zfigz | hey | 00:00 |
zfigz | what's the best alternative for text messaging? | 00:00 |
zfigz | SMS that is | 00:00 |
zfigz | I'm using Skype but skype charges a lot for text messaging | 00:00 |
zfigz | I need a free way | 00:00 |
dannym | zfigz: try your cellphone service provider, maybe it has a "free" (ad supported, i.e. adds ads to the end of messages you send) service.... | 00:02 |
dannym | zfigz: can you switch both sides' technology? | 00:03 |
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zfigz | I don't have a cellphone service | 00:04 |
zfigz | Skype has an option | 00:05 |
zfigz | I'm using my n810 and skype as my pseudo cell phone | 00:05 |
zfigz | http://www.skype.com/prices/smsrates/ | 00:05 |
glass | alternative is to get people you send them to on some free service | 00:06 |
glass | im | 00:06 |
glass | by their nature, someone always has to pay for sms's | 00:06 |
glass | or get blocked | 00:06 |
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asedeno | crashanddie: huh? I assume you meant AStorm, not asedeno. | 00:07 |
asedeno | (like two hours ago) | 00:08 |
AStorm | crashanddie: hm? | 00:08 |
AStorm | ah, xchat has faily autocomplete | 00:08 |
AStorm | non-MRU | 00:08 |
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dannym | yeah, and XChat autocompletes entries even when its ambiguous without even telling it is ambiguous... driving me nuts...{/rant} | 00:10 |
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lcuk | anyone know what the md5sum of the md5sum package is? | 00:23 |
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dannym | lcuk: which distribution? | 00:24 |
dannym | or was that rethorical ;) | 00:24 |
lcuk | uh huh :) i cant install coreutils (which contains it) on my n810 - it would remove busybox (which isnt a problem..) | 00:24 |
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lcuk | i gather i would be ok to just build the coreutils in scratchbox and copy the couple of required things over? | 00:27 |
lcuk | jott | 00:27 |
lcuk | this is a question for you mainly lol | 00:27 |
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GAN800 | replacing busybox with coreutils == reboot loop | 00:30 |
AStorm | yes | 00:30 |
lcuk | GAN800, yer i know | 00:31 |
AStorm | you need busybox | 00:31 |
GAN800 | Somebody should put together a set of coreutils compatible boot scripts. | 00:31 |
AStorm | you'd need a replacement busybox package | 00:31 |
AStorm | GAN800: nah, what for | 00:31 |
lcuk | but adding specific items from coreutils != installing coreutils | 00:31 |
AStorm | you can replace /bin/sh | 00:31 |
AStorm | the problem is that something uses /bin/bb directly | 00:31 |
GAN800 | AStorm, so you can install coreutils. ;) | 00:31 |
AStorm | if you're missing that, it goes poof | 00:31 |
AStorm | I have them ;P | 00:31 |
AStorm | I have /bin/sh == /bin/bash | 00:31 |
AStorm | but, I hacked busybox not to selfdesctruct | 00:32 |
AStorm | so it's still in the system | 00:32 |
AStorm | while coreutils overwrote all its links | 00:32 |
lcuk | astorm, any chance yuou could mail me a couple of tools out of there compiled for arm? | 00:32 |
lcuk | ie: md5sum and find | 00:32 |
AStorm | no, temporarily out of hd space for sbox | 00:32 |
AStorm | these probably are in the repos | 00:33 |
AStorm | no, certainly | 00:33 |
lcuk | <AStorm> I have them ;P <<<< | 00:33 |
AStorm | yes yes | 00:33 |
AStorm | I have coreutils | 00:33 |
lcuk | were you not meaning on your device? | 00:33 |
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AStorm | *from repos* | 00:33 |
AStorm | on my device | 00:33 |
AStorm | but, you can grab the deb yourself | 00:34 |
* lcuk does a search | 00:34 | |
AStorm | needs a moderate hack to not uninstall busybox | 00:34 |
AStorm | extras-devel I think | 00:34 |
lcuk | oh cripes | 00:34 |
AStorm | or extras | 00:34 |
GAN800 | Mousey, what did I tell you everytime you bragged about how big your sources.list was? | 00:34 |
* GAN800 eyeroll | 00:35 | |
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lcuk | astorm, i dread to ask, what is the "moderate hack" you speak of? | 00:35 |
AStorm | some /var cache file hack | 00:36 |
lcuk | its listed in chinook extras, i knew that anyway cos it tells me i cant use it without removing busybox | 00:36 |
AStorm | to change a bunch of deps to busybox || coreutils | 00:36 |
AStorm | and remove the conflict | 00:36 |
GAN800 | dannym, I think 'External 3G modem' or 'USB 3G modem' would be a better article title. | 00:36 |
GAN800 | It's acronym overload as-is | 00:36 |
lcuk | oh cripes again | 00:37 |
AStorm | /var/lib/apt sth or another | 00:37 |
AStorm | I'd have to check | 00:37 |
dannym | GAN800: is only "3G" specific enough? | 00:37 |
lcuk | AStorm, its ok, ill do without | 00:37 |
lcuk | if i try i know ill end up blowing my system up | 00:38 |
AStorm | nah | 00:38 |
AStorm | you won't | 00:38 |
AStorm | needs some --force overwrite | 00:38 |
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dannym | for a kernel module, what Debian Section do I use in the package? | 00:38 |
lcuk | can i just extract individual files form the .deb? | 00:39 |
lcuk | i need 2 binaries | 00:39 |
lcuk | nothing more, nothing less | 00:39 |
jott | lcuk: what do you need? | 00:39 |
lcuk | heh jott, find and md5sum | 00:39 |
lcuk | as you suggested in the first place :) | 00:39 |
AStorm | lcuk: .deb is ar archive | 00:39 |
AStorm | so yes, you can extract them | 00:39 |
lcuk | qwerty has made some tweaks and added me an install path | 00:39 |
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jott | you can just extract the coreutils deb.. | 00:40 |
jegp | anyone know a torrent to download the lastest diablo for N800? | 00:40 |
lcuk | yer jott, i was just gettin to that i think :) | 00:40 |
jott | http://outpo.st/md5sum | 00:40 |
dannym | lcuk: "dpkg -X "... | 00:41 |
jott | http://outpo.st/find | 00:41 |
lcuk | :D superjott, you are my hero! | 00:42 |
* jott flys away | 00:43 | |
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dannym | GAN800: done | 00:46 |
jott | why does superglue harden on my fingers within seconds and take ages to dry on my broken headset *curse* | 00:46 |
GeneralAntilles | Cool, dannym, much better. ;) | 00:46 |
GeneralAntilles | dannym, you might want to add a [[Category:Users]] at the bottom. | 00:46 |
dannym | GeneralAntilles: done, thanks :) | 00:48 |
GeneralAntilles | That way people can get to it from the front page in a roundabout sort of way. ;) | 00:48 |
Proteous | jott, I harden at the sight of your fingers too, they are sexxxxyyyyy | 00:49 |
GeneralAntilles | Proteous - the Freak me the Hell Out Bot | 00:49 |
Proteous | lol | 00:50 |
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* GeneralAntilles was going to file bugs and update wikipages today based on last night's Bugzilla meeting. | 00:52 | |
GeneralAntilles | But I'm just too goddamn lazy. | 00:52 |
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Proteous | damn lazy bastard | 00:52 |
dannym | after a "dpkg-buildpackage" worked, how do I get it to remove all the junk from my workdir again? ("make clean"-like) | 00:52 |
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lcuk | thank you dannym that should be part of the process | 00:54 |
lcuk | dh_clean gets run in the middle of it i believe | 00:54 |
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lcuk | -thank you lol | 00:55 |
lcuk | that was for jott | 00:55 |
lcuk | but you did help me up there as well so keep it ;) | 00:55 |
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dannym | hehehe OK ;) | 00:56 |
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dannym | sleeeep... *waves* | 01:02 |
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* GAN800 really should file a bug about the flasher downloads getting mangled. | 01:06 | |
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GAN800 | Tabs in the FF3 theme for OS X really couldn't make less sense. | 01:14 |
Blafasel | lcuk: Any published version of liqbase already? Skimmed the backlog, must have missed it | 01:15 |
lcuk | hah! not yet im afraid | 01:16 |
Blafasel | Damn. Was worth a try ;) | 01:16 |
lcuk | lol | 01:16 |
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Mousey | ^_^ | 01:27 |
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GeneralAntilles | Ugh | 01:38 |
GeneralAntilles | fiferboy launches Control panel as part of the installation process. | 01:38 |
GeneralAntilles | What a joke. | 01:38 |
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johnx | seems sane to me | 01:41 |
GeneralAntilles | Seems incredibly irritating to me | 01:41 |
GeneralAntilles | But I guess you have to deal with stupid people | 01:41 |
johnx | it would be irritating to get spammed by people who are too dumb to find the settings otherwise | 01:41 |
johnx | exactly | 01:41 |
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mikkov_ | is fiferboy some application? | 01:43 |
mikkov_ | can't find it | 01:43 |
johnx | fiferboy is the name of a forum member who wrote a couple apps | 01:43 |
mikkov_ | ah | 01:43 |
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mikkov_ | packets are moving sometimes very slowly from autobuilder to extras-devel | 01:49 |
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* GeneralAntilles is really enjoying using the N800 as a phone at home since his house is a faraday cage. | 02:07 | |
*** GeneralAntilles changes topic to "http://maemo.org | Maemo Summit: https://wiki.maemo.org/Maemo_summit_2008 | Create the new maemo.org logo: https://wiki.maemo.org/maemo.org_logo_contest | logs at http://mg.pov.lt/maemo-irclog/ | http://mxr.maemo.org" | 02:07 | |
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Blafasel | I'm really, really looking forward to the summit. I hope I get the day off. | 02:19 |
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bef0rd | hi. | 03:16 |
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* Mousey wishes canola crossfaded | 03:22 | |
Mousey | no chance someone's porting amarok is there | 03:23 |
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Edgester | what is the url for the extras-testing repository? I'd like to test my packages before promoting them. | 04:01 |
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zanshin | who can tell me where I can find a kernel which shows boot messages? I have no clue what's happening during boot, and I'm stuck. A would be nice. | 04:28 |
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derf | I think the best you've got is dmesg after it finishes booting. | 04:32 |
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zanshin | It doesn't go that far(I think). | 04:36 |
zanshin | that's why I want to see the boot messages. So I can see where I get stuck. | 04:37 |
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derf | Yeah... there's no console driver. | 04:39 |
derf | So that's going to be a problem. | 04:39 |
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GAN800 | zanshin, it's pretty easy, actially. | 04:46 |
GAN800 | qwerty12 or johnx can point you in the right direction. | 04:47 |
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wolfspirit | hmmm.. so should I sell my n800 and get an n810? are the extra features worth it? | 05:00 |
GAN800 | No. | 05:01 |
Dekaritae | Sell your N800 and buy an R2H | 05:01 |
GAN800 | Not unless you really, really love hardware keyboards or use it outdoors a lot. | 05:01 |
wolfspirit | I'm also looking at the open pandora.. but I'm impatient :) | 05:02 |
GAN800 | Pandora doesn't provide any Maemo features yet. | 05:03 |
GAN800 | and definitely hasn't shipped. | 05:04 |
wolfspirit | that R2H is too big.. after owning a eeepc for a while I realized I really am wanting a device that fits in my pocket.. the n800 is awesome.. I was just wondering if the integrated GPS and hardware keyboard of the n810 makes it worth getting it over the n800 | 05:06 |
wolfspirit | GAN800: yeah pre orders haven't even started yet | 05:06 |
Mercury | wolfspirit: I decided to. | 05:07 |
Mercury | wolfspirit: I just got the n810 today, so I don't know if it was worth it or not. | 05:07 |
Mercury | wolfspirit: The size difference is _really_ handy, and for text entry the keyboard is so very much better. | 05:07 |
Mercury | The lock switch thinggy is handy too. | 05:07 |
Mercury | So far, I have had absolutely no luck at all with the GPS. | 05:07 |
Dekaritae | wolfspirit: Size was one of my reasons for going n800 -> iPT | 05:07 |
wolfspirit | Mercury: size difference? | 05:07 |
Mercury | wolfspirit: The N810 is a little smaller, not a lot, but enough that it actually _fits_ in PDA holsters, and in my hand better. | 05:08 |
Mercury | wolfspirit: And I don't have small hands. | 05:08 |
* GAN800 wishes Nokia would pull its head out of its ass and fix soft poweroff | 05:08 | |
GAN800 | Ha! I figured it put! | 05:08 |
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Mercury | GAN800: Soft poweroff? | 05:09 |
Mercury | GAN800: What's the issue? | 05:09 |
GAN800 | bug #2400 | 05:09 |
GAN800 | So much better than that locking nonsense. | 05:09 |
Mercury | wolfspirit: Oh, and the keyboard is actually usable for the console, the special charecters all being FN-<something> is a little bit of a pain, but, you can actually _do_ it, well. | 05:09 |
GAN800 | One keypress to enter and exit what basically amounts to locking | 05:10 |
Atarii770 | O dear i entered at the wrong time | 05:10 |
Mercury | wolfspirit: Even a uber tiny QWERTY thing is so much _better_ then the on-screen it's not funny. | 05:10 |
* GAN800 pokes Atarii with a stick. | 05:10 | |
wolfspirit | Mercury: from what I've heard the built in GPS is not as good as bluetooth GPS devices which is one of the reasons I'm kind of hesitant | 05:10 |
Mercury | Now, the GPS simply doesn't work for me, at all. | 05:10 |
Mercury | I can get it to find my location when I go to settings -> GPS and have it look, no problem, lockon time isn't even awful after the first hour of trying. | 05:11 |
GAN800 | Mercury, I'd disagree. I really like the finger keyboard myself. | 05:11 |
Mercury | But the map program flatly refuses to actually find my current location based on the GPS. | 05:11 |
GAN800 | supld may be stalled. | 05:11 |
Mercury | GAN800: Have you tried using the X term with that? | 05:11 |
Mercury | GAN800: Seriously? | 05:11 |
wolfspirit | Mercury: are you using the default one or maemo maps? | 05:12 |
GAN800 | Works well enough for me | 05:13 |
Mercury | wolfspirit: Default one I believe, which may be part of the problem. | 05:13 |
robink | Is lightmediascanner-ogg held up by the OGG fiasco? | 05:13 |
Mercury | robink: OGG fiasco? | 05:13 |
wolfspirit | GAN800: have you tried the gps with bluetooth on the n800 as well as the built in n810 one? | 05:14 |
robink | Mercury: Apparently there's some legal kerfuffle about OGG support | 05:15 |
GAN800 | Bluetooth GPS is lightyeas ahead of the N810's | 05:15 |
Mercury | robink: Ah, software patent issues. And, of course, with nobody being willing to point to a specific patent in public, who the hell knows. | 05:17 |
robink | Sigh | 05:18 |
* Mercury idles off. | 05:18 | |
ShadowJK | Mercury, well it's pretty easy, pick any random patent, it probably applies to every piece of software installed | 05:19 |
robink | kulve: Would you be willing to package it in a diablo release of ogg-support? | 05:19 |
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robink | Can you get a Nokia N810 to do handwriting recognition? | 06:33 |
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terbo | so how many usb vgas can you plug in ... | 06:41 |
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tank-man | terbo, do you know of a usb to vga adaptor that works with linux? | 06:53 |
terbo | i suppose anything based on the sis chipset .. a few | 06:54 |
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GAN800 | terbo, probably not mpre than one | 07:08 |
GAN800 | one doesn't really work for real x at this point anyway. | 07:08 |
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terbo | :( | 07:10 |
GAN800 | You're welcome to help Graham getting it up to speed though. ;) | 07:12 |
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mbuf | the gpscityguide in svn has only the web page? from where can I get the source code? | 09:17 |
mbuf | https://garage.maemo.org/scm/?group_id=383 | 09:17 |
qwerty12 | Ouch. http://repository.maemo.org/extras-devel/pool/chinook/free/source/c/cityguide/ | 09:18 |
mbuf | qwerty12, thanks! | 09:20 |
qwerty12 | np | 09:20 |
* qwerty12 is too lazy to attempt editing an configure script in the morning | 09:21 | |
mbuf | qwerty12, there is no voice-to-configure script translation available? | 09:21 |
qwerty12 | mbuf: Don't think so. I'd probably end up making more mistakes using my voice as it's dry :P | 09:22 |
qwerty12 | (well, my mouth is dry even) | 09:22 |
mbuf | qwerty12, :) | 09:22 |
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qwerty12 | David Weinehall seems to have a nice way of bullshitting. | 09:37 |
* qwerty12 is reading the softpower off bugs | 09:37 | |
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Khertan_n810 | Hi ! | 10:02 |
Khertan_n810 | x-fade > autobuilder failed to build my package, it seems related that it fail to get depandancies | 10:03 |
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Khertan_n810 | x-fade > Err http://repository.maemo.org diablo/sdk Release.gpg | 10:04 |
christefano | does anyone know why some sources (i.e. Amazon.com) say the N810 has 800x400 screen resolution? | 10:04 |
Khertan_n810 | because it s amazon | 10:04 |
johnx | it's a nice round number? | 10:05 |
XTLi | 2:1... | 10:05 |
christefano | yeah, all good possibilities :) it just doesn't make any sense | 10:05 |
Khertan_n810 | amazon have always error in descripting hifh tech products | 10:05 |
johnx | maybe they cut off 40 pixels (about .2") worth of screen on the ones they sell... | 10:05 |
Khertan_n810 | and many store take source of description from amazon | 10:06 |
XTLi | Apple paid them to say it | 10:06 |
Khertan_n810 | :) | 10:06 |
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johnx | XTLi, "well that's 80 pixels we don't have to compete with!" | 10:07 |
Stskeeps | morning johnx :) | 10:10 |
johnx | morning Stskeeps | 10:11 |
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Stskeeps | johnx: i've tried poking the chroot people a bit.. to see if we can make some joint effort with this stuff, since there's a lot of similarities in what we do | 10:11 |
johnx | Stskeeps, what did they say? | 10:12 |
