IRC log of #maemo for Sunday, 2008-11-23

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qwerty12_N800rm_you, Shockwave Flash 9.0 r4800:07
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konttori_hmmm. youtube is so slow to process files00:10
konttori_I've been waiting 30 mins to publish a blog post00:10
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konttori_Hahaa! ukmp 1.8 out!
qwerty12_N800Looks good :)00:16
Stskeepsthumbs up. :)00:18
rm_youis canola currently broken?00:19
rm_youor just me >_>00:19
RST38hit's ok00:19
rm_yougreat just me then00:19
RST38hbut you have to uninstall extras devel version00:20
rm_youAttributeError: 'TerraConfig' object has no attribute 'app_name' in File "core/main/", line 287, in _setup_view00:20
rm_younever had devel on my tablet :/00:20
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RST38hyou config files may be corrupted00:21
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rm_youk just removed them00:21
rm_youno change00:21
rm_you.canola and .atabake00:21
rm_youoh well don't have time to deal with this at the moment00:22
rm_youhopefully mediabox still works00:22
* qwerty12_N800 has no time for graphical music players :\00:23
qnr-ltI'm starting to get really annoyed at this.  Something that I'm installing is screwing up the boot process.00:24
qnr-ltUnfortunately, I tend to install a lot of things at once, so I have no idea what it is :/00:25
* qnr-lt wanders off to see if there is an appropriate bug00:25
qnr-ltapplicable bug even00:25
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qnr-ltgonna have to write a script to reinstall everything to mmc2, this is becoming so regular00:31
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GeneralAntillesGood lord00:40
GeneralAntillesThat thread is out of control.00:40
konttori_what thread00:40
GeneralAntillesAnother Mark Haury mess on maemo-users00:41
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GeneralAntilleskonttori_, it's sort of funny if you can keep your distance and manage not to get worked up over it. . . .
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konttori_yeah, well, I agree that if people close repos, it would be nice to upload all of the packages to extras00:43
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lcukon that subject, as a backup plan, would it be possible to setup a hoovering up mirror which just sucked everything from a specific mirror before its brought down?00:44
konttori_that would be great00:45
konttori_but, the signing mechanism is probably the reason why that is hard00:45
lcukbut its a big job and would need someone on staff to manage it00:45
lcukmost stuff is unsigned00:45
lcukand extras no longer requires it00:45
konttori_it doesn't require signing?00:45
lcuknot any more00:46
konttori_phew! so great!00:46
lcukbig announcement a couple of weeks ago :)00:46
lcukabout 3 days after i had fecked around and gone round the houses to get it setup and signed00:46
lcukit was such a ballache00:46
* konttori_ doesn't have to manually calculate md5 sums, edit changes files and sign manually.00:46
lcuksounds about like my experience00:46
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konttori_yeah. I hated every second of it.00:47
lcukthough im sure it involved printing the binary out, taking a photo of it on a wooden table, scannign it in and emailing it00:47
konttori_Now I'll probably upload ukmp 1.8 pretty soon to repos00:47
konttori_lcuk: did you notice that I finally deemed that the current code is good enough to be 1.8 -
lcukooOOooo  "Mind you, the optimal hand is left hand."00:48
konttori_it's nowhere near the smoothness of your code, but I really like it usability wise now.00:48
lcukgonna grab it00:48
lcukdoesnt matter, i went very far off piste and scared folks :) im trying to clean it up and see which "nice" library i can slot it under00:49
lcukbut tbh, for right now i want to use it to build some apps ;)00:49
GeneralAntilleskonttori_, and most people do!00:49
konttori_yeah. qbase apps will be so cool00:50
GeneralAntillesBut this particular repo owner decided that the package wasn't useful anymore and didn't.00:50
lcuki hope theres still a landscape mode, i use my wooden crate and its not often sideways00:50
GeneralAntillesWhat did the jerk on the mailing list do first? OF COURSE! Accuse Nokia of some sort of conspiracy.00:50
GeneralAntillesYeah, that ALWAYS option #1 for me when I want help. <_<00:50
konttori_yeah. it's all nokias fault00:50
lcukkonttori_, are you using xrandr for the rotation?00:51
GeneralAntilleskonttori_, can we not put UXMP in non-free this time around? :)00:51
konttori_lcuk: nope00:51
GeneralAntillesMaking the repository lie isn't very kind.00:51
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konttori_GeneralAntilles: sure... If I figure out how to make the src package00:51
infobotsomebody said upload-extras was
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qwerty12_N800konttori_, is it debianised or do you make a deb manually?00:52
konttori_I use dpkg-build to make the package00:52
StskeepsGeneralAntilles: told you that thread could go nuclear :P00:53
konttori_so, only theme packages are really crafted manually in theme maker code00:53
GeneralAntillesStskeeps, I'm ready for the nuclear option.00:53
GeneralAntillesMark and sebastian have clearly both long since passed the marker for acceptable mailing list behavior00:53
konttori_ah, nope. I'm using dpkg-deb00:54
GeneralAntillesDo we have a code of conduct page for the list?00:54
lcukright, bbl00:54
lcukkonttori_, get it in extras ;)00:54
StskeepsGeneralAntilles: i was just about to suggest a code of conduct of maemo community members..00:54
konttori_thanks ga for teh web upload link. I've been waiting for it for a long time00:55
konttori_I didn't know it existed00:55
qwerty12_N800konttori_, grab a source package of a python app and steal the debianisations :P. Actually, i debianised a python app for someone recently (bearing in mind i'm not the best packager) :
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konttori_thanks. i'll test it out tomorrow00:57
konttori_I just noticed that I do have dpkg-buildpackage on my osx00:57
konttori_So, I might be able to get the src package out somehow00:58
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dsampleI've got an issue with my N800.  I haven't used it in about a week, the battery ran out, and having plugged it in for almost the whole afternoon it still doesn't respond to the power button being pressed01:02
dsampleif I plug the power in it lights up showing the Nokia brandmark, then goes blank, lights up the blue d-pad light, then lights up the screen again with the brandmark, then goes blank01:03
dsampleI can't see any battery icon on the screen though01:03
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StskeepsGeneralAntilles: the issue you were writing about on forum sometime?01:04
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GeneralAntillesStskeeps, about the NOLO bug? No.01:04
GeneralAntillesyerga, I knew there was a link somewhere to that page. . . .01:05
qwerty12_N800dsample, is the charger working? i went through 4/5 broken chargers which gave my n800 the same symptoms which you are experiencing now before finding a charger that works01:05
dsampleqwerty12_N800: well, it works with all my other devices01:05
konttori_Stskeeps: you might want to remove the battery, put it back in and try to boot the device again01:06
Stskeepskonttori_: dsample is the one who has the issue :)01:06
* Stskeeps 's tablet is standing proud and working currently01:06
konttori_ah. oh.01:06
qwerty12_N800dsample, nokia phones? does it take a few minutes for the phone to realise the charger is in?01:06
dsamplekonttori_: I've tried that, tried for about 10 seconds, do I need to leave it off for longer?01:06
dsampleqwerty12_N800: yes, Nokia phones, works straight away01:07
konttori_You might want to try to reflash then01:07
konttori_sounds like something is horribly wong01:07
