IRC log of #maemo for Tuesday, 2010-02-02

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ifreqcan anyone help howto get scratchbox working with apt-get?00:06
inzifreq, like this: ?00:07
* sp3000 doesn't understand
povbotBug 8679: Make calendar default view configurable via calendar settings menu00:07
ifreqinz: okay, sec00:08
sp3000how is pref bloat, options separated from their immediate results, more convenient than implicit customizability by persisting view type?00:08
sp3000sure, there's slight improvement for things like, same state whenever opened, but since it's largely dynamic content the muscle memory part doesn't really weigh that much00:10
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* DocScrutinizer suggests a "make this view default" and "default to last state" button00:11
n1c0sms is nice with n900, well done !00:11
DocScrutinizerrather a toggle00:12
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embeddedHi to all00:15
GeneralAntillessp3000, because they're users. ;)00:15
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* sp3000 dislikes options00:16
sp3000except the ones I change, those are awesome00:16
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mikhasn1c0, you can even continue your interrupted sms at a later point00:20
mikhasfor each conversation, that is00:20
n1c0yeah its cool00:21
n1c0it's like instantmessage00:22
Damion2does anyone know how I can map \033[M....... to ^I ? where the dots are regex style arbitrary charactors ?00:22
mikhasyup, telcos will be pleased with my increases sms usage00:22
Damion2screen's bindkey wants exacts00:22
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* sp3000 wonders if there's a doc for what was implemented for bug 535700:30
povbotBug Does not accept GSM (USSD) Codes starting with *#00:30
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* sp3000 would like to be able to refer to something when looking at a dup00:33
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pupnikhope y'all cashed out your 401k's00:37
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Damion2why are ppl switching to tmux from screen?00:40
Stskeepscos scren rocks?00:41
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Damion2so why are they switching?00:42
Damion2it can't just be the licence00:42
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ShadowJKpupnik: something happened?00:44
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ShadowJKI have an impeccable ability to predict these things. whenever I buy a share, the stockmarket tends to collapse the next day. Guess I should start warning people00:45
Stskeepsbuying nokia stock?00:45
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ShadowJKi wish :)00:47
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timeless_mbpkino tv is advertising Dexter00:55
timeless_mbpbut i don't get it00:55
redDamion2: id like to know that too :p00:56
Damion2red how to map stuff of what the fuss is about swicthing to tmux?00:58
ShadowJKtimeless: hm :)00:58
ShadowJKdont get it why people still use texttv?00:58
Damion2is that aalib output of mythtv?00:59
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zashShadowJK: s/text//01:00
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ShadowJKDamion2: no it's digital data embedded in the analog tv signal. it carries 40*20 char text pages, up to 800ish different ones max, and you can pick with remote control which one to view01:01
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ShadowJKusually has tv programme info, news, sport results etc01:01
Damion2like teletext?01:02
ShadowJKsame thing01:02
Damion2right, never heard of texttv01:02
Damion2subtitles were also sent01:02
ShadowJKeach country calls it something different...01:02
ShadowJKvideotext in germany iirc01:02
* Damion2 had involvement in BBC R&D's developement of digital text mheg stream01:03
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Damion2the linux pcs which fed in to the transport stream ran my build of slackware01:03
Damion2and my team supported the tcl based scripts on the sun server that fed the carosel of data01:04
Damion2this was 1999/2000 ish01:04
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redmm, thinking of tethering N900 at school pc to connect the school PC directly into my linux server at home01:05
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redeffectively being able to use folderwatching in realmtime and when i save stuff its at home directly01:06
SpeedEvilDoes /usr/bin/smartcal core for otehrs?01:06
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SpeedEvilred: over usb?01:06
ShadowJKschool pc not connected to internet?01:07
SpeedEvilprobably nasty filter?01:08
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timeless_mbpShadowJK: i don't think the usa really has it01:08
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timeless_mbpi've seen it in france, germany and finland01:08
timeless_mbpbut it was one of those things that i think we missed01:08
DocScrutinizer51hat's smartcal?01:08
timeless_mbpthe tv-text nonsense01:09
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: I dunno.01:09
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: I just know it coredumped when I ran it.01:09
SpeedEvilI was going for smem01:09
SpeedEvilnot that01:09
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DocScrutinizer51man smartcal doesn't work here :-P01:09
SpeedEvilwhich is a handy memory tool that's a bit better01:09
SpeedEvilthan my awk hack01:09
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derftimeless_mbp: We have "closed captions"... but nothing user-navigable.01:10
timeless_mbpclosed captions are totally different01:10
timeless_mbpthe text stuff is roughly speaking its own channel01:11
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timeless_mbpwhich happens to multiplex a whole bunch of 'text channels'01:11
ShadowJKtimeless: sadly if you're looking for specific info like a channel's schedule or a sport channel's sport results, texttv is often faster and easier to navigate than the web pages :-)01:11
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ShadowJKthey dont have that much room for extra crap on texttv pages01:11
tremnite all, sweet dreams01:12
timeless_mbpShadowJK: well, the usa tv guide systems have worked much better than whatever for decades01:12
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timeless_mbpplus tivo solved epg over a decade ago01:12
derfI wouldn't agree.01:12
SpeedEvilThe UK is fucking it up.01:12
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derfThe TV guide system was horribly before Tivo.01:12
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timeless_mbpderf: the tv guide stuff i have here in .fi is worse than the tv guide i had in 1990 in the us01:13
derfOkay, that I can believe.01:13
SpeedEvilThey are 'encrypting' the data in a manner that may stop STB makers using linux01:13
SpeedEvilThough the data is required to be broadcast in the clear, they are encrypting the EPG - with a already leaked huffman code...01:13
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derfI've never really used the Tivo-style DVR-provided listings.01:14
sp3000the ringtone selection dialog has a button that says "Done", right?01:14
derfBut they look _so_ much better than the old system of having a dedicated channel that scrolled past the listings for 70+ channels... very... very... slow... ly...01:14
sp3000timeless_mbp knows01:14
timeless_mbp'more' [sic] and 'done'01:15
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GeneralAntillesderf, you gotta target the slowest readers. ;)01:22
derfMy solution was to just stop watching TV.01:23
* SpeedEvil passes derf the super-shotgun to target the slowest readers with.01:24
* SpeedEvil is listening to more radio.01:24
SpeedEvilUK speech radio. It's really - really not 'talk' radio as is known in the US.01:24
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SpeedEvil - for example01:25
ScribbleJAnd a water fountain isn't a bubbler.01:25
ScribbleJAnd a garage isn't a mechanic.01:25
javispedroRST38h: I'm going to promote vultures to diablo extras, if you don't mind.01:25
Guest36580any idea if the fosdem schedule is available in binary, somewhere?01:25
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Guest36580also, will there be n910 to play with?01:26
SpeedEvilcat /dev/random - and wait till it comes along?01:26
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SpeedEvilthe above source also has pictures of tne n910, and video reviews.01:26
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mtdwhat's the easiest way to hack on modest (I'd like to try out some changes on my n900)?01:29
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mtdis it likely to be easily buildable on my n900?01:29
Guest36580speedevil the bbc site does not01:30
* mtd looks for git, fears library-dependency hell...01:30
ptlapt-get source modest ?01:31
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mtdptl: hmm, need to get sources in my sources.list...01:32
SpeedEvilGuest3: no, it doesn't. The n910 is - as I understand it - not publically confirmed to exist - or ecvent to have that number.01:32
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SpeedEvilGuest: I was refering to /dev/random01:33
ptlmy n900 hasn't even arrived yet01:33
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GeneralAntillesGuest36580, lol. . . .01:34
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Guest36580ah; k01:34
GeneralAntillesBecause Nokia ALWAYS does major product announcements at FOSDEM. . . .01:34
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StskeepsGeneralAntilles: ofcourse they're going to announce N910 running symbian, android, webos and even iphoneos and windows mobile, with turn-by-turn navigation, friggen lasers and ovi maps tha doesn'tsuck01:35
ShadowJKlaser for pointing a stars, guided by the compass and gyro!01:36
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GeneralAntillesStskeeps, I dunno how people can say "Man, I'm just going to buy a Droid/iPhone/Pre/HD2/whatever".01:37
GeneralAntillesStskeeps, nobody even comes close to matching Maemo.01:38
javispedroStskeeps: and then they're going to announce that "we're leaving to the community to implement all those features to the N900"01:38
GeneralAntillesjavispedro, but taking down all of the source code repositories? *eg*01:38
StskeepsGeneralAntilles: some people in #mer are trying to port Mer to Droid.01:38
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javispedrocan't wait for friggin lasers closed source drivers.01:38
GeneralAntillesJust buy a freaking N900. . . .01:38
mtdGeneralAntilles: for which target audience?01:39
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GeneralAntillesBetter keyboard, better screen, better build.01:39
GeneralAntillesmtd, for ME.01:39
GeneralAntillesmtd, since I'm clearly the only person who matters. ;)01:39
mtdGeneralAntilles: bigger, slower scrolling, more confusing software01:39
mtdGeneralAntilles: ah, then I agree.01:39
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mtdGeneralAntilles: ah, then I agree.01:40
GeneralAntillesmtd, bigger in which dimension?01:40
mtdGeneralAntilles: thickness01:40
GeneralAntillesThe Droid is a bit wider, I think.01:40
GeneralAntillesVDVsx, boo hiss! Use the Council blog.01:41
mtdjavispedro: you clearly have not given steve jobs enough money this week.01:41
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zashN900 with LAZORS!!! OMG GIF *starts throwing money around*01:41
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SpeedEvilIt would be nice if stuff would be smooth01:41
Damion2I'll be happy with a keyboard and accurate fingernail friendly touchscreen01:42
* mtd awaits the rumours about laser-fearing iphone owners and warnings about overclocking the lasers01:42
SpeedEvilSurely it can't be _that_ hard to have a fixed element - and a large off-screen fully mapped element that's blitted into place by the gpu01:42
VDVsxGeneralAntilles, cofh, cofh, I don't want to spend one hour editing a simple post ;)01:42
SpeedEvilr composited or something01:42
mtdSpeedEvil: nokia thinks we like it rough.01:43
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* mtd should get back to pretending it may be possible to build modest01:43
derfNothing a good belt-sander can't fix.01:43
pillarI have just gotten used to it, scrolling is never smooth with nokia01:43
SpeedEvilBut it could be so beautifully smooth with the hardware :/01:44
SpeedEvillook at frigging bounce.01:44
SpeedEvilget rovio to do the UI!01:44
pillaryeah, I believe you01:44
SpeedEvilProblem solved!01:44
* SpeedEvil imagines angrybirds application launcher.01:44
pillareven the bookmark view is laggy!01:45
Damion2my scrolling is smoth01:45
VDVsxGeneralAntilles, humm, that remembers me, have to request some kind of syndication for the council blog (don't like midgard' engine')01:45
MistaED1xorg could be a major factor to the bad smooth, the linux desktop is the same01:45
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MistaED1need moar xcb and less xlib so processes don't choke the xserver :(01:45
mtdDamion2: launch the email client, view your inbox, drag the view down until you can see above the "+ New mail" button01:46
* VDVsx blames hildon, since Qt and EFL have very smoth and fast scroll01:46
Damion2I use alpine01:46
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mtdDamion2: watch your cpu get pegged and the image tear.01:46
MistaED1android bypasses this entirely, they don't use an xserver01:46
Damion2contacts scroll and browser scroll are smooth01:46
mtdDamion2: browser scroll is implemented completely differently.01:47
MistaED1xorg can't do vsync, its design doesn't allow it so you get tearing01:47
Damion2so they should fix the email client01:47
javispedrocontacts is hardly smooth by steve jobs standards.01:47
Damion2MistaED1: even with DRI or GL ?01:47
MistaED1a better approach is to port the toolkits over to EGL directly01:47
Damion2javispedro: it's as good as android01:48
Damion2maybe we should have the debian user space with a freebsd based kernel01:48
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MistaED1Damion2: hmm good question dri2 might've fixed it for the linux desktop01:48
mtdDamion2: do you have any idea what you're talking abojut?01:48
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javispedroDamion2: of course it's as good and usable as android! and I don't even have an iphone to compare but it's clearly not enough for tmo! =)01:48
pillaryeah, jobs just blamed flash and bluray to be not good enough for them, I don't want to hear what he says about n900 scrolling :)01:49
Damion2mtd: macos was freebsd kernel based01:49
pillarthen again, I don't want to hear anything else he says either..01:49
mtdDamion2: that'd be a "no", then.  ok.01:49
Damion2I've used fbsd for months and it had a nicer lower latency feel than linux as a desktop in X01:49
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MistaED1when Qt or GTK get rendered to the screen it goes through texture from pixmap, so the cpu renders the result to a pixmap, the EGL extension converts it to a texture and then the hildon compositor can display it01:50
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mtdDamion2: your ideas are compelling and I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.01:51
MistaED1this is very inefficient but gets the job done01:51
* DocScrutinizer drools over his 150mW geen and his 405nm laser01:51
MistaED1but if they render via clutter (opengl es directly) it doesn't go through this path fortunately01:51
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woglindeMistaED1 qt-opengl should be the same as clutter01:52
javispedroMistaED1: rendering a interface using GLES is hardly much faster.01:52
MistaED1does maemo do the texture from pixmap step on a GLES rendered context still?01:53
javispedroMistaED1: yes, except if the window is fullscreen.01:53
MistaED1i'm guessing this is what hildon non composited window does to bypass it?01:53
DocScrutinizerbuild a 405nm laser module to the screen slider. make screen slide open by servo. create spindle motor out of vibrator -> here you got your B&O alike DVD player on N900   XP01:54
javispedroMistaED1: that is now (mostly) gone. Fullscreen windows are unredirected by default.01:54
DocScrutinizererrr bluray of course01:54
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javispedrofriggin lasers!01:54
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MistaED1javispedro: i did notice rendering panda3d samples in windowed mode to fullscreen makes the framerate double01:55
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MistaED1i wonder though, would interfacing with xcb instead of xlib stop the stutters as well? xcb was all about low latency and being thread safe so that no single window would choke the whole xserver or something01:56
javispedroI think this doesn't have anything to do with latency, though...01:57
DocScrutinizerspindle fixture plugged in to the 3.5mm AV hole to connect to the vibrator01:57
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DocScrutinizercomes with hansaplast patches ;-) "if ever you touch the spinning bluray disc accidentally and get hurt"01:59
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iPeter-Is there any themes to N900 (Maemo 5)?02:01
Damion2mtd: you're being nasty.  I simply joked that if android and maemo were too jerky for mr jobs then perhaps it was a linux vs iphoneos(macosx) difference, and from what I recall macosx was initially based on a freebsd kernel.  I then commented that I'd used freebsd and found it gave a responsive X experience.02:01
TomaszDiPeter-, yes, check out Ovi Store02:02
ifreqis there a ncurses music player on maemo?02:02
TomaszDno, but I don't think it would be very hard to port one ifreq02:02
ifreqTomaszD: well ive ported mp3blaster but it needs heavy modification on UI as screen is quite small for it :P02:05
ifreqnewer moc/cmus dont compile straight from the box02:05
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Vanadishai thar02:09
Alicemirrori have a question02:10
Vanadisi just got my N900, anybody knows about installing dosbox on it?02:10
Alicemirrorwhere i canfind for docs about terminal use on noppl02:10
javispedroVanadis: it's on extras-testing, so you need to be lectured firstly about the dangers of untested software and backups and blabla.02:11
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iPeter-Is there any "must get" stuff to n900?02:13
iPeter-How bout that Android to N900 does it work?02:13
zashandroid vm thingy?02:14
zashvirtual machine02:14
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iPeter-Was it virtual machine? I tought it was own OS on n900 :E02:14
* woglinde wonders when google will use thumbee support02:15
woglindefor android02:15
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jophishoh rats, bricked it02:15
iPeter-i would want to try something cool with my n900, to see the power, just dont know what.02:16
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iPeter-I like to mess with different os:es but.. :p02:16
zashiPeter-: i meant like running android apps on maemo on n900.02:16
iPeter-zash: No. Like own os flashed to N90002:17
iPeter-with dual boot ofc.02:17
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zashiPeter-: i think i saw something about someone doing that ...02:17
iPeter-I saw too but im interested what it can do? Can you call with it or?02:18
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Alicemirrorwhere i can find for docs about terminal use on N900?02:19
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Vanadisanybody tried running Tomb Raider through Dosbox on N900?02:19
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javispedrowoglinde: they have only recently started using a JIT _at all_ for dalvik, so...02:21
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MistaED1 some xcb discussion in the comments, i wonder if hildon/gtk uses xcb directly or uses the xlib wrapper02:22
pupnikto see the power, hook up multimeter in-series to charger02:23
* pupnik ducks02:23