Stskeeps | johnx: well they were positive (thread is on ITT), but they are waiting for qole to be back online | 10:12 |
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Stskeeps | and he's expressed interest in going with the installer before to one of them so | 10:13 |
Khertan_n810 | pfff autobuilder is unreliable | 10:13 |
Khertan_n810 | all package failed building since 4:00 | 10:14 |
Stskeeps | johnx: but it'd be interesting to have an environment with both maemo support packages (both in maemo and in installation image), so you can choose either to chroot or to boot, depending on what you need done | 10:15 |
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johnx | Stskeeps, that sounds good I guess. I never use chroot myself, thus why I didn't look at it earlier. | 10:17 |
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Stskeeps | johnx: how was audio caused to work btw? | 10:19 |
johnx | Stskeeps, with gstreamer libs and a DSP service | 10:20 |
johnx | I'm looking at it right now | 10:20 |
Stskeeps | oki | 10:20 |
johnx | have been a little slow these past couple days with work and other priority interrupts :/ | 10:20 |
Stskeeps | hehe, i know the feeling | 10:21 |
Stskeeps | i'm leaving for poland early tomorrow morning until 4th, but will be online occasionally | 10:21 |
Stskeeps | johnx: would dsp service cause stuff like /dev/dsp to work or? | 10:21 |
Stskeeps | (i noticed an osso-esd, so) | 10:21 |
johnx | Stskeeps, how do you mean /dev/dsp ? | 10:21 |
johnx | if you mean something you can do 'cat file.wav > /dev/dsp' to, then, no, I think not | 10:22 |
Stskeeps | k | 10:22 |
johnx | but for programming on the DSP yes, that will be possible | 10:22 |
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Stskeeps | looking to see if the gstreamer libs for hantro and such could be put in with debian could be interesting too atleast | 10:25 |
johnx | yeah, don't see why not | 10:26 |
Stskeeps | they're also nicely diablo-fetchable so | 10:26 |
aquatix | morning all | 10:27 |
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Stskeeps | johnx: looking at osso-esd source, yeah, it uses /dev/dsptask/pcm1 as backend | 10:34 |
johnx | ah, nice | 10:34 |
johnx | I was wrong then | 10:34 |
Stskeeps | it communicates with it in a dsp-specific way though | 10:34 |
Stskeeps | http://repository.maemo.org/pool/maemo/ossw/source/o/osso-esd/ | 10:34 |
johnx | aaah | 10:34 |
johnx | so osso-esd is hacked up compared to normal esd? | 10:35 |
Stskeeps | think so | 10:35 |
johnx | I assume it doesn't speak OSS to /dev/dsptask/pcm1 ? | 10:35 |
Stskeeps | statInfo.dsp_cmd = DSP_CMD_STATE; | 10:35 |
Stskeeps | len = write(pcm_drv, &statInfo, sizeof(short int)); | 10:35 |
Stskeeps | doesn't look like OSS | 10:35 |
Stskeeps | :P | 10:35 |
XTLi | Speaks osso | 10:36 |
johnx | ok, I was half right then :) | 10:36 |
johnx | but there is real ALSA emulation | 10:36 |
johnx | it can be kinda flakey though | 10:36 |
XTLi | Never really saw a clear explanation on how the sound is done | 10:37 |
johnx | from what I understand, there is a gstreamer lib that throws sound directly at a dsp task, which then mixes sound from different sources and plays it | 10:38 |
Stskeeps | johnx: yeah, audio_dsp.c isn't in standard esound | 10:38 |
johnx | but there is also an emulated alsa sink that sits above the gstreamer lib and speaks standard alsa of course | 10:39 |
johnx | I assume you could do oss->alsa emulation | 10:39 |
XTLi | Is there esd too still? | 10:40 |
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johnx | XTLi, yes | 10:43 |
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johnx | it apparently talks directly to the DSP task as well | 10:43 |
johnx | actually, I wonder if the ALSA emulation just talks directly to the DSP task as well | 10:43 |
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Jaffa | Morning, all | 10:56 |
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trickie | morning | 10:57 |
Stskeeps | johnx: btw if you haven't done yet, set your e-mail on trac, then you receive bug updates and such | 10:58 |
johnx | oh good. bug updates. woo. | 10:59 |
johnx | :P | 10:59 |
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johnx | I will | 10:59 |
Stskeeps | more spam, yeah :P | 10:59 |
Khertan_n810 | :) | 10:59 |
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spcui | hi buddies, where is the osso_notes' source code? | 11:06 |
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spcui | where is I can find it? | 11:07 |
johnx | spcui, if you looked at the repository and the svn repo with the rest of the source, and haven't found it..then it's probably closed source | 11:07 |
spcui | oh, thanks | 11:07 |
johnx | maybe look at the source for leafpad | 11:08 |
johnx | it's pretty similar | 11:08 |
Khertan_n810 | :) | 11:08 |
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Khertan_n810 | and in python there is pygtkeditor | 11:09 |
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Jaffa | X-Fade: ping | 11:13 |
spcui | johnx, I didn't find the source in repository.maemo.org | 11:16 |
johnx | for leafpad? | 11:17 |
spcui | no | 11:17 |
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spcui | it's closed source | 11:19 |
spcui | thanks for your help | 11:20 |
johnx | sure | 11:20 |
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spcui | how to start the virtual keyboard on N810? | 11:32 |
spcui | anyone can answer me ? | 11:37 |
t_s_o | thumb the input area or hit the center of the dpad | 11:37 |
spcui | thank you. | 11:40 |
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spcui | i did this method, but i can't start the virtual-keyboard | 11:43 |
spcui | why? | 11:43 |
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Alfred_Jin | if the command kill -9 pid can't kill a process how can i kill it? | 11:43 |
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Stskeeps | Alfred_Jin: go at it with a baseball bat | 11:45 |
Alfred_Jin | what is the baseball bat? | 11:46 |
Alfred_Jin | how to use it? | 11:46 |
Alfred_Jin | can i use the command in shell? | 11:46 |
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lcuk | Alfred_Jin, kill -9 Mother_in_law doesnt work ever | 11:58 |
lcuk | you need a special command directly from a priest or minister | 11:58 |
GeneralAntilles | spcui, for future reference: http://mxr.maemo.org/ | 12:00 |
X-Fade | Jaffa: pong | 12:00 |
Alfred_Jin | lcuk , which command should i use | 12:01 |
Alfred_Jin | the process is /user/sbin/wlandcond now i can't disconnect the network | 12:03 |
XTLi | If it's is a blocking call, youll need to get it to finish that | 12:03 |
XTLi | Or wait or reboot | 12:03 |
XTLi | In a... | 12:04 |
* GeneralAntilles also needed X-Fade for something . . . but now can't remember what. | 12:04 | |
X-Fade | GeneralAntilles: Heh ;) | 12:04 |
GeneralAntilles | I suppose I could pick something else off my ever growing list. :P | 12:04 |
Alfred_Jin | yes reboot can solve it but just this way? | 12:04 |
GeneralAntilles | Ah, that's right, meeting logs. . . . | 12:05 |
X-Fade | GeneralAntilles: Do you want me to put the bugzilla meeting ones up? | 12:05 |
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GeneralAntilles | Yeah, that'd be nice. | 12:05 |
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Khertan | Hi ! | 12:05 |
GeneralAntilles | I was also gonna ask for the Sprint3 log to be put on the wiki page, but then I remembered that it's a wiki. <_< | 12:06 |
X-Fade | GeneralAntilles: Yeah, you can just import the html? | 12:06 |
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GeneralAntilles | Well, linked from the wikipage I should say | 12:07 |
GeneralAntilles | like the Sprint2 page. | 12:07 |
GeneralAntilles | and there goes Apache again. . . . | 12:07 |
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GeneralAntilles | Hi, Khertan. :) | 12:07 |
X-Fade | Khertan: I know about the problem, but I lack access to fix it. | 12:08 |
rm_you | morningh | 12:09 |
rm_you | back to my old schedule | 12:09 |
rm_you | johnx: yo? | 12:09 |
rm_you | GeneralAntilles: sup :P | 12:10 |
GeneralAntilles | Howdy | 12:10 |
rm_you | I miss anything of note? | 12:10 |
GeneralAntilles | You missed it, I probably missed it. | 12:10 |
rm_you | lol | 12:10 |
rm_you | i been asleep for the past 16 hours | 12:11 |
rm_you | so meh :P | 12:11 |
GeneralAntilles | I did that yesterday | 12:12 |
GeneralAntilles | 3 nights of 5-hour nights capped off by the Dark Knight really takes it out of you. | 12:12 |
GeneralAntilles | X-Fade, I've got a really nitpicky and lame styling request for you. | 12:13 |
GeneralAntilles | Think you could model http://maemo.org/maemo-meeting/ after http://repository.maemo.org/ ? | 12:13 |
GeneralAntilles | and maybe drop in the Bugzilla meeting on the bottom since I hope to have more. | 12:13 |
X-Fade | GeneralAntilles: Don't you like my plain html page? :) | 12:14 |
GeneralAntilles | I really want all maemo-related plain html pages to look the same for some reason | 12:15 |
X-Fade | GeneralAntilles: Feel free to send patches ;) | 12:15 |
GeneralAntilles | OK, I'll do that. | 12:15 |
GeneralAntilles | Will a .html and a .css suffice? | 12:15 |
X-Fade | Yes, no problem. | 12:15 |
X-Fade | Ok, log created. Now I need to copy it through 3 machines ;) | 12:16 |
GeneralAntilles | Will "IRC logs of maemo.org meetings" work as the new title? | 12:16 |
GeneralAntilles | Since "maemo" doesn't work for the new branding. . . . | 12:17 |
X-Fade | Yeah, sure. | 12:17 |
GeneralAntilles | Funny bug: <h1>maemo meetings IRC log</hi> | 12:17 |
X-Fade | Hehe ;) | 12:17 |
X-Fade | It was late when I created that first one ;) | 12:17 |
rm_you | umm GA | 12:19 |
rm_you | did we have 8600 DLs yesterday? :P | 12:19 |
rm_you | lol | 12:19 |
GeneralAntilles | WTF? | 12:19 |
GeneralAntilles | Did India get in on the grapevine now? | 12:19 |
rm_you | rofl | 12:19 |
rm_you | third now in our category | 12:19 |
X-Fade | rm_you: I fixed the stats ;) | 12:19 |
rm_you | not complaining :P | 12:19 |
GeneralAntilles | Haha | 12:19 |
rm_you | X-Fade: they were broken? | 12:20 |
rm_you | X-Fade: lol | 12:20 |
rm_you | thanks? :P | 12:20 |
GeneralAntilles | Quadrupled in 2 days | 12:20 |
GeneralAntilles | Terrifying. | 12:20 |
rm_you | every time i check it has doubled | 12:20 |
GeneralAntilles | rm_you, keep reloading, pls. :D | 12:20 |
rm_you | lol | 12:20 |
rm_you | being in the third slot improves visibility too | 12:20 |
rm_you | helps | 12:20 |
X-Fade | rm_you: Well they count per OS but it only counted chinook. | 12:20 |
rm_you | ROFL | 12:20 |
X-Fade | And we were a few weeks behind in stats. | 12:21 |
rm_you | lol | 12:21 |
rm_you | that *would* be like... 75% of our DLs :P | 12:21 |
rm_you | it should count garage too | 12:21 |
rm_you | or does it | 12:21 |
X-Fade | Don't count on that. | 12:21 |
rm_you | heh | 12:21 |
rm_you | nother 3000+ there i think :P | 12:22 |
rm_you | ack i need to post 0.14 to the garage | 12:22 |
X-Fade | rm_you: Check the graph ;) | 12:22 |
rm_you | graph? | 12:22 |
X-Fade | On your page in /downloads | 12:22 |
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hrw | morning | 12:23 |
hrw | GAN800: indeed - I was looking at itt from time to time and this time I decided to write | 12:23 |
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GeneralAntilles | hrw, bad time to start over there. ;) | 12:24 |
X-Fade | GeneralAntilles: http://maemo.org/maemo-meeting/maemo-bugzilla-meeting-2008-07-22.html | 12:24 |
GeneralAntilles | Thanks! | 12:24 |
aquatix | rm_you: what downloads are you talking about? | 12:24 |
rm_you | aquatix: http://maemo.org/downloads/product/OS2008/advanced-backlight/ | 12:25 |
aquatix | ah! | 12:25 |
aquatix | neato | 12:26 |
aquatix | rm_you: can i be really nitpicky and say that i think the tray icon of a-b is slightly [just slightly] too large? | 12:27 |
aquatix | if you look at the other icons | 12:27 |
GeneralAntilles | It's two icons in one. | 12:27 |
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GeneralAntilles | WONTFIX :P | 12:27 |
Addison | Greetings and salutations gentlemen! :) | 12:27 |
rm_you | aquatix: lol | 12:27 |
rm_you | aquatix: change your theme :) | 12:28 |
aquatix | GeneralAntilles: :) | 12:28 |
aquatix | rm_you: errr | 12:28 |
aquatix | rm_you: that won't change icons now will it? | 12:28 |
GeneralAntilles | aquatix, the default is wider than most. | 12:28 |
aquatix | you can even see it in your own screenshots ;) | 12:28 |
GeneralAntilles | But I didn't feel like remuxing Nokia's volume icon to make it the same size as the rest | 12:29 |
aquatix | GeneralAntilles: the thing that catches my eye the most is the height | 12:29 |
aquatix | it's just a few pics higher than the others | 12:29 |
GeneralAntilles | It has more information to display than other applets, so a larger icon is OK in my book. | 12:29 |
aquatix | true | 12:29 |
aquatix | as said, being nitpicky | 12:29 |
rm_you | aquatix: i meant change the advanced backlight theme | 12:29 |
aquatix | just thought it broke the line of height of the icons there | 12:29 |
rm_you | aquatix: in the settings | 12:29 |
Addison | I'm sorry for coming here and always asking questions and all. But I'm really stumped here. Is there a way to get a "CP 437" font in Xterm? I'm just not getting this. | 12:30 |
aquatix | rm_you: oh, let me try... | 12:30 |
rm_you | GeneralAntilles: wait, your icons are 40x40 isn't that standard? | 12:30 |
* rm_you is confused | 12:30 | |
GeneralAntilles | They are | 12:30 |
GeneralAntilles | Nokia's icons just have a bunch more padding. | 12:30 |
rm_you | oh. | 12:30 |
aquatix | rm_you: ooh, hildon is quite nice | 12:30 |
rm_you | well, 2px padding on the left is necessary | 12:30 |
rm_you | for some stupid reason | 12:30 |
rm_you | may be a bug | 12:30 |
rm_you | maybe i should file a bug report | 12:31 |
Khertan | X-Fade > bad that you can't access to the machine ... | 12:31 |
Khertan | :) | 12:31 |
aquatix | rm_you: thanks for the hint, hadn't tried that setting as i thought only pccars was in there | 12:31 |
aquatix | hildon suits my eyecandy needs :) | 12:31 |
rm_you | aquatix: :) | 12:31 |
rm_you | I still prefer GA's icons | 12:31 |
rm_you | they are more "our signature" | 12:31 |
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GeneralAntilles | Choice is good! :D | 12:31 |
aquatix | don't get me wrong, GA's version is great too | 12:31 |
rm_you | :P | 12:31 |
Jaffa | X-Fade: it was going to be a question of whether #3497 is intended behaviour now. I suspected not so raised a bug. | 12:31 |
aquatix | but it disturbs the `flow' of the top icons a bit | 12:32 |
rm_you | heh | 12:32 |
Addison | Again, all apologies, but is there a way to get IBMgraphics in Xterm? From what I understand, Xterm will only handle .ttf fonts, is that correct? | 12:32 |
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rm_you | OH | 12:33 |
rm_you | I have an interesting proof of concept idea for an iconset | 12:33 |
rm_you | will make it now | 12:33 |
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Addison | Hey, I'm just trying to play Nethack through Telnet using IBMgraphics in Maemo. So far, I have yet to find a font that supports such a code. Any help on this and I will personally write a song about you. :) | 12:34 |
XTLi | Use decgraphics | 12:35 |
Addison | Yeah, decgraphics works perfect, but it doesn't have enough characters I'm hoping for though. | 12:35 |
XTLi | Nh doesnt have unicode drawing chars yet, does it? | 12:35 |
Addison | Here's the thing. From this page there are characters 176, 177, and 178 that I would like to custom make for the dungeons, you can't do that with DECgraphics. | 12:36 |
Addison | http://www.asciitable.com/ | 12:36 |
Addison | I'm looking to create a nice dark and lit corridor graphic for the hallways. With DECgraphics, all you can pretty much do is use a pound "#" sign for this. | 12:38 |
Addison | Is Xterm incapable of using a .fon font? I mean is it only .ttf and nothing else? | 12:39 |
X-Fade | Jaffa: I guess that bug can be an enhancement. | 12:39 |
GeneralAntilles | Well, considering .fon is a proprietary Windows font format. . . . | 12:40 |
X-Fade | Khertan: Working on it ;) | 12:40 |
Addison | Ah poops! And there's no real way to convert a .fon to .ttf is there General? | 12:40 |
Khertan | X-Fade > great news :) | 12:41 |
GeneralAntilles | Addison, dunno, I don't deal with Windows proprietary stuff. ;) | 12:41 |
XTLi | Using dos "graphics" is evil anyway | 12:41 |
GeneralAntilles | Google should tell you if there is, I suppose. | 12:41 |
Addison | Yeah XTli, but it's old school, and with my age, I'm all about that! *lol* | 12:41 |
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XTLi | Middle aged school | 12:42 |
X-Fade | Jaffa: About the summit schedule. I don't think we want to be put next to each other right? :) | 12:42 |
X-Fade | Jaffa: https://wiki.maemo.org/Maemo_Summit_2008 | 12:42 |
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Addison | Well, you'll get to my age soon enough there XTli. We all do. *lol* | 12:42 |
X-Fade | Jaffa: I guess we could make a 'packaging/extras' track? | 12:43 |
Addison | Okay, moving on, is there a .ttf format or whatever Xterm needs to have a font that is encoding with "cp 437" whatever? | 12:44 |
Addison | I guess "cp 437" is the buzz word for IBM compatible graphic format or something. | 12:44 |
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Addison | I've been looking around now for almost a month trying to problem solve this ridiculous weirdness. | 12:45 |
Addison | All I need is a font that supports IBMgraphics in Xterm through Telnet. That's it. | 12:46 |
XTLi | Well, running out of polite expression, so why not go *plonk* | 12:46 |
Addison | Someone please help me before I go insane, possibly turning into a madman. *lol* | 12:47 |
Addison | *plonk*? Does that mean I should fuck myself? Sorry, I don't get on the net all too often. :) | 12:47 |
jott | Addison: are you looking for a fon to pcf (bdf) converter? | 12:47 |
Addison | I don't know jott, will Xterm accept a .pcf font? Never tried one before but I think I have one on my desktop. | 12:48 |
jott | Addison: pcf/bdf are X11 bitmap fonts | 12:49 |
jott | (and the osso-xterm hence supports them) | 12:49 |
Addison | So look in Google for a .pcf or .bdf font that is encoded with "cp 437" coding? | 12:50 |
jott | you can convert fnt files to it.. | 12:50 |
Addison | Oooh... Excellent! | 12:50 |
jott | http://dmr.ath.cx/misc/cp437/ hmm :) | 12:51 |
Addison | Bingo! Thanks jott! | 12:51 |
