IRC log of #maemo for Wednesday, 2009-09-02

timeless_mbpGeneralAntilles: yeah, that page was um... interesting00:01
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timeless_mbpmikkov_: we were very clear that not all arrow keys were available in all languages00:04
timeless_mbpthis should not come as a surprise to anyone00:04
timeless_mbpanyone who failed to listen is well... stupid00:04
GeneralAntillesWhat the hell kind of question is "Is the memory card hot-pluggable?"00:05
GeneralAntillesWhy the hell did it reload when I pressed cmd-c. . . .00:06
timeless_mbpthere's a Text Input item in settings which lets you select the Hardware Keylayout00:06
timeless_mbpGeneralAntilles: where's that question from?00:06
GeneralAntillestimeless_mbp, I'm frequently disturbed by how wrong Ari gets things sometimes.00:06
* Andy80 wants to add "Does it make coffee?" to QA list :)00:08
* javispedro ponders wheter to add "output of cat /proc/mounts" to the list, but then remembers he probably has a prototype device without the final configuration.00:08
Andy80javispedro: well... is quite different the prototype from the final one, I hope you can distinguish :D00:09
javispedrosw prototype, I think he'll have final hw already.00:09
VDVsxGeneralAntilles most s60's have hot-pluggable memory cards, what's the problem ?00:10
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Andy80he = ?00:10
Dieterbelaway weg00:10
Dieterbeoops sorry00:10
javispedroAndy80, whoever ends up answering the questions :)00:10
Andy80javispedro: ah sw of course... no one said it's ready :P00:10
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GeneralAntillesVDVsx, exactly, I don't know why that's a question.00:12
GeneralAntillesI mean . . . duh.00:12
VDVsxGeneralAntilles, ah ok, lol00:12
timeless_mbpit's a stupid question00:12
timeless_mbpof course you can remove the mmc00:12
timeless_mbphowever you shouldn't do it while it's in use <DUH>00:13
Andy80GeneralAntilles, VDVsx: maybe he doesn't know if SD is under the battery or not...00:13
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javispedrobecause someone is still not making the "Linux"=="same kernel that runs on desktops" assumption, and thinks Maemo of an "inferior" os than their beloved whateverOS.00:13
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timeless_mbpGeneralAntilles: do you guys want unofficial answers?00:13
VDVsxtimeless_mbp, just did it in an s60 :P00:13
timeless_mbpGeneralAntilles: yes ctrl-backspace will let you do some stuff00:14
timeless_mbppersonally i use the hardware task switching button:00:14
timeless_mbp1. open the camera lens. 2. press the camera button00:14
timeless_mbp3. close the camera app00:14
timeless_mbpthe ui team told me to :)00:15
timeless_mbpafaik there's no key to reach a menu from a full screen app00:15
qwerty12_N810Why does it lack a hardware task switching button anyway? Even my N-Gage had one.00:15
timeless_mbpqwerty12_N810: buttons are stupid :)00:16
VDVsxtimeless_mbp, what about ctrl+backspace?00:16
timeless_mbpit works00:16
timeless_mbpi just don't like it00:16
Andy80timeless_mbp: this is a workaround, not a feature :\00:16
zerojayQd or original ngage?00:16
timeless_mbpAndy80: i work in software00:16
qwerty12_N810zerojay: original (now in bits :))00:16
zerojaySidetalkin' :P00:16
timeless_mbpif you're complaining about hardware, you're in the wrong place00:16
javispedroqwerty12_N810, blame Jobs. Had the original iPhone had 36,000 hw buttons, today I would be using a phone with a million hw buttons.00:16
timeless_mbpjavispedro is right00:16
qwerty12_N810Fine: Fuck you Steve!00:17
Andy80timeless_mbp: pressing the Power button one time and show a simple menu would be so difficoult?00:17
* VDVsx -> wowo gmail is back ;)00:17
timeless_mbpAndy80: we do show a menu00:17
timeless_mbpsticking a task switching item into that menu?00:17
timeless_mbpyes, because the ui team is ...00:17
* timeless_mbp shrugs00:17
* timeless_mbp isn't a fan of the ui team00:18
Andy80timeless_mbp: :D00:18
timeless_mbpthey also have menu items in that menu which trigger error states00:18
timeless_mbpin violation of their own rules00:18
timeless_mbpwell, at least one00:18
timeless_mbpi'm pretty sure we don't have skype video, although i haven't tried00:19
timeless_mbpthe preinstalled games to my knowledge are listed on the web site with all the other software00:19
javispedroand are the usual four.00:19
Andy80timeless_mbp: I noticed :\ (from screenshot, of course :P )00:19
* julianoliver reads
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javispedroat least, osso-games-startup was just updated; no new features at all.00:20
ShadowJKso like.. ctrl-backspace... is that some standard keycombo or just made up?00:20
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acoutohi all00:20
Andy80timeless_mbp: the official website says "video calls will be added later....200:20
timeless_mbpShadowJK: ctrl-alt-backspace = kill X00:20
VDVsxAndy80, do you have skype in sbox o_000:21
ShadowJKin newer S60 they stuck task switching to the top of EVERY menu. It's funny00:21
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acoutowhich lib can i use to gps?00:21
Andy80VDVsx: skype in sbox?00:21
ShadowJKacouto, iirc there's a libgpsbt00:21
Andy80timeless_mbp: I suppose Skype team had some problem and wasn't sure to be able to add it in time...00:21
ShadowJK(which also manages internal gps)00:21
VDVsxAndy80, forget, misread :P00:22
timeless_mbpAndy80: i have no contact w/ Skype00:22
acoutoShadowJK, hum ok, i'll read about it, thanks00:22
javispedrothe Skype team certainly has loads of problems00:22
timeless_mbpso you're free to suppose, but you'd be better served by not bothering00:22
javispedroafaik the tech they licensed for Skype itself is now gone00:22
javispedrothe company went under or skype sued them or viceversa, something like that00:23
* GeneralAntilles grumbles.00:23
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javispedro(first google hit I found about the issue)
timeless_mbpjavispedro: you misread00:24
ShadowJKacouto, As far as I understand it, libgpsbt is used to start the gps, then you connect to gpsd. gpsd is a fairly "standard" software package, and comes with its own documentation00:24
timeless_mbpskype technology was based on code from the core group of skype00:24
timeless_mbpwhich they licensed to the skype company00:24
GeneralAntillesI need more people qualified to clean up the wiki.00:25
timeless_mbpwhen ebay bought skype, they didn't buy out the core group00:25
GeneralAntillesEverytime I stop doing it for a few weeks I come back to find everything in shambles.00:25
lcukmy missus is like that about shelves00:25
lcukshe goes crazy if you mess em up00:25
ShadowJKThere also appears to be something called libgpsmgr :)00:25
qwerty12_N810GeneralAntilles: time to make a GeneralAntillesBot00:25
javispedroEvilWedge of course.00:26
Andy80timeless_mbp: will the whole event streamed online tomorrow?00:26
timeless_mbpdo i look like i'm in marketing?00:26
javispedroyes, definitely.00:26
Andy80timeless_mbp: yes :)00:26
timeless_mbpok, do i sound like i'm in marketing?00:26
zerojayQuiet down, jussi.00:27
qwerty12_N810timeless_mbp: no, you haven't (I think) lied to us00:27
aqqlcuk: has anyone suggested that you could draw and write in liqreader as well?00:27
aqqlcuk: so you could add notes on what you're reading00:28
lcukapp, if you have the new liqbase, technically every screen can be drawn on00:28
lcuktop right corner is a little icon - click it anywhere and a sketch editor opens00:28
aqqliqbase playground?00:28
lcukyeah, just testing at the mo00:28
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lcuklets me save sketches tagged with the name of the item im drawing on00:28
timeless_mbpoh wait00:28
aqqalso, is pdf support being worked on?00:28
timeless_mbpsomeone was silly enough to ask about
lcuknot by me, ive got other things to deal with00:29
aqqIm guessing no. but any pointers?00:29
timeless_mbpcould someone please slap that person?00:29
lcukit will soon tho00:29
timeless_mbpthe devs don't live in .us00:29
aqqlcuk: so someone is working on it?00:29
timeless_mbpwe can't access most hulu content00:29
lcukno app, like everything else - i will come across a document in pdf i cant live without00:29
lcukand will just have to make a pdf parser/viewer :)00:29
* javispedro doesn't even know what Hulu looks like :)00:30
qwerty12_N810timeless_mbp: <insert favourite US proxy here> :)00:30
Andy80me neither :)00:30
* timeless_mbp crashes safari00:30
* timeless_mbp slaps qwerty12_N810 for the britishism00:30
aqqlcuk: If I had a few good pointers to what to look for I would maybe have a go at adding pdf support because I love the smooth scroll thing that liqbase has00:31
lcukyeah aqq, me too00:31
lcukwell, its not so much conversions at the moment00:31
lcuki started liqbook in this, but its a stub atm00:31
Andy80timeless_mbp: not a too stupid question.... will we have Printer support :) ? we could be able to connect to a printer in a lan and print something.....00:32
lcukill dig it out and package it up in a few days00:32
timeless_mbpand print what?00:32
GeneralAntillesGoddamn edit conflict00:32
Andy80timeless_mbp: a pdf, a picture, a wtf you want :)00:32
timeless_mbpAndy80: i think you can probably take your bluetooth enabled printer00:32
timeless_mbppair it with your n90000:32
GeneralAntillesScrew it, somebody is getting an edit nuked.00:32
zerojayPeople still print stuff?00:33
javispedroand then do nothing.00:33
Andy80timeless_mbp: I know you there are tree-friendly, but some people still like to print :D00:33
timeless_mbpand send a picture (or more) from the picture application via bluetooth to your printer00:33
timeless_mbpis that sufficient? :)00:33
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Andy80timeless_mbp: almost ;)00:33
mavhcold people like to print00:33
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aqqlcuk: sorry, package what?00:33
timeless_mbpso, my n81 has some printer support00:33
timeless_mbpi've never gotten it to work00:33
timeless_mbpon the two occasions i've tried00:34
lcukaqq, i started to rewrite the book reader application00:34
lcukin the new framework00:34
lcukbut got sidetracked00:34
Andy80timeless_mbp: you should contact Nokia tech support ;)00:34
aqqlcuk: ah right! awesome00:34
timeless_mbpi'm a frequent caller00:34
lcukso it is at a prototype stage00:34
lcukand will be until i need it lol00:34
lcuki will make a package for it00:35
lcukand put it online vsoon00:35
* lcuk just has so many other things to do first00:35
aqqI'll keep an eye out for it.00:35
aqqI'd offer dev help but Im neither skilled enough nor committed enough00:35
lcukthe playground is in need of testing :)00:35
lcuktheres always new pieces - and you can now completely reconfigure and select what is visible00:36
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aqqlcuk: cool00:36
lcuktis :)00:36
lcuktheres new toys too00:36
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aqqlcuk: getting it right now00:36
lcuknice toys that ive been experimenting on my x41 with00:37
lcukthe accelerometer is cool :)00:37
lcuktimeless_mbp, i pushed it through fremantle builder, you got time to show me the many flaws?00:38
timeless_mbpwhat am i doing?00:38
javispedrobeing brainwashed by management?00:39
lcukliqbase-playground from extras devel00:39
GeneralAntillesCamelCase too00:39
lcukits got a problem right now - if you had playground already installed, it needs to update a lib its not done00:39
lcukthat will be solved as soon as i get it back through the autobuilder00:39
timeless_mbpok, so i see liqtorch00:40
timeless_mbpand liqcontrolpanel00:40
lcukliqbase-playground will get those too00:41
lcuktimeless, i missed off a (>= version) check in the packages00:41
timeless_mbpright, so what am i doing?00:41
lcukso if it already has the lib installed it wont update it00:41
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lcukjust run liqbase-playground from wherever you run it00:41
timeless_mbplike a terminal?00:41
lcukthere should be an icon00:42
lcuklittle pencil :$00:42
javispedrowith a pencil00:42
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javispedroheh :)00:42
lcukintergalactic pencil actually :$00:42
timeless_mbpyou have no icons00:42
timeless_mbpjust default  icons00:42
timeless_mbpand liqbase_playgroun doesn't have enough space for the 'd'00:42
GeneralAntilleslcuk, running gtk-update-icon-cache in post?00:43
timeless_mbpactually no space for 'nd'00:43
lcuki believe so.  hold on, lemme confirm - theres a bundle of stuff now00:43
timeless_mbprunning that didn't do anything afaict00:44
lcuk34..48 only :|00:44
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lcukapt-get install libliqbase100:45
lcuktimeless - like i said, if you had it before - it didnt update the lib - i think :$00:45
timeless_mbpi wouldn't have installed it00:45
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lcukcould you run in console and send me the log please :$00:46
lcukor is that not allowed00:46
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timeless_mbpit wants a password?00:48
javispedrolol. sudo.00:48
qwerty12_N810lcuk: psst... update-sudoers00:49
* javispedro doesn't want to even think of that particular can of worms00:49
timeless_mbplcuk: um, you're assuming wget is installed00:49
lcukit shouldnt even need it00:49
timeless_mbpbut you didn't depend on that00:49
timeless_mbppressing enter gets past the password prompt00:49
* lcuk fails 00:49
* lcuk casts mind back to wget :O00:50
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lcukyou are right timeless00:50
mikkov_what kind of question is "Is the touchscreen hot-swappable?"00:50
GeneralAntillesmikkov_, that's the "GA is a dumbass"-type00:50
lcuki have curl available and left in the image loader00:50
lcukusing wget00:50
lcuki dont know any of this linux business :$00:51
javispedroEvilGAN already at it.00:51
timeless_mbpneither curl nor wget are installed here00:51
timeless_mbpin path anyway00:51
timeless_mbpif you want one or the other depend on one or the other00:51
lcuklibliqbase has deps for libcurl00:51
qwerty12_N810timeless_mbp: is maemo-mini-curl there?00:51
Andy80timeless_mbp: a simple test you can do in 2 minutes: is that f*** flash plugin compatible with the front webcam? I mean... am I able to use it in website like or
qwerty12_N810timeless_mbp: :(00:52
lcuklibcurl3 actually00:52
timeless_mbpAndy80: it isn't supposed to be00:52
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timeless_mbpsomeone said yesterday it was accidentally enabled for an image or so00:52
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GeneralAntillesqwerty12_N810 already asked.00:52
timeless_mbpbut they're trying very hard not to support it00:52
timeless_mbppartly they're afraid of security/privacy00:53
Andy80timeless_mbp: why? it would be great00:53
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timeless_mbpbeyond that, i'm not sure00:53
Andy80timeless_mbp: LOL :)00:53
timeless_mbpall i got was "we had a security issue that we really needed to fix00:53
timeless_mbpit shouldn't have mattered much, except there was a time when those features actually worked"00:53
Andy80it sounds strange to me...00:54
mikkov_timeless_mbp: where was this info about arrow keys? not that it really matters, but think I've missed something :)00:54
timeless_mbpAndy80: trust me, i've asked about those features, i want to use gmail's talk stuff00:54
GeneralAntillesmikkov_, fixed, by the way.00:54
timeless_mbpmikkov_: a long long time ago we made it clear to people that we didn't have directional arrow keys00:54
timeless_mbpprobably even before the first sdk was released00:54
Andy80timeless_mbp: isn't GTalk voice/video supported by the integrated client?00:55
javispedroGTalk has voice?00:55
mikkov_timeless_mbp: probably some other people :)00:55
javispedroI mean, video?00:55
GeneralAntillesjavispedro, yes.00:55
timeless_mbpAndy80: irrelevant00:55
javispedronot the official client at least.00:55
timeless_mbpsome of us work on web browsers and don't care about anything else00:55
javispedroand the web one is like a stab in the back to the xmmp foundation.00:56
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Andy80timeless_mbp: I do prefer native clients... but in case of Ustream/ there aren't any...00:56
* timeless_mbp hates native clients00:56
* javispedro fails at writing XMPP00:56
timeless_mbpif it doesn't run in my web browser, i don't want it00:56
* timeless_mbp should go try to fix image downloading00:57
ShadowJKtimeless_mbp, hm, how come people have been arguing about dpad since forever until the announce? :)00:57
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timeless_mbppeople are stupid?00:57
lardmando we know what was released at Nokia World yet?00:57
ShadowJKwhat will be?00:57
* timeless_mbp knows nothing about Nokia World00:58
lardmandunno, just browsing Talk00:58
lardmansomething super exciting (in addition to the N900) allegedly00:58
GeneralAntilleslardman, give it about 10 hours.00:58
lardmanah, got my timings wrong00:58
lardmanthat's the problem with being 1h behind Germany ;)00:58
GeneralAntillesTotal fail?00:59
lardmanindeed :)00:59
zerojayKeep entertaining me, guys.00:59
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zerojayStill on this empty bus... Bleh.01:00
lardmanzerojay: surely better perched on top of a steering wheel with the speedo showing >100mph? ;)01:00
GeneralAntilleszerojay, clearly you should throw a party.01:00
zerojayBangbus. Lol01:01
qwerty12_N810Only in Canada, eh?01:01
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JaffaEvening, all01:02
* Jaffa is implanted in his hotel room.01:02
GeneralAntilleszerojay, I just IMed that picture to my friend across the room so he didn't have to get and up come look.01:02
lardmanhey Jaffa01:02
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* Jaffa got a room upgrade. WIN!01:03
GeneralAntillesJaffa, wiki page is fixed.01:03
mikkov_Jaffa: you have about 2000 questions :)01:03
lardmanwhat's iMed? Sounds dodgy01:03
VDVsxhallo Jaffa :)01:03
lardmanJaffa: first question, do you have a minibar?01:04
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Jaffalardman: Yes. Not sure Nokia'll like me expensing it.01:04
lardman:) very good :)01:04
Andy80Jaffa: hi ::)01:04
GeneralAntilleslardman, sent the link via AIM. :P01:04
JaffaI was planning to go down to the hotel bar, but a) got undressed; b) have the #maemo-meeting minutes to do01:04
GeneralAntillesJaffa, I killed and editing some of the non-sensical ones.01:04
JaffaGeneralAntilles: ta muchly01:05
qwerty12_N810Jaffa: How is that impeding your ability to still go to the bar? :)01:05
javispedroGAN: "Is there a "Shared Folders" view in the File Manager?" I guess that's no.01:06
lardmanqwerty12_N810: well if you come to the summit, we'll see how you like it going to the bar in your underwear01:06
lardmanqwerty12_N810: but he could always stick some clothes on, so +101:06
qwerty12_N810lardman: underwear? I thought that was optional01:07
javispedrothey said gnomevfs-smb or the like was deprecated, do I remember that correctly or I am pulling it from my ___ ?01:07
lardmanjavispedro: true01:07
mikkov_javispedro: there can be bluetooth shared folders01:07
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javispedrothen the question has to be rewritten..01:07
Jaffaqwerty12_N810: A good point. /me eyes the room service menu too01:08
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GeneralAntilleslardman, I don't think qwerty12 will see any issue with that. :D01:08
lardmanGeneralAntilles: we have to get him there first!01:08
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darkAnyone knows where i can download arpwatch for my nokia01:08
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mrmcq2uwhat about upnp?01:09
qwerty12_N810Send a blow-up doll in honour of me instead01:09
javispedroquestion rewritten to Which kind of "Shared Folders" (Bluetooth, UPnP, Samba) appear in the File Manager?01:09
lardmanI have a large suitcase and am sure I can make some chloroform01:09
darkAnyone knows where i can download arpwatch for my nokia01:09
javispedrowho the hell asked if "there's jabber support?"01:10
JaffaBah. Room service closed.01:10
qwerty12_N810javispedro: Andre said Samba support has gone01:10
GeneralAntilleslardman, kidnapping!01:10
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Jaffaqwerty12_N810: I thought you said "*to* me".01:10
mrmcq2uhmmm somebody should port vdrift to maemo 501:10
javispedroqwerty12_N810, I remember that too (and lardman agreed), but then though asking for bt ftp and upnp ones made sense01:10
lardmandark: build it yourself I think01:11
Jaffajavispedro: tmo and -users users. Gotta love 'em01:11
qwerty12_N810Jaffa: lol, I'm not that desperate01:11
mrmcq2udevelopment has actually picked up for the first time in ages ->
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andre__javispedro, yes, SMB is not supported in Fremantle01:11
Jaffa"How is HTML5 support?"01:12
JaffaMmm, that'll be trivial to answer.01:12
andre__want me to test something and break my nda? :-P01:12
ShadowJKcifs then?01:12
lardmanmrmcq2u: I thought it was for drifting, I didn't see that AC Cobra drift at all01:13
qwerty12_N810andre__: yes please01:13
andre__tomorrow :-D01:13
javispedroI don't know if I'm supposed to answer questions:
javispedroif not then I'll delete it.01:13
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Jaffajavispedro: If we know the answer already, answer 'em.01:13
darkQuestion for everybody where i can get arpwatch for maemo01:13
JaffaFor example, "Is there any system monitor to see in real-time"01:13
lcukhaha zach just wrote one of those in liqbase01:14
lcukit actually shows stats from any connected machine :D01:14
ShadowJK"Is it possible to turn off the cellular radio" <- eh? what does the question poser mean?01:14
ShadowJKAll nokia N series work without sim card, and all Nokia N series, including N810, have offline mode :)01:15
javispedroyeah, but01:15
JaffaShadowJK: Probably one of: a) is there an offline mode or b) can I use it exactly as I used an Internet Tablet01:15
javispedrodoes offline take wifi off too?01:15
javispedrowhat I think he means is that if it can be fully used _without_ the gsm/3g radio on.01:15
ShadowJKOn other N and E series it initially takes wifi and bluetooth, and when you try use them, it cautions you and asks if you want to activate wlan, etc... but that's not a real answer01:15
qwerty12_N810The mobile-review pics show WiFi on, but a crossed-out SIM card icon in the statusbar01:16
javispedroyeah, but removing the sim card is kinda overkill.01:16
javispedroalso, my phone keeps the radio on even then (112 calls)01:16
* lardman wondered what that symbol was01:16
GeneralAntillesJaffa, load up the YouTube HTML5 test page.01:16
JaffaGeneralAntilles: But HTML5 is more than <video />01:16
ShadowJKjavispedro, the radio would be off until you make a call?01:17
JaffaShadowJK: Not necessarily01:17
GeneralAntillesjavispedro, bing.01:17
GeneralAntillesCan it be used as a pure internet tablet.01:17
ShadowJKeven if it was on, it would be using far less power than it uses in idle :)01:17
GeneralAntillesJaffa, I suspect that'll satisfy.01:18
javispedroShadowJK, you have a point :)01:18
mikkov_you probably can't tether n900 though another phone (with default software)01:18
mikkov_I mean with bluetooth01:18
ShadowJK"Is DUN supported? " <- DUN "Server" or "Client" support?01:19
Jaffamikkov_: I'd be surprised if they removed that - a better question: can you tether another device through the N900 out of the box01:19
javispedrobut either way, I don't want to keep removing the sim card.  I just want to shut the phone part off.01:19
Jaffa(I'd guess no: but easy to add)01:19
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javispedroI believe that older Palm Treos allowed that by dialing a special number.01:19
mikkov_Jaffa: My question would be if there's DUN support at all because it's not in the specs01:19
ShadowJK"Can I log on to secure websites and pay bills?" <- I can do this with N810. Wtf kind of question is this?01:20
* Jaffa reserves the right to ignore stupid questions tomorrow (today), btw01:21
javispedro"No. The phone detects you're trying to pail a bill and calls local police automatically."01:21
GeneralAntilles<h3> -> <h4>01:21
ShadowJKJaffa, you're going to nokia world?01:21
GeneralAntillesBut of course <h4> doesn't have proper padding, X-Fade!01:21
* GeneralAntilles grins.01:21
GeneralAntillesI like the staggered [edits]01:21
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qwerty12_N810javispedro: bingo.01:21
qwerty12_N810javispedro: - note "Activate phone"01:21
JaffaShadowJK: Yes.
javispedroqwerty12_N810++ thanks!01:22
JaffaShadowJK: I'm there now.01:22
ShadowJKoh :)01:22
JaffaArrived too late to catch up with PeterS and timsamoff01:22
ShadowJKThat secure website question is pure stupid. Even the s60 browser works01:22
javispedro wonder if that's ok01:23
GeneralAntillesShadowJK, better yet, MicroB now works just fine.01:24
lcukhey jaffa01:24
lcukdid you see the new playground :D01:24
ShadowJKGeneralAntilles, it has been broken with https?01:24
lcuk(that is, if you can install it - hint, uninstall, and reinstall)01:24
GeneralAntillesShadowJK, no, MicroB works just fine.01:24
GeneralAntillesSo it's a silly question based on any amount of experience with either S60 or Maemo.01:25
ShadowJKyeah.. I'd say01:25
lardmanow, just dropped a knife on my toe01:25
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Jaffalcuk: No, didn't get a chance before I left01:25
lcukliqflow is in it :)01:26
javispedroAre we going to be able to run a chroot environment?01:26
GeneralAntillesjavispedro, just gotta roll with it. ;)01:26
javispedroalready answered it :)01:26
javispedrobtw, the games were the usual four in the eldar preview, but don't know what they are in the final image01:27
javispedro(which btw makes tetris the first game to support "portrait mode" ;) )01:27
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* lcuk knows a game that supports full rotation01:27
javispedron900 wall smashing?01:28
javispedrois there any game supporting 6.78º rotation? ;)01:28
GeneralAntillesToo bad I don't speak Italian.01:28
javispedroit's easy to understand for latin-descendant language speakers.01:29
VDVsxjavispedro, the games are listed in the specs ;)01:29
GeneralAntillesTook a lot of Spanish and I can catch a word or two here and there, but that doesn't help overall understandin.01:30
* javispedro was thinking... wtf I am not understanding anything? then notices he had the video muted and was listening to local tv instead.01:30
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JaffaIs your local TV talking about Maemo?!01:31
lardmanslight lip-sync problems hey?01:31
ShadowJKWhat's this about crashing01:31
javispedrowhat lips ;) ?01:31
javispedroexpecting to hear certain keywords (touch, etc.) I just listened to blablabla :)01:31
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javispedrohe actually says 32 gigas microsd I think.01:32
GeneralAntillesNokia needs to figure out how to get some early 32GB SD samples so everybody doesn't thing it's limited to 16GB01:33
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VDVsxvery strange Italian accent, I can understand almost everything :P01:34
lardmanthey could always test themselves and update the specs page01:34
simulais there any word on a US release date for the unlocked n900?01:35
javispedrothey managed to do fluid zoom in mozilla. good job.01:35
lardmanif they're too busy I'll accept an N900 and 32GB card and will do the testing for free01:35
GeneralAntillessimula, ask again tomorrow after Nokia World 2009 opens.01:35
simulait seems that some German folks have been told that they will receive their orders Oct 101:35
simulaok GeneralAntilles01:35
* Jaffa has got *loads* of new followers on Twitter since it was announced we were going to be tweeting from Nokia World :)01:36
simulajaffa... what is your twitter address? ;)01:36
VDVsxjavispedro, the browser seems very neat ;)01:36
GeneralAntillesJaffa, you're gonna have to stop using Twitter after this. :D01:36
Jaffasimula: (and timsamoff is
GeneralAntillessimula, I'm waiting impatiently to figure out whether AT&T 3G will be supported.01:37
JaffaGeneralAntilles: They're going to get pissed off when I start ranting about Java EE and the people working for me ;-)01:37
javispedroJaffa, start already with the rants :)01:37
lardmanlol @ timsamoff's hotel peephole01:37
simulaGeneralAntilles... everything seems to point to T-mobile only, but choice is good01:37
Jaffalardman: That could *so* be misconstrued01:38
JaffaRight. I must do the meeting tasks.01:38
JaffaLast meeting as council chair! Woohoo!01:38
GeneralAntillessimula, not so good if you can't get T-Mobile 3G coverage.01:38
GeneralAntillesJaffa, it's nice to be able to dick around uselessly. ;)01:38
lardmanhmm, perhaps that should be added to the wiki page on "Council responsibilites"?01:39
JaffaGeneralAntilles: I can tell :-p01:39
GeneralAntillesJaffa, so, so tired.01:39
JaffaGeneralAntilles: I can tell :-(01:40
lardmango to bed then!01:40
lardmannot even 7pm., what's the world coming to?01:40
lcukjaffa, searching works and you can add remove everything at will01:41
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GeneralAntilleslardman, not that sort. ;)01:41
lcukheh simon01:41
mrmcq2uwhat make is the screen?01:41
lcuki pushed the playground to devel01:41
* javispedro ponders wheter to waste time trying to understand why dosbox does not get the input focus, or waste time trying to convert dosbox into a gtk application.01:41
GeneralAntillesmrmcq2u, Sony, last I saw.01:42
lcukuninstall and reinstall to see01:42
* mrmcq2u hopes the screen in the n900 has been designed to stantum's spec01:42
lcukwhy does it need it01:43
simulait's not multi-touch01:43
lcukyeah multitouch in general01:43
javispedrosome kind of multitouch stuff01:43
lardmancome on infobot01:43
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simulano multi-touch... gestures only01:43
lcukwhat do you really gain on a tiny screen01:43
VDVsxchase lardman01:43
javispedrogestures only?01:43
lardmanpoor, infobot doesn't Google words it doesn't know01:43
simulalcuk... easier to fit in your pocket01:43
GeneralAntillesmrmcq2u, the LCD screen doesn't have a whole lot to do with the touchscreen.01:43
VDVsx~chase lardman01:43
* infobot chases lardman01:43
lcuksimula, ?01:43
lcukwhat does mt have to do with pocket01:44
* lardman strikes infobot down01:44
javispedrogestures only? what would I want multitouch gestures only?01:44
javispedrothat would really suck.01:44
simulalcuk... i thought you were talking about screen size, not touch :)01:44
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VDVsxinfobot has Alzheimer, it seems01:44
simulano multi-touch according o the demos i've seen01:44
javispedroinfobot, alzheimer is something I have.01:44
infobotjavispedro: okay01:44
simulasingle finger gestures01:44
mrmcq2uwell stantums multitouch is freaking awesome resistive goodness :D01:45
infobothmm... alzheimer is something I have.01:45
javispedrowe'll see if he remembers this tomorrow :)01:45
lcuki would actually like mt on something big enough to matter01:45
lcuki dont like smears on my screen01:45
* infobot has disconnected (Read error: 99 (Connection reset by beer))01:45
lcukso i use a stlyus or nail01:45
simulamulti-touch is cool on the iphones... but i care more about the sweet 800x480 resolution than multi-touch01:46
lardmanlcuk: plastic nail I trust01:46
lcukits horrible staring at a white screen01:46
GeneralAntillesMulti-touch is mostly irritating.01:46
lcukliqbase doesnt show smears as much ;)01:46
GeneralAntillesMy fingers don't do pinch gestures very well.01:46
lcuklardman, laser siting01:46
lcuksighting even01:46
GeneralAntillesIt'd work well on a table, but not so well on a mobile device you're trying to hold.01:46
* javispedro thinks the only visibile benefit to multitouch is detecting two/three button presses01:46
lardmansitting on a laser, hmm ;)01:46
lcukdrawing on the bright white postcard is odd you know01:46
GeneralAntillesjavispedro, it's nice on a laptop trackpad.01:47
* lcuk prefers writing on a blackboard01:47
javispedrothen we could make the ocarina app qgil wanted :)01:47
GeneralAntillesThen you can assign pretty much all of the browser functions to finger swipes.01:47
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lcuklardman, could you give the updated liqbase-playground a test01:47
javispedrolcuk, it uses a lot of memory01:47
lardmanI don;t have my N810 here atm, left it at work01:47
lardmanbad show I know01:47
javispedrobut works well :)01:48
mrmcq2usimula - you can get the high res with stantums spec because its resistive not capacitive01:48
lcukjavispedro, if you have just scrolled down a big image list for the first time, yeah01:48
lcukit has to load up the entire image to scroll01:48
lcukafter that, it stores an image thumb01:48
javispedrobut remember to check malloc results01:48
javispedrocause I think it crashes more often when swap is disabled01:48
lcukand every time you revisit the file it will load the thumb01:48
lcukyes maybe01:48
lcukim not good with things like this01:48
javispedroeither way I don't know what to do when malloc returns null, other than crashing01:49
lcuki do try to catch everything01:49
javispedroif you're loading an image, you could just return the "green box", but that doesn't solve the rest of the cases.01:49
lcukwhen im writing functions i check as many error conditions as possible01:49
lcukand will indicate in the log01:50
lcukand because theres a lot of mallocs in the classes, if they fail i should be trapping and logging01:50
lcukso review the logs carefully and see if it ties up01:50
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lcukthe log is quite large now actually :$01:51
javispedrobtw, the other day I was reading the packaging guide about -dbg packages01:51
javispedroobey :)01:51
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lcukshow me what to change in the lib makefiles and packaging01:51
lcuki can get you the git01:52
javispedroshow me the git and I'll try to make a patch01:52
* javispedro now mounts /usr/lib/debug via nfs to his desktop, and gdb is now much, much more useful with nearly half a gigabyte of debug symbols01:52
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lcukthe lib got updated a couple of hours ago01:53
* lardman just choked on his wine01:53
lcukim just tidying up playground and making sure i add everything01:53
lardmannothing to do with the channel mind you01:53
lcukyou installed liqbase :P01:53
* javispedro searches for the clone url.01:53
GeneralAntilleslardman, slow down. :P01:54
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* GeneralAntilles <3's Blue Jeans Cable01:54
GeneralAntillesIt's the anti Monster Cable.01:54
lardmanGeneralAntilles: I think I'll stop01:54
javispedro"error: Couldn't resolve host '  <link href="http:'"01:55
GeneralAntilleslardman, we don't want to have to send qwerty12_N810 over there in his underwear to resuscitate you.01:55
javispedrolcuk: the clone url is git:// ;)01:55
lcukcool, tho ill probably forget again soon01:56
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javispedronm, not used to github .)01:56
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lcukme neither01:56
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lcukim bedding anyway for the night.01:57
lcukjavispedro, glad you like liqbase :)01:57
javispedrowithout calendar my life was starting to become a mess ;)01:57
lcukmine is01:58
lcuki havent got any data in it01:58
javispedroi'm only storing near-term appoinments01:58
GeneralAntilleszerojay, home again, home again?01:58
lcukits easy enough01:58
javispedroso don't feel bad if you need to change format and fsck my calendar ;)01:58
lcukwe will add a way to add birthdays01:58
lcukand show them too01:59
lcukthe format wont change01:59
lcukits simple01:59
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lcukif theres a sketch there, its loaded01:59
lcukotherwise not01:59
lardmanis there any eaily understandable doc about {} + strings in Python?01:59
lcukand sketches are the same as they were originally01:59
lcuklardman, you saw the postcard app layout didnt you?02:00
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lcukwhen it starts02:00
lcukit opens up with the latest image showing02:00
lcukfrom the camera02:00
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lcukthen its got a kick ass image select underneath02:01
lcukyou could use it for barcode :)02:01
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lcukjust change the worlding, put your code behind the send button, add remove bits etc.. ;)02:02
lcuknice fast stand alone :D02:02
zerojayI'm home, General.02:05
lcukgnite anyway :)02:05
lardmanvery pretty02:05
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timeless_mbpShadowJK: you can turn off the cellular radio entirely w/o going into offlne mode02:18
timeless_mbpand you can turn it on again later02:18
ShadowJKah cool02:18
lardmannight all02:20
lardmanJaffa: hope the Nokia World meeting is fun tomorrow :)02:20
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Jaffalardman|gone: thanks02:23
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JaffaOooh, I think I may be done02:28
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GeneralAntilles#maemo-meeting minutes.02:34
JaffaAnd publicising them02:35
JaffaSo, now I can make sure appropriate devices are on charge for tomorrow and go to bed02:35
GeneralAntillesYour new N900, eh? ;)02:35
GeneralAntillesI figured it'd probably have bad battery life. :D02:35
javispedroqwerty12_N810, note. Tomorrow we steal Jaffa's n900 too?02:35
SpeedEvilAn official statement on battery life!02:35
* SpeedEvil posts.02:36
qwerty12_N810javispedro: sure02:36
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javispedrobtw, Jaffa, you removed my answer to the "Is it possible to turn off the cellular radio? "02:38
javispedro(timeless has now said here clearly that it's possible)02:38
timeless_mbpit's a stupid question02:38
timeless_mbpbut yes, i've answered it02:39
javispedrowell, the question is still there :)02:39
timeless_mbpprobably a collision02:39
javispedromay be.02:39
Jaffajavispedro: No, not intentional.02:42
* Jaffa beds02:42
* zerojay porno music.02:42
qwerty12_N810Are you?02:43
zerojayWocka-chicka wocka-chicka... Dundun....02:43
qwerty12_N810Damn, I was looking for one too02:43
* javispedro was wondering if he linked to a eldar screenshot enraged certain maemo gods02:44
