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PhonicUK | hmm, the n900 emulator has no xterm :/ | 00:08 |
Stskeeps | eh | 00:08 |
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lcuk | the meego one has one! | 00:09 |
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Arif_ | Moogo is ONLY XTerm \o/ | 00:09 |
javispedro | osso-xterm was shipped with previous sdks.. | 00:09 |
PhonicUK | what does it output for uname -a ? | 00:09 |
javispedro | but I guess it was on extras by then :P | 00:09 |
lcuk | hey javispedro \o | 00:10 |
lcuk | congrats | 00:10 |
javispedro | evening lcuk | 00:10 |
javispedro | thanks :) | 00:10 |
Jaffa | javispedro: *poke* about "Council business" thread | 00:11 |
Jaffa | GAN900: *poke* about "Council business" thread ;-) | 00:11 |
javispedro | Jaffa: I know, I was just waiting to have more to say other than "+1" :) | 00:11 |
GAN900 | Jaffa, being stuck in traffic is as good a time as any to look at email, I guess. . . . | 00:11 |
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Jaffa | javispedro: bandwidth's cheap ;-) | 00:12 |
javispedro | I find that "other" thread more interesting.. | 00:12 |
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GAN900 | Jaffa, sent. . . . | 00:13 |
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PhonicUK | i wanna port my prototype AR app :) | 00:15 |
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PhonicUK | this ought to be fun | 00:15 |
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* MohammadAG__ is kind of pissed off | 00:25 | |
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MohammadAG__ | reflashed for the third time, and some **** app keeps crashing the volume keys | 00:26 |
woglinde_ | hihi | 00:26 |
Arif_ | stop installing apps after the reflash | 00:27 |
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MohammadAG__ | Arif_, my menu feels small if i do that | 00:27 |
Arif_ | stop installing stuff from devel, then | 00:28 |
MohammadAG__ | uninstalled an app, restarting to see if it fixed it | 00:28 |
* lupine_85 wonders if the MeeGo kernel would run the N900 + maemo 5 competently | 00:28 | |
MohammadAG__ | NEVAR | 00:28 |
b-man17 | ll | 00:28 |
b-man17 | *lol | 00:28 |
MohammadAG__ | @ Arif_ | 00:28 |
Arif_ | aw | 00:28 |
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Arif_ | BUT IT IS DANGEROUS | 00:29 |
* PhonicUK wonders how well meego will run on the n900 | 00:29 | |
MohammadAG__ | i like dangerous stuff | 00:29 |
* b-man17 is trying to get meego booting atm | 00:29 | |
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MohammadAG__ | PhonicUK, it will change architecture to x86 and download Windows 7 | 00:29 |
PhonicUK | on an n900? | 00:29 |
Arif_ | PhonicUK, it will not? | 00:29 |
b-man17 | the stupid .tar.gz rootfs image i downloaded is corrupted >:( | 00:30 |
b-man17 | yes | 00:30 |
MohammadAG__ | rebooting (love doing it from xchat lol) | 00:30 |
MohammadAG__ | /exec sudo reboot | 00:30 |
MohammadAG__ | oops | 00:30 |
b-man17 | lol | 00:30 |
Arif_ | Windows Phone 7 with no copy paste \o/ | 00:30 |
b-man17 | PhonicUK: yup | 00:30 |
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* Arkenoi got impression that newer n900 are somehow physically different from old ones. I purchased replacement one and noticed that keyboard slide is more tight, screen feels a bit different when touched and keyboard surface is more rough. and it *always* starts charging immediately when plugged in | 00:35 | |
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woglinde_ | nice blog article from harald again | 00:35 |
woglinde_ | about changes in qt | 00:35 |
woglinde_ | kinetic stuff | 00:35 |
lcuk | hey woglinde_ post links :p | 00:36 |
woglinde_ | http://labs.trolltech.com/blogs/2010/04/01/pr-12-sdk-for-maemo-released-with-qt-46/ | 00:36 |
woglinde_ | as always | 00:36 |
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woglinde_ | bookmark http://labs.trolltech.com/blogs | 00:36 |
PhonicUK | windows 7 phone is a joke | 00:37 |
woglinde_ | PhonicUK sure? | 00:38 |
PhonicUK | its all the worst things of the iphail + the worst things of winmo | 00:38 |
woglinde_ | hm | 00:38 |
woglinde_ | did you play with it? | 00:39 |
PhonicUK | not yet | 00:39 |
woglinde_ | lol | 00:39 |
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PhonicUK | not interested in any device that forces a single app store | 00:39 |
javispedro | we really, really, really need an "important announcements" blog, mailing list. | 00:39 |
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PhonicUK | where the manufacturer says what they will and won't allow | 00:40 |
MohammadAG | ugh still not working | 00:40 |
PhonicUK | which is bs for devs and users | 00:40 |
javispedro | maybe even categorized -- extras uploaders list, general developer list, general user list. | 00:40 |
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ea_suter | Hi, can anyone tell me when vdvsx is usually around? | 01:08 |
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woglinde_ | hm | 01:09 |
Arif_ | hum... | 01:09 |
woglinde_ | 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. | 01:09 |
ea_suter | thanks :) | 01:09 |
woglinde_ | central europe time | 01:09 |
woglinde_ | I seldom saw him in the late evening | 01:10 |
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balazsbela | hey all | 01:13 |
balazsbela | I'm using the maemo sdk on xephyr, and I've been trying the qt devel examples | 01:14 |
balazsbela | as soon as I start them they turn sidewise | 01:14 |
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balazsbela | like you would turn your phone | 01:14 |
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balazsbela | this is a bit irritating on a laptop | 01:14 |
balazsbela | is there a way to make it turn back ? | 01:14 |
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jacekowski | xrandr | 01:15 |
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balazsbela | thanks | 01:16 |
* balazsbela goes to read the manual | 01:16 | |
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MohammadAG | how do I check what's run at startup? | 01:21 |
MohammadAG | this issue is really annoying me | 01:21 |
javispedro | GOOD LORD. | 01:21 |
javispedro | it can't be. | 01:22 |
javispedro | lardman.. is NOT on the maemo.org frontpage! | 01:23 |
derf | Is the front page 404? | 01:24 |
derf | That's the only explanation I could think of. | 01:24 |
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javispedro | no no, 200! | 01:24 |
javispedro | this must be the hidden maemo.org april fools. | 01:24 |
Pforce | april fools is over, at least in finland :) | 01:25 |
SpeedEvil | slashdot is fail today | 01:25 |
* b-man17 loves what google did for April fool's day | 01:26 | |
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* Arif_ hacks b-man17's Gml account | 01:26 | |
SpeedEvil | coolest announce today was freeing of much ordnance survey data. | 01:26 |
SpeedEvil | maps and stuff of the uk | 01:26 |
Arif_ | Nokia should have announced PR 2.0 for N900 | 01:27 |
Arif_ | :D | 01:27 |
SpeedEvil | http://www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/oswebsite/media/news/2010/April/OpenData.html | 01:27 |
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b-man17 | Arif_: rofl | 01:29 |
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SpeedEvil | Arif_, PR1.2 for 3310 | 01:33 |
Arif_ | S40 ported to the N900 | 01:33 |
javispedro | improving.. | 01:34 |
Arif_ | with snake multiplayer over IR \o/ | 01:34 |
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* MohammadAG solved his volume key problem | 01:43 | |
MohammadAG | seems to be either modified-hildon-desktop or keyboard-shortcuts | 01:43 |
MohammadAG | uninstalled both, purged them, then reinstall the media player after purging it | 01:44 |
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Arif_ | congrats | 01:45 |
Arif_ | now you can change the volume ! | 01:45 |
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firestorm_ | is there any mms software out there | 01:47 |
MohammadAG | Arif_, ain't that something :P | 01:47 |
MohammadAG | fmms | 01:47 |
lcuk | SpeedEvil, :) cool stuff | 01:48 |
* Arif_ wonders why people use MMS | 01:49 | |
ShadowJK | mostly because other people use mms | 01:49 |
Arif_ | meh | 01:50 |
Arif_ | I don't like people that can afford 0,50 EUR/mms :P | 01:50 |
lcuk | Arif_, there are more mms compatible mobile devices out there than there are email capable *and* configured | 01:50 |
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lcuk | of course Arif_ what might be a cool feature of fmms would be to store a checkbox on the contact - "send mms by email" | 01:51 |
lcuk | to specific recipients :) | 01:51 |
Arif_ | hehe | 01:52 |
Arif_ | noone ever sent me an MMS *sob* | 01:52 |
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javispedro | Arif_: lucky you. I only get spam MMS :'( | 01:52 |
Arif_ | spam? | 01:52 |
Arif_ | I never got spam on my phone in .nl | 01:52 |
firestorm_ | mms is the way forward | 01:52 |
Arif_ | in Turkey they abuse USSD to send spam :D | 01:52 |
tripzero | Arif_, what's you number. i'll forward you osme | 01:53 |
Arif_ | I wake up and get "DO YOU WANT TO ENABLE <insert lame service here>" | 01:53 |
firestorm_ | e.g if i take a picture of something and want to send to a friend while out and about who doesn't have email on the phone | 01:53 |
tripzero | mms is old tech | 01:53 |
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Arif_ | tripzero, N900 doesn't support MMS ! | 01:53 |
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lcuk | tripzero, so are many things | 01:53 |
lcuk | just because its old doesnt mean its useless | 01:54 |
MaMaGoody | if i want more than 4 desktops i should use modified-hildon-desktop? I noticed that the package's status is removed, what does that mean? | 01:54 |
tripzero | and all those things should die | 01:54 |
firestorm_ | it's fooking annoying, ok yer i like to send via email or upload to facebook but some cases not ideal | 01:54 |
tripzero | MMS - that thing you used to do before your phone had the internet | 01:54 |
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tripzero | or MMS - that thing you do because your buddy doesn't have a phone with the internet | 01:54 |
firestorm_ | so is there a app as it isn't ideal | 01:55 |
firestorm_ | i wil be foced to use the g1 :( | 01:55 |
Arif_ | fMMS | 01:55 |
firestorm_ | ty :) | 01:55 |
firestorm_ | and is it in app manager? | 01:55 |
Arif_ | MohammadAG mentioned it up there somewhere | 01:55 |
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firestorm_ | sorry i'm on the good old xbox didn't notice it | 01:55 |
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Arif_ | I don't know what repo its in | 01:56 |
MohammadAG | devel i think | 01:56 |
Arif_ | http://i48.tinypic.com/11gr8u8.jpg | 01:56 |
Arif_ | lolwat | 01:56 |
Arif_ | the DS has some weird games... | 01:57 |
firestorm_ | hmm see i got devel added and can't see it in app manmager | 01:57 |
MohammadAG | fMMS | 01:57 |
MohammadAG | not sure but app manager could be case sensitive | 01:57 |
MohammadAG | though I highly doubt it | 01:58 |
MohammadAG | firestorm_, do you have rootsh installed? | 01:58 |
Arif_ | no its not | 01:58 |
MohammadAG | thanks | 01:58 |
firestorm_ | yer i do | 01:58 |
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MohammadAG | close app manager and open terminal | 01:59 |
MohammadAG | type root, enter | 01:59 |
MohammadAG | then apt-get install fmms | 01:59 |
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SpeedEvil | ewok bondage | 02:02 |
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SpeedEvil | oops | 02:02 |
firestorm_ | couldnt find package | 02:02 |
Arif_ | try apt-get update | 02:02 |
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Arif_ | or add the repo properly | 02:03 |
firestorm_ | nope no update | 02:04 |
firestorm_ | i thought i did add the repo properly.... followed wiki | 02:04 |
Arif_ | add both devel and testing to be sure then | 02:04 |
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firestorm_ | added still nowt :( | 02:12 |
firestorm_ | :( | 02:13 |
Arif_ | download>install the deb manually | 02:15 |
firestorm_ | juat did apt-get update and we update | 02:15 |
firestorm_ | did install and nothing | 02:15 |
firestorm_ | how do i do that Arif_ sorry bit dumb on linux | 02:17 |
Arif_ | so you installed fmms? | 02:17 |
Arif_ | or not? | 02:17 |
Arif_ | :D | 02:17 |
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firestorm_ | no i ain't | 02:18 |
firestorm_ | it package fails when o do apt-get install gmms | 02:18 |
firestorm_ | fmms* | 02:18 |
* Arif_ has no idea where fmms is located and is too lazy to find it | 02:18 | |
firestorm_ | :( | 02:19 |
MohammadAG | firestorm_, cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/hildon-application-manager.list | 02:19 |
MohammadAG | pastebin the output | 02:19 |
Arif_ | I'm trying to find a DSi XL in white | 02:19 |
MohammadAG | get any colour then spray it | 02:19 |
Arif_ | neh | 02:20 |
Arif_ | can't be bothered unscrew it to fix the speakers :p | 02:20 |
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firestorm_ | how can i pastbin from my phone. | 02:20 |
MohammadAG | cover them before spraying | 02:20 |
MohammadAG | firestorm_, use the browser? | 02:20 |
firestorm_ | lol suppose :p | 02:21 |
MohammadAG | or install pastebinit | 02:21 |
firestorm_ | epic!!!!! pastebin on phone didn't know that | 02:21 |
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Arif_ | MohammadAG, yeah great idea to suggest an app to someone who hasn't managed to install an app :P | 02:21 |
MohammadAG | Arif_, thanks | 02:21 |
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firestorm_ | he has got a good point lol | 02:22 |
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firestorm_ | this phone is wank lol can't install fook all from terminal :( | 02:24 |
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Arif_ | yeah blame the phone :( | 02:24 |
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firestorm_ | it probs is a user error though | 02:24 |
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firestorm_ | surley if i dont apt-get update should have all the latest packages | 02:25 |
firestorm_ | i need to ssh into phone it's easier | 02:26 |
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MohammadAG | Arif_, do you use zoutube? | 02:28 |
Arif_ | no | 02:28 |
Arif_ | me not like | 02:28 |
MohammadAG | :/ | 02:28 |
Arif_ | needs a sort by date feature | 02:28 |
MohammadAG | thinking that the new youtube broke it | 02:28 |
Arif_ | I have it installed though | 02:28 |
* Arif_ tries | 02:28 | |
MohammadAG | thanks | 02:29 |
Arif_ | the circle at the top keeps spinning.... | 02:30 |
Arif_ | and nothing happens | 02:31 |
MohammadAG | yep, it's broken | 02:31 |
firestorm_ | getting ip address ifconfig? | 02:31 |
MohammadAG | ~curse youtube | 02:31 |
infobot | May the fleas of a thousand camels infest your most sensitive regions, youtube ! | 02:31 |
MohammadAG | firestorm_, yeah | 02:31 |
Arif_ | use the browser | 02:31 |
Arif_ | which has a very old version of flash! | 02:32 |
MohammadAG | Arif_, i want to download a vid | 02:32 |
Arif_ | mh | 02:32 |
Arif_ | I use the PC for that | 02:32 |
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MohammadAG | Arif_, cba to reach for my laptop :P | 02:35 |
Arif_ | ;> | 02:35 |
Arif_ | mytube? | 02:35 |
* firestorm_ thinks trying to read x term at 1am in the morning is hard work on his poor little eyes | 02:36 | |
Arif_ | set the font size to 36 | 02:37 |
Arif_ | :D | 02:37 |
firestorm_ | thats cheating :p | 02:38 |
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firestorm_ | did they ever make open ssh for windows | 02:42 |
firestorm_ | ? | 02:42 |
Arif_ | yes | 02:43 |
corecode | honestly, all this nokia software development is probably close to as shitty as apple's | 02:44 |
Arif_ | true, why? | 02:44 |
Arif_ | =p | 02:44 |
firestorm_ | deb https://downloads.maemo.nokia.com/fremantle/ssu/apps/ ./ | 02:44 |
firestorm_ | MohammadAG: | 02:44 |
firestorm_ | the G1 software isn't to bad tbh | 02:45 |
corecode | they don't seem to know how to do open source software development | 02:45 |
Arif_ | no wonder you can't find fMMS :D | 02:45 |
firestorm_ | deb https://downloads.maemo.nokia.com/fremantle/ssu/apps/ ./ | 02:45 |
corecode | now modest uses some hildon2 features that don't exist | 02:45 |
firestorm_ | deb https://downloads.maemo.nokia.com/fremantle/ssu/203 ./ | 02:46 |
corecode | what's that supposed to be? | 02:46 |
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Arif_ | corecode, they should release bugs when they're fixed? | 02:46 |
Arif_ | :) | 02:46 |
corecode | they should develop software either in one big synchronized repo system | 02:47 |
