IRC log of #maemo for Monday, 2008-10-20

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qwerty12_N800go on, apply it and test it out :p00:24
kristian_paulca in install maemo on symbian based phones?00:24
Stskeepskristian_paul: with a lot of pain and tears and illegit activity, and lack of hardware support, maybe00:25
kristian_pauli see00:25
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Stskeepsthen again00:26
Stskeepsanything can be accomplished with a lot of pain and tears00:27
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GeneralAntillesHardware support is really the issue.00:28
GeneralAntillesCellular is guaranteed not to work.00:28
Stskeepswhere is dsme, btw?00:32
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Stskeepsyeah, i know00:33
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qwerty12_N800where as what sense then?00:34
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Stskeepswell they were supposed to open it00:35
qwerty12_N800ah, skeen00:35
Stskeepsbtw this is an interesting screenshot for my whole conspiracy00:35
Stskeeps(robtaylor, OHM)00:35
Stskeeps.. or not00:36
* Stskeeps continues chasing ghosts00:36
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Stskeepsi kinda wonder why nokia chose OHM of all things though - the thing hasn't been developed since sep 0700:37
robtaylorStskeeps: hello? =)00:37
robtaylorStskeeps: what would you like to know exactly? ;)00:37
Stskeepsrobtaylor: well how finished OHM really is00:37
Stskeepsi'm just chasing some speculation about nokia's use of various tech for the new OS, so :P00:38
Stskeeps(and while i meanwhile curse that irssi doesn't have a channel membership list on the sidebar)00:38
robtaylorStskeeps: I'm afraid you'll have to wait a while, but I will say, keep an eye on the OHM mailing list ..00:39
* qwerty12_N800 has been looking for for a long time00:39
Stskeepsohm+upstart seems like the right thing(TM) for power management on tablet though00:39
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robtaylorStskeeps: yes, I'd agree00:39
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robtaylorthough i think upstard needs some caching of its init files for fast loading00:40
Stskeepsyeah.. does ubuntu even have proper service descriptions of traditional services or does nokia have to end up writing themselves? didn't look too much at adaptation00:41
Stskeepsi know debian doesn't have it beyond lsb init headers00:41
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lardman|tvnight all01:17
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MacerStskeeps , johnx ? you guys around?01:29
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whodatwhere are all the themes for OS2008 on all i can find are two.02:23
woglindethemes are overrated02:23
GeneralAntillesThere really aren't that many themes.02:25
whodatapparently there are 2. other than the ones installed. ;)02:26
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GeneralAntillesLCARS is fun02:27
GeneralAntillesPlankton is OK02:27
jaskaif i ever install a theme itll probably be lcars :d02:30
whodatplankton isnt on maemo.org02:31
GeneralAntillesI didn't say they would be.02:33
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ljpI feel too nerdy when I tried the lcars theme02:39
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GeneralAntillesIt is just a bit obscene, isn't it, ljp? ;002:48
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nelsonI wonder what triggers the  LED to go to PatternPsychedelia03:34
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GeneralAntillesI don't think anything does.03:36
GeneralAntillesYou'd have to trigger it yourself.03:36
zakkmThe person i was going to buy the nokia 800 didnt show up -.-( was buying off someone from craigslist )03:36
zakkmDoes anyone know a way i can buy one? used preferably03:36
zakkmlive in Toronto, Canada03:36
|rt|in ssh how do you press alt?03:36
nelsonGeneralAntilles: so ti's just an easter egg, I guess.03:40
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zakkmIs $180 CAD, a lot for the Nokia 800 used?03:42
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doc|homezakkm: yeah03:48
zakkmit is?03:49
zakkmhow much should i be buying it for?03:49
doc|homeI got mine new for 269 this time last year03:50
zakkmSomeone is selling used $25003:51
zakkmbut i think its too much03:51
zakkmi was suppose to buy n 800 today.. for $150 -used03:51
zakkmperson didnt show up -.-03:51
doc|homehmmm, I bought mine, pricematched, at Thought the price would have come down more03:52
doc|homecan't remember where i got that price from though03:52
zakkmthey dont sell n800's anymmmroe03:52
zakkmthey do in brazil but...03:53
zakkmmore than buying a n810 in store here.. price wise03:53
doc|homehmmm, none of the comparison sites have anything useful either03:54
* doc|home all out of ideas, sorry03:55
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zakkmhaha its okay, thanks04:00
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voiderhi guys04:47
voiderquick dev questions: I'm trying to test getting location from gps (sdk 4.1), and apparently there is no location library on my system04:47
voiderI can compile, but the linker can't find symbols04:48
voiderI'm compiling with this:04:48
voiderg++ -o main `pkg-config --cflags --libs liblocation`04:48
voiderDoes someone know why I can have the headers, but not the lib?04:48
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TokyoDanHow can I see my ip address on my N810?05:11
GeneralAntillesIt's in connection manager, appropriately enough.05:11
TokyoDanI mean for USB networking05:12
GeneralAntillesIt's whatever you set it to be.05:12
TokyoDanI trying to setup a ssh session for Eclipse-Pluthon.05:12
TokyoDanYeah, But I set it a long time ago and forgot it like an idiot.05:13
TokyoDanis there a console commnd like ifconfig?05:13
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TokyoDanI guess that's a windows command.05:14
TokyoDanfor seeing network settings.05:14
GeneralAntillesWhat I meant is05:14
TokyoDana maemo Linux command05:14
GeneralAntillesIs ifconfig enough like ifconfig for you? . . . .05:15
TokyoDanI'm not following you. I get ifconfig not found.05:16
GeneralAntillesWorks here05:16
GeneralAntilles /sbin/ifconfig ?05:16
TokyoDani started up my Xterm on my N810 and type "ifconfig". But It gives me "ifconfig: not found".05:17
TokyoDanTanks I'll try that.05:17
GeneralAntillesTry it as root?05:17
TokyoDanThat worked. Thanks for your help.05:18
Gracana/sbin and /usr/sbin aren't in your path by default, if you add them you can run those commands without being root (and without root privileges, of course)05:19
TokyoDanThanks Gracana.05:21
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TokyoDanwhat file would have the ipaddress. When I installed PCConnectivity I wrote the IP address down somewher but lost track of that.05:26
Gracanaifconfig will show you. ifconfig wlan0, I believe. It will output several lines, one of which says inet
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GracanaOr you can just run ifconfig and scroll to find the appropriate device/line05:29
TokyoDanthanks again05:29
Gracanano problem05:30
TokyoDanI see an IP address. Is there a file where I can edit it?05:33
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* lcuk is sad05:39
GAN800There there05:41
* GAN800 pats lcuk on the shoulder.05:41
lcukim gonna be responsible for more full partitions than anything else :'(05:41
lcukive linked in the camera and screenshot taking ability directly into liqbase on the fullscreen key05:42
lcukyou can view them in the image viewer thingy05:42
lcuki can finally put a face to a name if i simply take a snap whilst meeting them and write down notes as i currently do:)05:45
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zakkmlcuk: person went to the mall 2min from my house, i went to a mall that took me a 45min bus each way -.-05:59
zakkmlcuk: still dont have it yet :(06:00
zakkmhe said maybe tomorrow .. so I dont know yet06:01
zakkmhes willing to sell for $150 .. which is all im willing to pay06:01
zakkmDoes the nokia's webcam work in flash player? on n800?06:01
zakkmdamn :(06:02
GeneralAntillesFlash 9 doesn't support v4l206:02
zakkmthats what the camera is?06:02
zakkmahh only v4l2 recognizes it?06:02
zakkmi know what v4l is06:03
zakkmdidnt know there was a v2 too06:03
zakkmis videochat in gizmo smooth?06:04
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zakkmIs maemo opensource?06:20
lcuksome of it06:20
zakkmIs diablo the same as OS2008? just "faster" and bug fixes?06:22
zakkmlike the UI ?06:22
zakkmdiablo the same as chinook*06:22
GAN800See the wikipedia article.06:23
GAN800lcuk, nice06:23
zakkmAlso, is scuumvm worth while on it?06:24
GAN800Works fine06:24
lcukGAN800, my head has exploded due to the recursion06:25
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zakkmWhen is Freemantle suppose to come out ( looking at maemo wikipedia ) ?06:25
GAN800There isn't a date06:26
GAN800Maybe summer 200906:26
zakkmoh .. far06:26
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johnxMacer, hallo?07:26
TokyoDanrying to get PC Connectivity running on my N810. I go into theUSB Networking control panel and click "Setup USB networking". I can see via ifconfig that my ip address is In the /etc/network/interfaces file the settings for  usb0 inet static are: address; netmask; gateway My mac's ipaddress is; netmask; gateway
TokyoDan[1:28pm] TokyoDan: then I connect the USB cable to the two and the N810 says USB Connected followed by USB Disconnected. I think this is correct because the N810's disks aren't mounted on my Mac desktop. But when I try to ping from my mac I get no route to host / host is down. WhaT am I doing wrong?07:28
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johnxwhat's the IP address of your Mac's other net connection? is it also on the network?07:31
TokyoDanWhat other connection. My ethernet is
johnxalright, so what's the IP of the USB connection on the Mac's side?07:32
TokyoDanno USB connection appears on the Mac07:33
TokyoDanin network control panel07:33
johnxerrr...just run ifconfig -a from the Mac command line07:33
TokyoDannothing about USB07:34
johnxit might not be called "usb" The mac will probably think about it as a normal ethernet adapter attached my USB07:35
TokyoDanjust en0:
johnxI wonder if it needs a driver...07:36
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TokyoDanthere are no other I addresses displayed.07:36
johnxit's not showing the tablet's  sd cards on the Mac now, right?07:36
TokyoDanOnce when I plugged the USB cable in my Mac popped up a new interface added dialog which went away before I could do anything with it. but it never appears anymore.07:37
TokyoDanno SD cards.07:37
TokyoDanBecause I clicked the Setup USB Networking in the N810 USB Networking control panel that is installed with the PC Connectivity package.07:38
johnxdoes ifconfig on the tablet still show the usb iface as up?07:39
TokyoDanIf I restart the N810 and don't click Setup USB Networkng I can get the SD cards mounted on the Mac desktop.07:39
GeneralAntillesYes, it needs a driver.07:40
TokyoDanwhich needs a driver?07:40
TokyoDanFunny thing is it was working a month ago. I could ping the N810 from my mac. But now I can't07:41
TokyoDanI could also ssh to the n81007:41
TokyoDanthe usb IP adderess of the N810 is
TokyoDanmac is
johnxdid they have different IPs a month ago?07:42
TokyoDanthe gateways are different but I think it doesn't matter cause the mac's gateway in my router,07:42
TokyoDanI don't now what the N810's gateway is for. ITs set at  tried setting it to the samp IP as my mac and the router too.07:43
johnxI'm just a little curious about how your Mac is handling two different devices on the same network...but maybe my IPv4 is rusty07:44
TokyoDanJohnx. When I installed PC Connectivity, the IPs were set at 192.9.2.x and I couldn't ping so I edited the interfaces file on the N810 to 192.168.1.x and then  could png. But today when I looked at the interfaces file the ips reverted to 192.168.2.x for some reason. But anything I do doesn't work.07:46
TokyoDani think the USB network will be different than the ethernet network. Maybe the Mac should act as a router but I can't get the mac to show / add a new interface.07:47
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johnxwell, GeneralAntilles thinks you need a driver07:47
johnxand I think you should leave the n8x0 on the 192.168.2.x net07:47
TokyoDanOnce a new interface dialog popped up on the Mac when  connected the N810 via USB. But the dialog went away just as quick as it appeared.07:48
TokyoDanI see. So then the Mac should act as  router between the 192.168.1.x and 192.168.2.x networks.07:49
johnxThat's my thinking07:49
johnxor rather, that's how I'd do it07:49
TokyoDanwell I set the N810 back to the original IPs and restart everything and see what happens.07:50
TokyoDanThanks for your suggestions.07:50
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GeneralAntillesWhy not just use wifi ssh? . . .08:08
ds3what's the going price for a dead 770?08:17
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Luriahow much you willing to pay me to take it?08:18
Luriayo johnx08:18
ds3all I want is the plastics08:18
Luriathats the future, my boy.08:18
johnx_hey Luria08:18
ds3got this wild idea of sticking in OMAP3 guts with a N810 LCD08:18
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ds3but I really really like the 'armouring' on the 77008:18
Luriajust dropped $390 ar on a graphics card08:19
johnxa little steep08:19
johnxfor gaming or serious CAD?08:19
Lurianeither actually08:20
Luriagaming, sure08:20
Luriabut cuda is interesting to me08:20
Lurialimited me to 2.5 cards08:20
Luriaand now that cs4 is cuda aware08:20
ds3am I the only one that likes the armouring on the 770?08:21
Luriaplus a friend of mine had a visualization lab, i want to put it against his quadro08:21
Luriads3 - yes08:21
johnxds3, it's a neat idea, but it's overkill08:21
johnxmy n800 has held up just fine in pockets and bags for the last year and a half08:21
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ds3johnx: and you are not worry about crushing the screen through the pouch?08:22
GeneralAntillesNot at all.08:22
johnxwhat pouch?08:22
johnxI never got a pouch08:22
Luriahave had no probs with either n810 or n80008:22
GeneralAntillesIt's not like it's a particularly fragile screen08:22
ds3the leather pouch08:22
johnxI just throw it loose in my backpack/bag or pocket08:22
GeneralAntillesKinda looks like this:
GeneralAntillesThey're really fairly durable devices.08:23
johnxno visible screen scratches and actually even the plastic looks ok, except where I dropped it on concrete a couple times08:23
GracanaA this:
ds3I should take a picture of my Treo 650's hard case... about 2years worth of wear and it looks like someone tossed in a blender for a day08:23
johnxyou guys with your fancy retail box accessories :P08:23
GracanaHow come you didn't get that stuff?08:23
johnxdemo/floor model08:24
johnx30% off in march 2007 was too good to pass up08:24
ds3johnx: in japan?08:24
johnxds3, nope, right before I left for Japan08:24
