IRC log of #maemo for Saturday, 2009-12-26

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SpeedEvilmicrob could do with 'hmm you seem to have crashed, would you like me to resume your windows' ?00:28
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aspiditesSpeedEvil: a la firefox? there is always fennec00:30
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aspiditesthough i do agree that would be a nice ported feature00:31
redeemanSpeedEvil: does microb crash for you?00:31
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ShadowJKmine crashes with the history thing00:31
redeemanprobably mine is ALOT more stable due to me having disabled flash crap00:32
aspiditesmine was only crashing while using testing/devel repos. do you guys have those enabled by chance?00:32
ShadowJKLike, I tap back or do the back gesture, and get the history view, but then I often am too impatient to wait for it to display the history, so I ctrl-backspace away to do something else while waiting for it, and when I come back then, it crashes00:32
SpeedEvilredeeman: For values of crash that inclde powering off the device as i forgot my charger.00:32
SpeedEvilI've never had it actually crash as such.00:32
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ShadowJKseems it doesn't like losing focus while in the middle of finding/drawing/rendering history view00:32
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RST38h"Storm 360 sends best wishes this Xmas to all Nigerians young and old."00:37
* RST38h feels nigerian tonight00:37
* SpeedEvil wants a nice nigerian to feel.00:38
RST38hSorry, I have deleted the email already00:38
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Sir_LancelotHi folks00:53
Sir_LancelotSoo much silence in here00:54
Sir_LancelotDont tell me that you're all playing around with pre 1.100:54
* fredrin is hoping for a report from someone00:54
* SpeedEvil is reflashing in a bit.00:55
SpeedEvilThoguh I'm looking for pre-1.1 if more testers needed00:55
fredrinSpeedEvil: I'll be on the n900 boat on monday00:55
fredringot a HTC Hero for christmas, but i'll switch it00:55
fredrinI'm wondering how i'll put my Neo into good use00:56
ManuelSElisten to hoppe00:59
ManuelSEhans-hermann hoppe01:00
SpeedEvilI'm contemplating an ignominious fate for my neo1973.01:00
SpeedEvilA microwave oven controller.01:00
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zashSpeedEvil: :O01:03
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SpeedEvilIt's not being used.01:03
SpeedEvilI don't imagine actually using it for 'proper' stuff in the future.01:03
SpeedEvilAnd I have this huge nice stainless microwave with a broken controller module.01:04
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SpeedEvilWith some added sensors it could do cool stuff.01:04
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SpeedEvilLike 'evaporate 200ml'01:04
zashWith soe added robot arms it could make ANYTHING!01:05
SpeedEvilwhich with a covered dish - you ramp the power till you get to the point at which it starts to emit steam, and then add enough power to boil off 200ml/h01:05
fredrinor make it be a sms central or something01:05
fredrinor gps stalking thing, mount it somewhere and make it send sms with locatioin01:06
zashsms to im-gateway!01:06
SpeedEvilOr add a webcam, and when the bread inside it rises to a peak, turn on microwave for 5 mins to set loaf, then bake at 220C for n minutes.01:06
zashSpeedEvil: or make it control a rc helicopter01:07
zashand give it a AI01:07
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SpeedEvilI don't have a RC helicopter, and it doesn''t really suit for my ducted fan vectored thrust vehicle.01:09
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* zash has a lama in the basement01:10
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joppuyey, ignoring JOINS,PARTS,QUITS,NICKS01:22
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cehtehehm whats wrong when devices connected to the same accesspoint cant ping each other?01:47
cehteh(ip via dhcp)01:48
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ThornBirdHi all01:50
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Sir_LancelotHi threre01:51
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joppucehteh: do you have NAT enabled?02:00
cehtehaccesspoint (bridge!) not router02:01
cehtehn900 doesntrespond to ping .. but other connects like ssh dont work either02:03
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joppudoes a bridge even allow local area networking?02:04
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joppudoesn't it connect the devices directly to the internet?02:05
cehtehsure .. should be the same network segement or?02:05
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cehteh(netmask is correct)02:05
joppuI don't know that much about networking :(02:06
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bongo|kupgood night02:11
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villagercehteh: perhaps the ap doesn't like the n900's wlan powersaving mode, I know mine doesn't02:19
cehtehi had problems with turning powersaving to maximum yes .. but with moderate it works02:20
cehtehwell so far02:20
cehtehlemme try turning it off02:20
SpeedEvilToday I doubled the size of my wlan compatibility survey.02:20
SpeedEvilMy n900 works fine with 2 routers.02:20
villagercehteh: yes moderate works for me when doing internet stuff on the n900, but when the n900 becomes idle it becomes unreachable until I do somethiing on the n900 again02:21
cehtehi have a very old dlink dwl-2000AP+02:21
cehtehthis crap piece dont want to die02:22
villagerwith powersaving off it's reachable all the time02:22
cehtehssh root@
cehtehssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host02:22
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villagerdo something internet-ish on it to make sure the ap knows it's there02:23
villagerif that doesn't work, I'm not sure what else could be wrong02:24
cehtehi can ssh from my laptop to my desktop and from there to the n90002:24
cehtehand i can ssh to from n900 to my desktop02:24
cehtehbut i cant ssh between laptop and n90002:24
cehtehand not from n900 to laptop02:25
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villagersounds like a crappy ap02:28
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villagerperhaps you need to enable something in the ap02:29
cehtehdidnt found anything02:29
cehtehnever buy dlink crap ..02:30
cehtehwell this one is from 2003 or so02:30
cehtehmaybe even older02:30
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cehtehlemme restart the ap.. maybe that helps02:31
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cehtehah ..02:32
cehtehfound a button!02:32
cehtehClient security :02:32
cehtehEnabled Disabled02:32
cehtehlets see if that makes sense02:32
n900evilis there a way to make simple brightness applet go much dimmer?02:33
n900evilin absolute dark too bright02:33
oscillikyou could take your battery out02:34
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cehtehn900evil: if you find a way please tell02:34
* n900evil sighs.02:34
n900evilsource - but too lazy02:34
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n900evilwould also be neat if it did kbd leds02:35
cehtehn900evil: look at /etc/mce/mce.ini there are some control things for the keyboard leds too02:36
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* cehteh had his first n900 tweaking experience earlier .. turning the power on blink to purple, keep charging led lit while display is on and turn the vibrator of for emails02:37
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n900evilst:/sys/class/backlight/acx565akm# echo 2 >brightness02:42
n900evilI know. lazy02:42
Vengefulit seems that the off mode workaround02:43
Vengefuldo work indeed02:43
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Vengefulit's not random rebooting anymore... i think... at least :D02:44
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MohammadAGVengeful, what's the command again?02:44
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crashanddieor halt -r02:44
MohammadAGto turn on "off mode"...02:44
Vengefulecho 0 > /sys/power/enable_off_mode02:44
Vengefulthis one is temporary02:44
Vengefulif i do:02:45
MohammadAGkernel parametres can set it to permanent right?02:45
Vengefulcat /sys/power/enable_off_mode02:45
Vengefulreturns 1 always02:45
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Vengefulso the temp mode for me didn't work02:45
Vengefuli had to download rootsh02:45
MohammadAGand it worked?02:45
Vengefulsudo gainroot02:45
Vengefuland edited the file with vi02:45
Vengefulyes it seems02:45
Vengefulmarble doesn't work anymore02:46
MohammadAGwhat's that?02:46
Vengefuli dunno if it's related to this or something else i installed from the catalog02:46
Vengefulmarble is a game built in the firmware02:46
Vengefulso i can't delete it...02:46
MohammadAGoh, sorry but I don't have my N900 yet02:46
MohammadAGhave you tried R&D mode?02:47
Vengefulnope, i just did a 4 or 5 reflash02:47
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Vengefuli got stuck in the way of trying different tricks every time02:47
MohammadAGjust wondering if this would help no-lifeguard-reset - Disables the lifeguard process (lifeguard reboots the device when an important system process crashes).02:49
MohammadAGor these # o-omap-wd - Disables the watchdog on the OMAP processor.02:49
MohammadAG# no-retu-wd - Disables the watchdog on retu.02:49
cehtehMohammadAG: if any watchdog reboots the device then likely for some purpose02:49
Vengefulyes i got the 32wd_to02:49
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cehtehif this is ill then something is defect .. in soft or hardware02:50
Vengefulbut we don't know if it does on purpose or on bug :D02:50
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Vengefulso u suggest to claim a replace?02:50
Vengefuleven if i got it running with the workaround?02:50
MohammadAGcehteh, I know, but if it's a bug, then it shouldn't be a problem02:50
MohammadAGyou shouldn't be doing workarounds to get something to work ;)02:51
cehtehwell i had few reboots after lockups .. and dont really want to miss them02:51
Vengefulon tested products... yes02:51
cehtehotherwise this means taking out the battery and pray that the filesystem stays intact02:51
MohammadAGone question: can the filesystem be converted to ext3?02:52
cehtehbtw anyone had such a crazy idea like raid0 emmc and micosd?02:52
MohammadAGI know the cam app wouldn't work, but isn't it possible02:52
cehtehMohammadAG: yes, with some efforts02:52
Vengefula linux noob question02:53
Vengefulcan i browse my win servers files02:53
Vengefulfrom the n900?02:53
Vengefulthere is samba for it?02:53
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MohammadAGif there's a build for armel and it's in .deb format you can install that02:54
MohammadAGprovided the UI works with the N900 (GTK)02:54
Vengefulwhich i really dunno :D02:55
MohammadAGand neither do i :p02:55
MohammadAGI'll check the debian packages site02:55
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angasulehmm, how much does the N810 go for these days, used?02:56
MohammadAG Vengeful02:57
MohammadAGnot sure if it'd work, but it doesn't hurt to try :)02:58
MohammadAGthere is an armel build02:58
MohammadAGjust make sure you download the needed dependencies02:58
angasuleI got offered an N810 for 240 USD, I'm wondering if that's cheap these days02:59
cehtehwill be much cheaper in a few months02:59
cehtehwhen the n900 drops a lot and is avaliable without problems02:59
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angasulebut now 240 is ok?03:00
cehtehi dont know ... i'd say depends more if you want to pay it03:00
ShadowJKI think brand-new N810 was selling for less than that before it vanished03:00
cehtehwell here in germany they where more expensive03:01
cehteh240 sounds ok if it looks almost as new and not often used/ battery in good state03:01
ShadowJKWell when they just came out they were 400-500E03:01
angasulethe battery is a standard model so I can buy another one, right?03:01
cehtehif you have to pay $40 for a new battery then its prolly a bad deal03:02
Vengefulwell if you think about me shelling 600 euro03:02
Vengefulfor a faulty device...03:02
cehtehyes .. but you have to add the price of a new battery03:02
angasuleVengeful: bummer, N900 with a defect?03:02
Vengefulrandom rebooting03:02
threshi'm selling it for about 210 USD in Russia03:02
Vengefuli dunno if it has defects03:02
Vengefulor is a sw problem03:02
threshwith a spare battery and stuff03:02
ShadowJK2 year warranty in europe, get it fixed03:02
cehtehbtw ... i did a GPS test yesterday .. which was my biggiest fear that you dont get a fix without net03:02
angasulethresh: I'm in Argentina, shipping would be a killer :D03:02
threshand yeah it's a good price03:02
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ShadowJKmine hasn't rebooted once03:03
threshwell i'm not offering you one :)03:03
Vengefulso i dunno if i have to replace it or no03:03
angasuleI'm getting it with an FM transmitter, car cradle and maybe some other stuff03:03
Vengefulmonday i'll call nokia03:03
threshi have already found a buyer03:03
angasuleI'm a map junkie, so I really want a GPS03:03
cehtehif you keep some gps demanding app like maemo mapper open while you try then its not that bad i got a fix in about 5-10 minutes03:03
angasulethresh: heh ok, plus Argentina has ridiculous taxes, over 60%03:03
cehtehwithout network connection and never used gps before on that device03:03
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angasulehow long does the battery last with GPS on? recording tracks03:04
cehtehthe n810 gps is really crap03:05
Vengefuloh yeah battery...03:05
cehtehall people i know who use it for mapping have a 2nddary bluetooth gps03:05
Vengefuli would have more happier with a 1 centimeter more on phone03:05
Vengefulwith 3x battery lifetime03:05
angasuleVengeful: same with me :D03:06
Vengefulmine on n900 is ridiculously low03:06
ShadowJKthe N810 gps keeps tracking better than my sirfstarIII btgps03:06
Vengefuland with the work around even less03:06
angasulemeh, family calls for dinner, I'll be back to annoy you all soonish :) thanks for the info so far03:06
ShadowJKbut it doesn't get unassisted first-lock as fast :)03:06
ShadowJKluckily diablo brought a-gps to n810 so it's not much of a problem now..03:06
cehtehmugen offers a 1800mAh battery .. not yet validated for the n900 iirc .. but standard size03:06
Vengefuland the standard one is 1300?03:07
ShadowJKIt's not really 180003:07
Vengefulsure it isn't :D03:07
wndangasule, depends on actual use, but on n810 the battely lasts around six hours with gps on (give or take)03:07
cehtehVengeful: 1325 .. well printed on it who knows03:07
cehtehShadowJK: yeah .. but even if its 1600 its an improvement .. i just wait for tests03:08
* SpeedEvil offers a validation service for all n900 accessories. Just supply 5 items for evaluation.03:08
ShadowJKthe mugen 1800mAh battery for N800 is 1200mAh :-)03:08
cehtehnever tested those03:08
SpeedEvilIt would be nice if you could hot-swap bats03:08
ShadowJKthe original N800 battery was about 2-3 years old when I replaced it, it held about 800 though, so the mugen battery felt like an improvement03:08
cehtehSpeedEvil: stick in charge cable and rip out battery03:09
SpeedEvilcehteh: yeah - I mean when there isn't a charge cable handy03:09
cehtehdoes that work? or will the device powerdown?03:09
SpeedEvilwas at brothers toda03:09
ShadowJKcehteh, I doubt it will work03:09
SpeedEvilhe had no micro-b03:09
SpeedEviland that doesn't work IIRC I tried it03:09
cehtehSpeedEvil: well i dont even know .. i search someone who wants to try03:09
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cehtehsomeone who gives a shit about filesystem because he wants to reflash03:09
wndlooks like my longest run with gps on lasted 7.25 hours03:10
ShadowJKAmusingly the Smartdevices SmartQ devices can hotswap batteries... BUT, the batteries are soldered on and not user replaceable.. that's kinda funny :-)03:10
cehtehhot as in soldering iron03:11
Vengefuluhm ok03:11
Vengefulso i got my new n90003:11
* cehteh thinks about building a power source from bike dynamo03:11
Vengefuli spent more time on diagnosis03:11
Vengefulthan on playing with it03:12
Vengefuli really need some good pages03:12
Vengefulwith catalogs or... well that sort of things that make you reflash XD03:12
MohammadAGDistro: Fremantle03:14
MohammadAGComponents: free non-free03:14
Vengefulit's not the extra catalog03:14
Vengefuli enabled from the phone03:14
MohammadAGInstall all apps there03:14
Vengefuldirectly? :O03:14
MohammadAGextras-devel =/= extras03:14