Stskeepsdsample: sometimes popping battery, putting it in, clicking power and -then- charger helps with me01:07
Stskeeps(i managed to get a little too low on battery) :P01:07
konttori_hmm... my blog isn't aggregated to planet maemo. odd.01:08
konttori_otoh, it was published only moments ago01:08
konttori_so, perhaps there's just a delay01:08
dsampleStskeeps: what, my N800's joined the masons and now has a funny handshake to get it on? :P01:08
GeneralAntilleskonttori_, it is, it just takes a while to update:
Stskeepsdsample: sentience, maybe01:08
GeneralAntillesI think it updates once an hour.01:09
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GeneralAntillesI wonder if the mailing lists can do short-term bans.01:11
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Myrttithere seems to be an old thread on the ITT about power problems with N800 after the battery has been fully drained.01:13
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Proteousyeah, once the battery is dead it won't turn on01:14
Proteoustime to buy a charger01:14
GeneralAntillesMyrtti, that's not related.01:16
GeneralAntillesYou wont see _any_ activity until it actually boots.01:16
Myrttioh well...01:16
GeneralAntillesThat was a NOLO timing issue with certain OMAP builds.01:16
Myrttitime for getting glögi01:16
GeneralAntillesThis sounds like funky hardware01:16
* Myrtti gives a mug for GeneralAntilles 01:16
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dsamplehmmm, although my chargers work with my phones, I got the one out of the N800 box and that's managed to start charging it01:17
GeneralAntillesI'm actually old enough to drink legally, too. Woo! <_<01:17
qwerty12_N800GeneralAntilles, 21?01:17
GeneralAntillesqwerty12_N800, yeah, last month.01:17
MyrttiGeneralAntilles: mine is non-alcoholic01:17
GeneralAntillesStill creeps me right the hell out.01:17
GeneralAntillesMyrtti, even better!01:17
qwerty12_N800GeneralAntilles, cool. 18 over here. BRAPP01:18
MyrttiGeneralAntilles: ... I feel old.01:18
* GeneralAntilles doesn't really drink. :P01:18
Myrtti*bweee* *bweee* Miia is having her age crisis again, stay back01:18
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Myrtti"when I was young, we had beige Ericsson dial phones with the dial ring"01:20
Myrtti"none of these modern day gadgets"01:21
Stskeepsqwerty12_N800: drinking age all the time here, just limited when you can buy (16), and get served (18) :P01:22
qwerty12_N800Stskeeps, haha, lol, like with cigarettes here, you can smoke under 18 legally, just can't buy them01:23
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soapwhere is that?01:30
soapno kidding?  Such a silly law.  ;)01:31
soapno - I meant the cigs thing - UK huh?01:31
soapsilly silly silly.01:31
qwerty12_N800yeah, the UK :\01:31
GeneralAntillesSounds like some gun laws here.01:32
GeneralAntillesYou can buy a handgun at 18, but you can't buy ammo for a handgun until you're 2101:33
GeneralAntillesUnless, of course, you're using that handgun ammo in one of the many rifles that use it, then you're OK. ;)01:33
* Myrtti stays silent about the Finnish gun laws01:35
* dsample can't remember the terminal command for checking the real value of the battery charge01:36
GeneralAntillesdsample, technically, there isn't one.01:36
GeneralAntillesAt least not by default01:36
Stskeepslshal may give some info01:36
* Proteous thinks the term "real value" when refering to battery charge is a lie01:36
Stskeepsand then there's always ftd or something01:36
dsamplehmmm, a friend told me something like dbus...01:37
dsamplegave a number upto 1500001:37
GeneralAntillesProteous, well, there's another 30% available or so at "0%".01:37
GeneralAntillesdsample, try this, though:
qwerty12_N800dsample, an ugly way, lshal -u /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/bme01:38
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dsamplehmmm, there was definitely a shell command (without installing stuff) that watched for events on the UI, you set it going, then tap the battery and it printed a load of info about the battery01:44
dsampleI'm sure it was dbus something01:44
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dsamplefound it... dbus-monitor --system01:48
dsamplethen once that's running tap the battery01:48
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Stskeeps"tap"? :P01:48
Stskeepsi think it's usually easier to lshal and look at the battery values, it goes up to 15000 one of the :P01:48
Stskeepslshal | grep battery01:49
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dsampleStskeeps: too much output01:57
Stskeeps |grep battery.remaining_time i believe02:01
Stskeepsor battery.reporting.current02:02
Stskeepstop is 1555 there02:02
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z4chhhey guys, i was wondering if brand really matters for 16gb sdhc for my n800...for example ...what exactly should I buy? my instict is of course cheapest prices with class 6 speed04:13
soapnot in my humble opinion.  A class 6 is a class 604:14
z4chhso buy that 25$ a-data?04:15
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soapis it a class 6?04:16
soapdon't look at the photo - those are wrong sometimes, look at the specs.04:16
soapand I don't see the spec in writing - I'd ask customer service.04:17
z4chhyeah hah04:18
z4chhi don't see anything abou it..that is bananas04:18
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z4chhbloody, bloody bonkers that is :\04:21
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soapI only mention it because I saw another card today where the photo claimed 10MB/S write and numerous comments said that is not what they got.04:25
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soapand they said the response by newegg was "the photo is provided by the manufacturer, the specs are gospel."04:26
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z4chhthanks soap04:28
z4chhill remember what you said by this "check the soap before you wash" :D04:29
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soapYou in Bowling Green?04:50
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soapz4chh, I only ask because I am in Columbus.05:38
z4chhi live near Dayton, Ohio05:53
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makakHi !05:56
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GeneralAntillesAh, right, it's our fault for the flamewar.06:14
GeneralAntillesHopefully that'll end it, anyway.06:14
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jmspeexcan anyone tell me what "usb_bulk_write: Resource temporarily unavailable" means (from flasher-3.0) and why that left me with a bricked N800?06:18
GeneralAntillesActually bricked?06:18
GeneralAntillesOr just "bricked"?06:18
GeneralAntillesTry flashing again?06:18
jmspeexsame result06:19
jmspeexJust after the sending initrf, I get "Write failed after 0 bytes" and then the "usb_bulk_write: Resource temporarily unavailable"06:20
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qnr-lt<sigh> I'm wasting way too many hours on this, I hope I don't get pissed and throw my N800 against the wall08:01
qnr-ltI just can't figure out what is causing the stupid thing to continually reboot08:02
qnr-ltstupid in an "it's frustrating" sense, I don't really think it's stupid08:03
GeneralAntillesClearly there's something wrong08:06
qnr-ltwell, actually the flash works ok, it's mmc208:06
GeneralAntillesThen re-clone08:06
qnr-ltI've done it about 18 times, and used known good backups.... it works fine until I install "something" either manually or from the backups08:07
qnr-ltand I never know what does it, because it doesn't start until the first power up after the installs08:08
GeneralAntillesSure it's not a broken SD card?08:08
qnr-ltwell, it could be, but fsck doesn't show anything08:09
qnr-ltI'll give that a try, but IIRC, this is actually the second SD Card I've tried (it gets jumbled after 18-20 time08:10
qnr-ltpart of the confusion is due to the fact that I've also repartitioned and reformatted the a couple of times, just in case - might have been one card or two <shrug>08:12
