IRC log of #maemo for Friday, 2008-01-18

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hachiwhat choices for mail clients do I have on maemo... I see the builtin client, which wastes a ton of cpu on my inbox all the time00:20
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hachiI see modest, which is OK, but doesn't let me see more than one account at the same time, and doesn't update my server when I read/delete email00:21
hachiand then claws which just doesn't work well00:21
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cbx33pupnik, remember our video encoding00:23
cbx33you got a format that works nice with the built in media player?00:23
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cbx33man oh man00:29
cbx33what happened to mplayer in os20800:29
cbx33what happened to mplayer in os200800:29
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doc|workcbx33: mplayer was never part of the distribution. You can get it from though00:36
cbx33i know00:36
cbx33but it sux00:36
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cbx33video playback is poor compared to os200700:37
doc|workthat the situation is exactly the same as it has always been? :)00:37
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cbx33no no, it used to be awesome on the n800 in os200700:37
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hachidoes anyone have any luck with email on OS2008?00:40
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hachiI bought the n810 thinking it would have a decent email client, but I'm just having no decent luck00:40
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mazzenhachi: for me *this* is the first mail client i can really use on the n-series00:42
hachithe builtin client spins the cpu for line 30 minutes anytime it tries to sync the inbox00:42
mazzencant't confirm that. the only bad thing is: i don't see any folders of my imap account. but the performance is really good00:43
hachiI can't get modest to actually do the operations on the imap00:44
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hachiI can delete messages on my n81000:44
hachiand they're still there on the imap server00:44
EruditeHermithi, is there a word processor like abiword for maemo 4?00:45
pupnikabiword is coming00:47
hachithe notes app is actually close enough to a WP for me to use00:47
hachiany 'fancy' stuff I do will need a machine that can print anyways00:47
EruditeHermitpupnik: any ideas when?00:49
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|tbb|anyone got a clue where the background wallpaper is stored (in registry)00:51
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rghoshtbb: i think it's in ~/.osso/hildon-desktop/home-background.conf00:55
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rghoshsorry, that's /usr/share/backgrounds/default.desktop01:05
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|tbb|rgosh, first place was correct01:17
* lcuk_2 pulls his hair out01:18
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|tbb|i wonder if its possible to change the background by gconf changing or any other automatic01:21
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Mouseyooo, rotating backgrounds. one of my damper dreams01:23
Mouseyspeaking of01:24
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Mouseywhy is there no cron daemon?01:24
|tbb|how to change it anyway just changing the conf doesnt take effect without reload01:25
infobot|tbb| meant: how to change it anyway just changing the conf doesnt take effect without reboot01:26
* czr peeks01:27
* czr glues a pink wig on lcuk_2's head01:27
lcuk_2thanks cz :) just what i always wanted :| but you made me smile01:27
czrwe can't have have you walking around without hair, can we..01:28
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lcuk_2i might have to - this thing is driving me crazy01:28
czrwhat are you borking?01:28
lcuk_2with fbreader not working its pushing me to needing faster text rendering01:28
czrhmm. why doesn't it work?01:29
lcuk_2(fbreader wont view my current books beyond page 9 - yesterday it would)01:29
czrtry rebooting? :-)01:29
lcuk_2hmmm its going off as i type01:30
czror rather, yayyyyyy01:30
lcuk_2yer im on desktop01:30
lcuk_2nope, from page 9 i clicked the position bar to the middle and it jumped 7 (it should be around page 150)01:31
czrah. maybe it has a bug somewhere (like "duh") :-)01:32
lcuk_2theres somethin up with it cos its borked01:32
lcuk_2i cant roll back an install to a specific version without a deb for that version can i01:33
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lcuk_2"uninstalling fbreader"01:33
LinuxCodeevening guys01:34
lcuk_2hi linux01:34
LinuxCodehow are you ?01:34
lcuk_2somewhere between great and hell01:34
LinuxCodelcuk_2, installed gpe and managed to sync with evolution01:34
LinuxCodeim well pleased now01:34
LinuxCodeit basically does all I require now01:34
LinuxCodeanything else is a super-bonus01:34
LinuxCode+ fedora is running an arm project01:35
LinuxCodeas I found out yesterday01:35
czrLinuxCode, which arm? left or right?01:35
czrcause it makes a world of difference!01:35
LinuxCodeczr, between ya legs..and its huge01:35
czroh my.01:35
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* czr runs away from fedoras arm before it's too late01:35
LinuxCodeit will only help Nxxx01:36
czrhmm. what's PST short for? pacific central?01:36
* lcuk_2 gets back an older version of fbreader01:36
LinuxCodeif momentum grows and drags developers into hildon etc..01:36
LinuxCodeczr, pacific standard time ?01:37
czrah. could be01:37
LinuxCodeor something like that01:37
|tbb|is there some functionality to reload the home screen by command in windows its killall explorer ;)01:37
lcuk_2momentum might drag them in, but some of us get lost when we are in here01:37
LinuxCodelcuk_2, haha01:38
LinuxCodethe maze!01:38
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* czr hates syncing up with people with completely different timezones01:38
LinuxCodeI think without familiar...maemo wouldnt exist01:38
czrarranging telephoning times is such a pita..01:38
LinuxCodeczr, yeh01:38
LinuxCodespecially PST01:39
LinuxCodecet -901:39
* czr nods01:39
czrCET was bad enough for me last time01:39
lcuk_2familiar?   for every device ive coded for then has been one primary dev chain that has been an end to end solution.  im losing myself inside virtual machines and just want to edit/compile/run01:39
czrlcuk_2, at least now you can find yourself again. just look for the ping hairy thingy :-)01:40
czrbut yeah, you're on to something..01:40
lcuk_2i can do it with python now for maemo, but I'll be damned if i can understand the process for anything else01:41
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* czr hugs the clock applet in KDE01:42
czrallows me to track multiple timezones simultanously, not just two01:42
LinuxCodenokia made a huge mistake not to put a calendar etc.. app in01:42
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LinuxCodeI was pretty miffed...I expected it01:42
LinuxCodeeven my shitty P800 has one01:42
czrthere might be some reasons for that though01:42
|tbb|gnite all01:43
LinuxCodeyeh 2008 is a bit behind01:43
lcuk_2nite tbb01:43
LinuxCodenn mate01:43
czrcause they assume that people are using their phones for calendaring and such, which is obviously kind of weird when you'd have the large screen of N81001:43
LinuxCodedevice dev was faster than OS dev01:43
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czrwell, it might be some internal strategic reason01:43
czrwho knows of these things..01:43
LinuxCodethe big whale01:43
LinuxCodewho knows where it swims and how fast01:43
lcuk_2nokia fly on wall:    arse, meet elbow01:44
lcuk_2their n9x phone people need to get together with the maemo people and do some interfacing01:45
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czrhopefully not01:45
czrat least most of the sw on N810 runs01:45
lcuk_2even if its just for the powervr code01:45
czreven if there's not a lot of it01:45
czrthe powervr thing is a money question I guess01:45
LinuxCodeId like to see a mobile phone using linux01:46
czrand a design question as well, I'd guess01:46
czrmotorola has some, as does panasonic and moko01:46
LinuxCodebut everywhere in the Uk i asked01:46
LinuxCodenobody knows01:46
LinuxCodeor stocks them afaik01:46
LinuxCodeits very disappointing01:46
LinuxCodebut now I dont care anymore01:47
czrwell, UK is a backwards country in so many ways anyway ;-)01:47
LinuxCodenow I have the N81001:47
LinuxCodeczr, you here ?01:47
LinuxCodeUK ?01:47
* lcuk_2 is from the uk but is a hairless pink wig wearer so stands out from the crowd01:47
czrnot at the moment no. but I've visited/spent some time over there01:47
LinuxCodeczr, you sir, are disqualified01:48
lcuk_2where bouts are u linux?01:48
LinuxCodeyou ?01:48
czrah. liked manchester01:48
lcuk_2then you can have it01:48
czrit had a nice feel to it01:48
* lcuk_2 gives it you01:48
LinuxCodehere have London..01:48
lcuk_2did you actually manage to go anywhere without gettin mugged?01:49
LinuxCodeyou may sell it ...01:49
LinuxCodeand buy a new City01:49
czrlcuk_2, sure :-)01:49
czrbut then again I only walked outside during daylight :-)01:49
lcuk_2im goin over the top, but once you look beneath the surface manc isnt that nice01:49
czrso I guess I'm even more disqualified ;-)01:49
czrI didn't spend too much time there. was living in chester at that time01:49
* LinuxCode mugs czr and teals hos nxxx01:49
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lcuk_2might be the same everywhere but there are scallies who arent that nice01:49
czrand it was driving me nuts, so machester was a nice change01:49
lcuk_2manc can be great with a bit of makeup on01:50
LinuxCodelcuk_2, the "chavs"01:50
czrLinuxCode, leave my hos alone!01:50
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lcuk_2i think chavs are too posh for this lot01:50
czrlcuk_2, you have the pink wig now, so you're on your way to liking it ;-)01:50
LinuxCodeI hope my laptop battery comes tomorrow01:50
LinuxCodelcuk_2, haha01:50
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lcuk_2i like lots of things about manc and in the busy towncentre there is a great vibe01:51
lcuk_2but once you start walking the streets on warmish nights (the 3 nights a week when its not raining) the mood changes01:51
czrbtw, the timediff from here to PST is 10 hours01:51
lcuk_2where are you?01:51
czrThe Great Linux Kingdom of Finland (now serving Reindeers too)01:52
czrHelsinki to be more precise. at least at this moment.01:52
lcuk_2and if i remember you dont drive01:52
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czrthe word is "cold"..01:52
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czroh, I could, but I live in the city centre so owning a car would be silly for me.01:53
lcuk_2i remember the conversation now01:53
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czrsee.. the ping wig is working!01:53
czrpink even.01:53
lcuk_2your timezone program - does it retain user name lists and other info01:53
czralthough a ping wig would be cool too01:53
czrlcuk_2, it's a clock applet. so no.01:53
czrbut that would be an interesting idea01:54
LinuxCodebtw guys the internal mem on the N810 is NAND memory ?01:54
lcuk_2i need a wallchart with user snippets on01:54
LinuxCodecan any of you confirm that ?01:54
czralthough I was thinking about that when was thinking about the problem of organizing meeting times between people01:54
czrLinuxCode, dmesg might have some messages to that effect, although I can't be certain atm..01:54
LinuxCodegood idea01:54
czrprobably NAND..01:54
LinuxCodelets see01:54
LinuxCodeI read it somehwhere01:55
czrI'd be suprised if not.01:55
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LinuxCodeI hope it is!01:55
lcuk_2linux, its got DDR NOR and NAND01:55
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LinuxCodenand doesnt degrade01:55
lcuk_2128mb DDR01:55
lcuk_2and 256 MB NOR flash memory01:55
lcuk_2and integrated (NAND) flash capacity for storing data is 2 GB01:55
LinuxCodenow all it would need is 4GB of it and it would be a device for life-time01:55
lcuk_2at least thats what tgdaily says01:56
LinuxCodethen expanding memory usage wont be an issue01:56
LinuxCodeif its nand...because it doesnt degrade01:56
* lcuk_2 's mind degrades01:57
LinuxCodewell it does degrade01:57
LinuxCodebut 1 million writes..01:57
LinuxCodeas long as your filesystem aint stupid01:57
LinuxCodesaying that its fat16/3201:58
czrdoes it matter whether the user is stupid or not?01:58
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lcuk_2churning the virtual memory page might be a bad idea ;)01:59
czrbut if one is hungry!01:59
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* czr starts to gnaw at lcuk_2's clean pages.01:59
czr(the dirty ones taste weird)01:59
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lcuk_2if i install directly from a .deb on the filesystem, it wont be listed in the updatable apps will it?02:09
czrit won't02:10
czrunless a repo will provide a newer version of the same package02:11
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czrlcuk_2, same if you would just install a .deb with dpkg -i in normal debian-based distro02:11
LinuxCodewhat sucks02:12
LinuxCodeeh that02:12
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lcuk_2that means a lot - i am not a linux ninja.  i am just starting02:12
czrLinuxCode, why would it suck?02:13
czrhow would apt know which place to search for the new package?02:13
LinuxCodeare you telling me if you install stuff via dpkg it wont stick it in the package database ?02:14
czrit will02:14
czrthat wasn't the question I think02:14
LinuxCodethen i misunderstood02:14
czrmaybe I did, lcuk_2?02:14
LinuxCodeso lets be clear02:14
czrlcuk_2, dpkg is the command line tool to install packages :-). -i = install from .deb file. so something like dpkg -i foobar.deb02:14
LinuxCodelcuk_2, if you dpkg -i xxx.deb. it keeps the package name in the database02:15
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lcuk_2ive had a problem with auto updating app, i am manually installing the older version and posting a bug fix if it works, but i want the app to auto update after they fix it02:15
lcuk_2yes i think it is because its listed for uninstall02:15
LinuxCodelcuk_2, use apt-get02:15
LinuxCodethe Nxxxupdater sucks02:15
czrlcuk_2, that should be fine if you install the fixed version from a repo later02:15
lcuk_2can i get a specific version with apt-get?02:15
LinuxCodethat I do not know02:16
czrassuming that the specific version is available in the repo, yes02:16
LinuxCodenow thats a good feature02:16
lcuk_2from the looks of things its not...02:16
czrbut normally older versions are removed automatically when a new version is released02:16
LinuxCodewish yum had that02:16
* LinuxCode fancies something sweet02:16
czrat least AFAIR, haven't installed specific versions for ages02:16
lcuk_2ive got 2/3 of the dependents it lists (by using google cache to get the filenames and used their tree)02:16
czrbut I seem to remember that it works quite ok02:16
lcuk_2they are stupid, they have obsolete versions listed, but the last few are gone02:17
* LinuxCode ponders to raid his German chocoloate supplies02:17
* lcuk_2 grabbed a galaxy02:17
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* czr drinks some green tea02:17
LinuxCodelcuk_2, if you ever see Ritter Sport chocolate02:17
LinuxCodeits german some!02:18
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LinuxCodewe Brits are being ripped off02:18
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LinuxCodehalf of our chocolate is veg fat02:18
LinuxCodein germany they use cocoa butter02:18
LinuxCodethey sell it in House of frasier in cardiff02:19
LinuxCodein the deli sweets place02:19
LinuxCodemy brother lives in Germany..he sent me some for x-mas02:19
LinuxCode<--- addict02:19
LinuxCodesemi-dark chocolate with mousse au chocolat02:23
lcuk_2:O it is a bug in fbreader - i (somehow) managed to get the 8.1 version downloaded and installed and it works again02:25
* lcuk_2 gives 8.11 a scornfull look and sends it to its room02:25
Tama^2I am a cocoa addicted too02:26
Tama^2my favoure is dark chocolate from Lindt (Swiss)02:26
Tama^270% or 85% of pure delight ;)02:26
LinuxCodeTama^2, sounds like you are a girl02:27
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LinuxCodechocolate addicts usually = female02:28
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* LinuxCode keeps women away from his supplies02:28
Tama^2true, true but I am not a girl02:28
* LinuxCode always likes female linux users02:28
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LinuxCodeneed more of them02:28
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czrwhy would anyone care whether linux users are men or female anyway?02:41
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LinuxCodeczr, I do because it means the more equal the percentage of users is...the more mainstream it will be02:42
pupnikbecause women who use linux are cool02:42
LinuxCodeczr, I also want kids to use it02:42
czrLinuxCode, no. the ratio of users using linux versus other systems is the only factor that decides whether it's mainstream or not.02:42
LinuxCodekids is probably more important than any adult02:42
LinuxCodeczr, agreed02:42
lcuk_2i keep scaring my eldest by threating to put linux on his DS02:42
LinuxCodebut if theres an equal percentage it means its closer ot being mainstream02:42
zerojayI got so bored with the DS that I took mine apart and left it like that.02:43
czrLinuxCode, does it? I think you cannot prove this :-)02:43
LinuxCodeIndeed sir02:43
LinuxCodeI cannot02:43
LinuxCodewhen I can...I will be happy02:43
* czr will be happy too02:43
zerojayThere's more women than you think.02:43
lcuk_2mainstream != equal male/female participation02:43
czrI'd just like more women to start doing serious computer work so that work environments would be more balanced02:43
LinuxCodeczr, agreed02:44
czralthough ours isn't so bad infact.02:44
LinuxCodeits better for the work environment too02:44
zerojayJust that so many women get hit on like crazy when they out themselves because of other guys going "OOOH, SHE LIKES LINUX, LET ME SEE IF SHE WILL TOUCH MY LEELEE" that they don't want to bother.02:44
LinuxCodetbh University puts people off02:44
LinuxCodespecially girls in the UK02:44
czrzerojay, indeed02:44
czrzerojay, and it's not even linux-related02:44
czrLinuxCode, I blame the parents02:45
czrI always blame the parents02:45
czrwhen I started my polytech thingy, there was 32 of us. 2 women.02:46
czrand that's more or less the ratio that the program had for most years02:46
zerojayAnd I bet those two were constantly hit on.02:46
czrzerojay, well. only one actually.02:46
LinuxCodeczr, tbh i think that ratio still applies02:46
zerojayThe other one was hitting on that one too then. :)02:46
czrzerojay, I doubt it :-)02:47
lcuk_2one of the women might have been called derek if she had enrolled the year before02:47
czrthat's closer to the truth02:47
* LinuxCode hits lcuk_2 02:48
LinuxCodeI almost spat coke on my keyboard02:48
czryou should spit it on lcuk_2's keyboard instead, since he's the real culprit02:48
* czr adds /dcc spit to all irc client codebases quickly02:49
lcuk_2is that compiled alongside "stabuserineye.mod"?02:49
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lcuk_2finally got fbreader working and restored my settings02:52
* lcuk_2 is thankful he backed them up before resetting to default02:53
GeneralAntillesThere aren't THAT many settings in FBReader. :P02:53
GeneralAntilleszerojay, you get your N810 ordered?02:53
zerojayBut it's my fault.02:54
zerojayMy code appeared to work.02:54
lcuk_2no gen, but the latest update completely killed practically every book i was reading02:54
zerojayBut my credit card's maxed out... so... yeah.02:54
zerojayI don't think Nokia accepts anything else except a credit card that has a billing address that matches the shipping address. So.02:54
GeneralAntillesIf you'd stop buying so much porn . . .02:55
zerojaySo anyways, I'm pretty much screwed.02:55
elbyou can always try again next month02:56
lcuk_2zero, which device have you got at the moment02:57
benno2__hi, on OS 2006 I had , how can I force to start the connection OS 2008 at boot ?02:58
zerojayIt does it automatically.02:58
zerojayIf you have it set to connect automatically.02:58
benno2__zerojay: thanks, where can I set the connection autostart in OS2008 ?02:59
zerojayIt's not really connect on boot.02:59
zerojayBut it will try to connect once it boots up.02:59
lcuk_2benno, click the connection notification icon and click "connectivity settings"02:59
benno2__thanks I already have connect automatically WLAN connections03:00
benno2__but it does not work03:00
zerojayIt does.03:01
lcuk_2whats search interval03:01
lcuk_2is it never?03:01
benno2__I have vnc started in the real_af_init_script, at the end of script. but it says cannot connect.03:01
benno2__search interval 10min03:01
zerojayYeah, if you have it set to never, it won't connect.03:01
zerojayWell, it should connect sometime between boot and 10 minutes later then.03:01
benno2__I need it immediately because I have a vnc client which opens the screen immediately03:02
zerojayYou'll have to work it out yourself then.03:02
j0ttanyone managed to build a glx enabled xserver for os2008 (mesa)?03:03
lcuk_2does an application have to inform osso if it wants internet or should accessing an address attempt to connect03:03
zerojayj0tt: You want to run a glx enabled X on a tablet that has no 3d acceleration?03:03
benno2__zerojay: under OS 2006 I called  source /usr/bin/  and afterwards vncviewer and it worked well.  now on OS2008 is missing03:03
j0ttzerojay: yes! :)03:03
zerojaybenno2__: Maybe a dbus call will do it.03:04
zerojayj0tt: You like slideshows?03:04
j0ttzerojay: i don't want to play quake 3, but do some mathematical visualizations.03:04
zerojayj0tt: Move along.03:05
zerojayj0tt: This isn't the hardware you're looking for. *jedi hand wave*03:05
j0ttso, yes low framerates are acceptable03:05
benno2__zerojay: thanks. is this dbus stuff documented ?03:05
zerojaybenno2__: Look in the SDK and dev materials.03:06
zerojayj0tt: What's your idea of "low"?03:06
j0tt0.25-5 fps03:06
zerojayYou'd be lucky if you got even that much.03:06
dragornyou'd probably be much better off with a software gl lib03:06
dragornmesa in sw mode or something should be completely plausible03:07
j0tta glx enabled xserver without hw accelration is mesa sw mode :)03:07
czrwell, you can also use mesa-sw directly03:07
czrnot bothering the X server at all03:07
j0tti could indeed..03:08
czrprobably easier in your case03:08
dragornj0tt: But it isn't.  Well, ok, maybe I lie.  A server configured for HW accel which falls back to SW is typically significantly slower than a server configured for pure sw03:08
j0ttbut ITs are there to "bother" :)03:08
dragornbut that may be an artifact of the hw drivers of whatever kind I was dealing with03:08
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jotti think it should not be that hard to get this running.. for now i only get the :)03:10
jottjust wondered if anyone else played around with it..03:10
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jottare the changes nokia made to the xserver significant? or would a vanilla xserver run?03:11
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lcuk_2jott, for some indepth insight into framebuffer coding this thread is a great place to start:;post=19711;list=maemo03:15
jottlcuk_2: thanks, i'll have a look03:15
