IRC log of #maemo for Thursday, 2009-03-12

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fartlrdsauronhi is there a usb current measuring device00:05
fartlrdsauronfor tablet/usb00:05
threshGeneralAntilles: apt fails to found telepathy-haze when trying to install rtcomm00:06
threshwants >= 0.2.something, has 0.1.400:07
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threshprobably some bug in the repo00:07
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GeneralAntillesthresh, you'll need to find the Collabora repo.00:10
GeneralAntillesthresh, it should be listed on gronmayer.00:10
GeneralAntillesthresh, Nokia never got around to actually uploading all of the parts necessary to install the rtcomm-beta from Extras00:10
GeneralAntillesIt's a PITA but what can you do.00:10
fartlrdsaurondiscard shit, focus on progress00:11
GeneralAntillesthresh, see this bug for some background anyway:
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threshi was asked if i want to use Collabora repository...00:12
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Maceri really have a place in my heart for my G100:14
Robot101from time to time they ask us why we've not updated the packaging for haze etc in extras00:14
Robot101but they don't give us any time to work on it :P00:15
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GAN8001Robot101, clearly a Saturday night is called for. ;)00:24
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joyrider___lol figured a way around my problem : got my projects located on a my windows pc and shared it, got the share mounted on my ubuntu box, made symbolic link in home dir of scratchbox to the windows share and mount the share on my n810 as well. dev on windows, compile on unix box (using ssh) and directly run it on the device ^^01:14
lcukdev on windows, compile natively on arm, run :)01:18
joyrider___do u compile on the device itself ?01:20
GeneralAntilleslcuk is an insane person01:20
lcuki might be insane, but i know the limits of my machine and what its capable of01:21
threshi wish i had cluster of arm01:21
lcukyou have at least 201:21
threshi can only compile bikes with those01:21
* b-man has compiled allmost every single package in the ubuntu-n8x0 repo from his tablet01:23
lcukgan, you nervous about the election yet?>01:23
GeneralAntilleslcuk, nah, why?01:24
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lcukcos its tomorrow01:26
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mavhcif you fail you'll have to go back to alaska01:28
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GeneralAntillesBack to?01:29
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lbt'night all - another Qt is uploading - see if I've fixed my build-deps :)02:07
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robinkMyrtti: Could you help me with a Gwibber issue?02:14
Myrttisure, but if it's a biggie I'd rather wait six hours or so02:14
MyrttiI'll have it in my backlog if nothing else02:15
robinkMyrtti: I dunno if it's a biggie; no status updates from any of my accounts will show.02:15
Myrttirobink: hardy?02:15
robinkMyrtti: Gentoo02:15
robinkGwibber 0.7.302:15
Myrtticheck which version of python-webkit you've got02:15
robinkI can give you versions of any of Gwibber's deps if you'd like.02:15
robinkMyrtti: 1.0.202:15
Myrttithere's a specific version of python-webkit I think is incompatible02:16
robinkMyrtti: I'm using a fairly recent SVN build of Webkit-GTK.02:16
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Myrttirobink: Version: 1.0.1-0ubuntu202:17
Myrttithat's what I have02:17
robinkI'm using version 2.0.5 of egenix-mx-base.02:17
robinkMyrtti: hmm02:17
robinkMyrtti: 1.0.2 is the only version in the Gentoo ebuild tree.02:17
Myrttiif you're in identica, poke @segphault :-)02:17
MyrttiI recon he should be awake at this hour02:18
robinkI don't think I am.02:18
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Myrttior alternatively02:18
Myrtti/connect and /join #gwibber02:18
Myrttior poke him in twitter or whatever. He's on most places02:19
robinkAh, OK02:19
robinkI just signed up on (I'm Haifen).02:20
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Shadow__Xanyone know where i can find rdiff-backup02:38
* b-man doesn't understand why he can't get a connection while he's chrooted in ubuntu - but is connected in maemo :P02:43
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Shadow__Xb-man, do you know where i can get rdiff backup03:02
Shadow__Xfor maemo03:02
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* b-man is going to scream03:24
b-maneven apt-get and wget won't work in my ubuntu chroot - even when connected - pluse wifi-radar errors out when i'm booted in ubuntu now :(03:24
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Shadow__Xhow do i get maemo to use this repo03:33
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* b-man screams03:34
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Shadow__Xb-man, what have you done03:42
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b-manShadow_X: i'm not shure what's wrong, this just happened :P03:45
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Shadow__Xb-man, hmm thats weird and odd i have had weird issues before hey do you know how to add a debian repo to maemo and maybe you are having storage issues03:46
Shadow__Xthat caused the breaks03:46
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b-manShadow_X: you can add the mirror to /etc/apt/sources.list, also, i have allmost 1 gb free03:48
b-man1005 mb03:48
Shadow__Xwhat do i put under the other stuff03:49
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Shadow__Xand i didnt mean what you ahd free03:49
Shadow__Xi meant the integrety of the medium03:49
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b-mani'm running it on a sandisk card on an ext3 partition03:50
Shadow__Xerror check it03:50
b-manit's clean03:51
b-manit also boots fine03:51
b-manbut i can't get network acsess booted or in a chroot - even when i'm connected03:52
b-manin maemo03:52
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Shadow__Xmy issue first?03:53
b-mank, hold on...03:53
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b-manShadow_X; add 'deb squeeze main' to the file and then make a file called /etc/apt/preferences and add the following:03:58
b-manPackage: *03:58
b-manPin: release a=sid03:59
Shadow__Xwhere did you get squeeze from03:59
b-manPin-Priority: 30003:59
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b-mani copyed it from the packages debian website04:00
Shadow__Xah i just want rdiff backup though04:00
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doc|homeslightly off-topic, but can anyone suggest a cheap ($1-200) gps that will show speed on even a monochrome screen and can interface with an n800? Cheaper is better.04:02
GeneralAntillesdoc|home, can't recommend anything specific, but I'm sure Garmin has something.04:03
doc|homeany keywords for the interface?04:03
b-manShadow_X: then change Package: * to Package: rdiff-backup - i think04:03
* doc|home has never done stuff with gps before04:03
GeneralAntillesEtrex is the line.04:04
doc|homeoh, needs to be waterproof too. For watersport speed recording04:04
GeneralAntillesdoc|home, I could recommend Bluetooth units and I could recommend color navigation units, but not monochrome stuff. ;)04:05
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Shadow__Xb-man there is nothing in sources.list04:05
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Shadow__XGeneralAntilles, any ideas to get rdiff-backup on maemo04:06
b-manyou need to add the mirror i provided ;)04:06
GeneralAntillesdoc|home, if you've got a West Marine in the area they should have some marine models on hand that you can play with before you buy.04:07
b-manShadow_X, any ideas with my problem btw?04:07
GeneralAntillesShadow__X, um, no?04:07
Shadow__Xb-man, sounds like something broek04:07
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Shadow__Xi would reinstall04:07
Shadow__Xthats me04:07
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b-man:( i've had this same install for 3 months - and it has all of my dev software on it :(04:08
b-manit's pritty important to me..04:09
Shadow__Xno backups?04:09
b-manbut it runs fine - even without network acsess04:10
b-mani'm hoping that i can repair the problem without reinstallingubuntu04:11
b-man*reinstalling ubuntu04:11
Shadow__Xdid you mess up with permissions04:13
doc|homeGeneralAntilles: well, it's not a requirement that it be monochrome, just I'd expect it to be cheaper :) thanks, will look into them04:13
Shadow__Xb-man on my sources.list file i get an error saying malformed line 1 dist parse04:14
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Shadow__Xit was a spacing error04:15
Shadow__Xi messed up04:15
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Shadow__Xif its not in the source.list where else does it keep repos04:16
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b-manShadow_X: /etc/apt/sources.list.d04:21
Shadow__Xalso now it says invalid record in preferences file04:23
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Shadow__Xno package header04:23
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Shadow__Xi have Package rdiff-backup04:24
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Shadow__XPin : release a=sid04:24
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Shadow__Xis that right04:26
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Shadow__Xnow it says python-support (>= 0.7.1)04:29
Shadow__Xbroekn packages04:29
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wald0where i can get EFL* packages for my n800 ?04:37
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b-man16Shadow_X: i'm back, sorry for disappearing - got interupted by parents :P04:38
Shadow__Xits ok04:39
Shadow__Xstill isnt working04:39
b-man16hmm :(04:39
b-man16i'll pastebin what you need, hold on04:40
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Shadow__Xk thanks04:42
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MacerThe team has been braving temperatures as low as minus 40 degrees Fahrenheit/Celsius04:45
Macerwtf is Fahrenheit/Celsius? did they merge or something?04:45
Macernew dev version of temperature 5.3?04:45
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derf-40F is also -40C.04:46
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b-man16Shadow_X: - i hope this works04:47
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Shadow__Xhow do i make sure it stays all in one line04:51
Macer40F is 4C04:53
b-man16Shadow_X: just copy and paste that information into those files04:55
derfMacer: Great. What does that have to do with -40F/C?04:56
Macerok.. that makes a little more sense04:58
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Maceri just thought it was odd04:58
Shadow__Xb-man16, i typed it in but i am running update now it just takes so long04:59
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* IceFox16 trys booting into ubuntu to try to diagnose the exact problem05:09
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AddisonHi, this is Derek05:31
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Addison5Greetings gentlemen!05:32
AddisonNever used this before so not sure how it all works05:32
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Addison5Hey, who's the weird guy named Addison here?  *lol*05:33
AddisonAn imposter!05:33
Addison5I never liked you!  :)05:34
Addison5Who are you anyway?05:34
AddisonStill Derek from ITT05:34
Addison5You're Dfinch?05:34
AddisonYup (you had some questions on Palm/Garnet install?05:35
Addison5Why on earth are you using my name?  Weirdo.  *lol*05:35
Addison5Yeah, I'd love to chat if you got a moment.05:35
AddisonSure if I can be of help!05:36
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Addisonare all the people on the right 'listening' in?05:38
Shadow__Xi dont know about the rest but i definitely  am05:39
Addison5I think they all are campers or something.  Don't know, I only come here about once every month or so.05:39
Addison5Hey Derek, check you private message box on the bottom of the screen.  It should be highlighted red.05:39
Addisonok. So did you try any of my suggestions - you haven't had much time I realise05:39
Addison5Yeah, I uninstalled and reinstalled Garnet VM.  I'm still looking through the folders on my desktop trying to find exactly what I need to erase.05:40
Addison5This is too weird.  I feel like I'm talking to myself.  *lol*05:40
tank-manmultiplayer notepad05:42
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tank-manI don't put too much time into using the garnet vm cause I haven't heard anything about long term access beyond the time limited betas05:44
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Addison5I'm just trying to put some med programs on it if possible.  Bunason (sp?) seems to have made it work quite well.05:45
Shadow__Xi am trying ti install rdiff-backup05:45
Shadow__Xi used a debian repo05:46
Shadow__Xand when i goto install it it depends python-support >-0.7.105:46
Shadow__Xhow do i update it05:46
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Shadow__Xdamn it freaking rdiff06:12
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kaieI want to help with the pidgin icq issue. garage bug 3586. I don't have a build environment for maemo. But I have done a merge attempt based on the diffs between maemo-pidgin-2.5.1 and pidgin-2.5.1, applied to pidgin-2.5.5, merged the rejects, and have a tarball that might build on maemo07:21
kaieI found
kaieand I produced an equivalent pidgin_2.5.5-0nix2.tar.gz - anyone wants to try to build it?07:22
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kaie... got disconnected. I realize that my source archive is not yet complete, because there are files that are only on one hand side of orig-pidgin and maemo-pidgin.... I'll at least attach that merge patch as a starting point07:40
* StsN800 tries to wake up, method coffee07:52
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threethirtyhello all, is this a support channel?08:35
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Myrttidepends on your issue08:36
Meiz_n810Stskeeps: ping?08:36
threethirtyi am trying to get diablo on my n800 and am failing08:37
threethirtyi followed this and got this out error Write failed after 0 bytes08:37
threethirtyusb_bulk_write: Resource temporarily unavailable08:37
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Meiz_n810threethirty: did you flash as a root?08:41
threethirtyi did as sudo should i do it as proper root?08:42
threethirtyjust did it as root and it still didnt work08:42
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Myrttisudo should work08:44
Myrttias long as the user has permissions to use usb devices08:44
threethirtyim the only user, and i do08:45
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threethirtyfor those who are thinking on my issue i also tried this and it fails at the second command on #14 with a similar error08:51
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StskeepsMeiz_n810: pong08:53
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StskeepsMeiz_n810: apt-get update; apt-get dist-upgrade; rm -rf ~/.osso/hildon-desktop should bring you new UI, but with problems still08:54
Stskeeps(and reboot)08:54
Stskeepsoh, and apt-get install marquee-plugins08:54
fireunnokia needs to be on this bandwagon08:55
fireun~minute 408:56
Stskeepshehe, interesting mix08:56
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fireunmakes a lot of sense, but depends on high visibility projectors, the _idea_ has merit08:59
Stskeepsthe main problem of pervasive/ubiqutious computing is the lack of infrastructure really09:00
fireunone of the more coherent exhibit of the core ideals behind tomorrows integration09:00
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fireunStskeeps: that is an imprecise statement09:01
Stskeepsyes, and i haven't had my coffee yet :P09:01
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Stskeepswhat i meant to say is the main difficulty of pervasive computing is the fact that there's no established standards for communication and interoperability, and the high initial cost of infrastructure to support a pervasive environment. the signs are there to see cheap pervasive computing infrastructure coming, beagleboards, tablets, sheevaplug, cloud computing, etc etc..09:04
