IRC log of #maemo for Thursday, 2009-10-22

Maceri bet 9/10th of the human population couldn't tell you what os their phone runs00:00
Macereven iphone users :)00:00
SpeedEvil1Well - given that most don't have a phone...00:00
* Macer rephrases00:00
Maceri bet 9/10ths of the human population which have phones couldn't tell you what os their phone runs00:01
Macereven iphone users :)00:01
* Jaffa beds00:02
RST38hShadowJK: Isn't that good?00:02
ShadowJKthe n900 delay must be delayed because of the "joikuspot and sims2 doesn't work" bugreports ;)00:02
RST38hso, are we gonna wait until j2me works there?00:03
RST38h'cause sims2 ain't gonna work otherwise00:04
hardakerWas there an official announcement about an n900 delay, or is that speculation?00:04
* |R pissed, again...00:04
|R(US version of pissed)00:05
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ShadowJKhardaker: someone told someone over the phone00:06
hardakerAh, I'll call someone and tell them then.  that'll make it official ;-)00:06
* gunni thinks N900 is only delayed, because they want to be sure that "Duke Nukem'Forever" will run on the device SCNR00:06
saltsa_what's the qt support in the maemo 5? Does it have it?00:06
RST38hthere are last minute hardware changes00:06
* ShadowJK would doubt00:07
MacerRST38h: fail00:07
RST38hI suggest you start voting for those fremantle-x86 packages right away...00:07
hardakermaybe they're adding a quad 3G band.  that'd be my hope and I'd wait ;-)00:07
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Macerhardaker: att should die00:07
Macernokia is just helping them along00:07
hardakerMacer: I agree.  but then, I think that about them all.00:07
Macerof all the companies to survive why couldn't att go under00:07
hardakerwhy is it we have 4 carriers and still have monopoly conditions?00:07
Macerhardaker: cable companies have always had a monopoly in areas00:08
Macerlike where i live i can only get comcast00:08
hardakeryeah, them too.00:08
Maceri never understood that00:08
RST38hhardaker: Because whoever owns the tower dictates the rules00:08
Maceri wonder if someone tried to install a new cable system.. could they?00:08
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hardakerRST38h: I agree, as it should be, but when 4 companies have towers how come it feels like there is no competition?00:09
Maceri bet there are municipal laws that prevent it00:09
hardakerMacer: yes, but it'd be very expensive.00:09
Macerhardaker: well.. comcast did it ;)00:09
RST38hhardaker: because there is no competition00:09
Maceror at least they sucked up the smaller companies that did00:09
hardakerand even if you wanted to, you'd be foolish to do anything but raw fiber at this point.00:09
RST38hhardaker: it is not the number of companies that determines competition or lack of it00:09
Macerhardaker: i don't know. for home lines copper still seems to do the trick00:10
RST38hhardaker: it is the cost of entry into the market00:10
RST38hand currently, that cost is in the range of $shitload of money00:10
MacerRST38h: well. depends00:10
pupniki wish someone would hack n8x0-n8x0 video calls - preferably direct client to client00:10
hardakerRST38h: It's obviously not the #.  But the theorists say an # >= 2 means competition.  the cell phone industry has proved that theory wrong.00:10
Macerif it were me i'd set up a local sat comm link and slowly start moving cable around a very small area00:10
hardaker10 cents for an SMS.  geezze....00:10
Macertrying to break a little over even to eat :)00:11
pupnikeh i think 9 cents here if you get fonic prepaid00:11
RST38hhardaker: Which theorists?00:11
Jaffazerojay: you need to upload a screenshot to (log in, page > edit, screenshots at bottom of page)00:11
hardakercapatalist theorists.  "let the market decide"00:11
RST38hhardaker: Just because you have got more then 1 monopolist does not mean you have go competition00:11
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hardakerI suspect all the CEOs of the 4 companies have each other on speed dial for a group conference.00:11
RST38hhardaker: Competition is when somebody else can enter the market and create competing service00:11
hardakeror when an existing service can undercut another to gain market share.00:12
wjtpupnik: n8x0 to n8x0 video calls? like the ones they do?00:12
RST38hhardaker: they are not interested in that00:12
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hardakerwhich they can do.  They could all cut (continuing my example) SMS messages down to 1 cent and make a huge profit still and cut out the other carriers, but they don't.00:12
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pupnikwjt well what's the app name i'm missing00:12
RST38hhardaker: price wars usually hurt everybody on the market00:13
wjtpupnik: Click on a contact, pick call, and then turn on video (which is a button on the N810, and I think you just pop the camera out on the N800)00:13
RST38hhardaker: So, it is way more often a price fixing pact of some kind00:13
wjtpupnik: (works on jabber and google talk, and i think maybe sip)00:13
hardakerRST38h: that's what I've been betting on.  A pact.  it's the only thing that makes sense.00:13
RST38hhardaker: A price war means that all four companies will end up with lower prices and thus lower margins00:14
RST38hhardaker: So, no sane established company will start a price war00:14
acidjazzthe n900 is a fake phone invented by nokia marketing for popularity strategics00:14
RST38ha newcomer might, but there are no newcomers00:14
acidjazzprobably to raise stock before a buy00:14
hardakeryes but the motivation to start one is too high.  you sign up everyone else in the market for a 2 year agreement for cheap rates and you've won.00:14
hardakeranyway, sorry for ranting.00:15
RST38hyou have not won00:15
hardakernext lets talk about healthy food choices in resturants with no hidden calories ;-)00:15
wazdRST38h: you were right, donations don't work in Russia00:15
RST38hjust killed your margins00:15
hardakernot saying I have.00:15
RST38hwazd: well I tried in the US and they still did not work :)00:15
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wazdRST38h: I mean Russia can't accept donations00:16
RST38hwazd: Oh, that...Hmmm, so what prevents people from sendin money to your paypal account?00:17
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wazdRST38h: PayPal :D00:18
wazdRST38h: russians are only allowed to spend cash, not to earn :)00:18
lcuklardman|gone, we need one of your rockets again00:18
crashanddie_wazd, lmao00:18
crashanddie_wazd, you have to go to the Ukraine to spend it :D00:18
acidjazzJaffa: i cant login to see that stupid url it keeps kicking me back to the login page00:19
RST38hwazd: ahhahahaha00:19
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RST38hwazd: unless you have got oil or gas to sell of course :)00:19
wazdRST38h: anyway, looks like OMW is doomed :)00:20
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RST38hwazd: ah, the horror, the suffering...00:21
RST38hwazd: Maybe the author just needs to take a timeout00:21
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wazdRST38h: one of already on the timeout :)00:26
* RST38h is running VAX validation tests, slowly and painfully00:26
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RST38h41/100000 - not bad00:56
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javispedroRST38h: yes, you may actually end before the universe implodes at that speed.01:00
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Macercan someone try out and let me know if it still works from the outside in?01:06
SpeedEvil works for me01:07
SpeedEvilI get a page with goatse and lemonparty01:07
SpeedEvil' It will use ARM. It will last three times as long on one charge than any other laptop and stick to refrigerators. '...01:07
Macergoing to put the ubuntu image for the touchbook on there once i am done downloading it01:08
ShadowJKdo you get 6 hours out of TB?01:09
Macerwell.. probably around 801:10
Maceron a full charge01:10
SpeedEvilIs that battery life when stuck to the outside, or inside of the refrigerator?01:10
Macerthat is when it is attached to the battery kb01:10
Macerthe tablet itself probably lasts 2 hours :)01:10
SpeedEvilWhat's the all-up weight again?01:10
Maceri don't know01:11
Maceri'd say 3-5lbs?01:11
Macerdon't have a scale though so i couldn't tell you01:11
Macer2 more hours until this ubunhtu download is done tho01:12
Macerat least mer ran on it :)01:12
* SpeedEvil is unsure if this is much progress.01:12
Macerwell.. if ubuntu can run on it.. it won't be half bad01:13
Macerbut this aios that it comes with... i want to go there and choke whoever made it01:13
SpeedEvil - 1.1Kg - 7h ish battery life (once I replaced the stock batts with better cells) 10" display, ...01:13
SpeedEvilof course - it was rather more expensive to begin with01:14
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Macerpentium2 300MHz? :)01:14
zerojayN900jaffa: thanks for the reminder.01:15
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javispedroMacer: 2 hours looks a bit dim. Probably bad software power management.01:16
GeneralAntillesSpeedEvil, those things were the worst.01:16
Macerjavispedro: oh i'm sure01:16
Maceri know cpufreq isn't working on it (afaik)01:17
Macerwhich i am sure will just require a new kernel hopefully01:17
Macerif cpufreq was working and sleep modes worked properly i am sure it can easily last 15+ hours01:17
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Macerbut that is something to figure out AFTER i get ubuntu on it :)01:18
Macerbecause this aios is making me lose it01:18
luke-jrMacer: Angstrom has been alpha-level for years. I don't expect it to change.01:18
GeneralAntillesSpeedEvil, actually, no, I'm thinking of something else.01:19
GeneralAntillesSpeedEvil, which one was Toshiba's <8" line?01:19
timeless_mbpandre___: wow, that's a long tail you've got there01:19
GeneralAntillesPentium II01:19
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Macerluke-jr: huh?01:21
SpeedEvilGeneralAntilles: Dunno - never had one.01:21
Macersounds like gentoo01:21
* Macer hides01:21
SpeedEvilGeneralAntilles: This was basically a 10" netbook years before anyone thought of netbooks.01:21
MacerGeneralAntilles: libretto?01:21
SpeedEvilGeneralAntilles: and done better and lighter than a lot of netbooks now.01:21
Macerlibrettos were the real tiny ones weren't they?01:22
Macerthey were far ahead of their time :)01:22
SpeedEvilI think so - but memory is fading.01:22
zerojayN900how do i add a screenshot to my package when its on
Maceri remember someone having a P90 libretto in 9601:23
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Macerfor its size that was a ton of power at the time01:23
luke-jrMacer: no, worse than Gentoo I mean01:23
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luke-jrMacer: Angstrom is like 80% "latest development codebase"01:23
luke-jrat least Gentoo uses released versions01:24
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SpeedEvilGeneralAntilles: increase the 800*600 to 1280*1024, bump the screen from 10.1 to 10.5, add a modern processor and wifi, and it'd be close to my ideal system.01:24
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GAN900zerojayN900 floaty bar01:25
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zerojayN900from which option?01:25
GAN900SpeedEvil, i.e., almost any netbook? ;)01:26
GAN900zerojay, edit01:26
zerojayN900got it.01:27
zerojayN900i love being able to do this shit on the bus home. lol01:28
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GeneralAntilleszerojayN900, you don't have another device with you to update your old N810 picture, do you? :P01:28
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zerojayN900good idea01:29
zerojayN900not atm01:29
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zerojayN900jaffa: done01:29
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GeneralAntillesHa! Pitfalls of convergence! Bet you wish you had an SLR with you now. *g*01:29
pupnikstill awake RST38h ?01:34
pupnikyou testing somth for n900?01:34
SpeedEvilGAN900: generally poor build quality, no trackpoint, ...01:35
lcukdoesnt fit in pocket01:35
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guysoft42hey all, i am trying to build a package. although running plain 'make' works fine, dpkg-buildpackage seems to have a problem, here is the output :
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* lcuk thanks GeneralAntilles 01:43
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* GeneralAntilles hands lcuk some of the pocket lint he stole from geneven.01:44
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* lcuk puts the pocketlint into pupniks cup of tea01:44
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lcukguysoft42, that looks scary01:45
pupniki has tea01:45
lcukits trying to do lots of stuff with binaries01:45
guysoft42lcuk, i dono, i built the package with plain 'make' and it does work..01:46
lcukhow are you making the changes01:46
* GeneralAntilles is listening to the Super Mario 64 soundtrack.01:46
guysoft42lcuk, runs on the nokia, wanted to package it for the world01:46
guysoft42lcuk, i just did apt-get source xvnc4viewer from debian01:46
guysoft42then dpkg-buildpackage01:47
guysoft42well with sb201:47
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lcukyeah jeremiah have you seen anything like this before01:48
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lcuklol pupnik did you have to clean your cup out?01:48
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pupnikis a glass cause no clean cups01:51
pupnikthat teashop on the way to westerpark was very nice01:51
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GeneralAntillesThe Boxwave protector for the 5800 works great.01:54
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GeneralAntillesHopefully they get one for the N900.01:54
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GeneralAntillesSelect one or both ClearTouch protectors.01:55
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GeneralAntillesPoo on you, lcuk!02:00
lcukfor which?02:00
lcuktaking away my thanks?02:00
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lcukthats a great plan02:01
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* absolute has officially resigned from reading "did your n900 ship today?"... i can't handle that thread anymore, i was getting kinda compulsive :)02:08
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ProteousI went through that with my n9702:10
Proteousnever again02:10
GeneralAntillesShoulda waited. :P02:10
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Proteouswell, I did get my n97 for hella cheap due to the bug02:10
ProteousI wouldn't have bought it otherwise02:10
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absolutei was going to register something like that the other day02:11
lcuksomeone needs to02:11
GeneralAntillesSame with my 5800.02:11
absolutelike the one has the lhc destroyed the universe02:11
absoluteor how many people are in space02:11
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lcukheh cool02:11
absolutei realized, it doesn't matter what the thread says... even after people start getting them... it doesn't matter until the point i get an email from the vendor02:11
lcukhow do you pronounce that laugh02:12
absoluteyes yes02:12
absolutehaha, whelp, i've got a project for the night02:13
absolutei'm writing a script for last.fm02:13
absoluteto pass the artist name02:13
absoluteand snag all the artist images to a directory02:13
absoluteand then i'm gonna run that on every album in my collection02:13
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zerojayabsolute: Don't we already have that?02:16
absolutethink i'm basically going to use it to do slideshows on my television of the currently playing song02:16
absolutei don't know02:16
absolutemaybe someone has done it02:16
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absolutei couldn't find one with my queries02:16
zerojayAre you talking about something for Maemo 5?02:16
absolutenot specifically02:16
zerojayOh, ok.02:17
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absolutehaha, i was going to start learning GTK by making a simple gui for mpc, but someone has already done that02:17
zerojayabsolute: I was talking about this:
absoluteahh, nice02:17
zerojayI'm starting by writing a control panel app for AdBlock Plus for Maemo 5.02:17
absoluteyeah, i have the "albumart" package on standard debian, but it requires a lot of user interaction to get them all02:18
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absoluteif i know my artist info is accurate... i can just go into each album directory, read the file tags, and get some additional pictures to go along with them02:19
absolutei notice a lot of my albums have no covers02:19 is also a good place to find artist info... but I have noticed that some of the newer albums aren't listed. At least the last time I checked months ago.02:19
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dash1its possible to migrate maemo 4 to 5 in n81002:24
SpeedEvilA) Some of the required hardware is too slow on the 81002:24
SpeedEvilB) Some of it is binary components from nokia02:24
SpeedEvilMer should gain more traction on the n900 when it's released - which is open-source - and elements of that can be backported - but, it won't be maemo502:25
absolutei hear a lot of n8x0 users around here referred to Mer when they ask such questions.. but i don't know if that's applicable or of interest to you02:25
dash1someone knows any program to support video chat02:27
zerojayN900for what device?02:27
dash1i tried with google talk with another n800 and works02:27
absolutedoesn't skype or gtalk offer some of that stuff?02:27
lcukfor most people, diablo is good enough, mer will not be an option for the common masses (unfortunately) until it is part of the standard flashing procedure02:27
dash1and i need video chat with nokia to pc02:27
lcukfor linux flashing folks who get their own images - it will work perfectly02:27
* ShadowJK suspects most people never upgraded from chinook on n81002:28
timelessone random note in case people didn't notice02:28
timelessthe brightness slider in settings02:28
timelessis not a brightness slider02:28
timelessit's a brightness profile slider02:28
* timeless learned that a minute ago02:28
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lcuklol timeless02:28
ShadowJKtimeless: like on n810?02:28
lcukbecause you dont set the brightness value02:28
timelessshadowjk: *shrug*02:30
timelessi think the n810's thing had fewer bits02:30
timelessi was under the impression it basically had two settings02:30
timeless"when there's sun", "when there's no light"02:30
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timelessmy impression is that for the n900, we're talking about a much more complicated curve v. a two step graph02:31
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ShadowJKthe "no light setting" being "argh my eyes that's bright"02:31
Pavlovwhy does my n900 randomly stop connecting to the 3G until i reboot?02:31
ShadowJKand the middle settings using the light sensor to step brightness whenever you accidentally held it at a different angle than beforee02:32
zashPavlov: interference from pure envy!02:32
ShadowJKpavlov: bug to bug compatibility with every other phone out there02:32
ShadowJKthat said, it varies lots between operators ime :/02:33
timelesspavlov: i haven't had that problem02:33
timelessbut someone else mentioned it to me recently..02:33
timelesspavlov: i presume you're on tmobile?02:33
ShadowJKI've got two phones that I have both used on two different networks. both are rock solid on the one, but not on the other operator :/02:34
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dash1n900 when its go to buy02:35
absolutewhenever they decide to release it02:36
absoluteits for pre-order all over02:36
SpeedEvilExcept in russia I think.02:36
SpeedEvil(where you can't get it at all)02:36
CutMeOwnThroatmy N810 crashed, now it can't read the removable memory card anymore, although that card seems to be ok, I can read it on a desktop computer02:36
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absolutehe appears to be in california though02:37
CutMeOwnThroatis it likely something happened to the hardware? dmesg shows lots of "mmcblk1: error 1 sending read/write command end_request: I/O error, dev mmcblk1, sector 0".... about what you'd expect for a broken disk or a broken disk interface02:38
SpeedEvilyou've tried a power cycle I assume?02:38
GeneralAntillestimeless, it feels like steps 1-4 are 1-4 and step 5 is about 20.02:38
CutMeOwnThroatyeah... with the card inside, it didn't boot at all at first, now it does, but the removable and internal card are invisible when the removable card was inside during boot02:39