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[1]a-l-p-h-aI have a 770, and I dont' have sound, it's _not_ on mute... and the volume is up.  I recently added a 2gig mem card to it...04:17
[1]a-l-p-h-aI've restarted it, by holding down the power, and booting up again... still no sound.04:17
[1]a-l-p-h-aanyone got any other ideas?04:17
LinuxCodecheck if the module is loaded04:18
[1]a-l-p-h-ahow do I check?04:18
[1]a-l-p-h-ain xterm no lsmod.  "sh: lsmod: not found"04:18
LinuxCodegotta be root04:19
LinuxCodeohh wait!04:19
LinuxCodeits embedded linux04:19
[1]a-l-p-h-asu, doesn't give me root either. doh... I'm such a newb... this 770's been sitting on my desk way too long.04:19
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LinuxCodeno modinfo04:20
LinuxCodenot very helpful04:20
XamuskI was considering buying a PDA, but I'm in doubt between an iPaq 111 and a Nokia N80004:20
LinuxCode[1]a-l-p-h-a, theres something called gainroot04:20
[1]a-l-p-h-ano modinfo04:20
LinuxCodesudo gainroot when installed04:20
LinuxCodeXamusk, linux user ?04:20
XamuskLinuxCode, yes04:21
pupnikXamusk, depends entirely on your use case.  For me as a linux guy, the tablets have no competitors.04:21
LinuxCodeId second that04:21
LinuxCodehowever, id buy a N81004:21
LinuxCodenot a N80004:21
Xamuskyet, I still need a calendar with alarm or something like that04:21
LinuxCodeXamusk, gpe04:21
LinuxCodeits in the maemo test repo04:21
XamuskN810 is more expensife than I can afford04:21
[1]a-l-p-h-aI'm thinking a ipod touch when they have 32gigs.04:21
LinuxCodealso syncable with evolution04:22
LinuxCodeXamusk, save a bit longer04:22
LinuxCodeits worth it04:22
LinuxCodethe keyboard is worth gold04:22
XamuskLinuxCode, for a GPS, a keyboard an no SD slot?04:22
pupnikIf i were buying, I'd get a n800 with bluetooth keyboard.04:22
LinuxCode+ its smaller04:22
LinuxCodeit has got one SD slot04:22
GeneralAntillesN810 is crappy04:23
GeneralAntillesN800 is cheaper and better. :P04:23
Tama^2I agree the N800 is better04:23
LinuxCodeok so who of you lot owns both ?04:23
Xamuskmicro-sd is not SD04:23
LinuxCodeXamusk, I know...04:23
LinuxCodeso ?04:23
LinuxCodeXamusk, buy a N800 then04:24
LinuxCodebetter than ipaq any day04:24
GeneralAntillesN810 might be better if there were actually any price competition04:24
Xamuskso, it would be my only device for wich I'd have to buy micro-sd and my sd cards would be useless04:24
LinuxCodeso ?04:24
GeneralAntillesbut as it is, you can get two N800s for the price of an N810.04:24
LinuxCodeGeneralAntilles, onlybecause they are getting rid of the old model04:25
ryoohkiwhat is the highest capacity of a micro-sd? 2gb? do they have 32gb sd cards yet?04:25
GeneralAntillesDoesn't matter04:25
GeneralAntillesThe reality is price04:25
LinuxCoderyoohki, 8GB04:25
GeneralAntillesryoohki, 2048GB04:25
LinuxCodein shops04:25
pupniki have 4GB class 6 kingston mini-sd in my N810 - 22 euro04:25
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Xamuskeven if I sold my gps, it would not cover the cost difference04:26
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LinuxCodetbh anything beyond 8GB..I wouldnt know what ya would need more for04:26
LinuxCodeXamusk, not my money04:26
LinuxCodeXamusk, your decision to make04:26
LinuxCodejust saying tha I played with both..and bought a N81004:27
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LinuxCodeand Im more than happy04:27
LinuxCodeI will be over the moon when my build environment is up04:27
LinuxCodeand i have had a chance to check out fedoras progress04:27
GeneralAntillesLinuxCode, you lack imagination. :P04:27
GeneralAntillesMy music library is 220GB04:27
GeneralAntillesMovies are another 600GB04:27
LinuxCodeGeneralAntilles, mine is 1TB04:28
ryoohkiGeneralAntilles: huh?04:28
LinuxCodeI dont need to drag 1TB os music around with me04:28
GeneralAntillesHow can you not see what you would use more than 8GB of storage for?04:28
Xamuskso, as the cost of the ipaq is nearer to the n800, I'm considering those two04:28
GeneralAntillesWinMob sucks, Xamusk.04:28
ryoohkidoes the n810 have twice the ram as the n800?  a faster cpu? the same video camera?04:28
LinuxCodeGeneralAntilles, id use my old ipod04:28
GeneralAntillesLinuxCode, toss in GPS maps for "Map" and maemo mapper04:28
GeneralAntillesScummVM games04:29
GeneralAntillesit's damn easy to fill up a measly 8GB04:29
[1]a-l-p-h-aLinuxCode, lsmod shows two lines... a cx3110x and a uman.04:29
XamuskGeneralAntilles, I know, but there are some things to consider04:29
XamuskI was a palm user till now04:29
Xamuskbut I specially like reading ebooks04:29
ryoohkii have a 16gb sd card - it was cheap and i see 32gb cf cards for cheap too04:29
GeneralAntillesI've got about 4GB of ebooks.04:29
LinuxCode[1]a-l-p-h-a, Ive got a N81004:30
Xamuskoh, my collection is much smaller04:30
lcuk_2but can you read them at the same time?04:30
LinuxCodebut I also have them + one other04:30
LinuxCodebut thats a disc module im sure04:30
Xamuskbut anyway, I need to know how the battery goes for book reading04:30
lcuk_2i have vnc for when my mobile library does not cope04:30
GeneralAntillesXamusk, like, forever.04:30
LinuxCodelcuk_2, rsync04:30
Xamuskand I must have a good calendar with alarm04:30
LinuxCode<3 rsync04:30
lcuk_2xam, i read every night04:30
GeneralAntillesJust stick to regular charging cycles04:30
GeneralAntillesYou'd probably get 10 hours out of it reading an ebook at low brightness04:31
LinuxCodeXamusk, the battery is awesome04:31
Xamusknot that I really need to sync the calendar to my desktop, but I must be able to write to it fast and it must have an alarm04:31
* lcuk_2 has had niggles with his battery04:31
LinuxCodeI was on wireless + display on for at least 4 hours yesterday04:31
ryoohkithe need to make a iscsi over bluetooth low power 500gb hd drive for peoples backpacks04:31
Xamuskand I read that the n800's calendar sucks04:31
lcuk_2but google's04:31
LinuxCodeXamusk, N810 didnt have a calendar04:31
GeneralAntillesryoohki, sounds like a good way to ruin an HD04:31
lcuk_2shit missed04:31
LinuxCodeXamusk, installed happy now04:32
GeneralAntillesWe don't exactly lack options.04:32
LinuxCodeadn as I said...gpe is syncable with evolution04:32
LinuxCodejust have to set the password for the user so it can ssh in04:32
XamuskGPE used to be a whole OS... do I have to overwrite nokia's os?04:32
GeneralAntillesryoohki, you'd have to do something like that with solid-state.04:33
Xamuskor I just add it's packages?04:33
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GeneralAntillesIt's just 5 applications.04:33
lcuk_2bois, bootloader, kernel, shell, calendar ;)04:33
Xamuskoh, I like ssh :D04:33
pupniki still don't have synergy working on the n810 yet - no kbd input working04:34
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LinuxCodewhat synergy ?04:35
GeneralAntillesGoogle. :P04:35
GeneralAntillesIt's like VNC04:35
GeneralAntillesbut you use the device's screen.04:35
GeneralAntillesSorta turns another machine into a second (or fifth :P) monitor.04:35
* LinuxCode is intruiged04:36
GeneralAntillesNetwork KVM04:36
LinuxCodeohh wait..I have heard about it04:36
LinuxCodeIm sure I even bookmarked04:36
pupnikit's the perfect solution when testing stuff on the device at your desk04:37
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pupnikjust move the mouse down off screen and your mouse/keyboard controls the tablet04:38
dospodany devs in here?04:38
GeneralAntillesdospod, the better strategy is to just ask your question. :P04:38
LinuxCodeGeneralAntilles, that was his question04:38
LinuxCodehes used his ratio for today04:38
dospodok well i saw some kid playing a tycoon game on his ipod touch04:39
dospodand it looked stable04:39
dospodso i looked up ipod touch homebrew04:39
dospodand I found the site of the game he wa splaying04:39
dospodand I was wondering why nobody else has ported it to maemo04:39
dospod homebrew page04:39
GeneralAntillesBecause porting games takes time and energy?04:39
dospodgame was running smooth04:39
dospodipod touch has been out less time than the n80004:39
GeneralAntillesOpenTTD has been ported.04:40
GeneralAntillesIt was running on the 770.04:40
* lcuk_2 waits for the inevitable, but framerate sucks04:40
dospodbut uhm04:40
GeneralAntillesThere's a thread on ITT.04:40
dospodwhat about os 2008 or os 200704:40
GeneralAntillesI haven't bothered to try it since the 770.04:40
GeneralAntillesRan fine on there.04:40
lcuk_2slower gfx on 8x0 tho isnt it04:40
GeneralAntillesdospod, try freeciv if you're jonesing.04:41
pupnikonly for high framerate games, not strategy/sims04:41
GeneralAntilleslcuk_2, the N8x0 can run Quake, the 770 can't. ;)04:41
LinuxCodealso doom04:41
dospodis freeciv stable?04:41
pupniklcuk_2: i run quake on 77004:41
GeneralAntillesWell, not well, anyway.04:41
LinuxCodeI played doom04:41
GeneralAntillesWorks fine over here, dospod.04:42
LinuxCodebit odd to play but it works04:42
GeneralAntillesThere's a thread on ITT.04:42
lcuk_2doom runs well on 81004:42
LinuxCodefreeciv ?04:42
dospodare you on os 2008?04:42
GeneralAntillesThe controls for Quake on the N8x0 are really good.04:42
GeneralAntillesMouse-look with the touchscreen04:42
GeneralAntillesmovement with the d-pad04:42
GeneralAntillesBetter than a damn DS04:42
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Xamuskby the way, that's another thing to consider: the iPaq has a faster processor than the N8x004:43
lcuk_2ipaq is using *sob* 3d hardware (xscale+powervr) as well i gather...04:44
pupnikyes but those xscales are an older ARM core than the OMAP2420's04:44
GeneralAntillesXamusk, WinMob is the worst.04:44
XamuskNew/ Fast Marvell PXA310 Processor at 624MHz04:44
LinuxCodeyou cant directly compare Lhz to Mhz04:45
Xamuskit's triple the clock, but clock is never a good comparison between different processors04:45
GeneralAntillesWhere'd you get that number?04:46
elbtriple, *1.3, whatever ;-)04:46
elbdouble, 1.3x, whatever04:46
* LinuxCode sends you all back to Maths for beginners04:46
GeneralAntilles400 x 2 is 800MHz04:46
LinuxCodex2 = double04:47
lcuk_2lol @ slipped and typed a triple instead of a double ;)04:47
Xamusk330 MHz TI OMAP 242004:47
LinuxCodelcuk_2, haha04:47
elboh, the n810 is only 400?04:47
GeneralAntillesXamusk, it's 400MHz04:47
elbI thought it was 4-something04:47
XamuskI don't remember from where I was thinking about 200Mhz04:47
jottceil(624/400); ;-)04:47
GeneralAntillesThey have the same damn CPU.04:47
LinuxCodeelb, 401Mhz04:47
GeneralAntillesXamusk, 77004:47
LinuxCodeI made it faster just for you04:47
Xamuskthe 800 is 330Mhz04:47
GeneralAntillesThe 800 is 400MHz04:47
elbXamusk: no, it's the same as the n81004:47
GeneralAntillesYou want to argue with me about this? :P04:47
dospodi thought the 800 is 400mhz04:47
Xamuskthen someone must change the wikipedia article04:48
LinuxCodedospod, correct04:48
lcuk_2if an 800 is 400 then why are there wookies on endor?04:48
elbhuh, wikipedia is wrong, shock of SHOCKS04:48
pupnikthe n800 shipped at 330mhz04:48
pupnikthe OS2008 upgrade unlocks 400mhz clock04:48
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elbsoftware clocking does throw a real wrench into getting tech specs right04:48
elbbut still ... wikipedia04:48
penguinbaitanyone have uinput.ko handy?04:49
dospodwhat pupnik said is what i heard04:49
GeneralAntillesWell, allows it to scale between 165MHz and 400MHz04:49
penguinbaitfor 2008os04:49
dospodnokia did what sony did with the psp04:49
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dospodship it with 233 clock speed but allowed it to go full speed if needed to at 333mhz04:49
penguinbaitno it didnt04:49
lcuk_2remember, the 330 to 400 mhz jump LOWERED the speed of the dsp04:49
lcuk_2its swings and roundabouts04:49
dospodas in they both underclocked cpu on purpose04:49
pupnikit's part of OMAP's dynamic clocking / power handling capability04:50
XamuskProcessor: OMAP2420 microprocessor at 330 MHz. Underclocked, runs at the native 400 Mhz with the latest (2008) fimware upgrade.(DSP speed will be halved)04:50
lcuk_2they must have decided that the dsp needed more grunt on os2007, but come os2008 and the 810 the CPU speed was more important whilst the DSP was underused04:51
pupniki love these old bad movies on publicdomaintorrents.com04:51
GeneralAntilleslcuk_2, no.04:51
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lcuk_2go on then04:51
GeneralAntillesIt scales between 165MHz to 400MHz04:51
GeneralAntillesFor the CPU04:51
GeneralAntillesDSP scales with it04:51
XamuskGeneralAntilles, is that configurable?04:51
GeneralAntillesFor highly-intensive DSP tasks, the CPU will run at 330MHz04:52
GeneralAntillesallowing the DSP to run at full speed.04:52
elbit's all about power management04:52
XamuskGeneralAntilles, I was thinking about underclocking everything to improve battery life04:52
GeneralAntillesXamusk, it's not something you need to worry about.04:52
GeneralAntillesIt's called "race to idle" Xamusk.04:52
lcuk_2yer, which is why we cannot speed down the motorway with our stereos on - we either go slowly and have it loud or speed up quietly ;)04:52
GeneralAntillesThe N8x0 knows what it's doing.04:52
elbXamusk: for the most part, you don't want to do that, because of the way processors consume power04:52
Xamuskbecause when I had my palm m100 I could get one week without changing batteries and I have to recharge my TX after one day04:53
elbXamusk: you want to cut your processor speed to a level that balances speed transitions with making clock speed available for tasks which need it04:53
GeneralAntillesA task will take more time to complete at a lower clock cycle, and basically consume the same amount of power as if the task were completed sooner at a faster clock cycle.04:53
GeneralAntillesM100 didn't have a backlight . . .04:54
elbon the ARM, clock transitions are probably less painful than on more complicated processors, but still04:54
lcuk_2right, im goin snoozin, nite04:54
LinuxCodenn mate04:54
elbXamusk: and with the Palm, keep in mind that they are *aggressively* shut down, regardless of clock speed04:55
elbthe display is most of their power drain under normal operating conditions04:55
elbwhen you're sitting there looking at your schedule or whatever, the processor could be completely asleep and powered down04:55
ryoohkithe largest minisd i could find was 8gb.  anyone hear of any larger than 8gb?  are they making 32gb sdhc cards yet?04:55
Xamuskindeed, but the n800 does have a backlight, and that's why I'm concerned with battery life04:55
GeneralAntillesI get 4-5 hours heavy use04:56
GeneralAntillesidles for about 5 days with wifi04:56
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GeneralAntilles6-10 hours light use04:56
zerojayI've never gotten 4-5 hours of heavy use.04:56
zerojayMaybe 2-3 if i'm lucky.04:57
elbGeneralAntilles: would "light use" include, for example, simply reading a document?04:57
XamuskI want a lot of time on, without wifi, basically to read04:57
GeneralAntilles10 hours04:57
GeneralAntillesLow backlight, reading.04:58
elbI intend to do a lot of that04:58
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elband I hope to be able to take advantage of the transflective display04:58
elbto cut the backlight entirely04:58
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elbassuming I can ever actually order my device ;-)04:58
GeneralAntillesEh, I prefer backlight level 1 without any other lights on.04:58
[1]a-l-p-h-aLinuxCode, power plugged in causes no sound.04:59
elbwell, we'll see what I prefer when the device actually arrives04:59
Xamuskby the way, I've read that n8x0 won't charge by the usb cable04:59
Xamuskis this real?04:59
elblike I said, I'm *hoping* to be happy with reflected light04:59
GeneralAntillesI don't think the transflective is gonna cut it without sun-level lighting.04:59
GeneralAntillesXamusk, yes.04:59
GeneralAntillesFor a variety of reasons05:00
XamuskI guess 5v isn't enough then05:00
GeneralAntillesI'm blaming: slow charging off USB (500mA versus 860mA from wallwart), expense for Nokia of making another charger type, and the host-mode/OTG support of the port.05:01
GeneralAntilles5v is05:01
GeneralAntillesBut voltage isn't the only factor. :)05:01
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jottelb: under normal conditions you're out of luck reading without backlight.. (atleast if you want to read comfortable)05:01
pupnikSomeone could make an aftermarket rear case panel with a bulge in it, and a custom battery, i suppose05:02
pupnikGeneralAntilles: do you know if there's an external charger for the BP-4L battery?05:03
ryoohkin8x0 won't charge by the usb cable?!05:03
GeneralAntillesMy external chargers are my two 770s. :P05:03
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LinuxCodehaha that was mean of me05:03
LinuxCodeI have bought these whiskas Temptations05:04
GeneralAntillesryoohki, just buy yourself a USB-to-barrel plug adaptor for $1205:04
LinuxCodeso i took one and let the cat sniff it and he was on my lap05:04
LinuxCodethen i put it in the bown on the floor05:04
LinuxCodeand he was looking at it05:04
LinuxCodeand going hmmm05:04
ryoohkiGeneralAntilles: yeah, i've seen those but usb is less than 500ma05:04
LinuxCodewhat to do...05:04
LinuxCodeso he got up just to eat the one05:04
GeneralAntillesIt'll charge05:04
GeneralAntillesjust much more slowly than the wallwart05:04
LinuxCodewallwart ?05:05
LinuxCodestandard charger ?05:05
GeneralAntillesthe car charger is about 380mA05:05
elbI wonder how the efficiency compares05:05
elbwallwarts are notorious for leaking energy ... I wonder if a laptop powering its USB port is more or less efficient ;-)05:05
GeneralAntillesUh, output is 860mA.05:05
GeneralAntillesand a laptop is about the least efficient DC transformer ever created.05:06
elbwhat does "Uh, output is 860mA" mean?05:06
elband yes -- but my laptop is already on and running05:06
elbif it weren't being used, that would be a reasonable conclusion, but it is05:06
GeneralAntillesThe wallwart outputs 860mA, it seemed like you were implying that that's what it was taking in or something.05:07
elbwhat I was not only implying, but *saying*, is that wall warts often draw *much* more power than they provide05:08
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GeneralAntillesThe Nokia chargers are usually quite good.05:08
elbas in, a 5w output wall wart might actually draw 10-15w, and often draw multiple watts even when the device is not plugged in05:08
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GeneralAntillesMine barely get warm to the touch while charging.05:08
elbthat's a good sign05:09
GeneralAntillesNokia chargers also switch off when not in use.05:09
dospodis kde worth putting on my n80005:09
GeneralAntillesI'd set up a dual-boot.05:09
GeneralAntillesPersonally, I don't think it's particularly well suited for the device.05:09
GeneralAntillesYour mileage may vary.05:09
dospodi just dont like like of apps it seems for maemo05:09
dospodlike lack *05:10
GeneralAntillesQuantity != Quality05:11
petergunnplenty kde apps but I never seem to need any of them05:11
petergunnaparte from Kolf and that daoesnt work great with the touchscreen05:11
dospodthe quality of the emulators on the n800 aint pretty either lol05:11
GeneralAntillesIt's not a gaming machine.05:12
Xamuskwell, I want to use python :D05:12
GeneralAntillesYou want emu, shoulda gotten a PSP.05:12
GeneralAntillesXamusk, Python and Ruby are both well supported.05:12
petergunnim getting more and more convinced that the n800's main use if for Linux geeks to spend all their time configuring and reconfiguring it05:12
GeneralAntillesand the main use for normal users is to use it. Your point?05:13
petergunnIm still not convinced what its primary purpose is05:13
dospodI relize thats not its main attention but the fact I cant play pole position in xmaeme is sad lol05:13
GeneralAntillesNokia tells you on the box05:14
GeneralAntillesBrowse the internet, check e-mail, play media.05:14
dospodand lack of p2p is sadening05:14
GeneralAntillesSIP, Skype05:14
XamuskGeneralAntilles, is it easy to program to maemo's UI?05:14
GeneralAntillesIt's GTK05:14
Xamuskit doesn't look like gtk05:14
GeneralAntillesBittorrent? Both ctorrent and transmission are available.05:15
GeneralAntillesPersonally, p2p is kinda stupid on a device like this.05:15
GeneralAntilles(although it would make an interesting low-power bittorrent client)05:15
dospodI got bittorent im thinking more of gtk gnuella and a hildonized version or something05:15
GeneralAntillesbut it's basically GTK05:16
LinuxCodepetergunn, the reason why linux "geeks" use this thing is because we can compile what we we want it ...for this thing05:16
LinuxCodeI love that05:16
LinuxCodebetter than fighting with mr jobs about locking everything down05:17
Xamuskit doesn't look like it can load glade... but it could just be a very good theme05:17
LinuxCodeand acting like MS did and does05:17
GeneralAntillespetergunn, do you own one?05:17
LinuxCodeand its a great device..05:17
* LinuxCode recalls his jornada 71005:17
petergunnya, wife got me an n800 for Xmas05:17
LinuxCodewince that was the biggest pile of shit ever05:18
XamuskI've seen an app called FBreader that just looks amazing05:18
GeneralAntillesIt is amazing05:18
Xamuskremembers me of plucker for palm05:18
LinuxCodeyeh I can read my chms05:18
GeneralAntilles225dpi is amazing for reading books.05:18
GeneralAntillespetergunn, this IS primarily a development channel, so the views here are a little skewed.05:18
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petergunnlolz - so configuring/reconfiguring and installing etc isnt related to dev?05:19
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Xamuskhe meant that almost everyone here is used to that05:20
petergunnIm sure :-)05:21
dospodhmm im kinda disappointed in the n80005:21
dospodI guess i thought hey its linux it should be swarming with apps for everything05:21
LinuxCodedospod, it kind of is05:21
LinuxCodeactually no however05:22
GeneralAntillesdospod, if you want something05:22
GeneralAntillesport it05:22
GeneralAntillesThat's the beauty of open source05:22
dospodI do not code05:22
petergunnYou just have to configure/reconfigure/install/patch/recompile/fix/port/etc05:22
GeneralAntillesyou're not beholded to anybody05:22
infobotGeneralAntilles meant: you're not beholden to anybody05:22
GeneralAntilles99% of console stuff is just a recompile away05:23
GeneralAntillesThe GUI stuff is pretty straight forward, too.05:23
dospodoh hey is phonelink finally working on os 200805:23
GeneralAntillesdospod, it's the golden opportunity to learn.05:23
dospodi saw gnokii is instalable finally05:23
LinuxCodeit runs05:23
LinuxCodehavent tested05:23
LinuxCodemy P800 is a tad iffy05:23
LinuxCodeyes thats a P05:24
LinuxCodenot a N05:24
LinuxCodeP800 = moile05:24
petergunnX11 stuff compiles fine but you have to patch Hildon input and matchbox messes with all the dialogs05:24
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dospodphone liknk is something that intrests me alot05:25
proteouswhat is phone line?05:27
proteouser, link05:27
dospodit allows u to make calls and sms off ur phone on the n8x0 via bt05:27
dospodthat would be pretty sweet if i can get it to work/ learn to configure it05:28
GeneralAntillesside talkin'05:28
dospodGeneralAntilles have  u gotten phone link to work05:28
GeneralAntillesI don't have a use for it.05:28
GeneralAntillesmy phone is a better phone than my N80005:28
GeneralAntillesand I don't use SMS05:28
dospodI hate my phone05:28
dospodi dont use sms either but i hate my phone05:29
dospodthe less i have to see it the better05:29