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Addison | I swear I've rifled the net for over a month. I guess I couldn't figure out what to put in the search engine. | 12:52 |
jott | Addison: the wine tools provide an fnt convert if you have a fnt you want to use. | 12:52 |
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Veggen | Hmmf. Can you buy a new n810 leather cover? | 12:54 |
Veggen | I think I lost mine in an airport yesterday. | 12:54 |
Addison | Hey jott, those fonts were 6x8, 8x8, and 8x12. Not to create any type of unnecessary weirdness here, but I need one that is exactly 7x13. | 12:56 |
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jott | Addison: hm well either google for a one that suites you (you have the bdf pcf keywords now :) or use a converter | 12:56 |
Addison | Okay, you're right. I didn't know I had the option with bdf and pcf until now. I'll go look. | 12:57 |
jott | Addison: http://cvs.winehq.com/cvsweb/wine/tools/ <- there is the fnt2bdf | 12:57 |
lcuk | heh, jott you really are the fnt of all knowledge ;) | 12:57 |
GeneralAntilles | X-Fade, you want me to file a bug and attach these into it or just give 'em to you direct? | 12:58 |
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X-Fade | GeneralAntilles: I think we can do that without bugzilla ;) | 12:58 |
Addison | Hey jott, I went to your last link but that page was filled with Sputnik gibberish weirdness. Exactly what am I looking at on that page? | 12:58 |
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jott | Addison: erm there is the source for the fnt2bdf convert, you probably have to fetch it and compile it manually .. | 12:59 |
jott | Addison: maybe start looking for ready fonts, there probably are a few ;) | 13:00 |
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Addison | Google "ready fonts", jott? | 13:03 |
jott | heh maybe "7x13 bdf cp-437" .. ;) | 13:04 |
Addison | Oooh. Will do that right now. | 13:04 |
jott | http://www.codeweavers.com/support/docs/wine-user/config-fonts-main <- see | 13:05 |
jott | (ignore the wine part ;) | 13:06 |
Addison | Oh shit jott, that's way beyond by knowledge. I can barely figure out how to point and click on the net. | 13:06 |
jott | :P | 13:07 |
jott | Addison: http://www.asitis.org/node/72 ? maybe this is easier? | 13:07 |
Addison | Is UTF-8 fonts what I'm looking for? | 13:07 |
jott | don't know.. | 13:07 |
jott | Addison: well.. an utf-8 font should contain all chars... | 13:08 |
jott | but the osso-xterm does not support cp437 encoding afaik.. :/ | 13:08 |
Addison | Well, that's my problem right there. I bought something online that converts .fon to .ttf, which seemed to actually work but when I piped it through Xterm, I got nothing but screen gibberish. | 13:09 |
Addison | It was called PixFont and it was a total waste of money. :( | 13:10 |
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jott | yeah you should probably go fon -> bdf/pcf, as ttf with embedded bitmaps can make trouble... | 13:10 |
Addison | Okay jott, I'm here right now. Anything on this page worth downloading? | 13:12 |
Addison | http://www.sourcefiles.org/Utilities/Fonts/efont-unicode-bdf-0.4.2-src.tar.bz2.shtml | 13:12 |
Addison | It's showing something somewhere of a 7x13 .bdf file. | 13:12 |
jott | hm can't tell you .. just give it a try .. :) | 13:13 |
jott | but i guess xterm will mess with the encoding | 13:14 |
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Addison | Okay, real quick because I hate taking up a person's time like I'm doing. If I copy a .bdf or .pcf file using Emelfm2 into the font folder, turned of the tablet and restarted, that should be a font I can select in Xterm? | 13:16 |
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jott | i'm not 100% but i think you need mkfontdir /the/font/dir | 13:17 |
Addison | Before I've just been shoveling junk in the user/share/font folder but don't quote me on that. | 13:19 |
Addison | Whenever I find a new font, I just put it into that folder and then turn off the tablet and restart. | 13:19 |
jott | yeah just do so | 13:20 |
Addison | Did I happen to mention that I'm a retarded gorilla when it comes to simple basic concepts with computers? :) | 13:20 |
GeneralAntilles | Easier to run fc-cache | 13:20 |
jott | or that | 13:20 |
Addison | Hey GA, is that "fc-cache" in Xterm? | 13:20 |
GeneralAntilles | Add a Personal Menu entry to make it easier still. | 13:20 |
GeneralAntilles | Yes | 13:21 |
Addison | Thank you GA! | 13:21 |
rm_you | GeneralAntilles: wow this is SO ugly | 13:21 |
rm_you | but could be neat | 13:21 |
jott | rm_you: ? :O | 13:22 |
rm_you | jott: http://www.ageofikon.info/colorpoc.tar.gz | 13:22 |
GeneralAntilles | Addison, Personal Menu: new entry, name: "Refresh fonts", command: "fc-cache" | 13:22 |
rm_you | jott: iconset proof of concept | 13:22 |
Addison | Okay, well I've taken up way too much of everyone's time here. Thanks a bunch jott! I just wish that my cerebral cortex was only 4% as big as yours. :) | 13:23 |
rm_you | jott: looks HORRIBLE, and serves as more proof that I can't do graphical design :P but is a thought about a possible way to do iconsets | 13:23 |
rm_you | using color instead of moving widgets | 13:23 |
X-Fade | GeneralAntilles: http://maemo.org/maemo-meeting/ | 13:23 |
Addison | I don't have Personal Menu, GA. Actually I basically don't have anything on my tablet except for Telnet. | 13:23 |
GeneralAntilles | <_<? | 13:23 |
GeneralAntilles | Then why have a tablet? :P | 13:23 |
GeneralAntilles | Much cleaner, X-Fade. ;) | 13:24 |
rm_you | Addison: install advanced-backlight :P | 13:24 |
Addison | I bought it to get me through Med School. So far, it's only proven to be a piece. *lol* | 13:24 |
X-Fade | GeneralAntilles: Sure, it is a lot better ;) | 13:24 |
rm_you | lol buying fun electronics is one way to NOT get through med school :P | 13:24 |
Addison | Yeah, my tablet right now is about as much fun as playing with an empty pop can. I have no idea what to do with it. | 13:26 |
jott | rm_you: wtf?! colors colors colors? :O | 13:26 |
rm_you | jott: lol | 13:26 |
jott | or colorblind test? ;) | 13:26 |
rm_you | jott: it is a proof of concept (both of using colors to denote levels, and of my lack of design ability) :P | 13:27 |
rm_you | jott: did you see my OTHER one? | 13:27 |
jott | hm don't think so | 13:27 |
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rm_you | lol sec | 13:28 |
GeneralAntilles | rm_you, you should design a Bob interface to go with that one. :P | 13:28 |
GeneralAntilles | Addison, see: http://www.internettablettalk.com/wiki/index.php?title=Personal_Accounts | 13:29 |
jott | hah yeah we need "Maemo Bob" :> | 13:29 |
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jott | bob is probably great with a touchscreen interface :P | 13:30 |
lcuk_work | some guy was on about a 3d interface in itT the other day that reminded me of bob | 13:31 |
rm_you | Bob? | 13:32 |
lcuk_work | http://www.internettablettalk.com/forums/showthread.php?t=22056&page=3 | 13:32 |
Addison | There's no click places on their GA. That's about all I can do is point to something onscreen and click on it. That site you gave me was a an black hole of crap! *lol* | 13:32 |
lcuk_work | microsoft bob :) household computing | 13:32 |
GeneralAntilles | crap? | 13:33 |
jott | rm_you: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_bob | 13:33 |
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lcuk_work | bob is a good idea in principle - i would love for alternative visualisations like this to be configurable | 13:34 |
jott | boob instead of bob? :P | 13:34 |
lcuk_work | your ebooks folder looking like a book case, your pron folder looking like a pulled back mattress, your contacts being a pub setting | 13:34 |
XTLi | I dont think I'd like to see ms boob | 13:35 |
Addison3 | Wow, I just got kicked from this site. Did I say something retardedly stupid.... again? :) | 13:35 |
jott | haha that would be steve ballmers boobs? :O | 13:35 |
lcuk_work | eughhhhhhh ballmers ms man boobs all sweaty and dripping | 13:35 |
XTLi | Wobbly | 13:36 |
lcuk_work | Addison3, yes dont say ass | 13:36 |
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lcuk | of crap,i only said ass | 13:37 |
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GeneralAntilles | Addison3, you weren't kicked. | 13:37 |
GeneralAntilles | Network issue of somesort | 13:37 |
jott | why does every one think of ballmer when speaking of ms boobs? :O | 13:37 |
Addison3 | I said a$$ at one point? Well, shoot, don't even remember saying that. I guess I need immediate, intensive psychotherapy if I can't even remember two mintues ago. :) | 13:38 |
lcuk | cos hes the microsoft totty | 13:38 |
XTLi | jott: most prominent sample of | 13:38 |
GeneralAntilles | ohgod | 13:38 |
XTLi | Although originally I was thinking "if microsoft made boobs" | 13:38 |
lcuk | Addison3, there is no profanity filter, you can technically say whatever you want. GeneralAntilles is right - you got kicked because of a network issue and not because of what you said | 13:39 |
GeneralAntilles | qgil has thrown an "Objective:" namespace in there | 13:39 |
GeneralAntilles | "kicked" isn't the correct term | 13:39 |
XTLi | .. And stopped thinking right there and started reading some spec documents instead | 13:39 |
GeneralAntilles | "kick" implies some sort of action by a person or computer to forcibly remove you from the network. | 13:39 |
XTLi | Freenode's been splitting a lot | 13:39 |
X-Fade | And that Peer guy isn't helping either ;) | 13:40 |
lcuk | microsoft are silicone hungry - you can install vista on a dual core and whilst you could watch them jiggle all day long they wouldnt actually be useful | 13:40 |
GeneralAntilles | Task: == 100 Days, Objective: == 2010 | 13:40 |
GeneralAntilles | Not sure how I feel about that. | 13:40 |
lcuk | time dilation? | 13:41 |
XTLi | Not much, in workdays | 13:41 |
lcuk | maybe qgil is actually travelling at some fraction of SOL and will infact arrive in 2010 in 100 relative days? | 13:41 |
crashanddie | lcuk, silicone or silicium ? | 13:41 |
GeneralAntilles | jott, get a rotation support package in Extras-devel already so we can point people to it on the website and in the readmes. :P | 13:41 |
lcuk | crashanddie, im not a materials scientist but if you build an example of each, i'll ummm give them a test | 13:42 |
GeneralAntilles | lcuk, if that means that the 2010 objectives will be achieved in 100 days then I'm all in! :P | 13:42 |
* lcuk takes hold of the problem | 13:42 | |
Khertan | or make a package that display instruction on how to install it :) | 13:42 |
Addison3 | Well, have a good night all! Thanks again jott for all you great genius. | 13:42 |
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lcuk | see superjott, u are the god. | 13:42 |
GeneralAntilles | jott spawned all the great genius in here? | 13:43 |
GeneralAntilles | Awesome. | 13:43 |
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lcuk | jott actually sits here in his underpants and cape | 13:43 |
XTLi | Spawning genius | 13:43 |
GeneralAntilles | Next big comic-book turned movie? Superjott! | 13:43 |
lcuk | hang on, thats goin too far | 13:44 |
GeneralAntilles | http://www.internettablettalk.com/forums/showpost.php?p=206471&postcount=4 | 13:44 |
* jott informs his agent | 13:44 | |
GeneralAntilles | Is Darius seeming more stable because it's actually his version 2.0? | 13:45 |
lcuk | at least now he has 2 accounts he might increase membership on some of his googlegroups | 13:46 |
rm_you | GeneralAntilles / jott: http://www.ageofikon.info/funky3.tar.gz | 13:46 |
rm_you | that was the first iconset i made :P | 13:46 |
jott | 404 | 13:46 |
lcuk | back later | 13:47 |
XTLi | So his groups will now have 2 members? | 13:47 |
rm_you | err | 13:47 |
rm_you | sec | 13:47 |
X-Fade | Does anybody have an idea how to best clean older versions from a repository? :) | 13:47 |
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X-Fade | I want to reduce the size of the repository, because some packages have lots of old versions. Like: http://repository.maemo.org/extras-devel/pool/diablo/free/a/advanced-backlight/ :) | 13:48 |
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XTLi | It keeps them all? | 13:48 |
XTLi | I don't actually know how projects do repo reaping | 13:49 |
XTLi | I guess I've only run small repos :) | 13:49 |
X-Fade | Yes, now it keeps them all. But that makes Packages files big and reindexing a repository takes ages. | 13:49 |
XTLi | Most likely. Esp if that's where contrib pkgs pile up | 13:50 |
GeneralAntilles | Ha | 13:51 |
* GeneralAntilles blames rm_you. | 13:51 | |
rm_you | lol X-Fade :P | 13:51 |
Jaffa | X-Fade: sorry, was working. The bug's a regression so it's not really an enhancement. | 13:52 |
GeneralAntilles | X-Fade, bribe money. | 13:53 |
GeneralAntilles | "Give X-Fade $5 for every old version you want to keep" | 13:53 |
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Jaffa | X-Fade: and yes, a packaging track would be good. | 13:53 |
Jaffa | X-Fade: personally, I'd rather see your BoF then Mamona (although the mamona one would be interesting) | 13:53 |
XTLi | I wish grandcentral didn't have that country check | 13:55 |
X-Fade | Jaffa: Hmm ok, well then we need to find out what caused the regression. | 13:59 |
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Jaffa | X-Fade: indeed. | 14:01 |
X-Fade | Jaffa: Ah, it isn't a regression ;) | 14:01 |
X-Fade | Jaffa: You just need to adjust your privacy settings. | 14:01 |
X-Fade | I have published my name in the account settings and it shows up in the list. | 14:02 |
GeneralAntilles | It looks a lot different from how it did a week ago | 14:06 |
Khertan_n810 | x-fade > is possible to have form entry more larger in extras web page assistant | 14:06 |
GeneralAntilles | Maybe less of a regression and more of a bugfix that exposed something else? | 14:06 |
Khertan_n810 | it s a bit small when used from a nit | 14:07 |
Khertan_n810 | ? | 14:07 |
X-Fade | GeneralAntilles: It was part of the profile change I think. | 14:08 |
GeneralAntilles | rm_you, did you ever make any more progress on the max volume stuff? | 14:08 |
rm_you | GeneralAntilles: ? | 14:08 |
GeneralAntilles | Nokia maxing out at 93/100 | 14:09 |
Khertan_n810 | generalantilles > use the alsa mixer from debian :) | 14:09 |
GeneralAntilles | and ALSO mixing going to 100/100 | 14:09 |
GeneralAntilles | er, ALSA | 14:09 |
jott | GeneralAntilles: that's not really solvable when using maemo | 14:09 |
jott | (atleast when using multimediad) | 14:09 |
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GeneralAntilles | Seriously? | 14:10 |
GeneralAntilles | There's no way around that? | 14:10 |
jott | well 100 in gconf is 93 in alsa ;) | 14:10 |
X-Fade | Khertan_n810: What form? | 14:10 |
jott | i guess it is a bug in multimediad | 14:10 |
jott | or a feature ;) | 14:10 |
jott | i mean, we *could* use alsa for mixing.. | 14:11 |
rm_you | did you file a bug for that? | 14:11 |
Khertan_n810 | x-fade > all of the field,button,and popup in extras devel assistant | 14:11 |
rm_you | I was unaware | 14:11 |
jott | no .. :/ | 14:11 |
X-Fade | Khertan_n810: They are just default size at the moment. | 14:11 |
rm_you | anyway | 14:11 |
rm_you | GeneralAntilles / jott: http://www.ageofikon.info/funky4.tar.gz | 14:11 |
rm_you | that was my first iconset | 14:12 |
Khertan_n810 | :) this is why i ask :) | 14:12 |
rm_you | lol | 14:12 |
X-Fade | Khertan_n810: So basically that is a microb bug then ;) | 14:12 |
jott | i bet that 100 => 93 volume is in the ui spec ;) | 14:12 |
Khertan_n810 | :) | 14:12 |
X-Fade | Khertan_n810: If default widgets are too small. | 14:12 |
jott | WONTFIX :P | 14:13 |
Khertan_n810 | so i now where to fill my bug in bugzilla | 14:13 |
Khertan_n810 | :) | 14:13 |
GeneralAntilles | I coulda sworn there was a bug for the max volume being too low. . . . | 14:13 |
GeneralAntilles | Khertan_n810, sure you're not zoomed out? | 14:13 |
Khertan_n810 | sure :) | 14:14 |
X-Fade | Khertan_n810: Hmm there is no assistant component in bugzilla ;) | 14:14 |
X-Fade | Goooood ;) | 14:14 |
GeneralAntilles | I'd say resizing widgets to be more "finger friendly" MicroB-side is a WONTFIX. | 14:14 |
Khertan_n810 | ? | 14:14 |
Khertan_n810 | why ? | 14:14 |
jott | rm_you: you hurt my eyes! *scream* | 14:15 |
rm_you | lol | 14:15 |
GeneralAntilles | Likely to break page layouts. | 14:15 |
rm_you | jott: but it is functional, yes? :P | 14:15 |
XTLi | Everything on MicroB-side is :) | 14:15 |
Khertan_n810 | hum ... right | 14:15 |
rm_you | jott: sue me, I like bright pastel colors :P | 14:15 |
GeneralAntilles | How do you mean, XTLi? | 14:15 |
GeneralAntilles | rm_you, consider yourself served. | 14:16 |
X-Fade | Khertan_n810: I can change that in assistant though. Can you file it against autobuilder? | 14:16 |
XTLi | A general impression I've got | 14:16 |
X-Fade | *lunch* ;) | 14:16 |
Khertan_n810 | x-fade > i ll do it once i come back office | 14:16 |
Khertan_n810 | going to lunch too | 14:17 |
Khertan_n810 | bye | 14:17 |
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GeneralAntilles | Well, XTLi, let's see. | 14:19 |
GeneralAntilles | Out of 88 MicroB bugs | 14:19 |
GeneralAntilles | 11 have been WONTFIXed | 14:19 |
t_s_o | nice, looks a new version of GPE calendar is out, and fixes some of the issues i had with it ;) | 14:19 |
GeneralAntilles | Make that 10 | 14:19 |
GeneralAntilles | I caught an Opera bug in there | 14:19 |
t_s_o | :P | 14:20 |
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GeneralAntilles | 9, one of those really isn't browser related at all. | 14:20 |
GeneralAntilles | 8, one is just stupid. | 14:21 |
aquatix | say, is there a repository for microb svn snapshots or something? | 14:21 |
GeneralAntilles | aquatix, there is. | 14:21 |
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aquatix | GeneralAntilles: is it functional? :) | 14:21 |
aquatix | [both the rep and the snapshots] | 14:22 |
GeneralAntilles | aquatix, they just went way unstable for Fremantle | 14:22 |
GeneralAntilles | The repository is on Garage. | 14:22 |
aquatix | ah, too bad | 14:22 |
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aquatix | thanks | 14:22 |
GeneralAntilles | Navi compiled a snapshot from there a few months ago. | 14:22 |
GeneralAntilles | Much better than both the Chinook and Diablo releases. | 14:22 |
t_s_o | any timeframe for fremantle yet? or is it "when its done"? | 14:22 |
GeneralAntilles | t_s_o, do you even need to ask? :P | 14:23 |
t_s_o | heh, i like being redundant ;) | 14:23 |
GeneralAntilles | I'm going to call it generally Q4/Q1 2009 | 14:23 |