SpeedEvilSounds doubleplusungood.02:39
SpeedEvilDid you drop it?02:39
WoollyCutMeOwnThroat: try reseating the card, and giving it a magic blow. that worked for me :D02:40
CutMeOwnThroatbefore plugging the card in, I also saw some "disk full" messages which seemed to be for the internal storage02:40
CutMeOwnThroatWoolly, already tried that02:41
WoollyCutMeOwnThroat: damn :(02:41
CutMeOwnThroatSpeedEvil, well, yes, actually I did drop it a couple of days ago, but not before it stopped working02:41
CutMeOwnThroats/not before/not immediately before/02:42
SpeedEvilI'd wonder about small cracks in the PCB doing stuff. Unfortunately there isn't an easy fix.02:43
CutMeOwnThroatperhaps I switch it off for a longer timespan02:44
CutMeOwnThroatSpeedEvil, you might be right - it crashed when I removed the memory card...02:44
CutMeOwnThroatthat might have been the push on the board that opened a microcrack just that little bit more02:45
SpeedEvil maybe.02:45
CutMeOwnThroatmakes me wish I hadn't removed the card02:45
* ShadowJK would try another card02:45
ShadowJKin another adapter if you're using one02:46
CutMeOwnThroatdon't have another one02:46
CutMeOwnThroatyeah... adapter02:46
SpeedEvilAn unlocked n810!02:47
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ShadowJKmine randomly stopped working the other day, started working again after reseating in another adapter02:47
dash1where i can install more aplication for mi nokia02:47
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CutMeOwnThroatare all the connectors on the adapter actually doing something?02:48
CutMeOwnThroatthis looks weird, not like a damage, though, but contact 4 5 and 6 from the left-hand side aren't connected to anything on the adapter02:48
ShadowJKhow can you tell..02:49
CutMeOwnThroatthere's a gap behind them, that I never noticed (why would I look closer, it worked)02:49
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dash1its there any way to redirect the way to install applications in n81002:51
dash1because i want to download all games and i dont have enough space02:51
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CutMeOwnThroatdash1, you could just create a soft-link (if you find a file/directory that uses up much space and isn't necessary for core operation  <--- that's the hard part, I guess)02:55
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CutMeOwnThroathmm, guess I could try buying a new adapter - that's the cheapest thing that could have failed... and I already know the card itself is fine02:55
GeneralAntillesDo you have the 128MB/256MB MiniSD that came with it?02:56
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* ShadowJK didn't get a minisd with it02:56
CutMeOwnThroatI don't remember getting any MiniSD with it02:57
CutMeOwnThroateven without the card in, I get a couple of "JFFS2 warning: (1289) jiffs2_sum_write_sumnode: not enough space for summary, padsize = -660" at the end of the boot02:58
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ShadowJK1gig microsd with mini and fullsize adapter is about $6-7 anyway03:01
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CutMeOwnThroatI'll have a look in radioshack03:02
* timeless sighs03:02
timelessso... in case people are curious03:02
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timelessModest supports IMAP IDLE03:02
timelesshowever the ui spec says nothing about notifying the user of new mail when IMAP IDLE informs the client of new mail03:02
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timelessas such, you won't be told of new mail until the regularly check interval happens03:03
timelesssupposedly you can use some command to change the update interval to 1 minute03:03
timelessdon't ask me what the command is03:03
timelessif someone cares, they should file a bug03:03
timelessprobably a couple03:03
CutMeOwnThroatwell, shitshitshitshitshitshit... just when I was able to read the sd card on the desktop :(03:04
timelessthe modest devs claim they don't actually get a useful signal from tinymail for new mail fromimap idle03:04
CutMeOwnThroatthanks for the advice, though03:04
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timeless(they seem to indicate that tinymail just magically updates views, which doesn't quite tell them what they'd need to know, *shrug*)03:05
GeneralAntillesWhy is it that Modest is seemingly one endless string of fail? :(03:05
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derfI've never seen a mail client correctly implement IDLE support.03:07
Robot101thunderbird isn't bad...03:07
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derfThough in the clients' defense it may simply be that every sever I've paid them against was broken.03:08
derfOkay, I can't type tonight.03:08
derfTime to go home.03:08
ShadowJKso how big folders can modest on n900 handle before watchdog corrupts your folesystem? :)03:09
timelessi'd suggest avoiding folders >20k03:09
timelessbut that's a personal thing03:09
timelessi was told that mailboxes of roughly 40k messages (gmail) caused serious pain03:09
Woollyi'm out, night all!03:09
timelessif not total failure03:10
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* ShadowJK has some >22k, and it's painful with claws on n81003:10
ShadowJKbut luckily it doesn't try update a folder until I open it03:10
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timelessoh, please note that when i talk about modest supporting IDLE, that doesn't mean the version of modest that might ship w/ a hypothetical product will actually include the rudimentary support described above :)03:16
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lcuktimeless, the font scaling issue04:00
lcukdo you fancy having a walk through the code with me at some point in near future04:00
lcuksee if we cant solve it04:00
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timelessyou mean the kerning issues, right?04:08
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zerojayIf you gotta problem, yo, I'll solve it. Check out the hook while my DJ revolves it.04:15
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howitzer`Ice ice Maemo04:20
pupnik"But as JayOnThaBeat pointed out, this isn't, it is "04:21
pupnik- qole   :)04:21
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lcukyes timeless04:23
zerojayhowitzer`: lol04:24
zerojayaSIMULAtur: Gonna be one of my flygirls? lol04:24
zerojayheh, someone tell the authors of Solarwolf and Load Applet that the goal isn't 40 thumbs up before promotion. ;)04:26
howitzer`zerojay: Are you pretty fly enough for a white guy?04:26
timelessso, i don't really know much about it04:26
timelesslcuk: i'd suggest you grab a fennec build04:26
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timelesseither on device or preferably on a desktop system04:26
timelessaccording to romaxa the same problem should occur on both04:27
zerojayhowitzer`: Maybe not. I know I don't have a "31" tattoo. :/04:27
timelessw/ a desktop system, debugging will be much easier :)04:27
* timeless goes back to reading 100+ digests04:27
lcukok timeless04:27
timelessbut yeah, i'll gladly help you once you get to the gecko things04:27
timelessbut ... it's 4:30 am04:27
lcukill first test and find out what works04:28
* lcuk nods04:28
lcukwaht fails ^04:28
lcuki meant04:28
* GeneralAntilles knocks timeless out with a truncheon.04:28
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code177evening all04:34
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code177how's it going04:35
GeneralAntillescode177, did you check the hildon-desktop code?04:35
code177GeneralAntilles: I did. Are we talking about the background setting code?04:36
code177Yeah I found something useful in there04:36
code177However, I can't read C, and i dont know how to call or import what's in there04:36
code177what with being a noob and all04:36
GeneralAntillesHarass qwerty12_N810.04:37
* code177 pokes qwerty12_N81004:37
code177 is the code i was looking at04:37
zerojaycode177: Hey.04:40
code177hey jay04:41
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code177what's new?04:42
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zerojayNothing much. Trying to see if I've implemented those package translations correctly for the moment, then I'm gonna crack my knuckles and start trying to write up that control panel applet for Adblock Plus.04:45
zerojayWish I wasn't moving in two weeks. Gonna put a huge dent into my time until it's done.04:45
code177Ooh. Moving is harsh04:46
code177Good move or bad move?04:47
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zerojayWell, big move.04:48
zerojayThe game company I work for is opening a new studio in Halifax so I'm moving over there to shore up the talent there.04:48
zerojayAnd we're pretty much doing everything in two weeks. Finding an apartment, packing, all that shit.04:49
zerojayThankfully, my company is paying for all of it.04:49
code177holy crap04:49
code177Halifax eh.04:49
code177Gotta go there one day04:49
code177well that's a plus, on the expenses side04:49
zerojayYeah, mainly for my wife and kid who don't know French well or at all. Helps my wife get a job much easier... but also gives me a chance to start over in a new place at zero cost to me.04:50
zerojayI'll be leaving on Halloween... and it was exactly 4 years ago on Halloween that I joined the company.04:50
zerojayHeard nice things about the place. As much as I love Quebec, I pretty much had to jump on the chance.04:51
howitzer`To Hallofax on Haliween04:51
zerojayPlus, looks good to my bosses. Makes 'em love me even more.04:51
code177i know how that goes :)04:52
code177well, good luck04:52
code177hope it all goes smoothly for ya04:52
zerojayThanks. Me too. I hope I can be back online and working on Maemo stuff ASAP.04:53
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code177hey qole04:54
qolehey fellow Vancouverite04:54
GeneralAntillesWe're never going to see zerojay again.04:54
howitzer`Isn't that what Maemo is for, being online all the time?04:54
code177hey lcuk04:54
lcukthere is bad news04:54
zerojayhowitzer`: I'll be online.04:54
code177what is it?04:54
lcukthe hildon desktop code you are looking at is the internal manager04:54
zerojayGeneralAntilles: Oh come on now. lol04:54
code177you better wrap this in good news04:54
lcukthats not the external api04:55
qolewow, this version of xchat is way better04:55
code177i want a good-news-bad-news sandwich04:55
lcukthis is the other part04:55
zerojaycode177: We have Cheetos is your good news.04:55
lcukits fixed in harmattan04:55
zerojayqole: Which version?04:55
GeneralAntilleszerojay, yeah, we'll see. *eg*04:55
code177zerojay: I cant eat wheat so that's also bad news04:55
lcukhi qole \o04:55
lcukive just had my head in 50 websites04:55
qolefremantle version04:55
code177ya looked at that one lcuk =/04:55
zerojaycode177: Cheetos has wheat?04:55
lcukcode177, thats the one you need tho04:55
lcuksince the desktop is still hildon04:55
code177actually to be correct, i can't eat Fructose04:55
zerojayqole: Mine crashes left and right if I change any preferences.04:55
code177because i can metabolise it04:56
lcukhow about bacon04:56
code177<3 bacon04:56
code177and fructose is in corn, wheat etc04:56
* lcuk will continue the fennec installation tomorrow04:56
qolecheetos has food of any sort?04:56
lcukxulrunner and fennec04:56
mfinklelcuk: let me know if you have any problems04:56
zerojayqole: No kidding. lol04:56
code177lcuk: I refuse to believe there's no way to do it in freemantle04:56
* code177 is persistent04:56
lcukcode177, ill add api to liqbase for you ;)04:56
* GeneralAntilles takes away code177's extras e's.04:57
lcukinfact liqbase already directly supports using http: as image name04:57
qoleI need to make an echowb style theme for fremantle04:57
code177lcuk: is that going to help me set the background though? :)04:57
lcukmfinkle, theres a lot of code04:57
lcukand many layers04:57
lcuki am just peeling it back carefully04:57
lcukcode177, well04:58
lcukthere is another way04:58
lcukyou have found the code for the background manager04:58
lcukhow often do you want to change code04:58
lcukchange background04:58
qolethe scrollbars are tiny. Why didn't they make the scrollbars fat?04:59
lcukcos text in more important in irc :P04:59
GeneralAntillesqole, because there are no scrollbars?04:59
qoleah, right. no AIDS in China either05:00
lcukcode177, which thread is your project on, lemme just read the outline again05:00
pupnik  New Bugzilla Jar - pls read!05:00
GeneralAntillesqole, HildonPannableArea05:00
qoleJust say it isn't so and it isn't so!05:00
code177lcuk: it's not on one at the moment - i need to be able to set the desktop background05:00
lcukon diablo or fremantle or both05:01
lcukand on a schedule05:01
lcukor just change it05:01
code177the schedule is the easy bit05:01
code177chjanging it is the hard bit05:01
code177and also changing all of the desktops as necessary05:01
lcukok, so there is already a control panel/config area for it05:01
lcukyou have found it05:01
code177yup, but i have no idea how to implement that into my code05:01
lcukyes but what are you wanting to implement05:01
lcukwhat is different from the changing of the background that is there now05:02
qolehow do I auto-type someone's nick in xchat?05:02
lcuktype a bit and press tab05:02
GeneralAntillesqole, figure out how to bind tab to fn-right arrow.05:02
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lcukcode177, i seethe background select could need improvements and a replacement for it could be made05:03
qoleGeneralAntilles, HildonPannableArea is nice, but not every app uses it.05:03
lcuksince i believe that desktop change manager you are looking at is a plugin05:03
lcuk(might be wrong)05:03
GeneralAntillesqole, then those apps need fixing. ;)05:04
Macerhave ubuntu on the touchbook05:04
qoleGeneralAntilles, yes, so say05:04
pupniki see there's a crashreporter?05:04
Macermeiz is awesome :)05:04
zerojayqole: Crash?05:05
qoleGeneralAntilles, yes, so says the Party.05:05
code177lcuk: so i have a python based application. within this is/will be a wallpaper manager of sorts. i need to be able to click "set as background", for example, and have my application call whatever code is necessary to change the background of the device05:05
qoleno just fumblefingers05:05
GeneralAntillesqole, I'm going to start stealing your pocket lint.05:05
qoleis there a ctrl-key combo for tab?05:06
GeneralAntillesNo, but there's some way we can bind one.05:06
GeneralAntillesI just haven't figured out that secret yet.05:06
GeneralAntillesHAL is trying to scramble my brains.05:06
qolectrl-i is cool, it cycles through various screens05:06
GeneralAntillesqole, use the volume rocker.05:07
qoleGeneralAntilles, that's interesting, switches between channels05:08
zerojaydidn't know about that. Neato.05:08
lcukisnt ctrl + i tab, or some such, pupnik did you know the keycodes05:08
pupnikchanging font size in xchat crashed for me05:08
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pupniknever found one for | or []05:09
qoleoh ctrl-i launches and closes a new xchat window05:09
zerojaypupnik: Even leaving xchat open, changing nothing and hitting save on the preferences dialog crashes it.05:09
qoledoesn't complete a user's name05:09
zerojayqwerty12 recommended using the previous version instead.05:10
pupnikxchat does, with tab iirc05:10
qolehow do i autocomplete a users name?05:10
qoleon the n90005:10
zerojayYou don't.05:10
lcukbt keyboard :D05:10
lcuki dunno05:10
qolewhat's the ctrl-key equivalent of tab?05:11
lcuki never got it to work on 810 either05:11
GeneralAntillesqole, figure out how to change the bindings.05:11
lcuki disliked strongly using it05:11
lcukand just left peoples nicks incomplete05:11
lcukthe users you are talking to know who you mean05:11
lcukits just a prob if you want to ping someone05:11
qoleI'll eventually do the bindings change thing...05:12
lcukwhich key will you sacrifice tho05:13
qolejust a real pain05:13
pupnik5 keys with no FN+ bindings05:13
lcukyeah and has to be done after every flash05:13
pupniktake pick05:13
qoleI never use €05:13
GeneralAntillesPlus fn-shift.05:13
GeneralAntillesPlenty of empty keys.05:13
qolenor £05:13
lcukwe should use keesj's push N Button to get outer edge05:14
lcukand add tab05:14
lcukyou just did05:14
lcukhang on05:14
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qolefn+backspace should be tab05:14
lcukif there really is no actual way to get a tab at the moment05:14
lcukwith any key combos05:14
lcukisnt NOW the time to suggest one :$05:14
GeneralAntillesqole, I'd do esc for that.05:15
lcukbefore release05:15
qolefn+enter then05:15
GeneralAntillesfn-right arrow05:15
lcuki like fn+enter05:15
qoleyes, bing!05:15
GeneralAntillesOr maybe pg up/down and home/end for arrow keys.05:15
lcukor fn+ <-05:15
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GeneralAntillesBut this is all academic until we figure out how to make it work. :P05:16
qoleshift-arrows can be those keys05:16
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GeneralAntillesqole, doesn't work.05:16
GeneralAntillesThe symbols file doesn't work.05:16
lcukim thinking file a bug with an implementabl fix rather than just a complaint05:16
GeneralAntillesHAL doesn't work.05:16
GeneralAntillesI don't know what needs to happen and how.05:16
qolexmodmap doesn't work????05:17
GeneralAntillesEmailed -developers but nobody useful responded.05:17
GeneralAntillesEither it completely unbinds the key or it doesn't do shit.05:17
lcuknahhh they mod the keyboards for all countries they know05:18
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GeneralAntillesHaven't tried.05:19
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ShadowJKOh hey, people who went to N900 meetup in helsinki also say that the nokia people said mid-november :-)05:21
luke-jrShadowJK: yeah, that's what the Pandora people said last year05:22
luke-jrDON'T FALL FOR IT05:22
qolemid november sounds nothing like late october05:22
cotigaohi, any idea about the codecs used on n900?05:22
qoleyes, records in mp405:23
Mouseycotigao: apt-get install w32codecs05:23
luke-jrMousey: uh, no05:23
lcukthe n950 will record in mp605:24
Mouseycotigao: apt-get install ffmpeg!05:24
cotigaoMousey, i mean are they from TI-openmax ?05:24
ShadowJKcotigao, I believe so05:24
qoleyeah, no. w32codecs only works in x8605:24
cotigaoMousey, wat abt the audio system/manager?05:24
Mouseycotigao: asking wrong rodent05:24
Mouseypulseaudio! like the pre!05:25
ShadowJKdunno about audio05:25
cotigaoShadowJk, Mousey, thanks!05:25
* Mousey says things baselessly05:25
timelessslipping is a function of management :)05:25
lcukqole, you know lots of desktop apps, if hildon werent locked to 800*480, whats the smallest practical limit they would go to before they break05:25
Mouseycotigao: i am LYING05:25
Mouseythe truth is, i have no idea05:25
cotigaoMousey, thanks for the lie then ;)05:26
ShadowJKtimeless, can I pretend it would've been end of october hadn't you had vacation? :-)05:26
GeneralAntillesShadowJK, no more vacations for timeless!05:26
GeneralAntillesNo more sleep either!05:27
qolevlc works well, nicely optimised, but no gui05:27
lcukeven if timeless had a vacation, he still did not get behind his schedule - he is timeless05:27
ShadowJKGeneralAntilles, seems like he's had less sleep than I have this night05:27
qolethe n900 uses pulseaudio05:27
lcuklol qole, how well would things cope at 320*48005:27
Mouseylol! i was so guessing!05:28
qolesorry i was answering codec questions05:28
Mouseyqole: lets  not forget w64codecs!05:28
Mouseywe need wARMcodecs!05:28
qolei think the Pre took most of the infrastructure from Maemo05:28
dmj7261How linuxy is the pre?05:29
Mouseyqole: nah, more like openembeddd05:29
ShadowJKThe amount of stuff that you'd need w32codecs for is so small these days...05:29
Mouseydmj7261: very nearly as linuxy as maemo05:29
Mouseyipkg in stead of dpkg05:29
Mouseyipkg as found in Openwrt, etc05:29
ShadowJKBut no X05:29
Mouseyno, no X05:29
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Mouseynot YET05:29
GeneralAntillesEw, ipkg.05:29
MouseyGeneralAntilles: racist05:29
Mouseyi prefer dpkg too tho05:30
lcukso, how do you do windowing when you have no x05:30
ShadowJKwell even if you managed to get X on there it wouldn't work well together with the existing system that bangs the fb05:30
Mouseythey have some layer called Luna05:30
* lcuk nods05:30
dmj7261how does one control vlc without a gui or is there basic play/pause etc gui?05:30
lcukShadowJK, you would composite x05:31
lcukand show the x11 windows within a luna surface05:31
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lcukit wouldnt be ideal05:31
lcukbut it would work05:31
Mouseythe nseries has it all over the pre on resolution too tho05:31