GeneralAntilles(well, actually, the only two people I know who send me SMS are my parents)05:29
proteousI just got a pantech c150 phone that I'm pretty happy with05:31
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proteoussupports bluetooth DUN and file transfer with my 77005:31
jottsomeone tried to use selfone on a n8x0?05:32
proteoussmall enough that I can carry both of them without it being annoying05:32
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Xamuskwhere can I find maps for the n810?05:32
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jott(quick googling revealed the idea i just had is already implemented to some degree ;-)05:33
GeneralAntillesHow do you mean, Xamusk?05:33
dospodI got a samsung upstage :\05:33
LinuxCodewayfinder maps ?05:33
Xamuskto use with the gps05:34
LinuxCodenot sure n800 can05:34
Xamuskn800 doesn't have gps05:34
GeneralAntillesIt can05:34
dospodn800 can if u got a bt gps reciever05:34
GeneralAntillesBut what do you mean by "find"?05:34
LinuxCodeXamusk, exactly05:34
XamuskI meant for the n81005:34
LinuxCodeopen maps05:34
GeneralAntillesThe "Map" maps are downloaded by the application05:34
LinuxCodedownload them05:34
Xamuskfind as download05:34
LinuxCodefree to download05:35
Xamuskare they only US maps?05:35
GeneralAntillesmaemo mapper uses anything from Open Street to Google and Virtual Earth05:35
GeneralAntillesMy friend's younger brother has that phone05:35
GeneralAntillesit's such a joke.05:35
dospodit is05:35
dospodwas cool for like 3 weeks05:35
GeneralAntillesGot an SGH-A717 that I love.05:35
LinuxCodemaemo mapper sounds cool05:35
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* LinuxCode is intruiged05:36
* LinuxCode installs05:36
dospodthen everyone bought it and then it got rather annoying with the thouch sensative buttons on the back side05:36
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GeneralAntillesmaemo mapper is the greatest GPS application known to man.05:37
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Xamuskthat good?05:38
GeneralAntillesNot great for turn-by-turn05:38
LinuxCodeGeneralAntilles, where do i get the google maps from ?05:38
Xamuskhow do I tell it to download the map for a location?05:40
GeneralAntillesMy pasting was faster than the clipbboard. ;)05:40
GeneralAntillesmaemo mapper or "Map"?05:40
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GeneralAntillesSee my posts on that page.05:40
GeneralAntillesThat's for 1.x, but it still applies.05:41
GeneralAntillesCovers both LinuxCode's and Xamusk's questions.05:41
GeneralAntillesAlso: check the app's built-in help (what, built-in help?!)05:42
GeneralAntillesIt's really, really good.05:42
dick-richardsonso, i'm working on a script that I would call remotely if my n810 is stolen. the best way i can think of to render the device useless is 'dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/mtdblock4'...anyone else have a different method they're using?05:42
dick-richardsonI don't suppose truecrypt has been ported...?05:43
Tama^2isn't it better to let it work and be able to trace it?05:44
GeneralAntillesYou need three things: a phone-home with its current IP on every new connection, a GPS location, and a picture05:44
Tama^2so you know who to curse05:45
dick-richardsonthe ip is easy, I'm already doing that...and it vpn's into my home network (hence my ability to run scripts remotely)05:45
GeneralAntillesand where to send the cops.05:45
Tama^2the picture is of utmost importance05:45
GeneralAntillesGPS makes it really easy.05:45
GeneralAntillesAlso: capture all of their outgoing data so you can get their CC info and such. :P05:46
Tama^2stealing a device that has both a serial number and a gps is idiotic05:46
LinuxCodethat would make a great app!05:46
GeneralAntillesAs a final step, make sure to package it all up and distribute it. ;)05:46
LinuxCodeI want that app!05:46
Zetxchances are they'd be using stolen cc's too :\05:46
LinuxCodeif you make one I will donate05:46
GeneralAntillesRendering it useless is a bad plan05:46
LinuxCodeyeh trace it05:46
GeneralAntillesas it makes it much harder to find05:46
LinuxCodeget the fucking bastid05:46
Zetxlol I actually suggested this for the dev discount thing, but I don't think nokia was too thrilled with the idea of 'supporting' a big brother program, i dunno05:46
LinuxCodeand get him donw for it05:46
ZetxYeah, you'd want to device to be 'usable' to the pepole for as long as possible to recover it05:47
LinuxCodensty surprise when the door is knocked down05:47
dick-richardsonhow do you access the gps from the command line?05:47
LinuxCodeand he doesnt know shit05:47
LinuxCodehow he was found out05:47
GeneralAntillesSet it up with SIP, have it dial the police, play a recording with the current lat/long, and tell them to expect an e-mail with a picture.05:47
LinuxCodecoppers will be pleased too05:47
GeneralAntillesgpsd, dick-richardson.05:47
LinuxCodeGeneralAntilles, bahah05:47
GeneralAntillesSo it'll read off the coordinates05:48
LinuxCodeI have been stolen05:48
dick-richardsonGeneralAntilles: nice :D05:48
LinuxCodeI am at : 31.1 degrees north05:48
LinuxCode-36 degrees south05:48
LinuxCodeehh east05:48
GeneralAntillesOh, better yet, have it dial 911 and say there's an armed robbery in progress at its location.05:48
LinuxCodeplease retrieve me now05:48
Tama^2hostage situation is even better05:48
LinuxCodethis is a automated message: This nuclear material container was stolen05:48
Zetxdoes SIP work with emergency calls? :p05:49
LinuxCodeits current position is...blah blah05:49
LinuxCodethe container contains plutonium05:49
GeneralAntillesThen have it connect to any Windows PCs in the house have it download gigs and gigs of movies, music and child porn.05:49
LinuxCodethat would get them coppers going05:49
LinuxCodeGeneralAntilles, hahah05:49
LinuxCodethat might backfire though05:49
LinuxCodealthough excellent idea..05:50
GeneralAntillesYou need it in virus form.05:50
LinuxCodeget the fucker done for anything one can think of05:50
LinuxCodemake him go to prison for 100 million years05:50
GeneralAntillesThen have it activate a servo motor which shorts the battery and burns down his house.05:50
LinuxCodeone guy in uni tried to steal my ipod05:50
LinuxCodeI worked with him for 4 months!05:50
LinuxCodeand still had to work with him for 2-305:50
LinuxCodewhat a bastard05:51
Zetxthieves are just lowly :|05:51
LinuxCodeI dont take shit of people though05:51
LinuxCodeI searched his bag05:51
LinuxCodefound my ink drenched cable05:51
LinuxCodewhich does not come with ipod itself05:51
LinuxCodeso he had to give it back05:51
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LinuxCodeI didnt report him...because he was the only guy on the project who could do VB05:52
LinuxCodeI hate VB05:52
LinuxCodeI dont want to go near it05:52
LinuxCodealso the only other guy doing work on the project ;-|05:52
LinuxCode1 guy dropped out05:52
LinuxCode1 guy was useless05:52
LinuxCodethen us two05:52
GeneralAntillesVisiualBasic programmers are thieves!05:52
LinuxCodevb is just gay05:52
GeneralAntillesBest argument I've ever heard against a language.05:52
LinuxCodeand thats an offence to the gay community05:53
ZetxVB makes thieves of us all05:53
LinuxCode[03:52] GeneralAntilles VisiualBasic programmers are thieves!05:53
LinuxCodequite applivable in my case mate05:53
dick-richardsonI had VB, but the doc gave me some medication and it cleared up05:53
LinuxCodedick-richardson, hahaha05:53
GeneralAntillesdick-richardson, install a keylogger in there, too.05:54
dick-richardsonyou know, I'm still trying to figure out how to call gpsd from the command line05:54
dick-richardsongpsd: can't run with neither control socket nor devices05:55
GeneralAntillesActually, if it's in your VPN, you can probably track it actively05:55
GeneralAntillessince gpsd is a network thing.05:55
GeneralAntillesNot sure how to start it, though.05:55
GeneralAntillesMaybe poll their forums/mailing lists/channels?05:56
dick-richardsonsounds good :D05:57
LinuxCodeGeneralAntilles, awesome05:57
LinuxCodedick-richardson, you gon hack something up mate ?05:57
dick-richardsonyeah, but with the vpn being a pre-req I'm not sure how useful it'll be to the general user05:58
LinuxCodewell...if its too accessible05:58
LinuxCodethe thief will know05:58
GeneralAntillesObviously you're going to have to make a non-VPN mode. ;)05:58
LinuxCodeit will have to be some hidden thing05:58
GeneralAntillesVPN mode for active tracking and non-VPN for burst reporting?05:58
GeneralAntillesWill capture the lat/long itself when on non-VPN and send them out in an e-mail/phonecall/IM, etc.05:59
LinuxCodeI wonder if the kernel is compiled with ipv6 support05:59
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XamuskGeneralAntilles, I liked the bluetooth gps06:01
LinuxCodeit doesnt ;-[06:02
XamuskGeneralAntilles, actually, it's cheaper to buy an n800 and the gps separated06:02
Xamusktoo bad the n800 doesn't come with the keyboard too, but then it comes with a full-sd slot :)06:03
Xamuskdo you know if I can build custom electronics for the N8x0?06:08
GeneralAntillesBluetooth GPS with the N800 is great06:08
GeneralAntillesthe BT units are so much more accurate than the N810's06:08
Xamuskmaybe here's my solution :) pretty cheaper06:08
dick-richardsonand a LOT quicker to lock06:09
Xamusksadly it doesn't have the keyboard :(06:09
GeneralAntilles30s versus 4 minutes06:09
GeneralAntillesThe fullscreen keyboard is actually quite good06:09
GeneralAntillesI do 40wpm on it.06:09
GeneralAntillesYou just have to get a feel for it.06:09
Xamuskbut then, one can't complain when in low budget06:09
XamuskI just hope I can get both to my country06:10
GeneralAntillesWhere are you?06:10
dick-richardsonCan someone in the US send you one?06:11
XamuskI'll try to contact some friends' friends06:12
GeneralAntillesYeah, that'll probably be worthwhile.06:13
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GeneralAntillesN800, i-blue 737, iGo Stowaway, 2x8-18GB SDHC. You'll be set.06:13
LinuxCodeGeneralAntilles, you will be happy to know06:13
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LinuxCodeit can autodownload maps06:13
LinuxCodemaemo mapper06:13
GeneralAntillesOf course it can.06:13
dospodhaha wow06:20
dospodmy mom bought me a outerwear coat from abercrombie and fitch06:20
dospodand its freakin huge06:20
dospodi look like an eskamo06:20
dospodand i live in south texas06:20
LinuxCodeone word06:21
dospodhell no i like it even though its freakin huge06:22
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Xamuskgotta go06:23
dick-richardsonwell, i'm gonna stop off at the local bar myself06:23
Xamuskit's quite late here now :(06:23
Xamusksee ya06:23
LinuxCode4:30 am here06:24
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GeneralAntillesHehe, I just aliased "ssh root@" (my N800) to "sshit"06:42
dospodhehe i look like an eskamo06:43
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LinuxCodehey john ;-]06:59
LinuxCodehow ya doing ?07:00
johnxpretty good07:00
LinuxCodecool ;-]07:00
johnxtrying to hack some of the maemo/hildon stuff into debian/armel with very blunt methods07:01
johnxsome progress, but Nokia seems to have entirely disregarded debian package names07:01
LinuxCodethat will cause all sorts of issues07:02
LinuxCodei hate it when people do that woth rpms too07:03
johnxit's ok, I found a great little tool called equivs that lets me tell horrible lies to the debian packaging system07:03
johnxand a good chunk of the stuff is already in debian via the "pkg-maemo" project on alioth.debian.org07:03
LinuxCodehorrible lies07:06
rm_youjohnx: interesting notes in the a2dp thread recently :)07:07
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EruditeH1rmithey, I recently bought an n800 and I found that the headphones are different lengths. Is it supposed to be like that?07:08
GeneralAntillesGet a real set of earbuds. ;)07:09
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EruditeH1rmitwhy do they do that?07:09
Zetxput the longer one around your neck then it'll reach the other side just fine :p07:10
hahlorubber boot factory, they got lot of rubber knowledge07:10
LinuxCodeso the microphone stays closer to your mouth07:10
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EruditeH1rmitit seems that it would stay there anyway07:14
EruditeH1rmitsince I have it looped to make them even07:15
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penguinbaitI can now right click07:23
penguinbaitwoo hoo07:23
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GeneralAntillesThe hand surgery went well, then? :P07:23
penguinbaitnope using xmodmap07:23
penguinbaitI hav keyboard shortcut07:24
penguinbaitturns on and offf07:24
penguinbaitI am giddy07:24
penguinbaitI got my 810 today07:24
LinuxCodenice innit ;-]07:25
penguinbaitmay not be usefull in maemo, but very helpful in KDE07:25
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johnxaugh, I have created a dependency hell for myself07:29
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johnxah, dependency hell caused largely by trying to track debian unstable :/07:57
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LinuxCodenokia sells a usb charger08:01
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LinuxCodenokia power pack..interesting08:02
Annon201:( is there any to reset root pwd on 770 without reflashing?08:03
GeneralAntillesTry installing becomeroot?08:03
GeneralAntillessudo gainroot08:03
Annon201lets see08:06
Annon201woah, thats cool08:07
rm_youstill no response on the maemo dev mailing list :/08:08
Annon201no more ~ $ ssh root@localhost for me08:08
rm_youmy thread is buried now at this point08:08
rm_youi wonder if it would be rude to repost? >_>08:08
GeneralAntillesSPAM IT EVERYWHERE!08:09
GeneralAntillesCC *@nokia.com08:09
LinuxCodewhats that ?08:10
LinuxCoderoot pass ?08:11
rm_yoummmm... it's good to be back on a linux system tho :)08:11
rm_yourunning debian now08:11
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LinuxCodeGeneralAntilles, what is that: CC *@nokia.com08:14
GeneralAntillesCarbon Copy every e-mail address at
johnxmeaning "send it to everyone who has an email08:14
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rm_youmaybe if i post it as a bug on maemo?08:15
rm_youeither: A) it will be accepted and fixed (err?) or else they will have to explain WHY it isn't a bug, by showing how it is actually possible :P08:16
GeneralAntillesor they'll ignore it.08:16
rm_youor much more likely, that. >_>08:16
rm_youoption C is depressing.08:16
GeneralAntillesI can mark it as NEW. :P08:16
rm_youlol :P08:16
johnxlet me check how they do it for the little backlight app on the zaurus. That's in gtk08:17
GeneralAntillesBe sure to use "fuck" a lot.08:17
rm_youjohnx: mmm interesting. if that is a GtkScale, I could use that knowledge :P08:17
rm_youi was unaware they had anything that similar looking on the zaurus :)08:17
rm_youjohnx: just link me to the code for that?08:18
johnxrm_you, digging it up08:18
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johnxrm_you, couldn't find the backlight but the volume is the same look:
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rm_youjohnx: GtkAdjustment? >_> hrm, sec08:25
rm_youi guess that is a scale...08:25
johnxdon't they do it in a popup not a menu though?08:25
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rm_youtrying to read and comprehend the entire thing, not just skim08:26
rm_youwell, the whole popup_init function, that is08:26
rm_younot the rest08:26
rm_youthat *IS* interesting...08:26
rm_you"slider_window = gtk_window_new (GTK_WINDOW_POPUP);"08:26
rm_youlet me test something08:26
rm_youwow, if it's that simple...08:28
inzI though I told you that you cannot use it in a menu?08:28
johnxinz, he's stubborn :P08:28
rm_youinz: I know you did08:28
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rm_youinz: and my question DID say "Am I going about this wrong? Does the backlight app use something besides a GtkMenu when clicked? " in my post :P and "menu" was in quotes08:29
rm_youif this works...08:29
johnxon the bright side, I'm learning lots about debian package management...08:33
rm_youwell... it sorta works08:33
rm_youit's still not the same as the brightness app08:33
johnxyay! halfway solutions!08:33
rm_youbut it accomplishes close to the same thing08:33
rm_youas soon as i figure out how to tweak it08:33
rm_youi was really hoping to get to bed early tonight08:33
rm_youah well08:33
rm_you3 hours of sleep (maybe?) for me :)08:33
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johnxno rest for the weary08:34
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cesmancan anyone recommend a PIM foe os2008?08:40
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cesmanjohnx: thanks08:46
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hachianyone know ohw I can get that "Multiple mail messages" notification to actually open modest instead of entourage?08:52
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johnxby, entourage do you mean the built in mail client?08:53
rm_youcan't figure out how to make this window MOVE >_<08:56
johnxyou mean how to draw it at an arbitrary location?08:57
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rm_youah maybe got it08:58
rm_youi was using gdk_window_move, need to use gtk_window_move08:59
rm_youi'm still not sure what the difference between gdk and gtk is08:59
rm_youbut whatever08:59
LinuxCodegnome toolkit ?08:59
LinuxCodegnome developers kit ?!?09:00
johnxgdk is the gimp drawing kit that gtk (gimp tool kit) uses to draw things09:00
rm_younow the problem is finding out where the button IS on the screen09:01
rm_youso i can move the popup to the right place09:01
oilhi, can I cat an wav file to some audio pipe sot that it would play on n810?09:01
oileg. cat ui-wrong_charger.wav >> /dev/audio or similar09:02
johnxoil, gst-launch playbin uri=file:///path/to/file.wav maybe09:02
johnxyou might not have gst-launch09:03
oiljohnx: I don't have that one.09:03
johnxit's in this package: gstreamer0.10-tools09:03
johnxThere might be a simpler way...09:03
oilwithout gst-launch it's not possible to do?09:03
johnxI just don't know it09:03
johnxtry play-sound :)09:04
ds3the mail program sure eats into the battery life :(09:05
oilah.. pure play-sound works fine! thanks :)09:05
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rm_younow if only i could figure out how to give this popup a border...09:10
inzrm, the position can be computed using the allocation of the button and it's GdkWindow's position09:11
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inzrm, something like this:
rm_youinz: lol09:12
rm_youinz: i'm actually using that applet as a base... or was... the popup_place function is actually *IN* an old version of my code09:12
rm_youthe problem is, they get the position of the button from some gpointer it gets passed as part of the click event09:13
rm_youand i can't figure out how to get that09:13
rm_youerr, rather, as part of the "menu_popup" event09:13
rm_youit appears to just be a pointer to the button... but i can't get the right data out of it :/09:15
GeneralAntillesDo it correctly, then.09:15
inzrm_you, yeah, it's just a pointer to the button instance09:15
rm_yougdk_window_get_position(button->window, x, y);09:15
rm_youbut when *I* do it, it says the button has no "window" thing09:16
GeneralAntillesIt seems really sad to me that this isn't documented at all.09:16
inzIt must be a GtkWidget to have a window09:16
inzSo GTK_WIDGET(button)->window should work09:16
inzRemember, this is C, object stuff is done via hacks09:18
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rm_youstill getting: advanced-backlight.c:128: warning: passing arg 1 of `gdk_window_get_position' makes pointer from integer without a cast09:21
rm_youthink that'll be a problem? >_> i do09:21
rm_yougdk_window_get_position(GTK_WIDGET(button)>window, &x, &y);09:21
inzYou're missing a dash09:22
inzThe result of a comparison is always an integer09:22
rm_youtypo >_>09:22
inzIn C that is, in other languages it might be a boolean09:22
inzFor the border/theming thing, you might want to check the gtkrc-files09:24
rm_youif only this had a nice border, this would be perfect09:24
rm_youthanks johnx, inz! :P09:24
rm_youyou read my thoughts (though i guess i mentioned that before)09:24
inzYou might have, but I have not seen it09:25
inzYou could also run strings on the plugins, but that might have too much info, if you don't know what you're looking for09:25
rm_youerr, not about how, just the question :P09:25
rm_youyeah, i've done stuff like that before... maybe :/09:25
inzAhh, the question you did mention09:25
rm_youbut yeah, not quite sure what i'd be looking for09:26
rm_youstill perusing the gtk/gdk API...09:26
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inzIIRC the home applet theming stuff is done using named widgets (gtk_widget_set_name), this might be something similar09:26
rm_youi'm using an hbox + vbox to add padding to the thing so it looks decent...09:26
inzOr rather was done, nowadays they come in all shapes and colors ;)09:27
rm_youi guess menus ARE a popup type window09:27
rm_youso maybe i can figure out what a menu adds09:28
inzYou could try something like: strings <library> | while read i; do grep -q "$i" gtkrc* && echo $i; done09:33
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truenthow do i open a term or install a terminal that will affect an exported scratchbox gui?09:46
rm_youadvanced-backlight.c:198: warning: implicit declaration of function `system'09:47
rm_youhow would i make it shut up about that? like... by fixing the code, not by disabling warnings :P09:47
inzPreferred solution: don't use system()09:48
truentyeah dont make a system() function09:48
rm_youwhat... execv? >_>09:48
inzg_spawn_* are nice09:48
inzIf you really want to use system, #include <stdlib.h>09:48
rm_youlol wow... never heard of that. i'll look it up.09:48
inzBut you don't09:48
rm_you... i just want to run a program that already exists >_>09:48
rm_yousystem isn't a good way to do that?09:48
inznot really, no09:49
rm_youk, i will look up g_spawn09:49
inzEspecially you don't want to do it from a desktop plugin09:49
inzman system: ...and returns after the command has been completed.09:49
rm_youthat's bad?09:50
inzwhile the command is running, desktop won't do anything09:50
inzat all09:50
rm_youyou can tell i know like, nothing about C <_<09:50
truentpretty much the same for most other languages too09:50
truentcommon function09:50
inzIt's not really C knowledge, but rather GLib knowledge here09:50
rm_youI use java mostly :/09:50
truenthmm, i have something i wanna run but need to run by command line in scratchbox.. i want it to appear on the 'exported' gui in xephyr?09:51
inz<alarm bells>A java coder doing an desktop applet</alarm bells>09:51
inzJava coder + C ~=  memory leak09:52
inzMemory leak in a software that is constantly running = not nice09:52
rm_youyeah... see:
truentinz, ~=?09:52
rm_youinz: lol... i had someone check it over who IS a C coder :P no leaks09:52
rm_youapproximately equal09:52
inzI know it's in UTF-8, there's just no keybind for it09:53
inzSo ~= ~= approximately equal09:53
truentyeah i remember from school..09:54
truenti guess =~ just engrained itself in me09:54
truent~= looks wrong09:54
proteousboth my cable and my dsl connection decided to stop being able to resolve domain names...09:56
inztruent, but as ~ is bitwise-not, =~ is assignment of bitwise not09:56
inzBut ~= has no meaning, as ~ is an unary operator09:57
inzSo it's safer ;)09:57
truentwell i think of the regular expression notation in perl/ruby09:57
