IRC log of #maemo for Saturday, 2007-12-01

MonkeyLoverwhy does it say up to?00:00
MonkeyLoverdepends how much you delete?00:00
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PalintheusI guess, yeah, or nokia just wanted to be wordy with it00:00
Juhazprobably just making sure nobody expects to get 2GB free _and_ the full map data at the same time00:01
halleyIf you delete the map data, you can't use it.00:01
MonkeyLoverI have no intention of using the map data, thats what maemomapper is for00:01
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MonkeyLoverwonder if maemomapper could somehow use those maps?00:02
halleySeems half the space is .ogg files of many voice options for the paid navigation service.00:03
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halleyThe actual data is broken into regions too, so I could delete Canada.00:03
MonkeyLoverWill there be a way to replace these maps once deleted?00:03
halleyIt's just files; I backed it up.00:04
MonkeyLoverWell I figured I could back it up, but I am wondering if nokia provides a way to recover them?00:04
acydlordyou can download the files via the onboard mapping program00:04
halleyIt doesn't come with a CD or anything, if that's what you mean.00:05
MonkeyLoverok, that makes sense00:05
halleyacydlord, haven't seen that feature.00:05
acydlordit has that feature in os2008 on the n80000:05
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acydlordclick the toolbar, and then click maps00:06
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acydlordit should show which are on the device on one tab, and available maps on another00:06
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Juhazdoes it allow you to select what gps it uses?00:08
acydlordnot sure00:09
kaltsiit does00:09
kaltsiyou can use an external BT gps too00:09
Juhazso bt with it is possible even on n810?00:09
kaltsiI've used it00:09
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TheFool2are there any mpd clients on maemo?00:14
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TheFool2if not is ncurses working? I might try to port ncmpc00:14
halley2GB SDmini is $15.  CompUSA is such a ripoff... they still have their shelf price at $60.00:18
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kaltsiTheFool2: I don't know what mpd or ncmpc are but the SDK does have ncurses00:20
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TheFool2mpd is music player daemon ncmpc is a ncurses based client to access it00:21
TheFool2mpd allows you to user a remote device/computer to control audio on another computer00:21
TheFool2so basically I could have my n770 change the song that my server is playing00:22
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TheFool2I mean come on it's another way to stay on my butt longer :)00:26
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TheFool2that works the other way around00:27
kulvehow come..?00:27
TheFool2upnp allows my computer to host files that the n770 (in my case) plays00:27
TheFool2mpd hosts a list of files and allows the n770 to access this and change what my computer itself is playing00:28
kulveyou could have the controller on your 770, and the renderer plays the selected files from the server (three components)00:28
kulvebut I think there are no (good) controllers for tablets (yet)00:28
TheFool2then my 770 would have to have all the music on it...00:28
kulvenope, the server, the renderer and the controller can be one or two or three computers..00:28
acydlordi used to use my n800 as a remote for winamp when i was using a windows computer for my media center/server00:29
TheFool2really...didn't realize that00:29
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TheFool2acydlord: interesting, how did that work?00:30
acydlordwinamp plugin that has a micro web server to host controls and music list over the lan00:30
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TheFool2hmm thats pretty cool00:30
acydlordthere was a similar plugin of xmms back in the day00:30
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zerojaykulve: You made one of the screenshot utilities for IT2008, right?00:39
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kulvezerojay: right00:41
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kulveand now I'm off00:42
zerojaykulve: There's a bug.00:42
zerojaykulve: Look at the images I attached to this (unrelated) bug and you'll see what the bug is.00:43
