IRC log of #maemo for Friday, 2010-01-01

fnordiansliphmm. i've been getting a crash out of Media Player.  It happens only when I choose to display Playlists, not All albums, Artists or Genres.  This didn't happen before I synced my 20GB iTunes library with Nokia Multimedia Sync - it was previously synced with Sailing Media Sync.  Media Player seems to crash when it tries to work out the total time for the  "Never Played" automatic playlist.00:00
angasule_is amsn available on a repo somewhere?00:01
woglindewhats amsn?00:01
woglindemsn client?00:01
angasule_with webcam (and voice? :? support)00:01
angasule_hmm, it might not have voice, now that I think about it, so it's no good00:01
angasule_I know skype video won't work, so I'm trying to figure out how to have a videoconference with my sister00:02
woglindethere is no videochat client yet00:02
angasule_bummer, will have to use the laptop00:02
charkinsfarsight is in the repos, i wonder if pidgin could be built with voice/video support00:03
Testercharkins: why woul dyou want that? you should use the built-in app00:04
charkinsmaybe i'll give it a try after i get basic 2-way multi google calendar sync working00:04
Testerit uses farsight too00:04
Testercharkins: and it has a bunch of optimisations that are specific to the n900 hardware00:04
woglindetester hm00:05
angasule_I have an N81000:05
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charkinsTester: i just mentioned it because pidgin already has some support for voice/video, so it should be a matter of building, rather than developing the features for the stock im client00:05
Testerwoglinde: video is coming in an upcoming update00:06
charkinsnice, i'd much rather see it in the native client00:06
charkinserr, native is a bad word, but you know what i mean00:06
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woglindecharkins hm the n900 camera stream is not normal one00:06
woglindeas on n81000:06
Testerits there in the stock client, its just that the button is hidden because there were some issues with the lower layers when th eorigin firmware shipped00:06
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charkinsahh, that's good news00:06
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woglindere doc00:07
DocScrutinizer51hi woglinde00:07
angasule_so, no videoconference for N810? :?00:07
woglindeI think so00:07
Testern810 does video confs out of the box00:07
woglindetester with skype?00:08
Testerwoglinde: not skype00:08
Testerthere is no mobile device on the market that does skype video calls00:08
woglindehm okay00:08
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DocScrutinizer51strange. repeated reconnects due to roaming killed my xchat00:08
Testerthe mobile version of the skype client doesnt support video (for now)00:09
* DangerMaus__ lights a flame under them00:10
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DocScrutinizer51no wonder. they need to wait for the makers of iLBC to create a customized lib for the particular mobile device00:11
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DocScrutinizer51been xten and now they renamed to xxxpath00:12
angasule_Tester: on top of which protocols? SIP? MSN?00:13
DocScrutinizer51skype bought their complete 'engine'00:13
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Testerangasule_: xmpp, sip00:13
Testerangasule_: on the n900, there is community supported butterfly that has av for msn too (but its not enabled righ tnow because its too buggy)00:13
shinkamuihas a gimp port been attempted?00:13
angasule_hmm, I can't find out how to get anki decks, meh00:14
shinkamuiI can't find anything but speculation in the forums00:14
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angasule_thanks for the info00:15
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jebbagimp wh00:18
jebbagimp would be very hard to use on n900...00:18
DangerMausplug er into a bit screen00:19
Caesiumand add bt mouse and keyboard :)00:19
DangerMausgots the latter 200:21
shinkamuiI dissagree00:21
DangerMausjust need new glasses now to see the screen00:21
shinkamuiit would completely depend on HOW you use the gimp00:21
shinkamuibut it would definately need an inteface change00:22
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lcukgimp is very hard to use on any screen00:24
lcukbut im not here lol00:24
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shinkamuilcuk: I cry00:35
shinkamuiwell, Im thinking about trying to use mtpaint00:35
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shinkamuiI just am not a fan of needing to run shit in a chrooted environment00:35
shinkamuiunless its for testing or development00:35
shinkamuiand Im not even close to that point yet on the N90000:35
shinkamuisomeone pat me on the back btw00:35
shinkamuiMy first mostly useless port was completed this morning00:36
shinkamui0verkill! :)00:36
shinkamuirequired absolutely no effort, but I know have a pretty good understanding of the scratchbox00:36
jebbashinkamui: there is a paintish type program it comes with, btw00:36
shinkamuisketches I Think00:37
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shinkamuiits somewhat terrible00:37
shinkamuivery limited max resolution, no layers00:37
shinkamuimore than anything else, I need layers and a larger image size00:38
pupnikxpPhone.. <BARF>00:40
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shinkamuipupnik sup00:45
pupnikhey shinkamui00:45
pupniksee the engadget bphone?  that is a pretty little clamshell design00:46
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N900evilIs there a way to get flash to see the camera?00:49
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pupniki hope not00:50
pupnikever see the movie 'The Thing'?00:50
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pupnikthat's probably where adobe got their ideas00:51
pupnikthing is, typing on that bphone keyboard would be slower than n90000:51
pupniktoo small to touch type, and longer distances to travel for thumbs00:53
caoticdoes anyone knows how to check what firmware is the n900 running ? and how to check what is the latests one ?00:53
woglinde_caotic in settings info00:54
caoticwoglinde_: settings > info ? Pavlov: Settings > about worked to find out running FW. thanks00:55
woglinde_caotic where wlan and bt mac is00:56
woglinde_I only have german version00:57
woglinde_so I translate menu entries as well as I can00:57
caoticwoglinde_: Ah , that explains it00:57
caoticwoglinde_: thats ok man, thanks00:57
woglinde_cacotic when you find the filed where it show the wlan mac00:58
woglinde_than it shows the firmaware info too00:58
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caoticwoglinde_: yeah I got it00:59
caoticAny one else is upset about the charger input location. Typing while the device is plugged in is unconfortable (n900)01:00
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woglinde_so happy new year01:02
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Stskeepsyeah, from .pl too01:06
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fluxcaotic, well, what would be a better location?01:11
fluxperhaps a better example would be its location when you're talking into it..01:11
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fluxthere should be two microphones, so you could use it either way ;)01:11
bibbonne année !!01:12
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SpeedEvilcaotic: not quite01:15
SpeedEvilcaotic: typing while the device is plugged in is uncomfortable without a right-angle USB connector.01:15
rlinfatiHi, i can use gps from DBus?01:15
SpeedEvilcaotic: which aren't available unfortunately.01:16
caoticSpeedEvil: probably, but will I buy a $20+usd charger, just because its bended ... IDk, have made some poor investments before01:17
caoticI wasnt aware that youtube lounched 3D video. I cant wait to get one of those cheap *ss glasses to watch 3d in my n90001:19
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shinkamuimy experience with microB and flash video is less than desireable01:23
shinkamuiits someone choppy for me01:23
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shinkamuisomething I need to adjust/install/change?01:23
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shinkamuinice, an update to xchat01:24
ShadowJKThe N900 camera is somewhat nice.. it captured the fireworks me and my cousin shot :)01:24
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shinkamuiyea, Im not displeased with th camera01:25
shinkamuia lot of reviewers talked a lot of shit about it01:25
shinkamuibut hands down it takes better pics than the iphone01:25
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shinkamuiI wouldn't compare it to a dedicated 5mp digital camera01:25
shinkamuii mean clearly, there's a huge difference between the 1/2" lense on the N900 and the 2.5" lense on my Nikkon01:26
fluxI imagine the size of the sensor is also a fraction of what real cameras, even ultracompact, have01:26
Proteous1/2"? you mean .001mm :P01:26
shinkamuiI was referring to the outer lense01:26
ShadowJKshinkamui, well I don't know anyone with an iphone01:26
shinkamuiShadowJK you do now :)01:27
ShadowJKbut for taking still pictures, my Nokia E75's 3.5Mpixel camer is better01:27
shinkamuiI retired my 3gs for the N90001:27
shinkamuiI find the capure process a little slow01:27
shinkamuibut its still useable01:27
ShadowJKand the E75 has video light... though my flashlight kinda worked as video light too01:27
shinkamuiI liked how the N95 had burst mode01:27
fluxshooting a sequence of images in rapid succession would be nice01:27
fluxyes, or call it "rapid", much shorter :)01:28
shinkamuithats my favorite feature of any camera01:28
ShadowJKyeh, E75 has burst mode too, and a "take picture every X seconds until memory card is full"01:28
SpeedEviln900 flashlight is pretty useless for video mode01:28
fluxshadowjk, I wouldn't call that very rapid01:28
shinkamuihaven't even tried a night video01:28
ShadowJKNo I mean I had a flashlight with me too01:28
SpeedEvilFor example - taking pictures of a face.01:28
Proteousmy n97 has a multi picture function01:28
ShadowJKI took picture of fireworks01:28
Proteousit has the same 5mp camera as the n90001:28
ifreqI love turtles.01:28
SpeedEvilif the persons face fills more than half of the screen, it will be in focus.01:28
Proteousw00t, turtles01:28
SpeedEvilreasonably lit01:28
shinkamuiProteous quality difference?01:29
shinkamuiI figured the N900s camera issues are soley software01:29
SpeedEvilotherwise, it rapidly dissapears.01:29
Proteousshinkamui: quality diffence with what01:29
shinkamuiI mean, if you can take video, should be easy to take a burst of photos01:29
shinkamuiN900 and N97 camera images01:29
ShadowJKshinkamui, there are some hardware issues too, like the silver frame in the back cover01:29
ProteousI don't think so01:29
SpeedEvilProteous: how do you know it has the same camera?01:29
Proteousit doesn't?01:29
Proteousnokia sourced two different 5mp phone camera units?....01:30
Proteousnot sure why they would do that01:30
SpeedEvilProteous: perhaps.01:30
Proteousfor phones that were being developed at the same time01:30
SpeedEvilProteous: simply as hardware purchasing is not as simple as you might think from the outside.01:30
fluxshadowjk, well, taking a 0.3Mpix (?) video is still a bit different from taking 5Mpix stills01:30
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ShadowJKflux, N900 takes 800x480 videos. E75 takes 640x480 videos01:31
blizzowThe camera units are slightly different.  The N97 is 2.8/5.4  and the N900 is 2.8/5.201:31
ShadowJKboth encode to h264 in mp4 container01:31
SpeedEvilI suppose chasing down the part numbers for the phone, and seeing if they are the same01:31
ShadowJKYeah, the lens and assembly make alot of difference too01:31
SpeedEvilProteous: have you found a L1/L2 service manual for the n97 - is the camera removable?01:31
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SpeedEvilShadowJK: the lens and the camera come in one unit01:31
fluxshadowjk, well, one could easily think that the bandwidth from the image capturing chip is limited01:31
ShadowJKMy E75 has a flash which does not blind itself ;)01:32
shinkamuiXchat save preferences issue has been fixed01:32
SpeedEvilShadowJK: nokia simply plug the whole camera and lens assembly into the motherboard.01:32
Proteousthe size diffences is probably just a software thing to make use of the different screen l/w ratios01:32
fluxshadowjk, and if the same chip does h264 and jpeg, the jpegs are still going to be a lot larger per second01:32
ShadowJKflux, it's raw from the capture chip, the compression is done on the SOC01:32
ShadowJKby the dsp, probably01:32
SpeedEvilThe SoC has a JPEG compressor01:32
SpeedEvilit's apparantly not the DSP01:32
ShadowJKI hope it isn't used01:32
SpeedEvilor it is seperately mentioned.01:33
fluxshadowjk, in that case I suppose it'd be easy to grab a few raw images and compress them later?01:33
ShadowJKThe SOC has all that IVA stuff... but it's only accessible through DSP, I think, and not documented..01:33
* SpeedEvil _really_ wants a proper datasheet.01:33
SpeedEvilflux: much of the stuff is not documented at all.01:33
fluxspeedevil, easy as in there are are no fundamental problems to be resolved, ie. a nokia engineer could do it easily?-)01:34
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radic__#df @  rult01:35
fluxbut, I shall be off to sleep. happy new year etc.01:35
ShadowJKI'm not sure those hw jpeg compressors and decompressors are worth it01:35
SpeedEvilShadowJK: they _vastly_ reduce the amount of data that needs to be thrown around.01:36
SpeedEvilShadowJK: especially in video01:36
ShadowJKSpeedEvil, as long as you can zero-copy it..01:36
SpeedEvilflux: and stuff that could be done by nokia doesn't mean...01:36
SpeedEvilShadowJK: it's not that simple.01:36
ShadowJKof course01:36
SpeedEvilShadowJK: Busses in mobile devices often are not uncontended.01:37
SpeedEvilShadowJK: So transferring an image from the camera directly into memory will eat a fair amount of bandwidth.01:37
ShadowJKBut even if you had the camera connected straight to the SOC's camera interface, it still takes effort to make an efficient driver to take advantage of the jpeg compressor01:38
SpeedEvilOn some mobiles, yes it supports DMA, but the memory controller does not support interleaved access so you block.01:38
SpeedEvilShadowJK: the way it generally works is that hte JPEG compressor module simply spits out a short frame with the image data in.01:38
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ShadowJKIt'd be cool if it could stream mjpeg-style01:39
ShadowJKmaybe that's how they use it in digital cameras, actually...01:39
ShadowJKMy N900's uptime was reset from 28 days today :-(01:40
ShadowJKI switched it off to give my SIM card to my cousin who wanted to browse the intarwebs on his netbook01:40
* ShadowJK didn't immediately find iptables in the repos to setup NAT and adhoc wifi share, so..01:41
simula_his netbook takes a sim card?01:41
woglindesimula sure01:41
simula_what model?01:41
woglindemy eeepc has gsm modem too01:41
simula_hmmm, interesting01:41
woglindeeeepc 901 go01:41
woglindethats why I bought it01:42
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timelessabout the google search item01:43
timelessit's controlled by keyword.URL in about:config01:44
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shinkamuianyone able to get weave or xmarks working in MicroB01:47
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Pavlovweave might be a bit tough01:47
shinkamuiI really dont know anything about browser plugin arch01:47
shinkamuiso im not even sure where to start looking01:48
shinkamuiand its not critical, just read a comment in the forums about someone getting weave AND xmarks working01:48
shinkamuibut nothing else was written on it01:48
Pavlovi guess if you gutted most of the frontend it would mostly work01:49
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shinkamuiyea, thats mostly what the forum said01:50
shinkamuiuse a config file from a working desktop01:50
shinkamuiBUT, I can't get either plugin to install...01:50
shinkamuimessage about not made for this version01:51
shinkamuiwhere ARE the microB bookmarks stored01:54
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pH5shinkamui: ~/.bookmarks ?01:57
* shinkamui slaps himself01:57
shinkamuionce again, I am a fool, thanks :)01:58
SpeedEvilHappy new year everyone!02:00
* SpeedEvil has a resolution to get host mode working.02:01
woglinde_speedevil hm how?02:01
SpeedEvilwoglinde: by applying my coding hammer.02:03
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pupnikok that board looks cool02:05
woglinde_crazy grreks02:05
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SpeedEvilIt is _EMPTY_02:06
SpeedEvilcompared to phones of only a couple of years ago02:06
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Pavlovmaybe they should've made the phone smaller;p02:10
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simula_i'm happy with the size :)02:14
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SpeedEvilI'd like it ~10% larger in every dimension I think.02:15
Pavlovi'd like it like half as thick02:16
Pavlovand screw the bevel around the screen02:16
Pavloveither put a bigger screen there or get rid of it02:16
SpeedEvilOr  a d-pad or two :)02:17
simula_i agree with the screen size pavlov02:17
Pavlovmy hd2 has a screen the size of the whole front of the n90002:17
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Dantonichey, anyone been able to use "the one ring" the telepathy google voice plugin?02:18
Dantonicdoes it work?02:18
shinkamuidoesn't appear to work02:18
shinkamuiat the moment02:18
pupnikMer 0.17testing4 on N900 HOWTO
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N900evilpup, neat!02:26
N900evilpupnik, test02:27
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pupnikhi N900evil02:31
pupnikI hope Pleasant Goat is cheap02:31
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shinkamuiwill pc suite even sync bookmarks?02:32
timelessiirc it doesn't02:32
timelesswe told them we weren't interested02:32
shinkamuithat REALLY sucks then02:32
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timelessbecause the feature sets aren't remotely compatible02:33
shinkamuiIll have to convert my most wanted into xml02:33
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timelessbookmarks for nokia phones don't support folders02:33
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timelesswhereas microb most certainly does02:33
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shinkamuitimeless: so, at this point, my best bet to use a huge list of bookmarks I have would be to keep them online?02:35
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timelessi would02:36
joppuAre any of the synching plugins (weave, foxmarks) working on the MicroB?02:36
shinkamuimisc reports of mild success02:36
shinkamuiI can't get any of them to actually install02:36
joppuOr are you talking about moving them over from a s60 phone?02:36
shinkamuibut its said you could use the config from a working desktop02:36
shinkamuitalking about pc bookmarks to the N900 for use in microB02:36
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joppuFennec should support Weave synch out of the box, but the browser itself is painfully slow02:39
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timelessjoppu: did you see my comment about google search02:44
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timelessabout the google search item02:50
timelessit's controlled by keyword.URL in about:config02:50
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shinkamuito me02:51
shinkamuiis like a massive shit02:52
shinkamuiyou might want to show it off at first02:52
shinkamuibut its actual value becomes apparent shortly after02:52
shinkamuibrb gonna run to the store and get some booze and cigars02:52
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joppushinkamui: hey, open FF, bookmarks->organize... , Import&backup->export HTML, save the file on the device, open MicroB, open menu->import bookmarks, select the file02:56
shinkamuioh cool, didn't even realize there was an import option02:57
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jopputimeless: what's that related to?02:59
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joppuAlso by the way I reported a bug related to the browser:
povbot`Bug 7498: Tapping a half selected bookmark causes the list to jump03:05
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angasule_ah, server is down :(03:08
angasule_admin probably spilt vodka on it03:14
cehtehhappy new year03:18
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angasule_happy new year :)03:20
N900evilA Happy 2010 to all!03:25
N900evilnot here.03:26
N900evil1:25 here - uk03:26
timelessjoppu: people complained about not being able to change what happened when they click the google search entry in the url completion popup03:27
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shinkamuipenis butter03:37
shinkamuiMaemo built in apps are restricted by where they can browse!?!?03:37
shinkamuireminds me of the iPhone03:37
villagerwhat kind of restriction?03:38
pupnikhe wants to be able to delete system files from the gui03:40
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pupnika winner is you!03:40
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SpeedEvil'when we were reassembling the n900, one of the screwheads broke'03:41
type_t$sudo rm /tmp/.X0-lock $ sudo nautilus03:41