zerojayYes, i was very mad.02:45
ShadowJKI didnt see a thing in that screenshot :)02:46
zerojayI don't even know which one.02:46
javispedrowhich clearly shows the "activate phone" menu item02:46
zerojayWhy would they be mad?02:46
javispedrome being paranoid.02:47
zerojayRelax dude.02:47
GeneralAntillesYes, he'll never expect the ninjas now.02:48
wazdItalian video looks awesome02:49
zerojayOh yeah... Gotta check it out.02:49
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wazdzoom motion is still kinda... you know :)02:50
javispedroBlue ninjas bringing free N900 like a Santa Claus Army?02:50
GeneralAntilleswazd, double-tap.02:51
wazdGeneralAntilles: yeah, that saves the day02:51
wazdGeneralAntilles: I *really* suspect that zone around the screen is actually touchable too02:52
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GeneralAntilleswazd, yeah, that'll rock.02:52
GeneralAntillesGiant scrollbar.02:52
wazdGeneralAntilles: dude in the video was scrolling the browser way too close to the edge02:52
zerojayLink me?02:52
wazdand Foreca applet sighted :(02:53
wazdI like how nokia borrowed desktop sliding motion from Android, applet layer moves a bit faster than the background02:55
qwerty12_N810Ssh, Nokia didn't borrow anything from Android ;)02:55
SpeedEvilIt does look like that.02:55
simulathe pictures that the n900 takes look a good bit better than i thought they would:
simulaalmost no grain02:55
wazdqwerty12_N810: well, copying stuff is not illegal, especially if it's good stuff02:56
qwerty12_N810I know, I'm just taking the piss02:56
* wazd sights ninjas near his front door02:57
wazdokok, Nokia didn't!02:57
qwerty12_N810These Foreca ones? :p02:57
javispedrothey bring free n900! let them in!!02:58
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wazdjavispedro: I wonder if they have one :)02:59
qwerty12_N810"N900s for AK-47s"02:59
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* qwerty12_N810 imagines a lot of Russians having a N900 in that case03:00
zerojayI love the notifications03:02
zelrikriandoThe sdk is not that easy to install03:03
javispedrothey look kinda the current ones, only wider03:03
qwerty12_N810You also can't set an icon to be displayed with them anymore :(03:03
wazdqwerty12_N810: everyonr :D03:03
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lcukhey javispedro thanks for the patch! :D03:06
lcuki need to ask03:06
javispedroglad git sent it and not my whole pr0n collection :)03:06
lcuki just ran around the projects to try to cure the version install thing03:07
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lcukand i added Depends: libliqbase1 (> 0.3.30) on each of the standalone projects03:07
lcukcan i use the same kind of trick as you do in that makefile:03:08
lcukDepends: libliqbase1 (= ${Source-Version})03:08
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javispedronope, since that is replaced by the version in debian/changelog03:08
lcukso that at the time of building the package, it will use the >=version installed right now03:08
javispedroit should do that automatically...03:08
javispedrowith the shlib:depends thing.03:08
lcuki mightv broke them too03:09
javispedrois liqtorch or any other standalone app in git?03:09
javispedroso i can build for testing03:09
lcukgimme 503:09
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lcukjavispedro :)03:29
lcuksignup and follow me03:29
lcukyou can track and stuff i think03:29
lcuki updated the playground03:29
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lcukwhile we are at it,
lcukand #liqbase :)03:30
* SpeedEvil rofls at recent xkcd.03:30
javispedroI am not registered at any of these :)03:30
javispedrowell, save for freenode03:30
lcukwell thats my blog anyway03:31
zelrikriandoit said invalid password when I try to do newgrp sbox03:31
SpeedEvil(wrt lcuk's comment)03:31
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lcuki generally just rant in there about code03:31
zelrikriandowhat s the password03:31
lcukSpeedEvil, links03:31
lcukyou cant reference xkcd without it03:31
* javispedro was a twitter hatter up until recently03:31
lcukits the law03:32
lcuktwitters good03:32
javispedrocurrently I'm neutral vs it03:32
lcukif you have a tool to play with it03:32
javispedroand in a few months, maybe I'll even create the account :)03:32
javispedro(same with facebook...... )03:32
lcukim still trying to get that running :)03:32
javispedrothey look all the same to me :)03:33
lcukwhere do you read03:33
javispedroi am still at the rss age.03:34
lcukrss reader would be cool in liqbase03:34
SpeedEvil(not really that old)03:34
lcuki keep playing with a html parser03:34
* javispedro was wasting his time typing "hg clone git:/:.." instead of git clone.03:36
javispedro(fingers used to the days I used to pull v4l tree ;) )03:37
javispedrolcuk: i think I see where you breaked it.03:38
javispedroin debian/rules, call to dh_shlibdeps is commented out03:39
javispedro(you or someone else ;) )03:39
zelrikriandowhy is there a password on newgrp sbox03:39
lcuki dont know off hand03:39
lcukwhat i do know03:39
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* javispedro needs to read a bit about shlibdeps to help tho, since it now emits a shitload of warnings03:40
lcukis the readme for installing scratchbox and the sdk contains pretty much THE faq on problems whilst installing03:40
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lcukso read thoroughly please03:40
lcukit will help you in the long run :)03:40
zelrikriandowhere is it03:43
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ShadowJKis the sdk preinstalled in those vmware images?03:46
zelrikriandolcuk: I cannot get that page to display, can you
lcuktry reading the installation notes for the sdk03:53
zelrikriandoI was following those03:53
zelrikriandobut I am stuck at scratchbox03:54
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FirebirdSince there is libGL and GLU in the SDK, does that mean that unmodified SDL_opengl will run on maemo5/N900?04:04
javispedroAt this point, I'm not sure (since supertux run), but I wouldn't get my hopes high.04:05
javispedroe.g. it may do software rendering for libGL.04:06
zelrikriandoScratchbox login executable... no04:06
Firebirdhas anyone ported the pandora SDL with OpenGLES support then?04:06
javispedrono, but I'd be interested04:06
javispedrowhat does it do? just scaling?04:07
lcukzelrikriando, have you tried logging out/closing session and just retrying after coming back in04:07
Firebirder, it allows OpenGL to run inside SDL javispedro04:07
javispedroah, just wraps egl then04:07
lcukas a windows guy, it is usual but i dunno04:07
Firebirdor opengles in the pandora version04:07
FirebirdEGL fails to initialize in my SDL install :/04:08
lcukjavispedro, have a poke with those packages please and see what needs polishing to make them purr!04:08
javispedrolcuk, I am at it :)04:08
lcukall the icons and everything need to twinkle ;)04:08
javispedrothat kind of polish? ...04:08
zelrikriandolcuk: I ll try that thanks04:08
javispedronaa I'm with the shlib deps issue.04:08
lcuktheres an icon for the desktop - take a look04:08
lcukits a lovely design :)04:09
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javispedroFirebird, can you elaborate on the "failure"?04:09
javispedroI am yet to try, but ogles should be present there (sw rendering)04:09
javispedro(in SD)04:09
javispedro*(in SDK)04:09
Firebirdjavispedro, all it says is "EGL has failed to initialize" or something similar (I'm trying the PowerVR tutorial things)04:10
javispedroso they have botched the powervr emulation libraries...04:10
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javispedroI never did see them announced so that is to be expected tho.04:11
* javispedro wants his N8x0 powervr drivers :(04:11
Firebirdeh, guess I'll try using pure SDL for now... rotozoom on a 20x9 image shouldn't be too bad...04:11
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javispedrosdl_gfx you mean.04:11
zelrikriandohello again04:11
lcukFirebird, what are you after writing04:11
zelrikriandolcuk: it seems to be working now, well at least it's busy doing stuff04:12
Firebirdlcuk, after writing?04:12
lcukyeah, what you putting rotozoom into sdl for04:12
lcukand wouldnt you much rather be mucking about in yuv04:12
FirebirdI'm turning my box2d-example program into some sort of linerider clone04:13
Firebirdyuv has fast rotation?04:13
lcukyou need vectors?04:13
lcukliqbase could render that AMAZINGLY well04:14
lcukits something that would make my son happy too!04:14
Firebirddoes liqbase run off the SDK/tablet?04:14
Firebird(out of)04:15
lcukn8x0 onwards04:15
FirebirdI mean, in a standard linux environment, not maemo04:15
lcuki run windows04:15
* GeneralAntilles wonders what happened to the Disney of the 90s.04:15
lcukcode and develop in ide on desktop, but save files to tablet, and use it to do all my building04:15
FirebirdI managed to get 60fps on the N810 using pure SDL and SDL_gfx (lots of screen tearing of course)04:16
javispedroGeneralAntilles, it will make a comeback in the 2030s.04:16
lcukliqbase is tearfree04:16
javispedroFirebird, surface size?04:16
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GeneralAntillesjavispedro, I'm an old man now, apparently.04:16
lcukand at 800*480 it maxes the bus at 27fps04:16
GeneralAntillesThey don't make them like they used to.04:16
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Firebirdjavispedro, yea, its at 800x48004:16
javispedroFirebird, do you do dirty rects (SDL_UpdateRect) or just SDL_Flip?04:17
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FirebirdI was using SDL_Flip, but there were no blits, just a bunch of aalines from SDL_gfx04:17
javispedroSDL_Flip at 800x480, 60 fps is impossible.04:18
* Firebird takes a picture04:18
javispedroit sends the whole screen.04:18
javispedrothere's just not enough bandwidth.04:18
lcukeither way, firebird likes his speed04:18
lcukliqbase can give it him04:18
Firebirdjavispedro, its processing 60fps, not sending all of it to the screen04:18
lcukFirebird, watch the video04:19
lcuknote that i work extensively with vectors04:19
zelrikriandoI feel the sdk of maemo is very big04:19
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javispedro"processing" as in "just writing to memory then" ;) ?04:19
SpeedEvilI feel that the sdk of maemo contains too many 7s.04:19
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Firebirdyep :P, I capped it at 60fps so I could play with it on my computer04:20
Firebirddidn't bother changing it04:20
lcukoriginal liqbase tops 100fps i think in certain resolutions04:20
javispedrolcuk's way is currently the fastest to send things to the lcd afaik.04:20
lcuki took out the resolution changes tho04:20
Firebirdanyways, /me searches for a libliqbase api/doxygen04:21
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* javispedro hides04:21
Firebirdthough, wouldn't using GL be better in devices that can?04:22
javispedroGLES, probably, esp. bigger things.04:23
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* javispedro does not know much about the new device. lots of things still have to be decided about games, like how to kill the compositor.04:24
GeneralAntillesA long knife is best.04:24
javispedroWith an axe, repeteadly over the screen. :)04:24
derfGeneralAntilles: No, a spoon.04:24
derfIt'll hurt more.04:25
SpeedEvilblunt spoon04:25
SpeedEvilblunt teaspoon? /me forgets.04:25
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Texratlittle more life in here?04:27
zerojayPCThis place is jumpin'.04:28
TexratI need a vector Mer logo04:28
Texrathey jay04:28
Texrator jack04:28
zerojayPCIt was too good to pass up. :)04:28
TexratI claim Owen Wilson as an avatar04:28
zerojayPCTexrat: Might want to join #mer then.04:29
GeneralAntillesTexrat, poke wazd tomorrow.04:29
GeneralAntillesDunno if one ever ended up on the website.04:29
GeneralAntillesBut he should have it.04:29
GeneralAntillesTexrat, /msg memoserv help04:29
Texratexcept w/o the suicide attempt04:30
Texratno one on @ mer04:30
Texratah well plenty to do until I can nab one04:30
Texratok you guys can help04:30
TexratI am listing 3 examples of success for maemo community...04:30
zerojayPCTexrat: Sup?04:30
TexratMer, Nokia World engagement, and (fill in the blank)04:31
Texrattaking suggestions!04:31
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Texratmatt_c got upgraded04:31 changeover and redesign?04:31
GeneralAntillesCommunity Council?04:31
Texratgood one04:32
Texratin fact s/b first in my list04:32
TexratI love powerpoint 2007... is that perverted?04:32
Firebirdlcuk, where's the libliqbase source hiding04:33
Texrato crap Ryan04:33
Texratnow I need a community council logo!04:33
* Texrat plans to pound on timsamoff04:34
GeneralAntillesOtherwise we don't have one.04:34
TexratI'll use that04:34
zerojayPCTexrat: How's the presentation going so far?04:34
Texratthis thing is so slick (PPT2007)04:36
Texratmore play than work04:36
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GeneralAntillesSick, sick man.04:37
TexratI blame old age04:37
Texratlol... just wonder what format the end result needs to be in04:37
Texrat"Ogg Presentation Format"04:38
javispedroI mean, OpenDocument Presentation.04:38
Texratneed translator then04:38
javispedroor else just a bunch of png files ;)04:38
javispedro(I actually used that once :) )04:38
Texrator PDF04:38
Texratwho here presented before?04:38
zelrikriandoit's possible that I would get maybe eventually the opportunity to have a sdk of maemo up and running tonight Oo04:39
GeneralAntillesNot I.04:39
Texratthe council needs a logo...04:42
Texratmaybe a superset of maemo.org04:42
GeneralAntillesEh, facilitators should be less visible than that. ;)04:43 start04:43
zelrikriandobash: command not found04:43
javispedrozelrikriando, it's like you're reading the FAQ and posting here every question :)04:44
javispedrozelrikriando, nokia-binaries missing04:44
zelrikriandoI just installed them04:44
javispedrofor the armel target but not the x86 one04:44
javispedroor viceversa.04:44
javispedrothere are two sbox targets: one is for testing and debugging (x86) and the other one for compiling to the device(armel)04:45
javispedroyou can switch between them in the sb-menu app.04:45
javispedrothey're independent. they just share /home and that's about it.04:45
javispedroso if you install anything to x86 one, you have to then install that to the armel one.04:45
TexratI am going to have a 770 to raffle off at the Summit...lol04:46
Texratwonder how many tickets I'll need...04:47
Texrat3?  4?04:47
GeneralAntillesShould be a ride instead "The WSoD Experience"04:48
Texratwell it's all I have04:48
zelrikriandoThat s the longest install I have ever done04:48
zelrikriandoI think04:48
Texrathere's a gift for the IRC gang: slide sneak preview (not one on the forum)04:49
zelrikriandoI wonder how much space all that takes04:49
zelrikriandojavispedro: I think I got the x86 one going now04:49
GeneralAntillesMan that's one fat bastard there in the middle.04:50
Texratby design ;)04:50
javispedrozelrikriando, it's nearly 750 MiB here for both targets and all debug symbols04:50
Texratcorporate fat cats04:50
Texratgotta inject a little visual humor04:50
Texratindividuals are anorexic04:51
Texratmostly Californian models04:51
zelrikriandoit works!04:53
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zelrikriandoWell it's all empty but at least I got the interface running04:54
zelrikriandois there a way to fill this emptyness04:55
Texratok input time again04:55
javispedrozelrikriando, extras apps04:55
TexratI need 2 bullets for Mer04:55
TexratI have 1:04:55
Texrat"Driven by community with Nokia’s blessing04:56
Texratfor bullet 204:56
* Texrat hears crickets chirp04:57
GeneralAntillesThat sounds like Nokia allowed the project04:57
msh_if all the mer devs get cheap n900s with the dev program, will mer keep going...?04:58
Texratmer will go on regardless04:58
GeneralAntillesMaybe it should imply that the project encouraged Nokia to open up their licensing and help the community build a stronger distro?04:58
GeneralAntillesNot sure.04:58
msh_mer on 810 I guess04:58
GeneralAntillesStskeeps! :P04:58
Texratok, good suggestion04:58
javispedromsh_ some mer guys actually got free devices from another manufacturer04:59
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lcukjavispedro, thanks a bunch for the patch and assistance.05:00
lcukim off to bed, gnite folks \o05:00
javispedrosee ya05:00
Texratnight gary05:00
lcukhey tr \o gn05:00
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Texrathey benson you ol' dog05:00
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TexratRyan I'm using your suggestion as bullet 205:01
argonelwhat happens if i try to flash an initfs that is too big?05:01
Texratmay or may not revise bullet 105:01
GeneralAntillesYou might talk about Mer eventually feeding into Maemo's development.05:01
GeneralAntillesThe idea being a distribution that will help the long-term viability of Maemo.05:02
javispedroargonel, sky falls. cats and dogs living together.05:02
Texratmostly speculation at this point tho...05:02
GeneralAntillesSince Maemo has way too many Maemo-isms as it stands now to have any of that.05:02
argoneljavispedro: i was hoping for a less global error message :p05:02
GeneralAntillesWell, it's either "learn from Mer or die"05:02
Texratthat's pretty global arlght05:02
TexratJay you still on?05:04
bensonHi all.05:05
Texratyo... zer0...05:05
Texratlol...benson woke up05:05
GeneralAntillesHighlights help, Texrat. ;)05:05
Texratcrap I forgot all that05:05
bensonwhat's up?05:05
* Texrat slaps zerojayPC around a bit with a large trout05:06
bensonI'm not the benson on This is another benson :)05:06
* Texrat slaps benson around a bit with a large trout05:06
* GeneralAntilles sighs.05:07
GeneralAntillesNokia really needs a real Maemo logo.05:07
GeneralAntillesPeople keep mutilating the one.05:07
Texratyou mean a graphic?05:08
javispedroGeneralAntilles, they have one already. the one using the photoshop 3d effect ;)05:08
Texratrather than clever text?05:08
* GeneralAntilles shudders.05:08
Texratbring back the raccoon thingie!05:08
GeneralAntillesSomething that's identifiable as Maemo.05:08
Texratnothign is identifiable as maemo05:08
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Texratthere is no identity05:09
vladovghave queston05:09
Texratmaybe a mushroom cloud?05:09
GeneralAntillesMuch like S60 has one
johnxI think someone should photoshop the scary old Nokia fish to include the Maemo text and we should just link people to that05:09
javispedroshoot queston.05:09
GeneralAntillesTexrat, they're pushing Maemo pretty hard as a brand in all of the new marketing.05:09
Texratgreat idea John05:09
vladovgbatteri tray icon stop showing det the device is charging05:09
Texratbut still no identity05:09
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* javispedro likes the "Mameo" typo.05:10
TexratI picture an M in a circle... like Registered trademark or copyright...05:10
Texratlol... a Texas brand05:10
javispedroYou wouldn't want to know what it means in spanish.05:11
Texrataw come on javis05:11
vladovgstey on 50% plug in the charger indikeiting thet the device is charging buth no indicaishan on tray icon05:11
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zerojayPCTexrat: Sorry, was playing Quake Live. What's up?05:11
vladovgkan som one help my05:11
Texratvladovg, have you tried another charger?05:11
vladovgits not from the charger05:12
Texrathave you riuled it out?05:12
vladovgay charg the device twice after the problem show05:12
Texratif not charger, battery next05:12
zerojayPCLeave your tablet sitting on your desk for a few months.05:12
zerojayPCIt will come back to life. lol05:12
Texratsome have frozen theirs05:13
vladovgit s not funni05:13
* Texrat slaps zerojayPC around a bit with a large trout05:13
TexratI got him for ya05:13
TexratJay one of your quotes leads off a presentation section05:13
johnxvladovg, Have you tried reflashing?05:14
Texrattry it05:14
vladovgay don t wont to flash05:14
Texratbut there's a troubleshooting sequence:05:14
vladovghawe a lot of applets set up05:14
Texratcharger, battery, OS, device05:14
vladovg21 wick of testing and setting05:14
Texratbackup, reflash, done maybe05:15
vladovgai hawe back up05:15
Texratbut be aware I have encountered flaky tablet batteries05:15
vladovgbut its jus the pim05:15
vladovgthe original beckup applet from the tablet05:15
vladovgbatteri is good05:16
Texratwell, I'd go with what Johnx said05:16
vladovgonli the trai dos not show charging05:16
vladovgbut the batteri is charging05:16
Texratif you have a backup you will be guided through app reinstall after reflash05:16
Texratwelll...21 more weeks of testing?05:17
vladovg2 weeks05:17
johnxisn't there a replacement battery applet?05:17
Texratbetter in fact05:17
vladovgwat is name05:17
TexratI forget05:18
johnxpybattery maybe?05:18
javispedroTexrat: well, considering I would say the word comes from the latin mamma (breast), I hope you understand I don't want to explicit the meaning :)05:18
Texratshould be in apps under utilities05:18
Texratjavis i assumed as much ;)05:18
Texratlast time I was on here it was all devs...this is better ;)05:19
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vladovgcan some one giv mi URL to the applet :)05:22
zerojayPCTexrat: Oh yeah? Hope it's a good quote. I'm scared. lol05:24
zerojayPCI say some fucked up shit sometimes, so...05:25
Texratone you left on the blog05:25
Texratno, it was pretty sanitary05:25
zerojayPCAh, okay.05:25
Texratabout quantifying success05:25
zerojayPCYeah... thats a good place to start at.05:26
Texratwell, not the actual start05:29
Texratyou're closer to the end :p05:29
TexratI start with the history05:29
zerojayPCWhatever. ;)05:29
Texratwell you come before Tim at least05:29
Texratand Anssi Vanjokki05:30
Texratwho is one cool Finn05:30
Texratlol... wait til you see the "battle of the search terms"05:31
javispedrohey, I saw that.05:33
javispedrohow can "Android" be so high on the list?05:33
Texratyou didn't see this one javis05:33
vladovgworcks great05:33
vladovgthanks veri mach05:34
Texratgood to hear vlad05:34
javispedroTexrat, seen the tag cloud?05:34
vladovgso its original applet problem05:34
Texratnot yet javis, thanks05:34
javispedrojust a funny thing to watch, nothing interesting :)05:35
javispedroI can't believe android appears bigger than n900 tag there.05:35
vladovgmai bi from some soft det ay am install05:35
vladovgandroid sux05:35
vladovghave G105:35
vladovgfucking Jawa05:35
vladovgis shit05:35
vladovgfo now05:35
Texratyeah for Android to beat terms like debian and especially maemo...lol05:36
vladovgBTW again05:36
Luke-Jrvladovg: Android may suck, but it seems to be more open than Maemo05:36
* javispedro runs before the flames start.05:36
vladovggoogle my frend05:36
javispedrowell, gnite folks :)05:36
Luke-JrAFAIK, the main problem with Android is firmware locking05:36
Texratgo enjoy some mameos05:37
vladovgthets not so big problem05:37
javispedrolol Texrat =)05:37
javispedrogood luck with the presentation :)05:37
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Texratthanks, but what I really need is skill!  lol05:37
vladovgbulgarian comuniti05:37
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vladovgfrom 200405:37
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vladovg( the them is crapi just update the phbb05:38
* Texrat slaps zerojayPC around a bit with a large trout05:44
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* zerojayPC stirs awake.05:57
Texratjay are you actually awake05:59
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Texratdid you see this slide06:00
argonelis there a manpage around for text2screen?06:01
zerojayPCYeah, I saw it when you posted it earlier.06:01
Texratthe goal ;)06:01
TexratI have 3 stages: the origin, current and perfect state06:01
GeneralAntillesPerfect state is where we all get free OMAP4 devices all of the time.06:02
Texratrelatively perfect state06:02
zerojayPCThat's bonerific.06:02
zerojayPCYou know, I just realized something.06:03
Texratand you sir are one sick canuck06:03
zerojayPCI think the N900 is actually more powerful than my current desktop PC.06:03
GeneralAntillesIs there any other kind?06:03
GeneralAntillesWhat's your current desktop PC?06:03
GeneralAntillesI KNOW it's more powerful than mine.06:03
zerojayPCLemme see here...06:03
GeneralAntillesSince mine's, apparently, still filled with coolant.06:03
Texratmine = homebuilt dual opteron workstation06:03
GeneralAntillesI wish the i7s came in dual-CPU versions.06:04
Texratbut man do I love this beastly silverstone case06:04
zerojayPCMine was an outdated piece of shit when I bought it for $200 at Futureshop (Best Buy) 3 years ago.06:04
Texratnever buy06:04
GeneralAntillesCortex A8 should be vaguely similar to a PIII.06:04
zerojayPCYeah, building's great when you have the time to shop and have the cash to look all over. I didn't have those luxeries at that time.06:05
zerojayPCmodel name      : Intel(R) Celeron(R) D CPU 3.20GHz06:05
zerojayPC~6000 bigomips.06:05
GeneralAntillesThat kick's the N900's ass.06:06
TexratI hear ya jay06:06
TexratI just buy here and there and build whwn I have it all06:06
zerojayPCMy work PC runs Windows on a dual P4 or something and the thing is slow as shit. Even running just notepad, I routinely outtype the piece of shit. Ugh.06:06
Texratbut prob is I still have old unused PCs lying around...lol06:07
zerojayPCI had an emergency when I bought this one. Needed something right away.06:07
Texratafter my last Compaq I just swore never again06:07
TexratOh goddam I have got to get out of where I'm workign now06:07
zerojayPC tl;dr06:08
TexratI miss the mothership :(06:08
zerojayPCI normally have an attention span long enough to read that article but almost as soon as I saw the website it was on, my brain was suffering from massive fatigue.06:08
Texratshit I can't get that link06:09
Texratgot it... oh hell yeah I agree06:09
zerojayPCVerbal diarrhea06:09
zerojayPCI got about 10 lines in, stared at my screen and just said "..........FUCK."06:10
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GeneralAntillesSymbian Freak's web design makes it look like one of those Chinese spam sites.06:11
zerojayPCYeah, no kidding. I won't claim to be the bastian of web design myself, but shit.06:11
GeneralAntillesHe's acts like a troll more than anything else on Talk.06:12
zerojayPCProof that I don't care much for web design:
zerojayPC(Reactivated my previous theme.)06:13
zerojayPCJust for a few minutes.06:13
zerojayPCHave fun. ;P06:13
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zerojayPCI switched it for something a little more... traditionally browsable... but I love it.06:15
carboncopyexcuse me, but what time is the Nokia World 09 launch and is there any live web cast?06:15
zerojayPCSpambots get VERY confused.06:15
zerojayPC9am CET and yes on the Nokia world site.06:15
zerojayPC9am CET = 3am EST, unfortunately.06:15
GeneralAntilleszerojayPC, partay!06:16
zerojayPCSome people use the command line on my site to leave messages or make confessions. lol06:16
carboncopy9am+7 for me so that would be 4pm UTC+806:16
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GeneralAntilleskonttori, are you here to start the announcements early just for #maemo? :D06:17
konttoriChecking some details before leaving to the airport06:17
zerojayPCNo way I'm staying up until 3am... especially when I have to wake up at 6am.06:18
zerojayPCOf course, I say that now.06:18
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GeneralAntillesandre__, ping?06:18
GeneralAntillesandre__, might drop "Website" from the and products?06:19
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Texrathey konttori!!!06:19
Texrataw missed him06:19
GeneralAntillesHe's here pretty often.06:20
zerojayPCHe's always here. lol06:20
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Texratthere he is06:20
Texrathey konttori06:20
* GeneralAntilles mutters obscenities about this slow machine.06:20
zerojayPCThen again, I'm almost always here now too....
TexratI need to be more often06:21
Texratif i can just get away from my fucked up job06:21
zerojayPCI just leave my tablet online all day.06:21
Texratmy boss is nosy and paranoid06:21
zerojayPCI get weird people asking me what I'm playing on my DS all day though.06:21
Texratthe place sucks06:22
GeneralAntilleszerojayPC, the Internet!06:22
TexratI applied for jobs with Nokia and NSN...06:22
zerojayPCMy bosses pretty much let me do as I please. Hard to be strict when you make games for a living. lol06:22
TexratI manage software and hardware updates now...yippee06:23
GeneralAntilles43 hearts06:23
GeneralAntillesQuim's gonna get so much karma from that jailbreak post.06:23
zerojayPCI'm going to be evaluating Transifex for Maemo at the same time as for my workplace... so no one can complain. ;)06:23
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zerojayPCQuim's karma jumped like 1000 points in a week.06:23
Texratyeah I'm lagging now06:24
Texratfell back to page 206:24
GeneralAntillessjgadsby passed me in Thanks!06:24
GeneralAntillesI need to pander more.06:24
Texratmostly for comic relief06:24
Texratthe guy IS funny06:24
GeneralAntillesHe's totally going to bring down the dignity of the council if he gets elected. ;)06:25
Texratbut this new Jay Black guy is good for some yucks too :p06:25
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* Texrat slaps zerojayPC around a bit with a large trout06:25
Texratshit my eyes are straining... no more presentation work tonight06:26
Texrat"If your only interface to the community is volunteer(s), are you doing something wrong?"06:27
Texratthat's it06:27
Texrats/b provocative enough06:27
GeneralAntillesOK, whose only interface?06:27
Texratah... in this case corporate06:28
Texratgoood question06:28
GeneralAntillesAnd I'm not sure what's provocative.06:28
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Texratyou stay in that mode so your personal threshold is too high :p06:29
GeneralAntillesIn summary, I dun get it.06:29
Texratpk, well, that could be useful feedback as well06:29
Texratif the only engagement a company has with a supporting community is via volunteers, is the company doing something wrong by not having any sort of official rep?06:30
GeneralAntillesWell, in Nokia's case we have Quim and Daniel.06:31
Texratmay be a better statement06:31
Texratwe do NOW06:31
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Texratwhat you don't know is that wehn i first tried to drag Quim in he balked ;)06:31
Texratwe had an interesting lunch over the topic...lol06:31
GeneralAntillesitT was the club in that alley downtown where all of the weird people hung out.06:32
GeneralAntillesI can't say I blame him. :D06:32
Texratbut in hindsight it was all about Nokia conservatism06:32
Texratlol... you have no idea how close that is to his words :D06:32
GeneralAntillesWhich is why I think the S60 cause so much damage.06:32
Texratgood point06:33
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zerojayPCDaniel whom?06:33
GeneralAntillesS60 _people _in Maemo Devices_06:33
GeneralAntillesHe's Quim's counterpart on the technical side of things.06:33
zerojayPCI had no idea.06:33
GeneralAntillesYeah, been on the job for a while now.06:33
TexratQuim is in an interesting position in Nokia06:33
GeneralAntillesAlthough he's a lot less active than Quim, unfortunately.06:33
Texratno direct reports06:33
GeneralAntillesI'd hate his job.06:34
Texrata LOT of indirect ones06:34
GeneralAntillesRock and a hard place.06:34
Texratit can be thanksless06:34
GeneralAntillesAlthough I think he's better off than the unofficial Nokians who hang around.06:34
Texratman did I piss him off when we first encountered each other...lol06:34
GeneralAntillesSince he's actually enabled.06:34
Texratdoes that count for ex Nokians?06:34
TexratI was partially enabled...lol06:35
zerojayPCHow did you manage to piss him off?06:35
TexratI asked what I thoguht was an innocent question...06:35
GeneralAntilles. . . by Nokia to respond officially.06:35
Texraton mailing list06:35
Texrat"what CAN we tell the community"06:36
Texrathoo boy06:36
Texratit was premature06:36
Texratin hindsight: use single address email06:36
Texratwhen he invited me to Ruhoalahti <sp> I was scared shitless06:36
Texrathe's such an intense guy06:37
zerojayPCHe does have those eyes THAT PIERCE YOUR SOUL.06:37
zerojayPCMac gets cracked in 10 seconds.. lol06:38
Maceranother day06:39
Macerabiword is actually pretty good for what it is06:41
Maceralthough i can't print from it straight off the tablet :(06:41
Texratsad but true06:41
MacerTexrat: i was hoping someone could make a cups/hildon ver06:41
Macerfor maemo4 before maemo is discontinued ;)06:41
Texratsomeone was trying...06:42
TexratI'll bet it ends up in Mer06:42
Texratbluetooth printing06:42
Luke-JrMacer: Maemo 4 has been discontinued for a LONG time06:42
MacerLuke-Jr: maybe maemo4 itself06:42
Macerbut some people are still working on its apps06:43
MacerTexrat: i have a cups deb06:43
Macerit works great06:43
Macerall it really needs is an abiword with cups support :)06:43
Luke-JrMacer: come help me move06:43
MacerLuke-Jr: haha06:43
Macerask one of your 10 kids06:43
* Stskeeps ponders to go back to sleep as he's awake at 5am 06:43
MacerStskeeps: don't take this the wrong way06:44
Macerbut... you are just married06:44
Maceryou should be having sex now06:44
Luke-JrMacer: I need to move tomorrow, not in 8 years06:44
Macerput the irc down06:44
Macerand prioritize06:44
* Texrat slaps Stskeeps around a bit with a large trout06:44
Luke-JrMacer: sex is midnight to 4 AM06:44
Luke-Jrnot 5 AM06:44
MacerLuke-Jr: pfft06:44
Stskeepsmorn Texrat :)06:44
TexratI need a Mer vector graphic06:44
zerojayPCYet another great reason for Nokia to go with T-Mobile:
GeneralAntillesStskeeps, 3 hours or so 'til Nokia World.06:45
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Texratcan you email me one to
StskeepsTexrat: check wiki /Mer/Aerwork06:45
StskeepsTexrat: check wiki /Mer/Artwork06:45
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Texratwiki needs better nav structure06:45
* GeneralAntilles tried.06:45
Stskeepssorry, i'm tablet-mostly these days, moving so :P06:46
Luke-JrzerojayPC: LOL?06:46
GeneralAntillesThen I gave up trying to slot 10 articles a day into the structure.06:46
Luke-JrzerojayPC: wtf does he think T-Mobile is? Internet access06:46
TexratI know you did GA06:47
Texrathey you guys vote on my website bug dammit06:47
Texrat2 friggin votes06:47
Texrathang on06:47
Texratvote and COMMENT06:48
Texratyou get karma :p06:48
GeneralAntillesTexrat, shit.06:49
GeneralAntillesI still need to prod people about doing a content cleanup sprint before October.06:49
* GeneralAntilles sighs.06:49
GeneralAntillesSo much to do, so little time.06:49
TexratI am trying to help more06:50
GeneralAntillesMissed the sprint meeting this morning.06:50
Texratconvinced wife it's all for Amsterdam trip06:50
GeneralAntillesHadn't been able to attend for so long I completely forgot about it.06:50
Texratshe know I need to go and lobby for another job with Nokia ...lol06:50
GeneralAntillesYou're going to end up having to move your whole family to Helsinki.06:50
GeneralAntillesThen you're going to freeze to death.06:51
TexratI had an offer but she won't move06:51
GeneralAntillesCan't say I blame her.06:51
* GeneralAntilles is Florida through and through.06:51
TexratNokia managers in san diego, helsinki and Mountain view wanted me06:51
TexratI'd go06:51
GeneralAntillesIf it gets below 40-degrees I die.06:51
TexratI love helsinki06:51
Luke-JrGeneralAntilles: hey, I should stop by when I'm in FL!06:51
SpeedEvilGeneralAntilles: K?06:51
Texratnot so cold there06:51
Texratshit I was walkign Helsinki streets in mid winter06:52
GeneralAntillesSpeedEvil, F. :D06:52
zerojayPCQuebec gets about as cold as Helsinki, I believe.06:53
zerojayPCMight even get more snow.06:53
Texratit really isn't so bad06:53
zerojayPCI prefer the cold anyways.06:53
GeneralAntillesMoving 200 miles north in Florida nearly did me in.06:53
Texratyou ought to see those Finns attack the street snow06:53
Texratholy shit they're fast06:53
Luke-JrFinns are penguin-human hybrids, right?06:53
Texratmaybe I'll say Suomi ;)06:54
Luke-Jris that penguin language?06:54
timophLuke-Jr: that's us Finns :)06:54
TexratYeah Timo is a good common Finnish name06:55
Luke-Jr[22:54:49] ⁂ You have kicked theholyduck from the channel (Finns are penguin-human hybrids that say Suomi. you must say Suomi too. crazy norwegian.).06:55
Luke-Jrmy tribute to Suomi06:55
zerojayPCI have no real idea of what "Finnish" really means.06:55
zerojayPCSo I just think of Nokia as a giant company of Dudesons.06:56
TexratFinn was a famous Celtic myth hero ;)06:56
zerojayPCAnd if you don't know the Dudesons:
Luke-Jrwhy does English make entirely new labels for countries/languages that have absolutely nothing in common with that country/language's real name?06:56
Texrattry reading the kalevala... very wild06:57
TexratFinnish mythology06:57
Luke-Jris that like the Dofboh?06:57
TexratLuke I'm sure there's a common root06:57
Texratthe celts were all over back then06:58
Luke-Jrreally? I just made that name up from thin air.06:58
Texratnot that06:58
* Luke-Jr is in an interesting mood tonight.06:58
Texratwe;ll be the judge of that06:58
SpeedEvilLuke-Jr: All countries do that06:59
Luke-JrSpeedEvil: why?06:59
SpeedEvilLuke-Jr: because back in the day - there was no google earth.07:00
SpeedEvilLuke-Jr: The country got named after whatever the guy that went there and came back said it was called.07:00
SpeedEvilAnd after that, you know what it's called - and it's only wierdos in foreign lands that insist you're wrong, and you can ignore them.07:01
* Luke-Jr rejects this tradition.07:01
derfErgo, "Japan".07:01
Luke-Jrderf: Nippon*07:02
Texratyay another vote for my bug07:02
Texratthank you, anonymous voter07:02
derfNot even the Japanese call it that anymore.07:02
Luke-Jrwhat? O.o07:02
derfIt's Nihon now.07:02
Luke-JrNihonjin don't use the formal term?07:02
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derfMaybe if they want to look stuck up and/or old.07:03
derfBut not in everyday conversation, no.07:03
Luke-JrI think the most usage I've heard recently was in Code Geass :þ07:04
Luke-Jrusually people don't talk about Nihon07:04
derfI mean, where the hell do you think the "Nihon" in "Nihonjin" comes from?07:05
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derfNo, thanks.07:06
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GeneralAntillesLive in 2:45.