Jaffa | X-Fade: what set my name to be unpublished? Or is it a new setting which has defaulted to false? | 14:23 |
Jaffa | GeneralAntilles: agreed | 14:23 |
aquatix | GeneralAntilles: ah, any idea where i can find Navi's package? | 14:24 |
GeneralAntilles | aquatix, itT | 14:24 |
aquatix | also on garage? | 14:24 |
aquatix | k, searching.. | 14:24 |
GeneralAntilles | Google "microb svn navi" should find it | 14:24 |
GeneralAntilles | Doesn't work under Diablo, though. | 14:24 |
GeneralAntilles | Which is why I've been pestering people to compile a newer snapshot. | 14:24 |
Jaffa | X-Fade: hang on, that makes no sense - if I go to http://maemo.org/profile/view/jaffa/ I see my name, even when not logged in, so it must be published already | 14:24 |
aquatix | GeneralAntilles: oh | 14:25 |
aquatix | nm then :) | 14:25 |
aquatix | GeneralAntilles: pester along :) | 14:25 |
GeneralAntilles | Hrm, think this is fixed for Diablo? https://bugs.maemo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=518 | 14:25 |
aquatix | GeneralAntilles: can i help you with pestering? ;) | 14:25 |
GeneralAntilles | aquatix, compile a newer svn snapshot! | 14:25 |
aquatix | GeneralAntilles: hm, sounds like it could be fixed indeed | 14:25 |
aquatix | GeneralAntilles: you know, i even might try to set up a dev environment | 14:26 |
aquatix | GeneralAntilles: but isn't that broken then? | 14:26 |
GeneralAntilles | The snapshot Navi compiled was awesome | 14:26 |
GeneralAntilles | Scrolling was like butter. | 14:26 |
aquatix | or are only those snaphots from garage broken for fremantle | 14:26 |
GeneralAntilles | aquatix, never got a real answer. | 14:26 |
GeneralAntilles | qwerty12 seemed to have patch troubles | 14:26 |
aquatix | hm | 14:26 |
GeneralAntilles | I don't think johnx ever actually got around to it | 14:27 |
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GeneralAntilles | or gave up before even starting after I told him qwerty12 had patch troubles, rather. :D | 14:27 |
aquatix | hm :) | 14:28 |
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* GeneralAntilles is pretty sure Garage bug tracking in Bugzilla -> 3rd party bug tracking in Bugzilla is actually less precise. | 14:30 | |
lcuk | <GeneralAntilles> Scrolling was like butter. <<<<< butter thats just come out of the fridge? | 14:35 |
GeneralAntilles | Fridge button is still pretty slick when you run it over a cookie sheet | 14:36 |
lcuk | GeneralAntilles: wiki master, bug herder, master chef | 14:36 |
* GeneralAntilles enjoys cooking. | 14:37 | |
GeneralAntilles | Baking, especially. | 14:37 |
GeneralAntilles | Though it is something of a dark art. | 14:37 |
aquatix | voodoo cooking | 14:37 |
GeneralAntilles | ^ | 14:38 |
GeneralAntilles | Baked goods pretty much do whatever the fuck they want. | 14:38 |
lcuk | i like the cooking process: getting everything timed just right to get it all on the plates at the right moment is fascinating | 14:38 |
* aquatix likes it when it's edible | 14:38 | |
GeneralAntilles | Hehe, I'm usually cooking for one these days. | 14:38 |
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aquatix | thankfully i have a high successrate in that | 14:39 |
GeneralAntilles | So it's a matter of cooking the single dish that I'll be eating for the next two days before I die of starvation. :D | 14:39 |
lcuk | GeneralAntilles, it can still be a problem if you get your desert before your roast | 14:39 |
aquatix | GeneralAntilles: :) | 14:39 |
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GeneralAntilles | lcuk, not a problem for me. :D | 14:39 |
lcuk | mmmmmmm more pie | 14:40 |
aquatix | hmmm, pie | 14:40 |
lcuk | my nana used to love cooking and baking and stuff, though she could have used technology to assist: she forgot the rice one time when making rice pudding | 14:41 |
* lcuk thinks ditsyness runs in the family | 14:41 | |
aquatix | :) | 14:41 |
* aquatix loves the electronic timer in his stove | 14:42 | |
aquatix | saves me from burning rice etc | 14:42 |
lcuk | i love baking home made pizza | 14:42 |
lcuk | rice is too easy nowadays - microwaves 2 minute jobbies are good enough | 14:42 |
* aquatix just cooks for 8 minutes, loose the water and waits a bit | 14:43 | |
lcuk | you know, its a damn good job i've just eaten - i would be runnin off to the kitchen | 14:43 |
aquatix | [preparing the meat, sauce etc in the meanwhile] | 14:43 |
aquatix | ghehe | 14:43 |
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aquatix | same here | 14:43 |
GeneralAntilles | Rice cooker is the way to go | 14:43 |
arnooo | Hi at @ll | 14:43 |
* aquatix has some stroopwafels in his backpack just in case | 14:43 | |
lcuk | i do like proper boiled rice though: it plumps up better | 14:43 |
aquatix | hey arnooo | 14:43 |
GeneralAntilles | Just toss it in, and it'll wait hours until the rest is done. | 14:44 |
lcuk | hi arnooo, welcome to "cooking with your n8x0" | 14:44 |
arnooo | Nice to see there's sooooo many people here ! | 14:44 |
arnooo | I'm trying to flash a Nokia 800 | 14:44 |
lcuk | >>>>>> those are miserable - they sit there hungry and not saying anything | 14:44 |
arnooo | and got the following error : | 14:44 |
* aquatix hears some rumbling tommies | 14:45 | |
arnooo | ./flasher-3.0: line 2: syntax error near unexpected token `newline' | 14:45 |
arnooo | ./flasher-3.0: line 2: `<html>' | 14:45 |
aquatix | arnooo: sounds like you don't have a real flash file | 14:45 |
lcuk | arnooo, i guess you have downloaded the flasher html page instead of the actual flasher binary | 14:45 |
aquatix | but downloaded an html page | 14:45 |
arnooo | lol | 14:45 |
GeneralAntilles | ~flashing | 14:45 |
infobot | extra, extra, read all about it, flashing is covered at http://wiki.maemo.org/Upgrading_tablet_OS | 14:46 |
arnooo | -rw-r--r-- 1 arnooo arnooo 135M 2008-07-24 13:06 RX-34_2008SE_2.2007.51-3_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin | 14:46 |
arnooo | 135 Mo doesn't seems to be a web page | 14:46 |
aquatix | hm | 14:46 |
GeneralAntilles | _flasher-3.0_ | 14:46 |
GeneralAntilles | not the FIASCO image | 14:46 |
aquatix | oh ha | 14:47 |
lcuk | arnooo, thats the flasher data file, you have also downloaded the proper flasher tool itself | 14:47 |
aquatix | arnooo: try redownloading the flasher program indeed :) | 14:47 |
arnooo | lcuk: yes of course (and chmoded +x) it to | 14:48 |
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arnooo | s/to/too | 14:48 |
lcuk | if you put your n800 on the oven and go through the steps, will it just be a flash in the pan? | 14:48 |
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arnooo | lcuk: doesn't even try to test this ;') | 14:49 |
arnooo | even, it's not documented anywhere ... | 14:49 |
lcuk | oh right, so i should just try to microwave it | 14:49 |
arnooo | nice | 14:49 |
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aquatix | lcuk: be sure to make a movie of it | 14:50 |
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arnooo | There's something strange | 14:51 |
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lcuk | i wonder what would actually result if you put a video camera in the microwave and actually recorded whilst it was on | 14:51 |
GeneralAntilles | I'm sorry, lcuk, but the position of punmaster is already filled. :P | 14:51 |
arnooo | when I want to download flasher or RX.... bin file, I've got a "," right after the file name | 14:51 |
lcuk | yes its a minor glitch in the system arnooo, dont worry just scrub it off when its downloaded i think | 14:52 |
GeneralAntilles | arnooo, download the flasher with a different browser. | 14:52 |
GeneralAntilles | try again. | 14:52 |
arnooo | GeneralAntilles: doesn't want to use a different browser than iceweasel.... | 14:53 |
arnooo | but i'll give a try | 14:53 |
lcuk | omg, something is wrong with me: im seeing everything as food - i thought you had just replied to the Trout thread on itT | 14:53 |
aquatix | hm, did that tray clock v0.9 just add a tiny clock to my rss applet? | 14:53 |
aquatix | lcuk: get some lunch dammit ;) | 14:53 |
lcuk | ive JUST eaten | 14:54 |
* GeneralAntilles hasn't | 14:54 | |
* GeneralAntilles is hungry | 14:54 | |
lcuk | it was satisfying and nutricious and nice damnit | 14:54 |
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* lcuk takes this cue to get back to work. tank you netsplit | 14:55 | |
lcuk | h | 14:55 |
arnooo | @tall, seems it was flasher3.0 that was corrupted | 14:56 |
* GeneralAntilles wants bacon and eggs. | 14:56 | |
GeneralAntilles | arnooo, yes, like we said. ;) | 14:56 |
aquatix | :) | 14:56 |
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arnooo | you rock guys | 14:56 |
GeneralAntilles | Hrm . . . the bacon's in the freeze | 14:57 |
* GeneralAntilles doesn't feel like defrosting it. | 14:57 | |
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aquatix | GeneralAntilles: microwave it | 14:58 |
GeneralAntilles | Yeah, considering that | 14:58 |
GeneralAntilles | the microwave has a setting for frozen bacon | 14:58 |
GeneralAntilles | Problem is, that'd be, like a pound of bacon. | 14:59 |
GeneralAntilles | What am I gonna do with a pound of bacon? | 14:59 |
ShadowJK | ask yourself, what would homer simpsons do with a pound of bacon | 14:59 |
GeneralAntilles | Eat it, of course. | 14:59 |
GeneralAntilles | But let's be realistic here | 14:59 |
* GeneralAntilles != Homer Simpson. | 14:59 | |
pupnik | "Management disagreed." | 15:00 |
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pupnik | http://thedailywtf.com/Articles/No,_We_Need_a_Neural_Network.aspx | 15:00 |
pupnik | awesome | 15:00 |
aquatix | pupnik: hheheh, yeah | 15:00 |
aquatix | management generally is quite... clueless | 15:01 |
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pupnik | the text produced kind of frightens me | 15:02 |
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aquatix | WTF: http://www.anythingbutipod.com/archives/2008/07/cowon-p5-gets-official.php <- i think i'll stick with my n810 for multimedia | 15:02 |
aquatix | pupnik: neat eh? | 15:02 |
* GeneralAntilles plugs pupnik into the neural network. | 15:02 | |
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aquatix | GeneralAntilles: you mean he wasn't a bot? | 15:03 |
aquatix | +already | 15:03 |
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Binky | Wow, xchat is amazing on 770 | 15:04 |
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XTLi | You men in the xchat sense or seriously? | 15:05 |
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X-Fade | Jaffa: It is a setting that is off by default. And not every page listens to that setting yet, it seems. | 15:06 |
Binky | Seriously, I used tirc in my Ubunntu desktop and is garbage compared to tis | 15:06 |
X-Fade | Jaffa: And those that don't listen to it, show your name by default. | 15:06 |
Binky | But i must buy a bt keyboard, typing on-screen really sucks | 15:07 |
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X-Fade | Jaffa: It seems that that is part of this bug https://bugs.maemo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2252 and that I still need to do the thing in #4 ;) | 15:09 |
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elekt | http://g.photos.cx/jorge-04.jpg | 15:13 |
Binky | I don't trust in nothing with a .cx domain. | 15:13 |
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elekt | nowadays you have to apply reverse psychology | 15:14 |
Binky | And less since the goat happening... | 15:14 |
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Binky | I'll give a try. Can't be worse than meatspin.com... | 15:15 |
Binky | LOL! | 15:16 |
* aquatix doesn't get it :/ | 15:16 | |
Binky | Hardcore... Erm... Have you ever listened to Slipknot? That's it. | 15:17 |
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liri | arg... nowdays it's almost impossible to get an N800 unless you're buying from ebay | 15:18 |
Binky | I almost bought one, 113 | 15:18 |
liri | $113 us? | 15:18 |
elekt | nice! | 15:18 |
Binky | 113€, sorry | 15:19 |
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liri | was that from ebay blinky or new? | 15:19 |
towo | Nokia actually returned my N810 with SingTel firmware. But no Diablo. Booooh. | 15:19 |
elekt | worldcraft gold? | 15:19 |
Binky | From ebay, but only was used 1 or 2 weeks | 15:19 |
liri | Binky: even on ebay they are hard to get :) | 15:20 |
liri | Binky: for low prices anyway | 15:20 |
Binky | Btw, 113 euros are 177 u$ | 15:20 |
aquatix | Binky: ok, *that* hardcore; you have several kinds and i wondered what they meant ;) | 15:20 |
XTLi | "Used one week. Rails good." | 15:20 |
XTLi | Does it matter what hardcore? | 15:20 |
Binky | Lol | 15:20 |
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elekt | haha | 15:21 |
elekt | only devs can turn a funny pic into a debate | 15:21 |
elekt | <3 | 15:21 |
Binky | Geeks also can | 15:21 |
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elekt | i'm a geek but not a dev | 15:22 |
* aquatix is a geeky dev | 15:22 | |
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Binky | liri, i ended with a 770 anyway. I'm hoping it gets wsod'ed, maybe nokia replaces it with a n800 or n810 | 15:22 |
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Binky | Bye, everyone. And quoting some it owner, "all your bye are belong to us" | 15:23 |
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alfred | alsor.zhou? | 15:24 |
pupnik | http://jafo.net/humor.html ok for great justice of time waste | 15:25 |
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aquatix | http://www.rinkworks.com/said/language.shtml | 15:26 |
aquatix | speaking of time wasters ;) | 15:26 |
aquatix | really funny stuff | 15:26 |
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pupnik | that put hurt on my brain | 15:31 |
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aquatix | :) | 15:32 |
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alfred | the osso-wlan is open source? when i download the source code , i found it's lack several header file | 15:33 |
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GeneralAntilles | My friend brought back a sign from a hotel in Panama which read, "Love is... placing your clean towels on the rack so to that they may be reused another day." | 15:36 |
t_s_o | figures he would grab the sign | 15:36 |
towo | So, I just flashed to Diablo - waht's the deal with the "feature upgrade" packages? | 15:37 |
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GeneralAntilles | towo, turn off Red Pill. . . . | 15:40 |
* GeneralAntilles really wishes people wouldn't recommend that everybody do that. | 15:40 | |
towo | .. yeeesh? | 15:40 |
towo | I'm just plainly curious, really. | 15:40 |
GeneralAntilles | No, really, turn off Red Pill mode. | 15:40 |
GeneralAntilles | They're not anything interesting or important. | 15:40 |
towo | I'm a Debian user, I know how to handle myself with package management beyond simple. I just want to know what's in them. | 15:41 |
GeneralAntilles | Different things, depending on the state of the repository | 15:41 |
GeneralAntilles | But, really, seriously, they're not important | 15:41 |
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GeneralAntilles | apt-cache if you're really interested in seeing what they'll install. | 15:42 |
GeneralAntilles | But they wont install | 15:42 |
towo | Yeah, I've just noticed the Conflicts. | 15:42 |
GeneralAntilles | and the likelyhood of you ending up in a reboot loop is high. | 15:42 |
towo | The dependency on flash-and-reboot was scaring me into thinking that. | 15:43 |
GeneralAntilles | flash-and-reboot isn't interesting | 15:43 |
GeneralAntilles | You SHOULD run an apt-get -f install | 15:43 |
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GeneralAntilles | flash-and-reboot is just a dumb wrapper for fiasco-flasher | 15:43 |
GeneralAntilles | used when upgrading kernel or initfs with an SSU update. | 15:44 |
towo | Okay, thanks. | 15:44 |
GeneralAntilles | It doesn't ship with Diablo, though. | 15:44 |
GeneralAntilles | and osso-software-version-rx*4 depends on it | 15:44 |
aquatix | GeneralAntilles: so, installing flash-and-reboot, initfs-flasher etc that way is recommended? | 15:44 |
GeneralAntilles | aquatix, or you could wait for the first SSU push. | 15:44 |
aquatix | osso-software-version-rx44 will be removed if i do a apt-get -f install | 15:45 |
GeneralAntilles | aquatix, is some package in an inconsistent state, maybe? | 15:45 |
GeneralAntilles | It shouldn't be removing that if things are nominal. | 15:45 |
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GeneralAntilles | You can also wait for the first SSU push for it to be installed. | 15:46 |
GeneralAntilles | aquatix, you could try apt-get -f install, then apt-get install osso-software-version-rx44 afterwards. | 15:46 |
GeneralAntilles | There'll be a forth package being wonky if it wants to remove osso-software-version, though. | 15:46 |
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aquatix | [yay for umts] | 15:49 |
aquatix | GeneralAntilles: installing those packages now and removing osso-software-version-rx44 by doing that apt-get -f install | 15:50 |
aquatix | i'll see why it deinstalls osso-software-version-rx44 afterward | 15:50 |
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GeneralAntilles | https://wiki.maemo.org/Talk:Task:Getting_Nokia_involved_in_bugs.maemo.org | 15:51 |
aquatix | GeneralAntilles: btw, apt also says that initfs-flasher, kernel-diablo-flasher and flash-and-reboot where installed automatically but aren't longer needed | 15:51 |
aquatix | odd-ish | 15:51 |
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GeneralAntilles | Because osso-software-version, which is what depends on those, was removed. | 15:52 |
* aquatix gets 14.8KB/s over flat-fee and cheap mobile internet; quite good i must say | 15:52 | |
* GeneralAntilles is wearing down on the whole "everything is a battle" with Nokia. | 15:52 | |
aquatix | GeneralAntilles: ah, duh :) | 15:53 |
* GeneralAntilles is tired of having to trudge uphill on every little issue. | 15:53 | |
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aquatix | yay for broken deps | 15:55 |
aquatix | i think i have a repository with too new packages in my list | 15:55 |
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GeneralAntilles | aquatix, you really only need two, Extras and Extras-devel. ;) | 15:55 |
* aquatix installed a modest snapshot | 15:56 | |
* aquatix disables some reps | 15:56 | |
aquatix | meh, same problem | 15:58 |