SpeedEvilSo there is a reason not to reuse screws I guess03:41
SpeedEvilthey did note that the screen screws were very tight.03:41
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pupnik"For the slightly above average user, the N900 is great. For Linux users, the N900 will replace your fleshlight. " - livefreeordie, from t.m.o ;)03:46
pupnikpretty much sums it up03:47
ShadowJKpupnik, lol! awesome :)03:48
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ShadowJKCutMeOwnThroat, fleshlight = synthetic vagina03:48
CutMeOwnThroatoh dear... what if you didn't have one to replace, though03:49
CutMeOwnThroatwell, guess this suggests every linux user has one03:49
ShadowJKIt's one step below replacing a girlfriend03:51
pupnikCutMeOwnThroat: that is part of why it is so funny03:51
pupnikparticularly as i chose to catch up on some maemo reading instead of going out tonight :D03:52
CutMeOwnThroatI chose to catch a cold instead of going out tonight :(03:52
pupnikkeep warm, drink hot liquids with vitamin c03:53
jopputimeless: well, I wasn't03:53
shinkamuior pupnik03:55
shinkamuilots of whiskey03:55
shinkamuiespecially jack or chivas regal03:56
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shinkamuido I need thet load applet to take screenies?03:59
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Caesiumit's the easiest way I found to do it04:01
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GAN900CutMeOwnThroat, I did my cold for Christmas.04:07
CutMeOwnThroatGAN900, guess I'll watch the fireworks inside me :)04:07
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pupnik  Palm user Hakapes shares favorite palmOS apps, interesting ideas for maemo / n900 projects galore...04:20
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shinkamuifworks inside me04:26
SpeedEvilIdeas are not the problem.04:27
shinkamuihere's something silly to mention04:29
shinkamuithe skype plugin04:29
shinkamuidoesn't allow you to autoprefix numbers for dialing contacts04:29
shinkamuiso its useless for calling contacts with skypeout unless you do it manually, or edit the contact number to be in international format04:29
shinkamuior am I missing something04:29
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cosmo_anyone from san francisco awake?04:31
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shinkamuiis there no way to keep some images from showing up in the picture viewer?04:32
DaSilvacan someone help me with qstardict?04:33
shinkamui1, I have a ton of remote control button skins showing up that I dont wnat04:33
shinkamuiand then I have a bunch of dirty porn I dont want visible to just anyone04:33
SpeedEvilIt should really support groups.04:33
SpeedEvilSo you could add selected users to the dirtyporn group.04:33
DaSilvawhere do i have to extract the dictionaries?04:34
shinkamuibut seriously, at least let me set the default folder04:34
SpeedEvilThis is another reason why vfat is bad. You can't etup groups.04:34
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n900userHi chatting with pidgin on n900. Could be easier - miss irssi04:36
shinkamuiim still not sure how I feel about pidgin on the N90004:36
N900eviltry xchat04:36
shinkamuiseems to kill the battery in comparison to the various plugins04:36
shinkamuixchat rocks04:37
N900evilor apt-get install irssi04:37
shinkamuitoday a new version came out with preferences fixed04:37
shinkamuihow useful is irssi without an alt key04:37
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N900evilI don't think it's the plugins.04:37
pupniki use mostly ctrl and esc combos in irssi04:37
n900userIrssi isn't available.04:37
pupnikctrl-n for next window...04:37
N900evilit's 3g is you use it04:37
N900evilsure it is.04:38
N900evilenable extras-devel04:38
pupnikthe main advantage of irssi is to leave it running on my server in a 'screen' session, then connect to that as i wish from the n90004:38
DaSilvawhere do i have to extract the dictionaries for qstardict??04:38
pupnikreturning to a channel, i can /lastlog various patterns to see what/whom i missed04:38
n900userI find the number of program available somewhat lacking. I have non-free selected (it's the default)04:39
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n900userThere is no unzip package04:41
SplasPoodthere is in devel, I believe04:41
N900evilunzip and unrar04:41
N900eviland yes. stuff is lacking.04:42
n900userI'd rather wait as i need a stable phone04:42
N900evilbut it's getting better.04:42
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n900userAlso would like a remote control program04:42
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N900evilI installed a super-fast and lightweight browser today from extras devel.04:43
n900userThis phone has a lot of potential though04:43
N900evilrenders pages lots faster than microb04:43
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pupnikfor comparison, we have a lot more apps and libraries available than 2 months after the N800 release.04:44
pupnikat least that's my peeling04:44
timeless_mbpn900user: you're afraid that zip/unzip from devel will be unstable?04:44
n900userDoes anyone know if i can teather? I want to go from tmobile's 3g to the n900 over wifi to a linux box.04:45
SplasPood n900user yes you can04:45
timeless_mbpn900user: you can, but there's no ui -package that i know of04:45
SplasPoodI'm not 100% about wifi04:45
n900userI'm afraid to add devel then to update.04:45
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SplasPoodbut I'm pretty sure.04:45
N900evilI don't think via wifi is setup04:45
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timeless_mbpn900user: don't update04:45
SplasPoodI think I saw one04:46
timeless_mbpcheck for updates, add devel, install zip/unzip, disable devel04:46
N900evilit brings down the wifi interface when the phone comes up.04:46
n900userOver usb would be good to just dont have the cord now04:46
N900evilusbg works04:46
SplasPoodthere's bluetooth DUN04:46
N900evilas does bt04:46
SplasPoodyou could also open a terminal I suppose and use iptables...04:47
n900userThe soapwidth game is difficult to play. Fire is the space bar. Hard to hold the phone and shoot.04:48
N900evilspla, nope.04:49
N900evilit brings down the wifi interface when the phone comes up.04:49
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SplasPoodand you cannot manually bring it back up via the command line?04:50
N900eviland viceversa04:50
N900evilat least not easily04:50
n900userAlso google maps is hard to use- no dragging. Cant street view04:50
N900evilthe tools are not there04:50
N900evildrag from left edge into browser window04:50
N900eviltap pointer04:51
n900userDon't mean to complain just looking to improve it. I'll make a list later04:51
n900userAh i'll try it.04:51
shinkamuigranted, I love the fact that the browser is so powerful04:52
shinkamuibut I HATE doing stuff in the browser04:52
shinkamuimaybe the iBone changed my way of thinking, but I actually prefer dedicated apps for some things, like google maps and facebook04:53
timeless_mbpn900user: did you try it?04:53
n900userDedicated apps needed04:53
n900userCouldn't drag still. Tap the resize icon first?04:54
pupnikis zip/unzip not ready for promotion timeless_mbp ?04:54
n900userOr the top left of browser?04:55
timeless_mbppupnik: dunno04:55
pupnikk i'll check em04:55
timeless_mbpn900user: try following directions04:55
timeless_mbpdrag from the left _screen_ edge _right_ into the browser window04:55
timeless_mbptap the cursor icon you see at the bottom left corner of the browser content area04:56
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n900userYes that did it..04:57
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auenfanyone tried pairing a n900 to a euro focus/mondeo stereo?04:58
n900userThis phone just became a lot cooler04:58
auenfi have to have more luck than the irish to get the n810 to pait04:59
n900userWhat would be involved in getting a app say irssi into the repository?04:59
auenfis it in extras-testing?05:00
jebban900user: it's already in extras-testing or -devel05:00
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n900userOh sweet05:01
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n900user Must say i like this phone better than anything.05:02
n900userI saw an app on a new htc. It would show you the stars you would see if you were not looking at the screen of a phone05:03
user54555553how do i get flv to play?05:03
n900userVery much like the attitude program if it had a background image05:04
n900userI'd like to have attitude have a dynamic background image that would work with google street view05:05
pupnikmy idea was to let kids spray virtual graffitti with their n900s05:06
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pupnikalso sharing only with certain users05:06
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pupnikbut getting that kind of accuracy wouldn't be so easy imo05:07
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n900userThat would be cool how to view it?05:07
pupnikor hold up phone, point to a store, and see sales, offers05:07
N900evilthere is no compass05:08
pupnikdevice would have to recognize the surface using advanced algorithms05:08
N900evilso you can't easily05:08
n900userI think the gps issues are too great for that now05:08
pupnikhey, i can dream with the rest of them05:08
N900evilgps does not give orientation05:09
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pupnikactually doing stuff is hard, and results are much more modest05:09
n900userI've never gotten the gps to work05:09
pupnikyeah really05:09
N900evileven turning on network assist?05:09
n900userYeah with net. Assist05:09
n900userI'll give it a shot in an open field next time05:10
SplasPoodn900user: what server are you using05:10
angasulemeh, too many fireworks, I don't like it :/05:10
angasuleI think something hit the roof05:10
n900userIt was the default, want me to check?05:10
auenffireworks was so last night05:10
SplasPoodn900user: are you on tmobile?05:10
angasuleisn't the N900's GPS better?05:11
n900userYes tmobile's05:11
Testerangasule: yea, network positioning really helps05:12
angasuleah, hmm, strange, I have an N810 and it works well here, but I have to try it out in downtown Buenos Aires05:13
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n900userI tried it in san diego and san francisco both not working. I only let it sit for 1 minute05:14
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pupniki have a spell that helps gps, but it involves a chicken and midnight rituals05:25
N900eviland ginger, lemon, and a frying pan?05:26
pupniki was thinking of the scene from 'The Serpent and the Rainbow'05:26
n900userPerhaps i could help test some devel programs to speed up the process?05:26
pupnikyeah i'm running through some right now ..
pupnik  but read first05:28
n900userHow does the decision get made?05:28
pupnik  and read second05:28
n900userSorry posted late05:29
pupnikthe checklist is the key05:29
pupnikif we vote-up dodgy packages, people will install them and say 'N900 sux!' and we really don't want that05:30
Proteous+1 for use of the word "dodgy"05:30
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AakashPatelhmm is only 30380 KB free on rootfs with only a few apps installed normal?05:44
jebbafirefox mobile (fennec) rc1 is out
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AakashPateljebba: cool.05:52
AakashPatelOh, that reminds me, on FF, how do i get a pointer?05:52
AakashPatellike on Maemo's browser you just drag from the left05:52
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AakashPateloh, an do i zoom o.o05:56
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n900userI'm having trouble with a password field in a webpage. Their authentication thinks no password was entered and a javascript based error is returned06:02
go1dfishn900user: onchange is not correctly implemented in the browser06:04
go1dfishafaik, you're screwed until PR1.106:04
go1dfishor use an alternative browser06:04
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pupnikopenstreetmap is freakin awesome.  somebody entered a ton of stuff for my town.06:12
pupnikincluding the 2000-year-old roman limes wall06:12
pupnikthe paths through the woods... the creek in front of my house, with bends and ponds06:13
AakashPatelsomeone `df` their phone06:13
AakashPatelwhats the amount you have free on rootfs06:13
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pupnikpymaemo... [no comment]06:14
AakashPatelah hmm does hte amount in rootfs determine the amout of apps we can instlall?06:15
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AakashPatelor are apps in a diff partition06:15
pupnik~ $ dpkg -l | grep ^ii |wc -l06:16
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pupnik1767 packages installed...06:16
pupnikthe apps are split between components in rootfs and /opt06:16
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pupnikwb luck and a good new year to you06:17
AakashPatelhmm how do you make the carrot?06:17
pupniki am ssh'd into the n90006:17
AakashPatelcuz i dont htink you can on the n90006:17
pupnikbut you can add any characters you want to the terminal bar06:17
* AakashPatel looks06:17
pupnikyarly.  it's done with gconf.  russkie posted it06:18
lcukn900happy new year pupnik.  hope yours is smoother than the last one06:18
AakashPatelk brb06:18
pupnikwill do lcuk.  will do.06:18
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pupnikI am noticing a lot of 'build failed'.  Looks like submitting is quite a learning process..06:23
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lcukn900build fails because someone uploaded debconf to -devel06:24
type_tpupnik you want real cool maps of your town.. in a high tech format.. for you desktop ofcourse. not handheld..06:24
lcukn900it happened yesterday afternoon, been looking for x-fade or es since to clear it06:24
AakashPatelerm i think i accidently pinged you lol06:27
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pupnik /usr/bin/intellisyncd 1740 kB06:28
pupnik /usr/bin/unzip 328 kB06:29
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pupnikna du berliner06:29
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n900userHow can i browse programs available in devel?06:34
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lcukn900n900user by adding the wildly unstable -devel repository.06:37
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GAN900Happy New Year from EST, everybody. :)07:00
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type_tNEW YORK NEW YORK!07:00
b-man17it's now 2010 :D07:00
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doc|homeb-man17: please tell me it's better than 2009 :(07:01
b-man17i hope ;)07:01
type_t\o/ New YORK \o/ \o/ \o/ NEW York!07:01
doc|homeer, ok07:02
b-man17(>^_^)><(^_^)><(^_^<)(>^_^)><(^_^)><(^_^<) w00t!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xD07:03
b-man17a new decade :)07:03
go1dfishdoc|home: wouldn't take much07:04
b-man17c ya07:05
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pupnikif your scratchbox maemo vmware sdk is interfering with your keyboard operation, start the vmware appliance in a vnc or nx session07:11
pupnikworked for me, at least07:12
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Proteousgod, now I'm going to have to remember to write a different date on everything07:28
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luke-jrProteous: you have to do that every day07:32
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jzadoes anyone know if a screen protector for the N97 will workin on the N900?07:36
luke-jrjza: what does the N97 have to do with the N900?07:36
jzathey are both phones07:37
jzathey both have a screen07:37
jzaand they both can scratch07:37
jzaluke-jr: so both could have a need for a screen protector07:38
luke-jrN900 is not a phone07:39
luke-jrbut I thought you said *projector*, so my bad07:39
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lucentjza: Zagg makes a screen protector for the N90007:53
lucentjza: I'm using the Zagg full body shield on my N900, it's a very good protection for the device, and it was nigh impossible to apply07:54
lucentdoesn't show any sign of peeling or a chance in hell of coming off if I wanted it to though07:54
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pupnikget a list of installed packages installed on your N900, sorted by size!  dpkg-query --show --showformat='${Package;-50}\t${Installed-Size}\n' | sort -k2 -n08:12
lucentha - the negatory response to connecting with BlueMaemo app is "Damn."08:24
lucentpupnik: still looking for a trick to figure out which installed packages take up the most rootfs space08:25
lucentvs say /opt08:25
pupnikls -1s /usr/bin |sort -n ?08:26
pupnika few put significant libraries in /usr/lib08:27
lucenthrm, does BlueMaemo work for you and Ubuntu?08:30
lucentI mean using BlueMaemo on an N900 to act as mouse for Ubuntu target08:30
pupnikhey that's cool08:31
pupnikwill it do keyboard also?08:31
pupnikhello HTPC! :D08:31
lucentI can't get it to hold a connection to my Ubuntu machine though when I choose a mode (like keyboard)08:32
pupnikif it's really a problem, we could probably get synergy+wlan working using device to steer08:32
pupnikbut maybe bluemaemo allows for more automation08:33
lucentnevemind, I got if to work08:37
pupnikif there's something ppl need to know please add comments08:37
lucentthe accuracy is not teeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee08:37
lucentah sorry about that08:38
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lucentI'm not really sure what to say - it worked for about 1 minute08:38
lucentI had to wait-for-connection from within Blue Maemo and then connect to it from the Ubuntu Bluetooth connection preferences dialog08:39
lucentgoing the other way around wouldn't work at all08:39
pupniksetting up bluetooth on my linux PC was 'fun' like configuring a soundblaster in 199508:40
lucentit is simple in Ubuntu08:41
pupnikthat's what ubuntu does best08:42
* cehteh rather wants the other way around, use the laptops keyboard and mouse for the n90008:42
cehtehhave to play with x2x for that, but hildon is really bad with mouse08:43
pupnikon 770 and N810 i used synergy all the time to control device with keybd/mouse08:43
cehtehcan connect my bluetooth mouse, but without a cursor its no much fun :P .. scroll wheel works at last08:43
pupnikruns on n900 too08:43
cehtehx2x is way more nice when you only want to connect x servers08:43
pupnikthanks i'll look into it08:44
cehtehless resources, less latency, easier to configure08:44
cehtehx2x -wait -north -to
cehtehrather no config at all just a few commandline opts :)08:45
cehtehbut the n900 xserver doesnt listen on tcp and i rather dont want to change that :) so ssh tunnel ftw08:46
pupnikwhere did you get x2x binary?08:47
cehtehyou only need that on one side (where you use the keybaord and mouse)08:47
cehtehits packaged for most distis08:48
pupnikthat sounds awesome08:48
cehtehother server needs the xtest extension, i didnt looked in that is enabled on the n900 .. but enabling it is quite common08:48
lucenttoday I mailed my rebate application for the US N900 Ovi Store sign up08:49
cehtehuses some x protocoll magic rather than client/server like synergy08:49
lucentdespite there being no Ovi Store to sign up for08:49
lucentI hope to hell it gets honored anyways08:49
cehtehwhat app is that?08:50
lucentcehteh: hm?08:52
cehtehmy case is finished, 1st try looks bit prototypish :)08:52
pupnik'battery low' sounds like a sad R2D2 :)08:54
lucentha yeah it does08:54
pupnikcase for what cehteh08:54
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cehteh(what else)08:55
lucentoh um, sewing? hard case?08:55
cehtehboth :) vacuum molded shells and then neoprene laminated/sewed08:56
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pupnikoops, i got two instances of cpu-load applet running08:59
* cehteh will make some photos and put them on the server09:00
cehtehwell i already have few09:01
pupniki've seen a book on homemade vacuum-moulding.  seems like a lot of work.  how did you manage it?09:02
cehtehyeah with a lot of work :) .. well i once learned that as job09:03
cehtehwhile this is really homemade stuff now :)09:03
pupnikvery. cool.09:03
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pupnikthis is a protective case or something with added function?09:04
pupnikkonttori's game-controller shell project could use your skills09:05
pupniki was going to dremel something out of wood09:05
cehtehwell except no keyboard its useable while protecting it09:06
pupnikcool surface!09:07
pupnikbtw i tried the index.theme trick from n800 to show x pointer and it doesn't seem to work09:07
pupnikeven copied x-xcursor.xml over09:07
cehtehi made the photo with the n900 itself so no photo while its in the case yet :)09:08
pupnikit would reduce protection but you could cut 4mm off the top edge to allow sliding screen up09:09
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cehtehother side09:11
cehtehnah the bottom is really a tight fitting shell there is no easy room for sliding and even if you could slide it out, it will become bit instable09:12
cehtehthe sides are open, for speakers and jacks09:13
cehtehhehe and i cursed earlier because its so tight that i had to try to get the device out for 10 minutes... until i found the right way out :)09:14
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pupnik  cool summit pics09:15
cehtehso made some pics with device inside .. moment09:20
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cehteh  .. and finally09:29