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oilinkiarg. that website shrinks my browser window when selecting the speakers times07:20
Texratno way I can stay up that late07:21
Texratin fact I must say good night07:21
Texratlater all07:22
oilinkiGeneralAntilles: what timezone?07:22
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johnxgwah. 2h45m not 2m45s07:22
johnxI might do it anyways :>07:22
GeneralAntillesoilinki, 3AM EST07:22
oilinkiargh.. live in (not at)07:22
oilinkiso goog morning everyone.. still drinking my morning coffee :)07:22
johnxalso: in firefox, turn off the thing that lets js shrink windows07:23
johnxin another browser: use firefox07:23
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oilinkijohnx: done. I'm using noscript for most of the sites, but was enabled. therefore shrinking windows does not happen so often.07:25
johnxyeah, whenever I end up reinstalling I always forget to turn it off until it happens at the most annoying time07:25
oilinkiis there something really new coming out today at nokia world?07:26
johnxI expect more hands on with the N90007:27
johnxthe "announcement" for it the other day seems like the hype-builder for "Nokia World"07:28
oilinkithat's true.07:28
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zerojayPCPeter@Maemo said there's about 100 people walking around with N900s right now there at Nokia World.07:31
johnxvery cool07:31
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johnx"...spokepersons equipped to show a little Maemo magic." >_<07:33
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ReKlipz1Hey all.  Has anyone put any work into getting a device bootable Android on the n810?07:41
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johnxgoogle: nitdroid07:41
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ReKlipz1johnx: thank you very much.  I assume the things that are / are not working are the same as those that the chroot'd "android" support?07:44
johnxI wouldn't necessarily say that07:44
ReKlipz1why is that?07:45
johnxchrooting from maemo gets things setup in a certain way that would be a lot different than if you were really booting straight into android07:46
ReKlipz1are you thinking that chroot would have more support than booting "android"07:47
johnxI'm not entirely sure how they have it setup, but assuming it works the same in both cases isn't really a safe bet I would think07:47
ReKlipz1I understand07:47
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ReKlipz1also, I thought android was an open source / community contributed project07:47
johnxuhm, I didn't say that, and I don't really know which one works out better, because I've never used it07:47
ReKlipz1why can't nitdroid contribute directly to the project?07:47
johnxhow many corporate based open source projects have you contributed code to? (I'm trying to figure out how to answer this in a way that makes sense, not trying to talk down to you.)07:49
ReKlipz1I like to think I'm fairly familiar with them.  I've contributed quite a bit in the sense of feedback (bug reports and the associated), but not necessarily code to be committed to a repository.  I'm not sure what exactly constitutes as corporate based.07:50
ReKlipz1I've used Java.07:51
ReKlipz1also, I just realized there is a #nitdroid, so sorry for not directing my questions there first07:51
* Stskeeps yawns07:51
johnxto get your code accepted it has to be 1) of high quality 2) that fits in well to the project 3) doesn't break anything07:51
ReKlipz1alright, I see where you're going07:52
johnxso, my guess is that they had to make a couple changes for the N8x0 that don't work well/at all for other hardware platforms, OR they only really changed code outside the core of Android to make Android boot07:52
johnxand the Android guys probably aren't willing to put in the effort to maintain an N8x0 port07:53
johnxOR they just didn't have the energy to clean everything up nice and try and make the case to upstream07:53
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johnxthough, yeah, ask them :)07:53
ReKlipz1one final question (moving away from nitdroid)07:54
SpeedEvilReKlipz1: mozilla/firefox - forex07:54
SpeedEvilOr powertop07:54
ReKlipz1the Linux Kernel itself?07:56
ReKlipz1(just trying to figure where the line gets drawn)07:56
ReKlipz1Maemo? Debian?07:56
johnxsorry, what are you asking?07:56
ReKlipz1corporate based foss07:57
slonopotamus_ReKlipz1, you didn't ask anything.07:57
* zerojayPC syntax error07:57
johnxah, well, the Linux kernel would be another great example of someplace it's hard to get patches :)07:57
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slonopotamuszerojayPC, same here07:57
ReKlipz1SpeedEvil: gave examples of co. based foss, and I was trying to determine where foss that I was familiar with fell in relation07:58
ReKlipz1it's irrelevant07:58
johnxReKlipz1, similar to mozilla while it was still a netscape project maybe07:59
RST38hEclipse! Eclipse!08:00
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ReKlipz1yeah, pretty much any java app that has any inkling of merit I would think (JBoss, Hibernate, Apache *, ...)08:01
johnxexcept it's really Google's project. whereas the Linux kernel has lots of people tugging it in different directions08:02
GeneralAntillesNo this is an expensive phone
RST38hApache is not a Java app08:04
ReKlipz1yeah, I would just think Google would be all for porting Android as much as possible, regardless of the state (within reason, not giving Android a bad rap).08:04
zerojayPCThey aren't.08:04
ReKlipz1RST38h: * == wildcard, from a subset of Apache techs.  Namely Apache Struts08:04
ReKlipz1Apache Ant08:04
zerojayPCTHat's part of the reason why Android is set up the way it is.08:04
RST38hReKlipz1: Struts is not Apache and is not a technology08:05
ReKlipz1Struts is apache08:05
RST38hStruts is a "solution" i.e. unless you need it, you have no idea what it does or is (and reading a book does not help)08:05
ReKlipz1I disagree.. reading a book can help.08:06
ReKlipz1agreed on the terminology, sorry08:06
RST38hBook on Struts is pretty useless08:06
* RST38h tried, did not understand a thing08:06
ReKlipz1for you perhaps08:06
* zerojayPC taps out, can't stay up waiting on Nokia World any longer.08:07
ReKlipz1honestly, books on solutions in general don't work08:07
* zerojayPC snores.08:07
* Stskeeps passes caffeine shots around08:07
RST38hFor me and for at least one friend of mine08:07
ReKlipz1they don't work for me either08:07
RST38hI am a CS PhD and he heads a software company08:07
SpeedEvilGeneralAntilles: is that more or less a n900 with no keyb?08:07
ReKlipz1but I'm not about to say they don't work for anyone08:07
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RST38hNeither of us has got any idea what Struts is =)08:07
SpeedEvilI used it earlier today to hold up a tarpaulin.08:08
RST38hDid it work? =)08:08
SpeedEvilNo, it fell down.08:08
slonopotamusit's just action-based web ramework, nothing special.08:08
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infobotslonopotamus meant: it's just action-based web framework, nothing special.08:08
GeneralAntillesSpeedEvil, not even close.08:09
kirmageneralantilles: pre-order list price for N900 is 999.99 euros on .fi web shop... but they always put that as the preordering price for sub-1000 euro products that they can't price in advance08:09
RST38hSpeedEvil: Figures.08:09
* GeneralAntilles yawns.08:10
* GeneralAntilles can do it.08:10
ReKlipz1what's the n900 running?08:10
RST38hslonopotamus: Isn't....mmm...CGI enough? :)08:10
RST38hReKlipz: CortexA808:10
GeneralAntillesReKlipz1, OMAP343008:10
ReKlipz1cort... thought so08:11
ReKlipz1sounds pretty... awesome08:11
slonopotamusRST38h, even asm is turing-complete.08:11
RST38hslonopotamus: that too, but still, isn't CGI enough?08:11
RST38hI mean, it has got actions, it has got arguments...08:11
slonopotamusRST38h, cgi sucks under high load 'cause of per-request forking08:12
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RST38hslonopotamus: that depends on how your server is treating it08:13
ReKlipz1RST38h: CGI might be enough08:13
ReKlipz1but, that depends on the other solutions you are using08:14
kirmageneralantilles: wasn't it 3420?08:14
GeneralAntilleskirma, no.08:14
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GeneralAntillesThe OMAP3420 lacks a DSP08:14
RST38hYou have been looking for 3420 yesterday though08:14
GeneralAntillesor maybe a PowerVR08:14
GeneralAntillesOne or the other.08:14
slonopotamusRST38h, pure cgi works via forking08:14
ReKlipz1GeneralAntilles: wikipedia claims near equivalence08:15
RST38hslonopotamus: again, CGI just defines how data is passed to the server08:15
RST38hslonopotamus: has nothing to do with forking08:15
kirmawikipedia page is incorrect then if it lacs the DSP08:15
GeneralAntillesReKlipz1, ARM11 vs Cortex A8?08:15
slonopotamusRST38h, next problem - one process per request08:15
ReKlipz1GeneralAntilles: 3420 vs 343008:15
GeneralAntilleskirma, ah, wait, OMAP3420 has a smaller framebuffer.08:15
ReKlipz1wikipedia says both have PowerVR and DSP08:15
slonopotamusRST38h, so threading is required08:15
GeneralAntillesThe OMAP3410 lacks the PowerVR08:15
GeneralAntillesOMAP3503 lacks both.08:16
RST38hslonopotamus: I do not see this as a problem08:16
GeneralAntilleskirma, framebuffers on OMAP3420 are VGA/QVGA08:16
GeneralAntillesInstead of XGA/VGA08:16
ReKlipz1GeneralAntilles: those guys are using that stacked chip BGA stuff, right?08:16
Stskeepsdid anyone start a thread on /opt yet? :P08:16
RST38hslonopotamus: Unless you meant "one process per session"08:16
slonopotamusRST38h, try forking 2k apaches08:16
GeneralAntillesReKlipz1, board, OMAP, PoP (RAM/NAND)08:16
RST38hslonopotamus: 20 computers, 100 apaches per computer, no problem08:17
ReKlipz1GeneralAntilles: neat.  too bad that eliminates hobby use...08:17
kirmaheh, spotting the difference from TI page is quite a challenge too :)08:17
RST38hslonopotamus: but again we are probably talking of sessions, not requests08:17
slonopotamusRST38h, requests08:17
GeneralAntilleskirma, yeah, the OMAP3420 confused me for the longest time.08:17
johnxReKlipz1, only if your hobby is building boards themselves. The beagle is pretty awesome for hobbyist stuff involving an OMAP308:18
GeneralAntillesand I always recall being confused about it, but never why.08:18
ReKlipz1johnx: I <3 you08:18
RST38hslonopotamus: then it is not correct08:18
ReKlipz1I am totally buying one of those08:19
slonopotamusRST38h, w/e. you can do webapps with cgi. and it'll work. but some things will require more work than if you used some lib.08:19
RST38hslonopotamus: inside a session there is only a limited number of requests at a time, so this is not really a problem. You can handle them all in a single process08:19
Luke-JrI think there's a hobby board with the Samsung S3C6410 too..08:19
RST38hslonopotamus: a library is ok, a java framework is not08:20
johnxand then there's that thing based off of the marvell if you need more RAM and can live with an older ARM, slower clock-for-clock08:20
GeneralAntillesCortex A8 > ARM1108:20
GeneralAntillesIsn't the Marvell board pushing $500, though?08:20
RST38hslonopotamus: and yes, once you start talking about thousands of sessions, it does make sense to implement your own web server or modify apache08:20
kirmaRST38h: sounds unscalable solution. with scalable design, you can handle millions of concurrent HTTP TCP connections on a single system... of course the typical operation of such a system tends to be different, but I personally know it's far from impossible08:21
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johnxGeneralAntilles, try $100 in a case or $150 with more outputs than you can shake a stick at08:21
GeneralAntillesAh, didn't realize they were that cheap.08:22
johnxlet me check that last price08:22
johnxthe OpenRD desktop was what I really wanted08:22
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RST38hkirma: not with java08:23
slonopotamusRST38h, erlang, maybe?08:24
RST38hkirma: and no, millions is stretching it, for a single x86-based system. But up to 100k will probably do08:24
johnxGeneralAntilles, ah, the OpenRD client in a case with all those outputs is $250...but the base is $15008:24
kirmawell, wouldn't be impossible with java either... but thankfully people avoid java insanity in such cases :)08:24
RST38hslonopotamus: Folks I know get by with C++, really08:24
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RST38hkirma: Not all, to my friend's enjoyment :)08:24
kirmaRST38h: it's not stretching it. you just have to have your own TCP implementation that glues the handling directly to the higher-level protocol logic08:25
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kirmasure, the boxes tend to be pretty high-end stuff for PCs in that case though. and "applications" extremely streamlined...08:26
RST38hkirma: TCP implementation or not, handling 1m+ users issuing actual requests is kinda too much for a single x86 box08:26
RST38hkirma: Unless it is a 8xCPU box in which case this may work08:26
RST38h(probably slowly :))08:27
ReKlipz1johnx: the sheevaplug?08:28
inzdont you anyway need to hack the tcp stack, if you want to handle more than 64k concurrent tcp-connections on single ip?08:28
johnxthe sheevaplug is nice, though as soon as I saw it I found the OpenRD client w/ case08:28
inzoh wait, no you dont08:28
kirmawell, you may believe or not... but well, there are actually products that do this, since I work with such. sure they're not cheap in comparison to individual single-unit sized servers, but they don't even need to be08:29
johnxI want a little ARM box I can set on top of an eSata tower08:29
kirmaI'm just saying that you really design your software to be as applications-specificly streamlined through the stack, the benefits in comparison to something like Apache+Java that most people see as the way to go are totally incredible. probably in the class on thousands to tens of thousands times more efficient...08:30
kirmawell, on cases when the service doesn't really involve any real computation, but many really don't need that.08:31
kirmainz: you can make that theoretical 64k concurrent connections from *one IP* to *one port in one IP* if you want08:32
ReKlipz1my knowledge of the initfs, rootfs, kernel(fs?), fiasco(image type, i know, but that piece)... of the maemo.  Anyone able to set me straight, or know where to look?08:33
RST38hkirma: I guess you can design it to handle that many connections, but I am kinda scared to think what happens when all these users decide to do something :)08:33
johnxReKlipz1, FIASCO is a pack with all of them included. Look up the official Nokia flasher to build/flash images08:33
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johnxand also the 0xffff flasher08:33
RST38hanyways, work time08:34
ReKlipz1johnx: well, I guess what I mean is, how they all interact, what pieces are used when.  Going from x86/amd64 based platforms to something like the ARM, I've never dealt with these (if they even existed...)08:35
kirmaRST38h: predicting scalability and load behaviour is never as simple as marketing people want to claim. but still, many surprising things are possible... :)08:35
ReKlipz1kirma: with enough silicon and $, it can be08:35
ReKlipz1but it usually results in lots of wasted resources (compared to the streamlined "integrated" approach)08:35
kirmawell, that way maybe.08:35
johnxReKlipz1, the FIASCO image is *everything* needed to flash a working system onto any N800 or N810 no matter what version of the firmware is on it08:35
johnxit contains the bootloader's various stages, kernel, initfs and rootfs08:36
ReKlipz1johnx: understood.08:36
ReKlipz1where can I understand these stages (unless you're willing to inform me, I'll listen)08:36
johnxwell, (bootloaders) -> kernel -> initfs -> rootfs08:37
johnxif you want info on the bootloaders google NOLO xloader08:37
slonopotamusReKlipz1, don't mess with bootloader :)08:37
johnxbut yeah, if you find yourself wanting to mess with the bootloader take a step back and ask yourself why not just do it at the kernel level08:37
ReKlipz1I don't want to mess with it, I just want to understand how it works.08:38
ReKlipz1to know if I want to mess with it (to make the conclusion you just told me)08:38
johnxI don't know if it's really documented officially outside of Nokia08:39
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ReKlipz1so, it's platform dependent08:39
johnxbut yeah, the maemo-developers mailing list archives and probably the info surrounding 0xffff08:39
ReKlipz1meaning, another device using the same ARM core, wouldn't be setup the same (necessarilly)08:39
johnxand the kernel has it's own commandline compiled into it08:40
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johnxlots of other ARM systems that were open designs from the ground up use uboot08:40
Meiz_n810can uboot be replaced with petitboot?08:40
slonopotamusand hw charge controller :/08:41
johnxMeiz_n810, on what system?08:41
Meiz_n810johnx, TouchBook :) (beagle-board)08:42
Meiz_n810johnx, would it be a difficult job?08:42
johnxI'd probably go with: yes08:42
johnxand very likely to result in you bricking your touchbook08:42
timeless_mbpoilinki: no one in their right mind enables scripts for :)08:43
johnxwhereas kexecboot or some variant would be pretty much 100% impossible to brick your device with08:43
timeless_mbpStskeeps: ping08:44
* Meiz_n810 tests fennec beta 308:44
Captain_Picardtake some pictures Meiz_n81008:44
slonopotamusMeiz_n810, do you believe in fairies?08:44
inzi do, i do08:45
Meiz_n810slonopotamus: what do you mean, what's a fairie?08:45
kirmaif USB boot is not hardwired to not active on N900, the device should never really reach a state where it couldn't be reinstalled without special hardware08:45
kirmaUSB boot functionality is built directly to the OMAP3 chip08:46
slonopotamusMeiz_n810, ... magical creatures08:46
timeless_mbpinz: do you know anything about glibc? :)08:46
* timeless_mbp wonders how one goes about building some portion of it08:46
slonopotamusfennec is just slow gecko-based browser. and whatever version they put on it, it'll be the same - slow gecko-based browser.08:46
inztimeless, not really08:47
johnxslonopotamus, slow gecko browser + fast processor = decent speed browser08:47
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ReKlipz1Meiz_n810: touchbook uses a beagle-board? or is simply based off of the design?08:47
Meiz_n810based off the design08:48
johnxslonopotamus, I got to play with fennec on their "development device." It was definitely faster than Tear on an N800 in the tests I threw at it08:48
Meiz_n810slonopotamus, true, :) but there has been a lot of progress08:48
johnxit's a beagle board with an extra bit growing out of it08:48
slonopotamusjohnx, ... ff often hangs for several seconds when rendering pages on my core2duo desktop. not fast enough?08:49
ReKlipz1I couldn't really strip it down to a beagle-board though.. right?08:49
ReKlipz1slonopotamus: that's probably a config issue08:49
johnxslonopotamus, I'd say you're using some weird extension, but I seem to be running into the same thing here08:49
ReKlipz1slonopotamus: ff has config to determine when to actually start rendering, so as to not make the page look like it's loading "slowly"08:50
Meiz_n810ohmy.. this beta3 isn't good :(08:50
slonopotamusReKlipz1, whatever page i open, it isn't an excuse to stop responding in other tabs08:51
johnxReKlipz1, well you could take the mainboard out, but it wouldn't exactly be a vanilla beagleboard08:51
Stskeepstimeless_mbp: pong08:51
* Meiz_n810 is satisfied with the speed of Google Chrome :)08:51
slonopotamusReKlipz1, especially on multicore cpu08:51
ReKlipz1johnx: I wouldn't have thought so, just curious08:51
kirmawhat I wonder is how TrustZone functionality, if used to enforce DRM, is really affected by capability of USB booting. that is, if there are additional hardware mechanisms to prevent tampering TrustZone component images through it without detection...08:52
ReKlipz1slonopotamus: definately, you are describing different behavior, definately not a config issue08:52
* ReKlipz1 want's a TouchBook08:52
Pavlovslonopotamus: there is a ton of work under way to split chrome and content processes in firefox08:53
Pavlovplus just general work to be more interruptable08:53
slonopotamusbrb, need to change machine08:53
* ReKlipz1 is afraid the touchbook will be obsolete by the time the backorders ship08:53
johnxdefine "obsolete"08:54
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ReKlipz1an open project will be started in the same market (aka, thoughbook2), with an OMAP4/5/6/7/...08:54
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ReKlipz1but, that's not any different than any other tech...08:55
ReKlipz1my hdd needs RMA'd08:55
Meiz_n810i want 4 core Cortex-A9 touchbook with Gigabyte RAM :D08:56
summatusmentisso I wwas away from my nit for a while08:56
ReKlipz1you want to lug around 10lb in LiPoly you mean?08:56
GAN800OMAP4 is end of next year at the earliest.08:56
GAN800Wouldn't worry08:56
summatusmentisanything interesting happen in the 9 montsh I stopped playing?08:57
ReKlipz1I was originally thinking about getting a beagle board to play with08:57
ReKlipz1but now I want the toughbook08:57
GAN800ReKlipz1, he didn't specify clock.08:57
GAN800A Cortex A9 with a cores at 250MHz would use significantly less power that a 1GHz A8.08:58
GAN800s/a cores/4 cores;08:58
ReKlipz1GAN800: indeed, I didn't know the A9 existed... Apparently it is planned, and will have 4 cores..08:59
Meiz_n8101GHz 4core Cortex-A9 uses only 250mW08:59
ReKlipz1yeah, i retract my earlier comment08:59
GAN800Up to 4, expect most devices to ship with 2.08:59
Meiz_n8102 is enough too, :)09:01
ReKlipz1@ 2.0GHz?09:01
ReKlipz1I think it will suffice09:01
ReKlipz1question for linux/bash gurus09:02
Meiz_n810lol :)09:02
Meiz_n810actually, Cortex-A8 720MHz is enough beacuse i already bought a TB :P09:04
ReKlipz1I need to backup my 500GB hdd to a CIFS share.  I'm RMA'ing the hdd, the hdd is in a raid 0 config.  Would dd be the best solution?09:04
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ReKlipz1that's for files though, no?09:06
ReKlipz1I guess I could tar the dev...09:06
ReKlipz1the CIFS >= 3TB09:06
johnxyes. what's on your fs that isn't a file?09:06
kirmato continue my above speculation: if Nokia wants to ever deploy "good" (reasonably impenetrable) DRM on N900, the device is probably not going to accept a USB boot images that aren't specifically cryptographically signed by them to function the way they want09:06
Myrttidd, rsync, tar09:06
ReKlipz1multiple partitions09:06
ReKlipz1it's part of a raid, only replacing the one drive09:07
kulvehmm.. n900 in nokia's finnish netshop now. 599e09:07
johnxReKlipz1, tar the individual filesystems09:07
kirmakulve: url?09:07
kirmaI don't see it09:07
johnxkirma, wouldn't they have to deny root access?09:07
msh_kirma: they could make it all-or-nothing - the original/signed FS won't boot/run if it's modified09:07
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msh_but separate images would still boot09:08
kirmaoh, now I see it09:08
jaskan900 wasnt there yesterday09:08
Myrttikulve: so, that would make the price in to what?09:08
kirmaany discount codes available?09:08
ReKlipz1johnx: it's a multiboot setup.  using tar on each fs, would require getting ntfs to work, as well as recreating the raid upon reinstallation09:08
jaskadoesnt show pricing.. or any dates09:08
ReKlipz1i could just dd the raw data, and dd it back to the new drive, that ought to work, no?09:09
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kulveMyrtti: sorry, I don't understand your questiong09:09
johnxReKlipz1, aaah, backing up NTFS. dd that volume at least09:09
ReKlipz1heh, don't really care about the ntfs volume to be honest...09:10
Captain_Picardi think verkkokauppa09:10
Captain_Picardis gonna sell for atleast 600 euro+09:10
ReKlipz1screw it, I'll just start from scratch09:10
Myrttikulve: as you know, isn't wellknown for their cheap prices ;-)09:10
Captain_Picardim guessing 610 euros :P09:11
MyrttiCaptain_Picard: usually their prices are cheaper tho09:11
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ReKlipz1now to figure out why these drives are failing...09:11
Captain_Picardim guessing will offer them cheaper09:11
ReKlipz1why isn't SMART enabled when you need it09:11
kulveMyrtti: I didn't know that is an alias to :)09:12
kirmaordered from nokia...09:13
Myrttikulve: you're welcome09:13
kulveMyrtti: 999e in, but I guess the price will drop. But I'm not going to preorder it on that price ;)09:14
Myrttikulve: that's the standard preorder price09:16
kirmaI wonder who delivers typically faster, nokia or verkkokauppa09:17
kirmaby any sense, it should be nokia...09:17
kulveMyrtti: ok.09:17 usually has 10% higher price than elsewhere09:17
kirmaof course, I might have waited if nokia was going to announce *other* models today that are better...09:17
kirmamikkov: I think that didn't really apply to earlier internet tablets (?)09:18
Myrtti770 wasn't even sold in Finland09:19
mikkov_kirma: that's true internet tablets were exception09:19
timeless_mbpoh wow09:19
* timeless_mbp learns a secret09:19
mikkov_Myrtti: yes it was09:19
MyrttiI never saw it - then again I had one in my use since early 2006 too for free09:19
infobotMyrtti meant: I never saw it - then again I had three in my use since early 2006 too for free09:20 had09:20
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timeless_mbpoh awesome09:20
kirmathen again: I think pretty much any preorder/postal order can be trivially disputed in .fi, if I want. if nokia magically publishes Maemo devices that it has managed to keep secret, I mean...09:20
* timeless_mbp likes some of these bugs09:20
Myrttimikkov_: before or after publication of n800?09:20
mikkov_Myrtti: before09:21
timeless_mbphey, have people seen ?09:21
Captain_Picardno why09:21
Captain_Picardthe page09:22
Captain_Picardis full of old videos09:22
timeless_mbpwell, i'm just amused that the domain exists09:22
Captain_Picardits not like domains would cost nokia anything09:23
Captain_Picardwhy wouldnt they want to claim all the domains that got there trademark09:24
timeless_mbpyou wouldn't believe how much pain simple things cost around here :)09:24 has existed for years09:25
timeless_mbpi'm only amused by 2009.09:25
Captain_Picardlol well thats a subdomain09:25
Captain_Picardand its free09:25
timeless_mbpnothing in life is free09:25
Captain_Picardsubdomains are09:25
timeless_mbpi'm sure someone at nokia is paying someone else at nokia to maintain the subdomain09:25
timeless_mbpwhich in fact just redirects somewhere09:25
Captain_Picardwell the website is another thing09:26
Captain_Picardthe subdomain is still free09:26
timeless_mbpremember, in companies, lifting a finger costs money09:26
timeless_mbplifting more fingers costs more money09:26
Captain_Picardnot really09:26
Captain_Picardbecause all the fingers should be working hard anyway09:27
* timeless_mbp frowns09:27
Captain_Picardit doesnt cost them more09:27
Captain_Picardthey just make use of all the fingers.09:27
Captain_Picardinstead of the fingers sleeping at work09:27
Captain_Picardthey make them move!09:27
timeless_mbpCaptain_Picard: my group is billed monthly for a laptop i'm not using09:27
timeless_mbpit shows up as a "cost"09:27
Captain_Picardthats internal money09:27
timeless_mbpit's still money :)09:28
Captain_Picardit doesnt cost nokia it its virtual money09:28
timeless_mbpand if we try hard enough, it might be external money too09:28
timeless_mbpif our support is contracted out :)09:28
timeless_mbpso if the nseries domain is managed by a contractor, they could hypothetically bill for the creation/maintenance of the subdomain :)09:28
timeless_mbp(this wouldn't shock me, although i really don't want to know)09:29
timeless_mbpanyway, it's time for me to crawl to work09:29
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Captain_Picardshow me some killer apps09:34
Captain_Picardfor maemo 509:34
Captain_Picardand some games please09:34
Captain_Picardi want to know if there is actually anything good!09:34
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qoleSeems only appropriate that I have a glass of absinthe by my side.09:35
doc|homeCaptain_Picard: what do we look like, search engines?09:36
Stskeepslo qole09:36
qolehowdy... just thought I'd hang out here for the Big Announcements09:36
Stskeepshow long time to it?09:37
qole25 minutes or so09:38
qole#NW09 starts at 9am09:38
qoleIt's just about midnight here, so Absinthe doesn't seem out of place.09:38
qoleI guess it is breakfast time for you Europeans :D09:38
GAN800Captain_Picard, it hasn't been released yet. . . .09:39
Stskeepshm, sure? 9am CET?09:39
Stskeepsor  CEST09:39
johnxqole, didn't know you were in my timezone09:39
qoleThat's what it says here:
qolejohnx you on the west coast too?!?!09:40
johnxyup, but south of you it seems ;)09:40
Stskeepscos it's soon 9am CEST09:40
qoleIn the land of Cellular Choice.09:40
johnxCaptain_Picard, why not beam on over to:
Captain_Picardcrapy site!09:41
Myrttileaf-sheep: /wii Captain_Picard09:41
johnxCaptain_Picard, remember how you asked about "killer apps." They're listed on the site I just linked09:41
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Myrttino, can't decide if I know you from somewhere09:41
Captain_Picardi meen custom apps09:41
qoleHmm. "Currently no cities are observing CET"
Myrttitoo little data09:42
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Captain_Picardi dont meen the normal nokia software package :p09:42
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slonopotamusCaptain_Picard, killer apps for maemo 5? gcc :)09:42
johnxCaptain_Picard, that. site. lists. the. top. non-Nokia. apps.09:42
johnxLook. Very. Carefully.09:43
Captain_Picardthats cant be in the top 4!09:43
Captain_Picarda damn weather application :D09:43
qoleEveryone wants to know the weather09:43
Myrttimauku ♥09:43
Captain_Picardi dont twitter or facebook09:44
Captain_Picardopenssh client is probally the best thing09:44
Captain_Picardso i can irssi :p09:44
ReKlipz1anyone running maemo 5?09:44
Captain_Picardwhy do nerds like us need a program called ecoach?09:45
MyrttiCaptain_Picard: er, it's not only for nerds.09:45
Captain_Picardlike we would do any sporting?!09:45
Myrttithe N900, that is09:45
qoleCaptain_Picard, I'm not a fat lazy slob. Are you?09:45
Captain_Picardim lazy but not fat09:45
Captain_Picardseriously nokia needs to rearrange the top 4 programs09:46
qoleless than 15 minutes09:46
Myrttiif only someone would continue the work done on reverse the Polar HRM's, I've got F6, and it's beeps can be decoded partly by R200 decoder09:46
Captain_Picard1. ssh client, 2 wep aircrack, 3. etc09:47
Myrttigetting the info out to (Linux and/or) my phone would be loverly09:47
qolewep aircrack?09:47
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Captain_Picardwell its not like everyone is going to let you use there wifi!09:47
MyrttiI smell a mossy, moist, hairy scent09:48
johnxit's a p h o n e. it's connected to the i n t e r n e t all the time. that's the whole point09:48
doc|homethat be the smell of trolls09:48
Myrttidoc|home: you said it, not I09:48
doc|homeI consider it a team effort Myrtti :)09:49
* doc|home goes to bed09:49
johnx'night doc|home09:49
Myrttinini doc|home09:49
Captain_Picarddoc|home: goes to bed?09:50
Captain_Picardits 10am soon09:50
Myrttiyup, the scent is strong in this one09:50
* kirma notes that nokia web shop service runs some pretty un-finnish timezone09:50
kirmasomewhere in US I guess...09:51
kirmamail timestamps are interesting09:51
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qoleoooh the music just started playing on the Nokia World website!!!09:51
Myrttilol, that a cappella nokia tone is funnyyyyyy09:51
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Myrttialmost snorted my orange juice to the screen09:52
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ReKlipz1any way to charge the n810 via the microUSB port?09:53
kirmamyrtti: where?09:53
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johnxReKlipz1, by rewiring it internally09:53
qoleThere's the video feed of Nokia World!!!09:53
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Stskeepswoo music09:53
qoleI am actually more excited than I've been in a while.09:54
qoleDying to know what the "astonishing" news is going to be...09:54
qoleIf they announced the netbook and the N900, what could they have up their sleeves?09:54
* kirma recalls visiting nokia salo plant way back when they said "we don't put such things as calculator on phones"09:54
Stskeepsapple bought them? ;p09:54
qoleIBM bought them09:55
ReKlipz1johnx: does this present any drawbacks? namely, USB host (while charging?)09:55
qole"La la, la la, drum drum"09:55
lbtmaemo5 runs in a vm under a windows mobile environment09:56
MyrttiReKlipz1: are you apt in soldering stuff?09:56
kirmanokia world is thankfully not investor conference09:56
johnxReKlipz1, well of course no use of the USB port while charging :P09:56
ReKlipz1Myrtti: indeed, I'm an EE09:56
qolequaffing my absinthe a little too hastily in my excitement09:56
Stskeepslbt, i would kill for vmware on n90009:56
ReKlipz1johnx: I meant while charging via the barrel jack09:56
lbtN910... the 5" version...09:57
johnxweeell, you're probably better at visualizing the circuit you'd have to make than me09:57
qoleOoooh. 5" maemo tablet. lbt, you are such a tease09:57
ReKlipz1toss in a diode with a small Vf I guess...09:57
ReKlipz1a better question: Has anyone done this before?09:58
lbtqole: Quim kept saying "device or devices"09:58
ReKlipz1are the traces even exposed?09:58
johnxI think someone pulled it off09:58
qoleOh it is pretty much known that there'll be multiple devices. But I don't think they're going for 5" tablets. That's just our wishful thinking.09:58
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qoleI would probably have to get a Maemo tattoo if they announced a 5" tablet running Maemo09:59
Captain_Picard5" to much10:00
Captain_Picard4.13" i want10:00
qoleThey already did that. Three times10:00
Captain_Picardwhy not a forth or a fifth?10:00
Captain_Picardwhat about 4.3"10:01
qoleWhy not?10:01
qoleActually yeah it was 4.3"10:01
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qolewoot here comes dave10:01
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Captain_PicardDave who?10:01
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aSIMULAtoro hai10:01
qoleBenson too! Hoorah10:01
carboncopyone more hour to go for NW09?10:01
Captain_Picardis Jorma Ollila going to be there10:02
Captain_Picardwith a formula 1 with Shell fuel?10:02
qoleWhat? No, don't say an hour, it should be any minute, no?10:02
Stskeepscest vs cet prolly10:02
GAN800Wrong benson10:02
Stskeepsit's 9am cest atm10:02
carboncopyohh web cast10:02
qoleBut there's nobody observing CET. NOBODY10:03
qoleSo they probably meant CEST10:03
qoleIt is 9am in Stuttgart10:03
qoleWell, 9:0310:03
johnxI thought CEST = CET summertime10:03
ReKlipz1can anyone confirm: does the n810 support power via USB when in USB host mode?  If it works with an HID device (keyboard, mouse) it would have to, but I have not tried this.10:04
johnxReKlipz1, you get 100mA10:04
qoleYou can power small devices like a keyboard, but not big ones10:04
MyrttiOH CHRIST10:04
Myrttithat scared me10:04
qoleWHO WAS THAT10:04
aSIMULAtoryeah that scared me too10:04
qoleSome scary woman's voice10:05
Stskeepssounded german for sure10:05
lbtGPS navigation voice10:05
qoletight bun on the back of her head10:05
qolethin lips10:05
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lbtkinda quiet?10:06
carboncopyi have a problem with my N80010:06
carboncopyhardware problem10:07
timeless_mbpReKlipz1: most of the people standing next to me are running Maemo 5 on N900s10:07
qoleAh, you're at #NW09!10:07
Stskeepsthe rest run diablo?10:07
timeless_mbpno, we're @HEL10:07
timeless_mbpbut we're looking at a screen which presumably will be showing NW0910:07
qoleAh, you should all sit down then10:07
* timeless_mbp is busy ignoring it10:07
* timeless_mbp is sitting10:07
lbttimeless_mbp: anyone running Mer?10:08
ReKlipz1timeless_mbp: yeah, didn't realize maemo 5 used ogl es10:08
qoletell the guys standing next to you to sit down too10:08
Stskeepsno Mer port yet10:08
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timeless_mbpReKlipz1: it was announced ages ago when we explained Clutter10:08
Stskeepsshould be trivial though10:08
timeless_mbplbt: mer's in my VBox10:08
qoleon your N900?10:08
timeless_mbpwhen i finish translating this Fingrish, i'll launch Mer10:08
ReKlipz1timeless_mbp: I was not around ages ago when you explained Clutter10:08
timeless_mbpno, VBox is on my MBP :)10:08
timeless_mbpoh, some noise!10:08
qoleThere's the weird german woman again10:09
qolewoah fine print10:09
carboncopyis that the place where i can get live webcast?10:09
ReKlipz1seems to be what I want10:09
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Stskeepswill someone please kill that woman10:09
Myrttifine print :-D10:09
qoleforward looking statements is why we're here!10:09
Captain_Picardwhats wrong with10:10
Captain_Picardgerman woman?10:10
johnx"Forward looking statement cat looks forward!"10:10
Myrttiare we there yet are we there yet are we there yet are we there yet are we there yet10:10
qoleI think they've lost their speaker10:10
Myrttidid it start did it start did it start did it start?10:10
qoleno! ARRGHGHG10:10
Stskeepsno more random horsie please10:10
Captain_PicardLet the german woman speak10:10
Myrttidid it start did it start did it start did it start? DADDY DID IT START ALREADY?!10:10
Captain_Picardshe has rights10:10
ReKlipz1am I like missing out on something huge atm?10:10
StskeepsReKlipz1: nokia world 09 live stream?10:11
Stskeepsmore absinthe for the man in the corner!10:11
