IRC log of #maemo for Sunday, 2008-05-11

sm00th_trac3rrafael: if u just need some development tools, not full sdk - u can browse through and install them00:00
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rafaelI'm already installed OS 2008 on my device00:01
rafaelbut, I read about this (that have a version only for developers)00:02
rafaelfor this, I make a question00:02
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zchydem_homeyet another sb2 installation problem.. I have two Kubuntu Hardy 8.04 PCs and when I try to install maemo sdk+ to the second PC the /opt/maemo/tools/arm-2005q3 directory is missing. The first PC everything installs and works fine. Any ideas why that dir could be missing?00:03
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zchydem_homeI have followed the instructions from:
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EruditeHermitGeneralAntilles: hey, when you upgraded did it uninstall all chinook packages?00:09
EruditeHermitGeneralAntilles: I get 366 to upgradeand 800 odd to remove00:09
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GeneralAntillesIt installed Diablo packages.00:09
GeneralAntillesNot Chinook packages.00:09
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EruditeHermitGeneralAntilles: your chinook extra stuff like xournal00:10
GeneralAntillesTwo biggest failing points are running out of space and network failures to the server.00:10
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GeneralAntillesChinook and Diablo are (mostly) backwards and forwards compatible.00:10
EruditeHermitand did you get 800 packages to remove?00:10
GeneralAntillesSo just add Chinook Extras separately to get all of the chinook packages.00:10
GeneralAntillesIt was a lot00:11
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GeneralAntillesMostly l10n stuff00:11
GeneralAntillesas they moved to per-language packages instead of per-application.00:11
EruditeHermitdid it remove any apps you'd installed previously from extras? or was it all l10n?00:11
GeneralAntillesI did it on a clean install.00:11
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GeneralAntillesIt choked on my messy install due to a broken powerlaunch install00:12
GeneralAntillesmessed up symlinks00:12
EruditeHermitalso how did you get passed /var/cache/apt/archives not having enough space?00:12
GeneralAntillesln -s /media/mmc1/var/cache/apt/archives /var/cache/apt/archives00:13
GeneralAntillesJust delete it after your done upgrading00:13
GeneralAntillesAlso, make sure you delete the audio/video files and documentation stuff00:13
GeneralAntillesas  that's 40MB right there.00:13
qwerty12_N800And remake original archives folder.00:13
qwerty12_N800after deleting00:13
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qwerty12_N800ftd  is my favourite program on diablo atm00:14
EruditeHermitqwerty12_N800: how is the flash plugin on diablo?00:14
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EruditeHermitis it faster?00:14
qwerty12_N800Haven't tried it00:14
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qwerty12_N800Has anyone sent a nitro core dump yet?00:15
EruditeHermitIwish that my backup application worked00:15
EruditeHermitit keeps crashing when I try it00:15
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qwerty12_N800A lot more init progs in diablo00:17
qwerty12_N800mce.ini file is same to me, just has more colours for n810000:18
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GeneralAntillesNo softpoweroff. :<00:20
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GeneralAntillesIt was fixed Nokia-side back in December, too. :\00:21
* qwerty12_N800 cant wait til nxt friday00:24
jdiazan alternative to vi for editing files from the xterm in the tablet?00:24
jdiaznot so similar :-)00:25
jdiazis emacs ported?00:25
jdiazor other emacs-like?00:25
AStormjdiaz: that'd be mad00:25
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AStormnot enough bucky bits00:25
jdiazyes, I'm not interested in the whole emacs, only in its usual keyboard shortcuts00:25
AStormthat is, ctrl abuse?00:26
GeneralAntillesvi works about perfectly on the N80000:26
AStormGeneralAntilles: vim too00:26
AStormI need to set proper insert mode (with editing)00:26
jdiazyes, it does, but I never get accustomed to vi00:26
AStormand arrows00:26
AStormjdiaz: a good time to start00:26
jdiazalways require a cheatsheet at hand00:27
jdiazI'm more emacs inclined00:27
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GeneralAntillesjust remember i, escape and :wq00:27
jdiazthere is a feature of emacs I use almost daily00:27
GeneralAntillesThat's all you need to get by.00:27
AStormfor one his own00:27
KotCzarnydd is nice too00:27
KotCzarnyand x00:27
qwerty12_N800sum1 ported emacs search ~itt00:27
KotCzarnydd for line del00:27
jdiazGeneralAntilles, sure, but there is also the always neccesary cut-copy-paste00:27
AStormGeneralAntilles: not to mention /00:28
KotCzarnyand x for char del00:28
AStorm{, } and.00:28
jdiazI never remember how to copy paste in vim00:28
GeneralAntillesWe're going simple. ;)00:28
AStormjdiaz: V, Y, P00:28
qwerty12_N800I use terminal copy and paste00:28
AStormv for visual mode00:28
AStormyank and paste00:28
GeneralAntillesEr, yes, use qwerty's method.00:28
jdiazAStorm, but how do mark the block?00:28
jdiaz(how do I mark)00:29
AStormjdiaz: visual mode00:29
NaviIf you built with mouse support, use the mouse00:29
AStormNavi: don't spoil hi  :P00:29
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jdiazAStorm: oooh!00:29
jdiazI love visual mode!00:30
jdiazhow do I never see it mentioned in the tutoriasl/cheatshets I read until now?00:30
jdiazI read the wrong tutorials, I suppose00:30
NaviNothing better than vimtutor00:31
jdiazWell, this makes vi a lot more usable. I'll give it another try :-)00:31
jdiazIt would be ideal if I could perform some column-oriented tasks00:31
jdiazfor example, select a rectangular area, and delete it00:31
jdiaz(in order to delete a column in a table)00:31
AStormjdiaz: ctrl+v00:31
AStormthat's block mode00:31
AStormor was it vb00:32
AStormselect in it, then delete :)00:32
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jdiazyou are saving my day!00:32
KotCzarnyin mcedit it's f3, f3, f500:32
jdiazfinally, how can I insert a text in front of several lines00:33
AStormand in vi(m) ctrl+v00:33
jdiaz(eg: to add a column in a table)00:33
jdiaz(or commenting out a region of a program)00:33
AStormjdiaz: .s/^/text/00:33
jdiazyes, I knew that one :-)00:33
AStormalt. select an area with visual mode and run that00:34
jdiazbut what if the insertion point is not the beginning of the line?00:34
AStormjdiaz: visual mode then, plus s :)00:34
jdiaz(ading a separator between two columns, for example)00:34
AStorm^ matches beginning of selection line00:34
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AStormnah, I fail00:35
AStormanother special char :)00:35
jdiazHm.. it doesnt work in block mode00:36
jdiaz^ matches the beginning of the line, not the block00:37
KotCzarnyprobably depends on implementation00:37
KotCzarnyor /s param00:37
jdiazvi for maemo doesn implement undo00:38
jdiazdoes vim for maemo implements it?00:38
KotCzarnybecause default vi is provided by busybox00:38
* jdiaz is traveling 15 years back in time... learning vi again00:39
pH5KotCzarny: wow, I didn't think that offloading mp3 decoding to the dsp would make such a big difference in mplayer. too bad seeking practically doesn't work00:40
KotCzarnynag ssvb00:40
KotCzarnyfanoush already included op patch in his kernel00:40
KotCzarnyso it's possible to disable 330/220 mode00:41
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Capn_Fishjohnx: What's the latest on the new Debian?00:41
* pH5 echo 1 > /sys/power/op_dsp00:42
AStormpH5: offloading mp3 will help slightly00:42
KotCzarnyastorm: more than slightly00:42
KotCzarnyesd sucks cpu hard00:42
AStormlike 7-10%00:43
jdiazAStorm, for inserting a text in front of the block, Ctrl-V, select bloc, press I00:43
AStormesd? this junk needs to die00:43
KotCzarnyastorm: no viable alternative for now00:43
jdiazbtw, vi for maemo doesnt implement v nor ^v00:43
AStormKotCzarny: does it use accel for mixing?00:43
pH5AStorm: and even slightly would help a lot if it's just slightly too slow to play at full framerate :)00:43
pH5framedrops suck visually00:43
jdiazluckily, vim does00:43
KotCzarnyastorm: nope00:43
KotCzarnyit's software00:43
AStormKotCzarny: give me pulseaudio then00:44
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AStormwith speex integer resamler00:44
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KotCzarnyi can give you dsp compiler00:44
qwerty12_N800AStorm, +1. i like pa.00:44
AStormnaah, writing a mixes and not being pais for it...00:44
AStormcan't, too much work00:45
KotCzarnyi think ssvb isn't paid by nokia also00:45
lcukKotCzarny, stop being a siren, you know i will be having that dsp compiler soon :P00:46
AStormit'd be fun to write libmad using dsp00:46
KotCzarnyastorm: it's a c compiler00:46
AStormKotCzarny: oh really?00:46
KotCzarnyand lardman wrote some g711 codec for it00:46
AStormdo I have to know somethoing more?00:46
pH5did anybody here try the dsp-flac codec?00:47
KotCzarnyi don't know, ask lardman00:47
KotCzarnyhe is the dsp man here00:47
AStormpH5: not yet?00:47
Capn_Fishjohnx: You here?00:47
AStormdsp vorbis would be fun too00:47
AStormif dsp has enough power00:47
KotCzarnybefore you go all dandy handy00:47
KotCzarnythere is a problem with gst and mplayer00:47
KotCzarnythat needs to be addressed first :/00:48
AStormdrop gst00:48
AStormuse pulse support of mplayer00:48
AStormor esd compat00:48
jdiazhow mature is ruby for maemo?00:48
AStormjdiaz: moderately00:48
jdiazat least is it actively developed?00:49
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AStormdunno, most likely yes00:49
jdiazI was just switching from python to ruby in my desktop, when I purchased the n810...00:49
jdiazso I guess I still have to do python for a while00:50
* qwerty12_N800 wants to see diablo for sbox :p. newer apt in diablo means I can try synaptic again...00:50
AStormheh, why have you switched to "an inferior language"? ;)00:50
KotCzarnybecause he want to go RoR ?00:51
AStormdjango baby?00:51
jdiazI find easier to express myself in ruby than in python. It is more consistent00:51
GeneralAntillesjdiaz, alterego is the guy who ported it.00:51
KotCzarnyi like c00:51
KotCzarnyand php00:51
AStormno, it's not :)00:51
AStormKotCzarny: weak typing is the spawn of satan!00:52
GeneralAntillesHe normally haunts around here, but I haven't seen him on in a couple months.00:52
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KotCzarnybut i like it more00:52
GeneralAntillesPunch the keys for gods sake!00:52
KotCzarnythan writing 10 functions to do nearly the same00:52
jdiazbefore ruby, python, perl and php, I abused a lot of awk :-)00:52
elbAStorm: sure it is00:53
AStormjdiaz: do you *reallyc know the, or just tried?00:53
elball this ruby bigotry ;-)00:53
AStormelb: elaborate00:53
elbdo you know ruby?00:53
AStormKotCzarny: 10 functions? lol00:53
jdiazAStorm, I did not develop any big project in ruby, only daily scripting use. But the same applies to my python habits. And I do prefer ruby00:54
AStormelb: no, I don't00:54
elbbut you're claiming it's not more consistent than Python?00:54
elbinteresting :-P00:54
AStormyes, I am :P00:54
elbpython has some real inconsistencies that ruby doesn't00:54
jdiazsorry having spawned a religion war00:54
KotCzarnyit's ok00:54
elbe.g. magic function names, operators which are "overloaded" but can't be re-overloaded, etc.00:55
AStormit's because python is consistent00:55
elbruby is almost entirely lacking in such things00:55
elbit has its own brain damages, don't get me wrong00:55
AStormelb: hmm? magic is well-defined00:55
elblike closures are over references :-P00:55
AStormwhich operators are overloaded?00:55
elbthey're well-defined, yes ... but not *consistent*00:55
jdiazAStorm, for example I always find my self writing some_string.length in python00:55
AStormelb: they are00:55
elball right, I think you're just bigoted, i shouldn't have started00:55
AStorm__x - magic name00:55
elblearn ruby, then we can talk00:55
AStorm__x__ - system name00:56
elbright, I understand that their *naming* is consistent00:56
elbbut their *existence* is not00:56
AStormyou want operator+ likein C? :P00:56
AStormor def +(a)?00:56
EruditeHermitqwerty12_N800: hey, did it remove busybox and replace it with bash?00:56
qwerty12_N800EruditeHermit, no00:57
elbbut [] is magic syntactic sugar in python which is inconsistent00:57
qwerty12_N800You can get bash and coreutils though.00:57
elbI'm not saying python is *bad*, but you really can't claim it's 100% consistent without ignoring some important details00:57
Fatalelb: list comprehensions?00:57
EruditeHermitqwerty12_N800: it says it wants to remove busybox00:57
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jdiazI always forget the syntax for getting a string length in python... After failing with some_string.length, I try some_string.len, and then len(some_string).... Even now I don't remember the exact syntax00:57
AStormelb: you mean slicing00:57
jdiazthat kind of things does not happen to me with ruby00:58
AStormit's consistent in Python 3 now00:58
jdiazthis is why I said it is more consistent00:58
qwerty12_N800EruditeHermit, That's odd, although i didn't really look at pkgs to remove00:58
elbalso, the existence of native data types which cannot have methods is inconsistent00:58
EruditeHermitqwerty12_N800: and sysvinit00:58
AStormjdiaz: last one is correct00:58
AStormalthough it could've been a property00:58
elboh, and yeah, the stupid external functions to modify some built-in data taypes00:58
elbanother great inconsistency of python00:58
AStormelb: now they can, since py 2.600:58
jdiazreally? I thought that the correct one was length(some_string)00:58
qwerty12_N800EruditeHermit, That's not right afaik. let me see if busybox pkg is present on diablo00:58
jdiazI'm serius00:59
Capn_Fishjohnx: If you get this, I'll catch you later00:59
jdiazsee what I mean? :-)00:59
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elbanyway, AStorm, you might think about choking back your ruby bigotry until you know something about it ;-)00:59
elbit certainly does have some annoying deficiencies, but you might as well know what they are before you start blindly plugging python00:59
elb(like ... closures over names, not values?  hello?)01:00
AStormthe only thing I hate in both is broken threading01:00
qwerty12_N800EruditeHermit, not right. busybox and sysvinit are present on diablo. disable all other repos.01:00
AStormwhen I need threads, I want them working correctly01:00
AStorm>>> len("abc")01:00
elb"abc".length => 301:01
elb[1, 2, 3].length => 301:01
AStormsame here, but with a function for some reason01:01
elb{:a => 1, :b => 2, :c => 3}.length => 301:01
jdiazsorry AStorm, I did not mean that you were reacalling it wrong. I meant *I* was recalling it wrong.01:01
AStormelb: I prefer Haskell syntax more01:02
AStorm(but not the rest of the language :P)01:02
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AStormclean also looks neat01:03
AStormoCaml is ok, but perlish01:03
jdiazperl mascot is a caml :)01:03
AStorm(actually used these)01:03
EruditeHermitqwerty12_N800: did you install a new kernel for it?01:03
AStormjdiaz: noo, never menton that junk01:03
AStormI mean perl01:04
EruditeHermitqwerty12_N800: It just finished the upgrade (disablin all other repos fixed the busybox uninstall thing)01:04
jdiazI agree with you in this point01:04
EruditeHermitqwerty12_N800: is it safe to reboot?01:04
qwerty12_N800EruditeHermit, no. rd mode output still lists old one compiled in finland01:04
GeneralAntillesbusybox was upgraded with my install01:04
qwerty12_N800Should be if everything installed fine01:04
qwerty12_N800same here01:04
elbyeah I left perl behind when I discovered that ruby had usable regexp support01:04
AStormyeah, but all these regexes suck01:05
KotCzarnypreg_match is nice01:05
AStormas awks and greps are much faster01:05
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AStormno, it's slow too01:05
KotCzarnynot for my regexps01:05
AStormexponential on some strings01:05
KotCzarnyie. account writing time too01:06
AStormeven with well-optimized exps01:06
lcukwhere do i tell maemo that i want an app running at startup?01:06
KotCzarny /etc/rc2.d/01:06
KotCzarnyor .xsession01:06
AStormor other01:06
AStormuse update-rc.d01:06
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qwerty12_N800make the init script 1st :p01:07
lcukthere is meant to be an init script with it, but its not starting01:07
jdiazdoes the n810 use flash memory for its root filesystem?01:07
AStormjdiaz: yes01:07
jdiazThat worries me...01:08
lcukive been playing with acmonitor (derf) and its not starting after reboot01:08
GeneralAntillesWhy, jdiaz?01:08
GeneralAntillesWhat else would it use?01:08
jdiazthere is not supposedly a limit in the number of times you can write flash?01:08
KotCzarnylcuk, then .xsession01:08
qwerty12_N800lcuk, version i compiled worked :/01:08
KotCzarnyon normal system though01:08
GeneralAntillesThat's why it uses jffs01:08
AStormjdiaz: yes, quite large01:08
jdiazlarge enough to not having to worry about?01:08
lcukqwerty12_N800, thats what im wondering, i just wanna check where it should live to see if its there but failing..01:08
AStormjffs2 has wear leveling and all01:08
jdiazlarger than the life of the device?01:09
AStormfor now, yes01:09
GeneralAntillesThere's a limit to the number of hours you can put on a hard drive, too. Especially a small one. )01:09
GeneralAntillesjdiaz, even if you do burn it out, you can just boot from SD01:09
AStormand you can move the fs to internal 2GG MMC01:09
lcuki once killed a 10mb section of my massive 240mb quantum fireball01:09
KotCzarnywell, speaking of that01:09
AStormor to the card01:09
KotCzarnythere is a limit you can run harddrive DAILY01:09
KotCzarnyfor some models01:09
EruditeHermitqwerty12_N800: it looks like it didn't update it fully. I still have chinook it seems. However now that I look in sources.list.d I don't see the tableteer repos. Where did they go?01:09
AStormlcuk: 240 MB?01:09
lcukyer amiga..01:09
qwerty12_N800lcuk, run /etc/init.d/acmonitor start and see what it says.01:10
lcuk1st hard drive01:10
AStormthose were the days01:10
jdiazwhat worried me is that some day the internal flash gets unusable01:10
lcuki had a massive 10mb dev partition01:10
qwerty12_N800EruditeHermit, Mine are there :/01:10
GeneralAntillesI remember my 50MB hard drive.01:10
jdiazand this would render the whole device unusable01:10
AStormjdiaz: unlike hdds, these don't wear out from reading01:10
lcuk-sh: /etc/init.d/acmonitor: not found01:10
GeneralAntillesjdiaz, it wouldn't render the device unusable.01:10
GeneralAntillesBoot from SD01:11
AStormjdiaz: you can run the / fs from SD card too01:11
AStormand from internal mmc01:11
KotCzarnyor external mmc01:11
jdiazAStorm, yes, I do know that, but whenever I write something on flash, I feel a bit guilty :-)01:11
AStormonly kernel and initrd have to be in flash01:11
KotCzarnyastorm: and nolo01:11
KotCzarnyand config partition01:11
