IRC log of #maemo for Sunday, 2008-03-02

GeneralAntillesUnfortunately only Windows users get the benefit of Nokia's cool high-bandwidth servers.00:00
sbkbah, windows :\00:01
sbkbsd/osx > *00:01
sbkI won't leave out my linux pals either00:01
GeneralAntillesI dunno why they can't load-balance tablets-dev. . . .00:01
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sbkthat would require someone to learn something ...00:02
GeneralAntillesWell, the goodnews is that the *nix users get the cool flasher.00:02
GeneralAntillesThe Windows flasher is lame and talentless.00:03
sbkhaha as a;ways00:03
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pupnikI started using BSD 20 years ago today...00:06
pupnikor .. somewhere around today00:07
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dskippy_Does anyone know how to make mDNS with avahi work on maemo. I installed it but I can't seem to ping my laptop using its hostname. Just IP.00:22
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Yankerjust flashed the os2008 on my device, its rocking =)00:38
Yankerheh, well anyways - can the size of the left-panel menu items be set globally somwhere?00:39
Yankerthere's only room for like 6 items and its kinda to little in my oppinion00:39
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Yankerresizing the icons maybe?00:41
fysait's locked tight.00:42
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GeneralAntillesWho wants to code my awesome mockup? :P
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unixSnobWhat's a mockup?  A gui layout?00:58
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sbkI'm getting 1500kb/s from that dev.tablet site01:01
GeneralAntillesYou hit one of the akamai mirrors that doesn't blow. :P01:02
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sbkthats funny GeneralAntilles01:07
sbkmy company01:07
sbkwe host akamai01:07
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GeneralAntillesThe broken akamai mirrors have been a large part of the bandwidth problems.01:08
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NaviGeneralAntilles, waving that thing around again, have you?01:13
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cLinanyone use iemapper before?01:14
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lcddweird. running 'osso-xterm -x' brings up another toolbar in the current terminal01:36
Tama^2recursive terminals!01:38
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mikedmannhigh all01:55
Tama^2low none01:56
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* Navi shruggahs01:56
Tama^2I am driven by compulsion01:57
Tama^2it is my nature, I cannot help it01:57
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NaviTama^2, to work on GeneralAntilles's menu mockup?01:57
Tama^2nice try Navi01:57
* Navi snaps01:57
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Tama^2not becoming one of GA's code monkey anytime soon01:59
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cLinhow do i start the openssh server?02:05
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Tama^2it is started automatically when you install it02:06
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cLini connected earlier to it using winscp, wonder why it won't work now02:07
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unixSnobIs the SDK 100% open source?02:12
unixSnobok.. that means I have to use it on an x86 machine02:13
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svu_is there any way to make os2008 use ntp server provided by dhcp  server?02:14
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ustunozgurcLin: try to ssh to itself in xterm02:21
ustunozgurssh root@localhost02:21
cLinyea, i got it working, thanks :D02:21
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sbkso I updated the device..03:21
sbkit is incrediably faster03:21
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Tama^2faster and with a prettier (but clumsy) UI03:24
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edistardoes anyone know the keycodes of the + and - buttons of the n770?03:24
edistarGeneralAntilles: thx03:25
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sbktry Tama^203:28
sbkall the apps I wanted to install work now03:28
sbkso thats a +03:28
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sbklol @ the mplayer package03:30
sbkthis device owns03:30
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* Tama^2 remebers how excited he was when he first used the tablet *sigh*03:32
* Tama^2 shakes his raised fist in the air while howling "why Nokiaaaaa"03:33
GeneralAntillesDo enough rundown tests, Tama^2, and you'll get excited all over again once you can use it. :P03:33
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Tama^2I had enough03:33
Tama^2I gave up on it03:33
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Tama^2I will reinstall OS2008 and use the tablet for other things than media consumption (read it will take dust until I leave on trips that will require me to leave my laptop behind)03:35
sbkwhat happened to yours Tama^203:35
Tama^2nothing, it's more like what did I do to complicate my life ;)03:35
Tama^2it has some issues that piss me off03:36
Tama^2piss me off massively I should say03:36
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sbkwhast the best mail app03:36
sbkand does it do pop & imap?03:36
Tama^2it crashes once in a while but it is usable03:36
sbkdoes the notifier work with it?03:37
sbkwin win win win win03:37
sbkthis is going to the best handheld for work03:37
sbkI know it03:37
sbkusbcontroller is genius03:37
sbkI can put my contacts in, in a timely manor03:38
sbkTama^2: GeneralAntilles:  do you have any suggestions for sites aside from to check out03:38
Tama^2there is a site with a list of repos but I cannot remember the address03:39
sbkthank you03:39
GeneralAntillessbk, there's also a statusbar applet that accomplishes the same thing.03:39
sbkthis site Tama^2 ?03:39
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sbkI did a days worth of reasearch before purchasing it03:40
Tama^2me too03:40
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Tama^2I decided to not spend money on the ipod touch in the end because of apple's attitude towards software dev on those devices03:40
sbkwell, I have a iphone already03:41
sbkbut browsing on it is weak compared to the 81003:41
NaviScrolls smoothly though :303:41
Tama^2and a BT keyboard works on the N8x)03:41
NaviTama^2, what kind of smiley is that O_o03:41
Tama^2it's the delayed finger lifting typo smiley03:42
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sbkOH NO!!!!03:42
Tama^2re BT keyb... it kind of works03:42
sbkthe rdp works great!!!03:42
sbkim logged into my rdp box03:42
Tama^2like everything else it kind of works03:43
* Tama^2 is spoiled and pedantic ;_;03:43
NaviThe N8X0 does many things, and it does none of them extraordinarily well03:44
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sbkwow this rdp is insane03:44
sbkit works perfectly03:44
sbkI can hit my core routers and everything03:44
Navirdp is all right03:44
Navix forwarding for the win, though.03:44
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sbktrue that Navi03:49
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sbkTama^2: is that mail client03:50
sbkthe one thats built in?03:50
sbkim looking for itnow03:50
Navimodest isn't built in for chinook03:50
Naviit has it's own repo03:50
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GeneralAntillesBuilt-in is osso-email03:51
sbkahhh ok03:51
GeneralAntillesModest is set to replace it in either a future release of Chinook or Diablo.03:51
sbki'm looking now03:51
Tama^2osso is such a lol word03:53
sbkoh thanks GeneralAntilles03:53
NaviGeneralAntilles, wow, HOW DID U KNO TAT?03:53
sbkgoogs is the win03:54
sbkcan I remove osso03:56
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sbkdamn it03:59
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Tama^2sbk: osso is a prefix to lots of nokia components for the tablet platform04:12
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Navi Tama^2he was talking about the mail client04:17
NaviReed teh contextz!04:17
Tama^2I know04:18
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Tama^2but if you scroll back you will see that I myself admitted I am pedantic04:18
Tama^2he used it as a proper name in his sentence, so I had to rectify him04:19
Tama^2(if you scroll further back you will find I claim to be driven by compulsion, so it all makes sense you see)04:19
* GeneralAntilles agrees with Tama^2. :P04:20
Tama^2on which particular point?04:20
lcukif you scroll far enough back you see the discussion involving tama, a wild sheep and a traffic cone ;)04:20
GeneralAntillesThat the correction was worthwhile.04:21
Tama^2or you agree with me on anything and everything I have ever said and will say? Please sign on the dotted line04:21
GeneralAntillesIf you scroll far enough back, you'll see the beginning of time itself.04:21
Tama^2lcuk: I fail to see the connection between me the sheep and the traffic cone04:21
GeneralAntillesYou were awfully drunk.04:22
Tama^2are you talking to me GA? :P04:22
lcukthe beginning of time: Started in 1983: GeneralAntilles stood in line waiting for the nokia a1 teletype luggable to come out ;)04:22
GeneralAntillesThat's why you don't see the connection. :P04:22
* GeneralAntilles has a time machine.04:23
* Tama^2 has two04:23
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Tama^2I maybe drunk NOW04:24
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Tama^2..for all you know04:24
inteliwasp... drunk coders... might make intresting programs04:25
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dmzapparently you don't hang out on w/any defcon folks :)04:26
sbkhaha I was @ defcon last yr04:42
sbkwe were twisted04:42
sbkwhat size memory stick goes in this nokia04:42
sbkI bought a 8gig SD card04:42
sbkand it didnt fit04:42
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sbkcause I got this 104:43
sbkno good04:43
sbkso this, would have been a better bet?04:44
GeneralAntillesYeah . . . little big. :P04:44
sbkjust a little bit too!04:44
GeneralAntillesThat would be THE bet. :P04:44
sbkcheaper too :\04:44
GeneralAntillesMicroSD is also an option with adaptor.04:44
sbkI have a microSD 2gig04:45
sbkbut I think the adaptor is SD04:45
sbkhow do you feel about the GPS on this?04:45
sbkin LA it was pretty accurate04:45
GeneralAntillesI refuse to buy an N810.04:46
GeneralAntillesWaste of money for me.04:46
sbkeveryone @ work had the 80004:46
sbkbut I neeeeded a keyboard04:46
Navisbk, bluetooth keyboard :P04:46
sbkI have a logitech dinovo edge04:46
sbkbut I think its wifi :/04:46
* GeneralAntilles does around 40-60wpm on the thumbboard.04:46
Navithe thumbpad is only a tad better than the vkb04:46
GeneralAntillesSo it's not really an issue.04:46
NaviGeneralAntilles, you're a special case04:46
GeneralAntillesWifi keyboard? <_<04:47
sbkI think so dude04:47
GeneralAntillesYou mean Logitech's proprietary 2.4GHz, surely?04:47
sbkI got it like last yr04:47
sbkyeah GeneralAntilles04:47
GeneralAntillesThumb is a LOT better than vkb04:47
Naviplug it into an N800 via USB host04:47
NaviGeneralAntilles, says you04:47
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GeneralAntillesI can't believe the prices Logitech gets away with for that silicone nipple trash.04:48
sbkyeah, seriously04:48
GeneralAntillesModern keyboard are all shit.04:48
sbkhey, I have a problem with my wrists04:48
sbkand typing04:48
NaviThey should go bluetooth >_>04:48
sbkthat thing worked out great for me04:48
GeneralAntillesThank goodness Unicomp is around to bring some small sanity.04:48
GeneralAntillesThey used to be BT, Navi, but they moved back to proprietary for some reason.04:48
NaviOh yeah04:48
Navimy friend has a logitech BT keyboard04:49
GeneralAntillesIt's really hard to find BT mice these days.04:49
sbkI had the older version of the one I showed you04:49
sbkthe "dinovo"04:49
sbkthat was bluetooth04:49
sbkbut I gave it away when I got my dinovo edge04:49
sbkbrb gents04:49
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sbkthis site rocks04:50
GeneralAntilleswaste. of. money.04:50
NaviUnicomp's keyboards are so expensive :P04:50
GeneralAntillesHeckuva lot cheaper than that Dinovo. . . .04:50
GeneralAntillesLast 5x as long, too.04:50
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Navi <- Sexy04:52
Navihi dospod04:52
GeneralAntillesI want to order a custom Dvorak/Mac/USB one from them.04:52
dospodhows everyone04:53
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briandiGo Stowaway for $37.99 ... that'd work.05:01
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sbkgood dospod05:11
sbkHow you doing05:11
dospodidk think i set up my browser right lol05:11
dospodim good05:11
sbkI just setup aircrack05:11
sbkhmm, my application manager is still out of date05:13
sbkwhat gives05:13
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dospodhey again05:24
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sbkthese repositories own!05:25
sbkbest purchase all yr05:26
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SDuensinAnybody use the iGo Stowaway with an N800?  It's not on their compatibility list.05:34
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Tama^2it works05:36
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SDuensinThanks, Tama^2.  :-)05:36
SDuensinI need a keyboard, and that virtual laser one is just a tad too geeky for me.  <G>05:37
Tama^2it's not too geeky for me!05:37
Tama^2I want it05:37
SDuensinMe too, but I just can't see whippin' that out in the middle of a restaurant.05:37
SDuensinAnd I can get a Stowaway for a lot less.05:38
SDuensinAnd use it on the couch.  :-)05:38
Tama^2any keyboard in a restaurant will make you look like an hopeless geek anyway :P05:39
SDuensinSometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.05:39
sbkthe keyboard on the N810 is adequate enough for me05:42
sbkI need a female/female usb adaptor to put my contacts in though :\05:43
SDuensinI bought an 800.  The 810 was too much for my blood.  At least until I prove I'm going to use the 800 enough to make it worth it.05:43
sbkI just got the 810 yesturday05:44
sbkworth every single penny05:44
NaviSDuensin, same here05:44
SDuensinDoes anyone here actually use the handwriting recognition?05:45
SDuensinI loved Graffiti on the Palm, but I can't get anything meaningful out of the 800.05:46
NaviSDuensin, I use it from time to time05:48
Navirecognizes my stuff fine05:48
NaviI'm still trying to get my accuracy down with the thumb board >_>05:49
Navimissing letters suck05:49
SDuensinI gotta use the thumb board.  The handwriting recognizer kjadslkta asnq eufak wfd for me.05:52
sbkI havent even tried that before05:52
NaviHandwriting works for M e!05:53
Naviwell, with a hitch.05:53
SDuensinSomeone insane needs to port Graffiti.05:54
NaviI have the speed on highest05:55
Naviand it recognizes most of my letters05:55
Navithe only letters I have trouble with are y/u and k05:55
SDuensinMaybe I just need to tweak it.05:55
Naviteach it your handwriting.05:55
SDuensinIt's sad, but 99% of my use of the 800 so far has been reading books.05:55
Navithe default handwriting set almost matches up with mine.05:56
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SDuensinMaybe I'll teach it Graffiti.05:56
sbkthis 810 is totally louder than my macbook when using xmms05:57
sbkbattery is almost toast tho, from installing OS08 and all the apps I need :P05:57
SDuensinYea - WTF is up with the flash tool telling you to UNPLUG the device?  Everyone else demands AC power during a flash!05:58
* Navi makes a video of him writing awesomeness05:58
Navion windows?05:58
sbknah mac05:59
Naviflasher doesn't tell you to unplug the device, only to do it so it gets all the way off05:59
SDuensinKinda both.  I use the Windows flasher in VMware on a Mac.05:59
Naviyou just plug in the USB cable while it's off, run the flasher tool so it waits, and then plug in the power05:59
sbkI used the 770Flasher.app05:59
Navithen it flashes05:59
sbkthats exactly what I did Navi05:59
sbkworked flawlessly05:59
SDuensinThen to make it even weirder, I have andLinux installed in Windows in the VM on the Mac.  Whew.06:00
sbkhey on the N81006:00
sbkright above the webcam, is that a light?!06:00
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cLinis there anyway to get an applet so i can type in the url box right there instead of opening a new browser then typing it in. i know google search is there but it searches for it instead go to it06:24
sbkon the 810 it already has an applet like that06:26
sbk"web shortcut"06:26
cLinour web shortcut shoes a button to OS2008 user site06:27
sbkthats weak06:28
cLinanyway to have n810 work on n800s?06:28
sbkoh oh oh06:28
sbk"internet search"06:28
sbkI heard you can use OS08 on the 80006:28
sbkbut I'm new to this, just got mine yesturday06:29
cLinthe internet search app is what i meant about google06:29
cLinits a search, not a goto06:29
sbkoh I see what you mean06:30
sbknot positive bro06:30
sbkyou search all the repositories?06:30
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NaviApple overdid it with the iPhone's durability ^^;06:58
Tama^2you mean they are too sturdy?06:58
sbkits awesome06:59
Tama^2anyone else getting a warning about a bad certificate when connecting to google via imap with Modest?06:59
sbkive dropped mine mad times lol06:59
NaviI do06:59
sbkI did Tama^206:59
NaviIt's okay though06:59
Navijust accept :P06:59
Tama^2well thank you very much06:59
Tama^2something is wrong with the certificate07:00
Naviannoy google about it07:00
NaviThey'll get back to you in 4-6 months07:00
Tama^2well I am assuming it's not a google problem07:00
Tama^2unlikely they have a broken cert07:01
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K-Fox <----- is it possible to listen music on n800(os2007?07:03
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Tama^2suggestions to manage podcasts?07:44
pupnikhmm -ao sdl runs at 48khz and -ao esd runs at 44.1khz but internally the mp3 seems to always be decoded at 48khz07:48
KotCzarnyjust get that working and forget about that07:49
pupniki made a vid that's just at the border of playability with mp3 playback either with dsp or libmad07:50
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pupnikKotCzarny: morning...
