IRC log of #maemo for Tuesday, 2009-09-29

javispedrosymbian actually can keep more than 2 connections alive and apps are allowed to select which one "to use".00:00
lcukdo you think i can enter "mms on n900" as a Push! N900project?00:00
javispedrohowever linux uses a more traditional approach00:00
javispedrotherefore the kernel issues, unless you can get some nice solution like the ones you were discussing on the "Technical" page.00:01
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javispedroto be honest, I'd get it working with linus' standard networking tools before trying anything icd2 related.00:02
fralsthat worked fine, so guess it should be fine as long as one of the iptables or similar workarounds work ;)00:02
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lcukfrals, so you have no tablets at all?00:04
lcukwell, the computery kind00:04
lcukdoubly impressed then by your have a go attiture00:05
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fralshehe, thanks :)00:05
lcukwhere abouts are you00:05
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* lcuk shivers00:06
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lcukone of my friends from .fi just noted it started snowing for him00:06
lcukhow is it your way - chill setting in?00:07 snow in helsinki00:07
ShadowJKabout 3C here00:07
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lcukyeah he is in oulu - cant blame him really, it snows like 99.999999% of the year00:07
fralsnah im in the capital of sweden so im not so far north00:07
fralsbut its pissing down outside atm00:07
qwerty12_N810frals: *Gulp*. The country with Nokia's rival: Ericsson?00:07
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fralsyeah, i guess ;)00:08
fralsim half-finn thou, hence Nokia ;)00:08
javispedroEricsson! Good grief.00:08
* qwerty12_N810 felt guilty showing his Sony Ericsson to Jussi...00:08
fralsso i can get a volvo and a nokia without feeling bad with myself ;D00:08
mavhcqwerty12_N810: that's what the kids are calling it nowadays?00:09
Dantonichey guys00:09
fralslol mavhc00:09
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javispedrodo i remember seeing that hacked iphones had a non-official mms client when apple still did not allow it?00:09
lcukhey Dantonic00:09
Dantonicdo any of you use festival on the N800?00:09
fralsi actually got a p1i here - but after a day i put it on the shelf again and went back to my trusty n9500:09
Dantonicor N810?00:09
fralsjavispedro: yeah, there was 3rd party apps for mms00:09
lcukwhats festival?00:09
Dantonicthe text to speech program00:09
qwerty12_N810mavhc: Nah, the research stuff in Sweden is still done under the Ericsson name00:09
aSIMULAterthe finnish swedish love hate relationship is an interesting one00:09
lcukits like the north south love hate relationship00:10
javispedroah, another north south war.00:10
lcuki love to hate qwerty00:10
qwerty12_N810frals: ugh. I hate that phone, had one for a while :/00:10
fralsi love the actual design of the hardware, but god the software is awful00:10
lcukDantonic, which core lib does it use00:10
lcukor is festival the text->speech converter itself00:11
* lcuk cant remember what the Push! N900 speak n spell used00:11
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qwerty12_N810Obviously not a northern lib - they wanted people to able to actually understand it00:12
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Dantoniclcuk, I just installed the "festival-multi" package from the repositories00:13
Dantonicidk what lib it is00:13
lcukit might just be festival00:14
lcukdoes it work00:14
lcukooops i didnt thank Yodude for his post00:14
lcukshould it leave him all alone :P ? :D00:14
VDVsxlcuk, festival00:15
lcukok VDVsx thanks :)00:15
* lcuk pastes twitter page - any ppl i havent added yet?
VDVsxlcuk, however the Push guys called it other name, let me check (but is festival :P)00:17
lcukthat might be where im remembering wrong00:17
bobbyd_well, this just makes no sense, if I link the program with the EGL libs I get no output from printf, and I get this if I run it under GDB: Program exited with code 0377.00:18
VDVsxlcuk, flite, festival light ?00:18
lcuksounds right00:19
javispedrobobbyd_: strace it and paste to pastebin00:19
bobbyd_VDVsx: yes, that's right00:19
lcukDantonic, does it work anyway00:19
Dantonicyes flite is festival light...00:20
Dantonicwell I got it to speak00:20
Dantonicall the man pages talk about commands like festival option "text here"00:21
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Dantonicbut I guess this still uses "flite" as command00:21
Dantonicso from command prompt it's flite -i "text"00:21
Dantonic-i for interactive00:21
Dantonicnow I'm trying johnx's hack see if it works00:22
bobbyd_that's just for Hello World linked with X and GLES libs00:23
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Dantonicwhat is the osso-statusbar-cpu?00:23
bobbyd_Dantonic: CPU frequency?00:24
lcukcpu meter00:25
lcukwith ability to take photos afiak00:25
Dantonicis it in repositories?00:25
lcuk :D00:25
lcuki believe so00:25
javispedrobobbyd_,install libgl-dev00:26
bobbyd_on my host machine?00:26
javispedrono, on sbox target.00:26
javispedroit seems the emu library requires the symling00:27
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javispedros/symling/symlink *sigh*00:27
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bobbyd_where go you read that? I'm not used to reading strace output...00:27
javispedroline 236 open("/usr/lib/", O_RDONLY)     = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)00:28
bobbyd_ahh ok00:28
javispedro(and the fact I have a strace of a correct execution helps ;P )00:28
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Dantonicdamn cant find the package osso-statusbar-cpu00:40
Dantonicjohnx, !00:40
Dantonichelp! :P00:40
Dantonicrescue me!00:40
* SpeedEvil hadn't seen this dort of phone before from nokia00:41
fralssaw something similiar (maybe that) when i was in the helsinki flagship store this summer, lots of looks, less features ;)00:42
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fralsah, reply to the mms thread *throws himself on it*00:49
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bobbyd_should fakeroot work to restart things like networking in scratchbox? When I run fakeroot /etc/init.d/networking restart I get permission denied00:58
bobbyd_fr some reason it can't resolve hostnames00:58
javispedrobobbyd_: ah, that problem is rather common these days, dunno why.00:59
javispedrobobbyd_: did you got the ogles sample running?00:59
bobbyd_javispedro: no because I can't get the flipping package, can't find it in the repro through the web either01:00
javispedro"flipping package"?01:00
bobbyd_javispedro: libgl-dev01:01
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bobbyd_networking isn't working under scratchbox01:01
javispedroaccording to my apt, it comes from fremantle/sdk/free01:01
tush726does Ubuntu 9.04 and Xephyr have any problem ?01:02
javispedrobobbyd_: not extras-devel.01:02
javispedrothere you have.01:02
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Timpiitush726: none that I noticed running it in VirtualBox01:05
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tush726okay  i have a native installation01:06
tush726Xephyr is giving me problems01:06
Timpiiwhat's it doing?01:06
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tush726dix] Could not init font path element /usr/share/fonts/X11/cyrillic, removing from list!01:08
tush726unrecognised device identifier!01:08
tush726getting this error01:08
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Timpiithe font path part prolly doesn't matter, X tends to throw those around01:08
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Timpiithe second line sounds a bit more grave01:09
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lardmanlibxpat or libxml, what do you reckon for parsing html (for webscraping)?01:09
javispedrothe git issue is fixed!01:09
lardmanlibexpat or libxml2 even01:10
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javispedrolet the commits flow in!01:10
tush726earlier was getting a different error01:10
Timpiidoesn't really solve the prob, but it's the same situation01:10
* igagis encountered a problem of Gtk::Dialog::get_action_area() returning null 8-S01:11
bobbyd_javispedro: working :)01:11
javispedrobobbyd_, :)01:11
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bobbyd_ok tomorrow I start for real01:12
lcukigagis, urg01:12
lcukwoglinde, :D01:12
Timpiitush726: is there anything else that might be useful in the output?01:12
fralsnice, you posted it on the mailing list as well lcuk, i knew i forgot something! ;)01:12
woglindeso latest one piece epsiode watched01:12
javispedrobobbyd_: nice, hope we see your project soon :)01:12
tush726nope earlier was getting an org.x.lib ... something01:13
lcuklol frals01:13
tush726fixed it by making changes to dbus.conf01:13
lcukyeah i made sure it was in as many visible places as possible :)01:13
javispedrocy bobbyd_01:13
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Timpiihmh... I wonder what it's complaining about then.01:13
lcuksomething like that that lots of people can feel happy getting involved in (people love solving solvable problems) is great01:13
fralsye :)01:14
* lcuk slaps u01:15
fralsi just edited it to clarify!01:15
fralsits my finnish heritage i tell you!01:15
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igagisdoes anyone know where or whom can I ask about Gtk::Dialog::get_action_area() returning null on Fremantle? Possibly, submit a bug? I did not find where to file bugs on maemomm project page 8-S01:16
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lcukwhat is it meant to return01:16
frals(i couldnt resist after qole's el-cuck ;))01:17
igagislcuk: it mean to return a pointer to HButtonBox object01:17
igagislcuk: i.e. the button area of a dialog box01:17
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frals that post was pretty good01:19
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lbtbollocks... I was just checking the arrival times - the travel agent booked my arrival flight on the wednesday!01:20
lcukigagis, in py or c01:20
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igagislcuk: in C++01:20
lcukif you are sure its a bug, go check the bugtracker and if no1 else, file away01:21
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lcukhas voting finished yet?01:28
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javispedroresults tonight?01:30
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lcukjavispedro, i dunno01:31
lcukjust wanted to make sure everyone that can vote, has01:31
lcukby my count, theres 29minutes left01:31
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penguinbaitOK, so I was mis-stating but my time was correct02:02
lardmannight night chaps, cu all on the morrow02:03
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lcukGeneralAntilles, are you just rushing through last minute laws and stuff02:04
lcukbtw, i hope the council gets a book about what to do02:05
lcukqole should be the one making it02:05
lcukhe had enough heartache first time02:05
lcukflashed now02:05
* lcuk gulps02:05
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MaceN8x0shuttle's website is so damn slow02:07
MaceN8x0i have to download drivers and the crappy site is taking forever02:07
penguinbaitditto elsie!02:07
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* lcuk will make sure to stuff general in an uncomfortable position02:13
penguinbaitjust stay away from his doofer02:15
lcukthat would imply it was big enough to find ;)02:15
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lcukmy doofer is the thing i had to flash earlier02:24
lcukits very very important02:24
penguinbaitwho did you flash it at?02:25
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MaceN8x0man i hope ai sends out my touchbook02:25
MaceN8x0i want it already02:25
MaceN8x0they are supposed tonship this week02:25
VDVsxGeneralAntilles, hey, don't insult my winter timezone :P, of course GMT still exist ;)02:25
GeneralAntillesVDVsx, don't bring your timezone lies in here!02:26
* VDVsx likes GMT :D02:26
lcukpenguinbait, my sdk had a little hiccup and just suddenly stopped responding02:27
lcuki needed to reflash it02:27
penguinbaitreflash the sdk?02:27
lcukand hoped to god i hadnt lost the code i'd wrote this last few days02:27
lcukwhatever it was needed doing02:27
VDVsxall this timezones talk, are you guys waiting for the result of the elections in the next hours ?02:27
lcukhell yeah!02:28
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lcukdave best have his clipboard and pen02:28
penguinbaitit should show up there after the election concludes automagically, right?02:28
lcuko_O i never knew about that page02:28
GeneralAntillespenguinbait, Dave has to run the calculations.02:29
penguinbaitI just kept changing the ID number till I found it. ;)02:29
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lcukpenguinbait, did you even watch the video on the lcuk appreciation thread02:29
penguinbaitI no, but the vote tokens will be displayed for checking right?02:29
lcukif not, do
penguinbaitMy sound is out lcuk02:30
lcukit might explain what i mean by "sdk"02:30
lcukahh that helps02:30
VDVsxlcuk, I doubt that Dave will do it tonight, but we'll see ;)02:30
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* VDVsx turns on the lcuk's decoder02:34
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lcuklol you just need another ass kickin02:34
penguinbait lol you just need another ass kickin app made by lcuk02:35
VDVsxlcuk, shii, I'm watching  ODZ behind the scenes, part 202:35
lcukthey polished it all up quite nicely :)02:36
lcukkarsten is such a digital god!02:36
MaceN8x0i seriously want this sickness to go away02:37
VDVsxlcuk, bah, already saw it, where's part 1 :P02:37
lcukMaceN8x0, :(02:37
MaceN8x0i am still in awe when someone said "my gf and i were watching revolution os..."02:37
lcukdid you mention eureka again02:37
lcuki dunno02:37
MaceN8x0lcuk, yeah02:38
lcukthought we saw last ep02:38
MaceN8x0was watching the first season02:38
lcukor was there more02:38
lcukahhh cool02:38
lcukthat was even better02:38
MaceN8x0don't think it is cancelled02:38
lcuki dont either02:38
lcuki never did02:38
lcukit just ended its series02:38
MaceN8x0net 3.5 says "you may now disconnect from the internet."02:38
MaceN8x0series = cancelled02:39
lcukits autumn02:39
MaceN8x0season = more to come02:39
lcukno, the series wasnt cancelled02:39
MaceN8x0eureka runs off season02:39
lcukit finished naturally02:39
MaceN8x0new ones come out in summer not fall02:39
lcukit will be back for another series next year02:39
lcuki hope02:39
fralsits another season next year02:40
frals22 eps02:40
lcuk:D w00t02:40
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Sargun_ScreenIf I preorder an N900, when do you guys think I'll get it?02:45
lcukabout 2 minutes after the delivery man knocks on the door02:45
penguinbaitif your home02:46
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lcuki know people who have n810 and who still dont get it02:46
SpeedEvilSargun_Screen: I offer an express delivery service if you ship it to me. I then guarantee delivery within 6 years at any address in the world free.02:47
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penguinbaittwo men walk into a bar02:47
lcukSpeedEvil, that sounds like a great service02:48
penguinbaitthe third one ducks!02:48
Sargun_ScreenSpeedEvil: heh.02:48
Sargun_ScreenSpeedEvil: you seem to be everywhere.02:48
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* SpeedEvil is omnipustulent!02:49
lcukthanks reverted02:49
lcukthats odd02:49
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Sargun_ScreenI'm having a hard time deciding whether or not to order one now, or wait several months02:51
GeneralAntillesSargun_Screen, what's to decide?02:51
Sargun_ScreenGeneralAntilles: heh, Well, A) If I'll have instant gratificaction, or this will be like the Pandora project, and it'll take 2 years to ship (Ok, maybe not 2 years, but a month and a half)02:52
lcukSargun_Screen, have you not seen any of the coverage02:52
GeneralAntillesAh, yeah, dunno.02:52
Sargun_ScreenB) If it's worth waiting for them to work out the Gen 0 bugs02:52
Sargun_Screenlcuk: apparently not.02:53
Sargun_ScreenC) If the device turns out to be a lemon.02:53
lcuksave yourself from ruining clothes02:53
lcuki dribbled on mine02:53
GeneralAntillesMy bet would be a few weeks to a month.02:53
fralsmmm, my-symbian suppose to post a preview tonight (well, as in ~18hrs i guess), more droolage inc02:53
VDVsxlcuk, hey, block those bastards as well (wiki) ;)02:53
Sargun_Screenlcuk: Well, the idea of the device seems fucking awesome02:53
GeneralAntillesI don't think lemon is an issue at this point. 02:53
lcukVDVsx, im not a docmaster02:53
lcuki dont know how to do this02:53
lcukbut understand docmaster is a bit busy02:54
lcukand GeneralAntilles is too drunk lol02:54
VDVsxlcuk, np, just did it ;)02:54
GeneralAntillesSargun_Screen, as for gen 0, well, this is hardware release #5 if you count the WiMAX Edition. ;)02:54
lcukSargun_Screen, the feel of the device is fucking awesome02:54
* lcuk shakes one vigerously02:54
Sargun_ScreenSee, I really like the size ofthe N8XX, I'm not sure if I'll like the smaller form factor.02:54
GeneralAntillesSargun_Screen, everybody I know who has one says you don't notice the size difference.02:55
fralslcuk: take a picture of it next to an n95 and send me, pretty please? ;)02:55
lcuki have no n9502:55
lcukhahaha liqflow also pulses if i type02:55
lcukespecially when i hit enter02:55
fralswell.. im sure someone in your town got one! ;)02:55
lcuknot anyone that i know02:56
lcuki dont think02:56
Sargun_ScreenGeneralAntilles: developer samples already came up?02:56
lcukSargun_Screen, its been on the street02:56
lcukgeneral public have played with it02:56
GeneralAntillesSargun_Screen, they're available for fondling in some flagship stores.02:56
GeneralAntillesNokia has also seeded a few.02:56
GeneralAntillesJust ask el-cuck, the whore.02:57
lcukpark 1 and 2:
lcukpart even02:57
lcukVDVsx, you asked where it was02:57
Sargun_ScreenDoes it come with the soft sleeeve like the N810?02:57
fralsim still thinking about getting my gf on one of them cruises to helsinki so i can go play with the n900 at the flagship store there...02:57
lcuki dunno i have never had a consumer box02:57
fralsbut i recon its not really worth ~100€ to do it :D02:57
VDVsxlcuk, thanks, already checked, part 1 is quite old :P02:58
Sargun_Screenfrals: Damn you europeans!02:58
penguinbaitSep. 28, 23:59:00 UTCUniversal Time02:59
fralsyou are 10 seconds ahead mr penguinbait!02:59
lcukthe day skynet came active02:59
Sargun_ScreenMon Sep 28 16:59:40 PDT 200902:59
fralsSargun_Screen: i think the chicago flagship store is getting one as well02:59
lcukgood luck penguinbait02:59
Sargun_Screenfrals: I'm near SFO.02:59
penguinbaityou too03:00
penguinbaitand to all the candidates03:00
* lcuk downloads slysics03:00
fralsnot my fault your country is huge! ;)03:00
derflcuk: That's August, fookio.03:00
lcuki dunno where they are tho03:00
lcukim late for everything03:00
Sargun_Screenfrals: -_-03:00
derfIt was also in 1997.03:00
Emperoany ideas where I would get best price for n900 in canada?03:00
lcuksee! damned timezones03:00
penguinbaitits over03:01
lcuka shop03:01 has a good price but only ships to usa addresses03:01
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Sargun_ScreenEmpero: Get a PO box in the states.03:01
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lcukEmpero, i believe SpeedEvil is offering a good service03:01
EmperoSargun_Screen, yeah or via a friend, sure03:01
Sargun_ScreenEmpero: you know, you have to pay duty though?03:02
Emperoyeah, I guess so03:03
Emperothat's why I was asking for canadian stores03:03
lcukcan someone find out why slysics isnt available in fremantle please03:03
Emperono hassle with the border crossing03:03
lcukits here03:03
lcukbut i cant see it in app list03:03
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lcuki know thats 200803:04
lcukbut lots of apps should just compile and sorta work03:04
Sargun_Screensort of work?03:04
lcukso when pushing to autobuilder tick the fremantle and try anyway03:04
Sargun_Screenisn't this gunna be like OS2010?03:04
lcukSargun_Screen, a few tweaks are needed03:04
lcukbut well written os2008 apps appear to "just work" on the whole03:05
lcukneed things like menuclasses switching over for gtk stuff03:05
lcukand certain things adding/removing/tweaking from the makefile03:05
lcukerrr postinst03:05
* lcuk wants to try and play linerider03:06
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* GeneralAntilles drops his signatures.03:07
Sargun_ScreenOk, I just bought one on Amazon03:08
Sargun_Screenmeep, too much monies, too much latency03:09
fralsalright, time to crash.. good luck to everyone running in the election and thanks for all the help with lobbying for a solution for MMS :)03:12
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lcukfrals, thanks for your help :)03:15
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lcukangasule, are you male or female pussy?03:17
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Sargun_ScreenOk, if my N900 doesn't get here by Oct 2, I'll be -_-03:17
* lcuk shakes his n900 + u03:17
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lcuk@ even03:18
* Sargun_Screen -_- @ lcuk 03:18
angasulelcuk: I think everybody in here hates you, except the others we also hate :)03:18
* FireFox16 snatches the n900 and runs03:18
* FireFox16 gives it back, just teasing ;)03:18
lcukFireFox16, its ok, you took my 77003:18
lcukretro cool (H)03:19
Sargun_ScreenThe N770 is retro?03:19
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lcukangasule, why on earth am i hated03:19
Sargun_ScreenWell, My Laptop + N900 + Palm Pre = Awesome.03:19
Sargun_ScreenI'll have an unstoppable force of gadgets.03:19
lcukwhat res is palm pre03:19
angasulelcuk: do you have an N900?03:19
Sargun_ScreenNow, all I need is a bluetooth router.03:19
lcukand can you run c code on it?03:19
Sargun_Screento network 'em all.03:19
lcukor python03:19
lcukor c++03:19
angasuleor cobol03:20
lcukor any other language other than javascript03:20
FireFox16angasule: for development reasons03:20
Sargun_Screenlcuk: ....yes it can run C, Python, ASM even03:20
lcuki thought in the webos you had html03:20
Sargun_ScreenI thought that there were aspiring hackers everythwere.03:20
lcukwhat res is the hardware03:21
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FireFox16lcuk: you can take advantage of directfb in webos ;)03:22
lcukand i notice they arent pushing 3d caps yet03:22
Sargun_ScreenOk, gunna walk out of the train03:22
lcukhard screen res?03:22
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angasuleSargun_Screen: umh, but you have to jailbreak it or something?03:22
angasuleSargun_Screen: wait till it stops!03:22
FireFox16(root it)03:22
FireFox16itś not that hard03:23
angasuleFireFox16: still, not the same as N900 :)03:23
lcukits a hacked phone usable on the network03:23
lcukerrr rooted03:23
lcukcan you make apps for webos which talk to apps in the backend03:23
lcukfull api or just calling binaries?03:24
FireFox16you can port liqbase to it xD03:24
lcukonly with xv03:24
lcuki need YUV video for now03:24
