IRC log of #maemo for Thursday, 2008-05-22

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AStormjeff1f: why not?00:00
AStormthe cpu would burn or what?00:00
qwerty12_N800even my w810 can connect to more than 1 device00:01
jeff1fI didn't know it bt has the ability00:01
AStormlol, it would be fairly pointless w/o that00:01
KotCzarnybut safe00:01
AStormnot at all00:02
AStormMITM would still work00:02
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jeff1fWell then, I guess it's time to spend money on bt headphones00:04
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AStormthey suck00:04
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rm_youBT headphones rock00:04
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glassjeff1f: most bt devices support up to like 6 or 9 simultaneous connections00:04
AStormrm_you: no, they don't00:05
rm_youi recommend getting the pendant adapter kind00:05
AStormthey suck quality-wise00:05
rm_yousound just as good as plugin00:05
AStormnormal phones with an adapter might be ok00:05
rm_youyou must just have bad headphones00:05
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glassthe actual phones in bt headsets suck most of the time00:05
AStormrm_you: no, it's nowhere near as good ;P00:05
glassheadphones that is00:05
jeff1fAs long as it sounds decent while on the bus00:05
AStormmy CX300 don't agree with you00:05
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NaviThe expensive BT headphones are good00:05
AStormeven these expensive Etymoics are worse than wired ones00:06
rm_youI spent about $85 on my pair and they sound pretty good00:06
AStormnot to mention the BT senns00:06
glassi'd much rather have a pendandt and plug my own headphones to it, because the headphone parts break too00:06
* KotCzarny has plugin sony headphones00:06
KotCzarnyfor 10$00:06
rm_youbut grab a pendant adapter and shove some earbuds on it and it sounds exactly the same00:06
KotCzarnyand sound great00:06
AStormrm_you: uhm, I won't take a guess what "pretty good" is for you00:06
AStormKotCzarny: which one? ;P00:06
glassi like the sound of cheap koss plugs.. i guess i'm a basshead00:07
AStormrm_you: were Nokia default phones ok for you?00:07
rm_youi threw em away00:07
AStormheh, should've at least tried00:07
rm_youi use MDR-ex71s00:07
glassthe nokia default phones have a habit of lacking bass00:07
glassrm_you: those are good :)00:07
rm_youthey're pretty decent for how cheap they are00:07
AStormKotCzarny: these aren't the worst, but they shouldn't even be near good headphones00:07
glassrm_you: i used to have them, but i like the koss plugs the same00:07
AStormshould be separate aisle for cheap ones00:07
AStormso that people don't get confused00:08
KotCzarnyastorm, they are for 10$00:08
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KotCzarnywhat do you expect00:08
KotCzarnybut sound great00:08
rm_youyeah mdr-ex71s were going for $10 on ebay a while back00:08
AStormfor $10, sure :-)00:08
AStormex71 I don't know00:08
KotCzarnylight and portable00:08
rm_youprolly stolen off the assembly line in china (they WERE shipped from there) but whatev :P00:08
glassrm_you: woah? they were 60e here when i bought 'em00:08
rm_youglass: yeah, i bought 6 pairs of the at $10 a piece00:08
glassrm_you: thats a really nice deal00:08
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rm_youi run a pair through the laundry every month or so, i can't afford to buy more expensive headphones :p00:09
rm_youthey have gone up, but they're still no more than $20 each00:09
AStormheh, good phones survive a wash00:09
rm_youthese SURVIVE00:09
AStormCX100 at least did00:09
rm_youbut they get really muddy sounding00:10
rm_youso i give em away00:10
AStormand CX didn't00:10
AStorm(after drying)00:10
AStormmost likely yours' membrane sticked to something00:10
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Naviooh, X-Fade is here00:11
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rm_youyeah i thought about taking em apart00:11
rm_youbut it wasn't worth the time00:12
rm_you$10 is like.... 20 minutes of work00:12
AStormif they cost $100, then why not00:12
rm_youi used to spend so much time fixing stuff like that00:12
rm_youthen i realized i could just go to work for an hour and buy three new pair00:12
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rm_youit was a revelation :P00:12
AStormI lost these CX100 (or they got stolen, not sure)00:13
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AStormthus had to upgrade to CX30000:13
qwerty12_N800so sad... :p00:13
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AStormthey are funny sonically00:13
Cptnodegardi got cx300 too00:14
Cptnodegardtheyre ok00:14
AStormI'd like something more neutral, but ordering Ety from US will be hard - got no real credit card00:14
AStormsame with Germany00:14
AStormno, payshit doesn't work00:15
glassdon't need no real card, visa electron or such debit should do it?00:15
AStormalthough... why not ;P00:15
Cptnodegard   :P00:15
AStormI'll try it next time.00:15
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glassit works.. had to use it just last week for some work stuff.. and i trust paypal more than i trust chinese00:15
AStormCptnodegard: mmmmh, Beyers...00:15
Cptnodegardyou can transfer money to paypal using bank transfer00:16
CptnodegardAStorm yup00:16
glassso it provides an useful service for buying from dodgy dealers(when buying pirated copies of modchips one might not trust the seller too mch)00:16
AStormCptnodegard: I know00:16
rm_youyeah I love paypal00:16
AStormCptnodegard: I got one cheap Beyer DT-230 too, overly good for the price00:17
rm_youonly ever had money taken once, and it was my fault not paypal's.... and i got it back within a month with paypal's complaint service, sooooo00:17
AStorma bit bass thin00:17
glassi must say that pirated modchips are the most attitude product i've ever bought00:17
CptnodegardAStorm dont you mean dt231?00:17
AStormuh, 231, yes00:17
qwerty12_N800the irony, pirated modchips...00:17
Cptnodegardi had those00:17
rm_youlol those headphones are bigger than the n800 :P00:17
Cptnodegardconverted them to A2dp00:17
AStormrm_you: yeah, they're for the laptop00:17
AStormnice for games etc.00:17
Cptnodegardsold those to a friend00:18
Cptnodegardthe dt231 bt00:18
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AStormshould these have a bit more bass, they'd be great00:18
rm_youI need one of those $25 bluetooth things00:18
AStormrm_you: get the $50 one00:19
rm_youdid you ever try the more expensive one?00:19
Saviqanybody used bluetooth earphones with n8x0 here?00:19
rm_youSaviq: yes00:19
AStormrm_you: I did, but don't have enough dough to spare00:19
Cptnodegarddont do that, spikes the cpu from what ive heard00:19
SaviqLike the moto s9 or something?00:19
rm_youSaviq: I used some logitec ones i bought in Akihabara00:19
SaviqCptnodegard: oh :/00:20
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rm_younot the logitech you know... in japan it's a different brand, and the big name logitech is "logicool", lol00:20
rm_youAStorm: so you've tried both?00:20
* qwerty12_N800 loves $30 a2dp headset that you plug any headphones into and it does mp3dec on the headset too so cpu usage is less on n800 :/00:20
Cptnodegardive ordered another a2dp receiver.... going to mod a pair of koss ksc75 clip on phones with it and use it with my nokia e51 when it comes - while biking. also use a BT gps and sports tracker00:20
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AStormrm_you: I tried many different headphones00:20
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AStormpity I don't have like $500 to spare00:21
Cptnodegardthe best solution for the tablets i think woul dbe a BT transmitter00:21
rm_youAStorm: so, between the $25 and $50 bt receivers, was there realy a noticable difference?00:21
Saviqqwerty12_N800: yeah well it kinda misses the wireless part...00:21
AStormrm_you: ah, that00:21
rm_youCptnodegard: i've had good luck working on a2dp on the n80000:21
AStormwe used similar here in labs00:21
shaprOh? a2dp works on the n800?00:21
AStorm$25 one introduced major noise and crackles00:22
Cptnodegarddefine "good luck"00:22
rm_youCptnodegard: have you followed johnx and my work at all?00:22
Cptnodegardno.... :300:22
AStormrm_you: we didn't use the exact one that guy tested00:22
shaprrm_you: Does it require lots of CPU? I tried a2dp on the 770, and it ate my batteries.00:22
rm_yougot it so videos play sound over a2dp PERFECTLY with mplayer00:22
rm_younot too much00:22
Cptnodegardwithout cpu spikes?00:22
qwerty12_N800Saviq, I can live with that wire :)00:22
rm_youit's very stable00:23
shaprrm_you: Cool! where do I get it?00:23
rm_youit uses a bit extra, but... it isn't horrible00:23
Cptnodegardcanola support? :300:23
rm_youmusic still has some issues, but there are workarounds00:23
rm_youCptnodegard: still working on it00:23
AStormCptnodegard: works, why wouldn't it?00:23
rm_youneed to force canola to use mplayer as a music backend00:23
shaprI mostly want a2dp music, so I can listen to music while I unicycle.00:23
rm_youhaven't figured out how to do that yet00:23
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rm_youshapr: well, it works with Kagu00:23
rm_youand UKMP00:23
Cptnodegard   would be an easier solution though :300:24
qwerty12_N800you can have canola support, make atabake use mplayer rather than oms00:24
shaprThat's enough for me.00:24
rm_youqwerty12_N800: yeah i know it's possible, just don't know how00:24
Saviqqwerty12_N800: and a way to use the same phones for my phonecalls is a must for me00:24
shaprI do wish I could play FLACs over a2dp :-(00:24
Cptnodegardbut it sure owuld be awesome to have a2dp working perfectly00:24
rm_youshapr: you can00:24
qwerty12_N800vi ~/.atabake/config00:24
AStormshapr: mplayer should know it00:24
shaprDo they get dynamically recoded?00:24
qwerty12_N800smth like that00:24
Cptnodegardshapr: you cannot :p00:24
rm_youshapr: i listen to my Nightwish flac files on a2dp :P00:24
AStormCptnodegard: why not?00:24
rm_youmplayer can play flac00:25
Cptnodegardthey wont be flac anymore since flac bitrate is way over BT 2.0 specs00:25
rm_youCANOLA can play flac00:25
rm_youwell, yes00:25
rm_youbut they still PLAY00:25
AStormCptnodegard: BT 2.1 FTW00:25
shaprFLAC isn't a supported codec for a2dp, does mplayer re-code on the fly?00:25
rm_youmplayer re-encodes mp3 on the fly too...00:25
AStormbut it's still too slow00:25
rm_youit has to be coded to SBC00:25
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shaprI don't remember the quality of the SBC codec...00:25
rm_youlardman is working on a DSP SBC encoder00:25
AStormBT is much too slow for sound00:25
* shapr asks wikipedia00:25
rm_youwhich will be nice00:25
AStormwho votes for wifi phones?00:26
shaprrm_you: That would be especially cool!00:26
rm_youwhen he finishes that, i'm going to buy him a CASE of beer :P00:26
shaprYeah, I'd buy him a beer, definitely.00:26
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rm_youanyways, the post is on ITT somewhere, lemmie find it00:26
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Cptnodegardmeh i need to get to bed... exam tomorrow :/00:26
Cptnodegardwonder if i can pass the n800 as a calculator00:27
Cptnodegardrun tiemu and smily pretty00:27
AStormCptnodegard: I could00:27
AStormrun HP calc00:27
qwerty12_N800i cant :(00:27
NaviTIEmu is nicer00:27
rm_youthe newest mplayer now includes my patch00:27
AStormah, right, no00:27
qwerty12_N800i tried :/00:27
Cptnodegardi got a ti92 rom on the emu00:27
AStormthey'll think it's a cell phone00:27
rm_youso don't have to worry about that anymore00:27
rm_youjust follow his guide00:27
rm_youhe has a deb at the bottom that does most of the work00:27
qwerty12_N800"nokia" gives it away00:27
rm_youit's sad, OFFICIAL a2dp support can't be that far away00:28
rm_youand it's been working for like a year now00:28
AStormqwerty12_N800: nah00:28
AStormit looks too much like an iPhone00:28
Cptnodegardwe dont have iphones here :p00:28
rm_yousec, gonna go grab my n800/BT headphones00:28
KotCzarnygcc version 4.2.3 (Sourcery G++ Lite 2008q1-126)00:28
qwerty12_N800count urself lucky :p00:28
AStormKotCzarny: finally00:29
KotCzarnyreinstalling again00:29
AStormCptnodegard: we have iPhone look-alikes00:29
KotCzarnymachine crashed00:29
Cptnodegardoh well, sleep -> exam -> possibly SSH myself into the front of a passing trailer00:29
qwerty12_N800only thing good about iphone is that i get free youtube in o2 shop00:29
KotCzarnyi should really take that hdd with badblock out00:29
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practisevoodoohas anyone got kismet working on os2008?00:30
AStormyes, some people00:30
AStormfor short time00:30
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* AStorm thinks people should be shot for using phase inversion as a cheap replacement for real surround00:32
AStormsounds like sh*t on headphones00:33
KotCzarnywhat's the sound of sh*t ?00:34
AStormyou know, why do you ask? ;P00:35
shaprSort of like static, on a biological level.00:35
rm_youyeah so, by default music skips a lot00:35
rm_youbut there's a way to fix that...00:36
* rm_you looks00:36
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* RST38h thinks people should be shot for using real surround as a cheap replacement for penis enlargement surgery00:37
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KotCzarnyshot in the ears?00:38
KotCzarnyor penis?00:38
qwerty12_N800balloon pump is best00:38
KotCzarnyhand massage is better :P00:38
qwerty12_N800reminds of deleted borat scene00:38
RST38hthey had to DELETE a scene?\00:39
RST38hI mean, they did not delete the whole damn movie but had to delete a scene somehow?00:39
rm_youwhat's the bash variable for "all arguments"?00:39
rm_youis it $@?00:39
qwerty12_N8003rd update of diablo and microb still sucks cock..00:39
rm_youdoes that include $0?00:39
KotCzarny$@ could probably work too00:40
RST38hBut $n- will work too00:40
rm_youdoes $* include $0?00:40
rm_youcause I DON'T want $000:41
RST38hwhere n is the first argument00:41
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RST38hrm_you: $1-00:41
KotCzarnyrm_you: probably not00:41
rm_youlet's test, shall we? :P00:41
* rm_you tests00:41
rm_youyep, works00:41
rm_you$* doesn't include $000:41
KotCzarnybeware thouhg00:41
KotCzarnyif you had any "blah blah" they will get splitted00:42
KotCzarnydon't ask me00:42
rm_youquoting doesnt work?00:42
KotCzarnyit's stupid.00:42
AStorm$@ doesn't break quotes00:42
AStorm$* does00:42
KotCzarnyever seen "$1" "$2" "$3" in scripts?00:42
AStormor the other way00:42
KotCzarnyastorm: o00:43
KotCzarnygood to know00:43
rm_youAH, $@00:43
KotCzarnyare there any other differences?00:43
rm_youi knew I used $@ for a reason :P00:43
KotCzarnyalso do i have to quote $@ ?00:43
rm_youn800 doesn't include "nice" by default? >_>00:43
AStormKotCzarny: not necessarily00:44
* rm_you installs nice00:44
KotCzarnyrm_you: but renice is there00:44
AStormrm_you: they overdid the "embedded" thingy00:44
AStormbuilt a stripped busybox00:44
KotCzarnyand threw hildon00:44
rm_youdoes nice exist in the repos?00:44
rm_youor do I *HAVE* to use renice00:44
qwerty12_N800is it in coreutils?00:45
AStormcoreutils exist in the repos00:45
AStormbut requires a moderate hack to install00:45
KotCzarnybut conflicts with everything00:45
AStormwork fine00:45
qwerty12_N800my hack works ;)00:45
rm_youwill remove busybox >_<00:45
KotCzarnywell, with busybox at least00:45
rm_youok, i guess i'll just use renice00:45
rm_youthough I LOVE the message it gives00:45
rm_youmakes you type "Yes, do as I say!" :P00:45
rm_youtry talking your way out of that one00:46
qwerty12_N800rm_you, you can extract the nice  binary from coreutils. i ccan even do it from this tablet but i cant be arsed :p00:46
rm_you"well, I installed this app, and it broke my n800." "well, did it warn you about anything?" "well, it did make me explicitly tell it to override all safety protocols...." "......."00:46
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KotCzarnydpkg-divert: rename involves overwriting `/sbin/depmod.modutils' with00:47
KotCzarny  different file `/sbin/depmod', not allowed00:47
KotCzarnyhow to fix it?00:47
AStormI suggest --force all00:47
rm_youi love the default VI install...00:48
KotCzarnyapt-get --force-all -f install00:48
KotCzarnyE: Command line option --force-all is not understood00:48
rm_you"u" is not implimented00:48
AStormKotCzarny: dpkg00:48
timelyrm_you: that'll teach you not to make mistakes ;)00:48
AStormrm_you: yes, busybox vi, stripped down below bare essentials00:48
AStorminstall vim00:48
rm_youlol yes00:48
KotCzarnysame error with dpkg and force00:49
rm_youi wonder how to get mplayer to give me its PID back00:49
AStormKotCzarny: then remove that depmod00:49
AStormwho cares about it ;P00:49
KotCzarnyhow to find which pkg owns it?00:49
qwerty12_N800renice wotever `pidof mplayer`00:49
AStormqwerty12_N800: where wotever == -500:50
timelydpkg -S or something00:50
KotCzarnydpkg -S /sbin/depmod00:50
KotCzarnydpkg: /sbin/depmod not found.00:50
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AStormit's depmod.modutils ;P00:54
AStormI suspect it's from busybox00:54
* KotCzarny went into rm frenzy00:54
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qwerty12_N800that works too00:54
KotCzarnydpkg-divert: rename involves overwriting `/usr/share/man/fr/man5/modules.modutils.5.gz' with00:55
KotCzarny  different file `/usr/share/man/fr/man5/modules.5.gz', not allowed00:55
KotCzarnyfun, isn't it?00:55
qwerty12_N800you speak french? i sure dont. delete! :p00:55
AStormKotCzarny: :>00:56
rm_youbah how do i make this show me priorities00:56
rm_youboth ps and top aren't giving me the column they normally do for priorities00:56
KotCzarnyrm_you: top00:56
KotCzarnyjust unpack normal top from coreutils00:57
KotCzarnyand put into /usr/local00:57
AStormrm_you: grab procps00:57
rm_youthe problem is i don't have wireless on my n800 at the moment00:57
AStormKotCzarny: it's not in coreutils, but in procps00:57
KotCzarnywhatever :>00:57
rm_youany other way to do it?00:57
AStormbtw, could you build us htop?00:57
KotCzarnyseems like i have newest qemu and gcc00:57
qwerty12_N800it's already available - htop that is00:58
qwerty12_N800nokia built it themselves00:58
AStormcouldn't find it00:58
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qwerty12_N800google sp-error-visualiser, same page as that00:59
qwerty12_N800KotCzarny, lucky :p. new qemu works but new compilers f*ck up in my sbox01:00
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KotCzarnydefine 'f*ck up'01:00
rm_youthis is pissing me off >_<01:01
qwerty12_N800i try compiling a program and it says it's for wrong arch01:01
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rm_youis there seriously no way to see the current priority of a process without getting a custom version of top or ps?01:01
AStormhm.... how do I press Fxx keys in htop? ;p01:01
KotCzarnyrm_you: maybe in /proc ?01:01
AStormah, tab them ;P01:01
KotCzarnyastorm: use xvkbg01:01
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AStormno need to01:02
qwerty12_N800rm_you, usb a binary over01:02
AStormthey're sensitive to the mouse press01:02
rm_youah i can bluetooth it01:02
rm_youdo i need coreutils or procps?01:02
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AStormor htop instead01:03
AStormwhich is top, but better01:03
AStormKotCzarny: ok, 2.6.26-rcx-omapx built01:03
qwerty12_N800just extract top binary tho, otherwise apt is probably whine like a p*ssy about busybox01:03
KotCzarnywhoo hoo01:03
KotCzarnybut boots?01:04
AStormdunno yet01:04
AStormwaiting for your btrfs-tools01:04
