: that's habr, look at my karma there :D16:16
ZogGluke-jr, not really16:16
luke-jrthe new religion based on rejection of Christ is just another false religion leading to Hell16:16
crashanddieluke-jr: lolwut?16:16
ZogGluke-jr, it's hard to became jewish and they don't really want more people in there =)16:16
wazdTermana: innocent trick with menu transitions screwed my n900 :)16:16
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ZogGluke-jr, you can relax - all of us will end up in hell16:17
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ZogGat least we have to strt to make connections there16:17
Termanawazd, so your hoping magic spells will make it better? :P16:17
wazdTermana: what else I can do :)16:17
crashanddieZogG: heh, at least we'll know people there :D16:17
luke-jrZogG: why would that make me relax?16:17
* DocScrutinizer YAAAAWWWN16:17
* MohammadAG gives DocScrutinizer his morning coffee16:17
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TermanaAnd that wasn't an awakening yawn either16:18
ZogGwazd, you have to push ← ← → X O UP DOWN Start and it will fix it16:18
lcukthe only religion of consequence in this chan is Church of Emacs--Saint IGNUcius16:18
* MohammadAG switches to that ^16:18
TermanaWith the holy disc above his head16:18
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* crashanddie counters lcuk's claim with the Holy Book of Vimicius XII16:18
wazdZogG: oh! it helped! :)16:19
ZogGi knew it16:19
lcukoh hell no you didnt16:19
luke-jrLOL figures16:19
luke-jreverything turns into emacs vs vi16:19
ZogGwindows vs linux16:19
DocScrutinizerget SEDuced!16:19
TermanaZogG, not funny :)16:19
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ZogGTermana, not joking, linux is much better16:19
luke-jrZogG: Macer isn't actively here... he's probably the only Windows advocate16:20
wazdI am16:20
ZogGdamn =(16:20
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wazdlinux sux :)16:20
ZogGwazd, are you windows user?16:20
* luke-jr gives wazd the boot16:20
Termanaerrmmm... please? :P16:20
lcukno i appreciate the subtle windows xp window manager16:20
wazdZogG: yep :)16:20
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crashanddieI will VIllify emacs, I will VItrify your beliefs, I will chant inVIctus until the day has come you rightfully recognise the VIctorious VIctor.16:20
* ZogG regret there is no option to punch people over interwebz16:20
chem|stluke-jr: who is not able to boot emacs is not worthy emacs!16:20
wazdluke-jr: give me another an I'll be packed for the summer :D16:21
ZogGi don't have emacs or vi16:21
MohammadAG<wazd> linux sux :)16:21
* MohammadAG renames the bootloader16:21
ZogGMohammadAG, use "ubuntsux"16:21
wazdoh, and now I have very slow simple zoom out menu16:21
ZogGsuxuntu =)16:21
MohammadAGiirc, the start up disk will now try to fix the registry, cause windows is confused16:21
ZogGany gay people here =)16:22
* ZogG o.O16:22
MohammadAGLinux, life without limits (or in this case Gates and Windows)16:22
ZogGMohammadAG, if you decided to quote - use the right ones16:22
chem|stZogG: you mean those iPhone folks? they arent gay they are just ... mmh sexualy disorientated16:22
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ZogG" software is like sex — better when it's free"16:22
DocScrutinizerwazd | sox --reverse-nibbles --endian little >/dev/null16:23
ZogGchem|st, good one =)16:23
wazdDocScrutinizer: oh, now you got me :D16:23
ZogGchem|st, but i meant those who actually sleep with other guys =)16:23
ZogGbtw any girls here as well?16:23
chem|stZogG: they arent gay neither way...16:23
ZogGchem|st, you are confusing me16:24
DocScrutinizerZogG: sure, but they hide when you're in16:24
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chem|stZogG: girsl.. I doubt it... or you need a hard guess *it* is female16:24
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ZogGDocScrutinizer, cause they are affraid i would crash their hearts?16:24
* MohammadAG points to the top16:24
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crashanddiechem|st: please don't attack people who use a different device than you do16:25
DocScrutinizerMyrtti, emma, revKathy - tell when ZogG gets unpolite ;-D16:26
crashanddiechem|st: you're a mod, lead by example16:26
ZogGDocScrutinizer, nowdays you can never be sure who is hidding behind those nicknames16:26
* DocScrutinizer giggles16:26
crashanddieZogG: you're probably a fat biggot who still lives with his parents, not many hearts are afraid of you ;)16:26
chem|stcrashanddie: well... no16:26
* DocScrutinizer checks her avatar16:27
ZogGemma, do you know how shinny and beautiful my n900? =)16:27
crashanddiegrammar fail16:27
ZogGDocScrutinizer avatar is really a bad movie16:27
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ZogGi hope the real avatar would be awesome16:27
ZogG~avatar is terrible movie16:27
infobot...but avatar is already something else...16:27
infoboti heard avatar is an incarnation of a god16:28
Termana<crashanddie> ZogG: you're probably a fat biggot who still lives with his parents, not many hearts are afraid of you ;)16:28
Termanacrashanddie, what is it you said about leading by example?16:28
DocScrutinizer~ignore ZogG16:28
ZogGTermana, let's say i'm skinny and left my parents at age 14 =)16:28
crashanddieTermana: I'm an op, not a mod16:28
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ZogGDocScrutinizer, it's unfair =(16:28
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wazdcan maemo be using some other transitions.ini file somehow?16:29
* ZogG has a feeling that DocScrutinizer is jealous 16:29
crashanddieTermana: also, I'd rather tell what I feel about people to their face, rather than alienate a complete group of people for no reason, other than the fact they own a different piece of hardware16:29
chem|stisnt anyone in the internet a fat guy eating junkfood?16:29
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lcukexcept for the guy who says hes a fat guy16:29
ZogGchem|st, i wish i would 20 more kgs16:29
Termanacrashanddie, I don't care what you are. Op or mod. You still have the same faggot type powers. The power to ban the trolls, which is the most faggoty of them all16:30
chem|stmen are men, women are men, kids are men, other kids are childabuse detectives(also men)16:30
Termanaand chem|st is an FBI agent16:30
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crashanddieTermana: actually, mods have very little power to ban16:30
ZogGTermana, wtf?16:30
* DocScrutinizer notices enormous spike in OT-graph of #maemo16:30
timeless_mbpcan you guys please go to #somewhere-else ?16:31
ZogG~unignore ZogG16:31
TermanaMaybe I need to add an $1.99 SARCMARK to my sentence?16:31
* chem|st isn't a mod16:31
DocScrutinizer/mode +q #maemo ZogG16:31
crashanddieTermana: you may want to clarify what you were trying to say, yes16:31
crashanddiechem|st: you're not the chemist from tmo?16:32
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chem|stcrashanddie: sure I am but I want to hide myself...16:32
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crashanddiedon't worry, your secret is safe with me16:33
chem|stcrashanddie: and I am able to ban all over the place, change your signature and so on... but I just dont16:33
crashanddiechem|st: yeah, but that's because your super-mod now16:33
tybolltSUPER!1111 mod16:33
chem|sttrue but I think I just recogniyed the backend a bit late16:33
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crashanddiemost mods are only able to moderate 2 or 3 forums, and only have the touch-n-ban right (only allowed to ban accounts less than a month old, and with less than x posts, typically for spammers)16:34
chem|stand arent able to do a "kill'em all and let god sort them out"16:34
* DocScrutinizer </YAAAAWWN> && <quit>16:35
* ZogG is watching BBT16:35
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lcukDocScrutinizer, hows usb coming along16:36
chem|stwell back to topic! I hate those stereotype iPhone users they dont need to own one! its just the kind of people I can but dont want to deal with, it is on my choice isnt it16:36
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lcukchem|st, what if your girlfriend got an iphone16:37
moo---opera 1016:37
moo---this rocks16:37
chem|stfriends have iPhones but they dont act like those pretenders/sexualy disorientated/stockholm syndrom deceased folks16:37
tybolltlcuk: I think he means the kind of people whos iphone IS their girlfriend ;)16:37
nid0my girlfriend was vaguely tempted by an iphone last october16:37
nid0I slapped her and told her to get a real phone16:37
chem|stnid0: good boy ;)16:38
ZogGnid0, they are people too16:38
lcuknid0 :S16:38
nid0thats quite an interesting gradient of responses between you three16:38
lcukand chem|st theres people with same kind of fascination for maemo devices16:38
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nid0and in descending order of appreciation of my response, too.16:39
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* lcuk adds legs to the bubbles16:40
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chem|stformer girlfriend decided to buy a phone on her own, she decided for something realy goodlooking... but just useless if you want to do more than texting and phone calls, she recognized the first day, 2 years later she asked me to look for a set of phones goodlooking but smart too...16:41
lcukare math operations in python slower than using an array16:41
lcuk(old skool sinarray)16:41
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chem|stlcuk: I think the op which is called is not the fastest16:42
lcukyeah ive got some heavy math currently in the bit of python ive been playing with16:42
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lcukand i need more unfortunately16:43
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chem|stlcuk: and yes they may own a N900 and I'd like to shove it up their rectum16:43
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chem|stguten abend herr reitschuster16:43
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tybollthalo herr Kemist!16:43
alteregoLiking Opera, though I much prefer MicroB's zooming16:44
chem|sttybollt: that would be "hallo herr chemiker"16:44
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tybolltna ja herr kemist - das ist quatsch :)16:44
DocScrutinizerlcuk: assembler ;-P16:44
lcukDocScrutinizer, it works nicely from c16:44
lcuki already have all the code there, just testing limits of current python and qt16:45
lcukwanting specific things to go faster16:45
lcukbetween pythons slow handling of simple objects iwth heavy math to qt's slow handling of qpainter.* calls16:45
lcukit just doesnt have the same zing as im used to16:46
chem|sttybollt: ausserdem heiss ich nicht chemiker mit nachnamen16:46
lcukchem|st, english in main channel please16:46
lcukor as close as you are capable16:46
tybolltOh give us a break lcuk =)16:46
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chem|st~slap lcuk16:46
lcukim not a mod or an op, its just common courtesy16:47
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chem|stlcuk: you know that it was less than 10 votes putting german away from becoming the world dominant language? better learn it!16:48
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hawai`iregime change!16:48
Stskeepsfor those interested, N900 hardware adaptation team for MeeGo has opened up development,
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chem|stStskeeps: ty16:48
achipalcuk: heavy math ? sounds like numpy or ctypes to me16:49
* MohammadAG seconds the thanks16:49
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lcukwell chem|st bis das geschieht, sollten Sie nur in diesem Channel Englisch16:49
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achipaStskeeps for president !16:49
chem|stlcuk: nice try16:49
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achipais that google translate ?16:50
chem|stsounds like16:50
lcukyes :$16:50
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lcukjust be sensible16:50
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* noobmonk3y thanks thirdly16:50
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lcukachipa, its a small block16:51
chem|stlcuk: but to use german words that you know and use is ok then?16:51
lcukbox2d would be nice16:51
fralsStskeeps: pretty annoying that linewrapping is fubar when reading the archives there :(16:51
Stskeepsfrals: yeah, i agree16:51
lcukachipa, try this
lcukit has a calc_overlap routine16:51
lcukthat in python really slugs up beyond about 15 bubbles16:52
* noobmonk3y shoves frals up the bottom of a trout.......16:52
lcukits essentially the same calculation that liqflow uses16:52
lcukand thats native c16:52
lcukand works with many many more16:52
chem|stnoobmonk3y: wrong way around?16:52
noobmonk3ylol chem|st  u sure?16:53
lcukachipa, i tried using all the tricks in the python speedup thread16:53
lcukeven compiling it doesnt do much16:53
Jaffafrals: Stskeeps: anyone raised a CSS bug against the MeeGo archives?16:53
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lcuki ran it over shedskin and got some very clean but incomplete c++ code16:54
lcuk(shedskin doesnt know about qt)16:54
chem|stnoobmonk3y: well I guess its worth a try!16:54
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TermanaAnyone know the appropriate /dev nodes to control the 3G radio?16:55
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noobmonk3ycontrol it? :P16:55
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noobmonk3yit has a life of it's own :)16:55
StskeepsTermana: it's a network interface16:55
DocScrutinizer(linewrapping) was too annoying for me. Reading the raw text now ;-)16:56
achipalcuk: arrays are really slow... though a little profiling would be needed to see the bottleneck16:56
StskeepsX-Fade: did we have the meeting today or did it get moved?16:56
lcukachipa, that simple little .py app16:56
X-FadeStskeeps: It seems we have one today, but nobody seems to be able to attend.16:56
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TermanaStskeeps, what about for the actual phone interface?16:57
lcukis basically the simplicity that i want to work fast - obviously with more methods from qpainter.* (text and image blitting etc)16:57
StskeepsTermana: same, packets over a network interface16:57
StskeepsTermana: i think.16:57
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achipalcuk: 500 lines is HUGE in python terms ;)16:57
lcukso im concentrating on the aspects that ive noticed are slow16:57
lcukok yeah i know16:57
hawai`iSo, who knows this character who has patched WL1251?16:58
lcukbut i have also my sketching app16:58
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lcukwhich is same basic structure16:58
lcukbut with less math16:58
lcukits the calculations that are important16:58
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achipalcuk: just saying I can't grasp the whole app with just a single glance :)16:58
lcukto do what i want with sketches (which i want to render in each bubble)16:58
lcukheh i dont expect you to!16:59
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lcukjust in geneal "python calculation is slow"16:59
achipaf.e. os.system is a killer, but I don't know how often you call it16:59
lcukyeah theres cruft in there theres not part of the speed issues lol16:59
lcukthats just playing with knight rider keyboard17:00
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achipalcuk: yes, calculation is slow. If you care about that, use ctypes or numpy17:00
TermanaStskeeps, do you know what nodes are used though - eg. /dev/modem or /dev/ttyACM0 is a dialup modem interface usually17:00
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achipalcuk: the point is python tries to keep it simple, and dynamic typing is no friend of fast math17:01
lcukof course17:01
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DocScrutinizerStskeeps: what's "N900 hardware adaptation team for MeeGo" all about? Can we stop to push bme and other crap now?17:02
