IRC log of #maemo for Wednesday, 2008-06-18

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n800mholland kicked ass00:49
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sitbonStupid question: which package gives me the standard /usr/include headers in ubuntu? I'm not finding it.00:52
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m-voshould be libc6-dev.00:52
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sitboncool, thanks00:53
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m-vositbon, just install build-essential, that should get you started.00:54
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sitbonwill do00:55
Atariianyone here runing 2008he?00:58
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GAN8001Atarii, me.01:18
rm_youGAN8001: you have a 770?01:18
rm_youI wan't aware :)01:18
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MangoFusion_wow, just managed to do an update to diablo01:19
GAN800Two, actually.01:19
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GAN800One from November 2005. ;)01:19
rm_youGAN800: heh, interesting :P01:19
rm_youGAN800: ever test adv-backlight on them?01:20
MangoFusion_yet i still don't get what all he fuss is about ;(01:20
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AtariiGAN800 have you tried rdesktop?01:21
konttoriGAN800: from which version from 2005?01:22
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konttoriOS 2005?01:22
konttoriUh. Sorry. misunderstood. MangoFusion_ was the one who made the update01:23
konttoriI thought it would have been very interesting if someone was able to update from pre-chinook to diablo01:23
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MangoFusion_don't give me ideas now :P01:25
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GAN800Atarii, no, just vnc01:25
timelesskonttori: i have prechinook :)01:25
timelessif you count 3-4 weeks as pre :)01:25
GAN800rm_yes, it doesn't work.01:25
timelessit's the standard beta hardware :)01:26
konttoriI actually meant software release01:26
GAN800Woo, rm_yes! <_<01:26
timelessweek 3901:26
timelessrelease is something like 42?01:26
konttorii think so01:26
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timelessso it's 3 weeks early :)01:26
konttorianyway, I assume you should be able to ssu to diablo from that01:27
timelessi also have n800s running much older versions :)01:27
konttoriit's still chinook, even if it's a little bit buggy version01:27
konttoriwell, try to ssu to diable on one of those.01:27
timelesssomeone will have to explain how to use ssu :)01:27
timelessbut not now01:27
timelessi want pizza, and then sleep01:27
timelessand today is nokia summer party01:28
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GAN80042-18, 42-19, 50-2, 51-301:28
timelessgan: you missed 44-xx01:28
GAN800Ah, right.01:29
GAN800The N800 beta release.01:29
timelessgan: if you have time, could you read blog:timeless/14801:29
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GAN800m-vo has the procedure on his blog. ;)01:29
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GAN800Will check it later.01:30
m-voGAN800, there is some extra trickery with the initfs that I missed.01:30
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GAN800m-vo, meh on the kernel/initfs. They're either not flash or make your n810 unbootable at this point. ;)01:31
timelessskibur: yeah, we beta'd the browser once, what's wrong w/ beta'ing an os?01:31
infobotGAN800 meant: m-vo, meh on the kernel/initfs. They'll either not flash or make your n810 unbootable at this point. ;)01:32
timeless(actually there were more like 3 releases of the beta browser, but who's counting)01:32
konttoriGAN800: could be that the current initfs / kernel combo is not anymore compatible with the old ones. Thus, ssu cannot be used to jump from chinook to diablo for those parts01:32
m-vokonttori, if you flash both then you should be fine.01:33
* konttori goes to sleep ... night all!01:33
lardmanhmm, my ogg_pack_buffer either contains zeros, or my bitreading code is faulty for 16 and 24bit reads....01:33
lardmannight konttori01:33
konttoriyou sure? There was something that was done also to bootloader.01:33
m-vothe bootloader might be an issue now.  there was a incompatible change in the bootloader / kernel interface at one point.01:33
konttorithat's what I meant.01:33
konttoriso, that might be the blocker.01:33
GAN800Diablo kernel puts N810 into reboot loop and works fine on the N800, initfs is too big to flash.01:33
m-voah, ok.01:34
konttorianyway, once diablo is out, it's all nice.01:34
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m-vothe initfs partition in the chinook FIASCO image is too small for the diablo initfs and flashing it during SSU will silently fail.01:34
m-voI think.01:34
timelessis there any way to fix that?01:35
m-voGAN800 should know all about it, I realize now... :-)01:35
timeless(and shouldn't ssu not silently fail that)01:35
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timelessNAME                                                                 USED  AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT01:35
timelessroot_pool/home/svn/lxr-root/lxr-data/nokia-maemo                    11.9G  38.8G  1.13G  /export/home/svn/lxr-root/lxr-data/nokia-maemo01:36
timelessroot_pool/home/svn/lxr-root/lxr-data/nokia-maemo-old                2.98G  38.8G   808M  /export/home/svn/lxr-root/lxr-data/nokia-maemo-old01:36
* timeless sighs01:36
GAN800I deleted the initfs image and flash-and-reboot proceded just fine on the kernel.01:36
timelesscross references are interesting things01:36
m-votimeless, no fix except reflashin completely, I think.01:36
timelessm-vo: is everything in initfs absolutely necessary?01:36
m-vono, somebody made a smaller version,, actually.01:37
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timelesscould we switch to it?01:37
GAN800qwerty12 stripped out the testing stuff and got it to fit.01:37
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* timeless ponders01:38
timelessa cross reference image for chinook was 1.1g01:38
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timelesswhen overlapped w/ a previous week's build, i only pay 500mb01:38
timelessso i'm saving >50% per week :)01:38
m-votimeless, i don't think we care enough about upgrading from chinook to diablo via ssu to bother with the initfs now.01:38
timelessactually, for the previous platform, i was paying more like 200mb for non overlap, so 50% is probably low :(01:39
timelessbut i should still save 15g :)01:40
Atariican anyone tell me what this theme is plx?
timelessand then probably another 15g for diablo01:41
* timeless gets greedy01:41
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* lardman cheers, my buffer is fine, thank God01:44
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GAN800Atarii, Echo with custom icons.01:47
lardmanweird anyone have any ideas?01:51
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lcuklardman, which bit is wrong..  im seeing you emit align byte 1 as a 16bit (of 16read), and align byte 2 as only 8 bits (read from 24) ??01:53
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lardmanlcuk: yeah, ignore my output text, that's fine, it's the last two emitted values01:54
lardmanI set them explicitly in the code, then their values vanish by the time they are output01:54
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lcukdata type mismatch with endian?  what datatype are those 2 variables you're holding (->dim and ->entries) are they %u compatible?01:55
lcukcos you explicitely cast the others and dont cast those01:56
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lardmanlcuk: indeed, you are almost certainly right01:56
lardmanthey are 32bit01:56
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* lardman should go to bed01:56
lcukso the 0 bytes you are seeing are the high order values which are still zero :)01:56
Alex1Does anyone knows if Samsung Austin Semiconductor is a good company to work for ?01:57
lcukprintf has messed with my head so much i try not to go off the path i know and cast everything01:57
Alex1Does anyone knows if Samsung Austin Semiconductor is a good company to work for ?01:57
lardmanperhaps, but the dbg() fn simply returns 0 if you pass it anything larger than a 16bit type, might be the top bits am not sure01:57
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* lcuk is converting to a database02:00
DekaritaeYay winmapper02:01
* lardman adds more explicit casts02:02
rm_youwow, I wish I could convert to a database02:02
rm_youMaybe then I wouldnt forget my appointments!02:02
* rm_you tries to convert to a database02:02
lcukive had enough of writing explicit file handlers, im just gonna map tables to my classes and persist away :)02:03
* GAN800 witnesses the fail.02:03
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* lcuk looks around to see whos failing02:03
GAN800There's one.02:04
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lardmanhmm, even with the cast down to 2x 16bit values, the answer is still 002:05
lardmanlooks as though the value isn't being set for some reason02:05
lcukdo an actual comparison on the next line and triple check its not dbg02:06
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lardmanhmm, very strange, now the dbg() output shows the correct values...02:09
lardmanall I changed was to add an if(blah==0) printf() after that line02:10
lcukis the .c file #ioncluded from another .c and not included in the make?02:10
lardmanno, it's one of the main files02:10
lardmanI can see it's been compiled and linked, no least because my new dbg() outputs turn up02:11
lcukoptimized out?02:11
lardmanyeah, that's a definite possibility, but the value is used later on, so I've no idea why.02:11
lcukno, cant be because you use it, ahhh well phantoms02:11
lardmanstrange compiler though, God only knows what it does :)02:11
lcuki would love to drop gcc one day :)02:12
lcukbut only so i can build myself02:12
lardmansomething strange going on though, as some other values have turned up now (which were previously also 0)02:12
lcukmore (v1.0) wine needed?02:13
lardmanah well, I'll have another look tomorrow, too tired to make much of it tonight02:13
lardmanlcuk: I'm off the wine, on a being healthy kick02:13
lcukyou're missing out then, they released the new one today02:13
lardmanlcuk: less wine, more exercise. My coding will probably go downhill ;)02:14
lardmananyway, thanks for your help02:14
lcuk:) not a bad think in RL though.  keep holly happy02:14
DekaritaeIs there documentation on generating Maemo Mapper .db file from tileset?02:14
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lcukDekaritae, not sure - ive never used mm02:15
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summatusmentissecureendpoints: jhutz said he took all the updates, and then forgot to put it up, and that he'd get it done this evening or tomorrow02:20
rm_youwine hit 1.0!?02:22
summatusmentiserr... ignore my previous thing, wrong window02:23
summatusmentisbut yes, wine hit 1.0 :)02:25
summatusmentisI guess... I don't see what it means really02:26
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befordHey, I would like to transform a video file into a suitable format for my n810, what format, width and height settings should I use?03:58
Navimpeg4 video, mp3 audio, 400x24004:00
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rm_youhrm, so anyone ever tried compiling / getting mythtv-frontend to work on ITOS? :P04:06
rm_youI want to use my n800 as a mythtv controller :)04:07
NaviSomeone did04:10
Navivideo performance wasn't so great04:10
NaviIt's on itT04:10
rm_youI guess I was thinking about this wrong04:15
NaviDo you want a remote to connect to your PC box?04:15
rm_youI really want the video to play on the machine with the backend... I just want to control it04:15
Navi'cuz there's an app in the repos that lets you do that04:16
rm_youOther option is setting the resolution of the mythtv frontend box to 800x480 and using x11vnc :P04:16
rm_youand then use vnc viewer on my tablet, and WIN :P04:16
rm_youNavi, what app is that? I'll take a look04:16
rm_youkk thanks04:16
NaviThose two04:17
rm_youawesome thanks04:17
rm_youused either?04:17
rm_youI'll try em04:17
NaviI don't have a mythtv box04:17
Navi for mythetomer04:18
Naviscreenies and info04:18
ryoohkidoesn't the n800 lack an ir interface?04:19
NaviDoesn't do it via IR04:19
ryoohkiNavi: thanks!04:20
Navimythetomer connects over lan04:20
ryoohkianyone know when then nokia n810 wimax edition is coming out and if the specs have changed( like more ram, faster cpu)?04:20
* Navi shrugs04:21
befordIt's a 4:3 video, so i was unable to select 400x240, I selected 320x240, that'll work, right?04:21
befordryoohki, I think they only added the wimax chipset, afaik other specs are the same as current n81004:21
Navibeford, I guess04:21
ryoohkibeford: thanks!  i hope they upped the ram and cpu a little04:23
rm_youNavi, I guess I may have to go with my VNC idea :/04:26
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rm_youmythtomer looks as if it only does TV related functions...04:26
rm_youI don't even have a capture card in this machine, I just want it to be a media player <_<04:26
rm_youah well, thanks for the suggestions :)04:27
lcukrm, you want a remote keyboard for your 80004:27
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NaviWell, it can do music and videos :P04:27
Navithere's enough touch buttons to cover the media aspect of mythtv04:28
Navithere's also files sitting in the pymythcontroller svn04:29
NaviI've never touched them, so I don't know what it's like04:30
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GAN800N810W is just an N810 with WiMAX. :/04:58
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summatusmentisbut... but... it's black!04:59
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rm_youlcuk, ?05:16
rm_youanyway, this will be perfect if I can get VNC on my n800 to do REAL fullscreen05:16
rm_youright now it thinks "fullscreen" means "almost fullscreen, with about 40px of valuable screen real-estate devoted to a control bar I don't want05:17
rm_youAH nice there we go, i'm dumb05:17