ShadowJKextras is not extras-devel is not extras-testing is not extras03:14
MohammadAGAdd it manually03:15
Vengefulso i'll add it in the app manager03:15
ShadowJKphone comes with extras disabled by default03:15
MohammadAGI doubt it's in the App manager by default03:15
MohammadAGso yeah added03:15
MohammadAGadd it*03:15
Vengefulsomething i miss is to create folders03:16
Vengefulfor icons03:16
Vengefulgames - apps - office... like that03:16
MohammadAGin the menu?03:18
MohammadAGyou can't03:18
MohammadAGwhy are orangebox's posts, so, umm negative?03:20
MohammadAGit's like he's a fanboy of something else and he's just trolling03:20
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Vengefulok thanks for your help03:24
Vengefuli'm falling asleep03:24
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lcukheh, hope everyone is havin a great time :)03:28
|darone|how can i compile something (c++) ?03:30
angasuleso, if I get an N810, can I develop for it and have it work on the N900?03:30
lcuk|darone|, usually with a compiler03:30
angasulemaemo 5 doesn't work on N810, right? I better read more about mer03:31
lcukangasule, gtk works with small alterations03:31
lcukliq* stuff works well too03:31
angasuleliq*? I don't know that, is that related to qt in any way?03:31
lcukits just something i have been writing for a while03:32
lcukdoes nice things on n81003:32
* lcuk likes this review of his app he just found03:32
angasuleN810 has no qt whatsoever?03:32
lcuk(just one of the liqbase things)03:32
|darone|i didn't find a way to install a cpp compiler =/03:32
lcuk810 has qt03:32
lcuk|darone|, on the device itself?03:33
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lcukand a development environment requires much more than just a compiler03:33
angasulelcuk: thanks, neat03:33
angasuleI'm familiar with Qt3 and 4, with GTK not so much03:33
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Italodancehey guys03:38
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ItalodanceN900 will not allow USB OTG! is it true?03:38
n900evilit is unclear if host mode works.03:39
angasuleI believe the connectors is physically different?03:40
Italodancen900evil tnx for reply03:41
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n900evilang: yes03:48
n900evilbut in principle that does not mater.03:48
MohammadAGoff to bed, night folks03:51
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FIQI'm out05:00
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johnxmerry christmas! :D05:37
SmilyOrgmerry xmas to you too :)05:39
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johnxseems a bit quiet, but I guess EU isn't awake yet...05:40
SmilyOrgyeah, we are sleeping currently05:41
SmilyOrgsince it's 4:41 am05:41
johnxyou type pretty well for being asleep...05:41
SmilyOrgoh thanks, it's my hobby05:49
luke-jrjohnx: Mary Christ Mass!05:49
johnxluke-jr, and good will towards dudes :D05:50
luke-jrjohnx: that is a blatent mistranslation -.-05:50
Arkenoiwhy does screen blank function affect composite video? is it intended behavior, a bug or design limitation?05:51
luke-jrjohnx: "Glory to God in the highest; and on Earth, peace to men of good will."05:51
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Milo-where should I report to if application from -devel seems to work perfectly and I want to promote it to testing?05:51
luke-jrjohnx: you only get teh peace if you already are of good will :p05:51
johnxluke-jr, I'm not religious. I'm just more of a golden-rule type guy ;)05:52
johnxMilo-, if you're not the person who put it there, try and find the person who *did* put it there and tell them I think05:52
luke-jrjohnx: bah humbug to you too then05:52
Milo-johnx okay05:53
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Milo-though, I need to check if the app is optified first05:53
johnxluke-jr, :D but really, doesn't the whole religion thing distill down to "Do as you would be done by"?05:54
luke-jrjohnx: nope05:54
Arkenoijohnx: it's a common misconception, actually relegion is not about ethics at all05:54
Milo-flashlight doesn't seem to be optified05:55
Milo-shame on those devels05:55
SmilyOrgi can't imagine flashlight being that big though05:56
johnxhow much does it keep in / ?05:56
luke-jrjohnx: "Do not think that I came to send peace upon earth: I came not to send peace, but the sword." :p05:56
Milo-SmilyOrg small things will build up to a oot05:56
Milo-alot, even05:56
Milo-and all packages should be optified05:57
johnxah, really? I guess I never kept up with what Nokia wanted05:57
johnxhuh, though if everything is supposed to be optified, I wonder why they don't do it at install time...05:58
SmilyOrgunless the smaller flash is faster or something05:58
johnxit is05:58
johnxthat's why Nokia uses it ;)05:58
johnxotherwise they could keep / where /opt is and not have to worry about this "optify" stuff05:58
SmilyOrgjohnx i think that there's a thing that can optify packages, but isn't finished/robust enough or something?05:59
SmilyOrgyeah, i guess :)05:59
* Arkenoi still does not have enough courage to try cp -Rp /usr/share /home/share; ln -sfT /home/share /usr/share06:00
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Milo-linking can brick your device06:01
johnxArkenoi, and your lack of courage has kept your device booting. congratulations06:01
luke-jrArkenoi: why not mv?06:01
luke-jr/usr should never be needed for booting06:01
johnxbrick is an awful strong word. but it probably won't boot until you reflash06:01
luke-jrmuch less /usr/share06:01
Arkenoijohnx: why should it break?06:01
johnxbecause /opt is mounted after stuff in /usr is needed06:02
Milo-Arkenoi some necessary parts are in there06:02
Milo-mount order CAN be changed06:02
AakashPatelIs there any *good* multiprotocal chat client for maemo/06:03
Arkenoii have 90+% used space on / and i wonder if i will be able to perform system update when it is available06:03
johnxAakashPatel, the default one and pidgin is there I think06:03
AakashPatelpidgin sucks on the n90006:03
johnxMilo-, yup. and if you start getting into messing with that I have some ideas and suggestions, too06:03
AakashPatel(the integration)06:03
johnxyeah. no surprise :P06:04
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AakashPatelI wonder how hard it would be to make pidgin-facebookchat work with the chat client in maemo06:04
Arkenoiand i guess if i change mount order it almost certainly breaks things if i do update the core system components06:04
Arkenoisome unexpected parts may be overwritten and i will get bricked06:05
johnxAakashPatel, probably not too hard. Does it work with the telepathy IM client in gnome?06:05
AakashPatelHmmm lemme see06:05
johnxArkenoi, well. not bricked. but a reflash is certainly likely06:05
AakashPatelerm wrong window06:06
johnxwhat I think is kind of interesting is something like unionfs and letting the core system stay in the small flash, while "extras" apps install to /opt automagically06:06
Arkenoiso i am looking for most non-intrusive way to free some space on / (but not uninstalling, optifying and reinstalling everything by hand)06:06
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Arkenoipreferably something that can be done on the live system06:07
AakashPatelEmpathy / Telepathy-Haze06:07
AakashPateljohnx: is that what you mean?06:07
johnxArkenoi, look up ccooke's script on and let it optify the maps stuff06:07
AakashPatelit works in ubuntu on empathy06:07
AakashPatelive used it06:07
johnxyeah. the built-in client uses the telepathy stuff. there are some plugins for it in extras-devel06:08
johnxdo you have the maemo sdk installed?06:08
johnxget cracking!06:08
AakashPatelDo i just cross compile it?06:08
AakashPateland install?06:08
johnxno idea really :)06:09
AakashPatelWell, should it just install like how it does on ubuntu?06:09
Arkenoijohnx, thanks, will try it06:09
AakashPatelthe same way it works in empathy?06:09
johnxuhm. I actually don't know. you'll probably want to get the source package for "telepathy-account-plugins" or similar on maemo, then get the source for your facebook chat plugin, then start digging06:11
AakashPatelEh okay06:11
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AakashPatelThis should be fun >.<06:18
johnxdiff will be your new best friend ;)06:19
AakashPatelHmm okay on ubuntu i had to install the package and then delete /usr/share/telepathy/managers/haze.manager06:25
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AakashPatelhmm does telepathy-haze exist for maemo?06:29
johnxyeah. I think so06:29
johnxin extras-devel06:29
zerojaytelepathy-haze is one of the main packages used for IM.06:29
AakashPatelthats all i need06:29
AakashPatelim happy as hell right now06:30
zerojaySo yes, Haze does exist... and the main developer hangs here.06:30
zerojayWhy do you need it?06:30
AakashPatelive been wanting facebookcchat forever06:30
zerojayYeah, they're already working on that.06:30
zerojayIt won't work if you just try to throw it in there as far as I know.06:30
zerojayI've already tried.06:30
AakashPateloh :(06:30
AakashPatelwho do i talk to about it?06:30
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zerojayJust wait it out.06:31
zerojayIt's already being worked on.06:31
zerojayCollabora are working on it, as far as I know.06:33
zerojayAlong with other protocols.06:33
zerojayComing to extras-devel when ready.06:33
RobertH[AU]zerojay: you can already use it for msn i believe06:33
* AakashPatel installs telepathy-haze06:33
zerojayRobertH[AU]: Use facebookchat for msn?06:33
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AakashPatelWell, at least i have confirmation taht someone is working on it now :)06:34
RobertH[AU]zerojay: no, telepathy-haze is already implemented i think06:34
RobertH[AU]in development06:34
AakashPatelill check right now :P06:34
RobertH[AU]it doesn't have all the bugs ironed out yet06:34
zerojayAakashPatel: Don't simply install telepathy-haze. Install the account plugins which are needed, otherwise telepathy-haze alone won't work.06:34
RobertH[AU]they don't work 100% yet though06:35
AakashPatelOh hmm06:35
zerojayRobertH[AU]: Yes, telepathy-haze has been in extras-devel for months already. I know, I was one of the first to install it on an N900 prototype outside of Nokia. lol06:35
RobertH[AU]zerojay: oh right06:35
zerojayI tinkered with getting facebookchat and twitter working with OS2008 with varying degrees of success through telepathy-haze and sent my stuff over to the haze developer to get it up and running on the N900.06:36
AakashPatelHow long ago was this?06:37
zerojay4 or 5 months.06:37
zerojayThey told me they were working on them.06:37
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zerojayOne of my buddies got Twitter fully integrated and operational:
AakashPatelDid they release it? Or no?06:39
AakashPatelOh wait, that post was from this month06:39
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zerojayIt's not done yet, so it's not released.06:40
AakashPatelYeah, i thought for  sec taht was an old post06:40
AakashPatelIs that the same dude workin on the haze stuff?06:41
AakashPatel(asking cuz i see he has MSN(haze))06:41
johnxMSN haze is already released06:42
AakashPatelhmm i search for "msn" on
AakashPatelnuffin there06:43
johnxwell, not "released" to extras yet, just extras-devel06:43
AakashPatelthat includes extras-devel? am i mistaken?06:44
johnxdoes it? guess it does...06:44
johnxsearch for telepathy instead06:45
AakashPateli dont see anything about MSN06:46
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AakashPatel"The way all my conversations like Twitter, FB or Skype are integrated on the N900 leaves me speechless. Best thing ever!!" -submono twitter06:47
AakashPatellooks like its workin o.o06:47
johnx <- that's what I'm using for MSN06:47
RobertH[AU]johnx: does it put all your old msn contacts (even ones you have deleted) in your contacts list like the butterfly plugin? that was really annoyinh06:50
AakashPatellooks like that was released zerojay06:51
johnxmaybe? I didn't think it put my deleted ones in, but it definitely doesn't "do the right thing" when the -haze version and -butterfly version are configured with the same MSN account06:51
rm_you|johnx: johnx06:57
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johnxhallo rm_you06:58
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* AakashPatel installs the twitter plugin07:09
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zerojayAakashPatel: I wasn't talking about the twitter plugin being released.07:28
AakashPatelnvm then07:29
zerojayI know it was released since my friend made the announcement yesterday. :)07:29
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AakashPatelOh hehe07:30
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Maceri seriously need to break down08:09
Macerand get an n900 :)08:09
Macerthis G1 has me about to throw it off a tall building08:09
Maceror at least android does08:09
zashBUT ALL THE HYPE!!08:11
Macerzash: well. it's not bad08:12
Macerbut it's not good either :)08:12
zashwhat's bad?08:14
Macerthe self killing of apps when mem is low08:14
Maceris probably the worst08:14
Macerthe lack of good quality apps is another08:14
Macerevery time you update a rom you have to refresh this dalvik cache that takes like 10 minutes to do on a G108:15
Macereven if you just install a theme08:15
Macerbut the worst like i said was the way it kills apps by itself when the mem starts to get low08:15
Macerthat shit is driving me up the wall08:15
Maceropening 3 apps will kill app 108:16
Macerbeecause android would rather close your apps than ask you wha tto do :) because people are naturally stupid like that08:16
Macerthen now i have a service that is running that shouldn't be that is taking up 16MB of ram and i can't figure out how to get rid of it08:16
Maceryeah. i think it is just time to suck it up and buy an n90008:16
Macerwas waiting for the wimax edition though08:16
* zash finds the use of linux without normal linux userland somewhat disturbing08:17
zashand .. java08:17
Macerit isn't even real java08:17
Macerit's some special google made java08:17
Macerthat looks almost exactly the same but works differently i suppose08:17
zashsandboxed java-but-not-real-java08:18
Macerwasn't the whole point of java08:18
Macerto be cross platform?08:18
MacerIE is just horrible too08:19
Macerie8 in win7 is absolute garbage :)08:19
Macerah well. .bbl.08:19
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lucentMacer: wimax was dead on arrival08:25
lucentI live in one of the US cities where it is available08:26
lucentthere's no reason to pursue it08:26
lucentit's barely faster than EDGE08:26
lucentthe ISP wants a 2 year contract... which if you're lucky the company will still be around in 2 years08:27
lucentif not you're out whatever it costs up front08:27
abulafiai was at HOPE 200708:34
abulafiathe internet pipe was a point to point wimax link over the hudson river08:34
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mzawimax is barely faster than edge? really?08:36
mza46Mbps* / 32Mbps** @ 10MHz08:38
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Luriawimax is useful, just not the way intended08:39
mzaid like to get my hands on an n810w for shits and giggles08:39
lucentyeah if you have your own wimax equip then it's a really neat tech08:40
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lucentwimax for ISP last mile is not growing08:40
mzai priced it08:41
mzaa wimax link from my office to my bosses house08:41
lucentonly a few US cities, and as I mentioned this city (Jackson WY) doesn't looks so great08:41
mzafiber was cheaper08:41
zashfiber ftw!08:41
mzayea it was pretty sad08:41
mzathat black sure is sexy08:42
lucenti'm stuck with EDGE speeds though because T-Mobile doesn't offer 3G network here08:42
luke-jrwhat about ad-hoc WiMax?08:42
mzathey do here but, i dont have my damn device yet08:43
luke-jrthey do here, I think, but it's too expensive even if I had a device08:43
lucenttoo expensive?08:43
mzacosts the same as the BB service08:43
mzaextra $15/mo08:43
lucentI pay 45.06 after taxes a month08:43
Arkenoiwe have a lot of wimax operators here. but n810 just is not compatible :-(08:44
luke-jrlucent: $45 for 5 GB/mo is too much :p08:44
lucentoh the way I did it is pre-pay 500 minute flexpay and then add $10/mo internet08:44
lucentunlimited internet08:44
luke-jrI doubt it08:44
mzaid buy the device but work got me one... so im stuck waiting08:45
mzawas marked up to $85008:45
mzaat the mall08:45
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lucentT-mobile is a slut when it comes to checking their subscriptions and stuff... so I can get away with this forever08:45
Arkenoilucent: we have pretty decent speeds. maybe not really faster than hsdpa but at least it is not owned by cellular network operators08:45