GracanaIt's awkward for me to keep electronics in my pockets, I have wallet and ID cards on one side and my keys on the other, there just isn't enough room.08:25
johnxyou need more pockets :)08:25
GeneralAntillesYou need what some people like to call "back pockets"08:25
johnxback pockets are only a last resort08:25
Gracanaehh I don't like putting things in my back pockets08:25
johnxyou need proper pants with at least 6 pockets08:25
GracanaI have a bony butt >.>08:25
Luriaeh, i forget my n810 in my jeans back pocket, metal frame ftw08:26
* Gracana provides information; too much of it08:26
ds3my pockets are about the height of a table top which means I can do a lot of damage if I bump into a table corner08:26
johnxds3, hence cargo pants with pockets at knee height08:27
GracanaI'm not a fan of putting things in lower pockets (like on the thighs in cargo pants) because I just end up hitting it when I run or skateboard08:27
Luriayou know, there should be a #hotdeals08:27
Luriaim trying to figure out if the gtx 280 sc was worth it08:27
GracanaA DX cluster for shopping08:27
ds3johnx: that sounds worse... I crawl around a lot to look at stuff (wiring, etc)08:27
Luriai guess i ended up buying the physx card08:28
johnxI guess they're more thigh height now that I think of it *shrugs*08:28
Luriajohnx, any thoughts on cuda? you seemed... not disagreeable08:31
johnxit's an interesting concept, but I just threw about the same amount of money at a pandora as you did at a cuda. Priorities I guess :)08:32
johnxplus, it doesn't look like anything takes advantage of it under linux yet08:32
ds3when do you expect delivery of the Pandora?08:32
Luriauh, dude, weve been hanging out in #openpandora together since the 30th08:32
johnxwell, I was within the first 15 minutes of orders, so if they end up going by first come, first served...maybe around halfway through november?08:33
johnxLuria, ahaha08:33
* johnx facepalms08:33
ds3that's pretty quick...08:33
Luriaah power vr vs gtx 20008:34
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johnxLuria, sorry. I suck at attaching names to conversations :/08:34
Luriaspeaking of powervr08:34
Luriaanyone remember the matrox m3d08:34
Luriai just found mine08:35
johnxI'm surprised that tile based rendering didn't really catch on widely...but also didn't die off08:35
johnxmust be patents I guess?08:36
johnxnice and cheap08:37
Lurianot bad08:37
Luriabut i never use my bluespoon08:37
GeneralAntillesPlantronics seems to make decent stuff.08:37
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Luriayeah i like my plantronics usb headset08:37
johnxI already have combo bt headphones/headset, otherwise...I might be tempted08:37
* GeneralAntilles continues waiting on the logo svgs. . . .08:38
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GracanaI'm waiting on my 2 power squids from woot a couple tuesdays ago.08:38
Luriammmm sushi08:39
* johnx waits on a build of illume08:39
GracanaI've got 2 outlets by my computers here, it'll be really nice to have them.08:39
johnxmmm sashimi08:39
Luriatoro ftw08:39
* Gracana has two computers, speakers, two monitors, a laptop, a ps3, a fan, a lamp, a network switch, :|08:40
Luria20amps ftw08:40
johnxheh...I keep tripping the 30amp breaker in my apartment08:40
Luriajust got $25 newegg gb 8-port08:40
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Luriause a penny08:40
Lurianothing will break08:40
johnxwill a one yen piece work?08:41
johnxdunno if I have any pennies at hand...08:41
Luriapennys have better thermal conductivity, surface relative to mass08:42
Luriaoh shit, i need a new psu for my "new" 8 core box08:42
ds3johnx: what do you plan to use the pandora for? games ?08:42
Luriasad that fire promoting electrical plans made me think of that08:43
Luriaand sf208:43
Luriathats what my pandora will do08:43
GracanaI would advise against using a penny for a circuit breaker.08:43
Luriapacket injection, if it can08:43
johnxds3, games, web browsing, dictionary, video08:43
johnxprobably not music08:43
ds3so differnent things then the N80008:43
GracanaIf anything /does/ go wrong, you've got your entire 200A service (maybe 100A if you're lucky) to dump through your house wiring.08:44
johnxGracana, yeah. one of those little aluminum one yen pieces will work much better :)08:44
GracanaAnd that would be a tough insurance claim to make.08:44
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Lurialive dangerously08:44
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ds3Gracana: maybe his house is wired with 1/2" dia solid copper bars ;)08:44
GracanaI hope so.08:44
|thundermine seems to be08:45
Luria28 awg08:45
|thunder its a real faraday cage08:45
Luriathats called at&t08:45
GeneralAntillesGracana, I've got at least double that. :P08:45
johnxheh...I don't even have ground pins on my outlets :)08:45
ds3johnx: aren't there parts of japan on DC?08:46
johnxds3, maybe in the middle of nowhere?08:46
johnxbut I was in the town next to the middle of nowhere and the still had 100v AC08:46
GeneralAntillesTop-of-the-line APC UPS (consumer grade), and two more 8-port strips.08:46
ds3I heard Japan has 2 different power systems08:46
johnxhalf of the country is on 50Hz and half on 60Hz though08:46
ds3Oh just the freq difference08:46
|thunder all I really use my n800 for is video chat and mp3 player via bluetooth earpiece at work08:47
johnxds3, yeah. screwed me up though. I brought an alarm clock over08:47
ds3oh ahahha08:47
johnxplugged my US 110-120v 60Hz clock into a 100v 50Hz outlet08:47
johnxguess what happened?08:47
johnxit ran 5/6 as fast08:47
GeneralAntillesRan slow08:47
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johnxnot even kidding08:47
ds3honest boss, it is the power system's fault for me being late ;)08:47
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|thunderany idea when the new canola beta will be released ?08:48
GeneralAntilles|thunder, soon.08:48
GeneralAntillesIt's available in Extras-devel if you're impatient.08:48
Luriaso thats how the 50 minute hour was born08:48
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|thunderGeneralAntilles; thanks. im hopeful it will fix the randon freeze bug08:49
* GeneralAntilles considers working on some cool trademark guidelines for maemo.org08:49
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* Stskeeps tries desperately to wake up08:58
johnxnew laptops and desktops really stopped being interesting to me08:58
* qwerty12 pours water on Stskeeps 08:58
* johnx pours coffee on Stskeeps 08:59
Stskeepsmm. coffee.08:59
johnxLuria, I dunno. It seems like it's just more of the same. Meanwhile embedded stuff improves by leaps and bounds08:59
Luriare my gtx thing?09:00
johnxnot really re anything09:00
johnxdigging throu engadget and gizmodo rss feeds09:00
Luriaidk, soc is neat, but still09:00
johnxjust a non-sequitor :)09:00
Lurianot so far from my 560009:00
Luriai want more battery life09:01
Lurialike rtg life09:01
johnx:) I've had the same thoughts09:01
Luriadoesnt every geek want a nuclear computer?09:01
Luriatho, rtg is pretty inefficient09:02
johnxand either heavy or lethal :)09:02
StskeepsLuria: making you sterile, eh?09:02
johnxchoose one09:02
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johnxLuria, want me to pick you up a spare one from an abandoned automated light house in Russia?09:03
Luriagive me a rtg powered artificial heart, kids become pointless09:03
melmothAnybody already compiled valgrind for the tablet ?09:03
* Stskeeps would like to see fuel cells, personally09:03
Luriasure, send it over on a spare icbm09:03
Luriadirect one mirv to midtown manhattan09:03
Luriaill catch it09:03
johnxfuel cells are about 20-40% better than li-ion right?09:04
johnxI don't know how I feel about having to go to the store for refills09:04
Lurianeed some way to capitalize on human radiated energy09:05
Stskeepsfeeding off 2.4ghz band09:06
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johnxborrowing wasted kinetic energy seems more worthwhile09:06
GeneralAntillesI want little jet engines in my devices.09:07
johnxGeneralAntilles, that would make for a real nasty DoS if they were in your pocket09:07
GracanaIt's a logical step. Some devices already have rockets.09:07
* Gracana 's laptop bursts into flames09:07
Stskeepsdear god.. interview with rick astley in newspaper today09:08
Stskeepsthe internet has started to cross way too much into reality09:08
GeneralAntillesDidn't you hear? The internet is reality now. :P09:08
johnxStskeeps, you don't know the half of it O_o09:08
johnxapparently some countries let the 4chan guys leave their houses...09:08
Luriaill grow a vein just to turn a dynamo09:09
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GeneralAntillesUnless there's a really significant breakthrough in power storage technology, I don't think we're likely to venture out of the 3-14 hour range.09:10
GeneralAntillesAs storage gets better, we just get more performance and more stuff09:11
johnxefficient device idling is the current frontier09:12
johnxit'll confuse the hell out of some people though09:12
GeneralAntilles30 days with an N800 idling is scary09:12
GeneralAntillesI bet you a well-managed OMAP3 could double that.09:12
GeneralAntillesIt _already_ confuses the hell out of some people.09:12
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johnxjust imagine on laptops "I installed norton and now I can't stay away from power for more than 15 minutes! my laptop is b0rken!"09:13
GeneralAntillesJust look at all the people turning their tablets off everytime they put them away to "save battery".09:13
GeneralAntillesThe pitfalls of ridiculously aggressive powersaving.09:13
ds3heh... rebooting takes out huge chunks of battery life!09:13
GeneralAntilles2 days idle09:14
|thunderds3; it comes back.09:14
johnxI still think part of that is an artifact of battery life measurement being reset or something on reboot09:14
GeneralAntilles|thunder, no, it doesn't.09:14
johnxI think most of it was never there09:14
|thunderi just bought 2 new nokia batts on ebay for 11$ free shipping from hong kong09:14
GeneralAntillesjohnx, well, personally, I trust igor's word on it. ;)09:14
johnxGeneralAntilles, it's intensive, but it's not as intensive as some people are thinking09:15
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* GeneralAntilles shrugs.09:15
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|thundermine does, it will say 3 hours and spontaniously reboot, then say less than an hour, then go up to 1 hours. but then say 1 hr for 2 hrs, then say less than 1 hr for an hour. thats 3 hours09:15
GeneralAntillesThe guy that does power management stuff for Nokia says so, sooo. :P09:16
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johnxand I still think there's something else at play in *some cases*09:16
* johnx 's a skeptic09:16
|thunderbut then again, I get those results with the screen locked listening to mp3 via canola and bt earpiece09:16
GeneralAntillesThe battery applet isn't known for accuracy.09:16
GeneralAntillesI'm not talking about 2 days off the idle time reported in the applet.09:17
|thunderi drain my n800 daily. since march09:17
|thunderstill lasts me all day unless the screen is on constantly and wifi buzzing09:17
Luriafuck i hate left wing nutsos09:17
Luriacell phones are really dangerous09:18
GeneralAntillesI hate stupid people. :D09:18
Luriathats why cancer is so high09:18
GeneralAntillesRST38h, x86 just doesn't do it for me.09:18
Luriano, cancer is high because dumb people live too long09:18
|thunderthat and people dont eat cabbage09:18
ProteousMmmm, cabbage09:19
johnxLuria, or live near toxic dumping grounds09:19
Luriahalf life or highly radioactive09:19
Luriapick one or discover free energy09:19
johnxjust thinking heavy metals and industrial solvents09:20
Luriammmm yummy alpha particles09:20
GeneralAntillesPeople live a lot longer than they used to.09:20
GeneralAntillesWay more time to get cancer09:20
johnxanyways, I'm pro-fission :)09:20
johnxbetter than strip mining coal09:21
GeneralAntillesThough nuclear energy isn't an answer09:21
|thundergeo thermal is the way to go, free power from hell09:21
Luriayes it is09:21
GeneralAntillesSince there's no way we enough enough fuel.09:21
johnx|thunder, everyone should move to greenland?09:21
Luriabut whats the question?09:21
GeneralAntillesComplete and total replacement of all fossil fuels with nuclear.09:22
|thunderyellowstone can power the whole country. worlds largest caldrea09:22
GeneralAntillesI want to see the solar power beaming satellites from Sim City.09:22
johnxthe question: How do we convince people to use less energy09:22
|thunderis it yellowstone ?  i think so09:22
GeneralAntillesjohnx, penalty of death.09:22
Luriauh those were microwave plants09:22
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Luriaand they miss09:22
|thundercarbon emission tax coming to a neighborhood near you soon09:22
GeneralAntillesLuria, good! More dead stupid people. ;)09:22
Luriaright when i send in godzilla09:22
johnxGeneralAntilles, starting up your enforcement posse?09:22
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GeneralAntillesjohnx, yeah, I'm hitting your house first. :P09:23
Luriai actually met someone working for a start up modeling energy use and pollution09:23
johnxGeneralAntilles, lulz. throw the first stone indeed...09:23
Luriajust got a uk gov contract09:23
Luriamy gtx will do wonders for the environment09:24
GeneralAntillesjohnx, it's everybody _else's_ fault, remember? ;)09:24
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GeneralAntillesWe should force everybody to switch to ARM.09:24
johnxand force them to stop driving cars :)09:24
Luriaand dumb "environmentalists" have done wonders in stopping nuclear proliferation09:24
Luriagreat, coal ftw09:24
Luriaa beagle box on every desktop09:25
johnxand an n800 on every bicycle :)09:25
Luriamy mother was once complaining about "radiation" and was going on with this long diatribe09:25
|thundertoo bad they are out of production09:25
GeneralAntillesPeople need to drive more and bigger cars09:25
GeneralAntillesrun out the oil supply faster.09:25
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|thunderi agree, necessity is the mother of invention09:26
Luriai got sick of listening, so i turned off all the lights in the house to show my support09:26
* GeneralAntilles is going to invent a way for one person to drive two or three cars at once.09:26
johnxGeneralAntilles, I like my "plastics for medical use" thank you very much09:26
GeneralAntillesSwitching to old newpapers.09:26
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infobotGeneralAntilles meant: Switching to old newspapers.09:26
johnxGeneralAntilles, as long as you drive them into each other I think I can get people onboard with that09:26
Luriado any of the linux vms support 3d acceleration?09:27
Luriaoss preferred09:27
johnxI'm thinking: not really09:27
GeneralAntillesI wish I could take a train around the state here.09:28
johnxGeneralAntilles, for long distance or commuting?09:28
GeneralAntillesLong distance09:29
Luriahuh. need a good vm for my 8core barcelona box09:29
johnxit's expensive09:29
johnxit'd be more expensive in a more rural area09:29