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citylightshi , I am taking a java course and wanted to use my N80010:55
citylightsI downloaded cacao10:55
citylightswhen I run javac I get an error10:55
citylightssorry I downloaded jailmo10:56
citylights/opt/cacao-static/bin/cacao: line 1: syntax error: "(" unexpected10:57
qwerty12You can't run a "pc" program on the N800's processor.10:57
citylightshi qwerty10:57
qwerty12hi citylights10:57
citylightshi qwerty10:58
citylightshi qwerty I really like to do the chores on my device10:58
qwerty12I'd like to help you but I know jack all when it comes to java on the tablets :/10:58
RST38hcitylight: please do "file /opt/cacao-static/bin/cacao" and tell us what it prints10:59
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* RST38h asks the Great Cthulhu to harvest the last remaining Java fanatics and eat their brains...wait, what? No brains? Go for the liver then.11:00
citylightsfile not found ...11:00
citylightsbtw I am at the java class NOW11:00
RST38hcitylights: Please, relay my prayer to your instructor. It will make him feel better, trust me.11:01
citylightsok, I will try to reinstall and have cacao on my device.11:01
RST38hAnyways, you can't have a "syntax error" message from a file that does not exist, so something is wrong11:01
qwerty12RST38h, the program file isn't installed11:02
citylightswe are at double=5.0/2.011:02
RST38hAre you typing "file /opt/cacao-static/bin/cacao" on the same device where you tried running it?11:02
citylightsyes I m11:02
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RST38hqwerty: He can't be getting syntax errors from it then11:02
qwerty12RST38h, no no, /opt/cacao-static/bin/cacao exists, /usr/bin/file doesn't11:02
RST38hqwerty: Well it exists on my tablet11:02
qwerty12RST38h, that's because you installed it11:02
RST38hjust checked before telling him11:02
RST38hNo I did not11:03
qwerty12Installed emelfm2 or midnight commander?11:03
RST38hthat was it?11:03
qwerty12You installed file.11:03
RST38hcitylights: ok, install mc11:03
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citylightscafe break brb11:08
citylights/opt/cacao-static/bin/cacao: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.6.8, statically linked, stripped11:10
qwerty12Not going to run on the N800, the N800 uses an ARM processor11:10
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RST38hcitylights: Ok, does this answer your question about why it does not run?11:10
citylightswas a bit lazy I guess11:15
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konttori_GeneralAntilles: (if you are not sleeping), do you have any idea why my blog post still hasn't been aggregated?11:25
GeneralAntilleskonttori_, well, the other option is that Planet could simply be broken. :P11:25
konttori_wow, you never sleep!11:26
konttori_do you have idea whom to contact about the planet?11:26
GeneralAntillesIt's that horrible college thing, it does bad thing to your schedule. ;)11:26
konttori_Oh! Yeah. That thing!11:26
konttori_enjoy the college reality distortion field!11:27
RST38hwhile you can, yes11:30
GeneralAntilleskonttori_, well, your feed seems fine, so it's probably planet.
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GeneralAntilleskonttori_, either file a bug or harass X-Fade or bergie about it I guess.11:33
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JaffaMorning, al11:50
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GeneralAntillesHi, Jaffa.11:53
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t_s_othere are times i wish that there was a notification when the wifi was turned of based on the timeout. specifically when im writing up a forum post or similar only to discover it after i have hit reply...12:55
GeneralAntillesA banner might not be terrible.12:56
GeneralAntillesEnhancement request?12:56
GeneralAntilles(with a preference setting, hopefully)12:56
t_s_owill probably only show up in fremantle anyways...12:57
konttori_X-Fade: Any chance you could run the planet synchronisation ? My blog isn't getting aggregated (well, latest post isn't)12:57
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lcukkonttori_, mornin, any chance you can post the .deb to ukmp, your pic last night might have encouraged me about something ;)13:18
konttori_Sure. the link is on the blog post13:19
konttori_I'm adding the exit button at the moment.13:19
konttori_So, I'll release and update later today13:20
konttori_and I'll try to also add a bit to the unstability issue.13:20
lcuk810heh, ill go the long way then and pm myself13:20
konttori_(which is gstreamer releated)13:20
qwerty12konttori_, Why do you copy the files with a .py extension to ones without?13:22
konttori_umm... because my build scrip sucks so bad?13:22
konttori_I could take a look at fixing that at some point.13:23
konttori_actually, I think I have solved it already, just not fixed to the postinst.13:23
konttori_I always find something more interesting / fun to do than fix the scripts.13:24
qwerty12Heh, you haven't seen my changelog for gftp...13:24
konttori_fix the scripts or take out the garbage? ... tough one... let's take out the garbage. Then wash the dishes13:25
lcukmmmm still same issue as last time ;) i havent got enough albums to be kinetic13:26
* qwerty12 goes for tracks more rather than albus13:26
lcuki like the portraitness13:27
qwerty12*albums even13:27
lcukand the large gutter around the tracklisting lets you use it without accidentally clicking :D13:27
konttori_Ah. I'll try to fix today also the support to work better when user has only a few albums13:28
lcukit works13:28
lcukand dont fix the gutter ;)13:29
konttori_Ah. does it position the items correctly / in a way that makes sense13:29
konttori_nope, I planned to leave gutter13:29
konttori_I've been thinking about leaving it only on one side though13:29
konttori_but, let's see.13:29
lcukheh i've been thinking about it for other things13:31
lcukrotation angle is 180deg from what i expect13:31
konttori_Hmm... Now shuffle looking as it should, close button is in the right place (and works).  Next I need to add the kill any previous lingering instances of ukmp on startup.13:31
lcukgood thing though about your rotation (apart from a coding perspective) is that it doesnt require a kernel update13:32
GeneralAntillesScreen updates take place in the wrong direction, though.13:33
GeneralAntillesEverything would be so easy if Nokia would just ship two small patches.13:33
GeneralAntillesThey don't even need to expose anything in the UI13:33
GeneralAntillesJust one small kernel patch and one small Xomap patch. . . .13:33
lcukyou know the tearing "grain" rotates when you use xrandr rotation it changes this and the grain then tears along with it (less noticable)13:34
GeneralAntilleslcuk, exactly what I said. :P13:34
lcukyes :P but you didnt explain why13:35
lcukkonttori_, it doesnt run rotated (can't talk, libase doesnt either ;))13:35
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oli-n800hi, can maemo mapper calculate routes?13:42
* aquatix loves
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oli-n800anyone? can i enter 2 cities and get route13:47
GeneralAntillesoli-n800, presumably you're on an N800, no?13:47
GeneralAntillesTap the menu in Maemo Mapper.13:47
GeneralAntillesTap Routes13:47
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oli-n800yep, i am13:48
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oli-n800GeneralAntilles, but can it work like google maps ex. from paris to berlin and i get complete route with description13:51
GeneralAntillesThere's an option to download a route in the menu.13:51
lcuktabletdeath needs real reasons13:52
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lcukflying zombie death13:52
GeneralAntillesWe should add a section on the zombie apocalypse.13:53
lcuki have done13:53
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lcukWhy Is Everything In Proper Case?13:54
GeneralAntilleslcuk, RST38h has apparently got a bad habit about that. :P13:56