jdiazso I was being too paranoid, and I better forget about the issue01:11
qwerty12_N800lcuk, is the script called acmonitor :/?01:11
EruditeHermitqwerty12_N800: can you paste me what the lines look like? is it chinook user?01:11
AStormwho reflashes thnese two? :P01:11
lcukno, i know what you mean now - there is the acmon script01:11
KotCzarnyastorm: firmware update probably :P01:11
qwerty12_N800EruditeHermit, give me a min01:12
lcukthat exists01:12
KotCzarnyjdiaz: flash memory isn't as wimpy as 5 years before01:12
lcukand running that runs acmonitor and doesnt fail01:12
qwerty12_N800Who's gonna add diablo repo to gronmayer for joke :p01:12
AStormempty repos?01:12
jdiazThanks guys, I'm less anxious now about using the flash01:13
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qwerty12_N800lcuk, do the update-rc.d thing then, I think it needs symlinks in run lvl 2 + 501:13
KotCzarnyjdiaz: of course noatime is a must ;)01:13
GeneralAntillesActually, qwerty12_N800, how's it work just adding the Diablo repo instead of changing the chinook one?01:13
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qwerty12_N800GeneralAntilles, No idea, I removed chinook01:14
lcukqwerty12_N800, i did that and its starting and working as expected.  but its not starting when i reboot01:14
qwerty12_N800EruditeHermit, hows your dcc?01:15
KotCzarnylcuk: have you added symlink to /etc/rc2.d/ ?01:15
qwerty12_N800lcuk, hmm :/.01:15
AStormqwerty12_N800: instructions?01:15
lcukyou really think i know how to add symlinks?01:15
qwerty12_N800AStorm, For what?01:15
KotCzarnyln -s /soruce/file /dest/file01:15
GeneralAntilleslcuk == linucks phail :P01:15
jdiazjffs2 defaults to noatime?01:15
EruditeHermitqwerty12_N800: no idea try it though01:15
AStormqwerty12_N800: for diablo01:15
KotCzarnyjdiaz: don't know, mine didn't01:15
KotCzarnybut it is now01:16
AStormjdiaz: it is mounted noatime by initrd01:16
jdiazit is also supported on vfat?01:16
KotCzarnyastorm: is it?01:16
AStormjdiaz: noatime? sure01:16
KotCzarnyastorm: mount |grep noatime01:16
AStormKotCzarny: it was here,at leas...01:16
GeneralAntilleschange the tableteer update repo to diablo01:16
AStormnow on fanoush'01:16
EruditeHermitqwerty12_N800: oh dear it restarted while I was doing the upgrade now I have an endless restart loop01:16
KotCzarnysomeone is going to reflash now01:17
GeneralAntillesDid you kill the life lifeguard?01:17
EruditeHermitqwerty12_N800: is it possible to use flasher to boot from a kernel on my desktop?01:17
AStormEruditeHermit: thnatg's why there's ssh rescue mode01:17
GeneralAntillesAs it told you to in the instructions. ;)01:17
qwerty12_N800EruditeHermit, yes01:17
AStormin fanoush' initrd01:17
AStormEruditeHermit: no01:17
AStormbut it may be possible to use qemu-system01:17
EruditeHermitGeneralAntilles: slipped my mind =p01:17
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jdiazKotCzarny, is it enough to add noatime in /etc/mtab?01:18
KotCzarnymtab is generated dynamically01:18
KotCzarnyand usually symlkink to /proc/mounts01:18
KotCzarnybut fstab is ignored01:18
KotCzarnyi just have changed some script01:18
KotCzarnyjdiaz: try checking if it has noatime first01:18
KotCzarnyas i may be wrong01:19
KotCzarnyand it may be the case for vfat01:19
jdiazmtab does not mention noatime01:19
jdiazneither mount|grep  (as expected)01:19
KotCzarnytry mount / -o remount,noatime01:19
qwerty12_N800Anyone think it's worth me doing app manager legal crap removal for diablo?01:19
KotCzarnyqwerty: not yet, i think01:20
KotCzarnywait for final release01:20
KotCzarnyunless you contact nokia's guys about it ;)01:20
jdiazKotCzarny, ok it worked01:20
qwerty12_N800good  idea, too much svn downloading...01:20
jdiazKotCzarny: and I did the same for /media/mmc[12]01:21
KotCzarnythen modify scripts01:21
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KotCzarnymmc-mount or something01:21
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KotCzarnyand probably something in /etc/rc2.d/01:21
EruditeHermitAStorm: so it is not possible to recover this?01:22
KotCzarnyi don't know why i laugh every time i read word 'braindamaged'01:22
KotCzarnyeh: not worth the work01:22
AStormEruditeHermit: you can overwrite kernel and initrd only01:22
AStormand hope for the best01:22
KotCzarnyjust reflash01:22
qwerty12_N800+1. installing diablo is a breeze from reflash01:23
jdiazmmc-mount mounts the external memories01:23
jdiazwhat for the root filesystem?01:23
qwerty12_N800I hope Marius still has a job :(01:23
KotCzarnyjdiaz: something in rc2.d01:24
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GeneralAntillesqwerty12_N800, he wouldn't post it on a planet syndicated blog if that were an issue. :P01:24
GeneralAntillesBesides, Nokia wouldn't stick it in a public repo if it were, either01:24
qwerty12_N800True, but apart from diablo, we uncovered ftd which seems pretty internal to me. but I see your points01:25
GeneralAntillesWhere was ftd?01:26
qwerty12_N800It  was in the diablo repo afaik01:26
qwerty12_N800or catalogued01:26
GeneralAntillesDiablo extras?01:26
jdiazgrep mount /etc/rc2.d/* did not show anything, besides a comment01:26
qwerty12_N800I don't have that enabled afaik, let me check01:26
KotCzarnyjdiaz, then create a script named /etc/init.d/jdiaz-local01:27
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qwerty12_N800yes I do, enabled as maemo extras01:27
KotCzarnyand symlink it as a S99-jdizaz-local in rc2.d01:27
EruditeHermitthat didn't work01:27
EruditeHermitreflash required01:27
jdiazI see, and I do a remount01:27
qwerty12_N800I'm glad i found that one though :d, it's fun :p01:27
KotCzarnyanything you want01:27
qwerty12_N800GeneralAntilles, do you know if sticky dpad bug is fixed?01:28
GeneralAntillesHaven't noticed it01:28
KotCzarnyqwerty: use soap?01:28
qwerty12_N800GeneralAntilles, same here :). KotCzarny  :p01:29
jdiazwell, it was a productive talk. Gotta sleep now.01:30
jdiazgood night and thanks everybody!01:30
qwerty12_N800I may end up going soon (yes, i'm suprised when it happens) so bye in advance if it happens01:30
EruditeHermitqwerty12_N800, AStorm: if the flasher kernel boot didn't work, there is no way to recover this? I have to reflash?01:30
GeneralAntillesMan, I hate that Application manager uses the error sound for it's success events. . . .01:30
lcukahhhhh, acmonitor is written for bora i believe.  running the binary on its own (via putty as root) appears to work and plugging/unplugging will work, but it wont start on startup and if i try "sudo acmonitor" i get a strange error01:30
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qwerty12_N800EruditeHermit, yes. if you have mmc boot, try chroot01:31
AStormEruditeHermit: flasher what didn't work?01:31
qwerty12_N800lcuk, I compiled chinook version01:31
GeneralAntillesOh thank god01:31
EruditeHermitAStorm: booting a kernel using flasher01:31
KotCzarnylcuk: what error01:31
AStormEruditeHermit: it can't do that01:31
GeneralAntillesApplication manager no longer refreshes the list for every little misstep01:31
lcuksame as this01:31
KotCzarnyeh: you have borken os, not kernel01:31
AStormit can flash the kernel01:31
qwerty12_N800GeneralAntilles, lets rejoice!01:31
lcuk...D-Bus library appears to be incorrectly set up;...01:31
EruditeHermitAStorm: it can also boot a kernel from flasher that it loads for one time use01:32
AStormI'd try flashing in fanoush initfs01:32
jottftd works fine under chinook as it seems01:32
KotCzarnylcuk: maybe it's not set up yet at this point, or needs some context, hmm01:32
AStormand peeking in what's broke using ssh01:32
qwerty12_N800lcuk, try normal user or pipe dbus-uuidgen output to  file mentioned01:32
EruditeHermitAStorm: how do I do that? Is there a page with instructions?01:32
AStormEruditeHermit: just google for fanousn01:32
lcukqwerty12_N800, you say you have chinook sources, there is only one tar available from his site01:33
lcukdo i need to use a different make command to build it01:33
qwerty12_N800There is a source tarball too, it compiles fine in chinook target and works too ;)01:33
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jotthm nice all the retu&tahvo registers seem to be named :)01:34
lcukahhh right, so you didnt do anything other than build inside the chinook target01:34
qwerty12_N800yeah :)01:34
lcukthe bitch here is that it works..01:34
lcukit just wont startup01:34
KotCzarnylcuk, my guess it needs ~/.dbus/ or something01:34
qwerty12_N800lcuk, try jacking the files from my deb and replacing with yours01:35
AStormwhat are you mangling?01:36
lcuknahhh ill just reinstall the base version and see if it still does same thing, i installed it earlier to see if it worked but never got round to rebooting01:36
lcukijust ran it, checked it started doing what i expected and made changes01:36
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timelywhat's the n810 survey?01:38
qwerty12_N800sourceforge downloading system is getting crapper and crapper01:40
GeneralAntillesIt's on the tableteer site, timely.01:40
lcukacmonitor is starting now, it just needed that dbus-uuidgen running01:40
qwerty12_N800like i said before :/01:41
lcukw00000t instant fullspeed when i plug in charger :D01:41
lcukyer i know qwerty12_N800 thank you v muchly (and kot as well) i just prefer to know WHY i am running things and that its not just something ive done01:41
AStormlcuk: what about heat?01:42
qwerty12_N800:). sounds great! ftd can change cpufreq via gui  as well. mind sharing source sum time? I don't want conflict with orig acmonitor01:43
lcukwhat about it? it runs at fullspeed when playing movies for hours so why is this any different01:43
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lcukgladly, but its just a hack around writing "ondemand" or "performance" to /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor01:44
lcukacmonitor just gave the framework and timing to run it01:44
jottqwerty12_N800: does the ftd "Battery Information" work under diablo?01:45
jottfield test display01:45
qwerty12_N800jott, no01:45
qwerty12_N800lcuk, see diablo thread 4 my screenshots01:46
qwerty12_N800it has cpufreq control too01:46
jottah just found it01:47
lcukthen why didnt i know this before - i could have just asked you01:47
qwerty12_N800i only found out about ftd 2day01:47
jottand i just fixed minor dependency problems with it and installed it under chinook ,)01:47
lcukso which page are these screenies on and what am i looking for01:48
qwerty12_N800cool,, but diablo ftw01:48
qwerty12_N800look for me saying holy shit01:49
jottftd also exists for s60 btw :)01:50
qwerty12_N800jott, thanks again for fortune :). works nice with conkky01:50
jottyeah there is actually one called ftd01:50
jottbut it's like netmonitor01:50
jottor netmonitor was actually the ftd ;)01:51
qwerty12_N800my ngage had  it for a while. now my w810 has some sort of.one01:51
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jotthah i almost forgot about this one:
qwerty12_N800best one yet :p01:54
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jottwell back to the NIT ftd :)01:55
qwerty12_N800yep :)01:55
lcukright qwerty12_N800 i see it now, it displays the stats and allows changing, but its not automatic yet is it01:55
qwerty12_N800i never said it was01:55
lcukno i know01:55
qwerty12_N800I said it's a gui for changin it01:55
jottSoftware Resets: 91 quite reasonable ;)01:56
lcuklooks cool though and better than digging through with console or scp01:56
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KotCzarnyAlso Flash is version 2.5001:56
KotCzarnyChinook one is 2.3501:56
KotCzarnybut is it faster?01:56
jotthah probably a bunch of security fixes ;)01:57
qwerty12_N800:). jott, do you have nokia phoenix dongle? :D01:57
jotthm no :/01:57
qwerty12_N800i really want someone to try our phoenix :(01:57
qwerty12_N800jott, 1 software reset :p01:58
qwerty12_N800my lifeguard is still disabled atm though01:59
jotthmm 1?! :O01:59
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qwerty12_N800yep :). i'd offer screenie but i'm tired of that 2day ;)02:00
KotCzarnyi see ftd can lock cpu op modes?02:00
KotCzarnyor it's only a view only?02:00
qwerty12_N800yes as we mentioned 3 times :p02:00
jottbut nothing special actually02:01
KotCzarnyalso there is suspend-to-mem02:01
KotCzarnywhatare other options?02:01
jotthm this battery information has really a long list of values ...02:01
qwerty12_N800jott, it works for you?02:02
jott"Export syslog as googlemaps readable" :)02:02
qwerty12_N800ah :(02:02
jottbut the names are shown..02:02
KotCzarnydoes ftd need some deps from diablo or will work standalone?02:02
jottworks standalone02:02
jottjust needs minor tweak of control file02:02
jott(for versions)02:03
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qwerty12_N800eww. ftd icon has xp comp02:03
jottheh indeed02:03
jottugly green/blue02:04
qwerty12_N800tutorial home applet crashes for me in diablo02:04
qwerty12_N800sending nitro report...02:05
jotthehe they will get spammed with nitro reports the next few days ;)02:05
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timelyqwerty12_N800: eh02:06
timelyhow'd you get a diablo image?02:06
KotCzarnyyou dont'02:06
jottno image just debs02:06
* timely is not used to seeing people metioning nitro02:06
qwerty12_N800read the thread :)02:06
qwerty12_N800i'm typing from diablo now02:07
qwerty12_N800lots of people know about the nokia hidden stuff thanks to my screenshots :p02:07
KotCzarnyif it's on public server it's not hidden02:07
qwerty12_N800noone saw it before though :p02:08
jottnot even nokians! :p02:08
KotCzarnyhow often you browse those repos?02:08
qwerty12_N800me? :)02:09
qwerty12_N800error while getting ftd bulk data from em - what's em?02:10
jottqwerty12_N800: have you updated initfs as well?02:11
qwerty12_N800no. initfs is still same :(02:11
qwerty12_N800i'm waiting till friday02:12
jottah i guess that's why the ftd bme view is not working for you either02:12
jott contains the jffs2 image of the initfs ;)02:12
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qwerty12_N800i stiil have diablo debs on my n80002:12
qwerty12_N800i'll flash now02:13
timelyNavi: darn02:13
timelyfwiw, last i checked the final image wasn't settled02:13
timelyi'm pretty sure there are still browser changes up in the air02:13
jottwell those with diablo will get them "over the air" anyway ;)02:14
* timely nods02:14
jottDownloaded: 122,099,724 bytes in 663 files02:15
* jott whistles02:15
KotCzarnyhmm, ftd depends on some newer libs02:15
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qwerty12_N800663? my number was less :/02:15
timelythat's interesting02:15
timely122mb is fairly close to the standard image size02:15
jottKotCzarny: see above - as i said minor version tweaks in control file needed02:15
jottqwerty12_N800: hmm i suppose i also got an extra index.html ..02:16
timelyoh well02:16
KotCzarnyi will just risk upgrading02:16
timelyi guess i should spend time trying to write the release notes02:16
qwerty12_N800jott, lol02:16
qwerty12_N800application manager has improved02:17
qwerty12_N800someone likes their swedish furniture, ikea is autocomplete word...02:17
KotCzarny ftd depends on tcpdump; however:02:18
qwerty12_N800o rly?02:18
KotCzarnyand syslogd02:18
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KotCzarnyno hurt in installing tcpdump02:19
KotCzarnyor maybe not.02:19
KotCzarnymore deps.02:19
jotthmm.. for me only syslog was missing ...02:19
jott"apt-get -f install" worked fine02:20
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KotCzarnyi'm thinking about force too02:20
qwerty12_N800for me, all deps were resolved by app man ;) :p02:20
KotCzarnyi want just ftd for now02:20
jottno -f is --fix-broken not --force ..02:21
KotCzarnygood old --force-all02:21
* KotCzarny grins.02:21
lcukluke --force02:21
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qwerty12_N800Kot: evil style?02:22
* KotCzarny loves info apps02:23
qwerty12_N800i cant believe clear option was removed in xterm. svn had it :(02:23
KotCzarnylifeguard restarts: esd: 9302:25
qwerty12_N800brb, initfs flash02:26
jottKotCzarny: watch the r&t registers :)02:26
KotCzarnyi'm on that page now02:27
jottwonder if this app was supposed to go public ;)02:27
KotCzarnyjott: nope02:27
KotCzarnylook at the section it's in02:27
KotCzarnythere is backup battery?02:28
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qwerty12_N800jott, hell no.02:28
jottbut having all this registers documented is a nice touch02:29
KotCzarnybattery information page failed02:29
qwerty12_N800i'm flash-and-rebooting ;)02:29
jottyeah needs new initfs02:29
jotti.e. new bme02:29
KotCzarnyprobably need bme upgrade02:29
qwerty12_N800brb, im flashing that initfs ;)02:29
jottqwerty12_N800 will tell us if it works after reboot ;)02:30
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jottbut bme seems to store alot of information :/02:30
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KotCzarnythe more the merrier02:31
qwerty12_N800that sucks:02:31
qwerty12_N800"Flash and remove them? The device will reboot. (y/N)? y"02:31
KotCzarnyoverall nice app02:31
qwerty12_N800Image too big to fit partition02:32
jott lol :)02:32
qwerty12_N800off to get fanoush's tools02:32
KotCzarnynow that's something02:33
qwerty12_N800diablo kernel  flashed...02:34
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jottyeah basic auth though :/02:34
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qwerty12_N800go on jott, you kno u wanna hax :p02:36
jottbut they still use "osso-software-version" borkness :(02:36
jotthehe l: nokia p: rootme ? ;)02:36
GeneralAntillesqwerty12_N800, yeah, I got that too . . . weird02:36
qwerty12_N800GeneralAntilles, do not flash initfs!02:37
qwerty12_N800wait a sec02:37
KotCzarnypre-installed-documentation-rx44_5.3_all.deb - 8.4mb02:38
qwerty12_N800"Data did not fit into device, due to bad blocks"02:38
qwerty12_N800anyone have a chinook original initfs? i desperatly need one02:38
qwerty12_N800kernel flashes fine though02:38
KotCzarnyqwerty: maybe you have overused internal flash..02:39
KotCzarnyqwerty: i can make you a copy of mine (fanoushed though)02:39
qwerty12_N800initfs is clean :/. plus Ga got it too.02:39
qwerty12_N800KotCzarny, please do that02:39
KotCzarnykeep in mind that i use ext3 and no usb02:40
qwerty12_N800or could you extract it from rx34 file if you have it around?02:40
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jottmaybe try to flash the jffs2 directly with the console flasher?02:40
KotCzarnyor maybe i have original one somewhere too02:40
KotCzarnyjott: that's what fanoush flasher does02:40
qwerty12_N800jott, away from comp02:40
jottKotCzarny: yeah but not the initfs updater from diablo :)02:40
KotCzarnyok, initfs is which mtd?02:41
KotCzarny2 or 3 ?02:41
qwerty12_N800no idea :(. let me check...02:42
GeneralAntillesCan I just flash kernel?02:42
KotCzarnyga: yes02:43
qwerty12_N800mtd 302:43
GeneralAntillesFrom the Diablo tools.02:43
qwerty12_N800ga yes, it works fine02:43
qwerty12_N800KotCzarny, thanks02:43
GeneralAntillesWhat's the kernel flasher?02:43
KotCzarnyqwerty: i think it's the original, ie, before fanoush02:43
GeneralAntillesflash-and-reboot does initfs too02:43
qwerty12_N800delete initfs image02:43
