IRC log of #maemo for Thursday, 2010-01-14

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xorAxAxcertainly, /usr is overrated. i wonder why it works nevertheless00:00
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xorAxAxah, no, /usr is there00:01
mtdanyone with an n900 used apt-get dist-upgrade and have the new Application Manager but still have Settings > General > About Product reporting version 1.2009.42-11 ?00:01
xorAxAxbut my vim is gone00:01
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woglindemtd read the maemo-dev list00:01
woglindewas discussed there00:01
xorAxAxso /home is missing00:01
woglindeyou need maemo-blalfoof-osso-pr package00:01
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xorAxAxok, i think i know where i fubared it00:02
mtdwoglinde: thanks00:03
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Stskeepsoh dear, vodafone firmware disallows access to extras/extras-devel? :P00:05
GeneralAntillesCan you flash regular firmware?00:05
wazdnowai :D00:05
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xorAxAxruskie: may it be the case that you forget to mount /home?00:06
wazdhow did they do that? :)00:06
xorAxAxor is that done by default code?00:06
GeneralAntillesStskeeps, source?00:06
fralsStskeeps: any link?00:06
dymaxion....interesting....  runnign  apt-get upgrade  shows 16 packages to be updated  requiring 53.4 Mb of data,  and then bombs out... not enough disk space in /var/cache/apt/archives...   HOWEVER when I use the application manager and click [update] is shows that nothing is avaailable for update... odd00:06
StskeepsGeneralAntilles: well, this is going to sound stupid, but a talk post00:06
Stskeepsso the source may not be reliable.00:07
Stskeepsbut they're also not getting PR1.0.1 it seems on variant 20500:07
wazdStskeeps: "Fraps or never happened" :)00:07
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w00tStskeeps: christ.00:07
gevaertsdymaxion: the application manager gives an alternate archive location to apt-get00:07
Stskeepssome also claims it disables VoIP and such00:07
GeneralAntillesStskeeps, link?00:07
xorAxAxyippee, runs again, timeless_mbp00:07
Stskeeps is an interesting read00:07
xorAxAxcurious what the problem was? :)00:08
dymaxiongevaerts, so are there really 16 packages ready for upgrade?  or is it that the local /var/cache is out of date do you think?00:08
wazdwhat's the point of selling n900 and limiting it as freaking s40 device? :)00:08
wazdor even s30 :P00:08
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Stskeepswazd: so vodafone executives can snort more cocaine00:08
gevaertsdymaxion: the contents of /var/cache shouldn't matter there00:09
wazdStskeeps: ah, that makes sense :)00:09
dymaxionso still the app manager is misreporting ... there should be 16 packages for upgrade... sigh...00:09
Stskeepsat least n900 is rebrandable :P00:09
StskeepsGeneralAntilles: even threw kathy into a fit,
dymaxionthanks gevaerts .... off home.. i'll sort it when I'm back.. . goodnight all00:10
TesterStskeeps: whats variant 205 ?00:10
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StskeepsTester: vodafone UK variant i think00:10
wazd"Over 500 new icons"... damn, how do they do that :(00:11
andre__yes, 205 = UK00:11
fralswow, that vodafone stuff... speechless00:12
TesterI though 203 was plain UK00:12
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andre__Tester, vodafone probably isn't plain enough00:12
Gadgetoid_mbpHahahaha two men arrested for unsuccessfully driving a car down a frozen canal!00:13
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Caesiumsaw that on the news, I don't get what they were arrested for? stupidity? :D00:14
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Gadgetoid_mbpApparently so... stupidity should be a crime and it wastes so much time00:14
fralsanyone heard of a way to make the n900 connect to only one of the defined GPRS IAPs? ie, set it to autoconnect to anything but only use one of the GPRS IAPs?00:15
Stskeepseither way, hey, good we can flash the darn things to freedom lovin' maemo versions00:15
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* Gadgetoid_mbp is still trying to 3 star level 2100:22
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mtnbkrGadgetoid_mbp: heh I can't seem to get past level 1000:25
Gadgetoid_mbpmtnbkr: you'll fluke your way through eventually :D00:25
mtnbkrGadgetoid_mbp: heh00:25
mtnbkrcute game actually00:26
Gadgetoid_mbpTap again to explode the birds, by the way00:26
Gadgetoid_mbpd 00:26
SpeedEvil10 is a bit of a bitch00:26
mtnbkrkinda looks feels and sound a LOT like Worms00:26
Gadgetoid_mbpAnd do it again at the last minute for the best penetrative power00:26
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Gadgetoid_mbpconcentrates the birds on one small target00:26
* MaemohammadAG needs the level packs asap!00:26
* SpeedEvil too.00:26
pupnikthat company has some great talent00:26
Gadgetoid_mbpiPhone version has over 60 levels00:26
Gadgetoid_mbpNot sure what the level pack gives on the N900, but I guess it's the same?00:27
Gadgetoid_mbpAll 3 worls00:27
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MaemohammadAGi think the level packs were online for some time00:27
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gevaertsthe level pack gives you worlds 2 and 3, so you get 63 levels in total00:27
MaemohammadAGbut nokia pulled down all paid stuff cause it was installable using apt-get00:27
mtnbkrGadgetoid_mbp: oh cool... scroll up/down on screen zooms scene in/out00:28
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Gadgetoid_mbpmtnbkr: ironically that feels so much smoother than the iPhone's overrated pinch zooming00:28
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mtnbkrGadgetoid_mbp: I can't seem to "tap to make the bird explode"  they seem to 'splode when they are "done"  (ie: when they decide)  lol00:29
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MaemohammadAGlol just noticed i can zoom out00:29
Gadgetoid_mbpmtnbkr: you can only do that whilst they are in flight00:29
SpeedEvilCan you shuffle bird order?00:29
Gadgetoid_mbpIt's like a cluster bomb00:30
Gadgetoid_mbpSpeedEvil: I don't think so00:30
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mtnbkrGadgetoid_mbp: AH!  cool!00:30
MaemohammadAGGadgetoid_mbp, i can doing w/o launching them00:30
mtnbkrTHAT will help with level 10 heh00:30
MaemohammadAGoh nvm00:30
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Gadgetoid_mbpAye mtnbkr, explode them as close to the structure as possible for epic win00:31
Gadgetoid_mbpMAXIMUM DAMAGE!!!00:31
SpeedEvilwell - it depends - a more spread out can give more destruction on light structures00:31
prontolol maemo browswer gets a 94/100 on the acid3 test, thats really good00:31
xorAxAxwhy dont i have bounce evolution installed?00:32
Gadgetoid_mbpYeah because acid3 is absolutely the measure for real world performance :D00:32
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* slonopotamus solved all angry birds levels :(00:32
prontojust neat00:32
lupine_85conformance is everything00:32
SpeedEvilslonopotamus: with three stars?00:33
* mtnbkr is waiting for IE8 on maemo00:33
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slonopotamusSpeedEvil, not yet :)00:33
Gadgetoid_mbpDamn, my batery ran out00:33
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prontomtnbkr: wait for winehq first lol00:33
prontothats a scary thought00:33
mtnbkrGadgetoid_mbp: cleared 10 with only 1 star though00:33
Gadgetoid_mbpAt least this game is giving me full loadcycles on my battery00:34
pillar2 stars for me on level 10, yea :)00:34
MaemohammadAG3 here :p00:34
Gadgetoid_mbpI've got 3 on everything but level 21, it's driving me nuts00:35
pillarwhoa up/down zoom is very smooth00:35
GeneralAntillesI can't believe Nokia thought that hidding packages from h-a-m was a good way to enforce payment.00:35
mtnbkrpillar: yep and pretty cool too...00:35
Gadgetoid_mbpThat's 1-20, as I haven't got the pack00:35
fnordianslipam i right in thinking that users with Windows PCs get prompted to reflash their device by some Nokia utility and may end up doing that instead of of installing updates with HAM?00:35
Gadgetoid_mbpGeneralAntilles: hahahahaha *facepalm*00:35
Gadgetoid_mbpSecurity through obscurity, they call it00:36
Gadgetoid_mbpI think they should have left it that way and got a measure for how many people pay up00:36
StskeepsGeneralAntilles: i remember thinking to myself hearing about it "hmm, they couldn't have been this stupid"00:36
fnordianslipfunny though :)00:36
slonopotamusfnordianslip, looks like that. and they download ~160 megs, no?00:37
xorAxAxruskie: does SSU still work with your modest package installed?00:37
fnordianslipslonopotamus: somethings not right there then either, is it?00:37
slonopotamusfnordianslip, it's nokia...00:38
StskeepsGeneralAntilles: whoever came up with the idea to put all ovi apps (including paid) should be hit hard with a cluebat though00:38
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pillarlevel 15 seems hard for me00:38
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slonopotamuspillar, you should say 1-15 (or 2-15 or 3-15). otherwise you're ambigious.00:38
fnordianslipthe pig in the helmet on level 21 is a git00:38
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pillarslonopotamus oh true, meant 1-1500:39
Gadgetoid_mbpfnordianslip: Haha, no shit :D00:39
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Gadgetoid_mbpI must be on my 100th try for 3 stars now on 1-2100:39
slonopotamuspillar, yeah, i passed it with just one star00:39
fnordianslipare there more bird varieties in the other maps?00:40
slonopotamusfnordianslip, black, yellow, red, blue.00:41
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fnordianslipi was too late to go on a apt-get fuelled shop-lifting spree00:41
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Gadgetoid_mbpAch I wonder if I should just move on to world 2 on ze iPhone, have to re-complete all the levels fro 8 through 21 first though, argh00:41
ph1ljebba, just want to say thanks for your great informations on your wiki!00:41
fnordianslipwhat do the black birds do?00:42
SpeedEvilLevel 8 is evil - It's impossible to 3-star without a horrible fluke00:43
SpeedEvilfnordianslip: you mean the small grey ones?00:43
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fnordianslipi only remember the blue, red and yellow ones00:43
SpeedEvil21 also00:43
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MaemohammadAGcan't 3 star 1200:43
Gadgetoid_mbpMy aim is getting disgustingly good00:43
slonopotamusargh... 1-4 with one shot? seems impossible00:43
SpeedEvil12 is hard.00:44
Gadgetoid_mbpslonopotamus: amazing what you can one shot!00:44
fnordianslipi finished it before realising you could zoom in/out00:44
SpeedEvilslonopotamus: I can't do 3 - done 12400:44
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Gadgetoid_mbpredoing 1-9 now00:44
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Gadgetoid_mbpBoo, took all 4 shots00:45
slonopotamusSpeedEvil, 1-3 is easy. just hit big ball.00:45
SpeedEvilI'm unsure if you can get a low power shot - on 3 - to bounce off the hill - hit the right-hand side of the tall pillar - and do dominos00:45
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SpeedEvilerr - 2 - not 300:45
slonopotamusstop that00:45
slonopotamussay full level number00:46
SpeedEvilfirst try - and yes - you can00:46
SpeedEvilI only have pack 100:46
SpeedEvilerr the defaults00:46
MaemohammadAGLevel pack is not available at the moment due to Ovi Store technical problems. Sorry for the inconvenience!00:46
slonopotamusSpeedEvil, so everyone else does :)00:47
Gadgetoid_mbpDamn, 2-shot 11 this time00:47
slonopotamusSpeedEvil, if you completed all 21, you can choose big 2 button :P00:47
SpeedEvilbig 2?00:48
slonopotamus1-1 in one shot!00:48
Gadgetoid_mbp2 shot 1-12, boo00:48
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slonopotamusSpeedEvil, level selection screen, top buttons.00:48
SpeedEvilslonopotamus: just says '1' here00:49
slonopotamusSpeedEvil, and two other?00:49
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SpeedEvilslonopotamus: I see no 2 at all00:50
SpeedEvilslonopotamus: clicking on the 1 does nothing00:50
slonopotamusSpeedEvil,  apt-get install angrybirds-levelpack100:50
MaemohammadAGblack birds explode00:50
SpeedEvilslonopotamus: that hole was fixed00:50
SpeedEvilslonopotamus: you can't do that00:51
slonopotamusi did that00:51
Gadgetoid_mbpGah, 1-14... replaying them isn't as fun00:51
MaemohammadAGslonopotamus, did you reboot or do an apt-get clean?00:51
SpeedEvilI was meaning - you can't do it technically - nor manually00:52
MaemohammadAGafter doing it00:52
SpeedEvilerr - morally00:52
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slonopotamusi have deb in /var/cache/apt/archives/00:53
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* gevaerts can00:54
lardman|homeback to questions about plotting graphs in Python, what's currently available other than DIY like lybniz?00:54
gevaertst figure out how to do 1-3 for 3 stars00:54
gevaertsno, 1-500:54
SpeedEvil5 I've only gotten 2 on.00:54
SpeedEvilI think you have to fluke it00:55
MaemohammadAGslonopotamus, really?00:55
SpeedEvilThe rock will almost fall right sometimes if you cmash the top level00:55
angasuleI can confirm that the advanced power statusbar applet leaks like a drunk elephant00:55
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slonopotamusMaemohammadAG, yep :/00:56
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MaemohammadAGcan i have it :p00:57
Gadgetoid_mbpWoo, back on 1-21 now, whee00:57
MaemohammadAGwould it be considered piracy btw?00:57
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MaemohammadAGcause i'm not a big fan of it00:57
ds3wouldn't gnuplot be a better graphing tool then python?00:58
slonopotamuswho knows...00:58
lardman|homeds3: I would like interactive graphs00:59
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lardman|homeds3: matplotlib would be ideal, but I had a look at compiling it and it has lots of deps that are not met00:59
Gadgetoid_mbpYay 2-x now01:00
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chem|stlardman|home: what do you mean with interactive?01:04
lardman|homewell I'd like to at least be able to embed it as a widget and have buttons, etc. on the side01:05
chem|stthat sounds like my script-widget idea01:05
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lardman|homeI didn't have the will power to sort out the Octave debianisation stuff, otherwise I would have just settled for that01:05
lardman|homechem|st: what's your idea then?01:06
chem|stI setup a brainstorm for creating a widget-creating program for scripting01:06
Gadgetoid_mbpOoooh, 2-1... a challenge, ish... wubb!01:06
chem|stwhere you can have input at the widget for the script01:07
lardman|homeno, I just want a graph widget, nothing more01:07
chem|stthats the idea friend01:07
lardman|homewidget creating program for scripting?01:07
chem|styou have a script-widget showing gnuplots output and updating it in userset delay01:07
lardman|homeoh I see, use gnuplot01:08
gevaerts3 stars on 1-5 \☺/01:08
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chem|stwell you may use anything you can grab the output from01:09
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Anon220whats this01:09
chem|stAnon220: ?01:09
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pupnikJeffrey Tucker's 4 year old asked him "Do you remember what it was like before the internet?"01:09
pupnik"How did you FIND OUT stuff??"01:09
lardman|homechem|st: sounds interesting, but I'd just like something that works and is easy tbh01:10
Anon220what is this room about01:10
Gadgetoid_mbpAnon220: sex01:10
chem|stthere is nothing easier than gnuplot I know...01:10
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pupnikworld domination now01:10
lardman|homechem|st: thro Python though01:10
chem|stGadgetoid_mbp: if you count fisting... yes sex01:10
* gevaerts doesn't see a room01:11
Anon220so does anybody know some techniques01:11
chem|stAnon220: I know Shaolin Kung-Fu!01:11
Anon220no you don't01:11
chem|styou would believe me if I didnt miss Jedi class... damn01:12
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chem|stAnon220: welcome! this is the primary IRC channel how may I assist?01:12
Anon220i'm talking about sex whats the deal01:12
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Anon220technique wise give me some tips01:13
chem|stlardman|home: well gnuplot is there the python code needs to be called!01:13
lardman|homechem|st: but it;s not integrated then! :)01:13
ds3lardman|home: what about a mini webserver serving up stuff to do graphing in javascript?01:13
Anon220once done pumping rub your helmet on the slice and it will splice01:13
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chem|stAnon220: try upside down with an arm or leg in your partners ass01:14
lardman|homeds3: in a word, no.01:14
Gadgetoid_mbpAnon220: Well, you part their buttons, gently insert your tongue, reach around with your hands, tickle the balls with one...01:14
lardman|homeI just need to display some data, not too bothered about how, but I'd prefer to get that written quickly and easily01:14
chem|stits getting disgusting01:14
Anon220sounds like you know what your on about01:14
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svanheulen... did i come in at a bad time >.>01:14
SpeedEvillardman: hack: gnuplot -> gif ->display gif01:14
lardman|homeI was hoping I'd find some graphing class floating around that wouldn't need me to compile stuff01:14
Gadgetoid_mbpWell chem|st, Someone popped a chubby reading that01:14
lardman|homeSpeedEvil: Nooooooo! Been there, done that, painful01:15
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chem|stlardman|home: fisting or gif?01:15
mrmg_cool, a friend just told me about MADDE, looks good.01:15
lardman|homechem|st: both01:15
Anon220pretty shit01:16
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lardman|homechem|st: the no that was, just the latter for the having tried it01:16
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svanheulenanyone know if xterm on the n900 supports unicode? in emacs unicode characters look like ??, not sure if it's a problem with xterm or emacs01:16
chem|stdont think you need to compile gnuplot... just install the arm package01:16
lardman|homeI know, I compiled it in the first place iirc01:16
Anon220have you seen the new graphing code for outbound enax servers01:16
lardman|homebut I don't really want to have to use it01:17
chem|stsvanheulen: dont know I want urxvt! and urxvtd!01:17
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Anon220same isn't urc connected with multiple origin connectors in denmark01:17
chem|stsvanheulen: copy some umlauts from a UTF-8 encoded homepage to it01:18
svanheulenchem|st: othen then this i really like the built in xterm01:18
Jef91hey all - are there any special settings I need to change to my make N900 connect to tomobile 3g? (in the usa)01:18
lardman|homeah, balls, guess I'll just have to pull my finger out and compile Octave, bbiam after I boot to Linux01:18
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Anon220same fuckin aye xterms nt connectors01:18
svanheulenchem|st: good idea, i'll try that01:18
Anon220and shit01:18
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villagergevaerts: I 3-stared 1-5 by smashing all the ice at the top with my bird, that will destabilize the big rock and fall down on every single pig below it01:19
chem|stsvanheulen: you save battery with using a daemon for urxvt as future urxvts dont open a new process01:19
svanheulenJef91: i changed my gprs settings to use, but i don't know if thats required01:19
Anon220it is01:19
Anon220be careful though01:19
svanheulenchem|st: oh, true, didn't think of that01:19
gevaertsvillager: I finally did it by smashing a bit of wood. It's all about destabilising things and getting lucky I guess01:19
chem|stsvanheulen: I was doing a lot on performance with my netbook, and with 8 urxvts open it saves at least 10minutes01:20
MaemohammadAGgevaerts, and knowing the laws of physics :p01:20
chem|stobey gravity!01:20
svanheulenchem|st: wow, nice01:20
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chem|stsvanheulen: lately I managed to watch 2 movies and an episode of HIMYM and had +1 hour battery left!01:22
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chem|stcaching everything to ram is the major key idea01:22
Jef91svanheulen how do I do that?01:25
svanheulenJef91: settings > internet connections > connections > edit01:25
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svanheulenJef91: it's the "Access point name" setting01:27
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Talus46_n810does anyone know why the last update to diablo makes the n810 loose the date?01:28
Jef91thanks svanheulen trying that now01:29
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svanheulenJef91: also you should check that "Network mode" is set to "Dual" in settings > phone01:39
MaemohammadAGany way to make xchat blink the LED when a PM arrives?01:41
lardman|homehmm, well that's a start I guess, configure is running ok ;)01:41
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gevaerts3 stars on world 1 \☺/01:43
slonopotamusgevaerts, cheater!01:43
user__hey all01:43
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* lardman|home ponders the output of Octave build and why it says f77....01:43
pillarhmm is there already a desktop widget to connect/disconnect gprs/wlan connection? three-presses and the waiting is too much for such a lazy person as me :)01:43
slonopotamusJef91, we're all busy playing angry birds. come back in a couple of days.01:43
Jeff91so my phone says it connects to tmobile 3g01:44
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Jeff91but it won't actually load any content01:44
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pillarjust play angry birds :)(01:44
ml-N900can't wait until they resolve these watchdog reboots01:44
MaemohammadAGml-N900, you tried the fix?01:45
shinkamuiangry birds rocks01:45
shinkamuiml-N900, what watchdog reboots?01:45
svanheulenJeff91: try pinging a website or ip01:45
ml-N900enable_off_mode? yes, it resolved the majority01:45
Jeff91just "ping" in terminal right?01:45
Jeff91kk brb again01:46
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ml-N900now I get occasional reboots when I think it would otherwise blank the screen01:46
shinkamuioh wow ok01:46
shinkamuiI've had 2 unexpected reboots so far01:46
MaemohammadAGnothing here01:46
shinkamuiI was trying to figure out what other people had been writing about in tthe forums to try and avoid it01:46
shinkamui2 in 3 weeks I think is ok01:46
svanheulenthat's silly... you need to be root to use ping01:47
shinkamuisince when01:47
svanheulenon the n90001:47
shinkamuihaha, didn't realize that was the case01:47
GeneralAntillessvanheulen, hey-ho, busybox.01:47
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Jeff91ping does not work01:49
* Jeff91 is a sad panda01:49
slonopotamuswtf? i passed 1-5 in one shot and got only 2 stars :/01:50
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gevaertsslonopotamus: that only happens if you falsely accuse people of cheating ;)01:51
MaemohammadAGanyone on xchat on the n90001:51
svanheulenJeff91: try pinging an ip01:51
svanheulenMaemohammadAG: nope, irssi01:51
slonopotamusMaemohammadAG, yep01:51
slonopotamusgevaerts, :P01:51
* MaemohammadAG was accused of cheating during his GCE exam01:52
MaemohammadAGslonopotamus, can you input the symbol for indices?01:52
Jeff91svanheulen I'll give that a try - but how is that different from a web adress?01:52
MaemohammadAGthe arrow pointing upwards in sym01:52
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MaemohammadAGJeff91, for some reason only google pings01:53
slonopotamusit isn't on symbols screen01:53
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kevloralHi all01:53
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MaemohammadAGslonopotamus, it is01:53
slonopotamusMaemohammadAG, neither is backtick01:53
MaemohammadAGtry the upside down ?01:53
MaemohammadAG¿ actually nvm that worked01:54
svanheulenJeff91: doesn't have to do a dns lookup01:54
MaemohammadAGbut the index sign doesn't work01:54
slonopotamusMaemohammadAG, how you did that?01:54
MaemohammadAGblue arrow + ctrl01:54
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slonopotamusmeh... it broke01:55
MaemohammadAGbut the third row isn't working01:55
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svanheulenoh is it just me or can you not type a tilde in xterm on the n900?01:55
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svanheulenthe thing above the tab on a normal keyboard01:56
MaemohammadAGsvanheulen, same as in xchat01:57
pupniksvanheulen: the n900 has different layouts in different countries01:57
MaemohammadAGthe whole 3rd row doesn't work01:57
slonopotamusgimme my backtick!01:57
MaemohammadAGpupnik, it shouldn't be the cause01:57
MaemohammadAGit's not accepting the press01:58
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kevloralsvanheulen: you can, at least with the spanish keyboard.01:58
pupnikit should, because different countries need different symbols01:58
svanheulenMaemohammadAG: oh shit, you're right01:58
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slonopotamus=~\½²³Nº third row.01:59
svanheulenpupnik: it shouln't because we're talking about the sym menu01:59
MaemohammadAGsvanheulen, that's what i was asking slonopotamus about01:59
MaemohammadAGslonopotamus, how'd you do that?01:59
pupniksorry :)01:59
MaemohammadAGslonopotamus, that's not my 3rd row01:59
slonopotamus² and ³ are absolutely useless. give me backtick and < looking up instead.02:00
slonopotamusactually ѓ is useless too :)02:00
slonopotamuswhatever it is02:00
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svanheulenslonopotamus: caret02:00
slonopotamussvanheulen, still useless :P02:01
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svanheulenslonopotamus: no i mean the < looking up is called a caret02:01
slonopotamusoh, k.02:01
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slonopotamusi don't have it :(02:01
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svanheulenit's in my sym menu but it won't let me type it lol02:02
slonopotamuswill exchange it for є and ї02:02
MaemohammadAGsvanheulen, do you have ukeyboard installed?02:02
SpeedEvilI'd love printable keymats somehow.02:02
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slonopotamusSpeedEvil, printable what?02:03
svanheulenMaemohammadAG: nope02:03
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SpeedEvilYou design your keymat - send your n900 off (insured) and back comes a n900 with your keymat and all nice and backlit.02:03
SpeedEvilthe keymat is the bits of the keys you touch02:03
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svanheuleni really wish <, >, { and } were on the hw keyboard02:04
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MaemohammadAGi don't need the € and &02:04
slonopotamussvanheulen, well, you have € instead :)02:04
MaemohammadAGor the £02:04
SpeedEvilAnd who uses q?02:04
MaemohammadAGseriously, it's a us device?02:04
slonopotamusSpeedEvil, quitters!02:04
MaemohammadAGwho uses the whole keyboard? :p02:05
svanheulenslonopotamus: true, and i use that all the time in the states....02:05
SpeedEvilThe engb keyboard isn't bad02:05
SpeedEvilis that the same as the US one02:05
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Untouchab1eHi all02:06
MaemohammadAGi don't want the £€ signs02:06
SpeedEvildoes the US one have poind sign?02:06
Untouchab1eSomeone in here that could help me out a bit?02:06
MaemohammadAGSpeedEvil, yes02:06
MaemohammadAGthat's what annoys me lol02:06
svanheulenMaemohammadAG: i use the whole keyboard when i smash my face on it02:06
SpeedEvilI mean the US currency - not the octothorpe. (#)02:06
slonopotamusooh! i have ¥ on symbols tab.02:06
SpeedEvilUK currency02:06
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MaemohammadAGsvanheulen, that's using your head!02:06
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MaemohammadAGSpeedEvil, us device here and £$€02:07
Untouchab1eI am finally setting up my development environment, but I find it slightly more confusing than Android (Eclipse + SDK) or WinMo (Visual Studio).. Probably because unlike those two, I can pretty much choose whatever I want..02:07
MaemohammadAGfrom left to right02:07
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Untouchab1ehowever, I have the SDK installed, and qt installed.. but a bit unsure where to go from there.. I looked at qt designer, but it seems it could only design UI?02:07
svanheulenUntouchab1e: omg, the maemo sdk is painful... i've spent the last couple days trying to figure it out02:07
* slonopotamus fails to take a photo of his n900 kb with n900 camera.02:07
Untouchab1esvanheulen: hah02:07
Untouchab1einstalling the SDK wasnt too much of a hazzle02:08
Untouchab1ebut what to do now has got me stuck for quite some time02:08
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Untouchab1eGuess you dont have a good answer? :)02:09
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svanheulensorry, nope :(02:09
MaemohammadAG my 3rd row02:09
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slonopotamusbacktick and < turned up02:10
slonopotamusMaemohammadAG, gimme them!02:10
MaemohammadAGslonopotamus, they don't work!02:11
cb22hmm remapping £ € to | and ` could be quite useful02:11
MaemohammadAGin xchat at least02:11
shinkamuisex with animals02:11
shinkamuionce you have the SDK installed02:11
Untouchab1eshinkamui: uhm..02:11
shinkamuiyou might start by getting the source from an already built app to look at02:11
shinkamuisomething you're insterested int02:12
Untouchab1ethe coding itself is not what I am struggling with.. its more like what tools to use and such..02:12
shinkamuithat will at least let you see how to build02:12
shinkamuithats why I said that02:12
Untouchab1eI have qt installed, and I have made a simple hello world app02:12
shinkamuifamiliar with debian?02:12
MaemohammadAG<shinkamui> sex with animals wtf lol02:12
Untouchab1eyes, I have used debian and ubuntu for quite some time02:12
shinkamuiMaemohammadAG, sorry, Aquateen hunger force reference02:12
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svanheulenUntouchab1e: have to gotten into scratchbox?02:13
MaemohammadAGoh lol02:13
Untouchab1ebut I am looking for something equivalent to Eclipse or Visual Studio, where you have UI designer and project solution in one02:13
shinkamuiUntouchab1e, suite, then log into the scratchbox and apt-get the source of something you want to look at02:13
Untouchab1eif that made sense02:13
shinkamuiha ha02:13
shinkamuino IDE02:13
shinkamuibut there is an eclipse plugin02:13
shinkamuithat supposedly works with the scratchbox02:13
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shinkamuieasy enough to use vim and autoconf02:14
MaemohammadAGshinkamui, Qt Designer should work02:14
* lardman|home regrets starting an Octave build so close to bedtime02:14
shinkamuiyea, I read that too, however I don't know QT, I just started learning it on the suggestion of some other denizens here02:14
MaemohammadAGshinkamui, what langs do you know?02:15
Untouchab1eYeah, i get the point with Qt Designer.. just cant seem to find any real good "getting started" guides to show me how to actually implement the UI I design and how to connect it to the app02:15
MaemohammadAGUntouchab1e, there's a guide on
MaemohammadAGi don't have the direct link atm though02:15
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shinkamuiMaemohammadAG, basic, pascal, c++, java, php, obj-c02:16
MohammadAGand what's the easiest to learn from scratch?02:17
shinkamuiobjective-c is mostly inherited knowledge with some language specifics learned, but Im in no way versed in that, just dabbled02:17
MohammadAGfor apps of course02:17
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shinkamuiasking me? of those langauges?02:17
Untouchab1eI am comfortable with java, .NET (all of them, really), C, C++02:17
Untouchab1eand php ofc02:17
shinkamuiI'd definately say java is the easiest02:18
MohammadAGi know some python (mostly pys60) and I've read 50 pages of a c++ book02:18
Untouchab1eyeah, java is a great language to start with02:18
shinkamuiof course they are all pretty closely related02:18
MohammadAGbut i just can't choose a lang to stay on02:18
shinkamuiso you learn one the others are easy to pick up02:18
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shinkamuiC++ has been my mainstay02:18
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Untouchab1eI am almost deciding to learn python though02:18
shinkamuino matter what I do, I always coming crawling back inbetwix her busom02:18
MohammadAGsvanheulen, you know python?02:18
shinkamuiUntouchab1e, me too, I really want to learn python02:19
* MohammadAG joins the group02:19
svanheulenMohammadAG: yes, it's my favorite language02:19
shinkamuiI know perl pretty well, but I hear python is the swiss army knife scripting languages02:19
MohammadAGsadly i don't have the time, school and stuff02:19
MohammadAG(school not uni)02:19
lardman|homeI'd say just start a project and you'll learn it as you go along02:19
lardman|homeis pretty easy really02:19
MohammadAGwell i did that with pys6002:20
svanheulenpython is pretty easy to pick up02:20
shinkamuithats how I learned pascal started learning objective C and now QT02:20
MohammadAGi just don't know basic python02:20
svanheulenthere's a nice tutorial on the main page02:20
Shapeshifterwhat was the name of that bluetooth sorta-replacement that nokia bought a while ago? the one with the butterfly02:20
lardman|homeMohammadAG: look at some existing code02:20
MohammadAGlardman|home, i have, many times02:21
Untouchab1eback to my original concern though.. what about ESBox?02:21
MohammadAGbut it's mostly c++02:21
Untouchab1eis that any good?02:21
MohammadAGUntouchab1e, it's part of the vmware image02:21
Untouchab1ewhat vmware image?02:21
MohammadAGthe sdk image, the one on tablets-dev02:21
lardman|homeMohammadAG: you need a project to force you to get on with it, at least that's what I always use, plus some time & frustration ;)02:22
Untouchab1eoh.. how do I start it?02:22
MohammadAGyou need to download it first02:22
MohammadAGwell you can install it on your current desktop, i'm not sure of how to do it though02:22
MohammadAGthe image is 2 GBs02:22
MohammadAGi'd say look up how to install it02:23
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Untouchab1ebut you use Esbox along with Eclipse?02:23
MohammadAGlardman|home, the time bit is what i'm missing02:23
lardman|homeMohammadAG: yeah me too atm02:23
lardman|hometime/motivation to concentrate in the evening after a long day02:24
lardman|homehe says waiting for Octave to finish at nearly half-midnight....02:24
MohammadAGi've used none, i don't know any programming languages as I was born a bit late lol, only 16 years old haha02:24
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MohammadAG@ Untouchab1e02:24
SpeedEvilumm... So?02:24
lardman|homewell python is pretty easy, and you can code on the go02:24
SpeedEvil16 means you've had at least 8 years to learn.02:24
SpeedEvilCan't have spent _all_ that time fapping.02:25
lardman|homeonly 8!?02:25
MohammadAGSpeedEvil, i was into windows then02:25
Untouchab1eReading up on the installation procedure now.. downloading the full package that includes eclipse, etc02:25
SpeedEvilCan program under windows.02:25
MohammadAGthe gui part of it02:25
SpeedEvilEven visual basic.02:25
lardman|homeI learned Basic on an IBM XT as a small child02:25
SpeedEvilHas its adherants.02:25
lardman|homeusing lever arch file manuals02:25
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svanheulenfirst programming language i learned was on my TI-80 in 6th grade haha02:26
SpeedEvilwas doing asm before 16.02:26
MohammadAGSpeedEvil, <lardman|home> only 8!?02:26
GeneralAntillesI'm amazed at the number of people who have managed to remove mp-fremantle-generic-pr.02:26
lardman|homeme too, on Psion02:26
* GeneralAntilles misses o-s-v02:26
pupnikbtw i searched several hours for any b/w lcd displays like the psion 5mx... they seem to be history02:27
* SpeedEvil deleted all the files in /lib soon after getting a linux system up.02:27
SpeedEvilpupnik: they are available - but not so comon in computer devices02:27
pupnikSpeedEvil: only low resolution02:27
pupnikat affordable prices of course02:27
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pupnikidea being having some light small display you could hook up to a tablet for ssh-style work02:28
shinkamuiis it just me or is the debian chroot just as slow as the scratchbox when running apps ;)02:28
SpeedEvilpupnik: well - yes -
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SpeedEvilLarge high-res transflective mono displays are going to be hard to find02:30
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pupniknice find SpeedEvil - that's the ticket.  but argh, price.02:32
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pupniki think it is a real market hole at the moment02:33
MohammadAGload average's high02:33
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MohammadAGaverages are*02:34
SpeedEvilpupnik: It costs not much less to make a colour LCD than a mono one. So mono is a tiny market ATM.02:35
pupnikcolour takes electricity.  lcd without backlight is sun-readable with almost no power02:36
pupnikit *is* a market hole02:36
shinkamuidood, I had no idea02:37
shinkamuithen why bother making a mono lcd02:37
shinkamuimake  a color lcd and keep the colors black and white02:37
GeneralAntillesshinkamui, not exactly the same.02:38
GeneralAntillesphr, eink != LCD02:38
SpeedEvilIt is a market hole - in principle.02:38
SpeedEvilpupnik: That doesn't mean someone will start to produce a 1280*1024 12" mono LCD.02:39
SpeedEvilpupnik: when it might take a large slice of a million to setup a production line to do it.02:39
SpeedEvilpupnik: Say you'll buy a hundred thousand of the above displays, and you could probably get them quite cheap.02:39
lardman|homee-ink is horrid02:40
SpeedEvile-ink is horrid - for some things.02:40
phrhorrid b/c it's slow?02:41
lardman|homeyeah, looks nasty02:41
lardman|homebut reads ok, afaict with only a short look ;)02:41
phric.  for static text i think it looks pretty good, but it would be awful as a dynamic display02:41
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lardman|homealso on the device I was playing with it seemed to leave shadowing02:41
lardman|homewell really those devices will have to become a lot cheaper to make it worth having one02:42
lardman|homeespecially as all the books are full price02:42
pupnikSpeedEvil: what about this "e-paper" fad.02:43
lardman|homethough if I were travelling to the moon and weight and volume were an issue, I guess it might become more reasonable02:43
pupnikmaybe it will get faster and become usable for terminals02:43
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SpeedEvilpupnik: it's not a fad. It has real advantages over LCD in principle.02:44
ds3``in principle'' heh02:45
simula_the new transparent displays are nifty :)02:45
SpeedEvilGiven at least 'dead pixels' and change speed a little better.02:45
SpeedEvilI little problem with the n900 to read stuff on.02:46
lardman|homeperhaps make the pages larger too so you don't spend so much time waiting for the transitions to happen02:46
SpeedEvilI'd prefer it if the backlight was smoother, and it responded to taps02:46
lardman|homeSpeedEvil: too small for my liking02:46
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SpeedEvilbut I'm up to about 6 meg or so read on it.02:46
SpeedEvillardman: it depends.02:47
MohammadAG<simula_> the new transparent displays are nifty :)02:48
SpeedEvillardman: have books that are moderately cheaper than paper.02:48
MohammadAGthey don't help with privacy!02:48
SpeedEvillardman: also - available sooner as pre-prints.02:48
simula_mohommadag... i want them in my car windshield :)02:48
MohammadAGHUD, nice lol02:48
xorAxAxuhm, the clock in my n900 says 13:48 even though i am in CET02:48
lardman|homeSpeedEvil: really, ok I'll take a look02:48
xorAxAxi.e. its 12 hours off02:48
xorAxAxhow can i switch the hemisphere, help! :)02:49
SpeedEvillardman: also - DRM free02:49
MohammadAGxorAxAx, check regional settings02:49
lardman|homeSpeedEvil: though I tend to buy most of mine 2nd hand for ~£3.5002:49
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MohammadAGsettings > date and time xorAxAx02:49
xorAxAxMohammadAG: is all correct02:49
xorAxAxand the time is set to sync automatically02:50
lardman|homeSpeedEvil: ah, sci-fi only02:50
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xorAxAx# date02:50
xorAxAxWed Jan 13 13:51:16 CET 201002:50
xorAxAxits not a tz issue02:50
lardman|homenot necessarily a bad thing, but I'm not on a sci-fi kick this month02:50
MohammadAGthen change it manually02:50
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SpeedEvillardman: yeah - pretty much SF/fantasy02:50
SpeedEvillardman: is an alternative.02:51
SpeedEvillardman: and then you have the sites with ten gigabytes of erotica.02:51
lardman|homeThis build has taken 1h30m or so, I really want to go to bed but daren't kill it just in case it's nearly done02:51
lardman|homeSpeedEvil: lol02:51
SpeedEvilIf you ever need any Snape/Dumbeldore slash.02:51