achipabut that's why you have ctypes and numpy - I'm repeating myself now :)17:02
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DocScrutinizerStskeeps: or join efforts with those of that team?17:02
DocScrutinizeror join the team ? ;-D17:02
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lcukyes achipa im wondering tho whether python interpreter itself can be optimised better - i could have just written this in c++ and not had this issue, im just feeling the boundaries17:03
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Jaffafrals: Stskeeps: Raised
povbotBug 1968: Accept-Language based on "Regional settings" instead of "Device language"17:04
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StskeepsDocScrutinizer: up to you - this is targetted for meego mostly :)17:04
DocScrutinizerStskeeps: maemo / meego - I don't care17:04
DocScrutinizerStskeeps: it's linux17:04
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lcukachipa, and obviously within qt itself if the qpainter stuff can be given a kick up the backside17:05
DocScrutinizerand very probably it would be useless effort to RE a BME for maemo, if we could simply backport an open implementation from meego17:05
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fralsJaffa: :)17:06
StskeepsDocScrutinizer: we have a closed BME atm, but a open one would probably be better17:06
DocScrutinizerStskeeps: ack17:06
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achipalcuk: is that the 4.5 pyqt or 4.6 ?17:06
DocScrutinizerStskeeps: that's why I ask what that team is all about17:06
achipa(qt ver, I mean017:06
lcukachipa, presume its 4.517:06
StskeepsDocScrutinizer: porting meego to n900 :)17:06
StskeepsDocScrutinizer: in short terms, go see
lcuktho im on 1.2 it might already be changed but i dont know17:06
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DocScrutinizerStskeeps: but will they e.g port BME?17:07
achipacause 4.6's painter is a lot quicker in many cases17:07
StskeepsDocScrutinizer: it is ported17:07
DocScrutinizeror build a new one?17:07
JaffaHmm, povbot needs to be smarter at recognising URLs17:07
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achipalcuk - grep for version, if pyqt is 4.7.2 or newer, you're on qt4.617:07
DocScrutinizeror BLOB?17:07
StskeepsDocScrutinizer: not oss - but we strive to limit the amounts of blobs17:07
Stskeepsthere's only so much that can be done in short time, so17:07
Stskeepsopen development is first step to beating the blobs:)17:07
DocScrutinizerStskeeps: that's *exactly* my question. should I join that team with my ideas about BME replacement?17:08
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lcukachipa, version of which?  command line please and ill tell you17:08
StskeepsDocScrutinizer: well, you join a team by merit of contributions - so i guess it might be a way17:08
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StskeepsDocScrutinizer: we do say that all contributions are welcome17:09
DocScrutinizerhmm, ok17:09
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achipalcuk: dpkg -l | grep python2.5-qt417:09
DocScrutinizerthe standard disclaimer17:09
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lcukfor all, common core gui17:10
DocScrutinizer"contributions welcome, but don't expect to see any support from the team until you gained merit"17:10
dnearyStskeeps,  Today's meeting was due to start in 50 minutes17:10
Stskeepsdneary: oh, i thought it was now17:10
StskeepsDocScrutinizer: nop, better than that17:10
chem|st15UTC it was hmm17:10
dnearyStskeeps, But since Tero and Ferenc have said they won't be there, Jaffa proposed pushing it back17:10
Stskeepsdneary: yeah, i agree17:11
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StskeepsDocScrutinizer: 'Anyone is welcome to contribute and non-member contributions will be treated with same process and review as member contributions. '17:11
X-Fadedneary: It will probably be better not to have it at the end of the working day.17:11
lcukachipa, so im already on the latest stuff then - ill boil this down to test case size and then can profile better17:11
X-Fadedneary: Especially in finland, people all leave before 17:00 local time.17:11
StskeepsDocScrutinizer: go read the mails, we really do mean open development seriously :P17:12
* DocScrutinizer sighs and mumbles "agenda"17:12
dnearyX-Fade, Still about?17:12
dotblankFinally done with exams.. now I can fiddle with the n90017:12
dneary(ah, guess so)17:12
dnearyX-Fade, I proposed our regular meeting time to allow as many people as possible to attend17:12
dnearyWe always meet at 15h UTC, don't we?17:12
X-Fadedneary: You forgot to compensate for DST.17:13
MohammadAGKhertan_Home, lol17:13
dnearyX-Fade, There are a lot of US centered people for whom 3pm or 4pm Finnish time is still bedtime17:13
dnearyX-Fade, I think you'll find I didn't17:13
rmrfchikam I late?
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chem|stX-Fade: 15 utc is in 45 min or do you mean to push it ahead for the finns17:13
dnearyX-Fade, 15h UTC is 17h CEST, 18h Finnish time17:13
X-Fadedneary: 14:30 in March.17:14
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X-Fadedneary: Which was 1.5 hours earlier.17:14
dnearyX-Fade, Indeed17:14
dnearyIt's unfortunate that none of the affected finns have said anything about it - it would be better to say "this time will never be good for me", rather than "I can't make it this week'17:15
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Stskeeps-> Jaffa17:15
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dnearyX-Fade, Would you mind putting your 2c into the mediawiki docs discussion on maemo-community, please?17:15
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DocScrutinizerfeel happy you got no office in Taipei ;-P17:16
dnearyStskeeps, Those things take ages, and are never very reliable17:16
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Stskeepsdneary: fair enough17:16
X-FadeGlobal communities always have pain when it comes to scheduling meetings.17:17
dnearyStskeeps, What's your timezone? You're Germany, right?17:17
Stskeepsdneary: poland17:17
Stskeepsbut same17:17
dnearyX-Fade, This is why you should almost never have any17:17
dnearyThe one exception is when there is some massive change which requires some real-time chat to work out, or a long discussion where you need a decision17:18
X-Fadedneary: I lack energy to reply to Jarmo's eternal threads.17:18
dnearyX-Fade, I would appreciate you backing me up on this one, especially since you're the sysadmin who said "I won't do it".17:19
dnearyI've invoked your name, but it would really be great to have you say something17:19
X-Fadedneary: Yeah, charging to comment ;)17:20
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X-Fadedneary: Short is that they drop a tool and maintenance burden on use without communicating when the thing got designed.17:20
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infobotX-Fade meant: dneary: Short is that they drop a tool and maintenance burden on us without communicating when the thing got designed.17:20
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dnearyX-Fade, Yeah17:21
DocScrutinizer(no linewrap in maemo/pipermail) dunno if borrowing some CSS or whatever from e.g. would help17:21
dnearyStskeeps, I hope you didn't mind the changes I proposed for the best practices page?17:21
lcukjoin #maemo-meeting17:22
DocScrutinizerdneary, Stskeeps ^^^17:22
StskeepsDocScrutinizer: we filed a bug for meego at least17:22
Stskeepsdneary: i like to think of it as an evolving document, so no - i don't mind17:22
Stskeepsdneary: ie, experiences and troubles by not working in the open17:22
dnearyStskeeps, The "don't give new employees commit" is my absolute best tip17:23
dnearyIt is the one measure which can make development work transparent and expose huge problems in patch review17:23
dnearyAnd it sends a great message to the community17:23
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dnearyIt is also uniformly the one which developers and technical managers resist fiercely17:24
Stskeepsdneary: :nod: saw harri's mail about n900/meego?17:24
X-Fadedneary: Hehe, I think you hit the nail on the head there.17:24
dnearyStskeeps, Yup, saw & replied17:25
X-Fadedneary: That won't be a popular thing though :)17:25
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dnearyIt is, fortunately, one that upper management tends to "get" straight away17:25
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SpeedEvilExternal people slow down development by objecting to perfectly reasonable code that has already passed internal review...17:25
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dnearyEsp. when you say "what code review processes do you have in place during a new employee's trial period?"17:25
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: exactly17:25
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DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: same on EE side17:26
Stskeepsdneary: well, no reply to the list at least17:26
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: indeed17:26
dnearyStskeeps, Really?17:26
TermanaStskeeps, dneary, it is to the list17:26
timeless_mbpthe last code i reviewed had at least one error every two lines, iirc17:26
dnearyJaffa, In response to your "anyone know of..." question on the list, Stskeeps's proposal of doodle is about the best available17:27
dnearyPersonally I hate it17:27
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dnearyTermana, Thanks17:27
Stskeepsdneary: well, it's not in meego-dev archives yet17:27
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dnearySending failed.17:28
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TermanaDon't mind me - that was from slaine17:29
TermanaSorry :P17:29
TermanaIts midnight here :P17:29
Termanadneary, but I just got yours anyway :P17:30
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Stskeepsdneary: hm, i guess there's a bit of confusion in harri's mail if it's about 'open source hw adaptation' or just 'opening up the team development'17:30
Stskeepsit's the latter, but our goal is to minimize having to use closed source blobs as it doesn't look pretty17:31
DocScrutinizererr, 'doesn't look pretty'?17:31
Stskeepsit doesn't, it is irritating to work with and is a bit ugly :)17:32
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Stskeepsopen source is easier to work with17:32
dnearyStskeeps, It is about making the team transparent17:32
dnearyStskeeps, I got that17:32
dnearyBut he does mention in the wiki page that development won't be completely open because of some closed components17:32
Stskeepsyes, that's actually my wording of it17:33
dnearyThat leads naturally to the question: "which ones, exactly?"17:33
Stskeepsat this moment, bme, gles libs, bt firmware and wifi firmware (i can't recall exactly), but the situation may change17:34
* lcuk has glowing eye wolf startup screen17:34
SpeedEvilBinary components aren't _too_ bad.17:35
SpeedEvilAs long as they are well documented.17:35
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Stskeepsdneary: but yes, having a project list/documentation of what is 'off bounds' sounds like a good idea17:35
Stskeepsif we can find a reasonable pattern on how to do it in a sane way, the pattern would probably be duplicated17:36
dnearyStskeeps, bme = battery management, gles = 3D, bt firmware = bluetooth? wifi firmware means no wifi??? :(17:37
Stskeepsdneary: well, closed components are the ones you can grab by putting in your IMEI on tablets-dev17:37
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X-FadeStskeeps: And cellular? Or is there something talking SPI?17:38
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StskeepsX-Fade: i think there's open work being done in that direction.17:38
X-FadeOk, even better.17:38
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Stskeepsdneary: it's like with mer's vendor repositories, prove you have a device and you get access to all the blobs you need and how you want to remix them :)17:39
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: closed components are acceptable at 'boundary' only17:40
Stskeepsagreed, dead center of architecture is not good :P17:40
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: I.E. when the purpose is to interface a peripheral component to the system17:40
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dnearyJaffa, You only went to Monday?17:40
dnearyJaffa, With 3 kids, weekends are always hard for me17:41
DocScrutinizere.g. for BME that's ot completely applicable17:41
dnearyJaffa, And Thursday is a holiday here17:41
X-Fadedneary: in most european countries17:41
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dnearyStskeeps, I've been telling the FSF guys that there is a good chance they'll have a usable smartphone with a 100% free N900 + MeeGo 1.017:42
dnearyStskeeps, I might be wrong... :)17:42
X-Fadedneary: How could you say that?17:43
Stskeepsdneary: i wouldn't bet my horses on 100%, because of imgtec17:43
SpeedEvilwell - isn't FB in kernel?17:44
awilkinsBy "usable" you presumably mean "not quite as _useful_ as the commercial version" ?17:44
SpeedEvilSo you could have it - it just wouldn't have shiny accel17:44
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awilkinsThe list of things on the "please open this" page contains things I can't see being opened up17:44
tybolltdneary: how is n900 100% free?17:45
Stskeepsdneary: but i am hoping for a lot of nokia components to open and hw vendors turning soft.17:45
tybolltdoes it not contain a SGX chip?17:45
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lcukim hoping for open source applications17:45
Stskeepsdneary: and 98% is a lot better than our current 43% :)17:45
lcukuser facing components17:46
X-FadeJaffa: What is the reason for 5PM and not say 4PM for instance? :)17:46
SpeedEvilawilkins: Some may be reverse engineerable even in the face of kicking and screaming.17:46
SpeedEvilawilkins: It looks like BME may be one of those.17:46
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lcukif these apps are meant to have different User experience front ends, then an open community frontend should also be viable17:46
dnearytybollt, I said "an N900 with MeeGo 1.0"17:46
X-FadeJaffa: Or the equivalent of the times you picked .17:46
awilkinsI wanted the ringer application to be opened so I could do "ringtone per contact (per profile!!!)"17:46
dnearyawilkins, And yes, that's what I mean17:47
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awilkinsAlso would need ability to insert own KV pairs into the contact DB17:47
tybolltdneary: Awesome so Meego will have a fully opensource Poulsbo driver?17:47
tybolltthat's fantastic17:47
dnearyYou have to realise, these guys hacked the Android firmware to replace all proprietary components with free equivalents, or just dumped the proprietary components completely17:47
dnearytybollt, You didn't hear me say I was probably wrong?17:47
dnearytybollt, I have no definitive information17:48
dnearytybollt, I was (and still am) drinking the kool-aid17:48
dnearytybollt, Also, I definitely do not expect 100% functionality17:48
dnearyFor example, if we have GPS, I'll be pleasantly surprised17:48
dnearyWhat's Poulsbo?17:49
Stskeepsemacs interface17:49
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Stskeeps, would be good for n900 open mage17:49
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dnearyStskeeps, The FSF might be good friends to have if the aim is a minimumly usable smartphone OS for the N900.17:50
Termanadneary, who is it that took stuff out of Android? (and what phone?)17:50
DocScrutinizerStskeeps: so are there any teams inside Nokia working on opening up BME now?17:50
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JaffaX-Fade: Just because I had 5 slots and wanted some from morning UTC to evening UTC. If you have a better time option, let me know17:50