AStormI need to clone my rootfs to that other partition01:04
qwerty12_N800AStorm, you can compile n8*0 kernels but not programs? 0.o01:04
AStormqwerty12_N800: cross compiler01:04
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AStormin Gentoo01:05
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qwerty12_N800AStorm, ahh :)01:05
AStormbuilding programs should be possible too, but a bit of work01:05
AStormand no packaging01:05
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rm_youbleh, how do i unpack debs on this?01:07
rm_youi usually use tar on my pc, but it isn't working01:07
AStormdebs are packed with ar01:07
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rm_youhrm, tar works on PC >_>01:07
KotCzarnyastorm: compiled, /n800/binaries/01:07
qwerty12_N800dpkg -x .deb /where/to01:07
AStormKotCzarny: why not n800/dist? ;P01:07
KotCzarnydist is for .debs01:07
AStormahh, it's a tarball?01:07
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KotCzarnyok, who wants anything built with a shiny new gcc 4.2.3 ?01:11
qwerty12_N800Aleph 1 :p01:11
KotCzarnyis it in debian repo?01:12
qwerty12_N800probably not :)01:12
qwerty12_N800you need to include mesa headers and then configure w/out opengl01:13
AStormKotCzarny: yay, that worked!01:14
KotCzarnybecause i didn't knew to which glibc it was linked01:14
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AStormwho cares, use static uclibc ;P01:15
KotCzarnynot included by default01:16
AStormok, now01:16
AStormhow would I best clone a running system?01:16
AStormah, answered myself, run my new kernel or an old one01:17
AStormwith a diff initfs01:17
AStormand run cp -a01:17
AStormor maybe...01:17
AStormmount the rootfs somewhere else, then cp -a01:17
KotCzarnymount --bind01:18
AStormor just normal mount01:18
KotCzarnyotherwise you end up copying junk01:18
rm_youhrm, weird01:18
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KotCzarnyastorm: wanna my script?01:18
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KotCzarnyit will format card and copy and everything01:18
AStormKotCzarny: nah, I'll be done before you'll gimme the link01:19
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rm_youwow i'm dumb01:21
rm_youand then i realized i forgot to background mplayer :P01:21
AStormcopy in progress ;01:21
AStormtime for reboot01:22
AStormah, not yet done01:23
AStormtop lied to me ;)01:23
AStormcpu is busy unpacking jffs201:23
disqjust updated the diablo and then flashed the rotation kernel, boots01:24
qwerty12_N800diablo kernel doesn't like 81001:24
timelyhrw|gone: talk to eero01:24
timelythey were asking if we could pull it into diablo01:25
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timelyit seems it didn't work w/ the tutorial01:25
timelyi'm not sure if that was the flash bits or not01:25
AStormcopy done, time for test reboot01:28
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KotCzarnyok, bedtime01:29
AStormargh, have to mod initfs01:29
rm_youha got it01:29
rm_youso, if you renice mplayer to -5 then it won't skip playing a2dp01:29
KotCzarnybut still will hog the cpu?01:30
AStormyes, it's because O(1) sched is stupid01:30
AStormand esd is reniced to -501:30
rm_youit's weird01:30
AStormditch esd and all will be well01:30
rm_youit only uses like 25% cpu playing audio01:30
AStormor nice it to 001:30
rm_youbut without renice -5, it skips01:30
KotCzarnyxorg and everything get in the way01:30
rm_youit works FINE with video01:31
rm_youwhich makes no sense01:31
rm_youbecause it is working harder01:31
AStormunfair, random scheduling ;P01:31
rm_youbut whatev01:31
AStormrun while true; do; done01:31
AStormand see it fail01:31
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rm_youok so yeah, i guess it does use 40-50% on a2dp01:32
rm_youbut at least it works nicely01:32
rm_youif you want to listen to music for like 4 hours tho, it won't exactly work on battery <_<01:32
rm_youbut it's nice when i'm at home or for short periods01:32
rm_youlike when i go to class01:33
rm_youagain, can't wait till lardman finishes working on the DSP-SBC encoder :p01:33
AStormok, where do I get jffs2 tools?01:34
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rm_youare they not in extras?01:34
AStormno no01:34
AStormI mean, like, in Gentoo01:34
rm_youoh, lo01:34
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AStormmaybe the name is different01:35
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rm_youemerge -S jffs2?01:35
rm_youi may go back to gentoo this summer01:35
AStormmtd-utils are there01:35
rm_youubuntu/debian has been pissing me off01:35
rm_youit drops me to initfs with boot failures like 4/5 reboots01:36
KotCzarnyastorm: just get fanoush initfs-flasher01:36
KotCzarnymtd-utils are inside01:36
qwerty12_N800not all01:36
AStormKotCzarny: not mkfs.jffs201:36
KotCzarnynecessary for initfs building01:36
qwerty12_N800that is01:37
AStormand I still want these on Gentoo ;P01:37
AStormyes, it's in mtd-utils01:37
KotCzarnyflash_eraseall mkfs.jffs2 nanddump nandwrite sumtool01:37
rm_youI think canola may not be happy hooking into mplayer when /usr/bin/mplayer is actually my own bash script >_>01:37
qwerty12_N800mkfs.jffs2 is part of mtd-utils, it's how i've been building initfs's01:37
rm_youit's entirely failing to start playing anything01:37
KotCzarnyqwerty: it's included ..01:38
qwerty12_N800i've got all the arm mtd-utils built :/01:39
qwerty12_N800fanoush gave me  source because git wouldn't compile for me :)01:39
AStormok, time to flash the initfs01:39
rm_youyeah, darn...01:41
rm_youanyone know how kagu/canola hook into mplayer?01:41
rm_youi guess it doesn't like my scripts01:41
AStormthese use so-called embedded mode01:42
AStormcall mplayer with some args01:43
rm_youwell, when i use a script that is essentially just "mplayer.real $@" it doesnt work01:43
KotCzarnymaybe you need -idle -slave ?01:44
KotCzarnyand probably -v too01:44
rm_youbut it should pass those on01:44
KotCzarnydon't know01:44
KotCzarnydebug to /tmp01:44
KotCzarnyie. echo "$@" >/tmp/something01:45
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KotCzarnyyou will know what's passed01:45
rm_yougood idea :P01:45
KotCzarnyi know :P01:45
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AStormnow where did I misplace that µUSB cable...01:46
rm_youi wonder if it's failing to quote properly01:47
rm_youit might be01:47
AStormgot it :-)01:49
rm_youyep, quoting issues01:49
rm_youplays things without spaces01:49
rm_youhrm... $1- doesnt seem to work?01:50
rm_youor is that wrong01:50
AStormit is wrong01:50
AStormuse $@01:50
rm_youi use $@01:50
AStormthen quote it too01:50
rm_youjust trying to check out alternatives01:50
AStormtry "$@"01:50
rm_youif I quote $@ it'll put the quotes around every arg >_>01:50
KotCzarnythat's good01:51
jdiazhow can I tell which processes are using /mnt/mmc1?01:51
rm_youit'll be...01:51
jdiazfuser -m shows nothing01:51
AStormjdiaz: then it's the swapfile01:51
rm_youmplayer "-slave -quite -forceidx /path/to/mp3.mp3"01:51
befordlsof ?01:51
jdiazuh oh01:51
rm_younot what i need01:52
jdiazso I can't access that card trough usb...01:52
rm_youi think?01:52
beforddisable swap temporally :P01:53
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jdiazcan I disable it even if virtual memory is in use?01:53
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befordswapoff /xx/xx01:54
fysa$@ without quotes if you're doing it that way, I would think.01:54
fysamplayer $args01:54
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KotCzarnywouldn't it suck for files with ; or " " in name?01:55
jdiazyes, it would01:56
KotCzarnyok, mysql is buildin, night people01:56
fysa" " should be OK, because the filename should be in quotes or have escaped spaces by the time it gets there.01:56
fysa; is just gross. ;)01:56
KotCzarnyfysa: but you are assigning it to a variable01:57
KotCzarnyand then using that variable01:57
KotCzarnywhich sh will break into pieces01:57
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rm_youis there a way to set up an AUTO renice?02:06
rm_youlike... processes with name "x" always start with priority -5?02:07
AStormimpossible w/o a daemon02:08
AStormbtw, how do I loop mount a jffs2?02:08
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AStormas my initfs is failing for some reason02:09
rm_youthis is aggrivating. i hate quoting issues02:09
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AStormargh, for some reason, my initfs doesn't boot ;P02:16
flo_lapHrm... is there a working blog editor for maemo?02:17
befordthere is something on the repos for wordpress02:18
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* flo_lap needs more time02:20
flo_lapPorting Drivel should be easy...02:20
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AStormok, right, that init script has had things commented out ;P02:21
AStormanyway, that btrfs doesn't boot for some reason or another02:21
rm_youanyone know if it is possible to get UKMP to use mplayer as a backend?02:22
AStormah, right, invalid module format02:22
AStormhave to copy a real module there then02:22
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rm_youi don't understand how REAL mplayer is able to parse the commandlines of these programs...02:23
rm_youthe paths everything is sending are NOT quoted to begin with <_<02:23
rm_youI really need to figure out how to force quoting02:24
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AStormhmm, boot failed02:28
AStormwhy did it, dammit?02:28
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rm_youwow, think i got it02:35
rm_youthat was way too complicated02:35
rm_youi had to manually process each arg and see if it needed quoting02:35
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AStormwhee, it's booting from btrfs :-)02:43
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AStormto add, it booted noticeably faster02:45
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rm_yougreat, now mplayer is complaining about something with dbus and just crashing02:50
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AStormok, my N needs a big charge up for the next phase02:51
rm_youthis is silly....02:51
rm_younow i have it adding escapes to the spaces in filenames02:52
rm_youand it STILL isn't working02:52
AStormpossibly embedded mode uses pid of the process?02:53
rm_youso apparently mplayer just FAILS now02:53
rm_youthis is random02:53
rm_youi even ditched my script...02:54
rm_youjust straight mplayer now crashes trying to do anything02:54
rm_youeven after a reboot02:54
AStormbrb, moving to N81002:54
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rm_youthat doesnt make sense >_< I didn't do anything to it...02:54
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rm_youD-Bus library appears to be incorrectly set up; failed to read machine uuid: Failed to open "/var/lib/dbus/machine-id": no such file or directory02:55
rm_youMPlayer interrupted by signal 6 in module: stop_maemo_screensaver02:56
rm_youit worked like 15 minutes ago02:56
rm_youcan someone check and see if your n800/n810 actually has a file in /var/lib/dbus ?02:57
rm_youmine definately doesn't02:57
BlafaselNeither has mine02:59
rm_youmaybe that isn't the problem then02:59
BlafaselGuess so ;) Sorry02:59
rm_youMPlayer interrupted by signal 6 in module: stop_maemo_screensaver02:59
rm_youi wonder why02:59
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BlafaselSry, 2 am in the morning and I have to return this Nokia phone to a shop tomorrow.03:00
rm_youwhich model?03:00
BlafaselI'm out, leaving in a minute ;)03:00
flo_lapgood night03:01
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BlafaselOkay, I'm out for a nap. Good luck with mplayer03:02
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rm_youhrm well i guess that was the problem03:04
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rm_youi generated a machine-id with dbus-uuidgen and now it works03:04
rm_youbut that's wierd... because i dont think it's EVER had one... it just started requiring it in the last 15 minutes!?03:05
rm_youmaybe some things it's best not to question03:05
rm_youWTF and now mplayer is laggy as @&*#^@!03:06
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rm_yousomething definately happened03:07
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rm_youwhat could possibly have happened in the last hour that makes mplayer lag to all hell on videos that used to play just fine03:10
AStormhmm, browser is talking abt. missing storage dir03:11
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rm_yougonna try rebooting it again03:11
rm_youwith a battery out in the middle03:12
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AStormoh, I see, ext card didn't mound03:13
rm_youhrm, rebooting three times and taking the battery out seems to have solved it?!03:13
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rm_youso now it works as long as i don't run it from the console?!03:18
rm_youi've returned the mplayer setup to DEFAULT03:18
rm_youwhy is this worse than it was before!?03:18
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koyoteno poker games, I can find. and the sudoku won't install03:21
koyotefor os200803:21
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Navikoyote, the one in the repos doesn't work?03:40
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koyotethe one what?03:42
koyotesudoku? nope03:42
koyotefails to install03:42
Naviworked for me03:43
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EvaprototypeI have a question about a keyboard on the n800 i read that you can hook a keyboard up to it through the usb with out a powered hub is that true.03:57
rm_youdepends on the keyboard03:57
rm_youand may require kernel hacks03:57
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benhsomebody has any experience with the iGo bluetooth keyboard ?04:15
benhI can't seem to manage to pair mine04:15
Evaprototypesorry i am new to the maemo distro and nokia products04:16
benhah found04:16
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Evaprototypehas anyone had bad experiences running remote x programs on the n800 or such. I found that the keyboard will not popup for text entry04:17
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NaviIt won't :P04:29
NaviIt wasn't designed to04:29
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Evaprototypenice answer. nice and clean04:34
Evaprototypehowever it is still useful how it is04:34
Evaprototypeit is kind of nice running firefox on my server and viewing it on the n80004:35
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rm_youi use vncviewer for that04:35
Evaprototypei will have to try that. however i like the program centric view when running it over x.04:38
Evaprototypei had a funny problem with my n800 recently. I went on a trip for a few weeks and then had lots of school and had not logged in as root on my nokia for a few months but then i wanted to fool around a little and had forgot the root password.04:41
Evaprototypeand because i set the password in a hurry before the trip i didnt know that the password was.04:44
Evaprototypehow would you deal with that04:44
rm_youdid you ever set up gainroot?04:44
rm_youinstall the gainroot package in redpill mode in the application manager04:45
rm_youIE, download the deb and double click it / just run it04:45
Evaprototypeit doesnt show up04:45
rm_youthen you can do "sudo gainroot" in a terminal and change the password manually04:45
Evaprototypeoh yes i had that but it wont work over the top04:45
rm_yousorry, i think the package you want is "becomeroot"04:45
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Evaprototypeit asks for the root password04:46
rm_youit shouldn't04:46
rm_youonce you install becomeroot04:46
rm_youit should just let you right in04:46
Evaprototypewell sorry for the help i did fix it by having my computer crack the password04:46
Evaprototypei was just mainly asking for an opinion04:47
Evaprototypeit took weeks to crack it04:47
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Evaprototypeluckly i set a easy password for the cracker04:47
rm_youwell, installing becomeroot REALLY should fix the problem04:48
Evaprototypewell i believe i did that or tried that. owell04:48
Evaprototypei will try it04:48
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Evaprototyperm_you: thanks05:00
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GeneralAntillesrm_you, have you divined any magical Hildon Methods for Great Success yet?05:06
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rm_younot yet :/05:09
rm_youbuild box is still in a shipping crate somewhere in the midwest of USA05:09
GeneralAntillesWhy are you so lazy? :P05:09
GeneralAntillesThat's no excuse!05:10
rm_youi've been working on what i can while all i have is my tablet05:10
rm_youwanna set me up a buildbox? :P05:10
rm_youi'll use it :P05:10
GeneralAntillesNo x86 machines handy. . . .05:10
rm_youthat's what you get for being a Mac freak, lol05:10
GeneralAntillesMeh, I'm probably better off. ;)05:10
* rm_you glares askance at GeneralAntilles 05:11
GeneralAntillesThis way I have an excuse for dumping everything on other people.05:11
GeneralAntillesLike you.05:11
rm_youI dislike Windows a whole hell of a lot, but I dislike Mac possibly more05:11
GeneralAntillesI can't imagine why05:11
rm_younot because of the software, but because I think Steve Jobs gets his rocks off by making his customers go through shit05:11
befordI haven't touched a mac in my whole life05:11
GeneralAntillesIt'll be at least mildly familiar to most Linux users.05:11
rm_youI just *really* hate Steve Jobs05:12
GeneralAntillesIf anything, Steve has made things better for me.05:12
GeneralAntillesWell, minus the Newton.05:12
rm_youit seems like he takes every opportunity to see how much shit his customers will put up with05:12
rm_youyou have to buy *insert official Apple accessory here* to do almost anything05:13
GeneralAntillesMaybe for the mobile stuff05:13
GeneralAntillesbut the mobile stuff is shit05:13
rm_youhell, they managed to make it so non-apple headphones won't plug in to what SHOULD be a standard 3.5mm jack >_<05:13
GeneralAntillesLooking at my G5, only one "accessory" is Apple05:13
GeneralAntillesand that's my old 20" ASD05:13
rm_youThey're like "Oh, I suppose we could make it so people could plug any old pair of headphones into this iPhone... Oh! WAIT! If we just inset the plug a tiny bit, it will make people have to buy our crappy headphones instead! Win? Win!"05:14
GeneralAntillesMeh, like I said, the mobile stuff sucks.05:15
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rm_youYou can't sit for a week after buying an apple product because you're sore from having Steve Jobs' &@$@ so far up your ass...05:16
rm_youI'll stop ranting now, with the final comment: Apple can shove its proprietary cabling up its @&$.05:16
rm_youNow, back to having fun on my linux device :P05:17
NaviI got my friend to love Macs and I'm having a hard time getting him to stop loving iPods05:17
rm_youNavi: Mac owner?05:18
NaviNo :P05:18
rm_youwas going to ask if you sat on a donut pillow :P05:18
NaviI told him to get a Mac 'cuz he sucks at choosing porn sources05:18
NaviGets a virus every other week05:19
rm_youget linux for that :P05:19
rm_youapt-get install pornview05:19
* rm_you notes that pornview is actually a damn good image thumbnail viewer05:19
rm_youI use it for reading comics :P05:19
rm_youit just has a hilariously awesome name05:19
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myscwhat are the devices on an n800? is mmc1 (internal or external) and what is /dev/mmcblk005:24
GeneralAntillesmmc1 is external05:24