KotCzarnyDownloaded: 662 files, 116M in 24m 3s (82.6 KB/s)02:44
KotCzarnymirrored too02:44
qwerty12_N800KotCzarny, slow :p. I downloaded in 10m :p02:44
KotCzarnyi have cheapest dsl here :P02:45
qwerty12_N800explains your site :p02:45
jottGeneralAntilles: there is a fiasco-flasher on the device now...02:45
KotCzarnyyup, laptop served02:45
qwerty12_N800lol, serious?02:46
KotCzarnyqwerty: laptop == pc + ups + low power02:46
qwerty12_N800hehe :)02:46
KotCzarnyand quiet too02:46
KotCzarnyand portable02:47
KotCzarnyand i have all my data gathered in one place02:47
GeneralAntillesCharging icon isn't animated anymore.02:47
jottmh file a bug :)02:48
qwerty12_N800regenerate gtk icon cache02:48
qwerty12_N800thanks KotCzarny , ur a life saver02:48
KotCzarnyqwerty: :)02:48
KotCzarnyqwerty: that's what i did when i could02:48
qwerty12_N800im now rebooting into new kernel :)02:48
KotCzarnybackup :)02:48
GeneralAntillesI'll wait, jott. ;)02:48
qwerty12_N800thanks again02:49
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qwerty12_N800im now running with diablo kernel :902:51
KotCzarnyanything different?02:51
qwerty12_N800seems a bit faster. ipv6 may be enabled, checking...02:52
GeneralAntillesFaster . . .02:52
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KotCzarnyyeah, faster because 'clean flash'02:52
* balrog-kun can't see much difference between chinook and diablo02:53
jotthmm i wonder what the new gpsdriver brings02:53
KotCzarnyjott: there was changelog posted02:53
balrog-kunexcept menus now wrap to the first position when you're on the last entry and press down arrow02:53
jottKotCzarny: no need to read the post :)02:53
jottjust reading it02:53
jotterm the changlog within the deb02:54
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KotCzarnywrapping isn't good..02:54
jott  * A-GPS support02:54
GeneralAntillesAGPS, apparently02:54
jottsounds interesting atleast02:54
KotCzarnywasn't it disabled?02:54
GeneralAntillesbalrog-kun, there isn't much different02:54
GeneralAntillesit's a maintenance release02:54
KotCzarnyand debug called when something wanted to use it?02:54
GeneralAntillesbug fixes02:54
balrog-kunKotCzarny: i can get used to it02:54
jott  * Debug improvements. Assistance data part separated02:54
balrog-kunteh wrapping02:55
lcukif a program is added to sudoers do you still need to use sudo to run it?02:55
KotCzarnysudoers file is only used with sudo02:56
lcukthat makes sense..02:56
lcukthat explains why it didnt work when i was playing the last few days02:57
qwerty12_N800diablo kernel was compiled on Wed Apr 2302:58
jottbetter to add stuff to /etc/sudoers.d/appname instead of /etc/sudoers ..02:59
jotthm anyone with n810 checked if agps is usable on diablo? :)02:59
lcukjott :) you are such a fountain of knowledge, but that doesnt exist on my 81003:00
jottlcuk: well read the changelog of diablo gpsdriver :)03:01
qwerty12_N800lcuk, flash it :p. get sum northern courage :p03:01
jottand read the binary to find something like /system/osso/supl/pos_longitude ..03:01
lcuki didnt mean the gps..03:01
jottah :)03:01
jottmaybe some apps i installed created it03:02
lcukim not updating to diablo yet, i need a stable system for linuxtag03:02
jottbut it's actually the saner approach03:02
lcukthe sanest approach would be not needing it at all03:02
jott(if you put it in your deb the dir will be created)03:02
jottwell given the circumstances :)03:02
EruditeHermitqwerty12_N800: how did you get rid of the conflicting distribution message?03:02
lcukhas the cpufreq been adjusted for diablo03:03
lcuki heard it was gonna be03:03
qwerty12_N800EruditeHermit, I didn't have one03:03
EruditeHermitin apt-get03:03
qwerty12_N800lcuk, how to check?03:03
lcuki would say can you see stars, just a minute ill get a test build ready03:03
lcukoh feck it, im too tired03:04
lcukive got stuff i wanna do and cant sidetrack - ill get one ready tomorrow or somethin03:04
qwerty12_N800lol, i'm tired too03:05
* KotCzarny not03:05
KotCzarnybut i'm hungry otoh03:05
qwerty12_N800when me and lcuk aren't tired, the rest of you are sleeping ;p03:05
lcukyer, while you lot were sleeping i was out feeding the ducks03:06
qwerty12_N800finger recognition works well03:06
* flo_lap is feeding something other than ducks ;)03:07
qwerty12_N800||.. ||..03:07
doc|homeV ~o===03:07
lcuk|..|   o   |..|03:07
* doc|home gets his coat03:07
KotCzarnyyour head is smaller than your fingers?03:07
lcukive got those foam hands :D03:07
EruditeHermitqwerty12_N800: how do I disable the thing that causes the repeated reboots?03:08
lcukEruditeHermit, uninstall Vista and get ubuntu03:08
qwerty12_N800lcuk, foam? sorry, i'm being a dirty shit...03:08
EruditeHermitlcuk: already have it03:08
EruditeHermitlcuk: never had vista03:08
qwerty12_N800EruditeHermit, use flasher to set rd flag no-lifeguard-reset03:09
lcukbut better to find the reason for the resets03:09
qwerty12_N800maybe because dsme is getting replaced?03:09
EruditeHermitlcuk: the diablo ugprade is the reason03:10
qwerty12_N800flash performance is much better03:11
EruditeHermitI reflashed03:12
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EruditeHermitso here it goes03:12
qwerty12_N800see if you can install plug-in in chinook with microb svn03:13
GeneralAntilleslcuk, it's the Diablo upgrade03:13
GeneralAntillesThings that the watchdog watches for are getting upgraded03:13
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EruditeHermitqwerty12_N800: I tried it03:15
EruditeHermitqwerty12_N800: the flash player plugin from diablo didn't work with default chinook microb03:15
KotCzarnyupgrade microb as well?03:16
qwerty12_N800ah. what about with microb svn?03:16
EruditeHermitdidn't try it with microb svn03:16
EruditeHermitmicrob svn messes up the apt package manager03:16
EruditeHermitbecause you have to force depends03:16
qwerty12_N800it's much more closer to diablo03:16
qwerty12_N800I edited status file03:17
GeneralAntillesThe svn is much nicer than the Diablo microb right now03:17
GeneralAntillesAny stuck the svn engine in Diablo yet>03:17
qwerty12_N800I haven't tried03:17
GeneralAntillesThe keyboard behaviors are completely borked.03:17
EruditeHermitI'll try after I manage to upgrade03:17
qwerty12_N800I'm too scared to reflashed03:17
EruditeHermitI just screwed it up again =p03:17
EruditeHermitbut its ok I know why03:18
GeneralAntillesdiablo h8tz EruditeHermit03:18
qwerty12_N800copy and paste is messed up with hildon-input-method03:18
qwerty12_N800in microb03:18
* qwerty12_N800 can't wait to try aptitude and synaptic again in diablo03:19
KotCzarnyCluttered APIs, dependency hell03:20
KotCzarnyAs proteins interact in the cell, they rely on eachothers' characteristics. It has just been shown that proteins that interact with a lot of other proteins cannot evolve, or at least, only do so at a very slow rate. See Nature, 28 June 2001, and M. Kimura, T. Ohta, Science, 26 April 2002.03:20
qwerty12_N800lol, theres another unlocked meta package with tr on it and all it does differently is install less :/03:20
KotCzarnyThe Central Dogma: .c -> .o -> a.out/.exe03:22
KotCzarnyThis dogma tells us that DNA is used to make RNA and that RNA is used to make proteins, which is like saying that from a .c file comes a .o object file, which can be compiled into an executable (a.out/exe). It also tells us that this is the only order in which information flows.03:22
EruditeHermitGeneralAntilles: how are the keyboards borked?03:23
KotCzarnySome code is sacred. We may not remember who wrote it, or why - we just know that it works. The guy who thought it up may have left the company already. Such code is not to be tinkered with.03:26
KotCzarnylcuk: you should read this article, very interesting pov :)03:27
Navimodest working for anyone?03:27
EruditeHermitKotCzarny: is that what happened at microsoft?03:27
Navianyone with the diablo beta, anyways03:27
KotCzarnynope, dna03:27
qwerty12_N800is for me, diablo version03:27
* qwerty12_N800 laughs at those nokia employees showing off they were using diablo :p03:28
NaviI just get internal errors03:28
GeneralAntillesIt's hard to activate the fullscreen keyboard with the dpad and return on the fullscreen keyboard does funky things03:28
GeneralAntilleslike send blank searches to google. :\03:28
qwerty12_N800ah, now you mention it Navi, I do get internal errors after a while03:29
qwerty12_N800They should name it modest - having 2 E-mail's is stupid03:30
GeneralAntillesWell, the idea is to get rid of osso-email. ;)03:30
NaviI _always_ get internal errors03:30
NaviI can't even launch modist03:31
GeneralAntillesModest hates Navi03:31
qwerty12_N800I can launch it fine, just craps out on me after a while03:31
qwerty12_N800send nitro report :p03:32
KotCzarnyNow, DNA is not like a computer programming language. It really isn't. But there are some whopping analogies. We can view each cell as a CPU, running its own kernel. Each cell has a copy of the entire kernel, but choses to activate only the relevant parts. Which modules or drivers it loads, so to speak.03:32
qwerty12_N800i'm keeping nitro, it even tells you process name that messed up03:32
lcddKotCzarny: fun article03:33
KotCzarnylcdd: yeah03:33
KotCzarnybiology that i can understand a little03:33
KotCzarnywell, more like genetics than biology03:34
lcddit's no wonder that some coders turn into bioinformaticians03:34
KotCzarnynow let's count cells in the body and laugh at quad cores03:34
EruditeHermitsignals are sent by currents and changes in membrane potential03:35
KotCzarnybootstrapping paragraph is funny03:36
KotCzarnyThe same holds for the genome. To create a new 'binary' of a specimen, a *living* copy is required. The genome needs an elaborate toolchain in order to deliver a living thing. The code itself is impotent. This toolchain is commonly called 'your parents'.03:37
qwerty12_N800jott, does bme daemon depend on anything else? I'm gonna try extract diablo one and insert it into chinook initfs03:40
jottqwerty12_N800: well it depends on dsme so you probably need to put that up too :/03:42
qwerty12_N800ok, thanks. i don't know why nokia put out half arsed initfs03:43
KotCzarnybecause it's not official yet?03:44
jottmaybe it wil work with the desktop flasher?!03:44
qwerty12_N800but it's meant to be tested as well, you may as well leave it out03:44
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qwerty12_N800night, i'm very tired03:48
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EruditeHermitGeneralAntilles: did you do the upgrade over SSH or from a terminal inside the tablet?04:03
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EruditeHermitdoes anyone know what hte default user password is on a fresh install?04:13
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fysaIron Man was enjoyable.04:31
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lcukKotCzarny, changing resolution and cpufreq changes in program, you can see exactly whats needed and even on powersave can find a resolution which scrolls well04:55
KotCzarnylcuk: is it bad or good?04:56
KotCzarnyand read the article i posted :)04:56
lcukive been in the shed04:57
LinuxCodehey lcuk ;-D04:57
lcukhi there LinuxCode04:57
KotCzarnyhere you are04:57
LinuxCodehey KotCzarny  ;-D04:57
LinuxCodehow you guys doing ?04:57
LinuxCodehavent been here for a bit again04:57
LinuxCodegot exams going atm04:57
lcukLinuxCode, im doing great, ive been invited by nokia to go to linuxtag and talk about my little nit04:58
* lcuk holds aloft his tiny thing and waits for a gps lock04:59
* lcuk gets tired04:59
LinuxCodelcuk, sweet04:59
LinuxCodegps lock04:59
lcukindeed it is, and ive been playing with some rendering code which flies04:59
LinuxCodethat sounds kind of familair04:59
LinuxCodeopenglea ?04:59
LinuxCodeor whatever its called ?04:59
lcukno, just a very basic graphics library that feels quick05:00
lcukand kot, its a good thing05:01
lcukbeing able to choose from the interface is a nice thing05:01
LinuxCodeI need to check for new appz soon05:01
LinuxCodeI had no time to pay any attention05:01
LinuxCodestill ahvent tested the fedora arm port either05:01
LinuxCodeUni eats ya life away05:02
LinuxCodeand brain cells05:02
LinuxCodegetting too old for that non-sense05:02
LinuxCode2 weeks and Im finished!05:02
LinuxCodeback to the real world!05:02
lcukwhat ya been studyin05:02
LinuxCodeBSc Computer Science05:03
LinuxCodewhat else05:03
KotCzarnybull sh*t cs ?05:03
LinuxCodebullshit cs05:03
LinuxCodetheory bollox05:03
LinuxCodeseriously...if I had done some of the things I handed in for work...05:03
LinuxCodein a real world work environment05:03
KotCzarnywell, if you wanted more practical way you should have gone to technology school05:03
LinuxCodeI would have gotten the sack05:03
KotCzarnyor whatever it's called05:03
EruditeHermitraped is what its called05:04
LinuxCodeKotCzarny, you need a degree in the UK05:04
LinuxCodetheres no way around it05:04
LinuxCode+ you get BCS accredited05:04
LinuxCodeBritish Computer Society05:05
lcukwhat do you need a degree for, i would look for competence05:05
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LinuxCodelcuk, true05:05
LinuxCodebut the Government is snobbish05:05
EruditeHermityou can't get any jobs without stuff to put on a resume05:05
EruditeHermitor CV05:05
LinuxCodeand some companies too05:05
LinuxCodemost go by what you can do!05:05
LinuxCodeEruditeHermit, yeh05:06
LinuxCodeits a bit of both worlds you need05:06
LinuxCodeplease the snobs and please the hackers05:06
EruditeHermityour competence is tested at the interview05:06
* unixSnob awaits someone to please him05:07
LinuxCodeEruditeHermit, thats more self-marketing skills05:08
LinuxCodehah! I was at a BCS meeting and a recruitment guy was there05:08
LinuxCodehe said...students think because they got a degree they will get a job05:08
LinuxCodeso funny05:08
LinuxCodethey expect they will get a job05:09
LinuxCodeso funny05:09
LinuxCodeI laughed when he said that05:09
lcukhave you got anywhere in mind05:09
LinuxCodesome people need a reality check05:09
LinuxCodelcuk, for work ?05:09
LinuxCodewell, I was asked to call that same recruitment guy when Im done05:09
LinuxCodebut havent had time yet to check elsewhere05:10
LinuxCodeget these exams out the way05:10
LinuxCodethen Ive been invited to attend ipics 200805:11
LinuxCodefully funded05:11
LinuxCodeso we will see05:11
LinuxCodelcuk, all I know is that I do not want to work with winblows05:11
LinuxCodethats all05:11
unixSnobLinuxCode: what part of the world are we talking about?05:12
unixSnobLinuxCode: I've got the same criteria.. no windows05:12
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LinuxCodethats what ya name implies lol05:13
LinuxCodenice nick by the way!05:13
unixSnobAlthough Windows still appears in every workplace darn near.. for collaboration.  But it's the dev environment that matters05:13
lcukand yours :)05:13
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LinuxCodehehe ta05:13
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lcukdepending upon what you end up wanting LinuxCode, you can still work with windows, just look for a sane multi platform solution and be ready for the change05:14
unixSnobMy last project became an effort to port a solaris app to windows.  I was disgusted.  It was a safety critical app too.05:14
LinuxCodelcuk, agreed05:14
LinuxCodeunixSnob, how ironic mate05:15
LinuxCodeHOW IRONIC!05:15
LinuxCodescada critical ?05:15
LinuxCodeor not that bad ?05:15
unixSnobIf you focus on the aerospace / defense industry, generally the target platform will be non-windows05:15
unixSnobNot sure what scada is.. I've seen that term in some of the british job listings i've been looking at05:16
unixSnobBecause my background is in Ada, Scada comes up in my searches :<05:16
lcukim heading back into the shed05:16
KotCzarnylcuk: read the article05:17
KotCzarnyit's fun05:17
unixSnobBTW, I think in the US if you have a degree, you get a job.  Not many CS majors sitting on the bench AFAIK05:18
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lcukholy crap dude, thats intense05:18
LinuxCodescada is critical infrastructure like nuclear powerplants, gas, water, etc..05:19
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LinuxCodeunixSnob, well....this is the UK05:19
LinuxCodeshortage of people...but they all want to not train people05:19
lcukyou would be surprised at how many companies need developers05:19
LinuxCodequite silly really05:19
LinuxCodethey want ready bred power clones05:20
LinuxCodethat know all to be known05:20
LinuxCodewith 99 years experience05:20
unixSnobwell students who can score internships have quite an advantage05:20
KotCzarnyyeah, 99 years of experience on technology 2 years old05:20
LinuxCodeget ya foot in the door05:20
LinuxCodeKotCzarny, exactly05:20
LinuxCodeid do an internship ...if I could do it at a place with my dream position05:21
unixSnobthe heading on my resume out of college was "new talent with experience".. got flooded with calls, and flown around the country to interviews05:21
LinuxCodeid live under a bridge if need be05:21
LinuxCodefor a year or so ;p05:21
unixSnobthe internship made a big difference, i believe05:21
LinuxCodeprobably did mate05:21
LinuxCode75% of employers want experience05:22
LinuxCodeand a 2.105:22
KotCzarnyisn't internship refunded for employers?05:22
KotCzarnyor something?05:22
LinuxCode2.2 with more experience is alos ok05:22
lcukthe other 25% know you through the social ladder05:22
LinuxCodelcuk, hehe05:22
unixSnobKotCzarny: not sure what you mean by refunded.05:22
KotCzarnyunixsnob: tax cuts etc ?05:23
KotCzarnyfor giving job to a freshman05:23
lcukseriously, smile sweetly at auty polly and she will have a word with frank who will speak to doris and your name will come up when a job needs doing05:23
unixSnobMy employer paid me 17 USD/hr on an internship, and AFAIK they didn't get that money back.. and it was quite a deal for them.05:23
unixSnobKotCzarny: I think there are enough built-in incentives that the employer doesn't need outside incentives05:24
unixSnobA lot of interns end up staying with their employers after they get the degree05:24
unixSnoband it's cheap labor until then05:24
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KotCzarny"One machine can do the work of fifty ordinary men. No machine can do the work of one extraordinary man."05:26
KotCzarny- Elbert Hubbard05:26
unixSnobOne of the advantages to bringing in interns is that interns often update the techniques - they bring more current ideas to the table, so the companies overall knowledge doesn't get out of date05:27
unixSnobdamn i hope that's not a brown recluse that just crawled onto my screen05:28
LinuxCodenice I just had a slug as present lol05:30
LinuxCodesilly cat05:30
LinuxCodeunixSnob, in the Uk they want you to adopt their companies philosophy05:31
LinuxCodewhich is why they want you in the 20's with a good degree and experience05:32
KotCzarnyand high hopes05:32
LinuxCodehaha yeh05:32
KotCzarnyand low maintenance05:32
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unixSnobLinuxCode: yeah, i've noticed that with some companies here.. pisses me off when the force old techniques on students who have been taught better ways05:32