rm_youit has a check in the menu for the toolbar in fullscreen :P05:17
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rm_yousweet, now I have an awesome remote control :P05:22
darkblue_Brm_you: Ive been using the VNC05:27
darkblue_Bit just has a few quirks05:27
rm_youfor mythtv?05:27
darkblue_Boh, nope05:27
darkblue_Bjust running the thingg05:27
rm_youyeah, it seems to work well ;)05:28
darkblue_Bthat feature about preferring the pressure input to clicks05:28
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darkblue_Bprevents the click from being recognized sometimes05:28
darkblue_B.. like to bring up the onscreen keyboard05:28
darkblue_Bor for me .. the "four squares" icon.. I cant clck it via VNC05:29
darkblue_Bsomeone has a hack to disable the pressure input05:29
darkblue_Bbut that seems sketchy to me05:29
darkblue_B.. or at least, I havent done it05:29
darkblue_Bthats how far I've gotten05:30
darkblue_BI plan on going to the talk tomorrow night in San Jose, if anyone else on the channel will be there05:30
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chmacI'm just about to swap my N810 for a new one (hardware fault with the keyboard) - any recommendations on how to back it up and restore it exactly as is?06:12
chmacI've got openSSH installed and running, so I could do some sort of scp backup if that's possible...06:12
m-cchmac: Use the backup and restore application in the control panel?06:12
chmacm-c: I just read about that and it doesn't backup very much data does it?06:13
chmacm-c: It doesn't backup installed applications, etc06:13
chmacm-c: Ideally I'd like to do a full backup of the root partition and the internal memory card if possible, but I don't know if I can do that while the device is running06:13
m-cWell, that's what I used and I sent two N800 in for repairs.  Worked well enough.06:14
chmacm-c: Ok, did you get the same unit back, or a replacement unit?06:15
m-cone of each06:16
chmacm-c: The N800 doesn't have an in-built memory card does it?06:16
chmacI can probably back that up via sftp though06:17
Testerchmac: no.. but it has two SD slots06:23
chmacTester: Yeah, so you can pull both cards out. I really would like a full size SD slot in my N810, I do so love my SanDisk SD Plus cards :)06:24
Testerthe builtin backup app will backup the list of applications that have been installed through the app manager06:24
chmacTester: Ok, cool, so I can probably restore from that06:24
chmacI'm not sure I actually want to re-install them all anyway, I've been playing with this tablet knowing it has to go back06:25
Testerbut if you want to backup everything, you can probably do ssh root@n8x0 tar xvf > file.tar06:25
Testererr...  tar xv / > file.tar06:25
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befordhmm I have no idea why I pasted that here, sorry.06:26
chmacTester: Yeah, I'm ssh'd on now, I'm running an sftp backup of /media/mmc206:29
chmacI'll try a tar of / as well...06:29
chmacGotta go to lunch :)06:30
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summatusmentisI need a bigger internal SD06:31
summatusmentiscan it be switched out?06:31
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oilinkiI kind of miss the swapable internal memorycard on n810.06:44
oilinkiit's pretty handy when going to traveling. At the start I uplodad lots of music and podcast to the 8gb memory. while traveling I take a lot's of photos and move those in to n800. When the memory get's full, just need to remove some old podcasts / music to get space for the pictures.06:46
oilinkiand sometimes it's nice to show some pics to other people.06:47
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beford=] got rtorrent working07:20
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oilinkinow I know. yawn can continue even via irc....07:46
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atul HI I want to port XULRunner on to Maemo platform any Idea ?07:58
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befordthere is a port08:02
befordfirst google result for "xulrunner maemo" :P08:03
mbufatul, Antonia already replied in the mailing list08:05
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Mikho_would somebody know what's the recommended way of removing application created directories upon uninstallation?08:10
Mikho_my app creates .[$PACKAGE] directories in users' home directory..08:12
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Mikho_or.. how can I make a program capable of writing in it's own directory?08:26
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myschi, can i edit just the bootmenu.conf or .sh or must i reflash the whole thing?08:28
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atulHi MicroB is the "Mozilla based browser for maemo",  previously it won't come with XULRunner whatis the current status of it ? Does it support now ?08:34
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befordatul, didnt you read what I just said?08:38
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Mikho_okay... how can I chown an installed application to the current user upon deb package install?08:50
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Mikho_where do applications usually write data files in linux?08:56
Mikho_argh, everybody's still sleeping08:58
Veggenuhm...what kind of data files?08:58
Veggennormally: in your home directory.08:58
VeggenOn the tablet: varies a little, but I'd say in the special directories under your home directory are most usual.09:00
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Mikho_so, if I use the home directory, how do I remove the special directory when the app is uninstalled_09:01
Veggen(/home/user/MyDocs and the hidden directories there (but they show up in file manager)09:01
Mikho_I could put rm -rf in postrm, but that approach has disadvantages09:02
Veggenuhm...yah. I'd say you *don't* remove users file when app is uninstalled.09:03
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Mikho_that's not good either09:04
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Veggenbut, need to go. work.09:05
befordI think that the normal approach is to only remove config files when --purge parameter is passed09:05
MikhoI might have 20MB of cached files in the special folder for example09:06
befordwhat kind of files?09:06
Mikhoanything... pictures, sound, text09:06
ranithi, i am porting a simple Qt phonon app on maemo platform(N810), but some media formats are not working. it gives me before the app is run.09:07
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beforddid you try installing that package?09:08
ranityep, i have installed everything related to gstreamer09:09
johnxjust saw this linked on another channel:
johnxit's a preliminary open source driver for the n8x0 wifi chip.09:11
johnxwas this done by someone on here?09:11
Mikhosigh... looks like there's no way other than to create the data diretory in /home/user/09:11
Mikhosometimes I just hate the linux file permission paranoia09:12
qwerty12johnx, I've heard that driver mentioned on here before, the guy has a website too (can't remember it though)09:12
johnxqwerty12, it's linked in a reply to that.09:13
Mikhosomebody should think of a good solution to having to write the root password 50 times a day...09:13
johnxMikho, sudo09:13
johnxthen you can write your own password 30 times a day09:13
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qwerty12johnx, doh. sorry, I'm having a blond hair day.09:14
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Mikhoit's 50 with sudo in my case :(09:14
johnxqwerty12, just wanted to make sure that potential hackers knew about it here09:14
Mikhohey, maybe I could increase the sudo timeout to something like 24 hours09:14
johnxor even just 30 minutes09:15
johnxor just put a NOPASWD (Sp!) line in /etc/sudoers09:15
Mikhowhy didn't I think of this earlier... just suffered silently09:16
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Mikhooh, now I remember... got discouraged for having to edit the sudoers file with vi09:21
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johnxMikho, vi is aaaaawesome09:24
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johnxbut do you have nano installed?09:24
Mikhoit's the most unintuitive piece of software in the world09:24
johnxEDITOR=nano visudo09:25
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Mikhohmm, maybe everything associated with autoconf is a bit more unintuitive09:25
johnxvi is closer to anti-intuitive in my mind09:26
johnxit works the way you would assume it didn't09:26
johnxbut then I got used to it and actually like it O_o09:26
Mikhohmm, I could use that presumpion to guess what I should do09:26
johnxbut only in some modes :)09:26
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Mikhofor example, if I wanted to save, I could try to use the most unlikely key combination possible to quit09:27
Mikholike... :w09:27
johnxI still don't completely remember how to save to a new file :/09:27
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befordis there a way to use clear on maemo xterm'09:41
johnxdoes ctrl+l work?09:42
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befordthanks, i'm guessing its possible to 'simulate' ctrl+l and create a clear sh script, right?09:44
johnxI don't know actually09:44
befordgonna search09:45
herwoodgood morning09:45
qwerty12Svn of xterm has clear function built in and there is a "clear" binary compiled by locusf09:45
qwerty12s/svn of xterm/svn of osso-xterm/09:45
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Mikhook, how can I add the user to a group in maemo?10:05
Mikhothe usermod command is missing the -a option...10:05
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johnxhmm...I ran into this before10:08
johnxlet me find it10:08
herwoodhas anybody have any problems with hildon banners?10:10
VeggenMikho: you can always just edit the /etc/group file.10:10
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MikhoVeggen, for that, It'd need to create a script in postinst, and that's a bit too much for such a simple operation10:11
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johnxMikho, gpasswd10:15
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Mikhojohnx, thanks10:16
Mikhoit's sometimes very hard to google up things like that10:17
johnxI asked this same question on here 2 months ago10:17
johnxI dug the answer up in my log10:17
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Mikhooh :)10:18
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RST38hHey, folks, anybody knows how I can *disable* "awesome" FireFox 3.0 address bar so that it works the same way as in 2.0?10:22
RST38hThe "awesome" version is slow as hell and does not appear to find what I want it to find10:23
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johnxif I had to guess, I'd say poke around about:config and look for urlbar maybe?10:25
RST38hFound it10:25
RST38hset it to true10:25
johnx...though I really like the new bahavior10:26
johnxit did take some training of it though10:26
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RST38hit is sad to see that they are going the same way as IE710:28
RST38hthey are trying to "fix" things that are not broken10:28
johnxyeah, why should they try to make changes? protect the status quo, man!10:29
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RST38hI am fine with them making changes10:33
RST38hI am *not* fine with the feature creep10:33
johnxlike what?10:33
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johnxthey've reduced memory usage10:34
RST38hI do not see reduced memory usage10:34
RST38hI do see that the browser became noticeably slower, especially various XUL UI transitions10:34
RST38hBrowser currently takes 73MB of memory with 2 tabs open10:35
johnxI think what was reduced most was memory usage with lots of tabs10:36
johnxanyways, back later10:36
`0660the awesome bar seems to a couple of visits to calibrate10:36
RST38hI disabled it10:36
`0660i thought it sucked too, but now it seems to behave very well10:36
RST38hIt still redraws very slowly and shows two lines per URL though10:36
`0660it's very quick here even though the computer is not that new10:37
RST38hAnd why can't I press a navigation arrow to get history any more?10:37
RST38hWhat is the story with these ugly assymetric arrows and a tiny drop down for the history?10:38
`0660why did you update in the first place?10:38
`0660you obviously don't like change at all10:38
RST38hWell, I wanted to be a good lemming and hoped it would be improved10:39
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RST38hI do not see much improvement-wise, unfortunately10:39
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RST38hSlower, has got a bunch of unnecessary misfeatures10:39
`0660maybe there is something wrong with your installation10:40
RST38hAside from it being FireFox 3.0 of course10:40
`0660i've read a few reviews and they all said that the memory usage should be lower now10:40
RST38hOk, how much is your memory usage right now?10:40
RST38h88MB here (two tabs)10:41
`0660i have two tabs too10:41
RST38hSo it is the same or higher than in FF 2.x10:41
`0660though i know that it keeps some of the previously opened pages in the memory10:41
RST38hI had 61MB just a few minutes ago, so I guess it is just growing10:41
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`0660i don't think that is too much10:42
RST38hit is not, but it is not lower than 2.x10:42
`0660ff 2.0 used to leak like hell10:42
RST38hI am pretty sure this trend will continue with 3.x10:42
`0660i hope not10:42
RST38hbtw, iconizing it and opening it again trims memory to 35MB on WinXP10:43
RST38hWell, we can of course hope, but you know how it usually goes...10:43
`0660it probably flushes the previous pages from memory then10:43
`0660not bad10:44
RST38hmemory trimming on XP was an option in 2.x as well (disabled by default)10:44
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`0660so, are you planning to downgrade anytime soon?10:45
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RST38hI will wait for now10:46
RST38hI am urgently looking for ways to downgrade certain "features" though10:46
RST38hJust dumbed down the address bar, now looking how ot make navigation arrows the same size10:46