truentbut i read ya09:57
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truent@blah =~ /~=/09:58
inzI guess perl and ruby don't have binary not09:58
inzWhich does make sense09:58
truentruby has i think just unary09:59
truentcant remember for perl but i'd assume the same-ish09:59
inzYou mean boolean not?09:59
truentbitwise operaters at all09:59
truentoperators rather09:59
truent~ is complement10:00
truentwelp off to bed10:01
inzYou'll have nightmares10:01
truentgo learn ruby and have some fun for the n800's sake10:02
inzSomeone will try to xor bits off of you10:02
rm_youinz: what do you think... g_spawn_command_line_sync or g_spawn_command_line_async?10:02
truentwouldnt doubt it10:02
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rm_youprolly async?10:02
truentrm_you, async you're not waiting i would guess?10:02
inzOf those options, definitely _async10:03
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truentrm_you, ruby for you too.. alot of java guys comin to the lightside10:03
inzrm, If you want to know when the program ends, you need to use some additional magic10:03
truenti dunno10:03
rm_youI do python mostly if i'm not doing java >_>10:04
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GreySimI don't suppose anyone in here knows how to set up a toolbar shortcut in osso-xterm for "\td" that would work in Vim, do they?10:05
rm_youinz: >_> this doesn't seem to be working at all. *sigh*10:06
GreySim(OS 2007 HE if that matters any, if the OS 2008 xterm is special or something.)10:06
* GreySim has tried "<\>,t,d" and "\,t,d" and "\td" and isn't sure what else to try. Perhaps \ just isn't usable?10:08
rm_youprobably need to escape the \ ?10:08
inzGrey, the problem is that osso-xterm uses keycodes10:09
GreySimEeep. Any hints on getting that keycode then? :|10:09
inzGrey, does backslash work10:09
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rm_youinz: system(command); works, g_spawn_command_line_async(command,NULL); doesn't. thoughts?10:10
GreySiminz: Seemingly not. Checking to make sure it's not because of some nmap foolery in my vimrc though.10:10
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inzrm, do you know what g_spawn_command_line_async returns?10:12
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inzrm, yeah, know dat, but in your case10:13
inzGrey, it works for me, weird10:13
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rm_youah, lol10:13
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inzGrey, it is case sensitive10:13
GreySimIt does.10:13
GreySimI figured it was case sensitive, and you just weren't capitalizing it. :P10:13
GreySimMy mistake. Thanks a bunch.10:14
inzWhy would I do that ;)10:14
GreySimOooh, brilliant. Thanks.10:15
rm_youinz: it is returning true >_>10:16
GreySimBetween that, the toolbar, mouse=a in .vimrc, and judicious use of nmap and noremap, Vim on Maemo is a real powerhouse. :D10:16
rm_youinz: so it is succeeding... but the command obviously isn't being run10:16
inzrm, dat be weird10:16
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rm_youinz: "g_spawn_command_line_async("echo working > /home/user/testme.txt", NULL);" doesn't work10:23
rm_youinz: but "g_spawn_command_line_async("touch /home/user/testme.txt", NULL);" does. >_<10:23
inzrm, that's because g_spawn_command_line doesn't run a sh10:23
rm_youwhat does it run10:23
GreySimSeriously, thanks a ton. With that info, is now an acceptable GTD system on Maemo for me. Almost as nice as a GUI app even. I'll try to write up a good through howto on ITT before the end of the weekend. :)10:23
inzrm, the command you give it10:23
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inzrm, > is a feature of a shell10:24
rm_youok well, the REAL command is:10:24
rm_yousudo /usr/sbin/chroot /mnt/initfs/ dsmetest -l 100 2>> /home/user/dsmelog10:24
rm_youso i guess that fails? >_>10:24
inzrm, yup10:25
rm_youthe 2>> obviously does10:25
rm_youbut what about just: sudo /usr/sbin/chroot /mnt/initfs/ dsmetest -l 10010:25
inzrm, that should work aight10:25
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inzrm, you can of course explicitly tell it to run sh, like ...("/bin/sh -c 'your command'"...)10:26
rm_youheh yeah10:26
rm_youwhatever that is fine10:26
inzrm, or you could do the stderr handling in your own program, using g_shell_parse_argv and g_spawn_async_with_pipes10:27
rm_youdoesnt matter at this point though10:28
rm_youthat was purely cruft from prior debugging10:28
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rm_youinz: thanks for the tons of help :)10:29
rm_younow i just need to package this up and release it as a new version :)10:30
rm_youGeneralAntilles: woo :)10:30
rm_youjohnx: you around?10:30
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* johnx eats dinner10:31
rm_youlol k10:31
rm_youjohnx: you said pypackager was the eeeeeeeeeeeeeeasy way to make a deb quick? :P10:31
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GeneralAntillesDid you win?10:31
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inzrm, only for python10:31
rm_youGeneralAntilles: yes10:31
rm_youinz: :(10:32
johnxrm_you, google cdbs dh_make10:32
keesjevery project starts with "easy" at the beginning10:32
inzdh_make is quite ez10:33
inzIf you use autotools, it will pretty much work out-of-the-box10:33
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keesjinz: yes, untill it does not work. then you are pretty much in the proccess of understanding all the things that dh_make does10:34
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inzkeesj, dh_make doesn't really do all that much10:35
inzkeesj, but you need to understand how debhelper works10:35
keesjright, and the order in wich they are called10:35
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keesjI still miss some pieces about when to patch , what a .orig file is supposed to be and the whole workflow :p10:36
rm_youjohnx: neat... still lost :) ah well... will just stick with my tar.gz / for now :)10:36
GeneralAntillesThat's a fail.10:37
keesjI think the best is to help people creating debs10:37
keesjif (your code in svn) whe help package10:37
GeneralAntillesI'm not stumping for a .tar.gz/ :P10:37
rm_youGeneralAntilles: lol10:38
inzkeesj, .orig should contain the upstream version of the package source10:39
inzkeesj, if there is no upstream version, then you don't need one (and your version number shouldn't have a dash)10:39
rm_youyeah it's mostly the orig and diff stuff that's confusing me...10:39
rm_youthere's only one version... and i have it10:40
rm_youerr, wrote it10:40
keesjinz and if you want to patch an upstream project where would the change go?10:41
inzkeesj, depends10:41
inzkeesj, many maintainers prefer stuff that allows you to have multiple patches10:42
inzkeesj, in that case, the patches go to debian/patches10:42
keesjyes, I would like to use quilt or similar10:42
inzkeesj, Then they should go there10:42
inzkeesj, and the debian/ directory will be in the <package>_<upstream version>-<package version>.diff.gz10:43
inzkeesj, if using quilt, the .diff.gz should only contain the debian/ -directory, nothing else10:43
keesjinz where did you learn this?10:45
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inzkeesj, by doing it ;)10:47
inzkeesj, the debian maintainer's guide should also give you a lot of ths10:48
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inzkeesj, but it is so long. I never got to reading it10:48
michele_man, pyglet on maemo would be pretty cool10:48
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michele_inz: I think very few people actually read it. most just learn pavlov-style10:49
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b0unc3good morning10:52
keesjI have read some of it and it was really a good time investment10:53
keesjwhat I need i a practial aproach :p10:53
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rm_youjohnx: wow. maybe it's because of the time, and the fact that i havent slept well in about 4 days now, but i'm still totally lost. i'll try again in the morning10:54
johnxrm_you, ok10:55
rm_youack, i also have a small paper due in the morning <_<10:55
johnxwill talk to you then10:55
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rm_youGeneralAntilles: will try packaging it in the morning... meanwhile, if you can't wait, the newest .so is:
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GeneralAntillesLooks good, rm_you.11:07
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rm_youThis is a very good learning experience >_>11:10
rm_youI think I will be able to write some basic GTK frontend stuff for a normal system now, too... which i've always wanted to be able to do11:10
GeneralAntillesAny way to make the menu wider?11:10
GeneralAntillesThe ticks are stacking up on eachother.11:10
rm_youGeneralAntilles: i think so. I can do that if you want11:10
rm_youGeneralAntilles: how much wider, you think?11:11
GeneralAntilles128 steps11:11
GeneralAntilles3px-ish per step?11:11
rm_youright, but i dont know the pixel size of the side buttons11:11
rm_youthat would be huge >_>11:11
GeneralAntilles50-percent screen width seems kinda excessive.11:11
rm_youGeneralAntilles: it doesn't seem to matter much once you get to the kind of scale it already has...11:12
michele_do you really need 128 steps? wouldn't 64 be enough?11:12
rm_you+/-  even up to 5 or so brightness doesnt matter except at the very very bottom of the scale11:12
GeneralAntillesI'd be fine with 64 steps if the +/- still did 1-step increments11:12
GeneralAntillesYeah 0/1-6 is really where I want the resolution11:13
GeneralAntillesBeyond that it doesn't matter.11:13
rm_youi'll tweak it some tomorrow11:13
GeneralAntillesSleeeeep. :P11:13
GeneralAntillesmichele_, the backlight has 128 steps.11:13
rm_youmichele_: that's Nokia thinking right there :P11:14
michele_I meant in the UI11:14
michele_if the hw allows it, it doesn't mean you have to display it11:14
rm_youit starts with just one concession... "well, they don't actually need all 128, just 64.."11:14
GeneralAntillesYeah, like I said, if I can increment by 1 with the buttons. . . .11:14
rm_youthen "well, 64 is a bit much, maybe just 32..."11:14
LoCusFany news on evince text selection feature?11:14
GeneralAntillesHave each tick represent two levels.11:14
GeneralAntillesAssuming that's doable.11:15
rm_youmichele_: next thing you know, it's down to 5 levels >_>11:15
rm_youGeneralAntilles: it's just pixel-magic11:15
rm_youif i size it such that it is exactly 64 pixels for the slider part, that will just "be".11:15
GeneralAntillesCan you change it to a volume-style slider?11:16
rm_youit may be off by a couple, such that the odd pixel or three is its own one11:16
GeneralAntillesRather than a tick-style slider.11:16
rm_youGeneralAntilles: yes but not really? i think11:16
rm_youGeneralAntilles: i believe the volume thing does some very specific things11:16
rm_youlike, for instance, includes a mute button11:16
GeneralAntillesNiggling little nitpickings.11:16
GeneralAntillesIt looks good11:16
GeneralAntillesworks great11:16
rm_youmute button :P11:16
johnxmute = turn off screen :D11:16
rm_youi think it's hard-bound to the mixer... >_>11:17
GeneralAntillesThat's dumb.11:17
johnxvery strange11:17
johnxwait, is there source for any of these except for statusbar-cpu?11:17
rm_youjohnx: nope11:17
rm_youjohnx: thus all the reverse engineering >_>11:18
johnxtruly amazing11:18
johnxwhat about HildonControlbar?11:18
rm_youjohnx: lol11:18
rm_youjohnx: that's what i'm using11:18
johnxsorry, haven't been reading the source11:19
inzrm, where's the source for the latest version?11:19
johnxI'm ok with 5 levels :)11:19
LinuxCodegod playing with the cat wears me more out than him11:19
rm_youinz: i'll post it, sec11:19
LinuxCodehe just lifted hi paw in the end lol11:19
LinuxCodeso funny11:19
GeneralAntillesjohnx, you're nuts.11:20
LinuxCodelike the instinct telling him to move his paw...but not move11:20
GeneralAntillesHow do you read at night? :P11:20
johnxwith a nice bright screen :)11:20
GeneralAntillesMy cat's doing laps, LinuxCode.11:20
LinuxCodelaps ?11:20
LinuxCoderunnign around like a nut ?11:20
* johnx breaks into song "I weeeear my sungglasses at niiiiight"11:20
GeneralAntillesRunning from the front door to the back wall and back.11:21
LinuxCodemine does that11:21
LinuxCodegoes a bit nuts..11:21
LinuxCodeplays hide and seek11:21
inzrm, and don't package the binary in the source tarball ;)11:22
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rm_youinz: pffft. I wasn't :P11:23
GeneralAntillesrm_you's Binary Tarball of Doom11:24
seb_Hi folks, my N810 has altered in some way so that I can't write to the onboard SD card - /media/mmc2. It seems to be mounted read only, but I am sure I didn't do that...11:24
rm_youinz: trust me... i know that pain. one of the people i develop with insists on checking his binaries into SVN >_>11:24
GeneralAntillesIt's corrupted, format it, seb_.11:24
LinuxCodethats the second time today11:24
* LinuxCode spanks GeneralAntilles 11:24
LinuxCodeseb_, remount it11:25
inzrm, the 0.4b tarball had it11:25
chilleseb_: you have access to a windows box and are able to run scan disk or similar on it?11:25
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rm_youinz: wahg?11:25
seb_GeneralAntilles: No way, that doesn't bode well - all I did was write some data to it. Still, I'll reformat if necessary. I tried mount -o remount,rw and that didn't work.11:25
rm_youinz: damn, must have missed it that distro11:26
rm_youit was a quickie :/11:26
LinuxCodeseb_, hmm11:26
seb_chille: No access to an XP box, though I do have a win2k one here. But I'd rather not bother booting it ;)11:26
rm_youinz: none of the others do ^_^11:26
LinuxCodethis one guy held the select button11:26
LinuxCoderebooted and then mounted it via usb in linux11:26
chilleseb_: well, i can understand why you don't want to oot a windows box ;)11:26
LinuxCodethen ran fsck11:26
inzrm, I forgive you, it was "beta" after all ;)11:27
seb_I'll fsck.11:27
seb_Hang on.11:27
AD-N770bon dia / good morning11:27
seb_Oh, what dev file will it be?11:28
rm_youinz: you wanting to look at my horrible code? :P11:28
rm_youinz: please, feel free to comment on how i could improve :)11:28
inzrm, nay, don't want to see it11:29
rm_youinz: lol? you *asked* for it specifically :P11:29
inzyeah, but that doesn't mean I want to see it11:29
seb_Got it, /dev/mmcblk011:30
LinuxCodeseb_, you are doing this on the device itself ?11:30
LinuxCodeI dont even have fsck11:30
seb_LinuxCode: yes, and it has fsck onboard.11:30
johnxisn't mmcblk0p1 what you want?11:30
seb_LinuxCode. Nokia-N810-50-2:~# ls /dev/mmcblk0* gives /dev/mmcblk0  and /dev/mmcblk0p111:31
LinuxCodeyou running default nokia + maemo test ?11:31
rm_youinz: ok... yeah...11:31
inzDidn't try the .deb prouced yet though11:31
seb_LinuxCode: Reflashed to most recent OS2008, but haven't add the SDK or anything11:31
rm_youinz: but how to make it do stuff like, run all of the commands in the script?11:31
inzrm, read the patch11:31
rm_youbecomes the .postinst11:32
inzI cleand it up a bit11:32
inzTo make it simpler11:32
rm_youhow do i split this diff up into all its component files?11:32
seb_On my N810, there are two directories for the mmc card - /media/mmc1 and /media/mmc2, but only one partition /dev/mmcblk0p1.11:32
LinuxCodehmm I dunno how the other fella did it11:33
GeneralAntillesmmc1 is the external flash11:33
LinuxCodeim sure he said he fsck'd in usb mode11:33
inzrm, wget -O /tmp/patch.gz; cd advanced-backlight-0.5; gzip -dc /tmp/patch.gz | patch -p111:34
seb_GeneralAntilles: I see.11:34
seb_GeneralAntilles: Does it come with that external flash slot already installed?11:34
LoCusFinz: what does that patch do11:34
inzLoCusF, adds debian packaging11:35
GeneralAntillesseb_, uh, yeah, they put that in at the factory.11:35
LinuxCodeseb_, external = micro-sd card11:35
LinuxCodeGeneralAntilles, ?11:35
LinuxCodeI didnt have a second card11:35
seb_And that's the 2GB card, right?11:35
rm_youinz: so, i just run debian/rules and it should package up?11:35
* LinuxCode is confused11:35
GeneralAntillesmmc2 is the internal flash11:35
inzrm, usually you use dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot11:35
seb_Ok. How much internal flash is there?11:35
inzrm, other option is to run fakeroot debian/rules binary11:35
seb_That's useful. I think there is something wrong with this device, because I have only ever seen a 2GB (or rather 1.7GB) partition.11:36
rm_youinz: ok... so... i wonder if that works11:36
GeneralAntillesNo, there's nothing wrong with it.11:37
LinuxCodeseb_, you will only see the 2GB11:37
LinuxCodeits like that11:37
LinuxCodesomebody had the same issue you had11:38
seb_GeneralAntilles: Oh. Odd.11:38
GeneralAntillesThe filesystem is corrupt.11:38
LinuxCodeeither you unmounted and it wasnt finished writing to it11:38
seb_Yes, I think the filesystem is corrupt too. First thing, I think I will reformat the card, see if that fixes it.11:39
GeneralAntillesIt will.11:39
seb_Here is something I don't understand: fstab has a line /dev/mmcblk0p1  /media/mmc1 vfat rw,noauto,nodev,noexec,nosuid,utf8,uid=29999 0 011:39
seb_But df -h shows this: /dev/mmcblk0p1            1.9G      1.5G    421.3M  78% /media/mmc211:40
LinuxCodeso ?11:40
LinuxCodetype mount11:40
seb_Well, usually , the fstab file defines where things will end up being mounted.11:41
seb_Guess that isn't the case. mount shows that mmcblk0p1 is indeed mounted at /media/mmc2.11:41
seb_Also shows it as mounted ro.11:42
rm_youinz: where here does it ACTUALLY put the files in the right directories?11:43
rm_yourules puts them in "debian/tmp/usr/lib/hildon-desktop/" and "debian/tmp/usr/share/applications/hildon-status-bar/"....11:43
rm_youis there some sort of magic involved in debian_helper that translates that to the real paths?11:43
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seb_reformatted and it's now mounted rw.11:47
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johnxout of curiosity seb_, would you run sfdisk -l /dev/mmcblk011:48
inzrm_you, dh_install11:49
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seb_Nokia-N810-50-2:~# sfdisk -l /dev/mmcblk011:50
seb_Disk /dev/mmcblk0: 61440 cylinders, 4 heads, 16 sectors/track11:50
seb_Units = cylinders of 32768 bytes, blocks of 1024 bytes, counting from 011:50
seb_   Device Boot Start     End   #cyls    #blocks   Id  System11:50
seb_/dev/mmcblk0p1          0+  61439   61440-   1966072    b  W95 FAT3211:50
seb_/dev/mmcblk0p2          0       -       0          0    0  Empty11:50
seb_/dev/mmcblk0p3          0       -       0          0    0  Empty11:50
seb_/dev/mmcblk0p4          0       -       0          0    0  Empty11:50
rm_yougah. sometimes i think i'm really good... and then I try doing something slightly different for a while and remember how much of a n00b i am :P11:50
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johnxseb_ looks normal at least. I think at least one person somehow managed to end up with the parition claiming to be bigger than the device11:52
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rm_youjohnx: /dev/mmcblk0p1         74+  73094-  73021-   4016128    b  W95 FAT3211:53
rm_youjohnx: mine looks... odd :P11:53
rm_youon his, cylinders < blocks... mine is reversed :P11:54
seb_johnx: I see. Well, I'll try copying my data onto it again. Have been using scp to do that, can't imagine that should cause any trouble..11:54
johnxrm_you, I don't think those are falling under the right heading is all11:55
rm_youis that what the 74+ on mine means? >_>11:55
johnxin order is: start end "total # of blocks" "total # of cylinders"11:55
rm_youstart: (c,h,s) expected (74,5,3) found (1,2,3)11:56
rm_youend: (c,h,s) expected (1023,10,10) found (997,10,10)11:56
rm_youweird. well, anyways, it works for me :P11:56
rm_youand i need to go run and print this paper11:56
rm_youand then sleep11:56
rm_youi have to wake up in... ... god fucking damnit11:56
seb_The formatting problem might explain why some ogg-vorbis tracks were showing up in Media-Player(OGG) as realaudio files and not working....11:56
seb_So, let me get this straight - the N810 has a 2 GB replaceable sd-mmc card for user data, and 2GB of internal storage for the operating system?11:57
GeneralAntillesThere's 256MB of flash for the OS/user storage/applications, etc.11:58
GeneralAntillesThere's 2GB of flash soldered to the board11:59
GeneralAntillesand then there's an external MiniSD slot for cards up to 2048GB11:59
johnxthe 2GB of flash soldered to the board is addressed as an SD card, thus explaining why it's a block device and where the /dev name came from12:00
GeneralAntillesI don't know why they didn't just keep it as another slot . . .12:00
seb_Ah ha. So I can buy another miniSD card to expant it.12:00
GeneralAntillesWouldn't be that hard to bundle a 2GB card with the maps.12:01
seb_You definitely can't install >2048 MB?12:01
GeneralAntillesNot unless you open it up, desolder the flash and resolder a new chip on there.12:02
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seb_But the external slot - why is that limited to 2048 MB?12:03
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LoCusFI think it isnt12:04
Khertani ve received my N810 ! Nice device !12:04
LoCusFI have a 4GB microSD for that slot12:04
seb_Oh 2048 GB - I though that was a typo ;)12:04
LoCusFoh gb :)12:04
GeneralAntillesI've only typed it about 4 times. . . .12:05
LoCusFtrue :)12:05
Khertanbut shutdown button is hard to press when keyboard is open12:05
seb_GeneralAntilles: I apologise for my error12:05
GeneralAntillesKidding, seb_. :)12:05
seb_Shame I can't use all these 32768 GB cards I have lying around ;)12:06
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LoCusF1 terabyte mini/microSD's would rock12:06
seb_Well, wait five years...12:07
GeneralAntillesProblem with flash memory that big is that they still only transfer data in the 5-15MB/sec range. ;)12:07
GeneralAntillesIf we're still using SD-format cards by that time, there's no reason it couldn't be patched for sizes over 2TB.12:07
seb_Yes. That's true. In fact, I installed a 2GB CF card in a slightly old Nikon digital camera and it seemed _really_ slow to store and retrieve theimages.12:08
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seb_I lost my map data when I reformatted the internal drive. I should be able to re-install it through the map application, shouldn't I?12:09
GeneralAntillesPersonally, I'd just forget about that and use maemo mapper. ;)12:09
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seb_It's better by all accounts, right?12:09
GeneralAntillesMinus turn-by-turn, yes.12:09
seb_What do you have to do to get maemo mapper to work with the GPS. I heard you have to tweak something.12:10
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LoCusFuse empty bt address12:11
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seb_LoCusF: Ok, I leave that field empty - should I then press the scan button?12:19
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GeneralAntillesafaik, seb_, it'll use the gpsd12:27
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chillehave anyone tried modifying the BIOS on a device?12:45
chillei want to try to change the startup picture12:46
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GeneralAntillesThere's no BIOS12:46
chillebut i don't know if there is any kind of checksum or similar that will brick the device if i dan't update it12:46
chillewell, not bios, i meam more lik.. the loader that is inside the OMAP12:46
chillethat starts the bootloader etc12:46