GeneralAntillesFeel free to fix it.13:56
lcukkonttori_, using ukmp with 810 on its stand reminds me of this:
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lcukive just added my own :)13:56
oli-n800GeneralAntilles, thanks a lot ;) I'm owner of tablet for 3 days so I'll ask some more obvious questions ;)13:56
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GeneralAntillesoli-n800, bookmark this:
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aquatixany idea why maemo mapper does not find my n810 gps receiver?13:58
qwerty12_Bluetooth with no address13:58
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aquatixit's built-in13:59
GeneralAntillesThat's how gpsd has to be started.13:59
GeneralAntillesInelegant and weird, but so it goes.14:00
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konttori_lcuk: very nice poem. I love it!14:00
konttori_luck: you can run it in rotated mode by changing the variable: DISPLAY_ROTATE14:01
konttori_The, it *should* run in X rotated canvas14:01
lcukthank digg for finding it, i dunno where it was originally
konttori_(or, e.g. in scratchbox)14:01
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lcukmy python hacking skills are about the same as my fighting way out of a wet paper bag skills14:02
lcukill wait for you to add a few more opts ;)14:02
aquatixGeneralAntilles: so, to be sure, i have to choose gpsd host in the gps settings?14:02
konttori_well, it's on line 28. the first variable in MediaCenter.py14:02
GeneralAntillesNo MAC14:03
konttori_lcuk: Yeah, I'll add the command line opts for it.14:03
GeneralAntillesGNUite really should add a layer of UI abstraction, but so it goes.14:03
aquatixnow it somehow works14:03
lcukno rush, ill just get used to changing the orientation of my neck to compensate :D14:03
aquatixit didn't last time i tried14:03
lcukeverything else rotatets the other way, i prefer my escape button at the bottom14:04
qwerty12_yerga, ping14:04
aquatixGeneralAntilles: thanks :)14:04
yergaqwerty12_, pong!14:04
GeneralAntilles:P qwerty12.14:04
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GeneralAntillesaquatix, sure thing.14:05
GeneralAntillesqwerty12_, we should keep totals on these things. I'd be interested in the result. :P14:05
qwerty12_yerga, I've "hildonized" the main window, hildonised the menu but it seems I suck at adding a callback event to make the window fullscreen. I've also fixed the packaging and made it integrate with dbus:
qwerty12_GeneralAntilles, On what? :P14:06
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GeneralAntillesqwerty12_, who wins the double-team "thanks" of course. ;)14:06
yergaqwerty12_, cool, I will take a look14:06
GeneralAntillesWe frequently seem to double up on these things, and it's interesting to see who ends up getting the thanks.14:07
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qwerty12_Oh, heh :D. I gave a quick answer, you went more in depth with it14:07
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fiferboy_n810Is anyone using the home screen applet drag lock patch?14:09
qwerty12_me me me14:09
qwerty12_I built his latest version the other day14:09
* lcuk "upgraded" sketch editing, it now saves upto 36 at one time now14:10
Stskeepswhat kind of devices/specific models would be good to test a x86 mer/maemo alike dist on?14:11
fiferboy_n810It's pretty good.  I built the latest veersion, too14:11
fiferboy_n810I'm trying to improve it by storing the state in a conf file14:12
qwerty12_Woot, go fiferboy!14:12
GeneralAntillesStskeeps, buy a Samsung Q1.14:12
GeneralAntillesThen ship it to me. :P14:12
qwerty12_Then I can rob GeneralAntilles14:12
* GeneralAntilles sets out some landmines.14:12
GeneralAntillesOr that Sony UMPC14:13
fiferboy_n810I think it should go in ~/.osso/hildon-desktop/desktop.conf14:13
GeneralAntillesYou guys remember that R50A everybody on itT was saying was going to kill the N810?14:13
Stskeepsanother q, - think maemo would be good on a tv screen?14:14
fiferboy_n810But the files that have been edited only use home.conf, which is not appropriate14:14
GeneralAntillesStskeeps, with a Wiimote?14:14
Stskeepscos that's what we're thinking about doing :P14:14
GeneralAntillesNot so much with a dpad on a remote, though.14:14
GeneralAntillesHow's actual Wii Linux these days? :P14:15
Stskeepswe will have bt keyboard with trackpad :P14:15
konttori_Could someone perhaps add to the current wiimote code the support for the tv screen?14:15
konttori_I did take a  look at it at some point and it might not be so terribly hard14:15
konttori_could be a starting point.14:15
GeneralAntillesTV screen?14:16
konttori_I have a slightly improved version of the code if anyone is willing to give it a shot.14:16
lcukwhat do you mean support14:16
konttori_umm... well, wiimote infra tracking capabilities14:16
GeneralAntillesAh, right.14:16
konttori_if e.g. you are using n800 that you have connected to telly14:17
GeneralAntillesHow, exactly? :P14:17
konttori_with usb14:17
GeneralAntillesAlternatively, does that mean the N900 will have TV out? :P14:17
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konttori_No clue14:17
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GeneralAntillesWell, current USB-to-VGA support isn't fast enough to track a Wiimote14:17
GeneralAntillesIt takes about 10 seconds to render FBReader's interface.14:17
lcukbtw konttori_ as a user who raves about liqbase (or as a raving user) could you comment and rate it on the product page please :$
konttori_I thought it was possible to get 2 fps14:18
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konttori_I've seen much better usb support then inside nokia.14:18
lcukkonttori_, the tv control aspect, do you mean the candles thing14:18
konttori_We've had the targus usb dock stations for n800.14:18
lcuk\o/ w000t 2fps14:18
GeneralAntilleslcuk, yes, the sensor bar.14:18
konttori_and the users were claiming they work just as well as desktop use14:18
GeneralAntillesIf only Nokia had shipped a couple of IR LEDs behind the speaker grille on the N800. ;)14:19
* Stskeeps wouldn't mind a docking system for tablets14:19
lcuki keep wanting to just hold a barcode over my 810 and using that as input device14:19
konttori_well, 2 fps makes it e.g. usable as slide show thingy.14:19
GeneralAntilleskonttori_, Graham needs to get with those guys. . . .14:19
konttori_And, whatever the case it with the future devices, they will be faster14:19
GeneralAntillesStskeeps, powered USB hub? ;)14:19
StskeepsGeneralAntilles: well a stand is a good thing too14:19
Stskeepswith ethernet, ec14:20
Stskeepsi would buy one of those, really14:20
konttori_targus docking station has it all, usb hub, keyboard inputs, vga out, serial port, whatnot14:20
konttori_even ethernet14:20
lcukkonttori_, wouldnt it be better to incorporate the actual code thats within the wiimote itself for detecting the IR blobs.  ie point your actual 8x0/9x0 at the screen itself and process where the dots are ourselves14:20
qwerty12_psst, konttori_ , what are your smuggling rates?14:21
* Stskeeps passes qwerty12_ a beagleboard14:21
qwerty12_Yum, these taste good14:21
konttori_yeah, well, beagleboard is really cool dev platform. interesting to test.14:22
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lcukill electrocute myself ifi try touching the beagleboard, it needs a touchscreen14:22
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konttori_I wonder if maemo is running on any of those14:22
GAN800konttori, check Flickr14:22
lcukjust give him your link gan :P14:22
Stskeepsit's trivial to get maemo work but not in a clean way14:22
konttori_lcuk: yeah, well, the n800 would need an infrared filter on the camera, but sure, it's doable like that14:22
konttori_So, e.g. the cool multitouch display they had in berlin is doable with n800, projector, some infra lamps.14:23
lcukheh, just display a color coding on the corners of the tv screen ;)14:23
konttori_might be actually a really cool test.14:23
konttori_lcuk: yeaw, theoretically even with that14:23