corecode | or so that it is compatible with other versions | 02:47 |
Arif_ | maybe its their first try ={ | 02:48 |
corecode | sure | 02:48 |
corecode | could ask somebody who knows how to deal with it? | 02:48 |
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Arif_ | and get off their comfy chairs? | 02:48 |
corecode | it's not really their first try, is it | 02:49 |
corecode | maemo exists for several years now | 02:49 |
Arif_ | the earlier versions were only owned by a handful of people, so they didn't exactly bother I guess | 02:50 |
firestorm_ | what annoys me the most is lack of pc suite support or even ovi suite | 02:50 |
corecode | oh well | 02:51 |
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corecode | what is hildon2 | 02:51 |
corecode | and am i using it already? | 02:52 |
fabiosl | where can I find Maemo's template for GSoC 2010? | 02:52 |
fabiosl | oh... just found it | 02:52 |
fabiosl | ;D | 02:52 |
Arif_ | what are you planning to make? :D | 02:53 |
corecode | i? | 02:54 |
Arif_ | you're entering too? | 02:54 |
corecode | no | 02:54 |
viraptor_ | does anyone know how hard is it to get into extra-devel / extra? a lot of work or just following the main rules? | 02:54 |
corecode | i just want to get modest to compile | 02:54 |
Arif_ | well, have fun with that | 02:55 |
* Arif_ goes to sleep | 02:55 | |
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corecode | :/ | 02:55 |
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ds3 | hmmm... is there a way short of iptables to get the default apps to not go connecting out w/o asking first? | 03:00 |
ds3 | this is on the N900 | 03:01 |
corecode | disable automatic network selection? | 03:01 |
ds3 | no, the network part... the apps part | 03:02 |
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ds3 | like the app mgr (or is proxy) would go probe for updates and looks like media player will insist on doing CDDB or equiv queries | 03:02 |
ds3 | found something for gconf to disable it for the updates | 03:03 |
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* MohammadAG seems to have installed gcc on the N900 | 03:12 | |
MohammadAG | wow, only 70% used on /, not much since it was about 67 before the install | 03:12 |
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JakubS_ | does n900 media player create any log? i am trying to play http source (via dlna) and i get 'unsupported' error. however on command line gst-launch playbin2 uri=<http uri> works ok | 03:28 |
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MohammadAG | JakubS_, try launching the mediaplayer from terminal | 03:39 |
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JakubS_ | hm, 'mediaplayer' just hangs (does not show a window), mediaplayer.launch immediately segfaults. how do i launch it? | 03:53 |
MohammadAG | JakubS_, lemme check, I turned off the N900 a while ago | 03:55 |
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MohammadAG | not working here too... | 03:57 |
JakubS_ | strange thing is, that user-agent shows that gstreamer is used as http source. gstreamer renderer uses playbin2 and my source definitely works with gst-launch and playbin2 :-( | 03:59 |
JakubS_ | this is supposed to be streamed from dlna server | 03:59 |
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JakubS_ | after restarting renderer in command line it actually started working. I guess it just needed restart to notice my messing with gstreamer plugins | 04:13 |
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johnx | Is everyone here done with the April 1st madness? | 04:24 |
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jaem_n900 | 'afternoon | 04:29 |
johnx | mornin' | 04:29 |
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JakubS_ | almost morning... good night everybody | 04:31 |
jaem_n900 | night | 04:31 |
jaem_n900 | @JakubS_, that is | 04:32 |
jaem_n900 | hmm... has anyone made a build of checkinstall for Maemo yet? | 04:32 |
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jaem_n900 | it occurred to me that that would be nicer for test builds than tar'ing everything | 04:32 |
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* RST38h yawns widely | 07:45 | |
* derf inserts a cat into the void. | 07:46 | |
Ken-Young | 07:46 | |
RST38h | moo derf | 07:46 |
RST38h | Gizmodo seems to have gone absolute bonkers about iPad. Not sure if it is still worth keeping in the rss feed =) | 07:47 |
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Ken-Young | I've yet to see a bad review of the iPad by someone who actually used it. | 07:48 |
RST38h | Those get shot by Apple's ninja commandos | 07:49 |
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RST38h | ...in related news, Saudis are beheading a popular Lebanese TV figure, for *sorcery*. | 07:56 |
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Ken-Young | RST38h, Yeah, I saw that. Apparently he made predictions about the future on TV. | 07:58 |
Ken-Young | He said pr1.2 would be out tomorrow. | 07:58 |
RST38h | Well he is a shitty fortune teller if he has gone to Saudi Arabia... | 07:59 |
Ken-Young | He was on a religious pilgrimage. | 07:59 |
Ken-Young | SOme sort of demi-haaj. | 07:59 |
RST38h | Oh, he has sacrificed himself to the Allah! | 08:00 |
RST38h | Awesome. | 08:00 |
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crashanddie | Ken-Young: I have to say I wouldn't mind having one in the living room | 08:24 |
crashanddie | Ken-Young: it is quite a social device in the end | 08:24 |
Ken-Young | crashanddie, You mean an iPad? | 08:24 |
crashanddie | aye | 08:24 |
crashanddie | not a beheaded saudi tv figure | 08:25 |
Ken-Young | Yes, I'm planning on getting one for my mother. | 08:25 |
Ken-Young | (iPad, not beheaded TV journalist) | 08:25 |
crashanddie | "Happy Birthday mom" <drop corpse> | 08:25 |
crashanddie | I mean, it's not expensive, I don't care about 3G or tons of storage -- everything is on the wifi anyway | 08:26 |
RST38h | one gadget too many | 08:26 |
crashanddie | it's just a device to easily access contextual information | 08:26 |
RST38h | it is a devic for consuming iTunes content | 08:26 |
Ken-Young | RST38h, Only if you don't drop a gadget. | 08:26 |
crashanddie | no need to turn on the whole projector/soundsystem, no need to go to the computer room, and a screen large enough to share with friends | 08:27 |
RST38h | not interested in iTunes. | 08:27 |
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Ken-Young | Those of us on IRC are not the intended market. | 08:27 |
Surfa | i can' figure out a single thing that could be done conveniently with ipad | 08:27 |
Surfa | simply energonomic apple junk.. again | 08:28 |
Surfa | unergonomic | 08:28 |
ptl_wants_PR12 | me too | 08:28 |
ptl_wants_PR12 | the worst part is knowing that all this buzz is just because it's apple | 08:28 |
Ken-Young | Surfa, I'm sure it offers a nicer web browsing experience than any phone, including our beloved Nokias. | 08:28 |
ptl_wants_PR12 | if it were another company, no one would pay that amount of lip service | 08:28 |
Surfa | i can browse with other devices if i want to | 08:28 |
ptl_wants_PR12 | nobody would care actually | 08:28 |
Ken-Young | ptl_wants_PR12, No argument there. | 08:28 |
Surfa | ipad i by no means mobile device | 08:29 |
Surfa | is | 08:29 |
Surfa | too big and too uncomfy | 08:29 |
Ken-Young | Surfa, It is if you carry a pocket book, like many women do. | 08:29 |
Surfa | there's limit in them too | 08:30 |
Ken-Young | It'll fit in my mom's pocket book, which borders on gym-bag size. | 08:30 |
Surfa | even that they appear to have infinite storage amount, they don't | 08:30 |
crashanddie | Surfa: pictures is one | 08:31 |
crashanddie | Surfa: browsing through pictures -- that is | 08:31 |
Ken-Young | Surfa, Apparently the battery life is quite long. It would be a fun thing to have on a plane. | 08:31 |
Ken-Young | Laptops are miserable if you don't fly first class. | 08:31 |
crashanddie | Ken-Young: depends what kind of laptop :P | 08:31 |
Surfa | i prefer reading a book on a plane | 08:32 |
Surfa | much easier than electronic devices | 08:32 |
crashanddie | Ken-Young: I've yet to find a long haul where the stewardess didn't allow me to charge my laptop (even if it means giving it away for an hour or two) | 08:32 |
crashanddie | Surfa: I really imagine having an iPad on my coffee table in the living room | 08:32 |
crashanddie | I know a lot of you don't spend time with human beings in the living room, but still | 08:32 |
Surfa | hey, there is a reason why tablets didn't make break through last time | 08:33 |
Surfa | have you forgot it already? | 08:33 |
crashanddie | you're in a channel that promotes tablets | 08:33 |
Ken-Young | It's not just the battery life. On a US domestic flight, there just isn't enough room to use a laptop in coach comfortable. Not even a netbook. | 08:33 |
crashanddie | Ken-Young: really? | 08:34 |
crashanddie | wow | 08:34 |
Surfa | really? | 08:34 |
Ken-Young | crashanddie, Gosh yes. US domestic flying has become torture. | 08:34 |
crashanddie | I don't remember that last time I was flying from LAX to TFW | 08:34 |
RST38h | iPad is bigger than a pocket book | 08:34 |
Surfa | i can't see how ipad fans are related to meego :) | 08:34 |
RST38h | It restricts the kind of content you can watch | 08:34 |
crashanddie | Surfa: wrong channel | 08:34 |
crashanddie | Surfa: #meego, this is #maemo | 08:34 |
crashanddie | Surfa: but yes, the N8x0 were tablets, the N900 is essentially a tablet | 08:35 |
Surfa | but anyway, i've seen better tablets too.. ipad is something with wonder steves wonderpowder | 08:35 |
crashanddie | they're portable, self contained units | 08:35 |
RST38h | The battery life is like in a subnotebook, but less than in N900 | 08:35 |
crashanddie | RST38h: you don't know that | 08:35 |
crashanddie | RST38h: most people don't even know what the battery life of the N900 is | 08:35 |
RST38h | crashanddie: Gizmodo fanatics report 8.5 hours | 08:36 |
RST38h | crashanddie: I do. | 08:36 |
crashanddie | of continuous usage? | 08:36 |
Ken-Young | Surfa, Yes, but the hype-magic is real. I don't think you can deny that both the iPod and iPhone revolutionized their niches. | 08:36 |
Surfa | n900 is not comparable to ipad imo | 08:36 |
MiXu- | battery life@depends on a million things | 08:36 |
RST38h | crashanddie: 10 hours of reading books and playing a few games | 08:36 |
Surfa | it has keypad that makes the ux much better | 08:36 |
crashanddie | Surfa: and I don't think anyone said such a thing | 08:36 |
MiXu- | widgets on desktop have a huge effect | 08:36 |
RST38h | crashanddie: 15 hours in normal daily usage | 08:36 |
RST38h | crashanddi: something like 24-30 hours with all networking off | 08:37 |
crashanddie | RST38h: seems reasonable to me -- again, I don't believe it would be used for continuous usage | 08:37 |
Surfa | crashhandie,so it's better keep those devices out of this discussion :P | 08:37 |
MiXu- | I get about 30 hours in my use | 08:38 |
Surfa | if you want to be constantly staring your n900 of course it drains battery | 08:38 |
MiXu- | email checking and weather widget are the ones that use network | 08:38 |
Surfa | i've seeen many people that have more than 48h battery lifetime in their typical use | 08:39 |
Surfa | it's just how much you want too see what's happening around you | 08:39 |
RST38h | correct | 08:41 |
Surfa | but for the ipad still.. I still don't see it anything else than oversized ipod touch | 08:41 |
RST38h | a movie will drain n900 battery in 3.5-5 hours | 08:41 |
Ken-Young | Is it possible for an app on the N900 to specify to the OS that it domped up even if the app goes CPU bound?es not want the CPU speed to be bu | 08:41 |
Ken-Young | oops | 08:41 |
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Ken-Young | Is it possible for an app on the N900 to specify to the OS that it does not want the CPU speed to be bumped up even if the app goes CPU bound?es not want the CPU speed to be bu | 08:42 |
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Ken-Young | Sorry about my poor typing. I'm on an unfamiliar keyboard. | 08:43 |
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crashanddie | Surfa: please don't tell me what to keep or not keep in a discussion | 08:47 |
crashanddie | FYI, I'm the abusive operator here | 08:47 |
Stskeeps | uhm, a bit of power tripping there crashanddie? | 08:48 |
crashanddie | not power tripping, just saying things as they | 08:48 |
crashanddie | are | 08:48 |
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Stskeeps | statements like that don't really cause a sane discussion environment. | 08:48 |
crashanddie | (that wasn't a dramatic pause, just forgot a word) | 08:48 |
crashanddie | I don't think IRC ever was sane | 08:49 |
MiXu- | Ken-Young: afaik what you're asking is not possible. It's possible to force cpu freq upwards, but not down. | 08:49 |
Stskeeps | operator powers should be for removing abusive users, not be an abusive operator. | 08:49 |
Ken-Young | MiXu-, I was hoping it was possible to tell the OS not to change the CPU speed at all. | 08:49 |
crashanddie | Stskeeps: and abusive have I been? | 08:49 |
crashanddie | like, immediately? | 08:50 |
crashanddie | I know I've been abusive previously, which is why I told the guy not to tell me what to do | 08:50 |
Ken-Young | MiXu-, But thanks for the info. | 08:50 |
Stskeeps | crashanddie: it seemed more like a threat. | 08:50 |
crashanddie | nha | 08:50 |
Stskeeps | well then. | 08:51 |
MiXu- | Ken-Young: the last time I tried the setting was not respected. Eg. I was able to set cpu to 125MHz but when load increased, it goues up. | 08:51 |
crashanddie | more like a sign "Rocks may fall off cliff" | 08:51 |
Ken-Young | MiXu-, OK, that's what I needed to know. | 08:51 |
MiXu- | yup | 08:51 |
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rmrfchik | hey ya | 08:55 |
rmrfchik | wazzup | 08:56 |
thresh | whaaaaazuuuuuuuuup | 08:56 |
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Surfa | FF | 09:08 |
Surfa | crashanddie, ok? should i be worried or what now? | 09:09 |
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Surfa | i just can't see how it's reasonable to talk about cheese and sausages at the same time if you want to keep the conversation in hands | 09:10 |
timeless | anyone here have time to install a web server on :80 on their n900? | 09:12 |
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crashanddie | timeless: what does the port have to do with the installation time? | 09:13 |
crashanddie | Surfa: my point was only that the discussions in #maemo are seriously broad, I don't recall anyone being removed for being off-topic to be honest. Saying that "tablets didn't work last time" is a narrow-minded and stupid statement, especially considering that you're in #maemo, which is a channel that has been promoting tablets for the past 5 years | 09:15 |
timeless | crashanddie: there shoudl be a hard coded hack which is aware of only well, the default portd | 09:15 |
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timeless | crashanddie: tmee is that i'm in ahurry to leave for a while | 09:17 |
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timeless | and won't be back until sunday and then only for a bit | 09:17 |
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SpeedEvil | why MiXu- IIRC setting max_cpu_goverfnor_speed or something in /sys worked | 09:17 |
SpeedEvil | timeless, wave. | 09:17 |
timeless | ? hi? | 09:18 |
stuffwork | hi | 09:18 |
SpeedEvil | errordeveloper, you said you were leaving. | 09:18 |
SpeedEvil | err, | 09:19 |
stuffwork | guys anyone tried that extra decoder application, it still doesnt play flv after installation in mplayer. | 09:19 |
crashanddie | timeless: just opened a socket on 80 in python | 09:19 |
crashanddie | timeless: no problems | 09:19 |
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timeless | crashanddie: go offline, disable autoconnect (change to prompt) | 09:20 |
timeless | close the web browser. open it and try to load http://localhost/ | 09:20 |
Surfa | crashanddie, ok, so you just have missed the whole point of my line :) | 09:20 |
timeless | (probally best to have your python script print: 200 OK\r\n\\rnhi or somethingo | 09:21 |
* timeless is typing on a high latency link | 09:21 | |
crashanddie | aye | 09:21 |
timeless | basically: does the web browser actually prompt you for a network? or does it just load the page? | 09:21 |
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stuffwork | and i tried to install grease monkey webaddon that didnt work either. | 09:23 |
stuffwork | it didnt appear in browser addon at all | 09:23 |
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stuffwork | even though it clearly shows installed in application manager | 09:24 |
