IRC log of #maemo for Thursday, 2008-11-13

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cyrus___Anyone here use fanoush bootmenu? I installed it, and updated the bootmenu.conf file (although I don't think that is the right config file since when I booted the options in the menu were way way different than I defined)00:09
GAN800cyrus, you have to edit it before you flash the new initfs00:14
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crashanddieGAN800, fr_CA and fr_FR are the same00:20
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GAN800crashanddie, so we can just copy the fr_FR translation over to fr_CA and be OK?00:23
crashanddiein this case, same as en_GB and en_US00:23
GAN800Cool, thanks.00:24
crashanddiehang on00:24
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crashanddiefr_FR en fr_CA user/multimedia should be 'Multimédia', and user/education should be 'Éducation'00:25
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crashanddie(if those accents got through AOK, if they didn't, I'll edit the wiki page00:26
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crashanddie_GAN800, I updated the page, I'm not too sure about user/navigation, some input on that would be nice... It seems awkward to use "localisation", which is the "act of finding someone/thing". Also, not sure about user/network, "réseaux" doesn't feel right. [the x means plural, so it's "networks" instead of "networking"]00:39
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crashanddie_I also changed user/graphics to "Graphismes", which is the correct translation, "graphiques" would be the graphical object you put in a powerpoint presentation00:43
crashanddie_My work here is done00:43
crashanddie_and fuck this channel is quiet00:43
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GAN800crashanddie, thanks! I posted something on planet a little while ago, so hopefully some people will eyeball the current translations.00:47
GAN800I'm not sure if Khertan provided the translation that was there, but if not maybe he can look at it.00:48
crashanddie_also tell dneary to look at it00:48
crashanddie_I could always ask the professional translations team at work to do it for me real quick :P00:49
crashanddie_naaa, I'm an arsehole00:49
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crashanddie_"Hi, could you translate Desktop, Programming, Educational... [...] into Mexican Spanish, dutch, Norwegian, Portuguese... [...]00:51
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crashanddie_that must be the shittiest job ever though00:52
crashanddie_"On demand translator"00:52
crashanddie_I mean, surely the job at McDonalds wasn't THAT bad00:52
Veggenchrashanddie: there a table editor for wiki? ;)00:53
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crashanddie_I'm afraid not00:53
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crashanddie_Veggen, open the original and the editor in two distinct windows00:53
crashanddie_Veggen, use the words on the right and left to see on which line you should enter your data00:54
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crashanddie_finally, you jerk00:55
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crashanddieanyway, off for a smoke00:55
crashanddieLATA !00:55
GAN800 /msg nickserv ghost crashanddie00:55
crashanddiecan't be arsed00:56
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jaredu-n810i got pandora working in flash in the microB browser on n81001:15
jaredu-n810it owns01:16
jaredu-n810anyone else ever get it to work?01:18
crashanddieif I knew what Pandora was, maybe01:19
jaredu-n810music genome project01:19
jaredu-n810unlimited custom radio01:20
crashanddiedeezer works fine for me, thank you very much01:20
dystopiahhmm you got one? so Pandora isn't a myth or maya anymore?01:20
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crashanddieAnd say I nearly worked for Pandora at some point01:20
johnxI like pandora but it doesn't work outside the US :/01:21
GAN800dystopia, not the console . . .01:21
jaredu-n810im quite pleased with it01:21
jaredu-n810its flash based though01:21
jaredu-n810and it gives script error on n81001:22
jaredu-n810but i got around it heh01:22
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jaredu-n810how exactly does work..? i know theres a plugin for canola 2 but ive never tried01:23 uses their "scrobbler"01:23
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crashanddiebasically, you select a music genre, or an artist01:24
crashanddieand it plays music/songs from similar artists/genres01:24
crashanddieyou train it by saying you love/hate a song01:24
jaredu-n810same with pandora heh01:24
crashanddiedeezer is better :P01:24
jaredu-n810can you have multiple stations?01:25
crashanddieyou can even make your own playlists and listen to whole albums01:25
jaredu-n810whats different about deezer?01:26
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crashanddieyou get to actually select the songs you want to listen to?01:26
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crashanddieAs in, if you want to listen to one song over and over, it doesn't tell you "you've listened too much to this song, sorry"01:26
jaredu-n810does it have the same training ability or is it all choice?01:27
crashanddieI think it has01:27
crashanddiewith the smartradios01:27
crashanddiebut I never used the feature, so I'm not sure01:27
jaredu-n810im not all that into music w/ knowing all the songs and stuff so i dont know01:28
jaredu-n810oh well01:29
jaredu-n810cya guys, if anyone wants a youtube vid of how to get pandora to work let me know @ jareduarunorudu@gmail.com01:30
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disco_stuwhats pandora ?01:36
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GAN800disco_stu, scrollback.01:38
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dystopialol i thought he received his order early =]01:40
disco_stunot interesetd..01:40
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jagernothi again; am here to (yet again) present my audio synth for comments/feedback/feature ideas02:03
jagernotits a box guitar for n81002:03
jaskathought it looked more like a low-res worms game02:05
jaskaerr, worm game.. not worms02:05
jagernotjaska: talking to me?02:05
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jaskajust thinking aloud really02:06
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bef0rdwould that video chat thing work with a n810?02:15
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johnxbef0rd, nope02:26
johnxnot even available for desktop linux :/02:27
bef0rdoh, yea, but I mean, a video conversation between n810 builtin chat client, and a windows desktop?02:28
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johnxonly one way to find out :)02:30
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* disco_stu is testing and he loves it02:43
akshay_anyone know about battery life API calls?02:43
akshay_I want to know the remaining battery life or energy used02:43
GAN800disco_stu, Vagalume02:44
johnxakshay_, battery-status - http://nitapps.com02:44
disco_stuis better ?02:44
johnxvagalume is a client02:45
GAN800Is a native application to play streams02:45
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disco_stui was using canola 2 plugin02:45
johnxwell that's good too02:45
disco_stui have to go to eat cause my mom is yelling me02:46
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johnxah, dependency hell. how I didn't miss you :/03:48
disco_stu_awaythe hell.. is very nice03:54
bef0rdyes, yes it is04:03
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GAN800Hrm, guess I should mock up a decent looking UI for adv-power. ;)04:04
disco_stu_awayi searched for ozzy osbourne, then i got a song04:06
disco_stu_awaybut the others were related04:06
disco_stu_awayis there any way to listen just to an artist.. or that is the trick ?04:07
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l7has anyone run into a problem where the n800 will get stuck in the bootup process?04:48
johnxlots of people I'm sure04:49
l7my tablet gets all the way to the point where the progress bar finishes and then it freezes04:49
l7hmm, any ideas on how i can fix it?04:50
johnxare you booting from sd?04:50
l7unfortunately not04:50
l7i have MyDocs symlinked to an external SD but never got around to setting up SD booting04:51
johnxwell at least you have your files04:51
l7tried boot both with the SD card in and out with no luck04:52
johnxI don't really know a simple way to fix the problem you're having04:52
l7i can get into USB mode, so i'm considering reflashing04:52
l7but the weird thing is that the tablet won't charge the battery04:52
johnxout of curiosity, try shutting down, unplugging, pulling the battery for 30 seconds then put it back together and try booting04:52
johnxit probably is charging, just not showing you the charging screen04:53
l7yeah, i tried taking out the battery for about half an hour with no luck04:53
l7the thing with the charging is that it enters the first stage of the charging screen, but the battery icon is always half way full04:54
l7even after 8 hours of charging04:55
l7maybe it always does that though04:55
disco_stu_awaypower on the tablet04:55
disco_stu_awayand when she is booting take the battery out04:55
l7at what stage of the boot?04:55
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disco_stu_awayyou pick04:55
johnxdisco_stu_away, how will that help?04:56
l7what is this supposed to do?04:56
l7does this reset some kind of bios or PRAM setting?04:56
disco_stu_awaytakin the battery out, will consume all the energy in the piezoelectric capacitors04:56
l7won't leaving the battery out overnight do the same thing?04:57
disco_stu_awaybeacuse the cicuit is interrupted04:57
l7i have pulled the battery out after the boot cycle got stuck04:57
disco_stu_awayand charges remain still04:57
l7about 5 or 6 times04:58
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l7 same issue here, no answers05:02
SmackPotatabout nvd_data from the gps how do i view the 8 bit values as text is what i want without the spaces and newiles actually starting a new line05:03
l7oh yeah, can i access the n800 in USB mode to fix it's settings?05:04
johnxl7, not really. that depends on it being bootable05:05