qolelcuk, what was your question to me? I don't understand it05:31
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Mouseybut the pre is a real iphone killer.. i can't really compare the pre and the n[89]xx05:32
lcukyou have played with many many apps in your time, from what you know how well would they cope if you dropped the res to iphone sizes05:32
lcukor pre sizes05:32
Mousey(same size)05:32
lcukor n97 sizes (a bit bigger)05:32
lcuki know05:32
lcukdoes the x11 matchbox paradigm hold enough05:33
lcukto even consider05:33
Mouseyi don't really like matchbox.. it's apples and oranges..05:33
Mouseythe hi res on the nseries is perfect for stylus, but lo res is better for fingers05:33
qolelcuk, they barely scale down to 800x48005:33
GeneralAntillesMousey, #webos.05:33
Mouseyyah, sorry05:34
lcukqole, what about now05:34
lcukwhen we are thinking in terms of finger friendly05:34
lcukand higer dpi05:34
* Mousey stfu's and waits for n90005:34
lcukie less info on screen05:34
lcukdo you think fremantle type apps would scale down resolution wise05:35
pupnikwith those big ass buttons yes, if lower res screen also had lower dpi05:35
lcukwell those big ass buttons and big fonts could just be shrink yeah pp05:35
lcukthats what im thinking05:35
qoleyes, once you've gone to all the trouble to castra  um hildonise the app, the fancy screen is wasted.05:36
GeneralAntillesqole, :roll:05:36
pupnikwasted to the sensibilities of old pharts05:36
lcukcurvy glyphs and nice ui05:37
lcuksingle we think pre is most similar, i wonder what the possibility would be05:37
lcukand of course then n9705:37
* lcuk really likes the hardware of n9705:37
lcukthe tilting screen is lovely05:37
GeneralAntillesToo bad S60 is junk.05:38
pupnikyes, but i prefer the n900 kbd05:38
Firebirdhm, is it possible to have one of those dialog box things not fade out the background?05:38
lcukyeah just dont use one of those dialog things05:38
lcukbut why tho05:38
qolemaemo 5 doesn't have dialogue boxes05:38
lcukits a ui paradigm05:38
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Firebirdlcuk, trying to fit this: to 800x<480 nicely05:40
FirebirdI have this: , but, well, its crap05:41
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lcukthe text in bottom right05:42
lcukis that readable at 266dpi?05:42
lcukor 250 or whatever it is05:42
Firebirdlcuk, that's not in the SDK, in the SDK the text is gigantic05:42
lcukso screenie what you have there05:43
Firebirdhuh? I have tab widgets inside tabwidgets to fit everything, not really ideal05:43
lcukbtw, qole came up with an ingenious sdk test solution.  on the sdk install VNC server.  on your n810 install vnc client.  make a connection and bish bash bosh05:44
lcukespecially valid now the sdk includes loads of apps05:44
Firebirdoh, nice idea05:44
lcukqole, take a bow :P05:46
GeneralAntillesqole, did the video of your interview ever end up online?05:50
Firebirdawesome, colors aren't messed up through VNC05:51
qolelcuk, no video yet05:52
Macerwhat engine gdoes arora use?05:52
lcukFirebird, i gather you are gonna use this again05:52
qoleFirebird, your screenshot is readable on the N900, but very busy05:53
Firebirdlcuk, "this" being the VNC method?05:53
Firebirdqole, yea, that's why its labeled "delayed" on my site since I haven't figured out how to cram everything on the screen yet05:54
Firebirdyes then lcuk , very useful05:54
Firebirdexcept its a bit slow05:54
Firebirdbut then again, so is my SDK05:54
dmj7261perhaps give the app "workspaces"?05:54
lcukyeah, its just useful to get a bit more perpective05:54
qoleoops GeneralAntilles not lcuk05:55
Firebirddmj7261, not really good for poker05:55
lcukFirebird, you are thinking like a porter05:55
qoleGeneralAntilles, no video ever appeared.05:55
lcukthink like you are doing it from scratch05:55
lcuki guessed as much qole lol05:55
* qole cries05:55
Firebirdlcuk, well, I have designer and gimp open trying to arrange everything05:56
Firebirdblank slate05:56
* lcuk just draws on screen until something looks right05:56
lcukthen makes it in code05:56
Firebirdof course, I could get rid of chat, log, and chance... but what fun is that05:57
dmj7261lots of wasted space between the rows of players05:57
lcukwhy get rid05:57
Macerinstalling kde4 on the tb now :)05:57
Firebirdlcuk, too much?05:57
lcukyou can remove from the default view05:57
lcukbut you dont need to get rid05:57
lcukperhaps the blurry fade might work05:58
Firebirdyea, but then that would cover up the cards05:58
Firebirddisadvantage, since the turns are timed05:58
lcukhave you seen canola05:58
lcukwith multi layered dialogs05:58
lcukthey appear from the side tho05:58
lcukyour ui could have different focus layers almost05:58
lcukfor your stuff, the middle stuff and the background stuff05:58
Firebirdlcuk, I was already moving the non essential stuff to separate popup dialogs but that covers up the game table05:59
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qoleFirebird, what about swiping to go to different screens?06:01
qoleor a bigger pannable area?06:01
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pupnikwonder if tilt-to-pan could be feasible06:03
lcukimpractical tho pupnik06:03
lcukmight work with a modifier06:03
lcukotherwise every movement you make will adjust it06:04
qoleg'nite all06:04
pupnik< viridior> some new ARM stuff on gcc-4.4.2, building a new toolchain for it06:04
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lcukgnite qole \o nice to see you on here06:04
Macerblah. trying to get kde goign on this tb06:05
samadhow can i check the model number of device ? is there any API ?06:05
pupnikgcc 4.4.1 had OMAP3 optimizations.06:05
pupnikuname -a06:05
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Firebirdblarg, guess I'll have to use separate dialogs for chat and other stuff like that06:06
GeneralAntillesFirebird, flite!06:07
Firebirdflite? text to speech?06:07
lcuk:D haha gen06:07
lcukgreat idea06:07
lcukthats novel06:07
Firebirdwould make taunting a whole lot easier >_>06:08
Firebirdare fullscreen apps not preferred?06:09
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pupniki prefer all data output from device to be morse-coded vibrations06:12
code177ok, i fold06:12
code177anyone got any good tips on progress bars + threads?06:13
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code177specifically, i have to process some thumbnails, and whilst that's happening i'd like to have a progress bar going06:13
code177so im guessing threads are needed.06:13
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Firebirdcode177, not really, you could process thumbnails, then update the progress bar in the same frame06:16
code177cant do that with python without threads afaik06:18
Firebirdeh? you can't run one function after another in python?06:18
code177not and have them run simultaneously06:18
code177i could be wrong06:19
Firebirdyou don't need them to be simultaneous.... store a variable with the current progress, thumbnail processor sets it to processed/total.... progress bar uses fraction.. tada, a moving progressbar while the thumbnails are going06:21
lcukcode177, im as guilty as you for thumbnailing, but "tracker" does thumbnailing itself06:22
lcukfor all images i believe06:22
code177what's tracker?06:22
lcuki dont know how to query it06:22
lcuki asked a while ago06:22
lcuktracker is the system meta data search and extractor thingy06:22
code177Firebird: that's what i thought too, but the hildon note the progress bar is in seems to free everything else from going06:23
code177all this stuff should be super simple to do06:23
code177i dont understand why it isnt06:23
code177(yes, that was a wistful lol)06:23
pupnik   Add 'send via bluetooth' to file manager feature request06:24
Firebirdhildon note?06:24
code177hildon.Note("cancel". window, "title", progressbar)06:24
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pupnikjavispedro's snes port getting well-deserved attention:
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zerojayHis port is great, but I really have to wonder how much SNES these people have played recently.06:43
zerojayParticularly one person that said Street Fighter ran perfectly when half of the combos are now impossible to do because of the framerate.06:44
GeneralAntillesYeah. :\06:44
zerojayNot javis's fault by any means, but when you can't even fly with Mario in SMB3 because of the frameskip being so high, it's a major playability issue.06:45
zerojayAnd playing with a wiimote on top of that is so much worse.06:46
zerojayBecause the wiimote has a randomish lag not caused by just using BT alone.06:47
zerojayNor caused by wiicontrol.06:47
zerojayWiimotes just don't do latency too well.06:47
Firebirdnow to disappear to school...06:49
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pupnikn900 - Ctrl-Shift-I enables text reflowing on browser zoom06:51
code177ok guys wtf06:51
code177gobject.GError: Image type 'jpg' is not supported ??06:52
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code177talk about an uphill struggle06:54
code177no matches on google06:55
code177so i'm looking at you people :)06:55
code177ah hah06:57
pupnik  Maemo Web Browser Tips and Tricks06:57
code177it only takes jpeg06:57
pupnikno wai06:57
code177that's retarded06:57
code177this is one of those "common knowledge" things i guess cause it's not documented anywhere lol06:58
pupnikthat's development06:58
pupnikbump into wall - ow06:58
pupnikwalk around it06:58
pupnikbbump into next wall...06:58
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dmj7261anyone going to be in chicago?07:15
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pupnik   heavily modified q3a engine07:43
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johnxnot quite understanding the "hardware occlusion culling". is that to deal with overdraw?07:45
johnx(is overdraw still a problem on nvidia/ati chipsets or do they have some kind of workaround now?)07:46
MacerStskeeps: ?07:46
Maceryou around?07:46
johnxMacer, still pretty early :)07:46
Maceroh yeah... damn europeans :)07:47
derfjohnx: They have a workaround. It's called a Z buffer.07:47
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Macerdamn. was wondering if he had made a kenrel for the tb yet with cpufreq07:47
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Maceri have ubuntu/kde running on it now :)07:47
Macerit is awesome07:48
johnxright, and the z-buffer has been around for a while, but I thought they still suffered pretty badly from overdraw07:48
CutMeOwnThroatdmj7261, anything interesting happening there?07:48
derfjohnx: There's EarlyZ stuff for NVIDIA at least, but that's tricky to get to actually work.07:48
derfWhich is mainly designed to avoid running fragment programs for pixels that will eventually get culled anyway.07:49
johnxso the powerVR architecture still *does* have a purpose :)07:49
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dmj7261CutMeOwnThroat: just a nokia event07:52
pupnik   we need gcc 4.4.1 - 4.4.2!07:53
johnxwow. a world with no more a.out?07:55
microlitho_O uint128_t07:56
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johnxpupnik, errr...what new feature were you looking forward to?07:56
johnxI see cortex-a9 stuff, but nothing a8 related (just glanced)07:57
MacerMem:        233000     228776       4224          0       1788      4392407:57
Macerkde is murdering the memory on this thing :)07:57
derfjohnx: "hardware occlusion culling" could mean lots of things, though.07:58
derfFor example, I've seen a system with 2 GPUs where one GPU was dedicated to doing (conservative) occlusion culling, and the other GPU rendered the polygons that passed through the first GPU.07:59
derfFor rendering models with hundreds of millions of polygons.07:59
pupniki hear omap3 optimizations since 4.4.108:01
pupnikthat link was not useful sorry08:01
johnxderf, was that for some kind of professional rendering setup? like rendering cg for a movie?08:02
pupnik   omap3530 @ 850 mhz running dosbox with dynamic recompilation: at 4:15 you can see dark forces running 3d software rendering - emulated08:02
derfjohnx: Academic research, mostly, I think.08:02
derfI don't know if anyone actually _used_ it for anything.08:02
RST38hpupnik,derf,johnx,Macer: moo all08:03
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johnxRST38h, m00f08:06
CutMeOwnThroatdmj7261, well, I live real close08:07
MacerRST38h: hello08:09
Maceri am confused about this touchbook08:09
Macerit can detect both batteries but ... it doesn't seem to be able to stat both08:09
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derfWow, there's a Fortran 2008.08:13
pupnik   Pandora Cake08:14
microlithbetter be good cake08:14
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RST38hSo, what is the current excuse at their web site08:15
johnxRST38h, moulds are in production, boards are in production08:15
johnxCE testing is either scheduled or already happened08:16
johnx(don't remember)08:16
* RST38h facepalms08:16
johnxI guess their case company has said they'll have the first set of injected parts out next week08:17
johnxstill seems like it could be a dead heat between the N900 and Pandora :)08:18
RST38hYea, the race is heating up, with both devices running full speed into oblivion08:19
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johnxat the very least, the collection of games and emulators for both looks pretty fantastic08:21
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Ceron^who wants that pandora device anyway O_O08:31
johnxI ordered it after all08:32
RST38hyou still want it?08:33
johnxRST38h, yeah, definitely08:33
johnxnow I have a nice maemo-powered phone, but now that it's a phone it kinda means I can't really have it in a hacked-up half-working state08:34
johnxthis is kind of an unfortunate situation for an amateur distro-hacker08:35
johnxplus, it's hard to say no to tons more battery life and a host usb port :)08:35
sulxjohnx: dualboot?08:36
sulxone working setup and one for hacking08:36
keesjjohnx: yes that is a realy problem. I will blog about that08:36
johnxsulx, and if someone calls me while I'm booted into my "hacking" setup?08:37
keesjit's do damm usefull as phone08:37
johnxI've always been all about the dual-device setup though :)08:37
sulxjohnx: 2 phones...;)08:37
johnxsulx, no fun to have two things exactly the same :)08:38
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keesjand it's only real fun if its something you carry with you08:39
johnxheh...just thought of the fact that I could use a pandora to *charge* an n900 :D08:41
pupnikhope we can do easy bluetooth p2p gaming08:42
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johnxyeah. really hoping for lots of fun compatibility between all these nice portable (real) linux devices that have started appearing08:44
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pupnik  gloost opengl framework - looks like es 2.0 will be supported phps09:11
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pupnik    Sgx Opengl Es 2.0 Application Development Recommendations (and limitations)09:16
pupnik"If you need to do simple integer scaling w/o filtering then you might be better off doing it in software with NEON, depending on the scale ratio. If you're scaling down by an integer amount then you'll always be better off doing this.09:18
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pupnikflag to RST38h09:25
pupniklooks like we could get fast gl accel scaling on n8x0 using pbuffer09:26
Summelipupnik: it's not that fast09:27
SummeliI used the pbuffer for scaling with N95, which is quite close to same HW as N9509:27
Summelias N810 even :)09:27
Summelistupid and simple table based scaling is faster, and looks even better than the GL one
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Summeliyou'll get the filttering for free with the GL, but the result looks kind of 'blurry'09:30
RST38hpupnik: Actually I do filtering :)09:30
RST38hpupnik: But you probably never notice it in my stuff ;)09:30
SummeliRST38h: then your fillter is probably better than it would be with the gl :)09:31
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RST38hMultiple people said scaling with gles may not be very fast on N90009:32
pupnikty Summeli, RST38h09:33
SummeliRST38h: I think you could do it quite well with the shaders09:33
pupnik  Powervr SGX stores texture data in special format - converted on the fly09:33
SummeliI'm thinking about running some benchmarks when I have the HW.09:33
RST38hSummeli: I do not know the details yet but it looks like setting up the texture has to be done every time for scaling and it is time consuming09:33
SummeliRST38h: agree, that's the problem with previous gl es version too09:34
pupnikis there not a media-accelerator chip that can do scaled blits?09:34
dmj7261how difficult would an ogre port be?09:38
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BBNSdmj7261, OGLES2 is non-fixed pipeline. the whole entity rendering pipeline has to be re-written.09:43
pupnik  and the more definitive thread from the powervr devs themselves09:44
dmj7261perhaps it could be compiled sans fixed function support?09:44
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Summelipupnik: that doesn't look too bad09:54
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pupnikSummeli: to be honest i'm hoping someone releases code to render at maybe 40fps10:00
pupnikor 60, with vsync.10:00
Summelipupnik: I would try it if I would have HW :)10:00
Summelimaybe after few weeks, or so...10:00
Summeli40fps would be nice, and hopefully the scaling + filttering looks good too10:01
Summelithe bilinear filttering with gles 1.0 was kind of blurry10:01
pupnikyes - those things really need slight horizontal stretching to give 4:3 aspect10:02
pupnikall stuff i'd rather not have cpu doing tbh10:02
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RST38hAn assistant at a grocery store in Clackmannanshire, Scotland, was ordered by the Performing Right Society (PRS) to obtain a performer's license and to pay royalties because she was informally singing popular songs while stocking groceries.10:11
RST38hThis after the same store had turned off the radio after a warning from the PRS.10:12
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dmj7261RST38h: I read about that on techdirt10:18
dmj7261perhaps they should try collecting from all "performers" of "happy Bday"10:18
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Corsachmhm, on the karma stuff, what are “ltt posts”?10:47
lbt_Corsac: ITT -10:48
lbt_= tmo now10:48
lbt_internet tablet talk10:48
lbt_got renamed tot talk.maemo.org10:49
lbt_I hate this crappy square keyboard10:49
Corsacha, thanks10:49
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JaffaMorning, all10:58
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lbt_o/ Jaffa11:23
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Corsacok I might just be dumb but I can't find the “subscribe to thread” in talk.m.o thread page11:25
Corsacha, in “Thread tools”11:27
RST38h  <=== and here is the Atom-based tablet the size of NIT11:27
RST38hohai Myrtti11:27
RST38hRunning Android (hehe), probably not for very long11:28
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pupniki want my unused app icons to grow mold11:31
pupnikor moss11:31
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LaiskaRST38h: Isn't that the Dell "streak"11:32
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RST38hLariska: whatever they call it, who cares...11:39
RST38hpupnik: There is a pretty moldy blue-and-green background on the device, if needed =)11:40
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hrwsomeone tried 2.6.32-rc on n810?11:58
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mgedminloadavg of 17, never drops12:39
mgedminconstand swaping 5 megs/second, constant swapout 0.5--1.5 meg/second12:40
mgedminapps running: xterm, conboy, web browser12:40
mgedmintried killing browserd, no luck12:40
mgedminmemory usage not excessive: 140 megs ram + 130 megs swap + 16 megs cache12:40
mgedmin80 megs of ram *totally free*12:41
mgedminyet thrashing hell is hellish12:41
hrwSending kernel image (2108 kB)...12:41
hrwWrite failed after 0 bytes12:41
hrwusb_bulk_write: No such device12:41
mgedminfree memory number slowly grows12:41
hrwflasher 3.0 - ideas?12:41
Stskeepshrw, root or bad usb cable/hub12:42
hrwflorian: as root?12:42
Stskeepsis my experience12:42
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florianhrw: ok.. unlikely :)12:42
hrwone thing which I do not like in customer devices.... lack of serial port12:43
mgedminloadavg up to 2312:44
mgedminthings are getting worse, not better12:44
mgedminany kernel/vm gurus?12:46
mgedminfree memory rose to 90 megs12:46
hrwhmm.. I need terminal for android now12:46
mgedminwhy is the kernel trying to free ram when the device is choking with constantly swapping apps?12:47