JaffaX-Fade: I can add additional times17:50
X-FadeAh, yeah well seems friday morning is popular anyway ;)17:50
dnearyJaffa, Are there any US participants in your list of desired participants?17:51
DocScrutinizerStskeeps: Or maybe I should apply for that task @ Nokia?17:51
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dnearyTermana, G1, and it was Aaron Williamson, from the SFLC, as far as I know17:51
lcuk+1 DocScrutinizer17:51
dnearyTermana, I can put you in contact with Bradley Kuhn if you'd like17:52
Terje_Uh, router in reboot loop and ADSL modem is delivering addresses without internet connectivity. Not going to be a good evening.17:52
dnearyHe can tell you better than I what works & what doesn't17:52
DocScrutinizerStskeeps: It's insane to RE, if same time Nokians are going to build an open BME from their beter knowledge of the original BME sources17:52
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X-FadeDocScrutinizer: I don't think open bme is high on Nokia's agenda.17:53
DocScrutinizerStskeeps: and I think it really doesn't matter if that's for meego or maemo17:53
dnearyAaron's a lawyer, of all things17:53
X-FadeDocScrutinizer: For them it works and only can get worse by opening up ;)17:53
Termanadneary, no I'm not personally interested in a COMPLETELY free phone, I am reasonable - I only asked because i hadn't heard about it, and thought I would google around to see if I could find more info about whats been done17:53
dnearyX-Fade, It's probably not even required to have an open platform17:54
dnearyTermana, You say that as if wanting a completely free phone platform were unreasonable...17:54
X-Fadedneary: Well, if you don't want to charge your battery, sure.17:54
dnearyX-Fade, Why is open BME required to charge the battery?17:54
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timeless_mbpX-Fade: just use an external battery17:54
DocScrutinizerX-Fade: AIUI it's a PITA to them, and they'd happily discard it if only they knew how much of 3rd party IP is in it17:54
Jaffadneary: Only council people AFAIK17:55
dnearyI mean, can't charging the battery be a 100% hardware/firmware operation?17:55
Termanadneary, What I meant was, I am able to compromise, while others believe they shouldn't have to.17:55
X-Fadedneary: bme manages charging.17:55
TermanaMaybe I need to pick my words more carefully :P17:55
timeless_mbpdneary: something needs to be able to tell something in userland how much charge the battery has17:55
Terje_dneary, it could if the hardware was designed that way. It's not.17:55
tybolltmy N900 unit is becomming extremely hot when charging17:55
X-Fadedneary: Try early mer and see how nice it was without bme.17:55
tybolltanyone else had that?17:55
timeless_mbpso the system can say "oh dear, i'm out of power, better shut down"17:55
dnearyX-Fade, I had understood that it managed reporting battery state to the OS, and power management at the OS level (turning bits on & off when not required)17:56
DocScrutinizerX-Fade: (manages charging) there's not so terribly much to manage17:56
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dnearyI guess I understood wrong17:56
lcuktybollt, i once charged my device in a wooden enclosure with a book ontop17:56
lcukand could barely pick it up afterwards17:56
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X-FadeDocScrutinizer: No, but without it it doesn't charge, so ;)17:56
lcukit was my 810 but fun all the same17:56
DocScrutinizerdneary: charging basically IS a 100% hw duty17:56
timeless_mbpDocScrutinizer: no17:56
DocScrutinizerX-Fade: not correct17:57
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, I didn't hear any sirens today17:57
timeless_mbphardware is 100% stupid17:57
timeless_mbpyou have to tell the hardware what to do, and when to stop17:57
dnearyDocScrutinizer: And yet X-Fade says we need BME software to enable it17:57
X-FadeDocScrutinizer: Even though all it does is flip a bit.17:57
timeless_mbpif you don't...17:57
awilkinsYou need the charger to have some logic for Li-ion batteries17:57
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DocScrutinizerX-Fade: just has to flip that bit because it did before17:57
DocScrutinizerthe charger chip will start to charge without *any* SW inetraction/support17:58
DocScrutinizer(charge from dead bat)17:58
X-FadeDocScrutinizer: Only if it gets enabled, right?17:58
DocScrutinizeradmittedly you need a 2liner script thingie to keep it charging >32minutes17:58
tybolltwhich of the fennecs do you folks regard as the better one17:58
tybolltthe 1.0 or the 1.1 beta17:59
DocScrutinizerX-Fade: no. It starts charging as soon as USB power is applied - on a shutdown system17:59
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tybollttimeless_mbp: :-/17:59
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DocScrutinizerX-Fade: the chip is designed to work autonomously18:00
timeless_mbpDocScrutinizer: last i checked, it started to turn on as soon as power was applied18:00
DocScrutinizerX-Fade: but you can improve its performance by sending a few commands to it18:00
timeless_mbpwhich is not the same as charging18:00
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DocScrutinizertimeless_mbp: doesn't relate18:00
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X-FadeI guess that can be tested by flashing a non-booting kernel and see if an empty battery gets charged.18:02
DocScrutinizerwill charge with 100mA *at least* - probably 500mA18:02
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DocScrutinizerif charger detection in 1707 works the way it's supposed to18:02
DocScrutinizer(the 500)18:03
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DocScrutinizerbq24150 wakes up to 100mA charge mode as soon as VBUS is applied18:03
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DocScrutinizeron CHRG_DET->OTG *hardware* signal it switches to 500mA18:04
iPeter-Hey help18:04
tybolltIf the next device in N9xx series has got PSU-mode I'll buy it18:04
DocScrutinizerPSU mode?18:04
matthew-hmmm whats with the 1.2 update from china?18:05
Terje_Power Supply Unit18:05
tybolltyes to run off of just the charging unit18:05
iPeter-Im flashing my N900, and i ran that flasher-3.5 command, then it did print text and last it gave: Suitable USB device not found, waiting.18:05
DocScrutinizertybollt: aaah18:05
DocScrutinizerwon't hapen18:05
iPeter-Is it doing something or not?18:05
tybolltDocScrutinizer: then it is not a tablet device over a phone (IMHO) and can never be.18:05
ruskieiPeter-, it's not doing anything18:06
ruskieiPeter-, unplug it and replug18:06
DocScrutinizertybollt: GSM transmitter needs a big buffer for power supply spikes18:06
ruskieiPeter-, if that doesn't work unplug it... hold the u key pressed and replug it in18:06
tybolltDocScrutinizer: so?18:06
DocScrutinizerthat's why you always need battery (or a 10.000uF capacitor)18:06
tybolltok :S18:07
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SpeedEvilwell - it may be possible with cellmo off18:07
lcukDocScrutinizer, hostmode18:07
tybolltDocScrutinizer: so w/ laptops how is it solved?18:07
lcukwith a hub and correct software support - printing from n900 o_O ?18:08
tybolltDocScrutinizer: just bigger caps?18:08
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tybolltsigh... silly engineers, can't they just make them MOAR TINY! :)18:08
ohwhymeAnyone know why I'm getting a unable to install extra plugins for conversations?18:09
ohwhymeThink it has something to do with libtelepathy?18:09
DocScrutinizerand usually 3G-USB sticks aren't supposed to work reliably from one single USB port - they mostly come with a nasty Y-cable to use 2 posts for power supply18:09
Gizmokid2005I've found a thread on this, and it didn't seem to help. I'm trying to use the GUI installer for the Maemo SDK to install in Ubuntu 10.04 (fresh install). I wind up getting this error: and the thread I found doesn't help.18:09
SpeedEviltybollt: They are working very hard on using smaller engineers.18:09
Gizmokid2005I even followed the SDK install instructions to do it via CLI, but then Xephyr doesn't work...18:09
SpeedEviltybollt: chinese ones are lots cheaper.18:10
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tybolltSpeedEvil: that's why they all outsource to Asia, yeah?18:10
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DocScrutinizerStskeeps: maybe Nokia would like to hire me to kill BME once and for all?18:10
ZogGwho is BME or what is it?18:10
tybolltWhom can get Ari on to IRC?18:11
StskeepsDocScrutinizer: no idea, i'm not in HR or even in nokia18:11
DocScrutinizerStskeeps: ...instead of paying a 98th contractor to create another closed version of bme18:11
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ZogG~google BME18:11
SpeedEvilnot that18:12
ruskieZogG, battery manager iirc18:12
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ZogGruskie, thanx =)18:12
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* ZogG thinks that ruskie is working for google18:12
ruskieI dispise google18:12
iPeter-ruskie: Okay, ill try18:12
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ZogGruskie, why would you?18:13
ruskiehmm is it just me or does the n900 not have a lot of sound events?18:13
ruskieZogG, and then some18:13
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iPeter-ruskie: This cant find my N900. Windows says its on update mode but this flasher says "Suitable USB device not found, waiting."18:15
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ZogGruskie meh, i don't like their policy, but search engineer is good and gmail is good - i don't care they to watch thru it18:16
andre__iPeter-, which Windows version? 32bit or 64bit?18:16
* tybollt reckon iPeter- isa happy owner of an iBrick!18:16
ZogGdon't keep that confidential info over internetz18:16
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iPeter-andre__: 64bit windows 718:16
ZogGiPeter-, you have to push some button while turning it on if i remember right18:16
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ZogGiPeter-, intall linux.18:17
andre__iPeter-, see
povbotBug 6307: Flashing device on Windows 7 64-bit bricked device (Windows tries to install drivers)18:17
iPeter-ZogG: Yeah, U button, its in updatemode but this flasher says that..18:17
ruskieZogG, u but iirc there is some issues with win718:17
ZogGLFS is the best shot to try18:17
ruskieZogG, I prefered scroogle but google changed something18:17
ZogGruskie, i say everyone is trying to use everyone, just not everbody succeed18:18
ZogGi even use chromium18:18
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ZogGDocScrutinizer already got it - but thanx18:21
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MohammadAGinfobot, BME is
infobotokay, MohammadAG18:23
ZogGbot is ignoring me =(18:24
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infobotrumour has it, infobot is the most helpful and smartest of all the bots18:24
ZogGnot anymore18:24
DocScrutinizer~monitor --strict 15 ZogG18:25
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tybollt~ignore tybollt18:26
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Stskeepsmorning andrewfblack18:28
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crashanddieZogG: please stop torlling18:28
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infobotcrashanddie meant: ZogG: please stop trolling18:29
andrewfblackStskeeps: morning, hows everything going18:29
Stskeepsgood good18:30
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Stskeepsandrewfblack: happy because the meego for n900 team i'm working in is now officially working in the open18:32
DocScrutinizeriPeter-: windoze flasher is flaky - make sure you use correct version of windows, admin mode, and dunno what else - or better just boot a linux from a live-CD18:32
tybolltStskeeps: BEfore you ... were all working out of the basement? :)18:33
ZogGcrashanddie did i?18:33
Stskeepstybollt: close enough18:33
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ohwhymedoes that mean meego will be available to the n900?18:34
tybolltStskeeps: Out of interest - who is your employer? Nok or Int?18:34
timeless_mbpStskeeps: cool18:34
ZogGohwhyme, it will be in one way or other - the question if it would be fully functional meego18:34
timeless_mbpso when can i run meego 2.0 on my n900?18:34
crashanddietybollt: he's a contractor, maemo community is one, could be intel and nokia too18:34
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Stskeepstybollt: neither, i have my own company and contracting through another company for nokia18:34
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tybolltcrashanddie: surely I'm allowed to ask... (noone HAS to answer to anything :)18:35
tybolltStskeeps: Cool18:35
andrewfblackStskeeps: thats cool18:35
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Stskeepsin practice it means a distmaster role in and meego arm work18:35
ZogGStskeeps, can we ask little bit more?18:35
andrewfblackStskeeps: now Meego for N810 :)18:35
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Stskeepsandrewfblack: yes, i also do that18:35
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StskeepsZogG: if i'm allowed to not answer.18:36
ZogGStskeeps, and for 3310?18:36
ZogGStskeeps, are you working on hardware only or UI also?18:36
Stskeepswell, at least you didn't say the 77018:36
StskeepsZogG: i don't work regarding ui, i'm more of a porter and system guy18:36
andrewfblackStskeeps: We are getting it on the 770 also sweet18:36
Stskeepsandrewfblack: who's porting it to 770?18:36
andrewfblackStskeeps: you right you said 770 lol18:36
Stskeeps(it -could- technically work on 770.)18:36
TermanaStskeeps, I think he was making a joke18:37
adalalhey, wht file to you cat to find out the current cpu freq18:37
* frals waits for tmo to be filled with "nokia subcontractor confirming meego will work on all previous tablets"18:37
ZogGStskeeps, i mean not specificly you but at all - or it's developed in other companies or even you don't know18:37
ZogGinterested if it's same team or it's not connected at all18:37
Termanafrals, I'll start the topic, you grab the popcorn - GO18:37
tybollt"Sorry folks - can't have MeeGO on N900 yet for another half a year - we need to finnish off the support for 770 and 810 first" ;-P18:37
jacekowskifrals: he's not nokia subcontractor18:37
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jacekowskifrals: he's sub sub contracor18:37
Stskeepsthat's the -hardware adaptation- part18:38
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andrewfblackStskeeps: can you beleive it was easier to get my N900 from qgil them to give it to someone else18:38
ZogGStskeeps, Carsten, nice to meet you, i'm Misha =)18:38
Stskeepsandrewfblack: contracts are a bitch18:38
StskeepsZogG: wello18:38
iPeter-Fu, i cant get this flasher to regonize my N90018:39
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ZogGyou have fake n900 so18:39
TermanaiPeter-, tell him to cover up18:39
andrewfblackStskeeps: well I can't even get qgil to reply to me about it lol.  Guess I'm stuck with it.  Who knows maybe I will get interested in it again18:39
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ZogGandrewfblack, he can't18:40
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ohwhymeflash isnt coming on the n900 is it :p18:40
tybolltsigh... Tories won :-/18:40
ZogGcause he can't provide you with unofficial info as i understand18:40
ZogGit was enuf that people start rumors fom his posts on talks18:40
ZogGohwhyme, what you mean flash? it is there18:41
ohwhymei mean 10.1 :p18:41
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ohwhymecan't watch porn on my n900 nooo18:41
timeless_mbp> Team synchronisation meetings are held in #meego-meeting on every X at HH:MM UTC (TBA). View previous meeting minutes here and the next meeting agenda here. Proposals for the agenda can be added to the backlog.18:41
ZogGohwhyme only adobe knows18:41
timeless_mbpthat line needs work :)18:41