johnxare you running linux on your desktop?05:05
l7yeah, i have an ubuntu install05:06
l7also a mac install05:06
johnxpossibly I could make a backup of my initfs and you could try using the rescue mode in bootmenu to get a console05:06
l7i can get into the USB mode used for flashing by pressing the home key05:07
l7ah cool05:07
disco_stu_awayflash it then05:07
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l7eh, i don't know how much battery's left at this point05:07
disco_stu_awaybut you have to be sure the battery will have enough power05:07
l7yeah that's the problem, i don't know if it's capable of charging05:08
johnxit's capable of charging05:08
l7it *should* be, but i guess i need a second tablet to be sure05:08
l7you're sure?05:08
johnx90%+ :)05:08
l7then i should probably plug it in overnight and let it do it's thing05:08
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l7the charging screen is messed up05:09
johnxI think that's the case05:09
disco_stu_away20 seconds of flashin wont consume that much power05:09
johnxflashing just an initfs is safe though, even if it runs out of power in the middle05:09
l7it should display a battery icon that fills up in 3 or 4 stages05:09
l7but it just shows a half full battery and then a black screen05:09
johnxbut it will charge even without linux running05:10
l7have you noticed the device makes a very slight sound when charging?05:10
johnxmost do I think05:10
johnxor are you asking me?05:11
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l7normally i can hear the n800 as a rhymthic buzz on my stereo when it's connected on the same power strip05:11
l7but i don't hear that buzz now05:11
l7maybe it only causes a buzz when the device is booted into linux though, hard to say05:11
l7i wish i had a second tablet to measure to battery charge05:12
johnxhmm...well that's slightly worrying, but it could also mean the battery is full and it's not charging05:12
l7i think the device always goes into charge mode from my experience05:12
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l7i will say it's in charge mode for about an hour if you disconnect it after a full charge and plug it in again05:13
disco_stu_awaymy charger does a different sound when charging and not charging05:13
johnxn810 or n800?05:14
l7johnx: n80005:14
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johnxgreat :)05:14
l7unless you're asking disco_stu_away05:14
johnxrunning diablo?05:14
l7are you asking me?05:15
disco_stu_awayno, mine does05:15
* l7 is running diablo05:15
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johnxl7, just trying to figure out if I can make you a compatible initfs to flash :)05:15
l7maybe i'll put my ear next to the charger later, i haven't tried that yet05:15
l7is initfs a startup script for linux?05:16
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johnxwell, kind of. you can think about it that way05:16
disco_stuinitfs is a file system image that holds the files needed to boot05:17
l7hrm, and init is the daemon that executes the files in initfs then?05:18
disco_stuinit is the father of all processes05:18
disco_stuwhen your computer boots init is executed05:18
disco_stuand in Linux, process are spawned in a process called fork05:18
disco_stuso when init wants to execute a program05:19
disco_stuit forks05:19
disco_stuso you will have init and one clone05:19
disco_stuthen the clone makes a execl05:19
disco_stuwhere it mutates to the the binary you want to execute05:19
disco_stuand the you have two different programs running05:20
disco_stuso.. every program in your tablet has init as its ancestor05:20
disco_stuif you kill init your tablet dies05:21
l7hrm, i never thought of it that way05:21
l7i've seen a hierarcherical list of processes on the mac though05:21
disco_stuthats the way the kernel handles it05:21
disco_stumac uses Linux kernel05:22
disco_stuworks the same way05:22
johnxbsd actually, but close enough05:22
l7it uses mach actually05:22
disco_stuis a fork05:22
l7but yeah it's very similiar05:22
johnxwell, bsd on mach05:22
disco_stuits a copy05:22
johnxa copy of linux? o really? :P05:22
disco_stui hate mac05:23
disco_stuis for ladybugs and girlies05:23
l7eh, i don't want to get into that debate05:23
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johnxeh, they're perfectly nice machines if they work the way you want them to05:23
johnxwaiting for initfs backup to finish05:23
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johnxand finished05:24
l7i like things and hate things about apple at various stages05:24
disco_stujohnx: why are you making that ?05:24
l7i just like ubuntu though05:24
johnxdisco_stu, for l7, so he can get to a rescue shell05:24
disco_stuhe can ue the initfs of the original firmware image05:24
infobotdisco_stu meant: he can use the initfs of the original firmware image05:24
disco_stujust flashing initfs05:25
johnxright, but the initfs he has doesn't have the rescue menu built in :)05:25
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disco_stuthats a good one05:25
l7johnx: this is because you're using boot from SD right?05:26
l7too bad nokia doesn't include it in it's images05:26
l7i guess it might confuse average tablet users, though i am convinced average tablet users are all geeks like us anyway05:27
johnxthey really aren't :)05:27
johnxread ITT for like 5 minutes05:27
l7i mean i thought normal people would just buy an iphone or something05:28
l7i guess it's good that the device has a broader appeal05:28
johnxok, grab this:
johnxsorry about the rapidshare, no host right now :/05:30
johnxnote to self: get a new webhost05:31
disco_stujohnx: dont you have a public ip ?05:31
johnxdisco_stu, nope05:31
disco_stui dont have one either :(05:32
johnxfree inet connection at my apartment, but the whole building is behind one public IP05:32
johnxso I'm actually behind two NATs :/05:32
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johnxl7, tell me when you have the file05:33
* disco_stu is smashing stupid Tomcat05:33
johnxthe web server or your pet?05:34
l7by the way, has slightly nicer hosting than rapidshare05:34
johnxI'll use them in the future05:34
l7yeah, they have no wait times, which is nice05:34
l7cool, i have the file now05:35
l7thanks for preparing it btw05:35
johnxsure, it was super easy :)05:35
disco_stui download a file of about 700mb from a free hosting dont remeber the name05:35
johnxand you have the linux flasher already, right?05:35
l7hrm, not yet05:35
johnxI'm just going to sign up with a new web host later today probably05:35
l7last time i flashed i was still using windows05:35
johnxah, ok05:35
l7is there a chance of bricking the tablet doing this?05:36
l7it could lose power though right?05:36
johnxeven if it loses power, it won't matter05:36
johnxwe're flashing initfs. the flashing is done by the bootloader05:36
johnxso if it fails, you just recharge and reflash again05:36
l7trashing the bootloader is what bricks the tablet forever then?05:37
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GAN800Well, until you build a serial cable.05:37
johnxhas it actually happened to anyone?05:37
johnxI don't want to say "it's never happened" but I've certainly never heard of it05:37
l7dunno, GeneralAntilles was explaining how it could happen a while back05:37
GAN800Nor have I05:38
GAN800The probabilities are rather ridiculously low05:38
GAN800Fuck GeneralAntilles. That guy's a stupid asshole.05:38
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johnxyeah, next time, I'm voting GAN800 for community chair-man05:39
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disco_stuwhat happened here ?05:40
l7his explanation was pretty good compared to the other guy who was ranting about how you could brick your tablet05:40
GAN800No, he sucks05:40
disco_stuwhat GeneralAntilles said is that you will brick your tablet if the power is lost while flasgin NOLO05:41
GAN800I hope GeneralAntilles dies and goes to hell.05:41
disco_stuwich is a 5msec windows05:41
disco_stuGAN800: behave05:41
l7disco_stu: yeah05:41
disco_stuGeneralAntilles: is a very good person05:41
disco_stuhe helped me a lot05:41
l7man such acrimony in the OSS community isn't good05:41
GAN800Pfft, he's a terrible person.05:41
johnxl7, so download an appropriate version of flasher-3.0 from that site and once you do, login as root on your desktop05:42
l7linux is all about collaboration and sharing and love right?05:42
l7well maybe not "love"05:42
disco_stulove ?05:42
l7johnx: okay i'm switching to ubuntu05:42
disco_stui think you mean geeks05:42
l7sharing and collaboration though05:42
l7yeah, geeks05:42
l7epic geekery05:42
disco_stuthats right05:43
johnxwell I can deinitely say that both GAN800 and GeneralAntilles are totally geeks. maybe it's some kind of alpha-geek competition :/05:43
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GAN800Ehehe, sorry, that was evil05:44
* GAN800 is GeneralAntilles05:44
GAN800GeneralAntillesN800 ;)05:44
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l7okay, i'm on the ubuntu box now05:45
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l7hrm, do i want flasher-3.0?05:46
l7or the static one?05:47
johnxif you're on ubuntu i386 just get flasher-3.005:47
l7yeah, 32 bit ubuntu05:47
johnxput the flasher-3.0 binary and the initfs.orig.jffs2 in the same directory, open up a terminal, cd to that directory and run:05:47
johnxsudo ./n800-flasher3 -f -n initfs.orig.jffs2 -R05:47
l7make the wrong choice and the tablet explodes?05:47
johnxnah, if the flasher runs it'll flash05:48
disco_stujust cut it off with your fears05:48
johnxif it's not the right thing, then it won't run :)05:48
johnxwe won't mislead you05:48
disco_stuGAN800: why do you have two nicks ?05:48
GAN800GAN800 is my N80005:49
disco_stui didnt know it was you05:49
GAN800I tend to act a little differently when hindered by a virtual finger keyboard, so I like people to know why.05:49
l7so i have flasher-3.0 on the desktop05:49
l7and the initfs.orig.jffs2 file05:50
johnxso open up a terminal and type:05:50
johnxcd Desktop05:50
l7yeah i'm there05:50
l7flasher-3.0 is an executable?05:51
johnxthen the line with sudo ^a couple messages back up^05:51
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l7i assume it's05:51
l7sudo ./n800-flasher3 -f -n initfs.orig.jffs2 -R05:51
l7don't i need to chmod +x it?05:51