chillethe code that displays the "charging" screen if the chrger is plugged in and the device is turned off etc12:47
chillexloader, 2nd & secondary in the image file12:47
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chilleGeneralAntilles: i mean the "first" starup screen, not the one in the gui12:49
GeneralAntillesYou'll need a JTAG cable.12:49
chilleactually there is four starup screen, first the one in the "bios", then one in a bootloader or kernel (don't know what) and then there is two *.png's in the gui12:50
chillei NEED? for what? to recover the machine if a brick it? the picture is in the image from nokia, so it would probably be possible to change the image and flash the device12:51
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GeneralAntillesThe image isn't in a user-accessible part of the flash.12:51
GeneralAntillesYou'd need a JTAG cable to attach to the serial port to flash it.12:51
GeneralAntillesWith custom images as outlined in the thread above, you only get about 5 seconds of the Nokia logo.12:52
chilleare you sure? i think i found something in the 2nd that might be the nokia logo, but i'm not sure yet, i'm working on it12:52
chilleseems to be an RLE-encoded image or something12:52
GeneralAntillesFairly certain12:52
GeneralAntillesBut, if you think you've found something, replace it and find out12:52
chilleyeah, but that 5 seconds is 5 seconds to much for mee12:52
chilleyeah, but i'm to scared of bricking the device12:53
chillebecause i don't know if the image got any kind of checksum or so12:53
chillebut maybe the flasher would whine is the checksum is wrong12:53
chillebut whatever, i got a JTAG cable, so maybe there's no problem12:53
GeneralAntillesThe worst you'll have to do is reflash.12:54
chillereflash with the JTAG cable?12:54
GeneralAntillesIf you find a solution that doesn't require JTAG cable, let me know.12:54
GeneralAntillesNo, USB.12:54
GeneralAntillesMost likely12:54
chilleyeah but the problem is if i crach the bootloader it wont probably be possible to reflash the device with a USB cable12:55
GeneralAntillesEh, you have a JTAG cable, then, right? :P12:55
chilleyes, i have, but is it ALWAYS possible to reflash the device via JTAG?12:56
GeneralAntillesUnless it becomes a hardware problem.12:56
michele_"always" is quite  strong word12:56
chilleeven if i fuck it up and crach the NAND Flash inside the OMAP?12:56
michele_almost as strong as "never"12:56
chillewell, have to and eat some lunch12:57
chillethanks for the help btw12:57
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blahdeblahAm i the only one for whom maemo extras is permanently broken?13:02
GeneralAntillesQuite possibly, yes.13:02
GeneralAntillesNokia has specifically targeted you.13:02
GeneralAntillesThey hate your guts. :P13:02
GeneralAntillesSame error?13:02
blahdeblahGeneralAntilles: :-P13:03
blahdeblahYeah - consistent 401s:13:03
blahdeblahFrom my squid proxy log: 1200654182.743    526 TCP_MISS/401 867 GET - DIRECT/ text/html13:03
GeneralAntillese-mail ferenc or hit up bugzilla13:04
GeneralAntillesOr try not proxying13:04
blahdeblahTried that already13:04
LinuxCodeblahdeblah, i had issues too13:04
LinuxCodestill have13:04
blahdeblahLinuxCode: i'm all ears...13:04
LinuxCodewhen downloading larger files...13:04
LinuxCodeit just stops13:04
LinuxCodebut I thought it might be my old crappy AP13:05
LinuxCodeas I dont really like wlan13:05
LinuxCodeonly use it now for the N81013:05
LinuxCodeactually disregard13:05
blahdeblahMe to - although i had a client's wireless laptop in here the other day and it worked fine.13:06
LinuxCodeclaws repo is the same13:06
blahdeblahBut i get it from my desktop as well as the N800, and it's wired, not wireless13:06
LinuxCodeblahdeblah, which country are you based at ?13:06
LinuxCodeUK ?13:06
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lcuk_2hey guys, im at work at the moment but I just read a very interesting report about HTC owners forming a class action suit regarding Poor graphics performance and not utilising the hardware in their devices.13:38
lcuk_2sounds familiar?????13:38
GeneralAntillesclass action?13:39
GeneralAntillesIt's a hardware limitation and we weren't promised anything we didn't get going in.13:39
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lcuk_2wheres the hardware limitation, looking at the2420 it supports 3d accellerated graphics - where are they ;)  (and yes i know all the tech sides of it now  but is it worth dismissing so easily?13:41
lcuk_2anyway, back to the grind13:41
GeneralAntillesBecause we weren't guaranteed anything going in.13:42
GeneralAntillesNokia mentions nothing of accelerated graphics.13:42
hugolpGeneralAntilles:  so you think Nokia is going to support OpenGL in the N900 (or whatever the name is for the next model)?13:43
GeneralAntillesI don't see any reason why they wouldn't13:43
GeneralAntillesand accelerated graphics are a big selling point.13:43
GeneralAntillesEspecially when they basically get it for free with the chip.13:43
hugolpwell, its not in the 2420 chip13:44
GeneralAntillesThe PowerVR or the support?13:44
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hugolpGeneralAntilles:  I though the N800/810 chip doesnt support opengl13:45
GeneralAntillesIt does.13:45
GeneralAntillesSee TI's website13:45
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GeneralAntillesThe problem lies with the LCD controller13:45
GeneralAntillesAssuming that there aren't issues with getting the data from the PowerVR to the controller as it's set up now (the data path may just not work that way), the LCD controller wont handle more than 15fps at 800x48013:46
GeneralAntillesThe OMAP2420's built-in controller only handles up to 640x48013:46
GeneralAntillesSo Nokia had to put in a 3rd party controller to handle 800x48013:46
hugolpI see13:46
GeneralAntillesthis 3rd party controller is connected with a very low-bandwidth serial interface.13:46
GeneralAntillesSo no hardware video decoding or accelerated OpenGL for us.13:46
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hugolpIMO this is something Nokia should have as a priority to solve for next device. For the rest of the hardware Im very happy13:48
GeneralAntillesThere's no solving about it with the next device13:48
GeneralAntillesThe OMAP3430 supports up to 1024x768 just fine.13:48
hahloI would like see gsm chip in next device13:49
kulveGeneralAntilles: why do you say the next device is omap3 based?13:49
fatal-GeneralAntilles: of course nokia wants to do 720p device by then :)13:49
GeneralAntillesWhere else could they go?13:49
kulvehahlo: use voip13:49
GeneralAntilleshahlo, let's hope not.13:49
GeneralAntillesThey're not going for Intel13:49
GeneralAntillesand there's nowhere to move on tho OMAP213:49
GeneralAntillesI very much doubt they'd move to another ARM chip13:50
hugolpGeneralAntilles:  that sounds great13:50
GeneralAntillesAnyway, no bottle-necking LCD controller means OpenGL ES 2.0, and hardware video decoding13:50
bloomingif the chip can support 640*480 then cant we use that for "game mode" and have a black border?13:50
GeneralAntilles720p no problem. ;)13:50
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GeneralAntillesNo, blooming, because it's not connected to the LCD.13:50
hugolpthe Nokia with 720p and opengl is going to be amazing13:50
hahloI have tiomap ipaQ too with gsm and wlan bt and irda13:50
GeneralAntillesGSM isn't a good fit for the internet tablets.13:51
fatal-GeneralAntilles: I mean, then once again the controller wouldn't suffice...13:51
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GeneralAntillesOh, OK, but OMAP3 can decode 720p just fine. ;)13:51
hahlo3g mobile is good for internet13:51
hugolpGeneralAntilles:  but that is a design nokia policy, they dont want GSM into the tablets13:51
hugolpits not really a hardware or software problem13:51
GeneralAntillesFWI, 720p usually refers to video resolution, not screen resolution. :P13:51
GeneralAntilleshahlo, that's what I have a cellphone for.13:52
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hugolpGeneralAntilles:  yes, of course13:52
GeneralAntillesIt is a software problem13:52
GeneralAntillesas providing support for a cellular modem is a non-trivial upgrade for maemo.13:52
hugolpbut if the tablet can render 720p without a problem it means no need to transcode from a media server13:52
fatal-GeneralAntilles: yeah, but being able to show 720p without scaling puts some requirements on the screen resolution, too13:52
GeneralAntillesA cellular radio is going to shoot costs up and generally make things a lot more difficult.13:52
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GeneralAntillesRight, hugolp.13:52
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kulveand they probably still want to sell a cell too to all tablet owners..13:53
fatal-anyhow, putting a 720p capable display on a tablet might be still years away13:53
hahloat least ipaq is cheap with gsm13:53
GeneralAntillesThere are places I want to take my cellphone and places where I want to take my internet tablet.13:53
fatal-so I won't count on that yet :)13:53
kulvefatal-: and if it's the same size physically as the current one, the benefit from it would be pretty minimal13:54
hugolpGeneralAntilles:  correct me if Im wrong, but I suspect that nokia is developing the Maemo platform to see if its a proper platform for the main public, and developing the tablets to test before comiting more13:54
GeneralAntillesfatal, I'd be interested in it to drive a component or VGA out.13:54
GeneralAntillesThe goal is to end up with a platform that's suitable for general consumption.13:54
hugolpGeneralAntilles:  yes, VGA out like in the N95 would be a good idea13:54
hahlolittle birds also sang that there might be gsm in next device, not sure if true13:54
GeneralAntillesDear god let's hope not.13:55
hugolpGeneralAntilles:  and iPhone succes might have open Nokia chairman eyes13:55
GeneralAntillesI'm not against a cellular modem in a maemo device once the platform gets some hardware diversification13:55
GeneralAntillesBut if it comes down to my N800 or an N900 with GSM . . .13:55
GeneralAntillesI wont be buying.13:55
hugolpI would13:55
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hugolpI would love to actually13:56
hahloi would buy with gsm13:56
GeneralAntillesYes, we know hahlo. :P13:56
GeneralAntillesI would like to see several devices under the NIT platform13:56
GeneralAntilles3"-5" screens13:56
GeneralAntilleswith/without cellular13:57
GeneralAntillesN-series, E-series, etc.13:57
hugolpGeneralAntilles:  NIT platform?13:57
hahlohere are probably people who knows but they won't tell13:57
GeneralAntillesNokia Internet Tablet13:57
GeneralAntilleshahlo, I HIGHLY doubt it.13:57
GeneralAntillesThe platform just isn't positioned for it right now13:58
hahloGeneralAntilles: i'm sure here are rubber Boot factory people13:58
GeneralAntillesIf you want answers, go beg texrat. ;)13:59
hahlobut if they would tell us the truth they would get kick off by rubber boot14:00
hugolpGeneralAntilles:  but whats the problem with Maemo suporting GSM? you where talking drivers or GUI problems?14:02
GeneralAntillesA lot of both14:02
GeneralAntillesThere are many things people expect from a phone14:02
GeneralAntillesPretty much none of them are supported by maemo at the moment.14:02
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hahloin ipaq we have gsm software called gommunicator14:03
hahloipaq linux14:03
hugolpis there problems with the repositories again? my N800 has been waiting for 15 minuts to finish updated and finally I had to cancel14:04
GeneralAntillesCould be14:04
GeneralAntillesworking over here14:04
hahloopen gsm-drivers still missing thou14:05
GeneralAntillesapt-get update14:05
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GeneralAntillesapt's timeout is so ridiculously long14:07
GeneralAntillesIf I'm not getting a response in 30 seconds, it's probably not coming.14:07
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GeneralAntillesPlus, it doesn't fail intelligently14:07
GeneralAntillesIt'll try to fetch from for each and every instance (extras, official, free, non-free, etc.)14:07
GeneralAntillesThere's gotta be a way to do it, but /etc/apt/apt.conf.d wasn't very revealing.14:08
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hahloopen gsm drivers would probably be as good than are open wlan drivers14:09
glasshows it done in neo1973/openmoko?14:10
hugolpI had duplicated repositories, now is working fine14:11
GeneralAntillesThis our florian?14:11
hugolpthats a problem, sometimes I will install something with the install button of a web page and it will add a repository I allredy have and then the tablet wont update properly14:11
GeneralAntillesI do all of my installing through the app manager or apt14:12
GeneralAntillesthe .installs aren't that great for most stuff.14:12
GeneralAntillesGood for the first few, but the dupes add up on the Extras stuff.14:12
hugolpis it that hard for the software to check if the repository is allredy there or not?14:13
GeneralAntillesit just doesn't.14:14
florianGeneralAntilles: nope :)14:14
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Khertani'm trying to add some mime type on maemo, to be able to open a .py file with pygtkeditor when i double click on it, instead of selected the application in the applications list ... but i don't found any informations ... someone know where i can found documentation ?14:49
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KhertanHi GNUtoN81014:50
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GNUtoN810Hey khertan14:53
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alteregoKhertan, there's a howto for that isn't there?14:54
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chillehave someone figured out how to use usb host mode on N800?15:14
kulvechille: I found something relating to that from
Mikhoin 770 you had to reflash the device with an additional --enable-usb-host-mode option15:14
kulveMikho: not needed on n8x0 with os200815:15
chilleyeah, i have --enable-usb-host-mode ;o15:15
chillehmm.. okay..15:15
chilleso i just need a usb power injector and it will work?15:16
kulvechille: I think I've heard that even that's not needed anymore..15:16
chillehmm.. wtf.. well, i have to try15:16
kulvebut I haven't tried myself, so I don't know for sure15:16
MikhoN800 has a powered usb port?15:16
GeneralAntillesWell, 100ma15:20
GeneralAntillesOTG power15:20
chilleyes it is15:21
chilledamn that nice15:21
chillei host usb host working on my n800 :)15:21
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chillejust typ "echo host > /sys/devices/platform/musb_hdrc/mode" as root and it will power up15:21
chilleand "/usr/sbin/" to get mass storage work :D15:21
Cptnodegardauto-host cable ftw15:22
chilleauto host?15:22
Cptnodegardcable that switches the n800 to host mode without any command line tampering15:23
chillehow do i make a usb host cable? :)15:23
Cptnodegardtheres a thread on itt15:23
Cptnodegardbasically its just a mini B to female A cable where you short the 4th and 5th pin of the mini B15:24
Cptnodegardworks like hell15:24
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GeneralAntillesfyi, "works like hell" would imply that it doesn't work. :P15:25
lcuk_2its good if the devil wants a keyboard15:25
Cptnodegardnah hell works15:25
chilleCptnodegard: nice15:25
Cptnodegardhere's mine :
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chilleand here's another pic of your cable :p
Cptnodegardtried it with 2 KB's, and 3 flash pens, all worked15:26
chilleugly as hell, but still nice15:26
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Cptnodegardi should update the /n800 directory15:26
chillei wonder if it would be possible to make a nice looking cable15:26
lcuk_2when i did it with a standard cable, the keyboard appeared to work perfectly, but if i mashed lots of keys the power drain got too much and caused the device to screw up ;)15:27
lcuk_2YMMV though15:27
lcuk_2it works really well though now i am using a powered hub15:28
chillehow do i fix a fucked up usb host btw? if i unplug my usb memory "unsafe" the usb host will stop working15:28
Mikhosounds like 100mA power is pretty low. What's the usual amount of power in usb ports?15:28
lcuk_2100 is the wake up max15:28
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chilledamn, my 3G modem needs more than 500mA i think :(15:30
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kulve500mA is the maximum according to the usb standard afaik15:30
kulvebut that doesn't mean devices wouldn't want more..15:31
kulveat least I think my digi tv usb wants quite much..15:31
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lcuk_2usb devices are like women.  they know their limts but just have to push anyway ;)15:31
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chillekulve: yeah but my modem needs an adapter that uses two usb ports15:33
chillekulve: but it works with only one port on my laptop15:33
chillelcuk_2: ;D15:34
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michele_I have my new 4G microSD, but not a miniSD to try it :(15:38
LoCusFI just needed a USB A female - A female adapter15:38
LoCusFfor my n810 host mode15:38
alteregoHmmm .. Now I have all this storage for my N810 I don't know what to put on it!15:40
* vegai waits for 'porn'15:41
alteregoI didn't realize how small micro SD cards are ..15:41
michele_me too15:41
alteregoThey're like .. Tiny.15:41
LoCusFlol I already got a 4GB microSD almost full15:41
michele_and *slim*15:41
LoCusFyeah they are really tiny15:41
alteregoMy Micro came with a micro->mini adapter and a mini->full size SD adapter.15:41
LoCusFI always beg myself not to drop em and get em lost15:42
LoCusFalterego: me too15:42
michele_I am going to steal the micro -> mini adpter from my brother, he doesn't need it15:42
alteregoOh, actually it's a micro to full SD.15:42
alteregoNot mini.15:42
LoCusFalterego: I actually put a microSD to miniSD-adapter to a SD-adapter :)15:42
alteregoBut I do have a mini to full size SD15:42
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crashanddiehey everyone15:44
crashanddieI setup my scratchbox and stuff15:44
alteregocrashanddie, good job :)15:44
crashanddiewhen I'm under the arm env, I can start, and the whole thing shows up in xephyr15:44
crashanddiebut when I'm under x86, it doesn't really go as planned15:44
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crashanddieI don't notice any "major" errors, there's just nothing coming up on xephyr15:45
crashanddieanyone know what I could try to figure this one out ?15:47
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crashanddiehere is the output I get:
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Tak"Failed to initialize libOSSO" - that seems like a problem15:52
jorgenHas anyone played around with the camera.c example up on in the "How to use the Camera API" tutorial noticed that the time for gst_element_link_filtered() to return is about 18 seconds out of 22 seconds total startup time? I'm trying to remove the latency, but struggling.15:53
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crashanddietak: hang on, it just spat out a few more lines15:54
crashanddieyeah Tak, I saw that, but my xephyr doesn't crash !15:57
crashanddieand my xephyr version is stable, afaik15:57
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GeneralAntillesThis is surely the epitome of win:
crashanddieGeneralAntilles: bleh15:59
GeneralAntillesIt's the N800's fast, ugly, retarded twin.15:59
michele_you forgot heavy16:00
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crashanddieand a very bad screen16:00
Takeww, qvga16:00
crashanddie240x320 is pretty shitty16:00
LoCusFits the resolution on my 668016:01
TakGeneralAntilles meant: It's the N800's fat, ugly, retarded twin.16:01
infobotGeneralAntilles meant: It's the N800's fat, ugly, retarded twin.16:01
glassLoCusF: 6680 is 176x208..16:01
LoCusFglass: oh16:01
glasslike most 1st/2nd ed s60's16:02
LoCusFwell it was the resolution of SOME phone :)16:02
crashanddies/lol/really, you shouldn't have those things activated on an IRC channel/16:02
infobotcrashanddie meant: really, you shouldn't have those things activated on an IRC channel16:02
Takcrashanddie meant: really, you shouldn't have those things activated on an IRC channel16:02
michele_hey, but it's got a phone in there!16:02
glassyeah most new s60's tend to be 240x32016:02
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LoCusFlike E5116:03
glassand n95's etc..16:03
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glassit's not a bad res for the size of screens they have16:05
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LoCusFnot bad at all16:05
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wwpanybody has problems w/ the FM radio player? here I get no sound at all (nokia headset is plugged in)16:08
hugolpwwp:  working here16:09
GeneralAntillesIs it muted?16:09
wwpnot muted16:09
GeneralAntillesSystem volume turned up?16:09
GeneralAntillesApplet volume turned up?16:09
GeneralAntillescorrect output selected?16:09
wwpyes yes yes16:09
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hugolpanyone know how to add a lib dir in the N800? In scratchbox I edited /etc/ to add the extra lib directory, but that doesnt work in the N80016:10
wwpI've set my local station frequencies, but I don't get a simple noise sound16:10
hugolpwwp:  you sure is not coming out of the headset16:10
hugolpI mean you sure the sound is not in the headsets?16:10
wwphugolp: I have a plug in one ear, the other close to the n810 speaker16:11
wwpof course, sound do work (system sounds, media)16:11
hugolpwwp:  well, all I can say is it works in my N800 with OS200816:12
wwpn810 here16:12
wwp(OS2008 up-to-date)16:13
wwptoo bad!16:13
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sKaBoyn810 doesn't have fm right ?16:13
wwphugolp: if you unplug the headset, does the FM radio applet plays some noise or nothing at all?16:13
wwpsKaBoy: not installed by default, but installable16:14
sKaBoybut does the n810 have a fm radio chip ?16:14
GeneralAntillesN810 doesn't have FM. . . .16:14
wwpthat would be a very good point!16:14
wwpback to internet radio, no problem :)16:14
wwpthere's an article here in france saying that the n810 has the GPS SIRFIII, is it true? (seeing the bad bad GPS sensibility of the n810, I doubt a lil' bit)16:15
GeneralAntillesIt's a crappy TI chip16:17
hugolpwwp:  yes, if I unplug the headset the fm radio plays just noise16:17
wwpmany articles (even in English) make the same supposition, but noone could confirm16:17
hugolpwwp:  N810 doesnt have fm radio16:17
wwphugolp: ok. thanks.. anyway as the n810 has no FM capability..16:17
hugolpwwp:  youll have to do with internet radio16:17
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wwpGeneralAntilles: ah! crappy, exactly how I felt it16:17
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crashanddieI'm off16:18
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jorgenHmm. Are there alternatives for taking stills other than gstreamer?16:19
fysaso now that we have more people with N810 in their hands..  N800 -> N810 worth it for 1) the keyboard (how much faster than onscreen?  annoying to move hand down/slide for it?) and 2) slightly more pocketable size versus losing storage and near-screen controls?16:19
fysaif KDE runs as well as penguin claims, the slide keyboard might be worthwhile to me..16:20
mgedmindo the US discount codes work yet?16:22
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wwpjorgen: you're taking stills w/ gstreamer? photos?16:22