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oilinkiTama^2: I'm using canola2 for podcasts07:53
KotCzarnypupnik, it had to play without any reencoding07:53
KotCzarnyotherwise it's too much hassle07:53
pupniknot gonna happen for the general case07:54
NaviKotCzarny, I'll say it again, I'd hate to have your sleeping habits07:54
KotCzarnynavi, good thing you aren't me then07:54
KotCzarnypupnik, it WILL happen07:54
KotCzarnynot for HD of course07:54
NaviIt has to happen.07:54
KotCzarnybut for mp4, yes07:54
Tama^2thanks oilinki07:55
KotCzarnyif i clone whole /dev/mtdblock407:56
KotCzarnyi can restore it later?07:56
pupnikyes assuming you're not booted on it or mounting it07:58
KotCzarnydoes flasher restore it in whole or just partially?07:58
pupnikhow about trying codecs mpeg2video, msmpeg4, wmv1 libtheora etc?07:58
KotCzarnypupnik, wmvs are usually low res07:59
KotCzarnyat least those from web07:59
KotCzarnympeg2 is intensive i guess07:59
KotCzarnymsmpeg4 is mpeg407:59
KotCzarnyand my guess it will have similiar performance to xvid08:00
pupnikmsmpeg's 'divx 3' according to mencoder08:00
pupnikwell i can benchmark with -vo null to see codec overhead08:01
KotCzarnythey can have different drawing patterns08:02
KotCzarnyso it's better to benchmark them in the way you will use them later08:02
KotCzarnyalso -benchmark shows you codec overhead too08:02
pupnikyes i'll try both08:02
sbkNavi: **08:04
sbkthats old08:04
sbkyou ever see the beer 1?08:04
sbkthose same out the same day08:05
sbkas the iphoone08:05
sbkI was searching like a motherfucker for that08:05
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pupnikKotCzarny: you need to disable -vo to see effect of codec load08:21
pupnikmpeg2 ran 1000 frames @ 25fps in 18.386 seconds, wmv1 ran in 27.684 seconds08:22
KotCzarnybut you won't know how much will they actually draw on screen08:23
KotCzarnybut it's nice to know that mpeg2 is faster08:23
pupnikscreen is bandwidth limited anyway08:23
KotCzarnythat's why it's important too08:24
pupnikhow fast do you think mplayer can draw yuv video to 800x480 screen without codec cpu load08:25
KotCzarnyit doesn't draw whole frame at a time08:26
KotCzarnyit can be enough to update only part of it08:26
KotCzarnyi guess08:26
KotCzarnythat's why it can matter08:26
KotCzarnythey say bandwidth is 18M08:26
KotCzarnyecho $[800*480*2*25/1024]08:27
KotCzarnythat'w 25fps08:27
KotCzarnyin 16bpp08:27
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pupnikok well i now have 800x480 video that decodes at ~30fps without sound08:30
KotCzarnyecho $[800*480*2*30/1024]08:30
pupnikwith -vo null08:30
pupnikwith xv it gets  25.589 fps @400mhz08:31
KotCzarnyw/o sound08:31
pupnikso mpeg2 could do fullscreen video08:32
pupnikfull-res that is08:32
pupnikwith dspmp3 if we could keep 400mhz08:32
KotCzarnyin sync08:32
KotCzarnythat would be the problem08:32
pupnikhowever at 333mhz08:32
pupnikit only gets 16.54 fps08:34
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pupnikplus it doesn't look very good08:34
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Tama^2hi again08:36
pupnikhowever with my bordercase amazon video it always looks smoother with gstreamer than with libmad08:37
cLinis therea button that works like the enter button?08:41
cLinlike one of the directions on the dpad?08:41
pupnik400x240 mp4 benchmarks at 43.40 fps08:41
cLinwhenever i press the middle one it opens the keyboard08:41
KotCzarny400x240 if pff08:41
christefanois there an IRC client for maemo?08:41
cLinchristefano, xchat08:41
KotCzarnyclin: change that in prefs08:41
pupnikxchat, pidgin, irssi08:41
pupnikbut even 400x240 gets jerky playback with libmad here08:42
christefanoI just ordered an n810 and am gathering a few programs08:42
KotCzarnychrinsefano: in short, every linux program should work08:43
KotCzarnyafter compiling08:43
pupnikthat is false08:43
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KotCzarnymost of the software i have tried compiled without a problem08:44
KotCzarnyand ran fine too08:44
Tama^2liar ! xD08:44
christefanothat's exactly what draws me to it :)08:44
KotCzarnyi haven't tried compiling firefox, though ;)08:44
christefanois there a minimo for maemo yet?08:45
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Tama^2HANDWRITlNG Test08:46
KotCzarnyyou have done well, padawan08:47
KotCzarnynow try this backwards08:47
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KotCzarnyanyone has spare cpu power?08:59
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Tama^2GooDNight Computer09:05
KotCzarnygo go09:05
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Tama^2is aircrack available  for chinook?09:09
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JaffaMorning, all09:46
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n800musicis there a xchat .deb for os2008?09:49
n800musiccan't find it :/09:50
KotCzarnyisn't that rm -rf ?09:50
KotCzarnyin all *nic books it's -rf09:51
rm_youthough i hadn't actually looked at the domain name like that before :P lol09:51
rm_youyes, usually09:51
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Tama^3rm-rf was already taken probably09:52
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n800musicpidgin hogs the whole screen09:55
n800musicyou see 3.5 lines09:56
Navipidgin sucks.09:56
n800musici think it's decent09:56
cLinhrm, i used canola cleanup cause it had a problem detecting files but now i can't download09:56
n800musicbut not on maemo09:56
cLineverything fails in application manager even though the internet works09:57
KotCzarnycanola sucka?09:57
cLinwell, obviously now i know09:57
cLini cant install any applications09:57
KotCzarnyrun terminal and then apt-get something09:57
KotCzarnyat least it will show you what's wrong09:58
KotCzarnyor see the logs option in app-manager09:58
cLinman, this thing is annoyin. sometimes the key responds slow or the dpadjams and goes down a lot09:59
cLinsays fail to fetch, something about a read only file system09:59
cLinhow did that happen09:59
cLinnot using locking for read only lock file filepatch10:00
KotCzarnyif that won't help connect via usb and chkdsk10:00
cLinreboot? turn off and turn on?10:00
cLini did that already10:00
cLinok, guess i need tochkdsk10:00
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rm_youhow do I *exit* UKMP!? >_>10:05
KotCzarnykillall ?10:05
KotCzarnytry clicking menu button10:05
rm_youi can hit the home button and close it with the X button, or kill via terminal... but it doesn't properly close >_>10:05
KotCzarnykill -9 ?10:06
rm_youit leaves music playing in the background <_<10:06
KotCzarnyprobably more to it10:06
KotCzarnyps ax|grep -i okmp10:06
KotCzarnyps ax|grep -i ukmp10:06
rm_youi was more hoping that there was an actual exit feature somewhere10:07
rm_youand i just failed at finding it10:07
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KotCzarnylast time i used it it closed properly10:07
KotCzarnybut it's medialibrarized10:07
rm_youwas there a button or something?10:07
KotCzarnyi don't know, i have uninstalled it10:07
n800musicis opera for 2008 available?10:08
rm_youi wish >_>10:08
rm_youhavent seen it10:08
KotCzarnyos2k7 wersion doesn't work?10:08
cLinwhattt, how is my memory card in use if nothing is open10:09
n800musici don't think so10:09
KotCzarnyclin, swap?10:09
n800musici think mozilla's is too memory hungry, i'd like to try opera10:09
cLinhow can i check10:09
KotCzarnytype free in terminal10:10
KotCzarnyand see if it's enabled10:10
cLinoh man this thing is lagging like crazy, but when i hook it up via usb to my computer, it speeds up10:10
cLinsays swap : 0 0 010:10
KotCzarnyclin: media-crawler10:10
cLinwhats that10:10
KotCzarnyi have disabled it altogether10:11
KotCzarnyi don't use media libraries10:11
cLinhow do i know if thats the source?10:11
svu_anyone managed to make os2008 use ntp server provided by dhcp?10:11
KotCzarnyrun terminal10:11
KotCzarnyand type: top10:11
cLini mean, i just rebooted so idont know why its like this10:11
KotCzarnythen: shift-p10:11
KotCzarnymedia-crawler crawls your data files ALL the time10:11
rm_youhow did you disable media-crawler?10:11
KotCzarnyrm_you: /etc/rc2.d/10:12
KotCzarnyand remove or rename Scosmethingmedia-crawler10:12
cLinholy shit10:12
KotCzarnyto Ksomething10:12
cLin96% cpu10:12
KotCzarnyah, yes, metalayer-crawl10:12
cLinFUCK THAT10:12
cLinwhat is it and can i get rid of it10:12
KotCzarnyjust wait it off10:12
cLinmmcqd is 35%10:12
KotCzarnyafter a while it will get down to reasonable cpu usage10:12
cLinmetalayer went down to 110:13
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cLini dont see media crawler though10:13
KotCzarnyit crawls EVERYTHING after you connect via usb or reboot the device10:13
cLinthere's only 6 processes10:13
KotCzarnywhen i was saying media-crawler i meant metalayer-crawl10:13
cLinhow long will it take?10:14
KotCzarnyif you want to know more about it just google10:14
KotCzarnythat depends on how many files you have10:14
cLincani disable it without any consequences?10:14
KotCzarnyfor me it was 10-120 seconds10:14
cLindo large files slow it down? i just put in my music which was around 2 gigs10:15
KotCzarnyif you want to have all your mp3/videos/images automatically added to your media library then you have to keep it running10:15
KotCzarnyjust google about it10:15
KotCzarnyi can be wrong10:16
cLinwell i mean in programslike canola don't they have that refreshoption that does it for you? and i am, im reading some thread on ITT10:16
KotCzarnyi'm not an expert10:16
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rm_youyeah i dont use any of the builtin media stuff10:18
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rm_youso the crawler is kind of useless10:18
KotCzarnymore than that10:18
KotCzarnyit's a hog.10:18
cLinoh man10:19
cLinim disabling it10:19
cLini cant even type root10:19
cLinit goes rooooott10:19
cLinor rottttttt10:19
cLinor rrroootttt10:19
KotCzarnyuse ssh10:19
cLinoh yea10:20
cLinwhen i type kill metalayer-crawl is says bad pid10:21
KotCzarnyuse killall10:21
KotCzarnykill needs numerical pid10:21
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cLinwouldnt that kill all processes?10:21
KotCzarnyread what killall does10:22
rm_youkilling it wont help, it autorestarts10:22
rm_youyou need to run:10:22
rm_you/etc/init.d/metalayer-crawler0 stop10:22
cLinwouldnt it just start up again when i reboot?10:22
cLini just followed some guys advice and renamed it10:23
rm_youyou'd need to remove it from the default runlevel10:23
cLinadded .deactivate at the end10:23
KotCzarnycanola-conf is metalayer-crawler's cousin done by canola team. It is a bit funny, they are from Nokia too but instead of making one good media scanning daemon together, they chose to make two (less good) ones.10:25
KotCzarnycanola sucks.10:25
cLinwhat do u use for media?10:26
KotCzarnymplayer and playfilelist10:26
KotCzarnyit's my ncurses ui to mplayer10:26
KotCzarnya hacked version of playmp3list10:26
KotCzarnyncurses ui is the best10:27
cLingot a link?10:27
KotCzarnyone can run it on a 'screen' and log out10:27
KotCzarnyi'm still developing it10:27
KotCzarnyif you like i can give you a source/binary10:28
cLinspeaking of screen, when i ssh into my n800, i cant use screen10:28
cLinsays its not found10:28
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KotCzarnyinstall it, doh.10:28
cLinoh, thought it came installed10:28
KotCzarnymost of good *nix stuff is optional10:28
KotCzarnybut available fortunately10:28
KotCzarnyfiles tag looks promising from screenshot10:32
n800musicis there a way to change fot size?10:32
n800musicor type?10:32
KotCzarnyvia gtk-themes i guess10:33
cLinhaha, i was just looking at that after you said canola sucks10:33
cLinsaw it in some thread on itt10:33
cLindoes look nice though10:33
cLinreminds me of foobar10:33
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K-Fox <----- is it possible to listen music on n800(os2007?10:42
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KotCzarnydoes that site works anyway?10:43
n800musici tried,no go10:43
KotCzarnylooks broken in my firefox10:43
n800musicits great on standard comouters10:44
KotCzarnydoesn't work on mine10:44
n800musicalso woonz.com10:44
n800musicsame thing10:44
KotCzarnyit's a flash10:44
KotCzarnyprobably badly written10:45
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dookdookssvb, you around?11:15
ssvbdookdook: yes11:15
dookdooki'm having some more compile errors...i'm sorry, i'm still a little fuzzy on what exactly is going on11:16
dookdook Error: selected processor does not support `usat lr,#8,lr'11:16
dookdookcompiled with:   -mcpu=arm926ej-s -g3  -mtune=arm1136j-s11:16
ssvbdookdook: nokia 770 does not support usat instruction11:18
dookdooki've got a nokia n80011:18
dookdookthats what i'm trying to compile for11:18
KotCzarnyleave out -mcpu and mtune ?11:18
ssvbdookdook: but you are compiling code compatible with 77011:19
ssvbjust set -mcpu=arm1136jf-s11:19
ssvbyou can 'man gcc'11:20
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dookdookach, yes, thank you...11:20
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pupnikssvb: pls see  - i can not get smooth playback with libmad but i can running nosound and a dspmp3 task in the background11:27
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pupnik600kb/s 400x240 xvid mpeg4 with vbr mp311:29
pupnikusing .2411:29
KotCzarnyuse .2511:29
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KotCzarny.24 has a bug with slow xvid decoding11:29
pupnikmm? thanks11:30
* BTobotras uses multimedia player out of the box -- does he loose something exciting w/mplayer? 11:32
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KotCzarnyas long as it suits you, no11:32