aquatixRST38h: they are the same size here :/10:50
* aquatix rather likes fx310:50
aquatixthe address bar took a bit of getting-used-to, but i quite like it10:51
RST38haquatix: Forward arrow is bigger than backward one10:51
RST38haquatix: What theme are you using?10:51
aquatixarrows are evenly large on both linux [debian, ubuntu] as on windows xp10:51
* RST38h disabled the mo#$&^ing "smart" address bar: it kept bringing up dynamically generated GMail URLs10:51
RST38haquatix: No. Definitely not.10:52
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RST38haquatix: Default theme:
* aquatix uploads screenshot10:53
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RST38hthis is not default theme10:55
aquatixit is10:55
aquatixanother screenshot? :)10:55
aquatixdon't mind the blackness, that's just windows10:55
aquatixicon theme etc is the default10:55
RST38haquatix: Look at screenshots at
RST38hThey show the default theme10:56
RST38hThe theme you have is *not* what 3.0 release ships with10:56
aquatixRST38h: sure is10:57
aquatixi don't know why the button isn't as large as the other10:57
aquatixmaybe it will help you though :)10:57
aquatixisn't larger than10:57
aquatixbut i upgraded from firefox 2 to a beta, and gradually upgraded10:58
aquatixthis sure is the final, with the default theme10:58
* aquatix looks in the config10:58
RST38hanyway, looking for a way to disable this IEish crap10:58
RST38hAnd just get a pair of same-sized arrows with drop-down history10:58
aquatixlike mine ;)10:59
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aquatixRST38h: i moved those buttons to the menu bar btw10:59
aquatixmaybe that's why11:00
aquatixi always move the navigation and address bar to the menu bar and disable the other two bars11:00
aquatixlike in the screenshot11:00
aquatixmight be worth a shot ;)11:00
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RST38haquatix: trying...11:13
RST38hnope, same shit11:14
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floriangood morning11:26
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Italodancethe lab of N800 http://www.indt.org11:28
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aquatixRST38h: odd11:29
florianItalodance: Yes, we should have some INDT people in here :-)11:30
macoutedo we have?11:31
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rm_youyay, back in linux for the first time in months >_<11:39
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aquatixrm_you: heretic!11:50
aquatixwelcome back :)11:50
* RST38h killed off all the helpful services Microsoft courteously enabled in SP311:51
RST38hMicrosoft *really* wants inside your computer now11:52
aquatixclippy is a service now?11:52
aquatixRST38h: and why are you running windows? ;)11:52
rm_yougah gotta restart X tho, wine switched video modes and now I only have one screen >_>11:52
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RST38haquatix: Because I need to run Windows.11:53
rm_youubuntu was pissing me off recently, so now I'm running pure debian :P11:53
* aquatix is forced to use windows at work11:53
aquatixso i run fullscreen putty11:53
* rm_you is also forced to use windows at work11:53
RST38haquatix: Clippy is fortunately gone, but it has got a few adult friends now11:53
* rm_you also runs fullscreen putty11:53
aquatixrm_you: :)11:53
rm_youRST38h, 18+ rated clippy!? :P11:53
RST38hThere is PCHealth (remote assitance service) and Security Center (god knows what it does) and Windows Autoupdate which you can't disable because then MS WinUpdate website stops working11:54
aquatixrm_you: that might even be an idea ;)11:54
RST38hThere is someting ominously named Secondary Logon (looks like a universal SUDO service)11:54
glass_RST38h: security center bitches if you have no av or fw installed11:54
glass_RST38h: thats about only thing it does11:54
RST38hglass: Well, no longer bitches about anything NOW.11:54
aquatixglass_: handy when somehow the windows firewall fails again11:55
aquatixRST38h: :)11:55
* RST38h is still unsure whether he wants to disable Task Scheduler11:55
aquatixi hated it when it kept re-enabling windows firewall11:55
aquatixi had a 3rd party firewall that's way better11:55
glass_aquatix: running 3rd party firewalls is usually a good way to slow and fuck up your windows11:55
aquatixkerio was quite nice back then11:55
* RST38h has got a firewall inside the router11:55
RST38ha lame one, but it does the job11:55
aquatixRST38h: firewall or only nat?11:55
aquatixi liked to view the outgoing stuff too11:56
aquatixlike windows services phoning home ;)11:56
glass_i don't like to view outgoing stuff11:56
rm_youanyone know how to use xrandr?11:56
rm_youI just need to reset my display11:56
rm_youit got messed up from Wine switching modes11:56
glass_outgoing stuff i don't want i got blocked in etc hosts11:56
rm_youI could just restart X... >_>11:56
rm_youdidn't want to do that if I can avoid it though11:56
rm_youseeing as how this may happen several more times11:56
RST38haquatix: nat+firewall11:58
RST38haquatix: DI-624 is a wonderful little box11:58
RST38hTrue, it is made of recycled plastic (and probably recycled components) and it's web based UI is obviously designed by Chinese university dropouts, but it works!11:59
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* aquatix has a wrt54g12:02
* RST38h wanted to buy wrt54g first but the thing looked offensively ugly and (more important) had a hardwired admin password12:03
aquatixmine doesn't12:03
RST38hit is probably gone now12:03
aquatixand it runs dd-wrt12:03
RST38hbut at that time it raised a mental alarm12:03
aquatixand even the default firmware could get another pw12:04
RST38hI am sure linksys updated firmware more than once since then12:04
* aquatix doesn't use it12:04
aquatixi use open source firmware on it, with way more possibilities12:04
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RST38hbut does it run x11? =)~~~12:09
aquatixthe thing has 8MB of flash ram12:09
aquatixwhat do you expect :P12:09
aquatixbut it has a neat web interface and an sshd12:09
aquatixyours isn't in the list of supported devices though :/12:10
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Italodanceload applet is good for u?12:24
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rm_youjohnx: loving a2dp support in debian12:41
rm_youthat was all of a 5 minute setup12:41
rm_youand it works excellently :P12:41
rm_youdidn't even have to pair, lol12:41
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lardmanrm_you: should work the same under maemo with johnx's scripts12:54
rm_youI did some work with a2dp for a while on n800...12:56
rm_youit seems to work decently well now tho12:56
rm_youwill work better when you get your thing done :P12:56
lardmanyeah, need to do optimisation12:56
lardmanI wonder if people would be interested in helping with that? Should I email the list?12:56
timelyso did everyone get firefox 3? :)12:57
macoutei actually got it a sec ago to my vista machine12:57
timelyRST38h: you could actually use google to read about the back/forward bars12:57
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lardmanI've got the beta from a week ago, it's even slower than ff2 on WinXP12:58
timelylardman: there was no beta a week ago12:58
rm_youtimely: I got... iceweasel 3 >_>12:58
timelythere was an rc...12:58
macouterm_you: its already on backports/testing?12:58
lardmantimely: that then12:58
rm_youmacoute: I run Sid12:59
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macouterm_you: yeah12:59
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EvilGuruI keep getting a dialogue box saying "Internal error. Application 'E-mail' closed." I click okay, but it just pops up again13:44
* aquatix gets them too now and then13:45
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EvilGuruHow does one stop them13:45
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timelydon't run the mail client? :)13:46
timelybetter would be to enable crash reporting and send crash reports13:46
EvilGuruI don't think I was13:46
aquatixtimely: backgrounded service13:46
timelythen the bugs might be fixed13:46
EvilGuruI am ssh'ed in, so if anyone can tell me what the process name is I'll banish it13:47
timelyaquatix: does it have an icon in task switcher?13:47
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timelyEvilGuru: just use ps, the list isn't very long13:47
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timelyit'd probably either say 'mail' or 'modest'13:47
timelybut seriously, do you have /media/mmc1/core-dumps ?13:47
timelyif not, why not create it?13:48
timelyinstead of complaining about dialogs, you should ask what you can do to help the dialogs not happen in the future13:48
lardmanand file a bug against the descriptiveness of the error message too13:48
timelyaquatix: i'm serious though... if the dialog is showing that for an app w/o an icon13:48
EvilGurutimely: Normally when I report bug reports, I expect at the very least to have a back-trace, or an exit code13:49
timelythen a bug should be filed, because it needs to indicate the distinction between something the user is aware of and something the user isn't aware of13:49
timelyEvilGuru: /media/mmc1/core-dumps will give you the core dump13:49
timelyand dmesg should probably give you the death if you really don't want to use gdb13:49
EvilGuruI am fine w/gdb13:49
timelyyou didn't specify a release, which are you using?13:50
aquatixtimely: agreed13:50
timelyi'm using something like 0.2007.39-413:50
EvilGuruGood question. I shall look it up13:50
timelyaquatix: i still need to know if it was shown in the switcher13:50
aquatix/media/mmc1/core-dumps should be a dir?13:50
* aquatix creates13:50
timelyit's either a bug or not a bug, and i don't know :)13:50
aquatixtimely: no, it wasn't13:50
timelyaquatix: cat /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern13:51
* timely thinks that's right13:51
EvilGuruHowever, until I can kill whatever is producing the dialogue box, the best I can do is ssh13:51
aquatixi come online on wifi, i do some browsing, the `new mail' icon starts flashing and that error appears13:51
lardmanaquatix: yes it should be a dir13:51
timelyaquatix: that's in the status bar at the top?13:51
timelyor the thing at the bottom let flashes, or ...13:51
aquatixtimely: no, in the open apps menu13:52
timely(this platform has way too many indicator locations)13:52
aquatixthe latter13:52
timelyaquatix: version question also applies to you13:52
timely(and if you're running a modest weekly, you should indicate that ...)13:52
aquatixmodest weekly13:53
timelyoh brother13:53
* aquatix created dir13:53
timelyand you didn't know about that directory?13:53
aquatixnope :)13:53
aquatixslap me ;)13:53
* sp3000 slaps aquatix13:53
aquatixsp3000: hey13:53
aquatixnot you ;)13:53
timelyare there instructions about this modest weekly?13:53
timelysp3000 is more conveniently located to slap you :)13:54
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atulDoes CPP have  XPCOM binding  ?13:54
aquatixseriously though, i just installed modest, get the weekly releases, but never saw info on that dir13:54
aquatixtimely: heh13:54
timelyatul: um, xpcom is built around c++13:54
timelyso that's like asking if c++ has a c++ binding13:54
* timely leaves13:55
* sp3000 hiccups13:55
timelyno party for you?13:56
atultimely, ok but can I get some documentation for same means How to integrate CPP code into the XULRunner13:56
sp3000not today no :)13:56
timelyatul: last i checked there was an entire wiki @ developer.mozilla.org13:56
timelyyou could read it13:56
timelybut really, please don't ask questions about mozilla here13:57
timelyand read devmo first before asking questions13:57
timelyyou're supposed to sound informed before bothering engineers or sounding like you don't know anything13:57
atultimely, hello asking anything is upto me reply or not its upto you who ask you to reply ?14:00
atultimely, am not asking any dam questions ? If you dont know keep quite.14:01
timelyi do know the answers14:01
timelybut you're asking questions that you should be able to get from reading a book14:01
timelyit's irritating for people to ask for help when they haven't done even basic research14:02
timelyi'm here because i work on mozilla and maemo14:02
timelyand yes, you're welcome not to ask anything14:03
timelyin fact you're encouraged not ot14:03
timelyyou should start by joining a channel and only *reading*14:03
timelydon't ask questions until you understand channel dynamics14:03
* aquatix pats timely 14:03
aquatixhere's some relaxing tea :)14:03
* timely goes to a party14:03
aquatixah, have fun!14:03
atultimely, hello dont waste your time ok do your work and never help the people its good for your health14:03
* timely sighs14:04
aquatixtimely: off to your party, you!14:04
* aquatix shoves timely out of #maemo ;)14:04
aquatix[better for your healthy ;)]14:04
ranitcool down guys14:04
atultimely, How do you help the person who don't know any thing how he help other haha work on maemo and mozilla did  you konw long form of it.14:06
aquatixwas that english? :)14:07
trickieatul: he expects that you will do at least some research yourself... its really easy to find developer documentation for mozilla, just chill and do some googling14:07
aquatixatul: what timely meant, was that it's polite to read the channel for a bit and see how things are done here14:07
aquatixand what trickie says14:08
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* lcuk does some random googling and wonders why his eyes pop out14:08
* lcuk re-enables google safe search ;)14:08
atultrickie, aquatix, After googling and doing other basic stuff then onlly I ask here but that guy is talking fully rubish things so I Reply.14:09
aquatixlcuk: it helps not googling on things like `goatse' and such ;)14:09
lardmanselect "web" not "images".....14:09
aquatixlardman: :)14:09
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lcukbut google now displays an overall search, if theres enough images on a subject it shows a few ..14:09
aquatixlcuk: ah, and don't image search on two girls in bath tubs14:09
lcuknothing is safe, what has been seen cannot be unseen and all that14:09