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jorgenwwp: Yeah, using the example up on The problem i'm having is the startup time is abysmal, which is down to one function as far as I can see. It takes some 18 seconds to return, which is what i'm trying to fix. :)16:24
hugolpfysa:  I havent tryed but I personally doubt the phisical N810 keyboard is any good. Too small probably, but I guess I should try it before talking16:24
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wwpjorgen: funny. to take a photograph, I wouldn't used gstreamer :). the camera program on OS2008 is OK-ish for that, and there are alternatives (like an app that stores GPS data in the picture)16:25
Takmgedmin: heh, I've been wondering as well16:27
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jorgenwwp: I'd use that if I could, but i'm doing something quite non-trivial as i'm hacking on a project that is doing some object detection using Haar-like cascades.16:28
fysait doesn't even need to be "good"16:29
fysait just needs to be better passably faster than the onscreen16:29
wwpthen I can't help16:29
fysathe main reason for this, in my opinion, is that you gain tremendous screen real estate by not needing the onscreen thumb vkb.16:29
fysaand suddenly a spreadsheet could be usable (now that you can see what you do as you type ..)16:30
jorgenwwp: Interesting that they've added their own camera application in 2008 though. :)16:30
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lardmanfysa: hear hear16:31
fysahave you looked at the 'motion' packages, jorgen?16:33
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jorgenfysa: No, I haven't actually. I was, until a minute ago, assuming that this was a fringe subject. :)16:34
fysaMotion is a program that monitors the video signal from one or more cameras and is able to detect if a significant part of the picture has changed; in other words, it can detect motion.16:35
fysabasically, you can look for specific motion sequences and trigger scripts.16:35
fysaI was interested in using it with a webcam on my HTPC to let me control e.g., volume by waving my hand a certain way16:36
fysaor automatically pausing if someone is standing in front of the screen and the lights are at a certain level16:36
fysa(that means it's projector movie time)16:36
jorgenHmm, great. :)16:36
fysasomeone ported it to OS2007 and maybe OS200816:37
fysaso I'm assuming it works with the built-in webcam,16:37
fysahmm. "Motion tracking (camera follow motion - special hardware required)"16:37
jorgenI'll check the code out, maybe there's something I can do with it anyway.16:37
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fysawe need a lazy-susan w/charge port for the coffee table, so I can set the device down and have it always face me ;)16:38
lardmanAre there any bar code reading apps floating about?16:38
lardmanI've just written a 2D bar code reader in MATLAB and before I turn it into Python I thought I'd enquire16:38
lardmanWhere I'm reading from a webcam that is16:38
fysanot that I've seen16:39
hugolpIm having a problem on OS2008 that I didnt have in OS2007: When I load the web browser and the N800 has been a long time idle the wireless network connection doesnt work (through it says its connected in the desktop bar). I have to reload the webpage and then it works. Anyone has the same problem?16:39
lardmanI see phones have a bar code reader app on them these days, what is this for?16:39
hugolpIts very anoying in other programs that need the network to work16:39
hugolplardman:  cause is very easy to do if the phone has a camera, and probably is usefull for someone16:40
fysamine stays connected, but there may be a setting in control panel -> connectivity16:40
hugolpand you know, is one feature more you can show off16:40
GeneralAntillesReading barcodes, lardman. :P16:40
lardmanhugolp: I read you can point it at a webpage/magazine and it encodes an url, I've just never seen one in the wild16:40
AD-N770jotgen: which code are you running16:40
lardmanGeneralAntilles: ;p16:40
AD-N770jorgen: sorry, could you pastebin your code for gstreamer16:41
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lardmanSeriously though, sounds pretty cool, if only it actually had a use (much like Bonjour IM I reckon) :)16:41
hugolplardman:  what?16:42
GeneralAntillesHa, Bonjour IM might be interesting on a corporate network.16:42
lardmanhugolp: are you whating about Bonjour?16:42
Disthugolp: Some Finnish bus stops have some kind of bar codes on them. You can scan that using a phone and see bus stop specific time-table and if there's anything affecting that..16:42
jorgenAD-N770: It's basically the one out of the repo:
lardmanDist: ah, so they do have a use. That's good :)16:42
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hugolpDist:  hahaha that would be useless here in Barcelona. Buses have free schedule16:43
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lardmanIn the UK people often steal the bus timetable poles16:43
lardmanwell when there are students about anyway :)16:43
GeneralAntillesOver here, only homeless people use the buses. :P16:44
Disthugolp: Well, here we have GPS in some of the busses and they can be tracked from the net =)16:44
LynoureGeneralAntilles: weird...16:44
lardmanDist: That is actually pretty cool16:44
LynoureGeneralAntilles: where is that?16:44
AD-N770jorgen: you could try to simplify the pipeline, which colorspace do you need on your app?16:44
GeneralAntillesFlorida, USA16:44
Distlardman: There was an ajax proto app somewhere, but just can't remember where :<16:44
DistLynoure: !16:44
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GeneralAntillesParking is plentiful and mostly free, everybody has a car.16:44
lardmanDist: not much good for me though living in the UK :)16:44
hugolpfysa:  the connectivity settings are set to connect automatically for wlan conections, search interval 10 minutes, and wlan idle time unlimited16:44
jorgenAD-N770: At this moment in time, the fastest possible. :)16:44
GeneralAntillesThere's just no demand for strong public transportation.16:44
LynoureGeneralAntilles: let me guess, the rest are 1 person per car, stuck in traffic jams? :)16:45
michele_GeneralAntilles: that just means oil is still too cheap over there16:45
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lardmanGeneralAntilles: petrol is cheap, etc, etc. ;)16:45
TakI wouldn't say there's no demand for public transportation16:45
DistLynoure: Hey, you can be found from the most surprising places =)16:45
GeneralAntillesTraffic flows very nicely.16:45
GeneralAntillesTak, there's no demand HERE.16:45
AD-N770jorgen: is  video/x-raw-yuv, format=(fourcc)UYVY, width=(int)640, height=(int)480, framerate=(fraction)8/1 fine ?16:45
* Tak in FL, USA also16:45
michele_GeneralAntilles: and pollution grows wild16:45
hugolpnot anyone else is having problems whith the wireless connection disconecting after a big time, though the network tasbar says its connected?16:45
hugolpOS2008 N80016:46
GeneralAntillesmichele_, your average sedan hardly put out anything. :P16:46
LynoureDist: I don't think me having a N800 is very surprising :)16:46
jorgenAD-N770: Think it'll make a difference on the performance that i'm seeing from gst_element_link_filtered?16:46
GeneralAntillescatalytic converts are a highly effective piece of technology.16:46
LynoureDist: meet irl someday again? That would be surprising...16:46
GeneralAntillesPersonally, I like being able to get where I want to go in a reasonable amount of time.16:46
DistLynoure: It would, I also got N810 the first week it was available here.. =)16:47
* Lynoure is permanently one wave behind in cool gadgets (cheaper that way) =)16:47
DistHehe, true16:47
hugolpDist:  they tryed the gps thing here but they took it off cause it made more obvious that the buses would never get on time16:47
DistMy GPS - WLAN mapper is getting a bit useless now that Skyhook and Google does this already :<16:47
LynoureDist: yes, kinda drooling N810, but only getting it once I'm sure I'd use it for work16:47
AD-N770jorgen: yes16:48
AD-N770jorgen: you should create the appropriate pipeline to your need16:48
jorgenAD-N770: I'll give it a shot and see :)16:48
AD-N770jorgen: you can remove ffmpegcolorspace if you can deal you yuv data in your app16:49
fysaGeneralAntilles: you're in Florida also?16:49
fysanear Tampa perchance?16:50
GeneralAntillesSt. Petersburg when I'm not at school. ;)16:50
AD-N770jorgen: sample minimalist pipeline, gst-launch-0.10 -v v4l2src ! video/x-raw-yuv,width=640,height=480,framerate=\(fraction\)8/1 ! xvimagesink16:50
fysavery cool.  Just moved from Pass-a-grille.16:50
Takthat's three of us in-channel16:50
GeneralAntillesNice area.16:50
* GeneralAntilles high-fives the Floridians!16:50
fysaLiving right off the strip in Ybor now..16:50
* Tak ^516:50
DistLynoure: Well, it's not that different, just 200e more for physical keyboard and somewhat crappy gps..16:51
GeneralAntillesHehe, how is that? <_<16:51
lardmanregarding using those bar codes on phones:
* GeneralAntilles still thinks of Ybor as the place one would go to experience a mugging.16:51
fysanot bad, actually.  Ghost town Sun - Weds, gets a little loud on the weekends but having everything in walking distance is nice.  Wife goes to UT and the commute from St. Pete Beach was torture.16:51
jorgenAD-N770: That sounds more appropriate. Suppose I use this minimalist pipeline, what's the bearing of that on my ability to eventually hand this off to be stored as a jpeg?16:51
GeneralAntillesI can imagine.16:52
fysaThere are a couple of bad clubs -- one just shut down.16:52
Disthugolp: Your wireless basestation might not like some of the powersave functionality that it uses16:52
VeggenDist: I kind of like the keyboard, though. I think it'll speed up typing significantly, making writing more acceptable.16:52
fysaIf you stay away from that block, you're fine -- and even that block isn't too rowdy until 11+16:52
AD-N770jorgen: are you planning an offline motion detection or in real time?16:53
fysawe thought the same before we moved up..16:53
GeneralAntillesLast time I was in Ybor was for the opening of the ATHF movie.16:53
DistVeggen: Sure, 2mm more space for the top row and I'd love it, but 200e more for that is a bit too much anyways16:53
fysahow old are you two? (Tak, GeneralAntilles) -- not that it really matters, just curious.16:53
GeneralAntillesI'm just a little north of downtown16:53
VeggenDist: agreed, price-wise it's a bit much.16:53
Takheh - I think mine was to see a band at the orpheum16:53
GeneralAntillesVinoy area16:53
fysanear Limey's?16:53
* GeneralAntilles is 20.16:53
TakI'm an old man; my knees are withered, my nose is knackered16:53
AD-N770jorgen: I don't know if your app could be similar to my tuner tool, it perform fft on each second of audio captured on the dsppcmsrc16:54
* fysa 2716:54
hugolpDist:  that might be the problem, specially if no one else is having this problem. What is curious is that I didnt have this problem with OS200716:54
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AD-N770jorgen: if this is a good approach for you. You could work directly with raw video data searching the difference between two video buffers16:55
jorgenThis sounds a lot like it, yeah.16:56
jorgenNot totally the same, but I could use the raw data instead.16:56
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hugolpalso, does anybody knows if hildon gtk OS2008 has any problem loading .gif?17:00
jorgenAD-N770: Doh, not a registered user.17:00
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AD-N770jorgen: ok, download my src code
AD-N770jorgen: I wrote a simple gstreamer element that uses kiss_fft to perform the fft on the signal17:01
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AD-N770jorgen: and send a message with the pitch to the app17:02
jorgensAD-N770: Nice :)17:03
TakAD-N770: how long until you've ported ultrastar-ng? ;-)17:04
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AD-N770Tak: for me it's enough maintain nethack, I'm waiting my first daughter in 7 weeks, so very few time for games17:05
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* Tak nods17:06
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Takthere'll be lots of time to code when you're rocking her to sleep at 0300...17:06
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crashanddieDamnit, I just can't find out what the problem is with this damned Xephyr...17:10
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GeneralAntillesYou're doing it incorrectly.17:11
crashanddieYeah, probably17:11
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lardmanHas anyone used the Python webcam interface with os2008?17:19
* lardman is after a piece of existing code to modify17:19
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fysathe question is, how is the D-pad? ;)17:27
Takdoesn't look significantly different17:28
tank-manif it ran maemo, that would be cool17:29
TakI doubt it does; 320x24017:29
GeneralAntillesCptnodegard, I beat you to it. :P17:29
rghoshlardman: I have, using pygst17:29
Cptnodegardah, lol. got the link from another channel17:30
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rm_youGeneralAntilles: STILL UP? >_>17:31
rm_youGeneralAntilles: what *is* your schedule? :/17:31
GeneralAntillesAnything I damn well want it to be, bitch! :P17:31
rm_youyou're in the US right?17:31
rm_youCST here, so it's even later for you :)17:31
Tak000 - 2358: Chat on #maemo   2358 - 2359: Eat, sleep, etc17:31
GeneralAntillesI'm in college and sleep depravation is the world's cheapest narcotic. ;)17:32
rm_youI miss my responsibility free days (christmas break) when i could keep whatever schedule i want :/17:32
rm_younow i have an 8:30 class17:32
rm_youAsian Religions :/17:32
rm_youinteresting. but early.17:32
GeneralAntillesI've got 3 online-only classes this semester.17:32
GeneralAntillesIt's amazing.17:32
rm_youWhat college do you go to?17:33
GeneralAntillesFlorida State17:33
TakI had a math prof that loved to give 8am classes, so I had to be up at 8am every day my last three years17:33
lardmanurg, I'm writing a MATLAB course17:33
rm_youDo you have an ACM chapter there?17:33
Takhmm, I didn't know there was an fsu campus here17:33
rm_youlardman: scientific computing?17:33
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lardmanrm_you: NDE EngDoc course17:34
GeneralAntilles[9:50am] <GeneralAntilles>St. Petersburg when I'm not at school. ;)17:34
rm_youlardman: ah.17:34
rm_youI wish I could get the profs here interested in maemo...17:35
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GeneralAntillesBuy them all N810s. :P17:35
rm_youI know at least one of them that could bring sooo much >_>17:35
rm_youI might buy one of them an n800 :P he used a Zaurus too17:35
rm_youit still sits on his desk17:35
rm_youI'll poke him about it17:35
GeneralAntillesI've got 770s to loan out for sales purposes.17:36
rm_youHe does a bunch of research all the time anyway, why not something for maemo? :P17:36
rm_youHe's got a Masters in CompSci and a PHD in Astrophysics >_>17:36
rm_yousome people are *too* smart :/17:36
GeneralAntillesWell, or too attached to academia.17:37
lardmanI keep planning to use Octave on the N8x0 for data processing, just that my files are a bit too big17:37
rm_youhe's still working on a BS in mathematics >_<17:37
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rm_youWell, n800 prices are coming down, so I might be able to convince him :)17:37
rm_youI wish I had started with my n800 like 6 months earlier (sometime in April of last year would have worked...)17:38
rm_youcause then I would be doing a thesis project with it :/17:38
GeneralAntillesThat'd guaranteed you a discount code. :P17:38
rm_youyeah except i'd fail my thesis17:38
rm_youcause i wouldnt ever get a device >_>17:39
lardmanrm_you: what's your project then?17:39
rm_youlardman: instead of thesis, i'm doing the generic senior capstone (senior software project)17:39
rm_youi'm a team lead for a project for some company17:39
rm_youlike, all students on my team... but at least it's a real world project :)17:40
lardmanthat's a useful thing to do, experience is always good17:40
rm_youPublishing a paper on A2DP encoding in a DSP would be cooler :)17:40
alteregoWell, my scratchbox development virtual machine is awesome :)17:40
lardmanrm_you: yes :)17:40
alteregoAnd complete for maemo4 development with both sbox and sbox2 SDK's :)17:40
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rm_youlardman: i still vote that you should work on that :)17:41
rm_youlardman: because, you know... your schedule is democratic :P17:41
GeneralAntillesPackage it up and stick it on the internet for us, alterego.17:41
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alteregoGeneralAntilles, I'll do a public version sure :)17:41
lardmanrm_you: I'll get round to it; bit busy writing this course this week, then teaching it next week, then I should have some time17:41
GeneralAntillesrm_you, we can't expect to enforce that with the honor code, though.17:41
rm_youheh yeah17:41
GeneralAntillesMore drastic measures are called for.17:41
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rm_youGeneralAntilles: you never answered my question about ACM :P17:42
alteregoGeneralAntilles, I'll do releases for qemu/kvm _and_ vmware as it's easy to do both :)17:42
rm_youGeneralAntilles: do you have an ACM chapter/club there?17:43
GeneralAntillesRemind me, rm_you.17:43
GeneralAntillesHaven't looked into it.17:43
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rm_youGeneralAntilles: wondering if you do, if they field a programming team for the ACM regional programming competitions17:44
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rm_youI'm the webmaster for the ACM here :P17:45
rm_youthus why all my packages are in ~acm/debs/17:45
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rm_you(the acm account has no quota! :P)17:45
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rm_youI just find it interesting that you haven't looked into it :)17:45
rm_youit was one of the first things I did when I came here17:46
GeneralAntillesI'm far too lazy.17:46
GeneralAntillesNever heard of them before, though.17:46
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* GeneralAntilles is in the gun club.17:46
rm_youAh, they do Southeast Region anyway :(17:46
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rm_youWe're in South Central17:46
GeneralAntillesTarget shooting is relaxing, programming is not.17:47
Takalterego: were there any major gotchas with sb2 ?17:47
rm_youSo, you're a maemo/n800 guy, just not into compsci? :P17:47
GeneralAntillescompsci major17:47
rm_youbut you don't like programming? :(17:48
rm_youthat's unfortunate17:48
GeneralAntillesI like it.17:48
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Taknot every computer scientist is into acm17:48
GeneralAntillesIt's just not relaxing. ;)17:48
alteregoTak, installation no. But it's very different to using sbox 1 and you can't run the desktop in Xephyr or whatever at the moment. So software has to be tested either in sbox 1 or on a device.17:48
rm_youTak: obviously :)17:48
rm_youI just thought most computer scientists liked programming :(17:48
alteregoTak, oh. And you only get the target target. No i386 build target.17:48
GeneralAntillesHaven't looked into any of the extra-curricular stuff for compsci we have here.17:48
rm_youWell, i guess I know a lot of people here who don't, actually... now that I think about it :)17:48
alteregoIt's neat though, it's really nice. As you can use your _own_ home directory for once :D17:49
Takalterego: that's ok - I never use xephyr or the x86 target ;-)17:50
rm_youGeneralAntilles: can you get one of your n00b friends to test the deb for that applet? ^_^17:50
GeneralAntillesIs it ready?17:51
rm_youGeneralAntilles: ready? i'm not sure :P but it's up17:51
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rm_youhaven't tested it yet, packaged it up and went to sleep >_>17:52
GeneralAntillesI'll let you know if it bricks my device.17:52
alteregorm_you, how is it advanced?17:52
rm_youinz: thanks again for the help with that BTW :P I left your name in there for "debianized by" :P17:52
rm_youGeneralAntilles: lol17:52
rm_youalterego: erm... some? :P17:52
rm_youalterego: it lets you pick all 127 brightness levels17:53
rm_youerr, 12817:53
alteregoOh, that's nice.17:53
rm_youno custom kernel anymore, either17:53
alteregoDoes it do fade ins and outs? :P17:53
rm_youstill does fades17:53
rm_younot sure if that's a good thing or not17:53
GeneralAntillesIt's basically transparent to the built-in applet17:54
rm_youexcept that the popup still looks ugly, IMO >_> no frame border17:54
GeneralAntillesaside from the mildly ugly GUI and slight slowness.17:54
inzrm, no prob, but please remove my name, I want nothing to do with it ;)17:54
rm_youinz: lolol17:54
rm_youinz: my code is too freaky to have your name anywhere near it? :P17:55
GeneralAntillesAppears to install fine over here.17:56
GeneralAntillesMy n00bs are busy being worker bees or something.17:57
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* alterego attempts to use sbox2 to compile some random application.17:59
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crashanddieso is it a real bad thing if I can't run on the x86 version of my scratchbox of my install ?18:00
alteregocrashanddie, yes. It means something is broken.18:01
rm_youGeneralAntilles: heh ok18:01
rm_youGeneralAntilles: I guess I'll post this deb then18:01
rm_youmaybe I'll start a garage project :/18:02
GeneralAntillesrtcomm update18:02
crashanddiealterego: yeah, but I've been searching for the problem for maybe like the last half day, and I need to get somewhere, instead of just losing time18:02
alteregoWell, maybe you should attempt to reinstall your targets.18:02
inzrm, definitely18:02
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DaniloCesarSomeone here is a maemo-mapper developer?18:03
GeneralAntillesThere's only one of those.18:04
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alteregoThere can be only one.18:05
* GeneralAntilles cuts alterego in half with a big sword.18:06
zoranso, it is alter and ego now?18:07
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pyhimys"It's better to burn out than to fade away"18:08
alteregoIt's actually Al Terego.18:09
Sho_Sounds dangerous.18:09
GeneralAntillesGreatest name ever.18:09
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Sho_GeneralAntilles: btw, Nokia said the power on/off issue exists and is apparently software fixable ... not n00b error after all then ;)18:09
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michele_pyhimys: I know that song! :)18:10
rm_youAnyone know a good linux HTML code editor? not visual... code :/ normally I use vim, but it doesn't do the html indentation and stuff very well apparently18:12
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rm_youWill try it18:13
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Sho_rm_you: Quanta18:14
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rm_youSho_: will try that too18:15
rm_youpyhimys: no. :P18:15
pyhimysrm_you: heathen ;)18:16
rm_youpyhimys: i wish I had time for a religious war right now :P18:16
rm_youunfortunately, i have class in 6 minutes18:16
pyhimysthough I'm vi convert nowadays18:16
rm_youAll hail vi :P18:16
pyhimysed maybe!18:17
_berto_lol ->
rm_youooo, Quanta looks like it does what i need18:17
pyhimysed is the editor!18:17
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hugolpDoes maemo gtk have some kind of problem with some type of gifs? I have some 70x70 pixels gif image that loads on scratchbox but it doesnt in the N800 in the same program18:20