lcukcan some1 dig out a shop link for the kind of USB cable ill need to update my n800 to diablo14:24
lcuki have one but no usb and i dunno what i need to buy14:24
Stskeepsisn't it a typical mini A/B one?14:25
Stskeepslook at your  digital camera maybe?14:25
Stskeepsthat's where i got mine originally14:25
GeneralAntillesThe one bundled with practically every consumer electronics device sold over the past few years. :P14:25
qwerty12_N800lcuk, the cable that came with mine is a nokia dke-2 but any generic one should work fine14:26
lcukwell ive looked through the rats nest and i dont have any14:26
konttori_GeneralAntilles: thanks. looks good.14:27
konttori_lcuk: didn't you get a cable with your device?14:27
lcukummm well no14:28
GeneralAntillesHe stole it from some jerk on the bus.14:28
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Stskeepsnow if this targus had s-video too..14:32
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Stskeepshmm, what other themes are there of freely-licensable ones for maemo?14:36
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Stskeepsi mean, there's plankton obviously, but others?14:37
GeneralAntillesStskeeps, LCARS?14:37
GeneralAntillesProbably not, actually. :P14:37
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Stskeeps(that does not need OS2008 parts?14:37
Stskeepsheh, yeah, lcars looks like it is14:38
Stskeepseven has own sounds14:38
Stskeepslcars as default theme for mer it is14:39
GeneralAntillesOh lord14:39
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GeneralAntilles"Hey, Nokia managers, this is a proof of concept of an upstream-compliant Maemo. We'd really like you to look at this when planning Maemo's future. Also: Star Trek."14:40
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Stskeepsi think that would only work on software engineers14:41
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* Stskeeps would like to thank konttori_ for theme maker14:42
GeneralAntillesThere were a lot of terrible themes for the 770.14:42
konttori_hey, looking good Stskeeps14:42
GeneralAntillesMost notably the default ones. <_<14:42
Stskeepskonttori_: hehe, i didn't do that one, just found it14:42
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Stskeepsbut there seriously needs to be some better themes than plankton for hildon use :P14:43
Stskeepsthat are OSS/distributable14:44
GeneralAntillesI want the old Plankton back.14:44
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konttori_ah, added the ukmp 1.8114:45
suihkulokkiyou can probablt make the plankton look better by just switching the background pic and some other minor tweaks14:45
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GeneralAntillesI want this back:
qwerty12_N800If I was on os2007, i'd probably be using the appleenvy theme14:46
GeneralAntillesHa . . . the guy complaining about MicroB's js performance turns out to be using Opera on OS2007. <_<14:47
lcukive gotta vanish again, ww3 just erupted downstairs, konttori_ nice chatting, cyas all later14:49
GeneralAntillesZombie apocalypse is starting at lcuk's14:49
lcuknot really i took the wiimote off jake until he picks up his orange peel ;)14:50
Stskeepshm, new company in the maemo sphere, blumsoft.eu14:51
Stskeepshaven't seen those before14:51
Stskeepsno clue, saw code from them in gtkhtml and hildon-control-panel14:53
Stskeepsyou know, with all those different companies actually maintaining the components of maemo, the generic-platform by community and nokia contracting people to contribute to components inside it, does not seem so far off14:54
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oliis there any way to make an video call from n800 to a PC?15:09
GeneralAntillesGizmo or aMSN15:09
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lcukso fitting and true15:10
oliGeneralAntilles: gtalk won't do it?15:10
GeneralAntillesoli, don't think the clients use the same video format15:10
GeneralAntillesor something like that.15:10
* GeneralAntilles sighs again at the mailing list.15:11
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Stskeepsah :P15:15
GAN800email spam about the wiki. . . .15:15
Stskeepsyeah, you obviously banned this guy :P15:16
Stskeepshe's probably not using https15:16
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GAN800An anonymous edit ban would be less confusing. . . .15:17
* Stskeeps isn't sure what to think of launchpad yet.15:21
Stskeepsbzr seems to be neat though15:22
GAN800Stskeeps, let me know when you figure it out, I'd like to know. :)15:22
Stskeepsso far it isn't on the directly positive side, but we haven't started using the collaboration just yet15:23
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Stskeepsmer is an experiment in this area too so15:23
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Stskeepsqwerty12_N800: your hildon desktop is trying to be a larger resolution15:24
qwerty12_N800Stskeeps, I blame python applets :P15:25
Stskeepsmm, i look forward to my armel builder coming online monday, got a lot of stuff in queue for it15:26
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* Stskeeps ponders why his nokia just chose to reboot.15:43
lcukflying zombies15:47
towoThe Day Of The Glorious Reboolution.15:48
lcukits only the start, the apocalypse is upon us.  all electronic equipment will fail (but nokia tablets will last longer)15:49
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Stskeeps~seen johnx15:53
infobotjohnx <> was last seen on IRC in channel #maemo, 2d 14h 46m 8s ago, saying: 'heh...easy enough to go off grid. I just climb a 1200 and bam, no geolocation :)'.15:53
GAN800Maybe the zombie apocalypse started in Japan?15:54
Stskeepswith those nukes dropped on it, no surprises..15:55
lcukyeah, but they were trying to save the world15:55
lcuknothing else would kill godzilla15:55
lcukeinsteins desk looks like my work dask, and his chalkboard looks like my nokia
lcuki wonder how he wouldv coped with a multitouch interactive board15:56
Stskeepshe would have smashed it in anger occasionally probably15:57
lcuknahhh, he would have been able to assemble his equations better15:58
lcukand rejig them about without using a board rubber15:58
lcukbut his achievements are all the more impressive purely because he did it all without computers :)15:59
Stskeeps"Internet Tablet Will Die Because a flying zombie attack will take out all the wind farms! "15:59
lcuki thought we needed a sensible reason why they should die ;)16:01
Stskeepsi'd go for the magnetic poles shifting or something16:01
lcukwell a magnetic flip wouldnt instantly kill the tablets16:02
lcukunless it caused the penguins to begin a mass migration across the planet breeding along the way16:03
lcukmarch of the penguins - at least it would be year of tux on the desktop, and on the fridge and in your kitchen and on your roof and crushing you underfoot16:03
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lcukperhaps you could use your tablet as a penguin beating device, they have sharp edges16:04
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lcukor reflect the sunlight from the screen and dazzle the marching penguins of death16:04
lcuki might make an animated gif of this scenario, it would highlight the dangers to the world of a magnetic pole reversal16:05
Stskeepsyes, you should16:06
lcukwarn people before its too late16:06
lcukwhats the gestation period for migrating penguins?16:06
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lcukand once they reach a certain threshhold would they begin to die out due to overpopulation and not enough food?16:07
lcukwould the southern penguins fight with the northern penguins when they reached the equator?16:07
lcukand can we breed anything which will stop this impending doom?16:08
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lcukdo penguins prefer to move through water or waddle through grassland? ie would we be safer running for the hills or finding a small unpopulated island somewhere?16:09
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lbtmultiouch ...
