IRC log of #maemo for Tuesday, 2009-12-22

Gadgetoid_n900you're delusional00:00
gadgetoid_n810balls am i00:00
lcuk"computer, id like a piece of software which....."00:00
gadgetoid_n810stick your tiny stand up a monkeys bum!00:01
Gadgetoid_n900go get a coprocessor... slowie slow slow!00:01
gadgetoid_n810pffff... learn how to page in fbreader noob00:01
woglindehihihi nice package name00:02
Gadgetoid_n900the n900 is too small00:03
gadgetoid_n810but it has a much softer keyboard that ends up being easier to type  on00:03
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gtessier00How many people here had a bogus N900 at least once? (Mic not functionning, random reboots all time, etc...)00:04
lcukive never seen a bogus n90000:04
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Gadgetoid_n900mine's perfect00:04
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threshmine is ok00:04
Gadgetoid_n900its got the crappy kickstand bug though00:04
* mikhas raises hand00:04
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gtessier00crappy kickstand bug ? :P00:05
Gadgetoid_n900gah i hate how the ui in xhat wastes so much space... its better on the n810 by miles00:05
Gadgetoid_n900yeah the stand on the n900 is a horrible pointless piece of crapola00:05
johnq_I'm trying to upload my first package to extras-devel. The problem is: It is a python program together with a kernel module. What is the "source package"? Should I rather upload the kernel module separately?00:05
lcukuntil you get on a train or plane and want to watch a movie00:06
gtessier00well the only time ill use it is in the plane once per year00:06
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* lcuk watches often00:06
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lbthey lcuk00:07
lcukhey lbt00:07
Gadgetoid_n900lcuk, I'd hold it00:07
* lbt abandonded his car and walked 3 miles home in the snow earlier...00:07
lcukcripes lbt!00:07
timelessjohnq: the kernel module should be its own package00:07
lbtwith mrs lbt00:07
gtessier00eww that sucks00:07
gtessier00at least you didnt abandon your n90000:07
gtessier00poor n90000:07
threshthree miles?! that's like ten minutes of walking, sheesh. how did you do that?00:08
threshsorry, it's just too funny to mock people who rarely see snow :)00:08
Gadgetoid_n900how the hell did trains break down in a fucking tunnel due to snow....00:08
lbtn900 was cold though00:08
Gadgetoid_n900its a fucking tunnel!00:08
lbtheh 19" summer tyres and snow00:08
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dimirHi guys.00:09
lbt285/45 iirc00:09
johnq_timeless: ok, so any idea where to start? ;-)00:09
lcuklbt joggler, os by default?00:09
gtessier00hallo dimir00:09
lbtkinda low grip00:09
timeless_mbpjohnq_: so, do you understand what a source package should do?00:09
dimirI get dpkg build error:00:09
timeless_mbproughly, a source package should have the sources and a debian/rules file00:09
dimirdpkg-gencontrol: warning: unknown substitution variable ${shlibs:Depends}00:09
dimirdpkg-gencontrol: warning: unknown substitution variable ${misc:Depends}00:09
dimirdpkg-gencontrol: warning: unknown substitution variable ${binary:Version}00:09
dimirWhat could be the problem?00:09
johnq_timeless: not really but I assume that dpkg_buildpackage is supposed to build a binary package from it...00:09
timeless_mbpthe debian/rules file should build the kernel module00:09
lbtlcuk: not looked yet.... but the standard joggler frontend runs in Mer00:10
timeless_mbpjohnq_: dpkg-buildpackage calls debian/rules00:10
dimirdpkg-buildpackage last messages:
lcuklbt so its a linux?00:10
lbtoh yes00:10
* lcuk smiles00:10
dimirThe variables in control stopped evaluating all of a sudden.00:10
dimirIt has been working for months.00:10
lbtI'd get one - at £99 they're a steal00:10
lcukwhats the sdk for it?00:10
dimirI'm using sbox.00:10
johnq_timeless_mbp: and the data part of the package then contains only one file, namely the module, right?00:11
lcuki mean by default if people wanted one with default os00:11
lbtthey are about to release one I think00:11
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lbtnothing yet00:11
timeless_mbpjohnq_: yep00:11
lcukill have to see whats what when it arrives00:11
dimirI have even reinstalled a target in sbox and checked out the sources of the package to a separate dir.00:11
lbtit's O2 - it'll suck and you'll have to pay and .... and....00:11
dimirStill the same problem.00:11
timeless_mbpassuming that's all it takes for the kernel to be magically usable00:11
Corsacmhmh, maemo mapper from extra-devel seems not to displqy anything is the gps info tab while it seems I have a fix00:11
lcuklbt well if the front end runs00:11
dimirAnd it works like a charm at other users using same target, same sources.00:11
lcukit means allis  not lost00:11
lbtnot at all - they work well together00:11
lcukdo i write in purple?00:11
timeless_mbplbt: swath/swathe ?00:12
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lbtthe problem is that O2 will want to wall the garden00:12
lbta swath, cut a swathe I think00:12
johnq_timeless_mbp: so the idea is to download the official kernel source package, patch some source files, patch the build process and that should be it, right?00:12
orbarronany tried running pulseaudio from x-terminal?00:12
timeless_mbp sounds like half an answer for shlibs:00:13
timeless_mbpjohnq_: eww, you're patching the kernel sources?00:13
johnq_timeless_mbp: yes00:13
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timeless_mbptypically you'd depend on a package that provides the kernel sources00:13
johnq_timeless_mbp: i'm adding a backport of squashfs 4.000:13
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dimirSo, if someone could help, here is the description of a problem:
timeless_mbpjohnq_: do you need the sources or just the kernel headers?00:15
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lbtdimir: any chance you're using windows?00:16
johnq_timeless_mbp: Perhaps the kernel headers would do, I should try that. I actually just applied some patch that is supposed to work on the full sources, modfied .config, built modules and grabbed this single modules from the compilation result.00:16
lbtcr/lf issue?00:16
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lardmanhope I didn't miss anything, was watching Solaris00:17
lardmannight all00:17
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pupnikdimir: find what you upgraded perhaps00:21
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dimirlbt: no, scratchbox, maemo.00:23
dimirpupnik: I tried, but could not get anything.00:23
dimirpupnik: the strange thing is, we are working in a team and everyone uses the same env/same source package.00:23
dimirpupnik: I have created a new target in scratchbox, got the sources from repo and it still doesn't work. :-D00:24
dimirThis is getting funny.00:24
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lcukdimir, full console log including the initial dpkg line and everything00:25
dimirSo I guess I need a good Debian packager help.00:25
lcukinto pastebin.ca00:25
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* lcuk missed you already did!00:25
lcukwell, some00:25
dimirWell, if that helps. :-)00:25
dimirSome ye.00:25
dimirNot enough?00:26
dimirI ran: fakeroot dpkg-buildpackage.00:26
zshi, somehow I have only 5.8M free space on device (n900), rootfs  227.5M    217.5M      5.8M  97% /   , can anyone check for me his own disk usage?00:26
SpeedEvilzs: reboot00:26
SpeedEvilzs: something is often wacky, and a reboot often clears up several tens of meg - if you've been installing stuff. no, I've no idea why, and it shouldn't do this00:26
Shadikkalemme see00:27
zsok I will try00:27
Gadgetoid_n900paganism on the increase.... *choke*00:27
Shadikkarootfs 227.8M 191.2M 32.4M 86% /00:28
* SpeedEvil spins widdershins.00:28
* SpeedEvil is not skyclad - it being 4.5C in here.00:28
* gtessier00 now knows how to write in purple. yay. seriously.00:29
zsok now I have rootfs                  227.5M    180.1M     43.3M  81% /00:29
SpeedEvilzs: were you installing from extras-devel?00:29
SpeedEvilor what have you tried installing?00:30
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johnq_timeless_mbp: are the packages kernel-headers and linux-kernel-headers two different things?00:30
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* lcuk unlocks achievements00:31
timeless_mbpdunno offhand00:31
timeless_mbpdid you check
* SpeedEvil unlocks the farted 14 days in a row achievement.00:31
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zsSpeedEvil, I have tested some apps from extras-devel, now I am learning how to write software00:31
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SpeedEvilzs: Great!00:31
johnq_timeless_mbp: i'm following the Maemo Kernel and Debugging Guide on the wiki, and there it is assumed that there is something in /usr/src/kernel-headers, but /usr/src is empty in my scratchbox.00:31
dimirlcuk: added list of some packages installed:
lcukdimir, why dont you clearly just post the console log from you starting the command to the end00:32
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dimirlcuk: OK, just a sec...00:32
timeless_mbpaccording to that, they're built by the same source package00:32
lcukin the order its in, because then someone reading it doesnt have to think, they are used to seeing errors displayed in that way00:32
zsbtw Is there any way to get rid of this annoying message that nokia has not created this software and auto tick "I understand and agree." ?00:33
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timeless_mbpzs: you can replace it00:34
timeless_mbpdo you use American English or British English?00:34
zsBritish English00:34
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johnq_timeless_mbp: so do these packages exist in some repository?00:35
timeless_mbpjohnq_: given that has them, yes00:35
timeless_mbpbecause is generated by apt-get source :)00:35
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johnq_ok :-)00:36
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timeless_mbpi can't find the sources.list file00:37
timeless_mbpit's typically in the root directory of my repos00:37
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woglindehm intressting I should add XSBC-Original-Maintainer, but the field isnt used00:40
Corsacwoot, scapy seems to run fine00:41
Corsacnow I just need to build an ipv6 kernel00:41
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lcukdimir, your error looks to be lines 535, rather than the warnings further up00:44
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johnq_timeless_mbp: thanks. it's almost done :-)00:47
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dmj7261is camera-ui open source?00:50
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woglindeCorsac injection ipv6 packets?00:55
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rashed2020What does alias supposed to have in bugzilla?00:59
Corsacwoglinde: for example01:00
woglindehm I need to compile for i386 to let it run in hildonize gui?01:00
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dimirlcuk: this file gets generated. I have proper entry in control file. The error is the result of the warnings.01:18
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dimir> grep binary:Version debian/control01:19
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dimirDepends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, mypackage (= ${binary:Version})01:19
dimir> sed -n '6p' debian/groovemail-dbg/DEBIAN/control01:19
dimirDepends: groovemail (=  )01:19
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lcukdpkg-deb: parse error, in file `debian/mypackage-dbg/DEBIAN/control' near line 6 package `mypackage-dbg':01:20
lcuk `Depends' field, reference to `mypackage': error in version: version string is empty01:20
lcukdh_builddeb: command returned error code 51201:20
lcuknote, it says version string is empty01:20
lcukwhich is where the warning came from01:21
* lcuk sees the first 2 errors every time01:21
lcukwithout consequence01:22
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lcukdpkg-deb: parse error, in file `debian/mypackage-dbg/DEBIAN/control' near line 6 package `mypackage-dbg':01:25
lcuk `Depends' field, reference to `mypackage': error in version: version string is empty01:25
lcukdh_builddeb: command returned error code 51201:25
lcukSeveral packages fail saying "dpkg-gencontrol: warning: unknown substitution variable ${binary:Version}". This is because maemo's dpkg is 1.13.13, and ${binary:Version}  was introduced in dpkg 1.13.19. Etch's is currently at
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lcukeven grrrrr @ paste fail01:25
woglindegood you dont fill the autobuilder01:27
lcuklol hi woglinde01:27
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* lcuk is way past bedtime anyway, gnite \o01:29
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woglindeanyone knows how to mount sshfs with mapping uid?01:30
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dimirWell, this is why I have listed the packages installed:01:30
dimirii  dpkg                
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dimirI know about change Source:Version -> binary:Version01:30
woglindeah found it01:31
dimirAnd this has worked for months, before something, and I can't realize what, came in.01:31
woglindedebhelper 7 is cool01:31
pupnik"Both parties tried very hard to be as slow as possible and finally Nokia lost temper in this snail race" - Fanoush   haaahahaha  :-)01:32
woglindeso uploading imlib now01:33
woglindesection i need to adjust01:33
woglindeuser/navigation  (Location &) Navigation  maemo-mapper, Navit01:35
woglindemapper has seciton user/other01:35
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pupnikhell.  i lost nogravity source/data.01:41
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* Arkenoi wonders if this thing is real:
SpeedEvilIt is almost certainly a battery shaped object01:51
pupnikArkenoi: theres a thread on t.m.o about them01:52
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SpeedEvilbuy one, try it.01:53
SpeedEvilWorst case is it catches light, and burns off your genitals.01:53
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Arkenoii purchased chinese "1200" mA*H BLB-2 batteries  (original one is 700). Looks like it really lasts 1.5 times longer, maybe not expected 1200 but more than 1000 certainly01:54
SpeedEvilWe don't however need pics.01:54
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threshArkenoi: where did you get those?01:54
SpeedEvilIt'll depend on what drain somewhat01:54
Arkenoiso i will try01:54
Arkenoithresh: from ebay01:54
SpeedEvilthough even cheap li-ion have gotten lots cheaper01:54
Arkenoiand i had some bad experience as well - a eee pc battery with almost half of the cells being defective01:56
crashanddie_mbpI love it when Windows users start giving long-term advice about a device they've had for a month01:57
crashanddie_mbp"I'm aiming at reflashing every 6 months or so"01:57
pupniknokia bp5l is available for reasonable cost01:57
Arkenoiso far i purchased several cheap batteries on the ebay and one on the local market01:57
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SpeedEvilthough even cheap li-ion have gotten lots better01:58
SpeedEvilThere are also things you can do in some cases.01:58
pupnikLike putting bathroom deodorant in a mercedes.01:58
Arkenoi4 from ebay were OK, one was not as good as expected but still cheaper than original one and still having more capacity and one from the local market was pure piece of shit (no surprise if you know russian sellers habits)01:58
SpeedEvilIf you charge the battery to 90% only - it lasts _significantly_ longer01:59
johnq_somehow my debian/rules does not generate a debian/files file01:59
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Arkenoiand one from ebay was defective, not intentionally phony like the later one, just broken01:59
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crashanddie_mbplast one02:00
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Arkenoilast one02:01
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pupnikgpodder developer deserves lots of credit for responsiveness and updates02:04
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crashanddie_mbpGAN900: ^02:04
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SpeedEvilStupid graphics when a table would work better--02:05
crashanddie_mbpSpeedEvil: read until the end02:05
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SpeedEvil\i killed it as it was taking ages to load02:06
SpeedEvilDSL is being arsey again02:06
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GAN900Har har har02:09
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jadamshas anyone installed asterisk on their n900?02:16
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timeless_mbpGAN900: have you grabbed my splash package?02:18
* timeless_mbp thinks it's ready to push to extras02:18
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woglindejadams jebba has02:20
woglindebecause he uploaded it02:20
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jadamswoglinde, fair :)  I just installed it.  I have no idea what I will do with it.  I was going to ask for suggestions from my friend that runs a VOIP consulting company, but he's headed to canada right now so I'm all eager for ideas and completely blank, myself02:26
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woglindejadams than read the tutorials02:27
woglindefor asterisk02:27
jadamswoglinde, oh I'm familiar with asterisk in general...I just have no decent ideas for the phone w/r/t asterisk, which feels silly02:28
woglindebuild an automatic answerer02:28
woglindethat was one szenario02:29
jadamsthat's a good idea.  I have a crazy ex girlfriend and I miss the android 'send this caller directly to voicemail' feature02:30
woglindegood I have crazy ex girlfriend02:30
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gtessier00yayyyyyyyyy confirmation from fedex02:34
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gtessier00N900 coming tomorrow before 17h00 :D02:34
indyhnjsf is away: I'm not here right now02:35
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Venomrushgot some problems with the application manager on N90003:09
Venomrushit's not showing up any packages at all03:09
VenomrushGetting an Operation failed error03:10
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pwnguinVenomrush: perhaps / filled up?03:13
timeless_mbpVenomrush: tap the title area03:13
timeless_mbptap log03:14
timeless_mbpi think you'll find that the repository is hosed03:14
woglindehm time on autobuilder is wrong03:15
woglinde5 minutes in the future03:15
nomisbah, why doesn't the tablet wake up when I pull out the pen?03:16
SpeedEvilnomis: that would be nice.03:16
nomisit feels so obvious.03:16
SpeedEvilnomis: I'd also - if we're doing that - like it if you pulled out the stylus, and put it in backwards, it'd act like a mouse03:16
SpeedEvilnomis: Basically - as with everything - it's cost.03:17
timeless_mbpnomis: you want another messy magnet?03:17
woglindeokay time to sleep03:17
woglindemore uploads tomorrow03:17
SpeedEvilnomis: The stylus sensor will need perhaps 4mm^3 of space, and perhaps $.15 cost.03:17
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SpeedEvilnomis: $.30 on the price03:17
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SpeedEvilThere are about 8-10 things I can think of that would be 'just a little more'03:18
nomisyeah, thats always the problem.03:19
SpeedEvilFor example - compass - that's perhaps $5 in volume, gyroscope - $8, stylus sensor, better kickstand, better front camera.03:19
nomisdrop the bad front facing camera  :)03:19
SpeedEvilUSB host03:19
SpeedEvilmore area on the front face sensitive03:19
fiferboyAndrewBlack: the calendar widget show white text on white03:19
SpeedEvilThat's not even getting into a replacement back with a better camera :)03:20
ManuelSEhow remove ctrl-i binding from xchat?03:20
SpeedEvilThe camera is in principle replacable and upgradable - it's socketd03:21
nomisSpeedEvil: the big camera in the back?03:21
SpeedEvilin principle however - doesn't mean that it's ever going to be practical to do so03:22
* timeless_mbp chuckles03:22
SpeedEvilThe camera could have done with some more design.03:22
SpeedEvilTweak the chrome around the edge of the bezel, so it doesn't reflect flash into the camera03:23
SpeedEvilor the LED radiation patterns03:24
pwnguini havent had that problem03:24
SpeedEvilmaybe it's only on some units03:24
SpeedEvilit's going to be very sensitive to the exact height of the camera03:25
pwnguinVenomrush: i have the same problem actually. guess extras-testing died03:26
SpeedEvilmaybe it was a finger03:26
pwnguinhmm. i need a breadboard with a better power supply03:27
pwnguinthis 9v battery wire keeps coming loose03:28
SpeedEvilput out a really big stocking?03:28
Venomrushpwnguin, can't even view applications I installed on the phone though03:30
pwnguinno blue glare03:30
SpeedEvilpwnguin: ah03:31
pwnguinVenomrush: nobody said it was a GOOD interface to apt03:31
SpeedEvilpwnguin: thinking about it - it's reflecting the light from above into the camera, not the LED03:31
pwnguinsolution: stop using blue plastic?03:31
VenomrushError occurred while processing freeciv-data03:31
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VenomrushThe package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.03:32
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VenomrushProblem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/repository.maemo.org_extras-testing_dists_fremantle_non-free_binary-armel_Packages03:32