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pupnikit's very important to support Ron Paul01:03
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halleyBecause he's yet another Ross Perot "seems un-Republican" populist Republican crackpot?01:07
* halley scurries about, trying to hide.01:08
elboh good, blind bigoted partisanship01:08
elbI don't know why he even calls himself a Republican, really, he's nothing like the modern Republican party01:08
halleyNah, old fashioned trolling; I hate the parties at all.01:08
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halleyI see no value in the parties; whether Whig or Unionist; if it's not in our Constitution, it's nothing more than a tea circle or hobby.01:11
GeneralAntillesPaul seems to been running republican to try and get at least a small chance at getting elected.01:12
GeneralAntillesYou KNOW nobody would ever even look at somebody running Libertarian01:12
elbagreed, re: the Constitution and the worthlessness of parties01:12
oeverproblem is 2 party system, you have to pretend to belong to one of the camps01:12
halleyoever, the two parties have locked out any meaningful third option, agreed, but even a third party is part of the problem.01:13
oeverhalley: if the # of viable parties is 2, there is almost no democracy, only a pendulum01:14
elbthere's not even a pendulum01:14
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elbbecause the two parties are so similar as to be nearly identical01:14
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elbthey do, however, fool a lot of gullible people into believing strongly that one has the answers and the other does not01:14
vandenoeverface it, US ceased to be a democracy and both parties know it and act like it01:15
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elbthe US has not ceased to be a democracy, and is in fact far from it01:16
GeneralAntillesUS ceased being a democracy after the Whiskey Rebellion. ;)01:16
elbhowever, if enough people adopt that attitude, it will01:16
vandenoeverelb: US is far from a democracy?01:17
vandenoeveror far from ceasing to be one?01:17
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elbfar from ceasing01:17
elbanyway, I doubt the proprietors of #maemo think this has anything to do with IT development ;-)01:18
vandenoeverelb: true, and 2 is better than 101:18
vandenoevernevertheless, 10 is better than 201:19
GeneralAntillesI doubt very much that they care.01:19
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elbwe would make a lot more progress, however, if people could learn to vote for the candidate, not the party01:19
vandenoevera congressman is machine that has to turn the current popular opinion into votes01:19
elbthe parties would find that they were losing en bloc power01:19
vandenoevermodelling him as such would yield nice population dynamics01:20
pupnikthis time01:21
pupnikthere is a real choice01:21
pupnikthis time01:21
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pupnikthere is a very very bad trend01:21
pupnikthis time, it is time to get involved01:22
pupnikit is really george orwell time01:22
vandenoeverpupnik: that's always the case01:22
pupnikno this time, this is the time01:22
vandenoeverpupnik: technology will advance anyway01:22
elbit's always time to get involved01:22
vandenoeverand monitoring tools will always become cheaper01:22
pupnikok ok ok01:23
pupniksimple economics01:23
pupnikif the us dollar tanks, the whole world economic system has problems01:23
pupnikthe us dollar is being destroyed by their waste with the wars01:23
pupnikthis will really mess up european (german etc) exports01:23
pupnikbig problems01:23
elbamong other things01:24
elbfixing the wartime deficit won't magically firm up the housing market01:24
elbbut, I agree that we're running a deficit which is not sustainable01:24
pupnikworld economic stability is important01:24
pupnikfor us to have fun01:24
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pupnikoppose governments stealing our money for stupid things01:25
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pupnikthen we can have tablets and air cars and good stuff01:26
vandenoeverhence, you will be monitored more01:26
vandenoeverregardless of politics01:26
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elbif I were to vote in the Republican primaries, I'd vote for Ron Paul01:26
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elb(I don't know that I will)01:26
