thp | and then as soon as i get my act together and implement the .desktop file parsing, you just have to remove the postinst/postrm sed'ing of the defaults file and then I can set a "Conflicts: canola-tuning (< [the new version])" on the feedhandler package, and it should work (I think?) | 00:00 |
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a1mega | Anyone know if it is possible to run REBOL programming language on N810 OS2008? | 00:14 |
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lbt | a1mega: is it OSS code with a debian port? | 00:14 |
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a1mega | I'm not sure...the download is at | 00:16 |
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ali1234 | no, it appears to be binary only and they only have linux bins for x86 and ppc | 00:17 |
a1mega | okay...thanks ali. | 00:17 |
ali1234 | and the licence says no modifications | 00:17 |
etrunko | thp: my experience says that app manager can't solve the conflicts/replaces stuff | 00:17 |
a1mega | I know they have a version for Ubuntu. | 00:18 |
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etrunko | e.g. this new version of canola isn't *upgradable* with app manager, but works ok with a simple #apt-get install canola2 command | 00:18 |
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etrunko | if you don't have canola installed then it is installable with app manager | 00:18 |
etrunko | anyway | 00:18 |
a1mega | I sure wish Nokia would had put the N900 guts into the N810 and improved the keyboard. :( | 00:19 |
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thp | etrunko: hmm. so what do you suggest with handling of upgrades / conflicts with old versions? | 00:20 |
SpeedEvil | a1mega: why? | 00:21 |
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ali1234 | i'd rather have it in something like a psion 5 | 00:23 |
a1mega | I really enjoy the size and keyboard of the N810.....the N900 looks too small and there is less keyboard. | 00:23 |
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a1mega | I do like the Psion T too. | 00:23 |
ali1234 | i'm sure someone will make something like that soon | 00:24 |
a1mega | Does anyone know it there will be a Adobe Flash 10 upgrade to N810? | 00:24 |
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GeneralAntilles | The N900 keyboard kicks the N810's keyboard's ass. | 00:25 |
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VDVsx | etrunko, it seems that some of these issues only happens if you install things by the command line | 00:25 |
a1mega | Is there an alternative Twitter client to Mauku which allows replying to tweets? | 00:26 |
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a1mega | Gen.. I thought the N910 had less keys than N800? | 00:26 |
GeneralAntilles | a1mega, sure, but the number of keys aint everything. | 00:27 |
SpeedEvil | It does, it loses all the vowels. | 00:27 |
GeneralAntilles | The tactile feedback alone is worlds better | 00:27 |
ali1234 | <- best palmtop keyboard ever | 00:27 |
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ali1234 | and it's 12 years old | 00:28 |
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javispedro | and if released today would have all bloggers laughing for more than 24 hours. | 00:28 |
a1mega | N900 keybrd only has 3 rows of keys versus N810 4 rows. | 00:28 |
ali1234 | bloggers are dumb | 00:29 |
javispedro | who isn't? :) | 00:29 |
ali1234 | meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee | 00:29 |
a1mega | =»The tactile feedback alone is worlds... That's what I meant by improving the N8qp's kybrd. :) | 00:30 |
ali1234 | seriously, i would have thought it's exactly what bloggers want. i mean who wants to write a blog on a thumb keyboard? | 00:31 |
a1mega | It almost looks like u have to have midget fingers to use N900 kybrd too. :) | 00:31 |
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GeneralAntilles | a1mega, I've used both. | 00:31 |
GeneralAntilles | a1mega, have you used the N900 keyboard? :) | 00:31 |
GeneralAntilles | a1mega, the 3-row keyboard keeps your fingers closer to the touchscreen. | 00:31 |
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a1mega | No... At 500 vs $220 8 dare not touch it! | 00:32 |
GeneralAntilles | a1mega, judging a keyboard based on photos usually isn't very productive. | 00:32 |
etrunko | VDVsx: nop | 00:33 |
a1mega | I really think touchscreens need to improve so as not to smudge. | 00:33 |
javispedro | I hope the N97's one is classified as "the worst ever made". I tried it briefly today | 00:33 |
afbn900 | generalantilles did your n900 come with video out cable | 00:33 |
etrunko | i've tested on a pristine system | 00:33 |
lcuk | a1mega, a dark theme does not show the smears so much | 00:34 |
a1mega | I always use stylus 'cause I hate fingerprint smudges on my kybrd. | 00:34 |
lcuk | the brighter the screen, the more you notice | 00:34 |
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Macer | anybody knwo a good law # ? | 00:34 |
VDVsx | etrunko, some are related to the app manager,e.g. if I install a game that has a -data dependency by the command line and then remove it, the app manager doesn't remove the -data, if I install everything using the app manager, works fine | 00:34 |
VDVsx | a bit weird | 00:34 |
javispedro | that sucks. | 00:34 |
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* javispedro sighs at the "chicken-like" algorithms | 00:35 | |
javispedro | but then, H-A-M is OSS... so... | 00:35 |
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a1mega | Well..hopefully one day there will be a Nokia N820 with N900 guts, no phone and same sized kybrd with N910's tactile enhancements. | 00:36 |
lcuk | will the ovi store be available for n810 or Mer? | 00:36 |
javispedro | hah. what kind of question was that? :) | 00:37 |
GeneralAntilles | afbn900, it came with an EU charger | 00:38 |
GeneralAntilles | afbn900, and nothing else. | 00:38 |
a1mega | Lcuk: Do u plan to release anymore update to your wonderful app? | 00:38 |
uhsf | just don't use the phone feature? | 00:38 |
GeneralAntilles | a1mega, good luck. | 00:39 |
a1mega | Gen: ??? | 00:39 |
* javispedro wouldn't be surprised if next maemo device is same size as n900 and has no keyboard. | 00:39 | |
ali1234 | afbn900: i have a video out cable | 00:40 |
uhsf | i prefer a kb | 00:40 |
* lcuk wants maemo on n97 | 00:40 | |
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lcuk | mini | 00:40 |
javispedro | maemo on < 800x480 ? :) | 00:40 |
* johnsq wants all but no maemo | 00:40 | |
lcuk | mer can run on a lighter, maemo should be able to find a way to cope on real graphics | 00:40 |
javispedro | at least you have better chances than me trying to run maemo on palm m130. that uclinux port looks promiiising :D | 00:41 |
a1mega | I guess its not fair to compare the 810 to the 900 because on is a full blown phone... Which I'm trying to get away from. | 00:41 |
lcuk | the dpi is such now that we are writing apps with big fonts, just scale and reduce at the x11 end | 00:41 |
etrunko | VDVsx: thing is.. i have a lightmediascanner package on extras, but on this version i changed the packaging scheme for it, already uploaded to extras-devel. | 00:41 |
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lcuk | it would actually run better too | 00:41 |
lcuk | cos theres less rendering | 00:41 |
ali1234 | lcuk: indeed. in theory you should just be able to change the xserver dpi and have everything automatically adjust | 00:41 |
ali1234 | that's assuming the apps are written properly | 00:42 |
etrunko | VDVsx: in this new scheme i've added conflicts/replaces to the new lms packages telling that they conflict with older versions | 00:42 |
lcuk | so the apps still think theres 800*480 tho | 00:42 |
javispedro | nope. on n900 xorg's dpi is 96. | 00:42 |
etrunko | VDVsx: in this case app manager refuses to upgrade canola to the new version | 00:42 |
a1mega | I hate phone contracts and big telco companies. | 00:42 |
javispedro | i think gtk themes are hacked to use bigger pt fonts. | 00:42 |
etrunko | VDVsx: it says the packages conflict | 00:42 |
lcuk | javispedro, it should be possible tho, you see what i mean | 00:42 |
javispedro | but really. everything would look poor. | 00:42 |
etrunko | VDVsx: which is true, but it doesn't take into account the replaces field | 00:42 |
lcuk | javispedro, it would run tho | 00:42 |
etrunko | VDVsx: got it? | 00:42 |
ali1234 | javispedro: it "should" be possible in that it would be possible if coders weren't lazy | 00:42 |
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VDVsx | etrunko, yup, and did you try only with the replace field ? | 00:43 |
a1mega | Now if WiMax would just get moving! :) | 00:43 |
VDVsx | *tried | 00:43 |
etrunko | VDVsx: not really. | 00:43 |
javispedro | ali1234: i've been arguing for ages with a web designer for that. true resolution independency is a hard issue. | 00:43 |
ali1234 | it's hard on the web, sure | 00:43 |
javispedro | before you point to any gtk app as sample wait and try them in a 800x480 screen. | 00:43 |
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afbn900 | what cable do you need for video out on n900 | 00:43 |
ali1234 | it's not hard on the desktop | 00:43 |
lcuk | its not hard to just keep the app think its working at 800*480 | 00:44 |
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lcuk | and do the scaling | 00:44 |
ali1234 | afbn900: <- one like this | 00:44 |
lcuk | if we are designing big fingerable ui the glyphs should just shrink etc | 00:44 |
pupnik_ | afbn900: comes in N900 box | 00:44 |
ali1234 | afbn900: at least that has the same connectors, no guarantee they're wired the same | 00:44 |
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afbn900 | pupnik not if you already hacve n900 but no box just a bag | 00:45 |
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javispedro | aha, you stole it! | 00:45 |
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afbn900 | i didn't even know they made a 3.5 mm to composite cable lol | 00:46 |
ali1234 | yeah my 10 year old camcorder has one :) | 00:47 |
ali1234 | i think they're pretty standard so at worst you'll just have to swap around the phono connectors | 00:47 |
ali1234 | they have to be like that to retain compatibility with headphones i think | 00:47 |
afbn900 | well i knew about 2 wire ones but not 3 | 00:47 |
pupnik_ | you knew 3 | 00:48 |
pupnik_ | stereo | 00:48 |
pupnik_ | lol | 00:48 |
afbn900 | i have one how that i think about it | 00:48 |
afbn900 | mine mite be audio only going to pull rthem out | 00:49 |
a1mega | N900 kybrd spacebar off to the right? What were they smokin? | 00:50 |
afbn900 | yep mine are 2 wire audio only i guess | 00:50 |
javispedro | I don't what I prefer. TMO filled with N900 WHERE? WHAT? WHEN? threads or TMO filled with stupid threads. | 00:51 |
afbn900 | a1mega i like it there now | 00:51 |
Mousey | a1mega: ditto | 00:51 |
a1mega | What gives??? | 00:51 |
Mousey | the right man is holdin' me down | 00:51 |
achipa | if building 2m30s on a local machine translates to 2h40m on the autobuilder, how much does a local 6m23s build take on the autobuilder ? Uh oh... | 00:51 |
Mousey | down with righty! | 00:51 |
a1mega | What other device uses this configuration? | 00:52 |
a1mega | Or was it a 'revelation'? | 00:52 |
Mousey | most notebook computers nowadays offset their glidepads (blech) to the right as well | 00:52 |
Mousey | s/right/left/ | 00:52 |
infobot | Mousey meant: most notebook computers nowadays offset their glidepads (blech) to the left as well | 00:52 |
achipa | the space is not as irritating as it may seem at first glance | 00:52 |
Mousey | achipa: are you left handed? | 00:52 |
achipa | Mousey: no | 00:53 |
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Mousey | then where it is is probably natural for yo | 00:53 |
Mousey | u | 00:53 |
ali1234 | the space bar is really the least annoying thing about n900 keyboard | 00:53 |
ali1234 | try typing an ip address on it | 00:53 |
a1mega | To bad for lefties like Obama. ;) | 00:53 |
afbn900 | trust me once you get n900 in hand you will like space key | 00:53 |
achipa | ali1234: exactly | 00:53 |
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achipa | the non-combination of dots and numbers is BAD | 00:54 |
ali1234 | especially one with lots of 1s in it | 00:54 |
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Lupu | I'm left handed and I have no problems with it. | 00:54 |
Mousey | afbn900: you're left handed? | 00:54 |
achipa | I also want to see how Nokia devs press ctrl+shift+x | 00:54 |
achipa | It's nothing short of finger-gymnastics | 00:54 |
ali1234 | what does ctrl-shift-x do? | 00:54 |
achipa | ali1234: opens terminal | 00:54 |
ali1234 | cool, gotta remember that one | 00:55 |
afbn900 | im both but on a keyboard this small doesnt matter | 00:55 |
Mousey | nobody's both. i can't believe the keyboard is smaller | 00:55 |
achipa | also, ssh is tricky | 00:55 |
javispedro | why do you need to hit the space bar with your "preferent" hand again? | 00:55 |
Mousey | who thought less keys is a good idea? | 00:55 |
Lupu | ali1234: I'm having enough trouble getting just Sym! | 00:55 |
Mousey | javispedro: i donno. my is my mouse on the left? | 00:55 |
achipa | try using ~. to close a connection - quite an exercise :) | 00:55 |
javispedro | is your spacebar on the left? | 00:55 |
Mousey | it's in the middle | 00:56 |
afbn900 | mousey some things i do with right some left some i do with both i am just a little better right handed | 00:56 |
javispedro | well. I'm right handhed and I always hit it with the left hand. | 00:56 |
javispedro | mostly because my right hand is near the mouse... | 00:56 |
ali1234 | you could always prise off the keys and remap it like you want :) | 00:56 |
Mousey | i type one handed left handed | 00:56 |
Mousey | that's not gonna be easier | 00:56 |
a1mega | TheN810 Internet Tablet....the N900 is a cell phone with a keyboard. | 00:56 |
afbn900 | hardest thing is typing while charging | 00:57 |
achipa | okay, one builder reserved till 6AM :) | 00:57 |
javispedro | i can't type onehanded in the n810. it's awful | 00:57 |
Mousey | i'm -trying- to wait to try the n900, but so far i don't know how i'm gonna but end up getting another n810 | 00:57 |
Mousey | if i can find one | 00:57 |
Mousey | =( | 00:57 |
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achipa | actually, it's odd - I type faster on the N810 keyboard, but it's a lot more strain than the N900 | 00:58 |
pupnik_ | amzed how well N900 keyboard works | 00:58 |
pupnik_ | thumbs have to move too far on n810 | 00:58 |
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pupnik_ | 900 will be faster top speed typing | 00:59 |
pupnik_ | for me | 00:59 |
Mousey | We'll See(tm) | 00:59 |
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Jaffa | Hmm. Anyone know why a gtk.TreeView I've created isn't getting "sticky" selection rows? (i.e. I want to tap on a row, it highlights and the user clicks a button in the dialogue to dismiss it) | 00:59 |
achipa | the thing is the N810 kdb is smoother to the touch, it's easier to slide fingers on it | 01:00 |
achipa | almost like an unresponsite touchscreen | 01:00 |
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* GeneralAntilles bangs head on desk at remote tech support. | 01:00 | |
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achipa | (also flatter than the N900) | 01:00 |
achipa | which is good for speed, but bad for tactile response/feeling | 01:00 |
radic__ | hmm | 01:01 |
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GeneralAntilles | a1mega, then don't get a contract. | 01:01 |
radic|alc | I trunk to less... | 01:01 |
a1mega | I see. | 01:02 |
radic|alc | hehe a1mega | 01:02 |
radic|alc | I can type correctly | 01:02 |
a1mega | I'd then pay $600 for the 900 and use wifi? | 01:02 |
a1mega | He he he. :) | 01:03 |
GeneralAntilles | Mousey, | 01:03 |
Mousey | yah, that's another argument for me to just get another n810.. way cheaper | 01:03 |
GeneralAntilles | a1mega, why do you need a contract for a SIM? | 01:03 |
GeneralAntilles | Mousey, the N810 started out at $479 | 01:03 |
GeneralAntilles | N900 is available for around $550 street. | 01:03 |
GeneralAntilles | a1mega, you can get a pay as you go plan. | 01:04 |
Mousey | GeneralAntilles: "extremely rare" | 01:04 |
Mousey | indeed | 01:04 |
GeneralAntilles | Mousey, you said "nobody". | 01:04 |
GeneralAntilles | The world aint that black'n'white. | 01:04 |
a1mega | Gen....I just hate the big Telcos.....yuck! | 01:04 |
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Mousey | yah, i just want an internet tablet | 01:04 |
GeneralAntilles | a1mega, not sure what that has to do with the N900. | 01:04 |
achipa | Mousey: "can be learned" | 01:04 |
Mousey | it's a phone | 01:04 |
javispedro | Cross-dominance is more common. | 01:04 |
achipa | I'm that group too | 01:05 |
GeneralAntilles | This is the device that will break the telco domination. | 01:05 |
Mousey | everybody's ambidexterous to some degree then | 01:05 |
GeneralAntilles | javispedro, I'm so cross-dominated it's not even silly. | 01:05 |
GeneralAntilles | javispedro, worst handwriting ever. | 01:05 |
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a1mega | Gen: How so? | 01:05 |
zash | GeneralAntilles: so that they finaly stfu and become isp's? | 01:05 |
GeneralAntilles | zash, LTE. | 01:05 |
Mousey | s/LTE/WiMAX | 01:05 |
GeneralAntilles | a1mega, it's the first real open source phone. | 01:06 |
javispedro | they still look wrong at me when I grab a fork. | 01:06 |
GeneralAntilles | Mousey, WiMAX tried and failed. | 01:06 |
GeneralAntilles | US carriers actually have roadmaps for LTE rollouts. | 01:06 |
Mousey | it's an open standard, and clearwire's doing quite well | 01:06 |
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Mousey | only the CARRIERS tho, not the community | 01:06 |
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Mousey | they'll be forced to support WiMAX if there's enough market pressure for an open standard | 01:06 |
Suurorca | i just hope that there will be just one frg range... | 01:07 |
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a1mega | Gen: But without an iphone-like store with tons of apps, how will it succed? | 01:07 |
javispedro | bought N810 WiMax edition? | 01:07 |
achipa | a1mega: It will succeed in a different way | 01:07 |
* Mousey lost his n810, is still quite sad | 01:07 | |
javispedro | a1mega: the iPhone succeds due to its store? doubtful. | 01:07 |
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Mousey | javispedro: well it's certainly not for its technical superiority (blech) | 01:07 |
a1mega | Achipa: just 4 techies like us? | 01:08 |
zash | didn't the iphone sell quite well before the appstore too? | 01:08 |
GeneralAntilles | a1mega, erm, did the iPhone start out with 1000s of apps? | 01:08 |
GeneralAntilles | zash, indeed. | 01:08 |
javispedro | not only that. but the PalmOS _DIED_ all while having more apps than the iPhone. | 01:08 |
achipa | a1mega: no, in terms it's a different business model | 01:08 |
Suurorca | maybe if nokia trade-marked the half-eaten banana... | 01:08 |
zash | also, "first real open source phone" .. ahem, openmoko? | 01:08 |
Mousey | the iPhone had the apple logo | 01:08 |
Mousey | and therefore an immediate following. plus the iPod to boot | 01:09 |
a1mega | Gen: No....but people loved the footprint an interface and....... Stevie Jobs | 01:09 |
achipa | zash: openmoko never really shipped, sadly | 01:09 |
javispedro | all hail the stewie jobs! | 01:09 |
Mousey | sure it did, you can buy a Neo Freewave | 01:09 |
GeneralAntilles | zash, REAL | 01:09 |
achipa | Mousey: that's not a phone, that's a hardware SDK :) | 01:09 |
Mousey | OpenMoko devs have abandoned it tho.. (for Palm WebOS)(which i try not to talk about) | 01:09 |
GeneralAntilles | zash, OpenMoko is a JOKE | 01:09 |
GeneralAntilles | Their efforts are laudable | 01:10 |
GeneralAntilles | but the project was killed by way outdated hardware and rank mismanagement. | 01:10 |
javispedro | moving to webos? lol | 01:10 |
Suurorca | neither did it's phone app really work. most ppl i know that have a freerunner just used it with debian... | 01:10 |
a1mega | People crawl over broken glass for a darn iphone/itouch....sheesh! | 01:10 |
GeneralAntilles | Nokia actually has a chance of bringing an open source device to the mainstream. | 01:10 |
Mousey | another one | 01:10 |
SpeedEvil | The project was not killed by the hardware. | 01:11 |
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SpeedEvil | In 2007, there was working - though slow hardware - that can get a few days battery life and a very good screen, and admittedly annoying GPRS. | 01:11 |
achipa | Funny that, it seems like a fun story. I mean, here in Europe the iPhone is just another phone. Shiny, fancy phone, but still a phone like any other. Nowhere near the Pathos it gets in the US. | 01:11 |
SpeedEvil | It was killed by lack of software. | 01:11 |
Suurorca | please don't mix the OS and the crappy china hardware =) | 01:11 |
zash | SpeedEvil: don't i remember you from #openmkoko? | 01:12 |