Stskeepstimeless_mbp: yes, TBA18:41
Stskeepsit also says (under construction) in the top :)18:41
nid0odd, porn works fine on my n90018:41
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tybolltnid0: it does!18:42
ohwhymewhere? lol18:42
tybolltnid0: horray for N900!18:42
timeless_mbpStskeeps: but it doesn't have a picture, so i ignored that line ;-)18:42
ZogGohwhyme, you can sell it and buy hookers18:42
ohwhymebut i would end up talking to her all night18:42
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ZogGohwhyme, do you play WoW? =)18:42
nid0anywhere, I cant really see the reason for all the faff about flash 10.1, I find it quite hard to find streaming flash that *doesnt* play fine on my device as it is18:42
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TermanaLooks like tmo has just invaded the channel18:43
ohwhymelol no18:43
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TermanaZogG, stop abusing the bot - everyone else, go back to your porn topics on tmo, at least give us some sanity here18:44
ZogGTermana, but bot is only one person willing to talk to me18:44
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ohwhymelol he's my only friend too18:44
crashanddie~rape ZogG18:45
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* Termana hands ohwhyme an award, it says:18:45
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* RST38h idly wonders on the choice of evil plans to commence18:52
Stskeepsport meego to a gameboy18:52
crashanddiewhy "a"18:52
RST38hStskeeps: google "uzix"18:52
DocScrutinizerport tmo to a gameboy18:53
RST38hported already18:53
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RST38hit is called Whack-A-Mole, part of the Konami Game&Watch Classics collection18:53
DocScrutinizerthen dump gameboy with tmo 11.000m deep to the ground of the sea18:53
ohwhymeanyone know why i cant install the extra plugins for conversations? Tried both extras and extras devel. Gives me /var/lib/dpkg/info/account-plugin-salut.postinst: line 6: /etc/init.d/avahi-daemon: not found18:54
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* RST38h decides in favor of haunting another hapless t.m.o whiner18:54
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RST38hthe one I haunted over the long weekend was kinda entertaining, started cursing right from th first reply18:55
DocScrutinizerAVAHI!!! grrrr18:55
ohwhymewooot lol18:55
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iPeter-hey how do i start maemo flasher inside of ubuntu18:58
MiXu-sudo ./flasher -f -F imagename.bin18:58
RinsmasterMy mobile internet provider requires me to use their proxy server, without it, internet won't work. The thing is, on the N900 I can only set proxies for a few services/ports, like HTTP and FTP. Now I'd like to use stuff like msn and IRC, but since they use different ports they won't work (connections time out). Is there any solution for this?18:58
MiXu-iPeter: But I strongly suggest you read the flashing instructions in maemo.org18:58
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crashanddie~tell iPeter- about flashing19:00
crashanddieiPeter-: second time I've sent you that link19:00
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iPeter-Oh didnt see infobot19:01
crashanddieRinsmaster: yeah, it's a known problem that there is no system-wide proxy setting19:01
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crashanddieRinsmaster: this being said, IRC over HTTP doesn't work anyway, and neither does MSN19:02
cato`cool that Opera made theire Opera Mobile 10 available for Maemo19:02
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Kegetyscould be a socks proxy19:02
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MiXu-cato`: They did? Where can you get it?19:03
Khertan_n900Hi !19:03
Khertan_n900i finnally got VectorMine in extras ... not really fair play .. but now it s in extras :)19:04
MiXu-cato`: Oh, nice.19:04
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crashanddieThere is no power management support. In practice this means that if you open a page with animations and leave Opera running, you will soon be using a payphone. Power is drained even when Opera is running in the background and/or the screen is turned off19:05
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crashanddielol at payphone reference19:05
MiXu-Let's hope there's gonna be an official version.19:06
MiXu-I'm not gonna bother with a preview.19:06
Khertan_n900so same as microb here :)19:06
RST38hpower management is really easy to add though19:06
* Khertan_n900 hope timeless didn t read me :)19:06
RST38hcatch the standby signals, stop all timers and wait19:07
crashanddieKhertan_n900: microb implements power management19:07
crashanddieKhertan_n900: javascript counters are stopped and stuff when the screen goes off19:07
Khertan_n900crashanddie : of course ! i was joking !19:07
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Khertan_n900there is just a bug with playing music while viewing some flash content with audio that can let pulse audio or something else between flsh player and pulse audio leaking cpu cycle19:11
Khertan_n900and so drain battery19:11
Khertan_n900but it s not a microb bug19:11
Khertan_n900and seems fixed in pr1.2 from what i read in b.m.o19:12
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crashanddieso now there's going to be "Fixed in 1.2" T-shirts?19:15
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cato`I like the Opera alpha19:16
Khertan_n900it s an idea ... but i doubt there will be an other maemo summit19:17
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Khertan_n900and i m not sure all meego the community will undertood such tshirt19:17
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RST38h"FIXED..." -- "NEVER!" (on the back)19:21
Khertan_n900someone know how to unactivate auto capitalization on QTextEdit (in pyqt) ?19:22
RST38hthere is a global system setting no?19:23
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RST38hNeed to get 111MB of archives.19:26
RST38hAfter this operation, 203MB of additional disk space will be used.19:26
RST38hE: You don't have enough free space in /var/cache/apt/archives/.19:26
RST38hhello kontori19:26
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DocScrutinizer51konttori: hi! You managed to find any way to make modem Engineering Mode available? (like for reading out BTS details, list of neighbour cells etc) - you remember onen_openbmap asking for that some weeks ago here19:30
RST38hthis widelands thing has got insane dependencies19:30
konttori Yes, I remember that.19:30
smokuMiXu-, don't count on official opera mobile for maemo. this is a hobby project of few of our programmers done in a spare time.19:31
konttoriI did get a quote from the cellmo team about it as well. They were suggesting extending one library for this reason, but my memory fails to remember what it was19:31
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MiXu-smoku: Yeah, I noticed. I was just saying I'm hoping to see an official version as well. :)19:31
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RST38hUnofficial is fine as long as it works19:32
smokuMiXu-, well... programmers find it fun to work on these, but QA guys are not willing to spend free time on testing, so hope is all you're left with :D19:32
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MohammadAG<RST38h> E: You don't have enough free space in /var/cache/apt/archives/.19:33
MohammadAGmove it!19:33
* javispedro sneezes19:33
javispedromooooooo... aw.19:33
RST38hMohammad: I will wait for a reasonable package installation instead19:33
RST38hEHLO javispedro19:34
DocScrutinizer51konttori: any pointer where I could try to pick up the loose ends?19:34
ohwhymehey mohammed :)19:34
ohwhymethanks for the help with the extras plugin19:34
MohammadAGRST38h, which app?19:34
ohwhymeit works19:34
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konttorirodarvus: can you ask Petri for info on what DocScrutinizer51 was asking 19:30.19:35
konttori(tomorrow obviously)19:35
RST38hcheck out the dependencies19:35
konttoriseems like this is question multiple people want to know.19:36
DocScrutinizer51konttori: thanks :)19:36
javispedroRST38h: lua == slow19:36
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javispedroat least until someone pushes LUAJIT19:36
konttorieven not possible ever ever ever is good enough knowledge.19:36
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RST38hkonttori: Are you still handling developers stuff?19:37
konttoriI'm looking after Maemo API for Harmattan / Meego atm19:37
konttoriso, in that sense, yes19:37
RST38hkonttori: There is a recent problem with sb219:37
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konttoriSo, I moved about a week ago from fremantle to harmattan19:37
konttoriwell, I was pulled.19:38
konttoriRST38h: in fremantle sb2? or in sb2 in general?19:38
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RST38hkonttori: remember that "fix" X-Fade introduced to make fremantle packages build with pre-1.2 dependencies?19:38
RST38hkonttori: mm...sb2 in general I think19:38
konttoriyeah, I do remember that19:39
konttoriso, what about it?19:39
RST38hkonttori: Anyway, the fix is a bunch of symbols + Debian Squeeze tools that can make use of them by computing the lowest possible deps19:39
RST38hkonttori: The problem is that there are no Debian Squeeze tools for SB2 =((19:39
* javispedro sneezes again19:39
javispedroRST38h: because it uses your host tools19:39
RST38hjavispedro: Does not19:39
javispedroRST38h: as long as you use >= Lenny it will be fin19:39
RST38hjavispedro: Uses either Lenny or Etch tools. Does not have options to enable host tools.19:40
javispedrolenny should be fine19:40
RST38hjavispedro: both lenny and etch installed implicitely19:40
RST38hexplicitely sorry19:40
RST38hjavispedro: hmm, gonna recheck. it did not work for me the last time =(19:40
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RST38hjavispedro: is there some special step I have to include into my rules file?19:41
korhojoawhy is freebsd-linux ipsec so hard19:41
javispedroRST38h: nope; just ensure you keep the dh_shlibdeps one19:41
javispedroRST38h: you need to install some packages though -- maemo-sdk-symbols for a start19:42
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RST38hgot maemo-sdk-symbols19:42
RST38hanything else?19:42
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MohammadAG<RST38h> Mohammad:
MohammadAGblame apt19:42
MohammadAGinstall it using HAM, it should download to MyDocs19:42
Khertanhi again ...19:42
javispedrohi Khertan19:43
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Khertan~add t.m.o the home of the whinning maemo community19:44
RST38hMohammad: With deps like that, I am scared to install it =)19:44
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Khertaninfobot add t.m.o the home of the whinning maemo community19:44
Khertanhum ...19:44
javispedro"t.m.o.  is blablabla"19:44
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RST38hjavispedro: hey it is fun as long as you treat it as hunting grounds19:46
javispedroah well.19:46
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javispedrobtw did I tell you the part where I got a negative vote because "this shitty SNES emulator doesn't load NES roms!"19:46
Khertanhum i was blame for offering licence to VectorMine testers19:47
MohammadAGjavispedro, check Ovi Store reviews then complain19:47
javispedroah yes. I'm just KILLING for the "I can't play this on my N97. 0 stars." review.19:47
Gizmokid2005Hmm, does 10.04 break Xephyr for the SDK? It seems it has:
Khertanas it could force user to vote just to got free licence ...19:47
Khertanmaybe ... but else there is no testers19:47
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Khertanof course ovistore didn t exist for n900 ... it s a know fact19:48
MohammadAGGizmokid2005, haven't open the link yet, but remove the -kb option19:49
MohammadAGUnrecognized option: -kb <-- yep19:49
Gizmokid2005yeah, but is that the ONLY thing killing it?19:49
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Khertangizmokid2005 : yes it did ... and broke qemu install too19:49
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MohammadAGKhertan, that happens with each distro upgrade afaik :)19:50
Gizmokid2005thanks MohammadAG :)19:50
MohammadAGnp :)19:50
MohammadAGI added this to the wiki afaik19:50
Gizmokid2005I had tried that before...when I did the manual terminal install...but that just didn't work19:50
KhertanMohammadAG: i didn t blame ubuntu ... just explain what i see19:51
Gizmokid2005I don't see it MohammadAG19:51
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MohammadAG yep19:51
MohammadAGUbuntu 10.04 users using the package in the repositories will have to run the same command without the -kb, however the terminal window will have to stay open.19:51
lcukkonttori, hey - whats the maemo api then?19:51
Khertanmaybe someone know how to remove autocapitalization of QTextEdit (pyqt)19:52
Khertanor point me to some maemo specifis tips and trick19:52
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Gizmokid2005to think...all this pain so I can work on some themes...19:53
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rodarvuskonttori, I will, thanks for pointing this out19:56
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DocScrutinizerrodarvus: thanks! please ping me when there's any news19:58
javispedroKhertan: from looking at the qt/hildon im code, Qt::ImhNoAutoUppercase20:00
RST38hjavispedro: ok, tried what you said. No doughnut.20:01
RST38hjavispedro: libosso1 is still at >=2.2620:01
javispedroah, time to make some hd space and download it.20:01
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frals<javispedro> btw did I tell you the part where I got a negative vote because "this shitty SNES emulator doesn't load NES roms!"20:03
javispedroeither way updating it to squeeze doesn't seem uberhard
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fralsjavispedro: atleast you got a comment, i got negative vote without a comment20:03
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RST38hjavispedro: except that I am stupid and have no idea how to do it =(20:04
javispedroKhertan: look atQWidget::setInputMethodHints(Qt::ImhNoAutoUppercase)20:04
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Khertanthx javispedro : any idea on how to translate that to python ?20:06
Khertanoh thx20:06
lopzHello, my n800 for a while began to sprout a pixelated line on the screen, ran from the top to the bottom of the screen .. h last night I stopped loading and morning NO WORK! the screen went all black with some light reflecting .. I reinstalled the system and it worked again .. , but now all the screen is pixelated, they interspersed lines, and the screen is no longer sharper .. Any idea that could have happened? I was just plugged in, did not fall or anyt20:07
lcuklopz, picture?20:07
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lopzI have no good resolution camera .. and not noticed the lines on the screen in any image (picture) lcuk20:08
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Khertanoh ! it s funny to see homeip in the tool section of the nokia pdf guide for qt developpers !20:09
lcuklopz, have you by chance been watching doctor who on the device?20:09
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Khertanthere is ls also a diablo screenshot huhu !20:10
lopzlcuk, Yes, by chance .. I bought the device for years, in the USA but I live in Bolivia .. Here there is no support from Nokia20:10
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Myrttilcuk: I think the angel was lost there20:11
lcukMyrtti, yes20:12
Myrttilopz: I'd be surprised if theres support anywhere for that device20:13
pvanhoofWho's in charge of quality control for community packages for N900?20:13
Khertanhum ... noone20:13
pvanhoofSo if a piece of software breaks the phone, then noone can remove the package?20:13