qoleHERE IT IS10:12
Myrttioh christ10:12
carboncopywtf, narrowband here cause it to be so f* jerky10:12
MyrttiI want to kill small kitties because of that intro10:12
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carboncopyNokia needs CDN in Malaysia10:14
carboncopythe narrowband here is really f* up10:14
qoleargh my ears10:14
aSIMULAtornot used to the finnish accent? :)10:15
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qoleno suddenly the volume jumped 3x10:15
aSIMULAtorhehe :)10:15
ReKlipz1the volume went from .25 to .8910:15
qoleThere she is. Object of my lust10:15
qoleI want to stroke her10:16
qoleOooh n900, I want you so badly10:16
johnxqole, just so you know: I think that's a dude10:16
johnxjudging by the beard10:16
* aSIMULAtor looks at her n900 5cm away from her10:16
qolethe n900 has a beard?!10:16
jaskathats what you get for using linux10:16
kirmanew sort of accessory category10:17
StskeepsaSIMULAtor: lies :(10:17
johnxaaah, thought you mean the guy in the contact app :P10:17
kirmaorthodox jew beard for a phone10:17
qoleaSIMULAtor: the one that didn't take those pictures on Flickr? ;-)10:17
aSIMULAtorhehe if you check the exif files you'll see they weren't from the device10:17
aSIMULAtori just take photos with my cameras10:17
qoleheheheh suuuuure10:17
aSIMULAtorand my iphone but whatever10:17
qoleovi store!10:18
johnxI like this guy: "and now a lot of numbers will follow" almost apologetic10:18
qoleOvi store! Like Apple store! Ovi mail! Like GMail!10:19
carboncopyhmm this give me an idea, should watch the webcast on the n81010:20
qoleSorry. So far, it has all been "me too" services....10:20
qolecarboncopy, tell me if it works10:20
lbtthey have to show parity10:20
Stskeepsqole, simpsons did it10:20
kirmagmail integration with N900 works too I suppose10:21
kirmabut nokia seems to be much more interested in lower-end markets pushed to modern services10:21
johnxthey see the threat from google I'm sure10:22
kirmacompetitors seem to be pretty uninterested of those parts of the world10:22
aSIMULAtoryay i want that10:23
qoleyeah man. yeah. buzz10:24
johnx*chirp* *chirp*10:24
carboncopyqole. yes it works - but my broadband sucks big time10:24
qolecarboncopy: cool10:24
qolephones, smartphones, mobile computers10:25
qolealliance with microsoft: tremendous potential... for disaster?10:26
Stskeepssymbian death? ;p10:26
timelesswe're watching from my macbook pro10:26
timelessso i'm irc'ing from my n90010:26
Stskeepsthe auditorium screen died?10:26
GAN800Definitely not a Jobsnote.10:26
johnxhow are you guys seeing the live webcast before I see the live webcast? O_o10:26
aSIMULAtortimeless: in hkL?10:26
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johnxI guess I'm more buffered somehow10:27
timeless(there's a large screen nearby but its audio quality/echo are bad)10:27
timelessyeah, hkl10:27
qoleArgh and wait and wait and wait and wait10:27
tigerttimeless: use the n90010:27
johnxGAN800, he's not Jobs, but I actually kinda like his style10:27
timelessi tried10:28
tigertthe stream works fine10:28
GAN800Too useds to points ki10:28
timelessi didn't get frames10:28
GAN800like these getting uproarus applause. ;)10:28
timelessbut then i couldn't irc10:28
qoleno applause at all10:28
X-Fadeqole: That is a real US thing to do.10:29
X-FadeNot something you will see a lot in Europe.10:29
Myrttitwo new music phones :-/10:30
kirmacompany fanboyism to the extreme, applause for product features I mean.10:30
timelessnothing awe-inspiring comes from europe anyway10:30
qoleInteresting. Lots of focus on developing markets10:30
timelessqole: nokia's sales are mostly in those markets10:30
kirmaqole: not really new news I think, but maybe nokia is pushing the message more outside now10:31
timelessand they're the only markets with useful growth potential10:31
qoleSo far the most interesting part of the talk10:31
qolethe focus on the developing world, that is10:31
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qoleIndia and Africa10:32
RST38bismoo all. any news from nokia world?10:32
timelessrst: ever heard of so-lo?10:32
johnxRST38bis, not really. they *really* care about the developing world though, and they want to tell you about it10:32
reklipz2There was an earthquake10:33
timelessthere were some new music phones10:33
RST38bisqole: Translation: the next tablet will be made of sandal wood, decorated with golden threads, and will include the ceramic Ganesha head into which you are supposed to speak10:33
johnxthat's make a cool case10:33
* RST38bis looks around trying to figure out whether he is in a developing world10:33
johnxwhat about all of us in the regressing world?10:34
timelessa coworker is playing bounce on his n900 because opk is so uninspiring10:34
johnxwe want shiney toys too10:34
qoleThe transgressing world10:34
timelessuse the music store!10:34
RST38bisI think it is called "post-industrial"10:34
timelessit's available in select markets10:34
aSIMULAtorbounce is pretty friggin awesome10:34
qoleTime to drop some exciting news!10:34
timelessand comes with high  quality drm10:34
kirmasocial location(ing) sounds like something I was trying to market to people like over six years ago, but everybody considered it absurd technonerdery10:34
RST38biskirma: still is, isn't it? =)10:35
qoleI still think social locationing is absurd technonerdery ;-)10:35
johnxRST38bis, post-positive-GDP world10:35
Khertan_Hello !10:35
qoleHey Khertan_10:35
kirmawell, when it turns easy enough to use... people adopt it. you know, who would really want to carry a phone with them all the time either? that was still a common thought in .fi in early nineties.10:35
johnxvideo just froze for me :/10:35
qoleIs the next keynote going to have the big announcements?10:36
Myrttiare they going to renew their logo/catchphrase?10:36
Myrttithat would be rad10:37
RST38biskirma: Well, about this "social" thing10:37
qolethe end.10:37
Myrttidamn, almost thought they would10:37
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qoleIs that bobby mcferrin10:37
qoledoing the vocals10:37
MyrttiIt's the man with The Hair10:37
Myrttioh, no10:37
qoleThe Hair indeed!10:37
kirmarst38h: well. it has to find a pattern that works, but I suspect it will. much of the envisioned ones are never going to succeed, but some are going to change the world still...10:38
RST38biskirma: Let us say you always tell all your "friends" (aka IM contacts) your location, what you are doing (via Twitter), you always watch where your contacts are, what they are doing, + you always receive information about the closest starbucks, etc10:38
qoleMy absinthe is almost gone10:38
RST38biskirma: That is how modern "social" setup is advertised, right?10:38
aSIMULAtoroh noes time to drink more10:38
qoleTime to pour more10:38
Khertan_ouch the streaming is really slow10:39
qoleIt is the middle of the night here ;-)10:39
kirmawell, that obviously needs more social intelligence automation, obviously10:39
aSIMULAtorreal absinthe? or the fake absinthe with no wormwood10:39
aSIMULAtoror did you make it yourself10:39
reklipz22:39am here10:39
qoleReal absinthe, made here in Canada10:39
Myrttioh god, his accent is thicker than OPK's10:40
Khertan_Anssi Vanjoki <<< english is not is natural language ? as i can understand it verywell10:40
kirmabut something like just six years ago, most people were unable to understand that gps and continuous data connections are really going to be pretty normal stuff in less than a decade10:40
VeggenI'm almost for social locating. I missed my cousin by only kilometers when we both were on holiday in Italy. Didn't know before later in summer.10:40
MyrttiKhertan_: of course it's not10:40
kirmakhertan: very finnish name it is.10:40
MyrttiKhertan_: he and OPK are both Finnish.10:40
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qoleHey there's his tag cloud10:41
Khertan_Myrtti: yep ...10:41
Khertan_and the result is that i can understand it very well nice :)10:41
* Khertan_ prefer listening people that speak english that isn't their first language :)10:42
aSIMULAtori tell u this, it takes some time getting used to fins speaking english10:42
kirmaI haven't listened those nokia bosses for quite a while. I still hope their english is considerably better than many finns, because that'd be *torture*...10:42
RST38biskirma: Well, you see, if it is defined like this, I do not see why I would need it10:42
kirmamostly referring to older folks, ones that manage to "speak" english a bit, but not much10:42
reklipz2Okay. Goodnight all. Thanks for the help!10:42
RST38biskirma: I do not have any practical interest in where my IM contacts are, what they had for lunch and whether they are on the crapper right now10:43
qole"oooh that was a big one! Time to flush!"10:43
johnxRST38bis, which is to say: you don't talk to people you actually know in real life on IM10:43
qoleToo Much Information10:43
lbthow "not giving up" if they are market leader?10:43
RST38bisjohnx: Actually I do talk to people I known in real life on IM10:43
qoleMarket share is SLIPPING10:44
kirmawell, let's say that something like irc+gps combined sensibly (and used sensibly!) really eases planning semi-spontaneous social gatherings, for instance.10:44
aSIMULAtorheh ibm just patented a remote control where it tweets what channel the user is watching10:44
RST38bisjohnx: Remember, I am 10 hours of flight away from most of my friends10:44
kirmasuch an innovation10:44
RST38bisjohnx: I just do not see any point to know all the above details10:44
kirmapatent offices should really get some competence, if not get rid of those patent categories outright10:44
johnxthe only one I care about is easily coordinating location10:44
qoleNokia: ON THE ATTACK!!!10:44
RST38biskirma,johnx: can be done by making a voice call and deciding on a well known ladnmark for gathering10:45
lbtRST38bis: that's 'cos you're anti-social10:45
reklipz2Question: if i leave pidgin running and stop using my n810 will it still use the same amount of power?10:45
lbtlike me10:45
Khertan_qole: hum ... seems i ve delay in the stream :)10:45
kirmahow do you do that with 10-20 persons? :)10:45
qoleskype conferencing10:45
lbtkirma: RST38bis only meets 1 at a time10:45
RST38bislbt: Maybe, but how "social" are you supposed to be to be interested whether your acquaintances are taking a shit?10:46
lbtor watching TV10:46
qoleI don't care about N9710:46
Khertan_blabla blablabla n9710:46
RST38biskirma: Select a landmark and a time, gather, wait for 15 minutes, done10:46
johnxReKlipz1, nope10:46
RST38biskirma: Has been done many times10:46
qoleN97 is 803 short10:46
qoleOh here comes the N97 Mini10:47
qoleI bet10:47
* aSIMULAtor not interested10:47
RST38bisqole: Will N900 be the "one last thing" then? =)10:47
Khertan_qole: oh oh oh !10:47
johnxRST38bis, lots of things can be done in an alternate way. but getting a visual representation of where other people are is a nice feature that I have really wanted on more than one occasion10:47
Khertan_RST38bis: not one last ... one more things10:47
carboncopyhow bout the nokia booklet?10:47
AStormhope it will not share the fate of N95, that is being bastardized10:47
reklipz2Johnx: it uses less? Only realdifference is backlight + lcd off, right?10:47
AStormbooklets are too large10:47
JaffaWifi in keynote overloaded10:48
qolewait for the applause... wait for it...10:48
johnxReKlipz1, I'd bet that pidgin would cause it to take up more with the constantly running network connection10:48
Khertan_a dark n9710:48
oilinkiargh. my connection can not take the stream. is there voice-only stream?10:48
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RST38bisqole <-- is going to finish his absynthe and cut his ear off? =)10:48
qoleNo voice only stream. Then you'd miss the HAIR10:48
Khertan_a n97 mini .... :(10:48
JaffaHello from #NW09!10:48
qoleFinally, there you are10:49
Khertan_burrrk facebook ... blabla no need10:49
Khertan_hi Jaffa10:49
qoleI'm over here mocking the speakers10:49
johnxRST38bis, ok, see this guy isn't selling it very well :/10:49
GAN800Jaffa, boreeeed10:49
qoleTHIS SUCKS10:49
GAN800Symbian sux10:49
* qole is a master of subtlety.10:49
reklipz2Johnx: it was implied that pidgin is running in both comparisons10:50
lbtNokiaWorld, not MaemoWorld.... what did you expect?10:50
Captain_Picardsymbian has alot of software tough10:50
Captain_Picardthe putty program for symbian is actually very nice10:50
GAN800lbt, less boredom.10:50
qoleWindows 3.1 had a lot of software too10:50
Khertan_lbt: Nokia announcing that NokiaWorld will become MaemoWorld10:50
Captain_Picardi wouldt say symbian is bad :P10:50
reklipz2Aka, leaving it as is will kill battery life?10:50
lbtGAN800:  this is a corporate event!!!10:50
Captain_Picardits just abit outdated10:50
Khertan_and let symbian rest in peace10:50
johnxreklipz2, ah, sorry, yeah, idling should save a lot of power if the app is well coded10:50
qoleI wasted good absinthe on THIS?10:50
JaffaGAN800: Indeed. N900 was first device shown on sccrreen at the event10:51
GAN800lbt, I miss Macworld.10:51
qoleJaffa, we're all watching :)10:51
qolewe saw10:51
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lbtJaffa was there a small old lady running around sitting people down?10:51
Khertan_i just miss the begining ... the 3g data phone connection drop at the begining in the train10:51
qolewith a terrifying voice?10:51
reklipz2I doubt idling irc chans allows for much power state change10:51
Khertan_<GAN800> lbt, I miss Macworld. <<< there is nothing now :)10:52
qolejaffa, is bobby mcferrin doing the vocal music thing?10:52
GAN800reklipz2, 1 day batt on irc10:52
AStormKhertan_: get a shell account?10:52
Captain_Picardlets take a look what this meens!10:52
AStormif you're smart, you'll do it my way - have a xinetd script that autotunnels you10:52
Captain_Picardchoose location!10:52
Jaffalbt: Very annoying. Lame.10:52
lbtshe wasn't real :(10:53
qoleHey, baby, you want to share your location with me? wink wink10:53
AStormyeah, a/s/l and all that? blah10:53
lbtqole: it's a plot by DHS10:53
Captain_PicardRofl Nokia World10:53
Captain_PicardWhy do they keep showing facebook stuff10:53
johnxalright, someone who actually uses this stuff really needs to be the one presenting it10:53
qolecome over here and let me share something with you10:53
MaceN8x0still no sign of a touchbook in my near future10:54
qoleLook! Facebook!10:54
roopewatching the keynote on the n900. works nicely.10:54
Captain_Picardjesus christ10:54
AStormroope: you have one? WANT!10:54
Captain_Picardwho cares about facebook :D10:54
lbt"You successfully published to facebook"... how many facebook users can read words that long?10:54
msh_will it play on a 810?10:54
GAN800Now if only the keynote were worth watching.10:54
qoleYeah lets talk about the N900 not stupid maps in stupid facebook10:54
carboncopymsh_  : yes it does10:54
aSIMULAtorlook at all those shiny happy faces watching him speak10:54
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qoleshiny faces, yes, happy no10:55
timelesscptn, what, there's more to the world than facebook?10:55
msh_carboncopy: hm. cool.10:55
Captain_PicardGo away :(10:55
AStormtimeless: yeah, like... digg ;)10:55
Captain_Picardtalk about maemo10:55
Captain_PicardIS THERE \o/10:55
MaceN8x0cant really judge maemo510:55
Khertan_the NokiaWorld supense and every people looking at the it ... and speaking about it on irc remember me the apple keynotes :)10:55
timelessbe happy we aren't stressing jaiku10:55
qoleyeah can you share your location on Digg? Can you?10:55
MaceN8x0not until you can see how well it uses the hw10:56
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Khertan_roope: if you have a n90010:56
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* lbt is on his chair10:56
qoletoo low10:56
Khertan_roope: could you said me if PyGTKEditor avaiable in the extras devel works10:56
Myrttioh wow10:56
JaffaN900 cheap bargain compared with N97 mini!10:56
Khertan_$0 !10:56
qoleYeah N900 looks like a bargain now10:56
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aSIMULAtorroope: HI SUNSHINE :P10:57
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Khertan_$450 for a n97 ... it s really expensive10:57
Captain_PicardN900 will cost you only 599.99$!10:57
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Captain_Picardsoon steve jobs will come there10:57
Captain_Picardto present his iphone10:57
timeless450eur not usd10:57
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johnxKhertan_, probably close to free on contract10:57
aSIMULAtoruhm ok10:57
Khertan_johnx: probably ... but didn't interest me :)10:58
MaceN8x0wow, it is unseasonably cold10:58
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qoleI wish I could go to the party.10:58
Khertan_johnx: but probably 299Euros with a contract with a french operator10:58
aSIMULAtoromg i can get invited from hipster bands yayayayay10:58
Captain_Picardomg now he is talking about MUSIC10:58
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johnxKhertan_, year contract? or two years?10:58
qolePlease god don't start talking about sharing your location on youtube10:58
Captain_Picardsoon he will open wikipedia and start talking about what music is10:58
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AStormsoon he will start talking about video10:59
johnxI listened to music once! that means I should give money to Nokia!10:59
qwerty12_N810I want to buy their phones, not their goddamn music10:59
MaceN8x0wtf are you all talking about?10:59
GAN800Music and YouTube!!!!!!1111110:59
Khertan_johnx: same things ... the year give you no sms free .... and the two years give unlimited sms10:59
MaceN8x0some pc magazine show?10:59
qoleHe wants to stay legal!!!10:59
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qwerty12_N810I don't want to stay legal. STFU already.10:59
Khertan_johnx: french mobile operator is .... thief !11:00
AStormI want to stay legal, but the music is just far too damn expensive ;p11:00
GAN800Yeah, don't!11:00
AStormincluding the darned shop which doesn't have anything I want11:00
lbtbad people11:00
* GAN800 finger wag.11:00
RST38bisevil evil people11:00
qoleStay good, Anssi, Stay good!11:00
Captain_PicardALL FREE11:00
johnxI stay legal when it's somewhat convenient11:00
Khertan_Don't Do that !11:00
timelesssomeone please kick rock dodger's packasger11:00
johnxunless doing illegal things is fun11:01
Captain_PicardLOL he talking about torrents?11:01
timelessit depennds on maemo menu select location11:01
johnxor someone tells me to not do it11:01
MaceN8x0ze other side of law11:01
qoleDon't cross to the Dark Side!11:01
* lbt breaks the law and listens to his own CDs on mp311:01
Captain_PicardOfcourse there is the dark side of internet11:01
AStormDark? It's the Light side11:01
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Khertan_All Included what the top ten ?11:01
qwerty12_N810Bonus points to the first person to get gtk-gnutella hildonized for Maemo 5. I've already done Transmission.11:01
mikkov_timeless: I fix it when I have time11:01
timelessand zstroids11:01
Khertan_things that i never listen ?;11:01
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MaceN8x0who is this guy?11:01
GAN800Else Nokia ninjass eat you heart!11:01
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Khertan_MaceN8x0: Anssi Vanjoki, Executive Vice President, Markets, Nokia11:01
qoleMaceN8x0: he's the guy with the Hair11:02
MaceN8x0sounds russian11:02
AStormestonian? ;)11:02
aSIMULAtorhe sounds finnish...really finnish11:02
MaceN8x0close wnough11:02
kirmahardly sounds russian or estonian11:02
GAN800qwerty12_N810, and get it on Maemo Select.11:02
qoleI wish he would FINNISH11:02
Captain_Picardeveryone loves the finnish accent11:02
AStormI haven't heard him at all, so it's likely finnish indeed11:02
aSIMULAtorvoi vitsi11:02
qoleiPod killer11:03
Khertan_x6 ?11:03
qoleHeheh refurbished interface11:03
AStormpoor iPods!11:03
kirmasounds like bmw model11:03
ali1234all the music in the world?11:03
johnxkirma, that's because it is11:03
Khertan_rm-559 == x9 ?11:03
qoleAll the LEGAL music in the world11:03
Captain_PicardJAST take it ALL11:03
kirmafrom press release, it was a bit unobvious if X6 is Symbian or S4011:03
kirmawhich it is?11:03
RST38bisqole: Coming up with a counterexample will be real easy11:03
ali1234so like if some guy in albania whistles a tune, i can get that on nokia?11:03
johnx"the way people ... use music" WAT11:04
AStormmusic is to be used? ;p11:04
qoleX3: just some of the music in the world11:04
MaceN8x0all music in world11:04
qwerty12_N810MaceN8x0: €11:04
Stskeeps115 is cheap11:04
johnxAStorm, I was using music the other day, but I ran out11:04
johnxhad to get to the store and buy some more musics11:04
qoleok here is something11:04
aSIMULAtori want this booklet11:04
Myrttithat's like peanuts11:04
RST38bisaSIM: Why>11:04
MaceN8x0booklet 3G11:04
jaskasome music can be used for torture11:05
Captain_PicardNokia Mikromikko11:05
qoleNokia Meeekromeeeko?11:05
jaskayeah.. lol11:05
Captain_Picardi had one11:05
MyrttiMikromikko ♥11:05
aSIMULAtorwhy not11:05
roopei'll check the pygtk.11:05
Captain_Picardnoo ;(11:05
Khertan_roope: thx11:05
Captain_Picardwindows 7 boooo11:05
roopeHmm, it is not starting. :/11:05
Myrttibloody hell, I need to go to get some blood tests done11:05
MaceN8x0this guy is making me sick11:05
roopeit tries to load it for a couple of seconds, then not.11:05
* MaceN8x0 stops it11:05
Captain_Picardwell i was afraid the booklet was gonna run symbian :DD11:05
roopeno ui gets shown.11:05
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AStormroope: try the terminal? also, isn't pygtk a lib?11:06
qole12 hour battery and Windows 7; windows will outlast you every time11:06
Khertan_12 hour battery !!! GREAT !11:06
lbtdoes windows run for 7 hours nowadays?11:06
Khertan_Windows 7; windows will outlast you every time .... burk11:06
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qoleAnssi, you LOOK excited by that one11:06
Myrttiwow, cheap11:06
qoleWOWOW cheap11:06
aSIMULAtoryeah nice price11:06
MaceN8x0no it isnt11:07
qoleBABY YEAH11:07
MaceN8x0it is a ripoff11:07
qoleHERE SHE IS11:07
Myrttifinally ♥11:07
qoleHUBBA HUBBA11:07
Khertan_why i get delay ...11:07
Khertan_shutt !11:07
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lardmangood news from Quim I see11:07
roopeImportError: No module named glade11:07
johnxKhertan_, I do too, on a "12Mb/s" connection11:07
Khertan_roope: oups ... thx for the report11:08
Captain_Picardthere it was11:08
qoleOh N900, my sweetheart11:08
lardman~curse FF for opening so slowly11:08
infobotMay the fleas of a thousand camels infest your most sensitive regions, FF for opening so slowly !11:08
Khertan_roope: works on the sdk11:08
Khertan_and python segfault11:08
Captain_Picardthat was all they gonna give you11:08
Captain_Picardof the N90011:08
qoleMeh he just talks11:08
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qolejust a tease11:08
Captain_Picardyou can close your stream now11:08
Captain_Picardits over11:08
Captain_Picardnokia world is over! :D11:08
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qwerty12_N810He's trying to justify Maemo to the Symbian fanboys11:08
qoleworld's most poueaplr platform?!11:09
* lbt wonders if this is about maemo->maemodevices11:09
Captain_Picardqwerty12_N810: soon someone will throw a shoe at him11:09
qwerty12_N810Captain_Picard: rofl11:09
lardmansee Quim said on the ml that they will start talking about dev program soon?11:09
Khertan_qwerty12_N810: there is no need ! it s already better11:09
jrochawindows 7... bah11:09
qoleNokia the next Generation11:09
Khertan_lardman:  !!! OH GREAT NEWS !11:09
qwerty12_N810Khertan_: We know that, but the fanboys don't :)11:09
qoleOh the 5 step program11:09
Khertan_qwerty12_N810: not sure11:09
* qole is on the edge of his seat11:10
lardmanKhertan_: see the "How much are Nxxx open?" thread, last post by Quim11:10
qoleN900 is STEP 4!11:10
Captain_Picardwhere is STEP 511:10
lardmanhmm, interesting :)11:10
JaffaHarmattan is step 5, obviously11:10
Stskeepshah, multitasking11:11
RST38bisPeople going bonkers over Booklet. Why?11:11
qoleOooh that's even cheaper11:11
aSIMULAtor(without vat)11:11
Captain_Picardjust for 500 euros!11:11
Captain_Picardthey say11:11
lardmanJaffa: nah, next hw will have to have frikking lasers :)11:11
Captain_Picardoh yeh11:11
johnx4 different pants?11:11
Captain_Picardthey forgot wat11:11
Khertan_An interesting approach would be to have members of these projects submitting proposals to the Maemo Summit. It's a way to have a name linked to a concrete purpose.11:11
qoleI kept telling people it would be surprisingly cheap!11:11
aSIMULAtoradd another 20% or something11:11
Khertan_si not before the summit at least11:12
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Captain_Picardadd 22%11:12
Captain_Picardto it11:12
StskeepsKhertan_: think that is non-karma stuff11:12
Khertan_500 Euro ... or 649 Euros in france11:12
wazd"It's pretty affordable, 500 euros" lol11:12
MaceN8x0crystal sharp?11:12
Captain_Picardeco system on the n90011:12
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johnxMaceN8x0, sharp like shards of a broken car window!11:12
Captain_Picardbuilt in catalysator11:12
qolewait that's it11:12
jrochawazd, IT IS affordable, given the device11:12
wazd"thx!" lol)11:12
GAN800More on not stealing music (finger wag) than the goddamn cellular open source revolution.11:12
lardmanyeah, what's with the random messages on the boardbehind?11:12
RST38biswhich url are you all watching anyway? I am only getting some crappy twitter aggregator11:12
lardmanouch, loud music11:13
GAN800What a waste of time.11:13
qoleDamn them all11:13
wazdRST38bis: right on the nokia's site11:13
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Captain_Picardlol sounds like farting11:13
MaceN8x0english idiom fail11:13
qoleAn hour of the N97 mini and 3 minutes of the N90011:13
Captain_Picardthe speakers dont like this sound11:13
RST38bisweird isn't showing the video11:13
johnxRST38bis, you just missed the whole thing11:13
wazdRST38bis: it's over :D11:13
MaceN8x0RST38bis, it is over11:13
RST38bisah screw it then =)11:14
Captain_Picardhaha =))11:14
timeless_mbpok, we stopped watchig11:14
MaceN8x0n900 got 2 mins?11:14
infobottimeless_mbp meant: ok, we stopped watching11:14
Khertan_one hour about the n97 ... and 2 minutes about n90011:14
MaceN8x0that should have been the flagship11:14
RST38bisbut it was the famous one last thing wasn't it?11:14
lardmanwas that live?11:14
qwerty12_N810He totally convinced everyone to buy the N900 with a presentation like that.11:14
MaceN8x0fuck symbian11:14
Khertan_pffff 649 Euros on French Store ...11:14
wazdBut n97 mini can *UPDATE FACEBOOK STATUS!*11:15
lardmanoh, perfect timing on my part then :)11:15
aSIMULAtorthe device speask for itself :D11:15
wazdit's so innovative!11:15
MaceN8x0wazd, thats ok... nokia is crystal sharp11:15
Khertan_yeah ... the world most important thing ...: updating his facebook status11:15
tbfso go to the shops and tell opk, that the n900 is better :-D11:15
Captain_Picardnokia is SHARP11:15
qoleThat was a real letdown.11:15
qoleWhat a waste of good absinthe11:15
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MaceN8x0crystal sharp!11:16
* RST38bis cackles, as he predicts the burst of the second Internet bubble11:16
MaceN8x0get the finninglish idioms right11:16
timelessqwert, i've seen worse11:16
Captain_Picardso next live webcast is tommorrow?11:16
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Captain_Picardwith 1 min of N900?11:16
lardmanhe speaks better English than I do Finnish11:16
Khertan_Captain_Picard: maybe 211:16
Captain_Picardand 59 min of symbian 5?11:16
Stskeepstimsamoff: o/11:16
MaceN8x0lardman, haha11:16
lardmanhey timeless11:16
lardmanoops, tabbed the wrong one, but hi anyway :)11:17
jrochaguys, maybe the price he mentioned didn't yet have the taxes11:17
lardmanhi timsamoff11:17
Jaffalo timsamoff11:17
X-Fadejrocha: Not maybe.11:17
jrochaso it might change according to the country11:17
Captain_Picardwhy would he include taxses11:17
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Captain_Picardit depends on the country11:17
* timsamoff wishes he had better wifi signal!11:17
Andy80hi all11:17
timelessthere was one where the presenter said he had this great device, it fit in his pocket, ansd that's where he left  it11:17
qoleSo what was that all about?11:17
Andy80timsamoff, hi :)11:17
qoletimsamoff, jaffa, can you help us understand what that was all about?!?!11:17
jrochaso, people should stop being surprised that Nokia stores have a higher price11:17
Jaffatimsamoff: hear! hear!11:17
lardmanwell he said it was cool and that it was step 411:17
Captain_Picardthey had to stop the Webcast because symbian fanboys went on RAGEEEE11:18
Andy80only 500€ for N900?! Did he forgive taxes :D ?!11:18
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Jaffaqole: What? It was an opening keynote showing the high-level overview11:18
RST38bisThe device isn't out yet, so that may be why they only covered it for 2 minutes11:18
lardmanAndy80: see above, different in every country11:18
Captain_PicardAndy80: on the darkside you dont pay taxes11:18
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Jaffa"Comes with Music" is pretty cool11:18
wazdAndy80: well, at least he announced unsubsidized price ;)11:18
Captain_Picardjoin the darkside11:18
qoleNo, there was endless talk about posting maps to facebook.11:18
RST38bisThe two other S60e5 devices should be available right away11:18
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* timsamoff starts to upload pics to TitPic.11:18
wazdAndy80: likr, "it's now free!"11:18
lardmanthere are new s60 devices too?11:19
Captain_Picardthe N97 mini comes with music including the backstreet boys and mozarts collection11:19
qwerty12_N810timsamoff: Nice11:19
wazdtimsamoff: TittPic? :D11:19
RST38bislardman: Two expressmusic devices, X3 and X611:19
JaffaX3 is cheap11:19
RST38bislardman: (not relation to BMWs of the same name)11:19
Andy80timsamoff, is that all about N900 for today :S ?!11:19
qoleX6: all the music in the world, X3: only some of the music in the world11:19
timsamoffAh yes. My favorite site. :p11:19
JaffaAndy80: Of course not11:19
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lardmanRST38bis: lol, thanks11:19
Captain_Picardwhat about Z4?11:19
JaffaThere are demos on the floor11:19
keesjwe want picutres11:20
qoleOh can you go play with demo N900s now?11:20
lardmanJaffa: that cheap, wow11:20
wazdNow Nokia has M5, X3 and X6 :) Time to change logo :)11:20
qwerty12_N810Jaffa: Please try and steal one for me, thanks :)11:20
RST38bisWhat is M5? =)11:20
lardmanwazd: just M3 to go11:20
RST38bisAh, I know =)11:20
wazdRST38bis: maemo 5 :)11:20
qoleJaffa: demo n900 units??11:20
RST38bisBTW, they also copyrighted Cxxx brand11:20
timsamoffJaffa and I will beat up some demoers and grab a few.11:20
Jaffaqole: There will be11:20
Captain_Picardim gonna get me a Nokia M5 AMG11:20
RST38bisCaptail; With diesel? =)11:21
qolejaffa: not yet?11:21
lardmannot sure M5 and AMG really mix11:21
Jaffalardman: x3 is S40 accorrding to twitterr11:21
Captain_Picardwhen can i get a N97 mini with maemo?11:21
Jaffaqole: It's keynotes now. Everyone in one room11:21
qwerty12_N810Who wants S40 in this day and age?11:21
lardmanmy parents were looking for some new cheap phones, sounds ideal as long as it has Bt + cheap camera11:21
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Captain_PicardBT for what purpouse?11:22
lardmanhands free11:22
vesa has x6, x3 etc. 'specs'11:22
lardmanthey do have a lot of randomly named subdomains11:22
vesathat they do.11:22
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qoletimsamoff: where's this one taken?
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prometoysgood morning. do I need another password for then for wiki, midgard etc11:23
lardmangood, has camera + Bt11:23
timsamoffQole: At the Movinpic Hotel lobby.11:24
qoleMovinpic? Don't they make ice cream or something?11:24
timsamoffMmm, ice cream. If they do, I haven't found it.11:24
qoleWell, I guess I'm off to bed then.11:25
qoleIf there's nothing more happening.11:25
johnxaSIMULAtor, soooo, now that the N900 is announced and going to be on display, how do you feel about the picture quality? :D11:25
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Jaffaqole: There'll be more; but we have to get past boring business partners11:26
wazdprometoys: yeah11:26
AswarpI want a (cheaper) N900!11:26
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qolejaffa: It is 1:30 am here. I can't wait to get past boring business partners11:27
tbfAswarp: get it from some mobile operator with some 3G flate rate11:27
qoleI'm finishing my absinthe and going to bed.11:27
CorsacAswarp: was there any news about prices? (besides the 650e heard here and there)11:27
Khertan_when i see n97 at 349€  with a two year contract ...11:27
Khertan_in france11:27
Khertan_the n900 will be 50011:27
Andy80Jaffa, the keynote's schedule doesn't look like so interesting...11:27
tbfplus taxes11:28
CorsacKhertan_: HT :)11:28
Khertan_Corsac: ttc11:28
Khertan_with two years contract11:28
AswarpI heard 499$, but given the pricing for previous tablets (350$) and the iPhone below 200, I think it is far too much...11:28
Khertan_it s 649 Euro ttc in french store11:28
JaffaKhertan_: On contract N900 will be subsidized, so you're not comparing like with like11:28
CorsacKhertan_: do you have a source for the 500+contract?11:28
JaffaAndy80: Perhaps not11:28
Khertan_so with a two year contract you get most of the time 150 Euros less11:28
Khertan_Corsac: now11:29
AswarpWill Vodafone offer the N900?11:29
Khertan_it s speculation11:29
Khertan_but as it s around 150Euros for a two year contract on sfr11:29
Corsacok, so last price is 650 until more info arrise11:29
X-FadeJust look at what your provider asks for a N97 + subscription.11:29
JaffaCorsac: It's 500 *exc. taxes & contract*11:29
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Khertan_649 - 150 = 500 TTC with two years contract11:29
X-FadeShould probably pretty similar to what the N900 will cost + subscription.11:29
Corsac499 you mean? :à11:29
JaffaKhrtan: It's been announced that carriers will subsidize11:29
Khertan_Jaffa: yes as all other mobile device11:30
JaffaSo as X-Fade says, compare with N97 prices on contract11:30
* Andy80 wants a developer discount, not a subsized contract :P11:30
Khertan_Jaffa: yep this is what i ve do11:30
Khertan_Jaffa: n97 have a subdivized price of 150 Euros11:30
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qoleWow, that is some serious resolution there on that screen:
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johnxqole, holy damn. that screen photographs real well11:32
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lbtI'd be *really* impressed if that was an N900 photo ;)11:32
qolejohnx, Even at super macro, you can still hardly see the pixels11:33
AswarpSome Moiré though ;)11:33
johnxthey really went the extra mile though: very nice antialiasing and what is it 250+ DPI11:33
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X-Fadeqole: And it is a transflective screen, so that is why you see the 'holes'11:34
lbtLook at the 'L' on "Latest: My first tweet"11:34
qolelbt, yes there are those pixels11:34
qolethe 'a' is pretty muddy too11:35
lbtX rendering though11:35
lbtnot the screen11:35
qoleStill, though. Compare those characters to the Nokia logo above to get some perspective11:35
lardmanAswarp: I do wonder about that, probably T-Mobile though11:35
qoleYou really can't see that with the unaided eye11:35
* lcuk waves11:37
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lcukwheres the feed11:37
johnxback in a sec11:37
lbtI have no concerns about resolution/quality11:37
lardmanscroll up a bit11:37
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qolelcuk, you missed it!11:37
qolethey announced free N900s to everyone in Africa!11:38
Aswarplardman: I hope Movistar, Orange an dvodafone, so we can choose the best plan and pricing...11:38
* lcuk moves11:38
* timsamoff sits.11:38
Khertan_lcuk: 2 min about n900 ... 1 hour about n97 mini11:38
Khertan_you have miss nothing11:38
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qolelcuk, actually I drank a glass of absinthe, ate some bread sticks and hummus, and listened to them prattle on about the N97 mini11:39
Corsac btw11:39
Andy80Khertan_, you're right...11:39
lardmanAswarp: I thought Nokia had done a tie-in with T-Mobile11:39
Corsacpre order available at 65011:39
lardmananyone know?11:39
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* lbt is rewriting powerlaunch11:39
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Khertan_Khertan_: about what ? nothing miss ? or high priced in france due to our stupid taxes ?11:39
* qole looks at his watch again and wonders why he still isn't in bed11:40
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AswarpStupid taxes and pocket-ripping early adopters the most probable reasons11:40
* lardman looks at the exchange rate and thinks how expensive the N900 will be11:40
CorsacKhertan_: btw, all pre-orders are at 65011:41
Corsac(it, de, fr)11:41
Corsacat least11:41
Corsacnot checked anything else11:41
Khertan_lardman: exchange rate .... it s always 1-111:41
wazdhah, faster than Dell :D11:41
* qole looks at hspa frequencies in Canada and weeps11:41
Corsacand expansys doesn't have any price yet11:41
Khertan_Corsac: it s 650 since one weeks11:41
lardmanKhertan_: it's not far off that for the £!11:42
AswarpIf they produced N770 at 350$ being the first device, which is always expensive, and N900 being sooooo similar to it, apaprt from having a SIM card, why do they double the price?11:42
aquatixthere's a lot of new tech in there11:43
qwerty12_N810Believe me, the N900 is anything but similar.11:43
qoletimsamoff, is that a gloating look I see on his face?