javispedro | achipa: then I must live in the 51st state. | 01:12 |
SpeedEvil | zash: Possibly. | 01:12 |
a1mega | People don't care about open source, they just want something like the darn phone....thin with a neat simpl GUI | 01:12 |
Suurorca | the famed "steå 5" users won't, that's for sure | 01:13 |
a1mega | [I can't spell worth a darn!] | 01:13 |
Mousey | which is why it's a mistake to think maemo will every appeal to the masses | 01:13 |
Mousey | it's too awesome, does way too much, and is far more than a Phone OS | 01:13 |
Suurorca | a1mega: me neither ;p | 01:13 |
a1mega | Mousey: Correcto mundo! Bing! | 01:13 |
javispedro | what appeals to the masses is a damn unknown. | 01:13 |
Mousey | the masses are easy creatures | 01:13 |
ali1234 | don't underestimate what can be achieved with qt/maemo 6 | 01:14 |
GeneralAntilles | Man it is freaking impossible to get Windows to take a keyboard layout change. | 01:14 |
a1mega | Javis: Wrong......iphone appeals to the masses....waje up! | 01:14 |
Mousey | ali1234: what you mean is don't understimate what CANNOT be achieved | 01:14 |
javispedro | a1mega: ok, what the next that will appeal to the masses. | 01:14 |
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* GeneralAntilles watches logic and reason fly out the window. | 01:15 | |
Mousey | ali1234: it's a WONDERFUL tablet OS | 01:15 |
Mousey | but a phone? | 01:15 |
a1mega | People are freakin' gaga over the dard Jobs phone. | 01:15 |
Mousey | that's aiming way too low | 01:15 |
ali1234 | Mousey: tablets REALLY don't appeal to the masses | 01:15 |
Mousey | ali1234: that's fine, but that's kinda my point | 01:15 |
a1mega | Javis: Iphone II | 01:15 |
ali1234 | aiming to make a tablet is aiming about as low as it is possible to aim | 01:15 |
a1mega | :) | 01:15 |
ali1234 | any lower and you're shooting youself in the foot | 01:15 |
Mousey | ugh. i just wish there was a steno-pad sized tablet running maemo | 01:16 |
a1mega | People don't want a darn tablet. | 01:16 |
Mousey | that would really make the OS shine | 01:16 |
Mousey | many people do | 01:16 |
* GeneralAntilles shakes his head. | 01:16 | |
Mousey | just not the masses | 01:16 |
javispedro | we don't want darn people. | 01:16 |
Mousey | clearly | 01:16 |
ali1234 | nobody wants a device without a phone in it | 01:16 |
Mousey | but the OS is BEGGING to be on bigger, awesomer, geekier hardware | 01:16 |
Mousey | i have a phone | 01:16 |
Mousey | i NEED a tablet | 01:16 |
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ali1234 | everyone has a phone | 01:17 |
Mousey | the n810 is the most perfect tablet i've ever used | 01:17 |
a1mega | Shoot...I think I'm talkin' myself into an Iphone....ha ha ha! | 01:17 |
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Mousey | a1mega: avoid it at all costs | 01:17 |
ali1234 | when you try to sell them a tablet, they say "why would i want to carry two devices?" | 01:17 |
Mousey | ali1234: that's the masses for ya | 01:17 |
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ali1234 | no, that's people like me | 01:17 |
javispedro | and we don't care about them. | 01:17 |
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Mousey | all i'm saying is Maemo is a absoultely wonderful distro | 01:17 |
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Mousey | i can't wait til the hardware compares | 01:17 |
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a1mega | Mousey: u right. I luv my 800's multitasking ability....just not enough apps to multitask. :) | 01:18 |
javispedro | sigh. | 01:18 |
Mousey | a1mega: there are 10s of 1000s of apps for Maemo | 01:18 |
uhsf | when the hardware compares, i will run full blown arch linux and forget about maemo. | 01:18 |
ali1234 | not enough apps because there's virtually nothing a tablet is good for | 01:19 |
Mousey | that -you- can think of | 01:19 |
ali1234 | if you want to seriously get anything done you need a smartbook at the very least | 01:19 |
javispedro | uhsf: the hardware is already enough. screen size is not, and will never be. | 01:19 |
Mousey | i disagree | 01:19 |
a1mega | But I cant find one darn twitter app that allows replies. Shees! | 01:19 |
Mousey | with just the n810 i can manage 100 machines without having to get up from the sofa | 01:19 |
Mousey | and i can do it faster with an n810 than i can with a whole notebook or even netbook | 01:19 |
Mousey | the n810 is the perfect system administration tool | 01:20 |
ali1234 | so what? i can do that on n900 too, and it fits in my pocket for when i do want to get up from the sofa | 01:20 |
Mousey | like the n810 | 01:20 |
Mousey | only less keys | 01:20 |
a1mega | Mousey...u gotta be a techy. :) | 01:20 |
GeneralAntilles | a1mega, Mauku | 01:20 |
ali1234 | no, the n810 is way to big to fit in my pockets | 01:20 |
Mousey | the n810 is very very techy | 01:20 |
Mousey | and maemo fits is very very well | 01:20 |
Mousey | trying to make it appeal to less is a mistake. | 01:20 |
uhsf | is so slow. | 01:21 |
a1mega | Gen: I use it and can't find 'reply'....:( | 01:21 |
GeneralAntilles | uhsf, massive server overload. | 01:21 |
ali1234 | Mousey: see, the problem with the n810 is i can't use it outside my house | 01:21 |
Mousey | i wish i could install maemo on a kindle | 01:21 |
Mousey | that would be epic | 01:21 |
GeneralAntilles | Should be getting upgrades next month-ish. | 01:21 |
javispedro | sigh. another slashdot article? | 01:21 |
Mousey | ali1234: you should tether, like everyone else | 01:21 |
a1mega | I would be afraid to recommend n810 non-techy friends. | 01:22 |
ali1234 | Mousey: no, that's stupid, because my phone already has a keyboard that's better than the n810 one. so why would i want to carry around that huge thing? | 01:22 |
Mousey | because your phone doesn't have 800x480 and a kick ass suite of utilities | 01:22 |
Mousey | and flash | 01:22 |
a1mega | Ali: easy | 01:22 |
a1mega | :) | 01:22 |
Mousey | a1mega: i never did.. but the techy friends i've recommended it to all bought one, and love it | 01:23 |
ali1234 | Mousey: actually it does, because it is a n900 | 01:23 |
javispedro | so, why don't you carry an small phone then? | 01:23 |
javispedro | one that doesn't make you look ridiculous while trying to place a call? | 01:23 |
a1mega | Mousey: agree | 01:23 |
achipa | uhsf: around this time it's the combined load of full NA + Eu | 01:23 |
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Jaffa | Damn. Putting a TreeView inside a PannableArea breaks selection. | 01:23 |
Mousey | i have a pre for that.. it's a nice linux box, but a fraction of the usefulness of my n810 | 01:23 |
javispedro | Jaffa: edit mode | 01:23 |
a1mega | Javis: u r hurting my feelings. :) | 01:24 |
javispedro | Jaffa: | 01:24 |
Macer | ugh | 01:24 |
Macer | i can't figure it out | 01:24 |
Macer | anybody here know how arbitration work in teh US? | 01:24 |
Jaffa | javispedro: Ta. Oddly the mode only comes into play when I've added it to a HildonPannableArea, not when it's directly added to a GtkDialog | 01:25 |
Macer | i am trying to find out if medical documents are allowed if the employee did not give a company consent to divulge medical testing to anybody else other than the company | 01:25 |
Jaffa | javispedro: Ah, it says that above | 01:25 |
* GeneralAntilles 's mother was resetting the switch instead of the router. . . . | 01:25 | |
javispedro | Jaffa: yep. I suggest you just do it "the maemo weird way" and use hildon_*_new() constructors and pannable areas always, else everything is "here be dragons". | 01:26 |
a1mega | Well, I'm going out to fly my Zagi glider...u guys/gals have a wonderful weekend! :) (Hmm...wonder if I can use the N810 as the transmitter?) :) | 01:26 |
Jaffa | javispedro: I'm using Python, but was trying to reconstruct what exactly was different between my app and a normal TreeView example | 01:27 |
Jaffa | javispedro: Ta for that pointer | 01:27 |
javispedro | well, good luck :) | 01:27 |
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javispedro | autobuilder and garage share hardware? | 01:31 |
GeneralAntilles | Yes :( | 01:31 |
javispedro | so if it's under attack I better not send openttd gfx packages ... :P | 01:32 |
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javispedro | what will happen when someone gets an N900, clicks on the Ovi Store icon, selects his phone model only to find most of the apps disappear in a nice web 2.0 javascripty animation? | 01:39 |
uhsf | anyone using synergy on the n900? is there a synergy package somewhere? | 01:40 |
pupnik_ | check garage uhsf | 01:40 |
pupnik_ | might need a rebuild | 01:40 |
pupnik_ | javispedro what do you mean? | 01:42 |
javispedro | that I still find people not realizing their 30 or so N-Gage games won't work in the N900. | 01:42 |
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lcuk | n-gage is shutting down nxt year | 01:44 |
lcuk | isnt it | 01:44 |
javispedro | yep, just saw that on /. | 01:44 |
lcuk | | 01:44 |
lcuk | for context lol | 01:44 |
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achipa | I'm wondering what's the easiest/official way of checking firmware version from python... | 01:45 |
javispedro | why would you need to do that? | 01:45 |
javispedro | just curious. | 01:46 |
achipa | javispedro: need to do camera workarounds depending on fw version | 01:46 |
javispedro | ah well. | 01:46 |
achipa | javispedro: black band issue, etc etc | 01:46 |
javispedro | since the device is not released I guess you can hope people'll upgrade. | 01:46 |
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achipa | javispedro: yeah, but the problem is that an app won't get to extras unless it works for testers... and they use old firmware :) | 01:47 |
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lcuk | do n810 testers ticks get counted in promotion | 01:49 |
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GeneralAntilles | achipa, I wouldn't bother compensating for pre-release firmware. | 01:53 |
achipa | GeneralAntilles: it's just a single parameter, not even a line, so I thought is there is an easy way to do it... | 01:54 |
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GeneralAntilles | /etc/osso-software-version | 01:55 |
javispedro | so, any app in fremantle uses ctrl+return for fullscreen? | 01:55 |
GeneralAntilles | javispedro, lots? | 01:56 |
javispedro | ah, so it's standard :P | 01:56 |
javispedro | ta! | 01:56 |
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achipa | GeneralAntilles: er... My N900 doesn't have that. Ooops ? | 01:57 |
GeneralAntilles | Ah, could be deprecated. | 01:57 |
achipa | grepped /etc/ for 41.10 to no avail | 01:58 |
GeneralAntilles | Where's qwerty12 when you need him? | 01:58 |
achipa | partying :) | 01:58 |
javispedro | it's /etc/osso_software_version here | 01:59 |
Jaffa | javispedro: RST38h's emulators do | 01:59 |
VDVsx | javispedro, its in the system basically (ctrl+ret), probably you can remap it, but by default should work in any app | 01:59 |
javispedro | VDVsx: ah. it sends F6? | 02:00 |
VDVsx | javispedro, no need to code anything | 02:00 |
javispedro | in gtk. | 02:00 |
achipa | javispedro: which rev are you ? 41.10 here | 02:00 |
javispedro | but I'm in openttd (SDL) | 02:00 |
VDVsx | javispedro, maemo5 right ? | 02:00 |
javispedro | achipa: RX-34+RX-44+RX-48_DIABLO_5.2008.43-7_PR_MR0 :'( | 02:00 |
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achipa | javispedro: that's no mooN900 | 02:01 |
VDVsx | javispedro, should work by default, at least works in all the games that I've tested | 02:01 |
javispedro | VDVsx: weird. do you have openttd installed? | 02:01 |
pupnik_ | nice | 02:01 |
VDVsx | javispedro, no, gonna install | 02:01 |
javispedro | it's a wopping 10 uncompressed MiB on the rootfs. | 02:01 |
VDVsx | javispedro, hildon-desktop handles that stuff | 02:01 |
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javispedro | that scares the hell out of me :S | 02:02 |
javispedro | but It can't work that way, some apps refuse to be fullscreened I suppose. | 02:03 |
VDVsx | humm ? | 02:03 |
pupnik_ | optify that | 02:03 |
javispedro | yep pupnik_, i'm updating to latest openttd. | 02:03 |
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javispedro | VDVsx: if hildon-desktop just resizes the window on Ctrl+Return it'll break some apps... | 02:04 |
VDVsx | javispedro, ctr+ret is to go to the exposé mode ie. exit fullscreen | 02:04 |
pupnik_ | btw is there an idiot guji for managing debian project files (rules etc) | 02:04 |
pupnik_ | gui | 02:04 |
javispedro | ah. | 02:04 |
javispedro | bah, I need to try this. lemme see if the SDK implements that. | 02:04 |
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VDVsx | javispedro, games should run in fullscreen IMO | 02:05 |
javispedro | openttd is the kind of game that I prefer to run windowed. Because of long sessions :) | 02:05 |
VDVsx | at least the PC games that don't have drop menu | 02:05 |
GeneralAntilles | VDVsx, thing it's a per-game thing. | 02:05 |
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VDVsx | GeneralAntilles, yup :) | 02:06 |
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javispedro | I can't get ctrl+intro or ctrl+return to do anything on sbox | 02:08 |
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Jaffa | VDVsx: Ctrl-Enter isn't a global fullscreen | 02:09 |
javispedro | sigh. I just typed again! | 02:10 |
VDVsx | Jaffa, I'm talking about ctrl+ret only :) | 02:10 |
VDVsx | sorry for the confusion | 02:11 |
Macer | HAHHA | 02:12 |
Macer | i'm watching castle | 02:12 |
Macer | and the dude put on his halloween costume and he is wearing his firefly outfit | 02:12 |
Macer | lol | 02:12 |
javispedro | both ctrt-enter & ctrl-return seem to be swallowed by sbox. | 02:13 |
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javispedro | I think I'll need to ask RST on this... | 02:13 |
Macer | that was awesome | 02:14 |
* achipa goes to sleep and hopes the autobuilder finishes before he wakes up | 02:16 | |
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Jaffa | VDVsx: Ah. That key combo which doesn't exist on device? ;-) | 02:20 |
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VDVsx | Jaffa, well, return == Backspace | 02:21 |
* javispedro 's head explodes | 02:21 | |
VDVsx | javispedro, want a screen of you game ? | 02:22 |
javispedro | thanks, but no; unless you found out something weird. | 02:22 |
VDVsx | javispedro, apart from the very small menus, no | 02:23 |
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javispedro | if you want it to be a bit more finger friendly, enter settings and switch game resolution | 02:23 |
Macer | | 02:23 |
Macer | hahahaha | 02:23 |
javispedro | 10-foot mode will be the default in fremantle :D | 02:23 |
SpeedEvil | you scroll by using the GPS | 02:24 |
VDVsx | javispedro, got a nice black screen ;) | 02:24 |
* javispedro sighs. | 02:24 | |
javispedro | ok, that was not supposed to happen lol | 02:24 |
javispedro | after doing what? | 02:24 |
VDVsx | javispedro, change resolution == black screen | 02:25 |
VDVsx | and than I've to hit like 10 times the exit button :( | 02:26 |
javispedro | the fun thing is that it's not changing resolution, but just starting to 2x video output. | 02:26 |
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VDVsx | javispedro, fullscreen button works | 02:26 |
javispedro | fullscreen gui button? | 02:27 |
VDVsx | yes | 02:27 |
javispedro | and you get video then? hum. that does not ring any bell... | 02:27 |
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VDVsx | javispedro, video ? | 02:28 |
javispedro | non black screen I mean | 02:28 |
VDVsx | javispedro, with the FS button no | 02:28 |
VDVsx | only if I try to change the resolution | 02:29 |
VDVsx | javispedro, no sound ? | 02:29 |
VDVsx | or I've to enable it | 02:29 |
javispedro | no GPL soun | 02:29 |
javispedro | d | 02:29 |
VDVsx | oki | 02:29 |
javispedro | must package it and edit GUI to let user choose between GPL/propietary sound sets | 02:30 |
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* GeneralAntilles hits VDVsx. | 02:31 | |
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VDVsx | GeneralAntilles, coufh | 02:32 |
VDVsx | lol | 02:32 |
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jeremiah | Oh yeah, we have cloaks and stuff now. | 02:42 |
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ifreq | any php guru awake? quite simple question | 02:44 |
zash | ifreq: maybe | 02:45 |
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ifreq | i have a script which outputs stuff as this: echo("Following link: " .$p_link. "\n"); | 02:45 |
ifreq | how I can accomplish that it also runs system cmd "mkdir /path/$p_link." ? | 02:45 |
zash | mkdir("/path/$p_link") | 02:46 |
zash | should work | 02:46 |
ifreq | ah straight away | 02:46 |
ifreq | ill test sec :) | 02:46 |
zash | | 02:47 |
Jaffa | Damnit. I want to go to bed, but first I want to upload a new version of Hermes, but first I have to wait for the damned SDK to re-install | 02:48 |
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GeneralAntilles | VDVsx, yeah, I have that too. :P | 02:49 |
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VDVsx | I know :) | 02:50 |
* GeneralAntilles stacks chairs. | 02:50 | |
zash | GeneralAntilles: expecting steve ballmer? | 02:50 |
VDVsx | GeneralAntilles, party ? | 02:51 |
GeneralAntilles | VDVsx, sorry, the council type. :P | 02:53 |
VDVsx | GeneralAntilles, ah a conspirators gathering o_0 :P | 02:55 |
ifreq | zash: thanks, need some finetuning but it will do its job | 02:55 |
* GeneralAntilles plots. | 02:55 | |
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jeremiah | GeneralAntilles: Good mail about version numbers - I totally agree with you. | 03:03 |
javispedro | still plotting? I though the conspiracy was all on the clear now. | 03:04 |
* VDVsx builds super-cool-game_3425235snv3423423git34234-ubuntu78-maemo1000 :P | 03:04 | |
GeneralAntilles | javispedro, muhahaha! | 03:04 |
jeremiah | infobot, smakc VDVsx | 03:04 |
jeremiah | or smack rather | 03:05 |
VDVsx | infobot, chase jeremiah | 03:05 |
* infobot chases jeremiah | 03:05 | |
* jeremiah yikes! | 03:05 | |
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jeremiah | infobot, tease VDVsx | 03:05 |
* infobot tickles VDVsx with a feather and makes VDVsx rotflmaopimp-ing | 03:05 | |
VDVsx | she has Alzheimer, i seems | 03:05 |
javispedro | infobot, deploy primary weapon! | 03:05 |
VDVsx | *it seems | 03:05 |
zash | VDVsx: Depends: maemo >= 9000 | 03:05 |
javispedro | what's this version-thingie you're talking abou | 03:06 |
jeremiah | javispedro: Well, there was a mail to maemo-developers | 03:06 |
javispedro | ah, gonna check. | 03:06 |
jeremiah | Saying, basically, that version numbers are getting a little out of hand | 03:06 |
javispedro | heh. | 03:06 |
* javispedro 's longest version string so far is 3.4.6+svn2191-0maemo1 "only" | 03:06 | |
javispedro | h-a-m should just hide them | 03:07 |
jeremiah | Why do you have a version number (3.4.6) and a svn number? | 03:07 |
javispedro | cause it's unreleased software *evil grin* | 03:07 |
jeremiah | I mean, the svn _is_ the version number | 03:07 |
jeremiah | heh | 03:07 |
javispedro | but if they get to release 3.4.7 i want it to be >= 3.4.6+svnwhatever | 03:08 |
zash | version, release, svn .. | 03:08 |
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javispedro | this is a H-A-M issue | 03:09 |
javispedro | just delete everything after the first "-" | 03:09 |
javispedro | or "+" | 03:09 |
pupnik_ | bacon mmm | 03:09 |
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javispedro | native Maemo apps should have the full version string without slashes either way. | 03:09 |
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pupnik_ | yup | 03:11 |
pupnik_ | javispedro coninues to issue correct statedments | 03:11 |
javispedro | yes, nokia should probably pay me for continuosly stating the obvious on IRC ;) | 03:11 |
pupnik_ | me 2 | 03:12 |
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pupnik_ | is there a nway to certify upstream packages as maemo-compat | 03:13 |
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pupnik_ | i.e. kwrite someday becomes buildable for maemo from upstream | 03:14 |
pupnik_ | e.g. | 03:14 |
javispedro | it is buildable already. | 03:15 |
javispedro | but you won't get the 10-foot mode. | 03:16 |
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pupnik_ | k | 03:18 |
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javispedro | I mean, the issue is, save for very unportable stuff, not usually that "it does not build" | 03:19 |
javispedro | but rather -- it's missing adequate .desktop file, etc. | 03:19 |
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Woolly | general linuxy question: If I'm running an installer with curses over ssh, and my ssh session hangs, how can I regain the installer in a new ssh session? | 03:27 |
jaem | Woolly: you probably can't | 03:27 |
jaem | however | 03:27 |
jaem | if you have the "screen" program installed on the machine running the SSH server, that will take care of that sort of problem | 03:28 |