GeneralAntillesmmcblk0 is internal05:25
GeneralAntillesThe mmc1/2 thing is a throwback to the 770.05:25
myscokay, so /dev/mmcblk0=internal /dev/mmcblk1=external?05:25
myschow will they look if i load the nit as a usb device on my linux box?05:26
mysc /dev/sda1/...05:26
GeneralAntillesHaven't a clue05:27
GeneralAntilles Mmm . . . that alone makes Diablo's Xterm much more pleasant.05:27
myscok. do you know if fanoush's initfs works on 51-3? his website only lists up to 50-205:28
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GeneralAntilles51-3 and 50-2 are the same except for NOLO05:28
GeneralAntillesSo, yes.05:28
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myscOK. can i use nokia's flasher-3.0 to flash his image like i did for the os2008 .bin?05:28
GeneralAntillesYou could05:29
GeneralAntillesBut the way it's done is usually on the device.05:29
GeneralAntillesrun the initfs_flash tool05:29
GeneralAntillesit generates an initfs based on your choosen option05:30
GeneralAntillesand flashes it from the device.05:30
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myscok. now. i have a 2gb internal and a 4gb external. my idea is to clone the os to the internal and to put debian on the ext. should i just make 2gb and 4gb ext2(ext3) partitions? or do i need to make any swap space, any random vfat parts?05:31
GeneralAntillesI'd add a vfat, makes life easier.05:31
myschow so?05:31
GeneralAntillesSwap in OS200805:32
GeneralAntillesother reasons05:32
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GeneralAntillesI'd do 512MB OS2008 + 1GB Debian + rest FAT on Internal05:32
GeneralAntillesand just leave the External for mass storage05:32
myschrmmm, interesting. i wouldn't have thought that would be enough. i have no idea as os08 is compressed now05:33
myscmy current system (barebones) reports 151 out of 256mb used05:34
GeneralAntilles~45MB of Documents and crap.05:34
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befordI read somewhere that flashing a nit on windows was more stable than doing it on linux, how accurate is that? (i timed out, dunno if somebody answered me)05:48
NaviI've never had a problem.05:48
Navi6 problem-free flashes05:49
GeneralAntillesbeford, I'm going to hazard a guess and say there's no difference.05:50
GeneralAntillesMaybe "EASIER" but definitely not more stable.05:50
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rm_yousup johnx05:50
NaviAlready awake?05:51
rm_youjohnx: so apparently I made mplayer *worse* on my system somehow05:51
johnxrm_you, congratulations!05:51
befordI see, thanks.05:51
Navioh, right.05:51
johnxNavi, yeah. Have already been up long enough to switch to my backup internet connection >_>05:51
rm_youjohnx: don't know how... i was just working on launcher script for it, and then during testing it just started crashing... removed the script, still crashed... had to do some shit with dbus-uuidgen and now it lags to hell <_<05:52
rm_youjohnx: the one you're paying for? >_>05:52
rm_youjohnx: apartment internet sucking again?05:52
johnxthe one that I might have forgotten to pay for -_-05:52
johnxsoooo, back to the free one \o/05:53
GeneralAntillesHrm, should this: "About Adobe Flash Player 9..." contextual menu item treated as unrequested pop-up be in User interface or Plug-ins under Browser?05:54
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infobotGeneralAntilles meant: Hrm, should this: "About Adobe Flash Player 9..." contextual menu item treated as unrequested pop-up" be in User interface or Plug-ins under Browser?05:55
* unixSnob wonders if connecting the n800 to a 500mA charger is living dangerously05:56
befordwell, it opens a new window with flash info05:56
GeneralAntillesunixSnob, no, just living with slow charging.05:56
unixSnobEven if it's being used simultaneously?05:57
GeneralAntillesI've got a 380mA car charger that works fine05:58
GeneralAntillesIf it needs more power, it gets it from the battery05:58
GeneralAntillesit does that with the bundled 890mA wallwart, too.05:58
GeneralAntillesBut less power means significantly slower rapid charging.05:59
GeneralAntillesOK, everybody here sucks except for beford.05:59
GeneralAntillesI'm sticking it in Plug-ins05:59
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myscGA which ttype code for the fat? i'll use 82 for ext2 but not sure on the vfat06:01
* GeneralAntilles fails at Linux filesystems.06:01
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GeneralAntilleshe first one is VFAT (that's what number 6 means)06:03
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mysc6 is fat16, that might work06:04
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beforduhm netsplit problems.06:17
johnxit appears so06:17
NaviI couldn't connect for a span06:17
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myschrmm, linux won't partition the sd card when n800 is plugged in via usb06:56
mysci was using the internal slot, is there a protection in place from allowing partitioning over usb?06:57
befordmaybe if you enabled the virtual memory, os2008 is using a file on the current partition as swap06:58
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beforddoes nokia 770 support os2008?07:02
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raviousDoes anyone know how i might go about setting mplayer as my default video player vs the one preinstalled? I've tried to search but i've not been able to find anything about it. Anyone have any advice?07:09
raviousty :)07:10
befordthanks GeneralAntilles.07:10
myscwell, can't partition from linux. neither int or ext works07:14
mysci guess i will have to use sfdisk from the nit07:16
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somanHi.... what s the copy right license for Nokia_N810.avi07:17
GeneralAntillesProbably "Copyright Nokia, Inc."07:17
somanis that under creative commons share-alike attribution license07:17
GeneralAntillesHighly unlikely07:17
somanthat video cant be used for commercial purpose right07:18
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GeneralAntillesNot unless you get permission from Nokia. . . .07:18
somanwhere from i can get free videos that i can use for my commercial purpose07:19
GeneralAntillesWhat do you need videos for?07:20
ds3paid and by a license07:20
ds3or produce your own07:21
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raviousIm trying to flash my 770 with the latest HE2007. But the linux flash utility comes back with Version of 'sw-release': <no version> then ends..08:12
GeneralAntillesWhat command are you using?08:13
ravious./flasher2 SU-18_2007HACKER_4.2008.7-1_PR_F5_MR0_ARM.bin -f -R08:14
GeneralAntillesMissing something? :P08:14
GeneralAntilles./flasher2 -F <FIASCO image> -f -R08:14
mysci installed fanoush's initfs but only partition 2 on the int card is viewable, part 3 is not there (that's for the debian)08:14
raviousty again ;)08:15
GeneralAntillesmysc, the bootmenu isn't auto-generated.08:15
GeneralAntillesVote on that bug.08:15
myscGA, the wiki said "./initfs_flash...just follow instructions"08:16
myscwhere do i edit the bootmenu?08:16
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GeneralAntillesCheck the readme for details, but it's the bootmenu.conf.n8x0.example08:16
GeneralAntillesedit it to your liking, rename it to bootmenu.conf, re-run the initfs_flash08:16
rm_youjohnx: so, yeah... only annoyance so far is that i THOUGHT this came with shell access, but apparently not?08:17
rm_youi really should double check, i may just be doing it wrong08:18
befordhow long does it takes to flash a tablet?08:18
infobotbeford meant: how long does it take to flash a tablet?08:18
GeneralAntilles30 second or so08:18
GeneralAntillesmore on USB 1.108:18
GeneralAntillesMore on a 770 than an N8x008:19
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befordthat's pretty fast08:19
GeneralAntillesIt goes at something like 4MB/sec08:20
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myscperfect, now to get debian on it...08:26
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n800nanyone have any good pdf to read?08:37
n800nasimov or clark or...08:37
n800nneed kill time on n800/plane08:37
GAN800pdf ebooks are gross. :P08:37
n800ntxt too08:38
oilinkin800n: why not to download podcast and listen something?08:38
raviousProject Gutenberg is your friend ;)08:38
qwerty12KotCzarny, W00t, Got your bootmenu coloured mod done to the old diablo initfs :). Looks great.08:38
n800nwhatever had the least cooties08:38
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raviousew netsplit08:39
GAN800Baen has a lot of free stuff on their website.08:39
n800nty, checking08:39
GAN800Go download a couple episodes of South Park or something, too.08:39
n800ni'll fall asleep08:40
n800ntxt will take less power too08:40
raviousyou mean, backup a couple episodes from the dvd that you purchased ;)08:40
n800nexcept for audio i guess08:40
oilinkiI love the podcasts. I spend couple of weeks backpacking in cambodia and eastern-thailand.. podcasts are real friends on the 10 hour bus journeys :)08:41
qwerty12w00t, my RS premium's limit has gone down :)08:41
n800ni'm in honduras going back home08:41
n800nto chicago08:41
n800nand... i love my tablet08:41
GAN800This American Life has a fantatsic podcast08:42
n800ni like reading better tho08:42
oilinkin800n: isla utila is a great place to relax and do some diving :)08:42
oilinkifriday science podcast and the naked scientists are my favorites08:42
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oilinkibut hey. which os is recommended for 770? 2006,2007 or 2008?08:43
GeneralAntillesThere's no definitive answer08:44
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GeneralAntillesMy recommendation is to try all three and see which works best for you.08:44
qwerty12770. Life's mystery.08:44
GeneralAntillesPersonally, I use OS2008HE on both of mine and am very happy with it.08:44
GeneralAntillesMorning, konttori.08:44
* konttori goes to work08:44
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oilinkiI had some problems with OS2008HE. for example I could not change the date preferences or set and alarm due lack of memory.08:46
GeneralAntillesDid you enable virtual memory?08:46
oilinkibut I could try to reflash it again and see wether if it works08:46
oilinkiyes. I did enable it after the first problems. still it did not work08:46
GeneralAntillesVirtual memory is an absolute necessity with OS2008HE08:47
oilinkiI put just 24MB, might need some more. my memory card was only 64.08:49
GeneralAntillesYeah, that's definitely not enough. . . .08:50
GeneralAntillesTor freebie08:50
GeneralAntillesOld Man's War08:50
qwerty12Go to #bookz for the godfather08:51
GeneralAntillesoilinki, 64MB RAM + 64MB virtual memory is only 128MB, which is the same amount of RAM the N8x0 has.08:51
GeneralAntillesSo 24MB definitely doesn't cut it.08:51
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oilinkiGeneralAntilles: ok. thanks for the info. I'll try to find and bigger memorycard and put some more virtual memory. do you have recommendation how much or is it just as much as possible?08:52
GeneralAntillesAs much as possible.08:52
GeneralAntillesIt may also be worthwhile to increase the swapiness a touch.08:52
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raviousWhats the max on the he07 on a 770 now?08:53
GeneralAntilles2GB since 2006.08:53
GeneralAntillesThey patched it around the fall.08:53
n800nfbreader opens prc yes?08:54
qwerty12un drm yes08:54
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n800nthanks i think i have to board08:56
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RST38hgood morning gentlemen08:57
qwerty12Morning RST38h :)08:57
GeneralAntillesHowdy, RST38h.08:57
raviousany good sip clients that anyone knows about other than giz/skp?08:57
GeneralAntillesThe built-in one.08:57
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qwerty12Woah. A big split :/08:58
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GeneralAntillesrtcomm, ravious.09:00
GeneralAntillesgtalk, sip, jabber09:00
RST38hNave: You wanted overlapping fire buttons?09:06
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GeneralAntillesHa, Navi's a Nave!09:10
Proteousnom nom nom nom09:10
* qwerty12 sighs. initfs script is the same in the new initfs09:10
qwerty12he can be anything and we still wont care :p09:11
GeneralAntillesStupid Navi09:11
GeneralAntillesRelevancy is for people who don't suck.09:11
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qwerty12disq, you around?09:13
roopeakimbo tanks09:16
qwerty12I still remember someone from .cz selling a tank on ebay.09:16
czrit wasn't me09:16
qwerty12You kept yours?09:17
roope   amazon still sells. The customer reviews are hilarious.09:17
qwerty12czr, Mind if I borrow the keys sometime?09:17
czrqwerty12, yes I do :-)09:17
qwerty12czr :(09:17
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myscwell, i installed debian beta3...a few issues a) that top left icon is scary "rotate screen" does some funky stuff09:23
qwerty12Install rotation kernel.09:23
qwerty12if its an issue for you :/09:23
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myscb) how do i start up wireless? do i need to set up wpa_supplicant?09:23
qwerty12Check the wiki page, its all on there.09:23
qwerty12Your 2nd question for sure.09:24
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myscok, will do. also, the buttons don't work. when the rotate thing went whack on me i had to remove the battery to reboot09:24
myscon/off switch is just for show :)09:25
qwerty12Hehe, I'm always removing my battery :)09:25
qwerty12More since I disabled lifeguard :/09:25
NaviRST38h, oh right, yeah.09:26
RST38hThis "reseller" offers a wide selection of products:
RST38h(not just tank)09:26
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myscheh. okay, it's still beta :)09:29
qwerty12stupid qwerty. He put utelnetd in bin rather than sbin.09:29
myscdo the mojo folks have a similar tarball for their ubuntu project?09:29
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NaviI hate that qwerty12 guy09:29
disqqwerty12: yep09:29
qwerty12qwerty12 seems to hate this next Navi guy too09:29
qwerty12disq, I have latest initfs ripped if you want to try it.09:29
NaviScrew him09:30
disqqwerty12: sure09:30
disqi'd like to in fact09:30
qwerty12Your DCC works? :/09:30
disqah, same question :)09:30
qwerty12Mine seems to :)09:30
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befordphpBB or SMF?09:34
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qwerty12IPB or vBulletin09:35
befordi haz no money09:36
KotCzarnygoto work;09:36
qwerty12Hehe, I don't run a forum but I'd say phpBB. Looks less cheap and it can look good with extensions.09:36
trickie_if you want a php one09:37
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trickie_uise that09:37
trickie_written by one of the core php devs, and has some clue about security09:37
trickie_phpBB is a maintenance nightmare09:37
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qwerty12Shoot down this crap kubrick server09:38
NaviIt shows the name of the node you're connected to when it splits :P09:39
myschah, i edited my /etc/network/interfaces and it hung before xfce started!@#$09:39
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qwerty12Boot into flash and plug in the usb cable :)09:40
myscokay there goes...seems like it hangs on the dhcp stuff...09:40
myscwhy would i plug in the usb cable?09:40
qwerty12Because then you can edit the interfaces off a linux comp09:40
qwerty12Ubuntu auto mounts my debian partition09:40
myscso does slack. okay i guess i need to fiddle a lot with my wpa_supplicant. i have a hidden ssid which means i need to use AP_SCAN=2 and stuff...09:41
myscthis didn't do the trick :( no wifi09:41
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NaviIs it possible to use the claws-mail plugins with the maemo port?09:45
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qwerty12You may be able to, as long as they don't need arm recompilation. Not sure though.09:46
NaviWell, I knew that :P09:46
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* qwerty12 is now running latest diablo initfs with bootmenu. Another 2 hours work :(09:51
qwerty12At least linuxrc script is same so I don't have to compare all over again :)09:52
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qwerty12That's probably the bit I hate most :/09:52
KotCzarnydon't forget to make a backup09:52
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KotCzarnyand learn how to use diff/patch09:52
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qwerty12I should do :/ but I have a lot of things I want to learn anyway.09:53
rlinfatiqwerty12:  diablo? where is for download?09:53
KotCzarnyfor a start diff -U3 oldfile newfile >differences09:53
KotCzarnythat should save you comparing by hand09:53
qwerty12Cool :)09:53
qwerty12rlinfati, leaked beta.09:53
qwerty12find the password :/09:53
qwerty12Because I am vain, I have to edit the /etc/initfs_version again09:54
GeneralAntillesWhat's new and exciting with the Diablo initfs and kernel, anyway?09:54
qwerty12Kernel enables ipv6 from what I know and the initfs has ipv6 modules and some wimax stuff in it09:54
qwerty12apart from that :/09:54
qwerty12not much09:54
GeneralAntillesAh, right, WiMAX09:54
KotCzarnyqwerty: you can probably copy ipv6 modules09:55
qwerty12But I run it for completeness and now that I spent the time adding in bootmenu by hand, I have no reason to use a chinook initfs09:55
qwerty12KotCzarny, I posted them up on ITT :)09:55
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KotCzarnyqwerty, can you install wireless-tools and check if iwconfig works?09:56
KotCzarny(with diablo kernel)09:56
qwerty12I'm not sure if I am using diablo kernel and I've only got 5 mins left :/09:56
KotCzarnybecause i saw libiw in initfs and was wondering if they added support for it09:56
KotCzarnythen check after school09:56
qwerty12Ok, will do :)09:57
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qwerty12There is /lib/ in diablo rootfs09:58
KotCzarnyi know09:58
KotCzarnybut no iwconfig09:58
KotCzarnyso you have to install it yourself09:58
qwerty12Maybe an wimax tool somewhere uses it :/09:58
KotCzarnyi just wonder if diablo kernel has support for it09:58
qwerty12I assume I would compile .29?09:58
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KotCzarnyany will do, i guess09:59
qwerty12fair enough09:59
rm_youhow did they choose the name Diablo, I wonder09:59
KotCzarnyfrom my quick check nothing depends on it in initfs09:59
rm_youi mean... marketing-wise, tieing your product in with the lord of darkness?09:59
rm_youdoesn't seem like a smart move09:59
KotCzarnyrm_you, the next name is even worse09:59
qwerty12It's cute09:59
qwerty12Joke :p09:59
GeneralAntillesrm_you, it's all winds.10:00
KotCzarnyand diablo+2 fremantle10:00
rm_youwait, what?10:00
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rm_youelephant and fremantle?10:00
NaviWe all know everyone at Nokia is evil10:00
Navithere's no need to dance around it10:00
* GeneralAntilles slaps rm_you with a clue.10:00
rm_youi've been... busy? :P10:01
rm_youthough I did work a lot on a2dp stuff today10:01
rm_you... and manage to make mplayer work WORSE10:01
KotCzarnynow that's an achievement10:01
KotCzarnythough usually it's enough to use -vo x1110:01
GeneralAntillesMarketing wise it's "OS2008 Service Update" or something.10:01
czrhe used the ascii output with gtk-term10:01
KotCzarnyascii output could be fast10:02
czrKotCzarny, not with a buggy and slow term :-)10:02
KotCzarnyfullscreen and with a 4px font?10:02
czrKotCzarny, obviously :-)10:02
rm_youmaybe it's maemo-hackers xterm that made it do that10:02