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RST38hmgedmin: what exactly are you running on the device?12:51
mgedminxterm, conboy, web12:51
mgedminwas running xterm, conboy, modest, then closed modest, then opened web and the ui just froze12:51
mgedminnow looking at things over ssh12:51
mgedminno processes having unusually large vm or rss12:51
RST38hcould you run htop or at least top?12:52
RST38hwho is eating the cpu cycles?12:52
mgedminI am running htop and vmstat12:52
mgedmin80-90% cpu is in iowait12:52
mgedminnobody is using cpu as cpu12:52
mgedmin17 processes are constatly swapping in and out of ram while *free* ram grows (from 70 megs 10 minutes ago to 90 megs now)12:52
RST38hkill all browserd copies12:52
RST38hsee what happens12:52
mgedmintried killall browserd12:52
mgedminno effect12:53
mgedminwill try killall -912:53
mgedminLoad average: 19.19 19.38 16.0012:53
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RST38htry -912:55
mgedminokay, no more browserd12:55
mgedminof course it gets respawned12:56
mgedminload (temporarily) increases: 22 now12:56
RST38hplease also do killall -9 modest12:57
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mgedminwaitasec, trying killall browser now12:58
mgedminfree ram *up* to 100 megs, apps still swapping12:59
mgedminthis can't be fricking right12:59
mgedminit's a kernel bug12:59
pupnikRST38h: am i silly for wanting new gcc > 4.4.1 for n900?12:59
pupniklooks like12:59
StskeepsRST38h: that's going to take a while with gcc being gplv3 now, isn't it?13:00
Stskeepserr, pupnik:13:00
mgedminfree ram down to 80 now, hm13:00
mgedminup to 93 again13:00
mgedminswapout is fighting swapin or something13:00
w00tStskeeps: why would it?13:01
mgedminwhat are the vm tunables in /proc or /sys?13:01
RST38hpupnik: No, just get 1q2009 toolchain from codesourcery13:01
Stskeepsw00t: nokia/maemo is a gplv2 shop13:01
w00tStskeeps: that doesn't prevent you from self-installing, though13:01
w00t(as not-fun as it might be)13:01
RST38hSts: I doubtit matters for gcc13:01
RST38hSts: it is a tool after all, not shipped with the device13:02
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mgedmin/proc/sys/vm/swappiness says 100, is that good or bad?13:02
ccookemgedmin: it means "interesting"13:03
mgedminthis is total bullshit, I'm rebooting13:03
* lcuk yawns13:04
RST38hmgedmin: Haven't you been warned that N900 is not ready for regular use? "_13:04
* RST38h cackles evilly13:05
ccookeFrom the looks of the n900, it's got some very fast flash to swap to - probably a small SSD.13:05
ccookeLooks like they've designed it to run many things from swap, using main RAM as a cache.13:05
RST38hccooke: I can almost bet it has got the same flash for those 32GB as installed in your average sd card13:05
RST38hccooke: and it uses generic sd card controller for theinterface13:05
mgedminwhen I first got it I was amazed how fast the UI was *even with 270 megs of swap space used*13:07
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ccookeRST38h: could be. Whatever they're using though, they're getting *very* high performance out of it. If there's no cpu hog, the device seems to remain responsive even when there's a lot of swap used13:07
mgedminnow it's not acting that way any more13:07
mgedminis it some 3rd party package I've installed?13:07
ccookemgedmin: use top13:07
mgedminccooke: and *what*?13:07
ccookemgedmin: see if there's a cpu hog?13:07
RST38hhe did13:07
mgedmin95% cpu in iowait13:07
ccookeah, sorry13:07
mgedminload ~2013:07
RST38hsomething is polling like crazy13:07
mgedminvmstat shows constant swapout and constant swapin13:07
Stskeepsdo you have an external SD card?13:08
mgedmin*and lots of UNUSED FREE MEMORY*13:08
mgedminwhich is why I cry *kernel bug*13:08
Stskeepsanything in dmesg?13:08
mgedminwhen you boot, free ram is ~4 megs13:08
ccookethat sounds bad, yeah13:08
mgedminwhy was my n900 trying to maintain 90 megs of free ram, swapping out apps?13:08
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RST38hwhat applets are you running?13:08
mgedminload-applet, simple-brightness-applet13:09
mgedminand one more13:09
RST38hwhich one13:09
* mgedmin runs sudo apt-get remove connection-switcher maemo-pc-connectivity pc-connectivity-manager13:10
ccookemgedmin: hmm. Did you try running powertop? It might be able to find the process doing most wakeups13:11
mgedminI get the urge to go to maemo-testing voting pages and thumb down maemo-pc-connectivity and all related packages13:11
mgedminI didn't try powertop, no13:11
mgedminI tried iotop, couldn't get it to work13:11
ccookepowertop's in root's path13:11
RST38hpowertop isn't for this purpose13:11
RST38hyou know what...13:11
RST38hkill the tracker daemon13:12
ccookeRST38h: no, but it can actually help13:12
RST38hI think thta may be it13:12
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mgedminit is silly how in bugzilla the 5.0-beta comes *after* the 5.0 final13:13
wazdheya all13:13
RST38hwazd: heyamoo13:13
Stskeepsmorning wazd13:13
RST38hA New Zealand town has cancelled a rabbit-chucking contest in which local kids were invited to see how far they could hurl a lapine carcass.13:14
pupniklike boo13:15
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wazdgood news, we have fixed the donation link13:16
pupnik:) ++13:16
Stskeepswazd: offshore account?13:17
wazdStskeeps: yeah, my friend Roman helped me with it :D13:17
wazdStskeeps: his football team uses the same account for donations :D13:17
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Stskeepshow can you tell them apart then?13:18
wazdStskeeps: well, sriously, we've made an account in Finland13:19
Stskeepsah, i've heard of that method13:19
* mgedmin files
X-Fadewazd: Drive to the border to get the cash? :)13:22
mgedminbtw I've seen this kind of runaway-swap-hell-trying-to-free-unused-ram happen on my asus eeepc too13:22
lcukX-Fade, you could make a helicopter drop!13:23
lcukwe considered using lardmans rockets, but that might get a bit messy13:24
mgedminat least I've exonerated the facebook widget13:24
wazdX-Fade: we're still thinking on how to take cash from Finland :D13:24
X-Fadelcuk: I don't think my range is sufficient ;)13:24
wazdX-Fade: western union maybe13:24
Stskeepswestern union is horridly expensive13:24
lcukrocket powered intercontinental helicopters!13:25
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Stskeepswazd: you're better off investing in nokia stock ;p13:25
wazdanybody received confirmation from btw?13:26
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mgedmingrr, apps menu not scrollable bug hits me when I'm down13:29
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mgedminalso I'm low on battery power (charged all night)13:30
_juliancan someone tell me how I should decide if a file is deleted when using lightmediascanner?13:30
mgedminswapping hell is expensive for battery life, apparently13:30
mgedminor maybe it was that web reading on the bus this morning13:30
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RST38hmgedmin: you forgot the ps -ax output13:31
mgedminif a file does not exist it's a reasonable assumption that it has been deleted (or moved.  or the filesystem with the file was unmounted)13:31
RST38hmgedmin: and have you tried killing tracker?13:31
mgedminRST38h: don't have ps -ax, have pstree output13:31
mgedminwhich would tell you the names and numbers of processes, but nothing more13:31
mgedminand no, I already rebooted without trying to kill tracker13:31
RST38hps is built into the system13:31
RST38hbut pstree will probably do13:31
* mgedmin meant I don't have ps -ax output made while the system was swapping13:31
RST38hah ok13:32
RST38htried killing tracker?13:32
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RST38hbecause I have got somewhat similar behavior on desktop system with tracker13:32
* mgedmin repeats: I already rebooted without trying to kill tracker13:32
mgedminhm, actually, the eee pc I mentioned? with the *same* symptom?  it is running tracker13:32
RST38hwait for the next opportunity then ;)13:32
Stskeepsis it on charger?13:33
mgedminthat'll be this evening or next morning, I expect *sigh*13:33
mgedminuptime said 1 day 10 hours13:33
* mgedmin wants to go for lunch and wants to read an ebook on his n900 -- but low battery + non-scrollable-app-menu doesn't let him launch fbreader :(13:33
mgedminoh, right, I got the n900 for free13:34
jaskanon-scrollable app menu?13:34
mgedminknow bug, fixed in the not-yet-released version13:34
mgedminaccording to bugzilla13:34
lbt_wazd: confirmation of an email or an order or?13:34
* mgedmin stares at the fbreader shortcut on the desktop and feels all stoopid13:35
lbt_mgedmin: reboot fixes it13:35
wazdlbt_: well, any response from :D13:35
mgedminwill a few more minutes with the usb charger plugged in make any difference?  probably not13:35
lbt_I managed to complete the user registration which included an email about account activation13:35
wazd <- that's nice13:35
lbt_nothing more yet13:35
RST38hmgedmin: WAIT13:38
RST38hmgedmin: what is it about nonscrollable app menu?13:38
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RurouniJonesGoooooooooooood evening freeeeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnddddddddsssssssss13:39
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RurouniJonesFeh, no music lovers about eh.13:40
rangeNo freinds either.13:40
RurouniJonesWell...that too13:40
RurouniJonesBut I choose to believe it is the music bit13:40
jaskaonly fiends13:40
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timelessmgedmin: where is 5.0 final?13:51
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timelessmgedmin: look at a bug in the browser component and tell me if you think the versions list is better13:53
timelessif it is, we can ask andre to switch to that13:53
* timeless ponders13:53
andre__version has no sort field13:53
timelessit's alpha sort13:53
timelessi changed 5.0 to 5.0-release13:53
timelessbut i think a better approach is:13:54
timeless5.0 (0.2009.xx) alpha13:54
timeless5.0 (0.2009.xx) alpha-pre113:54
timeless5.0 (0.2009.xx) alpha-pre213:54
timelessif the alpha pres are before alpjha13:54
timelessthen we can invent values for xx13:54
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andre__"invent values"13:54
timelessit's more consistent13:54
timelessoh, i bet you could find them too if you tried :)13:54
timelessthey're just week numbers13:54
timelesspick the week they were released13:55
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andre__timeless, 5.0-release: please revert13:55
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timelessyeah, done13:55
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timelessi was just doing it to see which ways work13:55
andre__but i agree there's a problem currently. i know :-/13:55
timelessi think 5.0 (0.2009.xx) is the way to go13:55
timelesswe actually do use that internally, so it isn't wrong either13:56
andre__timeless, i like the idea to use week numbers also for alpha,beta13:56
andre__at least it fixes the sorting13:56
timelesscan you poke someone from the sdk team to get the numbers?13:57
andre__i think i have them13:57
andre__not sure13:57
timelessi'm in a multihour meeting and just missed lunch13:57
timelesscool :)13:57
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timelessmgedmin: technically, this is a bug, please file it in websites:bugzilla13:57
timeless(it's good for karma, and it shows that we did work because you asked for it)13:57
wazdn900 delayed? :)13:58
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RST38h"we did easy work because you asked for it"14:01
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* RST38h cackles14:01
* timeless shrugs14:04
timelessit wasn't easy14:04
timelessi'm sure it bothered andre for a while14:04
timelessbut he didn't have a solution14:04
timelessthings are often easier in hindsight14:04
* RST38h still wonders about that non-scrollable app menu bug reported by mgedmin. Happened ot me once14:05
RST38hAnyone else seen it?14:05
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ccookenot here14:06
StskeepsRST38h: yeah, i've seen another guy run into it14:06
lcuki saw something odd once too, but since i couldnt replicate it i didnt report it.   the second level "user" apps came over the top of the main first level apps14:08
Stskeepsthat one too14:08
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RST38hSts: Has it been already reported on bugzilla?14:09
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Stskeepsnot ure14:09
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lcukmm hang on then14:09
lcukif multitple people have encountered it14:09
lcuklemme dig and see if its anywhere14:09
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RST38hI will report it just in case. Sts, please, comment on it even if it fdid not happen to you personally14:09
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lcukis there a technical name for those menus it might come under14:11
timelesslcuk: i reported that internally14:12
timelessi was able to reproduce it repeatedly for a while ~2months ago14:12
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timelesssp3000 hit it yesterday w/ a build more recent than what you guys are using14:12
lcukahhh yes i recall a convo, but it didnt click14:12
RST38hStskeeps: #571314:12
RST38hlcuk: See #571314:13
lcukchannel is empty14:13
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max_planckhi there?14:13
RST38hlcuk: Don't force me to type in the whole URL, it is ona different computer=)14:13
lcukits ok14:13
* RST38h really needs the copy&paste-across-computers feature14:14
lcukcan we get one of the bots to do it for us please :$14:14
lcukinto proper bug url14:14
lbt_RST38h: I saw it14:14
RST38hlbt: the only way I could fix it is by reboot14:14
lcukhi max_planck14:14
max_planckhi luck14:14
lbt_RST38h: correct14:14
lbt_That's what a nokian told me14:15
max_planckdoes any of u have nokia n900?14:15
lbt_how many?14:15
lcuktimeless, yikes check around what happens when an app shortcut runs itself14:15
* lbt_ only has one atm14:15
lcukerrr i mean when the app is already running14:15
lcukand you click its icon14:15
lcukso it doesnt run fully14:15
zerojayI haven't seen this menu problem before. Strange.14:15
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lcukit just activates the instance14:16
lcukzerojay, i saw it exactly once14:16
timelessrst38h: from memory, it was possible to fix it (or rather for it to go away w/o a reboot)14:16
timelessbut i never figured out what caused it to go away :)14:17
* timeless shrugs, the restoring behavior is sometimes ok14:17
* RST38h wonders if he should file App Manager bugs14:18
RST38hThe opening transition, when App Manager goes away for a second then reappears, and the way it tries to paint any theme blue14:18
lcukis that what wazd reported in the happy thread?14:20
RST38hDunno, url?14:20
wazdlcuk: that's SDK only bug :)14:21
RST38hlcuk: Set your tablet to an orange/brown theme14:21
wazdRST38h: that blue color rave14:21
RST38hlcuk: then open app manager and see what the opening screen looks like14:21
* lcuk likes this thread14:22
lcuktheres a lot of things people like about the device14:22
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* mgedmin bakc14:25
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mgedminRST38h: duplicate of ?14:28
mgedmin"This has been fixed internally very recently. Not yet part of 1.2009.41-10."14:29
mgedminand since the original bug is RESOLVED, people don't find it in searches and keep reporting dupes14:29
RST38hmgadmin: Ah! You shouldn't have gone to lunch so early =)14:30
mgedminspeaking of themes and bugs, select the orange theme, go to app installer app list, select an app (so that its background bar is orange) and hold your tap until you get a popup menu14:30
RST38hmarking as duplicate14:30
mgedminthe popup menu has rounded black corners with sharp orange spikes14:31
RST38hthat is known14:31
mgedminI was unable to take a screenshot14:31
RST38hpopups and original gtk+ menus do not do transparency or shapes14:31
mgedminapparently popup menus block ctrl+alt+p14:31
RST38hmgedmin: same occurs if you create a traditional gtk+ menu14:31
mgedminthis is one area where sucks: have an app open a popup (and therefore grab the X server), then have the app freeze14:31
RST38hthey are not shaped windows14:32
mgedminso, gtk bug?14:32
Corsacthat's why modal windows are not really recommended14:32
mgedminmodal windows don't enter here, I think?14:32
RST38hmgedmin: Nokia's Hildon bug14:32
Corsacthen I'm confused14:32
mgedminRST38h: can I go and vote for it?14:32
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RST38hmgedmin: Not by me if ever14:32
mgedmina rough corner in an otherwise very slick ui -- stands out14:32
RST38hmgedmin: Go report and harvest some karma :)14:33
mgedminmmm, karma14:33
* RST38h will vote for it14:33
X-Fademgedmin: Can you use load-applet to make a screenshot?14:33
mgedminX-Fade: tried and failed14:33
RST38hXFade: It is easily recreatable14:33
mgedminI wish screenshot tools *gave some indication* that the screenshot was taken14:33
X-Fademgedmin: Hmm. osso-screenshot-tool from ssh cli?14:34
mgedminX-Fade: also tried load-applet screencast, got a black movie with sound effects14:34
mgedminmissing codec?14:34
RST38hWould probably benefit from a screenshot, but just load FBreader and bring up its app menu14:34
mgedminyeah, that too14:34
tigertX-Fade: in what?14:34
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hrwmgedmin: try fbgrab?14:34
X-Fadetigert: yep14:34
RST38hmgedmin: cat /dev/fb0 >file !14:34
mgedmindoesn't work -- server grab for popup menus grabs all keybindings?14:35
X-Fadetigert: Doesn't work when modifier popup menu is active.14:35
tigertmgedmin: ah14:35
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mgedmincrap, still online via 3g14:35
mgedmin-sh: osso-screenshot-tool: not found14:36
mgedmin-sh: fbgrab: not found14:36
zerojayinstall load-applet14:37
hrwmgedmin: normally I would say "apt-get update;apt-get install fbgrab" but this will not work on maemo14:37
mgedminwaaah, app manager grabs dpkg lock, can't install anything14:37
X-Fademgedmin: just close it? :)14:37
hrwmgedmin: rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock14:37
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AnunakinHi All!14:38
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RST38hApplication Manager theme bug: #571514:40
X-Fademgedmin: Did you check if it does that in other apps too?14:41
mgedminyes, fbreader's diablo-styled menus too14:41
mgedminnote that with the app mgr it's a bit finnicky: the corners are sometimes black and sometimes orange14:41
mgedminand the item in the faded-out background sometimes has an orange bar and sometimes black14:41
mgedminand sometimes the color of the corners doesn't match the color of the background bar14:41
mgedminbut that's not really relevant14:41
mgedminbug is: rounded menu corners aren't transparent14:42
mgedminRST38h: your bug is different, I think14:42
mgedmin <-- do you mean there should be no traces of orange on that screen?  or no traces of blue?14:44
mgedminI don't remember what the app manager looks like with the blue theme14:44
RST38hmgedmin: it should be either orange (like th etheme says) or blue (if it is fixed) but not both14:45
RST38hmgedmin: with blue theme it is blue blending into blue background14:45
mgedminfeel free to upload that screenshot to the bug14:45
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RST38hmgedmin: thanks! I will!14:45
mgedminand even better if you photoshop it to look the way you think it should look like14:45
mgedminbecause I'm not sure I understand14:45
RST38hWell, think of it14:45
RST38hYou are using the orange theme, rright?14:45
RST38hSo you would normally expect the app manager screen to be in the same colors as the rest of the theme14:46
RST38hYes, it is violet for some reason14:46
RST38hLet us say, just for once, that it SHOULD be violet14:46
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CorsacViolets are blue14:46
RST38hIn this case, you would expect the glow around the icons to be also violet or blue or something like that14:46
RST38hYet in your image the glow is orange, like the theme says I guess14:47
RST38hSo, something is wrong there14:47
mgedminmaybe it's your expectation that's wrong here? ;)14:48
* mgedmin ducks and hides14:48
RST38hI do not think so14:48
RST38hIt is highly improbable that someone EXPECTS it to be orange-on-violet14:49
mgedminI have to say I didn't expect it, but I didn't notice anything wrong before you mentioned it14:50
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lbt_anyone know where I can get a swimming Tux logo ?14:52
mgedminwait, what, the n900 calendar can sync with google? cool14:53