pupnikhey it's noticeably better11:32
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KotCzarnyhere you have changes since .2411:33
pupnikwrong link11:33
pupnikoh bad paste11:34
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ssvbpupnik: the difference is in "Fixed issue #2091 ('nokia770 video driver does not get enabled on N810')", xv video output is still slow11:39
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KotCzarnywhat about: * Fixed issue #1962 ('mp4(divx) playing VERY slowly with MPlayer 1.0rc1-maemo.24.n8x0') ?11:39
ssvbKotCzarny: that is a bugfix for proper mp4 container files support, it has nothing to do with avi files11:40
KotCzarnythen description is misleading11:41
ssvbthe description is fine, it mentions mp4 container format with divx encoded data in it11:42
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ssvbanyway, that's the summary of the following bugreport:
KotCzarnyone usually thinks avi is just a header and index for encoded data11:43
cLinhey KotCzarny i asked you earlier about the enter button, where is it in the prefernce? only option i find is having dpad open the finder keyboard11:44
KotCzarnytext input -> launch inger keyboard with []:11:45
cLinthats what i found. if i unselect it, does it act as enter?11:45
pupnikdoes libmad always render audio to 48khz?  i speficied -af resample=22050:2 in mencoder (mplayer reports AUDIO: 48000 Hz, 2 ch, s16le, 80.0 kbit/)11:49
KotCzarnythst's a source file format11:50
KotCzarnynot what is ctually rendered by mplayer11:50
pupnikhow do i force a lower mp3 encoder rate with mencoder?  i'm trying11:51
pupnik mencoder Amazon_720.wmv -o Amazion_400b.avi  -af volnorm -af resample=22050:2 -af channels=2 -oac mp3lame -lameopts lowpassfreq=11025:vbr=2:q=8 -vf-add scale=520:312  -ovc xvid -xvidencopts bitrate=800:me_quality=6:vhq=4:lumi_mask:gmc:pass=2 -ofps 25 -force-avi-aspect 800/48011:51
KotCzarnyhmm, or i may be wrong11:51
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KotCzarnyadd -srate 2205011:52
pupnikmplayer on PC also says the audio is 48khz11:52
KotCzarnyafter -af11:52
KotCzarny-af resample=22050 -srate 2205011:52
KotCzarnybut 22khz sucks.11:53
KotCzarnydon't go lower than 32khz11:53
pupnikalso i noticed that the -ao sdl runs at 48khz but -ao esd runs at 44100 khz on the backend11:54
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pupnikfor some things, low fi audio is ok if it buys me better performance11:55
KotCzarnyyou will have to reencode when that mp3decsink will be fixed11:56
pupnikthanks for the -srate tip - that worked11:56
pupnikfunny now i'm getting crazy bitrates reported11:56
pupnikVIDEO:  [XVID]  520x312  12bpp  25.000 fps  42469.7 kbps (5184.3 kbyte/s)11:56
KotCzarnybut it plays ok?11:57
pupnikyes on PC it reports11:57
pupnikVIDEO:  [XVID]  520x312  12bpp  25.000 fps  -17179870.0 kbps (-2097152.0 kbyte/s)11:57
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pupniki was changing the xvid bitrate - i think I specified 80011:57
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pupnikargh it was just because the file was incomplete that the br was reported wrong12:12
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KotCzarnyIt appears that regardless of the memory cards being unused (or even umounted), they do not enter low power mode. Is this a problem with the cards, with the OS or just an unfortunate combination of card model+OS?12:16
KotCzarnycan anyone comment on that?12:16
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`0660_well, when i removed the memory card that came with the device from the external slot my battery seems to have lasted a lot longer12:20
lcuk2yes, the font is too small ;) as for the situation itself i am unhappy with how quickly the 810 drains12:20
`0660_a lot more longer in fact, but in the other hand that's just a gut feeling :)12:20
* KotCzarny has 2sd cards inserted into n80012:21
KotCzarnyi should do some battery tests12:21
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`0660_would be nice to have more tests written about that topic12:22
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KotCzarnyat least someone hacked a battery meter tool12:23
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Veggenpeople - the problem with the long version number - is there any workaround? besides disabling chinook free ?12:25
lcuk2ll i know about the battery is that i have returned to my device far too oten to find it totally dead12:25
KotCzarnyveggen: file a bug report12:25
KotCzarnyor just hack /var/lib/dpkg/12:25
Tama^2battery tests are for losers12:26
KotCzarnythere's only 2 files that have insane version string12:26
Veggenlibfaad2 and faad2, yes.12:26
Tama^2KotCzarny, battery tests make you hate your N80012:26
Tama^2believe me12:26
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KotCzarnyi've read that n810 is even worse12:27
KotCzarnyin that matter12:27
KotCzarny(or was it other way around?)12:27
lcuk2i know the 810 is bad, and i cant even unplug a memory card to test if its that12:28
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Tama^2How does one disable the word completition bar when using a BT keyboard?12:29
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lcuk2tama, its in the control panel quite well buried away, if you start messing about in control panel tho you will hate your n8x0 ;)12:30
KotCzarnyit's only first time12:31
Tama^2Without any memory card inserted my N800 battery lasts almost 9 days12:31
KotCzarnythen your setup will be optimal12:31
Tama^2buried where?12:31
Tama^2please help me12:31
KotCzarnybut without any memory card it's no fun12:31
KotCzarnythough i can consider 1gb vs 12gb12:31
KotCzarnyif that would mean better times12:32
Tama^2btw it is creepy to see ppl quoting me in chan, I will have to pull that webpage xD12:32
lcuk2control panel/ text input settings / language tab/ settings button.    but its for always - you cant decide sometimes with, and sometimes without12:32
KotCzarnytama: then add info about you on the page12:32
Tama^2ah, I see12:33
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Tama^2KotCzarny, I am shy ;_;12:33
Tama^2thanks lcuk212:34
KotCzarnyshy, but you have a google accessible website?12:34
Tama^2I was looking for a way to disable it only for the keyboard, I guess that will have to do12:34
Tama^2well I am not really shy ;)12:35
KotCzarnylooks like n800 is superior to n81012:36
* KotCzarny happy12:37
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lcuk2nahhh, 800 is great if you can cope with covering the screen or want diff mem cards, but the 810 is more rounded and accessible to  a none tablet person.  i looked and thought @hmmm@ at 800, but just drooled at 810 and had to get it12:38
JaffaN810's styling is very drool worthy12:38
lcuk2even tho now i am typing with an apple keyboard i prefer having a full board for when i am away from my pit12:39
JaffaHere's hoping OS2009 is a big jump in shiny s/w12:39
lcuk2it cant be that big a jump really else they will lose compatability12:39
KotCzarnyif you don't mind hildonization most of apps can be recompiled12:40
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KotCzarnyso it's not a problem12:40
johnxyou can make pretty big changes without breaking API compatibility, especially in the user facing apps12:40
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Jaffalcuk2: I reckon they can sort many of the UI issues without changing the API (if not the ABI)12:40
lcuk2yer but if they up the shinyness the 8x0 will struggle to cope cpu power wise, not api compatability12:41
lcuk2its already at limits for most things now12:41
JaffaDamn the real world12:41
KotCzarnyupgradeable cpu would be nice12:41
JaffaYeah, whomever thought auto-scrolling on the RSS applet was a good idea on a battery, CPU and GPU-constrained device needs to be shot.12:41
lcuk2well, we could have a free upgrade if we could get it pointed in the right direction12:42
Tama^2autoscrolling can be disabled12:42
lcuk2we have coprocessors just lying idle right now ;(12:42
Tama^2and it does not scroll when it is not exposed12:43
lcuk2i disabled the rss applet but osso rss reader still runs - how can i kill it12:43
lcuk2for all time12:43
Tama^2do you have it on auto refresh feeds?12:44
lcuk2i never configured it - it had what it came with - i just removed it from desktop12:44
Tama^2let me check I have a fresh install too12:45
lcuk2thanks tho, i just re-enabled it, configured and found it was set - why should it update if its not in use?12:46
KotCzarnyno rss threads in my ps ax12:46
KotCzarnylcuk: for faster access?12:46
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lcuk2they update whenever i reconnected to wifi12:46
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lcuk2so i got a cpu spike of about 50% for about a minute12:47
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KotCzarnymaemo-launcher uses 3% cpu constantly, i wonder what is it doing12:48
lcuk2i noticed it because i would reconnect and instantly try to test my program it would go slow12:49
lcuk2launching things obviously12:49
KotCzarnyobviously not12:49
KotCzarnypids are not increasing12:49
lcuk2i noticed xomap was taking lots12:50
Tama^2reading dbus noise maybe12:50
KotCzarnylet's strace it12:50
Tama^2also consider that 3% when idle is 3% @ 165MHz12:50
Tama^2not much12:50
lcuk2thats #% more than it should be for an idle device12:51
lcuk23 even12:51
KotCzarnystill, 3% @ 165 is more than 012:51
KotCzarnyyes, it's polling constantly12:51
Tama^2It's interesting, I have flashed OS2007 and went back to OS2008 and now touchscreen pressure works (before it would not)12:53
Tama^2polling what?12:53
pupnikhow do you measure pressure?12:53
KotCzarnyhow can i ask strace to report fd names?12:53
lcuk2does anyone know about x11 xevents?   -   i have been attempting to slow my program down when no events occur  (i call into xnextevent) but i am constantly getting an event type of 65 but cant seem to identify it from the event mask or anywhere in the headers.  any ideas?12:54
Tama^2maemopad plus would not detect any difference in the stylus pressure12:54
Tama^2now it does12:54
lcuk2if you reflashed perhaps it reset the maemopad+ setting for @pressure sensitive@ ;)12:54
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KotCzarnylcuk: you can set a mask what events you want to receive12:54
lcuk2yes i know and i masked it to only keypress and release12:55
lcuk2but this ev 65 still occured12:55
Tama^2nah I checked that before and it was already set to be pressure sensitive12:55
KotCzarnylcuk: maybe some emulated key event?12:55
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lcuk2i got rid of everything i could, im tempted to think its a screen finished updating event but i dont like assumptions12:56
johnxwoo! cheap usb keyboard is go!12:56
KotCzarnythat's the part repeated ~2 times per second12:57
* aquatix really should get a usb host cable12:57
johnxaquatix, I just got a usb female-female12:57
lcuk2johnx, i tried that before i got this apple board12:57
Tama^3poll instead of select, mmmm12:57
lcuk2but i didnt like the fiddly wires12:57
johnxthe female to female isn't a wire, neither is the mini-b to A-male12:58
johnxthey're both short adapters12:58
lcuk2and on 810 i cant plug it in with the kickstand closed12:58
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johnxlcuk2 same with N80012:58
KotCzarnywireless kbd ftw!12:58
lcuk2so i cant use my cradle with it12:58
kikkaWow, the app-manager hate me. doesn't start. so, I will only use apt12:58
johnxthat's not so great, but I won't use the keyboard unless I'm at a flat surface anyways, so I don't see the point in wireless12:59
johnxkikka, the app manager hates *everyone*12:59
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KotCzarnymine, works12:59
lcuk2mmmmmmmmy wireless is working for a distanceeeeee of about 2 inches, but its a very important distance that no wire can cross cleanly12:59
KotCzarnybut i have broken apt-get12:59
lcuk2ooooh, this stutter is bad occasionally12:59
aquatixKotCzarny: i have an iGo and i'm loving it :)12:59
aquatixbut usb host for card reader or something may be cool12:59
KotCzarnyi will have to buy one13:00
aquatixor portable hdd13:00
KotCzarnysooner or later13:00
KotCzarnyfor now i'm loving wlan and ssh13:00
aquatixiGo stopped making them :(13:00
johnxI'll probably hack up an ugly stand to attach my N800 to the stop: hardware store, but not today13:00
pupnikduct tape...13:01
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johnxI'm thinking maybe a door mounting plate type thing13:01
johnxdunno what it's called13:01
spirytusickjohnx: a hinge ?13:01
KotCzarnyvesa mount?13:01
johnxnot a hinge though13:01
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lcuk2lol @ getting a tilt n swivel bracket for your 81013:02
* johnx is tired, probably isn't making much sense13:02
spirytusicklcuk2: yep, flexibility and durability, stainless steel!! just fantastic :)13:02
KotCzarnyit's a pity n8x0 doesn't have four button on the right side too13:02
johnxI'm just happy that my keyboard works13:02
KotCzarny(like in psp)13:02
lcuk2aaaaaaaactually, its a shame they didnt include a camera tripod mounting screw to the base13:03
lcuk2ffffs @ stutter13:03
johnxthat would have been really nice13:03
kikkajohnx: Thanks :)13:03
spirytusicklcuk2: I'll grab by mate's n810 and see if it can be drilled. I am sure he wouldn't mind :)13:03
lcuk2lol spiry13:04
lcuk2does anyone else have bt keyboard stutter like i appear to be having13:04
KotCzarnyjust break old dig-cam and superglue the part13:04
megabyte405lcuk2: with high cpu usage or long holds on the keys, yeah13:04
spirytusickKotCzarny: might work, but it will look ugly as hell :)13:04