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lcukpvanhoof, x-fade and the council can usually communicate20:14
Myrttithat's a different issue20:14
pvanhoofFor example, I installed a software to select between GPRS, UMTS, G2, G3, I uninstalled it, and now it's impossible to select anything but Wifi20:14
lcukand packages have been pulled when problems occur - fmradio for one20:14
pvanhoofThat's quite insanely bad, no?20:14
pvanhoofTo brick people's phones20:14
lcukpvanhoof, then get onto maemo-dev mailing list and ping X-Fade and Jaffa and anyone else20:14
lcukand file a bug on the software20:14
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pvanhoofLet me first try to recover from this developer's fuckup20:15
lcukpvanhoof, is it in extras?20:15
lcukor -devel?20:15
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pvanhooflcuk, dno, it was in the application manager without that I added any repo myself20:15
pvanhoofStandard out of the box n90020:15
lcukwell check20:15
lcukif its devel its your fault im afraid20:15
pvanhooflcuk, no this wasn't devel20:15
lcukwell which package is it20:15
pvanhooflcuk, all standard20:15
pvanhooflcuk, im looking it up...20:16
pvanhooflcuk, when I select inet connections and I have a gprs inet connection configured, it should always show the gprs one, right?20:16
lcukonly if its available?20:16
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lcukmine appears and vanishes afaik based on whether i have sim in20:17
pvanhoofWell gprs is available on my data plan, and it used to be visible, but gprs is gone20:17
pvanhoofyeah my sim is in20:17
lcukok which app do you suspect20:17
pvanhoofat "Select connection"20:17
pvanhoofgimme a minute20:17
pvanhoofhere I have wifi , at the restaurant where I was I didn't, so .. getting my phone back online now :)20:17
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pvanhoofgrmbl :)20:18
pvanhoofSo this is why harmattan will have a security framework :D20:18
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pvanhooflcuk, when you select "All packages" , it's the second20:19
lcukshit happens - and developers on all frameworks are just as capable of introducing bugs20:19
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pvanhoof"3G/2G/Duao Mode Selection Applet"20:19
lcukim sure you have made a few booboos yourself20:19
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pvanhooflcuk, yeah but we don't release that! :D20:19
pvanhoof"3G/2G/Dual Mode Selection Applet"20:19
pvanhoofThat's the title20:19
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pvanhoofAt least that's the software that I suspect caused this20:20
MiXu-I haven't had problems with that app20:20
pvanhoofMiXu-, but did you uninstall it?20:20
lcukyes well lets walk it through with qwerty :)20:20
MiXu-pvanhoof: No20:20
pvanhoofMiXu-, I uninstalled it because I want my phone to auto-select it, and now no more gprs at all :)20:20
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MiXu-pvanhoof: Did you reboot?20:20
pvanhoofWell anyway, I suspect that package20:21
pvanhoofMiXu-, yes20:21
javispedropvanhoof: that's in extras, which means it worked for at least 10 users. So please ensure it really is that package.20:21
pvanhoofMiXu-, after reboot I saw the OpenVPN button in the menu too. Apparently I didn't reboot after installing openvpn software either20:21
lcukwell lets not get ahead of ourselves20:21
pvanhoofjavispedro, but have those ten users uninstalled it?20:21
lcukuninstallation may have done something different20:21
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lcukbut lets see what it does20:22
pvanhooflcuk, yah, /me opens the package to check its scripts :)20:22
MiXu-I would be surprised if the selection-app was the one to blame, because it doesn't really have anything to do with APNs20:22
* javispedro agrees with MiXu-20:22
pvanhoofok, is there anything I could check? I don't see my gprs connection in the "Select connection" dialog, but I do have it configured in Settings20:23
lcukpvanhoof, did you disable the mode you need and then uninstall perhaps?20:23
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javispedropvanhoof: can you do phone calls?20:23
lcukie just unintended consequence?20:23
pvanhooflcuk, might be, I don't remember20:23
lcukthat sounds reasonable20:23
pvanhoofjavispedro, yes20:23
lcuki wouldnt know how uninstalling it could expect to restore the setting20:23
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pvanhooflcuk, so if I reinstall it, enable the mode I need, and then uninstall, it should be back?20:23
MiXu-To recover, you can use gconftool2 to check whether your APN still exists. If it does you can remove it and it will reappear on boot.20:24
lcukive got a feeling it would20:24
lcukit makes sense20:24
pvanhooflcuk, lemme try20:24
lcukthe app just toggles switches20:24
javispedroyou can use the control panel to change between 2g/3g/dual20:24
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javispedrowhich is all the applet does...20:24
javispedro(notice no "disabled" mode)20:24
lcukme neither but its a possible20:24
pvanhoofjavispedro, where do I do this?20:24
javispedro"Phone" control panel item20:24
javispedroApplications -> Settings -> Phone20:24
pvanhoofNetwork mode says "3G"20:25
javispedrowell, try switching it to "Dual"20:25
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javispedro(which is the default...)20:25
pvanhoofShouldn't it auto-detect this?20:25
javispedroautodetection = Dual20:25
lcukpvanhoof, "auto" does the detection, the specific mode doesnt..20:26
pvanhoofaha ok20:26
pvanhoofit's back20:26
* lcuk watches as downloads of qwertys app go up20:26
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pvanhoofI think the app on uninstall should set the switch back to dual20:26
pvanhoofso that the poor mortals don't go crazy20:26
lcuktbh you are the first :)20:27
pvanhooflcuk :)20:27
pvanhooflcuk, but don't you agree that this is going to drive people mad? :)20:27
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lcuki think you should file a bug about it to qwerty and the good developer he is will try to do something on uninstallation20:27
pvanhoofI guess a little gconftool-2 line in the uninstall script of the package should do20:27
pvanhoofqwerty eh, ok, gne gne20:27
javispedrothe app is not necessarily indicated to novice users -- there's not much benefit for them.20:27
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pvanhoofjavispedro, yes but any standard n900 shows it in the application-manager under All, second app20:28
lcukpvanhoof, but your initial fire fire isnt so bad now we know the cause :)20:28
pvanhoofjavispedro, so normal people are going to think: cool thing! and then, click click, and then, naa uninstall, and then for as far as they are concerned the phone is bricked20:28
javispedroso qwerty should explain that his app does NOT enable 3g as the N900 does that by default20:28
javispedroand his app is just an easy switcher for either battery-centric or control-freak users20:29
pvanhooflcuk, sure but still :) I was thinking: damn, now I have to read that software's code to get my gprs back!20:29
pvanhoofill file the bug20:29
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pvanhoofis that
lcukpvanhoof :) such is the life in OSS - i'd much rather have teamwork and helping identify things than a closed system where it all rests on specifics20:29
lcukpvanhoof, in his app theres a bug mail address20:30
pvanhooflcuk, sure, on a closed environment I would have to go to the store20:30
pvanhoofand they'd simply flash my device20:30
pvanhoofHe has no bugzilla?20:30
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lcukso really coming here and spending 5 minutes to help everyone is better20:30
lcukpvanhoof, not a requirement, hes got an address and responds afaik20:31
lopz Myrtti sorry, was putting my device .. I see that has a small battery, my city is very very wet and I see that the battery has something green .. as about to rust, that pile is welded to the plate .. Could it be? something could have been oxidized? moisture could have entered? what could be done in these cases .. and no, there is no support for this device in my city or country: (20:31
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Myrttilopz: I'd be surprised if there's any support ANYWHERE, since it's an old device20:31
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MiXu-Clean it. I don't think there's much else you could do.20:32
Myrttilopz: official support20:32
lcukpvanhoof what nice things is fremantle tracker missing that we can backport?20:32
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javispedromailto link is badly formatted btw20:33
javispedro(probably packages interface bug iirc)20:33
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pvanhooflcuk, what was the q? Compared to Harmattan's tracker?20:34
lcukjavispedro, im wondering whether if we make a few bugzilla categories for apps that people supply an email address for20:34
pvanhooflcuk, euh, Harmattan's tracker is "completely" different :)20:34
pvanhoofThat's not backportable20:34
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pvanhoofAlso, one of our contributors has packages for tracker 0.7 and 0.8 on fremantle already, but installing it wont make the softwares use it too20:35
lcukpvanhoof, shame, javispedro did a little and supplied a patch recently20:35
lcukfor album art afaik20:35
pvanhoofFor example the media player wont talk with the 0.7 tracker20:35
javispedrolcuk, pvanhoof yeah I backported a few oneliner bugfixes to the 0.6 one20:35
pvanhoofIt will still talk with the 0.6 tracker20:35
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javispedro(come to think of it konttori did also mention that a 0.7 tracker backport might be interesting..)20:36
pvanhoofAh, sure, but bugfixes for 0.6 are still happening at nokia internal. So if you file bugs and attach your patches, they'll get slipstreamed into a new official release20:36
lcukyeah it was mentioned20:36
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pvanhoofjavispedro, yeah but such a (serious) backport would require our team's attention. And we're of course in full-harmattan mode now20:36
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pvanhoofSo I don't know for sure if that's going to happen for fremantle20:36
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lcukjavispedro, thats why i mentioned it20:36
javispedroI personally doubt it =)20:36
kevloralhi all20:36
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pvanhoofI made an estimation for this and give it to the architects at nokia :)20:37
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pvanhoofAnd so now it's in their decision-making queue20:37
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* lcuk nods20:37
javispedrohm.. sb2 crashes :(20:37
javispedrofor some reason open("/root/something"..) with uid != root doesn't return EPERM but a coredump inside the box :P20:38
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iPeter-I was flasing my N900 with maemo SDK trough VirtualBox20:42
iPeter-then i got an error20:42
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iPeter-Sending and flashing rootfs image (158336 kB)... 2% (4480 of 158336 kB, 3648 kB/s)20:42
iPeter-Write failed after 4587520 bytes20:42
iPeter-usb_bulk_write: Resource temporarily unavailable20:42
iPeter-What should i do?20:43
javispedrodid it boot?20:43
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lcukiPeter-, then work drectly on native USB system and try again20:43
javispedrodo not unplug the cable20:43
javispedrountil you get some more information (as unplugging will cause it to reboot)20:43
iPeter-javispedro: I didnt do anything yet. Im having a panic20:43
javispedrowell, I have no experience with that as it never happened to me :(20:44
iPeter-What should i do?20:44
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javispedrothe good news is that probably nothing is bricked (rootfs is not bootloader)20:45
javispedroso I'd do as per lcuk and retry :)20:45
iPeter-javispedro: What happens if i do remove that cable?20:45
lopzMyrtti, Is that there's no official support from Nokia.20:45
iPeter-i tried retry20:45
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* RST38h fucked up his fremantle rootstrap install =(((20:45
iPeter-Maybe ill just grab my laptop and istall ubuntu to that20:45
javispedroRST38h: my sb2 is crashing every time I try to open a file with O_WR :(20:46
RST38hjavispedro: remind me never again to fiddle with this =(20:46
RST38hjavispedro: Ah, do not try to run stuff UNDER sb220:46
RST38hBut I think your particular problem can be fixed20:46
RST38hjavispedro: echo 0 > /proc/sys/vm/mmap_min_addr (C)hrw20:47
javispedroah, probably.20:47
RST38hthat is, on your host20:47
luke-jrRST38h: that reduces security20:47
javispedrothis is an amd64 box20:47
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hawai`iSDK image refuses connectivity for some reason :(20:50
javispedrocuriously enough running stuff _outside_ sb2 using the sb2 prefix works.20:50
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MohammadAGhawai`i, /etc/resolv.conf20:50
MohammadAGfix it20:50
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hawai`ioh good call. I am on a different network here.20:51
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hawai`iHaha, what a stupid oversight on my part.20:51
Myrttilopz: well, N800 is an old device, as you know... Nokia's had three devices since20:51
RST38hjavispedro: amd64 can cause all kind of weirdness20:52
RST38hsb1 or sb220:52
MohammadAGhawai`i, admit it, you're stupid20:52
trumeecant find tweakr in the app manager, has it been removed?20:53
hawai`iMohammadAG: I will impregnate your sister20:53
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MohammadAGhawai`i, go f yourself20:53
* hawai`i hugs MohammadAG 20:54
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* MohammadAG hits hawai`i with another brick20:54
* javispedro curses the huge disk footprint of the sdk20:54
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trumeetweakr not a stable app?20:55
trumeeany other app to create profile?20:55
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javispedroiPeter-: or use windows itself to reflash20:56
Myrttilopz: er, right?20:56
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trumeehawai`i: cant find it either in app manager. is it in testing/devel?20:57
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hawai`itrumee: Depends what repositories you have in HAM. They're probably both in -devel20:59
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trumeehawai`i: dont have -devel in Ham21:00
hawai`itrumee: Well now would be a time to consider adding it.21:01
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javispedro"Oil Leak Could Be Stopped with a Nuke" Deus Ex Nukina!21:04
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threshjavispedro: yeah, Russian Scientists do approve.21:07
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lopzMyrtti, in the screenshot are not the stripes .. is the screen then, right?21:10
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adalalim having trouble with cat21:12
adalalthe cat command21:12
dotblankadalal, What about cat?21:13
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Myrttilopz: how would I know?21:14
Myrttilopz: if there's an error in the hardware, then it obviously wouldn't show up in the screenshot21:14
Stskeepslopz: some n800 screens just die - mine did21:14
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lopzohh right?21:15
jacekowskibtw. i dropped my n900 today21:15
jacekowskiwell, it fell from a container21:15
SWFuAwesome Kismet is fully working now! :)21:15
jacekowskiand it's still working21:15
lopzStskeeps, my screen is pixelated .. began with a line, now is the screen lines21:15
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javispedroRST38h: ok, working.21:16