pwnguinVenomrush: you familiar with the terminal and apt?03:33
SpeedEvilpwnguin: blue plastic?03:33
pwnguinSpeedEvil: the lens cover03:33
pwnguinits black on top, and blue around the edge03:34
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SpeedEvilpwnguin: it's not the lens cover03:35
SpeedEvilpwnguin: it's the light reflecting off the chrome03:35
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pwnguinSpeedEvil: i guess i dont understand how the physics you're implying could work03:41
pwnguinlight from the above the camera reflects off the bezel?03:42
pwnguinchrome bezel03:42
SpeedEvilactually, I should test that.03:42
pwnguinin that picture, the camera is facing down03:43
pwnguinthe bezel is already 45 degree sloping03:43
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crashanddie_mbppeople who use a flash on a phone shouldn't be allowed to take pictures in the first place03:43
pwnguinits good for redeye03:44
crashanddie_mbpflash causes redeye, lol03:44
pwnguintrue i guess03:44
crashanddie_mbpflash on 90% of P&S sucks, 50% of DSLR have a sucky flash anyway03:44
SpeedEvilpwnguin: I'm unsure now - it may be a finger - I need to recreate the original photo03:44
SpeedEvilFun hack.03:45
SpeedEvilIf you can blur your view of the camera when looking at it - so that the lens and the flash blur into one.03:45
SpeedEvilThen the redeye goes up by a factor of several hundred03:45
SpeedEvil(when being photographed)03:45
SpeedEviloh - neat - I requested it be added a couple of weeks back03:46
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SpeedEvil9th of all nokia hmm03:46
pwnguinyou could identify redeye using a diff of flash and non flash03:46
archebyteanybody with extras-testing enabled having an update problem?03:46
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pwnguinarchebyte: seems like topicbait03:47
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archebyteyea.. sorry.. not sure what is going on. App Manager doesn't want to co-operate anymore..03:48
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fureddoI received a bug report mentioning that my application is not properly optified.  Anyone would have some time to test it on N900?03:49
fureddoMore information here:
archebytefureddo: sure. which app?03:49
* SpeedEvil finds
SpeedEvil(the account)03:49
pwnguinSpeedEvil: do you know how to enable the "taken with camera n900"?03:51
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SpeedEvilpwnguin: /03:51
pwnguinexif data03:51
archebytefureddo: the app looks optified03:51
SpeedEviljust don't strip off exif03:51
SpeedEvilthe 'upload to flickr' just works for me03:51
crashanddie_mbppwnguin: it's on by default03:51
pwnguinim not sure where i turned that on at =/03:51
pwnguincrashanddie_mbp: i think i remember seeing a strip exif stuff, but cant find it to check now =/03:52
pwnguinmaybe its a flickr thing03:53
crashanddie_mbp"Don't mess with options unless you know what they do" comes to mind03:53
pwnguini know what it does03:53
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pwnguinit just seemed like a good idea at the time03:53
SpeedEvilpwnguin: get exiftool from repo03:53
SpeedEvilpwnguin: check that you have exif data03:54
SpeedEvilI think it's in tools03:54
crashanddie_mbppwnguin: I thought exactly the same thing when my first kid was born03:54
fureddoarchebyte, Thanks.  I thought so.  Maybe the person who reported this bug was using a different version then.03:54
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fureddoarchebyte, I will investigate further.03:54
archebytefureddo: yea.. almost all the non-share/doc files are in opt..03:55
pwnguinok, its a flickr setting, not a phone setting03:55
fureddoarchebyte, Here is the bug report:
archebyteright now, there is a bigger problem in extras-testing..03:55
pwnguini must have been recalling the geotagging option03:56
fureddoarchebyte, How much space does the toMOTko application take in the root partition?03:57
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archebytefureddo: very little03:58
fureddoarchebyte, Nothing close to 6 MB?03:59
SpeedEvilThere is something screwy03:59
SpeedEvilmany people report freed space after a reboot03:59
archebytefureddo: right.. I would say < 20K03:59
fureddoarchebyte, Ok.  Must be a different version then.03:59
archebytefureddo: PM04:00
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ManuelSExchat channel list should be like kmplayer list04:08
ManuelSEalso it should place channels with pms at top04:08
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ManuelSEit is probably impossible without all new gui?04:11
ManuelSEwhat is funny?04:11
SpeedEvilchannels with PMS04:11
SpeedEvilfits so many channels.04:11
ManuelSEoh private messages to me04:12
SpeedEvilchannels can't have PMs04:12
ManuelSEi miss them in xchat because04:12
ManuelSEspeedevil. hi04:12
SpeedEvilyou mean comments directed at you04:12
ManuelSEyes sorry04:12
SpeedEvilthey go blue04:12
SpeedEvilthe channel name04:12
pwnguinManuelSE: im pretty sure xchat can do channel bar on the side04:12
SpeedEvilit can, I have it setup like that on my n90004:12
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ManuelSEonly room for 7 channels04:12
ManuelSEon side04:13
pwnguinah, no scrolling04:13
pwnguinwell, use irssi like a man :P04:13
SpeedEvilManuelSE: you know about the zoom buttons to scroll?04:13
SpeedEvilscroll window04:13
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ManuelSEmy irssi machine is in maintenance because the crazy kids have been reworking udev04:13
SpeedEvilI mean switch channels04:14
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ManuelSEthis helps04:14
SpeedEvilI want to be able to do like I have python setup to do.04:15
SpeedEvilwhich is have the tabs with two-letter aliases for the channel names04:15
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ManuelSEis xchat difficult to build?04:16
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ManuelSEmaybe i can implement my  channel sort on pm/nick04:16
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SpeedEvilMaking scroll draggy would be nice too04:19
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ManuelSEcan just that one element be xonverted to hildonscrollylist?04:24
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djcastonhas anyone flashed their device using the 3.5 flasher?04:36
djcastonn900, that is04:36
Macerman i am sure glad i figured out my little vpn problem04:39
Macerthis is great hehe04:39
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GAN900djcaston, probably thousands of people.04:40
djcastoni was wondering if there were any differences between the global and the US firmware04:41
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djcastonnoticeable differences that is04:41
Macerwow. uploading 7MB over a tethered phone via a vpn samba share04:42
* Macer goes to eat a whole dinner and will be back later and come back and wait on it04:43
* gtessier00 is gonna receive his N900 tomorrow before 17h04:44
GAN900djcaston, where are you located?04:44
djcastonwhy do you ask04:54
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crashanddie_mbpgtessier00: please don't repeat it until 170004:56
crashanddie_mbpgtessier00: announcing it once was enough, seriously04:56
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crashanddie_mbpgtessier00: also, announcing a local time in a multi-cultural and geographically diverse channel is pretty self-defeating04:56
crashanddie_mbpand I'm utterly amazed at the complexity of the previous sentence after drinking so heavily and it being 4AM04:57
ManuelSEthe n900 feels like a desktop computr for me.  i think nokia is amazing05:03
ManuelSElike a thinkpad, running lightweight distribution05:03
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* pwnguin wishes the n900 supported USB keyboards and mice05:04
pwnguinand maybe USB audio out?05:04
ManuelSEi closed the xchat window scrolling05:04
pwnguinthen I could easily build a carputer dock05:05
ManuelSE770 plus usb dac  might be a good hifi system05:05
pwnguinive got the perfect spot to mount a NIT in my car05:06
pwnguinive seen pics from a guy who build his own, with the CPU in the glovebox05:07
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T7ghmm, after the fsck the app manager is acting a bit flaky.05:21
T7gSays there are no applications installed.05:21
cehtehprolly they are now all in lost+found :P05:22
T7gI think it was the repos05:23
T7gJust having them listed caused it not to list apps05:23
T7gIf anyone's curious I can give the exact error message but if your device says no apps installed in uninstall or won't let you install new ones then disable your non-standard repos and it should display your stuff.05:23
pwnguinanyone know of a photo gallery webapp that might play nicely with the photo sharing thing on n900?05:26
pwnguinok, not flickr. something apt-gettable on my own server05:26
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cehtehhey cool i can segv strace :P05:42
cehteh(not the supervised program, but strace itself)05:43
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gtessier00wtf fedex is LIGHTNING FAST :\06:07
gtessier00N900 picked up at store at 7h00, leaved new york at 9h30, now it's at cleanrance at montreal06:07
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pwnguingtessier00: on the one hand, fedex does air freight06:12
pwnguinon the other hand, have you ever taken a high school chemistry class?06:13
gtessier00huh yeah06:14
gtessier00what's the point06:14
pwnguinsometimes, you take a look at the data and decide that version of reality is wrong and start working backwards06:15
pwnguin"hmm this box says it never left new york!"06:15
pwnguin"just make something up bob"06:15
gtessier00well, arrival time is tomorrow before 17h0006:16
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gtessier00and.. could you imagine how much $$ it would cost to only make ''figure'' that it departed from new york, while it's not... I don't think a serious company would do that lol06:17
* Arkenoi is going to order that "1700mAh" battery just to check06:19
* gtessier00 just to check if it can fuck up your N900 :P06:20
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* pupnik misses Unique31106:22
pupniki just segfaulted sbox shell setting an environment variable06:23
pupnikcool eh06:23
pupnikit is almost surely somemthing instable with my system06:23
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Arkenoigtessier, i doubt it will fuck it up really badly, never seen batteries *that* bad ;-)06:26
* Arkenoi is reinstalling newer debian-chroot, will see if it is finally usable06:28
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pupnikwhen things fail to build, my new favorite happines is deleting the superfluous test from ./configure06:35
pupniki fear this will not work in autobuilder06:35
pupnikso i might as well put it here - our libpng fails to link on png_decompress_chunk06:36
pupnikwhich i see had a security vulnerabilty a while back06:37
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pupnikis there a rummage pile of our compiled dependencies...06:48
pupniklooking at how many hours i sank into
swc|666jebba, any progress with the modules? i failed :|06:50
pupnikswc|666: you are uploading kernel modules for fremantle?  can handbuilt debs be accepted?06:50
swc|666pupnik, no idea .. i'm just trying to build kernel modules for freemantle, getitng them to actually work first06:51
swc|666pupnik, have you built some modules?06:51
pupnikno, someone nice built 'joydev' and uqm depends on it but has no candidate06:52
pupnikwhat modules are you making? :)06:52
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gtessier00noooooooooooo :( package is stucked at customs :(06:52
gtessier00clearance delay :(06:52
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swc|666pupnik, trying to get various iptables modules working06:53
pupnikwe could use a simple zonealarm-style program to get alerts for proggies accessing net06:54
pupnikvery useful for people on roaming06:54
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swc|666pupnik, i just can't understand why they didnt build the important iptables modules from the get go06:56
swc|666and the iptables binary06:56
pupniklimited time available06:56
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pupnikdoes maemo sdk vm need /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99proxy or not07:12
pupnikwgetting deps sux07:12
pupnik   this may be correct07:13
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pupnikthis will cost me many more hours07:15
pupnikahh 99proxy was made for nokia corp network07:15
SplasPoodI still don't think I've successfully been able to get the SDK going on one of my ubuntu 9.10 systems... I think I'm readin the wrong docs07:20
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pupnikSplasPood: are we *supposed* to not be able to apt-get or wget or ping or dig or traceroute etc etc etc from within armel-target?07:22
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GAN900SplasPood, did you try the GUI installer?07:23
* pupnik holds up a mirror and glances darkly07:23
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gtessier00did some1 here ordered his n900 using fedex ?07:31
pupnikHit fremantle/tools/non-free Packages07:35
pupnikReading package lists... Error!07:35
pupnikE: Problem parsing dependency Depends07:35
pupnikE: Error occurred while processing freeciv-data (NewVersion1)07:35
pupnikE: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/repository.maemo.org_extras-testing_dists_fremantle_non-free_binary-armel_Packages07:35
pupnik occurred since adding tools as shown on this page07:36
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pupnikWARNING: mergeliist corrupted after addinng tools to N90007:46
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GAN900Ugh, Red Pill for .deb on Planet. . . .08:10
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pupnikGAN900: do you know if 'quilt' is available for fremantle sdk?08:13
pupnikthat is a fun one to be missing for debian packaging08:14
pupnikit is just scripts afaik, so i do have thee actual quilt commands installed, just no fitting package to satisfy deps08:14
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dmj7261who's working on apps to control the camera?08:27
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pwnguinhmm. first extras-testing tanks and now t.m.o is down08:31
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RST38hChina is planning to enforce a whitelist on foreign domains: in particular, any e-commerce will have to register locally and obey Chinese law before they get whitelisted. Domains will otherwise be 'irresolvable' to Chinese Internet users. Meanwhile, the government is promoting this campaign heavily, calling it a 'fresh start.'08:38
luke-jr_so just don't use their DNS servers?08:40
RST38hthey ain't stupid08:40
RST38hso, I guess they will block outside DNS08:40
luke-jr_SSL DNS08:40
RST38hand address ranges too08:40
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RST38hOh, interesting, Nokia just announced a new flagship phone it seems08:43
RST38hmoo tekojo08:43
RST38ha moment, verifying08:44
tekojomoo RST38h08:44
* wiretapped boards BART08:45
tekojoRST38h huh, where, I want to see!08:45
RST38hNo, that was bullshit08:45
RST38hAnother blogger caught by the "N00" thing on a developer sample08:46
luke-jr_wtf kind of a name is moo tekojo08:46
RST38htekojo: BTW, I finally found a way to get rid of the fugly "no-playing" animated icon =)08:47
RST38hIt is a total of 8 PNGs (4 in 64x64 + 4 in scalable) that have to be replaced with something relevant. GNOME volume control icons work, for example.08:47
tekojono-playing icon?08:47
RST38hnoW-playing, sorry08:48
tekojoThe up and down bars?08:48
tekojoare they in the icons folder?08:49
RST38hI can probably package the new ones into a .deb, but still wonder why you do not supply better ones officially :)08:49
tekojono idea, maybe ask for them to be added to theme maker?08:50
tekojoluke-jr I would take that name as a compliment :-)08:51
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dmj7261talk appears down08:52
tekojodmj7261 works for me08:53
dmj7261is it slow for you?08:54
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dmj7261I just got the main talk page to load, just had to wait a few minutes for it to find the site.08:55
tekojodmj7261 slower than normal at this time of day08:56
dmj7261I've been waiting 5 minutes for a page to load.08:56
pupnikis talk being down bad?08:56
tekojo5 second lags yes, but not minutes08:56
dmj7261it's not my connection either.08:57
RST38htekojo: Adding them to the theme maker is a mighty good idea. Just keep in mind there are two sets (one for the widget, another for the media player itself)08:57
RST38h<work> <-- ok, typed it right this time08:58
tekojoRST38h contact konttori08:58
tekojoping konttori_nokia08:58
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dmj7261Is there a good way to control gdigicam from the terminal?09:05
pupnikdmj7261: that is a free camera app that works on N900?09:09
dmj7261I'm looking to set the focus manually.09:11
dmj7261gdigicam is a library that controls the camera09:16
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DocScrutinizer51 find /sys -name '*focus*'   might help09:24
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swc|666w00t, finally got these damned iptables/nat modules working ffs09:25
Stskeepsthat seems to be a common topic for many09:26
swc|666now for the iptable sbinary 0o09:26
infobotswc|666 meant: now for the iptable binary 0o09:26
swc|666ty infobot09:27
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infobotaw, gee, DocScrutinizer5109:28
swc|666does this mean the repo is down??
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swc|666gm jaem_n90009:30
jaem_n900who's in charge of extras-testing?09:30
lbto/ all09:30
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lbtjaem_n900: X-Fade...09:30
jaem_n900I can't stick around, but can someone poke him for me?  apt is bailing while trying to parse the list from -testing09:31
jaem_n900on update, that is09:31
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pupniki believe that the performance problems are known09:31
pupnikit is not down09:31
jaem_n900pupnik, not what I meant09:32
jaem_n900it fetches the list fine, but then bails while reading it09:32
tekojoyes, it's worse now for a couple of days as the old servers are being copied09:32
pupnikah yes, that is new09:32
jaem_n900it doesn't like the freeciv-data package entry09:32
pupniksame prob here jaem_n900 - freeciv-data09:32
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jaem_n900okay, just wanted to make sure someone knew about it09:33
jaem_n900it makes HAM very sad :(09:33
tekojowill ping him09:33
jaem_n900and apt just complains loudly09:33
jaem_n900thanks :P09:33
pupnikyeah and dont go editing apt caches by hand09:33
pupnikwell i tried that for fun09:33
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wazd_n800RST38h, duuude!09:44
wazd_n800RST38h, quake 3 engine!)09:44
pupnikplelase include a verb in your staements09:45
wazd_n800RST38h, I just got an idea)09:45
pupniklets see, not useless controls09:45
pupnikhow about that09:45
wazd_n800perfect engine for games on n90009:46
pupnikexcept for those that need a different engine09:46
pupnikthere are also some quake2 engine games built for n800.  i think one was a racing game09:46
wazd_n800well, accelerometer+volume+touchscreen+keyboard09:46
pupnikactually i only tried theopenarena port09:47
wazd_n800well, id tech  3 is fast, powerful and it was made by John goddamn Carmack :D09:48
wazd_n800It has all devtools09:48
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wazd_n800like level editor and stuff09:48
wazd_n800so basically you'll have just to script everything09:49
wazd_n800engine will do the rest09:49
wazd_n800damn,, it's purely genius idea)09:50
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wazd_n800and it's gl es2 ready I guess btw09:51
wazd_n800who needs Ogre now I wonder))09:52
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pupniksecurity heads-up - looks like we have a problem with checking for png_decompress_chunk in -lpng... no10:04
pupnikautoconf says it is not contained in libpng from libpng12-dev_1.2.37-1maemo1+0m5_armel.deb10:05
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Stskeepspupnik: not really a security issue, but that it is missing :P10:07
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joppuReflect Theme updated, now with missing info filed and bugfixes. Currently in extras-testing! Please evaluate and vote!10:09
pupnikStskeeps: do you know i can manually check that libray? the function is containend in thecorresponding png-dev package from extras10:09
Stskeepspupnik: it's oss10:09
pupniki was hoping to get a list of functions from something like ldd10:11
Stskeepspng-dev shouldn't be in extras10:12
Stskeepsit should be in SDK10:12
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pupnikto verify that it is actually in the file armel /usr/lib/
Stskeepsnm -D10:13
pupnikmaybe if i install the -dbg, i can get labels for those functions10:13
pupnikbased on the -dev package and resulting /include, it shouldl find it10:14
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pupniki guess the thing to is look at the ./configure script moree closely?10:15
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Corsachmhm, is there an applet which would show a bit more about battery life? (not a widget, but something which would go in the notification area)11:12
Corsac(though I'm not sure how it's called)11:12
Stskeepshal-device bme and go from there11:12