megabyte405press quicker or run less stuff13:04
lcuk2thats just the sensible approach, best go with the drilling "its the only way to be sure"13:04
KotCzarnymake it cute then!13:05
KotCzarnyright through the lcd13:05
lcuk2i have xchat open and a webpage from a while ago with pastebin on13:05
spirytusickKotCzarny: a cute birck ? :) heh, I give up :)13:05
johnxvery odd, the keyboard works but the caps lock/num lock/scroll lock lights don't come on O_o13:05
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lcuk2you could drill straight through the ambient sensor, its useless anyway, and it might also go through the gps antenna, which may actually make that work as well, so in the end its a plus13:06
lcuk2johnx, power considerations, you might find if you press keys from all quadrants of the keyboard it may reboot13:06
johnxwell that's awesome13:07
johnxI'll do a sync and try right now13:07
spirytusicklcuk2: maybe a shock therapy with an explosive stuck to the device will help ? I've heard it works wonders with people!13:07
lcuk2you only have 100ma, so no keypounding13:07
lcuk2i know a lot of people want an exploded view of 810 but thats pushing the envelope a bit far13:08
pupnikwill it blend?13:08
lcuk2very likely, dont breathe this in - its nokia smoke13:08
spirytusicklcuk2: what does the nokia smoke do to you ?13:09
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johnxlcuk2, I thought it was more like 200mA?13:09
lcuk2try it and see13:09
johnxalso I just pressed all the keys at once13:09
johnxno effect :)13:09
johnxexcept lots of letters showing up in "Notes"13:09
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johnxand the N810 text prediction bar even shows up. Cute :D13:10
lcuk2no john, usb OTG is 100ma.  Thats because a normal usb device is given 100 to init itself and send over its spec.  the otg device is not expecting any more tho13:10
lcuk2john, diff keyboards have diff power requirements, mine must have been a fatty13:10
johnxthis one is quite small13:11
lcuk2power consumption wise13:11
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lcuk2:O youngest is singing13:11
johnxahahaha! it lists the power consumption on the box13:12
johnxI didn't even notice13:12
lcuk2on which box? kb?13:12
lcuk2then that explains why yours works nicely :)13:12
johnxit might take a bit to get used to this key size, but I learned the Zaurus...This shouldn't be too hard13:13
lcuk2this logitech deluve has 5v100ma on the back13:13
johnxthe key-pitch and layout might drive some people nuts, but that just means no one will borrow it from me. :D13:15
KotCzarnyif you don't want to borrow, just say no13:16
KotCzarnyshould work most of the time13:16
johnxyeah, but this way no one will even ask :)13:16
Tama^2The PluThon thingy for Eclipse works13:17
Tama^2It can start python apps on the tablet remotely for testing13:18
KotCzarnyso does vnc and ssh13:18
Tama^2I'd rather use ssh myself13:19
Tama^2it's quicker13:19
KotCzarnyand more convenient/safe13:19
lcuk2ive got a nice little script setup to make/copy/run/killall an app i am testing13:22
KotCzarnyuse nfs/sshfs13:22
KotCzarnyjust mount you devel dir and run directly13:22
lcuk2i use scp to do the copy13:22
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lcuk2it does its job as it stands but that sounds like i would need to put code on the device aswell, or just build it into a mounted dir?13:23
KotCzarnyjust imagine it as a local dir on you nokia13:24
KotCzarnyeven if it's on pc13:24
lcuk2ahhh do it that way round, thats a possibility, but since its through a vmware box and not available all the time its not that simple13:25
lcuk2i want to push the exe for testing but then run again when i am offline13:25
lcuk2i dont want to have to keep wifi enabled just to read a book13:26
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KotCzarnyit is available13:26
KotCzarnyyou vmware box has net access13:26
KotCzarnyso it can be done13:27
lcuk2yes, it does, but not all the time, it might do whilst i am sat developing, but i want to carry on testing offline - its a book reader and the best way to test it is to sit back and read and i dont want to drain battery with wifi13:27
kikkaNokia770-49:~# evince13:28
kikkaevince[1179]: GLIB CRITICAL ** Gtk - gtk_widget_set_sensitive: assertion `GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed13:28
kikkaSegmentation fault13:28
KotCzarnybut when you're done developing you can copy it finally13:28
kikkaWhat the hell?13:28
KotCzarnyand you can even do it from nokia itself13:28
KotCzarnybecause it's mounted on it13:29
lcuk2but the way i am doing it, i get best of both worlds, i test directly on device and can control it and start/stop when i like and i also get to walk away with the latest version, even if vmware shut off or wifi off13:29
KotCzarnyyou're stressing your flash13:29
KotCzarnyover and over13:29
KotCzarnythe best way is: develop on pc, mount dir via nfs on nokia, test it on nokia, when done, run script to copy to the /usr/local13:30
lcuk2i stress my flash every time i do anything with the filesystem, i hardly think a single file update will make matters worse - the 128mb of swap is doing tonnes more damage13:30
KotCzarnyswap ? rarely13:31
lcuk2but how do i know when i am done?little things l13:31
KotCzarnyjournal wears the flash a lot more13:31
lcuk2ike irc get in the way and family13:31
KotCzarnylcuk, you will know when you're done because you will be quitting vmware13:31
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lcuk2not really, vm is still running this time, but little things stop me getting anything done - fact is at the moment im happy with how im doing it and it works well for me :)13:35
KotCzarnythough i prefer mounting13:36
johnxI really doubt anyone will find a way to kill their flash except through very heavy swapping13:36
KotCzarnythat way i can browse other files too13:36
KotCzarnyjohnx: heavy swapping isn't that bad as you think13:37
KotCzarnyjournal is a lot worse13:37
KotCzarnybut jffs2 and vfat are ok13:37
johnxhow is journal worse? it's one extra write for every realy write to a file...correct?13:37
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Tama^3it all depends on the how the card handles wear leveling, but considering the cost per MB I would not worry honestly13:38
KotCzarnytama: data loss13:38
KotCzarnymoney is not a problem13:38
jaska_ext2 with noatime might work13:38
KotCzarnybut data loss happen at the worst moment13:38
Tama^3data loss is not happening within the lifetime of the card13:38
johnxTama^2, a broken internal flash on the N810 would be no fun13:38
Tama^3roughly 5 years?13:38
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* KotCzarny runs ibm x32 on 4gb compact flash13:39
KotCzarny~2 years by now13:39
lcuk2john, it wouldnt break totally, the available space will just start to drop as more secotrs are marked bad13:39
johnxKotCzarny, if you're swapping you're potentially reading and writing in small chunks as fast as the card can be written to13:39
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KotCzarnyjohnx: but in different places13:39
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KotCzarnyjournal is usually 4-32mb13:39
johnxwear leveling...13:40
KotCzarnywear levelling is usually divided in sectors13:40
KotCzarnysandisk used 4mb sectors13:40
KotCzarnyso it's not move this block to anywhere on card13:40
KotCzarnybut move this block anywhere on 4mb-sector13:41
johnxaaah...ok, I could never get a definitive answer on that13:41
johnxcan you direct me to some in-depth reading?13:41
KotCzarnyi have seen a white-paper for a wear levelling v1.013:41
KotCzarnyfrom sandisk13:41
lcuk2i would like to see a memory module with standard ddr a cap and a baseline of flash so when the power goes out it has enough internal power to copy everything onto flash13:41
Tama^2I think you can read patents about it13:42
KotCzarnylcuk: that's called system cache13:42
lcuk2im on about a proper drop in replacement, so the issue of writeeeeee times never comes up13:42
Tama^2but if you read the implementation of jffs2 it's pretty much the same concept implemented on the host13:43
johnxcool, I'll add that to my list of bedtime reading... :)13:43
KotCzarnybut it's old13:43
KotCzarnyand may be outdated13:43
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lcuk2right, family time - cyas later13:45
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Tama^2see ya lck213:46
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aquatixTama^2: Too much? :)13:48
Tama^2there is no such thing13:49
KotCzarnythere is13:50
Tama^2but I saw that joke on IRC ages ago13:50
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aquatixKotCzarny: myeah, if it's starting to hurt and eat all your time, maybe ;)13:52
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jaska_guess my n810 is cursed, reflashed and gets stuck installing the 'maemo-pc-connectivity' :)13:58
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jkuthat's a bad name for that package btw14:03
jkuI wonder how many people will install it expecting sync software or somthing14:03
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pupnik_yrgh omap3530 has 430-MHz TMS320C64x DSP Core14:08
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pupnik_  ti making open source push for OMAP353014:13
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jkupupnik, you are familiar with pandora? is the "April/may" release date something that can actually happen?14:14
pupnikyes according to the public/private info I have14:15
KotCzarnythat omap has 3 sdio interfaces14:17
aquatix3x 32GB SDHC ftw :)14:18
KotCzarnymoney money money14:18
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aquatixsorry, had to say that ;)14:18
pupnikit will have 2 full size SD slots14:18
KotCzarnyone 32gb sdhc would be ok14:18
KotCzarnyfor a start14:18
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aquatixvery true14:18
KotCzarnybut i'm not complaining14:18
KotCzarny8gb is fine too14:18
johnxI really can't believe that SDHC spec only supports up to 32GB :/14:19
* aquatix currently has 4GB minisd14:19
johnxin its current version at least14:19
aquatixbut my microsd -> minisd adapters should come in soonish14:19
pupnikso buy 10 cards and have 320GB on the go14:20
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* aquatix drools a bit14:21
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pupnikwith tv-out you can have a nice little media player14:21
KotCzarnyswapping card sucks14:21
spirytusickKotCzarny: still one big card can store much more than one dvd14:21
pupnikthen get a battery pack and a 1TB drive on usb14:22
spirytusickKotCzarny: you will not have to swap too often if you know what you want to watch14:22
johnxI read the SDHC spec, from what it looks like they just need to flip a couple bits in software to support arbitrarily large sizes14:22
KotCzarnyi'm not a divx maniac14:22
KotCzarnyso 8gb is fine for me14:22
* aquatix already has 2.5GB of music on it14:23
aquatixand some Futurama14:23
johnxreally, 640KB ought to be enough...14:23
spirytusickKotCzarny: my only concern would be not loosing the cards, it was hard enought sometimes to find a 5.25"" floppy, looking for an sd or microcd would be a nightmare14:23
aquatixjohnx: that's working mem ;)14:23
KotCzarnythat's why swapping cards suck14:23
johnxbut it's the principal14:23
KotCzarnyjohnx: ever seen vista?14:24
spirytusickKotCzarny: and worse, under certain circumstances and a reasonable intoxication level swallowing an microsd card becomes a possibility...14:24
aquatixspirytusick: hahaha14:24
lcuk"keep this safe, its listers mind"14:24
spirytusickKotCzarny: gives new meaning to the expression "gone to shit"14:24
aquatixi already almost lost such a card in the train14:24
johnxKotCzarny, I really haven't played with it except at a store...14:24
aquatixjohnx: it sucks14:25
KotCzarnyjohnx, i guess it's bootloader is bigger than 640kb14:25
aquatixi had to fix things on it for family, and it's a purely annoying OS14:25
aquatixstorage and working mem are two things14:25
johnxI was making a point though14:25
KotCzarnywhat would be nice are a pockets INSIDE the device14:25
aquatixwhy wouldn't you be able to have high quality media [movies, music]?14:25
K-Foxis it possible to see comic?14:26
aquatixKotCzarny: like... an extra SD slot? ;)14:26
johnxK-Fox, yes14:26
spirytusickI currently have 2 8gb sd cards14:26
KotCzarnyaquatix, even not connected electrically14:26
spirytusick12 gb is for storage and 4 gb for my / filesystem14:26
K-Foxwhat is a name of application?14:26
johnxK-Fox, google for comic viewer maemo14:26
aquatixor put the rss feeds in google reader or something ;)14:27
KotCzarnyquiver would work too14:27
spirytusickso far I have enought space for everything, some pictures, some movies, and plenty of scummvm games, jagged alliance and a full copy of bg2, still a lot of space leftr14:27
KotCzarnyjagged alliance?14:27
spirytusickjagged alliance 2 to be exact14:27
KotCzarnyonly storage or it runs on maemo too?14:28
spirytusickKotCzarny: Check the itt forums in the software/gaming section14:28
johnxhonestly though, why did they stop at 32GB? I thought one compatibility break would be enough to get them to fix things for real14:28
KotCzarnyjohnx, money money money14:28
johnxI guess...I tried to play "follow the money" but I just didn't see it14:29
KotCzarnynew standard, new license?14:29
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KotCzarnyold device gone ?14:29
johnxI thought the people who made the sd spec were representatives of the people who implemented it...maybe I assumed incorrectly14:30
KotCzarnyjohnx, it's the sales of cards that generates money14:31