cehtehbetter pix next time .. maybe i make a better one, this one was just a first tr09:29
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pwnguinits too bad n900 is single touch09:45
pwnguinmakes the touch screen game controller a bit worthless09:45
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lucentcehteh: thanks for sharing pictures, that is a very slick prototype09:59
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lucentI am not overly impressed by the Nokia CP-321 case for the N90010:00
lucentbetter than nothing, but not by a lot10:00
shinkamuihaven't even looked into a case10:00
lucentit would have been at least critically important to allow the device to charge while in the case IMO10:00
shinkamuihaving connection problems tonight10:00
lucentwell I see no reason that the only access the CP-321 allows is to get the stylus10:01
cehtehyeah, i made it by myself because no one fits my requirements: good impact potection & useable at the same time10:01
cehteha simple neoprene bag gives no much protection10:01
lucentyeah "chuck it in a backpack" test10:01
cehtehlather case neither10:02
cehtehand with most ones you have to pull it out to handle it10:02
cehtehwell now i can play n900fly :)10:02
* lucent grins10:02
lucentI wish there was a ski app10:02
lucentI want a graph of my snowboarding runs10:03
RST38hthere is one10:03
RST38hit is called Braek10:03
lucentN900 sits in a pouch in my backpack10:03
lucentI've superman'ed and endo'ed without ill effect10:04
* cehteh thinks about making another biggier case where i can put the neoprene shell in .. watertight for biking10:06
cehtehmade from plexiglas or so, the device will become inaccessible then but really well sealed10:06
pupnikmaybe i'll grease this one up and set it in a dish of silicone caulk10:06
pupnikalways wanted to try that.  perhaps not with a n900 though.10:07
cehtehsilicone is prone to cutting good against impacts, but sharp edges are to be prevented10:08
cehtehi was thinking about polyurethane resin ..10:09
jXI think about polyurethane resin a lot.10:09
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lucentcehteh: "otter box" is a very well recommended case for the Apple devices10:16
lucentI think without a slider the iPhone can be better protected10:17
cehteha friend of me has a otter box for his n81010:17
* RST38h looks at centeh and jX with concern10:17
cehtehlooks a bit like a sandwitch box :P10:17
* jX casts RST38h a polyurethane resin and makes a mold for duplicates.10:17
lucentotter box for the n810? does it retain slider and keyboard access?10:17
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pupnikthe durability of n900 is stunning to me.  and i don't want to describe in detail why.10:21
pupnikcehteh: that dude does a lot of cool stuff10:21
pupnikoh you know him?10:22
pupniklol i just discovered his site a few hours ago and sent him a nice-gram10:22
cehtehyes a friend if me :)10:22
cehtehhe does a lot for osm10:23
jXso, on the n900, can I send a file (specifically a pic) via bluetooth to another device like my PC? I'm not seeing anything jump out at me.10:23
pupniki just started my first osm edit - 95 km^2.  I am missing street names though.10:23
pupnikIs that because i chose a large area (woods) or because osm2go doesn't do street labels?10:24
cehtehi dont do osm .. well here in karlsruhe is not much left to map anyways :P10:24
pupnikah k10:24
cehtehwe have a strong community here :)10:24
* RST38h suddenly gets a perfect idea for a screen widget10:24
RST38hA little square button that directly starts the "More.." app menu10:25
* FIQ lost10:25
pupnikmy town of 25k seems to have 12 osm contributors.  they mapped a ton of stuff.10:25
pupniknice RST38h.  I moved my favorites to first menu though, which now has about 20 entries10:26
cehtehmhm is maemo mapper so much broken on n900 still?10:26
pupnikIt shows me where i am driving...10:27
RST38hpupnik: have you used that config files hack?10:28
cehtehi try to configure repositories and cachingg / downloading maps in advance10:28
RST38hyea, downloading does not work very well in the current maemo mapper build10:28
cehtehmaybe anyone could try to port viking to maemo10:30
pupniki would also appreciate less "ET Phooone Hoome" from N900 map application10:34
cehtehyeah i dont like it, mamemo mapper is the way to go10:35
cehtehjust some way ahead10:35
pupnikviking looks ok!   but i'd prefer an osm2go client that defaults to act like a map viewer/follower10:37
* cehteh considers for another app which changes online precence state and profile depending on some rules10:37
cehtehosm2go looks bit resource intensive .. managing raw osm data10:37
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pupniki was hoping for something that acted like a lightweight gps map, then let me switch to osm2go edit mode10:38
cehtehbtw the default/demo map of osm2go is karlsruhe, the city where i live :P10:38
pupnikdo you think this would be a good addon to the osm2go client?10:38
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pupnikmaep will work offline?10:39
cehtehdidnt tried maep yet10:39
lucentjX: the way I do this is (from Ubuntu) select the connected N900 device via bluetooth settings applet on Ubuntu, and Browse Files of N900 device10:40
cehtehi dont want a too simple app, but it doesnt need to rendermaps on the device, i need my battery10:40
lucentjX: it's not exactly a send-to but more like a get-from, does this make sense?10:40
jXlittle irritating.10:40
jXbut slightly easier than finding theusb cable10:41
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lucentjX: I had no alternative on the other phone I've owned, so I'm very much used to this10:44
lucentjX: the photos are in Data/DCIM/...10:45
jXmy former phone was a Nokia 6650, with symbian.10:45
KamuiN900edge is actually useable on this thing10:45
jXyeah, I found them10:45
KamuiN900im in lust10:45
KamuiN900time to jackerbate10:45
lucentKamuiN900: ha10:45
lucentI am stuck with EDGE10:45
jXon my 6650 I could find a file, select the menu, and pick "Sent Via"10:45
lucentno 3G anywhere around here10:45
jXme to, AT&T fail10:45
lucentTmobile here, just no 3G service10:45
go1dfishI got you all beat, I have no edge even where im at for the holidays :P10:46
go1dfishno signal whatsoever, might as well pull out my sim card10:47
lucentblack rock city, nv?10:47
go1dfish3.5g on tmobile back at home though :)10:47
lucentno wait, even they have a cell tower now10:47
go1dfishnah, the outskirts of nowhere, north carolina10:47
lucentah okay10:47
lucenttmobile has a convoluted web interface for billing and payments10:47
lucentI liked how slick and clean AT&T's billing interface was10:48
go1dfishnever been on at&t10:48
lucenttoo bad AT&T wanted $50/month for basic service no text no internet10:48
dmj7261My mom just got an n900.10:48
lucentpaying $45.06/month now for tmobile 500 minutes, no text, unlimited internet10:49
lucentdmj7261: wow, your mom is pretty clued in?10:49
dmj7261She liked what she saw from mine.10:49
go1dfishcool, im paying 60 a month for 500 min, unlimited text/internet no contract10:49
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jXyeah, she liked what she ssaw of mine, too.10:49
go1dfishjust about anyone in my family would end up throwing the n900 out a window10:50
go1dfishthere are some people who just shouldn't use computers10:50
go1dfishi.e. people who don't want to think at all, about anything10:50
dmj7261We managed to save $15 a month going from verizon to tmobile while adding unlimited text for everybody and 2 data plans.10:50
lucenttmobile is definitely the value if they have service where you are10:51
dmj7261My mom needs some help from me setting it up, but seems happy with it so far.10:51
lucentdmj7261: oh, two N900's in the family?10:51
dmj7261It seems to be anywhere between half bars on 2g and full 3.5 depending on if I'm in a large metal framed building.10:52
dmj7261That's new as of this morning.10:52
go1dfishdmj7261: you tried sticking it in 3g only mode?10:52
dmj7261no I haven't.  I didn't knwo you could.10:52
go1dfishmy house has good 3.5 g coverage, but relatively crappy 2g oddly enough, and in dual mode the n900 will still sometimes switch back and forth10:52
go1dfishI get better battery life going 3g only (at home)10:53
lucentI guess you'd need a 3g signal to do that htrick?10:53
go1dfishthe similar concept applies though10:53
go1dfishif you only have 2g coverage10:53
go1dfishyou save the power of periodically powering both radios to see whats available10:53
go1dfishi.e. go into 2g only mode10:54
lucentoh no way, what's the trick? documented anywhere?10:54
cehtehthere was some discussion on the forum, switching 2G/3G frequently is the worst10:54
dmj7261how do you do that?10:54
FIQare you stuck with qwerty when using N900?10:54
cehtehsettings -> telephone10:54
cehtehi also only enabled 2g, dont need more in most cases and conserves power the best10:55
cehtehsome switcher from the status menu would be nice10:55
go1dfishFIQ: instead of?10:55
lucentoh here "Network mode > Dual" is not selectable10:55
cehtehwell most of the time i have celluar turned off :)10:55
dmj7261strangely, my mom was impressed with all the apps available10:55
FIQinsteaf of dvorak/svorak/etc10:56
go1dfishthere is an optional onscreen keyboard (also qwerty) if thats what you mean10:56
cehtehlucent: you have to stop the data connection to switch10:56
go1dfishah, im sure you can switch the keymaps, not sure how easy it would be though10:56
cehtehjust in case you have it on10:56
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dmj7261And the web browser is hard to beat.10:56
cehtehwell and with 2g you can either talk or internet but not both at the same time for many operators10:56
go1dfishif a data connection is active you cant change the 2g/3g/dual mode option10:56
FIQwill check it when i got one then.10:57
lucentcehteh: thanks! does the trick like a pimp10:57
go1dfishyeah, that's the biggest drawback of 2g IMO cehteh10:57
dmj7261On CDMA you can't do both even on 3g10:57
go1dfishif you're on att it's a moot point though cause your SOL for 3g10:57
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go1dfishdmj7261: wow seriously? I didn't realize that10:58
dmj7261I find it's really useful to be able to stay on the line with somebody while checking something on the internet10:58
go1dfishheh I used that as a 'feature' on my treo65010:58
dmj7261I tested that on the DROID.10:58
go1dfishdidn't want to take calls, load up ssh and irssi on an active channel10:58
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* cehteh should try if he can take calls when data is active pon 2g10:59
cehtehwell i take a nap ..10:59
dmj7261DROID failed that test miserably, n900 usually passes.10:59
lucentfolks, any ways to disable the "tap close -> power off device" when N900 is secured?10:59
go1dfishdmj7261: it will work on the DROID with a wifi connection of course right?10:59
dmj7261I would think so.11:00
go1dfishI haven't done much simultaneous data/voice on 3g11:00
lucentbutton to power off device prompt would be fine, I'm finding myself waste moments all the time on that prompt when I tap the screen and it's secured11:00
cehtehlucent: /etc/systemui/systemui.conf would be my bet11:00
lucentgreat! thanks11:00
go1dfishbut I was talking to my mom on my phone will downloading my debian chroot over wifi11:00
cehtehnot sure .. just a guess11:00
dmj7261The only wifi at the verizon store was a Tmobile hotspot, so I couldn't check.11:00
shinkamuiPLEASE tell me that you can have more than one widget instance at a time11:01
dmj7261I find that rather ironic11:01
shinkamuiI mean, come on11:01
go1dfishshinkamui: you can11:01
shinkamuiI want to have a couple of pictures on page 411:01
go1dfishit's a configuration option of the widget11:01
akshayHello, I am developing an application in Qt for maemo5, in which I want to render a PDF. What library can I use for this?11:01
shinkamuibut it wont let me add another one11:01
go1dfishi.e. will depend on the choice of the widget developer11:01
shinkamuii c11:01
go1dfishI don't remember specifics, but I think it's in the .desktop file11:01
lucentwhat is the hole in the N900 on the keyboard lower left corner11:01
lucentlanyard attachment?11:02
go1dfishlucent: mic is lower right11:02
dmj7261loophole for strapping it to something11:02
go1dfishlanyard attachment11:02
lucenthow does that work if it's just one hole11:02
dmj7261you need to open the back to use it.11:02
akshaydmj7261: libpoppler binding for Qt is not available for maemo :(11:02 install the lanyard that is.11:02
lucentoh gosh that was embarassingly obvious11:02
dmj7261porting time?11:03
bigbrovarhappy new year dudes. In an unrelated news How can i change the colour of the notification icon (or whatever its called) from yellow to say something cool like blue11:03
cehtehuhm yes cant be called when on 2g/data11:03
cehtehbut i get at least a notification11:03
go1dfishhmm, how does the back still go back on then?11:03
akshayI tried.... but I m finding it difficult... can i use some other lib?11:03
go1dfishoh I see11:03
go1dfishit has a little plastic clip for the loop11:04
* cehteh changed the notification light in a lot ways .. but dunno about the icon11:04
lucentdon't think a lanyard was included with my N90011:04
lucentwas it included with anyone elses?11:05
cehtehneither here11:05
go1dfishlucent: they aren't included in the box11:05
go1dfishoptional accessory thing11:05
cehtehthey are sold for $20 by nokia :P11:05
lucentholy fruitcake11:05
cehteh.. cu11:08
pupnikk cu11:09
shinkamuifook nokia11:09
shinkamuiI wanted my lanyard11:09
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shinkamuiI needed it tonight11:09
pupnikviking has some maemo code it seems11:09
shinkamuiand what hapened to the adapter that was supposed to ship11:09
shinkamuito ocnvert the old charger and interface to the new microusb11:10
pupnikthere is one in my box11:10
pupnikbut it was a summit proto11:10
shinkamuiI dind't get one11:10
lucentGuess I'll make a lanyard out of 550 cord strands11:11 everything else around here, duct tape and 550 cord holds it together11:12
pupnikhmm, a loop of wire would do it too11:12
* lucent apologizes for the link fail11:13
lucentshould instead be
RST38hAnyone knows what to do about this:  ???11:14
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StskeepsRST38h: beat up whoever uploaded debconf to repository11:16
RST38hStskeeps: crap.11:16
* RST38h prays to the Tentacled One to find and punish the bastard11:16
* lucent serves up a side of noodley appendage11:18
StskeepsRST38h: i think it'll probably be fixed during today11:18
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lucentnot my imagination is it... the nokia headphones are not labelled left nor right?11:22
lucentnevermind I found the "R"11:23
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lucentheadphones volume buttons don't activate the volume function, is that the same for others?11:27
villagerfor n900? the bundled headphones don't have volume buttons11:33
lucentyeah they do11:34
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lucentthey're Nokia WH-205's11:34
villagernot for me11:34
lucentI guess my question is for anyone who also has WH-205's, does the volume control work in the standard media player?11:35
lucentwonder if I broke mine trying to figure out that they're flat rocker buttons, and I was here trying to pry off the button face to get to a secret compartment that isn't there11:35
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villagergoogle search for WH-205 also says that it has a single answer/hangup button11:37
villagerthere's no volume control11:37
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lucentmy mistake then11:37
lucentI thought those buttons would logically be volume control? oh well11:38
lucentoh single button11:38
lucentit really is not obvious11:38
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shinkamuithats really frustrating11:39
shinkamuiimage viewer just shows a ton of random images that are on my device11:39
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shinkamuinot just camera pics11:39
lucentshinkamui: I noticed this too11:39
shinkamuidudes, this has to be configurable some how11:39
shinkamuiill check the bug reports11:40
lucentit's not the most idiot friendly idea11:40
lucentI would like it to be more idiot friendly, that is what I mean, for my own use because I'm not interested in thinking very much11:40
lucentflicking through a lot of background wallpapers is not always fun11:41
shinkamuii find it really annoying, as I have a huge archive of old pics I migrated, and those AND the freeking remotes from irreco AND all the images from jagged alliance 2 show up by default11:41
shinkamuithat too11:41
shinkamuiand I have a ton of wallpapers11:41
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shinkamuiand they seem to be in date order, so shit I copied is more recent then some of the older pictures the camera took11:41
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shinkamuithis is definately typical nokia behavior though11:42
shinkamuimy N95 did the same crap11:42
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lucentguess I prefer rockbox to the N900's media player11:43
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pupnikthe requirements of bundled apps generally make them unsuitable for dinosaurs, hackers or domain-specialists, as a rule.11:47
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Triztshinkamui; worked fine for me to copy with the file manager in maemo, my n900 preserved the dates from the original files. If you copy remote files, then maybe scp could be the way to do it11:50
go1dfishpupnik: who are they suitable for then?11:51
lucentQA robots11:51
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lucentis there a sane way to add FLAC support to the N900 bundled media player?11:52
lucentI saw mention "in the ether blogosphere internets" that it doesn't like FLAC media tags11:52
ruskietried installing ogg-support ?11:53
ruskiethat iirc adds it11:53
lucentwill try that now11:53
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* RST38h moos11:56
kulveruskie: lucent: 1.0.5 doesn't support flac tags. There's 1.0.6rc1 in extras-devel that do support them, but I'm going to include some other fixes as well, before pushing 1.0.6 to extras11:57
ruskiethanks... I actually removed mediaplayer and am running xmms2 for audio ;)11:57
kulvexmms2 doesn't use GStreamer and ogg-support is all about adding missing gst plugins11:58
ruskiewell it also installs libogg doesn't it?11:59
lucentthanks kulve11:59
ruskieand related bits and pieces ;)11:59
ifreqanyone tuning the xmms2 gui?11:59
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kulveyes, ogg-support drags e.g. libogg in, but I don't know how xmms2 implements its ogg/flac support12:00
ruskiethrough libogg/libflac and it's own plugins12:00
ruskieifreq, someone would need to write up an xmms2 client for a friendly n900 GUI ;)12:00
ruskieifreq, else it has no gui out of the box12:00
lucentI wonder is the cellular call routed through gstreamer?12:00
ifreqyeah, quite complete rewrite :P12:00
lucenti.e. could I record a phone conversation?12:01
ruskiejust command line utils12:01
ruskieifreq, xmms2 is client-server so you basically have the server running and clients controling it12:01
ifreqhmm okay12:01
ifreqnewer thought that way12:01
ifreqruskie: what about mpd then?12:02
ifreqinstead of xmms212:02
ruskiedon't like it don't want it etc...12:02
villagerlucent: not sure, but it goes through pulseaudio at least, you should be able to record them from pulse12:02
lucentvillager: the capability to record and playback portions of calls would be a chaotic pleasure when dealing with Tmobile support12:04
ruskieifreq, I've got mod, wavpack, mpc, mpg123, ogg, flac, faad, and a pile of other formats supported with xmms2 as well ;)12:04
lucent"Here mate, let me play back exactly what I was told by a Tmobile representative yesterday"12:04
* RST38h wonders who needs these where mp3 suffices12:04
ruskieI'd love to have call recording as well12:05
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lucentmp3? I can't listen to mp3 when there is an option to listen to uncompressed cd quality12:05
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* ifreq is happy with mp3 + mp3 works on most of the hw-players12:06
lucenteven CD quality is not all that perfect for me, its advantages are obscured by the loudness war12:06
RST38hok, add flaxc12:06
JaffaMorning, all12:07
RST38hlucent <-- an audiophile!12:07
pupniki'm listening to oggs of recordings from 1920.  I'll challenge you to hear a difference twixt ogg and cd.12:07
lucentnot really, I just like music a lot12:07
* RST38h sells lucent some speaker cables made of argentinian oxygene-free silver12:07
lucentto sell it I'd have to buy it12:08
pupnikOne can learn to hear differences, it's true.12:08
lucentI'm on a budget, good audio takes a tight budget and some determination12:08
pupnikand that god-awful xing codec used in radio stations is a crime against music :/12:08
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pupnikspeakers come first12:09
pupnikspeakers and room12:09
lucentheh, wood panelled studio apartment here makes that rather difficult to do in a room situation12:09
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lucentsorry to have prodded this off-topic for the chan12:10
kulvestorage space is cheap and decoding flac takes less battery than decoding mp3 or ogg, so why not? :)12:10