FireFox16full api i think03:24
lcukbut im looking at options03:24
lcukpowervr is one03:24
lcukhow do you break out of html sandbox03:24
angasulewith a tiny pickaxe03:24
lcuksounds like an insecure engine03:24
FireFox16by installing a terminal app03:25
lcukhtml and backend usually never meet03:25
lcukat least now i understand why these things run so fast03:25
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lcukthey are doing a lot less work per frame than my 810 ever did03:26
penguinbaithey lcuk, I sent you a private message on itt03:26
FireFox16hay penguinbait :D03:27
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* FireFox16 is b-man03:27
penguinbaithey bman03:27
FireFox16what have you been up to? :)03:28
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* FireFox16 grabs some coffee03:28
penguinbaitwishing for hardware, you?03:30
penguinbaitand counting votes03:30
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FireFox16iḿ mostly playing around with Mer 0.16 in VMware03:32
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FireFox16penguinbait: wishing for the N900? eh? xD03:33
penguinbaitpandora, n900, something from outerspace, a monkey03:33
FireFox16iĺl probably be getting one soon03:34
penguinbaitwaiting for some carriers, to see what happens03:35
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FireFox16im getting mine unlocked03:35
* FireFox16 starts working on his geometry home work, god i hate geometry03:37
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GeneralAntillesHalf the apartment is on one 15 amp circuit.03:47
GeneralAntillesThat was cool.03:47
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zerojaywjt: Ping?04:26
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zerojaySargun_Screen: You're not getting your tablet by Oct 2nd, promise.04:27
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fiferboyAnyone want to install and test countdown-home from extras-testing?04:33
fiferboyAnd hopefully comment and thumbs-up on
zerojayI'll give it a shot.04:33
VDVsxfiferboy, I tested it (sbox of course :P)04:34
fiferboyzerojay: Thanks!04:34
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fiferboyVDVsx: What did you think?04:35
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VDVsxfiferboy, I didn't tried to customize it, my only complaint are the fonts/color of the events strings, I can't saw the events clearly with a darker background (probably I can change it)04:39
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VDVsxfiferboy, updating to 0.5-8..04:41
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jaybombAnyone have experience with Ovi maps on an actual device?  I ask because in the demo videos I've seen, it always seems to take half a minute to open.  Why is that exactly?04:46
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VDVsxfiferboy, nice color chooser ;)04:47
fiferboyVDVsx: It is a work in progress, but hopefully workable04:48
VDVsxfiferboy, it's quite good IMO :)04:48
VDVsxjust solve my problem, changing the widget background04:50
VDVsxfiferboy, what about a real countdown option ? (a counter instead of the text)04:51
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zerojayjaybomb: It's loading up a lot of data, most likely.04:52
zerojayVDVsx: Good idea. I was going to say the same thing.04:52
VDVsxa counter puts more pressure in the user :P04:53
fiferboyYou mean like a flip clock?04:54
lcukthis is not for taking anywhere and should not actually be made:04:54
lcukbut for a real countdown timer, it should be skinned like a bomb04:54
jaybombzerojay: Does that mean the maps are located on the device?04:54
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zerojayjaybomb: I believe they first have to be downloaded. I think they're cached.04:56
VDVsxfiferboy, like 1 min left -> 00:01:23 for e.g04:56
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fiferboyAh, I think I get it04:57
jaybombThat's a nice feature.  Still, seems like a long time to wait for an app to open.  :)04:57
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VDVsxfiferboy, this way the user can choose how the countdown is displayed04:57
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zerojayjaybomb: Not that big of a deal.. you can always switch to something else to wait it out.04:58
jaybombIt's not a deal breaker for me.  I wonder if the opening dialogue screen with something other than a black screen that says "maps" would make it appear more ... graceful.04:59
pupnikare there any possible tricks for getting python / pygtk things to start faster?05:01
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pupnikabout 2 seconds without feedback is as much as most people expect nowadays05:02
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zerojayThere was something in Diablo for that... can't remember the name.05:02
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jaybombIf the maps are cached, does that mean they will work without a data connection?  That was my assumption anyway.05:07
zerojayfiferboy: Good stuff. I voted you up.05:07
fiferboyzerojay: :D05:07
VDVsxfiferboy, your packages only depends on libc ? o_005:08
zerojayfiferboy: If you're looking for another small project you might be able to sink your teeth into, I've got an idea.05:08
fiferboyVDVsx: Yes, it seems the builddeps are correct but the install deps are somewhat missing :|05:08
fiferboyzerojay: Hit me05:09
zerojaySolution #1 in particular.05:09
VDVsxfiferboy, + 1 for that05:11
zerojayI'd do it myself but technically speaking, all programming work I do becomes property of my employer, so...05:12
fiferboyzerojay: That is a bit of a blocker05:12
GeneralAntillesMaceN8x0, catching up on the second half of season 3 now.05:13
GeneralAntilles. . .05:13
zerojayJust a tiny bit, even with my employer being as relaxed as they generally are about this sort of thing.05:13
GeneralAntillesStupid writer's strike.05:13
zerojayI work with a writer that went through with the picketing and all that.05:13
fiferboyzerojay: That one would be pretty tricky to test in scratchbox05:14
zerojayTurns out he was still able to work without being a scab though. Just had to work for some specific companies that already had deals or something like that.05:14
zerojayWell.. just an idea. :)05:15
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fiferboyzerojay: I'll probably give it a go, looks simple and useful05:16
zerojayHonestly, I'm dying for it.05:16
SpeedEvilAlso an option to 'ping' or make a configured noise every 100/500K/...05:17
fiferboyzerojay: I assume it would be useful to be able to reset the accumulation periodically?05:17
SpeedEvilI'm in the process of implementing a little graph thingy for my own network use.05:18
zerojayWhat could be done is clicking upon the widget could bring up the data counters dialog box with the Reset button... same one used by Control Panel.05:18
zerojayHaving a button on the widget to reset is something I consider A Very Bad Thing.05:19
SpeedEvilIncluding such things as making noise when a given amount is transferred, and lower thresholds if the laptop isn't in use.05:19
zerojayMaybe through the widget configuration.05:19
fiferboyA reset would usually have a confirmation dialog05:19
SpeedEvilor a reset but a way to get to past graphs and counters05:20
zerojayYou'd think, but apparently not. :/05:20
SpeedEvilThis however seems like a fundamentally simpler first cut.05:20
zerojayI'd prefer something simple at first.. no need for graphs or anything fancy. More important that it could be potentially ready for N900 sales release.05:21
zerojayThen come the whiz-bang cool shit. ;)05:21
zerojayWouldn't even be a big deal if it wasn't so buried and hard to find.05:21
SpeedEvilI wonder how tricky it would be to jam munin into a pretty wrapper05:22
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VDVsxfiferboy, if you need more testing, poke me, I'm happy to help ;)05:30
fiferboyVDVsx: Thanks!05:30
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SpeedEvilzerojay: where in the world are you?05:31
SpeedEviloh, canada.05:31
zerojayYes, good ole .ca.05:31
fiferboySpeedEvil: Is that a pun on the national anthem?05:34
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SpeedEvilfifer: actually not.05:46
SpeedEvilI realised immedately after I typed it of course.05:47
penguinbaitI don't care if you lick windows, take the special bus or occasionally pee on yourself. You hang in there, sunshine – you're friggin' special.05:48
zerojayI know. :)05:49
zerojayMommy says so.05:49
penguinbaitbelieve her ;)05:54
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penguinbaitand that goes for the rest of you all too06:18
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vladovgsome one06:47
vladovghave a problem with some packiges06:48
vladovgtraing to remove06:48
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SargunOk, so I preordered the N900. If I wait at my door step, will it get here faster?07:38
SargunWhat about a hunger strike?07:38
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SargunDelivery estimate: We need a little more time to provide you with a good estimate. We'll notify you via e-mail as soon as we have an estimated delivery date. You can cancel at any time.07:46
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MikaTSargun: Congratulations, good choice!08:15
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SargunMikaT, are you the devil on my shoulder?08:25
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* MikaT is a non-devil.08:31
MikaTSargun: Naah, not a devil, I just would like to see that nice device in stores finally.08:32
* Sargun is going to twiddle his thumbs until it arrives08:32
johnxwon't have any thumbs by the the it gets there08:35
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JaffaMorning, all09:24
Stskeepsmorn jaffa09:24
* Jaffa must remember to change his sig once dneary posts the election results09:24
JaffaLooks like a good turnout09:24
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* RST38h moos triumpantly10:04
Stskeepswhat'd you win over?10:05
RST38hSts: Fremantle10:05
RST38hSts: Pretty much ready for extras-testing10:06
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Stskeepswb _BuBU10:10
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_BuBUthx Stkskeeps :)10:13
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Stskeepsmorning dneary10:14
dnearyMorning Stskeeps10:14
dnearyI suppose you want the results?10:14
dnearyNiels has them, they should be online soon10:14
Stskeepshehe, wasn't why i said morning but yeah, eventually :)10:15
RST38hdneary: So, who won?10:16
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dnearyRST38h: I wouldn't want to ruin the suspense...10:17
dnearyI will say it was cut & dried - no one-vote differences in transfers, no person getting elected off transfers from another candidate, etc10:18
* RST38h is stupid and does not understand what dneary is talking about =)10:19
* Myrtti smacks RST38h 10:19
Myrttipay attention :-P10:19
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dnearyRST38h: STV can give interesting situations for strategy, voting pacts and so on10:20
dnearySay there are 3 candidates, and one seat10:20
dnearyOne candidate gets 40% of the vote, and the other two get 31% and 29%10:20
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dnearyThe two candidates who came second and third have an election pact, so that the guy with 29% has asked his voters to vote for the 31% guy in second place, and most of them did so10:21
dnearyBy taking 80% of 29%'s transfers, 31% moves up to 53% and wins the election10:22
SargunIs this a bad math problem?10:22
dnearySargun: No10:22
RST38hHe just implies that you should off the other two candidates and dump bodies into some river10:22
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SargunRST38h, agreed.10:22
RST38hThat will fix the math for sure10:22
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Maceri feel kind of dirty running 32bit xp on this core2duo10:36
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Macereven though i doubt there is much to gain by running a 64bit os on it10:36
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iPhonemy iPhone is the best10:40
alteregoYou must have an 8th generation iphone that no one knows about ..10:41
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Macerthe iphone GX?10:44
Macer(because X is cool)10:44
iPhoneYeah, but in iPhone i can send MMS what i can't do it in N90010:44
Stskeepsand how long did it take for it to get MMS support again? :)10:45
MaceN8x0with pictures!10:45
*** lpotter has joined #maemo10:45 with video!10:46
MyrttiN900 can do multitasking with all apps :-P10:46
alteregoMMS is a con.10:46
Myrttiit has it's uses10:46
alteregoEmail is much better.10:46
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alteregoMainly, because I have to pay a crap load to send an MMS, but my internet is inclusive and unlimited.10:46
alteregoI know, I don't get it either ..10:47
MaceN8x0has anybody seen the last episode of house?10:47
Stskeepsno, and don't spoil it10:47
MaceN8x0with the video game?10:47
Stskeepswill watch tonight10:47
alteregoNo, I've not seen any of this series so don't spoil it :P10:47
alteregoI'm downloading the pilot as we speak.10:49
alteregoGot quite a bit of TV to catch up on, never had this problem when I Was single :P10:49
MaceN8x0i want to play that game10:49
iPhoneHow meny app is to Nokia?10:50
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StskeepsiPhone: if you're trying to troll, investing in your spelling skills may be a better choice first10:50
MyrttiiPhone: so how did you manage the weather yesterday? was a bit rainy and stormy10:50
MyrttiiPhone: perhaps this year the weather won't surprise car people10:51
Myrttiit was a bit dreary here in Pirkanmaa10:52
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johnxiPhone, Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter10:52
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johnxdoes that mean I win?10:55
johnxalso, did you actually know him/her/it?10:55
Myrttijohnx: just looked at his realname and geoip'd it10:55
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SargunDoes anyone actually know when the N900 is going to shit?10:56
MyrttiSargun: huh?10:56
SargunMyrtti, I can't find any concrete info on the N900's ship date.10:56
Myrttioh, SHIP10:56
Sargunerm, oh, not shit, ship.10:56
Myrttiroight :-D10:56
johnxSargun, shitting hasn't been officially announced as an out-of-the-box feature, but it's suspected that 3rd party devs will start on that as soon as it ships in october (or possibly early november)10:57
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Sargunjohnx, eh, eh?11:01
johnxpretty good :)11:02
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johnxoh, you mean october/november?11:02
johnxI'm just repeating what people are talking about on talk.m.o11:02
johnxdifferent people are saying different stores are reporting different ship dates on different days11:03
johnxI expect something a little more solid may show up at the summit11:03
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Proteousyeah, this n900 diaria is getting messy11:05
Proteouswe need the solid shit now11:05
Corsacooh, it's back on oct 2211:05
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johnxwith the ship date randomness, the date is gonna jump to Sept 3rd eventually by random chance and everyone will have been playing with it for months11:06
Sargunnasty stretched out video:
SargunThis is Blasphemy, this is madness!11:07
Sargun(in reference to the changing of ship dates)11:07
SargunI feel like I could express many of my thoughts by pulling random images, texts, audio, and video from the internet/history11:08 over and over again? :P11:09
SargunStskeeps, -_-11:09
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Sargun_Screenermm, stupid unicode11:10
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Sargundid anyone see the look of disapproval?11:10
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MaceN8x0that house episode kind of sucked11:22
* MaceN8x0 moves onto castle11:23
MaceN8x0nicki heat haha11:24
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wjtzerojay: yo11:27
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MaceN8x0castle is so damn funny11:39
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* milos_ looking at results of council elections12:03
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Stskeepsmilos_: are we all going to hell?12:06
milos_Stskeeps: nope hehe12:06
johnxStskeeps, well, I'm up for a road trip12:06
* Jaffa sad for sjgadsby. Always a bridesmaid, never a bride :-(12:07
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lcukjaffa, hes lucky - so are you and i actually - those community pimped uniforms look scary ;)12:13
lcukbridezilla would be proud lol12:13
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tigertlcuk: awesome vid about the onedotzero stuff :)12:18
woglindemorning lcuk12:19
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lcuktigert, awesome  experience :)12:21
tigertlcuk: no doubt :)12:21
lcukn900 works so well12:21
woglindehm namedtuples in python12:21
lcukmornin woglinde12:21
* lcuk now needs to find a job tho12:21
woglindelcuk hm12:22
woglindewhy you dont find one?12:22
lcuklong story12:26
X-FadeRST38h: ping?12:26
lcukbut after tomorrow im out of work12:26
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fralshmm, only being able to define one APN seems like a serious flaw in the sw12:28
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hannoHello. A question about the N900 - does it come with a video telephony app that is using the front cam? (The nokia page's device specs don't even seem to mention the front cam...)12:31
RST38hX-Fade: pong!12:31
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X-FadeRST38h: You can start to upload to fremantle extras-devel incoming-nonfree.12:32
RST38hhanno: Will be eventually used for messaging, afaik12:32
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johnxhanno, almost certainly, given that the n800/n810 had such an app for SIP (provided by Nokia) and an app for Gizmo (provided by Gizmo)12:32
X-FadeRST38h: Processing is not working yet, but then I have something to test with ;)12:32
RST38hX-Fade: Acknowledged. Will try tonight =)12:32
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RST38hX-Fade: so it is not nonfree but incoming-nonfree???12:32
hannobut it's confirmed that the N900 has a highres cam on its back and a lores cam on its front?12:33
X-FadeRST38h: Just like for diablo and chinook.12:33
* RST38h remembers uploading to just "nonfree"... Weird12:33
alterego"lores"? Low res?12:33
RST38hhanno; Yes.12:33
hannoYes, lowres, sorry.12:33
alteregohanno: o if so, ues.12:33
X-FadeRST38h: But only extras-devel for now.12:35
X-FadeRST38h: Instructions will be updated later.12:35
hanno2nd question: N900 needs to be recharged after one day of use. Confirmed?12:37
Stskeepswith how much you would play with it, that seems fair..12:38
X-Fadehanno: which smarthphone doesn't? :)12:38
RST38hX-Fade: Understood. How long before -testing?12:38
X-Fadelol, I can't type.12:38
fralsif it lasts the rumoured ~12hrs with wlan im a happy panda, im used to be dead after a few hrs with wlan on :p12:38
RST38hhanno; This is what witnesses said12:39
* hanno considers buying the N900 for his wife and himself. Wife needs waf-complient hardware.12:39
X-FadeRST38h: Depends on other things, can't say atm.12:39
* RST38h read this as "lasts 12hrs with wlan in a happy panda"12:39
fralslcuk; did you manage to scratch the onedotzero n900 easily? or did the my-symbian device get an older screen?12:39
Captain_Picardhanno: your wife probally wants a diamond ring insteead12:39
Captain_Picardfor wedidng present12:39
Captain_Picardn900 wont fit on the ring finger.12:40
lcukfrals, mmm scratch?12:40
fralsuh, scratch the display*12:40
lcukfrals, mmm scratch?12:40
Stskeepsmm, how far away is karmic again?12:40
fralsi take that as a no then! ;)12:41
fralsCaptain_Picard: depends on how big your fingers are12:41
hannoShe isn't the diamond ring type and she married a nerd on purpose.12:41
lcukwell if you mean scratch as in "oh crap, n900 + keys in  pocket is bad", no i keep my n900 in pocket with keys12:41
frals" got the device without any protective case and the display got some awful scratches in just one day, and that's only because some sand grains got into the pocket I kept it in."12:42
fralsim going with him having a crappy old screen then12:42
SpeedEvilThe resistive touchscreen cover is a thin layer of plastic.12:43
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RST38hA moment12:43
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SpeedEvilAnyone not using a screen protector is rather silly12:43
RST38hfrals: same url12:44
RST38h(mind you it is N97 not N900, so your mileage may vary)12:44
fralsyeah, i saw some youtube video where they went to town with key/coin and something more and didnt manage to scratch it at all - im hoping its the same protective coating on the n90012:44
fralsah yeah its that vid :)12:45
SpeedEvilkey sharpness varies lots12:45
SpeedEvilthe actual thing I'd be worried about more with keys isn't scratches, it's breaking the screen12:46
fralsi doubt ill fit keys in the same pocket as my n900 anyway o_O12:46
SpeedEvilthe screen is a ~0.5mm thick bit of glass on the front12:46
SpeedEvilwith maybe a 1mm bit of glass behind it12:46
RST38hA UK prison computer system was left in lockdown after jail bosses gave a convicted cybercriminal the task of reprogramming it12:46
SpeedEvilif you press it with a small object, it risks cracking12:46
RST38hSpeedEvil,frals: Gentlemen, simply carry it in a clean pocket and it will be ok12:47
SpeedEvilUnless you sit on it.12:47
RST38hWe have got 5800 in the family, it took an effort to damage the screen12:47
StskeepsN900 - not for hobos12:47
fralsyeah, thats what i figured12:47
RST38hSitting probably won't do a thing12:47
SpeedEvilor accidentally bump it12:47
RST38hUnless you have got a stinger back there12:47
johnxRST38h, how did you find out my secret? *bzzzz*12:47
fralswas just curious how the touchscreens stack up to the old nokia displays, as the "sand in pocket" sounded very silly from that pov12:48
RST38hjohnx: <scary>12:48
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RST38hfrals: Sand will damage most gadgets, sorry12:48
RST38hfrals: People use sand to polish steel12:49
fralswell, im not walking around with half a beach in my pockets :)12:49
SpeedEvilAnd a screen protector means you can simply pull the protector and replace.12:49
RST38hfrals: any amount will do12:49
* johnx has sand under the screens of both zaurii, but his n800 escaped that fate12:49
* RST38h will wait for cases and screen protectors made specifically for N900 =)12:50
johnxSpeedEvil, which doesn't matter at all if the more likely scenario happens where it ends up behind the front layer of the screen anyways12:50
fralsnot manage to mess up any of my previous phones due to sand in pocket so i hope ill be fine ;)12:50
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h4rdPING 125423585612:50
johnxhi h4rd12:51
Corsac aha12:51
h4rdhi, sorry for that12:52
johnxno worries :) guess I should have said "pong"12:52
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h4rdmaybe a ping from Brazil could be better accepted :)12:54