jaem | as well as being generally useful | 03:28 |
jaem | I'll find you a link | 03:28 |
Woolly | no screen unfortunately :( | 03:28 |
jaem | oh | 03:28 |
jaem | what are you running on the server? | 03:28 |
jaem | and which installer is it? | 03:28 |
Woolly | I'm installing Debian Lenny on my NSLU2. 3 hours later, I move the cable and the network falls over. | 03:29 |
Woolly | Frick :( | 03:29 |
jaem | >_< | 03:29 |
jaem | hmm | 03:29 |
jaem | I've never installed Debian, but I've seen derivatives of one of their old installers | 03:29 |
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jaem | you probably *could* resume it, but it would probably be easier to restart, IMO | 03:30 |
jaem | unless they have resuming built in these days | 03:30 |
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Woolly | that's a pain in the titties. oh well, I'll leave it running overnight (Y) | 03:30 |
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Woolly | thanks anyway though jaem | 03:31 |
jaem | you're welcome :) | 03:31 |
jaem | that's actually one of the things I like about the Arch installer... | 03:31 |
jaem | it doesn't force any flow of operation on you, aside from the logical order of things (which you take care of yourself) | 03:32 |
Woolly | yeah | 03:32 |
jaem | want to kill the installer and mess with some stuff manually, and then jump back to where you were? sure | 03:32 |
jaem | :) | 03:32 |
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Neostrider | hello folks | 03:43 |
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Neostrider | anyone from Mer online? | 03:44 |
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jaem | Neostrider, #mer | 03:46 |
Neostrider | oh..thanks | 03:47 |
jaem | no problem | 03:47 |
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Neostrider | hey lcuk, are you in there? | 03:51 |
lcuk | no | 03:51 |
Neostrider | sorry =-P | 03:52 |
lcuk | whats up | 03:53 |
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Neostrider | are you behind liqbase, right? | 03:54 |
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* lcuk nods | 03:54 | |
Neostrider | cool | 03:54 |
Neostrider | its a bitmap only thing, right? | 03:54 |
lcuk | ish | 03:56 |
Neostrider | hum...does it work with N770? | 03:58 |
lcuk | Neostrider, hows your driller clone coming on | 03:58 |
Neostrider | I've actually moved on (lost the source code) | 03:59 |
lcuk | and have you tested it on fremantle device | 03:59 |
Neostrider | but I've released a new game this week | 03:59 |
Neostrider | | 03:59 |
lcuk | but it was only a month ago! | 03:59 |
Neostrider | humm? | 03:59 |
Neostrider | the driller clone was a project from a year ago! | 04:00 |
lcuk | driller clone | 04:00 |
lcuk | lol its the same looking game even now | 04:00 |
Neostrider | it ran on 770 too slowly | 04:00 |
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Neostrider | (I guess you did some confusion =-P ) | 04:00 |
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Neostrider | lcuk: this was the driller clone: | 04:02 |
jaem | hrm | 04:03 |
lcuk | | 04:03 |
lcuk | there is even a gameplay video | 04:03 |
jaem | can anyone suggest a minimal but easy-to-use serial terminal that I could compile for Diablo? | 04:03 |
lcuk | Neostrider, it is with the greatest respect i call it a driller clone :) | 04:03 |
Neostrider | I do have driller here somewere | 04:03 |
lcuk | i always remember it in color! | 04:03 |
lcuk | i forgot it was b&w | 04:03 |
lcuk | it renders about the same speed as a kindle refresh (the original i mean) | 04:04 |
Neostrider | yeah...kind of hard to play | 04:04 |
lcuk | i used to play for hours | 04:04 |
Neostrider | (btw, my game clone also ran at that speed, mostly the code was very unoptimized) | 04:05 |
lcuk | you get used to it lol | 04:05 |
lcuk | lol Neostrider | 04:05 |
Neostrider | a better picture: | 04:05 |
lcuk | wicked | 04:05 |
Neostrider | and thats the reason I want to ask you how to optimize my code for OMAP1710 | 04:05 |
Neostrider | and if this optimizations would work for the other devices | 04:05 |
lcuk | small, light and tight | 04:06 |
lcuk | dont try to break out of c | 04:06 |
lcuk | mostly you dont need to | 04:06 |
Neostrider | but do you have to do anything special ? | 04:07 |
Neostrider | use any special SDK? | 04:07 |
lcuk | depends what matters, i had to scale up the walls from the outside | 04:07 |
lcuk | which causes its own issues | 04:07 |
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Neostrider | (btw, have you got the sponsoring you were looking for?) | 04:10 |
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Neostrider | wow...this driller article sure brings me some memories | 04:14 |
Neostrider | (ok, Im too young and too far from UK to have played it on a real spectrum, but I spent a good deal of my teenagehood playing with 3D constructor kit) | 04:15 |
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lcuk | 3d cons kit was good | 04:19 |
lcuk | i remember when i got driller, i dropped the box | 04:19 |
lcuk | it had a dent in the coner forever | 04:19 |
lcuk | corner | 04:19 |
Neostrider | cassetes on a speccy? | 04:20 |
lcuk | yeah | 04:20 |
Neostrider | thats something I dont like about those days of digital distribution | 04:20 |
Neostrider | I like to look at the box | 04:20 |
Neostrider | its kind of a foreplay | 04:21 |
Neostrider | take the box of Doom, for example | 04:21 |
lcuk | back then, the box contained everything you needed for the life of the product | 04:21 |
Neostrider | it looks amazing and MUCH better than the real game title screen | 04:21 |
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Neostrider | heck, there was a "like of the product" concept | 04:21 |
Neostrider | now games are "disposable" | 04:22 |
Neostrider | (my Mer download just finished!) | 04:22 |
lcuk | development was focued because the number of toolkits were limited | 04:22 |
Neostrider | every processor cycle mattered | 04:23 |
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Neostrider | and not only in terms of speed, but in quality of content | 04:23 |
Neostrider | if the game is slow, you will sure notice poor drawn graphics | 04:23 |
SpeedEvil | | 04:23 |
SpeedEvil | oooh - fairlight | 04:23 |
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Neostrider | are you guys into Elite? | 04:24 |
SpeedEvil | Not recently. :) | 04:25 |
GeneralAntilles | Oolite! | 04:25 |
Neostrider | Oolite is really good, but Im more into Elite Plus | 04:25 |
Neostrider | (also becouse I can run it on my cellphone with DosBOX) | 04:25 |
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Neostrider | but to be fair, its Frontier that got me hooked | 04:26 |
Jaffa | Oolite rocks. | 04:27 |
Jaffa | Frontier's play model sounded so good, but was so boring & frustrating IRL (IME) | 04:27 |
Neostrider | funny is that Oolite is much better that Vega Strike, even being so smaller | 04:28 |
Neostrider | Frontier II with the hacked engine is really good. You should try the hacked engine | 04:28 |
Neostrider | you can use the physics model from Elite in it | 04:29 |
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pupnik_ | pictre of original "pupnik" on ebay | 04:32 |
* Jaffa beds | 04:33 | |
Neostrider | I didnt know there was other pupnik | 04:33 |
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frals | nice feature on the forum, i got sent a pm but am not allowed to respond to it... :D | 04:52 |
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GeneralAntilles | frals, how many posts? | 04:54 |
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frals | GeneralAntilles: i got 106 | 06:00 |
frals | the user who sent the PM didnt have receiving PM from other members allowed in profile or something like that :) | 06:00 |
GeneralAntilles | Ah | 06:02 |
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pupnik_ | suddenly i really think mer/maemo5 needs to be on 5"-8" superslim coffeetable device, for 3-4OO bucks | 06:17 |
pupnik_ | like a pphoto stand you pick up and start using | 06:18 |
pupnik_ | maybe take the n900 boards with broken cell radios for it | 06:19 |
pupnik_ | very slim, elegant, appliance-like | 06:19 |
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GeneralAntilles | I'm not totally buying the usecase for something like that | 06:20 |
GeneralAntilles | 90% of the time I'd use that I have my N900 with me anyway. | 06:20 |
pupnik_ | coffeetablle, dining table | 06:20 |
pupnik_ | the place where family meets | 06:20 |
pupnik_ | can have tablet | 06:20 |
pupnik_ | phone too small for old eyes - srsly | 06:20 |
pupnik_ | over 50 crowd is a market | 06:21 |
pupnik_ | and if they really can use a device - if internet experience is real good - they will someday be buying these things | 06:22 |
pupnik_ | gahrohntueed | 06:22 |
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RST38h | moo? | 08:50 |
pupnik_ | moo | 08:51 |
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johnx | m00f! m00f! | 08:51 |
RST38h | Ah, nice to see everyone home =) | 08:52 |
RST38h | Hmm... Looks like Apple BT keyboard owners are out of luck with N900, and I am one of them =( | 08:53 |
AstralStorm | mmmmh | 08:57 |
AstralStorm | new pidgin in extras-devel is correctly hildonized | 08:57 |
AstralStorm | :) | 08:57 |
AstralStorm | no more tray crashing hildon-desktop | 08:57 |
Xisdibik | RST38h: maybe that will get you to stop using Apple? :D | 08:58 |
RST38h | Nix has been doing his thing =) | 08:58 |
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RST38h | Xisdibikk: Funnily, it is the only piece of Apple hw I have ever owned | 09:07 |
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_Pete_ | AstralStorm: isnt messaging-ui enough for you? | 09:13 |
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RST38h | Any x86 assembly gurus? | 09:56 |
RST38h | Need a quick way to test memory location for !=0 | 09:56 |
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wnd | load to register, branch if zero-flag is down? (I don't know x86) | 09:58 |
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dmj726 | Is scratchbox usually laggy? | 10:18 |
johnx | well, do you mean laggy or slow? | 10:19 |
dmj726 | low frame rate | 10:19 |
johnx | so you're running the desktop inside of xephyr? | 10:19 |
dmj726 | things open and actions happen at a reasonable rate | 10:19 |
dmj726 | yes | 10:19 |
dmj726 | in xephyr | 10:19 |
dmj726 | I have nvidia graphics | 10:20 |
johnx | hmm, I don't actually know. | 10:20 |
dmj726 | 10 fps or so | 10:21 |
_Pete_ | is the i386-target working how well? | 10:22 |
_Pete_ | for me dropped that for long ago | 10:22 |
_Pete_ | since almost nothing works there as expected | 10:22 |
dmj726 | it's the x86 one | 10:23 |
_Pete_ | yes | 10:23 |
_Pete_ | I use always arm target | 10:23 |
_Pete_ | and then scp things to device to test | 10:23 |
dmj726 | does it run better in scratchbox? | 10:23 |
_Pete_ | no | 10:24 |
dmj726 | do you have an n900? | 10:24 |
_Pete_ | yes | 10:24 |
dmj726 | ah...have a spare? | 10:25 |
_Pete_ | unfortunatelly no | 10:25 |
dmj726 | Nokia is torturing me with a lack of released devices. | 10:25 |
_Pete_ | :( | 10:26 |
dmj726 | My first "hands on" was today with the scratchbox version. | 10:26 |
_Pete_ | hmm right | 10:27 |
dmj726 | how do you bring up the on screen keyboard? | 10:27 |
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_Pete_ | on device it's pressing Sym key | 10:28 |
_Pete_ | dont know about scratchbox | 10:28 |
johnx | in scratchbox you might be able to tweak your gconf settings to make it think the slide is closed or the keyboard isn't present | 10:28 |
dmj726 | oh does it come up automatically if the device is closed when you click on text fields? | 10:29 |
johnx | yeah | 10:29 |
dmj726 | okay, that's fine | 10:30 |
_Pete_ | seems like it doesnt | 10:30 |
johnx | have to enable it in settings | 10:30 |
_Pete_ | johnx: what setting is that? | 10:30 |
johnx | control panel -> ... | 10:31 |
johnx | dunno. n900 is charging by my bed | 10:31 |
_Pete_ | heh, just got own n900 for true testing week ago | 10:32 |
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_Pete_ | every day found something new on that | 10:32 |
dmj726 | settings_>text input | 10:32 |
dmj726 | ->use virtual keyboard | 10:32 |
dmj726 | I like this UI | 10:37 |
dmj726 | Though, please tell me it's *far* more smooth on the actual device? | 10:39 |
johnx | yes | 10:40 |
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dmj726 | Has anyone used GNOME Shell at all? | 11:00 |
dmj726 | I find a lot of the UI paradigms similar | 11:02 |
RST38h | wnd: I want one instruction =) | 11:07 |
RST38h | and no, loading from memory does not set any flags on x86 | 11:07 |
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ShadowJK | whoah, elite discussion earlier | 11:23 |
RST38h | ? | 11:24 |
ShadowJK | the game | 11:24 |
lbt | not sure it classes as a discussion... | 11:25 |
* RST38h goes to mgedmin's site to search | 11:25 | |
lbt | " you like Elite?" ... "no" | 11:25 |
ShadowJK | lbt: I noticed that afterwards | 11:26 |
dmj726 | | 11:26 |
lbt | elite on N900 using accelerometers... | 11:26 |
lbt | docking... | 11:26 |
RST38h | lbt: Possible now. | 11:26 |
RST38h | Like right now | 11:26 |
lbt | .install ? | 11:27 |
RST38h | Install Speccy from Extras-Testing | 11:27 |
dmj726 | video of GNOME Shell | 11:27 |
RST38h | Or, alternatively, install iNES from the same place. Both have Elite | 11:27 |
ShadowJK | all attempts to write sequels beyond ffe by anyone has turned into eternity projects that eventually stalled :-) | 11:27 |
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RST38h | ShadowJK: "X: Beyonf the Frontier" | 11:27 |
RST38h | beyond | 11:27 |
ShadowJK | The technology was kinda amazing for the time, and has aspects not replicated by any other games so far afaik | 11:28 |
RST38h | That would probably be an overstatement | 11:29 |
RST38h | But it is cool nevertheless. Even now. Anyone willing to port Oolite? | 11:29 |
SpeedEvil | chookie egg! | 11:30 |
ShadowJK | like the seaemless 3D engine giving a gamespace of about 1ly but still enough precision to have big ben showing the correct time in London if you flew down to surface :-) | 11:30 |
lbt | Imogen | 11:30 |
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RST38h | ShadowJK: That is because of the Web of course, regular optical links routed through farcaster portals =) | 11:30 |
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ShadowJK | There's a guy working on an iphone space sim thingy. He has forced himself to limit the scope of the project so that he'll actually finish it this time. | 11:31 |
ShadowJK | It | 11:31 |
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RST38h | Not interested in iPhone apps though... | 11:31 |
RST38h | Whatever they do for iPhone stays on iPhone, so who cares... | 11:32 |
ShadowJK | he's done linux ports before :-) | 11:32 |
dmj726 | iphone emulator anyone :P | 11:32 |
RST38h | ShadowJK: slightly increases the chances of a port, but not by much | 11:33 |
ShadowJK | I think the big question is whether it will be finished at all | 11:33 |
AstralStorm | RST38h, unless it heavily uses iPawn apis... entirely possible | 11:33 |
RST38h | Oolite appears to be finished, why not port it? | 11:33 |
ShadowJK | despite the supposedly limited scope, he's modeling starsystem formation through accretion disc simulation, and using public domain Nasa data for galaxy shape and such :-) | 11:34 |
RST38h | AStorm: Yea, but I am guess it is | 11:34 |
RST38h | guessing | 11:34 |
AstralStorm | unlikely | 11:35 |
AstralStorm | even if it's ObjC | 11:35 |
RST38h | Hmm...37MB+ source code | 11:35 |
RST38h | Most of it is probably data anyway though | 11:35 |
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ShadowJK | c++ with objc glue to interface iphone.. | 11:36 |
AstralStorm | haha | 11:36 |
* RST38h is actually looking for wazd | 11:36 | |
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AstralStorm | glue to access iPhone is lol | 11:37 |
ShadowJK | oh, oolite is objc, yeah.. it needs GNUStep shit | 11:37 |
ShadowJK | or needed, last time I checked | 11:37 |
RST38h | Urgh | 11:37 |
AstralStorm | ok, so oolite can diaf | 11:37 |
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RST38h | Still needs it judging from their source download page | 11:37 |
ShadowJK | It ran at 2fps on my P3-733MHz, iirc. | 11:37 |
AstralStorm | no | 11:37 |
AstralStorm | it needs rewriting the glue | 11:37 |
RST38h | Shadow: Worked fine for me, last time I checked | 11:38 |
ShadowJK | Profiler showed 80% of CPU time spent in various accessor functions in the collision detection algorithm | 11:38 |
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* RST38h successfully fixed CLRQ, DIVB, DIVW, and DIVL in the meanwhile =) | 11:38 | |
ShadowJK | ship[x].getposition() and similar eating most CPU... god bless OO languages | 11:38 |
RST38h | aren't these supposed to be inlined? | 11:39 |
ShadowJK | haha | 11:39 |
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ShadowJK | The only inlining you can trust is asm{} | 11:39 |
RST38h | Hmmmm | 11:39 |
RST38h | Something does not add up here | 11:39 |
* ShadowJK wonders if N900's youtube player is nonsucky enough to playback live starcraft | 11:40 | |
ShadowJK | flash player, not youtube player... | 11:40 |
dmj726 | #Robot101 are there plans to support more IM protocols in the Maemo messenger? | 11:44 |
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dmj726 | can't seem to install software on the app manager | 11:49 |
zaheer_ | the flash player is slow with high bitrate/res vp6 like on bbc iplayer | 11:49 |
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zaheer_ | but is fine with h264 | 11:50 |
* ShadowJK wonders what livestream uses | 11:50 | |
SafPlusPlus | Playing some starcraft videos from youtube in MicroB seems smooth enough. to me. | 11:50 |
ShadowJK | h264 would be on dsp, vp6 most likely not, and most likely not on neon either | 11:50 |
zaheer_ | yep | 11:51 |
zaheer_ | wow there seems to be a major update today | 11:52 |
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SafPlusPlus | Makes sense to update some stuff for the testing sprint... | 11:53 |
zaheer_ | my n900 wants to update X and a whole load of other stuff | 11:53 |
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ShadowJK | Does anyone know if bluetooth trackballs exist? | 11:54 |
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SafPlusPlus | Hehe... I pretty much broke the gui for the updates... Just using the commondline for now... | 11:54 |
ShadowJK | or something with similar usefulness.. | 11:54 |
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dmj726 | Scratchbox doesn't seem to have all the apps that the device will? | 11:55 |
Captain_Picard | | 11:57 |
ShadowJK | aw, livestream seems to use vp6 and/or sorenson (a modified h263?) | 11:58 |
RST38h | Shadow: Google to the rescue: | 11:59 |
ShadowJK | ta | 12:00 |
RST38h | (and you should thank Steve Jobs because it would never be manufactured without him) | 12:01 |
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ShadowJK | now if I could find it sold somewhere | 12:04 |
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ShadowJK | heh, "trackball" search on DX returns half a page of blackberry spare parts | 12:09 |
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zaheer_ | has anyone done the apt-get upgrade bringing in all the new packages? | 12:21 |
zaheer_ | i'm a bit concerned seeing kernel xserver stuff modest etc. | 12:21 |
RST38h | weird: MOVQ is broken | 12:21 |
RST38h | zaheer: I would strongly suggest against it at least on n900 | 12:21 |
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* SafPlusPlus is tempted to try... | 12:24 | |
RST38h | zaheer: You *can* do it on N810/N800, but only if you are sure all your enabled repos are good | 12:25 |
SafPlusPlus | But I have nothing to flash the device with if it goes horibly wrong... | 12:25 |
RST38h | Don't | 12:25 |
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SpeedEvil | DX is awesome. And a bit silly. | 12:27 |
qwerty12 | SafPlusPlus: Even if you update some of the packages, it'll force the metapackage keeping track of the system version to be uninstalled which means you wont recieve an "official" notification for when Nokia do push out an update via SSU | 12:27 |
homeasvs | what's the most recent scratchbox install to use for n800 work ? | 12:27 |
SafPlusPlus | qwerty12: I broke that already... :P | 12:28 |
homeasvs | currently using but not sure if that's too new or not | 12:28 |
homeasvs | or if there is a newer maybe | 12:28 |
qwerty12 | SafPlusPlus: Oh... :p | 12:28 |
* qwerty12 wonders if we should kidnap and interrogate Daniel the next time he passes through #maemo... | 12:29 | |
SafPlusPlus | I think I broke it when setting a password for either root or user... Since the ssu log shows a password prompt before it fails. | 12:30 |
SafPlusPlus | (or tinkering with sudoers) | 12:30 |
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* lcuk2 finally makes it to irc | 13:03 | |