SpeedEvillardman: why not just go to bed?02:52
xorAxAxMohammadAG: lets see if it remains correct02:52
lardman|homebit worried about CPU temp so don't want to leave PC on overnight02:52
MohammadAGxorAxAx, if not maybe your battery's screwed02:52
xorAxAxhermes rocks02:52
SpeedEvillardman: ah02:52
xorAxAxMohammadAG: the -12h battery illness? :)02:53
MohammadAGlol xorAxAx nope, it's -4 here but it keeps the time02:53
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lardman|homeright, build just failed - curse forgetting to pass -lf2c02:54
lardman|homebut at least I can go to bed now!02:54
lardman|homenight all :)02:54
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MohammadAGnn lardman02:54
MohammadAGlate tab fail, oh well02:54
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greenflyI don't know that there are any Nokia salespeople in this channel, mostly developers02:57
greenflyso most people probably won't spend too much effort trying to sell you one02:57
phrso what was so great about canola, and does anyone use it any more?02:58
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greenflyphr: it has a higher smoke point than other vegetable oils, but people probably use it less because it's more expensive02:59
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phrtx :P02:59
shinkamuitastes worse too02:59
shinkamuiIm personally a fan of olive oil02:59
shinkamuibut you can't really preheat olive oil02:59
* simula_ votes olive oil02:59
GeneralAntillesCanola is evil.02:59
GeneralAntillesNot good for you.03:00
shinkamuianyone in here actually have a problem with their usb port03:00
shinkamuidamn forums are getting me scared03:00
simula_not me03:01
shinkamuilike I should file down my adapters and charge as infrequently as possible03:01
* simula_ scoffs03:01
redeemanwtf file down adapters?03:01
greenflyone of the points of switching to micro-usb was to have a sturdier connector, I thought03:01
SpeedEvilI am obtaining parts to make low-profile right-angle connectors.03:01
kevloralshinkamui: I think the problem with the usb port was solved in the production devices.03:02
uhsfMy biggest problem with the Nokia N900 is that Nokia are very mean to Canada and exclude us completely like they could not care less.03:02
kevloralI remember having read that in tmo.03:02
shinkamuikevloral, they SAID that in the forums too, and then showed a picture of them being identical03:02
uhsfThat does not encourage me to buy a N900.03:02
shinkamuitotal scare tactics!03:02
kevloralshinkamui: doh.03:03
greenflyuhsf: sounds like you may not want to03:03
shinkamuiuhsf: dude, buy one if you want it, don't buy one if you dont want to03:03
shinkamuiwhat are you looking for here?03:03
SpeedEvilshinkamui: It may - for example - have glue under the socket on one03:03
shinkamuiits a great device03:03
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shinkamuiSpeedEvil, the universal patch, glue!03:03
MohammadAGit indeed is a great device03:03
shinkamuiwell, I hope my N900 doesn't get too toasty running blender for an hour03:03
SpeedEvilshinkamui: Well - glue can be a valid fix sometimes.03:03
MohammadAGsome ppl gave up 3G for it03:04
shinkamuiI did03:04
shinkamuiI gave up AT&T 3g03:04
shinkamuihere in New Orleans its 7mbit too03:04
MohammadAGi'd give up at&t all in all03:04
uhsfI would like to have a N900 to replace my OpenMoko FreeRunner.03:04
shinkamuilols MohammadAG03:04
MohammadAGbut i'm not from the US03:04
shinkamuiIm using a relatively slow edge connection03:04
SpeedEviluhsf: While it's nearly as open as the FR - the software is several orders of magnitude more polished.03:04
shinkamuibut its actually bearable03:04
shinkamuiapproximately 15K/s down03:05
uhsfI do not care about 3g data because it is not available in Canada or way too much expensive.03:05
shinkamuithats fine for status updates and conversational IMs03:05
MohammadAGuhsf, then how's nokia dumping you03:05
shinkamuiget it conversation(al)03:05
uhsfMohammadAG: what do you mean?03:06
pwnguinuhsf: are they refusing to ship to canadian addresses?03:06
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shinkamuiha ha ha03:06
MohammadAGyou said nokia didn't care about canada03:06
shinkamuithats not true03:06
uhsfNokia is not selling the N900 in Canada.03:06
shinkamuiNokia doesn't care about the USA03:06
shinkamuinot Canada03:06
DocScrutinizer51SpeedEvil: heretic! ;-)03:06
shinkamuiNobody cares about Canada03:06
MohammadAGuhsf, so what? it's not here in israel too03:06
ds3anyone know if the N900 will work w/3G mode for old TMO customers or do they need to update their contract?03:07
pwnguinuhsf: frankly, its cheaper from amazon03:07
MohammadAGand it will never be here03:07
shinkamuids3 what does the phone have to do with the contract03:07
pwnguinthe only reason to want a canadian model is because you demand a french/english version03:07
MohammadAGupdate for libillumination0 now available03:07
ds3shinkamui: some carriers insist on different dataplans for different devices... I think TMO did that for the Android G1 device03:08
uhsfSo yes I would be forced to import a N900 from Norway or some place and pay a total brokerage fees, all that for no warranty, etc.03:08
shinkamuiafter relinking the APT cache, my phone always has about 20-25% free space on root03:08
MohammadAGanyways i'm off (for real this time)03:08
shinkamuithat and I relink all my extras-devel games03:08
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shinkamuids3: tmo USA is like a dirty whore03:08
mstdo we reckon I need to have enabled keyboard HID03:08
shinkamuishe'll let you put anythign in any of her holes03:08
mstbefore the n900 will evden bother pairing with one?03:08
shinkamuiyou just need tmobile internet on your plan ds303:08
shinkamuiif you want inbound traffic, get access to AP03:09
ds3shinkamui: supposely the Android phones use a different APN config03:09
shinkamuidoesn't matter, stick wiht tmobile internet and internet303:09
ds3I don't use the TMO internet profile with my plan03:09
shinkamuiand you will have unrestricted unmetered access03:09
shinkamuithen you'll want that03:09
ds3IIRC, I use as the APN03:09
shinkamuitzones only gives port 80 access03:09
shinkamuids3, internet2 is fine03:09
shinkamuino inbouat, its natted03:09
shinkamuiinbouand even03:09
shinkamuiinbound eve03:10
ds3I can't get on the other APNs03:10
shinkamuiDS3, INTERNET2 is FINE.  ITS JUST NATTED.  No inbound traffic will be allowed03:10
uhsfAre there many Nokia N900 models to choose from or just one, which works with canadian GSM SIM cards?03:10
ds3in any case, you are saying my SIM will work at 3G speeds with a N900 on TMO?03:10
ds3shinkamui: then I got it wrong... I am not nat'ed03:10
pwnguinuhsf: there's only one model. no clue if canadian GSM is different than the rest of the worlds.03:10
shinkamuids3: I believe internet2 is umts as well03:10
pwnguinerr, there's some different language programming and keyboard03:11
shinkamuionly the tzones wap gateway is edge only03:11
shinkamuiand that may have changed since I dropped my data only plan03:11
shinkamuican't hurt to try it right03:11
ds3I'm on an ancient data only plan so I donno what the rules are and apparently TMO don't know it either ;)03:11
shinkamuishouldn't matter03:11
shinkamuithe APN is all that matters03:12
shinkamuiand if your traffic is metered03:12
shinkamuibut that would be extremely old03:12
ds3nope, unlimited03:12
shinkamuithey stopped metering with unlimited data in 200503:12
shinkamuiyou shouldn't have a problem then03:12
shinkamuithe N900 works with ANY open APN03:12
shinkamuiit even works with BB.voicestream.com03:13
ds3what's do?03:13
shinkamuierr blackberry.net03:13
shinkamuithats tmobiles blackberry apn03:13
shinkamuidamn, I can't remember which it is now03:13
xorAxAxdoes anyone know how i do a sipcall from phonebook?03:14
shinkamuiyea, its, moving right along03:14
shinkamuixorAxAx, easy03:14
shinkamuiif you have sip configured, click on the number you want to call03:14
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shinkamuithen pick sip call03:14
shinkamuiactually it will be another copy of the number03:14
shinkamuithat says sip03:14
shinkamuisame with jabber/gtalk/skype03:15
ds3there is a full sip client from the factory now?03:15
shinkamuibuilt into the devices fw03:15
shinkamuiits under settings services or something like that03:15
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ds3looks like the last contention issue for me is lack of working hostmode03:15
shinkamuionly problem with skype, if your numbers aren't already in international format, it doesn't appear to be a way to prefix EVERY number with it03:15
shinkamuipretty huge blunder imo03:16
shinkamuihopefully fixed/fixable in pr1.103:16
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ds3people said the same thing about WiFi on the treo :(03:16
xorAxAxshinkamui: the point was to check a box in the config03:16
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shinkamuixorAxAx, be more specific, site examples when possible03:19
angasuleis skype on the n810 really bad, sound quality wise, or is it just my crappy connection?03:19
DocScrutinizer51shinkamui: sane contacts management won't use shortened numbers anyway03:19
shinkamuiDocScrutinizer51, I dont follow03:19
shinkamuibeing from the US, and only having US contacts, all my numbers are in (Xxx)-xxx-xxxx format03:20
shinkamuinot +1xxx-xxx-xxxx format03:20
DocScrutinizer51shinkamui: no sane user stores telnumbers in non-international format03:20
shinkamuiwell, that would explain why the world views all americans as insane03:20
angasuleshinkamui: I store my numbers in international format, even though I don't have any numbers from outside, it's just how they show up when someone calls me03:20
angasuleshinkamui: yeap, they earned it, sorry :)03:21
shinkamuinot here, this whole international thing is more of an on demand thing03:21
shinkamuiand Im not offended, Im only half american03:21
angasuleI wonder what telcos are like over there03:21
shinkamuipretty lame03:21
angasuleyou should be half-offended, then? :P03:21
shinkamuiI would be, but my american side doesn't really care about what other people think03:22
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angasuleI'm currently working for a company and the client is a very well known international telco, and it's pathetic03:22
angasulelots of tech from the 80s and probably 70s03:22
DocScrutinizer51that's main issue all the rest of the world has with USA03:22
angasulelots of employees from those days, too :P03:22
shinkamuiIt sure is03:22
angasuleas in, one of the issues we're having is with X2503:23
shinkamuijust as long as my house doesn't get bombed, I have a good job, peaceful life, and I can buy toys like the N900, Im quite ok with it03:23
angasulewe're using BCD (which recently gave some trouble, when some programs went from 2009 to 2016, that was funny :D )03:23
shinkamuiI heard about that03:23
Arkenoiwell, stupid locals here in russia had bad habit of storing phone numbers as 8-xxx-xxx-xxxx instead of +7-xxx-xxx-xxxx03:23
shinkamui2016 dated text messages03:23
angasuleshinkamui: yeap, the problem is that your lifestyle is built on top of bombing others and such :)03:24
angasuleshinkamui: that's why the US is hated, very much earned, I must say03:24
Arkenoibecause if you called from the landline 8 was "long distance" prefix03:24
Arkenoiand that was "familliar" to them03:24
shinkamuiangasule, I can only apologize for myself, and since I didn't bomb anyone, I think I have nothing more to say on the subject03:24
DocScrutinizer51shinkamui: and as long as nobody charges you for the CO2 you're emitting and can't recycle in your own country incl sea area03:24
Arkenoieven worse, early cellular network years operators provided caller id in that stupid format03:25
Pavlovis there a way to create a ovi account without a phone number or email address?03:25
angasuleArkenoi: eew03:25
Arkenoibecause the majority of people behaved that ridiculous way03:25
DocScrutinizer51shinkamui: and nobody dares to say no to any insane request your government might have to rest of the world03:25
Arkenoibut now in 2010 they are extinct03:25
DocScrutinizer51s /and/and as long as/03:26
Arkenoiand americans still behave like that? what a shame ;-)03:26
angasulewell, it was nice to see gringos going nuts over the "crisis"03:27
angasuleon both sides of the pond, I might add03:27
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shinkamuiGentlemen, Im not actually THE united states of america, you dont' have to gang up on me and hate me for things Im not doing03:29
shinkamuishit, Blame Canada03:29
shinkamuiThey're not even a real country anyway03:29
shinkamuiSouthpark movie, Im not actually serious03:29
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angasuleblame redheads!03:33
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uhsfFor accessories, I was thinking about buying a second battery and a protective case for the N900. I did not find a nice protective case yet so maybe I should just get a screen protector.03:34
xorAxAxi have the nokia case03:35
DocScrutinizer51there's a ting like nokia case for N900?03:36
uhsfxorAxAx: what is the Nokia case?03:36
DocScrutinizer51aah THE Nokia case. Notorious at US court ;-P03:37
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AndrewFBlack2well I'm not sure which one of my computers is on my main name03:39
AndrewFBlack2Stskeeps, Ping03:39
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xorAxAxuhsf: cp-12303:49
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pupnikperhaps we misapprehend where our focus should be:  to enable humans to use information devices as they wish, without central control03:53
xorAxAxi want a mute boot logo package03:56
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angasulexorAxAx: with the n810, if it was in mute when it shut down, it'll not play the sound, if I remember correctly04:03
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xorAxAxJaffa: i cannot find bounce, its only in all04:11
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uhsfxorAxAx: I think you meant CP-321. ty.04:19
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xorAxAxuhsf: hehe, indeed04:20
svanheulenanyone know if you're supposed to be able to run the UI, in the maemo 5 sdk, when your target is set to armel?04:21
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uhsfanyway I think I prefer CP-323 or CP-382 protective cases, which are made of cloth/textile instead of leather04:22
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mstwhat's the package with man in it? :(04:27
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KamuiN900i love this phone04:28
cleary_root@ed:/home/bernie# which man04:28
cleary_root@ed:/home/bernie# dpkg -S /usr/bin/man04:28
cleary_man-db: /usr/bin/man04:28
KamuiN900just need to remap tab and esc to keys04:28
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KamuiN900liks fn enter and fn backspace04:29
* mst sighs04:29
mstcleary_: no such package. evidently I'm missing a repo04:30
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cleary_mst: maybe04:30
* cleary_ doesn't have a maemo device/chroot to help :/04:31
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uhsfI would order the CP-323 protective case but it was made for the N97 and I am not sure it has the same dimensions as the N900.04:41
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uhsfI guess it would not fit.04:43
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phrso tell me something.  if i can browse the web from my phone, why can't i make voice calls from my laptop?04:45
phri.e. why is voice GSM for laptops not a common feature?04:45
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GeneralAntillesphr, because adding it to a device is an expensive, non-trivial, and (for laptops) mostly pointless operation?04:46
phrwhy expensive?  laptops already have cellular data gizmos04:46
phrit wouldn't just be a little more firmware?04:46
GeneralAntillesand a lot more FCC certification04:47
GeneralAntillesThen they have to talk to carriers04:47
GeneralAntillesIt aint just the hardware that costs. :)04:47
GeneralAntillesInfact, the hardware is, by far, the smallest part of the cost.04:47
DocScrutinizer51phr: because you will hurt your arm holding your laptop to your ear04:47
phrhuh?  if i buy some crappy chinese GSM phone from dealextreme, the phone mfgr hasn't talked to any of the US carriers04:47
phrdocscrutinizer, uh, i'd use a bluetooth headset04:47
DocScrutinizer51why? use a phone instead04:48
phrwell, i've been resisting getting an n900, and one complaint some ppl have is it's not powerful enough, so why not a laptop?04:48
GeneralAntillesphr, that's a crappy Chinese phone. :)04:49
GeneralAntillesphr, you already own a cellphone, right?04:49
phrgeneralantilles, i have a crappy finnish phone (not an n900) :)04:49
GeneralAntillesphr, if you want to make calls through your laptop to it, you're looking for BT HFP.04:49
phrwhat's HFP?04:49
phrtx.  that looks like just the bluetooth earpiece-to-handset protocol04:50
phrwhat i'm wondering is why laptop gsm dongles don't speak GSM voice04:50
GeneralAntillesphr, how many SIM cards do you have for your phone number? :)04:51
phrjust one04:51
GeneralAntillesHow many devices are you going to want to use it in with your little plan here? :)04:51
GeneralAntillesClearly you're not going to be taking your laptop with you to a party.04:51
phrwhy not?04:52
phri mean the n900 is basically a tiny laptop04:52
GeneralAntilles. . .04:52
GeneralAntillesI wont disagree with that assertion, but we seem to have changed focus here.04:52
GeneralAntillesYou wanted a laptop with GSM voice.04:52
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phri'd just use a BT earpiece for phone calls with it04:52
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phri'm thinking a small netbook sized laptop, not a 17" workstation style one04:53
phri mean there's places i wouldn't take a laptop, but i probably wouldn't take an n900 to those places either04:54
other_phr, the reason you cant use the dongles to make voice calls is there is other hardware in the phone to process that04:56
other_the networks also handle voice and data calls diferently04:56
phrwhat kind of hardware, the gsm codec?  laptops can do that in software04:56
other_that and the way the network handles call setup and handoffs etc04:57
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phrwhat i'm mainly thinking is that the size/weight of the n900 is constrained more by its handheld use than its portability/transportability04:59
phrif i give up holding it to my ear to talk on it, i don't mind if it is 2x-3x as big (just leave it in my backpack)04:59
GeneralAntillesphr, what's your end-goal here? :)04:59
GeneralAntillesYeah, but normal people do.04:59
GeneralAntillesNormal people don't want a tablet or a netbook.04:59
GeneralAntillesThey want a phone.04:59
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other_data is packet switched and voice calls are mostly not (unless you use voip)04:59
phri bet there's a lot more netbooks out there than n900-level phones04:59
phri lost interest in my n770 after getting a netbook05:00
* GeneralAntilles expects this is a fruitless argument.05:00
GeneralAntillesThere's no such thing as an "n770"05:00
GeneralAntillesGood for you, most people, however, don't want to take a laptop out drinking.05:00
phr ;)05:01
phrwell what i'm really imaginging is a sub-netbook, bigger than n900, more kindle sized, with a bigger screen and keyboard and battery, USB host ports etc05:02
phrmore serious camera like the n86's05:03
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mstwell, I have a bluetooth keyboard paired05:04
mstnow all I need to do is figure out wtf keybmap it needs05:04
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phri think most websites want more screen pixels too... my first netbook was near unusable with 480x800 or something like that.  i had to upgrade to an xga one05:05
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phrdroid sold a lot more... doesn't give number for n90005:06
phroh well.  i miss my hp 100lx...05:07
microlithphr: speaking of that, I have one right here05:08
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phrcool.  it is still unsurpassed ;)05:09
microlithI rescued it from certain doom05:09
microlitheven has a 10MB flash card05:09
phri had a 1mb cmos ram card for mine05:10
microliththe better question is when you got yours :)05:10
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phrdon't remember exactly but it was a long time ago05:11
phri got it used05:11
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jebba220.0M Jan 13 21:08 /home/user/.cache/tracker/file-meta.db      youch05:17
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go1dfishnexus one is a pretty cool piece hardware wise05:20
go1dfishnicest keyboardless phone Ive encountered05:21
go1dfishhavent seen a droid yet05:21
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phryeah, it's smaller than the 900, but the 900 seems to have the best camera of these new phones.  i dunno how many ppl care about that but there are some high-res camera apps that i'd like to write05:22
pwnguinphr: i'd just like to up the jpg quality above 7505:22
phri think it defaults to 92 or 95 or something?05:22
phri was surprised how high they had it set05:22
phrGoogle and T-Mobile Team up to Bring You Tons of ETFs"05:23
pwnguinthe etf sounds about right05:24
pwnguini was wondering where the extra money was coming from05:24
pwnguintmo earns like an extra 240 from the 2 year contract05:24
go1dfishheh yeah they will ding you something like 550 USD combined05:25
phrthey want you to get some stupendously expensive data plan with that thing05:25
phri went to the tmo store and they seemed willing to set me up with the browsing plan if i got an n900, even though the n900 can tether etc05:25
pwnguinanyone else recieve a letter from nokia's discount fullfillment?05:26
phrwazzat?  the prepaid visa card thing?05:26
phri didn't sign up... i wonder if those deals will keep going... i saw something about dell's coupon code running til 1/16 but it didn't seem to work when i tried it05:26
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phri figure that a year of any data plan costs more than the phone itself05:27
pwnguinwell i got a letter saying to please include more documentation05:27
phri hate rebates of any sort05:27
phrif i buy a 900 i think i'll just order it from adorama05:27
pwnguini liked the dell discount05:27
pwnguinand the discover discount05:27
phrapparently dell took a looooong time to ship05:27
go1dfishrebates make money by hoping you wont redeem05:27
phrand i made the mistake of asking dell for some info about their laptops once05:27
phrand they sent me tons of crap postal mail for years afterwards05:28
phrso i don't want to buy anything from them05:28
KamuiN900goldf1sh the droid is pretty decent.  not a huge fan of its membrane style keyboard, but the screen size is perfecct. auto rotation is decently fast.  android apps run pretty snappy on it.  battery life kis also ok.  but an n900 it is not. not even close.05:28
phrare the nok symbian phones even worth thinking about these days?  some of them have better cameras than the 900 but maybe not much else05:29
pwnguinphr: so you dont actually have a n900?05:29
phrpwnguin no05:29
phri have a 770 and a zaurus and a busted hp 100lx05:29
phrand a crappy asus netbook05:30
pwnguinhave you seen n900 photo quality?05:30
phrpwnguin yeah, i've been looking at some of the and other threads about it05:30
KamuiN900n97 is pretty nice if you are an enduser type user05:30
phri'm a developer, i want to write image processing apps that run on the phone05:31
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tank-mandoes the n900 have a 'usage timer' like other cell phones? (can you tell if the unit is new or used)05:31
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KamuiN900ive seen some metering apps utils05:32
phrsealed box, i hope ;)05:32
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KamuiN900you could easily write owhat you want05:32
phrthere'd have to be some kind of security module for a non-resettable usage timer05:32
tank-manyea, i was thinking no cause it is flashable05:32
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pwnguingiven that one can reflash, theres not much place to hide that05:32
phrthe usual approach is to put a smartcard chip inside the unit05:33
phrthat's how they do DRM in laptops05:33
phr"trusted platform" blecccch05:33
KamuiN900lifetime usage:?05:33
phri gather the n920 will have DRM05:33
KamuiN900yes, and an egg timer05:34
KamuiN900im looking forward to that feature05:34
hoxtonhoppertank-man: the phone app has a call timer05:34
pwnguintheres already an egg timer app05:34
phr    dual core cortex, might be nice for n920 ;)05:34
pwnguinwidget even, sits on the desktop05:34
hoxtonhopperit doesn't distinguish between calls to mobiles and calls to landlines though05:34
KamuiN900lol pwnguin twas a joke05:34
pwnguinthe only way things would be easier is if the microwave sent the message itself ;)05:34
pwnguinbluetooth microwaves!05:34
KamuiN900yes via bluetooth05:34
KamuiN900and a wifi radio that can cook the egg in its shell05:35
pwnguinand ovens. never burn a cookie again05:35
KamuiN900rinse and expose to proximity05:35
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KamuiN900warning, do not hold phone while eggtimer is in use05:35
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DocScrutinizer51ooh what an egg. and even with ears05:36
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jebbawow, so brainstorm is running on something new now? I was able to load a page and click thumbs up!05:43
* GeneralAntilles has yet to see anybody actually use a Droid.05:45
phri saw droids in the store but not in use05:45
pwnguinphr: when i look at the 'details' menu on images i took, it lists the jpeg quality at 85.505:45
phrpwnguin hmm, someone posted the config file and it was set to 95 or so.  maybe he had changed it05:45
pwnguinif theres a config file i'd be happy to find it05:46
phrlemme see if i can find it05:46
phr"Needs enabling and restarting the camera daemon. DISCLAIMER: Do NOT touch any of that stuff unless you are ready to reflash if things go south."05:49
pwnguinyea, quality is commented out at 9505:49
pwnguinim guessing the default is 85.505:49
phr"OK, I've taken pics at 80% and 99% compression.05:49
phrThe 99% one is nearly five times the file size, but I can't see much difference between them, except maybe on the kindling on the right."05:49
pwnguintheres no way thats 5 MP05:50
pwnguinplus, the scene changed =/05:51
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pwnguinphr: you say you do image processing. know where i can get a good reference campbell robson chart?05:53
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phr(1st google hit... i didn't know what that was before)05:55
phri'm not any kind of image whiz ;)05:55
pwnguinyea, i have that google search bookmarked. i figured there might be a printed version i could use05:56
phri get the impression it's hard to print05:56
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pwnguinhence the request for a professional job ;)05:56
phr  hmm05:59
pwnguinthat is a neat paper05:59
phrThe Pelli-Robson Contrast Sensitivity Chart is available world-wide from any Haag-Streit authorized dealer (e.g. Lombart Instrument). To find a dealer in your area contact:  ...05:59
phris that the same?06:00
phrno that seems to have letters06:00
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pwnguini was just thinking about ways to measure image quality reliably06:00
phri think real optical benches use aerial images, not sure how they're generated06:01
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phr  more tiffs06:02
pwnguini was doing some document capture with my phone last month before i knew what i was doing06:04
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pwnguinmost of the results were pretty bad, need to start over06:05
phrdid it work at all06:05
pwnguinyea, once i figured out the autofocus06:05
phrhow long do you have to wait between shots?06:06
pwnguinabout 2 seconds06:06
uhsfI'm still not completely sold on the N900. Maybe it will happen in the next few days.06:09
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phr2 seconds shot-to-shot isn't bad06:11
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phrfor a camera like that06:11
phruhsf the n900 is the only hi-end phone that i'm even slightly interested in, but as the saying goes, it's sort of a work in progress06:11
pwnguinprobably it could go faster if they queued 'jpgization' or stored raws06:11
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phris it possible to bypass the jpeg encoding and get the raw image?06:12
pwnguini see an imageenc option06:12
pwnguinelement = jpegenc06:12
phrwell i mean can you bypass the photo app completely and just have your app talk directly to the camera?06:12
pwnguinprobably you could replace that with some other gstreamer component06:12
pwnguinor you could write your own component and integrate with the camera app that way06:13
phris there source for the camera app?06:13
pwnguinlooks like yes06:15
phr   looks a little bit hairy06:17
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phri guess not too bad06:17
sshinobiugh, I had to reflash my n800, and I'm having trouble using flasher-3.006:17
pwnguinmaemo vi users: how do i delete a single character?06:18
infobotfrom memory, flasher is
infobotrumour has it, flashing is
phrpwnguin, not backspace ?06:18
pwnguinbackspace just moves the cursor06:18
sshinobiI hold down the USB button as I reboot the N800, and run the software. I get the error " Error claiming USB interface: Device or resource busy.06:19
sshinobiits not doing anything though.06:19
sshinobiI've already flashed the operating system, I"m trying to boot into RD mode.06:19
pwnguini swear to god i hate embedded vi06:20
GeneralAntillessshinobi, VMWare installed?06:21
phrvmware on n900??!!!06:21
GeneralAntillessshinobi, running it with root permissions?06:21
sshinobiLiveCD of Ubuntu, ran as root06:22
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sshinobiit says that the device or interface is busy.06:26
sshinobiand I have it booted into USB mode.06:26
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sshinobiso... is there an easier way to enable RD mode?06:35
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sshinobiI'm also having trouble connecting my app manager to the maemo repository06:47
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aspiditesis anyone else unable to create and send sms?06:54
aspiditesi can reply just fine but if i try to create sms's they seem to send just fine but the person doesn't receive them06:54
BirdFlewi've got no problem with sms06:54
aspiditeshmmm... ok. time to do a bit more testing06:55
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aspiditesi'm f**king retarded. the number ended in 3223 and i had 3233 :-(07:01
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t7g_So, supposedly the next update is being rolled out. Anyone have it yet?07:29
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Proteouswe just got the first update a couple of days ago...07:32
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GeneralAntillesProteous, that was PR1.0.107:34
Proteousyeah, I know07:34
GeneralAntillesAnd, holy shit, it's an actual changelog:
Proteousyeah, was just looking at that :P07:34
GeneralAntillesProteous, PR1.0.1 was mostly changes to make it easier to push PR1.107:34
ProteousI often run my mouth then look to the internets to see if I am dumb07:35
ProteousI am usualy not disapointed07:35
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Proteouswonder how they fixed this bug "alarm clock does not wake me up when battery has died"07:40
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GeneralAntillesProteous, apparently that's a requirement, believe it or not.07:40
GeneralAntillesThe idea being that the phone shuts down earlier to save a bit of battery to run an alarm later.07:41
Proteoussaves a little bit of extra juice so you aren't late for work I guess, how nice07:41
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ProteousI was hoping for a "made OVI maps into usable GPS software"07:42
Proteousbut alas07:42
GeneralAntillesIt's marginally better.07:42
GeneralAntillesThough not drastically so.07:42
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Proteousno per contact ringtones07:42
GeneralAntillesIt's moved from "OMG I'm going to shave my eyeballs out with Salad Fingers' rusty spoon" to "Meh, I wouldn't use it regularly, but it'll do in a pinch.07:43
GeneralAntillesYeah, it'll be interesting to see when that comes.07:43
Proteous"avoid false alarms in pocket"07:44
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GeneralAntilles"OMG, you left me on your desk! ohwait"07:44
Proteoussome sort of solution to the phantom vibrate problem07:44
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GeneralAntillesthe response on Talk is downright disheartening.07:47
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Proteouswhat are they saying?07:48
GeneralAntillesProteous, lot of entitlement idiocy.07:51
Proteousah, I thought you ment stuff like, 1.1 bricked my phone!!07:51
Proteousthe internets is always good for entitlement dickwads07:52
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|Rany idea how to list apps installed from extras-devel or testing ?07:58
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|Rany way to access the finland repo? ;)08:01
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ruskiexorAxAx, ?08:08
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t7g_t.m.o. down for anyone else?08:13
wiretappedHTTP 504 gateway timeout08:14
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tekojot7g_ looks like it. Reggie isn't online any more :-/08:16
prontolol, the browser seems to have crashed, i'm stuck on "Web page not responding, force window to close?   YES/NO08:17
tekojobut the site replies to a ping really fast08:17
prontoits not doing anyhitng x.x08:17
meceso how's the updating going?08:19
tekojomece the web site or what?08:20
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tekojohave I missed something?08:20
mecewell it's out.08:21
mecethat is why the website is down.08:21
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ruskie <-- lol08:21
lcuklol tekojo yeah08:22
lcukits christmas this week08:22
prontomircosoft also said the iphone wouldnt sell08:22
tekojothanks for the info :-)08:22
mecelcuk, did you update yours already?08:22
GeneralAntillestekojo, this is what I always find hilarious about Nokia updates. ;)08:22
GeneralAntillesmece, oops.08:22
lcukmece i work on fremantle, what do you think08:22
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meceGeneralAntilles, what is hilarious about it?08:23
mecelcuk, good point08:23
mecemine says I have to use NSU :( grr argh!08:23
tekojoGeneralAntilles I have to agree :-)08:23
GeneralAntillesmece, the community usually knows more about when, where, what (and faster) than most Nokians. ;)08:24
RST38hOh yeaaaaaaah08:24
lcukif you have 1.0.1 already, just try cleaning down all the stuff you arent using08:24
GeneralAntillesand we have the balls to complain about PUBLIC announcements. ;)08:24
GeneralAntillestekojo, on the subject, anyway, I'm not sure if it was Quim or somebody else, but if you happen to find out could you give the person (or persons) that put together the changelog on the wiki a very big thanks from me? ;)08:25
tekojoGeneralAntilles which page :-D08:26
RST38hGeneral: url?08:26
GeneralAntillesBugs and everything08:27
tekojoFor the bugs it's our very own bugmaster Andre and the text is *I think* Marcell08:27
RST38h"To update the software to this version you must use the Nokia software update application on your PC"08:29
RST38hanyone else getting this?08:29
meceRST38h, exactly, argh!08:29
meceI am.08:29
RST38hwhat is the story?08:29
lcukRST38h, mece try cleaning up your device first, its a big update08:29
mecelcuk, cleaning up how?08:29
lcukremove unwanted apps etc08:29
meceI already removed _wanted_ apps...08:30
rkc_i have a .install file downloaded.. how to install it?08:30
lcukthen follow instructions08:30
meceoh well. I'll do it at work. I don't have windows here.08:30
rkc_what command should i use?08:30
mecelcuk, will do I guess.08:31
ruskiehmm quite a few updates08:31
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ruskiethough I guess lucky for me nothing for mini-rc or system-scripts08:31
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tekojomece a reboot may clear some more space on the device08:31
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RST38hI do not see how anything can be cleaned up08:32
RST38hThe biggest third-party app I see is Midnight Commander, 2.2MB08:32
RST38hThe rest is optified08:32
Tonzasoh nice, mailboxes seem to work much faster after the upgrade08:33
ruskietry apt-get clean08:33
ruskiehmm appmanager or apt-get... I think I'll need to go the apt-get route...08:33
pwnguinRST38h: maybe clean out the apt-cache and whatnot08:33
GeneralAntilles45MB minimum, I think.08:34
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|RGeneralAntilles: it's adding 45MB to the root?08:35
|Ror it needs it as a buffer for the .deb?08:35
GeneralAntillesBuffer for the install, I believe.08:35
* GeneralAntilles isn't particularly clear on what, exactly, needs to fit there.08:36
Proteouscan't it buffer into the free 32 GBs on my device :)08:36
GeneralAntillesOnly that konttori quoted 45MB08:36
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GeneralAntillesProteous, debs are cached onto the eMMC.08:36
GeneralAntillesProteous, so not really sure what's up.08:36
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rkc_i have a .install file downloaded.. how to install it?08:36
|RGeneralAntilles: isn't the app manager using some sort of cache folder near MyDocs ?08:37
GeneralAntillesrkc, feed it to the application manager.08:37
|R(if you don't go the apt-get route)08:37
* RST38h is massacring his n90008:37
GeneralAntilles|R, it caches downloaded .debs to the eMMC.08:37
rkc_GeneralAntilles: how??08:37
rkc_as a new catelog?08:38
GeneralAntillesrkc_, it actually should feed directly from the browser.08:38
GeneralAntillesBut there used to be an "open" option in the menu.08:38
pwnguinRST38h: if you're tight on space, perhaps move the handshake video?08:38
GeneralAntillesRST38h, what's df reporting?08:38
cosmorkc_: try opening it from file manager. it used to work on diablo08:38
RST38hGeneral: 44MB free08:39
GeneralAntillesRST38h, huh.08:39
Mece_68Mb here08:39
rkc_cosmo: it looks like working08:39
cosmorkc_: great. normally it should open directly from browser08:40
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rkc_i am trying to install personl-menu application.. it complains about libhildondesktop0 package missing..08:40
rkc_neight i could find using apt-cache08:41
rkc_any work around?08:41
ruskiewell here goes nothing08:41
rkc_it looks like that package is obsolete08:41
|Rman i only got 33MB free08:41
pwnguinis there a feed of just the n900 tag of nokia conversations?08:42
Mece_is your oython optified?08:42
RST38hlcuk: So how much space does it need?08:43
rkc_from which repo can i get libhildondesktop008:44
lcuknot sure exactly RST38h i just recall it being a big update, and if its asking you to do it by flash still that might be your only option.08:45
microlithbugg 6334 seems to be pending for a future patch08:46
lcukbug 6334 you mean08:46
povbotBug random HW watchdog reboots (/proc/bootreason contains "32wd_to") when returning from off_mode08:46
pwnguinso this supposedly fixes the bad gmail perf?08:47
RST38hOk, installing Nokia Software Updater =(08:47
* ruskie wonders what will break on his system08:47
lcukRST38h, make a note of things which arent included in your backup procedures08:47
lcukie check that xchat saves/restores settings ?08:47
RST38hfuck that.08:48
ruskieagreed screw backups ;)08:48
RST38hI do hope the address book is backed up though08:48
tekojoRST38h what is eating your space?08:48
lcukmeh, just trying to be constructive08:48
RST38hIt is ok to back up to that 32GB flash, right? It is not being trashed?08:48
RST38htekojo: On top of the list, there is locales database08:48
|Roh wait, disabling a bunch of repo gave me 48.5MB :D08:48
RST38htekojo: 19MB08:49
GeneralAntillesRST38h, yes, it wont touch the eMMC.08:49
RST38h|R: Really? Interesting08:49
|RRST38h: yeah... like 15.5MB by disabling OVI, testing, extras and deleting a double of ovi i had (oh and disabling fremantle tool)08:50
RST38hGoing to try that, looks like it will clean up /var08:50
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pwnguintheres a neat debian tool called dpigs08:50
tekojooh, that's low08:50
pwnguinperhaps it could be modfied to consider only a specific FS08:50
* |R install debian-goodies to see what dpigs is :)08:51
RST38hAnyone knows how I clean /var/dpkg/info?08:51
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RST38hCan I just delete stuff there?08:51
pwnguinis debian-goodies on n900?08:51
|Rpwnguin: don't think so, on my home debian only i guess hehe08:51
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pwnguinoh, you got my hopes up =(08:51
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ruskieok.. ran a backup and scped it to my home system08:52