l7and should i plug in the tablet in USB mode first?05:52
l7oh ok05:52
johnxfollow the normal flashing instructions:05:53
infobotit has been said that flashing is
disco_stuis the same if he plugs it05:53
disco_stuinfobot: no, you are a sucker05:53
infobotdisco_stu: what are you talking about?05:53
johnxexcept use the command I gave you instead of the one for flashing the whole firmware05:53
johnxinfobot, don't listen to disco_stu05:53
l7./flasher-3.0: 2: Syntax error: newline unexpected05:53
disco_stuinfobot: no, flashing is a t you are a sucker05:53
infobotokay, disco_stu05:53
infobotaw, gee, GAN80005:53
disco_stuinfobot is friendly with me05:54
GAN800disco_stu, fixit fixit fixit :P05:54
johnxdisco_stu, fine, but you have to answer the next questions about flashing :>05:54
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johnxl7, hmm05:55
disco_stuinfobot: no, flashing is at
infoboti'm not going to learn illegal characters, disco_stu05:55
l7yeah i didn't get a proper download of the flasher file05:55
disco_stuyou both had to exchange md5sums05:55
GAN800~no flashing is
infobotokay, GAN80005:55
disco_stui was going to GAN80005:55
l7trying again05:56
GAN800I'm faster. ;)05:56
disco_stujust wanted to know if the puppy would just obey normal people05:56
disco_stuyou know, since you are klingons05:56
GAN800Define anything you need05:56
l7johnx: now it says "Suitable USB device not found, waiting"05:57
disco_stuGAN800: are there any ircstats for the channel ?05:57
l7time to plug in and hold down the home key?05:57
disco_stul7: yes05:57
johnxl7, yes05:57
GAN800disco_stu, um, jott parsed the logs a few months ago05:57
GAN800Don't have a link handy, though.05:58
GAN800IRC will likely end up in karma at some point.05:58
l7oh that was quick, it's booting from flash05:58
l7looks like it's still stuck at the progress bar again05:58
disco_stuircstats are very funny05:58
johnxhmm? it didn't give you a boot menu?05:59
l7it did for about a second05:59
l7i guess i gotta yank the battery again05:59
johnxit should give you 30 seconds05:59
disco_stuGeneralAntilles: another thing is faster in Diablo is the file manager06:00
l7press and hold the menu key it said06:00
GAN800Yeah, still slow, though. :(06:01
disco_stuGAN800: and i edited mce.ini so i can double click power button and set the nit to softpoweroff06:01
l7okay cool, i have a boot menu now06:01
johnxl7, ok, what are your options?06:01
l7internal flash / deblet or power off06:01
GAN800Too bad David refuses to let you double-click to wake it.06:01
johnxdoes it have text across the top? hold xxx for rescue or similar?06:01
GAN800For some retarded reason06:01
l7hrm, i didn't see that06:01
l7i wandered into USB networking mode06:02
johnxah, nevermind, that's right :)06:02
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johnxjust didn't remember the text at the top :D06:02
l7there's no recovery mode accroess the top06:02
johnxusb networking is what you want06:02
disco_stuGAN800: who is David ?06:03
l7johnx: trying to telnet in now06:03
l7it's rather slow06:03
johnxhmm. it shouldn't be06:03
l7am i supposed to get a login prompt right away?06:03
johnxdid you already setup the networking on your desktop?06:04
l7no, everything on ubuntu is pretty much default06:04
l7do i need to install a package?06:04
GAN800programmer in charge of mce06:04
johnxnope, but you need to activate the usb0 interface on your desktop before you can telnet06:05
l7oh, how do i do that?06:05
disco_stuwhat is mce btw ?06:05
johnxsudo ifconfig usb0
* johnx checks to make sure that's right06:05
l7SIOCSIFADDR: No such device06:06
l7usb0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device06:06
disco_stuhe will have to insmod06:06
GAN800daemon that controls power and device state stuff06:06
johnxactually, unplug the usb and replug it, then try that same command again06:07
l7weird, my tablet switched itself off06:07
johnxas soon as you unplugged usb?06:08
l7no while i was messing around pasting some stuff into gedit06:08
l7trying agian06:08
johnxyou know the other thing here might be that your battery is dying or your charger06:09
l7whups i did "sudo ifconfig usb0" by mistake"06:09
disco_stuis the same06:10
l7now i get "telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: No route to host" instead of hanging at the telnet prompt06:10
disco_stucan you ping it ??06:10
johnxand if that fails, put the output of ifconfig on pastebin06:11
l7seems to be 100% packet loss06:11
johnxBTW, does the tablet refuse to start if there is insufficient power? at what point in the boot process is that checked?06:11
l7here's the ifconfig06:12
johnxah, alright, try that ifconfig line again06:13
johnxsudo ifconfig usb0
disco_stuit is missing the ip address06:13
l7okay done06:14
l7the command returns a newline with no error messages06:14
johnxnow ping or telnet again06:14
l7100% packet loss06:15
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l7i can give the mac a try06:15
johnxnah, that probably won't work06:15
l7tablet went to sleep again06:15
johnxdo you have any friends with a nokia phone charger you can borrow?06:16
l7what is the best order to reboot the tablet in?06:16
l7a phone charger?06:16
johnxany charger that's the same as the n80006:16
l7i happen to have a nokia phone charger that might be compatible06:16
johnxmost current nokia devices use the same charger06:16
l7how is the phone charger different than the charger that came with the n800?06:17
johnxwell, you said your battery doesn't show a charging animation, and you can usually hear it charging06:17
johnxand it keeps shutting off randomly06:17
johnxalways test the simplest things first :)06:18
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l7how does charging work when in recovery mode?06:18
l7i guess i can plug it in06:19
johnxor test your n800 charger on your phone06:19
l7it's about the same size and shape06:19
johnxactually the real question is: does it turn on when you plug in the current charger?06:20
johnxif it fits, then it should work, but you can double check that the voltage match on the charger if it makes you feel better06:21
disco_stujohnx: lol.. that just will answer if the charger works06:21
johnxdisco_stu, yeah. like I said, test simple things first. ever work on a car before? :D06:21
disco_stui dont get what you mena06:22
infobotdisco_stu meant: i dont get what you mean06:22
l7the voltage is a bit different on the phone version06:22
disco_studoesnt matter06:22
l7anyway, why don't i just plug in the n800's charger?06:22
johnxdisco_stu, eh, I was thinking briefly that his charger might be dead, thus not charging, thus why his tablet randomly just shuts off in recovery mode06:23
l7is this tablet not supposed to shut off in recovery mode?06:24
johnxI've never had it happen06:24
l7i suppose it's possible that a surge damaged the charger so that it will turn the tablet on but not charge06:24
disco_stumaybe it is06:24
johnxI think a recovery mode where the tablet randomly shut down would be kind of really dumb06:24
disco_stuyou want to know if the charger works ?06:24
disco_stuput the connector in your tongue06:24
l7uh, no thanks06:25
disco_stui'm not joking06:25
disco_stuit wont hurt you06:25
l7i know06:25
l7i'd rather get a voltage testing kit06:25
l7i'll try to find that old phone first though06:25
disco_stuthats good too06:25
disco_stui dont know how i lived till today without last.fm06:26
l7well here's the thing, the n800 doesn't shut down by itself when booting from flash06:26
l7but it does turn off in recovery mode while waiting for telnet06:26
johnxit just stays hung?06:26
l7yeah, it just shows the hands screen06:27
l7or the star trek version of it actually06:27
disco_stuGAN800: im using the maemo startup logo you made06:27
johnxthe usb networking telnet mode should be pretty bulletproof06:27
disco_stubut sometimes it appears with a blue thingy06:28
GAN800disco_stu, did I link you to the Err set, too?06:28
l7is the n800 supposed to stay in the boot menu indefinitely?06:28
johnxdo you have it plugged in when it shuts off?06:28
disco_stuGAN800: maybe..06:28
disco_stuthe one that says maemo im using06:28
johnxnot the boot menu, but the usb telnet mode yes06:28
l7johnx: it was unplugged and in telnet mode when it shut off06:28
johnxlet me test on mine06:28
l7i'm going to move over to the mac and see if i can get USB networking on it06:29
GAN800I tweaked the set a bit, not sure if I ever uploaded i.06:29
disco_stul7 you wont make it06:29
disco_stumac wont be useful06:29
johnxthe mac doesn't have the right networking drivers I think06:29
disco_stuerase that partition06:29
l7hrm macs aren't that bad eh?06:29
johnxit's just a lack of drivers06:30
johnxI have nothing against macs06:30
johnxdisco_stu is just insecure about secretly loving Macs :D06:30
disco_stui hate them06:30
l7i'll try the ports in the back of the PC06:30
disco_stui'm a GNU gentleman06:30
johnxjust try having it plugged in to a charger while in usb telnet mode06:30
* l7 sucks some pentium exhaust06:31
* disco_stu thinks l7 is not the geek he thought06:31
l7for using a mac? :p06:31
l7maybe i'm a wannabe06:31's funny, cause a mac is closer to unix than linux is06:32
disco_stuno for the mac06:32
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l7yeah, i used the mac as part of my transition plan from to unix06:32
disco_stubecause you didnt want to stick you're tongue to the charger06:32
l7i didn't want to gunk up the charger06:32
* johnx wouldn't have stuck his tongue to a charger he didn't trust either06:33
disco_stui'll grab a glass of pepsi06:33
l7anyway, what order do i want to plug in and turn on the tablet for USB networking?06:33
disco_stui would06:33
l7tablet has not shut down in boot menu by the way06:33
disco_stui trust my live to everything that says nokia on it06:33
disco_stul7: start a console now06:33
disco_stuand start usb networking06:33
johnxturn on, get to telnet mode, plug in to power, plug in to usb, run sudo ifconfig usb0 on the linux machine, telnet
l7weird, it just powered off when i yanked the USB cable06:34
johnxwas it plugged into power?06:34
disco_stuare there any ghosts or spirits there06:34
l7okay, no correlation between yanking the USB and the device switching off now06:35
johnxtry the order I just put up above ^06:35
l7have you guys noticed the nokia chargers don't have a positive and negative pole on the plugs?06:36