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javispedroMistaED1: Package: libgtk2.0-0 Depends: libx11-602:29
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Damion2iPeter-: the android sdk has a vm for running dalvik02:38
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crashanddieprobably the most revealing video about Apple:
crashanddieThey're brainwashing!!!02:39
Damion2porting it may be doable02:39
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crashanddieDamion2: could be, but I doubt it02:40
pupnik"I am not a complete idiot, but whether from weakness or laziness have no talent for thinking. I know only how to reflect: I am a mirror ." - Sviatoslav Richter02:40
Damion2crashanddie: yeah?02:41
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crashanddieinfobot: wanna get a voice?02:42
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crashanddie~8ball do you need a voice?02:42
crashanddie~8ball do you want one?02:42
infobotI'm sure of it.02:42
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timeless_mbpsp3000: # Summary: 3 / 5302:43
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* sp3000 contemplates sleep, early morning and all02:43
timeless_mbpand one of those 3 is the header which doesn't count!02:43
timeless_mbpyeah, sleep. i want to meet the people @9:3002:44
zashSUPELATIVE * >9k02:44
timeless_mbpmsgstr "Get started with your Nokia N900"02:44
timeless_mbp# msgstr "Get started with the Nokia N900"02:44
timeless_mbpmsgstr "…to get started with your Nokia N900"02:44
timeless_mbpso the 'your' thing sucks02:44
timeless_mbpi think that the code is right02:44
timeless_mbpand my translation is wrong :)02:44
* timeless_mbp awards credit to the code02:45
timeless_mbpmsgid "tuto_ti_web_page"02:45
timeless_mbpmsgstr "Browser"02:45
timeless_mbp# msgstr "Web"02:45
timeless_mbpthat leaves that one02:45
timeless_mbpwhich for 1 failure in a deck of 52 cards, i should just eat :)02:45
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timeless_mbp# Summary: 24 / 16002:46
timeless_mbpcalendar failures02:46
timeless_mbphrm, calendar is complaining that i don't handle msgid_plural02:47
* N900evil clones timeless_mbp.02:47
timeless_mbpwhy me?02:47
N900evilto handle plurals of course.02:48
zashxargs -n 1 -p 9000 timeless_mbp --do-task < ~timeless_mbp/todo02:48
timeless_mbpi'm not sure that'd make a sizable dent in my todo list :b02:49
timeless_mbpYou are currently using 6735 MB (90%) of your 7418 MB.02:49
timeless_mbpInbox (373578)02:49
zash~$ du -sh Maildir/02:49
N900evilis there an easy way to set desktop backgrounds from scripts?02:49
N900evilI'd like to make a background with gnuplot every hour and supply it to the dedktop02:50
zashN900evil: cool, what data?02:51
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N900evilweather, weight,02:51
N900evil for the latter.02:52
N900evilparsing pages for the former02:53
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* N900evil sighs at busybox awk.02:56
N900eviland find.02:56
N900eviland tar02:56
N900eviloh - dd02:56
iPeter-What should i try with dosbox, hmm.02:56
iPeter-Suggest something cool and possible with dosbox02:57
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javispedroMicrosoft QB 4.502:57
N900evilgive dosbox as many viruses as you can.02:58
iPeter-What os works best with the dosbox?02:58
javispedrothe builtin one.02:58
iPeter-With GUI02:59
pupnikhow many cycles do you run it at usually javispedro02:59
javispedropupnik: I leave it at auto...02:59
zashdidn't i see something about running win3.1 in dosbox ?02:59
javispedropupnik: I do usually put a high frameskip though02:59
pupniksame.  3-402:59
javispedroas I 've said a few times, I don't play games with dosbox -- I use some stupid oldie apps (one of those is actually QB 4.5, don't ask)03:00
N900evilI have some Word 1 disks03:00
pupnikyou could try the GEM desktop03:01
crashanddiedu -q C:\exchange                                                         Files: 8                                                         Directories: 0                                                          Size: 18,412,212,054 bytes03:01
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crashanddieyup, that's 18gig worth of email... in just over a year03:02
javispedronice. is that local or the server? does MS still share the entire dir with r/w permissions via samba on the server by default (i've not used exchange since the microsoft mail days)? =)03:02
crashanddiejavispedro: local03:02
iPeter-Hmm, any ideas where to get Windows 3.1 to run it with dosbox? I hope this aint warez talk lol.03:02
crashanddieiPeter-: do you have a Windows 3.1 License?03:03
crashanddieThen it's warez03:03
javispedroiPeter-: it mostly is, since copying the files and running "INSTALL" is trivial, so all is left is the license issue.03:03
ScribbleJcrashanddie, he could be perfectly willing to buy it, and asking where he cand o that.03:03
zashiPeter-: call microsoft and ask D:03:03
iPeter-Good point ScribbleJ03:04
javispedrowell ms stopped selling it a few years ago (not that many as you may think, tough)03:04
N900evilI don't think I could easily read more than a gig of email a year.03:04
iPeter-Is that it or not?03:04
crashanddieScribbleJ: doesn't matter03:04
javispedroiPeter-: no.03:04
crashanddieScribbleJ: either you have the right to run it, or you don't, end of discussion03:04
crashanddieScribbleJ: willingness has nothing to do with it03:05
iPeter-Hm, well i think i have to go sleep, nothing doesnt work now.03:05
crashanddieso everything works?03:05
javispedroiPeter-: a keyword for tomorrow when you start playing with the dosbox shell: rover.sys03:05
ScribbleJcrashanddie, I think you missed the distinction I was making.  I was suggesting (probably incorrectly) that the question he was asking was, "where can I buy it?"03:05
javispedroI need to edit the welcome banner some day03:05
crashanddieScribbleJ: yeah, I don't believe that03:06
ScribbleJWell, me neither.  But that's what I was shooting at.03:06
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javispedropupnik: I just uploaded libsdl-haa1.2 to extras03:07
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javispedropupnik: haa=hildon_animation_actor03:07
javispedroon pr1.0 drnoksnes runs at the same speed in both (composited) assembly 2x, haa 2x, and haa "fill screen"03:08
javispedrowhich means that truly you get the same overhead with HAA no matter the aspect ratio03:08
javispedroand you can also do free rotations and transparencies (I don't know what for, but I pot support for those nonetheless)03:09
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javispedro(I can't do pr1.1 tests unfortunately)03:09
javispedro(since I don't have it)03:09
ScribbleJWhy woudl you not update to pr1.1, javis?03:09
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javispedroScribbleJ: cause I'd need to check which patches have been applied and which not to some components, and I am also waiting for osso-wlan-security pap support or free time to build my libicd-wpa library again03:10
iPeter-By the way, have anyone had problems with N900 (maemo 5) mail application, it says everysecond mail topic as "invalid"03:10
javispedroyou know, it works, don't touch it =)03:11
ScribbleJRight on03:11
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* timeless_mbp sighs03:12
timeless_mbp... it sure would be nice if my n900 would _charge_ while plugged into the usb charger....03:12
pupnik  not finding yet03:12
pupnikand t-offline is screwing my update03:12
ptlwhat do you mean, timeless_mbp?03:13
ptlit charges, only slower, isn't it?03:13
javispedropupnik: yeah, it seems that the autobuilder hasn't moved it to the repo yet, even though the build finished an hour ago03:13
timeless_mbpptl: no, it doesn't charge :)03:14
timeless_mbpproto hardware isn't for sales, for a reason :)03:14
* pupnik is amazed at the durability03:14
javispedropupnik: right now
iPeter-i got an .iso image, where do i put it to get it open with dosbox03:15
ptlthen why is it called a charger?03:15
pupnikthx again.  i'll try to use it right away03:15
pupnikoh and i forgot to see how drnok outputs sound03:15
javispedropupnik: grab the source and check the "tests" subdirectory03:16
javispedrofor samples03:16
iPeter-ptl: Im sure there is some kind bug, it doesnt regonize it.03:16
timeless_mbpptl: well, when it runs out of power, it'll start charging :)03:16
timeless_mbp(it just gave me Recharge Battery Now!03:16
timeless_mbpso now i can start using it...03:16
javispedropupnik: I'm still using SDL audio03:16
PavelIs the source code available for the N900's default calendar application?03:16
timeless_mbpPavel: no03:16
iPeter-but how bout my dosbox question :o03:16
timeless_mbpPavel: do yourself a favor and just find a team of people willing to write a better one03:17
timeless_mbpthe default app is not a good starting point03:17
xorAxAxtimeless_mbp: what about gpe calendar?03:17
timeless_mbpwhat about it?03:17
timeless_mbpgot screenshots?03:17
iPeter-Thanks. Google is yours frined, not mine :d03:18
xorAxAxwell, why NIH if there is already a cal app03:18
timeless_mbpxorAxAx: screenshots?03:18
xorAxAxno, i dont have screenshots of arbitrary apps03:18
timeless_mbpwell, i have screenshots of the calendar :)03:18
javispedronone of the avail calendars are good at all IMHO. Notice that some people actually tried to use the GarnetVM calendar.03:18
xorAxAxjavispedro: datebk5 is the best calendar :)03:19
timeless_mbpjavispedro: pictures of gpe would be nice03:19
xorAxAxunfortunately garnet vm is very unstable for me03:19
timeless_mbpso i could at least answer xorAxAx 's question03:19
Paveltimeless_mbp: Having not seen the source code, I don't know how good a starting point it is, but I am guessing the features I might be interested in hacking on would be very, very easy to add.03:19
xorAxAxtimeless_mbp: why dont you isntall it03:19
timeless_mbpxorAxAx: because i'm using my n900 as a vpn client03:20
xorAxAxtimeless_mbp: i dont understand03:20
iPeter-How to get an F1 button on dosbox03:20
xorAxAxtimeless_mbp: does the client disable multitasking?03:20
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xorAxAxinfobot: infobot?03:21
infobotrumour has it, infobot is The coolest03:21
javispedroiPeter-: either read about the dosbox mapper, or use rover.sys03:21
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timeless_mbpxorAxAx: my fingers don't multitask well03:21
timeless_mbpmy eyes slightly better03:21
timeless_mbpthose date to 200403:22
goatloverhello, could anyone help me with blowfish and xchat or irssi? has anyone been able to get them working ?03:22
timeless_mbpsurely someone has something that's <5 years old?03:22
timeless_mbpjavispedro: thanks03:22
iPeter-never used dosbox before03:22
javispedroiPeter-: rover.sys is a n900 specific thing. search for "more" detailed instructions.03:23
zashHow's gpe calendar vs nokias?03:23
timeless_mbpxorAxAx: so, the date nav at the top of javispedro 's picture is obviously bad03:23
javispedroiPeter-: basically, it's a file you need to download from my site and then edit dosbox.conf to point to it.03:23
timeless_mbpnokia's approach for date nav, while on its own bad is much better03:24
timeless_mbpzash: roughly gpe calendar is a normal desktop calendar scaled down03:24
timeless_mbpthat won't work03:24
timeless_mbpnokia's calendar is a calendar designed from a single view system03:24
timeless_mbpby people who can't design ui's03:24
zashtimeless_mbp: what abut dates03:24
timeless_mbpwhich ends up being slightly better03:24
timeless_mbpbut only slightly03:24
timeless_mbpand not because they're better, but because they had fewer places to make mistakes03:25
javispedrotimeless: you love UI people indeed? =)03:25
timeless_mbpjavispedro: oh, i live aSIMULAtor03:25
infobottimeless_mbp meant: javispedro: oh, i love aSIMULAtor03:25
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timeless_mbpzash: did you look at
iPeter-hmm ok03:25
timeless_mbpplease note that months should have 3 letters in them, not 2.1503:25
zashtimeless_mbp: :D03:25
timeless_mbpespecially when there's plenty of space for 803:25
timeless_mbpthe app title was also stupid03:26
timeless_mbp"gpe-calendar - Calendar - To..."03:26
javispedrooh, that improved a bit.03:26
iPeter-but i dont know where my dosbox (z drive) is mounted :E03:26
timeless_mbpyeah, really helpful to waste the space on Calendar twice03:26
zashtimeless_mbp: what about o-hand's dates?03:26
timeless_mbpzash: picture?03:26
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javispedroiPeter-: you can't write to drive z. you need to mount a C: drive somewhere.03:26
pupnik[sbox-FREMANTLE_ARMEL: ~/unlikely_ports] >   ;)03:27
timeless_mbpdoes it support American conventions?03:27
timeless_mbp(no week numbering, am/pm, no leading 0 for hours)03:27
timeless_mbp(week ranges where there's space and you want to number things)03:28
zashno clue03:28
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iPeter-javispedro: Okay, how do i get ~ that symbol03:28
timeless_mbpiPeter-: blue, sym, ~, space03:28
iPeter-to type mount c /windows03:28
crashanddietimeless_mbp: you live in europe, get with the norm and stop using your stupid american conventions03:29
crashanddiethey're archaic and stupid in most cases03:29
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* timeless_mbp kicks crashanddie 03:29
iPeter-Well i got finnish kb layout on my N900 :/03:29
javispedroiPeter-: first and foremost, iirc you can't use ~ in the dosbox shell since it won't be expanded to $HOME.03:29
* crashanddie counters03:29
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timeless_mbpiPeter-: the path is the same for everyone03:29
timeless_mbptry it03:29
derfI live in America and I don't use half the American conventions.03:29
iPeter-But on my layout there aint any ~03:29
timeless_mbphow Unamerican!03:29
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timeless_mbpiPeter-: did you try the sequence?03:30
timeless_mbpyou press one key, then the next03:30
javispedrotimeless: it won't work, unfortunately.03:30
timeless_mbpyou don't say "oh, i don't see all of them!"03:30
derfJust exercising my Freedom.03:30
javispedrotimeless: because this is SDL/bare Xlib app.03:30
iPeter-I tried, when i press that blue arrow i get a '03:30
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timeless_mbpjavispedro: does clipboard work? :)03:30
javispedrotimeless: between X11 and MS-DOS? =)03:30
timeless_mbpsure, why not? :)03:30
timeless_mbpiPeter-: sounds like you're going to want to quit, and edit the conf file03:31
javispedroactually, trying to link with hildon-input-method somehow is on my long-term ideas to try03:31
javispedros/ideas/ideas list03:31
pupnik  this is perhaps the better way.  add the mount and keyb command to your dosbox.con autoexec portion, that way you only have to type the stuff once iPeter-03:31
timeless_mbpzash: so, is there a package for pimlico?03:31
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javispedrobut for now you get to keep the rover.sys kludge, which won't care about your finnish layout and assume US layout.03:31
iPeter-timeless_mbp: Yeah maybe03:31
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iPeter-how do i edit it where etc03:32
zashtimeless_mbp: exists03:32
javispedroiPeter-: it's on ~/.dosbox/dosbox-0.73.conf03:32
zashtimeless_mbp: and i apparently have dates-hildon packages in ubuntu03:32
timeless_mbpzash: the repository only advertises chinook03:32
timeless_mbpoddly, it has diablo/ too03:33
timeless_mbpbut no fremantle03:33
iPeter-What texteditor xterminal does have03:34
iPeter-nano not found03:34
pupniki need to get permission for more of the mods in my collection03:34
zashiPeter-: it better have vi or vim03:34
javispedrobusybox vi.03:34
javispedrowhich is, well, interesting.03:34
iPeter-What i have to edit on this conf?03:35
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javispedroyou have to put "FORMAT C:" and "FORMAT Z:" under [autoexec] section03:36
pupnik  for any of you .mod / s3m folks - this guy is one of the greats 'Reed'03:36
javispedroiPeter-: put the mount commands there03:37
javispedroiPeter-: under [autoexec]03:37
javispedroiPeter-: also put keyb rover.sys us if you already know that rover.sys will be there03:37
javispedroC:\rover.sys most probably.03:37
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PavelQuestion: how useful, compared to the current offerings, would you find an encrypted password storage application that would not require a password to create a new record, but would require a password to view or edit a record, but would never store the records in the clear?03:38
wiretappedPavel: quite useful. it should also support notetaking03:39
wiretappedand use gpg flatfiles for storage03:39
derfIsn't this what I've been using in my browser for the past decade?03:39
Pavelwiretapped: That's basically the idea.03:39
wiretappedderf: what have you been using in your browser?03:39
javispedroyou'be been using your browser???03:39
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Pavelwiretapped: If the password is not given or has expired when the record is created, it is encrypted with the public key, so it can be written, but not read.03:40
Pavelwiretapped: To read it, one must enter a password to decrypt the private key.03:41
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SpeedEvilI'd also like the option to instead take a pic of the password.03:42
SpeedEvilbut that raises the complexity considerably.03:42
iPeter-Do i put "FORMAT C:" or FORMAT C:03:42
SpeedEvilIt does mean it's much harder to typo though.03:42
javispedroiPeter-: put the mount command, without quotes.03:43
Pavelwiretapped: In addition, a key created or "approved" with the password, would be encrypted, then signed. This way, it should be possible to sync the records via an untrusted storage (e.g. an IMAP or file server outside of the user's direct control), and the worst an adversary could do is delete the records.03:44
* Pavel has started implementing a program like that, in Python, which may not be the best language for the task, but he doesn't have the time to do it in C.03:45
iPeter-Well i did put: FORMAT C: it says illegal command FORMAT03:45
javispedrolet's say thank god I knew it would do that03:47
iPeter-Lol :D03:47
iPeter-I tought i could trust with this :D03:48
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javispedroiPeter-: replace it with the mount command03:48
iPeter-MOUNT C:?03:48
javispedroiPeter-: no, mount c: /home/user/windows03:48
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iPeter-To autoexec03:48
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javispedroyou wanted that path?03:48
javispedroyes, to autoexec.03:48
javispedroinfobot: are you ill?03:49
javispedroI have to agree with one comment -- QML is much like JavaFX. Whatever that means another nail in JavaFX's coffin or a new nail in Qt's coffin is yet to be seen.03:50
javispedrowell, or at least _reads_ like JavaFX.03:50
iPeter-Directory /home/ser/windoes doesn't exit03:51
wiretappedPavel: that sounds great! especially that it is in Python, imo :)03:51
javispedroiPeter-: you have to create it, of course.03:52
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Pavelwiretapped: Actually, the "Python" part is not great at all.03:52
javispedrocreate it under mydocs, /home/user/MyDocs/windows03:52
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iPeter-Ok done03:53
Pavelwiretapped: Without being able to lock pages, your password, while it's kept in memory, might get swapped to disk.03:53
Pavelwiretapped: Also, you can never guarantee that your process has ever well and truly "forgotten" the password.03:53
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Pavelwiretapped: A better solution might be a set of C subroutines that do password handling and only that.03:54
SpeedEvilcryptoswap helps some03:54
PavelSpeedEvil: Does it just create a loopback device on an encrypted FS?03:55
PavelSpeedEvil: On N900?03:55
iPeter-javispedro: How do i find mydocs from my PC, to insert that rover.sys there03:55
javispedroiPeter-: when you connect the N900 via USB, MyDocs is the root folder.03:56
wiretappedPavel: yeah...