RST38hkulve: you should take into account the battery used when you do more reading from flash12:11
lucentyeah FLAC is a win and since I've gotten comfortable with the SanDisk Sansa Fuze player (which takes microSDHC cards), no need to complain about the lack of hardware player12:11
RST38hyou mean, you have got a tablet AND an mp3 player?12:12
kulveRST38h: I did12:12
lucentseveral Fuze players actually, depending on my listening habits12:12
shinkamuilesson learned12:12
lucentthey were less than $30 to buy each12:12
shinkamuidon't start 7 usb transfers simultaneously on the N900 from the PC12:12
shinkamuitime to completetion increases logarithmicly12:12
lucentheh, yeah, which platform - win mac or lin?12:13
RST38hWe have a winner!12:13
lucentwin is particularly awful12:13
* RST38h hides12:13
shinkamuiwell, lessons learned12:13
RST38hLinux actualyl behaves worse for me12:13
lucentwhichever window you have focused gets more priority12:13
RST38hSlower USB transfer rates12:13
shinkamuithat would have been this one12:13
shinkamuiwell dudes, Im off to bed, happy new year to all of you12:14
shinkamuisee you in the AM12:14
pupnikcheers shinkamui12:14
lucentrepent shinkamui12:14
lucentoh, I meant cheers12:14
* shinkamui bows12:14
lucentoggvorbis development is kind of dead though which is a turnoff12:15
ruskiewhat more do you expect from it?12:15
lucentA *lot* more optimization and features like bitrate peeling12:15
pupnikthat* is how to do testing...12:15
kulvelucent: ffmpeg's vorbis decoder seems to get optimizations quite nicely12:16
ruskiekulve, wanna give that a try with mpg123 as well?12:16
lucentfixes for the corner cases I run into - rather frequently - which result in bad sounding encoding12:16
kulveruskie: not really. It takes ages to run those :)12:16
ruskieto bad... would've been interesting singe mpg123 has some arm optimisations12:16
lucentwhen oggvorbis encoding works, it sounds a lot less accurate than the original but it sounds more pleasing12:16
lucentwhen it fails, it fails hard.12:17
kulveruskie: more arm optimisations than the nokia's own decoder for n900?12:17
ruskieno clue12:17
RST38hkulve: !12:17
lucentsorry for the "passion bucket" passing judgement on the encoder based on my opinions12:17
RST38hkulve: 93.6 hours on idle???12:18
RST38hthat's almost 4 days12:18
lucentcymbals and floor kicks never sound right with mp3 even at high bit rates... well that is all I think about mp3 and oggvorbis12:19
ruskielucent, considering both ogg and mp3 are lossy... maybe try mpc or wavpack or flac ;)12:19
RST38hOk, Ogg is a pig, nothing new there12:19
lucentyeah this is stuff you will never really notice on earbuds12:19
ruskieI generally consider ogg better at reproducing than mp312:19
lucenton a PA system at a deejay gig, the difference is clear if you're paying attention12:20
RST38halthough ffvorbis seems to starve it well12:20
pupnikmp3 applies a lowpass filter that i used to hear distinctly (lame allowed disabling).  ogg didn't.12:20
lucentit's not bad or good, I just think mp3 is awful sounding on real equipment12:20
lucentwith enough booze going around and a talent at the tables, the dancefloor knows not the difference12:21
pupnika fun thing to try is raising the absolute-threshold-of-hearing in lame encoding to a very high level.  The music rises out of pure blackness.12:21
RST38hWell, that is also predictable12:21
lucentyeah that constantly annoyed me is how most mp3 music tends to be encoded, all the quiet passages and details are "deleted" from the music.  I go back to the CD to listen and it's like a completely different work of art12:22
pupnikit is an effect one couldn't get before the perceptual encoding revolution12:22
RST38hMP3 is a lossy compression format, and it loses upper frequencies first, based on the assumption that humans do not hear them well enough anyway12:22
ruskiereally depends on the human involved12:22
lucentit's funny about that RST38h12:22
RST38hThis of course affects the percussive instruments first, as their waveforms are noisy and this contain a lot of upper frequencies12:22
lucentthe teenagers who CAN hear those frequencies are the widest adopters of mp3 to listen to the music12:23
RST38hruskie: well, older people hear even less of upper fqs than youngsters12:23
ruskieRST38h, well again depends on the human involved12:23
pupniksome low bitrate encoders just generated hf amplitude-shaped noise, iirc12:24
lucentnow those frequencies are not in the music anymore!12:24
RST38hBut the point is that even if you do not hear those frequencies, you still feel that something is different12:24
lucenthm, that is less than scientific, I would agree though12:25
lucentone album I enjoy listening to gives me a headache if I fall asleep when it's playing, and the format was encoded mp312:26
lucentFLAC (lossless) always left me in a deep sleep12:26
RST38hlucent: Once you get scientific about human ears, the picture becomes waaaay more complicated12:26
RST38hHint: the exact shape of your ear, incuding ridges, matters12:27
lucentyeah I'm gonna stab in the dark and say that, how do you know if something is above or below you by listening to it?12:27
lucentit's not some immediately middle-of-the-nyquist frequency only12:27
lucentand if you throw out stuff that isn't exactly melodic, then sure I get the idea of what a song is about still12:28
lucentwon't be the same experience for me though12:28
lucentthe best though for me is to get back that full experience without spending a thousand dollars on crazy equipment12:29
lucentI won't go on about it being better or worse if it's $35 and a uSD card :)12:30
lucentthat's about what I got my Sansa Fuze player for12:30
lucentoriginal firmware plays FLAC with an update from the manufacturer12:31
lucentalternately it has a working port of Rockbox firmware12:31
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pupnikIt's kind of cool how #maemo folks are savvy on tech in general.12:31
* lucent :)12:33
fluxmy rockbox-compatible iriver died some time ago. I once wondered if the SDL-port of Rockbox would be usable in N900..12:33
lucentI'm only knowing what I have spent money and time on, to be fair12:33
lucentflux: hmm, wonder if it's worth the time and effort tradeoff to get working though12:34
lucentbattery life would suffer greatly12:34
lucentflux: I strongly suggest getting a Sansa Fuze to run rockbox on if you are an N900 owner12:34
lucentthe microSD interchangability is pretty keen12:34
fluxlucent, I'm pretty sure it _works_, because there are other SDL-based programs for N900 and rockbox has SDL-support (for development purposes), but I'm wondering its usability12:35
lucentcan only guess, and at that not informed, no further comment sorry12:35
fluxlucent, I'd rather not have an another device in my pockets, but had you given me that hint a year ago I would've definitely gone that way :)12:35
lucentha!  well the Fuze is great battery life and takes microSD cards, I mean it's a must have in my inventory of gadgets12:36
lucentI use it in place of a CD player, not as a media player12:36
flux(I also got a sony bt headset for my headphones, so as long as I have n900 somewhere near, it works decently)12:36
lucentit does not play video worth a damn12:36
pupnikyou read much head-fi forums lucent ?12:37
lucenthm, not in tune with the hi-fi stuff sorry12:37
lucentmy background with audio is hobby home studio stuff12:37
pupnikthey get deep into players, dacs and headphones12:37
pupniksansa fuze $120+ here.. tch.12:38
lucentyuck, I got mine from a liquidation website12:39
lucentwell I bought 3 of the 2gb models12:39
lucentinternal storage isn't the point so I go with the cheapest refurb I could find12:39
lucentsome retinkers :)12:39
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lucentin so far as improving the N900 goes, I'd be looking to get turntable (Serato Scratch) type control for audio playback and a lot of laptop only features12:42
lucentnot done here12:42
lucentlack of multi-point touch screen is also a killer for the great niche "synthesizer" breath controller app I've seen on Apple products12:43
lucentuse the microphone as a pressure sensor12:43
lucentmulti touch capacitive screen allowing for finger positions like on a winded instrument12:44
lucentinstant expressive synth controller.12:44
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SpeedEvilIn principle you can swap out the screen digitiser panel.12:57
SpeedEvilOf course in practice that's very unlikely to happen.12:58
JaffaX-Fade: ping12:58
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Gadgetoid_mbpWelcome to 2010, where the fuck is Buck Rogers?13:02
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* LuciusMare wishes #maemo happy new years and less segfaults13:29
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* pupnik wishes for a basement of c++ developers to finish #uwadv // project on hold for 6 years, 9 months.13:29
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pupnikLast release
LuciusMarewhat's uwadv?13:30
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pupnikremake of Ultima Underworld: The Stygian Abyss.  Largely carried by one person.13:33
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pupnikI fixed the gcc 4 compile time errors but no chance at learning the codebase.13:34
pupniklet's try it on armel, shall we?13:35
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LuciusMareanybody tried n900 crash tests?13:38
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pupnikLuciusMare: it is astonishingly durable.13:43
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aquatixa very good 2010 to you all!13:44
LuciusMarepupnik: nice to hear, i just almost dropped it from stairs13:45
LuciusMaregod i was fraked13:45
pupniksame to you aquatix13:45
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vpvLuciusMare: has N900 stress test videos13:49
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hrw|n900thx for xchat update14:08
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Bluewindfirst impression of fennec is way better than microb14:12
RST38hand it is wrong14:12
RST38hhrw: you are welcome14:13
RST38hhrw: should I remove the channel title btw?14:13
fluxis any of the browsers more multithreaded than microb? it's bloody annoying when the browser gets stuck when opening a bunch of new windows..14:13
RST38hmultithreadidness has nothing to do with getting stuck14:14
SpeedEvilflux: I installed a nice fast browser from extras-devel yesterday.14:14
fluxwell, it does if you have a loop that needs to do a low of work14:14
SpeedEvilflux: renders hundreds of times faster than microb14:14
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fluxof course, you can explicitly reduce the length of those loops, if you know which they are14:14
Bluewindif anyone wants to try fennec go to
fluxor alternatively reduce overall performance by putting such hack everywhere14:14
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fluxspeedevil, that's extremely nice14:14
SpeedEvillynx :)14:14
RST38hBluewind: it is available from the repo.14:14
fluxspeedevil, gaah14:15
SpeedEvilAnd yes, it's silly, but I find it occasionally handy.14:15
RST38hBluewind: I installed it a while ago and continue updating it from the repo. It is still shit.14:15
fluxbesides, elinks renders nicer!14:15
Bluewindoh k14:15
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TomaszDgood day14:16
Bluewindstrange I haven't seen it some days ago14:16
RST38hEHLO TomaszD14:16
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RST38hBluewind: Only because you do not have the right repo added14:16
LuciusMarehello,i have problems with ssh - i made a key by sshkeygen on box1,copied the .pub to authorized_keys on n900, but when i try to connect to n900,it said Permission denied (publickey)14:16
BluewindLuciusMare: you try to connect to user or root?14:17
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RST38hBluewind: And too lazy to google / read Maemo News feeds14:17
BluewindLuciusMare: passwd user before14:17
LuciusMareof course, copied to home user/.ssh14:17
LuciusMareBluewind: i cant,it doesnt let me14:17
Bluewindthe acc is locked without a password14:17
Bluewindgo in as root and run passd user14:18
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JaffaLuciusMare: Bluewind is right; as user has no passwd, SSH refuses to let you connect with jut a key.14:20
JaffaLuciusMare: So, as root, you need to `passwd user' and set any random password you like.14:21
* LuciusMare facepalms14:22
LuciusMarethat is kinda stupid14:22
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Bluewindyou can search for the reason but I think they know what they are doing14:23
BluewindI also didn't understand why they wouldn't let you chroot any user into his home but into /home14:24
Bluewindturned out you could exploit that14:24
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LuciusMare_n900it worx14:24
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HukkaNow I manage to give the xwindow id to gst, but doesn't seem to affect anything :/14:37
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RST38hGoogle Reader is really weird about its recommendations...14:45
RST38h"News of social, protest, and trade unionist movements"14:46
RST38hWhile, Google Reader, WHY?14:46
RST38h"Anti-religion Community" <-- eh?14:48
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LuciusMareRST38h: while,google reader,WHILE?14:49
PBeckis it normaly that my pictures on my n900 are so grainy with alot of noise?14:50
LuciusMarePBeck: what's the time?14:51
RST38hPBeck: Yes. N900 is not a real digital camera.14:51
LuciusMarebut it takes good pictures,but fails sadly in dark14:51
PBeckin the forum i have read about a second problem with the chrome around of the camera14:51
RST38hLucius: As far as I am concerned, even in sunlight it is not very good14:52
PBeckLuciusMare: in any time. But i have not the best weather here. Perhaps it's better with sunshine (or certainly)14:52
LuciusMarei just read "pub lick ey"14:52
RST38hAll the pictures made in cloudy weather have violet tint14:53
LuciusMareRST38h: i have good pictures in nice lighting14:53
PBeckRST38h: it's a pity :(14:53
PBeckRST38h: but i think (hope) that we can get a better quality with a better driver14:53
RST38hLucius: "nice lighting" defined as "sunlight, no clouds"14:53
RST38hPBeck: talk to ab14:53
PBeckRST38h: the front camera needs that defintivly14:53
LuciusMareRST38h: well14:54
LuciusMareanyway,what is that front camera for,if n900 cant video-call?14:54
SpeedEvilLuciusMare: it can.14:54
SpeedEvilLuciusMare: it's just nobody has implemented it yet14:54
zaheer_or noone has done the ui yet14:54
SpeedEvilI've had it streaming video over 3g from mplayer14:54
PBeckSpeedEvil: you cant do that with that quality - your talking partner thinks that you are a monster14:55
SpeedEvilfrom the front cam14:55
LuciusMarePBeck: haha14:55
PBeckLuciusMare: not a joke :/14:55
LuciusMareoh,and what i wanted to ask14:55
RST38hPBeck: "ab" as in "/nick ab"14:55
LuciusMarehow come that n900 can connect to skype?14:55
LuciusMareisnt skype closed-source?14:55
PBeckRST38h: whois ab? A nokia developer?14:56
SpeedEvilpay money to skype people, get client14:56
* LuciusMare facepalms14:56
* RST38h facepalms14:56
LuciusMarethat's just...14:56
* LuciusMare goes over to find a dictionary14:57
LuciusMaressh fails again14:57
PBeckbecause of me => facepalm?14:57
LuciusMareconnecting to ssh and doing commands works14:58
LuciusMarewhile making a ssh tunnel says "access denied"14:58
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LuciusMaredoes it make sense?15:01
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ifreqwell youre doing something wrong thats 4 sure15:04
HukkaDoes the local bot know how to send notes to people when they come online?15:07
pupnikspeedevil, mencoder has denoise 3d filters.  at that low camera resolution cpu should be fast enough to stomp the camera noise15:10
SpeedEvilumm. no.15:10
crashanddieHappy New Year all15:10
SpeedEvilLipstick on a pig comes to mind.15:10
SpeedEvilAt the end it's still a vice presidential candidate.15:11
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HukkaHappy new year and happy hacking15:11
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StskeepsJaffa: some idiot uploaded 'debconf' to the repos15:15
* RST38h goes into Dalek mode15:18
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RST38hah, what a term15:19
* RST38h adds it to 'defenestrate' and "decimate'15:19
Macerspam got through the gmail filters. wtf? :)15:23
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RST38hYou have not been clicking "Mark as spam" button vigorously enough?15:25
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pupnikRST38h: The reference is to a BBC Radio 'Dead Ringers' comedy parody of Dr Who wherein a gay dalek advocates use of the Body Shoppe Apricot Facial Scrub.15:27
* RST38h facepalms somewhere between "gay dalek" and "advocates"15:27 facepalm15:28
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joppuStskeeps: how's that idiotic?15:29
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RST38hactually, that Picard picture better corresponds to this one:
Stskeepsjoppu: it breaks the builders if there's additional unsatisfiable dependancies15:30
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Stskeepsthere was a check but it failed15:31
RST38hStskeeps: I still blame the autobuilder though15:31
RST38hStskeeps: It. Should. Never. Fail.15:31
Stskeepsoh, agreed15:32
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RST38hyet, it fails every weekend, for various reasons...15:32
Stskeepsit's obviously alcoholic15:33
pupnikI haven't yet found the policy page for which vintage upstream applications we are supposed to be sourcing15:33
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pupnikIt seems the place to start is with a current debian sid package, then work back to whatever version matches the dependencies/libs already built15:38
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JaffaStskeeps: Ah, great.15:42
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PBeckit's not possible to send datacalls to the network => *100# ?15:56
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Macerhow can you sell a $50 coin for 19.95?15:57
SpeedEvilbecause it's not legal tender to $5015:58
SpeedEviland it's gold plated with bugger all gold15:58
pupnik31 milligrams15:59
SpeedEvilEach 2010 $50 Gold Buffalo Tribute Proof comes complete with an individually numbered Certificate of Authenticity, verifying that each piece is clad in 31 mgs. of Pure 24 KT Gold,15:59
Maceris that another word for plated? :)15:59
Macerwhy do they call it a $50 coin then?16:00
SpeedEvilOr about 1 dollar worth of gold16:00
pupniki was just calculating that16:00
SpeedEvilbecause it's based on a gold coin that when struck was worth $5016:00
SpeedEvilhad a face value of $50 rather16:00
Macerwhere can you get real gold coins?16:00
Macerso it is a fake replica coin?16:01
SpeedEvilmany places16:01
RST38h"you can reserve your own copy of the 2010 $50 Buffalo Gold Clad Tribute Proof in 31 mg of pure gold."16:01
Macerhow is that legal?16:01
RST38hKeyword is COPY16:01
Maceri thought copying coins was illegal or something :)16:01
Macerhow are they selling fake coins? :)16:01
RST38hRecreates the first .9999 fine 24-karat gold coin struck by the U.S. Government and the purest gold coin ever minted! <== RECREATES16:01
SpeedEvilfor example16:01
RST38hMacer: As long as it is clearly labelled as a copy, it is legal16:02
MacerRST38h: hahaha16:02
MacerRST38h: in the ad it is16:02
SpeedEvilHowever the above will be around $100016:02
Maceris "copy" on the coin itself? :)16:02
SpeedEvilnot $5016:02
RST38hMacer: basically yes16:02
SpeedEvilIt does not have to have copy on it if it is not current coinage.16:02
Macerpupnik: yeah like they don't have a trillion of the damn things :)16:03
HukkaAny people knowledgeable about (py)gst around? I'm still getting "dsp_thread: failed waiting for events" errors when trying to run pygst examples16:03
MacerSpeedEvil: but the actual coins are at the very least worth face value16:03
Macer$2 bills are legal tender which i believe aren't made anymore16:04
pupnikprice can only be guaranteed for 7 days!16:04
SpeedEvilMacer: More like 20* with current gold prices16:04
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Macerso if i start printing $2 bills and say in an ad "no real" i can sell them for $19.95? :)16:04
pupnikWould you pay for $50 dollars of gas with a coin worth $1000?16:04
Macerpupnik: depends on how desperate i am for gas :)16:05
Hukkazaheerm: I can get the test image to work, but no actual video. Have you managed that on pygst?16:05
Maceri just dont understand how they are creating replicas of coins16:05
Macerit is counterfit16:05
pupnik#economics is a fun place to talk about such things.16:06
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RST38hMacer: You should watch less TV advertising.16:08
RST38hMacer: And trash all spam mail as soon as you see it.16:09
RST38hReally good for mental health.16:09
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MacerRST38h: hahaha i recorded ncis and was watching it and noticed the commercial. was doing something else and it was ambient16:11
Macerbut i was just curious as to how they could sell counterfit coins :)16:12
Macerbut i found a site with teh real stuff16:12
Macerit made me curious as to how i could invest into precious metals16:12
Macerreal gold coins would be awesome16:12
Macer10oz platinum bars for $15K :)16:13
SpeedEvilMacer: you buy them and jam them under your bed.16:14