RST38hcan it???14:54
RST38hthings suddenly started looking brighter =)14:54
JaffaHmm, the "developer advocate" job sounds right up my alley14:55
jaskadevil-oper advocate14:55
Corsacgoogle is already aware of all your private life so maybe it's not grave to give it your appointements too :/14:56
JaffaRST38h: It can sync with your first Google Calendar using Mail for Exchange14:56
mgedminsounds like the job is defending developers in court against patent lawsuits14:56
mgedminaaha, I see "Exchange" in a menu option and adblock it instantly14:56
mgedminthat's why I haven't found how to do it14:56
StskeepsJaffa: sounds about right14:56
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mgedminqole implied he had tsocks for fremantle?14:57
mgedminapt-cache search finds none14:57
Jaffamgedmin: From Debian, maybe?14:58
mgedminsomebody once mentioned planning to upload it to extras, I think14:58
mgedminor wait, was that proxytunnel?14:58
mgedminmaybe both14:58
mgedminHmm... "Setting up proxytunnel (1.9.0-0mg1) ..."14:59
mgedminI suppose that was me14:59
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mgedminif my memory is like this now, what will I do when I'm 60?14:59
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* mgedmin likes this one-liner: sudo sysctl -w vm.vdso_enabled=0 vm.mmap_min_addr=409615:00
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mgedminshorter than echo | sudo tee15:00
Jaffamgedmin: Works in recent kernels without having to be a boot param?15:00
mgedmindefine recent --- I'm running 2.6.2815:01
mgedminsysctls were never boot-only params15:01
RST38hJaffa: oh...mail for exchange =(15:01
JaffaNo, but vdso went from /sys or /proc to having to be a boot param AIUI15:01
RST38hJaffa: As long as you advocate for developers in front of Nokia and not the vice versa though =)15:01
mgedminwe'll see next week after I upgrade to karmic15:02
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JaffaRST38h: Not sure I'd want to move to Helsinki... ;-)15:02
JaffaAnd I imagine the pay ain't wonderful.15:02
jaskahell-sinki, devils advocate, it all fits15:02
Jaffajaska: :)15:02
jaska(used to live there, probably will if i get a job again)15:03
suihkulokkithere is lots of maemo jobs in helsinki and tampere available, welcome :)15:03
jaskano M.Sc. and no 10 years exp so all i could do at nokia is mop floors.15:04
Lupusuihkulokki: What about other countries, with more sun and a warmer society? :)15:04
mgedminaieee! scratchbox comes with python 2.315:04
jaska2.3 o.O15:04
suihkulokkiLupu: it's perfectly warm inside :)15:04
Jaffamgedmin: Much pain caused there if you just run "python"15:05
lizardomgedmin: yes... to avoid it, call "python2.5" explicitely15:05
jaskahelsinki is warmer than where im from anyway, other than the sea-wind :)15:05
mgedminI suppose tsocks is in diablo extras15:05
X-FadeLupu: Bangalore has a lot of jobs too15:05
suihkulokkiLupu: also, there are jobs in bangalore if you prefer..15:05
lizardoit is so common FAQ, that we even have a general FAQ item about it:15:06
lizardoWhy do I get the error <put some error message here>?15:06
lizardo    First make sure that you are running python2.5 explicitly, as python inside scratchbox defaults to scratchbox’ python (2.3)15:06
LupuHow about a compromise... I was thinking of something like Portugal ;)15:06
X-FadeLupu: And US Mountain View15:06
lizardoso when you have any error with python, first of all check that you are calling python2.5 :)15:06
jaskaportugal would probably be a whole lot cheaper than hellsinki too15:06
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rangeBangalore too :)15:08
LupuWith my criteria Oulu probably wasn't the best option...15:09
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* mgedmin wants a command-line tool to upload stuff to extras-assistant15:10
mgedmintried to configure it, gave up in frustration15:10
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lcukmgedmin :) you posted15:12
mgedminyou noticed15:12
mgedmingaah, now I want IM contact icons on my laptop15:12
Stskeepsthere's probably a market for fremantle on laptops15:13
lcukwe have many bug threads, i thought we needed a bit of balance at what is right15:13
lcukmgedmin, you got your first thanks! for that post too :P15:14
Jaffamgedmin: You can just do it via ssh15:14
Corsacmgedmin: I don't know the maemo infrastructure, but if there's a way to drop .changes files to correct folder using ftp, ssh or stuff like that, it should be easy to set up dput15:14
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X-Fademgedmin: scp works too.15:14
mgedminX-Fade: is it documen? coooool!15:14
JaffaOf course, it doesn't work most of the time.15:14
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X-Fademgedmin: dput == scp ;)15:14
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mgedminwouldn't that require gpg signatures?15:15
* Jaffa has been pondering a Web::Robot interfce to extras-assistant, but the "lost connection" errors should be fixed Real Soon Now ;-)15:15
Jaffamgedmin: No.15:15
Jaffamgedmin: You need to have your SSH key in your garage profile (see step 1 on that page)15:15
mgedmin"You do not have any invitation." says the page where I'm supposed to upload my SSH key15:16
JaffaSeems... unlikely.15:16
JaffaPoke X-Fade some more?15:17
X-Fademgedmin: Read that wiki page ;)15:17
X-Fademgedmin: Start at the top15:17
mgedminreading is hard15:17
zerojayN900i wasn't ever able to get scp to work. i just use the web uploader.15:17
mgedmingarage account: check15:17
mgedmininvitation to upload: wouldn't I already have it?15:17
mgedminwasn't it necessary to be able to use extras assistant?15:17
mgedminand I seem to recall trying to set up dput15:17
X-Fademgedmin: yes, for assistant you need it.15:18
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mgedminwrong link in the wiki page?15:18
mgedminit should point to but it points to
X-Fademgedmin: Yeah, that link only works when you have requested an invitation.15:19
X-Fademgedmin: And the invitation has not been accepted yet.15:19
mgedminokay, I have all the prerequisites met it seems15:20
mgedminnow I only need a new package to test uploading via scp15:21
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X-FadeJamieBennett: ping?15:21
X-FadeJamieBennett: Last videos have been uploaded to the same url.15:22
X-FadeJamieBennett: Then you should have everything.15:22
* JamieBennett goes to download them15:22
JamieBennettAnyone want to edit them and add slides? The conversion process is long but I've done most of them although they now need the editing part doing.15:23
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Stskeepsso how bad was the recordings? :P15:25
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JamieBennettStskeeps: Pretty bad, cleaned it up a bit but some of it is a little bad15:31
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mgedminanybody ever seen Modest say "Maximum number of characters reached"?15:34
mgedminand then go all weird and stop redrawing the screen if you scroll down too far15:34
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mgedminthis is an email that brings Modest on its knees:
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lcukmgedmin, its mobile email, tell people to shorten their messages15:37
lcukthey cant go sending you emails like that15:37
SpeedEvilI guess it's the plurality of links?15:37
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Corsaclcuk: isn't the n900 a computer in the pocket??15:41
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lcukthats not my n90015:42
mgedmina big thanks to all the people working on the wiki: it's much better these days than I remember it from a few years ago15:42
lbt_mgedmin: my IMAP account has >500,000 messages .... modest isn't exactly happy. But it can read my inbox15:42
lcukCorsac, yeah tis, but then generically, people shouldnt send such big emails15:42
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lbt_sadly it doesn't seem to like cyrus folder structures :(15:43
Corsaclcuk: people shouldn't subscribe to those mailing lists then :)15:43
mgedminlbt_: why do you say that?15:43
Corsac(on the n810, modest doesn't exactly love my inbox folder either)15:43
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Corsacwhich only has 11k mails15:44
lbt_mgedmin: I can't see any subfolders on modest15:44
Corsacbut maybe he doesn't like the subfolders15:44
Corsaclbt_: maybe he wants you to be subscribed15:44
ShadowJKlbt_, apparently you will only see subscribed folders, and you need to use something else to subscribe to them. There's a bug, go vote15:44
mgedminlbt_: have you subscribed to any of the subfolders with a different imap client?15:44
lbt_yeah, I may have missed somethin in the admin/config15:44
mgedminweirdly, I run dovecot on two servers15:45
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lbt_ShadowJK: 'something else' on the N900 ?15:45
mgedminon one (mbox files on the server side) I could only see the inbox until I went and subscribed to all of the folders15:45
mgedminon another (maildir++ folders on the server side) I see all folders, including nested ones15:45
mgedminalthough I think I haven't subscribed to *any*15:45
mgedmin~/Maildir/subscriptions says just 'INBOX'15:46
lbt_OK ... nm.... the folders are there now I'm offline...15:46
lbt_they weren't there last night15:46
lcukapp proposal: detect violent shaking and "FFFFFF&^"£&£*!*&" sound from mic should close topmost app15:47
lbt_<sigh> 23 kinetic scroll gestures to view my folders...15:49
lbt_have they never heard of collapsing a tree?15:49
Corsacmgedmin: I noticed that some clients treat “no folders subcribed to” as “all folders subscribed too”15:49
mgedminyou can unsubscribe from the folders you don't want to see (in theory)15:49
Corsaclike, if you don't have any subscription info, you get everything15:49
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Corsacbut if you select some folders, you're only interested in them and not other15:50
lbt_new/rename/move/delete ... nope15:51
lbt_send+recv nope15:51
lbt_edit account... nope15:51
ShadowJKthunerbird on pc...15:51
lbt_but but but15:51
lbt_I *want* to see them on my PC15:52
mgedminat least modest is open source15:52
mgedmin... right?15:52
* lbt_ runs squirrelmail15:52
lbt_it is actually15:52
lbt_unbuildable though15:52
lbt_since it has closed deps15:52
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lbt_to be fair that's on Mer15:52
lbt_and that *was* on Mer15:53
mgedmingotta love email notifications15:53
mgedmin"page 8bc0fd54be4011de9a7a2956a06d2fb02fb0 has been commented"15:53
mgedminoh, the 8bc0f..., right, I remember that one15:53
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X-Fademgedmin: Heh, yeah. sopi is going to fix that btw ;)15:54
sopiyeah, that's the plan..15:54
X-FadeSee, as simple as that ;)15:55
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RST38hSomebody just had to complain about it...15:56
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lopzhi ;)15:57
crashanddieI received an email, which read: "You have registered to receive this email on $date\n\nThe IP address used to complete this registration was: $daSuckersIP"15:59
* brbrbr greet everybody15:59
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mgedminconboy keeps losing bullets16:23
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pablo_hi guys ,  when I build qt-x11-maemo appears the error " The EGL functionality test failed!16:35
pablo_ EGL is required for OpenGL ES to manage contexts & surfaces." ... Any Idea?16:35
fiferboypablo_: Are you building for x86 or armel?16:35
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pablo_fiferboy, armel16:36
fiferboypablo_: You need the opengles library.  "fakeroot apt-get build-dep qt4-x11" should get it for you16:36
Mekyou'll need various opengles developer packages installed...16:36
fiferboyI think it is listed as a build-dep, if not I can check what I have installed16:37
pablo_fiferboy, ok thanks16:37
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RST38hOf 4.3 million new "integrated devices" activated by AT&T last quarter, 3.2 million were iPhonesthat's 74%.16:54
RST38h40% of those iPhone activations were to new AT&T customers16:54
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cpt_nemoWhat ist the recommended environment for building Maemo apps (on an x86 host)?16:59
cpt_nemoI have tried scratchbox2 and maemo-sdk+, but couldn't get it to work.17:00
cpt_nemoMy host computer is Debian Lenny.17:00
javispedrothe recommended environment is scratchbox(1), and in fact debian is the recommended host distro.17:00
cpt_nemoDoes anyone here use scratchbox2 then?17:01
javispedroyes, not me though.17:01
cpt_nemoIt seemed conceptually nicer than scratchbox1.17:01
cpt_nemojavispedro: Thanks.  I'll give scratchbox1 a try.17:02
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lcuksomeone just sent a whole presentation about ui ideas privately17:14
lcukits so good i want to open it up to everyone17:14
X-Fadelcuk: Well, as the inventor of the Maemo 6 ui, you are well respected ;)17:15
lcuk:D hehehe17:15
mgedminlcuk: easier to ask for forgiveness than to get permission17:16
lcukno ill wait for his reply17:16
Stskeepsexcept when a nda is involved17:16
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lcukim thoroughly impressed by his presentation style too17:16
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lcukthey are only simple observations17:16
mgedminyesterday I kept trying to watch your liqbase presentation on youtube17:16
mgedminmy 0.3 mbit/s 3g didn't cooperate :(17:16
lcuki updated the packages yesterday too17:16
mgedminin the end the flash player cached the first 5 seconds and refused to download the rest17:17
lcuk:( not good17:17
lcukit just whirls around a bit and jumps through a few apps17:17
mgedminthat reminds me, I ought to snarf the video before I go home17:17
lcukhand wavey stuff17:17
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lcukmgedmin, the short one is better17:18
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lcukit shows the flow better17:18
lcuki have another going into detail, but theres no bang in it17:18
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lcukX-Fade, im a mad inventor without a job tho, i might just have to setup a company and make my own job17:21
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X-Fadelcuk: All the smart people do ;)17:21
derfAt least two or three times.17:22
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lcukX-Fade, would be good to have people to boss around tho :D17:25
* lcuk heads off and makes a plan17:25
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ShapeshifterI don't see why people go on about the n900 having such an amazing camera. The image quality still is abysmal on any standart except for scales smaller then 500x280 or so.17:26
lcukShapeshifter, the camera is 10000000000000000x times better than the camera in my n81017:26
lcukhence camera == amazing17:26
derfYeah, "abysmal" is a huge step up.17:27
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Shapeshifterderf: mhh, I guess that makes sense.17:27
mgedmincunning Nokia plan: release three tablets with sucky hw & sw to reset everyone's expectations to a very low bar17:29
mgedminthen release something mediocre -- everybody will be amazed!17:29
mgedminand it's not bad for a cellphone camera17:29
mgedminprobably even better than my old 3.2 Mpix Olympus17:29
mgedminalthough lack of optical zoom is something I miss17:30
Shapeshifteryeah, I guess it's not bad for some people. But if I want to make pictures on the way, I still want them to look nice. I always have a pocket in the pocket.17:30
mgedminI was just thinking this morning: nokia should build an SLR camera running Maemo17:30
lcukive never had a camera i can put code inside before17:30
mgedminbuiltin gps + builtin 3g + direct upload to flickr == awesomey goodness17:30
lcukwhere as i take a picture i can have my own processing occuring17:30
Shapeshifterlcuk: you can do that on some canon cameras17:30
crashanddienuff said17:30
Shapeshifterlcuk: there's a hacked firmware or something17:30
lcuk"i've never had"17:30
mgedmintigert is a wizard17:31
lcuksod hacking17:31
crashanddieThe camera is good, especially when you think this is a programmable camera17:31
lcuksod messing17:31
lcukthis is default and power of linux and maemo :)17:31
* Myrtti inhales orange juice
lcukarghhhh patents17:32
crashanddielcuk: absolutely agreed, the optics are good, but making it programmable is the best thing they could've ever done17:32
lcukevil things17:32
Shapeshiftercrashanddie: I just looked at these images, and they're good mostly because of the photographer. but if you look at the "Large" version of the butterfly for example, which is 1024x576 (and as such e.g. too small for a desktop wallpaper), you can already see smudges everywhere17:32
X-Fadecrashanddie: Now if only we could access the raw image.17:32
fralsye, patents are generally pretty evil :(17:32
crashanddieX-Fade: we can17:32
crashanddieX-Fade: well, theoretically17:32
lcukX-Fade, the image processing guy said harmattan will have it somewhere i nthe stack17:32
lcukits technically there now obviously17:32
crashanddieShapeshifter: it's hosted by flickr ffs17:32
crashanddieShapeshifter: that's not the original size17:33
lcukbut we would have to reimplementan awful lot17:33
X-Fadelcuk: Yeah, I know ab ;)17:33
lcukgood good17:33
Shapeshiftercrashanddie: uhm, of course the larger - original - image, is much worse17:33
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crashanddieShapeshifter: do you have an n900?17:33
Shapeshiftercrashanddie: I was saying that even the scaled down version already shows smudges at a level where it's too small.17:33
Shapeshiftercrashanddie: not yet17:33
X-Fadelcuk: But anyway, there is a lot of processing done now.17:33
* lcuk nods17:34
lcukseriously hard work17:34
lcukand really well executed - bit of tucking in around the edges and this camera will rock17:34
X-FadeCan probably be a lot better, but who wants to wait for a minute for the image to process after taking a picture ;)17:34
crashanddieShapeshifter: then how about you don't slam the thing before you have a real hands on?17:35
fralswould be pretty awesome to disable postprocessing and have the device do it later ;o17:35
X-Fadefrals: Indeed.17:35
lcukfrals, yeah17:35
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lcukjust idle time post processing17:35
Shapeshiftercrashanddie: why on earth would the pictures _I_ make be any better then the ones uploaded by other users?17:35
X-Fadefrals: Give a quick preview now and process in background.17:35
lcukfrals, look at what we came up with during the maemo summit17:36
crashanddieShapeshifter: for that exact reason17:36
lcukespecially the live editing and such17:36
crashanddieShapeshifter: because they're uploaded?17:36
Shapeshiftercrashanddie: also, why the commotion, I'm just saying that in my opinion the image is too bad for any use other then small scaled down pictures.17:36
Shapeshiftercrashanddie: how does "uploading" destroy data?17:36
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lcukShapeshifter, please supply patches or real suggestions for how to make it better for everyone17:37
* crashanddie gives up17:37
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Shapeshifterlcuk: well I doubt they can be any better, they're already nice for such a small device17:37
lcukif you notice a problem, its not constructive to just say "crap", maemo is open source community where we should all be helping each other17:37
lcuknot just bitching about aspects17:37
fralslcuk: yeah read through that earlier, cool stuff :)17:37
* Shapeshifter also gives up17:38
X-FadeTo be fair, the lens is not that big. So what would you expect ;)17:38
lcukis there a way to cleanup images taken with a bad sensor?17:38
X-Fadelcuk: Gaussian blur?17:38
lcukdidnt they manage it with hubble17:38
X-Fadelcuk: and then shrink 2x17:38
lcuki know with the n810 i halved the saturation17:39
lcukit made them less snowy17:39
X-FadeBut just watch CSI, they do this all the time ;)17:39
* lcuk saw this last night and laughed17:39
fralsshould be a csi, they got some pretty advanced stuff there ;D17:39
Ceron^the pic doesnt work17:39
fralsdoesnt load for me either17:40
lcukfixed in harmattan17:40
lcukworks for me17:40
fralshas a promising title either way17:40
lcukits a bit of a dodgy blog with NSFW stuff elsewhere17:40
frals"  Horny local girls looking for sex!"17:40
mgedminlcuk: the hubble was precision-machined to incorrect specs17:40
lcukif people want to see, pm me lol17:40
mgedminthey knew the optical properties exactly17:41
lcukand fixed afterwards17:41
crashanddieShapeshifter: and again, this has been re-processed by imageshack...