aquatix | osso-software-version-rx44: depends: libbz2-1.0 (=1.0.3-1) but 1.0.3-2 is to be installed | 15:59 |
aquatix | and some more of these | 15:59 |
XTLi | Ah,, that | 15:59 |
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XTLi | apt-cache policy libbz2-1.0 | 16:00 |
GeneralAntilles | aquatix, one easy fix is apt-get install osso-software-version-rx44-unlocked | 16:01 |
XTLi | I think fbreader repo has that -2 | 16:01 |
GeneralAntilles | Which has >= instead of = dependencies | 16:01 |
aquatix | XTLi: that's odd, as i disabled that one too | 16:01 |
XTLi | Unlocked helps, iirc, yes | 16:01 |
aquatix | GeneralAntilles: ah, k | 16:01 |
aquatix | yay | 16:01 |
XTLi | Did you check the policy? That should show where it comes from | 16:02 |
XTLi | Or came from | 16:02 |
XTLi | And what version apt prefers | 16:02 |
GeneralAntilles | I really hope Nokia pushes an SSU update soon to fix that. <_< | 16:02 |
GeneralAntilles | I know they wont, though, because that would make too much sense. | 16:02 |
XTLi | :-D | 16:03 |
aquatix | XTLi: hm, i could have done an apt-get madison indeed | 16:03 |
GeneralAntilles | It's particularly bad when Nokia's fuck ups are mistaken for 3rd-party package fuck ups. | 16:03 |
GeneralAntilles | I've had more than one person complain to me about Advanced Backlight being "broken" because of that. | 16:04 |
* towo has to check whether the Diablo finally works in the WLAN of about every European university | 16:04 | |
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aquatix | towo: good point | 16:06 |
aquatix | i'll try at my university soonish | 16:06 |
* towo will be there next Tuesday... | 16:07 | |
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aquatix | towo: would be nice if it finally did | 16:08 |
towo | Haven't had any feedback on the bug reports yet, though. | 16:08 |
GAN800 | lol, the new statusbar clock package includes a giant home clock applet | 16:08 |
MangoFusion | anyone here happen to know how bad of an idea it is (with regards to battery capacity) of leaving a dead N800 battery uncharged for an extended period of time? | 16:08 |
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GeneralAntilles | MangoFusion, how dead? | 16:09 |
GeneralAntilles | and how long is "extended" | 16:09 |
MangoFusion | lets just say you can still turn it on, but it dies after a second | 16:09 |
GeneralAntilles | OK, how long? | 16:09 |
MangoFusion | and "extended" as in a week or two | 16:09 |
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GeneralAntilles | Oh, no problem | 16:09 |
MangoFusion | i'm just wondering really | 16:10 |
GeneralAntilles | Lion-using devices have a large safety margin built-in | 16:10 |
aquatix | GAN800: ah, you noticed it too :) | 16:10 |
GeneralAntilles | ~20% | 16:10 |
infobot | 0.2 | 16:10 |
MangoFusion | ah right | 16:10 |
X-Fade | MangoFusion: That battery isn't empty at all ;) | 16:10 |
aquatix | GAN800: it's as large as the tray icon here btw | 16:10 |
GeneralAntilles | A couple months would be edging onto the "this battery will never be charged again" territory. | 16:10 |
MangoFusion | X-Fade: if it don't work for at least a minute, it's dead to me ;) | 16:10 |
GeneralAntilles | Plopping in the freezer will extend that time dramatically. | 16:11 |
aquatix | GAN800: bahnhofsuhr in your panels | 16:11 |
GeneralAntilles | aquatix, resizable | 16:11 |
GeneralAntilles | bitmap seems to scale all the way to "as big as the desktop" without issue. | 16:11 |
aquatix | nice | 16:11 |
GeneralAntilles | Hehe, most retardedly bad applet name ever. | 16:11 |
aquatix | it looked nice, but it disappeared somehow after dragging it | 16:12 |
GeneralAntilles | I overlapped a giant clock over the built-in clock applet so you can just see the date. :D | 16:12 |
aquatix | well, it's correct | 16:12 |
aquatix | as it's a railway station clock :) | 16:12 |
aquatix | heheh | 16:12 |
GeneralAntilles | I rather like overlapping applets | 16:12 |
MangoFusion | GeneralAntilles: thanks, will keep that in mind ;) | 16:12 |
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GeneralAntilles | You can do fun things with them. | 16:12 |
towo | gah. | 16:12 |
gegi | Is there an alternate os for nokia's n800? | 16:12 |
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towo | And I just noticed the fullscreen button isn't working. | 16:12 |
* towo curses out loudly. | 16:13 | |
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aquatix | time for coffee | 16:13 |
GeneralAntilles | gegi, https://wiki.maemo.org/Alternative_operating_systems | 16:13 |
GeneralAntilles | ~alt-os is https://wiki.maemo.org/Alternative_operating_systems | 16:13 |
infobot | okay, GeneralAntilles | 16:13 |
towo | I just got it bloody fucking back from repairs, and now fullscreen isn't working anymore. | 16:13 |
* towo growls. | 16:13 | |
Atarii | GeneralAntilles with adv-backlight on your 770, have you noticed that before the screen dims, it flashes at max brightness for a second? | 16:15 |
towo | Probably have to wait ANOTHER two months to get that fixed again. | 16:15 |
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GeneralAntilles | Atarii, no, only that it doesn't has progressive dimming. | 16:16 |
jitu3485 | Hi facing error How to fixed it out. "The package osso-ic not found" | 16:17 |
Atarii | Mine does have progression dimming, but it goes to max first then dims down :s | 16:18 |
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elekt | anyone seen batman? | 16:18 |
GeneralAntilles | ^ pure and complete and total win | 16:18 |
GeneralAntilles | Especially in IMAX. | 16:18 |
elekt | :) | 16:18 |
elekt | i worked on it | 16:18 |
GeneralAntilles | jitu3485, from? | 16:18 |
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GeneralAntilles | Or not. | 16:18 |
crashanddie | elekt, really ? | 16:18 |
elekt | yeah | 16:18 |
elekt | production | 16:18 |
crashanddie | nice | 16:19 |
elekt | i'm afraid to tell people it's good cause i'm biased | 16:19 |
MangoFusion | anyone seen batman on their NIT? | 16:19 |
* GeneralAntilles uses his prescience to determine jitu3485 is trying to install Rhapsody from a Chinook repo in Diablo because he added Chinook to all the default repository's distribution fields. | 16:19 | |
GeneralAntilles | elekt, don't be. | 16:19 |
GeneralAntilles | Probably the best movie of the last 20 years | 16:19 |
GeneralAntilles | and probably the greatest superhero movie ever. | 16:20 |
crashanddie | aye | 16:20 |
GeneralAntilles | Ledger is an asshole for dying after doing a Joker like that, though. | 16:20 |
crashanddie | He's going to be though to match | 16:20 |
crashanddie | tough** | 16:20 |
GeneralAntilles | I'm in favor of resurrecting his dumb ass, signing him for two more movies and killing him again once they're done. | 16:20 |
elekt | i don't think anyone will touch the joker after this for a long long time | 16:20 |
GeneralAntilles | s/tough/impossible/ | 16:21 |
GeneralAntilles | It's funny, if I had told you "Heath Ledger will be the Joker in the next Batman" after Batman Begins, you'd've said "Ha, nobody can replace Nicholson". | 16:21 |
XTLi | Indeed | 16:21 |
crashanddie | elekt, how's the weather in chicago ? | 16:21 |
GeneralAntilles | But he managed to not only replace, but to completely destroy Nicholson's Joker. | 16:21 |
elekt | shitty as usual | 16:22 |
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elekt | even during shooting it was clear the joker was gonna be something awesome | 16:22 |
GeneralAntilles | jitu3485, are you installing Rhapsody? | 16:23 |
elekt | i hung out with ledger a few times, he was a nice guy | 16:23 |
crashanddie | must have come to a shock that Heath died | 16:23 |
jitu3485 | GeneralAntilles: no | 16:23 |
crashanddie | s/to/as/ | 16:23 |
infobot | crashanddie meant: must have come as a shock that Heath died | 16:23 |
GeneralAntilles | What, then? | 16:23 |
jitu3485 | GeneralAntilles: sorry my get get down suddenlly | 16:23 |
GeneralAntilles | jitu3485, osso-ic is now icd2. | 16:23 |
jitu3485 | GeneralAntilles: ok | 16:23 |
elekt | yeah, i was curious to see where his career would go | 16:23 |
crashanddie | well, he had done quite a few nice things | 16:24 |
GeneralAntilles | I'm pretty sure that if they manage to make a 3rd movie that's more awesome than this one the universe will implode. | 16:24 |
elekt | haha | 16:24 |
jitu3485 | GeneralAntilles: But am trying to install one garage project and while compilling that project it is asking me osso-ic package not found | 16:24 |
GeneralAntilles | jitu3485, update its dependencies. | 16:24 |
GeneralAntilles | I'm wondering where they're going to go for a villain, though. | 16:25 |
elekt | chrashanddie, yeah he has - but what was weird about this one is how out of what i thought his range was this was | 16:25 |
elekt | his voice alone freaked me out when i saw him deliver lines | 16:25 |
crashanddie | I'm wondering who thought of Ledger for the Joker | 16:25 |
crashanddie | I mean... Sweet faced Ledger ? For Joker? Seriously ? | 16:25 |
GeneralAntilles | When I heard Ledger was the Joker, my thought was "What the fuck are they thinking?" | 16:25 |
crashanddie | GeneralAntilles, exactly | 16:25 |
GeneralAntilles | But goddamn | 16:26 |
GeneralAntilles | That was, like, one of the best performances from anybody ever. . . . | 16:26 |
* GeneralAntilles loved the disappearing pencil. | 16:26 | |
elekt | yeah the pencil trick was unbelievable | 16:26 |
XTLi | Probably can't get to see it before sunday | 16:27 |
XTLi | :( | 16:27 |
GeneralAntilles | I've pretty much been discussing this movie non-stop with my friends since we saw it. | 16:27 |
elekt | i thought i was gonna be like: hey, i was behind the wall there! all the way through | 16:27 |
GeneralAntilles | IMAX if you can. | 16:27 |
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elekt | imax i did | 16:27 |
elekt | not once have i thought of the actual shooting of the film | 16:28 |
GeneralAntilles | The IMAX really brings it to a whole 'nother level. | 16:28 |
XTLi | IWISH | 16:28 |
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GeneralAntilles | I was so overwhelmed by the awesome that I was actually this: || close to shedding a tear at the end during Gordon's speech. | 16:29 |
elekt | hehe | 16:29 |
elekt | what surprised me was the plot | 16:30 |
GeneralAntilles | So wonderfully dark and gritty. | 16:30 |
elekt | i got lots of bits and pieces of the script and other things, and i thought i had it figured out by the end | 16:30 |
elekt | but it completely surpried me | 16:30 |
elekt | +s | 16:30 |
GeneralAntilles | I completely forgot about the whole Dent thing | 16:31 |
GeneralAntilles | Didn't make the connection until he was in the hospital. | 16:31 |
elekt | that dialog between the joker and him is amazing | 16:32 |
elekt | RACHEL! | 16:32 |
GeneralAntilles | The nurse's outfit was so wonderfully awesome. | 16:32 |
elekt | haha yeah | 16:32 |
GeneralAntilles | Him walking out of the building with the detonator. . . . | 16:32 |
elekt | the detonating | 16:32 |
elekt | haha yeah | 16:33 |
elekt | that was an imax scene, i don't think you see his shoes in the regular version, which kinda sucks | 16:33 |
GeneralAntilles | The walk was so perfect | 16:33 |
XTLi | What if they'd kept the girl wossname | 16:34 |
GeneralAntilles | I'm glad they didn't | 16:34 |
GeneralAntilles | She sucked | 16:34 |
XTLi | Yes | 16:34 |
elekt | dawson's creek | 16:34 |
GeneralAntilles | Katie Holmes | 16:34 |
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GeneralAntilles | She's a bitch, anyway. | 16:34 |
XTLi | That was a real wth in BB | 16:34 |
GeneralAntilles | Yeah | 16:34 |
GeneralAntilles | I mean, she wasn't terrible in Batman Begins. | 16:35 |
GeneralAntilles | But she didn't add anything to it. | 16:35 |
elekt | there was nothing tough about her | 16:35 |
XTLi | Not bad but just seemed really out of place to me | 16:35 |
rm_you | <GeneralAntilles> I've had more than one person complain to me about Advanced Backlight being "broken" because of that. | 16:36 |
rm_you | which bug is that? | 16:36 |
GeneralAntilles | the stupid flash-and-reboot stuff. | 16:36 |
GeneralAntilles | They see it in the dependencies list when installing our package and things it's our fault. | 16:36 |
GeneralAntilles | The one thing that bugged me a bit was Dent's CG. | 16:37 |
GeneralAntilles | I thought it was a little over-the-top | 16:37 |
GeneralAntilles | But then I saw the comic book and I guess they stayed true to that. | 16:37 |
elekt | yeah i had a friend working in the vfx studio and he showed me cell photos and i was kind alike wtf | 16:38 |
rm_you | GeneralAntilles: wait, what? | 16:38 |
GeneralAntilles | It didn't really jive with the whole "realism" thing that Batman has. | 16:38 |
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GeneralAntilles | You don't walk around with that. | 16:38 |
rm_you | also, I will prolly go see it in IMAX todau | 16:38 |
GeneralAntilles | rm_you, http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/maemo/users/38023 | 16:39 |
Atarii | rm_you! | 16:39 |
* elekt back to work | 16:39 | |
GeneralAntilles | I really hope Oldman gets a Best Support-Actor | 16:39 |
GeneralAntilles | s/ort/orting/ | 16:39 |
infobot | GeneralAntilles meant: I really hope Oldman gets a Best Supporting-Actor | 16:39 |
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GeneralAntilles | I can't believe he played Sirius Black | 16:40 |
XTLi | That was funny | 16:40 |
XTLi | But he's good | 16:40 |
rm_you | lol | 16:40 |
rm_you | Atarii: :) | 16:40 |
GeneralAntilles | Anyway, everybody has to go see it. | 16:41 |
Atarii | problem with adv-b: before the screen dims, it flashes at max brightness for a second | 16:41 |
Atarii | same with resuming, it flashes at max, then goes down | 16:41 |
GeneralAntilles | and, elekt, you can feel safe in recommending it as a good movie to people. ;) "Random people on the internet" agree. | 16:41 |
* mgedmin finally books the hotel | 16:42 | |
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rm_you | Atarii: I think that issue is beyond our control | 16:43 |
rm_you | As I believe fanoush's blset script has the same effect | 16:44 |
Atarii | right ok | 16:44 |
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Atarii | also, when moving your volume, the normal volume app moves accordingly, but it doesn't do that with the brightness | 16:45 |
Atarii | is that linked?> | 16:45 |
rm_you | the brightness is not linked | 16:45 |
rm_you | do not touch the nokia brightness app :P | 16:45 |
Atarii | deal :p | 16:45 |
GAN800 | ^ | 16:45 |
GAN800 | Need an non-kernel hack method before you do. :P | 16:46 |
rm_you | GAN800: will not work even with DSME method >_> | 16:46 |
rm_you | it is not attached to the same thing | 16:46 |
GAN800 | The N8x0's powersaving is so much better than the 770's | 16:47 |
GAN800 | My N800 idling on wifi will go 2-4 days | 16:47 |
GAN800 | The 770 barely makes it 24 hours. | 16:47 |
Atarii | clealy i need an upgrade :( | 16:48 |
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Atarii | also does anyone have a link to the patch for full screen control panel? | 16:48 |
GAN800 | Seriously | 16:48 |
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GAN800 | bugs.maemo.org | 16:48 |
GAN800 | Yerga stuck it in my bug | 16:49 |
GAN800 | 'fullscreen' should bring it up in the quicksearch | 16:49 |
Atarii | right thanks | 16:49 |
Atarii | 3470, got it | 16:50 |
Atarii | Interview with qwerty12 | 16:50 |
GAN800 | Now's a good time to upgrade with the N810 under $300. ;) | 16:50 |
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Atarii | it will even better when i get my first pay cheque :p | 16:50 |
GAN800 | The OMAP2 devices are lightyears ahead of the 770. | 16:51 |
hrw | less and less use of omap1510 cpu makes it | 16:52 |
hrw | and omap850 (which is omap1 too) is not popular in linux land rather | 16:52 |
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thos | hi, I'm trying to flash my n800 with the latest diablo image, but the flasher is not recognising it and it's not showing up in lsusb, any one got any ideas? | 17:10 |
Veggen | thos: *exactly* what procedure did you use when flashing? | 17:14 |
Veggen | start the flasher, 2) turn off the n800 (completely), 3) plug in the cable, 4) start the n800. | 17:15 |
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thos | Veggen, exactly that | 17:18 |
thos | Veggen, plus holding home button to increase timeout | 17:18 |
Veggen | thos: hmm...checked the cable? | 17:19 |
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Veggen | thos: it's not plugged into the charger, is it? | 17:21 |
X-Fade | thos: usbfs loaded? | 17:21 |
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thos | Veggen, yeah, I tried two cables | 17:25 |
thos | Veggen, no, not plugged into charger | 17:25 |
Binky | Hi | 17:25 |
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Binky | Thos, can i help you in something? | 17:26 |
thos | X-Fade, I took the battery out to make sure it was off, so I assume usbfs would not be loaded? | 17:26 |
thos | Binky, I'm trying to flash an n800 with a new image, but the flasher script is not detecting it | 17:27 |
X-Fade | thos: On your pc, I mean. | 17:27 |
Veggen | thos: you did run the flasher as root? | 17:27 |
Veggen | (or with sudo, of course) | 17:27 |
thos | Veggen, yes run as root | 17:27 |
X-Fade | thos: On some distributions the usb filesystem is not loaded mount -t usbfs usbfs /proc/bus/usb | 17:27 |
Binky | What flasher version is? | 17:28 |
thos | X-Fade, I have procbususb on /proc/bus/usb type usbfs (rw) | 17:28 |
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thos | Binky, flasher-3.0 | 17:28 |
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X-Fade | thos: It might be that you need to patch your flasher: | 17:29 |
X-Fade | perl -p -i.backup -e 's-/proc/bus/usb-/dev/bus/usb\000-;' $FLASHER, where $FLASHER is the location of your flasher linux binary. | 17:29 |
Binky | ok... Sorry, i never flashed my device i don't believe i cant help in nothing more U-_- | 17:29 |
thos | X-Fade, still no luck. I am a little concerned it doesn't show up in lsusb when the usb symbol is showing on the n800 boot screen | 17:30 |
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qwerty12 | It should do as I am sure you guessed. I put my tablet into flashing mode and ran lsusb: "Bus 001 Device 004: ID 0421:0105 Nokia Mobile Phones" | 17:32 |
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qwerty12 | lcuk: You actually uploaded that preinst? I had it in there as a joke but I left it incase you wanted to make your own message :P | 17:34 |