infobotunixSnob meant: LinuxCode: yeah, i've noticed that with some companies here.. pisses me off when they force old techniques on students who have been taught better ways05:33
lcukbut those old techniques are important05:33
lcukyou cannot just throw out and replace entire code bases05:33
LinuxCodelcuk, agreed05:34
unixSnobStudents are taught about how to avoid mistakes that are being made in industry now, and then they forced to repeat the mistakes05:34
LinuxCodeI think the issue in the Uk is that they do stuff bit by bit in uni modules05:34
LinuxCodethey should do it once and properly05:34
LinuxCodebut that would lose them students05:34
lcukEVERY project starts off like that05:34
LinuxCodeas unis rely on student numbers for funding these days05:34
LinuxCodeif student fail or drop out after year one they are stuffed05:35
unixSnobUnless it's a more progressive company, like JPL05:35
LinuxCodethe disadvantages of university fee based systems05:35
LinuxCodeIn germany its sink or swim05:35
LinuxCodesimple as that05:35
lcukyou always want it to go well and smoothly, but people start to use and enjoy your code.  ANY full rewrite will change that.  once a user knows how to use a program they will continue to use it and only screw up when you change it05:35
unixSnobJPL recognizes that students have new ideas to offer, and they bring interns and entry levels in for that reason..05:36
KotCzarnyapi bondage05:36
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unixSnobLegacy products can really be improved.. and with very little effort.  Eg. I worked a project where variables are named like ASRTWGSF.  All of them.  It was fortran code converted to Ada.  I ran a sed script that made all the variables readable (after their meaning was discovered).  The code was much better after that.05:39
KotCzarny8 chars limit, mmm05:40
unixSnobThere was an old man on the team who knew what ASDFASDW meant, and I had to fight him on every change I made05:40
unixSnobyeah, no identifier exceeded 8 chars when I came to the project05:40
unixSnobbut Ada has no such limit.05:40
LinuxCodeunixSnob, lol05:41
KotCzarnycurrent fortran compilers neither05:41
LinuxCodebut butbut I like hierglyohic code05:41
LinuxCodeDNDIKJDSIODjhisdjsdjsdj = ksjdlsjdfspofjspofdsdf;05:41
KotCzarnythen reusing jk05:41
KotCzarnyusual fun trap for others05:42
unixSnobThe other thing is, all these variables were *globals*, publicly accessible by all the code in the system05:42
KotCzarnyglobals are fun05:42
unixSnobSo I encapsulated things, lowered the scope as much as possible.. and again, it pissed off the old man05:43
LinuxCodeglobals arent really an issue05:43
LinuxCodeinput/output is05:43
LinuxCodebut yeh05:43
unixSnobThe gray hair was not familiar w/ new techniques, or their benefits05:43
LinuxCodeglobals should still be avoided05:43
LinuxCodemakes debugging fun if you use the same var05:43
KotCzarnybug hunting too05:44
KotCzarnyi usually use tmp as a name for a variable that i reuse often05:44
KotCzarnyso i know no to hang on it too long05:44
lcukonly store single instance variables globally, if there is the slightest hint that you might use a certain named variable around, use it locally05:44
KotCzarnyhow about configuration flags?05:45
KotCzarnyprobably some function is better than global variable05:45
lcuksingle instance, option_turbo could be a global, but tmp wouldnt be05:45
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KotCzarnyyeah, i never use reusable variables as global05:45
KotCzarnyi keep trash tidy05:46
unixSnobMy main point is that most entry level candidates are bring advanced techniques to employers -- who often force them to do things the undisciplined sloppy way, and it's damaging to both the company and the employee.  I hate to see it happen, and it's very common05:48
KotCzarnyeverything has it's time and place05:48
KotCzarnythat's called experience05:48
unixSnobAn experienced, competent employer takes an approach like JPL.. embrace the new ideas05:49
KotCzarnyA typical mattress is home to 100,000 to 10 million dust mites.05:50
KotCzarnyIf that's not enough to gross you out, consider this: dead mites and their droppings constitute one-tenth of the weight of a two-year-old pillow. Oh, and what exactly do they eat? Dead human skin cells.05:50
KotCzarnyi can hardly believe05:50
unixSnobanyone here attempt to run the maemo sandbox within a branded Solaris linux zone?05:53
* unixSnob is bummed he missed the amazon deal for 10 Plextor DVD burners for $111 USD05:56
KotCzarnywhat's that?05:56
* KotCzarny skipped whole cd/dvd/bluray thing05:56
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midwintercan someone help me with a problem with Personal Menu?05:57
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pupnikI'd like a notebook with fold-out triple display06:11
lcukjust get an r2 unit and use your NIT as datasource06:12
KotCzarnymmm.. swiss cheese06:13
LinuxCodek guys06:16
LinuxCodetime for bed06:16
LinuxCodetalk to you all soon06:16
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lcukgnite folks, my bed is calling06:30
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Livingroomhay guys07:52
Livingroomwhen i do sfdisk /dev/mmcblk0 -uM07:52
Livingroomi get This disk is currently in use - repartitioning is probably a bad idea.07:52
Livingroomwhat should i do? i unmounted and unswapped it07:52
KotCzarnyprobably it's still mounted07:52
KotCzarnymount |grep mmc07:53
Livingroomdev/mmcblk0p1 on /media/mmc2 type vfat (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,uid=29999,fmask=0133,dmask=0000,codepage=cp437,iocharset=iso8859-1,shortname=mixed,utf8)07:53
KotCzarnyany further questions?07:53
Livingroomthats mmcp107:54
Livingroomi'm doing blk007:54
KotCzarnyand you are blind07:54
KotCzarnythat's partition 1 on disk 007:54
KotCzarnyand you try to partition disk 007:54
Livingroomo i c07:54
Livingroomhow do i unmount it then?07:55
KotCzarnyumount /media/mmc207:55
Livingroomo i c07:55
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Livingroomnow it's complaining about nothing being set bootable07:56
Livingroomaha! i repartitioned an SD07:56
Livingroomdoing the clone thingy07:57
KotCzarnydon't forget to leave a vfat partition, big or small doesn't matter07:58
Livingroomi left one ~500mb07:59
Livingroom2gb card gets 1.5gb to e2fs or whatever and then vfat is whatever is left07:59
KotCzarnyvfat must be first07:59
KotCzarnythen anything you want07:59
Livingroomi followed steps online07:59
Livingroomthese steps08:00
KotCzarnyi don't care about steps, as long vfat partition has a number 108:00
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Livingroomi love to rm -rf things08:02
KotCzarnyyou are going to format it08:03
Livingroomi had to rm-rf some stuff08:04
Livingroomone of the steps says to know how to reflash the device in the normal way, if this fails08:06
Livingroomi do not know how to reflash the device.08:06
Livingroomhmm, can it be reflashed with windows?08:07
Livingroomall the howtos say linux08:07
KotCzarnyfor windows you just use windows flasher instead linux one08:08
KotCzarnyand everything else stays the same as in linux version08:08
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Livingroomi cant seem to find the windows flasher08:10
KotCzarnyno comment08:11
Livingroomdont tell me i need cygwin or something08:12
GeneralAntillesNokia support site, Livingroom. . . .08:12
GeneralAntillesOr . . . google08:12
Livingroomgoogle isnt helping, tonight08:12
Livingroomgoogle wants to give me lots of info on how to flash08:12
Livingroomlike, camera flashes are on sale08:12
Livingroomflash memory prices are coming down08:12
Livingroomoh! and i can flash with linux, apparently08:12
GeneralAntillesYour google-fu is weak08:12
Livingroomso it IS the software "UPDATE"08:13
GeneralAntilles. . .08:13
Livingroomthere's a second release, i wonder if mine is updated to that08:15
GeneralAntillesYou can check in control panel08:16
GeneralAntillesN800s ship with OS200708:16
GeneralAntilles51-3 is only a NOLO update08:16
GeneralAntillesIf you're not having troubles booting, you don't need it.08:16
Livingroomah, but i've got it08:17
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Livingroommmkay so08:18
Livingroomflashing the inifts then08:18
Livingroomit seems to be working08:19
KotCzarnyno kidding?08:19
Livingroomyeah i know!08:20
Livingroomi never figured it'd work08:20
eworkhey guys08:20
eworkI attempted to do something which seem pretty straight forward and now my n770 keep rebooting, after about 30 sec each time08:21
eworkI tried to add another module to initfs and flashed just that08:21
KotCzarnyseems like you broke something08:22
eworkI bet a complete flash would fix it but I don't want to have to setup everything again08:22
KotCzarnyhard to tell what exactly08:22
eworkI tried to reflash from the original and no luck08:22
KotCzarnyhave you made initfs backup?08:22
eworkalso reflashed pretty much every thing but the root08:22
eworkwell I tried to flash the original initfs from the hacker edition (os2007) which I had other before with no luck08:23
KotCzarnythen you have made some changes to rootfs08:23
eworksorry other=on there08:23
eworkjust through normal use, not with flashing08:23
Livingroomhay antilles, that "NOLO" update, is that the same as "sardine" ?08:24
KotCzarnydoes 770 support disabling watchdog?08:24
eworkbut could that have some effect08:24
GeneralAntillesNo, Livingroom.08:24
GeneralAntillesSardine is equivalent to Debian unstable testing08:24
Livingroomi dont have that for sure afaik08:24
GeneralAntillesNOLO is NOkia LOader08:24
GeneralAntillesThe bootloader08:24
eworkis there anyway to not show the nokia logo and see the boot process, the equivolent of removing "quiet" and "splash" for ubuntu?08:25
Livingroomi c08:25
KotCzarnyework: probably08:25
eworkKotCzarny, thats what I figured there has to be a way to get a serial console, not sure how or how hard it will be08:26
KotCzarnyi'm sure there is a way to enable fbconsole08:27
KotCzarnythat would require custom kernel though08:27
KotCzarnyand maybe initfs changes08:27
eworkI was pretty impressed with myself getting my EVDO verizon usb720 working and got a little too brave trying to add a module to initfs08:27
KotCzarnyinitfs has a very little spare space08:28
KotCzarnyyou would have to throw some things out08:28
KotCzarnyyou don't have to add it to initfs..08:28
eworkwhats another weird thing08:28
KotCzarnyone from rootfs would work too08:28
eworkafter following the steps and adding a module it's size was almost cut in half08:29
eworkafter tar2jffs208:29
KotCzarnyi would bet on incompleteness then08:30
eworkKotCzarny, how would you go about adding a new module and having it load automaticlly then the device was connected?08:30
KotCzarnyework: /etc/rc2.d/ ?08:30
eworkKotCzarny, ?08:30
Livingroomsweet, so cloning clones /everything/ right?08:30
KotCzarnyework: as for working with initfs try peeking into fanoush work08:30
Livingroomalso, this thing never had me actually format the partition i created08:31
eworkKotCzarny, wouldn't flashing the original initfs fix things, because that didn't help08:31
KotCzarnyework: that's for future reference08:31
eworkah thanks08:31
KotCzarnyhe made some useful scripts to work with kernel/initfs08:32
KotCzarnyi have a n800 though08:32
eworkKotCzarny, I noticed I'm going to look through that and see where I can get08:33
eworkmight be back shortly :(08:33
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Livingroomsomething is wrong08:41
Livingroomit didnt ask me where i wanted to boot from08:41
KotCzarnyit's only available for custom initfs08:42
Livingroomi c08:42
Livingroomwhere is it booting from then?08:42
KotCzarnytwo words: fanoush initfs08:42
Livingroomfanoush initfs?08:42
Livingroomyeah, i installed it08:42
KotCzarnybut configured?08:42
KotCzarnyif anything else fails, read docs08:43
Livingroomi dunno i just followed the steps :(08:43
GeneralAntillesDid you read the readme?08:44
Livingroomwhich one, i read like 408:44
Livingroomthis one, in fact08:44
KotCzarnyafter unpacking initfs flasher there should be a readme i guess08:44
Livingroomyeah yeah08:45
Livingroomread that one08:45
Livingroomdid kinda skim it though08:45
KotCzarnywith understanding?08:45
Livingroomnot really with understanding08:48
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* qwerty12 upgrades scratchbox with diablo components08:49
KotCzarnyqwerty: i sense sbox reinstalling08:49
qwerty12Me too :p08:49
qwerty12But it sounds fun :D08:49
qwerty12at least I may get a proper desktop...08:50
Livingroomoh SWEET08:53
Livingroomi have the option now to boot08:53
Livingroomok so here's the problem08:53
Livingroommy options include the internal and the external mmc08:53
Livingroomand the external mmc is the one available by default ??08:53
eworkok so any idea how to use fanoush's boot menu when it's not already booted08:55
eworkhe doesn't seem to provide any initfs.jffs2 file08:55
KotCzarnyit's generated from your current initfs08:55
GeneralAntillesLivingroom, bootmenu.conf.n8x0.example08:55
eworkI think hopes of keeping my rootfs are lost, I guess its time to reflash everything08:56
qwerty12KotCzarny, reflash you say? ;). it's better than before :p08:56
KotCzarnyqwerty: i believe in you ;)08:57
qwerty12lol, I've even got nitro08:57
qwerty12I think it's really just libraries, apt and dpkg I need08:57
eworkis there a way to modify /mnt/initfs from the device?08:58
KotCzarnyework: not directly08:58
Livingroom*sigh* i'm lost08:59
eworkassuming I get it working after a complete FIASCO flash08:59
qwerty12no it's mounted read only, it only can be modified through the flasher08:59
KotCzarnyie. fanoush scripts use mtdtools08:59
Livingroomi dont know how to fix this problem08:59
eworkso maybe looking into his script there might be way08:59
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eworkfinally i see boot progress09:00
qwerty12Why does flasher damage the version info on my N800 all the time for no reason?09:01
eworkeverythings gone :(, but at least it's not dead :)09:01
qwerty12That bug really needs to get fixed.09:01
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Livingroomok, so09:02
Livingroomi haev the bootmenu but by default it's set to boot an mmc/partition that doesnt exsist09:02
Livingroomhow do i change that?09:02
KotCzarnydo it again09:02
* qwerty12 now goes on my quest to get battery info in bme working (thanks jott)09:03
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qwerty12Wow, I just tried flash-and-reboot, a lot faster than fanoush's tools. Flashing both only took a second.09:06
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KotCzarnybut does it allow you to configure boot menu?09:07
qwerty12Well, if you replace the image with one generated by bootmenu ;)09:08
KotCzarnyyeah, sure09:08
qwerty12Also, bootmenu is gonna be annoying in diablo due to ssu :/09:08
qwerty12my wifi just fubared on my N800, it won't find any connections.09:09
Livingroomi cannot find a  bootmenu.conf.n8x0.example09:09
qwerty12****. my n800 is reluctant to use any sort of connection :(09:13
Livingroomok i reflashed initfs and it's still trying to boot off the wrong partition09:15
eworkLivingroom, in my brief experience changing initfs is a bad idea09:20
eworkI gave up and just reflashed everything09:20
eworkwon't take long to get things working again, I have root and xterm already going09:21
Livingroomok, so i made a bootmenu.conf and it's still showing the wrong options09:23
Livingroomalso, i'm getting the message that a memory card is corrupted or unformatted.09:23
eworkLivingroom, is the memory card in fat?09:24
Livingroomi dont know what you mean09:24
eworkusing FAT formatting09:24
Livingroomi havent formatted it09:24
Livingroomi tried and it just says it's in use09:25
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eworkyou'd have to first do 'umount /media/mmc1' before you can do anything with it09:25
eworkI just asked because I formatted mine as ext2 so I had to make a few changes09:25
Livingroomstill says it's in use09:25
eworkmake sure you dont have any file windows open09:26
Livingroomwell, i'm in the file manager09:26
eworkyou could also just partition and format it on a linux desktop09:26
Livingroomdont have a linux desktop :(09:26
eworka live cd would have the tools you need09:26
eworkI think I remember seeing mention somewhere that for bootmenu to work well the card had to be in a linux format09:27
Livingroomit would, but i wouldnt know how to use them anyway09:27
eworksounds like your problem though is that it's default to the wrong boot choice09:27
Livingroomthats the main problem09:27
Livingroomit's trying to boot mmc209:27
eworkn770 or n800?09:28
Livingroomi even made a boot.conf thiny and included it09:28
eworkthe 770 doesn't have an mmc2 so I'm not sure what to do about that09:28
eworkis that the external memory card?09:28
eworkyou're trying to get it too boot the main flash instead?09:29
eworksorry no clue, I tried to make my own initfs and messed things up and finally just started all over again with the FIASCO image09:29
eworkthought maybe I could help you figure out why mmc2 wasn't booting09:30
Livingroomo i c09:30
* KotCzarny cloned to mmc on the first try09:30
Livingroomyeah mmc1 boots but i have to select it manually :(09:30
Livingroomwell i cloned but the bootmenu is messed up09:30
Livingroomwhenever i rerun initfs_flash, it doesnt change anything09:31
KotCzarnythen you are doing something wrong09:31
KotCzarnyread readme again09:31
Livingroomi did a chroot /mnt/initfs cal-tool --set-root-device ask:mmc209:34
Livingroomthen i did chroot /mnt/initfs cal-tool --set-root-device ask:mmc109:34
Livingroomwhen i said mmc1, it set to 'internal memory'09:34
qwerty12KotCzarny, I hacked into - it's where they store their pr0n :p09:34
KotCzarnyqwerty: any proof?09:34
qwerty12no :( :P09:35
Livingroomdamn damn damn damn damn09:38
qwerty12EruditeHermit, if you are still around, did you manage to flash to diablo?09:38
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qwerty12 - who wants to edit my status file :p09:45
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Livingroomhow can i see what devices are configured in initfs?09:48
Livingroomis there like a "boot.ini" type thing?09:48
KotCzarnysee /mnt/initfs/09:48
Livingroomdamnit damnit damnit!09:49
qwerty12you can see the linuxrc, and bootmenu.conf from /mnt/initfs like KotCzarny says09:49
Livingroomthe bootmenu.conf in /mnt/initfs/ has # infront of external thingies09:49
Livingroom#MENU_4_NAME="External MMC card, partition 2, ext3"09:49
KotCzarnythen you were editing wrong file all the time?09:49
qwerty12Livingroom, restore original initfs and reflash boot menu09:49
Livingroomkk reflashing09:51
Livingroomstock one is in there woot09:51
qwerty12Livingroom, if you made backup, initfs_flasher would have been able to restore it09:53
qwerty12Or you could have asked me and I would have extracted original one09:54
Livingroomson of a09:54
Livingroomi did make a backup09:54
Livingroomand when i restored it, the damn default config is booting the wrong selection.09:55
qwerty12did you make repeated backups (ie flashing it one time and making a backup again after)?09:55
Livingroomone backup original09:55