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fireunif you get too many groups standardizing to the exclusion of others, you risk raising the monopoly flag - on the other hand, if you have absolute competition you have no interoperability save for where there has been reverse engineering from the "followers of tech leaders" ; establishing a middle ground forces a new market to be created, in which standardization allows seperate groups to compete on realtively equal footing (the internet idea09:09
Stskeepshence my emphasis of interoperability :)09:10
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fireunsocial communication is on the cusp here, technologies like jabber and now even transcellnetwork sms are securing a foundation to involve more context rich technologies as in twitter, et al.09:11
fireunStskeeps: I agree, interoperability has always shown to be a win win09:11
fireunbut some companies like monopolies, they think it brings the ultimate rewards - the short view of capatilism09:12
Stskeepsmy personal belief is that modern healthcare services will help to push pervasive computing into the home though :P09:13
Stskeeps(though i'm a bit biased in that regard)09:14
hahloyou do medical software?09:14
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Stskeepsworking for a research center which deals with pervasive healthcare09:15
fireunthats a tough gig09:15
Stskeepsbut also very giving, we're making up technologies and try out research ideas that can help a wide range of people :P09:16
hahlook, there is lot of money in medical software business09:16
Meiz_n810Stskeeps: how did you change the size of the marquee-panel? no matter what size i set in /etc/hildon-desktop/desktop.conf or .osso/hildon-desktop/desktop.conf, it's always the same 80px :(09:16
StskeepsMeiz_n810: hmm.09:16
StskeepsMeiz_n810: after upgrade?09:17
Stskeepsi fixed that bug i thought09:17
* fireun thinks all records should be identified by private key, and unlocked by several layers of biometric information not kept as phsiological data in the records themselves, or something to that effect09:17
Meiz_n810i'll try again then09:17
Stskeepsfireun: it's a tough one.. because, who owns medical data about you?09:17
fireunStskeeps: exactly09:17
Stskeepslet's say someone bases data on your actual blood, the person making the data then owns it? :P09:18
Stskeeps.. it gives an interesting perspective on advertisers making data about your behaviour09:18
fireunStskeeps: well, only if I release my information as public domain...09:18
fireunand if I license its use, I should get a kickback09:18
Stskeepsmy god, creative commons for blood.09:19
fireunmining data on people is an industry to itself, and has little regulation (or even possibility to be regulated, other than to cut off the source)09:19
Meiz_n810Stskeeps: hildon-theme-mobile-basic is ok theme i think09:19
StskeepsMeiz_n810: it will probably break09:19
Meiz_n810it didn't for me yesterday, i just had to add the fallback icon theme09:20
Stskeepsscreenshots when you have time09:20
threethirtywell ladies and gents im off to bed if anyone has any other ideas of what i can do just pm me im always somewhere on freenode, for those that have no idea what my issue was i blogged about it
threethirtythanks for the help i did get09:23
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StskeepsMeiz_n810: did you see the LWN article about Mer yet?09:24
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Shadow__Xanyone here use rdiff-backup09:29
Shadow__Xon maemo09:29
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Shadow__Xhow do you backup your n8x0 then09:32
Stskeeps.. rsync09:33
Shadow__Xrdiff-backup allows you to keep backing up while using about the same space09:33
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Stskeepsi've personally given up on maemo software porting, but that's just because i'm a fanatic :p09:34
Shadow__Xso what do yo udo then09:34
Stskeepsusing Mer :P09:34
Shadow__Xwhats that09:34
Stskeepsresearch / community hacker OS based on top of ubuntu, which means we have 90% of most ubuntu arm software :P09:35
Shadow__Xah nice09:35
Stskeepsbut it's not ready for day-to-day usage yet09:35
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Shadow__Xcan i install it to mem card?09:36
Shadow__Xi am going to check out the wmdk09:36
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Shadow__Xseems interesting09:37
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Shadow__Xhow does it run09:37
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Stskeepscould run better obviously :)09:38
Shadow__Xcompared to os200809:38
Stskeepsbut it's neat being able to just apt-get install abiword.09:38
Shadow__Xi have abiword though09:39
Stskeepsyeah, but without having to rely on weird patches :)09:39
Shadow__Xah right09:39
Stskeepsor just apt-get install rdiff-backup ;)09:39
Shadow__Xhad to go there didnt you09:39
Shadow__Xhave you used rdiff before09:40
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Shadow__Xbecause i thought technically you shouldnt have to have it but apprently i am wrong09:40
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Stskeepsoh fuck09:44
Stskeepsi have to compile qt4 natively cos of the fact it's c++09:44
* Stskeeps glances at the beagleboard09:44
RST38hWhy native compilation though?09:44
StskeepsRST38h: our SDK messes up when it comes to C++ :/09:44
Stskeepsand native can be defined as emulation too :P09:45
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Shadow__Xhmm tried to install ATHF statup images missing osso-icons09:47
Stskeepswithin where?09:48
Shadow__Xmer app manager09:48
Stskeepsyeah, we don't have the non-free nokia icons09:48
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Stskeepswe have the extras added for experimentations sake09:48
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Shadow__Xa browser>?09:51
Shadow__Xany mobile specific browser?09:53
Meiz_n810fennec :P09:54
Meiz_n810but it sucks09:54
Shadow__Xbut its slow09:54
Shadow__Xi can run through the interwebs faster09:54
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Shadow__Xwhat really sucks is i have to find something to write about10:00
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Shadow__Xor more importantly want to write about  then make a ppt of it and a biblio10:01
Shadow__Xabout technical writing10:01
Shadow__Xor something correlated10:01
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Shadow__Xdef not ready but great direction10:05
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Stskeepsmorning qwerty1210:12
qwerty12hi Stskeeps10:12
JaffaMorning, all10:13
Stskeepsmorning Jaffa, feeling better yet?10:13
qwerty12hi Jaffa10:13
Stskeepsand is it just me or was the voting supposed to be today, or did i misunderstand something? :P10:13
X-FadeStskeeps: I think the mails will go out today, yes.10:14
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X-FadeHeh, Rover shows it's head again ;)10:16
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Stskeepswhat we don't know is if RX-51 = Rover or it's = RX-71 though10:18
X-FadeWell, we know now that Rover has a SGX ;)10:18
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Stskeepsyeah, but most OMAP3 does :P10:19
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JaffaStskeeps: Bit better, thanks10:20
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JaffaStskeeps: I think dneary said he'd send the emails around noon10:22
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Jaffa(assuming GMT, but maybe local noon)10:22
* Stskeeps is building qt for mer/x86 atm, heh10:23
Stskeepsand overnight i will build it in a qemu i think10:24
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Stskeepsmorning _BuBU10:24
RST38hX-Fade: Ain't they all going to have that?10:28
X-FadeRST38h: You tell me ;)10:28
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Stskeepsheh, interesting - i never realized you could do a blanket service discovery through bluetooth10:38
Stskeepsas in find all services open10:38
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RST38hSts: Isn't it what BT scan does in your phone? :)10:39
StskeepsRST38h: usually it just searches for phones10:39
RST38hoh but it can also check which services each bt devices exposes :)10:40
RST38hthe more thorough PC version of BT stack does that10:40
Stskeepsi just discovered bluetooth.find_service() in pybluez so :P10:40
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Shadow__Xi found a way to twist a hw assignment to help me teach myself more backup techniques10:47
dnearyJaffa: Did that work yesterday?10:51
Jaffadneary: see email. Short answer: no; long answer: no, but I can solve the fuglyness10:55
dnearyJaffa: Can you get it working? :)10:56
Stskeepshuh @ patrik flykt's statement10:56
Jaffadneary: I can try, but trying to catch up on the day job atm10:57
qwerty12Stskeeps, wl1251, eh? :P10:57
Stskeepsqwerty12: yes10:57
RST38h"On average, MIPS executes a little over twice as many instructions as the VAX, but the CPI for the10:58
RST38hVAX is almost six times the MIPS CPI, yielding almost a threefold performance advantage."10:58
Shadow__XJaffa, hire an intern to take care of that10:58
Stskeepsqwerty12: it isn't a WL1251 in the N8x0 is it?10:58
qwerty12Stskeeps, No, it's some STMicroelectronics chip10:59
Stskeepsyeah, i'd think so too10:59
qwerty12770 has the STLC4370 and the N8x0 with the STLC4550 chip10:59
Stskeepsyeah, i know10:59
Stskeepswhich makes patrik's statement more odd :P10:59
Stskeepswl1251 couldn't possibly replace cx3110x11:00
JaffaShadow__X: I've got underlings who11:00
qwerty12He did say (sp)...11:00
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dnearyJaffa: OK, let's wait and see then11:02
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goshawkdoes anybody worked to port maemo in not nokia phones/tablets like openmoko freerunner which has the same hardware as a n810?11:25
infobotmer is, like,
Stskeepsfreerunner is a bit bad example since it's actually worse than a 770, instruction set wise :P11:26
goshawk:) happy to ear that someone is working on it :)11:26
goshawkyep, well you are right11:27
Stskeepswhat hardware did you have in mind, besides the freerunner?11:27
goshawkbut debian runs there too :)11:27
goshawkfor now freerunner and freerunner gta0311:27
goshawki'm Vincenzo Ampolo, it manager at eshopen.com11:27
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goshawkwe sell this devices in europe11:27
goshawkand we would like working on maemo on the freerunner11:28
Stskeepszenvoid was working on similar, but the problem mainly lies in that mer is built for armv5te, whereas freerunner only does armv4t11:28
Stskeepswe -can- however build on top of debian-armel as well11:28
Stskeepswhich is armv4t11:29
goshawkgta03 will be armv5 and we hope will be released11:29
goshawkat the end of the year11:29
Stskeepsit should be trivial to put mer on top of it11:29
goshawkthanks for the link you posted11:29
Stskeepsdid you see the LWN article on Mer?11:30
goshawklet me google for it11:30
Stskeepslemme just paste you a link in private, sec11:30
Stskeepssome factual incorrect things in it but otherwise mostly correct11:30
dnearyJaffa: Can you try another version now? Modifying HTML & sending, if it works, we'll go with it11:31
Stskeepsgoshawk: we are also working on smaller-resolution interfaces11:32
GAN800armv5? In 2009?11:32
GAN800Who is OpenMoko kidding?11:32
goshawkGAN800: i think they will not respect the deadline too, but they said us so as distributors11:33
GAN800They gotta ship hardware that isn't 4 years behind current if they want to make any progress. I respect their ideals and all, but that's a bit silly.11:34
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goshawkStskeeps: thanks for the other link too11:34
Shadow__Xhow do you get the ti app to work11:35
Shadow__Xi have a ti 89 and wouldnt mind having my n810 to work like it11:35
Stskeepsgoshawk: but anyway, if devel boards start showing up, donations of one of those would be a good way to get Mer going on them, when time is :)11:35
GAN800Um? Install it. Start it. ?11:35
goshawkStskeeps: how much dev boards do you think to need?11:36
goshawkhow many11:36
Stskeepsgoshawk: hehe, dunno, one is probably good enough for getting a port running :)11:36
Stskeepswhen there was a linux kernel for my Pocket Loox 720, and X running, i pretty much had Mer going in a day11:37
goshawkuhm... i'll speak with my chief about a freerunner + a dev board11:38
goshawkto give to start a port11:38
Stskeepsalright, sounds interesting11:38
goshawkare you planning to put ubuntu as a base to mer after the release of ubunt ubuntu jaunty (armv5 support) ?11:39
Stskeepswe already have it as base :)11:39
Stskeepswe started with mojo handhelds distribution initially11:39
goshawkah.. so it's the same team11:40
goshawkwell done11:40
Stskeepsbut we can compile hildon and maemo desktop on debian too for instance11:40
hahloStskeeps: mer xterm, how to stop cursor blinking and set matrix colors?11:40
Stskeepshahlo: it's a todo, and patch gladly welcome11:40
Stskeepsgoshawk: we have nothing directly to do with ubuntu nor mojo, but we do talk to them, and use their efforts11:40
Shadow__Xcan someone possible help me get rdiff backup on maemo 200811:41
Stskeepsmer is basically maemo but with the power of ubuntu11:41
hahlojust thought i missed some settings11:41
Stskeepsso you can grab most ubuntu apps you want11:41
Shadow__Xcan i get rdiff-backup without using mer?11:42
StskeepsShadow__X: if you donate stuff to qwerty12, probably11:42
goshawkStskeeps: what about the closed parts of maemo?11:42
Shadow__Xlike what11:42
hahloctrl +ad seems to not work11:42
Stskeepsgoshawk: well, the question is really what is closed that is usable..11:42
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Stskeepshahlo: yeah, need patch11:43
Stskeepsgoshawk: we are API compatible, but we can't put nokia closed stuff on a freerunner, obviously11:43
dnearyJaffa: Mail sent11:43
dnearyIf you get a second to test, I'd appreciate it11:43
Stskeepsgoshawk: but when fremantle comes out the browser will be open source as well, but we also have Midori11:43
goshawkStskeeps: of course, but are there core parts of the system that are closed source?11:43
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Stskeepsgoshawk: well, if you try out for example our VMDK, you see that the basic system, UI, etc, is open source11:44
Stskeepsand the main APIs11:44
* goshawk starts his qemu :)11:44
goshawkwhat is the relationship between mer and
Stskeepsnone whatsoever currently11:45
Stskeepsbut we can probably share components and such.11:45
Stskeepswe're always open for discussions and cooperation though11:45
Jaffadneary: will do11:45
Stskeeps(read: we haven't had to deal with phone stuff yet)11:46
goshawkStskeeps: well, openmoko community did a framework called fso11:46
goshawkthat is 100% compatible11:46
goshawkto deal with gsm11:47
Stskeepssounds good11:47
goshawkoops freesmartphone.org11:47
goshawkand it's in a debian repository of the debian port for freerunner..11:47
Stskeepsthen it is probably easily adaptable to mer11:47
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goshawkyep, it is just a framework that uses dbus... nothing more, very easy11:48
Stskeepsit would be stupid to reinvent the wheel for us, at least :)11:48
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goshawkok now i've to go... tomorrow we will have a meeting with the chiefs11:49
Stskeepsif you have additional questions, feel free to prod me11:49
goshawki'll point out the proposal of putting mer on a freerunner11:49
goshawkand starting working giving to the mer community a dev board + a freerunner11:50
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goshawksee you and thanks for all the answers you gave me11:50
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Shadow__Xcan someone help me with that issue11:51
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Shadow__Xany ideas?11:57
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StskeepsShadow__X: you have SDK repo on your tablet?11:58
MeizirkkiStskeeps: Marquee-plugins is needed for the new ui, right? (dist-upgrade didn't install it)11:58