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mikki-kunhm, can anybody lend me a hand in assigning my n900 a static ip (with the n900, not the router)21:16
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javispedroRST38h: libosso1 (>= 2.23), which is PR1.021:17
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javispedroRST38h: either way I'm looking at the logs and you mention it gives you libosso >= 2.26, which is PR1.1.1, not PR1.221:17
lopzStskeeps, :(21:17
javispedroRST38h: so something is clearly working.21:17
lopzthen my screen dying?21:18
javispedro(unless you still have the 1.1.1 sdk?)21:18
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RST38hjavispedro: Correct. Except that 2.26 is also not kosher enough. X-Fade wants 2.2321:20
RST38hjavispedro: or he won't promote21:20
RST38hjavispedro: I am pretty sure you have got 2.26 installed inside the sdk, so that is why you are getting 2.26 =)21:20
javispedro libosso-dev    2.31-1+0m521:20
javispedroI just installed it, to my hdd's dismay, so I cannot have any earlier version21:21
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RST38hweird shit21:21
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RST38hI am still downloading fremantle bootstrap21:21
javispedrodid you have 2.26 installed, or 2.31?21:21
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javispedrocause if you had 2.26 and it emitted a 2.26 dependency it was not working at all.21:22
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adalaldotblank: im trying to cat a /sys/ file in queenbeecon, but it says permission denied because it doesn't execute the command as root..21:24
dotblankadalal, yea21:25
DocScrutinizer51sudo is your friend21:25
dotblankthats how it should work if your not root then tha will happen21:25
_llll_would be very worrying if cat did automatically change to root!21:25
adalaldotblank: is there a way to run that command as root?21:25
dotblanksudo cat21:26
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adalalbut won't that ask for a password?21:26
dotblankyou are right21:26
DocScrutinizer51depends on sudoers21:26
adalalhow would i change that?21:26
dotblankDocScrutinizer51 is wise21:26
lopzMyrtti, Stskeeps my screen is dying :(21:26
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Stskeepslopz: there's an error on a bunch of n800s sadly and there's not a lot we can do about it21:27
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DocScrutinizer51man sudoers21:27
Stskeepsi use my n800 with scrolling screen as a boxee remote now21:27
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iPeter-Damn, my n900 :(21:28
adalalDocScrutinizer51, how would i get that sorted? sudoing21:28
StskeepsiPeter-: what issue do you have?21:28
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DocScrutinizer51man sudoers21:28
_llll_dont use visudo on the n8900 though!21:28
iPeter-Stskeeps: I did try flash my n900 from virtualbox maemo sdk and it didnt go so well.21:28
StskeepsiPeter-: ok, symptoms?21:28
javispedroiPeter-: as I was telling you, you can also reflash from windows...21:29
iPeter-umm trying now to get it updatemode again, and flash it with live cd ubuntu21:29
iPeter-javispedro: No, it wont work on windows 7 64bit, javispedro21:29
javispedronot even Nokia NSU?21:29
javispedroer... the official Nokia Software Upgrader21:30
iPeter-Didnt know of that -.-21:30
StskeepsiPeter-: what symptoms are you having atm? :P21:30
lopzStskeeps, ok, how sad .. and I can change the screen? how much would it cost me one ..21:30
RST38hjavispedro: I think I had 2.2621:30
iPeter-but, how do i put this in update mode to do the job with ubuntu21:30
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hawai`iYou don't need to.21:30
Stskeepslopz: i tried to repair the cable/screen and no luck. i think a new n800 might be cheaper21:30
javispedroRST38h: ah well. what does sb2 dpkg -l maemo-sdk-symbols print?21:30
iPeter-Stskeeps: when i take usb cable off, it shuts off. Then i did plug cable back and it goes on and off. now there is a orange light21:31
hawai`iiPeter-: Turn it off, setup your flasher arguments and it will wait for the device to be connected.21:31
adalalDocScrutinizer51: do you how to add it? i could try reading it, but it's gonna take me ages, i just learnt sed ... lol21:31
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lopzStskeeps, hehe ok, or n900 :)21:31
iPeter-hawai`i: It is off, like not in os, it gives nokia logo all of the time21:31
RST38hjavispedro: No packages found matching maemo-sdk-symbols.21:32
DocScrutinizer51adalal: not off top of my head21:32
lopzI'm hoping to leave some with meego21:32
RST38hjavispedro: Just installed rootstrap from scratch, compiled speccy21:32
javispedroRST38h: that's what I though =) you have to install it inside the box21:32
hawai`iiPeter-: is flasher waiting for the device to be attached?21:32
RST38hjavispedro: deps say libosso1>=2.2321:32
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alteregoAnyone know what that update to opera did?21:32
RST38hjaispedro: notice, NO SYMBOLS21:32
hawai`ialterego: tearing and config saving, AFAIK.21:32
iPeter-hawai`i: Now it is21:32
alteregohawai`i: nice, cheers :)21:32
RST38hjavispedro: ii  libosso1       2.31-1+0m521:33
iPeter-"Suitable USB device not found, waiting." Running ubuntu 10.04 LTS live21:33
* javispedro doesn't understand sb221:33
lopzStskeeps, eres spañol ?21:33
hawai`iiPeter-: now plug the damn N900 in21:33
Stskeepslopz: no21:33
iPeter-hawai`i: It is plugged21:33
javispedrojust a moments ago it was running autoreconf, but autoconf was NOT installed!!21:33
RST38hlibosso1-dev is not installed21:33
iPeter-hawai`i: It just keeps vibrating21:33
RST38hjavispedro: maybe it is falling back to host tools?21:33
hawai`iiPeter-: Remove it, remove battery. Place battery. Setup flasher arguments WITHOUT PLUGGING IT IN21:33
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hawai`iiPeter-: hold U, plug cable it. Flash.21:34
javispedroRST38h: I was told it used host tools.21:34
lopzStskeeps, I reading you history in itt forum xD21:34
DocScrutinizer51adalal: add a line like 'ser ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/cat /sys/whatever-file'21:34
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adalalok thanks21:34
javispedrodid rootsh stop existing?21:35
DocScrutinizer51adalal: just copy and edit one of the lines in there21:35
RST38hjavispedro: I have got two toolsets installed (etch and lenny) and dpkg crashes for me when I am not using hrw's trick21:35
adalalwill do.. but after that, does it require a restart?21:35
RST38hjavispedro: it crashes in QEMU. So no host tools21:35
iPeter-hawai`i: didnt work, doesnt go in update mode21:35
_llll_isnt that exactly what they tell you not to do, or you will mess up the default sudoers stuff21:35
_llll_because it regenerates it on reboot21:35
javispedroRST38h: ahhhh because I forgot about the -eR part21:35
javispedroRST38h: sb2 -eR dpkg -l maemo-sdk-symbols21:36
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hawai`iiPeter-: Then you have 1 of 3 problems21:36
RST38hNo packages found matching maemo-sdk-symbols.21:36
* javispedro bangs head agains the table21:36
iPeter-hawai`i: What i have to do now21:36
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hawai`iiPeter-: Either your USB port is botched, NOLO is botched or you are not doing something right.21:37
javispedromixing -eR and not -eR commands in sb2 is BAD. first lesson learned..21:37
Stskeepsgrab a 32-bit ubuntu live cd and do it from there21:37
adalalDocScrutinizer51: do you need a restart after editing the sudoers file?21:37
hawai`iadalal: No21:37
_llll_adalal: dont follow the advice, read
iPeter-hawai`i: what that botched means?21:38
TomaszDwhy is the brodit n900 holder is so freaking expensive...21:38
hawai`iIf you can't setup sudoers, you need to stop now.21:38
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hawai`iTomaszD: Car holder? ProClip is $50!21:38
noobmonk3ybotched = broken, and fixed back together with sticky tape lol21:38
javispedroiPeter-: run flasher as root, btw21:38
noobmonk3yie it wasnt working, but randomly fixed to get it working ;)21:38
iPeter-javispedro: sudo21:38
TomaszDhawai`i, you don't need the original proclip, I'm talking about the holder itself21:39
javispedroRST38h: well, if it worked, dunno why.21:39
javispedroRST38h: i do have maemo-sdk-symbols installed when queried with sb2 -eR21:39
iPeter-javispedro: Do you have time to help me out?21:40
adalal_llll_: thanks21:40
javispedroiPeter-: what's wrong with the rest of the channel? =)21:40
hawai`iTomaszD: never seen the Brodit.21:40
iPeter-javispedro: You reply and try to help21:40
hawai`iiPeter-: We've all been replying and helping you.21:41
iPeter-Getting mad with this21:41
iPeter-I dont have done anything wrong and this doesnt go usb mode21:41
hawai`iHow unfortunate.21:41
ds3anyone know why the geotagging option in the N900 camera app warns about needing data access?21:41
RST38hjavispedro: I will try installing the symbols now21:41
TomaszDhawai`i, any idea for a bike holder?21:41
RST38hjavispedro: really scared to screw things up though21:42
hawai`iTomaszD: No idear. Gorilla grip and a cheap $10 adjustable perhaps.21:42
javispedroiPeter-: I usually run flasher with the appropriate arguments as root, leave it running ("waiting for device"), then PLUG the previously unplugged and off N900, without holding any keys.21:42
adalal_llll_: do you know how to reload the sudoers file?21:42
javispedrousually works without problem on a sane distro, but who knows where ubuntu is mounting usbfs these days =)21:43
iPeter-javispedro: Why this device is rebooting21:43
evilrobadalal: sudoers gets read everytime sudo is called. no need to reload it after editing21:44
javispedroiPeter-: it is rebooting because it has been misflashed, remove battery if you can't stop it.21:44
iPeter-its giving a nokia logo whitout light for 30sec, then it shuts off, then again but maybe with orange light and vibrates like on startup21:44
adalaloh ok thanks21:44
evilrobyou should edit sudoers with visudo only because it can be a syntactic nightmare of a file, and visudo runs a syntax check on it before it comits your changes.21:45
javispedroin fact, you shouldn't edit sudoers at all in maemo.21:45
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javispedrouse root / rootsh.21:45
iPeter-javispedro: So tell me step by step what to do now21:45
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iPeter-if you can, not meant to be rude21:46
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javispedroiPeter-: run flasher and let it wait in the "waiting for device" stage21:46
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javispedroiPeter-: plug N900 and wait for a reboot cycle21:46
javispedroor two.21:46
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MiXu-Upgrading armel scratchbox to pr1.2 fails :(21:48
iPeter-javispedro: then?21:48
dhqis pr1.2 leaked version safe21:48
hawai`idhq: shut up21:48
Stskeepsdhq: no21:48
MiXu-Well it's not ready so I wouldn't be surprised if it was worse than PR1.121:48
javispedroiPeter-: is flasher still at the "waiting for device" stage?21:48
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Treibholzhas anyone tried, yet?21:49
dhqlol so much frustration21:49
Stskeepsold news21:49
RST38hit works21:49
RST38hquite fast21:49
DocScrutinizer51javispedro: root won't help with problems you fix with sudo21:49
evilrobTreibholz: just installed it.  nice so far21:49
javispedroDocScrutinizer: there's rootsh for that21:49
javispedrorootsh the command21:50
DocScrutinizer51javispedro: see adalal 's initial question21:50
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DocScrutinizer51never seen never used21:50
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DocScrutinizer51and actually I don't see the rationale behind having a replacement for sudo21:52
javispedroiPeter-: and if you hold "u" down for a reboot cycle?21:52
javispedroDocScrutinizer: maemo is different!21:52
hawai`ijavispedro: How so?21:53
DocScrutinizer51on mere purpose21:53
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hawai`ijavispedro: it makes no sense not to run a dedicated shell with suid privileges21:53
DocScrutinizer51and I highly dislike that mindset21:53
hawai`ier, makes no sense to do that ^21:53
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javispedroDocScrutinizer: it's not on purpose but due to bad practises -- the issue here is the misuse of sudo by the system21:54
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javispedrowhich was designed to be a _interactive_ utility.21:54
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DocScrutinizer51like 'first let's fsckup su, then invent root, then bork sudo and invent rootsh'21:54
Tuukkahey, how do i open images with xterm?21:55
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DocScrutinizer51javispedro: of course. seems Nokia never heard of unix administration. nor of SUID21:56
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DocScrutinizer51'maemo fsck urself, use your own proprietary shit and leave sudo to the user and way of using it that it's supposed to'21:57
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MohammadAGreplace sudo, problem solved21:58
DocScrutinizer51I mean Nokia exclusively occupying complte linux - then invents proprietary shit for the user to work wit21:59
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javispedrothat general sentiment is something that should be fixed in MeeGo.21:59
DocScrutinizer51that's outright idiotic21:59
hawai`iHaha no it won't21:59
hawai`iMeeGo will tie hands back, even more than Maemo.22:00
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hawai`iEspecially coming from Intel.22:00
javispedrooh, it mostly has because Moblin was way saner.22:00
javispedro*has fixed it.22:03
hawai`iI am personally, not looking forward to some of the things that MeeGo will implement.22:04
hawai`iarachnist: HOW DARE YOU22:04
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MohammadAGwho wants a man-db package? :D22:04
MohammadAG(cc DocScrutinizer51)22:05
iPeter-javispedro: I tried all those what you said22:05
iPeter-still keeps bootin and bootin22:05
MohammadAGwhat's the problem?22:06
DocScrutinizer51MohammadAG: ??22:06
hawai`iI'll burn you if you make a man-db package22:06
hawai`iMohammadAG: he's a bit daft.22:06
DocScrutinizer51MohammadAG: MEEEEE MemememememeMEEEEEE22:07
MohammadAGoptifying it22:07
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javispedroif it installs anything into /usr/share/man say goodbye to it22:08
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xorAxAx just chattr +i it :-)22:08
javispedroalso /opt/maemo/usr/share/man22:08
MohammadAGwhy lol22:08
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crashanddieanyone have experience working for Canonical?22:09
javispedromaemo's final boss.22:09
MohammadAGI'd rather not have that experience22:09
DocScrutinizer51why? you haven't moved your /usr/share to eMMC yet????22:09
javispedroDocScrutinizer: does that disable docpurge?22:09
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javispedroor did you kill it?22:09
MohammadAGdon't you just hate it when your PC has only 4 cores...22:09
MohammadAGhmm, that shouldn't affect compilation, nvm22:10
hawai`iMohammadAG: oh how uncivilized.22:10
DocScrutinizer51MohammadAG: lol because 1M is nothing22:10
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iPeter-Someone help me with this bricked n900 :(22:11
Stskeepsdid you grab a 32-bit ubuntu livecd?22:11
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iPeter-Stskeeps: Yes22:11
DocScrutinizer51iPeter-: boot linux - flash N900 - cheeeer22:11
hawai`iAre you using a USB hub, per chance, iPeter-?22:11
StskeepsiPeter-: any chance of charging the device battery on another device?22:11
iPeter-Stskeeps: Nope22:12
iPeter-DocScrutinizer51: Cant get device to flash mode22:12
iPeter-hawai`i: No im not22:12