GeneralAntillesThere's no way it's more expensive than me driving my car.09:29
johnxit'd be close I think09:29
johnx30mpg freeway?09:30
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GeneralAntillesCloser to 3409:30
johnxyour gas would have to cost $12 a gallon09:31
GeneralAntillesI pay about $50-$70 round trip depending on the price of gas at the time.09:31
Luriano thoughts?09:31
johnxLuria, vmware is nice and polished09:31
johnxand free as in beer09:31
Luriayeah i know09:31
Luriawouldnt mind bare metal09:32
Luriaoh shit, lefty is now lecturing on quantum physics09:32
johnxmight want to research xen. I don't know if it can play nice with 3D09:32
GeneralAntilles bizarre09:33
Luriai need to look into vmgl09:33
Luriaspeaking of, was any one at defcon09:33
* qwerty12 finds it desperate09:33
Luriai never thought id see a quantum crypto implementation09:34
Luriathats... sad09:34
johnxpoor guy :/09:35
GeneralAntillesjohnx, an Amtrak ticket from Tampa to Jacksonville is $30 one-way.09:35
Luria'twas facking orsome.09:36
johnxGeneralAntilles, cheaper than trains here09:37
johnxtrains would raise their prices if they didn't have to compete with cars09:38
Luriauh, johnx killed the conversation09:41
Luriaor entangled monologues09:41
johnxguess I left and took it with me09:41
johnxworking on building illume in angstrom09:42
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Luriadoes angstrom still work on sl-5?00s?09:43
johnxsomeone's doing work on it actually09:43
johnxtouch screen is still iffy last time I checked09:43
Luriasounds very opensource09:43
johnxno sound or usb or apm, but it basically functions09:43
johnx~lart sharp09:44
* infobot installs a bad bootloader on sharp and turns sharp into a brick09:44
Luriayup, thats def gpl'ed09:44
johnxthe strongarm doesn't get much love these days09:44
Luriastrongarm gone limp, eh09:45
Luriagod that pxa speed/bug was a mess09:45
johnxit's hard to justify the time input when newer, faster, better supported boards/devices are so cheap09:45
johnxI missed that, on purpose :)09:45
johnxthe pxa speed bug that is. I was on strongarm, then pxa27009:45
Luriawhat the pxa debacle09:46
Luriagood choice09:46
Luriai didnt know when i got my sl560009:46
Luriabut it worked well enough for a while09:46
Luriamaemo in a -3200 format would be nice09:47
Luriaor pandora09:47
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johnxwell, that's the idea09:47
johnxbut there's lots of road blocks09:47
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Luriatwisty spines are hard to do cheaply id wager09:47
johnxyeah, and patented09:48
Luriao rly09:48
johnxor so they say09:48
Luriathats nuts09:48
johnxprobably not enforceable...unless you wanted to enforce it against a startup with no liquid capital09:49
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johnx...just to set a precedent09:49
Luriadamn submarines09:49
johnxsink your battleship again?09:49
johnxI know :)09:50
Luriaah, ok09:50
Luriasink my uber-pandora09:50
johnxprobably also difficult to make strong09:51
GeneralAntillesTI's doing some badass stuff09:51
Luriai better sell my nokias now09:51
johnxGeneralAntilles, well ARM is feeding them :)09:51
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GeneralAntillesSure, but the whole OMAP35x thing.09:51
GeneralAntillesThe Pandora wouldn't really exist without TI.09:51
johnxah, that. Yes I completely agree09:52
johnxIt's nice to see a company that's been around a long time seeing a new angle09:52
Luriais anyone really competing with them in the soc world?09:52
Luriati seems to 0wn09:52
johnxmarvell? samsung?09:53
GeneralAntillesSamsung's got stuff, Freescale has stuff09:53
GeneralAntillesQualcomm I guess09:53
Luriabut for the higher powered smartphones09:53
johnxw00! my build continues! only a couple thousand tasks left to go!09:54
GeneralAntillesTI just gets way more play in the Linux circles.09:54
GeneralAntillesWell, Samsung is powering the iPhone.09:54
GeneralAntillesQualcomm's got the Touch HD09:54
GeneralAntillesNokia's smartphones are TI09:54
johnxand I say good for them for figuring out a way to get good PR :)09:54
GeneralAntillesExcept the N96, which is something weird.09:54
Luriareally? i thought the iphone was omap09:55
GeneralAntillesNo way09:55
GeneralAntillesTI doesn't ship anything ARM11 that fast.09:55
ds3how fast of a ARM11?09:56
GeneralAntilles~600MHz max clock?09:57
GeneralAntillesSomewhere in the 500 and change range at the moment09:57
GeneralAntillesStarted in the 400 range09:57
GeneralAntillesthey keep adding more as the powersaving improves.09:57
johnxreally? they bumped it already?09:57
ds3thought they did09:57
GeneralAntillesSo I heard09:57
GeneralAntillesI don't really pay very much attention, though.09:57
ds3it is probally from their I-don't-talk-to-anyone-who-can't-promise-52349808320914819480948094809234809238 chips/year group09:58
GeneralAntillesEngadget says Samsung S3C640009:58
GeneralAntillesHrm, maybe I'm lying09:59
GeneralAntillesmay it's still 41209:59
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GeneralAntillesAnyway, don't really know, don't really care.10:00
* RST38h is somewhat back (gprs)10:01
RST38hso, what are we comparing now? clock rates?10:02
GeneralAntillesJust generally discussing mobile SoCs10:02
RST38hthey are all the same, why bother?10:03
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RST38heven arm9 vs arm11 matters less than your cache size and memory bus speed10:04
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GeneralAntilles'night all.10:05
johnx'night GeneralAntilles10:07
johnxRST38h, arm11 to cortexA8 is a difference though :)10:07
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RST38hjohnx: I hope so but we will see10:08
johnxI've watched a couple demos that make me pretty hopeful10:08
johnxRST38h, you heard the pandora sold out, right?10:09
* RST38h now seriously wonders what Atom will end up bwing, after looking at what they advertise for moorestown10:09
RST38hjohnx: yeah, all 3k units?10:10
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johnxthey ended up increasing the size of the first batch, since they had all the money up front anyways10:10
RST38hincredible for a niche they only need to deliver on time10:11
johnxWell, even if they're a little late I think people will cut them slack in general10:12
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RST38hfor a while, yes10:13
RST38hnot for a long while though10:13
johnxyeah, there will be less positive attitudes now that they have people's money10:14
johnxanyways, I have my fingers crossed10:14
RST38hbtw, people leaving in china report that factories are closing in scores10:16
RST38hlooks like the shit is finally hitting the chinese fan as well10:17
johnxI think we might be living in interesting times...10:17
RST38hwill probably become worse towards/after christmas10:17
RST38hwell, beginning of a century , whaddayawant? =)10:18
johnxleast I don't have a house to worry about :)10:18
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RST38hneither do I but should probably buy one now10:19
johnxgonna buy it with cash?10:19
RST38ha few months like that and I will not need a loan :)10:20
RST38h+ there will be plenty of people willing to renovate it for food10:20
johnxlots of people to rent rooms to as well :)10:21
RST38hthat is already happening. read that story in exile?10:22
aquatixmorning all10:24
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Andy80hi all10:49
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Stskeepshmm, is there any way to detect SDK version when building packages?11:04
henai was wondering what are the closed source components in maemo?11:05
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murraychena: Most of the applications.11:06
henaoh :(11:06
henathere's no hacks in linux, are there?11:07
Stskeepshena: how come you ask?11:07
Stskeepshena: see slide 4 for what nokia normally doesn't open source11:07
henacause i'm wondering if i should buy nokia N810, but i need to use my own software in it and i don't wanna fight with closed stuff11:07
Stskeepshena: use Deblet or the likes then11:08
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Stskeepsbut honestly, the tablet is very open for development and APIs documented and such for most things11:08
Stskeepsbut some things are just closed as mentioned on the slide11:08
melmothmost of the application as closed source is not actually true.11:16
Stskeeps80-20 wasn't it?11:16
melmothSome kernel driver i think (dont know wich) are not open source11:16
henaoh :(11:17
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Stskeepsmelmoth: yeah, but there is a open source driver now11:17
henagives the impression on that slide that linux is free11:17
melmothmost application are open source, with available svn as well as source package11:17
henatho, power management is being handled by closed source?11:17
Stskeepsyeah, but it's moving towards OHM11:17
Stskeepswhich is open source, but may have properitary modules11:18
Stskeeps(which makes sense)11:18
Stskeepsand dsme is being published too11:18
johnxmelmoth, some apps are open source. a lot aren't11:18
melmothjohnx: names ?11:19
johnximage viewer, media player, browser ui, notes11:20
johnxothers I'm sure11:20
johnxthere's a big spreadsheet available11:20
henaok, deblet looks nice, tho i can't seem to find what's done and what's not11:21
henaconsidering 810, that is11:21
melmothpower management is not done ;)11:22
Stskeepsmelmoth: well, there's some wifi power management11:23
henasorry, found the known issues :/11:23
Stskeepssuch as power saving when connection active and stuff like that11:23
johnxwell from what I understand , power management is there, but there are a lot of things in debian keeping the CPU awake11:23
Stskeepsand we use DSME so there's a degree of power managemetn11:23
Stskeepsbut ofcourse it's not brilliant (yet)11:23
Stskeepsi'm hoping to shoehorn my work into spending time on that though11:23
henasorry, a dumb question, but what's a chr button? ;)11:25
Stskeepsn810 thing11:25
Stskeepsit's simply i haven't added the proper keymap just yet11:25
henathat's what i thought11:26
Stskeeps.. we gladly take patches11:26
henawell, need to get the device first ;)11:26
Stskeepsjohnx: i wonder if we should attempt to use ohm or that it's probably going to get a boatload of updates once fremantle updates11:28
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StskeepsOLPC seems to use it though11:28
johnxdoes it have modules to deal with n8x0 hardware?11:28
johnxdoes it just drop in?11:28
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Stskeepsthat's a good question really11:29
johnxif yes && yes ; then yes ; fi11:29
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RST38hYes is no and no is yes. Format drive C:? [Y/n]11:30
Stskeepswell it obviously don't have specific, but they seem reasonably easy to do since we know how dsme works and such11:30
Stskeepsbut then again, OHM -should- be a dsme replacmenet11:30
t_s_ohmm, bothersome, the home applets found on the chinook repos have a higher version number then the ones on diablo equivalent, yet at least one apparently dont want to work with diablo (homeip)11:31
RST38ht_s_o: Khertan has been having problems with autobuilder11:32
RST38ht_s_o: And Chinook repo does not require you to use autobuilder. I guess that is the reason for what you see.11:32
t_s_othanks for the headsup RST38h11:32
TokyoDanhas anyone ever added the n810 as a USB network device to Leopard?11:32
Stskeepsjohnx: i wonder if i should just wait some months till fremantle starts being more public and relax and do nothing, since fremantle obviously brings interesting changes11:33
johnxStskeeps, that's my plan with regards to maemo apps on other platforms11:33
johnxin the mean time I'm about to try illume :)11:33
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t_s_ohrmf, had a strange one last night. a reboot made the free space on the internal storage go from about 7MB to 20MB...11:34
johnxt_s_o, something about jffs2 only freeing space on mount in some situations11:35
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RST38hjohnx <-- feeling adventurous or something11:35
t_s_othanks johnx, so i take it that if i seem to be running out of space, give the device a quick reboot and see if it helps?11:35
johnxt_s_o, well it couldn't hurt *shrugs*11:36
johnxI'm just repeating something I heard a long time ago, though11:36
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Stskeepsjohnx: btw do you see any better network behaviour? i upgraded dsme-tools with a network-manager aware wifi power savings daemon11:37
johnxwhen was that?11:37
Stskeepsrecently i guess11:38
johnxI probably haven't tried it yet then11:38
Stskeepslemme see timeline11:38
johnxI'll reboot into debian and transfer a whole bunch of stuff though just to test :)11:38
Stskeepspretty little dbus power saver11:39
henasigh, i guess i'll order it, then...11:42
Stskeepsyou can't go wrong with a tablet anyway11:43
henahope the wife doesn't murder me :D11:43
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Stskeepsyou learn to love it more than your wife. it's like your lover on the side11:43
RST38h"The build quality of the N96 I admit it is now a lot more solid looking then my old N95 but seriously.. it makes no difference. The top part of the phone (the part with the screen) moves about 1mm up and down when its not slided out"11:43
RST38hFamiliar, right? ;)11:43
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lcukStskeeps, can you recommend a good dentist11:43
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Stskeepslcuk: i have a polish woman for dentist. it's interesting.11:44
lcukcould be worse11:44
lcukdid u see the next thing i did11:44
Stskeepspdf? ;>11:45
lcukenywhere, anytime11:45
henai guess that's the issue, the "lover" part ;)11:45
RST38hlcuk: You really need flashier UI11:46
RST38hlcuk: More icon, dude, more icons! =)11:46
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RST38hCatch tigert here and try interesting him in making some icons11:46
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henaoh, one more thing, i hope the gps works fine, and in deblet also?11:52
Stskeepshena: no clue, don't have a n810, and gps isn't exactly perfect under maemo either11:53
Stskeepsit should be possible since it connects "internally" over bluetooth11:53
Stskeepsand acts as any other gps11:53
henaoh :/11:55
henasounds like a hack11:55
henathat's the main feature i need :/11:55
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Stskeepshena: well it's not a vendor supported OS so obviously you need to look into the drivers :)11:56
henaany knowledge on what chip it has?11:56
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* slonopotamus rocks11:57
Stskeepshow's the gentoo doing?11:57
slonopotamusnow i know kung-fu^W how to cross-compile gcc11:58
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Stskeepswhy not use codesourcery's toolchain?11:59
Stskeepsoh, nm11:59
slonopotamusStskeeps, hi man. i've killed 2 days trying to cross-build gcc. until today, when i've discovered the thing is that you must not add arch-dependent gcc opts to cross-build environment12:00