hannoDoes anybody know the expected fees for using Nokia's navigation software on N900?12:54
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lcukRST38h, grit is the worst thing13:00
lcuk1 tiny little grain caught under stylus can ruin anything13:01
lcuki hate the feeling as well when your stylus goes from fullspeed to digging a trench, my 810 had one13:01
X-Fadelcuk: Yeah, know that feeling.13:02
* SpeedEvil looks a the booklet 3g.13:02
* SpeedEvil stabs windows tax.13:02
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* hanno found prices for Nokia navigation - but list is puzzling:
johnxSpeedEvil, dell mini 10v13:03
SpeedEviljohnx: I like the metal case.13:04
johnxhp mini 21xx13:04
SpeedEviljohnx: I really want a replacement for my toshiba portege 3110ct, and this is the closest I've seen.13:04
johnxhanno, not sure if you can extrapolate prices for maemo stuff from symbian stuff...13:05
hannopricing seemed to be device-independent.13:05
johnxSpeedEvil, just don't pretend to yourself that the booklet is something different than an expensive netbook13:05
inzCorsac, wow that thing boots fast13:06
lcukX-Fade, crossover between fingertouching and sometimes stylus makes this more troublesome - at least before most of the time i could keep a pristine screen and clean stylus - now every time i draw im cutting through grimy fingerprints13:06
* lcuk is pleased he doesnt have to press to write :)13:06
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fralsreading the my-symbian preview was a mistake - now i want the damn thing even more. :(13:12
SpeedEviljohnx: I would prefer some things to be different about it - but I've been using small laptops for a long time, and find them convenient. (though I'm not going to be able to afford it).13:12
johnxSpeedEvil, I totally agree. I'm still kicking myself for not bying a thinkpad S31 when I had the chance13:13
johnxall I'm saying is you need to make sure you aren't lumping the booklet in a higher class just because it's more expensive13:13
Corsac(I just sold an X31 :)13:14
johnxthat looked nice too13:14
johnxbut this was a little different13:14
SpeedEviljohnx: It depends - if the metal case actually makes it more robust - it did with my 3110ct - ...13:14
johnxhp mini 21xx13:14
* SpeedEvil has a x60s ATM - from ebay. It's OK.13:14
johnxdid you look at it?13:14
* SpeedEvil is trying to avoid looking at shiny stuff - I've got no budget for it for the next several months at least.13:16
johnxI pointed at it cause it's a 1) metal 2) netbook 3) far cheaper than the booklet13:16
SpeedEvilI haven't seen the price of the booklet13:16
SpeedEvilBoth prices are regrettably unimportant though.13:17
* Corsac is waiting for his touchbook13:17
johnxI've heard $799 for the booklet, and seems ~$400 for the hp 214013:17
johnxand I know the feeling WRT money :)13:17
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johnx(all USD, not that helpful to everyone here at this hour)13:18
johnxfor reference: Thinkpad S31:
SpeedEvilyeah - that's damn close to what I want13:19
CorsacSpeedEvil: (I loved it)13:20
johnxI'm such an idiot for not picking when up when I had a chance :|13:20
SpeedEvilunavailable on ebay13:20
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SpeedEvilhere at least13:21
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johnxyeah, not available in the EU or US13:21
SpeedEvilI've got the x60s - which is sort of like a slimmed down x3113:21
johnxthe x200 looks really nice for me13:22
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SpeedEvilI wish there were 4:3 laptops13:22
johnxI'm more flexible about carrying a little more wait to have some serious CPU power13:22
CorsacSpeedEvil: I wish that too13:22
johnxas long as 4 terms fit on a screen I could care less13:22
CorsacI love my t6113:22
Corsaccrying for the time it'll be gone :(13:22
Corsact400s look nice but 1440×900 on a 14" in just not enough13:23
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johnxstrangely, pointing devices are what I'm most picky about13:23
SpeedEvilI like trackpoints.13:24
johnxme too13:24
Corsacme too13:24
johnxor a really nice, roomy touchpad13:24
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johnxthe macbook thinkpad is really the only one I've been able to actually enjoy13:25
infobotjohnx meant: the macbook touchpad is really the only one I've been able to actually enjoy13:25
johnxand that means I'm sleep typing again :)13:25
* johnx heads to bed13:26
lcukVDVsx, you need to put your superhero pants on already and get in the room allocation thread!13:26
lcukgnite johnx13:26
VDVsxlcuk, done, but I don't have most of the 'details' atm, can help much13:28
JaffaVDVsx: What details do you want? ;-)13:28
* lcuk laughs asjaffa emails a 40000000 page document13:28
* lcuk is actually quite relieved right now ;)13:28
zerojaywjt: Found the account plugins yesterday. Great stuff. Any chance you can start using /opt?13:29
VDVsxJaffa, the list of sponsored participants that will stay at the hotel, if possible ;)13:29
JaffaVDVsx: My starting point would be "anyone who has put Shared/Single in 'Who Needs A Room?'" but doesn't have a hotel listed elsewhere13:30
* Stskeeps wonders who ends up as council chair13:30
zerojaywjt: As per
VDVsxJaffa, so, 41 sponsored participants ?13:31
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JaffaVDVsx: 50 people have been accepted for sponsorship13:34
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zerojayI dropped out.13:34
Stskeepshm, weren't you in candidates list at some point for council?13:34
Jaffazerojay: Ah yes. Has your registration been removed?13:35
VDVsxzerojay, can you edit the accommodation table then ? or can I remove your name from there :)13:35
zerojayQuim reqested those who won't be able to make it to send him an e-mail and as far as I know, it already has been. Correct me if I'm wrong.13:35
zerojayWill do.13:35
VDVsxzerojay, thanks13:35
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Jaffazerojay: You are not registered. So, that 50 sponsored participants does NOT include you13:37
zerojayOk, cool.13:37
zerojayVDVsx: Link me?13:38
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zerojayStskeeps: And yes, I was running for council.13:38
VDVsxzerojay, (first one)13:38
zerojayVDVsx: Heh.. I like that trying to select the lines and moving upwards to select the entire portion of me on that table results in automatic scrolling downwards and selecting the rest of the table.13:40
* RST38h moos13:41
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zerojayVDVsx: Done.13:42
VDVsxzerojay, thanks13:42
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lcukmornin council member  gcobb \o  congratulations13:44
wjtzerojay: wtf :'(13:44
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zerojaywjt: Sorry dude. :/13:45
wjtit seems a shame that / couldn't've been made 1G bigger, rather than adding an extra gig in /opt13:46
zerojayFor what it's worth, your plugins are working really well so far.13:46
zerojayWorth the wait.13:46
wjtall praise should be directed to jonny :)13:47
zerojayI don't know how we're supposed to use idle though.13:47
gcobblcuk: ta, muchly.  Am very surprised by result13:47
zerojaygcobb: Congrats.13:47
lcukwhy surprised, you guys (barring young pup vdvsx lol) have lots of community experience13:47
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wjtzerojay: heh, yeah, idle's not so useful right now13:48
zerojayjonnylamb: I love you.13:48
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Stskeepsyeah, we owe the telepathy-butterfly etc guys a beer at summit :P13:49
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zerojayjonnylamb: Thanks for all your hard work on getting the plugins working on Maemo 5.13:50
gcobblcuk: but other candidates who make more active contributions - I expected you to be on!13:50
X-Fadejonnylamb: Quite some work to get those in the repo, I noticed ;)13:51
zerojaygcobb: You'd think. Hehe.13:51
lcukim actually relieved - in part because of the costume you guys are gonna have to wear, and the workload lol - i can  at least concentrate on code13:51
zerojayYeah, I kind of feel that way a bit too.13:51
RST38hSo, where are the elections results?13:52
jonnylambX-Fade: Oh?13:52
inzOops, forgot to vote13:53
inzOh well13:53
VDVsxRST38h, please add your name to the second table ->
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VDVsxRST38h, if you don't have a room booked in other hotel, of course13:54
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zerojayjonnylamb: I noticed that sometimes a # and number is added to the end of my MSN address. Something unintentional?13:57
lcukRST38h, you are coming to the summit? :D cool13:58
Robot101er, butterfail13:58
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zerojayRobot101: lol14:04
zerojayActually, happens to everyone's MSN addresses.14:05
zerojaywjt: Anything in particular we should just accept as known bugs/behavior at this point?14:07
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wjtzerojay: that "" issue, for starters :)14:08
zerojayAlso, my MSN friends... I see them as online in Contacts, but if I click on their name to go to their profile, it just shows their "nickname" and doesn't actually list their MSN account as a part of their contact.14:09
wjti think that's because of the #1 thing14:09
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zerojayYeah, just seems to happen with MSN contacts.14:10
zerojayWhen using telepathy-butterfly.14:10
zerojaySuppose I always could just switch to haze.14:10
wjti'll check with an addressbook person :)14:10
zerojayNo problem. Just trying to gather together a list of expected behavior so that you guys don't get deluged with the same "hey, wtf?" questions.14:11
wjtfantastic :)14:11
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Robot101wjt: the # crap should be filtered by butterfly though14:12
Robot101wjt: surely14:12
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GoTojuego de boxeo online
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wjtRobot101: it should, but apparently the normalized id being different to the unnormalized id confuses the address book in genera14:13
wjtso fixing butterfly works around it14:13
zerojayIs there anything in particular you guys want tested or want people to bang on?14:14
Robot101wjt: yeah, one of those fix in both places things, I think :)14:15
SpeedEvilPhysical durability reports, including drop till it breaks tests.14:15
jonnylambwjt: Didn't you and lfrb "discuss" this?14:15
SpeedEvilBut I suspect... :)14:15
fralshmm, anyone with a recent n900 able to add more than one APN btw?14:19
wjtzerojay: not that i can think of14:19
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Stskeepsafternoon lardman14:21
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lardmancongrats to the outgoing & incoming council members, if any are lurking14:22
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zerojayTime to make videogames. Back later.14:24
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lardmanhmm, any recommendations for what to use to grab webpages (to a mem buffer) using C?14:33
lardmanseems to only want to grab to file14:33
lardmanor at least only that without hacking around#14:34
X-Fadelardman: Open socket, request page, read buffer? :)14:34
lardmanwell yeah there is that I guess14:34
lardmanthat was the nice thing about Python, lots of convenience packages provided14:36
lardmane.g. urllib14:36
lardmanhmm, lots of stuff on an Amazon page14:40
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X-Fadelardman: Don't they have a mobile version?14:40
lardmandunno, will have a look see14:41
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lcuklardman, mmm libcurl will grab to memory14:41
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lcuki do i14:41
lcukhold on14:41
lcukill dig itout14:41
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lardmanfrom looking at the api it seems to want a filehandle all the time14:42
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lardmanthough you can create your own write() fn14:42
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lardmanX-Fade: good call, that will be much easier to parse14:44
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RST38hlardman: system("wget")14:44
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lardmanRST38h: that blocks though I guess?14:44
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RST38hlardman: guess so14:45
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lcukand either method can be put in a thread..14:45
lardmanblob master :)14:45
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lardmanyeah true14:45
lcuklard man14:45
fralshmm, this whole "only one APN in fremantle" problem seems quite annoying14:45
RST38hlardman: you can of course try system("wget <url> >file &"); then check on file14:45
lardmanI don't want any file access14:45
RST38hfrals: How many APNs do you want? :)14:45
lcukthe function push_to_liqbase_net is the function which talks to webserver14:45
RST38hlardman: Ah, ok14:46
lcukand i expect a response14:46
frals2 would be quite good as some operators have a separate one for MMS fetching14:46
lcukwhich is done with buffer14:46
RST38hlardman: then you can try redirecting its stdout to your stdin14:46
lardmancool, thanks lcuk14:46
RST38hor to a pipe14:46
lardmanRST38h: messy, but thanks14:46
RST38hfrals: I can suggest a different solution =)14:46
fralshit me!14:46
RST38hfrals: Create your own MMS server at Ovi and send all N900 MMSes through that server, at Internet pricing (rather than much higher MMS pricing)14:47
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* RST38h laughs satanically14:47
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lcukCURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION and CURLOPT_WRITEDATA are the important things14:48
fralsShame I got free MMSes with my operator ;-)14:48
lcukRST38h, as long as ovi will push them to people around the world thats a viable option14:48
DrIDKhello! Are you developping a maemo application creator, like qt creator ? Because maemo SDK is very difficult to use14:48
RST38hlcuk: MMS server is just a normal web srever14:49
lcukDrIDK, IDK!14:49
RST38hlcuk: The "push" happens via SMS14:49
lcukhopefully, but you still need to compile apps14:49
RST38hlcuk: A specially formatted SMS contains URL to the MMS server14:50
lcukRST38h, so i can push photos to my gf over the web?14:50
RST38hlcuk: If you can send those special SMSes then yes14:50
* lardman looks at the summit agenda and plans his listening14:50
lcukso it needs OVI servers sending out specially crafted SMSes to all providers in the world14:50
* Stskeeps wonders what insane human being is boiling cabbage outside14:50
RST38hlcuk: Operators require separate APN for the connection to their MMS servers for one simple reasons: to charge you x10 more for MMSes14:50
lardmanwhat is "UX panel"?14:50
RST38hUX = user experience14:51
lcukuser experience14:51
Stskeepsuser experience panel?14:51
RST38h"UX panel" is where UX designers go to find work, I guess14:51
lcuki think this and the other UI one should not happen concurrently14:51
lardmanah, my engineering background showing through14:51
lcukand they should follow from each other and build on it14:51
DrIDKlcuk: ?14:51
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lcukDrIDK, to compile an application for maemo, it needs a maemo compiler - this normally happens in a dedicated environment - "the maemo SDK" - any maemo application creator must cater for this14:52
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ShadowJKRST38h, normal web server? I thought it was WAP14:53
lcuksome strange people seem to think using an on device compiler works really nicely14:53
lcukbut they are dismissed as heretics ;)14:53
lardmanlol @ dneary's lighting presentation, just so everyone who comes on after him knows what they should have done :)14:53
RST38hShadow: WAP is also delivered via normal HTTP14:53
RST38hShadow: either as WML or as HDML document14:53
lcuklol lardman14:53
ShadowJKRST38h, WAP over html isn't guaranteed to work14:54
* RST38h decides whether to dismiss lcuk for now or burn him at the stake screaming "HERETIC! HERETIC!"14:54
ShadowJKover http, I mean14:54
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penguinbaitlcuk was robbed :(14:54
RST38hShadowJK: Dunno, it is still HTTP14:54
lcuknot at all14:54
RST38hShadowJK: maybe some weird transport protocol underneath of course14:54
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RST38hShadowJK: But it worked perfectly for me years ago, using generic Apache server14:55
RST38hShadowJK: Configured to send HDML document with correct MIME type14:55
lardmanoh well, nearly every talk clashes with another one I also want to watch14:55
glassthe last leg of transfer, from wapgw to phone, could be some wap specific shit, but the server giving the stuff to wap gw just works fine and dandy from plain http servers14:55
Stskeeps <- fremantle desktop under mer on a q5 with SW rendering14:55
Stskeepswith transitions limited14:55
RST38hSts: Wow14:56
Stskeepsblurrycam galore, too14:56
lardmancool :)14:56
RST38hSts: use screencasts next time, please14:56
lardmannot got the 3D stuff up and running yet?14:56
StskeepsRST38h: i think screencast will slow down the device to a halt14:56
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glassdo it in a dark room like a true nerd should14:57
RST38hSts: gzip on the fly should be ok14:57
Stskeepslardman: well i decided to try on q5 as it was my only mer devel device right now, and if it worked like crap on q5, it would work like crap on n8x0..14:57
ShadowJKRST38h, I think the typical flow is apache serving hdml over http to an ISPs wap gateway server, which modifies/mangles your page and sends it over some monstrous WSP/WTP/WDP transport to the device..14:57
RST38hShadowJK: Not really14:57
lardmanthe 3D hw is accessible in the q5 though isn't it?14:57
Stskeepsthere's some leaked libs now14:57
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RST38hShadowJK: Dunno about transport but pretty sure HDML comes through unmodified14:57
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ShadowJKRST38h, I thought the modification is a key part of WAP, pages are modified for the devices?14:58
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RST38hShadowJK: Modified by YOU the website designer :)))14:58
RST38hShadowJK: And of course it is a weakness, not a virtue14:59
RST38hThis is why WAP lost to HTML14:59
RST38hWWW, not HTML, really14:59
ShadowJKMind, most modern wap browsers know how to do HTTP over IP.. but that doesn't automatically mean your ISP/Operator gives you an environment where you actually can do http :/14:59
fralssome mms gateways does try to modify the content to match your handset, according to wikipedia (i think)14:59
RST38hThey should have just used GOPHER for mobiles...14:59
ShadowJKYes, Japan used a subset of HTML instead of inventing entirely new transports and markup languages.. much more successful15:00
RST38hfrals <--- venturing into areas he shouldn't, really15:00
glassthey hurried the mobile browsing by one generation of shitphones..15:00
Stskeepslardman: this would be very fast on n8x0 with GL drivers probably.. same on q515:00
glassthat nobody could even use due to so high costs on using wap over gsm15:00
lardmanStskeeps: yes, looks very nice, good work15:00
glassRIOT ON!..15:00
RST38hNot that it is illegal or anything but working with MMS badly affects mental health15:00
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ShadowJKooh: "WAP 2.0[1] released in 2002 is a re-engineering of WAP using a cut-down version of XHTML with end-to-end HTTP (i.e., dropping the gateway and custom protocol suite used to communicate with it)."15:01
ShadowJKYeah I'm thinking of WAP115:01
ShadowJKWith its gateways and custom transport protocols15:02
fralsI read somewhere that WAP2.0 isn't widely implemented, I might be wrong though15:02
akshayHi ! How do we become root in maemo SDK ?15:02
ShadowJK"A WAP gateway can be used in conjunction with WAP 2.0; however, in this scenario, it is used as a standard proxy server. The WAP gateway's role would then shift from one of translation to adding additional information to each request. This would be configured by the operator and could include telephone numbers, location, billing information, and handset information."15:02
RST38hWAP/WML/XHTML is being managed by a committee15:03
RST38hSo you can expect all kinds of "new" protocols from them over years, just ignore them15:03
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fralsgod this whole MMS business is messy :P15:04
Corsacaha, n900 back again to oct 2915:04
Corsacok, I got it15:04
Corsacon the morning, it's planned for oct 2215:05
Corsacon the afternoon, for oct 2915:05
cosmohmm.. what's the black squaer next to camera button on n900?15:05
lcukfrals, that swhy discussion and collaboration is needed.  its hard work and not the sort of thing 1 person can slot in in an afternoon15:06
Corsacor brightness sensor?15:06
cosmothat's what i thought first.. but IR is a bit 90's15:06
lcuki believe its ir15:06
ShadowJK"Most controversial, especially for many from the IP side, was the design of WAP over IP. WAP's transmission layer protocol, WTP, uses its own retransmission mechanisms over UDP to attempt to solve the problem of the inadequacy of TCP over high packet loss networks."15:06
fralslcuk: yeah, deffo15:06
ShadowJKDear god, not even standard TCP15:06
frals"WAP Push is specified on top of WDP; as such, it can be delivered over any WDP-supported bearer, such as GPRS or SMS.[9] In most GSM networks there are a wide range of modified processors, but GPRS activation from the network is not generally supported, so WAP Push messages have to be delivered on top of the SMS bearer."15:07
* frals scratches head15:07
lcuksilently sent out from your device (through a little inconspicuous black flap on the front near the camera button) connect to the pigeon coops nearby15:07
RST38hShadowJK: Well, WTP is SMS-based15:07
lcukand send your data15:07
ShadowJKRST38h, no it can run on anything15:08
RST38hShadowJK: Breaks data into SMSes and sends them, at SMS prices15:08
RST38hShadowJK: WAP can15:08
RST38hShadowJK: WTP is cellular specific though15:08
ShadowJKno, oops, WTP runs on top of WDP15:08
RST38hShadowJK: So, you have got HDML/WML-on-top-of-HTTP-on-top-of-WTP-on-top-of-SMS15:08
AndrewFBlackanyone got any clue what will make a n810 screen need recalibration every 5 mintues or so besides the screen is going dead?15:08
RST38hShadowJK: Ok, include WDP in the middle15:09
RST38hShadowJK: Anyways, you can probably see now why I urged frals not to go there15:09
RST38hAndrew: lint?15:09
fralsits not fun if its easy, RST38h! ;)15:10
AndrewFBlackRST38h, I look a can of compressed air and tried to clean aroun edge of screen without taking it apart not sure if it is lint15:10
ShadowJKSo it looks like it's WSP (modified http) - WTP (custom tcp-ish implementation) - WDP (is same as UDP when over IP) - <sms or IP>15:10
RST38hfrals: When you get down to binary SMS encoding, I will look at you.15:10
penguinbaitAFB are you running from flash or SD card?15:11
StskeepsAndrewFBlack: taking it apart may be an option.. takes a torx screwdriver but that's about it15:11
ShadowJKfrals: I guess you have some reading?