johnxyeah, that's normal. international design06:36
disco_stuits an standard06:36
disco_stupositive is on the inside06:36
johnxyou mean on the part plugging into the outlet, right?06:37
l7positive is normally the bigger prong right?06:37
disco_stuno no06:38
disco_stuthe oulet part would be the wall ?06:38
johnxyes, that's what we're talking about06:38
disco_stuthat wont never have positive or negative06:38
disco_stubecause is AC06:39
disco_stuno DC06:39
disco_stuac doesnt have polarity06:39
l7so it doesn't matter which way you plug in the charger06:39
disco_stuthe other part, the one that goes into the nit is DC current and there it matters polarity06:39
johnxgah, think I might have just killed my usb stick :/06:40
Navijohnx: nah, I just set you up06:41
NaviI murdered the stick and planted false evidence that pointed to you06:41
johnxnooo, I was framed! I didn't do it06:41
l7johnx: woohoo it worked now!06:41
l7how strange06:41
johnxl7, when plugged into power?06:42
* johnx whistles, tunelessly06:42
l7or maybe it was just doing everything in this order06:42
johnxnow the hard part06:42
johnxyou need to figure out why it won't boot :)06:42
l7i guess i'll copy this into gedit to add to the wiki later06:42
johnxthat would be great06:43
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johnxso now you need to figure out why it won't boot06:43
johnxdid you install anything new recently?06:44
l7yeah, i have a lot of apps06:44
disco_studoes maemo have a syslog ?06:44
l7probably too much junk06:44
johnxdisco_stu, not by default06:44
johnxl7, is there anything you installed after the last time you rebooted?06:44
l7sorry, was writing down what we did06:46
l7okay this is weird06:46
l7# Connection closed by foreign host.06:46
l7the telnet connection turned itself off06:46
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johnxanyways, hopefully someone else can give you some ideas, as I have to get to work06:47
johnxback later tonight06:47
l7maybe it gets times out after a certain amount of inactivity06:47
disco_stuGAN800: when in softpoweroff my tablet blinks its led, even when is not intended to do so06:47
disco_stuwhy is that ?06:47
l7johnx: okay cool, thanks for  your help in getting this far06:47
johnxmight want to try a different usb cable if you have one06:47
l7i'm even using the heavy duty stock nokia cable06:47
l7also, the other thing is i used a USB port from the back of the machine06:48
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l7that might make a difference too06:48
l7i'll try a cheapo USB cable though06:48
l7hrm tried a new cable, same port but without charging06:49
l7oh this is very strange06:50
l7telnet always fails when power is not plugged in06:50
l7the minute i plug in the power cable, USB networking works06:50
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l7lastlog http06:52
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GAN800disco_stu, in mce.ini there's a configuration for the LED behaviour in soft poweroff, set the duration to zero and restart.06:55
disco_stuGAN800: nice man06:58
disco_stui'm not used to see the led flashing06:58
disco_stuin the other side it is good because is the nit is turned off you will end up turning it on06:59
disco_stuwhile trying to take out from softpoweroff06:59
disco_stuGAN800: is softpoweroff better in terms of power consumption or is just a shortcut to lock screen and offline mode07:00
GAN800It used it be a shortcut07:01
GAN800but these days it may actually suspend processes07:01
GAN800I know the browser doesn't continue loading pages in soft poweroff.07:02
disco_stuthat is good news07:02
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l7"usb0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device" seems to happen a lot randomly07:03
l7so what do i do once i am in telnet recovery mode?07:08
GAN800There's a lot of new stuff on the OS2008 user site.07:09
l7the wiki?07:09
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l7hrm it's fun to run top with only 15 processes07:10
l7man the tablet keeps randomly rebooting while telnetted in07:11
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disco_stul7: the thing is07:18
disco_stu"is your tablet charging?"07:18
l7can i check my battery level from the shell prompt?07:19
disco_stuin a normal linux pc yes07:20
disco_stuno sure there07:20
disco_stucheck if you can get into07:20
disco_studont know07:20
l7hrm ok07:22
l7i don't believe there's a /proc/acpi07:23
l7i'll do a ls -R of /proc after i log back in07:23
l7okay this is weird07:25
l7telnet will hang every now and then07:26
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l7but doing "sudo ifconfig usb0" from another console unfreezes the telnet session07:26
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l7it works, i don't know why07:28
l7no acpi directory in all of proc07:29
disco_stuwell 2:30 am here07:31
disco_stuim going to hit bed07:31
disco_stusee you around07:31
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vincenzo88hello all!08:54
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Meiz_n810My m-r does not boot :(09:16
Meiz_n810deblet rescue menus text shows with the screen of linuxrc messages...09:18
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braddi am having problems installing the maemo-sdk. when I sh the file i eventually get 'dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of maemo-core-runtime: depends on sudo however pacage sudo is not configured yet09:23
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vincenzo88bradd, have you do a apt-get update and apt-get upgrade ?09:35
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braddI installed scratchbox fine, then I went with the sdk auto-installer. That was where the error occurred.09:36
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braddshould I login to scratchbox and do the apt stuff you mentioned before installing the sdk?09:36
braddi installed sudo on the host and everything installed09:37
vincenzo88I am a novice in the developpement on maemo OS :p09:37
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vincenzo88"   NOTE: If you have existing Scratchbox targets named DIABLO_ARMEL09:40
vincenzo88   or DIABLO_X86, you need to give the '-y' option for the script to09:40
vincenzo88   force reset of your targets"09:40
vincenzo88test with this : sh -y09:40
braddvincenzo88, thanks for looking, but it has installed fine now09:41
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vincenzo88Good, what was the problem ?09:41
braddmy host distribution was missing sudo itself. I installed the package then the install succeeded09:42
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jjobradd: what script required sudo to be installed?09:55
braddjjo, maemo-sdk-install_4.1.1.sh09:55
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jjohmm... as far as I can see, it's not using sudo for anything and at least it shouldn't use it for anything09:57
braddsorry, the text is gone.. but this was done on a fresh install of arch linux09:58
jjoI'll have to take a look09:58
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chenkaiHi, everyone.  I have a basic simple question about A2DP profile.  how can i make my Nokia N810 A2DP-enabled?  The internet tablet is officially declared to be A2DP-disabled.  i wonder if i could get some patch to install...Thanks for advance :)10:22
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bradddoes maemo provide a #define for me to know I'm compiling on it?10:31
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vincenzo88You have to compile in the scratchbox environment no changes in the sources codes are requiered10:38
RST38hvincenzo: oh really? :)10:38
braddvincenzo88, I need to know if I'm compiling for maemo (so I can do some specific maemo stuffs)10:39
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bradd(like pixel-doubling, fixed size windows for now)10:40
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RST38hHere, feed:
RST38hAnd, for the whole measure, this:
X-FadeWell, voip over hsdpa and a voip-in number would make my tablet a phone ;)11:05
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guardianmaemo is heaven11:09
guardiani never thought I would have been that assertive once11:09
guardianI got punished, I have to work on another linux based embedded platform :(11:10
derfBe happy it isn't VxWorks-based.11:11
guardianthe platform I have in hands is like "happily insert specific extensions to GTK+ by adding custom signals and new virtual functions but be sure you don't declare those at the end of the structs to be sure binary compatibility breaks ALWAYS"11:13
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derf"For your convenience."11:13
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guardianit smells NIH all around11:14
jjobradd: I wonder if the package maemo-version-dev would be what you need11:16
jjoit should be installed by default in recent maemo releases11:17
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braddjjo, ok, thanks. I'll look into it11:21
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braddbtw, has anyone gottan an xephyr session running on a different client than the maemo dev cliient to work?11:22
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braddfor what its worth, I find MAEMO to be defined during compilation11:29
braddoh, sorry thats wrong..11:30
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jagernothi again; am here to (yet again) present my audio synth for comments/feedback/feature ideas11:46
jagernot its a box guitar for n810; screen:
braddjjo, ok pkg-config --exists maemo-version works for me. except I also need to know if I'm compiling in the X86 env or maemo env. (I am going to use this test to determine compile-time endianness)11:49
bradderr ARMEL env11:50
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gromgullDoes anyone know what pacakge I need to install to get ldd?11:59
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X-FadeHmmm interesting A javascript -> dbus bridge
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RST38hGTK+ is fragile by its nature anyway12:05
RST38hAnd its authors have got some strange aversion to C++12:05
X-FadeStsN800: Can you do the no_NO translation here?