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_Monkeybonjour, crevetor01:26
pupnikpls do01:26
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pupnikhe wants to leave the internet free01:26
crevetordo any of you know how I could flash my n810 under mac os x01:27
vandenoever[00:22] <vandenoever> and monitoring tools will always become cheaper01:27
vandenoever[00:23] <vandenoever> hence, you will be monitored more01:27
vandenoever[00:23] <vandenoever> regardless of politics01:27
vandenoever[00:24] <vandenoever> if the average programmer was not so incompetent, you'd be logged to the square meter every second already01:27
vandenoever[00:25] <vandenoever> and your only hope of avoiding others reading your brain, is to die soon01:27
pupnikit is ok to be public with your thoughts!01:27
GeneralAntillescrevetor, aflegg's 770Flasher.01:27
halleycrevetor, google "flasher-2.0.macosx"01:27
GeneralAntillesOr that.01:28
pupnikcourage!  freedom01:28
|RI2P for the people! ;)01:28
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_Monkeyi2p is, like, like TOR on drugs01:29
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|Rgood monkey :)01:29
vandenoever_Monkey: extra easy for intelligence agencies?01:29
_Monkeyvandenoever: bugger all, i dunno01:29
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pupniklisten to this:
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pupniklisten to this:
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|Ranyone uses an SPA2102 with their asterisk?01:35
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crevetorhalley, GeneralAntilles : are those compatible with mac os x on intel platform and with the n810 ?01:41
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halleyI had no problem with the flasher to get rd mode (and root); there's not enough of an update to bother with actually flashing the device.01:42
crevetorhalley: are you talking about the latest n810 update ?01:43
GeneralAntillesUse the 770Flasher01:44
GeneralAntilles-19 is just a kernel change01:45
GeneralAntillesso if you can get flasher-2.0 running in emulation mode, just extract the kernel and flash that.01:45
crevetori'll just try and flash the whole thing (i'm still a newby with my n810)01:46
crevetorand nokia internet tablets for that matter01:47
GeneralAntillesTry to do just the kernel if yo ucan01:48
GeneralAntillesit'll save you reinstalling applications.01:48
halleyGeneralAntilles, have you used a Mac?01:49
GeneralAntillesAll my life. ;)01:49
halleyJust wondered why you said "emulation mode."01:49
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GeneralAntillessince flashe-2.0 isn't Universal.01:53
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milhousei see there is a petition to kill _monkey?!!!02:03
|RSafe the monkeys! :P02:03
GeneralAntillesSorry, sorry.02:03
|RSave oops02:03
GeneralAntillesJust give him a trigger.02:03
milhouseyou bad people! :)02:03
GeneralAntillesRandomly interjecting himself into the conversation with irrelevant information is not appreciated.02:04
milhousehe's only answering with what he's been taught :)02:04
GeneralAntillesHe should only answer when somebody asks him to.02:05
GeneralAntilles_Monkey, browser?02:05
_Monkeybrowser is open sources02:05
GeneralAntillesand ignore,02:05
_Monkeyrumour has it browser is open sources02:05
milhousei know - someone taught him nonsense02:05
GeneralAntillesWell, when he picks up anything containing is and are, that's to be expected.02:06
milhousei know - can't seem to stop him from doing that unfortunately02:06
GeneralAntillesBut seriously, add a trigger.02:06
milhouseok let me check02:06
GeneralAntillesIt wouldn't matter if you just added a trigger.02:06
milhouseif he needs a trigger i doubt he'll respond when people ask simple questions02:07
milhouseas they won't know to ask him - double edged sword really02:07
GeneralAntillesTough crackers.02:08
GeneralAntillesThe good answer to irrelevant/irrating answer ratio is shifting wildly towards the latter.02:08
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milhousebye _monkey - love you long time02:09
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halleyIs Milhouse your real name?02:14
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milhouse(middle name of an ex dead president in case you're wondering)02:15
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halleyYeah, was wondering if I should think of Richard Nixon, Richard Stallman or the Simpsons pal.02:15