StskeepsMeizirkki: yup11:58
Shadow__XStskeeps, i was trying to install rdiffbackup so i threw a debian repo in there11:59
Shadow__Xand a bora repo12:00
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StskeepsShadow__X: ah. bad idea :P12:00
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Shadow__XStskeeps, yes now i know this lol12:00
Shadow__Xwhere do i go from here12:00
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Shadow__Xhow do i deselect 2 packages12:04
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floriangood morning12:04
Stskeepsdpkg --remove? :P12:04
till__hi there, anyone got a pidgin 2.5.5 package for maemo?12:04
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Shadow__Xhow about now12:08
Shadow__Xfunny guy12:08
StskeepsShadow__X: ow12:08
StskeepsShadow__X: reflash time12:08
Shadow__Xno seriously comon12:08
Stskeepsor reinstall libgcc1 deb12:09
Shadow__Xi can do that12:09
Shadow__Xwhere should i go for that12:09
Stskeepsthe real one12:09
Shadow__Xdont want to mess it up AGAIN12:09
Stskeepswhen you fiddle with repositories any damage caused is your own fault though :P12:10
Shadow__Xoh yeas i know12:10
Shadow__Xi am not denying this truth12:11
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Stskeepsremove all other repositories than the nokia ones and update ones, and apt-get clean; apt-get autoclean; apt-get install --reinstall libgcc112:12
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Shadow__Xhmm all of them12:13
Shadow__Xi have like 5012:13
Stskeepswell there's the probable reason your tablet is keeling over12:13
Shadow__Xthe reason its messing up is because i added bora from maemo and a debian one12:14
Shadow__Xand it didnt like my ignorance12:14
Shadow__Xi think all is not lost though12:15
Shadow__Xi believe i can fix it12:15
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Stskeepsmorning lardman12:23
lardmanhi Stskeeps12:25
Shadow__XStskeeps, cant run --reinstall12:25
Shadow__XReinstallation of libgcc1 is not possible, it cannot be downloaded.12:26
Shadow__XYou might want to run `apt-get -f install' to correct these:12:26
Stskeepswell then12:26
Stskeepsreflash time :P12:26
Shadow__Xaww shucks12:27
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Stskeepsmorning timelE61i12:30
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Stskeepsthe mad scientist12:31
RST38h"Interviewer: Is there any reason why you chose to personally lobotomize the subject using a railroad spike driver? It seems that the sniper could have done so from a distance."12:32
RST38h"Clef: Therapy."12:33
RST38h"...and was slated for termination, as subject's violent tendencies make him a less useful example of this type than the Foundation's other examples..."12:35
GAN800Shadow__X, it's called:12:36
infobotextra, extra, read all about it, extras is
Shadow__XGAN800, what do you mean12:37
Shadow__Xrdiff is in extras?12:37
GAN800Don't add every freaking repo you can lay your hands on.12:37
Shadow__Xand why not12:38
GAN800That's stupid and leads to situations like this.12:38
GAN800They aren't Pokemon, you don't need to collect them all.12:38
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GAN800Enable Extras, then go from there if there's anything SPECIFIC you have to have.12:39
Shadow__Xbut they all look so tempting esp shoe12:39
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RST38hBesides, somebody already collected 'em all for you (see Gronmayer)12:39
GAN800Don't just immediately add every repo you can find (or, at least, don't do so expecting anybody else to bail you out when it all goes wrong).12:40
Shadow__XGAN800, i gotcha12:40
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Shadow__XGAN800, is there a way to delete libgcc112:47
lcukGAN800, with those damned .install files its all too easy to add in repos.12:50
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Shadow__Xthats not why i messed up12:50
Shadow__Xlooking for rdiff-backup12:50
Shadow__Xmessed me up12:51
lcukno Shadow__X you are just a pokemon collector as gan says, im on about not knowing what sources they are from12:53
lcukthe shiny green .install link makes maemo appear like windows, click this download this install this.  people dont realise it adds the repos which mess up other things12:54
Shadow__Xlcuk, yes i know that12:54
Shadow__Xbut believe it or not THOSE repos didnt mess it up12:55
lcuki know12:55
Shadow__Xi know its my fault12:55
lcukWE know its your fault as well12:55
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lcukcan it be cured12:55
Shadow__Xi am working on it12:56
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Shadow__Xcant boot ito it anymore12:56
Shadow__Xi am on the original install now12:56
Shadow__Xnot the 2 gig install mem12:56
* lcuk vanishes again, hope you sort it shadow12:57
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Shadow__Xyeah thanks12:57
Shadow__Xas do i12:57
Shadow__Xyou know a repo with rdiff12:57
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Shadow__Xis there a way to mount my mem card and delete the errored package13:10
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Stskeepsmorning b-man13:11
b-manmorning Stskeeps :)13:12
Stskeepsread the lwn article on mer yet?13:12
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b-mannot yet13:13
* b-man checks13:13
Stskeepsthere's a subscriber link on iTT as well13:13
Shadow__Xis there a way to do what i want?13:14
Shadow__Xb-man, i ruined my install it wont boot anymore i went back to my original install is there a way to fix the install thats on the 2gb memcard while on the internal mem install13:16
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Stskeepsmorning jeremiah_13:18
Shadow__Xmourning jeremiah_13:18
jeremiah_qwerty: Nice script. :)13:18
jeremiah_Hey Stskeeps, Shadow__X :)13:18
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jeremiah_I installed synergy from the deb I built in my scratchbox13:19
jeremiah_but I cannot install it on the NIT because of dependency issues.13:19
jeremiah_I don't understand why there are tools in the scratchbox that  are not in the NIT13:19
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* b-man needs to go to school now, Shadow_X, i'll help you on that later13:20
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Meiz_n810Stskeeps: i dist-upgrade, and Mer fails to boot :(13:21
Meiz_n810now happened 4 times in a row :(13:21
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Meiz_n810it might have something to do with SegFault during console-setup configuration13:21
RST38hjeremiah: NIT has only got 256MB /13:22
RST38hjeremiah: do du on your SB environment and weep13:23
StskeepsMeiz_n810: mm, sucks13:25
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jeremiah_RST38h: So there _are_ things missing on the NIT? I suppose then I just have to take them from the sb environment and pull them over.13:38
jeremiah_No big deal really.13:38
Stskeepsjeremiah_: welcome to maemo13:38
jeremiah_Stskeeps: I blame you ! :) Its Mer's fault!13:39
Stskeepsonce you've gone Mer, you can't go back13:39
jeremiah_A little bit of press and all of a sudden you are a big shot! :P13:39
Stskeepshehe, kidding ;)13:39
jeremiah_he me too13:39
Stskeepsmaemo has advantages in some things13:39
jeremiah_Stskeeps: I am just joking with you, you know that right?13:40
jeremiah_emoticons are not good at representing sarcasm13:40
Stskeepsjeremiah_: yup13:40
jeremiah_Cool :)13:41
jeremiah_Yeah, the environment has to be small, that I understand13:41
Stskeepshehe.. my main gripe is really that.. well, sure, it has to be small, but not -too- small :P13:41
jeremiah_But those inconsistencies are a bit of hassle when you have some tools in sb and are missing them on the NIT itself.13:41
jeremiah_Then again, is synergy something that a lot of people will install? I dunno13:42
* Stskeeps waits idly for voting token13:42
* jeremiah_ looks out the window at snow outside13:43
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jeremiah_Pavlov: Ping13:45
jeremiah_Pavlov: If there is something I can do to get Fennec into maemo, please let me know - I am happy to help13:46
* thresh is hilited13:46
* Myrtti thinks there's something very profoundly funny about pinging "Pavlov"13:47
* RST38h does not even know what Synergy is13:48
RST38hmouse/keyboard sharing thingie?13:48
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jeremiah_RST38h: Yepper!13:50
jeremiah_Myrtti: woof woof woof!13:50
RST38hWould be interesting to find out oif the keyboard latency bug shows up with synergy as well13:51
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Stskeepssure keyboard latency isn't a HIM issue, btw?13:51
* RST38h does not know and nokia engineers seem to be elusive about this13:51
Stskeepsi'm not entirely sure but i think i might see it on i386 too..13:51
RST38hIt does appear to happen with both BT and USB keyboards. Not sure about the virtual one because it is so slow to type on anyway13:53
Stskeepswell BT and USB goes in through HIM anyway13:53
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Stskeepslo vdvsx13:54
VDVsxhi Stskeeps13:54
VDVsxStskeeps, do you already voted ? hurry up :P13:55
StskeepsVDVsx: voting now :P13:55
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Stskeepsvoted :P13:56
Sebhi fellows13:56
Seball i'm getting from the SIP client is "network error" when trying to connect to (other SIP accounts work fine)13:56
Sebcan I somehow get a more detailed error from a log file or something ?13:57
Sebso  Iget a decent chance at troubleshooting this13:57
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lcukRST38h, how much latency are you seeing?13:59
StskeepsVDVsx: read the Mer article yet? :)14:00
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VDVsxStskeeps, yup14:00
qgildneary: hum, Peter can't select candidates with Firefox in Windows. I have no problems with Epiphany in Ubuntu14:00
VDVsxStskeeps, with the ipkg's :)14:00
StskeepsVDVsx: yeah. hmm :P14:01
* Stskeeps didn't claim ipkgs anywhere14:01
Jaffaqgil: I just voted with Firefox 3.0 in Windows14:02
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RST38hlcuk: from .5s to 2s14:02
Jaffaqgil: It requires JavaScript, so if that's off for whatever reason (e.g. NoScript or Adblock)14:02
qgilI'll ask, thanks Jaffa14:03
VDVsxfirefox 3 in ubuntu works fine too14:03
Stskeepssilly question, why didn't you just go for text field with number of preference? :P14:03
Stskeepsnext to every candidate14:03
Stskeepsor "priority"14:03
JaffaStskeeps: I guess because then there's a validation framework to write14:04
X-Fadeqgil: It worked for me in Firefox 3.14:04
lcukRST38h, normally or with specific things/14:05
lcuki just voted with firefox 1.5 in windows14:06
RST38hlcuk: normally although having a lot of ui elements on screen makes it worse14:06
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lcukof course it does, there is so much bottleneck things get sidetracked, as a test put your cpu into performance and see how much of a difference it makes14:07
Sebso, no chance to get something more detail as far as SIP errors go ?14:07
lcukseb, have you run your sip client from the command line and checked its output14:08
Seblcuk: it's the default one, i'm not even sure what its name is :\14:08
lcukdoes the domain exist from your tablet14:09
Sebyeah, it definitely does14:09
lcukhow have you confirmed it?14:09
Sebpinging it14:10
lcukis the tablet the only place you use sip stuff or have you got another machine to test it from14:11
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Sebi have another debian box where it works fine (same ekiga account)14:11
Sebon that machine, ekiga recommends I use an stun server, which I've happily set for my ekiga account on the tablet as well14:12
Sebthat stun server does exist too, since another of my SIP accounts use that same one on the table without any problems14:12
lcukpass then unfortunately14:13
VDVsxby guys and good luck with the voting :), gonna rest a little bit for another round of interviews :P14:13
Seblcuk: ok14:14
Seblcuk: thanks for trying :)14:14
VDVsxStskeeps, stranges things happens in my live :P14:14
Stskeepshehe, okay14:14
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RST38hlcuk: it really should not lag though14:17
RST38hlcuk: Not with CPU at 0% load14:17
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lcukRST38h, ive always taken it and seen from experience as: if the cpu doesnt think it needs to scale up, then the "normal" drawing operations go much slower and saturate whatever needs saturating14:19
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* RST38h remembers trying it at full clock, still lags14:20
RST38hTry playing a game (there is a space shooter whose name I do not remember) using external keyboard14:21
RST38hYou will see how impossible it is14:21
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Pavlovjeremiah_: ok, ill ping you shortly14:26
GeneralAntillesStskeeps, because that's a pain in the ass.14:27
GeneralAntillesStskeeps, "Why can't I put a 2 in this box?"14:27
GeneralAntillesStskeeps, this is the most elegant and pain free implementation of ranking in any web form I've seen yet.14:28
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GeneralAntillesStskeeps, maybe Patrik was just confusing the two open source drivers?14:31
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sp3000hmm, I can't see candidates in Konqueror/4.1.414:47
sp3000Firefox/, Firefox/3.2a1pre, Opera/9.63 are fine14:47
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GeneralAntillesTime to get creative:
sp3000oh, looks like I had js disabled in konq for whatever I was testing once upon a time14:56
* sp3000 files a bug, the vote ui should warn14:56
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* Jaffa suggested to dneary that the page should include "does not work in IE" and "requires JS"14:58
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dnearyJaffa: I can include a mention, it'll be a one-time hack.15:01
dneary(or, in fact, could stay there for other elections too)15:02
sp3000well, usually you remove the js warning using js15:02
dnearysp3000: How does that work if js isn't working?15:02
JaffaOne time hack is fine. Next council election we could start work on a working version earlier15:02
sp3000dneary: ...15:02
sp3000it works perfectly, the warning remains in place when appropriate15:03
Jaffadneary: <iv id ="warning">This page requires JavaScript</div> <script>document.getElementById('warning').style = 'display: none';</script>15:03
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JaffaOr <noscript>This page requires JS</noscript> should work15:05
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* sp3000 forgot about <noscript>15:06
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* GeneralAntilles didn't get a token yet.15:09
GeneralAntillesHum, nevermind15:10
Macerblah. i hate waiting on an rma15:10
Macerand i'm still pissed that newegg sent me the wrong damn video card15:10
* sp3000 contemplates venturing outside15:11
* GeneralAntilles voted.15:13
GeneralAntillesdneary, where's my sticker? :P15:13
dnearyGeneralAntilles: Which sticker?15:13
GeneralAntillesMaybe they don't give them out over there, but:
JaffaAnyone doing exit polling? ;-)15:19
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Passeli_what is the best way to see how much application is using memory? in maemo + N81015:53
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wazdhey hey world)15:55
GeneralAntillesCorsac, top lies.15:55
wazdStskeeps: sorry for my artwork delay, have too much local work to do(15:56
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CorsacGeneralAntilles: lies?15:56
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GeneralAntillesCorsac, it memory usage numbers are way inflated by shared libs and such.15:57
GeneralAntilleshtop is much more "accurate"15:57
Corsactop and htop give exactly the same results here15:58
Corsacwell, except that process are there multiple time15:58
GeneralAntillesCorsac, you're looking at the wrong column then.15:58
CorsacGeneralAntilles: all cols15:58
Corsacrah, and it doesnt let me copy/paste15:59
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RST38hwazd: Moo!15:59
RST38hwazd: Sorry for delays yesterday, have been busy at work15:59
Corsac vs.