kirmacorsac: I think .fi had 600... and .de too11:43
AswarpThey can sink the ship. I'd prefer lower prices, lower margins, but higher volume and addoption rates11:43
Stskeepsn900 is in no way similar11:43
wazdAswarp: well, similar, like, it has a screen too? :D11:43
* Khertan_ will finish mPIM ... it ll be not tommorow that me could use the Maemo 5 Calendar11:43
kirmaor not 650 at least11:43
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Stskeepsit's like comparing a jet plane to george bush11:43
timsamoffQole: Maybe. Maybe. :)11:43
Corsackirma: hmh, correct11:43
qwerty12_N810wazd: the new feature is that it doesn't WSOD!11:43
* timsamoff will be back in a while.11:44
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wazd - hate you :(11:44
Aswarpsimilar in the cost of materials. And given that the OS is being under development for many years, that's scale economies operating there11:44
kirmayes... 599 + shipping in .fi11:44
Khertan_so it s seems it s the time for me to get an other n81011:44
Khertan_as mine is dying11:44
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qwerty12_N810Khertan_: that's because of those times you used it one-handed11:45
wazdAswarp: It's so much more feature packed than 770, that I'm affraid to describe11:45
wazdAswarp: 2 different devices11:45
Khertan_qwerty12_N810: that s because he is 2 year old ... and the battery is dying11:45
Corsackirma: and I assume they wont ship to fr :)11:45
Khertan_that s also because the keyboard is scratching when opening it11:46
CorsacI'll wait to see if sfr propose me some good price with 1 or 2 year re-contract, and see if expansys has some good prices too11:46
Khertan_and because sometimes it s reboot without any reason11:46
Corsacespecially since I'd prefer a qwerty keyboard11:46
qoletimsamoff, you mentioned that you didn't have wifi at the hotel, what's with that?!11:46
lardmanI reckon we should all just take a step back and wait and see what happens by way of price plans/possibly dev devices/etc11:46
AswarpI know they are 2 different devices and i love the new feats. but they are more similar to one another than to a Samsung, HTC or whatever, aren't they?11:46
Khertan_Corsac: sfr will propose you to 500 Euros ttc not less11:46
Aswarpthat's no excuse for doubling the price11:46
Khertan_Corsac: with a two year contract ...11:47
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CorsacKhertan_: and maybe much more since it's a renewal11:47
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Khertan_Corsac: yep11:47
Aswarp10%, 20& i'd understand, but in no way 100% up11:47
* kirma observs twitters complaining that they "should wait" for post-N900 device11:47
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Khertan_Corsac: and you will not be able to use all feature as sfr let s only port 80 and https open11:47
Khertan_Corsac: on their 'pseudo' 'illimited' access11:47
CorsacKhertan_: as I heard, not with "full internet" contract11:47
kirmathose folks could understand that Maemo is on "next great thing is almost there" track, the way that things have been on for instance PCs hardware for decades11:48
wazdAswarp: I can say that again, it's much more than 2x more packed11:48
Khertan_the one at 69 Euros by month ?11:48
tlaxany glues why HomeCalendar uses wrong locale?11:48
Corsacthe most expensive one, but I think it starts at 4911:48
tlaxerr.. clues11:48
Khertan_tlax: because his developper need a n900 to debug it ...11:48
Khertan_tlax: really ?11:48
Khertan_tlax: homecalendar use the pref of mCalendar for locale11:49
tlaxheh.. didn't realize you were here..11:49
AswarpI'd rather buy a N800 and an HTC, and still got some spare coins for that price11:49
tlaxI was going to spam your website with this11:49
qoleWow, Reggie Suplido says it best on Twitter: "I wish Anssi would stop saying 'step x of 5' everytime. Here is the N900 gaining so much momentum and he basically said - skip it."11:50
Khertan_tlax: héhé11:50
tlaxKhertan_: mCalendar works fine, but the HomeCalendar has every time with -4 hours11:50
johnxha! they borrowed the progressbar idea from tear11:50
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Khertan_Corsac: yep but imap and smtp is working only with there server11:51
tlaxKhertan_: I bet it doesn't like my finnish locale or something11:51
Khertan_Corsac: and things are still limited11:51
AswarpWill GMail be never down on N900?11:51
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CorsacKhertan_: well, I was told that it worked11:51
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Khertan_tlax: ah so it s a bug not with locale but with timezone11:52
Khertan_Corsac: i ve hear that not :)11:52
Khertan_anyway 48Euro by month is too expensive11:52
tlaxKhertan_: ah.. hmm.. I will do some further investigations11:53
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Khertan_currently i paid 18 for 1 one hour  + 6 euros for limited access to port 80 and https11:53
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Khertan_i use it with my n81011:53
lcukqole, but you remember.  it is a linux device.  we do not come because it is complete.  we do not become because it  is the final version.  we come because it is the communities code.  we come because we care.11:53
Khertan_just use and gmail ...11:53
Khertan_and use privoxy to change the userhost11:54
qolelcuk, we come because it rocks11:54
lcuktotally fucking kicks ass11:54
Stskeepsin our pants?11:54
qolelcuk, but yeah, what you said too ;-)11:54
qoleStskeeps, well it does have vibra API11:54
Khertan_tlax: anyway ... just wait 1 or 2 weeks ... and you ll get an other nice replacement for mCalendar :)11:54
Khertan_mPIM :)11:54
CorsacKhertan_: I want *at least* ssh :)11:55
Khertan_tlax: i ve post some screenshot on my website11:55
nomisa vibra API strong enough to kick ass?11:55
Khertan_Corsac: just do dns tunneling :)11:55
Khertan_Corsac: a bit slower but works11:55
qoleI was thinking someone should write an app that vibrates the N900 in time to the beat of the music you are playing. And make the icon a picture of a woman massaging her ankle with the N900. And call it banana phone. And write the app in python.11:55
qolenomis, no strong enough to rock in our pants11:56
Corsacand bind it with wiibrator11:56
Khertan_qole: i was thinking of stupid starwars laser immitation application11:56
Khertan_but it s an other good stupid app idea11:56
AStormbetter, a call rejection app11:56
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Jaffaqole: email from Peter incoming11:57
CorsacKhertan_: url for mPIM? :)11:57
AStormthat uses the phonebook and has a few settings to drop calls11:57
jaskahmm, i wonder how open the phone apis are, can i make a program that drops all unknown numbers etc?11:57
Khertan_Corsac: not yet available .... but screenshots on my blog :
AStormnone, accept from phonebook, accept from list, accept from quickdial, deny from those11:58
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wazd_stop droping me, you bastard!11:58
qoleJaffa, that's it? just go ahead?11:58
Khertan_wazd_: blam peer11:58
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CorsacKhertan_: no intention to add contact management?11:58
Khertan_Corsac: not yet ...11:59
Jaffaqole: Sent from his N900 in a presentation11:59
Khertan_Corsac: but why not11:59
Jaffaqole: You want more?11:59
qoleJaffa, ok, going ahead...12:00
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AStormoh, a neat feature stolen from another phone12:01
AStorman option to silence an incoming call w/o dropping it12:01
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AStormincluding the buzzer12:01
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pyriushello to everybody12:05
timeless_mbpAStorm: which phone has that?12:05
* timeless_mbp doesn't remember seeing it in the n90012:05
wazd_wow, booklet battery is kinda huge :)12:05
AStormtimeless_mbp: some SE12:06
AswarpI'm up for the OIOO interface dev12:06
Corsacmy SE does that yes12:06
* qwerty12_N810 's old-ass K750i could do it12:06
timeless_mbpoh man12:06
wazd_AStorm: are you kidding?12:06
timeless_mbpthat's *so* unintuitive12:06
qwerty12_N810And my W81012:06
Corsack600 here :)12:06
AStormvery intuitive12:06
wazd_AStorm: my 2630 for 50 bucks do that12:06
AStormit says "I'm not there"12:06
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wazd_AStorm: it's called "Silence call" :D12:07
wazd_AStorm: nokia had that for hears12:07
Corsacit rocks12:07
vesaand it's in every phone out there12:07
wazd_AStorm: even on the cheapest12:07
Corsac"i filter you but you don't know it"12:07
pyriusI'm having a problem with installing canola on n800, it says that libpng and lightmediascanner are missing12:07
vesaif you were being sarcastic i think everyone missed it12:07
wazd_yeah, now you're gonna die!12:08
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timeless_mbpok, so the silence call feature is absolutely incomprehensible (GUI/UX) on the n90012:11
timeless_mbpand the button next to silence is kinda broken12:11
timeless_mbpbecause it still triggers a missed call info banner12:11
AStormoh, there is one already? fun!12:12
AswarpI would leave software issues aside to get the product out sooner and cheaper and then release updates as usual12:13
AswarpNot that I can cope without copy&paste XD12:13
AStormtimeless_mbp: does it silence the buzzer too?12:14
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thpX-Fade: a package in Extras-Testing needs five "thumbs up" reviews to get into Extras? Or what's that "Package karma: 1 out of 5" box on the packages interface?12:15
X-Fadethp: Yes, although the actual number is still under debate.12:16
qoleJaffa, there it is.12:16
aSIMULAtortimeless: what are you refering to? incoming call?12:16
thpX-Fade: is there a "minimum days of testing" period, also?12:16
zackywhy havent anyone got the n900 for a updated a review yet?12:17
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X-Fadethp: Will be yes, but now it is just the lack of testers.12:17
aSIMULAtorin what sense is it difficult?12:17
thpX-Fade: ok, thanks for the info :)12:17
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aSIMULAtorOne humourous note; opening and closing apps is accompanied by such human-sounding .whshhht. and .fshhhht. sounds that people look at you, wondering why you're making those funny noises with your mouth.12:21
qoleWell, they DO12:21
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mandaraqwerty12_N810, thnx!12:25
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Stskeepsqole, you have a n900? :P12:25
Khertan_X-Fade: and if there is noone to test it ?12:25
* ShadowJK tried to remember what the msrp for n97 was at announce12:25
X-FadeKhertan_: Then we will have a timeout.12:25
Khertan_X-Fade: ok12:25
VDVsxStskeeps, so it seems, lol12:25
X-FadeKhertan_: Where an admin would then need to look at it.12:26
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qoleStskeeps, "I have been given a brief hands-on time on the N900"12:28
tlaxKhertan_: yes.. I'm waiting.. for mPIM and n900 :)12:28
Corsacis 'october' 01/09 or 31/09, btw?12:29
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Corsac01/10 and 31/1012:29
qoleCorsac, I hope it is before the Summit12:29
Khertan_do not expect mPIM for n900 ... the small test i ve done with PyGTKEditor on the maemo 5 sdk ... segfault most of the time12:29
VDVsxtry just released Nokia maps app, very cool for travelers :)12:29
timeless_mbpVDVsx: *cough*12:29
timeless_mbplast time i checked it couldn't find 2021012:29
Corsacqole: might make sense *for* maemo summit12:29
timeless_mbplemme know if it gets it right this time12:29
Khertan_so until i get a n900 in my hand i could port my app12:30
Corsaclike, attendings getting offers during the stuff, and public sales beginning just after?12:30
qoleCorsac, I agree, and everyone who attends the Summit should get a free shirt and a free N90012:30
Corsacthough I wont atted :(12:30
RST38bisOk, anything new and exciting since I have been called off for a meeting?12:30
ShadowJK <- so if this is the unsubsidized retail price of N97 in .fi, including the 22% tax, imagine N900 making similar curve starting at 500 :>12:31
VDVsxtimeless_mbp, via michelin and lonely planet info are really cool, at least12:31
Khertan_qole: i'm sure we will get a free shirt ... and sure we will not get a free n900 :)12:33
andre__GeneralAntilles, Re "might drop "Website" from the and products" - I also considered that, yeah. not strong opinion though12:33
* wazd_ likes Wordpress theming12:34
qoleKhertan_, really?12:34
Khertan_qole: and that the developper program will not be launch too before the summit12:35
wazd_qole: I feel like I'm in US too :)12:35
wazd_qole: want to sleep so much :)12:35
qolewazd_, I don't feel like I'm in the US... I'm in Canada :-)12:35
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wazd_qole: oh, whatever :D12:36
qoleKhertan_, tee hee.12:36
Myrttianything new after Anssi finished his speech?12:36
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qwerty12_N810qole: The North American country where they speak proper English? :)12:36
wazd_Myrtti: world collapses right now :)12:36
qoleqwerty12_N810, no the one where we speak a bastardised version of English and American12:37
wazd_qwerty12_N810: sure, buddy :D12:37
Myrttiwazd_: I had that feeling an hour ago when I had blood and MRSA bacteria tests taken12:37
qoleMy poor daughter doesn't know whether she should say "zed" or "zee"12:37
Myrttiwazd_: but if on the Nokia World aspect of things?12:37
wazd_Where's Zed? ed's dead, baby12:38
qolelardman, if she lived in Britain, it would be easy.12:38
wazd_Myrtti: it was like an hour bout n97 mini and 30 seconds bout n90012:38
qoleIf she lived in the USA, it would be easy.12:38
wazd_Myrtti: "Oh, and we announcind n900 today. Goodbye" :)12:39
qoleI'm 5'11" and I buy my milk by the litre12:39
Myrttiwazd_: wasn't that what Anssi said? anything interesting after that?12:39
lardmanqole: same measurement units as we have here, and mph12:39
qoleMyrtti, he just walked offstage after that12:40
Myrttiqole: no new speeches or anything?12:40
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qoleWell, maybe but nothing televised12:40
wazd_Myrtti: … live_2.jpg - uber dpi shot I guess :)12:40
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qolewazd_, the resolution is astonishing. Simply astonishing.12:41
wazd_qole: not the resolution but dpi12:41
wazd_qole: resolution is the same :)12:41
lcukno, they quadrupled it12:41
wazd_oh crap12:41
qoleErm, eh, yeah,12:41
wazd_wrong link12:41
lcukand added fairydust12:41
qoleit is an astonishing resolution *at that size*12:42
qwerty12_N810MicroB is actually usuable too (even though browserd is still used). Rejoice!12:42
qoleput the iPhone beside the N90012:42
VDVsxtimeless_mbp, 20210 -> Finland, Lansi ?12:42
lcukabout 250dpi isnt it?12:42
jaska810 is 22512:43
wazd_lcuk: 255 I think12:43
qoleAn interesting difference between the iPhone and the N900: the colour temperature is different12:43
aSIMULAtornice photo12:43
Corsacqole: could you take a side by side picture? :)12:43
qolethe iPhone is far more blue than the N90012:43
X-Fadeqole: Color temperature is different for all tablet generations.12:43
X-Fadeqole: 770 was really yellowy.12:43
qoleCorsac, no sorry I can't12:43
wazd_X-Fade: n800 is slightly yellowy too12:44
qoleThe N900 is much warmer than the iPhone, maybe even yellowy12:44
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AStormeuropean color scheme ;)12:45
wazd_qole: is OMWeather pre-installed? :D12:45
AStorm5500 K12:45
lcukqole, are you sure you havent got the cpu locked doin something12:45
lcukwhich might explain the warmth :D12:45
Corsacqole: ta :)12:46
* qole rolls eyes12:46
Khertan_... ... ... ...12:47
qoleVery interesting!12:47
Khertan_jaffa2#maemo5 final SDK before device launch: "few weeks"12:47
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qoleThe N800 screen looks slightly reddish compared to the N90012:47
lardmannot unexpected12:48
AStormbetter diodes in n90012:48
kirmacorsac: I believe they have to apply VAT of the target country in most postal orders, at least more valuable ones... so, probably not12:48
lardmanVAT and probably duty too12:48
Corsackirma: for expansys you mean?12:49
kirmaI meant ordering from .fi nokia web shop to .fr12:49
Corsacha :)12:49
CorsacI dont think it'd be allowed anyway12:49
Corsacbut if it is, yeah, they would use the target VAT12:50
wazd_Stskeeps: ping?)12:50
Khertan_on expansys : TV out (PAL/NTSC) with Nokia Video Connectivity Cable (CA-75U, included in box) or WLAN/UPnP12:50
Stskeepswazd_: pong12:50
Corsacor run without tax and have the shipper pay it at border, and have it ask you to pay it12:50
qoleAlmost 3am. It was fun hearing about posting maps on facebook from your N97 mini.12:50
Khertan_wlan upnp ... this mean we can send screencast by upnp ?12:50
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wazd_Stskeeps: I'm re-engeneering my blog now for better Mer stuff coverage12:51
Stskeepswazd_: alright12:51
tlaxKhertan_: does mPIM have a better support for overlapping events?12:51
Khertan_overlapping ?12:51
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Stskeepswazd_: moving mer ui towards being a part of could be neat too12:51
Khertan_google my friend12:51
Khertan_tlax: not yet12:52
Khertan_but it s in developpment :)12:52
lardmanah, more news on the device program12:52
julianol1verStskeeps: indeed..12:52
tlaxKhertan_: yes, when for example a meeting begins before another one has ended.. it's hard to read if they are just listed from top to down :P12:52
wazd_Stskeeps: yeah12:52
VDVsxlardman, well, at least there will be a device program ;)12:53
lbthow do I tell planet to only look at maemo tagged posts in my blog?12:53
X-Fadelbt: Ok, changed13:02
RST38bisAny Bounce Evolution screenshots?13:02
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qwerty12_N810RST38bis: yerga just posted a YouTube link on TMO of a new video and in it, the guy plays Bounce Evolution13:04
VDVsxRST38bis, want a video ?13:05
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_berto_at 4:0013:06
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lardmanlol @ Jaffa's free beer13:06
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Andy80_berto_, you did that game?13:07
kirmadoes N900 touchscreen extend beyond the display frames or am I just imagining things?13:07
kirmafor side scrolling that would seem nice13:07
Khertan_kirma: i see that too13:08
lardmanit did seem like that didn't it on the demo movie13:08
lardmancan't remember what it did though13:08
julianol1verhmm, looking at that video you can see the scrolling on the N900 really needs to be smoother.13:09
_berto_Andy80: no13:09
kirmain my opinion that would be extremely good for user experience when a lot of UIs involved are full-screen scrollable "pages"13:09
kirmajulianol1ver: to me it seems like the video stutters in general... but well, it might be just my machine13:12
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julianol1veri thought the same but in nearly ever scrolling action in the video there appears to be a point where the scroll itself stutters/pauses. i also saw it on the Nokia N900 intro.13:14
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X-Fadejulianol1ver: All pre-release software?13:14
julianol1veri'm sure it'll improve before release.13:15
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Andy80yes... the scrolling doesn't look so good :\13:20
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kirmawell, I think some people can tell already today, and personally tomorrow (when it's also on flagship stores)13:21
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adeuslooking at the hw it'll definitely be a sw problem13:21
adeusand can be upgraded13:21
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* zerojayPC awakens.13:22
zerojayPCSo has the world falllen apart yet?13:23
* zerojayPC clicks.13:23
kirmait's just interesting if nobody has seen polishing that away as a priority that could be pushed through before release13:23
wazd_I got hot13:23
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zerojayPCQuim has to be SO fucking proud right now.13:24
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wazd_zerojayPC: why only Quim, all of us :)13:26
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lardmanargh, why is my ssh session so damn slow?!13:30
adeusyour network sucks?13:31
lardmannope, N810 is sat 2' away from the router13:31
qwerty12_N810lardman: because you're downloading porn13:31
lardmanhmm, let me check13:31
wazd_lardman: check again then :D13:32
wazd_damn, maemo 5 looks fantastic13:32
wazd_altough youtube was a biit choppy13:32
lcukdid somebody say scrolling was shit on n900?13:33
julianol1verwell, i didn't say it was shit, just that based on what's seen in that that video, there's room for improvement ;)13:34
lcukahhh right :) that sort of thing obviously matters to me :)13:34
lcukcan anyone actually get liqbase runnin on 900 and tell me if it scrolls ok13:35
lcukliqbase-playground in extras-devel, and if you had it before, uninstall and reinstall)13:36
lcukhopefully  it will be worth it13:36
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julianol1verwell the videos i saw of liqbase scrolling and scaling look notably smoother than stock maemo on the n900. again, all mediated by videos so not a good base for opinion..13:36
lcukwell my videos are all based on n81013:36
lcuknot n90013:36
julianol1verhuh, of course.13:36
lcuki wonder how well it will cope on the omap3 :)13:37
julianol1vera cheap test might be grabbing a beagleboard..13:37
lcuknot really , im at work13:37
julianol1vertechnically i am too..13:37
lcukif someone gets it runnin on n900, please show a video13:38
lcukthere are a few goodies - desktop searching, ability to add/remove desktop items at will (persisted)13:38
lcukan amazing little starfield simulator thats very very touchable and wobblable (accelerometers..)13:39
zerojayPC - Finnish dudes are apparently really emo and creepy.13:39
* qwerty12_N810 gives them a razor13:39
aSIMULAtorfinnish dudes are interesting.13:40
julianol1verzerojayPC: i think you need to widen your population sample before jumping to conclusions ;)13:40
zerojayPCaSIMULAtor: Hey, glad to see you decided not to be a stranger after all. ;)13:40
zerojayPCjulianol1ver: It's called a joke.13:40
lardmanin python, can I create "arrays" of class references? I assume so, but what are they called?13:41
julianol1verzerojayPC: ahah, a finnish word?13:41
lardmans/class reference/objects13:41
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aSIMULAtorno i won't be a stranger :)13:42
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aSIMULAtori go on irc a lot so i guess it would be good to idle in this channel and network i guess13:43
zerojayPCaSIMULAtor: I do the same:
aSIMULAtoryeah irc 4 life.13:45
aSIMULAtorunfortunately i'm addicted to it and have been for hte past 15 years13:45
zerojayPCIt's been about as long for me. Met my wife on IRC even.13:46
aSIMULAtoryz my husband and i used to frequent efnet :P13:46
adeuslardman, hmm? they're called "arrays" :)13:46
kirmayep, fifteen years of more or less around-the-clock irc lurking is the default13:46
aSIMULAtoryay for us!13:46
lardmanadeus: ok, was wondering if those were only for numeric data13:46
qwerty12_N810IRC has totally messed up my sleeping pattern :(13:46
aSIMULAtornothign but benefits with irc imo, you can even talk to people with ppd-nos or autism in a good way13:47
zerojayPCRelax, bladder. You can go pee when I'm done catching up with all the N900 stuff that's gone on while we were asleep.13:47
aSIMULAtorit screws up your sleeping pattern if you generally talk to people on the other side of hte globe so the solution: move there :P13:47
julianol1veraSIMULAtor: hehe13:47
qwerty12_N810aSIMULAtor: :p13:47
* zerojayPC reads qole's impressions of N900 while doing the peepee dance.13:47
kirmasleeping patterns were much more messed up before the great split when many channels had practically around-the-clock peak activity13:47
kirmabut after that, it has been much easier.13:47
aSIMULAtoroh that's one thing i dno't miss...split servers13:47
aSIMULAtori haven't seen that in...years13:47
zerojayPCaSIMULAtor: Yeah, I used to have a ton of Aussie friends. Those were the days.13:48
aSIMULAtorpartly due to idling in private irc networks.13:48
kirmawell, the great split was intentional I suppose?13:48
aSIMULAtorare u talking in terms of efnet history?13:48
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kirmaerrm... the primary network I use is ircnet. the US part split somewhere... god, it's so many years ago, I don't remember the details.13:49
Myrttifreenode ♥13:50
aSIMULAtorall the finns seems to be on ircnet13:50
aSIMULAtori used to hate freenode cause of chanserv but13:50
aSIMULAtori guess it's good in terms of people not being able to take over channels and stupid botnets13:50
Myrttichanserv and nickserv are full of love13:50
aSIMULAtoroh and of course nick takeovers13:51
kirmapretty serene in ircnet nowadays too. not much of anything "interesting" going on for years.13:51
adeusI remember when efnet split into ircnet and efnet13:52
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aSIMULAtoryeah mje too and all the dark underbellyish type of ppl stayed on efnet :P13:52
kirmaeither I hadn't really settled in the irc use properly yet that time, or somethow just ignored it... when it was?13:53
lardmanbloody syntax error, what's wrong with you!?13:53
aSIMULAtorgeez i don't remember..was it 95 or 96?13:53
adeuswikipedia tells us that is was -9613:53
aSIMULAtoryeah somewhere around taht time13:54
lardmanin python, "tab[3] = None", what's wrong with that?13:54
zerojayPCI was almost always on the smaller networks during that time.13:54
zerojayPCChatnet being the one I was on the most back then.13:54
kirmaI think I started trying out irc around '94, and really settled in permanently (like 24 hours connected) on first half of '9613:54
zerojayPCEfnet from time to time.13:54
julianol1verlardman: maybe 'None' isn't recognised as null value13:54
kirmaobviously having a reasonable way of even getting a terminal connection to internet was a bit of a challenge still that time13:55
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lardmanno, the arrow points at the tab[3] variable13:55
kirmacurrently using ircnet, efnet, freenode and some australian network :)13:55
lardmanI wonder if tab is a reserved array with only 3 elements13:56
mgedminlardman: are you getting a syntax error?13:56
mgedminmost likely you got the indentation wrong13:56
mgedmine.g. check for a mixup of tabs and spaces13:56
mgedminfor python a tab is always equal to eight spaces13:56
lardmanah, had a blank line with not enough spaces on it13:57
mgedminwell, technically, up to 8 spaces13:57
lardman8 spaces?13:57
adeuspython -t13:57
lardmandoes it have to be so many?13:57
mgedminbecause it's The Law13:57
adeusalways recommended13:57
mgedmintab = 8 spaces since times immemorial13:57
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lardmancan I use 4 instead?13:57
mgedminbetter yet: don't use tabs13:57
lardmanI'm not using tabs13:57
lardmanbut this is Python13:58
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mgedmingood, then13:58
adeusthen any length you want13:58
mgedminit's traditional to use 4 spaces as indentation in Python13:58
mgedmin(except for Google internal code, where they use 2 spaces, misguided poor folk that they are)13:58
lardmanfine, that's what I'm using13:58
julianol1veroften mistaken for a 4 space tab!13:58
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zerojayPCSo... the NW keynote... recorded somewhere?13:59
adeusmgedmin, maybe it's Guidos own code :)13:59
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adeusor is he still with Google13:59
lardmanhmm, same error14:00
lardmanargh, missing bracket on line before14:00
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aSIMULAtorzerojay: nw keynote summary...blahblahblah n97mini, bunch of x series phones, n900 2 mins. the end :P14:06
zerojayPCYeah, just came across a tweet that said about the same thing. :/14:08
tuukkahmgedmin, google updated their style guide to four space indents this july14:08
qwerty12_N810Stupidly planned, IMO. N97 has already been announced, people know what it is; the X series phones aren't as powerful; the netbook is nice, granted; but the N900 trumps them all but only got 2 mins :\14:08
zerojayPCIf the N900 is only step 4 out of 5...14:09
zerojayPCI think it's time to officially sell my soul to Nokia.14:09
aSIMULAtorwell...i think that people will be blogging heavily about the n900, showing hands on videos..and those alone will speak for the device14:09
jaskaheh, back when i got angry at s60 on my 6600 i said i wont buy another nokia phone unless they have something other than symbian14:10
Andy80that's so bad they told that thing of 4/5 steps14:10
StskeepszerojayPC: heh, been there done that14:10
lardmanpysqlite experts around?14:11
zerojayPCaSIMULAtor: I'm so glad to see that the device is so good that it feels like our devotion to the platform has paid off.14:11
lardmanif I want to add a row to a table, but leave out one value so it will be autogenerated (i.e. the key), can I do that?14:12
zerojayPCjaska: I used to develop mobile games at our company. I remembered being so pissed at the 3650/7650 and their broken JVM implementation.14:12
zerojayPCjaska: When our company got out of mobile, I bought the N95... and begged for the 3650.14:12
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zerojayPCAnd then I danced on that bitch.14:13
jaskathe 6600 was so sluggish and buggy14:13
kirmanobody should be forced to develop for java phones14:13
kirmaeven more horrible mess than symbian14:13
zerojayPCAnd when you realize I'm a 350 pound dude... you know it wasn't a dance the 3650 liked. haha14:13
adeushey let's not get nuts here14:13
RST38bisVDVsx,qwerty: Thanks, going to t.m.o for it =)14:13
jaskaadeus: already nuts.14:14
aSIMULAtorzerojayPC: yes i can understand what you mean :) though, i'm not a developer myself, but i still get what u mean :D14:14
zackydo maemo/n900 have iphone like playlists? like recently listened to, newly added and so on?14:14
zerojayPCIf I wasn't making videogames for a living and I had the average 18 years of experience needed, I'd run on over to work with the Maemo team myself.14:15
jaskawork? whats that?:(14:16
aSIMULAtorzerojayPC: hrm yes i suppose it would be interesting working in maemo14:17
zerojayPCaSIMULAtor: Helping to push something I'm red hot passionate about would be a dream.14:18
kirmasupposedly (?) N900 doesn't have DRM stuff initially, so it's pretty much the same what player you install to play the music... you have to get it yourself anyway.14:18
aSIMULAtorzerojayPC: agreed14:18
* zerojayPC yawns... time to head off to work, I guess.14:18
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lcuklardman, a database table with id field set to autonumber?14:20
lardmannot to worry, am sorted now14:20
lardmanthanks though14:20
lcukif so, in your update query, just dont set the id as part of the fieldlist14:20
aSIMULAtorhave a good day at work14:20
lcukfurry nuff14:20
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zerojayPCI'll still be around. :)14:20
zerojayPCI used the Google Talk presence balls in a document I made for my company yesterday.14:21
zerojayPCIt had the weird side effect of making my brain say "Level 2 is online, Level 4 is away..."14:21
SpeedEvilHas that benchmarking site done a test of the n900 vs the iphone.14:23
* SpeedEvil tries to remember then name.14:24
RST38bisah THAT benchmarking!14:24
RST38bisstill no.14:24
kirmasupposedly iphone 3gs has GPU with double the performance that of N900... and half the screen resolution?14:25
RST38biskirma: 3gs has a cortexA8 CPU from Samsung afaik14:25
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kirmaI suspect gaming is going to be considerably more limited on N90014:25
Khertan_kirma: why ?14:25
RST38biskirma: Who said the GPU is twice faster?14:26
Khertan_there is keyboard14:26
kirmaI'm trying to remember14:26
Khertan_so it could just be better14:26
RST38bis3GS: ARM Cortex-A8 833 MHz underclocked to 600 MHz PowerVR SGX GPU14:27
lcukkirma, i suspect there may be more than one way to skin a cat :)14:27
Khertan_The 3GS, for example, runs a Samsung S5PC100 system-on-chip clipping along at a healthy 600MHz,14:27
lcukgaming isnt about processor power or resolution14:27
zerojayPClcuk: It's not? :)14:27
RST38bisN900: 600 MHz ARM Cortex A8 + PowerVR SGX 530 GPU + 430MHz C64x+ DSP + ISP (Image Signal Processor)14:27
lcukif that was the case, what the hell games have we been playing for the last 20 years14:27
kirmagrep for N900 and iPhone 3GS14:28
derfRST38bis: Of which 2 of those 4 we might actually be able to use?14:28
kirma3GS is SGX535, N900 is SGX53014:28
lcukif you can create an enthralling game on an 8086 and 8kb of memory....14:28
RST38biskirma: ah14:29
AStormor 80286 and 120 KB14:29
* RST38bis is fine with 8bit games running on Z8014:29
lcukyeah rst14:29
qwerty12_N810lcuk: in the year 2009, that doesn't fly :)14:29
zerojayPClcuk: Good luck doing that now.14:29
lcukof course it does qwerty14:29
RST38bisIn fact, availability of 3D hardware encourages virtual tourism and harms playability14:29
jaska8086 flies, given sufficient thrust14:30
esaym153lol tourism14:30
lcukzerojayPC, its entirely feasible14:30
zerojayPClcuk: As someone that makes games as a living, I'm telling you that you can't. :)14:30
AStormgoogle Knights of the Chalice guys :)14:30
Khertan_SGX530/1 (14 MPolys/s) for the handheld mobile market SGX535 and SGX540 (28 MPolys/s) for handheld high end mobile, portable, MID, UMPC, consumer, and automotive devices14:30
zerojayPCNot because the hardware isn't good enough.14:30
lcukzerojayPC, if you havent seen the new liqbase, please do14:30
RST38bisOk the Bounce game is actually a port from S60e514:30
lcukthen tell me if your mind is still undecided14:31
zerojayPCBut because no one wants to see a game on that now.14:31
AStorm2x fillrate14:31
AStormbut no DSP14:31
AStormso it might be a tie14:31
zerojayPClcuk: Unless liqbase runs on that 8086 you talked about, it's not relevant. :)14:31
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lcukget me an 8086 handheld touch screen device :)14:32
lcukand i will14:32
julianol1verthen there's the economic question of whether Maemo will be a viable target for game developers:
RST38bislcuk: Just buy a used Zoomer14:32
aquatixlcuk: knowing the webs it exists (soon)14:32
kirmaI wonder how the DSP is actually used on N900 software14:32
zerojayPCjulianol1ver: It's not.14:32
lcukcool rst14:32
julianol1verindeed.. at least for now14:32
kirmafeatures of it don't seem so convicing in 3D to me14:32
SpeedEvilI have one somewhere lcuk that you could have. 486 based IIRC.14:32
* SpeedEvil has no idea where it is.14:33
lcuklol SpeedEvil14:33
AStormkirma: on N810 it was, e.g. for mp3 decoding14:33
AStormand sound mixing14:33
SpeedEvilGot from ebay ages ago.14:33
RST38bisAStorm: for all audio14:33
kirmaand it's awfully hard to use in comparison to OpenGL ES 2.0 primitives (GPU) and NEON (CPU, interleaved to normal machine code)14:33
julianol1verkirma: there's been a strong 2D game market for phones for years.. i think the problem is whether or not enough people will own Maemo 5 devices and then, if they will buy.14:33
RST38bisAStorm: which was a drawback14:33
lcukzerojayPC, the point is, putting everything down to mhz and megapixels etc is  the wrong way to look at gaming14:33
lcukive been coding for the 810 when everyone else has pretty much given up14:33
zerojayPClcuk: To a point.14:33
lcuki really hope its worth it, cos it should run like the dogs bollocks on the n90014:34
AStormRST38bis: but a fast drawback ;)14:34
RST38biskirma: Neon and GPU are not comparable, different purposes14:34
zerojayPCGamers don't even look at PS2 games anymore.14:34
RST38bisAStorm: Until you need to do some audio processing on the cpu14:34
Khertan_zerojayPC: a real don t play game on console14:34
lcukzerojayPC, but they look at wii games14:34
julianol1verzerojayPC: still a really strong market for PS2s in Europe.14:34
lcukand the quality of modelling is about the same14:34
Khertan_s/real/ real gamer14:34
AStormRST38bis: that was DSP bridge problem, hopefully solved in the newer cpu14:34
RST38biszerojay: And guess why they look at NDS and Wii games but do not look at PS214:34
kirmalcuk: what I was saying above was just that it's unlikely that N900 is a match for 3GS in those terms14:34
AStormkirma: likely it is14:35
zerojayPCRST38bis: Nintendo.14:35
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RST38biszerojay: Nintendo what? Is it poisoning their water or what?14:35
zerojayPCThe apple of the gaming world.14:35
RST38biszerojay: ORLY?14:35
derfThe problems with the DSP were mostly that the software toolchain was awful.14:35
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kirmaRST38bis: of course. but how much the DSP helps the 3D performance? I doubt it isn't even used for that on N900.14:35
lardmanderf: toolchain wasn't that bad14:36
lardmanderf: no 8bit type was bad, plus DSP Gateway is clunky14:36
derflardman: Well, partly I'm lumping the DSP gateway and task manager, etc., into that.14:37
lcukheh simon, how many times did 16bit bytes bite you!14:37
derfBut really, compared to "gcc & go" for the CPU, it's not even in the same ballpark.14:37
lardmanlcuk: they generally just annoyed the hell out of me :)14:37
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SpeedEvilYeah - I'd like - for example - a nice decent full-screenish 8 bit emulator on there.14:40
SpeedEvilWith a d-pad - which is unfortunate.14:40
SpeedEvil(as in 3d performance not being all)14:41
AStormah btw, where's dpad on n900?14:41
SpeedEvilAlso nethack with scrolling using the accellerometer.14:41
jaskavictim of "progress" like the screen size14:42
qwerty12_N810AStorm: There is none. Instead, you get arrow buttons on the keyboard14:42
AStormarrows ftw14:42
qwerty12_N810You're Polish, right?14:42
RST38biskirma: By DSP you mean NEON? I do not think it does, not if you are running 3D on GPU14:42
qwerty12_N810You may not like that then...14:42
RST38biszerojay: I think you are missing the point with Nintendo14:42
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AStormqwerty12_N810: not like what?14:42
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qwerty12_N810AStorm: Up is Fn (Sym) + Left14:42
kirmaI mean the texas instruments whatever DSP14:43
RST38biszerojay: The point is that Nintendo filters games it approves, with respect to playability amoung other things14:43
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jaskaare there not 4 arrows?14:43
Khertan_Nintendo filters games it approves <<< hahahahah14:43
AStormqwerty12_N810: looks like there are 414:43
Khertan_really ?14:43
RST38biszerojay: On PlayStation you just have scores of similar looking similar playing games, with huge bias toward virtual tourism14:43
AStormunless the German edition is broken14:43
kirmawhich is, surprisingly, missing from non-TI chip :)14:43
AStormthen I'm ordering from elsewhere14:43
RST38bisKhertan: Yep, that is why developers absolutely hate Nintendo14:43
qwerty12_N810AStorm: Polish one may be OK but the Finnish one is messed for sure14:44
kirmaanyway, the Cortex-A8 core is supposedly pretty identical (ARM+NEON) on N900 and 3GS14:44
jaskafinnish one lacks 4 arrows?14:44
kirmajaska: yep.14:44
* jaska goes throw rubber boots at nokia hq14:44
AStormqwerty12_N810: there will be a Polish one? interesting14:44
Stskeepsthat's the rumour14:44
kirmashift-leftright = updown14:44
AStormbtw, is there a chr-like key?14:44
RST38bisOrder the US version.14:44
SpeedEvilI assume all the keys are identical but for keymap?14:44
kirmaor something14:44
qwerty12_N810AStorm: Yes, the specs list Poland as a supported market14:44
SpeedEvilSo you can fix it with tippex14:44
RST38bisSpeed: Yea14:44
AStormwhich I could abuse for diacritics14:45
RST38bisbut they are also labeled this way14:45
keesjdoes it have a C=  key?14:45
kirmathankfully it's reasonably tinkerable, unlike on symbian...14:45
RST38biskeesj: Yes, inside, on the board14:45
jaskathats not a finnish kbd14:46
AStormbetter: C<14:46
AStormCommodore key ;)14:46
kirma<3 key is also important for teen phones.14:46
qwerty12_N810I want my Alt :)14:46
jaska; and é would get a remapping14:47
jaskai remapped the n810 for | $ etc14:47
AStormyeah, they axed the alt/chr14:47
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Stskeepsfn sym14:47
qwerty12_N810I remapped ¥ to tab on my N810 but remapping may test ones patience on an N900 considering the amount of keys available is fewer :)14:48
adeussome french thingy14:48
AStormStskeeps: sorry, not enough symbols14:48
jaskawhats the up-right arrow under ctrl?14:48
AStormjaska: Fn14:48
jaskaah yes14:48
jaskaguess i'll live without ä and ö then14:48
jaskaso i can have arrows14:49
AStormwhere there's a will, there's a way14:49
AStormwe *will* hack the keymap ;)14:49
jaskayeah, did on n810, dont see why not same for n90014:49
kirmaalso, a on-the-corner trancluent arrow key gesture area and such might help working on terminals14:50