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*** VDVsx changes topic to "Welcome Stskeeps, our new distmaster for! | | | Maemo Community Council | | | Extras-testing Marathon Today @ #maemo-testing -" | 13:12 | |
ShadowJK | I, for one, welcome our new overlord | 13:14 |
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qwerty12 | VDVsx: Thank God I have TinyURL's preview service turned on. When I saw it was taking me to your site... | 13:14 |
VDVsx | qwerty12, ahahah :P | 13:15 |
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wazd | heya all | 13:16 |
Stskeeps | heya wazd | 13:16 |
VDVsx | wazd, hey | 13:16 |
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cigno | hi al | 13:17 |
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lcuk2 | wazd, there is a thread on tmo about advertising and sponsorship which you might have a view on | 13:23 |
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wazd_ | eeek, take 2, hello all! :D | 13:27 |
lcuk2 | pupnik_, i like your thinking :) | 13:27 |
* achipa_zzz establishes new personal autobuilder record, 5h 13min | 13:28 | |
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VDVsx | wazd_, wb :) | 13:28 |
lcuk2 | lol wazd_ the army got you | 13:28 |
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lcuk2 | hi VDVsx | 13:28 |
wazd_ | lcuk2: nope :) | 13:28 |
VDVsx | lcuk2, morning :) | 13:28 |
lcuk2 | achipa, 5 hours to get through autobuilder, or 5 hours to work out how to get to autobuilder? | 13:29 |
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lcuk2 | Stskeeps, are there any plans to get ovi store on Mer? | 13:30 |
achipa | lcuk2: former, luckily. But the fact repositories were broken to the latter amount quite significantly :( | 13:30 |
lcuk2 | lol | 13:30 |
achipa | s/repositories/repository priorities/ | 13:30 |
infobot | achipa meant: lcuk2: former, luckily. But the fact repository priorities were broken to the latter amount quite significantly :( | 13:30 |
lcuk2 | i have this trouble every time, but for different reason | 13:30 |
achipa | feels kind of like ancient computing, with punch cards and scheduled runs | 13:32 |
achipa | you get one shot per day, and if you oopsed up, see you next day :) | 13:32 |
lcuk2 | lol achipa not too far away | 13:32 |
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lcuk2 | i have to manually schedule uploads to the autobuilder | 13:32 |
lopz | hi | 13:32 |
lcuk2 | i have to push library, then if it works about 2 hours later push the next dependent apps, then if they work i can push the playground about 2 hours later too | 13:33 |
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lcuk2 | if i do them all sequentially in bulk, even if they pass, when the next one goes it fails dependencies because the first item hasnt entered the repository | 13:34 |
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lcuk2 | haha | 13:36 |
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* SpeedEvil sighs at pointless use of arduino. | 13:40 | |
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cheshair | hi! i managed to set up the maemo sdk and have had a few tests with the actractive sdk ui. then i added extras-testing repos and installed open-ssh-client. the point is: no new icon is appeared on my sdk ui desktop so how can i use ssh? am i supposed to have previously installed some sort of xterm? | 13:44 |
RST38h | You are supposed to have XTerm as part of the default Maemo5 system distro | 13:46 |
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RST38h | What have you installed the SDK for, anyway? | 13:47 |
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achipa | just wondering, does an app get to extras automatically when it reaches 10 votes or do I have to promote it ? | 13:48 |
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cvandonderen | Hi, I did apt-get upgrade on my N900 about an hour, 45 minutes ago with the SDK and extras-testing and extras-devel repo's enabled | 13:49 |
cvandonderen | it upgraded the kernel and all | 13:49 |
cvandonderen | and npow the device is bricked | 13:49 |
cvandonderen | is there a firmware + flasher software available already? | 13:49 |
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cheshair | RST38h: hi, how can i access xterm from inside the sdk ui? | 13:51 |
cheshair | RST38h: hi installed the sdk to develop new apps | 13:51 |
cheshair | s/hi/i | 13:51 |
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VDVsx | achipa, I saw apps with 15 votes there, probably the promotion only runs once per day | 13:52 |
RST38h | You should be able to click on the left top corner, get the apps menu, click on "More" and find XTerm there | 13:52 |
RST38h | VDVsx: You have to promote manually once you get enough votes | 13:53 |
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VDVsx | RST38h, the option appear there ? | 13:53 |
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RST38h | yes | 13:55 |
cvandonderen | nielsslot: waah, I just bricked my N900 | 13:55 |
nielsslot | cvandonderen: how did you manage that? | 13:55 |
cheshair | RST38h: thru my "more" icon i only get file-manager and rss-manager | 13:56 |
cvandonderen | nielsslot: apt-get update && apt-get upgrade | 13:56 |
cvandonderen | ;-) | 13:56 |
RST38h | then apt-get install osso-xterm | 13:56 |
nielsslot | cvandonderen: didn't know it's that easy these days.. | 13:56 |
cvandonderen | it upgraded all sorts of stuff and now I see the Nokia logo, the dots coming after that and then it shutdwons again... | 13:56 |
cvandonderen | so, no phone for me today :-P | 13:56 |
RST38h | Haven't you been warned? | 13:57 |
cvandonderen | RST38h: ? | 13:57 |
RST38h | ok, you haven't | 13:57 |
VDVsx | 84 packages in testing, sweet :) | 13:57 |
cvandonderen | is the flasher already available? | 13:57 |
cvandonderen | and some firmware image | 13:58 |
cvandonderen | otherwise I'm off to buy some prepaid phone thingy... | 13:58 |
barisione | any italian using the n900 with vodafone italia? | 13:58 |
Mek | the flasher is already available for quite some time I think; but no images | 13:58 |
RST38h | cvandonderen: You will have to catch some Nokian here and plead for an image | 13:59 |
pupnik_ | images come when an official update is avail after release, right? | 13:59 |
cheshair | RST38h: it works great, thank you very much! | 13:59 |
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lcuk2 | pupnik_, have you spoken to anyone @nokia about your problem | 14:01 |
cvandonderen | Mek: where can I find the Flasher then? | 14:02 |
pupnik_ | yes lcuk2 . flasher 3.5-beta is online | 14:02 |
cheshair | i managed to download new apps from inside the sdk ui thanks to the red pill trick. do i have to enable networking in such a way every time i restart the sdk ui? | 14:02 |
Mek | cvandonderen: I think | 14:02 |
RST38h | pupnik: I am pretty sure that someone from Nokia should be able to give him the 41.10 image to flash | 14:02 |
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RST38h | pupnik: as long as he does not pass it around of course | 14:03 |
pupnik_ | sounds possible to me too | 14:03 |
pupnik_ | but maybe not | 14:03 |
lcuk2 | pupnik_, i also meant asking about how to cure your problem | 14:03 |
pupnik_ | i await instructions | 14:04 |
VDVsx | pupnik_, you've your device bricked ? | 14:04 |
pupnik_ | yes, i was one of the first | 14:04 |
pupnik_ | weee | 14:05 |
lcuk2 | no, i think the first occured @ amsterdam lol | 14:05 |
pupnik_ | right | 14:05 |
lcuk2 | luckily there were people on hand tho lol | 14:05 |
lcuk2 | you have a different issue | 14:05 |
VDVsx | pupnik_, still, OMG, did you asked a nokian for an image ? | 14:05 |
pupnik_ | i dunno, maybe my battery is broken | 14:06 |
cvandonderen | hmm, so prepaid thingy it is then :'( | 14:07 |
pupnik_ | as well | 14:07 |
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Jaffa | Morning, all | 14:10 |
* Jaffa wonders how well is going to stand up to a -testing marathon. | 14:10 | |
Jaffa | X-Fade: ping | 14:10 |
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cvandonderen | well, if doing a package upgrade bricks the devices the testing wil lbe over pretty soon ;-) | 14:11 |
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Mek | no, installing packages from the SDK on the device bricks it | 14:11 |
cvandonderen | aah | 14:11 |
cvandonderen | so that is the problem :'( | 14:12 |
cvandonderen | blegh | 14:12 |
Jaffa | X-Fade: I seem to have voted twice on Race condition? | 14:12 |
cvandonderen | How confirmed is that Nov. 9 release date now and will the firmware image be released then? | 14:15 |
cvandonderen | two weeks without phone I can manage | 14:15 |
cheshair | what's the difference between installing apps via "fakeroot apt-get" on scratchbox or directly from the app manager inside the sdk ui? | 14:16 |
RST38h | Jaffa,X-Fade: Gentlemen, have you noticed that App Manager now shows TWO buttons labelled Other | 14:16 |
nielsslot | cvandonderen: what did you do with your black berry? | 14:16 |
RST38h | Is it some minor problem with the repo, or should I file a bug? | 14:16 |
cvandonderen | nielsslot: sold it to another guy | 14:16 |
cvandonderen | for a neat BT keyboard to hack on my N900 | 14:16 |
cvandonderen | :P | 14:16 |
javispedro | cheshair: apt-get is much more feature complete as an installer and can handle more complex "installation requests". not to say that app manager hides most packages. | 14:17 |
javispedro | btw, morning :) | 14:17 |
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RST38h | ehlo javis | 14:18 |
cheshair | javispedro: i see. morning. i added the extras-testing repo on the app manager, however it is missing on the scratchbox sources.list... is it ok? | 14:19 |
javispedro | cheshair: yep, adding it to app mgr will add it to a sources.list.d file | 14:19 |
Jaffa | RST38h: Bug's been raised at summit. | 14:20 |
cheshair | javispedro: ah! i see! that's real precious help | 14:21 |
RST38h | Jaffa: ok, so it is known? | 14:21 |
Jaffa | VDVsx: supertux latest in -etsting diesn't work :( | 14:21 |
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lcuk2 | oh no! supertux rox | 14:21 |
VDVsx | Jaffa, there a new one there | 14:22 |
VDVsx | *there's | 14:22 |
VDVsx | Jaffa, I removed all the maemo-optify magic, now everything is under /opt | 14:23 |
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RST38h | way to go | 14:23 |
javispedro | VDVsx: you're using /opt/maemo, or are using /opt/supertux? | 14:24 |
VDVsx | /opt/supertux | 14:24 |
javispedro | yeah. | 14:24 |
RST38h | the maemo-optify stuff is scary like hell | 14:24 |
javispedro | :) I'm considering doing the same, /opt/openttd/bin and /opt/openttd/"data?" | 14:24 |
RST38h | but /opt/<product> is sane | 14:25 |
javispedro | cause share /opt/openttd/share/openttd looks ... awful. | 14:25 |
RST38h | javis: I still place binaries into /usr/bin | 14:25 |
javispedro | RST38h: this is a 4 MiB binary. | 14:25 |
RST38h | javis: My binaries are relatively small, so no sweat there | 14:25 |
RST38h | Oh | 14:25 |
RST38h | 4MB will have to go into opt | 14:25 |
javispedro | the dosbox one is nearly 10... the wonders of C++ | 14:25 |
VDVsx | in supertux the optify tool let 1.6mb of small files under /usr :( | 14:25 |
RST38h | probably has nothing to do with C++ | 14:25 |
* RST38h has some guesses of why dosbox is 10MB | 14:26 | |
javispedro | wait. it's 2 MiB :) | 14:26 |
RST38h | see? wonders of not binary numbering =) | 14:26 |
javispedro | and openttd is 2.5 MiB | 14:26 |
VDVsx | Jaffa, damn you, update the package :P | 14:26 |
javispedro | never trust my long-term memory :) | 14:27 |
RST38h | afaik, they are stored compressed when in / | 14:27 |
RST38h | so it is even less there | 14:27 |
javispedro | yep | 14:27 |
VDVsx | Jaffa, you are using version 10 and voted in version 11 :( | 14:27 |
javispedro | vgba is 371 KiB. already smaller than drnoksnes, which is 913 KiB :) | 14:27 |
RST38h | Less cruft :) | 14:28 |
javispedro | and drnoksnes is C++ | 14:28 |
RST38h | SlideRule is C++, check it | 14:28 |
javispedro | well, the "C++ as a better C" subset | 14:28 |
javispedro | not classes and anything like that. | 14:28 |
RST38h | that is what I use | 14:29 |
Jaffa | VDVsx: I' sure I checked! | 14:29 |
RST38h | and yes, I do use classes | 14:29 |
* RST38h stays away from exceptions, templates, and STL though | 14:29 | |
VDVsx | Jaffa, humm ? it works here | 14:30 |
javispedro | VDVsx: revenge for telling me openttd didn't work yesterday! | 14:30 |
javispedro | hehe | 14:30 |
Jaffa | VDVsx: Ah, no. apt-cache policy says 10. Sorry, will unbote | 14:30 |
javispedro | ah yes, this reminds me | 14:30 |
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javispedro | RST38h: do you handle Ctrl+Return keypress for fullscreen? | 14:31 |
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javispedro | I am still wondering if hildon-desktop handles that keypress and does anything weird with it. I don't get any events while pressing Ctrl+Enter or Ctrl+Return in sbox. | 14:32 |
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* Jaffa is pissed off that microb isn't saving cookie for | 14:32 | |
VDVsx | javispedro, and ctrl+backspace ? | 14:34 |
VDVsx | in sbox^ | 14:34 |
Jaffa | Gah, can't unvote or even thumbs up. Disaster. | 14:34 |
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zaheer_ | Jaffa, ouch | 14:35 |
qwerty12_N810 | Jaffa: You bad, bad person. | 14:35 |
* Jaffa will now remove himself from | 14:36 | |
javispedro | banished for life! | 14:36 |
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Jaffa | I'm having another talk break anyway | 14:37 |
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* qwerty12_N810 doesn't mind Talk; it's -users that he detested | 14:37 | |
cheshair | each time i want to install apps thru the app manager i need to go thru the red pill trick and enable "assume net connection". is it normal? | 14:38 |
RST38h | javis: I am handling it, there is nothing weird about it | 14:38 |
RST38h | qwerty: because -users come to your mailbox and tmo you can disregard? | 14:38 |
qwerty12_N810 | RST38h: That, and people like wolfmane | 14:39 |
RST38h | not familiar with him | 14:39 |
javispedro | RST38h: I'll have to blindly assume it sends the Return keysym with CtrlLeft or CtrlRight modifier and just act like if received the F6 key? | 14:39 |
RST38h | javis: I handle Ctrl and Return GDK_* events separately | 14:39 |
RST38h | javis: Because some app running under EMUlib may want Ctrl for fire button or something | 14:40 |
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javispedro | ah | 14:40 |
RST38h | but otherwise, yes, as you said | 14:40 |
javispedro | I though sticky keys or something like that | 14:40 |
RST38h | never trust the system to process your input | 14:41 |
RST38h | output too, most of the time =( | 14:42 |
* javispedro types if ((ev.key.keysym.mod & (KMOD_CTRL)) && (ev.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_RETURN)) { and hopes for the best | 14:42 | |
* RST38h has got very nice old skool "LCD" display for the music player playlist | 14:42 | |
RST38h | SlideRule-like. Now, just need to persuade wazd to do the static artwork =) | 14:43 |
javispedro | heh. | 14:43 |
RST38h | javis: Do keep in mind that there is _ENTER and there is _RETURN | 14:43 |
javispedro | yeah, actually KP_ENTER | 14:43 |
javispedro | and the right one is? | 14:43 |
javispedro | iirc on N810 d-pad center key sent RETURN, the "other one" sent KP_ENTER | 14:44 |
RST38h | You want GDK_KP_Enter | 14:44 |
javispedro | ah, thanks | 14:44 |
RST38h | yes, that useful center key was RETURN | 14:44 |
RST38h | and the problem is that BT keyboards report their ENTER key as RETURN too =( | 14:44 |
RST38h | So, if you enable dpad center, it gets pressed accidentally. If you disable it, BT keyboards stop working rightr | 14:45 |
javispedro | that's why you add remappable controls :) | 14:46 |
javispedro | well, save for openttd. Which I'm hardcoding :P | 14:46 |
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VDVsx | marathon 'rules' : (patches and language patches are welcome :P) | 14:46 |
RST38h | VDVsx,javispedro: Could you go and vote for my stuff ahead of the marathon? I guess you have at least some of it installed anyway | 14:47 |
javispedro | RST38h: idonthaveann900 | 14:47 |
RST38h | oh. right. | 14:47 |
RST38h | sorry :( | 14:48 |
qwerty12_N810 | VDVsx: Here's a rule for ya: | 14:48 |
qwerty12_N810 | + - No voting up of Valerio Valerio's stuff. | 14:48 |
VDVsx | RST38h, I don't :( | 14:48 |
RST38h | VDVsx: Well, it is all in -Testing. | 14:48 |
* VDVsx hits qwerty12_N810 | 14:48 | |
* RST38h goes to vote up Valerio's stuff | 14:48 | |
qwerty12_N810 | VDVsx: It could've been worse: I could have said to automatically vote your stuff down... | 14:49 |
javispedro | with the "10-days autopromotion if no blockers rule" I'm starting to think QA is not such a bad idea. | 14:49 |
javispedro | VDVsx: file blockers in packages' bugtrackers rule. | 14:50 |
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__t1 | someone playing around with gestreamer related stuff? | 14:50 |
zaheer_ | __t1, in what way? | 14:50 |
__t1 | i wanna try to make working | 14:51 |
VDVsx | patches here: :P | 14:51 |
qwerty12_N810 | VDVsx: Grr, stop tempting me | 14:51 |
__t1 | today at c-base is ubuntu release party and i wanne try streaming it | 14:51 |
zaheer_ | __t1, i have flumotion working on it | 14:51 |
VDVsx | RST38h, I'll get some *stuff* in order to test some of your packages ;) | 14:51 |
__t1 | zaheer_: sounds promising | 14:52 |
lcuk2 | __t1, say hello to the c-base crew from us maemo guys | 14:52 |
zaheer_ | __t1, you thinking about n900 or n810/n800? | 14:52 |
__t1 | n900 | 14:52 |
__t1 | lcuk2: i will | 14:52 |
zaheer_ | __t1, v4l2camsrc device=/dev/video1 wil get you the front facing camera | 14:53 |
RST38h | VDVsx: Yea, that too... | 14:53 |
zaheer_ | __t1, v4l2src unfortunately doesn't work so well, so they made v4l2camsrc for the cameras | 14:53 |
javispedro | RST38h: btw, seen this bug ? | 14:53 |
__t1 | zaheer_: i can not find a flumotion package | 14:54 |
zaheer_ | __t1, i have not put it on extras-devel yet :) | 14:54 |
javispedro | it sucks, and I can't even guess why they introduced it. | 14:54 |
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zaheer_ | __t1, nor have i created a deb yet | 14:54 |
zaheer_ | __t1, i am working on hildonising the UI first | 14:54 |
javispedro | (note it's not a SDL bug but a pulseaudio client library bug) | 14:54 |
__t1 | zaheer_: i see | 14:55 |
VDVsx | javispedro, please add your patch (marathon) ;) | 14:55 |
zaheer_ | __t1, if pressured, i could push some packages through extras-devel so others can also tinker | 14:55 |
javispedro | VDVsx: done, and feel free to edit. | 14:56 |
javispedro | ouch. | 14:57 |
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javispedro | grammar failure. | 14:57 |
RST38h | javis: Nope. But I would guess it has something to do with waiting for the audio subsystem to close down | 14:57 |
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__t1 | zaheer_: i will try the gstreamer way first | 14:58 |
javispedro | RST38h: emus using pulseaudio and opening the audio devices for long times should be blocked by this. | 14:58 |
javispedro | cause it means receiving a phone call and trying to exit the emu would result in a nice hang. | 14:58 |
javispedro | s/devices/device | 14:59 |
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RST38h | javis: Hmm...never happened to me. Weird | 14:59 |
RST38h | I am using the "simplified" pulseaudio api though | 14:59 |
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RST38h | testing... | 15:00 |
VDVsx | javispedro, thanks | 15:00 |
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wazd_ | | 15:00 |
javispedro | wazd_: hehe | 15:01 |
javispedro | I'm still wondering what's going to be done there. | 15:01 |
wazd_ | Ø òóóâ ûùüó øüôïó åù çêùüùåó åðó óìóòå Æ) | 15:01 |
lcuk | haha wazd_ cool! | 15:01 |
wazd_ | aaaah | 15:01 |
lcuk | that reminds me of /msg NickServ identify | 15:01 |
wazd_ | goddamn | 15:01 |
* VDVsx installs wormux (50 mb ouch) | 15:01 | |
lcuk | | 15:01 |
lcuk | i meant | 15:01 |
wazd_ | I need some image to promote the event :) | 15:01 |
lcuk | damn good job i dont have my password there | 15:01 |
javispedro | hum. latest openttd change ingame fonts. | 15:01 |
javispedro | s/change/changed | 15:02 |
RST38h | javis: Yea, I am also getting this problem | 15:02 |
RST38h | javis: will comment/vote on the bug | 15:02 |
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javispedro | RST38h: you know where the vote button is ;) | 15:02 |
javispedro | k, thanks! | 15:02 |
lcuk | wazd_, that n9POV thing shocked me, read it and see if you can spot why! | 15:02 |
RST38h | wazd: Feel like doing a background skin for a simple mp3 player? | 15:03 |
lcuk | and wazd_ try your font with a black background, leds dont look good with white | 15:03 |
RST38h | wazd: The main screen feature will be an "old skool" greenish LCD "display" that shows the list of song files, vertically | 15:03 |
VDVsx | lunch time, bbl | 15:04 |
RST38h | wazd: In the same font as SlideRule | 15:04 |