ruskienow to wait for the dist-upgrade to finish08:52
pwnguindpigs is just a 100 line perl script08:53
* |R is pissed is has to go to sleep and wait for tomorrow morning to get the update :P08:53
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GeneralAntillesThis staggered rollout shit is obnoxious.08:54
mattiksiis there some sort of bug in the registeration08:54
Mece_if it is space that is the problem, it requires more than 68Mb rootfs08:55
mattiksiit says That username already exists.08:55
mattiksiWarning: eregi() [function.eregi]: REG_BADRPT in /usr/local/gforge_v4_5_20/www/account/register.php on line 7408:55
mattiksiand i checked there is no such user08:55
mattiksiatleast the search won't find any..08:55
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|Rhow do you backup ? just the system backup of user data?08:57
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pwnguinlol, dpigs is like 80 percent filler08:57
mece1finally at office. drive-ircing is difficult.08:57
mece1RST38h, how much space have you got now?08:58
ruskie|R, I just ran the backup app... whatever it does it's enough for my needs for a recovery backup08:58
pwnguin11 percent comments, 20 percent GPL, and 50 percent getopts processing08:58
ruskiehmm t.m.o is back08:58
* microlith disables extras* and recovers 12MB of space08:58
|Rruskie: ok :)08:59
pwnguinsadly, dpigs just relies on a reported Installed-size field08:59
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RST38hPR1.1 is NOT available via NSU08:59
RST38hHello, Quim08:59
|RNSU = firmware files ?09:00
qgilfinally, I'm trying for the first time
RST38hNokia Software Updater09:00
lcukmorning qgil, or should we say santa clause :D nice week for updates and announcements!09:00
|Rhehe :)09:00
ruskieRST38h, tried through the appmanager yet?09:00
RST38hSo, I cannot update on the device (60MB of / is not enough) and I cannot update via NSU (no update available)09:00
mnibtw 'll get my device tomorrrow. Is it just best to flash the new firmware into it or should I use ssu?09:01
qgilRST38h: what time is it where do you live?09:01
ruskieRST38h, and you did run apt-get clean as well ?09:01
RST38hqgil: 10:0109:01
mece1RST38h, maybe it's something else, other than space.09:01
mece1qgil, 9:01 here.09:01
|RRST38h: seriously, 60MB not enough ?09:01
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RST38h|R: How do I know? App manager says no09:01
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|Rwell i mean, nobody is reporting such high level of free space...09:02
|Reveryone seems to be around 4509:02
qgilRST38h: time for relax, then  ;)  NSU will come perhaps in 1h or so09:02
ruskie|R how about 180MB on / :)09:02
|Rhaha, well, you cheated i guess :P09:02
* RST38h sighs09:02
mece1|R, I have 69Mb free now, and it still says the same.09:02
ruskie|R, repartitioned yeah :)09:02
|Rruskie: lot of trouble?09:02
mece1qgil, is the app manager update also dependent on time somehow? I'm in Finland here.09:02
ruskiesee there :)09:03
|Rthnks :)09:03
ruskiethough this is the first major update and I'll need to fixup some things I guess again09:03
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ruskienot to mention my remove list is huge so there's a lot of stuff that was also removed09:04
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|Rruskie: saved a lot with the language removed?09:05
qgilmece1: for what I know the image will be available for everybody at the same time09:05
ruskiecan't remove those easily09:05
mece1qgil, ok.09:05
ruskieor to be precise it'll try to remove the mp- meta package09:05
|Rruskie: dpkg --force-all --purge ? :P09:05
ruskiebut I removed that one since I removed mediaplayer09:05
ruskieI'm actually working on a solution for that09:06
|Rhehe ok, you did remove everyting :P09:06
ruskie|R, and I need to use apt-get dist-upgrade which iirc isn't recommended for upgrades09:06
mece1RST38h, I'm thinking it something other than space..09:07
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* RST38h sighs again and goes to work.09:08
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qgil is cool09:09
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sgbirchMy n900 is still not picking up the small firmware upgrade (UK), is this a common problem?09:13
sgbirchUsing a regular browser on a PC I see:09:14
sgbirchYou don't have permission to access "" on this server09:14
sgbirchseems odd09:14
ruskiesgbirch, of course you don't09:14
cb22looks like the big update is availability is determined by which akamai server your country gets handed09:14
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sgbirchruskie: why not?09:14
ruskiehmm running ssh server+xmms2+openvpn and running a dist-upgrade on my device09:14
GeneralAntillessgbirch, did you remove mp-fremantle-generic-pr?09:14
ruskiesgbirch, because it's protected and iirc isn't it https ???09:15
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sgbirchruskie: That was an https request in firefox09:15
|Rfirmware is out on NSU09:15
|R <- well, if that is the NSU :P09:15
sgbirchGeneralAntilles: Not as far as I know, but I had to do "Restore Applications" at one point, cant remember why09:16
|Rwhat's the diff between global and the others?09:16
sgbirchhildon-application-manager.list looks like this:09:16
melmothDoes NSU means apt-get update without having to reflash ?09:16
sgbirchdeb ./09:16
sgbirchdeb ./09:16
sgbirchdeb fremantle free non-free09:16
sgbirchdeb chinook release09:16
sgbirchdeb fremantle free non-free09:16
sgbirchdeb ./09:16
sgbirchIs that correct?09:16
ruskiesgbirch, stop spaming09:16
melmothor in other words, will i have to reflash to get the new update or may i use the software manager in the device to do so ?09:16
GeneralAntillessgbirch, have you been messing around with apt-get?09:17
ruskiemelmoth, of course you can09:17
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GeneralAntillesmelmoth, NSU is just flasher with a Windows UI.09:17
melmothruskie: cool; some messgae frome qgil on internettablettalk made me doubt this09:17
sgbirchGeneralAntilles: no, I dont think so09:17
ruskiemelmoth, well the issue is free space on / apparently09:17
sgbirchGeneralAntilles: I was thinking of doing apt-get upgrade at one point but was scared off by postings in maemo.org09:17
sgbirchdid and apt-get update09:18
melmothAhhh, ok, this may be the reason i was confused, i was assuming NSU meant apt-get update09:18
GeneralAntillessgbirch, it's a potential recipe for disaster with the wrong repos.09:18
melmothand qim was talking about NSU.09:18
sgbirchGeneralAntilles: is my list of repos correct (sorry if ruskie called it spam)09:18
|RNSU = windows... no wonder no one gets it ;P09:18
ruskiehence why I disabled all other repos but the two official ones when I did a dist-upgrade09:18
Slasherihmm, is that possible to use linux instead of windows to install the update?09:19
sgbirchruskie: is apt now ok for use?09:19
ruskiesgbirch, no clue09:19
ruskieI don't have much choice as my system is rather modified09:19
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sgbirchAt the bottom of that is a note saying that trhey are moving to apt-get09:20
ruskielast I heard it is infact better to use apt then red pill mode though09:20
sgbirchruskie: can you look at my set of links from sources.list.d, are they correct?09:20
infobotsgbirch meant: ruskie: can you look at my set of sources from sources.list.d, are they correct?09:20
sgbirchGeneralAntilles: any ideas?09:21
GeneralAntillesErm, the firmware is 51-1?09:21
ruskiesgbirch, not at the moment09:21
GeneralAntillesSo, um, what did I just spend 3 weeks testing and filing bugs for, exactly?09:22
mece1So, in theory, I could use apr-get dist-upgrade instead of app manager?09:22
mece1apt-get even09:22
GeneralAntillessgbirch, apt-get install mp-fremantle-generic-pr09:22
sgbirchGeneralAntilles: ok09:22
mece1Il try that before nsu..09:23
sgbirchGeneralAntilles: E: Couldn't find package mp-fremantle-generic-pr09:23
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sgbirchGeneralAntilles: I suspect my repos are not correct but cant find the docs telling me what they should be09:24
GeneralAntillessgbirch, hrm, that's really weird.09:24
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ruskienote: do not do this over a ssh connection that you are connected to over cell since apparently cell connection is lost during update09:24
GeneralAntillessgbirch, I've only got 44-1 and 51-1 here.09:25
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GeneralAntillessgbirch, get somebody with 42-11 to dump /etc/sources.list.d/hildon-application-manager.list09:25
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GeneralAntillesMy line 2 ends in /mr0 ./ rather than /203 ./09:25
GeneralAntillessgbirch, not sure what it is in 44-1109:26
tekojosgbirch maybe danielwilms can help out09:26
sgbirchGeneralAntilles: hmm09:26
qgilI guess you know already but the global, USA and MENA images are in the usual place now09:26
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GeneralAntillesqgil, 51-1 is actually 51-1?09:27
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|RTop5 popular tags: 1 #haiti 2 #innovaatiojuna 3 #Nowplaying 4 #fail 5 #n900 (New) http://scandinavia.twirus.com09:27
sgbirchcan anyone here dump /etc/sources.list.d/hildon-application-manager.list on 42.1109:27
rlinfatiwhy the 51-1 update say me i need a nokia system update ????09:27
Jaffamorning, all09:27
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sgbirchGeneralAntilles: I am getting close to flashing the unit ... but that seems ott09:27
sgbirchGeneralAntilles: One thing, I travel between here and the US and have a SIMM in both locals09:28
sgbirchGeneralAntilles: Each time I cross the pond and change the SIMM it does a "where are you" startup09:28
sgbirchGeneralAntilles: I wonder if that affects the repo list09:28
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qgilGeneralAntilles: why shouldn't?09:29
GeneralAntillesqgil, mostly because of this list:
slonopotamus51-1 update09:30
slonopotamusany breakages yet? :)09:30
qgilGeneralAntilles: sorry, what is this list supposed to be?09:30
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GeneralAntillesqgil, bugs filed against 51-1.09:30
ColdFyreooh i didnt know there was a 51-109:30
ColdFyrei'm tempted to try it09:31
ColdFyreas long as it does not randomly reboot like 42-1109:31
qgilGeneralAntilles: don't know the details but I guess at some point you need to go out - of course the Fremantle program is working on the next one09:32
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slonopotamuslooks like they replaced everything :)09:33
ColdFyreslonopotamus:  you tried it?09:33
slonopotamusit wants to pull qt09:33
slonopotamusColdFyre, not yet09:33
GeneralAntillesqgil, well, it just kinda makes me wonder what the point of the beta testing was.09:33
ColdFyrei am going to flash, but i'm a bit skurred, i never flashed my n900 before..09:35
qgilGeneralAntilles: to see if there was something bad enough to delay?09:36
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JaffaxorAxAx: re Bounce, in Catorise v0.0.2 it should be in "Ovi"09:38
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GeneralAntillesJaffa, need to hunt down the guy who did the cat icons for an Ovi icon.09:39
Jaffaqgil: is there an announcement to prevent tmo going into ridiculous meltdown with incessant one-liners saying "It's not available in $PLACE yet"09:39
JaffaGeneralAntilles: there's also a "Maemo" one, btw09:39
GeneralAntillesJaffa, yes, they're ignoring it.09:40
sgbirchGeneralAntilles: Where are the docs describing changes in each maemo release for N900?09:40
GeneralAntillesJaffa, what's in "Maemo"?09:41
mece1apt-get install mp-fremantle-generic-pr09:41
mece1is working...09:41
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JaffaGeneralAntilles: Nothing from Catorise, but there is an icon for it in the HAM themes09:42
mece1RST38h, ping09:42
GeneralAntillesJaffa, ah, interesting.09:42
* slonopotamus starts updating to pr1.109:42
* ifreq follows09:43
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qgilJaffa: I believe we have done our homework telling to people that the SSU is a staggering process both in the wiki page and the first post of the Talk thread09:43
JaffaGilly: great wiki page btw09:43
infobotJaffa meant: qgil: great wiki page btw09:43
Jaffaqgil: yeah, just seen. good stuff.09:43
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JaffaCan't believe there are over 11 pages on the tmo thread in the last 2.5 hours. Any useful/interesting content? ;)09:44
ifreqdoubt it09:44
ruskieJaffa, pr1.1 release?09:44
lcukjaffa, summary   "w00t"09:45
ruskiewith all the is it safe, I'll wait, it broke etc... comments ;)09:45
GeneralAntillesJaffa, oh, nevermind, icon loading fail.09:45
GeneralAntillesHow do we get new icons to load without the icon cache?09:45
GeneralAntillesJaffa, no.09:45
konttori_nokiaah, nice, pr1.1 is out09:45
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zaheermmine says it requires nsu09:46
ruskieupgrade still running here(dist-upgrade that is ;)09:46
zaheermqgil, wiki page is very informative, thanks09:47
koala_manso when the N900 crashes and you get a faint "Nokia" on the screen and the gui starts up again, what is that? X restarting? soft reboot?09:47
threshwhat do i use to sync n900 calendar, contacts etc on linux ?09:47
ifreqpen and paper09:48
threshthat's so 20th century09:48
ruskieI just hope nothing will auto restart the device though while updating... I tane update mechanisms that do that09:48
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konttori_nokiazaheerm, you have some conflicting package installation on your device09:51
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sshinobiso... I've got my N800 hooked up to my linux box, and booted into USB mode, and I'm trying to enable RD mode with flasher-3.0, and the CLI is coming back with "Error claiming USB interface: Device or resource busy." Any help?09:52
mece1konttori_nokia, thanks for the info on the packages. Wasn't sure what the problem was09:52
konttori_nokiamece1, if you see a package that conflicts, it would probably make a lot of sense to notify the developer09:52
cosmosshinobi: turn the n800 off09:53
mece1konttori_nokia, well i guess I do but I have no idea which one it is.09:53
sshinobiworking on it09:54
mece1konttori_nokia, going with apt-get instead. moved apt cache under MyDocs so the debs would fit.09:54
sshinobiand off.09:54
cosmosshinobi: run the command (as root) and then turn on the device09:55
cosmojust like when flashing09:55
sshinobialright, let me try09:55
sshinobistill same error.09:56
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sshinobiI turned it off, ran the command, and turned it on into USB mode.09:56
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Jaffaoh, tmo, how you entertain us, "where's universal portrait and MMS?"09:57
Stskeepsi don't think mms was ever announced09:57
ruskieI'm very happy with no mms and no universal portrait09:58
ruskiethat really bugged me on the n9509:58
ruskiehad apps randomly flipping on the side or even upside down09:58
sshinobidid it again, still nothing.09:58
mece1ruskie, mms bugged you?09:58
ruskiemece1, the fact that it was a useless feature :)09:58
ruskiethe one time I tried using it the phone shat itself09:58
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siriusnovanew Firmware Update09:59
siriusnovaso whats new09:59
siriusnovain the firmware09:59
siriusnovafor those that have installed already09:59
ruskiestill installing09:59
ruskieand have been so for the last 30 minutes09:59
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cehtehs 1.1 out?10:00
cosmoanyone know how much free space 1.1 ota update requires?10:00
sshinobishould I try rebooting, cosmo?10:00
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ruskie60 or so mb iirc10:00
ruskiethough some seem to do it with less10:01
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cosmosshinobi: dunno.. sounds really weird. try checking the flashing wiki page10:01
konttori_nokiabrowser works in portrait if you press shift+crtl+o10:01
konttori_nokiajust to let those know who want browser portrait10:02
sshinobiI ran into this problem before, but I forget what I did to fix it.10:02
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Jaffasiriusnova: full changelog on the wiki10:04
ruskiewould be nice if updates were more rolling than a huge pile of things at the same time10:06
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ruskiebut I guess that loses PR value10:06
qgilkonttori_nokia: hi there  :)  I have updated trying to reflect the reasons why a user would be asked to conect the device to PC instead of OTA, please help completing10:06
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tigertheya quim10:07
zaheermkonttori_nokia, how can i detect what packages are conflicting?10:07
Jaffasiriusnova: changelog is at
siriusnovasweet thanks10:08
* Stskeeps gets out his morning coffee and starts digging into PR1.1 contents10:08
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zaheermqgil, aah saw your added info on wiki pointing to konttori_nokia's talk entry, thx10:09
avsruskie, a consumer cellular device has to go through a significant number of vertifications and qualifications, and this would potentially cause issues with new small changes being shipped all the time10:09
konttori_nokiaqgil, will do10:09
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ruskieavs, for things like application updates???10:10
qgilzaheerm: yeah, I encourage anybody with a good clue to add in the wiki page links to good ansers to FAQ - konttori_nokia thanks!10:11
Wolfiethe maemo update summary is pretty nondescriptive on what the update is doing. some sort of changelog highlights would be appreciated10:12
qgilah, you mean while updating?10:12
qgilthat would be nice, fullscreen flash of sorts like you get when installing or Ubuntu-Live10:13
avsruskie, the higher the SW is in the stack, the less probable it is that it would affect certification/qualification, but yes, there may be such effects on the very top user-facing app level, too.10:13
Wolfieqgil: no, when i select the update in the phone, it doesn't say what it's supposed to do to my phone. I understand that there's a nitty-gritty changelog online somewhere, but some kind of text, other than a generig "update for maemo" in-device would be great10:13
qgilWolfie: well, there is a Details tab...10:13
tekojomorning Stskeeps10:14
Stskeepsmorning tekojo :)10:14
qgilbut overall I agree that there is room for improvement here10:14
Wolfiealso, when doing an "update all", i need to accept, and may check the details of, only one application. Is there a way to look at the update summaries of the other applications aswell, other than just clicking each app through, canceling the individual update?10:14
Wolfieqgil: yes, and that tells me only the updated package names. qt-foo-bar-1.2.3 isn't descriptive10:15
threshhooray PR1.110:15
qgilWolfie: ? you get the info the packager maintainer decided to introduce, isn't it?10:15
qgilanyway, it's not that I have time now to  engage in this discussion  :)10:16
Wolfieqgil: only for the first one. Once i check the "i accept" and press "continue", it doesn't show any other applications, it just proceeds to download and install10:16
Wolfielike now, i install maemo update, facebook install, documents to go install, and pygtkeditor all at once, and it prompted me only with pygtkeditor's update dialogue10:17
Wolfieonce i accepted it, it just started updating everything10:17
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zaheermWolfie, you should file that bug in bugzilla10:19
* slonopotamus updated10:19
fluxhow much /-space does OTA-updating of PR1.1 require?10:19
fluxor, what's the least amount (or any amount..) of space someone has had before successfully upgrading?10:20
Wolfiezaheerm: i should. I should file the accelerometer bug aswell10:21
Slasherihmm, could i symlink /var/cache/apt/archives to /home/user to enable enough space for OTA-update?10:21
Corsacthe updater says I would need 90M10:21
zaheermWolfie, sure file all bugs you think are bugs10:21
threshhow do i properly change the DNS nameserver on n900 in console?10:21
threshi'm setting up the usb networking10:21
Wolfiezaheerm: there's just the factor of remembering, having the time, and having the inspiration ;)10:21
Slasherii have only 50M free in / after trying to remove everything non essentials10:21
zaheermWolfie, if you have it fresh in your head, you can help everyone not just yourself by filing hte bugs10:22
tigertthresh: it uses /etc/network/interfaces file10:23
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Wolfiezaheerm: point taken10:23
tigertmaybe you can specify a nameserver there?10:23
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fluxcorsac, thanks, so now I have a goal, at 31M now :)10:23
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tigertthresh: I am not sure though10:24
threshtigert: looks like a hack10:24
tigertthresh: thats where your usb networking entry is10:24
tigertat least on my tablet10:24
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threshi believe when i connect to some public WIFI service UI does not change /etc/resolv.conf10:24
threshbut alters dnsmasq configuration10:24
Corsacflux: I'm not sure that's the required space in /var/cache but...10:24
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tigertcould be10:24
tigertbut if you put the dns in /etc/resolv.conf, that at least should work?10:25
tigertbut yeah, good point10:25
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threshbut i'm looking for a clearer way10:25
threshand have no wifi networks to test here :)10:25
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tigertoh yeah10:25
tigertmy tablet has dns server of localhost10:25
tigertso yeah, its handled some other way10:25
threshyes, that points to dnsmasq10:25
konttori_nokiaqgil, I updated the talk entry a bit. Looks to me like qt-webkit and qt-phonon are the most likely culprits for the NSU message for people.10:25
fluxactually I have dpkg and apt files move to /home, but I don't think it takes that into account10:26
konttori_nokiaso, then midori would be a good candidate to remove before proceeding with ssu.10:26
konttori_nokianone of the ovi store programs block the update10:26
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fluxdoes anyone have a script handy that lists packages that consume significant space from /?10:26
Stskeepsmidori isn't qt-webkit though, just webkit?10:27
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konttori_nokiaSlasheri, 50 is enough10:27
konttori_nokiaStskeeps, oh. right. true10:27
Stskeeps(are you bundling qt-webkit on pr1.1?)10:27
Corsacflux: try disabling all extra repositories10:27
tigertthresh: theres stuff in /etc/dnsmasq.conf10:27
konttori_nokiait's not part of the release.10:27
tigertthresh: but you probably looked at that already10:27
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konttori_nokiaother qt libs, but not phonon and webkit, are part of release10:28
threshyes i did10:28
konttori_nokiapr1.2 will have all qt libs installed by default10:28
threshseems like the best solution is10:28
fluxcorsac, what would that help, as I already have dpkg and apt files off the root?10:28
Stskeepskonttori_nokia: sounds good :)10:28
threshto create /var/run/resolv.conf or similar (that is listed in that config) and send SIGHUP to dnsmasq10:28
Corsacha, no :/10:28
threshmmmm might work actually10:28
fluxkonttori_nokia, hmm, good point, I was thinking of removing all QT libs, but some of them came with the phone?10:28
konttori_nokiaflux, well, qt-core came on sales release and 1.0.110:29
fluxkonttori_nokia, only that?10:29
konttori_nokia1.1 has more qt packages included10:29
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konttori_nokia(network, gui, svg, and something else)10:30
fluxI also have libqt4-dbus libqt4-gui libqt4-network libqt4-opengl libqt4-phonon libqt4-sql libqt4-sql-sqlite libqt4-xml installed, so I suppose I could remove them before upgrade (and depending packages)10:30
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ifreqanyone tested mfe?10:30
fluxrandom sampling suggests they aren't optified either10:30
konttori_nokia(dbus, sqlite, opengl)10:30
konttori_nokiadbus and sqlite are also on the sales release as far as I remember10:31
fluxis there a list of sales release packages somewhere?10:31
konttori_nokiano there isn't10:31
fluxor, did someone just reset their device so he could do dpkg --get-selections :-)10:31
* RST38h idly wonders why the Nokia Software Updater comes as a 23.4MB installation file10:31
RST38hWhat the hell is there to fill that much space? =)10:32
swc|666yea rly10:32
swc|666disect it10:32
StskeepsRST38h: animations of how to plug in USB cable into all nokia phones? ;)10:32
Corsac-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root         1.7M Oct  9 09:57 intellisyncd10:32
threshtigert: yeah it worked :)10:32
zaheermRST38h, a solitaire game to keep you occupied while update happens? :)10:32
RST38hSts: yea, localized in 50 languages...10:32
* swc|666 wishes localepurge were an option in maemo10:33
tigertthresh: i wonder if it would work if you added an entry to dnsmasq.conf for usb010:33
threshtigert: i think so.10:33
threshnot that i use usb networking much.10:33
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tigertthen maybe temporarily hacking the resolv.conf should work10:34
threshmmm, not app manager wants some connection to be up. hmm.10:34
Corsacwhy is fiasco-flasher removed?10:35
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Corsacflasher replace it completely?10:35
Stskeepsqgil: neat, thanks!10:35
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Stskeeps is also useful for those wanting to go really in depth10:37
Corsacnice, thanks10:37
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timeless_mbp"open  in new window" finally came in handy!10:37
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threshwhat is the name of the (virtual?) package that brings new update?10:38
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timeless_mbpthresh: it isn't a virtual package10:38
threshappmanager wants some 'connection' to be active, while i do have internets via usb networking10:38
timeless_mbpit's a meta pacakge10:38
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threshso i'm trying to dist-upgrade using apt-get10:39
timeless_mbpthresh: but why not install the dummy network thing which lets you use it10:39
threshoh nice, what is it?10:39
timeless_mbpthere's a package *somewhere* for dummy networking which is designed to let you have usb networking and get icd to stop bugging you10:39
rmrfchikI wonder, in maemo 6 there will in fact 2 API sets? GTK for backward compatibility and new shine qt10:39
timeless_mbpnot sure of the name, but i'd search for 'dummy'10:39
timeless_mbprmrfchik: no10:39
threshtimeless_mbp: well that's the first thing i did.10:40
timeless_mbpgtk will be community supported10:40
rmrfchiktimeless_mbp: no compatibility?10:40
timeless_mbpwhich roughly means "if someone is stupid enough to stick gtk into a repository, they can use it"10:40
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timeless_mbpthere will probably be 3 apis: Qt, DUI, NokiaHTML10:40
rmrfchiktimeless_mbp: all applications will have to be rebuilt with qt?10:40
threshnot rebuilt but rewritten10:40
rmrfchikthis what I mean10:41
timeless_mbprmrfchik: no, but maemo6 is unlikely to _include_ gtk10:41
timeless_mbpit would probably *work* if you got gtk from a community repository10:41
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Stskeepsjust like qt in the past10:41
timeless_mbpor python :)10:41
tigertust like now you install an app and it pulls qt10:41
rmrfchikthat's mean, maemo6 isn't "upgrade" for enduser. it will be new OS10:41
tigertor python yes10:42
timeless_mbprmrfchik: did we say anything about that?10:42
timeless_mbpi don't remember us making that promise10:42
timeless_mbpi seem to recall us trying very hard *not* to make that promise10:42
rmrfchiktimeless_mbp: i'm not talking about promise.. i'm thinkging about buying n900.10:42
timeless_mbpwe have promised a number of updates to maemo510:42
timeless_mbprmrfchik: there are a number of updates to the n900 coming10:42
timeless_mbpone hopefully soon10:42
RST38hNSU still does not show any updates :((10:43
timeless_mbp(like between 1day and 4months depending on how silly management decides to be)10:43
rmrfchiki don't want to buy n900 which will be outdated in 3 month.10:43
lcuk(today, its rolling now)10:43
timeless_mbplcuk: ??10:43
* RST38h wonders if anyone managed to update to 51.1 today10:43
rmrfchikthere are no updates in n810, no new apps. all write for maemo5.10:43
lcukan update10:43
tigerttimeless_mbp: pr1.1 is out right now10:43
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Wolfiermrfchik: nokia has promised to release only one maemo phone this year. It's unlikely that it will be outdated within the two first quarters10:43
timeless_mbptigert: oh, wow10:43
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timeless_mbpok s/1day/0days/10:43
* timeless_mbp has been exploited by management10:43
asj_RST38h: I have10:44
RST38hasj: How?10:44
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Wolfiermrfchik: my personal guesstimate would be at the end of the year, just in time for the christmas rush.10:44
tigertN900 wont stop working when something else is announced..10:44
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asj_RST38h: normal way10:44
CorsacRST38h: it's currently updating10:44
lcuklol timeless thats been the same since the very first manager existed10:44
RST38hasj: And you have not got "use NSU"?10:44
RST38hCorsac: via SSU?10:44
threshso what's the name of that meta package?10:44
CorsacRST38h: and i'll be late for work because of that!10:44
asj_RST38h: no, I had 44-110:44
rmrfchikWolfie: it will be outdated by community.10:44
CorsacRST38h: yes10:44
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timeless_mbpthresh: mp-fremantle-*-pr10:45
asj_RST38h: I had to use NSU to go from 42-2 to 44-110:45
timeless_mbpor something like that10:45
rmrfchiktigert: nah...10:45
RST38hCorsac,asj: How much / space do you guys have???10:45
zaheermok managed to free up 45 MB so i can update10:45
timeless_mbpasj_: did you uninstall the meta package?10:45
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rmrfchiklooking at past, when new device/os is coming, nobody cares about prev model.10:45
Wolfiemy OTA update for the 44-1 seems to proceed very well, for those who are interested10:45
zaheermkonttori_nokia, thx for tip re: libqt4-phonon/webkit10:45
asj_RST38h: 42-1 20 megs, 44-1 70 megs, 51-1 45 megs10:45
rmrfchikunless it compatible10:45
CorsacRST38h: 60 or 70M I think10:45
Wolfieand i trust nokia's usability experts to make sure that space problems are announced _before_ the download starts10:46
timeless_mbpkonttori_nokia: did you see my complaint about the calendar color being missing?10:46
RST38hOk, so it needs 70M10:46
asj_timeless_mbp: no, I just came home to a blinking yellow update indicator10:46
asj_the only major change I saw was ovi maps10:46
Corsachmmh, I can't check now becaue it shut downs the network when updateing10:46
timeless_mbpasj_: i mean why did 44-1 not install via ssu10:46
timeless_mbpkonttori_nokia: so, open calendar10:47
timeless_mbpswitch to week view10:47
* RST38h has 61M free but SSU is not working10:47
timeless_mbptap and hold on an event and look at the event10:47
timeless_mbpwatch it disappear as you tap10:47
rmrfchik"We have new shine maemo5!... oh, sorry, we have fucked up with gtk. here is new brilliant maemo6 (pls, don't forget to dump old applications)10:47
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rmrfchikthat's bothering me10:47
Stskeepsrmrfchik: gtk apps will still work10:47
Stskeepsand they said this very very early :P10:47
RST38hrmrfchik: You should see Qt DUI framework plans10:47
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timeless_mbprmrfchik: there are plans to update maemo5 for a while10:48
RST38hrmrfchik: THAT will bother you. A lot10:48
CorsacI'm annoyed tooltips are diusplayed right to the tap10:48
timeless_mbpin fact afaiu konttori_nokia is responsible for them10:48
timeless_mbpCorsac: instead of?10:48
Corsacsince I'm right handed I tap with the right hand, so the tooltip is hidden by my hand10:48
timeless_mbpCorsac: ah, my favorite complaint10:48
Corsacit'd be nicer for me to have it displayed on the left10:48
WolfieCorsac: here here10:48
Corsacbut then it'd would bother left-handed people :)10:48
rmrfchikI looked throu and can't find roadmap. can you poke me?10:48
timeless_mbpwhenever anyone working on the 770/n800/n810/n900 does so10:48
RST38hrmrfchik: All the way down to importing document-controller-view model from Series6010:48
WolfieCorsac: above/below would be a good compromise, i guess10:48
rmrfchikStskeeps: that was my question about 2 api sets :)10:49
timeless_mbpthey say "this is designed for righties, i wonder if it'll work for lefties"10:49
timeless_mbpto which, I laugh, because as a lefty, i know it works better for us :)10:49
Stskeepsrmrfchik: heck, you can use wxWindows right now :P10:49
rmrfchiktimeless_mbp: good to hear. any urls to read plans or it insider info? ;)10:49
Corsactimeless_mbp: if *for once* something works better for lefties, I guess we can let it :)10:49
siriusnovaas long as I can watch my porn on my N90010:49
jhpI'm a lefty and it works very well.10:49
siriusnovai dont care10:49
siriusnovathe day i cant watch my porn10:49
siriusnovais the day i sell my N90010:50
Stskeepsrmrfchik: ,
timeless_mbpsiriusnova: well, that'll probably be when flash13 or something is required10:50
timeless_mbpbut wait10:50
lcukleftie rightie arguments are bad, theres so much of device thats oriented for wrong handed people.  yet its most likely lefties who come up with the ideas :D lol10:50
rmrfchikStskeeps: i don't talking about plain gtk/vxwindows. i'm talking about maemo specific api10:50
timeless_mbplast i checked, [NSFW] didn't work on the n90010:50
timeless_mbp(the flash team actually has to test that site)10:50
siriusnovai never been to youporn on my N90010:51
rmrfchikStskeeps: thanks! i was stucked on ;)10:51
Stskeepsrmrfchik: feel free to edit page in order to make it point to the actual releases10:51
lcuktimeless, extensive retesting everyday no doubt lol10:51
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timeless_mbplcuk: given that it doesn't work, i doubt they test it often10:51
rmrfchikBugzillaReports : Can't get database connection (maemobugs@ :10:51
timeless_mbponly after they've improved something10:51
threshi wonder if anything will break if i move /var/cache/apt/archives to /home/user/MyDocs/somewhere/10:52
Stskeepsrmrfchik: server migration issue probably10:52
timeless_mbpactually, should i load that site to verify it doesn't work?10:52
Stskeepsthresh: actually HAM does it like that10:52
Stskeeps.apt-archive-cache or something10:52
timeless_mbpthresh: given that ham does that as of 44-110:52
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threshhmm, i'm on 42-110:52
timeless_mbpyou're supposed to get 44-1 via SSU10:54
fluxthresh, I moved my /var/cache/apt to /home/var/cache/apt, nothing has broken so far10:55
Corsacwoot restarting10:55
timeless_mbpso, did you install the dummy network package?10:55
fluxthresh, (even 1.0.1 installed fine)10:55
threshtimeless_mbp: no i didnt10:55
timeless_mbpwhy not?10:55
threshwell wait, i was referring to 42-11 in a hostname10:55
Corsacoh, dotted boot is gone10:55
threshwhich was not probably changed10:55
Davetha-n900lol just noticed im still on irc10:55
Corsacha, rescue mode maybe10:55
LoCusFis anyone else getting size mismatches during the SDK upgrade=10:55
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povbotBug 3306: DUMMY connections not visible in Select connection dialog10:56
threshGet:1 ./ mp-fremantle-generic-pr 2.2009.51-1 [14.5kB] tada10:56
timeless_mbpthe bug is for maemo410:56
timeless_mbpbut hopefully it works10:56
timeless_mbpthresh: err, no!10:56
timeless_mbpno no no no no no no10:56
timeless_mbpdo NOT try to upgrade from 42-11 to 51-110:57
threshhow do i check which firmware i'm on?10:57
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timeless_mbpDO upgrade from 42-11 to 44-1 and then to 51-110:57
timeless_mbpsettings>about [product]10:57
Corsacthresh: settings / about10:57
threshsays 44-110:57
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threshthe hostname is still 42-11 somehow10:57
Corsacok, it booted10:57
Corsac“operating system syuccessfuly updated”10:57
cehtehmhm .. kow long is the time from production to shipping? .. the shop where i ordered will be delivered at 25th or so .. any chance that these phones then already have the new firmware *thinking*10:57
timeless_mbpCorsac: do you want better English? :)10:58
CorsacI'm french anyway10:58
cehtehwell produced in korea .. it needs at least 2 weeks shipping around the world10:58
timeless_mbpoh, so 'syuccessfully'  is your translation10:58
Corsacnot, my fingers10:58
timeless_mbpwas your device speaking french or english10:59
timeless_mbpif english, why?10:59
cehtehengrish :)10:59
* timeless_mbp will be in paris the first weekend of feb10:59
WolfieWhen I have created an alarm (say, on a sunday) to be triggered on mo,ti,we,th and fr, and let's say it's thursday morning, five minutes before the alarm should go off. I'm awake and I want to cancel the alarm. How do I do that, without deleting friday's scheduled alarm too?10:59
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Corsactimeless_mbp: because I prefer having all my IT-related stuff in english10:59
Wolfieediting and unchecking the thursday's alarm apparently didn't do the trick10:59
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Wolfie...or is this also a bug that should be reported? :)11:00
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andre__Wolfie, disable the checkbox of that alarm, and enable it 6min later?11:00
fluxa "skip next alarm"-button would be great11:00
Wolfieandre__: i need to check that, but i think i disabled the check for it, but it still went off11:00
timeless_mbpCorsac: English or Fingrish?11:00
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fluxwolfie, works for me (TM)11:01
Wolfieit was early morning, so i might've disabled the wrong day, but i'm somewhat certain that i did select the right day11:01
Wolfieokay. Probably my fault,t hen11:01
lcukWolfie, heh i generally leave it and smile as it goes off thinking yes! i beat you11:01
Wolfielcuk: hehe11:01
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zaheermwonder if ayone will implement accelerometer controlled alarm shutoff11:01
Corsactimeless_mbp: Frenglish11:01
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zaheermie throw n900 far to turn it off :)11:01
Wolfieflux: but yeah, i'm with you - a "skip next alarm" would be useful. disable/re-enable is a bit of a hack11:01
timeless_mbpWolfie: if you can reproduce this (it seems easy enough to do), please file a bug11:02
lcukzaheerm im sure if the device has a large enough decelleration the alarm will stop11:02
Wolfietimeless_mbp: will do11:02
fluxzaheerm, if (acceleration > 10 * g) { shut_off(); } ?11:02
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Wolfiemy pending bug reports are piling up :)11:02
Wolfieflux: sounds like a plugin for n900fly11:02
fluxwolfie, not to mention error prone. untick it, forget to enable it again..11:02
andre__zaheerm: if I throw the N900 through half of my room the alarm will go off anyway when crashing on the wall11:02
Wolfieflux: exactly11:02
zaheermproblem is, if it flips in the will snooze11:02
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tybolltmaemo5 update again?11:02
zashandre__: hahaha11:03
tybolltis 1.1being pushed?11:03
threshupdating atm :)11:03
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timeless_mbpWolfie: you don't get cookies for pending reports :)11:03
timeless_mbponly filed reports :)11:03
tybollt\o/ \o/ \o/11:03
Wolfietimeless_mbp: cookies!11:03
lcuktybollt, christmas week :)11:03
Wolfieyeah. I should take my coffee break to file the bugs I've discovered11:04
tybolltlcuk: :D11:04
Wolfielet me write them down into smultron...11:04
timeless_mbp# Menu command for opening the current web page or selected frame in a new browser window11:04
timeless_mbpmsgid "weba_me_open_in_new_window"11:04
timeless_mbpmsgstr "Open in new window"11:04
* timeless_mbp sighs11:04
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timeless_mbpthis is a bug from collapsing the context menu11:04
timeless_mbpdid anyone ever actually *file* a bug about open in new window?11:04
timeless_mbpit's not like the localization hint was ambiguous or anything...11:05
timeless_mbpoh good11:05
asj_timeless_mbp: 44-1 needed couldb't be ota for me11:06
timeless_mbpasj_: were you one of those people who uninstalled the product meta package?11:06
zaheermnokia logo screen had a blue progress bar for me11:07
asj_timeless_mbp: no11:07
cyndismine won't install ota either, probably because there isn't enough space for the package to download11:07
cyndis51 actually11:07
cyndiswas 44 supposed to move apt/archives onto mmc or something?11:08
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Wolfiemine did update ota, but i think it's a pretty big bug that an update smaller than 100mb can't be applied in a device coming with 32 gigs of space11:08