mzathen 10 feet away they had it for $69908:45
mzaill wait08:45
lucentyeah I am surprised the price shot up so high even more than pre-order08:45
mzathey were as low as $450 on amazon08:46
lucentI got pre-order for $529.99 and then there's that mysterious $50 visa gift card I can send in for08:46
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lucentmza: $450 I think was after the rebate visa card08:46
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lucentthat's a bit deceiving since nobody can actually send in for the rebate card08:47
lucentOvi Store doesn't work for N90008:47
lucentneed to activate Ovi Store from the N900 to qualify08:47
abulafiaarg, damn at&t08:47
abulafiai could use some wimax08:48
lucentfor those of you without a N900 in-hand, it's just this average device I guess and a early adopter's gadget08:49
lucentif you have some old candybar phone like I had, it's really a step up08:50
mzaim on a blackberry 890008:50
mzahad a G1 for a minute08:50
mzae71 in between08:50
lucentblackberry will do email better and quicker than anything else out there08:50
Arkenoiis there a way to stay with builtin audio while using video output? my projectors speakers are silly08:50
lucentArkenoi: I think it must be possible08:51
mzalucent: yea:( i just love my n81008:51
mzaive had my n810 for 2 years, only "gadget" ive had that long that i use every day08:52
lucentmza: I saw an N800 when I had just purchased a sharp zaurus08:52
lucentI thought "wow I made a bad choice"08:52
lucentzaurus c300008:53
mzamy buddy had a zaurus, he said it was neat08:53
lucentthe zaurus OS choices never, and I mean to this very day, never matured to where Maemo is right now08:53
mzaim still in search of that "perfect device"08:54
mzathe e61i was close08:54
mzavery close08:54
mzajust no 3g08:54
luke-jrlucent: shipped software always sucks. I'm only interested in the hardware.08:54
mzayea, i tell people how much better maemo is than android, nobody believes08:55
lucenthost usb is about all I really miss from the N90008:55
luke-jrlucent: the Zaurus clamshell line is the best I've ever seen for general design, but unfortunately like 4 or 5 generations obsolete :(08:55
lucentalso I heard that the USB port on the N900 will snap off over time08:55
mzaoh that's great news08:55
lucentI don't understand if that is a known problem with just the early prototypes or if it applies to production units08:55
Arkenoilucent, how to do it?08:55
lucenthost usb on N900 is not wired.08:56
lucentit just won't happen.08:56
mzaoh that's disappointing08:56
mzayou guys are full of great news08:56
lucentI was in the market for a phone that does web browsing with flash, so the N900 is no regrets08:57
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abulafiais it heresy to love my 2007 htc kaiser?08:58
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lucentglad the N900 does not use D-Pad08:59
Luriai have found little compelling reason to change to any newer phone08:59
lucentD-Pad is horrid08:59
* luke-jr boots up his N810 to remember yet another reason he's pissed at Nokia08:59
Luriatheres nothing new on an at&t n900, yeah?08:59
lucentum, that won't be likely to happen09:00
Luriaregardless, no google maps would suck.09:00
lucentAT&T has an exclusivity agreement with Apple09:00
Luriaok, thought so09:00
lucentthey won't carry another phone to compete with the iPhone until the agreement is up sometime 201009:00
mzathat makes no sense09:00
Luriaoh, i thought the restriction was the other way around09:00
mzat-mobile isn't "carrying" the N90009:01
mzathey just built it to work on their network09:01
Luriaand that was my other objection09:01
mzawhy cant they do the same for AT&T?09:01
lucentT-Mobile uses the same bands as european carriers09:01
lucentwhat's so difficult to understand about that?09:01
Luriaok lucent now i know youre wrong09:01
Luriatmobile uses 1700/2100up09:02
Luriaits unique to region 209:02
* lucent pokes reference09:02
lucentoh, bleh09:02
Luriain fact, other than a minor regional carrier or two, they are the only national carrier in the world to use that band09:02
lucentsorry I had bad information, I guess their 2100 is not the same as in Europe09:03
Luriathats because tmobile is on 1700, by convention the downstream is the band name09:04
Luriathe fact that it uses 2100up has nothing to do with the 2100mhz euro service09:05
Luriaat&t is kind of unique, but canadian carriers use the same band. more importantly -and this is why im so confused by nokias choice - there are a lot more tri/quad hspa tx chips that do more asia/eu bands with the at&t band09:06
Luriathat plus the user base for att+rogers makes tmobile look regional09:07
lucentI was with AT&T for 5+ years even back when it was Cingular09:08
Luriaheh, me too. my mom still has an at&t sim card from the original at&t wireless09:09
lucent$48.86/month seemed like a lot to pay for just basic service and no messaging or internet09:09
Luriadepends how you do it09:09
Luriai bought my own phone, so my $76 with tax and fine print aint bad...09:10
Luriawhen i get away with tethering09:10
Luriai dont use calling that much09:10
Luriaoh this keyboard is kinda awesome09:12
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kamuiIm getting my N900 monday :) been reading the community chat, is 64bit windows 7 supported now for reflashing the device?09:21
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* RST38h prefers the right picture by the way09:25
Luriaworst case, a vm, no?09:26
RST38heven althouhg both of them are probably taken on Windows.09:26
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zashopenvpn on n900?09:34
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Arkenoii guess using internal audio and external video is either not possible or very tricky.. i could not find any way to tune audio output09:39
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Arkenoihmm, quite interesting: while in media player, external video is _not_ exact clone of screen output. may it be possible for audio as well? but there are no settings for that :-(09:52
RST38hwhy is it not an exact clone?09:54
Arkenoirst38h: if you activate a menu, it is displayed on builtin screen only and does not appear on the video out09:56
Arkenoivideo out keeps movie picture only09:56
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RST38hso there is an extra buffer of some kind10:05
Arkenoifor sound, does it switch on hardware level when i plug 3.5mm jack in, or is it software driven?10:07
RST38hI *think* it is a software switch10:07
RST38hat least there were some tools to enable/disable the switch10:08
ArkenoiRST38h, really? where can i find it?10:08
RST38hI never really tried it, no longer remember where I saw it10:09
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RST38hsearch for "headphones" on tmo10:09
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ArkenoiRST38h, cannot find anything relevant :-(10:24
RST38hArkenoi: The best people to ask will be lardman and Stskeeps then10:25
RST38hArkenoi: One of them may know the whole story10:25
RST38hOh, wait, you may also want to try amixer :)10:26
RST38hamixer should let you control the audio routing to wherever you want10:26
bobbydwhat's the problem?10:26
luke-jrhow do 3D displays deal with focus?10:26
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bobbydbounce provides it's own widgets to minimise and close the window I noticed10:27
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ArkenoiRST38h, hmm.. which parameters should i provide? i am not very familliar with sound subsystems. alsa-mixer by default provides only one "master output" control and that's all10:32
RST38hgoogle for amixer?10:32
bobbydArkenoi: what are you trying to do?10:32
villagerRST38h: the different tv-out is probably really an "extra buffer", but an Xv overlay, which are also scaled independently by the hardware even on desktop computers10:33
Arkenoibobbyd: trying to route sound to internal speakers while 3.5mm jack is plugged in. my projector speaker is true shit10:33
bobbydArkenoi: ahh10:34
villagerI meant "probably not really an extra buffer"10:34
bobbydArkenoi: I'm not sure how that works, but I think pulseaudio is controlling it10:35
bobbydas you say, there's only one output when you run alsamixer10:35
bobbydso I think mixing is happening in pulseaudio10:36
bobbydnot sure though10:36
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SmilyOrgthe fm receiver radio application thing has an option to play the radio through speakers when the headphones are plugged in, so it's definitely possible10:41
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Arkenoiwell, i guess it is possible with amixer but i still cannot get how to do it :-(10:45
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wazdheya all11:54
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Stskeepsmorning wazd11:56
Stskeepshow's your xmas so far?11:56
wazdStskeeps: In soviet russia, we have xmas on 7th of Jan :)11:57
Stskeepsah yes11:57
Stskeepswell, at least that's better than friggen meatless xmas eve11:57
* Stskeeps had a bit of a culture shock11:58
wazdStskeeps: and it's more of a christian holiday, we have NY for c-trees and presents :)11:58
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Arkenoihmm, funny thing: if i use video out to 4:3 projector from the desktop, i get empty space above and below. But if i play 4:3 video from media player, i get it almost fullscreen, not double cropped as one may expect!12:04
wazdArkenoi: transformed?12:07
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wazdgot it, sorry :)12:08
Stskeepswazd: so what is today's blog going to be?12:08
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lbtgood morning all12:09
wazdStskeeps: make an educated guess :P12:10
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Stskeepswazd: you're going to make a design suggestion for
RST38hStskeeps: Don't give him any wrong ideas.12:10
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wazdRST38h: actually yes :D12:11
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Stskeepswazd: also some people don't understand you are making UI suggestions for some reason.. there's some mean comments related to that :)12:12
wazdStskeeps: where?! I'll kill them! :D12:12
Stskeepswazd: xchat one :P12:14
* RST38h knew he was getting Nigerian Christmas greetings for a reason yesterday.12:14
StskeepsRST38h: instructions to go blow up a plane?12:15
RST38hStskeeps: No, just an email saying "Christmas greetings to all Nigerians bla bla bla"12:15
RST38hStskeeps: Looked like spam, deleted it. But NOW is see that it was Secret Instructions from Osama himself!12:16
wazdStskeeps: well, people have different points of view, I'm ready to discuss anything :)12:16
Stskeepswazd: hehe, yeah12:16
wazdRST38h: have you seen my xchat concept btw?12:17
RST38hwazd: Yea. Nice. But who is gonna do it?12:17
* RST38h cant even build xchat here12:17
wazdRST38h: that's the question :)12:17
RST38hStskeeps: Maybe if I read that email to the end, I would be all "KILL THE INFIDELS! KILL! KILL!" right now =)12:18
RST38hOMG, Apple stock is $204 today....12:18
StskeepsRST38h: someone mentioned jobs liked the tablet concept12:18
RST38hStskeeps: And that was enough to send the stock up?12:19
RST38hThis world has gone insane.12:19
StskeepsRST38h: seemingily12:19
Stskeepsi wonder when the apple stock bubble will explode12:19
lbtwhen I buy some12:19
wazdRST38h: now we need to make the Jobs say that he likes VAZ cars :D12:19
RST38hwazd: No, please.12:20
RST38hJust nuke the place. Cover ruins with the large concrete slab.12:21
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pekujahas anybody else had problems with xchat crashing all the time?12:31
lbtinteresting comment at the close of bug 535712:31
povbotBug Does not accept GSM (USSD) Codes starting with *#12:31
lbt"but it's up to you guys if you prefer to keep this open until the fix hits a public release."12:32
pekujacurrently using irssi, but it's not really optimal because I can't really take advantage of the touch screen12:32
pekujawhich would be useful for changing channels for example12:34
pekujairssi is great if you actually have a real keyboard though12:34
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Arkenoimpro120 battery life is not bad at all. when official specs state "2-4h" i expect to be lucky if i get 2 at least. Actually more like 3.5.12:35
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Arkenoidoes n900 support CSD calls?12:45
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ShadowJKi'd doubt it12:47
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Arkenoicircuit switched data. what is named "data call" (not internet)12:50
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ArkenoiShadowJK, it is pretty standard for most gsm phones..12:57
ShadowJKn900 isn't a phone ;-)12:58
ShadowJKCSD isn't listed in the specs either, so that confirms it probably12:58
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ShadowJKIt doesn't support multiple APNs on packet data, doesn't do 3G video calls, 3G video sharing, 3G picture sharing, PTT, and alot of other things13:01
ShadowJKIt's basically like a mobile computer, with a 3G modem, and then the minimum amount of features implemented to be able to make a gsm or 3g  voice call too13:01
ShadowJKoh and sms, but that's pretty much it13:02
ShadowJKand no fax support!13:04
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fdvis there a way to add alt to the soft key bar in xterm?13:06
ArkenoiShadowJK, all you listed here are software limitation which can be bypassed by future firmware releases13:06
ShadowJKYeah but the question is whether anyone will bother13:06
ShadowJKI think they're hoping for those legacy techs to die out13:06
fdvand does anybody know if 'less' is available from some repo?13:06
ShadowJKfdv, alt for use with irssi? Press esc then a number13:06
ShadowJKYeah I think it's in the SDK tools repo maybe13:06
fdvShadowJK: well, in general. I use it all the time. :)13:07
ShadowJKin general esc followed by key is equivalent to alt key13:07
fdvShadowJK: thanks for the tip, works perfectly :)13:08
fdvgood point, forgot about that.13:08
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fdvstill, emacs wo alt is somewhat sad13:08
fdvyeah, that's another issue. the symbol table won't pop up under qemacs, is this due to it being tied to hildon or something?13:09
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fdvand in vim, cr inserts a line above the one you're at and enters an 'M'. might be archaic vi behavior, for all I know. :-)13:12
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Vengeful[zZzZz]ok it's now confirmed that my phone works using the off mode trick, problem is that now the battery life is only 10 hours in standby13:18
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Vengeful[zZzZz]re enabling the off mode and disabling the voltage thing should do the same preserving battery life right?13:19
LuciusMarewhat is the off mode?13:19
Vengeful[zZzZz]if you aren't affected by random reboots13:20
Vengeful[zZzZz]nothing you should care about13:20
Vengeful[zZzZz]because your phone is better than mine XD13:20
LuciusMare~ $ maemo-optify-deb MyDocs/.documents/mplayer_1.0svn2_armel.deb13:20
LuciusMareCan't locate File/ in @INC (@INC contains: /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/perl/5.8.3 /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.3 /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl/5.8 /usr/share/perl/5.8 /usr/local/lib/site_perl .) at /usr/bin/maemo-optify-deb line 5.13:20
LuciusMareBEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/bin/maemo-optify-deb line 5.13:21
LuciusMareanyone w/ same problem?13:21
ShadowJKthe MPlayer in extras-devel is already optified?13:21
LuciusMarei am not sure13:22
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ShadowJKi'm sure13:22
LuciusMarei'll check13:22
LuciusMareso it is optified?13:22
ShadowJKI have 1.0svn20091221-1 from extras-devel installed, and it's optified13:23
* Arkenoi wonders if there are that many faulty n900's? many people complain about reboots and/or battery being drained in 8-10h13:24
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ShapeshifterArkenoi: I also have the impression that there are quite a few duds out there. I don't know if there are more faulty devices compared to any other device shortly after the first launch / first batches though.13:26
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ArkenoiShapeshifter, typical symptoms are quite common - and the rest of us never experience problems like that13:29
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wazd :D13:32
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wazdwee, previous montly visits record is successfuly broken :)13:37