KotCzarnyascii-quake ftw!10:02
rm_youit used to work fine when i played videos in mplayer from xterm...10:03
KotCzarny(over telnet)10:03
rm_younow it is laggy as shit from xterm, but works from the GUI10:03
rm_youonly thing i can think of that changed is that i installed maemo-hackers xterm10:03
* czr prefers laggy shit to too quick shit10:03
czrbut hey, that's just me..10:03
KotCzarnydepends on consistency10:04
czrKotCzarny, that too.10:04
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czrbut maybe it's time I went to town to get some stuff for the trip (like currency)10:04
* rm_you is still jealous of people going to linuxtag10:04
czrhmm. I'm not going there. unless this year they have it in Tokyo10:06
czrthat'd be surprising.10:06
rm_youah, you're heading over that way, eh?10:06
GeneralAntillesI'm ready for pupnik to dump us hot HD feeds with his new camera. :P10:06
rm_youspecial occasion? :P10:06
rm_youGeneralAntilles: lol10:07
GeneralAntillesNeed to set up a live stream.10:07
rm_youthat would rock so hard :P10:07
czrrm_you, yes. holiholiholiday10:07
czrGeneralAntilles, linuxtag has harley davidson as sponsor this year?10:08
rm_youczr: cool. I had a holiday in Yokohama last august :P10:08
GeneralAntillesMight be workable with ustream or something if the facilities have enough bandwidth.10:08
rm_youJapan is fun. go there much?10:08
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czrrm_you, I've never been to .jp. meant to for ages, mut never really materialized10:08
GeneralAntilleshigh def, czr10:08
czrGeneralAntilles, :-)10:08
GeneralAntillesJoke fail. :P10:08
czranyhow, lateroo ->10:08
rm_youczr: the bakeries are AMAZING! go to the bakeries!10:08
czrGeneralAntilles, indeed :-)10:08
czrI will rm_you10:09
rm_youczr: also, check out Yodobashi Camera :P10:09
czrand then will found out that they suck :-)10:09
rm_younot that you'd want to buy much there, as it's mostly ridiculously overpriced10:09
rm_youbut still10:09
rm_youJapanese bakeries are amazing10:09
myscmount: mounting /dev/mmcblk0p2 on /opt failed  <-- any ideas?10:09
czryeah, I'm just going to hang around and see what life provides me with..10:09
myscima trying to clone my os10:09
rm_youthough I only have US bakeries to compare to10:09
czrus bakeries on average suck :-)10:09
rm_youyeah :(10:09
rm_youand go to Akihabara a lot :P10:10
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rm_youthere's an alleyway right outside the main station in Akihabara that is basically just electronic component vendors10:10
rm_youit's pretty awesome10:10
* rm_you wants to go back to Japan10:11
rm_youalso, don't wait around... buy a Suica or PASMO train pass as soon as you get there... there really isn't a reason not to >_> can use it to pay on pretty much any train or bus, and it makes things much easier, as you don't have to count out money, you just swipe the RFID card10:12
rm_youalso, many convenience stores accept it too :P10:13
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KotCzarnymysc: check dmesg10:13
myscKC, yes, i needed to load a kernel module for ext2/3 reading :|10:14
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myscsteep learning curve, but fun :)10:14
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KotCzarnyit's just linux10:14
myscyeah, that part is ok, the part which i am figuring out are the device names and stuff...10:15
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EruditeHermithey GeneralAntilles are you around?10:15
EruditeHermitdo you have an n800 with diablo running on it?10:15
EruditeHermitdoes your camera flip work?10:16
GeneralAntillesGood question10:16
EruditeHermitdoes opening camera start internet talk application?10:16
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GeneralAntillesYes and yes10:16
EruditeHermituh oh10:16
EruditeHermitmine doesn't work10:16
EruditeHermitis there an application that handles this?10:17
EruditeHermitor did I break my camera?10:17
GeneralAntillesI dunno10:17
GeneralAntillesIt still gives you an image, right?10:17
GeneralAntillesYou can turn off the pop-up activation10:17
EruditeHermityes but I want it on10:17
GeneralAntillesDunno about flip, though.10:17
EruditeHermitand it is set to on in preferences10:17
EruditeHermitboth used to work10:17
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yvan[trying smthg]10:20
EruditeHermitGeneralAntilles: that didn't do it10:21
GeneralAntillesIt seems unlikely that its a hardware issue10:21
GeneralAntillesbut I dunno10:21
EruditeHermitI dropped it a few days ago10:22
EruditeHermitand the camera popped out10:22
EruditeHermitbut I did that once before10:22
EruditeHermitand it still worked10:22
EruditeHermitI wonder if I broke something10:22
yvanhello - I didnt use IRC for ages, so Im not sure what's the etiquette. I'd like to know if I can run a script on my N810 by clicking a link on a local html page?10:23
befordprobably no, unless microb supports mozilla's chrome stuff10:24
yvanchrome stuff.. never heard about that10:24
GeneralAntillesyvan, the etiquette is: DATA (Don't Ask To Ask). ;)10:25
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yvanok ^^10:26
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befordjavascript running as chrome is like running with some privileges10:27
EruditeHermitGeneralAntilles: so you don't think there is any hardware that could have broken?10:27
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GeneralAntillesIt _could_ have, but I haven't heard of it happening.10:27
GeneralAntillesGot another install on a card or something you could boot into and test?10:28
yvanyeah im sorry, I meant run a linux script.. launch an application for example10:28
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myscthanks to you folks i have os08 on my sd, have debian "working" on the other partition. :)10:31
GeneralAntillesThat'll be $19.9510:31
GeneralAntillesThank you! Come again.10:31
Navitotal ripoff10:32
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GeneralAntillesSomething like that.10:37
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hrwI am evil10:38
GeneralAntillesWe know. ;)10:38
hrwat least according to Polish users of nokia tablets10:38
anidelwhat happened ?10:39
hrwforum post: how to boot from sd card. my answer: read maemo wiki. his answer: you are bad and ugly because you send me to wiki instead of writing answer10:39
GeneralAntilleshrw, now you know how itT works for me. ;)10:40
anidel:) he's right.. :p10:40
trickie_why have people not heard of search engines, they are fairly easy to use :)10:41
GeneralAntillesPeople are stupid10:41
GeneralAntillesand lazy10:41
anidelprobably they don't even know what to search for in the first place10:41
anidelif People are stupid and I belong to 'People', does it mean I am stupid too ? :-p10:42
GeneralAntillesDo you know how to search?10:42
trickie_well if the forum post title is 'how to boot from sd card' then type that in google - see first result10:42
anidelGA: I do :)10:43
GeneralAntillesThen no. ;)10:43
trickie_well if you add a 'maemo how to boot from sd card'10:43
anidelGA: oh ok :P10:43
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anideltrickie: yes of course it would work like that.. but I've encountered many people that don't really know what are they looking for, or what is the problem, so they can't write down the problem in's a general huge impossible to solve problem with stupid people10:44
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anidelguys going for a good coffee.. I'll be back soon (if you ever mind)10:44
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myschrmmm, the vncviewer won't bring up the small kb since it channels mouse clocks to the remote...11:11
myscima unfamiliar with debian's boot process, is there an equivalent to an rc.local where i can put startup commands like iptable rulesets?11:12
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kaatisi think there is rc.local , it's just empty by default11:17
trickie_anidel: i understand, but if a newb is going to attemtp something like 'boot from sdcard', which is not a normal 'consumer action' then they need to be prepared to do some research and not expect people to waste their time explaining something that is explained elsewhere several times11:18
mysckaatis, i don't see it.11:18
trickie_anidel: and also to be respectful to people who put in effort for the the things they use11:19
GeneralAntillesA lot of these people seem to come from the commercial world.11:19
GeneralAntillesand expect some sort of vendor support11:20
myscdoes anyone know where i can plop a bash script that'll get executed on startup?11:20
RST38hGA: It just means that Nokia better create some forum under where certain community members can handle commercial support requests for money11:21
GeneralAntillesThat'd be interesting.11:21
anideltrickie: sure! I was just kiddingly generalizing about people stupid and lazy enough to not know how to search.. I was not defending them11:21
X-FadeRST38h: We are planning too ;)11:21
RST38hGA: And keep a clear list of topics that are supported by outside people11:21
GeneralAntillesFunnier would be if they'd train their call centers to tell people how to "boot from SD" :P11:21
Stskeepsmaemo bounties? :P11:21
X-FadeAt least there has been talk about that..11:21
RST38hX-Fade: Yea, but jobs.* implies a prolonged relation11:22
anidelGA :D11:22
RST38hGA: "Not officially supported by Nokia. Hang up."11:22
X-FadeRST38h: Well, that depends on what the job is ;)11:22
X-Fade"1 day introduction class" :)11:22
GeneralAntillesPfft, not even that RST38h.11:22
GeneralAntillesMore like "wuuuuut?"11:22
RST38hX-Fade: btw, even after pasting into that garage form, the dput still doesn't work =(11:23
GeneralAntillesExtras hates RST38h.11:23
RST38hAnd I tried it with and without EOLNs11:23
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X-FadeRST38h: We are debugging it now. It seems your key is multilined.. Has \n in it because you have pasted a terminal sizes paste..11:23
RST38hGA: no, it is just that current web interface for maintaining profiles is someshat braindamaged =(11:23
RST38hX-Fade: I tried it with manually removed \ns11:24
RST38hAlso, it is absolutely expected that the string will contain \n - just strip everythhing <' '11:24
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X-FadeRST38h: Yeah, that is what we do on the invitation page, but we probably forgot that index2 page :)11:25
X-FadeRST38h: I will ping you when that page is updated.11:26
anidelwuut I still need to update my key ...11:26
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myscthat debian openssl foulup really caused some havok11:27
X-Fadeanidel: Well, you don't have to update it for us. But your own systems can be in danger ;)11:27
anidelI couldn't believe they made that patch11:28
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GeneralAntillesHas somebody been lynched for it yet?11:28
NaviDebian devs patch all sorts of crap11:28
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myscthe two lines are very similar, only one should have removed11:28
X-FadeGeneralAntilles: The guy who did it, discussed it on the openssl lists..11:28
anidelX-Fade I use it only for Maemo Extras..  I use regular passwords (too lazy to set up them all)11:28
X-Fadeanidel: Well good for you, in this case :)11:28
myscthe problem is that with diffie-helman and other key exhanges, the whole thing is fubar with a bad RNG11:29
anidelX-Fade: yup.. they funny thing is that after I've created the key for Maemo, I went on and created one for a machine in the lab I use often.. wanted to do that to skip entering the password... the funny part is that I generated it with a passphrase!!!11:29
anidel:D and they even more funny thing is that .. the passphrase is.. guess it.. the same as the old password :/11:30
X-Fadeanidel: Doesn't matter for this bug.11:30
myscso even if you don't use key auth, say, the communications link is sniffable because the encryption key was decipherable from the point of the exchange11:30
anidelX-Fade I know..11:30
myscso, pretty much, if you used ssh on a debian system in the last few years or ssh'd to a debian box, the NSA knows what you did :)11:31
anidelmysc: with a bad RNG everything crypto related is fubar...11:31
RST38hX-Fade: thanks =)11:31
* RST38h urgently needs to update ines to 3.6.1 in Extras (and probably other emulators as well, as the synchro has now been fixed)11:32
anidelanyway, back to some interesting stuff.. would you guys be happy to have and use a MailReader plugin for Canola2 ?11:32
anidelRST38h; i did upgrade iNES 10 mins ago.. way faster now :)11:32
RST38hanidel: yes, but this had to be done from the local copy11:32
RST38hat my web site11:32
anidelRST38h: of course.. MailReader... Modest downloads, Canola2 shows11:33
RST38hit should be faster - now skipping 65% frames and doing usleep()11:33
anidelrst38h oh so he explained the fix ?11:33
RST38hI would really prefer if Canola2 did ALL the mail exchange11:34
RST38hanidel: Who "he"?11:34
anidelrst38h: iNes author.. cant remember the name11:34
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anidelrst38h: having canola2 handle everything would be too much (at least for me).. it'd be easier to have it scan the modest folders and just show the mails its own cool way11:35
NaviRST38h, that's a lot of frame skipping O_o11:36
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kpanichi, I'm trying to cross-compile a program by ./configuring it with ./configure --host=i386-pc-linux-gnu --build=qemu-arm-cvs and by exporting SBOX_CPUTRANSPARENCY_METHOD=/scratchbox/devkits/cputransp/bin/qemu-arm-0.8.2-sb2 but when I do make I obtain in the process of building this message: /scratchbox/tools/bin/misc_runner: : No such file or directory11:37
kpanicI'm a little stuck11:37
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anideltalk to you later guys...11:48
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AStormwhere is the HAL mount scriptß11:56
KotCzarnymmc-mount ?11:56
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disqi think i want to restart work on kagu-gtk.12:02
AStormKotCzarny: ok12:04
AStormwhere is swap mounted?12:04
RST38hanidel: ines author is me.12:04
disqstill don't like canola, it's fast and responsive but not i want in terms of functionality and development speed12:04
myschah, i just apt-upgraded the bootable debian rootfs, ima wondering what'll happen when i boot it :)12:04
RST38hNavi: 65% is just fine. You want notice anything, especially considering that N8x0 has a hardware limit of ~24fps on screen updates (or so I heard)12:05
disqor, development priorities rather12:05
KotCzarnyastorm: probably /media/mmc2/.swapfile ?12:05
KotCzarnyor something12:05
AStormKotCzarny: not location, the script12:06
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AStormneed to mod it  to use /12:06
infobotRST38h meant: Navi: 65% is just fine. You won't notice anything, especially considering that N8x0 has a hardware limit of ~24fps on screen updates (or so I heard)12:06
KotCzarnygrep swapon /usr/sbin/*12:06
KotCzarnyshould find a script ;)12:06
myscAstorm, what OS are you in?12:07
KotCzarnydo the same for bin and / too12:07
AStormit finds that in all bb tools...12:08
KotCzarnybecause they all link to busybox12:09
KotCzarnywhich has swapon applet12:09
KotCzarnyjust look for scripts12:09
AStormand still no script12:09
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KotCzarnyinterestingly, using sbox over nfs on faster machine is faster than local12:10
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KotCzarnymagnia, local, 566mhz: 142s12:10
KotCzarnyxx32, nfs,  600mhz: 136s12:10
KotCzarnyx32, nfs, 1800mhz: 86s12:10
AStormhmm, where is that script12:11
KotCzarnythat's assuming 100mbit eth12:11
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trickie_AStorm: checkout ke-recv12:13
trickie_they just released the source12:13
trickie_that does swap creation/activation12:13
AStormtrickie_: it's an executable12:13
AStormthey're mad, right?12:13
trickie_the source is now open12:13
AStormthey even can't do swap correctly?12:13
AStorm~lart Nokia12:14
* infobot does a little 'renice 20 -u Nokia'12:14
X-FadeRST38h: Can you please try to upload your key again? It should work now :)12:15
AStormok, it uses some variables :P12:16
AStormtime to reboot12:17
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X-Fadejpetersen: Congratulations on the new job. Or am I having the wrong one ;)12:19
MikhoHello. I12:19
jpetersenX-Fade: thanks :-)12:20
Mikho'm trying to create a deb package of the program created by esbox new project wizard, and12:20
RST38hX-Fade: I am away from home - will only be able to do it in ~8 hours =(12:20
X-Fadejpetersen: Are you going to blog about maemo more? And shall I add you to the planet? :)12:20
Mikhomake deb fails with the error: found eof where expected first heading at /scratchbox/devkits/debian-etch/lib/dpkg/parsechangelog/debian line 15612:21
X-FadeRST38h: Do you want me to upload your packages for you?12:21
Mikho"dpkg-buildpackage: unable to determine source package is"12:21
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Mikhowhat is this?12:21
RST38hX-Fade: I have got a .deb but not the .changes file12:21
X-FadeRST38h: Hmm ok.12:21
RST38hNo big deal though, it waited for a few days, it will wait for another 8 hours12:22
X-FadeRST38h: Let me know if you run into problems.12:22
RST38hThanks! =)12:22
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inzMikho, sounds like your debian/changelog is empty12:25
Mikhoindeed it is12:25
AStormheh, this mmc change bug is simple12:25
Mikhoah, that explains it. Thanks :)12:26
AStormhas to be properly worked around12:26
AStormor it makes mounting external mmc impossible12:26
MikhoI guess the changelog is needed for the program to figure out the build version number12:26
AStormas nodes in /dev are correct12:26
AStormthe initfs has to recreate them, or move them around12:27
AStormnot just change mount point12:27
inzMikho, and source package name12:28
inzMikho, erm, actually the source package name comes from control, dunno what it'll do if they don't match12:28
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GeneralAntillesdneary, OK, I want mediawiki now. What do I need to do to help make that happen faster? :D12:29
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Mikhoall right, got forward to the next problem12:29
hrwhi dneary12:30
dnearyGeneralAntilles: We need a front page worthy of the name12:30
X-FadeGeneralAntilles: I think that is music to dneary's ears. ;)12:30
dnearyhi hrw12:30
dnearyGeneralAntilles: Do you want to propose a front page structure for the new mediawiki?12:30
GeneralAntillesFront page for the mediawiki? OK, I already started on that.12:30
dnearyX-Fade: Indeed :)12:30
dnearyGeneralAntilles: From the front page, we can copy content over12:30
dnearyI think that simple is best12:30
dnearyCategories only on the front page, with some description of what's behind, I don't want any more than about 10 links and 100 words on there12:31
dnearyMaybe 20012:31
GeneralAntillesI like the basic idea of the SlackWare wiki12:31
GeneralAntilles^front page12:32
dnearySome categories that come to mind: "Hints & tips", "Development", "Community"12:32
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hrwdneary: what means community?12:32
dnearyAnd one small link somewhere in the wiki to the "Attic", which will hold all of the old material which has been gathering dust, and which some enthusiastic young whippersnapper might one day take the time to clean up12:33
GeneralAntillesAlso, namespaces, are we following this page?