timeless_mbpandre__: hey, since 51-1 (?) is out, shouldn't you add it as a version to bugzilla?11:08
Wolfie(it's rebooting right now *giddy*)11:08
RST38hAnyone could update via NSU?11:08
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cyndislcuk, thanks11:09
Wolfiewow. I can use the phone as a hand warmer now. it's pretty hot :)11:09
asj_hmm, interesting, I'm AU and I got mine at 7am .fi time ;)11:09
lcukhas info, you need as much space as possible (i believe >50mb and its recommended to disable the extra repos and theres some conflicting packages which are being discovered atm)11:09
andre__timeless_mbp: hey, when I get out of my bed and a coffee, I could really do that, why not? :-)11:09
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timeless_mbpi could do it w/o getting off my couch if you like11:09
timeless_mbpi presume you're just adding, not renaming11:09
cyndisi have 60M free on root, but i did install qt-maemo5-*, gonna try removing them11:09
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asj_cyndis: I have libqt4-maemo5 (4.6) installed11:10
andre__timeless_mbp, I have my prepared list of to-do's here for updates :) and there will be a small amount of renaming involved...11:10
cyndisand 51 succeeded ota?11:10
asj_cyndis: yes11:10
cyndisok, something else then11:10
asj_cyndis: I have ...git-2010011 installed11:10
cyndismine is older11:11
ruskiewell here goes nothing11:11
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Wolfiewhee, the update works.11:12
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Wolfiexterm got a new icon, and the scrolling seems a bit more smoother now, even with an invisble shield on11:12
zaheermthe xterm icon looks worse11:13
asj_* Rename Maemo Extras to and enable by default11:13
zaheermbut hopefully i can add my email account again finally11:13
asj_that's fantastic11:13
Wolfiezaheerm: well, it's a bit clunkier perhaps, but it's much more descriptive now11:14
lcukasj_ :) indeed11:15
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timeless_mbpandre__: alright, have fun11:15
lcukmornin bilboed11:16
timeless_mbpzaheerm: fwiw, i also dislike the newer icon11:16
timeless_mbpbut oh well11:16
timeless_mbpinstall konttori_nokia 's icon set11:16
timeless_mbpit gives a less aggressive icon11:16
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timeless_mbpoddly, i think the icon we like is a windows icon :)11:17
mece1righty. everything worked out peachy with apt-get.11:17
timeless_mbpsince > is more of a dos prompt than a unix prompt11:17
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timeless_mbpmece1: please don't recommend that11:17
mece1timeless_mbp, I think the new icon is just fine.11:17
timeless_mbpas it's very easy for it to end up less than peachy11:17
asj_ooh ooh maybe I can use Imap11:18
timeless_mbpasj_: if you use gmail, might i suggest you forget about it? :)11:18
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asj_timeless_mbp: poop :(11:18
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mece1timeless_mbp, I use gmail with imap. works just fine. What's the issue with that?11:18
timeless_mbpasj_: someday MfE will work with gmail11:18
timeless_mbpmece1: your average gmail mailbox gets too big for modest11:19
timeless_mbpmodest is a solution for modestly sized mailboxes11:19
asj_timeless_mbp: nokia messaging seems useable now, about time they'll start charging for it11:19
timeless_mbpno comment.11:19
timeless_mbpmece1: seriously.11:20
asj_ -- about imap11:20
povbotBug 3762: Performance is unusable on IMAP accounts with a large number of messages in one or more folders (e.g. INBOX)11:20
timeless_mbpi mean, i say it in a way so that it can sound funny, but it's true11:20
cehteh.. but still no imap idle?11:20
fcrozatMfE works somehow with gmail. After PR1.1 update, I had to resync full but it works now11:20
timeless_mbpfcrozat: from memory MfE for google is a bit of a toss up11:20
asj_presumably it works with nuevasync.com11:20
timeless_mbpasj_: no11:21
timeless_mbpiirc we have bugs about that11:21
timeless_mbpbut you should test it11:21
asj_timeless_mbp: they list it as working, except for the part about "it syncs every folder, inclding spam"11:21
fcrozattimeless_mbp: well, it has issue if you start merging contacts. But for me, contacts and calendar sync works11:21
timeless_mbpand if it doesn't work and you can't find a public bug, you should file one11:21
mece1timeless_mbp, I have a pretty small mailbox. 2000 mails.11:21
timeless_mbpmece1: that makes you incredibly atypical11:22
tigertfcrozat: heya :)11:22
mece1timeless_mbp, I suppose :) I've been careful with my gmail. I have other boxes that get spammed.11:22
tigertfcrozat: there was an app in extras-devel that supposedly lets you select folderd to sync11:23
timeless_mbpeven the normal people i meet who use gmail have mailboxes larger than that11:23
* fcrozat needs to retest mergeing contacts when one of the contact is from google talk account. It was broken11:23
asj_nice to see such a complete change log unlike on s60 releases11:23
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fcrozattigert: when I was talking about MfE for gmail, I mean calendar and contacts. Folders (ie mail) is better handled through Nokia Messaging or IMAP ;)11:23
fcrozatand gmail doesn't support MfE for mail IIRC11:24
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pillarasj_ my thoughts exactly too11:24
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asj_fcrozat: wife just an email from nokia messaging thanking her for trialing the service11:24
tigertfcrozat: yea, i agree11:24
timeless_mbpanyone here have spanish 51-1?11:24
* timeless_mbp doesn't want to reboot11:24
* zash wonders why modest is in ubuntus repos, and why the crap it just segfaults11:25
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fcrozatasj_: it seems my nokia messaging trial is about to expire in february too. Let's hope Orange France has paid Nokia for it (since they announced an deal months ago but still nothing)11:25
timeless_mbpzash: ubuntu mobile11:25
zashtimeless_mbp: ic11:25
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* timeless_mbp grumbles11:26
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* timeless_mbp kicks something11:26
TriztFromWorkanything that should be uninstalled if upgrading to 51.1 ?11:26
* timeless_mbp can't browse es_ES/modest11:26
asj_fcrozat: they told her Optus (AU provider she uses) has a data plan just for her ;)11:26
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fcrozatasj_: I'll see. I'm supposed to have already a "email" plan on my account but who knows with ORange ;)11:27
* timeless_mbp grumbles11:27
RST38hIs it possible that OpenSSH interferes with SSU?11:27
timeless_mbpmanagement is annoying11:27
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timeless_mbpthey fix bugs, they release their fix, now i have to verify the bugs i filed publicly11:28
timeless_mbpmaking me do work...11:28
zashtimeless_mbp: damn them!11:29
pillarhmm not letting me do OTA updata for some reason..11:29
pillarsaying I should use pc suite11:29
timeless_mbppillar: how much free space do you have?11:30
ifreqanyone tested mfe with exchange 2003?11:30
fcrozatpillar: it wants to go into no network mode to upgrade. could be that..11:30
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timeless_mbpifreq: kinda hard to know11:30
timeless_mbpbut isn't there a place where the MfE owner explained which versions are supported11:31
timeless_mbpi use MfE w/ nokia's mail server11:31
RST38hAh NSU finally clicked11:31
pillarjust checked the space, probably too low since I enabled devel again, only 27,1MB in rootfs11:31
timeless_mbpbut i have no way (As an end user) to find out which version that is11:31
RST38hI guess, the magic time has come to Ireland finally11:31
timeless_mbppillar: sounds too low11:31
pillarbut would that be the message then? last update just said that there is not enough room11:31
karbashow much does it need to have in rootfs to be able to upgrade11:31
RST38hIt says 165MB not 82MB though11:31
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timeless_mbppillar: make a backup of installed applications11:31
timeless_mbpRST38h: eh?11:32
timeless_mbpNSU is a flashable image11:32
timeless_mbpthe image is always going to be about the same size11:32
timeless_mbpit isn't a delta11:32
timeless_mbpit's "say goodbye to your root file system"11:32
ifreqtimeless_mbp: 1.1 should support 2003.. but got problems with it atm.11:32
ifreqim not blind you know11:32
timeless_mbpifreq: roughly, if you have problems, file bugs, the guys who work on it do want to hear about them11:33
timeless_mbpthey're very nice :)11:33
* timeless_mbp owes them some complaints11:33
* RST38h says goodbye to his root filesystem11:33
timeless_mbp is probably my favorite bug fwiw11:33
povbotBug 7893: Alarm clock does not wake me up when battery has died.11:33
* RST38h wonders what happens when NSU applies that image to a prototype device11:33
ifreqtimeless_mbp: yeh just wanted to hear if anyone else have probs11:34
timeless_mbpRST38h: say hello to brick?11:34
Stskeepstimeless_mbp: reminds me of a windows IRC server admin that was wondering why his IRCd crashed when he turned off the machine.11:34
RST38hOh well11:34
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Mozillionagain.. h-a-m doesn't see any update but apt-get dist-upgrade on the commandline does11:36
Mozillionany ideas?11:36
timeless_mbpMozillion: do you have the meta package?11:36
timeless_mbpbecause if you don't, it won't11:36
timeless_mbpand it's your fault.11:36
ruskiewell had to reflash rootfs sadly11:36
Mozillionwell.. I only installed a few apps from extras and extra-testing.. so I am not aware of that11:36
Mozillionwhat is it called?11:36
tybolltupdate requires 98,5 MB >:)11:37
tybollt95,8 sorry :)11:37
threshrootfs                  227.9M    225.4M         0 100% /11:37
threshthis is while doing install mp-fremantle-generic-pr11:38
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RST38h /var/lib really has to be optified11:38
asj_any idea how to purge a broken .deb that won't uninstall even with dpkg --purge -r <pkg> ?11:38
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Stskeepsi really wonder about some people at times11:39
tybolltasj: done apt-get autoclean and apt-get -f install?11:39
asj_tybollt: let me try11:39
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Stskeepsogg community with pitchforks: add ogg support to nokia products! for years on end. nokia actually announces they will do so. ogg community: *sound of crickets*11:39
RST38hSts: As in "are the motherfuckers even human"? =)11:39
cosmoasj_: if the pre/postrm scripts fail, you can disable running them with some dpkg option11:40
asj_tybollt: still fails, the pre-removal script is failing and won't remove itself11:40
asj_cosmo: thank you11:40
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MohammadAGoh pr1.1 is out11:40
tybolltMohammadAG: go for it =)11:41
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RST38hSts: These will be
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mece1RST38h, did you get your phone updated?11:41
MaemohammadAGnot enough memory grrr11:42
RST38hmece: Apparently yes11:42
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Mozilliontimeless_mbp: ?11:42
MaemohammadAGhow do i move and symlink again? last time i ended up losing apt11:42
Stskeepsifreq: the typo makes it very convincing11:42
ifreqStskeeps: oh11:42
timeless_mbpMozillion: ham does updates of the maemo system by updating a single meta package11:42
timeless_mbpif you delete the meta package, it can't update it ..11:43
ifreqStskeeps: even the mfe pages on maemo wiki now says so11:43
Mozillionyes, I understand... but what is the name?11:43
ifreqbut im sure i saw 2003 mentioned on pr.1.1 notes :P11:43
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wazdhello maemo11:43
lcukhiya wazd!11:43
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* RST38h found a bug in Backup App11:44
Mozillionah.. mp-fremantle-generic-pr11:44
RST38hheya wazd11:44
Mozillionindeed.. it got deinstalled at some point...11:46
mece1MaemohammadAG, I did this: (#3 on that page)11:47
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timeless_mbpMozillion: so... how / when / why did you remove it?11:48
redwhy is a finnish news site boasting about nokia launching a big firmware update yesterday11:48
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Mozilliontimeless_mbp: well.. if I try to install it, it complains of my readline5 libs not to have the correction version.. so probably something force readline to update forcing the metapkg to be removed?11:48
Stskeepsred: PR1.0.1 and misunderstanding? :P11:48
timeless_mbpMozillion: sounds right11:49
timeless_mbpred: slow news country11:49
timeless_mbpred: but it's better than them boasting about 41-1 :)11:49
redthe newssite said that they released 1.1 :p11:49
timeless_mbperr 44-111:49
timeless_mbpred: maybe they did at 11:59pm ?11:49
smaugbefore updating to 1.1, are there any known serious bugs in it?11:49
timeless_mbpsmaug: it works better11:50
timeless_mbpthat's a bug11:50
smaugoh, that is a very serious one11:50
timeless_mbpi've been using it for a month or so now11:50
xorAxAxruskie: hmm? :)11:50
redI thought the firmware update I installed yesterday was just a minor patch and that a big one is coming :D11:50
smaugok, sounds good11:50
timeless_mbpsmaug: and 'the browser update is not in 1.1'11:50
* smaug updates11:50
timeless_mbpand 'you need to use ctrl-shift-o to trigger portrait mode support in the browser'11:50
smaugtimeless_mbp: but email client update is?11:50
tybolltred: this one today is the "big one"11:50
xorAxAxJaffa: there is no ovi category11:50
Mozillionpff.. odd.. the update needs 95MB.. I have 70MB free.. but if I look in the app manager I only got 8MB worth of apps installed11:50
timeless_mbpsmaug: has the list of fixes11:50
tybollttimeless_mbp: oh they did include protrait mode huh?11:51
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timeless_mbptybollt: see the quotes11:51
timeless_mbpit's not a user facing feature11:51
timeless_mbpbut you're free to use it if you don't mind using your fingers11:51
smaugnot too bad11:51
smaug"backup", hah11:51
tybollttimeless_mbp: I'm entirely w/ michal jerz on this one in that I can't seem to understand the necesity... but perhaps now it is there I may find a use for it... *shrug*11:52
timeless_mbpi don't know michal jerz11:52
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smaughmm, I have only 1MB 3G connection... why didn't I use my wlan11:52
redtybollt: ohh, didn't see it yet in updates11:52
redgotta refresh11:52
timeless_mbptybollt: tbh, i rarely use portrait mode11:52
timeless_mbpbut it is "shiny"11:52
MaemohammadAGafter disabling all repos i still don't have enough space11:52
tybollttimeless_mbp: exactly :D11:52
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MaemohammadAGmorning hrw11:53
timeless_mbptybollt: it gives a ui designer and a couple of engineers something to do11:53
timeless_mbpplus testers11:53
tybolltMaemohammadAG: reboot and do try apt-get autoclean and apt-get -f install11:53
hrwso today is 1.1 release?11:53
sgbirchwhat is the best way to tell if the minor patch has been installed?11:53
MaemohammadAGtybollt, already done those11:53
tybollttimeless_mbp: ;)11:53
timeless_mbphrw: so everyone claims11:54
tybolltMaemohammadAG: uninstall apps I suppose?11:54
timeless_mbpsgbirch: settings>about (product)11:54
redtybollt, timeless_mbp: I love portrait mode for using the phone while driving/doing stuff that requires one hand11:54
timeless_mbpred: you surf while driving?11:54
sgbirchtimeless_mbp: what do I look for?11:54
timeless_mbpthat's gotta be much worse than drunk driving11:54
timeless_mbpsgbirch: the version number11:54
tybolltplease people - get that into your heads11:54
sgbirchtimeless_mbp: which should be?11:54
Corsactimeless_mbp: hmhm, ctrl+shift+O doesn't do anything here11:55
hrwtimeless_mbp: will have to check then does h-a-m got fixed11:55
timeless_mbpsgbirch: what does it say?11:55
redI worked as a truck driver, driving 80km/h, interstates for hours11:55
timeless_mbpCorsac: you press it once, then close the keyboard11:55
timeless_mbpand hold the phone in portrait mode11:55
sgbirchtimeless_mbp: 1.2009.42-11.203.211:55
redI did read facebook/news from phone while driving  :p11:55
timeless_mbperr orientation11:55
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timeless_mbpsgbirch: 42-11 is sales/FCS11:55
timeless_mbp44-1 is 1.0.1/bridge11:55
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timeless_mbp51-1 is 1.1/first feature update11:56
threshdo i need to reboot after installing new mp-fremantle-generic-pr?11:56
timeless_mbpthresh: um11:56
timeless_mbpi have no idea how that's going to work11:56
timeless_mbpsince part of installing it involves the system doing magic11:56
MaemohammadAGtybollt, can't I just move the cache dir and symlink it?11:56
redtimeless_mbp: also using mediabox in portrait mode > in landscape11:56
timeless_mbpincluding changing your cellmo11:56
BabelO_morning everybody11:56
taljurfi'm trying to install the maemo sdk but i'm having a problem11:56
timeless_mbpred: we're only talking about the web browser11:56
sgbirchtimeless_mbp: what does FCS stand for?11:57
tybolltMaemohammadAG: ehr I wouldn't know11:57
redi just commented to one line, multitasking here x)11:57
ifreq <-- is this all valid data11:57
taljurfanybody knows about the sdk?11:57
ifreqgetting chaotic response is there or isnt a ex2003 support atm :P11:57
timeless_mbpFCS - Internet Acronym Server11:57
timeless_mbpFCS: Butts AAF airport (code) [United States]: File Control Systemction: First Customer Ship ... Not the acronym you meant? Try the ACE Acronym Creator ...11:57
timeless_mbp'first customer ship'11:57
timeless_mbpit isn't an acronym nokia uses11:57
threshwow, new splashscreen11:57
threshblue line :)11:57
Stskeepswell, old11:58
timeless_mbpthresh: that's an updating thing11:58
threshah, okay11:58
timeless_mbpand maemo has always had various flavors of that11:58
sgbirchtimeless_mbp: ahhh .. ok11:58
timeless_mbplight blue/blue/green11:58
threshi don't think i updated my n810 this way11:58
ColdFyrei want to disable the splash screen all together and just see the kernel messages scrolling11:58
timeless_mbpif you used the flasher, it did11:58
tybolltbut meh... now 1.1 is out ... must find something else to whine/rant about... what an anti-climax ;-)11:58
timeless_mbpColdFyre: there's a kernel package from someone that supports that11:58
threshtheni simply don't remember that then :)11:58
ColdFyrereally? where?11:58
timeless_mbptybollt: you can complain that the browser engine update isn't there :)11:58
tybollttimeless_mbp: hehe :)11:59
timeless_mbpreally. dunno.11:59
RST38hAh, the device is getting HOT11:59
timeless_mbptybollt: you were asking, right?11:59
RST38htybollt: Ah, just whine about Ovi maps and Modest11:59
RST38hThese two are eternal11:59
* tybollt complains about "the browser engine update isn't there" yet11:59
timeless_mbptybollt: you could also complain that you didn't have enough time to complain that 44-1 didn't fix your favorite pet bugs :)11:59
redwhat are GLES -apps?11:59
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timeless_mbpred: google.11:59
timeless_mbpspeaking of ovi12:00
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timeless_mbpdid it get fullscreen mode in 51-1?12:00
* timeless_mbp accidentally opens maps12:00
threshueah, updated device at least boots12:00
timeless_mbpit did12:00
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timeless_mbptap the bottom right corner12:00
BabelO_i ve a question about the maemo upgrade, it seem that the online upgrade use only system fs which can't have enough space :(12:00
Wolfieooh! Airport isn't at all choppy anymore! respect12:01
Wolfiei imagine labyrith is smooth aswell12:01
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ifreqBabelO_: did you try it?12:01
timeless_mbpyou can still complain that ovi maps eats valuable screen real estate @North12:01
threshgui looks faster and more responsive12:01
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timeless_mbpinstead of south12:01
* swc|666 solders a 1gb nand12:01
ruskieswc|666, that would certainly be nice12:01
ruskieor atleast 512mb12:01
timeless_mbpBabelO: yes, the system wants to live on the rootfs12:02
timeless_mbpBabelO: create a backup of your "application list"12:02
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CorsacColdFyre: as always, beware when installing binary blobs from random users12:02
timeless_mbpthen uninstall your third party apps12:02
timeless_mbpthen update12:02
timeless_mbpthen open backup and restore them12:02
jon1012how to know which installed apps are not optified ?12:02
jon1012to remove them ?12:02
timeless_mbpif you're lucky, you'll get everything12:02
ColdFyrehm, i am ballsy enough to build my own kernel :p12:02
pillardoes anyone know what is the minimum free space needed for the update?12:02
ColdFyreif it's jsut a matter of doing that12:02
jon1012(since I want to update but I have to free space on root partition before)12:02
timeless_mbpjon1012: i think the target is something like 80mb12:03
tybolltthat's going to get "interesting" for the service centers...12:03
timeless_mbpbut the problem is that the rootfs is compressed12:03
jon1012I only have 39 :(12:03
timeless_mbpso it's really hard to know how meaningful that number is12:03
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MaemohammadAG1069 upgraded, 5 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.12:03
RST38htybollt: actually not, as there is the NSU option12:03
timeless_mbpi'd try to get +10mb at a time and try to update12:03
BabelO_ifreq, i can't update as the upgrade 51 is 89 Mb and i never had 89 Mb on my device system root12:03
MaemohammadAGwhat's the symlink cmd12:04
tybolltRST38h: fair enough, NSU will take care of updating a device even one the user's clobbered by means of repartitioning etc?12:04
timeless_mbptybollt: yeah, service centers will at most create a backup, use their NSU flasher equivalent12:04
timeless_mbpand return the device12:04
RST38htybollt: Users who repartition know better than call service centers12:04
timeless_mbptybollt: oh, users dumb enough to do that get what they deserve12:05
tybolltI'm _not_ against hacking the device. I'm _very much_ against noobs frivolously trhashing their devices generating lots of overhead for support-people so they can't deal w/ actual problems.12:05
timeless_mbpthe software they have is fully capable of wiping out the eMMC too12:05
BabelO_timeless_mbp, yes i have to do that or download deb file, put it on /opt and start it by hand ? :)12:05
timeless_mbphowever the update doesn't do much if anything to the eMMC so it doesn't matter12:05
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tybolltfair enough12:05
RST38hAhahaha, My-Symbian guy discovers portrait mode!12:06
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tybolltand there you go a progress-bar on the nokia screen12:06
timeless_mbptybollt: since you seem aware. can you look into for me?12:06
povbotBug 6201: libnice violates Debian packaging policy for description of package "libnice0"12:06
timeless_mbpafaict it isn't fixed12:06
ruskiemy device simply didn't want to boot12:06
ruskiejust get rebooting the NOKIA logo12:06
RST38hBut of course he is still pissed as Nokia took away his red pill mode12:06
ruskietried reflashing nolo,kernel and cmt but that didn't help so in the end had to do a fell reflash12:07
RST38h <=== news to me =)12:07
timeless_mbpruskie: i hope your work was saved on another computer..12:07
ruskieI'm not deing that on the device yet :)12:07
Corsactimeless_mbp: not fixed here either12:08
ruskieand I did run the backup app before the upgrade12:08
tybollttimeless_mbp: sorry I'm not affiliated w/ the project in that regard...12:08
ruskieso I don't have any hassle with that12:08
timeless_mbpCorsac: wanna comment?12:08
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timeless_mbptybollt: affiliated here = have a device running 51-112:08
timeless_mbp claims it's fixed12:08
tybollttimeless_mbp: oh well let me try that then12:09
RST38hAh, my personal pet peeve is fixed: NO MORE EQUALISER ICON!12:09
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MaemohammadAGmoved and symlinked :D12:09
Corsactimeless_mbp: done12:09
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tybolltRST38h: yes what the hell was that icvon all about anyway?12:09
timeless_mbpRST38h: eh?!12:09
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* RST38h actually made a package to FIX the equaliser icon, but removing it completely is also ok12:09
timeless_mbpRST38h: are you sure?12:09
timeless_mbpi coulda sworn it was still there12:10
RST38htybollt: Some engineer's attempt at art12:10
tybolltit is still there12:10
timeless_mbptybollt: finnish engineers are stupid :)12:10
msancheza humble link to help those having problems with OTA update to pr1.1:
tybolltRST38h: what timeless_mbp says - it is still there12:10
timeless_mbpthe item goes to 'now playing'12:10
timeless_mbpthe idea is that an equalizer shows what is 'now playing'12:10
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timeless_mbpthe icon should have been a spinning CD or a musical note w/ a play/pause icon12:10
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timeless_mbpbut they insisted on this icon12:10
RST38htybollt: not in the applet12:10
timeless_mbpRST38h: who uses the applet?12:11
RST38htybollt: as to the player itself, we can still fix it pretty easily ;)12:11
pillarmsanchez: thank you12:11
tybolltRST38h: for me it is right there next to the battery icon in the status panel/applet/thingamajig12:11
timeless_mbpRST38h: pretty please12:11
timeless_mbpactually, wazd: pretty please12:11
RST38htybollt: Just need to talk wazd into making a new one (I am currently using the one from GNOME volume control)12:11
msanchezthe wiki is an effor to try to help people suffering the common problems (most likely due to have manually installed packages out of the AppManager)12:12
ruskiethe two things I would like to see on the N900 no matter what... uboot and an initramfs one could use to solve problems12:12
msanchezif you find something wrong or missing, please go ahead and edit it :-)12:12
tybolltand btw - since I am from sweden... No finish engineers are quite brilliant, the problem is they're drunk all the time (sorry for the lame joke). ;)12:12
* RST38h seriously considers checking out XTerm and finally fixing it12:12
RST38hThen uploading it back to garage, just to piss designated maintainer off12:12
timeless_mbpRST38h: pretty please12:13
timeless_mbpheck, i'll send you 5usd today by paypal if you do12:13
ColdFyrei wonder why that guy does not jsut post the .config12:13
RST38htimeless: it is $65/hr12:13
timeless_mbpsorry, i could do it myself12:13
timeless_mbpbut you could get 5usd from a bunch of us12:13
RST38hWhich kinda lowers chances of the above thing happening, until I run out of projects12:13
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slonopotamusbrowser doesn't go in portrait mode for me12:14
RST38hCtrl_Shift-O, no?12:14
slonopotamusdoes do anything12:14
timeless_mbpslonopotamus: you used ctrl-shift-o, closed the keyboard and held the phone in portrait orientation?12:14
CorsacColdFyre: jebba is right here if you need him :)12:14
timeless_mbpthe keyboard being open will prevent it from flipping12:15
ColdFyreahh :)12:15
slonopotamustimeless_mbp: ooooh12:15
Corsactimeless_mbp: I think the device need to be in portrait orientation before using ctrl+shift+o12:15
Corsacbut not sure12:15
timeless_mbpCorsac: remember, this is the app i actually work on12:15
RST38hslonopotamus: apparently there are now about:config settings to enable this stuff by default12:15
timeless_mbpand i've had this image running for a lot longer than you guys :)12:15
RST38hslono: Just need to catch romaxa and interrogate =)12:15
CorsacColdFyre: btw, you can just checkout the sources12:15
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rlinfatiwhat flash first? the combined image or the emmc ?12:16
Corsacconfig will be there12:16
timeless_mbpRST38h: iirc most of these are in .browser not prefs, but whatever12:16
timeless_mbprlinfati: don't flash emmc unless you want to lose all your data12:16
timeless_mbprlinfati: combined = the os12:17
ColdFyrenice! thanks12:17
timeless_mbp(and cellmo and some other bits)12:17
tybolltbesides CS+O being virtually impossible to press at the same time - it does nothing here.12:17
rlinfatitimeless_mbp, i want loss all my data.... ( /home/ and /home/user/mydocs )12:17
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CorsacColdFyre: and if you just take some time to read the page:
slonopotamustybollt: as timeless_mbp said, close kb after that and turn it in portrait orientation12:18
tybolltthere you go, cheers12:19
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timeless_mbprlinfati: well, if you really don't like your /home and /home/user/MyDocs data then go ahead and reflash eMMC12:21
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timeless_mbpbut ... you're nuts.12:21
tybolltmmmm nuts...12:21
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* DocScrutinizer51 preders snickers12:22
tybollttimeless_mbp: =D12:22
TriztFromWorkmars.... Mmmm...12:22
timeless_mbpDocScrutinizer51: =~ s/d/f/12:23
DocScrutinizer51timeless: thanx12:23
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hrwMaemo 5 51.1 uses bootsplash which looks like psplash ;D12:24
TriztFromWorkI have some apps from devel and testing installed, should I uninstall those before update?12:25
* DocScrutinizer51 wants a "DONT PANIC" replacement for shaking hands12:25
hrwTriztFromWork: I did not uninstalled anything12:25
timeless_mbpTrizt: you can try just updating12:25
timeless_mbpbut personally:12:25
timeless_mbp1. create a backup12:25
timeless_mbp2. try to update12:26
JaffaxorAxAx: In Catorise v0.0.2 there's an "Ovi" category12:26
timeless_mbp3. if update fails, uninstall stuff (first from devel, then testing if necessary)12:26
TriztFromWorkI have a backup from yesterday, so thats ok12:26
timeless_mbp4. update12:26
hrwshit.. wdgt_bd_done on start..12:26
timeless_mbp5. restore from backup12:26
rlinfatitimeless_mbp, but... what first?12:26
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timeless_mbprlinfati: if you really insist on losing your data...12:27
wazdDocScrutinizer51: simpsons did it12:27
timeless_mbphrw: you seem to be short a locale :)12:27
* tybollt cringes - date format not possible to fix - still... 12:27
timeless_mbphrw: are you using mine?12:27
pupnikty msanchez - very helpful wiki link12:27
DocScrutinizer51is there a diskimage alike way for complete backup (besides dd yesyes)12:27
hrwtimeless_mbp: no, Polish12:27
TriztFromWorkI hope that the update will fix my problem12:27
timeless_mbphrw: cute12:27
koala_manDocScrutinizer51: on the fs level?12:28
asjoI de-installed the meta-package that pulls in modest (to install my own modest package); but I didn't write down the name of the meta-package (D'oh)... Any of you know what it is?12:28
hrwDocScrutinizer51: use dd12:28
RST38handre:(in case you are around) I am closing Clear-in-xterm and ham-exhausts-rootfs bugs12:28
Corsactybollt: try to export LC_TIME at the correct place12:28
RST38hah ok closed already12:28
hrwasjo: mp-fremantle-generic-pr12:29
andre__RST38h, let me....12:29
andre__yeah :-P12:29
asjohrw: Thanks much!12:29
smaugtimeless_mbp: so how to get portrait mode?12:29
RST38handre: also close colors in ham incorrect (fixed in 44.1)12:29
hrwtimeless_mbp: I know reason probably12:29
timeless_mbp1. open keyboard12:29
DocScrutinizer51hrw: I'd like to... humm create a flashable backup, that doesn't need a working system to run dd on it12:29
timeless_mbp2. ctrl-shift-o12:29
timeless_mbp3. close keyboard12:29
RST38handre: The Modest shit I would keep in verification for now12:29
timeless_mbp4. hold phone in portrait orientation12:29
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StskeepsDocScrutinizer51: rsync -aHx / to /ext2 or 3 sd12:30
smauga bit strange12:30
slonopotamusthey fixed wifi!12:30
hrwDocScrutinizer51: dd /dev/mtdX where X is proper value12:30
tybolltCorsac: grrr no, that should not be needed. That is upsetting. I can change date format independently from language choice in any fricken nokia - but this phone... :-|12:30
StskeepsDocScrutinizer51: i think i can step you through how to make a flashable image out of that12:30
andre__RST38h: I don't have all bug numbers in my head, IDs welcome - or just do it :-)12:30
tybolltbut it's all good - now I still have a thing to rant and rave about ;-P12:30
DocScrutinizer51Stskeeps: great12:31
RST38handre: Ok, I will go through them12:31
DocScrutinizer51Stskeeps: I'll ping you later12:31
hrwtimeless_mbp: localepurge purged too much12:31
zaheer_andre__, in the bugs that got fixed with pr1.1 do you want us to confirm they are fixed or only comment if not?12:31
timeless_mbphrw: don't suggest dd12:31
timeless_mbphrw: LOL12:32
hrwtimeless_mbp: why not?12:32
timeless_mbphrw: there's a nanddump which people should use12:32
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timeless_mbpdd is going to fail 99% of the time12:32
hrwtimeless_mbp: I am upgrading sbox now which will give me locales back12:32
hrwtimeless_mbp: ah, right12:32
timeless_mbpbecause there *are* bad blocks in your average nand12:32
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tybollttimeless_mbp: nanddump? that like dump/restore specially for nand?12:32
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timeless_mbptybollt: guess so12:32
andre__zaheer_, confirmation ("verified" status) is welcome, as hopefully written already in the message when I closed as "fixed"12:32
timeless_mbpi've never personally use it12:32
timeless_mbpi just walk to the nearest nand maintainer and say "here's my dead device, please do something"12:33
timeless_mbpyour mileage may vary12:33
smaughmm, email client doesn't still work12:34
smaugor works12:34
smaugbut is still a bit slow12:34
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StskeepsDocScrutinizer51: thanks - will you promise me to document them on wiki when that is?12:35
timeless_mbpsmaug: there's a MfE group nouvasync or something12:35
DocScrutinizer51Stskeeps: sure12:35
tybolltyou still can't tell MFE to only sync inbox - what an utter and complete failure :)12:35
timeless_mbpthey supposedly work w/ us12:35
timeless_mbpyou could try them12:35
tybolltMFE is useless w/out that12:35
timeless_mbptybollt: bah12:36
timeless_mbpit's great @nokia12:36
timeless_mbpespecially w/ a 3day window12:36
StskeepsDocScrutinizer51: ta12:36
timeless_mbphow big is your mailbox as a 3 day window?12:36
tybollttimeless_mbp: no12:36
tybollttimeless_mbp: I have a mailfolder !inbox that gets mails _very often_12:37
DocScrutinizer51Stskeeps: dfu-util (OM) has -U and -D (up/download). I assume that's not the way any of the maemo flashers work12:37
tybollttimeless_mbp: I want it to dissregard that folder.12:37
tybollttimeless_mbp: so it doesn't fins updates there on every sync.12:37
StskeepsDocScrutinizer51: in this case just use flasher-3.5 -r ubi.img -f -R12:37
Stskeepsbut no, it doesn't support download12:37
Stskeepswhich kinda sucks12:38
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DocScrutinizer51Stskeeps: ack12:39
pupnikIn microb, often when i "open in new window", i get the same page i was on.12:39
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ifreqmfe +2003 works ok now. confirmed.12:43
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timeless_mbppupnik: that's what open in new window is supposed to do12:44
timeless_mbpit didn't say open _link_ in new window12:44
timeless_mbp(see the bug i just filed on the subject)12:44
timeless_mbpit's only supposed to appear if a page is a <frame> or <iframe> not in general12:44
lardmanso is PR1.0.1 just a stepping stone to allow the installation of PR 1.1? I.e. by changing the kernel to allow variable ubifs compression, etc?12:44
timeless_mbplardman: yes12:45
pupnikah so i missed the link  thanks timeless_mbp12:45
timeless_mbpwe've been trying to tell people that for a while12:45
timeless_mbppupnik: it's ok, no one got around to filing a bug about that12:45
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timeless_mbp(until today)12:45
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pupnikPer.. :(12:46
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w00thmm. anyone in the UK gotten 1.1 yet? I'm not seeing anything available even after jumping through odd hoops12:47
ifrequpdated appmanager?12:47
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w00tto put it another way, i'm not seeing any updates :P12:48
TheAppleManw00t: me neither12:48
ifreqthen wait12:48
w00ti'm perfectly capable of waiting, my question was as to whether anyone else in the UK has seen it, not why I am not seeing it12:49
xorAxAxJaffa: i hjave 0.0.2 but no ovi category. perhaps because i used apt-get install?12:49
lardmantimeless: ok, thanks12:49
Gadgetoid_mbpNo sign of 1.1 for me (UK)12:50
lardmanPython gurus, anyone compiled numpy?12:50
w00tGadgetoid_mbp: ta12:50
lardmanGadgetoid_mbp: is not 1.1, is 1.0.112:50
w00tI'll assume peter was wrong then12:50
w00tlardman: er..12:50
lardmanoh I see, and I take it back12:51
lardmanhmm, I wonder if they have fixed the Qt problems now then.....12:51
lardmanhmm, nice a Changelog :)12:52
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threshwhat is "Fast SMS rejection of incoming call" ?12:52
mece1sounds like the option to send a quick sms when you can't answer.12:53
mece1do we have that now?12:53
lardmanis there anyone here who has upgraded to PR1.1 then, and not the pre-release people?12:53
lardmanI'd like to see what repos are enabled12:53
mece1I have12:53
ifreqlardman: yes12:54
mece1same as with 1.0.112:54
Lynourehmm "Downloading Maemo 5 failed" without any details12:54
fluxfor some curious reason the upgrade doesn't appear in the software manager, although it does seem to be accessible via apt-get12:54
mece1Lynoure, how helpful12:54
Lynourefeels a bit windowsy, that :/12:54
RST38hHehe, China bans IMDB!12:54
Slasherijust upgrading with apt-get dist-upgrade, app manager didn't allow to do that12:54
fluxwill I be in a world of pain if I apt-get dist-upgrade it?12:54
RST38hSeems to be in full anal defense mode too12:55
pillaryeah, finally got it upgrading OTA - don't know what it was that I uninstalled that finally did it12:55
hrwflux: mp-fremantle-generic-pr uninstalled?12:55
lardmanif you end up in one, no-one will throw you a lifering12:55
mece1It felt safer to just do apt-get install mp-fremantle-generic-pr12:55
fluxhrw, indeed it is. so that's the issue?12:55
Slasheriflux: so far it's working great.. the upgrade should be complete soon12:55
fluxI suppose I may have removed its dependency when making more space12:55
LynoureI suspect that it tries to download to root partition and runs out of space...12:55
mece1Lynoure, did you use apt?12:55
mece1app manager does not download to root afaik.12:56
Lynouremece1: no, the app manager12:56
Lynouremece1: with apt I would not be running blind...12:56
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Slasheriheh.. W: Bizarre Error12:57
Slasheriand no space left on device12:57
Slasheriapt-get dist-upgrade is not a good idea12:57
Stskeepsyou people should use app manager for SSU's12:58
fluxslasheri, I take it you didn't take precautions on the apt-cache space?12:58
Slasheriflux: i put the apt-cache in /home/user12:58
w00twhat Stskeeps said12:58
fluxslasheri, interesting :)12:58
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fluxslasheri, so your / is now 0 bytes free?12:58
msanchezSlasheri: apt-get dist-upgrade is not a good idea12:58
fluxslasheri, how much did you have to begin with?12:58
msanchezyou're right. That's the (only supported) way12:59
Slasheriflux: about 50M12:59
msanchezperforming SSU out of the HAM is not guaranteed to work fine12:59
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Slasheriabout 6M still free but some packages and the upgrade sequence failed12:59
Slasheritrying to figure out what used the space12:59
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mece1Slasher, try -f12:59
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msanchezmoreover, HAM takes care of some extra checks and tasks to ensure SSU is smoothly installed (such as turning the online mode off)13:00
Slasherimsanchez: ok, trying that13:00
mece1perhaps the conflicting packages are taking to much space13:00
mece1am I mece1?13:00
fluxI'd love to use the app manager if it just showed the darn update, just like apt does :)13:00
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msanchezand in case something went wrong during the middle of the installation, using HAM you make sure the device will rescue itself during the next boot13:00
Lynoureflux: or if it told me why the download fails.13:01
tghm, shall i try the upgrade if i only have 35M free on / ?13:01
msanchezso using apt-get you're exposed to harsh solutions if something goes bad13:01
fluxlynoure, well, it doesn't even give me any suggestion to download13:01
Slasherimece: had to run dpkg --configure -a first13:01
fluxlynoure, as if no upgrades are available, whereas apt-get shows that there are13:01
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msancheztake a look at before considering using any other way to update the device ;-)13:02