slonopotamusStskeeps, i want to use gentoo-provided tools (crossdev, portage & etc)12:00
slonopotamusyeeeah! it's building!12:01
Stskeepsi've killed up to several days compiling ubuntu mobile packages12:01
slonopotamusgcc builds something that must run on CBUILD machine (stage1 compiler possibly)12:01
slonopotamusand i had -march=armv6j in make.conf. but my main gcc doesn't know what's armv6j12:02
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slonopotamuscrazy thing12:05
slonopotamusStskeeps, what's the problem with ubuntu mobile packages?12:06
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Stskeepsslonopotamus: various differences in behaviour from debian -> ubuntu and odd APIs supported by pygtk debian doesn't support, and that it takes -ages- to compile gtk on a emulator.12:06
slonopotamusand they are telling me that compiling on device is slow12:07
slonopotamusnot so slow compared to qemu12:07
Stskeepswell it does have 2-3x bogomips12:08
Stskeepsi'm planning on making the beagleboards we have here build machines possibily12:08
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slonopotamusbogomips is a strange thing12:09
slonopotamusbetter benchmark is a build time of some known package12:09
RST38hA beagle is only making 3MIPS?12:10
RST38hAh, 3x MIPS12:10
slonopotamusas far as i understand you cannot directly compare arm to x86 because of lots differences in architecture.12:11
slonopotamusonly by tests12:11
StskeepsRST38h: qemu armel compared to a nokia12:11
lardmanif you want benchmarks, try some of these (you'll want to recompile against an up-to-date version of the Nokia binaries though):
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slonopotamusi'll want to recompile against _my_ version of the _gentoo_ binaries :)12:13
RST38hSts: yea, I got it12:13
slonopotamuswhat CHOST does IT OS have?12:14
* RST38h still does not quite understand what are the exact problems with cross-compilation environment. Why do you need native environment to compile?12:14
RST38hI have heard that there are some intermediate binaries that have to be run natively, but how exactly this situation occurs?12:14
* lardman seconds RST38h's thought12:15
slonopotamushmm... it's easier to say 'xmerge system' then manual downloading/configuring/making of packages12:15
lardmanRST38h: the makefile can be patches to remove such things, but it's a pita12:15
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RST38hlardman: Can the patched makefile be later reused universally? (i.e. is it a patch or a fix?012:16
lardmanRST38h: depends how you patch really12:16
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lardmanbut possibly12:16
RST38hI would say, if it is *fixing*, then just fix the damn makefiles12:17
Stskeepsthe problem exists when some things make binaries in makefiles that it then uses to pre-preocess other stuff12:17
lardmanthe one sticking point (but this also holds for emulated environments) is where the binary attempts to gain information about the underlying hardware - speed optimisations, etc.12:17
Stskeepswhich can't happen obviously12:17
RST38hYes, but if it is a command line binary, it will run just as well on a PC12:17
lardmanStskeeps: those can often be patched to use the native gcc12:17
Stskeepsyeah, but sometimes there's a bit of a conflict, let's say, building python12:18
RST38hOf course you will need two CCs - HOSTCC and CC12:18
lardmanRST38h: the binary is made as part of the build process12:18
RST38hlardman: Make it with HOSTCC12:18
slonopotamuswheee-haaa! i've got armv6j gcc-4.1.2!12:18
RST38hAnd when building natively set HOSTCC = CC12:18
lardmanin R, the actual R executable is used to create the R script binaries, which means you need to do a complete native build, pita12:18
Stskeeps yeah12:18
lardmanRST38h: yes, i.e. patch the Makefile12:19
slonopotamusbuilt by gentoo of course :)12:19
RST38hlardman: not patch, fix =)12:19
lardmanyeah, depends on the maintainers though12:19
Stskeepslardman: which is what scratchbox tries to fix with the whole cpu transparency thing12:19
lardmanslonopotamus: madness :)12:19
RST38hi.e. once you fix it, it will stay fixed12:19
Stskeepsbut fails miserably when using qemu12:19
slonopotamuslardman, complete :)12:20
Stskeepssbrsh is much better in that case12:20
RST38h~curse "cpu transparency" thing for being bogus12:20
infobotMay the fleas of a thousand camels infest your most sensitive regions, "cpu transparency" thing for being bogus !12:20
lardmanslonopotamus: it will just take far too long12:20
slonopotamuslardman, qemu isn't much faster than device processor12:20
RST38hslonopotamus: you and lcuk, two proud, two crazy gentlemen12:21
slonopotamusRST38h, what's bad with lcuk?12:21
lardmanslonopotamus: but much of the time it runs native x86 code12:21
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RST38hslonopotamus: He is compiling natively on a tablet12:21
RST38hand editing two12:21
slonopotamusRST38h, me too.12:22
slonopotamusRST38h, what's wrong with that?12:22
RST38hslono: Slow and causes chronic capral tunnel syndrome12:22
slonopotamusRST38h, are you in a hurry? :)12:22
RST38hnothign wrong otherwise :)12:22
StskeepsRST38h: ah, i was wondering why that started happening when i started compiling packages..12:23
RST38hslono: I always am12:23
RST38hSts: Slow or capral tunnel?12:23
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slonopotamusRST38h, you just don't understand the magic of build log running through screen12:24
RST38hslono: I do - I have started with MSX :)12:25
RST38hSts: BT keyboard fixes that. But it is also damn slow on Maemo =)12:25
lardmanslonopotamus: yes, do it on the PC where there's more space, more memory and a larger screen to see the build log ;)12:25
RST38hslono: The problem is, my build logs take a while even on PC12:25
slonopotamusdon't touch my precious source-based gentoo :) it's USE flags rock.12:26
slonopotamusok, its12:26
lcukslonopotamus, can you get your cpu to run in effective performance mode whilst building - if so it should be about 4x faster12:27
Stskeepsslonopotamus: i'm really interested to see what effect it has on power consumption really12:27
* aquatix outsources building of binaries to debian's buildd12:27
aquatixlcuk: instead of on-demand, use performance?12:27
slonopotamusStskeeps, n800 runs out of full battery in 3 hours of 100% cpu load12:27
Stskeepsslonopotamus: i meant the resulting base system12:28
mintii am running mp3  using  playbin  and filesrc   as :  gst-launch-0.10 playbin uri=file:///media/mmc1/Audio/test.mp3   and  gst-launch-0.10 filesrc location=/media/mmc1/Audio/test.mp3 ! dspmp3sink     the same song is able to play with first command (playbin) but not with filesrc   giving error :  ERROR: from element /pipeline0/dspmp3sink0: Could not determine type of stream.   can anyone help me to run same song with  filesrc and dspmp3sink12:28
slonopotamuslcuk, uh? cpu governor on device?12:28
lcukaquatix, in my meagre scrollback i saw building gentoo or something, i thought that bootstrapped itself then built from within its own roomy atrium12:28
lcukyes slonopotamus12:28
slonopotamuslcuk, will try12:29
lardmanminti: you may need to manually construct the pipe12:29
aquatixhmmm, roomy atria...12:29
lcuklardman, have oyu become a qualified dentist yet?12:29
* aquatix wants to go home12:29
lardmanminti: Do the sinks need to be able to parse the stream and say if they can decode it? If so, the dspsink one may not support that12:29
lardmanlcuk: still got a sore tooth?12:29
mintilardman: gst-launch-0.10 filesrc location=/media/mmc1/Audio/test.mp3 ! dspmp3sink12:30
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lcukyes, on friday he gave one last chance but that did diddly squat and i drove to work in agony this mornin12:30
lardmanlcuk: afraid my doctorate is for engineering, I could always use a pair of pliers ;)12:30
* lcuk hides12:30
lardmanminti: ah sorry, missed that12:30
mintilardman: gst-launch-0.10 playbin uri=/media/mmc1/Audio/test.mp3  is able to run12:31
lardmanminti: in which case ignore me, best see if there are any gstreamer experts about12:31
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mintigst-launch-0.10 playbin uri=file:///media/mmc1/Audio/test.mp3  is able to run  but    gst-launch-0.10 filesrc location=/media/mmc1/Audio/test.mp3 ! dspmp3sink  is not able12:32
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lardmanweird, I always thought the latter ran12:33
mintiexit with ERROR: from element /pipeline0/dspmp3sink0: Could not determine type of stream12:33
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lardmanI understand, I just don't know why, sorry12:34
lcuklardman, how was your weekend anyway12:34
mintilardman:  :)12:34
lardmanlcuk: not bad, busy, no coding, but I did crack on a bit with writing up some detailed DSP instructions from the Linux Summit presentation12:35
lcuknice, now take what you have written and condense it to only 8 pages :P12:36
lardmanshould have done that for the presentation itself :)12:37
lcukheh its always the way12:37
lcuki tried to have a go at filming video spot #412:37
lcukbut i kept bringing up the wrong sketch - i'd aim for something really cool and profound and end up grabbing one of jakes trains or something12:38
lcukRST38h, i suggested that first time lardman mentioned it12:38
slonopotamusbtw. is it possible to add ALT key to osso-xterm?12:38
lcukhow much space is available by default in ~ ?12:39
lcukon a "normal" system - 8x012:39
RST38hand less spacing between lines12:39
RST38hlcuk: ~57MB when I first got it, I think12:40
lcukand get rid of those silly headers and footers12:40
RST38hmost likely less now12:40
lcukprint RIGHT to the margins12:40
lcukwhitespace smitespace12:40
lcukreplace(doc," ","")12:40
RST38hlcuk: Have you considered replacing all liqbase "buttons" with simple b/w icons?12:40
lardmanfor the paper the dimensions and font were specified, for the presentation would have needed to give binoculars to the audience ;)12:40
RST38hlcuk: imho, it will make things *way* more attractive12:41
lcukRST38h, look in video 3, its been in my mind for a LONG time to replace everything with colored hand drawn sketches - i keep procrastinating12:41
lcuktheres a reason though12:41
lcukone of the sketches i highlight and click past says "add icons..."12:41
lcukand i drew a few12:41
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lcukthe very first ever batch of sketches i drew were icons12:42
RST38hlcuk: Ah, forget the colored part, I would use something like this:
lcukright at the bottom of the graffiti wall even now are things like close and edit and stuff12:42
RST38hlcuk: Yes, you have got the buttons with labels all right, but imho if you remove labels and those rectangular frames and just keep a few simple white icons, it will rock12:43
lcukRST38h, dont rush me to icons :) :P the wait will be worth it and it really doesnt stop it from being usable12:43
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lcuki have other priorities though, but you will get your wish12:44
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lcukto use icons i need proper file selection..12:45
lcuklardman, RST38h did you see this by the wya:
lardman+1 to the request for a camera pointing the other way too!12:46
lcuk(ihence me asking about amount of space)12:46
lcukwell i asked the same thing at the summit, ive coded the reason why now12:46
lcuklardman, i can make my heads have fights in the image physics view :D12:46
lcukim gonna give device to everyone who i need to remember12:47
lcuka quick snap and they will be in the river with all sketches (including name and notes)12:47
lardmanlcuk: lol @ fights12:47
* lcuk will have "my life" documented :)12:47
lardmanlcuk: can you add a photo to a sketch? photo of head then add arms, legs, swords, etc. for the fights :)12:48
RST38hlcuk: ok, ok =)12:48
lcukive also never been a fractal before :) notice the infinite recursion12:48
lcukheh lardman, im hoping to do all that kind of stuff12:48
lardmanlcuk: for your physics, are the sketches bounded, or is the physics performed on the actual lines of the sketch (does that make sense?)12:48
lcukjust drawing mustaches on pictures will be a good enough start :)12:48
RST38hcan be faked with two mirrors =)12:49
lcukRST38h, try the stamp tool in liqbase :)12:49
lcukyou dont need no stinking mirrors12:49
RST38hthat would be manual. mirrors are automatic!12:49
lardmanlcuk: i.e. If I drew a line, would that tumble about, or would it be bounded in a box which would move about?12:49
lcukits only within the frame lardman, but ive got overlapping/hittest code down to the stroke somewhere12:50
lcuki dont normally needit, last time i used it was for the HWR test i was playing with12:50
lardmanI was thinking about a dart board too then ;)12:50
lcuk(to determine if 2 strokes had intersected12:50
lardmanadd basic aerodynamics/drag12:50
lcukremember, its not real physics :P i wonder who gave it that name12:50
RST38hYahoo! is axing jobs as part of a major cost-cutting exercise - it is expected to get rid of at least 1,000 people, the same number that went in January.12:51
lardmanas long as it behaves vaguely sensibly that's enough12:51
lcuklardman, have you seen this callingallinnovators competition :)12:51
lcukyeah it does kindof12:51
lcuki nearly wrote a game yesterday ;)12:51
RST38h[whisper] add google maps integration ;)12:51
lcuknot important, but gps should be another breadcrumb in the graffiti river12:52
lcukanyway, back later12:52
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slonopotamusno perl. no python. but gcc, openssh, bash, baselayout and some minor utils. that's the best i got from crosscompiling. next step is boot & hack & boot again13:58
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slonopotamusas people say, there are no problems with building perl later, natively13:59
slonopotamuswhat worries me is python13:59
TokyoDanI installed PC Connectivity/USB Networking on my N810 Diablo. I click on Setup USB Networking in the control panel and I get and IP address on the USB port. I then connect the N810 to my Mac Leopard. But I can't ping that IP address from the Mac. I wonder what I'm doing wrong?14:00
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Khertan_n810Hi !14:01
Khertan_n810is it my conf or modest is worst in the last ssu update ? i doesn t refresh my imap folder14:01
aquatixmodest is slow :/14:02
aquatixKhertan_n810: and if you choose another, then come back to the first?14:02
aquatixthat seemed to work here14:02
Khertan_n810same thing changing folder ... no refresh14:02
aquatixthat worked here14:03
Khertan_n810also after a killall modest14:03
aquatixmaybe restart its deamon?14:03
Khertan_n810which resolv freeze downloading in background in the previous version14:03
* aquatix shrugs14:03
TokyoDanconnecting the N810 to the Mac vis USB networking and setting up a SSH session in Eclipse is hopeless.14:03
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Khertan_n810is daemon is nammed modest too14:04
Khertan_n810so this is not a daemon problem14:04
Khertan_n810and the refresh button do nothing14:05
StskeepsKhertan_n810: i hate modest. please write a better replacement ;)14:05