lbtoh wait, multi-ouch is something different16:10
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lcukmulti-ouch is what happens when disoriented flying zombie penguins attack16:11
lcukBE PREPARED!16:11
lcukhiya lbt16:12
lbtnot been around much... work and stuff16:12
lbtplus I reinstalled my PC16:12
lbtso I'm about to setup scratchbox again16:13
Stskeepsafernoon lbt16:14
lcukewww, i want a faster tablet, i hate thinking about boxes inside boxes16:14
lcukfull native on device compilation, Stskeeps you have a beagle, how much faster is gcc on that than gcc on n8x016:14
lbthi Stskeeps16:14
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* Stskeeps continues buildin'16:15
lcukStskeeps, have you not tried compilation on your beagle?16:17
Stskeepslcuk: i have16:17
lcukhow well does it work16:17
Stskeepslcuk: but it's sitting in front of me instead of it's rightful place on top of the server16:17
Stskeepsit works quite well16:17
Stskeepsi have had some MMC troubles though, but that might just be because i've abused them16:18
lcukhopefully it will mean i can jump to c++ easily, i still wonder how long it would take to build something like qt16:18
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StskeepsMeiz_n810: btw Mer is going a little slow these days while we get things running sanely :) just so you dont think we gave up :P16:26
Meiz_n810Stskeeps: you are building with BB?16:28
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Stskeepsi will from tomorrow16:29
Stskeepsright now i'm getting things working on i386 firsst16:29
Meiz_n810do you have hasty or jaunty on BB?16:29
Stskeepsit'll be a jaunty chroot im building out of16:30
sp3000hmm, nitapps is down and has some stuff not in extras(-devel) and it's not on the pls to be migrating to extras list16:31
sp3000X-Fade: ^ ?16:32
Meiz_n810Stskeeps: why chroot?16:32
sp3000then again most of the stuff is tiny command line status tools, but, interesting16:33
qwerty12_N800sp3000, the  guy doesn't listen to extras requests. GeneralAntilles asked a lot for the maintainer of that repo to put easyroot in extras but got ignored so I just made rootsh for example16:33
StskeepsMeiz_n810: well. the way packages ought to be built is through a --variant=buildd, where you build the source inside and you know it won't conflict with other things16:34
sp3000hmm, the wiki page doesn't have any examples of fail status does it ;)16:34
Stskeepsso each time you compile it extracts a snapshot and compiles inside the chroot16:34
sp3000oh well16:34
StskeepsMeiz_n810: and you're sure that way that the package has right build dependancies, etc16:35
StskeepsMeiz_n810: saw
Stskeepswith as an example of a build log16:37
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* Stskeeps notes that nokia has done quite an effort in translations as well16:52
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Stskeepshi gnuton16:58
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gnutonhey Stskeeps17:08
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* Stskeeps wonders idly when he will get banned from for checking so much out..17:18
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t_s_oley lcuk, cheers! ;)17:34
t_s_oas for being so drunk that one wonder how one got home, been there, done that, woke up in the garage...17:35
lcukive never actually gotten lost, ive got a good homing signal17:36
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lcukeven if i cant walk17:36
pupnikafternoon lcuk :)17:37
lcukRST38h, why have you removed my flying zombie death scenario?17:37
lcukhi pupnik17:37
pupnikand RST38h et al17:37
pupniki wonder if anyone will discover the wonderful world of internet tablets now, by googling 'flying zombie death'17:38
lcuki was gonna expand upon it and explain that when the magnetic poles invert it will be flying zombie penguin death17:39
lcukyear of linux on the desktop and everything else17:39
pupniktoday is the last sunday of the christian calendar year, the day of the dead17:41
lcuko rly?17:42
pupnikyeh.  what U up to?17:43
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lcukjust idling, gonna go n clean the fishtank in a minute17:44
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Proteousmmmmm, fish poo17:46
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pupnikhi qwerty12 !17:46
qwerty12hey, hi pupnik17:46
* Stskeeps groans over hildon-1 not being updated publically17:48
Stskeepshildon-pannable-area.h is missing it seems17:48
* qwerty12 curses at the top of his voice at his mpd build not working and gdb for being a pita17:50
Stskeepsqwerty12: sb nightmares?17:50
Proteousmmm, pita17:51
qwerty12Stskeeps, I'm actually running gdb on the device (and I've made sure the debug symbols were not stripped) but I get zilch when doing a backtrace17:51
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qwerty12Ha, mpd 0.14~alpha3-2 is shit. I just built mpd-0.13.0 and it works fine18:07
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Stskeepsheh, neat, mesh support in stlc45xx18:20
Stskeepsthis could be fun at a summit18:20
Stskeepsand for many interesting tech demos18:21
pupnikStskeeps: have the OLPC devs done anything useful with mesh that we could drop into tablets?18:22
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Stskeepsnot sure, maybe18:23
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RST38hmoo all18:25
qwerty12ello RST38h18:26
RST38hpupnik: Where are you gonna get a usable mesh of NITs?18:26
Stskeepsmaemo summit ;>18:26
Stskeepslecture hall in the future..18:27
Stskeepsthe bus18:27
pupnikor perhaps future other portable devices with mesh support?18:28
* Stskeeps ponders why the hell nokia didn't put some of the stuff in HAL instead, like, backlihght18:28
error_developer_how to change the umask in maemo?18:29
RST38hchmod ?18:30
error_developer_so all files user creates are writeble by the group?18:30
RST38hpupnik: you have to have enough of them18:30
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RST38herror: Afaik this gets inherited from the directory permissions18:30
StskeepsRST38h: if nokia phones start having wifi with mesh..18:31
Stskeepsthen the % certainly goes up in my country18:31
Andy80mesh would be a great thing :)18:31
RST38hThey already have wifi18:31
RST38hAnd wifi can be used in mesh mode with some effort18:32
RST38hYet do you see anyone use that?18:32
inheritedahhhhwww screw you RST38h18:32
Stskeepsstop using words as nicks, it's sily18:32
StskeepsAndy80: stlc45xx has a mesh patch for it18:32
RST38h  === hehehe, finally people start seeing that "open source business model" only works in Eric Raymond's mind18:33
Andy80Stskeeps, what is stlc45xx?18:33
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StskeepsAndy80: the open source driver for the wifi chip in n8x018:34
Andy80oh right. I didn't remember the name18:34
StskeepsRST38h: yeah, but on the other hand there's no such thing as a free meal.. it's slightly less costly for open source developers to copy an existing design, that was spent time on designing and developing18:36
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RST38hStskeeps: Doesn't matter from the point of view of a developer making money on the design18:37
RST38hStskeeps: Once event occurs (i.e. somebody copies his stuff in a free product), the original guy loses his business, whatever the reasons for that initial copying are18:38
Meiz_n810Stskeeps: have you tested xserver-xfbdev?18:38
StskeepsMeiz_n810: nop18:38
RST38hThe only real "open source business model" is to take open source software and use it to make money, that's all18:38
Stskeepsand focus on service instead and individual user requests?18:39
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Stskeeps(and hw)18:39
RST38hFocus on whatever, as long as it is not sw development18:41
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RST38hYou can go SUSE or Redhat road by compiling lots of OSS onto a CD and selling it18:41
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RST38hOr you can do service stuff (like using Asterisk to do VoIP)18:42
Stskeepshow does that work with bread on table for the workers? (developers), though? :P18:42
RST38hIt does not18:42
RST38hThat is the whole point.18:42
RST38hDevelopers are basically left with enabling and/or customization18:43
* Stskeeps is getting paid for oss work that enables higher level solutions, and is fairly happy about that.18:43
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pupniknice Stskeeps18:46
RST38hStskeeps: The problem with enabling/customization stuff is that it is often intermittent18:46
StskeepsRST38h: i did custom coding for a while when i was a teen, on top of my oss product.. it was good as a teen but when you have to pay rent, food, etc, it doesn't work out18:47
Stskeepsi make more sitting in my office for a day than i got in a month usually18:47
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RST38hSts: yep18:52
RST38hSts: Actually, custom development pays off pretty well but it is not permanent18:53
pupnikreminds me of that classic dilbert18:53
Stskeepsi wonder if there's a idea of open source but not distributing publically18:54
error_developer_is anyone using ext2 on a flash card around now?18:54
Stskeepspupnik: hehe :P18:55
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pupnikerror_developer_: i have ext2 on flash on my 77018:55
error_developer_pupnik: i 'm figuring out how to get the file permissions sorted18:56
* konttori_ updated his latest blog post to point to ukmp 1.81 version.