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alteregoHeh, my sbox SDK is 7.3G ^_^18:26
inzrm, what's wrong with vim's autoindenting of html files?18:27
alteregoThe same thing that's wrong with vim!18:27
mgedmini.e. nothing? :P)18:27
alteregoNo, that doesn't make sense.18:28
alteregoSomething can't be nothing.18:28
inzWho said there was something wrong, I bet rm just didn't know how to use it ;)18:30
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alteregoAnd that's suprising.18:30
alteregoMachine is starting to slow down.18:31
alteregoI think I should upgrade to a quad core machine soon.18:31
hugolpalterego:  make it 8 core18:31
alteregoI don't think that'd make much difference.18:32
GeneralAntillesYou're not thinking big enough.18:32
alteregoI'd rather not do that.18:32
hugolpwhy not?18:32
alteregoToo much brain power involved.18:33
zoranhaving more cores doewn't mean it sould work the same times faster18:33
hugolpaha, your running short of brain power? ;)18:33
GeneralAntillesParallelization is key, zoran.18:33
alteregoIt is when I'm running several virtual machines.18:34
GeneralAntillesIf I had 8 cores, I'd just have 2 of them render Pixar movies all day.18:34
alteregoMaybe it'd work better if I enabled multicore support in KVM and used 2 for each machine.18:34
zoranGeneralAntilles, try out rapidmind free toolkit to make it all working18:35
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zoranmust be on the same box it was compiled18:35
alteregoInteresting ..18:36
hugolpnobody had any problem with .gif images with gtk on the N800? I have some .gif that load fine in scratchbox but they dont in the N80018:39
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hugolpthe png images are loading fine, but the .gif no18:40
rm_youwoo, back. class canceled <_<18:40
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GeneralAntillesMy profs last semester always did that with e-mails 10 minutes before it started.18:45
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rm_youGeneralAntilles: yep. mine did too...>_>19:01
rm_youGeneralAntilles: but I didn't check my email right before, because I was in a hurry :)19:01
GeneralAntillesI always check the N800 just after I park. ;)19:01
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rm_youGeneralAntilles: mmm... I just fixed a serious (and annoying) bug on my asian religion prof's course webpage and emailed him about how to fix it. :)19:02
rm_youI think it's been broken for like 5 years19:02
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rm_you(only works in IE, unreadable text overlapping in anything else, which means Mac/Linux users are boned)19:03
rm_youI wonder what kind of karma that is worth :P19:03
korpiosArgh ... *no one* seems to know why my developer code doesn't work, or who I need to talk to in order to get it fixed.  :-(19:03
rm_youkorpios: i dont think anyone's developer codes work19:03
rm_youkorpios: you're definately not alone19:03
korpiosrm_you: really?  heh19:03
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lcuk_2if your developers code does not work just revert to an earlier version in cvs19:04
rm_youi don't know for sure, since i dont actually have a code... but from all the spam i've been getting on the Maemodev mailing list (and what people say here), they were still broken last time i checked19:04
korpioslcuk_2: hah ^_^19:04
rm_youlcuk_2: lol19:04
rm_youlcuk_2: what if it NEVER worked? :P19:05
lcuk_2lol rm - thats just design issues19:05
lcuk_2ive heard lots of grumbles about the dev codes though and nokia need to get their selves sorted19:05
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lcuk_2there are people wanting to help and they arent letting them19:05
lcuk_2rm - speaking of which - the update script from brightness app left files in the system with invalid names (becauseit replaced running files before they were closed)19:06
lcuk_2there was a desktop file with a filename of "[unprintable square]"19:06
* lcuk_2 deleted them after sussing how to rename things which you cannot type19:07
rm_youlcuk_2: the script in 0.4b should REMOVE the old files, and then add the new ones19:07
rm_youlcuk_2: when the .desktop file is removed, the plugin auto-unloads19:07
rm_youlcuk_2: at least, it does on my system19:08
lcuk_2yer i know, but it left those 2 files - the desktop and the .ko but they had no proper filenames - it took me a while to suss out what they were - i couldnt even view it from shell or scp until after i fixed the name19:08
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lcuk_2its not important but they were deffo there19:09
rm_youlcuk_2: hrm19:09
rm_youlcuk_2: you're positive they were from my app?19:09
rm_youhow's this for a garage name: Advanced Backlight Statusbar Applet19:10
lcuk_2yer, when i got the name sorted it was your .desktop file and the blank.ko was the same size and date as the older .ko (scp wouldnt view binary in internal editor)19:11
lcuk_2i just culled them but if you like ill see if i can reproduce just for academic purposes19:11
michele_rm_you: what? you actually wrote the code before deciding the name and opening the project?!19:12
rm_youmichele_: ... yes :P19:12
lcuk_2lol michele - isnt that the best way to code19:12
rm_youmichele_: it was an accident? :P19:12
rm_youCode first, ask questions later >_>19:12
rm_youbad for large projects, but for SMAAAAAL ones, it works just fine :/19:12
lcuk_2rm, have you made changes to it since because there is a couple of things i woul;d offer19:13
rm_youlcuk_2: go for it19:13
rm_youlcuk_2: do you have version 0.5?19:13
rm_youit's a deb now19:13
rm_youalso, it looks like a popup, not a full window19:13
lcuk_2nope, ill grab it when im not VNCing into home machine from work later on...19:13
rm_youand it's less lag inducing19:13
rm_youi replaced a system() call with a g_spawn_async19:13
lcuk_2awww damn -  iwas gonna say since you have loads of screen estate it would be nice to have a big button that says "dimmest" and another that says "brightest19:14
lcuk_2so you dont have to fiddle and hit the right tiny target19:14
rm_youit's easy for that...19:14
GeneralAntilleslcuk_2, tap'n'drag19:14
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rm_yougrab the center of the bar and pull way past the edges of the bar19:14
rm_youautomatically goes to the highest/lowest value19:14
GeneralAntillesJust hit it somewhere in the middle and zing it to one side or the other like you're putting the last flourish on John Hancock's signature.19:14
lcuk_2itap and drag needs a stylus which is tucked away - i do most i can without it and fingers are fat on skinny scrollbars19:15
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lcuk_2i keep missing if its the same size as it was19:15
rm_youso, again...19:15
rm_youhow's this for a garage name: Advanced Backlight Statusbar Applet19:15
lcuk_2sharpens his fingers19:15
GeneralAntillesToo mundane. :P19:15
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GeneralAntillesFixing Nokia's Fail19:16
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rm_youadvanced-backlight is too long for the garage url >_>19:16
lcuk_2does it still go to ULTRA dark (ie off) on the 810?19:17
rm_youlcuk_2: yes19:17
rm_youlcuk_2: but not on n80019:17
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GeneralAntillesoff is fewer characters than "ULTRA dark"19:17
lcuk_2lol oh poo i keep clicking once to far and needing to open keyboard, blinding myself and cursing...19:17
rm_youlcuk_2: it also has the one step +/- buttons...19:17
GeneralAntillesTime for a setting, rm_you.19:18
lcuk_2yer click, click click click DAMN19:18
rm_youGeneralAntilles: ?19:18
GeneralAntillesFor step 019:18
rm_youdo n800 users want to be able to turn off the backlight?19:18
rm_youthat's very n00b dangerous :(19:18
rm_youI thought about a checkbox...19:18
rm_you[ ] ALLOW DANGER19:18
rm_you[X] ALLOW DANGER19:19
rm_you :P19:19
GeneralAntillesWell, mostly, I was thinking for N810 users.19:19
GeneralAntillesLike lcuk_2.19:19
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GeneralAntillesThat should be the entire prefs dialog for every application.19:19
rm_youmaybe in a later version19:19
rm_youso, i need a project full name, and a unix name19:19
rm_youadv-backlight works for unix name i guess...19:19
lcuk_2oh - i noticed something else, when its on minimum its great, when i lock device the screen BRIGHTENS19:20
GeneralAntillesWell, the project name should depend on how far you plan on taking it.19:20
GeneralAntilleslcuk_2, just go to /etc/mce/mce.ini and turn off dimming for locking.19:20
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rm_youGeneralAntilles: ooo, can i make it turn OFF the screen when locking, like it used to? :P19:21
lcuk_2.... yer GeneralAntilles, can we have that, can we, can we?19:21
GeneralAntilles /etc/mce/mce.ini answers all!19:21
GeneralAntilles(well commented, too)19:21
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lcuk_2thanks GeneralAntilles19:22
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* lcuk_2 wonders what good stuf gen has pushed out with his unlimited knowledge of the maemo platform19:23
GeneralAntillesUh, nothing? :P19:23
GeneralAntillesMy great works are beating up n00bs on ITT and shuffling paper stacks on bugzilla.19:23
lcuk_2i must admit, having the nokia has made like easier19:24
GeneralAntillesMy creative energy has been directed at video game content creation.19:24
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rm_youGeneralAntilles: ah :P neat. what kind of content?19:24
rm_youGeneralAntilles: I'm starting an MMO project with a bunch of friends this semester19:24
rm_youcalled NIAGRA :)19:25
GeneralAntillesModels and textures for mappers in Tremulous and models, textures, sounds and physics work for Redline.19:25
rm_youGeneralAntilles: neat.19:25
GeneralAntilles3rd-party stuff19:25
rm_youGeneralAntilles: when we get to the point where we need some models, I'll poke at you maybe :P19:25
* GeneralAntilles is a Cinema 4D wizard.19:25
GeneralAntillesHehe, ok.19:26
GeneralAntillesJust don't ask for organics. ;)19:26
rm_youNIAGRA is going to be *awesome*, if it gets off the ground properly19:26
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lcuk_2rm, will you still be here in about   nhour19:26
rm_youstarting projects with multiple people is hard :/19:26
rm_youlcuk_2: no... class in an hour, exactly19:26
GeneralAntillesNo kidding, rm_you.19:26
michele_rm_you, lcuk_2: no, most projects on garage (and on sourceforge, etc) are first of all a name. and remain that way most of the time.19:26
* michele_ is kinda slow19:27
lcuk_2dang maybe ill catch you over the weekend i wanna peck your head about somefink (hopefully minor)19:27
lcuk_2michele_, i suppose if you pick the wrong name you suffer for life19:27
rm_youmichele_: lol.... that's not how I roll :P19:27
lcuk_2anyway time for the commute home19:27
rm_youmichele_: well, except for... of course... NIAGRA :P19:27
rm_youthat is a name and a Trac/SVN19:28
rm_youand not so much code yet :P19:28
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GeneralAntillesI want the MMO: "Reality: The Game"19:30
GeneralAntillesAll simulator software rolled into one giant simulation19:30
GeneralAntilleswith lots and lots of people.19:30
j0ttsimple: just start "camera" :)19:30
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GeneralAntillesYou die in Reality, you die in real life.19:31
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michele_'nite folks19:37
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rm_youGeneralAntilles: the principles behind NIAGRA are similar :P19:45
GeneralAntillesSo it's a hardware bundle?19:46
rm_youwell... no19:46
rm_youall the software side of it19:46
rm_youas realistic as possible19:46
rm_youhardware plugins would be feasible :P19:46
GeneralAntillesYou die and it sudo rm -rf / for you?19:46
rm_youactually, i was just afk for like 5 minutes having a NIAGRA developers meeting :P19:47
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rm_youAGAIN: "Advanced Backlight Statusbar Applet" sound decent?19:49
GeneralAntillesIt's a little utilitarian.19:49
rm_youso... suggestions?19:49
Takplus the acronym doesn't spell anything cool19:49
GeneralAntillesHow about dropping Statusbar?19:49
rm_youand you haven't even asked what NIAGRA is :P19:49
rm_youusing that19:50
rm_youhrm, i need to be approved? :/19:51
rm_youlet the waiting begin...19:51
GeneralAntillesUsually takes a day or two.19:52
GeneralAntillesNot sure why they even bother.19:53
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GeneralAntillesSo many dead projects.19:53
rm_youAny garage admins on? approve my project! :P19:53
GeneralAntilles"APROVE MY PROJECT PLZ"19:54
rm_youi doubt that would motivate them to approve me :P19:55
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inzAnd they answer: "O RLY"19:55
rm_youGeneralAntilles: do i have to restart anything when i change that mce.ini?19:56
GeneralAntillesYes, everything.19:56
GeneralAntillesJust reboot. :P19:57
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rm_yousorry, i just hate rebooting anything linux :/19:58
rm_youGeneralAntilles: so... that SVG bootlogo works... SOMETIMES. >_>19:58
GeneralAntillesI just used .png19:58
rm_youi just copied the file19:58
GeneralAntilles.png works 100% for me19:59
rm_youi thought his was an SVG19:59
rm_youmaybe it is a png >_>19:59
rm_youeither way, it only works *sometimes*19:59
rm_youbut i didn't resize it like you did19:59
GeneralAntillesResizing doesn't matter19:59
rm_youit works *sometimes*, thats all i know19:59
GeneralAntillesBy "sometimes" you don't mean shows the normal logo for 5 seconds then works normally?20:00
rm_youand it takes a while to load, still get the old nokia logo for a while... but i think thats normal20:00
GeneralAntillesIt is20:00
rm_youno, sometimes it NEVER loads20:00
GeneralAntillesI'm fairly certain that's on one of the cold-flash sectors.20:00
rm_youand it just goes from old nokia to new maemo loading20:00
GeneralAntilleschelli is supposedly testing on that, so we'll know for sure soon enough.20:00
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TakI suggest "I CAN HAZ PROJECT?"20:02
GeneralAntillesGo for the phishing approach20:03
GeneralAntilles"I am a deposed Nigerian prince. I have millions of dollars that I cannot access until I get my project approved for your website."20:03
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unique311grandcentral down for anybody else?20:18
unique311i hate when stuff belonging to google goes down.20:18
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unique311this is fecked up.20:19
unique311my free calls.. :(20:19
unique311can someone try to access the site?   http://www.grandcentral.com20:20
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wndno response of any kind20:21
unique311first youtube, now grandcentral.20:22
unique311back up20:25
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b0unc3shit... my n810 won't boot up anymore :-(20:26
b0unc3and I don't know why :-(20:27
vegaiperhaps you need a nifty usb->hacked usb-switch->serial port devkit..20:28
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b0unc3yes... maybe... it would be useful in this situation...20:28
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Takmeh, my mmc card keeps going read-only20:31
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inzb0unc3, put it into freezer for a while and retry?20:32
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inzb0unc3, see
unique311put and freezer and call me in the morning..lol20:34
unique311is this only a n810 issue?20:34
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unique311and = in20:35
unique311how do i use that bot20:35
rm_you|n800|clasis there a .doc viewer for os2008 yet?20:35
unique311ok, i suck20:35
b0unc3inz: it's winter here... so I can put it on balcony for 30minutes...20:36
rm_you|n800|claslcuk_2: i'm here20:37
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fysaGeneralAntilles: [reading scrollback] Cinema 4D was released for the Amiga, which we can emulate in UAE. ;)20:37
GeneralAntillesI've been using since version 5. ;)20:38
fysawas a Lightwave guy..20:38
GeneralAntillesTried lightwave, didn't like it.20:38
fysabeen meaning to try Maya, but no time to get back into graphics20:39
fysathat looks like it would even almost be usable at our resolution ;)20:39
GeneralAntillesUsed Infini20:40
GeneralAntillesBefore C4D20:40
GeneralAntillesHad a stint with Strata, too.20:41
lcuk_2wow rm - i wasn't ive had an emergency surgery to do involving resoldering a button on20:41
* lcuk_2 hates getting home after the normal shops have closed and refuses to pay pcworld prices ;)20:42
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lcuk_2gen - did you ever try real3d on the amiga (before lightwave if i remember rightly)20:45
* GeneralAntilles has never used an Amiga20:45
GeneralAntillesBeen a Mac guy for most the time I've been alive.20:45
lcuk_2thats fair enough20:45
fysathere's a good 5-6 years there between my Amiga getting outdated and Macs getting decent ;)20:46
fysaended up hopping between Windows and Linux at least twice a year until OS X..20:46
lcuk_2fysa, i suffered in that gap, unfortunately i ended up having to get a pc20:46
GeneralAntillesI used a Performa 400 until 199920:46
* lcuk_2 still regrets taking that path20:46
fysaAmiga 3000 w/40MHz 68040 accelerator ;)20:46
rm_you|n800|clasn800 + class + campuswide wireless = me here :P20:47
GeneralAntilles16MHz 32-bit CPU on a 16-bit bus.20:47
fysaI think I paid $1600 for that thing.20:47
lcuk_2i had a 1200 and a 40mhz '03020:47
fysathose are almost 10 years old now.20:47
fysacool.   started on a C64 and A500.20:48
lcuk_2if i had a 2.3" atapi adapter im sure i could fire up my amiga drive as well20:48
GeneralAntillesWish I still had some of my old stuff.20:48
lcuk_2245mb quantum fireball20:48
lcuk_2i bet my code would still compile20:48
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fysaI bet I can still recover names, addresses and passwords for all of my BBS users ;)20:49
lcuk_2infact, crap on the day it died i was compiling20:49
wndI replaced my 3.5" hdd for a1200 with a 2 GiB CF just last autumn20:49
lcuk_2when you walk down a path you remember the way the trees look :)20:49
lcuk_23.5 was a hack - 2.5 fitted properly20:50
fysadid you see the new Amiga PCB someone released?20:50
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lcuk_2amiga one?20:50
lcuk_2arent people trying to use amiga name as a PDA games virtual OS20:50
fysaI hope so.20:50
fysaThe resolution and lightweight OS would be perfect for a handheld.20:51
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lcuk_2yer, but sitting it ontop of the host machine OS (linux/pocket pc/symbian) wouldnt be so great20:51
wnd3.5" would fit in after cutting some of the metallic shield inside. my quantum hdd was a little too big so I couldn't screw the case back in one piece. then again I also had an ata-cable coming out for a cd-drive.20:51
fysawell, depends on what the CPU is.20:52
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lcuk_2i would like it if they released it for the n8x0 as a standalone20:52
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* lcuk_2 is being an amiga disk drive ;)20:53
lcuk_2i forgot that that used to be the ONLY noise in my room20:53
fysaif they gave us a Coldfire CPU or something..20:53
lcuk_2even with the quitedrive thing it still did it20:53
lcuk_2right, need to give directions to my better half, back later20:53
wndif you had a hard drive you could always leave a non-bootable floppy in the drive. that would effectively kill the clicks.20:57
pupniki wish my brain could listen to stuff and read stuff at the same time20:58
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rm_you|n800|claspupnik: yep ;/21:00
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BlafaselYay, finally!21:15
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yatiohihello there! I just got my n810, and i m trying to switch the keyboard to the secondary language21:22
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yatiohiIs there a keyboard shortcut for this?21:24
GNUrohas everyone compiled cmake for maemo?21:24
wndyatiohi, holding ctrl and pressing chr says "Keyboard layout switched"21:27
s1dstupid question when building programs in scratchbox using autoconf what should i use as the --host ?21:27
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wndiirc you should just omit that option21:28
s1di've been trying --host arm ..etc and some variations with no luck21:28
s1dthis is the error i'm getting with ./configure21:29
s1dchecking whether the C compiler works... configure: error: cannot run C compiled programs.21:29
s1dIf you meant to cross compile, use `--host'.21:29
Takomit that option21:29
s1dwhen i build my own code, which is usually just built with a really limited makefile things work fine and arm/elf's are produced no problem, i just can't seem to figure out what to do :)21:29
s1dthat's a log from running with out any options appended to the ./configure call21:30
BlafaselYeah, great. They put a sticker right on top of my display protection.. Argh!21:31
BlafaselAny hints where I can order some good new ones?21:31
pupnikthe display protection is not designed for actual use, afaik21:31
zuhs1d: look at config.log to find out exactly why it didn't work, sounds like you have broken CPU transparency setup21:32
wnd"cannot run C compiled"... I think something like "sb-conf install -c" helped for that. I can't remember exactly what it was, it's been a long time since that happened to me.21:32
Blafaselpupnik: So what#s recommended? Using a good bag only for protection?21:32
yatiohiwnd: it does say "keyboard language switched" but it still shows english characters21:33
pupniki haven't bought one yet21:33
wndyatiohi, on my finnish keyboard layout it switches between finnish and danish/norweigian layouts and it's practically useless to me. I wish it switched between finnish and british. anyway if it didn't do what you wanted it to do, there are no other keyboard layout shortcuts I'm aware of.21:34
yatiohiwnd: I see. Thanks :)21:35
s1dah zuh  you were right :)21:36
zuhThat's pretty common these days. I wonder why.21:37
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DaniloCesarI'm trying to compile maemo-mapper on my chinook-sdk, but "./configure" is returning a error "Install libgdbm-dev". But this lib is not ins chinook repositories. Where can I find it?21:54
b0unc3uff... my n810 won't boot... damn...21:54
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s1dword zuh  transparency and ./configure are working 100% now :) thanks for the tip22:00
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DaniloCesarsomeone know where can I find libgdbm-dev for chinook's SDK?22:07
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penguinbaitby jsmith22:14
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penguinbaitbye that is22:14
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Jonhello folks, I'm trying to build maemopad+, having some trouble finding some dev library packages. hildon-fm for one, ossohelp, hildon-libs... which repo do they live in?22:18
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michele_I loosely inserted the SD card, it disconnected while in use and now the device will just keep rebooting22:21
michele_great, isn't it?22:21
* michele_ hopes reflashing fixes it...22:21