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Binky | My ubuntu pc does not recognize my deice, even in the device shows the icon, i believe te usb motherboard is broken, have you tried mounting another devce? | 17:35 |
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Blafasel | Hmm.. I'm embarrassed to admit that I haven't found a way to install packages to my external SD card yet. What's the right approach? Creating symlinks? | 17:36 |
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thos | qwerty12, the wierd thing is after the n800 boots, it shows up in lsusb | 17:37 |
qwerty12 | thos: That is really odd :/. Are you running the flasher as root? | 17:37 |
thos | qwerty12, yup | 17:37 |
qwerty12 | Tried the 0xFFFF flasher? | 17:37 |
qwerty12 | (it's not an official one though) | 17:38 |
thos | nope | 17:38 |
thos | what does that do? | 17:38 |
qwerty12 | same thing, flashes a tablet. It's an unofficial flasher though. http://nopcode.org/0xFFFF/?p=home | 17:38 |
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zfigz | Is there really no way to uninstall default apps from the n810? | 17:41 |
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zfigz | Someone was telling me that it might screw some shit up | 17:41 |
qwerty12 | That's because they are right. | 17:42 |
X-Fade | zfigz: Sure, you can remove them with apt-get. But you will not be able to reinstall them :) | 17:42 |
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zfigz | I don't care to reinstall them | 17:42 |
zfigz | I don't like any of those games | 17:42 |
zfigz | or gizmodo | 17:42 |
Binky | Anyone knows about a python compiler/interpreter for ITs? | 17:42 |
qwerty12 | X-Fade: Come on, under Diablo, we know that isn't true ;) | 17:42 |
zfigz | er gizmo | 17:42 |
X-Fade | qwerty12: Hehe, well ;) | 17:42 |
X-Fade | qwerty12: Did you check if every package was available? | 17:43 |
qwerty12 | X-Fade: I know of a few that aren't there but to me, they have no value :). (Like the getting started applet etc) | 17:43 |
lcuk | qwerty, its been renamed, i did actually think it will be useful | 17:45 |
jitu3485 | Got Error How to fixed " Package requirements (libosso >= 1 osso-ic) were not met:" | 17:45 |
lcuk | i also removed the postinst (i believe) | 17:45 |
lcuk | i have also ensured the license is copied over as well (cos i have a view license option) | 17:45 |
qwerty12 | lcuk: Yeah, I saw the rename, I just thought why was it uploaded :P. Yeah, I saw the prerm had been removed, that's up to you :) | 17:45 |
qwerty12 | ha, this could be fun: http://www.internettablettalk.com/forums/showthread.php?p=206540#post206540 | 17:46 |
* qwerty12 loves amarok on linux | 17:46 | |
* qwerty12 has yet to reinstall kubuntu-desktop again though :/ | 17:46 | |
lcuk | thank you very much for getting that section started anyway - was informative to have everything there and now its tweaking - it still took me a good while to get it building myself cos dh_* all needed stuff which standard find/xargs etc need | 17:47 |
lcuk | actually, i best make sure im not in a reboot loop - i had to replace tar | 17:47 |
Binky | qwerty12, AMAROK 2.0 is available now | 17:47 |
qwerty12 | lcuk: I replaced tar fine :) | 17:47 |
qwerty12 | Binky: Cool | 17:48 |
lcuk | superjott helped me get the software sorted on device last night, its been a real team effort, but at least ill know it all for the next package i need or other linuxy stuff ;) | 17:48 |
* lcuk crosses fingers and hopes his 810 reboots | 17:49 | |
qwerty12 | Heh, I just compiled under scratchbox and had no problems :P | 17:50 |
lcuk | yer but busybox got right in my way | 17:50 |
qwerty12 | Well, I once devised a long hack to install busybox on the N800... :P | 17:50 |
lcuk | cool it reboots, whether anything else will work is another matter | 17:50 |
qwerty12 | s/busybox/coreutils/ | 17:50 |
infobot | qwerty12 meant: Well, I once devised a long hack to install coreutils on the N800... :P | 17:50 |
lcuk | i could install coreutils - but i tihnk id be left with a brick afterwards | 17:51 |
qwerty12 | By default, you would be... | 17:51 |
lcuk | anyway, must dash - still @ work | 17:51 |
qwerty12 | Heh, enjoy :P | 17:51 |
lcuk | thank you :) | 17:51 |
qwerty12 | No problems, I look forward to liqbase-ng :P :) | 17:52 |
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Khertan | Hopla yop les gens ! | 17:57 |
Khertan | A new version of mCalendar is available in extras-devel for chinook | 17:57 |
Khertan | oups for diablo i mean :) | 17:58 |
hrw | which package provides device_symbols.h in maemo? | 17:58 |
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qwerty12 | libfontconfig1-dev: /usr/include/device_symbols.h | 17:59 |
hrw | thx | 17:59 |
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hrw | and this is only on https://stage.maemo.org/svn/maemo/projects/haf/trunk/fontconfig/device_symbols.h ;( | 18:01 |
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hrw | or maemo fontconfig... | 18:02 |
hrw | argh | 18:02 |
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Binky | Erm... Anyone knows how to make a skip of line in the terminal? I can’t make nothing in the python interpreter... | 18:13 |
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hrw | skip a line? | 18:22 |
aquatix | [press enter?] | 18:23 |
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hrw | control-panel is closed source? | 18:38 |
qwerty12 | No, it's open | 18:38 |
hrw | what about osso-icons? | 18:39 |
qwerty12 | Doubt that one, that's why scratchbox comes with the crap looking icons whereas the real device has the nice ones. of course, crap and nice depends on your opinion... | 18:40 |
hrw | yep | 18:40 |
hrw | are those scratchbox ones available somewhere with open license? | 18:41 |
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qwerty12 | Ubuntu carry the scratchbox icons and I just checked:"Copyright (C) 2006 Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved. Contact: Maemo Integration <integration@maemo.org> This software is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License, which can be found at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.5/ " | 18:43 |
hrw | can you check which package contains them? "dpkg -S path-to-icon" | 18:44 |
qwerty12 | Already did that. sdk-default-icons: /usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/hildon/qgn_list_medi.png | 18:44 |
qwerty12 | http://repository.maemo.org/pool/diablo/free/s/sdk-default-icons/ | 18:44 |
hrw | gracias | 18:45 |
qwerty12 | heh, np :) | 18:45 |
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Atarii | qwerty12 what phones did you used to mod? | 19:27 |
qwerty12 | Atarii: Mainly Sony Ericsson | 19:28 |
Atarii | was just reading your interview | 19:28 |
Khertan | bye | 19:28 |
qwerty12 | heh | 19:29 |
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Blafasel | Link to the interview? ;) | 19:38 |
* qwerty12 doesn't understand why people want to read about me anyway :) | 19:39 | |
hrw | bye | 19:39 |
hrw | qwerty12: interviews like that are interesting | 19:40 |
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Blafasel | qwerty12: Stop being shy and toss me the link already | 19:41 |
qwerty12 | Blafasel: :P http://mobiletablets.blogspot.com/ | 19:42 |
Atarii | maemo.org | 19:42 |
Atarii | it's also top news item onhttp://maemo.org/ | 19:42 |
qwerty12 | I'm surprised no one has clicked the hate button, I think I've pissed off a few people here :P | 19:43 |
* sp3000 clicks the spell-check button | 19:46 | |
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sp3000 | recieved! | 19:46 |
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Blafasel | ,-) | 19:47 |
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qwerty12 | What is the best Ebook format to use in FBReader? | 19:49 |
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zap | qwerty12: .fb2 | 19:51 |
qwerty12 | zap: Great, thanks :) | 19:52 |
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* qwerty12 English teacher wants me to read Pride and Prejudice >.< | 19:52 | |
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* lcuk points and laffs + qwerty | 19:54 | |
lcuk | ffs i cant even taunt properlyt | 19:54 |
qwerty12 | :P | 19:54 |
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qwerty12 | Must be an northerner thing | 19:54 |
lcuk | ill blame it all on my keyboard | 19:54 |
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lcuk | aren't there any places nearby where you could rent real paper books? | 19:55 |
lcuk | or doesnt your school provide copies? | 19:55 |
qwerty12 | I just much prefer reading ebooks :) | 19:55 |
qwerty12 | Me teacher offered but I said no :/ | 19:56 |
Blafasel | Wow.. I still don't like ebooks. It's not the same. | 19:56 |
Blafasel | I want to turn physical pages. | 19:56 |
lcuk | so whilst the rest of the class gets to do an essay on Transformers comics you are made to read p&p | 19:56 |
qwerty12 | Blafasel: /me is too lazy to turn pages | 19:57 |
qwerty12 | lcuk: Nah, we all have to read it :P | 19:57 |
lcuk | Blafasel, ebooks have a certain class that normal books dont - its easy to lie back in bed with all lights off and still read | 19:57 |
lcuk | and with continuous pages its even better | 19:58 |
qwerty12 | ~lart fb2 people. Only linux converter uses PHP >.<. | 19:58 |
* infobot stabs fb2 people. Only linux converter uses PHP >.<. | 19:58 | |
lcuk | qwerty12, just wait until they ask you to act out part of it | 19:58 |
lcuk | i just read in text | 19:58 |
* qwerty12 ain't acting out nothing :P | 19:59 | |
lcuk | lol yer right | 20:00 |
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lcuk | your mum will get pictures of you in breeches and show them to your future wife :D | 20:00 |
qwerty12 | OMG | 20:01 |
Blafasel | harhar.. Now that's great. | 20:01 |
* qwerty12 cringes seriously at just the thought | 20:01 | |
Blafasel | But I somehow think she'd show it to every female candidate on the first evening, thereby preventing him to ever get married ;) | 20:01 |
madhav | lcuk: liqbase works only in diablo? | 20:01 |
lcuk | qwerty12, its ok, she will have MUCH worse waiting for when you get married | 20:01 |
lcuk | madhav, it better not - im still on chinook | 20:02 |
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madhav | lcuk: i tried running the bin on chinook, it says xsp init failed | 20:02 |
qwerty12 | Ok, before I die of the embarrassment, ever tried compiling liqbase using gcc 4? | 20:03 |
lcuk | no i havent - does it work? | 20:03 |
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lcuk | madhav, try installing xsp (though i thought it was already included) | 20:03 |
qwerty12 | lcuk: I haven't either. I don't currently have the toolchain setup, I'll 'ave a go in the morning | 20:03 |
lcuk | cool - whether it will gain improvements is another matter | 20:04 |
lcuk | the svn that i currently have is wrong: what would blow up if i moved everything into a trunk/ subfolder? | 20:04 |
qwerty12 | I'm just interested because I hear a lot is changed in gcc 4 compared to 3.4 :). I won't BS you by pretending I know what those changes are :P | 20:05 |
lcuk | would svn have a fit or would it know the files have just been jiggled around | 20:05 |
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Blafasel | lcuk: Use svn mv not mv and it should be fine | 20:05 |
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lcuk | lol qwerty12, ive heard a lot as well, but tbh theres not a great deal that can be changed - sure the compiler itself can be rebuilt, but the results cant be THAT different | 20:05 |
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lcuk | Blafasel, :) cool thanks | 20:06 |
lcuk | are you gonna be on for a while Blafasel | 20:06 |
zap | qwerty12: gcc 4.x won't give you much anyway | 20:06 |
zap | qwerty12: basically it has better support for standards and all that shit nobody's really interested in :-P | 20:06 |
Blafasel | lcuk: 19:00 here. Yes. | 20:06 |
Blafasel | Mostly ;) | 20:06 |
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qwerty12 | zap: Hah, ah well, I've had a few things compile using that ; that wouldn't do it for me with gcc 3 :) | 20:07 |
lcuk | Blafasel, im only thinking because i will have a package for testing here later if you wanna be a guinea pig | 20:07 |
qwerty12 | So, does talking to a person +1 from where I am count as talking to a person in the future? :P | 20:08 |
Blafasel | lcuk: Yes! Yes! Pick em! ;) | 20:08 |
Blafasel | s/em/me | 20:08 |
lcuk | :) ok will do | 20:08 |
qwerty12 | Blafasel: You can already checkout and dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot :P | 20:08 |
lcuk | i just have some things to pop in, now it works i can make it work nicely | 20:09 |
lcuk | yes you can, but theres things still missing | 20:09 |
lcuk | :P | 20:09 |
lcuk | i want to add some example files | 20:09 |
Blafasel | qwerty12: Actually I cannot, because I'd need an environment for that first and I somehow always tried to avoid that so far.. But it might be a good idea to change that. | 20:09 |
qwerty12 | Examples aRe 4 n0obs | 20:10 |
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lcuk | and they are also prebuild UI elements | 20:10 |
qwerty12 | Blafasel: Ah. I've found it quite easy to set up sbox, but I guess it's easier using a deb based distro :/ | 20:10 |
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Blafasel | qwerty12: Have some (payed) work to do today, will try to set up the stuff asap. I don't want to be the completely clueless guy on the summit ;) | 20:11 |
lcuk | Blafasel, i found it real easy to download the vmware image with scratchbox inside | 20:11 |
lcuk | performance wasnt great but it was almost instant gratification | 20:11 |
qwerty12 | vmware's really clunky for me :/ | 20:11 |
lcuk | then i threw it all away and went the hard way | 20:12 |
lcuk | :S | 20:12 |
crashanddie | and hard way being ? | 20:12 |
crashanddie | Installing Ubuntu/Debian ? | 20:12 |
lcuk | getting dpkg-buildpackage working on device | 20:12 |
qwerty12 | Give me an Ubuntu computer with sbrsh any day... | 20:13 |
* lcuk spoofs a certain email address and makes crashndie crashndie | 20:13 | |
qwerty12 | lcuk: Yep, I can see the effect right away... | 20:13 |
crashanddie | I guess the only remedy to stubbornness is perseverance, aye lcuk ;) | 20:13 |
lcuk | indeedy | 20:14 |
crashanddie | Hmm | 20:14 |
crashanddie | I like that sentence in fact | 20:14 |
crashanddie | lcuk, you don't know with which email I sent it :) | 20:14 |
crashanddie | even if you did | 20:14 |
lcuk | you forget something. i are internet admin | 20:14 |
lcuk | I READ YOUR EMAILS | 20:14 |
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crashanddie | lol | 20:15 |
crashanddie | The day someone puts you in charge of the interwebs | 20:15 |
||cw | I think that was yesterday | 20:15 |
crashanddie | is the day computers are delivered with a lethal dose of crack | 20:15 |
||cw | yeah, certainly was. Bush ordered it | 20:15 |
lcuk | ill make the fastest, most efficient network in the world that will stubbornly refuse to follow normal rules | 20:16 |
||cw | the trick is, being smart enough to not take the crack | 20:16 |
crashanddie | lcuk, I have a video for you | 20:16 |
VirusHax | I feel myself | 20:16 |
crashanddie | lcuk, http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=71APLHK-Ykk | 20:16 |
lcuk | i dont want any more of your videos, i still havent had time to scrub my retinas | 20:17 |
lcuk | :) | 20:17 |
* qwerty12 shaves lcuk's retinas. Now you don't need to scrub them. | 20:17 | |
lcuk | http://www.art-dept.com/artists/rankin/portfolio/specialprojects/eyescapes/portfolio.html | 20:18 |
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Khertan_n810 | Hi ! | 20:22 |
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Khertan_n810 | someone can explain me how to fix the title of a hildon window in python | 20:23 |
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Khertan_n810 | i always get pythonscript.py - My Naame | 20:24 |
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lcuk | Khertan_n810, i dunno, you are the python god though - if you dont know something how are we meant to know? | 20:25 |
zap | what function you use to open the window? | 20:25 |
zap | gtk_window_create() ? | 20:25 |
Khertan_n810 | hildon.Window() | 20:25 |
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Khertan_n810 | lcuk > lol i m a python beginner | 20:25 |
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Khertan_n810 | learn it in june 2007 | 20:26 |
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lcuk | Khertan_n810, :) you have managed cool things so far then, your skills are even more impressive than i imagined | 20:27 |
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Khertan_n810 | lol ... it s the beautiful of gpl that permit that :) | 20:27 |
zap | Khertan: I don't know hildon python API, but can't you do something like window.set_window_text ("blah") ? | 20:28 |
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Khertan_n810 | i can and the result is : 'pythonscript.py - blah' | 20:28 |
zap | :))) | 20:28 |
zap | this really sucks | 20:28 |
Khertan_n810 | i ve tryed all i know maybe a stupid thing in hildon binding | 20:29 |
zap | have you seen any python app that has normal titlebar text? | 20:29 |
Khertan_n810 | no | 20:29 |
Khertan_n810 | everyone ask me :) | 20:29 |
zap | you can look at the sourcecode of the python bindings then | 20:29 |
Khertan_n810 | yes ... once i ll come back to home | 20:30 |
Khertan_n810 | this is what i ll do | 20:30 |
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Khertan_n810 | so many idea ... so less time to do it | 20:31 |
Khertan_n810 | add alarm in mcalendar | 20:31 |
lcuk | Here in scratchbox it shows the title after the script name (test.py - | 20:31 |
lcuk | Title not seen). This test.py text can be retrieved/changed with | 20:31 |
lcuk | get/set_application_name functions in the gtk module. | 20:31 |
lcuk | Setting it to '' made only the window title appear. | 20:31 |
lcuk | http://lists.maemo.org/pipermail/maemo-developers/2008-March/032877.html | 20:31 |
Khertan_n810 | finish mcontact | 20:31 |
Khertan_n810 | finish mtasks | 20:31 |
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lcuk | Khertan, does that help? | 20:31 |
Khertan_n810 | thx i ll try | 20:32 |
zap | aha, exactly your problem | 20:33 |
Khertan_n810 | hey great ! exactly that | 20:35 |
Khertan_n810 | thx lcuk | 20:35 |
lcuk | :) np whatsoever - twas minor | 20:36 |