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CorsacStskeeps: I was more asking for stuff integrated in the UI, but I guess it's a “no” :)11:14
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tekojoping AndrewBlack11:22
DocScrutinizer51hmm maemo5 numptyphysics bottomline is somewhere a few dozen pixels below and outside of screen11:22
JaffaMorning, all11:22
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DocScrutinizer51maybe almost the size of topbar that's missing in maemo4 NP as there it's fullscreen11:24
pH5good morning11:24
FargusMorning Andrew11:24
Fargusand everyone else!11:24
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BluesLeedoes someone use the wiicontrol app on the n900?11:28
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BluesLeethe app icon disappeared right after a reboot, if i add one manually it crashes, its similiar with numptyphysics11:29
BluesLeehmm, maybe i can start it in the terminalm similiar to the mc icon11:31
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DocScrutinizer51BluesLee: heh so I was not mentaly insane when thinking I seen NP icon :-D11:36
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BluesLeeDocScrutinizer51: i dont understand why the wiicontrol icon disappeared11:39
BluesLeeDocScrutinizer51: okay, works now11:44
DocScrutinizer51BluesLee: aah. On N810 the whole numptyphysics disappeared - even from appmanager. Had to insatl from .deb to get it back11:44
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BluesLeeDocScrutinizer51: this matrix thing with the app manager is cool11:45
DocScrutinizer51matrix thing? the hidden reality?11:46
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BluesLeematrix-red-install from file, hehe11:47
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BluesLeei wonder what matrix-blue is?11:48
Corsacblue pill / red pill?11:48
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BluesLeeinvisible pill11:49
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swc|666this phone needs localepurge ported to it :/11:50
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DocScrutinizer51BluesLee: quite funny. On N810 it was sufficient to click on the .deb in filemanager to make appmanager install it11:51
BluesLeeDocScrutinizer51: maybe there is also a matrix command to activate usb host:-)11:52
BluesLeeDocScrutinizer51: just a joke ...11:52
BluesLeeDocScrutinizer51: i will miss that feature11:53
dmj7261who developed the default camera app?11:54
DocScrutinizer51I wish there was redpill mode for friggin filemanager. Even petrovic which states to be able to "send *arbitrary* files" does not even know about files in my own homedir. Just because it uses the same borked bluepill crap like FM11:56
BluesLeethere is something odd about the files shown in the fm, right?11:57
fnordianslipmorning.  puzzled here.  how do i get conky promoted from extras-testing to extras?  it now has karma of 11.11:58
DocScrutinizer51hiding real world (here fs tree) from "poor user" not to scare him with things like english dirnames or even /etc etc11:59
pH5dmj7261: nokia. you could check the camera-ui package maintainer11:59
timeless_mbpdmj7261: why do you ask?11:59
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dmj7261just having trouble writing my own alternative12:00
timeless_mbpdmj7261: there was an open camera app for the n8x0 iirc12:00
dmj7261The camera ui doesn't work properly for one use case of mine.12:00
timeless_mbpwhich is?12:00
timeless_mbpplus there's the mirror app which is probably open12:00
dmj7261It won't focus properly up close unless you trick it.12:00
BluesLeeDocScrutinizer51: what is the "Mac Os" Dir about, can i remove it?12:00
timeless_mbpeven in macro?12:00
pH5also mbarcode is using the camera and af12:01
timeless_mbpBluesLee: would you be shocked that it's for computers running Mac OS?12:01
timeless_mbp(actually Mac OS X, but Nokia can't spell)12:01
BluesLeetimeless_mbp: hehe12:01
dmj7261Yeah, in macro it focuses a lot on the object a foot away leaving the subject 2 inches away blurry12:01
timeless_mbproughly Mac OS X is a Unix12:01
BluesLeetimeless_mbp: okay, i will rmeove it12:01
timeless_mbpUnixes by default hide files and folders whose first letter is '.'12:01
Corsacis it possible to add comments on brainstorms?12:01
timeless_mbpThis means that if you plug your n900 into a computer running Unix, you won't see anything12:01
DocScrutinizer51timeless: so waht?12:02
timeless_mbpbecause all of the default folders (Except DCIM) start with '.'12:02
BluesLeetimeless_mbp: damn:-)12:02
timeless_mbpe.g. '.documents', '.images', '.media', ...12:02
timeless_mbpnow if you plug in a device and it has no content12:02
timeless_mbpand you use get info12:02
timeless_mbpand it says "mostly full"12:02
timeless_mbpwhat would you do?12:02
timeless_mbpi'd reformat it12:02
timeless_mbpthat'd get me all the space back12:02
timeless_mbpnow, when you eject it from your mac12:02
X-Fadefnordianslip: you should see a 'Promote package' link on
dmj7261mbarcode does af?12:03
timeless_mbpand go back to using your n90012:03
oniondo I need to do something special when putting a GtkTreeView inside a HildonPannableArea ? I don't get any selection or activation signals from the tree view. Signals work ok when it's inside a plain GtkScrolledWindow.12:03
timeless_mbpyou'll find all your data is gone12:03
CorsacI do wonder why those folders are hidden while they _are_ useful12:03
Corsacbut I'm sure there is a very good reason :)12:03
BluesLeetimeless_mbp: i have no mac and i will never12:03
timeless_mbpthe Mac OS folder has things which are aliases to the .folders12:03
timeless_mbpBluesLee: you'll never plug your n900 into a friend's mac?12:03
timeless_mbpis that because you don't have many friends?12:03
timeless_mbpare you a Finn in disguise?12:03
CorsacI'll never plug my n900 into a friend12:03
BluesLeetimeless_mbp: i have no friends with a mac, i have no friends:-)12:03
DocScrutinizer51timeless_mbp: so if some devine devels decided to have hiddeb dirs there... :-/12:04
timeless_mbpah hah, a Finn in disguise12:04
timeless_mbpDocScrutinizer51: one story at a time12:04
fnordianslipX-Fade: should i expect to see the "Promote Package" link in the bottom right hand corner of the white text area at the top, just like for promotion from devel to testing? if so, then I don't see it12:04
timeless_mbpBluesLee: roughly speaking, the folder eats so little space12:04
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timeless_mbpthat you'd be better served ignoring it12:04
BluesLeetimeless_mbp: just a joke, damn i have removed the MAC OS dir12:04
X-Fadefnordianslip: yes.12:04
X-Fadefnordianslip: logged in?12:04
fnordianslipX-Fade: as I thought.  wonder why i don't see it.  yes logge din.12:05
BluesLeetimeless_mbp: are you sure that it will not work?12:05
timeless_mbpDocScrutinizer51: ok, now that BluesLee has admitted a lack of friends12:05
timeless_mbpBluesLee: I'm typing from my macbook pro here12:05
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timeless_mbpI worked on the Icon that you get when you plug your n900 into a Windows, Linux or Macintosh12:05
timeless_mbpyes I think i'm pretty sure12:05
BluesLeetimeless_mbp: okay, lets do a test, remove your Mac OS folde ron the n900 and plug it in12:05
Corsacthe icon on the device or the icon on the laptop?12:05
DocScrutinizer51BluesLee: better rename ;-P12:06
X-Fadefnordianslip: Cache perhaps?12:06
timeless_mbpCorsac: the device icon as viewed from the host12:06
Corsacdidn't know you could change that from the device, for a linux host12:06
BluesLeetimeless_mbp: the n900 should be smart enough to see that the folder is missing and recover one from default?12:06
Corsacor maybe only under GNOME?12:06
timeless_mbpBluesLee: it should go against the user's wishes/12:06
timeless_mbpoh right, let's fight the user, that's a great plan!12:06
CorsacBluesLee: if the folder is useless I guess they wouldn't have included it, though12:06
timeless_mbpthen the user will complain that it's fighting12:07
timeless_mbpno. if you're stupid enough to delete it, that's mostly your fault12:07
timeless_mbpthe fact that we don't include a file explaining the folder's purpose, is us being stupid12:07
timeless_mbpand you're welcome to complain about that12:07
timeless_mbpfeel free to call nokia care12:07
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timeless_mbpyou can explain to them that you deleted the folder from your n900 because you didn't understand why it was there12:07
timeless_mbpand when you plugged it into a macintosh, you couldn't see anything12:08
BluesLeetimeless_mbp: its no problem at all12:08
DocScrutinizer51timeless_mbp: I feel fighting user is what it's all about by renaming and hiding dirs12:08
timeless_mbpyou can note that "had there been a file explaining why the folder was there, you wouldn't have done that"12:08
timeless_mbpDocScrutinizer51: ... one problem at a time12:08
timeless_mbpBluesLee: are we done here?12:08
timeless_mbpi owe DocScrutinizer51 an explanation12:08
BluesLeetimeless_mbp: i will get me the file structure from scratchbox12:08
timeless_mbpi highly doubt our sdk includes that directory12:09
timeless_mbpit's part of the mmc data...12:09
timeless_mbpDocScrutinizer51: so...12:09
Corsachmh, funny, when I plug the n900 I see 3 exported devices: the sdcard, the “Nokia N900” and a 200M filesystem12:09
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Corsacwith my pictures12:09
timeless_mbpthe 770 which is the ancestor of the n800 which is the ancestor of the n810 which is the ancestor of the n90012:09
timeless_mbpCorsac: that last one sounds really odd12:10
BluesLeetimeless_mbp: hmm, maybe a user can tar the dir and sent it to me?12:10
timeless_mbpBluesLee: if you ask nicely, someone could probably do that, yes12:10
timeless_mbpbut not me now12:10
timeless_mbpDocScrutinizer51: ...12:10
timeless_mbpit was designed by Gtk hackers12:10
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Corsactimeless_mbp: I agree12:10
timeless_mbpthese are GNU Linux people12:10
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BluesLeetimeless_mbp: okay, in that case i dont need to call nokia:-)12:10
fnordianslipX-Fade: doesn't seem to be a caching thing.  I even tried a different browser (safari) and still no way to promote.12:10
DocScrutinizer51timeless_mbp: save your time ;-)12:10
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DocScrutinizer51timeless_mbp: I don't need a justifivation for that crap ;-P12:11
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Corsactimeless_mbp: this is a vfat partition with the DCIM folder and inside the camera pictures12:11
timeless_mbpand they were asked to come up with a system which allowed for Localized directory names12:11
timeless_mbpCorsac: so um12:11
Corsac(and it's the first partition)12:11
joppuFsck yeah! I'm getting my repacement today, they just called from the mail!12:12
Corsacthe “Nokia N900” is exported as /dev/sdb, and the two others are from /dev/sdc12:12
Corsacso I guess I have two partitions on the sdcard, an ext3 and a vfat one, and the camera put the pictures in the vfat one12:12
DocScrutinizer51CoreFusion-: exactly12:13
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Corsactimeless_mbp: the Linux boxes use .VolumeIcons?12:15
timeless_mbpno, they use autorun.inf12:15
timeless_mbpwhich perhaps BluesLee also deleted...12:15
Corsac.VolumeIcon.icns even12:15
timeless_mbpnah, that's the OS X one12:15
timeless_mbpthe .n900.ico is used12:15
Corsachmhm I think I disabled autorun.inf altogether, but I'm not even sure Xfce would support custom icons anyway12:16 there a way to change the default camera app to focus on say a particular point?12:16
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fnordianslipwonder if there is a delay between getting enough karma (>= 10) and getting the option to promote?12:16
Macerstargate was an awesome movie when it came out12:16
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MacerCorsac: how is that tb working out for you?12:17
Corsacfine, though i didn't have much time to play with it12:18
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* DocScrutinizer51 creates some hardlinks with sane names to a couple of .dirs12:18
Macerliar. it is under your bed like mine was before i sold it for half the price. :)12:18
Macerhaha. ah well. bed time.12:18
MacerCorsac: did you see the picture of the one in popular mechanics12:19
fluxdmj7261, I imagine it focuses to the center of the screen, but the traditional trick to do that is to make sure the focused object is at center first, then move the camera around while keeping focus12:19
fluxdmj7261, I suppose with a touch screen an assignable focus point would be nice to have, though :)12:19
pH5dmj7261: touch focus? if you file an enhancement bug for that, I'd vote for it12:19
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Macerit had to have been a render :) it was too well designed. with actual fn markings on the kb12:19
dmj7261Perhaps it would be easier getting Nokia to fix this.12:20
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dmj7261Given that the alternative is to rewrite the entire app.12:20
dmj7261What I would like would be to be able to focus on a given point or have a focus slider.12:21
dmj7261I'd settle for a focus slider even.12:21
dmj7261It doesn't focus in the center.12:21
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Macerheh. now corsac knows why nobody buys french cars12:25
Macergood night12:25
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timeless_mbpDocScrutinizer51: sorry....12:29
timeless_mbpwhere was i12:29
timeless_mbpso, the requirement given to the 770 linux hacker people was:12:29
timeless_mbpprovide a way to show folders with translated names12:29
DocScrutinizer51you were about to realize I'm no worthy target for your efforts ;-P12:29
timeless_mbpthe other part of this requirement was to make sure that people didn't hard code English paths into anything12:30
DocScrutinizer51the first sin ;-D12:30
timeless_mbptheir "solution" was to give the directories "hidden" names12:30
dmj7261Here's what I get in macro:
timeless_mbpbecause if the user were to create a folder named "Documents"12:30
timeless_mbpit wouldn't conflict with a folder named "Documentos" (italian?)12:31
timeless_mbpand when you switched to English, it still wouldn't conflict12:31
timeless_mbpalthough it would be unfortunate12:31
timeless_mbpthe microsoft approach is to use a file named 'desktop.ini' inside the folder12:31
DocScrutinizer51well it confuses hell out of me12:32
timeless_mbpand give it some attributes telling the system it's special12:32
timeless_mbpDocScrutinizer51: you think you're that special?12:32
timeless_mbpit's stupid12:32
timeless_mbpbut they were hackers12:32
dmj7261I know it can focus close because of pics like this:
timeless_mbpand insisted on reinventing the wheel12:32
DocScrutinizer51and I question the rationale behind it anyway12:32
timeless_mbpinstead of copying from microsoft12:32
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timeless_mbpoh, the general requirements: Localizable folder names12:32
timeless_mbpand Not hard coding English paths12:32
timeless_mbpand Not conflicting with a user created Folder12:32
timeless_mbpare all perfectly reasonable12:33
timeless_mbptheir solution sucks12:33
timeless_mbpbut ...12:33
timeless_mbpthe thing is, it was made for the 77012:33
timeless_mbpand then there were all these apps written for the 77012:33
timeless_mbpand ported to the n800/n81012:33
timeless_mbpand then more apps written for the n800/n81012:33
timeless_mbproughly speaking, changing this would have broken all of those apps12:33
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DocScrutinizer51so now all is FUBAR... yeah I see12:33
timeless_mbpwrite once wrong, suffer many12:34
DocScrutinizer51simply I don't like the whole approach12:34
timeless_mbpoh, i'm not defending it12:34
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BluesLeei have one more question, where i can alias rm='rm -i' for root?12:34
timeless_mbpit's another case of NIH and We Can't Steal From Microsoft12:34
BluesLeeit refuses to use the entry from /etc/profile12:34
timeless_mbpBluesLee: which "it"?12:34
timeless_mbpsudo gainroot?12:34
timeless_mbpssh root@127.1 ?12:34
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DocScrutinizer51BluesLee: in .profile?12:35
timeless_mbptypically sudo iirc will not load profile stuff12:35
timeless_mbpbecause it's not supposed to be the real shell12:35
* Arkenoi thinks that hardcoding english paths is far lesser evil than all that "virtual" path tricks12:35
timeless_mbpArkenoi: again, i'm not defending what they did12:35
DocScrutinizer51the whole thing is crappybox anyway12:35
timeless_mbpwhat they did was stupid12:36
DocScrutinizer51so abandon all hope. then go apt-get install bash12:36
BluesLeeDocScrutinizer51: it works, thanx12:36
Arkenoilatest easy debian fails to install. Operation temporary disabled due to low memory" all the time :-(12:37
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redBluesLee: your sudo gainroot works with .profile aliases after apt-get install bash?12:39
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Corsactimeless_mbp: did they look at xdg-user-dirs?12:40
timeless_mbpin 2005?12:40
* DocScrutinizer51 wonders what gainroot actually does' from a syscalls POV12:40
Stskeepssudo? :P12:41
DocScrutinizer51obviously not12:41
timeless_mbpDocScrutinizer51: nothing12:41
timeless_mbpit's roughly speaking a shell12:41
timeless_mbpwhich is a binary and has the suid bit12:41
Corsactimeless_mbp: no but since then it could have been a good idea to switch to a more common solution12:41
timeless_mbpCorsac: um...12:42
timeless_mbpfirst, are you certain we don't play nicely with xdg12:42
Corsac(especially if the goal is to go from a geek-only device to mass market12:42
timeless_mbpand second, how would that solve the probably described above12:42
* timeless_mbp kicks dolphin12:42
CorsacI'm not certain of anything but, aiui, xdg-user-dirs is intended to fix the same problems12:42
timeless_mbpit is12:43
Corsac(“general” folders, localisation etc.)12:43
timeless_mbpand it wouldn't shock me if the nokians who first did this worked w/ xdg12:43
timeless_mbpsince that'd be the "proper linux" thing to do12:43
DocScrutinizer51-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root          225 Dec  4 23:01 /usr/sbin/gainroot12:43
timeless_mbpok, not suid, that's sudo12:45
redis there any better way to gain su rights than sudo gainroot via the shroot app?12:45
timeless_mbproughly it's just a binary that will run s12:45
redits kinda annoying due the .profile ignoring etc12:45
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timeless_mbpred: ssh root@localhost12:45
timeless_mbpthat'll give you a proper login shell12:45
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timeless_mbpit depends on your goal12:46
redto mimic getting the rights with the command su on ubuntu etc12:46
timeless_mbpyou could probably replace su12:47
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DocScrutinizer51nuke crappybox ;-D12:47
Corsacthing is, busybox is essential or something, so removing it might be a bit tricky12:47
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DocScrutinizer51yeah. heard that12:48
DocScrutinizer51initscripts rely on crappybox bugs12:48
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dmj7261pH5: I filed it.12:53
povbotBug 7224: camera app focuses on wrong object12:54
dmj7261flux: you might want to look too.12:54
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Stskeepscomputer blew up?12:57
wazd_513012am, monday, damn army of people are waiting for tickets to watch avatar12:58
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wazd_5130I've booked thursday tickets12:59
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pH5dmj7261: ty13:00
wazd_5130Rst, around?13:00
wazd_5130Sts, heya btw)13:01
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rashed2020Can an app intercept an incoming phone call before the phone app gets it?13:04
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Anideloh oh13:05
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dmj7261pH5: I think I know what it focuses on.13:15
dmj7261It's not the center of the screen.13:16
dmj7261It's the brightest area.13:16
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jennyfast2Anyone ever install ubuntu on their N8x0?13:26
Stskeepsyes, there's a thread on it on talk.maemo.org13:27
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pekujaI installed a Conboy update today, and now Conboy has disappeared from the application menu.13:30
pekujaIs that a known problem?13:30
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pekujamaybe I should reinstall it13:33
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mgedminpekuja, happened to me too!13:39
mgedminno clue how, but after installation the desktop file got removed13:39
mgedminI fixed it by reinstalling conboy13:40
Oli```I want to ssh to my phone but I don't want to install a ssh server on my phone (because I'll undoubtedly leave it on and get my legs hacked off). Is there some way I could ssh to my desktop from my phone and somehow reverse the connection so I controlled the phone terminal from the desktop?13:40
pekujayeah, seems like reinstalling fixed it for me too13:40
mgedminOli```, it is possible, yes13:42
timeless_mbpcomment in the testing thing?13:42
Oli```mgedmin: can you poke me in the right directioin?13:42
Oli```or the right direction? Your choice ;)13:42
mgedminI don't have the energy to walk you through it; essentially what you need to do is install openssh-server, change /etc/ssh/sshd.conf to listen only on localhost, and then ssh -R 222:localhost:22 yourdesktop (if I got it right)13:43
lbtBBC talking about Fennec and N900...