RST38hX-Fade: [as a reminder] catch some Finn to do fi_FI12:10
X-FadeRST38h: Yeah, already looking at my jabber contacts ;)12:10
X-FadeAny Swedes around?12:11
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johnxmornin' StsN800 :)12:12
RST38hmoo, johnx12:14
johnxm00f :)12:14
* johnx finds dependency hell in the weirdest places :/12:14
johnxit's like a talent12:14
RST38hor a mental disease =)12:15
X-Fadejohnx: Just buy a 16GB card and do static linking ;)12:15
StsN800X-Fade, im danish on a mobile provider owned by norwegians..12:15
johnxwon't fix the fact that other people depend on odd libraries :/12:15
X-FadeStsN800: Heh, I went with the .no ;) Sorry...12:16
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johnxcan you trick their customer service into doing a translation?12:16
X-FadeI wonder if we should add more languages even though they are not officially supported.12:16
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RST38hX-Fade: I would at least add pl_PL and lt_LT or whatever it is called12:20
RST38hX-Fade: PL can be done by AStorm or hrw. mgedmin can do LT12:20
woglindehm I just wondered the locales packages striped out utf8 stuff12:20
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X-FadeRST38h: yeah, indeed.12:21
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X-FadeRST38h: It would be interesting if johnx could do jp_JP :)12:21
RST38hI think we have also got a Belgian and an Italian in the crowd (please, stand up =))12:21
X-FadeRST38h: Belgian is no language.12:21
RST38hX-Fade: Better yet, his gf could ;)12:21
RST38hX-Fade: Well, there is already es_MX ...12:22
X-FadeRST38h: I think it is there because it is officially supported?12:22
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RST38hX-Fade: Probably...12:22
RST38hBut it makes fr_BE sound logical12:23
johnxX-Fade, Sore wa mendokusai -_-;;12:23
RST38hjohnx: Could you ask someone to do jp_JP, really? It is just a dozen of words12:24
X-FadeRST38h: As does nl_BE and de_BE, but yeah..12:24
johnxyeah, shouldn't be a problem12:24
RST38hX-Fade: fanoush may be able to do CZ12:25
woglindesomeone knows what happend with jolt?12:25
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RST38hX-Fade: Also, try KotCzarny for PL (looks like he is online)12:27
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woglindehi lardman12:34
lardmanhey woglinde12:34
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lcukRST38h, kots not in here though12:35
woglindehi lcuk12:36
lcukhiya woglinde12:36
lcukhows it goin12:36
lcukRST38h, kot is awake and in #liqbase, go have a word12:37
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lcuklardman, no more mega meetings this  week then?  or are you stuck in eternal hell12:40
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vincenzo88I want to create a shortcut off my application on the desktop to execute the application with a doubleclick. Someone have a solution to relove my problem ? Thanks12:41
vincenzo88(on N810)12:41
woglindevincenzo88 you could lookinto the .desktop file of first steps12:42
johnxvincenzo88, have you seen personal launcher?12:43
vincenzo88Johnx : i have tried to create a debian package but not work, and i have not seen the personal launcher12:44
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lardmanlcuk: nah, all meetinged out now thankfully12:50
lardmanlcuk: might even be able to do some coding (or non work stuff) over the w/e12:51
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JaffaMorning, all13:04
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caio1982isn't really allowed for a systray app to use context menus (right-click)? is there a workaround for that or not?13:44
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mgedminuse left-click menus?13:51
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Stskeepstap and hold? :P13:53
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* johnx fights with intrepid libtool13:59
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Stskeepssetting up own machine or?13:59
johnxit's a backport, to satisfy libcanberra which is also a backport to satisfy ... I don't even remember any more14:01
johnxit's for m-r14:01
Stskeepslibcanberra a backport to satisfy?14:01
Stskeepswhere on earth does the enter into the picture?14:02
johnxhang on, I'll remember the whole tree in a sec14:03
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johnxmaemo-launcher -> hildon-initscripts -> osso-af-startup -> osso-af-utils -> libcanberra (new audio layer of some type) -> libltdl7-dev (only available in intrepid's libtool)14:09
johnxyes, I question how I got here as well14:09
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johnxI guess I should just see if the one in icy will install without problems14:11
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christefano_does anyone have any ideas about why my N810's backlit keyboard is no longer backlit?14:19
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christefanoaccording to light-meter, the light sensor is working14:19
Stskeepsjohnx: O_o14:21
johnxStskeeps, yeah. I thought we were really close14:21
Stskeepsi guess it's cos we're on trunk14:21
johnxthis is just one "branch" of the dependency tree14:21
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Stskeepswhich may have made things more difficult for us14:22
johnxah yes, but there's no point in trying to bash our way through the current setup, really14:22
johnxs/setup/diablo versions/14:22
infobotjohnx meant: ah yes, but there's no point in trying to bash our way through the current diablo versions, really14:22
johnx<- tired14:23
johnxthank god for s/14:23
Stskeepsyeah, - as they're outdated14:23
johnxah, well that's anticlimactic, libtool and friends from intrepid installs without conflict14:23
johnxback up to canberra :)14:23
Stskeeps*nod* should definately be noted on jaiku14:25
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johnxcrap, crap, crap :/14:29
Stskeepsthat bad?14:29
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StskeepsAF, though?14:30
johnxwants a newer libasound. I wonder if it really needs the newer version or just asks for it14:30
Stskeepswhat does that stand for?14:30
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johnxin osso-af-utils ?14:30
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Stskeepswell, my plan was to butcher osso-af-utils to fit ubuntu, atleast14:31
johnxstarting to look like a good plan :)14:31
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Stskeepscos why should hildon desktop depend on a certain system layer?14:33
johnxyeah, osso-af-utils looks like a good candidate for replacement actually14:35
Stskeepsor even dependig on hildon initscripts14:37
Stskeepsi think i'm going to start filing some bug reports and see if nokia appreciates it or not14:38
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Stskeepsjohnx: "We are a small bunch of people from community trying to "reconstruct" Maemo (see proposal at, ), and we are attempting a sort of proof of concept of this proposal. In this PoC we take most published parts of Maemo and try to refit them onto a up-to-date Debian/Ubuntu base to see what problems arise - also to improve problems with porting to Maemo. As part of this work, we're reporting this bug to help ...14:46
Stskeeps... improve Maemo."14:46
Stskeepssounds as a good prefix to know what the pretense is for the bug?14:46
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johnxsounds good, might want to change "improve problems porting" to "fix problems porting"14:48
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johnxor better yet "reduce problems porting"14:53
christefanodoes anyone have an idea about why my N810's keyboard lights don't work? it's possible that I installed something that did this, but nothing sketchy is listed in the application manager14:53
johnxdid you change the setting maybe? sorry, I don't have an n810...14:54
christefanojohnx: where is that setting?14:55
johnxI don't even know if there is one, I'm just trying to give you an idea14:56
johnxmy n800 only has an onscreen keyboard :)14:56
christefanojohnx: as far as I can tell, there isn't a setting anywhere :(14:56
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christefanoI had Autolock installed and removed it, but rebooting afterwards didn't clear up the problem14:57
johnxStskeeps, I think that will be a good indicator of how interested they are14:57
GAN800mvo just brought up copyright assignments for translations, id anybody who provided a translation really interested in copyright assignment?14:58
Stskeepspublic domain14:58
X-FadeGAN800: Geez, lawyers :)14:58
Stskeepsand isn't there a thing about wiki about that?14:58
Stskeepsmaemo_wiki:Copyrights is a dead link obviously..14:59
StskeepsGAN800: does that bug seem like a reasonable way to test the waters?15:00
GAN800All wiki contributions are probably technically licensed under a permissive license, but I'm not sure if we ever really decicded that one definitevly.15:00
GAN800Stskeeps, seems fine.15:00
Stskeepseven if it is a kinda trivial bug it could technically have technical consequences15:01
christefanoare there any utilities that can control the N810's keyboard backlight?15:03
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GAN800Stskeeps, you might need to put the preamble in the first bug you file.15:12
johnxhe did :)15:13
Stskeepsi did15:13
GAN800How many bugs are you planning ob filing? I wonder if a new keyword is in order.15:13
StskeepsGAN800: so far we have a small bunch of issues15:13
GAN800er, you probably _only_ want to put it on the first bug15:13
Stskeepswell, testing the waters first, which is why i put it there15:14
GAN800Don't cutnpaste it to every bug you file is what I mean. ;)15:14
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Stskeepsand then i'll probably use a keyword or something15:14
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Stskeepsto group them together as we are noticing issues/annoyances left and right15:15
lcuk2stskeeps, are you planning a massive bugfiling raid?  will that get you upto level 70?15:15
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Stskeepslcuk2: only if there seems to be response to the issues15:16
johnxwow...I got one: the postinst for osso-af-startup runs chown user:users /etc/osso-af-init/locale15:16
Stskeepsthat's why i think this stuff should be carefully shaped, the osso-af-startup stuff15:17
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lcuk2did you 2 ever sort out multiuser stuff or is this related15:17
johnxwe didn't really decide if we cared about multiuser, but this is just impressively anti-unix is all15:18
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johnxdo other people care about multiuser?15:18
johnxopen discussion :)15:18
lcuk2i agree, but i think multiuser has to be quick and dynamic if its gonna work (and it has to include a wii mii import facility)15:18
lcuk2if its gonna work its gotta be really quick and simple to switch15:19
johnxyou get us fast enough software 3D to smoothly display a mii and I'll certainly think about it :)15:19