qwerty12that is weird then. if you have linux, you can extract original components from bin/fiasco image using flasher09:56
Livingroomaha aha aha aha aha aha!!!09:59
qwerty12aha aha aha aha aha aha aha aha aha aha aha aha!!! aha aha aha aha aha aha!!!aha aha aha aha aha aha!!!aha aha aha aha aha aha!!!09:59
Livingroomit's "immc2" not "mmc2"09:59
KotCzarnyis it?10:00
KotCzarnythat's my config10:00
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Livingroomi got it10:03
Livingroomthank you guys, so much.10:03
qwerty12Has anyone here edited initfs on computer? I'm gonna try now but it would be nice to ask someone for help incase I mess up10:03
eworkqwerty12, I tried to add a module using my ubuntu desktop10:04
eworkdidn't work10:04
qwerty12ah :/. Maybe I will get lucky hehe.10:04
eworkI'm not sure what happend but reflashing the original inits didn't fix it either, something with root got messed up10:04
eworkqwerty12, n800?10:05
eworkyou should better luck than I with a 770 using os2007he10:05
Livingroomwoot 2600mb free10:05
qwerty12wow, I'm now using bash instead of default sbox shell, much nicer.10:12
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Livingroomi'd love to use bash10:13
qwerty12You can do on a tablet10:13
Livingroomi'm just so happy i got the bootloader working10:13
Livingroomit's epic10:13
Livingroomthe next thing i need to accomplish10:13
qwerty12I once had it installed from www.nitapps.com10:13
qwerty12atm, I've got a lot of broken dev packages in my sbox :p10:14
qwerty12But at least I got personal menu to work :p10:14
qwerty12and I got the font :p10:14
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Livingroomhaha personal menu is hard to make work10:16
Livingroomi'd love to get dosbox with dos 6.2/win3.1 working, that would be epic10:16
qwerty12neva, it's quite simple imho10:16
Livingroomi'm stuck on 'cache file created successfully' when i apt-get install personal-menu10:18
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qwerty12ftd runs for a few seconds in scratchbox10:19
KotCzarnythere's no use of running ftd in sbox10:19
qwerty12I know, but it's fun :P :)10:20
KotCzarnybetter hack some software10:20
qwerty12Hehe, I'm not good enough. Saying that, I have released some good things...10:21
KotCzarnydarn. i need some music to help me concentrate.10:21
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KotCzarnylet's try 4 seasons10:25
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EruditeHermithey qwerty12 you there?10:42
Livingroomstandard shutdown -h will turn off the device, right?10:43
qwerty12EruditeHermit, yes10:43
EruditeHermitqwerty12: I seemingly flashed to diablo but I don't get the same screens as you10:43
qwerty12Livingroom, yes unless you have charger plugged in afaik10:44
qwerty12EruditeHermit, whats your version in about?10:44
EruditeHermitits still the old one10:44
EruditeHermit51-3 200710:44
qwerty12not done properly then10:44
Livingroomwhy does the charger give always-on? it's annoying10:44
EruditeHermitbut apt-get dist-upgrade doesn't upgrade any more packages10:44
timelyerr, flashed to diablo??10:44
* timely didn't think there were flashes for it10:44
qwerty12how come apt-get distupgrade was used?10:44
EruditeHermithow did you do it?10:45
EruditeHermitI am still unclear how you did it?10:45
qwerty12What i did has been basically summed up in this post :
qwerty12Also to quote my own words "10:45
qwerty12What I did to install was reflash and make the symlink from archives to my memory card. I then used DTA on the computer to download the packages (more reliable) and placed them in the archives folder.10:45
qwerty12I then just did apt-get install osso-software-version-rx34-unlocked and waited for it to install as it needed no dodgy downloading "10:45
EruditeHermitso I have some more stuff to do10:46
kulveis there a way to connect to known wlans even if I have active Internet connection through BT?10:46
kulveautomatically, that is10:46
KotCzarnyi don't think it supports multiple default routes..10:47
EruditeHermitqwerty12: I did a dist-upgrade10:47
qwerty12why? it wasn't needed at all.10:47
kulveKotCzarny: not multiple, I want it to disconnect the BT10:47
kulveotherwise it will drain my phone's battery too quickly10:47
timelyif people want to, i'll have dreamhost mirroring the repository10:48
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Stskeepswhat's the advantages/improvements in diablo again?10:50
EruditeHermitqwerty12: because I didn't see that metapackage in the posts10:50
EruditeHermitqwerty12: it got lost on me10:50
EruditeHermitqwerty12: did you ever get W: Conflicting distribution: diablo Release (expected diablo but got )10:50
EruditeHermit btw?10:50
qwerty12yes, I just disabled it but now I got a perfect working sources.list10:51
qwerty12I changed chinook to diablo and it works better than adding a line10:51
timelyStskeeps: if you wait long enough i''ll have a blog entry that explains what changed in the browser10:51
timelyit's a really really long list10:51
Livingroomwhen booting from MMC, is there any advantage to emptying the internal memory?10:52
timelywhich i expected to have weeks to write10:52
Livingroomi could apt-get uninstall everything10:52
EruditeHermitqwerty12: disabled what?10:52
EruditeHermitqwerty12: changed chinook to diablo where?10:52
qwerty12the conflicting distrobution line thing10:52
qwerty12in the sources.list file10:53
EruditeHermitoh, the only line I have is the diablo line10:53
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EruditeHermitqwerty12: I think its because I don't have the metapackage installed actually10:53
EruditeHermitI think it will fix itself very soon10:54
EruditeHermitit checks to see if it matches osso-software-version10:54
qwerty12|goneit's in the update repo. I have to go now for a bit :/10:54
EruditeHermitwhich I am installing now10:54
EruditeHermitit will all work in 5 mins10:54
EruditeHermitI figured it out10:54
qwerty12|gonegl with it :)10:54
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Livingroomwhen booting from MMC, is there any advantage to emptying the internal memory?10:56
Livingroomwell i have to bed now10:56
Livingroomnite all10:56
Livingroomty for help10:56
Livingroomgot everything worxing :)10:56
qwerty12|gonedoes tar have a touch option?10:58
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EruditeHermitqwerty12|gone: once done, I can reset lifeguard on11:01
qwerty12|goneYou should be able to, I haven't tried.11:02
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EruditeHermitsweet it worked11:03
EruditeHermitI have diablo11:04
qwerty12|gonewelcome to diablo :)11:05
qwerty12|goneTo finish off the job, run flash-and-reboot11:05
qwerty12|goneand delete the initfs image and run it again11:05
EruditeHermitflash and reboot?11:05
qwerty12|goneyes flash-and-reboot11:05
EruditeHermitwhat is that?11:05
qwerty12|gonea flasher for kernel and initfs. initfs is damaged so delete it but kernel works fine.11:06
EruditeHermitis that run from terminal?11:06
qwerty12|goneif you still have rd mode enabled, run sudo gainroot11:07
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EruditeHermitthese images are available: 2 images. Flash and remove them. The device will reboot y/N11:08
EruditeHermityou sure I remove these images?11:08
qwerty12|goneyou remove the initfs one.11:08
EruditeHermitit flashes the kernel to upgrade it and then removes it11:08
qwerty12|goneyou can flash the initfs if you want to damage the device11:08
EruditeHermitthere is one initfs and one zImage-diablo-20081611:09
qwerty12|gonerm the initfs file.11:09
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EruditeHermithow do I choose?11:09
qwerty12|goneyou dont, I said rm the initfs file.11:10
EruditeHermitphysically remove it11:10
EruditeHermitand then run it11:10
EruditeHermitgot you11:10
qwerty12|goneyeah :)11:10
EruditeHermitI ate too many retarded pills today11:10
qwerty12|goneno problems :), I'm tired from y/day :D11:11
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EruditeHermitso which kernel image should it now be11:12
qwerty12|goneyeah, version number stays the same but run uname -v and notice the difference ;)11:13
EruditeHermitapril 2311:13
EruditeHermitis it placebo11:14
EruditeHermitor is the ui much snappier11:14
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qwerty12|goneInteresting. diablo initfs is bigger by 0.5 MB. unfortunately this makes it too big to flash on N800 so I am cooking up custom initfs with bme so I can use ftd properly.11:20
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EruditeHermitdoes virtual memory max out at 12mb?11:20
EruditeHermitor can you set it to higher values11:21
qwerty12|goneI think via command line you can set higher but it may be risky11:21
EruditeHermitwhy risky?11:21
qwerty12|goneNo idea, I haven't tested it :P11:21
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forgeI think it somehow is fucked up, due to hardware or other stuff so that if you set it higher than norm it corrupts it and will cause huge problems11:24
forgeNo ? Why then :o11:25
KotCzarnymy idea is that device has 128megs of ram11:25
qwerty12|gonenew library in diablo initfs - libbb5. which confirms my voiced suspictions that the n800 is based on bb5.11:25
KotCzarnyso there was no point to have so much virt mem11:25
EruditeHermitwell its all flash memory11:26
EruditeHermitso it should be pretty fast11:26
KotCzarnywrites are slow11:26
KotCzarnyespecially to random sectors11:26
forgeBut why does it goes fubar if you set it higher than initial ram size11:26
KotCzarnydoes it?11:26
forgeIt does on 770 at least11:26
KotCzarny770 had kernel corruption11:27
KotCzarnyin driver11:27
KotCzarnyfixed since then11:27
* qwerty12|gone is trying out cooked up initfs11:27
KotCzarnyforge: i think it was wlan related mmc corruption11:28
forgeBut 770 also has problems if you set virtual ram over 64mb11:28
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EruditeHermitit keeps saying my mmc is corrupted now11:29
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forgeAnd it hasn't been fixed, and the only thing i suspect is some hw related issue11:29
KotCzarnyforge: it was fixed11:29
KotCzarnyThanks should go to Tilman Vogel for detailed analysis of this bug, to Siarhei Siamashka (a.k.a. Serge here) for discovering and fixing it and to others who helped.11:30
qwerty12|gonebollox. 2160384 is too big. How shit is the initfs partition?11:30
KotCzarnyqwerty: maybe diablo changes mtd layout11:30
KotCzarnyie. proper diablo installer11:30
qwerty12|goneBut from what I understand, SSU calls flash-and-reboot. Maybe wimax tablet has bigger initfs?11:31
forgeKot, and youre sure that that issue is related to virtual ram size ?11:31
qwerty12|goneI wonder what libb5 does too.11:31
KotCzarnyforge: it's related to mmc11:31
forgeOh right right mehmuu11:31
KotCzarnyso it's related to anything that uses it11:31
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KotCzarnyi think it's fixed in he11:34
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forgeYeah in the latest should be11:36
forgeCan't remember if it's fixed in the latest 200611:36
KotCzarnyprobably not11:37
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KotCzarnybecause thread is from 2007-1111:37
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qwerty12I fubared initfs, tablet shuts down. Probably missing libs, I'll try again.11:49
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qwerty12Why does this happen:11:53
qwerty12"Sending initfs image (2061 kB)...11:53
qwerty12Write failed after 0 bytes11:53
qwerty12usb_bulk_write: Resource temporarily unavailable11:53
qwerty12Fixed. Thank you 0xffff maker.11:56
qwerty12Hmm, 2MB is max for initfs.12:00
qwerty12test server is not needed afaik?12:03
KotCzarnysee fanoush init flasher for a list of redundant parts12:03
qwerty12ok, will do thanks :). I'm gonna try stripping diablo initfs down :/12:04
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Stskeepsdoes this point towards diablo being n810+ only or?12:06
qwerty12is N810 initfs size bigger?12:07
qwerty12the wimax one will probably be.12:07
qwerty12Man, I wish fanoush joined this channel.12:08
KotCzarnyhe doesn't do irc12:08
KotCzarnycatch him on itt or email12:08
qwerty12Yeah :)12:08
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qwerty12w00t, 1.8MB initfs image :)12:10
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KotCzarnyi'm off to sleep12:11
qwerty12Night :)12:11
EruditeHermitqwerty12: I want to know which theme the orange theme in the demos is12:11
qwerty12I dunno what theme it is :/12:12
qwerty12I didn't watch it12:12
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qwerty12I'm sending a nitro core dump of testserver crashing :P12:18
qwerty12ooh, nokia are gonna hate me12:19
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RST38hqwerty: so is it ready for consumption? does agps work? =)12:29
qwerty12RST38h, N800 here :). I don't have gps.12:29
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qwerty12They really need to fix the initfs though. I went a made a copy that fits but dsme keeps rebooting the tablet at boot.12:30
qwerty12RST38h, tried installing the gps* stuff in chinook?12:32
RST38hI am afraid to screw my device installing this stuff...12:37
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RST38hMainly doing app programming so if the device dies even temporarily, I wont be able to release on time12:38
qwerty12Yeah, not worth it then. :)12:38
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K-Foxi dont know to uninstall xmms cleanly13:58
K-Foxmy xmms appl have some problem13:59
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K-Foxkorea font break in xmms15:27
K-Foxi did install korea font15:30
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johnxK-Fox, xmms uses different fonts15:48
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K-Foxdifferent fonts?15:52
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johnxK-Fox, or it might just not support UTF-815:55
johnxkpel, hi15:55
kpelhas anybody noticed thta recently the weather applet stopped showing the weather although it receives weather updates?15:56
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kpelany solutions?15:56
johnxthe author is on vacation, but someone found a fix15:56
johnxlook on the garage page for omweather15:56
kpelok thanks15:57
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WormFoodkpel, yes...even after I updated it16:10
WormFoodno doubt the site they pull weather from changed16:11
WormFoodI haven't had it working in a week or so16:11
kpelsame here16:11
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aquatixworks here16:11
aquatixhad to reboot my tablet though16:12
aquatixafter copying that .so16:12
aquatixohterwise it wouldn't work still16:12
qwerty12_N800What's the echo command to enable dsp?16:13
johnxqwerty12_N800, troubles with el diablo?16:14
qwerty12_N800no, just playing music is making my cpu full16:14
johnxwait, so you mean in mplayer? it's enabled by default for the built-in media player of course...16:15
lcukdoes anyone know how i install the dev packages for freetype?16:15
johnxin scratchbox?16:15
lcukno, on device16:15
qwerty12_N800Nah,there was an echo command and it worked because cpu went down16:16
lcukqwerty cpu goes up and down all the flipping time, try fixing it to either low or high to get a good stable test16:16
qwerty12_N800lcuk, browse the repo manually and install freetype-dev armel package16:17
qwerty12_N800hehe, but i'm sure it worked16:17
lcukok, ill simplify it, ive tried this, but it came up with nothing: apt-cache | grep freetype     was i trying right or did i do something wrong?16:17
johnxlcuk, do you have the sdk repositories enabled on your tablet? (ie other -dev packages are available?)16:18
lcukyer, ive got gcc and x11 and even sdl16:18
lcukand maketools or whatever they are16:18
lcuki just cant find the name of the freetype dev pack16:18
johnxapt-cache search libxft-dev16:19
qwerty12_N800any initfs hackers around?16:19
lcukgotcha! thanks john16:19
johnxqwerty12_N800, for certain values of "hacker"? what do you need?16:19
lcuk:)i knew it was apt-cache but didnt know correct syntax16:20
johnxah, <booming voice>now you know!</voice>16:20
qwerty12_N800Just someone to fix the diablo initfs to run on n800. I ripped out the crap to shrink the size down so it boots but it reboots.16:21
johnxit's not small enough to flash as shipped?16:21
lcukwhats the easiest way to get more room on the base FS, aren't there tonnes of docs for multiple countries somewhere on it?16:21
* johnx is still reading through the tread16:21
qwerty12_N800hell no, i nearly killed my n800 trying16:22
johnxlcuk, under /home/user/MyDocs16:22
johnxqwerty12_N800, I'll flash diablo as soon as my backup finishes :)16:22
qwerty12_N800It has stuff for the wimax stuff in it now16:22
johnxI'm in the mood for trouble :D16:22
qwerty12_N800Cool :)16:22
qwerty12_N800Remember to flash new kernel, ftd works better with it16:22
johnxah, but not the new initfs?16:23
qwerty12_N800It wont fit :(16:23
johnxn/m, I'll RTFT (thread)16:23
forgeThe story of my life, it's always too big!16:23
forgeI bet qwerty is having the same problems ...16:23
qwerty12_N800sigh... :p, lmao16:23
forgeWhat, it was funny now wasn't it :D16:24
qwerty12_N800yes lol :D16:24
forgeI have my moments <316:24
lcukthere are files inside: /home/user/MyDocs/.documents/Maps    are they the built in map, or are they from me installing maemo-mapper at some time?16:24
qwerty12_N800lol, brb, trying suspend16:25
RST38hmaemo mapper16:25
lcukthx :)16:25
* qwerty12_N800 needs to modify chinook initfs image with some diablo stuff...16:27
RST38hln -s MyDocs to mmc16:27
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qwerty12_N800diablo seems to have official ipv6 support. in chinook, i wwas using custom kernel with a few programs. But you need diablo initfs modules so i'm putting diablo ipv6 modules into chinook image.16:29
johnxah! I know where to get clues for what to take out of initfs :)16:30
johnxlook at fanoush's boot menu stuff16:30
johnxit cleans out enough room for a telnet daemon and an ssh daemon16:30
qwerty12_N800Been there, that's what i removed :)16:30
qwerty12_N800I posted a cleaned out diablo initfs16:30
johnxstill too big though?16:30
forgeStill too big ? :o16:30
qwerty12_N800But you flash it - reboot loop at initfs time16:31
qwerty12_N800you cant flash it16:31
forgeAah yes16:31
qwerty12_N800forge, happens a lot to you? :p16:31
johnxah, if you use fanoush's fb_update_manual trick you can at least see what's happening16:31
johnxfb_update_mode auto, rather16:32
qwerty12_N800it does it before rootfs is mounted16:32
johnxstick that stuff in initfs16:32
qwerty12_N800even before the rd mode output16:32
forgeQwerty, yes but now i was talking about the initfs :D16:32
johnxI'll have to look :/16:33
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qwerty12_N800johnx, i'm away from computer, any chance of addib16:33
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qwerty12_N800adding fb mode to my ripped initfs?16:33
johnxI haven't even flashed diablo yet16:34
qwerty12_N800sorry, hildon input method shortcuts...16:34
johnxgimme a couple minutes O_o16:34