PavelIf I don't abandon this project due to lack of time, I will first get it working on my Debian box, then try to develop an N900 frontend and intelligent sync capabilities.03:56
wiretappedSpeedEvil: have you done crypto swap on N900?03:56
SpeedEvilPavel: you can't with the default kernel.03:56
SpeedEvilWith j???a's kernel - AIUI it should be quite possible.03:56
PavelSpeedEvil: Really? I am surprised.03:56
iPeter-On mass storage mode javispedro ?03:57
javispedroiPeter-: yes.03:57
SpeedEvilor building your own03:57
PavelSpeedEvil: You can't use a loopback for swap?03:57
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SpeedEvilthe cryptoloop module is not by default there03:57
iPeter-Odd i can not find my newly created windows folder03:57
PavelOh, on N900.03:57
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ColdFyreeek i rebooted my n900 and it shows on the botton in txt installing software update, please do not interrupt, and it seems to be hung at 0%03:59
PavelThe problem is that I am an amateur when it comes to cryptography, so while I try to leverage GnuPG as much as possible, I shouldn't really be doing this.03:59
Pavelwiretapped: I know, I saw that post.03:59
iPeter-javispedro: I cant find my newly created windows folder04:00
iPeter-When im seeking it with pc04:00
ColdFyreis this really bad?04:00
javispedroiPeter-: well, dunno what you did.04:00
iPeter-how do i remove folder04:01
wiretappedPavel: how are you interfacing with gpg?04:01
Pavelwiretapped: Python->pyme->GPGME.04:02
Pavelwiretapped: It's a little tedious, but doing it all in C would have been even more so.04:02
ColdFyreis there a way to bypass this? it won't boot now04:02
pupnikiPeter-: you're not running dosbox with it connected to pc, are you?04:02
wiretappedi see pyme is no longer maintained :(04:02
iPeter-god damnit04:03
iPeter-yup :D04:03
iPeter-i was04:03
wiretappedalso I've found myself "browsing Gopher through a Web interface right now"04:03
pupnikwill be unsynched then04:03
SpeedEvilColdFyre: flash it?04:03
ColdFyreflashing will result in me losing everything04:04
iPeter-Ill reboot the device04:04
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SpeedEvilIt results in you losing apps, and not much more04:04
SpeedEvilif you just flash the no-mmc image04:04
Pavelwiretapped: On the other hand, if, by some miracle, I write the Linux version, and I (or someone else) write the N900 frontend (backend should be directly portable), it'll never run on Android (wrong language(s)), which is sad.04:04
SpeedEvilit does not overwrite /home/user or Mydocs04:04
wiretappedPavel: but if you wrote it for android it wouldn't work anywhere else04:05
wiretappedso it is android that is sad04:05
wiretappedalthough, at least it would work on dozens of android devices...04:06
SpeedEvilwrite it for SNES - then anything with an emulator can use it.04:06
Pavelwiretapped: Depends. If you stuck to the right APIs, it should be source-compatible with Javas, right?04:06
wiretapped(wth kind of joke OS only runs on one vendor's hardware???)04:06
PavelSpeedEvil: Brilliant!04:06
ColdFyrebefore i resort to flashing, hildon-package-manager had hung and i had to kill -9 during some install, there is no way to boot into single user mode or anything?04:06
wiretappedi don't know about that.04:06
SpeedEvilwiretapped: maemo?04:07
SpeedEvilbut single platform OSs arn't uncommon.04:07
wiretappedPavel: fwiw has been recently updated04:07
Pavelwiretapped: I think it's even worse: it's an OS that will run on only one _device_, assuming the next N[0-9]{3} uses Maemo 6.04:08
wiretappedSpeedEvil: yeah maemo was what I was referring to04:08
wiretappedyep, as a 770 and N800 user I know all too well04:08
Pavelwiretapped: And, assuming there is no upgrade for N900 --- if there is, then Maemo 5 simply becomes an obsolete OS.04:09
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Pavelwiretapped: As opposed to a joke OS, which is still needed, but unsupported.04:09
PavelThat, to me, is the main reason I am still considering exercising Amazon's return policy and sending the darned thing back...04:10
iPeter-Keybard file rover.sys not found04:11
Pavelwiretapped: The thing is, I've already written all most all of the storage backend, so even if python-gnupg is easier to work with than python-pyme, there is no point.04:12
zerojayPavel: How long do you expect an OS to be current and supported?04:12
Pavelzerojay: Depending on the definition of "OS".04:12
wiretappedzerojay: how long do you expect a computer to be able to run the latest version of the OS it shipped with?04:12
zerojayPavel: How long are you expecting them to support Maemo 5 on the N900 then?04:12
wiretappedthe 770 was EOL'd after 14 months04:13
zerojaywiretapped: Big difference. You can upgrade the components of a computer.04:13
zerojaywiretapped: Uh-huh... and....?04:13
wiretappednokia and its retailers describe the N900 as a computer04:13
zerojayWell, that's splitting hairs.04:13
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wiretappedyou can also install current OSes on many-years-old computers04:13
zashzerojay: gl with upgrading laptops04:14
zerojayHow long do you expect them to support the N900 with Maemo 5?04:14
zerojayDon't dance around the question.04:14
zerojayAnswer it, straight up.04:14
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wiretappedzerojay: if nokia ships an update for the N900 12 months from now, I'd say we can count ourselves lucky04:14
iPeter-Wohoo got kb layout to work (:04:15
Pavelzerojay: Actually, I'd rather see them to offer Maemo 6 on the N900.04:15
zerojaywiretapped: And if they don't, it would still be supported longer than the average cell phone.04:15
wiretappedzerojay: it isn't the average cell phone. It comes with an X-Terminal preinstalled and is marketed to people who know what one is.04:15
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zerojaywiretapped: So it shouldn't matter how long they support it then, hmm?04:15
zerojaySince it's marketed to people who know what an X-Terminal is, they can help provide community updates, like what has happened in the past.04:16
wiretappedwell, i bought it, knowing full well that nokia is all about planned obsolescence04:16
zerojayExcept that since the N900 has most likely sold WAY more than previous tablets, there's going to be a lot more people looking for continued updates and supports.04:17
pupnikit's not like the OS breaks after 12 months04:17
zerojaysupport updates.04:17
pupnikit's NOT a BOX of EGGS04:17
zerojaySo even if Nokia drops everything RIGHT NOW... there's no way your N900 would be suddenly rendered useless.04:17
zerojayAnd you can bet there would already be a huge amount of support for a community based distro or community based updates.04:18
SpeedEvilI think it's probably got critical mass of some sort now.04:18
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zerojayFar more than the previous ones.04:18
zerojayFar more developers.04:18
zerojayFar more users.04:18
zerojayFar more mind share.04:18
SpeedEvilIf it's not actually discontinued now - considerably more than critical mass04:18
Proteousfar more egg boxes04:18
zerojaySo I wouldn't worry too much.04:18
zerojayThe N900 will be alive and kicking for a long time to come, even if Nokia's drop dead is tomorrow.04:19
zerojayAnd it's not.04:19
SpeedEvilThere are issues.04:19
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ds3the integration of the modem complicates things04:19
SpeedEvilFor example - skype and flash might be hard to push without nokia04:19
SpeedEviland if there are hardware bugs - say the modem has a 2012 bug...04:19
zerojayWell, it's not like we haven't received some help with stuff long after EOL for a platform.04:20
wiretappedsay there is a widely-exploited vuln in flash...04:21
wiretappedwe're up shit creek04:21
ds3thou shalt not use flash. repeat ad inf.04:21
wiretappedwhere do we get a new armel flash binary compiled for our community-supported post-nokia OS?04:21
zerojayThe only way we're up shit creek is if Adobe refuses to publish an update.04:21
Pavelwiretapped: Then we'll just have to hope that it doesn't work on ARM. ;)04:22
zerojayWe'll do what we've done before, push Nokia to make it happen.04:22
zerojayThey've shown in the past that they're more than willing to help in these cases.04:22
zerojayDoesn't always pan out, but they do their best to help out.04:22
zerojaySuch as with the 3d drivers for the N810.04:23
SpeedEvilchrooted flash might help in some aspects04:23
wiretappedzerojay: they're less than willing to open a lot of stuff.04:23
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zerojaywiretapped: Uh.. where do you get that from?04:23
wiretappedthe open wifi for 770 is still far inferior to the closed driver, right?04:23
wiretappedthe power mgmnt stuff remains closed04:23
zerojaywiretapped: Ever worked in embedded devices before?04:23
wiretappedall sorts of essential little bits04:23
zerojayNokia doesn't get that choice.04:24
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zerojayThey really want to put out a fully open device in every way possible, but just as open source is new for Nokia, it's completely in its infancy for hardware providers.04:24
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zerojayThere are times when the ball's just not in Nokia's court. Doesn't mean they don't want to open it.04:25
ColdFyreSpeedEvil:  the RX-51_2009SE_2.2009.51-1.002_PR_COMBINED_002_ARM.bin won't result in me losing *, or will?04:25
zerojayAnd before you say "find manufacturers that will"... there's not really any.04:25
SpeedEvilAs I recall it there was a smaller image, and a larger one.04:26
SpeedEvilColdFyre: It was documented somewhere on the wiki04:26
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infobotfrom memory, flashing is
ColdFyreyeah, i oculd not find it04:26
wiretappedHA HA HA ha *cries*04:26
wiretappedzerojay: you really believe that04:26
wiretapped"really want to put out a fully open device in every way possible," ???04:26
microlithwiretapped: what does being closed get Nokia?04:26
crashanddiewiretapped: stop trolling04:26
zerojaywiretapped: Yes, I do.04:26
javispedroconspiracy! dealbreaker!04:27
javispedrous vs them!04:27
SpeedEvilmicrolith: lack of difficult negotiations with makers.04:27
zerojaywiretapped: Maybe when you get to talk to the people that make them and you see the passion they have for this... you'd see they want it just as much as we do.04:27
wiretappedlook at
wiretappedzerojay: I know many developers at nokia do want this.04:27
javispedrothat us vs them conspirationist feeling tends to disappear after you chit chat with "them" for a while.04:27
wiretappedBut their managers definitely don't04:27
zerojaywiretapped: There's just times when it just can't happen.04:27
pupnikbesides, every organization is made up of > 1 person, with > 1 opinion...04:27
wiretappedzerojay: I can believe there are licensing issues for the 770's wifi.04:28
wiretappedzerojay: I cannot believe nokia couldn't have released libaccounts04:28
wiretappedor rtcom-eventlogger04:28
wiretappedor liblocation04:28
zerojaywiretapped: After the N900 was a surprise hit, you can bet that more of those managers are sitting up and taking notice.04:28
wiretappedor libsharing04:28
javispedroor tablet-browser-ui04:28
wiretappedor calendar-backend04:28
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pupnikvalid points there i'm sure04:28
zerojayReleasing stuff as open source isn't as simple as uploading a tarball, you know.04:28
wiretappedso far everything I've wanted to modify on N900 has been closed04:28
crashanddiewiretapped: stop using enter as punctuation04:28
javispedroliblocation "contains patented nokia über technology" though.04:29
wiretappedI have big SMS problems I could probably fix in the eventlogger04:29
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zerojaySome of those closed portions are simply closed as a matter of "we don't have the time".04:29
SpeedEvilwiretapped: liblocation is in many ways - as I understand it a wrapper to code running on the modem04:29
zerojayEverything Nokia releases into the wild has to go through tons of legal crap first.04:29
SpeedEvilwiretapped: that code is almost certainly IP of TI.04:29
zerojayThat's the main reason why we don't have weekly public releases.04:30
SpeedEvilThe heavy lifting goes on in the modem.04:30
zerojayThat's part of the reason why not everything's open... but as they go further into Maemo 5's lifecycle, we'll probably see a few more components get opened.04:30
zerojayJust like on the 770 and N800 and N810.04:30
zerojayWon't be everything.04:31
crashanddiethere's a good chance they would have to wrap all the native calls to private APIs, as they're not at liberty to release it04:31
SpeedEvilOr flat out replaced.04:31
jebbazerojay: why a closed OGG package, for instance?04:31
zerojayBut each step gets closer.04:31
zerojayjebba: Nokia's not convinced OGG is unencumbered.04:31
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jebbaso having it closed does what? they still distribute it. What's the difference?04:31
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crashanddieNokia can't just show sources where it calls makePhoneCall() from the modem API04:32
wiretappedzerojay: why did nokia ship ogg on the n900 then (in the maps program)?04:32
crashanddieis maps open?04:32
jebbacrashanddie: what can't is show sources there?04:32
wiretappednokia is not convinced ogg is not a threat to their MPEG royalties04:32
javispedroit's true.04:32
javispedroI can hardly blame them for that.04:32
jebbawell, then why are they shipping ogg?04:33
zerojayHow does Nokia get royalties on MPEG?04:33
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pupniksuperflous comment about lawyers is superfluous04:33
javispedrozerojay: Nokia is one of the creators of AAC.04:33
crashanddiejebba: because the way my company works, we get access to specific APIs from vendors, but we're not at liberty to tell everyone how that API works... If we give away source code that shows how we call a specific library, we're shooting ourselves in the foot04:33
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wiretappedsubmarine patents are a red herring... nokia is anti-ogg, except when it benefits them, which proves they're not afraid of it being patented04:33
pupnikcrashanddie: ty.  didn't realize that04:33
zerojaywiretapped: Except when they can license it, you mean.04:33
jebbacrashanddie: ya, but that isn't the case here. It's not an API.04:33
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crashanddiejebba: they're still using specific subroutines of specific hardware04:34
wiretappedzerojay: who did they license it from?04:34
crashanddiejebba: it's not just *their* code04:34
zerojaywiretapped: I didn't write it, so I don't know.04:34
javispedrojebba: the case is as wiretapped commented. Nokia made AAC. I guess they consider "OGG as common user-visible audio format" a threat.04:34
javispedroalso, that's going to change btw.04:34
javispedroHarmattan has OGG out of the box.04:34
zerojaySo they can't see it as much of a threat then, hmm?04:34
jebbacrashanddie: they took the ogg code from the public, they didnt start from scratch. Then they added their proprietary bits and closed it.04:35
iPeter-javispedro: Can you help me, got problem with mounting the image04:35
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javispedroiPeter-: what problem?04:35
crashanddiejebba: my company released some code, we had to wrap every single call to access a specific device (an HSM in this case) into a library that we wrote... And what it did was... libfoo::initHSM() { manafucaturerlib::initHSM(getParams()) }04:35
iPeter-I just cant do it right04:35
jebbacrashanddie: i dont see how that is relevant to ogg. anyway.04:35
crashanddiejebba: do we have proof of that?04:36
javispedrozerojay: I guess that managers "listen" after a few years complaining after all :)04:36
crashanddiejebba: sorry, I didn't catch up to where you guys were04:36
crashanddiejebba: I was more replying to wiretapped's trolling about all the libs they didn't open04:36
zerojayjavispedro: Some, sure.04:36
iPeter-javispedro: I got now mounted that c drive to that windows folder. that windows folder contains now a image of windows, name for it is windows_3.1.iso04:37
iPeter-how do i moun tit04:37
javispedroiPeter-: I unfortunately do not know the syntax of all dosbox shell commands by hearth. I suggest you look at the dosbox wiki.04:38
javispedroin fact I think I gave you a link to the imgmount command man page an hour ago...04:38
crashanddiejavispedro: what a very nice way of saying RTFM04:38
iPeter-javispedro: Yes, but still cant get it to work :S04:38
wiretapped <--- nokia's fault04:38
pupnik lol04:38
javispedroiPeter-: and what's the error message?04:39
crashanddiewiretapped: seriously, take it outside04:39
iPeter-it was something it cant find from host or local04:39
Scummerlearn something new everyday.. i didn't know you can mount .iso's in dosbox...04:40
javispedrowell I think you can. I never tried actually.04:40
pupnikand be sure to thank the dosbox devs for rewriting the sound blaster emulation to be faster for us04:40
javispedroI am waiting for 0.74 since I have this feeling I messed up when backporting the ARM recompiler.04:41
Scummerbut installing win3.1 in dosbox.. what's the use for that?  why purposefully install a virus on your phone ? :)04:41
pupnikheh i think so too maybe04:41
iPeter-Z:\> imgmount d "C:\windows_3.1.iso" -t iso04:42
iPeter-The image must be on a host or local drive04:42
pupniki think lardman is the only guy in community who got anywhere with DSP coding04:42
javispedroiPeter-: try moving to C: drive before, "C:"04:43
javispedrothen rewrite that command as "imgmout d windows_3.1.iso -t iso"04:43
iPeter-Same error on C:\>04:43
sp3000sorry, "worldwide traffic of sad" just makes me giggle04:43
javispedroiPeter-: is the image there?04:44
Scummerpeter: is the iso itself mountable from the linux prompt ?04:44
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Scummermount -t iso9660 -o loop windows_3_1.iso /mnt/windoze04:45
Scummerso at least you know if the image is good04:45
iPeter-The image is on /home/user/MyDocs/windows/04:46
iPeter-and C is mounted to that patch, right?04:46
Scummerdir c: ?04:46
Scummeris it there ?04:46
PavelBy the way, we keep talking about N900 critical mass --- does anyone know how much they've sold?04:46
PavelI am not debating, just curious about a number.04:46
iPeter-WINDOW~1 ISO04:47
iPeter-So yes, it is there Scummer.. Mhph.04:47
Scummertry imgmount d window~1.iso -t iso then04:47
Scummermaybe it doesn't understand more than 8 char ?04:47
Scummerit's dos afterall04:47
javispedroit should.04:47
javispedro... though I'd give it a try too.04:48
Scummeri mean.. i don't know... i don't know whatelse could work04:48
iPeter-easier to rename that img to "lol" than find ~ char04:48
Scummersymbols ?04:48
sp30001. Helsinki, Finland04:50
sp3000I'm sure this makes sense04:50
javispedrosense is cthulhu's second name.04:50
iPeter-lul, i live on there :p04:50
pupnikif there's any interest in a demoparty, breakpoint 2010 will be the last one.  Bingen, Germany, easter wknd 2010
Scummersooo.. anyone tried to install OS X and wait the 2 hours for the boot up time? hehe04:51
pupniki could even host ppl04:52
Scummerflights to germany have gotten expensive :/04:53
crashanddieyeah, was a lot cheaper when everyone was sent there by train04:54
crashanddie*sigh* good times04:54
ScribbleJHey, that's not funny, my grandpa died in a concentration camp.04:55
crashanddiefell from one of the watchtowers?04:55
ScribbleJHe fell out of the guardtower, broke his neck.04:55
ScribbleJDAMN YOU04:55
wiretappedcrashanddie: crashanddie04:55
Scummertoo old to rock'n roll04:55
SpeedEvil - a clear correlation!04:55
crashanddiewiretapped: may I suggest you stop being a bitter idiot?04:56
wiretappedcrashanddie: you may04:56
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pupnikbeautiful demos from 2009.. check 'Elevated' by RGBA and TBC04:57
javispedrothe nicest thing is that "1. Barcelona, Spain".04:57
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sp3000 ...oh man, they were right all along!04:58
iPeter-Summer: you was right i renamed to lol and it worked04:58
Proteousscummer, summer, what's the difference04:59
crashanddiejavispedro: I'm sure Barcelona came in first because of the Maemo long weekend over there :P04:59
Scummeri like summer...04:59
javispedrocrashanddie: I though it had more to do with nazis, but yours makes much more sense =)04:59
crashanddiebtw, google trends is pretty moot05:00
iPeter-Now its mounted, then?05:00
iPeter-javispedro: How do i open that img to install windows05:00
* javispedro dies05:00
Scummerwhat the ?05:00
Scummerpeter: imgmount d <-- D:\05:00
javispedroYour free support contract has expired. Please renew your contract by sending $30 to ...05:01
crashanddieiPeter-: this channel isn't here to support dosbox05:01
iPeter-Does it bother you if i ask help in here?05:01
crashanddiewell, the first 5 minutes were cute05:01
crashanddienow it's annoying05:01
javispedroyes, and I will go to bed soon.05:02
iPeter-Well sorry.05:02
iPeter-how do i get < symbol :E05:02
crashanddieyou know, it's like the kitten drowning in the pool... First you go "awww, he's trying to get out", 10 minutes later when it stops moving it's no longer fun... You've nearly stopped moving05:02
javispedroiPeter-: you can't05:02
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iPeter-Well one thing then, how do i open that installion? :S05:03
javispedroiPeter-: if you loaded rover.sys, then you've done all the specific maemo bits. from now It's identical to what you get in DOSBox on any platform. and I'm sure there are some dosbox guides floating around the internet.05:03
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Scummerfloating around on as well05:03
javispedroit will be much efficient to just follow them.05:04
javispedroinfobot is gone, so it doesn't matter.05:05
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crashanddieinfobot: hello05:05
infobotHowdy Bub05:05
javispedroinfobot: damn you05:05
crashanddieinfobot: how are you?05:05
* infobot damns you to the bowels of bloody hell forever.05:05
infoboteh, ok, crashanddie05:05
crashanddieinfobot: what's up?05:05
infobotUp is the direction away from the central point of gravity.05:05
crashanddieinfobot: duh05:05
infobotextra, extra, read all about it, duh is an exclamation showing absence of common knowledge05:05
crashanddiei'm getting pwned by a bot05:05
zerojayinfobot: DUHH.05:05
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javispedrocrashanddie: still, sometimes I don't put the last / intentionally just because I think infobot actually applying the search&replace is just extra noise05:06
crashanddiejavispedro: only when it's not understandable I guess05:06
iPeter-Setup is copying files :D05:07
javispedrosee? verrrry efficient.05:07
iPeter-javispedro: Just asking, how do i get this dosbox to fullscreen? :o05:08
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javispedroiPeter-: hmpf. you can't unless you've remapped the fullscreen key iirc.05:08
pupnikthere's a fullscreen key? :)05:09
iPeter-i didnt undrstand how to open that keymapper thing05:09
javispedrono, but you can potentially map ctrl+enter to it.05:09
crashanddiebtw, I've been getting "Unable to play media. Media format not supported" recently, anyone else seen that?05:09
Scummerhmm.. now we need a windows key next ?05:09
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SpeedEvilScummer: shift-function-blue-WINDOWS (all pressed at once)05:11
iPeter-Mouse support is kinda crap :D05:13
pupnikjavispedro: i note dgen-1.23 runs fast but segfaults on most things05:13
crashanddiepupnik: the latter may explain the former05:13
pupnikplayin a game right now05:14