penguinbaitAndrewFBlack  are you running from flash or SD card?15:12
AndrewFBlackpenguinbait, flash but I have mer installed on sd card but screen problem is with both15:12
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fralsShadowJK: gonna read through the wap 1.2 as this is where WAP Push was added, and as I understand WAP Push is needed for MMS isnt it?15:12
penguinbaitI thought maybe it was just the OS messing up15:12
ShadowJKYeah I think so, but there's a document on MMS on that second link15:12
gcobbHeh, some of us lived through all the "WAP is crap" stuff.  Some of the engineering decisions were good (WAP push over SMS, creation of WTP).  Some were not so good (WML).15:13
AndrewFBlackStskeeps, thats going to be my next option I have a real bad deap scratch I was wondering if that could cause it but the scratch has been there a long time and problem just started15:13
gcobbSomewhere on the internet you will even find my WML home page, if you search hard enough!15:13
ShadowJKPlus, what if the operator uses wap1.x and not wap2 for mms, etc :/15:13
fralsShadowJK: cool, ill do some reading... ^^15:13
t_s_oi would guess that wtp on top of sms is a last resort when everything else fails...15:13
ShadowJKLuckily my first phone with GPRS could eat html2 webpages, so I never made any WML :)15:13
penguinbaitI have a coupe deep scratches in a n800 its annoying, but never caused an actually problem15:13
AndrewFBlackI notice some times its like it doens't register my clicks at all as well15:14
RST38hShadowJK: My first phone could only parse HDML15:14
t_s_ogcobb: wml, and "payment by the min" on non-gprs phones basically tainted all future wap talk...15:14
ShadowJKmy first phone didn't have any wap at all :)15:14
RST38hShadowJK: Good for it too, though, as WML ihas been severely overengineered by the committee15:14
SpeedEvilAnd: if it is scratched badly enought htat the layer is deformed, and contacts the screen when untouched, that will do that15:15
t_s_oi recall testing wap on a old siemens back when it had two colors, black and white ;)15:15
ShadowJKt_s_o, especially when people with web pages expected you to dial their own modem pool and pay premium rates... that was even bigger wtf15:15
RST38hShadowJK: Well we bought HDML capable phone for business, as I implemented mobile webmail on it15:15
* lcuk has an n810 that is completely insensitive to finger touch - it works with stylus tho15:15
RST38hShadowJK: Long, LONG time before gmail :)15:15
t_s_oShadowJK: dont think i have ever seen that...15:15
fralsShadowJK: are you able to dl any of the docs from wapforum? im getting a user/pass prompt15:15
ShadowJKfrade, heh I didn't try15:16
lcukShadowJK, those were dodgy pron attacks15:16
t_s_ofunny thing was that even back with the b/w lcd screens, someone found a way to deliver porn by wap :P15:16
ShadowJKfrals, yeah same15:16
ShadowJKlcuk, no it was legitimate sites15:16
lcukthen you have to register with wapforum to get at the docs15:16
lcukyikes ShadowJK15:17
t_s_oah those tricks, the custom dailers, from back in the modem age, no wonder i didnt recall it...15:17
ShadowJKlcuk, for example news sites that had proper HTML versions, but expected users to pay premium rates per the minute for mobile access15:17
lcukperfectly normal15:17
t_s_oi think i ones had a dialer trying to forcibly hijack my connection, but as i was on isdn at the time, it could not make head or tail of the setup ;)15:18
ShadowJKAfter GPRS came they then made their WML sites accessible via internet, and used a different way of trying to charge per page instead15:18
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ShadowJKand I guess foreca is still doing it with their widget :-)15:19
fralshmm, wonder how many operators have infrastructure that doesnt support wap2.015:20
glassdunno. theres gotta be some totally closed garden shithole operators still left15:20
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t_s_omost of them in the US ;)15:21
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* RST38h imagines how software engineers working for cell operators feel15:21
RST38hMust feel like perpetual attempts to make a soup out of worn shoes15:22
* ShadowJK interned with a phone operator once15:22
RST38hEvery feature should be as convoluted as possible or it is not good enough15:22
AndrewFBlackjust noticed with only around 300 people voting in council election it would be easy to fix the election15:22
ShadowJKbut I was mostly "whoah are those vaccuum tubes" - "dude what's with all these used wires in a pile? can I have them?"15:23
* RST38h still has not seen election results15:23
JaffaAndrewFBlack: "easy"?15:23
RST38hShadowJK: Heh, how fmailiar15:23
AndrewFBlacksomeon could start now creating new accounts and building just a little karma on each then vote fo them selfs on all those accounts15:23
StskeepsAndrewFBlack: demanding a recount? :)15:23
RST38hAndrew: need to have account for at least 3 months15:23
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AndrewFBlackStskeeps, no i reall was just trying something by running this time seeing how many votes I could get by just saying hey I'm running and then saying nothig else about it15:24
AndrewFBlackRST38h, if the person created the accounts now he could do it by next election15:24
t_s_oAndrewFBlack: i thought you had gone over to the fruity side15:24
ShadowJKAlso, the last time they threw out anything at their central exchange was when they did analog->digital. Each subsequent generation of digital equipment occupied less than half the space of the previous generation, which was already magnitudes smaller than the analog system before, so their machine room was a trip through history :-)15:25
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* SpeedEvil gets ready for the massive outages in 2020, when phone exchanges start blowing away as people open doors.15:25
RST38hShadow: They never removed anything?15:25
AndrewFBlackt_s_o, maybe next time I will run for real and put some effort into it15:25
t_s_oShadowJK: basically, install new stuff as failover for old stuff, then remove old stuff at eventual fail and move in newer stuff, repeat as needed?15:26
RST38hShadow: And in the very middle, there was a shining blue vat with a pulsating brain connected to the exchange with golden wires?15:26
ShadowJKt_s_o, no they just couldn't be bothered to bring in the heavy cranes to rmeove the old shit15:26
* frals goes to town on: "Wireless Application Protocol Multimedia Messaging Service Client Transactions Specification"15:26
fralsthis document looks like fun!15:27
AndrewFBlackthe hard part about fixing the election for you to win is coming up with 50 new name I don't think andrewfblack01, andrewfblack02 would work lol15:27
t_s_oah, dinos :D15:27
t_s_oi recall reading when a norwegian university where giving away some old servers, they recommended you bring 3-4 big friends, and strong carrying straps ;)15:27
ShadowJKPlus they had used some of the spare space to set up an office, and door in the new drywall was too small to even get a programming terminal through...15:28
t_s_oheh, screwdriver time ;)15:28
ShadowJKThat terminal looked awesome. The chair, "table", keyboard and screen was one huge integrated unit15:28
t_s_obtw, that sounds almost like a tv practical joke. get a big box that barely fits, delivered. then while distracting crew to another room swap the box to one that just bare do not fit ;)15:29
SpeedEvilit all fits if you have a chainsaw15:29
t_s_oand a jackhammer for the concrete ;)15:30
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AndrewFBlacksomeone asked me about using fremantle icons on my fremantle theme for diablo, icons are closed source right15:31
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StskeepsAndrewFBlack: you can probably use Meizirkki's freemantle-icons15:31
X-FadeAndrewFBlack: no, not closed source, copyrighted yes :)15:31
* lardman eats bacon15:32
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AndrewFBlackX-Fade, so I wouldn't be able to release them if I got a copy of them right15:32
X-FadeAndrewFBlack: Nope15:32
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lardmanask for permission?15:33
X-FadeAndrewFBlack: It is the Ovi icon set IIRC.15:33
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Stskeepswe just use oxygen icons instead15:35
RST38hAndrew: Why use default icons? They are kinda ugly (well some)15:37
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AndrewFBlackRST38h, some people asked about me using them so I thought would ask15:37
AndrewFBlackI think the theme looks cool even with diablos icons15:38
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X-FadeUsing diablo icons has the same problem.15:39
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AndrewFBlackX-Fade, I don't use the diablo icons they are already there the theme is for diablo :)15:41
X-FadeAndrewFBlack: Well then it not a problem. As long as you don't redistribute them :)15:43
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RST38hThe Kafka-esque Nightmare of Palm App Submission15:46
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StskeepsRST38h: extras starts looking more and more sane as time goes by15:46
RST38hLooks like phone manufacturers just LOVE doing this15:46
RST38hSts: Sadly, yes15:46
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ShadowJKit never looked not-sane to me.. :-)15:47
RST38hSts: But wait, the fremantle Extras is a step toward Kafka15:47
X-FadeHey, I take offense to that!15:47
ShadowJKis femantle extras different?15:47
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ShadowJKoh well, as long as it isn't like on Symbian where you have to pay to maek your software runnable15:48
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RST38hX-Fade: well, the three-layered submission system, you know...15:49
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* RST38h is pretty satisfied with the fact that Extras has been effectively replaced with Extras-testing for power users15:49
X-FadeRST38h: But at least you have that. And don't have to use the minefield.15:50
RST38hX-Fade: Diablo extras feels pretty safe15:50
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RST38hX-Fade: Extras-devel is a different story of course15:51
X-FadeRST38h: Well, it is not.15:51
X-FadeRST38h: About 20% can not be installed and can certainly not be rebuilt.15:51
ShadowJKso like15:51
ShadowJKHow would one get something that doesn't build successful with sb toolchain into extras?15:51
RST38hX-Fade: Cannot be rebuilt is ok as far as I am conerned, cannot be installed is worse15:51
ShadowJKcould you like make a newer gcc package and build-dep that? ;D15:52
RichiHSpeedEvil: i already have a data plan so i don't need/want to get another one just for the n90015:52
RST38hX-Fade: But I define "minefield" as "you install an app from there and it screws up your system"15:52
RST38hX-Fade: Diablo Extras is pretty safe in this sense15:52
X-FadeRST38h: Well, i can do that too.15:52
X-FadeRST38h: As you can promote your app without anybody knowing or checking.15:52
RST38hShadowJK: You submit to non-free15:52
X-FadeRST38h: And there is no dependency checking either.15:52
RST38hShadowJK: This is the only practical way at the moment, although I agree it is not exactyly what you are trying to do15:53
RST38hX-Fade: I guess we have just got mostly sane develoepers then15:53
ShadowJKIt's kinda funny. Diablo's toolchain doesn't build VFP code, and Fremantle's toolchain doesn't build NEON :-)15:54
RST38hShadowJK: If you get 2009q1 toolchain it will build Neon15:54
ShadowJKyeah probably15:54
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kulvethere's no real benefit from compiling for neon, afaik.15:55
RST38hwell, depends...15:56
ShadowJKkulve, handwritten neon?15:56
RST38hthe neon pipeline flush is certainly going to be a disaster15:56
RST38hYou have got 13+10 steps15:56
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kulvehandwritten neon is a great thing but the compiler generated neon isnt'15:56
ShadowJKSomeone was trying to compile a recent MPlayer and gas didn't recognize the neon15:57
RST38hkulve: is it fundamental or should we just wait for a better gcc backend?15:57
lardmanShadowJK: doesn't build vfp?15:57
ShadowJKlardman, doesn't recognize all vfp opcodes15:58
lardmanyou sure?15:58
kulveRST38h: I don't know. I guess it's just something that the compiler can't ever do well. Like it's still beneficial to hand write armv5/6 asm where good performance is needed15:58
lardmanah ok, asm you mean?15:58
RST38hkulve: with arm assembly I can tellyou why15:58
RST38hkulve: it is really simple ;)15:58
ShadowJKlardman, vpush for example15:58
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RST38hkulve: GCC will optimize your code with respect to the CPU pipeline. It WILL NOT take memory thoroughput into account15:59
lardmanShadowJK: have not looked at VFP asm at all, thought you were also meaning from C15:59
RST38hkulve: In most ARM-based SoCs though, memory is the real killer15:59
kulvethe fremantle 2007q3 compiles neon fine with -mfpu=neon I guess?16:00
RST38hkulve: Once you miss cache, it is 32 reads at 166MHz max16:00
RST38hkulve: Actually, I am wrong16:00
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ShadowJKThere was someone on t.m.o who tried to compile latest MPlayer for fremantle, and gas didn't recognize all of the neon16:01
RST38hkulve: 8 clocks to set address then 8x32bits for the data16:01
kulveShadowJK: I compiled ffmpeg and it do compile for NEON with proper gcc options16:01
RST38hkulve: If you are unlucky to have 16bit data bus, it is 8+8*2=24 SDRAM clocks16:01
ShadowJKmaybe he was missing -mfpu=neon...16:02
RST38hWhich (with CPU at 400MHz) equals to 24*400/166=58 clocks16:02
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RST38hkulve: In other words, you are screwed16:02
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RST38hAnd compiler is NOT gonna help you16:02
RST38hHandwritten solution is to stick as many variables into ARM registers as possible, use each register for multiple variables and shift - gcc can't do that16:03
ShadowJKgcc's vectorizer doesn't work nicely for any CPU arch so I wouldn't expect it to work nicely for neon anytime this century :)16:03
fiferboy Anyone interesting in community widgets could have a look at the color selector and font selector in my countdown-home package16:07
fiferboyAnyone interested in giving my countdown-home package karma in extras-testing would be welcome :)16:08
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ShadowJK"CodeSourcery insist they subject every compiler release to an extensive test suite. Evidently it does not extend to cover the right shift operator."16:08
bongo|kuphi. i'm trying to become root in mer. when i type 'sudo su -' i just get 'user user is not allowed to execute '/bin/su -' as root'16:09
bongo|kupwhat's wrong?16:09
bongo|kupi forgot. i use easy mer on my n800 with diablo16:10
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RST38hShadowJK: I am sure they do test it16:11
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RST38hShadowJK: But catching all bugs like this is kinda difficult, there are millions of them possible16:12
ShadowJKI guess atleast codesourcery fixes some of them16:14
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lardmanDarwinSurvivor: what was your particular bid to rid the gene pool?16:25
lardmanof have you just come back from Oz?16:26
DarwinSurvivornone really, just a "i am what is left after darwin filtered the rest"16:26
lardmanah, ok16:26
DarwinSurvivori get a LOT of people asking that.......16:26
RST38hDarwin does nto filter, he accepts sacrifices16:26
* lardman was looking forward to more stories of fireworks and helium ballons ;)16:26
DarwinSurvivorlardman: well, there have been a few close calls16:27
DarwinSurvivorbut nothing specific to warrant the name16:27
lardmanfair enough :)16:27
DarwinSurvivorhey, does anybody here know if they are planning on releasing maemo5 for the n810? I know it lacks opengl support, but some of the other stuff is pretty cool16:28
infoboti heard mer is, or on #mer16:28
Stskeepseven without gl support it might actually work for some bits, heh16:30
lardmanStskeeps: is there a hw opengl implementation for the Q5?16:31
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lardmanor just the low-level access libs/headers?16:31
Stskeepslardman: if we ignore the balant legal problems, open source kernel driver, closed source and slightly unknown of licensing GLES libs16:32
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lardmanah ok, so they do exsit then16:33
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bongo|kuphow can i become root in easy mer? i get just  'user user is not allowed to execute '/bin/su -' as root'16:36
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lopzgm ;)16:54
LoCusF <- ramzez now has a separate package for init scripts, so you can only install the ramzez-init package to get all the load-on-reboot functionality :)16:55
Stskeepscomes with a control panel?16:56
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RST38hsts, how about running mer on this?16:58
* Stskeeps looks16:58
LoCusFStskeeps: nope16:58
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StskeepsRST38h: could be interesting16:58
StskeepsLoCusF: we have a task open for ramzswap in Mer if you're bored, btw :)16:59
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StskeepsVDVsx: congrats on council17:01
VDVsxStskeeps, thanks :)17:01
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lardmaninteresting, do you get the mobile version of gizmodo from your tablet?17:03
lardmanVDVsx: congrats :)17:03
VDVsxlardman, thanks ;)17:05
lardmanhmm, can't watch that video on device, connection too slow17:06
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lardmanlcuk: ping17:09
lardmanlooks very pretty that interface17:11
lcukyeah simon17:11
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lardmanseen the ui for that M$ Courier tablet?17:11
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VDVsxhumm, multi-touch + handwrite o_017:14
lardmanwell yeah, who knows if it would actually work, but some of the ideas are quite cool, wouldn't want lcuk to get bored17:14
lcuknot seen video17:15
lcukbut is this the folding  one17:15
lcukwith a stylus i would be afraid to just drop stylus in the fold and close lid17:15
lcuklike you do with a book ;) except with excessive breaking noises17:16
lardmanhave to design the hinge accordingly, use that to store the stylus17:16
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lcukive got a load of code relating to cooperatively networking local tablets in motion17:18
lcukid love to have things like graphic pads with the tools and colors on on tablet and the drawing on another :)17:18
lardmandidn't see that in the Courier video, but didn't watch it all17:18
SpeedEvillcuk: Come clean.17:19
SpeedEvillcuk: This is really a cunning plan to get given 6 n900s, and ebay 5 of them.17:19
airtonarantesHow can I install apps on maemo(N810) directly to memory card? I can just to install apps using the internal memory, but I won't this, I wanna install on the memory card, because the internal memory is ver small.17:19
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lcukSpeedEvil, nahhh i have plans for many more than 6 :)17:20
lcukwhether they become reality is a different issue :P17:20
lcukSpeedEvil, ive already seen what happens when i get 3 n900s together17:20
lardmanwhat's that?17:20
lcuk if you are interested17:20
javispedro3 n900 together: imagine every molecule of your body ceasing to exist and exploding at light speed.17:21
lcuki even have a plan for the code to do it properly too17:21
lardmanwell it is very pretty, but what about being able to cooperatively edit a doc, throw it over to another device, etc.?17:21
lardmanhow do the devices know their positions, so that the streamlines join up?17:22
lardmanvery accurate GPS? ;)17:22
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lcuk2black helicopters?17:23
lardmanno, they haven't come for me yet17:23
lcuk2lardman, coop editing - the whole set of network devices need to know the whole "weather map"17:23
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lcuk2so when i draw on one it must pass details to the others17:24
lcuk2once the weather map is shared, the flow will work17:24
lardmanbut how does it know its position rel to the others?17:24
lcuk2position within a grid is something ive tried a few things17:24