ShadowJKhm.. I could have the random reboot problem but I wouldn't know13:38
ShadowJKxchat is effectively keeping CPU from never going into off mode13:38
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RST38hwazd: eek.13:40
RST38hwazd: There is some Italian comics artist working along similar lines, except that he appears to be deadly serious =)13:41
konttoriso, how many people have pr1.1?13:43
konttorishift + ctrl + o13:43
RST38hkonttori: Should ask Andre13:44
konttoriclose kb, turn to portrait13:44
Stskeepskonttori: that detail seems not leaked to bloggers :P13:44
konttorioh, ups ;)13:45
LuciusMarewhat that does?13:45
Stskeeps(i think people know of it but bloggers that hear rumours think "NO PORTRAIT MODE!!!" or something)13:45
RST38hOh, so you finally enabled portrait mode?13:45
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RST38hkonttori: Can you please make shift-ctrol-o and shift-ctrl-i stick between browser invokations?13:46
konttorithere is a key in brpwser cpnfig files to make it permanent13:47
redhuh, browser works in portrait?13:49
* LuciusMare doesnt know what the hell are you talking about13:49
konttoriit wasn't good enough that we would have added it as proper option. But it's good enough for people to try it out a bit.13:49
konttoriso, that's the reason it's not there by default13:49
redhow do I enable it then? :)13:49
redah shift ctrl, not fn + control13:50
redor not13:50
RST38hkonttori: Coooooooool13:51
RST38hkonttori: So, when do we actually see the PR 1.1?13:51
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LuciusMareshift+ctrl+o does not do anything here13:52
redneither for me, but shift+ctrl+i briefly flashes the screen13:53
LuciusMarelemme try that13:53
redbut then again, I don't have the browser version konttori was referring to I guess13:53
ShadowJKLuciusMare, only with the new firmware that's only released to testers13:53
LuciusMareyup,it flashes13:53
ShadowJKI think shift-ctrl+i was the reflow thing, try zoom in and out after presing that13:54
ShadowJKis available in 42-11 too13:54
redoh well, have gotten use to landscape pretty nicely, but would still like 1 handed portrait mode use when im smoking (always seem to pull out my phone during that :p)13:54
LuciusMarered: smoking is butt for your health13:54
redso is being a nerd13:55
LuciusMareheh,eh... :(13:55
redbut for when driving / need other hand for smokng etc, would be nice to have the portrait13:55
LuciusMarebut you're a nerd AND you smoke13:55
redit's coming so no worries :)13:55
LuciusMareso its twice as bad13:55
redi was waiting for you to point that out :D13:55
ShadowJKhm... what was the trick to get portrait mode..13:56
redctrl+shift+i -> close keyb and turn phone as far as I understood it13:56
ShadowJKno the old one13:57
RST38hoh, you mean o13:57
LuciusMarei? no o?13:57
RST38hi is reflow13:57
ShadowJKI mean the old "bug"13:57
RST38ho is portrait (but apparently only in a new version which none of us have)13:57
redah that, was a pain to try it13:57
redand buttons wrong way around13:57
LuciusMareyes,its kinda finger-breaking13:57
LuciusMarebut when i repartition13:58
LuciusMarewill i void the warranty13:58
* konttori reads most content in portrati mode now with the large font size 13:58
LuciusMareand can i still get the newer firmwares?13:59
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dnaumovI am a bit baffled why the filesystem for installing apps on the N900 is so limited, it's really trivial to fill it up14:01
LuciusMarethats the reason why i want to repartition :)14:01
SpeedEvilyou mean the 2G/14:01
felipecdnaumov: external packages should install to /opt14:02
* konttori thinks the optify script is not doing particulary good job14:03
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wazdkonttori: heya14:03
konttorired: yeah, you need to be one of the people who have received pr1.1.14:04
* konttori has no idea who have access to it14:04
wazdkonttori: I'm on my desktop machine now, I can tell you what TM says to me :)14:04
konttoriok, cool. what OS is your desktop?14:04
wazdkonttori: Vista SP214:04
wazdkonttori: should I run ThemeMakerWindows.bat?14:05
konttoriI made that bat completely blindly, so I haven't tested windows at all ever.14:05
konttoriand I know you won't be able to get a working debian out of it atm.14:06
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wazdkonttori: oh, now I get it :D14:06
wazdkonttori: it says there's no java14:07
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wazdkonttori: but there is, I'm sure ;)14:07
konttoriopen cmd and type java<enter>14:07
LuciusMareis 77% filled rootfs a lot?14:08
wazdkonttori: well, it says "it's not a command"14:08
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konttoriwell, java is not at least properly setup then14:08
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wazdkonttori: well, I can run TM without .bat14:09
wazdkonttori: it works14:09
LuciusMarevim, of size 20 MB is not optified. at all.14:10
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RST38biskonttori: btw are you aware of performance degradation once the device stays up for 4+ days?14:11
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redu should add a java compiler to PATH14:13
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Vengeful[zZzZz]there is a command to uninstall debian packages in the n900?14:14
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Vengeful[zZzZz]i mean i installed the packet viewer and i noticed something i want uninstall14:15
Vengeful[zZzZz]there is a way to do so from xterminal?14:15
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LuciusMareVengeful[zZzZz]: apt-get14:17
fralsapt-get remove packagename14:17
Vengeful[zZzZz]let's try with marbles XD14:17
Vengeful[zZzZz]isn't working anymore14:18
Vengeful[zZzZz]and i hate that icon still being there14:18
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LuciusMareanybody got irreco to work?14:20
LuciusMarefor me,it doesnt work14:21
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konttoriRST38bis: perf deg on 42 or 51?14:21
konttoriwazd: the bat sets up java vm size to big enough.14:22
villagerVengeful[zZzZz]: apt-get remove osso-lmarbles14:22
konttoriyou need it to be able to build  theme14:23
Vengeful[zZzZz]yeah thanks14:23
Vengeful[zZzZz]this way i can really manage what's in and what's out the device14:24
RST38biskonttori: 4214:25
RST38bishmmm... irssi package is broken, misses -e in .desktop14:26
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angasulemorning :D14:29
TanuvaCan I somehow delete/regenerate the maemo5 media player's music database? There are several songs doubled and many missing...14:29
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Tanuvaokay, adding the correct words to my google search term brought the solution...14:36
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redTanuva: empty it and re-transfer after the phone has generated empty list14:48
redsome pro might know what the file is where it has the listings generated, but I dunno :>14:48
ManuelSEdid u n900 activate all forwarding?14:48
ManuelSEphone app14:49
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LuciusMare_what to do if my TV is not in the lirc database? (when using irreco)14:49
wazdRST38h: ofcourse 42 :) It's an answer for al questions :)14:49
Tanuvared: retransfer ~26gb of music? _last_ choice! :) there's "tracker-processes --hard-reset" but that doesn't really do the job for me yet14:50
ManuelSEyou can change tracker speed14:51
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n900evilas I use the browser miore, I see little reason that the maximise icon should not be on the top left.14:51
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Vengeful[zZzZz]there is a way to see the battery lifetime in minutes or % ?14:52
Vengeful[zZzZz]even from xterminal14:52
fralslshal|grep battery14:52
redTanuva: I have a similar problem myself but haven't arsed to dig into it just yet :)14:53
fralsor lshal -u /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/bme14:53
Vengeful[zZzZz]i need to compare times with and without off mode14:53
Vengeful[zZzZz]and with and without voltage settings thing too14:53
ManuelSEdoes phone radio eat much?14:53
RST38hwazd: the answer to all question is currently "harmattan" =14:53
n900evilman: not idle14:53
n900eviloh - xchat - is there a way to complete nicks?14:54
ManuelSEwhat game honors / implements ctrl-del and pause when lose focus?14:55
ManuelSEmaybe remap ctrl i14:55
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ManuelSEautomatic nick completion is in settings but it crashed14:57
RST38hwazd: +3 subway stations today14:57
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n900evilman: oooh ctrl-i is pop channel out to own window (or back)15:00
LuciusMare_what to do if my TV is not in the lirc database? (when using irreco)15:01
n900evilluc: add it with appropriate hardware or look ar irreco web pages15:01
n900evilor svn/git15:01
LuciusMare_wait,what appropriate hardware?15:02
wazdRST38h: yeah, same boring design15:02
RST38hwazd: have not seen the designs yet15:02
RST38hwazd: well, looks ok I guess15:03
wazdQuake 3 grade architecture :D15:03
Maceri wonder if i can build gnu type apps for android15:03
n900evilluci: you can capture with some hw - not n90015:03
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RST38hwazd: Will obviously win from a few ironcast statues of Quake baddies15:04
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LuciusMare_i dont need any extra hardware when using the universal remote15:04
wazdRST38h: compare to Paveletskaya for example
wazdboooring :)15:05
RST38hwazd: Yes, but those were built under absolutely schizo governance15:06
ManuelSEpretty subway15:06
RST38hwazd: So, unless current mayor finally goes nuts and starts building those stations in the shape of beehives (preferably functional ones), I do not see how it can become better15:07
threshi love moscow metro15:07
wazdRST38h: heh)15:07
threshexcept for the people inside15:07
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wazdI love the subway somewhere, where it looks like caves15:08
wazdnow that's awesome15:08
RST38hwazd: that will be Disney World? =)15:09
konttoriRST38h: it should not have such. only if sgx goes to restart lopp15:11
konttoribut that can happen any time15:11
LuciusMare_hm,i cant find any information about it15:11
konttoriso, if it's not that, then i don't know15:12
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RST38hkonttori: Weird...15:16
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lbtis there a mini httpd for maemo5 ?15:17
RST38hkonttori: it looks more like the overall perf drop, like some resource is becoming scarce15:17
ManuelSEcompile thhtpd15:18
RST38hkonttori: takes longer for applications to start, taking photos becomes difficult, as thumbnailer takes up to 40-50 seconds to process each photo, rendering device unresponsive15:18
RST38hkonttori: media player UI becomes less responsive as well15:18
lbtManuelSE: OK, I'll look at it15:18
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RST38hkonttori: the only way to fix it that I know is to reboot, then it all comes back to normal for the next 4 days or so15:18
RST38hkonttori: Oh, also, video playback starts stuttering when the problem occurs15:19
ManuelSEi bet a 770 could serve lots of users on a small site with thttpd15:20
lbtwhy not lighttpd ? any reason?15:21
lbt*nod* fair enough ;)15:22
lbt  is guiding me to lighttpd + I use that on OBS...15:22
lbtand I mis-spelt it when I apt-get'ed before...15:23
lbtin + running .... cool15:23
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richardo/ howdy15:29
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richard1234I'm trying to use the fn+sym combination and I can highlight a symbol but I don't know how to paste it into leafpad15:30
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angasuledoes the N810 ovimaps thingie store the maps locally?15:30
ShadowJKN810 has ovi maps?15:31
angasuledoesn't it? :? but it does have a maps thing?15:31
ShadowJKthe Maps that comes preinstalled is Navicore Maps, it has locally stored maps15:31
angasulehmm, I guess I should switch to OSM only anyway15:33
ManuelSEis gpodder video working for anyone here?  i never get playback15:34
ShadowJKnavicore maps are more useful than ovi maps for anavigation, but ovi has actual somewhat uptodate maps15:35
ManuelSEmaybe a media player issue15:35
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RST38hShadowJK: MAEP.15:36
RST38hGot some bugs but rules overally15:36
angasuleShadowJK: I live in an area that is probably not in navicore, do you know if I can look at the same navicore maps the N810 has somewhere?15:38
ManuelSErst can emulators get keypressed without language translation?15:42
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konttoriRST38h: have you checked if some app is running wild in bg? Like browserd?15:43
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konttoriif e.g. the home screen panning is stuttering, then that's a symptom of the sgx restart loop.15:43
ManuelSEi have also seen thumbnailerd spike but not sure how long15:43
konttoribut what you are describing sounds indeed more like some bg process running amok15:43
ManuelSEsome proccess indeed  but which and why:)15:44
ManuelSEzoutube needs sort by date!15:44
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RST38hkonttori: Nothing is running wild, checke dwith htop15:51
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n900evilthe cpu meters applet is v v handhy15:55
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RST38hkottori: also, it is repeatable (i.e. 4 days without reboot and it stars acting like that)16:00
fralshmm, i had uptime of 9 days before i rebooted, i recognize that symptoms :P16:02
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ManuelSEcpu meter applet is essential16:03
ManuelSEthink of it as battery use meter16:03
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konttoriRST38h: sounds really odd. Although a bit like what we had roughly at W37. At that time, hildon-desktop was leaking x resources. This led slowly (in about a week) into performance degredation. But it was fixed.16:07
konttoriyou could see the leakage with xrestop16:07
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RST38hkonttori: Ok, how do I diagnose that? Where do I get xrestop? =)16:13
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RST38h(and do I understand it correctly that killing hildon-desktop should kinda fix it for another few days?)16:13
konttoriAnd yes, killing desktop would fix it if it was that.16:14
konttoribut I don't know where you could get xrestop.16:15
konttoriyou would be able to use it to profile the issue though.16:15
RST38hall righty, let us see if it is in the sdk repo16:15
konttoriI could try to get the profiling tools to be available bit more easily.16:15
RST38hxrestop is in the repo, no problem16:16
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ShadowJKangasule, what area?16:18
LuciusMarewhat to do if my tv is not in the lirc database?16:18
angasuleShadowJK: Buenos Aires (and surrounding area) and Bahia Blanca (700km south of Buenos Aires)16:19
SpeedEvilLuciusMare: read the lirc documentation for how to get it in the database.16:19
ShadowJKangasule, yeah it's not covered :(16:20
angasuleShadowJK: I figured :-) I'm hoping there is an OSM program that stores maps locally16:20
SpeedEvilangasule: tangogps?16:20
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RST38hkonttori: Current memory use as reported by xrestop: 2.55MB16:23
RST38hkonttori: will now have to wait for a few days before checking it again :)16:23
angasuleSpeedEvil, ShadowJK: thank you both :D16:24
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DocScrutinizer51would anybody toss me an example or RTFM-URL for maemo_recorder cmdline options. I want to change sample format/rate and I hope to do this via "GStreamer Initialization" parameters16:26
SpeedEvilangasule: or osm2go - but that's not quite the same16:28
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RST38hVDVsx MOO16:32
VDVsxmorning RST38h :)16:32
richard1234has anyone used dosbox? imgmount on my n900 isnt working with isos :-(16:33
richard1234trying to get red alert working as a demo :P16:34
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DocScrutinizer51LuciusMare: also you may try other reco of same manuf - or even random. Most "predef programmable" recos have not more than 40..100 different settings. That's due to the fact there is a limited number of reco chips16:35
Arkenoiso once again, as many new people are here: is anyone familliar with amixer enough to tell me how to re-route audio back to builtin speakers when 3.5mm jack is plugged in?16:35