Stskeepswazd: it's fine16:00
wazdRST38h: hey, I've came up with new icons idea)16:01
RST38hwazd: yes? =)16:02
wazdRST38h: well, icons mimic calculator body)16:03
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Stskeepswazd: even some preliminary icons would be good, so we can have example interface for 0.10 (for monday)16:03
RST38hwazd: !16:03
wazdRST38h: don't know if it's recognizable enough for TI user, cause I'm not the one)16:03
wazdStskeeps: I'm making em right now, don't worry!16:03
RST38hwazd: I do not think it is recognizable as a calc body but the idea of using simple two colored icons like that is good IMHO16:03
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Stskeepswazd: hehe ;)16:04
RST38hwazd: maybe we should make all the icons like the first one but paint them in different colors?16:04
wazdRST38h: good point)16:04
RST38hwazd: BTW, photos of all models here:
RST38hwazd: Still need TI83+ and TI8216:04
RST38hwazd: But TI83+ is easy to make by combining TI83 and TI83+SE images (it is black body and the MATRIX key is replaced with the blue APPS key)16:05
wazdRST38h: first one looks like nvidia signs)16:05
RST38hTI82 is somewhat like TI85 but look for yourself16:05
RST38hwazd: Or Intel Inside signs of late16:05
RST38hwazd: I do not think these guys have copyright on the two-colored scheme though :)16:06
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wazdnew ipod shuffle is totally ridiculous16:09
wazdI think it was the first device designed with Cook as an Apple CEO16:09
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jaskaiphone shuffle16:10
X-Fadewazd: Ear buds are almost larger than the device itself ;)16:10
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RST38hthe nvidia wallpaper thing does not load for some reason16:10
RST38hJust move the damn mp3 player to the ear buds and be done with it.16:10
wazdand current "design" reminds me my Titan theme somehow))16:12
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wazdRST38h: you can't browse enemy images at work :D16:13
RST38hwazd: quite possible =)16:14
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* lcuk wants a landscape calculator - since thats how device sits most of the time16:15
wazdPhotoshop CS4 rocks16:15
wazdBut I just understood how harmful can be even tiny changes in UI for pros16:16
zeptargood morning16:16
wazdzeptar: hello16:16
RST38hlcuk: TI92 emulator is your friend :)16:16
zeptarthanks to alterego for helping me with my ssh problem16:16
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RST38hwazd: We really need a text based graphics manipulation program with command line based interface ;)16:16
zeptardoes SSL have anything to do with SSH ?16:16
Stskeepsthey both start with SS16:17
AStormSSH uses SSL. Other than that, no.16:17
zenvoidRST38h: it is called imagemagick16:17
lcukRST38h, pics?16:17
zeptaroh ok cause elpollo said to reinstall ssl but i just reinstalled ssh a couple of times and it fixed itself16:17
lcukand RST38h text based manipulation can be done technically with python and cairo16:17
AStormwell, not even really SSL, blah, I failed16:17
AStormI recommend pango instead of cairo16:18
lcukok but principle is there, new python script load images in it, manipulate, save16:18
ElPolloLol.. I did not mean for you to reinstall SSL, but rather to recreate your keys. :P16:18
zeptarhow is the progress on making themes for Maemo coming along?16:18
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lcuktheme designer is on its way16:18
lcukby the way, is the iphone "themable"16:18
lcukor is it one interface multiple apps16:19
zeptarcool lcuk, i'd relly like to see more themes, i do like the default one though16:19
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RST38hzenvoid: imagemagick does not have enough functions16:20
zenvoidwhat funnctions do you need?16:20
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zeptarElPollo: oh, thanks for the advice. do you think i should still regenerate those ssl keys?16:21
RST38hsame as photoshop16:21
Stskeeps'lo zenvoid16:21
zenvoidRST38h: don't know photoshop, but it can handle most operations that gimp has16:22
zenvoidRST38h: and even more than gimp, sometimes I use imagemagick because a filter that gimp lacks16:23
ElPollozeptar: If you SSH problem is solved, don't touch it any further. If it isn't broken, don't fix it. ;) One of those SSH reinstalls probably did that for you.16:23
zeptaryeah it was just really wierd elpollo, it was working in the day, then evening time it wouldn't let me login, now i'm using ssh keys which i should have been doing before16:24
zenvoidRST38h: though I hate the interface of imagemagick... I wish all the operations ported to gimp some day16:24
* Stskeeps waits for newer gtk to build on mer-lenny16:25
zenvoidStskeeps: hello, I'm having some trouble with the new theme layout...16:26
Stskeepszenvoid: hehe, join the club16:26
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zenvoidwhy does the home bar resurrected????16:26
zenvoidat least a fragment of it...16:26
zenvoiddon't know16:27
zeptarhey is there anyway to bookmark what page you are on in a pdf in maemo 2008?16:28
Stskeepszenvoid: it doesn't die when you remove the hildon-home area stuff?16:28
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Stskeepsin ..16:28
zeptarbecause right now what i do is open up sketch and make a quick note on what page i'm on to ensure i don't forget16:28
Stskeepszenvoid: grab me a screenshot of how it looks atm and i might be able to tell you :)16:29
wazddon't compare gimp and ps please :)16:29
wazdgimp is not bad but... :)16:29
zenvoidStskeeps: I don't know what I've done to resurrect it...16:30
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zenvoidthe screenshot:
Stskeepsi'm blind, been a way too long day :P16:31
zenvoidit is just a fragment of the home titlebar16:31
* RST38h has not found how to draw shapes in gimp16:32
zenvoidand a black background below the marque that I don't know where it cames from16:32
Stskeepszenvoid: <- is this gone?16:32
zenvoidwazd: I has comparing gimp and imagemagick, not gimp and photoshop ;-)16:33
zeptari don't like how gimp buts a yellow textbox around text, it messes with the design because its not there in the final image16:33
Stskeepsit's probably just a lost 80 vs 52px option in the code16:33
Stskeepszenvoid: s/gone/commented/16:33
zenvoidhmmm... it was, but let me see...16:35
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zenvoidno it wasn't :P16:38
Stskeepsah, well, that might help it then16:38
zenvoidthanks :D16:38
Stskeepshehe, thanks to you too really :P16:38
zenvoidnow I'm confused again...16:39
Stskeeps(read: as in, you actually got the background of the statusbar working.)16:39
zenvoidit is not commented because it is not included16:39
zenvoidI've excluded the file from the Makefile.am16:40
Stskeepssure it doesn't end up merged anyway?16:40
zenvoidnot sure... I will verify16:40
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Stskeeps(and remembered to rebuild the theme?)16:41
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rmt_Ok .. I'm about to order the N810 .. if anybody has some information that would make me regret it in the next month, let me know now please. :-)16:42
till__only one mini-sd slot16:42
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Stskeepsrmt_: excepting the fact there'll probably be no more Maemo updates, from Nokia for the N810, but we do have a entire new and exciting OS in the brewer, and the GPS tends to suck, and only one mini-sd slot, no :P16:43
zenvoidhahaha XD16:43
rmt_A new OS means nothing without the hardware to run it on.16:43
zenvoidthe GPS takes forever to sync16:43
rmt_What's forever?16:44
Stskeepswe're not sure we'll live to see it sync.. :P16:44
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zenvoidsometimes I'm unable to get it work during the whole day16:44
threshmine doesnt work i think16:44
threshor it's common? :)16:45
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till__are you moving while waiting for the fix?16:45
threshnot me16:45
zenvoid*if* it is a clear day and *if* there are no interferences and *if* you are not in a zone with tall buildings, it *may* work16:45
till__the gps in my n82 need much more time if i'm moving16:46
zeptarzenvoid install A-GPS it helps the gps get a signal based on your wifi connection too16:46
tank-mandidnt agps make it quicker to get a signal?16:46
zeptari think it helps it get a signal fasster16:46
glassagps helps a lot16:46
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threshsomehow doesnt work here16:46
rmt_One post says that it's quite good, just slow to get the initial fix..  AGPS should improve it, I imagine.16:46
wazdStskeeps: why marquee is 52px high btw?16:47
zenvoidyes, the initial fix is the problem16:47
wazdStskeeps: maemo has 50px I thought16:47
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zeptaralso use Maemo Mapper for maps16:47
zeptarit remembers where you were last time, it might help a bit16:47
Stskeepswazd: allows us to use 48x48 icons16:47
Stskeeps.. i'm not sure what the reason is, but 52 seems like a nice number16:47
rmt_So, given the available options today, the N810 is a reasonable purchase?16:48
zeptari ditched the origional map program16:48
zeptarthe maps took up the whole 2 GB internal16:48
Stskeepswazd: also your ui mockups are 52 i think16:48
rmt_N810 + 8GB minisd (micro, actually.. I have an adapter here somewhere)16:48
till__i put the maps on the memory card16:48
rmt_And a leather case for it..16:49
Stskeepswazd: when working with it it doesn't seem cramped and seems touchable, at least16:49
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rmt_I have an awful habit of putting devices in my pockets along with keys.. so N810 + leather case + 8GB Sandisk (4)16:49
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wazdStskeeps: ok)16:50
Stskeepsrmt_: you -really- want to grab a boxwave screen protector asap16:50
Stskeeps.. i think16:50
Stskeepsit did wonders for my n80016:50
rmt_Stskeeps, Still relevant with a case?  How does it affect sunlight readability?16:50
Stskeepsrmt_: n810 screen is better in sunlight at least16:50
till__i've got one for my n800 too16:50
* Jaffa 's N810's GPS is much better with AGPS now, and as long as I want a fix a while after realising I want one16:50
Stskeepsand my screen protector actually improves my readability16:51
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zenvoidJaffa: does agps require a full stablished wifi connection to work?16:54
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Jaffazenvoid: you have to have had a data connection within 30 minutes16:55
KhertnaHello !16:55
JaffaIt downloads all the satellite positions16:55
Stskeepslo Khertna16:55
Jaffalo Khertna16:55
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wazdStskeeps: and I was thinking of making (x) button same size as (mer)16:55
zenvoidJaffa: ah, ok... hmmm... probably won't work for me, it is almost impossible to find open wifi spots in madrid16:56
Stskeepsnot even FON?16:56
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Stskeepsor is that just a myth? :P16:56
* Khertan see that stskeeps doesn't speel his name correctly ... and after just see that khertan was the dumb16:56
Stskeepswazd: it will be at least 52 and the remainder of the rest, at least16:57
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Stskeepswe can probably adjust it to be at least 86 but let's see how a 48x48 looks in it16:57
Khertansomeone know how to unlock the nit keyboard with vnc ?16:57
zenvoidStskeeps: The only one place with an open wifi connection that I know is the "Biblioteca Nacional" (the national library)16:57
zenvoid... and you have to enter inside the building16:58
Stskeepswazd: , our work in progress btw16:58
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Stskeeps(from theme point of view)16:58
Stskeepszenvoid: i wonder what causes the nm-applet problem16:58
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wazdStskeeps: also bout applet/program icon, Why 42, not 40?17:01
Stskeepsah, i guess estimation from your task_man_3items17:01
luke-jrwazd: because 42 is the Answer, obviously17:02
Stskeepswazd: in either case the icons will be 32x32 or 48x48, and the buttons we can always change17:02
Stskeepscos it's in the code17:02
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GeneralAntilleswazd, CS4 got rid of cmd-h. :(17:03
GeneralAntilleslcuk, Voyage 20017:03
GeneralAntillesI'm surprised nobody's sent out any questions for the candidates yet.17:04
Stskeepsmeh, as long as we get qole elected..17:04
* Khertan is a bit busy this days17:05
lcukGeneralAntilles, ?17:06
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lcukKhertan, arent we all17:06
GeneralAntilleslcuk, landscape calculator.17:06
Khertan'lu lcuk17:06
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Khertanso noone know if there is any fkey of some other shortcut that can unlock screen and key by vnc ?17:07
Khertani ve found f11 to lock it17:07
lcukive got the osso one that i use when needed, but i was thinking about rsts super cool ti engine with a custom frontend17:07
lcukouch Khertan never tried to lock NIT with vnc17:07
GeneralAntillesI wonder what the "success" rate is for people who say they're leaving communities.17:07
Khertanthis is the problem ... i don't want to lock it :)17:07
GeneralAntillesIt generally seems really low.17:07
Khertanbut unlock it :)17:08
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lcukcan you ssh into it?17:08
wazd_pcgod fucking damned17:08
Stskeepswb wazd17:08
lcukbbiab anyway17:08
Stskeepswazd_pc: [16:01] <Stskeeps> wazd: in either case the icons will be 32x32 or 48x48, and the buttons we can always change17:09
wazd_pcSeems like I'm living in the center of fucking zimbabwe17:09
Stskeeps[16:01] <Stskeeps> cos it's in the code17:09
lcukStskeeps, +1 for qole comment17:09
Khertan16:09Stskeeps[16:01] <Stskeeps> cos it's in the code17:09
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GeneralAntillesNice, XO-2 might use ARM.17:09