KotCzarnyi think14:31
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spirytusickjohnx: having a standard wich does not require changes for long time is not exactly profitable nowadays14:31
johnxright, so "joe has a camera that takes SDHC cards, he wants to buy a new bigger card, but he *can't* because it won't work in his camera"14:31
spirytusickjohnx: they can always charge you for a new upgraded capability14:31
spirytusickjohnx: it's not technical limitation, sadly only marketing...14:31
KotCzarnybut by that time joe's camera would be outdated14:31
johnxspirytusick, I came to the same conclusion after about 10 minutes with the spec14:32
KotCzarnybut i guess laziness also plays some part14:32
michele_I bet they've just been dumb and did it wrong again14:32
spirytusickjohnx: this is what is built in in everything nowadays14:32
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spirytusickjohnx: I wouldn't be suprised if our n8x0 lcd controller and lack of 3d accelleration was not a design flaw but a required element of the marketing plot14:33
johnxspirytusick, that's a little paranoid. :) I think Nokia is just as pissed to be saddled with this design14:33
lcukthey could upgrade the bandwidth to the lcd without compromising the major design14:34
johnx"Don't attribute to malice what can be equally explained by stupidity."14:34
johnxlcuk, the interface becomes unstable when run at higher speeds14:34
michele_or by currently available hardware and prices14:34
spirytusicklcuk: but then they would not be able to sell you the new tablet summetime ? :)14:34
lcukfor this specific lcd model, but there must be others which operate well at higher frequencies14:35
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KotCzarnyoverclocking would be nice14:35
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johnxKotCzarny, overclocking the LCD interface?14:36
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johnxapparently 10% is the most you could get without risking damage14:36
KotCzarnycould be enough for some people to be happy14:37
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johnx<10% and you only end up with display glitches and instability :P14:37
KotCzarnyi'm happy for now14:38
KotCzarnyand waiting for the mp3decsink fix14:38
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johnxfor mplayer?14:39
johnxlibmad should end up faster anyways14:39
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spirytusickKotCzarny: what is it fixing? dsp decoding ?14:40
KotCzarnyspirytusick: right now mplayer has sync problems in 2008, so they disabled gst support14:40
KotCzarnyif they fix it think of it as a free cpu cycles14:41
lcuktechnically, the lcd can handle > 25fps 800*480 YUV frames (i know because i am getting 27fps using only the greyscale channel but its refreshing everything)14:41
johnxas long as libmad takes up less than 70MHz worth of CPU time it should be faster than doing it on the dsp14:41
spirytusickKotCzarny: yep, slight delay in sound playback vs video14:41
KotCzarnylibmad is ok14:41
lcuksdl uses an unoptimum path to get its data14:41
KotCzarnybut esd sucks big time14:41
johnxit used to use ALSA, iirc14:42
johnxbut something is up with alsa in OS2008 I think14:42
KotCzarnyjohnx: cpu can be stuck to 400/133 mode14:42
KotCzarnythen you get 400mhz AND free 133 of dsp14:42
johnxis that enough for mp3 decoding though?14:42
KotCzarny(or is it 400/110)14:42
spirytusickjohnx: true, I have tried to compile a few module players in scratchbox, half of them did not work, a one of them had a weird speedup issue14:43
johnx133 sounds right14:43
KotCzarnyjohnx: yes, more than enough14:43
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johnxspirytusick, and I've had nothing but pain from *something* they did to part of the path for a2dp14:43
spirytusickjohnx: let14:45
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spirytusicklet's hope the next os release will fix some of those bugs14:45
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johnxI hope so...14:46
KotCzarnydon't hope. hack.14:46
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johnxI have been14:46
johnxI've been hacking Debian, but I'm tired of running into stupid things that trip me up :|14:46
GeneralAntillesI dunno what Python installation tutorial told this poor dude to go to xterm, but he sent me 3 PMs begging me to help him last night. <_<14:48
lcukis there any documentation on what triggers the cpu speedups14:48
johnxthe random chunks of ITOS thar are closed just put me in a stabbin' mood14:48
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johnxGeneralAntilles, if you look on the official site that's how it tells you to install it14:48
GeneralAntillesjohnx, you should start filing bugs on bugzilla about pieces not having source. :P14:49
johnxmight want to drop them an email telling them to fix it14:49
GeneralAntillesDoes it really?14:49
johnxpretty sure14:49
GeneralAntillesWhy in the world. . . .14:49
GeneralAntillesYeah, I see it.14:50
johnxlunacy, no?14:50
GeneralAntillesI'd expect better from INdT. . . .14:50
aquatixthat's how i installed python2.5-runtime too14:50
aquatixnot sure what's difficult on that though :)14:51
* KotCzarny never installed python by himself14:51
KotCzarnyapp-manager took care of it14:51
johnxaquatix, hang out on itt for 20 minutes...14:51
aquatixjohnx: yeah, really should be more on the forums i guess14:52
aquatixdon't have time though :(14:52
KotCzarnymake some dummy package that requires apt-get to fetch what they need14:52
* aquatix wonders what he's doing on irc at all :D14:52
KotCzarnyand post .install somewhere14:52
aquatixKotCzarny: true14:52
aquatixsounds easy14:52
aquatixjust some meta-package14:52
GeneralAntillesIf Extras is enabled, anything that needs Python will install it.14:52
johnxer...what I mean is the average itt user is fresh out of windows xp, never used the CLI, wants things to "just work"14:52
aquatixor even just a .install for python2.5-runtime14:52
* KotCzarny never used cli to install apps14:53
aquatixjohnx: yeah14:53
johnxthere *is* one, but it apparently doesn't work intermittently14:53
aquatixjohnx: i meant more like `i only see itt threads when googling on issues/things instead of even browsing it decently'14:53
aquatixoh well14:53
jkujohnx, the solution for them is for the apps to depend on the runtime, right?14:53
jkunot another package to install...14:54
aquatixjku: yeah14:54
aquatixand several apps don't :/14:54
johnxthere are just a few that fall through the cracks and get in over their heads...14:54
GeneralAntillesjku, they do.14:54
aquatixthat's stupid14:54
GeneralAntilles'least, all the ones that I've seen do.14:54
aquatixoh wait yeah14:54
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aquatixbut they say 'uninstallable', because they miss the runtime14:54
KotCzarnyuninstallable means it can be uninstalled14:55
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aquatix`not installable'14:55
* aquatix is not that awake14:55
aquatixwas some dutch-english fsckup :)14:56
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KotCzarnyRendering is currently a scanline 2x scaler. Running lemmings about 5 fps.14:57
KotCzarnyplaying lemmings with a stylus would be great :>14:57
* johnx remembers lemmings for the SNES14:58
* KotCzarny remembers lemmings on the amiga14:58
johnxgah...the snes controller was not the best thing ever for that game14:58
KotCzarnysuperior sound14:58
glassisn't there a lemmings clone port already14:58
johnxI think it's playable but somewhat crashy?14:58
GeneralAntillesAh, it seems they got rid of the /user meta package for Python-runtime.14:58
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johnxwow...well that's ... awesome14:59
GeneralAntillesSo you either need redpill or root to install it without installing something that depends on it.14:59
GeneralAntilles. . . and if some things don't depend on it properly. :\14:59
GeneralAntilles'least we don't have to deal with the 2.4/2.5 nonsense anymore. :D15:00
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* aquatix has even played lemmings on his old palm15:02
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arif_endrohello all :)15:26
arif_endroIt's true that N830 is equiped with WiMAX device?15:28
KotCzarnybut it's not released yet15:28
KotCzarnyso it can be reverted15:28
KotCzarnyfor any reason15:28
johnxKotCzarny, do you know something we don't or are you just playing around? :P15:29
KotCzarnyjohnx: google for it15:29
johnxyeah, I see the bestbuy ad that TexRat pretty much refuted15:29
GeneralAntillesThere's no N830.15:29
GeneralAntillesThere WILL be a WiMAX tablet, but it's not the one pictured in the Best Buy ad.15:29
johnxKotCzarny, alright, stop playin' with the newbs :P15:30
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arif_endroSo it's still in question..? btw when will Nokia announce about this things..15:31
KotCzarnyi don't know why wimax would be such a feature15:31
johnxyes. only Nokia knows15:31
KotCzarnyeven now i'm setting rate to 2mbit15:32
KotCzarny(power, range etc)15:32
arif_endro2 mbit? it's for WiMAX or Wifi15:32
aquatixKotCzarny: well, because you will have wireless everywhere then?15:32
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johnxmy guesses? maybe at cebit, maybe when sprint's xohm network launches, maybe if you ask them really, really nice. :)15:32
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aquatixwimax is for outside15:32
KotCzarnyso wimax isn't wifi compatible?15:32
aquatixgoogle it :)15:33
KotCzarnyi thought it's simply another speed upgrade15:33
aquatixno, it's some 4G thing15:33
Fang64wimax is a different standard all together, folks seem to keep confusing it15:33
Fang64just because of the "Wi" part15:33
johnxKotCzarny, I don't know when you're playing and when you honestly don't know...15:33
aquatixFang64: well, the name is confusing indeed15:33
arif_endroI thinks WiMAX is still considered 3G by ITU15:33
Fang64yup IEEE 802.1615:33
aquatixand it's based loosely on wifi, but it's a different thing altogether15:33
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Fang64It operates at different frequencies from WiFi as well15:34
arif_endrowhat's frequency they use in WiMAX15:34
Fang64depends on region15:34
aquatixFang64: thankfully, otherwise it'd push our networks from the air :)15:34's frequency agnostic last time I checked15:34
Fang64aquatix: we already have alot of trash on 2.4 microwave as it is, I can barely operate a AP where I am at due to trash15:35
johnxyou *could* implement it on unlicensed bands, but there wouldn't be much point15:35
arif_endrofrequency agnostic? what it's15:35
KotCzarnybut it's microwave access15:35
KotCzarnyso it's 2.4g + i guess15:35
Fang64well depends on the implementation15:35
Fang64some operate on multiple bands15:35
johnxarif_endro, the wimax specification doesn't specify a frequency15:35
Fang64which is quite annoying at least when designing the antenna for those client s15:36
arif_endroany info on the WiMAX chipset being used on N830?15:36
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johnxthere's not much (any?) reliable info15:38
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johnxand it probably won't be N83015:38
johnxthat "leak" was apparently a false alarm15:38
KotCzarnyattention catcher15:38
* michele_ wonders if KotCzarny has the smiley embedded in the return key15:39
Fang64indeed, plus we have competition with other types of services like EVDO, HSDPA, and EDGE which offer similar speeds comparable to WiMax15:39
Fang64Nokia can choose what they are going to implement *yawns* and who knows if the N830 has any of those capabilities or if we'll get it XD15:40
KotCzarnybtw. what happened to n820?15:40
KotCzarnyanyone knows?15:40
Fang64lol, sometimes model numbers don't make sense lol15:41
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aquatixfree slot for n810 update?15:41
KotCzarnyyeah, and n7[89]015:41
johnxthe same thing that happened to the 780 and 790?15:41
johnxbeat me to it :P15:41
KotCzarnynot to mention lower models15:41
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* aquatix never `got' the nokia numbering15:41
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* KotCzarny had nokina 551015:42
aquatixn810 is my first nokia15:43
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aquatixi prefer SE15:43
arif_endrowhen did Nokia start using Linux for their device?15:43
Fang64when they developed the tablets?15:43
johnxthe 770 was the first15:43
aquatix770 was mainly an underground project iirc15:44
Fang64just a guess, really don't know myself, my N800 was my first, but this was after viewing a N770 a while back15:44
michele_I am with aquatix15:44
michele_nokia UI was sensible until they introduced color screens15:44
KotCzarnyi don't like sony part in se15:44
KotCzarnyotherwise it's ok15:44
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aquatixKotCzarny: agreed; i'd rather see them use SD and such, but i love their phones15:45
michele_I still have the T39 :)15:45
* KotCzarny too15:45
michele_without the sony part15:45
KotCzarnyt39m to be exact15:45
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KotCzarnybah. i've got two of them15:45
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KotCzarnyone white and one black15:45
arif_endroI guess you like it alot.. :)15:46
aquatixah yeah, that one15:47
KotCzarnyit's a very nice phone15:47
KotCzarnykeyboard is sick though15:47
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KotCzarnyv0.8 - 2008-02-20 - Lemon16:31
KotCzarny(r3064) Add support for Maemo, so the menu button acts as modifier key to perform right clicks.16:31
KotCzarnyjagged alliance16:31