crashanddieto be honest, I agree that the processing sucks at the moment, but the actual camera gives good results... If we get a new image processing algo on it, quality is going to increase tenfold17:42
lcukomg crashanddie stay away from the ladybird17:42
lcukits evil17:42
fralslcuk: that one is awesome ;D17:42
lcukand will wipe out civilization17:42
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crashanddieShapeshifter: also, please note all those pictures are taken in 3.5 Mpx mode, not 5Mpx17:44
Shapeshiftercrashanddie: I'm not too familiar with flicker to be honest, but it says "original size" at the top. now this doesn't mean it's original compression rate as well, but that's what I'm guessing, as the image is released under CC. Also, I didn't know there was anything to improve. If it's the algorithm at fault, then I'm looking forward to any better results. But in such a small device, ...17:44
Shapeshifter... the sensor is really, really tiny, as is the lense and the amount of light getting in... I was assuming that this is as good as it can get with current sensors.17:44
X-FadeShapeshifter: On device publish function resizes the image.17:45
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lcukX-Fade, i like your vote down own app suggestion, but its not intuitive17:45
lcukmaybe with a small label indicating such17:45
X-Fadelcuk: I already show votes from the maintainer differently.17:45
ShapeshifterX-Fade: ahh17:45
ShapeshifterI see.17:45
X-Fadelcuk: But we could show a message for maintainers..17:46
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crashanddieShapeshifter: the encoding is horrible, the sensor is better. If you look at the right corner of the picture I posted, you can see clearly those are sloppy encoding errors that appear (and because I can't keep the phone steady), not due to a lack of light. I'm not saying it'll ever be an SLR, just saying you shouldn't slam something so harshly, especially when you *know* it has potential17:48
Shapeshiftercrashanddie: oh btw, I got my initial impression of the quality from the my-symbian review, where I'm pretty sure that he used the highest quality settings available with that firmware. And e.g. this picture doesn't look so good. I have no idea if this is down to the algo, but the clouds look unreal, as does the sand, and everything is grainy.17:48
crashanddie403 Forbidden17:48
ShapeshifterI didn't intend to slam it ;) I take it back.17:48
fralsthat pic is pretty bad17:49
X-FadeAlso keep in mind that the device isn't released yet.17:49
Shapeshifteroh, uhm: 2/3 down, first picture.17:49
crashanddielol, still 403 Forbidden17:49
fralson the other hand, i dont expect a mobile device to take a *good* picture either :p17:49
Shapeshiftercrashanddie: :o17:50
fralsmy n95 takes decent pictures anyway, as long as its not a downgrade im fine17:50
fralson the other hand im gonna be fine either way, i dont really take much pictures, as long as you can tell its a beer im drinking its good enuff for sending as an mms ;)17:50
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X-Fadefrals: And the focus is sooo much faster.17:51
X-FadeAnd the video camera has focus now too.17:53
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SpeedEvilHas anyone seen a real camera review of the n900?17:53
SpeedEvilnot - 'oooh - look at these carefully chosen shots'17:53
SpeedEvilBut a comparison between it and other cameras, colour charts, resolution test charts, set scenes, ...17:53
X-FadeOnce they will be in shops, I'm sure we will see them soon.17:54
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* SpeedEvil checks for 'no you git, you can't use 3 discount coupons, order cancelled' email.17:54
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* Corsac waits for expansys coupons17:55
smackpotatdelayed again17:55
RST38hSir Clive has been called a dumb inventor by LIFE Magazine17:56
RST38hWhat kind of freaking injustice is that?!?17:56
lcukmaemo summit 2010?
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smackpotata-bike lol17:57
Stskeepslcuk: :facepalm:17:58
fralslcuk: sign me up! ;)17:58
SpeedEvilThe equivalent of 14.33/month over 18 months with contract, if it all goes to plan.17:59
SpeedEvilRST38h: WHO SAID THAT!17:59
SpeedEvilRST38h: I will slash them with my sharpened ZX81, and then run them over with my C5, before beating them to death with a LED calculator!17:59
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SpeedEvilAnd desecrate their corpse with a small television.18:00
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RST38hSpeedEvil: #1818:00
RST38hAnd the idiots were stupid enough to make jokes about His glasses' thickness!18:00
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SpeedEvilAnd how the hell isn't a damn near pocket sized TV innovative in 1966.18:02
RST38hthey call it dumb18:04
SpeedEvilhang on - that seems wrong - I remember 1984ish being closer18:05
SpeedEvilI still have a - working - I think - z8818:05
lcukyayyy i can upload the images and conversation :)18:06
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SpeedEvilbatteries in 'hard reset' - apps available in 10s.18:07
smackpotati rea that the average person has 20 z80 processors in consumer devices18:07
SpeedEvilsmackpotat: I'm unsure of that now.18:08
RST38hmore or less, and there are pllenty arms as well18:08
SpeedEvilsmackpotat: atmel, PIC, and 8032 variants, as well as 6031s have a large slice18:08
SpeedEvilzilog hasn't done so well recently18:08
SpeedEvilerr - 6502 I mean18:09
RST38hBy 8032 you really mean MCS51 family18:09
lcukwhich forum do i post app ideas into18:09
SpeedEvilI have at least 2 6502s18:09
* lcuk is confused by so many18:09
RST38h6502 has not been popular for a long time, too restrictive18:09
smackpotatthe s1 mp3 player from china has a z80 with a dsp on a chip18:09
RST38hChinese usually use mcs51+dsp, z80 is a luxury18:10
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smackpotatbut mine has 5 buttons18:11
SpeedEvilZ88 even gets todays day right.18:11
SpeedEvil(when I set the clock from its default of 1987)18:11
SpeedEvilMore importantly.18:12
SolarionSpeedEvil: but does it keep leap seconds?18:12
SpeedEvilCan I run maemo5 on it?18:12
SpeedEvil(the 6502s are in LCD photo-frames)18:13
smackpotatok coffee's calling18:13
RST38hwill it run Mer? =)18:13
RST38hLCD photo frames are usually ARMs18:13
SpeedEvilRST38h: It has 512K of RAM.18:13
SpeedEvilRST38h: arm?18:13
SpeedEvilRST38h: I've not seen any arm - way smaller than that typically, with a coprocessor to handle the screen18:14
SpeedEvilThe 6502 is in a 1.1" keychain one18:14
SpeedEvil - forex18:15
SpeedEvilProcessor: NXP LPC2103 + Solomon SSD192818:15
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Myrttiwill it blend?18:17
RST38hthat is a really cheap frame =)18:19
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lbt_lcuk: ping18:24
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jeremiahYeah, what is that smell?18:25
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jeremiahI don't see no lardman18:25
jeremiahlbt_: Did you see my mail to maemo - community?18:26
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jeremiahlbt_: Does Mer want to participate in the distro room at FOSDEM?18:26
lcukgo for it jeremiah !18:27
jeremiahparty on Wayne!18:27
lcukyou get miscalled more often than anyone18:28
jeremiahIs that a bot? Or a human?18:28
* jeremiah pokes w00t 18:28
w00t(I love this nick at times)18:28
w00tI'm as human as lcuk18:28
w00tread into that statement what you will!18:28
jeremiahITS ALIVE!!!!18:28
* lcuk is not human18:28
jeremiahI didn't say it was human. Just alive.18:29
jeremiahHumanoid perhaps.18:29
lcuki am an ai generated in the year 2648 when maemo devices are rrunning on 99.5% of the galaxies computers18:29
jeremiahCarbon based lifeform with a predilection for binary data18:29
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Myrttilcuk: who have you come to save from our robotic overlords?18:29
mgedminlcuk: I see the stutttttering key problem hasn't been solved in the year 2648 yet18:30
lcukno robotic overlords, the world is peaceful and maintained by a neutral dictator in penguin form18:30
jeremiahI wonder about the percent of visitors who go to via IRC.18:31
lcukheh, how quant, xkcd in electronic form18:31
jeremiahlcuk: You get them telepahically inserted?18:32
* suihkulokki foresees a epic flamewar in close future18:32
RST38hOh yessss, finally:
jeremiahmgedmin: Awesome photo18:33
lcuklinus is a d00d18:33
lcukphew, no user with that nick18:33
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RST38hlcuk: should have been running BSD, mister penguin!18:34
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lcukRST38h, its ok, you missed the internet war of 2254, the wildebeast population almost went extinct18:35
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SpeedEvilit was recovered from the 4chan DNA archive though.18:38
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SpeedEvilOnce the genes that coded for the purple text had been removed.18:38
tigertcrashanddie, SpeedEvil: widescreen photos are 3.5mpix18:40
SpeedEviltigert: ?18:40
tigert4:3 is 5mpix18:40
SpeedEviltigert: oh - no. I mean optical resolution.18:40
tigertor who was discussing photo megapixels above18:40
crashanddietigert: I know18:40
tigertthose CC N900 photos of mine in flickr are 1:1 original afaik18:41
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crashanddietigert: [15:45] <crashanddie> Shapeshifter: also, please note all those pictures are taken in 3.5 Mpx mode, not 5Mpx18:41
SpeedEviltigert: Take a picture of a grid of black and white squares - what number of pixels does each square have to be visible, or 100% transfer funciton18:41
tigertstraight upload from the device unless i wrote otherwise18:41
tigertcrashanddie: exactly18:41
RST38hSpeedEvil: Do you really want to have a proof that the camera isn't exactly an SLR?18:42
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SpeedEvilRST38h: Of course not.18:42
tigertits its not18:42
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mgedmintigert: there are options on the device that let you shrink the size before uploading, which IIRC is on by default18:42
tigertand it doesnt matter18:42
RST38hSpeedEvil: Then why go to such lengths?18:42
SpeedEvilRST38h: however - I'd like to be able to compare it with my existing camera.18:42
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RST38htigert: Well, in the perpetual twilight that will only end around march/april here it matters18:43
RST38hSpeedEvil: If your existing camera is at least a consumer-grade point&shoot, your camera will be better18:43
RST38hSpeedEvil: Well, cheaper Samsung /Casio/etc cameras will actually be worse a little bit18:44
SpeedEvilOr rather - see how bad it is in comparison.18:44
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RST38hIt is not bad, but forget about shooting inside buildings, in twilight, or with heavy cloud cover18:44
RST38hWill do pretty decent shots on a sunny day though. And yes, I badly miss zoom :)18:45
tigertmgedmin: I upload fullsize18:45
SpeedEvilRST38h: There is a way round that18:45
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RST38hnot tha I know of18:45
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VRADPITO*--------                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     I am Argentino. Im searching TEEN / BABY dirty and provoking  to masturbate with me CAMxCAM nowww !!! . Want you to allow me please  with you?18:46
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RST38hSpeedEvil: ...18:46
RST38hfunny, yes.18:46
SpeedEvilVRADPITO - you've implemented video chat?18:46
crashanddietigert & mgedmin: as far i can tell, it's flickr that resizes the pictures (unless you have a premium account). The device is configured to send the original size18:46
RST38hAh, an FBI agent!18:46
SpeedEvilRST38h: those add-on lenses are not a complete joke. For a while I was using a pair of binocs, and a webcam as a telephoto webcam18:48
SpeedEvilnot a complete joke in principle18:49
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RST38hSpeedEvil: I would just carry a P&S.18:50
SpeedEvilRST38h: that too. But a case with it stored at the end and a nice fast way to clip it on may not be utterly insane.18:51
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pablo_where i find  packages for armel ? -->libgles2-dev19:08
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_gpg_It looks like maemo project has an OpenGLES 1.x emulation wrapper on top of OpenGLES 2.0 ?19:12
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tigertcrashanddie: yes19:17
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tigertcrashanddie: my CC license photos are fullsize19:17
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tigerti have a flickr pro account19:17
tigertbut when i say "the camera is good" i dont mean the pixel resolution19:18
tigerti mean, the colors and contrast is nice, overall look is nice, depth of field in macro is nicely a bit shallow etc19:19
tigertin short, it works as a creative tool for me19:19
tigerti am not interested in absolute resolution etc, or super depth of field19:20
tigertall i say is this is the most creatively-fun camera in a "phone" i have used19:20
tigertthe limits stimulate my brain19:20
tigert<ugh> i have spoken ;)19:21
lcuktigert, "theres more to photography than pixel count alone" :)19:22
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tigert99% of the time I scale down to use a photo anyway19:23
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lcuki love how hubble manages to get stunning photos from only 1mpix19:23
tigerteven for print19:23
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lcukmmm ccooke ?19:27
ccookeJust had the same problem as mgedmin did this morning, but I'm using the phone a lot today and had to reboot without doing more diagnostics :-/19:27
qwerty12_N810You do know that you can kill hildon-desktop, instead of rebooting, right? (Ctrl-Shift-X for a Terminal)19:28
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ccookeqwerty12_N810: I didn't :-)19:29
qwerty12_N810I've had it happen once :)19:29
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_berto_Nokia suing Apple over the iPhone
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ccooke(wow, that's so much faster. I wonder if this is a degenerative problem. Should have checked uptime)19:34
lbt900wow xchat needs maemoing19:34
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lbt900what ccooke19:35
fralsrestarting hildon-desktop, i think19:35
ccookelbt900: the difference between a just-rebooted n900 and one that's been running a while.19:36
ccookeWhen I'm not working, I'll have to play around a bit and find out more.19:36
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* GeneralAntilles sighs.19:42
GeneralAntillesI guess everything is now officially "Maemo"19:42
qwerty12_N810(Now he gets it)19:43
RST38hsomething happened?19:43
GeneralAntilles"Maemo Bugzilla", "Maemo Wiki", etc.19:43
RST38hpenguinbait has been right all along?19:43
GeneralAntillesNew coucil that doesn't seem to get it happened. ;)19:43
wazd_Nokia: We need multitouch license19:44
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wazd_Apple: No19:44
wazd_Nokia: Ok19:44
RST38hwazd: apparently.19:44
caoticif a class requires certain external libraries, what is the more clean way to include them ?  [<?php include_once("mylibrary.php"); class Myclass { .. } ] --> class.MyClass.php ?19:44
qwerty12_N810GeneralAntilles: Hmm, want a mouse trap for the person concerned?19:44
RST38hthe cleanest way is to avoid using classes in php19:44
RST38hkeep it dumb and simple19:45
wazd_RST38h: Ari told not long ago bout "you know, we have some interesting patents too"19:45
Corsacmultitouch licenses?19:45
RST38hwazd: Yea, and he said it more than once19:45
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lcukthe cleanest way is to stop trying to be ninjas and actually make intuitive interfaces which just do what you expect them to without getting a nervous twictch19:50
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vasily_pupkinwhere can I find javidespero?19:59
qwerty12_N810At a Real Madrid football match...20:00
vasily_pupkinoh shi ^_^20:00
vasily_pupkinmaybe anyone use his patched wlancond?20:01
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qwerty12_N810I have it installed but that's as far as it goes... :/20:01
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caoticis there any difference when using in prepared statements to use the '?' markup or the ":some_string" ?20:23
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lardmanevening all20:24
RST38hhello lardan20:24
qwerty12_N810Morning, lardman20:24
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lardmanhey chaps20:25
* lcuk waves20:25
lcukand moos20:25
lcukand stuff20:25
* lardman waves back20:25
qwerty12_N810lardman: you're meant to blank him...20:25
lardmanthe wonders of British Rail, all my trains were late20:25
lardmanah, /ignore?20:25
lcukill come down to london and kick your ass as well qwerty20:26
lcukoh look, im going to london tomorrow!20:26
lcukwhos been to a barcamp before20:26
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lardmanI've been to a bar in a camp before20:27
qwerty12_N810lardman knows all about going into bars in camp clothing...20:27
lardmanoh, you've seen the photos of my 30th have you....?20:27
qwerty12_N810Sure: www.englandscampestpeople.com20:28
lardmanhang on, I'll find you the real deal20:28
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lcuklol qwerty12_N810 yeah, his photos have been mysteriously on the frontpage of that site for the last 6 months20:28
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lcukqwerty12_N810, if i were you, i wouldnt look when he shows em you20:29
lcukyou cannot unsee things20:29
qwerty12_N810Good point20:29
lardmanyou'll be tempted, you know you can't resist20:30
qwerty12_N810Do I look like Mrs. lardman (don't you dare answer that)?20:30
lardmanqwerty12_N810: no20:30
lardmanactually from my Stag do, but close enough20:31
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* lardman needs to look that one up20:31
lardman ?20:31
lcuknot safe for work20:31
lcuknot safe for home20:31
lardmanah I see20:31
qwerty12_N810not safe for humans20:31
lardmanno, nothing dodgy in there20:31
lcuko_O good one20:32
lcukwheres the other ones simon20:32
qwerty12_N810lardman: Erm, you've just destroyed my eyesight :/20:32
lbtany council people here?20:32
lardmanburned on your retina I trust!20:32
lbtzerojay: aha20:32
lbtzerojay: suggestion: can we get all the maemo docs on copied to so I never have to visit that tarpit of mindless beauracratic nonsense again20:34
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lcuklbt, qwerty12_N810 is on the council now20:34
lcukhes a binman20:34
lbtno good he just went blind20:35
qwerty12_N810lcuk: No, I'm head binman, I tell you what to do20:35
lbtps loved the csi jpg from earlier20:35
timelessGAN: ping20:35
lcuk:D indeed, it was wicked20:35
lbtwhat's the url again20:35
timelessin application manager...20:35