lcuk2firstly - echo sounding17:24
lcuk21 mic, 2 speaksers17:24
lardmanI guess you could use the cameras to work out position17:24
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lcuk2yeah simon17:26
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lcuk2the barcode test can take a photo17:26
VDVsxlcuk, ah, another pushn900 video featuring you (briefly this time) ;)17:26
lcuk2identify location and scale of a barcode17:26
lcuk2and know which window it should use17:26
Macerugh i still feel like shit17:27
lcuk2i still dont know why i dropped off the net17:27
lcuk2its kinda unnerving17:27
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lcuk2lardman, i half considered using the same windowing technique and location stuff to show liqbase in the same super window17:28
lcuk2with everything running at fullspeed17:28
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lcuk2it would need data sharing tho17:28
lardmanI like the idea, and I think being able to share easily over a private liq network would be quite cool17:29
lardmanbut make it something useful, like calendars, or sketches, or dunno, something17:29
LoCusFStskeeps: cools I'll check it out17:30
lardmanI do like the streaming stuff, looks cool, but has only limited usefulness17:30
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lcuk2lardman, well has the upload caps and thats the principle reason17:30
lcuk2its all public tho atm17:30
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lcuk2but i *WILL* have it on my kitchen wall soon :)17:31
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lcuk2best thing  now is because it runs well on n810 it is gonna be reasonably cheap to allow.   worst thing is my rubbish code17:32
lardmanwould be very cool if everyone at the summit, no matter which hw (well not 770 perhaps) could run the same app and do something cooperativelty17:32
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lcuk2lardman my words exactly :) (tho 770 is totally unknown and probably wouldnt right now17:33
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Stskeepsqwerty12: any impressions about hildon status area in fremantle yet?17:45
qwerty12What about it?17:45
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Stskeepswell, API wise, if it's insane or 'as simple' as the old api17:46
qwerty12Lol, why would you expect me to know? I've never written shit in my life :)17:46
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Stskeepshehe, i wouldn't say so but hey ;)17:47
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qwerty12X-Fade: Dunno if it's just me, but the Packages interface appears to be down17:49
X-Fadeqwerty12: reload ;)17:49
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X-Fadeqwerty12: loading some changes..17:50
qwerty12Mmm, yeah, looking a bit better but I wouldn't call it "fixed" ;)17:50
X-Fadeqwerty12: still loading;)17:50
qwerty12Too slow ;P17:51
Maceranybody here running fbsd?17:51
Macerwas wondering how well the zfs support was17:51
X-Fadeqwerty12: ok, I messed up ;)17:51
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qwerty12X-Fade: :p17:52
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kirmamacer: how come?17:52
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X-Fadeqwerty12: fixed17:53
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X-Fadeqwerty12: Although the builds block on the sidebar has the weirdest order imaginable ;)17:54
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qwerty12Don't worry: It's, what's new? ;P17:55
* qwerty12 ducks17:55
lcuk2X-Fade, is it linked to the photos on front page of by any chance :P17:57
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qwerty12To be fair, his username is "lardman". I certainly wouldn't try shifting him off the front page17:59
lcuk2yeah, but he should be animated lol18:00
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Macerkirma: i was going to try to find out what is wrong with my server18:02
Macerfor some reason it keeps freezing up without any clues18:02
Macerso i am going to clean it out very well soon by taking it apart.. sand down the cpus and add new thermal compound and see if that's the problem18:02
Macerotherwise i was going to swap opensolaris for fbsd if the zfs support is there so i don't lose my zfs stuff18:03
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lcuk2macer - mmm just stability issues?  the  thermal goop should fill in the gaps and  usually sanding causes bigger gaps unless you are on about proper lapping and polishing  -  the  quick solution to see if its the  cpu freq is to underclock ;)18:05
lcuk2just so you know18:05
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lcuk2then if it works underclocking..18:05
* lcuk2 slaps lcuk318:05
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lcuk3I deserved that fo sure18:06
fralsmany el coqs here today!18:06
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lcuk5whats up?18:07
lcuk3not much, you18:07
lcuk4nothing here?18:08
mihuMacer: Make sure to replace the power supply, at least temporarily and see if your system is stable again. I recently had a system where I systematically exchanged all components (except the power supply) and nothing helped. Then I changed the power supply and it worked again.18:08
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lcuk3<--   shoots lcuk518:09
lcuk4<-- shoots lcuk318:09
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slonopotamuslcuk2, lcuk3, lcuk4, lcuk5, o_O18:09
lcuksuxcoxDon't forget me!18:10
florianlcuk*: You know the "ghost" command? ;)18:10
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slonopotamus-NickServ- You may not ghost yourself.18:10
Myrttiyou seriously need to get some healthier hobbies18:10
MyrttiI suggest macrame18:10
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lcuksuxcoxslonopotamus: give me your password, I'll do it for you18:11
Myrttior basket weaving18:11
penguinbaitmy password is liqelsie18:11
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Macerlcuk2: yeah. i have thermal compound on it18:15
Macerwell.. them18:15
Macermihu: that sounds possible. even though i have a 750W psu18:15
Macerit might actually need a larger one18:15
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Macerpenguinbait: haha. they call them coffee shops? :)18:16
Maceri'm curious.. if you go to the NL and smoke pot. then come back and pop positive on a pee test at work and get fired. can you fight it? :)18:16
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glass__Macer: well, depends where you live18:17
Maceri mean it isn't like you broke any laws18:17
Macerin the US18:17
glass__Macer: in finland they'd have to suspect you to have been high at work18:17
Macerglass__: it is probably the same here18:17
Macerthey seriously need to make a  time test for marijuana18:17
mihuMacer: As you probably know, the power supply outputs different power rails. If just one of these rails outputs flaky voltages, then you're screwed. And it's really hard to find that out without really watching the rails. But who does it?18:17
Macersomething like an alcohol breath test18:17
penguinbaityou mean a coffee test?18:18
glass__mihu: i've done that sometimes. but i knew i was straining and overclocking felt like fun then18:18
Macermihu: yeah. i will probably guy a new psu just to check. maybe a GW one just to make sure. i am going ot need one soon anyways when i build my retard box with its 8GPUS and 4CPUs just for gaming :) haha18:19
Maceri haven't had a gaming box in a long time18:19
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Macerwant to see what's out there nowadays18:19
Macerpenguinbait: haha18:19
Macerisn't caffine illegal in certain concentrations?18:19
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Macercaffine gets you pretty messed up from what i've heard if you take it concentrated18:19
glass__hmm. can't think of anywhere where it would be18:19
penguinbaitno idea Macer?18:19
lcuk<<< the real lcuk18:20
Macerpenguinbait: someone has to start marketing it ;)18:20
glass__you can buy cafeine pills over here in finland anyways18:20
lcukyou gits!18:20
Macerglass__: they are probably still very cut18:20
Macerlike 1% caffine18:20
glass__Macer: well. take more then18:20
lcuksuxcox<<< lcuk's favourite hobby18:20
Maceri think they put toxins in caffine pills so you can't pop them like that18:20
glass__Macer: about the same as in a cup of coffee for one pill. pharmasies sell them18:20
Macerjust like ethanol to run cars18:20
lcukgood to have such a flexible spin :)18:20
Macerif you could drink car ethanol. people would be filling up kegs at the gas station18:21
glass__Macer: the energy pills etc you can buy in grocery stores in finland suck big time and have pretty much nothing18:21
glass__well you can drink a lot of stuff. ask finnish boozers heehee...18:21
Macerwell. i'm just saying. ethanol for cars is just highly concentrated drinking alcohol18:21
Macermoonshine with added toxins so people can't drink it18:22
glass__and well, they'd drink it here, if it didn't have any additive to make it foul18:22
Macerglass__: makes you wonder why people haven't started distilling it ;)18:22
glass__theres some urban legend tricks to it18:22
Macerall it would take is a coil and maybe some vaccum to bring the pressure down18:22
penguinbaitcigarette's are banned at the coffee houses, hahaha18:22
MyrttiMacer: because methanol evaporates at lower temperatures18:23
Macerpenguinbait: don't want to catch cancer from the coffee house ;)18:23
glass__well if you got a still it's better to make your own moonshine from some cheap old bread or whatever18:23
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Macerglass__: fruit works better :)18:23
* glass__ has drank genuine moonshine18:23
glass__Macer: fruit is more expensive. you think we got fruit in finland in trees :D (well, apart from apples)18:23
Macercoconut works great.. as does sugar cane18:23
glass__sugar cane is great18:24
Macerapples work too though :)18:24
glass__but the point with making moonshine is that you can use any crap for the mash(?)18:24
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Maceri've never heard of using bread18:24
Macerbread is expensive now18:25
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glass__well, stale bread.18:25
Myrttiauntie Miia's cooking corner18:25
glass__you know, stuff you can go take out from a grocery stores garbage bins18:25
Myrttitake orange juice cartons and freeze them18:25
Myrttithen let them melt to a bucket18:25
Myrtticover, let bubble, enjoy18:25
MacerMyrtti: hooch sucks :)18:26
Maceroranges are for winos18:26
MyrttiMacer: distillation is optional18:26
Macerand prison whores18:26
glass__Macer: prison hooch type of stuff is somewhat popular among teens in finland18:26
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Macerglass__: really?18:26
Macerthey call it MD 20/20 here :)18:27
Macerfor $5 you can get fucked up18:27
glass__Macer: really. and last time i saw stuff that wasnt cleared even drank was like 1.5weeks ago18:27
Myrttiwhen I was 13 some of the boys in my class had a lunch break hobby of going to the nearby mall and buying super yeast...18:27
glass__Macer: punk kids make it from milk18:27
Myrtti"mehukatti sanoo pulpul"18:27
kirmamacer: regarding zfs... well, not such an expert I'd be much of help. but I still wouldn't suggest using zfs on i386 (vs. amd64)18:27
Macerok that's gross18:27
glass__we had a store(it still is there) at valkeakoski where you could buy porno, cd's, console games and homewine equipment18:28
Macerkirma: using 2 1.8GHz opertons18:28
Macersocket 940. they're amd64s18:28
Maceri use opensolaris on it now18:28
Macerbut that is the last ditch effort18:28
kirmaah well18:28
Macerif it isn't hardware18:28
kirmawell, I was referring to architecture of FreeBSD using it, i386 kernel vs amd64 kernel18:29
Myrttiglass__: ...18:29
Myrttithat's the one my classmates went to...18:29
kirmai386 tends to have a bit too little kernel memory available no matter what.18:29
glass__haha :DDD18:29
glass__yeh, they sold to minors18:29
Macerkirma: i see. i'll keep that in mind but i never had any plans to use it on anything less than a 64bit kernel18:30
kirmabut anyway, I don't think trying zfs with at least less than 4 gigabytes of memory makes much sense, because it really isn't intended for that, and nobody has cared to trim it down too much18:30
* Myrtti feels old18:30
Macerbut like i said. tha was the final solution ;)18:30
Macerwell. the server has 8G18:30
Macerand an 8TB raid18:30
penguinbaithow old is Myrtti?18:30
kirmasituation with zfs has probably improved with 8.0, but still, looking at freebsd wiki for tuning is a good idea18:31
coldbootI have a complicated problem with Scratchbox.18:31
Macerkirma: i will if i have to install. but right now i'm going ot give it a good cleaning and check the thermal compound18:31
Myrttipenguinbait: 2918:31
Macermaybe buy some slim heatsinks for the memory just to make sure it isn't a thermal issue18:31
penguinbaitNow I feel old :(18:31
kirmamacer: ok :)18:31
MacerMyrtti: don't feel too bad. i turned 30 in july :)18:31
Maceri shed a tear18:32
coldbootWhen we run our SCons build, /scratchbox/tools/bin/python gets invoked, regardless of what the SConstruct file says at the top (#/usr/bin/foo, or whatever), however, when I move /scratchbox/tools/bin/python out of the way, os it's forced to use /usr/bin/python, things like mkdir don't work.18:32
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* glass__ is 2818:32
coldbootI get errors like: /scratchbox/tools/bin/mkdir: No such file or directory18:32
Macerglass__: enjoy the last 2 years of prime life18:32
penguinbaitis 3718:32
coldbootAs if Scratchbox depends on its version of python to run mkdir...18:32
coldbootDoes anyone know how to get around this problem?18:32
Macerwow... penguinbait is REALLY old18:32
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Maceri feel a lot better now18:32
coldbootI want ONLY SCons to be invoked by my version of Python...18:32
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penguinbaithey, I was 34 when I got here, you got plenty good years left ;)18:33
Macerah well. i'm going to take another nap and try to sleep away this sickness18:34
glass__Macer: well, i'm at the age crisis by acceleration by having to quit booze already i think..18:34
Macerglass__: blah. booze isn't that fun18:34
Macerit tastes horrible and makes you feel sick afterwards18:34
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Maceri'm not much of a drinker anymore18:34
Myrttithe afforementioned school has been shut down couple of years ago and now even the upper secondary has moved18:34
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glass__Macer: thats why i know these gazillion drinks to make it taste good18:34
Myrttithat's why I feel old :-(18:35
glass__yeh.. apia18:35
Myrttiso many, many years ago18:35
Macerglass__: but that doesn't help with the poisoning ;)18:35
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penguinbait<---- loves irish car bombs18:35
penguinbaitGuinness with a shot of Irish cream18:35
glass__Macer: nope.. but finnish culture is based around boozing, so without it i'd have to go fundie christian or something and that doesn't suit me18:35
Macerglass__: sounds like the russians18:36
Macerin communist russia we drink for war vodka18:36
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* Myrtti has a perfect excuse of staying sober - bf doesn't drink - he's from UK :-D18:36
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glass__Macer: yeh it's pretty russian18:36
MacerMyrtti: the english are drunkards too18:36
Macerin iraq the first thing the british would set up is the bar :)18:37
Macerthey are the only ones i ever saw that had a pub tent haha18:37
penguinbaitgimme a pint mate18:37
Myrttieveryone I've met has known how to pace themselves18:37
Myrttiwhich can't be said about the Finns18:37
glass__of uk's?18:37
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glass__everytime i go to spain some briton tries to buy xtc from me18:37
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Myrttiglass__: yeah18:38
Macerwell. i'll ttyl. have to get back to doing nothing for a couple more days while this sickness has control over my body18:38
glass__i guess thats better than when i went to provinssirock and some guy tried to score needles from me18:38
Macernow that is something inever understood18:39
Macergetting hooked on crack and herion18:39
Maceror even worse.. meth18:39
glass__i had a long trenchcoat, a tshirti with "f ck - all i need is you" and torn jeans with cpu's in them18:39
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glass__-you +u18:39
Macerwith cpus in them?18:39
glass__like patches18:40
glass__to keep them from tearing more18:40
Maceryou had cpus for patches?18:40
MyrttiI've used videotape as may day streamers18:40
glass__the legs on cpu's make them really easy to put on18:40
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Myrttibrilliant idea18:40
Macerthat is way too hackers the movie18:40
Myrtti♥ Hackers18:41
skyfoxhello. i have Mac OS X as my desktop system and Debian linux as the server. i intend to develop some Maemo software on the Linux server, accessed via ssh from the Mac. can i now display the SDK UI on the Mac somehow?18:41
glass__and used cpu's.. what the f would one do with them anyways?18:41
skyfoxX11 forwarding?18:42
skyfoxthe maemo docs talks about Xephyr18:42
StskeepsVNC might be a good shot too18:43
skyfoxyou mean like i would install a desktop system on the server first?18:43
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Macerwow i hope maemo 5 doesn't have a market18:45
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skyfoxwhy not?18:45
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glass__skyfox: you're maybe not familiar with nokias market tryouts18:47
skyfoxi am afraid not18:49
ShadowJKskyfox, I think you can install just Xephyr on the debian linux server18:49
skyfoxi think so too :/18:49
glass__pretty much nobody is apart from the people involved, which i guess is one of the main problems18:49
ShadowJKand then display the Xephyr over remote X to your mac18:49
skyfoxwhat happens if i just forward the SDK UI via X11 on my Mac desktop?18:50
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ShadowJKI suspect it tries to take over your mac18:51
skyfoxby setting the DISPLAY env var18:51
skyfoxhaha :P18:51
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ShadowJKDo all X11 apps live inside a "X" window on mac, separated from "native" apps?18:52
skyfoxthey live on their own windows18:52
skyfoxor you can also enable fullscreen18:52
ShadowJKWell, the purpose of the SDK UI is to have an environment resembling the one on the device, so you can test how the GUI in your app acts18:53
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ShadowJKSo even if you could display your program on the mac, displaying it on the Mac's environment with the huge screen isn't very useful18:53
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javispedrorun Xephyr on the mac.18:53
javispedrobecause they have a native Xephyr, don't they? :P18:53
ShadowJKor that :)18:53
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* crashanddie_ wants to die18:54
crashanddie_last days of FY are the worst18:54
lcuksuxcoxPlease do18:54
crashanddie_lcuksuxcox: what's up?18:54
* javispedro deduces lcuksuxcox is qwerty18:56
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crashanddie_lcuksuxcox is signed on as account qwerty1218:57
crashanddie_I'm guessing you're right javispedro18:57
javispedrolcuksuxcox: busted! Show us your real form now!18:58
qwerty12_N810What the fuck are you on about?18:59
crashanddie_[16:57] == lcuksuxcox [] [16:57] ==  realname : Faheem Pervez18:59
qwerty12_N810Oh shit, I'm being impersonated18:59
crashanddie_qwerty12_N810: if you want to be a troll, do it properly18:59
qwerty12_N810lcuk: someone really hates you18:59
qwerty12_N810crashanddie_: It is kinda hard to troll when you can find me changing my nick...19:00
crashanddie_I misread that19:01
crashanddie_very small font, "n" followed by an "i" looks like "di"19:01
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crashanddie_lcuksuxcox: anyway, change the nickname, this channel is supposed to be family friendly for fucking hell's sake19:02
qwerty12_N810It's your craving, not mine...19:02
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javispedrocrashanddie: qwerty12 is a channel OP, so...19:03
javispedrowell, I would be careful, so to speak ;)19:03