trickieor cups14:09
EvilGuruAlso, my N810 takes around 5-6 minutes to boot. Most of it on the screen just saying "NOKIA" on a white background. How would I go about diagnosing this14:09
lcuklol @ cups14:10
aquatixtrickie: erm, or that indeed ;)14:10
lardmanaquatix: reading your Google suggestions? ;)14:10
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aquatixlardman: shush ;)14:10
EvilGurutop shows:   116 root     RW         0     6 98.8  0.0 pdflush which seems a little odd14:10
aquatixah, pdflush issue14:10
* lcuk knows all about 2g1c and tubg etc, ive read slash for long enough14:10
aquatixlcuk: :)14:10
aquatixEvilGuru: now i'm trying to remember where i read more about it14:11
aquatixi think there's a bugzilla item on it14:11
EvilGuruFew things in the log about it14:12
EvilGuruboom, fixed, rss reader14:13
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* aquatix doesn't have trouble with the rss reader14:16
aquatixi even use the applet14:16
lardmanturn off scrolling?14:17
aquatixof course :)14:17
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aquatixcpu drain :/14:17
lardmanbring on OpenGL ;)14:18
EvilGuruOpenGL would be neat. Might be able to get Warzone 2100 running on it14:19
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lcukmmmmmmm ogl14:19
aquatixnit's *might* need an graphics adapter update for that ;)14:19
lcukogl would mean i could do my transitions easier14:20
lcukaquatix, we have 3d hardware already..14:20
aquatixhm :)14:20
lcukor you mean for warzone14:20
aquatixat least for the latter, but i didn't know current tablets already did have decent 3D hardware14:21
lcuknot decent, but certainly able to boost the performance of current14:21
lardmanplays Quake 3? demo doesn't it?14:22
lcukreplace all that cpu rendering work with stuff on chip leaves us moar time to do real work :)14:22
lardmanprobably Quake 2. Here's Quake 1 using the hw:
lcukok, let me just see something here: there is a driver for symbian which works with this chip.  that driver might not be in the required format but its 100% compatible and designed for this hardware14:23
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aquatixhm :)14:23
lcukif we had that driver as a binary could we do something similar to how linux wraps windows network drivers14:24
lardmanbetter to reverse engineer it, but I'm not sure about the availability of Symbian decompilers14:25
lcukbut reverse engineering brings its own complications, im thinking of just using it14:25
lardmanah-ha, it was Quake 3:
lcukand shouldnt the core assembly be the same - since its for the same cpu?14:25
lardmanThe work involved in wrapping the driver will be worse than reversing it I'd guess14:26
lcukie any dis should work? or is it the eabi or whatever which handles callstack organisation etc14:26
glass_decompiling the symbian drivers..14:26
aquatixi would guess so14:26
glass_just forget about it, ok?14:26
lardmandepends if it loads some sort of binary blob, that could be copied across14:26
* lcuk is just throwing things in the air14:26
aquatixglass_: :)14:26
lardmanglass_: why's that?14:27
glass_lardman: debugging your own programs is pain enough14:27
lardmanlcuk: you need to be able to interpret what the instructions do, and also the form of the binary calls14:27
lardmanglass_: sure, but what's life without a challenge :)14:27
glass_lardman: for most people just getting a helloworld compiled and put to phone is enough challange14:28
glass_but anyways14:28
* lcuk might make a random program to poke pvr address space 14:28
lardmanph5: has already done that14:28
glass_you could try figuring out the fw of the nokia updater things first14:28
lcuktheres already a test init program somewhere isnt there14:29
glass_theres jailbreak for 3rd eds now though14:29
lardmananyone happen to have the symbian driver lying around?14:30
* lcuk likes it when discussions turn practical14:30
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aquatixRST38h: and the user?14:31
glass_i'd reckon you'd need allfiles capability to get to the file, if it's a seperate file even, on symbian14:31
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lardmanI don't know much about symbian drivers, last time I looked was on the Psion Series 514:32
lardmanDoes this allfiles thing allow you to browse the full fs?14:32
glass_almost full14:33
glass_but you need jailbreak or nokias devcerts to get it14:33
glass_or somehow unpack the fw blob the updater uses14:33
RST38haquatix: the user has been severely punished14:33
RST38hglass: AllFiles is full afaik14:34
RST38hBut nobody has legally obtained the capability so far14:34
glass_RST38h: theres some files you'd need tcb for14:34
RST38hIt is pretty much restricted to Nokia14:34
RST38hglass: Oh, yes, those14:34
glass_it's possible to get all -tcb caps...14:34
glass_you just need to know the right people...14:35
glass_and bitch for months on end14:35
RST38hglass: you can probably get AllFiles then14:35
lardmanI don't even have one of these phones14:35
glass_mmf dll's need all-tcb to be loaded by the system14:35
RST38hlardman: what do you have?14:35
lardmanWho should one speak to? Who has one, and who knows what to do?14:35
lcuklardman, look here benchmarks with powervr on LINUX panasonic phones (and comparison with symbian)14:35
RST38hgloss: #^%$14:35
lardmanI've got a Nokia 6300i iirc14:35
glass_lardman: i could help with some stuff as long as it doesn't step too much on my nda's14:35
lardmanglass_: If you could get me a file system image, or simply the driver, that would be interesting; but that may not be possible for you to do14:36
glass_lardman: my card says symbian specialist.. but i'm not a decompile/hack guy14:36
* aquatix has a sony ericsson m600i14:36
lardmanI only want the file, don't worry14:36
aquatixno idea whether it uses relevant hw?14:36
glass_m600i doesn't have the powervr afaik14:37
lcuklardman, might not be necessary - i wonder whether getting one of the phones mentioned will have  binaries available14:37
glass_not enabled anyways14:37
lardmanlcuk: interesting14:37
glass_the linux panasonic phone would be a good start i guess14:37
lardmanone of the Nokia phones would be better as it used the omap2420 too14:37
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lardmane.g. N82, N95, N96 all use omap2420 afaik14:39
aquatixglass_: ah, k14:39
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glass_lardman: n93/n93i have the hw 3d too at least14:39
glass_n96 doesnt have14:39
glass_it's different platform14:39
lardmanglass_: ah ok14:39
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glass_diff cpu speed too14:39
glass_and it's not in shops yet14:40
aquatixah, the m600i uses the Philips Nexperia PNX4008 chip which in turn uses the MBX lite 3D core14:40
lardmanthat's not a problem, just that the omap is the same14:40
glass_and it's only forte is the dvb-h really..14:40
lardmanso, that's presumably not open source :)14:40
lardmantoo much indirection, if you're going to look at something it may as well be as close to what you've got as possible14:41
* lcuk agrees14:41
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RST38hgloss: and14:47
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lardmanno takers then :)14:54
RST38hhrw: Just buy yourself an S60 based phone and forget about it14:56
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RST38hit's pretty much the only sane choice at the moment15:03
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RST38hWinMobile is too gross, UIQ is ok but usually comes with buggy firmwares, iPhone is very cute but causes permanent psychiatric damage15:04
RST38hWhich leaves us with S6015:04
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* aquatix is happy with his uiq3 phone15:10
aquatixwaiting for sony ericsson's p5 [codename paris]15:10
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* RST38h has got a Moto Z8 for debugging - nice but so buggy15:14
RST38hAnd, judging from UIQ3 users' reports, SE phones are not much better =(15:15
glass_is z8 still as slow as on release?15:16
RST38hI dunno - I have engineering firmware15:22
RST38hIt does not feel slow though, just buggy15:22
GAN800X-Fade, ping.15:24
X-FadeGAN800: pong15:24
GAN800I'm assuming you saw
GAN800I've shown up as when I forget to login.15:25
X-FadeGAN800: Is that when you edit over http?15:26
GAN800Good question.15:26
X-FadeI think that it maybe is the because of the proxy in front of it.15:26
GAN800Seems likely, but I couldn't tell you without testing.15:27
X-FadeWould really help if you could test that ;)15:27
X-FadeBut I have now blocked, so perhaps this point is already fixed ;)15:27
X-FadeWell, not fixed, but at least it shouldn't show up.15:28
GAN800So I guess the effect will be blocking anaonymous edits iver http.15:28
GAN800I'll test as soon as I get out of bed and onto a real machine.15:28
X-FadeI have been deleting spam again..15:28
GAN800I saw15:28
GAN800I was pondering over blocking anonymous edits last night.15:29
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X-FadeI have been talking with Dave about it. He was also thinking of doing that.15:29
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GAN800On the one hand, it does rather significantly up the barrier to entry, which can bad for getting new users involved. On the other, we just don't have the manpower to police things all the time.15:30
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GAN800andre____, ping.15:31
X-FadeGAN800: Well, let's see what blocking does.15:31
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RST38hHehe, a rendering bug in FF3!15:45
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dnearyCan someone update the topic with a link to the logo competition, please?15:56
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dnearyChanServ: op dneary15:56
GAN800X-Fade, http == and https == real IP. The issue with blocking as opposed to just disallowing anonymous edits is that it will show up to people like they've been banned.15:56
GAN800You can just add it.15:56
X-FadeGAN800: Hmm well, it does it's job :)15:57
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inzdneary, no +t on this channel15:58
X-FadeGAN800: But I agree we need to fix it.15:58
* florian thought he had the power to do so... 15:58
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GAN800Fair enough. It may confuse people, though, and does mention your name directly. :P15:58
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andre____GAN800, pong15:59
liwany admins here? I want to remove my account and the web UI doesn't seem to enable me to do that15:59
X-FadeGAN800: Yeah, it does. I'll ask Ferenc if we can prevent this.15:59
X-FadeGAN800: Or we should discuss if we make the wiki read only for anonymous.16:00
GAN800andre____, if Nokia does want Map bugs, can we get a real component?16:01
andre____GAN800, sure, that's on my map16:01
andre____(well, i can't say "they want", but it's definitely not that they don't want them :)16:02
GAN800X-Fade, we should probably discuss it. We might be able to save Ferenc a little time and effort.16:02
GAN800andre____, it was a bit of a 'thing' when OS2008 came out, 'Map' pretty much sucked, and Nokia didn't seem to want bugs on it.16:03
andre____GAN800, understand. but not caring doesn't fix things so we'll change that from now on :)16:04
GAN800X-Fade, the midgard wiki didn't allow anonymous edits, right?16:04
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oilinki3are you going to  participate to maemo logo competition?16:56
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summatusmentiswho is 'you' ?16:56
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oilinki3summatusmentis: anyone in the channel16:57
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summatusmentisI think some people are... I for one, and not16:59
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summatusmentisalthough... the prize is nice :)17:02
oilinki3I might give it a try17:02
summatusmentisI suck hard at graphic design17:03
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oilinki3me too. that's why it could be original enought :)17:03
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hrw tells me that my IP is - fun17:07
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aquatixhrw: it's right you know ;)17:08
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GAN8001hrw, use https17:12
GAN8001Or just login.17:12
GAN8001hrw, the discussion on that subject is about 4 pages up in the scrollback. :P17:13
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JasonWoofI just got scratchbox and maemosdk set up. I'm trying to build something that uses libvorbis. is there samething I can "apt-get install ..." to provide libvorbis devel?17:43
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scriptwill someone stop emailing me about logo contest please?17:56
scriptjust got the 7th mail17:57
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GAN8001Who is emailing you? :\17:57
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RST38ha mailer?17:58
summatusmentisand what's your email address? I'll... take you off the list? >_>17:58
summatusmentisJasonWoof: I'm not sure how scratchbox/maemosdk work, but you could try apt-cache search libvorbis18:00
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summatusmentisthat'll tell you all the packages that match libvorbis18:00
GAN8001rm_you, ping.18:00
JasonWoofsummatusmentis: yeah, I did that without the "lib"18:00
JasonWoofsummatusmentis: perhaps I need another repository in my /etc/apt/sources.list18:00
JasonWoofI also did "apt-cache search ogg"18:01
summatusmentisJasonWoof: oh, ok... then I have no idea18:03
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JasonWoofsummatusmentis: thanks anyway18:03
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RS_AsleepJust a quick question. The old man has noticed that his N800 acts a bit strange sometimes. As far as I understand it, he awakes it from the screen going blank and it shows OS for a few seconds then the screen goes blank, comes back on, goes off, comes back on and all is well again. Anyone else seen or heard about this?18:05
hrwheh.. I just flashed initfs by mistake ;(18:06