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DocScrutinizer51Arkenoi: seems fm radio knows how to do that (though for a very special case)16:38
DocScrutinizer51Arkenoi: but I'm also highly interested in a generic howto for N900 mixer/PCM16:40
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DocScrutinizer51Arkenoi: AIUI maybe amixer isn't the right tool at all. Just a few hours ago I mused over gst-inspect output16:43
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ArkenoiDocScrutinizer51, my projector speakers are really crappy, much worse than n900 ones. And there is just no simple way not to route audio into the cable :-(16:46
davyghello, the n900 truly rox, it's all i have expected and sometimes more, i still have one problem : when i lock it, when i want to unlock it i'm asked a pasword and i truly don't remember having chosen one, Is there a default one ?16:47
DocScrutinizer51is default16:48
cehtehhaha ... Arkenoi i just played and accidentally activated speakers while headphones a plugged in16:49
crashanddieArkenoi: I believe it's a hardware switch -- when the jack is plugged in sound is rerouted by the chip itself16:49
RST38hthere are apps (like fmradio) that do it in software16:49
RST38hand amixer works too16:49
crashanddiehmm, interesting16:49
crashanddiegreetings __gcobb__16:49
DocScrutinizer51crashanddie: that's evidentally not correct16:49
cehtehcrashanddie: nop switching is done in software16:50
crashanddiethe n810 was wired that way anyway, my bad16:50
DocScrutinizer51RST38h: amixer works?16:50
cehtehthe audio ship can probe the device plugged in (headphone, headset, tv cable,...)16:50
crashanddieaudio ship? Does it float?16:51
cehtehchip :P16:52
davygthanks, but i don't understand, i will check the manual if it's indicated somewhere16:52
crashanddiedavyg: don't use "lock screen" in the power menu16:53
crashanddieor whatever it's called16:53
crashanddiejust use the hardware switch on the right of the device16:53
davygwhy ?16:53
crashanddieNever seen the point of going through a button press, then menu, when it can be achieved in a single action16:53
crashanddieI'm getting depressed because of all the troll threads on tmo16:54
davygyes but if you want to lock it ?16:54
davygwith a password i mean16:55
crashanddiethen configure the password beforehand :)16:55
crashanddieShould be 1234516:55
cehtehbtw its a misfeature that the 'password' is not needed at boot16:55
crashanddiedavyg: page 11 of the manual16:56
cehtehif someone steals the device he can just remove battery and put it back in to reboot it into an useable state16:56
crashanddiecehteh: SIM lock requires PIN though16:56
cehtehwell you can use another sim16:56
cehtehsims are cheap .. the device is expensive16:56
crashanddieand you think the guy is going to return it if it's locked?16:57
davyghum i'm french so don't have the same manual16:57
crashanddiedavyg: pas de soucis, c'est page 11 partout je crois16:57
davygah ^^16:57
cehtehno but he cant (as easily) spy data and needs some efforts to access it .. yes i know without encryption its not really strong16:58
davygit's not in case of stollen, it's just to prevent my little sister to read my so important sms16:58
cehtehbut not using the pass at all on boot makes it even more ineffective16:58
* cehteh plans to build a kernel with encryption support anyways ...16:58
crashanddiecehteh: goodluckwiththat16:59
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davygcrashanddie, p11 there is the phone appareance description16:59
cehtehwell maybe fuse based encryption ... thats simpler16:59
cehtehbut will suck more battery :/16:59
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davygif you want to suck battery you can periodically send gps trace to the server17:00
cehtehand make photos with the front cam17:01
davygwill permit to find your robber17:01
DocScrutinizer51btw the hardware lock password seems to work as well by kicking in on SIM swap17:01
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xeao hi17:01
cehtehi just checked .. somehoe it was disabled here ,, now i enabled it an reboot17:02
cehtehmaybe it was my fault17:02
cehtehah yes17:02
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DocScrutinizer51RST38h: amixer is really barebones ;-P  TWO controls17:03
cehtehbecause the device uses pulseaudio and not alsa to do routing i tihnk17:04
DocScrutinizer51that's what I was thinking as well17:05
phreckpulse is it.17:05
davygthanks for the help, i'm going to buy some stuff for my n900, still don't understand where it says that password is 12345, see you soon(i've a lot of things to ask^^)17:05
DocScrutinizer51davyg: MyDocs/manuals17:06
Wolfieit was in the boolket, too17:07
Wolfiein the finnish retail box at least17:07
DocScrutinizer51davyg: or N900xx-xx -> Documentos -> User Guides    in Filemanager17:08
DocScrutinizer51=tually in booklet on p.11 ' yes ;-D17:09
DocScrutinizer51"first power-on" 2.)17:10
Arkenoiamixer -c0 shows damn a lot of stuff17:11
VDVsxRST38h, ping17:13
Arkenoiamixer -c0 controls does as well17:13
DocScrutinizer51Arkenoi: mille gracie. Never thought about checking for different cards :oD17:15
DocScrutinizer51alsamixer too17:15
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LuciusMaremy n900 froze17:18
LuciusMarei installed kplayer and it just...17:19
RST38hVDVsx: Yes?17:19
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VDVsxRST38h, what's happened with colem, got stuck ? :D17:19
RST38hWho called the vivisectionist?17:19
RST38hVDVsx: Yep. Same shit all over again.17:19
RST38hVDVsx: No XFade around, too17:20
VDVsxRST38h, none-free issue perhaps ?17:20
LuciusMareokay,it unfroze17:20
RST38hVDVsx: Broken promotion scripts issue17:20
LuciusMaremplayer cant do flac?17:20
RST38hVDVsx: free/non-free should not make any difference17:20
wazd_n800RST38h, maemo god want you to leave)17:20
wazd_n800RST38h, no new firmware, apps rejection ;)17:21
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ShadowJKapps rejection?17:23
RST38hwazd: Not rejection, just permanently broken promotion mechanism17:23
RST38hBut yes, iNES/VGB/VGBA have not been allowed back on yet17:24
wazd_n800RST38h, well, anyway)17:24
RST38hProbably will not be any time soon17:24
DocScrutinizer51LuciusMare: install ogg support17:25
VDVsxRST38h, I'll try to push that after holidays :)17:28
wazd_n800VDVsx, what you got for christmas?)17:29
DocScrutinizer51lucent: dunno if that's sufficient for mplayer. Works for me for flac over maemo mediaplayer17:29
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VDVsxwazd_n800, chocolates :D17:29
ShadowJKmplayer has everything built-in17:29
Arkenoii guess i should set "Jack function" (numeric id 65) to Off, what is the correct syntax?17:29
DocScrutinizer51s/lucent/ LuciusMare /17:29
infobotDocScrutinizer51 meant:  LuciusMare : dunno if that's sufficient for mplayer. Works for me for flac over maemo mediaplayer17:29
VDVsxwazd_n800, didn't asked for anything :)17:29
wazd_n800VDVsx, LG? meh xD17:29
RST38hVDVsx: What you really need to push is community helpers to X-Fade17:29
RST38hVDVsx: Talk to jeremiah, too, as he is well aware of the problem17:29
VDVsxwazd_n800, no, lol17:29
VDVsxRST38h, I'll already offered that help, let's see what the new year brings17:30
RST38hVDVsx: Basically there is exactly 1 (one) guy responsible for the whole infrastructure. That is X-Fade. If he gets eaten by an alligator or run over by a car, we are all doomed17:30
VDVsxRST38h, yes, bus factor17:31
wazd_n800RST38h, oh  my)17:31
RST38hVDVsx: Now, if HE gets to choose who else is going to take care of the infradtructure, that is fine with me personally17:31
RST38hVDVsx: But there obviously has to be another guy doing it. Or two.17:31
wazd_n800the problem is that X-Fade is an employed master17:32
wazd_n800or am I wrong17:32
RST38hnot a problem to me17:33
VDVsxRST38h, there's some Nokians that also know the infra very well, apart from the package interface17:33
RST38hSo, he is employed. And, let us say, VDVsx will be volunteering. As long as there is no secret stuff there (and there is none afaik), it is ok17:33
VDVsxwazd_n800, employed master ? :D17:33
wazd_n800VDVsx, yeah :)17:34
wazd_n800better hire VDVsx for cash)17:34
wazd_n800that would be fair)17:34
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DocScrutinizer51anybody happens to know which mixer/audio chip is used in N900?17:36
VDVsxwazd_n800, nah, lol, I can't work for, have a embargo :D17:36
wazd_n800TI OMAP :)17:36
DocScrutinizer51wazd_n800: *only* the omap support power+audio chip?17:37
wazd_n800DocScrutinizer, that's what I know17:37
DocScrutinizer51hmm ok. Thanks17:38
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wazd_n800I've missed 666 karma state!!!((((17:40
LuciusMaremaemo does not have any integrated equalizer?17:40
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LuciusMarenothing in garage?17:40
LuciusMarelag travels through usb?17:42
fralsyou dont get karma for voting for bugs do you?17:42
lcukfrals, vote for the wrong bugs and you get an official black helicopter visit :D17:42
LuciusMarei am charging my n900 through my computer,i removed firefox and the computer froze for a second - as the music playing on my n900 O_o17:42
fralshehe :)17:42
VDVsxah TMO trolls, sigh :)17:43
LuciusMaredoes n900 have any codename?17:43
Arkenoiwell, got some success with alsa-mixer. now trying to figure out how to specify same values to amixer..17:47
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konttoriRST38h: what you are nterested in the amount of reserved maps. I think 400 is pretty nominal. Memory is not so imporatant (well, somewhat), as the amount of items. Once that raises to 10 000, it starts to be pretty bad.17:51
RST38hkonttori: Checking (runtime of ~4 hours I think)...17:52
RST38hkonttori: 2515 pixmaps total17:53
konttorisounds like something is leaking at least to some degree.17:53
RST38hkonttori: 4 hours ago it was the same. Will continue monitoring it over the next few days17:53
DocScrutinizer51LuciusMare: or RX51 iirc17:54
DocScrutinizer51Arkenoi: That's dead simple17:55
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RST38hWait, I am counting wrong17:56
RST38h2515K is MEMORY taken by pixmaps17:56
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RST38h~425 pixmaps right now18:01
threshnot too much18:01
DocScrutinizer51Arkenoi: IroN900:~# amixer -c0 sset "Speaker Function" Off18:02
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RST38hRunning amixer without -cX seems to show system wide controls only18:03
DocScrutinizer51seems to show PA related stuff only18:04
ManuelSE_kill pa and you see alsa hw18:06
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ManuelSE_pasuspender -- /usr/bin/amixer18:07
DocScrutinizer51I got it -c0 *is* "ALSA" HW18:07
ShadowJKalsamixer -c 018:07
ShadowJKand you see alsa hw ...18:07
ShadowJKjust like on a desktop computer using alsa18:08
ShadowJKand pulse18:08
ManuelSE_yes default is pulse18:08
DocScrutinizer51actually card0 is real hardware. While card1(? the default) is virtual alsa controls probably, exported by PA18:09 rules18:11
cehtehhow many people can you address in one sms?18:11
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RST38hHmm... .BG appears to be the most unhappy country of all18:13
cehtehuhm cut'n'paste text in sms is not possible? wtf? this is a internet tablet18:13
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DocScrutinizer51hmm I'm failing to figure which Device + card is pulseaudio default18:17
DocScrutinizer51as in 'amixer' == 'amixer -D ? -c ?'18:18
* RST38h makes another attempt to compile xchat18:19
DocScrutinizer51RST38h: compare 'amixer' and 'amixer -c0'18:19
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DocScrutinizer51RST38h: I'd think c0 is default. Actually it's not18:20
ManuelSE_why care?18:21
DocScrutinizer51to understand?18:21
ManuelSE_there is a wiki18:22
ManuelSE_i think18:22
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ManuelSE_you didnt specify "default" of what18:23
DocScrutinizer51default of amixer for instance18:23
DocScrutinizer51my idea about unix cmdline options was leaving out one defaults to 018:24
RST38hDoc: As I said, without -c0 it only shows overall controls18:24
ManuelSE_see alsa conf18:24
RST38hi.e. not associated with any audio device18:24
ali1234actually that's not true18:24
ManuelSE_pulse alsa device18:24
ali1234compare 'alsamixer' and 'alsamixer -c0'18:24
ali1234different card18:25
DocScrutinizer51actually card0 is real hardware. While card1(? the default) is virtual alsa controls probably, exported by PA18:25
RST38hUbuntu 9.10 upgrade? Yes or no?18:25
DocScrutinizer51ali1234: which card???18:25
DocScrutinizer51  -c32 ?18:26
ali1234afaict alsa has a concept of a "default" card18:26
ali1234and in this case it has been patched such that the "default" is pulseaudio which does not show up under any -c n argument18:26
ali1234you can't make the PA controls show up with any value of n that i can find18:26
ali1234Usage: alsamixer [-h] [-c <card: 0...7>] ...18:26
ali1234so i tried 0 - 718:26
ali1234none of them show the default PA card18:27
DocScrutinizer51kinda weird18:27
ali1234yes, probably more nokia specific hacks18:27
viqAnyone using openvpn? I tried make it drop privileges and I'm having some issues with it, namely it does not (can't) delete routes after disconnect.18:28
ali1234i mean, if you really want to know what's going on, just get the alsalib source and see wtf they have done to it18:28
SpeedEvilI wish I could make low profile right angle connectors for sale.18:28
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SpeedEvilAlas - they'd have to be expensive.18:28
SpeedEvilAs they'd be handbuilt.18:29
DocScrutinizer51SpeedEvil: which type?18:30
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Vengeful[zZzZz]apart the fact that i'm gonna replace my phone18:30
Vengeful[zZzZz]there is a way to have a backup18:31
Vengeful[zZzZz]so every reflash18:31
ali1234RST38h: don't upgrade to 9.10, it's still horribly broken compared to 9.0418:31
Vengeful[zZzZz]is always customized?18:31
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: microb18:31
DocScrutinizer51huh? XD18:31
RST38hali: Understood, thanks18:31
* RST38h will abstain then18:31
ali1234ubuntu x.10 releases are always bad, like odd number star trek bad18:32
RST38hThe magic of the numbers...18:33
DocScrutinizer51SpeedEvil: microb plugins 90° ?18:33
adeusmagic of 10-based numbers18:34
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: yes18:34
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: so it's ~10mm out of the side of the phone, not ~40 or so18:34
ManuelSE_who is learning ogles?18:35
ManuelSE_bounce looks so pretty18:35
SpeedEvilManuelSE_: indeed, it does.18:35
* DocScrutinizer51 wonders how a flash plugin rectangle might look like18:35
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DocScrutinizer51SpeedEvil: I've seen 90° mini-USB, and same for 2.5 and 3.5mm18:37
DocScrutinizer51not so fo microUSB18:38
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SpeedEvilyeah - what I meant18:41
SpeedEvilhave to take a plug, and bend it carefully with cutting and ...18:41
* SpeedEvil considers a USB plug/lanyard.18:42
* DocScrutinizer51 suggests scalpel and hotglue18:42
SpeedEvilthat sort of thing, yes.18:42
SpeedEvilthough buying the plug bits18:42
DocScrutinizer51if you find a source for uUSB plugs for DIY then toss me a pointer please18:43
DocScrutinizer51never heard18:44
DocScrutinizer51zx81? ;-P18:45
DocScrutinizer51nah. that's a evergreen18:46
DocScrutinizer51zx40 ?? o.O18:46
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* RST38h wonders why people use autoconf and write megabytes of makefiles18:46
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DocScrutinizer51yeah. kick autoconf ;-)18:47
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* RST38h is unable to compile XChat because of this18:47
RST38hAnd there is no qwerty12 around to help out18:47
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adeushmh, I want my n90018:48
adeusI even wrote an app and I have nowhere to test it18:48
DocScrutinizer51RST38h: so we may hope for a non-segv xchat with cool scrolling eventually :)))18:48
RobertH[AU]hey everyone18:50
RST38hThat is what I am trying to do18:50
RST38hBut it doesn't fucking build.18:50
rkirtiRST38h: autotools is a blessing in disguise whose merits are only realised by the build-systems people - they maybe be horrid but my life without them was even more horrid18:50
* DocScrutinizer51 hands RST38h a candybar18:50
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SpeedEvilRST38h: also - piping to the speech synth an option plz :)18:52
* SpeedEvil tries to remember the name of that synth18:53