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iPeter-gotta to go slep05:14
crashanddieseriously, isn't twitter exactly the same as IRC?05:15
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javispedrocrashanddie: no, it's even worse.05:15
crashanddiewell, just turn IRC upside down05:15
javispedroyou can do gazillion-long messages on IRC05:15
crashanddiestupid nicknames, most messages are under 140 chars05:15
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crashanddieand everyone uses /amsg05:15
pupniki should post a video just to upset people05:16
SpeedEvilpupnik: Oooh.05:16
SpeedEviluuencoded twitter jpegs!05:16
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javispedro140 byte long uuencoded mpeg.05:16
crashanddieheh, twitter as a bittorrent tracker05:16
SpeedEvilWith line numbers of course - as SMSs may be delivered out of order.05:16
javispedrothat sounds like the title for another round of obfuscated perl contest.05:16
pupnikreally it's at least 24 fps, more like 30 on pstar205:17
pupnikah 28 fps05:17
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pupnikhaha still at 1.2305:21
javispedrognite and good luck pupnik05:23
pupnikgnite :)05:23
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pupnikback to something real soon.  but you just gotta try building things once in a while05:23
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PavelDoes anyone know of a mapping application in the pipeline which can do directions and lets you store locations (e.g. "how do I get to home from here?)?05:39
konfooahhhh qik you pile of crap05:40
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konfooanyone out here doing development on video streaming apps, or porting anything?05:41
ScribbleJWell, I gave a whirl to porting mjpeg_streamer05:42
ScribbleJBut it dies on an mmap() and I'm not sure why.05:42
ScribbleJSomeone already ported vlc05:42
konfooi ported Motion back in the 770 days but nothing since then05:42
konfooit so happens i have a CDN to play with now (day job)05:43
ScribbleJSome guy was in here last night with a port of motion.05:43
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jebbakonfoo: i built vlc (in my repo) and ffmpeg (in extras-devel), but haven't been streaming with them yet.05:44
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jebbai may have built icecast05:45
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konfooi guess the ideal thing to do would be to write a rtmp streamer05:46
svanheulendoes anyone know if it's ok to use flasher to install the older firmware on a n900?05:46
konfoothat way any flash player can play the stream from a flash media server (ustream, etc)05:46
konfoojebba: cool.. ffserver too?05:47
konfoobtw for anyone that cares i heard flash player 10.1 is coming05:48
konfoowill full support for peer to peer etc05:48
svanheulengod i hate flash. i hope the people that created it die a horrible death.05:49
konfoothey actually seem to be doing some stuff right these days05:50
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konfoomy co is a flash partner so i get to wail on them relentlessly05:51
svanheuleno rly? like making the internet a bloated pile of shit?05:51
konfooi think windows/ie has that pat down already05:52
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svanheulennot to mention all the vulnerabilities05:53
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konfooall i care about is a/v streaming05:53
konfoothey are implementing rules in their new cores though to prevent people using a dozen flash apps on one screen05:54
svanheulenand that's the only thing it should ever be used for, but for some reason every moron with a website uses it for everything05:54
konfooya exactly05:54
konfoofor a/v streaming it has everything beat05:54
konfooand 10.1 is the same featureset across mobile/settop/desktop with full h/w decode accel05:55
villagerif I want to promote my package to extras-testing, do I also have to promote its dependency if it's not already there?05:55
jebbavillager: y05:56
villagerso doesn't happen automatically?05:56
villagerallright, let's see05:57
jebbacorrect. Like i had to submit asterisk-config before asterisk05:57
villagereven if the dep is not in user/*?05:57
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villagerI think I'll just promote the user/* package first to see what happens05:58
pupniki found roughly where dgen is dying05:59
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villagerah the wiki say that you need to promote user/* deps first, but doesn't say anything about non-user packages06:06
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pupniki wish someone who knew arm ASM could look at this06:11
villagerI am thinking about learning that one of these days, currently I only know mips asm, and of course x8606:12
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pupnik  there's the bug we have atm06:14
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villagerthat looks like amd64, not arm06:16
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Kajkoguys, any good maemo soft for playing chess online on the n900?06:16
pupnikyeah but it dies at the same spot06:16
pupnikwhich chess programs have you tried that are not "good" Kajko06:17
villagerpupnik: where's the source for this then?06:17
pupniki suspected as much06:18
villagerhmm, why did someone port gnokii to n900?06:18
pupnikmaybe i just strip that sound stuff06:19
pupnikoh i am stupid..06:19
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pupnik(gdb) bt06:21
pupnik#0  0x000744b0 in mz80exec ()06:21
pupnik#1  0x0000c2e8 in md::one_frame_musa(bmap*, unsigned char*, sndinfo*) ()06:21
pupnik#2  0x0000c6c8 in md::one_frame(bmap*, unsigned char*, sndinfo*) ()06:21
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pupnikodd, i applied his patch for stdint.h06:23
villageryou should compile with more debug info to get a better backtrace06:23
PavelI want to add extras-testing, and report bugs, vote, etc., but before I do, I want to figure this out: how hard is it for a malicious developer to get a package (say, containing a rootkit along with code that actually works as advertised) into extras-testing? I am not talking about a subtle security flaw to be exploited at a latter date. I am talking about something that is pretty obvious to anyone who skims through the source code06:23
Paveland knows the language.06:23
pupnikneed to learn how to do that :D06:23
Kajkoi see06:24
villagerpupnik: add -g to the CFLAGS I guess06:24
PavelI am OK with buggy software, but I am afraid of malicious software, in this situation.06:25
villagerif it's not already added, of course06:25
PavelAnd yes, I am spoiled by Debian.06:25
pupnikah oki06:25
villagerPavel: seems fairly easy to do so06:26
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Kajkoanybody here use xchat on n900?06:27
PavelKajko: I did, once or twice.06:27
pupnikhah omg 395996 Feb  2 05:06 zz80.c06:28
Kajkodo you know how to change my own text from grey? hard to see06:28
PavelKajko: Not in the N900 version.06:28
PavelKajko: Although, I would suspect that it still obeys the configs in .xchat2 .06:29
PavelKajko: Even if you don't have a UI for changing the configuration.06:29
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Kajkoi will give irssi a try....looking for a irc solution on the n90006:30
pwnguinKajko: screen + irssi?06:31
PavelOf course, Debian has a very tedious process for uploading even "unstable" packages, so even their "unstable" is pretty darned stable...06:31
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* mtnbkr_ likes xchat irc client on n900 06:32
Kajkopwnguin: yes06:32
villagerPavel: nah, not that tedious if you actually are a DD... and nothing stops you from uploading malicious software into unstable, though you may have a hard time getting it into stable06:33
Kajkomtnbkr: yes, me too06:33
Pavelvillager: I miswrote. I meant a tedious process for gaining the privilege for uploading even "unstable" packages...06:33
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pwnguinKajko: it'd be neat to see someone extend the telepathy-idle plugin06:34
Kajkopwnguin: yes06:34
pwnguinKajko: so that it joins channels, but it would probably get annoying06:34
villagerPavel: hmm yeah, I hear the NM process is getting to be a challenge06:35
Pavelvillager: It's called "security through bureaucracy".06:35
villagerI became a DD long before all this newfangled Debian Maintainers stuff where you get limited privileges first before even having a chance in NM06:37
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villageryay, my syncevolution package has showed up in extras-testing06:40
Pavelvillager: Does a package developer upload the packages source to the server, which then builds it, or does the developer build it, and then uploads the binary to the server?06:42
villagerPavel: in debian?06:42
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Pavelvillager: In Garage.06:43
villagerPavel: the garage is separate from the package repository I think06:44
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Pavelvillager: Ah. Well, then repository.06:45
villagerPavel: I upload the sources to the appropriate maemo autobuilder (the one for fremantle in this case), which then builds it06:45
Pavelvillager: So all packages go through the autobuilder?06:45
villagerPavel: I believe so06:45
villagerPavel: unless you upload to non-free, then the dev-built packages get installed06:46
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villageractually I think non-free can go through the autobuilder too if the dev wants, but it's not required06:47
Pavelvillager: So if I download a binary in free and the corresponding source, I can be fairly certain that the binary was, in fact, built from the source?06:48
villagerPavel: yeah06:49
Pavelvillager: OK, so maybe I'll only add extras-testing/free, and skim the source code before installing. Someone has to...06:49
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pupniki love it when my eyes start being unable to focus06:52
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PavelOr, I am just being paranoid.06:58
villagerjust don't download those pamela anderson screensavers06:58
villageror something06:59
SpeedEvilPamela is safe. She can't work a computer. It's the screensavers of girls that know about computers that are a security risk.07:00
villagerangelina jolie?07:02
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pupnikoops extra 'if' somewhere in configure07:15
pupnikyaay lemonade stand yaay07:15
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pupnikconfig.log:configure:18406: error: Unsupported operating system: arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi07:16
pupnikconfigure:{ { $as_echo "$as_me:$LINENO: error: Unsupported operating system: $host" >&507:17
pupnikecho $host07:17
pupnikwhere the heck is it getting $host?07:18
SpeedEvilwell - grep host=07:19
pupnikThe canonical configuration name of the host. This will normally be determined by running the `config.guess' shell script, although the user is permitted to override this by using an explicit `--host' option.07:19
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pupnik--host="i386" fooled it07:21
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pupnikah nm, it needs nasm too07:22
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crashanddielmao... Dell "agents" are useless07:34
crashanddieme: Hi, Evelyn: Hi to help you better07:35
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Proteouswait till you get the automated "you replacement motherboard has been delayed" calls at 7:00am that wake you up07:40
Proteous"to not have us call you back every hour please do some complicated button pushing on the keypad while you are half awake07:40
Proteousthe best part was that the motherboard had already arrived the day before...07:42
crashanddieyeah yeah07:43
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crashanddieThe chick actually gave me a link to one of their laptops07:43
crashanddieI click on it... and it goes: "A Dell Expert is ready to talk to you, would you...."07:44
crashanddieshe just shouted at me07:49
crashanddie"HAVE A LOOK AT THE DETAILS"07:50
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crashanddie"Under Australian and US Consumer law, which are the laws under which Dell Inc. is operating, you are required to provide me with either Employee Indentification Number or full name and city, in case I wish to make a complaint"07:57
crashanddie"there was error while tying i did not realise that the caps were on my misrake"07:58
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pupnikanyone looked at sdlmess?09:07
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pupnikAs of version 0.136, MESS supports 439 unique systems with 1,161 total system variations and is growing all the time.  Hahaha09:09
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pupnik.. Nokia says it will replace Symbian with its Maemo Linux by 2012.  end of the world!09:12
Kamuiwondering if youve tried porting ufo alien invasion yet09:12
redpupnik: Great news09:12
Kamuilooks to be based off the quake 1 engine09:13
Myrttilink or it didn't happen09:13
redit's just rumors09:13
Myrttithat old news09:14
Myrttithey retracted it on next possible instant09:14
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Kamuipupnick any news/comments on ufo ai?09:15
Kamuipupnik even09:15
pupnik no but we have new PLANET SIZED UFOs around the sun!09:15
pupnikwith youtube vids09:15
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redgoogle talk or skype - which works better on the N900?09:17
Kamuixmpp by far09:19
inzgoogle talk uses xmpp09:19
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inzDoes gtalk interoperate with the win client?09:20
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zashinz: what do you mean by that?09:20
inzzash, that you can call windows users and vice versa09:20
zashxmpp (inc. gtalk), sip, skype ..09:22
zashinz: why not?09:22
Corsacthere might be codecs problems09:22
CorsacI don't think it matters much for audio, but more for video09:22
Corsacthough the various success report about videoconf on the n900 are with the browser gmail interface09:23
zashCorsac: calling to a browser?09:23
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inzzash, the gmail chat client supports calls09:24
zashinz: so does gajim, pidgin, my phone ... ;)09:25
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Corsacgajim doesnt support audio/video, does it?09:25
zashCorsac: it does09:25
zashhaven't tested video, but audio works09:25
Corsacsince which version?09:25
zashCorsac: 0.13 i think09:26
CorsacI have 0.13.2 and never saw anything about audio ><09:26
Corsac(but I managed to have audio call working between n900 and empathy 2.28)09:26
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CorsacWhen will Gajim support Jingle/Audio/Video?09:27
CorsacTomasz Melcer has been working on it during GSoC. A preview is available in a separate development branch. It hasn't been merged, yet.09:27
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inzzash, well, gmail is web app, unlike gajim, pidgin and your phone09:27
inzzash, and you asked "calling to a browser?"09:27
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zashinz: cool09:29
* zash only uses their search thingy09:29
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zashCorsac: I run from trunc, and have had jingle for a while09:32
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pupniki say BAH.  and BAH!09:34
pupnikeverything sucks right now.  i have decided.09:35
zashpupnik: old news09:36
* pwnguin is tired of getting the same 1 msn spam over and over09:36
zashPerfectionists - Everything Is Crapâ„¢09:37
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pupnikdumb porter: emu.c:468: undefined reference to `mix_32_to_16l_stereo_lvl'09:38
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pupnikrm -R bah/09:39
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mecerm -r bah09:39
pupnikthey make R work too for us angry types09:40
Corsaczash: yeah, that's why09:40
mecepupnik, :D good point09:40
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jophishhas anyone been able to mount the jffs2 image under debian/arch/ubuntu09:47
jophishI always end up with: mount: /tmp/mtdblock0: can't read superblock09:47
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jophishor could someone do my a big favour and upload a tarball of /usr/share/icons09:50
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dvoiddoes anyone know if its possible to get a mouse cursor if you connect a bt mouse?09:53
pupnikto what kind of computer?09:53
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dvoidthe n900 of course09:55
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prontooh wow10:07
prontothe micro usb port on my n900 just came out with the charger10:07
prontoi have no idea10:07
prontowent to disconnect it10:07
dvoidscarry shit10:08
prontolike i always do, gently, and it just came out10:08
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dvoidseems like theres alot of problems with the external ports on the n90010:08
prontoif i cant get this replaced or repaired, i'm screwed10:08
dvoidnokia has to replace that10:08
dvoidotherwise FUCK em10:08
prontoi emailed them10:08
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prontoheh, if they dont i'm fucking out $550 :|10:09
cehtehthats a known problem10:09
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dvoidim out of here10:09
cehtehshould covered by warranty10:09
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prontoi got it from newegg10:10
prontoi emailed both nokia and newegg10:10
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cehtehgoogle about the problem you'll find a lot of reports10:10
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prontoand appetnly nokia isnt doing shit10:14
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cehteh  good idea10:15
prontoyeah i saw that10:15
prontoto late now10:15
cehtehhehe i am still waiting for my (2nd) device10:15
cehtehprolly i do that then10:15
prontoi barely had enough spare money for the n900 -.-10:15
cehtehfirst one send back because broken charger cable (yeah on the charger side) and other issues10:15
cehtehnow waiting since 3 1/2 weeks .. not deliverable in germany for less than 500Eur10:16
pupnikpoint 3 and 4 redundant10:18
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pupnikthat sucks cehteh (the wait)10:19
pupnikmaybe there is some revision going on10:19
cehtehpoint 3 and 4?10:19
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pupnikof the post by texrat10:19
cehtehyeah i rather wait in hope for better hardware revision than paying more to get it now10:19
redpronto: nokia replied that they warranty is void for that?10:20
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cehtehfor what?10:22
pupnikthere should be RMA procedures pronto, just follow them10:22
cehtehnokia is certainly well aware of the problem and likely dont want bad press10:23
pupnikfyi i tripped over my cable, sent n900 flying, and usb port stayed in10:24
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pupnikbut now the charging contact is wobbly10:24
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redpupnik: my cats dropped the phone from nightstand while it was charging, woke up and it had been hanging from the wallcharger cord for some hours10:25
redim kinda thinking about trying to dull out the charger hooks now10:25
prontodo it10:25
redjust dont have a grinder or sandpaper10:25
redso wondering what I could use :)10:25
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cehtehbetter get some tools instead destroying it in a wrong attempt10:26
prontowell i need to get to bed10:27
* cehteh thinks about buying a pair of connectors and make a adapter for that rather modifying the original things10:27
cehtehunfortunally the usb port is on the wrong side10:27
cehteha charging stand where it stands upright wont work10:28
Xisdibikmake a stand for it in landscape?10:29
cehtehthe usb isnt on bottom then either you have to slip it sideways in10:30
cehtehbut thats what i am thinking about10:30
Xisdibikor have it slip in from the top, and have a spot in the side open to plug the charger in after its in the stand10:30
cehtehsome external charging contacts would be even better, but the connector isnt reachable without modifying the device10:31
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cehtehthats lame :P10:31
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Xisdibikteach your cat to not nock it off the stand?10:31
Xisdibiki just lay my N900 next to my pillow when i sleep10:31
cehtehi'd like to have a stand where i can put it on with one move10:31
Xisdibikand i dont even charge it overnight10:31
Xisdibiki charge it before i go upstairs to my room10:32
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cehtehwell yes i turned celluar of and took it into the sleeping room too10:38
cehteheasy to check some mails, watch irc and so from bed :)10:38
cehtehand watching a movie with the av adapter on a monitor with my wife10:39
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Mece_question regarding uploading stuff to extras-devel. assistanc says I should use dpkg-buildpackage or whatnot, but I was under the impression that py2deb did that work for you. Ist this correct?10:49
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JaffaMece_: Yes. If it's not well-formed the builder will reject it, and you can test it in extras-devel10:55
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JaffaMece_: py2deb is just a wrapper around dpkg-buildpackage10:56
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Mece_jaffa, ok, thanks.10:59
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acidjazzsup all11:04
acidjazzsup crashanddie11:04
acidjazz<3 cali
murraycHow can I delete a page from the wiki?11:05
crashanddiemurrayc: you probably can't, if you can't find the link11:05
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crashanddieacidjazz: yo11:06
crashanddieacidjazz: that's only for noncompete clauses11:06
crashanddieacidjazz: there's half a dozen other clauses that can screw you11:06
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acidjazzcrashanddie: i konw thats the exact thing i was sent11:08
crashanddieacidjazz: regarding what?11:09
acidjazzjob im taking11:09
acidjazzhe undersigned Employee hereby agrees not to directly or 11:10
acidjazzindirectly compete with the business of the Company and its successors and assigns during the period of 11:10
acidjazzemployment and for a period of _____ years following termination of employment and notwithstanding 11:10
acidjazzthe cause or reason for termination. In addition, the Employee agrees to retain all propriety information 11:10
acidjazzof the company (detailed below) as confidential.  11:10
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acidjazzhe undersigned Employee hereby agrees not to directly or 11:10
acidjazzindirectly compete with the business of the Company and its successors and assigns during the period of 11:10
acidjazzemployment and for a period of _____ years following termination of employment and notwithstanding 11:10
acidjazzthe cause or reason for termination. In addition, the Employee agrees to retain all propriety information 11:10
acidjazznot happening11:10
acidjazzanywas its exactly a non-compete clause11:10
acidjazzso it has to be void11:10
acidjazzso do i bring this up now and not sign it or sign it and bring it up in the future if it ever occurs :)11:10
pupnik_please go take your clauses to pastebin11:11
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crashanddieacidjazz: is there a severability clause in your contract?11:14
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crashanddieacidjazz: also, how old are you?11:17