* qwerty12_N810 is not19:03
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crashanddie_javispedro: if they gave op power to a prepubescent child, well, they had it coming I guess19:04
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javispedro_insert random rant about southerners here_19:04
crashanddie_GeneralAntilles: by the way, you're up way too early. At your age I was sleeping until 2PM on a daily basis19:05
crashanddie_System.out.println("createUser 4TRESS FtressException  with reason " + "[(Exception class =" + e.getClass().getName() + ")" + "(ErrorCode =" + e.getErrorCode() + ")" + "(Exception Reference =" + e.getReference() + ")" + "(Message =" + e.getMessage() + ")" + "(LocalizedMessage =" + e.getLocalizedMessage() + ")" + "]");19:05
crashanddie_woops, sorry19:05
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penguinbaitI was sleeping until it was time to go to the bar and start all over again19:06
qwerty12_N810At his age, you  were in prison and dropping the soap on purpose19:06
Jaffacrashanddie_: Must resist code review. Starting with tabs for indent... ;-)19:06
crashanddie_Jaffa: actually, that's on multiple lines19:06
lcukand spaces to align  multiple arguments19:06
crashanddie_Jaffa: webchat removed the linefeeds19:06
lcukcrashanddie, you should adhere to family friendly more than anyone19:06
lcukyou rant with purpose19:07
lcukqwerty12_N810, get rid of it19:07
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crashanddie_lcuk: so I take it you didn't spot the unmissable irony of my statement?19:07
lcuknot really, im havin a shit last couple of days19:08
lcukthanks q19:08
crashanddie_lcuk: chill, take a pill, everyone is having shit days these days19:08
lcukmmm dunno - i just mothballed more projects and lost more bits than ever in 10 years.19:10
* Jaffa 's day feels remarkably stress free now that the new council is in place :)19:10
crashanddie_Jaffa: so your company is not shitting itself because of FY end?19:11
lcuki bet it does  jaffa19:11
qwerty12Jaffa: but the reputation that you gained from being an evil Council member will remain19:11
lcukcrashanddie, different companies have different fy - lots are april afaik19:13
lcukqwerty12, the council was good for jaffa19:13
crashanddie_lcuk: hmm, didn't know that19:13
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GeneralAntillescrashanddie_, I have class around 9:30 AM most morning this semester.19:13
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lcukdid you not read his last post :P19:14
qwerty12lcuk: I was being sarcastic, I hoped saying that " Council" would have been enough to show this...19:14
lcukMaemo.Org is usually enough to grate on gen19:14
crashanddie_qwerty12: nope, looked more like you finally gave in and went for the ive-got-no-clue-what-the-differences-are-and-just-lob-everything-together type of person19:14
GeneralAntillesqwerty12, people's irony detectors have been failing on you lately.19:14
* javispedro deletes half his desktop icons in a rage of cleanness.19:15
GeneralAntillesYes, clearly you're an idiot, qwerty12. :P19:15
lcukjavispedro, i create a folder called "old"19:15
lcukand drop 90% into it19:15
lcukive got perhaps 30 or so generations of this19:15
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lcuki can go back years19:15
crashanddie_lcuk: and click "Yes" when it asks "This folder already contains a file named todo.txt"19:16
javispedrolcuk: I do that sometimes, but then delete the entiro old folder the next morning >:)19:16
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qwerty12GeneralAntilles: I must be :(19:16
crashanddie_qwerty12: you're far from being an idiot19:16
crashanddie_well, coming from me that musn't be very reassuring19:16
GeneralAntillesYeah, you're a fucking retard. :P19:16
fatal^having problem setting up the maemo sdk with the automatic script... seems packages are broken which prevents setting up the chroots ... does anyone have any hints on how to get a working setup up and running?19:17
lcukfatal^, at what point is it failing19:17
crashanddie_fatal^: yup, first step would be to tell us what's failing exactly19:17
lcukand is it cos of things like connectivity19:17
lcukor bec ause you have a non std os19:17
penguinbaitI don't care if you lick windows, take the special bus or occasionally pee on yourself. You hang in there, sunshine – you're friggin' special.19:17
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crashanddie_penguinbait: lmao19:17
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* lcuk thinks qwerty12 is cool :) he hacks and helps more people than lots of community members19:18
lcukive not seen anyone more willing to get involved and try to help a problem19:18
javispedroah, thank god my irony detector is still working, or else I would've believed those kind wods for qwerty19:18
crashanddie_s/lots of community members/most community members united/19:18
fatal^I'm on ubuntu karmic (because my debian sid computer is amd64 which apparently is a no-go)... It fails during apt installing packages, apt bails out after too many errors (packages left unconfigured).... I'm just running the script again and will check the first failure message.19:19
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fatal^(I have used ~/opt/scratchbox instead of /scratchbox because /home is where the free space can be found.)19:20
Jaffacrashanddie_: No, you've got it wrong. I'm an ex-evil Maemo Council member. Change position of "ex-" to suit ;-)19:20
crashanddie_fatal^: ~ as in /home/fatal ?19:20
* lardman pours a beer19:20
lardmancheers Jaffa19:20
fatal^crashanddie_: /home/gem but yeah.19:21
crashanddie_fatal^: and sudo/apt is supposed to know that, how exactly?19:21
GeneralAntillesSomebody want to poke this guy about /opt?
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fatal^crashanddie_: apt runs in a chroot I hope, so it shouldn't see that.19:21
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crashanddie_fatal^: ok, let's try to be sensible here19:22
crashanddie_fatal^: what part is failing? When apt-getting stuff *inside* scratchbox? Or in Ubuntu?19:22
fatal^in scratchbox..19:22
penguinbaitis networking working in scratchbox?19:22
fatal^when configuring the armel packages.19:22
crashanddie_fatal^: <fatal^> I'm on ubuntu karmic (because my debian sid computer is amd64 which apparently is a no-go)... It fails during apt installing packages, apt bails out after too many errors19:22
penguinbaitis DNS resolving within scratchbox?19:22
crashanddie_fatal^: copy the error in a pastebin19:22
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GeneralAntillesYeesh. Somebody needs to get this guy some screen protectors.
javispedrolook at all the stylus keyboard keys!19:24
X-FadeGeneralAntilles: Typical stylus user ;)19:24
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lcukn900 looks very stylish when sat with its brothren19:25
VulcanisI filed down my stilus tip19:25
Vulcanisit had a piece of plastic that was scratching the screen19:25
Vulcaniswell, gouging.19:25
Vulcanisso thats probably his problem19:25
penguinbaitadd a diamond tip19:25
Vulcanisthe n900 looks too small :(19:25
qwerty12It's a phone. I don't know about you, but I don't like holding bricks up to my ear :)19:26
penguinbaitI dont want a phone, I want a computer ;)19:26
penguinbaitwith a bigger screen19:26
penguinbaitis nobody listening?19:26
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penguinbaitok so I got my phone replacement, now I need a new tablet19:27
Vulcanisn800+vnc or shared x11 with the 900?19:28
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* GeneralAntilles registers on My-Symbian to set some facts straight. . . .19:29
javispedroGeneralAntilles: good luck.19:29
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javispedroI wandered around their forum for a bit.... there's quite a bit of "facts straighting work" to do.19:30
javispedrootoh, the reviewer did a (99%) great job.19:30
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qwerty12He doesn't seem to be Eldar (read: a tosser who walks around with his head up his ass) so he'll probably listen19:31
javispedroyeah, invite him to tmo and see if he brings some sanity19:31
qwerty12He's already registered19:31
Stskeepskonttori__: your transitioncontrol stuff may actually bring fremantle desktop to N8x0, heh :) turning them down makes things a lot more lightweight19:32
konttori__also makes device more snappy19:33
ShadowJKGeneralAntilles, examples?19:33
* javispedro fails at c++19:33
GeneralAntillesShadowJK, wrongness about /opt and application installation memory.19:33
javispedrovar = new Object(); free(var)19:33
Stskeepskonttori__: while not on n8x0, blurrycam video:
Stskeepstesting n8x0 later tonight19:34
* frals moans a bit and wants the final SDK to see how open the messaging bit is19:34
javispedroStskeeps: still it seems to react a bit slow, why would that happen?19:35
fralsGeneralAntilles: he registered on t.m.o btw, but I assume youve seen that by now19:35
Stskeepsjavispedro: bad TS on q5 probably..19:35
Stskeepsjavispedro: i have abused that poor thing a tad19:35
Stskeepsjavispedro: but there's a bunch of knobs i haven't adjusted yet19:35
qwerty12"Oh, why couldn't you be a Nokia? *sobs*"19:35
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lardman~lart Windows' CR/LF rubbishness19:36
* infobot executes killall -TERM Windows' CR/LF rubbishness19:36
javispedroStskeeps: can't see on the video but, is that trying to blur the background? I was thinking that for the slowdown19:36
Stskeepsjavispedro: it tries but i've removed the transition a bit.. may need to cut that part as well19:37
Stskeepsi think the slowdown is just cos i haven't cut the right places :)19:37
Stskeepsthis is mostly a proof of concept19:37
javispedroI see, just wondering. ;P19:37
Stskeepsit'd be speeding fast with GL drivers :P19:38
javispedroon the PalmOS there was an app trying to add transitions to dialogs too19:38
javispedrocan't remember the name19:38
fatal^crashanddie_: ... the first package that fails seems to be "hal" although there are weird looking errors before that as well.19:38
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qwerty12fatal^: "mmap: permission denied". Hint: read the release notes and search for "mmap"19:39
fatal^qwerty12: thanks19:39
javispedrowell, can't remember the name. but I am telling this because i remember it having a blur effect much like the fremantle one, written in asm. quite fast.19:40
konttori__Stskeeps: runs almost usably fast19:40
konttori__blurring of the bg can also be disabled19:41
konttori__just look at /usr/share/hildon-desktop/transitions.ini19:41
Stskeepsi edited it directly after i realised what your code did19:41
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javispedrokonttori__, hi! new drnoksnes should be in extras-devel :)19:42
konttori__I saw it.19:43
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javispedro(there's a bug I noticed just after uploading but it should only affect n8x019:43
konttori__javispedro: wait just a moment and the video is uploaded to youtube19:43
* javispedro fustigates himself for forgetting about the "don't write free()"whean you mean delete in C++" rule.19:44
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javispedrokonttori__: cool!19:44
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BluesLeehi, how many people from nokia work officially on maemo?19:45
StskeepsBluesLee: difficult ot qu19:45
Stskeepsto quantify i guess19:45
GeneralAntillesMy last guess was in the ~200 person range.19:45
javispedroeldas has a list lol :)19:46
aSIMULAterblueslee: A MILLION BILLION19:46
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Stskeepsjavispedro: he also thinks wazd is a nokian19:46
BluesLeeGeneralAntilles: okay, i guessed much less:-)19:46
GeneralAntillesBluesLee, that would've been true a year or two ago.19:46
fralsawesome konttori__ :D19:46
* javispedro sees he fscked the GUI19:46
aSIMULAterahhh the button sizes :P19:46
GeneralAntillesGoddamn that's fast.19:47
aSIMULAteryay for dr nok snes \o/ my favourite app19:47
konttori__odd. audio is totally wasted.19:47
javispedrohmm... that is quite a regression.19:47
fralsyour kid is crying in the background thou ;)19:47
konttori__yeah. thus. sort video19:47
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BluesLeeGeneralAntilles: 200 is much, so nokia seems to be serious with the further development19:48
javispedrowow. verrry nice19:48
GeneralAntillesBluesLee, I'd say its the new flagship platform.19:48
fralsreally cool stuff, cant wait to get my hands on it :)19:48
GeneralAntillesBluesLee, no matter how much the Nokia execs want to dissemble on that point.19:49
cosmokonttori__: whoa.. gotta try that. looks great19:49
BluesLeeGeneralAntilles: i hope so and if the complete switch to qt is done also for symbian there will be much more synergy19:49
GeneralAntillesBluesLee, interesting times ahead.19:50
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_berto_snes looks fine on the n90019:50
* GeneralAntilles 's SSD gets here today.19:50
fralswhich one?19:50
GeneralAntillesX25-m 80GB v.219:51
fralstasty :)19:51
_berto_i'll have to port the spectrum emulator ->
GeneralAntillesfrals, I downgraded from a 2-drive RAID 0 so things have been slow while I'm waiting. ;)19:52
GeneralAntillesUgh, I hate how forums can't agree on how much whitespace to automatically insert after a quote block.19:52
fralswhat are you doing that requires that kind of disk bandwidth? :)19:53
crashanddie_I can't believe that the community went into such lengths to implement an anonymous voting system19:53
GeneralAntillesfrals, nothing in particular.19:53
crashanddie_but that in the end, nearly everyone voted on the bloody forums, in a logged system...19:53
penguinbaitI am not personally a fan of STV voting19:54
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GeneralAntillesI can't believe we put so much work into getting things arranged so more people could vote and hardly any of them did.19:54
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fralsim quite happy with my wd velociraptor 300 still.. but im probably gonna fall for temptation and get an SSD soon19:54
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crashanddie_GeneralAntilles: which is exactly why I have always been *against* the karma requirements19:55
GeneralAntillesfrals, never went the Raptor route. I'll let you know how the SSD feels.19:55
penguinbaitGA, did we really have 900+ voters in the 1st election?19:55
crashanddie_was more around 600 IIRC19:55
GeneralAntillespenguinbait, yes, but that was out of about 14,000 eligible voters.19:55
crashanddie_however my memory might fail me19:55
GeneralAntillesIt was 900 and change.19:56
penguinbaitso why was it restricted to begin with?19:56
Stskeepsit got GA voted in so restrictions were needed? ;)19:56
crashanddie_penguinbait: because some people thought that trolls were going to create accounts to fake the voting results19:56
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crashanddie_penguinbait: personally I always thought that we were way to arrogant to assume such a thing19:56
GeneralAntillescrashanddie_, that, and attempting to limit the electorate to people who are likely to be informed.19:56
GeneralAntillesSince name recognition isn't the most appropriate of voting metrics.19:57
crashanddie_GeneralAntilles: and history proved us that only informed people voted19:57
GeneralAntillesSince the council isn't a power position ANYWAY. . . .19:57
crashanddie_GeneralAntilles: and the rest who didn't give a rat's ass... didn't give a rat's ass19:57
StskeepsGeneralAntilles: that kinda wonders me though - shouldn't council be a power position? :P as in, the council together, not a council member19:58
GeneralAntillesIt's a facilitation role, not an administrative one.19:58
crashanddie_here comes the Jedi Council fantasy again19:58
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penguinbaiteither way the election went off mostly without problems, good job to dneary19:58
crashanddie_*cough* except for the wrong dates *cough*19:58
woglindehm why I didnt get a voting token19:59
Stskeepscrashanddie_: it's a conspiracy to have time to alter the votes! :P19:59
crashanddie_woglinde: because your nickname starts with a w19:59
woglindeah okay19:59
penguinbaitCan the council vote lcuk king?19:59
* Stskeeps wouldn't mind a administrative council. facilitation can be left to employees and volunteers. facilitating the facilitators.19:59
woglindeI suppose they were out at M19:59
crashanddie_woglinde: and this year round, voting tokens were only sent to a-v users19:59
penguinbaitCan the council vote qwerty12 court jestor20:00
crashanddie_does that require a vote?20:00
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woglindelunch now20:00
penguinbaitfurry council has decided20:01
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penguinbaitalright where are the hires pictures of qwerty?20:02
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lcukpenguinbait, as long as the king gets paid20:06
penguinbaitits up to you to collect your taxes20:06
lcukmrs lcuk is sending me to work the mines soon :(20:06
konttori__can wepromote drnoksnes to extras?20:07
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lcukkonttori__, where do you get roms from20:07
qwerty12Good answer20:07
* lcuk sees loads of people playing but cant find a legit source for them20:08
konttori__well. of course. i copied from my old cartridge20:08
penguinbaitI dont have a legit source, but I can zip some up for ya20:08
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lcuki would *really* like to properly talk to game companies etc and get a proper legit emulator for this platform20:08
lcukdo something different.20:09
konttori__would nintendo do it? i doubt it20:09
lcukno i doubt they would20:09
lcukbut others might20:09
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lcukthis platform is built on collaboration20:09
VDVsxif you've the original cartridge you can use the roms, right ?20:09
lcukso try working with the companies20:10
qwerty12Legit emulators suck. They only have a purpose when someone hacks them to run your own roms, like with the PSP's PSX emulator20:10
lcukyes VDVsx but you cant play and charge at the same time :D lol20:10
lcukqwerty12, trying to rise above and think about something proper here :P20:10
qwerty12Please do that. Legit emulators are good in the sense that the company will be able to get the emulation perfect20:11
qwerty12I'll be waiting for the hacked version20:11
VDVsxkonttori__, btw, javispedro is the package maintainer ^20:11
lcuklol javispedro this is just same thing i spoke to you about the other night20:11
javispedrolcuk, yeah, I know, but yet I'm still worried by same reasons :)20:12
lcukis drnoksnes oss?20:12
javispedrolcuk: yes. gpl compatible.20:13
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lcukthen you understand copyright - and rightfully dont (intentionally) break it20:14
javispedrokonttori__: did you mention something about audio being wrong in drnoksnes?20:14
lcukyou dont insert dodgy games with it etc so that part cant be a concern20:14
Khertan_n810Hello !20:14
konttori__javispedro: audio is perfect20:14
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konttori__just that my video has distorted audio20:15
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javispedroah! misread then. *sound of relief*20:15
Khertan_n810does there is know problem with alarmd on diablo ?20:15
konttori__really off20:15
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StskeepsKhertan_n810: there's an odd problem with alarms i think20:15
konttori__watch the video20:15
qwerty12lcuk: why would anyone ship roms with their free emulator?20:15
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Khertan_n810stskeeps: does there is things to avoid ?20:15
javispedrokonttori__: yes, saw it, very cool and thanks for the video!20:15
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StskeepsKhertan_n810: not sure, but rumours claim there's bugs20:16
qwerty12Although, RST38h does do that with his calculators (not that I mind/care)...20:16
javispedroqwerty12: then TI has even released some of the roms "for free" AFAIK.20:16
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qwerty12Wouldn't know about that. *shrug*20:16
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Khertan_n810Stskeeps there is as i m trying to add alarm in python and they never show up20:17
Vulcanisjavis: I'm pretty sure they've released all of them20:17