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stuffwork | anyone | 09:27 |
timeless | file a bug against the greasemonkey packager | 09:27 |
stuffwork | what about extra decoders then | 09:27 |
timeless | patience? | 09:28 |
stuffwork | ok | 09:28 |
timeless | it's 9:30am for some people, and it's the middle of the night for others? | 09:28 |
timeless | it's 8:30am here | 09:28 |
timeless | and i want to go be a tourist | 09:28 |
crashanddie | timeless: yup, got the GET / HTTP 1.1 | 09:28 |
crashanddie | timeless: with wifi and 3g disconnected | 09:28 |
crashanddie | timeless: it's 16:40 here | 09:29 |
crashanddie | err, 16:30 | 09:30 |
timeless | alright | 09:30 |
crashanddie | want me to pastebin it? | 09:30 |
timeless | thanks | 09:30 |
timeless | nah, if you want to comment in 1767 indicating that it works that's ok | 09:30 |
crashanddie | #1767 | 09:31 |
timeless | qgil is slightly confused and could be straightened out (w/ effort) | 09:31 |
crashanddie | bug #1767 | 09:31 |
povbot | Bug https://bugs.maemo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1767 Not able to connect to "localhost" while offline/disconnected | 09:31 |
stuffwork | this sucks n900 is awesome but it lacks features, cant even video call using skype or gtlk and there is no msn messnger either officialy from nokia wtf!!!! | 09:31 |
stuffwork | no news about next fw or its features. | 09:31 |
Surfa | that's why we have open source | 09:32 |
Surfa | you're free and encouraged to contribute | 09:32 |
stuffwork | i know no jack about programmin | 09:32 |
crashanddie | stuffwork: MSN messenger is proprietary protocol | 09:33 |
crashanddie | stuffwork: the reason Skype works is because Skype provided the implementation on the N900/n8x0 | 09:33 |
crashanddie | and the reason GTalk works is because it's an open protocol (jabber) | 09:33 |
crashanddie | get MSN to publish their protocol specifications, and you'll have your client | 09:34 |
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timeless | video call is coming in 1.2 | 09:34 |
timeless | which is being tested /now/ | 09:34 |
Surfa | ..or just use plugins that are in repos.. | 09:34 |
Surfa | or amsn or whatever | 09:34 |
Tobarja | timeless: i just stepped in so i might have missed it, but 1.2 of what? | 09:35 |
stuffwork | now that is a good news, ain it ..... finally something to look forward to. | 09:35 |
Surfa | Tobarja, pr1.2 for n900 | 09:35 |
timeless | did you miss the part where i said i want to play tourist? | 09:35 |
timeless | *my n900 is alarming now) | 09:35 |
Stskeeps | have fun | 09:35 |
Surfa | timeless, it's time to be offline as it happens | 09:36 |
Surfa | there must be switch that turns off your network connection :P | 09:36 |
timeless | bye | 09:36 |
openstandards | stuffwork, msn = evil protocol and theres 3 different ways of handling msn on the n900 | 09:37 |
stuffwork | the reason im not using repo sw cuz what if they got some stupid command hidden to copy all yr info and send to creators email address or keylogger stuff such as for msn and next thing u know yr effed. | 09:37 |
openstandards | lmao | 09:37 |
Stskeeps | .. :P | 09:38 |
openstandards | its now the 2nd not the 1st may i point that out | 09:38 |
Stskeeps | 1st april, too | 09:38 |
Surfa | stuffwork, :D perhaps n900 is totally wrong device for you then? | 09:38 |
pgas | maybe his n900 shows him the wrong date too | 09:39 |
openstandards | sounds like he'd be better off with a windows mobile device | 09:39 |
Stskeeps | stuffwork: same kind of problem with any software, at some point you just have to trust it | 09:40 |
openstandards | if he wants msn that badly then a microsoft product would be better | 09:40 |
Surfa | but you can run 3rd party programs on winmo devices too? | 09:40 |
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openstandards | Surfa, clearly doesn't care about running other stuff... | 09:40 |
Surfa | sure, but i thought that some rich feature phone would be better :) | 09:41 |
Surfa | with no practical possibilities to run anything outside the box | 09:41 |
openstandards | Surfa, why not i'm sure winmo has some sort of sdk to it | 09:42 |
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Surfa | mm yes, but i thought that opposite was desired? | 09:43 |
openstandards | what do you mean? | 09:43 |
crashanddie | timeless: updated bug #1767 | 09:43 |
povbot | Bug https://bugs.maemo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1767 Not able to connect to "localhost" while offline/disconnected | 09:43 |
Surfa | never mind | 09:44 |
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bullet` | this web base client seems nice | 09:44 |
crashanddie | stuffwork: you do realise that there is a QA process, and that most software is open source, right? | 09:45 |
stuffwork | nope i didnt know that, but qa panel consist of nokia officially appointed members or just community fellas. | 09:47 |
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crashanddie | community "members" | 09:47 |
stuffwork | thats sucks hard then .... doent it | 09:48 |
crashanddie | stuffwork: put your N900 on eBay, you'll get a decent price for it. Next time, do some research before buying something. Stop moaning, too | 09:48 |
stuffwork | hahaaaaa | 09:48 |
Surfa | stuffwork, you do understand that people doing that on their personal time do actually better work there than overburdened engineers from a global company? | 09:49 |
Surfa | it's just do you get someone there to do it without paying | 09:49 |
SpeedEvil | sometimes. | 09:49 |
Surfa | most of the time :) | 09:50 |
SpeedEvil | other times you get cod explosions. | 09:50 |
SpeedEvil | code explosions. | 09:50 |
crashanddie | Surfa: hardly, really | 09:50 |
Surfa | that's rare, but do you think that company engineers would have spotted it any better? | 09:50 |
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crashanddie | Surfa: it's more common in OS projects to have very loosely defined guidelines and absolutely no general architecture documents, meaning that QA's role is very hard to complete, and sloppy programming gets more and more common as devs have to interpret their own views/ideas. | 09:51 |
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crashanddie | sure, it can happen that other developers go back and fix it, but that's more of an exception than a rule | 09:52 |
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Surfa | you don't quality with documents and guidelines, it's about experienced people doing the work with enough time available | 09:52 |
Surfa | +get | 09:53 |
crashanddie | actually, you do. | 09:53 |
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Surfa | actually you don't | 09:53 |
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Surfa | of course you do get better quality if people aren't qualified to do what they are supposed to | 09:54 |
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Surfa | then checkbox type of qa is better than nothing | 09:54 |
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crashanddie | funny that the most vocal contenders of proper engineering are those who can only reply by a != b, and not actually articulate their ideas in anything more than a 5 word sentence ;) | 09:56 |
crashanddie | bonus points for those who got the movie reference. | 09:56 |
Surfa | and other side is those people writing 30+ words lines with personal insults, but it's only kind of pathetic | 09:56 |
SpeedEvil_ | proper software engineering - of large projects - requires that anyone can be hit by a bus without destroyhing the project. | 09:57 |
SpeedEvil_ | this brings in commenting, code standards, ... requirements | 09:57 |
Surfa | lengths of the lines don't give any more information, typically just make senteces too complicated and typically they are used to hide something | 09:57 |
Surfa | SpeedEvil_, qa of course includes a lot of other things than coding practices :) | 09:58 |
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Surfa | or at least it should | 09:58 |
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crashanddie | Surfa: definitely, QA isn't anything about coding practices | 10:07 |
crashanddie | Surfa: in my mind, QA shouldn't even be looking at the code, realistically | 10:07 |
crashanddie | QA should be looking at the specifications, and test the software at hand to make sure it matches those specifications | 10:08 |
cehteh | well a secondary look what ill workarounds make the tests pass would be nice sometimes :P | 10:08 |
cehteh | besides well written and documented code is a cornerstone for maintainable and thus quality code | 10:09 |
crashanddie | Said specifications come in different flavours, shapes and forms, but in Maemo's case, they would be making sure that a specific piece of software doesn't drain the battery, prevent base features to work, or do anything that may violate privacy, UI controls etc. That is what I call the "base contract". In addition to this, there should also be what the program aims to achieve. | 10:10 |
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SpeedEvil | the camera violates this! It sometimes shows my shadow. Fix pls. | 10:13 |
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marmoute | SpeedEvil: and it drain the battery | 10:15 |
* SpeedEvil sighs. | 10:16 | |
SpeedEvil | I should code some shit. I need to get up the energy though. | 10:17 |
SpeedEvil | I want to split the flashlight led out into the LED driver too. | 10:17 |
Surfa | qa should use all possible methods to improve quality | 10:18 |
SpeedEvil | so flashlight does not need v4l open. | 10:18 |
Surfa | qa should be process throughout the dev from design to testing | 10:18 |
SpeedEvil | Surfa: shooting bad coders? | 10:18 |
Surfa | for example :) | 10:19 |
Surfa | and test engineers too | 10:19 |
Surfa | they are equally important | 10:19 |
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Surfa | i think qa is often misinterpreted and used as a synonym to testing | 10:20 |
SpeedEvil | Specifying what processes must be can also kill a project. | 10:20 |
Surfa | agreed | 10:20 |
Surfa | and make them inefficient | 10:20 |
SpeedEvil | If it puts off enough coder that you don't have a viable commjunity. | 10:20 |
Surfa | what is nowadays perhaps biggest problem in sw programs | 10:21 |
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SpeedEvil | Is there a hack to open youtube urls in zoutube? | 10:22 |
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pupnik | SpeedEvil: try just the yourube code in search | 10:24 |
SpeedEvil | I'd say the biggest problem is overabstraction. | 10:24 |
SpeedEvil | code reuse is great!!!!!!!!! | 10:24 |
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pupnik | not the full url | 10:24 |
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SpeedEvil | So I'll just add this 18megabyte library nothing else on the system uses, rather than write 20 lines. | 10:25 |
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SpeedEvil | and of course that lib drags in 14 others and blender. | 10:25 |
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talmai | Hello maemo people! Any news on that homedir issue? Is it already possible to commit packages to extras repository? | 10:29 |
Stskeeps | what homedir issue? | 10:29 |
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pupnik | that was a funny user up there | 10:33 |
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Arkenoi | is there a way to switch theme fast via command line? say, i have high contrast theme and i want to activate it if there is enough light via script | 10:35 |
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Jaffa | Morning, all | 10:54 |
Stskeeps | morn jaffa | 10:55 |
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X-Fade | Morning | 10:57 |
X-Fade | talmai: Can you try if it is working for you now? The issue should have been fixed yesterday. | 10:58 |
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crashanddie | yo Jaffa | 11:09 |
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madduck | is there really no proper open-source syncml server for linux? | 11:13 |
madduck | i am not talking about this 170M funambol binary blob with source | 11:13 |
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MiXu- | SpeedEvil: Oh, ok. They must have changed it then at some point. (max_cpu_governor_speed) | 11:28 |
SpeedEvil | don't recall exact name | 11:28 |
pupnik | Stskeeps: any interest in doing a quick talk at debconf, berlin on mer, maemo, meego and your overview of the portable oses? | 11:28 |
MiXu- | I know the one you mean :) | 11:29 |
MiXu- | But it's still a bad idea for an app to change that. :) | 11:29 |
Stskeeps | pupnik: 'berlin'? it's in US this time | 11:29 |
pupnik | uh? | 11:30 |
pupnik | minidebconf at end of linuxtag | 11:31 |
Veggen | mmm...can you find a cleartext wpa2 key somewhere? | 11:31 |
pupnik | http://lists.debian.org/debian-events-eu/2010/03/msg00034.html | 11:31 |
Veggen | my n900 supported wps, my ubuntu laptop didn't, at least not in a simple way. | 11:32 |
pupnik | i know some debianisti who were asking about it Stskeeps | 11:32 |
Veggen | so I thought just to dig out the key. | 11:32 |
Stskeeps | pupnik: i'm a little worried about rotten tomatoes when i say that the rpm tools actually help | 11:32 |
Jaffa | crashanddie: thanks for the git repo | 11:33 |
crashanddie | np | 11:33 |
pupnik | Stskeeps: well i know one of the linuxtag muftis and i think the topic of #mer should be part of it. if i can help lemme know | 11:35 |
Stskeeps | pupnik: Mer's a bit of a dead end in terms of mobile platforms at the moment. | 11:35 |
pupnik | a good time to get ppl thinking and talking perhaps | 11:36 |
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Stskeeps | mm | 11:37 |
Stskeeps | i'll keep it in mind, berlin is just a train trip from warsaw, so | 11:37 |
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pupnik | "this project is inactive and heres why" | 11:37 |
pupnik | ok | 11:38 |
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cehteh | MerGo :) | 11:44 |
cehteh | Well it would be great when Mer dies for a reason .. that is MeeGo will be really free and make it not necessary to have an alternative .. but prolly hell freezes over before we see that | 11:45 |
talmai | X-Fade: no, it's not working, i still get the "Permission denied (publickey)." error | 11:46 |
Stskeeps | cehteh: for all purposes, MeeGo is exactly same goals | 11:47 |
cehteh | lets see if it hits the target :) | 11:48 |
DocScrutinizer | (<SpeedEvil> code reuse is great!!!!!!!!!) libboost | 11:49 |
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X-Fade | talmai: ok, let me try one thing. Just a moment. | 11:52 |
X-Fade | talmai: Ok, can you try now? | 11:53 |
rmrfchik | I wonder, why LED didn't show me that battery is charging? | 11:54 |
talmai | X-Fade: same error | 11:55 |
X-Fade | talmai: and now? | 11:57 |
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talmai | does not work | 11:58 |
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X-Fade | talmai: I do not see a connection now, did see your last 2 attempts. | 11:59 |
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talmai | It just wont work, and I'm 100% sure that the key in account settings is identical to id_rsa.pub I use | 12:06 |
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X-Fade | talmai: I found the issue, key export script sets incorrect rights. | 12:09 |
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crashanddie | rmrfchik: sometimes it doesn't work, unplug and plug-in again | 12:17 |
crashanddie | talmai: what files do you have in ~/.ssh? | 12:18 |
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crashanddie | talmai: make sure you didn't copy id_dsa.pub rather than id_rsa.pub | 12:19 |
talmai | id_rsa id_rsa.pub known_hosts | 12:19 |
X-Fade | talmai: The issue is at our end. | 12:20 |
X-Fade | talmai: Don't mess up your config at your end while trying to debug ;) | 12:20 |
talmai | ok, i'm not touching it until said otherwise :) | 12:21 |
crashanddie | talmai: echo 0 > ~/.ssh/id_rsa | 12:21 |
crashanddie | :D | 12:21 |
* X-Fade slaps crashanddie | 12:21 | |
crashanddie | (don't do that) | 12:21 |
* crashanddie throws Lachende Paus at X-Fade | 12:21 | |
talmai | haha, reminds me of old times on IRC, giving bad advices with rm command to n00bs :D | 12:22 |
pupnik | :) | 12:22 |
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crashanddie | it's even funnier when you do it on #ubuntu | 12:24 |
crashanddie | but you actually help them, then give them completely wrong commands | 12:24 |
kynky | the whole /join #2,000 was funny years ago too | 12:24 |
SpeedEvil | wow. | 12:24 |