pupnik_too young to google11:17
inzacidjazz reminds me of an old .mod11:18
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jormawhether the new employer indirectly or directly competes with the old one is a matter of opinion11:20
ScribbleJHa, me too, inz.11:20
ScribbleJAlso anything with 'orch'... and axel F.11:21
crashanddiejorma: technically speaking, it's a matter of law. Only people who never got their asses stapled because of non-compete clauses worry about it11:21
acidjazzcrashanddie: 31 and what do you mean11:21
ScribbleJGreat, now I have Axel F stuck in my head.11:21
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crashanddieacidjazz: unless you're holding a senior management position, you're never going to get bothered by a non-compete clauses... It has to be worth something to the company to prevent you from working for a competitor11:22
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ScribbleJThey're only illegal in certain states, acidjazz, just for the record.  You shoudl check with a lawyer.11:22
acidjazzcrashanddie: im a senior developer ill be running a team at some point11:23
acidjazzScribbleJ: i live in cali .. see my url earlier?11:23
crashanddieyeah, you're a dev, who cares11:23
ScribbleJAnd while crashanddie is generally correct, if you leave the company on bad terms they might get you just to be dicks.11:23
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acidjazzwell the line of work is something i want to be in wether or not its w/ them11:23
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ScribbleJPlease tell me it's porn.11:24
jormaat least here in finland there is a law against too broad non-compete clauses i think11:24
crashanddieacidjazz: it's actually surprising they have a non-compete clause if they're cali-based. Usually they leave it out, but basically it's a moot point11:25
ScribbleJYeah, from what I understand, they never stick in Cali.11:25
ScribbleJBut I'd still talk to your lawyer to be safe.11:25
crashanddieacidjazz: best case scenario, the court will just strike it out from the contract, and the rest of the contract will remain enforceable11:25
acidjazzcrashanddie: yea thats what is kind of bothering me11:26
acidjazzthats whatim hoping11:26
acidjazzill call him tomorrow11:26
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crashanddieanyway, going to grab some food11:31
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acidjazzhow do i installa  pythong module11:53
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acidjazzthere any kind of like package management?11:54
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ScribbleJIf my kernel doesn't boot using flasher with -b to boot over usb... it's not gunna boot up if I flash it for real, is it?11:56
ScribbleJI've had zero luck so far rolling a kernel even if I use the stock rx51 config.11:56
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ali1234ScribbleJ: i would extract the original firmware from the fiasco images and try to boot that with -b12:00
ali1234original kernel, i mean12:00
ScribbleJYeah... something like that was going to be my next step. :)12:01
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wazd_n800hello all12:05
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ScribbleJWell, "good" news - the results I get from the zImage in the Nokia flahser image are the same as the results I get from my own kernels.12:08
ScribbleJWhich is to say, it doesn't boot up... with framebuffer console on mine I can at least see the kernel is loading, but it gets to a certain point (not sure where!) and dies, shuts down.12:09
ali1234maybe you need some kernel parameters to make it work12:12
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ScribbleJWell, maybe... but I wouldn't knwo what.12:16
ScribbleJI bit the bullet and tried flashing the Nokia kernel on there, though, and then it booted just fine.12:16
ScribbleJSo... now that I know that works I'll try flashing my kernel, since I can just flash back.12:16
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pillar_if I want to have a wiki page for my app at, what would be the correct place to create that?12:32
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Jaffapillar_: or (for example)12:47
pillar_Jaffa: thanks12:48
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acidjazzwhats the defualt login again for the n90012:52
acidjazzuser and what12:52
acidjazzsshd is acting funny12:53
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asj_acidjazz: there isn't one12:54
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acidjazzwell im getting prompted for one when i try to ssh to the phone12:54
acidjazz'the password for user cannot be changed' from terminal12:54
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Damion2that's probably cos /etc/passwd has a !12:55
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Damion2change user:!: to user:x: by means of cp vi cp back12:55
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mgedminwhy cp?12:56
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adeusbecause it's a pleasant surprise when you find out that vi doesn't have undo :)12:56
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mgedminpasswd -u?12:57
acidjazzwhat do you mean doesnt have undo?12:57
viszcan't login with ssh as user?12:57
Shadikkahence vim12:57
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mgedminbecause "Users with a locked password are not allowed to change their password."12:57
acidjazzvi has undo unless you write and quit the file12:57
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mgedminacidjazz, busybox vi12:58
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acidjazzstill getting prompted for a password12:58
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Damion2yeah busybox vi seems quite okay when you start to use it, then you realise how limiting it is when you come across all the stuff they didn't bother implementing12:58
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acidjazznow set one eh12:59
* mgedmin likes ssh keys12:59
acidjazzyea i use that from n900 -> other boxes12:59
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mgedminDamion2, actually, there's vipw which does the "cp; vi; check for syntax problems; cp" dance13:00
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zashmgedmin: like sudo -e/sudoedit ?13:00
acidjazzsweet im on my phone13:00
mgedminnot really13:00
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acidjazzjust install vim13:02
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acidjazzisnt there a package13:02
acidjazzi wonder if it has syntax higihlihgting etc13:02
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mgedminit has everything13:03
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LantiziaHey since Firefox is now available... and I prefer it to MicroB... can I change the main menu icons to swap "Web" for "Firefox" ?13:04
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acidjazzoh its a nice vim package .. color schemes and all13:06
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acidjazzLantizia: i think theres an app for that13:06
acidjazzLantizia: wy do you like it more i havent tried it yte13:06
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acidjazzwhats better bypthon or ipython13:07
Damion2mgedmin: on the n900 ?13:07
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Lantiziaacidjazz... I like how you can pull the bits of the interface from the sides13:07
Lantiziaalso it's got tabs13:07
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mgedminDamion2, yes, vipw exists on the n90013:08
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acidjazzLantizia: i gotta see tihs13:08
mgedminor did you want to hear "there's a vim with everything for the n900"?13:08
Damion2oh, I didn't know they did that, especuially as there are wikis and stuf telling you to manually cp it around13:08
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Lantiziaacidjazz:  I think13:09
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acidjazzoh not in package manager?13:09
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threshsomebody ban zer0mdq already13:09
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acidjazzwhat is mad-developer13:10
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Lantiziaacidjazz: Well I got it from there and it added a repo and got it via apt13:12
acidjazznooen on has ops?13:12
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acidjazzLantizia: aewsome13:12
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acidjazzis exclusively for hte n900?13:12
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Lantiziaat the moment yeah... Firefox Mobile only exists on the N900 :)13:13
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LantiziaMaemo will rule the mobile world :P13:13
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acidjazzyou mean small computer world13:13
acidjazzsince this thing is a freaking computer13:13
acidjazzthat makes phone calls13:13
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acidjazzdoes it have zoom gestures and whatnot?13:14
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ali1234that's a meaningless distinction, all phones are computers13:15
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ali1234and mobiles doesn't just mean phones anyway13:15
Lantiziamicrowaves are computers too13:15
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zaheermmy washing machine is also a computer13:15
Lantiziabut I would never call a microwave a computer13:15
acidjazzwhat about a remote control13:15
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ali1234remote controls are ASIC13:15
LantiziaCan we ban this zer0mdq guy?  he is getting annoying13:16
zaheermand when the world egts messed up, even my wallet will be a computer reporting to the authorities how much cash i have in it13:16
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ali1234microwaves probably are to tbh13:16
acidjazznoone has ops Lantizia13:16
acidjazzjjust chansrv13:16
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Lantiziacan anyone remember the name of the app to change the main menu!?13:16
Lantiziagoogle isn't doing my bidding13:16
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mgedminheard it just recently... in MWKN13:17
mgedmincan't remember the name13:17
acidjazzoh this is too awesome13:17
acidjazzi love tihs Lantizia13:17
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acidjazzwave sync eh13:18
acidjazzi use xmarks right now13:18
Lantiziaacidjazz: I want Songbird for N900 now :) and VLC too13:18
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zaheermLantizia, catorise13:18
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acidjazzwhats songbird13:19
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acidjazzvlc medi aplayer?13:19
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mrmgacidjazz: mozilla itunes clone13:20
mrmgtis nie13:20
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acidjazzis it fast13:21
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hrwLantizia: Catorise. MyMenu13:27
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Nitialcatorise broke my desktop shortcuts at some point. is this fixed?13:28
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JaffaNitial: Bug 8111 and bug 832813:28
povbotBug Catorise creates issues for dbus-activate apps (phone, messaging ui, etc ..)13:28
povbotBug all isn't showing All applications (especially the former main screen apps)13:28
JaffaNitial: Short version, yes - it's fixed; and was only ever broken in extras-devel.13:29
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Nitialokay :)13:29
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VDVsxtemp ban13:29
threshoh finally13:30
threshthank you13:30
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acidjazzmy phones bash prompt is better than your phones bash prompt13:32
zaheermacidjazz, t-shirt it13:32
Dassuwiki should have a guide for configuring bindings for irssi13:33
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wazd_n800VDVsx, heya :) long time no see :P13:36
VDVsxwazd_n800, hey13:36
acidjazzPS1='\[\e[0;31m\][\[\e[1;31m\]\u\[\e[1;33m\]@\[\e[1;31m\]\h\[\e[1;33m\](\[\e[1;37m\]\w\[\e[1;33m\])\[\e[1;31m\]\[\e[0;31m\]]\[\e[1;37m\]: \[\e[0;37m\]'13:37
acidjazzthrow that in your .profile13:37
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hrwok, stupid question I have now.13:42
crashanddiewhy do you talk like yoda?13:42
hrwwhich map software under maemo5 is most usable for map checking during walk? I need gps position and map (with poi database or at least possibility to add own)13:43
hrwmaps cannot be fetched during use - should be option to fetch them before13:43
hrwcrashanddie: because sometimes I do13:43
acidjazzlol crashanddie13:43
acidjazzjust try them all13:44
acidjazztheres like 3 they all kinda suck13:44
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acidjazzLantizia: the scrolling on tihs is odd13:44
hrwacidjazz: so nokiamaps, maemomapper and?13:44
acidjazzmap buddy13:45
acidjazzgo in ur catalog search for map13:45
crashanddiedamn, sara groen is hot13:45
acidjazzwhere can i get a list of firefox m features13:46
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zaheermacidjazz, maep isn't bad13:49
infobotzaheerm meant: hrw, maep isn't bad13:49
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acidjazzim guessing ff m has no cursor / drag functionaltiy13:51
hrwafter 2 minutes with maep I want to uninstall it13:53
acidjazzi told you13:54
redanyone used maemomapper?13:54
acidjazzi got em all13:54
* wazd_n800 's downloading vultures eye13:54
acidjazzwaiting for one to be useful13:54
redcan't find how to get it to "turn-by-turn" guide me from A to B13:54
acidjazzwhats that wazd_n80013:54
hrwred: I did. a lot on 770/n81013:54
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wazd_n800acidjazz, nethack variation13:54
hrwred: use route function13:54
redi can only find open/download/save and show distance to13:54
redat route menu13:55
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redopening asks me for a file13:55
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acidjazzwazd_n800: is it new?13:57
wazd_n800can't install it :(13:57
wazd_n800acidjazz, yw13:57
Damion2how do you zoom out in firefox?13:58
Damion2if I double click it zooms in, then I double click again and it does nothing13:58
acidjazzany1 get the tab syncing workign in ff m13:58
acidjazzwazd_n800: hwo come13:58
zashDamion2: press and drag circles13:58
acidjazzDamion2: keep trying13:58
zashDamion2: or try the volume keys13:58
acidjazzzash he said ff13:58
acidjazznot microb13:58
Damion2yeah microb works fine13:58
Damion2the only advantage of ff so far is that I can press keys and it doesn't default to doing a url/search13:59
zashcan you do ctrl+013:59
Damion2so javascript stuff like the zxspectrum emulator can be used13:59
acidjazzyea im ont seein any of my bookmarks or anything in weavesync13:59
Damion2zash: ta, I also just spotted somebody suggest crtl-fn and arrows on my forum enquiry13:59
redMy friend is seeing my location using his N900 :)14:01
redI'm online on MSN but location is not on14:01
redbut I did fiddle with Maemomapper and GPS just now14:01
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redwondering if it's Skype or MSN sharing the location14:01
redit appeared in my contact card lol14:01
redon his phone that is14:01
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ruskiered, iirc it's a setting in the location settings14:03
acidjazzgot the tabs working14:03
acidjazzhad to restart ff14:03
achipa_is the Diablo autobuilder in KO ?14:03
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TomaszDwazd_n800, do you read the comments on the QA page for Marina?14:04
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lopzhi ;}14:06
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ifreqban host please14:09
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Wolfiehm, so nokia will come out with maemo 6 devices later this year. How nice14:13
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Wolfieanyone want an N900, while it has any value? :)14:13
zaheermVDVsx, ?14:14
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zaheermVDVsx, 1!*@* looks a little strange :)14:14
threshWolfie: url?14:14
acidjazzoh wat14:15
VDVsxzaheerm, yeah, X-chat :p14:15
acidjazzloll Wolfie14:15
zaheermAndroid-looking Symbian^4 :)14:16
acidjazzBy 2011, smartphones based on the Symbian S60-platform will account for 55% of Nokia's total handset shipments, followed by Symbian S40 feature phones at 35% and Maemo-based devices at 10%, according to sources who are familiar with Nokia's product roadmap.14:16
zaheerm10% is a lot for maemo devices14:17
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acidjazznot enough14:17
acidjazzi want 100% maemo14:17
zaheermacidjazz, i doubt nokia will ship 10 dollar phones running maemo to farmers in india14:18
hrwWolfie: I can give you 5€ and you pay posting14:18
threshWolfie: cant see a nokia pressrelease on that14:18
acidjazzlol youtube enabler14:19
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Wolfiethresh: leaks usually aren't usually accompanied by press releases14:20
acidjazzdang youtube works relaly ewll in ff14:21
threshWolfie: leaks are usually bs14:22
Wolfiethresh: sometimes yes. But since nokia has promised one more maemo device this year, and the trend of "fixed in harmattan"-bug closes, i think this has some basis in reality14:23
Wolfieplus nokia having its reputation14:23
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redacidjazz: firefox in n900 uses <video> tags I guess?14:24
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redatleast Flash is disabled so thats the only way it could work14:24
acidjazzwow it syncs my tabs alot14:24
acidjazzgo to ur plugins red14:25
acidjazzyoutube enabler14:25
redenables flash at youtube? :D14:25
acidjazzlol yea14:25
redlol thats just wrong14:25
redguess they weren't too serious about the N900 port14:25
acidjazzyou can search the addons14:26
pillar_acid does it load all the tabs when you open it? I have many many tabs open on my desktop and would like to have them with me, but not load them at the startup14:26
acidjazzbut not look at all of them14:26
zaheermor waiting for flash 10.1 which will use the dsp codecs14:26
TomaszDX-Fade, around? People are having problems with deps for my package decoders-support in Extras, gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-extra is not available14:27
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acidjazzi wanna reboot14:29
acidjazzcan i just14:29
zaheermTomaszD, on pr1.0 or 1.1?14:29
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TomaszDzaheerm, not sure14:30
TomaszDzaheerm, just asked them14:31
zaheermTomaszD, i see it in the sdk repo :(14:31
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GeneralAntillesMyPaint, sweet.14:32
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TomaszDzaheerm, no, it's also in Nokia Applications (Fremantle nokia-applications explicit armel)14:33
* ShadowJK would be surprised if: flash 10.1 arrives for Maemp514:33
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* ShadowJK would be surprised if: flash 10.1 on Maemo5 uses dsp codecs14:33
zaheermShadowJK, it uses gstreamer so it will14:33
zaheermShadowJK, this was mentioned in the maemo summit in amsterdam14:33
zaheermTomaszD, that's an older version than what i have14:34
ronnycan anyone quickly tell me the output of `pkg-config libffi --cflags-only-I` on maemo, im generalizing some configuration stuff in another project and need to check14:34
GeneralAntillesShadowJK, they announced it for Q1.14:35
TomaszDzaheerm, dep is not versioned, so I don't know what the problem is14:35
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zaheermTomaszD, ok i see it in my var/lib/apt/lists/14:36
TomaszDzaheerm, I think people who are having problems disabled the Nokia Apps repo14:37
zaheerminside a file14:37
zaheermwhy would people disable the nokia apps repo...14:37
GeneralAntillesTomaszD, you can disable it?14:37
TomaszDGeneralAntilles, of course14:37
TomaszDzaheerm, not sure why, but most people don't have any problems at all, so I assume it's their fault14:38
zaheermyah i guess ask them if they have disabled the repo14:38
hrwthe more I try to use map software on n900 the more I want to get n810 from drawer14:39
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hrwmaemomapper for maemo5 is much worse then maemo4 version14:40 get the n810 and quit complaining, or report issues?14:40
ShadowJKGeneralAntilles: I wont believe it until I see it :)14:41
TomaszDhrw, I would ask for my money back for maemomapper if I were you14:41
hrwTomaszD: sure...14:41
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ShadowJKI think I'll get a new battery for my N810 for my trip to germany this summer14:44
GeneralAntillesLooks like Newegg is pushing the N900 for Valentines. . . .14:44
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ShadowJKit's a conspiracy :)14:46
acidjazzvultures eye isnt showin up in my app catalog14:46
GeneralAntillesI wish Nokia would do some TV advertising.14:46
GeneralAntillesWeb is great and all, but TV has impact.14:46
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* ShadowJK doesn't watch tv14:47
acidjazzGeneralAntilles: i dont htink theyre ready14:47
acidjazzi dont have cable14:47
WolfieGeneralAntilles: i'd say web is better for n900's target group than tv14:47
WolfieI don't watch tv all that much. And when I do, i have a PVR and I can (and will) FF over all ads14:47
Wolfiethat said, tv wouldn't hurt (other than the budget)14:48
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* GeneralAntilles finds himself wanting to yell at Droid commercials if he doesn't skip the ads.14:48
ShadowJKi did watch a restream of korean tv recently. It's funny the ads for philadelphia are the same all over the world today as 20 years ago14:48
WolfieI guess targeted advertising on the web (tech blogs) and tech magazines have larger impact than even targeted tv ads.14:49
GeneralAntillesThe more money we can syphon off Symbian to benefit Maemo the better.14:49
Wolfiei guess mythbusters would be a great show to target n900 ads for, but that's about it14:49
GeneralAntillesThey've advertising on Xbox Live.14:49
GeneralAntillesThat's not a very different audience than TV. *g*14:49
Wolfieoh, and big bang theory :)14:49
acidjazzGeneralAntilles: really wehere14:52
TomaszDzaheerm, is it possible that gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-extra is not available in the Nokia Applications PR1.1 repo?14:53
GeneralAntillesand the pictures before and after.14:53
ShadowJKthe last nokia ad I remember was for the phone neo used in matrix 1, and then it was hidden by a banana in the ad14:54
zaheermTomaszD, it is in the ssu/apps repo14:54
ShadowJKhuh, why do TVs have bluetooth14:55
TomaszDremote control, sending pictures?14:55
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mgedminronny, "Package libffi was not found in the pkg-config search path."15:00
mgedminmaemo 5.0update1 sdk15:00
ronnyhmm, is it installed?15:01
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mgedminafter fakeroot apt-get install libffi-dev I get an empty list of options15:01
* RST38h moos happily15:01
mgedminit's all in /usr/include, so no special -Is15:02
ronnyis /usr/include/arm-linux-gnueabi/ supposed to be part of the default include path?, ir was it some time ago15:02
mgedminno clue15:03
mgedmin/usr/include/arm-*: No such file or directory in my sdk15:03
ronnyhmmk, im kinda thanks for the help, im kinda puzzled by the support code15:03
ronnyhmm, and still have sleep-deprivation symptoms15:04
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Damion2I wonder...