lbtwant to show lpt20:35
* lardman heads to do some cooking20:36 (maybe)20:36
RST38hwho is lpt? a printer?20:36
lcuk (maybe)20:36
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timelessis there any reason that i need to show "Updating $APPNAME" instead of just "$APPNAME" ?20:36
lbtRST38h: little ping thing20:36
lbtnot to be confused with little blue thing20:36
lardman|cheflcuk: you know if you have some frames of video you really can do that20:37
lardman|cheflcuk: perhaps not that great, but it works very nicely - subpixel interpolation20:37
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lardman|chefanyway, my wife will kill me if I don't do some cooking today, so I'll bbl20:37
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lcukcya later simon20:37
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howitzer`What's this I just read, N900 delayed until November?20:39
RST38hyes. and it comes out in pink.20:39
RST38hthose black ones were prototypes.20:40
howitzer`I always wanted a pink one20:40
ccookeHmm. Good.20:40
qwerty12_N810N900 is a fake. Nokia's plan is to really ship iPhones.20:41
ccookeThere do appear to be a few sw bugs to get shifted before release.20:41
RST38hqwerty: Yes, this is why they are suing apple20:41
RST38hIt is a merger in the making20:41
ccookeSounds perfect...20:41
SpeedEvilRST: yeah - apple gave them the rights to settle the patent suit.20:41
qwerty12_N810All part of the greater good, greater good, I tell you...20:42
DocScrutinizerqwerty12_N810: obviously :-(20:42
* Stskeeps wonders how much time it would take to make a hildon-status-area tray area20:43
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qwerty12_N810Stskeeps: nm-applet?...20:43
Stskeepsqwerty12_N810: not necessarily, but for normal apps20:43
* timeless sighs20:43
Stskeepsi mean, inside the status area you could have one20:43
* timeless shakes head at qgil's comment20:44
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timelessThis ...  has proven to20:44
timelesswork well for millions.20:44
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Stskeepsadvanced alarm20:44
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timelessexcept it is among a series of features from a vendor from which millions do not purchase products20:44
* timeless sighs20:44
timelessAlaram set (Turns on device and always plays a sound)20:46
Stskeepshack alarmd? :P20:46
timelessi'm just trying to fix the localization20:47
suihkulokkiif the alarm would _not_ ring in silent mode there would be a much bigger whine from people not waking up to work...20:47
timelessI can change a couple of strings20:47
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timelesssuihkulokki: it wasn't a problem for me20:47
timelessmy calendar flashed and woke me up, no sound20:48
timelessanyway, i'm not asking for the behavior to change20:48
suihkulokkiand you are the prototype of a average dude?20:48
timelessi just want to fix the signage20:48
lcukof course!20:48
lcuktimeless *IS* average joe!20:48
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timelessso, i can change the alarm editing title20:49
timelessand i can change the alarm active checkbox text20:49
* suihkulokki thinks timeless will kill me tomorrow if I go to work20:49
timelessmaybe i'll dunk you in water20:49
tigertyou should not SET the fricken alarm if you dont want it20:49
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timelesslike the judge would do to the phone if it rang in his courtroom20:49
timelesstigert: most people don't read the manual20:49
timelessspeaking of which, did anyone teach the bot the url for the manual?20:50
timelessagain, i don't care about the behavior20:50
Stskeepswazd_: what's your most recent theme template?20:50
timelesswhat bothers me is that people can be surprised by the behavior20:50
timelesslink seems dead :(20:51
_gpg_It looks like mamemo has a library wrapping OpenGLES 1.x on top  of OpenGLES 2.x, any one know the library name ?20:51
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GeneralAntillestimeless, context for the updating string?20:53
GeneralAntilleslbt, I'd just as soon not have them on
GeneralAntilleslbt, less stuff X-Fade and dneary need to worry over and less Nokia stuff we have to accommodate in general.20:54
tigerttimeless: most people dont take an alarm clock which is armed, to a courtroom20:54
tigerti keep my phone on silent during night20:54
GeneralAntillesIf only people would treat movie theaters with such respect.20:54
tigertand I want to wake up to the alarm in the morning20:54
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* GeneralAntilles has to sit in the front row or else the flashing screens from people texting will drive him into a killing frenzy.20:55
aSIMULAturwhat's the bot's nick20:55
tigertnow, you kneww it will aloarm even if it is turned off, right? :)20:55
qwerty12_N810GeneralAntilles: Florida already has one Dexter...20:55
GeneralAntillesHey, infobot!20:55
tigertas long as the battery is in20:55
GeneralAntillesinfobot, I'm talking to you!20:55
GeneralAntillesDamn bot.20:55
GeneralAntilles~smack self.20:55
* infobot smacks self. upside the head.20:56
aSIMULAturyour mom is <reply> blah balh20:56
qwerty12_N810infobot: hello20:56
infobotHowdy Bub20:56
aSIMULAturyour mom20:56
_gpg_i guess i'll be kicked from this chan :)=20:56
_gpg_i'm just confused when i read
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timelesstigert: do you take an alarm clock with you to the opera or movies?21:01
timelessi went to a ballet a few weeks ago21:01
howitzer`If you fall asleep in the cinema then it's good to have an alarmclock21:02
qwerty12_N810howitzer`: Meh, the slaps that follow your alarmclock going off are more likely to wake you up...21:03
tigerttimeless: somehow I should have guessed it was you, sorry =)21:03
tigertheard about that21:03
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timelesstigert: actually, i haven't had any problems21:05
timelessi don't use recurring alarams from the alarm clock21:05
timelessbut as a localizer, i want to improve the user experience by decreasing surprises21:05
tigertbut my big use case against that bug is21:05
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tigertthat alarm clock shouldnt force me to keep ringing sounds on21:05
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tigertso the only thing that wakes me is the alarm sound21:06
* timeless nods21:06
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timelessi'm not asking to change the behavior21:08
timelessi just need to figure out how to explain it21:08
tigertI guess its always a compromise21:09
timelessi think i'm going to rename "Silent" to "Alarm Clock only"21:09
timelessspeak now, or forever be silenced unless you're an alarm clock21:10
tigertits "Silent" on all other devices21:10
timelessi'm willing to eat that inconsistency21:10
timelesswhat is it on your ipod?21:10
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* timeless frowns21:12
timelessmy ipod is missing21:12
tigertI dont think it has alarm21:12
* timeless calls "here iPod iPod"21:12
tigertits the small nano or mini or whatever21:12
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tigertI never use it anyway21:13
tigertone device in the pocket is enough :S21:13
* timeless has an iPod touch21:15
timelessthe problem is that the one device in your pocket takes up too much space =b21:15
* timeless tends to carry around 2 n900s and assorted other toys21:16
crashanddie_tmo needs mods21:16
crashanddie_ <-- move to community or off-topic, not N90021:17
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BluesLeehas anyone some infos why the delivery of the n900 is again delayed?21:19
lcuktruck broke down21:19
lcukdidnt have nokia tyres or something21:19
adeusthey're out of components21:20
crashanddie_british post strike21:20
SpeedEvilThey were busy porting android.21:21
BluesLeeokay, i believe all of you21:21
timelesswe decided that we wanted to make sure all the people who had guessed our release date would be wrong21:22
BluesLeei think they should communicate something21:22
timelessit's to teach people to stop guessing release dates21:22
Stskeepstimeless: or to let the pandora win in the release race :o21:22
FlyserBluesLee: they did21:22
timelessif their software ends up being worse than ours, that'd be amusing21:22
BluesLeeFlyser: details?21:23
Flyserjust a second21:23
timelessi think we announced something last night at the nokia store :)21:23
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timelessnot sure what though21:23
lcuki think javispedro actually wet himself last night21:24
FlyserBluesLee: this quote is from
Flyseroh. wrong link21:25
Flyserone more second :D21:25
Meizirkkiwhere to get n900 firmware ?21:25
timelessmeizirkki: eh?21:26
BluesLeehaha, waiting for feedback21:26
Flysertimeless: yeah. that's what I was searching for21:26
timelesswe don't share firmware w/ people who haven't contracted or purchased hardware21:26
MeizirkkiThere's no firmware / flashing tools for n900?21:26
timelessthere are21:27
timelesswe just haven't put them into the open21:27
timelesswhat would you flash?21:27
timelesswe aren't sharing images21:27
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timelesswhen you buy a device, you can download the flasher21:27
Stskeepstimeless: mer, duh ;p21:27
Meizirkkieh.. i had a crazy idea of kicking it on my Touch Book :D21:27
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timelessand then when there's an updated image, you can download that21:28
timelessand flash it21:28
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StskeepsMeizirkki: you don't want to walk down that path, trust me on that21:28
MeizirkkiStskeeps, ok :)21:28
timelessnote that from memory, we never provide the original firmware as a flashable image21:28
timelessi could be wrong21:28
* Meizirkki installs Mer21:28
timelessbut yeah, i'd suggest you install Mer21:28
timelessthere's no guarantee that we wouldn't fry whatever you have because we expect a very specific layout21:28
* Stskeeps should fix the touchscreen issue at some point21:28
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MeizirkkiWhat does the nokia fbdev need btw ? I have SGX libraries installed (as the Xorg won't start up with nokia fbdev is they aren't there )21:31
Meizirkkiit just freezes my Touch Book21:31
GeneralAntillesMeizirkki, flasher communicates with NOLO anyway.21:34
GeneralAntillesflasher-3.5 is available21:34
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GeneralAntillesbut there are no Maemo 5 FIASCO images in public.21:34
ali1234the flasher can build images though right?21:35
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timelessnot really21:38
timelessthe flasher can take an image and send it to the device, or if the image has pieces, send only certain pieces21:38
ccookeooh, now that's interesting.21:38
timelessbut it can't take a random set of files like an .iso and make it into an image21:38
timelessthere are a couple of pieces, i think i lost count, say roughly 521:38
timelessin general, most people flash a set of what i think is 4 as a single bundle21:39
* ccooke just found an open-source port of the game Mega-lo-mania. That ought to run nicely on the 900 :-)21:39
timelessand then one more for the emmc21:39
timelessnote that this is a random number, i don't have flasher output handy and don't want to share it anyway :)21:39
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* timeless pokes gan21:44
timelessplease pong21:44
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GeneralAntillestimeless, it's more like 10 pieces these days.21:48
* qwerty12_N810 hits Bundyo for putting libwebkit in user/21:48
GeneralAntillesThere's a lot of crap in user/ that shouldn't be there.21:49
GeneralAntillesand a weirdly large number of maintainers insisting it should be.21:49
Stskeepsshould give negative karmaa21:49
RST38hIt is all subjective21:49
* GeneralAntilles is completely boggled at the MishaS putting the convenience of a dozen or so extreme edge-case users ahead of all the rest.21:50
Jaffalibzlibrary from fbreader is in my bugbear list; but then the maintainers seem to have dropped off the face of the community21:50
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GeneralAntillesLikely holed up in the cathedral.21:50
coldbootSo I quit my job on Friday, last day tomorrow.21:50
GeneralAntillesThe last discussion on the subject was not encouraging.21:50
timelesswhich is this?21:50
Stskeepscoldboot: preparing for spending your whole days with your n900? ;p21:50
coldbootThe flicker bug fix got pushed to Diablo.21:50
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coldbootStskeeps: It's not mine, it's the company's, I don't even have a Nokia device.21:51
Stskeepsfuture, then :P21:51
coldbootStskeeps: Going traveling, then starting a web programming job.21:51
coldbootStskeeps: Maybe, if they make it thinner.21:51
RST38hlike iPhone?>21:51
* RST38h ducks21:51
GeneralAntillescoldboot, the N900's thickness really isn't an issue.21:51
coldbootIt is for me.21:52
GeneralAntillescoldboot, have you handled one?21:52
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coldbootThanks for all your help, guys, with tracking down the flicker bug.21:52
coldbootGeneralAntilles: Yeah we've got an n900 at work.21:52
coldbootGeneralAntilles: It's kind of fat. Most Maemo users won't mind, it's not that bad.21:53
Stskeepscoldboot: what flicker bug btw? (out of curiousity)21:53
* GeneralAntilles doesn't get all of the people wearing super tight pants these days.21:53
timelessgan: stupid europeans w/ their tight pants ;-)21:53
SpeedEvilGeneralAntilles: On some, it's a good look.21:53
JaffaGeneralAntilles: It's a stupid argument anyway, as App Mgr in M5 won't allow them to install from a file, Section: user/ or no ;-)21:53
GeneralAntillesSpeedEvil, usually those persons have handbags. :P21:53
coldbootFlicker bug:
coldbootStskeeps: ^21:54
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JaffaGeneralAntilles: Given there's been no obvious effort from MishaS on fremantlising FBreader, despite being a Star and (I assume) flown to Helsinki - I think it needs a new maintainer :-/21:56
GeneralAntillesIsn't MishaS IN Helsinki? ;)21:56
qwerty12_N810timeless_mbp: How good are you at kidnapping people?21:57
timelessnot very21:58
timelessi think james is better21:58
timelessjaffa: ping21:58
timelessMikhail Sobolev Member Since 1970-01-0121:58
timeless                               ^^^^^^21:58
SpeedEvilepoch fail.21:59
coldbootSpeedEvil: hahahahhahaha21:59
coldbootSo good21:59
qwerty12_N810Same with lardman, but he gets the added benefit of being on the front page 24/7...21:59
crashanddie_coldboot, xkcd quote :)21:59
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timelesshrm, i'm not a member since before i was born21:59
timelessi guess that's a good thing21:59
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trofiworth mentioning in 'cv' (with maemo since The Very Start)22:00
coldbootcrashanddie_: ah, too bad.22:00
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crashanddie_qwerty12_N810, there's a club specially for you that's going to do a special night22:00
crashanddie_well, maybe not specially for you22:00
crashanddie_but it made me laugh out loud so hard22:00
crashanddie_basically, there's a gay bar/night club not very far from my office22:00
crashanddie_(and actually, not very far from where we held the ODZ event)22:01
Jaffatimeless: pong22:01
crashanddie_I walked past it at lunch... Next weekend they're holding a "Hardon Collider" weekend22:01
GeneralAntillescrashanddie_, lol, I saw that on /. months ago.22:02
crashanddie_GeneralAntilles, saw it too, but this is an actual party22:02
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timelessjaffa: can you please fix epoch fail ^^?22:06
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* crashanddie_ loves the fanboyism on the patent thread22:07
dmj7261would be nice if all the patent fights were unnecessary22:08
crashanddie_oh come on22:08
crashanddie_patent suits are fun22:08
crashanddie_they're the only discussions that are worth having with the guys from the other floor during coffee break22:08
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dmj7261Personally I prefer a programmer being paid over a lawyer22:09
hardakerwhat about programmers offering legal advice?22:09
coldbootIf the legal system was refactored, we wouldn't need so many lawyers.22:09
crashanddie_dmj7261, without lawyers, the programmer wouldn't get paid22:09
crashanddie_dmj7261, because everyone would be able to steal your work as soon as you release it22:10
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* crashanddie_ stretches arms, gets the popcorn out, and hopes to get a nice answer22:10
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dmj7261It's not that I think there should be *no* lawyers but the current legal environment with respect to copyright and patents has grown too restrictive, complicated, and litiguous to promote the progress it's intended to.22:12
coldbootNone of this shit motivates people to be creative and make new things.22:12
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coldbootIt means that the only players are huge with giant war chests, and nobody else can survive.22:13
* lcuk doesnt want to die22:13
coldbootRIM had to pay out half a billion dollars because NTP or something had a patent for "sending email wirelessly through the air with a device". Patently absurd.22:13
coldbootIt's challenging to find a software patent that's obvious.22:14
dmj7261Besides, I know lots of programmers who couldn't care less if they have patent protection or not.  In fact if people are copying your work, they're well behind you in that area22:14
coldbootThat's not obvious, I mean.22:14
coldbootIt's more about the original idea, the community around it, the sound implementation and the marketing.22:14
coldbootGetting a head start makes a huge difference.22:14
dmj7261Who here has made a program that has a "pop-up window"?22:15
timelessbtw, the solution for the always playing alarm sound is to get a silent .wav file and use it :)22:15
timelessdmj7261: zenity --alart ?22:15
coldbootThere's also not much investment to implement a particular piece of software, making hardware requires much more money and time.22:15
timelesserr --alertr22:15
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* timeless gives up22:15
dmj7261anyone who has is likely violating a patent22:15
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dmj7261Patents on hardware may be fine.  I haven't done much research into their effects in that field.22:17
coldbootYeah I can see how there is a case for hardware patents.22:17
coldbootBut I haven't seen software patents that make any sense at all.22:17
SpeedEvilSome hardware patents.22:17
SpeedEvilSome are just as broken.22:17
coldbootYeah, not all.22:17
coldbootThe patent system in general is retarded, it has bad incentives for approving patents.22:18
dmj7261I'm not convinced either way on hardware patents in general22:18
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coldbootThink about some thing that someone's made that took years of effort to figure out what works.22:18