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halleyThough I'm quite alarmed to know that we have a zombie (ex-dead) president.02:16
milhouseyou've had plenty of zombie presidents :)02:18
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GeneralAntillesSince Opera is out of the picture, and this works fine under OS2008 with MicroB, should I go ahead and resolve as fixed?02:19
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zerojayGeneralAntilles: I'll handle it.02:35
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zerojayMonkey is dead. Happy days are here again!02:39
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GeneralAntillesGotta love Fanoush for fixing the brightness issue.02:43
GeneralAntillesJust wish it were persistent across reboots without me having to fuddle around with scripts.02:43
milhouseNo more _monkey, I'm about to bury him under the patio02:43
penguinbaitRIP! My furry friend02:44
penguinbaitpeople wine too much02:44
GeneralAntillesDance party on milhouse's patio! :P02:44
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milhousehe was led astray... ;)02:44
penguinbaitMonkey was smarter than some people who come here :)02:44
GeneralAntillesDamn alcoholics . . .02:45
milhousenow of that there is no doubt!02:45
zerojayI don't understand the point of a torrent client on the tablet.02:45
GeneralAntillesYou wonder how those sorts manage to find their way on here.02:45
penguinbaitits to download stuff02:45
GeneralAntillesIs there even a web client for #maemo?02:45
zerojayI guess people like the idea of killing their SD cards REALLY FUCKING FAST.02:45
GeneralAntillesSeriously, zerojay, the better question is: why not?02:45
zerojaySee above.02:46
penguinbaitthats what lifetime warrantys are good for02:46
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penguinbaiteven the 5 year sandisk02:46
zerojaySure, if you like losing your data every other month or so.02:46
milhouserunning a torrent client on a tablet can't be good for the battery either02:46
penguinbaithell,I had my 770, for 1 year, my n800 for one year02:46
milhousemight be useful to have it kick in only when on AC I suppose02:46
penguinbaitnever had a card problem, run swap off em02:46
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zerojayTorrent's a lot more stressful on I/O than swap is, though.02:47
penguinbaitonly lost data I ever had was from that darn kernel bug02:47
penguinbaitI never liked torrent anyway02:47
penguinbaitedonkey was great02:47
zerojayThe one and only time I ever lost data on the cards was when I stupidly removed the USB cable before a transfer was complete.02:48
zerojayJust because I was in a rush and wasn't thinking.02:48
penguinbaitever fdisk the wrong drive02:49
penguinbaitthat hurts02:49
zerojayNo, thankfully never did anything major like that.02:49
ds3could be worse, swapping on a SD card ;)02:49
penguinbaitsda sdb something like that :02:49
penguinbaitI run 128MB swap partition on mine without incident02:50
zerojayClosest thing I ever did to that was when I was installing a new distro on my home PC and wanted to keep /etc and just kind of forgot midway through installation.02:50
zerojayMaybe 5 years ago.02:50
penguinbaitWorst thing I ever witnessed, was a windows admin, upgrading san drivers on 1TB windows share,spanning 30+ disks02:52
penguinbaithe lost the whole thing02:52
penguinbaitoh, uh, and his job02:53
zerojaySome of my Windows-using friends don't understand why I don't sit on my PC as root all day long... until one of them was absentmindedly using his computer while on the phone... winamp blasting away... and he ended up deleting his 20GB of mp3s accidentally.02:53
zerojayDidn't realize it until winamp just stopped playing.02:53
zerojayI think it was back in the days of Win98.02:54
penguinbaitis it mid december yet?02:54
penguinbaitI am chomping at the bit02:54
penguinbaitstupid coupon :)02:55
zerojayI was an admin at a library's computer center about 10 years ago and I was bringing in an external CD-R drive to work so I could back up my stuff. I had specifically told this kid not to touch my PC... I come in that morning and he has this big "I've got a surprise for you!" smile on his face.02:55
zerojayHe installed NT4 on my PC with no backups taken.02:55
zerojayI lost about 9 months worth of work.02:56
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milhousewhy - cos you did a 9 month stretch for assault? :)02:56