kirmactrl and esc are supposedly already on terminal touchscreen...?14:50
SpeedEvil - I've sent my request.14:50
AStormaaah, the arrow key brings something?14:51
jaskaon-screen keys waste too much screen real-estate14:51
jaskafor xterm14:51
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kirmacompositing window manager and hardware acceleration make it possible to both notice the area *and* see the window below though14:51
SpeedEviljaska: for xterms - a 5% transparent overlay keyb may work14:53
qwerty12_N810RST38bis: any update on a vertical shortcut bar? I'm thinking of coding a quick hack but my idea will require you to restart the X Terminal to see the change :\14:53
qwerty12_N810(in xterm)14:53
AStormwoe be to all vim users14:54
qwerty12_N810It's surprising that a vertical shortcut bar isn't the default, actually, considering that the buttons in all dialogs got moved to the right...14:55
RST38bisqwerty: Of course no update14:55
RST38bisqwerty: The usual14:55
* julianol1ver :s/AStorm// 14:55
julianol1verhehe, not a vim user are you :)14:55
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AStormI said that all vim users will be unhappy with an on-screen esc14:56
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julianol1veryes, that's bad..14:56
AStormn8x0 have it near the screen, a hardware button14:56
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AStorm(the curly arrow)14:56
Khertan_AStorm: you know that there is real text editor now in the 21th century14:58
Khertan_... ... .. :)14:58
Khertan_PyGTKEditor !!!!14:58
jaskahavent yet encountered anything id rather use over vim14:58
jaskathere is a cat replacement named dog14:59
jaskathink it cats urls etc14:59
lbtdamn ... I was thinking of something that didn't even run!14:59
LoCusFjaska: wtf, no ä and ö?14:59
qwerty12_N810I want to see bocat...14:59
LoCusFon N900?14:59
jaskalocusf: sure there is.. but the finnish one doesnt have all the arrows so i'll just remap ä/ö into them15:00
jaskaand hide ä and ö behind fn15:00
LoCusFoh ok15:00
adeusis there å in the finnish version?15:00
jaskahavent seen an image of it yet..15:01
adeusall 0% of finnish words contain it :P15:01
adeusjust begging to be something else15:01
jaskan810 had one15:01
jaskaswedes use it... and the model for n810 was same for nordic countries i think15:02
AStormwhat about the Swedish minority?15:02
LoCusFyup, maybe to make it compatible with all other scandinavian countries15:02
AStormjaska: beat me to it15:02
mgedminAStorm: I'm a heavy vim user, and I'm perfectly happy with an on-screen esc15:02
* wazd_ don't like Wordpress themes15:02
AStormmgedmin: and I'm not ;p15:02
thuxin hellsink you can see n900 3.9 what about elsewhere?15:02
jaskasee? can you buy?:P15:03
AStormah btw, how large is the screen now?15:03
thuxjust try i think15:03
jaskamight have to order my bro who still lives there go loot one for me :|15:03
mgedminI expect to be very unhappy not to have a half-screen virtual keyboard any more, if the rumours are true15:03
RST38bisAstorm: Approximately the same size as the window area on Maemo415:03
AStormlooks smaller15:03
qwerty12_N810mgedmin: it's true: no stylus keyboard anymore15:03
AStormRST38bis: hmmh15:03
AStormand the resolution?15:03
lcukRST38bis, thats what i noticed15:03
lcukits not that different15:04
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* SpeedEvil wonders when/if the n900 will be picked up by carriers in the UK.15:09
Khertan_there is a stylus on n900 ?15:09
lardmanbottom right15:09
zackyunder the battery15:10
aSIMULAtorhardly any use for the stylus to be honest15:10
* qwerty12_N810 uses a stylus out of habit15:10
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zackyI dont use a stylus out of habit15:10
* SpeedEvil rarely wears a habit.15:11
* lcuk uses a stylus cos i have it surgically implanted15:11
Khertan_Limitation of Home Area applets : Unlike Diablo in Fremantle these applets don't support text input, pannable areas, resizing nor scrolling.  <<<<15:11
aSIMULAtorwhy not just shave your the tip of your fingers to be pointy15:11
aSIMULAtorthat shows ur totally hardcore to the max15:11
lcuki tried that15:11
aSIMULAtorimplants are cool too i guess15:12
mgedmininteresting location for the stylus btw15:12
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mgedminI'd think it would be inconvenient to access it while the n900 is standing on a table with its integrated stand open15:12
aSIMULAtorno it's not difficult to access the stylus15:13
lcukforget that - i wonder what happens when you poke it in top corners - n810 was just the same15:13
Khertan_kirma: yep ?15:13
aSIMULAtorhrm only 1gb of ram and not expandable on the booklet? damn that sucks15:13
SpeedEvilaSIMULAtor: 256M of RAM15:13
SpeedEvilthe gig is a lie.15:13
SpeedEvilA delicious lie.15:14
kirma"home area applets" are the "small apps" on the desktop?15:14
aSIMULAtoron the booklet15:14
qwerty12_N810I'm surprised at the booklet being only 75€ more than the N90015:14
SpeedEvilaSIMULAtor: oops15:14
SpeedEvilaSIMULAtor: sorry15:14
aSIMULAtoryeah so 1gb with no ability to expand to like 2 gigs f that15:14
aSIMULAtori was all excited now i'm not15:14
Khertan_kirma: yep15:14
qwerty12_N810aSIMULAtor: But Windows' virtual memory works *so* well :)15:15
kirmakhertan: text input limitation sounds a bit strange, but otherwise... hmh, not so bad I suspect.15:15
adeusI'm guessing it interferese with the general usability?15:16
kirmaprobably, in some what I'm not able to think right now15:16
adeusyour trying to change the desktop15:17
adeusand you select a text box?15:17
Khertan_adeus ... hum ... maybe15:18
X-FadeKhertan_: just click on the applet and create a popup?15:18
X-FadeKhertan_: Looks like everything is done that way.15:19
Khertan_yep ... the text isn't the problem ... :) this is the scrolling which make me doubt15:19
Khertan_but i think that if they do it like that there is some reason15:19
Khertan_so i ll do it with it15:19
lcukadd buttons to your widgets to pageup/down if thats your boggle15:20
* lcuk prefers another way tho15:20
* kirma enjoys the entirely brain-damaged news written of nokia product releases and ten times more brain-damaged "analysis" on the commentary of those news, mostly written by people whose life seems to consist of hoping for nokia to go bankcrupt because success stories are so detested in .fi15:21
kirmaso completely pointless stuff, but goes on and on.15:21
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kirmaof course, many of these are apple fanatics.15:21
Khertan_clearly ... i think that the device seems so responsive that launching app will be fast as looking at applet15:22
kirma"facebook phone drives nokia to bankcruptcy" <- what?15:22
Khertan_this is the one that predict the death of apple ?15:23
kirmathese folks are just seriously twisted. finnish culture is very "if I don't benefit, benefit of anybody else must be evil too" ... and nokia is a really big evil on that basis.15:25
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jaskathats finns for you alright15:26
SpeedEvilSome cultures seem to be a lot like that.15:26
SpeedEvilUK can be like that.15:26
AStormkirma: sounds like the Poles15:27
kirmaI suspect poland doesn't have one big company that would allow building all-encompassing alternate reality inside the heads of so many15:28
AStormwe do/did: called Telekomunikacja Polska15:28
AStormnow part of Orange15:28
kirmaI really wonder how these folks think demise of nokia and success of apple helping finland, or their life...15:28
RST38bisAStorm: rotten part? =)15:28
AStormnot really15:29
kirmabut many of them obviously think agitating for that is helping the society :)15:29
AStormthey own most of the phone lines in the country15:29
RST38biskirma: Ah they probably think of themselves as revolutionaries!15:29
RST38bisAStorm: [shudder] does this mean they are going to terminate landline service now to make everyone buy cellphones from orange? =15:30
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AStormthey can't actually15:30
AStormit's a post-government owned company15:30
kirmarst38bis: this sort of leftist do-goodism that's just personal egoboosting with antipathy for pretty much any prosperity elsewhere isn't far from their style...15:31
RST38biskirma: has nothing to do with politics, it is just an easy way to explain irrational cultist behaviour =)15:32
kirma"it's better that outsider company succeeds than that a local company in our country is successful!" :I15:32
guysoft42hi all, i just tried to enable the screen rotation in my N810. i followed the wiki, and got the rotation buttons, but pressing the does nothing15:32
AStormkirma: now this sucks more15:32
RST38bisAny semi-reasonable explanation that saves them from haloperidol shots will do15:32
AStormguysoft42: you need a patched kernel I think15:33
* kirma tries to switch his rant mode off... poor success rate :I15:33
RST38bisAStorm: Ah, good for everyone :)15:33
lcukKhertan_, anything thats an applet should have an app running behind it (i would assume..)15:33
royerfaHi I am trying to boot my BeagleBoard with the Maemo 5 Beta SDk, and I am having trouble ~15:33
lcukcrashanddie, pong15:33
lcukroyerfa, just tap the touchscreen15:34
royerfathe script /etc/init.d/rcS is looking for
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royerfaand which kernel is supposed to be used for the BeagleBoard ?15:35
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mgedminpeople keep saying how small the n900 is15:40
mgedminI keep worrying about how thick it's going to be15:40
aSIMULAtorstill fits in a pocket15:40
lcukroyerfa, i dunno which kernel15:40
lcukand why should i, im a windows user15:41
* lcuk knows nothing of linux15:41
lcukmgedmin, summit plans?15:41
mgedminI plan to come15:41
lcukthats good enough15:41
mgedminI procrastinate about hotels and tickets15:41
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* lcuk remembers ;)15:42
* mgedmin is a master procrastinator15:42
kirmamgedmin: two centimeters at thickest. couple millimeters more than E90...15:43
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Khertan_still no news about summit sponsored travel instruction ?15:43
SpeedEvilmgedmin: I recommend making a solid model from cheese.15:44
SpeedEvilmgedmin: gives you a good idea of the weight and volume.15:44
lcukKhertan_, since key members of the council are currently at MW15:44
kirmaI wouldn't suggest putting cheese in the pocket without shrinkwrap though15:44
lcukthere might be a bit of la15:45
Khertan_lcuk: true15:45
lcukgoooh MW15:45
lcuknot maemoworld ;)15:45
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X-Fademgedmin: About the same thinkness as a pack of cigarettes, which people seem to have no problems with?15:47
* mgedmin <- not a smoker15:47
Corsacthinkness, really?15:47
aSIMULAtoreven less than a pack of ciggies15:47
X-Fademgedmin: Me neither, but as a reference.15:47
aSIMULAtorabout 2mm less15:47
AStormwhat are you measuring?15:48
X-Fadeyeah, pack of cigarettes is about 2cm thick.15:48
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AStormn810 is about 1.3 cm thick15:48
AStormlike a thin pack of cigarettes15:48
Corsacn900 is definitely thicker than what I'd like, but I'm not sure it's very problematic15:49
AStormhow thick it is?15:49
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kirmaslightly wider than E90, about the same thickness (like 2 mm less)... and couple cm shorter15:50
X-FadeMy N95 is about 21mm at the thickest point.15:50
RST38bisN95 is a brick.15:50
kirma2 mm more or what way it was.15:50
kirmaI don't know what kind of pants you people use, but E90 is really trivial to carry even on tight pants in my opinion.15:50
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AStormhmmh, indeed n900 is thicker than n81015:50
mgedminmy pants are incompatible with devices15:51
Corsacwe don't want to know that detail15:51
mgedminmy shirt pocket, which is where I carry things, likes them to be flat and lightweight15:51
* mgedmin reminisces about the form factor and weight of Palm V15:51
Firebirdoddly, the N810 is the same thickness as my current phone15:51
AStormadding the protector... hmm, this might be too thick for my pockets15:51
kirmaleather boxers and leather cap? :)15:51
AStormtalking to me?15:52
CorsacE71 thickness is good :>15:52
qwerty12_N810Firebird: it's 2009: upgrade from that Nokia Cityman :)15:52
kirmamgedmin ;)15:52
Firebirdnokia cityman? its one of those free phones you get from verizon15:53
* mgedmin bought a Nokia 6600 as his phone, because it's so nicely small and *thin*15:54
mgedminwell, if you can call 14mm "thin"15:54
X-FadeLeaving off the back cover is an option too ;)15:55
* kirma has never had much of an issue with phone size... at least on the times when they have started to be smartphones15:55
kirma2110 was a bit impractical :)15:55
mgedminoh, smartphones, meh15:55
mgedminseries 40 forever!15:55
X-Fadekirma: Fitted fine in your man purse, I'm sure?15:56
kirmawhat's a man purse?15:56
* GeneralAntilles yawns.15:56
AStormmgedmin: 14mm is good enough15:56
kirmausually anything that doesn't go to pant pockets is necessary only on trips that are over 1000 km away from home.15:56
AStormnow 19,6mm... hmmh15:56
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suihkulokkithe perfect phone would is tiny, but has huge screen, thin like paper but has infine battery life!15:58
* mgedmin is waiting for resizable gadgets of the future15:58
oilinkiinflatable display!15:58
qwerty12_N810Would you be able to rip it like paper too?15:58
X-Fadesuihkulokki: And doesn't break..15:58
kirmawhere are all those e-ink phones? they have been "coming" real soon now for years...15:58
AStormsuihkulokki: and rollable into a tube? ;P15:59
kirmaI guess they're technically not so great after all.15:59
X-Fadeno kinetic scrolling for e-ink, fail ;)15:59
kirmaand size isn't such a huge issue15:59
timeless_mbpqwerty12_N810: windows vm works so much better than linux vm15:59
AStormkirma: epaper? why? polymer screen ftw15:59
AStormthe problem is of course electronics15:59
SpeedEvilsuihkulokki: And you could sit on it onto a concrete step, and it won't break.15:59
timeless_mbpfwiw, you can get :a/0a/:o using the blue+chr :+a/:+o/0+a16:00
SpeedEvilAStorm: because epaper is reflective and uses ~no power16:00
kirmaremember the craze of making smaller and smaller phones before smartphones came around? surprisingly enough, phone sizes increased for usability (although being thin isn't a negative point eve nowadays...)16:00
timeless_mbpand you can switch hardware layout using control panle16:00
AStormSpeedEvil: yeah, and is slow16:00
timeless_mbpyou just get very confused about where the keys are at the right edge since they won't match the printed keymap, just like on the n81016:00
timeless_mbpSpeedEvil: btw ++ for wearing a habit16:00
* SpeedEvil is annoyed at the e-ink people.16:01
suihkulokkioh, and has a keyboard that feels like ibm m series16:01
SpeedEvilI want a sheet of it to play with.16:01
oilinkiactually inflatable display could work. Having some kind of material, which expands (or can be stuffed small). then using tiny projector to project the picture to the display.16:01
AStormoilinki: nopes, won't be as useful16:01
AStormI'd love a roll of screen16:01
oilinkiAStorm: why not?16:01
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SpeedEvilI want to make a 30mm dia 'wand' - 150mm long. Around this is wrapped an e-ink screen - just a dumb bit of film - no circuitry.16:01
RST38bisIndividually inflatable pixels would cause a revolution in ... ekh... adult entertainment industry16:01
kirmaI have been imagining a ultra-low-power, bluetooth and microcontroller enabled e-ink "fridge magnet information gadget" that would run with thin, thin battery for years...16:02
timeless_mbpfwiw, the thickness of the n900 hasn't bothered me16:02
oilinkiRST38bis: real 3d-pictures :)16:02
kirmaand still have relevant, up-to-date information with even interactivity on it.16:02
SpeedEvilYou unroll and swipe the wand from one side of the 'screen' to the other - and it instantly prints it with an electrostatic printer.16:02
RST38biskirma: That is called an LCD clock16:02
timeless_mbpi've been carrying around two of them for the past couple of days16:02
AStormkirma: and be useless except as an information display16:02
kirmaRST38bis: more of a thing that would have transparently synced calendar and todo-list display and stuff16:03
RST38biskirma: Paper. Pencil.16:03
kirmathe sync part isn't there :)16:03
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AStormwow, a dynamic calendar16:03
RST38bisYou only need one piece of paper.16:03
AStormhey, I have one already ;P16:04
RST38bisThe sync is not necessary then16:04
kirmalike, when you walk past it, the next-generation ultra low power bluetooth is used to sync the stuff through the phone in your pocket16:04
AStormwow, what a hoot16:04
AStormI get that from the laptop16:04
RST38bisWhat if you do not happen to walk by it?16:04
kirmawell, you're probably not looking at it then16:04
SpeedEvilkirma: bluetooth is high power unfortunately16:04
AStormexcept bluetooth low power, which is low power16:05
kirmaspeedevil: there are very much lower power extensions (whatever they were called again) in future versions16:05
mgedminand what is worse, bluetooth is dog-slow16:05
SpeedEvilI mean high power in the context of leakage current.16:05
AStormmgedmin: yeah, only 1Mbps16:05
mgedminestablishing connections take ages16:05
SpeedEvilmgedmin: for some things you don't care.16:05
AStormtrue that16:05
mgedminlatency, not bandwidth, was my main point16:05
mgedminI mean, you might walk past the fridge until you're out of range before that device notices16:05
kirmathat might be true, and a practical problem for that application.16:06
AStormnot *that* bad16:06
SpeedEvilAnyway - the solution is _obvious_16:06
AStormit's bad as in 250 ms16:06
SpeedEvilYou want to simplify the number of connections you have as much as possible.16:06
royerfaCan someone please point me to where to find the Linux modules for the Beagle Board boot with Maemo.16:06
SpeedEvilHence - fridge with no AC lead but power over ethernet.16:06
kirmaspeedevil: ehh ;)16:07
AStormPoE does only some 44 W16:07
AStormnow Hi-Power PoE... maybe16:07
AStormstill a small fridge16:07
Corsacif you want that on a fridge, take a touchbook :)16:07
kirmaaverage power consumption of a fridge doesn't go much beyond couple tens of watts I suppose though16:07
Corsacthough gregoire didnt fix the power brick problem16:08
SpeedEvilkirma: peaks at several hundred watts - several hours/day of 100W16:08
AStormaverage? it's running 10% of the time16:08
kirmayes, that's the problem...16:08
* SpeedEvil wishes peltiers diddn't suck so hard.16:08
kirmabut on average, it would be possible :)16:08
AStormcould work around it with some battery or supercaps16:08
mgedmincold fusion16:09
AStormextra bonus for being more portable ;)16:09
mgedminhave a generator in the fridge16:09
SpeedEvil(peltier heat pumps are some 3-5 times less efficient than compressor based things.16:09
AStormmgedmin: sorry, exhaust into room = no-no16:09
* mgedmin remembers one landlord who tried to convince us it's possible to put an A/C unit in a corner of a room without any exhaust into the outside16:10
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SpeedEvilIt is :)16:10
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* SpeedEvil is currently bemoaning the lack of small window ACs with heat in the UK.16:10
SpeedEvil(or indeed any window ACs)16:11
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msh_mgedmin: works with evaporative...16:13
lardmanyou hot SpeedEvil?16:14
lardmanit's cold and wet here16:14
kirmaspeedevil: thank the poorly built houses for the fact that in compensation it will be cold there when it's a bit chilly outside... when here, it's warm inside even when it's f*cking cold outside :)16:15
lardmanyou can get fan heaters, but AC isn't a big thing here, not often needed16:15
SpeedEvillardman: cold16:15
lardmanfan heater16:16
SpeedEvilkirma: I have 60cm thick stone walls - no insulation - 5cm air gap - then plasterboard. I'm currently adding 8-10cm of insulation in there.16:16
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lardmanor a fire :)16:16
SpeedEvillardman: I'm trying to lower bills - looking at heatpump overnight - which is maybe a third of the price of gas.16:16
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lardmanheatpump from the ground?16:17
SpeedEvillardman: I want one - but they don't seem to do 3Kw or so output heatpumps from the ground.16:17
lardmanI'm not sure they are economically viable in this country16:17
SpeedEvillardman: now - 15KW - no problem.16:17
SpeedEvillardman: for me - it definately is - insulate so that in the coldest weather I need 2Kw or so - and in 95% of weather I can use heat pumped into a resovoir on cheap rate electricity has quite a fast payback.16:18
lardmanfair enough, what's the infrastructure cost though?16:19
lardmananyway I don't know, was just something I read somewhere16:19
SpeedEvillardman: It depends - heat pump without insulation = insanity. Spreadsheet FTW. If the planet was sane and I could get water-water heatpumps at the same price as US window ACs - perhaps 500 quid. (if DIY'd) (neglecting insulation cost)16:21
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lardmanbut if your insulation is really good you just use some gas, but not much, and that is supposed to be cheaper than fitting the heat pump, etc16:21
lardmanwell I think that was the argument anyway :)16:22
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SpeedEvillardman: yes - gas is a win if you don't run the heatpump on overnight cheap electricity.16:22
SpeedEvillardman: which is maybe 1.3* the cost of gas.16:22
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Jaffare from Nokia World16:24
JaffaMore free beer being imbibed. N810 battery flat.16:24
SpeedEvilBut is the beer free as in speech?16:25
JaffaNo source available16:25
JaffaBut it looks and tastes pretty16:25
JaffaTim's thirsty16:25
Jaffa3rd is empty16:25
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kirmadas bier experiment16:25
crashanddie~seen lcuk16:29
crashanddie!seen lcuk16:29
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X-Fadecrashanddie: a few hours ago.16:29
* javispedro reads GeneralAntilles summary of the Nokia World and sighs.16:30
crashanddiean hour, so to see16:30
crashanddiejavispedro: link?16:31
javispedrofortunately, that means I did not lose anything. :)16:31
* SpeedEvil sighs without reading GeneralAntilles summary of Nokia World.16:31
qwerty12_N810javispedro: you really didn't. It was a joke WRT N900 in all honesty16:31
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* javispedro realizes nokia expects the X{3,6} devices to be the flagship ones. it all has been a dream.16:34
vesan97(mini) is still the flagship16:35
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qwerty12_N810Sounds like they're still trying to float that sunken ship that is the N97 to me.16:35
vesan900 is a geek shiny toy probably not even meant for huge distribution16:35
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mgedminwhat are X{3,6}?16:36
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mgedminpretend that I've been living under a rock16:36
mgedminunless those are the recently-announced Nokia netbooks running Windows 7?16:36
javispedrosymbian phones16:37
vesax3 = your generic s40 cheapo phone, x6 = attempt to breathe life into comes with music16:37
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qwerty12_N810...and it's meant to make you stay legal when it comes to obtaining music *cough*16:37
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* vesa giggles. legally.16:37
javispedrobut the x6 has all the needed user visible specs for the populace to consider it competition to the n90016:37
vesait's smaller, that alone makes it much more attractive16:38
vesafor the general public that is16:38
Andy80N900 comes with bittorrent/aMule :D16:38
vesanow now, lets stay legal!16:39
Khertan_vesa: it s depends on your use16:39
RST38bismgedmin: Both X3 and X6 are 5800 clones. S60e5, ComesWithMusic, etc. X3 is the cheap model, X6 is the all included model16:39
javispedrono, everything is illegal.16:39
vesax3 isn't a 5800 clone. it's s40, a basic cheapo java phone16:39
RST38bismgedmin: Neither is of much interest to advanced users16:39
vesathere's a quadrillion s40 models about, x3 is no different.16:40
RST38bisvesa: Isn't it running S60e5?16:40
RST38bisOk, exclude X3.16:40
lardmancu chaps later16:40
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vesafirst s40 device to *gasp* include ovi store16:40
vesathat's the big wow =P16:40
qwerty12_N810You'll get the most amazing apps for it from there...16:40
RST38bismgedmin: Basically, if you want S60e5, just buy normal 5800 and you will be ok16:40
vesathat's about right. that or n97 mini16:41
RST38bisqwerty: Like 32 tetris clones and a dating app written in java?16:41
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qwerty12_N810RST38bis: exactly :)16:41
javispedroN900 has no tetris :(16:41
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qwerty12_N810OH NOEZ16:41
RST38bisjavis: No waaaaay?16:41
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_berto_javispedro: I think there's gtetrinet in garage16:42
* javispedro wonders how "Bounce" game kills the compositor.16:42
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RST38bisberto: iNES will run any of 3-4 NES tetris versions16:42
javispedrosince it seems to be a ogles2 .16:42
javispedroand I have kirby's ghost trap :)16:42
_berto_RST38bis: well, I wasn't counting emulators, of course16:42
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RST38bisjavis: Well I hope they are going to yield ogl context to applications in full screen mode, aren't they?16:43
javispedrodunno yet.16:44
* RST38bis would love Nokia's 3D Snake game on N900, really16:44
qwerty12_N810RST38bis: Yep, that was awesome16:44
RST38bisjavis: I think there is even a tracker filed for that16:44
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GeneralAntillesBleh, somebody screwed with that page.16:46
* RST38bis wonders if it is still not too late to petition Quim/Peter/whoever to leave arrow keys alone and move those extra characters somewhere else16:47
GeneralAntillesWaaaay too late.16:47
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* qwerty12_N810 should've added "Will Nokia will release ftdapp for the N900 to the public?" on that page...16:49
RST38bisqwerty: "What is the internal repo password?"16:49
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Mekyou really don't want the internal repo enabled on your device... :P16:50
qwerty12_N810But if it gets you FTD..? :p16:51
RST38bisMek: Ok, we will disable it right away16:51
javispedroit contains Free XXX app?16:51
jaskaftd = ?16:51
aquatixjavispedro: it has an nntp client then?16:51
Khertan_649 + delivery 7.5 Euro on nokia french store16:51
Mekwell, the internal repo will eat 50MB of your precious 256MB rootfs with /var/cache/apt/*pkgcache.bin16:51
Khertan_599 + free delivery on spain nokia store16:52
aquatixMek: ouch16:52
Khertan_hum ... why i leave in frankreich !16:52
jaska599 + 7.5 delivery or so here16:52
javispedroKhertan_, if you lived in Spain, you would be ripped off the moment you put in a sim card.16:52
jaska8 delivery16:52
Khertan_7.5 is delivery by french post ... count one or two weeks16:52
RST38bisMek: ah we will access it from the SDK16:52
javispedrojust putting in a prepaid card would already cost you money .(16:52
jaska8 is home delivery, a couple days16:53
Khertan_javispedro: like in france16:53
MekRST38bis: okay, that should be just fine than :)16:53
javispedroa shitload of money :)16:53
Khertan_javispedro: same here16:53
_berto_javispedro: depends on the carrier16:53
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javispedro_berto_, I'm locked to telefonica because non-same-carrier calls are insane16:54
_berto_javispedro: I think that simyo doesn't charge you for the sim card16:54
javispedroand as such, telefonica makes an exception to simyo16:54
javispedroit's actually _expensive_ than calling the rest of carriers.16:54
javispedro*more expensive.16:54
_berto_even masmovil, yoigo ... ?16:55
javispedroyes iirc16:55
ali1234any ubuntu user want to try to reproduce this problem i'm having with 4.1.2 SDK?
* javispedro checking16:55
_berto_javispedro: don't worry, it was just curiosity16:55
javispedrona, the exception is yoigo, not simyo16:56
javispedrosimyo is "type 1 operator"16:56
javispedroso it's just standard ripoff with simyo :)16:57
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mgedminali1234: fun! but why didn't you use apport to upload the bug report, with a core file attached?16:59
RST38biswhat is type 1 operator?16:59
ali1234mgedmin: i would if i knew how16:59
javispedroRST38bis, tariff classes.16:59
RST38bisIs type 1 "very expensive"17:00
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javispedrono, it's just more "expensive" than samecarrier calls17:00
mgedmindoesn't it pop up a crash notification bubble?17:00
mgedminoh, right, I think apport is disabled by default in final releases17:00
javispedrothen there's type 2, which is the insane one.17:00
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mgedminali1234: you can do sudo force_start=1 /etc/init.d/apport start, then reproduce the crash, and then apport should pop up a dialog offering you to upload info17:01
mgedminthat should help the developers see where the crash is occurring, because just 0: Xephyr(KdBacktrace+0x35) [0x80c1595] is a bit unhelpful17:01
ali1234will do17:01
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mgedminthat's assuming there are developers with time and interest to look at that bug report :-/17:01
ali1234well if someone marks it "confirmed"...17:02
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mikkov_12:16 < X-Fade> thp: Yes, although the actual number is still under debate.17:05
RST38bisjavis: You are scaring me. The recent visit to .GR has shown that there is only one variety there - "stupid and expensive"17:05
mikkov_12:16 < X-Fade> thp: Yes, although the actual number is still under debate.17:05
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RST38bisjavis: So, it gets even worse than that?17:05
X-Fademikkov_: ?17:05
javispedroRST38: I am pretty scared actually, that's why I was interested in the "shut down the fscking phone" option.17:06
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javispedroheh, Maemo5 comes with T9?17:09
VDVsxdoubt :P17:10
VDVsxgood question for Jaffa or tim :)17:10
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Myrttijavispedro: the question is, is it limited to the languages of the area the physical device is sold in17:11
Myrttijavispedro: ie. would I be able to get a Finnish one to a one bought from UK17:11
javispedrooh, didn't though about that (I was already surprised they licensed it for a single lang at all :) )17:12
mgedminNokia phones having Lithuanian T9 was a killer point in favour of getting a Nokia phone17:12
Khertan_javispedro: no need you have a keyboard17:12
RST38bisMyrtti: Most likely not, judging from my experience with 81017:12
mgedmina few years back Nokia was the only manufacturer that had that17:12
* Firebird gives up on liqbase and goes back to trying SDL with YUV overlays17:12
RST38bisMyrtti: I have got a US n810 which did Russian prediction pretty well17:12
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javispedroRST38bis, yeah, but while they can easily grab a third party free dict from anybody17:13
ali1234mgedmin: ok, started apport - but it doesn;t catch the Xephyr crash17:13
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javispedroI think T9 forces you to get a license from them.17:14
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mgedmin"intelectual property" is eeeevil17:14
RST38bisjavis: They already have the license judging from their other phones17:14
javispedroyeah, but it may be a per device royaltie.17:15
javispedroeither way, hopes are high.17:15
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* javispedro would like to get stylus keyboard back into n900, but the ui will suck17:16
X-Fadejavispedro: HIM is open, so you could probably hack in a translucent one :)17:17
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qwerty12_N810Perhaps not - the finger keyboard, excluding the theme, is the same...17:17
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RST38bisjavis: Could you hack together a translucent full screen kbd? =()17:17
javispedroi don't see benefits in translucent.17:17
RST38bisPlease? Please?17:17
X-Fadejavispedro: Try to rember the post you are replying to.17:18
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RST38bisjavis: Well, the half-screen keyboard is now impossible because it causes the app window to shrink, i.e. the developer would have to support than shrunk window mode17:18
javispedroX-Fade, both of you :)17:18
javispedroRST38 ^^17:18
RST38bisjavis: Full screen translucent keyboard will let you use the app, while having full screen keyboard and not causing app window shrinkage17:18
X-Fadejavispedro: No, I meant that with fullscreen keyboard, you don't see the text you are reply to anymore.17:19
javispedroah, lol :)17:19
X-Fadejavispedro: So you need to remember.17:19
X-Fadejavispedro: Context just goes away when the keyboard pops up.17:19 is slooow this morning.17:19
javispedrowell, it should be easy enough.17:19
RST38bisok, ssh is back online. moving to ssh17:19
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javispedroat least, this would be an easy enough job in compiz17:19
mgedminalso, ever tried to use vim with the fullscreen kb? madness17:19
* RST38h moos gleefully17:19
javispedrojust set a window rule for thumb keyboard window et voilà!17:20
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RST38hmgedmin: Should work nicely17:20
RST38hmgedmin: once you press "i" or whatever spot of the screen plays that role, full screen keyboard goes up and lets you enter string17:20
mgedminvim already has this thing: press i, press character, press esc -> to insert a single character17:20
* RST38h frankly does not understand vim users17:20
mgedminnow add press [enter] to open vkb, press i, press character, press _\/_ to hide vkb, press esc17:20
RST38hWhy use a line-based editor in the age of full screen editing?17:21
javispedrotap count overflow.17:21
mgedminRST38h: I believe you're thinking on 'ex'17:21
RST38hMyrtti: What if its superior AI changes your document where you do not see it? =)17:21
RST38hmgedmin: vi/vim is pretty much line based still17:21
mgedminvim actually rules: an alphabetical vkb is sufficient to do almost anything17:21
RST38hmgedmin: you have to press i to go into line entry mode to edit17:22
mgedminyou don't miss keys like 'home' or 'del'17:22
mgedminwell, okay, I do17:22
RST38hhmm...why does this rule?17:22
mgedmin(and I have them in my osso-xterm's toolbar)17:22
RST38h(note that you are talking to a life long PICO user)17:22
mgedminthis is, perhaps, not the right place to debate the merits of various text editors17:23
jiivrst38h & mgedmin: it's safe to assume that vim & emacs users will never understand one another.17:23
mgedminjiiv: I understand emacs users perfectly, I just think they're crazy17:23
* RST38h is an EDIT.EXE# / PICO user17:23
mgedminit's happy notepad users that I don't understand17:23
* RST38h does not understand all these religious Unix editor people17:23
_berto_i'm an emacs user and i understand vi(m) users17:24
_berto_(and gedit users too)17:24
* javispedro used bare vi once. it's like taking depressive pills.17:24
RST38hnotepad is fine, yes17:24
* mgedmin even respects emacs users17:24
_berto_it's not that difficult to understand others17:24
_berto_if you try :)17:24
jiivwell, neither will be able to convince the other that their choice is superior.17:24
* mgedmin shudders from remembering busybox vi17:24
* Khertan_ is a PyGTKEditor17:25
* Khertan_ is a PyGTKEditor user17:25
_berto_jiiv: i think that the vim debian maintainer might disagree17:25
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jrochaI've used GEdit for a while now17:26
RST38heven worse, unix editor maintained by a religious fanatic!17:26
mgedminhey, does not have an OS2009 section, what's up with that?17:26
jiivberto: perhaps.17:26
mgedminare users supposed to use the ovi app store, or something?17:26
jrochaI mean Geany!17:26
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RST38hGeany is goood17:26
mgedminapp manager from the device?17:26
X-Fademgedmin: Because there are no apps in extras yet ;)17:26
mgedminoh, that17:26
mgedminall of them are in extras-devel then?17:26
MyrttiRST38h: never had any problems, and it gives me a considerable amount of joy to know that one of the corner stones of the documentation is built on my pink emacs17:26
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X-Fademgedmin: No, there are also in testing.17:27
RST38hX-Fade: Does that mean that the shiny OS2009 Extras will be really empty now, as it is enabled on devices by default?17:27
X-FadeRST38h: yes.17:27
RST38hMyrtti: pink emacs?17:27
* mgedmin feels like he wasn't paying attention17:27
* RST38h is mortified now17:27
X-FadeRST38h: Only tested apps will be there.17:27
mgedminwhat's this 'testing' thing then?17:27
_berto_btw, is it going to be called OS2009 ?17:27
* mgedmin looks at his email backlog guiltily17:27
X-FadeMaemo 5 of course17:27
RST38hX-Fade: So, what is the repository for us to get apps from then?17:28
GeneralAntilles_berto_, Maemo 5.17:28
X-FadeRST38h: Nothing changed there?17:28
X-FadeRST38h: extras-devel ?17:28
RST38hX-Fade: Well you are saying Extras will be empty now17:28
GeneralAntilles_berto_, the old ones are now called Maemo 4, Maemo 3, Maemo 2, etc, too. ;)17:28
mgedminquestion: how do I determine whether $MY_FAVOURITE_APP has been ported to fremantle?17:28
X-FadeRST38h: Is empty now, not will be.17:28
RST38hX-Fade: Extras-Devel is unsafe to use, with so many problematic packages there17:28
RST38hX-Fade: So there should be some repo to replace our old good Extras17:29
X-FadeRST38h: Yes, that is why you should only enable Extras, or Extras-testing if you are a tester/developer.17:29
RST38hX-Fade: But where will I go for apps?17:29
X-FadeRST38h: Extras17:29
RST38hX-Fade: but you said Extras will have much fewer apps now, with stricter controls, not?17:30
X-FadeRST38h: Your point?17:30
MyrttiRST38h: my pink emacs.17:30
X-FadeRST38h: Will not have fewer apps, will only have apps that work.17:30
RST38hX-Fade: No particular point, just trying to figure out what repo will be used to publish apps for the power users17:30
nomisX-Fade: so it is "no apps" then?  ;]17:30
RST38hAha, so Extras-Testing will be the new power user repo17:31
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X-FadeIs the current queue, the one with positive karma will probably go through soon.17:31
Myrtti pink-bliss.el ♥17:31
* lcuk will one day manage to get into testing :)17:31
X-FadeRST38h: Extras-testing at least guarantees that the dependencies etc are there.17:32
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RST38hX-Fade: the karma readings in that least do not indicate any possible promotion to extras17:32
RST38hX-Fade: they are flat, in -2/+2 range17:32
javispedroyeah, I always though it's going to be hard to get enough testers.17:33
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javispedroBut i'd wait until n900 release to test that.17:33
X-FadeRST38h: We don't have enough testers yet ;)17:33
GeneralAntillesIt'll be easier once people have devices.17:33
X-Fadejavispedro: karma ;)17:33
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X-Fadejavispedro: And we can always create a scheme where you have to test 2 apps before you can promote your own :D17:34
javispedroX-Fade, ah, dreamhost-like :)17:34
javispedrothey make you triage 5 feature requests before making your own17:34
X-FadeThe idea is that we have a group of community testers who will help testing.17:34
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javispedrounfortunately that approach results in people doing "fast-testing".17:35
javispedrohard topic this one17:35
X-FadeStill thinking about having votes from people with high karma weighing in heavier.17:36
mgedminI think he wants half-working apps too17:36
* mgedmin thinks is down17:36
X-Fademgedmin: can't be.17:36
X-Fademgedmin: is akamai ;)17:36
X-Fademgedmin: One akamai host, sure.17:37
* javispedro thinks the best approach is to allow interesed users pull down the apps they want from -testing, then be forced to vote them or the device gets bricked.17:37
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wazd_ - lawl :D17:37
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javispedroiPhone mode?17:38
mgedminmy office wifi went down just then17:38
mgedminhad to power-kick the ap17:38
mgedmincoincidence? or is linksys firmware sniffing my http packets?17:38
mgedminwhere's my tin hat?17:38
GeneralAntillesThat's one gross looking slider.17:38
* javispedro actually does that swipe in current n810, because being so used to look at it.17:38