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GAN8001RS_Asleep, Bluetooth keyboard?18:06
RS_AsleepNo, no bluetooth :)18:07
RS_AsleepI've not seen it myself so I can't be too specific at the moment. But looking on Google, I can't see anything like what I described.18:07
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GAN8001OS2008's dsme/mce is a bit funky18:08
GAN8001Mine doesn't always blank very gracefully when locking18:08
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GAN8001Personally, it's not something I would worry too much over.18:09
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RS_AsleepWell, I guess if it was there'd be more google results :D18:09
RS_AsleepTa very much :)18:10
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scriptand another mail ...18:31
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Zmikoi Finally bought a NIT18:32
Zmikoim so excited18:32
Mouseythat is exciting. i remember feeling like that18:34
aquatixcongrats ;)18:34
Stskeepsi was more surprised when my gf picked it up and started playing with it too18:35
aquatix`yes, that's linux'18:35
Stskeepsmy gf's polish so linux isn't completely unknown to her :P18:35
* Mousey thinks . o O ( he polishes his girlfriend? )18:35
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derfMaybe his gf is one of these
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Stskeepsno, but it sounds like a good replacement18:38
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RST38hderf: But does she bring beer? =)18:40
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RST38his thin blue line at the bottom of FF3 load progress bar a bug?18:46
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luogniis it normal that garage is sending "maemo logo competition" mails every hour? (16:50, 17:50, 18:50 ....)18:48
GAN8001luogni, unlikely.18:49
GAN8001File a bug?18:49
luogniGAN8001: ok, just wanted to report here before it spams everyone :)18:49
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script10 logo-competition mails ....18:55
scriptand growing18:55
scripti guess that will be a pretty pretty pretty nice logo ;)18:56
Disconnect...yah me too. was just coming in to ask about that.18:56
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timelessi've now received 4 copies of a logo competion announcement18:57
timelessi've received them hourly18:57
timelessam i going to get a copy every hour until i nuke
kulvetimeless: as you can see from the backlog, so has everybody else18:57
Robot101yeah its awesome18:58
johnxsomeone fails at cron?18:58
johnxat least gmail seems to be putting them all under one heading for me...18:58
timelesshas anyone tried unsubscribing?18:58
timelessjohnx: yep18:58
timelessbut it still lights up my label every hour18:58
johnxyeah, and my n800 is blinking away at me :/18:58
RST38hevil evil18:59
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GAN800and X-Fade's dead.19:00
johnxGAN800, dramatic much?19:01
johnxdead? or just AFK?19:01
GAN800afk, dead what's the difference?19:01
johnxwait...and why in the world would this kind of a one time announcement be in cron...?19:01
GAN800Joke, johnx, chill out. ;)19:01
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johnxGAN800, yeah...just caught me off guard19:02
RST38hGAN: He is not only dead but has managed to die on the SEND button19:03
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Blasturany news on diablo release date?19:05
johnxBlastur, gets delayed when people ask O_o19:05
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johnxprobably around 2011 at this point :/19:05
Blastursorry :)19:05
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Blasturi just reeally need that AGPS support19:06
johnxno problem, you just have to answer the next guy who asks19:06
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Stskeepsjohnx: so what are the next stages of debian? :)19:09
johnxmodularity, openness and "doing it right"19:10
johnxdoesn't that sound lovely? :P19:10
RST38hyou forgot "democracy"19:10
timelessjohnx: where's that from?19:10
Stskeepsit sounds like something my boss would say, and throw in flickr and mashup19:10
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johnxtimeless, this is specifically "debian for NITs"19:10
summatusmentisjohnx: are you gonna web2.0 debian?19:11
johnxsummatusmentis, until it hurts19:11
RST38hjohnx: really deserves a name now19:11
GAN800Web 2.0 or it sux19:11
RST38hit has progressed too far19:11
johnxRS_Asleep, debian-nit19:11
hircusanyone knows if and when Maemo SDKs will use Scratchbox 1.2?19:11
johnxactually, I think it's nit-debian :/19:11
summatusmentismashup's aren't complete until they're AJAX-ified19:12
hircusthe randomizing VDSO problem is getting real annoying, now that both Fedora and Debian kernels ship w/o the compatibility mode bits19:12
hircus(so the sysctl trick is not usable anymore)19:12
RST38hHurrah! I have found an FF3 theme with same-sized arrow buttons!19:12
timelesshircus: hopefully maemo will switch to sbox 2.019:13
timelessbut you'll know when it's announced19:13
johnxanyways, the marketing speak roughly translates to: tablet specific packages instead of rootfs tarballs, more people working on it who aren't me, and fewer hacks19:13
timelessand until then no one will know19:13
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summatusmentisjohnx: tablet specific packages? meaning, what?19:13
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Stskeepsjohnx: and an installer that creates packages from "needed" bits from initfs/firmware and installs on the installed image i guess19:14
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johnxsummatusmentis, a "sound support" package that will copy stuff over from OS2008 when installed, etc19:14
RST38hjohnx: a kind of compatibility layer to run debian stuff inside OS2008?19:14
hircustimeless: heh. not as if this is a trade secret, unlike OS releases19:14
summatusmentisjohnx: oooh! :)19:14
johnxRST38h, that's not on my list. Talk to qole on ITT for that19:14
timelesshircus: um.. in general things are announced19:14
timelessuntil that no one knows19:14
hircustimeless: yes, but you can announce it in advance of the switch19:15
timelessonce they're announced, they either happen according to the announcement, or they don't19:15
timelesssure, but that's still the announcement19:15
hircusmaybe even get people to beta-test running the SDK on a new Scratchbox19:15
timelessif someone knew, they'd make an announcement19:15
hircussure, ok. we're just quibbling over words19:15
summatusmentisRST38h: chroot is pretty close, otherwise, you're looking to hildon-ize debian packages19:15
hircusanyway, apart from random errors that so far can be ignored (or patched out), it's still working enough19:16
* timeless sighs19:16
timelessi just had an uninstaller decide to delete 3 unrelated applications19:16
RST38hjohnx: aha19:16
timelessit was doing me a big favor19:16
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Robot101are there (m)any DAAp clients for Maemo?19:19
Stskeepsjohnx: i could work on a on-device installer atleast and adding in packages.. my expertise isn't (yet) to make deb packages and apt-get repositories19:19
Robot101DAAP, even19:19
Stskeepsbut should read up on that19:19
* timeless thumbs downs qgil's maemo logo item19:20
johnxStskeeps, that would be great19:20
johnxStskeeps, mind if I PM you?19:20
Stskeepsgo ahead19:20
summatusmentistimeless: will we get to see the logos?19:21
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timelesssummatusmentis: i'm just expressing my annoyance at being spammed hourly19:22
timelessusing planet's thumb down feature :)19:23
summatusmentisoh, well, yes :)19:23
summatusmentisI haven't gotten anything hourly, I did get one though19:23
timelessi have 4, and gmail says they were 1 every hour19:23
summatusmentissee, there's no way I'm going to be able to compete with that!19:24
summatusmentiswe don't have to keep the current color scheme do we?19:24
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* timeless shrugs19:24
timelessi'm not going to read the contest19:24
timelessi will say that anyone designing a contest needs to:19:25
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summatusmentishrm... I'm not sure I'll submit anything, but I kinda want to win :)19:25
timeless1. require submissions for icons (256x, 128x, 64x, 32x, 16x)19:25
timeless2. read the other contest rules used by other groups (there are ~5 that i've encountered recently while gooogling)19:25
timeless3. require a scalable base format (SVG or something like it)19:26
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summatusmentisalso, I really kinda can't stand inkscape19:28
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timelesspaintshoppro had a vector graphic builder19:29
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timelessso did microsoft (image composer?)19:29
summatusmentisthat assumes I have either of those :)19:30
timelessum, not really19:30
timelessit assumes you can get them19:30
summatusmentiswell, ok, fair enough19:30
timelessi know for a fact that psp can be downloaded19:30
lucidblu1hey all!  Quick question, maybe this is off topic, but I put gpodder on my n800, and it's great, but I'd love if it saved a position when I exited the media player... any ideas on one that does?19:30
timelessand i'm 99% certain wine can run both of them19:30
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timeless(wine 1.0!)19:30
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summatusmentishmmm... I'll have to think on this :)19:32
timelessimage composer 1.5 can be found using bittorrent ...19:32
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timelessnote that mic was actually free19:32
timelessunlike some other random microsoft apps19:32
timelesswhich are probably non-free19:33
timeless(note to be confused w/ debian/non-free)19:33
timelessis interesting19:34
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pekuja"And what happened to "electronic arts corp." and did someone purchase the rights to their software, if so who and if it was a large corp that produces graphic programs, shame on them for suppressing the re-release of dpaint and sad for the consumer to miss the most intuitive graphics program ever published."19:36
pekujahow can somebody ask "What happened to Electronic Arts?"19:36
pekujathat question is regarding Deluxe Paint19:37
timelesspekuja: it makes sense in context19:37
timelessit's like asking what happened to Nokia the Rubber Boots maker19:37
timelessi can't find any new Nokia Rubber Boots19:37
timelessjust because a company exists by the same name doesn't mean it's really the same company19:38
timelessimage going to sleep under a rock in the 60s19:38
timelessyou wake up asking about Apple19:38
timelessyou mean apple records19:38
RST38htimeless: Hasn't it become Nokian the rubbery tires maker? =)19:38
timelessyou find out that there's another Apple doing business19:39
timelessbut it isn't the Apple you knew19:39
* mgedmin remembers deluxe paint fondly19:39
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* timeless remembers deluxe paint too19:39
glass_rubber business has been seperate for decades or so19:39
glass_deluxe paint II19:39
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glass_and palette cycle!19:39
timelessglass_: oh sure, but it works as an example19:39
glass_timeless: my fave company on that regard is daewoo, assault rifles, cars, washing machines19:40
timelessanother more current one would be the Nokia that makes cellular tower stuff19:40
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timelessglass_: heh19:40
RST38hglass: Korean and Japanese companies are often like that19:40
timelessor what happened to TrollTech...19:40
glass_RST38h: yeah19:40
timelessthey're no longer a company :)19:40
RST38hglass: They are huge conglomerates with a lot of government participation, pretty much what Russia is now creating19:40
glass_timeless: nsn is still more part in the sense that it's under the same ownership19:40
mgedminoookay, I got four email announcements about the maemo logo competition19:41
timelessglass_: kinda but yeah19:41
mgedminisn't that a bit excessive19:41
timelessmegedmin: yeah, we're complaining here19:41
timelessthey're hourly19:41
glass_timeless: but the rubber stuff was totally seperated in that sense too19:41
timelesswait an hour, you shoudl get a fifth :)19:41
glass_dunno about cable biz19:41
johnxheh...makes me think of LG and Sumitomo group19:42
glass_lucky goldstar!19:42
glass_i wish they used that name19:42
summatusmentistimeless: do you just use gmail directly?19:42
johnxglass_, yup! washers, phones, cosmetics, laptops19:42
timelesssummatusmentis: um,, i use at least half a dozen gmail interfaces19:42
timelessi use the gmail java client on my e61i19:43
glass_lucky goldstar is so engrish it rocks19:43
glass_lg is just lg..19:43
timelessi use mail/x, mail/h, mail/?ui=1, mail/?ui=219:43
timelessand i'm using imap (?) on my iPod touch19:43
timelessi generally stay away from imap w/ gmail19:44
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timelessas it really can't do what i need/want19:44
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sladencould somebody please tell the maemo list-admin that it's only necessary to send the Logo spam once, not three times.  kthxbye19:44
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summatusmentisinteresting... I just started popping all my other email accounts to my gmail, and am doing a test on using gmail as my primary interface19:45
timelesssladen: the list admin is probably at the nokia summer party19:45
timelessor the nokia summer after party19:45
timelessdon't ask me why i'm here instead19:45
timelessbut yes, we're all quite annoyed19:45
timelessexcept it seems the list shorted you one copy19:45
timelessmost of us got 419:45
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timelesssummatusmentis: i've given up on anything that isn't gmail for mail19:47
timelessi really really wanted gmail for corp mail, but haven't figured out how to get it :(~19:47
summatusmentistimeless: well, my school makes us use theirs, and I've got an old email account that too many people have for me to stop using19:47