javispedroStskeeps: doesn't battery charge while on a reboot loop?22:12
StskeepsiPeter-: ok, follow these steps22:12
javispedro(precisely due to bq27xxx)22:12
StskeepsiPeter-: take out battery, plug in usb cable into computer, into device22:12
Stskeepsstart flasher (flasher-3.5 -F fiasco-image -f -R) - do this as root22:13
Stskeepsput in battery22:13
DocScrutinizer51javispedro: alas bootloop will mess with bq2415022:13
* lcuk puts in battery when flasher says device not found22:14
evilrobDocScrutinizer51: "I don't see how anyone could EVER need more than 640KB of RAM"22:14
iPeter-Stskeeps: I do not press U?22:14
StskeepsiPeter-: i never do22:14
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer51, with 1MB you could do anything22:15
Stskeepsah, yes, wait for 'device not found' :P22:15
Treibholzhmm, opera mobile could be cool, but without adblock....22:15
evilrobit's an old Bill Gates quote22:15
DocScrutinizer51on a 32GIGAbyte system I couldn't bother less about 1MB22:15
iPeter-Stskeeps: so i did this 1. took battery off, removed cable, inserted cable, started flasher and inserted battery. Now n900 doesnt do nothing at all22:16
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iPeter-and flasher says "Suitable USB device not found, waiting."22:16
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StskeepsiPeter-: put it on wall charger for a while22:16
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evilrobany systems geek worth his salt knows that quote.  you must be a developer.  :)22:17
hawai`ievilrob: Hahah22:17
javispedroalso knows that bill gates said he hasn't ever say himself that quote22:18
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javispedroand he attributes it to some ibm guy22:18
DocScrutinizer51evilrob: huh? relevance???22:18
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* frals batteries lcuk when device says found flasher22:18
evilrobnow you're claiming IRC chat has to be relavent?22:18
Gizmokid2005Stskeeps: ping22:18
Gizmokid2005I need some help :(22:19
iPeter-Stskeeps: I did put it to wall charger, now it shows nokia logo for 30sec, then blank screen, then it gives a orange light, it shuts off and again nokia logo for 30sec, it keeps repeating this loop22:19
MohammadAGgah, damn dependencies22:19
StskeepsiPeter-: ok, let it repeat it22:19
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer51, sec building dependencies22:19
hawai`iIRC = IRrelevant Chat22:19
StskeepsGizmokid2005: ?22:19
Gizmokid2005ThemeMaker 1.2.9 is being a pita and I can't get it to create a deb generates the theme, but for the life of me I can't get a deb out of it.22:19
DocScrutinizer51btw this 640k always been attributed to IBM22:20
Gizmokid2005I should add I'm on Ubuntu22:20
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StskeepsGizmokid2005: sorry, use andrewfblack's guide for theme making instead22:21
evilrobDocScrutinizer51: nice googling.  True, it's a processor limit.  not an OS limit.22:21
luke-jrDocScrutinizer51: nonsense, it's Bill Gates22:21
Gizmokid2005Stskeeps: do you have a link? The only one I found is for windows...22:21
javispedronice googling? /me waves22:21
evilrobthe quote is widely attributed to him, but I've not seen proof he actually said it.22:21
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iPeter-Stskeeps: How long i keep it on charger22:22
* evilrob waves back22:22
hawai`iiPeter-: at least 24 hours.22:22
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StskeepsiPeter-: for a while, you need to get the battery back to flashable state22:23
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iPeter-Stskeeps: That battery was nearly full when that flashing failed22:23
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StskeepsiPeter-: there's a chance that charge is gone by now :P22:23
StskeepsiPeter-: also, where in flashing did it fail?22:23
Stskeepsah, child's play22:24
iPeter-Stskeeps: Dunno, ask javispedro, i gave to him that error.22:24
Stskeepsit's first dangerous if nolo flashing or cmt flashing does ;22:24
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iPeter-Stskeeps: Whats now? Do i get my device to work or what?22:24
StskeepsiPeter-: give it a couple of hours on the charger22:25
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Gizmokid2005Stskeeps: thanks..I'll have to installe MADDE and try it I suppose22:26
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iPeter-Why i bricked something what worked pretty well :<<<22:26
tybolltiPeter-: why did you brick it then?22:27
tybolltwhat were you trying to do?22:27
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iPeter-tybollt: Flash it and hope better performance :D22:28
tybolltAlso walking into a repairshop blaming it on the "normal upgrade routine going avry" may work (has done so for me :)22:28
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mikki-kunhow can someone tell hs n900 to use a static p?22:29
mikki-kuni know i can set it and i pretty sure set it up correctly but somehow it doesn't work ;/22:30
Treibholzmikki-kun: for which interface?22:30
muellimikki-kun: maybesudo ifconfig wlan0 $ip?22:30
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Treibholzmikki-kun: in /etc/network/interfaces22:30
Treibholzmikki-kun: but don't you use DHCP?22:31
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mikki-kunhm, would love that to have a pregiven static ip in my network but use dhcp while not in my network22:31
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Treibholzmikki-kun: why don't you configure your local DHCP to give you the same IP every time?22:32
mikki-kunTreibholz: you know, without a DNS-server running here in my network it's easier to remember the ip of my device than to look it up when i wanna ssh to it22:32
iPeter-Stskeeps: Tried to boot it, got only nokia logo :22:32
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mikki-kunTreibholz: i would do that, but my belkin just sucks.. it doesn't even use my ports which i tell it to goddamn open22:32
Treibholz.oO( How can someone live without a local DNS...? )22:32
StskeepsiPeter-: if you see a nokia logo, you're in luck :P22:33
Treibholzmikki-kun: which belkin?22:33
iPeter-Stskeeps: Then i took battery away :D22:33
mikki-kunTreibholz: i can up until now... i haven't had the hardware and the needs for it up to this month22:33
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iPeter-now its on22:33
mikki-kunTreibholz: uhm... some old one.. can't even tell from the interface of it which one it is -.-22:34
iPeter-white led and nokia logo with backlight22:34
Treibholzmikki-kun: any luck here?22:34
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dotblankawesome... got qjson base to work22:34
mikki-kunTreibholz: i looked it up, WiP :(22:34
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Treibholzmikki-kun: rember to look at this page BEFORE you buy hardware! :-)22:35
hawai`imikki-kun: static address reservation works on every router I've *ever* seen22:36
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mikki-kunTreibholz: you know, i've had this pos for 3 years now... but i got into linux just around 1.5 years ago...22:36
iPeter-Stskeeps: Im pretty sure there is battery enough22:36
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RST38bisjavis: now getting dep problems with libhildon and libhildonmme22:37
frals~nuke talk.maemo.org22:37
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iPeter-Stskeeps: What to do now?22:37
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mikki-kunok, now that is just great -.-22:38
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mikki-kunmy device is registered, i can SSH to it, but it screwes up with the DNS22:38
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StskeepsiPeter-: did you leave it charging? :P22:40
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iPeter-Stskeeps: Its now charging but i want to flash it now.22:42
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iPeter-Night is coming and im fucked up22:42
RST38bishow unusual22:43
iPeter-Stskeeps: So, tips? :)22:43
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StskeepsiPeter-: charge it overnight, best advice i can give22:44
iPeter-Stskeeps: But what after that?22:44
Stskeepstry to flash22:44
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iPeter-Stskeeps: But i cant get it to flash mode22:45
* lcuk inserts n900 into frals when flasher says no trout22:46
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fralsno trout?! blasphemy!22:46
hawai`iiPeter-: Why do you insist on being difficult?22:46
lcukoh, hi btw22:46
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fralsevening ;)22:46
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hawai`iWe've told you numerous times, leave it charging and report back tomorrow.22:46
StskeepsiPeter-: flashing mode is basically nolo making contact with flasher. this may be blocked by the usb stack at times, hence 'u'22:47
Stskeepswhich switches to another USB ID initially22:47
Stskeepsyou may need to rmmod phonet or the likes from your linux install22:47
iPeter-Stskeeps: Nolo?22:47
hawai`iiPeter-: the bootloader.22:47
ShadowJKI wonder if there's any way to distinguish flasher missing the window for flashing, and device refusing to accept flashing due to battery not being full22:48
iPeter-Stskeeps: Can you give steps what to do now? :<22:48
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StskeepsiPeter-: i vote going for a walk22:48
iPeter-Stskeeps: I have keep walking around this home and smashing stuff.. so after that? :D22:49
StskeepsiPeter-: cleaning up, obviously22:49
Stskeepsthis isn't a support channel, i'm helping you because i'm nice - so just listen to me and do as i say :P22:49
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iPeter-Stskeeps: I know but this channel is my only hope. I hate forums, it takes time to ppl answer etc.22:50
lcukwe know Stskeeps said that mockingly, but you know he was gremacing and baring his teeth whilst he typed ;)22:50
lcukiPeter-, it takes time for people to answer here22:50
iPeter-Stskeeps: And its good to have a nice guy on this channell. Im just nervous for that did i brick my device complelty22:50
StskeepsiPeter-: i have done obscene things to my n900 and n8x0 and i have never successfully bricked it.22:51
chadiscartchbox installation stops on 4/1022:51
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omarchadi, the date?22:52
chadiomar: nope, the step22:52
chadiwhile trying to install scratchbox with the SDK22:52
* DocScrutinizer51 suggests using different usb port on host. different usb cable. different host pc22:53
chaditried removing scratchbox-*, then installing it again, also stuck on the same place22:53
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crashanddieiPeter-: reality check, it takes people time to answer here as well, so respect their answers22:53
DocScrutinizer51different moon phase22:53
lcukDocScrutinizer51, lol yeah ive had that22:53
lcuki just reboot laptop and meh22:53
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iPeter-crashanddie: Yeah, but forums are slower :p22:54
iPeter-Stskeeps: Yeah, but im master of bricking stuff :D22:54
omarchadi i think i was having errors installing it too but managed to get through can you show me the error it gives you?22:55
Shapeshifterohnice, opera22:55
* Shapeshifter tries22:55
chadiomar the problem is that I do not remember, and I do not have enough download quota to start it again :/22:56
omarchadi oh, that doesn't really help me help you then :P22:57
alteregoShapeshifter: it's pretty sleek. When it has Flash I think I'll use it as my primary browser.22:57
chadiit stops after it';s done running apt-get update for ARMEL and i386 and installing the packages22:57
chadiwhile it's installing the packages, a problem occurs22:58
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alteregochadi: did you do 'fakeroot apt-get update' ?22:58
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alteregoSorry, 'fakeroot apt-get upgrade' ///22:59
Trewasopera seems otherwise nice, but sadly it uses so small fonts by default that zooming is needed to read anything, and that gets annoying fast22:59
chadialterego the installation did that22:59
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alteregoTrewas: admittedly microb's zooming is by far better.22:59
chadialterego I used a python script, that launches a KDE GUI window that does everything23:00
Shapeshifteralterego: I hope it's optified?23:00
alteregoShapeshifter: yes, it is :)23:00
alteregoShapeshifter: realy good quality application for an "Alpha"23:00
Shapeshifteralterego: I guess except the power management bit23:00
alteregoWell, I've not really tested it as faras power management is concerned. Not usually a problem with me I don't tend to leave windows open.23:01
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Shapeshifterman... why does IO always lock the n900?23:02
omarchadi, so you're using the GUI installer? can you try doing it manually instead? it's not that difficult ;)23:02
lcukomar, yeah like its easy putting bamboo under your own fingernails23:03
Shapeshiftercan't do anything that even just touches the memory without hickups or complete locks depending on what I do.23:03
omarlcuk wat!23:03
chadiomar will do that. any guide?23:03
MohammadAGOMFG OMFG23:03
MohammadAGIT WORKS!23:03
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer51, IT WORKS!!!!23:03
omarchadi,  yeah getting it for u23:03
ShapeshifterMohammadAG: sounds good23:03
MohammadAGpartially, but it works!23:03
omarsalam ya MohammadAG, what works?23:03
ShapeshifterMohammadAG: I guess some sort of usb host thing23:03
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: ??23:04
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hawai`iMohammadAG: ?!23:04
MohammadAGman mandb showed the manual23:04
MohammadAGI overreacted, I know23:04
hawai`iOh god23:04
DocScrutinizerheh :-)23:04
* hawai`i slaps MohammadAG 23:04
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chadiMohammadAG: congrats!!!23:04
* chadi claps23:04
* MohammadAG slaps, hawai`i 23:04
DocScrutinizerand I thought we finally managed to teach 1+1=2 to SoC :-P23:04
omarwow that's a long url23:04
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, 1+1=2?23:05
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MohammadAGI thought it = 1123:05
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DocScrutinizeryeah, that's the BIG BUG in OMAP silicon - it is as wrong as you are23:05
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chadiomar thank you :)23:05
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meceheheyy this was cool: mkcd () { mkdir -p "$*"; cd "$*" }23:06
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, lol23:06
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DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: and device still boots? or have you messed up messybox initscripts?23:06
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MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, haven't touched it23:06
DocScrutinizermessybox? not touched? a pity23:07
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MohammadAGsomething baffles me though23:07
MohammadAGnot all manuals work23:07
DocScrutinizerthat's strange indeed23:07
MohammadAGman mandb works, man apt doesn't23:07
MohammadAGNokia-N900:~# man apt-get23:08
MohammadAGNo manual entry for apt-get23:08
DocScrutinizerprobably you got no manfile for apt?23:08
MohammadAG"It uses a Berkeley DB database in place of the traditional flat-text whatis databases"23:08
DocScrutinizeror plain WTF?23:09
DocScrutinizerberkley DB - eeeeeew23:09
Shapeshifteralterego: well it "works" sorta but it hangs a lot and is unresponsive at times23:10
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DocScrutinizerwhat's with docpurge???23:10
iPeter-Stskeeps: I got new battery23:11
DocScrutinizerdocpurge is a brainfuck, for all that bothers me23:11