Khertan_n810TokyoDan : eclipse on osx is hopeless14:05
Khertan_n810stskeep : i like it14:06
Khertan_n810when it work14:06
Khertan_n810my client don t work on ssl14:06
Khertan_n810and work only on pop14:06
Khertan_n810no imap14:06
Stskeepsyeah, i would like it too if it actually -worked-14:06
Khertan_n810it s a real pain to implement14:07
Stskeepsbut it's acting like a schizophrenic HAL14:07
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Khertan_n810Stskeeps: with mcalendar i ven t the time to write an other python app at this time14:08
Khertan_n810i must finish it before14:09
lardmangletelli__: do you work for ARM?14:09
lardmando you know anything about Jazelle?14:10
gletelli__a little :)14:10
lardmanwhat are the chances of ARM releasing enough information that we might be able to use it?14:10
lardmanor is it seen as some sort of extra revenue generator, licensing the runtime, etc.?14:11
gletelli__I'm afraid I think the API is not public because of some legal issues14:11
aquatixStskeeps: s/replacement/patch it till it's working right14:11
lardmangletelli__: with Sun?14:11
gletelli__no comment14:11
gletelli__so not sure how I can help you here14:12
lardmaninformation on the Jazelle coprocessors14:12
lardmanand the secret incantation (or rather numbers) which need to be fed to it to enable it14:12
gletelli__Are you working on Java?14:13
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lardmanno, just working on non-working hardware components ;)14:13
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gletelli__my best bet would be to work on JIT14:13
gletelli__like Mozilla on Tamarin14:14
lardmanas in it's faster so no point in Jazelle?14:14
Khertan_n810someone know module python-dateutil ?14:14
gletelli__no - as in public and community working on it14:14
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lardmangletelli__: well yeah, but then the jazelle stuff is just sat there waiting to be used of course ;)14:15
gletelli__I know....14:15
gletelli__I'll see if there is more news about Jazelle from colleages14:16
lardmanthanks :)14:16
Khertan_n810do u know a free file host which work well with n810 like ?14:17
Stskeepslardman: loooked into ThumbEE?14:17
Stskeepssome claim it's easier to find info on14:17
lardmanStskeeps: which processor is that on?14:17
Stskeepscortex a8 i found stuff about atleast14:17
lardmanok, still wondering about the arm1136 until I get some cortex hardware :)14:18
Stskeepsand thumbee has a linux patch too14:18
Stskeeps has a .pps telling soem about register structure atleast..14:20
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Stskeepslardman: pages a2-52 and forward.. isn't that something? how to get into jazelle mode, execution and so on14:30
lcukStskeeps, its not just executing a string of java from asm thats needed, theres the framework around to get it to the right place when java requires executing (so i believe)14:32
lcukok, let me put it another way, given a .jar file (or whatever it comes in) how would you prepare and execute it..14:33
Stskeepsmm, i'd say it should be from a class file instead - translate those bytecodes to jazelle bytecode, set up the environment of jazelle to work, BXJ to the bytecode and it exits into normal mode at some point14:35
Stskeepsi guess jazelle is a bit of a way to switch the processor into a different instruction set14:35
Stskeepsso the bytecodes run "native"14:35
lcukthe instructionset  is javabytecode (so i believe) and so compiled java should work as long as you setup the stack and heap frames correctly14:36
Stskeepsthen it's a matter of setting up registers correctly (see .pps i pointed to earlier), and then branching into the code i guess14:36
TokyoDanIs there an alternative to Eclipse/Pydev/Pluthon for developing Maemo/N810 apps on the Mac?14:37
lcukhaving the hardware instructions simply removes one step from the whole java bytecode runtime compiler jobbie whatsit and exectures the java bytecode faster14:37
lcukStskeeps, much more unfortunately, speak to sun about a hardware accelerated java vm14:37
Stskeepswhat i see points to "simply" setting the J-bit in CPSR, processor state set and use java byte code + some extra to support jazelle14:38
Stskeepsatleast when people lecture about it14:39
lcukwhat about the libraries java uses?14:39
lcuki dont think ive ever seen a "naked" java file with no deps14:39
Stskeepsthey're bytecode too, and if there's a need for native, there's instructions to kick out of jazelle mode14:39
lcukno, but how do you tell the CPU where the libraries are and how to access them?14:40
Stskeepsmemory map them? :P14:40
Stskeepsthe cpu doesn't do all the stuff, it's not a jvm14:40
lcuk(something that usually the CPU state should hold on the stack or heap or somesuch object pointer14:40
lcukno, thats what i was saying14:41
lcukthe svm must be available..14:41
Stskeepsyeah, and use jazelle as a kind of JIT really14:41
Stskeepslook at registers14:42
Robot101JVM bytecode instructions which aren't implemented in jazelle trap back into the JVM to deal with14:42
lcukStskeeps, why not simply user self modifying code :D14:43
lcukanyway, i must vanish, bbl14:43
Stskeepswait, i was talking to lcuk all the time? thought it was lardman14:43
* Stskeeps goes smoke14:44
Stskeepsbut anyway, i don't see why it should be so difficult to get jazelle going.14:44
Stskeepsit's a pretty simple thing if you know of how jvm's work and machine architectures14:44
solmumahaTokyoDan: there is a vmware image of scratchbox14:44
Robot101the jvm has to be able to lay out its state in a way compatible with the hardware jazelle instructions, deal with traps back into jvm-required stuff, know which parts of the code can be run on jazelle, etc14:45
Robot101it's quite a lot of architectural mangling for a JIT14:46
Robot101it means some instructions should be passed through unmodified, and the other ones it generates have to understand the register/stack representation used by the jazelle instructions14:47
Robot101jazelle always struck me as a bit odd, because jvm is quite a "heavy" bytecode where the jvm is responsible for all sorts of exciting object/allocation/type stuff which the cpu won't be able to do for you14:47
lardmansorry, was doing some work, reading backlog now14:48
Robot101so you go in and out of jazelle instructions all the time, and probably spend more time in the jvm trapping and doing its usual work than in jazelle mode anyway14:48
Robot101and in fact, if you just had a decent jit and didn't bother, it'd probably go just as fast14:48
StskeepsRobot101: that's possible, but what if the switch is just a processor bit?14:48
Stskeepsand fast at it14:49
Stskeepsthen it's not much worse than a branch14:49
lardmanStskeeps: you can't write to cpsr14:49
Robot101doesn't really matter, you still need to architect your jvm so that it uses the same representation for the stack as the jazelle instructions, which is probably going to be significant reworking14:49
lardmanthere are a couple of points, bxj should branch to some java bytecode, but in fact it just acts like a bx14:49
Stskeepslardman: BXJ sets J bit in CPSR14:50
lardmanthere is a check performed14:50
lardmanand if this check is failed, the bit is not set and it doesn't work14:50
lardmanso you need to enable the jazelle hardware, via a couple of undocumented coprocessors14:50
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lardmanthen, you need to setup the bytecode handler table, not sure how14:51
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lardmanalso not sure which registers are used for which parts of the vm14:51
suihkulokkicacao-oj6 in debian/armel is already blazingly fast JIT, how much faster do you expect jazelle based jvm to be?14:51
lardmanI'll find the thread from the old days, it will be easier than my trying to remember off the top of my head14:51
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lardmansuihkulokki: I'm not bothered actually, it's there, I'd like to see it working :)14:52
Stskeepslardman: nevermind anyway, - the coprocessor thing is kinda a showstopper14:52
suihkulokkiah, the "because it's there" reason :)14:52
lardmanStskeeps: the processor needs some secret incantation sent to it to start up14:52
lardman are some of the posts14:53
zackerooI have Canola installed on my N800 and I have been using it to play videos mostly ... videos that I have converted into a format for this device ... now for some reason the Canola player seems to be having difficulty and often crashes -- leaving me to have to turn the device off and back on again. Would anyone have any idea how I can fix this?14:53
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MoRpHeUzzackeroo: run canola from the command line with "-vvv" in order to get some info from log14:54
zackeroook .. I will try that14:55
lardmanalso August, December14:55
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zackerooalthough it happens sometimes and then works other time just fine ...14:55
lardmanStskeeps: my final post on the subject:
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zappppCould somebody tell me how I can debug the loading of a program from extras menu?15:09
zappppI have icon in the menu but clicking it does nothing15:09
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RST38hzappp: you are not implementing dbus service functions15:16
RST38h[that is most likely explanation, anyway]15:16
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robtaylorsup. does anyone know how to make avahi-daemon start automatically on diablo? it seems rc.d is insufficient :/15:22
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slonopotamuscan anyone recommend usb keyboard for n800?15:25
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slonopotamussay something bad about Cherry Mini Keyboard :)15:29
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johnxit doesn't really taste like cherries?15:30
slonopotamusi did something nasty15:30
slonopotamusctrl+l clears history15:31
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aquatixslonopotamus: the cherry isn't wireless! ;)15:33
* aquatix has an iGo bt keyboard15:33
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slonopotamusaquatix, i don't want wireless at the moment. because in order to use it i'll have to setup bluetooth in my gentoo port.15:34
aquatixah :P15:34
aquatixwell, that cherry kb looks nice15:34
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slonopotamusdoesn't have a thing to place tablet on it (don't know how it is called)15:35
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aquatixmyeah, no holder indeed15:35
slonopotamusyep, holder15:35
aquatixthat's bad?15:35
slonopotamusdon't know :)15:36
aquatixit's generally flaky anyway15:36
aquatixand the n800 has a stand of itslef15:36
* aquatix bashes his keyboard15:36
slonopotamusi hope it will work without any configuration.15:36
aquatixlet us know ;)15:36
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Stskeepsslonopotamus: you should look into qwerty12's g_serial15:37
Stskeepsmight help some things15:37
Stskeepsor utelnetd15:37
Stskeepsover usbnet15:37
Stskeepsthat was the best tools when i did porting15:37
slonopotamusthen i need network15:37
Stskeepsusb cable? :P15:37
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Stskeepsdo it in chroot?15:38
slonopotamusi couldn't configure usbnet even with working device :)15:38
slonopotamusdrivers magic in chroot?15:38
Stskeepsand do the bootstrapping in there15:38
Stskeepsgetting to a stage where you can get things going15:38
slonopotamusi think it will be easier to configure usb + screen than network.15:39
Stskeepsmm, g_serial + shell should be possible maybe15:39
Stskeepsdoesn't require a lot of fancy15:39
slonopotamus:( this thing isn't sold here15:40
* slonopotamus googling for g_serial15:40
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slonopotamus"shell over usb". omg.15:41
slonopotamusit will give readonly access?15:41
slonopotamusoh, looks like read-write15:41
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Stskeepsjohnx: might start popping in (C) my university on some things, - seems like i've navigated myself into a position where improvements i do reasoned by my uni pervasive platform to deblet will be paid over my wage .. :)16:03
Stskeeps(open source licensed still obviously)16:03
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Stskeepsjohnx: and power saving stuff and such may be that..16:05
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RST38hmoorning, hrw, AStorm16:09
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notcoolbuthothi, does anyone have a gtk or gtkmm documentation in a more friendly form than the online documentation ? for example a help-like form, with tree view, search and tabs and inner links ?16:16
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_berto_notcoolbuthot: install devhelp and libgtk2.0-doc16:21
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notcoolbuthot_berto_: thanks! this is exactly what I needed :p16:29
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slonopotamusStskeeps, here?16:40
slonopotamusStskeeps, did you use standard Xorg or repackaged Xomap?16:42
Stskeepsrepackaged xomap. xf86-video-omapfb is in progress at;a=tree16:42
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slonopotamusStskeeps, do i understand correctly, Xomap = Xorg + hackish patches?16:42
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Stskeepsxomap = xorg kdrive fbdev based with omap fb accel16:43
Stskeepsxorg in newer versions doesn't have kdrive16:43
slonopotamusnew smart words...16:44
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slonopotamuskdrive is a tiny xserver16:45
Stskeepsmaemo is moving to xorg + driver too so16:45
slonopotamusfix: kdrive WAS a tiny xserver16:46
slonopotamusso you can't have both kdrive and xorg16:46
Stskeepsyou can easily use the xorg infrastructure16:47
Stskeepsand then have kdrive as the X server16:47
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slonopotamusok. but real reason is video driver?16:47
Stskeepsxv accel is always nice to have.16:47
slonopotamusi see.16:48
* lcuk agrees16:51
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slonopotamusi thought the worst programming  thing is openssl. nope. crosscompiling is worse.16:52
Veggenslonopotamus: openssl is easy. but try serving SSL to cell phones.16:53
slonopotamusopenssl has ugliest error messages in the world16:53
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slonopotamusaquatix, correct me ;)16:54
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aquatixslonopotamus: yeah, +the :)16:54
Stskeepsslonopotamus: the documentation is worse16:55
Stskeepsatleast it used t obe16:55
* slonopotamus can't google omapfb driver sources... :(16:56
slonopotamusgoogle up?16:56
lcukslonopotamus, theres about 6 variations ;) have fun16:57
lcukat least that i could find when i was looking and tryingto check things out16:58
lcukprobably from all different times and places but people have taken to including their own omapfb header and stuff16:58
lcukdoes anyone wanna swap afternoons with me?16:59
slonopotamuswhat does 'swap afternoons' mean?16:59