lcuk2the 3d part is not important, its the facial modification logic and parts library15:20
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lcuk2johnx, as you have seen in liqbase its insanely easy for a new user to pickup the device, if a single device is shared with multiple people it needs to be simple to allow their details to be stored (whilst also allowing viewing public info from all  users)15:22
* Stskeeps thinks device is too limited to give proper multiuser.15:22
lcuk2i agree sts15:22
Stskeepshildon complexity increases highly if it has to be done properly15:23
lcuk2yeah it does i agree15:24
johnxyou mean user switching done properly or hildon done properly?15:24
lcuk2full desktop user switchinguser switching15:24
suihkulokkigetting rid of user/users isn't hard. desktop switching is just.. unimplementd.15:25
lcuk2and would be extra complex15:25
lcuk2my god im not finishing  my sentences15:25
Stskeepsjohnx: as in doing it in a fast manner, without having to restart hildon-desktop to log in as a another user..15:26
johnxoh that, yeah...way out of scope15:26
johnxsuihkulokki, good, I'm sure we'll be looking at the debian packages for clues :)15:27
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GAN800multiuser is largely pointless for Maemo15:31
GAN800Though naming user something sane would be a good plab15:31
GAN800and reducing the multiuser-hostile behaviours to a minimum.15:32
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johnxgoing insane trying to figure out why pinning isn't working O_o15:35
Stskeepsyeah.. i don't think init scripts should depend on it being a certain user, or atleast use tablet_user behaviour liek in deblet15:35
suihkulokkijohnx: that specific case is irrelevant for m-r (you don't have the language change applet anyway)15:36
RST38hGAN800: I suggest "punter" or "hamster"15:36
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johnxRST38h, maybe guinea pig?15:37
RST38hjohnx: can't use spaces and underscores are evil15:37
RST38hOf course we can be frank and call him "moron" or "idiot" which will make good disctinction between normal and superuser modes15:37
GAN800Maybe add a step to the startup wizard?15:39
RST38hgood idea15:39
RST38han maybe add an "add more users" settings applet15:40
RST38hbecause users do tend to have husbands, wives, and children15:40
GAN800But rarely those that share a mobile device15:40
RST38hyou will be surprised...15:40
RST38hrarely a phone but often a media player15:40
GAN800Somebody else can handle the direct implementations of multiuser conveniences15:40
johnxa restricted guest account might actually be nice in some cases15:40
GAN800I think just removing the blockers to multiuser support is enough15:41
GAN800Just steal Apple'd user creation page from their first-boot wizard.15:42
infobotGAN800 meant: Just steal Apple's user creation page from their first-boot wizard.15:42
RST38hand pick up their kernel and ui frameworks while you are plundering them15:44
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GAN800Well, I'd assume it doesn't look too different from anybody else's first-boot user configuration wizard, but it's the one I have the most experience with.15:45
RST38hSimpler question:15:48
RST38hdoes GNOME have a GTK based user management tool?15:48
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johnxyes, it even looks reasonable and fits under 640x440 :)15:50
RST38hso just reuse the damn thing15:51
johnxthat's the easy part15:52
guysoft42I just got my N810 :-)15:55
* guysoft42 is charging it15:55
guysoft42whats the first thing to do when you get a nokia 810 then?15:56
Stskeepsinstall rootsh15:57
johnxyeah, read that somewhere else15:57
mgedminguysoft42: make sure you've got the latest OS15:57
johnxlooks like we picked the winner :)15:57
Stskeepsand yeah, flashing to latest OS15:58
mgedminwhich is 4.2008.36-515:58
mgedminand then install OS updates with application installer15:58
mgedminone downside of the SSU (Single Software Update) feature is that now it's no longer sufficient to flash the latest image15:59
mgedminafter that you have to install a SSU, reboot, install the second SSU, reboot15:59
johnxnope, the 36-5 image is up now15:59
mgedminahh, good15:59
johnxjust installed its kernel the other day :)16:00
johnxhaha! ok, I beat the packages around enough to install them. time to see what happens16:00
guysoft42mgedmin, how do i upgrade it?16:00
johnxguysoft42, ^head to that page^16:01
johnxthere's instructions for updating from windows, linux and mac16:01
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johnxhmm, maemo-af-desktop-l10n-engb coming in from mojo...wonder if that's kosher16:02
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Stskeepsget it from trunk instead16:02
Stskeepsincoming your packages now btw16:02
Stskeepsin apt16:02
Stskeepsjohnx: atleast that probably means for n900 there'll be a stable ubuntu.. and i think it's kinda silly that now the mojo project won't be mentioned, even though i -bet- the patches there are basis of ubuntu/arm16:06
johnxwell if ubuntu targets armv7-vfp I really, really hope mojo keeps going16:07
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johnxotherwise I'll have busy build machines here :/16:07
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* Stskeeps wonders if he should report more yet or wait it out16:19
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Meiz_n810I had strange problem with m-r this morning16:24
Meiz_n810i installed gnome, added m-r repo, installed deblet-rescue-menu, but it still did not boot up16:25
johnxdefine "boot up"16:25
johnxwere you left with the white screen telling you it's booting from linuxrc?16:26
Meiz_n810rescue menus text was shown at white background and linuxrc msg:s16:26
johnxwell, it's "booted up" I'm sure16:27
johnxdid you install gdm?16:27
johnxand Xorg worked normally when you ran it by itself?16:27
Meiz_n810it was same problem i had when i did not remember to copy fb devs from maemo16:28
StskeepsMeiz_n810: fb0 fb1 fb2 still :P16:28
Meiz_n810i had fb devs16:28
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Stskeepsis it in /your/target/dev?16:28
Meiz_n810i copied em from maemo16:28
Stskeepswhen mounting it from meaemo16:29
Stskeepswell the question is if they're on the SD card or a udev thing16:29
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Stskeepsrescue menu happens before udev so16:29
Stskeepsmount the m-r partition in maemo, ls dev o nit16:30
Stskeepson it16:30
Stskeepsis fb0,fb1 etc there?16:30
Stskeeps(dont use chroot)16:30
disco_stul7: any luck ?16:30
dnearyhey hey16:32
Meiz_n810anyway, i first tried to copy fb devs from maemos /dev to /debian/dev (/debian is the dir i manually mounted /dev/mmcblk1p2) when it still did not boot, i removed fb devs, mount chroot without mounting maemos /dev to chroots /dev, deleted fb devs in chroot and then i ran /sbin/MAKEDEV in chroot to make fb devs16:32
Stskeepssounds about right16:32
Meiz_n810But it still did not boot16:33
Meiz_n810i tried to run nautilus in chroot, and got Segmentation Fault16:33
Stskeepswhen you say chroot you mean chroot /path something?16:33
guysoft42johnx, thanks :)16:35
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johnxguysoft42, got it flashed to the latest version now?16:35
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Meiz_n810Stskeeps, i done it many times same way, that it have worked before. Now i think it was about Segmentation Fault, every third time i install mojo, it gives me Segmentation Fault and i would say, this time it was not about missing /dev/fb*, it was about bad installation...16:36
guysoft42johnx, its still charging.. and i have University homework to do in the meantime16:36
StskeepsMeiz_n810: awkward..16:36
guysoft42johnx, where do i get the firmware file, and where do i get the flasher?16:36
LinuxCodewow a student that isnt laxy16:36
LinuxCodeguysoft42, hold16:37
johnxguysoft42, you have a linux desktop I take it?16:37
guysoft42johnx, yep :)16:37
guysoft42LinuxCode, hold?16:37
Meiz_n810firmware images are in
johnxguysoft42, they're listed on that page I linked under "Flashing your tablet"16:37
LinuxCodeyou will need your wlan mac16:38
LinuxCodeto enter16:38
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vincenzo88What is the equivalent of cron (Ubuntu) in Maemo OS please ? (i need to execute a script when the N810 starts)16:40
LinuxCodewhen it starts ?16:40
disco_stuvincenzo88: if you want to execute it only when the device starts you dont need cron16:40
LinuxCodeor at set intervals ?16:40
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vincenzo88I want to start an application when the N810 turn On16:40
johnxno rc.local on the tablets16:41
johnxyeah, I thought that too16:41
LinuxCodemaybe on purpose16:41
johnxeasy enough to add something like it16:41
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johnxnah, they just use a different init setup16:42
LinuxCodeahh k16:42
disco_stujust to be curious, vincenzo88 what do you want to execute ?16:43
vincenzo88A Qt4 application i have developped16:43
disco_stuvincenzo88: what is it for ?16:43
vincenzo88The application ?16:44
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vincenzo88Displays cameras IP on screen16:44
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guysoft42johnx, do i need flasher-3.0 or flasher-3.0-static? i am on a pentium M here16:45
woglindevincenzo88 I think /etc/init.d is your friend16:45
johnxeither one16:45
johnxflasher-3.0 is fine16:46
vincenzo88woglinde, i will study this thanks16:46
disco_stuadd a line at the end of16:46
disco_stuand you are done16:46
woglindevincenzo88 hm yes script in /etc/init.d/16:46
woglindevincenzo88 and then a link to /etc/rcX.d16:47
johnxdisco_stu, is there an x server running by then?16:47
vincenzo88Ok i will try this16:47
disco_stujohnx: i miss that point16:47
disco_stuim just waking up. you'll understand16:48
baabavincenzo88, make sure the read the docs regarding /etc/rcn16:48
woglindevincenzo88 link to /etc/rc5.d/ S62scriptname should do16:48
vincenzo88I don't know rcn but i will learn about :p16:48
woglindes61 starts osso ui16:48
baabareplace n with 1..616:49
baabaand add .d :P16:49
vincenzo88Many Thanks16:49
woglindebaaba it doesnt make sense in all runlevels16:49
baabathere's a specific way the /etc/rcn.d/ dirs are set up, your script needs to support calling with a certain way16:49
johnxactually, /etc/rc2.d/S62script16:49
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baabadoesn't make sense?16:49
johnxvincenzo88, read some existing scripts and copy the way they're setup16:50
woglindewhy the hack maemo starts all in runlevel 216:50
woglindebaaba normaly you dont have in all runlevel the X server16:50
baabayeah maemo's runlevels are kinda funky16:51
woglindesomeone at maemo didnt care about this16:51
woglindeor nokia16:51
johnxwoglinde, debian thing16:51
baabawell, debian's 2..5 are the same thing generally16:51
baabathey don't distinguish between them in debian16:51
baabain some other distros they do16:51
woglindehm right16:51
woglindemaemo should switch to semothing other16:51
woglindewith fremantle16:51