error_developer_so the user can write to it when it's connected to the linux pc18:56
error_developer_and then it could be deleted when it's disconnected from the pc18:57
error_developer_pupnik: you know what i mean ..18:57
error_developer_i added a gorup and a user with id 29999 on the linux pc18:58
error_developer_they can read it now..18:58
pupnikyeah was going to suggest that18:58
error_developer_but still it's a bit messy18:58
pupniknot sure where umask gets set on ITOS18:58
pupnikused to be in .login / .cshrc back in.. oh 198818:59
error_developer_yeah ..i use csh actually18:59
error_developer_but it's on my production machine18:59
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error_developer_i could sort it out vwith NFS19:00
error_developer_but there is no network there, only USB19:00
pupniklooks pretty konttori_19:01
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konttori_thanks. I like it quite a bit.19:01
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error_developer_konttori_: how about ukmp and uktube on x86 linux?19:02
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zakkm_where would system icons and program icons be kept?19:04
zakkm_what directory?19:04
qwerty12/usr/share/icons/scalable/hildon (something like that)19:06
zakkm_k thanks, missed the /icons19:07
zakkm_cant find system icons?19:12
zakkm_the browser, chat, programs.. one19:12
pupniki recall there being a number of directories where they could be19:15
zakkm_this would do for now isuppose19:16
zakkm_making them all grayscale19:16
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pupnikit might be nifty if one could someday do color-adjustment on-the-fly of themes19:23
pupnikbut that's quite 'verspielt'19:24
RST38hif NIT themes were all done in 4 colors like Amiga desktop, it would be possible19:28
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Stskeepspenguinbait: the new stuff looks good, thumbs up19:51
penguinbaitthanks, did you install it?19:52
Stskeepsnop, not yet19:52
Stskeepsbusy working on Mer package building :P19:53
penguinbaitIts working great, you can backup any partition to any partition, including usb disk.19:55
penguinbaitI need to figure out how to get usb boot working next19:55
Stskeepsany way that you could be convinced to maybe start employing bootmenu items? it's in bootmenu svn so19:55
Stskeepsquite easy to work with if you know which is internal and which is external19:56
Stskeepsmakes different combinations of clone/alternate OS/etc much easier19:56
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konttori_error_developer_: you can use both on x86 linux19:56
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konttori_they are python19:57
konttori_however, the latest ukmp needs a small change to work on non-rotated mode19:57
penguinbaitnot sure what your getting at sts?19:57
penguinbaitwhat do you mean? "any way that you could be convinced to maybe start employing bootmenu items?"19:58
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Stskeepspenguinbait: ah - basically, instead of regenerating bootmenu.conf with new stuff all the time, we have a system where you on maemo write a bootmenu item to /etc/bootmenu.d/<file>.item, with the info about what needs to be booted19:59
Stskeepsand then run refresh_bootmenu.d to update the bootmenu item list in initfs20:00
Stskeepsso you wold make a maemo-cloned.item for example20:00
penguinbaitSts thats a great idea, but you should talk to Fanoush about that20:00
Stskeepswhich would then appear in the bootmenu20:00
Stskeepspenguinbait: .. it's in bootmenu garage svn20:00
Stskeepstrust me, i've talked to him about this :)20:00
Stskeepsin the coming months we will definately see more alternative OS'es as everyone and their brother is porting to ARM20:01
Stskeepsso it's just looking at the problem preemptively :)20:02
Stskeepssvn also has a bootmenu .deb builder20:02
Stskeepswell, a package that actually builds :P20:02
penguinbaitWell my new tools, allow you to have 6 partitions per SD card right now, and it allows you to select the items to include bootmenu20:02
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Stskeepsyeah - and in this case you wouldn't have a limit as you can add items easily, and don't have to scan every time for partitions and such20:03
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Stskeepsas when your tool adds a cloned OS, it simply adds the item20:03
penguinbaitor at least a check mark to decide to include it20:04
penguinbaitI agree it would be cool, but I am not the "one" ;)20:04
Stskeepshm? :P20:05
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penguinbaitso what does Fanoush say when you talk to him?20:06
Stskeeps.. i have commit to the bootmenu garage svn, the patch has been there for ages now, works for deblet, and we're discussing a bit how to include bootmenu in extras and such currently as part of a possible community edition of maemo where clone to SD, etc would be a part of the community edition..20:08
Stskeepsthe problem isn't so much the bootmenu.d system, the problem is that we haven't had a good reason to release a new tar.gz/deb yet20:08
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penguinbaitso what still needs to be done?20:10
hahlobitbtw if bootmenu.conf found instead bootmenu.d can i add item there?20:10
Stskeepspenguinbait: i'm asking if you're interested in using the bootmenu.d item system in your scripts for cloning, etc20:11
penguinbaitIf you build it they will come20:11
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Stskeepsas in them generating bootmenu.d items instead of rebuilding bootmenu.conf20:11
penguinbaitits way cleaner20:11
Stskeeps.. it is built20:11
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penguinbaitI gotta run, send me pm, or I talk later20:12
Stskeepshahlobit: yeah, bootmenu.conf is a script itself, in svn it loads items from /etc/bootmenu.d/ on initfs20:12
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* Stskeeps hammers his head into the table several times20:12
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Stskeepswho was the local valac wizards here? :P20:18
qwerty12Stskeeps, juergbi's one of the creators if I remember correctly :P20:18
qwerty12Jaffa knows vala too afaik20:19
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Stskeepsor maybe it's just my packaging fu that's bad20:19
VDVsxjust for curiosity, the Fremantle Stars are already chosen by nokia ?20:19
juergbiStskeeps: what's the issue?20:21
Stskeepsjuergbi: ah. think it's just me, fighting with bzr and realizing it's a matter of make acting the way it should when .vala and .c is same timestamp, and we are bootstrapping valac.. :P20:25
Stskeepssorry for the highlight20:25
lcukVDVsx, friendview seems bare :( i dont know anyone almost20:27
Proteousyou are just a loser20:27
lcukand i dunno whos selected for what or where20:27
lcukyes Proteous i am20:28
lcukbut what exactly have i lost?20:28
Proteousyour disillusionment?20:28
lcukim fully allusioned though20:29
lcukis that even a word? :D20:29
Proteousdisillusioned: To free from illusion20:29
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Proteousillusioned is a word20:30
lcuknot according to the dictionary its not20:31
Proteousthat's just an illusion20:32
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RST38hProuteous,lcook: ehlo21:04
RST38hSts: that looked like m}|{}|{h21:04
ProteousI saw mææh21:04
Stskeepsam i the only one annoyed about that maemo seems to think it needs to reboot when it's showing the charger window and you press power on?21:05
Stskeeps.. it is -actually- booted, and has X up and everything21:05
RST38hIt has to restart all the needed services21:06
RST38hIt's easier to reboot than do it gracefully21:06
Stskeepsi don't actually think it needs to restart them - they don't care if it's on charger, boots anyway :P21:07
ShadowJK_does it really use X for the charger window?21:07
StskeepsShadowJK_: yeah, well, first one is a framebuffer image21:07
Stskeeps(where splash normally would be)21:08
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Stskeepsif you people want to know stuff about CAL, seems to have figured the data strucure etc out and meanings of calibration etc :P21:19
Stskeeps.. and quote of the year from igor, "hell, why wasting time with Lotus Notes and schematics when you can rape a battery"21:20