dmj7261the current patent system does have bad incentives22:18
SpeedEvilmany patents I've seen are of the class that if you put a competant technician in a well stocked lab with the problem, they will solve it in the way mentioned in the patent without ever reading the patent22:18
RST38hthat is the whole point22:19
dmj7261yeah, or come up with the same thing to a completely different pproblem22:19
RST38hit is called patent trolling22:19
SpeedEvilBut of course - patent examiners aren't competant technitions.22:19
SpeedEvilAnd in principle you can challenge it through the courts.22:19
dmj7261some patents are the kind of thing a middle school kid will make in their first program22:19
dmj7261in principle, not practice unless you're very rich22:19
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dmj7261Perhaps 6 month software patents would be acceptable, given the amount of time required to approve a patent?22:20
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lcukif a patent can be abused in less than 6 months, what was really novel about it?22:22
dmj7261(It would be expired before the approval process was finished.22:23
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crashanddie_dmj7261, most enterprise levels don't even finish one project in 6 months22:25
dmj7261yeah, software patents bad, some degree of copyright good, since it's really good implementation that matters.22:27
Ceron^poland serious buisness22:27
dmj7261anyway, I'm not passing judgement on Nokia here, just noting general brokenness of the patent system22:27
dmj7261at Ceron^: lol!22:28
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SpeedEvilI found a couple of weeks ago a paper that was an a4 page of scribblings of mine from ~1995 that perfectly outline a later patent from 2002.22:29
SpeedEvil(a pistonless rocket propellant pump)22:29
SpeedEvilUnfortunately, I did not adequately fully describe it online22:29
dmj7261hehe, prior art22:29
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dmj7261that's happened to me too22:32
dmj7261We're not lacking in ideas22:32
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* SpeedEvil wonders what's happened to the educated non-manual-labourer population since patents started. 22:39
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SpeedEvilI suppose the fields of applicability have exploded too though22:39
SpeedEvilNot many patents for CT scanners in 1850.22:40
dmj7261also, remember that the patents may not have had a causal effect there22:40
SpeedEvilYes - I was meaning that patents being reasonable to encourage the spread of innovation may not be so relevant if you ramp up the number of innovators.22:40
timelessnote to self: "Apply settings and restart?"22:42
dmj7261and the fact that innovations these days are often so frequent and incremental that the monopoly one is granted may not be worth it when that means your work is based on work done by 10000 others22:42
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epa_anyone come across with rootfs filling up and hence package removal/installation failing?22:43
epa_Filesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on22:43
epa_rootfs                  233104    233092         0 100% /22:43
epa_ubi0:rootfs             233104    233092         0 100% /22:43
epa_tmpfs                     1024       124       900  12% /tmp22:43
epa_tmpfs                      256        80       176  31% /var/run22:43
epa_none                     10240        72     10168   1% /dev22:43
epa_tmpfs                    65536         4     65532   0% /dev/shm22:43
epa_/dev/mmcblk0p2         2064208    150584   1808768   8% /home22:43
epa_/dev/mmcblk0p1        28312128    885248  27426880   3% /home/user/MyDocs22:43
epa_it kind of looks funny that much of progs install under /22:43
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tigertinternal R&D image?22:43
epa_not RD22:43
epa_it's the one Nokia supplied @conference22:44
tigertbecause that has syslogd = spewage22:44
epa_no this is not that22:44
SpeedEvildmj7261: Added to the stifling effect of not being able to develop stuff without infringing.22:44
tigertepa_: you installed lots of apps?22:44
epa_tigert: yes22:44
tigertthat did it22:45
epa_and now I can't remove them :)22:45
tigertgah :)22:45
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epa_tigert: yes, but it should not22:45
lcukrm -r /var/cache/apt/archives/*.deb22:45
lcukfirst thing i do22:45
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lcukdunno if theres an "offical way"22:45
qwerty12_N810lcuk: apt-get clean22:45
tigertapp manager does that for you though afaik22:45
epa_lcuk: it will free only 600k22:45
lcukisnt that enough to allow app manager to work22:45
lcukto remove the rest22:46
tigertremove the preinstalled images and videos?22:46
tigertno wait22:46
tigertthose are probably in MyDocs22:46
* lcuk actually does22:46
epa_I'll remove 'bounce' :)22:46
lcukrm -r /usr/share/nokia-maps22:46
lcukrm -r /usr/share/themes/beta22:46
lcukrm -r /usr/share/themes/delta22:46
lcukrm -r /var/cache/apt/archives/*.deb22:46
lcukwhen setting up a new flash image22:46
tigertdont rm22:46
tigertmv them to ~MyDocs22:46
tigertand dpkg -r and then move back22:46
qwerty12_N810epa_: Bounce installs to /opt22:46
epa_qwerty12_N810: just noticed :)22:47
epa_maybe at somepoint they could make it so that apps install elsewhere than /22:47
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epa_it is also kind of silly to make user MyDocs to be 28G22:48
tigertits for your data :)22:50
tigertbut yeah, symlink /opt to Mydocs? :)22:50
tigertMyDocs/opt/ even22:50
epa_tigert: won't solve the problem22:50
epa_I would have to symlink /usr/share or something like that22:50
lcukif you have /opt on the same partition you end up with data problems22:50
tigertbut hey, do you really _need_ all that apps stuff? :)22:51
lcukwhats the fastest drive partition on the n90022:52
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lcukis it / or MyDocs or opt22:52
lcukor could i install fremantle onto a faster dedicated 16gb memory card22:52
lcukwithout opt22:52
epa_tigert: no that is true22:53
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epa_tigert: but I think machine ought to be 'protected' in a way average user would not be able to 'break' his device by installing too many apps22:53
epa_tigert: I can fix it fairly easily by loggin in via ssh and using dpkg22:54
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epa_tigert: I dare say noone else in my family would be able to do that22:54
tigertepa_: true22:55
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tigertfile a bug?22:55
vasily_pupkinfsck. maemo is one big fscking bug22:55
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Stskeepsvasily_pupkin: nah, you're thinking of symbian22:56
epa_tigert: was just asking if it has come across anyones table yet and bugged it already22:56
vasily_pupkinwe must drop it to the fire of hate22:56
qwerty12_N810vasily_pupkin: Don't say that, you'll hurt its feelings!22:56
vasily_pupkinwpa/psk + changed mac == epic fail22:57
vasily_pupkinand now pidgin not working O_o22:57
vasily_pupkini see many bugs and strange things22:57
vasily_pupkinbut this...22:57
vasily_pupkinthis is awesome22:57
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mgedminso, turns out three different wlans on the same channel is not a good way to get working wifi22:59
wazd_My sister just burned my Mini22:59
qwerty12_N810(In Nelson Muntz style)22:59
Stskeepswazd_: ow22:59
lcukMini what23:00
wazd_can somebody just shoot me to stop all this?23:00
mgedminMini Cooper?23:00
Stskeepswazd_: my PSU blew up in smoke earlier :P23:00
mgedminah, this one's ought to be cheaper23:00
lcukn97 mini23:00
ifreqapple mini23:00
wazd_mgedmin: mini Airbus23:00
lcukmini me23:00
vasily_pupkinanybody can tell me, how that *.launch crap works?23:00
ifreqlcuk: :D23:00
vasily_pupkinhow can i debug it at least23:00
Stskeepsgo read the readme of maemo-launcher23:00
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wazd_no, seriously, why I have to face all this23:01
mgedminI want to report a bug on screen23:01
mgedminthe package says Maintainer: maemo integration <>23:01
mgedminwho's that?23:01
ifreqwazd_: have you killed a kitten lately?23:01
GeneralAntillesmgedmin, no idea, I've never gotten a reply.23:01
lcukpropbably the same person who would respond if you mailed23:01
qwerty12_N810Send a flame e-mail there23:02
wazd_ifreq: looks like I blew up some european country23:02
mgedminah, it's from the tools repository23:03
mgedminso I can head over to bmo23:03
absoluteHey guys, quick fremantle/n900 question... my symbian e62 with pc suite produced a .nbu (nokia back up)... does the n900 read this same format?23:04
absoluteie. can i use my symbian backups to restore contacts to a maemo device?23:04
qwerty12_N810absolute: N900 supports PC Suite...23:04
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wazd_no summit, can't buy n900 cause it's to expensive, can't accept money to buy n900 cause I can't accept money, can't accept the rebate cause rebated n900 can't be shipped to me, and now my damn laptop is gone23:05
wazd_what the fuck23:05
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vasily_zajcevholy shit23:05
Stskeepswazd_: and the army ants you23:05
vasily_zajcevtoday is a day of bugs for me23:05
lcuk:( wazd_23:06
vasily_zajcevnow my main pc hangs23:06
vasily_zajcevcrazy day23:06
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vasvasily_zajcevkick my hanged nick plz :]23:06
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SpeedEvilwazd_: may your luck greatly improve.23:07
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mgedminthere ought to be some nickserv command letting you kick your ghost yourself23:10
mgedmintry /msg nickserv help23:10
Mousey /msg nickserg ghost <password>23:10
Dieterbe_anyone here with a n900? i attached it with usb to my pc as block device, and now i'm copying some music files to it with 'sudo cp -ax /path/to/music /n900mountpoint/.sounds', and now my mediaplayer tells me i have 0 songs, and filemanager says 'no files or folders' so it looks like permissions are incorrect now or something but i don't know how/why23:11
qwerty12_N810Dieterbe_: Does File manager crash when you go to to the Sound clips folder?23:12
microliththat AlmostTI app is cool and all but isn't distributing the ROMs still a no-no even if they are ancient?23:12
Dieterbe_qwerty12_N810: file manager says 'no files or folders' and i can't do anything else. media player says 'no songs' when i click on the songs icon23:12
epa_Dieterbe_: what are the permissions that N900 sees?23:13
epa_ctrl+shift+x -> terminal23:13
epa_ls -l .sounds23:13
qwerty12_N810Dieterbe_: I had something similar but I couldn't figure it out, so I just reflashed :/23:13
mgedminDieterbe_: have you unmounted the device from your PC? and unplugged the cable?23:13
microlithwhy are they putting music in a hidden directory?23:14
TomaszDepa_ where can I get a list of those shortcuts?23:14
mgedminonly one computer can access a block device at one time: either the N900 or the PC23:14
mgedminmicrolith: so they can translate the directory name into various languages23:14
mgedminor some stupid reason like that23:14
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mgedminTomaszD: the other one is ctrl+shift+p = screenshot23:14
Dieterbe_mgedmin: no its still mounted. epa_ it says no such folder .sounds (in /home/user). i'll try to umount maybe this is some protective thing when you mount over usb23:14
epa_TomaszD: or manual I guess23:15
mgedminI don't think there are any more, except for ctrl+shift+backspace = task switcher23:15
GeneralAntillesmicrolith, i18n23:15
microlithGeneralAntilles: ahh, ok23:15
mgedminerr, no shift in ctrl+backspace23:15
TomaszDmgedmin I know about this one :)23:15
mgedminokay, and then in the browser there's ctrl+shift+i to enable reflowing text when you zoom in23:15
mgedminnobody expects the spanish inquisition, sigh23:16
epa_I think ctrl+shift+x was somethere in the forum23:16
Dieterbe_great! unmounted, unplugged usb cable -> still no ~/.sounds, _but_ media player sees the songs (old+new)23:16
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Dieterbe_thanks guys23:17
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vasvasily_zajcevanybody know, can i use newest maemo launcher?23:18
vasvasily_zajcevfrom freemantle for example? :]23:18
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mgedminDieterbe_: it's not ~/.sounds, it's ~/MyDocs/.sounds23:20
Dieterbe_aha. yeah that works.  i thought the entire /home/user would be exported over usb23:21
mgedminthere are probably reasons why it can't be23:22
mgedmine.g. running programs reading and writing config files in hidden directories23:23
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mgedminno clue, really, but wouldn't be surprised23:23
Dieterbe_hm yeha23:23
dmj7261liqbase is nifty23:23
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mgedminwhat's this about the public release of the n900 being maybe postponed?23:23
dmj7261til mid november23:24
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mgedminno iptables until mid november! :(23:25
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dmj7261It makes me sad too!23:26
SpeedEvilIt makes... Me... ANGRY!!!!23:28
* SpeedEvil bursts out of his shirt, and turns blue.23:28
* dmj7261 is impatient for this awesomeness23:28
SpeedEvil(not green, to avoid trademark problems)23:28
* dmj7261 bursts through roof in titanium alloy suit23:29
dmj7261(not iron to avoid trademark infringement)23:30
* javispedro says "meh".23:30
dmj7261Yeah, my phone has a broken mic23:30
* mgedmin muahahahas and strokes the white Persian cat23:30
* dmj7261 will debug for n90023:31
* mgedmin will pay money for n90023:31
dmj7261(if delivered promptly)  :P23:31
w00tI want an n900, because I'm sick of emulating the device to try match the UI23:32
* w00t nods23:32
w00tthen again, I'm just going to steal it anyway23:32
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* mgedmin wonders when the n900 will show up on woot.com23:32
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dmj7261phone's with broken mics are annoying, particularly when the headset cord flakes out23:32
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dmj7261not on an old flip phone like mine!23:33
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lcukdmj7261, liqbase is nifty indeed23:33
dmj7261I am very much looking forward to it23:34
dmj7261...will it function like a single application window on the n900 or a collection of them>23:34
lcukits just something a bit different23:34
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lcukwell the apps can run on their own23:35
dmj7261or is it more an alternative to the qt/gtk libraries?23:35
lcukbut until i solve a big bug they wont work in the compositor thingy switchboard23:35
dmj7261with those demos made in it?23:35
javispedrowhat bug, lcuk?23:35
lcukgahhh why does tmo centre the text on single posts23:36
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lcukwhen its composited it doesnt zoom23:36
lcuki have to do an x11 "coverscreen"23:36
lcukand show a screenshot of liqbase23:37
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lcukand turn off the overlay23:37
lcukso other apps can then use it23:37
mgedminare you drawing to the raw framebuffer, or still using xv?23:37
mgedminxv then23:37
lcukstill in xv23:37
mgedmincan the compositor compositate apps that use egl?23:38
qwerty12_N810lcuk: You should show one of those TV things, "We are currently experiencing difficulties. We will be back shortly"23:38
lcuklol qwerty12_N810 :D23:38
lcukyeah mgedmin23:38
javispedromgedmin: bounce.23:38
* vasvasily_zajcev reloads maemo-launcher with truck+original one23:38
* mgedmin apt-get installs ioquake323:39
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* lcuk is excluded from compositing party23:39
* dmj7261 originally read liqbase as libqbase23:39
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javispedrolcuk: actually, I though that would be true too.23:40
lcukmgedmin, if i wasnt using the compositor, i wouldnt be able to run it as smoothly as i still can on n8x023:40
javispedroon my system mplayer's xv is redirected.23:40
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lcukare you sure its running through xv codepath tho23:41
lcukmplayer has many backends23:41
javispedrowell, mplayer itself says so.23:41
lcuk(which might be an idea to peek into one day ;)23:41
mgedminmodern video drivers implement xv on top of the 3d engine instead of using the overlay23:41
mgedminmodern graphics chips don't have an overlay23:42
vasily_pupkinjavispedro: hi :]23:42
javispedrovasily_pupkin: hi! how did wpa stuff go?23:42
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vasily_pupkinjavispedro: i have problems with configuring icd2 module23:42
lcukmgedmin, rly?23:43
vasily_pupkini try to setup wpa+psk :)23:43
lcukthe drivers might bypass it23:43
* mgedmin lurks on xorg@23:43
lcukbut i think theres still hardware support23:43
mgedminintel 965 and newer lack a hardware overlay23:43
lcukooh cool23:43
vasily_pupkinjavispedro: i add point with wlancond, then change it's name and type to WLAN_WPA23:43
javispedroi've been trying drnoksnes to opengl texture on my desktop and it's faster than xshm. still didn't try xv.23:43
vasily_pupkinand add keys from wpa_supplicant.conf as wpa_keyname_blabla="foobar"23:44
vasily_pupkinat search point with this new name wasn't in list23:44
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javispedrovasily_pupkin: it's hidden ssid?23:44
vasily_pupkinit's real essid was in list23:44
vasily_pupkinbut not my configured name23:44
vasily_pupkini.e. icd2 couldn't find settings23:45
javispedrovasily_pupkin: can you launch icd2 from command line? it will print libicd-wpa debug output.23:45
javispedrovasily_pupkin: if it loads the network from gconf, it should appear on "Control panel -> connectivity -> connections"with an adhoc wi-fi icon23:46
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vasily_pupkinin connection settings it have ad-hoc icon23:46
vasily_pupkinbut in search dialog it not aviable23:47
javispedrook, then go for the debug output.23:47
javispedro/etc/init.d/icd2 stop && /usr/sbin/icd2 -l023:48
vasily_pupkini change some settings for my neighbour point :)23:48
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vasily_pupkini get debug23:50
vasily_pupkini have lines such as23:50
vasily_pupkinTest if /system/osso/..../.... is active23:51
vasily_pupkinwlan_scan: default (active)23:51
vasily_pupkinmoment, i join to irc from tables23:51
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javispedrohum. weird race condition.23:57
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javispedromy guess is that libicd-network-wlan initiated just takes too long since you have a lot of IAPs23:59
mgedmingotta love tmo thread titles: "USB for charging and data connection: a threat?"23:59
javispedros/initiated/initiated scan23:59

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