KhertanXO ?17:09
GeneralAntillesI dunno why Windows should be a requirement on the damn thing17:09
Khertanthe toy for MIT Guy ?17:09
StskeepsGeneralAntilles: i really wonder why they didn't go for that before. power usage is a huge issue in developing countries.17:10
GeneralAntillesOther than because Microsoft is giving them massive bacon kickbacks.17:10
GeneralAntillesStskeeps, because they're stupid, I guess.17:10
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StskeepsGeneralAntilles: i would really go for selling Touch Book in developing countries instead really :P17:10
GeneralAntillesWell, and ARM wasn't what it is today 3-4 years ago.17:10
GeneralAntillesReal official ARM support in the major distros is fairly recent, so. . . .17:11
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Khertanwhat i don't understand is why they do a such thing with their os ... if they want to teach thing why not give a real linux distribution17:11
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Khertanbut this is my point of view17:14
GAN800Khertan, because they're silly people.17:14
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rmt_Ok .. I have placed the order..17:15
rmt_Stskeeps, Isn't the XO-2 meant to be a touchbook?17:16
Khertanoh ... election open !17:16
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GeneralAntillesKhertan, vote for meeeee. :P17:18
GeneralAntillesThat touchscreen is just silly.17:18
GeneralAntillesGonna work great when it's filled with sand17:19
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GeneralAntillesWhat they need to do is get Panasonic's Toughbook division to help them build a laptop.17:20
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rmt_Most reports are that the XO 1 is pretty robust.. don't expect anything less from 2.17:20
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KhertanGeneralAntilles: do you have do something for mer ?17:20
rmt_I actually would much rather something like that for an ebook reader than an eInk display..17:21
Khertanor are you doing something in Mer17:21
Corsacwhat's the problem with the touchscreen?17:21
Khertanor do you plan to do it ?17:21
KhertanCorsac: doesn't enter in my pant pocket :)17:21
Corsacwell, I guess not many laptops do? :)17:22
KhertanGeneralAntilles: as if you are doing something or code something for Mer i ll not vote for you :) as anyway in take you time and slowing the dev of Mer ! (of course i'm joking)17:22
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Khertans/in/it ll17:23
* Jaffa won't pander to get votes: I did some work on Mer and I'm proud :-)17:23
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rmt_What are the binary kernel modules for the N810? Or do we have all the source?17:24
Khertanrmt_: of course no ! we don't have source ... nit is done by nokia ... so nit is EVIL !17:25
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* Khertan should stop drinking coffe17:25
rmt_Binary modules for the 802.11 ?17:26
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GeneralAntillesKhertan, I play sometimes PR man and advocate for Mer. :P17:27
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zenvoidKhertan: after nokia called their release "diablo" (spanish word for "devil") I thought to fork it with a name of "santo" (saint) :D17:28
Khertanzenvoid:  :) héhé one point17:28
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Khertanrmt_: if i remember well the source is available now17:29
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threshthis reminds me i havent watched latest futurama yet17:31
rmt_Okay.. so I will install gcc + vala on it, when I get it.17:31
rmt_May have to do some hacking to the get right vapi files for the versions, though.17:31
rmt_I really like vala. :)17:32
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AndrewFBlackget ready for this thread to get stupid really fast lol17:32
AndrewFBlackI bet there will be some crasy suggestions17:32
GeneralAntillesAndrewFBlack, FIOS sucks. :P17:33
AndrewFBlacklol yeah but its the fastest on the list17:33
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GeneralAntillesAlso, I'd roll over at *0 instead of *1.17:33
AndrewFBlackahh make them earn the next rank17:34
GeneralAntillesHehe, my cable is only 20/2, but at least it doesn't get killed every 15 minutes to keep you from running a server like FiOS's 20/20.17:34
GeneralAntilles50-249, 250-499, etc.17:35
AndrewFBlackcome on make them post once more post and really earn the rank :)17:35
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GeneralAntillesI'd like to know how versatile vBulletin's ranking system is, actually.17:36
AndrewFBlackbtw who do I need to kill to make someone fix garage karma for me17:36
AndrewFBlackGeneralAntilles: its rather versatile17:36
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GeneralAntillesAndrewFBlack, well, maybe if you line up a bunch of Nokians in front of X-Fade and do them in one-by-one it'll help17:37
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GeneralAntillesjust be sure not to kill X-Fade. :P17:37
AndrewFBlackyou know reggie has a test forum setup I used to use for building minimalist theme if you want in to play around in backend17:37
AndrewFBlackonce I start don't know if I can stop17:37
GeneralAntillesDo you know if it can do custom titles after a certain post count?17:37
RST38hAndrew: Kill the rest of Garage users and your karma will be fixed17:37
GeneralAntillesThe AmbrosiaSW forums lets you choose your own title string after 1000 posts.17:37
RST38hthat's known as cruel and unusual punishment17:38
infobotGeneralAntilles meant: The AmbrosiaSW forums let you choose your own title string after 1000 posts.17:38
AndrewFBlackyou can set it to allow members custom titles not sure on the set after certain post counts17:38
KhertanAmbrosiaSW ? an Escape Velocity fan ?17:38
GeneralAntillesKhertan, I played my youth away on EV.17:38
Khertanhéhé ;) so i m not the only one ,17:38
Khertantoday ... i ve only one game on my computer :)17:39
AndrewFBlackGeneralAntilles: looking now to see if I can allow custom on post count17:39
Khertanand the only game i ever bought ev nova17:39
RST38hKhertan: Python?17:39
KhertanRST38h: true .... i ve forgotten the game python ;)17:39
GeneralAntillesand Avara, Ares, Mars Rising, Harry, Bubble Trouble, Barrack, Apeiron, Chiral, Maelstrom, Cythera, Ferazel, EVO, EVN, etc, etc ,etc. ;)17:39
Khertanand ev first edition on my mac IIsi :)17:39
GeneralAntillesI <3 Ambrosia SW17:40
Khertanonly EV,EVO,EVN :)17:40
GeneralAntillesAvara and Ares are the ones I miss most, I think.17:40
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Khertanavara was a sort of mecha warrior game ?17:41
GeneralAntillesKhertan, yeah.17:41
Khertanbug don't remember ares17:41
GeneralAntillesWith really awesome physics.17:41
AndrewFBlackGeneralAntilles: yes you can allow custom title after a certain post count just need to create custom user group first and allow that user group to set there own then make a user rank that puts you in that group once you reach that post level17:41
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GeneralAntillesThere was an ice cub map where you could launch ice cubes into other players to kill them.17:41
Khertanremember now ... this have never well work on my IIsi ;)17:41
RST38hThis looks like some relatively recent Elite clone17:41
GeneralAntillesAndrewFBlack, that sounds nice. Go propose it in the thread. ;)17:41
KhertanRST38h: not really recent :)17:42
GeneralAntillesRST38h, not really.17:42
GeneralAntillesAside from the whole untextured polygons thing.17:42
GeneralAntillesElite clone:
AndrewFBlackGeneralAntilles: suggested btw just make me a forums admin on and I'll set it up for you :)17:43
RST38hGeneral: =)17:43
GeneralAntillesAndrewFBlack, talk to Reggie. ;)17:43
RST38hSomething like this needs to be on the tablet =)17:43
GeneralAntillesI bet I could talk the devs into it.17:44
AndrewFBlackGeneralAntilles: Reggie doesn't return my PMs anymore17:44
GeneralAntillesKhertan, the goal of that thread is to reduce the appearance of it as a "rating" system (Junior, Senior, etc.) and make it a simple indicator of post count.17:45
RST38hGeneral: By all means try!17:46
AndrewFBlackGeneralAntilles: BTW you can use images like a badge instead of words in Vbulletin17:46
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GeneralAntillesAndrewFBlack, maybe just a box for every 250 posts?17:46
AndrewFBlacka little photo of tablet17:47
GeneralAntilles0-249 == 1 box, 250-499 == 2 boxes, etc.17:47
AndrewFBlackthat would work17:47
* Myrtti is thinking about the wasted bandwidth on mobile dialup17:47
AndrewFBlackhave 5 boxes and just shade one in each level17:47
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GeneralAntillesMyrtti, on little multi-byte GIFs?17:48
AndrewFBlackthat image would be about 5kb if that17:48
GeneralAntillesSomething like:
MyrttiGeneralAntilles: EEEEEVVRY byte is saaacred, evvry byte is great, if a byte is wasted, god get quite irate!17:49
* Khertan is listening
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GeneralAntillesMyrtti, maybe if we make little pink kittens for your account? :P17:49
MyrttiI don't think I even have an account on the forums, idk17:50
KhertanGeneralAntilles: but this isn't really usefull17:50
GeneralAntillesKhertan, nothing is useful. It's all pointless. :P17:50
AndrewFBlackI don't know GeneralAntilles 125 bytes is a lot of wasted bandwidth :)17:50
KhertanGeneralAntilles: right ... just point of view17:50
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GeneralAntillesKhertan, but, yes, you're right, it's completely pointless.17:51
GeneralAntillesPointless, stupid fun, but some people get a kick out of it. ;)17:51
* AndrewFBlack is driving his post count up by suggestion ideas for ranks17:51
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* AndrewFBlack needs a new avatar17:52
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fred23Hi everybody !  I'm stuck and maybe someone here can help me out.17:54
fred23I've installed scratchbox with the recent cs2007q3 toolchain. I'm building a DEBUG version of fennec for CHINOOK-ARMEL-2007 target.17:54
fred23There's something very strange about the way AR packs the output .so libs...17:54
fred23Using 'nm' on the nokia N810, I cannot see the debug symbols (it says "File Format not recognized"), WHILE I can perfectly see them from inside scratchbox!...17:54
fred23The libs stay 'not-stripped' in the packaging process, so it should be ok...17:54
fred23Any hint ?17:54
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fred23Hi everybody !  I'm stuck and maybe someone here can help me out.18:03
fred23I've installed scratchbox with the recent cs2007q3 toolchain. I'm building a DEBUG version of fennec for CHINOOK-ARMEL-2007 target.18:03
fred23There's something very strange about the way AR packs the output .so libs...18:03
fred23Using 'nm' on the nokia N810, I cannot see the debug symbols (it says "File Format not recognized"), WHILE I can perfectly see them from inside scratchbox!...18:03
fred23The libs stay 'not-stripped' in the packaging process, so it should be ok...18:03
fred23Any hint ?18:03
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lardmanfred23: I guess you're pinning all your hopes on t_s_o's answering your question?18:08
t_s_odo not get me mixed up in this :P18:09
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fred23lardman: lol18:10
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lardmanfred23: what about objdump?18:12
fred23lardman: sorry, I'll be back (on the phone)18:13
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rm_yoummm, voting season :P18:13
lcukyou cant vote, you havent been active :P18:13
rm_youi suppose I'll try again at submitting ABL to the autobuilder18:14
rm_youmaybe it won't randomly break this time :P18:14
lardmanX-Fade: is this the issue you and GeneralAntilles were talking about, or something else?18:14
lcuklardman, what do you plan on doing with the extra time you will have noww18:15
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lardmanlcuk: eating more bacon, and perhaps actually doing some programming rather than thinking about it all the time18:15
lcukexcellent, finding new ways to skip out on blog postings mustv been hard work18:15
lcukperhaps you should go out wit ha bang and actually make a posting :D18:16
lardmansure was, though it was more the guilt eating away at me that was problematic18:16
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GeneralAntilleslardman, the issue is specific to Fennec.18:16
lardmanlcuk: nah, I might get co-opted or something, at least this way they don't think I can blog at all18:16
X-Fadelardman: No, not that I know. I think it is just that it doesn't like rm_you ;)18:16
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lardmanX-Fade: I meant fred23's issue actually :)18:17
lardmanGeneralAntilles: ok18:17
lcuklol yeah, best not to let them think you are superblogger18:17
rm_youi need it to let me build armel only, no x86 >_>18:17
qwerty12Set your arch to be armel in debian/control18:18
lardmanlcuk: yeah right! ;)18:18
fred23ok guys.. sorry, I was on the phone.18:18
fred23GeneralAntilles: you think the issue is specific to Fennec ?18:18
X-Fadefred23: Are you sure you aren't looking at the i386 version inside scratchbox?18:18
* lcuk had bad bacon the other night18:19
lcuki couldnt finish it18:19
X-Fadefred23: you are already using the cs2007 version, so no problems there.18:19
fred23mhh... I'm in scratchbox, I've selected my ARMEL-2007 target, and I'm using 'nm' from there...18:19
X-Fadelardman: Scroll up ;)18:19
fred23if I type 'which ar' from my scratchbox logged-in ARMEL target, it says /scratchbox/compilers/bin/ar18:20
lardmanah ok, not the Maemo target year then18:20
lcukto scroll all the way back to 2007 will take a massive buffer!18:20
rm_youlol someone mentioned maemo-barcode O_o18:20
rm_youhas anyone touched that in months? >_>18:21
X-Faderm_you: You really have been away for a while, have you ;)18:21