zerojayNot a good idea to be nearly strangling a kid when you work across the street from a police station, by the way.02:56
penguinbaitdo you visit his grave?02:56
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zerojayWhen did Google Maps add this Terrain button?02:59
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crevetorhi again03:00
GeneralAntillesMust've been pretty recent.03:00
crevetorthank you guys, the upgrade went smoothly03:00
zerojayI don't remember seeing it before, but I don't really use it very much anyways.03:00
crevetorI am now trying o install ukmp which seems to be the killer media player for N81003:00
* |R wants monkey back :P03:00
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crevetorbut it tells me it can't install libbz203:00
crevetorin which repository can i find it ?03:00
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zerojayDamn keyboard.03:03
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zerojayAt my company, if there's a happy hour organized after work, do not ever get so wasted that you can't come in the next day.03:04
zerojayYou give carte blanche to anyone to prank you for it.03:05
zerojayLike so.03:05
zerojayI like the little fake sim card, but what really makes it is the RAZR. It looks so perfect because they actually folded it a bit.03:06
zerojayAnd the actual items have been hidden around the office.03:06
jeff1fThat's good03:07
zerojayI can't wait to see what he says on Monday. :)03:07
zerojayPlugging in a second mouse into someone's computer is also good.03:07
zerojayOr using the labelmaker to print out a n00b label and putting it on the underside of the mouse, covering the optical hole.03:08
zerojayThe last time I did that one, the guy spent 20 minutes checking all his USB connections before flipping over the mouse and being called n00b.03:08
zerojayInsult to injury.03:08
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zerojaySo... does anyone here do any synchro of bookmarks between their PCs? Any particular service you use for it?03:28
zerojayI mean something a little more advanced than cp. :)03:29
derf"It's not stupid... it's advanced!"03:29
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derfObviously not an Invader Zim fan.03:31
shackana browser extension would certainly help03:33
zerojayThere's no need.03:33
zerojayI already have a greasemonkey extension for it.03:34
shackanin maemo?03:34
zerojayBut I generally don't see that as bookmark synchro so...03:34
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zerojayIt's called dejalicious++03:35
zerojayWorks perfectly on Microb.03:35
edtanyone have unzip of chinook03:38
infobotedt meant: anyone have unzip on chinook03:39
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GeneralAntillesJust pull it from a bora repo, edt.03:54
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penguinbaitSo did Milhouse meet a girl?  Its about time he stopped playing with his monkey :)04:03
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Ar-rasI want to edit a systemfile04:15
Ar-rasbut when i want to save it, it says that it is protected04:15
penguinbaitare you root04:15
penguinbaitdo you have becomeroot installed?04:16
Ar-rasi think so04:17
penguinbaittype sudo gainroot04:17
Ar-raswhoami = user04:17
penguinbaitsudo gainroot04:17
edtunzip from bora does not install - its miss two libs04:18
penguinbaitso whoami now show root04:18
penguinbaitso you can save the file now?04:19
Ar-rasi deleted it with root access04:21
Ar-rasand when i want to save it as user04:22
Ar-rasit says write protected04:22
penguinbaitno no no04:22
penguinbaityou must edit it as root04:22
Ar-raswhat is the name of the editor?04:22
penguinbaitok so you have a copy of the file04:22
Ar-rasvi is without gui or not?04:22
* halley chuckles.04:23
penguinbaitno gui, runs in teerminal, but its not easy to use if you are unfamiliar04:23
Ar-rascopy paste04:23
Ar-rasworks fine04:23
Ar-rashow can I save?04:23
penguinbaitcolon w q04:24
joshinNifty, the mplayer build I made for Angstrom works on the current 770 hacker edition (though is in no way optimized for the 770)04:24
penguinbaitI just used mplayer on my n800 to play a DVD04:24
penguinbaitabout 1fps04:25
penguinbaitaudio was good though04:25
joshinpenguinbait: So would be around .5fps on the 77004:25
GeneralAntillesWith your USB CD-ROM drivers?04:25
Ar-rasbut must say that xvid is player very well under OS200804:25