Lynoureflux: even after reconnecting to network or device restart?13:02
meceSlasheri, interesting. I didn't do anything complicated. Just outsourced apt cache to MyDocs and then apt-get install mp-fremantle-generic-pr13:02
mecebut I had 68Mb free in rootfs13:02
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fluxlynoure, well, I restarted the device after an hour ago and it's online alright. and apt-get shows it!13:02
msanchezbtw, changing the APT cache from one place to the other could be troublesome in case the rescue mode needed to be executed13:02
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Slasherimece: interesting.. well, i could destroy the icon cache at least to free up something13:02
fluxmece, perhaps I'll try that then, as I have 69M free13:02
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dimitris82zhi all13:03
fluxmsanchez, but didn't the upgrade use some non-default apt directory anyway?13:03
meceactually now that you mention it, it jammed on 99% on downloads, so I ran the command again, it downloaded one last library that apparently timed out, and then installed.13:03
konttori_nokiaLynoure, just try the update again.13:03
mecethen I manually rebooted and viola.13:03
konttori_nokiathe dialog is not very informative, I agree.13:03
meceflux, well I still recommend ham if you get it working.13:03
msanchezflux: yes, but apart from that HAM keeps track of the directory used in a log file, and that log file is checked out by the rescue mode to find the deb packages to rescue from in case it was needed13:04
dimitris82zthere is a maemo update right now 55.1 ,if i will update i will loose all my email accounts and other settings ?13:04
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meceI was impatient and the conflicting packages were not discovered yet at that time.13:04
mecedimitris82z, no.13:04
dimitris82zmece, thnx :D13:04
msanchezyou in case you haven't used HAM for the upgrade and the rescue mode needed to be triggered, you migh find fancy situation :-)13:04
hrwcan someone send me /usr/share/locale/pl*/ dirs?13:04
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hrwsbox do not updates fully yet ;(13:05
msanchezmoreover, you should take care of extra things HAM already does before the upgrade, such as setting the phone in offline mode or closing a lot of processes and apps13:05
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msanchezso I can't do anything else than strongly discourage anyone from using another method than HAM or NSU/flashed13:05
Lynourekonttori_nokia: Maybe 3rd time will be a charm13:06
JaffaxorAxAx: So, you have 0.0.2, and Bounce doesn't appear anywhere apart from "All"? Can you send me /etc/xdg/menus/ and /opt/catorise/menu please?13:06
dimitris82zmece, have they add missed calls list13:06
tybolltmsanchez: why? OTA worked perfecly here13:06
konttori_nokiasure. the https stack that HAM is using in the download is not exactly rock stable.13:06
msanchezI'm not saying it won't work, just that it's not supported and that could fail13:06
konttori_nokia(HAM == hildon application manager)13:06
msanchezbut most important thing is that it doesn't guarantee nothing... although of course it could work, I don't say the contrary13:06
Lynoure"Downloading 14kB" but not really started with getting that.13:07
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tybolltkonttori_nokia: is HAM just wrapping apt or does it do some magic of its own?13:07
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msancheztybollt: both things13:07
Lynourekonttori_nokia: failed again :/13:07
konttori_nokianoo.... how much dl do you have left?13:08
mecedimitris82z, not that I can see.13:08
konttori_nokiadid it proceed at all?13:08
msanchezHAM wraps apt and offers just a subset of its full power... and on top of that HAM also does some magic on its own, specially when it comes to the SSU package13:08
Lynourekonttori_nokia: the 14kb, now.13:08
infobotLynoure meant: konttori_nokia: the 14kb, no.13:08
konttori_nokiaso, last 14kb?13:08
Lynourekonttori_nokia: I don't know. First time it was downloading 85M or so, after than jsut 14kB13:08
msanchezthat's why using HAM is specially important for the SSU (it's like an life insurance, in case something went wrong)13:09
meceLynoure, that does sound awkward.13:09
konttori_nokiaok, that means that is has downloaded everything else but the last 14 kb13:09
Lynourekonttori_nokia: Feels like running blind, no idea what's going on.13:09
konttori_nokiado you have connection issue? wlan or 3g?13:09
mecekonttori_nokia, interestingly, that seems like the same thing that happened to me with apt.13:09
SyncAto bussy on the update here, BBL, bye13:10
dimitris82zmece, SDK for maemo now is stable edition ? have they put compatibility with QT? or again with scratchbox ?13:10
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mecedimitris82z, no idea. Haven't launched SDK lately.13:10
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Slasherimece: the install is now continuing after freeing up some space from /13:10
dimitris82zmece, okz thnx agian13:11
meceSlasheri, good to hear. I hope it works out.13:11
Slasheriit did also some modem flashing or things like that when i ran dpkg --configure -a13:11
xorAxAxhow long did the update take for you?13:11
meceSlasheri, I wasn't nervous during the (40minute long) download period, but when it started installing the stuff I was biting my nails...13:11
DocScrutinizer-8fellas, here come the ultimately fast and small and simple successor to liqtorch. So simple you'll have it 'downloaded' after reading this line :-)  Open mrcrob, enter 'about:blank' to addressfield, press ctrl-D and select 'desktop shortcut'13:11
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qgil updating putting the 2 top issues on top: not enough space & not possible OTA13:11
pupniki think everyone at summit in amsterdam took pictures of those bicycles... :)13:12
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meceDocScrutinizer, Nice!13:12
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pupnikqgil: s/staggering/staggered or incremental13:12
fluxmsanchez, but in the end, if an apt-get upgrade goes wrong, NSU would work in any case?13:12
meceqgil, link to this perhaps:
msanchezflux: sure13:13
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msanchezNSU reflashes the rootfs partition13:13
msanchezbut make sure you make a backup before :-)13:13
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fluxdid a backup before 1.0.1, good enough for me ;)13:13
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msanchezI would do another one right before the PR1.0.1 -> PR1.1 upgrade13:14
msanchezbut your backup from Pr1.0 should work anyway13:14
pillarhmm any idea what is meant by this on the changelog: Fast call from home shortcuts.13:14
dimitris82zmece, did they allow now to put folders in application lists? and organise ?13:14
Slasherimece: it did work and now rebooting.. got a new progress bar or something during startup :)13:15
* w00t cautiously prods n90013:16
pillarI cannot figure out how the calling is faster than it used to be - you tap the shortcut and choose mobile13:16
qgilpupnik mece please edit the page yourselves, appreciated!13:16
qgilmust run to a meeting now13:17
meceqgil, will do.13:17
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qgilmece thank you very much, and same for the rest of people here: feel free improving the page as new hot topics arise13:18
Slasheriit works after all o/13:18
qgilas long as you dont edit the changelog content itself  :)13:18
nomisqgil: that changelog rocks.13:18
rkc__waht is GTK_BOX??13:19
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rkc__what si the need of a GTK_BOX?13:19
ccookeMorning, all13:19
nomisrkc__: it is a container widget13:20
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konttori_nokiamece, what was the last package that was downloaded13:20
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rkc__nomis: could you elaborate on that?? when we need to use that?13:20
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rkc__for instance.. a window itself a container wideget.. isnt it?13:21
nomisrkc__: yes, but a window is a GTK_BIN, which can contain just a single widget.13:21
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nomisrkc__: a GTK_BOX (or actually HBOX/VBOX, BOX is just the superclass) allows a row/column of widgets, with optional spacing inbetween.13:22
mecekonntori_nokia, I don't remember. something containing the word sound :)13:22
rkc__nomis:  oh.. ok.. so when our use case is something like creating a list of menus we need this.. right?13:23
meceoh? I fails13:23
rkc__as a pack of widget which is supposed to be considered as a single widget.. is my understanding correct?13:23
mecekonttori_nokia, I don't remember. something containing the word sound.13:23
cosmoshould maemo mapper for fremantle work? mine doesn't find gps receiver13:24
nomisrkc__: for menus there are more convenient widgets available. You generally need a BOX when subdividing your window into different areas. Well, you can use tables as well, but boxes sometimes are more flexible.13:24
nomisrkc__: yeah, that understanding is correct.13:24
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Stskeepshm, 1664 users on talk.* at midday13:25
Stskeepsi wonder if we're going to break the 1888 record13:25
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rkc__nomis: is the menu assosicated with window or the program?13:26
nomisrkc__: what menu are you talking about exactly?13:26
rkc__how can i associate my menubar with program.. that is.. how can i have my menubar through out the program??13:26
rkc__which  is popped up when we click on the application area13:26
pillarwhat's new on sdk and development side, I read something about that as well13:26
nomisrkc__: generic GTK+ programming or inside Maemo?13:27
smaug1.1 has some annoying new sounds13:27
smaugI wonder how to disable those13:27
rkc__inside maemo13:27
bittin|Morning :)13:27
smaugI'm not even sure what causes them13:27
smaugskype, or network connection or something13:27
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Lynourehmm, seems it upgraded when I was no longer even considering it would13:27
niekt0uff, major update?13:28
nomisrkc__: then you might want to look into convenience widgets like HildonWindow etc. Been a while since I dealt with those.13:28
meceniekt0, yes.13:28
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tybolltso any word when full sync (calendar/phonebook) will be available?13:28
rkc__nomis: thanks.. i would try wiht that13:28
tybolltthat's been the single most sought for feature since I got my device :-/13:28
hrwlets check does modest in 51.1 works13:29
cosmoevolution sync would be a good start..13:29
ArtVanda1aeHi all... I'm writing a GTK+ app for Maemo. It's being written in C, and Glade 3 (GtkBuilder). It compiles and works on both of my desktop machines. I then compile it in scratchbox (no problems), but when I run it, I get "GLIB CRITICAL ** Gtk - gtk_widget_show: assertion `GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed"... I've googled for this, but no one seems to have come up with the answer. The only think that I could think, that is changing13:29
ArtVanda1aebetween the machines is the GTK version, desktop machines are: 2.16.1 (first desktop), 2.18.3 (second desktop), 2.14.7 (Maemo). Could it be that Maemo GTK+ version is understanding the GtkBuilder syntax?13:29
ArtVanda1aeI've also tried to debug it, and it gets to gtk_main(), not problem... I still think the assertion failing is where my problem lies. I can paste code if that would be useful.13:31
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kirmahints how to fix homebrew stuff-on-xterm that broke on firmware update?13:32
nomisArtVanda1ae: maybe your desktop computers have gtk+-debugging disabled?13:32
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leon-is there any way to disable the stupid bootup animation on the device? :|13:32
kirmawhere has my ssh client gone?13:32
kirmaleon: "hands" ?13:33
leon-the sound is reeeeally irritating :)13:33
StskeepsArtVanda1ae: possibly try in #maemo-devel , more focused channel13:33
kirmait's hackable, see something13:33
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leon-kirma, k13:33
hrwok modest looks much faster13:33
hrwbut still suxx13:33
ArtVanda1aeStskeeps, thanks13:33
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testerushello, my n900 finaly arrived, but now I am stuck trying to connect to WLAN, Problem is that the key contains the % sign + entering the hex value doesnt work either :( any ideas how to proceed?13:34
hrwheh... nokia should really pay someone to make email client for maemo5 ;(13:34
Stskeepstesterus: fn?13:35
TonzasAnyone created new folders to the maemo menu? How changes take effect? (
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ccooketesterus: see the "sym" key on the keyboard? Top right?13:35
testeruson what key should the % be ?13:35
ccooketesterus: you need to use the fn (blue up arrow) with it13:35
testerusI have a germany layout.13:35
hrwTonzas: install catorise from extras-devel and will get nice folders13:35
ccookeif you do that, you'll get a symbol table to select from13:36
Tonzashrw: oh ok - ty13:36
TriztFromWorkcatorise needs a way to customise things, I have some apps that ended in the wrong place IMHO13:36
testerus@ccoke thanks a lot, that works13:37
xorAxAxTriztFromWork: file a bug on the package13:37
ccooketesterus: no problem13:37
pillarTriztFromWork: yeah it would be nice to manually be able to change places, but it's way nice already13:37
xorAxAxyippee, upgrade nearly finished13:37
mecehmm I seem strangely happy about helping noobs with the problems today. Perhaps it's the copious amoiunts of coffee doing it?13:38
hrwTriztFromWork: edit /opt/catorise/menu and run catorise again13:38
mecedammm.. why doesn't that work? anyone?13:38
pillarmaemo repos seem really slow right now - I wonder why :)13:39
bigonhi, I´ve just updated to pr1.1 and when I make a apt-get upgrade it still show me some updates, but there is nothing into the application manager is that normal?13:39
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ifreqhowto disable peak scheduler on mfe?13:42
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xorAxAxruskie: hmm, the update bricked the device, because it overwrote the mount commands13:44
xorAxAxruskie: well done :-P any idea?13:45
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red90Mb space required on rootfs for the Maemo 5 update13:48
DocScrutinizer51xorAxAx: well I seem to remember I asked "will it conflict with updates"13:49
redthis is going to be difficult13:49
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pillarred 60mb was enough13:49
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pillarusing the app manager13:49
ruskiexorAxAx, lol... I thought that was obvious13:49
xorAxAxDocScrutinizer51: he just patched the files directly ...13:49
redI'm still 23 MB away then13:49
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xorAxAxruskie: well :-P13:49
DocScrutinizer51xorAxAx: obviously13:49
mecered, did you check the nice wiki page?13:49
ruskiexorAxAx, in my case I expected it and fixed it but something else went wrong somewhere so had to reflash13:50
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ruskieas in the device wouldn't even boot to the init at all13:50
ruskieI don't think it even hit the kernel13:50
ruskiejust NOLO in an endless loop13:50
redmece: with the list of things updated? read about 75% of it13:50
xorAxAxruskie: thats exactly what is saw as well :-)13:50
mecered I meant the free rootfs space one.13:50
DocScrutinizer51ruskie: adding a initscript instead of patching an existing one that eventually gets overwritten?13:50
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mecelinked on that page.13:50
ruskieDocScrutinizer51, hard13:51
ruskieDocScrutinizer51, need /usr early13:51
redmece: ahh ye, it just said you could back up the application list13:51
ruskieand still need to patch the one with the generation of fstab13:51
redill read the link ty13:51
SouBEdid the update package change recently? my download size was merely 4 MB13:53
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SouBEor maybe it was cached from previous download session which was interrupted13:53
meceSouBE, did you try it before?13:54
xorAxAxumm, do i need to download 42-11 or 51-1?13:55
meceSouBE, when I did it, the download jammed on 99%, so I ctrl-c and did the same again, this time only a couple of kb was downloaded and it started installing.13:55
SouBEok, it was the same case with me13:55
mecexorAxAx, 51-1 i guess.13:55
ruskiexorAxAx, 51-113:55
meceSouBE, did you see what the package was called that was left?13:55
ruskieI basically had to repeat all the steps in the instructions other than repartitioning and formating13:56
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cehtehi guess camera app can only store to fat filesystem isnt fixed or?13:57
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xorAxAxruskie: maybe one shouldnt delete /usr from / :)13:57
DocScrutinizer5151-1???? o.O13:58
ruskiexorAxAx, it's an option13:58
ruskieDocScrutinizer51, that's what has been released as PR1.113:58
DocScrutinizer51has been??13:58
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* ccooke is waiting impatiently for PR1.1 to turn up OTA for him13:59
DocScrutinizer51seems I lived under a stone last few days13:59
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nealone of my n900's has been updating for over an hour and the progress bar has not moved (it's stuck just before the U).  Is there a way to see a log to determine if it is really stuck?  Should I just reboot it at this point?  (Another n900 took 30 minutes to completely update)13:59
ruskieDocScrutinizer51, happened today13:59
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ccooke(Anyone else in the UK already got it?)13:59
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w00tccooke: my girlfriend has it, I don't >:(14:00
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ccookew00t: annoying!14:00
w00tshe's busily going "ha-ha, exchange 2003 works for me" and similar things14:00
* ccooke is trying to be patient and not just do a firmware update14:00
* w00t also14:00
meceis it the 203 one that is the uk version?14:01
papoah this is not cool. The intermediate update never showed up on my N900. Now the big firmware is out and yet I cannot update. And even if I could, I would have to use the nokia software update thing which probably does not exist for linux?14:02
hrwlet me check my bugs14:02
papoany way to force the polling for updates?14:02
w00t203 and 205 are both UK variants afaik, one of them is vodaphone14:02
fralsgo app manger and "update"14:02
papofrals: I did14:03
nealpapo: Do you not see the first update in the app manager?14:03
Corsachmhm, I'm puzzled, the apt source is the same for everybody isn't it?14:03
papofrade: it offered me to update the flashlight app but nothing else14:03
nealpapo: I did both updates one after the other14:03
paponeal: I don't see any. If I would see both that would be helpful, though14:03
meceCorsac, no, there are different sources for uk, us and global14:03
meceI'm curious though, would you not be able to use the global firmware in the UK?14:04
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SpeedEvilyeah - I only get update to gnuplot14:05
hrwnokia you MORONS!@14:05
Stskeepsa small but important change in pr1.1 (for the OS hackers),
RST38hhrw: They are?14:05
hrwcalendar is broken even more14:05
papomece: I either flashed the global or the general firmware back then and it certainly works here... still not sure what the differences are14:05
fralsStskeeps: wow, thats pretty awesome14:06
Bluewindpapo: you can use apt-get dist-upgrade14:06
SpeedEvilStskeeps: neat14:06
Bluewindfirst run normal update though14:06
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meceso the impatient can just change the repo and install global :)14:06
* w00t logs into tabletsdev. and tries to resist downloading from there.14:06
odin_is PR1.1 the next major release ?  (but as yet not date known)  what is the current PR#.# version I am on now in 44-1 ?14:06
Stskeepsodin_: PR1.1 is arriving over the globe today14:07
StskeepsPR1.0.1 is 44-114:07
papoBluewind: hm aptitude dist-upgrade seems to give me the small update (~25 MB)14:07
ivan4thdid anyone succeed in installing PR1.1 via apt-get? My N900 is repartitioned and I'm thinking of using apt-get to upgrade and then fixing initscripts before reboot...14:07
papoBluewind: I'll try that, thank you14:07
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ifreqivan4th: dont use apt-get for it14:07
meceivan4th, I installed over apt-get14:07
ifreqah okay14:07
meceivan4th, but apparently you shouldn't14:07
Bluewindmine is running atm14:07
ifreqrepartitioning ftw14:07
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papooooook guys it's downloading, you have 30 seconds left to decide whether I should abort it14:07
Bluewindwhy not use apt-get?14:08
w00tStskeeps: why does it check slide state? o.O14:08
ivan4thas far as i understand I'm guaranteed to brick my device unless I use apt-get14:08
Stskeepsw00t: best way to detect if you want bootmenu14:08
matthew-Stskeeps: Another update today?14:08
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Stskeepsmatthew-: aye, the big one14:08
ifreqmatthew-: just one. 1.114:08
fralshmm... did 51-1 not change the hostname either? :D14:08
w00tStskeeps: mmm, I would have thought just checking if the .sh existed would have done, but I suppose it's a minor detail.. good news anyway14:08
matthew-ifreq: i mean, there was one just a few days back, right?14:08
papohmk I'll go to my office and try to get the big firmware from there... cya later14:08
papoand thank you14:08
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ifreqmatthew-: yeah "bridge" patch.. 1.0.1.. to prepare for pr1.114:08
matthew-aaah ok14:09
matthew-but the pr1.1 is not out yet, right ?14:09
timeless_mbpStskeeps / GeneralAntilles / Jaffa / ...14:09
StskeepsSpeedEvil: people can probably develop tools to start repartitioning very early etc14:09
timeless_mbpmatthew-: 1.1 is out14:09
Stskeepslike make /home bigger, etc14:09
wazdRST38h: :D14:10
timeless_mbpbut you can't install 1.1 w/o first installing 1.0.114:10
SpeedEvilStskeeps: yes - being able to do stuff in early boot is cool.14:10
matthew-ive got 1.0.114:10
red40MB free space on rootfs now14:10
* pupnik pictures server room getting very warm14:10
red*hard work*14:10
pupnikwhat did you free up?14:10
wazdRST38h: epic win :D14:10
SpeedEvilStskeeps: Everything from repartitioning to early-ssh/fbconsole14:10
DocScrutinizer51Stskeeps: wooooooohooooooooo14:10
Bluewind20mb free on /; moving apt caches away helps a lot14:11
DocScrutinizer51ruskie: seen Stskeeps post14:11
odin_Stskeeps, can I boot my own alternative kernel with that now?  but keep Maemo5  (I want that manual control per-bootup)14:11
Stskeepsodin_: someone needs to play with tony lindgren's kexecp atch14:11
Stskeepsand get it working on 2.6.2814:12
redpupnik: optified python and removed few apps, rebooted for carbage collection14:12
ruskieDocScrutinizer51, ?14:12
ruskieDocScrutinizer51, link14:12
pupnik   i think this expresses my sediments14:12
SpeedEvilI am unsure why I've suddenly got only 8M on / - it used to be 4014:12
* hrw want real fixes14:12
pupnikty red, i forgot the reboot14:12
rednokia could have launched the update in two parts :)14:12
odin_Stskeeps, I have Linux kernel experience (some years ago mind) but thats do-able, just no ARM asm experneice yet (but I have some userspace bespoke thread stuff to port over the coming months)14:12
hrwSpeedEvil: /var/cache/apt/archives not on mmc?14:12
hrwSpeedEvil: I had ~45MB free and still have14:13
Jaffatimeless_mbp: Yup?14:13
Stskeepsodin_: alright,:
DocScrutinizer51ruskie: 130522 <Stskeeps> a small but important change in pr1.1 (for the OS hackers),
SpeedEvilhrw: Actually - on reflection - it was 28M - it was 8M last night - after I blew away the cache. It won't simply redownload what it needs?14:14
ruskieow sweet14:14
ruskiebut what if it doesn't get to init at all...14:14
ruskieor the kernel14:14
redpupnik: 40,6MB and the update started downloading (before it said I not enough space)14:14
ccookeHmm. No UK version of the flash image yet. Damn. Maybe I should wait for the SSU14:14
ivan4thbtw, I've got GNU CLISP running on N900. It was HARD (involved ARM assembly hacking)... Anyone here interested in this?14:14
Stskeepsruskie: then you resort to mmc booting :P14:14
redAnyone know if the update will install with just 40MB on rootfs free?14:14
ruskieStskeeps, on the n900??? how?14:14
matthew-ifreq: posix pls :D14:14
Stskeepsruskie: well, put mmc modules in kernel, adjust root..?14:15
ruskieStskeeps, considering that if nolo can't do anything with the kernel even that won't help I think14:15
Bluewindred: where is your apt cache?14:15
ruskieI need to start working on an initramfs14:15
pupnikivan4th: congrats, and yes some people will appreciate it.14:15
ruskiethen atleast there'll be some decent rescue14:15
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Stskeepsruskie: it should be trivial to make a sd thing to dd onto14:16
ruskieStskeeps, also one key thing missing still in the kernel to make actually usable... fbcon by default14:16
Stskeepsruskie: agreed, but noone says we can't add .kos.14:16
hrw"You tried to change the Version field from 5.0/(1.2009.42-11)  to 5.0/(2.2009.51-1)  , but only the assignee or reporter of the bug, or a sufficiently empowered user may change that field. "14:16
redBluewind: I dunno. I did apt-get clean14:16
hrwandre__: #7127 is present in 51.114:17
ivan4thpupnik: here's the patch for clisp 2.48 I'm currently trying to get ffcall working. Older effort for N8x0 was not sufficient14:17
reddoesn't that clean it up?14:17
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ruskieStskeeps, hmm good point14:17
redBluewind: it's in default location I'd presume anyway14:17
asj_red: docs says it needs 4514:17
ruskieI'd still be happier if we could get uboot there14:17
ruskieinstead of nolo14:17
Bluewindred: ah well I think you have to move it to /opt because iirc it dled nearly 100mb here14:17
andre__hrw, just add a comment. Thanks a lot for testing! :)14:17
meceruskie, I think it's quite describing that "nolo" means embarassed :D14:18
ruskieI doubt that feature would have saved me from reflashing today14:18
redBluewind: any instructions how to do that anywhere? ty asj_.14:18
Bluewindyeah it did14:18
* TriztFromWork can now use his Hi3G SIM14:18
asj_red: look on the wiki14:18
hrwandre__: added14:18
ruskiestill usable for those that play with pivot_roots and so on14:18
ivan4thpupnik: the most surprising thing was accidental ARM endianness switch. Nearly broke my brain trying to debug it14:18
Bluewindmv /var/cache/apt /opt/apt_chache; ln -s /opt/apt_cache /var/cache/apt14:18
ruskiehmm I wonder if kexec would work on the n90014:18
Bluewindwell withotu that typo14:18
hrwcan someone confirm bug #6932 as I use catorise now?14:18
povbotBug "More..." view is not sorted at all14:18
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redasj_: already searched for apt-cache in wiki14:19
DocScrutinizer51so gentlemen, what's common notion on Pr1.1? Safe to upgrade? Worth it and even right now, or should I postpone til next week?14:19
Stskeepsruskie: i tried it at some point and it didn't work14:19
redBluewind: without the ; I guess14:19
Jaffahrw: It is sorted in PR1.1; although the first 12 are treated "special"14:19
Bluewindred: mv /var/cache/apt /opt/apt_cache; ln -s /opt/apt_cache /var/cache/apt14:19
hrwBluewind: better symlink to /home/user/MyDocs/ somewhere14:19
meceDocScrutinizer51, go for it!14:19
ruskieto bad14:19
Bluewindred: nope with that14:19
ruskiewould be nice14:19
hrwJaffa: thx14:19
asj_red: tere's a bunch of new pages14:19
ruskiejust have a tiny linux initramfs kernel14:19
Bluewindhrw: mydocs doesn't have unix permissions14:19
ruskiethat just boots to a "boot" loader14:19
redhmm, the update started updating with just 40MB :p14:19
hrwBluewind: apt archive does not need them14:19
ruskieand then executes kexec to the system and kernel you want14:20
redif it fails I guess I'll do that14:20
redor regardless actually14:20
mecered, well that might break...14:20
mecered, apt-get clean14:20
Bluewindhrw: ok i'm not really into apt14:20
hrwJaffa: marked bug as verified then.14:20
redi have, mece14:20
Bluewind2gb are enough atm though14:20
Stskeepsruskie: not sure ARM kernels like initramfs14:20
mecered, after it breaks I mean14:20
Stskeepsor embedding14:20
redah ye14:20
DocScrutinizer51ok, bbl then (hope so ;-P)14:20
ifreqif i have "lite" version installed and buying pro should i deinstall the lite 1st?14:20
ruskieI thought all the other Linux arm devices had an initramfs or something like it for "rescue mode"14:20
meceI have apt cache in MyDocs now that you mention it. works fine.14:21
Jaffahrw: I've added a comment14:21
mecebut I had it in opt before, and that also worked fine :)14:21
Bluewindwould like to make mydocs ext314:21
Bluewindor at least smaller14:21
ruskieBluewind, see thread: Reparitinoning the internal mmc on talk.maemo.org14:22
ruskiea few different methods of doing it14:22
ruskie <-- Stskeeps hmm14:22
Bluewindah nice14:22
Stskeepsruskie: it needs to merge into the zimage14:23
odin_Stskeeps, I have not even compiled a kernel for N900 yet, so maybe I should attempt that today: apt-get source kernel-source-fremantle  ???14:23
Stskeepsthis loads a ramdisk.img in uboot14:23
Stskeepsodin_: apt-get source kernel14:24
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slonopotamustimeless_mbp: what product should i use in bugzie to file a bug against symbols on-screen keyboard?14:24
odin_Stskeeps, that did it14:24
slonopotamusah, Desktop platform.14:24
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fralshmm, anyone actually able to see the "wappushd-dev" package?14:24
DocScrutinizer-8FSCK!!! storage doesn't suffice14:24
siriusnovawhats that14:24
Stskeepsfrals: isn't it in SDK nokia-binaries?14:25
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zerojayHas PR1.1 gone live in North America yet?14:25
odin_has the N900 gone live in NA yet ?  they can wait, ha ha14:25
nealdocscrutinizer: btw I'm 1/2, so i'd recommend being careful.14:25
zerojayodin_: Thanks, awesomely helpful.14:26
konttori_nokiaslonopotamus, lemme know the bug # when done and I'll chase that it gets fixed for pr1.214:26
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zerojayodin_: I want them to wait. It's my only chance I'll be able to upgrade at all.14:26
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siriusnovahow do i get microb into portrait mode?14:26
konttori_nokiazerojay, not in NAM yet14:26
siriusnovasoemone posted a shortcut14:26
siriusnovalike ctrl-shift o14:26
siriusnovaor something14:26
siriusnovaa while back14:26
konttori_nokiasiriusnova, that works14:26
zerojaykonttori_nokia: Good, I still have time to get 1.0.1 first!14:26
siriusnovais it really ctrl-shift o?14:26
konttori_nokiathen close kb and rotate to portrait mode14:27
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slonopotamushow "^" symbol is called?14:27
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siriusnovawhats does ctrl-shift o exactly do?14:27
slonopotamuspekuja: thx14:27
fralsStskeeps: right, thats probably true, my bad for checking on device :P14:27
bionoidTrying to use the GUI installer on Debian 5.0, in the "Nokia binaries" page there is no magic number to input into the box. Is this a known bug? - see
Stskeeps bionoid you get a magic number from
Stskeeps bionoid you get a magic number from i mean14:28
DocScrutinizer-8neal: huh?14:28
X-Fadebionoid: Holdon, fixing that now.14:29
Stskeeps.. or not14:29
Stskeepsright, ignore me, X-Fade knows best :)14:29
siriusnovaportrait mode for the browser is pretty14:29
bionoidX-Fade: Cheers14:29
hrwargh... #555314:29
siriusnovatoo bad the keyboard doesnt work in portrait mode14:30
timeless_mbpslonopotamus:  "input method"14:30
fralspackage importer dead? my build that succeeded ~0200 still not improted :(14:30
X-Fadebionoid: Check again ;)14:30
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DocScrutinizer-8friggin bloody shit. Too less storage for Pr1.114:31
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siriusnovaare you doing apt-get?14:31
siriusnovadont do apt-get14:31
bilboed-pianybody else having issues with ICQ/AIM accounts having errors logging in for a past few weeks ?14:31
DocScrutinizer-8even after reboot (aka garbage collection)14:32
siriusnovajust do it using the app installer14:32
Bluewindsiriusnova: why not apt-get?14:32
hrwbilboed-pi: I did14:32
bilboed-pihrw, still an issue ?14:32
siriusnovaBlueWind - i had the same problem, it runs out of space during apt-get14:32
DocScrutinizer-8siriusnova: that's for me?14:32
siriusnovaand this is with a Fresh firmwared N90014:32
siriusnovai mean14:32
bionoidX-Fade: Works like a charm, thank you very much!14:32
siriusnovafor you DocScrutinizer-814:32
hrwbilboed-pi: my icq did not logged in14:32
DocScrutinizer-8siriusnova: I did14:33
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DocScrutinizer-8siriusnova: with HAM14:33
siriusnovadunno then14:33
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auenfwelp, n900 pairs to my car, n810 doesnt14:33
auenfnow i've just gotta get around to ordering myself a n90014:33
Gadgetoid_mbpLife is a sexually transmitted disease with 100% mortality rate!14:33
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ShadowJKwtf, is 1.1 out?14:34
* Gadgetoid_mbp refreshes again14:34
ShadowJKWell that was unexpected :)14:34
redseems that 40,5MB was enough to apply the 1.1 update :)14:35
siriusnovanow all we need is full portrait mode enabled14:35
siriusnovaand im all set14:35
Bluewindhm does apt-get support some kind of globbing to remove all those locales I don't need?14:35
Gadgetoid_mbpAnyone have any trouble with available space when updating?14:35
pillarsiriusnova: seems that is not gonna happen before harmattan14:35
redsiriusnova: agreed14:35
slonopotamusaaah crap!14:35
Gadgetoid_mbpMy rootfs is now at a lovely 91%14:36
siriusnovawell did they fix email?14:36
slonopotamusi broke bugzie14:36
slonopotamusundef error - Insecure dependency in exec while running with -T switch at /usr/share/perl5/Mail/Mailer/ line 22.14:36
redanyone else just hate the slide unlock button placement/size?14:36
siriusnovait was maddingly slow14:36
DocScrutinizer-8red: here it says '85.xMB' and I don't see how to free that much on /14:36
hrwharmattan is magic word.14:36
siriusnovahow is it now, has anyone tested?14:36
ShadowJKfor some definitions of "fix"14:36
BluewindDocScrutinizer-8: mv /var/cache/apt /opt/apt_cache; ln -s /opt/apt_cache /var/cache/apt14:36
redDocScrutinizer-8: I only freed to 40,5MB and the update was that size.14:36
Bluewindyou can aswell use /home/user/MyDocs14:36
pupniksame here, 40,6 MB14:36
pillarsiriusnova email fast now at least for me14:36
reddocumentation said you need 45MB free for it14:37
DocScrutinizer-8k thnx. will try14:37
slonopotamusdamnit. i can't report a bug :(14:37
Gadgetoid_mbpI'm pretty stuffed with my lowly 20mb then ;D14:37
X-Fadeslonopotamus: What are you trying to do?14:37
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slonopotamuswhere i file a bug about broken bugzie? :D14:37
X-Fadeslonopotamus: me me me ;)14:37
hrwif something is broken in fremantle then standard answer is 'maybe will be fixed in harmattan'?14:37
slonopotamusX-Fade: tried to create a bugreport.14:37
pupnikprovide more info slonopotamus14:38
X-Fadeslonopotamus: At what moment did you see that?14:38
X-Fadeslonopotamus: On save?14:38
vesais there a t-shirt yet "fixed in harmattan"?14:38
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slonopotamusX-Fade: yeah, save. and it wasn't created, btw. that's what i entered:
fralsX-Fade: *poke* package importer seems stuck, is this something you can fix/take a look at? :)14:38
hrwvesa: or better 'I found a bug, they say "fixed in harmattan" and I still have broken device'14:38
X-Fadefrals: already running update14:39
fralscheers :)14:39
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X-Fadeslonopotamus: Does it happen when you try again?14:40
slonopotamusX-Fade: yeah14:40
slonopotamusX-Fade: i suspect it didn't like funny unicode symbols :)14:41
X-Fadeslonopotamus: Can you try without?14:41
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slonopotamusX-Fade: then my report won't make sense :)14:41
X-Fadeslonopotamus: I can edit ;)14:41
X-Fadeslonopotamus: Just want to make sure, it is that.14:41
slonopotamuswell, ok.14:41
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povbotBug 7970: Russian symbols on-screen keyboard is lacking backtick (`) and caret (^)14:42
bionoidIs there a way to _power off_ the wlan adapter? I have "always ask" for connections, but it seems as long as I14:42
bionoidoops sorry, as long as I'm not in offline mode, the wlan is draining power?14:43
slonopotamusX-Fade: so you need to replace text in <> with "ѓ, upper 3, upper 2, Ϊ or ‰"14:43
fluxbionoid, turn wlan scanning off?14:43
DocScrutinizer-8var/cache/apt gave me 1% (so 89% used now) :-(14:43
bionoidflux: Where?14:43
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fluxbionoid, under the settings somewhere, I don't remember. maybe "Internet Connections"14:43
DocScrutinizer-8 usr/share eats 92MB >:-(14:43
bionoidflux: I looked everywhere, can't find it :( N90014:44
slonopotamuskonttori_nokia: err... why? :) my bugs are top priority? :)14:44
ShadowJK"Pulseaudio: Ringtone is heard from the loudspeaker if BT connected. " <- heh, can we now submit a "Ringtone is heard from the loudspeaker if BT connected"-bug, or is there one already? :)14:44
fluxmy n900 is upgrading ATM, so can't tak e alook14:44
konttori_nokiaslonopotamus, well, we are working on kb layouts atm, and this is a good timing to also fix yours14:44
jebbaso is this the new kernel? kernel_2.6.28-20094803.3+0m5.dsc14:44
siriusnovathey didnt fix USSD Codes issue14:44
siriusnovai stil cant dial *166#14:45
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vesabionoid: if you have always ask on then it doesn't scan afaik. but if you connect to a wlan you have to drop the connection after usage for it to stop being connected14:45
Stskeepsjebba: think so14:45
slonopotamuskonttori_nokia: okaay :) just wait until X-Fade fixed my report/bugzie so it contains symbols list.14:45
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vesatop drop the connection press the status bar -> internet connection -> disconnect14:45
* slonopotamus pokes X-Fade14:46
slonopotamuskonttori_nokia: btw, whoever fixed wifi power, say thanks to him :)14:46
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X-Fadeslonopotamus: Working with andre__ .. hang on.14:46
oniondoes anyone know in what quality the audio hw can record on the N900 ?14:47
* slonopotamus hang on.14:47
jebbagah my connection keeps dropping. But:   so is this the new kernel? kernel_2.6.28-20094803.3+0m5.dsc14:47
slonopotamusX-Fade: actually they got created14:47
slonopotamusX-Fade: 7967 through 7970.14:48
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X-Fadeslonopotamus: Good for your karma ;)14:49
slonopotamusclosed dupes :)14:49
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slonopotamusX-Fade: btw, it also produced that error when i was closing them too.14:49
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slonopotamuskonttori_nokia: here you are:
povbotBug 7967: Russian symbols on-screen keyboard is lacking backtick (`) and caret (^)14:49
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bionoidvesa: If I disconnect from home network (manually) and walk outside, neighbors networks show up. So it must be receiving beacons; Only way I've found to stop it is offline mode, but that also leaves me without packet data.. Maybe I should try a factory reset or something14:49
X-Fadeslonopotamus: It must not like you.14:49
dockanestill no ussd? *grml*14:50
slonopotamusX-Fade: it's just my karma. i run into bugs just too often :)14:50
slonopotamusouch, chromium crashed :(14:51
jebbahm, they've added this to the kernel boot line:14:51
jebbasnd-soc-rx51.hp_lim=42 snd-soc-tlv320aic3x.hp_dac_lim=614:51
vesabionoid: it scans the wlans when you click 'internet connection'14:51
siriusnovacan we still send dial tones14:51
siriusnovain teh N900 dialer?14:51
siriusnovai mean can we still not?14:51
reddoesn't butterfly work after update?14:51
siriusnovai dont remember being able too send Dial Tones before14:51
ifreqsiriusnova: atleast im using some tone based auth services just ok14:51
ifreqbefore and now14:51
ifreqdunno if its dial or not.. :P "press 1 to authenticate" .. pressing 1 = works :P14:52
siriusnovai c14:52
siriusnovamebbe its the voip thing14:52
ifreqcould be14:52
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bionoidvesa: Hmm..14:52
redbionoid: every time you click the internet connections it automaticly scans14:52
slonopotamuskonttori_nokia: beware, it produces weird errors when you're doing anything to that bug :)14:52
bionoidvesa: So you're saying if I open the internet connections, it powers on WLAN? So I have to connect to a network and disconnect again to power it back off?14:53
redApp Manager -> Update -> "Operation Failed" (after applying the 80MB update)14:53
ruskieStskeeps, when you were testing kexec... have you patched userspace tools?