DocScrutinizer51SpeedEvil: tail -f ~/.xchat2/logging/maemo | narrator18:54
RST38hrkirti: Build systems people have a honorable spot in my personal list of people I would like exterminated18:54
RST38hEspecially considering that they are never of any use anyway18:55
SpeedEvilTransconductance drops with increasing temp, though gate threshold drops, so if you have a high set current, the current may fall. if it's low, it may rise18:55
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SpeedEvilyeah - espeak18:56
DocScrutinizer51heh. explaining implicit stability of FET amps? :)18:56
SpeedEvilor instability as current sources when they get hot18:56
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DocScrutinizer51yeah. the nice thing with power mosfets you can parallel them without any headaches18:57
SpeedEvilSomeone I know recently got bit while trying to use them at -55C.18:58
siriusnova-55 C?18:58
SpeedEvilWorked fine at 25, at -55, not enough Vgs to turn it on and blow the pyrotechnics.18:58
SpeedEvil(high altitude baloon amateurs)18:58
siriusnovawhats new in the N900 world18:58
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DocScrutinizer51also you need special cells19:00
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SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: AA lithium work ok19:00
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DocScrutinizer51I'd guess Z goes thru the roof19:00
DocScrutinizer51aah primary19:00
ManuelSE_can u get emulatyor sound good with pasuspender rst?19:02
DocScrutinizer51pasuspender most likely will break all audio except that you used it for19:05
DocScrutinizer51so not a brilliant idea for a *phone*19:05
ManuelSE_i know19:05
ManuelSE_emulator just needs option to talk to alsa O.O19:06
SpeedEvilInstall asterisk and setup right.19:06
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SpeedEvil'I am sorry, the party you called cannot be reached, as they are playing Donkey Kong'.19:06
ManuelSE_emulator can also switch profile to busy19:06
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DocScrutinizer51ManuelSE_: what's emu soundsystem? OSS aka /dev/dsp ?19:07
DocScrutinizer51so where's the problem? you should be able to config a dedicated alsa device for emu then19:09
konttoridoes anyone know what font types are supported on maemo?19:09
viqAh, so the answer was 'push "redirect-gateway def1"'19:09
DocScrutinizer51and use dmix19:09
ManuelSE_try it19:09
ManuelSE_sound sputters19:09
DocScrutinizer51or even the pa provided alsa compatibility layer19:10
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konttoritruetype, freetype?19:10
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ManuelSE_there is no problems with pulse except occasionally i he4 repeats in media player19:11
threshhow do i easily upload photos on n900?19:11
threshwget -m seems obvious, but want to do that The User Way (tm)19:12
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Vengeful[zZzZz]i can't reflash emmc...19:13
SpeedEvilthresh: on camera app19:13
threshuhm, i mean 'import'19:14
SpeedEvilthresh: hit the little <8 - sort-of - icon19:14
Vengeful[zZzZz]tells me booting device into flash mode. and nothing happens19:14
DocScrutinizer51ManuelSE_: (sigh) the story goes like this (seen e.g for twinklephone): each current distro adopts PA "as it has much better sound and just works". Then same people ask for all alsa based apps to implement native PA support as it turns out alsa apps do *not* "just work" with PA19:14
Vengeful[zZzZz]he doesnt recognize 2° boot19:14
* RST38h lazily dissects Rushmore19:14
SpeedEvilthresh: scp * phone:/home/user/... ;)19:14
threshSpeedEvil: hey I asked about The User Way (tm)! :)19:14
Vengeful[zZzZz]another way to flash emmc? :)19:14
SpeedEvilthresh: you don't need to be root, what more do you want? :)19:15
SpeedEvilthresh: drag them on when the mmc is shared?19:15
threshthat involves finding USB cable :)19:15
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threshok, so no simple downloader inside?19:15
* lcukn900 watches the grufalo19:16
Vengeful[zZzZz]i need to reformat the phone :°19:17
Vengeful[zZzZz]i must return this defect19:17
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VDVsxkonttori, the default fonts are truetype19:20
wolf^tresh, try dftpd19:21
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siriusnovaso who here has the leaked N900 firmware?19:33
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DocScrutinizer51thresh: sftp://N900  in desktop's browser (e.g. konqueror) ?19:34
threshmmh nice idea19:35
threshneed to find out where Finder has it :)19:35
DocScrutinizer51siriusnova: seems a lot of people have leaking firmware :-P19:35
threshduh, only can do afp, at, file, ftp, http, https, nfs, smb, cifs, vnc19:36
Nitialthresh: you need macfusion to make finder understand sftp19:36
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* thresh doesnt like fuse19:36
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threshbut yeah, it's cool.19:37
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threshok, another question: how do i force media player to download album art for the songs?19:39
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threshsurprisingly it cant find any album art for Pearl Jam19:41
lbtX-Fade: ping...19:42
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tealbirdIs there a way for me to boot a custom kernel without flashing it? I use the flasher options "-l -b" and I see it loads / boots the kernel but then it "plays dead" and I can't get it to boot normally19:51
tealbirdWIth an n90019:51
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type_t<nezb> good afternoon.20:02
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type_t# so 2010 is going to be better? . the year of strides..?20:05
nezblet's hope20:05
nezbI just got off the phone with my 2nd nokia support person of the day, refusing to support my phone because I bought it from a reseller20:05
type_t# wow they are giving you the cold shoulder20:06
nezbkept telling me to call my reseller and ask for a new N900...which is stupid because this can be fixed easily20:07
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RST38hnezb: why not call your reseller?20:07
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nezbbecause all I need is a new back cover20:07
nezbNewEgg probably won't send me that :P20:07
RST38hthey will send you a new n900 though20:08
nezbthey will make me send my current one back first probably20:08
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RST38hAbsolutely positively priceless:
nezb^ read it20:09
SpeedEvilRST38h: I wanted to point lardman at that as a source of profit.20:09
RST38hSpeedEvil: Administration has changed20:10
RST38hSpeedEvil: Besides, you have to at least demonstrate that you believe into the same pseudo-christian mumbo jumbo as these guys20:10
RST38hSo, a New Approach is needed! =)20:11
nezbhappy (almost) new year =)20:13
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type_t# alot of times these people are in the clik but after their peers turn on them . they flush all the bad stuff with these guys and make them escapeGoats and so they have a clean slate to con more. so you know who a person is by who he hangs with.20:17
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RST38h"escape goat" <=== allows for such a wealth of interpretations...20:29
Stskeepstype_t: # doesn't work in here20:29
timeless_mbpStskeeps: do you grab my updated l10n strings?20:30
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LuciusMare_n900can i get bash on maemo 5?20:30
Stskeepstimeless_mbp: no not yet20:31
Stskeepsjust spent 3 days at polish xmas, just came in the door20:31
timeless_mbpGeoPing Stskeeps20:31
* timeless_mbp is in NW London20:31
Stskeepswell, my own apartment20:31
timeless_mbpyou're in eastern europe, right?20:32
* timeless_mbp isn't really used to hearing 'Posh' outside of England20:32
LuciusMare_n900hello? :/20:32
timeless_mbp(and i've heard posh spoken aloud a number of times this weekend)20:32
Stskeepspolish xmas, not posh xmas20:32
LuciusMare_n900or is recompiling for maemo enough?20:32
timeless_mbpoh oops :)20:32
timeless_mbpLuciusMare_n900: if you're suicidal20:32
timeless_mbpit's probably in a repo20:32
LuciusMare_n900why suicidal?20:33
Robot101LuciusMare_n900: just go onto the command line and apt-get install it20:33
timeless_mbpwell, if you aren't careful, you can break things by installing a shell :)20:33
LuciusMare_n900what can get wrong?20:33
threshand who needs bash anyway20:33
* LuciusMare_n900 .20:33
timeless_mbpLuciusMare_n900: ever heard of dear old Murphy?20:33
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timeless_mbpLuciusMare_n900: please make the acquaintance of Mr SSH20:34
LuciusMare_n900shell is just an app,no big invading into systemm20:34
timeless_mbpshell is not just an app20:34
timeless_mbppoorly written apps make many assumptions about shells20:34
timeless_mbpand when assumptions cease to be true, ... see Mr Murphy20:34
LuciusMare_n900i need it for bash scripts20:35
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LuciusMare_n900i wont "use" it20:35
timeless_mbpwhy use bash scripts on your n900 in the first place?20:35
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timeless_mbpwhat problem are you actually trying to solve?20:35
zdzichuBGHi guys. Is this a right place to ask about SDK?20:35
LuciusMare_n900i have a few programs20:35
RST38hyou can try20:35
LuciusMare_n900i use20:35
LuciusMare_n900and they're written in bash20:36
LuciusMare_n900i don't want to rewrite them :/20:36
timeless_mbpport them to perl or python :)20:36
mzathey wont run in sh?20:36
timeless_mbpwhat do they do20:36
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zdzichuBGI'd like to buy n900 as my work phone. I downloaded SDK to check if it's compatible with our MS Exchange mail/calendar server, but I cannot find other mail server types than IMAP4/POP3. Is SDK missing those?20:37
mzawhat shell comes with the N900?20:37
Robot101zdzichuBG: the mail sync for exchange isn't included in the sdk - it is /not/ an emulator.20:37
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SpeedEvilzdzichuBG: The sdk is not an emultor20:38
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zdzichuBGI understand. Is there any way to install mail sync? I really need to get sure n900 will work  or my boss won't approve it :/20:39
timeless_mbpzdzichuBG: err20:39
timeless_mbplet's try again:20:39
timeless_mbpthe sdk is NOT an emulator20:39
timeless_mbpit's an SDK20:39
timeless_mbpfor building your own applications20:40
timeless_mbpthe Nokia N900 includes MfE20:40
timeless_mbpwhich is what you want.20:40
timeless_mbpzdzichuBG: note that the MfE implementation supports a specific version of the ActiveSync protocol20:40
zdzichuBGI see. Just I don't know if I want n900 if it won't work with our Exchange server.20:41
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timeless_mbpif you specify the version of your exchange server (2000, 2003, 2007, ...) someone could tell you if it's supported20:41
LuciusMare_n900can i edit my kyb layout so fn+uparrow makes,for example pipe?20:41
zdzichuBGtimeless_mbp: that's why I want to test first.20:41
timeless_mbpLuciusMare_n900: you could20:41
timeless_mbpzdzichuBG: so find a friend and borrow his.20:41
timeless_mbpbut simply put, all you have to do is tell us which version of exchange server you have20:41
timeless_mbpand you'll get a simple 'yes' or 'no' answer20:42
timeless_mbpthere's no 'testing' required20:42
StskeepszdzichuBG: noone sane will buy a large quantity of n900s without trying out a trial one anyway :P20:42
Robot101zdzichuBG: you can't test, the sdk doesn't have the mail for exchange software in it20:42
Stskeepsi don't think any phones allow you to test like you want to though20:42
Robot101timeless_mbp: which versions of exchange does it support? :)20:42
zdzichuBGtimeless_mbp: sure, but if I knew it I would be able to google it ;) I have no chance in penetrating corporate IT and getting know what software we run at GE.20:42
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zdzichuBGI'm too low in food chain :/20:43
Robot101give us an account on your work server, and we can tell you if it works :P20:43
LuciusMare_n900i am not sure if n900 w/ its price and all featurer20:43
timeless_mbpRobot101: i'll let Vitaly answer that, since it's his baby20:43
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Robot101timeless_mbp: is there any plan to make it work better with gmail?20:43
LuciusMare_n900features good as a business phone20:43
timeless_mbpRobot101: officially no one has stated such a thing20:43
Robot101grr greylisting20:43
timeless_mbpreality of the matter is that everyone inside wants it to work20:43
timeless_mbpso ...20:43
hrw|n900is there a way to install maemo5 update on n900?20:44
timeless_mbphrw|gone-to-2010: eh?20:44
Robot101timeless_mbp: or even ovi would be good enough, being forced to use the PC suite on windows is pretty depressing20:44
Robot101the built-in sync didn't work with any of my family's phones :(20:44
cehtehrsync ftw :P20:45
hrw|n900timeless: ham told me that there is update to 'maemo5' package but also told that it require using pc20:45
zdzichuBGWe have some phones "approved" like Nokia E61, E75, Blackberries... I can use company money to buy unapproved phone like n900 but it need to work.20:45
timeless_mbphrw: oh wow20:45
LuciusMare_n900how can i edit my kyb layout so fn+uparrow makes,for example pipe?20:45
timeless_mbphrw: eventually we intend to support updating over the air20:45
StskeepszdzichuBG: well you can't know before you try20:45
timeless_mbpi believe that you're just at an in between point20:45
timeless_mbpwhere we haven't done enough testing for 1.120:46
timeless_mbpand it's christmas20:46
wazdoook, now they tell me what I need to do20:46
Stskeepswazd: DDP?20:46
hrw|n900timeless: so user will be forced to pcsuite crap?20:46
cehtehan update to the battery would be nice20:46
timeless_mbphrw: they shouldn't20:46
wazdStskeeps: blog visitors :)20:46
timeless_mbpthey should wait patiently20:46
Stskeepswazd: ah20:46
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timeless_mbpfor more testing by us+others20:46
timeless_mbpand then they should get over the air updates20:46
timeless_mbpat least, that was the last plan i heard20:46
timeless_mbpotoh, i hear about things later than everyone else20:46
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timeless_mbpmy news is typically 1month old :)20:47
hrw|n900timeless: 2010 feb?20:47
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go1dfishthe firmware update is available for manual install now?20:47
timeless_mbphrw: "i dunno"20:47
timeless_mbpgo1dfish: it was listed in maemo-community20:47
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timeless_mbp(whatever that is)20:48
Stskeepsright, time to try dual-booting my n90020:48
Stskeepswith dual maemo520:48
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timeless_mbpso, Robot101, i believe MfE supports 2007 (as I believe that's what my server uses)20:49
LuciusMare_n900dual-booting a rover20:49
timeless_mbpdescribes the MfE support20:49
timeless_mbpsee, Vitaly is out there in the public, explaining what we support20:50
timeless_mbpand he's even announcing what is coming20:50
timeless_mbpshocking isn't it?20:50
timeless_mbpoddly, i found that by googling: maemo mfe 2003 200720:50
wazdkonttori_nokia: around? :)20:50
Robot101timeless_mbp: good man, cool20:52
LuciusMare_n900how can i edit my kyb layout so fn+uparrow makes,for example pipe?20:52
zdzichuBGthanks guys.20:52
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wazdStskeeps: time for a post btw ;_20:52
wazdStskeeps: ;)20:52
go1dfishStskeeps: is there a good guide for booting from microSD on n900?20:53
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* wazd ponders if his blog will reach 10k visitors/month in december :)20:54
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Stskeepswazd: cool20:57
Stskeepsgo1dfish: that's what i'm working on20:57
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go1dfishStskeeps: cool, yeah I just found your thread, boot menu etc...20:58
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Stskeepsgo1dfish: right now i'm trying to use the 2gb partition for it where /opt is as well20:59
Stskeepseasier for my debugging :P20:59
go1dfishI've got a brand new class 4 4gb card I got specifically for trying out other booting arrangements20:59
Stskeepsi'll let you know when i have something that works then, K?21:00
go1dfishcool, will be happy to help test21:00
LuciusMare_n900how can i edit my kyb layout so fn+uparrow makes,for example pipe?21:00