crashanddie | there's still the DCC SEND one | 12:24 |
SpeedEvil | running ff remotely over x is good | 12:24 |
crashanddie | SpeedEvil: it is? | 12:25 |
SpeedEvil | but it doesn't half drain baw | 12:25 |
SpeedEvil | bat | 12:25 |
kynky | run ff over xvfb ? | 12:25 |
SpeedEvil | crashanddie: yes. | 12:25 |
SpeedEvil | no | 12:25 |
SpeedEvil | ssh -X lily firefox -no-remote | 12:26 |
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kynky | i use nx for all my remote X needs | 12:26 |
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crashanddie | Jesus is amongst a crowd, and the crowd is stoning a poor woman | 12:28 |
crashanddie | Jesus stops the angry mob, and tries to calm them down by yelling: "That those who have never sinned throw the first stone" | 12:28 |
crashanddie | And a bunch of stones come flying | 12:28 |
crashanddie | Jesus turns around to see who's throwing the stones, and says: "Mum, you're really starting piss me off..." | 12:29 |
kapu | amen | 12:31 |
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pupnik | haha | 12:35 |
X-Fade | talmai: Can you try again? | 12:36 |
talmai | still not working | 12:40 |
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bigon | hi, is there any doc on the values returned by Phone.Net.get_registration_status dbus call? | 12:40 |
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crashanddie | X-Fade: what's the issue? | 12:50 |
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sECuRE | say, if i want to compile for an n900, i need to use an old version of a lot of packages (i use fremantle/sdk). is there an easy way to add a pinning to apt for the versions necessary for the n900 of *all* packages? | 13:00 |
sECuRE | at the moment i pinned the necessary packages for my application manually, but there should be a better way, right? | 13:00 |
* DocScrutinizer sighs | 13:01 | |
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crashanddie | sECuRE: "pinning" | 13:04 |
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sECuRE | crashanddie: as i said, i pinned them. but i did not have a nice way to pin them, other than by their specific version | 13:05 |
sECuRE | crashanddie: what i would like is something like release=n900 | 13:06 |
crashanddie | pinning? wtf is pinning? | 13:06 |
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sECuRE | pinning means to tell apt to use a specific version of the available debian packages | 13:07 |
DocScrutinizer | ~pinning | 13:07 |
infobot | i heard pinning is 'man apt_preferences', or add testing and unstable lines to sources.list, create /etc/apt/preferences containing "Package: *\nPin: release a=testing\nPin-Priority: 900\n\nPackage: *\nPin: release o=Debian\nPin-Priority: -10\n", then apt-get install foo/unstable, or at http://www.debian.org/News/weekly/2002/4/mail#1, or read http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2002/debian-devel-200212/msg00659.html | 13:07 |
sECuRE | right | 13:07 |
sECuRE | but instead of using it for testing/unstable/…, i would like to pin the n900 versions of all packages | 13:07 |
DocScrutinizer | release=N900 won't work though, as the new pkgs in conflict are for N900 as well ;-P | 13:08 |
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* DocScrutinizer is begging Nokia not to break API ever again, without proper new repos | 13:09 | |
sECuRE | so it is a known unsolved problem? | 13:09 |
DocScrutinizer | it's called 1.2 | 13:10 |
sECuRE | 1.2 of what exactly? | 13:10 |
Arkenoi | so p1.2 was said to be out within q1 and now it is already behind the date? | 13:10 |
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noobmonk3y | Arkenklo, who said q1? | 13:10 |
noobmonk3y | Arkenoi, | 13:11 |
noobmonk3y | lol | 13:11 |
noobmonk3y | damn auto tabbing | 13:11 |
* DocScrutinizer suggests intelligent autocompletion tabbing, by sorting priority of used completions on a most recently used base | 13:12 | |
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DocScrutinizer | of course in whole channel text | 13:13 |
DocScrutinizer | and of course excluding own nick | 13:14 |
sECuRE | sorry to ask again, but version 1.2 of what did you mean? | 13:14 |
DocScrutinizer | of N900 "firmware" | 13:15 |
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noobmonk3y | sECuRE, PR 1.2 - version 1.2 of the maemo OS | 13:15 |
sECuRE | isn’t the n900 firmware called maemo 5 or do you mean something different? | 13:15 |
noobmonk3y | ie n900 frimware ;) as DocScrutinizer said ;) | 13:15 |
DocScrutinizer | it's in SDK but not on the devices yet, and it breaks the whole thing for prety much everybody | 13:15 |
noobmonk3y | yup but it still has versions :D | 13:16 |
sECuRE | ah, i get it, thanks | 13:16 |
MohammadAG | I installed gcc-4.2 yesterday, optified and all, but it's either 1. not working or 2. not in my $PATH | 13:17 |
DocScrutinizer | though the real bugger isn't the SDK, you have control over that in the end. It's the autobuilder on buildhost that doesn't know how to build pkgs for 1.1.1 aiui | 13:18 |
sECuRE | urghs, ok | 13:19 |
DocScrutinizer | MohammadAG: I'd not so much surprised optification failed for gcc | 13:19 |
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DocScrutinizer | sECuRE: so if you bother to upload a new version of your pkg * to buildhost, you'd damn sure better rename it to *-1.2 otherwise kill your 'old' pkg for all users | 13:21 |
sECuRE | yep, thanks for the hint | 13:21 |
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sECuRE | different question: in the emulator, which key do i need to use to get a 'return' in the x terminal? | 13:21 |
sECuRE | it worked using ctrl+return before, but it doesn’t work now (cursor just blinks once) | 13:22 |
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sECuRE | ah, if i press the ctrl button using the mouse, it works | 13:23 |
sECuRE | strange though | 13:23 |
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pupnik | in vmware sECuRE ? | 13:24 |
lbt | any reson <nowiki> doesn't work on the maemo wik ? | 13:24 |
sECuRE | pupnik: yes | 13:24 |
MohammadAG | DocScrutinizer, expected you'd say that | 13:27 |
bigon | mmm is GPS_DEVICE_STATUS_NO_FIX supposed to work with location python binding? | 13:27 |
MohammadAG | my current workaround for compiling something when i'm not home is ssh | 13:27 |
MohammadAG | slow, but it works | 13:27 |
DocScrutinizer | MohammadAG: :-P | 13:27 |
bigon | because it seems it's not set even if it has not the fix yet (it returns the last known location and used sat is 0) | 13:27 |
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pupnik | sECuRE: vmplayer gives me all kinds of problems with usb keyboard. for e.g. numblock is a.ways active, cannot type in vmware window - need to ssh-in to sdk | 13:29 |
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DocScrutinizer | bigon: I heard it's not | 13:29 |
pupnik | either that or i run the vmware player in vnc | 13:29 |
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DocScrutinizer | bigon: (dunno about the 'supposed' bit though) use horizontal precision to determine if the location is 'good enough' | 13:30 |
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sECuRE | pupnik: i’m not using an usb keyboard. and inside the vm it works normal, just not in the xephyr running the emulator inside the vm | 13:31 |
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bigon | DocScrutinizer: well the documentation talk about GPS_DEVICE_STATUS_NO_FIX (which is not working) but GPS_DEVICE_STATUS_FIX seems to work... | 13:32 |
bigon | not sure why both exists | 13:32 |
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DocScrutinizer | bigon: I'd guess it is related to the 5 some different types of location reporting modes you can select liblocation use (cell, gps, any, assisted-*) | 13:34 |
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DocScrutinizer | bigon: the behaviour to report last known good location is described there | 13:35 |
bigon | yeah I know but I want the real position | 13:35 |
bigon | so I'm not sure what's correct | 13:35 |
sECuRE | hm, how comes i get the message from gobject: 'invalid cast from econtact to OssoABookContact' but OssoABookContact inherits from EContact? | 13:35 |
DocScrutinizer | AGNNS | 13:36 |
DocScrutinizer | ? | 13:36 |
DocScrutinizer | (mompls, still searching the wikipage) | 13:36 |
DocScrutinizer | LOCATION_METHOD_AGNSS - Assisted Global Navigation Satellite System | 13:37 |
DocScrutinizer | or LOCATION_METHOD_GNSS - Global Navigation Satellite System | LOCATION_METHOD_AGNSS - Assisted Global Navigation Satellite System | 13:37 |
bigon | DocScrutinizer: horizontal precision should be bad if it's not the real position? | 13:38 |
DocScrutinizer | I'd guess yes, unless it's totally broken | 13:38 |
bigon | any idea who's working on py-location so I can ask | 13:39 |
bigon | ? | 13:39 |
DocScrutinizer | Method CWP Typ Accuracy 1km-1000km | 13:39 |
bigon | the accuracy will be for the last position | 13:40 |
bigon | I guess? | 13:41 |
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DocScrutinizer | An application receiving a fix cannot know if the fix is a result from location method it requested. Therefore application should study whether fix is accurate enough to satisfy application's needs. | 13:41 |
DocScrutinizer | http://wiki.maemo.org/Documentation/Maemo_5_Developer_Guide/Using_Connectivity_Components/Using_Location_API#LocationGPSDevice_and_LocationGPSDeviceFix | 13:42 |
bigon | yep and bellow | 13:42 |
bigon | Liblocation sends a "changed" signal also after locationing is started or stopped, in which case a last known fix is sent if such exists. Application can differentiate these fixes from real ones by inspecting device->status field which equals LOCATION_GPS_DEVICE_STATUS_NO_FIX if the fix is not real. | 13:42 |
DocScrutinizer | you say this doesn't work? | 13:43 |
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bigon | right, my real question was if it's was a bug in the documentation or in the code (or the python binding) | 13:44 |
DocScrutinizer | anyway, file a ticket | 13:45 |
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bigon | I will see if the accuracy can gives me the information I want | 13:45 |
bigon | thx | 13:45 |
DocScrutinizer | bigon: please don't forget to open a bugtracker ticket so the issue gets sorted eventually :-) | 13:47 |
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SpeedEvil | or find out, and fix the docs | 13:48 |
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pupnik | so is qt reasonably fast versus hildon/gtk? | 14:00 |
Stskeeps | qite | 14:00 |
Stskeeps | quite | 14:00 |
pupnik | cool ty | 14:01 |
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Arif_ | :yawn: | 14:11 |
MohammadAG | ~curse NVidia closed drivers | 14:15 |
infobot | May the fleas of a thousand camels infest your most sensitive regions, NVidia closed drivers ! | 14:15 |
joga | :D | 14:15 |
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sylarpowa | hi, I want to join the GSOC with a project on the n900, so what I have to do to make my proposal? | 14:19 |
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Arif_ | why isn't pr1.2 out yet | 14:25 |
Arif_ | :\ | 14:25 |
MohammadAG | Arif_, to make you suffer | 14:25 |
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bigon | DocScrutinizer: https://bugs.maemo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9824 | 14:26 |
povbot | Bug 9824: GPS_DEVICE_STATUS_NO_FIX is never set | 14:26 |
Arif_ | today's a holiday anyway | 14:26 |
Arif_ | can't be released | 14:26 |
Arif_ | :D | 14:26 |
haltdef | :( | 14:27 |
Arif_ | hm | 14:27 |
Arif_ | wormux got an updat | 14:27 |
Arif_ | e | 14:27 |
haltdef | I don't need pr1.2, already been blown away | 14:27 |
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Arif_ | you're easily pleased :P | 14:27 |
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haltdef | what's wrong with 1.1 exactly? | 14:28 |
thresh | phone being unusable after 6 days of uptime? | 14:29 |
haltdef | :o | 14:29 |
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Arif_ | the user experience sucks? | 14:29 |
haltdef | only had it 4 days, and as a user I've had a good experience | 14:29 |
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MohammadAG | Arif_, UI sucks? | 14:29 |
Arif_ | that too | 14:29 |
MohammadAG | Arif_, :/ | 14:29 |
haltdef | :/ | 14:30 |
haltdef | will 1.2 fix all of that? | 14:30 |
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MohammadAG | no | 14:30 |
Arif_ | no ;( | 14:30 |
MohammadAG | cause it doesn't suck | 14:30 |
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haltdef | :| | 14:30 |
MohammadAG | if it's not broken don't fix it | 14:30 |
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DocScrutinizer | Arif_: (why isn't pr1.2 out yet) because each time you ask aout 1.2 they postpone it another 3 days to make you angry | 14:35 |
Arif_ | I only get angry whent he media player decides to not work again :( | 14:35 |
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ea_suter | hi folks | 14:35 |
DocScrutinizer | thresh: not here | 14:36 |
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thresh | DocScrutinizer: it starts to swap out a lot | 14:40 |
thresh | suppose something is leaking.. like desktop? | 14:40 |
DocScrutinizer | thresh: that seems to be caused by other processes, not exactly phone-related ones. Seen browser to cause that, esp when using flash | 14:41 |
thresh | DocScrutinizer: i'm not running browser all the time | 14:41 |
DocScrutinizer | also desktop widget unknown comes to mind | 14:42 |
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uhsf | how to type a | vertical bar on a n900? | 14:42 |
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DocScrutinizer | Fn+Ctrl | 14:42 |
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uhsf | that means the onscreen virtual keyboard? | 14:44 |
DocScrutinizer | yep | 14:44 |
pupnik | i pray the next nokia linux phone has competitive battery life | 14:45 |
DocScrutinizer | unless you remap the hw-keys | 14:45 |
lcukn900 | fsckingbleeryyydfffnnnkvirginyintergrrrryfail | 14:45 |
DocScrutinizer | pupnik: sure, they simply prohibit multitasking :-P | 14:46 |
uhsf | usb networking works with my notebook but not with my workstation. what configuration files should i try to edit so it works? | 14:46 |
ShadowJK | my battery is at 50% and bq27200 says I'd get 2400 minutes standby if I closed xchat and internets :p | 14:47 |
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DocScrutinizer | that's fair enough, no? | 14:48 |
ShadowJK | and 54 minutes at maximum load :D | 14:48 |
lcukn900 | shadow, with screen on? | 14:48 |
ShadowJK | no standby is screen off | 14:49 |
lcukn900 | what are you running to drop battery that fast? | 14:49 |
* lcukn900 kicks virgins ass | 14:50 | |
ShadowJK | The battery gas gauge chip has some preprogrammed info for maximum load, and it also has some heuristics to adapt in case user finds way to use more power than nokia engineers anticipated | 14:51 |
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DocScrutinizer | lcukn900: the 27200 reports calculated time-to-empty for max-load it seen. So this might be a transient caused by e.g massive UMTS-data traffic | 14:51 |
ShadowJK | a 5.12 second long transient | 14:52 |
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DocScrutinizer | yep | 14:52 |
DocScrutinizer | average over a window of that length, to be exact | 14:53 |
ShadowJK | it's such a round number I suspect I've never managed to use that much | 14:53 |
lcukn900 | ahh doc so ive seen something like that in the past. getting the battery dying death rolls, then still being able to continue for hours after changing use profile | 14:53 |
ShadowJK | maybe I need screen at full brightness, bluetpoth wlan and hspa all active and transmitting, fm tx and rx all active, etc | 14:53 |
lcukn900 | bluetooth too and a big disk copy as well | 14:54 |
DocScrutinizer | fm rx/tx won't cost much, as does BT. CPU load cost a lot though | 14:54 |
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DocScrutinizer | CPU, screen backlight, and Modem TX being worst powerhogs | 14:55 |
DocScrutinizer | and speakers on high volume | 14:55 |
* lcukn900 is saddened by lack of internet again | 14:55 | |
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ShadowJK | I've seen bt at 150mA on n810 | 14:56 |
DocScrutinizer | duh, hefty | 14:57 |
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ShadowJK | but that's a "bug" condition that fixed itself with bt on/off cycle | 14:57 |
nidO | morning | 14:57 |
ShadowJK | (then the nokia phone i tethered to ate that much extra instead) | 14:58 |
ShadowJK | gotta love bt | 14:58 |
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DocScrutinizer | lol | 14:58 |