SpeedEvilNot really complex :)16:15
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LuciusMareis there a dropbox port for maemo?16:17
MacerSpeedEvil: haha. well. i'd probably have a thick safe set in 20ft of concrete with a 2ft steel door16:17
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Macerbut that's just me ;)16:17
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Maceri'm looking at them now seeing what would be good to buy. i'd prefer to buy uniform sized bars16:17
Maceraus had a 20 kilo year of the tiger gold coin16:18
Macer20 kilo?! thats a coin?16:18
Macerthat has to be the size of a small plate16:19
SpeedEvilgold coins and bars are essentially sold by weight16:19
SpeedEvilthere is very little difference in price16:19
tigertthis twitter messaging plugin is pretty interesting16:19
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MacerSpeedEvil: i know. i am looking at shape ;) i don't want coins16:20
Caesium100g gold bars are reasonable overhead16:20
Macerbars are better.. just want to make sure there is some sort of standard size16:20
Caesiumanything lower and the premiums shoot up16:20
SpeedEvilMacer: get a n900 shaped bar.16:20
Macer100g is about the size of a cigarette box?16:21
Caesiumheh no16:21
Caesiumabout the size of a CF card :)16:21
Macercredit card?16:21
Macerah ok16:21
SpeedEvilgold has a density of 15g/cc or so16:21
Macerthat's a good size. let me see if i can find some16:21
SpeedEvilso 8ccish16:21
MacerSpeedEvil: the 10kilo "coin" was funny16:21
Macer"call for pricing"16:21
Macerwhat do you do with something like that? hang it on the wall and put clock hands on it?16:22
SpeedEvilIt's probably not a significant premium over bars16:22
Arkenoirst38h: btw i purchased 4x2 uncut sheet of $2 bank notes16:24
Arkenoimade fun of people around sitting with it in a cafe comparing numbers16:25
Macer100g is ~360016:25
CaesiumMacer: :)16:25
MacerSpeedEvil: i just thought the size was large16:25
Caesium(n900 camera, resized to 50% of original)16:26
RST38hArkenoi: evil16:26
MacerCaesium: that is your gold bar?16:26
RST38hCaesium: I will take the one at the left16:27
Macerawesome.. thanks :)16:27
Macerlet me see if i can find something similar16:27
Caesiumyou in the UK? can recommend a couple of merchants if so16:27
Maceri'm looking for places in the city now. some measure in oz and some in g16:30
Maceryou would think there would be a standard for this16:30
Caesiumusually coins are oz, bars in g16:30
Caesiumbut either is acceptable16:30
Maceryeah. they are measuing bars in oz16:30
Caesium is where I buy mine16:31
Caesiumhas both; 100g is 3.215oz16:31
SpeedEviltroy ouches16:32
LuciusMareis it possible to get bluemaemo to use hardware keyboard?16:33
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Mysterioushello everybody16:36
Caesiumhappy new year :)16:36
Mysteriousoh^^ thanks. I wish you a happy new year, too :)16:37
MysteriousI would like to install the libssl-dev ackage on my n900 device. May I use the debian source package or do I need to use some kind of ported libssl-dev16:38
MacerThese prices are based upon the spot gold price of:  $0.0016:40
Macerhaha. web site fail16:40
Maceri should order a 30bars at $0.0016:40
Macerblah. online shopping for this sucks. i'll just find a place in chicago16:40
Caesiumcheap at twice the price :D16:40
Caesiumdepending on the size bars you're getting you should be able to get about 4% premium over spot16:41
Caesiumanything more than that and find somewhere else :)16:41
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Macerfound a good place16:47
MacerHarlan J. Berk Ltd16:47
Macer:) i will probably go there soon to see what they have16:47
MysteriousIs it possible to install whole debian arm packages on the n900 without porting?16:48
jeremiahMysterious: Most likely16:48
jeremiahBut you may run into dependency issues16:48
jeremiahDo you know what it depends on?16:48
Mysteriousthe package i want to install?16:49
jeremiahMysterious: Yes.16:49
Mysteriousone moment please16:49
jeremiahI realize it is just a lib, but often it will have some dependencies - like libc at the very least16:49
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jeremiahMysterious: The best way to move forward is to open up the SDK16:49
jeremiahAnd test.16:50
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jeremiahBTW, what are you using libssl for?16:50
MysteriousI would like to set up the aircrack-ng suite but i am not sure whether it will work or not16:50
jeremiahHmmm. I seemed to remember aircrack going into the repos.16:51
jeremiahOr something similar16:51
jeremiahlibssl0.9.8 is already on the device16:51
jeremiahSo you won't need to port it.16:52
jeremiahI see aircrack-ng already in the repos16:52
Mysteriousbut i need the -dev version16:52
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jeremiah1. apt-cache search is your friend16:52
jeremiah2. Did you enable extras?16:52
jeremiah3. Did you enable extras-devel?16:52
Mysteriousis it in that16:53
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jeremiahLook on maemo.org16:54
Mysteriousok thanks16:54
jeremiahIs that you pushing the version of 1.0-3 to the builder?16:55
jeremiahBecause 1.0-3 is not building16:55
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Mysterious>.< argh my stupid english I can't express16:57
jeremiahNo problem.16:57
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Dassuhmm, no finnish maemo irc-channel :o16:58
jeremiahI don't think there are any language specific maemo channels16:58
Mysteriousvoi ei16:58
jeremiahI think in fact there are only two channels: #maemo and #maemo-devel16:58
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Stskeepsand #maemo-ui16:59
fralsand -bugs16:59
Stskeepsor ux, can't recall16:59
jeremiahParlez francais?16:59
jeremiahFala portugues?16:59
jeremiahTalar svenska?16:59
jeremiahfrals: Oh? Bugs too?16:59
jeremiahDidn't know that. # obvious17:00
fralsTalar du svenska*17:00
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jeremiah.oO( must learn how to say w00t in swedish. )17:00
jeremiahStskeeps: Did you see that Ed fixed the builder?17:01
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Stskeepsjeremiah: no, but that's good17:01
Stskeepsdebconf package removed?17:01
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jeremiahI doubt it.17:01
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Stskeepswell isn't it going to keep on failing then? :P17:03
fralswaiting for the bus for 20minutes in a closed mall sucks :(17:03
jeremiahStskeeps: Most likely. :)17:03
jeremiahThough Ed said it was something else.17:03
Stskeepsstill, it's a package that doesn't belong in extras :P17:03
jeremiahBuilding debian based live CDs is not hard.17:03
jeremiahWe should try one for Mer17:04
Stskeepswell, we have a x86 bootable image though17:04
jeremiahah, okay17:05
jeremiahSo a bit redundant.17:05
Stskeepsa live cd runs in ram only17:06
jeremiahSo what are the implications of that?17:07
jeremiahThat it will run slowly on the device?17:07
jeremiahI thought people would want to try it out on their computers17:07
jeremiahIt will run slowish there too.17:07
Stskeepsjeremiah: seems like borealid is still at it17:08
Stskeepstrying to upload e2fsprogs17:08
jeremiahoh no.17:08
jeremiahI wonder what he/she is trying to do?17:10
jeremiahIs all this on purpose?17:10
Stskeepsor just ignorance17:10
ShadowJKis it optified? ;-)17:10
jeremiahJust sent Bryan and email, cc'd to maemo-devel17:16
jeremiahSent _an_ email.17:17
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Dassusometims I think we should consider sending few of us to the USA and buying n900's from there for us europens as n900's are 150e cheaper in the states.17:23
ShrikeOnN900Hi all! Just wanted to drop by, using my Nokia that runs Linux to chat with IRC for a moment of intense Finnishness17:23
jeremiahWell, we're all finished here.17:24
jeremiahreply from Bryan Jacobs!17:24
CorsacDassu: remember prices are without taxes17:24
Corsac(though with the dollar price...)17:24
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redYeah and that you would have to put up with actually being the states :P17:30
SpeedEvilDassu: you will need to pay import duty and VAT17:30
SpeedEvilDassu: and the cavity searches.17:30
SpeedEvilThough that may be a plus for some.17:30
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DassuSpeedEvil: well, I got pretty good deal here in europe17:32
DassuSpeedEvil: My current montly phone bill is something like 19euros and after the deal. My phone bill will be ~30euros for 24 months17:32
DassuSpeedEvil: so the phone will be less than a 250euros in total17:33
Dassuonly limitation is that you I have to maintain same provider for two years. However it is the same I have atm17:33
Dassuso awsome deal imho17:36
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SpeedEvilMy current 'deal' is pay up front ~300 euro for discounted n900, then 30 euro for internet and calls for the next 6 mo17:38
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LuciusMare_n900killing all instances of browser,or browserd apparently reseted my phone17:40
SpeedEvilit's got a watchdog17:40
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LuciusMare_n900and browser keeps crashing :(17:42
LuciusMare_n900even after the restart17:42
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ifreqLuciusMare_n900: and what are you doing if it keeps crashing?17:42
ifreqsurfing porn?17:42
LuciusMare_n900ifreq: no,clicking "web" icon17:42
LuciusMare_n900it  does not even turn on17:43
fluxluciusmare_n900, maybe its cache or configuration is somehow corrupted?17:44
LuciusMare_n900flux: maybe17:44
LuciusMare_n900it froze17:44
LuciusMare_n900and couldnt turn on agaun,no response from clicking an icon or a bookmark17:44
LuciusMare_n900so i killed all the instances of browser or browserd17:45
LuciusMare_n900now it does not work at all17:45
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ifreqLuciusMare_n900: well reboot..17:45
LuciusMare_n900ifreq: after i killed it,it,crashed by itself17:46
LuciusMare_n900but ok17:46
FIQLucius said: even after the restart17:46
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LuciusMare_n900let's restart again17:48
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LuciusMare_n900yup,even after a triggered reboot,fail17:51
t7g_make sure you power it down every once in a while so you don't get the reboot brick17:52
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lcukLuciusMare_n900, which irc client are you using17:52
LuciusMaret7g_: why?17:52
LuciusMarelcuk: irssi17:52
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lcukcan you open links with it?  for instance http://google.com17:53
lcukie try not clicking your browser icon directly17:53
LuciusMaredoesnt work17:53
LuciusMarehm,when clicking,xterm freezes17:54
ifreqwhat did you do 1st time when browser froze?17:55
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lcuk"zomg my prawns are gone"17:55
ifreqjust killed all browser* processs?17:55
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BluesLeedid anyone had success with anki on n900?17:56
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* RST38h moos at whoever he has not mmooed today17:57
* Corsac moos back17:57
LuciusMareifreq: well,the maemo took care about it,the integrated "app x y froze,kill?"17:57
jeremiahYou haven't mooed me.17:57
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* javispedro waves17:57
LuciusMareinfobot: moo17:57
jeremiahmoo RST38h17:57
lcukLuciusMare, open new console and try:17:57
* infobot mooooooooo! I am cow, hear me moo, I weigh twice as much as you. I am cow, eating grass, methane gas comes out my ass17:57
* FIQ moos at R3st8h17:57
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lcukbrowser --url
lcukhy javispedro HNY17:57
lcukand mooooooooooooooooo RST38h17:57
RST38hHeya jeremiah, lcuk, FIQ, javispedro17:58
* lcuk waves @ jeremiah 17:58
jeremiahHey lucky lcuk!17:58
RST38hMake sure you test the new XChat build and comment17:58
javispedroand happy new year.17:58
jebbaRST38h: does the new xchat have optification?17:58
ifreqah new xchat17:58
RST38hjebba: No. Does it matter?17:58
LuciusMarelcuk: doesnt output anything,just blocks the input17:58
ifreqis it a new package or separate?17:58
* lcuk charms17:58
* RST38h needs to know a few things17:58
RST38h1) Do you want to keep or remove the channel title?17:58
LuciusMarelcuk: hangs for a while,then quits17:59
jebbaRST38h: does it matter? yes.  Saves space on NAND.17:59
jebbain fact, i just deleted it last night to save space.17:59
RST38h2) Do you want folks to join #maemo at freenode by default? Or maybe #n900bies as the default channel?17:59
lcukLuciusMare, you sound like you have borkened your browser17:59
jebbaRST38h: i want optification ;)   it's easy enough to add.17:59
ifreq1) yes 2) dont care17:59
lcukdoes maps start17:59
RST38hjebba: Well, it is a pretty small package, so I would not be obsessing with it17:59
fralsjoining people to channel default is evil17:59
jeremiahjebba: Good stuff on maemo-devel you sent, thanks17:59
lcuk(am i correct in remembering it usses the same engine)17:59
LuciusMarelcuk: ow17:59
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LuciusMarelcuk: reflash?17:59
ifreqyeh or either autojoin to any server17:59
RST38hfrals: the alternative is making them work through XChat's servers list18:00
jebbajeremiah: np.  G also suggested using "puppet" to manage configs mixed with "git" to track changes.18:00
lcukLuciusMare, if you like, its probably gonna be easier, but if you have knowledge to try diagnose18:00
lcukit might help people in future18:00
jebbaRST38h: ya, but all those small packages add up. What is size of /usr/bin/xchat* ?  Total install size on NAND?18:00
RST38hjebba Depends. For FBReader I am somewhat afraid to optify, given how it works18:00
ifreqRST38h: yeah or type /server plaplaaa**18:00
RST38hjebba: don't obsess yourself too much18:01
* lcuk will be optifying the entire liqbase folder in one go *gulp*18:01
javispedrojust put auto in debian/optify and let testers handle that18:01
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jeremiahjebba: Well, that is another great idea. But the institutional inertia is tough to overcome.18:01
jeremiahI'll suggest it though.18:01
jebbaRST38h: what do you mean don't obsess yourself to much? that makes no sense. I hit 100% all the time.18:01
RST38hjebba: You really want to clean up your /? Figure out the way to cull localizations cache18:01
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BluesLeeokay, does someone run ankimaemi on an nxxx device here?18:01
RobertH[AU]hey everyone, greetings from Aus18:01
jebbaRST38h: that would entail rebuilding packages that I dont have the source to.18:01
RST38hjebba: Probably means that you 1) have some stuff there taht you are not using or 2) there is a couple of huge packages there18:02
RST38hjebba: No.18:02
jebbaRST38h: I'm not using them!??!18:02
lcukoh rst18:02
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javispedroRST38h: though if it's > 500 KiB it will just never enter extras due to negative/blocker votes from people not here.18:02
* RST38h has tons of crap installed and is still at 80%18:02
lcukpeople put what they like on18:02
RST38heven 75% really18:02
RST38hjavispedro: depends18:02
RobertH[AU]can someone tell me if the source for the control panel is available? or where to look to find this out18:02
lcukeven i know that18:02
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RST38hjavispedro: it is 240kB or so right now though18:03
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jebbaRST38h: for instance rtcom-call-ui Depends on a billion l10n files. I can't remove those files due to deps. I can't rebuild rtcom-call-ui because I don't have source. For example.18:03
RST38hjavispedro Surprisingly, XCHat is not a very large package18:03
RST38hjebba: Yes, you can18:03
jebbaRST38h: it is soooooooo easy to optify. Like 2 lines.18:03
RST38hjebba: rm -f18:03
jebbaRST38h: ...18:03
lcukthe .tar.gz for xchat is 4.1mb18:04
jebbaRST38h: why not just optify your package though? it's such a well known problem with such an easy solution...18:04
lcuki know thats not code18:04
javispedrojebba: if it's really less than 500 KiB then I see no need to optify, really. The guidelines say so.18:04
javispedro(or used to say so :P )18:04
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RST38hjebba: Because a lot of times, optify breaks package18:05
lcukwhat happens if i optify a folder that some of its contents have already been optified18:05
ShadowJKisn't it simpler to just compile with with --prefix in /opt somewhere...18:06
ifreqwhy packages cant be installed by default into /opt/maemo/bin instead of symlinking?18:06
jebbaRST38h: in the case of something simple like xchat it's not going to break. Easy enough to test too.18:06
ifreq+adding it to PATH18:06
RST38hjebba: So, if you are having problems with / space, I would start with du -r / |sort -rn |more18:06
javispedroifreq: because they break even harder.18:06
ifreqjavispedro: okay, just hate symlinking18:06
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RST38hShadowJK Possible for some packages18:07
jebbaecho auto > debian/optify      Build-Depends: maemo-optify    *DONE*18:07
RST38hShadowJK: not sure about xchat though18:07
jebbaso easy18:07
* RST38h will look at optifying xchat and fbreader, when he has time18:07
ShadowJKxchat even runs from the source directory in your ~ after you compile it18:07
RST38hthat is all I can offer you, jebba. sorry.18:08
lcuk"du -r"   not available in busybox18:08
jebbaI'll send you a patch then RST38h  ;)18:08
ShadowJKxchat would need that settings-crashfix patch too :)18:08
RST38hlcuk: just do du18:08
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RST38hlcuk: -r not necessary it looks18:08
jebbaShadowJK:  that got fixed in last build it hink18:08
lcukk :)18:08
RST38hShadowJK: I just fixed that18:08
RST38hShadowJK: Get the newest build from extras-devel18:09
wolf^javispedro, how does changing --prefix breaks packages?18:09
RST38hShadowJK In fact, that is why jebba is complaining to me and not to qwerty18:09
jebbaxchat uses 692.0kxcha18:09
jebbaxchat uses 692.0k  on NAND18:09
jebbaso can't go in extras18:09
RST38hjebba: xchat uses ~240kB on NAND. / is compressed.18:09
lcukdu lists the total size of all folders?18:09
RST38hjebba: And you do not need to use it if you do not want to, ok?18:10
RST38hlcuk: Yes18:10
jebbaRST38h: that's not how the "500k limit" is calculated18:10
ShadowJKall those tiny things add up though :-(18:10
RST38hlcuk: sort -rn will sort it in decreasing order18:10
jebbaRST38h: ok, if you don't want to help your end users i'll just rebuiild it. Lame.18:10
lcukyeah i got that bit lol18:10
lcukjust never used du18:10
ifreqwolf^: yeah makes me wonder too :P18:10
lcuksome packages dont have autotools18:10
RST38hjebba: I tend to ignore obsessed people.18:10
ShadowJKI'm at like 30 megs free with gpodder (with optified python), less, xchat, optified mplayer, openssh, gpsjinni, location-test18:11
wolf^ifreq, the one thing I can think of is the need to manually move desktop and icon files18:11
jebbaRST38h: obsessed? wtf.18:11
lcukhaving a working phone is important18:11
RST38hlcuk: There is 20+MB locale cache file that I would be very interested to cull, but not tools to do that and no documentation on it18:11
lcukvery important18:11
jebbai didnt invent the opt thing. i dont like it either,  but packages should be optfied in this situation, its that simple.18:11
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RST38hShadowJK: Something is wrong18:11
jebbaRST38h: havent you seen so many brick reports on talk.m.o?18:11
RST38hShadowJK: I have at least 42MB free on / with a lot more stuff installed18:12
jebbagood for you18:12
jebbawhat about others?18:12
jebbadid you document how you did that?18:12
ShadowJKSo like, if one were to make optified versions of stuff in sdk-tools, would the autobuilder barf? :-)18:12
lcuki love 3how in modern times we are stressing about <50mb of space18:12
RST38hShadowJK: do du | sort thing - you may be surprised by a few things18:12
fralsluck: aye :D18:12
wolf^RST38h, which locale cache file?18:13
RST38hwolf: Do not remember the name, gimme a moment18:13
ShadowJKmaybe for maemo6 there'll be outright ban on installing anything on rootfs :)18:13
lcukRST38h, would you accept a tested patch?18:13
RST38hlcuk: Patch for what?18:13
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lcukie you dont have to work18:14
RST38hlcuk: the echo auto > debian/optify thing?18:14
lcuki dont know which patch18:14
lcukjebba mentioned sending you one18:14
lcuksomeone file a bug report18:14
RST38hlcuk: well, as far as I know, it is not a patch, he was sarcastic18:15
lcukthen it can be handled with a patch18:15
IffeN900uh xchat now looks a bit :( rather remove userlist instead of showing it like this rst38h18:15
jebbawell, easy enough to do the patch.18:15
lcukRST38h, sarcastic or not, would you accept it18:15
RST38hlcuk: He suggested to run it through maemo-optify. There is no way to say if it is gonna work, although I can try it18:15
* lcuk has a bugreport for liqbase optification that will be integrated before the next release18:15
RST38hlcuk: Also, the results of maemo-optify are usually pretty ugly18:15
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lcuki agree18:16
jeremiahTry it at least.18:16
lcukbut it works18:16
RST38hIffe: userlist is currently hidden18:16
* ShadowJK doesn't use userlist at all18:16
RST38hjeremiah: Well I will see what can be done18:16