Stskeepsruskie: yes14:53
bionoidred: It's dawning on me slowly. I just can't beleive how crappy my battery is, so trying to turn everything off.14:54
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ruskieanything bad happened or did it just not work?14:54
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Gadgetoid_mbpClearing space is not easy, boo14:54
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jebbalooking at kernel diff, quite a few powermanagement tweaks14:56
redI did14:56
bionoidAnother thing is the list of networks is very fast, could beacons for 10 networks really be gathered in <.3 seconds if the adapter was truly off in the first place?14:56
red14:15 < Bluewind> red: mv /var/cache/apt /opt/apt_cache; ln -s /opt/apt_cache (( /var/cache/apt )) without the part with (()).14:56
Gadgetoid_mbpIs mplayer optified?14:57
redAnyone able to help me fix it? :P14:57
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red(apt-get isn't working now)14:57
Gadgetoid_mbpred: is your root fs full?14:57
redno, 45MB free14:57
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red"Archive directory /var/cache/apt/arhcies/partial is missing."14:57
ifreqred, how did you update?14:57
ifreqappmanager or apg-tet14:57
redI've already updated via appmanager.14:58
jebba      there's a kernel diff if anyone is interested14:58
redAnd I did that afterwards14:58
inzyeaaah, just got final level w/ 3 stars in angry birds \o/14:58
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Gadgetoid_mbpinz: 1-21?14:58
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jon1012bwah had to reflash to get the update :(14:58
inzGadget, yeah, the bundled levels14:58
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ifreqjon1012: why?14:58
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Gadgetoid_mbpI've got 3 stars in everything BUT that level14:58
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jon1012ifreq: no way to update14:58
Gadgetoid_mbpReally frustrating14:59
ifreqjon1012: howcome? everyone else is updating via appmanager etc14:59
jon1012ifreq: app manager wasn't willing to to the update, and the cli didn't tell any conflict14:59
ifreqjon1012: where you live?14:59
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ifreqand the 1.1 has rolled over there allready? k14:59
Stskeepsjebba: +Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 4.0.0), fiasco-gen worries me14:59
jon1012the update manager was telling me to connect the n900 to my computer, and use nokia update crap :)15:00
jon1012so well, gave up15:00
jon1012and reflashed15:00
jon1012(and I lost the angrybirds-levelpack1 in the way... lol)15:00
jon1012(someone got the .deb ? I would be willing to pay 3 euros for it, but it's not even accessible anymore)15:00
Gadgetoid_mbpjon1012: ouch! those levels are freakin' awesome... until they start to get silly15:00
ifreqit told me something about pc suite too.. but updated via network15:00
X-FadeCan somebody upload a package to extras-devel for diablo and chinook?15:00
ifreqjon1012: sure you can redownload it on the site..15:01
X-FadeI need to test the builder ;)15:01
Gadgetoid_mbp41.8m free... getting there15:01
ifreqor contact store about the issue15:01
Stskeepsjebba: does your nokia-binaries contain a fiasco-gen?15:01
red"Archive directory /var/cache/apt/arhcies/partial is missing." -- anyone able to gimme a hand? :P15:01
jebbaStskeeps:   E: Couldn't find package fiasco-gen15:01
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jebbadidnt check nokia binaries15:01
mecered, mkdir -p partial in the dir where you moved apt cache.15:02
redwell I moved it to opt but its still looking for it in var15:02
jon1012ifreq: no... the level pack isn't on the site anymore15:02
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Gadgetoid_mbpred you'll need to re-create the link15:02
mecered, archies? did you paste or type that one?15:02
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konttori_nokiaslonopotamus, thanks!15:03
jebbaStskeeps: no fiasco-gen in nokia-binaries either15:03
jebbagoddamn them15:03
redGadgetoid_mbp: thats what I figure, but no idea how15:03
redmece: creating the dir in the current place atm15:03
Gadgetoid_mbphow'd you do it in the first place!?15:03
konttori_nokiaah, russian KB! Great! we have been improving those quite a bit15:03
Stskeepsjebba: filin' a bug15:03
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Gadgetoid_mbpuse ln -s /opt/var/cache....etc  /var/cache... etc15:03
redGadgetoid_mbp: 14:15 < Bluewind> red: mv /var/cache/apt /opt/apt_cache; ln -s /opt/apt_cache /var/cache/apt15:03
redbut I guess I made a typo15:04
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Gadgetoid_mbpjust run the latter command again, and use tab completion to ensure the correct paths15:04
Gadgetoid_mbpI'm running out of things to uninstall, sheesh15:05
redGadgetoid_mbp: Tried it but it gave a file exists error. Should I remove it?15:05
jebbaStskeeps: lemme know it's number as well. I wonder wtf it does. Gah, if they close off kernel building i'll be real pissed15:05
Gadgetoid_mbpyou might want to cd into /var/cache/apt and check it's empty15:06
Stskeepsjebba: i highly doubt so15:06
Gadgetoid_mbpthen remove the apt folder, and run the command again15:06
redthree files15:06
Gadgetoid_mbpprobably nonsense that app manager has created in there whilst attempting to work15:06
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redcould be aye15:07
redworks now :)15:07
redthanks a bunch15:07
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slonopotamuskonttori_nokia: who decided that ѓ should be on russian kb at all? :)15:07
Gadgetoid_mbpI wonder if mine will esplode15:07
jebbaStskeeps: "* Packaging updated to accomondate flashing changes"   ...15:07
pupnikos update worked here even with a lot of edited files - menus, configs, etc15:08
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Gadgetoid_mbpI forgot to move my apt cache, har, that freed me up some space15:09
HKisd_wrkis source code for mplayer for N900 available somewhere?15:09
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X-Fadefrals: Better now?15:09
konttori_nokiaslonopotamus, dunno. We have a localization / UX department for the layouts and from somewhere deep down, that surfaced.15:10
jebbaStskeeps:  +FLASHER=/sbin/fiasco-image-update15:10
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jebba+ fiasco-gen -o $(CURDIR)/debian/$(PACKAGE)/boot/zImage-$(RELEASE).fiasco -g \15:10
jebba+                 -k $(KSRC)/arch/arm/boot/zImage -v $(RELEASE)15:10
jebba+ chmod 644 $(CURDIR)/debian/$(PACKAGE)/boot/zImage-$(RELEASE).fiasco15:10
jon1012who could send some old stnky eggs to this dept ?15:11
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jon1012I mean, on my french n900... no fucking direction keys15:11
povbotBug 7972: Kernel in PR1.1 build-depends on fiasco-gen which is nowhere to be found15:11
fralsX-Fade: not seen it get promoted yet in packages interface but i'll bother you again if its not there in an hour :)15:11
jon1012(for up/down)15:11
X-Fadefrals: Ah, not extras-devel updated only. Will do testing now.15:11
jebbaStskeeps: that's in debian/rules.  So we can't generate the image the way the new flasher wants = we can't build flashable kernels, no?15:11
slonopotamuskonttori_nokia: okay :) i suggest an easy check - hw kb + symbols kb should have all symbols found on desktop keyboards for _any_ language :)15:11
slonopotamuskonttori_nokia: i mean, on desktop kb for same language.15:12
Stskeepsjebba: well, flasher-3.5 takes zImages happily.15:12
jebbaStskeeps: vote for that bug.15:12
Stskeepsjebba: this is just the internal device flasher15:12
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jebbaStskeeps: ya, but it is also used in the build-scripts to prep the image some how15:12
Stskeepsjebba: yeah, i know - it isn't needed for -actually- building the kernel, but not being able to build the kernel unmodified is a bit of a slap in the face :)15:13
Stskeepsso i think it's just neglect and we'll find a solution15:13
Gadgetoid_mbpYay, update appearing for mee, time to esplode my phone15:14
fralsX-Fade: it's a -devel package I'm waiting for ( :)15:14
w00tI see an update!15:14
DocScrutinizer-8du -h /usr | grep "[0-9]M"   o.O WTF!!!15:15
jebbaStskeeps: looks like it's needed to build a FLASHABLE kernel15:15
Stskeepsjebba: nah15:15
jebbait's doing majick voodoo to prep it.15:15
ShadowJKHKisd_wrk, I think you can find a source package through
X-Fadefrals: So it built fine and doesn't show up in the packages interface?15:15
jebba"fiasco-gen -o $(CURDIR)/debian/$(PACKAGE)/boot/zImage-$(RELEASE).fiasco -k $(KSRC)/arch/arm/boot/zImage -v $(RELEASE)"15:15
Stskeepsjebba: -k is input, -o is output15:15
jebbaya, and zimage-2.6.28.fiasco is what gets flashed now.15:16
Stskeepsjebba: this is just for the on-device flasher, which applies versioning15:16
fralsX-Fade: it built fine (at 0010 UTC) and is not imported to -devel yet15:16
ShadowJKhey, powertop isn't mentioned on that wiki comparison page. Does that mean it's silently deleted? :-)15:16
jebbaStskeeps: ya, but on-device flashing is the way to go...15:16
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DocScrutinizer-8~lart nokia 'managers' who decided on partitioning15:16
* infobot shoves a crumpet down nokia 'managers' who decided on partitioning's throat, happy now?! Huh? Want some JAM with that?15:16
jebbagoddamnit why do they have to add non-free unavailable crap.15:16
Stskeepsjebba: but anyway, enough discussion, we both agree this is a completely shitty situation :)15:16
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jebbaStskeeps: well, at least vote for it. Need to push for it to be free too.15:17
Ronnie^wow, video recording has improved a lot15:17
Ronnie^no more dropped frames15:17
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povbotBug 6622: nokia messaging doesn't synchronize selected imap folders15:17
Stskeepsjebba: non-free is first step, in order to get things buildable, then there's a legal check15:17
MaemohammadAGi still don't have my folders15:17
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jebbaStskeeps: if we need non-free shit to build a kernel now i'm very tempted to bail as it is a very very very bad path i see they are taking if crap like this crops up}15:18
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Stskeepsjebba: honestly, i think it's neglect not malice15:19
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DocScrutinizer-8microb/chrome and nokiamaps each eat >10MB on usr/share15:19
fralsdont attribute to malice what can be explained as stupidity.. or something like that ;)15:19
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w00twhat frals said15:19
Stskeepsjebba: so let's keep our heads level and fix this situation :)15:20
pupnikthe whole device feels much faster with update.  congratulations to the browser and opengl people!15:20
zerojayStskeeps: Level heads and maemo? That's hilarious. ;)15:21
MaemohammadAGmenu opening transition changed a bit15:21
evoanyone is using keepassx here?15:21
odin_FYI my HAM is showing "Maemo" update now 2.2009.51-1.203.215:21
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tghow long does it usually take to install this new maemo update?15:21
trbsis there a known problem with the firmware update and security/pin dialog ?15:22
threshodin_: yeah it's PR1.115:22
niekt0is there any way to find all and only packages from extras/devel?15:22
Ronnie^evo: on N900?15:22
ifreqtrbs: what kind of?15:22
pekujatg: fifteen minutes? not sure. not too long15:22
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trbscause after clicking install, i came back to the device to find the security dialog with layered on top of it my desktop widgets (so i could not type in the code)15:22
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evoRonnie^: yeah15:22
tgbecause the progress bar is like stuck somewhere in the beginning for me..15:22
Ronnie^didnt know it was available. ill check it out15:22
MaemohammadAGwhat's with the new option in the settings title bar15:23
MaemohammadAGenter code for unlocking sim card15:23
cb22tg, are you using NSU?15:23
trbsafter pressing power button i could quickly see that the install dialog was at something like 10 or 15% and after starting up again it is now saying "installing software update. please do not interrupt." on the console15:23
DocScrutinizer-8odin_: FYI. My HAM shows "not enough storage...S on trying to install maemo5 update15:23
threshwas it only me or you got this too: in "silent profile", "vibration" is unchecked after firmware update15:23
trbsso it seems to work just fine :)15:23
tgor maybe it's just progressing really slow, unfortunately there's no percentage display, but seems like now it progressed a millimeter or so:)15:23
Oli```Why can't I install 1.1 ota? Do I really need to borrow somebody elses Windows PC, install Nokia PC Suite on it and flash that way? Seems hugely counter-intuitive to me15:23
MaemohammadAGtg, it got stuck here too15:24
StskeepsOli```: or linux flasher-3.515:24
trbsbut it's a weird "user experience" so to speak15:24
odin_DocScrutinizer-8, I rebooted my N900 to make it reclaim all it can on rootfs before trying, I am about to attempt install15:24
MaemohammadAGi rebooted and it continued the update at startup15:24
evoRonnie^: new firmware almost made it unusable, :/15:24
Ronnie^is it hildonized?15:24
ShadowJKevo, how?15:24
X-FadeOli```: Or wait until it is available for your country.15:24
DocScrutinizer-8odin_: didn't help here15:24
odin_DocScrutinizer-8, how much you got free?15:25
evoShadowJK: the GUI is messed up ... sorry I can't give many details, I'm still a newbie :)15:25
rlinfatiwhat is the hostname on pr1.1 ? still 42-11 ?15:25
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tgcb22: what's nsu? the default sw update tool? or?15:25
threshrlinfati: it doesnt change between the updates15:25
cb22nokia software updater15:25
Oli```X-Fade: It is! I'm looking at the update on my n900 and after a bit of twitching it comes back "To update your device to this version of the operating system you must use the Nokia software update application on your PC. Connect the device to your PC via a USB cable and launch the application." With a button for creating a backup next to it.15:26
DocScrutinizer-8seems I like to uninstall that liqfoo (acceltest or whatever). It's a hog iirc15:26
X-FadeOli```: Then you have an older device.15:26
X-FadeOli```: That is not a retail one?15:26
tgcb22: i'm using this application manager on the phone itself15:26
Oli```(it is retail)15:26
X-FadeOli```: Did you install 44-2 first?15:27
Oli```X-Fade: the update the other day? Yes.15:27
cb22oh right... just flashed mine with NSU, figured it'd be nice to clean it up... took like 3 minutes for everything15:27
Gadgetoid_mbpOTA update wouldn't happen for me, either, what utter suckage15:27
ruskieSamsung has souped up its flash capacity with a 64GB MoviNAND product and a 32GB microSD (Secure Digital) product. <-- nice... 32GB microSD15:27
tgbut but yeah, it's definitely progressing now, just really slowly15:27
w00tX-Fade: can also be caused by conflicts in packages, no?15:27
ShadowJKOli```, how much free space?15:28
ruskieand the MoviNAND they consider as a good place to boot from in mobile devices :)15:28
ShadowJKamd dp you have libqt4-phonon installed (I saw on tmo that was an issue)15:28
Oli```ShadowJK: 15% free on rootfs15:28
Gadgetoid_mbpOli```: same trouble here, did you move your apt cache folder into opt?15:28
Oli```Gadgetoid_mbp: nope15:28
Gadgetoid_mbpAlthoguh I have enough free space15:28
ShadowJKOli```, df -h, how much in megabytes?15:28
joppuNice, I tried to update via OTA and now the N900 is in a reboot loop! Any suggestions? NSU or Flasher?15:28
evoagreed, libqt4-phonon must be uninstalled before, it took me 30 minutes to realize it, heh15:28
ShadowJKruskie, look for the combined OneNAND+SDRAM chips ;-)15:29
Oli```ShadowJK: 31.115:29
ShadowJKOli```, over 45 is required for OTA update15:29
ShadowJKor so they say15:29
Stskeepsjoppu: flasher15:29
Oli```ShadowJK: how the monkeys do I get it that low? I'm not sure it's ever been that low15:29
pupnikjust performed uptate with 40.6 MB free here.  red did it with 40.515:30
X-Fadefrals: Ok, it is because of repository cache issue in place because of ssu today ;)15:30
joppuStskeeps: Is the newest FW availtable for Flasher?15:30
Stskeepsjoppu: tablets-dev and i hope so15:30
Gadgetoid_mbpShadowJK: got 50mb free and no dice here15:30
fralsX-Fade: alright, thanks :)15:30
Arkenoi"To update your device.. blabla.. you must use the Nokia software update application on your PC." WTF?!15:30
X-Fadefrals: Update is in the origin repository, but not visible on repository.m.o15:30
ShadowJKI guess one method would be to use the backup application to backup the application list, then uninstall apps until free space is enough...upgrade and then reinstall apps15:30
fralsX-Fade: cheers :)15:31
andre__Arkenoi: which version do you currently run and how much free space do you have?15:31
Oli```righto... here goes15:31
GeneralAntillesArkenoi, remove qt4-phonon.15:31
andre__Arkenoi: this only happens if you cannot update via OTA.15:31
w00tUpdating 'Maemo 5' 2.2009.51-1.203.2 \o/15:31
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ShadowJKman, I wish all the libqt4* crap was optified.. especially as the update installs more of it15:33
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ShadowJKI wish the SDK tools repo was optified, too :-)15:33
Oli```I don't suppose there's a way to list all the after-market packages installed on the phone so you can bulk apt-get remove?15:33
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ShadowJK"Uninstall" in application manager generates a pretty good list for me15:33
Oli```I mean something that can be piped straight into apt15:34
acidjazzpls to be urling me update/bugfix log15:34
acidjazzfor this update15:34
andre__acidjazz, urling?15:35
andre__acidjazz, does that mean you want a web address or what?15:35
SpeedEvilOli```: ""15:35
Gadgetoid_mbpGeneralAntilles: libqt4-maemo5-phonon?15:35
joppuStskeeps: there is only the sales release, no PR1.1. Is it safe to flash to it?15:35
Stskeepsjoppu: hmm, no PR1.1?15:35
ArkenoiGeneralAntilles: qt4-phonon or qt4-maemo5-phonon?15:35
andre__joppu, where?15:35
frals"urling", nice expression :D15:36
Stskeepsjoppu: it shows me 51.1 just fine15:36
evoPR1.1 is pretty cool, thanks to all the developers .. I only miss modest-3.2 to fix #5634 and it'd be perfect :)15:36
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tekojojoppu should be available at tablets-dev15:36
acidjazzandre__: graci15:36
w00tI see 51.1 at tablets-dev, yes15:36
joppuWhat build string it is?15:36
andre__evo: yeah, modest-3.2 is planned for PR1.2 I think15:36
Stskeepsjoppu: depending on your needs15:37
evoandre__: cool :)15:37
joppu*.42-11 ?15:37
Stskeepsno, 51.115:37
Stskeeps51-1 i mean15:37
Oli```w00t!! up to 46megs of free space on rootfs!15:37
acidjazzoh man SO STOKED to see an update15:37
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ShadowJKOli```, try a reboot too :-)15:37
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papohm let's check if I got it right: original sales firmware is 42-11, the intermediate (small) one is 44-1 and the new one is something larger than 44?15:38
Oli```"apt-get remove offscr*; apt-get remove qt4-phon*; apt-get autoremove; apt-get clean"15:38
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tekojopapo yes, new one is 51-115:38
ShadowJKpapo, 51-115:38
papothat's odd15:38
sgbirchI am at 44-1, just got the 51.1 but it tells me I have to update using the Nokia software update application. ???15:38
Stskeepstekojo: btw, soumya still in charge of contents of SDK? or was that responsibility transferred15:38
jon1012bwah after upgrade webcam wuality is still horrible :(15:39
tekojoStskeeps, Marcell is now the owner15:39
X-FadeStskeeps: Marcell for fremantle15:39
ShadowJKsgbirch, need mroe than 45M free on /, uninstall *qt4*phonon* stuff...15:39
Stskeepsah, we should probably change a lot of bugs to be assigned to marcell then15:39
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papoone hour ago, some people recommended me to run the upgrade manually using apt-get dist-upgrade. I did it and it did upgrade the packages to the intermediate firmware. I seem to have these packages now, but settings->about still reports 42-1115:39
MaemohammadAGShadowJK, he can move archives to /home and symlink15:39
Oli```woo! it allows me to install OTA!! thanks for the help everybody!15:39
MaemohammadAGworked for me15:39
andre__Stskeeps: I've changed the default assignee already, but did not reassign the existing ones I must admit15:39
Gadgetoid_mbpOli```: damn, I'm still failing15:40
Stskeepsandre__: ta - i'll go ahead and cc him on the ones that are relevant15:40
andre__Stskeeps, appreciated. thanks!15:40
Oli```Gadgetoid_mbp: did you see my apt-get statements above?15:40
Gadgetoid_mbpWtf is offscr doing here, haha15:40
Gadgetoid_mbpYeah Oli```, giving 'em a try15:40
Oli```Gadgetoid_mbp: autoremove really helped a lot15:40
Gadgetoid_mbpBut I have oodles of space already15:40
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Gadgetoid_mbpMight be because i moved my apt cache to /opt15:41
Gadgetoid_mbpBut I don't see why15:41
Oli```move it back?15:41
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ArkenoiSilence ringing by flipping face down. <- it was there from the beginning, why is it listed as new feature?15:41
MaemohammadAGGadgetoid_mbp, did you symlink?15:41
Gadgetoid_mbpMaemohammadAG: yeah :D15:41
sgbirchShadowJK: I have 48.8M free on / but it still says I need to use the PC app15:41
MaemohammadAGthen it should work15:41
evosgbirch: try to uninstall libqt4-phonon15:42
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MaemohammadAGsgbirch, you didn't install 1.0.115:42
sgbirchMaemohammadAG: How do I make it install 1.0.115:42
sgbirchMaemohammadAG: this sucks15:42
MaemohammadAGtoo late i think15:42
MaemohammadAGyou should've installed it yesterday15:43
MaemohammadAGor the day b415:43
papodoes anyone know where the version number in settings->about come from?15:43
sgbirchI couldnt .. it didnt show up on my device15:43
ShadowJKI think it should be available still15:43
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MaemohammadAGsgbirch, did you update the sources list?15:43
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sgbirchMaemohammadAG: I gave up and reflashed ..15:43
sgbirchMaemohammadAG: But there was no UK version of PR1.1 so I installed 44.11 and then tried upgrade15:44
anunakinFlandry: hi!15:44
sgbirchThis is exactly why Nokia should have rolled this out slowly and to all ppl working with extras-testing15:44
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Gadgetoid_mbpGrarrghhhggh still a big pile of OTA fail15:46
Caesiummorning all15:46
Caesiumooh update eh15:46
* ShadowJK is waiting for N900 to charge :(15:46
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sgbirchNokia ... read my lips  RELEASE EARLY AND OFTEN15:46
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Oli```sgbirch: lips?15:47
Stskeepssgbirch: two updates in one week ;p15:47
sgbirchStskeeps: of which neither work on my N90015:47
CaesiumI assume it works? ;)15:47
sgbirchStskeeps: Instead of releasing a bunch of changes, they should dribble out to extras-testing15:48
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odin_up goes another bug#767915:48
povbotBug Importing using Exchange server search results in a field of EMAIL;TYPE=OTHER15:48
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odin_opps.. bug#797615:48
povbotBug More descriptive error is needed than: Not enough memory in target location15:48
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sgbirchOli```: It is an old expression from Bush, "read me lips, no new taxes" Then he increased taxes15:49
Caesiumfrom 1.1 changelog: 'Silence ringing by flipping face down.'15:49
Caesiumhuh? that was in 1.0? :)15:49
nomisfun bug:
povbotBug 7977: Entering PIN-Code post-boot is too obscure.15:50
Oli```sgbirch: I just meant the concept of lips on irc... I mean... Are they USB?15:50
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* Caesium gets a conflicting package report15:50
Caesiumtutorial-home-applet conflicts with new Maemo 5, hum15:50
sgbirchCaesium: I had that ... removed it but then upgrade failed. Tells me to use a PC app15:51
Oli```Blimey this update takes a while to install15:52
Caesium0.6.14 conflicts only with tutorial-home-applet-wimax, I wonder if 0.6.16 (which it's trying to install) has an incorrect conflict list15:53
joppuStskeeps and everyone, Thank you very much, got it flashed and working :)15:53
Caesiumsgbirch: I'll try removing it.15:53
sgbirchCaesium: let me know how it goes, I hope better for you than it did for me15:53
ShadowJKhow do you get wimax tutorial on n900, uh..15:55
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StskeepsShadowJK: url?15:57
Caesiumhm I saw a link about conflicting packages a minute ago15:57
Caesiumlost it now.15:57
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goriofabhi guys. how to install nokia pc suite in windos 7? i have a n90015:57
ShadowJKsts: to what..15:58
sgbirchgoriofab: why are you asking, is your upgrade failing or is this unrelated to PR1.1?15:58
ArkenoiHW volume keys always have same orientation.  <- so it won't reverse in portrait mode? seems illogical15:58
pierluxhum, my n900 look "locked" during the install of the update... I almost forced it to reboot until I saw the progress bar move... not good ;-)15:58
zashgoriofab: install win7 on n900 and then ps suite and then build a loopback cable! ;)15:58
StskeepsShadowJK: tutorial for wimax on n900 :P15:58
slonopotamusare color squares (approx 0.5x0.5mm with small hole in center) a normal thing on front camera?15:58
sgbirchzash: rotfl15:59
slonopotamus(testing with mirror app)15:59
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ShadowJKI was just commenting on Caesium, I'm probably not getting enough context ...15:59
goriofabyes i'd like to update my maemo but i got a message to install pc suite15:59
CaesiumShadowJK: my update won't apply because tutorial-home-applet is conflicting15:59
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Caesium0.6.16 of tutorial-home-applet (which it wants to install) conflicts with "Maemo 5"16:00
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Caesiumalthough I don't see evidence in apt-cache show to support that16:00
Caesiumunless Maemo 5 update is trying to install tutorial-home-applet-wimax16:00
slonopotamushow i take snapshot from front camera, btw?16:00
tgyay, 1hour elapsed and the update is already at ~30% :>16:01
tuxerCaesium: it conflicts with 42 and 44 but will install when you have upgraded your firmware to 5116:02
pupnikCaesium: interesting bug.  i expect most of us removed that to free up space16:02
Caesiumyeah that's what I'm gonna try.16:04
Caesiumapparently sgbirch did it and got further errors though.16:04
sgbirchCaesium: sorry to hear that ... what errors?16:04
Caesiumhaven't done it yet :)O16:04
SpeedEvilslonopotamus: mencoder can do it16:04
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SpeedEvilslonopotamus: but that's involved at best16:04
Caesiumok, removed it now, now seeing what App Manager says16:04
slonopotamusSpeedEvil: nah, i'm lazy :)16:05
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Caesiumsgbirch: it looks happier now..16:07
Caesiumnot sure why yours broke when you removed that :/16:07
ShadowJKI removed the tutorial, I think, and no issues so far?16:07
ShadowJKthough it's only downloading now :)16:07
SpeedEvilUninstalling google-latitude-updater freed 10M16:08
tybolltSpeedEvil: on root?16:08
ShadowJKI would have expected more than that16:08
ShadowJKit looked absolutely gigantic :)16:08
slonopotamusoooh! that's "dead huge pixels" from
povbotBug 5663: User-facing camera produces a left side dark vertical band16:09
* AndrewFBlack is so tired of hearing people complain that extra-devel broke my tablet16:09
ShadowJKthough most of it non-optified qt, I think?16:09
SpeedEvilShadowJK: no clue16:09
slonopotamuswho is Andre Klapper here? :)16:09
* w00t points at andre__ 16:10
slonopotamusandre__: can you comment on bug 5663 and "dead huge pixels"?16:10
povbotBug User-facing camera produces a left side dark vertical band16:10
zerojayandre__: You're in trouble now!16:10
* andre__ looks at his sandwich and waits three minutes to have two hands again16:11
ccookeHmm. portrait mode browser is working very well :-)16:11
Stskeepsmm, sandwich16:12
slonopotamusandre__: is front camera really so broken or it is just sw problems?16:12
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threshit is a problem in driver, IIRC16:12
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andre__slonopotamus, what do you refer to? general camera quality, or the bug report itself which is fixed now?16:14
threshand it is fine now in PR1.116:14
thresh(wasnt in 44-1)16:14
slonopotamusandre__: Comment #6 from Tim Samoff : Should this be reopened, or should a new bug be filed?16:14
andre__slonopotamus, feel free to file a new report...16:15
slonopotamusand comment #1116:15
andre__don't know.16:15
w00tsince everyone else says portrait mode is so good, let me be the first to whinge about my webpages looking too small in portrait mode16:15
* w00t ducks and runs for cover16:15
GeneralAntillesw00t, only fools say that. ;)16:15
andre__slonopotamus, I simply don't know. I have no N3000 to compare the quality to :-P16:15
w00tGeneralAntilles: :-D16:15
Ronnie^ccooke: apart from the screen tearing and the complete absence of any controls ;p16:16
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slonopotamusandre__: well, if you saw huge dead pixels, you would know it is totally unacceptable16:16
X-Fadeslonopotamus: No dead pixels here.16:16
andre__slonopotamus, for that I would have to use the camera16:16
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* chem|st saw dead people...16:16
tybolltchem|st: you in haita then16:17
slonopotamusmeh... how i take a shot of it?16:17
zerojayGeneralAntilles: I'm in a race.16:17
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anidelhi !16:17
kyndeCould someone do a `uname -a' on a 1.1 updated device? (did the kernel change, or was it even supposed to change?)16:17
chem|sthi anidel16:17
anidelhi chem|st16:17
w00tkynde: one moment16:17
chem|sttybollt: no through  the front cam...16:17
ccookeRonnie^: not noticed any tearing, but the lack of a controls...16:17
zerojayGeneralAntilles: Charge N900 battery fast enough to get 1.0.1 before 1.1 release... and if not, I'm fucked. lol16:17
w00tLinux explicit 2.6.28-omap1 #1 PREEMPT Thu Dec 17 09:40:52 EET 2009 armv7l unknown16:17
ShadowJKI guess I could take pic with Nokia E75 front webcam as comparison point :)16:17
kyndew00t: thanks16:17
GeneralAntilleszerojay, why?16:18
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kyndeSo it didn't.16:18
slonopotamusShadowJK: have them too?16:18
w00tnope, at least, not the build info :P16:18
w00tthe date certainly did.16:18
X-Fadezerojay: Connect it to usb while updating? Works fine.16:18
zerojayGeneralAntilles: If I don't have 1.0.1, I can't SSU to 1.1 and need to reflash instead... and I can't do that.16:18
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zerojayX-Fade: That would be nice if I had a USB port left that worked.16:18
ShadowJKslonopotamus: never tried front cam on n900 :)16:18
GeneralAntilleszerojay, SSU should work just like Diablo.16:18
X-Fadezerojay: Get more batteries then ;)16:18
kyndew00t: alright then, all's well. :)16:18
ShadowJKooh, it's installing the update now16:18
zerojayX-Fade: And if.. you know, Quim or anyone at Nokia would respond to my e-mails about it being broken, but I'm just ignored so...16:19
GeneralAntilleszerojay, you'll always get the next newest update.16:19
tybolltShadowJK: grab a coffee, recline your chair... relax... it's not going to be quick =)16:19
zerojayGeneralAntilles: Well, according to quim's notes, if you don't have 1.0.1 installed, you can't SSU 1.1.16:19
pierluxbilboed-pi, looks like I will have to update mapbuddy's website, ovi maps now start in 21 seconds! ;)16:19
GeneralAntilleszerojay, well, duh.16:19
GeneralAntilleszerojay, which is why you install 1.0.1 THEN 1.1.16:19
ShadowJKtybollt: I grabbed my N810 ;)16:20
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zerojayYes, but when 1.1 goes active on SSU, 1.0.1 is no longer available. :)16:20
tybolltShadowJK: :)16:20
GeneralAntilleszerojay, really?16:20
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zerojayThat's what he said.16:20
X-Fadezerojay: 1.0 devices can't even see the 1.1 release.16:20
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slonopotamusmeh, ctrl+shift+p doesn16:20
X-Fadezerojay: Because they don't know about the correct repo?16:20
zerojayX-Fade: I'm just going by what his release notes said.16:20
zerojayX-Fade: No idea.16:20
tybolltnonono zerojay, the correct meme goes "That's what _she_ said" ;-)16:20
chem|stguim jsut stated today that the guys disabled adobe-flash-cam-support because of the bad video output it produced, maybe they left out the whole front cam stuff like video phoning and else...16:21
zerojayGuim lives in Guam.16:21
anidelQuim then lives in ?16:21
chem|stsry quim...16:21
zerojayQuim lives in Quahog.16:22
zerojayWith the Griffins.16:22
anidelzerojay, how cold is over there?16:22
anidelzerojay, you know, tomorrow I'll know if I'm moving up there or not :D16:22
zerojayanidel: It's -4C, -10C with wind chill right now. Not bad.16:23
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anidelI like the "not bad" part :p16:23
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dymaxionWoo hoo ! new firmware H3G SIM fixed ... just need to update...16:23
dymaxionOTA update not available for PR1.1 ... at least not for me :-(  don't know why... sigh16:24
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zerojayI'm new here in this area too, so I'm not too sure what the norm is but it seems like it's milder than it was in Quebec. Worst it's been here was about -20C with the windchill whereas I was lucky if it wasn't worse than that all the time in Quebec.16:24
ShadowJKlast week the digital thermometer was blinking "out of range" like a blinking vcr clock, and I lost a power cable when the plastic disitegrated in the cold :(16:24
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guaquahi folks, any way of accessing /home without booting?16:25
ShadowJK"not bad" is accurate for -10C ;P16:25
guaquai.e. a bricked device16:25
chem|stdymaxion: just be patient... it will drop in some time soon for everybody16:25
fcrozatdymaxion: which release are you running ATM ?16:25
guaqua(most likely due to /var now residing in mmc it doesn't boot anymore)16:25
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ShadowJKguaqua: no16:26
dymaxionI see it on the OTA updates in App manager, but when I try to install it won't let me... says I need to use NSU...   i've updated the other day with PR 1.0.1  now at revision   1.2009.44-1.203.416:26
ShadowJKguaqua: but the regular flashing doesn't touch anything on mmc16:26
guaquaShadowJK: is there a way to access some part of the device during bootup16:26
zerojaySome people have said that if you remove some of your installed apps from -devel or extras, it will allow SSU update.16:27
dymaxiononly problem I'll not be able to update because I don't have Windows :-(  so I'm gonna be stuck with old firmware unless I buy windows :-(16:27
guaquaShadowJK: and all user data is in /home?16:27
fcrozatdymaxion: you can upgrade with linux ..16:27
zerojaydymaxion: Reflash using Linux.16:27
guaquai.e. if i do the "regular flashing" i won't lose my contacts etc?16:27
fcrozatdymaxion: what kind of error do you have ?16:27
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GeneralAntillesqgil, ping?16:27
GeneralAntilleskonttori_nokia, ping?16:28
chem|stdymaxion: free some space16:28
ShadowJKguaqua: you'll lose installed apps, but I think contacts is stored in /home and not touched. I'm not entirely sure though16:28
Caesiumwoo update seems to be chugging along, it just rebooted and now displaying a progress bar16:28
guaquaShadowJK: err, emmc i mean16:28
dymaxionno error.. just prompt to update via USB .. ... I'm sure I read that PR1.1 could be updates OTA...  so just confused why not possible...  chem|st  maybe it's a space issue?  I have 21Mb in rootfs...16:29
pupnikTHANKS for the live twit update16:29
chem|stit is a space issue then16:29
ShadowJKyes you need over 45 meg free16:29
Caesiumpupnik: sorry :)16:29
fluxsooo, I'm almost at the end of apt-get upgrading (yes, it's bad) to PR1.1, should I do reboot as root or just turn off/turn on the device normally?-)16:30
dymaxiongiven that I've backed up my app list... I can freely uninstall every app right... and the restore should apt-get install all the missing stuff right?16:30
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dymaxionany idea how to find out what app is taking up the most space?16:31
ShadowJKguaqua: basically without one of those nokia service rigs with serial, jtag and what not, your best bet is the normal flashing (NOT emmc flashing!)16:31
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ShadowJKguaqua: btw, battery charging does not work when your device is in that state, and you will not be able to flash if battery is too low... just a warning :)16:33
mrmgGot linux of my UX now. Maybe this'll make development easier. :)16:34
bilboed-pipierlux, f34r :)16:34
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fluxwhoo, it worked with apt-get as well, however I cannot suggest it to others, because I had to manually intervene during the ugprade16:35
RST38hOk, telepathy-haze dies in 51-116:35
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RST38hAnyone knows what to do?16:35
fluxalso it took 3 freakin hours (possibly due to me moving dpkg off the fast flash)16:35
gevaertsIs there a way to disable the startup tune? People are getting annoyed by my attempts to make my phone work...16:35
tybolltI want to know as well >:)16:36
tybolltRST38h: ugh, what, really? I use it a lot, that's very sad :-/16:36
dymaxionin /var/lib/dpkg/info  /var/lib/apt/lists    is taking up about 50Mb !      can i purge any of this in order to enable the OTA f/w update?16:37
GeneralAntillesRST38h, works here.16:37
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guaquaShadowJK: the battery is ok16:38
tigertgevaerts: put it to silent profile16:38
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fluxeverything almost went fine, except root shell (direct ssh) shows Nokia-N900-42-11, hmm..16:39
gevaertstigert: thanks! I'll try that16:39
Gadgetoid_mbpOTA fails even with tons of space free, boo!16:39
Caesiumflux: that's just from /etc/hostname.16:39
Caesiumit didn't change after the 44-1 update either.16:40
Arkenoigoogle latitude icon changed to blue square after updating to pr1.1 and reinstall16:40
fluxcaesium, right, of course! should've noticed as I did the 44-upgrade the proper way :)16:40
* gevaerts likes the no-lifeguard-reset flag16:41
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tigertgevaerts: it shouldnt make noises then16:42
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jon1012someone knows if there is a good design app for n900 ?16:43
jon1012(maybe an inkscape port ?)16:43
jon1012(or a gimp port ?)16:43
X-Fadejon1012: resolution is just too low.16:43
Caesiumgimp on the n900 would make my eyes bleed :)16:43
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lcukart/design on the n900 would work16:44
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lcukif the app is written cleanly16:44
* ifreq would love to have sketch app which support txt typing also :P16:44
ifreq(from keyboard)16:44
lcukindeed ifreq16:44
lcuklolcat creation ftw16:44
lcukhi dneary16:45
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dnearylcuk, Did you see Attanu's mail?16:45
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tigertlcuk: it would need a good ui16:46
jon1012_oops got disconnected16:46
lcuki get something in the region of 400 mails a day16:46
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jon1012_someone told me something ?16:46
lcuktigert :)16:46
tigertbut other than that, why not16:46
lcukdneary, narrow it down a bit and ill look16:46
tigertprecise input is tricky16:46
dnearylcuk, The guy who wants to write an article on PUSH16:47
fluxbtw, what is the proper way to turn off browserd? grep browser /etc/event.d/* turns up nothing.16:47
dnearylcuk, Ah, sorry - not Attanu, Swapnil16:47
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* Gadgetoid_mbp does apt-get dist-upgrade and grumbles16:48
gevaertstigert: silent mode works. Thanks!16:48
dnearyAnd it's Atanu, not Attanu16:48
fluxgadgetoid_mbp, how much space in root?16:48
Gadgetoid_mbpflux: about 50mb16:48
fluxgadgetoid_mbp, well, I had 70 and I had to do it in two phases16:48
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Gadgetoid_mbpand my apt cache is in opt16:48
fluxgadgetoid_mbp, so after installing 900 packages I had to interrupt and do dpkg --configure -a16:48
lcukhey dneary yeah! just read now16:49
tigertgevaerts: np16:49
fluxgadgetoid_mbp, after that I had 17M free to continue the rest of the installation16:49
Gadgetoid_mbpflux: Cheers, sounds like..err... "fun"16:49
lcukben is gonna answer all the push stuff (since im not directly involved) but theres a party in london :D16:49
Gadgetoid_mbpBut damned if I can be bothered to flash this thing16:49
fluxgadgetoid_mbp, try to make more space :)16:49
fluxgadgetoid_mbp, I moved my dpkg files off the root..16:49
Gadgetoid_mbpnot much left to uninstall16:50
fluxgadgetoid_mbp, (whicih might have resulted in the slowwww upgarde, 3 hours)16:50
pupnikspace is not his problem16:50
gevaertshm, the lifeguard-reset thing keeps rebooting my phone. Any ideas on how to find why?16:50
Gadgetoid_mbpspace, the final frontier16:50
fluxpupnik, what is, then?16:50
Gadgetoid_mbppupnik: fate is my problem, it just doesn't like me16:50
* gevaerts doesn't really want to keep his phone in r&d mode forever16:51
tigertcat /proc/bootreason16:51
pupnikthere are many ways to break a computer os.  arent where?  :)16:52
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niekt0damm package manager, cannot determine that I am already connected via usb cable16:53
threshapt-get rules ;P16:53
gevaertstigert: it reboots again too fast to be able to get at that, unless I'm in r&d mode with no-lifeguard-reset, and then it doesn't reboot at all...16:53
gevaertsWould syslog help?16:53
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X-Fadegevaerts: It records the *previous* boot.16:54
niekt0thesh> yes, but sometimes I see packege in those manager after I apt-get purget it, strange16:54
chem|stdymaxion: still there?16:54
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X-Fadegevaerts: But I'm not sure it it updates before completely booting though.16:54
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gevaertsX-Fade: It was in a reboot loop until I switched it off, used the flasher to put it in r&d mode, and then it says pwr_btn16:56
X-Fadegevaerts: Hmm ok, then you are our of luck. Well you can install syslog?16:57
gevaertstrying that now16:57
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HoXis there anybody which can help me with a flashing issues?16:57
chem|stHoX: just ask your question16:58
pupniksuggest removing "RnD Mode" permanently16:58
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qgilGeneralAntilles: pong16:59
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RST38hOk, one victim of 51-1 is the ICQ support16:59
tigertgevaerts: bootreason should still be there16:59
HoXi'm flashing my n900, but it stops on the message "Suitable USB device not found, waiting."16:59
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GeneralAntillesqgil, is 51-1 a 5.0 or a 5.1 release?17:00
HoXis it normal or should it tell me something while flashing?17:00
chem|stHoX: running which host system?17:00
gevaerts"Jan 14 15:57:09 Nokia-N900-42-11 init: nokiamessaging main process (1165) terminated with status 2"17:00
konttori_nokiaGeneralAntilles, pong17:00
qgil5.0, if that matters17:00
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GeneralAntilleskonttori_nokia, good timing17:00
wazdkonttori_nokia: we have a question bout QML17:00
GeneralAntillesqgil, interesting, thanks17:00
dymaxionhi chem|st ,  yup I', here... decided might try the flasher.3.5 from linux instead...... don't think I can free up anymore space on my rootfs17:01
wazdkonttori_nokia: is it worth using to code  UI for future maemo releases?17:01
chem|stdymaxion: you can be patient17:01
wazdkonttori_nokia: since it's actually not stable and stuff17:01
qgilGeneralAntilles: no significant change in the tools or API, just a content upgrade to match the OS17:01
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chem|stwhat about old .deb files?17:01
Stskeepswazd: Qt for sure17:01
xorAxAxdo you know how i can configure the alarm sound of gpe-calendar?17:01
chem|stdymaxion: apt-get clean or autoclean?17:02
wazdStskeeps: well, Qt, yes, but QML? :)17:02
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dymaxionyup tried both..17:02
dymaxionthe main stuff left is in  dpkg/info17:02
konttori_nokiawazd, qml will be also in harmattan17:02
konttori_nokiaI see no reason why not use it17:02
chem|stHoX: what does dmsg say to you device?17:02
konttori_nokiait will also be in S60, so if you make qml app, it will be easily cross platform compatible17:02
dymaxioneven with the USB.... I'm guessing I'll still need to move these files out of the way?  shall i move them to mmc1, or MyDocs somewhere like that.. or will that break it ?17:03
konttori_nokiaone definite advantage over anything you would do on dui17:03
wazdkonttori_nokia: oh, great, thanks17:03
konttori_nokiaqml is mostly stable already17:03
pillarqgil I just tried to upgrade the sdk, but apt-get upgrade returns errors and stops17:03
qgilkonttori_nokia: watch your language: it's called Symbian  ;)17:03
konttori_nokiait'll be just some additions after this17:03
konttori_nokiaqgil, oh, yeah, well, that too17:03
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chem|stdymaxion: have you uninstalled extras-devel and testing stuff?17:04
pillaralso, trying to upgrade libqt4-maemo5-* on the device gives error when upgrading maemo-launcher - reason: Size mismatch17:04
qgilpillar: I'm sorry but I'm not the best person to ask17:04
konttori_nokiaso, you can easily make a qt app that contains all of the UI code in qml and all logic is handled in the qt component17:04
dymaxioni've deactivated the repos,  but not uninstall any apps from there....  not sure which apps to remove...17:04
pillarqgil: sure, just thought that maybe there was some known error17:04
wazdkonttori_nokia: we're already hacking around with fancy animations :P17:05
dymaxionwant to big hit and remove the biggest ones... any guesses ?  or definitive way of finding out which apps?17:05
* SpeedEvil is listening to Pink Floyd - Dark Side Of the Sun - on unamplified 4 ohm speakers plugged into the phones socket. Surprisingly listenable.17:05
konttori_nokiadon't you just love the flexibility of it!17:05
konttori_nokiaIt's really close to what flash offers.17:05
* dymaxion thinks this tiny rootfs thing is such a pain :-)17:05
konttori_nokiaeven better in some respects (and free to use)17:05
Gadgetoid_mbpflux: no space left on device :D17:05
wazdkonttori_nokia: well, the main advantage that it's not flash :D17:06
konttori_nokiawe are planning to to on-boot optification of content. It should release a lot of space (that will be digested with the qt4.6 - at least partially )17:06
fluxgadgetoid_mbp, well, it was to be expected17:06
konttori_nokiawazd, sure!17:06
Gadgetoid_mbpConfiguring now17:06
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HoXchem|st: this are the last lines of dmesg17:07
HoXusb 1-5: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 1217:08
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HoXusb 1-5: configuration #1 chosen from 2 choices17:08
HoXscsi9 : SCSI emulation for USB Mass Storage devices17:08
HoXusb-storage: device found at 1217:08
HoXusb-storage: waiting for device to settle before scanning17:08
HoXusb 1-5: USB disconnect, address 1217:08
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HoXata1.00: configured for UDMA/13317:08
HoXata1: EH complete17:08
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chem|stHoX: usb 1-5: USB disconnect?17:09