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lbtand.... " Apple is very restrictive. It doesn't allow other browsers  "13:44
TermanaEveryone is taking a stab at Apple these days - even BBC :P13:44
pekujaI thought I just saw an alternative browser in the app store13:47
threshTermana: it is just utterly stupid to have Cortex A8 and just don't let users use it inside the iPhone13:47
pekujabut maybe I'm remembering wrong13:47
Termanapekuja: I doubt it, Apple doesn't allow apps through that duplicate functionality13:48
pekujayeah, I know13:48
pekujathat's why I remember13:49
pekujabut then mayebe I'm thinking of something else13:49
Termanathresh - I don't get what you mean by the iPhone having a Cortex A8 and it not being used?13:49
TermanaI was under the impression that the iPhone 3GS' main processor was the Cortex A813:50
SpeedEvilThe user has no access to the hardware accelleration of running in a lower level language.13:50
jennyfast2I downloaded a tar file to my "My Documents" directory. I'm currently in another directory, what do I type in root when locating the tar in the "My Documents" directory?13:50
SpeedEvilit's in /home/user/MyDocs/13:50
mgedminjennyfast2, cd /home/user/MyDocs13:50
threshTermana: yeah, but you cant access it's DSP13:51
* mgedmin takes the spurious apostrophe away from thresh13:51
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threshthank you13:51
threshsucks to be ill13:51
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jennyfast2I want to unload it into /mnt/d1x13:51
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fluxdmj7261, did you try focusing into larger objects? maybe the focusing area is too big.13:55
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* DocScrutinizer51 curses "My Documents", osso-fm, and the whole freaking nonsense14:09
StskeepsDocScrutinizer51: I don't like gnome ~/Documents myself14:09
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Stskeepsor especially, ~/Pulpit, which my idiotic ubuntu install made at one point14:10
DocScrutinizer51I don't like gnome14:10
woglindedoc me too14:11
CorsacStskeeps: you can re{move,name} them and it should be kept like this14:11
woglinde*sigh* another debian package to beautify and uploading14:12
rashed2020Is there an API for phone connectivity?14:12
rashed2020I've been looking at the docs for a while. It's either not there or I'm stupid (the latter being more likely).14:14
DocScrutinizer51actually not14:14
rashed2020Oh wait, DBusPendingCalls might be what I'm looking for.14:15
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woglinderashed2020 check the -dev ml14:15
woglindeqwerty dismantled most dbus commands14:15
rashed2020woglinde: -dev ml?14:15
jennyfast2What's the best portable computer?14:15
DocScrutinizer51*most* ??? o.O14:15
jennyfast2I don't want to spend $100014:16
jennyfast2Under $50014:16
jennyfast2I was thinking the OQO, or Sony UX14:16
jennyfast2Any other recommendations?14:16
DocScrutinizer51a few   might be the appropriaate wording, no?14:16
jennyfast2Something that can run Windows or Ubuntu14:16
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ifreqany netbook with 10 plus hour battery usage14:17
rashed2020How often can one expect Fremantle updates?14:17
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rashed2020jennyfast2: I have an Acer Timeline 3810T. It's not as portable as the ones you mentions but it's really good. 7+ battery life and DOESN'T use Atom.14:18
glass_oqo and sony ux are not really even near 500$, no?14:18
tigertifreq: N900 ;)14:20
woglinderashed2020 maemo-devel mailinglist14:20
ifreqtigert well n900 is not netbook14:21
tigertwell yeah14:21
tigertbut what is a "netbook"?14:21
tigertits a lot more like a netbook than a cellphone if you think of the uses14:21
woglindenetbook has huge screens14:21
woglindecompares to phones14:21
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tigertwhat resolutions do  they usually have?14:23
mikhasI think I can fit roughly 70% on my n900's terminal compared to my laptop's (1280x800) terminal ...14:23
DocScrutinizer51that's really fsckng smart. All you can access via osso-fm is actually VFAT. You cna,t create softlinks on VFAT to escape to real fs14:23
ShadowJKmikhas, something like that, yeah :)14:24
ShadowJKDocScrutinizer51, and bindmounts inside?14:24
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tigertDocScrutinizer51: use terminal for real fs access14:25
tigertfilemanagers are for the weak anyway14:25
flexxxvhello, where can I get the actuel vgba for diablo?14:25
DocScrutinizer51tigert: tell taht to petrovic14:25
flexxxvit isn't anymore in repo14:25
tigertpetrovich and filemanager and the end user apps14:26
tigertthose are meant for user's data14:26
tigertwhich is in ~/MyDocs and /home14:26
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KhertanHi !14:26
DocScrutinizer51tigert: aah yes14:26
tigertthere is no point showing the unix filesystem to normal people14:27
tigertus geeks are a different story14:27
DocScrutinizer51alas I can't access /home14:27
tigertand well14:27
DocScrutinizer51I can't even access /home/user14:27
tigert_what do you want to do_?14:28
jaskahmmh, cant seem to find the post with the phone dbus info14:28
tigertmost of the time you want to access your files14:28
tigertwhich are in MyDocs14:28
tigertor in the external memory card14:28
CorsacI know that the Thunar dev ran thunar on scratchbox14:28
DocScrutinizer51tigert: maybe *you* do14:28
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woglindehm next task14:28
tigertDocScrutinizer51: thats why I am asking what you want to do?14:28
Corsacis someone sponsors him a device I'm sure he can tweak it so it runs fine on fremantle14:28
woglindeI have beautify so much packages14:28
* mgedmin wonders if mentioning bind mounts to DocScrutinizer51 would be a good idea or a bad idea14:29
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DocScrutinizer51tigert: e.g copy my ~/.xchat2 drawer from N900 to N81014:29
woglindemgedmin doc is oldschool14:29
tigertDocScrutinizer51: use scp -r?14:29
Corsacwoglinde: what do you mean by “beautify”?14:29
mgedminDocScrutinizer51, doesn't backup/restore copy it over?14:29
mgedminbug in xchat!14:29
tigertand backup should work too yeah14:30
mgedminhm, didn't I build xchat for fremantle?14:30
DocScrutinizer51tigert: over BT?14:30
mgedminoops, I definitely didn't do anything to support backup14:30
DocScrutinizer51that's quite new14:30
tigertDocScrutinizer51: wlan for example?14:30
woglindecorsac if someone patches in a the whole generated autoolssutff including m4-caches14:30
woglindethis suckz14:30
mgedminalthough the version currently in extras-devel is not mine14:30
woglindecorsac and not usign cdbs is a crime14:30
DocScrutinizer51tigert: yeah. or I simply read and type copy14:30
Corsaccdbs kind-of suck14:30
DocScrutinizer51tigert: works always14:31
tigertDocScrutinizer51: duh sure14:31
woglinde4 lines of rules-file rockz14:31
Corsacwell, it's useful on simple cases, but it really pisses me off on more complex stuff14:31
woglindecorsac hm askme14:31
Corsacwoglinde: debhelper7 rocks (but I think we already had this discussion)14:31
woglindeonly downdraw with cdbs is autoreconf14:31
mgedminDocScrutinizer51, I recommend ssh for this kind of file transfer14:31
Corsacwoglinde: I'm a debian developer, so thanks but I think I can manage it :)14:31
woglindecorsac no debhelper 7 in lenny and maemo14:31
tigertDocScrutinizer51: but it was a clear design decision to hide the unix filesystem. copying your configuration files over to another devie is not exactly a common usecase that would justify against it14:32
woglindecorsac hehee14:32
Corsacwoglinde: lenny has debhelper 714:32
DocScrutinizer51mgedmin: thatks. that's what I did as no other way worked14:32
tigertDocScrutinizer51: you could tar it up in terminal and then send the tarball over?14:32
woglindecorsac hm oh14:32
tigertthat is what I'd do14:32
Corsac(but not 7.0.50 which has the override stuff)14:32
woglindedidnt look carefully14:32
woglindecorsac ah yeah ovveride is needed14:32
Corsacwoglinde: I already asked on maemo-dev why the build arch for maemo was based on etch and not lenny though :/14:32
tigertDocScrutinizer51: besides, the filemanager doesnt show hidden files either14:33
DocScrutinizer51tigert: I also could desolder the flash chip and pigyback it to desination device14:33
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mikhastigert, did you encounter problems with large tarballs?14:33
tigertmikhas: havent done large ones14:33
DocScrutinizer51tigert: so that's another benefit' huh?14:33
tigertDocScrutinizer51: whats your point?14:33
woglindecorsac I like git-buildpackage really14:33
woglindeI will try to get in extras14:33
Jaffalbt: ping14:34
CorsacI'm gonna try to push scapy in extras :)14:34
tigertDocScrutinizer51: I just explained the reasoning why the filesystem access is like that for the N900 user14:34
woglindecorsac yeah yeah14:34
DocScrutinizer51this reasoning is braindead14:34
woglindecorsac you are mainainer of scapy?14:34
Corsacwoglinde: no14:35
Corsac(I maintain Xfce)14:35
woglindehm okay14:35
fnordianslipi still can't promote conky to extras.  by 09:00 UTC it had enough votes, but the option to promote is still not presented on this page (and I am logged in);
Corsac(and evolution ><)14:35
woglindeoh my god14:35
mgedminDocScrutinizer51, *boggle*14:35
Corsacbut I use scapy quite often and the sid package installed fine with dpkg -i14:35
tigertDocScrutinizer51: I also gave you a few alternatives that should get the job done OK14:35
mgedmindo you seriously think you can require every mom and pop who buys a cellphone to understand /usr/lib and friends?14:35
tigertDocScrutinizer51: if you just want to argue, please find someone else :)14:36
woglindecorsac yeah sid package even works on lenny14:36
Stskeepsmgedmin: the freerunner premise!14:36
woglindehm reminds me14:36
woglindethat I could upload python-wifi to maemo14:36
mikhasmgedmin, or understand "folders" and "files" at all14:36
woglindethats a good idea14:36
lbtJaffa: pong14:36
mgedminthere's a difference between "possible" and "shoved right into your face"14:36
mgedminor "allowed" and "required"14:36
DocScrutinizer51tigert: you gave no statement I even would bother to argue against14:36
mgedminI'm allowed to see the full unix filesystem on my n900 (xterm, sshfs), but I'm not required to14:37
mikhasand you shouldnt be required to, that's the whole point, no?14:37
mikhasshould vs shouldnt, I mean14:37
tigertyeah, it was clearly decided that most users dont care about the unix fs14:37
suihkulokkior rather, the users that care about unix fs use the xterm anyway14:38
tigertdotfiles in /home, well, yeah, maybe one could expose /home/user, but still those can be accessed with term14:38
tigertits like I have Nautilus in Ubuntu14:38
tigertthat shows me /etc if I want14:38
lbtis that like windows explorer?14:39
tigert(the filemanager)14:39
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tigertit but if I really need to poke there its much faster wiht a terminal anyway14:39
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tigertnautilus is really nice for my files though14:39
tigertI wonder how many times I have used it to view stuff outside my /home14:40
tigertnot many14:40
* Gadgetoid_mbp always uses terminal to view files outside of N900 sanctioned folders14:40
Corsacmaybe because there is no other way :)14:40
* Khertan hate this Dialog hiding extensions !14:40
Gadgetoid_mbpMidnight Commander?14:40
Corsachey Khertan14:41
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DocScrutinizer51tigert: that's clearly a "that's no bug thats a feature" kind of justification. What makes you think a statement like "it's been clerly decided that user does XY" is any correct and not a evil attitude14:43
mgedmintigert, /media/usbflashdisk is outside your /home ;)14:43
tigertDocScrutinizer51: user testing?14:43
DocScrutinizer51hmm, so we had to define which reference user group you talk about14:44
tigertDocScrutinizer51: also just looking at the responses here on the channel, your argument got about 4 or 5 counter-arguments14:45
tigertso it is telling me the decision could have been worse :)14:45
SpeedEvilIMO - showing users - normal ones - / is _insanity_14:45
SpeedEvilOr config files.14:45
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SpeedEvilThose that care can install a FM of some sort.14:45
DocScrutinizer51125035 <jennyfast2> I downloaded a tar file to my "My Documents" directory. I'm currently in another directory, what do I type in root when locating the tar in the "My Documents" directory?14:45
tigertDocScrutinizer51: thats why there is the terminal, so if you are interested / need to hack stuff, you can do it easily14:46
SpeedEvilah - sorry - misread scrollback14:46
mikhas"tar", "type", "root"? and you think that's a normal user?14:46
tigertDocScrutinizer51: well, the .documents is a braindead relic that should die, yes14:46
Gadgetoid_mbpSheesh, I'm a power user and had to lookup where the hidden docs directory was14:47
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Gadgetoid_mbpBlatant dot abuse!14:47
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DocScrutinizer51so now seems the time to leave that debate alone14:48
DocScrutinizer51for me14:48
mikhasyeah, you lost =p14:48
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Gadgetoid_mbpln -s /home/usr/sanedocumentsfolder /home/usr/MyDocs/.documents ?14:49
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* Gadgetoid_mbp often gets his ln commands reversed 14:49
DocScrutinizer51nah, tigert gimself and Gadgetoid_mbp made my point14:49
tigertDocScrutinizer51: that has nothing to do wiht exposing the root fs though14:50
mgedminGadgetoid_mbp, what helped me is I started thinking about "cp source dest", combined with "ln -s is like cp, only it doesn't really copy, it makes a reference"14:50
tigertits just a relic that is causing gray hair also when you mount the stuff via usb storage14:50
Gadgetoid_mbpmgedmin: ah, so I'm not alone!14:50
SpeedEvilme too. (ln)14:50
tigerthow the heck do you know to put music on your $MEMORYCARD/.sounds ?14:50
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mgedminthere's a bunch of metadata for MacOS X/Win3214:51
Corsaca good way to remember the order is to remember the second arg is optional14:51
Corsacand it'll link to the current folder14:51
tigertwhich is more gross hacks to fix the first14:51
mgedminI wouldn't be suprised if you get to see "Audio files" or something if you plug it into Mac OS X14:51
mgedminfor linux you have to be a power user :)(14:52
DocScrutinizer51Gadgetoid_mbp: you can have only one destination but several links to that dest.  so dest is first arg14:52
tigertit does that so that those folder names can be translated I think14:52
mgedminthat was nicely ambiguous, but I meant :(14:52
tigertbut the way it is done causes a lot of issues like this14:52
tigertI hope it gets fixed in harmattan :P14:52
Gadgetoid_mbpDocScrutinizer51, Corsac - I seeee! (but will forget)14:52
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* Gadgetoid_mbp connects his n900 to his mbp14:54
wazdhello maemo14:55
wazdagain :)14:55
Corsachey wazd14:55
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* Gadgetoid_mbp sees Movies and Music folders that he's sure don't actually exist14:56
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mgedminwoohoo, conboy, rm /usr/share/applications/hildon/conboy.desktop in a .postrm, how nice14:57
mgedminthankfully it's been commented out in the latest deb14:57
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mgedminI can't say I like the games it's playing with sed on /usr/share/applications/uri-action-defaults.list in its postinst/postrm14:58
Gadgetoid_mbpWouldn't it have made sense to have had /home/usr/Music or /home/usr/DAS MUSIC as real folders, with, if it really matters, a from /home/usr/.duuuuh/.music back to the translated folder name?14:58
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Gadgetoid_mbpOr, just Apps that can find content by metadata no matter where dumdum user puts it14:58
Gadgetoid_mbps/a from/a link from14:59
mgedminactually, Gadgetoid_mbp, that's exactly what the Media Player and Photos apps do on the n90014:59
mgedminit doesn't matter where you put your music, movies or images15:00
mgedminsometimes it doesn't work as well as you'd like ("save web page as", and all embedded images next to the html end up being shown among your photos)15:01
Gadgetoid_mbpOde to the pointlessness of .documents. Thou start with a dot, but hidden you're not. You contain all my files. But I can't find you. My downloads are lost. To my command line. WOE IS ME!15:01
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KMFDMlol @ Ode to the pointlessness of .documents.15:03
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tigertGadgetoid_mbp: that I can agree with :)15:04
Gadgetoid_mbpAre we missing an MC port to the N900?15:05
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tigertno, MC is in extras-devel at least15:05
DocScrutinizer51btw from roundabout 20 years of customer support I can tell users that don't care about the filesysem also don't care if there's written 'My Documents' or '~/documents' or even 'foobar' in any filerequester dialog. Those users tend to have *papers* where they write down each single keystroke to get a task done15:07
tigertthere are those people, but a lot of people between that and us15:07
SpeedEvilI don't understand those people.15:07
SpeedEvilBut you have to work with them.15:07
tigertthose people dont buy N900s either I guess15:07
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KMFDMsince i ran the firmware update my preproduction phone has developed all kinds of small issues, but it might be related to not also flashing the eMMC15:08
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DocScrutinizer51all you *_mbp guys probably like the "go to" function of your finder, enabling you to have a look to arbitrary locations like /etc15:12
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Gadgetoid_mbpDocScrutinizer51: Agreed15:13
andre__jeremiah_: can you please remove maemo recorder from extras-testing/extras-devel, as it's been superseded by Recorder? i see enough people still installing the older version15:13
Gadgetoid_mbpDocScrutinizer51: But not so much as having the filepath permanently visible, ala Windoze15:13
mgedminKMFDM, what kinds of small issues?15:14
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KMFDMwell this morning's latest is that my email doesn't update according to the set interval15:14
KMFDMsometimes when I've set offline mode for conversations the phone randomly sets itself online while im asleep15:14
KMFDMlast night when I went to the theatre my phone responded to the anti-gsm signal by jumping from offline mode to online15:15
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tigertKMFDM: sounds like a bug for bugzilla.maemo.org15:16
tigertplease report15:16
mgedminmine decided last night that it wasn't feeling hungry and refused to charge15:16
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mgedminI found it dead this morning, still plugged into the charger15:16
tigertbut yeah15:16
KMFDMmgedmin, mine does that too if you plug it in when turning it off15:16
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tigertflashing emmc us a good idea if weird shit happens15:16
TermanaSince when have theatres used anything to stop GSM signals?15:16
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KMFDMplugging it in while it is starting up or shutting down15:16
mgedminwell, to be more precise, it woke me up with the alarm, and then asked me if I wanted to turn the device on, and started charging15:16
tigerts/us/is/ even15:16
KMFDMTermana, here they send out a signal that makes everyone's phone ring15:17
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KMFDMif it is still on15:17
TermanaI didn't even know you could do that :P15:17
mgedminKMFDM, cool15:17
mgedminhow on Earth does that work?15:17
KMFDMafter that they block it15:17
X-FadeWho is the first to call bullshit on that? :)15:18
Gadgetoid_mbpDocScrutinizer51: but as the default file manager in the N900 sucks and isn't nearly high density enough, I'd sooner replace it with one that has root fs access and more features besides15:18
gtessier00yayyyyyyyyy N900 in transit to my home :D15:18
cosmo_bs, never heard that it would be possible15:18
TermanaI call it for the sake of shit15:18
Stskeepscould technically be possible if they manage to transfer te phones to a picocell or something :P15:18
X-FadeFrequency jammer, sure.15:18
cosmo_i want my dealextreme phone-ringer device if it is possible15:18
Stskeeps(not sure.)15:19
Termanalol cosmo :P15:19
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X-Fadeandre__: Ask the developer to vote it down. Then it will be removed from the queue at least.15:19
X-Fadeandre__: Ah, he asked for it to be removed. I'll kill it then.15:20
DocScrutinizer51Gadgetoid: I'm less concerned about osso-fm (I use mc for that). But petrovich prooves all other apps are doing the same shit probably by using a standard lib. That has potential to become a *real* PITA15:20
* DocScrutinizer51 waits for mc being 'hildonized' wrt that bluepill mode15:21
andre__X-Fade: problem also is that "maemo-recorder" is shown before "Recorder" in the App Manager, I think. so people install the older one15:21
Gadgetoid_mbpDocScrutinizer51: Ahh, I see what you mean15:22
* mgedmin waits for /bin/ls to be hildonized15:22
DocScrutinizer51yeah. prolly going to get a iPhone then15:22
Gadgetoid_mbpMe likey iPhone, it works...15:23
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Gadgetoid_mbpI get my iPhone back today, girlfriend has landed herself a 3Gs upgrade15:23
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oldtangmaemo exmaples15:34
oldtangi can't run15:34
oldtangany one help?15:34
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wazdlol, VLC player for win now have santa hat on the cone :)15:35
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threshimagine that we had people complaining about it15:39
threshand still have15:39
threshthey somehow thought that santa hat is a religious symbol. and we are endorsing our religious views on them.15:39
DocScrutinizer51ShadowJK: I wonder if a bindmount loop (to ../..) will send some processes on a long journey without return15:39
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pH5hej lardman15:43
lardmanhi pH5, oldtang15:43
Stskeepslardman: re gl .. maybe if we try to map in the omap frambuffers like was done in 2.6.18 we might be able to get it working and then rendering to our own buffers15:44
oldtangnice to meet u :-)15:44
* lardman just reading about Fennec-final soon to be released for the N90015:44
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lardmanStskeeps: has there been any further comms?15:44
fluxis it optified?-)15:44
Stskeepslardman: we're talking a bit forth and back15:45
fluxdocscrutinizer51, do bind-mounts appear under the bind-mount? 8,m guessing not..15:45
mgedminflux, there's mount --bind and mount --rbind15:46
DocScrutinizer51flux: I'm somewh5 reluctant to test right away. But I guess they do15:46
mgedminthe answer to your question is different depending on which one you used15:46
DocScrutinizer51mgedmin: ooh. interesting point15:47
* DocScrutinizer51 wants mandb package for maemo515:49
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oldtangis there anyone know how to run maemo 5 examples?15:51
oldtangI run many times but failed15:51
lardmanrun or build?15:54
andre__X-Fade, jeremiah_: know anything about freeciv-data having been removed from extras-testing with a broken dep list?15:55
povbotBug 7220: Application Manager completely breaks when extras-testing is enabled15:55
X-Fadeandre__: Yes, I did this morning on request of the uploader.15:56
andre__X-Fade, Hmm. Now I wonder if it's a bug in App Manager that should be fixed, or whether to close that report :-/15:56
X-Fadeandre__: I'll comment and close.15:57
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X-Fadeandre__: It was basically repository index corruption because of broken package.15:57
andre__ah, okay15:57
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bigbrovarHi guys any one enlighten me on why the webrowser always times out anytime i add export http_proxy=myproxy:portnumber to /etc/profile . ? every other internet aware application works fine except the browser15:59
redyou are using a proxy?16:00
bigbrovarcould it be a bug or design because I dont get such behaviour from firefox ( or any gecko based browser) on my linux desktop16:00