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eichihello ;) any good results in syncing gpe-calendar and some linux application? dont wont to use google, i know, this works greate, but i dont wont to make my private things semi-puplic ;)15:20
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Corsacnot sure about gpecalendar, but syncevolution 1.0 should be able to sync it15:25
Corsacthat is, if you use evolution on the desktop15:25
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wazd_n800RST38h, moo :)15:26
Kajkohow can I play chess online on the N900?15:26
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eichii thout syncevolution is for contacts?15:26
ifreqKajko: install chess which support online gaming. or play on online site which support online gaming (flash)15:26
Kajkoifreq: most online chess requires java15:27
ifreqtry find some which req flash15:27
ShadowJKi seem to remember a thread on tmi about a chess client15:29
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Kajkoreally, what's tmi ?15:29
AndrewFBlackWe have  problem with the way themes are getting optified now when auto builder builds them.  It is symlinking entire folder to /opt and not just the files that makes it where you can choice the theme from theme picker.  Only does it on certain themes but can´t find a reason yet any ideas?15:30
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Kajkooh ok. thanks15:31
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lcukAndrewFBlack, mmm ?15:34
lcukis there a bug#?15:34
AndrewFBlacknot sure where to file it because not sure where the bug falls15:34
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lcukok so whats happening with it?15:35
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lcukits not listedf in the theme picker, or once you selected its not working?15:35
AndrewFBlackwhen you build some themes and they are optified it links entire folder now instead of just files.  Not in theme picker15:35
AndrewFBlacktheme pickers requires a few files to be in the /usr/share/themes folder if the entire folder is linked then it doesn´t see the theme15:36
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AndrewFBlackStskeeps did have the idea that maybe the theme folder is getting to a certain size and that is why on some themes it links entire folder and others it just links files15:38
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danielwilmsStskeeps: ping15:41
w00tdanielwilms: i don't think he's too good today15:43
danielwilmsw00t: ui...didn't know that, thanks15:43
lcukhey danielwilms \o15:44
w00tno problem15:44
danielwilmshey lcuk15:44
lcukhow many metres of snow is it today?15:44
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lcuki hear its lots15:44
danielwilmshow's life? :) missing finnland?+15:44
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* w00t wonders what's wrong with his maths15:44
danielwilmsyeah...a loooot of snow15:44
w00tdanielwilms: lucky15:45
w00tI miss the snow15:45
lcukdanielwilms, yeah :) will be back soon enough15:45
danielwilmssampo said we were 7cm away from the helsinki ever record :)15:45
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danielwilmslcuk...that's nice15:46
lcukyeah, you are at 60cm already!15:46
lcukand roads almost blocked, i almost had sympathy, you guys almost have it as bad as the uk now ;)15:46
w00tlcuk: bad? where?15:46
w00tI must be missing out on all the fun again15:46
GeneralAntillesdanielwilms, did Freenode ever bug you about the cloak?15:48
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danielwilmsGeneralAntilles nope15:54
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GeneralAntillesdanielwilms, check memoserv?15:54
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hrw~curse nOkia for glibc 2.5.1-1eglibc20+0m5 with Debian maintainers inside15:58
infobotMay you be reincarnated as a Windows XP administrator, nOkia for glibc 2.5.1-1eglibc20+0m5 with Debian maintainers inside !15:58
TomaszDthey are morons, because?15:59
derfEveryone knows you bake the maintainers into a crunchy layer on the outside.16:00
hrwTomaszD: they take original Debian package, upgrade it to random version and keep original maintainer entry instead of removing it or set to someone@nokia16:00
TomaszDhrw, that is easily overlooked, and because of that you're calling them morons, not having the balls to say Nokia properly?16:01
hrwTomaszD: I ended using capital 'n' when saying nokia16:02
hrwsome time ago16:02
TomaszDI'm sure everyone cares16:03
hrwTomaszD: I do not care if anyone care ok?16:03
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hrwtybollt: nokla looks better16:04
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pillar_hmm, are the user avatars/icons stored as files or something else?16:13
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wazdhehehe :P16:14
pekujawazd: what is that?16:15
wazdpekuja: new maemopad+16:16
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rosheniahi! in contact manager, i have some contacts from skype and from icq, i have one phone book, right? but if i remove 1 contact from phonebook, my n900 delete user from contact list in skype and icq or only delete from n900 phonebook?16:18
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w00troshenia: if you remove it, it'll be removed from the server as well, as the message tells you16:18
rosheniaw00t, but if i wanna delete contact only from phonebook in my nokia?16:19
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w00troshenia: sign off from ICQ, but then you won't have any other ICQ contacts16:19
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meceOMG moved my comic widget to the autobuilder! I'm pretty excited :)16:22
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fralsi survived the dentist, im pretty damn happy ;)16:22
mecefrals, have he/she been known to take lives before?16:23
fralsits the dentist, you never know what kind of crazy stuff goes down there ;)16:23
mecegood point.16:23
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VDVsxAnnouncement: sprint meeting in ~5 min at #maemo-meeting :)16:25
threshsomehow usb0 doesnt come up on 'ip li set usb0 up' on my machine16:26
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threshthough i've upped it on n90016:26
threshand tried different USB ports and different cables16:26
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odin_is #maemo-meeting a community thing ?16:27
meceodin_, yes16:27
threshmmh, RX == 0 in n900's ifconfig usb016:27
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threshthough TX keeps raising once i ping the needed IP16:27
VDVsxodin_, is the community, we're not Nokia :p16:28
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threshifdown usb0 / ifup usb0 doesnt fix anything16:28
wazdVDVsx: you can't hide now :P16:28
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wazdVDVsx: everyone knows that you're an actual Nokia Devices CEO :D16:29
VDVsxwazd, shii, correction "Nokla CEO"16:29
VDVsxqwerty is the CTO16:30
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pillar_VDVsx: what's gonna be discussed in the sprint16:30
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VDVsxpillar_, sprint tasks:
wazdVDVsx: or Nokio :D16:31
VDVsxwazd, nah, Nokla rullz16:32
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wazdVDVsx: I'm the Nokio CEO, we're gonna crush you with brand new meamo phones!16:33
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amigadavewazd: they are going to be even heavier? :P16:33
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wazdVDVsx: that's because meamo 5 has "Games&Fun" section!16:33
VDVsxwazd, damn you KIRF bastard, always copying Nokla :D16:34
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acidjazzsupsup what what in the butt16:37
acidjazz256 colors in vim w/ python ftw16:37
viszon N900?16:38
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viszoh, that's right, xterm should support 256 colors...16:38
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Shapeshi1terisn't urxvt available yet?16:42
viszi'd like to see that too16:42
viszi'm used to16:42
viszi'm used to 'click' urls with keyboard on my desktop linux16:42
viszusing urxvt16:43
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Shapeshi1terurxvt is awesome :>16:44
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Damion2okay wine can run pandemonium demo X forwarded to the n90016:44
Shapeshi1terI'll compile it for ARM once I get my phone16:44
Damion2it's not that slow16:44
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Damion2I need qemu-i386 for running native x86 binaries16:44
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Damion2video upload to youtube soon16:58
acidjazzwhy dont we have xterm-256color in /usr/share/terminfo/x/ on this n90016:58
acidjazz256 seems to work fine16:58
bobbob1016I just got an N810, but I can't figure out how to move apps, as in move one from Extras to Internet, and so on.16:59
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acidjazzn810 isnt that old17:00
mgedminbobbob1016, control panel -> "panels" -> find the tiny "organize" button -> drag and drop17:00
bobbob1016acidjazz, Was that a statement or question?17:00
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acidjazzbobbob1016: a question17:01
alteregoHrm, allmy widgets are showing up black.17:01
mgedminacidjazz, lack of demand, I guess ...17:01
acidjazzwho wouldnt want 256 color vim syntax file support mgedmin17:01
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acidjazzi just cant see life w/out it17:02
mgedminpeople who never used it? ;)17:02
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mgedminit shouldn't be too difficult to build a small custom ncurses-extra, or just rebuild ncurses-term17:02
aquatixany idea whether Tear is still being developed? having an updated webkit on my n810 would be awesome17:03
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acidjazzmgedmin: wanna do it? :)17:06
acidjazzhow do i find wihch package a certain file is in17:07
mgedmindpkg -S file17:07
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acidjazzncurses-base: /usr/share/terminfo/x/xterm-color17:08
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mgedminafaict you get ncurses-term when you build the ncurses source package17:10
mgedminyet doesn't have it17:10
mgedminbut the .tar.gz therein has rules for building ncurses-term in debian/rules and debian/control17:10
acidjazzim not goin this far i know its generally a path to bricking my phone :)17:11
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hatseflatsanyone know of a way to flash n810 images on a native x86_64 host? flasher is only released in binary form afaict and only runs on 32 bit, or multilib enabled 64bit, hosts17:18
acidjazzis tat you Damion217:20
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Damion2acidjazz: the main voice is a colleague calling over to somebody elses desk17:26
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acidjazzso u made an n-gage emU?17:29
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hatseflatsGeneralAntilles: so, no options? that's a shame17:30
GeneralAntilleshatseflats, er, see the link?17:31
mgedminaaaand ncurses fails to build17:31
hrw#maemo-devel died today?17:31
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mgedmin/home/mg/src/ncurses-term/ncurses-5.7+20081213/progs/tic.c:1500: undefined reference to `_tracef'17:31
hatseflatsGeneralAntilles: 404 to me17:31
Damion2acidjazz: no, read the YT comments17:31
hatseflatsoh, nm, works now.17:31
hatseflatsthanks GeneralAntilles.17:32
Damion2acidjazz: I plan to get qemu running in native userspace x86 linux execution mode17:32
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hrwok, which toolchain is finally official? maemosdk (sbox) uses gcc 4.2.1, binutils 2.18.50.something, madde uses gcc 4.3.3, binutils 2.19.51.something17:33
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hrwboth uses glibc 2.5.1+eglibc{19/20} which looks like random code drop17:34
GeneralAntilleshrw, did you file a bug about the maintainer issue?17:34
hrwquestion basically is: can I use madde to build packages for maemo5?17:34
hrwGeneralAntilles: not yet17:34
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hrwbug #878817:40
povbotBug Maemo5 packages have Debian maintainers listed but are not from Debian17:40
hrwGeneralAntilles: here you have17:40
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GeneralAntillesAlthough a bug-per-package is preferable (and better for karma! ;)).17:41
hrwGeneralAntilles: first let someone respond at all to this bug report17:41
hrwGeneralAntilles: I do not see a need to posting ~100 bugs just to get all of them ignored17:41
GeneralAntillesThat many, eh?17:42
GeneralAntilleshrw, maybe CC danielwilms.17:42
hrwmy sdk has 54 @debian listed and many Debian developers use own addresses in Maintainer field17:42
hrwdanielwilms: your email in bugzilla is?17:43
achipa_any news on the diablo autobuilder ? It's dead for two days now...17:43
hrwGeneralAntilles: the good thing is that @nokia is 84 times17:43
Corsacthe other solutions would be to use debian packages so the Maintainer field is correct17:44
hrwCorsac: but maemo5 is not compatible with any release of Debian so you can not17:44
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Corsachrw: binary-wise or source-wise?17:44
hrwCorsac: it is mix of lenny, squezze, etch and pre-etch17:44
hrwCorsac: both17:45
Corsacif the package it not modified (or just a little) it can make sense to not change the maintainer17:45
hrwCorsac: nope - maemo5 is not Debian so how Debian maintainer can help in case of failure reported to him?17:46
mgedminCorsac, would the maintainer appreciate having to answer emails about the maemo packages?17:46
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mgedminwith "just a little" modification or two applied to them that the maintainer has no knowledge of?17:46
danielwilmshrw ?17:46
Corsac(I'm speaking with my debian hat, here)17:46
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torindelchange front: how can someone maintain something he didnt compile/package and have zero knowledge about it17:47
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CorsacI'm fine with my name appearing in Maintainer: field of other distro (as long as people don't report bugs to submit@)17:47
Corsacbecause if the package is not too much modified, having a way to contact the original maintainer can be useful17:47
hrwdanielwilms: bug #878817:47
povbotBug Maemo5 packages have Debian maintainers listed but are not from Debian17:47
achipa_and the other question... where do we report bugreports on stuff in Ovi ? Packaging errors all around, no response to mail sent to Maintainer: fields...17:48
danielwilmsahh :) ok daniel.wilms[at]nokia[dot]com17:48
achipa_only if I "report" the app to Ovi... and say I find non-utf package data "offensive" or sorts :)17:48
hrwdanielwilms: added you to cc:17:48
danielwilmshrw thanks17:49
hrwdanielwilms: push someone @nokia to properly respond ;)17:49
mtdanyone know where/if the source code for clock-ui is accessible?17:49
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danielwilmshrw will do that17:50
hrwmtd: somewhere at
mtdhrw: oh.  perhaps I should list it at ?  It's not there.17:50
danielwilmshrw but your initial question was about madde?17:51
hrwdanielwilms: they were not related17:51
danielwilmshrw you can build your packages with madde17:51
hrwdanielwilms: but yes, I also asked about toolchain versions17:51
hrwdanielwilms: but they will require libgcc1 4.3.3 when device has 4.2.117:52
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Corsachrw: but packages are rebuilt by autobuilders, aren't they?17:53
hrwops, no - it has 4.2.1 too17:53
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hrwCorsac: my packages can't be put into extras17:53
hrwCorsac: I have modest 3.2.x for example17:54
hrwCorsac: and extras do not accept replacements for contents of firmware drops17:54
danielwilmshrw I've used madde to build packages for my device...if something breaks, because of differences in the toolchain, please file a bug17:55
hrwdanielwilms: the problem is that I want to create OpenEmbedded target to build maemo5 compatible packages. madde contains gcc 4.3.3 but sysroot used has 4.2.1, binutils also differ (2.19.51 <> 2.18.50)17:56
hrwdanielwilms: and glibc is random code drop from somewhere17:57
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danielwilmshrw...I heard about this issue...would you add this question to this talk thread:17:59
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danielwilmshrw: there the madde developer are active...otherwise I will point them to it17:59
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danielwilmssorry, but I have to leave now...have a nice evening all!18:00
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Corsachrw: oh ok18:06
hatseflatsodd, I flashed my n810 with a image that was already on the device (I wanted a fresh start) using 0xFFFF, but now the thing just flashes on and off unless I put it in update mode18:06
hatseflatsgoes on for one second, showing the nokia logo, then immediately goes off with a fading image on the screen (like it's not properly being refreshed, lines and artefacts all over the place), and then half a second later or so it switches back on18:07
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hatseflatsrepeat ad infinitum18:07
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odin_is Jeremiah not on IRC anymore ?  povbot Jeremiah was last seen in #maemo 4 weeks, 1 day, ....18:15
GeneralAntillesMmm . . . ribeye on sale at the grocery store.18:16
* GeneralAntilles is excited.18:16
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GeneralAntillesw00t, none for you!18:16
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w00tby the sounds of it, i am not entirely sure i want any :P18:17
GeneralAntillesYou sure of that?
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w00tah :P18:19
w00tthen yes, definitely18:19
w00ti'm not allowed anything tasty for the next few months18:19
GeneralAntillesSucks for you.18:19
threshGeneralAntilles: you're not allowed to post tasty links on IRC!18:19
tybolltw00t: ?18:19
w00tyeah, tell me about it18:19
w00ttybollt: i have a few kg that i need to say goodbye to ;)18:19
threshnow i'm hungry18:19
* GeneralAntilles is one of those evil people who can eat anything and never gain a pound. :P18:19
tybolltw00t: oh... like me then... all those damned new years promises :-|18:19
w00tGeneralAntilles: technically, i haven't been gaining it anytime recently18:20
w00tit's just gradually come18:20
SpeedEvil - the gnuplot diet.18:20
lupine_85int'rusting. the firefox install doesn't detect flash18:20
w00tis fennec actually worth using?18:20
SpeedEvilw00t: ...18:20
SpeedEvilw00t: It's not actually bad.18:21
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SpeedEvilw00t: but it IME crashes a lot more than it should18:21
zaheermi prefer microb which is the best browser i've used on a mobile18:21
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SpeedEviland uses more RAM.18:21
w00tzaheerm: so far, i'd agree18:21
SpeedEvilfennec is actually faster18:21
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GeneralAntillesMicroB is smoother.18:21
SpeedEvilwhen it is not constrained by RAM18:21
GeneralAntillesStupid XUL18:21
* thresh wants webkit-based browser.18:21
zaheermfennec is decent and is probably better than most others on other platforms18:21
GeneralAntillesFennec has a newer Gecko.18:21
w00t(given that i've only used opera mini and mobile IE before microb, this is not much of a contest, mind)18:21
zaheermw00t, opera mini is actually pretty decent18:22
w00tzaheerm: bleh.18:22
tybolltSpeedEvil: how is it faster? The gui ()last I try) is abyssmal... perhaps you mean rendering pages?18:22
zaheermw00t, but it is nothing compared to browsers on the n90018:22
hrww00t: I would like to have browser which has reflow as good as opera mini has18:22
zaheermw00t, and i know iphone users who salivate when seeing microb in action18:22
SpeedEvil#/usr/sbin/dsmetool -c 3 -T 180 -m -17 -t "/usr/sbin/browserd -d"18:22
SpeedEvil/usr/sbin/dsmetool  -m -17 -o "/usr/sbin/browserd -d"18:22
w00tI'm personally still hoping for a decent webkit browser18:23
w00tmidori looked like it was going to be great, apart from the fact it didn't work18:23
SpeedEvilin /etc/X11/Xsession.post30tablet-browser-daemon18:23
hrww00t: midori or tear?18:23
w00thrw: midori18:23
SpeedEviland then reboot18:23
SpeedEviland then you can kill microb18:23
* GeneralAntilles will need to start posting to Maemo EATS! again tonight.18:23
SpeedEvilThis means that you have more RAM available18:23
w00tGeneralAntilles: if it's bacon, it's good18:23
SpeedEviland fennec is actually faster18:23
lcukbacon is faster than fennec18:24
GeneralAntillesw00t, actually, a BLT sounds good for lunch.18:24
SpeedEvilthat is - opening or or some other pages - is faster on fennec than microb18:24
* w00t had the oddest dream, involving bacon, last night18:24
w00ti dreamt i was swimming in a vat of it18:24
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kalikianatoliw00t, can you be more precise on "didn't work"?18:24
lcukw00t, crispy bacon? or a vat of fat?18:24
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w00tkalikianatoli: SIGSEGV on startup18:25
Dassuis there a easy way to move the on the Page with xournal?18:25
w00tkalikianatoli: I repeatedly tried to hunt someone down who had used midori to see whether I was alone, but alas, never turned anyone up, so I just gave up and went back to microb, if you have any advice on what I can do, I'm glad to try18:25
Dassuwithout  changing the pointer functio18:25
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kalikianatoliw00t,  you wouldn't have debug packages by any chance, to get a backtrace? :-)18:25
w00tlcuk: crispy bacon18:25
kalikianatoliIt works perfectly on my device18:26
w00tkalikianatoli: mm, are they available?18:26
lcukw00t, thats a bit difficult to swim in18:26
* w00t did try looking for -dbg without success18:26
kalikianatolishould be, it's in the control file18:26
lcukbut unbelievably delicious18:26
w00thold on then, i'll have a look18:26
GeneralAntilleslcuk knows because he's tried.18:26
lcukwhat did it sound like18:26
w00tlcuk: well, it was more like i was eating my way through a never ending vat of bacon18:26
pupnik_i dreamt i was on this beautiful holiday resort island, stranded, and the daughter of the chief scientist of the colony had to decide which of us had to fly the ultralight away to get help.18:26
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pupnik_just now ..18:26
w00tthe swimming was more just arbitrary swinging of limbs to try propel more bacon into myself faster18:26
w00tI have -never- experienced a dream like this before18:27
lcuknow you see, last time i had a conversation about swimming in edible stuff18:27
lcuki got shouted at because i said you could just filter the chunky bits with your teeth18:27
lcukbut with bacon thats a bit tougher18:27
hatseflatswhat exactly is R&D mode?18:28
w00thatseflats: do you know what R&D means?18:28
lcukresearch & development18:28
hatseflatsresearch & development obviously, but what does it mean for the device18:28
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lcukdeploys a white lab jacket around it18:28