lardmanrm_you: no worries, I'm hacking away at it18:21
rm_youi guess <_<18:21
rm_youglad someone picked it up18:21
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rm_youyeah I wish I could be around more :/18:21
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rm_youmost of my activity is basically limited to... summer.18:22
X-Faderm_you: Someone even wants to do a google summer of code project for it.18:22
johnx_hi rm_you18:22
rm_youand major breaks18:22
rm_yousup johnx :P18:22
lardmanrm_you: hibernation? ;)18:22
rm_youX-Fade: nice :P18:22
Stskeepslo johnx_18:22
rm_youlardman: my teachers trying to murder me18:22
johnx_hey, just stopping through between work and bed O_o;18:22
rm_youI have to lie low18:22
lardmanrm_you: hard to type when running I'm sure :)18:22
johnx_my life is far more interesting than I want it to be recently ...18:22
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johnx_rm_you, if someone tries to kill you, you try and kill them right back :)18:23
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rm_youI made a recommendation for an independent study type seminar class, wherein students would pick a favorite or interesting piece of open source software and learn to apply patches, triage bugs, work in a community, maintain an existing codebase, use popular build tools, etc18:23
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rm_youI am secretly hoping I can get people to pick maemo projects :P18:24
VDVsxlardman, pm ?18:24
johnx_rm_you, that's terrifyingly progressive for comp sci :P18:24
lardmanVDVsx: go for it18:24
Stskeepsjohnx_: major highlights are mer lwn article and freerunner distributor guy coming by and we might get a freerunner and a next-ver board to play with18:25
fireunah, I remember the years where the undergraduate CS project was to write an IRC client18:25
rm_youlardman: so how is development going on barcode?18:25
rm_youi still show the old version to people periodically...18:25
rm_youhad a new use-case idea for it too18:25
Stskeepsread dvd barcode in shop, torrent it with open wifi as you walk home?18:26
johnx_Stskeeps, madness! as for me, I might have to put zaurus work on hold until I have time to either fix mine or money to buy a new one :(18:26
lardmanrm_you: has been slow, but got something that is mainly working now18:26
rm_youlol Stskeeps18:27
VDVsxStskeeps, cool :)18:27
lardmanrm_you: added in db functionality, multiple tables, etc. Still need to do the webscraping code (or encourage others to help!)18:27
johnx_Stskeeps, actually, most stuff I'm looking at will be on hold for a while as I get ready to move back to the US...18:27
rm_youlardman: if i have any time at all, that is what i was planning on doing in the first place for the project. i believe i had started something with libcurl...18:27
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rm_youlardman: i'm generally fairly decent at webscraping :P18:28
rm_youjohnx_: your Z break?18:28
lardmanI've been doing all this in a branch here:
lardmanrm_you: take a look, the hooks are there and pretty much ready18:29
johnx_yeah, got caught out in the rain with it in a backpack pocket and now it won't charge the battery past 2.8v and it suspends randomly :(18:29
lardmanslightly out of date binary (but shows main idea) here:
rm_youanyway, I was thinking, someone tells you to go buy a bunch of stuff thats really generic, like... bagels / sour cream / polish sausage18:29
lardmanneeds libsqlite and libdtmx (both in extras)18:29
Stskeepsjohnx_: yeah, .. i should be able to do a lot in next sprint18:29
rm_youyou put those in a list, scan the thing in the store, it does a regex match on the product name and if it is close enough it is like "yes! buy this!"18:30
lardmanVDVsx: sorry my client seems to be playing up and won't allow PMs18:30
Stskeepsgf going back to berlin so18:30
rm_youthis idea after talking to someone who told their husband to go buy bagels 3 days in a row and every day he came back with some sort of random other bread product :P18:30
johnx_Stskeeps, I feel bad not being involved right now, but real life is demanding most of my waking hours and some of my should-be-sleeping hours :/18:30
Stskeepsjohnx_: no worries18:30
lardmanrm_you: lol18:30
VDVsxlardman, np, I will send you a mail18:31
rm_youlardman: so you got libdtmx working nicely?18:31
lardmanactually hang on a tick and I'll restart it18:31
lardmanrm_you: repeat that in a tick18:31
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johnx_alright, need to catch some sleep18:32
johnx_'night all18:32
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lardmanVDVsx: try now18:32
rm_youlardman: so you got libdtmx working nicely?18:32
lardmanrm_you: yes it works, I think, but is veeeerrrryyyy slow18:32
rm_youyeah it is kinda...18:32
Stskeepszeptar: still issues?18:32
rm_youit needs to be a click and check18:32
rm_younot a constant scan18:32
rm_youdid you switch the interface to click+check?18:32
Stskeepszenvoid: still issues?18:32
lardmanrm_you: atm I'm looking at 1D mainly, but the dtmx and QR should be in there too18:33
zenvoidStskeeps: new ones :)18:33
Stskeepshehe, like what?18:33
rm_youlardman: yeah... what did you decide on for QR? are you going to try to port/compile that objective C code that i checked in?18:33
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rm_youfrom the iphone project?18:33
lardmanrm_you: atm I do 1D while the user has pressed a scan button, until it finds something or the user gets bored and tells it to stop18:33
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zenvoidStskeeps, here are the packages
rm_youi might be tempted to make it camera-click18:34
lardmanrm_you: was going to then pass data to libdtmx, but it just stops the whole show, so probably need either a guess fn to work out what type of code we have or to do that in its own thread18:34
rm_youis the dtmx an option in the UI somehow or does it autocheck or do you need to change the code to do them18:34
rm_youah yeah i was saying that one option would be to check against the 1d algorithm because that is fairly quick then check the other two in succession, which works if it's a one-click-check18:35
Stskeepszenvoid: alright, and we solved home area?18:35
rm_youbut it is kinda slow...18:35
lardmanrm_you: I've commented out the code to use it atm, if you uncomment it tried 1D, then dtmx18:35
rm_youyou can pull out the checks for the guardbars, then the checks for the corner squares...18:35
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rm_youand only run those checks first, then pass to the appropriate function18:35
zenvoidStskeeps: sorry for the liberty-mer theme name, rename them to whatever name do you want, my inspiration is not great today...18:35
lardmanrm_you: exactly, that would be ideal18:36
rm_youso it doesnt have to try to interpret every single bar + a checksum every time18:36
lardmanrm_you: it's what zebra crossing does18:36
rm_youyeah, not sure how easy that will be to actually DO though :P18:36
rm_youis that the one in Obj C?18:36
zenvoidStskeeps, yes there was an "include hildonhome.rc" that I've missed18:36
lardmanrm_you: Java18:37
StsN800zenvoid, is layout based on the one in mer repo btw?18:37
lardmanyeah :)18:37
rm_youwell, I can figure out Java way better than Obj C :P18:37
rm_you*THAT* i might have the ability to port18:37
rm_yousadly enough 95% of my coding has been done in Java >_>18:37
rm_youand like 4% Python, 1% C18:38
lardmanwell take a look, at least at the structure18:38
rm_youso that's why i seem terrible with C fyi :P it really isn't a reflection on my actual programming abilities, I promise :P18:38
lardmancertainly their idea of an initial check is worth doing18:38
zenvoidStsN800: it is based on 4ex, just added marque_background, removed some other pngs to make room in the template, and got rid of hildonhome18:38
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rm_youlardman: so you just branched?18:39
rm_youlooks like all the code in trunk is the old stuff18:39
rm_youexcept for the QR18:39
rm_youi guess someone is working on that?18:39
zenvoidStskeeps: there is a black "thing" behind the marquee18:39
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Stskeepsyeah, i might have the solution for that18:40
lardmanrm_you: yes, I didn't want to step on toes or break the test codes18:40
lardmanrm_you: derf wrote the new QR code18:40
zenvoidStskeeps: this new marquee_backgound is partially transparent, it should show the wallpaper18:40
zenvoidbut it is black instead because of the black widget18:41
lardmanrm_you: plus my code was just work in progress, I was hacking about with it, until fairly recently (and even now there are some issues)18:41
rm_youwow this web code is done... what's the word.... PROPERLY? :P18:41
rm_youwith libconic support? :P18:41
rm_youthat's random :P18:41
Stskeepszenvoid: code element in might do the trick18:41
rm_youwow yeah this framework is nice, i will take a look at this if i have time18:42
lardmanrm_you: where's that? Mine, not sure it even works, no need for it yet ;)18:42
Stskeepszenvoid: good job though :)18:42
rm_youi looked briefly at scraping amazon... might look at the google barcode reader to see what they scrape18:42
rm_youlardman: looking at the web.c in your branch :P18:43
rm_youit prolly doesnt work yet18:43
rm_youbut the framework looks much nicer than what i was doing :P lol18:43
lardmanscraping Amazon is easy for ISBNs, just parsing the html to do, which I was going to try next week18:43
lardmanI wrote most of it without running anything, I wanted a fairly decent framework18:43
rm_youyeah it does look that way, but i'd say you did a good job at accomplishing your goal :)18:44
rm_youstrcpy? >_>18:44
* rm_you looks at definition of variables18:44
lardmanrm_you: yeah probably some awkwardness with some of the types18:45
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lardmanI should also add I learned GTK+ and SQLite along the way, so there are probably some bits of bad form in there18:46
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lardmans/some/lots and lots ;)18:46
rm_youwell, brb, shower O_o18:46
lardmanok, might be heading home but will catch you later18:46
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jeremiahHas anyone used libx11-dev? I see that maemo/nokia has changed the name, but I don't know what package it is in now.18:48
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zenvoidStskeeps: template.svg has many unused things, and the size and coordinates of elements should be changed, that's the reason for gliches in the icons18:49
Stskeepszenvoid: yep, we'll look into it i guess18:50
zenvoidmarquee elements and old panel has different dimmensions18:50
qwerty12jeremiah, it's in the sdk repo for diablo:
jeremiahqwerty12: 1. Thanks for the link. 2. Thanks for the script.18:51
timelE61ihello world18:51
jeremiahI downloaded the script but have not tested it yet18:51
Stskeepszenvoid: uploading to repo18:51
jeremiahhi timeless, how are you?18:51
qwerty12jeremiah, :)18:51
qwerty12hey timeless18:51
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derflardman: I know _some_ amount of GTK, though I have stayed the gekk away from tree-views.18:52
zenvoidStskeeps: (?) are you sure? it is not much usable currently18:52
timelE61iJeremiah, still waiting for help18:52
Stskeepszenvoid: yeah, so i can start testing it too, since we have different theme names, it doesn't matter that we just upload it :)18:52
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zenvoidah, ok18:52
VDVsxjeremiah, I realized in the other day, that I was seated next to you in fosdem, but I didn't know who you are at this time :) ehehe18:53
jeremiahVDVsx: Really?18:53
jeremiahWhere were we?18:53
jeremiahIn the debian room?18:53
VDVsxyou are announcing, aren't you ?18:54
jeremiahWas that you on my left? The guy who knew a lot about everything?18:54
Pavlovjeremiah: hey..18:54
jeremiahYeah, I announced the second half of Saturday.18:54
VDVsxjeremiah, nah18:54
jeremiahVDVsx: You seemed pretty knowledgeable to me. :)18:54
jeremiahHey Pavlov!18:55
jeremiahHow goes things?18:55
Pavlovgood -- tired :)18:55
jeremiahah, well those damn bells always ringing, no wonder.18:55
timelE61iJeremiah: pavlov and i just finished camping :)18:56
jeremiahtimelE61i: Really? In the Finnish winter?18:56
GeneralAntillesjeremiah, so I was thinking about tracking tasks for packaging help. How evil would it be to do so in Bugzilla?18:56
timelE61iYeah, we camp indoors :)18:57
timelE61iGan: sounds good to me :)18:57
Pavlovi prefer california winters18:57
GeneralAntillesThe wiki is just massive overhead and a goddamn pain in the ass.18:57
jeremiahIndoor camping. I love that. Used to do a lot of it when I was in New York City.18:57
* Myrtti goes to make a quilt fortress18:58
timelE61iI remember visiting nyc for weekends18:58
jeremiahdebconf10 is going to be in NYC - hope to see everyone there!18:58
GeneralAntillesIt's perfect convertible weather down here.18:58
timelE61iI'd stay over w/ people after attending a conf on friday18:58
rm_youMyrtti: I started an RGBlanket a couple days ago :P18:58
lardmanjeremiah: when is it?18:58
timelE61is/friday/a Friday/18:58
jeremiah2010 summer18:58
infobottimelE61i meant: I'd stay over w/ people after attending a conf on a Friday18:59
jeremiahtimelE61i: Did you live in the States for a while?18:59
Myrttirm_you: linky?18:59
timelE61iuntil i moved here 3yrs ago...18:59
MyrttiI'm knitting a laptop sleeve myself... of pink unspun...18:59
rm_youwell thats the yarn18:59
jeremiahomigawd! You're a new yawker!18:59
rm_youall Malabrigo18:59
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Myrttiooh, nommy18:59
Pavlovjeremiah: so, x-fade and i were discussing trying to get the fennec beta on to extras..19:00
Pavlovbasically, we'd like to push a signed binary package up19:00
rm_youMyrtti: it isn't really a pattern, just an idea i had :P19:00
Pavlovwe'd be happy to also put a source package up, except we don't actually have a source package19:01
GeneralAntillesHi, rm_you, by the way. :)19:01