woglindebut I guess this is out of scope16:52
johnxyay! and be even further from debian. woo!16:52
baabathere are some differences between the 2..5 in maemo though, but i'm not entirely sure why16:52
woglindeminit would be nice16:52
baabaalso on an unrelated note, i tried disabling bluetooth stuff by removing them from the rc2.d and then lifeguard put the device in a reboot loop :P16:52
baabacan you somehow configure lifeguard?16:53
woglindein openembedded we should switch to something else too16:53
johnxbaaba, use the flasher to disable it16:53
woglindesysv suckz in many ways16:53
baabajohnx, yeah you can do that, but i don't want to fully disable it16:53
johnxwoglinde, what's your opinion of upstart?16:53
woglindejohny hm16:53
woglindehave it here at the new ubuntu16:54
baabai have a pretty specialized project that uses n810s and i'd like to get rid of extra stuff i know i won't need, like bluetooth16:54
johnxbaaba, ok, that means that some other program started by dsmetool crashed as a result of you disabling bluetooth16:54
woglindeit suckz in disabling stuff16:54
woglindeconslekit namly16:54
baabais there a logfile or something?16:55
johnxno logs16:55
baabaideally i'd be able to disable a bunch of app framework stuff as well but i'm not sure how that's gonna fly16:55
suihkulokkijohnx: see /var/lib/dsme/stats/16:55
johnxsuihkulokki++ :D16:55
baabaooh nice, thanks16:56
guysoft42johnx, which buttion is the home button?16:57
disco_stuapp switcher16:57
johnxguysoft42, on an N810 it's the one with two squares16:57
guysoft42johnx, ah wait, whats the swap button?16:58
johnxguysoft42, it has two squares16:58
johnxswap = home = app switcher = (n800 house) = (n810 squares)16:59
guysoft42johnx, on the top?16:59
johnxmaybe? I don't have an n810 to look at :)17:00
guysoft42johnx, got it :)17:00
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guysoft42johnx, thanks17:00
johnxsure :)17:00
johnxyou get to answer the next person who asks :P17:01
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guysoft42johnx, how do i get the video working on skype?17:12
johnxthere is no video calling in skype on the tablets17:13
johnxin fact there's no video calling in skype on linux :)17:13
Meiz_n810Gizmo supports video calling :)17:14
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guysoft42johnx, really? i thaught there was. so what i can use the camera for?17:21
Myrtti[17:13] < johnx> in fact there's no video calling in skype on linux :)17:21
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Myrttiwell I must have been dreaming then17:21
johnxMyrtti, ah, did they add it?17:21
MyrttiI swear I talked to my boyfriend last night with webcams17:21
* johnx hasn't used skype on the desktop in a *long* time17:21
johnxguysoft42, google talk between tablets, gpscamera, gizmo calls, videocamera, motion detection17:22
Myrttijohnx: it's about the only crossplatform voip app that works with webcams17:22
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guysoft42johnx, how come? after all skype on linux has camera support17:22
Myrttiand with this I mean Linux x86/x86_64, Windows, Mac OS X17:23
johnxwell hey, I was wrong about desktops :)17:23
johnxbut the tablet is probably a lack of processing power (or laziness on skype's part)17:23
johnxyeah, last time I used it on a desktop was probably more than a year ago, which would explain a lot...17:24
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Myrttiwe've tried empathy/telepathy/ekiga god knows what17:26
Myrttiand what remains is that skype unfortunately has the best success rate17:26
johnxyeah, I gave up on video a long time ago, but I use skype audio chat on my tablet all the time17:26
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guysoft42johnx, is there any application you would recommend  me to download? is there a software repository i should add?17:29
johnxyou should go to
johnxlots of great stuff17:29
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johnxI recommend canola for music, omweather, quicknote and personal menu17:30
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guysoft42yay. apt-get moo works :)17:30
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qwerty12guysoft42, cowsay ftw :P17:31
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guysoft42um, whats the superuser pass?17:31
johnxit's locked17:31
infobotroot-access is, like,
infoboti guess rootsh is an easy way to get root and it's found here:
* johnx tips his hat to qwerty12 of the fast typing17:32
guysoft42infobot, no root? :( .. but i am the owner..17:32
qwerty12johnx, You'd have beat me if you didn't say it was locked :)17:32
guysoft42how do i get that?17:33
johnxyou click on one of the links17:33
johnxpick one :)17:33
qwerty12psst, rootsh (I give it my personal seal of approval ;P)17:33
johnxpsst, if you don't pick rootsh qwerty12 will cry. :D17:34
qwerty12I like the rootsh & sudser combo17:34
qwerty12Stskeeps, I've hildonised roxterm btw. I'll move it from extras-devel into extras later.17:36
woglindeqwerty whats the feature of roxterm?17:37
qwerty12woglinde, nothing really. osso-xterm is vastly superior on the tablets, but osso-xterm messes up with the deblet installer etc. Plus with roxterm, hardware presses actually get sent to the application (e.g pressing minus button in osso-xterm zooms out, pressing minus button in roxterm which has htop open reduces nice value of a process)17:39
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Stskeepsqwerty12: geat :)17:49
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qwerty12Just need to fix some bugs :)17:50
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perseus__Does maemo not mount partition according to the fstab? The reason I ask is that in my /etc/fstab file it says to mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 to /media/mmc1 but that device gets mountd to /media/mmc217:57
perseus__I have a n810 and therefore the mmcblk0p1 is the internal partition 117:58
johnxcorrect. maemo doesn't mount according to fstab17:58
perseus__johnx - what does it mount according to17:58
johnxsome scripts stashed somewhere17:58
qwerty12dpkg -L ke-recv17:59
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qwerty12Grr, nautilus really needs to not crash when you open a tab and that results in a error18:01
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ron1nI really wish the tablets came with xrandr18:02
qwerty12It's planned in Fremantle :
ron1nyou think they're useful when you get debian on them, and then when you use xrandr its a whole different story18:03
Stskeepsron1n: there's rotation kernels and patches, though18:04
ron1nStskeeps, I know, I'm using it now on my friends n800 =]18:04
ron1nI just didn't even think about it until I came across it on the interweb18:04
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ron1nnow that I've tried it, it makes things like menus so much more useful =]18:05
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* Stskeeps has been fiddling with a n95 the latest days18:07
Stskeepsabsolutely hated the interface18:07
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qwerty12Stskeeps, really? I quite happen to like S6018:07
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qwerty12johnx, if you really want boxfs, I guess I can be persuaded to run dh_make :P18:08
johnxhonestly, I probably wouldn't use it18:08
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johnxI compiled it once and never touched it18:08
ron1nI have one =D18:08
qwerty12Same, I don't have a box :P.18:08
ron1nN95 8GB18:08
johnxwithout a 3G connection I don't really grab big files while away from home18:09
ron1none word,  buggy. Very buggy. After a couple of firmware flashes its pretty stable, but before that it was pretty unstable.18:09
ron1nI was an early adopter, so I don't have 3G in the states18:09
ron1nbut if I ever make a eurotrip I will =P18:10
* qwerty12 remembers the film and grins18:10
ron1nnot an issue though, a is stands now 3G coverage is crap where I live18:10
ron1nmuch less when I bought it back in Feb18:10
johnxah well, my *phone* has 3G, but it doesn't like to talk to my devices :/18:10
johnxand I don't want it it to since my data plan is not unlimited18:11
ron1nI have an unlimited data plan with AT&T, the rates where quite resonable18:11
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* Stskeeps ponders what decent data plans are in these days18:17
qwerty12Heh, last time I talked to my friend in CPH, he said prepay is expensive :P18:17
vincenzo88Goodbye everybody ;=)18:18
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Stskeepsi just kinda wonder cos my provider has like mobile broadband, for decent prices, which is data-only.. but it is not possible to link this to a phone, heh18:22
Stskeepsand the one able to do that,has insaneprices18:22
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jagernotmy synth with menus and settings is ready18:40
jagernotsomebody try pls?18:41
jagernotfeatures in this version: can select two scales pentatonic and blues from a menu; change BPM by using - and + buttons and select a strumming pattern by pressing the esc key (bottom left on the touch screen)18:41
jagernotquit by pressing home key and kill app from list.18:41
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johnxoooh you fixed the distorion bug18:43
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jagernotmostly fixed unless you decided to went haywire18:43
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woglindethis will be become a nasty work18:45
woglindemerging xkbdir  from old fedora core 5 and diablo18:46
woglindebut do not see another way18:46
johnxwoglinde, and why are you doing that?18:46
woglindejohnx for nx stuff18:47
johnxyeah, I never had good luck with it18:47
woglindeloading nokia.xkm file segfaults the nxagent18:47
johnxI always started playing and never had it work18:47
woglindehm mom18:47
woglindeI got an idea18:47
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woglindeif I remeber correct I can set xkbdir path on the commandline18:48
woglindelet me check this18:48
woglindethat could be a sort of rescue18:48
perseus__Trying to use fanoush bootmenu to boot mamona off of the internal SD card. I setup my bootmenu.conf to boot from mmcblk0p1 but when I select that option from the menu it says boot failed. Is there anyway to diagnose why it failed? on the root / of mmcblk0p1 is there a certain file that it is looking for?18:50
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johnx/sbin/init I would imagine18:50
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perseus__johnx - there is not other way to determine why it says failed?18:51
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johnxyou could use the usb telnet built into bootmenu and step through the process manually18:51
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perseus__johnx - ok..didn't know that existed. So I just telnet into the tablet while the bootmenu is up?18:52
johnxread the instructions displayed on the screen. :)18:53
johnxhit menu (? I think)18:53
johnxthen plug the tablet into your computer via usb18:53