redhave you checked the browsers settings16:00
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bigbrovarred: yeah I am. I have checked the settings in pref.js .. and it uses the systemwide proxy in my wireless profile16:00
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Shadikkacheck ?16:02
redwonder when modern browsers include syntax hilighting from a dropdown menu16:03
bigbrovarred: I had to add export http_proxy to /etc/profile because it is the only way to get internet awared applications like gpodder mauku and OMweather to work with my proxy settings in school. since they dont respect the systemwide proxy which is in my wireless profile16:03
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oldtanghi lardman16:05
oldtangit is build16:05
bigbrovarShadikka: checking it out16:06
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lardmanoldtang: what is the build error then?16:07
bigbrovarShadikka: do you think it would work with microB? Seems the code if for tear?16:07
oldtangone minute, i will copy it, did you build and run successfully?16:07
lardmanno, just wondering16:07
lardmanpastebin the output if it's long16:08
Shadikkabigbrovar: No idea, just googled it. *shrug*16:08
ShadikkaYeah, seems to work16:08
Shadikkasearch for "default_browser:" in the file16:08
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Corsachmhm, is it possible to use a us altgr-intl keyboard mapping?16:10
oldtangha, it seems now no errors, very strange16:10
oldtangmaybe just because i reboot my vmware maemo sdk env?16:11
lardmanmy magic powers ;)16:11
oldtangdid you setup a maemo 5 develop env?16:11
oldtangI believe16:12
lardmanyes, though it's on a Linux box16:12
oldtangi use a vmplayer linux image16:12
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alsurenI suspect I'm being stupid here but I can't work out how to paste into the terminal16:14
oldtangI can run maemo 5 examples, it is very fantastic16:14
lardmanalsuren: ctrl-v ?16:15
redim wondering if its possible to install maemo5 on a netbook that has touchscreen16:15
lardmanMer might be possible16:15
ShadikkaI'd expect it to be possible, but tricky16:15
Laiskaalsuren: at X Terminal? Tap the "X terminal" menu from the top of the screen16:15
redwould be a nice playground for testing16:15
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oldtangmiddle mouse button maybe help16:17
alsurenLaiska: aaaah! it only appears when you have something selected/in clipboard16:18
alsurenLaiska: thanks16:18
Laiskaalsuren: np16:18
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bigbrovarShadikka: seems the script u posted makes tear the default browser?16:19
bigbrovaram just trying to find out why microb times out when I export my proxy to /etc/profile if its a bug or design cus I dont have same problem on any linux I have used16:20
bigbrovarif there is a way i can ask the good the developers of microb or can i use the developers mailing list?16:21
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X-FadeDoes anybody have a fremantle package ready to test on the new autobuilder hardware? :)16:23
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X-FadeThere is always a queue and now I need to test it, there is nothing of course :D16:23
* mgedmin can build dict16:24
fluxmgedmin, --rbind doesn't still look recursive for the same mount16:24
fluxmgedmin, (just tried it)16:24
mgedminflux, do you really want infinite-depth directory trees?16:24
fluxmgedmin, of course not, but that was the original proposed problem with using --bind16:25
DocScrutinizer51mgmthat's exactly what we don't want ;-P16:25
mgedminah, I assumed it was other binds that were the problem16:25
mgedmineg pymaemo uses bind-mounts to overlay /usr/lib/python2.516:26
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mgedminif you wanted to bind-mount / on /home/user/MyDocs/Root and then went to open Root/usr/lib/python2.516:27
mgedminwith mount --bind you'd see an empty dir; with --rbind you'd see the python packages16:27
DocScrutinizer51exactly what I thought about16:27
DocScrutinizer51but he problem is /home/user/MyDocs/root/home/user/MyDocs/root/home/user/MyDocs/root16:30
mgedmin"doesn't still look recursive for the same mount" means what, precisely?16:30
mgedminbecause I think I interpreted it exactly the opposite way16:30
DocScrutinizer51seems it means we don't see tzat problem16:31
mgedminand my experiments show that after mount --rbind / /tmp/root I can see /tmp/root/, but /tmp/root/tmp/root/ is empty16:32
DocScrutinizer51fine then16:32
mgedminoh, fun: I can't umount my /tmp/root/now16:32
Milo-what is the point of 'onedotzero' package?16:33
Milo-"interactive remote control"16:33
Milo-remote control for what?16:33
mgedmin"Warning: You are using an invalid section: user/tools!"16:34
Shadikkalardman: Now that was a good find16:34
mgedminwhere debian/changelog says "Changed item Section from user/Commandline to user/tools for compatablity with Maemo packaging policy"16:34
mgedmineither the policy changed, or the previous maintainer was mistaken16:35
Shadikka611 MB O_o16:35
X-Fademgedmin: the latter16:35
Stskeepslardman: yeah, except i'm wondering what it contains16:35
mgedminX-Fade, so, dictd is in the autobuilder queue16:36
Stskeepsespecially how it works under windows16:36
lardmanI just saw it16:36
lardmanmight try installing it as I'm running Windows atm16:36
X-Fademgedmin: Sweet, checking.16:36
lardmanmgedmin: Annoying those messages ;)16:36
X-Fadelardman: You should be able to use it with Qdesigner ;)16:37
AndrewBlackfiferboy, Ping16:38
fiferboyAndrewBlack: pong16:38
mgedminandre__, how difficult is it to automatically add bugzilla components for every package name that's uploaded to extras-devel?16:38
mgedminand is that a good idea?16:38
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AndrewBlackfiferboy, got a problem with maemo-org and reflect they don´t uninstall right leave part of he files that makes them still show up on theme list16:38
Corsacarg, wget won't pass the license agreement16:39
DocScrutinizer51woooohoo.  madde16:39
fiferboyAndrewBlack: Does calling "hildon-theme-recache-all" fix it?16:39
andre__mgedmin, with the current bugzilla it's complicated. plus I'm not really keen on doing this too automatically. Some package maintainers prefer their own bugtracking systems16:39
X-Fademgedmin: building16:39
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* mgedmin wonders what'd have happened if had decided to use Launchpad16:40
andre__mgedmin, don't want to create bugzilla products that nobody looks at because the package maintainer does not know that it exists. plus frustration for reporters16:40
X-Fademgedmin: I was thinking of adding a button for maintainers in the package interface. Which then created the product.16:40
DocScrutinizer51goodby scratchbox16:40
AndrewBlackfiferboy, nope16:40
VDVsx  :)16:40
X-FadeBut we'll have to wait for the new bugzilla and it needs some discussion too ;)16:40
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fiferboyAndrewBlack: Ah, it probably leaves the /usr/share/themes/maemo-org folder16:41
mgedminandre__, I'm trying to weigh "a ready-made list of issues for $RANDOM_NEW_MAEMO_CONTRIBUTORS to look at when they decide to work on a package" versus "a big depressing pile of untriaged bugs that nobody ever looked at"16:41
X-Fademgedmin: 2 minute build and it is done.16:41
superdumphello everyone16:41
mgedminX-Fade, it's not done until I can apt-get install it ;)16:41
AndrewBlackfiferboy, it doesn its clearning out /opt/themes folder but leaves all the files in /usr/share/themes16:41
AndrewBlackfiferboy, does leave I mean16:41
superdumpi have an N900 and i'm having issues selecting applications from the applications menu16:41
superdumpi just filed a bug about it16:41
X-Fademgedmin: but you really need to fix the section.16:42
fiferboyAndrewBlack: Yeah, because that folder is created in postinst, not by the actual install itself16:42
andre__mgedmin, that weigh is also my problem :)16:42
superdumpi'm finding it to be quite a frustrating issue with regard to usability and one that should be quite fixable in software16:42
mgedminX-Fade, tell me to what, please, and I'll do it16:42
fiferboyAndrewBlack: Should be easy to fix in the postrm script16:42
superdumpi would appreciate if anyone having difficulty selecting applications have a quick look and lend support so that nokia/maemo developers take a look at it16:42
mgedminthe extra effort required to search for the category list in the wiki (omg, is sooo slooow, don't wanna go there again) is ...16:42
povbotBug 7230: Selecting an application is intuitive but too difficult. Going back to the desktop is not intuitive but too easy.16:42
mgedminI dunno what it is, but it's an additional cost16:42
X-Fademgedmin: user/utilities ?16:43
AndrewBlackfiferboy, I guess thats why its happening on reflect as well can you do fix it and package it for me and Joopu sometime?16:43
mgedmindid the "CLI applications an HAM" thread have any conclusions?16:43
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fiferboyAndrewBlack: Sure thing16:43
Milo-anyone have any idea what 'onedotzero' is used for?16:43
AndrewBlackfiferboy, thanks16:43
X-Fademgedmin: Well you need to think about the audience. CLI is not really end user friendly.16:44
joppuMilo-: controolin art installations16:44
mgedminso, no consensus?16:44
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Milo-such as?16:44
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Milo-I see16:45
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VDVsxmgedmin, I opened a brainstorm for that, but the result was not that good IMO :(16:46
mgedminX-Fade, assuming there are alternative ways of publishing packages (dput, scp), I'd appreciate if linked to those... oh, here it is, "autobuilder instructions"16:46
mgedminthanks for reading my mind/using a time machine16:46
VDVsxmgedmin, perhaps we need a dictator decision16:46
Corsachmhm I wonder what are the point of madde vs. scratchbox216:46
X-Fademgedmin: It won't be too long before we can finally switch to proper hardware. We're configuring it now.16:46
Stskeeps, Corsac16:47
mgedminX-Fade, didn't you mention on IRC some time ago that it's possible to upload packages via scp, without using gpg?16:47
CorsacStskeeps: sb2 is insane? :)16:47
X-Fademgedmin: Should solve the whole dput doesn't work issue.16:47
Milo-oh I realised something, N900 doesn't have infrared ?16:47
mgedminI have a "dput is too damn hard" issue16:47
mgedminMilo-, it has infrared16:47
ShadikkaMilo-: Does16:47
StskeepsCorsac: sb2 is saner than sb1.16:47
X-Fademgedmin: sure, check 'Uploading to Extras' on the wiki.16:47
Milo-there is no way of turning it on from menus then?16:47
mgedminX-Fade, can you add *that* link to the extras assistant's sidebar too?16:48
CorsacStskeeps: and free :/16:48
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mgedminheh, my browser remembers that I've visited in the past16:48
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mgedmin"/var/www/extras-devel/incoming-builder/fremantle/" is hard to remember if you don't type it often16:50
fiferboyAndrewBlack: reflect already has a prerm script that cleans up on removal16:51
mgedminI wish I could specify default remote $PWD in my .ssh/config ...16:51
fiferboyAndrewBlack: I'll add one for maemo-org and send you the packages16:51
X-Fademgedmin: 2 line shell script? :)16:51
mgedmin"scp *.tar.gz *.diff.gz *.dsc *.changes garage:fremantle/" would rule16:51
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AndrewBlackfiferboy, ok I must of still had the old reflect that i packaged it didn´t have the right one16:51
threshwhy wouldnt you just make an alias?16:51
DocScrutinizer51Milo-: what means "turn it on"?16:52
threshor some sort of a script, true.16:52
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DocScrutinizer51Milo-: search repos for irreco for example16:53
Milo-DocScrutinizer51 found it already16:53
fluxmilo-, n900 only has an IR transmitter, for controlling for example tv16:53
Milo-all the old nokia phones I have had had a menu entry that just said 'turn on IR'16:53
mgedminah, no, I don't think you can do stuff like beam around VCARDs from a phone to N90016:53
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Milo-I kind of should have used a comma between those two hads16:53
DocScrutinizer51flux: somebody told me different. not sure16:53
fluxdocscrutinizer51, well, waiting for proof :P16:54
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mgedminyou probably _could_ do that by installing obexftpd, making it listen on the irda port ... hm16:54
mgedminnot trivial16:54
X-Fademgedmin: there is no irda port.16:54
mgedminah, okay, I know even less about IR hardware than I thought16:55
DocScrutinizer51mgedmin: obexpush I think16:55
mgedminso, transmitter but no receiver?16:55
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Milo-though, 600 euro tv-remote sounds appealing16:56
mgedminwhich means there's no chance to get an app that would record IR signals from remotes and then play them back :-(16:56
mgedminI couldn't figure out the UI of irreco16:56
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DocScrutinizer51X-Fade: is there no IR receiver? or simply no standard IrDA TX/RX chip?16:56
X-Fademgedmin: No receiving, but it is just a lirc device.16:56
X-Fademgedmin: So any remote on lirc's site will work.16:56
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X-FadeAnd you can record codes on a $2 lirc device yourself ;)16:57
mgedminthe remote I had was not on lirc's site16:57
X-FadeDocScrutinizer51: It is CIR, not irda.16:57
DocScrutinizer51X-Fade: you told that before. My question was basically "is there any IR-RX?"16:58
DocScrutinizer51you already answered that I guess16:59
X-FadeDocScrutinizer51: If you are great at bga soldering, then yes ;)16:59
DocScrutinizer51ok. I might give it a try16:59
pupnikcheck camera sensitivity to ir16:59
mgedminha ha "while a computer might be able to surf the internet solely via CIR" -- wikipedia on CIR16:59
fluxpupnik, cool idea, but I doubt its frame rate is sufficient17:00
DocScrutinizer51pupnik: too slow17:00
mgedminI remember balancing my Siemens S60 in front of my Thinkpad T23 so I could tether my phone's GPRS connection ...17:00
fluxmaybe it could be faster if it is possible to limit the scanning region?17:00
fiferboyAndrewBlack: I just made your theme remove reflect when uninstalling ;)17:00
fluxbut then you would need to aim it very accurately17:00
mgedminI decided that my next phone & laptop will have to have builtin bluetooth17:00
fluxmgedmin, I really doubt you can buy anything (new) that doesn't have..17:00
fluxmgedmin, however, bluetooth dongles are really small these days. try blueusb21 from a-link..17:01
Corsacsure you can17:01
flux(for usb of course)17:01
mgedmindongles are annoying, and so are cables17:01
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DocScrutinizer51flux: actually it might be fast enough if you don't care bout 38KHz carrier17:01
fluxmgedmin, you don't even need to take it off when you put the laptop to a bag17:02
mgedmindepends on the bag, the dongle and the laptop's firmware17:02
mgedminIIRC I had a thinkpad that refused to suspend if you had a BT dongle plugged in17:02
pupniknyquist sample frequency to catch a 3ms pulse would be 666 hz ;)17:02
mgedminor maybe it was a PCMCIA modem17:02
mgedminI definitely remember kernel bugs that made things break horribly on suspend with a BT dongle plugged in17:03
mgedminmy Asus EeePC 900 has no builtin BT, so I had to use a USB dongle17:03
DocScrutinizer51flux: then there also is a ambient light sensor which has one chan sensitive to IR17:03
DocScrutinizer51no idea how fat that one is17:03
fluxdocscrutinizer51, it likely is17:03
pupnikwas there a final verdict on whether host-mode will ever be doable on rx51?17:03
fluxdocscrutinizer51, and it might even be possible to poll it at some reasonable frequency.. unless it is connected to some slow i2c bus, which it likely is :(17:04
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DocScrutinizer51it is17:04
DocScrutinizer51flux: depending on them cams' chips you might get a sort of "barcode" which you might decode to get raw IR input17:06
mgedminpupnik, I haven't heard anyone proclaim a verdict yet17:06
fluxpupnik, my understanding is that it's not. unless someone builds special hardware that looks like a host to n900 and simulates host to other devices :)17:06
mgedminnobody geeky enough has a n900 yet17:06
fluxdocscrutinizer51, wouldn't you need some special optics to stretch the IR signal into a longer region?17:07
fluxdocscrutinizer51, or were you thinking that the scanning wouldn't proceed?17:07
DocScrutinizer51flux: not if you place the TX led directly on the cam lens17:08
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fluxdocscrutinizer51, well, I just checked that it indeed can see IR17:08
DocScrutinizer51to some extent all chipcams can17:09
pupnik  a nicely written overview of IR17:09
DocScrutinizer51there's simply no absolute filter for IR ;-P17:09
pupnikit would be badass if we could crank camera up to 600 fps at low res17:10
threshyay 600 fps @ 3x217:10
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DocScrutinizer51flux: probably a 3.5mm headset  plug with a photodiode soldered to mic and gn ring is the simplest solustion to the read-IR problem17:12
ifreqi vote for getting real life instead17:12
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DocScrutinizer51small, cheap, and you can sample up to 48KHz at least17:13
fluxdocscrutinizer51, sure, but it would need extra hardware :)17:13
DocScrutinizer51yes. 2 components17:13
DocScrutinizer51a jack and a photodiode17:14
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DocScrutinizer51you probably can't tweak the scan area of a cam as suggested before17:15
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SpeedEvilIt depends.17:15
DocScrutinizer51these are basically long shift registers which you need to read out completely anyway17:15
SpeedEvilSome cameras you can17:15
SpeedEvilthat's not really true for many.17:15
SpeedEvilYou can set regions of interest.17:16
SpeedEvilOne camera even went up to - in single mode - 1MHz reads.17:16
SpeedEvilThough that was an unusual one17:16
SpeedEvilgenerally you won't get close to that - but it can go to >>60fps on many cameras17:16
DocScrutinizer51highspeed cam for 100k$ ?17:16
SpeedEvilwhere the bbox was 1*1 pixel17:17
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DocScrutinizer51k. always learning :)17:17
SpeedEvil - I think.17:17
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SpeedEvilBut that was IIRC 400 euro, when they were selling the sensor alone17:18
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DocScrutinizer51hmm' the BGA soldering solution becomes more interesting ;-D17:19
Stskeepsnext up: USB over headphone plug17:20
DocScrutinizer51tbh I *hate* IR recos as you always nned to point at the device you want to control17:21
woglindewirless usb17:21
SpeedEvilbga soldering?17:21
SpeedEvilwusb has problems.17:21
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redmikä se onwhy do i see update available on gpodder, but it says conflicting packages?17:21
DocScrutinizer51Stskeeps: we had that on FR already. Well almost17:21
Shadikkared: Tappio. ;)17:21
red- mikä se on17:21
StskeepsDocScrutinizer51: interference on headphone plug? :P17:22
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reddamn up aed up arrow :p17:22
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redirssi going apeshit17:22
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DocScrutinizer51Stskeeps: that too. shot your ears17:22
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pupniki am seeing a lot of ubuntu.  is the New Way to pull ubuntu debs for maemo or is debian still preferred?17:23
DocScrutinizer51SpeedEvil: search backscroll for BGA17:24
* SpeedEvil ponders rolling shutter hackery.17:25
pupnikthere are some consumer cameras offering high speed video now17:25
DocScrutinizer51SpeedEvil: that,s basically my "barcode alike" suggestion' no?17:26
SpeedEvil(set a rolling shutter to a 1 line window, expose the image, and you get height in pixels samples at whatever the line rate is.17:26
SpeedEviliddn't see that17:26
DocScrutinizer51flux: depending on them cams' chips you might get a sort of "barcode" which you might decode to get raw IR input17:27
infobotDocScrutinizer51 meant: speedevil: depending on them cams' chips you might get a sort of "barcode" which you might decode to get raw IR input17:27
zashcamera + ir?17:27
mgedminokay, not fun: I made two dentist's appointments and entered them into my n900's calendar; now they're gone17:28
lcukthats a good thing isnt it?  "n900 keeping you from the torture chamber"17:29
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threshdentists are gone? 'so long and thanks for all the teeth'17:29
mgedminmaybe I entered them into my old N900?17:29
DocScrutinizer51mgedmin: braggard17:30
lcuklol mgedmin i have that at the moment, i need colored cases17:30
mgedminI use different themes ;)17:30
lcukor just a really good sync between the pair17:30
lcukthemes dont help when the screen is off17:30
mgedminactually, working sync between the n900 and *anything else pleeeeease*17:31
lcuki need to set my windows doofer back up17:31
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lcukto take my photos into little dated albums17:31
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mgedminI just realized that the 640 MB figure banded about was for the MADDE sharball17:46
mgedminwell, okay, scratchbox eats gigabytes of my disk space17:46
mgedminbut I'm not happy installing random proprietaryware from * files17:47
mgedmineven if it has unnamed GPL components inside17:47
mikhasjust stick with sbox then? =p17:48
Corsacmgedmin: I kind-of agree17:48
Corsacthough I didn't yet had a chance to look at it17:49
mikhaswell, it seems I have to learn yet another set of commands to control MADDE17:49
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mikhashm, is it ok to remove trackerd from the startup scripts on the device?17:51
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mgedminmikhas, I wouldn't17:52
DocScrutinizer51mgedmin: adduser madde?17:53
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mrweaselhi everybody! today, out of the sudden my n810 (diablo) lost this circular animation next to "updating" in the popup notification (e.g. in the app-manager). It simply disappeared. Can somebody point me to the part of the system which is responsible for that animation please?17:59
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lcukmrweasel, sounds like a bit of your theme, i wonder if changing it to something else and back again would do anything.  but i dunno for certain18:00
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valdynmgedmin: so use the .deb files directly18:03
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valdynmgedmin: not like that makes a significant difference though18:03
DocScrutinizer51might be caused by reposerver sluggishness?18:04
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mrweasellcuk: i'm using a standard theme (glasser). the problem occured after I installed canola2 today, which caused some kind of dependency hell... any idea which package provides the popup notifications?18:05
timeless_mbpdata:text/html,<head><title>Empty</title><style>body:empty{background-color: green; border: 10px dashed orange; margin:10em;}</style></head>18:05
threshwhat do i use if need fremantle packages to be rebuilt in a clean chroot regenerated each time when i want to build a package? and i need to make a 'repo' of resulting packages.18:06
threshi only need armel, do not care for x86 target.18:07
X-Fadethresh: look into sbdmock18:07
Corsacthresh: maybe try pbuilder/cowbuilder? (not sure how they run inside sb)18:07
valdynor "cp"18:07
threshX-Fade: thanks, looks like it is what i need.18:08
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X-FadeThat will give you a clean env every time. That is what we use on the autobuilder too.18:08
slonopotamusis there some way to tell trackerd to ignore some dirs?18:08
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threshX-Fade: yeah, that is exactly what i needed18:09
X-Fadeslonopotamus: There is supposed to be a config somewhere.18:09
Milo-one reason why people don't vote for applications that are in testing, is that the webserver sucks.18:09
ali1234so very true18:09
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mikhaswell, trackerd is a bit stupid if it assumes MyDocs changed only because I rebooted18:10