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Vulcanisthey make bank off the calculators20:17
lcukwe run with Ti inside20:17
Vulcanissince schools won't let you use laptops on tests20:17
Vulcanisbut thats only for calcs20:17
lcuki bet theres a way to run calc stuff outside20:17
lcukbut thats another thing entirely20:17
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javispedroonly goes to proof they have a more "libel" approach than certain other company...20:18
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Khertan_n810and python binding does return always the same type of obj ... strange ...20:19
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Khertan_n810sometime an osso.alarmd() sometime a dict20:19
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Khertan_n810hum ... maybe i shouldn t try to use it anymore and do it myself20:20
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Khertan_n810but it means a daemon working in background and alarm not working while device is turned off20:20
Khertan_n810too bad !20:20
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Khertan_n810oh community election result !20:22
Khertan_n810oh ..; sniff lcuk not elected !20:23
Vulcanisthey rigged the vote20:23
Vulcanisfucking diebold20:23
VulcanisI demand a recount20:23
* SpeedEvil sighs.20:23
* SpeedEvil was backing lcuk!20:23
* frals wouldve backed le coq if he filled the voting reqs20:24
lcukKhertan_n810, i am still a member of this community (for about 2 weeks if no job comes up)20:24
qwerty12What happens after two weeks? *moves finger across throat*?20:24
Khertan_n810two weeks only ?20:25
penguinbaitlcuk received the 3rd highest # of total votes yet did not get a seat on council.20:25
penguinbaitits a conspiracy20:25
Khertan_n810no job come up ? <<<20:25
Stskeepspenguinbait: wouldn't you have been pushed out if it was regular voting? :P20:25
lcukpenguinbait, cool20:25
lcukKhertan_n810, tomorrow is my last day in my job of 9 years.20:25
fralslcuk: you shouldve joined the guys doing the chopper heist in sweden, they made away with 67m SEK (~6.5million €)20:26
penguinbaitStskeeps, nope20:26
lcuki had to make a decision because i could not get onedotzero finished in time - and my boss would not give me holidays20:26
Khertan_n810uh ? how old are you ?20:26
Khertan_n810onedotzero .20:26
* SpeedEvil bets on 32.20:26
lcuki was not about to let down all the people in the collaborative get together and the thousands of folks who passed by20:27
konttori__javispedro: and sorry for not having the time to do it properly. Had to take care of the baby. And now I might have the time, but the video is already done.20:27
konttori__perhaps a new one later on.20:28
javispedrokonttori__: hehe, don't worry, I understand :)20:28
lcukkonttori__, heard baby in the video20:28
lcukshe must be gettin big now20:28
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konttori__5 months, and exploring everything20:29
* SpeedEvil ponders the 4chan generation.20:29
liorihello, i am considering buying n810 or n900; i am a bit anxious about short timespan for support for n770 -- would my n900 still get bugfixes for closed source software pieces after two years?20:29
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lcukkonttori__, :D20:29
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SpeedEvilliori: I would expect that a substantial effort would be made by the community to replace some of the closed bits of the 900.20:30
SpeedEvilliori: Especially if it gets popular20:30
konttori__liori: one year of updates has been promised20:30
inzkonttori, no tests of tablet saliva-proofness?20:31
inzyet even20:31
lioriI have a freerunner now and I am very disappointed at the software; a year after releasing it to the community and it still is not very usable... so I'd rather not count on the community :/20:31
SpeedEvilFR is kind of an utterly, utterly different case.20:32
SpeedEvilOpenmoko really screwed up by the numbers.20:32
SpeedEvilThey had a phone software stack which could have been workable - clunky and unpretty but sms/calls/... by xmas 2007.20:32
SpeedEvilOk - the hardware wasn't ideal - but it'd have worked.20:33
GeneralAntilleslion, well, you can already see the community at work here.20:33
infobothmm... mer is, or on #mer20:33
SpeedEvilThey diddn't actually fix key kernel drivers till quite recently though - getting stuff suspending forex.20:33
SpeedEvilThe n900 starts out at a _much_ higher base level.20:34
SpeedEvilEven without the closed bits20:34
konttori__there is very little closed in fremantle20:34
lioriwhere can I read about the closed code?20:34
* SpeedEvil echos liori's question.20:35
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SpeedEvilI haven't seen a nice breakdown of the closed parts.20:35
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MaceN8x0damn batteries died in my mce remote20:36
konttori__well, it's like, a few apps, some drivers and that's it20:36
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MaceN8x0wow people who do literature are worse than ubuntu people20:38
SpeedEvilkonttori__: Sure - so far I guess the media player, the battery charging stuff, and that's all I know20:38
SpeedEvilkonttori__: some of the X server?20:38
konttori__sgx drivers20:39
javispedrothe sketching app? ;)20:39
Sargun_ScreenMer vs. Maemo20:39
SpeedEvilMore relevantly.20:40
SpeedEvilWhat is the current state of a completely opensource n90020:40
SpeedEvildoes it boot? Make calls? ...20:40
StskeepsSpeedEvil: noone really tried20:40
Stskeepsit takes the hw to try20:40
Stskeepsfrankly, let's not worry too much.20:40
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Sargun_ScreenSpeedEvil: why do you want a 100% OSS N900?20:44
Corsacwhy wouldn't he want that?20:45
SpeedEvilSargun_Screen: I want - when/if nokia decides 'bored now' - that my shiny n900 can for example have an updated kernel that works with all the peripherals.20:45
StskeepsSpeedEvil: ah, kernel you shouldn't be worried about.. that part is open source20:45
SpeedEvil(neglecting for the moment that it'd likely be somewhat scrached now)20:45
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SpeedEvilBy kernel I mean kernel and core userspace daemons that are required for functionality20:46
CorsacStskeeps: no binary modules for various devices?20:46
Stskeepsnot AFAIK20:46
Corsacthat's nice20:46
SpeedEvilFor example - battery charge20:46
StskeepsSpeedEvil: rest shouldn't be a problem .. the solution already exists legally as well but just not implemented20:46
luke-jrCorsac: binary modules are illegal20:47
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lcukbut not illegal20:48
SpeedEvilBinary modules are illegal, but lots of vendors do the binarey = shim thing.20:48
luke-jrSpeedEvil: yeah :/20:48
Stskeepsluke-jr: do you have a trigger on 'open'?20:48
luke-jrSpeedEvil: I'm looking for the same thing as you20:48
luke-jrSpeedEvil: we should exchange notes :p20:48
luke-jrmaybe a wiki is in order20:48
luke-jrStskeeps: no, blame God for alerting me ;)20:48
qwerty12_N810"OSS & insanity"?20:48
SpeedEvilspeaking personally - I don't care _at_all_ if it's all closed kernelspace and drivers - as long as nokia keeps updating it for - say - 8 years.20:48
* lcuk stands with qwerty20:49
luke-jrStskeeps: also, note Nokia's record-- gpsdriver doesn't work with current kernels and probably never will20:49
luke-jrSpeedEvil: -.-20:49
lcukSpeedEvil, no, what i would want is : whenever nokia stops updating it - then its opened20:49
SpeedEvillcuk: or that20:49
lcukreplace nokia with any company20:49
luke-jrlcuk: that would be decent ;)20:49
javispedrothat would be great20:49
lcukhelp prevent bitrot for used products20:49
SpeedEvilWell - you're talking to a nutter here.20:50
javispedrobut the only way for that to ever happen would be ... to enforce it by law, which sounds crazy.20:50
SpeedEvilI personally want specification on firmware and a JTAG port for my microwave and car.20:50
lcukconsider it for the good of mankind20:50
CorsacI personnally want a car *without* a firmware20:50
derflcuk: If it was good for mankind, then mankind would be willing to pay Nokia for it.20:50
SpeedEvilAnd I'm actually semi-seriously considering installing linux on my microwave.20:51
lcukmankind pays nokia for the devices dont they20:51
javispedromankind does not know what's good for him, or else they would not be buying so many iphones...</irony reason_of_tag="broken sarcasm detectors lately">20:51
lcukSpeedEvil, why not - microsoft windows on microwaves is silly20:51
Vulcanisiphones are only bought because they contain MSG20:51
SpeedEvilCorsac: I don't mind firmware if it's open.20:52
javispedroMSG=Mass Suicidal Gratitude?20:52
SpeedEvilCorsac: My real objection to car electronics is that with minor standardisation, one ECU could do 95% of the cars out there _cheaply-20:52
Vulcanismonosodium glutimate.  Something that makes things tastier and arguably addictive20:52
Sargun_ScreenSpeedEvil: You basically want to build an os, given the hardware?20:52
* javispedro fails at getting que chemistry reference ;)20:52
SpeedEvilSargun_Screen: no - I want stuff to be maintainable by end users, rather than bit-rotting, or being hideously expensive to maintain due to silly requirements.20:53
lcukSpeedEvil, nahhh its the same with lots of computerised and system things - you have years of standardisation and suppliers and everythign for that manu20:53
lcukand retooling just because is a bad idea20:53
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lcuknow if there was a way for all to coordinate and end up on a strong ecu or XYZ system over time then great - but that happens already20:54
SpeedEvillcuk: 95%+ of cars engines can be run _just_fine_ with a common ECU. For that ECU to cost a large fraction of the price of the car is insane.20:54
SpeedEvilno, it doesn't.20:54
lcukso your 95% one either is too young, or not right20:54
lcuklook at tryes20:54
SpeedEvilPoint to _one_ ECU model - other than megasquirt or similar - that is common over more than a very small range of one manufacturers cars.20:54
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lcukSpeedEvil, thats what im saying - your 95% perfect model is either too young, or does not beat the one they have now20:55
SpeedEvilI'm talking here of stiff that the vendors have managed to maintain a exclusive lock on - car electronics for example.20:56
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SpeedEvillcuk: No, it doesn't beat it at all. It's as cheap as the existing control unit, and available - in principle - cheaply from many vendors.20:56
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SpeedEvilWhich of course would decrease profits.20:56
SpeedEvilBut it leads to insanities like 400 quid to replace a key.20:57
lcukok - so replace that and kill off the entire supply chain20:57
lcukwithout them having anywhere else to go20:58
lcukcustomers get a £10 key20:58
lcukhowever many lose their jobs20:58
konttori__wow, what a review of n900
lcukbelieve me - i dont want to pay £400 for a key (mines only ever been £30-50 afaik) and i would REALLY look after it if it was that much20:59
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lcukno konttori__ a Preview21:00
lcukit says as much in the link ;)21:00
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SpeedEvilOMG! 's I get hold of a final unit, which shouldn't last longer than just a couple of weeks.'21:00
SpeedEvilWhat terrible reliability21:00
lcuka very good one by all acocunts21:00
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Sargun_ScreenSpeedEvil: what?21:03
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derflcuk: Charging £400 for a key just so you can keep a few extra people employed is not helping anyone.21:05
lcukwhos up for a walk around amsterdam whilst we are there21:05
derfIt's the classic Broken Window fallacy.21:05
lcukno derf21:05
lcukbut ive never heard of a £400 key21:05
lcuki thought it was metaphorical21:05
derfOh, they're real.21:05
lcuko_O yikes21:06
derfHold on, let me dig up a URL.21:06
SpeedEvilThre is also the lack of information and skill in the delearship.21:07
lcukbut - its like cpu switchovers - theres an awful lot of background that has to be considered21:07
SpeedEvilIf your ECU doesn't work - they're essentially limited to replacing it.21:07
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SpeedEvilBecause all ECUs in all cars differ, you can't do sensible fault-finding often.21:07
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VDVsxlcuk, my name is shown in one of the screenshots of that review, so it's a good review , lolol21:08
* javispedro wants21:09
javispedro*gadget drool*21:09
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microlithdoes anyone know if the N900's browser works with firefox extensions out of the box, or will they require modification?21:09
qwerty12_N810VDVsx: I find that the worst part of the entire review21:09
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coldbootmicrolith: I can test it for you in the next couple of days. My team leader is playing with the n900 right now.21:10
microlithooh cool21:10
coldbootmicrolith: Any extension in particular?21:10
microlithadblock and noscript primarily21:10
VDVsxqwerty12_N810, eheheh, this time transmission wasn't shown :P21:10
qwerty12_N810VDVsx: :p21:11
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microlithI'd ask for "rikai-chan" but that requires knowing more about the N900's language support21:11
derfThe whole thing is good, if off-topic, but the key quote is, "I hate saying this, but we had a Camry last week that billed out at $1,200 for a new key."21:11
RST38hderf: Do they still make Camrys with normal locks?21:13
derfGekk if I know.21:13
RST38hBad, bad sign...21:13
javispedroVDVsx: so, do you appear in that screenshot with the Music library sorted by Author? ;)21:13
RST38h  <=== Nokia PC Suite done right21:14
* VDVsx checks21:14
RST38hSomebody hire this guy =)21:14
VDVsxjavispedro, link to the shot :P ?21:14
javispedroVDVsx: joking of course :)21:14
javispedroVDVsx: ;)21:14
VDVsxjavispedro, nah, I want to know the level of your offense :P21:14
javispedroThen I won't say which one ;P21:15
GeneralAntillesRST38h, the base model in 2008 was still normal.21:15
GeneralAntilleso ba21:15
GeneralAntillesDunno about now.21:15
* GeneralAntilles wonders what's up with his Enter key.21:15
qwerty12_N810Sticky, by any chance? ;P21:16
* SpeedEvil wonders about s60ine21:16
VDVsxjavispedro, don't know any of them, lol21:16
* javispedro wonders about s60ine flu21:16
SpeedEvil(wine for s60 apps)21:16
javispedrooh, cool.21:17
GeneralAntillesqwerty12_N810, think it's software. :\21:17
RST38hGeneral: You mean the real PC Suite? It has been a disaster for a few years now21:17
RST38hGeneral: Written in Java, 89MB distro, runs background processes on your system, even when you are not running it21:18
qwerty12_N810GeneralAntilles: Heh21:18
javispedroRST38h: wharrrgh.21:18
RST38hGeneral: Slow and crashes every now and then, but that is expected (see Java)21:18
GeneralAntillesRST38h, Camry21:18
RST38hGeneral: Oh...Camry21:18
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javispedroThen I hope calendar can sync with anything else.21:18
microlithSpeedEvil: if nokia gets symbian out there under an open source license, it'd probably be great21:18
* RST38h likes Camry.21:19
GeneralAntilles2004 5-speed.21:20
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GeneralAntilles'lo, Sho_.21:21
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Sho_moin GeneralAntilles21:21
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ShadowJKmicrolith, probably not terribly useful. Anyone sane wont touch it..21:25
AndrewFBlackkonttori__, ping21:25
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AndrewFBlackkonttori__, just wanted to make sure you where ok with my new theme for Diablo that looks is based of the template that comes with fremantle theme maker21:27
konttori__of course.21:27
Myrttiis it downloadable yet?21:27
AndrewFBlackbaasiclly tore template apart and rebuild it to match diablo had to create some stuff by hand but you know21:27
Myrttiand if so, where?21:27
* Myrtti yips a bit21:28
AndrewFBlackMyrtti, Not yet, but I'm sure I will have it done by end of the week21:28
AndrewFBlackkonttori__, I'll be including credit to you anywhere I write about the theme since most of the it is based off your work21:29
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lioriSpeedEvil, konttori__: thank you, i think i'm convinced21:29
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konttori__AndrewFBlack: the template is cc and it is partially based on Tuomas Kuosmanens theme as well. There is an about file included that has the details21:30
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AndrewFBlackI thought it was CC but I always like to ask21:31
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Stskeepsblurrycam video of Fremantle hildon-desktop on N8x0 with SW rendering:
Stskeeps(ogv there too for those who are into ogv..)21:35
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Stskeepsthe scrolling screen is my bad N8x0's fault21:35
GeneralAntillesBlurrycam indeed.21:37
GeneralAntillesto g21:37
GeneralAntillesWe need to get you a real camera.21:37
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luke-jrGeneralAntilles: flooder21:38
lcukStskeeps, how much processing power does your webcam identification stuff need21:38
Stskeepslcuk: heh, not a tablet thing thank god..21:38
lcuklike the hough circles21:38
lcukseriously - is it overpowering21:39
lcukor could it be optimized21:39
lcukmaybe considering n90021:39
luke-jrsomeone should make a N900 app to scan barcodes on products and find what the best price is21:39
lcukthats coming21:39
luke-jrso you can just point and see if the store has a ripoff price21:39
luke-jrlcuk: how will you search products? :p21:39
lcuk3g data21:40
luke-jrmost stores don't put barcode info online21:40
lcukand webscraping21:40
lcukbarcode is universal afaik21:40
luke-jryeah but21:40
luke-jryou're lucky to get model numbers, let alone barcodes, on store sites21:40
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lcukdunno how lardman is looking21:40
lcukor the other guys21:40
lardmanwhat's that?21:41
lardmanjust walked in21:41
lardmanah yes, well I'm just hacking away at the webscraping stuff now21:41
luke-jrlardman: but how do you get from barcode -> webpage ? :p21:42
lardmansend the barcode to the webpage, add it in the url, etc21:42
timelessif you build it, the web will come (and fill it)?21:42
luke-jrlardman: what webpage accepts barcodes?21:43
lardmanah I see21:43
lardmanwell you decode the barcode first to an EAN21:43
lcukmany accept barcodes - only a few will display related results21:43
lardmanbinary here21:43
lcukshhhhhhhh lardman21:43
lcukthis is luke-jr you are talking to21:44
lardmanstill needs tuning mind you21:44
lcuksource or nothing!21:44
lardmanand...? :)21:44
lcukyou have source too!21:44
lardmanah, well source is in the maemo-barcode Garage project of course21:44
luke-jrhow do I search Amazon by EAN?21:44
luke-jror NewEgg21:44
luke-jror Google in general ? :p21:44
lardmanno idea about NewEgg21:44
coldbootShould /scratchbox/tools/bin be in the PATH before /usr/bin even if SBOX_REDIRECT_FROM_DIRS=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin ?21:45
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SpeedEvilA neat app would be to take the standard ASDA/tesco/wallmart/HighExplosivesRUs price label, and to auto-parse it21:46
SpeedEvilSo you show it the barcode, then the price label21:46
lcukyeah speedevil21:46
lcuktake photo of it all21:46
lcukcombine discaplines do some ocr + barcode21:46
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lardmando things still have price labels>21:46
lcukand upload all info21:46
Stskeepshm, non-composite mode..21:46
lcukon the shelves yeah21:46
SpeedEvillardman: on the shelf21:46
lcukwith barcode21:46
lardmanah I see21:46
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lcukalso a handy pence per unit thing too21:47
fralsloving the tags on the "we love lcuk" thread21:47
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lcukthis thread:
lcukor theres another now?21:48
fralsya that one21:48
javispedroalchohol, lovely21:48
zemmwith the scary scandinavian kb layout in n900 (arrow keys), will simply "setxkbmap us" give full arrow keys when needed?21:49
Stskeepszemm: probably21:49
lcukwho shared the link to the sane pc suite thing21:51
konttori__by the way, is anyone working on HDR imaging for fremantle?21:51