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Gadgetoid_mbpflux: then apt-get dist-upgrade to resume  with -f ?17:10
chem|stdymaxion: uninstall games like duke3D, google latituded frees about 10MB17:10
HoXchem|st: it could be from the previous work... i mounted the device for a backup and then i toggle the usb as the instruction says17:11
BluewindGadgetoid_mbp: yes17:11
konttori_nokiaGeneralAntilles, did you have anything else you wanted comments on, except that qml thingy?17:11
konttori_nokiawe already have qml on harmattan afaik.17:11
fluxgadgetoid_mbp, well, you're still out of space, no?17:12
chem|stHoX: Remove USB, hold the u key and plug it back in. Wait until you get a boot screen with usb logo in top right, and let go of the key.17:12
fluxgadgetoid_mbp, dpkg --configure -a17:12
HoXi've done it17:12
Bluewindcan I somehow get rid of all those -l10n packages for locales I don't need?17:12
fluxgadgetoid_mbp, in any case I think 50M was too low to ever complete this operation without a reboot, and I don't know if you can reboot during that.. well, best of luck :)17:12
chem|stHoX: at the point u get the no suitable device17:12
HoXchem|st: I already have the boot screen with the usb logo17:12
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HoXchem|st: but the flasher is still on that message17:13
chem|sttry again...17:13
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* konttori_nokia heads home17:13
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Gadgetoid_mbpWell, it's finished17:14
Gadgetoid_mbpAnd it didn't take 3 hours17:14
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MohammadAGdymaxion, you could've moved the apt directory to /home17:14
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Gadgetoid_mbpTook about 30 mins17:14
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Gadgetoid_mbp98% root usage... err17:15
Bluewindi'm updateing mostyl locales -.-17:15
redeemanim surprised it doesn't use more space17:15
redeemani got no increase in space usage and it added Qt packages17:15
chem|stredeeman: should be around 102% now...17:15
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HoXchem|st: from what I understand if it's flashing the device? something on the phone or on the computer console?17:17
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redeemanim confused, the wiki changelog says they fixed the problem with not being able to properly align icons on the "desktop", but i cant see how to do that?17:17
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DocScrutinizer51wooot. Pr1.1 finally. Only took me uninstalling of xxty apps to make space for HAM dl17:19
chem|stHoX: it should start extracting to your device17:19
HoXagain... it does nothing17:19
HoXchem|st: I try to put it in flashing mode BEFORE i start the program...17:20
Gadgetoid_mbpflux: Rebooted, looks good, thanks :)17:20
chem|stHoX: no17:20
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Gadgetoid_mbpAnd back to a not-too-bad 77% root usage17:20
Bluewindhow much free?17:21
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chem|styou start the flashing tool wait for the message 'No suitable...' and then you  press 'u' plugin and wait for the state, then release keys and it should start17:21
Jef9190 maemo update...17:21
Jef91Dare I ask?17:21
fluxall that disk space recovery put me into 57M free - from 30M. I suppose I won't be installing all those remaining non-optified programs back..17:21
HoXchem|st: could it be related to the mandriva issue? ( on the bottom)17:21
HoXchem|st: i'm using arch linux17:21
Gadgetoid_mbpflux: too right!17:21
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Bluewindand around 1k packets17:22
Bluewindahm packages*17:22
chem|stHoX: you may try an ubuntu live cd... but it should work with arch...17:23
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fluxtoo bad it's difficult to know beforehand which apps are optified and which not17:23
tybollt guess we need a HALL OF SHAME list for packages ;)17:23
HoXchem|st: I'll try tomorrow on my office pc (with debian)17:23
fluxmaybe new headers are in order: X-Opt-Installed-Size: xxx?17:24
Jef91flux: its not hard to optify a package17:24
pupnikwould love that17:25
chem|stHoX: are u using a hub or something?17:25
HoXchem|st: at the third time, finally it works17:25
HoXchem|st: thanks for the help17:25
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HoXchem|st: how much time will it take?17:25
chem|sta while, hope you battery is fully charged...17:26
HoXchem|st: it has finished :D17:26
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HoXchem|st: thank you very much17:26
chem|stHoX: happy to assist17:27
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|Rso uhm, should i apt-get install mp-fremantle-002-pr ? the app manager want me to have a USB cabe and a software i don't have...17:32
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Dr_Cainso uh17:33
Dr_Cainupdate through the app manager or through apt-get?17:33
GeneralAntilles|R, remove libqt4-phonon17:33
qgilAbout to leave my desk. I think the best is to protect from changes17:33
|RGeneralAntilles: not installed :/17:33
GeneralAntilles|R, then something else is conflicting.17:33
pupnikGeneralAntilles: do you recall the name of app to control phone 2G/3G?17:33
qgilthere is still the discussion page and several community guys with editing permissions17:34
pupnikgood call17:34
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GeneralAntillesqgil, done.17:34
guaquaumm. where can i get the fiasco image?17:34
GeneralAntillespupnik, 2G/3G switch or something like that17:35
guaquait says to get the fiasco image, but there is no url to it17:35
qgilwow GeneralAntilles you were faster than me17:35
GeneralAntillesguaqua, same place as always.17:35
guaqua"as always"17:35
qgilnext time I'll do first and then comment  :)17:35
GeneralAntillesqgil, good plan. ;)17:35
GeneralAntillespupnik, it's in Desktop near the top.17:35
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pupnik3g2g-mode-selection-applet - Switch between the three network modes (3G, 2G and Dual) from the status menu17:35
* GeneralAntilles assumed the comment was a request. *g*17:35
qgilalright, thank you everybody! I think it's one of the best maintenance releases we have done so far17:36
qgilthanks to you as well17:36
GeneralAntilleslater, qgil17:36
|RGeneralAntilles: should i just alias /var/cache/apt/archives and do it with apt-get ? (apt-get install only complains about free space)17:36
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pupnikGA is great17:36
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GeneralAntilles|R, it's an option, just review apt's changes list carefully.17:37
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GeneralAntillesI'd disable any of the non-default repositories, too.17:37
DocScrutinizer51I can't install coreutils via HAM. I've been told that's intentional and OK. But WTF is showing up coreutils_l10n-ZHHK in HAM then?? And how could I possibly get rid of those *-ZHHK pkgs spamming the whole appmanager?17:37
pupnikit is a great upgrade qgil17:37
pupnikDocScrutinizer51: agree17:37
|RGeneralAntilles: I did (repo off) and the list seems legit, nothing removed, only upgrades or suggested package :)17:37
GeneralAntillesDocScrutinizer51, disable Extras-devel.17:37
DocScrutinizer51GeneralAntilles: hmm. OK17:38
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GeneralAntillesBut, yes, somebody needs to describe the concept of metapackages to that maintainer then delete the spam.17:38
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DocScrutinizer51GeneralAntilles: ...if you will spank ZHHK maintainer ;-P17:39
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zitunehi everybody17:40
DocScrutinizer51GeneralAntilles: ack. :)17:40
papook, so flashing will wipe *everything*, including /, /home and /home/MyDocs, right?17:40
GeneralAntillespapo, no.17:40
GeneralAntillesFlashing wipes /17:40
GeneralAntillesIf you want to wipe stuff on the eMMC, you have to flash the eMMC image.17:41
DocScrutinizer51flashing eMMC wipes all17:41
papohrm I don't feel comfortable with the wiki which sais "Beware that flashing a new image on your device will reset the device back to factory defaults and remove all data not on the memory card"17:41
jon1012qgil is here ?17:41
GeneralAntillesThe eMMC is a memory card.17:41
papohm ok17:42
papoI agree but still don't feel comfortable :)17:42
papoGeneralAntilles: so which is which?17:42
GeneralAntillespapo, because you don't trust us?17:42
GeneralAntillespapo, the eMMC is a soldered-on SD card.17:42
GeneralAntillesSo there are two memory cards.17:42
papoGeneralAntilles: just because I'm prudent17:43
GeneralAntillesBe aware that the wiki page goes over the steps to flash the eMMC.17:43
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GeneralAntillesSo that warning is applicable if you follow those steps.17:43
papoGeneralAntilles: Hm yes it makes sense, I saw two different types of images17:43
guaquapapo: bricked yours too?17:43
papoguaqua: not yet17:43
guaquaguardian: i'm just flashing mine after bricking it, with the non-emmc-image17:43
guaquawe'll see what's missing17:44
pupnikbricks are not flashable17:44
matthew-any way of changing the looks of the console ?17:44
paposo the MMC-image is / and the other image is /home and /home/user/MyDocs or is it vice-versa?17:44
GeneralAntillesmatthew-, options?17:44
guaquapupnik: bricking as in not being able to boot17:44
GeneralAntillespapo, the eMMC image is /home /home/user/MyDocs17:44
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ifreqhmm my 3G/2G does not work anymore.. getting IP but no data traffic :P17:44
matthew-GeneralAntilles: i can only see the font settings17:44
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papoGeneralAntilles: ok so to get the new firmware I want to flush the non-MMC then17:45
papoerr flash17:45
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GeneralAntillesguaqua, no, bricking is either hardware or bootloader failure.17:45
GeneralAntillesguaqua, a corrupted install isn't "bricking"17:45
GeneralAntillesThat's a reboot loop.17:45
guaquamine didn't boot17:45
GeneralAntillesmatthew-, what else do you need?17:45
GeneralAntillesguaqua, but important ones here.17:45
guaquanor did it go to a reboot loop17:45
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matthew-GeneralAntilles: wanna change background color!17:45
GeneralAntillesguaqua, when you throw around terms like "brick" it means different things to different people.17:45
matthew-want it to look as my desktop does17:45
GeneralAntillesmatthew-, then look more closely at that dialog.17:45
GeneralAntillesguaqua, when discussing troubleshooting, brick means unrecoverable17:46
GeneralAntillesif you flash it and get it working again, it aint bricked.17:46
papoGeneralAntilles: last time I checked, there were several flavours of that one, including general and global (IIRC). Which one do you recommend? And one more thing: I would still have stuff in my /home/opt then, right? can I safely remove it? and use the backupped application list to re-install the apps I had before?17:46
guaquaGeneralAntilles: well what is it, then?17:46
GeneralAntillespapo, you can remove it, but you don't really need to.17:46
GeneralAntillesguaqua, unbootable.17:46
GeneralAntillespapo, pick the firmware for your region.17:47
matthew-guaqua: just reinstall the od17:47
guaquai reflashed and it seems to work17:47
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guaquaor boot17:47
niekt0how much space is required for new update? 50MB is evidently too few..17:47
GeneralAntillesniekt0, why do you say so?17:48
matthew-niekt0: on rootfs?17:48
matthew-i had 4317:48
papoGeneralAntilles: I'll come back to that question when I will download the image... so if I import my backup (done with the backup application) after flashing, I won't be missing anything? (SMS, contacts, call log, shortcuts, widgets etc)?17:48
niekt0matthew> failed to write status record about `telnet' to `/var/lib/dpkg/status': No space left on device17:48
DocScrutinizer51niekt0: me as well 42MB17:48
GeneralAntillespapo, no.17:48
hrwniekt0: I had 45MB17:49
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papoGeneralAntilles: I guess I'll give it a try then17:49
papoGeneralAntilles: thank you17:49
GeneralAntillesniekt0, are you upgrading with apt-get?17:49
DocScrutinizer51niekt0: depends on locale or the like17:49
X-Fadeniekt0: Using apt-get?17:49
X-Fadedon't do that.17:49
niekt0apt-get update, upt-get upgrade17:49
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matthew-use the updater17:49
GeneralAntillesniekt0, apt caches to the rootfs.17:49
niekt0it wail to work while connected over usb17:49
matthew-or u need extra 90meg17:49
X-FadeThat will leave you with alot less space after upgrade too.17:49
GeneralAntillesniekt0, so clearly it can't manage to download 85MB of packages to 50MB of space.17:49
niekt0no, my cache is linked to /home/user/MyDocs/cache17:49
X-FadeAs apt-get doesn't set compression settings.17:50
jon1012are there peoiple from nokia here or just community ?17:50
GeneralAntillesniekt0, use the application manager.17:50
Stskeepsjon1012: community includes nokians17:50
DocScrutinizer51niekt0: doesn,t matter where Ur cache is linked17:50
matthew-jon1012: both!17:50
DocScrutinizer51use HAN!17:50
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jon1012what is the best way to distribute a closed source app for n900 ?17:51
tybolltPLEASE EVERYONE can you stop saying HAM all the time? I'm getting hungry over here >:)17:51
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jon1012(using pymaemo)17:51
threshmmmm... beer17:51
matthew-damn, im argueing with my gf. and she brought food to me. i was starving and i thought ill breake but hunger is gone17:51
niekt0DocScrutinizer51> ?? doesn't matter?17:51
Dr_Cainalright, 1.1 going in17:51
* Dr_Cain holds thumbs17:52
matthew-and is n900 louder than ipod?17:53
tybolltn900 isn't particularely loud17:53
Dr_Cainlouder in what way?17:53
tybolltmakes a pretty feeble alarm bell :)17:53
Dr_Cainthe speakers or headphones?17:53
tybolltthat said I should get pair of BT speakers ;)17:53
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nomistybollt: just put it on a hard surface. The vibration motor will wake you up without any support by the speakers.17:54
tybolltnomis: :) that's actually how it does work for me - yes17:54
nomistybollt: (which I actually dislike a lot)17:54
tybolltbzzzzzzzzzzzzt bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzt bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzt :)17:54
* gevaerts 's phone is working again :)17:54
matthew-Dr_Cain: speakers17:54
GeneralAntillesnomis, I don't get why they have an ascending volume alarm but start the vibra off at full throttle. <_<17:54
nomisGeneralAntilles: I don't get why it is impossible to disable this, except globally for everything.17:55
GeneralAntillesnomis, indeed.17:55
nomisit totally kills the "sneakingly-wake-up" effect.17:55
GeneralAntillesnomis, I'd also like to kill vibra for IMs.17:55
Dr_Cainisn't pulseaudio there to protect them? :P17:55
cvandonderenHow long does that 2.2009.51.1 update take to complete?17:55
cvandonderenit has been on 'time left: 3 minutes' for the past 10 minutes17:56
matthew-cvandonderen: 15mins?17:56
nomiscvandonderen: takes a while. Took at least half  an hour for me.17:56
nomis(there was a "time left" indicator???)17:56
cvandonderenI was thinking it had crashed already17:56
* |R apt-get install the upadte ....17:56
cvandonderenNSU 1.8.1017:56
nomiscvandonderen: or is it still downloading?17:57
cvandonderenno, I use gthe desktop app17:57
cvandonderennot the flasher17:57
X-Fadecvandonderen: Flashing itself should only take a few seconds.17:57
* xorAxAx pushes 9 crash reports!17:57
Dr_Cainit's installing still for me still..17:57
Dr_Cainlooks about 45% complete17:57
cvandonderenbut I'll probably brick it when I pull the cable out, won't it?17:57
xorAxAxmy device is a gold mine for developers :)17:57
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tgmine just finished17:58
tgit took 3 hours17:58
|Rd/l complete...17:58
tybolltok so now 1.1 is in ... your top caveats after 1.1 is applied (things that weren't fixed)?17:58
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X-FadeAnyway, flashing is better than OTA upgrading when you look at available space left on root.17:59
cvandonderenI hope they fixed secure bluetooth pairing (apple keyboard ;-))17:59
X-FadeAltough OTA is less work for most.17:59
pupnik1.1 upgrade freed 1.2MB here17:59
HydroxideX-Fade: is that even true after the next reboot?17:59
Hydroxideor is that bug fixed too?17:59
Gadgetoid_mbpjust put my three sim in17:59
* Hydroxide just applied 1.1 himself17:59
X-FadeHydroxide: Flash image uses the highest compression. OTA a bit lower.18:00
HydroxideX-Fade: is that referring to compression in terms of transfer to the device, or some kind of semi-permanent on-disk compression?18:00
X-FadeHydroxide: Rootfs is compressed.18:01
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X-FadeHydroxide: On the fly compression is at a lower level, because it would hurt performance a lot.18:01
cvandonderenwhat should I do when it really doesn't respond anymore?18:01
HydroxideX-Fade: ok. IIRC one of the fixes in 1.0.1 did make the kernel compatible with some kind of higher level of ubifs/lzo compression... I would have to look up the details. but ok18:01
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X-FadeHydroxide: Yes, higher.18:01
X-FadeHydroxide: Not highest.18:02
Hydroxideok. so highest is only from the flash. got it.18:02
HydroxideGadgetoid_mbp: works?18:02
hrwquestion: what do you think about reporting bugs against extras(any) packages due to lack of descriptions?18:02
|Runpacking and the rootfs is down to 10MB...18:02
Gadgetoid_mbpHydroxide: Yup :D18:02
Gadgetoid_mbpJust worked with 3G right out of the box18:02
Gadgetoid_mbpDon't know about calls, as it's technically a data-only AIM18:02
Hydroxidehrw: wearing my debian-developer hat I think that's a good idea, though I have no idea what maemo's policy is on that18:02
HydroxideGadgetoid_mbp: ah18:03
hrwHydroxide: with my debian-user hat I also think of it as good. but I also know that community packages are often low quality18:03
Hydroxidehrw: at least if you pick the appropriate severity/whateverbugzillacallsit18:03
Hydroxidehrw: true. that's no reason not to encourage higher quality IMHO :)18:03
|R0 space left...18:04
DocScrutinizer51SpeedEvil: frontcam still borked fubar18:04
HydroxideX-Fade: looks like my root partition is 84% used whereas I think it was closer to 88% used before the upgrade. I may be misremembering but in any case it doesn't seem worse in a relevant way for me18:05
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DocScrutinizer51SpeedEvil: or at least mirror app clinging to the old pointilism behaviour18:06
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|Rwhere does apt unpacks it stuff?18:06
X-FadeHydroxide: That doesn't tell you anything?18:06
|Rit just filled the rootfs and died18:06
HydroxideX-Fade: I'm not sure what you're asking.18:06
guaquai'm not suggesting OTA for anyone18:06
X-FadeHydroxide: That just tells you that the upgrade uses less storage. Doesn't tell you what you would have had if you flashed ;)18:07
HydroxideX-Fade: oh, I do realize that18:07
niekt0hmm, what now, apt freezes somewhere in the middle, 5MB left free on / ?;)18:07
HydroxideX-Fade: I just meant it didn't seem worse in a relevant way than before the upgrade, not as compared to flashing18:08
|Rniekt0: same here...18:08
X-FadeHydroxide: Fwiw, my N900 is at 73% after ota.18:08
HydroxideX-Fade: sorry if I was unclear18:08
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* |R dpkg --configure -a ... we'll see18:08
HydroxideX-Fade: ah. well I do have a bunch of stuff installed, and even with optification some of it adds up18:08
DocScrutinizer51X-Fade: any idea when we might see a fix for VGA cam driver?18:08
X-FadeDocScrutinizer51: Works fine now?18:08
X-FadeAt least it does on my devices?18:09
niekt0|R > I removed almost everything except basic system, so maybe is time for reflash18:09
DocScrutinizer51nah' not at all18:09
X-FadeDocScrutinizer51: Band is gone?18:09
|Rniekt0: you're doing it with apt-get ?18:09
niekt0I was;)18:09
DocScrutinizer51yup band is gone18:09
DocScrutinizer51but noise is same as before18:09
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X-FadeDocScrutinizer51: Well, then you see the real 'quality' of the cam ;)18:10
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pupnikit is microscopic18:11
DocScrutinizer51X-Fade: any chance to get the manuf's specs and QA criteria for that cam?18:11
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DocScrutinizer51X-Fade: btw is it the same as in N810?18:12
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DocScrutinizer51X-Fade: maybe my device actually is broken18:12
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GeneralAntilleshrw, yes.18:13
GeneralAntilleshrw, Extras QA requirement is good description.18:13
tganyone knows an expected release date for PR1.2?18:13
GeneralAntilleshrw, don't mention application name in short description, short description is not followed by a period, etc.18:13
DocScrutinizer51N810 cam is orders of magnitude better. Still crap but somewhat useable18:13
GeneralAntillestg, no.18:13
GeneralAntillestg, PR1.1 was just released today. :)18:14
tgyeah but seems like bug #5357 (ussd codes) is still not fixed in PR1.118:14
povbotBug Does not accept GSM (USSD) Codes starting with *#18:14
GeneralAntillestg, so, the answer for PR1.2 is "when it's ready". :)18:15
qoleGeneralAntilles, how is the update going?18:15
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: odd.18:15
hrwtg: there are many bugs which were not fixed in 1.118:15
GeneralAntillesqole, aside from Qt brokenness, seemingly fine.18:15
qolet.m.o. was DDOSed when I went to bed last night18:15
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: the spec is IIRC 37dB@100 lux. Which isn't horribly aweful.18:15
hrwtg: and bugs which got note "maybe will be fixed in maemo17"18:16
tgyeah i thought so:>18:16
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: though that spec is a bit ambiguous - 100 lux on what sort of target.18:16
tgwhats maemo17?18:16
SpeedEviltg: A leak from the future.18:16
tgokay :>18:16
hrwtg: big unknown future18:16
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hrwtg: joking I am - s/maemo17/harmattan/18:17
DocScrutinizer-8anyway on N810 it's really pretty compared to N90018:17
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tgbtw, is there a way to run a script when the power button is pressed?18:18
tgor how can i catch that event18:18
DocScrutinizer-8SpeedEvil: while with N810 I almost could take a passport snapshot at least, on N900 I hardly recognice myself (or any human face at all)18:18
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niekt0|R> US or european (localized) version?18:19
pupnik  mana world devs picking up maemo - new packages18:19
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jon1012woohoo first time using xchat on n90018:21
|Rniekt0: US18:21
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Arkenoithere is abiword in extras-devel, does it really work?18:22
DocScrutinizer-8jon1012: nice, isn't it?18:22
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SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: MOAR LIGHT!18:22
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SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: at ~100000 lux - it's just bad. (sunlight)18:23
jon1012yeah but had to put the black on white colors manually18:23
DocScrutinizer-8SpeedEvil: well probably18:23
jon1012and user list and menus look strange18:23
SpeedEvilI have problems believing it's _that_ bad in hardware if there is not a hardware issue.18:23
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jon1012also, there is no touch scroll on chat panel so when i swipe to scroll, I select text18:24
|Rok moved /var/lib/dpkg too...18:24
* DocScrutinizer-8 wonders if that's caused by the 'sunglasses effect' mentioned in disassemblage movie for the TS panel plastic18:24
niekt0hmm, maybe my problem is that update tried to install all language mutation18:26
DocScrutinizer-8X-Fade: would you incidentally know if the N810 and N900 have same cam?18:26
qoleIs packages interface generally borked ATM?18:26
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qoleI try to go to my package, and get: "Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /mnt/netapp/pear/midcom/lib/midcom/helper/_dbfactory.php  on line 451"18:28
niekt0someone with working PR1.1 > do you have all the localization packages installed?18:28
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|R0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.18:29
|Rok, went through them all...18:29
|Rnow ... rebooting haha (scream or pleasure? Answer after the break! :P)18:30
jon1012qole: i dont know, but french is here18:30
slonopotamusfirst world with 3 stars :)18:30
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DocScrutinizer51SpeedEvil: actually a 'MOAR LIGHT' issue. With a 36W-FL it works quite 'good' now. With a 60W incandescent N810 outperforms N900 cam completely18:31
inzDocScrut, given that N810 gives semi-decent picture and N900 gives ~white noise, I would guess they're different18:32
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cvandonderenwhen I have it connected over USB to use the software updater does it get it's power from the USB?18:32
cvandonderenI think my battery will die otherwise18:32
DocScrutinizer51inz: see above18:32
Va6Is this the right channel to get help for N900?18:32
cehtehcvandonderen: when it says charging (and acctually does that) then yes18:32
chem|stVa6: maybe18:32
cvandonderencehteh: it is updating18:32
cvandonderenhas been for over an hour now18:33
chem|stcvandonderen: dont no didnt test but I guess no18:33
lcukVa6, its the right channel to speak to a lot of n900 owners, whether any of can help you is a different issue18:33
cvandonderenwhat happens when I disconnect the cable now then?18:33
cvandonderenwill it break, or can I use the flasher to repair?18:33
chem|sthi cehteh18:33
DocScrutinizer51cvandonderen: you *always* can repair flash18:34
cehtehmine charged when usb is plugged in, sans bugs18:34
cehtehi made my charge light blink even when display is on .. thats a nice notifier18:34
Va6Ok if somebody has a idea I would like to transfer callendar from my old 6680 to N900. I tried sync via Bluetooth. And it says failed.18:34
cehtehso just leave it it18:34
cehtehhi chem|st18:34
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Va6I have win 7 so theree is no outlook yet. As far as i know.18:34
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cehtehnote that the device can not run from usb power alone18:34
cvandonderenDocScrutinizer51: hmm, I might disconnect it then, this takes way too long18:34
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chem|stVa6: what possibilities do you have to export the 6680 calendar?18:35
hrwVa6: use pc suite?18:36
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DocScrutinizer51SpeedEvil: wasn,t it you who did evaluation of the (missing) controls of cam? Maybe check again now for the VGA might be informative18:37
cehtehmhm what costs more power, headphone amp or bluetooth? *thinking*18:37
cehtehabout if a bluetooth headphone makes sense18:37
Va6I have pc suite18:38
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: no.18:38
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chem|stVa6: then use it...18:38
SpeedEvilcehteh: probably the phone amp18:38
Va6I am not certan I know how to export callendar18:38
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SpeedEvilcehteh: but it could be a wash at low volume18:38
chem|stfind out?18:38
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SpeedEvilI was surprised to find that playing at full volume into 4 ohm speakers for 2 albums at 1/5th battery diddn't affect the battery meter.18:39
Va6By making a security copy?18:39
cehtehyeah maybe this is no issue at all18:39
|Rniekt0: rebooted and all seems fine, 47MB free :)18:39
chem|stVa6: maybe I dont know what the copy looks like18:40
|Rniekt0: so, screw cleaning up ;)18:40
DocScrutinizer51cehteh: negligable. both should take no more than 15 to 20% of system standby consumption you inevitably have during music playback18:40
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chem|stbut if you are able to upload a security copy to your n900 afterwards then it was the way...18:40
cehtehyeah prolly18:40
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DocScrutinizer51cehteh: BT has better controls for mediaplayer18:41
Va6Security copier doesn't recognize N90018:41
DocScrutinizer51wired hs doesn't obey the hold button18:41
chem|stVa6: then the answer is 'no'...18:42
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cehtehi know18:42
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hrwVa6: 6680 is S40 phone? you can try Gammu to make usable ICal backup18:42
cehtehDocScrutinizer-8: in the long term i consider a sennheiser pxc310 bt18:43
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Va6What is Gammu?18:43
cehtehbut waiting until my current headphone breaks and/or the price drops18:43
Va6And yes if I am not mistaking 6680 is S4018:43
DocScrutinizer51cehteh: you make me remember there were complaints about micro-dropouts on BT A2DP18:44
inzVa6, according to wikipedia it's S6018:44
cehtehDocScrutinizer-8: headphone, not headset18:44
chem|stVa6: have a google account?18:45
DocScrutinizer51cehteh: s/micro/ultrashort/18:45
Va6You are thinking about going trough the google callendar?18:46
chem|stsync with google calendar export ical file put it on n900 import it18:46
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chem|stif you phone doesnt do ical...18:46
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wazdkonttori_nokia: I have something more for you :)18:54
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phrI recently bought Nokia N98. But i see some russian characters written on the keys. Is this original Nokia made? It says Made in Korea. But when i try to find that model in, it gives me no results of that kind. "18:58
phryow that was from 200718:59
phrdid they ever release an n98?18:59
threshnokla did18:59
cehtehnot even bad specs .. comared to the chinese n90019:01
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phrnice ;)19:02
phrwhat kind of cpu do those symbian phones have?19:02
Arkenoisymbian s70?19:02
Arkenoimust be something from parallel universe19:03
SpeedEvilI accidentally filled up / - and camera seems to drop pictures on the floor.19:03
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wazdcehteh: maybe I have a problem with my FF, but I can't see the phone there, just a girl :)19:05
CorsacSMS, MMS19:05
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SpeedEvilCan anyone with 1.1 test the following. dd if=/dev/urandom of=/klfejf19:08
SpeedEvilTake a couple of pics.19:08
SpeedEvilRemove /klfejf19:08
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SpeedEvil(take pics and close camera app)19:09
cehteheh .. that makes your root explode19:09
SpeedEvilpics are then dropped on the floor - and not saved19:09
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papoit works!19:09
papostill awesome19:09
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SpeedEvilHowever - shouldn't there be notification to the user - or is stuff expected to explode in unexpected ways if / fills.19:09
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pupnikhooray for "filter by folder" in Photos app19:11
hrwbug #693319:13
povbotBug Alarm times are shown wrong19:13
hrwdie, nokia devs, die19:13
lcuknot all of us i hope :(19:14
Arkenoievent descriptions are finally properly synced with google19:15
pupnikcan you make a suggested layout in gimp, hrw?19:16
phr  nice article about n86 camera19:16
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hrwpupnik: ?19:17
hrwlcuk: you are nokia dev now?19:18
pupniki dont see your problem19:18
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hrwpupnik: event has alarm time set to 1:45 before event - calendar shows 3:00 instead of 1:4519:19
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pupnikah thanks19:19
fralslcuk is keeper of the bacon19:19
lcukhrw, yes19:20
hrwlcuk: congratulations then - really19:21
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papowhat does "always on" mean for the MfE sync setting? That it keeps syncing all the time?19:21
konttoriwazd: cool19:22
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konttoripapo: it keeps connection alive19:22
hrwkonttori: can I ask question about release cycle?19:23
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papokonttori: Something like IMAP IDLE?19:23
konttoripapo: afaik19:23
konttoribut I'm not activesync developer19:23
papokonttori: Ok nice, thank you. Let's check how much it drains the battery19:23
hrwkonttori: what makes nokia Maemo team to decide 'this build will be base of next update'?19:23
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hrwkonttori: as I would like to know does reporting bugs has any sense because I can start reporting bugs today/tomorrow just to get information that this may be included in PR 1.3 which will be in ~8 months from now (for example).19:25
Bluewinddo I need python2.5-minimal when python2.5 is installed?19:25
hrwBluewind: python2.5 depends on python2.5-minimal iirc19:25
Bluewindah k19:25
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Jooseppihello. should i run the uppdate via nokia software uppdater ? will i loose all my files on my tablet ?19:27
Stskeepson your rootfs yes, update can be done on device19:28
Stskeepswhich is better19:28
Bluewindok only 1mb free left on / but update finished19:28
Bluewindshould I free some more or try rebooting?19:29
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dymaxionuprade to 51-1 failed :-(    rebooted   said installing 0%.. don't switch off device in ugly console font..... then just stalled and rebooted only to show 44-1 still installed and no error message ... sigh....19:31
JooseppiWhen i run the uppdate in applications it tells me to run it via  my computer, NSU...19:31
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dymaxionJooseppi, I had that prompt, but once I freed up around 58Mb space it allowed me to proceed with the install OTA19:31
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evothere's a thing I don't understand about multimedia widget; I click on play and music starts (no player window are open), but if I want to change artist I have to click on his name and this will open a player window ... I mean, can I do everything without having a window open (even in the background)?19:35
|Rupgrading the foreca installer even though it was already installed doubled the icon in the More folder...19:36
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Bluewinddymaxion: using apt-get dist-upgrade worked fine here19:39
wazdkonttori: I was right bout Ovi skin location :)19:40
melmoththis page mention a PR1.0.1 that could have been missed
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melmothhowto know if i missed it or not ? -my product version is 1.2009.42-11)19:41
Corsacevo: no19:41
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Bluewind42 is 1.0.0 and 44 ist 1.0.119:42
evoCorsac: ok, but when I changed the artist I can close the window without blocking the reproducing?19:42
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melmothBluewind: crap. How could i have missed it ? i were updating regularly for a month.19:42
Corsacevo: reproducing?19:43
Bluewindmelmoth: hm it came 4 or 5 days ago I think19:43
Bluewindtime window wasn't that big19:43
zitunei'm trying to find a calendar using webdav ? do you know one ?19:43
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melmothok, so i have to reflash now.19:44
zaheermanyone got an issue with liblzo2-2 from extras?19:44
evoCorsac: sorry, bad English, I meant that I can listen to music thru the widget, without the media player being open, but once I had to open it to change artist I can't go back to initial state, ie. widget only with no media player windows open19:44
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* melmoth looks for the flash page again...19:46
melmothi though i would never had to look for this again..except in case of catastrophy19:46
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dymaxionBluewind, I retried the update  it after the failed first attempt... seemed to work ok this time.. weird eh!   seems like updates are still a little flakey...19:49
Bluewindwell / is dan small19:50
Hukkadymaxion: Indeed19:50
HukkaI got the opportunity to upgrade during the day, but didn't have enough battery. Now it doesn't show any updates, since it can't refresh the lists :/19:50
HukkaDoesn't even remember what it saw before19:50
melmothif i m in france i guess i should use the Global release ?19:51
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redHukka: tried via apt-get?19:52
* dymaxion is also annoyed, the backup restore, said there was a conflict, do you want to rename the file... but kindly didn't tell me what the filename was that conflicted !! grrr19:52
inzHmm, can't seem to get the portrait browser working19:52
X-Fadeinz: close keyboard19:53
inzX-Fade, tried many times already19:53
X-Fadeinz: ctrl-shift-o ?19:53
inzX-Fade, yeah19:53
X-Fadeinz: That is a toggle, so switch on/off.19:53
inzI understood that, and I've tried press-slide-press-slide just to be sure19:54
inzbut still no go19:54
|Ruhm, is progress bar loading in microB gone?19:54
X-Fadeinz: And are you sure you have 51-1? :)19:54
X-Fade|R: Only first time when opening a bookmark.19:54
inzX-Fade, either I do, or I dl'd 90 MB for nothing ;)19:54
|RX-Fade: haha ok :)19:55
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ml-N900mmm, fresh firmware19:56
Hukkared: Not yet, just came home19:56
pupnikkeep your thumbtips dirt-free guys19:57
Arkenoiwill removing unneeded locale support (grep dpkg for unwanted languages and get rid of it) break os upgrade metapackage?19:59
inzpupnik, at least sand free ;)19:59
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loppearugh. won't allow OTA upgrade, appears because not enough rootfs space (no apt conflicts per have 36M, appears I may need >90M (although some are saying 45M).20:00
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loppearshould I bother scraping for it, or reflash?20:00
Arkenoiseems that simply removing all languages except couple you need should free 20Mb or so on root fs20:00
pupnikunlikely arkenoi.  btw how fo you grep dpkg for it?   i used to dpkg-reconfigure20:01
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konttoripr1.2 work will continue at least a month20:01
konttorihrw|gone: ^20:01
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inzloppear, I had ~40 ree and was able to upgrade20:01
|Rkonttori: arf, no SIP fix for a month :P20:01
konttoriso, you should file bugs now20:01
melmoth states "N900: Remove USB, hold the u key" .What _exactly_ is the u key ?20:02
melmothis it, the letter u ?20:02
melmoththe upward arrow ?20:02
melmothone funny switch on the side ?20:02
pupniktrying to figure out my last two browser reboots system reboots20:02
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melmoththanks pupnik20:04
DocScrutinizer51OMG *100# wrong number. WTF! how hard can it be to fix that issue?20:04
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Nitialthe default media player uses gstreamer as a backend, right?20:05
Nitialjust wondering, because I can write gst-launch oneliner to play rtsp stream, but the media player doesn't play it20:06
Arkenoi~ $ dpkg -l|egrep "cs_CS|da_DK|de_DE|es_ES|es_MX|fi_FI|fr_CA|fr_FR|it_IT|nl_NL|no_NO|pl_PL|pt_PT|sv_SE" | wc -l20:07
Arkenoii'd like to just remove all of those but i am afraid it will break something20:07
* fnordianslip had an excercise in how to screw up an N900 in novel and exciting ways today, and came out of it with a working N900 but unsure of its actual upgrade state. I feel a reflash coming on :)20:07
fnordianslipran out of rootfs space 4 times during the upgrade20:07
loppearhmm. 49M rootfs and it's still asking me to use NSU rather than OTA.20:08
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wazdok, HAM icons are themeable :P20:09
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DocScrutinizer51..but a giant leap for maenkind20:09
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pupnikloppear: mysterious.  i have seen two reports of it working with 41.x MB and two which dont20:11
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* DocScrutinizer51 wishes they'd finally fix dialer resp modem driver to accept the very mandatory CUSD like *#61#, #31#<number> and *100#20:12
DocScrutinizer51rather than making HAM icons themable20:13
koala_manthis thing with the watchdog always rebooting the device, that's a hardware problem, right?20:13
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DocScrutinizer51I had exactly ONE reboot in >6 weeks now. That was when closing angry-birds20:14
koala_man I think I'm having that one20:15
povbotBug 6334: random HW watchdog reboots (/proc/bootreason contains "32wd_to") when returning from off_mode20:15
DocScrutinizer51one *unsolicited* that is20:15
koala_manI had 6 the first day20:15
konttoriDocScrutinizer51: please file a bug about those.20:16
konttoriI'll take care of checking that will those work in pr1.220:16
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pupniki have two 32wd_to reboots today since 1.120:16
DocScrutinizer51angry birdies?20:16
konttorimy cellmo team has exactly one bug for 1.2, so they have plenty of time to look into those (external bugs).20:16
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konttoriDocScrutinizer51: dialer20:17
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Arkenoiyep, metapackage depends on all that shit :-(20:17
Arkenoidpkg: dependency problems prevent removal of as-config-applet-l10n-cscz:20:17
Arkenoi mp-fremantle-generic-pr depends on as-config-applet-l10n-cscz (= 6.0+r7389+0m5)20:17
Arkenoiand so on20:17
DocScrutinizer51konttori: there IS a ticket for long time20:17
DocScrutinizer51konttori: still I wonder how Nokia pushed N900 thru certs in this state20:18
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konttorioh, nice. I'll check it out.20:18
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konttorikoala_man: about the reboots. pr1.1 should have fixed most of the Watchdog reboots20:19
DocScrutinizer51konttori: I'd have assumed at least the 2 digit netop codes like *61# are mandatory for all gsm devices20:19
koala_mankonttori: what's pr1.1?20:19
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w00tthe newest software update, released today20:20
koala_manah, nice20:20
koala_mannot by the battery draining hack I hope20:20
konttoriDocScrutinizer51: well, obviously not20:20
pupnikDocScrutinizer51: baffling bug20:21
siriusnovais it just me or is the N900 email client kind of bad20:21
siriusnovaesp with Gmail20:21
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DocScrutinizer51pupnik: baffling?20:21
Corsachmhm, something is desperately trying to access network while the screen is down20:21
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pupnikmost folks i know in germany use services using *#20:21
Corsacdon't know what, but every time I let it sleep a bit, when waking it up there's a connection popup displayed20:22
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DocScrutinizer51konttori: so I get it your team has no vacancies right now? :-)20:22
konttoriDocScrutinizer51: If I am not mistaken, those codes start to work in pr1.220:22
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konttoriDocScrutinizer51: well, harmattan development has some vacancies20:22
plr_I don't get all this *# hassle, I have never heard anyone using them :)20:22
konttorifremantle team is completely soldered for the maintenance period (until harmattan is out)20:23
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DocScrutinizer51emphasis low level and hw/EE?20:23
siriusnovais there a way for my N900 to download full messages in IMAP?20:23
siriusnovausing the email client20:23
konttorisounds like you might indeed want to contact certain guys20:23
konttorisend me email and I'll forward you to suitable person.20:24
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DocScrutinizer51konttori: great :)20:24
StskeepsDocScrutinizer51: i thought USSD was entirely possible through pnatd according to some20:25
Stskeepsso it wouldn't be in that layer20:25
Corsacgmail is bad anyway20:25
DocScrutinizer51Stskeeps: I tried it but somehow results were sub par20:25
konttorisome USSD only afaik20:25
konttorifull support in pr1.2 afaik20:26
StskeepsDocScrutinizer51: anyway, you ready for the ubifs stuff yet?20:26
DocScrutinizer51konttori: exactly20:26
pupnikthe sdl performance boost makes for much joy in this brain :)20:26
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DocScrutinizer51ubifs. how could I be ready for that?20:26
StskeepsDocScrutinizer51: dunno, not sure if you're on your device/not at home, so :)20:27
DocScrutinizer51Stskeeps: aaah. flashable image20:27
DocScrutinizer51kinda not at home. ping you later20:27
DocScrutinizer51(moving flat even)20:27
* Stskeeps continues hacking at matchbox120:28
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DocScrutinizer51now lemme cpy konttori 's mailadr before it scrolls out of irc :-D20:28
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Stskeepsturns out matchbox-window-manager-1 theme was still so well updated that this is possible:
fnordiansliphmm.  just restoring a backup after a reflash with new release, and the device is saying "Device contains a file of the same name.  Rename the file from the backup to prevent loss of data?"  Wish it would tell me what the file is called :(20:30
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fnordianslip3 times it said that during the restore with no hint as to what the sodding file was20:32
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fnordiansliptoday's experience ranks 3rd in my greatest battles with apt and still left me with a device that would boot and function, even with the new 3 SIM fix (woohoo) but left my N900 in a state I had no real confidence in, so I've reflashed it for the first time since i got it.20:37
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luke-jr3 SIM? like you import the SIM cards into a file and use 3 concurrently?20:38
valdynluke-jr: 3 like t-mobile20:39
valdynluke-jr: a name20:39
fnordianslipnope.  "three" the cellular network operator20:39
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fnordianslipfinally my phone works as a phone20:39
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fnordianslipjust been using a data only vodafone sim so far20:40
Myrttione of the nicest ones in UK about their prepaid data plans20:40
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* Myrtti has one of their SIMs in UK20:40
fnordianslipwhich, vf or 3?20:40
SpeedEvilt-mobiles PAYG + booster seems cheapest for me.20:41
MyrttiO2 is one of the carriers I'll rather chew my arm of than use20:41
fnordianslipi'm out of contract with 3, so planning on shopping around for a deal, as i have a nice unlocaked n900 to bring to the table20:41
SpeedEvil20 quid gets you 6 months internet at 1G/mo20:41
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MyrttiSpeedEvil: nice20:41
SpeedEviland PAYG for voice/text20:41
toggles_wSpeedEvil: don't you eat up your 1G pretty quick?20:42
SpeedEviltoggles_w: yes - if I was using it 24*720:42
milos_are video calls gona work between n900 and pc through jabber in PR1.2? I know they will work between n900's20:42
fnordianslipindeed. left o2 for their bizarrely inaccurate gprs data billing.  i swear they were charging me for packets, dropping them and charging me again for the retransmitted ones, which they mostly dropped as well20:42
Myrttithen again, for me that 20 quid might be thrown to the wind, since I usually am in UK for maximum 45 days and might have two months or more in between20:42
fnordianslipand the costs never matched the tariffs.  they gave me a refund every month, but never got the bills right20:43