qwerty12_N800johnx, that image was modified through computer16:34
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qwerty12_N800i think it's easy to add, add the lines to insmod and switch in linuxrc16:35
qwerty12_N800I'm gonna work on a modified chinook initfs.16:36
johnxok, you do that16:36
johnxI'll start with the diablo one and see where I get16:36
johnxif we split up we can do more damage!16:36
K-Foxi have some error in xmms. i want to uninstall cleanly xmms16:36
johnxK-Fox, apt-get remove xmms16:37
K-Foxapt-get remove xmms <-- this command is not clean16:37
johnxwhy isn't it clean?16:37
qwerty12_N800xmms* because a lot of stuff is bundled16:37
johnxok, then I don't know16:38
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K-Foxtime display of xmms remain16:38
K-Fox0:00 <--- here dont move16:38
qwerty12_N800set esd as sound output16:39
qwerty12_N800esound. check xmms settings.16:40
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lcuk:D w000t, i can compile full liqbase directly on the device :)16:41
qwerty12_N800:), it will look good at ltag :)16:41
lcukwhen compiling, the main files written are in the actual src folder on external mmc1 arent they (ie, i dont have to worry about writing to the internal fs breaking the card)16:42
* qwerty12_N800 wants diablo initfs's bme so he can try batt info in ftd16:42
johnxlcuk, your source tree is on mmc1, correct?16:42
K-Foxlcuk/ wow thank you~~16:43
K-Foxit's good16:43
lcukqwerty12_N800, yes john16:44
lcukdamn forgot to clear16:44
johnxthen everything should be fine16:44
lcukexcellent :D16:44
lcukand compile speed isnt that bad either, now all i need is a smooth scrolling editor to jump around my code.  i wonder where i can get a smooth scrolling text view from... ;)16:45
johnxthe only directories that it would be acceptable to write to for a program during compile are the current directory and stuff below it and *maybe* /tmp or /var/tmp16:45
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johnxand /tmp is in RAM so that's not a problem16:45
lcukmmc1 is FAT, is it allowed to ummm symlink tmp to a folder on mmc1?16:45
lcukahhh right16:46
K-Foxqwerty12_N800/ thank you ~~ wow  after checking esound of xmms  , display of time is normal16:46
johnxyour symlink can *point* to a FAT fs16:46
lcukqwerty12_N800, yes it will be good for ltag16:46
johnxbut a symlink can't *exist* on a FAT fs16:46
lcukmakes sense16:46
lcukim mega pleased now, ill test compile speed using vmware and directly using device for a comparison16:47
qwerty12_N800what about with a real linux instead :p16:48
lcuki havent got one ready with sb on it16:48
lcuki have a feeling all compilation work will be on device from now on16:48
qwerty12_N800i have a feeling my sbox is messed up16:49
qwerty12_N800I tried to install diablo components16:49
qwerty12_N800It actually works alright but apt is whining16:50
qwerty12_N800it looks cool though:
johnxqwerty12_N800, interesting16:52
johnxit looks like more of a desktop now :)16:52
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johnxhopefully that means good things for source licensing16:52
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qwerty12_N800yeah :)16:53
johnxbuenos dia16:53
qwerty12_N800I saw a source package called wlancond but i think it's fake lol16:53
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lcukhmmmm 7 seconds in vmware, 5 mins on device.   but over 4 minutes was spent on a monster module which creates brushes at runtime via varargs (over 2000 parameters in some functions)16:55
* johnx waits impatiently for his backup to finish...taps fingers16:56
qwerty12_N800johnx, rsync?16:56
johnxrsync over ssh16:57
qwerty12_N800ah. i just use 0xffff and mtd-utils :/16:57
johnxsuppose I could do that16:57
johnxIt's handier to have a directory structure for me though16:57
johnxeasier to get things back16:57
qwerty12_N800yeah, I just prefer flashing though :)16:58
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qwerty12_N800I'm such a numbnuts, before, i flashed os2007 initfs when running diablo.16:58
johnxO_o ?!16:59
johnxso the initfs might work?16:59
qwerty12_N800I thought it was 2008 one :p16:59
qwerty12_N800which one?16:59
johnxthe diablo one?16:59
qwerty12_N800I cant get it to work. I ripped out files using fanoush's list and it flashes and i get reboot loop17:00
lcukok, compiling 3 files which get changed often takes 9 seconds on device :)   (<1sec on vmware)   that is acceptable17:00
qwerty12_N800The os2007 initfs worked,except for wifi and usb ;p17:01
johnxalmost everything is in the kernel17:01
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johnxa compressed rootfs is a funny thing. after rsync, my tablet's / takes up 273MB and climbing as the backup continues... :)17:04
johnxNavi, eh?17:04
NaviI'm too lazy to do anything to my N80017:04
johnxoh noes!17:04
NaviI reflashed it again and I don't have the will to set it up17:04
K-Foxn900 is atop cpu?17:04
Naviso it's just a paperweight.17:04
K-Foxatom cpu17:04
johnxNavi, then dance con el diablo :)17:05
Naviwasn't impressed17:05
johnxlots of breakage?17:05
Navimicrob-engine was old and modest didn't work17:05
johnxI want that new apt so I can start getting aptitude compiled17:07
NaviI broke the browser and removed a huge chunk of files trying to replace modest17:07
Navifiles I couldn't get back, btw17:07
qwerty12_N800i'm trying synaptic later17:07
johnxsynaptic will be a pain with the huge fonts and the smallish screen17:08
Naviso I reflashed to Chinook and now it's sitting on my desk powered off since the reflash17:08
johnxit *just* fits in debian17:08
lcukif i move fs onto mmc will it speed it up?17:08
johnxlcuk, move what onto sd?17:08
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johnxdidn't read17:08
lcukbase /17:08
Navithe flash in the N800 is slow17:08
qwerty12_N800aptitude is ncurses, w.out kbd, ncurses apps are weird17:08
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lcukyer i heard, but does it have a class rating17:09
johnxlcuk, for write and/or read intensive stuff, yes17:09
NaviClass ratings are for SDHC cards17:09
lcukexactly, if i get a class 4 device will it be faster than the internal17:09
lcukor do i need class 6 for speed up17:09
johnxqwerty12_N800, it's mainly for getting yourself out of bad situations so if it only works over ssh that's ok with me17:10
qwerty12_N800I don't really feel like going to the computer much17:11
johnxwell, usb keyboard will work too17:12
johnxyou have an n810, yes?17:12
qwerty12_N800me? no, i have n800.17:13
johnxfor some reason I thought you had both17:13
* johnx must be confused17:14
* lcuk is confused most of the tim17:14
johnxI love arping17:14
johnxlaziest way ever to look up MAC addresses17:14
* qwerty12_N800 wants 810 wimax for bigger initfs partition17:14
johnxqwerty12_N800, you can load initfs over the flasher, right?17:15
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lcuki only want an ide now :)17:15
qwerty12_N800I think so, i kept flashing though17:15
johnxmaybe this is a development initfs that has extra debugging and isn't meant to be flashed17:15
qwerty12_N800what about the kernel though?17:16
lcukoptimization is the final stage17:16
johnxload both "over the wire"17:16
lcukis it easy to reformat my external mmc?17:17
qwerty12_N800file manager can do it17:17
lcuko rly17:17
qwerty12_N800ya rly17:18
lcukbut what fs does it give17:18
johnx16 for <2GB, 32 for >2GB17:19
lcukwell thats not exactly what i need :P17:19
lcukhow do i format using the same fs as /17:19
qwerty12_N800oh,you need it ext2 for exec?17:19
johnxyou don't17:19
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johnxuse ext2 or ext317:19
qwerty12_N800/ is jffs2, u dont want that17:19
lcukok why not?17:20
johnxit's for raw NAND devices only17:20
qwerty12_N800jffs2 is compressed, it's meant for flash devices17:20
johnxthe N800 can only see the mmc card as a block device (like a hd)17:20
johnxand it doesn't matter whether you want it or not: you can't have it. :)17:21
lcukahhh ok, then how do i do ext2?17:21
johnxmkfs.ext2 -m5 /dev/mmcblk0p1 (will leave 5% reserved for root, or -m0 for no reserved space)17:21
johnx5% is the default17:21
qwerty12_N800if you want it to be ext2, follow the many cloneing guides17:21
qwerty12_N800minus the clone process17:21
lcuki tried following one of the cloning guides but was geared towards 800 with different mmcblk layouts and i didnt want to format the wrong one17:22
johnxaaah... is your card partitioned?17:22
lcukit is now - as fat17:22
johnxerrr...but just one big FAT partition?17:22
lcuki stopped when my settings were different to the listed ones17:22
johnxthe p1 part means 1st partition, and you only have one :)17:23
johnx/dev/mmcblk0p1 mounts on /media/mmc217:23
lcukmmc is built in card on 81017:23
johnx/dev/mmc1blk1 mounts on /media/mmc117:23
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johnxyou can see for yourself with "mount"17:24
qwerty12_N800mmc1  is the external removable card in 810 afaik17:24
lcukyer it is17:24
lcukits a shame i cant just format directly the /media/mmc2 device without havign to identify the mmcblk related17:26
johnxnah, it's not17:26
johnxit's better this way for complicated reasons :)17:26
qwerty12_N800linux works in devices for "low" level stuff, not mount points17:26
lcukwell i would feel comfotable working with what i read and see and use.  like on windows, i format c drive i dont care where on the ide bus it is17:27
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johnxIt's *really, really* nice that you can have any arbitrary block device make up any part of the file system17:27
johnxafter you get comfortable with the disconnect you'll probably like it too17:27
qwerty12_N800to anyone using diablo, have they tried sp-oops-extract?17:28
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johnxlcuk, that disconnect between device and mount point is what makes booting from SD a completely "hack-less" process. Nokia didn't have to do any extra work to make it behave.17:29
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qwerty12_N800sp-oops-extract: "Description: A tool for extracting OOPS/panic logs. this small tool allows the extraction of OOPS and panic logs from selected mtd device"17:31
lcukok johnx where can i list which mmcblks there are and things like capacity17:33
johnxmount lists what device is on which mountpoint17:33
johnxdf -h lists the capacity and usage of mounted filesystems17:33
johnxif we *had* fdisk you could use fdisk -l to list the capacity of unmounted filesystems17:33
lcukits ok, the df command gives me the info i need :) thanks17:34
qwerty12_N800johnx, you know you want to compile  :p17:34
lcuk/dev/mmcblk1p1          966.8M      4.0k    966.8M   0% /media/mmc117:34
johnxyup, looks like your external card17:34
jaska /proc/partitions might help17:35
lcukyer ive got the full list, i havent seen anything which relates them before17:35
johnxah, *smacks forhead*17:35
johnxjaska is right of course :)17:35
qwerty12_N800anyone know the svn locations of the maemo versions of apt & dpkg?17:43
johnxare they different from mainline debian? O_o17:44
qwerty12_N800I dunno,I just want to be  sure  :)17:45
qwerty12_N800apt version is something like maemo1 though17:45
johnxwell, they have to have source up, but it might not be in's probably a really simple patch or something17:45
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* qwerty12 is now getting down to some initfs hacking muhahahahahz17:51
* johnx updates to diablo17:51
johnxI'm going to try booting the diablo initrd without flashing it or the kernel to see if it even works at this point17:52
johnxthe joke would be on us if it's just broken this weak :)17:52
infobotjohnx meant: the joke would be on us if it's just broken this week :)17:52
qwerty12lol :D17:52
qwerty12johnx, which one? the original or my ripped one?17:52
johnxthe original17:53
qwerty12Ah :)17:53
t_s_oheh, its like watching kids in a candy store after closing17:53
johnxt_s_o, you're just jealous :)17:53
t_s_omore likely careful. i did one to many reflashes of my 770 before it went wsod...17:54
* qwerty12 has flashed diablo 4 times already17:54
johnxI don't think there's any known WSOD problem with the n8x017:54
johnxand I know people have flashed more than me...17:54
johnxso I'm not too worried17:54
qwerty12me for instance...17:54
johnxwasn't gonna say it :D17:55
qwerty12lol :D17:55
johnxI've flashed my poor zauruses quite a bit as well17:55
qwerty12I've flashed my phone so much times that the battery cover is loose now :/17:55
t_s_olets just say i want to have a N800 i can use without having to reflash ever so often ;)17:56
* johnx romps through the candy store...*nom, nom, nom*17:57
acydlordanyone know the specs on the keyboard backlight leds? i'm getting bored of the blue17:57
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qwerty12I still wish this guy had put up his source somewhere:
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qwerty12Ok, I think I found apt source:
johnxgreat, just got an I/O error downloading .debs to my SD card O_o18:01
johnxah, good18:01
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qwerty12johnx, are you using high speed kernel?18:02
johnxfresh reflash to os2008 51-318:02
qwerty12Give it an fsck and try again. my old card did that.18:02
johnxfscking card now18:02
johnxthis is my "debian dev" card18:02
qwerty12Or download the packages via computer, it's what I did and it works great.18:02
johnxso it sees lots of writes and big compiles18:03
johnxit might just be dying :(18:03
qwerty12Anyone know the svn link for this: ?18:03
qwerty12forget it, it works.18:04
qwerty12Here is dpkg source - . Arent I resourceful ^-^18:05
Jaffaaf'noon, all18:05
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qwerty12Ok, I've compiled apt. How do I install it, make install doesn't work.18:10
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johnxyou compiled on the tablet?18:11
qwerty12in scratchbox, I need the new headers etc18:12
johnxnormally you'd package a .deb of it18:12
qwerty12ah, ok thanks.18:12
johnxso dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot18:12
qwerty12Thanks :)18:12
johnxsure, call it enlightened self interest :)18:12
qwerty12hehe :). I like SSU, it means I have copy of original debs if things mess up18:13
johnxyes, that will be very nice for people I think18:13
johnxit would also be cool to keep that one package that marks all the right versions of default stuff18:13
qwerty12the osso-software-version thing?18:14
johnxtell people: "you have problems?" run apt-get -f install osso-software-version-default or whatever18:14
johnxand get them back to nokia versions18:14
qwerty12I wonder what unlocked means? :/. Is Marius Vollmer on here?18:14
qwerty12Yeah :)18:14
johnxunlocked? maybe it doesn't accept updates by default?18:15
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johnxmaybe there's an opt-in?18:15
johnxor maybe it's really a phone!18:15
qwerty12Yeah, probably. There is an package without the locked but no one has tried it.18:15
Stskeepslock in to wimax? :P18:15
qwerty12Lol :P :)18:15
qwerty12I need to get round to making that chinook initfs with the diablo ipv6 modules18:16
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johnxok, no more I/O errors, so hopefully this will all  automagically "just work"18:16
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* qwerty12 has just installed my apt compiled pkgs. Now to do dpkg.18:20
forgeIt is doomed to fail18:21
qwerty12Why? It's not big enough? :p18:21
forgeYoure too hung on the big issue now18:22
qwerty12Of course18:22
forgeBigger isn't always better!18:22
qwerty12Lol, anyway, so why do you think it will fail? my scratchbox is already messed up18:22
forgeIt's how you use the space you have that makes or breaks it!18:22
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forgeJust spouting random words out of boredom18:23
qwerty12oh lol18:23
johnxbigger is always better:
forgeAnd imaging 9xx series tablet with proper hw etc :/18:23
forgeOr a better UI than what nokia is providing now18:24
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forgeWaiting eagerly for someone to port mobile ubuntu on 770 :o18:25
qwerty12now now, N8*0 before 770 ;) :P18:25
johnxso what are you looking for from ubuntu?18:25
forgeThe ui is more thumb friendly than what were using now18:26
johnxit also requires 512MB of RAM :)18:26
forgeSo they say but i could imagine one would get it to run with less if they tried :o18:27
Jaffa...and a h/w accelerated GPU18:27
johnxforge, sure, 448MB of swap would work too18:27
lcukmm hardware accelerated gpu18:27
forgeThat would be nice ... even on OS2008 :o18:28
NullM0dem                                                              armedslack would rock18:29
johnxthat being said, many of the other apps made for hildon for ubuntu mobile will be prime recompile candidates, once they're actually stable18:29
NullM0demsorry dont know what that was18:29
johnxthe revenge of whitespace :)18:29
NullM0demfell alseep on my keyboard at work18:29
lcuknullmodem has line noise18:29
johnxarmedslack would be pretty trivially easy if you borrowed bits from debian18:29
NullM0demThats what i was thinking18:30
johnxand using the console on an n800 with USB keyboard is just fun :)18:30
NullM0demi like working with .tgz over apt  the space saving would be immense18:30
qwerty12johnx, forget aptitude, dselect compiles with dpkg package :P. w00t! :P18:31
NullM0demtrue, I have the n81018:31
johnxgah, dselect O_o18:31
johnxNullM0dem, so what's a "base" install for armedslack?18:31
NullM0demi think around 30018:31
johnxah, so you do save ~30MB vs Debian I guess18:32
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NullM0demnot that it is critical18:32
johnxyeah, I'd pay 30MB for apt updates and installs any day18:33
NullM0demi have used slackware for almost 8 years, im used to it18:33
tank-manwhats this armedslack?18:34
johnxto each his own :)18:34
NullM0demslackware for ARM18:34
* johnx has been using Debian and/or Ubuntu for close to 1018:34
NullM0demive used debian based system for about 318:34
johnxwith any luck we can factor out the modifications into a nice distro agnostic sh script18:34
johnxthat would pretty much be the best of both worlds18:34
NullM0demi cannot imagine ubuntu on my n810...18:36
johnxthink Debian, but with different package versions18:36
johnxnow ubuntu + a full gnome desktop would be a little crazy18:37
NullM0demiv'e tried, i stil cant shake that 512 meg requirement18:37
johnxbut no more crazy than debian + a full gnome desktop18:37
johnxaaah...512MB for the ubuntu mobile UI?18:37
johnxyeah, that's pretty steep18:38
johnxthat's just not in the cards I think18:38
NullM0demI have intstalled slack / debian with X on machines with 64 megs f ram18:38
johnxme too18:38
johnxit's on my zaurus18:38
NullM0demIv'e always wanted a zaurus but opted for the n81018:39
johnxthe CPU in the n8x0 is loads faster18:39
johnxbut the newest zaurus had a fantastic d-pad18:39
johnxI'm glad to have both :)18:39
johnxfantastic d-pad and keyboard18:40
qwerty12to me, zaurus's look more cool. But I've never tried one.18:40
NullM0demI liked the mini laptop version c3000 i think it was18:40