IffeN900okay wonder what i dl then from the repos18:16
RST38hIffe: I do not know.18:16
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IffeN900isnt it named xchat?18:16
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lcukRST38h, i did not like direct optification either, but i am going to make sure everything in liqbase is sent to /opt first (the library only is going to be touched)18:17
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RST38hlcuk: As I said, I will see what can be done.18:17
* lcuk nods18:17
RST38hlcuk: If optification does not work, I will not optify.18:17
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* lcuk gets you a beer18:17
ifreqRST38h: its on repos aye?18:17
RST38hIf it works, then all is well18:17
lcukRST38h, mark it under a bug then18:18
wolf^RST38h, /usr/lib/locale/locale-archive?18:18
lcukthen others can try18:18
RST38hwolf: Yep, that one18:18
wolf^RST38h, have a look at
wolf^grep for localedb18:18
RST38hlcuk: XChat config crashed for 4 months now. Has anyone looked at it?18:18
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lcuki thought you were18:18
wolf^there are scripts generating that file only for selected languages18:18
lcuksince you have xchat mods18:18
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RST38hwolf: I know that it is localedb. I want a tool that lets me cull it.18:18
RST38hlcuk: Exactly.18:19
wolf^RST38h, and you can find them there18:19
RST38hlcuk: So, even if you file a bug for optifying XChat, who is gonna look at it?18:19
RST38hwolf: checking18:19
lcukRST38h, its something you can happily deflect people with18:19
lcukthey can look at what you have tried18:19
lcukand what worked or not18:20
RST38hwolf: Well it is some data file, I kinda expected a script or a tarball to compile from :)18:20
lcukwithout having to turn blue in the face18:20
wolf^RST38h, it's spec file for rpm generation18:20
RST38hAh, people can look at things, not turning anyone18:20
wolf^RST38h, kind of like debian/rules18:20
RST38hUsually, none of them do, though18:21
ifreqis the modified xchat on repos (devel) and with what name?18:21
ifreqwould love to test it18:21
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RST38hifreq: xchat in -devel non-free18:21
RST38hifreq: coming to -free as soon as fixes their autobuilder (again)18:21
RST38hmoo wazd18:21
javispedroseems HildonRemoteTexture doesn't support depth18:22
wazd_e63Heya everyone!18:22
wazd_e63Happy new year again)18:22
javispedrohi wazd18:23
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ifreqRST38h: okay got that repo.. but xchat i got from there was with userlist18:23
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jebbajeremiah: G: jebba: btw, just checked, 17 people as it stands have the ability if needed to fix our buildsystem18:24
jeremiahWhich buildsystem is that?18:24
jeremiahjebba: Fedora's?18:24
fnordianslippersRST38h, using your new build here ok. any way for autocompletion of nicks?18:24
jebbajeremiah: ya18:24
jeremiahThat is the way it should be.18:24
jeremiahUnfortunately maemo's is behind a corporate firewall.18:25
jeremiahAnd NDA18:25
jeremiahAnd who knows what else18:25
RST38hifreq: what package version?18:25
jeremiahSo much for open source.18:25
RST38hfnordian: there is a key for that, I think TAB18:26
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RST38hfnordian: really have to bind it to something else though18:26
RST38hjeremiah: well, it is not really open source, but we both know that already18:26
ifreqRST38h: 2.8.6-maemo1318:26
RST38hjeremiah: It is Nokia building their idea of open source community18:27
ifreqmaybe im not refreshed18:27
RST38hShould be maemo1218:27
RST38hmaemo13 is the source package that has not build18:27
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fnordianslippersRST38h, Tab on the osk doesn't work.  How about assigning  Ctrl+i as that works in terminal?18:28
RST38hfnordian: I have not looked at it yet. Will have to look into it.18:28
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fnordianslippersok. cheers18:29
pH5fnordianslippers: Ctrl+i is already bound to detaching/attaching windows18:29
RST38h3-4 minutes of loading the page just to see the status of a package =(18:29
ifreqRST38h: if i try to install it now it offers 1318:29
ifreqso dunno18:29
pH5although I like using Ctrl+i as tab, too.18:29
RST38hifreq: It fucked up. :(18:29
RST38hifreq: It is picking up mgedmin's package18:30
ifreqbah :( got deb somewhere so ill install it manually?18:30
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RST38hifreq: Get maemo12 deb here:
RST38hI will build maemo14 and upload it as binary =(18:31
RST38hOh wait, it built Maemo13 I uploaded!18:32
ShadowJKthe ley assignments can be changed from settings btw18:32
RST38hSo it is the right package.18:32
RST38hI know why it may show userlist still18:32
ShadowJKsettings - advanced - keyboard shortcuts18:32
RST38hYou have to remove ~/.xchat2 before starting it so that it has a chance to create new settings18:32
ifreqRST38h: hmm ok :P userlist would be nice to disable by def18:32
ifreqah okay18:32
ifreqwill do it asap18:33
ifreqthats sme thing which would be nice to see on package details18:33
ifreqor notes whatso ever18:33
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iffeN900thanks rst38h looks better now :)18:37
LuciusMarehow do i backup my personal data before reflash?18:37
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tigertuse the backup tool?18:38
tigertand copy memory card contents18:38
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RST38hifreq: It is in the changelog18:38
tigertof course put the backup somewhere safe if you only have an internal card18:39
tigertand want to reflash eMMC too... :)18:39
ifreqRST38h: okay thanks, anyways i like it now how it looks (keep topic on default)18:39
RST38hit helps to have an external card plugged in all the time18:39
* RST38h feels xchat will look better without the topic18:40
ifreqis the 16Gb limit on n900 or on microsd cards usually?18:40
RST38hifreq: 16GB is the biggest one that they sell right now18:40
RST38hno limit though, not that I know of18:40
ifreqyeh as i thought18:40
ifreqits nice18:40
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Arkenoirst38h: there are 32Gb already, but they are damn rare and expensive ($300 or so)18:41
redhow smart18:42
FIQlol, that's almost a n90018:42
FIQmore than half the price18:42
RST38hArkenoi: 32GB microSD???18:43
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LuciusMareand will the backup tool backup my /home ?18:46
RST38hAutobuilder seemingly fixed18:46
lcukred, when i saw that a couple of days ago i couldnt work out18:46
lcukwas he meant to torpedo into the water or land on the ice18:46
lcukhe failed anyway18:46
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lcukRST38h, yup18:47
lcukhi wazd_e6318:47
ArkenoiRST38h, yep18:48
RST38hArkenoi: URL?18:48
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ArkenoiRST38h, murtazin had one for test half an year ago. now they are commercially available for two months or so. will try to find out who sells it..18:49
Gadgetoid_mbpMost awesome cannonball ever... only ... aren't you supposed to tuck your legs in?18:49
RST38hArkenoi: It does not exist unless there is a prooflink.18:49
RST38hFroogle does not find it.18:49
* RST38h asks the Tentacled One to finally fix the UQM package in Extras: looks like nobody else is going to do it.18:50
RST38hAh cool Fennec RC1 no longer flashing N900 screen madly18:51
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RST38hstill 5sec delay between touching a bookmark and starting to load it though18:52
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Sir_Lancelothey guys18:52
Sir_Lancelothave an AWESOME 2010 YEAR!!!!!18:52
javispedrowhy oh, why can't I set a depth in a remote texture!!18:53
ShadowJKI heard a rumour the microb delays were fixed in future firmwares18:56
LuciusMarewhat does actually R&D mean?18:57
RST38hArkenoi: No URL. Forum posts from random users do not count.18:57
redlcuk: from his expressions, looked like he had no freaking idea that water beneath ice would actually be cold18:57
ShadowJKresearch and development18:57
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SpeedEvilAlso - massive contentless threads --18:58
SpeedEvilI've been reading the actual docs on the USB chip.18:58
SpeedEvilIt seems - along with minimal reading of the kernel that the problem may at least partially be unimplemented device drivers for switching to host mode.18:58
RobertH[AU]Can anyone tell me how the settings are saved when you select whether the n900 should use GSM 3G or DUAL mode for phone and net? Thank you in advance18:59
SpeedEvilI have found no way so far to configure the USB chip to make USB host - of some form - not work.18:59
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LuciusMarei am from czech republic19:04
LuciusMarethats right next to germany19:04
LuciusMarei guess i should download global release image?19:04
type_tyou know why we still have troops in germany?19:04
fnordianslipperswho's we?19:05
type_tthe UN EU US ALLIES..19:05
type_t# to keep the Slavs in czech19:06
LuciusMareso what release?19:06
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rlinfatiLuciusMare, betther ask.... what is the diferent?.... i think is only the language avariable....19:08
LuciusMarerlinfati: i heard that devices bought in USA does not support europian 3g frequences19:08
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ShadowJKhm, 32wd_to reboot :/19:09
ShadowJKfirst ever19:09
rlinfatiis not the same device ? i not found how extract a ubifs... ( and i not want flash 3 time for see that is the diference... )19:09
rlinfati( usa, uk, global )19:10
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lcukred, he looked more like omfg i nearly drowned to me19:10
lcukhi xnt14 hny19:10
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RST38hLuciusMare: no they do19:12
GAN900LuciusMare, the device radio is the same everywhere.19:15
SpeedEvilThe only difference is localisation - software.19:15
SpeedEvilWhich can be altered easily.19:15
SpeedEvilAnd PSU plug19:16
SpeedEvilwhich can't quite as easily - but is easily worked around19:16
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* RST38h abandons any hope for a working Fennec19:17
LuciusMarethis is the end of all hope...19:17
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RST38hWell, I did not expect something written in JavaScript to work in the first place...19:18
rlinfatihow i can change the (physical) keyboard? i can buy a new keyboard? (ex, i'm in italy.... but i speak spanish and need a "ñ" key..... )19:18
RST38bisyou cannot and there is a bug for it19:19
RST38bisbut nokia ux people say that you are not supposed to19:19
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Corsacthough you can change the layout19:19
rlinfatiCorsac, but... if a change the layout... change a lot the blue keys... ( €()/(<> ", etc )19:20
crashanddielcuk: happy newyear mate!19:20
crashanddierlinfati: use n19:20
Corsacrlinfati: well, if you change the physical keyboard, the layout will be changed too :/19:21
lcukhey crashanddie happy new year indeed :)19:21
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* rlinfati thinking in paint a new layout on my n900 keyboard 19:22
crashanddierlinfati: millions just use less accentuation -- remember the good ol' days of ascii?19:22
lcukthe n900 keyboard feels really strange to touch19:22
lcukalmost electric19:22
lcuktiny none flatness19:22
crashanddielcuk: it's all a lie19:23
crashanddielcuk: don't believe people who tell you they understand electricity, nobody understands it, it just happens19:23
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javispedrocrashanddie: (using less accentuation and ntildes;)that works OK for IMs, but sucks for academia email.19:23
javispedrothough I'm slowly getting used to the symbol palette19:24
rlinfaticrashanddie, javispedro and work email...19:24
Corsacit sucks for IM too, imho19:24
crashanddiejavispedro: if you write academia email and are bothered to go to the symbol screen, you're a lazy idiot, which disproves the first part of this sentence19:24
lcukdo fullsize usb keyboards work in n90019:24
crashanddielcuk: no19:24
crashanddielcuk: no usb host19:24
javispedrocrashanddie: i'm not bothered, but the symbol palette slows one down. greatly.19:24
lcukapple bt ftw then19:25
Gadgetoid_mbplcuk: and fullsized bluetooth ones don't work either :)19:25
crashanddieapple bt doesn't work either, IIRC19:25
Gadgetoid_mbpUnless you ONLY want letter keys and nothing else19:25
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lcukawww ffs19:25
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lcukwhy not?19:25
javispedrowasn't there a bug about the weird dead key behavior in the symbol palette?19:25
crashanddieweird extended keyboard mapping19:25
Gadgetoid_mbpIt kinda almost works, but it uses the same layout as the built-in keyboard19:25
Gadgetoid_mbpSo you can't type number keys, punctuation, or anything that would make it even slightly more useful than the built-in keyboard19:26
Gadgetoid_mbpHaven't tested one of my Apple BT keyboards yet, they might "work" but will be afflicted with the same stupid problem19:26
Gadgetoid_mbpWay to step back from the N8x019:26
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Gadgetoid_mbpActually the N900 steps back in a lot of ways from the N8x0... inclusion of a phone, smaller size, shitty kickstand, combi USB+charging port (WHYY!!!!)19:28
Gadgetoid_mbpAlthough the latter doesn't matter, because the USB port is useless19:28
* rlinfati looking the "keyboard" on my n800....19:28
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* Gadgetoid_mbp is back where he started19:29
javispedro~karma Gadgetoid_mbp19:29
infobotgadgetoid_mbp has neutral karma19:29
RST38hApple BT keyboard does not work with N90019:29
RST38hAt least I have never seen it to work.19:29
crashanddieRST38h: confirmed19:29
SpeedEvilGadgetoid: been reading the datashets today - I can't see a way to configure the chips to break USB-host19:29
FIQ~karma FIQ19:29
infobotfiq has neutral karma19:29
SpeedEvilGadgetoid: need lots more research and reading though19:29
RST38h~karma javispedro19:29
infobotjavispedro has karma of 119:29
Gadgetoid_mbpSpeedEvil: I'd be happy with functional bluetooth HID19:29
RST38h~karma infobot19:30
infobotinfobot has karma of 419:30
crashanddie~karma *19:30
infobot* has karma of 319:30
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RST38h~karma rst38h19:30
infobotrst38h has karma of 119:30
FIQ~karma gan90019:30
infobotgan900 has neutral karma19:30
rlinfati~karma random?19:30
infobotrandom? has neutral karma19:30
Gadgetoid_mbpI never really used USB host on the N810, apart from to hook up a mahoosive external hard disk and run it as a music server... which is kinda cool19:30
rlinfati~karma rlinfati19:30
infobotrlinfati has neutral karma19:30
crashanddie~karma generalantilles19:30
infobotgeneralantilles has neutral karma19:30
crashanddie~karma crashanddie19:30
infobotcrashanddie has karma of -219:30
SpeedEvilGadgetoid: displaylink19:30
RST38h~lawyers crashanddie19:30
RST38hhmm, does not work19:30
crashanddie~sue RST38h19:31
* infobot acting on orders from an unspecified client, drags RST38h into court suing for $200 million 19:31
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PBecka question to gainroot - why we have there the option --use-su?19:31
Gadgetoid_mbpIdling is awesome, lets me know my house hasn't been robbed19:31
SpeedEvilGadgetoid: simply as connecting up a huge display and mouse and keyboard and disk would be lolworthy.19:31
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* javispedro ponders if a muiltprocess hildonwindowstack will work19:31
Gadgetoid_mbpSpeedEvil: true, or you could just buy a Pandora "D19:31
RST38hjavispedro: what are you porting? =)19:31
RST38hyou can buy a pandora? really?19:32
PBeckwhen we only use /bin/sh a .bashrc will not be viewed - so the prompt and other options will not be configured19:32
crashanddieRST38h: just never open it19:32
andre__dear internet. I have some stupid questions: what's the name of the widget displaying all the downloadable apps in app manager in a list, one item per row? And what's the name of the widget listing all the photos in Image Viewer, with 5 photos in a row? thanks in advance...19:32
crashanddieRST38h: or you'll doom humanity~19:32
javispedronot porting anything, but still trying to make greater use of the hildon wm features from sdl apps19:32
crashanddieand don't give it to your wife either19:32
SpeedEvilGadgetoid: I lack one vital thing to buy a pandora.19:32
SpeedEviln900 has blown my toys budget for pretty much the next year.19:33
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PBeckah great - instead of sudo gainroot - i can use only 'root'19:34
Gadgetoid_mbpAww, I bought the Pandora so long ago it's become irrelevant19:35
crashanddiewelcome to the magic of aliases19:35
PBeckso it will read .profiles and the .bashrc ;)19:35
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javispedroGadgetoid_mbp: I though they were shipping now?19:35
Gadgetoid_mbpjavispedro: Allllmoooosssstt19:36
javispedroso "no".19:36
javispedrobecause it's been "almost" for years..19:36
Gadgetoid_mbpThe first mass production fully assembled units have shipped to a select few l33t people19:36
Gadgetoid_mbpWith not-so-final cases19:36
javispedro... a few months ago19:36
Gadgetoid_mbpAnd CraigIX has about 6 of them19:36
Gadgetoid_mbpThis is the most substantial "almost" yet19:37
javispedroReally Real Real Soon Now19:37
Gadgetoid_mbpTwo Months (tm)19:38
FIQwell, at least, the "check status" shows some progress19:38
Gadgetoid_mbpGarrgleee! the only thing I can connect to in my network is the damned slingbox19:38
|Ruhm alright mod-support scrapped the media player list and removing it and/or reinstalling it doesn't change that19:39
Gadgetoid_mbpMe should remember to set up port forwarding when I get home19:39
Gadgetoid_mbpUseless iMac is useless19:39
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Gadgetoid_mbp~karma Gadgetoid_iMac19:40
infobotgadgetoid_imac has karma of 119:40
Gadgetoid_mbpHar har!!19:40
Gadgetoid_mbp~karma Gadgetoid_mbp19:40
infobotgadgetoid_mbp has neutral karma19:40
* Gadgetoid_mbp boos19:40
lcuk~karma crashanddie19:40
infobotcrashanddie has karma of -119:40
lcuk~karma crashanddie19:41
infobotcrashanddie has neutral karma19:41
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Gadgetoid_mbpLickety split quick :D19:41
lcukeveryone should start a new year on even terms19:41
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RST38h~karma lcuk+1219:41
infobotlcuk+12 has neutral karma19:41
Gadgetoid_mbpMy father in law has a completely unused slim PS3 sitting upstairs in its box19:41
lcuk:) thanks rst19:42
RST38h~karma lcuk19:42
infobotlcuk has karma of 119:42
RST38hdoes not work19:42
javispedro~karma lcuk19:43
infobotlcuk has karma of 119:43
Gadgetoid_mbpOoo, part 2!19:43
javispedro~karma lcuk19:43
infobotlcuk has karma of 119:43
javispedrowell, we tried.19:44
Gadgetoid_mbpHmm... BBC HD doesn't look so good through an SD SlingBox :D19:44
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javispedroi have to say the n900 is a pretty good skype phone19:45
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Gadgetoid_mbpHaven't tried it on skype yet19:47
lcukjavispedro, i have to say the n900 is a pretty good *19:47
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Gadgetoid_mbpIs Karma officially a bad meme?19:47
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lcuki want karma to be like wow gold19:47
javispedroyeah, after nearly a month of using it, I think that putting diablo on it is much less of a priority :)19:47
lcukfarming in the bug lists19:47
lcukchurning through the lower raid19:48
Gadgetoid_mbpFarmed by chinese people?19:48
lcukif required19:48
javispedrono, farmed by tmoers19:48
Gadgetoid_mbpI dread the release of the new WoW expansion19:48
Gadgetoid_mbpHow the hell are they going to time that vs Diablo 3 and Starcraft 219:48
lcuki wouldnt know19:48
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javispedrooh my, a theme hospital clone!!19:49
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lcuk^^ i always have to double read that mick19:49
lcukjavispedro, i read it as yours initially19:49
lcukevery time19:49
javispedroaaaaaaaaaaaaah  I waaaaaaaaaant ittttt19:49
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javispedrono free game data files.19:51
javispedroprobably no extras then :(19:51
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javispedroooooooooooooooooooo I want it.19:54
DocScrutinizer51waaah xchat 11->13. Even saves 60k19:54
DocScrutinizer51let's see what changed :-))19:55
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andre__DocScrutinizer, still crashing when changing anything in the prefs? :)19:55
DocScrutinizer51moment please :)19:55
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DocScrutinizer51oh F*****CK. Black background now. Who THE HECK...???19:57
Gadgetoid_mbpjavispedro: theme hospital clone!?19:58
Gadgetoid_mbpI'd sooner see BG1 and BG2, but that sounds leedicious19:58
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javispedrothough the clone is not much completed.19:59
Gadgetoid_mbpI'm filling my N900 up with a dangerous amount of shit20:00
javispedrobut still, cool factor is priceless.20:00
Gadgetoid_mbpAnother Xchat update...20:01
Gadgetoid_mbpdin dins wheee20:02