tybollthatseflats: measn you got to install rootsh18:28
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tybolltif you want root access18:28
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w00ttybollt: wait, you need R&D mode for that now?18:29
kalikianatoliyou don't18:29
pupnik_no, just install openssh18:29
tybolltw00t: no you don't, you just install rootsh18:29
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tybolltw00t: the point is - if you sudo gainroot w/o rootsh, it will tell you "You have to enable R&D mode if you want to brick your device"18:30
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tybolltI just tried that myself the other day, very amusing :)18:31
pupnik_because that makes it recognize you as an ubuntu luser18:31
hatseflatsbasically it's a "don't bother me, I work here" mode18:31
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DocScrutinizerand probably those guys really mean BRICK18:32
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tybolltyeah I could brick my device by means of root access18:33
tybolltbut then18:33
CShadowRunWill an N900 from the US work in the UK? I see a few cheap ones on ebay :)18:33
DocScrutinizernope you cant18:33
DocScrutinizerN900 are same all over the world18:33
mgedminCShadowRun, no, it has a built-in GPS and shuts down as soon as it detects it's been moved outside of US borders18:33
mgedminof *course* it will work18:34
pupnik_so will customs18:34
* w00t upgrades marina theme18:34
w00twazd_n800: what's new?18:34
CShadowRunI was just wondering incase the cellular network was different in the US or something18:34
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CShadowRunor if the US models didn't ship with UK maps for the GPS18:34
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CShadowRunfor example.18:34
mgedminbut in reverse: the n900 doesn't work very well *in* the US18:34
javispedrooh, great.18:35
ml-mobileCShadowRun: the US models have the same GSM support as the european models18:35
mgedminpeople are complaining that it doesn't support the 3g frequencies of whichevercarrieritwas and is therefore limited to GPRS speeds18:35
javispedromy ddp n900's left speaker just broke.18:35
CShadowRunml-mobile: ok ty :)18:35
CShadowRunso everything should just work on a US model?18:35
bongomanremember import duty and vat18:35
CShadowRunstraight off ebay, it's still cheaper than buying from a UK seller18:36
ml-mobileIt does not support AT&T's frequencies thus I am limited to 2.5G, but I cannot complain18:36
wazdI got a vision!18:36
GeneralAntilleshatseflats, not exactly.18:36
hatseflatsbleh, still not booting properly, anyone an idea what went wrong? 0xFFFF flash of n810 with most recent DIABLO, now just flashing on and off every other second if I leave it running18:36
wazdthis is gonna be Epic!18:36
kalikianatoliCShadowRun, the hardware is *exactly* the same18:36
w00tkalikianatoli: #0  0x40828eec in soup_socket_listen () from /usr/lib/
GeneralAntilleshatseflats, that's a portion of it, but there are other things which can affect battery life.18:36
ml-mobiledoes everything I need :)18:36
CShadowRunN900 from ebay buy it now is £339.54, cheapest UK is £389 xD18:36
pupnik_share wazd18:36
CShadowRunkalikianatoli: kk ty :D18:36
bongoman+ import duty and vat18:36
CShadowRunkalikianatoli: and the software?18:36
wazdpupnik_: I'll draw it in like 30-40 mins18:37
GeneralAntillesmgedmin, it doesn't support AT&T 3G, it supports T-Mobile.18:37
hatseflatsGeneralAntilles: I see, well, it's not something I have to fiddle with I suppose :)18:37
tybolltwazd: do spill!18:37
GeneralAntilleshatseflats, exactly my point. ;)18:37
kalikianatoliw00t, hm.. are there non-libsoup lines further down?18:38
kalikianatoliie to see if it's in soup, webkit or midori18:38
w00tkalikianatoli: entirely libsoup, but frames past that one look rather useless18:38
kalikianatoliCShadowRun, the preinstalled files are a bit different, ie videos or so18:39
ml-mobilemmmm, sitting next to an active construction site is awesome18:39
kalikianatoliw00t, does it make any difference whether you have wlan on or off?18:39
CShadowRunI see, I assume I can download the UK version of the software and Install it somehow anyway if it becomes a problem18:39
w00tshame valgrind doesn't have a working ARM backend18:39
GeneralAntillesCShadowRun, you'll have to process warranty claims through the US.18:40
ml-mobileCShadowRun: yes18:40
w00tkalikianatoli: I guess I can try, moment18:40
CShadowRunall good then :)18:40
ml-mobileand that18:40
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w00tkalikianatoli: still in soup_socket_listen(), couldn't do a proper backtrace because I wasn't able to switch to console while midori was hung in gdb.. (I did it over ssh last time)18:41
w00tbut i'd presume it was the same18:41
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SpeedEvilCShadowRun: you are counting import duty and VAT? If your package is picked up, then it will be charged import duty - VAT - a total of 24% - plus brokerage to cover the costs of extracting this money from you.18:48
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zaheermno import duty on mobile phones18:48
zaheermjust VAT18:48
SpeedEvilzaheerm: oh.18:48
zaheermand admin charges by courier18:48
CShadowRunSpeedEvil: It's straight off ebay buy it now, I've never seen hidden charges off ebay :P18:49
kalikianatoliw00t, one last idea: try "midori -a about:blank". that basically loads a minimal window with no settings18:49
w00tkalikianatoli: sec18:49
zaheermCShadowRun, the courier will charge you either by invoicing you after delivery or not delivering to you without you paying18:49
kalikianatoliin case it's related to an extension or homepage or something like that18:49
CShadowRunzaheerm: oh, nice >.<18:49
* tybollt remember ordering a Dell laptop from the US18:49
zaheermCShadowRun, this is assuming it is shipped from outside the EU18:49
w00tkalikianatoli: SIGSEGV18:49
tybolltgod damn the customs were anal about the package18:50
CShadowRunzaheerm: yea, US -> UK18:50
tybolltheld it for ransom - the fuckers18:50
zaheermCShadowRun, better if you know someone coming from USA -> UK and you can tell him to put it in his suitcase, but then you'll have cheated the country out of VAT18:50
SpeedEvilCShadowRun: so you will pay - if it gets caught - 17.5% - plus 8-25 quid on brokerage fees.18:50
CShadowRunstuff that then :P18:51
tybolltit will likely get caught18:51
CShadowRunty :)18:51
tybolltunless you lie blatantly on the description18:51
tybolltwhich is a crime :)18:51
SpeedEvilCShadowRun: and if the seller mislabels it as say 16 quid value - so it won't get caught - and the package gets lost - then the insurance will pay 16 quid18:51
CShadowRunhaha I've had packages before come from ebay market as gift ;)18:51
zaheermyah, if you put value: 4 GBP you maynot get caught18:51
mtnbkrdoes the "VA" in VAT stand for "Value added?" and if yes, What value exactly is being added?18:51
zaheermgifts still require VAT18:51
SpeedEvilCShadowRun: which is in fact fraud - and the seller may not.18:51
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CShadowRunI'll stick with a UK seller then18:52
tybolltCShadowRun: good on ya18:52
zaheermmtnbkr, everything that is a "luxury" gets VAT18:52
SpeedEvilmtnbkr: buy something for 100 quid - sell it for 150 - you pay tax on 50 quid. As the difference.18:52
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SpeedEvilmtnbkr: as a buisness18:52
kalikianatoliw00t, ok, so it's somewhere in soup or webkit probably. I will see if I find a way to hit that here. thanks for checking18:52
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w00tkalikianatoli: *nod*, let me know if there's anything else I can try :)18:52
w00t(or do)18:52
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SpeedEvilmtnbkr: or rather - as a VAT registered buisness18:53
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threshah, bloody customs. even if i order something my country does not produce, i'm supposed to pay about 30% of it its price to the govt18:55
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SpeedEvilyeah - some countries are lots worse than the uk.18:55 IIRC has 50% duty on many things18:55
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[Tycho]thresh, in Russia ?18:56
threshsay, a bike frame of ~2500 USD will cost around 3300 here if passed through customs ;(18:56
tybolltwell the notion of things getting cheaper if you buy them abroad... any govt will fight that... fight it furiously18:56
thresh[Tycho]: yeah18:56
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SpeedEvilAnyone ordering through on around the 20th of Oct - using topcashback - had any cashback yet?19:02
w00tSpeedEvil: not I19:03
w00tit's in confirmed though19:03
SpeedEvilw00t: submitted a ticket - as I noticed that it was >100 days - and a more careful reading of their terms said 100 day limit in some places. They say howeverr that it's tracking normally - there is just some delay on the nokia side for many people.19:04
SpeedEviland there shouldn't be a problem19:04
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pupnik_govt thus fights economic rationality19:04
* SpeedEvil hugs vouchers.19:04
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SpeedEvilIf I was in charge of the UK government, I'd boost nuclear by some 20* - put _all_ fixed loads on nuclear-electric.19:05
SpeedEvilThough it may cost more in the short term - contending with a rising india and china for fuels in the next decades will be _hideously_ expensive.19:05
SpeedEvilExporting cash for oil is just fail.19:05
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wazdcan anybody read this?
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Jaffawazd: No19:11
satmdit looks symmetric to me19:11
GeneralAntillesI see an M and W19:11
Jaffawazd: I could try and decode it, but I'd have to be told it was a word first19:11
satmdsure it is written?19:11
wazdJaffa: it's a word you know very well :)19:11
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Jaffawazd: I'm guessing the first is an 'a' and the last an 'o'; so it's Maemo19:12
Jaffawazd: but it's far too abstract19:12
Jaffawazd: And an 'M' can be construed if you're looking for it (as GeneralAntilles says)19:12
threshif i were a prawn from District 9, i probably could19:12
threshbut looks gibberish19:12
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pupnik_wow.  that is impressive wazd19:13
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pupnik_you should read hofstaedters work on algorithmic fonts and ai19:14
pupnik_and yes it is too far away.  but you must have read some font theory19:15
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wazdoh, I know :)19:16
wazdhow to make it more readable19:16
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odin_the point about branding is not to make is cryptic19:19
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pupnik_yeah but that was very creative19:20
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wazdodin_: I'm not saying that this should be maemo logo right now :)19:20
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wazdI'm just looking for a design competition. Ambigrammed words looks good to me :)19:21
MohammadAGfound a way to reproduce the status bar + on screen keyboard 'bug'19:22
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MohammadAG this one19:22
mtnbkrthat's interesting.19:23
MohammadAGopen terminal, close the keyboard, press on it (terminal) then click the dashboard button quickly19:24
odin_sure I agree with pupnik_ that its very creative (and might be the basis to inspire), so my comment was just to emphasis/describe what (IMHO) I think it maybe lacking so maybe provide construct input for the next iteration19:24
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MohammadAGoh got the operator name on there now19:25
mtnbkrMohammadAG: hmmm that does not do it for me... the vkb appears and disappears quickly.19:25
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lcukwazd, use comic sans!19:25
lcukhe already tried that19:25
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MohammadAGmtnbkr, it gets reproduced every time i do that here19:25
satmdno, sure, looks nice, but the first approach took too long to recognize19:26
satmd(which is why I played stupid)19:26
mtnbkrMohammadAG: hmmm I have tried it about 10 in a row... no luck19:26
MohammadAGdo it faster?19:26
MohammadAGyou can run anything that invloves dpkg to make it lag19:26
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MohammadAGbut what I have running in the background makes it 'lag' enough19:27
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MohammadAGmtnbkr, did it work19:28
mtnbkrMohammadAG: running app manager update in background... still can not reproduce no matter how many times or how fast I do it.19:28
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kevloralhi all19:30
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javispedrohm.. what could be causing the left speaker to stop working suddenly?19:33
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SpeedEvilthe spring contact to the PCB being dodgy?19:33
SpeedEvilI would try rapping19:33
SpeedEvilthe phone on a surface gently to see if it fixes19:34
lcukwazd, ^^19:34
lcukunfortunately there was no hieroglyph for open source19:35
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MohammadAGi hate how there's a light leak under my m and b keys19:38
javispedroSpeedEvil: I'm actually impressed since it's been suddently and after a reboot, which would indicate software, but I've reflashed it to no avail.19:38
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javispedrodo alsamixer settings survive a reflash?19:38
MohammadAGoh and it's starting under the left arrow, thinking about refitting the plastic19:38
javispedroif this were a cheaper handheld I would've pinpointed it to the headphones connector, but I think the "switch" on the n900 is sw.19:39
MohammadAGheadphone 'switch'?19:40
MohammadAGit's sw19:40
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MohammadAGit played a song through the speakers with the headphones connected once19:41
javispedroyes (in fact after connecting them sound comes from both outputs for a moment)  -- no way it could cut one channel.19:41
SpeedEviljavispedro: does wiggling do anything?19:41
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wazdnot sure if it's more readeable :P19:43
pekujathat's supposed to be a word?19:44
SpeedEvilwazd: now you're just taking the piss.19:44
wazdpekuja: sure :)19:45
TomaszDwazd, do you need any assistance with debian/control for marina?19:46
* lcuk ponders whether lardman was eaten by a grue19:46
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javispedrowell I'm going to take it to a nokia care point and see what Phoenix has to say19:47
Corsaclcuk: he's on the maemo frontpage!19:47
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wazdTomaszD: no thanks19:48
lcukCorsac, tell him seomething he doesnt know19:48
TomaszDwazd, ok19:48
lcukis marina done manually nowadays or does the theme generator produce valid packagable files?19:49
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* lcuk always thinks of zoolander Magnum when thinking of marina :D19:49
MohammadAGwazd, again, that's a word?19:49
TomaszDI was wondering that myself, because everything is missing from debian/control19:49
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lcukTomaszD, i was under the impression it was automatically generated19:50
lcukand madde itself just built it into right pieces19:50
wazdMohammadAG: yes19:50
TomaszDlcuk, I don't think so19:50
lcukTomaszD, thats gotta be hard then19:50
wazdlcuk: I'm making Marina with Madde19:50
lcukprinciple function of theme generator is surely to generate a valid installable theme?19:50
lcukyeah wazd, but what made the debian folder for it19:51
TomaszDwazd, so you are able to manually add maemo-specific fields to debian/control then right?19:51
TomaszDyou won't leave the package in such an ugly state I hope :)19:51
TomaszDkeep up the good work19:51
Damion2gah the disk images for the sdk need converting to work on vmware19:51
MohammadAGwmware players 'plays' them w/o converting19:52
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lcukTomaszD, which bits do you consider misplaced, i know ive also got a pretty generic package configuration19:52
TomaszDlcuk, nothing is misplaced, it's just that fields are missing, and the description says nothing19:52
Damion2MohammadAG: it doesn't play the .vmc I downloaded, I'll see if there is an up to date vmx file19:53
lcukahh descriptions i know about for mine, i never dug into making an icon for my apps in app manager either yet19:53
lcuki know its possible tho19:53
TomaszDe.g. if you want a nice readable name for your product, you need to use XB-Maemo-Display-Name field in debian/control19:53
lcukDamion2, did oyu get both parts, i remember the sdk images used to be 2 files19:53
MohammadAGthey are19:54
MohammadAG.001 and .00219:54
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TomaszDlcuk, I've added some info in jebba's docs here
TomaszDif you need any info just ask19:54
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lcukTomaszD, great thanks thats a great resource :)19:54
Damion2lcuk: I'm not running some shell script as root on my desktop, so I'm going to use vmware, however rather than install some stock dist and then install the sdk stuff, I'm going to get the ready made virtual machine image.  Unfortunately the one which looked like the latest release was not for vmware19:55
TomaszDlcuk, np19:55
tybolltsetting up mfe19:55
tybolltI only get the option of imp or pop, is that right?19:55
lcukDamion2, once you go from the beaten path things are always hairy, please report and try to enlighten your actions somewhere noticable so others can follow19:56
Damion2what is the beaten path?  using virtualbox ?19:56
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TomaszDvbox works fine19:56
lcukjust installing the sdk the normal way19:56
lcukeither within a vm19:56
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lcukor on your system19:57
Damion2lcuk: yeah but somebody has already done that and put a virtual image on maemo.org19:57
Damion2okay I'll stick a stock linux on it, shouldn't take that long19:57
lcukyeah theres been images for at least 2 years now19:57
lucashi, is that the channel to ask questions about N900? :-)19:57
Damion2lucas: yes19:57
w00tSpeedEvil: hrrm, any idea of an ETA?19:57
Damion2lcuk: they're old then, I'll do it fresh19:57
SpeedEvilw00t: no19:57
lucasI'm trying to use pnatd to issue USSD commands. but I stupidly can't find how to exit pnatd19:58
lcukreasonable enough, i thought it had been updated, oviously not - Damion2 any chance you could have a dig through and see if anyone filed a bug, your issue sounds familiar19:58
lcukand it might be around19:58
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jebbalucas:  you could try doing USSD commands with ofono too :)19:59
lucasjebba: that would be easier?20:00
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pupnikyes thanks for the wiki20:03
jophishIs it possible to set bash as the default shell in fremantle20:03
jebbalucas: doubt it would be easier. may be more interesting ;)20:04
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jophishby installing bash, and changing /etc/passwd for root and user20:04
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hrw~hail n90020:05
* infobot bows down to n900 and chants, "I'M NOT WORTHY!!"20:05
hrwnevermind what I choose it always to usb/pcsuite20:05
hrwjophish: chsh is more proper way to do that20:05
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jophishhrw, so just running that should sort things out. And has anyone else done that, will it break in new and unexpected ways?20:06
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wazdinfobot, you're back pal!20:07
pupnikFlandry: ping?20:07
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jophishso chsh -s /bin/bash shold do the trick20:07
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lcukhrw, fosdem this year?20:09
jophishhrw, seems like there is no /etc/shells file20:09
FlandryWhat's up pupnik?20:09
hrwlcuk: yes20:10
lcukcool, cya there!20:10
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jophishah, seems like anything  but sh will brick the device20:11
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chunHi, wonder if anyone can help me: can I share my laptop's internet connection with my n900 using bluetooth?20:11
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CShadowRun^ Also was about to ask that same question but for wifi20:17
CShadowRunonly in reverse20:17
* Arkenoi wonders why there is no way to have more than one address book in smartphones. It is quite natural to have your business contacts separated from private ones. Groups with priorities and separate sync will do as well..20:17
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dvoid_anyone know where i can get a slide-to-unlock thingy?20:19
moo-_-Arkenoi: very good idea120:19
moo-_-how about filing a suggestion / idea / brainstorm20:19
andre__dvoid_, by clicking the powerbutton once when the screen is in Touchscreen&Keyboard lock?20:19
moo-_-I can be the guy at the last row supporting the idea20:19
dvoid_andre__, huh20:20
andre__oh cool, lcuk and hrw at fosdem too? yay :)20:20
Arkenoimoo: i probably will20:21
MohammadAGbattery low20:24
MohammadAG~curse 1320mAh battery20:24
infobotMay you be reincarnated as a Windows XP administrator, 1320mAh battery !20:24
dvoid_still dont get it, how do i switch from using the unlock button, to using onscreen slide-to-unlock?20:24
chunok, so lock your screen, then press the power button once20:25
dvoid_and then what?20:25
lucascan the N900 do video calls over XMPP?20:25
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dvoid_but wtf, i dont want to do that all the time20:25
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dvoid_but i guess it would be bad if the screen was on, all the time20:27
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andre__dvoid_, ah, want to ruin your battery completely instead. I see :)20:28
andre__try turning off screen diming? ;-)20:28
andre__lucas, I think the answer is "not yet"20:28
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mtddvoid_: power button double-click to lock, or slide the bottom slide unlock, slide the bottom slide switch again OR double-click the power button and slide on-screen slider.20:30
MohammadAGdouble click to lock, same to unlock, it's not hard20:31
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chunCan I have my n900 use my laptop's internet connection if it's connected via usb?20:33
slops17is any one having a problem opening the maemo_ubuntu_intrepid_desktop_sdk_virtual_image_final.7z from the website20:33
slops17i cant unzip20:34
slops17and have downloaded twice20:34
MohammadAGusing 7zip?20:34
odin_can you sha1sum or md5sum it ?20:34
slops17i am on ubuntu20:34
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slops17doing the md5sum now20:34
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slops17this is the md5sum i get20:36
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MohammadAGslops17, well compare it with the one listed on the site20:37