johnxyeah, I have a C1000 (C3000 minus the micro drive)18:40
NullM0demim tempted by the lifebook U series as well18:40
MangoFusionthat looked a bit crazy. couldn't imagine typing on that ;)18:40
johnxsmall x86 systems do nothing for me O_o18:40
johnxMangoFusion, the zaurus?18:40
MangoFusionyes the clamshell one18:41
lcukunless something drastic changes now i think ill have this nokia for a long while18:41
johnxyou can thumb type or type with index and middle fingers18:41
MangoFusionthough it looked cool in any case18:41
lcukbut whatever i get will have to have linux on it :)18:42
NullM0demI would run scratchbox on the fujitsu U810 to compile apps for my nokia n810...18:42
johnxthe best thing ever would be N800 hardware wedged in a zaurus case with zaurus keyboard and n800 screen :)18:42
qwerty12What about N810 screen instead...18:43
johnxthat would be nice18:43
qwerty12I find it *really* hard to see my N800 in sunlight :/18:43
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johnxme too18:43
johnxit's actually worse than my zaurus I think18:43
lcuki think im moving to fulltime compilation on 810.  scratchbox within vmware feels like a cludge, i can use the editors within windows and a putty terminal and its all good18:44
qwerty12johnx, it's worse than my 176x144 phone :/18:44
johnxlcuk, which is funny, cause I'm trying to move away from native compilation to *anything* else18:44
johnxqwerty12, phones are *designed* to be used outside almost all the time...18:44
qwerty12True but a proper screen would have still been nice. My PPC had a nicer screen.18:45
lcukbut for my own programs i know im in control of what happens, and depending on the file im compiling i can be running app within a couple of seconds, it saves a whole bunch of copying and moving to get it running18:45
johnxI want a zaurus 6000 to play with :(18:45
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johnxlcuk, oh definitely. no argument here. we just have opposite use cases and both initially took the path of least resistance18:46
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lcukyer, i prefer not to build other peoples programs and will enjoy lounging on the beach coding next week :)18:47
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lcuki think my amiga used to take longer to compile and build18:48
johnxI'm glad that I was wrong :)18:49
lcukwrong about?18:49
johnxnative compiling being a bad idea for you18:49
lcukyer, its deffo not.  i just have to be careful not to build monster source and im ok18:50
johnxqwerty12, did you at any point end up with two panels running during apt-get install osso-diablo-whatever18:51
qwerty12yes, it goes after reboot18:51
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johnxI should take a screenshot18:51
johnx"why diablo is twice as good as chinook!" :)18:52
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lcukjohnx, this module kills compilating (takes 4 minutes) everything else is done in a couple of seconds18:53
NullM0demis diablo a new environment for the NIT ?18:53
lcukyer, son of chinook18:54
johnxbasically a point release of OS200818:54
johnxmaemo 4.118:54
johnxOS2008 "feature upgrade" by Nokia's reckoning18:54
NullM0demi should try it18:54
* qwerty12 cant wait for proper diablo sbox environment18:54
johnxlcuk, that looks pretty insane18:55
johnxis that "anything in the name of speed"?18:55
lcukyer, it was a test to make brushes18:55
lcukfonts are ttf ;)18:55
johnxmaybe use an xpm?18:55
NullM0dem:) thats right18:55
lcukthese are custom glyphs but i wanted them coded inline18:55
johnxyou can #include an xpm, IIRC18:56
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lcukwell i could have done them as static char asd[] = { ..... }  declarations, but then i would have to seperate the actual glyph data from its definition18:57
lcukif it put them into a single function call i get to keep them together and can simply use as required18:57
johnxyour choice of course, and I'm sure you're far more familiar with this than me at this point :)18:58
* RST38h finally fixed light gun simulation in iNES18:58
lcukits ok, ive not used it, it was a test and will be using alternative methods18:58
RST38hShould be really cool on a tablet =)~~18:58
RST38hDuckHunt with your finger, etc18:59
lcuklight gun sim?   i thought light guns didnt work anymore with scanless tvs18:59
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lcukoooooh now thats good18:59
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johnxqwerty12, so it does boot if you don't flash the kernel or modules, right?19:02
qwerty12I only found out about flashing the kernel afterwards19:03
qwerty12No one else seemed to pick it up either :/19:03
johnxI'll load initrd and kernel from flasher then19:03
johnxI really need a screenie of this desktop first though :)19:03
GeneralAntillesHehe, I looked at flash-and-boot and ran screaming after I first installed it.19:04
GeneralAntillesLargely because I still needed to dual-boot.19:04
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qwerty12I only realised about it when jott mentioned the initfs deb file19:04
johnxgah...nevermind with the screenie19:04
johnxdon't want to install any software at this point :/19:04
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qwerty12use a camera :/19:04
qwerty12not exactly a screenshot but...19:05
johnxtoo late19:05
qwerty12still installing something19:05
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johnxit works19:06
qwerty12the kernel and initfs?19:06
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qwerty12or diablo in general :P19:07
johnxnah, just the system in general19:07
johnxI'll take a clean backup now with flasher :)19:07
qwerty12ah :). after compiling synaptic, I'll start work on creating initfs19:07
qwerty12atm, ipv6 support cannot be enabled due to using chinook initfs19:07
qwerty12If I've got Diablo kernel installed, the modules should insmod fine right?19:08
johnxdiablo kernel + chinook modules?19:08
johnxno guarantee19:08
qwerty12no, diablo modules :)19:09
qwerty12I'm inserting them into a chinook initfs19:09
johnxah, yeah, that should work19:09
* qwerty12 thinks about applying some of Marius apt patches to my desktop computer's apt19:12
johnxah, such as?19:13
qwerty12"- mmap.patch [**]19:13
qwerty12Make it work in filesystems that don't support writable mmaps.19:13
qwerty12- ignoretimeconflict.patch19:13
qwerty12Don't fail to add or use keys when the clock is wrong.19:13
qwerty12GeneralAntilles, got any plans to update Diablo section :P19:14
lcuk\o/ niceeeeee full rebuild now takes 59seconds19:14
johnxqwerty12, have an arm 0xFFFF binary handy?19:17
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qwerty12johnx, no sorry. mine got deleted with diablo flash19:17
qwerty12you want me to compile one?19:18
johnxneed to fix my scratcbox first19:18
johnxthis will have to wait until tomorrow I guess19:18
johnxah, you offered?19:18
qwerty12yep :)19:18
johnxah, if it's not too much trouble :D19:18
qwerty12Ok, give me a sec19:18
qwerty12version 0.3.2 will be ok right? i don't have time to pull from latest svn/whatever19:19
lcukhmmm,  its 5:18pm now,  if i compile a file on windows and send it back with scp on the device its 5:18pm, but if on the device i make all the .o files at 6:18pm, any idea how to fix  (both device show same time on desktop clocks)19:19
qwerty12johnx, dcc ok? or name your favourite upload site.19:21
johnxdcc is fine I think19:21
johnxwe'll have to see how it likes my NAT19:21
qwerty12ok, mine may not be come think of it :p19:21
qwerty12ooh, it worked :D19:21
johnxI didn't know I had auto-receive on O_o19:22
* qwerty12 is sending virus19:22
qwerty12johnx autorecieves19:22
johnxyou spelled it wrong :P19:22
johnxI didn't muck with the settings either19:23
johnxI think xchat does that by default O_o19:23
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johnxlcuk, could it have something to do with timezones?19:24
johnxare you one off from UTC right now?19:24
lcukim thinking so, on the console of 810 i type date and i get: Sun May 11 17:20:02 BST 200819:25
lcuki think its british summer time thats screwing me over19:25
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qwerty12johnx, I've got binary of 0xffff w/out libusb dependency if you want it (no idea what difference it makes on tablet though)19:26
johnxI don't think it will matter, I would assume19:26
johnxI'll try this one first19:27
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qwerty12I think I figured out how to change initfs logo.19:28
johnxit's been known for a while I thought19:29
qwerty12I didn't know how. I asked and I never got any answers :/19:29
johnxthe first Nokia logo, right?19:29
qwerty12yeah :)19:29
johnxyeah, it's in this really old "custom bootsplash" thread I thought19:30
johnxmaybe I'm not remembering right though19:30
qwerty12I'm not saying it's new, nah it wasn't there, thats for the logo after initfs19:30
johnxwell it talked about both19:30
qwerty12I don't remember that19:31
johnxI had a neat little debian logo that changed into a debian swirl halfway through :)19:31
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RST38hqwerty: If you find out too much, Nokia will have to hire somebody to liquidate you =)19:34
qwerty12lmao, I better run :p19:34
qwerty12anyone with diablo and ipv6 support here?19:35
RST38hbtw, any news on agps performance in diablo?=)19:36
johnxextracting rootfs w/ 0xFFFF is slooooow :/19:37
qwerty12RST38h, ask Aisu at ITT, he has installed it on N81019:37
johnxqwerty12, you and I need to find a way to get into the next device program :)19:37
qwerty12johnx, blackmail nokia :P :)19:38
johnxtell me how that works for you :P19:38
qwerty12ok, just pay my fares to Helsinki/Espoo :p19:38
johnxsure what size cardboard box do you fit in?19:39
RST38hqwerty: yep, just seen his post19:39
qwerty12johnx, extra extra large lol :p19:39
johnxmaybe you can just blackmail the guy who works at your local nokia store? "I know that you secretly own an iPhone...let's talk..."19:42
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qwerty12lol, round in this part of London, most people cant afford iPhones :p19:42
qwerty12i've got both initfs's saved. I'm gonna have a bit of fun19:43
johnxstill waiting on my rootfs backup19:43
johnxhow is it slower to read it then to write it O_o19:43
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qwerty12I once had a Sony Ericsson mem stick that was like that19:44
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johnxI hate memory stick19:45
qwerty12Same here19:45
johnxstupid sony and their proprietary ridiculousness19:45
qwerty12I love SD cards and I'm glad N800 uses 2 full size ones19:45
johnxI'm mostly surprised that it outlived xD memory19:45
qwerty12I don't xD ever really took off as well, I think only Fuji and Olympus supported it the most?19:46
johnxheh...and now they're back to SD, right?19:47
qwerty12No idea, haven't looked at a camera in years :/19:47
johnxI was looking at a canon recently, but only looking for now :/19:47
qwerty12I hardly take any pics come think of it19:48
RST38hI love the idea of all types of flash cards but SD dying terrible death19:48
RST38hWould be the day...19:48
johnxcan I keep CF?19:48
johnxI really like it19:48
johnxyou can use a CF->SDHC adapter if you want19:48
NaviI like CF.19:49
NaviKeeps my CF to IDE comfy19:49
Navijohnx, any eta to the debian release?19:50
johnxmaybe sometime this week?19:50
NaviWould give me a reason to turn on my N80019:50
johnxI think sound is doable and it's a pain having multiple versions out so I'd like this to be kind of a "most stuff works" release19:51
NaviWhy would you have multiple versions?19:52
johnxwell if I release before sound works, then I'll have to do another release in a couple weeks or whatever19:52
johnxI don't really see the point19:52
johnxand also, I've been working my *$% off lately, so I'll probably do something when I have time off later this week19:53
johnxyeah, 13th and 14th off...maybe something will happen then19:54
johnxor maybe it won't...maybe I'll just sleep :)19:54
NaviYou should sleep AND work on it at the same time.19:56
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NaviAnd Quim on the 13th, yay19:56
johnxaaah...maybe I should get it done to announce then19:56
johnxgood motivation :)19:57
johnxactually, it would just be nice to have something concrete to point to when the inevitable questions come up19:58
johnxI should further my knowledge of hildon on zaurus as well...19:58
qwerty12How to save raw rgb in gimp?19:59
johnxlike a bmp?19:59
qwerty12not sure, all I know is that i have to make raw rgb20:00
johnxfor your initfs image?20:00
johnximage = picture in this case20:00
qwerty12I'm gonna take a guess, I'm testing it out on my tablet before I release anyway20:00
qwerty12No, I did it wrong :/20:02
Naviold GIMP can't save raw files20:04
Naviat least, it doesn't have very much support for it20:04
qwerty12Is 2.4.5 old?20:04
NaviI guess :P20:04
NaviIt's the latest stable20:04
NaviI think20:05
NaviDev branch GIMP can, however unstable it may be20:05
NaviIt can do a lot of stuff20:05
johnxqwerty12, run file and tell me what it says about the file20:06
qwerty12Which one lol,it's kinda messed up :/20:07
Navi[12:00:19] <johnx> for your initfs image? <- bad pun20:07
johnxnot really20:07
johnxI'm actually that tired :)20:07
johnxtired enough to try and backup the rootfs to a directory on the rootfs :/20:07
johnxnot my fault though. how was I supposed to know that 0xFFFF would try and save temp files in the CWD20:08
Naviqwerty12, do you use gmail?20:10
NaviI think I'm going to start forwarding all of my messages to my home box20:12
Naviinstead of my gmail account20:12
johnxI believe "lulz" is appropriate: bug: You can't pick your home city any more :)20:12
Naviin Diablo II: Lord of Destruction?20:13
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johnxDiablo: only for people in London20:14
qwerty12noo, what's gonna happen?20:14
NaviWe'll have to start typing like the brits20:14
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Naviand talk with an English accent when using our N8X0s20:14
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Navior Nokia will get you20:15
johnxactually "clocks" was behaving completely b0rken20:15
qwerty12even I don't speak with my Yorkshire accent much anymore20:15
johnxrebooting to see if it was connected to be running out of space on flash20:15
* johnx lost his accent :/20:15
johnxn/m, false alarm20:16
johnxjust related to almost filling up /20:16
johnxI'd still call it a bug20:16
johnxjust more of a corner case20:16
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AStormhow do I disable "Presence" in tray?20:21
johnxdisable all your accounts?20:21
AStorm(want to use pidgin instead)20:21
AStormjohnx: ah, right20:21
johnxwell Diablo didn't add any useful maps :/20:22
NaviDoesn't look that bad20:22
johnxit's not that bad as long as it doesn't inherit the hildon gtk theme20:23
Navioh, right20:23
johnxand I ran it with a 30px top bar and a 56px (or so) sidebar20:24
johnxwhich doesn't really help...20:25
johnxit's still *usable* like that though20:25
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NaviI'd probably prefer it too :P20:27
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johnxgoogle maps is still painfully slow :/20:28
NaviOld browser engine20:30
johnxthe rest of the desktop seems a little more responsive somehow though20:30
NaviMoving applets is much more responsive20:30
Naviused to be a huge pain20:30
Navias well as resizing20:31
johnxyeah, and theoretically these are mostly debug builds too20:31
johnxdo chinook "click to install"s still work?20:31
NaviI broke the browser trying to install the svn browser build20:32
Navion Diablo, so bleh20:32
johnxwell, I'll see in a sec20:32
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johnxwell besides the fact that it's ungodly slow, at least microb is less buggy20:36
RST38hNavi: Still no "lock applets" option? =)20:40
GeneralAntillesChinook and Diablo stuff are backwards and forwards compatible.20:41
GeneralAntillesNo, RST38h.20:41
GeneralAntillesPeople should stop bitching about that and just add it themselves.20:41
GeneralAntilleshildon-desktop is open source.20:41
RST38hNo GPS improvements?20:42
GeneralAntillesYes, GPS improvements20:42
GeneralAntillesAGPS, supposedly20:42
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GeneralAntillesDon't have an N810 to test it, though.20:42
johnxand my two "favorite" browser bugs are fixed20:43
* RST38h has seen agps-related changes in the log, but Aisu reports he has not noticed any improvements20:43
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GeneralAntillesKeyboard behavior is broken as shit in this release.20:43
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johnxtap+hold behaves better now, and fullscreen keyboard enter doesn't disregard your input, then send an enter20:44
GeneralAntillesIn MicroB, rather.20:45
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GeneralAntillesThe fullscreen keyboard is much better behaved all around.20:45
GeneralAntillesEnter actually works20:45
GeneralAntillesas opposed to pressing enter, then having to bring up the vkb to press enter again to actually send. . . . :\20:45
johnxalso, smb feels faster20:46
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johnxI'll torture test it later20:46
timelyjohnx: fwiw you should be able to upload from bluetooth in the browser20:47
johnxhey that's pretty cool20:47
johnxsadly my phone is IRDA only :/20:47
timelyif it doesn't work, it's my fault, and i'd like to know asap20:47
johnxI can try and test it with my desktop later20:48
johnxanything else I should poke+prod?20:48
timelyi'm trying to work on the release notes20:48
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timelysadly i have slightly more urgent real world challenges20:48
timelyi can probably give you a url to my raw data if you want to browse through it20:48
timelybut from experience, the raw data is usually 99.9% useless20:49
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johnxI'll give it a look if it's no trouble for you20:49
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eichisomeone uses the daliclock as clock? how can i do, to make the clock allway light up in the night?20:51
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johnxis this on OS2008?20:52
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johnxunder control panel -> display -> select display lit while charging20:55
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timelygimme a bit20:59
johnxsure...uhm...I think the app manager is going to annoy me in diablo21:00
johnxit seems to be automagically removing any lines with chinook in the name...21:01
qwerty12_N800i'm using chinook extras fine21:02
timelytechnically application manager is open source21:02
johnxqwerty12_N800, what happens if you open app manager and try to install something?21:02
timelyi can't remember which place has it21:02
johnxtimely, I was just thinking the same thing21:02
johnxI know where its svn repo is21:02
qwerty12_N800johnx, it does it fine21:02
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johnxor ITT knows and so google knows and so I know :)21:02