RST38h | I guess standard controls (play/pause, prev, next, loop, random) should go to the bottom | 15:04 |
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wazd_ | RST38h: why not :) | 15:07 |
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__t1 | zaheer_: in the example for the n800 is "hantro4200enc" used. what type of encoder is that? | 15:10 |
zaheer_ | no clue, but you should probably use dspmp4venc | 15:10 |
zaheer_ | that is a dsp optimised mpeg 4 video encoder that the camera system uses | 15:11 |
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__t1 | that sound promising | 15:12 |
__t1 | zaheer_: where can i find examples of usage of that codec | 15:13 |
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zaheer_ | v4l2camsrc device=/dev/video1 ! dspmp4venc ! hantromp4mux ! filesink location=blah.mp4 | 15:16 |
zaheer_ | should work for example | 15:16 |
zaheer_ | or v4l2camsrc device=/dev/video1 ! dspmp4venc ! rtpmp4vpay ! udpsink also should work | 15:17 |
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lcuk | wazd, did you see the advertising brainstorm? | 15:19 |
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RST38h | wazd: This will finally be a usable player =) | 15:24 |
RST38h | I.e. no Python, no MPlayer, no UI design enforced by some weird Nokia people | 15:24 |
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lcuk | re: /opt i want to optify the whole /usr/share/liqbase folder, but it has components inserted and removed from various packages. what is the mechanism to optify like this, i dont want to flood the / file system with lots of symlinks and would prefer a single one for all apps using this subspace | 15:25 |
pupnik_ | maybe symlink the dir on install | 15:26 |
zaheer_ | Jaffa, i posted a new solution to the contacts enhancement wrt facebook etc. brainstorm | 15:27 |
lcuk | install of which package | 15:27 |
lcuk | if eahc makes a symlink or tries to wont i have many? and what do i do on uninstall | 15:27 |
lcuk | how does it know it can remove the symlink | 15:27 |
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wazd | | 15:30 |
Jaffa | zaheer_: can telepathy handle non-transient accounts? | 15:30 |
wazd | lcuk: no | 15:30 |
wazd | RST38h: heh :) | 15:30 |
zaheer_ | Jaffa, what do you mean by non-transient? | 15:30 |
VDVsx | who owns a log bot or can host one ? would be good to have one in #maemo-testing | 15:30 |
lcuk | VDVsx, marius | 15:31 |
RST38h | wazd: there should be a mushroom cloud in the background | 15:31 |
lcuk | but hes afk | 15:31 |
qwerty12_N810 | VDVsx: Log it yourself, you lazy arse :p | 15:31 |
VDVsx | qwerty12_N810, well, I can , lol | 15:31 |
__t1 | zaheer_: i get some dump i cant play with mplayer | 15:31 |
Jaffa | zaheer_: i.e. not associated with a Facebook IM/chat service | 15:31 |
__t1 | | 15:31 |
zaheer_ | __t1, you have to cancel the pipeline cleanly | 15:32 |
__t1 | how | 15:32 |
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zaheer_ | gst-launch -e | 15:33 |
zaheer_ | and then you can ctrl-c it | 15:33 |
zaheer_ | Jaffa, i don't see why not | 15:33 |
zaheer_ | Jaffa, if it gets the contacts list using the normal facebook apis for example | 15:34 |
VDVsx | qwerty12_N810, humm my X-chat doesn't play nice with the log, lots of strange chars there :( | 15:34 |
qwerty12_N810 | VDVsx: Ah. :( I'm also using XChat, so I doubt any logging efforts of mine would fare any better :( | 15:34 |
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__t1 | zaheer_: cool it works | 15:36 |
zaheer_ | __t1, to use the back camera you should set device to /dev/video0 and your camera application can't be using the device | 15:37 |
VDVsx | zaheer_, what about a video-call application using the front camera (our support for some existent protocol for video chat) | 15:39 |
VDVsx | do you know any ? or some efforts in that direction for maemo5 ? | 15:39 |
zaheer_ | VDVsx, i am guessing the telepathy guys have some stuff working | 15:39 |
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RST38h | qwerty: Any luck fixing that crash when exiting XChat config? | 15:39 |
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qwerty12_N810 | RST38h: Prod me in a few hours; I've been working on my own stuff | 15:40 |
adrex | the best question is: when N900 arrive for global distribution? :-) lol | 15:40 |
zaheer_ | VDVsx, there is nothing hardware related that would stop it, i guess they didn't ship it because skype uses vp7 for which there is no ported codec or accelerated codec that I am aware of and having the advertised/partnered IM not having full support would not be great | 15:41 |
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zaheer_ | the dsp optimised video encoders are h264, mpeg4 part 2, h263, jpeg | 15:42 |
zaheer_ | so google talk video which uses h264 should not be hard | 15:42 |
VDVsx | :) | 15:42 |
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VDVsx | it can be done in a plugin for the dialer app :) | 15:43 |
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zaheer_ | not even sure android does google talk video | 15:43 |
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__t1 | but stream ogg theora is not supported by the dsp optimized codecs?? | 15:44 |
VDVsx | humm, I've a call option using gmail accounts here o_0 | 15:44 |
zaheer_ | yes there is audio google talk on the n900 | 15:44 |
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zaheer_ | __t1, there is no theora decoder dsp optimised, but i know it is being worked on and almost saw a demo of it running with 0% cpu usage (just dsp) on the beagleboard at GSoC | 15:45 |
VDVsx | cool, lol | 15:45 |
zaheer_ | VDVsx, in Mountain View/Sunnyvale that is how my wife and I used to talk | 15:46 |
zaheer_ | VDVsx, google talk audio over wifi at hotel or google offices | 15:46 |
VDVsx | zaheer_, I only used skype so far, but has a very good quality ;) | 15:47 |
SpeedEvil | barcode - they don't work like that - | 15:47 |
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cvandonderen | Who on this channela are Nokia people that have access to the 41.10 firmware image? | 16:15 |
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* mgedmin keeps dropping his n900 on the floor by accident | 16:26 | |
GiantTalkingCow | That can't be good. | 16:27 |
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lcuk | mgedmin, git a wiimote strap | 16:29 |
lcuk | fit | 16:29 |
achipa_irssi | as long as it's not from frustration... | 16:29 |
mgedmin | nah, I bend to pick something up from the floor, and the n900 flies out of my shirt pocket | 16:30 |
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achipa_irssi | Jaffa: am I the only one getting 'cannot convert log int to int' errors in Hermes ? | 16:30 |
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achipa_irssi | mgedmin: crouching mgedmin, hidden N900 | 16:31 |
GiantTalkingCow | I've never actually understood the point of shirt pockets. Keeping things in them is uncomfortable and makes you look silly. | 16:31 |
lcuk | mgedmin, ahhh different reason, get a stick on rubber patch on the back of it | 16:31 |
lcuk | so it grips to the fabric a little | 16:31 |
* mgedmin keeps his n900 close to his heart | 16:32 | |
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lcuk | lol @ vibration makin u think you are having a heart attack | 16:32 |
GiantTalkingCow | So, seeing as I can't get my hands on an n900 here in the US because Nokia's taking its damn time bringing it over, how is it? | 16:32 |
mgedmin | well, all my other pockets are full or unsuitable | 16:32 |
mgedmin | n900 is awesome | 16:33 |
mgedmin | still has bugs | 16:33 |
mgedmin | but is awesome | 16:33 |
qwerty12_N810 | GiantTalkingCow: Awesome. It makes you want to have it. | 16:33 |
achipa_irssi | GiantTalkingCow: not a question of US, it's not available. those who have it have prerelease unit (regardless where they are) | 16:34 |
roundyz | is there a concreate release date yet | 16:34 |
roundyz | ? | 16:34 |
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roundyz | for the n900 I mean. | 16:35 |
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lcuk | mgedmin, i couldnt agree more | 16:38 |
lcuk | its an emerging box of brilliance | 16:38 |
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mgedmin | roundyz, I heard the official word from Nokia is "in November" | 16:39 |
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mgedmin | unofficial rumours say around nov 14 | 16:39 |
roundyz | mgedmin: me too, wondered if it was more like a number | 16:39 |
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mgedmin | as a programmer I know very well that estimating release dates is a losing game | 16:40 |
mgedmin | you never know what bugs you'll discover and how long it'll take to fix them | 16:40 |
GiantTalkingCow | I'm a bit leery of getting one though, seeing how quickly Nokia dropped the n900s 2 predecessors. | 16:41 |
qwerty12_N810 | ~mer | 16:42 |
infobot | somebody said mer was, or on #mer | 16:42 |
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roundyz | I dont really care about support other than hardware | 16:43 |
GiantTalkingCow | Having tried Mer so far, I'm unimpressed. (.16, I think it was) | 16:43 |
mgedmin | GiantTalkingCow, n900 is still "step 4 out of 5" towards a truly mass-market-consumer-ready device | 16:43 |
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mgedmin | rumours are that the next tablet will have essentially the same hardware, so maemo 6 will probably run on the n900 | 16:44 |
mgedmin | just like os2008 worked on both n800 and n810 | 16:44 |
GiantTalkingCow | mgedmin: Frankly, I think it's a bad strategy... by the point Nokia gets off its ass and does something, the iPhone or Android based systems will end up owning the smartphone market. | 16:44 |
lcuk | it took apple 10 years to find its footing for tablet stuff | 16:45 |
lcuk | they shouldv continued with the newton | 16:45 |
mgedmin | GTC: so you're suggesting they slower the pace of development by supporting older devices? | 16:45 |
GiantTalkingCow | Yes, but Apple was entering into a market where little competition for something like the iPhone existed. mgedmin: No, I'm suggesting that the n900 should've been the mass-market-ready device. | 16:46 |
mgedmin | that certainly would've been nice | 16:46 |
lcuk | GiantTalkingCow, apple and android and pre have all got one major different to maemo. they use a custom framework, at this point, maemo remains a safe haven for real x11 apps. | 16:46 |
mgedmin | but I think if Nokia could've made it mass-market-ready, they would've | 16:47 |
mgedmin | it's a lot of work, developing a platform and polishing the apps | 16:47 |
RST38h | how many punters need real x11 apps? | 16:47 |
GiantTalkingCow | lcuk: I don't see that 'real X11 apps' are going to drive sales, much. | 16:47 |
mgedmin | maybe they could've hider 2x the number of developers and tried pulling it off, but remember Brooks' Law | 16:47 |
Corsac | everybody wants the gimp on his cellphone | 16:47 |
SpeedEvil | GiantTalkingCow: xeyes is a killer app man. | 16:47 |
lcuk | me neither, but i can see where they are coming from | 16:47 |
mgedmin | s/hider/hired/ | 16:48 |
infobot | mgedmin meant: maybe they could've hired 2x the number of developers and tried pulling it off, but remember Brooks' Law | 16:48 |
roundyz | i wanted wmclock | 16:48 |
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lcuk | if i recall, the iphone playground was designed for the device | 16:48 |
lcuk | and suits it nicely | 16:48 |
Jaffa | achipa_irssi: can you send me the whole output when you run /opt/hermes/bin/hermes in X Term? | 16:49 |
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GiantTalkingCow | Really? Where are they coming from? I certainly don't see 'we can run a full Linux desktop' as any sort of great advantage in the smartphone market. Such phones or PDAs are very dependent on a good UI (given limited space). If anything, full X11 support sort of complicates that, unless there's a useful and easy way to redo the UI, and a HIG to make sure you've got a... | 16:49 |
roundyz | anyone know of a good app that make class diagrams from source code? | 16:49 |
GiantTalkingCow | ...uniform look. | 16:49 |
javispedro | oh no, not again discussion stupid mainstream. | 16:50 |
javispedro | s/discussion/discussing | 16:50 |
RST38h | GiantTalkingCow: Can I simplify this for you? | 16:50 |
SpeedEvil | RST38h: have you tried a Karnaugh map? | 16:50 |
GiantTalkingCow | RST38h: Please do. | 16:50 |
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achipa_irssi | Jaffa: ok, will try to | 16:50 |
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RST38h | GiantTalkingCow: Every time you feel like typing "iPhone" here or on t.m.o, sit on your hands for at least 30 seconds and think. | 16:51 |
RST38h | GiantTalkingCow: Consider if you REALLY want to do that | 16:51 |
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RST38h | Speed: No. What is it? | 16:51 |
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Suurorca | I would probably have eventually wound up buing samsung galaxy ;p | 16:52 |
SpeedEvil | RST38h: it's a method of simplifying boolean logic equations. | 16:52 |
RST38h | SpeedEvil: Oh that | 16:52 |
RST38h | SpeedEvil: I normally go with algebraic transformations, they are easier | 16:52 |
achipa_irssi | Jaffa: curiously this happens when an external facebook login is needed | 16:53 |
GiantTalkingCow | RST38h: as I've mentioned the iPhone only twice, both times in passing when talking about the larger smartphone market at large, I'd like to know what your problem is. You see, I'm operating on the assumption that the n900, its successors, and Maemo in general are all part of Nokia's plan to eventually create a long-lived smartphone platform... | 16:53 |
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achipa_irssi | Jaffa: will need to find a way to log out hermes | 16:53 |
GiantTalkingCow | ...I figure mentioning the competition is not an unreasonable thing to do. | 16:53 |
RST38h | GiantTalkingCow: Consider this for moment: what if there is NO PLAN? | 16:54 |
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mgedmin | "let's try this and see what happens" | 16:54 |
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* mgedmin likes seeing three or more Linux smartphone platforms gaining traction | 16:54 | |
GiantTalkingCow | RST38h: Then I have to admit I'd be a bit mystified: why devote the resources to something like this if not in the hope to either profit from it? | 16:55 |
GiantTalkingCow | to profit from it* | 16:55 |
RST38h | Giant: There is hope but there is no plan | 16:55 |
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_Pete_ | and why should there be | 16:56 |
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GiantTalkingCow | Well that really doesn't sound like a very good way of doing business to me. | 16:56 |
_Pete_ | as nokia to my knowledge makes the profit not from smartphones | 16:56 |
RST38h | Assuming that there is some huge Nokia-wide world domination plan is an easy topic to obsess yourself with | 16:56 |
_Pete_ | but the other ones | 16:56 |
RST38h | But large bureacrcacies like Nokia rarely work this way | 16:56 |
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GiantTalkingCow | I'm not assuming that there's an overarching plan, but given that Nokia's been dealing with increasingly adept competition over the years, I figure when it starts a project like a smartphone, or maybe a netbook line, etc that it likely has some sort of plan in mind for how this might either make money or advance its current tech, and isn't just going into thinking "it'll all work out for the best". | 16:57 |
_Pete_ | GiantTalkingCow: and your rant point being exactly what? | 16:59 |
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Robot101 | there isn't *a* plan | 16:59 |
mgedmin | maemo didn't start out as a smartphone platform | 16:59 |
Robot101 | there are many plans | 16:59 |
mgedmin | unless there was a hidden plan | 16:59 |
Robot101 | hatched by many people at many levels of the organisation | 16:59 |
Robot101 | which are executed by people with differing levels of budgetary approval | 16:59 |
GiantTalkingCow | _Pete_: Who's ranting? I was assuming that there was some basic idea of what Nokia wants to do with the n900, and other phones like it (should it make any more). | 16:59 |
Robot101 | unless/until they need to get their boss to sign off on it | 16:59 |
wazd | hihihi :) | 17:00 |
Robot101 | maemo is no different, it was some r&d project with toy internet tablet devices, until later someone sold the idea of making a phone with it :) | 17:00 |
_Pete_ | GiantTalkingCow: you are ranting | 17:00 |
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lcuk | +1 Robot101 | 17:00 |
GiantTalkingCow | So what you're saying is that in management terms, Nokia is the Microsoft of the mobile phone business, Robot101? (aka, the left hand may not know what the right is doing) | 17:00 |
javispedro | a r&d project done in some deep basement :) | 17:00 |
lcuk | that sounds like the plot for battlestar gallactica :P | 17:01 |
Robot101 | now of course people higher up in nokia are paying more attention to it as this might be a good addition to their bigger plans :) | 17:01 |
lcuk | wazd, :D much better | 17:01 |
lcuk | thats way cool! | 17:01 |
Robot101 | GiantTalkingCow: it's a large company? yes. large company in large company shocker. | 17:01 |
_Pete_ | GiantTalkingCow: you are right | 17:02 |
GiantTalkingCow | Robot101: Google's a large company, it's hardly stopped them from having defined plans when they actually make an entry into a market. | 17:02 |
_Pete_ | sometimes that's very frustrarting | 17:02 |
Robot101 | it turns out that everyone not knowing everything about the company's every activity is a necessary consequence of having a company that's over 100 or so people | 17:02 |
zaheer_ | Robot101, s/100/30/ :) | 17:02 |
* RST38h is constantly reminded of three blind sages exploring an elephant, when he has to read through GiantTalkingCow & Co ranting | 17:03 | |
Robot101 | zaheer_: or, cynically, 1 :D | 17:03 |
_Pete_ | personally I dont care anymore | 17:03 |
SpeedEvil | Robot101: that doesn't stop there being a - say - 30 page document titled 'the next 5 years' | 17:03 |
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_Pete_ | untill I get paid for that | 17:03 |
SpeedEvil | Robot101: which oultines the whole corporate strategy | 17:03 |
Robot101 | who says there isn't? | 17:03 |
SpeedEvil | (of course, this may be secret.) | 17:03 |
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Robot101 | ideas will bubble up and down and people at higher levels have bigger plans and find the stuff below them fits in, and gets more money, or doesn't, and gets cancelled or relocated | 17:04 |
lcuk | SpeedEvil, the next 5 years document might be written, but if it turns out its wrong and someone modifies it | 17:04 |
lcuk | there will still be copies | 17:04 |
lcuk | and you are then goosed | 17:05 |
Robot101 | thats exactly how google works too, I'll warrant | 17:05 |
GiantTalkingCow | Robot101: Not quite, no. | 17:05 |
lcuk | thats how every company works | 17:05 |
lcuk | google has the 20% rule | 17:05 |
lcuk | and if things look good they get promoted | 17:05 |
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SpeedEvil | lcuk: Unless someone kills the idea as they hate you. | 17:06 |
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_Pete_ | Robot101: moi | 17:06 |
lcuk | if one person can kill a good idea, it wasnt worth having in the first place | 17:06 |
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Jaffa | achipa_irssi: Open X Terminal; type (without quotes) '/opt/hermes/bin/hermes >MyDocs/hermes-log.txt' and then send me 'hermes-log.txt' in the root of your N900's documents' space | 17:09 |
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mgedmin | Jaffa, hermes is cool! | 17:10 |
mgedmin | ~Jaffa++ | 17:10 |
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achipa_irssi | Jaffa: yeah, figured as much :) | 17:11 |
wazd | Stskeeps: where's the "My second day as Distmaster" thread? :D | 17:12 |
achipa_irssi | just wishing there was a simple way to log out | 17:12 |
mgedmin | he's resting | 17:12 |
lcuk | his first action as dist-master was to deligate and then go on holiday | 17:13 |
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VDVsx | Jaffa, are you skipping the marathon, gonna vote thumbs down in your apps :P | 17:17 |
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lcuk | VDVsx, coding a fix i believe | 17:20 |
VDVsx | fair enough | 17:20 |
mgedmin | what is that little white square doing on the login page? | 17:20 |
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RST38h | mgedmin: that square is watching you | 17:21 |
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javispedro | ah, the marathon started already? | 17:22 |
javispedro | ouch, I'm late then. | 17:23 |
javispedro | well. | 17:23 |
javispedro | no problem. | 17:23 |
Jaffa | VDVsx: did some this morning (badly, it turns out) and need to spend some time with family | 17:26 |
VDVsx | Jaffa, ;) | 17:26 |