* summatusmentis got one copy19:48
timeless.forward :)19:48
RST38htimeless: Nokia will never allow19:49
timelessrst38h: eh?19:50
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RST38htimeless: You are working for nokia, right?19:50
MangoFusionold email accounts. youch.19:50
timelessrst38h: actually, i know you're wrong :)19:50
* RST38h knows that if he even *mentioned* forwarding corporate mail to a gmail account, Intel would crucify him19:50
timelessi just don't know how to get into the trial19:50
timelessoh, i don't mean .forward19:51
timelessthat was to the uni comment19:51
MangoFusionpity you can't just send a new vcard with "Hey there, look at my neat new email address which will be replacing the old one"19:51
timelessand wrt people forwarding to gmail, i've heard rumors of people doing that :)19:51
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RST38htimeless: gross violation of just about any corporate security policy19:51
timelessthat's why i buy domains and give our forwardings instead19:51
timelessrst38h: hey, i don't do it, i don't recommend it, i don't support it19:52
timelessi just don't say it doesn't happen19:52
timelessbecause it probably does :)19:52
RST38hguess so...19:52
timelessthe .forward recommendation (to be clear) was for people w/ uni accounts19:52
RST38hyou can also instruct GMail to poll using POP319:52
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VeggenRST38h: violations or not - if there's too strict, too bureaucreatic or too lousy internal sertvices, people *will* go to places like google mail for mail, google docs for colloboration, etc....19:54
Veggen(eh, services)19:54
summatusmentisRST38h: that's what I'm doing, popping all my accounts to GMail19:54
RST38hVeggen: in most cases, "internal services" = Outlook19:55
VeggenI know.19:55
RST38h+ Exchange. So you are pretty much locked in19:55
RST38hsumma: I am kind of afraid to keep important stuff at GMail...19:56
Veggenmm. So people will tell the people they communicate with to use their gmail account instead.19:56
timelessgood for you19:56
timelessi'm afraid to keep my mail in exchange19:56
timelessmy laptop has disk space issues19:57
RST38htimeless: well, it is not mine, it is corporate19:57
RST38hif corporation loses it, it is not my problem19:57
timelessand i think it just ate my inbox19:57
RST38hVeggen: this is acutally also a policy violation19:57
* timeless kills outlook.exe and goes to see if it survived19:57
VeggenRST38h: of course. But it'll happen anyways.19:58
timelessoh how nice19:58
timelesssomeone used a broken bugzilla to cc everyone in bugzilla19:58
RST38hgrew back?19:58
VeggenRST38h: Myself, I *don't* do it, but people do, and will continue to do so.19:58
RST38hVeggen: Well, as you can't tell that to all of your coworkers and they still send you Word-formatted attachments etc, so you drop back to Outlook =(19:59
timelesshrm, i got an update about a service i don't remember using20:00
timelessi won't if i can ask it to speak English20:00
summatusmentisRST38h: it's nothing terribly important, but it's how our University spams everyone on campus about things20:00
infobottimeless meant: i wonder if i can ask it to speak English20:00
VeggenRST38h: nah, you'll have your gmail window open anyways. And if it's simpler than the corporate thingy, you *will* use it. Now, I'm not meaning "you" literally.20:00
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bedboihi there.20:01
bedboiany diablo user willing to share the clues that lead to the pass?20:02
RST38hsumma: So does mine20:02
* timeless sighs20:02
bedboii can't spend a whole week reading that post :)20:02
timelessthis site is stupid20:02
RST38hsumma: I just set up procmail to trash everything that is not addressed to me directly20:02
timelessit imported me, and is now insulting me, and they don't actually take feedback20:02
summatusmentisbedboi: it took me one day to read the whole post :)20:02
bedboisummatusmentis: i still don't have one day :)20:03
summatusmentisfair enough20:03
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summatusmentishi qwerty12, lardman, Khertan__20:05
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qwerty12hi summatusmentis20:05
lardmanhi chaps20:05
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qwerty12I commited a act of treachery today. I removed my linux partition. I'm using Windows more again because of Steam etc and I'm just gonna shove an andLinux and sbox on the Windows.20:07
qwerty12hi lardman20:07
summatusmentis~lart qwerty1220:07
* infobot whacks qwerty12 with a giant beaver's tail20:07
summatusmentis~lart qwerty1220:07
summatusmentis~lart qwerty1220:08
* infobot beats qwerty12 severely about the head and shoulders with a rubber chicken20:08
summatusmentis~lart qwerty1220:08
qwerty12The love. It's killing me!20:08
lardmanqwerty12: quick, re-install!20:08
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summatusmentis~lart qwerty1220:08
* infobot pulls out a ClueBat (tm) and thwaps qwerty1220:08
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Blafasel_qwerty12: Interesting. I planned to give Wine 1.0 a go and switch (in spite of steam..) to linux more/completely ;)20:09
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summatusmentisnow, go install linux again, and get rid of windows20:09
sladentimeless: awh... I fell left out now :)20:09
qwerty12I need the space :/20:09
RST38hqwerty: heretic!20:09
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RST38hqwerty: May ten thousand penguins molest you anally every night a new Linux kernel is released!20:10
johnxqwerty12, don't hard drives come free in boxes of cereal these days?20:10
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qwerty12RST38h, Oh yeah, baby!20:10
RST38h[and yes, I mean tertiary version numbers]20:10
qwerty12johnx, Not here, in the UK, we are poor20:10
johnxqwerty12, they don't really have cereal :/20:11
RST38hhey, a pound is currently >$2!20:11
RST38halthough half of those $2 probably disappears in UK taxes...20:11
qwerty12johnx, What, do you put your hands into the TV screen and get food like that?20:11
johnxRST38h, which would be fine if they bought everything from the US...20:11
lardmanRST38h: and petrol!20:11
RST38hlardman: In the US, you can't get petrol!20:12
summatusmentisqwerty12 spends all his money on bad music, everyone knows this20:12
qwerty12I do?20:12
RST38hJust gasoline...20:12
johnxqwerty12, heh...nah, I walk to the store cause I don't have a freaking car :/20:12
lardmanRST38h: lol, same here, petrol tanker drivers' strike20:12
RST38hhehe, Moscow gas prices are more or less equal to US20:12
lardmanRST38h: over here, petroleum spirit aka petrol ;) is ~£1.18/litre20:12
qwerty12johnx, But isn't it faster to Beam yourself there?20:13
RST38hWould be lower if that damn dollar wasn't falling through the floor20:13
johnxqwerty12, we're not *that* far in the future20:13
qwerty12But 9 hours! :O20:13
* qwerty12 is -9 hours in the past from johnx20:14
lardmanRST38h: am off to Chicago next month so the dollar can stay low until then :)20:14
* RST38h is only 6 hours in the past from johnx20:14
RST38hlardman: cheater! =)20:15
summatusmentis /PViceAccess20:15
summatusmentisoh... wtf?20:15
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summatusmentiswrong terminal, sorry20:15
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johnxI just wish the dollar would stop dropping until I deposit a couple checks from the US...20:17
summatusmentisspeaking of depositing checks... I should do that20:17
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MangoFusioni just wish people stopped worrying20:18
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johnxMangoFusion, in general? or about money?20:18
lardmanjohnx: where are you based to be 9h ahead of the UK?20:18
qwerty12I miss my X-Chat spell checker from the Linux version. Windows X-Chat don't have it :(20:18
lardmanjohnx: Oz20:18
johnxlardman, check my host mask :P20:18
qwerty12johnx, So have you moved permantly (spelling) or a long vacation/holiday?20:19
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johnxqwerty12, maybe another year or two20:19
qwerty12Ah, ok :)20:19
johnxqwerty12, think I should come to the UK after that?20:19
summatusmentis... why do you get to live in cool places?20:20
qwerty12johnx, Yeah, sure, just be careful around South and East London :P20:20
MangoFusionjohnx: i'm thinking more generally. as in there seems to be lots of doom and gloom to feel doomed and gloomy about20:20
lardmanI seem to remember there being a download (from of some 2.4.x kernel based binaries for an omap2420 board from Montavista, anyone remember this?20:21
johnxsummatusmentis, cause I'm crazy and I do things without considering all the consequences O_o20:21
johnxMangoFusion, eh...that's why I stopped watching the news20:21
MangoFusionqwerty12: speel chrkwr? yiu nqqd a speel chrkwr?20:21
summatusmentisjohnx: erm... so you just up and moved, and then realized you needed a job?20:21
lcuk2lardman, i recall a 3d driver available for 2.4, but if i remember rightly, it was for the older AGP graphics card20:21
lcuk2(or are you talking about whole system now)20:22
MangoFusionjohnx: same here. though i am still subjected to it :)20:22
qwerty12~lart x-chat windows for no copy and paste integration20:23
* infobot takes a rusty axe and swings it violently, taking x-chat windows's head off for no copy and paste integration20:23
lardmanlcuk2: I'm not sure - I remember there being a binary SDK for OpenGL on the omap2420 board, I was wondering if it had a PowerVR driver20:23
lardmanlcuk2: I don't have a copy anywhere, nor can I see it on the WayBackMachine, so my mind may be playing tricks20:23
summatusmentisqwerty12: linux is looking better and better isn't it?20:24
lcuk2lol lard, i am digging in my tablet/oldold/old folder and finding everything we ever discussed20:25
lcuk2im currently finding the 2430 linux stuff you posted... ;)20:25
lardmanlcuk2: as we were talking about before, I'd prefer the binary to be as close as possible to what we have, and am a bit unsure about the shared omap2420/2430 driver I have20:25
qwerty12summatusmentis, yes :/. I could get MiRC but I prefer X-Chat to it20:25
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summatusmentishe went to install linux20:25
lcuk2yer i know, im just hunting because i know its been discussed20:25
lcuk2!.! global *.irc.txt search for 2420 ;)20:25
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lardmanPowerVR might give you more hits :)20:26
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lcuk2yer but thats not what i want, theres loads of sprinkled info20:26
johnxlcuk2, get friendly with grep20:27
lcuk2im in windows, the search is ok :)20:27
johnxmaybe grep -C10 2420 | grep -i power*vr20:27
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qwerty12wayhey, I'm not the only one now :p20:27
lcuk2ive opened up binary search for all known filetypes so now it catches everything20:27
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summatusmentisqwerty12: he's already been chastised for his use of windows ;)20:28
qwerty12Doesn't bother me :P20:28
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lcuk2anyway, lard according to you, on 15th april "<lardman> strange there's so much info available for it (, but not much for the 2420"20:29
lcuk2ill look more after tea, back soon20:31
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summatusmentishe munches his tea?20:32
lardmanlcuk_munching: just ask me and I will repeat what I said20:32
lardmanlcuk_munching: assuming I can remember of course :)20:32
summatusmentis</end ignorant american joke>20:32
lardmansummatusmentis: what does munching mean over there?20:33
summatusmentislike... chomping20:33
lardmanyeah, same here20:33
summatusmentismore a reference to the term tea20:33
lardmanperhaps his tea is chewy20:33
lardmanah, tea = early evening meal in the UK20:33
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summatusmentisright, I knew that20:33
summatusmentishence, the joke :)20:33
lardmanah sorry, I'll go back to sleep :)20:34
summatusmentislol, no worries20:34
summatusmentistea = hot drink that isn't coffee in the US20:34
summatusmentisclosest thing toan early evening meal is 'after school snack' :-D20:35
lardmannever heard of it, will have to try some when I get over there20:35
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summatusmentiss/toan/to an/20:35
pekujasummatusmentis, what about cocoa?20:36
pekujaaka "hot chocolate"20:36
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pekujaI mean that's not tea, is it?20:36
RST38hsumma: cold tea is also widespread20:37
summatusmentispekuja: no, I suppose not20:38
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summatusmentisRST38h: denoted differently though, not referred to as tea20:38
RST38hpekuja: it is also not really hot chocolate =)20:38
summatusmentis'iced tea'20:38
RST38hsumma: iced tea20:38
summatusmentisRST38h: good point20:38
summatusmentisright, but you never hear iced tea referred to as just tea20:38
pekujaRST38h, yeah I know, hence the quotation marks ;-)20:38
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RST38hpekuja: it is a common thing for an american to ask for hot chocolate in Europe and consequently freak out20:39
summatusmentisdo they heat up chocolate for you?20:39
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RST38hsumma: basically20:40
RST38hit's not THAT radical, but the stuff is quite thick20:40
pekujaRST38h, oh, I didn't know that was also an actual dish20:40
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summatusmentislol, that's funny20:41
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lcuk_munchingtea = evening meal lovingly cooked by missus :)20:49
lcuk_munchingand i'll tell her about the chewy comment20:49
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johnxshe might not let you hang out with us hooligans after that though :P20:50
lcukthats a thin line already20:50
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summatusmentismake sure you tell her it wasn't me who is at fault for the chewy comment20:52
* summatusmentis needs to study abroad20:53
summatusmentisI'm tired of the US20:53