GeneralAntillesI'm not in love with the whole Section/Article thing.12:33
GeneralAntillesSeems like that'd be something that would be better accomplished with Categories.12:33
jitu3485can anyone help me knowing how maps are beingdisplayed in maemo-mapper12:33
jitu3485and also how panning , zooming is done12:33
dnearyhrw: I was thinking that all content related to community processes, all the "meta" informat-ion which is about maemo and maemo's relationship to Nokia, rather than about the software, would go there12:33
hrwGeneralAntilles: that was just idea from OZ wiki12:33
dnearyThat, and marketing material, stuff like that12:34
dneary is a nice example too, I think12:34
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Mikholooks like the esbox wizard is not updated to the latest library names12:35
Mikhowhen was hildon-widgets combined/changed into hildon-1?12:35
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X-FadeMikho: I think that was for chinook.12:36
MikhoI hope there was a good reason for that12:38
Mikhois hildon-lib-dev the same as libhildon1-dev?12:39
X-FadeCheck the port to chinook documentation.12:40
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Mikhooh, there was a porting guide? thanks for the tip12:41
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Mikhogahh, the tutorial in maemo site just talks about some monkey game12:45
kulvethere's several tutorials12:46
X-FadeMikho: Here is a bit more info:
kulvebora to chinook and gtk to hildon, etc12:46
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MikhoX-Fade, thanks. That link contains relevant info12:47
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Cptnodegardyei one exam down!12:52
Cptnodegardnow to format that partition of the brain12:52
Cptnodegardits slowing down the whole system12:52
AStormCptnodegard: don't format the wrong one12:52
Mikhoyay, successfully created a deb out of the hellow world program12:53
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Cptnodegardi got so much useless crap in my head right now i feel like vista :/12:53
AStormwhat kind of?12:54
Cptnodegardwhat kind of crap? what kind of vista?12:54
Cptnodegardultimate crap12:54
AStormCptnodegard: of crap :P12:54
Cptnodegardorganizational theory12:54
AStormindeed, worthless12:55
Cptnodegardimagine a beginners guide to PHP where instead of explaining how to use the strings, they write bio's on who first used them :p12:55
Cptnodegardif they cut the crap the book would be 1/10 the size12:56
RST38h"Geeks like this stuff"12:58
solmumahai could summarize it to one word: "don't"12:58
RST38hsolmu: That is a summary of a chemical lab intro for freshmen12:59
Cptnodegardworst thing was my diappointment when i couldnt find the ctrl + c/v buttons when i was to hand in the shit... write the same numbers, date and descriptions on 8 papers12:59
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GeneralAntillesdneary, can I upload the maemo logo to the mediawiki?13:16
dnearyGeneralAntilles: Let me have a look first...13:16
dnearyIt is already there, isn't it?13:16
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GeneralAntillesWhat's the filename?13:16
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dnearyIt's up there in the corner of the front page.
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GeneralAntillesBut I can't get there from here. . . .13:20
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dnearyGeneralAntilles: Thanks for your input. I like your first idea for the front page13:25
dnearyThe 3 frames is good13:25
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X-FadeI think the howto list will become to long?13:26
GeneralAntillesSomebody needs to write a preamble/intro fro the front page.13:26
dnearyThat'll be me13:26
dnearyIt needs to be short13:26
dnearyIn fact, you might argue that it isn't necessary13:27
GeneralAntillesMaybe, but I like the layout more with one. :P13:27
dnearyIf someone has arrived at, there are a few things they know already: it's a maemo related site, it's a wiki13:27
SaviqNot everyone reads the url ;)13:28
SaviqAnd not everyone needs to know what's maemo, nor what's a wiki13:29
dnearyGeneralAntilles: Another wiki for you - similar layout to yours.
GeneralAntillesBusy busy busy13:30
GeneralAntillesI think having a separate Category page from the front page like this is good:
GeneralAntillesBut the actual front page needs to be only the major stuff.13:30
GeneralAntilles1-1.5 screens or so.13:31
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zapAnybody can explain why HildonProgram/Window classes are needed at all? Why not use standard window manager concepts?13:33
GeneralAntillesThere's a bug, I believe. . . .13:33
GeneralAntillesNot sure if it contains a rationale.13:33
JaffaMorning, all13:34
GeneralAntillesHi, Jaffa.13:34
Jaffazap: The argument is that Nokia didn't want to maintain a Gtk fork, so instead everyone else has to fork their code. Makes perfect sense to me as a software architect, oh yes.13:34
zapwell, the main question is - what if I don't use Hildon API at all, my program simply won't show?13:36
zapor it just won't use the funny widgets like titlebar menu etc13:36
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zapaha, thats cool then13:36
zapthen the Hildon API makes sense as an additional API that gives access to PDA-specific things13:37
KotCzarnyi would be more happy if they simply used backward compatible approach13:39
KotCzarnymatchbox ignoring normal windows as an example13:39
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Mikhowould somebody know how to permanently solve the vdso enabled thing?13:49
KotCzarnyadd a line to /etc/rc13:49
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zapKotCzarny: but maemo contains some specific things like titlebar menus, bottom toolbars, the fullscreen button etc13:54
KotCzarnyzap: yeah, like it wouldn't be possible to do it in regular wm/x.org13:55
zapthat would require a fork anyway, or at least a bunch of #ifdefs13:55
zapjust like it is now13:55
KotCzarnyi'm using a fluxbox wm13:56
zapso what?13:56
zapI'm talking about the maemo wm13:56
KotCzarnyso i can assign f6 to fullscreen13:56
KotCzarnyand don't need hildon for that13:56
GeneralAntillesdneary, updated a bit, I'm gonna push it to the front page, OK?13:56
zapnormal WMs are not very useable on small-screen devices13:56
GeneralAntillesMatchbox, zap.13:57
KotCzarnyzap, the thing i have against hildon is it ignores regular windows13:57
zaptop-level windows?13:57
zapor what is 'regular'?13:57
dnearyGeneralAntilles: Your categories probably won't be definitive13:57
GeneralAntillesOh, definitely13:57
zapGeneralAntilles: matchbox is not exactly a 'normal WM'13:57
GeneralAntillesThey're completely terrible at the moment. ;)13:57
dnearyOK, roll it out, let's see what happens13:57
GeneralAntillesMatchbox is the maemo wm13:57
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GeneralAntillesI'm just not feeling very inspired category-wise this morning. ;)13:58
zapKotCzarny: I never have seen apps with 'regular' windows, how it looks like?\13:58
dnearyI actually prefer to have categories be completely invisible13:58
zapGeneralAntilles: matchbox??????13:58
KotCzarnyzap: gimp for example13:58
dnearyThey're there, pages are categorised with them, but they're not part of the normal site navigation13:58
dnearyIf you see what I mean13:58
zapGeneralAntilles: I used matchbox on Zaurus, it had a totally different look :)13:58
kulvematchbox is a set of tools, including mb-window-manager, mb-desktop, mb-panel, etc13:58
zapthat's why I'm surprised13:59
kulvematchbox components can be themed quite much13:59
zapand which of them are used in maemo?13:59
kulvewindow manager only13:59
zapso no matchbox desktop and panel13:59
zapthat would explain it :)13:59
kulveI'm not sure if they have modified the window manager a bit13:59
zapKotCzarny: and how gimp looks in maemo?14:00
kulveno mb-desktop, maemo has nowadays hildon-desktop, which has nothing to do with matchbox-destkop14:00
zapKotCzarny: or it just doesn't work without modifications?14:00
KotCzarnymain issue is no icon in task navigator14:00
zapthat's because there's no HildonProgram object?14:01
KotCzarnysomething like that14:01
zapindeed, it would be better to just pick up all top-level windows14:02 there anyway to make gstreet on maemo mapper appear less pixelated?14:02
GeneralAntillesTurn off pixel doubling.14:02
* zap wonders where Maemo will go now, after Nokia acquired Trolltech14:02
GeneralAntilleszap, there have been plenty of official and semi-official announcements on the subject.14:03
GeneralAntillesmaemo isn't going anywhere anytime soon and Qt libs will be bundled sometime around the end of this year/beginning of 200914:03
Cptnodegardfound it, thanks14:03
GeneralAntillesSure. ;)14:03
Cptnodegardmameo mapper quadrupled its usefullness in one option14:03
GeneralAntilleszap, there's a lot of good sources here:
hrwinfobot: maemo-qt is There have been plenty of official and semi-official announcements on the subject. Maemo isn't going anywhere anytime soon and Qt libs will be bundled sometime around the 2008/2009. There's a lot of good sources here:
infobothrw: okay14:05
infobotmethinks maemo-qt is There have been plenty of official and semi-official announcements on the subject. Maemo isn't going anywhere anytime soon and Qt libs will be bundled sometime around the 2008/2009. There's a lot of good sources here:
hugolpis it normal that for the same code the ARMEL executable is 2.5 times bigger than the x86 executable?14:05
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KotCzarnyyes, strip it14:06
hugolpKotCzarny:  that yes was for my question?14:07
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hugolpso its an ARMEL feature that the executable are way bigger, ok thanks14:08
KotCzarnyno, but i would assume your default flags include -g14:08
hugolpKotCzarny:  the flags are the same for the ARMEL than for x8614:09
KotCzarnythen it's strange14:09
KotCzarnydoes stripping make it smaller?14:10
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hugolpKotCzarny:  when I say x86 I mean x86 for normal pc, not x86 for simulating hildon14:10
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hugolpI ported a gtk program to hildon and beside a few lines, the programs are exact14:10
KotCzarnyhugolp, does stripping armel binary you have compiled made it smaller?14:10
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hugolpthe gtk version is 2.5 times smaller than the hildon one14:11
KotCzarnyhugolp: try strip your_binary14:11
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KotCzarnythat's actual command14:11
zapusually arm executables are a little big larger, but not much14:11
hugolpok, going to try14:12
zapDoes Hildon framework work under 'normal' WMs, e.g. GNOME?14:13
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KotCzarnyzap: hildon was ported for ubuntu afair14:13
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zapthat could be, but does it run only in matchbox-wm?14:14
hugolpwhat a change, now its only a bit bigger14:14
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KotCzarnyhugolp: see if you enable debug somewhere14:15
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zapit's not neccessarily -g14:16
zapif you just don't use -s, it'll be larger anyway14:16
KotCzarnybut not that much as with -g14:16
jldiazIm'm trying to write a small python client for mpd14:16
jldiazconsole oriented14:16
jldiazbut I don't know how to read a keypress from python14:16
hugolpbut the striped executable works?14:17
KotCzarnyhugolp: yes14:17
jldiazwindows implementation has a getch() function, but it is not available for unix14:17
GeneralAntillesjldiaz, you might be interested in powerlaunch14:17
_berto_that's not portable14:17
jldiazI've read about using tty to put stdin in raw mode, but maemo's python does not provide tty module14:17
KotCzarnyjldiaz, there is mpd client in c/ncurses14:18
jldiazYes, I know KotCzarny14:18
jldiazbut forget about the final goal I'm pursuing.. :-)14:19
jldiazthe question is... how to read a keypress from python?14:19
KotCzarnyuse pygtk?14:19
jldiazin xterm?14:19
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kupblack cat .... :D14:20
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KotCzarnykup: wrong order14:20
kupsure ;)14:21
jldiazpython for maemo docs say "tty is deprecated". This suggest that there is a better way14:21
KotCzarnygoogling: reading from keyboard in python ?14:23
kupKotCzarny: he he, i was born in wroclaw14:23
KotCzarnykup: i wasn't14:24
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jldiazKotCzarny: yes, I googled, but the solutions I've found do not work on maemo14:24
KotCzarnyjldiaz: ie, reply = raw_input("Do you have a dead parrot? ") doesn't work?14:25
kupwhere are you from? polish linux community became very strong in the last few years14:25
KotCzarnykup: north-east part14:26
kupah, i was on wolin last year14:26
KotCzarnythat's north-west afair14:26
kupups ... you're right14:27
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trickie_jldiaz: import curses14:29
trickie_does that work?14:29
jldiazKotCzarny: it works, but it requires I press Return after each char14:29
jldiazI want to read the char as soon as it is pressed14:30
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KotCzarnytry setting stdin as unbuffered?14:30
jldiazapparently, the trick is to use tty.setraw()14:30
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jldiazbut there is no tty on maemo14:31
jldiazhowever, I'm reading tty implementation14:31
jldiazit relies on termios, which is present14:31
KotCzarnyshot in the dark, stdin.setraw() ?14:31
jldiazso perhaps it would be possible to implement my own setraw14:31
jldiaztrickie_, import curses fails14:31
KotCzarnyimport ncurses ?14:32
jldiazfails too14:33
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trickie_jldiaz: yeah i just read that the curses module was deprecated for pymaemo14:35
trickie_jldiaz: maybe ask on the pymaemo list?14:35
jldiazI did it14:36
jldiazjust copied the definition of setraw from in my ubuntu box, to my maemo script14:36
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jldiazit works "out of the box"14:37
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X-FadeHeh, Quim adds fuel to the fire for the rumours in his last mail to -developers ;)14:37
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woolfgangwe're working on utilizing the light sensor of the n810 and thought it would be cool to control the maemo web browser14:41
JaffaX-Fade: about the ITTSS?14:41
X-FadeJaffa: The OpenExpo one..14:41
woolfgangis there any way to manipulate the scrollbar of another hildon window14:41
RST38hnot officially14:42
JaffaX-Fade: heh, I see :-)14:42
JaffaBlimey, that's a bloody long wait for Diablo.14:42
woolfgangRST38h, and unofficially ;)14:43
JaffaOr... N900 release announced at LinuxTag :)14:43
X-FadeJaffa: Who says it is diablo ;)14:43
GeneralAntillesI dunno14:43
GeneralAntillesThe PowerVR stuff at maemo-meeting14:43
GeneralAntillesSounds like N90014:43
JaffaN900 in September would fit with the Q3 rumour discussed on ITT, interestingly.14:44
X-FadeAs I said, let the rumours start ;)14:44
jldiazsee you14:44
JaffaX-Fade: do you know, btw?14:44
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X-FadeJaffa: I know as much as you guys do. I'm intentionally left out of the loop of Nokia things.14:44
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JaffaX-Fade: that's what I figured14:45
GeneralAntillesJaffa, maybe Nokia meant southern-hemisphere summer for Diablo? :D14:45
JaffaGeneralAntilles: they said Q2 though ;-/14:45
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GeneralAntillesUgh, this OMAP3 stuff always makes me giddy when I think about it. . . .14:46
RST38hOMAP2 is actually quite sufficient14:47
KotCzarnypity it would cost 500-900$14:47
RST38hJust wish it were better documented...14:47
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GeneralAntillesMeh, I'll take the decent LCD controller.14:47
Jaffasolmumaha: and
RST38hyea, agree on the lcd controller14:47
RST38hwhy didn't they make an option to use the built-in one to render into a 640x480 window?14:48
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GeneralAntillesReally wouldn't make sense for what they're targeting the device for.14:48
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GeneralAntillesIt's a web browser and IM client, you don't need super fast graphics for that. ;)14:49
RST38hIt has become painfully obvious by now that it is NOT only a web browser an IM client...14:49
RST38hIt is the only device in their lineup that has decent screen resolution14:50
GeneralAntillesTo the community, but the management is not the community.14:50
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RST38hEspecially after Nokia cancelled production of 416x352 devices14:50
solmumahaJaffa: thanks14:50
X-FadeGeneralAntilles: Although we all would love an application switcher like this :P
GeneralAntillesNo Clutter, either!14:50
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GeneralAntillesI just want menus to render fast and tear-free.14:50
* Jaffa want sthe N900 to seamlessly run the JavaFX demo from JavaOne where 100s of HD videos were flying around in a 3D swarm, rendering with no skip or framedrop.14:51
RST38hThat was cheating14:51
RST38hThere is no way Java can do that14:51
JaffaOf course, it's libraries on top of OpenGL - the point of the demo was how easy it is to write apps which do that in Java 714:52
GeneralAntillesBe nice if Nokia discovers a magical way to cram the OMAP3440 in there and retain good battery life.14:53
GeneralAntilles800MHz. . . .14:53
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KotCzarnyand leave out necessary libs14:53
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JaffaOooh, shiny. OpenOffice and Java sans-Jazelle would both be realistic options then14:53
RST38hJaffa: yes, it is so easy, JavaFX probably has an API call Make100HDVideosFlyInSwarm() =)14:55
JaffaRST38h: Probably, since it's a Sun API, you'll have to go through a Make100HDVideosFlyInSwarmFactory, first.14:56
RST38hand it will be a native call anyway14:56
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KotCzarnythe best function evah, SatisfyLuser();15:03
JaffaNah, /me prefers User.shoot()15:03
KotCzarnyimplementation quality could vary though15:03
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JaffaKotCzarny: you're right - let's invert it: new BFG9000().shoot(User)15:05
RST38hNone of you understand the Spirit of Java15:07
KotCzarnymine was in c15:08
RST38hIn the spirit of Java, you are supposed to have at least one observer function15:08
RST38hAnd implement an interface15:08
KotCzarnyyou are taking away the fun from it.15:09
RST38hAnd have both BFG and User have a Port object15:09
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RST38hand do System.Ports.Send(BFG9000().GetPort(),User.GetPort(),BFG9000.Actions.Shoot);15:10
RST38hKot: I know :)15:10
JaffaRST38h: That looks more like .NET WebServices15:10
RST38hJaffa: looks like generic java-derived crap =)15:10
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GeneralAntillesAnybody bothered to test if Diablo restores the Extras setting correctly from a backup?15:11
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hendryanyone know why I get perm problems with `sb2 make install`?