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Khertan_n810Hello !19:24
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Khertan_n810i ve uploaded to extras repository pychecker :)19:26
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johnxsorry, what is pychecker?19:26
qwerty12Nice, thanks! :)19:27
Khertan_n810a tool to check some common mistake in python code19:27
Khertan_n810i m testing the package to see if all is ok19:27
Khertan_n810hum ... not extras but extras-devel19:28
qwerty12It can always be moved :P19:28
Khertan_n810yep but need test before19:28
qwerty12Need to finish off little bits and I'll upload hildonised roxterm soon (yes, I know I said this an hour ago :P)19:29
Khertan_n810what is the interested thing in roxterm ?19:30
Khertan_n810i don t know it19:30
Stskeepsit's slightly less crap than osso-xterm19:30
qwerty12<qwerty12> nothing really. osso-xterm is vastly superior on the tablets, but osso-xterm messes up with the deblet installer etc. Plus with roxterm, hardware presses actually get sent to the application (e.g pressing minus button in osso-xterm zooms out, pressing minus button in roxterm which has htop open reduces nice value of a process)19:30
disco_stui used roxterm19:30
disco_stuonly think i liked where tabs19:31
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qwerty12yeah, Stskeeps installs it with deblet. The only reason I put it initially in extras-devel was for that purpose19:31
johnxStskeeps, note about hildon-desktop in m-r: it doesn't contain /usr/bin/hildon-desktop19:32
johnxanyways, time for me to sleep19:36
johnx'night all19:36
qwerty12night johnx19:36
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Stskeepsjohnx: that's funny19:37
Stskeepsi'll look into that19:38
johnxok, I'll leave it to rebuild overnight here and see if I see anything interesting in the output19:38
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MeizirkkiWhere goes the line between mojo and maemo-reconstructed?19:40
MeizirkkiIf i am using mojo project with m-r:s boot packages can i say i am using maemo-reconstructed?19:41
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Stskeepshehe.. good question19:45
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Stskeepsright now it's just a proof of concept so nothing19:45
Stskeeps's sure19:45
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MeizirkkiMaemo Reconstructed still sounds a lot cooler :)19:46
* Meizirkki is trying to play with hasty-armv6el in qemu19:47
MeizirkkiMojo guys have released their images for armv6el19:49
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disco_stujohnx: do you have a clue on where lies the wifi antenna on the n800 ?19:50
Meiz_n810top border i would guess19:51
disco_stui can guess too, but need precise location19:52
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qwerty12disco_stu, This precise enough: ;)19:56
disco_stu:) thats the reason i asked you19:57
guysoft42er - what to do if the device gets stuck>20:01
Meizirkkistuck how?20:02
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hahlobitmust say that sshd is useful, can log in to stucked diablo and close bad apps20:05
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hahlobitbefore had to remove battery20:08
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xorAxAxdoes anyone know whether/why not mojo( uses scratchbox like maemo?20:12
xorAxAxthey say that they are not cross compiling but using a native (probably) debian env on qemu20:12
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GAN800They use real ARM hardware20:13
Proteousmy n810 is stuck20:14
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ProteousI think it's a combo of peanutbutter and bubblegum20:14
AngieQmine has gotten stuck before but i just held the power button to shutdown20:15
AngieQthen rebooted20:15
hahlobithow long  you have press the button?20:16
Proteoushow long you got?20:16
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hahlobit4sek didn't help20:18
hahlobitbut removing battery helps20:18
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disco_stuhahlobit: could you ssh into it ?20:19
disco_stuinit 620:19
disco_stuis better than removin the battery20:19
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hahlobitthats why i said sshd is useful, didn't have to even reboot just close browser20:20
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brphelpsWhy is there only a 32-bit maemo SDK, is there binary only blobs?20:27
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akshayhello everyone, this is my first time here and I have a battery management question for the maemo platform20:33
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disco_stuakshay: shoot the boys will answer ya20:33
akshayI have searched and searched but I don't know any function calls that will allow me to query battery life remaining or say battery voltage usage20:33
GeneralAntillesakshay, adv-power?20:34
akshayis that a package20:34
qwerty12akshay, re battery life remaining, that can be obtained from dbus20:34
akshayAntilles, what about voltage monitoring.20:34
brphelpsHi all, is there only a 32-bit maemo SDK?20:35
akshayI have never used dbus before is there a direct call available?20:35
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RST38hGeneral: Can we please changed Educational to Education?20:35
RST38hGeneral: KotCzarny noticed it today - it is the only adjective among nouns on the category list20:36
madhavdid anyone get strace on arm running..?20:36
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qwerty12madhav, it's in the sdk repo.20:36
akshaydisco: say nitapps already, even viewed the python code20:38
akshayI guess I was more interested in finding battery energy usage20:38
akshayI have no leads yet on how to do that20:39
akshaydisco: seen not say, sorry about that20:39
qwerty12akshay, if this does what you want (run it as root) : , then look at :
GeneralAntillesRST38h, I thought it was Education.20:40
* lcuk2 karate chops qwerty12's new power adapter20:40
GeneralAntillesIt was last time I checked, anyway.20:40
qwerty12lcuk2, lol :P. This one works brilliant, ac-5x ftw :P20:41
GeneralAntillesRST38h, hrm, yeah, I completely missed that.20:41
lcuk2lol, you need to get nokia to supply you one with a soldered on chainlink charger20:41
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RST38hGeneral: I almost fixed it this morning but then saw that some translations also have it this way20:42
GeneralAntillesRST38h, I changed it.20:43
GeneralAntillesSomebody will need to review the translations. . . .20:43
akshayqwerty: thanks, I am looking into it20:46
Stskeepsakshay: lshal20:47
brphelpsI'd really like to install the SDK on a 64 bit machine without a VM, is that possible20:47
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akshaystskeeps: thanks, this is great! It shows the battery voltage as well. Should I be looking at the hal database api to get these values?20:51
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qwerty12Stskeeps, chinook hildonised roxterm in extras-devel. Waiting for diablo one to be built... (I also took the liberty of updating roxterm to 1.13)20:54
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LinuxCodenow lets attach nuclear weapons to that thing and death will be more swift21:26
LinuxCodethere has to be some sort of population control21:26
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RST38hAttaching nuclear weapons will prevent hunting humans with lasers in urban theater unrealistic21:27
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RST38hThe Really Good Solution will actually hunt humans for energy and spare parts21:28
LinuxCodegod you hate people dont you ?21:28
RST38hNot really, why?21:29
* RST38h just likes a good show21:29
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LinuxCodeRST38h, haha21:29
LinuxCodeDe you filthy humans! Die!21:29
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RST38hThere is a joke about a little girl playing in a sandbox, tearing the head off the teddy bear21:31
RST38hA passerby asks: What are you doing, girl? Don't you like animals?21:32
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RST38hAnd the girl answers: Well, I don't even like the humans...21:32
disco_stuRST38h: is not funny21:33
* deejoe blinks21:33
disco_stuanyone used Tor in the nit ?21:34
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brphelpsIs alsa available for the n770?21:40
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disco_stubrphelps: dunno21:42
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brphelpsI have an app I'd like to port that uses alsa and fftw, is there a libfftw port?21:43
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brphelpsHas anyone here written code for the DSP core in the OMAP?21:45
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lcuk2im sure some people have21:45
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GeneralAntillesLike, say, lardman|gone.21:55
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lcuk2yeah, but since hes |gone it wasnt fulfilling his query21:56
GeneralAntillesIt may at a later date, though.21:56
lcuk2ahhh, if we are answering like that, lets put qwerty forward then, hes gonna get his fingers in that pie one day21:57
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lcuk2i was gonna mention lardman anyway, but brphelps seems to have run away21:57
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GeneralAntillesDamn, left my Firewire 800 cable down south. . . .21:58
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brphelpslcuck2: I'm here22:00
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lcuk2what do you want the dsp for (im just nosey, i dont know anything about it myself)22:02
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lcuk2actually, nm im goin22:03
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brphelpsneed fft of audio data for analysis22:04
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brphelpsWhen I try to install maemo sdk I get E: Add user with '/home/brphelps/sb2/sbin/sbox_adduser brphelps'22:16
brphelpsbut I can't find /sbox_adduser brphelps22:16
brphelpsbut I can't find /sbox_adduser22:16
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Meiz_n810hmm, strange problem with xorg22:54
Meiz_n810n810 hw keyboard does not work22:55
Meiz_n810at all22:55
Meiz_n810i have gnome installed22:55
Meiz_n810not even the enter key22:55
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Stskeepsprobably something to deal with HAL or alikes.. note it as a bug i guess22:58
Meiz_n810it worked before..22:58
Meiz_n810at least enter key22:58
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Meiz_n810when i start xorg, first comes up a little screen that contains all that text i have tried to type... Then the xorg comes up and keyboard stops woring23:00
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Meiz_n810i should start all over again... i don't like gnome... too heavy23:01
Meiz_n810are there lxde packages for mojo somewhere?23:01
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