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DocScrutinizer51andre: no more segfaults (up til now) but nuked all my settings it seems :-((((20:07
DocScrutinizer51andre__: nah. not all at least20:08
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LuciusMarei followed the dirrections to reflash my device20:20
LuciusMareafter connecting to USB,it turned on,mounted and started charging >_>20:20
LuciusMareis that expected?20:21
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andre__LuciusMare, which Operating System?20:21
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LuciusMareandre__: linux20:21
idrahello I built an example package with Esbox (using the maemo 5 virt img as build environment)20:22
LuciusMareor if you ask,fremantle20:22
idrait installs fine using dpkg -i in the N900 but fails in red pill mode for the application manager20:22
idrait gives back the error: Incompatible application package20:22
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idrais there a way to know what's the problem ?20:23
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LuciusMarehello,i am flashing over there...20:23
* LuciusMare needs help20:23
GAN900LuciusMare, hold down u20:23
GAN900On the keyboard of the N90020:24
* LuciusMare holds down the u20:24
LuciusMareu-h oh20:24
jebbaLuciusMare: unplug and power off.  Hold down U and then plug in USB20:24
LuciusMarethat is not there20:25
idraany taker ?20:25
LuciusMare   1. Now turn off your device (make sure you unplug the charger or else the device wont power down completely, you can plug the device back into power once it starts flashing) and plug in the USB cable to a port on the computer and the port on your device.20:26
jebbaLuciusMare: where you reading?20:26
LuciusMarejebba: maem wiki20:27
GAN900LuciusMare, you don't actually need to hold down u20:27
jebbaLuciusMare: "N900: Remove USB and plug it back. Hold U to get to boot screen with usb logo in top right, letgo."   from that page20:27
LuciusMarejebba: third step20:28
LuciusMarei follow the steps in order20:28
jebbaGAN900 if you don't hold down U it just boots up when plugged in to USB20:28
GAN900LuciusMare, but it makes it a bit more forgiving with the timing, so since you're having trouble . . .20:28
GAN900jebba, there's a 2 second window where it waits for the flasher. :)20:28
jebbaah well....20:28
GAN900jebba, so if you've started the flasher it'll flash.20:29
* GAN900 has been flashing tablets since 2005. ;)20:29
LuciusMareso i held U20:29
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LuciusMarethere is a very dark screen with nokia and usb logo in corner,right?20:29
GAN900Right, now start the flasher.20:29
LuciusMareokay,it is doing something20:31
LuciusMareerasing CMT20:31
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LuciusMareprogramming CMT20:32
JaffaRight. Time for Doctor Who (ish)20:32
LuciusMarei just hope i didnt save the backups on rootfs20:33
LuciusMareoh,it's like the first time...wait a minute.20:33
jebbait saves backups in MyDocs20:34
jebbaor at least in /home/user  (not NAND for sure)20:34
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jebbaahhahaha!  I just booted up Fedora 12 on my N900  :))20:38
SpeedEvilArgh. My laptop hd is looking dodgy, so I am backing up / to the phone...20:39
LuciusMareand if you care,the reflashing pretty much fixed my problem with web browser20:39
lcukLuciusMare, dont doubt it20:40
lcukso you didnt follow investigation20:40
* LuciusMare smiles dumbily20:40
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LuciusMarei know its dirty20:42
lcukfair enough20:42
lcukare you reinstalling apps after backup20:42
lcukand once you have ,check you dont still have browser problem20:42
lcukincase it was something you installed before20:42
heinxhi, where to get the changelog for just updated irc and msn plugins?20:44
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GAN900Woo, clueless people on Talk.20:48
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fralswow pygtk was really easy to use20:49
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Gadgetoid_mbpGAN900: That's news...20:53
Gadgetoid_mbpOh wait20:53
heinxhmm.. the irc plugin: account-plugin-idle seems to be now missing from the im accounts list, after the update20:53
Gadgetoid_mbpI hold God in the same regard as people who know what they're talking about on internet forums... both could conceivably exist, but I doubt it.20:54
Gadgetoid_mbpheinx: There seems to be a dodgy new one that conflicts with every sodding account plugin I've already got installed for some reason20:54
lcukgod exists on tmo, and he doesnt know what hes talking about20:55
Gadgetoid_mbpActually, the conflicts seem to have disappeared20:55
Gadgetoid_mbplcuk: Wow, that would cause a few Christians to take stock of their lives20:55
heinxanyway, it would be cool if highlighted irc rows and querys would be redirected to the phone..20:56
heinxpossible after being idle for some time20:56
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lcukGadgetoid_iMac, he got banned for 2 weeks as well20:56
heinxI guess an irssi perl script would do the trick20:57
Gadgetoid_mbpI haven't been banned from any internet forums lately... I'm clearly not trying hard enough20:57
Gadgetoid_mbpWhite supremacist internet forums are still the best in the world20:58
lcukheinx, just have an n900 client in the chan20:58
Gadgetoid_mbpThe one place you can be assured that, no matter how dumb you may be, you'll feel like a freaking genius20:58
lcukn900then you can access eveything20:58
heinxlcuk, too much maintenance20:59
heinxi would actually only require some kind of alert when somebody is saying something to me20:59
lcuki agree tho a generic clipboard transfer would work20:59
heinxthen I can open up ssh/irssi20:59
lcukjust use clipboard itself21:00
lcukthen it works for browser urls and everything21:00
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shiny_Good evening #maemo - I wondered if this would be the right place to ask about a problem with my N900?  Or is there somewhere else anyone could recommend?21:02
lcukjust ask21:02
lcukif its wrong you will be left cold21:02
lcukhappy new year21:02
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shiny_Sounds reasonable :)21:03
heinxlcuk, i tried also the irssiproxy irssi plugin and a native irssi client on n900, but that won't work because it doesn't show the channel history when you connect21:03
heinxthis irssi dilemma is killing me :) I didn't even have one before the n900 :)21:03
lcukheinx, dunno, always hated seeing history of chans, im always tempted to answer a question from the last session21:04
DocScrutinizer51hey who's the man to get this cake waiting for him, for fixing xchat? Great! Many thanks21:04
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heinxalways on ssh is pretty good but that also disconnects when going from wlan to 3g21:05
lcukDocScrutinizer, RST38h21:05
heinxand it seems to get stuck so that it seems ok, but it's disconnected until you notice it21:05
shiny_Well, I've been doing some work with Pluthon and the maemo-pc-connectivity kit, and all of a sudden, my N900 doesn't seem to want to output any audio.  I'm not sure whether this is actual cause-and-effect.  Audio not working for whatever reason seems to be causing odd behaviour elsewhere, such as phonecalls being speaker by default, and the browser consuming 100% cpu (though not sure if this is related.)21:05
shiny_(I realise the answer might be "reflash" which is fine, but wondered if anyone had experienced anything similar.)21:06
Gadgetoid_mbpI wondered why the town in the flight scene at the end of Willy Wonka looked decidedly european21:06
lcukshiny_, sounds like you borkened something, have you checked with yet to see if theres similar posted there21:06
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lcuko_O tea ready bbl21:07
* lucent Yawn of the dead's21:07
shinkamuigood morning / afternoon partygoers21:08
lucentgood afternoon/night/evening and/or morning to all21:08
shinkamuiI woke up to a delightful number of updates21:08
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lucentreally? maybe Ovi Store... need to check21:09
Mysterioushi again21:09
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rEv9I have been search for a while after (python) qt maemo documentation, but I cannot find anything usefull.. where can I find the api reference? I want to use the native maemo qt style21:10
lucentha just kidding, no Ovi Store21:10
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shinkamuigod what a shitty thought21:11
shinkamuialmost installed tuxpaint21:11
shinkamuibecause I need a photoeditor21:11
shinkamuibut tuxpaint =~ kidpix21:11
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jebba   foto (crappy) of Fedora 12 on N90021:12
Arkenoisome pen test oriented distribution would be more useful21:13
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jebbapen test? wtf for21:15
lucentshinkamui: I'm not here to censor you, but your choice of words is recorded in publicly searchable logs21:15
jebbaLuciusMare_n900: cool, you're running :)21:15
Gadgetoid_mbpDual boot?21:15
jebbaGadgetoid_mbp: triple boot actually. fremantle, mer, fedora21:15
Gadgetoid_mbpDear public. Fuck you!21:15
Gadgetoid_mbpjebba: Nice!21:15
shinkamuilucent lol, then I hope no one is reading what I write on efnet ;)21:15
Gadgetoid_mbpEwww.. you're the creepy cybersex whisperer!?21:16
shinkamuiI shall refrain, however from using such langauge in this channel21:16
lucentprobably not, but here it's possible to show up in a wordpress blog post or something easily21:16
Gadgetoid_mbpI'm not even anonymous and I don't give a rats left arse cheek... or the right one for that matter21:16
Gadgetoid_mbpOf course I could be mistaken for a malicious impersonator21:17
redjebba: why fedora21:17
Gadgetoid_mbpBecause fedora is a fetching hat21:17
lucentGadgetoid_mbp: no, I'm the robot whisperer (ala horse whisperer)21:17
Gadgetoid_mbpjebba: How's Mer on the N900?21:17
Gadgetoid_mbplucent: How's alcatel?21:18
lucentarise my droids!  - err.r... wait21:18
Gadgetoid_mbpSorry, worst joke ever21:18
Gadgetoid_mbplucent: sccreeeeeeee aaaaaawwww squeeeeaaak squeeeeeeel screeeeee21:18
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Gadgetoid_mbpSorry, you'll have to demodulate that to understand it21:18
lucentdemodulate  a quote from Deliverance ?21:19
lucentno... thank you.21:19
jebbared: why not? ;)21:19
redah its like that :p21:19
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lucent...that's the way it is.21:19
Gadgetoid_mbpMer is about as useful on the N810 as BeOS21:19
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jebbaGadgetoid_mbp: re: Mer, see:
Gadgetoid_mbpBut it's fair to say that it has come a long way, and shows promise21:20
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lucentI find no clear one-liner of what Mer is.21:21
lucentMer is the ... ?21:22
Gadgetoid_mbpMer is a replacement OS for a variety of handheld (mostly tablet) devices21:22
Gadgetoid_mbpIn its extreme infancy21:22
lucentgood description, thank you21:22
Gadgetoid_mbpAlthough it booted and had working wifi + Tear web browser on my N81021:22
Gadgetoid_mbpBut was otherwise useless and buggy21:22
lucentlinux based or not?21:23
Gadgetoid_mbpIt's worth a try for geeky curiosity, but not yet on the n90021:23
Sir_LancelotI'm in the middle of a mind battle here21:27
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Sir_LancelotI have until the 8th of month to return my n90021:27
Sir_Lancelotou keep it for ever21:27
Caesiumeasy decision :p21:28
Sir_Lancelotuntil now, I haven't seen much of n900 that would21:28
lucentSir_Lancelot: what's not to like?21:28
Sir_Lancelotmake my decision easy21:28
Sir_LancelotI see there's a lot of potencial21:28
Sir_Lancelotbut nothing big comming out of it21:28
Sir_Lancelotis there any hope21:28
Caesiumwell what do you want out of it?21:29
Caesiumsome of us here are already perfectly happy with it (me) :)21:29
lucentthere are hardware considerations, the USB host mode is not possible to implement, battery life will not improve much more than it is right now21:29
Caesiumxterm + ssh is the best I've ever used on any mobile device21:29
SplasPoodhrm, I thought USB host mode was a possibility...21:29
lucentno possibility for multi-touch input (not that I know about)21:29
SplasPoodswear I saw something in one of the repos21:29
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lucentSplasPood: it was certainly for N81021:29
GAN900Sir_Lancelot, return it, don't burden us with you indecision.21:30
SplasPoodlucent: :( oh21:30
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GAN900lucent, not possible is too strong.21:30
lucentit is not possible.21:30
GAN900lucent, it may be difficult, but absolute terms aren't useful at this point. :)21:30
Sir_LancelotGAN900, please die. Don't burden us with your existance21:30
GAN900lucent, where do you get your info?21:31
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wolf^Sir_Lancelot, go to fortune teller for such kind of info21:31
lucentpins are not wired, so if you wanted host usb that would be warranty voiding stuff21:31
GAN900Sir_Lancelot, if you're not happy with it, clearly it's not the device for you.21:31
Sir_Lancelotwhat kind of answer is that? I was just asking for opinions. Isn't that the reason of existance of this chanel? So that people can talk??21:31
GAN900Thus, return it.21:31
GAN900Seems easy to me.21:31
Sir_Lancelotok thanks21:31
SplasPoodGAN900: I think youre being a bit lame21:32
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GAN900Sir_Lancelot, if, on the other hand, you're digging around trying to get us to justify you keeping it. . . .21:32
Gadgetoid_mbpSir_Lancelot: Return it, to me :D21:32
SplasPoodBut oh well, too late now.21:32
GAN900SplasPood, meh, after enough years listening to lines like that it wears thin.21:32
Gadgetoid_mbpI'll swap it for an iPhone 3G, har21:32
lucentI wanted a device to use a full web browser on that fits in my pocket, and has a cellular modem21:32
GAN900SplasPood, what should I do? Convince him there's hope and he should keep it?21:32
SplasPoodGAN900: He has valid points... Obviously the future may bring solutions to his concerns/problems, but it also may not.21:33
lucentN900 is worth the $500 investment to me21:33
SplasPoodGAN900: thats what he was lookin for ya21:33
Gadgetoid_mbpI wanted the best smartphone on the market, so the N900 is worth the £350 investment to me21:33
SplasPoodI'm a bit more of a dedicated tinkerer21:33
SplasPoodbut I have similar concerns21:33
Caesium£350? you import it?21:33
* Caesium couldn't be bothered and got it from expansys at full whack21:33
SplasPoodthe device shows lots of promise, but will that promise come to fruition?   I wonder that myself.21:33
GAN900SplasPood, the result is more likely to be that his expectations get built up, they don't get met and he's pissed when the return deadline passes.21:33
lucentGadgetoid_mbp: "the best" ?  I consider the Neo Freerunner to be the best because of its open design through and through21:33
GAN900SplasPood, so, no, totally not worth it.21:33
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Caesiumhe can always buy another one later.21:33
SplasPoodGAN900: Thats his problem when he makes his personal decision21:34
Gadgetoid_mbpCaesium: Nokia UK store with their stupid broken discount voucher system21:34
GAN900SplasPood, either you believe in the platform or you don't.21:34
lucentN900 is a compromise for me21:34
CaesiumGadgetoid_mbp: bleh, missed that one :)21:34
SpeedEvilLULUCENluclucen what are you basing that on. The couple of hours of reading datasheets I've done today says theere are no seperate USB host pins.21:34
SpeedEvilAnd combining that with the limited reading f the driver finding no appropriate support for switching into host mode seems to lead to it not being implemented in software as one possible conclusion.21:35
GAN900lucent, warranty voiding does not equal "not possible". :)21:35
Gadgetoid_mbplucent: Pffft, what would you know! you're only a modem :D21:35
SpeedEvilliuluce: freerunner has _MAJOR_  hardware suckage in several ways.21:35
SpeedEvilluce: for example - the graphics card is connected over a 7 megabyute/second bus, that is shared with the SD, and locks up the CPU when you access it.21:36
SpeedEvilSo youSo push 3 meg a second to the graphics card, and you've lost 40% of CPU21:36
Gadgetoid_mbpSpeedEvil: Did they design it by putting all the chips into a washing machine full of epoxy resin?21:36
lucentthat's to my point though, an open design (in any state of development) is "best" to me21:36
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SplasPoodlucent: agreed21:37
wolf^SpeedEvil, but it's free, as in rms free, so it's obviously superior to any other design :>21:37
SpeedEvilgadge: unfortunately, mobile phone design is a bitch.21:37
Gadgetoid_mbplucent: Pandora-dora-dora we adore her-dora-dora if she's only come to market then we'd whore her21:37
angasuleI'm reformatting /dev/mmcblk0, should I keep it as fat or switch to ext2?21:37
lucentGadgetoid_mbp: that was -almost- shuttleworth-ian21:38
SpeedEvilGadgetoid_ many mobile phone parts are onblu avilable in silly quantitieds, and docs are almost unobtainable.21:38
bobbydI'm definitely in the "loving the n900" camp :)21:38
SpeedEvilgadge: the GPU was picked on the baseis - as I can guess - of a 2 page spec-sheet. Which lied a lot.21:38
Gadgetoid_mbpThe N900 should have come ext2/3 formatted with a label on it saying "use a fsking fat formatted memory card n00b!"21:39
SpeedEvilGadgetoid: It turned out that performance with the GPU was at best a wash with the earlier revision with a clock half as fast. And adding the GPU cost a year of delays.21:39
angasuleI have an N81021:40
Gadgetoid_mbpSpeedEvil: These "open" projects seem awash with fail21:40
angasuleand I'm talking about the internal memory, btw21:40
SplasPoodI have a N770 sitting in the closet all lonely and feelin useless ;)21:40
SpeedEvilGadgetoid: It wasn't paradoxically the open part of openmoko which failed IMO.21:40
SplasPoodI used to use it with fbreader to read books21:40
SpeedEvilGadgetoid: it was the paid part, which failed utterly to communicate to the community what it was not doing.21:40
angasuleGadgetoid_mbp: that didn't quite answer my question, though, any disadvantages to using ext2?21:40
Gadgetoid_mbpThe internal memory on all should just have been ext formatted, considering you can still access a fat memory card over USB21:40
GAN900SplasPood, "N770" isn't a thing.21:41
Gadgetoid_mbpangasule: lack of USB access in Winblows, not sure about OSX/Linux though21:41
SplasPoodGAN900: eh?21:41
angasuleGadgetoid_mbp: that's all? thanks, I don't use windows, I'll check with linux21:41
GAN900angasule, swap resides on fat.21:41
Gadgetoid_mbpNot that I've tried it myself, despite dumping some of my root files onto the internal memory and symlinking them21:41
GAN900angasule, swap resides on fat.21:42
GAN900angasule, if you switch the whole thing to ext (use ext3) then you'll have to enable swap manually.21:42
angasuleGAN900: I'm pretty sure swap is not activated by default? :?21:42
bobbydhas anyone tried all the browsers available for the n900 atm? I'm looking for something more lightweight and faster than microb / fennec.21:42
angasuleI don't want ext3, ext2 is fine21:42
GAN900angasule, meaning you can't turn it on in the GUI.21:42
SpeedEvilangasule: yes it is21:42
GAN900angasule, you want ext3.21:42
SpeedEvilbobbyd: lynx21:42
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angasuleGAN900: why?21:42
Gadgetoid_mbpGAN900: that's hardly a loss if he's competent enough to format it to ext in the first place... I would hope...21:43
angasuleSpeedEvil: hmm, ok, in the control thingie? I thought it was disabled, I'll check21:43
GAN900angasule, ext2 is likely to lead to more flash wear with the amount of wd resets diablo tends to get.21:43
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GAN900Gadgetoid_mbp, just so he's aware. :)21:43
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angasuleGAN900: isn't ext3 worse in that respect?21:43
bobbydSpeedEvil: hmm, does that one have a graphical view? I remember one of the text-based browsers does.21:43
Gadgetoid_mbpGAN900: true, dat21:43
GAN900SplasPood, it's a 770.21:43
SplasPoodGAN900: What do you mean?21:43
SpeedEvilbobbyd: no. It's fast though.21:43
SplasPoodGAN900: oh was it?21:44
GAN900angasule, not if it has to be fscked on every reset.21:44
SplasPoodGAN900: excuse me then :)21:44
GAN900SplasPood, 770 wasn't part of Nseries.21:44
SplasPoodyea, you're correct21:44
GAN900N800 was the first Maemo device to be (which was probably a mistake)21:44
AakashPatelDoes Nokia Messaging have "push" functionality?21:44
GAN900AakashPatel, should.21:45
angasuleparted says it doesn't support ext3, meh21:45
adalalAakashPatel: from the looks of it, not yet...21:45
SpeedEvilfat can't do files >2G can it.21:45
* SpeedEvil stabs that killing his backup21:45
angasulethe internal memory is 2G anyway :)21:45
adalalAakashPatel: i'm trying to figure that bit out :P21:45
SpeedEvilangasule: I mean on the external21:46
jebba  Ok, the HOWTO is there now21:46
angasulethe internal is used for apps and such, right?21:46
adalalSpeedEvil: fat can't do 4gb21:46
adalalSpeedEvil: Max file size on fat is 4GB minus 1 byte21:46
adalalor 4GB minus 1 block size21:47
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angasulemeh, so I have to choose between ext2 and fat,  I guess, unless there is an easy way to format it to ext3?21:47