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GAN800 | ~sd-booting | 20:40 |
GAN800 | ~boot-sd | 20:40 |
infobot | it has been said that boot-sd is https://wiki.maemo.org/Booting_from_a_flash_card | 20:40 |
GAN800 | Blafasel. . . . | 20:40 |
Blafasel | GAN800: Hm? | 20:41 |
GAN800 | You asked about 'installing packages on SD', which is the retarded way to go about it. | 20:42 |
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GAN800 | Just boot straight from SD. | 20:42 |
GAN800 | qwerty12, there's some idiot on -users saying stupid things about rootsh. | 20:43 |
Blafasel | GAN800: Yes, found that afterwards, but my SD card sucks (slow, small) so I defered the project anyway.. ;) | 20:43 |
rm_you | GAN800: link to that thread? lol | 20:44 |
GAN800 | rm_you, maemo-users archives, find it yourself. ;) | 20:45 |
RST38h | yawn | 20:48 |
Khertan_n810 | GAN > there is always sttupid user | 20:49 |
rm_you | lol | 20:49 |
RST38h | can the set of stupid users be enumerated? | 20:50 |
VirusHax | Lol | 20:50 |
kirk | LOOOOOOOOOOOL | 20:50 |
Khertan_n810 | not easily without made a buffer overflow with only 128Mo of ram | 20:50 |
lcuk | you would be easier weeding out the good ones | 20:51 |
GAN800 | Why is Weinehall whining at me to explain what I want fixed? | 20:51 |
Khertan_n810 | ? | 20:51 |
GAN800 | I want the same goddamn thing fixed that I described in the original report in November. | 20:51 |
GAN800 | Which is why I reopened the damn bug | 20:52 |
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VirusHax | Http://smallcunts.info/internal/ <----- OMG! | 20:52 |
Khertan_n810 | which bug ? | 20:53 |
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GAN800 | bug #2400 | 20:53 |
aquatix | RST38h: sorry, that list is innumerable | 20:53 |
aquatix | innumeratable | 20:54 |
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crashanddie | VirusHax, do you really want to get glined from Freenode ? | 20:54 |
rm_you | VirusHax: lol, is that page hax? :P | 20:54 |
crashanddie | in fact, i'm gonna get you glined | 20:54 |
rm_you | wait, is it *actually* hax> | 20:54 |
rm_you | ? | 20:54 |
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rm_you | lol | 20:54 |
rm_you | was just a guess :P | 20:55 |
rm_you | OMG rofl it is hilarious hax :P | 20:55 |
crashanddie | And this is how people get viruses | 20:55 |
rm_you | good job posting hax links with windows-styled fake popups and .exe downloads in a channel with LINUX users | 20:55 |
crashanddie | just go on an unknown domain and ask people to install so called active-x shit in the form of a .exe | 20:56 |
* aquatix grins | 20:56 | |
rm_you | i am tempted to try out that .exe file in WINE :P | 20:56 |
aquatix | rm_you: it might make your wine go off | 20:56 |
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aquatix | that'd be a shame | 20:56 |
aquatix | spilling perfectly good wine :) | 20:56 |
rm_you | lol | 20:57 |
kirk | looool | 20:57 |
VirusHax | lol | 20:57 |
zap | rm_you: some traians will work even in WINE | 20:57 |
kirk | xD | 20:57 |
zap | wine tries to be as buggy as windows is | 20:57 |
RST38h | I cant run exes! | 20:57 |
zap | you can even eat them | 20:57 |
RST38h | what should I do? | 20:57 |
VirusHax | Yes yes... | 20:57 |
Blafasel | Hm? I got no request for an exe. | 20:57 |
Blafasel | Just some nice girls ;) | 20:57 |
rm_you | lol | 20:57 |
VirusHax | lol | 20:58 |
Blafasel | Damn, cannot read russion | 20:58 |
Blafasel | russian | 20:58 |
RST38h | speaking of nice girls... | 20:58 |
RST38h | that russian anal sex spam came again | 20:58 |
Blafasel | But I'm pretty sure I know the standard headlines for these kinds of sides. | 20:58 |
RST38h | 3 times | 20:58 |
Blafasel | From hearsay.. | 20:58 |
VirusHax | I Russia man | 20:59 |
VirusHax | =) | 20:59 |
Blafasel | My condolences. | 20:59 |
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infobot | I herald you, my supreme master! Lead us into the light of your wisdom and power | 20:59 |
Khertan_n810 | lol it s writted in in french for me | 20:59 |
lcuk | you can get pills to help with your rushin male premature ejaculation can be cured | 21:00 |
Khertan_n810 | and it s look like a google translation | 21:00 |
Blafasel | Khertan_n810: Yay! Translate it! | 21:00 |
Blafasel | hrhr | 21:00 |
RST38h | on the other hand that arab mans cancer is no longer defiling all equipment... | 21:00 |
Blafasel | Now that makes me nervous.. Why is it presenting russian text to me? | 21:00 |
rm_you | if i could get pills that helped me understand other languages... THAT would be tempting :P | 21:00 |
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Khertan_n810 | lol | 21:00 |
kirk | LOL | 21:00 |
Blafasel | rm_you: I'm pretty sure I have emails that sell those.. | 21:00 |
RST38h | blafasel: because you are russian | 21:00 |
Blafasel | Eh. No | 21:01 |
* rm_you buys a PERL pill | 21:01 | |
lcuk | just drink more beer: once you are all pissed none will make sense and you can mumble to each other | 21:01 |
RST38h | blafasel: too late | 21:01 |
Blafasel | Damn | 21:01 |
Blafasel | Vodka! | 21:01 |
aquatix | Blafasel: you have a local proxy that runs all your (confidential) traffic through a russian (sniffing) network? | 21:01 |
Blafasel | You mean tor.kgb.ru? | 21:01 |
crashanddie | Blafasel, just proves their geoip system is fail, and that it misreads .de for .ru | 21:01 |
aquatix | rm_you: i have some weird goldfish for you that creeps into your ear and lets you hear things | 21:01 |
RST38h | blafasel: leaving spoon in your teacup? | 21:01 |
Blafasel | What? Spoon? Tea? Huh? I fear I don't get it. | 21:02 |
RST38h | crash: it may be feeling prophetic | 21:02 |
RST38h | blafasel: I guess I will have to tell the joke from the start | 21:03 |
crashanddie | RST38h, you don't wanna know what I say about prophecies | 21:03 |
* GAN800 is really, really tired of the neverending uphill battle with Nokia. | 21:03 | |
Blafasel | Go ahead ;) | 21:03 |
crashanddie | GAN800, keep the faith, sister | 21:03 |
lcuk | GAN800, its not always uphill. sometimes it kinda flattens out for a while | 21:04 |
GAN800 | Trying. . . . | 21:04 |
RST38h | ga: just spread you legs and try to enjoy it like s60 developers are used to do | 21:04 |
crashanddie | "GAN800" that in fact sounds like some car washing product | 21:04 |
crashanddie | or a painkiller | 21:04 |
lcuk | or something you can buy from a russian spam to enchance your performance | 21:04 |
RST38h | blafasel: anyway, a russian spy is attending some diplomatic dinner and his neighbor asks him if he is russian | 21:05 |
GAN800 | The energy expenditure to gratification just isn't high enough to maake me feel good. | 21:05 |
Blafasel | Gan in german would just sound like gun.. Maybe that's it? | 21:05 |
lcuk | right, back later folkies | 21:05 |
aquatix | lcuk: cya | 21:05 |
GAN800 | It's stupidisted little minutia that always have to be painstakingly battled out. | 21:06 |
RST38h | blafasel: No. Why? -- You have not removed your spoon from your teacup | 21:06 |
crashanddie | GAN800, you know we appreciate everything you're doing. You did/do a lot for Maemo, and I don't see how anyone could've done better | 21:06 |
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RST38h | blafasel: Next time the guy removes the spoon but still gets the same question | 21:06 |
crashanddie | GAN800, but if it is becoming a burden, you should not feel obliged to continue | 21:06 |
lcuk | if i were here now i would agree with that | 21:06 |
GAN800 | I just want to get from Nokia what I get from the maemo.org team. 'Oh, that sounds perfectly reasonable.' and a fix comes 5 minutes later. | 21:07 |
RST38h | blafasel: Why? -- Well, you removed the spoon but are still holding your finger like it is there | 21:07 |
GAN800 | But no, we have to put on our samurai costumes and battle it out. | 21:07 |
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RST38h | ga: forget it. you will rather get it from a sleeping elephant on drugs | 21:08 |
crashanddie | GAN800, we all know the dangers of outburn. If you need a break, take some holidays. Even you are entitled to that | 21:08 |
pupnik | speaking of battling it out | 21:08 |
GAN800 | Burden, no, irritating and boredom inducing, yes. | 21:08 |
pupnik | http://bash.org/?870063 | 21:08 |
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RST38h | blafasel: So the next time the guy removes the spoon, he is not holding his finger in any special way, but he is still getting the same question | 21:09 |
Khertan_n810 | http://code.google.com/apis/contacts/ | 21:09 |
Khertan_n810 | ouch ... wrong windows | 21:09 |
Binky | Joining a chat and seeing a sentence about a guy and a spoon brings fear | 21:10 |
RST38h | blafasel: Why? -- Well, you removed the spoon, you are not holding your finger out, butyou are still SQUINTING YOUR EYE! | 21:10 |
Blafasel | ;) | 21:11 |
Blafasel | Binky: Bad experiences in the past, huh? | 21:11 |
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crashanddie | pupnik, that's a great one | 21:11 |
Binky | Blafasel, goatse changed my life :'S | 21:12 |
Binky | Anyway, can anyone help me with python? | 21:12 |
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* qwerty12_N800 lolled 1st time i saw goatse :/ | 21:12 | |
Binky | qwerty12_N800, you wasn't 6 years old like me, true? | 21:13 |
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qwerty12_N800 | Binky, true | 21:14 |
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Binky | I was asking, i have a python interreter, but i must make a line skip in terminal, and by pressing enter, it executes the comand. I tried writin it in nano but i can't open it later | 21:15 |
* Khertan_n810 still haven t understand how google manage his contacts list | 21:15 | |
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Khertan_n810 | so u want that there is a pause in your python script | 21:16 |
Khertan_n810 | ? | 21:16 |
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Binky | Pause? | 21:16 |
Blafasel | Binky: I didn't watch goatse long enough to find the spoon involved, but I truely believe you of course. | 21:17 |
Khertan_n810 | explain me what u want to do as if i m 3 years old | 21:17 |
steri | does anyone have that ubuntu mid edition running at n800? | 21:17 |
Khertan_n810 | no | 21:17 |
aquatix | Blafasel: heh, yeah, the image stayed on my screen for, like, 0.025sec? :) | 21:17 |
Khertan_n810 | mid edition ... is for mid ... so x86 | 21:17 |
aquatix | Khertan_n810: might be recompilable | 21:18 |
Blafasel | aquatix: You're old, right? I mean reflexed get worse.. ;) | 21:18 |
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Khertan_n810 | yes but many things are still linked to atom | 21:18 |
aquatix | Blafasel: hey :P | 21:18 |
Binky | Blafasel, i'm 13 | 21:18 |
Khertan_n810 | drivers for example | 21:18 |
Blafasel | pupnik: That bash link is great! ;) | 21:18 |
GAN800 | aquatix, x86 + 512MB RAM | 21:18 |
aquatix | GAN800: hm, might be a problem on the NIT indeed | 21:19 |
Binky | Khertan, i want to make a line feed... Don't know how to explain it | 21:19 |
Binky | Sure wikipedia does, but i don't | 21:19 |
aquatix | echo "\n" ? | 21:20 |
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Khertan_n810 | dont know what is a line feed :) sorry for my poor english | 21:20 |
Binky | Khertan, In computing, a newline (also known as a line break or end-of-line / EOL character) is a special character or sequence of characters signifying the end of a line of text. | 21:21 |
Khertan_n810 | ah arf | 21:21 |
Khertan_n810 | just a "\n" | 21:21 |
Binky | Khertan, i'm spanish | 21:21 |
Khertan_n810 | :) | 21:21 |
Binky | aquatix, thank you too | 21:22 |
Binky | Ok, i'll try | 21:22 |
Blafasel | pupnik: The funniest thing is that both are on freenode right now. ;) | 21:23 |
pupnik | hah | 21:23 |
Khertan_n810 | someone have already take a look in gdata contact api ? | 21:24 |
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Binky | if valor < 0 /n print 'El valor es menor que cero' /n else: /n 'El valor es igual o mayor que cero' | 21:25 |
Binky | This way? | 21:25 |
Binky | Rats, syntax error! | 21:26 |
rm_you | RST38h: i entirely fail to get that | 21:26 |
Khertan_n810 | Binky ? is this python code ? | 21:26 |
Binky | Pretends to be | 21:27 |
Khertan_n810 | if it s it should be : | 21:27 |
Binky | I'm learning... | 21:27 |
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Blafasel | line feed is a char and not always is a or contains a \n a linefeed | 21:28 |
Khertan_n810 | #!/usr/bin/env python | 21:28 |
Khertan_n810 | if valor < 0: | 21:28 |
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Khertan_n810 | print 'blabla' | 21:28 |
zap | strange, isn't OpenStreet Map repositories supposed to be available in the Maemo Mapper's list of maps? | 21:28 |
Khertan_n810 | else | 21:28 |
Khertan_n810 | else: | 21:29 |
Khertan_n810 | print 'blabla2' | 21:29 |
Binky | Blabla stands for 'the value is less than zero' | 21:29 |
Khertan_n810 | don t forget indent and 'else:' is the good line () | 21:29 |
Binky | Ok, thanks, but | 21:29 |
Khertan_n810 | binky>yes | 21:29 |
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GAN800 | zap, they are. | 21:30 |
Binky | All these things should be in different lines, and if i push ente to change line it executes the code | 21:30 |
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Khertan_n810 | hum ... do this how ? | 21:31 |
zap | GAN800: yes, my fault, I have installed maemo-topomaps-fi which replace openstreetmap | 21:31 |
Khertan_n810 | on the tablet ? | 21:31 |
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Binky | Yess | 21:31 |
Khertan_n810 | on your computer ? | 21:31 |
Khertan_n810 | Binky > i suggest u to install a text editor | 21:32 |
Binky | 770 IT | 21:32 |
Binky | I have nano | 21:32 |
Khertan_n810 | hum, a real text editor :) | 21:32 |
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aquatix | vim ftw | 21:32 |
Khertan_n810 | pygtkeditor for example | 21:32 |
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Binky | I have vim too | 21:32 |
Binky | Anyone prefers emacs to vim? | 21:33 |
aquatix | only people with 20 fingers | 21:33 |
* aquatix runs | 21:33 | |
Binky | LOL! | 21:33 |
Khertan_n810 | http://khertan.net/downloads/Softwares/pygtkeditor-1.3.0.all.deb | 21:33 |
GAN800 | Why does python-pygtksourceview depend on libxml2juuiiii when it's not available? | 21:34 |
Blafasel | aquatix: You mean people that like virtualization. Running another OS on top of your current one | 21:34 |
Khertan_n810 | write your py script save it with .py extension | 21:34 |
Binky | But how do i open the text file in the interpreter? | 21:34 |
Khertan_n810 | and click on the execute button :) | 21:34 |
Khertan_n810 | to launch a pytghon script in xterm | 21:34 |
Binky | Lol | 21:34 |
zap | Khertan_n810: is that a Python IDE? :) | 21:34 |
Khertan_n810 | cd totherightfolderwhereisyourscript | 21:35 |
Khertan_n810 | and type : python mywonderfullscript.py | 21:35 |
Binky | Ok ok... | 21:35 |
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Blafasel | Stupid question: Did anyone try clutter on maemo? | 21:36 |
GNUton | Hello all | 21:36 |
Stskeeps | Blafasel: doesn't clutter require opengl? | 21:36 |
qwerty12_N800 | ^ | 21:36 |
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Khertan_n810 | zap > pygtkeditor ? it not an ide more a text editor witgh syntax highligh and other goodies | 21:36 |
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aquatix | Blafasel: heh, indeed; still wonder when they'll write a decent text editor for it | 21:37 |
Stskeeps | Blafasel: i've had flash in fullscreen in a embedded gecko on Debian on the tablet though. personally, i think that's interesting :P | 21:37 |
Khertan_n810 | aquatix > an ide isn t needed agood editor like scribes exist | 21:37 |
Khertan_n810 | :) | 21:37 |
Blafasel | Stskeeps: Erm. Yes, opengl would be good for that ;) | 21:38 |
aquatix | Khertan_n810: we where talking about the emacs OS ;) | 21:38 |
aquatix | Khertan_n810: but indeed | 21:38 |
Stskeeps | atleast it seems like there's a bit of movement regarding graphics acceleration on the tablets | 21:38 |
aquatix | who needs an IDE if you have vim | 21:38 |
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Binky | Khertan, there are newer versions, won't they work on os2006 | 21:38 |
Khertan_n810 | on os2006 | 21:38 |
Khertan_n810 | hum haven t test it | 21:38 |
Khertan_n810 | the newer version work only in os2007 | 21:39 |
Binky | 2.0.0 or 2.1.0 | 21:39 |
Binky | Ok. Thanks. | 21:39 |
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Khertan_n810 | the 1.3 don t work | 21:40 |
Khertan_n810 | what is the error when u type pygtkeditor in xterm ? | 21:40 |
Binky | I just installed 1.3 and works fine | 21:41 |
Khertan_n810 | ah oki :) | 21:42 |
Khertan_n810 | in fact new version use gtksourceview which need gtk 2.10 | 21:42 |
Binky | Khertan, where are you from, btw? | 21:43 |
Khertan_n810 | and 2.10 is only available since chinook | 21:43 |
Khertan_n810 | i come from France :) | 21:43 |
Khertan_n810 | connection will drop ... i ll enter in a tunnel (train) | 21:43 |
Binky | Lol | 21:44 |
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Binky | Good luck in the travel... | 21:44 |
Khertan_n810 | oh i make it every day | 21:45 |
Khertan_n810 | i work in Paris | 21:45 |
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Khertan_n810 | do u prefer this khertan.net or this khertan.net/test/ | 21:49 |
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aquatix | Khertan_n810: the test one is nicely clean | 21:50 |
Khertan_n810 | thx | 21:50 |
aquatix | heh, and the first one is buggy | 21:50 |
Khertan_n810 | it should be in some days the new site :) | 21:50 |
Khertan_n810 | with more capture | 21:50 |
aquatix | if i scroll down, the text walks behind the nav ribbon | 21:50 |
qwerty12_N800 | Khertan_n810, i much prefer the test :) | 21:50 |
aquatix | or is that by design? | 21:50 |
Binky | Khertan, /home/user # chmod +x /media/mmc1/Archivo | 21:50 |
Khertan_n810 | aquatix > it was made for | 21:51 |
Binky | I make that | 21:51 |
Binky | But stills saying me permission denied | 21:51 |
aquatix | Khertan_n810: ah, k; interesting :) | 21:51 |
qwerty12_N800 | Binky, unless the mmc is ext2 and mounted exec, you ain't running nothing off it ;) | 21:51 |
aquatix | but i like your new design | 21:51 |
Khertan_n810 | python /media/mmc1/Archivo | 21:51 |
qwerty12_N800 | ok, i lied :p | 21:52 |
Khertan_n810 | it s avoid fat32 no exec | 21:52 |
Binky | Lol, thanks | 21:52 |
Khertan_n810 | qwerty12 u lied ? | 21:52 |
Khertan_n810 | about what ? | 21:53 |