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Jaykiequestion: Anyone using Joikuspot with Nokia phone and connecting N8xx through it?15:18
Jaykieseems like there is JoikuSpot 2.0 final available and it's working fine except i cannot connect https sites with microb15:19
KotCzarnyjaykie: try setting a proxy?15:19
JaykieKotCzarny: yeah, question how do i do it in microb?15:20
KotCzarnynot in microb15:20
KotCzarnyi think it's done where you setup connection15:20
KotCzarny(well, maybe about:config in microb will work too)15:20
Jaykieyou mean in joikuspot?15:20
KotCzarnyjaykie: i'm just guessing15:21
Jaykieok i'll try that joikuspot manual they have guide for IE and they tell to turn on automatic detection of settings15:21
KotCzarnyjournal commit I/O error15:21
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Jaykienot very familiar with about:config...just found entry for network.proxy.ssl with value: string :)15:26
KotCzarnyi think you can also edit user.js15:27
KotCzarnyat least that was an option in firefox15:27
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Jaykiethanks for your tips15:28
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RST38hKot: UK15:34
RST38hThe original inventors of concentration camps ;)15:34
KotCzarnyrest of the world will follow15:35
RST38hNo doubt, they always followed...15:35
RST38hBut look at the bright side:
KotCzarnyor be forced to follow15:35
KotCzarnysaw that15:35
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RST38hMeanwhile in Kansas:
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KotCzarnyzombie nation15:37
madskHi guys. I am trying to compile something in scratchbox that depends on libfl.a (the flex lib) but somehow it does not work. Even though libfl.a exists in /scratchbox/tools/lib it says: "flex library not found"15:40
KotCzarny.a is static lib15:41
KotCzarnyyou need .so for -lfl15:41
madskAhh, right...15:41
KotCzarnyotherwise you need to put /usr/lib/libfl.a on the command line15:41
KotCzarnyor something15:41
KotCzarny(or -static flag)15:42
madskThis error occurs in the configure script of the Julius speech recognition software.15:42
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madskSo they must use some shared-object flexlib...15:42
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madskBut in /scratchbox/tools/lib only libfl.a exists, no .so version.15:44
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madskOn my regular Ubuntu installation both libfl.a an resides in /usr/lib15:44
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KotCzarnyremember that scratchbox matches and mixes dirs15:45
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madskYes, I an currently doing an 'find / -name' but it takes a lot of time :-)15:46
madskAnd it was not found...15:47
KotCzarnyapt-get install flex?15:47
KotCzarnyapt-get install byacc?15:47
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madskTried installing flex - it says its not available15:49
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madskI am building flex from scratch now to see if that creates a for me.15:54
madskit didn't :P15:55
RST38hmadsk: make so out of a15:56
RST38hor include a at the command line and remove -lfl flag15:56
RST38hto make an so, do something like gcc -o -shared libfl.a15:56
madskYes, but that would mean trying to figure out how their build scripts work :)15:56
madskok, I'll try that now15:57
RST38hno pain no gain15:57
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somanhii... im unable to play an .mpeg file on N81015:59
KotCzarnyget mplayer15:59
somanwhat gst-plugin do i need to have on N81015:59
KotCzarnyor check if it's mpeg15:59
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somanit says media codec not present16:01
KotCzarnycheck on pc16:01
somanon PC its working fine16:01
KotCzarnyno, check what format it is16:01
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somanits mpeg216:08
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KotCzarnytranscode it16:08
somanwhat does that mean16:08
KotCzarny400mhz is a little low for mpeg216:08
KotCzarnyespecially if resolution is high too16:08
somanso how can i transcode it16:09
KotCzarnytranscode == convert to another format16:09
somanbut i need to have mpeg 2 only16:10
KotCzarnythen i say, it's not going to happen on your tablet16:10
summatusmentistablets can't play mpeg2?16:11
somanoh... thanks for support...16:12
KotCzarnysummatusmentis: well, theoretically mplayer can play it, but it's cpu intensive16:12
summatusmentisoh, ok, that makes sense16:12
KotCzarnyso it's better to transcode16:12
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raviousmediaserv is a nice little on the fly encoder with a httpd frontend to browse the files.. pretty easy to setup too.16:19
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RST38h"The editors of "Sky Horse", LLC  are planning to release a disk collection of the best software for PC, PDA (pocket PC), smart phones and cell phones. Our computer software analysts have positively evaluated your program(s)..."16:30
RST38h-- Elena Nasyrova
KotCzarnywhat's a best software?16:31
RST38hDear Elena Nasyrova! I explicitely PROHIBIT you from including any of my programs in16:31
RST38hanyyour disk collections.16:31
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RST38h[you can fuck off now.]16:31
Stskeepsmm. sky horses. good on bread16:31
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RST38hKot: Anything that they can place onto CD without too high litigation risk16:32
RST38hKot: Given their .UA address, let us just say "anything"16:32
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* KotCzarny says photoshop cs316:33
KotCzarnythat would make the case interesting :)16:33
RST38hWe DO NOT SELL the software, we distribute the best free and shareware software and ADVERTISE its authors on it. ($4.50/CD)16:33
KotCzarnycds were ok in the pre-internet era16:33
KotCzarnybut now?16:33
RST38hHow else would they sell you pirated software?16:34
KotCzarnykind of dollar store presents16:34
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raviousanyone know of any shfsmount or remote filesystem projects currently being worked on/16:35
KotCzarnysshfs and sambafs16:35
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zapworks fine here16:37
KotCzarnynfs is ok too16:38
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raviousdoes sshfs work on os2007he?16:52
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zapsshfs is damn slow17:04
zapnfs is fast, but not easy to set up17:05
KotCzarnylcuk: end of vacations? :)17:05
lcukdamn, i was trying to stay out of here for a couple of hours17:05
zapcurlftpfs is fast, and mounts any ftp server which is easy to set up17:05
lcukyes though :)17:05
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* lcuk needs a holiday17:06
KotCzarnyzap: sshfs may be slow but for most of the uses it's enough17:06
lcukis sshfs slow?17:06
KotCzarnyzap: and what it loses in therms of speed it gains in ease of use17:06
KotCzarnylcuk: on slow cpus17:06
lcuklike 2420?17:06
lcukin powersave mode?17:06
KotCzarnyi got ~450-500kb/s with it17:06
zapvia wifi or via usb?17:07
KotCzarnyi don't use usb17:07
zapwell thats about the top you can get with wifi17:07
lcukhave i missed anything vital then kot?17:07
KotCzarnylcuk, hmm, diablo for some people17:07
lcuksome isnt everyone :)17:07
KotCzarnybut not that much exciting17:07
lcukive been making notes17:07
lcuklots of notes17:08
zaplotus of notes17:08
lcukso many notes that i ended up with a floating point error ;)17:08
KotCzarnypiled so much that weren't able to float anymore17:08
lcukbut its good, ive got a lot of ideas now about what i need to do17:08
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lcuki will hopefully vanish for a few days and prepare a speech based on what ive noted17:10
lcukholy shpoopoo 2400 spams since i left!17:10
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KotCzarnyprobably oom17:11
lcuki best unpack, back later17:11
KotCzarnyk k17:11
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xadapI'd like to port a GPL app to OS2007HE. I've been browsing and I can't see really well where to start17:15
xadapany guidelines? :)17:15
KotCzarny ?17:16
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KotCzarnyand in general17:18
xadapuhms, I didn't find that link, KotCzarny17:18
xadapthanks :)17:18
KotCzarnyfirst link in google..17:18
xadapi already did :p17:19
xadapi even looked for the app i wanna port, in case it had been done before17:19
KotCzarnymagic word for google and maemo is: maemo17:19
xadapby the way, how do I know whether I need 3.x guides or 4.x ?17:19
KotCzarnyboth should work17:19
KotCzarnythough some thing changed names17:19
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xadapif I succeed on that port, I'll try to put it in some repository17:20
xadapthanks ;D17:20
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anidelxadap: consider Maemo Extras repository17:20
xadapI'll do :)17:20
X-Fadeanidel: You were quick at noticing the stats changes ;)17:21
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anidelX-Fade I was lucky :P17:24
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anidelI even spent time searching on the ITT forum in case I had miss it, before posting to Maemo Developers17:24
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anidelAnyway a few days ago I was happy Xournal was the 2nd in the Popular section.. and I was checking to see how close to Pidgin I was.. now..  50.000 (canola2) agains 5000 (xournal).. eheh no need to check anymore :P17:25
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qwerty12hehe, xournal and canola are both great :)17:26
anidelBTW, I was surprised to see the count was so low and I wondered several times why that was so.. now I know why17:26
X-Fadeanidel: Yeah, but your app has seen a lot of attention lately? It is doing great.17:27
anidelqwerty12: :) thanks.. it was just fun to see it there17:27
anidelX-Fade it really is doing great.. and users should be very happy as I am getting low or no complaints at all17:27
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anidelmaybe that's because there's no direct link from the Maemo Downloads page -> to ITT forum thread specific for it ? (hint)17:28
KotCzarnythat doesn't necessarily matter things you think it means17:28
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X-Fadeanidel: You can add links if you want..17:29
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X-FadeAt least point it's homepage to the thread ;)17:30
anidelX-Fade: yup.. I was referring to the last discussion on ITT about the Downloads section Reggie opened (and than closed) few days ago on ITT17:30
X-FadeOr just add it in the description.17:30
anidelX-Fade: I will open a garage project for it and link either the garage page AND the ITT forum thread17:30
X-FadeEven better :)17:31
anidelI always do the best things :P17:31
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anidelhow do you want to solve the problem with packages that were previously hosted on our own repo and then later added to Extras ?17:34
X-FadeJust add them up? :)17:35
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X-FadeAlthough to have good stats, you should just move to extras ofcourse ;)17:35
anidelYou would need to ask people to send you their download stats ...17:36
X-Fadeanidel: Nah..17:36
X-FadeJust get your stuff into extras or don't get a pretty graph :)17:36
* KotCzarny senses stats fixing 17:36
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X-FadeKotCzarny: Too much work :D17:37
anidelI was talking about the "PS" in your last e-mail on maemo-developers.. about adding download stats of packages that were not hosted on extras before17:37
anidel(it's just for the sake of curiosity, tho)17:37
X-Fadeanidel: Well, we recorded the clicks on the install button..17:38
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anideloh ok that's it.. not stats from apps that were not even listed on Maemo.. got it :)17:38
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X-FadeBut you don't know how many downloads were through application manager. As that doesn't go through our servers..17:38
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X-FadeIf you host your packages yourself.17:39
KotCzarnyakamai sucks a little17:39
X-FadeKotCzarny: ehm.. what shall I say about that.. :D17:39
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KotCzarnyespecially their ability to 401 the request instead redirecting to proper server17:40
KotCzarnys/instead/instead of17:40
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raviousI have a question about sshfs on os2007. I've managed to mount my network filesystem as root, but my mount point folders are always grayed out on the user account file manager. I assume its a permissions error.  Any advice?17:43
KotCzarny-o allow_other17:43
X-FadeI've also been testing a feature to show new applications in the section.17:44
X-FadeSo they can end up on the front page too, if they get enough thumbs up :)17:44
KotCzarnymaemo apps already has that?17:44
anidelnot in the news17:45
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anideland not thumbable17:45
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anidelwe only have Garage news there17:46
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KotCzarnyi talk about this page17:46
X-FadeKotCzarny: I would know that ;) Because I have mostly implemented it ;)17:46
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anidelthat page is for newly added applications too.. but they don't show up in the News section and you cannot love or thumb down them17:47
KotCzarnythose thumbs17:47
raviousworkted Kot, tyvm :)17:47
X-FadeKarma baby!17:47
anidelif I got it well, X-fade ?17:47
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KotCzarnyx-fade, yes, please, 2k would be enough17:48
anidelany more recent news about a ?17:48
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KotCzarnyother than it shows downloads?17:49
anidelah! never noticed17:50
KotCzarnyprobably catch all domain :)17:50
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anidelyesterday I have installed the slide rotate patch.. it's awesome! Xournal is even more useful while holding the tablet in portrait mode17:52
anidelI should make it catch the change in size of the window and show a better toolbar for that mode17:53
X-FadeKotCzarny: Yep.17:53
KotCzarnyanidel, rotation patch won't be in official kernel for a while17:54
anidelso Xournal, for those who don't care, we'll always behave as usual :P ehhe17:54
KotCzarnyit would require to test/fix too much stuff for nokia devs :)17:55
anidelI am not asking it to be made official... even tho I would love it17:55
X-FadePerhaps it can be distributed as a module?17:55
KotCzarnyx-fade: it requires changes to the vid driver17:56
lcukthats a module ;)17:56
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X-FadeKotCzarny: I hope SSU will give us more updates, so we don't have to wait so long for an actual fix/feature to show up.17:56
KotCzarnyanyways, patch for kernel is trivial (almost)17:57
KotCzarnyand works17:57
lcukuntil the next official release17:57
qwerty12So far with SSU, all I get is new kernel (woot :)) and broken initfs packages :?17:57
infobotqwerty12 meant: So far with SSU, all I get is new kernel (woot :)) and broken initfs packages :17:57
* KotCzarny got ftd17:57
* qwerty12 has it too ;)17:57
X-Fadeqwerty12: Yeah, but you are not supposed to get anything yet :D17:57
* lcuk got big fat cpu change buttons so is happy17:57
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qwerty12X-Fade, Hehe, true. I bow my head down :)17:58
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lcukKotCzarny, you will be pleased to hear i want to live in powersave mode more often than performance :)17:58
lcukondemand is too flakey17:59
KotCzarnylcuk: i got gcc 4.2.3 in sbox :)17:59
lcuki got gcc whatever version direct on device and its been bliss17:59
KotCzarny3.4.4 probably17:59
lcukapart from starting pygtkeditor from the console is blocking - i cant execute on another thread18:00
KotCzarnyuse &18:00
GeneralAntillesqwerty12, have you seen the update notification applet yet?18:00
qwerty12GeneralAntilles, Many times18:00
lcukwhat do you mean, simply &pygtkeditor18:00
GeneralAntillesI've yet to see it.18:00
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qwerty12I even had it in chinook ;)18:00
KotCzarnyat the end18:00
KotCzarnyapp &18:00
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GeneralAntillesThey got rid of the update interval, does it do background checks?18:01
anidelqwerty12: in chinook ?18:01
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lcukROOOOLES! thank you18:01
qwerty12anidel, Newer application manager compiled. piss take though...18:01
KotCzarnylcuk, *nix18:01
qwerty12GeneralAntilles, I only get it when I update repos manually :/18:01
anidelqwerty12: oh :)18:01
qwerty12Settings for the update notifier are in gconf18:01
GeneralAntillesYeah, the whole update applet is really stupidly pointless if it doesn't occasionally check for updates in the background.18:01
lcukright, ive got lots to do - im gonna start unpacking all these notes - its been a dream this week18:02
* KotCzarny consumes breakfast18:02
anidelbreakfast ? I am almost ready for dinner.. soccer match before that18:02
lcukdidnt get breakfast today - left for the airport before the cafe opened18:02
KotCzarnyfirst meal after sleep18:03
KotCzarnycall it what you like :)18:03
anidelGA: App Manager does check them up regularly, probably the applet relies on that18:03
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qwerty12anidel, Time for that has disappeared in Options18:03
Sakkath <-- how do I install this repo? there is a include() error on the page18:04
KotCzarnyit's not a repo18:04
anidelqwerty12: weird decision18:05
SakkathKotCzarny: then what do i do for becomeroot?18:06