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SpeedEvilHDR assumes hardware21:52
konttori__I would be very interested in getting that working, as we have such a great cam on the device21:52
SpeedEvilyou can't try without it21:52
konttori__well, not true. You can code most of it without hw.21:52
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SpeedEvilAnd it remains uttelry useless if the camera firmware isn't configurable enough21:53
konttori__as what you do, is take a series (3 or more) images and then combine them as hdr.21:53
SpeedEvilA series of images at different exposures.21:53
SpeedEvilIf the camera won't do this - you're screwed.21:53
konttori__I have been looking at this method:
lardmanshould be possible with extended controls on v4l2 even now21:53
konttori__And the cam should have all the needed configuration options.21:53
SpeedEvilShould have - yes. Does it - are they exposed - do they work.21:54
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SpeedEvilThis is something that you can only really test with access to the device.21:54
lardmanyeah, is on my list to test21:54
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lardmanI'm interested in how to focus, but uses the same bunch of controls21:55
konttori__Hmm.. why haven't we shipped yet! Damn. I want to see some cool hacking stuff, but I have to spend my time getting the soft to shippable state. blah.21:55
lcuki thought you were doin cool hacks yourself21:56
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konttori__I don't have the time to do cool hacks atm. well, not enough time.21:56
lcuknever enough time for anything21:56
* lcuk wants back to the future license plates21:56
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lardmanhmm, upsetting that the lightweight Amazon site can't be called with an EAN directly21:57
konttori__that hdr I could do, but I don't have proper API specs available and example code how to use python to take the images.21:57
lcukkonttori__, the Push N900 guys did21:57
lardmancamera api21:57
lcukthey use python afaik to do the 3d shots21:57
mybadi was reading and i would like to know where can i have a preview of Performance and Resource Usage tools please .?21:57
lardmanjust a gstreamer v4l2camsrc21:57
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lcukmybad a preview of them?21:59
lcukbattery meter: -----------------------------------21:59
lcukcpu meter:   \/\/\/\/\/----------------\/\/\/\/\/\--------21:59
mybadlcuk, something like gitweb or simply where can i download the sources if they're open please21:59
lcukaccelerometer:  \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\21:59
lcuk(whilst dancing)21:59
lcuki dunno22:00
* lcuk would be interested too22:00
konttori__lcuk: cool. 3d shots with cam? sounds wicked.22:00
lcukviewmaster 3d22:00
lardmanI tell a lie, you can pass it the EAN directly, thank Gos22:00
lcukwith an n900 inside22:00
qwerty12_N810You're welcome, lardman.22:01
lcukin a rig with switches22:01
lcukto detect side to side22:01
lcukmulti shot22:01
lcukcool stuff22:01
lardmanqwerty12_N810: aka Gos?22:01
mybadlcuk, do you have an idea ?22:01
lardmanmybad: I imagine they will be closed22:01
qwerty12_N810lardman: Of course :)22:01
lcukif htey are listed, they should be available tho22:01
mybadlardman, i have read the source code of most of them, but the links i've got in the past are dead links now22:01
lcukit makes no sense to document but not deploy22:02
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konttori__there are the dl instructions22:02
lardmanmybad: oh I see22:02
konttori__and fremantle is binary compatible with diablo for most of those tools22:02
lcukwould those tools work elsewhere22:02
mybadkonttori__, thank you, but i don't need them on devide right now, i would like to get the source only22:03
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konttori__mybad: # diablo tools sources22:05
konttori__deb-src diablo/tools free non-free22:05
mybadkonttori__, it will be hard using yum :)22:06
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lardmantype the url manually then22:06
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mybadlardman, done thank you all for your help22:08
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lardmanam beginning to think that one of the xml parsing libs might be easier than strstr22:13
javispedroi want to learn xerces22:13
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lardmanah sod it, sure I can do it by chopping strings up into ever smaller parts, and hope I can keep track of the pointers.... ;)22:19
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* Jaffa 's Python GUI is coming along :-)22:26
qwerty12_N810I was unaware that Python needed a GUI :p22:27
Corsacipython \o/22:28
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lcukJaffa, will your python gui catch criminals?22:29
snazhi im thinking about buying a n900 but i wanna know a few things first, 1, am i able to compile my own software on it? 2. how does packageing work for maemo, what package manager do you use? urls are appricated. thanks22:30
SpeedEvilyes, though you may want to use a crosscompiler in some cases due to speed22:31
SpeedEviland unsure, unsure22:31
GeneralAntillessnaz, it's Debian packaging.22:31
GeneralAntillessnaz, the package manager is hildon-application-manager.22:31
GeneralAntillesOr apt. ;)22:32
lcuksnaz, yes, compilation is possible, but its not the fastest cpu - depending on size its ideal.  size of -dev libraries and whole sdk experience isnt possible.  making .deb files is a pita22:32
lcukits apt based and uses debs22:32
slonopotamus_snaz, 1. officially - no. practically - yes, but with pain. 2. deb22:32
* lcuk compiles every day on n8x0 and n90022:32
qwerty12_N810How many hairs do you sacrifice each time?22:34
johnsqqwerty12_N810: less than crosscompiling22:35
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Anunakinhi all!22:35
GeneralAntillesSomebody might review that for factual accuracy? ;)22:36
infobotGeneralAntilles meant: Somebody mind review that for factual accuracy? ;)22:36
RST38hGeneral: Gross underestimation22:36
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RST38hGeneral: Average package size is something like 750kB-1MB22:37
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qwerty12_N810Bets on how long GeneralAntilles will last there w/out getting banned? ;)22:37
lcukqwerty12_N810, i lose all my hair tryign to build a package22:37
RST38hqwerty: he has got good chances22:37
GeneralAntillesRST38h, he said SMALL packages.22:37
GeneralAntillesRST38h, which means less than 500KB based on the optification recommendation.22:38
lcukare the default install packages optified22:38
RST38hYea, correct22:38
lcukthings like the libs22:38
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qwerty12_N810Jaffa: Oh, regarding the fonts, maemo-optify refuses to work on it so I'll do the optification manually sometime (just need to read CDBS docs... God, I hate that shit)22:42
Anunakinhey! any here knows how to change keyboard layout on easy debian?22:45
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fiferboyHow do you create a new product under extras on
lcukfiferboy, with blood22:47
penguinbaitqwerty I need some better photos of you, so I can make you our court jester22:47
lcuksee andre__ i tihnk22:47
fiferboylcuk: Whose blood?22:47
fiferboyI had a feeling it would be...22:48
lcukwell i've already given enough22:48
* AndrewFBlack just remembered he was suppose to start working on t.m.o minimalist bugs today22:48
lcukfiferboy, where abouts are you22:48
fiferboylcuk: Globally?  Canada.22:48
lcuki suppose a council members blood would suffice22:49
lcukare you close enough to qole?22:49
RST38hfiferboy: 66 virgins and a unicorn will do though22:49
fiferboylcuk: I couldn't be much further from him22:50
penguinbaithey its 65 virgins, you were trying to get one for yourself RST38h22:50
fiferboyRST38h: What about 66 unicorns and a virgin?22:50
SpeedEvilAre they virgin unicorns?22:50
lcuki bet qole says the same about you!22:50
RST38hfiferboy: That will only give a hooves and a horn22:50
GeneralAntillesfiferboy, what product do you need creating?22:50
fiferboyGeneralAntilles: Countdown Home, for the moment22:50
fiferboyThere will likely be others coming up soon :)22:51
GeneralAntillesfiferboy, give me about 15 minutes to finish drooling over my new SSD. ;)22:51
DantonicROFL "Oh man....22:51
DantonicAll this time, in the Finnish Maemo offices, you've been called "El Cock"? "22:51
fiferboyGeneralAntilles: Thanks :D22:51
DantonicI'm sorry that's hilarious22:51
* lcuk facepalms22:51
Dantonicno offense22:51
fiferboylcuk: I am probably closer to GeneralAntilles than to Qole22:51
Myrttifinnish maemo offices?22:51
Myrttiwth is that?22:51
penguinbaitthe chicken?22:51
MyrttiI want to go!22:51
GeneralAntillesfiferboy, sacrificing me will do you no good! I'm not on the council anymore.22:52
lcukdantonic, yes, i can imagine my name being brought up in very serious business meetings22:52
fralsbeware, el cock might find you22:52
fiferboyGeneralAntilles: Curses!  I could send you to a Rays game, though22:52
lcukGeneralAntilles, sacrificing you will happen anyway22:52
Dantoniclcuk <322:52
lcukyou are to be stuffed and mounted22:52
lcukmaybe in a different order22:52
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GeneralAntillesfiferboy, did you say Rays game?22:53
snazGeneralAntilles: its apt? :D thats great22:53
GeneralAntillessnaz, Maemo is mostly just Debian.22:53
fiferboyGeneralAntilles: You are near there, are you not?22:53
GeneralAntillessnaz, with a lot of mobile (i.e., battery life) friendly tinkering on top.22:53
GeneralAntillesfiferboy, I live like 5 minutes away from Tropicana.22:54
snazlets say i want to compile firefox, or whatever, would i just apt-get source packagename?22:54
penguinbaitel pollo loco en la cabasa22:54
GeneralAntillessnaz, for the most part.22:54
snazsi penguinbait22:54
fiferboyGeneralAntilles: You should go next time they play the Jays to see two teams with no hopes of post season play for the next 5 years22:54
lcuksnaz, in the sdk yes you can try22:54
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snazpenguinbait: el pollo diablo22:54
penguinbaitoooooh the chicken devil22:55
snazi guess ill buy a n900 then22:55
snazi hope its open enough for me not to get annoyed22:55
derffiferboy: It could be worse. My local team is the Nationals.22:55
snazcos it costs a hellovalot22:55
fiferboyderf: Ouch!22:55
snazi wanna run stuff like irssi22:55
lcukif its not, you can always get a screwdriver22:55
lcukim scared to search google for el coq22:55
GeneralAntillesfiferboy, stupid Rays. :(22:56
qwerty12_N810lcuk: it's safe: google images just returns your avatar22:56
snazn900 looks very nice, it has very nice hardware22:56
snazi love the keyboard22:56
snaz+ touchscreen22:56
fiferboyGeneralAntilles: They had a shot, but it looks like they'll need to wait awhile before returning22:56
snazand if i can use the debian repos thats amazing22:56
GeneralAntillesfiferboy, yeah, doesn't help that the Yankees have a bullpen this year. ;)22:56
lcukit brings up stuff with chickens on it22:57
* GeneralAntilles goes down for a drive upgrade.22:57
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snazlcuk: what is this facination about chickens?22:57
penguinbaitel pollo loco en la cabasa22:57
lcuknothing :$22:57
Myrttisnaz: usign debian repos in what? debian?22:57
lcukits these guys22:57
snazthe chicken is crazy in the head22:58
penguinbaithe has a crazy chicken in his head22:58
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penguinbaitin his head22:58
qwerty12_N810snaz: he shagged one the other day and he wants to see what his future son/daughter will look like22:58
Myrttisnaz: the fact that maemo happens to use debian styled repositories and uses apt and all, doesn't mean that the systems are interoperable22:58
Myrttibut you *had* to know that already, right?22:58
penguinbaitremember Gonzo the muppet22:58
lcukMyrtti, it works for some things22:58
penguinbaithe was a chicken plucker!!22:59
lcukits not a 100% match22:59
snazMyrtti: does the n900 not use like a arm6 or something22:59
snazMyrtti:  i thought perhaps the platform was supported22:59
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Myrttilcuk: "warranty void if seal is broken" DO NOT CLUB THE SEAL TO DEATH22:59
snazpeople who club seals must be psychopaths becuase they are able to kill cuteness23:00
qwerty12_N810Wait? Didn't fiferboy say he was from Canada? Let's club him!23:00
MyrttiI don't know what the situation is with maemo, but I know that if someone is running ubuntu and makes the mistake of installing debian packages into it, the community silently walks away and in general the opinion is "you deserve all the problems you're having with your system"23:00
snazwe should train lions to keep seals safe in exchange for fish23:01
fiferboyqwerty12_N810: I'll have you know I only ever club seals in self defense23:01
Myrttiprobably goes the other way around too23:01
lcuknahhh Myrtti people around debian walk away anyway ;)23:01
snazwould i have root on a n900 ?23:01
lcukhave you seen how vicious they are in #debian lol23:01
lcuksnaz, sure23:01
Myrttilcuk: guess why I've used Ubuntu since 2005 February?23:02
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snazlcuk: without cracking it somehow?23:02
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lcukthat is the mine tracy will have me working in if i dont find a job :'(23:02
wiretappedany word on when I can buy an N900 here in the USA?23:02
rangesnaz: This isn't OS X23:02
snazrange: ?23:03
lcuksnaz, gainroot is one of the first packages to enter extras :)23:03
rangesnaz: So no, you don't have to break it.23:03
snazok cool23:03
lcukor whatever its name is23:03
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rangeMyrtti: Club Sandwiches, not cheese.23:03
snaz'this is not symbian'23:03
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snazwould have been more appropriate23:03
range*not seals23:03
lcukyou might not like that bits of the system are closed, but its far from the norm23:03
rangeDoes symbian have the concept of "root"?23:04
snazsymbian is annoying23:04
snazit smells like windows23:04
lbtsnaz: is that "it smells, like windows" ?23:04
lbtnot clean windows with windowlene?23:05
* lbt likes windows23:05
* snaz does not23:05
* lbt bought a window the other day23:05
lbtfirst one ever23:05
lbtstone broke the old one :(23:05
snazaww :(23:06
lbtbroken windows are pretty :)23:06
lcuklbt, what were you doing throwing stones indoor23:06
lcukwe told you it would be bad23:06
snazhow do you keep maemo update23:06
snazdoes it have apt-get ?23:06
lbtsnaz: yes23:07
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snazi wonder how much the n900 will cost23:07
snazi saw in pounds it was like 500 quid23:07
RST38hwhy wonder? prices have been announced23:07
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lbt18month contract23:07
RST38hUK has got it easy23:08
snazyou have to have a contract?23:08
lbt'unlimited' web23:08
snazis it not possible to just buy it without23:08
RST38hno but then it is not "free"23:08
lbtbut I think they differentiate between web/internet23:08
JaffaStskeeps: Intriguing video that yerga's pointed at thaere23:08
RST38hlbt: that will limit device capabitlities23:08
lbtI did wonder23:08
* snaz agrees with Jaffa 23:08
lbtI've never bought a mobile :)23:09
lbtso have no clue about plans etc :(23:09
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johnsqsnaz: germany 500 euro - 600 euro without contract23:09
snazlbt: do you steal them?23:09
lbtsnaz: shh23:09
snazjohnsq: 600 is alot of money for a phone23:09
* lbt has a bag full23:09
lbt7 6310s...!!23:09
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snazstill it seems worth it23:10
johnsqsnaz: yes. but already 100 euro down23:10
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StskeepsJaffa: hmm?23:10
snazyeah buy the time i have the money its gonna be alot cheaper23:10
snazbut then exactly when i buy it, there will be a new phone23:10
snazits so annoying23:11
Myrttiit's still less than a N9723:11
JaffaStskeeps: Assuming there aren't two Carsten Munks in the world23:11
snazi had the n9523:11
snazi do not like it23:11
MyrttiI still have N95 and I love it23:11
snazso i did not get the n9723:11
Stskeepsjaffa, thesis work if it is the physio stuff23:11
snazMyrtti: its so slow it makes me wanna kill myself23:11
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snazi gave mine away to my brother23:11
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MyrttiN97 has nothing to do with N9523:11
glassn97 doesn't have much to do with n95, different form factor for starters23:11
RST38hMyrtti: But they are both mobile computers!23:12
snazsame crap23:12
RST38hsame hype machine23:12
Myrttinext step from N95 is N8623:12
JaffaStskeeps: "Fremantle desktop, sw rendering, N800"23:12
lbtJaffa: Mesa23:12
snazis n900 running x ?23:12
Stskeepsjaffa, yeah, my work23:12
Myrttioh christ, this stupidity is mindboggling23:12
* Myrtti goes to bed23:12
lbtJaffa: and the current git snapshot of mesa has gles1.2 :)23:12
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snazwhat kind of window manager does maemo use?23:13
snazwhat language?23:14
Jaffalbt: Shiny23:14
Jaffasnaz: C, Python and C++ are the biggest languages23:14
lbtit's in gitorious now (I think - it's on my machine anyhow)23:15
snazseems pretty mature23:15
snazok i will concider this for out mobile platform23:16
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Jaffasnaz: Maemo's been out for nearly 4 years (first release back in Nov 2005); so everything's pretty tried out now23:17
johnsqand for the n810 no good applications.23:17
snazare you using dbus?23:17
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lcuki think jaffa gets dtrain23:18
lcukbut, yes23:18
snazlcuk: har-har23:18
Jaffalcuk: tsk ;-)23:18
* Jaffa gets dcar, dtrain and dtube23:18
lcuksnaz, for long term, you have to consider nokia have qt designated as principle toolkit of the next os23:19
snazhmm, qt seems to be growing23:19
lcukyou mentioned platform - what sorts of apps if you dont mind23:20
snazhardware related, using gps, touchscreen, organizing systems, music/synthesizers/sequencers23:21
snazwhatever i feel like really23:21
snazi tried openmoko23:21
lcukits just passed an exceptional test in realtime performance stuff - using opensoundcontrol23:21
snazthe freerunner phone23:21
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snazi like the concept but still the phone is too slow to do anything fun23:22
snaznokia hardwaresupport tends to be good from my experience. only problems i had where with symbian23:22
snazi need to look into the sound card specifications of the n90023:22
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snazlcuk: really?23:23
lcukjust a mo23:23
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snazso i would need to port a few stuff23:23
snazand it has a lot of dependencies23:24
johnsqsnaz: s/few/all23:24
snazbut might be in the debian repo23:24
lcukyeah i dragged one of the opensoundcontrol libs across and we used the 900 to control a massive interactive display23:24
snazif i can use apt-get source then im all god23:24
snazcos what idont want to be doing is dependency hunting23:24
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snazi hate that so much it makes me want to die23:24
snazive done that enough back in the day23:24
lcukflawless hardware - excellent technilogy and had a wonderful reception from the public23:24
lcuktechnology even23:25
snazlcuk sykwakler23:25
lcukanything is better than the other name atm lol23:27
qwerty12_N810Shut up, El Coq23:28
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* lcuk bans you from any summit ever23:28
lcukand gives you an invitation back into *that* chan23:28
GeneralAntilleslcuk, you'll always be el-cuck to me. ;)23:28
lcukawww thanks gan23:28
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* lcuk makes his download download faster23:29
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woglindelcuk jedi power?23:34
lcuki have an obi-wan robe and a light sabre :$23:34
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ProteousI put on my cape and wizard cap23:52
coldbootIt's actually a robe.23:53
Myrttiand a hat23:53
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coldbootBut nevertheless, I like to play dress up.23:53
Proteousyeah yeah bloodninja23:53
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