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freelikegnuhas someone been able to get wpa_supplicant to work in os2008?16:37
GeneralAntillesIt's on the front page. . . .16:38
johnxI'm not sure how much of it works without wext but it's worth a try if you need it16:39
freelikegnuI was getting errors about unsupported functions16:39
johnxsounds like you need the wext patch I mention at the end of the thread16:39
johnxno guarantees though16:40
freelikegnutrying to connect to TTLS with PAP phase 216:40
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johnxAll I can tell you is that it "worked for me" for psk but I got an error or two16:40
johnxI guess it turned out not to be important16:40
* johnx shrugs16:40
KotCzarnyisn't there an oss project for a wifi driver for a n8x0 ?16:41
johnxnot as far as I know16:41
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freelikegnuhmm is this something I could compile on the nokia itself or do I need a development environment on another computer16:43
KotCzarnyboth true16:43
michele_there was a posting about an in progress driver on the linux-wireless ML16:43
johnxfreelikegnu, if you trust kernel modules from random people you meet on IRC I can put up the copy I have on my web server. interested? :)16:44
johnxyou'd need scratchbox setup, otherwise16:44
johnxmichele_, well that's nice to hear :D16:44
KotCzarnyjohnx: isn't that true for ?16:45
freelikegnuI would very much like to try your module16:45
johnxKotCzarny, heh...but people trusted when it's all nice and official looking :)16:45
KotCzarnyyes, like microsoft.com16:46
michele_johnx: I'm trying to dig it out, but I don't remember if I read about it here or on ITT16:47
johnxdon't worry about it16:47
KotCzarnyn800 has a line in?16:47
johnxI'll look it up later16:47
johnxabout to go to bed16:47
freelikegnuthanks again johnx16:48
johnxfreelikegnu, did you get the URL?16:48
GeneralAntillesIt was on here, michele_.16:49
GeneralAntillesFor the N810 chipset.16:49
GeneralAntillesdragorn noticed it.16:49
KotCzarnyn810 has different wifi chip than n800?16:49
freelikegnuyes thanks :16:50
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freelikegnuI'll have to get scratchbox going too16:50
KotCzarnyunless you have fast net connection it will take some time16:51
KotCzarnyit downloads ~300-400mb16:51
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KotCzarnybut overall it does it automatically16:52
KotCzarnyso user interaction is minimal16:52
michele_gotta love krisse's new tutorial "how to find themes"... he might as well have listed all of them :)16:52
johnxfreelikegnu, see the end of this thread for info on what to do after loading the module:
johnxand I need some sleep O_o up waaaay too late16:52
johnx'night all16:53
freelikegnugnite johnx16:53
KotCzarnyoh, innards!16:53
KotCzarnyIT pr0n16:53
pupnikand i think of the first time i saw an opened IBM PC16:57
KotCzarnyyeah, /me started getting in early16:57
KotCzarnyWiMAX Available through Sprint Nextel in '0817:00
freelikegnuI think I corrupted my 16gb sd hehe17:02
KotCzarnyfortunatelly it's not unrecoverable17:03
freelikegnuI think it can be fixed to17:03
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KotCzarny[   19.046875] hub 1-0:1.0: 200mA bus power budget for each child17:05
KotCzarnyi guess n800 has 200mA for usb17:05
freelikegnuI'd like to hack mine to draw 5v from usb (instead of mini plug) ..though it might screw up host mode17:06
KotCzarnyjust add battery pack17:06
KotCzarnyie. 4xaa17:06
KotCzarnythat will double as externall battery too17:06
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freelikegnuI mean so I can charge with usb from another machine, seems odd that it was not designed that way17:07
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freelikegnuis there knowledge about what the little pads on the n800 circuit board go to?17:13
kikkaOh, hey freelikegnu.17:14
GeneralAntillesfreelikegnu, I'm going to say it was a combination of things. A. no other Nokia device uses USB for power, B. the device is OTG, and C. USB doesn't really provide enough juice to charge the thing well.17:14
GeneralAntillesSo, really, it's not odd.17:14
GeneralAntillesIt makes perfect sense.17:14
GeneralAntillesPlus, the circuitry is a lot simpler if you don't have to consider the possibility of power coming from two places at once.17:14
glassGeneralAntilles: theres one new nokia that uses microusb for charging17:15
trulswell, if usb were added you'd remove the other connector though17:15
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glassbut it doesn't have a normal charger plug17:15
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KotCzarnymotorola razor uses miniusb style plug too17:16
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GeneralAntillesglass, ok, but did it exist back in 2006?17:16
GeneralAntillesWe're not talking about motos. ;)17:16
GeneralAntillestruls, USB doesn't provide enough juice to charge the device well, though.17:17
KotCzarnybut i was positively amazed17:17
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glassGeneralAntilles: nah, 200717:17
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GeneralAntillesThen my point still stands.17:17
KotCzarnythat they didn't invent wheel again17:17
KotCzarnygeneral: ever seen charger rating?17:17
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GeneralAntillesUSB is 500mA17:18
GeneralAntillesYou expect them to make their charger decisions on out-of-spec power requirements? :P17:18
KotCzarnyi have been connecting 1A hdds to my thinkpad17:19
KotCzarnybut i guess 500mA is enough for charging too17:19
KotCzarnyit only takes a little longer17:19
GeneralAntillesBut it'll be slow.17:19
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GeneralAntillesand it may actually discharge during heavy use.17:19
freelikegnuI'm just upset that I left my chager at work for the w/e17:20
GeneralAntillesBuy yourself a couple extras17:20
GeneralAntillesAmazon or eBay17:20
freelikegnuand I dont have any plugs that fit the n800 lying around17:20
GeneralAntillesThey're like $2 a piece.17:20
KotCzarnypity they changed the connector again17:20
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freelikegnuyeah extra charger is a good idea, I just got my n800 this wekk17:21
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michele_$2 for a charger... I just paid €12 for one...17:21
KotCzarnythere are chargers and chargers17:21
freelikegnulast week I busted open two laptop charger to solder new cables to them17:21
GeneralAntillesThe connector got smaller17:22
GeneralAntillesA LOT smaller.17:22
GeneralAntillesMakes perfect sense that they changed it.17:22
GeneralAntillesThe old one was BIG.17:22
michele_I hate nokia's tiny connector17:22
KotCzarnynot that big17:22
aquatixmichele_: i paid 19.99 EUR for mine :(17:22
GeneralAntillesBig on a mobile device scale, KotCzarny.17:22
KotCzarnystill not that big.17:22
glassthe smaller nokia plug is much more prone to breaking than the old one17:22
KotCzarnyeven smaller phones used it17:22
GeneralAntillesI got four from Amazon for $1517:22
freelikegnuif I get one on ebay, I'm gonna test with a multimeter first! :D17:22
GeneralAntillesMostly shipping cost.17:23
GeneralAntillesAll Nokia-branded.17:23
KotCzarnythat way you could have one charger for phone/n80017:23
aquatixGeneralAntilles: i got an official nokia from a store17:23
aquatixbut i really needed one17:23
aquatixi only had a US charger17:23
KotCzarnyus charger would be fine17:23
aquatixand that's useless here in the netherlands ;)17:23
KotCzarnyi guess17:23
KotCzarnythey are 100-24017:23
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freelikegnuI think when I buy a house, I'm gonna have it wired with DC as well as AC17:23
aquatixpins don't fit in the wall17:23
michele_aquatix: same here in Italy :)17:23
glassplug converters arent free17:23
glasspretty cheap though17:24
KotCzarnyyeah. like 0.20$17:24
freelikegnuwith 12v, +5 and -517:24
aquatixand harder to find than a normal charger17:24
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aquatixi just wanted a charger ;)17:24
michele_freelikegnu: when you buy a house, you'll have enough expenses to think before coming to an AC plug...17:24
aquatixand now i want alsa working on my freaking laptop :/17:24
aquatixwhy does it break with newer kernels17:24
aquatixfreelikegnu: when you buy a house, induction mats to charge devices have actually appeared ;)17:25
KotCzarnyworks fine on mine17:25
freelikegnuI will probably just be a desktop PSU in the attic17:25
aquatixit worked fine on my kernel, but not on the stock 2.6.24-4 debian kernel :/17:25
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aquatixfreelikegnu: like it can sustain the power through the whole house17:26
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aquatixyou'll get a lot of loss17:26
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freelikegnuinduction could be pulled from AC wiring I suppose hmm?17:26
michele_we have an induction charger box at work... nobody uses it17:26
aquatixmichele_: because no devices use it? :)17:26
michele_aquatix: no, you can charge whatever you want with that17:27
freelikegnuwrap a coil around a device that is plugged in and on all the time anyways17:27
michele_I can't remember the name, it was one that made a lot of noise some months agoo17:27
freelikegnuer a divces ac cable17:27
freelikegnumaybe a coil taped to a wall wart or laptop psu17:28
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KotCzarnywhen trying to do a make menuconfig it apparently doesn't link to ncurses17:33
KotCzarnyanyone noticed?17:33
KotCzarnyor i am doing something wrong..17:33
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KotCzarnydid it.17:56
KotCzarnymake menuconfig works :)17:56
kikkairc on my n770 works ;)17:57
KotCzarnybut doesn't build17:59
KotCzarnyarch/arm/mach-omap2/board-n800-camera.c:204: error: `tcm825x_regs_rx44' undeclared (first use in this function)17:59
KotCzarnydo i have to download something?18:00
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fysaanyone here mess with PokyLinux on an N800?18:08
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KotCzarnythis is a screen from n800?18:08
fysano :)18:09
fysabut it could be.18:09
KotCzarnywe can use their browser, probably18:09
fysait uses WebKit.18:10
fysaI believe it's Gtk based also though..18:10
KotCzarnyread 2. comment on the last page18:11
aquatixfysa: it is18:11
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GeneralAntillesI wonder if I can just dump it on an SD partition.18:14
K-Foxwhat is Pokylinux?18:14
KotCzarnyit apparently is missing spport for usb and other18:15
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pupnikwatch ya ccache18:16
GeneralAntillesThat's want I want for ITOS. :<18:16
KotCzarnypupnik: ?18:17
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KotCzarnyit loads slooow18:20
KotCzarnymuch slower than os200818:20
GeneralAntillesLooks like it's just the kernel and rootfs.18:21
KotCzarnywhy the heck n800_defconfig isn't compiling :/18:22
lcddit would be cool if all this tablet hacking resulted in something useful :)18:22
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KotCzarnysomeone b0rken the
KotCzarnyi guess they do configuration/testing on 81018:26
KotCzarnyremoving one #ifdef helped :)18:27
pH5KotCzarny: I think nokia_2420_defconfig should be used for both n8x018:27
KotCzarnyph5: huh?18:27
KotCzarnythen update this site someone:
KotCzarnyoh. bora.18:28
KotCzarnyhate long links :/18:28
pH5ah :)18:28
KotCzarnythanks :)18:29
KotCzarnyis creAting maemokernel target necessary?18:29
pH5no, compiling in the ARMEL one should work just fine.18:30
KotCzarnyhum, ok18:30
KotCzarnythough it's strange someone adds instructions for it18:30
KotCzarnyIt is not mandatory to set up a separate target for kernel compilation, but this example does it in case the default armel target has been modified in some special way.18:31
youamis there some changelog for the OS2008 releases? i just saw that my n800 is still running 2.2007.50-2, but there is a 2.2007.51-3 version available. i know the difference between .51-2 and .51-3 is only some bootloader fix, but what's the diff between .50-2 and .51-3?18:31
GeneralAntillesEr, there is no external .51-218:32
GeneralAntillesThe only difference between 50-2 and 51-3 is the NOLO bootloader.18:32
GeneralAntillesSo, secondary, 2nd, and xloader.18:33
youamokay. so there's no need to reflash my device at all, if it's working now18:33
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youamgreat. thanks!18:33
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KotCzarnyis there a size limit for a kernel?18:36
Proteoushow big is your harddrive?18:37
KotCzarnyi'm asking about n80018:37
KotCzarnyit doesn't have a harddrive18:37
kikkaProteous: Morning?! It's 17:37 ;-)18:37
Proteousit's all relative18:37
Proteous8:38am here :)18:38
K-Foxit's here 01:38am18:38
KotCzarnyi'm not looking for a relative answer then18:38
K-Foxi am tired18:38
KotCzarnyMon Mar  3 11:38:15 EST 200818:38
K-Foxgogo to the bed18:38
NaviKotCzarny is a vampire.18:39
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KotCzarnyirony. life.18:40
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youamhow robust is the screen of the n800? should i use some screen protectors?19:01
GeneralAntillesI would.19:01
KotCzarnynot really19:01
KotCzarnybut boost resell value19:01
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GeneralAntillesIf you take care of it, it's not REALLY an issue.19:02
GeneralAntillesBut there will be wear.19:02
GeneralAntillesKotCzarny, how long have you had your N800 again? ;)19:02