MyrttiI just realised I might have to knit something with as the pattern19:01
rm_youtwo skeins of each color, started with the R, then tie on the G and then the B :P19:01
rm_youGeneralAntilles: lol hey19:01
Pavlovwe'd like it to be in free, because well, it is free19:01
Pavlovbut it sounds like the free stuff isn't set up to take signed debs19:01
rm_youMyrtti: i'm not good enough to do much else yet <_< like i said last time, i'm still mastering the knit one row, purl one row concept :P lol19:01
Pavlovthe auto-build stuff won't work because we need cs2007q3 to compile, and we'd really prefer to push debs that we've actually tested19:02
Myrttihehe, rm_you, it's a start :-)19:02
Stskeepszenvoid: ok, in repo19:02
rm_youwell, project page:
jeremiahPavlov: Sounds good19:02
Pavlovjeremiah: yeah, i mean, it should be fine.  problem is there is no way to push a signed deb to free19:03
jeremiahPavlov: Always nice to have source, but hey, Iunderstand.19:03
jeremiahPavlov: Well, if you give me a URL I can scp it over.19:03
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Pavlovwe're respinning for a flash crash right now and doing some more testing, but will be pushing live.. uh, sometime soon19:03
jeremiahPavlov: Very cool.19:03
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jeremiahI'll be around pretty much whenever. I am trying to get synergy into the repos19:04
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Myrttihehe, I've been mentioned in Ravelry/FOSDEM thread :-D19:04
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GeneralAntillesWould a "Packaging" product under Extras work?19:05
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jeremiahGeneralAntilles: What do you mean?19:05
GeneralAntillesjeremiah, to track packaging tasks in Bugzilla.19:06
jeremiahGeneralAntilles: Yeah, actually I think that would be good.19:06
jeremiahIn debian you can add a wishlist bug19:06
jeremiahwhich is nice to have19:06
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rm_youMyrtti: where is that? :P19:06
MyrttiI love these Mozilla Firefox wrist bands ♥ lovely to use as hairbobs19:07
rm_youIf i ever get over to FI with my GF we can all have a knitting party :P19:07
rm_youah yeah i'm in that group19:08
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rm_youoh right i was going to go take a shower like 30 mins ago <_< brb19:09
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Myrttiand I need food19:10
lcukMyrtti, is jaiku back yet19:12
fireunfood needs you19:12
lcukthats a bit bob, i wonder what miracles the google app server will bring, and i wonder if they are doing it as customers of google now19:12
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Myrttilcuk: they promised that it'll be back after 24h19:15
Myrttiso that's...19:15
Myrtti5h more19:15
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vlad_anyone have any thoughts as to why I can't seem to handle SIGILL with a custom signal handler? it always gets delivered and kills my process19:17
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vlad_oddly, it seems to be related to libc and/or version.. a -static build works fine19:17
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murraycvlad_: Does it work outside of Maemo?19:18
murraycvlad_: Maybe something else is catching it.19:18
vlad_well.. additional oddness is that with an identical qemu, things work fine in my generic ubuntu armv7 scratchbox, but not in my maemo scratchbox19:19
vlad_but yeah, something else could be catching it, though I have no idea what -- I'm just working with a simple test program atm19:19
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timelesshow much electioneering has there been? :)19:32
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Jaffatimeless: Vote for meeee!19:33
JaffaGeneralAntilles was buying votes by disowning mer earlier ;-)19:33
Khertanjaffa ... nope ... you have some thing to do on mer19:33
Khertanand to finish19:34
JaffaAh. I "did" HAM, and the website.19:34
* Jaffa is buying votes by not disowning mer, then19:34
Khertanyep ... but there is so many other things to do ... that you can't lost your time in the maemo council ...19:34
Khertanof course i'm joking19:35
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marissa;-) i am new to the chat place19:36
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cmugso has anybody done anything with fremantle yet that they could demo?19:36
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lbthi marissa19:37
marissathank you19:37
lbtyou have an N800 or N810?19:37
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lbtlike it?19:38
marissawell just getting the hang of things19:38
lbtthis place is usually much rowdier... and pretty friendly too!19:38
marissawhat are the topics?19:39
Khertancmug by done you mean just to see what it look like ? if i remember there is somewhere something about gpodder19:39
lbthave you seen
GeneralAntillestimeless, does a "Packaging" product under Extras seem reasonable for tracking jeremiah's packaging tasks?19:39
cmugkhertan, yeah some kind of feature demo19:39
lbtthis place we focus on the community side of the tablets19:40
rm_youlol, GA disowning Mer? pft19:40
RST38hmarissa: current topic is elections19:40
RST38hmarissa: what topic are you interested in anyway?19:40
GeneralAntillesrm_you, I dun want kno ess tee dees.19:40
Khertancmug > i ven't see more than that19:41
cmugsorry if ki miss spelled your name my irssi theme sucks on this terminal. yellow on white19:41
cmug-k, stupid e75 keyb19:41
lbtcmug: you should kick my real keyb - it's gone all Yankee on me!19:41
Khertantry on an nit on 3g network19:42
cmugkhermel, ok. i'll look at that19:42
Khertannot so much better :)19:42
cmugstop highlighting me :D19:42
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lbtcmug: why?19:42 not responding19:42 :)19:43
cmuglhc, I can't read your name19:43
Khertancmug: you19:43
Khertancmug: don't19:43
Khertancmug: like19:43
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cmugkhertan, :D19:43
Khertancmug: highlight ?19:43
cmuglet me disable highlight somehow19:43
lbtKhertan: I think cmug means mentioning his nick19:43
cmugor the words beer, titties,spirits19:44
Khertanlbt: yep i ve understand ... as cmug have some strange color setting19:44
Khertanmaybe we should stop :)19:44
cmugit might be ok now19:44
rm_youno beer!?19:44
* rm_you kries19:44
lbtOK, I won't say cmug if you don't19:45
cmugbut I can talk to you better if I know who I am talking to19:45
cmugok looks like default the is no good19:45
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* Myrtti uses irssi proxy with proper irc client meant for mobile phones, if she wants to irc from her phone19:46
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cmugtry now19:46
* Khertan have a stupid phone isp19:46
* RST38h 's phone comes with a netbook-sized qwerty keyboard19:46
cmugmyrtti, proxies dont give you backlog19:47
* rm_you 's phone comes with no internet :P19:47
* Khertan phone isp block everything encapsulated in http and every other protocols that http and https19:47
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Myrtticmug: awayproxy gives you awaylog19:48
Myrttiawayproxy gives you awaylog19:48
cmugmyrtti, cool. didn't know of taht19:48
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Myrttithough, it has its limitations19:48
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cmugactually i cant use irssi proxy :(19:49
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cmugi buy irssi as a service, i bet they dont allow it19:49
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cmugthey do offer bnc etc though19:50
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marissahi what is the topic usually hear?:)19:52
Stskeepsmarissa: it ranges, but it's often tablet community related, or bacon, really19:52
Myrttioh for gods sake, epiphany doesn't remember my wiki password19:52
GeneralAntillesHit it with a stick!19:53
cmug acon and beer, mmm19:53
* Myrtti hits it with a stick, goes to have a sneak peak at Firefoxs' password manager19:53
cmugacon with a b as in beer19:53
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lcukbacon is not a topic20:03
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qwerty12It's a way of life for lcuk :)20:09
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* lcuk curses the day he had bad bacon20:12
qwerty12Damn, I'm a spaz. Need to learn the difference between ifeq and ifneq >.<20:13
cmugi love bacon20:13
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lcuk"ifeq"   is that something from father ted?20:14
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qwerty12No, Makefiles. (Although Father Ted is jokes)20:17
lardmanI wonder if Nokia would provide server resources for Maemo apps?20:18
qwerty12lardman, yeah, Sony Ericsson have similar with "TrackID"20:18
lardmanThings like webscraping would be better done on a fast server than a slow 3G connection20:18
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lardmanqwerty12: looks cool, I wonder if it could be replicated20:19
* lardman fires up MATLAB20:19
fireunoooh, fancy20:19
sp3000lardman, how people manage to refer to that paper without giggling is another thing20:19
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lardmansp3000: I've not read all of it yet, but I guess it doesn't give all the secrets away?20:20
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fireunit amazes me that there can be so many patents on audio fingerprinting20:20
sp3000lardman, hah, I'm just referring to the wang-shazam part20:21
derflardman: By the way, I did some quick testing, and on the zxing test set, my code decodes 25% more codes correctly than zxing itself does.20:21
lardmanderf: good stuff :)20:21
lcuklardman, biggest problem with audio fingerprinting is that so many songs are composed of pieces and notes and chords and blocks and samples of other music the false positives are quite extreme20:22
lardmansp3000: ah right, yeah made me smile20:22
derfOn my full dataset it's over 40% more.20:22
ShadowJKfireun, well, everything is patented :)20:22
Stskeepsno wonder my was laggy20:22
Stskeepsmy tablet was actually on my 3g mobile O_o20:22
lardmanlcuk: even narrowing down to 10 possibles would be good, then link to those 10 so you can listen and see if it matches, etc20:22
lcukfair enough20:22
* Myrtti has forgotten to pay her subscription20:22
Stskeepsi'm considering to sign up for it20:23
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lcukso when it finds a recording of me singing in the shower it will match with cat wailing, dying hippo etc20:23
MyrttiI like it more than spotify no matter what20:23
lardmanprobably all three overlaid ;)20:23
cmugabout connectivit with n810, does it support connection pools and does it actually work?20:23
ShadowJKWhat are connection pools? :-)20:24
* lardman is happy to have stumbled upon that paper, and noticed a whole new area of algorithmic stuff to look at20:26
lardmanand all from an Apple iPhone advert, they have their uses :)20:26
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fireunStskeeps: that could get to be an expensive radio20:28
Stskeepsfireun: yeah, but i do have sane data plan20:29
Stskeepsstill, ouch20:29
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lardmanhmm, lots of techniques, and a few open-source providers too20:49
lardmanwould be cool in a Maemo app20:49
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lardmanfor choosing similiar songs from the ones you already have, suggesting new ones to try and also working out what you've just heard20:50
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joyrideris it possible to mount a smb share inside the scratchbox environment ?20:53
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mgedminit's definitely possible to do that if you do it from outside the scratchbox environment20:57
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lcuklardman, sounds good - would this kind of lookup be possible to use with the mafw eventually20:59
lcukhiya marius20:59
RST38h"Personnel under the influence of SCP-323 experience overwhelming urges to howl and to forcibly remove their lower jaw. Since incident NCan-I26, all personnel entering the room have been outfitted with a jaw-locking mechanism"21:02
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lcukRST38h, are these things real or just onionish things21:03
lardmanlcuk: mafw?21:03
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zenvoiddoes anyone know what is libiphb library? and is it proprietary by nokia?21:03
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RST38hlcuk: What do you think? =)21:03
lardmanah ok, midas?21:03
Stskeepszenvoid: nokia-binaries it seems21:04
lardmanno idea, would be good if something like this could plug in though21:04
GeneralAntilleslardman, for server space?21:04
zenvoidStskeeps: :(21:04
lcuklardman, its the generic system interface to the media player21:04
* RST38h hehes at yet another media framework21:04
lardmanah, not space per se, processing21:04
lardmanlcuk: yep21:04
GeneralAntilleslardman, whatever it is, anyway. :P21:05
RST38hAlthough this one is basically a way to add plugins to Osso Media Player, so it is relatively harmless21:05
lcukso if it could support it then "helloworld.mediaplayer.c" could include it21:05
GeneralAntillesTalk to X-Fade first, then tekojo if more is needed.21:05
lardmanGeneralAntilles: yes, will have to see how much bandwidth could be saved21:05
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lardmanGeneralAntilles: will do, cheers21:05
zenvoidStskeeps: the current libhildondesktop from fremantle depends on it :(21:06
* lardman heads off to eat21:06
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zenvoidStskeeps: is the package available somewhere?21:06
Stskeepszenvoid: make a bug report :/ newest libhildondesktop from fremantle uses clutter extensively etc. package is availiable in fremantle SDK, through adding nokia-binaries token repository21:07