Jaffa | VDVsx: was up until 02:30 polishing Hermes 0.2.0 for some widespread testing | 17:26 |
achipa_irssi | Jaffa: how does one log out in hermes ? | 17:27 |
Jaffa | achipa_irssi: Open X Terminal; type (without quotes) '/opt/hermes/bin/hermes >MyDocs/hermes-log.txt' and then send me 'hermes-log.txt' in the root of your N900's documents' space | 17:28 |
achipa_irssi | Jaffa: yeah. got that. but. in order to reproduce bug need to do a facebook login. no lgoin until i log out. | 17:29 |
Jaffa | achipa_irssi: Ah, sorry misparsed "log out". | 17:29 |
mgedmin | isn't it irritating that you have to supply your facebook credentials twice (for the sharing plugin, for the desktop widget) and then you have to manually use the web browser to authenticate very time you run Hermes? | 17:30 |
mgedmin | there ought to be a keyring in the platform | 17:30 |
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achipa_irssi | mgedmin: not every time, you can keep a session -@that's what's burning me now :) | 17:30 |
Jaffa | achipa_irssi: Two options: 1) disauthenticate the app in Facebook; 2) delete the gconf key | 17:30 |
Firebird | Hm, does /opt in the eMMC have its own root structure(/usr/share /usr/lib etc) created by the optify script? | 17:31 |
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Jaffa | mgedmin: Facebook's API doesn't let the session of one app be used in another (cryptographically signs session to app). I'd originally had Hermes using Facebook widgets authorisation token; but Facebook denies a different app access | 17:32 |
mgedmin | Firebird, /opt/maemo does, yes | 17:32 |
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Firebird | ah | 17:32 |
mgedmin | Jaffa, how does it know it's a different app? | 17:33 |
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kami | hi guys | 17:34 |
achipa | Jaffa: would be nice if it did this when you disable facebook in the 'config' dialog | 17:36 |
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zakkm | would this be for real? N900 ? | 17:38 |
qwerty12_N810 | FAKE | 17:38 |
qwerty12_N810 | That image was one of the first leaked images | 17:39 |
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zakkm | well yeah would be google'd | 17:39 |
zakkm | even when i sell stuff on craigslist i do google images | 17:39 |
zakkm | ah man :( | 17:39 |
qwerty12_N810 | For a product that isn't even out, I sure as hell wouldn't trust anything but an image of the item they have | 17:39 |
zakkm | weird thing is they say local pickup | 17:40 |
zakkm | unless they change that once u email asking or something | 17:40 |
zakkm | just thought id ask : ) | 17:40 |
loufoque | if you want a N900, just buy it from nokia | 17:40 |
qwerty12_N810 | local pickup == rape/bash you and take the money/etc. | 17:40 |
zakkm | isnt it supposed to be out by now? | 17:40 |
zakkm | that too ;p | 17:40 |
zakkm | i want one, i just cant afford one | 17:40 |
zakkm | and i thought it was coming out in october | 17:40 |
GiantTalkingCow | qwerty12_N810: Which crazy, crime-ridden area do you live in? | 17:40 |
loufoque | well you thought wrong | 17:40 |
loufoque | and the N900 isn't particularly expensive IMO | 17:41 |
zakkm | im aware, i been out of maemo scnee for awhile | 17:41 |
loufoque | compared to other similar phones | 17:41 |
zakkm | i cant afford phones :P | 17:41 |
loufoque | of course the price is country dependent | 17:41 |
zakkm | trying to save like $100-120 for a used ipod touch | 17:41 |
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qwerty12_N810 | GiantTalkingCow: east London. And there was a case, quite recently, about a man getting his head bashed in after "buying" a car from Gumtree (British Craigslist) | 17:42 |
qwerty12_N810 | Took his money and ran | 17:42 |
zakkm | Toronto, Canada.. craigslist here | 17:42 |
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zakkm | eek | 17:42 |
zakkm | and to think i was going to buy a car off craigslist | 17:42 |
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zakkm | well would of checked it out in person/ make sure , full mechanic check.. but yeah | 17:42 |
ali1234 | qwerty12_N810: those guys got busted by a van full of undercover cops | 17:42 |
loufoque | east london is a crazy crime-ridden area indeed. | 17:42 |
zakkm | london england? | 17:43 |
qwerty12_N810 | ali1234: Nice, didn't read that :) | 17:43 |
GiantTalkingCow | Yes, London England. | 17:43 |
loufoque | no, london on the moon | 17:43 |
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zakkm | its not a bad place | 17:43 |
zakkm | theres london ontario canada? | 17:43 |
zakkm | not so far from where i live | 17:43 |
loufoque | well it's just like when you say paris, you don't mean paris texas unless you say so | 17:43 |
zakkm | its a major city still..not globally but around here it is | 17:43 |
GiantTalkingCow | loufoque: Texans do. :P | 17:44 |
zakkm | paris texas into major | 17:44 |
zakkm | London is a city in, along the with a metropolitan area population of 457,720 | 17:44 |
zakkm | eek sorry, i didnt realize it would copy whole url | 17:45 |
zakkm | doesnt sound like much, but canada population is small;p | 17:45 |
loufoque | they've got a city named windsor too? | 17:45 |
loufoque | crazy northern americans | 17:45 |
zakkm | windsor, ontario?:P | 17:45 |
GiantTalkingCow | zakkm: Tiny, in fact. The US state I live in has a large one. | 17:46 |
zakkm | most countries do in the world " windsor " | 17:46 |
zakkm | GiantTalkingCow: yeah, my city is like 7-8mil, but in terms of canadian city populations, 450k is alot | 17:46 |
zakkm | its the 10th biggest city.. | 17:46 |
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zakkm | you guys see the Zipit Z2? | 17:47 |
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GiantTalkingCow | Yes. Not my thing, too small. | 17:48 |
zakkm | heh i bought one | 17:48 |
zakkm | it is small , omg | 17:48 |
sgbirch | Amazon just told me the n900 delivery date is now Dec 1. wtf | 17:48 |
zakkm | heh how much | 17:49 |
Suurorca | ;p | 17:49 |
yncyrydybyl1 | is there a log of this channel somewhere? | 17:49 |
lcuk | 17:49 | |
GiantTalkingCow | Only $900! Or 900 pounds in the UK.... ;) | 17:49 |
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zakkm | hey lcuk ! long time no talk :) | 17:49 |
lcuk | and its notified on entry now | 17:49 |
lcuk | -ChanServ- [#maemo] Welcome to #maemo Logs available at | 17:50 |
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EspadaV8_L | december for the n900? :( | 17:50 |
lcuk | hiya zakkm \o/ | 17:50 |
zakkm | happy halloween guys :) | 17:50 |
hcarrega | :( | 17:50 |
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hcarrega | yape fnac just told me the same | 17:50 |
hcarrega | december | 17:51 |
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gnuton | Hi | 17:52 |
EspadaV8_L | might wait for the maemo 6 device if it's going to be delayed much more | 17:52 |
zakkm | maemo 6. hah | 17:52 |
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zakkm | i wonder what they would change | 17:52 |
tekonivel | what's the reason this time? | 17:52 |
zaheer_ | the change is mainly gtk -> qt :) | 17:52 |
zakkm | no maemo 5to maemo 6 | 17:53 |
zakkm | faster speeds? | 17:53 |
zaheer_ | that's what i said | 17:53 |
EspadaV8_L | maemo 6 is Qt based | 17:53 |
zaheer_ | maemo 5 -> maemo 6 is gtk -> qt | 17:53 |
zakkm | maemo 5 is still gtk? | 17:53 |
EspadaV8_L | and capasitive touchscreen | 17:53 |
zaheer_ | yes | 17:53 |
zakkm | omg ;p | 17:53 |
zakkm | i thought they moving to qt alreadyt | 17:53 |
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zash | will you be able to run gtk-stuff in maemo6? | 17:54 |
zakkm | will maemo 6 run on n900? | 17:54 |
roundyz | I had the amazon email email too. | 17:54 |
zaheer_ | zakkm, there is an official qt in january | 17:54 |
EspadaV8_L | you can run qt apps on maemo 5 | 17:54 |
roundyz | looks like its going to be an end of november jobby | 17:54 |
zakkm | you canrun qt apps on maemo 4 | 17:54 |
zaheer_ | not sure how they're going to add the touch widgets | 17:54 |
EspadaV8_L | zakkm: not that i know of | 17:54 |
zakkm | unofficially, but it still ran fine | 17:54 |
Flyser | zash: yes, gtk will be maintained by the community | 17:54 |
zakkm | wow | 17:55 |
zakkm | im going to buy myself a android phone instead i think ;p | 17:55 |
EspadaV8_L | the n900 is a nice device | 17:55 |
roundyz | bye all | 17:55 |
zaheer_ | zakm: enjoy the java stuff :) | 17:55 |
roundyz | \quit | 17:56 |
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zakkm | i cant afford it, and i couldnt for a long time | 17:56 |
zakkm | by then android will be awesomee ;p | 17:56 |
zakkm | i dont do dev work, it wouldnt matter | 17:56 |
EspadaV8_L | but maemo 6 is meant to be out q3-4 next year i think | 17:56 |
zaheer_ | try making any real multimedia apps on android | 17:56 |
zakkm | thats what i will have a ipod touch for | 17:56 |
zakkm | i dont do multimedia stuff on my phone | 17:57 |
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zakkm | my phone now can do videos and songs .. instead i use my old ipod | 17:57 |
zakkm | dont mix phone with multimedia | 17:57 |
EspadaV8_L | don't see the point of having 2 devices, a phone and an mp3 player | 17:57 |
* lcuk watched an entire tv series on his n900 whilst sat on the train | 17:57 | |
EspadaV8_L | espically an ipod | 17:58 |
zakkm | lcuk: you have a n900 ? | 17:58 |
lcuk | yes | 17:58 |
zash | EspadaV8_L: separate batteries | 17:58 |
zakkm | i heard the community was giving some? what was that about | 17:58 |
zakkm | you got it free? | 17:58 |
RST38h | It is really good for video, true | 17:58 |
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lcuk | the community have been loaned devices for a while, it was announced at the maemo summit | 17:58 |
zakkm | sick :) | 17:58 |
zakkm | i havent been around in ages | 17:58 |
zakkm | so its on loan? | 17:58 |
zakkm | how long | 17:58 |
lcuk | RST38h, i still wish i had transcoded them down before, i wouldnt mind lower quality if i could get longer life | 17:58 |
zaheer_ | until april | 17:58 |
lcuk | i was on the train for 7 hours | 17:59 |
zakkm | eek | 17:59 |
zakkm | what series? :P | 17:59 |
RST38h | lcuk: Life is ok, normal for this kind of thing | 17:59 |
lcuk | eureka actually :) | 17:59 |
zaheer_ | lcuk, i was watching micromen recorded from bbc4 in bed last night | 17:59 |
lcuk | first series | 17:59 |
zaheer_ | lcuk, again non transcoded so full pal etc. | 17:59 |
RST38h | lcuk: + I do not think you would get longer life if you transcoded them | 17:59 |
zaheer_ | yes you will | 17:59 |
lcuk | i just dropped it on the massive 32gb of space | 17:59 |
zakkm | less cpu , more battery | 17:59 |
lcuk | RST38h, of course i will | 17:59 |
lcuk | less active cpu decoding | 17:59 |
RST38h | Dunno. | 17:59 |
zaheer_ | RST38h, decoding 720p compared to 800x480 would make a lot of cpu difference | 17:59 |
lcuk | i was already on low brightness screen | 17:59 |
zakkm | 720p pwns :P | 18:00 |
zakkm | 480p not so much | 18:00 |
lcuk | dunno what res | 18:00 |
lcuk | crystal clear tho | 18:00 |
zakkm | downloaded? | 18:00 |
zaheer_ | 720p pointless on device that has 480 lines :) | 18:00 |
* zakkm monitor has 1152p :P | 18:00 | |
lcuk | on your phone? | 18:00 |
zakkm | no | 18:00 |
uhsf | i would like the n900 maemo to run on my neo freerunner but the mer distro isn't quite as neat. | 18:00 |
zakkm | pc monitor | 18:00 |
zakkm | 2048x1152 23.3" | 18:00 |
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lcuk | uhsf, "yet" | 18:01 |
zaheer_ | when the maemo devices have hdmi out, then keeping 720p would be good | 18:01 |
lcuk | video out is super cool | 18:01 |
zakkm | lcuk: is it finally fast? the n900? | 18:01 |
zakkm | n800 was sooo slow | 18:01 |
lcuk | and especially since you have entire 800*480 surface on video | 18:01 |
lcuk | AND also 800*480 gtk surface on device | 18:01 |
lcuk | 2 user system :D | 18:01 |
zakkm | 2 user? | 18:01 |
zakkm | you can switch users? | 18:02 |
wazd | zaheer_: the only reason for 720p on n900 that you can watch it without conversion | 18:02 |
zaheer_ | wazd, agreed | 18:02 |
zaheer_ | wazd, it is nice to just plonk videos | 18:02 |
lcuk | zakkm, the joke about "fixed in fremantle" might have been for software, | 18:02 |
zakkm | why not just make the video player run it in 800x480? | 18:02 |
lcuk | but certainly hardware wise | 18:02 |
zakkm | as like mplayer settigns | 18:02 |
zaheer_ | however if a user wants to save battery life he'd drop them down | 18:02 |
lcuk | everything we moaned at really for n8x0 series | 18:02 |
lcuk | is gone | 18:02 |
EspadaV8_L | the ogg decoder wasn't that great i thought | 18:02 |
lcuk | the n900 is lightyears ahead | 18:02 |
EspadaV8_L | hopefully it'll improve though | 18:02 |
RST38h | blizzard hw scaling is also gone though :( | 18:02 |
zaheer_ | EspadaV8_L, that is being worked on | 18:02 |
zakkm | lcuk: i only moaned about the speed :P liqbase was perfect :D | 18:02 |
lcuk | RST38h, you sure? | 18:03 |
RST38h | lcuk: yes. | 18:03 |
RST38h | lcuk: no blizzard -> no scaling via omapfb | 18:03 |
lcuk | zakkm, my first bug report to nokia about liqbase was "it runs too fast, please slow it down" | 18:03 |
EspadaV8_L | zaheer_: cool :) | 18:03 |
zaheer_ | EspadaV8_L, i mentioned earlier here that there is an optimised dsp theora decoder | 18:03 |
zaheer_ | EspadaV8_L, it is almost finished | 18:03 |
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EspadaV8_L | :-) | 18:04 |
zakkm | the n800 was good, for software run, like obviously mameo 5 is awesome cause its all flashy and such.. but in a static environment ... maemo 4 was fine ... it was just really slow | 18:04 |
zakkm | like i honestly love the thumb keyboard | 18:04 |
EspadaV8_L | i really want one, i was so impressed when i tried it out | 18:04 |
* lcuk never thought the n8x0 was slow | 18:04 | |
* lcuk still doesnt | 18:04 | |
zakkm | im very impatient on tech :D | 18:04 |
EspadaV8_L | the £470 price is going to be hard to swallow though | 18:04 |
zakkm | i run a 60% overclocked desktop | 18:04 |
lcuk | it was just graphically challenged | 18:04 |
ali1234 | the n800 is incredibly slow | 18:04 |
zaheer_ | the UI for n8x0 was crap compared to the n900's | 18:04 |
ali1234 | loading a webpage is painful | 18:05 |
achipa_irssi | Jaffa: sent msg with the traceback | 18:05 |
zakkm | i overclocked my desktop cpu 2ghz to 3.33ghz . i hate slowness in tech | 18:05 |
zakkm | like i dont mind waiting in lines, and such but tech.. n800 ahhh | 18:05 |
zakkm | the UI sucked cause it wasnt opengl or anything | 18:06 |
RST38h | UI in N8x0 is just fine | 18:06 |
zakkm | yeah | 18:06 |
zakkm | but really slow | 18:06 |
RST38h | it is ok | 18:06 |
RST38h | not slow | 18:06 |
zakkm | even when i installed nitdroid | 18:06 |
zakkm | besides the insane always crashing | 18:06 |
zakkm | it ran veryy fast | 18:06 |
RST38h | also no idea why it has to use opengl to be fast | 18:07 |
zakkm | i click browser, it opened instantlly.. i typed a site it loaded | 18:07 |
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lcuk | RST38h, hardware scaling still exists at some level | 18:07 |
lcuk | i just ran liqbase in 400*240 | 18:07 |
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lcuk | and its fullscreen | 18:07 |
RST38h | lcuk: it is just not known which one :) | 18:07 |
zakkm | if nitdroid continued , i wouldnt of sold my n800 | 18:07 |
zaheer_ | Xv uses hardware scaling too | 18:07 |
lcuk | i know this | 18:07 |
lcuk | you send over a surface of whatever size, and its scaled to the window you defined when opening it | 18:08 |
lcuk | mental note, must scale the rocket and back icons, they look massive at this res | 18:09 |
RST38h | lcuk: so you managed to use hw scaling via Xv? | 18:09 |
zakkm | lcuk: still doing lcuk, for maemo 5? | 18:09 |
zakkm | ahh | 18:09 |
zakkm | liqbase* | 18:09 |
lcuk | RST38h, yeah of course | 18:09 |
zakkm | RST38h: lcuk knows everything, dont question :P | 18:10 |
lcuk | zakkm, | 18:10 |
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RST38h | lcuk: =) | 18:11 |
lcuk | RST38h, i cant remember how to list the xv modes available | 18:11 |
zakkm | lcuk: wow nice | 18:11 |
lcuk | but remember how i noted there might be an rgb one | 18:11 |
lcuk | zakkm, this is even better, its just in extras-testing atm | 18:12 |
zakkm | wow | 18:13 |
zakkm | that must of been a sick sumit | 18:13 |
lcuk | that was before the summit | 18:13 |
zakkm | they mailed it to you? | 18:13 |
zakkm | why dont you get to keep it? :P | 18:14 |
zakkm | give it back in poorcondition :D | 18:14 |
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lcuk | zakkm, | 18:14 |
zaheer_ | there is an rgb xv mode | 18:15 |
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zaheer_ | i think | 18:15 |
lcuk | it was mentioned a while ago | 18:15 |
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zaheer_ | you can check the caps reported by xvimagesink in gstreamer | 18:15 |
zaheer_ | or you can do xvinfo i guess | 18:15 |
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zakkm | heh lcuk they stole your "tags" | 18:16 |
Jaffa | mgedmin: each app has a unique key | 18:16 |
lcuk | mmm zakkm ? | 18:17 |
zakkm | in liqbase you could add tags for things | 18:17 |
zakkm | watching this video, in maemo 5 its like the same | 18:17 |
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lcuk | i meant the onedotzero one lol | 18:17 |
lcuk | theres tagging everywhere | 18:17 |
zakkm | seems very fast :D | 18:17 |
zakkm | youtube finally plays ? :P | 18:17 |
lcuk | and if i didnt want ideas and principles and code used i wouldnt be in open source | 18:18 |
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zakkm | true | 18:18 |
zakkm | that sound ssick | 18:19 |
zakkm | i want a n900 | 18:19 |
zakkm | could never afford it though | 18:19 |
* lcuk still thinks the device shouldv been called N over 9000 | 18:19 | |
zakkm | N | 18:19 |
zakkm | -- | 18:19 |
zakkm | 9000 | 18:19 |
zakkm | :D | 18:19 |
zaheer_ | they should put all the offline as it happens videos on the n900 retail versions | 18:20 |
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achipa_irssi | zaheer_: put a '' stamp in front of the offline as it happens title | 18:34 |
zaheer_ | achipa, overlaid or to the left? :) | 18:34 |
mgedmin | :) | 18:36 |
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qwerty12 | gcobb: If you're around, having you in #maemo-testing would be much appreciated. Since we're discussing your apps ;) | 18:45 |
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rm_you | hey | 18:49 |
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rm_you | when does that beta marathon start? | 18:49 |
rm_you | or has it | 18:49 |
zaheer_ | a few hours ago | 18:49 |
rm_you | damn | 18:49 |
zaheer_ | it is happening now in #maemo-testing | 18:49 |
rm_you | forgot to check timezones | 18:49 |
zaheer_ | it's ok join :) | 18:50 |
GeneralAntilles | Fail | 18:50 |
rm_you | i am | 18:50 |
rm_you | ... while sitting at a taco restaurant | 18:50 |
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shiznebit | WOW | 18:52 |
shiznebit | i just heard the N900 is using pulse | 18:52 |
GiantTalkingCow | Tacos are quite nice, but I've never been able to find good Mexican food outside of North America for some reason, so they can't be catching on all that much. | 18:52 |
shiznebit | is this true | 18:53 |
zaheer_ | shiznebit, yes | 18:53 |
shiznebit | thats gonna be a MASSIVE HEADACH | 18:53 |
zaheer_ | shiznebit, not really, it works very well | 18:53 |
shiznebit | HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA | 18:53 |
shiznebit | if it works at all | 18:54 |
lcuk | works for me ? | 18:54 |
zaheer_ | shiznebit, nokia had full control of the alsa driver, pulseaudio and the libraries that use it | 18:54 |
shiznebit | i really do hope they did a good job | 18:54 |
zaheer_ | shiznebit, your experience of pulseaudio on the desktop is very different to the experience epople get when using the n900 | 18:54 |
shiznebit | which version is it using | 18:54 |
zaheer_ | shiznebit, palm pre also uses pulseaudio | 18:54 |
shiznebit | O.o | 18:54 |
zaheer_ | and no reviewers complained :) | 18:55 |
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rm_you | yes it works quite nicely imo | 18:55 |
shiznebit | so which version of pulse does it use | 18:55 |
GiantTalkingCow | Speaking of the Palm Pre, does anyone else think it would've been better off with a landscape keyboard like the one on the n900? | 18:55 |
dmj726 | pulse works well more *me* on the desktop | 18:55 |
qwerty12 | shiznebit: It works better on my N900 than it ever did on my desktop... | 18:55 |
rm_you | qwerty12: so how is this testing thing working? | 18:56 |
zaheer_ | shiznebit, 0.9.15-1maemo2 | 18:56 |
rm_you | are we going package by package? | 18:56 |
qwerty12 | rm_you: Yes, package in the /topic :) | 18:56 |
shiznebit | what kind of video out cable does it use ? | 18:56 |
zaheer_ | GiantTalkingCow, not sure, it could have done with ability to write native apps and working more with the community :) | 18:56 |
zaheer_ | shiznebit, n900 uses composite + 2 phono | 18:57 |