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mgedminslonopotamus, share with us, if you find out18:10
mikhasit does that everytime now it seems18:10
mgedminprobably runs through all files, checks mtimes18:10
mikhasnoticably slowing down the device18:10
threshlooks like i cant feed sdbmock my own hand-crafter apt.conf. solvable with --addrepo though.18:10
mgedminstill that could take a while if you've got a lot of files18:10
mikhaswell, a global dirty flag would solve that18:11
slonopotamusx-fade, for now i'm just killing it. i setup a chroot and mess with lots of files with it, that causes trackerd to eat all cpu18:11
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infobotslonopotamus meant: x-fade, for now i'm just killing it. i setup a chroot and mess it lots of files with it, that causes trackerd to eat all cpu18:11
slonopotamus*in it18:11
mikhasand ignore MyDocs? =p18:12
slonopotamushey, s// replaced only first occurrence18:12
Corsacthat's normal18:12
Corsacadd a /g18:12
X-Fadeslonopotamus: Inserting my camera microsd card with 1000 12Megapixel images didn't do a lot of good for me either ;)18:12
infobotCorsac meant: dd  /g18:12
mgedmininteresting; it only watches .sounds, .documents, .videos, .images, .camera18:12
slonopotamusmgemin, my chroot is under /mnt18:13
mgedminthat doesn't match my experience :/18:13
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DocScrutinizer51mgedmin: same here18:22
DocScrutinizer51mgedmin: probably it has a codeline "plus / recursive" ?18:23
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Corsacrecursive doesn't really make sense :)18:25
jiajiachating on the bus by irssi is the greatest thing18:25
Corsacbut yeah it might have hardcoded paths18:25
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threshsay, i want to pack some multimedia libraries. I probably want them to be inside of /usr/lib on the device, right?18:40
threshi only put those libraries users to /opt/ ?18:40
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threshthe reason i ask those libraries can be quite big, say, 5Mb or something similar.18:43
zsthere are many opengl es tutorials on but how can I access them?18:43
ward-is it or will it be possible to run other OSes on the N900? (no chroot)18:43
pupnik_windows NT runs18:44
Stskeepsward-: yes18:44
ward-not native i presume18:44
Stskeepsward-: if they are linux based.18:44
timeless_mbpward-: windows nt supports arm18:44
ward-timeless, neat i didnt know that :D18:44
* pupnik_ has run 5 OSes on N900 ;)18:44
ward-Stskeeps, so i could just install debian on it for instance?18:45
threshah, maemo-optify seems to be what i'm looking for :)18:45
ward-Stskeeps, i used to have this PDA that could boot linux from windoze mobile with haret18:45
ward-and i really really really liked debian on it18:45
Stskeepsward-: right, but you might want to contribute to Mer instead18:45
ward-since i could choose all packages, even window managers, etc18:45
zerojayIt's been almost a month since I told Nokia about my busted N900... and still, no real response. I'm starting to think that it's going to take a year for me to get this resolved... AGAIN.18:45
ward-Stskeeps, i'm new to maemo, i dunno what Mer is18:45
Stskeepszerojay: yours is a loaner is it not?18:46
infobotrumour has it, mer is, or on #mer18:46
zerojayStskeeps: Yep.18:46
ward-lol now im confised18:46
Stskeepszerojay: not sure there's much else to do than send it back18:46
ward-mer and maemo are both OSes if i understand correct18:46
ward-so mer is the new maemo or something?18:46
Stskeepsmer is community maemo, based on ubuntu18:47
zerojayStskeeps: I think that if I end up doing that, I might just not come back.18:47
ward-Stskeeps, so will it have tons of apps in the repository like debian? :D18:47
Stskeepszerojay: well, if i break my loaner i'd send it back as the contract doesn't give me any warranty etc18:47
Stskeepsward-: yeah18:47
ward-Stskeeps, sounds fantastic18:47
ward-finally something that maybe could replace my broken PDA from 200318:47
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zerojayStskeeps: Well, that's why I e-mailed them to find out what to do and... still, nothing.18:48
ward-i was looking at android first but that seems to offer NO advantages in running linux18:48
ward-other then a shell18:48
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lcukzerojay, emailed who?18:48
ward-Stskeeps, is mer or debian allready installable/usable at the moment?18:48
ward-with X11 etc18:49
Stskeepsward-: on n900 port will be published in a couple of days. Go test our VMDKs18:49
Stskeepszerojay: if it's pre-summit, prod tero or danielwilms when they're here18:49
zerojaylcuk: Quim, Daniel and Tero.18:49
ward-Stskeeps, ah nice man, i'm waiting with buying one anyway18:49
ward-hoping theywill go down in price a bit18:49
ward-after the holaays and all18:49
Stskeepszerojay: but i sincerely doubt you'd get a replacement (my own personal belief)18:50
ward-any n900 owners here?18:50
SpeedEvilward-: maemo is pretty much usable as-is18:50
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ward-hows the thickness?18:50
ward-annoying or fairly ok?18:50
SpeedEvilward-: If you are developing apps, you will not hit any of the 'non-free' parts typically.18:50
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Stskeepszerojay: worth poking them though and see what your possibilities are18:51
ward-SpeedEvil, yeah but i really would love all the progs that are in debian (or ubuntu) repos18:51
SpeedEvilAnd the basic system is actually usable18:51
zerojayStskeeps: I'm not interested in playing the year-long poking game with Quim for a second time.18:51
SpeedEvilward-: mer is likely to be less functional than maemo for some time18:51
lcukward-, slight incompatibilities make it a bit less practical without serious considerations18:51
SpeedEvilward-: in the normal aspects18:51
ward-SpeedEvil, ah yeah i know its allready working fine as a phone if thats what you mewant18:51
Stskeepszerojay: i agree, but this is loaner devices and not DDP18:51
ward-with maemo18:51
lcukthose oses' apps are geared for desktop18:51
lcukand look a bit different18:51
zerojayStskeeps: If they don't see the point in responding to me, I don't see the point in dealing with Maemo at all anymore.18:51
ward-i know :-)18:52
SpeedEvilward-: I mean as a phone, and installing random applications from the repo - forex18:52
ward-used to run debian on my PDA so18:52
ward-also desktopprogs18:52
ward-SpeedEvil, aha, so the maemo repos are not very limited?18:52
ward-because in thids video review they spoke of "25 applications at the moment"18:52
ward-but i really want everything since i love to mess with linux and all kinds of things18:53
Stskeepszerojay: e-mail is a horrible medium for stuff like that - no idea if the mail ever made it to them or if it got lost in piles, etc18:53
ward-i used to have the debian ARM repositories, for comparison's sake18:53
lcukzerojay, *rolleyes* because 1 mail gets dropped, just ask again.  theres 100000001 other things the guys are doing18:53
ward-i would lvoe something similar18:53
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zerojaylcuk: No, this is because of *FAR* more than one mail getting dropped. This is a constant issue.18:54
ward-zerojay, give them a call, there's probably some number you can call18:54
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ward-then you can actually explain your issue to someone18:54
zerojaylcuk: Believe me, I'm fully sensitive to the fact that they're busy with stuff... and they always are.18:54
ward-i used to work at a callcenter doing support for a ISP18:54
SpeedEvilward-: yes, they are limited at the moment.18:54
ward-and mails DO get lost frequently18:54
zerojayward-: They got the e-mail.18:55
SpeedEvilward-: at the moment, you also may be able to fairly easily install a debian or whatever chroot inside the device, while still running maemo.18:55
zerojayIt feels like the only way I ever get a response to anything from them is if I poke them repeatedly for months at a time... but yet they have all the time in the world to debate useless shit on TMO.18:56
ward-SpeedEvil, i would love natively, since with chroot its X11 over SSH or VNC right?18:56
SpeedEvilward-: no - you could have it displaying on the local display18:56
SpeedEviland you generally don't care about x11 over tcp18:56
SpeedEvilrather than local socket18:56
ward-SpeedEvil, so then its exactly like a native OS right? in terms of speed18:57
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SpeedEvilvideo will be poorer - but then you will need to work out how to get the socket into the chroot too18:57
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SpeedEvilthen it should be as fast18:57
SpeedEvilBut that isn't an issue for anything but games IMO18:58
Stskeepszerojay: either way, loan agreement should help a bit in deciding what can be done :/18:58
* Stskeeps should check when his expires18:58
ward-SpeedEvil, but regular X11 apps should run at the same speed?18:58
ward-lets say wireshark18:58
ward-as an example18:58
* RST38h moos evilly18:58
ward-lol can you LOAN a device from nokia if you develop? :s18:59
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SpeedEvilward-: yes18:59
zerojayStskeeps: Well, I'm not so much worried about whether or not they can send me a replacement. I fully understand not being able to send out $600 devices when you're in the middle of full sales swing. I'm not asking for anything more than a quick "yeah, send it in" or something.18:59
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SpeedEvilward-: tcpdump I just run on the console19:00
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infobotSpeedEvil meant: ward-: tcpdump I just run on the xterm19:00
ward-SpeedEvil, yeah it was jsut an example19:00
ward-anything using x1119:01
mrweasellcuk: ok, solved it. as always a "gtk-update-icon-cache -f /usr/share/icons/hicolor" did the trick. i've had this problem about a year ago and solved it the same way, NOW i remember. I think I'll write it down somewhere.. thanks anyways :)19:01
Stskeepszerojay: well, even if i think that is obvious (people have returned devices before), i'd catch danielwilms or tekojo when they're on IRC. even though i'm not sure they'll be on tomorrow 23th19:01
SpeedEvilForex ran firefox from my laptop displaying on the n900 - with no noticable slowdown - over wlan.19:01
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ward-SpeedEvil, the bot makes me thing theres no actual console without x11?19:01
ward-SpeedEvil, "<infobot> SpeedEvil meant: ward-: tcpdump I just run on the xterm"19:02
SpeedEvilward-: ah - no - not usually19:02
SpeedEvilward-: there is no console on framebuffer or similar functionality19:02
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SpeedEvilby default19:02
ward-by default :D19:02
ward-sounds good to me lol19:02
SpeedEvilIn short. Mer - in the short term - is not going to give you a device as functional as maemo.19:03
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ward-but it will enable me to run all the desktop apps in the default debian/ubuntu repos?19:04
SpeedEvilIn the medium term - 3-6 mo? It may work quite adequately, but before then it may be interesting for some user/hackers.19:04
ward-well anything compiled for the arch19:04
Stskeepszerojay: but based on loan agreement it just states that by X date it has to be delivered back .. so it would be natural to just send it back before that19:04
Corsacabout speed, debian arm is for armv4 so it won't be as speedy as stuff built for armv7t19:05
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ward-SpeedEvil, it would be to mess, just liek i messed with my PDA running linux19:05
ward-(a pocket loox 720 btw)19:05
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ward-mer seems to support the looxes19:05
Stskeepsward-: funny fact, mer ran on a loox 72019:05
Stskeepsdoesn't that easily anymore but..19:06
ward-Stskeeps, lol yeah i noticed19:06
ward-Stskeeps, the loox 720 is still fantastic19:06
ward-a 2003 device that can measure with 2009 hardware :d19:06
ward-but my screen broke :(19:06
ward-the fantastic vga screen :(19:06
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RST38hward: That is Tentacled One hinting that you have to get new hardware19:07
ward-RST38h, no it broke because i hit it with somethgin accidentally19:07
ward-i didnt even know how it happened19:08
ward-i was cleaning up my desktop19:08
RST38hward: That is how Tentacled One works19:08
ward-and afterwards it was broke19:08
* RST38h was laughing about a different thing though19:08
ward-it was lying screen up on the desktop19:08
RST38h   <=== see anything familiar?19:08
* VDVsx yawns19:08
RST38hheya VDVsx19:08
StskeepsRST38h: is that a nintendo controller19:09
VDVsxRST38h, without seeing the links, canola style ? :P19:09
RST38hVDVsx: Now, some Maemo5, some iPhone, some HTC19:09
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RST38hIn other words, it is a Samsung :)19:09
ward-Stskeeps, so Mer is good enough to install desktop apps from the repo etc, atm?19:10
VDVsxa new UI toolkit19:10
moo-_-RST38h: have you checked Bada C++ code?19:10
Stskeepsward-: mostly19:10
moo-_-RST38h: it is like a bad copy of Symbian userland19:10
* RST38h wonders if Koreans can invent anything on their own. Anything at all19:10
RST38hmoo: Oh.19:10
ward-Stskeeps, do you have some examples maybe?19:10
RST38hmoo: Maybe I should not look there.19:10
moo-_-they didn't even learn....?19:10
ward-sorry for the question-rain19:10
moo-_-RST38h: custom exception handling etc.19:10
* RST38h does remember one original Korean product: Ssang Young cars19:11
RST38hOh, wait...I probably shouldn't have mentioned that...19:11
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RST38hmoo: So, what was wrong about using Linux userland and libs?19:11
RST38hmoo: They hired Rasterman, didn't they?19:11
VDVsxmoo-_-, its online somewhere ? just for curiosity19:11
StskeepsRST38h: bada has nothing to deal with raster19:11
Stskeepshe considers it a joke :P19:11
moo-_-poke there long enough19:12
AndrewBlackfiferboy, does it remove mine to or just reflect lol19:12
moo-_-try to navigate through all marketing bullshit19:12
moo-_-there is little to find19:12
moo-_-but it is ugly when you find it19:12
VDVsxStskeeps, they're using EFL at least19:12
VDVsxdunno if in bada19:12
ward-Stskeeps, do you have some examples maybe? of apps you are using from the repo19:12
moo-_-VDVsx: bada is only about userland19:12
moo-_-it "does not care " what OS it runs19:12
ward-and maybe apps that dont work good19:12
moo-_-but honestly I believe Samsung doesn't know even itself what OS its phones run19:13
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StskeepsVDVsx: in bada? don't think so :P19:13
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VDVsxStskeeps, see my second sentence :)19:14
ward-Stskeeps, thanx19:14
ward-Stskeeps, reminds me of matchbox19:15
ward-coincidance or?19:15
Stskeepsward-: old diablo ui19:15
ward-based on matchbox?19:16
Stskeepsbut the new one is closer to n900 ui19:16
Stskeeps bad ui problems, but they're more or less fixed now19:16
VDVsxStskeeps, I heard that other EFL devs went to Korea a couple of weeks ago, but don't know nothing about the product that they are working on :p19:16
StskeepsVDVsx: duke nukem forever19:16
VDVsxStskeeps, maybe19:17
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RST38hOh my god they are really copying Symbian...19:18
RST38hwhy oh why>19:18
VDVsxat least Bada has a more attractive website than Maemo, sigh19:18
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RST38hOk, I have seen enough. This monstrosity isn't going anywhere.19:19
RST38hIt is another korean "me too" thing, shoddily constructed from thigns they have seen other people do.19:19
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RST38h"Angels, depicted by European painters, were physically unable to fly."19:22
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* pupnik_ drops a neutron bomb on automake19:23
RST38hpupnik: please, add a few more, it is tough19:23
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RST38h (British scientists, who else?)19:23
jaskaimaginary entities dont actually do anything so yeah19:24
RST38hthey don't?19:24
* RST38h suggests that angels have jet engines in their anus, something generations of European painters overlooked19:26
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SpeedEvilRST38h: only the non-persecuted painters.19:26
VDVsxzerojay, what happened to your N900 ?19:26
SpeedEvilRST38h: The vatican forbidden library has all the pictures that were confiscated for depicting this.19:26
RST38hSpeed: Of course, the ones who had enough guts to show the truth ended up instituionalized19:26
SpeedEvilRST38h: Goatse is really a recreation of a 14th century depiction of an angel about to take flight.19:27
RST38hVatican Hides The Truth! Episode 746. At 11:0019:27
RST38hSpeed: Or giving birth.19:27
threshor something else nasty19:27
ward-someone said windows nt runs on the n900 but i can only find a movie of that where they use bochs19:28
ward-it was supposed to run natively19:28
RST38hBTW, the British scientists (tm) have also considered the problem of fairies19:28
till-windows nt on arm?19:29
RST38hI do not believe fairies can be explained with jet engines: they are simply not going to be able to store enough propellant19:29
ward-till-, yeah he said that19:29
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SpeedEvilthat someone was on crack.19:29
ward-pupnik_, and timeless_mbp lol19:30
ward-timeless_mbp explicitely said windows nt suypports arm19:30
ward-anyway doesnt mather :)19:30
mikhastry win 3.1119:30
VDVsxwindows nt runs on the N900 :D19:31
VDVsxthere's videos somewhere19:31
mikhasyeah, I've seen it on the internet, it must be true =p19:31
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VDVsxfirst google result, just for the records ;)19:32
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Corsachmhm, is there a way to arrange/align items on the home desktop?19:34
pupnik_-rw-rw-r--  1 maemo maemo 167435 Dec 22 18:11 Makefile.orig19:35
pupnik_-rw-rw-r--  1 maemo maemo  17498 Dec 22 18:33 Makefile19:35
Corsac(automagically I mean, not by hand)19:35
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ward-VDVsx, ... bochs like i said19:39
ward-thats the exact video i saw even19:40
ward-bochs is a x86 emulator19:40
ward-so not really impressive19:40
ward-the PSP can even run windows like that19:40
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VDVsxward-, ah, ok, but who cares about that window sh** ? :D19:40
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VDVsxyou've a full linux box19:41
ward-VDVsx, nobody but i was just impressed that it was possible19:41
ward-but then found out it was bochs19:41
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ward-all i care about it debian and its huge repository :p19:41
ward-well not all lol19:41
ward-and use it as a phone obviously19:42
VDVsxward-, well, should be possible, but I doubt that the work involved will have some kind of reward19:42
ward-yes i found out here that its indeed possible19:42
ward-and the reward is using allmost any application you want19:43
ward-just like on my old PDA19:43
VDVsxward-, so a arm port actually exist ?19:43
ward-if i never had that thing i wouldnt care or think it was possible19:43
ward-a debian ARM port?19:43
ward-of course19:43
VDVsxward-, no19:43
VDVsxwin :P19:43
ward-someone here said it existed19:44
ward-but it doesnt19:44
Ceronwhen will i get ut3 on my maemo phone19:44
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ward-thats not the real unreal 3 engine as far as i can see from the screenshot19:44
ward-its altered19:44
ward-looking very cool nevertheless19:45
Ceronits real ut3 engine19:45
Ceronit is...19:45
ward-it certainly doesnt look to be the rel ut3 engine lol19:46
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VDVsxRST38h, seems that you need to scarify more virgins in order to get your emus promoted to extras :D19:53
VDVsxfmsx is with 9 votes for a long long time :(19:54
RST38hVDVsx: add one =)19:54
RST38hSpeccy finally made it19:54
RST38hAfter talking to XFade though19:54
VDVsxRST38h, already voted19:54
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RST38hVDVsx: Need to find a virgin and make her vote!19:54
wazdther UE3 looks like Q3 :)19:57
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RST38hOh, finally, a scratchboxless build environment19:58
Naruto_secanyone have the n900?19:59
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BabelONaruto_sec: yes, some people there19:59
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Naruto_secwho has it coz i have some questions20:01
VDVsxjust ask20:01
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jebbais there a way to get rss feeds of the forums?20:08
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fiferboyAndrewBlack: The one I sent you is fixed :)20:09
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wazdRST38h: what do you think bout Q3 engine idea? :)20:10
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jebbai see that the talk.m.o software is capable of doing RSS, but I don't see how to subscribe to it (perhaps it is not enabled)20:12
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JaffaAnyone tried MADDE yet?20:31
Naruto_secwhats that20:32
jebbaJaffa: only installed it, havent fired it up yet20:32
jebba  madde20:32
StskeepsJaffa: downloading as i'm a bit curious20:32
melmothanybody involved with navit ? I cannot compile the svn version, nor on the sdk, nor on a rhel5 box20:32
melmoththings fail rather soon, at the autogen step...20:33
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Stskeepsi kinda like the extraction going 9..8..7..6..20:34
JaffaStskeeps: sounds intriguing, I doubt I'll have time for a play tonight20:35
Jaffamaybe tomorrow at work, if it runs on Windows ;)20:35
Stskeepsthat is the interesting part for me20:35
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X-FadeJaffa: Yes, it should work on windows. That was tested ;)20:39
X-FadeNow you can basically use your own IDE and use madde as compiler.20:40
JaffaX-Fade: exciting.20:40
StskeepsX-Fade: it's primarily for qt stuff though, right?20:40
X-FadeI guess it is one of the steps for the universal qt everywhere yes ;)20:41
* Stskeeps thinks this is rather cleverly done20:41
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Jaffalooks good from the docs20:43
JaffaEclipse plugin should be trivial20:43
threshSay, i want to upload a package to extras20:43
Stskeeps'fuse_me_harder ()20:43
threshIs there some sort of ACL so no one except me can upload newer versions?20:43
JaffaRemote debugging and x11vnc tidy ups must be on roadmap20:43
simulax-fade, do you work on madde?20:44
X-Fadesimula: No. Can't do everything ;)20:44
X-Fadethresh: That is still on my todo.20:44
simulaoh awesome20:44
simula"The MADDE tool chain was announced at the Maemo summit, which is what we’re going to support in Creator once the Maemo guys release it."20:44
threshX-Fade: so now everyone can upload some broken stuff? hmmmmmmm20:45
simulai was so wishing something like that would happen, that made my day :)20:45
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X-Fadethresh: Everyone with an account yes. But we can trace who did what of course.20:45
threshstill leaves the room for "incompatible" changes though20:46
X-Fadethresh: And uploading other people's packages is very bad form, it is frowned upon.20:46
threshthe ones we keep having with debian-multimedia...20:46
threshthanks for making it clear.20:47
RST38hWho is the Creator?20:47
X-Fadethresh: But that won't be for long as it something that is reasonably easy to implement.20:47
luke-jr_RST38h: YHWH, but I suspect simula's quote refers to the application Qt Creator20:48
simulatrue :)20:48
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RST38h"Microsoft loses patent appeal; Word and Office to be barred from sale starting January 11"20:51
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threshX-Fade: nice.20:52
luke-jr_RST38h: got a link?20:52
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Corsacextras-devel got removed of my sources20:55
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* mgedmin wants to send a calendar event via Bluetooth20:57
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mgedminor at least export to an ical file20:57
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tigerthas anyone tried lsyncd on maemo?20:57