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sxpertand tear(s)19:02
KotCzarnygeneral: i have read someones review that it's quite durable19:02
KotCzarnyand i have bought mine with screen protector already installed19:03
GeneralAntillesYeah, I have 2 years of hands-on experience. :)19:03
Proteousif you are one of those people who use the stylus like you were writing with a rock on a cement wall the definetly get a protector19:03
GeneralAntillesReally, though, even if if you factor out protection the improvements in visibility from an anti-glare protector and the much better texture are still worth it.19:03
youamactually, i have two n800, one for me, which still has the sheet from nokia, and a second for my girlfriend, but on her's, the sheet from nokia had a sticker on it which i couldn't remove, so her device is unprotected right now19:03
* sxpert has noticed scratches on the locations of solitaire cards on his N81019:04
* KotCzarny noticed dust under the protector19:04
KotCzarnywhen device is hot it tends to bubble19:04
KotCzarnya little19:04
GeneralAntillesCrappy protector19:04
sxpert(guess I play too much solitaire on that thing)19:04
youamsxpert: one can definitelly tell that i play to much maemosweeper by looking on my n800's screen19:04
GeneralAntillesI'd buy the Boxwave anti-glare.19:04
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sxpertyouam, haha19:05
KotCzarnyis there any way to fill scratches ?19:05
sxpertyouam, I noticed a bug on that btw, it doesn't hide the cursor properly, leading to flickering19:05
youamoh, and the position of the soft-keyboard19:05
youamsxpert: yes19:05
youamand it states "you loose" instead of "you lose"19:06
pupnikcripes, transcoding 1st pass with mencoder with -o /dev/null is eating up disk space on /, but i can't find an output file, nothing is in /tmp.. and the .log file is going on another drive19:06
KotCzarnyls -l /dev/null ?19:06
* GeneralAntilles whistles quietly and throttles back the porn download to pupnik's machine a bit.19:07
pupnikgood call, but it's a valid device19:07
sxpertGeneralAntilles, rotfl19:07
KotCzarnypupnik: when have you checked?19:07
pupnikjust now, and du /dev shows 136 blocks used19:07
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KotCzarnythen do du -sx /*19:08
KotCzarnyand find what takes space19:08
youampupnik: look into /proc/`pidof mencoder`/fd19:08
youampupnik: there you see all files opened by that process, including already deleted files which are still opened, so that they take place but aren't visible in the directory listing19:09
pupnikthanks, that's a useful piece of info19:09
pupnikthere/s 3 entries for /dev/pts/4, one read-only for the source movie (on nfs mount) and a write opened on the /dev/null and a write opened on /media/sda7/divx2pass.log19:10
pupnikoh well freed up enough space19:12
lcukGeneralAntilles, midget porn doesn't take up THAT much space does it?19:12
GeneralAntilles1080p :P19:12
KotCzarnydefault kernel is zImage?19:12
lcukcool, might actually be able to see the people19:12
GeneralAntillesYes, KotCzarny.19:13
KotCzarnythen why howto says: make bzImage ?19:13
lcukdoes anyone know anything about vmware?     if my computer loses power but i already have documents saved inside editor in linux image is there any chance i will lose them by the image becoming corrupt, or once saved is the image as stable as a regular hard drive?19:15
KotCzarnyyou always risk loosing data on power loss19:15
KotCzarnyuse laptop19:15
lcukbut data already saved19:15
GeneralAntilleslcuk, just buy yourself an cheap UPS.19:16
lcukie i clicked save 5 minutes before but still had everything open19:16
KotCzarnyit all depends on buffering policy19:16
GeneralAntilles$50, it'll give you enough time to close whatever you're using.19:16
lcukdepends how cheap it is ;)19:16
lcukyour right of course, and so it kot, i might just get myself an eee or something similar19:16
NaviI never save my documents from within the image19:18
infobotNavi meant: I never save my documents to within the image19:18
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lcukshared folder on main machine?19:19
GeneralAntillesHaha . . . oops, set the boot menu selection time to 0 seconds. <_<19:19
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KotCzarny0xFFFF to the rescue?19:19
KotCzarnyor hold shift?19:20
GeneralAntillesIt's not an issue19:20
GeneralAntillesIt auto-boots to internal flash19:20
GeneralAntillesJust means I can't select anything else.19:20
Navisamba shares19:20
lcukfair enough navi :) thx all, i might just adjust my system to acocunt19:21
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pupnikhah it's the nfs log filling up my drive - must have started it with debug a few days ago :P19:25
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KotCzarnyThis cpufreq governor tries hard not to change the frequency.19:28
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youamis there some tool i can use to automate setting up an maemo device?19:28
KotCzarnydd ?19:28
lcukyouam, yes, the human brain.  failing that, the backup/restore cycle takes care of most things.19:29
ProteousMmmmm, brains19:30
ProteousI should go eat something19:30
lcukcomputer software cannot read minds and your configuration is not the same as mine19:30
lcuklol @ procto19:30
youamlcuk: to much manual work. as said, i do have two n800 here, and i want to be able to clone networking settings and so on without entering stuff myself19:30
lcukProteous even19:30
lcuktake a backup on one machine and copy the file to the other19:31
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lcuki think that would work, but since im not posh you might be better asking GeneralAntilles, hes got about 20 and must have tried something like this19:32
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youampupnik: Password:19:32
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GeneralAntillesPoky's not very exciting at the moment.19:39
GeneralAntillesNeed an external keyboard of some sort since there's no toggle for the matchbox keyboard.19:40
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muuwhen irb for maemo ? :)19:42
KotCzarny echo > /sys/class/leds/keypad/brightness 12019:42
lcukdoes that actually control the keypad light?19:43
KotCzarnyvalues are 0-25519:43
lcuk:D yayy i can read at night with my slot open (use thumb pad for next prev) and hate the light19:43
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michele_lcuk: fbreader? you know you can change page with the zoom button?19:45
* lcuk will have to read current value at startup, set it to zero and reset it back at shutdown. (unless a user specifies they dont want it touching)19:45
lcukzoom button is tucked away inside my cradle19:45
lcukmy nokia basically lives now inside a neat little easy grip base19:45
pupnikecho 120 > /sys/class/leds/keyboard/brightness19:46
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KotCzarnycd /sys/class/leds/keypad; echo > trigger timer ; echo > delay_on 10 ; echo > delay_off 1019:47
michele_lcuk: O_O19:47
lcukso, i almost never get at the back buttons.    now only one thing remaining before i never have to pull it out: a way to LOCK device (do same as the slide switch at the back)19:47
lcukbut i want it programmatically19:48
lcukit unlocks nicely by closing and opening keyboard19:48
* pupnik ponders the purpose19:48
lcukeasy to hold19:48
lcukand when flipped around it rests on my chest at the right height to read from when in bed without having to wedge a pillow or something under it19:49
lcuknop arm ache = hours of reading19:49
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KotCzarnyecho > /sys/class/leds/keypad/trigger heartbeat19:49
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lcukoh, one other thing, when i am drawing on it with the screen open it doesnt tip backwards because of the step19:51
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lcuklittle things piss me off...19:52
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KotCzarnyThe flash frequency is a hyperbolic function of the 1-minute load average.19:52
lcukbut now arm is perfectly comfortable because my wrist is resting at same height as screen19:52
KotCzarnyhearbtbeat trigger can be useful19:52
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freelikegnuwow debian-armel looks intrigueing19:55
KotCzarnyyou already have debian-armel..19:55
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freelikegnuthe one nokia provides does not feel very debian19:56
freelikegnulike if I want to apt-get remove hildon ?19:56
KotCzarnyi guess you can modify startup scripts19:56
michele_(ask johnx for details)19:56
freelikegnumichele_: thats whatI'm looking at :D19:56
KotCzarnyafter it boots it's up to you19:57
freelikegnuI'd like to try to get OLPC's sugar running on the n80019:57
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GeneralAntillesSugar needs OpenGL.19:59
GeneralAntillesEr, rather19:59
GeneralAntillesOther sucrose thing in Ubuntu Mobile needs OpenGL.19:59
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freelikegnusugar does not need opengl,20:06
freelikegnuthough it makes use of svg, which might be slow on the nokia?20:07
freelikegnualso python20:07
freelikegnumatchbox WM, with pygtk20:08
pupniki think nokia would do well to consider what can be done for a more flashy UI20:09
pupnikbut... then again i like 'simple' personally20:09
lcukie, push them towards implimenting a more flashy graphics chip20:09
KotCzarnyyes, shiny is nice20:09
lcukperhaps some sort of powervr implimentation ;)20:09
KotCzarnybut after a while you prefer speedy20:09
pupnikyeah i think 'shiny' sells20:09
pupnikiphone is mostly selling on 'shiny'20:10
lcukwhat res is iphone20:10
pupnik320x480 i think20:10
freelikegnusugar is far more suitable for a small touchscreen than what comes with maemo, imho20:10
lcukcos if i knocked nokia res down to that i bet i could get responsive fast data20:10
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freelikegnuyou can get some gl like effects from svg20:11
freelikegnua friend of mine is working on a python script to make dynamic svgs for webpages20:12
lcukarent people happy using gif anims?20:14
lcukor *spit* flash20:14
KotCzarnyor javascript20:15
lcuki think server side <BLINK> is the best thing to come recently.   very web 2.020:15
KotCzarnyyes, and <MARQUEE>20:16
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KotCzarnyand i have heard ie doesn't support <blink>20:17
KotCzarnywhat a limited browser20:17
freelikegnunot much in svg support20:18
czrmarquee brings some memories20:18
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kpelhi all20:20
KotCzarnyall left20:20
kpelany idea why mplayer,unzip and the cpu load applet cannot be updated but they appear in the list of available updates?20:22
KotCzarnycheck logs in app-manager20:22
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freelikegnusvg support would be very appealing20:26
kpel404 - not found. The packages are missing20:26
KotCzarnyand challenging20:27
lcukfreelikegnu, i thought the idea was resizable?    but apart from that it looks like a slow picture.  what is the benefit to a web user?20:27
KotCzarnyit scrolls slowly on 600mhz pentium-m20:27
freelikegnuits a compressed svg20:27
KotCzarnyalso is drawn badly20:28
lcuklol, look in the source <nipple placement='left'>20:28
KotCzarnywhat would you expect20:29
KotCzarnyobj342 ?20:29
freelikegnuI was looking for some svgz that were served via http20:29
KotCzarnyi wonder how long it will take for them to add 'textures'20:30
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KotCzarnyseriously, it will be fpp+web20:31
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freelikegnubuilding sugar on debian:
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* freelikegnu installs scratchbox20:47
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KotCzarnywhat are suggested gcc flags for n800 ?20:48
ssvbdoes anybody have N800 with OS2007 installed to run a quick test?20:49
KotCzarnynavi downgraded to 2k7 yesterday20:49
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KotCzarnyhaving sshfs on n800 roolez.20:56
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lcuksupposing i managed to get the flash, could me as an 810 user attempt to flash 2007?21:01
freelikegnuKotCzarny: nice21:01
freelikegnufuse just kicks ass all around21:01
KotCzarnygood thing it compiles flawlessly21:01
freelikegnufuseiso9660 is one I use alot21:02
GeneralAntilleslcuk, sure.21:04
GeneralAntillesJust gotta unpack it and flash individually.21:04
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GeneralAntillesNo guarantees that wifi will work, though.21:04
KotCzarnyinsmod -f ?21:05
KotCzarnyflg: why do you prefer it over iso9660.ko ?21:07
lcukhmmm too much trouble21:08
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freelikegnuKotCzarny: no need for sudo to mount .iso images21:18
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KotCzarnybut isn't -o user for that?21:20
KotCzarnyin fstab?21:20
freelikegnuno need to mess with fstab either21:20
KotCzarnybut you mess with /usr/bin21:21
freelikegnu$ fuseiso9660 my.iso ./here21:21
freelikegnuit can be mounted to any folder quickly21:21
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freelikegnuwould be nice to make a script for context menu that will make a folder named from the selected iso and mount the iso to it21:23
KotCzarnybut the one who needs it, writes it21:24
freelikegnuI can do that21:24
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freelikegnuin xfce/thunar its v.easy: Custom Actions => mkdir %f.mount & fuseiso9660 %f %f.mount21:33
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KotCzarnyinstall xfce on maemo?21:37