infoboti guess becomeroot is on Maemo to get root run "sudo gainroot" or dig in wiki for proper howto18:06
qwerty12"~qwerty12" "I guess qwerty12 is the king" :p18:06
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SakkathKotCzarny: how do i 'search'
KotCzarnyuse google18:08
KotCzarnygromnayer is only an index18:08
SakkathI found one on but it was for bora18:08
anidelX-Fade Canola guys just noticed the change in the Downloads count too :)18:08
X-FadeI'm sure they did :)18:09
SakkathKotCzarny: will that work?18:09
KotCzarnydon't know18:09
KotCzarnyi use ssh for root18:09
qwerty12That is the only becomeroot18:09
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Sakkathoh, thanks qwerty1218:10
qwerty12but I will always <3 easyroot over becomeroot18:10
anidelx-fade: they're chatting about that in #canola18:10
anidelqwerty12  that <3 comes from Blizzard ?18:10
qwerty12Sakkath, Because it does what becomeroot does (sudo gainroot) plus includes a "root" command which sets proper root enviroment variables.18:11
qwerty12anidel, no afaik. <3 = f00kin iirc18:11
disqwhy? just ssh root@127.118:12
anidelqwerty12: ok18:12
X-Fadetonikitoo here? Or somebody that knows him?18:12
qwerty12X-Fade, Has garage all of a sudden started to set deb mime types as application/x-archive?18:13
Sakkathqwerty12: thanks18:13
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X-Fadeqwerty12: No? It does that for a long time already?18:13
qwerty12I've never noticed it before. before I could press open but because maemo doesn't include application/x-archive mime type as default, open is grayed out18:14
qwerty12now that is18:14
X-Fadeqwerty12: Yeah, I saw mention about it before, I think.18:14
X-Fadeqwerty12: We will look into it..18:15
qwerty12Thanks :)18:15
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X-Fadeqwerty12: Can you please file a bug about it?18:16
qwerty12X-Fade, If I knew how, I would, anyone else willing to file it please?18:16
X-FadeThat makes it easier for us to remember and assign it to somebody ;)18:16
KotCzarnyqwerty: learn!18:16
qwerty12Best I can do is voting :P18:17
summatusmentisqwerty12: bug trackers aren't hard...18:17
qwerty12summatusmentis, Before maemo, I'd never heard of them18:17
X-Fadeqwerty12: :)18:17
anidelqwerty12: so you've got diablo and you're not filing bugs up ? bad, too bad18:17
summatusmentisqwerty12: yeah, but it's not difficult.18:18
summatusmentisoh, see, it's even bugzilla!18:18
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GeneralAntillesqwerty12, it has a nice walkthrough and everything.18:19
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qwerty12Ok, I'll try but will you be willing to help please if (most likely, for sure) I need it :)18:21
GeneralAntillesqwerty12, just let me know if you run into any trouble at all. :P18:21
anidelx-fade: so Vagalume was cheating ? it has now only 800 downloads ? :p18:21
X-Fadeanidel: No, that is one in the PS category..18:21
qwerty12GeneralAntilles, Thanks :)18:22
anidelX-Fade: PS ?18:22
anideloh PC ?18:23
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X-Fadeno, PS in my mail..18:23
qwerty12Erm, what goes in alias? :/18:24
qwerty12Sorry for dumbness18:24
KotCzarnyprobably 'qwerty12'18:24
X-Fadeqwerty12: Just leave empty.18:24
summatusmentissorry, I don't mean to laugh18:25
anidelX-fade: k18:25
GeneralAntillesAlias is for linking to the internal Nokia bugtracker, qwerty12.18:25
GeneralAntillesYou never need to worry about it.18:25
qwerty12Ah, ok18:25
qwerty12"ur mom" isn't really a good alias is it?18:25
summatusmentisdo it!18:26
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KotCzarnydo ur mom?18:26
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summatusmentishrr hrr *rolls eyes*18:26
GeneralAntillesYou also don't need to worry about Whiteboard and Keywords for now, qwerty12.18:26
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summatusmentisalright, I have a stupid question. Is the USB port on the N810 mini-usb?18:29
qwerty12X-Fade, Which is better title? ".deb files on garage project are reported as application/x-archive" or "deb files are not able to be opened with browser"18:29
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qwerty12Alternative suggestions appreciated18:29
X-Fadeqwerty12: First one.18:29
X-FadeWe can always alter it, don't worry..18:29
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X-FadeAs long as the problem is recorded and can be reproduced :)18:30
urhello. is there a software that supports video chat on n810 to either msn or yahoo or skype?18:30
qwerty12msn = amsn18:30
summatusmentisthere's skype on the n81018:31
qwerty12but no video in skype18:31
summatusmentisoh really?18:31
urI have tried skype, no video18:31
GeneralAntillesGizmo has video.18:32
GeneralAntillesIf that's a workable alternative.18:32
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summatusmentiswhat about Google Talk?18:32
urI should ask, has anyone of you successfully used video chat between n810 and a linux pc18:33
urgoogle talk would be ok, is there a linux software on the pc that supports it with video?18:35
urI had asked for skype/yahoo/msn, because I do have software on the linux pc already that supports a webcam. no idea about google talk18:35
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qwerty12If something sucks, sorry.18:39
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GeneralAntillesHey, qwerty12 figured out to delete the (always/sometimes/once)!18:41
qwerty123 cheers for qwerty12!18:41
GeneralAntillesIf a 15-year-old can do it, you'd figure everybody else would be able to. . . . <_< :P18:41
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WorkingOnWiseMy hand ha been forced and I am now using Vista as my primary OS.  :( I thought "Well at least I should be able to sync Outlook and my N800 if I' on Windows" So I looked. Please please tell me there is a clean way to keep outlook and the N800 contacts and calendar synced.18:44
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anidel3 cheers for qwerty12!18:45
VeggenWorkingOnWise: why do you accept it, these days? (Vista as primary OS)?18:47
Veggenbut apart from that, there exists little clean ways to syncronize contact data and such  with the NITs....18:48
forgeAye, it's not vista18:48
forgeIt's N80018:48
Veggennow, I do understand that they are not meant as PDAs, but seriously. They'd be quite useful as *that* too :)18:49
forgeThey would18:49
forgeI would imagine that being a bit bigger market than pure internet tablet thingie18:49
Veggen(but since I don't implement it, I have no right to complain, only to wish :)18:49
forgeYou can always vote with your wallet18:49
Veggenforge: I have more use for a NIT than a PDA :)18:50
KotCzarnypdas are so 90' ;)18:50
qwerty12Thats big!18:50
* qwerty12 doesn't need or use any PDA or PIM. Even with my PPC, I don't use it as a PIM18:51
forgeBecause of the marketting18:51
forgeBut imagine a good internet tablet with really good pim suit out of the bat18:52
GeneralAntillesMeh, save that for step 5.18:52
forgeI would imagine that bringing more focus on it from business perspective aswell and hopefully good quality programs :o18:52
WorkingOnWiseVeggen: there are a few apps that I make money with that just dont work with Linux at all, and Vista Ultimate was free from Microsoft18:53
* Navi yawns18:53
* GeneralAntilles pokes Navi with a stick.18:53
* Navi dies a horrible death18:53
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qwerty12My camera is funky!18:53
VeggenWorkingOnWise: me, I have only the bureaucratic applications on windows. But no productive work.18:54
GeneralAntillesGet a job and get yourself a nice DSLR, qwerty12. :P18:54
qwerty12I didn't know my W810 can do "3-d effect"18:54
forgeI use linux on work and vista at home18:54
qwerty12GeneralAntilles, I hardly take pics :p18:54
forgeI like both18:54
Veggenmy windows box is destined to die soon, I can do it from a terminal server.18:54
GeneralAntillesYou will once you get a DSLR18:54
GeneralAntillesThose things are so much fun18:54
anidela Lumix 12X Leica lens is real fun :)18:55
VeggenGA: agreed. My 2 yr old DSLR has taken >4000 pics now.18:56
VeggenAnd I don't think that's extreme, I know people who takes way more.18:56
GeneralAntillesYeah, Veggen, that's nothing.18:56
GeneralAntillesDigital is so great18:56
GeneralAntillesJust shoot as many pics as you want18:56
urGeneralAntilles: I18:57
WorkingOnWisedoes anyone have debain up on the N8x0? Does the popup keyboard work? If I had a more desktop loke linux on the IT I would have an easier time syncing with outlook18:57
urGeneralAntilles: I have installed gizmo on the linux pc and registered for an account, but can not find video anywhere in the linux client user interface18:57
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qwerty123-d effect: w00t!18:57
GeneralAntillesLinux hasn't gotten a 4.0 beta yet.18:57
WorkingOnWiseor Ubuntu Fiesty maybe?18:57
GeneralAntillesVideo is only in version 418:57
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KotCzarnyqwerty12: looks like too long exposure18:58
GeneralAntillesYou need to steady your hand, qwerty12. ;) :P18:58
lcukor stop the world18:58
qwerty12KotCzarny, I don't know nothing about camera's. It's modded W810 but the camera driver on here sucks, I need to get new one18:58
qwerty12GeneralAntilles, My button seems to have broken overnight :/18:59
qwerty12I'll get the N80 :/18:59
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qwerty12(hate that phone_18:59
urI can't believe there is no software to do video between n810 and linux-pc18:59
NaviMy mom has an N8018:59
NaviI thought it was all right18:59
qwerty12It's a good phone but I don't like thickness19:00
qwerty12I need to fix the slide mechanism on it too, it's gotten loose19:00
lcukur, i can't either19:00
NaviFeatures over thickness for me19:00
NaviThough, I could go for an E5119:00
GeneralAntillesAh, Darius in true form.19:00
GeneralAntillesI'd like to meet that man in real life19:01
GeneralAntillesI can only imagine. . . .19:01
qwerty12with sharpened stick?19:01
urthanks all for your help, I conclude the cam in n810 is useless19:01
qwerty12Took you a long time :p19:01
simboss_guys are there any packages to have tools like make, gcc, g++ on the n800?19:01
qwerty12Quality sucks anyway19:01
qwerty12simboss_, build-essential19:01
Navidneary, I got up to the 'm's yesterday19:01
dnearyI thougt you were going to start at the Zs19:02
summatusmentisis there a way to widen the scroll bars?19:02
dnearySo you did all the Hs19:02
NaviI did start at the Zs19:02
qwerty12summatusmentis, yes, check echowb19:02
NaviZ up to M19:02
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simboss_qwerty12 thanks19:02
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simboss_I tried to apt-get install it19:03
simboss_but I am getting an error19:03
simboss_will dig it19:03
NaviThere are a lot of Hs19:03
qwerty12I think Chinook SDK repo needs to be enabled too19:03
KotCzarnymore like added19:03
simboss_yeah I did it19:03
summatusmentisqwerty12: thanks! I'm getting my N810 tomorrow19:03
summatusmentisno, I lied, tonight!19:03
qwerty12summatusmentis, Cool :)19:03
qwerty12hehe, even better :p19:03
KotCzarnysummatusmentis: optimist19:04
qwerty12I was so excited to be recieving my N800 :)19:04
summatusmentisKotCzarny: I pre-ordered yesterday, picking it up at the NokiaUSA store this evening19:04
NaviI was semi-excited19:04
Naviowning an N800 sounded like work19:04
anidelI was really excited.. didn't work that day19:04
KotCzarnysummatusmentis: there will be bombing19:04
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KotCzarnyand you won't get your nokia19:04
summatusmentisI'm excited, because it'll be usable, as compared to Angstrom on my Z >_>19:04
qwerty12KotCzarny. Always the optimist.19:04
summatusmentisKotCzarny: got I hope not19:05
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infobotsummatusmentis meant: KotCzarny: god I hope not19:05
anidelsumma: why tonight ?19:05
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Navianidel, you can hit tab to tab complete a name19:06
VeggenNavi: work should be fun ;)19:06
NaviVeggen, lies!19:06
anidelNavi, oh.. cool :P19:06
Veggenat least part of the time.19:06
summatusmentisanidel: I'm at an OpenAFS conference, and after the conference thing today, a bunch of people are going to a pool hall thing, and I'll be right there19:06
anidelthat's why the 'comma':D19:06
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NaviOnly part.19:06
anidelsummatusmentis, conference = fun :)19:07
summatusmentismeh, I'm a summer of code student for OpenAFS, I don't understand most of what they're talking about19:07
anidelVeggen, it's fun when you find the right job19:07
NaviVeggen, ironically, if it were fun, I wouldn't be here and the N800 would be sitting in the corner collecting dust anyways :P19:07
Navifun all the time*19:07
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anidelsummatusmentis, never used AFS.. :/19:08
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Veggenanidel: I have a job that's fun at least part of the time.19:08
NaviI've only had jobs that were fun never.19:09
summatusmentisanidel: it's just a distributed filesystem, I'd never heard of it until SoC. But I get to do kernel hacking, and Google is paying me :)19:09
anidelVeggen, me too..19:09
Veggenanidel: new year, I was gonna start for a small IP-telephoni-provider. open source-place.19:09
anidelsummatusmentis, I know what it is, but never had the possibility to test it out19:09
Veggenanidel: three days before my last day at my work (where I still am), the new place went out of business. *ouch*19:09
anidelVeggen, so you're forced there still19:09
summatusmentisanidel: it's kinda cool, I guess. I don't have a lot of use for it, at least, not yet19:09
Veggenanidel: yah, but I have recovered the fun part of it.19:10
Veggentook a couple of months.19:10
anidelsummatusmentis, eheh.. I knew about it because I looked at it when designing TCFS years ago19:10
anidelVeggen, ehehe good enough :)19:10
summatusmentisanidel: TCFS?19:11
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anidelsummatusmentis, an old fs we developed (Transparent Cryptographic FileSystem)19:11
Veggenwhat I *do* like of it, is that it's a technologically heavy and diversed place. We're 12 people in the department that works with databases, LDAP/authorization, firewalls, some networking, some java application servers, Unix-stuff, web servers, you name it...19:11
summatusmentisanidel: oh... interesting :)19:11
anidelVeggen, so you should never be bored19:11
Veggenanidel: exactly.19:12
anidelsummatusmentis, really. I even planned to port it to the tablet (it's encrypting NFS).. but never had time..19:12
anidelVeggen, where ?19:12
summatusmentissome guys here have OpenAFS proted to the tablet19:12
anidelAFS is still actively developed.. we stopped TCFS years ago.. unfortunately19:13
qwerty12summatusmentis, Saw a package in app manager somewhere19:13
Veggenanidel: Well. A somewhat large corporation called EDB.19:13
summatusmentismm. Yeah, AFS is kind of exciting.19:13
summatusmentisqwerty12: yep, I met the guy who did that :)19:13
qwerty12Cool :)19:13
anidelVeggen, sorry I meant location:) US, UK, ...19:13
VeggenAh, in Norway.19:14
anidelVeggen, was just for the sake of curiosity..19:14
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anidelwell gotta go now.. soccer match waiting for me :D :D can't wait to play .. talk to you later guys19:14
qwerty12good luck19:15
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qwerty12Oh, hi RST38x19:36
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diemanyay, new omweather19:36
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qwerty12compiling diablo apt takes longer than dpkg :/19:39
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Navidneary, bleh19:43
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dnearyNavi: I'm away now19:43
NaviI hate midgard. You made a commit overriding my commit19:43
dnearyWas I blocking you?19:43
dnearyI thought that wasn't possible?19:43
Navino, you just removed the 12 lines I added19:43
NaviI think >_>19:43
dnearyDo you have time to merge them?19:44
dnearyI have to go19:44
NaviOf course19:44
dnearyOK, thanks!19:44
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diemanwrong channel19:44
KotCzarnyit's over 9000!19:45
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* qwerty12 can't remember how I removed legal message from chinook app manager :(19:51
qwerty12Hi RST38h19:52
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chxis this a good price?20:06
NaviWhat's the price?20:07
chxit begins to look like a price i am willing to shell out :)20:07
NaviLive in the US?20:09
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* KotCzarny does20:09
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qwerty12Poor guys.20:09
KotCzarnyqwerty: define 'poor'20:09
qwerty12As in unlucky :P :)20:09
chxI don't live in the USA20:10
KotCzarnywhy unlucky20:10
chxbut why would that be a problem.20:10
KotCzarnyi can move to eu any day20:10
KotCzarnychx: shipping? :)20:10
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Stskeepsi got 0% customs, except for VAT when importing my n800 from the US, atleast20:11
khertanHi !20:11
Stskeeps(in .dk)20:11
Navihi khertan20:11
KotCzarnyvat is customs20:11
qwerty12Is it me or is ITT down?20:12
NaviIt's you20:12
KotCzarnydarius killed it20:12
chxKotCzarny: hm. hm. handles shipping, that's no problems. taxes and customs, yeah i will pay a little but ... the n800 is double that here.20:12
khertanpdflush bug again ...20:12
khertanso ... reflash ...20:12
KotCzarnychx: unlucky :>20:12
KotCzarnychx: order from .fi ?20:12
chxstill very expensive, isn't it.20:13
chxhow much it is in .fi?20:13
KotCzarnydon't know20:13
KotCzarnybut it's in .eu i think20:13
qwerty12Yeah, part of EU and uses Euro20:13
* qwerty12 doesn't like Euro20:13
khertandoesn't like too20:13
GeneralAntillesDon't think so, khertan.20:14
qwerty12I'm glad we still have Pound :)20:14
KotCzarnyall your countries are belong to nwo20:14