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ShadowJK | lcukn900, n900 tethers nicely ;) | 15:02 |
* SpeedEvil is very glad of screen protector. | 15:02 | |
SpeedEvil | putting seccateurs in wrong pocket + hour of digging, bending down and up. | 15:02 |
* ShadowJK has the 3M vikuiti one now | 15:02 | |
SpeedEvil | thing is damn near opaque. | 15:02 |
SpeedEvil | Also. | 15:02 |
SpeedEvil | Prodigy - invaders must die - is a bad album to do manual labour to, unless you want to end up wrecked. | 15:02 |
lcukn900 | shadowjk only to my linux box. not to my gateway machine with all my irc and secure stuff | 15:03 |
ShadowJK | gateway machine: route del default; route add default gw linuxbox | 15:04 |
ShadowJK | linuxbox: echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward | 15:04 |
SpeedEvil | ShadowJK: are you putting results of this in wiki somewhere? | 15:04 |
ShadowJK | iptables -A POSTROUTING -o ppp0 -j MASQUERADE | 15:04 |
ShadowJK | ;D | 15:04 |
lcukn900 | E:notlinux | 15:04 |
ShadowJK | SpeedEvil, not really | 15:04 |
ShadowJK | There was someone else on tmo's N900 forum that was talking to bq27200 through the kernel driver | 15:05 |
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SpeedEvil | power peaks I think may be over 5w | 15:05 |
ShadowJK | I posted my intial impressions there | 15:05 |
DocScrutinizer | EREDMOND | 15:05 |
SpeedEvil | with it all going | 15:05 |
DocScrutinizer | SpeedEvil: easily | 15:06 |
bigon | is liblocation opensource? | 15:06 |
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game_over | can somebody help me with the ssh key for uploading ? do i need to copy everything from the id_rsa.pub ? | 15:06 |
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DocScrutinizer | SpeedEvil: modems usually rated at 2A@3.5V | 15:07 |
SpeedEvil | yeah | 15:07 |
DocScrutinizer | that's peak though | 15:08 |
DocScrutinizer | but GPRS should create a quite sustained power consumption like that, on highest bandwidth | 15:08 |
ShadowJK | hspa seems to create more sustained power consumption | 15:09 |
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DocScrutinizer | I'm subsumming all cellphone data transfer under GPRS here | 15:10 |
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ShadowJK | per byte edge uses more of course ;p | 15:10 |
SpeedEvil | also - turning powersave off on wlan wants huge amounts. | 15:10 |
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SpeedEvil | not-of-course huge compared..., but quite large | 15:10 |
DocScrutinizer | I heard of a guy literally melting his motorola phone by doing filesharing all during the night | 15:10 |
lcukx200 | :D | 15:10 |
ShadowJK | DocScrutinizer, all my nokias have survived that :) | 15:11 |
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DocScrutinizer | ShadowJK: decent modem chips reduce datarate by dropping slots, on overtemp | 15:12 |
marmoute | DocScrutinizer: I spend a night rsync my music directory over 3G no issue | 15:12 |
ShadowJK | downloading at ~20kbyte/s on edge: 250-300 | 15:12 |
* ShadowJK switches to 3g | 15:13 | |
DocScrutinizer | also I'm not sure if that's a true story, though the guy swore it happened to him | 15:13 |
pupnik | cheap home tablet for 50pounds http://www.slashgear.com/o2-joggler-home-media-tablet-price-slashed-0180022/ | 15:13 |
DocScrutinizer | btw that was a WCDMA phone | 15:13 |
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ShadowJK | ~450mA downloading on hspa... 3Mbit/s or so | 15:14 |
pupnik | total drain ShadowJK ? | 15:15 |
ShadowJK | yes | 15:15 |
ShadowJK | oh now it has updated max load to 685mA ;p | 15:15 |
* lcukx200 chceks virgin status | 15:15 | |
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lcukx200 | checks too | 15:15 |
* Arif_ yawns | 15:15 | |
pupnik | how do you monitor current battery drain? | 15:16 |
Arif_ | I want a 3Mb connection too... | 15:16 |
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ShadowJK | hm... gpodder seems to have downloaded a bunch of html instead of videos :/ | 15:18 |
Arif_ | ascii videos? =P | 15:18 |
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DocScrutinizer | ShadowJK: upload will suck considerably more power than download | 15:19 |
SpeedEvil | 'show me your "o" face' | 15:19 |
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ShadowJK | oh right, youtube has broken all third party youtube apps | 15:22 |
SpeedEvil | :/ | 15:22 |
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style | Is there somewhere tutorials for maemo developement (written in python) | 15:23 |
iksaif | do you think a python gpx library and a pyqt gpx viewer would be an acceptable gsoc for meego/maemo (I know, there is eCoach, but a python gpx library would be great) | 15:24 |
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Backtrack | hi all. | 15:29 |
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Backtrack | one question people... i need to extract the image from maemo firmware file (vanilla etc.bin) can you help me??? | 15:30 |
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Backtrack | people i need some help | 15:31 |
Backtrack | one question people... i need to extract the image from maemo firmware file (vanilla etc.bin) can you help me??? | 15:31 |
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DocScrutinizer | Backtrack: please try to study netiquette first | 15:34 |
Backtrack | doc i did... :) | 15:35 |
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DocScrutinizer | so, was there written "enter irc chan and repost your question every 60 seconds" ? | 15:35 |
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Backtrack | docs i dont care what u think goodbye and have a nice day | 15:37 |
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Arif_ | why don't you all just use /cs kick | 15:39 |
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Arif_ | it's faster :D | 15:39 |
nidO | guess he didnt notice | 15:39 |
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DocScrutinizer | abuse? he said goodbye ;-P | 15:39 |
pupnik | heh | 15:39 |
crashanddie | 22:39 <crashanddie> kick #maemo Arif_ | 15:39 |
crashanddie | 22:39 -ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- Invalid command. Use /msg ChanServ help for a command listing. | 15:39 |
Arif_ | aw | 15:40 |
crashanddie | that's why | 15:40 |
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crashanddie | this isn't efnet | 15:40 |
Arif_ | efnet doesn't have services | 15:40 |
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crashanddie | quakenet then | 15:40 |
nidO | efnet has no chanserv | 15:40 |
crashanddie | or undernet | 15:40 |
nidO | you mean quakenet | 15:40 |
nidO | :p | 15:40 |
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Arif_ | efnet has chanfix though \o/ | 15:41 |
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crashanddie | regardless | 15:42 |
crashanddie | don't be a smartass unless you're right | 15:42 |
Arif_ | don't blame me for features not working here :( | 15:43 |
DocScrutinizer | smartass implies to be right XP | 15:44 |
DocScrutinizer | otherwise != smart | 15:44 |
crashanddie | Arif_: it's not a feature, it caused more abuse than anything | 15:44 |
bigon | is liblocation opensource? I can't find where to download the sources | 15:44 |
Stskeeps | bigon: no | 15:44 |
DocScrutinizer | bigon: that's why the ticket was double important | 15:45 |
Jaffa | GAN900: ping | 15:45 |
Jaffa | Or, anyone else, what's the MediaWiki syntax for a link which goes below a title and says "Main article: ..."? | 15:45 |
crashanddie | {{main|Articlename}} | 15:46 |
Jaffa | ta | 15:46 |
bigon | DocScrutinizer: I open it for the pymaemo component | 15:47 |
bigon | as A | 15:47 |
bigon | as I did'nt try with the C version | 15:47 |
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DocScrutinizer | bigon: so odds are the python bindings are introducing the problem | 15:48 |
jatt | hi I'm running emacs on the n900 but only one thing is not working, gnus requires starttls to send mail, does anybody know where can I find a starttls package? | 15:50 |
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kynky | debian repo ? | 15:53 |
lcuk | morning dneary | 15:53 |
dneary | morning??? | 15:53 |
dneary | lcuk: You in the states? | 15:53 |
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lcuk | no dneary :) you just arrived and its holidays :p | 15:54 |
lcukx200 | which damn machine am i using :* | 15:54 |
lcukn900 | gah! | 15:55 |
lcuk | eep! | 15:55 |
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crashanddie | lcuk: where you at? | 15:57 |
lcuk | home | 15:57 |
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lcuk | but virgin have been shit this morning | 15:57 |
lcuk | so i connected from 3g and stuff all my machines started binging once it came back | 15:58 |
nidO | virgin were having lots of problems yesterday too | 15:58 |
dneary | lcuk, Not holidays here | 15:58 |
lcuk | ahhh dneary | 15:58 |
dneary | I just rebooted & hadn't restarted IRC | 15:58 |
crashanddie | dneary: easter is fucked up in france | 15:58 |
dneary | crashanddie, Nah. Easter is a sucky holiday anyway | 15:58 |
crashanddie | hey, 4 day weekend, doesn't suck from where I'm standing | 15:59 |
nidO | still only a 2 day weekend for me :( | 16:00 |
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bullet` | hi all | 16:07 |
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bullet` | its 2nd april now 1! | 16:08 |
bullet` | how much more wait for 1.2 ? | 16:08 |
haltdef | 3 years | 16:08 |
dneary | crashanddie, Celebrating some guy faking his death? | 16:08 |
crashanddie | If religion did anything, it was give us excuses to give each other gifts and provide us with opportunities to get drunk and chill out | 16:10 |
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user` | how do i enable the facebook widget? | 16:11 |
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viraptor | bullet': it wil be right after perl6 and a bit before duke nukem forever | 16:13 |
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RST38h | http://www.lsd.ic.unicamp.br/~oliva/fun/prog/resign-patterns | 16:16 |
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_bella_ | •hi• | 16:16 |
lcuk | hiya _bella_ | 16:17 |
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V13 | hello... I want to add a screenshot in a program in maemo/Downloads but the "Edit" option is inactive. I'm the one who created/uploaded the program, I'm already logged in and I believe that I'm doing exactly the same thing I did with another program (where it worked). | 16:24 |
V13 | any ideas/hints ? | 16:24 |
mst | hokay. is there a sane way to flash just the root partition? | 16:24 |
mst | I appear to have Upset the OS install but if I can hang onto /home/user it would make me happy | 16:25 |
V13 | yes... flasher | 16:25 |
mst | will that flatten the OS without touching address books etc.? | 16:25 |
V13 | when flashing you flash either the 256M rootfs or the internal mmc | 16:25 |
V13 | yes. | 16:25 |
V13 | most of your options are under /homt | 16:25 |
V13 | /home | 16:25 |
V13 | but you should also backup | 16:26 |
mst | I have an old-ish backup. I've screwed it over enough I don't think I can manage to make another one. | 16:26 |
mst | this is, as they say, my own stupid fault. | 16:26 |
V13 | well... most probably it work | 16:27 |
V13 | ...will work | 16:27 |
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V13 | why can't you make a backup ? | 16:27 |
jacekowski | [Slashdot] Intel and Nokia Provide First MeeGo Release (linux) - http://linux.slashdot.org/story/10/04/02/1228249/-Intel-and-Nokia-Provide-First-MeeGo-Release?from=rss | 16:28 |
Arif_ | is that the fancy cli version? | 16:28 |
mst | V13: because I've upset it sufficiently I can't manage to get it into PC Suite mode | 16:28 |
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mst | V13: X doesn't appear to be coming up properly | 16:29 |
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RurouniJones | hmmm, they mention N900 in the slashdot article | 16:29 |
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V13 | well.. you could enable r&d mode before flashing | 16:29 |
V13 | just to be able to get a shell | 16:29 |
V13 | (haven't done this myself) | 16:29 |
mst | ooh | 16:29 |
mst | what am I googling to try that? | 16:30 |
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V13 | http://wiki.maemo.org/R&D_mode | 16:30 |
jacekowski | RurouniJones: there is n900 image avaliable | 16:31 |
RurouniJones | so anyone brave enough to install meegoin their n900? | 16:31 |
mst | V13: hmm. I think I already put mine into that mode | 16:31 |
jacekowski | mst: that kills power managment | 16:31 |
jacekowski | mst: a lot of it | 16:32 |
V13 | mst: I guess it should give you a shell when it starts | 16:32 |
mst | I'm not that lucky. | 16:32 |
crashanddie | jacekowski: shame bunch of those comments are misinformed | 16:32 |
crashanddie | RurouniJones: you can install meego on the n900 | 16:32 |
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mst | jacekowski: I dunno, it's blue pill'ed | 16:32 |
jacekowski | crashanddie: that was info from wiki | 16:32 |
mst | mostly I just need to flatten the / partition | 16:33 |
crashanddie | jacekowski: what was? | 16:33 |
mst | since I attempted to update the system, it ran out of space on /, and everything went downhill from there | 16:33 |
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jacekowski | crashanddie: thatone of r&d options breaks power management | 16:33 |
crashanddie | jacekowski: so? why are you telling me that? | 16:34 |
jacekowski | Note: As R&D mode has other side effects beyond simply enabling root access (including several that may negatively impact battery life), it is not the recommended method for gaining root access. Use rootsh instead. | 16:34 |
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V13 | hey guys.. he can't boot. | 16:34 |
crashanddie | jacekowski: I was just saying that it's a shame a lot of the comments on the slashdot story are misinformed | 16:34 |
jacekowski | oh | 16:34 |
crashanddie | sorry, should have specified | 16:35 |
jacekowski | crashanddie: any specific one | 16:36 |
crashanddie | jacekowski: rpm vs deb | 16:36 |
jacekowski | msi ftw | 16:36 |
crashanddie | lol, aye | 16:36 |
crashanddie | let's dump this linux crap | 16:37 |
crashanddie | I want WinCE on my N900 | 16:37 |
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jacekowski | i would really like to get serial port on n900 | 16:37 |
jacekowski | like i had on iphone | 16:37 |
jacekowski | it was very usefull for testing modbus devices | 16:38 |
V13 | so, any ideas on how to add a screenshot to a project ? | 16:41 |
mst | hrm. image list is showing a 1.2009 and a 3.2010 | 16:41 |
V13 | 3.2010 ? | 16:41 |
V13 | ah.. yes.. 1.1.1 | 16:42 |
mst | RX-51_2009SE_3.2010.02-8.203.1_PR_COMBINED_203_ARM.bin 171136705 PR 1.1.1 version 3.2010.02-8 | 16:42 |
mst | I guess I'm safer getting the 2009 one and upgrading once it's happy again? | 16:42 |
V13 | i'd go for 1.1.1 | 16:42 |
V13 | if it fails, rollback to 1.0 | 16:42 |
nidO | you're better still getting the global variant | 16:42 |
nidO | not uk | 16:42 |
V13 | or 1.1 | 16:42 |
Treibholz | has anyone tried to write something like a CalDAV-Connector for the calendar? | 16:42 |
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V13 | be sure to use the rootfs image only | 16:43 |
V13 | btw, if you plug n900 with usb when it is turned off, you may be able to see your files | 16:43 |
V13 | just in case. | 16:43 |
mst | these all appear to be "combined" | 16:43 |
ShadowJK | Oh fuckers | 16:43 |
ShadowJK | Mugen put a thermistor on BSI instead of a resistor | 16:43 |
mst | V13: I've already backed up the stuff in MyDocs that way, but thanks | 16:43 |
nidO | they wat. | 16:44 |
mst | V13: I guess "combined" means I have to tell the flasher to only flash / ? | 16:44 |
nidO | why the hell did they do that | 16:44 |
ShadowJK | so battery design capacity as reported by bme will vary depending on the battery temperature at boot :) | 16:44 |
V13 | mst: dunno | 16:44 |
ShadowJK | nidO, fuck knows :) | 16:44 |
V13 | :)))))))) | 16:44 |
mst | nidO: why global rather than UK? | 16:44 |
nidO | because nokia struggle to remember the uk exists | 16:45 |
nidO | and generally gets updates anytime between ages after the rest of the world, and never | 16:45 |
ShadowJK | because the UK variant is made by a team that doesn't exist, since they don't exist they can be pretty slow at updating it | 16:45 |
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mst | hokay | 16:47 |
* mst grabs the global release | 16:47 | |
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mst | aha | 16:48 |