Gadgetoid_mbpjebba: an interesting curiosity, but can you DO anything with Fedora yet?21:48
angasulehmm, I'll make an ext2 and look for a way to turn on journalling later21:48
jebbaGadgetoid_mbp: not that i know of  ;)21:48
Gadgetoid_mbpjebba: Well done, you win at geek!21:48
Gadgetoid_mbpNow put Ubuntu on it, with a gnome desktop, har!21:49
crashanddieext3 doesn't provide anything useful tbh21:49
jebbaya, except that journaling thing21:49
crashanddiewhich is useless on a user-mounted partition21:49
Gadgetoid_mbpjournaling, who needs journaling, if I wanted to remember what I'd changed, I'd write it down in a notebook!21:49
jebbacrashanddie: why on earth is journaling useless because it's user mounted? why would that make a difference?21:50
adalaljournaling helps in read / search speeds21:50
angasuleGadgetoid_mbp: I tried using a notebook to help my memory, but I kept forgetting to write things down, or I'd forget to read it, or I'd forget the notebook21:50
jebbauh, and in crash recovery....21:50
angasuleI think I lost the notebook, actually21:50
adalaland defragmenting21:50
angasuleI wish I was kidding :P21:50
Gadgetoid_mbpYeah I always pop up textedit/notepad/gedit to write things down21:50
AakashPatelhmm does linux "defragment"?21:50
AakashPatellike in windoze?21:51
Gadgetoid_mbpAnd end up with lots of files called "notes" or "more notes"21:51
crashanddiejebba: well, what's the point of journaling for a storage unit? (I'm assuming we're talking about the 32gb storage partition, and not system)21:51
cehtehAakashPatel: a lot less and for solid state media it doesnt matter21:51
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SpeedEvilDefragment is actually a big issue on solid state.21:51
jebbacrashanddie: uh, if you crash you can recover quickly.  What's the difference where it is?  and "storage unit"???21:51
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SpeedEvilThe eraseblock size is a few hundred K.21:51
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jebbai fsck my microSD all the time and i'm glad it's ext3 and not ext2 or it would take forever21:52
SpeedEvilRandom write behaviour can actually have pathalogical easily hit worst-cases of a few dozen K a second.21:52
Gadgetoid_mbpYou dirty fscker21:52
LuciusMare_n900jebba: is that fscker or censored f word?21:52
lucentnerd pun.21:53
angasulejebba: how do you accomplish that? excessive hacking? :)21:53
dymaxionhiya. I used to use my shared my mobile 3G connection to my N810 tablet via bluetooth,  but can't seem to figure out how to do this with N900 .. any ideas?  found a thread on maemo talk but no solution...21:53
LuciusMare_n900i want to install touchsearch but it says i am missing python-gobject - though i have all the extras repos applied21:53
Gadgetoid_mbpdymaxion: install the thingy that makes the other thingy work21:54
SpeedEvildymaxion: you mean how to share, or how to share from21:54
lucentdymaxion: you might need the DUN profile from extras (or is it extras-devel) ?21:54
jebbaangasule: yes21:54
SpeedEvildymaxion: are you wanting the n900 to be the modem21:54
Gadgetoid_mbpThat's the one21:54
Gadgetoid_mbpDUN DUN DUN!21:54
Gadgetoid_mbpWouldn't 3G be PAN?21:54
lucenthave a great new years day everyone, I'll be snowboarding.21:54
AakashPatelis there any time of "push" mail solution for gmail for the n900?21:55
angasuleis the internal memory automatically used to store installed programs?21:55
* SpeedEvil awaits lucent_snowboarding logging in.21:55
SplasPoodSpeedEvil: what wacky client are you using to IRC?21:55
SpeedEvillucent: find some golves with thin fingertips, and the keryboard is actually surprisiongly usable21:55
adalalwhat program in maemo5 supports msn protocols?21:56
angasuleadalal: pidgin21:56
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angasuleoh, maemo521:56
SpeedEvilSplasPood: I am using my laptop with pidgin ATM. However duer to the disk incipiently breaking, I am getting about a 5 second lag on all typung21:56
AakashPateladalal: telepathy-haze with the extra protocals package21:56
LuciusMare_n900or you can install the msn plugin21:56
SplasPoodSpeedEvil: your /me actions show up oddly:21:56
SplasPood14:57 < SpeedEvil> +AACTION awaits lucent_snowboarding logging in.A21:56
adalalangasule: yeah there is pidgin, but i was hoping one with video chatting options21:56
* AakashPatel test21:56
SpeedEvilSplasPood:  as ofr some reason tarring up my whole fs and dropping it on the n900 is sucking way more CPU than it should.21:56
adalalAakashPatel: and do you know if libfarsight works?21:57
LuciusMare_n900SplasPood: your clent sucks,i see it right21:57
adalalAakashPatel: for video?21:57
SplasPoodLuciusMare_n900: hrm, it's irssi...21:57
SpeedEvilSplasPood: that's pidgin. I dunno.21:57
angasuleadalal: oh, there was some talk about it yesterday, I think it's coming, but not quite there21:57
AakashPateladalal: Nope21:57
LuciusMare_n900i use irssi too21:57
AakashPatelI dunno21:57
SplasPoodLuciusMare_n900: maybe it's my proxy?  I can't say I've seen this before elsewhere21:57
* SplasPood test21:57
dymaxionSpeedEvil, no I'm looking for the N900 to be the client connecting to my N70 modem21:57
* LuciusMare_n900 slaps SplasPood with a large trout.21:57
SplasPoodhrm, yes for some reason21:58
AakashPatelhmm i wonder when facebook chat plugin is gonan be released21:58
SplasPoodthere is always a + prepended to everyone's messages as I see them21:58
AakashPatelSplasPood: yo' screwd21:58
adalalAakashPatel: where's telepathy haze? oh which repository? cuz it's not on the maemo-extras for fremantle21:58
SplasPoodfor example:21:58
SplasPood15:00 < AakashPatel> +dawg.21:58
LuciusMare_n900anyway,back to my dependencies problem21:58
AakashPateladalal: extras-devel21:58
LuciusMare_n900i want to install touchsearch but it says i am missing python-gobject - though i have all the extras repos applied21:58
AakashPateladalal: just look for the ...21:59
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AakashPatelPidgin-supported protocals plugin for Maemo 521:59
AakashPatelin the devel21:59
AakashPatelit'll install haze as a dep, and give you all the protocals21:59
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infobotAakashPatel meant: it'll install haze as a dep, and give you all the protocols22:00
* dymaxion only has 50Mb left in rootfs :-( and have only been installing so far from maemo-extras ... not devel nor test... gosh... 22:01
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AakashPateldymaxion: yeah i think that doesnt matter too much22:01
cehtehmost bigger packages install in /opt .. 50MB on rootfs is still a lot22:01
Gadgetoid_mbpAll ur root are belong to use22:02
AakashPateli have like 44MB free22:02
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dymaxionphew! so long as noone puts a duff package in that shoves a load of libraries in root :-)22:02
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Gadgetoid_mbpmy rootfs just seems stuck about 87%22:02
AakashPateldamn is slowwww22:03
* dymaxion is looking for DUN package in the repos, and hopes that this will enable his N900 to connect to his N70 modem22:03
adalalAakashPatel: so i should install pidgin?22:03
AakashPateljust that package22:03
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AakashPatelpidgin-supported protocols for maemo 522:04
AakashPatelthat package has the actual protocols22:04
Gadgetoid_mbpdymaxion: Good luck, search for "bluetooth"22:04
Gadgetoid_mbpIt's in extras-devel, and one of only two results for bluetooth22:04
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Gadgetoid_mbpfull name "Bluetooth Dial-up Networking"22:05
dymaxioni thiink i have already installed that yetserday but couldnt see any component in apps nor connections to create a DUN connection hmm22:05
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adalalAakashPatel: right, found it22:06
adalaldymaxion: restarted ur phone?22:06
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dymaxionadalal, yup22:06
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dymaxionDUN profile exists on my paired device22:07
adalaldymaxion: tried looking up the bluetooth services from your computer?22:07
Gadgetoid_n900hmm xchat update made my input text vanish22:07
adalaldymaxion: well, then?22:07
dymaxionon N810 I used to create a connection that would use #99* or somethign like that... and that woulc initiate a bluetooth connectioni to my phone. i would select the default phone in settings22:08
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Gadgetoidhmmm... also need to restart xchat for settings to take effect22:09
adalaldymaxion: well, with the DUN profile, you can create a connection configuration on your desktop, which will then connect to the phone via bluetooth and make that call22:09
SpeedEvilIt would be so nice if it was possible to make custom keymats.22:09
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* SpeedEvil wants pipe.22:10
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AakashPatelhow do i activate getbootstate?22:10
dymaxionadalal, thanks... do you have any webpage explaining how to create a configuration on my N900 ?   in case of any confusion, i'm not connecting my PC to my N900,  it's the other way around using N900 as a DUN client22:10
adalaldymaxion: oh, im not aware of how to make the n900 a dun client...22:11
adalaldymaxion: im sure it's possible...22:11
crashanddiedymaxion: take sim card from phone22:11
GAN900SpeedEvil, bind it to an arrow key22:11
crashanddiedymaxion: put it in n90022:12
Gadgetoidseems a little redundant when the n900 has built in 3g...22:12
angasulehow do I install stuff to the internal memory? the system memory is just too limited, and I want my full vim :D22:12
crashanddiehappy new year GAN90022:12
GAN900crashanddie, have a good New Years?22:12
LuciusMare_n900i just deleted three aps,and the rootfs became MORE filled22:12
* LuciusMare_n900 facepalms22:13
dymaxioncrashanddie, can't take the sim out... it's my other phone... ( network which isn't yet supported.. until new firmware commes out! :l-(22:13
GadgetoidI slept through new years morn22:13
crashanddieGAN900: burnt hand, hazy memories, and woke up in not my bed22:13
infobotsomebody said boot-sd was
GAN900crashanddie, lol22:13
GadgetoidLucius... isn't that a known bug?22:13
Gadgetoidreboot your phone22:13
dymaxioncrashanddie, looks like nokia stripped out the bluetooth DUN capability in N900 :-(22:13
angasuleGAN900: thanks22:13
GAN900dymaxion, wrong, they didn't include it.22:14
Stskeepsdymaxion: planet.maemo.org22:14
crashanddiedymaxion: my point exactly22:14
niekt0someone sucessfull with mencoder and n900? I am able to do something like mencoder -nosound  tv:// -tv driver=v4l2:device=/dev/video0 -ovc lavc -o test.avi but have cca 2fps;(22:15
Gadgetoidyeah i guess nokia had a hard time contemplating the need for DUN client support in a 3g phone....22:15
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adalalangasule: symlinks to install stuff on the internal memory22:15
dymaxionGadgetoid, yeah I guess so... but there is a use case... oh well... read also someone else wantinng to use the data packae of their work phone, but keep the N900 sim as their personal phone22:16
niekt0with raw format up to 6fps;(22:16
Gadgetoiddymaxion: my data sim outright doesn't work in the n90022:16
dymaxionGadgetoid, darn... same... are you on too ?22:17
Gadgetoidi use a mifi router for the time being22:17
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Gadgetoidwifi 3g router... no need for crappy bluetooth nonsense22:18
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Gadgetoidbut very inconvinient22:18
* Splas tests irc clients.22:18
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dymaxionGadgetoid, yeah thats a nice bit of kit, wifi router, but can't have the mobile SIM in there unless you don't have the SIM in the phone?  or did you clone your SIM ?22:20
adalalAakashPatel: hey, i installed that.. and where do you go after that :S?22:21
dymaxionwifi=mifi oops22:21
AakashPateladalal: Settings >VoIP/IM22:21
AakashPateland new22:21
AakashPateland it should have the extra protocols listed22:21
Gadgetoiddymaxion: my sim is data only.. using orange payg in the phone22:21
dymaxionaah i see.... well lets hope they release the new f/w soon!22:22
adalalGadgetoid: how much do you pay for it.. and how much data do u get?22:22
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Gadgetoidadalal... 15pm on 1month rolling for 5gb/month22:23
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dymaxionI'm loving the N900 though.. can't wait to show my work mates who have been gloating over their superior iphones for the past months...22:23
AakashPatelhow can i activate getbootstate?22:23
adalalGadgetoid: £15... for 1 month rolling, and how much can you rollover?!?22:23
Gadgetoidzilch... i would guess22:24
kirmarather off-topic, but still, intrigued by maep and other map apps... what are licensing/usage conditions of various tile map providers (google, osm, etc)? I recall google needed accounts and had request caps for something, but not for plain map tiles?22:24
AakashPatelheh I pay 15 USD, unlim data(but contract fineprint says 5gb, but they dont give a shit)22:24
Gadgetoidi dont use anywhere near 5gb22:24
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angasulethanks for all the help guys, I'm going to take a shower and enjoy what's left of the day, cheers :-)22:24
AakashPateljebba: ping22:25
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jebbaAakashPatel: pong22:25
AakashPatelyo, on your wiki page, you use getbootstate22:25
adalalAakashPatel: would i require a restart?! cuz i dont see it22:25
AakashPatelhow do you activate that22:25
AakashPateladalal: try it22:25
adalalAakashPatel: i install pidgin protocol plugins for conversations and contacts22:26
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AakashPateladalal: you didnt install Pidgdin-supported protocols plugin for Maemo 5?22:26
AakashPatel(thats the name of it)22:26
adalalAakashPatel: oh ok... din think i saw antyhing.. lemme try again22:26
AakashPatellemme look for the exact package name22:28
rlinfatimy msn account disappear from my n900... ( i use butterfly )22:30
adalalrlinfati: where'd u get the program from?22:30
AakashPatelheh this is weirdz22:30
rlinfatimake a apt-get upgrade and disappear... :(22:31
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AakashPateladalal: they rrenamed it22:32
AakashPateltelepathy-extras was the package22:32
AakashPatelthe one you intsalled is correct22:32
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AakashPatelyea, try reboot22:33
adalalAakashPatel: alright22:34
rlinfatiwhat plugins is better for msn? butterfly, pecan or pidgin ?22:34
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andre__rlinfati, pecan and pidgin are not "plugins", but separate applications22:37
adalalAakashPatel: wait.. telepathy-extras is the package name?22:37
adalalAakashPatel: cuz i dont have that either.. not on the repository :S22:38
AakashPatelin -devel?22:38
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pupnik_niekt0: look at how much cpu enoding 800x480 requires22:38
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AakashPatelwhat the hel lis Pdgin Sametime Support22:39
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jebbaAakashPatel: what do you mean by how do i activate getbootstate?22:40
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rlinfatiandre__, s/purple/telepathy-haze22:40
AakashPateljebba: well, how do i use it, is a better question22:40
jebbano clue really. It's closed software.22:41
adalalAakashPatel: lol, sametime is a lotus messenger.. and i think i found the package.. called extra protocal plugins for conversations and contacts22:41
AakashPateloh hm? i thought you used it in your wiki22:41
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jebba"used" it on the wiki?  I mention it i guess. I don't quite understand what you mean. Which page exactly. I mention it in a few palces. What is it you are tyring to do?22:41
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AakashPatelLook at debug output on boot22:42
AakashPatel"Gah, bricked again"22:42
jebbaI GOT SSH on FEDORA 12  !  /me happy  [root@fedora-arm ~]#22:43
AakashPatel"unable to uninstall "pdigin extra protocols(Bonjour and Sametime"22:43
AakashPatelhaha nice jebba22:43
andre__rlinfati, except that you did not mention purple at all in your former line :-P22:43
AakashPatelwhats the command to search for packages that are installed..and only packages that contain "telepathy" in them?22:43
jebbadpkg -l | grep telepathy22:44
AakashPatelahh i dun see it22:45
jebbadpkg -l | grep telep22:45
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AakashPateloh i see the output yes, but not that damn packge thats not uninstalling22:46
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cehteheh how do i find out in which repository a package resides?22:47
AakashPatelwoah, its in extras-testing22:47
AakashPatelwhy do i even have it o.o22:47
andre__cehteh: in the application manager? or in general?22:47
Hukkadamn n900, almost failed me!22:47
Hukkawas playing a movie through tvout to gf and friend, when it freezes22:48
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cehtehah apt-cache show22:48
Hukkareboot helped, but oddly not just killing and restarting mediaplayer22:48
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cehtehmhm not exactly22:51
AakashPateladalal: didd it work?22:54
adalalAakashPatel: nope22:55
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AakashPateli hope it works for me22:56
AakashPateli just reinsalled like half the crap22:56
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AakashPatelwhat the hell22:57
AakashPateladalal: i dont have any extra protocols either now22:57
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AakashPatelmaybe this is a good excuse just to reflash >.> heheh22:58
AakashPateljust for the hell of it22:59
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AakashPatelwhats the diff between the US version and the Global version of images/23:07
adalalAakashPatel: for?23:07
AakashPatelthe N90023:07
AakashPatelthe Meamo images23:07
crashanddieUS version adds ", dude" at the end of each popup window question23:08
crashanddie"Close the window, dude?"23:08
AakashPatelbut seriosly, im downloading the image right now, idk which one i wanna download23:08
cehtehoperators config prolly?23:08
cehtehkeyboard setup23:08
AakashPatelI'll just get the global one23:08
adalalas far as im aware, nokia didn't want any operator softwares on it by default23:09
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lcuklol crashanddie23:10
lcukenhancement request to timeless?23:10
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LuciusMareanyone here from the bluemamemo developing team?23:11
cehtehadalal: there is some list with some operator preconfigs in /etc23:11
cehteh /etc/operator_settings23:12
adalalweird, cuz tht's what i read up on a statement released by nokia :S i'll look it up23:12
AakashPatelDoes the Vanilla EMC include the maps and stuff?23:12
lcukLuciusMare, vdvsx but hes sleeping off a hangover, also wazd has been dabbling23:12
GAN900AakashPatel, get the one for your locale.23:13
AakashPatelbut this looks cooler!23:13
LuciusMareso,if anyone listening, is the feature of self-setting the keys that are sent when buttons are pressed (for example in the media remote) and the support of hw keyboard near?23:13
AakashPateli'll flash it and just check it out23:14
LuciusMareor,is re-setting the keys hard?23:14
LuciusMare(in the source code)23:14
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adalalcehteh: that's only for the mobile web settings, not really operator preconfigurations...23:15
adalaltalking of which, does anyone know how to MANUALLY set mobile gprs/3g settings?23:15
cehtehyeah .. there is a gui somewhere but it can only handle one APN .. thats a pending bug :/23:16
cehteh(or missing feature)23:16
cehtehgo settings -> internet connections -> your provider -> advanced23:17
cehteheh not advanced ... actually the 2nd page of the normal settings23:18
AakashPatelGod im a retard23:19
AakashPatelI had my contacts backed up ON the device23:19
AakashPatelgj AakashPatel23:19
* LuciusMare claps23:20
cehtehyou flashed the emmc?23:21
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AakashPateli *may* have a backup on the sd23:22
AakashPatelidk for sure yet lol23:22
* AakashPatel crosses his fingers23:22
cehtehi mean, i have that too .. currently23:22
cehtehbut i dont intend to flash the emmc soon23:22
AakashPateli just  wanted to just to say i have23:22
cehtehand i have a rsync copy of the entire device somewher23:22
AakashPatelwhat is NOLO?23:23
ShadowJKnokia loader, a boot loader23:23
LuciusMareNumber One, LOL OMG!23:23
LuciusMaredamn, but i was close.23:23
lcuko_O #maemo-trivia quiz chan might be open23:24
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juharin finland nolo means embarassing23:24
AakashPatelkay rebooted23:24
AakashPatellcuk: talking to me?23:24
AakashPateloh :P23:24
AakashPateli was gonna say, i just asked one q23:24
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b-man17we have a new channel (kinda) #maemo-trivia :)23:48
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ifreqdear god23:49
AakashPatelis there a way to import a contacts back up all at once?23:50
AakashPatelinstead of individually23:50
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b-man17ifreq: join if your brave enough xD23:51
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