wazd_GeneralAntilles: yeah :)17:38
GeneralAntilleswazd_, priority number one. Retheme that shit. :P17:38
X-FadeDoes that marble roll to the other side when tilted? :)17:39
* GeneralAntilles wonders when the first iPhone theme will be released.17:39
wazd_GeneralAntilles: I'm planning to make Marina theme before release :)17:39
wazd_GeneralAntilles: haven't seen it in the template though17:39
RST38hwazd: lemme guess, sucks, no capacitive screen?17:39
GeneralAntillesIs anybody else tired of these goddamn js galleries?17:40
wazd_RST38h: "though criticized for being resistive and not capacitive – seems relatively responsive both add up to a very crisp, usable experience"17:40
GeneralAntillesWhy can't people just link to real images so I can load them all up in tabs and look later?17:40
javispedroGeneralAntilles, better: why they don't do it the fucking proper way so that it works both ways?17:40
GeneralAntillesYeah. . . .17:40
javispedroaka proper href and proper onclick handler.17:40
RST38hwazd: wow, finally somebody saw the light17:41
* mgedmin adds to the gripes17:41
GeneralAntillesStylus looks about 770 quality.17:41
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timeless_mbpRST38h: the arrow keys stuff was delivered to us pretty much as is (take it, you can't leave it) from the beginning of the project. it was non negotiable then. And we tried very hard to warn everyone that arrow keys were not a standard part of the layout.17:42
RST38htoo bad.17:42
Khertan_oh there is also a free bluetooth head on nokia spain stire17:42
GeneralAntillesLook at the difference in brightness.17:43
Khertan_arg ... the french is more and more difficult to accept17:43
* RST38h considers creating a brainstorm suggestion about adding those damn 4 directional buttons to the back of the device17:43
Khertan_the french price17:43
RST38hThen flashmobbing it17:43
GeneralAntillesImage 28
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wazd_GeneralAntilles: just copy ther link of the thumbnail :)17:44
wazd_GeneralAntilles: they are resized originals17:44
timeless_mbphrm, i'm totally unaware of t9 for the phone app17:44
javispedroGeneralAntilles, actually, disabling javascript makes the page work ok for me.17:44
timeless_mbpthere's a dialpad which shows the standard letters17:44
timeless_mbpso you can figure out how to dial +1 800 555 TELL17:44
timeless_mbpbut that's not t9, that's standard alpha assignment17:45
javispedroso qgil got confused again.17:45
javispedroremove the again.17:45
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* javispedro remembers someone telling us the device had the four arrow keys in most languages, even tho the xkeymap said the opposite. wont' say names ;)17:46
timeless_mbpjavispedro: fwiw, the browser team would like a half height keyboard - but not for landscape ;-)17:46
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javispedrothe slashgear guy has tetris.17:47
RST38hGeneral: BTW, it may be worth to start asking if the Harmattan will support N900 just about now17:47
javispedroso yet again someone was wrong.17:47
timeless_mbpGeneralAntilles: the slider is really bad when transparency doesn't work ;-), i think it's fixed...17:48
RST38hGeneral: Because for a lot of people ( readers included) this will affect the buy/wait decision17:48
sp3000GeneralAntilles: which brightness?17:48
GeneralAntillessp3000, N900 vs N810.17:48
GeneralAntillesRST38h, don't think we'll get an answer yet.17:49
mgedminok, so fbreader is ported to fremantle (yay!), maemo-mapper isn't (waah!)17:49
* sp3000 notices nothing in those photos17:49
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X-FadeGeneralAntilles: Are they both at brightest setting?17:49
ccookeGeneralAntilles: ... that's surprisingly bright. The n810 was a pretty bright screen17:49
javispedroso, nokia world has passed. can we got our dmesg dump already? :)17:49
mgedminbtw does the n900 have a darkness sensor?17:49
timeless_mbpjavispedro: i'm pretty sure i've consistently indicated that pretty much only the English layout (making it a minority) had 4 arrow keys17:49
* wazd_ curses himself because of non .png illustrations in his blog17:49
javispedrotimeless, It wasn't you of course (but neither read you indicating it)17:50
ccookemgedmin: the videos seem to show one workin.17:50
ccookemgedmin: working, even17:50
* javispedro found out by reading the xmodmap.17:50
wazd_mgedmin: evin n900 has darkness sensor, good n900 has light sensor :D17:50
mgedmin"the dark side is strong today, better dim the lcd"17:50
ccookewazd_: How can we tell the good one from the evil one? :-)17:50
wazd_how the fuck have I typed "evin" I wonder :)17:50
timeless_mbpi think my statements were more like "please don't rely on having 4 arrow keys, they usually won't all be there"17:50
timeless_mbpor something like that17:50
timeless_mbpsp3000: the bottom rows of pictures on the SlashGear page have n900/n810 side by side17:51
timeless_mbpbased on bottom center, i'd assume that it's partly directly lighting v. indirect and partly autodim17:51
wazd_timeless_mbp: I wonder why up/down are onder Sym, not left/right17:51
javispedrothe culprit's post is still there in tmo :)17:51
timeless_mbpwazd_: SMS needs left/right17:52
timeless_mbpSMS doesn't *need* up/down17:52
javispedroyeah, with no tap to select.17:52
wazd_timeless_mbp: well, that fits :)17:52
sp3000yeah I didn't see signifigant diff but I guess I don't have my sales glasses on ;)17:52
ccookeHas anyone here actually got their hands on an n900 yet?17:52
javispedrono one.17:52
timeless_mbpsp3000: green just spontaneously rebooted17:52
javispedroall of those who say so are imposters.17:52
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timeless_mbpccooke: define "got their hands on"17:52
timeless_mbpand define "n900"17:52
javispedroor child molesters, whatever you prefer ;)17:52
ccooketimeless_mbp: I'm aware of people using and seeing prototypes, yes17:53
timeless_mbpwe're allowed to let friends and family touch n900 final protos17:53
timeless_mbpso i've taken my n900 protos to a few people to play w/ for short intervals17:53
ccooketimeless_mbp: I'm strictly meaning "ability to use a little" and "The final product"17:53
timeless_mbp(supervised, no photos taken)17:53
sp3000so I suppose someone will make a nice keymapping customizer app17:53
timeless_mbpsp3000: afaik, no one did for the n81017:54
sp3000I haven't managed to see layouts missing direct arrows17:54
javispedrosp3000, becausing editing some text files should be easy enough.17:54
timeless_mbpccooke: we haven't picked the FCS image yet17:54
timeless_mbpso "ability to use a little"? yes17:54
timeless_mbp"the final product"? no, since it doesn't really exist17:54
ccookeThat's a nicely precise answer. Thanks :-)17:54
* RST38h secretly planning a business of buying US N900s wholesale and selling them to #maemo people17:55
timeless_mbpFirst Customer Shipment - What does FCS stand for? Acronyms and ...17:55
timeless_mbpAcronym, Definition. FCS, Frame Check Sequence. FCS, Flight Control System. FCS, Fibre Channel Standard. FCS, Future Combat Systems (US Army) ...17:55
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timeless_mbpit isn't a nokia term17:55
timeless_mbpbut it's used in the real world17:55
sp3000but depending on what were to get in front of the arrows flipping the modifier around could work out better, or not17:55
ccooketimeless_mbp: *nod*. Not encountered it before.17:55
timeless_mbpi can't remember where i picked it up17:55
* mgedmin is a bit worried about maemo Future Combat Systems17:56
timeless_mbpibm uses it17:56
timeless_mbpand sun17:56
timeless_mbpso yeah, basically "the real hardware vendors"17:56
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RST38hSun is still a hardware vendor?17:56
timeless_mbpsun isn't anything anymore17:56
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timeless_mbpbut it was when i was dealing w/ sun :)17:56
ccooketimeless_mbp: (I'm just curious and interested at this point. Feel free to ignore) So... You're saying you haven't decided on the FCS *image*? does that mean simple things like packaging, desktop backgrounds, theme... or a more complete marketing campaign?17:57
ccooke(Feel free? Feel more free than usual? Something along those lines :-)17:57
javispedroNokia Spain cannot spell check either.17:57
sp3000hmm, clicking on bookmarks from the bar doesn't work in this firefox build17:57
sp3000how annoying17:57
timeless_mbpwell "you" is an odd word17:57
timeless_mbpi'm not at all involved in the decision17:57
Khertan_hum ... someone have a link to the last theme maker ?17:57
timeless_mbpbut afaik, they're still trying to pull in last minute fixes from certain groups17:58
Khertan_the garage page is outdated :)17:58
timeless_mbpthe browser should be frozen because of flash certification (which takes weeks)17:58
ccooketimeless_mbp: ah, OS image?17:58
javispedroeven Nokia Spain says "1 GIB RAM"17:58
ccooke... I really should have assumed that.17:58
mgedminGibibytes for the win!17:58
timeless_mbpnote that they've historically made random changes to theming fairly late in the game17:58
ccookejavispedro: technically correct, although GiB would be more standard.17:58
timeless_mbpham got a refresh this week iirc17:59
Khertan_javispedro: yep but they have at least a free bt headset17:59
timeless_mbpwhich for me was totally unexpected17:59
Khertan_and free shipping17:59
javispedroccooke, the problem is the amount, not the units.17:59
javispedroit's got 256 MiB RAM only.17:59
timeless_mbpi'd hope there aren't any other suprises17:59
timeless_mbpbut i'm never going to bet against my employer's willingness to surprise17:59
ccookejavispedro: plus 768MiB of swap. And marketing love half truths.17:59
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timeless_mbpccooke: in this case, i'd call that a lie17:59
ccookeit's going to get marketed as 1GiB. Accept and move on :-/17:59
javispedroccooke, they also seem to love typos in photoshop images in frontpage.17:59
timeless_mbpcheck w/ your local spanish Better Business Bureau18:00
timeless_mbpyou can't write 1 GIB RAM18:00
timeless_mbpram is a well accepted technical term18:00
javispedroagreed timeless, this is plain lying.18:00
javispedrobut with even newspapers running it as "1 GiB" it's already too late. Get ready for the courts.18:00
ccooketimeless_mbp: It's what I've been expecting on the marketing ever since it was first mentioned there'd be swap-by-default.18:01
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javispedroccooke, I'd accept "1 GiB "application memory"."18:01
ccookejavispedro: *nod*18:01
javispedro1 GiB RAM is pretty clear instead.18:01
timeless_mbp"memory" is fine18:01
timeless_mbpram isn't18:01
mgedminwhat do they write about the flash storage?  32 GiB or 32 GB?18:01
sp3000are we going to discuss whether swap is random access or not :P18:01
timeless_mbpflash storage is not ram <period>18:02
javispedroso, someone types "ç" ccedilla (which is not even a spanish letter!) in the frontpage ad, and nobody cares.18:02
timeless_mbpif you need to use erase blocks, you don't get random access18:02
timeless_mbpjavispedro: url?18:02
javispedroswf, can't get url.18:02
mgedminwhy not?  can't you erase blocks at random?18:02
timeless_mbpyes, i'm lazy, but i have other things to do18:02
javispedrokeep refreshing until the n97 add for the typo,18:03
timeless_mbpmgedmin: you can't randomly access fields18:03
javispedrokeep refreshing until the n900 add for the 1 GIB RAM.18:03
timeless_mbpEn Nokia nos importan las opiniones de nuestros clientes. Al comentarnos lo que opinas al final de tu visita de hoy, contribuirás al diseño y el contenido de este sitio web.18:03
ccookemgedmin: flash erase blocks are much larger than the minimal addressable unit.18:03
timeless_mbpAl hacer clic en el siguiente enlace, tendrás la oportunidad de compartir tus opiniones una vez hayas terminado lo que estés haciendo en nuestro sitio web.18:03
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javispedrocustomer survey, close that.18:03
javispedro(I need to enable js so that I can get to fill those things)18:03
timeless_mbpyo quiero tocar con el survey18:03
* javispedro browses with flash enabled but js disabled. crazy :)18:04
timeless_mbpyep, it's there18:04
timeless_mbpjavispedro: have you called the spanish nokia care number?18:04
timeless_mbp(please do so)18:04
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timeless_mbpSiente la velocidad total del procesador de 600 MHz y la memoria RAM de 1GB18:05
javispedroit's not toll free.18:05
timeless_mbpno flash required18:05
timeless_mbpjavispedro: it isn't toll free??18:05
timeless_mbpeww, 900 800 653 ?18:05
javispedrothat's "sales".18:05
timeless_mbpwell, sales closed 5 mins ago18:06
timeless_mbpcall sales18:06
timeless_mbpand complain to them18:06
Corsac#  Mémoire d'application disponible jusqu'à 1 Go (mémoire RAM 256 Mo, mémoire virtuelle 768 Mo)18:06
timeless_mbpexplain that their advertising is false and you want the product they claim to offer.18:06
timeless_mbpCorsac: Francais?18:06
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timeless_mbpjavispedro: sales will complain to someone about the request and the loss of a potential sale18:07
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timeless_mbpit'll get counted, if enough friends complain (get 5 minimum), someone should notice18:07
timeless_mbpsales teams do not like losing sales18:08
* javispedro is looking what the survey is like..18:09
javispedrona, seems statiscal one.18:09
timeless_mbpA processing error has occurred. If you have a moment to spare, please help us to resolve the error by clicking here to send an email description of the problem.18:10
timeless_mbpPlease return later to try again. Thank you for your help.18:10
timeless_mbpCopyright © 2009 GfK for Nokia - All rights reserved.18:10
timeless_mbpso much for that survey18:10
paperclip1timeless_mbp: lbt over in #mer told me that you were the person to talk to about getting started on French localization.18:10
paperclip1Sorry for the off-topic.18:10
wjtGobot finds Kitten?18:10
timeless_mbplemme stop paying attn to #maemo and finish off my strings18:10
javispedrothey got it right in the specs:
timeless_mbpjavispedro: they got it wrong in the page i linked to18:10
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kirmasize comparison18:14
* julianoliver clicks18:14
RST38hX-Fade: Are we all getting karma for brainstorm ideas? :)18:14
julianoliverhah impressive.18:14
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X-FadeRST38h: no idea18:15
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* RST38h wonders if what he is going to do equates to karma whoring18:15
RST38hBut Quim Gil asked for it so anyway...18:15
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julianoliverit looks a little chunky in some of these snaps:
julianolivergood though to see the overall pocketvolume is much smaller than predecessors.18:17
kirmasomehow I wonder if it really makes sense to put 800 pixel wide display on so small a device, if completely ignoring the fact that preceding units have had 800 pixel wide display...18:18
mgedmin800 is a standard-ish resolution18:19
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mgedminI can imagine web pages being designed so that they fit into 800x60018:19
mgedmin... if those web pages were designed 10 years ago18:19
kirmawell, 640 would be too :)18:19
RST38hkirma: It probably does not as you can't make use of all these pixels anyway18:19
kirmaand siply scaling everything is also an option18:19
mgedminfirst netbooks were 800x480, weren't they?18:20
RST38hNetbooks were 1024x76818:20
kirmajust that DPI is so high that it might go to waste18:20
mgedminthe very first asus netbook (eee 700) was smaller, wasn't it?18:20
jaskasome of the older eees were 800x480 i think18:20
mgedmineee 900 was 1024x60018:20
jaskalater 1024x60018:21
kirmabut from perspective of earlier applications relying on 800 pixel wide display to some extent, it's reasonable.18:21
SpeedEvilmgedmin: is18:21
_berto_N97 costs 600 EUR in Spain if you buy it to Nokia, but 80 if you buy it to Vodafone. I imagine that the price of an N900 with a contract is going to be similar?18:23
SpeedEvil_berto_: Some people have expressed concerns that some carriers will not subsidise the N900.18:24
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SpeedEvilNotice how this sounds more authoritive than 'I don't think'.18:25
_berto_don't they subsidise all phones if you sign a contract with them?18:25
SpeedEvil_berto_: because the carrier has _much_ less control over what's on the N90018:25
julianoliver_berto_: en ingles una persona le comprar "from" y no "to".18:25
_berto_julianoliver: ah yes :D18:25
Corsacwill carrier even accept the freeness of the platform?18:25
julianoliver_berto_: ;)18:26
Corsacwell, though we don't exactly know how free is the phone part18:26
Corsacdo we?18:26
SpeedEvilCorsac: We'll see by this time next month porbably.18:26
SpeedEvilCorsac: the phone part is on a seperate core - talked to by 'AT' commands AIUI18:26
javispedroat this point, I don't think carriers even realise the openness of this product.18:26
Corsacbut it shouldn't be less free than a 3G usb key anyway.18:26
kirmathey could easily subsidise the phone if they can enforce a long contract that pays it back anyway, and some "safeguards" for them in data usage18:27
kirmaI son't see why it couldn't be "free"18:27
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julianolivervale. hasta luego todos18:27
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kirmaof course, strongly themeized phone that leads users easily to their non-free services might get more subsidized18:28
lcukas long as the firmware in the modem is strong, theres hould be no problem with kernel/usre operations running on any mobile device on any network18:28
Corsackirma: I'm not sure how much you're allowed to send garbage on GSM freqs18:28
SpeedEvilkirma: Carriers have previously not been the most logical of companies - and wanted to extract the most revenue while slashing their costs to the bone.18:28
kirmacorsac: well, as long as it doesn't really violate ETSI guidelines and such... not a big issue18:28
lcuki think nokia tablets would benefit from dual wifi - one for an adhoc beacon, the other for talking to others18:29
SpeedEvilCorsac: USB keys are perhaps 30e or so in bulk - I'm unsure. Not 599.18:29
lcukor is this possible with a single wifi18:29
kirmaand operators *can* cut down/throttle users if they find them a real nuisance. or they may even do that by writing a predictable contract18:29
kirmalike one that has traffic speed gaps and total transfer gaps that are agreed and enforced by their network18:30
kirmait should really be their own problem if they can't do proper capacity planning18:30
CorsacSpeedEvil: I meant free as in speech and features, not free as in beer18:30
SpeedEvilCapacity isn't free.18:30
SpeedEvilCorsac: fair enough.18:31
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kirmalaptops with 3G don't come with huge amount of limitations and yet they're sold "subsidized", if you really can call long contracts that18:31
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X-FadeMost contracts are sold here through 3rd parties, the provider doesn't even know what phone these people sell with that contract.18:32
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SpeedEvilkirma: things seem to be somewhat changing - with many providers seeming to realise they can't maintain the status quo forever.18:32
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kirmasounds, hm, interesting model, if the phones are "subsidized"18:32
Myrttistupid sed18:32
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SpeedEvil - for example.18:33
SpeedEvilThese used to be a 'walled garden' only 3G provider.18:33
X-FadeThese shops just get a certain amount for each contract, they determine how much they give back to the customer.18:33
SpeedEvilnow they are offering free windows messenger forever - no need to top up even to keep using it.18:33
roopesubsidies generally of course require sim locking.18:33
SpeedEvilYou don't even have to to make calls.18:33
X-FadeYou can get a PS3,wii or cash too.18:33
lcukhey roope, you  still at nw18:34
X-Faderoope: No, not in NL.18:34
roopelcuk: nope, I'm not at nw at all.18:34
SpeedEvilroope: Of course - the main core running linux doesn't mean you can unlock the modem part if it's locked18:34
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X-Faderoope: You just aren't allowed to close the contract before it ends ;)18:34
lcukahhh thought you would be18:34
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lcukyou are allowed to close it18:34
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roopex-fade: yes, that's one model of course.18:34
lcukbut you will be payiing in blood!18:35
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kirmaunless nokia has done some really great trustzone work on N900, the modem is probably exposed through a interface that you simply can't mess up so that it affects the network...18:35
roopei should be in  the maemo summit, however.18:35
coldbootHas anyone had problems with dbus not working in scratchbox 1?18:35
X-Fadekirma: Telepathy should be able to access it at least.18:35
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kirmaI mean, *physical* interface.18:37
kirmain the case of TrustZone implementation, it would be logical interface between trusted and untrusted code18:37
X-FadeYeah, that one should be pretty closed ;)18:37
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_berto_the thing is, there are already apps to hack phones using other platforms, I don't know if it's going to be that much different in practice with the N900 from the carriers' pov18:39
andre__VDVsx_, is there a reason that it's "supertux-stable"? kind of confuses me as there's no -unstable either :-P18:40
kirmait's mostly a regulatory compliance issue18:40
andre__VDVsx_, should get into -testing. works very well here18:40
kirmabut if an estabilished player wants to get a phone to the market, it *has* to turn to be non-issue way before anyone could even daydream it getting to the market...18:41
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kirmawhat telcos have traditionally tried to do to keep their stupid business model has very little to do with that18:41
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kirmaunlocked nokia phones don't really violate ETSI regulations any more than the completely messed up locked ones...18:43
VDVsx_andre__, because there's a unstable version, also called supertux2 :P, I will change that and other few thing, but I would like to know what keycode "return/enter" produces, if possible ;)18:43
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andre__VDVsx_, tell me how to find out and i could help :)18:43
kirmabut ETSI regulations are a partial explanation for the fact why there's no 3GPP radio stack implementation in open source for linux... at least in real use18:44
_berto_but this one is not supposed to violate regulations either, no matter if it's subsidised or not18:44
VDVsx_andre__, ok, tahnks, I will get back to you later ;)18:44
SpeedEvilkirma: open source doesn't really matter. Ability to change the source matters.18:45
kirmabut the fact that those tend to go together, there hasn't been much of a interest to write such a stack in GPL18:46
VDVsx_infobot gone :´(   ?18:46
SpeedEvilUnapproved software modem is quite tricky to make.18:46
SpeedEvilkirma: I do note that the freerunner/neo1973 openmoko radio hardware chipset docs got leaked.18:47
Corsacthough it might possible to do that with gnuradio18:47
SpeedEvilCorsac: _utter_ bitch thought due to latency requirements I think.18:47
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SpeedEvilkirma: the complete GSM chipset I mean.18:47
kirmaspeedevil: something interesting there?18:47
SpeedEvilkirma: google wikileak calypso docs18:48
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SpeedEvilkirma: it's more or less a couple of ARM cores - one doing the hard-realtime stuff and a application core18:48
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kirmaspeedevil: the "new" symbian kernel was specifically rewritten to meet 3GPP realtime requirements, so that the 3G stack could be run largely on primary processor18:48
_BuBUI've a quick question:  is there any phone supporting maemo + sip + ipsec vpn ?18:49
SpeedEvilkirma: there is a difference between the soft-realtime and the hard-realtime bits18:49
SpeedEvilkirma: the soft-realtime bits are things that will result in dropped calls, or ... if you miss them. The hard-realtime results in you stomping over someone elses timeslot.18:49
wazd_ - laaaaaaaaaaawl!18:50
wazd_KO :D18:50
kirmaspeedevil: true, true18:50
SpeedEvilkirma: the first is really easy to put on the main core. The second pretty much needs at least substantial hardware.18:50
Robot101symbian 9 introduced hard RTOS scheduling which made it possible to put the cellular badgering on the same CPU as the applications18:51
VDVsx_wazd_, nokla n900, pretty cool....not :P18:51
Robot101linux doesn't have that unless you patch the /crap/ out of it18:51
Robot101or, virtualise it18:51
SpeedEvilwazd_: having said that.18:51
Robot101and maemo hasn't done either18:51
SpeedEvilwazd_: A lot of the 'iplone''s and ... would actually make nice linux platforms.18:51
Robot101so the architecture with a separate cellular modem chip is more like earlier symbian handsets18:51
wazd_ - video review :D18:52
wazd_oh my, oh my :D18:52
Robot101but, Nokia has one of those chips so its easy to drop it in and focus on the Linux side18:52
kirmaspeedevil: although I read 3GPP radio interface books with interest in local bookshops, thankfully I haven't gone to deep detailed knowledge of remembering that stuff by heart... but yes, there are obviously harmless and regulatory suicidal slips :)18:52
VDVsx_wazd_, cool antenna ;)18:53
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wazd_it's a double slider! take that, Nokia! :D18:53
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SpeedEvilmore than ESTI - the nightmare scenario is that 23 million handsets get sold - and then someone cracks the phone half and releases a 'send your data free to nearby friends' app - that just broadcasts on a cellular channel and wipes out some emergency calls for 15km round you. - and all the 12 yearolds install it on their phones.18:57
coldbootWhat script is supposed to run `sbox_ctl start` when the computer boots up?18:57
coldbootI have to run it manually now, for some reason.18:57
kirmawell, the regulations are in place exactly to avoid that18:58
coldbootAlso dbus is broken, but that could have been and Ubuntu update.18:58
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kirmawell, not that specific scenario, but still, not just for nitpicking :)18:58
tank-mancoldboot, you can add a line in rc.local or whatever to start that18:58
SpeedEvilkirma: yeah - too many people seem to think it's 'the evil companys'18:59
SpeedEvilkirma: not that it has a purpose18:59
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GeneralAntillesOh the irony.
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* VDVsx_ beats Jaffa :P19:07
VDVsx_Jaffa, n900 community :P ?19:07
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GeneralAntillesVDVsx_, only the cool cats get to belong to that one.19:11
VDVsx_GeneralAntilles, like a screat society ? ;)19:12
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VDVsx_I bet you are in :P19:12
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GeneralAntillesVDVsx_, if only. :(19:15
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JaffaVDVsx_: I wanted to get #N900 in there :-p19:15
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VDVsx_Jaffa, ;)19:17
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VDVsx_wb aSIMULAtor :)19:17
coldbootWhy would registering with dbus inside scratchbox fail?19:18
Jaffacoldboot: Wrong dbus - there's been talk of this recently on -devel in the portrait thread19:19
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GeneralAntillesFunny keyboard
GeneralAntillesLooks like an old laptop keyboard.19:20
lardmantyping on the iPhone is easier than....19:20
GeneralAntilleslardman, yeah, fanboy.19:20
zerojayLunchtime. Me thinks I'll take more pics of my N810 doing stuff. Grassroots marketing ftw.19:20
VDVsx_coldboot, take also in mind that dbus doesn't work with sudo/fakeroot inside sbox19:20
coldbootJaffa: My program used to work fine, then I went away for a week, came back, upgraded Ubuntu and now it can't connect with DBus.19:21
GeneralAntilles"What I've spent dozens of hours getting used to is easier to use than something I've only used in passing."19:21
lardmanit's certainly easier than building a space shuttle out of toilet rolls and flying it to the moon, but only just19:21
coldbootVDVsx_: Just running as a regular user for now.19:21
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coldbootJaffa: Where are the archives?19:22
* lardman heads home, bbiab19:22
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Jaffacoldboot: - second result on Google for "maemo-developers" ;-p19:23
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fiferboycoldboot: What Ubuntu did you upgrade to?19:23
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coldbootfiferboy: I'm just using 8.10, I just let it update packages.19:24
fiferboycoldboot: Are you trying to run in the ARMEL rootstrap?19:24
coldbootJaffa: maemo-devel is the ambiguous one to search for...19:24
coldbootfiferboy: i38619:24
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coldbootThese stupid mailing list archive generators are so useless.19:25
fiferboycoldboot: Huh.  And you are running with
coldbootWho wants to search by date, per month?19:25
coldbootfiferboy: I am, and it segfaults.19:25
coldbootfiferboy: I've never had to use before, nor have I had to use af-sb-init.sh19:25
Jaffacoldboot: There's also a forum interface on somewhere19:25
fiferboycoldboot: Did you ubuntu upgrade do anything to the scratchbox packages?19:26
* slonopotamus can't do credit payment because his credit card has expired and can't have new card issued emergently because it requires some payment. deadlock.19:27
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* kirma wonders how long wait it's *really* going to be for N900 he ordered today morning from nokia...19:28
aSIMULAtorforever and ever? :P19:29
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coldbootfiferboy: I'm not sure, don't know where the logs are.19:30
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fiferboycoldboot: Sounds like scratchbox got screwed up, if you have to run the ctl command after boot now and you didn't before19:30
kirmait was quite a wait for E90 last time I actually chose to want a new phone...19:31
coldbootfiferboy: Yeah.19:31
SpeedEvilfiferboy: Are you in fact in Fife (scotland?)19:31
coldbootScratchbox 1 and 2 are pretty shitty.19:31
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fiferboySpeedEvil: No, I used to play a fife at a historic fort in Toronto19:31
slonopotamus**To Log out of Hildon Click Advanced Backlight and then Click any Rotation option.19:31
zerojayHopefully, i won't have to wait a year to get my developer device, if they'll be available at all.19:31
SpeedEvilfiferboy: Ah. /me is in the region.19:32
erik__Is tehre any hardware acceleration of MP3 decoding on the N810 that may not be effective on Ogg/vorbis decoding resulting in lower battery life ?19:32
fiferboySpeedEvil: The Fife, Scotland region?  Or the Toronto region?19:32
SpeedEvilfiferboy: fife, scotland19:32
zerojayI think mp3 is decoded on the dsp.19:32
slonopotamuserik__, there is19:32
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erik__mmm, I am not using the integrated music player. How can I tell whether the software i use (xmms 1 in fact) is using the DSP hardware acceleration when playing mp3 ?19:36
zerojayIt's not.19:36
qwerty12_N810Quick way: check to see if the CPU speed has dropped to 330...19:36
zerojayXmms doesn't use gstreamer, so no dsp19:36
zerojayWow, people still use xmms, lol19:37
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erik__yeah, the integrated software messed with the tags of the file19:37
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erik__I just picked one I knew in the list :)19:37
slonopotamuserik__, you need to use gstreamer to benefit from dsp decoding19:37
zerojayThe media player doesn't write tags.19:37
zerojayJust reads or misreads them19:38
erik__zerojay: it did not read them correctly either19:38
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zerojayHas a slash in the tag?19:39
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erik__there is all kind of shit in the tag, space, slashes and UTF8 characters19:39
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* GeneralAntilles sighs.19:52
Khertan_n810Hi  again !19:52
slonopotamus_Khertan_n810, hello, mister19:54
Khertan_n810i've just publish some two others screenshots of mPIM on my blog with icons this time : http://khertan.net19:54
xnt14hmm, is there a working build-essential package for diablo?19:54
slonopotamus_xnt14, maemo doesn't have concept of 'build-essential'19:55
slonopotamus_at least pre-fremantle19:55
xnt14ok, so how do I compile on my nit?19:55
Khertan_n810xntl4 does are you trying to build package for some python scripts / app ?19:55
xnt14no, im trying to compile liqbase19:55
GeneralAntillesI really regret having staid up for that presentation.19:56
GeneralAntilles"Stealing music is bad! <finger wag/>"19:56
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Khertan_tiredofp[18:56] <Khertan_n810> xntl4: ah so ask to lcukn[18:56] <Khertan_n810> lcuk : pingn[18:56] <Khertan_n810> i know that he compile it on his nit19:58
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xnt14ok ;)19:59
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Khertan_n810_2but do not expect a fast compilation20:00
* Khertan_n810_2 really like WordPy !20:01
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Khertan_n810_2thx yerga for this great app20:01
yergaKhertan_n810_2, you're welcome ;-)20:02
yergaKhertan_n810_2, it will be better in Fremantle20:02
Khertan_n810_2i like too the actual ui ... it s inspired me for mPIM > http://khertan.net20:03
xnt14lcuk, yes?20:03
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Khertan_n810_2yerga but i dont expect to get a n900 soon20:03
yergaKhertan_n810_2, I have seen your posts, it looks nice20:03
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yergaKhertan_n810_2, with the developer program will be cheaper20:03
Khertan_n810_2yerga: thx20:04
Khertan_n810_2yerga: i hope : 1/ When 2/ Will i ll be selected :)20:04
Corsacwhat exactly is required to "join" the developer program?20:04
lcukxnt14, gimme a mo20:05
lcukill give you a list of the packages20:05
zerojayYou don't need anything to start developing. Grab the sdk.20:05
Khertan_n810_2Corsac: not define yet20:05
Khertan_n810_2corsac: it seems it ll be discuss at the summit if i understand well the qgil post on the dev mailing list20:06
zerojayUsually based on community karma, proposed app ideas, etc...20:07
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Khertan_n810_2zerojay :  as they doln t want that is available only for dev and that karma is mainly calculated on product made20:08
Khertan_n810_2i dont think there ll be only karma for the choice20:09
Khertan_n810_2but as qgil said it s need to be defined ...20:09
zerojayNo, of course not.20:09
Khertan_n810_2so waiting will be the answer20:09
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lcukdeb diablo/sdk free non-free20:12
lcukdeb diablo/tools free non-free20:12
lcukdeb diablo free non-free20:12
lcukdeb diablo free non-free20:12
lcukapt-get install libc6-dev make gcc-3.4-base binutils cpp-3.4 pkg-config libxml2 libgstreamer0.10-dev libglib2.0-dev20:12
lcuklibxml2-dev libx11-dev libxext-dev libxsp-dev libjpeg62-dev libxv-dev cpp gcc x-debug-tools gcc-3.4 g++ libpng12-dev20:12
lcuklibxrandr-dev libgcc1 g++-3.4 libosso-dev libfreetype6-dev build-essential20:12
lcukfind space for them all :P20:12
lcuktechnically build-essential is all you need20:12
lcukbut thats a dump of everything i needed to install liqbase20:12
* Corsac pastebins lcuk 20:12
* xnt14 checks the free internal space on his nit20:13
* lcuk throws bin back @ carsac20:13
lcukyeah xnt20:13
lcukits about 90mb needed20:13
Khertan_n810_2lcuk : just a suggestion put it to a webpage with an adword :)20:13
lcukthrow out everything20:13
* Corsac has only one a20:13
Khertan_n810_2and put the system on the sdcard20:13
lcukKhertan_n810_2, the website will be updated asap :)20:13
lcukKhertan_n810_2, i wanted complete building from scratch20:14
lcukand never investigated anything other than making it work on my tablet20:14
xnt14lcuk, crap...... I only have 11.9mb left :P20:14
xnt14ok time to uninstall stuff.....20:14
lcukthen you might be able to install fuckall.deb20:14
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Myrttilcuk: pretty please with cherry on top, please please use pastebin in the future <(^.^)>20:15
lcuki wonder if doing apt-get build-essential on the n900 will work20:15
* Khertan_n810_2 switch his website to wordpress : easier to post from nit with MaemoWordPy20:15
lcukwith the things people were saying about space20:15
lcukwould gcc and its cohorts fit?20:15
lcukMyrtti, of course, anything for you sweetie :D apologies20:15
* lcuk wont do that again :$20:15
lcukMyrtti, thats only cos you do cool unicode stuff20:16
Khertan_n810_2ouch it take me 10 minues to found the right login/password gro.omeam rof20:16
Myrtti☕ <-- coffee/tea for lcuk20:16
lcuko_O i got only a square that time :(20:17
Khertan_n810_2hihi funny invert when n810 is freezing20:17
lcukyour mojo is gone, i think i only understand your hearts20:17
lcuki see dat one20:17
lcukmy twitter mojo is lacking20:17
zerojayMe too on my n81020:18
* lcuk has not many friends and so much to say 20:18
Myrttilolwhat, I'm not following you in Twitter? /me corrects the error20:18
lcuklast time i saw you Myrtti was in jaiku and you said "im not gettin a twitter ever"20:18
lcukor words to that effect20:19
Myrttilcuk: and then it was ported to GAE with bugs affecting privacy20:19
Myrttiand then it was shit.20:19
zerojayDamn, 310 followers. 0 spammers.20:19
Khertan_n810_2huhu comment posted on MaemoWordPy on maemo ...20:20
aSIMULAtormeh twitter.20:20
Khertan_n810_2train starting connection will surely drop :(20:21
lcukMyrtti, i thought you were in uk, or are you flipflopping20:21
zerojayI was like that too until i made a lot of connections.20:21
Myrttilcuk: flipflop20:21
zerojaysure added a lot of finns lately, lol20:21
Khertan_n810_2Source IP:,.20:22
aSIMULAtorabout twitter?20:22
Myrttilcuk: I'll reserve the flight to UK straight after I've recovered a bit of Friday20:22
aSIMULAtori'm trying to get into it, but i simply can't20:23
lcukis friday important?20:23
aSIMULAtoreverything i post on twitter is the same shit i post on irc anyways20:23
aSIMULAtorthen there's facebook statuses20:23
zerojayI link 'em.20:23
zerojayExcept twitter replies.20:23
aSIMULAtorbut yeah i guess it's good to follow ppl i suppose20:23
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aSIMULAtori often wonder if i should even post facebook statuses, twitter comments, flickr pictures when all i do is talk about cats20:24
zerojayDepends on how you use it.20:24
aSIMULAtorcause i'm a crazy cat person20:24
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lcukMyrtti yikes, i dunno what it is, but i know i dont want one20:25
lcukits one of those doctor things20:25
* lcuk hates doctors and doors20:25
ShadowJKI was once down to 20 meg free on /. Tablet was running so incrediblhy slow :)20:25
ShadowJKBut that might be because it was a 512 meg file in /var20:26
till-20mb free on / is a lot :)20:27
timeless_mbpVDVsx: fwiw, i crashed supertux20:27
lcuktill- :)20:28
VDVsxtimeless_mbp, ehehhe20:28
till-i'm happy with ~10mb20:28
VDVsxtimeless_mbp, whats happened ?20:28
timeless_mbpi was probably shutting down20:29
timeless_mbpdo you have symbols?20:29
timeless_mbpwe could probably arrange to pair my core with something20:29
AStormyeah, someone should use splitdebug20:30
Myrttilcuk: gallbladder removal (in my case in keyhole surgery, hopefully)20:31
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lcukstop eating gravel20:34
lcuk:O whole bladder20:34
lcuknot just stones20:34
Myrttilcuk: if the stones are removed, they're likely to form again20:35
lcukyeah horrible painful things20:35
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kirma"Bei Vorbestellung ist eine Anlieferung voraussichtlich ab dem 01. Oktober 2009 möglich. Dies ist abhängig von der gewählten Versandart und Produkt-Verfügbarkeit.20:37
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lcukMyrtti, you are following me and im following you but you are still protected20:49
RST38hNo release date for US20:51
Myrttilcuk: and I know and got an email that you've requested to follow me, but then I see "0 following requests" and no way to allow it atm...20:51
Myrttitwitter must have some difficulties20:51