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KotCzarnyqwerty12: yeah, and no privacy20:14
qwerty12Meh, Bush administration are world leaders in privacy.20:15
KotCzarnyarm in arm with .gb20:15
* KotCzarny hates globalization20:16
term-sigKotCzarny: bollocks.. then why u buy n800?20:16
KotCzarnyterm-sig: because it was cheap20:16
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* qwerty12 loves it in g33k language that they use std as standard...20:17
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simboss_guys anyone here ever used swig directly on the n800?20:19
KotCzarnywhat's swig?20:19
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qwerty12A drink?20:19
simboss_tool to write wrappers around c++ code20:20
simboss_for python20:20
simboss_java etc....20:20
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KotCzarnyhappy hardcore ftw!20:23
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qwerty12ocaml not ftw. stuff's takin ages to compile20:24
KotCzarnywhat are you compiling? amule?20:24
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qwerty12v.close, mldonkey20:25
KotCzarnyah, yes20:25
KotCzarnyi was thinking about mldonkey20:25
KotCzarnybut since i tried amule i'm not going back20:25
qwerty12My general rule is, if something takes ages to compile, odds are that it's gonna crap out on you.20:25
qwerty12I'll look into amule later :)20:25
KotCzarnyneeds wxwidgets20:26
qwerty12I have that installed from messing with truecrypt iirc20:26
KotCzarnyand it has a crazy deps (on debian)20:26
KotCzarny |> Studio 33 - Depeche Mode In The Mix20:27
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qwerty12|> Ludacris - Act A Fool :/20:28
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raviousanyone know if its possible to auto mount a sshfs share from the fstab? or perhaps on network start?21:05
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* Jaffa train connects to test Virgin's "enhanced mobile phone coverage on this train"21:22
keesjwho is this Darius21:23
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Jaffakeesj: a trolling fool, IMHO21:24
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qwerty12_N800Sounds  like a joker, anyone got any of his highlights?21:25
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Jaffaqwerty12_N800: How about when he suggested maemo was an mS conspiracy because Reggie used a hotmail or MSN account in the ITT registration.21:27
keesjAlso I don't really get this google group thing , the page looks like sh*t21:27
infobotJaffa meant: qwerty12_N800: How about when he suggested maemo was an Microsoft conspiracy because Reggie used a hotmail or MSN account in the ITT registration.21:27
qwerty12_N800i had to lol :/21:27
RST38hJaffa: Who was that?21:27
RST38hthe meanwhile guy?21:28
JaffaRST38h: Darius Jack or somesuch21:28
keesjbad karma[tm]21:28
RST38hJaffa: Next time, direct him here:
* lcuk yawns and stretches21:31
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roopeYeah, Darius is a classic. :)21:32
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RST38hbtw, is the meanwhile guy still kicking?21:33
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Yjoany one in the UK here?21:34
qwerty12_N800Darius was funny, meanwhile was annoyingly stupid.21:34
qwerty12_N800I am :/21:34
JaffaNot seen him recently21:34
* Jaffa UK too21:34
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YjoI'm looking to ask a cheeky offtopic about which mobile provider to go with to use as a modem for my N800...21:34
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JaffaCurrently speeding through - err - Northamptonshire on the West Coast Mainline21:35
Yjoi dont want to pay £++ for kB--. any ideas?21:35
roopeit's a bit sad that there is generally a strong correlation between some person being especially passionate about something and the same person being really wrong about it.21:35
JaffaYjo: if you want lots of data, 3 have good deals. As does T-Mobile21:36
* Jaffa very *very* strongly agrees with roope21:36
YjoJaffa: do they let you use it through DUN/bluetooth? I know some providers distringuish phone browsing and external data, if they even allow the latter21:37
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JaffaYjo: they both do AIUI. I'm on Vodafone at the moment, wouldn't *not* recommend them, but wouldn't recommend them either21:38
YjoJaffa: ok, thanks. Am with 3 atm, but amn't much impressed21:39
JaffaAh, fair enuf21:39
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fadecdoes anyone know the earliest version of maemo to support GtkBuilder? It's undefined in the gtk+2.0 2:2.6.10-1.osso23 version of libgtk2.0-0 that's on Gregale.21:44
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fadecAnd it's there on chinook21:44
fadeci guess it would be the earlies to support 2.12 of gtk21:45
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EruditeHermithey, does anyone know what software is needed to make camera flip and startup internet call on camera pop out work on an n80021:57
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EruditeHermitand is it possible to damage the camera so that it doesn't detect the pop out or rotate22:07
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corevettei want to install maemo 2007 HE...which image do i pick....1st, 2nd, 3rd or latest image?22:10
qwerty12_N800This is pure guess but my logic says the latest.22:11
solmumahaunless latest means 2008he22:12
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qwerty12_N800Fair enough22:12
corevetteshould i use 2008 hacked edition?22:12
solmumahai recommend latest 2007he22:13
corevetteso latest 2007 he or 2006? is 2006 more stable?22:13
corevetteis it more stable EruditeHermit ?22:14
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EruditeHermitI haven't used either but 2007 is supposed to be an improvement and it was also tested for a long time unlike 2008HE22:14
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summatusmentiswhat is hacked edition? what does that entail?22:14
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summatusmentispenguinbait: you did the KDE thing, right?22:15
qwerty12_N800summatusmentis, It's dodgy rlses for 770 :p22:15
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summatusmentisqwerty12_N800: oh, only for 770? ok22:15
penguinbaitnice eh!22:15
summatusmentiswhat's nice?22:15
qwerty12_N800As soon as i get round to repartitioning my cards, i must install kde off mmc :)22:16
summatusmentisoh, I haven't used it, I'm getting my N810 tonight22:16
summatusmentisbut I was wondering how usable it is22:16
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penguinbaiti am using it right now22:17
penguinbait810 much better than 80022:17
penguinbaitbut it works good to22:17
NullM0demlooks good penguinbait22:17
penguinbaitjust put out new version last night22:18
summatusmentispenguinbait: how slow is it?22:18
NullM0demI love my n810, make sure you reformat the internal card.22:18
penguinbaitit has a slightly long load time but once up works grezt22:19
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summatusmentisI'm looking for a working office suite22:19
summatusmentisI'm ok to let it load for a while22:19
penguinbait7-10 seconds to start konqueror22:19
qwerty12_N800lifeguard would reboot my n800 sometimes in kde :/22:19
NullM0dempenguinbait: how much of a hit does battery life take switching away from maemo?22:20
summatusmentispenguinbait: but it's full konq?22:20
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penguinbaitfull kde with koffice and cups22:20
penguinbaitits a freaking litttle linux box22:20
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* NullM0dem <3 n81022:21
summatusmentiskoffice doesn't support MS formats :-/22:21
summatusmentispenguinbait: what version of KDE is it?22:21
penguinbaitqt I think 3.3.822:22
summatusmentisoh, any plans to go to 4?22:22
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penguinbaitno time soon22:23
penguinbaitlets see what nokia does22:23
summatusmentisoh, they just bought trolltech, that's right22:23
summatusmentisI keep forgetting the N810 has 2GB internal22:24
RST38hkde must be dead slow on n81022:26
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qwerty12_N800It's not bad22:26
qwerty12_N800Not brilliant either though but i wasn't booting from sd22:26
penguinbaitif you want to install22:27
starkmjolkI got my 8GB mini-SD today, now just waiting for the n810 to arrive too :)22:28
* qwerty12_N800 really needs to figure out how to add lcuk's cpufreq mod to acmonitor22:29
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NullM0demstarkmjolk: what miniSD did you buy?22:29
NullM0demim about to look for one myself22:29
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penguinbaitI am heard the 16gb microsdhc due out in june22:30
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summatusmentisnewegg only has the minisd cards up to 2gb22:30
NullM0demi htought i saw a patriot 8gb there last week :()22:31
starkmjolkNullM0dem: ebay, OEM 8GB 150x card22:31
NullM0demone of the comments said it worked well on the n81022:31
summatusmentisI might just go microsd, and then use the minisd adaptor22:31
penguinbaitI am stkcking with micro, so they will go into whatever hardware comes next22:31
starkmjolkI had problem finding fast microsd cards22:31
summatusmentisoh, I was just looking at the mini sd, not sdhc22:32
NullM0demI have always liked the idea of carrying thousands of book on my body <322:33
summatusmentisthere are 4GB micro sdhc cards on newegg for < $20!22:33
NullM0demif you realistically coverd your self with sd cards filled with books, how much do you think you could carry on person?22:33
starkmjolkI payed $34 + shipping for the 8GB22:34
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starkmjolkthat came out here right? (:22:35
summatusmentisall the 8GB ones are > $5022:35
starkmjolk4GB is equivalent price to about $80 here in sweden, 8GB doesn't even exist :)22:36
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starkmjolk25% VAT + normal higher euro price + very weak USD22:37
summatusmentiswhy are the euro prices higher?22:37
starkmjolk= makes a very good case for personal imports :)22:37
lopzhi ;)22:38
starkmjolkbecause all corporations around the world hates euroland? I don't know really, just always are22:38
summatusmentishi lopz22:38
starkmjolkhi :)22:38
lopz ;[22:38
NullM0demhow does one change thier text color in xchat22:38
qwerty12_N800from the grey? no idea :/22:39
summatusmentishold on, I used to know22:39
NullM0demi opened the window at my desk and cannot see what i write22:39
starkmjolkam I the only one in here not on an internet tablet btw? :)22:39
summatusmentispreferences -> colors?22:39
summatusmentisstarkmjolk: no, I'm on my macbook22:40
qwerty12_N800starkmjolk, Probably not ;) :p22:40
starkmjolkk. :)22:40
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lcukqwerty12_N800, what do you mean add it?  i've been using it now for a couple of weeks, and its not quite perfect22:41
lcukthere is something missing, and i think i am going to need to make myself a proper full addin with ui to configure and set it up22:42
qwerty12_N800lcuk, I'm a noob, i shoved the code into the acmonitor.c and compiled it and nothing happened. i don't blame your code.22:42
lcuklol ahhh..22:43
lcukeven if you got it running, the modification i made was designed to do absolutely zero unless i manually configured it22:44
qwerty12_N800i'm probably gonna try making it use a gconf value, be easier on me22:44
lcukbut now i have been using it its still lacking.  i need to learn about proper hardware events - there is no point in running at performance speed even if charging if the device itself is locked22:45
RST38hX-FadeL Still here?22:45
RST38hX-Fade: Just tried updating SSH key and then dput - it still fails22:45
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qwerty12_N800sorry, couldn't resist22:46
RST38hOne thing I know for sure is that I am NEVER changing that key again22:46
RST38hSecurity or not.22:46
qwerty12_N800heh. anyone know if you can make mce run a program on shutdown?22:47
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LoCusFanyone else getting "Failed to write hash table" while installing the latest statusbarclock?23:01
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qwerty12_N800Large or normal?23:01
qwerty12_N800Ah, haven't tried it yet23:02
LoCusFah, I had too little disk space23:02
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AmirZodfolks, hello23:04
AmirZodI'm been trying to find out if the normal PIM can be done and how on N810 before considering purchasing23:04
AmirZodcalendaring, addressbook, notes and email23:05
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AmirZodcan it be synced (how) with a desktop linux (what application)23:05
starkmjolkgood question :) mine is ordered and will arrive within a few days I hope :)23:06
starkmjolkclawsmail should take care of the email part just fine23:06
starkmjolkas for the rest, I don't know yet. I'll find out as time goes. :)23:06
qwerty12_N800or modest (default in diablo)23:06
starkmjolkah, right.23:06
AmirZodstarkmjolk - where would you post your findings?23:07
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starkmjolkas planned, nowhere :(23:08
qwerty12_N800Claws is more powerful but Modest is much more suited to the tablet.23:08
starkmjolkand I'm basically full scheduled till 9th of june so no strong efforts before then I'm affraid23:08
AmirZodI just don't want to go back to Palm TX, if I have another choice23:09
AmirZodas a PIM23:09
AmirZodand other niceties23:09
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starkmjolkqwerty12_N800: does either have a decent address book? somewhat like evolution under gnome?23:09
qwerty12_N800Not sure, never used claws personally but i'll check modest23:10
starkmjolkah, thanks :)23:11
starkmjolkmy n810 was sent from china monday so should be here early next week, I'll find out for sure then anyway :P23:11
starkmjolkjust curious :)23:11
qwerty12_N800Well diablo's modest opens the built in address  book which sucks :p23:12
AmirZodwhere to get reasonable prices on N810?23:12
qwerty12_N800There is gpe with google syncing23:12
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starkmjolkgpe as the one in familiar linux?23:13
summatusmentisqwerty12_N800: I assume you mean gpe-calendar23:13
qwerty12_N800yes, graham cobb packages23:14
starkmjolkhas that been updated since 1993? :P23:14
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summatusmentisdoes it matter if it works?23:14
summatusmentisI think GPE still has upstream and stuff23:14
starkmjolknot really for the calendar part, but I just remember the frustration with my iPAQ a few years ago. of course most of the faults where to blame on HP though :)23:15
summatusmentisusing GPE as an env is annoying...23:15
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* Cptnodegard runs23:25
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RST38hCptn: dput23:31
Cptnodegardis that an insult or what was really working?23:31
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huatsHi guys23:32
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qwerty12_N800I still like viagra idea better. I need to go to Canada to viagra falls :p23:33
qwerty12_N800*to see23:33
Cptnodegarddick -vv23:33
huatsDoes anyone of you know if there is a new place for the like the gronmayer page for repositories since this one seems broken ?23:33
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qwerty12_N800huats, no :( but you see google cache23:34
qwerty12_N800you can see*23:34
huatsbroken too... qwerty12_N80023:34
huatsI mean the page is alse broken on the cache23:35
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qwerty12_N800Hmm, i found working one few days ago but forgot how :(23:35
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qwerty12_N800Any package in particular?23:35
huatsnot really23:35
huatsI just broke my scratchbox23:35
huatsand I want to put it in with a fews stuffs more than the one I have23:36
huatscan you pastebin your ?23:36
* qwerty12_N800 is on 15th install23:36
RST38hHeh, that has been N810 finally making wifi connection23:36
qwerty12_N800don't really have any repos :/23:36
RST38hqwerty: still installing sb?23:36
qwerty12_N800RST38h, no23:37
huatsI need the repo that gives python2.523:37
huatsat least23:37
qwerty12_N800I need to figure out how to get 2008 toolchain to work though23:37
qwerty12_N800huats, search pymaemo23:37
qwerty12_N800it's in extras23:38
penguinbaitsweet kopete is using flite and reading everything that is typed23:38
huatsqwerty12_N800: thx23:40
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qwerty12_N800seeing as i'm stealing lcuk's ideas, i'll make the cpufreq run in powersave when booting from charger at initfs time23:41
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huatsqwerty12_N800: is it just me who cannot update my available packages ?23:55
huatsapparently is not respondig to apt-get update ?23:55
qwerty12_N800garage isn't a repo23:55
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huatsqwerty12_N800: sorry23:57
huatsI was meaning :
qwerty12_N800hmm, i'll try updating my repos on my n80023:57
Blasturhehe,.. ive just spent the last 1½ hour outside trying to get fix with the n810 gps23:58
Blasturit's _impossible_23:58
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Cptnodegardget a BT one23:58
Blasturat one point i was at 75% fix (maemo mapper)23:58
Cptnodegardi normally get a fix withint 10-20 sec23:58
Blasturbut then it started moving backwards ;)23:58
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Blasturwell, i would rather return the entire unit23:59
starkmjolkanyone know what GPS chipset is on the n810?23:59
Blastursomething is seriously broken23:59
Cptnodegardget a n80023:59
Cptnodegardthe gps is fine when its a real one and not the integrated shit. only heard bad things about it23:59

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