mst | flasher can unpack a fiasco image and then install bits separately | 16:49 |
mst | so ... if I unpack the kernel and rootfs | 16:49 |
mst | then splat those over onto the device | 16:49 |
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mst | that should, in theory, give me an unf*cked n900 | 16:49 |
V13 | it is possible to only flash the rootfs... I did it the 2nd day i got n900 because I bricked it :) | 16:49 |
V13 | don't remember how exactly but it is the first thing you'll do so you can't miss it | 16:50 |
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mst | V13: right, but my phone is presumably a 1.0 UK so a 1.1.1 global image I probably want to do the kernel as well, no? | 16:50 |
V13 | i believe it does it altogether. | 16:50 |
V13 | don't remember | 16:50 |
mst | oki | 16:50 |
mst | I do like the fact that nokia have clearly expected people like us to do stupid things to our phones and brick them :) | 16:51 |
nidO | it does | 16:51 |
nidO | you just need the firmware image | 16:51 |
nidO | that unbricks the device and reflashes it entirely | 16:51 |
nidO | without touching the emmc | 16:51 |
mst | right. I'm trying to keep /home/user intact as well though | 16:51 |
nidO | home/user or /home/user/MyDocs? | 16:51 |
V13 | both | 16:52 |
mst | MyDocs I have backed up; there's a few files of notes in /home/user/ I'd like to keep | 16:52 |
nidO | i didnt really see the start of this, is your phone bricked atm then to prevent you just moving them? | 16:52 |
mst | nidO: it somewhat boots but not sufficiently for me to get an xterm | 16:53 |
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pupnik | dont mean to be a pest but can someone tell me what to search for to get current battery consumption on n900? | 16:53 |
mst | I attempted to apt some stuff onto it, filled /, tried to clean up after myself, screwed up somewhere | 16:54 |
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MohammadAG_ | /home/user, /home/user/MyDocs, and /opt are only cleared by flashing the eMMC | 16:54 |
nidO | the firmware flash keeps /home/user as well? | 16:54 |
MohammadAG_ | (or till the next firmware is released, should start clearing /home and /opt when a reflash is done) | 16:54 |
MohammadAG_ | nidO, yes, config files and the like are kept | 16:55 |
MohammadAG_ | My XChat settings stay, as well as logs | 16:55 |
nidO | yeah does it just internally backup and restore config files it knows are there though, or will it keep the entire folder? | 16:55 |
MohammadAG_ | do a backup to be sure, but I reflashed three times yesterday | 16:55 |
MohammadAG_ | nidO, it won't touch it if you don't reflash the vanilla eMMC image | 16:56 |
mst | ah, the homedir is on the memory card? | 16:56 |
mst | I can see that making total sense actually | 16:56 |
Jaffa | X-Fade: Are you following up with achipa's email failure; or do you want me to? | 16:56 |
mst | then MyDocs is just a FAT chunk of homedir? | 16:56 |
nidO | I thought /home/user was on the rootfs and would get wiped | 16:56 |
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V13 | mst: the emmc has two partitions: A 2GB partition that holds /home and a 30GB partition that holds MyDocs | 16:57 |
ShadowJK | and a third partition for swap | 16:58 |
V13 | right | 16:58 |
nidO | ah yeah course it is | 16:58 |
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V13 | and the 30G is in fact 28G | 16:58 |
nidO | /dev/mmcblk0p2 2.0G 239.2M 1.6G 13% /home | 16:58 |
V13 | it's 2G ext3, 28G vfat and 768M swap | 16:58 |
mgedmin | 28.3 GB or 27.0 GiB | 16:59 |
V13 | Jaffa: ping | 16:59 |
mgedmin | the whole eMMC is 31.2 GB or 29.8 GiB | 16:59 |
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mst | V13: RAH | 17:00 |
mst | ok. I like this design. | 17:00 |
mst | it accomodates nicely for me being a complete idiot. | 17:00 |
mgedmin | I suppose the remaining 2.1 GiB are used for write leveling? | 17:00 |
mst | I approve of this :) | 17:00 |
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mgedmin | do flash memory chips come in powers of two? | 17:00 |
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* V13 thinks for a number of jokes for mgedmin's expression | 17:01 | |
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* noobmonk3y waves | 17:03 | |
nidO | just got up? | 17:03 |
V13 | so.. any help on uploading a screenshot for a project in maemo extras ? | 17:03 |
mgedmin | V13, log in | 17:03 |
V13 | did | 17:04 |
MohammadAG_ | <mst> ah, the homedir is on the memory card? | 17:04 |
mgedmin | then at the top of the page you'll see a floating midgard menu | 17:04 |
mgedmin | it's under Page -> Edit, I think | 17:04 |
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V13 | mgedmin: Yes... that's what I'm trying to do. By "Edit" is grayed | 17:04 |
mgedmin | hm | 17:04 |
MohammadAG_ | /home is on a 2GB partition on the eMMC, /opt is in home (/home/opt) and symlinked back to /opt | 17:04 |
noobmonk3y | lol been out all day :D | 17:04 |
noobmonk3y | car cleaning | 17:04 |
V13 | mgedmin: And another project where I already did this and already has a screenshot, it doesn't work too. | 17:04 |
V13 | mgedmin: That's why i pinged Jaffa | 17:05 |
V13 | mgedmin: Or I'm doing something really stupid that I'm not aware of. | 17:05 |
mgedmin | it doesn't work for me either | 17:05 |
mgedmin | isn't it X-Fade's job to oversee the website? | 17:06 |
* MohammadAG_ hits noobmonk3y with a proximity mine | 17:06 | |
V13 | mgedmin: Dunno :) | 17:06 |
nidO | all day to clean a car? | 17:06 |
* noobmonk3y blinks | 17:06 | |
V13 | X-Fade: ping | 17:06 |
V13 | :-) | 17:06 |
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mgedmin | http://maemo.org/profile/view/xfade/ --> "I'm the maemo.org webmaster" | 17:07 |
b-man17 | /ping X-Fade | 17:07 |
b-man17 | ;) | 17:07 |
V13 | b-man17: I'm betting on him using x-chat or another client that blinks when his nickname is mentioned :) | 17:07 |
MohammadAG_ | member since 1970? | 17:08 |
* noobmonk3y farts | 17:08 | |
nidO | good old epoch timing | 17:09 |
* MohammadAG_ sees how noobmonk3y fills up the IRC logs with some weird stuff :P | 17:09 | |
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noobmonk3y | yup ;) | 17:09 |
mgedmin | ah, attention-seekers | 17:09 |
* mgedmin hides | 17:09 | |
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* noobmonk3y is gonna update another version of healthcheck into dev ..... nothing else to do | 17:10 | |
* lcuk waves @ mgedmin | 17:10 | |
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nidO | start pushing to testing as well tbh | 17:11 |
* b-man17 listens to some music | 17:12 | |
Jaffa | V13: Not tried it recently | 17:12 |
V13 | Jaffa: I thought you're the right one to contact for this. sorry.. it's X-Fade as mgedmin mentioned. | 17:13 |
MohammadAG_ | noobmonk3y, proximity included | 17:13 |
MohammadAG_ | ? | 17:13 |
noobmonk3y | naaaa not yet - still focusing on menu bar and apps area | 17:13 |
* MohammadAG_ readies a quad barrel shotgun | 17:13 | |
noobmonk3y | its in my todo's :D | 17:13 |
* MohammadAG_ fires | 17:13 | |
noobmonk3y | lol | 17:13 |
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MohammadAG | Frozen bubble's good, why didn't I install it when I saw it in the repos | 17:15 |
noobmonk3y | w000p uploaded | 17:15 |
Jaffa | V13: That's OK; glad to be thought of :-) | 17:15 |
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mst | MohammadAG: ftw | 17:17 |
mst | and there's active development on it again | 17:17 |
johnsu01 | oh, does it install now? it's been missing libraries every time I've tried | 17:18 |
mst | of course, as soon as this works again | 17:18 |
mst | I'm going to break it with apt again, most likely | 17:18 |
MohammadAG | johnsu01, got the libraries and optified perl-modules | 17:19 |
MohammadAG | they're still not in the repos, not sure if I should up them | 17:19 |
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MohammadAG | plus I don't have the source (and don't want to rebuild them for maemo from scratch) so if I up them I'll put them in non-free | 17:20 |
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mst | MohammadAG: if you talk to the sdl.perl.org guys | 17:22 |
mst | MohammadAG: I think they'd really love to help | 17:22 |
MohammadAG | optification? | 17:22 |
mst | MohammadAG: building packages for FB in general | 17:23 |
MohammadAG | they're already built | 17:23 |
MohammadAG | but they're not optified | 17:23 |
MohammadAG | I was able to optify the perl-modules package | 17:23 |
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MohammadAG | does anyone know of a good hosting service? | 17:27 |
MohammadAG | Using ucoz for free at the moment, but it doesn't allow +15MB files | 17:27 |
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talmai | when you put package to extras non-free repository, do you get any feedback on email or something.. how do you track what's happening with the package | 17:34 |
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mgedmin | the N900 camera is too damn slow | 17:40 |
pronto | not really o.O | 17:41 |
SpeedEvil | you mean shitter lag? | 17:41 |
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user_ | hey guys | 17:45 |
user_ | how are u doing | 17:46 |
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user_ | hi ganopp | 17:46 |
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user_ | hi | 17:48 |
* mst tries to work out what account-plugin-haze does that telephay-haze doesn't | 17:48 | |
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user_ | is anyone here | 17:48 |
user_ | i got a problem | 17:49 |
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mst | this is IRC. nobody's going to reply unless you say something useful. | 17:49 |
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lcuk | mst, you broke the rules then | 17:50 |
user_ | ok, can u copy your /etc/apt/source.list for my referenece? | 17:51 |
lcuk | /etc/apt/source.list is blank on device | 17:52 |
lcuk | /etc/apt/sources.d folder has a list of repos updated | 17:52 |
user_ | .d | 17:52 |
MohammadAG | it's /etc/apt/sources.list.d/hildon-application-manager.list | 17:52 |
mgedmin | SpeedEvil, I mean "see cat sitting on laptop, pull n900 from pocket, open lens shutter, wait for camera app to start ... damn, the cat ran away" | 17:52 |
MohammadAG | lcuk, beat me to it | 17:52 |
mgedmin | it takes 2-3 seconds for the camera app to start up | 17:53 |
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MohammadAG | how long does it take a normal camera to work from a pocket | 17:53 |
lcuk | mgedmin, downgrade your cat | 17:53 |
user_ | i meant this, you know it | 17:53 |
SpeedEvil | ah | 17:53 |
user_ | end wit .d | 17:53 |
lcuk | i would like to open shutter and take instant pics also | 17:54 |
SpeedEvil | lock camera-ui in RAM | 17:54 |
MohammadAG | SpeedEvil, it's already in RAM I think | 17:54 |
SpeedEvil | not all of it | 17:55 |
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user_ | i just need a repository address that have ettercap | 17:55 |
user_ | can u help me | 17:55 |
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MohammadAG | SpeedEvil, oh I see | 17:57 |
MohammadAG | ShadowJK, ping | 17:57 |
user_ | help | 17:58 |
user_ | SOS | 17:58 |
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lcuk | is ettercap in the maemo repository? | 17:59 |
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MohammadAG | Nope | 17:59 |
ShadowJK | åpomg | 17:59 |
ShadowJK | pong | 17:59 |
MohammadAG | ShadowJK, hi | 17:59 |
mst | user_: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=n900+ettercap | 17:59 |
MohammadAG | just need to ask about the Mugen battery | 17:59 |
user_ | in what repo, then | 17:59 |
MohammadAG | does it get rid of the blue haze problem in images? | 18:00 |
ShadowJK | MohammadAG, the entire cover is more or less the same black matte finish as the N900 cover.. so there's no blue and no chrome parts near the camera | 18:00 |
ShadowJK | it doesn't have a camera lens cover | 18:00 |
MohammadAG | did you find a workaround for the SD card problem? | 18:01 |
ShadowJK | I haven't really looked at it | 18:01 |
ShadowJK | but I imagine you could glue a magnet to the inside of the cover | 18:01 |
MohammadAG | I meant a software workaround :) | 18:02 |
MohammadAG | anyways, thanks mate :) | 18:02 |
SpeedEvil | isn't the case switvch IR | 18:02 |
SpeedEvil | so a white thingy | 18:03 |
MohammadAG | that's for the camera | 18:03 |
MohammadAG | I'm assuming flashlight won't work, as well as shortcutd/camkeyd | 18:03 |
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MohammadAG | camkeyd might actually go into the dashboard if the camera key is pressed, it does that without the cover | 18:04 |
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ShadowJK | Yeah the mugen cover works the same as N900 without any cover at all | 18:04 |
mst | nidO: cheers for the advice, all good now. | 18:05 |
mst | V13: cheers to you as well, mate. | 18:05 |
* mst vanishes into the aether | 18:05 | |
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madduck | http://rss.slashdot.org/~r/Slashdot/slashdot/~3/lpm0jLfgpwk/-Intel-and-Nokia-Provide-First-MeeGo-Release | 18:11 |
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ech0Asus | meego is out for n900? | 18:17 |
nidO | yes | 18:18 |
ech0Asus | aww man i just got meamo configured how i want :( | 18:18 |
nidO | so? | 18:18 |
ech0Asus | isn't it a replacement os? | 18:18 |
nidO | uh# | 18:18 |
nidO | no. | 18:18 |
nidO | this is the first meego code drop | 18:18 |
ech0Asus | ah ok so just for dev | 18:19 |
nidO | its like a version | 18:19 |
nidO | no ui, no working user features, nothing | 18:19 |
nidO | its just a shell | 18:19 |
ech0Asus | well at least a shell now lol | 18:19 |
SpeedEvil | bash? | 18:19 |
nidO | yep | 18:19 |
iksaif | do anyone tried localepurge on n900 ? | 18:20 |
iksaif | I wonder how much space it could free .. | 18:20 |
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ech0Asus | bbl guys need to study some :( | 18:22 |
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MohammadAG | http://pastebin.com/0qHNm59p any ideas? | 18:34 |
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iksaif | localepurge not working due to busybox :/ | 18:50 |
iksaif | but deborphan is :) | 18:50 |
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corecode | MohammadAG: on? | 18:55 |
MohammadAG | corecode, compiling wol in scratchbox, autogen doesn't seem to making the Makefile.in file | 18:55 |
MohammadAG | or the init directory | 18:55 |
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* noobmonk3y waves | 18:59 | |
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Arif_ | soupmonk3y \o | 18:59 |
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noobmonk3y | soupmonkey? lol | 19:03 |
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* SpeedEvil wants to see a monkey on a segway with a bowl of soup. | 19:07 | |
b-man17 | that was completely random xD | 19:07 |
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* lcuk returns with beer | 19:11 | |
thresh | :( | 19:11 |
* MohammadAG sees a flashing !, expects PR1.2, finds out it's healthcheck | 19:12 | |
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Jaffa | X-Fade: ping | 19:17 |
Jaffa | lcuk: good plan | 19:17 |
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* lcuk is going to kfc instead actually, beer will wait | 19:17 | |
* SpeedEvil ponders fried beer. | 19:18 | |
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* noobmonk3y should be packing, grrrrrrrrr | 19:19 | |
nidO | regular expressions are srsly the worst things ever /wrists | 19:20 |
SpeedEvil | na+h. | 19:21 |
dmj726_n900 | Arif: have you tried any n900 themes? | 19:21 |
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dmj726_n900 | Arif_: actually | 19:23 |
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Arif_ | yes | 19:31 |
Arif_ | I'm using dark sky | 19:31 |
RST38h | MOO. | 19:32 |
Arif_ | OOM | 19:32 |
style | could you tell me fun g-sensor games | 19:32 |
Arif_ | tuxrace | 19:33 |
Arif_ | quake 3 | 19:33 |
RST38h | Does g-sensor have anything to do with g-spots? | 19:33 |
MohammadAG | G-sensor, haven't heard that in some time | 19:33 |
Arif_ | RST38h, you need to hold the phone in a specific spot for a while | 19:33 |
MohammadAG | RST38h, LOL I was gonna say that but thought it might not be appropriate | 19:33 |
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SpeedEvil | also, it's not waterproof. | 19:34 |
RST38h | MohammadAG: You mean, it did not mention PR1.2? =) | 19:35 |
MohammadAG | haha | 19:35 |
Arif_ | oo | 19:35 |
Arif_ | a new ! | 19:35 |
Arif_ | and it's wormux | 19:36 |
dmj726_n900 | does dark sky make it easier to read for you? | 19:37 |
Arif_ | I set all font sizes below 18 to 18 | 19:37 |