Myrttifnordianslip: I just find it distasteful I can't view anything of from Finland.20:43
SpeedEviltoggles_w: But even if you're mobile for 3h/day - that's 10M/hour20:43
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SpeedEvilwhich is not completely unreasonable20:43
HukkaUrgh, I give up. Can't seem to get enough space20:43
HukkaJust have to flash. OTA, right...20:43
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Myrttiit's like they're showing the finger to everyone who's travelling or planning getting their services, while being outside of UK20:43
X-FadeHukka: Try to reboot.20:43
HukkaX-Fade: Did20:43
X-FadeHukka: Ok.20:43
HukkaX-Fade: That gave me 700k extra...20:43
X-FadeHukka: Using the AM, right?20:44
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HukkaDoes it need less space with bare apt?20:44
X-FadeNo, more20:44
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HukkaThere's not even enough installed apps left to go over 40 megs of free space, is package size according to HAM is correct20:45
melmoth how long does one is supposed to wait with the u key pressed ?20:45
melmothnothing happened after a minute20:45
X-FadeHukka: Any Qt apps installed?20:45
fnordianslipi ran out of rootfs space 3 times with apt (i lost count) but i had 51MB free when i started20:45
ml-N900melmoth: just long enough for theb Nokia logo to appear and the USB logo to stay visible20:45
ShadowJK_the package size according to HAM is not correct20:45
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MyrttiI could keep on ranting about the bloody O2 for ages.20:46
HukkaOh, wow20:46
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melmothwell it did not20:46
HukkaAs a last attempt, I ran apt-get clean20:46
ml-N900then plug in the cable and start whatever is flashing your device20:46
HukkaGot 15 megs extra, just like that20:46
ShadowJK_If two packages depend on python, python will only get uninstalled when you uninstalled the second package. Before that, both will show that uninstalling either will free some tiny amount of space20:46
melmothok, i replug, thigs happened. but there was no logo20:46
HukkaI thought HAM would keep old debs away...20:46
ml-N900melmoth: are you holding the button down when you turn the power on?20:46
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melmothi did not turn the power on yet.20:47
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melmoththe doc does nto mention to turn the device on yet20:47
melmothgrmm. well, now it reboots20:47
AndrewFBlackX-Fade, ping20:47
X-FadeAndrewFBlack: pong20:47
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AndrewFBlackX-Fade, I uploaded something to devel last night and it still hasnt showed up in repo but it passes build any idea?20:48
melmothhmm, looks liek the update worked..but no logo when i did it.20:49
X-FadeAndrewFBlack: yes, that is because we cache the index. Because the old hardware would otherwise not survive the SSU storm.20:49
DocScrutinizer51X-Fade: sorry. forget about my cam rant. turns out it needs a little more light than N810 cam. If you are willing to give that amount of lux needed it's almost 'ok' now20:50
AndrewFBlackso it wont show until after upgrade?20:50
X-FadeWill be fixed tomorrow.20:50
Arkenoiis pymaemo-optify still needed with 51?20:50
X-FadeDocScrutinizer51: Yeah, it is not great but it is quite a lot better than in earlier versions ;)20:50
AndrewFBlackok several people can´t update firmware because they downloaded my broken theme from devel20:50
X-FadeAndrewFBlack: We are moving servers etc atm. Big switch will happen tomorrow morning.20:51
fnordianslipAndrewFBlack: the one?20:51
DocScrutinizer51X-Fade: hehe thanks for the warning words20:52
wazdAndrewFBlack: Is there any place where I can check out screenshots of theme? :)20:52
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ml-N900yay, MfE is active20:53
fnordianslipi like the m.o theme.  most of the ones from ovi have dysfunctional font colours20:53
wazdeven nokia's themes has font color bug :D20:53
AndrewFBlackfnordianslip, yep20:54
AndrewFBlackwazd, no screenshots yet since its unreleased20:54
wazdah, ok20:54
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pupniki love t.m.o. dark color theme with orange.  love it20:55
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StskeepsAndrewFBlack: workflow is OK though20:55
fnordianslipwith the badlands theme wallpaper20:55
AndrewFBlackStskeeps, not sure I hope it works this time20:55
AndrewFBlackwas trying to downlaod the deb version from maemo packags but page not loading for me20:56
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ColdFyreargh, after the 51-1 update, wifi does not work properly, it does not assign the route/dns, but it does connect to the AP and gets an IP address20:56
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melmothare the repository down ?20:57
Stskeepsprobably getting beaten20:57
* melmoth sigh20:57
fnordianslipColdFyre R U sure you haven't got another dhcp server on the network20:57
melmothfeels like the first n800 update.20:57
ColdFyrefnordianslip:  i am VERY sure20:58
jkimball4you could set the dhcp server you're using to be authoratative just to be sure. :)20:58
fnordianslipColdFyre: just checking :) it can cause confusion20:58
jkimball4though if you have a packet sniffer, you can check if there are two responses being returned20:59
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fnordianslipmy lodger had dhcp running on his windows box and it had me baffled for a bit20:59
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ColdFyreit happens on two networks 5 miles away21:02
ColdFyreand ONLY happed after the update21:02
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fnordianslipdid you get the ip address you were expecting?21:03
pekujaso what's the deal with there not being enough memory to install the update?21:03
pekujaI'm guessing that's a common problem21:04
ColdFyrei got the IP, yes21:04
fnordianslipi spent most of the afternoon massaging apt-get around a full rootfs (sorry for repeating myself just responding)21:04
ColdFyrei also spent forever clearing space for it21:05
fnordianslipColdFyre: and it was was in the subnet you expected?21:05
ColdFyrecorrect IP,netmask, yes21:05
pekujadoes all software get installed in the tiny rootfs?21:06
pekujawhile /home is huge21:06
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fnordianslipstuff from extras should go into /home/opt21:06
fnordiansliptuff from extras-testing might go into /home/opt21:07
fnordianslipand tuff from extras-devel may kill kittens21:07
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fnordianslipstuff (dmaned mac book pro keybd)21:07
fnordianslipdamned.  argh21:07
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siriusnovaColdFyre: i have the exact same problem with wifi21:10
siriusnovai have to turn off wifi and turn it on again to fix it21:10
chem|stAndrewFBlack: do they know how to fix?21:10
pekujafnordianslip: sounds like I'm getting rid of extras-devel21:10
siriusnovabut yeah for some reason Wifi loses the ip address21:10
siriusnovaif the N900 is not used for osme time21:10
siriusnovawith this new fw21:11
siriusnovaso we stamp out a lot of bugs but gain one major one21:11
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AndrewFBlackchem|st, my new package should fix it but repo has been frozen until tomorrow morning.  Some people say if you download version from testing in deb form you can manually install over 1.1-321:12
* fnordianslip wonders if auto-reinstalling with HAM after a restore will get all packages or just the apps from the user category ?21:13
MaemohammadAG5mAh left21:13
SouBEoh crap. operator just killed gprs internet by sending a malformat setup message. now I have only WAP connection :/21:13
fnordianslipgreat.  no bash.  my .profile hangs ash21:14
SouBEso sad that user is unable to create new gprs profiles in N90021:14
MaemohammadAGSouBE, use fApn21:15
X-FadeSouBE: Sure you  can.21:15
AndrewFBlackchem|st, are you having hte bug with maemo-org theme or just asking?21:15
chem|stAndrewFBlack: yeah it will be stuck after downloading from apt-get dist-upgrade, fixing with apt-get install (as root)21:15
chem|stAndrewFBlack: had yes21:16
chem|stor having...21:16
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chem|stI just do in the sdk atm21:16
AndrewFBlacktry installing this deb and see if it works
pekujahow do I get a list of software installed from extras-devel?21:17
VReSouBE: happened to me once too, using gprs I received wap setting and not knowing hit the yes21:17
cvandonderenHas anyone tried the Ovi Store after updating to 51?21:17
* wazd is finihing Marina widgets styling meanwhile :)21:17
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cvandonderenfor me it stays at the 'Preparing for installation' screen21:17
* anunakin Compiling sdlmame for N8x0!21:18
anidelcvandonderen, takes time...21:18
pupniknew drnoksnes with pr1.1 is *much* smoother!21:18
AndrewFBlackbtw I want to say according to one person on t.m.o 50% of all n900 users use maemo-org theme.  According to him 50% of n900 users can´t update there phones because they install my theme from extras-devel21:18
anidelcvandonderen, sometimes it stays on the "Welcome screen" (after completing the Preparing for... step) for many seconds21:18
anidelcvandonderen, and THEN starts installing the package21:18
cvandonderenanidel: okay, thanks, do you know why? does it check some security keys or something?21:19
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anidelcvandonderen, I am not sure... should file a bug probably21:19
SpeedEvilAndrewFBlack: 98.4% of people on tmo are asshats.21:19
VReSouBE: you can remove the connection under /var/lib/gconf/system/osso/connectivity/IAP/21:19
wazdAndrewFBlack: 50% of n900 users use your theme - and no screenshots? :D21:20
fnordianslipAndrewFBlack: lol.  so you caused my epic apt-get battle this afternoon then :)21:20
anidelAndrewFBlack, let's verify it :) how many people use that theme HERE? I don't21:21
fnordianslipi did21:21
SouBEVRe: ok. I'll try fAPN too21:21
anidel"did" doesn't count21:21
AndrewFBlackfnordianslip, what you mean did not going ot use it anyore?21:21
fnordianslipdid until i tried to update21:21
fnordianslipthen i went mad with apt and ended up with a franken900 that sorta worked21:22
AndrewFBlackI kinda hope some people on t.m.o learned their lesson on downloading extra-devel stuff21:22
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fnordianslipi learnt a huge lesson about upgrading with apt-get and the ramifications of no space :)21:23
AndrewFBlackfnordianslip, all you had to do was download and install it would have fixed it21:23
fnordianslipi had problems way worse than that one :)21:23
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fnordianslipit all happened when i decided to remove libqt4.5-core (or whatever its called) and all its deps.  it removed some unimportant stuff and then went on to upgrade a bazillion packages without even asking21:24
fnordianslipthen ran out of space21:25
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Stskeepswhat was that command line thing that allowed you to do all sorts of weird crap to windows based on name/class etc?21:26
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chem|stdoes fakeroot work on the device?21:28
fnordianslipyou may want the rootsh package21:29
mzzStskeeps: devilspie?21:29
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Stskeepshmm, yeah21:29
chem|stfnordianslip: I try to write a script for those with the maemo-org problem21:29
fnordianslipchem|st: which problem? the theme?21:30
chem|stI got no device so I cant test syntax apart of sdk (but what works there should work on the device?!)21:30
chem|stfnordianslip: yes the theme21:30
fnordianslipthat stops HAM from upgrading?21:30
chem|stit stops not only ham21:31
pekujais there a way to get a list of programs that are installed from extras-devel?21:31
chem|stapt will get stuck with 600+ packages not finished install21:31
fnordianslipreally? sounds familiar.21:32
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chem|stfnordianslip: I know A: a work araound without installing maemo-org and now with the package included21:33
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villagergrbl, PR1.1 didn't want to install OTA before I got 60MB free on rootfs21:35
loppear(gave up on OTA at 52M free on rootfs, flashed with PR1.1, redownloaded 275M apps, 1.1 seems happy.)21:35
fnordianslipi managed to get as far as zero packages needing upgrading, with a device that actually rebooted with the new kernel, but identified as the old version. but i had no faith in the integrity of the installation and opted for a reflash21:35
chem|styeah I am at the final state in the SDK...21:36
chem|stanybody to test the script?21:36
fnordianslipi would but i've reflashed it now21:37
melmothrelfash and backup over... Took less than an hour, felt like a day.21:37
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melmothi do really hope next time the sofwtare update will work.21:38
fnordianslipway quicker than battling apt21:38
pekujahmm, that's a good idea21:38
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spaghettysomeone try to update n900 from ubuntu21:40
fnordianslipi did it on a mac21:40
melmothjust did it from a fedora1221:40
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melmothshould work the same as on a mac or any linux21:41
infobotmelmoth meant: should work the same as on a ubuntu or any linux21:41
spaghettymelmoth: i just want to know if you find some trobules21:41
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melmothnot really. except that the doc states a logo should appear when you press the letter u while reflashing21:41
melmothand i did not see the logo21:41
melmothso i freaked out21:41
melmothbut it work anyway21:41
melmothand the backup restauratin took quite a while, and even though it resinstall all software, it forgot to re add the extras repository21:42
fnordianslip saw the logo, but there was no backlight on21:42
spaghettywich one you install i see combined_002_arm combined__003_arm and combined_mr0_arm21:42
melmothfunny thing is, it added back the extras devel and extras testing (as well as disabled them as they were before)21:42
pekujafnordianslip: did you happen to check how much free space is on rootfs on a clean install?21:43
melmothi picked RX-51_2009SE_2.2009.51-1_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin21:43
melmoth(i m from france so i guess this was the good one)21:43
jkimball4what's the password for sudo21:44
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jkimball4need to try to reinstall a messed up package21:44
fnordianslipalthough its at 65MB free now, and i've reinstalled a bunch of stuff21:44
pekujaok, thanks21:45
pekujagives me a ballpark at least21:45
pekujawow, I'm freeing up a lot of space by deleting small stuff21:45
caoticAm I wrong but was today a new firware was  released ?  last week there was a firmware update  didnt it ?21:45
pekujaeither that, or it's getting rid of some caches or something21:45
jkimball4today is a major release21:46
jkimball4earlier was minor to prepare for this major21:46
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caoticjkimball4: I see, is there any precautions to take before upgrading to this firmware ? (other than the backup) ?21:46
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jkimball4i can only say that the upgrade went swimmingly for me.  backup is a good thing for sure.21:47
fnordianslipsome.  removing theme might be a good plan21:47
jkimball4oh right21:47
jkimball4that broke for me :)21:47
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caoticjkimball4: ok, thanks, last firmware update didnt went so smooth for me21:47
jkimball4now i have to figure out how to purge that theme21:47
jkimball4fnordianslip: ideas?21:47
caoticfnordianslip: does it come with the device by defaul ? (I dont rememeber installing any theme)21:48
jkimball4caotic: no21:48
jkimball4it's an extra theme21:48
fnordianslipremove it with app man.  only if you installed it yourself21:48
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caoticgreat, seem like I am all set21:48
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spaghettymmm I'm quite ready :)21:49
koala_manis there a key combo for pressing escape? can I map one?21:51
fnordianslipin xterm or in general?21:52
koala_manin general21:52
fnordianslipwhat about the toolbar button for Esc? or did i put that there myself :)21:52
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fnordianslipthat's in xterm.  in general, just hit the blurry bit of the screen21:53
nomischem|st: that script to fix the postrm-script of maemo-org would basically consist of the command "tr -d \\r" applied to the prerm-script.21:53
infobotnomis meant: chem|st: that script to fix the prerm-script of maemo-org would basically consist of the command "tr -d \\r" applied to the prerm-script.21:53
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villagerwonder if the update fixed the accelerometer occasionally losing calibration21:54
pupnikjavi..jav... meh21:54
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redtheres an app that changes the camera key to task switch screen21:54
alteregoAnother day, another day without an N900. I hate my life :~(21:54
red(while lid is closed)21:54
arIs there a free app that acts as a open office?21:55
koala_manhow do I skip a cut scene in scummvm or exit a game in openarena? is there an alternative to Esc that's usually used?21:55
arI really only need a reader.21:55
redkoala_man: two choices, an app that I just said about21:55
redor a key combo of (sec, checking)21:55
alteregoIn the production devices, is the front facing camera any better?21:56
koala_manred: ctrl-backspace shows the windows side by side21:56
SpeedEvilalterego: It's comically bad.21:56
nomisalterego: no21:56
SpeedEvilalterego: in any but brightest light21:56
alteregoAh, so it's still shit then ::)21:57
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alteregoAnyone ran it through any gst filters to try and clean it up?21:57
arSomething that can work with RTF files.21:57
koala_manhow do I map keys? there's no xmodmap21:57
alteregokoala_man: there's some information around, I saw a blog entrty about doing it.21:57
chem|stnomis: no pre rm21:58
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chem|stnomis: I have it working with full install and upgrade of maemo-org21:58
nomischem|st: oh? I had to fix the one from the package I installed from the feeds before I was unable to uninstall the package.21:58
fralsuh, why do people expect me to know every single operators MMS settings because i released fMMS? :(21:58
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X-FadeAny deveropers around willing to test the new server for dput-ing your sources?21:58
X-FadeThis server should not drop your ssh connections ;)21:59
luke-jrfrals: hey, what are the fMMS settings for me?21:59
alteregofrals: are you telling me you don't?!?! :)21:59
alteregofrals: maybe setup a wiki page where we can all add them?22:00
chem|stnomis: no uninstall... fixing22:00
fralsalterego: there is actually one, and ive linked it in my announcement of the application.. but.. yeah >_<22:00
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alteregoOh, sorry :/ You know what users are like though22:00
fralsyeah, now i know :D22:01
JaffaX-Fade: Within an hour I should have new Catorise to upload22:01
villagerusers... users are everywhere22:01
nomisX-Fade: sorry, did not yet port any of my stuff to the n900...22:02
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spaghettydone :)22:02
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X-FadeJaffa: Use instead of garage. All settings the same.22:02
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lardmananyone else noticed that hsp support seems to be broken for at least a2dp headsets?22:02
Corsacundef error - Insecure dependency in exec while running with -T switch at /usr/share/perl5/Mail/Mailer/ line 22.22:02
* Corsac cries22:02
lardmanor rather I can't hear people, but they can hear me22:02
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X-FadeCorsac: Known issue, bug is created but mail failed.22:03
Corsacwoot, my BR is not lost22:03
X-FadeCorsac: has to do with utf8 chars it seems, will look at that later.22:03
RST38hAnyone tried (and failed) using ICQ with 51-1?22:03
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X-FadeRST38h: Can you try to dput some of your non-free apps to So I can test if the incoming-nonfree queue works?22:04
RST38hX-Fade: a moment22:04
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RST38hWill have to reboot to Linux22:05
Corsaccould someone try to reproduce #8002 (needs 15 wait :/)22:05
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pupnik    // broken UI spec.22:07
pupnik    key <RTRN>  { [     KP_Enter        ] };22:07
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* pupnik chuckles22:07
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leon-_wow, 1.1 finally out and quake works again.. wohoo :D22:09
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chem|stis here someone with the broken maemo-org theme problem not able to install the upgrades?22:09
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el_zilchohaha, i love how its telling me up update i have to use NSU on a PC22:10
el_zilchoso i need a pc to perform linux updates22:10
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el_zilchoa windows pc at that22:10
ShadowJK_you can use linux22:10
fnordianslipor mac os x22:11
Aranelel_zilcho: use flasher app or OTA instead?22:11
el_zilchothere's a linux nsu now?22:11
el_zilchooh ok22:11
fnordianslipnope.  flasher3.5 is a shell tool22:11
el_zilchowell its OTA that i was trying to do22:11
RST38hXFade: Uploaded vgba to drop22:11
X-FadeRST38h: Ok, I see it.22:12
Aranelel_zilcho: doesnt It work? If so, free up at least 40 megs on rootfs, and remove libqt4-phonon22:12
ShadowJK_You need 48M or so free space on /, and then there are some packages that conflict with the upgrade.. .such as *qt*phonon*22:12
villagerit won't do OTA before you have like 60MB free on / and a conflictless upgrade path22:12
X-FadeRST38h: No delays now? :)22:12
RST38hShadowJK: You need >6322:12
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koala_manawesome, now shift-backspace is escape! foss firmware <322:12
villager48MB was not enough22:12
el_zilchooh alright22:12
RST38hXFade: I see none, but then garage has not acted up on me for months (with dput that is)22:12
el_zilchoi can do that22:12
el_zilchoty for the advice22:12
ShadowJK_RST38h, I thought some people did it with less... and that doing it with apt-get requires huge amounts?22:12
Aranelfnordianslip: so what? :) shell tool != bad tool.22:13
fnordianslipdude, don't think i was complaining :)22:13
AranelIt was OK for me with 49meg free space.22:13
fnordianslipi'm just trying to get bash installed again on the device22:13
RST38hXFade: the rest of the path (devel->testing->extras) has been experiencing some problems lately though22:14
Aranelyou can get it from SDK repository i guess22:14
villagerI had 58MB free and it wouldn't do it, then I finally got to 62 or something and it would do it22:14
X-FadeRST38h: Yeah, I know but that should be better starting tomorrow.22:14
evosorry for asking again guys, but I need an advice about multimedia widget; how can you continue to listen to music with the widget without having the player app open?22:15
fnordianslipi'm getting dns timeouts on while apt-get updating22:15
X-Fadefnordianslip: Hmm that is weird.22:15
villagerthen again, removing libqt4-phonon and friends was part of what got to me to over 60MB free22:16
fnordianslipnot entirely unusual to have problems though22:16
el_zilchoyeah, i guess i'm just gonna let apt do its thing here and see what happens22:17
el_zilchothat was actually a good call :)22:17
fnordianslipsorry.  correction. giving the dns timeouts22:17
* RST38h got accidentally pissed by 51-1 :(22:17
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el_zilchomy apt archive cache i symlinked over to /home/opt anyways22:17
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el_zilchosince it was causing me some previous issues22:18
X-Fadefnordianslip: :)22:18
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tybolltRST38h: how so?22:19
pupnikel_zilcho: do you have any guesses why archive is not in opt by default?22:20
JaffaX-Fade: If I upload to, is it /dev/nulled, btw?22:21
RST38htybollt: icq died22:21
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tybolltRST38h: which ... client were you using?22:21
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X-FadeJaffa: For you yes. You will receive mail from the builder though.22:21
RST38htybollt: telepathy-haze22:21
Arkenoiicq died even before the update22:21
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X-FadeJaffa: But we still sync from live.22:21
Arkenoii guess it is yet another protocol change22:21
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RST38hArkenoi: Nope22:22
X-FadeJaffa: So it will need to be uploaded to garage too.22:22
tybollthmm I seem to remember having something like that but that does msn?22:22
JaffaX-Fade: Cool, ta22:22
wazdwell, lloks like Marina template is finished22:22
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pH5RST38h: ?22:22
povbotBug 26017: was not found.22:22
* RST38h moos at wazd evilly22:22
Arkenoirst38h: it stopped working two days ago, _before_ i got pr1.0.1 even22:22
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wazdRST38h: reheya)22:22
RST38hArkenoi: Well Pidgin works fine22:22
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RST38hbut telepathy haze is not22:23
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RST38hboth are supposed to be based on the same code22:23
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Targethi everyone22:25
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TargetI suspect the search scope for the calendarwidget was shortened to 2 weeks after the last update, could anyone confirm this?22:27
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Milo-I have 57M left in my rootfs, and the new update is 90M.. is that an issue?22:28
ifrequpdate says if it doesnt have enuff space22:29
ifreqrecommend do to backup at same time while updating22:29
Milo-before it starts to download?22:29
Milo-or after?22:29
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Targetcurrently I only have 2 appointments in the next 2 weeks but before the update I could also see the events that are further away, maybe it has something to do w/ the performance enhancements?22:29
ifreqnope when you start it22:29
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ifreqit offers it same time22:29
Milo-that free space thingy22:29
ifreqTarget: configure your calendar options22:29
Milo-I mean, I don't want to end up downloading 60MB with my gprs connection and then realising I don't have enough space22:30
ifreqMilo-: cant say with 100% sure is it enuff or not.22:30
chem|stMilo-: wait for wifi?22:30
SpeedEvilMilo-: or battery charge22:30
till-i think you will need more temp space22:30
Milo-battery is full :P22:31
villagernah, the HAM will download it to a different partition22:31
till-well than it should work22:31
Targetifreq: i checked calendar settings but couldnt find it, are you sure?22:31
villagerthe rootfs just needs room for the unpacking after the download22:31
fnordianslipwas surprised how dirty the inside of my n900 was when i swapped sims today22:31
ifreqTarget: if you only see two weeks far?22:32
Targetyeah on desktop widget, not calendar app. srry if I was unclear22:32
w00tdoes anyone use the facebook applet and occasionally notice complete crap in the newsfeed from applications they don't use and have never heard of?22:32
ifreqTarget: im using the widget too..and my calendar is setup to sync 2weeks now in future.22:33
ifreqto be honest havent even checked anything else than widget cal )22:33
* w00t is getting quite tired of it.22:33
Targetyou think the sync freq has anything to do w/ display of the widget? its a local calendar22:33
* konttori just re-enabled font support to theme maker and added new support for theme based transitions22:34
konttori(to theme maker)22:34
konttoriwill test a bit and possibly release today22:34
ifreqTarget: ah then nvm.. dunno22:34
Targetifreq: i was used to just using the widget too so this kind of sucks, though usually I have more appointments so won't be a dealbreaker anyway22:34
ifreqTarget: im using the synced cal with widget22:34
Targetifreq: thx anyway, appreciated22:34
Targetifreq: yeah I'm gonna use that soon, too :)22:35
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ifreqis there a way to reset all virtual screens?22:36
ifreqi mean clear the screens without closing every widget separately22:36
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pwnguinany way to clear out locale-archive?22:38
pwnguinits pretty big and is probably blocking my OTA update to 1.1 =(22:38
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SpeedEvillardman: was it you trying to compile gnuplot-nox?22:39
Targetpenguin: check maemo website for a couple of fixes for installisues22:40
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Targetcant post link now, on n900 and in a hurry22:41
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pwnguinpython's already optified22:41
lardmanSpeedEvil: no, I was trying to use it as a dep for Octave22:42
lardmanhad issues getting it to install22:42
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SpeedEvil lardman: I just noticed it in my /usr/bin - after installing gnuplot22:42
SpeedEvilnon optified22:42
lardmanyeah, no idea what it actually is22:43
lardmanwell I uploaded it a while back for Fremantle, so partly my fault I guess there ;)22:43
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lardmancomplains now about something /opt/ related22:43
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andresSome congratulations to the people involved in PR1.1... Since today the actual use-cases of my n900 got a lot bigger (working mail...)22:50
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tybolltandres: how is the mail working now that it wasnt before?22:51
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jXwhen filing a bug at, would an application manager bug go under Desktop Platform, System Software, or another category?22:51
ifreqtybollt: exchange 2003 support22:51
andrestybollt: it takes less than 14h to open a mail folder via imap.22:52
andre__jX: Settings&Maintenance22:52
tybolltstill, the fact you can't block it from reading !inbox folders is making the MFE thingy quite useless :-|22:52
jXandre__: I don't see that as a product choice22:52
pwnguintybollt: there's a config app22:52
tybolltpwnguin: so I heard, can't find it :-|22:52
pwnguinmfe folders22:52
andre__jX: maybe in Platform instead...22:53
Targetyeah congrats indeed, the phone greatly improved!!22:53
tybolltpwnguin: url? google isn't helping :-|22:54
* andres has 500+ imap folders as well - but I can live with that if I can open them at least...22:54
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jXmy 900 is mid update right now, can someone paste me the version string for the 44-1 release?22:55
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* andres would be more interested in mfimapfolders app...22:55
andrestybollt: should be in the repositories22:56
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fnordianslipit is really nice now actually using my n900 as a phone.  i'd kind of gotten used to using it as a tablet22:56
pwnguintybollt: its in testing now22:56
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xorAxAxis the marina theme good? where can i get it?22:59
alteregoI still can't believe there's no themes or backgrounds on the maemo nokia site.23:00
ifreqthere was23:00
ifrequntil someone got pissed  because of babe themes :(23:01
Arkenoidid anyone got abiword working?23:01
alteregoifreq: what?23:01
ifreqalterego: need repeating?23:01
konttoriandres: I'm glad to hear that. I'll let the mail developers know that23:02
alteregoWell, why were there babe themes?23:02
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tybollt<3 mfefolders :)23:02
alteregoOr is it a community run section? I.E. open?23:02
ifreqalterego: why not? someone put em there on 1st day we got into store :P23:02
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konttoriwazd: new theme maker uploaded - start messing with fonts and transitions!23:06
konttorioh, you still don't have a device. crap. I always forget  - as themable transitions really need to be tuned on the device to find the right balance.23:07
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ifreqLight a candle in your device. It's just like burning a real candle!23:07
ifreqimpressive apps..23:07
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ifreqtoo bad it isnt just like the real thing23:07
b-man17 these kind of threads really bug me23:08
b-man17i don't get why people think re-flashing the device voids the warranty - if that was so, nokia would have never provided a flashing tool. :P23:08
alteregoJust read about Vodafone locking and branding their N900's now ..23:08
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jXalterego: link>23:08
jXalso, konttori, link?23:08
fiferboykonttori: Does the latest theme maker solve the highlighting bug?23:09
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konttorififerboy: what highlighting bug23:11
fiferboykonttori: Some themes built do not properly highlight activated widgets (ex when pushing a button or selecting an item view)23:12
konttorififerboy: oh, that, I think that's still there, but not sure23:13
fiferboykonttori: The fix I found is to change the capitalization in the index.theme file for the GtkTheme entry23:13
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fiferboykonttori: I have no idea why that works, but it has fixed it in every case I have tried23:13
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konttorioh, cool. Lemme see.23:14
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konttoriso, make it lowercase?23:14
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konttorififerboy: ^23:15
Stskeepsfiferboy: could you verify would have it fixed if you followed instructions in
fiferboykonttori: It depends on the theme, but usually to captilize the first letter23:15
konttorififerboy: humm...23:15
fiferboyStskeeps: Line 11 looks like what I am talking about23:17
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fiferboyStskeeps: But in joppu's hitech theme, I had to lowercase the first letter in the GtkEntry to get it to work :|23:17
konttorififerboy: so, lowercase fixes it?23:18
fiferboykonttori: Only in that one case.  It is very strange, and I don't even know why that solution works23:18
fiferboyStskeeps: I think joppu built hitech with that tool, but it needed correction the other way23:18
konttoriok. i'll try tomorrow23:18
Klownerhrrm, can't play some videos after the maemo update :[23:20
GeneralAntillesYo, fiferboy.23:20
fiferboyHey GeneralAntilles, still cold in Florida?23:21
GeneralAntillesfiferboy, on the cusp of warming up.23:21
GeneralAntillesApparently we smashed a bunch of records, though.23:21
fiferboyGeneralAntilles: Try to get it warmed up by the end of February23:22
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jXanyone know of a port of Nano for maemo 5?23:22
jXI used to have it on my 81023:22
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el_zilchoyay :) using apt left me in a spot where i should run dpkg --configure -a but i can't because my disk usage is 100% :) so i also can't uninstall anything :)23:22
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GeneralAntillesfiferboy, Disney?23:22
fiferboyGeneralAntilles: Yeah23:23
GeneralAntillesfiferboy, well, the good news is that Orlando is always hotter than the rest of the state. ;)23:23
KlownerjX: shows up in apt-cache search for me.. it might be in devel or extras23:23
el_zilchohaha, did a backup, going to reboot and see if i can squeak out enough space to get it going again23:23
ml-N900el_zilcho:  lots of unoptified packages?23:23
* jX knows he has at least one of those in his repo list23:23
fiferboyGeneralAntilles: Excellent!  My parents were down in December and didn't complain about the cold23:23
el_zilchoits all good23:24
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GeneralAntillesfiferboy, in December I was wondering when winter was coming.23:24
GeneralAntillesThen it did! :D23:24
el_zilchoi know how to flash if it comes to it23:24
ml-N900amazing people hitting that problem23:24
zerojayAIM not working for anyone else?23:25
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GeneralAntilleszerojay, RST38h.23:25
GeneralAntilleszerojay, though it works fine here. . . .23:25
zerojayI just can't get a connection at all.23:26
jXKlowner: I have extras and extras-devel, don't see it23:26
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RST38hICQ not working for me23:26
RST38hNo idea on AIM23:26
RST38hdoes telepathy-haze have a log?23:27
zerojayI know it output to the syslogd in the past.23:27
GeneralAntillesRST38h, last time I was trying to troubleshoot AIM connection issues I wasn't able to find one.23:27
ml-N900if ICQ and AIM both screw up, it's probably AOL...23:27
RST38hdon't think so23:27
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RST38hhaze gives up too fast and quits23:27
RST38hi.e. plugin not present in memory23:27
RST38hand pidgin works fine23:28
KlownerjX: are you lookin in the app browser or apt-cache from the command line?23:28
pupnikis there a microb shortcut to go to top of page withour scrolling?23:28
jXI was doing a search in the app manager.23:28
GeneralAntillespupnik, bind Home/End to fn+arrows?23:28
pupniki was looking at xkb and got confused.  want to do that along with pgup pgdown23:29
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GeneralAntillespupnik, comments have the xkb magic for Home/End/Paging23:30
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pupnikty ty ty ty ty23:30
KlownerjX: it won't show up there23:30
jXKlowner: Ahh, what's teh commadn then, if you don't mind.23:30
KlownerjX: get a root shell and apt-get install nano23:30
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libben_so why is all the n900 lovers in here =) Shouldent you guys be in n900 channel =)23:31
libben_anyway, is the n900 that good as i Hope it to be?23:31
Stskeepscos it's more fun to hang out with the maemo crowd23:31
jXlibben_: Better23:31
Klownerlibben_: it's dead in there :)23:31
libben_i just sold my HTC hero23:31
jXprepare for Awesome Town, population: you23:31
mtnbkrAnyone know what I need to delete when I get "not enough memory in target location" during a Maemo upgrade?   Or how much space I actually need? I killed off a bunch of .ogg file sand photos etc still "not enough room"23:32
Klownerit seems like either today's maemo 5 update improved the N900 battery life significantly, or broke the battery meter :)23:32
libben_i really like the hero, but still felt a bit tied up in the handling23:32
Targetthe N900 is awesome imho, love it23:32
jXmtnbkr: is your unit plugged into a PC at the time you're updating?23:32
jXif so, disconenct23:32
libben_maemo seems to be the way to go, and Ive alwaysed loved debian23:32
GeneralAntillesKlowner, there were several power consumption related fixes and improvements.23:32
mtnbkrKlowner: i'll take either at this point :)23:32
jXGeneralAntilles: Is there a list anywhere of changes?23:32
jXa "changelog" if you will?23:33
mtnbkrjX: currently.  but was getting this when it was not... lemme try now since I have deleted some stuff  thx23:33
GeneralAntilles~PR1.1 is
infobotokay, GeneralAntilles23:33
libben_so any tip on where to get one? Here in sweden no one has it in store or have it stocked23:33
* jX wonders if is the url he needs23:33
GeneralAntillesmtnbkr, it's going to be package removal more than file deletion.23:33
* Stskeeps ponders idly about the council finally awakening23:33
jXoh hey guys, I found it, it's at !23:33
GeneralAntillesmtnbkr, especially if you're using non-optified stuff from -testing or -devel.23:33
mtnbkrGeneralAntilles: yeah, that's what Iwas afraid of.  thanks.. But I will NOT remove Angry Birds lol23:34
jXlibben_: No idea, I've been reshipping several for friends in Euroland this past week23:34
libben_where are you shipping from?23:34
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jXVirginia USA23:34
GeneralAntillesmtnbkr, anything from Ovi should be optified.23:34
GeneralAntillesmtnbkr, what does df -h tell you?23:34
libben_so you guys have it stocked everywhere?23:34
GeneralAntillesYou need about 45MB free.23:34
jXNewport News, near Norfolk if you know where that is.23:34
jXlibben_: Noooo, there are lots of places in the US Alike taht have it in stock and I've been buying them for friends.23:35
wazdwho's garage admin? :)23:35
X-Fadewazd: me23:35
jXdell ships them out in a day or two, then I just reship it to friends marked as a gift23:35
libben_Im myself thinking of taking the boat over to finland just to buy one ther =)23:35
wazdX-Fade: can you please accept me to troll in Extras? :)23:35
mtnbkrdf -h for rootfs shows about 39.5M free23:35
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GeneralAntilleswazd, bribes, man, or you've got no hope.23:36
Stskeepswazd: might be a bad time to accept, server move tomorrow :P23:36
nomisis python installed on the n900 by default?23:36
wazdGeneralAntilles: I've suffered enough :D23:36
wazdStskeeps: meh23:36
wazdStskeeps: that stuff worked :)23:37
GeneralAntilleswazd's gonna bring down by distracting Niels at exactly the wrong time.23:37
Stskeepswazd: the building of tar.gz and dsc?23:37
Stskeepswazd: and using
wazdStskeeps: yep23:38
bobbydmy n900 is showing an update for maemo5 (2.2009.51-1.203.2) when I try to update it it just tells me to use the nokia software update application, and gives me the option to create a backup23:38
Stskeepswazd: cool23:38
X-Fadewazd: done23:38
bobbydwhen I use the software updater, it says there are no updates23:38
wazdX-Fade: ta23:38
bobbydbut lists the previous update23:38
bobbydam I doing something wrong?23:38
wazdGeneralAntilles: see? the world is still alive :)23:38
GeneralAntilleswazd, just wait 'til tomorrow.23:39
wazdGeneralAntilles: Niels is like Dr. Manhattan. The only difference that he has pants on actually :D23:39
wazdI hope :D23:39
X-Fadelol, you'll never know ;)23:39
GeneralAntilleswazd, it's just gonna be Laughing Man on the front page.23:39
infobotit has been said that flashing is
GeneralAntilleswazd, let's hope he has pants on.23:40
bobbydshould I flash my phone to get the update? shouldn't it just work?23:41
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nomisbobbyd: if it doesn't work it means that you probably have installed some experimental packages.23:41
libben_haha, the phone is like out of stock everywhere in sweden, february is the next batch.. .and some small ones that are allready pre booked in lat january =)23:41
bobbydI most certainly have23:41
nomisbobbyd: the updater is a little bit picky there.23:42
bobbydso what's my best bet then? backup and flash?23:42
X-FadeOk, tomorrow will be a bit of a mess on the websites, but it should be a lot better after that than it is now..23:42
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GeneralAntillesX-Fade, afterwards you're dropping into a coma for a couple of days? ;)23:42
nomisbobbyd: in the wiki there is a guide on what you might want to try if you really want a "live" update.23:42
wazdpublic SSH keys? Wut? :)23:43
bobbydnomis: is it really a better idea to just reset it though?23:43
wazdI knew it won't me that easy :)23:43
nomisbobbyd: depends on your confidence  :)23:43
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Stskeepswazd: just write blahblah23:43
Stskeeps(according to X-Fade)23:43
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bobbydnomis: ta :)23:43
X-FadeGeneralAntilles: Well, I'll keep alive for a few more days, but after that.. It's time for some rest.23:43
wazdStskeeps: ah, that makes sense :)23:44
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jX"#  CellMO power consumption reduced." I assuem cellmo is the cell radio?23:45
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Stskeepsi -think- it means celluar module :P23:45
DocScrutinizer-8~help-update is
infobotokay, DocScrutinizer-823:45
GeneralAntillesStskeeps, that's my impression.23:45
jXwhich is a fancy term for the transceiver, right?23:46
DocScrutinizer-8Stskeeps: MOdem?23:46
Stskeepsi think it's like a seperate processor really23:46
StskeepsDocScrutinizer-8: maybe23:46
jXI refuse to call it a modem23:46
wazdStskeeps: what about .changes file? :)23:46
wazd\stupid me23:47
Corsachmhmh, would it be possible to have a “scp” sharing service?23:47
Stskeepswazd: for OBS .changes doesn't matter at least :)23:47
DocScrutinizer-8jX: why? in fact it acts like ancient Hayes basically23:47
sjgadsbyIf Nokia published sales figures for the N900, I'd know how many more times the same exact upgrade questions would be asked on TMO. I'm trying to decide if possession of that knowledge would be better or worse than ignorance.23:48
jXDocScrutinizer-8: ORLY? It accepts AT commands? Regardless, it's not a modulator/demodulator, so it's not a modem.23:48
wazdoh well, it's 0.1 , but whatever23:48
X-FadeOk, alarm clock set awfully early for the switch. I always hate that part :(23:48
DocScrutinizer-8jX: yes it does accept AT23:48
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GeneralAntillesHey, sjgadsby.23:49
DocScrutinizer-8at least with a little help from pnatd23:49
jkimball4one thing i notice is that i can no longer tap an entry in the call log and choose skype.  am i missing something?23:49
GeneralAntillessjgadsby, I'm guessing the number isn't insignificant.23:49
wazdThank you for uploading hildon-theme-marina. Your files have now been moved to the autobuilder queue23:49
Stskeepscould you mail me the dsc and tar.gz too?23:49
wazdwell, looks like I've lost my linux virginity :D23:50
Stskeepswell, unix / shell at least23:50
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mtnbkr*nix ;)23:52
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Stskeepswazd: i'm hoping to see more development in this area such as people starting to make guides on revision control etc :P23:52
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wazdStskeeps: now you can say "Even wazd was able to do that, it's dead simple" :D23:53
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wazdI stil wonder why they have made MADDE terminal so uber-ugly23:54
wazdto shock me? :)23:54
Stskeepswell, it didn't finish compiling but it wasn't your fault it seems :P23:54
wazdStskeeps: wut?!23:55
Stskeepsthe log claims that it failed to grab a file so23:55
Stskeepstry to re-upload i guess23:55
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Stskeeps(not your fault nor mine, just repositories are under a -lot- of stress today :P)23:55
wiretappedthe call log still sucks23:55
wazdStskeeps: oh, you mean autobuilder?23:56
wiretappedsome entries have no avatar, and thus the contact's other numbers are now inaccessible23:56
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wiretappedskype entires have only an avatar, no call button23:56
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Stskeepswazd: now you get to experience the same issues as us 'grown ups' do too ;)23:57
wazdStskeeps: it just says FAILED, NOOB!23:57
wazdStskeeps: now I have to wear sweaters and beard23:57
wazdoh wait :D23:57
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mikhasand stop showering23:58
zerojayFor all the talk about improved battery life, I'm still seeing 25% battery life gone in less than an hour. :/23:58
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Klownerwazd: socks and sandal time!23:58
wazdStskeeps: so, just upload another package?23:58
SpeedEvilzerojay: I noticed that a couple of days ago.23:58
simula_i'm charging my n900 every other day :)23:58
SpeedEvilzerojay: then I noticed I'd been playing angrybirds solid23:58
Stskeepswazd: re-upload and if that fails, edit debian/changelog to 0.2 version and run the source package generation again23:59
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mikhasrepackaging should be a *-i increment23:59

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