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GiantTalkingCow | zaheer_: True enough. I suppose we'll see how it does in a more crowded smartphone market this next year. Apple has it beat on install base, and Android has the app advantage. | 18:57 |
shiznebit | the app advantage ? | 18:57 |
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lcuk | GiantTalkingCow, isnt that the same when ANY new thing is released? | 18:58 |
GiantTalkingCow | Well, so does Apple, but I'm referring to Android's open door app policy as the advantage here. As opposed to Apple's "no, Steve doesn't want you to run that" twaddle. | 18:58 |
GiantTalkingCow | lcuk: Yep. | 18:58 |
lcuk | speaking of doesnt want to do that | 18:58 |
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shiznebit | well whats maemo's policy | 18:58 |
lcuk | i have "bullshitbingo" installed | 18:58 |
lcuk | and its a lot of fun | 18:58 |
shiznebit | s/ maemo's/Nokia's | 18:59 |
GiantTalkingCow | shiznebit: On apps? Install what you like. I think they even have a tutorial on how to enable root on the n900 up. | 18:59 |
shiznebit | right but how easy is to install them | 18:59 |
shiznebit | is it just DoubleClick | 19:00 |
shiznebit | or do you have to use console | 19:00 |
GiantTalkingCow | Something of the sort, if it's like older versions of Maemo. Either grab them out of an app repository, or download the file and run it. | 19:00 |
shiznebit | it would be a big mess for people to compile the programs on their phone | 19:01 |
SpeedEvil | Why? | 19:01 |
tekonivel | i'm sitting a cafe, and the dude in the next table has an N900 | 19:02 |
* tekonivel wants to stab+run | 19:02 | |
qwerty12 | tekonivel: DO IT | 19:02 |
qwerty12 | I won't tell | 19:03 |
SpeedEvil | Indeed, do it. | 19:03 |
SpeedEvil | (and if you're that dude, say hi.) | 19:03 |
* tekonivel is plotting.... | 19:03 | |
dmj726 | how'd he get one, the lucky ******* | 19:03 |
tekonivel | developer perhaps | 19:03 |
SpeedEvil | Probably stabbed and ran, like we all did. | 19:03 |
lcuk | shiznebit, i compile on my device all the time | 19:03 |
tekonivel | SpeedEvil: lol | 19:03 |
Stskeeps | tekonivel: perhaps its a guy from within here.. | 19:04 |
lcuk | its a 600mhz processor | 19:04 |
dmj726 | perhaps he's using his n900 to post in this conversation. | 19:04 |
lcuk | almost 10x faster than what i used to build c stuff on | 19:04 |
tekonivel | dudewithn900andbeer: if you're reading this, say "y0" | 19:04 |
lbt | tekonivel: go say "hello" | 19:04 |
lcuk | yo | 19:04 |
lbt | he's not a girl... you'll be fine | 19:04 |
lcuk | theres no1 sat next to me tho | 19:04 |
* qwerty12 is in his living room | 19:05 | |
* SpeedEvil also. | 19:05 | |
Stskeeps | same | 19:05 |
qwerty12 | To any Finns with an N900: Look next to you | 19:05 |
lbt | X-Fade: ping | 19:05 |
tekonivel | if u see a person staring at your n900, take heed he'll stab you very soon now | 19:06 |
shiznebit | talk to him | 19:06 |
tekonivel | no i'm busy preparing for exams | 19:07 |
shiznebit | then while he is distracted take his phone and RUNN! | 19:07 |
tekonivel | this is evident from that fact that i'm chatting on irc | 19:07 |
lcuk | tekonivel, ahhh cool, you have exams on irc protocol too! | 19:07 |
tekonivel | lcuk: always the same... ;) | 19:07 |
qwerty12 | tekonivel: If you steal it, the owner will activate its anti-theft protection mechanism: SSHing in and using MPlayer to play a file that screams "RAPE!" | 19:08 |
tekonivel | actually i'm having exams on moral philosophy. i'm sure stabbing someone for his n900 would be a good case to explain for my exam | 19:08 |
Veggen | I actually submittet an IRC bot as a project, once. I tolk the teacher that "this project is dead boring. This IRC bot projekt is actually as relevant, more work *and* more fun." | 19:09 |
lcuk | i thought they changed it to play rick astley? | 19:09 |
derf | tekonivel: It's for the good of the land. | 19:09 |
sp3000 | Veggen: I take it this wasn't moral philosophy | 19:09 |
tekonivel | sp3000: lol | 19:09 |
tekonivel | sp3000: fsck Kant, coding irc-bots is more relevant!1!! | 19:10 |
Veggen | sp3000: nah. Actually, the mandatory project was some client-server-related programming. So I did a bot in perl (one to make conversions between units, currencies, and other stuff) | 19:10 |
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mgedmin | google reader == battery killer | 19:12 |
Andy80 | hi all | 19:12 |
mgedmin | left the window open in the background | 19:12 |
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Andy80 | mgedmin: it's normal... it uses a lot of javascript... it would be the same if you left facebook home page in background :) | 19:12 |
mgedmin | I'd like the web browser to pause javascript when it's in the background | 19:13 |
* Andy80 would like a decent RSS reader.... :P | 19:13 | |
tekonivel | netvibes is p-o-i-s-o-n for the n800 browser | 19:14 |
Andy80 | netvibes? | 19:15 |
tekonivel | Andy80:, an aggregator | 19:15 |
tekonivel | now his mate went out for a cigarette and his fiddling with n900 again | 19:16 |
* tekonivel is annoyed | 19:16 | |
* tekonivel has become a hyped up fanboi | 19:16 | |
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tekonivel | what's come of me? aargghh | 19:16 |
dmj726 | tekonivel: I know what you mean. | 19:18 |
dmj726 | That said, n900 is missing a lot of features I'd like. | 19:19 |
dmj726 | See what I did there?...what no Apple fanboy every could. | 19:19 |
dmj726 | ;) | 19:19 |
mgedmin | that's because even non-Apple-fanboys know only the iPhone is perfect | 19:20 |
GiantTalkingCow | Uh, what was that? | 19:20 |
mgedmin | (except for the slavery part) | 19:20 |
GiantTalkingCow | Because if it's complaining, then I really don't think you visit the right sort of Apple sites. | 19:20 |
tekonivel | dmj726: you master your fanboiness | 19:20 |
dmj726 | and the singletasking, crappy camera, etc to go with the slavery. Also, how do I install X on the iphone | 19:21 |
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* dmj726 does not have and wouldn't want an iphone for any purpose other than ebay. | 19:21 | |
GiantTalkingCow | Is there actually a smartphone with a non-crappy camera at this point? | 19:22 |
dmj726 | ...n900 looks acceptable | 19:22 |
dmj726 | no dslr but something that records images that I wouldn't be embarrassed to show people | 19:22 |
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mgedmin | people post pictures taken with a n900 that look fabulous when scaled down | 19:23 |
mgedmin | e.g. see tigert's recent blog post, iirc | 19:24 |
lcuk | people post pictures taken with a n900 | 19:24 |
greggypoo | i am trying to install "maemo sdk+" which tells me to use the debian source at | 19:24 |
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RST38h | well, it is not that fabulous at full scale | 19:24 |
greggypoo | er, download not downnload :) anyways, that directory doesn't exist, only download/target/ seems to exist, which seems to be a debian repository for n810 packages nistead of the sdk | 19:25 |
RST38h | reasonably good cell phone camera, not comparable even with a lowly Casio Exilim though | 19:25 |
dmj726 | why is it somewhat grainy at 5mp? | 19:25 |
lcuk | there are few places which display full resolution images | 19:25 |
greggypoo | is sdk+ abandonware or something? | 19:25 |
Pavlov | because the lens/sensor is tiny | 19:25 |
SpeedEvil | And there are only so many photons. | 19:25 |
dmj726 | yeah, I was afraid of that | 19:25 |
derf | The "noise removal" they're doing on it isn't helping any, either. | 19:25 |
RST38h | tigert is a photographic genius though | 19:26 |
dmj726 | (was hoping some of it was an artifact of flicker encoding) | 19:26 |
derf | The photos I saw had definitely been filtered, and not for the better. | 19:26 |
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tekonivel | i wonder why no cell phone designer has dared to have a proper, optical zoom | 19:27 |
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SpeedEvil | tekonivel: very simple | 19:28 |
SpeedEvil | tekonivel: because it takes 10-20cc or so to do a decent lens system. | 19:28 |
dmj726 | it would be a huge lens for a phone | 19:28 |
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lcuk | lol | 19:28 |
SpeedEvil | Your average '5MP' camera will fit in a 1cm cube comfortably | 19:28 |
lcuk | but think of the possibilities | 19:28 |
SpeedEvil | (phone camera) | 19:28 |
lcuk | "hey babe, look how pleased to see you i am" | 19:29 |
dmj726 | besides, given a few rubber bands, you can add a zoom lens | 19:29 |
tekonivel | they could eat into the camera-market more deeply | 19:29 |
SpeedEvil | You get VGA cameras 4*4*3mm or so | 19:29 |
tekonivel | i wouldn't mind investing some pocket-capital for a proper zoom | 19:29 |
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doc|home | buy a camera :) | 19:29 |
tekonivel | i'd much prefer a larger phone than having two devices (phone and camera) | 19:30 |
tekonivel | atm i just don't have a camera. one device for all tasks | 19:30 |
mgedmin | I once expressed a desire for a Nokia SLR running Maemo | 19:30 |
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mgedmin | the flickr sharing option is fabulous | 19:30 |
SpeedEvil | mgedmin: that would be nice | 19:30 |
doc|home | I'd prefer a canon slr running maemo | 19:30 |
SpeedEvil | doc|home: well - true | 19:30 |
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tekonivel | a camera doesn't have anything i need (except proper zoom); a phone has all of it (most notably: network, more reasonable input methods) | 19:31 |
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dmj726 | that's the three device strategy, n900, netbook, and DSLR. | 19:32 |
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tekonivel | i want two devices: n900+netbook. now i have n95+netbook | 19:32 |
tekonivel | i dreamland i would have a table+bt keyboard+handsfree | 19:33 |
tekonivel | s/table/tablet/ | 19:33 |
infobot | tekonivel meant: i dreamland i would have a tablet+bt keyboard+handsfree | 19:33 |
dmj726 | I have 2 devices: netbook and crappyphone | 19:33 |
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dmj726 | jkk and the other guy were going on about the 3 device strategy vs the 2 device strategy | 19:34 |
dmj726 | couldn't figure out what they meant by it. | 19:34 |
Stskeeps | lcuk: no idea about ovi store. theoritically it should work out on n900 and forth.. | 19:34 |
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lcuk | Stskeeps mmm, on n900 with mer? | 19:34 |
lcuk | or n900+maemo only? | 19:34 |
Stskeeps | well, armv7 and up | 19:35 |
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Stskeeps | when drm comes in the play we obviously cant do it | 19:35 |
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Stskeeps | right, my server ram and mobo survived the PSU going into smoke | 19:36 |
Stskeeps | thats good | 19:36 |
tekonivel | my brain is melting from staring at text and mindmaps all day | 19:37 |
tekonivel | is this a good way to spend a saturday-evening? | 19:37 |
tekonivel | yes it is, but my brain is still melting | 19:37 |
* tekonivel gets a drink | 19:37 | |
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tekonivel | he works for nokia | 19:43 |
tekonivel | basterd | 19:43 |
tekonivel | didn't ask what he does there exaclty | 19:43 |
tekonivel | not developing, though | 19:44 |
tekonivel | mindmaps are fantastic | 19:46 |
tekonivel | i've been wondering how to utilize them on n900 (when i get one) | 19:46 |
tekonivel | (online) or freemind (natively)? | 19:47 |
tekonivel | anyone tried mindmeister with n900? | 19:47 |
tekonivel | freemind is java though, so no-go for n900 at this time | 19:48 |
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tekonivel | also; n900+cybergoggles=bliss? anyone dared to try? | 19:48 |
vladovg | hi | 19:49 |
tekonivel | s/cybergoggles/head mounted display/ | 19:49 |
infobot | tekonivel meant: also; n900+head mounted display=bliss? anyone dared to try? | 19:49 |
RST38h | tekonivel: At 15 minutes you get into a seizure and die, so no evidence | 19:49 |
tekonivel | RST38h: a happy death? | 19:50 |
RST38h | tekonivel: well, no idea if they had orgasms =) | 19:51 |
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tekonivel | they were hyped about in the 90s, then i didn't hear of them for 10 yeards. now there's a model or two being sold on airports etc | 19:51 |
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practisevoodoo | how can i get becomeroot for the n180? | 19:52 |
practisevoodoo | i think that the eko1 site has removed it | 19:52 |
timoph | install rootsh and use sudo gainroot | 19:53 |
tekonivel | also, that dudewithn900andbeer said he's got a preproduction software installed, but that we's very fond of it | 19:54 |
mgedmin | the only sw that exists is preproduction sw | 19:55 |
lbt | ~root | 19:55 |
infobot | from memory, root is not a Good Thing to use when using IRC. Please use a different account. | 19:55 |
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lbt | ~gainroot | 19:55 |
* lbt waits for GeneralAntilles | 19:56 | |
qwerty12 | ~root-access | 19:56 |
infobot | somebody said root-access was | 19:56 |
* lbt wonders if anyone has seen GeneralAntilles and qwerty12 at the same time... | 19:56 | |
tekonivel | mgedmin: an update was released last week or so? i guess he meant that he's not using the freshest sw but still has been enjoying his n900 | 19:56 |
GeneralAntilles | lbt, no. | 19:56 |
GeneralAntilles | Since neither of us has gotten to a meetup. :( | 19:57 |
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mgedmin | update? last week? | 19:57 |
tekonivel | mgedmin: i don't know what he meant | 19:57 |
tekonivel | mgedmin: anyhow the point is that he's enjoyed his n900. i'm sure he has | 19:58 |
tekonivel | grrrr | 19:58 |
mgedmin | maybe there are internal nokia-only releases | 19:59 |
GeneralAntilles | mgedmin, there are dozens. | 19:59 |
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tekonivel | mgedmin: yeah, who knows | 19:59 |
Neostrider | hello folks | 20:00 |
Meizirkki | Could someone post me the file-list of opengles-sgx-img-common-dev ? | 20:00 |
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kitallis | yo luke-jr | 20:06 |
kitallis | oops | 20:06 |
lut4rp | :) | 20:06 |
kitallis | lut4rp <-- | 20:07 |
luke-jr | ... | 20:07 |
lut4rp | heh | 20:07 |
kitallis | luke-jr: nvm | 20:07 |
luke-jr | -.- | 20:07 |
lut4rp | luke-jr, bring out yer lightsaber! | 20:07 |
kitallis | nmv -> no valium, mother. | 20:07 |
luke-jr | stfu n00bs | 20:07 |
kitallis | :S | 20:08 |
lut4rp | lulz | 20:08 |
Analias | Do the Maemo GTK+ libraries completely replace the "stock" GTK+ libraries from | 20:08 |
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luke-jr | Analias: GTK+ is crap, don't use it | 20:08 |
luke-jr | Qt4 replaces all GTK+ | 20:09 |
kitallis | :s | 20:09 |
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v2px | what about maemo 5 and qt? | 20:09 |
Analias | Kinda hard when I want to port Maemo 5 to a different platform | 20:09 |
Stskeeps | like what?> | 20:09 |
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Stskeeps | Analias: answer to your question is yes btw | 20:10 |
qwerty12 | Analias: - the source of the GTK used in Maemo 5 | 20:10 |
qwerty12 | Analias: You may also wish to look at Mer: | 20:10 |
qwerty12 | ~mer | 20:10 |
infobot | i heard mer is, or on #mer | 20:10 |
luke-jr | Analias: Maemo isn't open source, so good luck with that | 20:10 |
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Analias | ok - we are still on the SVN repository for GTK+ then. | 20:11 |
Analias | to answer your question Stskeeps, I trying a port to a mini2440 under OpenEmbedded - getting the dependencies right is a bit of a challenge | 20:12 |
Stskeeps | Analias: you will want to talk to rkirti | 20:12 |
Analias | ah - yes - we haven't been on at the same time - I haven't emailed her yet | 20:12 |
javispedro | hey, I have seen one of those | 20:12 |
rm_you | bbl :/ | 20:12 |
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javispedro | iirc it's more like the hw of 770 | 20:13 |
* luke-jr notes the N810 can't run Maemo 5, let alone 770 | 20:13 | |
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* Stskeeps notes luke-jr needs to take his happy pills. | 20:13 | |
homeasvs | I just installed scratchbox for diablo on my desktop. when starting up the interface, none of the applets are there, and I can't update apps in the application updater. There are a bunch of missing files on the terminal mentioned. | 20:14 |
homeasvs | any idea what I might have done wrong ? | 20:14 |
* luke-jr shoves his happy pills up Stskeeps's rear end. | 20:14 | |
luke-jr | :D | 20:14 |
kitallis | :D | 20:14 |
lut4rp | :D | 20:14 |
kitallis | look i'm happy too ^ | 20:14 |
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lut4rp | Nokia displeases me. | 20:14 |
Analias | The effort to port to the mini2440 is more of an exercise of learning everything needed for such an effort - it may not run on the mini2440, but it might be interesting to see how much does. | 20:14 |
kitallis | Who's the bot here? | 20:15 |
SpeedEvil | Analias: from ebay? | 20:15 |
luke-jr | lut4rp: #FreeHandheld | 20:16 |
SpeedEvil | Analias: brother has got 3 of them for in-house control stuff | 20:16 |
Analias | SpeedEvil - There a US distributor now, also working on providing cases for the mini2440 and micro2440 boards | 20:17 |
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SpeedEvil | Analias: an interesting platform certainly. | 20:17 |
pupnik_ | now there is a lot of n810 fun possible too | 20:18 |
SpeedEvil | Analias: I'm looking at one to replace the control panel of my microwave, that has broken, and to add features. | 20:18 |
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Analias | SpeedEvil: Check out then - I haven't had much experience with this guy but he seems eager to grow the community and make his customers happy | 20:19 |
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lolmanbear | so i herd to buy n900 you gotta do stealing of maemo amirite | 20:20 |
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SpeedEvil | interesting | 20:20 |
GeneralAntilles | Anybody got the link to the blog post about Maemo's origins handy? | 20:21 |
lcuk | SpeedEvil, your comment about upgrading your microwave sounds like | 20:21 |
lcuk | tim the toolman tailor, from home improvement :D | 20:21 |
GeneralAntilles | Ah, got it | 20:22 |
SpeedEvil | lcuk: I have a huge stainless steel combi microwave. | 20:22 |
lcuk | and i am thankful you are not near me when you "upgrade" it | 20:22 |
SpeedEvil | lcuk: that's got a completely broken control panel, that would take 70-80 quid to fix - though the part is probably unavailable now. | 20:22 |
tigert__ | so | 20:22 |
SpeedEvil | lcuk: the mechanics are just fine. | 20:22 |
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tigert | oops | 20:22 |
tigert | so | 20:23 |
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SpeedEvil | lcuk: the interlocks would remain, as would much of the safety stuff. Just the controls and stuff would change. | 20:23 |
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tigert | the noise removal stuff in N900 is highly dependant on available light | 20:23 |
tigert | it doesnt do it for all photos | 20:23 |
SpeedEvil | lcuk: for example, a mode to keep a constant humidity in the output by servoing the heating. | 20:23 |
RST38h | tigert: No shit... | 20:23 |
tigert | for good light you get pretty nice results, but for low light it does quite aggressive denoise and whatnot stuff | 20:23 |
RST38h | tigert: I looked at some pictures I made in Amsterdam and Moscow | 20:23 |
tigert | making it very crunched in 1:1 pixel size | 20:24 |
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tigert | like, bar photos etc | 20:24 |
RST38h | tigert: at 1:1 scale, the quality is absolutely dismal :( | 20:24 |
lcuk | i was really impressed with the low light stuff | 20:24 |
tigert | RST38h: sure | 20:24 |
lcuk | better than i expected | 20:24 |
tigert | but | 20:24 |
tigert | it would be A LOT worse if it didnt do the processing | 20:24 |
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RST38h | Well it is about the same as in N95 and friends | 20:24 |
SpeedEvil | Where is the processing? | 20:24 |
tigert | the trick of course is to do it as little as necessary | 20:24 |
SpeedEvil | Can you get raw images? | 20:24 |
tigert | I dont know how / what does it | 20:24 |
RST38h | tigert: Of course it would be worse | 20:25 |
RST38h | tigert: I have got quite a few problems with focusing though | 20:25 |
tigert | but I was giving a lot of feedback there so it doesnt do it too much | 20:25 |
tigert | at one point they did very aggressive filtering | 20:25 |
RST38h | tigert: In the twilight we get most of the time here, it does not focus right =( | 20:25 |
tigert | I am much happier with the curent stuff | 20:25 |
tigert | where you get a bit of grain/noise as a drawback | 20:25 |
tigert | but in return get a lot less detail loss | 20:25 |
tigert | RST38h: havent seen those focus issues | 20:26 |