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lcukyou can go into the dentists for me and ill try n recompile stuff for you17:00
lcukon second thoughts, ill stick with the dentist17:00
danielvazanybody know why the entrycompletion isn't accessible when it's inside a dialog? the completion strings are displayed but the user can't select anyone with touchscreen17:02
lcukhave you given up ondevice compilation then17:02
danielvazi do test with entrycompletion outside of a dialog and it works fine.17:02
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slonopotamusqemu can't compile with gcc-4*. great.17:03
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RST38hyou are compiling qemu on a tablet? ;)17:05
slonopotamushmm... you may think i'm crazy. but not THAT much17:06
slonopotamushowever someone used dosbox on tablet (running win95). why not qemu?17:07
slonopotamuslcuk, you are right. several different sources.17:08
jaskawin95... on tablet? *shivers*17:08
slonopotamusjaska, yep ;)17:09
slonopotamusjaska, it even works17:09
jaskaslowly i imagine17:10
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slonopotamusjaska, yep ;)17:10
slonopotamuslopz, lcuk... strange nicks17:12
lopzslonopotamus, hehe17:12
lopzslonopotamus, mi name is Jorge López :p17:12
lopzLópez == lopz17:13
aquatixjust remove some characters from your name, done ;)17:13
slonopotamusoh. unicode.17:13
aquatixslonopotamus: perfectly fine here17:13
aquatixnot that i can decypher it17:13
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aquatixit's nice and short :)17:14
RST38hMeanwhile: The "quality" of New Zealand chaps' ejaculate has halved since 1987, with testicular output crashing from 110m sperm per millilitre to 50m, The Australian reports.17:14
aquatixbut slonopotamus is fine for me17:14
lopzlarge :\17:14
aquatixit's what tab-completion is for17:14
RST38hslnp isn't meaningful17:14
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aquatixRST38h: ...17:14
aquatixRST38h: or they masturbate too much, or cellphones are evil ;)17:15
RST38hIn NZ and AU, cellphones are your least problem17:15
* lcuk thinks of snuffalufficus (google image search is your friend)17:15
* aquatix wonders what kind of researchers perform such research17:15
RST38hLocals get 50% chance of skin cancer just from being in the sun17:15
aquatixRST38h: ghehe17:15
aquatixlcuk: sfw?17:15
RST38haquatix: Bespectacled nerdy men in white coats!17:16
lcukits from sesame street, it better had be!17:16
aquatixlcuk: ah17:16
aquatixsome kind of platypus?17:16
RST38hlcuk: slonopotam is Heffalump in Russian translation17:16
aquatixsounds like it17:17
lcukwooly mammoth17:17
lcuktype thing17:17
lcukfriend of  big bird17:17
RST38hDisney presents it as an elephant, no wool17:17
RST38hBut I guess they just did CFLAGS += -llibdumbo17:18
aquatixlcuk: ah17:18
aquatixoh well, we have our own sesame street characters here anyway17:18
aquatixwith a blue bird17:18
aquatixand such17:18
aquatixbut i haven't watched it in, like 20 years ;)17:19
* slonopotamus and they say i'm crazy17:19
RST38hlcuk: The thing on the left in that image is Cthulhu.17:19
aquatixRST38h: *g*17:19
aquatixin a thin disguise!17:19
RST38hlcuk: SEE His Tentacles?17:19
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slonopotamusslonnopotam is a creature from whinnie the pooh17:19
RST38hyea, a baseball cap won't disguise Him this much17:19
qwerty12lcuk: cut the shit :P17:19
RST38hslonopotamus: Heffalump17:20
lcuki would hope his  tentacles are covered up17:20
RST38hslono: That is what it is called in the original17:20
RST38hlcuk: Only with his prey.17:20
slonopotamusRST38h, ok)17:20
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qwerty12lcuk: Thanks for changing the key from Chr!17:24
aquatixoh, didn't know there was an elephant in Winnie the Pooh17:25
jaskahmm.. i wonder if remapping the other shift key is feasible17:26
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RST38haquaaquatix: It is never called by its name in there, but quite apparent17:28
RST38haquatix: Same goes for Tolkien's Ring Trilogy17:28
aquatixthere's an elephant in LotR?17:29
aquatixquite big ones even17:29
slonopotamusoh my. EspeonEefi has funky keyboard i guess17:29
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slonopotamussomeone told me about cpu governor on tablet17:33
slonopotamusi don't see /proc/acpi17:34
slonopotamusor it's somewhere else?17:34
RST38hit is elsewhere17:34
slonopotamusfull governor list17:36
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slonopotamusit madly switches between 400 and 165 mhz17:38
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RST38hwhile(1) { for(J=0;J<1000000;++J);sleep(1); }  ???17:39
RST38hthat will madly switch between 400 and 165 MHz or something along these lines17:41
derfI certainly hope not.17:42
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nelsonIn the LED patterns file, does anybody know what the "trigger" means?18:14
nelsonalso, what happens when you ask for two patterns of equal priority?  Do they run in sequence?18:16
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qwerty12I'll give you the same answer I gave last time when a question similar to this rose...18:17
nelsonthat would be kinda nice to be able to hand out multiple alerts.18:17
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lcukWARNING: dental injection detected, please ensure all SQL parameters are correctly quoted18:18
Stskeepspoor lcuk18:21
lcukStskeeps, this has gone on for too long :'(18:22
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RST38hlcuk: Don't let them do a JOIN!18:35
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ToyKeeperIs there any way to type a Tab from the n810 hardware keyboard?18:43
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ToyKeeperThat may work in xterm, but fails in GUIs.18:44
ToyKeeperI could swear that Sh-Space or Fn-Space did it once, but it doesn't now.18:45
lcukRST38h, its the global deletion i was afraid of, but its worse: he got root18:47
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lcukToyKeeper, if you bought your device second hand someone could have added it - the combo you specify has been written about in numerous places18:48
lcukit can be done18:48
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ToyKeeperAh, regular xmodmap stuff.  That should make it easy.  :)18:51
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ToyKeeperExcept, of course, for the lack of an xmodmap binary.  :(18:53
qwerty12If you dislike adding repos:
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ToyKeeperThanks.  :)18:54
ToyKeeperI don't mind adding repos, but I find it very odd that core utilities aren't in the primary feeds.18:54
* qwerty12 gets on with making transmission look better on tablet18:54
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qwerty12ToyKeeper: If someone wished to, it could be uploaded to extras[-devel] :)18:55
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qwerty12Grr, something tells me deleting .svn folders from transmission was a bad idea18:56
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qwerty12A question, what size is the icon that comes up when you press the home button and the programs running are there?19:08
zakkmHi, I was wondering if there was any N800's .. some defect that Wifi didnt work or SD cards?19:09
Stskeepszakkm: i haven't heard of direct wifi problems really19:09
Stskeepsor sd card problems19:09
Stskeeps.. except for the slot getting wet, but that's a different story19:09
zakkmk im suppose to buy one used off someone for $150 .. and i dont really have a sd card to check .. and theres no wifi where we're meeting i dont think19:10
zakkmin like 2 hours.19:10
Stskeepslook for scratches, that it boots, - there's supposed to be a 64m flash along i believe?19:10
zakkmAlso, Is $195 alot for a Nokia n800 still in box ( Canadian dollars )19:10
Stskeepsno, it's a decent price19:10
Stskeepsjust verify it's not a rock, that the stand is okay19:11
Stskeepsand stylus is there19:11
Stskeepsand battery19:11
zakkmperson put it up for $250 .. im like ill give $170.. hes like best i can sell to you is $19519:11
Stskeepsthat it boots19:11
zakkmi have stylus's from my old nokia 770 ?19:11
Stskeepsyeah, but they won't fit probably19:11
Stskeepsin the casing19:11
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zakkmoh really?19:11
zakkmweird ;p19:11
zakkmbattery? isnt that cheap to replace anyways?19:11
zakkmlike $20 ?19:11
Stskeepsbut im just trying to keep you defrauded :P19:12
zakkmits a nokia BP-5 right?19:12
zakkmwell lol if it doesnt turn on. . i wont buy ;p19:12
Stskeepslook at the external and internal sd ports19:12
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Stskeeps(pop under stand and under battery cover)19:12
zakkmi have no SD's to check ..19:12
zakkmis there another way ?19:12
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Stskeepsjust check the ports look o19:12
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zakkmyou know what.. therre should be some "check" program on it :P19:13
zakkmfor stuff like this19:13
zakkmjust my opinion :P19:13
Stskeepsis it fresh from box?19:14
Stskeepsscratches on screen, definately check19:14
zakkmthis other guy is willing to give me a brand new in box. .for $195..19:14
zakkmthe used one im buying in a few hours = $15019:14
Stskeepssee how it works i guess19:14
Stskeepsthere's wifi in odd places19:14
zakkmim in Toronto :P19:14
zakkmthere is but locked..19:14
Stskeepsthat's fine19:15
Stskeepsif it detects it, it most likely will connect19:15
zakkmthat would be mean it works?19:15
zakkmmost likely..19:15
Stskeepsif it can send out a probe and receive answers, yes, it works :P19:16
zakkmsorry i didnt take gr12 computer engineer.. ( networking.. )19:16
Stskeepsme neither, really19:16
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Stskeepsi just a comp.sci course about networks19:16
Stskeepsand general knowledge about the stuff19:17
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* Stskeeps goes try to boot his beagleboard19:17
zakkmso its a laptop ?19:18
zakkmi dont get it19:18
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Stskeepsit's a very tiny tiny 600-700mhz ARM computer, with 256mb internal flash, s-video, dvi/hdmi out, sound out/in19:18
Stskeepsand 128mb ram19:18
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Stskeepsusb, serial19:19
zakkmwhats the purpose?19:19
zakkmARM? why ARM?19:19
zakkmthat makes it so limited?19:19
Stskeepsit also takes 1-2W.19:19
zakkmon full load?19:19
Stskeepscan run from usb power19:19
zakkmcan you install maemo on it?19:19
zakkmwait what?19:19
Stskeepssome have done that, but it's not very portable19:19
zakkmso you plug it into your normal pc?19:19
Stskeepsyou can19:19
Stskeepsor power from wall19:19
zakkmi dont see the purpose :P19:20
zakkmwaste of $14919:20
Proteousyou just lack imagination19:20
Proteousdon't blame us19:20
Stskeepsyes, what Proteous said19:20
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Stskeepszakkm: also, the new nokia tablets are the same architecture as this board19:20
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zakkmi know19:20
ToyKeeperI don't suppose there's any way to make Fn/Shift/Chr/Ctrl sticky, is there?  (So, 'G' would be: press shift, release, press g, release)19:20
zakkmOMAP2 though isnt it?19:20
zakkmnot OMAP3?19:20
zakkmthe next one?19:20
zakkmnext nokia?19:21
Stskeepszakkm: and it's a full computer for 149$ really19:21
Stskeepsadd sd card and you got a linux computer19:21
zakkmbut ARM .. :P19:21
Stskeepsit's good for the environment.19:21
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Stskeepsthink of the children.19:21
Stskeepszakkm: and your tablet is ARM too19:21
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zakkmtheres barely any binaries for ARM .. and compiling on a 600mhz arm ?19:21
zakkmno its not19:21
zakkmi dont have one yet19:21
Stskeepszakkm: entire debian exists for armel19:21
Stskeepswell, 99%19:21
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zakkmmy 770 got WSOD...19:21
ProteousToyKeeper: on my n810 everything is stickey except control19:21
Stskeepsubuntu exists too19:22
zakkm;pp sounds good19:22
zakkmits all coming to me now19:22
zakkmexternal power supply, SD card, that.. and thats it? :P19:22
zakkmmonitor, keyboard, mouse?19:22
ToyKeeperWell, none of the modifiers are sticky on mine.  I have no idea why.19:23
zakkmIs there like "distros" of maemo .. ppl make?19:23
AngieQmine are sticky also19:23
Stskeepsnot yet19:23
zakkmdamn, that'll be cool19:23
Stskeepszakkm: a computer to power by a usb charger or a power supply, add sd on 8gb, add dvi/hdmi or TV, usb hub and keyboard & mouse19:24
Stskeepsand you're set19:24
zakkmon a 600mhz ARM.. on a TV res .. :P19:24
Stskeepsor on a flatscreen19:24
Stskeepsit can handle 720p19:24
Stskeepsdon't underestimate it19:24
zakkm720p sucks19:24
zakkmmy 17" does 1280x1024. . :P19:24
Proteousyeah, 109292834885899393p is where it's at19:24
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zakkmsquareroot it :P19:25
Stskeepszakkm: you suck, i'm going to go boot my debian on this thing :P19:25
zakkm$149 is alot :P19:25
Proteouszakkm is a wet blanket19:25
zakkmMy D945gclf ( Mini-ITX , Atom CPU ) costed me $7419:25
zakkmi added ram, powersupply, harddrive19:25
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ProteousI have a via eden cl-6000 miniITX board that I installed into a tape drive19:26
zakkmtiny isnt always better ;p19:26
zakkmwhere you get a tape drive?19:26
zakkmthose things are expensniveeee19:26
Proteouser, tape deck19:26
zakkmyeah but mine runs mac osx :)19:27
zakkmim on it now.p its my main pc19:27
ShadowJK_zakkm, haha you suck, I have D945GCLF2 !19:27
zakkmthose are crap19:27
zakkmbad osx x86 support19:27
zakkmShadowJK: i bought it like a week before 2 came out19:27
baptis there a way to have alternative modern images for N770 os2006 is quite old now19:27
zakkmShadowJK_ *19:28
zakkmHey is there a way to have OS2005 skin on Diablo? I really like it :P19:28
Proteousbapt, sorta19:28
Proteousthere are the hacker edition OS images19:28
ShadowJK_I pre-ordered the -2 before it came out19:28
Proteousthey aren't amazingly stable19:28
baptI'll try it anyway thanks19:29
zakkmIm talking about .. im about to buy a n800.. and install diablo19:29
zakkmbut i like the OS2005 look ....19:29
zakkmwhat? i had a nokia 770 and i really liked the look better -.-19:29
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zakkmhacker editions are slow --.- yeah i know theres ram and low cpu to blame but yeah19:30
zakkmShadowJK_ : ahh.. my old pc failed on me.. so i had to buy something quick19:30
zakkmShadowJK_ : my first D945gclf.. caught into smoke :P19:31
zakkmthey gave me a full exchange ;p19:31
zakkmthey said refund or exchagne.. im like ill take exchange ;p19:31
baptProteous: thanks I didn't know about it before, I'll test that asap19:31
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ShadowJK_did you remove the fan or something?19:33
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zakkma capacitor failed i guess.. and one part of the motherboard went reallyyy hot.. one of the chips. and smoke cant out from it19:33