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lcuk_2michele_, thats not good, i hope it works as well22:22
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* lcuk_2 wishes you never had to reflash ever22:22
* michele_ too22:23
lcuk_2will you lose much?22:23
michele_not a problem22:23
lcuk_2(as in, do you have stuff installed from debs22:23
* lcuk_2 hates having to refind them..22:24
michele_yes, but the device itself is much more valuable22:24
lcuk_2good point22:24
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lcuk_2best cross your fingers toes headphones and anything else22:24
kulveJon: those are 2007 libs..22:25
* michele_ does a little dance22:26
lcuk_2glad it worked for you22:26
kulvethe packages installed from repos can be restored (if one has remembered to do backups..)22:27
michele_as I said, that's not a problem :)22:27
michele_it's not like the thing has thousands of packages...22:27
lcuk_2then you aren't trying hard enough :P22:28
lcuk_2you're not a proper linux user until you have at least 17 media players22:28
michele_or you start your own22:29
michele_(which I might do)22:29
lcuk_2PMSL yer22:29
* lcuk_2 has 3 - is still a pipsqueek22:29
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michele_I think the included one would be fine if it had covers and finger scrolling instead of that lame scrollbar22:30
lcuk_2that scrollbar is the only one i can nearly use with my finger22:30
lcuk_2the others around are too thing22:31
felipecmichele_: would you use GStreamer?22:31
michele_felipec: yes22:31
felipecmichele_: if you do, and plan to do something lightweight then count me in ;)22:32
michele_felipec: I'd like just plain gtk widgets and a library browser22:33
michele_nothing fancy22:33
kulvekilikali needs a new UI :)22:33
michele_what's that?22:33
kulvesimple media player22:34
kulvewith ugly UI22:34
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kulvebut the gstreamer side of it should work pretty well22:34
michele_I think it's the only one I haven't seen yet...22:34
trevarthanso... what's the best language to develop a commercial application for maemo in?22:34
elb"the best language" is almost never a reasonable question to ask, unless you have a specific use in mind22:34
trevarthanick. no OOP. is C++ the next best choice?22:34
elband, as you may or may not be aware, OOP is a programming style, not a language feature22:35
michele_trevarthan: vala22:35
lcuk_2trev, all depends on usage and deployment targets22:35
kulvepython seems to be popular nowadays22:35
michele_and what elb said22:35
trevarthanI'd prefer to use Python, but I'm concerned about piracy with Python.22:35
michele_kulve: are you one of thedevelopers?22:36
kulvemichele_: yup22:36
elbpiracy is no easier with Python than with C22:36
elbcopying is copying22:36
michele_kulve: is the project alive? last release was in march...22:36
trevarthanelb: yeah, but product keys are a tiny bit harder to break in C/C++.22:36
michele_ok last commit 5 days ago :)22:37
michele_kulve: I'll look at it22:37
lcuk_2piracy in an open source system...  even with an open application you are protected from people using your BRAND.  let others learn from your code as you are using open code gifted from your forefathers, but protect your identity :)22:37
elbyou can write some critical functionality in C with "product keys" to protect it, and glue it all together with Python22:37
kulvemichele_: see the svn. It's a live22:37
kulvethere's newer releases too, just not on that page. They are in the repository22:37
elbfrankly, though, with a response like "ick. no OOP.", I question the viability of any software your company would produce22:38
lcuk_2"pproduct keys" and other encryption can be hidden perfectly well with open source formulas.  the secret is not the formula, but the inital values22:38
trevarthanelb: why? I like to write code using OOP. What's wrong with that?22:38
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elbnothing at all22:38
kulvemichele_: points of the kilikali are: c, gstreamer, simple UI, open source, reasonably light22:38
kulvemichele_: and simple UI shouldn't mean ugly, like it is now :)22:39
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trevarthanlcuk_2: how? I'd like to read about it.22:39
michele_kulve: you should try to push it to the maemo-extra repo...22:39
kulveit has some bad usability issues though. But it's pretty stable :)22:39
elbI prefer to write object-oriented code, as well -- and I do almost all of it in C22:39
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elb is a better reference, for that ;-)22:40
lcuk_2yer it might be, but it serves the point22:40
trevarthanyeah, I know what pgp is, but I don't get how I could use it for product keys in a way that can't be easily hacked if the program is python.22:41
lcuk_2what are you wanting to secure, the data created with your program or the program itself?22:42
trevarthanThe program itself, unfortunately.22:42
lcuk_2if its the program itself take a look around, you are in a linux environment which is built entirely from open source22:42
trevarthanI need to insure that it isn't copied and installed on another device without the customer buying another license.22:42
lcuk_2not even the mighty microsoft can stop that22:43
sp3000sucks to be you :)22:43
trevarthanyeah. they make it a lot harder than it would be if all their crap were written in python though.22:43
lcuk_2not really22:44
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lcuk_2write it in C++ and sell it.   nobody will think any less of you for doing it22:46
trevarthanwhat I'm wondering is if it would affect sales if I wrote it in Python instead.22:46
* lcuk_2 wants to sell support for his brand of product when he releases it22:46
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lcuk_2i dont care if people read/learn from the code22:47
lcuk_2but if they want supporting on 20 computers then they must pay22:47
lcuk_2i couldnt be damned (and would prefer it) if they DID install it on every single device22:47
lcuk_2more devices = more eyes = better exposure22:47
kulveand if the code is propriatary nobody is allowed to use it in their stuff anyway..22:47
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trevarthanI'm just not sure how valuable support would be for this product. I never use software support myself, so I don't know how much people want it.22:48
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lcuk_2what kind of product is it22:49
Jonkulve: ah, thanks. I'd better check I setup my scratchbox for 2008 properly, then I'll poke at the source I'm trying to ubild.22:49
* lcuk_2 hopes its not another media player ;)22:50
trevarthanlcuk_2: no, not another media player.22:50
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trevarthanyou folks ever wonder why there isn't more commercial software on the maemo platform?22:53
trevarthanDoes that huge GPS bundle use software keys?22:54
lcuk_2not really, but then again ive not looked having found what i need in OSS22:54
lcuk_2dunno how it does it, I use maemomapper22:55
michele_trevarthan: do you ever wonder how many pirated copies of windows there are in the world?22:55
michele_trevarthan: the thing is, if somebody is motivated, your protection will be hacked22:55
trevarthanmichele_: no. lots. I wonder how they make so much damn money when there's so much piracy thought.22:55
Taktrevarthan meant: michele_: no. lots. I wonder how they make so much damn money when there's so much piracy though.22:56
infobottrevarthan meant: michele_: no. lots. I wonder how they make so much damn money when there's so much piracy though.22:56
michele_trevarthan: the trick is give people something they want to pay for22:56
lcuk_2SUN just paid 1 BILLION dollars for an open source program22:56
lcuk_2thats a hell of a lot of money when they could have just checked out the source22:56
pupnikthat's crazy man22:56
lcuk_2what they paid for is the BRAND22:56
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lcuk_2anything they could have made by taking the source might have been good, but it would NOT have been MySQL22:57
trevarthanyeah, I don't get how companies buy open source software. I guess they're buying the right to control it?22:57
lcuk_2no, its all in the name22:57
trevarthanmmmmm... makes sense.22:57
lcuk_2people know MySQL, but noone knows SUN_SQL22:58
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lcuk_2i could take firefox and make a bazzing internet browser but it would be very very difficult for me to convince people to use it over the much more recognised Firefox22:58
trevarthanwell, still, I can't think of one desktop application written in python that uses a product key. what's up with that?22:59
Sho_trevarthan: Also the rights to control it, yes. MySQL Inc. owns the copyright in MySQL; contributors sign a copyright assignment agreement.22:59
Sho_trevarthan: I.e. Sun also buys the MySQL copyright, which means they can publish it under any license they desire, i.e. they can also create proprietary offerings with it22:59
lcuk_2trevarthan, people look at python which is entirely open source and has libraries which are entirely open source and they just think "hmmm well maybe it would be a good think to make my program open source as well"23:00
trevarthanlcuk_2: I like open source, I just can't figure out how to make any money off of it with this particular application.23:00
lcuk_2like i said, what kind of application is it23:01
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trevarthanIt's a GUI controller for .... things.23:01
lcuk_2like x1023:01
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trevarthansorta, yeah23:01
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lcuk_2so write it and show it off and if people like it they can buy it23:02
lcuk_2you will gain product recognition if its good23:02
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trevarthanbut considering that the people installing such systems are rather technical, I don't want them bypassing my product key and installing one license on multiple machines, you know?23:03
lcuk_2then let them install the basic version on all machines they want.  if they want extra functionality let them pay for it.23:03
trevarthanC or C++ would make the cost high enough that it wouldn't matter so much.23:04
trevarthanBut Python, my favorite, is too easily modified, I think.23:04
lcuk_2do you already have this software written for another device?23:04
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trevarthanno. planning stage only right now.23:04
infobotsp3000 meant: ehm23:05
Taksp3000 meant: ehm23:05
sp3000s/hum/Tak, wtf/23:05
Taksp3000 meant: Tak, wtf23:05
infobotsp3000 meant: Tak, wtf23:05
lcuk_2lol @ takbot23:05
trevarthanC++ sucks. There, I said it. I hate C++.23:05
sp3000s/grumble/isn't one enough/23:05
Taksp3000 meant: isn't one enough23:05
infobotsp3000 meant: isn't one enough23:05
* Jon pats trevarthan on the back23:05
sp3000well, actually, one is too many, but whatever :)23:06
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lcuk_2trev, with the right idea you can get something better than a program23:07
trevarthanlike what? a website?23:07
lcuk_2you can get a community - let your users create plugins for your controller, get recognition and let your less technical users pay for support - just like mysql/red hat etc do23:07
keesjthere is no easy way , what you need to do is implement parts of your software on the server-side23:08
trevarthanyeah, unfortunately this is third party. I don't own the controller.23:08
lcuk_2the technical user will ALWAYS find a way round it (unless you impliment super hard server side private key encryption and use TCPA modules onboard - like the xbox..)23:09
trevarthanlcuk_2: or instead of selling hardware, sell a hardware/software bundle.23:09
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* lcuk_2 throws up in his mouth a little bit23:09
trevarthans/selling hardware/selling software/23:09
infobottrevarthan meant: lcuk_2: or instead of selling software, sell a hardware/software bundle.23:09
Taktrevarthan meant: lcuk_2: or instead of selling software, sell a hardware/software bundle.23:09
lcuk_2you could do, but you have just limited your market even more23:10
sp3000for he's a jolly good fellow23:10
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sp3000s/for he's a jolly good fellow/and so say all of us/23:10
Taksp3000 meant: and so say all of us23:10
infobotsp3000 meant: and so say all of us23:10
sp3000I can totally use these for a chorus23:11
lcuk_2anyway, i think i need to go now, ive got this super cool idea to write an x10 clone ;)23:11
michele_sp3000: wicked23:11
keesjhardware/software is nice yes23:11
trevarthanlcuk_2: well, what if I wrote code for an inexpensive ethernet webserver device instead of desktop code for the maemo platform?23:11
trevarthanlcuk_2: maemo's killer app is the browser after all.23:11
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lcuk_2trev, something i would pay for is a proper remote control from my 810 to my computer - it can use bluetooth if it wants but it has to be configurable at both ends23:12
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kulvetrevarthan: I don't really use the browser much on the device..23:12
trevarthanlcuk_2: like, using the touchscreen as a mouse?23:12
lcuk_2the one i use with my keyboard on computer (ps2 dongle between keyboard and comp) is dying :(23:12
kulveI irc and watch movies..23:12
lcuk_2no ive got vnc for that23:12
lcuk_2i mean a proper remote control23:12
s1dmaemo p2p meshing like the olpc23:12
s1dor zune stlye but not restricted music trading23:13
lcuk_2volume playback channels etc23:13
* lcuk_2 cant be arsed writing the code23:13
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lcuk_2i bought one for my pocket LOOX which did the job perfectly23:13
trevarthanlcuk_2: isn't there an lirc frontend for maemo?23:14
lcuk_2(apart from the fact the IR sensor was on the side :S)23:14
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infobotlcuk_2 meant: (apart from the fact the IR emiter was on the side :S)23:14
Taklcuk_2 meant: (apart from the fact the IR emiter was on the side :S)23:14
lcuk_2:O it works23:14
lcuk_2evne tho i cant spell23:14
lcuk_2or type23:15
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* lcuk_2 gives up23:15
trevarthanlcuk_2: like this?
lcuk_2trev, there would be but there is no IR port on the n8x023:15
trevarthansorry, better link:
trevarthanno, it uses tcp/ip. You just install lirc on the other pc.23:16
lcuk_2which then uses its IR emitter to change the channel?23:16
trevarthannah. uses the API23:16
* michele_ curses application manager23:17
trevarthanif you need to use an IR transmitter you can, but if you're controlling mythtv or some other lirc aware app you don't need it.23:17
lcuk_2thats where it falls flat on its face, im just using media player classic on windows lol23:17
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lcuk_2it worked really nicely until the IR sensor started to go wonky23:18
lcuk_2michele_, have you got most stuff back? or are you missing repos23:18
trevarthanno clue how current that is though.23:19
trevarthanmight not do tcp/ip.23:19
lcuk_2WinLIRC requires a very simple IR detector connected to a serial port.23:19
trevarthanyeah, dunno if that's omission or fact.23:19
lcuk_2doesnt sound very current - i am pleased there are versions around but wasnt gonna go to loads of trouble - for my use i might just use vnc and the 810 keyboard (which would work nicely)23:20
michele_lcuk_2: it has problems connecting to the extras repo23:20
BlafaselHmm.. I have US/Canada maps in "Maps". Can I switch them to Europe/Germany somehow?23:21
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lcuk_2michele_, when did you last refresh before you reflashed - ie was it working very very recently23:21
trevarthanis there a compiled alternative to C++ on maemo? I despise C++.23:22
lcuk_2yer - c23:22
trevarthanOr.... would a python code obfuscator give sufficient protection?23:22
michele_trevarthan: check out vala23:22
vegaiyou can use C++ on maemo?23:22
trevarthanmichele_: how much do people actually use vala?23:22
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michele_it's a C# inspired language that compiles back to C and then to native23:23
trevarthanvegai: think so. saw stuff about gtkmm....23:23
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vegaitrevarthan: seems like a rather silly thing to do when there's C23:23
BlafaselI'd love to use vala where C# is no option23:23
michele_trevarthan: not much, as it is specifically targeted to gnome/gtk/maemo (gobject stuff)23:23
* Tak using vala right now23:24
trevarthanmichele_: is it limited? i.e. can I do network stuff from it?23:24
vegaiD might be fun23:24
vegaior Haskell :-P23:24
trevarthannot looking for fun. if I wanted fun I'd use OCaml. :)23:24
CptnodegardiGo has been discontinued o_0 sad day23:24
michele_trevarthan: it cando what C can do23:24
michele_OMG. ocaml...23:25
trevarthanyeah, I used to write a lot of ocaml code until I got tired of the parens.23:25
trevarthangod those parens are annoying.23:25
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lcuk_2trev, you might look at mono - im sure i read somewhere its ported23:25
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lcuk_2whether or not you will get more than hello world im not sure23:26
michele_it was for sure, when 770 came out, I don't know if it is maintained23:26
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lcuk_2see, eijk is written in mono23:26
eijkAny modest folks here?23:26
lcuk_2lol eijk you missed the line above23:27
lcuk_2<lcuk_2> whether or not you will get more than hello world im not sure23:27
lcuk_2then you said hi!23:27
eijk;-) 'k23:27
trevarthanI like mono, but isn't there this huge stigma associated with it and it's microsoft IP roots?23:27
michele_trevarthan: mono's bytecode, CIL, is as much as decompilable as python23:28
juergbitrevarthan: vala is still in development, however people are starting to use it for real apps for some time now and the more people use it, the quicker it will be fully stable23:29
trevarthanmichele_: mmmm.... they use it a lot on win32 though. so maybe it's not that bad?23:29
juergbitrevarthan: 0.1.6 will be released shortly, give it a try if you like23:29
lcuk_2im gonna vanish anyways, back later23:29
Tama^2I honestly do not understand the point behind vala :P23:29
trevarthanbye lcuk_2. thanks for the chat.23:30
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trevarthanTama^2: I think vala is mono for people scared of mono because of the IP issues.23:30
* sp3000 likes the characterization of not implementing support for a particular rfc "broken, and in violation of the applicable standards"23:31
Tama^2I see23:31
sp3000yay hyperbole23:31
juergbitrevarthan: no, I don't think that a lot of people are using vala due to that23:31
juergbithe development certainly haven't been started due to that23:31
trevarthanwhat's the point then, when there's mono?23:31
Tama^2an python23:31
juergbimono is a different platform, it duplicates a lot of the gnome platform23:32
juergbivala is c# for the gnome platform, without an additional runtime23:32
michele_vala compiles to native, mono to bytecode23:32
trevarthandoes vala have a modern GC?23:32
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trevarthannot that I think python's GC is particularly modern, but it's better than C++.23:33
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juergbiit directly uses gobject, so it uses the available reference counting mechanism23:33
juergbiso more or less like integrated smart pointers23:33
trevarthanI hate reference counting. so you get problems with circular object references, right?23:33
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Tama^2I still think picking an existing language makes more sense23:34
trevarthanme too23:34
trevarthansounds like vala might go away at some point or something23:34
* sp3000 waits for cobol to rear its head23:34
BuSyAnToSi received my n810 do i need to make any upgrade?23:35
juergbitrevarthan: everything might go away at some point or something ;)23:35
trevarthanBuSyAnToS: probably worthwhile to flash the latest firmware, yeah.23:35
BuSyAnToSok :)23:35
trevarthanjuergbi: except, C, right? :) blech.23:35
juergbitrevarthan: if gobject 3 switches to different kind of garbage collection, vala will, too, so it's just very near to the glib runtime, it uses23:35
michele_required, if you want skype23:35
BuSyAnToSyes i want it23:36
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BuSyAnToSi see it somehow faster than the 770 i had23:36
trevarthanBuSyAnToS: yeah, faster CPU and more memory.23:36
sp3000yes, a faster processor and more memory can cause that23:36
Tama^2unless you install vista...23:36
juergbitrevarthan: regarding circular references: yes, that's an issue, of course, the same as in C. you can declare weak references to avoid the issue, just like in C, too23:38
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indolenthi everyone. I am using n800 (flashed to 2008 image) with external gps. if I use maemo-mapper it can read the gps. but i want to do it from the shell, however i can not find rfcomm like tool. can someone help me please :)23:38
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BlafaselHmpf. The map download always fails/aborts.. Is there a hidden "Don't kill the wifi connection" setting?23:47
sp3000Blafasel: do you have enough space? I'm not sure if it's very clear about that23:49
michele_Blafasel: I just fixed it right now23:49
michele_Blafasel: open the terminal23:49
michele_and write this:23:49
michele_gconftool-2 --set --type int '/system/osso/connectivity/IAP/wlan_sleep_timeout' '1000'23:50
Blafaselmichele_: Thanks. Any docs on that? 1000 .. seconds? Or what?23:50
michele_for reference:
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sp3000Blafasel: iirc wifi doesn't have disconnect timeout enabled by default23:50
BlafaselAnd why does it go to sleep at all if there's traffic?23:50
trevarthanMaybe a product key isn't necessary at all on maemo. Maybe the single click install method is enough.23:51
sp3000michele_: doesn't that thing have ui these days?23:51
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sp3000that's network-specific so you don't affect battery life on better APs?23:51
trevarthannah, still need activation step, I think.23:51
sp3000(apparently you have to step through the silly wizard-like thing in the network settings before you get to the advanced button)23:52
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GEORGE_BGIs there a way n800 to boot direktly to KDE23:53
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GEORGE_BGI don't want to boot first in hildon desktop23:53
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BlafaselDoes this stuff (gconftool ...) need a restart or anything?23:54
sp3000Blafasel: I believe it says in the linked thread23:55
michele_Blafasel: you just have to reconnect23:55
sp3000but I'd kinda prefer the ui method due to the abovementioned reason23:56
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michele_sp3000: yes, it should depend on your AP23:56
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jackstersorry if this is completely off topci but does anyone have any ideas or hunches on whether Nokia are likely to release a new Internet Tablet at CeBit this year to replace the N800/810?23:56
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kulvejackster: they just announced the n810, so it's very unlikely, imo.23:59
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