penguinbaitGA yes cdrom and dvd are working04:25
Ar-rasman i hate vi04:26
penguinbaitiso and udf04:26
penguinbaitI love vi04:26
Ar-rasi wrote :wq04:26
penguinbaithit escape first04:26
penguinbaitthen :wq04:26
Ar-rasoh dear :D04:26
halleyEr, not with a ":wq" in his file.  :P04:26
penguinbaitwell, I assumed he removed that :)04:27
halleyUh huh.04:27
penguinbaitAr-ras, what are you doing in  that file anyway?04:27
Ar-rasset a CRAWLPATH04:28
penguinbaitdeleting it was probably the right thing to do anyway04:28
Ar-rasso it is no problem?04:28
penguinbaitah, I disable it, it always kills my system running KDE04:28
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Ar-rasso deleting it is ok?04:28
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penguinbaitIts ok for me04:29
Ar-rasFor what i need the crawler?04:29
penguinbaityour system will continue to work, it just indexs media for the media player04:29
Ar-rasis mplayer effected too?04:30
penguinbaitonly built in mediaplayer04:30
Ar-rashalley thanks04:30
penguinbaithally, effected or affected, I never know which is correct04:30
penguinbaitso I just alternate04:30
Ar-raspenguinbait ok than crawler is useless, because media player is crap04:31
halley'effected' means 'created'.04:31
penguinbaitI must get it right occaisionally04:31
penguinbaitCorrect Ar-ras04:31
Ar-rasHow can i "pair" media files with mplayer?04:31
GeneralAntilleseffect is a noun, affect is a verb. ;)04:31
halleyEither can be either.04:32
joshinAnyone know how much the mplayer gst and nokia770 drivers help performance?  Just wondering if it is worth the effort.04:32
Ar-rasI like my N800, everyday i learn new linux stuff from it :D04:32
GeneralAntillesTrue enough: "effect change"04:33
halleyShe bought him a bright red scarf, which he took to wearing every afternoon.  Her gift effected in him an affectation.04:33
Ar-rasdude i never should use that word :D04:33
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penguinbaitme either, I just end up confused :)04:34
Ar-raspenguinbait, did you ported KDE to OS 2008?04:35
penguinbaitwith koffice04:35
penguinbaitjust finishing up some loose ends04:35
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Ar-rasis the mono port for Maemo still available?04:38
penguinbaitdont know, I would assume so04:39
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Ar-rasWindows freezed...04:42
penguinbaitmy shocked look04:43
Ar-raspenguinbait and i thought that are your tittys04:43
penguinbait( . ) ( . )04:44
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penguinbaittittys are much bigger04:44
Ar-raspenguinbait where you from?04:47
penguinbaitmichigan, usa04:47
Ar-rasLeipzig, Saxony, Germany04:48
penguinbaitSometimes I am jealous of all the multilingual people,maybe its time to learn a second language04:49
penguinbaitel pollo loco04:50
Ar-rasi am iranian origin04:50
Ar-rasi can 4 languages :D04:50
penguinbaitreally, I work with a iranian, he speaks like 504:51
Ar-rasbut my penis is larger04:51
GeneralAntillesWow . . . right then.04:51
penguinbaitmust be an Iranian thing04:51
Ar-rasYou saw the movie 300 ?04:52
Ar-rasiran is multicultural too04:52
penguinbaitso did you leave for school, or work or fun04:53
Ar-rasthere are not only persians, there are other peoples too04:53
Ar-rasi am born here04:53
penguinbaitin Germany?04:53
jeff1fpenguinbait, say yes to michigan04:53
penguinbaitis jeff1f a fellow michigander?04:54
jeff1fsure am04:54
penguinbaitwhere abouts04:55
GeneralAntillesI wish it weren't in the 70s . . . I was so happy to have my AC off. :(04:55
Ar-rasyou both shouldnt whatch on the N800 while walking on the street04:55
penguinbaitGA, bite me04:55
penguinbaitits like 20 here04:55
GeneralAntillesFlorida, baby, deal. :P04:55
jeff1fAround grand rapids04:55
penguinbaitI am near Flint04:55
Ar-rasthen maybe you would meet both on the street :D04:56
penguinbait#3 in the nation for violent death04:56
jeff1fi don't doubt it!04:57
Ar-raspenguinbait are you in warzone or what?04:57
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Ar-rashuh new FF Version04:57
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penguinbaitits not bad at all where I am, but if you go to north flint, dont make a wrong turn04:57
Ar-raslot of gang-bangers there?04:58
[pablo]penguinbait: you live in flint?04:58
[pablo]my condolences =/04:58
penguinbaitjeff, do you work in IT04:58
penguinbaitnear flint, same county04:58