odin_is in the MD5SUM file20:37
slops17yeah got it20:37
slops17does not match20:37
MohammadAGredownload it20:37
slops17i did the download straight fromt he site20:37
slops17i did twice20:38
MohammadAGproblem with your line?20:38
slops17not that i am awear20:38
slops17it a t1 at work20:38
slops17and its been steady20:38
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jefferaiHi guys. New n900 user here. Is there a way (plugin/app/whatever) to adjust the user-agent string used by MicroB (or maybe using the newly-released firefox mobile)?20:41
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kamuisup pimpsicles!20:41
kamuiI succeeded in building THAT which makes us all happy20:42
slops17MohammadAG, suggestions?20:42
MohammadAG slops17 torrent it? at least you'll get it checked while downloading20:42
kamuiUfo Alien Invasion20:42
kamuiunfortunately, It seems that I have a fixation on OpenGL apps :)20:43
slops17MohammadAG, u have a link for it is it fromt he website or elsewhere20:44
odin_slops17, try wget: wget --save-cookies=cookies.txt --keep-session-cookies "--post-data=agree=I+accept" "" && wget --load-cookies=cookies.txt
MohammadAGi'm not sure if it's even on a tracker20:45
slops17k thanks odin_ ill try now20:45
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kamuiwhere art thou20:47
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MohammadAGany suggestions for fixing the keyboard light leak?20:48
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SpeedEvil duct tape20:48
MohammadAGit's very annoying and the bar is bent upwards20:48
SpeedEvildissasemble, and reassemble.20:48
odin_is there an easy way to do a "dpkg-buildpackage clean" ?  i.e. I don't want to build, I just want to clean like "-uc" does but without building20:49
SpeedEvilOr pracitcally, report it to nokia care.20:49
MohammadAGi'll use the former20:49
odin_opp I meant -tc20:49
MohammadAGcan i disassemble the front keyboard without removing the screen?20:49
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MohammadAGis the part surrounding the keyboard called qwerty cover assy?21:00
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pupnikopen("/dev/dsp", O_WRONLY)              = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)21:06
pupnikopen("/dev/mixer", O_WRONLY)            = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)21:06
pupnikboo. hiss21:06
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RST38hno shit sherlock21:07
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* pupnik stamps his foot like a 5 year old21:11
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embeddedHi to all21:21
embeddedwho uses dpkg-buildpackage to generate DEB for Maemo5?21:22
xorAxAxnobody, most people are using a hexeditor to build the packge21:23
embeddeda hexeditor???21:23
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threshi do21:24
threshwhy, is there any other way?21:24
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CShadowRunHow easy is it to wifi tether (use the N900 as a 3g router) ?21:28
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CShadowRunI'm seeing various posts which are like "Do ninja stuff with dnsmasq and iptables" which is scaring me21:28
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embeddedwell..I have generated a deb package with dpkg-buildpackage tool21:29
embeddedbut it cuts off my control file in debian folder21:29
embeddedit gives me these warnings21:30
embeddeddpkg-genchanges: warning: unknown information field `Maemo-Display-Name' in input data in package's section of control info file21:30
embeddeddpkg-genchanges: warning: unknown information field `Bugtracker' in input data in package's section of control info file21:30
embeddeddpkg-genchanges: warning: unknown information field `Maemo-Icon-26' in input data in package's section of control info file21:30
embeddedwho knows how to solve this issue?21:30
embeddedpls :)21:30
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pupnikany issues, let's clear them up there21:34
tybolltI recorded this bit w/ my n900 earlier today21:35
tybolltand now when I try to play it in the media player it just throws a "playback error" and exits the clip21:36
tybolltso weird21:36
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embeddedpupnik: Many thanks!!! the "XB-" prefix in control file solved my issue :D21:39
pupnikthanks jebba and thomaz21:39
w00tmy connect4 game is almost basically playable21:42
mikhasw00t, cool21:43
mikhasshort video?21:43
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w00ti'll do better than that, i'll try finish it off by tomorrow night21:43
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mikhasyeah, that's what I always say, too =(21:44
w00tnot really a lot left to do, so I might even finish it before tonight ends21:44
* w00t takes a screenshot though21:44
mikhasisnt that one won already?21:47
mikhasno banner?21:47
w00tno, that's part of the bits not done yet :)21:47
w00tit calculates that it was won, but doesn't tell you21:47
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LuciusMaremy gprs data counter shows "downloaded data: 18 mb, uploaded 117 mb"21:48
lcukw00t, that needs game of life engine ;)21:48
mikhaslcuk, not big enough21:48
lcukcourse it is21:48
lcukyou can run GOL on a 2*2 block21:49
lcukits just not that interesting21:49
mikhaswell yeah21:49
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w00tlcuk: I might write one of those next, for fun#21:49
mikhasGOL screensaving mode for connect4, nice touch21:49
w00tlcuk: I'm actually quite enjoying simple games authoring :P21:49
LuciusMare1*1 box ^^21:50
lcukmikhas, even more fun when you tile entire devices together too21:50
w00tlcuk: I have 2 n900s. don't tempt me.21:50
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w00t(plus this is Qt, so I could run it on a few PCs. :P)21:50
lcuktempting you..21:50
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w00tdon't dammit21:50
LuciusMareanyway, i dont remember uploading that much, could it be a bug?21:51
lcukgo onnnn....21:51
w00tI'm going to only get mildly insane, anywa21:52
w00tconnect4 will be playable over internet21:52
w00talready decided that :P21:52
lcuktp tubes21:53
lcukfor direct p2p21:53
mikhasre: tiling entire devices =)21:54
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lcukmikhas, its cool stuff21:55
lcukive been thinking about it for a while, i just adore remote undo for sketching21:55
SpeedEvilremote undo?21:56
lcukyeah SpeedEvil the last picture i posted21:56
lcukits 3 tablets21:56
lcukwhen i draw on one, its available on the others on a graffiti wall (or now liqflow screen)21:57
SpeedEvilIt's 5C in here - getting to the mouse involves venturing out from under the covers.21:57
lcukbut when i press undo on one it vanishes from all21:57
SpeedEviland pidgin can't open links from the keyb21:57
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konttorilcuk: sweet video21:57
lcukkonttori, you havent seen liqflow before?21:58
lcukholy crap!21:58
* konttori feels ashamed21:58
lcuktheres me thinking it was old news21:58
lcuki got it networked as well21:58
lcukive been trying to make it work like that video since the summit, but actually tied together21:59
lcuk(before the summit actually)21:59
lcukso when i draw on one, it draws across all of them21:59
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SpeedEvilOver wifi/... ?21:59
lcukadhoc or router, but its using multicast thing22:00
lcukliqflow was what i used to test n900 before onedotzero22:00
lcukkonttori, its in extras22:00
konttoriimagine if you had a beowulf cluster of those22:00
lcukbefore i started working around nokia i even entered the push n900 competition with it
lcuksee picture konttori22:00
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konttorithat is so sweet22:01
* lcuk nods22:02
konttoriso, will we do it?22:02
lcuklots of people have remarked its just nice to play with22:02
lcukalready in motion22:02
lcukive got design cover sheet from aSIMULAtor and lindjt designs22:02
lcukim getting things together22:02
lcukthat was sorted at barcelona lw22:03
lcuki just dont get much time22:03
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* w00t has far too much of it, in some ways22:04
w00t(can't you tell? connect4? :P)22:04
Shapeshiftermh, I never quite got this liqflow, the devices, are they aware of each other?22:04
lcukShapeshifter, in the video, no thats just human networking22:04
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lcukto do it properly, they need to have spatial awareness22:04
lcukive spoken with lots of people and have a few possible directions22:04
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Shapeshifterso you just draw "lines" on the screens and every machine individually does its thing.22:05
lcukecho location or barcodes on the screens22:05
konttoricontrol unit could be used to take a picture.22:05
Shapeshifterso it looks kinda as if they were doing it together22:05
lcukyeah Shapeshifter its easy22:05
konttoriit could ask all other units to show different color, and then calculate the spatial positions of all devices.22:05
lcukand works now when they are held together22:05
lcukkonttori, barcodes work better22:05
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lcuki spotted this today that i need to look at22:05
lcuk2d barcode22:05
lcukon each screen22:06
lcukcan get size/position and ident22:06
konttoriyeah, but to detect all at once22:06
* w00t growls and qobject_cast<>s22:06
konttoriok, if it works!22:06
Shapeshifterthat is brilliant22:06
lcukkonttori, think about cameras now that have facial detection22:06
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lcukthey can detect multiple heads in one shot22:06
lcuksame idea22:06
konttoriyeah, not arguing22:07
konttorijust thinking of the easiest way to do it.22:07
lcukwell i was gonna look at how that video was done, the AR box base units seems ideal22:07
lcukbut without that, i was going to use a bullseye detection algo22:07
lcukand show 3 bullseyes on each screen22:08
konttorishould be pretty easy to do22:08
konttori(you could still add the color to know device order)22:08
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lcukyeah, if they were barcodes it would be ideal22:09
lcukcould encode the user name22:09
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lcukim trying to break the projects up so its easier to manage now22:10
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lcukbut i was going afk, have fun with liqflow tonight, ill talk to you later guys \o22:10
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w00t0x0000000000404ad5 in GameWindow::checkPress (this=0x0, x=4, y=3) at GameWindow.cpp:10922:14
w00tmethinks I'm doing it wrong :)22:14
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mikhasw00t, that does not look very heap-y22:16
mikhaslook at your this pointer => null22:16
w00tmikhas: yeah, I know what the problem is, I was mostly just making idle chatter22:17
mikhasso in whichever way you tried to get your GameWindow instance, it probably didnt work =)22:17
w00tqobject_cast<> came to bite me in the ass ;)22:18
mikhasdont use it22:18
w00tI'm not, anymore22:18
ifreqwhats the url for dbus commands / reading dbus22:18
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ifreqnvm. found it22:20
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davygheelo i wanted ton install fennec on my n900 but when i add from mozilla webpage i get that fennec is not present in the rep and when i make an apt-get update i have some error with the mozilla rep22:20
JaffaAnyone know, before I search, if "maemo-* mailing list archives on don't update" is a known issue?22:20
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wazdhow can I convert 48x48 package icon into symbols without voodoo? :)22:24
Markus23wazd: convert? which format is the symbol?22:25
Markus23why are only 10 secs are played at the wakeup call?22:25
wazdMarkus23: png22:25
Markus23I want the full song to be played22:25
davygdoes someone has a link to the good repo and who is sure of this link(mozilla website is quite messy)22:25
Markus23wazd: why not simply convert myicon.jpg myicon.png22:26
Markus23maybe with --resize?22:26
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wazdMarkus23: I think you didn't get what I mean :)22:28
Markus23obviously :-)22:29
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* RST38h does not get it: why does use Russian military trucks and APCs when events occur in the US?22:37
GeneralAntillesCheaper to get ahold of?22:38
RST38hHave they bought Red Dawn leftovers or what?22:38
RST38hGeneral: But it looks fucking weird.22:38
GeneralAntillesRST38h, it is a made for TV movie22:38
GeneralAntillesand, judging by the rating, an awful one.22:39
wazdanybody with scratchbox, can you please convert me an image? :)22:39
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wazdthat one >
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GeneralAntillesConvert into?22:40
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GeneralAntillesCan't you do that in XP?22:41
RST38hGeneral: yea, it is a generic shitty horror movie22:41
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jefferaiHi guys. New n900 user here. Is there a way (plugin/app/whatever) to adjust the user-agent string used by MicroB (or maybe using the newly-released firefox mobile)?23:02
pupnikgood question for timeless_mbp23:03
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SpeedEvilI vaguely remember an app in extras-devel to do that23:03
mtnbkrjefferai: prety sure I saw one in the Application Manager - But I have extras and extras-testing repos enabled on mine23:05
Damion2you can type about:config23:05
mtnbkrs/testing/devel   :)23:05
Damion2then type user23:06
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Damion2it'll start to search and find the user agent string to change23:06
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* timeless_mbp looks up23:10
timeless_mbpjefferai: "yes"23:10
timeless_mbpthere's an entire pref key space available for adding strings23:10
timeless_mbpgeneral.useragent.extra.__whatever_you_are__ "WhateverYouAre/1.3"23:11
timeless_mbpplease note that the ua spec demands your token be of the form Foo/2.523:11
timeless_mbpadding spaces is in violation of the spec23:11
timeless_mbp(yes, microb violates the spec)23:12
jefferaiHrm. It'd be nice if there was something that could do it in a predefined way (yes, I know that means, maybe I should write it)  :-)23:14
jefferaimake it easy to switch on the fly, without having to know what you want to switch it to23:14
jefferaior remember what it was23:14
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uhsfit's like Engadget finally fulfilled my dream about an Apple free electronics news website. 5years of non-stop rant comments eventually paid off.
asj_uhsf: but right the top is "Iphone OS" and "Apple Ipad"23:19
lcukyet you advertise apple every time you mention it23:19
lcukironic isnt it23:19
* GeneralAntilles notes that Ziegler never responded to my email about his N900 review.23:19
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uhsfasj_: there is stylish or adblock for this. the important thing is the atom/rss feed minus everything Apple.23:21
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* w00t frankly doesn't understand people continuing to use sites they don't like23:22
GeneralAntillesw00t, all gadget news sites suck.23:22
w00ttimeless_mbp: you have a blog somewhere, no?23:22
w00tGeneralAntilles: that's why I avoid all of them23:22
GeneralAntillesEngadget just happens to have a decent level of coverage for the most part.23:22
mtnbkrlol and this just in (on slashdot)
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GeneralAntillesPlus, Engadget used to NOT SUCK.23:23
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uhsflcuk: I don't think mentionning the /exclude/apple/ url advertises for Apple. it's more of an anti-Apple statement.23:23
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GeneralAntillesAfter Block left, though, things really went in the shitter.23:23
wazdcan't add image code to control23:23
wazderror: syntax error in marina/debian/control at line 32: block lacks a package field23:24
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wazdoh, nm23:24
uhsfmtnbkr: Slashdot had a feature on their website to disable Apple stories for many years now.23:25
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uhsfthe only problem is that blocking a topic on the website doesn't work for the news feed so that's why i visit the homepage directly and don't use their feed.23:26
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mtnbkruhsf: heh, yeah I know about the disable sections option... I just thought it a bit humorus that right after reading the engadget comments here I swtiched to my web desktop and that was the first thing I saw. :)23:28
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timeless_mbpw00t: i do23:35
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w00ttimeless_mbp: cool, ta23:36
timeless_mbpjefferai: EWTF?23:36
timeless_mbpjefferai: what are you trying to do?23:36
timeless_mbpthe question was "how do i add to the useragent"23:36
* ifreq built voice synth for N900 and now reading /var/log23:36
timeless_mbpnot "how do i break the useragent"23:36
ifreqif anyone test ive got precompiled binary +opt on my site23:36
pupnikespeak seems to be on my tablet now23:37
jefferaitimeless_mbp: no, the question is really along the lines of "I want to be able to make it look like a mobile browser, not a full desktop browser"23:37
jefferaiand "but I also want to switch back and forth, so I need to remember the original user agent, so it'd be nice to have a toggle/app somewhere to do this"23:38
timeless_mbpjefferai: there's an addon that breaks the browser that way already23:38
ifreqpupnik: ah something on repos?23:38
ifreqseemst o be quite same as flite23:38
jefferaitimeless_mbp: I saw one on some garage page somewhere, but when I added it it said it wasn't compatible with that version of microb23:38
timeless_mbpjefferai: general.useragent.override is the pref you could set23:38
ifreqi wonder can i "talk" with synth on incoming call23:38
timeless_mbpbut please note that it doesn't last very long23:38
timeless_mbpand it's terribly rude23:38
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jefferaitimeless_mbp: yeah, I know about that pref...but it misses the point23:39
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timeless_mbpwhich is what exactly?23:39
jefferaithe point is to not have to keep typing it in manually, and to have to remember the various settings that make it work23:39
timeless_mbpyou can also add a listener to the docloader service and rewrite the useragent http header23:39
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timeless_mbpjefferai: eWTF23:39
timeless_mbpdo you want to write an extension23:39
timeless_mbpor are you a user?23:39
timeless_mbpi was pretty sure you were asking as an extension author23:40
jefferaiunsure at this point    :-)23:40
timeless_mbpif you're a user, go pay someone to be an author23:40
jefferaino, I've never written a firefox/microb extension23:40
jefferaiI'm a developer, just never done firefox development23:40
timeless_mbpthey really aren't that hard23:40
timeless_mbpheck, go look at how the useragent switchers for firefox work23:40
jefferaibut there's not much point duplicating work23:40
timeless_mbpthere's probably even one for fennec23:40
jefferaiwhich is why I was asking if such a thing existed23:40
jefferaitimeless_mbp: yeah, maybe there is, but I couldn't find it23:40
jefferaihence, my asking in here if anyone knew if there was one23:40
jefferaisince I would imagine it might be something people would want pretty commonly23:41
timeless_mbpi missed the bit about you being a 'user'23:41
timeless_mbppeople shouldn't be directing users to me23:41
* timeless_mbp slaps pupnik 23:41
jefferaiwho said I'm a user?23:41
timeless_mbp[11:02pm] <jefferai> Hi guys. New n900 user here.23:41
w00tthat was easy :-)23:42
jefferaiYes. I am new to n900.23:42
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jefferaiThe reason I have a n900 is to do development work on it.23:42
timeless_mbpw00t: i think you have the wrong grid size23:42
jefferaiThe scope of which is not currently writing Firefox/MicroB plugins.23:42
w00ttimeless_mbp: I do, it'll be customisable23:42
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w00t(as will the win condition)23:43
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jefferaitimeless_mbp: so in that sense, we're all users23:43
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timeless_mbpw00t: it's supposed to be 7 across 6 up23:43
pupnikIf websites don't do crazy/evil stuff based on useragent, then there's no problem.23:43
w00ttimeless_mbp: yup23:43
jefferaipupnik: but some users do23:44
jefferaiand additionally, on small screens it can be much nicer to use mobile versions of sites23:44
jefferaiwhich are often based on user agent23:44
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pupniki like having control of useragent23:45
JaffaVDVsx: ping23:45
JaffaVDVsx: Seen about publicising problems people might encounter with some of the Ovi apps23:45
VDVsxJaffa, nop23:46
* VDVsx checks23:46
VDVsxJaffa, I'll take a look later, gtg now :)23:47
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wazdcan anybody translate this to me? :)23:49
mikhasw00t, do you intent to include, you know, *animations*? for the *wow* effect? =)23:49
w00tmikhas: yes, especially if I learn how to do them23:49
JaffaVDVsx: ta23:49
w00tI'm aware it's not exactly pretty as is ;)23:49
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mikhasanimations in Qt can hold a lot of performance surprises for you, unless you go fullscreen ...23:50
w00tmikhas: I've no doubt, I'll cross that bridge when I get to it :)23:51
jefferaimikhas: do tell -- I've not used Qt on n900 yet23:51
mikhashehehe, yeah =)23:51
jefferaiIssues that I've seen on the desktop are generally due to crappy video drivers23:51
jefferai(for instance, fixed by using the raster graphicssystem backend)23:51
mikhasjefferai, yup. I have no idea why the raster backend isnt the default already23:52
jefferaiI believe on a lot of distros it now is, now that it's less buggy in 4.623:52
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jefferaifor instance, I just noticed my compositing KDE performance in Arch seem to suddenly shoot up after a recent upgrade23:53
mikhasah, I see. havent tested the 4.5 version of it23:53
jefferaitoo early to tell for sure...23:53
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pupnik_ahh more qt devs yaay23:53
jefferaimikhas: I did get strongly yelled at one time for creating an Ubuntu packge that was Qt simply with the raster backend by default23:53
jefferaigot a graphics ninja haivng an anneurism about it23:54
jefferaisaying that this just hides the problem, the graphics drivers won't get fixed if people go around it, etc.23:54
jefferaiit's like -- I've been waiting for three years for my graphics drivers to get fixed. Fuck that, I want performance.23:54
mikhaslol, nice23:54
w00tpupnik_: pft, I never got that enthusiastic reaction :<23:54
GeneralAntillesDamn Qt devs.23:58
w00tGeneralAntilles: pfft23:59

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