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tigertthis would be pretty sweet20:57
tigertfor your-files-on-the-go20:57
mgedminlooks like an open-source version of dropbox/ubuntu one20:58
tigertuses rsync20:58
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tigertdropbox rocks in use20:58
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tigertusing it on maemo with sshfs via my shell20:58
* mgedmin has ubuntu one, but so far hasn't figured out a use case for it20:59
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mgedminmostly because I just don't *trust* sync20:59
mgedmingimme a VCS, then I know I understand how conflict resolution works20:59
mgedminalso, I would like to register a complaint21:00
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mgedminthe hildon date chooser widget is inconvenient21:00
RXrenesis8@ luke-jr_ -
mgedminit gives me no clue about weekdays21:00
sivang_RST38h: I googled for what you mentioined, look what I've found -
* sivang_ huh's21:01
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zashsivang: hahahwat?21:01
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sivangzash: ?21:01
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zashsivang: the link21:02
* GAN900 's proxy is down. :(21:02
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mgedminand yes, I had entered my appointments into the wrong N90021:03
moo-_-sivang: ah, another plone user here? :)21:03
sivangmoo-_-: hehe, it seems so!21:04
RST38hsivang: good that I do not care about avatars, sick or healthy,,,21:04
sivangmoo-_-: nice top see you, what are you doing here ?21:04
moo-_-enjoying my N900 :P21:04
sivangRST38h: right, the potential personal information solicitry here is unparalleded :-D21:04
moo-_-sivang: we develop mobile apps21:04
sivangmoo-_-: remind me of which company you are with ?21:04
RST38hsivang: some people like exposing stuff about themselves though21:04
moo-_-sivang: twinapex21:04
moo-_-try boot on N900 ;P21:05
Paul3I'm getting a n900 tonight, what's the first thing i should do with it? :)21:05
mgedminPaul3, dance with joy21:05
moo-_-Paul3: watch introduction movie!21:05
moo-_-(shipped with the device)21:05
hardakerPaul3: take it out of the box!21:05
mgedminthen, I dunno, are you a geek?  I install openssh-server first thing on mine21:05
mgedminthen set up ssh pubkey logins as user 'user' rather than root21:06
mgedminand set up sudo so I can 'sudo anything' and not just 'sudo gainroot'21:06
sivangPaul3: install Plone4.0a3 on it! :-p21:06
mgedminand then set up avahi so that I can 'ssh my-nokia' instead of typing in IP addresses21:06
sivangmoo-_-: I will, if I ever get one. I am too short on funds at the moment to buy one.21:06
melmothlast time i added a line in sudoers, it completly destroyed the application manager21:06
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mgedminwhich explains why reflashing is such a hassle for me:
Paul3Yeah, ssh definitely. Using putty on my symbian phone with t9 is kind of painful21:07
moo-_-sivang: trust my... prices will come down, like always!21:07
ali1234hmm on a avahi-related note, why do hostnames with 1 or less . in them fail to work on n900?21:07
mgedminali1234, there's an open bug for that21:07
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mgedmineither dnsmasq or the the dhcp client scripts are lacking, so the n900 ends up without a default domain for name resolution21:08
moo-_-Paul3: I set up my email account, facebook account and google reader shortcut when got the device21:08
moo-_-Paul3: nothing involving shell :<21:08
mgedminbug 99521:08
povbotBug DNS resolution ignores local domain21:08
mgedminPaul3, play with all the builtin apps, see what they're capable of21:09
mgedminthen enable the extras repository and play with 3rd party apps21:09
ali1234that doesn't make much sense to me, but meh21:09
sivangmoo-_-: you guys are a finish company ?21:09
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Paul3Then after the battery is dead i'll try to set up the dev environment on my pc :)21:09
fnordianslipPaul3:  install n900fly and measure how high you can throw it :)21:10
mgedminnot on the first day!21:10
moo-_-sivang: mostly finnish yes, we have some sales offices abroad21:10
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Paul3I look forward to having linux in my pocket21:10
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loppear1anyone know the status of fbreader getting into extras?21:11
Paul3Sounds like i'll have plenty to play with :) thanks21:11
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sivangmoo-_-: nice. so you get to visit the Nokia offices if you want :)21:12
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redis there some limit on how many devices can use an adhoc connection at once?21:12
X-Fadeloppear1: RST38h was working on that.21:12
redis it just the server + 1 client?21:12
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X-Fadejebba: Hmm your build time improved quite a lot ;)21:13
GAN900andre__, wish I could thank you twice. ;)21:14
loppear1also, is there somewhere extras-testing meta discussion is going on about what promotes a package to extras, and on improving the web interface to voting/commenting on testing packages?21:14
RST38hloppear1: Getting into Extras-testing tonight21:14
moo-_-sivang: haha, no. we do not have any kind of relationship with nokia. we are completely independent in that sense (unlike most other Finnish IT companies)21:14
RST38hGAN: Can you do something for me?21:14
redis the devel_adhoc found in connections made for sharing N900:s gprs connection to some otehr device btw?21:14
moo-_-sivang: which I think is good because Nokia kicked out all its subcontractors this year21:14
X-FadeRST38h: Library issue sorted?21:15
loppear1RST38h: excellent, will try it out.21:15
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RST38hX-Fade: Will check in a moment, if GAN helps21:15
moo-_-sivang: and personally I hate Series 60 development >_>21:15
andre__GAN900, haha,
ali1234mgedmin: i don't understand that bug report at all. it seems to be just saying that there's no default search domain21:15
RST38hah, mgedmin is here as well21:15
ali1234that isn't the problem i have, since i don't have any domain to search21:15
sivangmoo-_-: there's a typo here -, in Features, "The structure"21:15
mgedminred: maybe, but I was unable to figure out how21:15
RST38hmgedmin: Willing to help a little bit?21:15
mgedminRST38h, what kind of help do you need?21:15
redmgedmin: meh, think ill google around a bit if i can find any info21:15
sivangmoo-_-: ah I see, rought financial times for Nokia ? (.IL is a very large market for it)21:16
RST38hmgedmin: Try updating FBreader from extras-devel, then see if ZLibrary has been updated automatically21:16
moo-_-sivang: well yes. Also, Nokia is engineer driven company and hasn't really clue about how to build services (like Apple + Appstore)21:16
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sivangmoo-_-: I never was interested too much in mobile development before N900 got into the picture, that's why I'm getting into it now.21:16
jebbaX-Fade: not sure what build you're referring to, but ya, builds are definitely a lot faster in the last few days  thanks  :)21:17
mgedminali1234, well, there are no hostnames like "foo", what usually happens is that the local network has a custom fake TLD like ".lan", and then all the names on the intranet are really "foo.lan", but if you just type "foo" in your browser, it knows to add the .lan part, because the DHCP server told it ".lan" is the default search domain21:17
moo-_-sivang: seen this
ali1234mgedmin: well, mine doesn't afaik21:17
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mgedminonly on Maemo the DHCP client ignores that bit of info and so names without a domain never work21:17
sivangmoo-_-: True, but they stated that's what they are now becoming.21:17
X-Fadejebba: No, check your burgerspace build now. 4 minutes.21:17
jebbaX-Fade: ah ya, i see someone resubmitted burgerspace. Perhaps even me  ;)21:17
jebbarad cool thx 1000000000000x  :)21:17
mgedminor perhaps I misunderstood your problem21:17
mgedminRST38h, sure21:17
moo-_-sivang: there is several year gap when a company of Nokia size says something and actually gets it done :P21:18
RST38hmgedmin: If update works for you this time, I am promoting fbreader to -testing21:18
mgedminI've got fbreader 0.10.7-7 (extras has -9) and libzlibrary 0.10.7-5 (extras has also -7 and -9)21:18
jebbaX-Fade: what about wxwidgets2.6, can you trigger that again?21:18
mgedminbtw fbreader works for me, even though fbreader and libzlibrary versions mismatch21:18
RST38hyea, I know21:18
RST38hso it should21:18
redAnyone know how I can set up Internet Connection Sharing via N900 Ad Hoc Wlan connection?21:18
jebbait's not a ./configure --hildon version, but perhaps will be a start of something useful.21:18
RST38hBUT, unless zlibrary has the same version as fbreader itself, you ar enot getting the latest changes21:19
mgedminred, I managed once, google for "Internet Connection Sharing" on maemo mailing lists, then see if it's worth the trouble21:19
sivangmoo-_-: wow, cool! so basically I install that on my plone site and it makes it ready for WML/WAP ?21:19
redmgedmin: ok, will do21:19
sivangmoo-_-: what's "converged" here means ?21:19
moo-_-sivang: forget WAP21:19
mgedminred, you can more easily do Bluetooth Dialup Networking by installing a package from Extras-devel21:19
mgedminbut then your n900 will be offline while your laptop uses it's GSM/3G modem21:19
redI've got that one but the speed is terrible21:19
moo-_-sivang: you can publish both web and mobile content from the same site and choose on which media the content is available21:20
moo-_-sivang: only web or only mobile21:20
moo-_-sivang: like different front page for web and mobile21:20
redlike 0.3mbps DL and 0.2 upload21:20
redcompared to usb 1mpbs21:20
sivangmoo-_-: so, does it does conversion on real time or has to have two sets of fixtures ?21:20
* mgedmin sees three packages ready to be updated: BT DUN, fbreader, mplayer21:20
moo-_-sivang: what conversion? :)21:20
RST38hmgedmin: Ok, update fbreader, then check what version zlibrary is at21:20
redmgedmin: or have you found someway to make the BT connection fast enough to be used?21:20
RST38hmgedmin: Use HAM please, not apt-get21:20
moo-_-sivang: it is not WAP, it is XHTML21:20
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mgedminRST38h, app manager details, in the "updating" tab says it will update libzlibrary to 0.10.7-9 and fbreader to 0.10.7-921:20
redI know it's not due my dongle, it worked pretty fast with iPhone tether21:21
moo-_-sivang: you can basically forget WAP today :P21:21
sivangmoo-_-: I had the impression the product takes a normal front page, and converts it to something more usable on a mobile device on the fly.21:21
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moo-_-no one is doing it anymore21:21
mgedminRST38h, trying to update now21:21
moo-_-sivang: no, you can have two different body HTML for front page and it picks the right one21:21
RST38hmgedmin: details sound right but let us see if it does21:21
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moo-_-sivang: also content images and such are converted in fly21:21
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sivangmoo-_-: nice, what sort of conversion does it do for the images content types ?21:21
mgedminred: define fast enough; I've been browsing via BT using my 3G Nokia Series 40 phone; not as fast as broadband, noticeably better than GPRS21:22
mgedminprobably better than EDGE too, although both were above the "fast enough" threshold21:22
moo-_-sivang: resize21:22
mgedminhaven't tried youtube over BT over 3G21:22
moo-_-sivang: think mobile screen21:22
sivangmoo-_-: reduced resolution for faster xfer and such as well ?21:22
sivangmoo-_-: cool21:22
moo-_-sivang: it sniffes mobile browser user agent, reads screen size from db and shrinks it so that 100% width is used21:22
redmgedmin: well I tested few speedtests after tethering via bluetooth via the app in devel(or extras, cant recall). Best I had was about 450ms ping and 0.3mpbs/0.2mpbs speeds, while swapping to USB pc suite mode gives 1mpbs/0.3mpbs21:23
mgedminRST38h, "software updates successfully installed", apt-cache policy shows both fbreader and libzlibrary were updated to latest ver21:23
RST38hmgedmin: coooooooooooool21:23
RST38hpromoting now21:23
moo-_-sivang: check and (live site)21:23
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redmgedmin: and the same Bluetooth dongle worked alot faster with another device (tether aswell)21:23
mgedminred: there are several versions of BT; some have better speeds than others, maybe you had an old BT dongle?21:23
mgedminah, interesting!21:23
mgedminvery interesting!21:23
redit's a belkin f8t009, not too new though21:24
mgedmin"higher speed with a different device" is telling, though21:24
mgedminI've yet to try BT dialup21:24
redI recall having about 0.8mpbs gprs dl / 0.3mpbs ul with my old old nokia communicator21:24
RST38hX-Fade: web ui does not let me to promote to -testing21:24
redvia bt21:24
sivangmoo-_-: pretty cool product, I must say21:24
redand less latency than via usb tethering :)21:24
redbut on n900 its the other way around surprisingly21:25
RST38hX-Fade: No link, neither with fbreader nor with libzlibrary. Is this how it should be? Some time limit?21:25
mgedmingprs = pain (5 KBytes/s), edge over BT = acceptable for email/svn checkins (20-25 KBytes/s)21:25
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redBUT, I was running windows XP back then on laptop, and now Win 721:25
mgedminhaven't used 3G over BT enough to pay attention to speeds21:25
mgedminactually I lie, I've seen ~50 KBytes/s21:25
redand sorry, I refer gprs as edge/3g/hdspa21:25
redI got 3.6mbit connection on my phone21:25
moo-_-sivang: hehe. we plan to release it "really" early next year. some company internal fuss has slowed us down.21:25
redbest I got was like 295KB/sec downloading stuff outside21:26
redindoors its about 100KB/sec21:26
redbad reception, too much concrete :)21:26
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reddoesn't make any difference to tethering anyhow, would just be lovely to be able to get that 100KB/sec indoors via tethering without the USB cord21:26
redthought ad hoc might be the key, but it seemed like loads of trouble beyond my skill level reading the forum thread21:27
RST38hMeanwhile in NYC:
mgedminso, BT is a bottleneck for me21:27
moo-_-sivang: we have also some mobile specific plone parts ready. if you go here you can open the geolocation in Nokia Maps or Google Maps depending on your phone21:27
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redmgedmin: did you test it?21:27
moo-_-sivang: also there is support for phone number links21:28
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mgedminred, I was in Sweden without Internet except through my N900, and I used the setup described in this thread:
mgedminkinda worked (no iptables, so no NAT, so I had to use ssh socks5 proxy)21:28
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redthats the one I was reading21:28
mgedminexcept for bug 571221:28
povbotBug N900 goes into swap hell with frozen UI, despite free RAM21:28
mgedminwhich has a newer version of my 'share-wifi' script than the email thread, I believe21:28
mgedmindue to the difficulties and the scary bug, I cannot recommend this method21:29
mgedminbut if speed is important and you're brave enough, go for it21:29
mgedminalso, there's the option of using a USB cable in PC Suite mode -- then your PC sees the N900 as a USB 3G modem21:29
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* mgedmin hates cables21:29
RST38hah here they are21:29
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RST38hX-Fade: I cannot promote neither fbreader nor zlibrary: there are not "Promote package" links in the web ui. Is it normal or is there a problem?21:30
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lbtJaffa... ping21:32
sivangmoo-_-: what are phone number links ?21:33
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sivangmoo-_-: like the ones that skype adds to the browser?21:34
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RST38hThe Russians, evidently using an SQL injection vulnerability, "gained unauthorized access to 7-Eleven, Inc.'s servers through 7-Eleven's public-facing website, and then leveraged that access into servers supporting ATM terminals located in 7-Eleven stores21:35
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RST38h$800k total21:35
sivangnice :)21:35
RXrenesis8are you supposed to be able to use the address' for your contacts to interact with ovi maps somehow or is the icon there just to look pretty and confuse me?21:35
derfEventually people will learn these things should not even be on the same network.21:35
RST38hderf: does this require learning?21:35
derfRST38h: Apparently, yes.21:36
RST38hisn't it obvious?21:36
derfYou would think so.21:36
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derfI mean, I roll my eyes everytime the Hollywood villain hacks into the CIA via the public internet.21:37
jebbaRST38h: is there an md5sum of the package? Usually you gotta wait a bit after it hits before promote button is there.  Like when it's done the md5sum and size and all that is usually when promote button appears.21:37
derfBut given how poorly consumer networks are constructed, you can forgive them for thinking this would be possible.21:38
RST38hjebba: Dunno, I am just a cow21:38
RST38hBut the package went through the autobuilder, so it should have all the bells and whistles I guess21:38
* mgedmin moos at RST38h21:38
derfRST38h: It has to rsync over to the repository from the autobuilder.21:38
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derfWhich normally doesn't take that long.21:39
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derfWhere "not that long" in Maemo terms is like an hour or two.21:39
derfUnless it's the weekend, and then things get wedged and it takes two days.21:39
RST38hhas been more than an hour though21:40
RST38hmore like 8 hours21:40
derfIt should tell you if it's happened.21:40
jebbaRST38h: whcih URL?21:40
derfThere'll be a "Package Imported" event after the "Built Successfully" event.21:41
RST38hgot that21:41
derfWell, then something else must be the problem.21:41
derfToo bad there is no feedback as to why there's no Promote button.21:42
* RST38h prays for X-Fade21:42
mgedminwhat is fbreader doing in non-free?21:42
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RST38hah, there was a binary only package21:42
mgedmin"Fremantle Extras-devel non-free armelfbreader 0.10.7-4"21:42
RST38hthat was before I managed to push the newer version through the autobuilder21:43
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mgedminI thought maybe some non-open-source-version with proprietary DRM plugins21:43
ali1234mgedmin: i checked with wireshark, my dhcp server doesn't specify any default domain21:43
derfMore like, "Oh God, please don't make me use the autobuilder."21:43
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RST38hjust a shortcut to let everyone use it before autobuilder does its job21:43
* mgedmin luuuuuves the autobuilder21:44
ali1234in fact, i can resolve local names on the n900 if i tell nslookup to use the real dns server directly, instead of localhost21:44
RST38hmgedmin: Ok, you love it, you have sex with it21:44
mgedminderf, lazy21:44
derfRST38h: We don't need its tubes clogged up any more than they already are.21:44
mgedminali1234, *shrug*21:44
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fnordianslipanyone using Colloquy on a Mac, I've just found how to hide join/leaves, etc. :
cehtehuhm repository servers are extremely slow today?21:46
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* cehteh got his device :P .. 21:47
luke-jr_cehteh: we can make them slower if you want21:47
dmj7261cehteh: cool21:47
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dmj7261I got mine a few days ago.21:47
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amrwow, the numbers in this place jumped21:54
amranyone here handy with mediaserv by Jaffa?21:54
amri believe i've configured it correctly, but when i navigate to ip:8090/browse/ i just get the mediaserv title and then below it says 'Not found'21:55
derfJaffa probably is.21:55
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wazdamr: , Jaffa? :)21:55
wazdoh :)21:55
amryeah i know that :p21:55
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redamr: you could try Knots221:56
redif what you want is to stream video/music from a serverpc to ur n90021:57
red(or any other pc)21:57
amritd be an n81021:57
redworks aswell21:57
amrdoes knots2 transcode?21:57
amrah brilliant, it does21:58
wazdis it worth to buy used n810 now?21:58
redi havent used it no n810 thought21:58
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redbut works lovely on n900 and also on my netbook :)21:58
amrim using tversity on my windows pc21:58
amrbut i cant stand leaving my windows pc on, its so noisy21:58
redI have the server on my windows 721:58
amrwazd depends if you want a phone i guess21:58
wazdamr: I don't obviously21:59
redpc @ living room and quite silent 3 fans21:59
amrwell i reckon the n810 will be the last tablet i have21:59
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amrred im envious21:59
amrmy psu is horrendously loud21:59
Stskeepswazd: you have n800 now?21:59
wazdStskeeps: : yes21:59
wazdStskeeps: And it's kinda dying :)22:00
wazdStskeeps: : Also something with keyboard would be cool22:00
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redamr: the downside is that the pc is dualcore 2.4ghz only :P22:01
amroh well, one of my servers is 533MHz :p22:01
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RXrenesis8mfinkle - is your first name michael?22:02
mfinklenope, Mark22:02
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RXrenesis8kk, I swear everywhere I go this friend from my ol high school shows up, it's creepy!22:04
juliankMy N900's AV output is defect (left channel not working), so I will get it repaired tomorrow (and I received it yesterday).22:04
ali1234mgedmin: so it turns out dnsmasq has an option to arbitrarily reject hostnames that have no domain, and for some reason, nokia decided to turn it on22:04
wazdYes/no? :)22:04
Stskeepswazd: unsure. the n810 screen is an improvement22:05
Stskeepsreadable in sunlight22:05
Stskeepsminisd is a downer22:05
wazdStskeeps: : yeah22:05
Stskeepsgps .. works22:05
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Jaffaamr: 'lo22:06
Jaffaamr: Have you configured it to point at an actual real directory?22:06
amrand ive got some data in there22:06
JaffaI haven't used it in a while, TBH. Anything in the log?22:07
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amrgood point, ill have a look after apt finishes churning22:07
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wazd btw22:09
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amrwhere's the log, Jaffa? heh22:09
Jaffaamr: /tmp/mediaserv.log, IIRC22:10
amrill wipe it, start mediaserv again and then see what happens22:10
fralsnice link wazd :)22:11
amr Jaffa22:11
Jaffaamr: hmm22:13
amrbear with me one min22:13
X-Fadewazd: Oh, I've seen this app ;)22:14
amrhmm i thought it might be because i edited the config located in ~/.mediaserv22:14
amrdo i need to move the mediaserv executable anywhere?22:14
wazdX-Fade: : yeah, kinda :)22:14
Jaffaamr: nope, don't think so22:15
X-Fadewazd: Nah, Daniel showed it to me. Worked nicely already.22:15
wazdX-Fade: : oh, cool :)22:15
* wazd thinks mini-sd is an absolute fail22:15
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moo-_-sivang: phone number link = click to call. There are one "standard" format and one used by iPhone.22:16
moo-_-sivang: there are various other special links on mobile browsers. like click to send sms, etc.22:16
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RST38hX-Fade: Any idea why it does not let me promote fbread/zlibrary to -testing?22:19
RST38hwazd: micro-sd, you mean?22:19
wazdRST38h: : mini22:19
wazdRST38h: the one in n81022:19
X-FadeRST38h: Do you see the promote link?22:20
RST38hthat's why I am asking22:20
RST38hwazd: actually I like the mini, micro I tend to lose in my hands22:21
wazdRST38h: : it's 2Gb only22:21
ali1234you know what sucks about minisd? those adapters... they wear out too quick22:21
wazdRST38h: lame :)22:22
X-FadeRST38h: Does it show you as being logged in?22:22
X-FadeRST38h: And are you here?