[pablo]i'm from MI too04:58
penguinbaitwhere abouts04:58
[pablo]grew up in dearborn, more recently royal oak/oak park north of 10. Moved back to phoenix a little over a year ago though04:59
[pablo]couldn't find any decent tech jobs there heh04:59
penguinbaithow is phoenix05:00
penguinbaitI vacationed at lake powell for 2 weeks this summer, I am ready to find some work in flagstaff05:00
jeff1fpenguinbait, no, just a hobby05:01
Ar-rasIs Chicago in Michigan?05:01
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penguinbait115 degrees everyday, I loved it05:01
[pablo]penguinbait: i loooove flagstaff05:01
[pablo]phoenix can be a pill sometimes, but it's not that bad05:01
penguinbaitno chicago is in ilinois05:01
penguinbaitnext ro michigan05:01
[pablo]chicago is the major city on *lake* michigan though05:01
penguinbaitpablo, have you been to the canyon, and powell05:01
[pablo]never been to the grand canyon, probably been to lake powell at least a few times when I was a kid05:02
[pablo]not that I can remember though05:02
[pablo]we used to go camping/fishing all the time05:02
penguinbaitOh man, the canyons only like an hour north of flagstaff,05:03
[pablo]yeah I know, but it's still just a big hole in the ground ;]05:03
penguinbaitI camped on the beach at lake powell for 2 weeks straight, with my boat, cost me 10$ camping a day05:03
GeneralAntillesHa . . . the Canyon is beautiful.05:04
Ar-rasDo you have sidewalks?05:04
Ar-rasI was two times in the USA05:04
Ar-rasin Oklahoma City05:04
GeneralAntillesLots of sidewalks in Florida. ;)05:04
[pablo]yes we have sidewalks ...05:04
[pablo]lots of them05:04
Ar-rasand i saw no sidewalks05:04
TheFool2GeneralAntilles: not where I live...05:04
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[pablo]here sidewalks is nothing more than a strip of concrete about 4-6 feet wide next to a road, easy to miss05:05
GeneralAntillesWhere are you, TheFool2?05:05
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TheFool2NW of Fort Lauderdale05:05
penguinbaitwhat then canals05:06
TheFool2well actually we have quite a few of those05:06
TheFool2I live right off of one05:06
penguinbaitgators running all over05:06
GeneralAntillesLOT of canal neighborhoods down here.05:06
TheFool2nah, not for a while05:06
GeneralAntillesGators are more of a problem with lakes and such.05:06
Ar-raswhat are canal?05:07
TheFool2according to my father where I live now was everglades in his time though05:07
Ar-raswater canals?05:07
PalintheusAr-ras: I live near Oklahoma City (Norman Specifically)05:07
penguinbaityes Ar-ras05:07
TheFool2man made rivers, generally full of trash05:07
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[pablo]we have a canal here in phoenix too, dirtiest thing i've ever seen except for the rouge05:07
PalintheusI hated it when OKC put a canal in downtown....05:08
penguinbaitI recently went to San Antionio, for an IBM conference, and it was right on a canal downtown05:08
penguinbaitit was pretty cool05:08
Ar-raswhat is a canal downtown?05:09
Ar-rasGA I live exactly here,+fl&ie=UTF8&ll=27.816836,-82.605257&spn=0.053366,0.061541&t=h&z=14&om=105:09
Palintheusa canal in the middle of the city05:09
Ar-raswrong link?05:09
Ar-rasGA that,12.398034&ie=UTF8&t=h&z=16&iwloc=addr&om=105:09
penguinbaitIts basically a man made water canal running through the middle of the city, with bars and resturants and shops05:10
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TheFool2Las Olas...05:10
Ar-rasah i understand05:10
[pablo]because nothing gets your appetite going like dirty smelly canal water =D05:10
penguinbaitI live here
shackanI went to San Antonio once!05:11
shackan(which wasn't notable, if I didn't live on the other side of the ocean and came to the us just one time)05:11
TheFool2penguinbait: wow lol, what is the purpose of that site?05:11
penguinbaitdid you visit the alamo05:11
shackanI did :D05:11
Ar-rasLeipzig is build on a floodplain05:12
penguinbaitIt ran off my 770 and updated as I drove down the road05:12
TheFool2ok thats pretty cool05:12
TheFool2how exactly did it work?05:12
GeneralAntillesPerfect for a hitsquad. :P05:12
penguinbaitI used to used a laptop running linux with a webcam :)05:12
shackanpenguinbait: you're easing the job for the feds? :D05:12
[pablo]he's just cutting out some of the work for big brother =P05:12
penguinbaithehe, the wife too05:12
TheFool2lol...just leave the gps at a friends...05:13
penguinbaitdinner was always ready when I got home05:13