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KotCzarnylinks on n800 rocks21:47
pupnikyou got the mouse working?21:51
pupnikjust needs vkbd support21:52
KotCzarnyworks out of the box21:52
freelikegnuif only it were "Links" the old golf game :D21:52
KotCzarnykeyboard, hehe21:52
KotCzarnyi wonder how to call it21:52
KotCzarnythere was xvkbd21:53
KotCzarnyi wonder if it will work21:53
KotCzarny(standard x app to send key press events to any fg window)21:53
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mb___I thought it was probably useful to publish information on the n810 serial console on my homepage. So here we go: Dunno if something like that doea already exist somewhere on the web, but google didn't find anything. Have fun anyway.22:12
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cy3o3So what's the OS 2008 xterm package?22:23
cy3o3I'm not seeing one on maemo.org22:23
KotCzarnyor something22:23
GeneralAntillesIt's included by default.22:23
cy3o3I see, it comes with it now22:24
cy3o3Well, that's cool ;)22:24
GeneralAntillesUnfortunately it's also a downgrade from the maemo-hackers version for 2007. :\22:24
GeneralAntillesSeems like the worst thing that can happen to a piece of software is for it to become bundled.22:24
rm_youyeah, I wish they'd make another22:24
GeneralAntillesThen Nokia does their damndest to make it as shitty as you can possibly imagine.22:25
KotCzarnywhat's the problem to recompile?22:25
rm_youthe hacker version was awesome22:25
GeneralAntillesHowdy, rm_you. :)22:25
freelikegnuI put up a little Ubuntu/Debian XFCE fuseiso tute here:
GeneralAntillesI've got another project for you. :D22:25
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GeneralAntillesWell, the idea is to replace the contacts Navigator plugin with a "My Selection" menu.22:26
GeneralAntillesThus freeing up an extra folder in the Application Menu.22:26
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rm_youGeneralAntilles: I just delete the "My Selection" folder and reorganize everything into my own folders >_>22:27
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GeneralAntillesThat's not the point.22:27
GeneralAntillesThe point is that you get 12 extra spaces. :P22:27
freelikegnusomething like XFCE panels "genmon" would be a nice applet, something that can take the generic stdout of a command or script and display in an applet box22:28
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rm_youhrm well, i'm late for a software development meeting22:28
rm_youso i gotta run >_>22:28
KotCzarnygeneral: get simple launcher22:29
KotCzarnyyour menu looks fugly22:29
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KotCzarnybetter way would be thinner rows22:29
GeneralAntillesKotCzarny, you still don't get it.22:29
KotCzarnyi simply don't like it :)22:29
GeneralAntillesGood for you.22:29
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GeneralAntillesAnyway, there's nothing saying that the row size can't be customizable.22:31
KotCzarnybut there's no exposed config either22:31
KotCzarnyxvkbd works, kinda22:32
KotCzarnywhy wm ignores -geometry?22:32
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jkuKotCzarny, matchbox?22:35
KotCzarnyyes, apparently22:35
jkubecause it's maximized only22:35
KotCzarnyyes, i noticed that22:35
jkuthat's kind of the point22:35
KotCzarnyand i guess it need some fluxboxing.22:36
KotCzarnybut then again would text services work?22:36
KotCzarnymaximization button could be using to call xvkbd22:38
KotCzarnyif nokia's panel refuses to work in other wm22:39
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KotCzarnyand making xvkbd transluecent and full screen would rock22:41
freelikegnufinger kb is pretty close to that22:42
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freelikegnuI said "pretty close"22:42
freelikegnuas it is nearly full screen too22:43
KotCzarnythen xvkbd is at the same stage22:43
freelikegnuhave you seen cell-writer?22:43
KotCzarnynope, i haven't played with tablets before (too much)22:43
freelikegnuthis is a nice input app:
freelikegnuvery good recognition too22:44
KotCzarnyi would like thumb keyboard more22:44
freelikegnuyou can train it very quickly22:44
freelikegnuit has two modes22:44
freelikegnuwriting and virtual kb22:44
KotCzarnyno screenshot of vkb22:45
freelikegnuit's there, I swear!22:46
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KotCzarnyand i mind you it's configurable22:47
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KotCzarnyand stretchable22:47
KotCzarnyand sends keystrokes to last active/pre selected window22:48
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Tama^3and fugly22:52
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KotCzarnyyeah, it's old22:53
KotCzarnybut imagine it transparent22:53
KotCzarnyand you will actually see what you're typing22:53
KotCzarnywithout reducing other app window22:53
Tama^3that would be cool22:54
KotCzarnyand it shouldn't be too hard to implement22:54
Tama^3without the numeric pad22:54
KotCzarnyit's configurable22:54
KotCzarnyyou can enable numpad too22:54
KotCzarnybut you can enter numbers already22:54
KotCzarnyso i prefer having bigger 'keys'22:54
KotCzarnyon the screen shot numpad is enabled22:55
Tama^3yes and it takes up too much space22:55
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KotCzarnyi should let it use some nicer font22:58
KotCzarnyto make it appealing22:58
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KotCzarnyi think compose and up-arrow should be swapped23:03
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KotCzarnyon that shot23:03
freelikegnuwow is that an actual screen cap?23:06
KotCzarnyand it's working23:06
KotCzarnyfe. i can send keys to left side of the screen23:06
KotCzarnyi can't move it to let some other app focus23:06
freelikegnuI wonder how it could be made to see through..23:06
KotCzarnyjust do screenshot23:07
KotCzarnymix it23:07
KotCzarnyand show it23:07
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KotCzarnyor simply use xshape23:07
KotCzarnybut that would also send clicks to window below23:07
KotCzarnyi guess23:07
freelikegnuthe font would have to be larger to be clear and no look like text below23:07
KotCzarnyit's configurable23:07
KotCzarnyi just run it as it is23:07
freelikegnuits nice to have the f-keys handy23:08
KotCzarnythey can be hidden too23:08
KotCzarnyas you see on the screenshot with menu23:08
KotCzarnybtw. font shouldn't be larger23:09
KotCzarnyif the window gets transparent23:09
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KotCzarnyyou wouldn't want to let it obscure too much23:09
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KotCzarny(key names and borders should be still visible)23:10
KotCzarnyalso, keys can be programmed23:10
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freelikegnuKotCzarny: here is cell-writer kb mode btw:
spirytusicksee you tommorow guys. Time to power off for tonight...23:15
Tama^3is matchbox in OS2008 compiled with composting?23:16
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KotCzarnycomposting, lol23:16
freelikegnuwill it blend?23:16
KotCzarny  compost (kmmpost)23:17
KotCzarny   n.23:17
KotCzarny  1. A mixture of decaying organic matter, as from leaves and manure, used to improve soil structu23:17
KotCzarny  re and provide nutrients.23:17
Tama^3it's written like that all the intertubes23:17
KotCzarnybut isn't it 'composing' ?23:17
Tama^3it sounded fishy to me too but...23:17
freelikegnucom pos it ing23:17
Tama^3my bad23:19
Tama^3I cannot read properly23:19
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dskippyI am trying to get mDNS working on my N800. I've installed avahi on the N800 but have not been able to ping my laptop with it's hostname.local23:30
dskippyMy laptop and other machines on the network are running avahi and can ping each other with their hostnames.23:31
Tama^3probably not exactly what you want but...23:31
KotCzarnycat /etc/resolv.conf ?23:31
dskippyIt's just nameserver
Tama^3what I do is hack /sbin/udhcpc23:31
KotCzarnywhat's mdns?23:32
dskippyThe laptop has
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dskippyAnd also "search home"23:32
KotCzarnysearch should be local23:32
Tama^3I move the executable to /sbin/udhcpc_old and put a script in its place calling the exec with the -H hostname flag23:32
dskippyI tried addingthat and "search local" with no luck.23:32
dskippyKotCzarny, I thought so but the laptop does fine with search home.23:33
dskippyShouldn't avahi be writing to that file?23:33
KotCzarnyprobably has other config23:33
KotCzarnyi use pdnsd anyway23:33
dskippyWhat's that?23:33
dskippyYou use it on maemo?23:33
KotCzarnyit's a dns cache + mini dns server23:33
KotCzarnynope, on my laptop, but i will install it on maemo too23:33
dskippyhm. I could use that.23:34
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dskippyI'd have to set up a mini dns server on a server on the network and then tell the mameo to look there?23:34
KotCzarnyyou can install it anywhere23:34
KotCzarnyeven on maemo23:34
KotCzarnythink of it as a caching proxy23:35
KotCzarnyfor dns23:35
dskippyDo I need a centralized server for the DNS or is it like mDNS?23:35
KotCzarnyit can be told to use any server you like23:35
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dskippyI copied my laptop's resolv.conf exactly to the nokia but it's still not working.23:37
KotCzarnywhat's in it?23:37
dskippy# generated by NetworkManager, do not edit!23:38
dskippysearch home23:38
dskippyI am assuming that it will not need a daemo restarted inorder to work.23:38
KotCzarnygrep dns /etc/nsswitch.conf23:39
dskippyOn the lap top:23:39
dskippyhosts:          files mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] dns mdns423:39
dskippyOn the nokia:23:40
dskippyhosts:          files dns23:40
KotCzarnytry nslookup hostname.local
KotCzarnysubstitute hostname for the name you need23:41
dskippy"Can't resolve ..."23:42
KotCzarnythen yout server isn't working23:42
KotCzarnyor at least doesn't know about .local domains23:42
dskippyHmm, without the local the info is very interesting.23:43
dskippyNokia-N800-50-2:~# nslookup dskippy-laptop
dskippyAddress 1: Wireless_Broadband_Router.home23:43
dskippyName:      dskippy-laptop23:43
dskippyAddress 1: dskippy-laptop.home23:43
KotCzarnythen you domain is .home23:43
KotCzarnynot .local23:43
dskippyWeird. It works at .local for everyone else. Why is that?23:43
KotCzarnyit's probably some dsl/cable router23:43
KotCzarnymaybe everyone else uses local hosts?23:44
dskippyBut the other machines use home.23:44
KotCzarnyor just send queries without .local ?23:44
dskippyPossible. Doesn't work for the other machines.23:44
KotCzarnytry nslookup dskippy-laptop.home23:44
KotCzarnythough it will simply use /etc/hosts for it23:45
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dskippySame output23:45
dskippyI guess I just have to use .home for it.23:46
dskippyI need to go log on to the other network to try it out though.23:46
KotCzarnyyou can set .local on your router23:46
dskippyI'm seeing inconsisancies.23:46
GeneralAntillesYou're both wrong. :\23:47
GeneralAntillesNo, not probably, you are.23:47
KotCzarnyprobably == 'yes, but i don't care'23:47
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GeneralAntillesThen why did you try to correct skippy?23:48
KotCzarnyi'm sleepy => prone to errors23:48
KotCzarnybecause i like to be correct?23:48
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KotCzarnyand mine was a typo23:48
GeneralAntillesSo was his.23:48
Proteousand mine was inconsistant23:48
dskippyOn the other router it doesn't work at all.23:48
Proteousor was it inconsistent?23:49
Proteousduke it out!23:49
Tama^3GA, help me! KotCzarny made fun of me! I need vengeance23:49
KotCzarnydid i?23:49
KotCzarnywho cares23:49
GeneralAntillesOnly if you become my code monkey.23:49
Tama^3you shall pay dearly for it23:50
KotCzarnyi'm nobodys monkey23:50
KotCzarnyi'm a cat23:50
Tama^3GA's code monkey? NOOOOOooooooo.....23:50
ProteousI'm gonna eat you little fisshhy23:50
lcukProteous, careful or you will break a tooth.  those are robot fish23:50
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* GeneralAntilles starts the Godfather speech.23:51
* KotCzarny yawns23:51
dskippyKotCzarny, I can't resolve anything using on the other network.23:51
KotCzarnyit's #maemo, not #internet23:52
dskippyIt's a linksys wireless-n router. The one that's working that you helped me debug moments ago is a verizon fios router/modem.23:52
czrit's closer to #monkeys than #internet.23:52
lcuklife: no route to host23:52
* lcuk must be dead23:52
Proteouslife: connection reset by pheer23:52
KotCzarnyjust a unlucky parasite23:52
dskippyBut still they work on all other machines other than the maemo.23:52
KotCzarnydskippy, just use opendns23:52
KotCzarnyand forget abot the rest23:53
KotCzarnythose are ips23:53
KotCzarnybtw. what gcc flags are usefull on n800?23:54
KotCzarnyright now i'm using: -Os -s -fomit-frame-pointer -pipe -fno-strict-aliasing23:54
* lcuk watches, i tried configuring optimisations with gcc but ended up slowing code down23:55
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dskippyKotCzarny, Maybe I will.23:55
dskippyWhen I do nslookup dskippy-laptop.local on the other network I get "no authoritative answer"23:56
dskippyBut I can ping it.23:56
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KotCzarnyOne of the options that affect decoding performance is idct implemntation. It can be specified by using -lavdopts idct=# where # is some decimal number. MPlayer man contains the following information:23:59

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