RST38hgoing there22:22
wazdRST38h: and what do you think bout using Q3 Engine for game developing? :)22:22
RST38hX-Fade: Oh I see my problem now22:23
RST38hX-Fade: Have to got to a specific VERSION page to see the link!22:23
X-FadeRST38h: Ah, yeah. You do.22:24
RST38hwazd: The Q3 itself is pretty raw on N90022:24
RST38hwazd: So, probably not right away22:24
wazdRST38h: hmm, I thought it was running pretty fast22:24
X-FadeRST38h: Do you want me to remove the non-free version btw?22:24
RST38hwazd: it is running fast, but there are some problems with controls and you cannot easily exit it :)22:25
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RST38hX-Fade: Yes, please. Also, Vulture's is supposed to have a free version in the repos right now22:25
wazdRST38h: well, the game is not supposed to be FPS :)22:26
amrfingers crossed knots2 works \o22:26
wazdRST38h: : at least you can bind the buttons to move around22:26
RST38hwazd: if you want my suggestion, I would suggest something along the lines of Vulture's22:27
RST38hwazd: Either turn based rogue like or a strategy game in japanese style22:27
RST38hwazd: because it is not dynamic, users will have time to think22:27
wazdRST38h: : non 3d - too much drawing :(22:27
derfRST38h: Also, it'll be much easier on battery life.22:28
RST38hwazd: well, you can make it 2d or axonometric22:28
RST38hderf: true22:28
RST38hwazd: If you want some examples of such games, I will locate some22:28
derfUnless it's like Freeciv... that is sllllooowwww.22:28
RST38hfreeciv is an overkill22:28
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wazdRST38h: also, strategies needs AI22:28
RST38hwazd: AI is not hard22:28
derfAnd heck, so was that other hex-based one.22:28
wazdSandworm doesn't :)22:29
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RST38hit does, you want semi-sentient food22:29
mgedminali1234, file a bug!22:30
ali1234mgedmin: i already have22:30
povbotBug 7239: N900 cannot resolve simple DNS hostnames without domains22:30
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mgedminah ok22:31
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wazdRST38h: : I remember how much it took to release Pocket Heroes :)22:31
ali1234+1 for turn based games22:32
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RST38hwazd: well, it depends on the programmer not on the presense of ai22:32
ali1234here is "mine", and yes, it works on maemo (it's all python):
RST38hX-Fade: You probably also want to kework non-free libzlibrary22:33
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mgedmin"kework" is such a nice term for it22:33
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SpeedEvilali1234: does asking to lookup hostname. work?22:39
AndrewBlackis it just me or has a lot of old time posts of t.m.o abandoned it22:40
SpeedEviltalk is insane.22:40
StskeepsAndrewBlack: new times and a lot of traffic22:40
SpeedEvilflat with no threading and sucky web-UI22:40
* RST38h wants no threading22:41
SpeedEviltrn did it better in 1992?22:41
RST38hbut yes, the "classic" talk ui is tolerable but not the tmo "custom" ui22:41
AndrewBlackStskeeps, yeah but I can´t figure out if old people are gone from it or if there are so many new people´s post it just feelsthat way22:41
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SpeedEvilI never saw it before the custom UI22:41
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StskeepsAndrewBlack: a combination22:42
AndrewBlackI normally just use my n900 and my minimalist ui22:42
RST38hthe new ui is seriously uncomfortable, but comfort wasn't the priority in its design22:42
RST38hAndrewBlack: same here22:42
Stskeepsit's a curse of 'new posts'22:42
Stskeepsi am thinking to use sections again22:43
Corsacdid someone try cinaest22:43
AndrewBlackwell I was getting geared up for a Minimalist 3.0 redesign but I hate to say it  don´t care about t.m.o that much about t.m.o anymore lol22:43
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StskeepsAndrewBlack: its a transformation atm still, but things are less insane than when shipping threads existed22:45
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RST38hSts: give it another 3-4 months, the fanboys will lose interest and it will be back to (semi)normal. Hopefully, anyway22:45
StskeepsRST38h: i am curious how next council looks like22:46
AndrewBlackRST38h, I hope so still thinking of putting Minimalist fixes on back burner again and doing another theme lol22:46
RevdKathyNext council = God, Orangebox...22:46
* RST38h does not care about politics22:46
RST38hRevdKathy: Do not forget yourself, Rushmore, and the Venom guy22:47
Tanuvamy n900 doesn't react to usb cable insertion (neither does syslog on the linux desktop) since the battery is full. can I somehow force mass storage mode?22:47
RevdKathyOh yes, us n00bs atr going to take over22:47
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RST38hRevdKathy: You will do psychological councelling. Ever done this to teenagers?22:47
RevdKathya bit, why?22:47
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RST38h'cause you will have to do that a lot with the above council selection...22:48
RevdKathy(I dont think you need worry about an 'all-n00b' council seriously)22:48
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RevdKathyLOL yeah22:48
RevdKathyBeats me how teens can afford n90022:48
RST38h"Father gave it to me as a gift" =)22:49
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RevdKathyOh yes, but it's crap so I sold it on ebay. I forgot that22:50
RST38hWhoever feels like committing a good deed tonight, vote for
RST38hOne last vote and fMSX *finally* goes into proper Extras (about two months later than it should have :()22:50
AndrewBlackI voted no you need 2 votes no lol22:51
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* RST38h moos at Andrew woefully22:51
wazdRST38h: No, I mean the whole thing22:51
wazdRST38h: : visuals and stuff :)22:51
AndrewBlackRST38h, I´m kidding I voted yes I even testing it a while back just never voted22:51
mgedminTanuva, tap the status bar, tap usb, select mass storage22:52
RST38hPromoting to Extras =)22:52
RevdKathyRST38h - I would if I understood what it does22:52
mgedminwhat the voting app needs is screenshots22:52
Tanuvamgedmin: usb doesn't show up there, that's the problem. ne device doesn't react to the usb cable (still after a reboot)22:52
mgedminnothing like a screenshot to pique somebody's interest to install and evaluate and vote for the app22:53
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mgedminTanuva, bug 6004?22:54
povbotBug N900 sometimes ignores USB data cable22:54
mgedminwhich is RESOLVED, so searches don't see it22:54
RST38hRevdKathy: It emulates an ancient home PC22:54
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mgedminandre__, please please please can we have "FIX COMMITTED" and "FIX RELEASED" as separate statuses?22:54
RST38hShould boot into BASIC22:54
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RevdKathyI'd gathered that much - the question then being why I would want it to22:54
mgedminthat would prevent bugzilla "no it's not FIXED until I have it in my hands", "no it's FIXED internally, don't waste our time complaining" flamewars22:55
mgedminwell, lessen22:55
RST38hRevdKathy: Depends. You might either program in BASIC (makes a good learnign tool for kids) or load some game and play it22:55
RevdKathyahh right - my grandfather knew basic. I don't22:56
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RevdKathyThat's my problem with the extras repository: a lot of the stuff is niche and I ask myself whether I'd actually want it22:57
Jaffapvanhoof: ping22:57
RevdKathyhard to test stuff you don't really understand22:57
SmilyOrgmgedmin i think FIXED is internal and VERIFIED is external or something like that?22:57
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Tanuvamgedmin: theres 2009.42-11 on my phone (received yesterday), might be that bug22:57
samdhi, how much battery time will i get on a n900?? no 3g, only wifi as internet, moderate use?22:57
RST38hRevdKathy: You do not necessarily need to use it, just test that it works22:57
mgedminsamd, how many hours is "moderate use"?22:58
RevdKathyHard to do that if I don't know how or why, though22:58
RST38hThere is some niche stuff but most is not niche enough to be uncomprehensible22:58
mgedminSmilyOrg, it's mostly a matter of appearances, I suppose22:58
mgedminto bug reporters "FIXED" seems incorrect since they're still suffering22:58
RevdKathyI;m very stupid - still trying to work out supertux (I don;t do games)22:58
mgedminsamd, I use my n900 *a lot*, so my battery runs out in less than a day22:58
samdmgedmin-> umm idle most of the time, maybe 1 hour of web surfing, some pictures, wifi conected22:59
SmilyOrgmgedmin i agree, the names are confusing at first22:59
mgedminsamd, if you don't use it at all, it lasts ~90 hours?  somebody measured once22:59
RevdKathysamd - I use mine 'moderately' and seldom use much more than half the battery in a day22:59
mgedmin3rd-party apps may affect battery life22:59
mgedminI'm pretty sure they affect mine23:00
SpeedEvilsamd: for example - ssh'd into n900 over wlan  all the time, asking about battery use every 30s, use maybe an hour - lasted over 27 hours before I got bored.23:00
RST38hmgedmin: only if they are badly written23:00
mgedminor it could be the WiFi power-savings that I've disabled23:00
RST38hmgedmin: and there is exact definition of what badly written is in this case23:00
mgedminRST38h, I'm assuming apps are badly-written by default23:00
mgedminand then get fixed, maybe23:00
SpeedEvilRST38h: or do things that are required to use lots of battery by definition23:00
RST38hSpeed: Not necessarily23:00
SpeedEvilRST38h: it's not possible to do some things in an energy saving manner.23:00
RST38hSpeed: See, N900 has got that "locked" mode23:01
SpeedEvilRST38h: for example, seti@home.23:01
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RST38hSpeed: yea, but we are not talking cpu gobblers here23:01
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samdmgedmin, RevdKathy ,, oo sounds good for me, i just dont want to get caugh on the middle of the day w/o battery, ive heard of a wifi bug which drains the battery in 5 hours , which is why i was worried (bug 6615)23:01
povbotBug Battery Dies Under 6 Hours with Very Moderate Use23:01
SpeedEvilRST38h: I don't mean CPU, I mean network protocols that require activity.23:01
jiajiahei guys23:01
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jiajiawhen do u thing n900 can make video call23:01
RST38hSpeed: anyways, a well behaved app should shut down all timers and wait for gtk events23:01
AndrewBlackif I could get garage to work with me I would have maemo-org theme ready for testing23:01
RST38hSpeed: then it will not be eating battery23:02
SpeedEvilRST38h: say IRC +3G = ~5h23:02
RST38hdo not use irc around the clock23:02
SpeedEvilRST38h: and there isn't a easy way to get round that without a proxy23:02
SpeedEvilRST38h: heresy!23:02
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RevdKathysamd - I don't know what that is: my n900 switches seamlessly between good wifi and a rather dodgy gprs signal. Even with a patchy signal, I don;t use much more than half a battery23:02
RST38hSpeed: remote shell account + screen23:03
SpeedEvilgprs seems to be lots more power efficient than 3g23:03
RST38hit is23:03
samdRevdKathy-> ight, that sounds about rite for me :), thanks every1 for the info23:03
RevdKathysamd: I use mucis play, check email, maybe play online for half an hour at lunchtime, check twitter a few times a day, use the FM transmitter a bit23:03
jiajiayeah the batteru is not the best23:03
SpeedEvilRST38h: yes, I know, I was just using IRC as a protocol example of something that requires heavy battery use23:03
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RevdKathysamd: never seen the battery below green23:04
SpeedEvilRST38h: (at least on 3g)23:04
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samdRevdKathy-> alright, i cant wait to get mine , its being shipped today, :))), thanks for the info23:04
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RevdKathyCongrats, samd. Good luck with a safe delivery23:04
RST38hSpeed: I am using icq, gtalk, gizmo, skype accounts at the same time, battery lasts through the day23:04
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RST38hSpeed: EGPRS all WiFi23:05
samdRevdKathy->  thankss23:05
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SpeedEvilRST38h: yes - 3g is especially bad in this case.23:05
SpeedEvilwifi with ps is quite lightweight indeed.23:06
jiajiawhat is the problem with this battety23:06
SpeedEvilThere isn't a problem as such with the battery.23:06
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SpeedEvilother than it does not have infinite life.23:06
jiajiai can only use for one day23:07
SpeedEvilIn most peoples use-cases, it's quite adequate.23:07
* AndrewBlack wonders how bad his bluetooth headphones he is getting are going to suck the n900 battery23:07
RevdKathyok, g'night all23:07
jiajiadoes internet affect lots of the battery23:07
SpeedEviljiajia: everything affects the battery.23:08
ali12343g is supposed to drain it quite fast, gprs not so much23:08
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SpeedEvil3g drains it a lot - though this isn't so bad for intermittent large loads like large webpages23:08
jiajiai can only use for one day this phone about the battery and which i did not use so often23:08
SpeedEvilgprs is good for small amounts of data.23:08
SpeedEvilwhy do you care about battery life of >1 day?23:09
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SpeedEvilif you can charge it when you go to sleep.23:09
jiajiai do that but if i use little more in a day the battery will die23:09
* RST38h wishes somebody finally removed all those fake votes from google crawler23:09
AndrewBlackI´m giving up maybe my home computer will have better luck with garage today23:12
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Tanuvaon tablets-dev I only find 42-11 images, the bug 6009 comments said there's at least 46-16 (Sep 2009) somewhere out there. Kind of testing image? Might I get that somewhere?23:14
povbotBug "Enter" key sends wrong keycode to console applications23:14
Tanuvaokay, 6009 seems to be wrong23:14
mgedminTanuva, internal build, you won't get it23:14
TanuvaI see23:14
mgedminall it means is that the next public release with a build number greater than 46-16 will have the fix in it23:15
Tanuvaso I need to wait for that bug fix?23:15
mgedminin the meantime, unplugging-and-replugging seems to help23:15
mgedminor try rebooting at worst23:15
mgedminwait, sorry, wrong bug23:15
mgedminforget I said anything23:15
mgedminthought you were still talking about 600423:15
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Tanubeing new to a community quite sucks.23:15
mgedminworkaround: in xterm press ctrl-j or ctrl-m instead of enter23:16
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mgedminin theory it should be possible to build a newer osso-xterm (with the fix, presumably) and install it23:16
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Gadgetoid_n900lemme know if anyone needs a £5 expansys voucher... I'm not gonna use mine23:17
Tanumgedmin: I remembered the wrong bug id, didn't mean that issue but the one with the not-recognized usb cable :)23:17
mgedminyeah, then unplug/replug a few times, let us know in the bug tracker if that fixes it or not23:18
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Tanuoh my god.23:20
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mgedmindid it explode?23:21
Tanuthe usb "lengthening"? cable I used between the n900's cable and my desktop wasn't plugged into the latter.23:21
Tanudon't ask me how it got out of there, but it was.23:21
jebba    new section23:22
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mgedminha ha ha23:22
mgedminand the word you're looking for is "extension", I suppose23:22
Tanuvasounds reasonable23:23
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mgedmingaaah why are you soooo sloooow?23:23
mgedmingaaaah, why do you insist on spying on my clicks in my rss feed reader?23:24
mgedminjust gimme the links directly into the respective blogs23:24
mgedminthen I'll be able to access them without melting your server to the ground23:24
mgedmin is cool and should be in Extras23:26
* mgedmin wonders if libqt is optified23:26
mgedminyeah, libqt 4.5 is not very impressive: snowtter is slow and has no anti-aliasing23:29
mgedminnon-anti-aliased rotated text is ugly and unreadably23:29
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mgedminlibqt 4.6 is not in extras-devel, so I will ignore its existence23:29
andre__mgedmin, yes, after 3.423:30
* mgedmin is not sure what "3.4" means23:31
mgedminbugzilla version?23:31
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timeless_mbpandre__: browser team doesn't have any intention of looking at brainstorm ;-)23:36
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T7gHas anyone gotten around to using the lshal information about the battery to do a very in depth battery widget that told you how much power you were averaging over various spans of time?23:36
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ml-N900I know what the maemo port of cxchat needs23:39
ml-N900It needs to blink the blue LED when you get a PM or you get a highlight23:40
Gadgetoid_n900you dont say23:40
mgedminwhat's cxchat?23:41
Gadgetoid_n900not to mention finger scrolling23:41
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* mgedmin wishes wazd designed a nice UI for a Maemo IRC client23:42
simulamgedmin, did you ever find out what 3.4 stood for?23:42
ml-N900mgedmin: a typo, c and x are extremely close on this thing23:42
Gadgetoid_n900and a less obese input box23:42
mgedminsimula, no23:43
Gadgetoid_n900input is about twice as high as the text... and my test twice as big as the log text23:43
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* simula is looking forward to an optified Qt 4.6 too :)23:43
Gadgetoid_n900less ui, more chat! irssi has the modifier key bar too meeeeeh23:44
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jebbais there any way to disable the fone for  use in an airplane? (turn off gsm/wifi/etc)23:45
hexagonoffline mode?23:45
superdumppress the power button, a menu pops up, there's a flight mode iirc23:45
superdumpif you're talking about the n90023:46
KlownerZAGG's cheapo shipping sure is slow23:46
KlownerI suspect they duct taped my invisible shield to a toddler in Salt Lake City and told him to walk east23:47
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Gadgetoid_n9xxwell... now i know why people use irssi23:47
jebbaweird, i can't view my wiki page on the maemo browser now for some reason.23:47
* wazd wishes for more hours in a day23:47
threshwazd: choose saturn23:48
threshoh wait, it has more days in a year23:48
jebbaor any page in the wiki for that matter. or any page for that matter. EVerything is all white.  Hmm23:48
wazdand for used n810 :D23:48
hexagonim at the phone23:48
* jebba rebooting fone...23:49
wazdis the keyboard of n810 that unusable as some people say?23:49
Gadgetoid_n90019 lines vs 16 hmm23:49
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Gadgetoid_n900wazd what do they say?23:49
Gadgetoid_n900it's very hard and very flat23:50
threshwazd: why didnt you asked before. i've just sold mine23:50
Gadgetoid_n900but it makes up for that by being big23:50
orbarronanyone played with pulseaudio? have some basic questions...23:50
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Gadgetoid_n900the n900 keyboard is an improvement for sure.. but i really miss dedicate fullscreen/menu buttins23:51
* GAN900 wants his proxy back.23:51
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wazdthresh: : well, I'm still thinking, nothing particular :)23:51
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Gadgetoid_n900although ctrl+enter is good enough23:52
wazdGadgetoid_n900: *very* hard? :)23:52
wazdisn't it from the same opera as *hard" resistive screens? :)23:52
jebbaall happy after reboot...23:52
threshwazd: well at least it'd be easier for me to actually deliver it to a buyer23:52
Gadgetoid_n900hard as in key feel23:52
wazdGadgetoid_n900: : I understand23:53
wazdGadgetoid_n900: : is it usable?23:53
Gadgetoid_n900works for me23:53
Gadgetoid_n900better than the droid23:53
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wazdthe only bad thing is mini-SD23:54
wazdpretty lame format23:54
Gadgetoid_n900i agree23:54
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wazdand micro-usb maybe :)23:54
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Gadgetoid_n900 micro usb ends up on everything23:55
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Gadgetoid_n900so i can charge my tablet mifi n900 and lord knows what else with the same one cable23:56
Gadgetoid_n900hmmm imac insomnia23:56
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Gadgetoid_n900that would be why23:57
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