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thresh | every time someone mentions PR1.2, god kills a kitteh | 19:38 |
Arif_ | I do find it hard to read those yellow bars, though...={ | 19:38 |
* RST38h kills a hampster, preemptively | 19:39 | |
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DrGrov | Good evening, Happy Easter to all =) | 19:39 |
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Arif_ | happy rabbit/egg day | 19:40 |
DrGrov | thanks Arif_ | 19:41 |
Arif_ | as that's the only thing left of it ;( | 19:41 |
* MohammadAG wonders why no one came up with a PS3 controller attachment for the N900 | 19:42 | |
Arif_ | everyone loves the zeemote | 19:43 |
Arif_ | or they got hte pandora :) | 19:43 |
MohammadAG | no attachments for that either | 19:43 |
MohammadAG | :P | 19:43 |
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MohammadAG | RST38h, any idea where the icon for the task bar notification of xchat should be? | 19:47 |
dmj726_n900 | I think I may have to make a theme since gray buttons probably suck for a11y. | 19:48 |
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Seiya | hi | 20:00 |
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ShadowJK | arithmetic is so fun in sh script :D | 20:04 |
Seiya | i want to update psx4all 0.3.7 but i need 2 packets (libhildon1, libhildonmime0), where i can do this? | 20:04 |
RST38h | Seiya: /msg X-Fade Please, fix autobuilder to build for the OS version everyone has | 20:05 |
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slonopotamus | RST38h: does that help? :) | 20:09 |
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uhsf | i tried everything from the wiki to set up usb networking but it still doesn't work. what is wrong with usb networking on the n900? | 20:16 |
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uhsf | it may not be a problem with the n900, i suspect a problem with my linux workstation, what could be preventing usb network from connecting? | 20:28 |
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MohammadAG | <Seiya> i want to update psx4all 0.3.7 but i need 2 packets (libhildon1, libhildonmime0), where i can do this? | 20:31 |
MohammadAG | I have the old file that works | 20:32 |
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Seiya | 0.3.8 sry | 20:32 |
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MohammadAG | Seiya, I have the old one | 20:33 |
Seiya | can you say me the version number | 20:34 |
MohammadAG | <Seiya> i want to update psx4all 0.3.7 but i need 2 packets (libhildon1, libhildonmime0), where i can do this? | 20:34 |
MohammadAG | oops | 20:34 |
MohammadAG | psx4all_0.3.1_armel.deb | 20:34 |
MohammadAG | you can try http://repository.maemo.org/extras-devel/pool/fremantle/free/p/psx4all/psx4all_0.3.3_armel.deb | 20:35 |
Seiya | i have 0.3.7 and it runs to but i hope the update brings better performence | 20:35 |
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MohammadAG | Seiya, then wait for PR1.2 :) | 20:35 |
itdock | omg | 20:35 |
itdock | when is 1.2 | 20:35 |
itdock | :P | 20:35 |
itdock | been waiiting forever | 20:36 |
itdock | :P:P:P | 20:36 |
* itdock runs around in circles | 20:37 | |
Seiya | give it a release date? | 20:38 |
MohammadAG | 2010 | 20:38 |
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Seiya | ahh | 20:39 |
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b-man17 | no, 2110 | 20:41 |
b-man17 | xDD | 20:41 |
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Arif_ | which one looks less crappy? http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.27621 http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.18994 | 20:42 |
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itdock | you shopping DX too? | 20:43 |
itdock | :P | 20:43 |
Arif_ | yes :D | 20:43 |
Arif_ | maybe they have PR1.2 for sale | 20:43 |
itdock | lol | 20:43 |
itdock | im buying more flashlights | 20:44 |
itdock | http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.33549 | 20:44 |
* noobmonk3y needs beer | 20:44 | |
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Arif_ | those Chinese flashlights are awesome | 20:44 |
itdock | i have one already, this one has the latest R5 emitter | 20:45 |
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itdock | i got this too | 20:52 |
itdock | http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.2041 | 20:52 |
itdock | for no particular reason lol | 20:52 |
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Proteous | heh | 20:55 |
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Arif_ | oo,snowball | 20:59 |
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itdock | lol | 21:01 |
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jacekowski | have anybody tried meego? | 21:03 |
Stskeeps | yes, shiny xterm | 21:03 |
jacekowski | in meego? | 21:03 |
Stskeeps | yes | 21:03 |
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Stskeeps | it's supposed to be like that | 21:03 |
jacekowski | screenshot | 21:04 |
Stskeeps | it's an xterm | 21:04 |
Stskeeps | i am not kidding | 21:04 |
Stskeeps | :P | 21:04 |
itdock | and thats all you get | 21:04 |
itdock | no other interface | 21:04 |
jacekowski | no way? | 21:04 |
itdock | just imagine a black part of the screen that is 2/3 of the screen with some text on it | 21:04 |
itdock | thats it | 21:05 |
jacekowski | 1st april was yesterday | 21:05 |
nidO | why would you expect more? | 21:05 |
nidO | its what was announced would be there a while ago | 21:05 |
itdock | meego is released | 21:05 |
Stskeeps | it is not a release | 21:05 |
Stskeeps | :P | 21:05 |
Stskeeps | it's a codedrop | 21:05 |
itdock | for developers only | 21:05 |
itdock | it is not usable as a phone OS | 21:05 |
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nidO | meego day1 code drop = UX for netbooks, and none for anything else, with them being added over time between day1 and the May 1.0 intended release | 21:05 |
Stskeeps | nidO: intel images boot into a console | 21:06 |
nidO | whered the netbook ux go then | 21:06 |
Stskeeps | think the ux isn't entirely settled yet | 21:06 |
SpeedEvil | I had ux. | 21:06 |
SpeedEvil | But I eated it. | 21:06 |
RST38h | go extract it, quick | 21:07 |
RST38h | before it finishes transformation into symbian ux | 21:07 |
* itdock gives heimlich maneuver | 21:07 | |
KMFDM | use of rpm's is a bit disappointing | 21:08 |
Stskeeps | sigh, we had this discussion | 21:08 |
itdock | ya, i want my super cow powers | 21:08 |
Stskeeps | :P | 21:08 |
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* SpeedEvil fails to understand why people get all excited over packace formats. | 21:09 | |
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RST38h | gives them something to fight over | 21:09 |
lcuk | because many people use one format or another | 21:09 |
nidO | because puritan geeks who've made their choice on what they prefer become irrational in believing their way is best. | 21:09 |
lcuk | i have same format on laptop and on device at the moment | 21:10 |
ds3 | bah packaging | 21:10 |
RST38h | because fighting over the right to keep your shoes on in the airport is hard. | 21:10 |
nidO | rather than understanding that for something like a package format, it doesnt make the slightest bit of damn difference | 21:10 |
lcuk | bah indeed | 21:10 |
* lcuk still strongly advocates installshield | 21:10 | |
SpeedEvil | pkgtool | 21:10 |
itdock | ew | 21:10 |
* RST38h sticks lcuk with the Microsoft Clippy | 21:10 | |
V13 | nid0 or perhaps because most of all who used deb (plus all extra tools like the builder, apt, repositories, plus all the nice things like common arch packages, multi-arch, etc) liked them very much :P | 21:11 |
* lcuk installs Norton AntiVirus on RST38h's computer | 21:11 | |
lcuk | gor is it called something else now | 21:11 |
* V13 flamed | 21:11 | |
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itdock | i want this under my desk | 21:12 |
itdock | http://www.supermicro.com/a_images/banner/banner_xeon_7500.jpg | 21:12 |
nidO | yes, they do like them, just like lots of people that use rpm like that, yet when all is said and done, which ultimately gets used doesnt matter in the least | 21:12 |
nidO | I prefer nano over vi or emacs, but at the end of the day whichever I use, the file still gets edited. | 21:12 |
RST38h | itdock: would you prefer a woman instead, though? | 21:12 |
V13 | lets summarize to this: Will it be possible to do SSUs with RPM? | 21:13 |
Stskeeps | of course | 21:13 |
lcuk | +1 RST38h | 21:13 |
Stskeeps | it might even be saner | 21:13 |
V13 | Stskeeps: The whole system? | 21:13 |
Stskeeps | V13: yes, why not | 21:13 |
nidO | ofc | 21:13 |
Stskeeps | also | 21:13 |
Stskeeps | yum or zypper vs apt-get | 21:13 |
Stskeeps | not rpm vs apt-get | 21:13 |
lcuk | pacman! | 21:13 |
V13 | dunno.. last time i checked rpm (some years ago) couldn't do that | 21:13 |
V13 | wait.. that's not all.. | 21:13 |
Stskeeps | V13: of course, rpm is comparable to dpkg | 21:13 |
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nidO | yeah and thats the problem V13 | 21:13 |
V13 | i didn't ask for an automated package download tool. | 21:14 |
Stskeeps | apt-get's one | 21:14 |
Stskeeps | :P | 21:14 |
nidO | a lot of people bemoaning rpm are comparing what deb can do now with what rpm could do a decade ago | 21:14 |
V13 | I'm not talking about apt but about deb | 21:14 |
nidO | because thats the last time they used it | 21:14 |
V13 | will it be possible to upgrade the system with rpm, without a reflash? | 21:14 |
nidO | yes | 21:14 |
V13 | i.e. handle all package upgrades | 21:14 |
nidO | yes | 21:14 |
V13 | then it's ok | 21:15 |
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itdock | RST38h: already have one, need machine now | 21:20 |
RST38h | get the second one, forget about that machine | 21:21 |
itdock | lol | 21:21 |
Chiku|dc | PR 1.2 is not relaesed yet? :( | 21:21 |
V13 | it did | 21:21 |
* V13 runs | 21:21 | |
thresh | every time someone mentions PR1.2, god kills a kitteh | 21:22 |
Arif_ | PR1.3 is due next week | 21:22 |
Arif_ | who needs PR1.2 | 21:22 |
Chiku|dc | need to reflash my n900 | 21:23 |
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* SpeedEvil is waiting for PRsqrt(2) | 21:23 | |
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nidO | im sure we'll get to 1.4.1 sooner or later | 21:23 |
V13 | the real question is: Is pr1.2 released for testing yet? | 21:24 |
Arif_ | or Moogo | 21:24 |
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marcus | Heya guys | 21:35 |
marcus | DocScrutinizer: Appearently that trouble I had with accelerometer yesterday, was fixed by a simple reboot. (: Works perfect now. | 21:36 |
lcuk | yo! marcus | 21:36 |
V13 | marcus: it was reporting nonsense? | 21:36 |
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marcus | V13: Nah, but acting annoying. When I was in Bounce Evolution (the game) it went straight to the right. And the flip to start phone app didnt work | 21:37 |
marcus | But after reboot it did. | 21:37 |
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V13 | there is an open bug report for something similar. It becomes unusable and gets fixed when you turn-off and on | 21:38 |
V13 | a reboot did not fix it for me. I had to turn n900 off | 21:38 |
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marcus | V13: Sounds like the problem I had. (I just said reboot instead of turn off -> Start) | 21:39 |
lcuk | wheres the bug for accelerometer | 21:39 |
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V13 | https://bugs.maemo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=6996 | 21:40 |
povbot | Bug 6996: Accelerometer uncalibrated after reboot | 21:40 |
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marcus | and I finally got it updated using my GFs network... lawl | 21:42 |
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marcus | If I install extras-devel, do I then see the apps like normal via program manager? Or do I need to use apt-get | 21:45 |
V13 | see | 21:45 |
lcuk | thanks V13 | 21:45 |
V13 | yw | 21:45 |
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marcus | Do you guys use built-in browser or firefox? and why? | 21:48 |
nidO | microb's better | 21:48 |
DrGrov | wtf? PR 1.2 out for download? | 21:49 |
thresh | every time someone mentions PR1.2, god kills a kitteh | 21:49 |
thresh | i should probably put that in auto-reply | 21:49 |
* RST38h mentions PR1.2 in vain, again and again, just to watch poor kitten ghosts rise to the skies from all around | 21:50 | |
lcuk | whack-a-kitty: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_udqEp_YR4 | 21:50 |
DrGrov | thresh: sounds like a challenge. i wonder if there is enough kittens around for me to keep mentioning PR 1.2 | 21:51 |
* lcuk hopes the poor kittens get brought back to life as lions and tigers | 21:52 | |
RST38h | lcuk: The dirty little secret is, everyone gets brought back to life as an insect, to conserve space. | 21:54 |
lcuk | what about insects themselves? | 21:54 |
lcuk | and you cannot discount leprechauns | 21:55 |
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Arif_ | hmm | 21:56 |
Arif_ | since Monday is a holiday too | 21:56 |
Arif_ | don't expect it then either :D | 21:56 |
RST38h | lcuk: insects just die, sorry | 21:56 |
nidO | no holiday here :( | 21:57 |
Stskeeps | every time someone mentions PR1.2, it gets delayed a day | 21:57 |
Stskeeps | :P | 21:57 |
Arif_ | /timer 0 1 msg #maemo pr1.2 | 21:57 |
Arif_ | :D | 21:57 |
SpeedEvil | microb is doing odd shit for me | 21:58 |
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Arif_ | its working? :O | 21:58 |
MohammadAG | lol | 21:58 |
SpeedEvil | afgter using it heavily, it will start not loading pages | 21:58 |
MohammadAG | happened on the SDK (PR1.2) too | 21:58 |
Arif_ | oh yeas | 21:58 |
Arif_ | I have that too | 21:58 |
MohammadAG | had to restart the SDK | 21:58 |
Arif_ | the blue bar fills | 21:59 |
Arif_ | but the page stays blank | 21:59 |
SpeedEvil | reboot fixes | 21:59 |
SpeedEvil | yes | 21:59 |
SpeedEvil | that | 21:59 |
Arif_ | you're not alone :> | 21:59 |
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marcus | Anyone know how to make python set the screen brightness on maemo 5? | 22:01 |
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SpeedEvil | how do I record the screen? | 22:04 |
SpeedEvil | I want to add a video of bugs in blocks | 22:05 |
lcuk | SpeedEvil, theres x11vnc afaik, and you can then do the recording off device | 22:05 |
marcus | dunno if RecordMyDesktop works for n900, works for ubuntu though :P | 22:05 |
SpeedEvil | hmm | 22:05 |
lcuk | but simplest and the thing most people do is just record using camera | 22:05 |
joga | using a camera has the benefit of documenting also how you use the device ;) | 22:06 |
SpeedEvil | my other camera broke, and I need to jigsaw 3 other cams to get it working again | 22:06 |
nidO | hm, there is a really easy obvious way to record whats onscreen | 22:06 |
nidO | I just cant remember what it is | 22:06 |
joga | I remember some prog in the repos | 22:06 |
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marcus | do an endless loop of screenshots and then make a gif :3 | 22:06 |
SpeedEvil | it's an action sxhot | 22:07 |
joga | or, hmm, maybe it was just xnee | 22:07 |
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SpeedEvil | blocks does collision detection wrong | 22:07 |
SpeedEvil | take a zigzag block | 22:07 |
SpeedEvil | and a zigzag shaped hole, constrained on both sides | 22:08 |
Arif_ | report a bug! | 22:08 |
SpeedEvil | you can slide the block into the hole | 22:08 |
joga | SpeedEvil: that's awesome! | 22:08 |
joga | ;) | 22:08 |
SpeedEvil | if you go fast | 22:08 |
SpeedEvil | blocks is strangely addictive. | 22:09 |
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SpeedEvil | 10100 top. | 22:09 |
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nidO | ah, is it load-applet that has an option to record screencasts? | 22:10 |
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marcus | anyone know if urllib is on the n900 python? | 22:13 |
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johnsu01 | marcus: yes, at least in the python that's on mine :) | 22:15 |
marcus | johnsu01: Perfect! (: | 22:15 |
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* microlith wonders what process is killing his N900's responsiveness | 22:29 | |
Stskeeps | browser, probably | 22:30 |
microlith | need something that logs processes when they exceed 50% usage for more than a few seconds | 22:30 |
lcuk | what happens when the logging process takes up >50% cpu? | 22:31 |
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MaikB | The phone implodes :P | 22:31 |
microlith | Irony | 22:31 |