iPeter-Stskeeps: So what to do now23:11
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StskeepsiPeter-: try to flash, obviously23:11
MohammadAGwhat's docpurge?23:11
ShadowJKShapeshifter, because IO to the emmc is fucking slow :D23:11
DocScrutinizerpurges manpages out of pkgs23:11
iPeter-Stskeeps: "Suitable USB device not found, waiting"23:11
hawai`io m f g23:12
MohammadAGlol what good is that23:12
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ShapeshifterShadowJK: but why does that lock all non-IO related stuff? or, if there might still be IO related stuff, why's there no 20% reserve for "popular" processes like task manager etc.23:12
MohammadAGiPeter-, pop out the battery, connect the cable, then pop it back in23:12
StskeepsiPeter-: does the computer notice it in dmesg23:12
MohammadAGwhile the command is running23:12
iPeter-Stskeeps: how do i see it, what command? :S23:12
MohammadAGdmesg ...23:12
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Shapeshifteralterego: turbo mode seems to slow it down significantly23:13
Shapeshifteralterego: though once a page is fully loaded I like it better then microb23:13
Shapeshiftersnappier and nicer layout23:13
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iPeter-Stskeeps: Yea it gives something to here23:14
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Shapeshifteralterego: but the zooming isn't intelligent23:14
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Shapeshifterwhich actually surprises me. I'd expect that from opera23:14
alteregoShapeshifter: exactly, I much prefer microb's zooming.23:14
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Shapeshifteralterego: well microb zooming is smart, while this is not. but microb always flickers white and is stuttery and slow when zooming23:15
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ShadowJKShapeshifter, swap, opt, home and MyDocs all on the same device.. database write to home blocks swap and opt (where your app is)..23:15
hawai`iZooming has been brought to their attention.23:15
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ShapeshifterShadowJK: but task manager etc are also slow. basically, everything is slow, once emmc is accessed23:15
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iPeter-Stskeeps: "Usb 1-2: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and adress 69" "configuration #1 chonesn from 1 choise" "Usb disconnect, adress 69"23:16
ShadowJKIt's hard to prioritize the task manager23:16
ShadowJKthe dependency chain is monstrous23:17
Shapeshifterportrait mode doesn't seem to work (though I couldn't care less)23:17
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MohammadAGShapeshifter, it does work23:17
lcukiPeter-, reboot your laptop23:17
MohammadAGif only we can get rid of the maemo bar on top23:18
ShadowJKisolated, small and predictable things can be locked in memory23:18
ShadowJKthough that reduces available memory for other stuff23:18
ShapeshifterMohammadAG: mh. well I've set it to portrait in the settings and it doesn't work. auto neither.23:18
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MohammadAGworks for me on auto23:19
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SpeedEvilSometimes I wonder if I wouldn't simply prefer a nice text list of windows.23:20
ShapeshifterShadowJK: is it just the memory or also the bus? does a "fast" microsd card make things better or even worse?23:20
SpeedEvilThe SD and the onenand or the emmc do not greatly seem to contend with each other23:20
MohammadAG man-db :)23:20
ShapeshifterMohammadAG: yay23:21
ShadowJKShapeshifter, "fast" is relative. If you double the speed of something that's super-super-slow, it's still super-slow :)23:21
SpeedEvilThat is - you get - with a fast SD - ~30 meg of read from onenand and SD or MMC or SD and MMC and SD at once23:21
MohammadAGnow I need to find a way to change the location of the man pages *without* symlinking23:21
ShadowJKWhat would really help is 20 man-years of kernel coders.23:21
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SpeedEvilTry to read all three - and it starts to fall over.23:21
ShapeshifterSpeedEvil: mhm23:22
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Shapeshiftera pity23:22
ShapeshifterI'd easily pay 50 bucks more for faster access23:22
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SpeedEvil30 meg/second is quite reasonable IMO.23:22
ShapeshifterI mean, I guess it's technically possible?23:22
SpeedEvilI was looking at it from the perspective of booting from suspend to 'disk'23:22
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ShadowJKUnfortunately they don't make onenand that big or as cheap as emmc :(23:23
SpeedEvilOnenand is no faster.23:23
ShadowJKNot raw speed, no23:23
SpeedEvilAt least for bulk read.23:23
SpeedEvilI have done no tests on random write23:23
ShadowJKBut lack of bulk speed isn't what Shapeshifter is hitting :)23:24
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SpeedEvilI wish that there was an SD mode 'get out of my way - just be a dumb NAND controller23:24
Shapeshiftermh. well I have special demands anyway. I could live with say, 8gb23:24
ShadowJKxd is like that23:24
Shapeshifterbut faster23:24
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SpeedEvilShapeshifter: What is it?23:24
SpeedEvilShapeshifter: I missed - what are you moaning about?23:24
ShapeshifterSpeedEvil: full locks when IO is doing something23:25
ShapeshifterSpeedEvil: i.e. not even task switching or anything really, if e.g. apt-worker is doing something23:25
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* GAN900 loves how connection migration pegs the CPU23:25
SpeedEvilShapeshifter: Ah.23:25
ShadowJKGAN900, does it peg CPU or IO?23:25
SpeedEvilShapeshifter: I suspect some fraction of that is swap ickyness23:26
* ShadowJK has many times noticed a few megabytes of swapin activity :)23:26
Shapeshifteralterego: scrolling in opera is so smooth when the page is fully loaded and not much happening in background23:26
SpeedEvilShapeshifter: The swap engine not knowing how to swap properly.23:26
GAN900ShadowJK, dunno.23:26
SpeedEvil(as in - you always - always - write linear blocks, unless you can't avoid it)23:26
ShadowJKsame thing for the filesystems23:26
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ShadowJKlike, when I watch youtube in browser, the flash plugin manages to bring the I/O load on the emmc to about 50-75% with just ~75 kbyte/s of traffic23:27
ShadowJKand youtube stutters23:27
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ShadowJKSome large kernel efforts... OR, some more RAM to gloss over and try hide the real issue with locking "system"/preinstalled stuff in ram..23:30
Shapeshiftermh. maybe the whole I/O should use a smart scheduler that only accesses the emmc when idling. e.g. if I close microb, there's some stuttery because of I/O. Maybe it should just remember my instruciton to close it, appear as if it had closed it while all the I/O related stuff microb actually wants to do is queued23:30
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SpeedEvilIn general - the stuff isn't too bad in terms of RAM footprint.23:31
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SpeedEvilThe one major sticky-out annoyance I saw was 'worldcock' - which is massive for what it does23:31
Shapeshifterand always give the GUI highest priority. I know in the end stuf might even execute slower but the feeling is incredibly important imo.23:31
ShadowJKSometimes the stutter is caused by the code to handle the close button event being located on emmc and needing to be loaded in :-)23:31
SpeedEvilI'm unsure why it stays locked in RAM all the time - is it doing the toolbar clock?23:32
ShadowJKI think it's almost impossible to properly prioritize "GUI" without building in a ticking timebomb in the process..23:32
Shapeshifterticking timebomb?23:32
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Shapeshifteroh and at the same time - which is really annyoing - the device seems to queue touchscreen and keyboard events and execute them in order. as in, you hit something twice thinking you might not have hit it hard enough because it's still doing nothing (because of IO) and then you land somewhere else23:33
iPeter-i did boot up my laptop, whats now lcuk23:33
ShapeshifterI've run some random app in "more" at least 10 times already because of this. tapping on "more" once with nothing happening, and then tapping again23:33
ShadowJKYou'd have to prioritize the stuff that draws everything. But if you do that, some non-prioritized task can tell it bad things, and the GUI drawing thingy then has license to kill by hogging up everything23:33
iPeter-lcuk: Still doesnt get to flash mode23:34
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ShadowJKSo you'd need 50 man-years of re-engineering there :)23:34
ShapeshifterShadowJK: yeah it would be difficult. But I guess the iphone is pulling off stuff like that23:34
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ShadowJKiphone basically limits itself to available ram23:35
lcukiPeter-, ok, you did already try "take battery out, plug in usb, start flasher, wait for it to show 'device not found', then plug battery into n900"23:35
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ShadowJKAlot of the apps suffer from fsync+ext3 disease :)23:36
* ShadowJK blames sqlite and waits for someone to say it's "not a problem" "when used correctly"23:36
ShadowJKbut that's black magic :D23:37
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* Shapeshifter really likes sqlite23:37
Shapeshifterbut never used it on a mobile/limited ressource device23:37
ShadowJKIt can do silly things to I/O throughput23:38
Stskeepsi continued the 3d accelerator thread on N8x0 at
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Stskeepsam i completely daft or does it just look like we need to implement sending frames to the lcd controller?23:38
ShadowJKImagine 1 sec per insertion or whatever you people do with these database things23:38
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* ptl bitched and moaned in tmo. Ahhh... Much better!23:39
woglindestskeeps what is th status now?23:39
Stskeepswoglinde: well, see the thread23:40
Stskeepsthe current status is that frames get stuck and never makes it past first frame, for good reason :)23:40
Stskeeps(there's no vsync irq)23:40
Shapeshifterwoglinde: ah, it's you. I wrote to the nokia guy about curl and he said he's not working on fremantle anymore and that basically I need to port my own package23:40
Shapeshifterwoglinde: in the end I settled on learning how to use wget for my purposes...23:41
woglindeshapeshifter lol23:42
woglindeyoi could take over the package23:42
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dotblankI thought you couldn't run x appliactions under arm scratchbox?23:43
Shapeshifterwoglinde: mh. basically taking something from here and changing it so that the curl binary also gets built and included?23:43
iPeter-lcuk: Now i got it to flash23:43
iPeter-what should i do after flashing23:43
dotblankBut it works for me23:43
lcukiPeter-, so that method i just said worked cleanly?23:43
Shapeshifterwoglinde: oh and I think you packaged festival? it has some odd unmet dependencies like usermod or something like that23:43
iPeter-no, changed again battery23:43
iPeter-Yeah, my m8 came with loaded battery23:44
iPeter-fully loaded23:44
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lcukcool, so they are giving away free phones with spare batteries now23:44
ds3how many magnets are there on the N900?23:45
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ds3one is for the camera door, right? where are the other 2?23:45
SpeedEvilbomb bay door.23:45
ds3trying to see where I can tack a compass on there23:45
SpeedEvilAnd pod bay.23:45
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iPeter-lcuk: So now should i erase some emmc or what was it?23:46
hawai`iOne is on the kick stand.23:46
lcukiPeter-, boot it up23:46
lcukit should be ok?23:46
ShadowJKkeylock button and slide, i think?23:46
iPeter-lcuk: It booted up23:46
iPeter-and works23:46
ds3is the kick stand also the one that is for the camera door?23:46
hawai`iThe kickstand one is not active.23:46
lcukso have fun23:46
hawai`iIt just keeps the kick stand for flopping out.23:46
SpeedEvilds3: There are six ESD protected GPIO lines in a nice socket on the SD.23:46
ShadowJKhawai`i, eh? it's used for detecting cover presence23:46
ShadowJKwithout it, microsd doesn't work, because n900 thinks you removed the cover23:47
hawai`iShadowJK: AFIAK, that's a different magnet.23:47
ds3SpeedEvil: I just want to physically mount it and communicate back with bluetooth23:47
ShadowJKlooked one and the same to me :)23:47
SpeedEvilds3: ah23:47
SpeedEvilds3: I suggest duct tape.23:47
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SpeedEvilds3: have you actually seen any bluetooth compass?23:47
hawai`ids3: by tehe 3.5mm is probably the best spot.23:47
ds3SpeedEvil: I can fabricate a plastic spring peice to grip23:47
DocScrutinizerthere's 2 magnets: 1 for slide, 1 for kickstand/backlid-detect23:48
ds3SpeedEvil: no, but that's easy enough to solve... you can throw one together using off the shelf parts and a little coding23:48
SpeedEvilds3: Sure - it's not going to be very small though.23:48
ds3SpeedEvil: match box size with little to no work for starters23:48
SpeedEvilds3: Sorry - I've been thinking about something _way_ smaller23:49
ds3probally can cut that thickness by 1/2 with a little work23:49
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ds3SpeedEvil: give me a size reference for what you have in mind23:49
SpeedEvilds3: Ideally fits in the microSD slot. But that's not possible without are die.23:49
SpeedEvil - fun micro stuff.23:50
SpeedEvilbare die23:50
ds3SpeedEvil: for GPIO access, it is doable23:50
lcukis the most realistic one afaik23:50
ds3but I want my SDIO slot23:50
SpeedEvilds3: I mean - the entire device fitting in the microSD23:50
ds3SpeedEvil: yes, I mean that too23:51
SpeedEvilds3: It's not doable.23:51
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SpeedEvilds3: You can't get any compass parts that are under 0.8mm thick.23:51
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ds3is 0.8mm the max thick for uSD?23:52
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SpeedEvilit's around 1.1mm or so - but you need a PCV too23:52
lcukds3, see the link i gave23:52
ds3lcuk: looking at it... 1.3  isn't too horrible23:52
ds3SpeedEvil: the PCB can be worked around with unconventional assembly23:53
SpeedEvilds3: Sure.23:53
ds3something like a PCB with a hole in the middle so the chip is the entire thickness23:53
StskeepsJaffa: tip,
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SpeedEvil1.3mm is the thickness of the thick bit23:53
StskeepsJaffa: (how would i be a collector of interesting links in practice?23:54
SpeedEvilThe bulk of the microsd is much thinner23:54
ds3interesting but I need/want the slot for storage23:54
lcukStskeeps, it woud be good to see "hot threads" on tmo23:54
lcukthe ones that are gaining thanks at fastest rate23:54
lcukthen news articles could come from there23:54
ds3I was thinking more of a little pd that clips on somewhere away fromthe magnets23:54
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woglindegood nite23:56
lcukhello and gnite woglinde \o23:56
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mikki-kunhm... does anybody know here splinter cell?23:57
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mikki-kuncause i think i'll try modding my n900 so that it would would look like the OPSAT from the game/book23:58
ds3SpeedEvil: what's  your primary objection to an external pod?23:58
lcukmikki-kun, photos!23:59
SpeedEvilds3: Clip on stuff is messy. It at best adds ulk to the phone. In practuice, it's going to also make it harder to hold in some orientations, and ...23:59

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