timelyjohnx: i can look at the sources, but i'd rather do the other things i need to do :)21:03
johnxtimely, don't worry about my blathering21:03
johnxdo what you need to21:03
qwerty12_N800timely, put in my quick mod to remove legal msg (line commenting)21:03
johnxI predict that we'll start to see more people take proper advantage of having the source soon21:04
eichisomeone uses the QwikScript input methode? after can i use it?21:06
johnxeichi, have you read the thread on ITT?21:06
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qwerty12_N800Pres s the thing under shift21:06
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qwerty12_N800and go input method21:06
qwerty12_N800you may need ti21:06
eichijohnx, no...itt?21:06
qwerty12_N800to kill hildon input method 1st21:07
johnxor just reboot21:07
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eichii installed it and can see it on the input methode menu. but cant choose it21:15
johnxhave you rebooted since installing it?21:16
qwerty12_N800you *may* need qt libraries (not sure921:18
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eichijohnx, yes, i did21:19
johnxno ideas then21:19
johnxthe thread is here:
johnxI need to catch some sleep though21:19
johnxI'll look more at diablo stuff and debian after work tomorrow21:20
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eichii got it! just select the input language to englisch_UK21:39
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lcukcor blimey the doctors daughter is a bit of alright!22:00
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Jaffalcuk: she was, wasn't she? Peter Davison's daughter too, which is quite cool.22:52
lcukgood to see we have a way out of the regeneration limit22:53
* Jaffa hasn't checked Outpost Gallifrey yet to see if there are any better theories than the naff one I came up with for my wife as to why she didn't fully regnerate.22:53
lcukcos shes better looking than any doctor ;)22:54
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Capn_Fishjohnx: You here?22:54
lcukwhat was your theory then22:55
Jaffalcuk: some kind of "well, it was only a flesh wound so a full regeneration, just a bit of healing was necessary". Doesn't really hold water, tho'.22:55
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lcuki couldn't help but think if she got a mouth that sucks like a dyson shes in the wrong profession22:56
lcukmornin kot22:56
rm_youCapn_Fish: he appears to be asleep according to AIM away, if that can be trusted :)22:57
KotCzarnyhi hi22:57
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Cptnodegardbah not you again...damn nickalert tripper22:58
Capn_Fishrm_you: Thanks. I don't know what his timezone is, so I'm just popping semi-randomly :)22:58
rm_youhe's in Japan22:58
rm_youthough the hours he keeps sometimes should mesh with our hemisphere22:59
Capn_FishThanks. I'll try to catch him when he may be awake22:59
rm_youwhat did you need him for? :P22:59
Capn_FishJust to chat about his Debian builds and stuff22:59
rm_youwe work on a lot of the same projects, so often I can answer questions and such22:59
Capn_FishI was mostly wondering when it'll be ready for me to try :D23:00
Capn_FishI got an N810 assuming I could put Angstrom/Debian on it, you see23:00
rm_youhopefully he releases his second awesome version soon :)23:00
rm_youah, lol23:00
Capn_FishOS2008 is relatively lousy23:00
rm_youdid you used to use a zaurus?23:01
Capn_FishWon't it be v323:01
rm_youi lost track23:01
Capn_FishI still use my Z more than my N81023:01
rm_youwhich one do you have?23:01
Capn_FishI have a C750 and a C310023:01
Capn_FishThe 750 is mostly unused, though23:01
rm_youi always kind of wanted a C3x0023:01
Capn_FishWhat do you have?23:01
rm_youthe only one i ever owned was a collie23:01
Capn_FishI know :)23:01
rm_youyeah :)23:02
rm_youi miss it :/23:02
Capn_FishI'm actually rebuilding Angstrom for it now23:02
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rm_youbut not much23:02
rm_youit had... problems23:02
Capn_FishThe Z owns the N8x0 ATM due to the number of working OSs23:02
Capn_Fish"Real" OSs23:02
Capn_FishMeaning straight-up X11, being able to choose your WM, etc.23:03
lcuki didnt get my 810 to keep swapping OSes23:03
KotCzarnywhy do you need number of os's ?23:03
glassall you need is one good os23:03
rm_youmy zaurus never worked as well (or as fast, obviously) as my n80023:03
KotCzarnyyou need only one23:03
Capn_FishOK, then the N810 has no good OS, IMO23:03
Capn_FishNot to start a flamewar23:03
rm_youi don't mind ITOS23:03
rm_youit *works* most of the time, which is a bonus over OpenZaurus23:04
lcukos2008 is not suited to your needs, fine no problem :)  a lot of people are happy though23:04
rm_youI never got to use Angstrom really23:04
Capn_FishI'd give up some things working on the N810 for more control23:04
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Capn_FishI've been using Angstrom for a while, and while the default images are lousy, I made a custom one that is pretty standard Linux-like23:05
lcukso, what do you want to do on your 810?23:06
Capn_FishCoding, OS hacking, some games, mobile internet access,etc.23:06
rm_youcoding is the only thing i haven't managed yet23:07
Capn_FishWith a decent WM and CLI access23:07
rm_youwell, in any compiled languages23:07
lcukcan't you do all that already?  hell, even me as a windows user and linux n00b is compiling direct on device and having a whale of a time23:07
Capn_FishAnd no Hildon23:07
rm_youa more flexible WM would be nice23:07
Capn_FishEvilWM FTW!23:07
Capn_FishMakes great use of your precious embedded screen real estate23:07
lcuktheres a hardware fullscreen button for a reason23:08
KotCzarnyat 225dpi it doesn't matter much23:08
Capn_FishTo me it does, but I'm weird23:08
KotCzarnyand i second lcuk's opinion on fullscreen23:08
Capn_FishIt's also nice to actually be able to move windows around the screen and save on RAM23:09
lcukjust think of hildon as a pretty front end to all that raw power lurking underneath23:09
Capn_FishPretty frontends have never been my thing :)23:09
KotCzarnyi think they should have included hw alt-tab like button23:09
rm_youi just want the maemo-hackers xterm back >_>23:09
rm_youi miss that23:09
KotCzarnyto keep people from b*tching23:10
Capn_FishTHe keymapping is another thing the Z has over the N81023:10
lcukKotCzarny, cant that be setup?23:10
glassKotCzarny: isn't pressing home for a long time like it23:10
kpelwhat's the easiest way to gain root on an N800 running OS2008 ?23:10
lcukgrab app list, move to next and open with your doofer23:10
Capn_Fishkpel: install gainroot23:10
glassKotCzarny: like 'tabbing'.. the same way it's doen on series60.. pressing app key for a long perioid gets you an app list of running stuff23:10
kpeli have gainroot installed but doesn't seem to work23:10
Capn_FishTHen just do a "sudo gainroot", and voila23:10
kpelwill try again, thanks23:11
KotCzarnyglass, you need to move your finger to dpad from 'home'23:11
Capn_FishBest of luxk23:11
glassKotCzarny: hw buttons tend to need that23:11
KotCzarnyi like alt-tab functionality to quickly switch between 2 apps23:11
Capn_FishI agree23:11
lcukwheres alt-tab on your 800 :P23:11
Capn_FishOr ctrl-alt-m23:12
glassKotCzarny: hmm. doesnt pressing it once scroll between running apps?23:12
KotCzarnylcuk: i can map some hw button probably23:12
glassKotCzarny: like it does on s60?23:12
Capn_FishWhere are the keymaps on the N810?23:12
lcukyer, i know and on a real bt keyboard it would be mega useful23:12
KotCzarnyglass: tbh i haven't really checked, but you still need to do 2 clicks at least23:12
glassKotCzarny: press it long, up comes the list, short taps go through apps and another long press selects23:12
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kpelCapn_Fish: i get "cal_read_block(r&d_mode): size zero, block not found? Enable RD mode if you want to break your device"23:13
practisevoodooany way to convert a maemo map tracking file to a .kmz?23:13
Capn_Fishkpel: Do you have an N810?23:13
kpelCapn_Fish: nope, as i said above it's a N800 running OS200823:14
Capn_Fishkpel: THere was a thread about corrupted NAND23:14
rm_youGeneralAntilles: <323:14
Capn_Fishrm_you: I typed before I thought :(23:14
kpelgainroot used to work before the last os2008 update23:14
kpelCapn_Fish: is the corruption repairable?23:14
Capn_FishMaybe corruption is an issue?23:14
Capn_Fishhang on23:14
Capn_FishCheck that thread23:15
kpelok thanks23:15
rm_youwho owns
Capn_FishI don't know if it applies, but it's worth a shot23:16
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KotCzarnyjott, probably23:16
rm_youGeneralAntilles: do i need to install ALL of these packages?23:16
rm_youalso, is it going to replace my old xterm or add another?23:16
Capn_FishWhat's different about this XTerm?23:17
GeneralAntillesIt's better.23:18
rm_youwell, better ctrl-* functionality, for one23:18
GeneralAntillesNot hindered by Nokia's retarded UI spec23:19
Capn_FishHmm...Sounds good23:19
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GeneralAntillesI still don't understand why people always clamber for more bundled stuff from Nokia. . . .23:19
GeneralAntillesNokia's bundled stuff always sucks. :\23:20
KotCzarnyyup, wnokryptia23:20
Capn_FishI'm clamoring for more Debian23:20
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kpelGeneralAntilles: because nokia's stuff is officialy supported23:23
GeneralAntillesThat's another reason not to23:24
GeneralAntillesOfficially supported just means updates only come out once every 6 months.23:24
kpelso if something goes wrong, nokia assuems liability. with the unsupported stuff the user will get just some comforting words from us here :)23:24
kpel6 months is a long time?23:24
KotCzarnyand my programs are officially supported by me23:25
Capn_FishMine too!23:25
Capn_FishUntil I lose interest23:25
GeneralAntillesCompared to the open source stuff's update cycles.23:25
kpellol, word23:25
GeneralAntillesIt also means stupid bugs that should never have been introduced don't get fixed for 3 years.23:25
Capn_FishI agree. 6 months on an OSS device is much too long23:25
GeneralAntillesNo, as a longtime tablet owner and user, bundling is not a desirable thing.23:25
kpelGeneralAntilles: if i recall correctly, a release cycle of 6 motnhs was described as a good thing(TM) in the cathedral and the bazaar.23:26
GeneralAntillesand, really, I don't think you understand exactly how retarded the UI spec is.23:26
kpeli mean, i don't think it's bad that thr apache project doesn't make a new release every week.23:26
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KotCzarnyrelease cycle doesn't matter as long there is an update repository23:26
KotCzarnyupdated often23:26
KotCzarny(quick bug fixes)23:27
kpelGeneralAntilles: as long as i'm covered by the manufacturer's warranty i don't really care about the specs. i don't pay omney to care, i pay money to enjoy my toy :)23:27
lcukthis new update system should allow that23:27
lcukor so i believe23:27
GeneralAntilleskpel, no, fast release cycles aren't inherently a good or bad thing23:27
kpelif all this was about a cheap pc that would be another story23:27
GeneralAntillesbut apache also has a reasonably stable product23:27
GeneralAntillesNokia does not23:27
rm_youfast release cycles of CRAP < slow release cycles of GOOD23:28
GeneralAntillesTherefor frequent updates to close as many bugs as possible are desirable.23:28
kpelGeneralAntilles: what wasn't stable with the latest official nokia release?23:28
rm_youadmittedly, Nokia does a pretty good job with releases IMO23:28
GeneralAntillesLots and lots and lots and lots.23:28
kpelrm_you: agreed23:28
Capn_FishI agree. 6 months on an OSS device is much too long23:28
Capn_FishBut fast release cycles of crap > slow release cycles of crap23:28
Capn_FishSorry, hit up23:28
GeneralAntilleslcuk, it certainly makes it technically feasible, but it doesn't mean that it'll actually happen. :(23:28
kpelGeneralAntilles: the only annoying thing i found in nokia's official stuff is that the exit command in the xterm causes an infinite loop23:29
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GeneralAntillesExactly, Capn_Fish.23:29
GeneralAntillesYou haven't been using it very long then?23:29
kpelGeneralAntilles: only since september23:29
kpelsince the os2007 days23:29
GeneralAntilleskpel, I dunno, then you either haven't been paying attention or don't use your device very much. :\23:30
kpelcould very well be the case23:30
lcukso go on gen, what probs have you noticed23:30
Capn_FishWay OT, but there's no native compiler for the N810, is there?23:31
lcukcos i also havent seen any actual bugs yet, i know they exist but have never effected me23:31
GeneralAntilleslcuk, you're kidding, right?23:31
lcukim using it right now23:31
GeneralAntillesThe GPS is a bug. . . .23:31
Capn_FishOr cross?23:31
kpelermm.. you are referring to the N810 device only?23:32
lcukhardware, no amount of gpl will sort it (unless this agps does work..)23:32
GeneralAntillesVirtual keyboard input is incredibly buggy23:32
lcuknative compilation23:32
lcukdirect on mmc123:32
Capn_FishWell, all I have is an N810, so anything else isn't of much use to me23:32
GeneralAntillesErm, I'm not arguing for GPL lcuk23:32
Capn_Fishlcuk: Where did you obtain this native compiler?23:32
GeneralAntillesjust that Nokia ships buggy software23:32
KotCzarnycapn: apt-get23:32
lcukmaemo-extras i believe23:32
lcukill just pop up my repos, i havent got many23:33
GeneralAntillesThe "Map" application is one giant bug23:33
kpelGeneralAntilles: i agree that there are bugs. but that's a long way from saying that product X is unstable.23:33
GeneralAntillesbundled xterm is another giant bug23:33
lcukhum, will apt-cache list which repo a package is currently reporting from?23:34
GeneralAntillesApplication manager in Chinook crashes ALL THE TIME23:34
kpeli find that most bugs are annoying (but still unacceptable) not really showstoppers23:34
qwerty12_N800lcuk, just search gronmayer?23:34
qwerty12_N800hell yes23:34
GeneralAntilleskpel, no, they're not show stoppers23:34
Capn_Fishlcuk: I have all the repos on the N810 enabled that are there23:35
GeneralAntillesbut my argument is that having Nokia bundle stuff is a less than desirable solution23:35
KotCzarnycapn, that's a recipe for a fail23:35
kpeli wouldn't mind nokia bundling stuff as long as it's quality stuff23:35
KotCzarnyi have only enabled extras and canola23:35
NullM0demthere are howtos that recommend turing on all repos23:35
qwerty12_N800i did that (all repos) = instant slowdown23:35
GeneralAntilleskpel, by definition, it can't be.23:35
NullM0demi did do it23:35
NullM0demumm did not23:36
KotCzarnynm: those howtos are wrong23:36
NullM0demi know23:36
Capn_FishYet another reason to dislike OS200x23:36
kpelbut then again, what percentage of the opensource community would like to follow the quality process of nokia? won't it be like herding cats?23:36
KotCzarnycapn: you can do "stupid things" in ANY os23:36
KotCzarnyand it's your responsibility to know how to use a tool23:36
Capn_FishSo enabling pre-set features on a standard hardware platform is stupid?23:37
Capn_FishPerhaps the OS is stupid, I should think23:37
KotCzarnydefine pre-set features23:37
Capn_FishI didn't add any repos23:37
Capn_FishThey were there when I turned the device on for the first time23:37
KotCzarnyok, i thought you have enabled all repos from gronmayer23:37
Capn_FishI just enabled them. If they put them there, how can it be stupid to enable them?23:38
GeneralAntillesThe only repo turned off by default is Extras23:38
GeneralAntillesand that's fine to enable.23:38
GeneralAntillesYou enabled ONE23:38
GeneralAntillesThere is no "them"23:38
Capn_FishI couldn't remember23:38
GeneralAntillesYou confused us by using "them"23:38
Capn_FishMy apologies23:38
GeneralAntillesIt sounded like you went and took every repo off gronmayer. ;)23:38
GeneralAntillesWhich is a BAD PLAN23:39
Capn_FishI don't even know what gronmayer is23:39
lcukthen why do they exist?23:39
qwerty12_N800I once did...23:39
NullM0demi read a howto that said that was ok, I didnt follow that step23:39
KotCzarnylcuk: because everyone can create a repo23:39
qwerty12_N800Stupid move that i did23:39
KotCzarnylcuk: even you :>23:39
GeneralAntilleslcuk, why do what exist?23:39
lcukand so whats the problem with installing from each rpoe23:39
KotCzarnythen convince users to add it23:39
Capn_FishI know that going into a Debian (based) system and putting in every repo you can find is a bad idea23:39
GeneralAntillesAll repos?23:39
KotCzarnythen do stupid things23:39
GeneralAntillesConflicting packages23:39
KotCzarnylike adding conflicting packages23:39
GeneralAntillesPackages that replace system stuff (like the arabic and hebrew input method repos)23:40
lcukthen thats apt-gets problem for not having priorities surely?23:40
GeneralAntillesTesting repos, like extras-devel23:40
GeneralAntillesNo, lcuk . . .23:40
KotCzarnylcuk, apt-get uses highest version i think23:40
KotCzarnyfrom any repo it can find23:40
NullM0demyum has a priority plugin i thnk apt may as well23:40
GeneralAntillesapt does23:41
GeneralAntillesBut how the hell do you want to set that up. . . .23:41
kpelconfiguration is always a tricky bit23:42
lcukput nokia at the top, if a user wants something from somewhere else that conflicts they can damn well specifically select the alternative source23:42
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evaryontOdd issue: When I start Music Player or Canola, they can't find any music, yet when I browse to a file directly within each, they play the file fine23:43
GeneralAntilleslcuk, easier solution is to just not install repos you don't need.23:43
qwerty12_N800evaryont, check if their indexers are running23:43
evaryontqwerty12_N800: er, how?23:43
lcukhaving users clicking ".install" files means its easier said than done23:43
qwerty12_N800metalayer-crawler for built in media player23:44
lcuka user doesnt know wtf a repo is23:44
qwerty12_N800not really sure :/23:44
kpelan interesting point, lcuk23:44
GeneralAntillesand shouldn't have to23:44
kpeli've seen this even with eee users23:44
lcukthey either stick with default and never change, or they do the windows things and go onto the website and click install23:44
GeneralAntillesThey should just be able to enable Extras and call it a day.23:44
KotCzarnygood plan is to have a person to manage community repo available 24/723:44
qwerty12_N800evaryont, run ps -la | grep metalayer and post the output here23:44
KotCzarnythen you don't need additional repos23:44
kpelthey get frustrated when they read at forum xyz that they must install packages a,b,c in order to do something23:44
evaryontqwerty12_N800: can't, gotta run. I'll check. With Canola, though, you do a manual scan (bleh)23:45
kpeljust upgraded om-weather using apt-get and it works fine now. good work.23:47
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lcukif i am not changing anything else on my 1gb memory card i pushed into my 810 should this: mke2fs /dev/mmcblk1p1     format the device as ext2?   i checked i have the correct mmc block by using df23:59

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