johnxsummatusmentis, come visit me :)20:53
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summatusmentisI don't speak japanese :)20:53
johnxknew that was coming20:54
johnxneither did I this time last year20:54
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johnxfunny how you learn when you need to, eh?20:54
summatusmentisalthough, there's a exchange program with a japanese uni that my school does20:54
summatusmentisKansai Gadai University20:55
summatusmentisuh... crap20:55
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johnxall the way on the other side of the country :P20:55
johnxbut the Kyoto/Osaka area is really nice20:55
RST38hjohnx: are you in Kyoto then?20:56
summatusmentisthis website is in japanese :(20:56
johnxnope, Yokohama, just south of Tokyo20:56
johnxsummatusmentis, for the University or about the exchange program?20:56
summatusmentisthe website for Kansai Gadai20:56
johnxsummatusmentis, I googled and got results in English20:57
johnxyou'll need to learn a lot of Japanese before you can get much out of a study abroad program I think20:57
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summatusmentisyeah... I'm thinking the same thing20:57
Zmikombw is supposed to start in 3 minutes right?20:57
johnxif you're just traveling you don't need that much20:57
summatusmentisI could do ELTAP20:58
johnxuhm...sorry for being dumb, but what is mbw?20:58
Zmikomacbreak weekly20:58
summatusmentisnever heard of it20:58
Zmikooh oops sorry, wrong chat room20:58
johnxheh, no prob :)20:58
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Zmikocolloquy connected here just as i hit enter for a different room20:59
RST38hsumma: Just go with Italians21:00
RST38hsumma: All the non-US stuff you will ever wish, with 50-70% probability that your fellow students will speak English21:00
summatusmentisItalian is close to Latin, and Spanish21:01
summatusmentisI could maybe fake my way through italian21:01
RST38hsumm: doesn't automatically mean you will speak it though =)21:01
summatusmentisno, I know21:01
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RST38hbut it is ok, doable21:01
lcuklardman, on the powervr bug ( last week daniel stone replied and said: We have no plans to integrate this, AFAIK.  Pretty much all the reasons listed21:01
lcukin comment #5 apply ...21:01
johnxsummatusmentis, ...but it should be approximately *a lot* easier than Japanese21:02
summatusmentisjohnx: I think that's a given :)21:03
RST38hlcuk: Thre is one thing I do not understand21:04
lcuk(he also says to not shoot the messenger) if thats a clear *no* from nokia personel then it just enforces routing around the damage and finding another way.  im shocked though that in the direct questions with quim and others they couldnt speak21:04
RST38hlcuk: If I understand things correctly, it is currently possible to get SOME powervr driver for armel, although not the native os2008 one21:04
RST38hlcuk: Can't this driver made to work with some wrappers around it, in superuser mode?21:05
lcukRST38h, agreed, and we havent requested it for full use, we put everything as clearly as possible, we just want the drivers so we can see what its capable of, and if it works we go to the next step21:05
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RST38hI think it is quite clear at this stage that nokia won't help you21:06
lcukRST38h, the listed driver people are discussing is like a fart in the wind.  if you can get hold of it then we can play21:06
RST38hso the key is to get powervr .so's from ogles/ dir?21:07
lcukno, ogles uses the .ko but the .ko is not part of that (from what i understand)21:08
lcukits like xv library using omapfb, but when you get xv you dont get omapfb (you get bindings for it) but its expected you already have the actual kernel module21:09
RST38hoh, the low-level stuff will occur in .ko21:09
lcukyes and gl talks to it21:09
lcukfrankly i dont care for gl i just wanna push some rectangles21:09
RST38hany clues on what ioctls it is using?21:09
summatusmentiswee! ioctl()s :)21:10
lcukfrom what i understand talking to the pvr is similar to talking to the dsp - they are both custom chips21:10
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RST38hlcuk: I doubt it. The pormotional stuff I have seen about PowerVR leads me to believe that it is built as an ARM extension controller21:11
RST38hLike MMU and DBG controllers21:11
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lcukhang on, ive seen something - im sure theres code to init and read the regs of the pvr somewhere21:12
* lcuk ..21:12
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RST38hlcuk: Check
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lcukpepperpad runs geode21:17
Veggengah. I found the diablo repository login ;P21:17
lcukaccording to wp21:17
Veggenhints are all in the thread.21:17
lcukRST38h, ive seen that before and the actual filename does say arm so im not going to dismiss yet - i think the earlier pepperpads were arm21:23
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lcukhowever people have found and tried tihngs with that and said its useless (its even posted in the comments) - the ppad is also locked to framebuffer mode21:23
RST38hOk. Let us approach this from a different direction.21:24
RST38hWe have got N95. It supports PowerVR using the exact same OMAP chip as N8x021:25
RST38hN95 has *got* the libraries, correct?21:25
glass_in some form or another21:25
glass_but they could be buried in the fw21:25
glass_jailbreak and some sort of hw debugging being available with consumer phones now could easen up hacking it open though21:26
RST38hWell, a quick google search indicates that Symbian comes with a bunch of dlls corresponding to those libraries21:26
glass_ah then21:26
glass_getting those should be easy21:26
lcukahah, i think powervr is talked to using the full arm instruction set (similar to other SIMD operations) you cannot run it in thumb mode21:26
RST38hglass: Got an N95? =)21:26
glass_also! the wins emulator is windows programs21:26
glass_could help making sense of the dll's i guess?21:27
glass_helped with re-making removed headers too21:27
glass_RST38h: yeah i got one21:27
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glass_RST38h: a n93 too21:27
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RST38hwins emulator isn't worth a shit21:28
RST38hit runs x86 symbian21:28
glass_yeah i know21:28
rm_youhrm I wonder what beeped me21:28
rm_youah well bbl21:28
RST38hglass: I will try figuring out where exactly libraries are21:29
glass_RST38h: but like, for figuring out which call is what21:29
RST38hglass: I would obtain libraries first21:29
RST38hWith good luck, calls will follow OpenGL API21:29
glass_RST38h: i don't think theres symbol names(entry points? i'm not that kind of a guy to know) on the dll thats on device21:31
glass_RST38h: i can probably get the files though..21:32
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lcukholy poo:   this is a very indepth analysis (someones phd) of SIMD vertex shaders within our chips and goes into a great amount of detail about talking to the chips and streamlining usage - ie the stuff the proper .ko should be doing21:36
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lcukie: The TCLIP instruction, which is mapped in ARM10's coprocessor register21:37
lcuktransfer instruction, generates a clip code into one of ARM10's registers from a21:37
lcukinput vertex stored in one of the general SIMD registers as shown in Figure21:37
lcuk3.1-9(a). If the clip code is zero, the given vertex is inside the view frustum.21:37
RST38hglass: If it is DLL it should have entry point names21:37
lcukonly if its got debugsymbols21:38
glass_RST38h: it's symbian, i remember reading some stuff that theres not21:38
glass_could be wrong and dunno if changed in s9->21:38
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RST38hglass: I am currently looking for the libs21:39
RST38hOk, in the SDK, look for libgles_cm.lib21:40
RST38hand its friends21:40
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Andy80hi all21:41
summatusmentishi hi21:41
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glass_RST38h: yeah they're there21:41
italodancehow can i get a free email @
RST38hfound it21:42
RST38hAll the labels are still in the .lib as they should21:42
glass_yep on the libs used for compiling21:43
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RST38hglass: Ok, on your phone there should be corresponding .dll21:53
RST38hglass: If your phone's certificate has been already "fixed", you should be able to see it21:54
glass_i havent jailbroken mine :\ ( need to keep it pristine for testing)21:55
glass_could sign some file explorer i suppose21:55
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megosdogHi all.  Battery question for you.  I'm looking for a stand alone battery charger for the N810 (something like this: and a second battery.  Any suggestions?  I can't find any stand alone chargers that'll work with the BP-4L battery that the N810 uses.21:58
megosdogAlso, is there an extended live battery for the N810?  The current one is apparently rated at 1500ma, and I'd like a 2500-3000ma if they exist.21:58
johnxhow would a bigger battery fit in the same space?21:58
megosdogWell, it would be the same size, just more total milliamps.21:59
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megosdogI was refering to bigger as in battery life, not physical size.21:59
borismwhy bother?21:59
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megosdogWell, for one I hate only having about 6hrs of active use, and two, recharging while in flight is kinda tough.22:00
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johnxmegosdog, usually, batteries with twice the number of cells tend to be a little less than twice the size, physically...22:00
borismi'd use usb charger22:00
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borismthere's also power pack22:01
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johnxagreed, grab a *decent* external battery22:01
RST38hglass: signing it won't help22:01
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megosdogborism: Been experimenting with that.  But it takes like twice as much power to charge it as a normal unit.  I can charge my PMP off a portable battery powered charger in one swipe.  It takes like 8 sets of rechargables minimum to do the N810.22:01
RST38hglass: Unless you have AllFiles capability in your certificate and that one is impossible to get legally22:01
megosdogAnd if I did it off my laptop, it'd drain the laptop dry before I ever got the N810 charged.  My problem I'm trying to solve involves charging the N810 while away from a power plug.22:02
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megosdogHence looking for either a longer life battery, or a stand alone charger that's more power friendly and can charge that battery faster.22:03
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RST38hglass: ah22:04
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lardmanam reading the backlog22:05
lardmanPowerVR is an additional chip though22:05
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rm_you|sitting on wireless at Les Schwab while they replace my brakes :)22:05
lardmanpH5 wrote some kernel code to power it up iirc22:05
johnxmegosdog, right, what you want is a good external battery, something with a lithium ion in it22:05
megosdogjohnx: I've got an external battery setup similar to this:
lardmanit's probably mapped to somewhere in kernel memory22:06
johnxrm_you, brakes are good. not many people are excited about them though :P22:06
RST38hlardman: it may be a separate chip, no problem there22:06
megosdogThey're using 2500ma NiMH batteries x4, and it sucks the soul out of them in 2 hours, and gives me just a 10% charge.22:06
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megosdogLithium doesn't fair much better.22:06
RST38hlardman: ARM will be fetching instructions and letting extension chips interpret ones that are UD22:06
lardmanRST38h, lcuk: In terms of Daniel Stone's comments, I'd thought things were more hopeful than that22:07
lardmanRST38h: no, it's not a coprocessor22:07
lcukagreed lardman22:07
RST38hlardman: Which, in the case of ext chips, is anything that has 0xFXXXXXXX format22:07
pH5lardman: have there been any comments from nokia's side regarding the powervr?22:07
johnxmegosdog, jeez. that's pretty crazy. I've had ok luck with external chargers for my zaurus, but haven't felt the need with my n80022:07
RST38hlardman: not really22:07
lardmanph5: first of all the comment in the bugtracker - further up, have you seen that?22:07
RST38hlardman: as politely as he can, he is telling you that Nokia is NOT gonna do it. Period.22:08
lardmanpH5: but talking to Quim et al. at LinuxTag, I thought some other answer might be forthcoming by Sept.22:08
lardmanpH5: Talking to Kate, she has been using the driver, but the code is messy/crap, so won't be released like that (and would cost to re-do, etc.)22:09
lcukrst,  qgilgl, vr etc: can't give specific answers right now but we will explain what is the plan during this year - but the trend to have all this in place is clear everywhere21:1522:09
lcukqgilit is "just" a matter of where, when...22:09
lardmanRST38h: yeah I know, just not quite what I expected22:09
johnxlardman, I thought he said something during the last irc conference to that effect. Maybe he was hinting at future hardware though, instead?22:09
megosdogYeah, the unit I have, which is identical to the one I linked above, but is usb and converts to N810 charger plug via the usb charger accessory, charges my PMP in one go.  That's why I was stunned that it didn't stand a chance against the N810.22:09
lardmanjohnx: could be22:09
pH5yeh, the bugzilla entry I know. linuxtag I unfortunately could only attend on saturday, so I guess that means that there's not too much hope after all.22:10
lardmanAbout the structure, there's a kernel driver, a user-space lib which probably does most of the work, and an openGL implementation which uses said lib22:10
RST38hlcuk: qgil has this wonderful skill of telling things that sound kinda promising but do not carry any meaning22:10