Stskeepsyou might as well prepare by having PR1.0 and rsync installed21:00
LuciusMare_n900i know how to do the regular changing of layout21:01
go1dfishPR1.0 == 42-11 correct?, already have rsync to :)21:01
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go1dfishfor a while my about product screen was showing (null) for just about everything, but it's showing up right now heh21:02
Stskeepsi think i have permanently screwed mine by making my own ubifs21:02
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SpeedEvilWhat are the 'composite' images that are downloadable. Are these merely kerenl + rootfs?21:03
timeless_mbpdoes anyone here have access to Lotus Traveller?21:04
StskeepsSpeedEvil: FIASCO?21:04
StskeepsSpeedEvil: it's basically kernel+rootfs+bootloader or emmc contents etc etc21:05
SpeedEvilErr - combined21:05
Stskeeps0xffff site has some specifics for n8x021:05
* timeless_mbp has never seen a fiasco w/ both rootfs and emmc21:05
SpeedEvilI broke my python.21:05
SpeedEvilSo I need to flash.21:05
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timeless_mbpSpeedEvil: do you mean 'combined'21:05
Stskeepstimeless_mbp: note the "or"21:06
timeless_mbpStskeeps: the 'etc etc' bit bugged me :)21:06
Stskeepsyeah :P21:06
SpeedEvilEither flash, or work out how to tell apt that I want it to blow away all of the packages, and let me remove any trailing files.21:06
SpeedEviltimeless: I do21:06
timeless_mbpafaik, the label has something to do w/ which target devices are supported21:06
go1dfishI haven't bricked or needed to reflash mine yet, I must not be trying hard enough :)21:06
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timeless_mbpgo1dfish: you don't have to be one of the privileged few21:06
timeless_mbpwe don't award any prizes for doing so21:06
LuciusMare_n900when i select install forecaweather from the menu,it just throws me to app manager,nothing else21:07
SpeedEvilflashing doesn't touch home?21:07
timeless_mbpwell, i can probably pass out dunce caps :)21:07
go1dfishI've filled up my rootfs a few times21:07
timeless_mbpSpeedEvil: it depends on what you flash21:07
go1dfishbut had the forsight to clean things up before rebooting21:07
timeless_mbpbut just flashing rootfs doesn't touch home21:07
timeless_mbplikewise, flashing eMMC doesn't touch home21:07
SpeedEvilmeh - tar is my friend.21:08
timeless_mbpwait, no that's wrong21:08
timeless_mbpsince home is on eMMC21:08
timeless_mbpsorry :)21:08
* timeless_mbp is tired21:08
timeless_mbpyeah, flashing eMMC will roast home21:08
* SpeedEvil shoots timeless_mbp with a caffine gun.21:08
* timeless_mbp should just go outside and get some GBPs21:08
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LuciusMare_n900why nobody here answers me?21:11
adeuswe have nothing to say21:12
wazdLuciusMare_n900: use OMW21:12
SpeedEvilLuciusMare_n900: because nobody happens to understand your question, have the inclination and the knowledge to answer it.21:12
* SpeedEvil wants yrweather.21:12 ++21:12
wazdLuciusMare_n900: OMWeather21:12
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SpeedEvilWill even spit out xml21:12
* wazd thinks that OMW will tomorrow reach 10k downloads :)21:13
LuciusMare_n900if you dont understand my questions, you can ask21:14
wazdLuciusMare_n900: I guess if you want to install foreca anyway, you should locate it in HAM21:15
infobotfrom memory, ham is oink oink21:15
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wazdinfobot ++21:15
infobotrumour has it, + is a nice kitty, or a way to force me to answer in public (like, \"~+foo\" -> \"<apt> foo is bar\")21:15
wazdhildon aplication manager21:16
wazdinfobot: forget HAM21:16
LuciusMare_n900use CHEESE21:16
wazdinfobot: HAM is Hildon Application Manager21:17
infobot...but ham is already something else...21:17
infobotfrom memory, ham is oink oink21:17
LuciusMare_n900forget fail21:17
wazdinfobot: forget HAM goddamn!21:17
infoboti didn't have anything called 'ham goddamn!' to forget, wazd21:17
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wazdinfobot: forget HAM21:17
infobotfrom memory, ham is oink oink21:17
wazdno, he should confirm21:17
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wazd~forget HAM21:18
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wazd~burn himself21:18
* infobot pours gasoline all over himself, ignites the fire, and then enjoys some toasty marshmallows with the glorious blaze21:18
infobot"The day Microsoft makes something that doesn't suck is the day they start making vacuum cleaners."21:19
infobotfrom memory, linux is an operating system that beats the socks off Windows and Mac!  Go Linux!21:19
LuciusMare_n900its a linux fanboy!21:19
infobotextra, extra, read all about it, infobot is The coolest21:19
infobotextra, extra, read all about it, hurd is The GNU Hurd is the GNU project's replacement for the Unix kernel. It stands for HIRD of UNIX Replacing Daemons. The Hurd is a collection of servers that run on the Mach microkernel, and on l4 in the future, to implement file systems, network protocols, file access control, and other features that are implemented by the Unix kernel or similar kernels (such as Linux).21:20
infobotextra, extra, read all about it, emacs is as useless as vim if you don't wanna learn it21:20
wazdinfobot: can you forget anything?21:20
infobotfrom memory, wazd is The Greatest Prince of the Universe21:21
wazdinfobot: forget HAM21:21
LuciusMare_n900infobot: cook BACON21:22
* infobot throws BACON in a big pan with veggies inside and cooks BACON on 350 for an hour21:22
wazdwhat's wrong with forget I wonder :)21:22
infobotfrom memory, chicken is , or free-food for all!, or a language, or (Gallus gallus) is a type of domesticated bird which is often raised as a type of poultry. It is believed to be descended from the wild Asian Red Junglefowl.21:23
* infobot farts, releasing large quantities of methane and sulfur dioxide. "Evacuate the channel! GO! *gag* SAVE YOURSELVES *cough* MOVE *choke* MOVE!"21:24
cehtehipsec .. ipv6? .. mhm21:24
infobotsh-compatible command language interpreter. URL:, or ugly, or another word for a 'do'21:25
infobotwell, lol is stands for Laughing Out Loud. It is grammatically incorrect to use LOL in the first person; use 'heh' or 'haha' instead. If you want to use LOL, do '/me lol' instead.21:25
t_s_oslow day?21:25
* infobot mooooooooo! I am cow, hear me moo, I weigh twice as much as you. I am cow, eating grass, methane gas comes out my ass21:26
infobotUbuntu is based on Debian, but it is not Debian, and it is unlikely to live up to Debian's standards (see <Debian policy>).  Only Debian is supported on #debian.  Use #ubuntu ( instead.  Even if the channel happens to be less helpful, support for distributions other than Debian is offtopic on #debian.21:27
infobotIa! Ia! Cthulhu ftaghn! or i heard cthulhu was an ancient horror, sleeping below the seas in dread R'lyeh. or a figment of '30s horror author H.P. Lovecraft's imagination..  Ph'nglui Mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'Lyeh Wgah'nagl Fhtagn21:27
timeless_mbpLuciusMare_n900: please stop abusing the bot21:27
t_s_oi find myself wondering where it draws its data from...21:28
cehtehi found yet another way to crash the device :P21:28
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LuciusMare_n900cehteh: tell us21:28
cehtehecho heartbeat >/sys/class/leds../trigger21:28
timeless_mbpt_s_o: infobots support infopacks21:28
timeless_mbpyou can install as many as you like when you set them up21:28
LuciusMare_n900what does it do?21:28
timeless_mbpinfobot: infobot ?21:29
infoboti guess infobot is The coolest21:29
infoboti guess infobot is The coolest21:29
cehtehnormally it connect the kernel heartbeat to the led ..21:29
t_s_otimeless_mbp: thanks, not that familiar with irc bots...21:29
LuciusMare_n900cehteh: and un-normally?21:29
cehtehbut since the led driver is a small microcontroler it might send some unexpected interrupt21:29
cehtehthe n900 programs this already to do the blinking without cpu intervention21:30
timeless_mbpLuciusMare_n900: fwiw, 'normal' supports 'abnormal' not 'unnormal'21:30
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LuciusMare_n900i know ;)21:30
cehtehecho 255 >/sys/class/leds/lp5523\:r/brightness21:30
cehtehyou can do that without crash :)21:30
LuciusMare_n900how to stop it?21:31
LuciusMare_n900it just keepw flashing21:32
LuciusMare_n900thats not funny21:32
LuciusMare_n900it stopped21:34
go1dfishLuciusMare_n900: don't run random commands you don't understand on your phone :P, im sure a reboot should fix it? or likely just plugging it in to charge, or anything else that changes the light21:34
LuciusMare_n900it was a lesson ;)21:34
GAN900LuciusMare_n900, there's an Igalia blog post to remap.21:34
GAN900Google should turn it up.21:34
GAN900The Application Manager is processing, just give it some time.21:35
LuciusMare_n900"n900 remap"?21:35
RST38ht_s_o: Why? From Rl'yeh of course!21:35
t_s_oRST38h: heh, by way of a canadian isp no dout ;)21:36
timeless_mbpGAN900: 730621:36
timeless_mbpplease tell that reporter to piss of21:36
timeless_mbphe's totally ruining my holiday cheer21:36
GAN900bug 730621:37
povbotBug Browser doesn't open URL of schemas that not defined at uri-action-defaults.list.21:37
LuciusMare_n900bash supports multiple files @ 1 command - for example mv {a,b,c} foo moves all,a and b and c to bar. can busybox do that?21:37
timeless_mbpLuciusMare_n900: have you considered testing?21:37
LuciusMare_n900moves them to foo,ofc21:37
LuciusMare_n900i did21:37
LuciusMare_n900it does not work21:37
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timeless_mbpperl -e 'print <{apps,9}>'21:38
timeless_mbpseems to work21:38
timeless_mbpso use perl :)21:38
timeless_mbpwhat's funny?21:39
timeless_mbpit works.21:39
timeless_mbpit's supported21:39
timeless_mbpit will continue to work21:39
timeless_mbpyou can even use it from busybox (as i did)21:39
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GAN900timeless_mbp, hahaha21:40
timeless_mbpGAN900: anyway, please do tell him to piss off21:41
timeless_mbpwhat the **** is he thinking?21:41
timeless_mbpLuciusMare_n900: stay out of this21:41
timeless_mbpit's bad for your health21:41
* LuciusMare_n900 stopped understanding a few minutes agp21:41
GAN900timeless_mbp, meh, my Holiday Cheer is currently intact. I'm eating a Christmas turkey sandwich and enjoying the feeling of my cold fading away. :P21:42
timeless_mbpif you aren't sober enough to retain context, you should try to remain merrily naive21:42
GAN900timeless_mbp, I'll con Andre into putting on the firesuit after the holidays.21:42
LuciusMare_n900i dont know what is wrong there21:42
GiantTalkingCowI've never understood why people like turkey, to be honest. I've had it made every which way and I've never taken to it.21:42
LuciusMare_n900why is the perl bad?21:42
timeless_mbpLuciusMare_n900: there's nothing wrong w/ perl21:43
LuciusMare_n900then what?21:43
timeless_mbpthe context has nothing to do with stuff here21:43
timeless_mbpagain, if you aren't sober enough to follow the context, you are better served by being merrily naive21:43
* timeless_mbp goes out21:43
* LuciusMare_n900 passes out21:44
timeless_mbpwise choice of actions21:44
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GAN900GiantTalkingCow, you clearly haven't had it served hot and smoothered in gravy on toasted rye bread. :P21:44
GiantTalkingCowGAN900: Sounds nice, maybe I'll give it a try.21:45
jiajiahei guys how to type chinese can anyone tell me if there is a third party software21:45
jiajiareally appreciate21:46
GiantTalkingCowjiajia: I'm checking right now, but can't find anything right away, sorry.21:46
GAN900jiajia, don't think so yet, but somebody's always come up with something in the past.21:46
jiajiahei thanks a lot21:46
jiajiaeveryone thanks i hope there is chinese input so it will be easier for me  type chinese with my gf21:47
GiantTalkingCowIt doesn't look as if there's any Chinese input at the moment. Unless I've missed something. :(21:48
jiajiahope there is:)21:48
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GiantTalkingCowStill no luck finding Chinese input, I'm sorry to say. You'd think that with the number of people who use it, Nokia would've added support.21:53
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ManuelSE_i was thinking of more fun command22:00
ml-N900there isn't any but that emacs workaround22:02
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* wazd looks thru Miniature thread and smiles :)22:04
ManuelSE_did you answer ? i fell asleep22:06
wazdRST38h: well, they try to invent a UI for chess :)22:06
RST38hare they having fun though?22:07
wazdRST38h: I hope :)22:08
RST38hthat is all that matters :)22:08
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mythtvhi, I'm trying to setup ssh. I want to use the phone to get to a server. The phone doesn't have a .ssh directory.. what should i do ?22:18
cehtehmkdir .ssh ? :)22:18
ManuelSE_dont panic22:18
cehtehwell call ssh-keygen it will generate it22:19
mythtvah, I'll try that,22:19
cehtehotherwise mkdir and chmod go-rwx22:19
cehtehthen you may put existing keys there22:20
mythtvI want the regular user to be able to ssh into the server22:20
mythtvis that not advised?22:20
mythtvI saw the message about creating the directory /root/.ssh...22:20
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ManuelSE_if you dispense with passwords22:20
ManuelSE_then maybe you have nne22:20
cehtehyou have to do that as user22:21
cehtehyou are logged in as root or?22:21
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ManuelSE_i would suggest other command line things22:21
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cehtehreminds me to delete passwords :)22:22
ManuelSE_like echo exit to .bashrc22:22
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mythtvi'm root22:22
cehtehthe passcode used to lock the device is stored somewhere else or?22:22
mythtvI'll just do it as root22:22
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ManuelSE_well if u give pwdless ssh to n900 then you ddi what u do22:23
cehtehmythtv: ssh-keygen makes the key for the user who calls it .. so be user not root22:23
ManuelSE_and do wat u dod22:23
ManuelSE_then act surprised22:23
ManuelSE_be fun22:23
cehtehManuelSE_: woot?22:23
ManuelSE_woot and lul22:23
cehtehdisable passwords, key login only, my usual setup22:23
mythtvis it possible to paste text into a file somehow?22:24
mythtvI wish I had nano22:24
DocScrutinizer51cehteh: that's an interesting question where hw lockkey is stored22:24
cehtehcat >file   ?22:24
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mythtvthe text has " and new lines22:25
mythtvprobablly  /\ as well22:26
ManuelSE_i use vi22:26
cehtehDocScrutinizer: i hope it is not the 'user' password .. i am up to delete that :)22:26
cehtehwell maybe i just disable22:26
DocScrutinizer51cehteh: a really bad idea to delete user password22:27
davyghey another question, does someone manage to synchronize zimbra with the n900 ?22:27
cehtehDocScrutinizer: why?22:27
Shadikkamythtv: apt-get install nano? ;)22:28
cehtehwith delete i mean disable .. not passwordless22:28
DocScrutinizer51well depends on what services u use. and which config for those22:28
mythtvthere is no nano :(22:28
cehtehapt-get install nano22:29
cehtehthere is emacs too :)22:29
cehtehDocScrutinizer: ah user password != lock code -- puh :)22:29
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* cehteh deletes the password hashes completely :)22:29
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DocScrutinizer51no. isn't. otherwise I wouldn't say it's inzeresting Q where it's stored22:30
cehteh VISUAL=nano vipw22:30
RST38hnano! nano! nano!22:30
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MohammadAGmythtv, doesn't this one work ?22:31
DocScrutinizer51nano is a pita22:31
cehtehMohammadAG: there *is* nano in devel or extras or testing22:31
RST38hother than crashing on Ctrl+W, it is ok22:31
* cehteh sshs to his n90022:32
MohammadAGcehteh, haven't checked all apps yet, just cba to do it on the SDK when my device is arriving on monday22:32
Stskeepsgo1dfish: current status: it stalls somewhere in pin query, which is interesting, since i don't have a PIN22:32
go1dfishStskeeps: I havent set one either22:33
cehtehcan one use ssh-keys for openvpn?22:33
go1dfishiirc the default pin is 1234522:33
Stskeepsgo1dfish: yeah but this is not lock code :/22:33
cehtehsomehow convert them?22:33
Stskeepsgo1dfish: it doesn't even show the pin query22:33
cehtehStskeeps: pin for what?22:34
Stskeepscehteh: sim22:34
mythtvI need to copy text from a webpage and paste it into a file, the file is not accessable by the GUI text editor it seems22:34
mythtvany ideas?22:34
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RST38hcat >>file ?22:34