qwerty12_N800 | well, i told the truth about ext2 and exec etc but you are right, you can run a python app off it invoking python manually | 21:53 |
Khertan_n810 | hehe | 21:54 |
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Binky | For not bothering here, is there a python newbie channel? | 21:54 |
Khertan_n810 | :) | 21:55 |
Binky | Because NameError: name 'valor' is not defined | 21:55 |
Khertan_n810 | there is an open souce book to learn programming in python | 21:55 |
Khertan_n810 | take a look on google | 21:55 |
Khertan_n810 | before a if u need to assign it | 21:55 |
Khertan_n810 | valor = 0 | 21:55 |
* qwerty12_N800 has some python books on my mmc, i've never bothered to read them though :/ | 21:56 | |
aquatix | [hmmm, open sauce] | 21:56 |
aquatix | try dive into python from mark pilgrim | 21:56 |
Khertan_n810 | yeah what the name | 21:56 |
Khertan_n810 | i was searching | 21:57 |
aquatix | it's quite good :) | 21:57 |
Khertan_n810 | qwerty12 > u should there is pretty tips about profiling and test case | 21:57 |
Binky | But i meant... If valor is less than zero, print that, not if valor is zero | 21:58 |
Khertan_n810 | if i remember it talk also of agile developpment | 21:58 |
aquatix | http://www.diveintopython.org/ | 21:58 |
Khertan_n810 | yeah but valor has no value ? | 21:58 |
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qwerty12_N800 | Khertan_n810, I want to learn bash shell scripting first :) | 21:58 |
Khertan_n810 | his value must come from somewhere | 21:58 |
Khertan_n810 | qwerty12 > useless python is available on nit | 21:59 |
Khertan_n810 | :) | 21:59 |
Binky | I actually LOL'ed when i did understand | 22:00 |
Khertan_n810 | i made my post/pre install/remove script with :) | 22:00 |
Khertan_n810 | binky > you re on a developper channel ... you will see many poor developper joke | 22:01 |
Binky | Is there a way to select the value of valor after executing the script, like input on basic | 22:01 |
Binky | I love geek jokes | 22:01 |
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Khertan_n810 | eryone know that developper have the worst joke around earth | 22:01 |
zs_ | joke? | 22:02 |
Khertan_n810 | valor = raw_input('enter a value') | 22:02 |
Khertan_n810 | if i believe google i ll be the first to use gdata contact api ... it s not possible, isn t it ? | 22:04 |
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steri | http://pastebin.com/m43e5629e is it safe to do apt-get -f install :D | 22:06 |
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Binky | If anyone sees Khertan, tell him he's god | 22:13 |
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Kohaku | question | 22:14 |
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Kohaku | is there an irc client for maemo? | 22:14 |
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qwerty12_N800 | xchat | 22:14 |
steri | pidgin can do irc also | 22:14 |
lcuk | telnet is supported, but a bit slow | 22:14 |
Kohaku | ooh it has pidgin eh? | 22:15 |
qwerty12_N800 | xchat pwns pidgin in regards to irc | 22:15 |
Kohaku | I plan on buying an n810 and was just wondering | 22:15 |
Kohaku | it looks pretty awesome | 22:15 |
steri | Kohaku, http://maemo.org/downloads//communications/ | 22:16 |
pH5 | n810 is awesome | 22:18 |
pH5 | just too slow | 22:18 |
zfigz | pH5, totally | 22:18 |
* pH5 wants an omap3 tablet | 22:18 | |
zfigz | Anyone know if you can adjust the attention light to blink for things like Skype? | 22:18 |
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RST38h | no | 22:20 |
RST38h | there is a program that you can use to control the led | 22:20 |
RST38h | but it is not integrated with skype | 22:20 |
zfigz | Is that in the control panel? | 22:20 |
lcuk | RST38h, isnt it more like: there is an API that any software can use to interact with the LED. whether or not skype already uses it is another issue cos its uninstalled on mine | 22:21 |
zfigz | man, that's a shame | 22:22 |
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RST38h | lcuk: that too | 22:22 |
RST38h | lcuk: with the same outcome though | 22:23 |
lcuk | well i dunno if skype makes use of said api | 22:23 |
RST38h | it does not | 22:23 |
lcuk | :) furry muff | 22:23 |
lcuk | it should | 22:23 |
lcuk | lol | 22:23 |
zfigz | yeah | 22:24 |
zfigz | It totally should | 22:24 |
pH5 | and no way to make it make use of it, thanks to closed source. | 22:24 |
zfigz | argh | 22:24 |
zfigz | I bought the n810 to replace my phone | 22:24 |
zfigz | so yeah | 22:24 |
zfigz | this is gonna be tough if i can't see my phone ring etc | 22:24 |
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lcuk | zfigz, why did you buy a device without a SIM or anything to replace your phone? | 22:25 |
zfigz | because I didn't want a contract | 22:25 |
pH5 | zfigz: why not use SIP then? | 22:25 |
lcuk | but wifi isnt everywhere | 22:25 |
zfigz | Yeah, I'm thinking about going the SIP route | 22:25 |
qwerty12_N800 | if skype outputs events externally then separate daemons can be made which runs dbus-send etc | 22:25 |
zfigz | lcuk, i don't really care about that | 22:25 |
zfigz | qwerty, yes? | 22:25 |
zfigz | ohhh! | 22:26 |
lcuk | well a mobile phone kinda means you can use it wherever - at the mo wifi is a bit spotty | 22:26 |
zfigz | lcuk, yeah, but that's ok for me | 22:26 |
lcuk | cool | 22:26 |
qwerty12_N800 | zfigz, well, only if skype does output its events externally :) | 22:26 |
zfigz | man, i hope they make some changes for the next update. | 22:27 |
zfigz | I also hate that when I call someone they can't see what my number is. | 22:27 |
zfigz | There were just so many SIP providers I didn't know who to pick | 22:27 |
zfigz | Skype seemed like an easy enough choice | 22:27 |
pH5 | qwerty12_N800: dbus-send? that reminds me of something, | 22:28 |
pH5 | has anybody gotten the standard osso-media-player to talk to maemo-scrobbler somehow? | 22:28 |
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Jaffa | re | 22:28 |
lcuk | hey jaffa | 22:29 |
zap | Hmm.. anybody know a reason why app manager rejects an .deb file saying "incompatible package" and dpkg -i installing it fine? | 22:30 |
qwerty12_N800 | zap, section prefixed with user/? | 22:30 |
zap | no | 22:31 |
zap | is this a problem? | 22:31 |
qwerty12_N800 | yes :) | 22:31 |
zap | why? | 22:31 |
zap | I can't install simple .deb files with app manager? | 22:31 |
qwerty12_N800 | using red pill will let you install it though | 22:31 |
zap | ugh | 22:31 |
zap | it's the InfoZIP program | 22:32 |
zap | does it make sense to expose it in the app list? | 22:32 |
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zap | it's not quite what I'd call a 'end-user app' | 22:32 |
qwerty12_N800 | in that case, no | 22:33 |
zap | uh-oh :) ok, although unzip is user/tools | 22:33 |
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qwerty12_N800 | hmm, in that case, i may be tempted to have a rethink :) | 22:34 |
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Jaffa | qwerty12_N800: shush about red pill. yeesh ;-) | 22:38 |
Blafasel | zfigz: Skype is not SIP, btw. | 22:40 |
zfigz | Yeah, I know | 22:40 |
qwerty12_N800 | Jaffa, Well, zap knows what he is doing :). | 22:40 |
zfigz | I don't know of a good SIP service to use is why I went for Skyep | 22:41 |
Blafasel | Ok, didn't want to nitpick, but confusion might lead to problems later there ;) | 22:41 |
zfigz | but I think it might have been a mistake | 22:41 |
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Blafasel | Well, go for gizmo first before you use skype. | 22:41 |
Blafasel | And search something better than gizmo soon afterwards ;) | 22:41 |
* qwerty12_N800 should learn properly. i should make headset-control use the native python dbus module rather than dbus-send... | 22:42 | |
qwerty12_N800 | learn python properly even... | 22:43 |
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summatusmentis | GeneralAntilles: are you getting the pandora when it's available? | 22:44 |
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zfigz | woah, i never really looked at gizmo | 22:48 |
lcuk | summatusmentis, i dont like the formfactor - the 810 slide out is perfect for my usage profile and i can keep it in its handy cradle | 22:50 |
lcuk | but i would want the guts of it | 22:50 |
qwerty12_N800 | the pandora looks pretty fugly. i'll look into the n900 and getting my psp fixed. | 22:50 |
summatusmentis | lcuk: I'm not sure what I think either. I really liked the clamshell Zaurii | 22:51 |
summatusmentis | and I really like the hardware | 22:51 |
lcuk | yes, but couldnt that fold back on itself tablet style? | 22:51 |
summatusmentis | yeh, but I never used it that way | 22:51 |
lcuk | summatusmentis, i seriously doubt the pandora will be the only viable omap3 hardware around | 22:51 |
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summatusmentis | lcuk: I'm not saying it will | 22:52 |
summatusmentis | I want the dual SD slots :) | 22:52 |
zfigz | Is there a way to designate where something gets installed? I don't have enough room to install Gizmo it seems. | 22:52 |
lcuk | zfigz, then uninstall some other stuff? a more tricky solution is available where you can move entire system to arbitary mmc card | 22:53 |
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lcuk | summatusmentis, how much is it going up for? | 22:58 |
* lcuk just looked closer than before and thinks its cool | 22:58 | |
summatusmentis | according to the website $330 | 22:59 |
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summatusmentis | or I think it said 212 eur | 23:00 |
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lcuk | :) very nice | 23:02 |
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RST38bis | moo | 23:02 |
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summatusmentis | lcuk: yeh, agreed | 23:04 |
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summatusmentis | way cheaper than any potential n900 would be, I assume | 23:04 |
lcuk | depends, i think the current pricing trend has to be downward | 23:06 |
RST38bis | pricing for what? | 23:07 |
lcuk | all small computers. aren't we in a race to the bottom | 23:08 |
elekt | what, there's a n900? | 23:08 |
elekt | :( | 23:08 |
lcuk | no | 23:08 |
elekt | yay | 23:09 |
lcuk | speculated next model advance | 23:09 |
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lcuk | looking around you can see what the specs should be | 23:09 |
RST38bis | oh those | 23:09 |
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RST38bis | well these are funny | 23:10 |
RST38bis | they have potential to kill big pc manufacturers | 23:10 |
rm_you | lcuk: any new builds since 2008/06/25? | 23:10 |
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lcuk | on liqbase? | 23:10 |
rm_you | yes | 23:11 |
RST38bis | but this stuff not directly related to nokia, as its are not "cheap notebooks" | 23:11 |
Blafasel | Guinea pig! Guinea pig! | 23:11 |
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zfigz | So is Gizmo better than skype? | 23:11 |
Blafasel | zfigz: Different. | 23:11 |
Blafasel | And using SIP | 23:11 |
zfigz | yeah? | 23:11 |
lcuk | rm_you, ive got a few things brewing - a few bug fixes in svn, its almost packaged - should have them out in a couple of days for testing | 23:11 |
zfigz | Hmm, I've already bought a number with Skype and gotten voicemail | 23:12 |
Blafasel | Which is, contrary to skype's protocol, open and understood. | 23:12 |
zfigz | not sure what I should do | 23:12 |
Blafasel | zfigz: Than stick to skype if it works for you? | 23:12 |
Blafasel | I don't like it for various reasons. | 23:12 |
RST38bis | open <> better | 23:12 |
Blafasel | Apart from the ideology stuff: I hate the wasted bandwidth and don't trust it. | 23:12 |
rm_you | lcuk: cool | 23:12 |
Blafasel | RST38bis: Correct. I never intended to claim that. | 23:13 |
RST38bis | skype's call quality is better than your average sip | 23:13 |
rm_you | lcuk: is there a simple way for the time being to load my own .txt to the bookreader? command line wasn't working last i checked | 23:13 |
Blafasel | RST38bis: So is the bandwidth consumption and in my experience the cpu needed. | 23:13 |
RST38bis | and no, i do not trust skype either | 23:13 |
Blafasel | It's a compromise and a personal preference. Like most things. | 23:13 |
RST38bis | blafasel: essentially correct | 23:13 |
zfigz | Hmmpf, hard decision. | 23:14 |
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lcuk | rm_you, yes there is | 23:14 |
RST38bis | I would go with skype first | 23:14 |
RST38bis | easier to set up | 23:14 |
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zfigz | yeah | 23:16 |
zfigz | I'm using that | 23:16 |
RST38bis | would then give gizmo a chance and compare | 23:16 |
zfigz | I have an incoming number and all | 23:16 |
zfigz | Could you guys tell me if when you call someone you number shows up? | 23:16 |
zfigz | That's one thing I hate about Skype and also...does the light blink when someone calls you ? | 23:16 |
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zfigz | Hello? | 23:20 |
misGnomer | Got a little issue with fresh Diablo install. microB finds net pages fine, but Application Manager fails to see anything. The log shows that it's trying to connect to | 23:21 |
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qwerty12_N800 | misGnomer, I believe you need to add dns entries manually in /etc/resolver.conf | 23:22 |
misGnomer | Hmm. Just wondering why? | 23:23 |
misGnomer | microB gets IP addresses normally | 23:23 |
qwerty12_N800 | No idea :/. i know Atarii and a few others at the itt forum have had the same problem. | 23:24 |
Atarii | echo > /etc/resolv.conf | 23:25 |
Atarii | or replace with your dns server | 23:25 |
Atarii | that fixed it for me | 23:25 |
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misGnomer | I did use Privoxy some months ago but removed it, and app manager still worked ok. Now I restored Settings, among other things, and maybe it brought back the ghost of privoxy. | 23:26 |
* qwerty12_N800 would use >> instead of > | 23:26 | |
Atarii | qwerty12_N800: good point | 23:26 |
Atarii | echo nameserver >> /etc/resol.conf | 23:27 |
Atarii | gah | 23:27 |
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* Atarii gives up and goes back to watch Gok Won on sky+ ... | 23:27 | |
misGnomer | Where does Diablo normally get its resolv.conf, if all goes well. Not from the router? | 23:28 |
qwerty12_N800 | check /etc/resolvconf/ | 23:29 |
misGnomer | So I'll just follow Atarii's example, and replace the IP address with my current DNS? | 23:29 |
zfigz | Does the light blink on the n810 when someone calls when you use Gizmo? | 23:30 |
lcuk | qwerty12_N800, does the package builder thing have to clean and rebuild my project every time? | 23:32 |
Blafasel | zfigz: No idea. You can play with the LED quite easily and do fancy stuff with it. | 23:33 |
Blafasel | If the gizmo or skype app use it? No idea. | 23:33 |
zfigz | Yeah, that's what I was wondering. | 23:33 |
zfigz | I know Skype doesn't use it | 23:33 |
zfigz | which is quite annoying' | 23:33 |
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zfigz | I'm setting up a gizmo account now | 23:33 |
Blafasel | If they (we had that before) expose the calling event somehow (dbus) it would be easy to add something like that. | 23:33 |
zfigz | $35 for a number...argh | 23:33 |
Blafasel | zfigz: Bah. | 23:33 |
qwerty12_N800 | lcuk, yes, dpkg-buildpackage cleans it by default. i remember jott saying that using the -nc switch won't clean | 23:33 |
Blafasel | zfigz: Try the free version first, dammit ;) | 23:33 |
zfigz | 2 numbers for me :_ | 23:33 |
zfigz | er :) | 23:33 |
zfigz | I'm playing with Gizmo5 now | 23:34 |
zfigz | I just bought the number | 23:34 |
lcuk | cool, ill try it thanks | 23:34 |
Blafasel | zfigz: You have too much cash ;) | 23:34 |
Atarii | lol | 23:34 |
GAN800 | summatusmentis, probably, but mostly just to have and not as a tablet replacement | 23:34 |
GAN800 | Depends a bit on funds | 23:34 |
Blafasel | Regarding the LED on the N810: Did anyone create a "No money for LSD, good that I have my tablet" app for that already? That might be a simple first step for my development career on maemo ;) | 23:35 |
GAN800 | and may be superceded by the beagle. | 23:35 |
summatusmentis | GAN800: ah, I see | 23:35 |
summatusmentis | the beagle? | 23:35 |
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misGnomer | Bugger. Permission denied! I guess I'll need to find the rootsh package now... | 23:36 |
zfigz | Bla, I'm on credit :P | 23:36 |
zfigz | Get paid tomorrow | 23:36 |
Blafasel | Yeah, know that feeling.. | 23:36 |
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Blafasel | I hope my birthday gets me back on track.. Same as every year, waiting for christmas or birthday to fix my account. | 23:37 |
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RST38x | And when detectives called Clevenger's cellphone to negotiate his arrest, he answered, "Dude, I can't talk, I'm being chased by the police." ... Clevenger eventually escaped on foot around the University of Minnesota campus and remains at large. | 23:41 |
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khertan_ | Hello again ! (Copyright Apple Computer) | 23:48 |
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pupnik | eh what? | 23:50 |
misGnomer | Guys. Installed rootsh (that you, qwerty?) and echoed my main DNS to resolv.conf, which now has two entries (first is still Fired up app manager and it's still same story: it can't find the repos at "" | 23:52 |
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Atarii | get rid of the first entry | 23:53 |
misGnomer | This is fresh Diablo... with what? | 23:53 |
Atarii | echo nameserver >> /etc/resolv.conf | 23:54 |
RST38x | vi | 23:54 |
misGnomer | hehe | 23:54 |
qwerty12_N800 | Atarii, now i'd use > :p | 23:54 |
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Atarii | lol | 23:55 |
Atarii | i hate you | 23:55 |
qwerty12_N800 | :p | 23:55 |
misGnomer | Atarii, should I use my secondary DNS there? | 23:55 |
jott | whats broken with dnsmasq anyway? | 23:56 |
Atarii | try the one i posted, its OpenDNS | 23:56 |
jott | works fine here :P | 23:56 |
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jott | misGnomer: what does cat /tmp/resolv.conf.wlan0 say? | 23:56 |
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misGnomer | jott, that one's got my two DNS entries correctly | 23:59 |
jott | have you any other /tmp/resolv.conf.* ? | 23:59 |
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