johnxah well, never expect a company to deliver radical new software for hardware they already shipped22:10
lardmanpH5: but no hw limitation at least :)22:11
megosdogjohnx: lol.  Yeah, that's so sadly true that it's creapy.22:11
lardmanpH5: Kate was saying that the console had to be kept open22:11
johnxRST38h, normally, I seem to be more optimistic than you...but in this case I have to agree22:11
lardmanSo, how does one obtain the Symbian driver for an OMAP2420?22:11
RST38hlcuk: Notice that he hasn't even said WHAT exactly is coming22:12
lardmanI'm a little worried that the omap2430/2420 driver we have won't work with the hw...22:12
RST38hlardman: Well, .lib files are in the SDK (I have them)22:12
lardmanRST38h: really? Where from, imgtech?22:12
RST38hlardman: .dll files can be obtained from an N95 phone if you broke its certificate22:12
RST38hlardman: No. Nokia S60e3 SDK :)22:12
lardmanRST38h: I don't have one though, but would like the files... :)22:12
RST38hlardman: glass may be able to fetch them from his22:13
pH5RST38h: can you identify the powervr driver dll files?22:13
RST38hmy E70 does not have them22:13
glassin due time if not from anywhere else22:13
lcuklardman, priv for later pinging22:13
RST38hpH5: a moment22:13
glassn93 should have22:13
lardmanRST38h: but the SDK has binary drivers? Why?22:13
glasse70 doesn't have the hw 3d22:13
glasslardman: the .lib is just for linking22:13
pH5I didn't really succeed in prying the driver out of the n95 binary firmware update blob.22:14
lardmanpH5: I was going to try that, glad I didn't bother now22:14
RST38hpH5:  libgles_cm.lib, libgles_cl.lib, libEGL.lib, libOpenVG.lib, libGLESv2x.lib,, and/or libsrv.so22:14
lardmanglass: so it's probably empty but has the same api?22:14
lcukmany people tried to climb everest before someone managed it22:14
RST38hpH5: replace .so with .dll22:14
RST38hpH5: Just copy it from the live device22:15
crashanddiecue 200 graphiczors joining in to get the freebies22:15
RST38hglass: correct on e7022:15
lardmanRST38h: I see openGL stuff there, but not anything overtly powervr related22:15
pH5RST38h: the libsrv might be interesting, unless it is the same srv lib / kernel driver split as on linux, then the real juice would be elsewhere.22:15
RST38hlardman: prolly libsrv22:16
RST38hpH5: Given how convoluted Symbian is, I almost bet they have got all low-level stuff in the dll22:16
glasslardman: e70 has sw rendering probably22:16
lardmanpH5: exactly22:16
RST38hglass: doesn't have a shit22:16
RST38hglass: OMAP1. Very slow.22:16
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lardmanglass: You know Symbian, how are drivers arranged?22:16
RST38hglass: Best screen and keyboard in its class though22:16
glasslardman: not on that level :\  i haven't done any kernel dev for it thankfully22:17
glassRST38h: iirc all since s60 2.6 have at least sw opengl es22:17
lcuklardman, ive been reading about interfacing with the powervr and i believe it is used with the full mode instruction set (like the SIMD instructions) so cannot be used in thumb mode - therefore its possible the ogl drivers themselves contain the code?22:17
lardmanglass: Ah, ok; I seem to remember there being a window server, I'd expected to see something it would load22:17
RST38hglass: Maybe, the thing is so slow that it is useless on it =(22:17
glassRST38h: handy just for java.. and even with it one is usually better off not using it22:18
lardmanlcuk: I'm not quite with you; the powervr hw may not even need to be loaded with code22:18
glasslardman: if you got a n95 and are willing to jailbreak it then the .dll from the device is easy to obtain22:19
lcuktalking to powervr in assembler is part of the normal execute chain: like calling simd or FP instructions -> ie different to using other chips which need ioctls etc22:19
lardmanglass: I will need to reach deep into my pocket to buy one then22:19
RST38hglass: java is slow even without 3d =(22:19
RST38hlcuk: in other words, it IS a coprocessor?22:20
lardmanlcuk: no, there is no separate instruction set which is passed to a coprocessor (As in the case of vfp/jazelle) afaiu22:20
glassRST38h: you can do pretty nice things in j2me, graphics wise, even shit s40 nokias can run wolf3d style engine22:20
RST38hglass: E70 can't. I tried.22:20
glassRST38h: it can ;)22:21
RST38hglass: Well, it does run those games but you won't play 'em22:21
lardmanRST38h: no, I don't think so. It's another chip on the omap soc, but not an ARM coprocessor22:21
RST38hVery very slow22:21
RST38hlardman: so, it is memory mapped somewhere?22:21
glassRST38h: e70 has higher reso than most tho22:21
RST38hglass: yeah, that may be the reason22:21
lardmanRST38h: ask ph522:21
pH5lardman: btw, I wanted to dump my disasm notes on you some time ago by mail. it's all pretty chaotic, but maybe you'll see something of interest - may I?22:22
glassRST38h: and oldschool trickery is the way..22:22
lardmanRST38h: but that is my understanding (and from looking at the kernel driver)22:22
lardmanpH5: that would be great, do you have my address?22:22
pH5lardman: if it's the one you use on the MLs..22:22
lcukpowervr chipset is confusing in the kernel because the dreamcast uses a standalone graphics chip22:23
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lardmanpH5: yes it it22:23
lcukof the same name22:23
lardmanlcuk: yeah, confusing searching for "pvr" :)22:23
lcukph5, could you include me in that22:23
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lcukand possibly include the binary as well22:23
pH5RST38h: powervr it is memory mapped, I believe at 0x50000000 and above mostly.22:24
lardmanlcuk: I can sort that out22:26
lardmanSo, what would be good is someone with an N72/N95/etc. which is jailbreaked, and is happy to send us some .dlls22:27
pH5and I wish I had better RE tools. semi-automatic decompilation and automatic dwarf annotation would be great.22:30
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RST38hpH5: Aha22:36
RST38hpH5: Does it have a vertex buffer?22:36
RST38hpH5: Have you got IDA Pro already?22:36
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lardmanweird, N82 is more expensive than N93 on ebay22:39
pH5RST38h: I don't have IDA. the powervr for sure uses vertex buffers, but I'm not sure if they are in host RAM. it seems to have its own mmu.22:40
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lcuksorry for vanishing, youngest needed me22:46
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* lcuk has a steamingheapofpowervrnotes in his inbox thx ph522:54
MangoFusionyou have the *power* now? :P22:55
RST38hHedviga Golik made herself a cup of tea and sat down to watch some television in her home town of Zagreb, Croatia. Sadly, she died in her chair. This was in 1966. She was just found, 42 years later, in her time capsule mausoleum where she's been sitting ever since. She never finished her tea.22:55
Cptnodegard64GB n800 anyone?22:56
MangoFusion64gb of what? ;)22:56
RST38htwo cards will cost you almost twice more than the current price of n80022:56
ds3if it was 1 64G card...22:56
nn800nthat's awesome22:57
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Anunakinthis card is a SD, not mini or micro SD23:00
rm_you|johnx: yo23:00
Cptnodegardhence why n810 sucks :p23:01
Anunakinyes... but I just not need more then a 8GB card...23:01
glassextra space creates extra use23:02
Anunakinbut I see.. only video and music for it23:02
lcukhard wired card creates extra use (maps onboard at purchase time)23:02
Anunakinapplications, pdfs, and others docs not needs it23:03
Anunakinmaps all maps could stay at a 8GB card... not needs it23:03
pH58GB is fine for the n810 because it's too fscking slow to play proper videos.23:04
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glassi want to haul around at least 30gb of music23:04
rm_you|pH5: lies :P23:04
AnunakinAnd other think ... this 32GB cards works with maemo kernel?23:04
rm_you|pH5: you should grab one of the videos I've encoded and play it in mplayer23:04
lcukph5, my 810 feels really snappy -> i run in performance cpu all day long :)23:04
rm_you|pH5: looks beutiful23:04
infobotrm_you| meant: pH5: looks beautiful23:05
AnunakinI think the speed of n810 very nice23:05
* pH5 wants his 800x480 h26423:05
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AnunakinYou never played with a Tungsten? or a SHARP 5500? like me!23:06
rm_you|pH5: 400x240 looks remarkably amazing with pixel doubling in hardware23:06
lcukwell if we can enroll the help of pvr and iva and dsp it might be possible ;)23:06
rm_you|pH5: 400x240 xvid at 1000kb bitrate looks BETTER than 800x600 x264 on a different screen23:06
rm_you|the screen makes it amazing23:06
Anunakinrm_you: nice tip23:06
pH5nah, it's blurry. imagine how crisp 800x480 would look on that screen.23:07
rm_you|you need to grab something i encoded... seriously23:07
AnunakinYes... man omap 2420 has 3d hardware and we not have opengl drivers... damnit23:07
rm_you|I'll upload a video later that's encoded properly23:07
lcukph5, you vanished for a while recently, did you see the video of my liqbase thing?23:07
pH5and transcoding dvds sucks. I want to copy them from a usb dvd drive to microsd and upscale while playing, now that would be terrific.23:07
rm_you|promise me you'll give it a try23:07
lcukpeople seem to think the iphone looks amazing with its graphics and i dont really hear complains about resolution23:08
pH5rm_you|: I? I promise. show me a link and I'll happily watch it.23:09
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pH5lcuk: that's because it's fluid like your demo :)23:09
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pH5I don't believe people who care about sharp images like the iphone all too much23:09
lcuk:) you did see it then23:09
rm_you|lcuk: got a real release yet? :P23:10
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Spaceman3750Is it possible to move an application shortcut from one menu folder to another?23:10
lcukusing xv at 800*480 (which is same as mplayer i believe) the 8x0 display update is still async, it sends over planar data (hence greyscale works relatively nicely) but colors are out of whack23:11
lcukSpaceman3750, yes, go into contorl panel and Panels23:11
Spaceman3750Thanks lcuk :)23:11
lcukthere is a thing in there to edit menus23:11
lcukanyway, its 9pm and ive only got a couple of hours, ive gotta try and get sqlite started and work out how to make a transition using keyframes...23:12
* lcuk doesnt do simple things \o/23:13
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Spaceman3750lcuk, it doesn't sound like it...23:14
Spaceman3750Also, is there an xChat or other client (besides Pidgin, pidgin IRC sucks) for OS2008?23:14
lcuk_no Spaceman3750 ive set myself pretty high targets :) but its all part of the learning curve.   yes xchat is avail23:15
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Spaceman3750Fancy lcuk_23:17
Spaceman3750Next question, is xchat in the repo or do I gotta find it on their site, because I have yet to be able to find it.  I can find it for OS2007, but not 200823:17
RST38hgotta find it23:18
RST38hyou find it with google23:18
rm_you|Spaceman3750: google xchat maemo 200823:18
RST38hgoogle is
Spaceman3750Thank you RST and rm23:18
Spaceman3750Gotta love jfgi23:18
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Blasturlcuk_, wow.. that drawing scrolling thing seems really useful23:25
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lcuk_Blastur, yes, it will be.  im building up a nice application at the moment to organise them properly :)23:25
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lardmanhmm, I note there's still no answer about the IVA on the "Questions for Nokia" wiki page (or the pvr for that matter)23:26
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Blasturanyone know ways to make the n810 run faster? often if i like run the music player and surf the web, i get "low on memory" errors, and it suspends the music player etc23:29
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Blasturif i run a terminal and issue "top", i see a lot of funky apps taking a lot of memory23:29
glassenable swap?23:29
MangoFusiondon't multitask ;)23:29
Blasturthe browser obviously needs a lot of ram :)23:30
Blasturat least if you enable image loading23:30
Blasturwhich is .. kinda nice23:30
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MangoFusionyes not the best browser in the world in that regard. though i seem to recall some posts on the ITT forums about improving performance (+ maybe memory usage?)23:31
Blasturoh, how can i enable these improvements?23:33
MangoFusionno idea. can't remember... have you done a search?23:34
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lcuk_i believe the improvements are coming in diablo (next OS update from nokia)23:35
Blasturyeah, i tried to find tweaks and tricks to make it run faster23:35
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Blasturbut so far not much have helped23:35
Blasturanyone know what this process called maemo-launcher does? :) there seems to be multiple instances running, each consuming quite a lot of memory each23:35
kulveBlastur: it inits gtk and then forks+execs new applications to speed up the process startup23:36
Blasturah, okey.. sounds important :)23:37
Blasturalso, anyone know if its possible to enumerate and connect to wlans using the terminal? i find the UI feature that finds WLANs quite annoying, it doesnt give much details when things goes wrong23:38
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Blasturbtw, does youtube work for you guys? according to nokia homepage, my n810 is suppose to have flash v9, but when i visit youtube it says i need upgrade23:46
timelyBlastur: flash is probably disabled23:47
ItalodanceShutter.DVDRip.XViD-ALLiANCE  :D23:47
timelyclick the magnifier in the corner and then components/plugins23:48
timelyis flash checked?23:48
Blasturah, i see.. it works now :)23:49
Blasturvery cool23:50
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Spaceman3750_Where is the camera app located or is there not one pre-installed?23:58
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Spaceman3750_Found it in the repo23:59
Spaceman3750_(I feel dumb now23:59

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