zakkmrelally hot = really red..19:34
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zakkmI forget what they're called.19:34
zakkmthe black thing. with legs..19:34
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Proteousthe tube shaped things are capacitors19:36
Proteousand only have 2 lets19:36
Proteousthe black square things with 3 legs are transistors19:36
zakkmi know capacitors19:36
zakkmah yes19:36
ShadowJK_there are no transistors on the board...19:37
zakkmthere fucking is19:37
ShadowJK_But there are a few flat multilegged things19:37
zakkmswitches are they?19:37
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zakkmwhatever, i failed computer engineer.... one went red.. and huge smoke came out19:37
ShadowJK_One of the realtek chips on mine runs a bit hot, I think it's a clock generator19:37
zakkmanyways.. it was a defect anyways19:38
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zakkmpower off.. fan still span19:38
Proteousno transistors on the board....19:38
zakkmwasnt my fault.19:38
Proteouswhat do you think computers are made of?19:38
zakkmwhatever lol19:38
zakkmi dont know what they're called!!!19:38
zakkmi just said that19:38
zakkmsomeone else said transistors19:39
Proteouswas talking to ShadowJK_19:39
zakkmit was a defect.. so i got a new one :P19:39
zakkmI have to go head for skool ( on lunch break ) and call the guy about the nokia .19:39
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Proteoustalk to a man about a horse19:39
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ToyKeeperWell, great.  After some minor changes, rebooting causes a shutdown.19:51
ToyKeeperOr, a reboot loop, anyway.19:51
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qwerty12~lart effin power cuts20:09
* infobot throws a AN/M-8 smoke grenade at effin power cuts20:09
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ToyKeeperSo, after getting stuck in a reboot loop in diablo, is there any way to get a copy of the mtd contents or access a recovery mode?20:11
Stskeepsgot bootmenu with usb recovery? :P20:11
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* qwerty12 has to ponder why every person who asks that question doesn't have bootmenu20:12
Stskeepsbecause they wouldn't ask if they did :)20:12
qwerty12True, true :)20:12
* Stskeeps continues fighting with the beagleboard20:13
ToyKeeperIt'd be nice if the default wasn't so fragile.20:13
StskeepsToyKeeper: we're hoping to include some good things in community edition :P20:13
Stskeepsor whatever its name is20:13
slonopotamusrestart loop was because of disc space?20:14
Stskeepsit can be a lot of things really20:14
ToyKeeperNope, plenty of space.20:14
ToyKeeperMy guess is it didn't like a setting in /etc/osso-af-init/20:15
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slonopotamusi didn't have it. even with coreutils installed on flash clone20:15
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jagernothello i have compiled the maemo_hello app. how do i copy it out of scratch box into my home dir to copy then to n810? thanks.20:16
melmothi use scp20:17
slonopotamusStskeeps, what the hell is ? :)20:17
ToyKeeperI changed the matchbox dialog mode from 'static' to 'free', and tried to restart to check if it worked.20:17
ToyKeeperSo, no way to recover data or edit files or the device without reflashing over everything?20:18
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slonopotamusrule #1: do not use internal flash20:19
AngieQToyKeeper: well... thi internal card on a n810 seems to survive flashing, although i never trust it for critical stuff20:19
jagernotslo: is that for me? i was thinking of copying to internal flash20:19
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slonopotamusjagernot, to ToyKeeper20:20
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Stskeepsslonopotamus: a trick not enough people have noticed20:20
slonopotamussd clone is good because inn case of error you'll be able to extract  data using card-reader20:20
jagernotis it possible to copy mameo_hello from inside scratchbox to n810?20:22
jagernoti thought of copying to the internal flash card20:22
jagernotand running it via the xterm20:22
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Veggenjagernot: think the cards are mounted no-exec.20:23
Stskeepsjagernot: dpkg-buildpackage it i guess and put deb on20:23
qwerty12+ formatted with fat by default20:24
ToyKeeperIf rule #1 is not to use the internal flash, it seems awfully ignorant of axiom #1: 99% of the population uses defaults 99% of the time.20:24
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jagernotStskeeps: i type dpkg-buildpackage maemo_hello?20:25
t_s_ohmm, that aigo/gigabyte mid seems to have a comparable batterylife to the N800...20:26
ToyKeeperI'd expect this sort of failure mode on a preview 770 unit in 2005, but it seems rather out of place 3 years later.20:26
StskeepsToyKeeper: internal sd card, flash is differennt20:27
Stskeepsjagernot: scp it over ?20:28
ccookeHeh. anyone seen the iKit?20:29
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ccookeIt looks like someone shrunk a Zaurus slightly, gave it a horribly ugly keyboard and a QVGA screen and internal wifi.20:31
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t_s_ohmm, doing some file renaming seems to have confused the hell out of liqbase...20:32
lcukwell what did you try to do?20:32
t_s_oi had two text files with the same name, one of wich i have opened in liqbase earlier. then i deleted that one, and renamed the other to match...20:33
ToyKeeperIf I try to boot, I get the white nokia screen, then the progress bar goes gradually across the screen (all the way), and then it reboots.20:33
lcuki nthe same folder20:33
t_s_onow i cant open the renamed file...20:33
t_s_oin the book selecter i see a 0 next to the file name...20:34
lcukwhat does it do when you try opening it20:34
t_s_onot just ignores it from what i can tell20:34
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t_s_ooh wait, there it responded. but im not sure if its the new or old file, as the layout seems strange...20:35
lcukany chance you could send me the log20:35
lcukill get to the bottom of it20:35
lcukits probably the history list thats not worked20:35
lcukand since im in lb at the moment now might be the best time :) :P20:36
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zshi i can't flash my n810, i got a message "Suitable USB device not found, waiting", what should i do now?20:36
jagernothi Stskeeps: thanks, i have got it into n810 on the internal card but cant run it :(20:36
Stskeepsjagernot: chmod a+rx it20:36
jagernotpermission denied..cant chmod +x it20:36
Stskeepscopy it to /root20:36
Stskeepsor somewhere20:36
jagernotoh ok20:37
t_s_omeh, seems it was showing the new file, and i was simply not reading the book selection interface correctly20:37
t_s_othat and the layout was correct, i had just fiddled with it in fbreader for so long that i had compensated for it there20:38
t_s_otrying to convert pdf to text while attempting to keep things somewhat similar in layout, but allowing for reflows of the text can be a pain...20:39
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lcuksbut its basically ok for now, as in lb isnt "that" confused (obviously the fileselect could do with some normalization and changes in near future)20:42
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ToyKeeperCan I perhaps put a bootable image on a SD card and get it to boot that instead?  (then use it to recover data from the internal flash)20:42
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StskeepsToyKeeper: i sadly don't have a n810 else you could get a usbnet enabled initfs20:44
ToyKeeperI take it the initfs can be flashed without overwriting the root partition?20:44
qwerty12_N800initfs images are generic20:45
StskeepsToyKeeper: yeah20:45
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ToyKeeperOkay, this sounds promising.  I've found these...
Stskeepsyeah, but they're installers, not initfs images20:45
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Stskeepsif you're really into hack foo, grab a fiasco image, extract initfs, mount its jffs2 on mtdram, patch20:46
qwerty12_N800ToyKeeper, if you have some time and knowledge about mtd stuff, you can generate a usbnet image with bootmenu20:46
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t_s_oi find it interesting how, if i hold the N800 so that the camera stalk extends towards the celing, the image on screen shows me upside down. at least thats the camera app. in liqbase, im shown the correct way however :P20:47
lcuklol t_s_o ive not got an 800, but ive heard people can get upside down images20:48
lcuki should really fix it :$20:48
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ToyKeeperOkay, I have some ideas to get me started.  Thanks!  :)20:49
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lcukbut no1s ever give me a bug report20:49
qwerty12_N800image rotation with camera is a gstreamer function which nokia camera apps are known to use20:49
t_s_owell, it shows it the correct way, if i just let it sit on the table using the stand. but if i rotate it 90 degrees to left or right, the image just becomes weird...20:49
qwerty12_N800s/gstreamer/v4l iirc20:49
t_s_onote however, im not talking about rotating the stalk20:49
lcukyeah qwerty, never experienced the issue so cant cure it - no doubt with the camera saving being so easy in this version it will come to the fore20:50
t_s_ough, the amount of noice that camera produces...20:50
lcukoh, you mean tearing like a bad cameraphone ;)20:50
lcukand year, its VERY noisy in bad light20:50
lcuki already half the saturation to try to at least give reasonable images (UV channels are most susceptable)20:51
qwerty12_N800lcuk, :). i'm not really so bothered, i hardly turn mine  :p20:51
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qwerty12_N800lcuk, btw can i get version from inside liqbase or do i have to dpkg -s liqbase?20:53
jagernotwow my hello world runs!20:53
jagernotim so happy thanks guys20:53
lcukqwerty12_N800, ~/.liqbase/ contains everything you need to know :) look at the top line20:53
lcukor just run liqbase-run from the console20:53
qwerty12_N800ah, ok, thanks!20:54
lcukthanks for the reminder anyway20:54
lcuki knew i wanted to do something20:54
lcukim adding version to the front20:54
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orangeyhey all!21:03
orangeyI'm having some serious issues here with SIP calling - I can almost always hear the other side, but they can't hear me.21:04
orangeyany ideas where I can look for that?21:04
orangeyI also have it so that the nokia is the DMZ21:04
orangeybut that doesn't seem to help.21:04
qwerty12_N800have ogg support installed?21:04
RST38hmoo again21:04
orangeyI don't believe so.21:04
orangeyshould I install or uninstall it?21:04
qwerty12_N800uninstall it if you do :)21:05
qwerty12_N800(or delete  speex codec)21:05
orangey"no matches" for OGG21:06
orangeyand where is the speex codec?21:06
slonopotamusqwerty12, where are 11 previous qwerties?21:06
qwerty12_N800orangey, it is only installed if you have ogg support. i don't think that is your problem.21:07
qwerty12_N800slonopotamus, no idea, this was a random nick :p21:07
orangeywhat's the package for ogg support?21:07
orangeyok. ogg-support21:08
orangeyI certainly don't have that.21:08
orangeyso, moving on.. any other ideas?21:08
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* GeneralAntilles wonders where dneary's hiding.21:11
StskeepsGeneralAntilles: debian on beagle just now :)21:11
GeneralAntillesStskeeps, how's it feel?21:12
StskeepsGeneralAntilles: good :P21:12
GeneralAntillesJust, fyi, most of the precompiled stuff runs at 500MHz.21:12
Stskeepsno ui though, just bare debian21:12
GeneralAntillesand by "stuff" I mean "kernels"21:13
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* rm_you runs by21:13
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StskeepsGeneralAntilles: ah21:13
* GeneralAntilles impales rm_you and sticks him to the wall.21:13
GeneralAntillesu-boot may also be involved21:14
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GeneralAntillesDamn sjgadsby and his karma whoring21:17
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Stskeepswhere do you see maemo karma these days?21:19
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GeneralAntillesPosting that damn bugjar everywhere he can find. :P21:20
GeneralAntillesThough it seems to be stuck . . . again.21:20
GeneralAntillesX-Fade, ping.21:20
Stskeepsprofile name "test" with karma 203, heh21:21
X-FadeGeneralAntilles: pong21:22
GeneralAntillesX-Fade, karma's been broken for a while.21:22
GeneralAntillesand does anybody have an opinion on ?21:23
X-FadeGeneralAntilles: Yes, I'll talk to bergie about it. It seems to stop somewhere.21:23
X-FadeGeneralAntilles: I don't have the behavior explained in the bug. No weird touch screen clicks for me.21:27
GeneralAntillesX-Fade, good enough for me. RESOLVING21:27
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suihkulokkiStskeeps: I suggest to merge all tablet-* and nit-env* packages into one source package with many binary packages21:36
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Stskeepssuihkulokki: possible, - they do share many of the same characteristichs21:37
Stskeepssuihkulokki: i'll take that into consideration and look at it when i have time21:37
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Stskeepssuihkulokki: any justification for it though?21:38
Stskeeps.. or than they're small often meta packages :)21:40
suihkulokkiStskeeps: well it's just unneccesary duplication to have same template makefile, debian/rules for each of the packages :)21:41
Stskeepsyeah, true21:41
suihkulokki..and it's approximately 1/20:th of the work to get one package instead of 20 packages to debian ;)21:41
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suihkulokkiand it's fairly common idiom in debian packaging - see meta-gnome2, meta-kde, etc21:43
Stskeepssuihkulokki: i'm not sure if i discussed this before, but since debian armel is armv4t, and there would be a performance gain to taking some base packages and recompiling for let's say armv6el-vfp.. is it then just a matter of prioritizing repos in apt to get the optimized ones?21:44
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Stskeeps(and maybe a custom repo to debootstrap from)21:45
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Stskeepswhile still being able to get unoptimized debian armel packages from the traditional repos21:46
suihkulokkiStskeeps: that's a good start, atleast to figure out which packages/libs actually make any sort performance difference when compliled with armv6vfp21:46
Stskeepssince we deal with mobile devices it might make a difference as well for power consumption, but i'm not an engineer :)21:47
suihkulokkipackages such as ffmpeg/mplayer which are known to be able to take advantage are already typically installed from a different repo (
Stskeepsthey differ on priority or versions?21:48