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NesTnokiafreak_0anyone helpfull here21:41
NesTnokiafreak_0i c dat21:42
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josef|sambadoes anyone have KDE 4 running on maemo so I could get a screenshot?21:49
lcuki think theres a screenshot available on google21:50
Stskeepsthink meiz had one.. sec21:50
josef|sambawell, I'd need a specific one, hence the question... the KNS2 download dialogue in particular, and how well it fits into the rather small resolution21:51
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b1ackdeathhas anyone been able to make there own nokia image/back up.... for example with an xp cd you can slipstream an update to it so when you install it you don't have to do an update. but in this case like install certain packages, so there already to be used ?? or am asking something thats crazy?22:18
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Stskeepsnop, not really crazy22:19
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b1ackdeathpractical yes, difficult yes, can it be done it done know22:19
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Stskeepsdamnit, why must a new ARG come out when i'm in the midst of my most stressy week ever.22:31
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b1ackdeathim sorry but about the image for nokia22:32
b1ackdeathdid any one replie to my comment?22:32
Stskeepsyes, i did, and it is possible :P22:32
Stskeepsyou can dump your NAND and reflash using the flasher22:33
b1ackdeathso if i can a clean install  with the stuff i wanted i could dump it and make a .bin back up?22:33
Stskeepsyeah, technically22:34
lcukb1ackdeath, people make duplicates of their running system all the time onto different MMC cards, its just a slight sidestep to take that duplicate and use it as a source image22:34
lcukStskeeps, arg?22:34
Stskeepslcuk: alternate reality game22:35
lcukyeah, which22:35
Stskeepslcuk: (watch it through if you enjoy a good scifi, it is not what it seems like)22:35
b1ackdeathi under stand the cloneing to the mmc cards it just making it into a .bin file for a back up on my computer is the hard part im trying to figure out22:35
Stskeepsb1ackdeath: you'd have a better chance of doing the cloning to mmc and then taring it up on a computer22:36
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b1ackdeathok but then how could i reflash it22:37
b1ackdeathfor the mmc cards  that would work but, what about the interal flash?22:38
Stskeepsput mmc in your computer, untar it onto the fresh new filesystem, instantly done22:38
b1ackdeathok thanks22:39
olihey, Ive got an movie with black stripes (16/9 + stripes = 4/3) and when i play it on my n800 with mplayer i get an box with movie and black border around. Any suggestions how to zoom that movie? : )22:40
b1ackdeathany one got a usb wireless adapter working on any of the tablets22:40
lcukno1 really bothers, especially since theres a perfectly good enough internal one22:41
lcukand usb wireless adds wires..22:42
b1ackdeathbut the internal one dosent suport packet injection22:42
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lcukb1ackdeath, are there any usb wireless adapters which can run on <100ma?22:43
olibtw, can a 200ma device run with n800?22:43
lcuknot without a hub22:44
b1ackdeaththats what i would use the exteral one for, by the way good job on liqbase22:44
lcukor other power injection method22:44
olii've got an old flash drive and it works, lsusb tells me it's current == 200ma22:44
lcukwell the usb otg spec says 100ma22:46
b1ackdeaththanks tho22:46
lcukyour old device is probably working because the label on it is wrong, OR the 200 is worst case scenario..22:46
lcuklike this:22:46
lcukive got a usb keyboard thats rated at 100ma, it works if i press one key at a time, if i do chording or make it display all the LEDs it crashes and wont work anymore until a full total battery popping reboot22:47
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lcukif i do the same with a hub its fine22:48
olii am able to watch divx from that drive so information stored into chip must be fake ;]22:49
oliand it's real current <100ma22:49
lcukb1ackdeath, :) thanks liqbase is a decent first crack22:49
lcuknever said info wasnt fake, go read up on the usb OTG spec and make your own mind up22:50
lcukwas fake ^22:51
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lcukwhich rotated orientation do people use for their NITs23:14
lcukdo you prefer buttons at the top or the bottom23:15
* qwerty12_N800 rotates right23:15
lcukok, so you have buttons at the base23:16
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Stskeepshabit from pda and easier to operate :P23:18
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* konttori_ rotates buttons top.23:21
konttori_easier to access with holding device in left hand.23:21
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lcukballs he left23:22
lcuki had a whole thing about that23:22
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lcukStskeeps, its the logical way, kontorris app is the first ive ever seen that way round23:22
lcuk(ie backass) ;)23:23
lcukreminded me of a guy who would hold his mouse upside down23:23
lcukbuttons towards him23:23
lcukfreaked the feck out of everyone, but that was just the way his brain was wired23:23
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lcukis async networking much more difficult than sync23:24
lcukerrr sockets i mean23:25
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SargunI can't wait until the new tablet is announced.23:25
Stskeepsways to discover your neighbours are home: see if they are visible on bluetooth.23:26
lcukyou are gonna have to23:26
lcuki can hear em through the walls23:26
* lcuk wants a bigger house23:26
* Stskeeps wonders wtf kind of format .amr is23:26
qwerty12_N800Stskeeps, mobile phone recording23:27
* qwerty12_N800 phone records in amr. the tablet can play it back in default media player (though i did build mplayer with amr support)23:27
Stskeepsscary, and the tablets plays it23:27
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Stskeepslcuk: saw the weird video?23:35
lcuksome of it, im not wasting 10+ minutes for an outline23:35
lcuk"welcome to blah"    "stay away from blah"   "blah"23:36
Stskeepsyeah, it is a bit of a drag to enter, think they had to fill out for clues :P23:36
lcukhave you ever played original half life23:36
Stskeepsthink so, for a bit :P23:36
lcukthat video reminded me of the opening sequence, except half life was actually good :P23:37
Stskeepsi'm a sucker for alternate realities :P23:37
lcuk(spend about 20 minutes on a train going round the complex, nothing to shoot kill hack maim destroy or anything23:37
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lcuki cant even play portal at the moment :(23:38
lcuklast time i tried my steam files were corrupt and wanted to redownload the whole lot23:38
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`0660portal was so good :)23:39
lcukwas? it IS the single best concept for a game ever23:39
lcukexecuted so cleanly23:39
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* qwerty12_N800 deleted his steam folder when all of his gcf's were too old and i had no time to get new ones :(23:39
lcuksame here qwerty, but i paid for mine :P23:40
lcukshite! steam wont even startup23:40
* Stskeeps swears by civilization3, red alert 223:40
Stskeepsthough i don't play that often anymore23:41
lcuk"Steam.exe (main exception): CMultiFieldBlob(pSerialized): Bad field - extends past end of blob"23:42
lcukdamn, that was meant for google23:42
qwerty12_N800get a offline emulator for now :p23:42
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lcuknot risking my account, ep3 better be good23:43
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qwerty12_N800yeah :/23:43
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* qwerty12_N800 wonders why asound.conf on the tablets can be found as /usr/share/alsa/alsa.conf instead of /etc/asound.conf as it should be :\23:47
qwerty12_N800No it shouldn't be, i'm hyped23:48
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lcuksssppppppppaaaaaaammmmmmmmmmmm man23:56
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