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Stskeepsi updated debian-lenny gtk to the newest gtk btw21:08
zenvoidi was trying to build it on top of Mer to test the new UI21:08
Stskeepsfile a bug, it definately shouldn't be like this21:08
Stskeepscos that makes it rather impossible even if we did have OMAP2 MBX drivers, to run hildon desktop21:09
zenvoidclutter can be built with mesagl libraries, though I guess it will be slow (lcuk, did you tried it with mesa?)21:09
lcukdunno what backend it all used21:10
lcuki just grabbed clutter for my ubuntu install and played21:10
lcukisnt mbx on omap2 like a deus ex machina?21:11
Stskeepssure, but then again it has probably taken ungodly long time to get there..21:11
lcukwell, sorry on our omap221:11
zenvoidthe poor 770 will have some problems with Clutter :)21:12
GeneralAntilleszenvoid, the 770 will have problems with more than Clutter. ;)21:13
lcuksurprisingly, its not a slouch in the 2d graphics department though21:13
GeneralAntilless/will have/has/21:13
infobotGeneralAntilles meant: zenvoid, the 770 has problems with more than Clutter. ;)21:13
lcuki really want one to see whether i can get liqbase running on it21:13
GeneralAntilleslcuk, the LCD controller interface just isn't broken.21:13
GeneralAntillesThat doesn't make it particularly fast with 2d.21:13
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lcukwhat kind of framerate can it pull then for videos?21:14
zenvoidI've been looking at the new UI, the window manager is now inside the hildon-desktop package, based on matchbox but is now a different thing21:14
lcukdo they jerk or can it play them at 25fps21:14
Stskeepszenvoid: matchbox221:15
zenvoidmatchbox-window-manager-2 creates only the libraries (libmatchbox)21:15
lcukMyrtti, you will know21:15
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GeneralAntilleslcuk, it's CPU-bound.21:16
lcukcan you play movies with your 77021:16
lcukso is the 810#21:16
GeneralAntillesIt certainly can't decode full resolution.21:16
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Myrttilcuk: haven't tried, I've got a pesky memcard and haven't managed to get nfs mounts to work21:17
lcukGeneralAntilles, liqbase doesnt do much video decoding, most operations have cpu time to spare21:17
zenvoidnow I wonder, if the window manager is replaced with another (our current matchbox1), will the desktop still work?21:17
lcukthose that dont have a slower framerate21:18
zenvoidthe desktop has the background and applets21:18
Stskeepszenvoid: you should look into how seperated hildon-home is from hildon-desktop21:18
zenvoidI'll look, but I'll need the libipbh library first21:19
zenvoidI tried to lauch openbox as the window manager in the old hildondestop and the panels are not conformant to the freedesktop standard...21:20
zenvoidso no much hope here, but anyways...21:20
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zenvoidalso noticed that GTK apps do not work well when hildon-desktop is not running, probably because of the modified GPL libs21:22
Stskeepswe use same GTK as them btw21:22
infobotzenvoid meant: also noticed that GTK apps do not work well when hildon-desktop is not running, probably because of the modified GTK libs21:22
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zenvoidyes, I know, if you run an openbox session in Mer, and the run leafpad, input does not seem to work21:23
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zenvoidI think it is because the hildon input method is required21:24
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zenvoidI somewhat dislike those non-standard changes in hildon apps...21:25
zenvoidapps broke when used in a standard desktop21:26
Stskeepsyeah, HIM is a problem, i agree21:26
Stskeepsyou can disable it in /etc/gtk+2.0/ somewhere21:26
zenvoidjust hope the new one is better21:26
Stskeepsit should just disable itself when HIM isn't connectable21:26
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zenvoidyes it should. Do I make another bug report? :)21:27
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Stskeepsgive them some time, because we aren't using fremantle HIM, only HIMF atm21:28
Stskeepsas we don't get their thumb keyboard yet21:28
Stskeepsfile it as a mer bug21:28
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* zenvoid is trying to hack libhildondesktop to compile it without libiphb21:38
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cmugShadowJK, i mean that you can define "Internet" and into the conn pool you can put WLAN and GPRS with different priorities22:11
cmughilighting is allowed again btw22:12
ShadowJKIt let's you pick between no autoconnect, wlan autoconnect, phone autoconnect, wlan&phone autoconnect22:13
cmugand it works properly?22:13
cmugif you have an idle 3g connection open, will it switch to wlan?22:13
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ShadowJKI think it only ever switches if it finds itself without connectivity22:14
||cwbt has a tendancy to disconnect when idle though, at least with my phone22:15
StskeepsShadowJK: i've had it discover my wlan while on phone though22:15
ShadowJK||cw, stays connected almost forever for me22:16
||cwI have att and LG shine, it disconnects after about 30 seconds idle.... I haven't looked to see if it's a phone setting though22:17
ShadowJKMine sits idle for days as long as bluetooth doesn't break :)22:18
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fauxmightAnyone know where to find the cx3110 patched for usability with wpa_supp.? Google's not being friendly, today.22:43
fauxmight(for diablo)22:43
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Stskeepsfauxmight: there's one in mer at least22:45
fauxmightStskeeps: thanks. Does wpa_supp + patched cx3110 in Mer eat more battery than maemo with icd?22:47
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joyriderwhy doesn't my windows share show up inside the maemo scratchbox dev evironement ?22:51
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GeneralAntillesWoo, free 1.6GHz G5.22:57
fauxmightDo tell.22:58
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Stskeepsfauxmight: i suspect wpa_supplicant doesn't do the power saving measures like ICD does23:05
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GeneralAntilleslcuk, you're kidding about "No Thanks!", right?23:06
GeneralAntilleslcuk, that's going to descend into chaos _very_ quickly.23:06
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StskeepsGeneralAntilles: i occasionally wouldn't mind a "No Thanks" button :P23:07
GeneralAntillesStskeeps, really, that's what moderators are for.23:07
lcukno GeneralAntilles im serious23:07
GeneralAntillesIf you want to disagree with a post, hit the reply button.23:07
lcukno1 ever moderates and nothing is ever offtopic23:07
GeneralAntillesBut a No Thanks button wouldn't be motivated by positive things.23:08
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GeneralAntilleslcuk, there will be more moderators with Talk.23:08
StskeepsGeneralAntilles: i'm not necessarily pro a Mer forum until we start getting users using it day to day btw23:08
lcukthe wording might be wrong, butthe intent is there - its exactly the same as the thumbs down23:08
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lcuk"GTFO this post is shit"23:08
lcukand isnt that exactly what moderators are gonna have to press anyway?23:09
* thopiekar voted for MCC23:09
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lcukhaving only a few selected milk monitors is a bit elitist and exclusionary anyway23:10
Stskeepswho are the mods anyway?23:10
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GeneralAntillesStskeeps, that's up to Reggie, mostly.23:10
lcuknone at the mo23:10
GeneralAntilleslcuk, that's how forums work.23:10
lcuki might be new to linux but im not new to the internet23:10
lcukwell, technically linux aint new23:11
lcukwe have thumbs up and down on the planet to indicate what we like and dont like23:11
lcukand gan, lots and lots of community forums have both up and down mods23:12
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Khertan_n810hiya again !23:13
GeneralAntillesAlright, time to swap out machines.23:14
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thopiekarhi Khertan_n810 :)23:16
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* Myrtti kicks Jaiku repeatedly23:17
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GAN800Ew . . . 10.323:22
* GAN800 tries to find a Leopard disk.23:22
cmugI'm looking for the same thing23:23
* RST38h wonders if he can claim airplane tickets as expense on the tax form23:23
lcukRST38h, depends if it was an expense or not23:24
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RST38hlcuk: Well, I had business to do there, I have business to do here23:24
RST38hlcuk: So it is formally a business expense23:24
lcukthen its not deducted on your personal taxes23:25
RST38hlcuk: How so?23:25
lcukyour company should have sorted it23:25
RST38hlcuk: I am my own company every now and then23:25
lcukthen you should file your company taxes every now and then then23:26
RST38hlcuk: mm, it is a bit different in the US23:26
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RST38hlcuk: you *can* be an individual and still have business expenses23:26
lcukit might be different over here lol23:26
lcukyeah but you claim back from your company23:27
RST38hI can't23:27
lcukunless you work for the gov :d23:27
RST38hI can't ask UMD.EDU to pay for my tickets :)23:27
RST38hThat would be way too much to ask. But I can probably write them off as expense23:28
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RST38hAll comes down to finding an accountant to do it for me then =(23:28
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lcukgood evening b-man23:35
b-manhello lcuk :)23:36
qwerty12_N800hey b-man23:36
cmugHow much space does the maemo fremantle environment require?23:36
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b-manhi qwerty12_N800 :)23:36
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lbtheh lcuk I forgot about your mouseEvent question on itt - sorry23:38
lbtI was just going through my issues list and seeing if I'd missed any gripes23:38
lcuklbt, dont worry :D i waffle about lots of things23:38
lbtlets take a look after I get my next release out23:38
* Myrtti prods Jaiku with a stick23:39
lbtI did some debug stuff which may hel23:39
lcukits just something i have to keep my eye on, im actually suffering from it myself in the new system23:39
lcuki had a load of fixes in the old framework to account for it23:39
lcukyeah, the library rebuild23:39
lcukzooming fancy pants version23:39
lcuk"now with color!"23:40
lbtyeah -  I hold a history of lastEvent type thing23:40
lcukyou said, and a 0.1second thing23:40
lcukit doesnt always work cos people pause23:40
derfRST38h: Yes, you should be able to claim airfare on your Schedule C.23:40
derfBut I wouldn't get tax advice from IRC if I were you.23:40
lcuki did it based on distance as well23:40
lbtwhat's the difference between a stroke and a gesture?23:41
lbtA: nothing23:41
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lcuka gesture is a stroke you use to trigger some other interaction23:41
lcukbut normally with gestures you have to hold back performing intermediate mousing events23:41
lbtI meant from a physical finger-on-glass PoV23:41
lcukie no drawing or scrolling etc23:41
lbt*I* think...23:42
lbtthat a gesture is like a pen stroke23:42
lcukthere isnt a difference, in liqbase on mousedown i create a stroke object and build it up for the duration of the stroke23:42
lbtyou move, lower to the glass, raise23:42
lcuki dont have gestures so much23:42
lbta scroll stroke OTOH23:42
lcukits just how the widget responds to the stroke23:42
lbtyou touch and *then* start to move23:42
lbtyes, yes23:43
lcuknot always23:43
lcukyou hit the ground running sometimes23:43
lbtand that's my problem23:43
lbtI support both stroke and gesture23:43
lcukwhat actions are you trying to share23:43
lbtusing 2 mechanisms23:43
lcukwhat gestures do you have?23:43
lbtfinger scrolling the paper23:44
lbtand scribbling a widget23:44
lbtso my only solution right now23:44
lcukso, what - up and down is a scroll motion, and side to side is a completion indicator for item23:44
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* lcuk does something similar23:44
lbtno, the gesture recogniser is fully defineable23:44
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lbtso "l r "23:44
lbtis a left right movement23:45
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lbt"u d r"23:45
lcukrealistically with your app you only need side to side - "l r"23:45
lbtis a letter L23:45
lbtbut I wrote a full-on one :)23:45
lcukup down is for scrolling23:45
joyriderdjeez finally managed to get my windows share to show up in the scratchbox environement23:45
lcukonly start doing it when you have > about 5-10 pixels23:45
lbtit can do handwriting in theory23:45
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lcukbut in practic that complicates your app cos you have to try to work out what the mouse is doing instead of instincively and decisively knowing23:46
lbterr, yes, I noticed!23:46
lbtanyhow, back to bugs... I need Shopper 0.5.6 and then I can do Mer/Qt/Shopper23:47
lbtBTW has tracy got the randr kernel?23:47
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lcukshes got a beer in her hand23:47
lcukill find out later23:48
lbtthat's about the right mood23:48
lcuki think it has actually23:48
lcukyeah i know23:48
lcukive got it on here23:48
lcukbut no room for qt23:48
lbtok l8r23:48
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* b-man randomly hands lcuk a bucket of backon XD23:54
* lcuk looks strangely @ b-man23:55
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b-manlcuk: i'm in a  really random mood today23:57
lcukim in a tired mood today23:58
GAN800lbt, looking at iPhone grocery store apps and getting some UI ideas.23:58
GAN800Integrating a recipe manager might be good.23:59

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