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MohammadAG | <SpeedEvil> how do I record the screen? | 22:34 |
MohammadAG | very late reply, but the load-applet should have a screencast function | 22:34 |
MohammadAG | it will also use the microphone to record your audio, so be sure you don't have anything that you don't want heard :) | 22:34 |
SpeedEvil | wtf | 22:34 |
MohammadAG | what? | 22:35 |
_llll_ | a load applet that records things? | 22:35 |
lcuk | _llll_, feature creep | 22:35 |
MohammadAG | weird, don't you think? | 22:35 |
SpeedEvil | I get 99% of the way through the bug - and the banner from xchat killed the entry somehow | 22:35 |
* SpeedEvil sighs | 22:35 | |
* MohammadAG hits himself | 22:35 | |
MohammadAG | sorry :( | 22:36 |
* lcuk opens a beer and maliciously pours it down his own throat | 22:36 | |
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microlith | lcuk: what did you liver ever do to you? | 22:36 |
SpeedEvil | odd | 22:36 |
MohammadAG | SpeedEvil, sorry | 22:36 |
SpeedEvil | somdehow it instantly skipped back a page | 22:36 |
lcuk | microlith, its having a party | 22:36 |
SpeedEvil | forward worked | 22:36 |
MohammadAG | RST38h, when are you removing the banner? | 22:36 |
* Arif_ yawns | 22:38 | |
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* MohammadAG repartitions his microSD | 22:39 | |
* SpeedEvil wonders if bug 9826 is the silliest. | 22:39 | |
povbot | Bug https://bugs.maemo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9826 Blocks collision detection bug | 22:39 |
Arif_ | lol | 22:39 |
Arif_ | fixed in harnmattan! | 22:40 |
_llll_ | someone should make uptimed available | 22:40 |
SpeedEvil | RST38h: the banner is fine. I would like to be able to click urls in banners tho | 22:41 |
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MohammadAG | SpeedEvil, there is a built in one, but it's like the SMS ones rather than a banner | 22:41 |
MohammadAG | the banner seems to "kill" multitasking (it blurs the button) | 22:42 |
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SpeedEvil | what button | 22:44 |
MohammadAG | the dashboard button | 22:44 |
SpeedEvil | I like the banners - on balance | 22:44 |
MohammadAG | SpeedEvil, go to settings and enable the task bar notification, when you do I'll highlight you | 22:44 |
MohammadAG | (if you want to see if that's better) | 22:44 |
SpeedEvil | where in settings | 22:47 |
MohammadAG | Settings > Preferences > Alerts | 22:47 |
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TheOne | hi @all | 22:47 |
style | hi | 22:48 |
MohammadAG | SpeedEvil, "Show tray balloons on" | 22:48 |
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MohammadAG | hi TheOne | 22:48 |
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TheOne | i have installed rootsh, so i can type root and get root priviliges | 22:48 |
style | tell me some fun apps for n900 :P | 22:48 |
SpeedEvil | hmm | 22:48 |
TheOne | can i set a root pw too? | 22:48 |
SpeedEvil | I like the modality | 22:48 |
TheOne | maybe with passwd ? | 22:49 |
_llll_ | why not, TheOne ? | 22:49 |
TheOne | or does it only work with root | 22:49 |
TheOne | what would be the behaviour if i set a root pw and type root? | 22:49 |
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MohammadAG | TheOne, you can set the pass by using passwd | 22:49 |
TheOne | would he ask me first? | 22:49 |
MohammadAG | for both root and user | 22:49 |
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Lynoure | Whee, my little package, all optified and in the hands of the first tester :) | 22:56 |
TheOne | is it possible to use the n900 umts inet connectino via usb as a network device for my laptop? | 22:57 |
TheOne | if yes, can someone paste a howto link? | 22:58 |
_llll_ | i googled for that the other day and found a link | 22:58 |
TheOne | i searched the wiki but i found only the bluetooth way | 22:58 |
_llll_ | it wasnt very well written, but someone with time probably could have followed it | 22:58 |
_llll_ | link was on maemo wiki iirc, but google worked quickly | 22:59 |
MohammadAG | TheOne, joikuspot | 22:59 |
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MohammadAG | or MobileHotspot | 22:59 |
Tuxprobe | hiya, anyone knows about XMLTV grabbers for Maemo Fremantle?? | 23:00 |
ptl_wants_PR12 | gwibber is being ported to the N900 | 23:01 |
ptl_wants_PR12 | nice | 23:01 |
ptl_wants_PR12 | :D | 23:01 |
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tripzero | w00t | 23:01 |
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TheOne | MohammadAG: the 2 apps work only via wifi | 23:08 |
TheOne | i want to use my mobile inet connection via usb | 23:08 |
TheOne | the n900 as a usb modem | 23:08 |
TheOne | so that i only have to enable 2G/3G and turn off bluetooth and wifi | 23:09 |
TheOne | to save a little more battery | 23:09 |
MohammadAG | TheOne, not sure but maybe you might be able to use Nokia PC suite | 23:09 |
MohammadAG | it should work as a modem | 23:09 |
MohammadAG | be wary that your operator might make you pay more to tether via Bluetooth or USB | 23:10 |
TheOne | i found that http://wiki.maemo.org/N900_USB_networking | 23:10 |
MohammadAG | so? | 23:10 |
TheOne | but thats excat the other direction | 23:11 |
TheOne | to connect to the n900 and use the laptop inet | 23:11 |
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MohammadAG | http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=35680 | 23:12 |
MohammadAG | umm | 23:12 |
MohammadAG | you want to use your laptop's internet on the N900? | 23:12 |
TheOne | no, i want my n900 internet at my laptop | 23:13 |
Arif_ | Joikuspot | 23:13 |
Arif_ | its 10 USD | 23:13 |
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TheOne | exactly like Joikuspot, but not via wifi - i want it via usb | 23:14 |
Arif_ | Nokia PC Suite | 23:14 |
TheOne | under linux? | 23:14 |
Arif_ | no | 23:14 |
TheOne | i can not imagine i am the first one who ask for something like that | 23:15 |
TheOne | okay i think i have to figure it out otherwise, thx ;) | 23:16 |
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* Arif_ shrugs | 23:17 | |
* ptl_wants_PR12 facepalms | 23:22 | |
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ShadowJK | under linux I just changed /dev/rfcomm0 to /dev/ttyUSB0 or something like that iirc ;p | 23:23 |
ShadowJK | and intarwebs worked | 23:23 |
ShadowJK | with usb | 23:23 |
Arif_ | ptl_wants_PR12, stop wanting stuff you know you'll never get | 23:24 |
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ShadowJK | my silly bq27200.sh is up to 120 lines now :D | 23:25 |
ptl_wants_PR12 | Arif_ :( | 23:25 |
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ptl_wants_PR12 | Arif_: not even if I fight for it? | 23:26 |
Arif_ | never! | 23:26 |
Arif_ | be happy with what you have now! | 23:26 |
ptl_wants_PR12 | ShadowJK: is that the script for getting status/info from the battery? | 23:26 |
ShadowJK | yes | 23:26 |
ptl_wants_PR12 | cool. Will you make some app out of it? | 23:26 |
ptl_wants_PR12 | Arif_: that would be conformism! | 23:26 |
Arif_ | ;p | 23:27 |
ptl_wants_PR12 | ok, what about that: instead of fighting for it, I'll troll for it | 23:27 |
ShadowJK | ptl_wants_PR12, I want to make a script in the style of vmstat/sysstat/iostat for my own use | 23:27 |
Arif_ | I'm already trolling enough for the whole channel | 23:27 |
Arif_ | <3 | 23:27 |
style | tell me some fun apps for n900 :P | 23:27 |
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ptl_wants_PR12 | ShadowJK: please share when you are done, that would be very interesting to me too, I use vmstat and iostat all the time at my job and would sure have some use for such a utility that queries the battery | 23:28 |
Arif_ | style, define "fun" | 23:28 |
style | Arif_: well, something useful/games (maybe from extras-devel) | 23:29 |
Arif_ | you're in the wrong place for that | 23:29 |
Arif_ | #iphone is over there | 23:29 |
ptl_wants_PR12 | style: gnumeric, abiword, quickpanorama (maemo select), AppWatch, burgerface, Duke Nukem 3D CD Edition, Numpty Physics | 23:29 |
style | ... :D | 23:29 |
evilrob | ShadowJK: where are you getting the battery info from? I notice there isn't /proc/acpi/* | 23:30 |
style | ptl_wants_PR12: jeh tjanks | 23:30 |
ShadowJK | evilrob, straight from the battery chip | 23:30 |
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ShadowJK | It will no doubt brick my N900 one day since bme also talks over i2c to the same script | 23:30 |
ShadowJK | to the same chip.- | 23:30 |
ptl_wants_PR12 | ShadowJK: how's that? /dev/bme0 or something similar? | 23:31 |
ShadowJK | no through /dev/i2c-2 | 23:32 |
ShadowJK | I'm using i2cget from i2c-tools to request arbitrary data from arbitrary addresses on i2c bus | 23:32 |
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ShadowJK | this the data I currently dump and parse: http://pastebin.com/xpGzaHHE | 23:33 |
ShadowJK | :) | 23:33 |
MohammadAG | umm | 23:34 |
MohammadAG | does the N900 support multiple partitions on the microSD? | 23:34 |
ptl_wants_PR12 | you stop bme, read it then restart, ShadowJK? | 23:34 |
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ShadowJK | ptl_wants_PR12, -STOP signal to bme, read data, -CONT signal to bme | 23:34 |
ShadowJK | I don't want bme to access the chip at the same time | 23:34 |
ptl_wants_PR12 | have you ever tried doing that to see what happens? | 23:35 |
ptl_wants_PR12 | maybe there is no race condition, it's just a read, isn't it? | 23:35 |
ShadowJK | yeah dunno | 23:35 |
ShadowJK | bme only does a read every 10-30 secs or something anyway | 23:35 |
ptl_wants_PR12 | MohammadAG: yes, it does, I've seen some reports of people making it work | 23:35 |
ShadowJK | so actually reading at the same time is a small probability to begin with | 23:35 |
MohammadAG | ptl_wants_PR12, not out the box then eh? | 23:36 |
ptl_wants_PR12 | ShadowJK: might be but it would be very interesting to see what happens! | 23:36 |
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ptl_wants_PR12 | MohammadAG: I think it does out of the box, why wouldn't it? You'd just have to format it with a suitable FS then maybe changing some of the init scripts like mmc-mount and mmc-umount | 23:37 |
MrGoose | maemo 4 used to be semi-free (as in speech). Is maemo 5 too? Also are there any closed source components on the n900? | 23:37 |
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evilrob | ShadowJK: I don't see how you could cause any problems since you're not writing back to the file (even dev entries are just files in unix) | 23:37 |
ptl_wants_PR12 | MrGoose: yep, some thing. | 23:37 |
MrGoose | like what? | 23:37 |
MohammadAG | ptl_wants_PR12, I said multiple partitions :) | 23:37 |
ptl_wants_PR12 | MrGoose: like the battery (bme) | 23:37 |
MohammadAG | not one ext3 partition | 23:37 |
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ShadowJK | evilrob, some registers are 16bit and they have special behaviour | 23:37 |
MrGoose | and the wireless driver? | 23:37 |
MohammadAG | there doesn't seem to be a /dev/mmcblk1p2 | 23:37 |
ShadowJK | If I read the first half of the register, and BME reads something else, and I try read second half, the chip might throw an error | 23:38 |
ptl_wants_PR12 | MrGoose: I think the wireless driver is free | 23:38 |
ptl_wants_PR12 | as in free speech | 23:38 |
MohammadAG | ptl_wants_PR12, umm AFAIK it's closed, since installing Mer requires that you copy the bin file from /lib/firmware | 23:39 |
evilrob | the i2c tools should handle that error. spew the proper return code, fail your read perhaps, but not cause any hardware issues | 23:39 |
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evilrob | <-- old unix geek | 23:39 |
evilrob | concurrent read-only access shouldn't be a problem. | 23:39 |
ShadowJK | evilrob, I think "recovery" would be to read the failed register pair again, but if it was bme that did it and failed, I wouldn't know which one... | 23:40 |
ptl_wants_PR12 | MohammadAG: then I am wrong, thanks for correcting me. :) | 23:40 |
ShadowJK | I just think it's safer this way :) | 23:40 |
MohammadAG | ptl_wants_PR12, np :p | 23:40 |
* MohammadAG goes back to search for multiple partitions in fremantle | 23:40 | |
ptl_wants_PR12 | I thought it was free because it works so well in Mer and easy-debian | 23:40 |
ptl_wants_PR12 | forgot that it could be because they use the binary drivers. | 23:41 |
evilrob | ShadowJK: fix the perms on /dev/i2c* to be 664 instead of 660, then run the program as non-root user, can't possibly write back to it then | 23:41 |
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ShadowJK | evilrob, no no, what I'm saying is: reads have side-effects | 23:41 |
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evilrob | a read should never cause a side-effect. if it does, the i2c tools are broken. it's possible that a read could fail if it's not atomic, and something changed the data being read, but there should be no side-effects of a pure read | 23:43 |
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evilrob | I can fopen() with the read only flags and cruise through /dev/kmem all day and while I might get some read errors, not effect any running processes | 23:43 |
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ShadowJK | evilrob, it's a common issue with i2c stuff | 23:44 |
evilrob | wow... that's broken then | 23:44 |
ptl_wants_PR12 | you guys are getting me curious | 23:44 |
ptl_wants_PR12 | wellllllllllll | 23:44 |
ptl_wants_PR12 | try it | 23:44 |
ptl_wants_PR12 | try to read in a closed loop, ShadowJK | 23:44 |
ptl_wants_PR12 | see if it gets some error or something | 23:45 |
ptl_wants_PR12 | without stopping bme | 23:45 |
ShadowJK | Like, on the PC side, there are some hw monitoring chips that interpret reads as commands, and you actually give commands by reading addresses in certain order ;p | 23:45 |
ptl_wants_PR12 | that seems lame, why they didn't do that with writes? | 23:46 |
* ShadowJK shrugs | 23:46 | |
evilrob | monitoring stuff usually sits between the bus and the chip. I have a friend that writes mem testers | 23:46 |
ptl_wants_PR12 | it's like using an input device for doing output, e.g. using your eyes to shoot laser beams. | 23:46 |
SpeedEvil | evilrob: the hardware - the I2C chips are not built to work that way always | 23:46 |
SpeedEvil | evilrob: A read can - and often does - change the state of the device. | 23:47 |
evilrob | so you can't write to the tester or read from it, but it will monitor certain ranges for read commands. he explained that to me over beer long time ago.... | 23:47 |
ShadowJK | As far as I can tell, reading the first part of a 16 bit register means "return lo byte, copy hi byte into comm buffer for transmission on next read" | 23:48 |
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ShadowJK | the other 8 bits are copied from ram into comm buffer, so that the value isn't modified in between reads | 23:48 |
SpeedEvil | evilrob: fine - that at least requires writing a shim i2c driver | 23:49 |
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evilrob | well the unix geek in me feels that's broken implementation. but in any case, I'm going home. everyone else has already left the office | 23:49 |
SpeedEvil | evilrob: the hardware - the I2C chips are not built to work that way always | 23:49 |
SpeedEvil | the designers don't care what you think. | 23:49 |
evilrob | SpeedEvil: yes. I read that the last time you wrote it | 23:49 |
evilrob | wow.. arrogant much? | 23:49 |
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ShadowJK | evilrob, it's not something that can be fixed in software without a driver that sits as arbitrator enforcing the hardware's limitations on software :) | 23:50 |
MrGoose | ptl_wants_PR12: right thanks | 23:50 |
SpeedEvil | a per-device driver that knows all devices quirks. | 23:50 |
ShadowJK | yes | 23:50 |
SpeedEvil | magically. | 23:50 |
evilrob | there's no magic in writing device drivers | 23:51 |
ShadowJK | i2c-tools is just a way to send arbitrary read or write requests onto i2c bus | 23:51 |
SpeedEvil | as some have no public docs | 23:51 |
ShadowJK | bq27200 has public docs | 23:51 |
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ShadowJK | And a kernel driver, that's not used in mameo | 23:53 |
ShadowJK | maemo* | 23:53 |
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SpeedEvil | does bme use the bq? | 23:55 |
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ShadowJK | SpeedEvil, we know of two chips on i2c-2 that do not have a /sys node. bme has opened /dev/i2c-2 twice. I do not consider this a coincidence :) | 23:58 |
SpeedEvil | ah | 23:58 |
SpeedEvil | bq* and gaia? | 23:58 |
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ShadowJK | no gaia has many sysfs nodes :) | 23:59 |
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