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Stskeepsand that's "good form"?, changelog item being "override version because of optimized compilation"21:49
suihkulokkialthough you can set apt priority to prefer the alternative archive21:49
Stskeepsthink i'll put the two beagleboards at work to work on some builds eventually i guess :)21:50
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suihkulokkito get into debian, currently the way is to create a libfoo-<subarch> binary package, such as libc-i686 on x8621:53
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Stskeepsyeah.. and that gets messy after a bit i guess21:54
suihkulokkior even better, runtime detection21:54
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suihkulokkiyeah, the -arch doesn't really scale21:54
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Stskeepssuihkulokki: you happen to know how "complete" debian-experimental's upstart is? i mean, obviously it might only do the sysv init stuff21:56
suihkulokkihowever, despite of what the gentoo fans claim, very few apps/libs manage to get significantly faster when compiled specifically for your cpu ;)21:56
Stskeepsi suspect gtk might like it, and maybe dash/bash :P21:56
GeneralAntillesStill, power is precious on the tablets21:57
suihkulokkinot gtk, but cairo :)21:57
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zshi, i can't upgrade firmware on my n810, can anyone help me?22:00
RST38hthe difference in performance between arm versions is not that great22:00
Stskeepswell, vfp must do a difference22:00
RST38hso, don't bother, although you may gain something from arm/thumb alternation22:00
Stskeepsfor fp-intensive apps22:00
RST38hvfp will22:00
StskeepsRST38h: it's already thumb though22:00
RST38hbut fp intensive apps are few22:00
Stskeepsjust means less packages to build ;)22:00
GeneralAntilleszs, just say what's wrong.22:01
zsGeneralAntilles: i am holding this swap button and there is no usb logo :/22:02
GeneralAntillesIs usb plugged in?22:02
GeneralAntillesDid you power up while holding swap?22:02
GeneralAntillesAre you sure you have the right button (two overlapping rectangles)?22:03
zsthere is a video on youtube, i am doing exaclty the same22:03
GeneralAntillesTry changing USB ports?22:03
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GeneralAntillesDo you have the charger plugged in?22:05
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* Stskeeps usually just turns off tablet without charger on, plug in usb, start flasher, plug in charger22:05
Stskeepsyou know, the one that breathes life into your tablet22:06
zsyes i know22:07
zsbut is it necessary?22:07
GeneralAntillesNo, it shouldn't be plugged in.22:07
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zsdoesn't work22:08
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zshow long should i hold those buttons down?22:10
GeneralAntillesIt should pop up instantly22:10
GeneralAntillesWalk us through exactly the steps you're taking.22:11
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* mgedmin idly remarks that he never ever held any buttons down while flashing his three tablets22:11
woglindehm yes this description is annoying22:11
GeneralAntillesmgedmin, eh, if it's not going into flashing mode, then there are bigger problems.22:11
woglindemgedmin is your powercord still inserted?22:12
GeneralAntilleszs, are you using Linux?22:12
mgedminyou can't flash while it's charging22:12
zsi connect my miniusb cable, i hold down this upper button, i hold power button down for 1 sec, device switch on and there is no usb connection logo22:12
qwerty12_N80Omgedmin, i've flashed it with the charger in22:12
zsGeneralAntilles: yes, and i tried on windows as well22:13
lcukzs, double check the other end of the usb is plugged in ;)22:13
* lcuk has forgotten that :$22:13
zslcuk: it is22:13
mgedminzs: upper button? 'home' is the lower button22:13
mgedminqwerty12_N800: afaics you can charge while you're flashing, but you can't flash while you're charging22:14
GeneralAntillesNot on N81022:14
mgedminoh, darn22:14
zsmgedmin: swap button22:14
* mgedmin hides head in a paper bag22:14
GeneralAntilleszs, start the Linux flasher22:14
lcukhmmmmm quick q: for now, camera refresh 15fps but picks up less light at night, but smoother view.    or 8fps more jerky but less grainy22:14
zsGeneralAntilles: done22:14
woglindehi lcuk22:14
lcukhiya woglinde :)22:15
GeneralAntillesMake sure USB is plugged in and power up the tablet with just the power button22:15
qwerty12_N80Omgedmin, sure, with the charger in, the tablet boots up but you have a time where nolo is there and if the usb is in, it starts flashing22:15
woglindehm did he start falsher?22:15
woglindeups flasher22:15
GeneralAntillesqwerty12_N800, stop playing the technicalities game. :P22:15
qwerty12_N80OGrr, it's all true though :p22:16
zsGeneralAntilles: done22:16
lcukqwerty12_N800, 0.00000001s is not normally something an unoptimised human can achieve.  yes we know data managed it, but hes not here any more22:16
lcukby the way, has jott ascended?22:17
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mgedminthe tricky part is that people plug in the charger and then assume they can reboot the tabled by pressing the power button, which appears to work, but actually doesn't reboot22:17
GeneralAntilleszs, did it flash?22:17
GeneralAntilleslcuk, the flasher just has to be started.22:18
lcukmgedmin, :) i would liek a real power button22:18
GeneralAntilleszs, well, then it's the port at either end or the USB cable.22:18
mgedminlcuk: it's called "pull the battery"22:18
qwerty12_N80Olcuk, exaggerate much? honestly, sometimes when my battery is dead and i need to reflash, i just put the usb cable in, leave the flasher searching for devices and plug  in the pow cable22:18
mgedminqwerty likes living dangerously22:18
lcukespecially with his other nick22:19
qwerty12_N80Oi cant believe that one was 2% lamer than qwerty12 :p22:19
qwerty12_N80O^ more22:20
lcuki cant believe your sum total lameness comes to over 100%22:20
* GeneralAntilles can.22:20
qwerty12_N80O~nickometer infobot22:20
infobot'infobot' is 0.000% lame, qwerty12_n80o22:21
qwerty12_N80Oinfobot, you fucker22:21
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qwerty12_N80OGeneralAntilles, You're deluding yourself. :P22:21
GeneralAntillesSomebody's gotta keep that big head of yours in check. :P22:22
lcukGeneralAntilles, did anyone put up a flashing wiki which included big pictures of related models and arrows showing just which key it was meant to press22:22
woglindelcuk nope22:22
GeneralAntilleslcuk, I never managed to talk anybody into making me some nice pictograms.22:22
woglindeeven the flash site now is blank22:22
zsGeneralAntilles: how long should i hold this swap button down?22:23
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GeneralAntilleszs, it should come up immediately.22:23
GeneralAntillesI'm blaming hardware at this point.22:23
woglindehi moontiger22:23
GeneralAntillesHas it ever been successfully flashed before?22:23
* moontiger waves :)22:23
zsGeneralAntilles: don't know i bought it today22:24
qwerty12_N80Ozs, what's the battery level like on your tablet? does it hang at the nokia screen and then go off?22:24
zsqwerty12_N80O: it is fully charged22:24
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* moontiger looks puzzled22:25
Stskeepsdbus-monitor --moontiger22:25
moontiger<--- eating lunch22:25
lcukhiya moontiger good mornin and all that22:25
GeneralAntilleszs, if it's retail, I'd go exchange it.22:25
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aquatixmoontiger: enjoy :)22:25
zsGeneralAntilles: it is second handed22:25
moontigeri am ... i made it myself22:26
zsthis device isn't available in my country22:26
lcukcould it be an actual problem just with the usb itself and how can you check..22:26
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zslcuk: usb port works i can upload files on nokia22:27
lcukok, well firstly - you arent the first to have this trouble, i think everyones banged head about it22:28
BugBlue21:28 -!- Irssi: Doing this is not a good idea. Add -YES option to command if you really mean it22:28
lcukits an 81022:28
lcukis it/22:28
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infobot'' is 0.000% lame, mgedmin22:29
mgedmin~nickometer  qwerty12_n80o22:29
infobot'qwerty12_n80o' is 60.000% lame, mgedmin22:29
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qwerty12_N80O~nickometer mgedmin22:29
infobot'mgedmin' is 0.000% lame, qwerty12_n80o22:29
qwerty12_N80Othe logic is flawed I tell you!22:30
qwerty12_N80Ogrr, i'm the only lame one here :p22:30
zslcuk: yes it is n81022:30
lcukit took me about 20 minutes the first time and i thought it was knackered22:31
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qwerty12_N80Olol, i had my device flashed in 10 mins after taking it out the box ;P22:32
qwerty12_N80Othough i was reading up before the n800 arrived at my  doorstep22:33
Stskeepssame here22:33
Stskeepsbut mostly cos i had a n800 at work :P22:33
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zsanother problem is with gps, it searching and searching and nothing :/22:36
lcukwait and see how it is after reflashing22:37
lcukhmm "Press and hold the swap key and switch on the device"22:37
lcuki thought you turned on, then pressed the swap key thing22:37
woglindezs go outside22:38
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woglindezs inside you do not get a good signal22:38
RST38hlcuk: Ok. Now, what about animals and microwave owens? =)22:38
mgedminalso, be prepared to wait 20 minutes to get your first gps fix22:39
mgedminit's a bit faster after that22:39
zslcuk: i hold the swap key and after i turned it on22:39
mgedminotoh if you install agps-ui, the first fix may be quicker too22:39
mgedminzs: with the charger disconnected before you turned off, and with the USB cable plugged in when you turned it on, and the flasher waiting on the other end?22:40
lcukmgedmin, my gps seems to have worn in now, it gets a lock quickly - and i flatten the battery totally often22:40
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zsmgedmin: yes22:43
zsthere is a video on youtube how to do that, i did it the same22:43
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zsi tried on gentoo, windows, it doesn't work :/22:44
mgedminweird :/22:44
mgedminno usb hubs in sight?22:44
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zshow long should i hold down those buttons?22:47
aquatixand if you don't hold any buttons?22:48
zsit turns on22:48
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lcukyes!!! why dont we ever give this site out?22:49
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lcukit shows you for n800 and n81022:49
lcukGeneralAntilles, why dont we give people this link?22:50
zslcuk: i am doing like on those videos22:50
lcukcan you add it to the thingy22:50
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GrackleThe topique?22:50
lcukzs, disconnect power, pop the battery out for a few seconds and start cleanly22:52
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lcukif for whatever reason you are not in true power off mode and its not even getting to start, lets force the issue and be sure22:52
zslcuk: for what is that blue led?22:54
mgedminit shows you that you pressed the power button22:54
lcukthe poweron light in the corner?22:54
lcukand if you release power too early it shuts off again22:55
lcukits like a car starting22:55
mgedminotherwise people would give up after a brief push22:55
mgedminand think their tablet is broken22:55
lcukwell i dont see why it needs a long push22:55
* mgedmin had big problems getting his first 770 to turn on, sometimes22:55
lcukheh mgedmin do you have one of those crank starters :D22:55
mgedmincellphone mentality?  "let's design this thing so it doesn't turn on accidentally in your pocket"22:55
lcuklets design this so it never turns off more like22:56
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lcukok im vanishin anyway22:56
woglindenit lcuk22:57
* lcuk isnt sleeping ;)22:57
lcuktheres code in them thar hills!22:57
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infobotmethinks flashing is
GeneralAntillesBecause I don't have control over krisse's content. :P23:01
lcukwave ya gavel, that link up there has videos23:02
lcukand maemo aint workgin23:02
GeneralAntillesDo the videos cover flasher and 770Flasher?23:03
GeneralAntillesIf not, then it's a bit Windows-centric to link.23:03
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RST38h[in a sad, pleading voice] Anyone with embedded MIPS experience out there? ANYBODY?23:04
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qwerty12_N80OIn all honesty, the windows sections of that wiki page are a bit vague :/ but it's a wiki. I should get off my ass and get editing.23:04
GeneralAntillesqwerty12_N80O, it's vague because the Windows wizard walks you through everything.23:05
GrackleI used the windows flasher the first time I did it, just because it's brainless.23:06
qwerty12_N80OTrue :)23:06
zsi tried on laptop it works23:07
zsamazing :)23:07
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Stskeepsoh finally, a working scratch for diablo23:11
* Stskeeps added apt-get -d install to the script.23:11
Stskeepsscratchbox, that is23:11
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RST38h~curse GCC compiler for not adhering to MIPS ABI23:14
infobotMay the fleas of a thousand camels infest your most sensitive regions, GCC compiler for not adhering to MIPS ABI !23:14
woglindeRST38h ???23:14
RST38hwoglinde: m@#$%king thing for some reason thinks it does not have to save $s0..$s723:15
qwerty12_N80ORST38h, burn this mips based product and use the money to get a nice arm based product23:15
RST38hqwerty: Not mine. Client insists on this one.23:15
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qwerty12_N80OHeh :/23:15
RST38hIt is not bad, really, runs real Linux on a 640x480 touch screen with XFCE23:16
woglindeRST38h hm which gcc version?23:16
RST38hIt is just that nobody uses MIPS any more, so information is hard to come by23:16
woglindeRST38h wrong23:16
woglindethere a lot of peoples using mips23:16
woglindeups people23:16
RST38hwoglinde: mipsel-linux-gcc (GCC) 4.1.223:16
woglindetry a newer one?23:17
woglindemaybee binutils are broken too23:17
RST38hthat is what I have got and I do not think the new one will suddenly start abiding by 20-years old MIPS ABI23:17
RST38hNo, I did gcc -S and it does not look like it saves stuff23:18
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woglindehm n32 is not 20 years old23:23
RST38h1981 John Hennessy23:27
RST38hAlso see Hw Architecture textbooks by him23:27
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RST38hR3000 is 198823:27
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hvelarde|stealthanybody here uses VPNC with Diablo?23:37
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GeneralAntilles-users fails at quoting23:53
GeneralAntillesHi, crashanddie.23:53
crashanddieHey GA23:53
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GeneralAntillesHi, andre___.23:59
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andre___w00t w00t!23:59

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