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wiretappedif twitter had a dime for every time people realized twitter must have some difficulties, they'd have a viable business model20:55
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SpeedEvil4chan was recently somewhat DOSing twitter. I'm unsure if it's still going on.20:56
coldbootIt seems like such a simple thing, I don't know how they can't get it right.20:56
coldbootAlso, why don't they make their own, automatic url shortening service?20:56
coldbootThen we're not dependent on all of these url shortening services that could disappear any moment.20:56
* RST38h sees no point in twitter20:57
SpeedEvilI see a point.20:58
SpeedEvilBut not for its current use.20:58
RST38hThe best use of Twitter I have seen is to keep autobuilder log20:59
SpeedEvilIt is _very_ useful for coordinating projects where you may have a wide variety of platforms - PC - phone/... - and all want to be able to communicate in some form.20:59
_berto_there are several uses20:59
RST38hSpeed: You want to communicate or your platforms want to communicate?20:59
SpeedEvilFor announcing to the world that you've just farted - not so much.20:59
simulaany news on a us release date for the n900 from nokia world?20:59
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SpeedEvilRST38h: I was meaning - for example - a group that may be using mobiles and PCs and ... to do something, or organise a project.21:00
RST38hsimula: Nokia explicitly said they will not disclose US release date21:00
simulacrap.... thanks RST38h21:00
AStormthis means it will be in December ;P21:00
RST38hSpeed: And why would you need twitter for that?21:00
wiretapped <-- best use of twitter yet.21:00
AStormor maybe November21:00
RST38hAStorm: possibly21:00
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SpeedEvilRST38h: Because maintaining a list of phone numbers - and sending multiple SMSs to them all - and SMS-PC gateways is annoying.21:01
RST38hSpeed: You have already got IM, email, IRC, phone, and interpersonal communication21:01
SpeedEvilRST38h: Sure.21:01
_berto_twitter is in some ways like a huge IRC room where everybody is in but you only see your friends21:01
RST38hSpeed: Why do you communicate with your developers by sending them SMSes?21:01
RST38hHas emailed stopped to exist?21:01
SpeedEvilRST38h: Specific case - for example - people in the field (literally) going to pick up a balloon payload.21:01
MyrttiSMS? Twitter? oh, yeah, that thing that worked sometime in the distant past21:02
lcukRST38h, pagers and smses are actually the most "reliable" way to keep contact with people still21:02
SpeedEvilRST38h: Who may have variable mobile phone coverage - and people at home on PCs tracking the signal emitted from said payload until it drops below hte radio horizon at 1km or so21:02
AStormtrue, also noticed21:02
suihkulokkiI think this explains twitter well:
Myrttiwiretapped: lollercoaster21:03
RST38hlcuk: At $.10 a message, I will disagree21:03
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lcukRST38h, at 10p a message to know that when one comes in its specifically for you and related specifically for your job i think many firms still see benefits21:04
lcukoncall people21:04
SpeedEvilRST38h: Many - even most - contract phones in the UK have several hundred texts built in to the package free per month21:04
RST38hSpeed: Is that a common case? I mean, millions of people are picking balloons in the field?21:04
RST38hlcuk: Just use email or IM21:05
SpeedEvilRST38h: No - of course not. I'm saying it has valid uses.21:05
RST38hSpeed: You want to show a COMMON valid use21:05
SpeedEvilRST38h: And in many places IM or email is lots more expensive than text.21:05
SpeedEvilRST38h: no - I don't.21:05
RST38hWell, GPS-equipped balloons do not qualify for a common case21:05
_berto_sometimes I want to say something that I think might be interesting to my friends but I don't want to IM or SMS all of them21:05
RST38hberto: Counting to 10 in your head will solve this.21:06
_berto_RST38h: it doesn't21:06
RST38hAnd will actually be faster than typing it =)21:06
lcukRST38h, SMS messages get through when most other services are downable21:06
_berto_what are blogs for anyway ?21:06
RST38hlcuk: That is actually a legend :)21:07
aSIMULAtorthat's why... irc > * the end.21:07
RST38hlcuk: Network goes down or you travel outside the coverage or into a subway tunnel - and you are not receiving SMSes21:07
SpeedEvilRST38h: however the network retries21:07
lcukbut the amount of devices supporting sms is > than the amount of devices that support good strong reliable email21:08
RST38hlcuk: Your account runs out of 10-pence coins, and you again are not receiving SMSes21:08
lcukthat is cos america is shit21:08
RST38hSpeed: Only when there is coverage and money on the account21:08
lcukand pays to recv21:08
lcuklogical people pay to buy a stamp to send21:08
SpeedEvilRST38h: SMS packages that have several hundred SMSs per month are very inexpensive in many countries.21:08
lcukand recieving is free21:08
_berto_if we all counted to 10 in our heads this room would be quiet all the time21:08
RST38hberto: Would it be a bad thing? =)21:09
RST38hSpeed: I may be sending several hundred IRC or ICQ messages a day21:09
RST38hSpeed: You are talking about a month21:09
RST38hSpeed: It is in everybody's best interest to recognize SMSes as a way cell phone operators are fleecing you21:10
RST38hSpeed: And move on to IP-based IM21:10
lcukRST38h, IM and email and shouting across the room are all great ways to communicate - its obvious people like and seem to trust different methods, no matter how reliable/mythical that trust is21:10
SpeedEvilunlimited texts - 350 minutes per month - 15 quid sim-only21:11
SpeedEvilRST38h: And saying twitter is useless because it doesn't meet your use-case ...21:11
RST38hSpeed: And?21:11
RST38hSpeed: I am saying twitter is useless because it does not seem to meet ANY common use case21:11
_berto_I told you one21:11
lcukrandom textual fragments21:11
lcukthey are cool21:11
RST38hberto: Count to 10 now =)21:12
lcukand can be used for imaginative things :)21:12
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_berto_what's the use of IRC? or blogs?21:12
lcukirc is my blog21:12
RST38hlcuk: Not really: once you look over those random textual fragments you will see that most people REALLY have nothing to say, twitter or not21:12
lcuk#liqbase gets pingbacks lol21:12
RST38hberto: IRC - form of instant messaging21:13
lcukRST38h, twitter irc slashdot digg ...........21:13
_berto_RST38h: the fact that most people don't have anything to say applies to IRC and blogs as well21:13
RST38hberto: Blogs - no use as far as I am concerned21:13
lcukall crap, but people like to pontificate21:13
_berto_RST38h: twitter is a form of instant messaging as well21:13
RST38hlcuk: Pontificate in front of the mirror or a cat =)21:13
_berto_at least it can be used as such21:13
lcukcat just looks at me funny21:13
wiretappedHey baby, wanna come to myspace and twitter my yahoo 'til i google all over your facebook ?21:13
_berto_but well21:14
RST38hlcuk: So do your twitter feed readers21:14
_berto_if you don't see any use of blogs I don't think I'll be able to convince you about twitter21:14
* wiretapped was just demonstrating the IRC usecase21:14
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lcukat least (some) of the time they respond in a manner that doesnt involve plasters or surgical repair21:14
RST38hlcuk: Ehehehehe21:14
lcuki am gonna make #liqbase log directly to my liqbase twitter account21:15
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javispedrowow, so DocsToGo is there.21:15
aSIMULAtorat least on irc, you get realtime comments about things. that aren't subjected to a 140 character limit.21:15
RST38hberto: Is a blog like a moderated USENET newgroup with only the moderator allowed to post new threads? =)21:15
RST38hjavis: Yep21:15
lcukaSIMULAtor, some irc servers DO limit input to 140 or thereabouts21:15
SpeedEvilRST38h: Also - IM and email - fine. However - I can get a phone today for 10 pounds that will support twitter - and will cost about 10 pounds a month to run. I cannot do that with IM or email21:16
lcukits all dependant on the server21:16
lcukand freenode allows 45021:16
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aSIMULAtorwell that sucks..good thing i don't go on those servers21:16
RST38hSpeed: I can21:16
Stskeeps140? bullcrap21:16
lcukStskeeps, its just a param on the server isnt it21:16
RST38hSpeed: Startup cost will be higher than f10 of course, but such is life21:16
aSIMULAtoryeah i've not been on an IRC server with 140 character limit21:16
lcukclients are meant to honour that21:16
* lcuk likes how your specialist subject made you perk :D21:16
lcukhey florian21:17
Stskeepslcuk: 512 is the buffer size21:17
_berto_RST38h: USENET ? what's that for ? =)21:17
* RST38h officially counts to 10 and goes to do some house chores21:17
Stskeepsrest minus command and target is how long message21:17
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Stskeepsand optional origin21:18
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lcukisnt it available to be configured using one of these params21:19
lcuk(this doesnt have msglen, but im sure i saw it somewhere21:19
lcuk* IRCD=dancer CAPAB CHANTYPES=# EXCEPTS INVEX CHANMODES=bdeIq,k,lfJD,cgijLmnPQrRstz CHANLIMIT=#:20 PREFIX=(ov)@+ MAXLIST=bdeI:50 MODES=4 STATUSMSG=@ KNOCK NICKLEN=16 :are supported by this server21:19
lcuk* SAFELIST CASEMAPPING=ascii CHANNELLEN=30 TOPICLEN=450 KICKLEN=450 KEYLEN=23 USERLEN=10 HOSTLEN=63 SILENCE=50 :are supported by this server21:19
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lcukthe 450 i keep seeing from this server must just be topiclen, but i thought msglen was also there21:19
Stskeepsi kinda helped push that standard and afaik there's no  msglen21:20
AStormlcuk: there21:20
_berto_but no one of us is using more than 140 chars anyway :-D21:20
AStorm's a hard limit in dancer, 409621:20
javispedrowhat the *** did you do to him?21:21
javispedroyou irc phreakers!21:21
* lcuk bows to your superior knowledge stskeeps21:22
zerojayBerto, try
javispedropoor infobot, you killed him again. no irc logs...21:22
zerojayNo tweets will get posted unless you have a message of 1400 characters or more, lol21:22
_berto_zerojay: lol21:23
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lcukanyone know what res the nokia x6 is21:30
lcukand whether its hackable21:30
apePyöriikös Maemolla Quake tai joku vastaava kloonipeli? Ja sivukysymyksenä tiedustelisin vielä sen suorituskykyä N800/N810-laitteissa.21:30
aol_640x360 is the resolution on x621:30
lcuka bit low, but workable21:30
apeOops.. This was the English channel :D21:30
aol_lcuk: standard 5th edition symbian21:31
apeDoes Quake or a similar clone game work with Maemo? And how does it run on N800 or N810?21:31
* lcuk is powered by the penguin21:31
lcukanyone ever bothered to get linux bootloader on any of these devices21:32
lcukmaemo everywhere21:32
aol_lcuk: I don't think it will be hackable to extent installing your own bootloader :)21:32
lcukthen thats not hackable21:32
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aol_I've seen bootloader on some 2nd edition s6021:32
lcukor rather, then thats a challenge21:32
aol_but after that no21:32
aol_but it makes no sense21:33
lcuklinux users avoid it because its hard to get fancypants effects21:33
aol_there is so much stuff on the firmware nowadays21:33
AStormape: lxdoom21:33
aol_you lose voice and 3g21:33
AStormape: quake 1 also works21:33
lcuki want touch hardware21:33
aol_probably never will get them supported with your own OS on it21:33
lcukwe have maemo21:33
lcukand ofono whenever it gets here21:33
aol_many symbians run the 3g baseband stuff in kernel21:34
lcukand maemo will have that same code somewhere21:34
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aol_well. it's a challange atleast :) '21:34
aol_if not impossible21:34
lcukaol, from what i can gather - maemo linux is going to run on nokia hardware - if we could convince nokia to allow maemo linux to run elsewhere - imagine the coup!21:35
mikkov_ape: doom, quake, quake2, duke nukem21:35
aol_lcuk: :)21:35
SpeedEvillcuk: I see that happening only after the n900 is a success and is taken up in large volume by carriers.21:35
aol_lcuk: maemo5 would suck on current nokia symbian hw21:35
SpeedEvillcuk: especially as it also _GREATLY_ weakens their position.21:36
wazd_guys, quick poll, - not too bad?21:36
Stskeepsaol_: you can install bootloader of different kind but after fucking up NOLO, you are unable to reflash through standard means21:36
lcukbut liqbase wouldnt21:36
lcukits designed for low spec hardware21:36
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wazd_not finished though21:36
SpeedEvillcuk: Nokia is then vulnerable to random chinese makers that make a phone and put the thing that nokia has popularised on it.21:36
lcukthats already the case21:36
lcuksee mer/smartq21:37
AStormwazd_: except you made a 3,5" screen there ;P21:37
lcukand its sancioned21:37
glassyou can already make 'maemo' compatible devices without nokia21:37
aol_Stskeeps: I thought we all work in nokia related companies that have flashing stations 0_o :)21:37
lcuknokia KNOWS its open source21:37
aol_flashing is no problem ;)21:37
glassaol_: just me and you buddy :D21:37
wazd_AStorm: oh, not the mockup, blog itself :)21:37
AStormwazd_: oh and improve the keyboard while you're at it ;)21:37
SpeedEvilglass: yes. But the market for phones isn't there yet.21:37
aol_glass: :D21:37
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glassSpeedEvil: also rolling up manufacturing isn't cheap at all21:37
Stskeepsaol_: i don't personally have a 770/n800/n810 ones21:37
AStormI can't tell you anything, since I'm viewing it in links2 (gfx mode)21:37
SpeedEvilglass: I know - I was meaning the existing '1phone' manufacturers.21:38
Stskeepsaol_: i would love a n810 flashing jig, heh21:38
aol_Stskeeps: yeah I dont have those either, I thought we were talking about x6 and such :P21:39
keesjhaving the n900 in pre-order on the front page of really makes my day21:40
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AStormno (pre-)order in PL yet21:40
aol_any country having n900 for less than £500 (=550eur) ?21:40
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AStormaol_: US21:40
aol_I think my order will go to expansys.com21:40
aol_AStorm: probably cant order it from there, they have different 3g stuff21:41
AStormno, the modem is 4-band21:41
AStormit will work here21:41
SpeedEvilAStorm: 4 band != worldwide 3g21:41
aol_or then again I might have my employer buy it for me, old phone is nearly the 18 month maximum age :D21:41
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AStormSpeedEvil: correct, but works for US and EU21:42
AStormwhich means it works here21:42
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aol_it will work, but 3g has different bands than here21:42
SpeedEvilAStorm: 4 band GSM has nothing to do with 3G generally21:42
AStormyou say so?21:42
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aol_i mean working, and using ALL bands is different21:42
SpeedEvilUnless I'm confused - which is possible21:42
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aol_I dont want crippled 3g21:42
* GeneralAntilles hates etrunko
AStormwell, I could order from UK in a pinch21:43
GeneralAntillesNice fingerprint by the way. :P21:43
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aol_heh we'll match that to goverment databases immediately21:44
Stskeepsno N900 on the front?21:44
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Stskeepsor N0021:45
qwerty12_N810It's a Nokla21:45
javispedrothey're fast at it.21:45
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AStorm"The specific frequency bands originally defined by the UMTS standard are 1885–2025 MHz for the mobile-to-base (uplink) and 2110–2200 MHz for the base-to-mobile (downlink). In the US, 1710–1755 MHz and 2110–2155 MHz will be used instead, as the 1900 MHz band was already utilized.[6] While UMTS2100 is the most widely-deployed UMTS band, some countries' UMTS operators use the 850 MHz21:46
lcukGeneralAntilles, now we have his fingerprint we can break into his secret lair21:46
AStormand/or 1900 MHz bands (independently, meaning uplink and downlink are within the same band), notably in the US by AT&T Mobility, New Zealand by Telecom XT and in Australia by Telstra on the Next G network."21:46
AStormthat's what is meant by 4-band :>21:47
SpeedEvilAStorm: there are many things meant by 4 band - one is the 4 GSM bands21:47
AStormyeah, but to support the US only, you need 4 bands anyway21:48
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AStormwhich means all of them21:48
SpeedEvila cellphone supporting the 4 GSM bands will do GSM and edge worldwide (where there is GSM) this says nothing about what 3G bands it supports.21:49
glassAStorm: finland has 3g on 900mhz too now21:50
etrunkoGeneralAntilles: why so?21:51
etrunkoworking on it21:51
jaskayeah, i think elisa has 3g also on 900MHz21:51
GeneralAntillesetrunko, everybody seems to be getting ahold of N900s before me.21:51
jaskaeasier coverage i guess21:51
glassfor rural21:51
glassit helps21:52
jaskano 3G on sonera where i live, atleast according to maps21:52
jaska(and i have sonera)21:52
AStormagain, 900 MHz is also used in the US21:53
AStormhere they also use 900 MHz in PL21:53
AStormbut UMTS goes on 210021:54
AStormjaska: unlikely, since 900 MHz is GSM, it'd interfere21:54
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jaskaastorm: they do have umts on 900...21:55
etrunkoGeneralAntilles: and it keeps playing videos while in dashboard21:55
GeneralAntillesHate. You.21:55
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javispedrolcuk: confirming then the compositor is redirecting xv output.21:57
AStormjaska: well, it is possible, but the only reason I can think of is the lack of 2100 MHz licence21:57
javispedrosee above link21:57
javispedroCanola uses mplayer which uses xv, and is being redirected.21:57
javispedro(afaik ;) )21:58
AStormjaska: anyway, a full HSPA modem will need 850/900/1900/2100 at least (plus the upload bands)21:58
lcukmplayer default is not xv21:58
etrunkojavispedro: actually it is running gstreamer playbin21:58
Captain_PicardWe got both 2100 and 900mhz in finland, they build 900mhz where the signal is poor21:58
lcuki have to use the command line to get it playing in xv21:58
etrunkoas mplayer is not available in extras-devel yet21:58
lcuk(tho it might be for certain formats)21:58
etrunkoat least it wasn't by the time21:58
AStormCaptain_Picard: yeah, longer range21:58
Captain_Picardtobad they wont build it everywhere21:58
Captain_Picard2100 sucks21:58
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javispedrolcuk: the default here is omapfb, but i guess that's not going to work in n900.21:58
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javispedro(at least unmodified)21:59
lcukmplayer has plenty of backends21:59
lcukit is such a kitchensink app :)21:59
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javispedroetrunko, well, asking if it uses the xv gstreamer sink or something else would be too much ;)21:59
javispedro(NDA or the like wise ;) )21:59
etrunkojavispedro: yeah. and i haven't dig that much22:00
lcuklet me find you a technical link22:00
etrunkoluckly it just worked22:00
javispedroand since you're using playbin it is probably using openmax codecs already22:00
javispedromplayer will not be able to compete with that, I believe.22:00
lcuki asked22:01
lcukand was told the xv layer was likely composited22:01
lcukso i get all the goodness of the n900 on my side!22:01
* lcuk smiles also22:02
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jaskashitter tribunal... where all the judges sit on porcelain altars22:11
GeneralAntillesjaska, doesn't all of the shit come out of the other end on judges?22:12
jaskanow it would come out of both ends22:13
Myrttilcuk: wohey, now the request came through22:15
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ShadowJKlcuk, maemo-mplayer defaults to omapfb output, regular mplayer would on ARM default to Xv, if libxv-dev was available at compiletime :)22:18
ShadowJKAStorm, the .fi operators recently gained permission to do LTE on 1800Mhz, which is also used by GSM :)22:19
ShadowJKNeedless to say, .fi operators would love if people all switched to 3G phones, then they could allocate less of 900MHz to GSM and more of it to 3G22:20
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ShadowJKSo in .fi we've got GSM on 900+1800, and 3G on 900+2100. 1800 and 2100 is rarely used in rural areas here22:21
lcuknice ShadowJK thanks22:21
AStormShadowJK: this means you need an x-band modem for all of these to work22:21
AStormat least 322:21
AStormadd 850 and you have US support22:22
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suihkulokkiShadowJK: It was fun to notice that our summer cottage is now covered with 3G @ 900Mhz22:22
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ShadowJKsuihkulokki, we don't have a summer cottage, but our relatives do.. there's some edge coverage if you're on the balcony :)22:22
aol_yes 3G 900 is very cool22:22
aol_usually with other bands there's never coverage when you need it22:23
AStormtake over that wimax band too ;)22:23
ShadowJKIt's much better than it used to be. Used to get spotty NMT900 with big external antenna on roof22:23
AStormhey, here they also go on 2100 and 90022:23
aol_I mean I dont desperately *need* 3g in a city22:23
aol_I need it when I'm middle of nowhere22:23
coldbootWhy is SCons 1.1 for Maemo actually
* jaska digs a nmt-450 out of the closet22:23
AStormaol_: EDGE should suffice22:23
AStormdo you really need that high transfer rates?22:24
aol_jaska: put it back, they cancelled the nmt450 network in 200022:24
suihkulokkilatency is the thing that makes EDGE useless22:24
VDVsxGeneralAntilles, yet another 'maemo talk' ->
jaskaaol: so what :)22:24
ShadowJK3G in the city is funny. When you drive towards the city, a km or so before, when you see one of the transmitters visually, download speed on phone jumps to 200 kbyte/s.. then when you drive by appartment buildings it drops to 50kByte/s.. and when you drive by college or student accomodations, speed drops to 20kbyte/s :)22:24
jaskaits from 1984 or so22:24
ShadowJKWireless is a shared resource :/22:24
zerojaySo i probably shouldn't name the podcast maemo talk, eh? ;)22:25
aol_ShadowJK: hahah22:25
ShadowJKI think I'd like to have 3G at work. While edge is sufficient most of the time for streaming music, it takes along time for it to "catch up" if you accidentally cover the phone in your pocket with your arm or similar :)22:25
aol_somehow my mobbler does not work when I drop to edge22:26 client that is22:26
AStormShadowJK: here, I get that 3,6 Mbit all the time22:26
ShadowJKI just use the "Internet Radio" application on my s60 device22:27
AStormbut it's PL, everyone uses wifi and hard lines22:27
ShadowJKno hard line available where I live :(22:27
ShadowJKThough we (the community here) are building fibreoptic network, it wont be ready until next year or year after22:27
AStormonly there they use GPRS/UMTS22:27
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VDVsxFYI: Yet another 'hands-on' video:
ShadowJKtheregister complained about text output and input :)22:29
AStormwhat lol22:29
AStormcan they *not* complain about anything short of full keyboard?22:30
qwerty12_N810I wouldn't take that "review" seriously when he thinks typing on an iPhone is better.22:30
AStormtrue, he just got used to the iPawn22:30
ShadowJKThey complained that double-tap zoom doesn't automatically adjust to text columns, and that the keyboard is still insufficient, but so is everyone else's keyboard22:30
AStormtrue, insufficient is better than none22:31
AStorma good keyboard would be that Stowaway BT stuff22:31
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ShadowJKOh, a guy at work who's a bit of a linux person.. I told him about N900, and he said he had heard of it and seen it, but that it's way too small for him.22:31
ShadowJKI thought that was funny when everyone complains it's too big :P22:32
AStormit's thick, not big22:32
ShadowJKI have a BT keyboard, not that convenient really :/22:32
ShadowJKYou have to find somewhere to ptu them down22:32
ShadowJKpreferably a tablet22:32
ShadowJKWith just the tablet, you can use it with your hands22:33
ShadowJKbut you can't use tablet and keyboard like that22:33
SpeedEvilduct tape22:34
AStormwell, why not?22:35
AStormhave to hold the keyboard to not let it fall?22:35
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GeneralAntillesVDVsx, . . .22:36
VDVsxGeneralAntilles, and also use a stolen background image from the official Maemo website ;)22:38
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user_Hi again !22:39
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* javispedro shudders at the idea that all those maemo talk sites are going to get an n900 before him.22:39
Khertan_n810someone know how i can identify sudden reboot of my n81922:40
Khertan_n810n810 ?22:40
qwerty12_N810javispedro: instead of stealing N900s, do you want to make Yet-Another-N900-blog and have Nokia give us two N900s? I can't see how this plan would fail...22:41
GeneralAntillesjavispedro, yeah, not totally thrilled with the fact that a random blogger who pissed all over Maemo a year ago then came back to spout off a bunch of idiocy gets to hold one before the good people here do.22:41
javispedroqwerty12_N810, I put the hosting, you put the content :)22:41
qwerty12_N810worksforme :p22:42
wazd_guys, can you mess my blog design with dirt please? :)22:42
javispedrowe can get one of those screenshots and let the first post "flow" from it: "this screen shows maemo 5 is shiny. but from this screenshot I also see that typing on it is definitely going to be hard than on the iPhone."22:42
qwerty12_N810"Why Maemo owns, fucks your mother, and kicks-ass"22:42
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GeneralAntillesMom? ;_;22:43
wazd_well, no, not now :)22:43
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xnt14qwerty12_N810, javispedro,  hmm22:43
javispedroI know I did a good job hiring you for the content qwerty12 :)22:43
Khertan_n810someone know how i can identify why my n810 suddently reboot without apparent reason ?22:43
GeneralAntillesqwerty12_N810 is already the employee.22:43
GeneralAntillesGood show, javispedro.22:44
lcukholy shit!   screenshot of liqbase running on fremantle!!!!
GeneralAntillesKhertan_n810, it's time to upgrade to an N900.22:44
Khertan_n810generalAntilles oh thx to offer me one !22:44
javispedrothe internal timer again :)22:44
xnt14o.0 adobe uses jquery xD
xnt14look at the source22:44
xnt14although no point if the whole app is in flash22:45
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wazd_lcuk: well, pretty authenic fremantle shot :D22:45
xnt14lcuk, try running it in windowed mode ;)22:46
lcukxnt14, what good would it do22:46
lcukscreenshots only show YUV planes22:46
xnt14so we could see the fremantle ui + liqbase ;)22:47
lcukyou couldnt22:47
lcukit would just take a screenshot of the windowed size22:47
lcukie something like 720*42022:47
* timeless_mbp pokes GeneralAntilles 22:47
lcukor whatever hildon nicks \@22:47
andre__who once was into defining the categories for packages in application-manager?22:47
andre__comments appreciated at
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timeless_mbpandre__: um22:48
* andre__ takes a look at h-a-m22:48
xnt14liqbase + fremantle + n900 + hardware gfx accel = faster liqbase?22:49
* timeless_mbp too22:49
Khertan_n810 /proc $ cat bootreason22:49
lcukwhere would i get hardware accel from?22:49
timeless_mbpwe have "Internet & Networking"22:49
lcukbut thats the assumption im goin under22:49
timeless_mbpi have no idea which category it's using22:49
lcuki was told it would work22:49
lardmanKhertan_n810: in the wiki there's a page on reporting reboot errors22:49
xnt14the graphics chip in the n90022:49
lcukso im just carrying on making my n810 version faster22:49
lardmanwhich says where the various files live22:49
timeless_mbpandre__: "Dropbear SCP" is in it22:49
Khertan_n810thx lardman22:49
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lcukand then when i finally get my grubby mitts on one of those lovely posh looking n900s i will be in good form22:50
xnt14lcuk, "22:50
xnt14Processor and 3D accelerator22:50
xnt14TI OMAP 3430: ARM Cortex-A8 600 MHz, PowerVR SGX with OpenGL ES 2.0 support22:50
andre__timeless_mbp, yeah, i see that myself right now. ah well, i'm going to check and fix that one22:50
lcuki cant make use of gl - thats in use by the compositor i assume22:50
AStormwhy not22:50
lardmanKhertan_n810: np, let me know if you can't find it and I'll dig it out22:50
lcukbut the faster cpu and high bandwidth graphics bus should remove the restrictions liqbase currently has on n81022:50
lcukand allow it to be EVEN faster22:51
AStormopengl is not single-threaded22:51
lcukfast enough to possibly do new kinds of interactions22:51
AStormso you can have more than one surface22:51
lcukAStorm, the chip must be kept pretty busy tho22:51
SpeedEvilYou're 'just' painting each scroll position seperately?22:51
lardmanwhat's wrong with this line of code (Python)?: self.cursor.execute("select * from ?", (sql_table_name,))22:51
AStormlcuk: nah22:51
lcukso gl ops would be degraded at base22:51
AStormno really, it'd only suck some VRAM22:51
AStormand maybe load the z-buffer a bit22:51
AStormnot enough to matter22:51
lcukinstead of coming out onto regular slowbus memory22:51
lcukand then restricted again22:52
lcuki bet liqbase is gonna fly22:52
GeneralAntillesandre__, do I get to start ending Nokia's yet?22:52
* javispedro is actually trying to make ogles emulation do something22:52
GeneralAntillesandre__, "Ups, we kinda added this Plug-Ins one unilaterally. Sorry about that, we'll do better next time."22:52
andre__GeneralAntilles, hummm?22:52
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* xnt14 installs fremantle22:55
xnt14last time, on my 8.10 install, it screwed up apt......22:55
xnt14lets see what happens in 9.0422:55
* andre__ wonders whether jeremiah is around22:56
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Khertan_n810lardman: hum doesn t find anything  interesting22:57
lcukthe liqbase desktop22:58
lcuknow allows you to select any widgets you like22:58
lardmanKhertan_n810: hang on a tick22:58
lcuklike i said22:58
lcukthe one thing i said i would put there was an image selection22:59
lcukto choose your background22:59
coldbootIn Scratchbox 1, with SCons 1.1 for Maemo, I can't run `scons --tree=derived`, or any other parameters like `scons -c`, because I get this: "usage: processSchema can be used to generate sync-compatible PDB files"...22:59
xnt14you mean the green box around the widgets?22:59
coldbootWhat's up with that?22:59
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lcukopen the desktop, and just type "flow"22:59
xnt14ok hold on a sec22:59
lcukthen zoom into what you see22:59
xnt14me grabs his nit22:59
Stskeepscoldboot: 'which scons'22:59
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xnt14ok done23:00
coldboot$ file $(which scons) => /scratchbox/tools/bin/scons: a python script text executable23:00
xnt14im zoomed in23:00
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lcukwhat is it23:00
xnt14a bunch of dots23:00
lcukdraw a circle23:00
xnt14which react to my touch23:00
lcukthen tell me what happens23:00
coldbootStskeeps: Upon editing the file, it looks like SCons.23:00
Stskeepscoldboot: scratchbox is redirecting your scons to a crap version23:01
coldbootStskeeps: How do I fix that?23:01
xnt14the dot's color changes, and now they are spiraling around23:01
coldbootqwerty12_N810: Set that to 1?23:01
lcukxnt, draw an inward spiral23:01
qwerty12_N810coldboot: export SBOX_REDIRECT_IGNORE=/usr/bin/scons23:02
lcukjust a big @ lol23:02
xnt14ok done23:02
lcukok, what did the dots do23:02
qwerty12_N810I usually reexport PATH to have /usr/bin first because I'm lazy that way23:02
coldbootqwerty12_N810: Doesn't work.23:02
xnt14the dots are disappearing23:02
lcukdown the plughole23:02
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lcuklike a spiral galaxy23:02
coldbootWhy doesn't scratchbox just not do that?23:03
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lcukxnt14, clear it again23:03
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coldbootqwerty12_N810: putting /usr/bin before the rest of $PATH also doesn't work.23:03
lcuknow, what are the dots doing23:03
* wiretapped likes that the not-yet-on-DVD star trek movie is seen playing in official N900 photos 23:03
xnt14just standing there23:03
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qwerty12_N810coldboot: And you have scons in /usr/bin?23:03
lcukxnt14, is the device flat on the table?23:04
lardmanwiretapped: sure it's not the trailer?23:04
lcukpick it up23:04
ShadowJKwirelessdreamer, and in one of the videos out of nokia, you can see it's pirated :)23:04
xnt14ok done23:04
wiretappedyeah, it appears to be 43 minutes in to it :)23:04
Khertan_n810 /usr/bin/hildon-input-method  : 123:04
lcukwhat happened to the dots23:04
ShadowJKit starts with the green "for preview" message :)23:04
coldbootqwerty12_N810: Actually, no.23:04
Khertan_n810 /usr/bin/bme_RX-44 :  45 *23:04
xnt14nothinh happened23:05
Khertan_n810what does it means ?23:05
xnt14lcuk, btw I have my camera23:05
ShadowJKhow many times they've been restarted23:05
coldbootqwerty12_N810: I installed scons for Maemo 1.1, should I just apt-get install it from within scratchbox?23:05
lcukheh xnt1423:05
lcuktake a movie23:05
xnt14ok ;)23:05
wazd_wiretapped: they have Transmission in their promo video, what do you want :D23:05
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qwerty12_N810coldboot: Whatever gets you an updated scons installed in /usr/bin.23:05
coldbootqwerty12_N810: It's not in the apt-repository, should it be in some apt-repository for maemo?23:06
ShadowJKwazd_, it's perfectly reasonable really, nokia music shop (or is it ovi music shop now?) doesn't have DRM-free mp3 yet, and no movies at all :)23:06
wiretappedwazd_: i missed that, which promo is that?23:07
coldbootqwerty12_N810: Why is there a shitty SCons 1.1 for Maemo, anyway?23:07
qwerty12_N810coldboot: doesn't appear to be in any repo. Maybe you'll need to build your own.23:07
coldbootqwerty12_N810: It's a tarball of python, easy.23:08
qwerty12_N810coldboot: because it's scratchbox? :)23:08
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lbtany UML design people here? could look over a class diagram for me?23:09
coldbootI bet developing for Android or iPhone doesn't suck nearly as much as this.23:09
coldbootI'm losing my mind.23:09
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ShadowJKJaffa, I don't believe you could charge while using USB Host mode. Atleast on my E75, it wont accept power on USB without negotiation with a host, OR if the data pins are shorted. In host mode it can't ask for power from the other device, and if you short the data pins, usb would obviously not work anymore. The negotiation and shorting of data pins is in some standards document, iirc. So I think the answer to that Q&A about where power would come from i23:11
ShadowJKn "extended host-mode" is "battery" :)23:11
xnt14ok im done taking the video ;)23:12
VDVsxKhertan_n810, normally that issue happens when you have your SO partition full23:12
lcukwhat are you trying to develop23:12
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Khertanlardman: i understand now that it s happen only when charging23:13
KhertanVDVsx: this is not the case here23:14
SpeedEvilshorting data pins is a recent extension to say 'I'm a charger'23:14
* xnt14 wonders how the heck do I export video from this camera :P23:15
Khertancoldboot: for iphone it doesn't suck ... you need a mac first ! with osx ... :)23:16
Khertanarg ... happens around 1 min after connecting the charger23:16
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Khertanseems to be something related with the charger/hardware power on my n810/ or the battery itself23:17
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AStormKhertan: what did you break?23:18
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coldbootlcuk: I'm working on an educational assessment program at a crappy company.23:24
coldbootlcuk: Using scratchbox 2 turned out to be a total mistake, as it barely works. And scratchbox1 is awkward.23:24
coldbootAll of those nice finishing touches someone should be putting on software to make it usable are missing from scratchbox 1 and 2.23:24
Khertan[22:18] <AStorm> Khertan: what did you break? < don't know yet ... surely the nit23:25
coldbootKhertan: Well, that part sucks.23:25
AStormcoldboot: hmmh, maybe use a full qemu23:26
AStormcould be fast enough23:26
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* lbt glances at his accelerated qemu on OBS and grins23:27
Khertanok this is not the charger23:28
Khertando the same things with the second one23:28
Khertansnifff .... :(23:28
Khertanreboot every minutes23:29
Khertanwhile charging23:29
Khertanresult in a not fully charged battery23:29
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AStormthe battery could be dead23:31
AStormI had that problem too with a dead battery23:31
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AStormcheck the voltage23:31
ShadowJKlshal|grep battery23:32
KhertanAStorm: yep it could be that23:33
AStormlook for signs of bulging too23:33
KhertanShadowJK: hum many informations23:33
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Khertanwhat should i look for ?23:35
AStormlast_full = 0?23:35
AStormother than that, looks fully charged23:36
Khertan <<< and when charged23:36
KhertanAStorm: yep but isn't23:36
AStormmaybe the gauge died on you23:37
Khertanwhy does the current voltage is lower when charging ?23:37
Khertan#   battery.voltage.current = 3909  (0xf45)  (int) # = 4200  (0x1068)  (int23:38
AStormbecause it's current-limited phase now23:38
AStormlow voltage charging, high current23:38
AStormseems like it's fully charged anyway23:39
AStorm(or very close)23:39
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Khertani ve updated with an other one
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ShadowJKI forgot, the values are not automatically updated. Tap the battery icon before lshal|grep battery23:40
ShadowJKAnd they are not updated at all while charging23:41
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ShadowJKThe battery looks very full23:42
ShadowJKas full as it can go23:42
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Khertanso the reason is why does it s reboot so23:43
Khertandidn't understand23:43
Khertanbut occurs only while charging23:43
AStorma hang, hmmh23:44
AStormI've seen that before, again, and it might've blown up my battery too ;p23:44
ShadowJK<Khertan_n810>  /usr/bin/bme_RX-44 :  45 *23:44
ShadowJKDoes the value increase?23:44
Khertanand the battery icon status bar applet still show charging23:44
Khertanhum ... sorry for the delay ... two reboot occurs23:49
Khertanit s now 5423:49
Khertanit s now 54 * to be exact23:49
ShadowJKSo it would seem the battery management entity program is crashing :/23:49
Khertan <<< no real solution here23:50
KhertanShadowJK: does this program entity is something software or hardware ?23:50
Khertanas if it s just software a flash could maybe solve this issue23:51
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ShadowJKOf course, it might be crashing because the hardware is telling it things that don't make sense23:51
Khertanyes of course23:51
ShadowJKgot warranty left? :/23:51
Khertanbut a flash will not hurt23:51
Khertan[22:51] <ShadowJK> got warranty left? :/ < yep23:52
ShadowJKnice :)23:52
Khertani mean is not under warranty anymore23:52
ShadowJKoh :(23:52
ShadowJKit's two years in europe23:52
Khertani ve already send it for the same reason 6 months after buying it to nokia23:52
KhertanShadowJK: yep ... but ... hum you make me doubt23:53
Khertanhum ... yes ... i "bought" it in march/april 2008 ...23:54
Khertanso it should be ok23:54
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Khertanouch ... price was 506Euros of the n81023:56
Khertanand it was 14-01-200823:56
ShadowJKI think I bought it at 440 in june 2008 :)23:56
AStormI bought mine for ~400 Euro23:57
AStormalso 2008 somewhen23:57
ShadowJKI can't get my N810 screen clean23:57
ShadowJKthere's always something left in the corner23:57
ShadowJKunder the bezel23:57
AStormmine has a bad scratch in the middle now23:58
RST38huse the protective film folks23:58
AStormI couldn't find a transparent, right one23:58
RST38hShadowJK: Corners can be cleaned with a soft toothbrush too =)23:58
Khertanok ... i ll go to bed and maybe send my nit :)23:58
ShadowJKMy N800 has protective film, and it works worse than my n810 lol23:58
ShadowJKand it looks*23:59
Khertanand really thanks for the help23:59
ShadowJKWhat did they say the last time you sent it in for the same reason?23:59
AStormShadowJK: try a cotton pick23:59

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