tigert | sometimes when you try macro in dark conditions | 20:26 |
tigert | it uses the focus help light | 20:26 |
RST38h | tigert: They may not occur in good light, I dunno | 20:26 |
tigert | and its way too bright and then it fails | 20:26 |
tigert | so, it is not a SLR | 20:26 |
RST38h | tigert: Haven't seen much daylight lately | 20:26 |
tigert | but it is a pocket camera useful enough that I dont need another | 20:27 |
tigert | RST38h: :) | 20:27 |
tigert | daylight is getting scarce yeah | 20:27 |
lcuk | tigert, perhaps it would be an idea to make a mini competition for image processing. use a set of photos and see which algorithms can be made to process them in minimal time | 20:27 |
RST38h | tigert: On the other hand, the nights are pretty bright =) | 20:27 |
tigert | lcuk: give it a shot | 20:27 |
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tigert | lcuk: I bet you'd kick some serious arse there | 20:27 |
lcuk | well its already being performed well by my eyes | 20:28 |
tigert | but I am very happy it has pretty decent macro capability too | 20:28 |
tigert | all in all the N900 is a darn nice mash-it-all-together device | 20:28 |
tigert | sure you compare any feature with the market leader | 20:28 |
lcuk | im just thinking quim has posted this UX/coding thing - user experience includes when looking at images | 20:29 |
tigert | and it sucks - there are better cameras, better browsers I guess, better phones | 20:29 |
tigert | but its the combo | 20:29 |
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tigert | that rocks me at least | 20:29 |
tigert | my Nikon does not make good phonecalls :) | 20:29 |
tigert | anyway.. :) | 20:29 |
lcuk | lol | 20:29 |
tigert | enough of my i-work-for-nokia ranting | 20:29 |
tigert | its not that objective anyway | 20:30 |
RST38h | The camera is constrained by size anyway | 20:30 |
tigert | | 20:30 |
tigert | yeah | 20:30 |
tigert | tiny sensors = noise | 20:30 |
RST38h | So I guess nobody expects much from it | 20:30 |
tigert | lots of noise | 20:30 |
RST38h | tiny optics = no zoom | 20:30 |
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tigert | yea | 20:31 |
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* tigert prefers leg-zoom anyway | 20:31 | |
lcuk | tigert, theres no point in us trying to de-noise a jpeg encoded image. do you think you can find some reasonable pre-filtered test cases | 20:31 |
GeneralAntilles | 50mm 1.4! | 20:31 |
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tigert | GeneralAntilles: I have 1.8 | 20:32 |
RST38h | lcuk: You should talk to ab | 20:32 |
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lcuk | yes, i should | 20:32 |
GeneralAntilles | tigert, the f/1.4 probably isn't justified by the price hike | 20:32 |
RST38h | lcuk: He had plans to open up the image processing pipeline | 20:32 |
tigert | GeneralAntilles: build quality though | 20:32 |
GeneralAntilles | But the iris is much smoother and it's much less likely to fall apart in your hands. ;) | 20:32 |
lcuk | yeah, im thinking for the test app | 20:32 |
tigert | but the f1.8 is very nice for $100 :) | 20:32 |
GeneralAntilles | My friend has gone through 3 f/1.8s now. | 20:32 |
tigert | yeah | 20:33 |
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tigert | its plastic | 20:33 |
GeneralAntilles | More like $50-70 in the US for the Canon. | 20:33 |
lcuk | RST38h, opening the pipeline is best case scenario :) | 20:33 |
tigert | but takes good pics | 20:33 |
tigert | yep | 20:33 |
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lcuk | but for testing things there should be a shortcut | 20:33 |
GeneralAntilles | I'd probably have gone with the f/1.8 if it weren't a 5-blade iris. | 20:33 |
tigert | < the fullsize had some denoise kick in again | 20:33 |
tigert | but in 1024 its pretty nice | 20:33 |
tigert | < 1024 wide | 20:33 |
GeneralAntilles | | 20:34 |
tigert | GeneralAntilles: | 20:34 |
GeneralAntilles | tigert, I did Christmas trees for the postcard photo last year. | 20:34 |
tigert | GeneralAntilles: I thought that bokeh mask was a genius idea :) | 20:35 |
homeasvs | is it normal to get in scratchbox diablo: /var/lib/hildon-application-manager/available-updates: No such file or directory ? | 20:35 |
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Corsac | (i love my canon 50mm 1.8) | 20:35 |
dmj726 | the general impression I get when viewing n900 photos at full res is "impressionistic" | 20:35 |
lcuk | ab, if you return can you just read small bit of scrollback. if you could get a few testcase unfiltered images together for us to play and compare things with it would be really helpful | 20:35 |
GeneralAntilles | tigert, indeed. | 20:35 |
GeneralAntilles | tigert, we had a DIY photography equipment book at work a few years ago that had all of this stuff in it. | 20:35 |
GeneralAntilles | Really cool, wish I had bought it at the time since I haven't been able to find it since. | 20:35 |
tigert | yeah | 20:36 |
* lcuk will have to test proper photo printing from n900 | 20:36 | |
tigert | the general impression I have of the N900 camera is: very useful in many situations :) | 20:36 |
lcuk | take it to processor and see what they look like | 20:36 |
dmj726 | tigert: I agree | 20:37 |
tekonivel | i'd love to do image editing on n900 (cropping, also freehand drawing, composing panoramas and also perhaps some goofy clipart) and also ocr | 20:37 |
GeneralAntilles | tigert, I kinda still miss the N93 camera. | 20:37 |
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dmj726 | I can't even be bothered to take my point and shoot everywhere I go. | 20:37 |
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RST38h | lcuk: As I never tire to say, just making something open source does not automagically jumpstart the development | 20:38 |
tekonivel | RST38h: amen!!!! | 20:39 |
tekonivel | RST38h: many people and organizatins think it does | 20:39 |
RST38h | And they fail :) | 20:39 |
tekonivel | RST38h: yes | 20:39 |
tigert | its not trivial to create a community | 20:39 |
lcuk | RST38h, no, but having an open documented pipeline will allow people like me to have a play and see | 20:39 |
tigert | gnome and stuff kinda just happened spontaneously at first | 20:40 |
tigert | to make one on purpose is probably harder | 20:40 |
tekonivel | RST38h: the free will/time/attention of volundeer programmers is nto unlimited | 20:40 |
lbt | I need the fremantle Packages.bz2 | 20:41 |
lbt | best way? | 20:41 |
qwerty12_N810 | X-Fade always gives something in return for sexual favours | 20:41 |
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lcuk | crimson has no icon | 20:41 |
lcuk | is that a blocker yet | 20:41 |
lbt | qwerty12_N810: :P | 20:41 |
* lcuk goes to correct chan | 20:42 | |
qwerty12_N810 | lbt: The SDK one? :) | 20:42 |
lbt | no | 20:42 |
lbt | the device one | 20:42 |
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qwerty12_N810 | Ah, ooh | 20:43 |
lbt | sdk armel might do | 20:43 |
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lbt | need to work around the https | 20:43 |
* javispedro needs to raise the issue of optification and -dbg packages | 20:43 | |
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qwerty12_N810 | lbt: the sdk armel one (free) can be found here: | 20:46 |
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lbt | that's useful ... thanks | 20:47 |
lcuk | lol Jaffa | 20:47 |
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Neostrider | gtg | 20:49 |
Neostrider | []s | 20:49 |
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Jaffa | lcuk: I'm not sure it *has* any current karma, but the point stands | 20:59 |
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lcuk | i agree | 21:01 |
lcuk | having to start from scratch every single time is a bit pointless | 21:01 |
lcuk | especailly with todays mission ongoing | 21:01 |
lcuk | tho i refreshed a couple of mine at the start | 21:01 |
timeless_mbp | Jaffa: so... feedback on my strings is as usual highly desired :) | 21:01 |
Jaffa | lcuk: So did I, which is why I don't want to spend time now fixing it. | 21:02 |
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Jaffa | timeless_mbp: Computer's only on to fix this damned bug. I've got some lurgy | 21:02 |
lcuk | i mean right at the start | 21:02 |
lcuk | ive got others | 21:02 |
lcuk | i just told em not to bother | 21:02 |
lcuk | its also linked with the "cannot remove own package" | 21:03 |
lcuk | since you arent coding btw, why arent you testing others | 21:03 |
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* timeless_mbp frowns | 21:05 | |
timeless_mbp | anyone know where "I agree." appears in the ui? | 21:05 |
* timeless_mbp is watching Hudson Hawk | 21:05 | |
aloril_ | "Maemo and N900: Many customization points for operators" | 21:06 |
lcuk | timeless, as a button | 21:06 |
innociv | Wow. | 21:06 |
lcuk | or as a message | 21:06 |
innociv | This is a big channel fora phone's OS. | 21:06 |
* aloril_ wonders why anybody would think operators could not customize n900? ;-) | 21:06 | |
timeless_mbp | innociv: it isn't a phone's os | 21:06 |
timeless_mbp | it's a community for a platform that happens to run on a phone | 21:06 |
timeless_mbp | and some other devices | 21:06 |
Stskeeps | innociv: phone is just an app/Voice Over whatever like any other :P | 21:07 |
innociv | How much software that works on basic desktop debian will work on maemo? | 21:07 |
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innociv | I don't know if I want an n900 or moto droid. :[ | 21:07 |
Stskeeps | you'd probably want a n900 | 21:07 |
wazd | text aligned to the right | 21:07 |
lpotter | agreed | 21:07 |
Stskeeps | google for "easy debian" | 21:07 |
innociv | You're biased. :x | 21:08 |
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wazd | I can't beleive I really see it right now for myself | 21:08 |
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Stskeeps | innociv: i was a SE phone user before gettng my n900. never going back. ever. | 21:08 |
wazd | innociv: I'm not biased, buy Droid | 21:08 |
innociv | Can I apt-get install apache mysql php on an n900? xD | 21:08 |
tekojo | timeless_mbp I think "I agree" is in the app manager | 21:08 |
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innociv | SE? | 21:08 |
Stskeeps | sony-ericsson | 21:09 |
timeless_mbp | tekojo: where specifically | 21:09 |
timeless_mbp | tekojo: do you have my strings? | 21:09 |
timeless_mbp | because usually i get something else :) | 21:09 |
Stskeeps | timeless_mbp: when installing a non-nokian package i think | 21:09 |
innociv | It looks like apps must be ported, but they're easy to port. So I can't just install any peice of debian software.. | 21:09 |
tekojo | timeless_mbp no not on, but my guess is when you install something the annoying pop-up has I agree at the bottom | 21:09 |
Stskeeps | innociv: there is a chroot environment | 21:09 |
innociv | Oh. I don't care about sony-ericsson. | 21:09 |
Stskeeps | which works quite well | 21:09 |
timeless_mbp | innociv: how much debian software do you have that's armel | 21:09 |
timeless_mbp | most people have intel software | 21:10 |
innociv | I don't have any. :p I only use debian server right now. | 21:10 |
timeless_mbp | so the fact that you have to recompile it ... | 21:10 |
innociv | I see | 21:10 |
timeless_mbp | doesn't make much difference... you had to recompile it either way | 21:10 |
innociv | So any package that needs to be compiled will work?.. | 21:10 |
timeless_mbp | anyone know what a faint blinking red indicator means? | 21:11 |
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innociv | "The ability to run largely-unmodified linux packages is the main difference compared to other Linux based mobile operating systems such as Android and webOS." Hmm. | 21:11 |
timeless_mbp | innociv: no guaratnees | 21:11 |
innociv | That's very what's the word. | 21:12 |
timeless_mbp | s/tn/nt/ | 21:12 |
infobot | timeless_mbp meant: innociv: no guarantees | 21:12 |
innociv | Intriging, capitvating. | 21:12 |
timeless_mbp | it's possible to write an app for normal stuff that won't work on maemo | 21:12 |
innociv | I see open office works on it. | 21:12 |
Stskeeps | innociv: largely unmodified, yeah.. | 21:13 |
GeneralAntilles | innociv, if you want open, you want Maemo. | 21:14 |
innociv | I don't like iphone because of how propriotary it is. | 21:15 |
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timeless_mbp | btw, vibrate in a live IM talk is *really* annoying | 21:17 |
KMFDM | yea it is | 21:17 |
RST38h | Well, whoever skipped separate configuration for vibrate on each event is to blame | 21:17 |
qwerty12_N810 | timeless_mbp: They're thinking about their users... | 21:17 |
KMFDM | i haven't figured out how to turn it off | 21:17 |
KMFDM | can it be turned off? | 21:17 |
RST38h | yes | 21:17 |
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RST38h | By turning off the global vibrate setting | 21:18 |
timeless_mbp | RST38h: our designers believe in simplifying things | 21:18 |
innociv | only thing i dont' liek about the n900 is how much of the front of it /isn't/ a screen (I like the droids wider screen more), and the keyboard has QAZ in a straight verticle line(but keyboard quality is much better than droid) | 21:18 |
* KMFDM sighs | 21:18 | |
innociv | I can just get a data plan and use skype with n900? | 21:18 |
timeless_mbp | i believe that the best simplification is getting rid of them :) | 21:18 |
innociv | What do you all use? | 21:18 |
RST38h | timeless: Your designers do not seem to get to use what they design | 21:18 |
timeless_mbp | innociv: i use my nokia provided cell plan | 21:18 |
timeless_mbp | but skype just works (tm) | 21:18 |
innociv | nokia provided cell plan? What country? | 21:18 |
RST38h | But they can at least look at your S60 designers who have got the vibrate settings right | 21:18 |
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KMFDM | i use a vodafone plan, but they block voip | 21:18 |
dmj726 | KMFDM: that's what tunneling is for! | 21:19 |
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KMFDM | dmj726, true enough | 21:19 |
KMFDM | but the FUP datalimit is so low that it is kind of pointless | 21:19 |
dmj726 | ah | 21:20 |
timeless_mbp | innociv: Finland | 21:20 |
timeless_mbp | the plan doesn't work as well in the USA, or so i'm told :( | 21:20 |
KMFDM | it's 'unlimited' and 'unlimited' means 500mB/month | 21:20 |
dmj726 | not 5 gb? | 21:20 |
timeless_mbp | thankfully i have the Finnish issued plan, so when I go to the USA tomorrow morning, I don't have to worry | 21:20 |
KMFDM | dmj726, i wish | 21:20 |
KMFDM | its 10x the average data usage of the average user on the network | 21:20 |
* dmj726 doesn't as yet have a dataplan | 21:21 | |
KMFDM | apparently the average user is using 50megs a month | 21:21 |
dmj726 | they don't have n900s | 21:21 |
KMFDM | timeless_mbp, aren't you worried about us customs confiscatng the device for inspection | 21:21 |
timeless_mbp | why? | 21:22 |
KMFDM | us customs may confiscate any electronic device | 21:22 |
timeless_mbp | there are a bunch of devices that have flown to the us | 21:22 |
KMFDM | and keep it for a very long period to inspect the data | 21:22 |
timeless_mbp | KMFDM: ok... so? | 21:22 |
dmj726 | it's a terrorist phone because it's not locked | 21:22 |
timeless_mbp | KMFDM: are you an American? | 21:22 |
KMFDM | timeless_mbp, i just was curious if that concerned you. yes i am | 21:22 |
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dmj726 | just like apple says about jailbroken phones. | 21:22 |
lcuk | KMFDM, they do that routinely with whole people, you think a small device will concern most.. | 21:22 |
KMFDM | but i no longer live there | 21:22 |
KMFDM | lcuk, true enough | 21:23 |
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timeless_mbp | KMFDM: i've also flown to countries where bribes are commonly required | 21:25 |
timeless_mbp | i was much more worried about those countries | 21:25 |
* timeless_mbp was in Ukraine for nearly a week | 21:25 | |
KMFDM | true enough i suppose | 21:25 |
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pupnik_ | KMFMS | 21:32 |
pupnik_ | somebpdy say "heyy~ | 21:32 |
* qwerty12_N810 boos pupnik_ off stage | 21:33 | |
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wazd | VDVsx: | 21:34 |
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timeless_mbp | wazd: OK should be spelled as such | 21:37 |
timeless_mbp | please fix. | 21:37 |
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innociv | lol 500mb? | 21:39 |
innociv | at&t is fucked over because average iphone user uses 400mb/mo | 21:39 |
innociv | and their network can't handle it | 21:39 |
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innociv | bbl | 21:40 |
Jaffa | Gah, why is attaching screenshots so painful?! | 21:40 |
timeless_mbp | Jaffa: to bugzilla? | 21:40 |
_|Nix|_ | Hey! How come you can't view a single extras-devel package @the package interface. It keeps timing out. Is this known to be broken? | 21:40 |
Jaffa | to midgard/downloads | 21:40 |
timeless_mbp | make a sharing plugin for it :) | 21:40 |
wazd | timeless_mbp: OK | 21:41 |
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Jaffa | _|Nix|_: has nowhere near enough capacity, and that which it does have Midgard doesn't use well :( | 21:41 |
qwerty12_N810 | Jaffa: How long has it been taking for you? :) | 21:41 |
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Jaffa | qwerty12_N810: 5-10 minutes so far. Last time, I stopped it and the screeenshot had actually *been* attached. | 21:41 |
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_|Nix|_ | Jaffa: I ask because I'd like to promote a package to extras-testing. | 21:41 |
RST38h | Jaffa: "does not use it well" sees to be an understatement | 21:41 |
timeless_mbp | _|Nix|_: please try my package :) | 21:42 |
RST38h | Jaffa: 5 people use it at the same time, and it is already dead | 21:43 |
qwerty12_N810 | RST38h: 5? :) | 21:43 |
javispedro | yeah. only Texrat is testing! | 21:43 |
javispedro | i doubt a "bit beefier hardware" is going to help. we need a computer from | 21:44 |
RST38h | qwerty: Count how many people are active on #maemo_testing | 21:45 |
RST38h | qwerty: Now check out how long it takes to comment on a package | 21:45 |
RST38h | qwerty: or vote for it | 21:45 |
qwerty12_N810 | RST38h: No, I was thinking < 5... | 21:45 |
KMFDM | I haven't been able to get my phone to download the package list from the maemo testing repository since the testing marathon started | 21:46 |
RST38h | qwerty: I suspect it takes tens of seconds even with ONE user | 21:46 |
KMFDM | I just gave up at this point | 21:46 |
KMFDM | it always times out | 21:46 |
RST38h | qwerty: Whatever that Midgard thing does, it does wrong. Too bad nobody is thinking of phasing it out | 21:46 |
qwerty12_N810 | Mmm. I just want to see what the ISP move brings | 21:47 |
Jaffa | RST38h: See "Actual Outcome" on my new comment on | 21:48 |
Jaffa | I think it actually works, but is just really buggy and shit. | 21:48 |
* Jaffa really dislikes Midgard. It suffers from typical "we want to make a system which can do anything you want" problems; in that it does nothing well. | 21:48 | |
Jaffa | It's a reinvention of Lotus Notes without any of its redeeming features :-( | 21:48 |
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_|Nix|_ | So, /window 6 | 22:11 |
_|Nix|_ | Ooops :) | 22:11 |
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qwerty12_N810 | I think it works better if you omit "So, " :' | 22:11 |
qwerty12_N810 | *:p | 22:11 |
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timeless_mbp | hey | 22:56 |
timeless_mbp | anyone alive? | 22:56 |
courmisch | didn't you hear. It's nuclear apocalypse. Every body outside Helsinki is dead | 22:57 |
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timeless_mbp | i need someone to printscreen views from the tutorial | 22:59 |
achipa_irssi | party is in #maemo-testing | 23:07 |
* GeneralAntilles braaaaiiins | 23:10 | |
* Proteous shoots GeneralAntilles in the head | 23:11 | |
* qwerty12_N810 shoots him again for good measure | 23:11 | |
GeneralAntilles | qwerty12_N810, see Zombieland yet? | 23:13 |
qwerty12_N810 | No :) | 23:14 |
GeneralAntilles | Go! | 23:14 |
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* timeless_mbp kicks a dvcs for mishandling symlinks | 23:20 | |
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JPohlmann | Hey guys | 23:24 |
kami | hi @ll | 23:24 |
JPohlmann | - any idea what this is about? | 23:24 |
JPohlmann | Pulseaudio fails to install with the SDK install script. | 23:24 |
JPohlmann | That's a fresh scratchbox installation. | 23:24 |
GeneralAntilles | JPohlmann, 5 final? | 23:25 |
JPohlmann | Yep | 23:25 |
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GeneralAntilles | JPohlmann, don't have enough experience with the SDK to help, sorry. | 23:28 |
JPohlmann | - this is someone else's log which pretty much the same output I get | 23:29 |
JPohlmann | It worked yesterday when I ran the SDK install script in an ubuntu VM. Today, outside the VM: no luck. | 23:29 |
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