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go1dfishmythtv: install leafpad22:34
cehtehmythtv: web page in microb?22:34
go1dfishleafpad /path/to/file22:35
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mythtvok I have leafpad but how to copy?22:35
go1dfishin microb...22:35
go1dfishswipe finger in from left side of screen under speaker in22:35
go1dfishyou'll get a new icon with a mouse cursor22:35
cehtehmythtv: you can enable the mouse cursor in microb by sliding the stylus (or finger) in from the left lower middle side22:35
mythtvthe webpage is firefox22:35
go1dfishpress it, then you'll be able to select text22:35
cehtehthen a arrow appears, click it and you can select text22:36
go1dfishdon't know how to on firefox/fennec22:36
mythtvis microb a differnet browser ?22:36
DocScrutinizer51guys. there is sim pin. and then there's hw lock password22:36
StskeepsDocScrutinizer51: i'm quite sure this one is the sim pin.22:36
MohammadAGfennec =/= fennec22:36
Stskeepsit doesn't show it, but my serial says otherwise.22:36
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MohammadAGfennec =/= microb22:36
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go1dfishmythtv: microb = 'Web' on the device, the default browser22:36
* cehteh installed fennec and is not yet impressed22:36
go1dfishfennec == firefox mobile or just 'firefox' on the device22:36
go1dfishcehteh: does fennec do portrait?22:37
cehtehtakes ages to start, swallows ram like no tomorrow22:37
RST38hfennec is a resource hog22:37
cehtehi dint even try22:37
go1dfishcehteh: just like the desktop heh22:37
cehtehyeah i really love microb22:37
DocScrutinizer51Stskeeps: missing info here to guess. But you should be able to tell from requester label, no?22:37
go1dfishmicrob is nice22:37
RST38happarently, it is not possible to persuade mozilla people to stop hogging memory22:37
go1dfishbeen messing with midori today, it's pretty cool, and does portrait, but only through accelerometer/automatic22:37
cehtehwell microb is also mozilla based22:38
go1dfishanyone else using microb with JIT enabled?22:38
StskeepsDocScrutinizer51: trying to get m5 dual-booting and there's a weird stall where it waits for a pin and halts bootup :P22:38
cehtehmidori seems to lack some nice features22:38
cehtehStskeeps: without asking for pin?22:38
StskeepsDocScrutinizer51: without showing it on screen22:38
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mythtvok I got it thanks for help22:39
cehtehStskeeps: remove the sim?22:39
Stskeepscehteh: yeah, but kinda useless not to go head on :)22:39
Stskeepskilling the process over serial made it boot a bit22:39
cehtehStskeeps: well at least proofs that this is the problem22:39
DocScrutinizer51Stskeeps: seems thats pin indeed22:39
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go1dfishare the cellular drivers open? i.e. any chance at getting cellular working in a non-maemo os on the n900?22:39
Stskeepsgo1dfish: general rule is that nokia don't mind nokia software on nokia devices..22:40
Robot101can you install some gstreamer stuff to make the built-in media player support .flv?22:40
cehtehdriver is just tty .. no celluar firmware is open22:40
konttorisilly question: how can I make a dbus call from the qml javascript?22:40
cehtehnot even on freerunner it was/is22:40
Robot101go1dfish: its planned for ofono at some point22:40
MohammadAGRobot101, I think I saw extra codecs on a repository22:40
wazdkonttori: oh, you're back :)22:40
mythtvI'm following directions for fedora to setup ssh,, it says to copy the public key to a file called ~/.ssh/authorized_keys  this file does not exist,, is it ok it create it.. or is maemo different from Fedora ?22:40
konttoriyeah. I was putting baby to sleep, then watched a movie22:41
Robot101go1dfish: the firmware you'll still need to use a blob from nokia22:41
RST38hkonttori: system()?22:41
DocScrutinizer51Stskeeps: the pin is queried really early in bootup' to enable concurrent gsm and system init22:41
Robot101go1dfish: but that runs on the CMT chip22:41
cehtehmythtv: you can just create that file22:41
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mythtvcehteh: thanks22:41
wazdkonttori: Now bat runs TM22:41
cehtehbut ensure that only user has permission, not group and other22:41
Stskeepsgo1dfish: but no, there's no problem really22:41
cehtehssh is quite picky22:41
go1dfishRobot101: cool, firmware blobs don't bother me so bad, I am a fan of openness for the practical benefits, the philosophy is nice to, but flexibility is key22:41
wazdkonttori: but I still can't build theme22:42
Stskeepsgo1dfish: it's about asking nicely really and work with them22:42
cehtehmythtv: cat >>.ssh/authorized_keys22:42
go1dfishso the only piece of hardware that would be problematic on alternate OS's would be the DSP and the GPU correct?22:42
DocScrutinizer51Stskeeps: I'd guess this early non X query dialog blocks X init to stop X interfere with it22:42
Stskeepsgo1dfish: not even those really..22:42
wazdkonttori: last string is "at Source)22:43
Stskeepsgo1dfish: most of the stuff can be gotten through SSU repositories22:43
konttoriwazd: was it able to create the theme folder?22:43
Stskeepsgo1dfish: or through the SDK repository22:43
konttoridoes the theme folder contain DEBIAN and opt?22:43
wazdkonttori: debian and usr22:43
DocScrutinizer51Stskeeps: or if it's not X then maybe the window manager22:43
go1dfishStskeeps: thats cool22:43
StskeepsDocScrutinizer51: i am thinking that matchbox might be messing up.. but i'll investigate it later22:44
go1dfishbut not a complete solution, breaks down if you want to get really different and run BSD, HURD etc...22:44
konttoriwazd: sounds like you have old version of theme maker22:44
Stskeepsgo1dfish: yes, but there's no way to run something else than linux kernels anyway22:44
konttorinew one makes opt folder22:44
go1dfishbut still very nice22:44
cehtehmythtv: there is also the 'ssh-copy-id' command ... at least on debian which does this nicely22:44
wazdkonttori: hmm22:44
Stskeepsgo1dfish: the only problem is distributing images with closed stuff but there's ways to deal with that22:45
cehtehbut you need password login enabled on the target machine for that, at least to install the key22:45
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Stskeepsgo1dfish: which is what token stuff is supposed to fix22:45
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Robot101Stskeeps: what would it take to get a like /
StskeepsRobot101: i think jeremiah was working on something like that.. though, isn't a bit like this?22:48
mythtvok I'm ssh'ing but getting a non-response I assume it will time out22:49
mythtvI can ping the address22:49
mythtvperhaps it's a router issue?22:49
konttoriRST38h: thanks. And would you happen to know if JIT is enabled on the qt4.6 maemo port for qtscript?22:50
mythtvit's using protocol 2 (not sure what that means)22:50
Stskeepsmythtv: pc to n900 will at times time out due to PSM22:51
mythtvthe pc would be the server, I wouldn't want to allow someone to the phone22:52
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mythtvI see in /etc/ssh/sshconfig there is a line IdentityFile ~/.ssh/identity  I had assumed this would have been ~/.ssh/authorized_keys22:54
cehtehon what side?22:54
cehtehyou want from phone to server22:54
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cehtehso you dont need sshd running on phone, you need the server authorized keys file prepped with the phones id_rsa.pup22:55
mythtvphone to server22:55
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mythtvthe config file was on the phone22:55
cehtehhas your server password logins?22:55
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cehtehyou dont need to change config for that. defaults work22:56
mythtvthe server was setup to use a public key,, I trasfered this to the phone, and changed the port22:56
cehtehthats the wrong way around22:56
mythtvI think I've already setup the server correctly22:56
cehtehno password logins on your server (usually sane, but makes this a little harder)22:57
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cehtehwell you think :) .. does it work? :)22:57
mythtvit might just be a router thing22:57
mythtvis there anyway to tell,, I'm assuming it's a NAT router so hoping it would just work22:57
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RST38hThe New York Times is reporting that no one will be able to move from their seats during the last hour of flight. That means no bathroom breaks, no accessing carry-on luggage, nothing. When that plane starts descending, you're planted.22:58
cehtehthe simplest thing to set this up is  'ssh-copy-id'    but that needs password auth22:58
RST38hMultiple sources, among them Xeni Jardin of Boing Boing, have also been told that no electronics are allowed on international flights22:58
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cehtehsoon passenger must board naked22:58
RST38hcenteh: My idea exactly22:59
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Milo-interesting how this phone doesn't overheat like all other nokias22:59
cehtehwe want a naked crew too then22:59
mythtvthat new scanner they have is basically that22:59
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RST38hcenteh: naked, full body search, including anal cavity, airline-issues pajamas22:59
cehtehMilo-: i am sure you can do that :)22:59
StskeepsRST38h: south park episode where mr garrison makes a replacement transportation vehicle comes to mind as more comfortable22:59
RST38hcenteh: and a shot of valium to polish off the experience22:59
Milo-cehteh not sure if I wanted to see tekojo naked o_O23:00
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mythtvsince we are all off topic,, google wtc7 all of this started with a lie23:00
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* cehteh going to setup openvpn23:00
RST38hnot being able to use my beloved n900 on the inbound US flight is very on topic23:00
Milo-naked openvpn?23:01
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cehtehi dont care .. i never used it before looks like some setup pita23:01
Milo-RST38h why not?23:01
mythtvis it worth looking at my router? is there anyway to tell if the router is the problem?  I can ping, and behind the router is only 1 computer which is the server23:01
RST38hMilo: US is getting all terrorist all over again23:02
cehtehMilo-: my n900 gets warm when charging .. combine that with 100% cpu, dsp and gpu load and i bet it will overheat23:02
cehtehactually earlier today the cpu ran at 100% and it got quite warm23:02
mythtvI don't know if you can call them terrorist if they had military training in san diego23:03
cehtehxinput server was borked somehow, had to reboot it23:03
Milo-RST38h great, does that mean you will have to hand over your phones before flight?23:03
ShadowJKthe simple static key openvpn setup is pretty trivial23:03
RST38hMilo: No idea23:03
cehtehthat means usa is on my no-fly-list again23:03
cehtehObamistan :)23:03
RST38hMilo: My wife is traveling to US soon enough, she will tell23:04
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Milo-would be worried since they have the habbit of losing your luggages23:04
ShadowJKcehteh: I think the kernel knows how to throttle cpu if it gets too hot23:04
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cehtehShadowJK: would be new to me .. i only know x86 where the kernel can not do that but SM-Bios does23:05
cehtehwhile arm has no system management mode or?23:05
go1dfishRST38h: ugh :(23:05
go1dfishstill allowed for domestic though right? (electronics in flight)23:06
RST38hNo idea23:06
timelesssp3000: youtube made for a quite unmerry christmas present :(23:06
RST38hSo far it looks like TSA is making its own laws on the fly23:06
go1dfishRST38h: there isnt a part of our government anymore that doesnt, and has been this way for quite some time23:07
timelessrst: gov agenceies writew regulations23:09
timelessroughly practices for how they intend to follow/enforce laws23:09
ShadowJKcehteh, yeah arm doesn't have smm23:10
timelessif their actiohns are in violation of statutes, someone will sue, demanding complience23:10
infobottimeless meant: if their actions are in violation of statutes, someone will sue, demanding complience23:10
ShadowJKtimeless, oh hey, I was wondering if there was a magic conf option to make disk cache permanent in microb, seems to get emptied after each restart?23:11
timelessshadow: um23:11
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timelesswe don't enable disk cache by default23:11
timelessso did you manually enable it?23:11
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RST38h"The weapon's ammunition initially appeared to be human-like teeth. However, DNA testing of the "bullets" resulted in no match to any known species on Earth."23:11
timelessgecko will eat your disk cache if it isn't safely shutdown23:12
ShadowJKRST38h, what's that about?23:12
timelesse.g. because it crashed23:12
timelessor because it was killed by its host23:12
ShadowJKOh, well, I was just closing it from dashboard after visiting google maps, then reopened and checked about:cache to find everything at 023:12
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timelessin some versions, browser ui generally kills microb :(23:12
* timeless discovers this kosher chinese restaurant has a buffet :923:13
rantomIf I may I'd have a question about Maemo 5 about applications installation space?23:14
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rantomI happened to find out yesterday that I can "only" install in total of 1.5 Gb on my N900 so would this mean that once I reach that limit I can't install anymore applications?23:15
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MohammadAGrantom, your device won't boot :p23:16
MohammadAGif rootfs get filled up, the device will get bricked23:16
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Stskeepsrantom: there's 256mb NAND and 2gb /opt23:17
MohammadAGyou can increase it23:17
Stskeepsrantom: you can technically expand your /opt though23:17
rantomHow? I did try to do it yesterday but didn't find it from the phone23:18
ShadowJKthere's no gui for it23:18
MohammadAGit's a hack23:18
timelessrantom: how much space have you wasted on a desktop for app?23:18
rantomNot much, megas (Mb's)23:18
rantomNot that space would be a problem, I was just wondering23:19
timelessin practice you'll probably fill the rootfs w/ apt packaging info before you fill /opt23:19
timelesswow, happy me23:19
timelessmt dinner cost more than the buffet23:20
timelessso they billed for the buffet23:20
timelessthis would never happen in finland23:20
timelessoh, and the food, service, and music were all good23:20
rantomNo, I think it wouldn't happen in here :p23:20
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timelesswhat's tip here in england?23:21
rantomBut yeah, thanks for the answer (if this would've been iPhone I'd just get "Now why would you want to do that?", heh)23:22
timelessiPhone has no split23:22
timelessin practice you eventually realize that too many apps on iPhone = harder to get to apps you actually use23:23
ShadowJKrantom, some people don't like to be told about these theoretical possibilities either. They think it makes the phone "complicated" :-)23:23
timelessand in theory you start trashing the ones getting in your way23:23
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timelessfrom reading some people's iPhone studies, it seems that eventually happens23:24
rantomYeah. Well so far I only installed Piding, Recorder and OpenSSH Client and I'm good to go23:24
* GAN900 wishes Telepathy Haze would get to Extras.23:24
timelesswhich is haze?23:25
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RST38hHmm...Looks like I am done for today23:26
RST38hA dose of DrWho and sleep.23:27
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GAN900timeless, AIM, Yahoo, MSN, etc.23:37
ShadowJKis haze less evil than butterfly?23:38
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ManuelSE_who has ps3 controller paired?23:41
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GAN900Hrm, should hands free get callerid info?23:44
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cehtehis there some commandline way to query the battery status?23:46
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ShadowJKlshal|grep battery23:50
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timeless_mbpGAN900: *sigh*23:58
timeless_mbpi can't believe that guy responded23:58
timeless_mbpit should be painfully clear to him that i read comments because they're in my email23:58
timeless_mbpand i read my email23:58
* timeless_mbp goes to read spam23:59
timeless_mbp(spam is happier than bugmail)23:59

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