[pablo]ouch, the wife is far worse than feds and big brother05:13
[pablo]thats awesome05:13
penguinbaitIts been 3 years since I set this up05:13
[pablo]i haven't gotten my gps to work once on my n81005:14
penguinbaitI have not updated since I sent my 770 in for repair and never got it back05:14
[pablo]i give up after 10 minutes05:14
TheFool2so the gps etc is hooked up to a laptop in the car? and then you view this with the 770?05:14
penguinbaitI used external gps on n800 with n810 2008OS05:14
penguinbaitit worked fine05:14
TheFool2penguinbait: I would have totally went on a murderous rampage if that happened05:14
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[pablo]the mapping works fine, i can just never get a gps signal05:15
Ar-rasIs the internal GPS of N810 same unit like in N95 ?05:15
jeff1fI had a ham radio setup like that... findu.com05:15
Ar-ras[pablo] ever looked where the gps module in N810 is?05:16
penguinbaitOK, I originally set this up on a laptop running redhat, with a webcam and free sprint card I had.  It would send live video clips and speed and update maps05:16
[pablo]like phsyically inside of the case?05:16
penguinbaitI eventually lost my free sprint card05:16
[pablo]i like my warranty =)05:16
[pablo]i also like my sanity =/05:17
penguinbaitI then used my 770, tmobile on razr, and iblue gps , but no video05:17
Ar-rasIn N95 you must open the keypad to get fast GPS Signal05:17
Ar-rasbecause Nokia built the GPS under the keypad05:17
[pablo]i've tried it open and closed05:17
penguinbaitI cant wait to get my 81005:18
[pablo]i try it like every other day or so05:18
Ar-rasI have heard from some morons that they took 2 Hours to get signal05:18
[pablo]i'd never wait that long lol05:18
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Ar-rason N95 you can get via GPRS data about satellite position05:19
Ar-rasthen it takes only 20 sec. to get fix05:20
penguinbaithmmm, my garmin would have trouble if you traveled long distances and then turned it on05:20
penguinbaitthe sat cache would need to be reset, because it thinks its one place and is looking for the wrong sats05:20
penguinbaitYou could just reset it, or wait hours for it to wake up and figure out where it is05:21
[pablo]i did finally get maemo mapper to recognize the builtin gps thought, so that's cool =)05:21
penguinbaitbut once it tracks it should be faster05:21
penguinbaitoh thats cool, I was hoping that would work05:22
Ar-rasthey said to me, that with the newest firmware of N95 ( sat fix is faster05:22
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penguinbaitI have no plan to use internal app05:22
[pablo]penguinbait: it doesn't work that well, you have to open the navicore map program for it to work heh05:22
penguinbaithmm, there must be a way to just turn it on05:23
Ar-rasmaybe in the control panel of N80005:23
[pablo]i'm sure there is, will proabbly come in the next version of maemo mapper05:24
penguinbaitdoes it load the module on demand or is it always loaded05:24
[pablo]Ar-ras: i've looked, haven't found anything05:24
penguinbaitcat /proc/modules05:24
penguinbaitor is it built into kernel05:24
[pablo]it uses gpsd05:24
penguinbaitthen there should be a way to start gpsd manually05:25
penguinbaitits just a matter of the right options05:25
Ar-raswhat is the name of this part of N800 which clicks05:27
Ar-raspart of the case05:27
penguinbaitwhat case?05:27
penguinbaitI think I was ripped off :)05:28
penguinbaitwhat cover?05:28
GeneralAntillesThe stand?05:28
penguinbaitmine came with no cover05:28
penguinbaitmy stand is broken05:28
GeneralAntillesHow'd you manage that?05:28
GeneralAntillesThe stand is the best part!05:28
penguinbaitso is my battery cover latch05:29
GeneralAntillesWhat the hell did you do to your N800? :P05:29
penguinbaitwent on 3 week vacation camping western usa with 4 kids :)05:29
Ar-rasyes i mean the stand05:30
penguinbaitStill works like a champ though05:30
[pablo]hmm, starting the gpsdriver service doesn't do it05:30
Ar-rasis the stand of the N810 from metall or plastic too?05:30
penguinbaithoping metal05:31
penguinbaitand hoping the usb port is not covered by the stand05:31
penguinbaitnot that I am having that problem anymore :)05:31
GeneralAntillesI'm fairly certain it is.05:32
Ar-ras[pablo] is the stand from metal?05:32
Ar-rasGA do you have N810?05:32
[pablo]on the n810 yes, it is all metal05:32
GeneralAntillesI would be CERTAIN if I did. ;)05:32
[pablo]hmm, messing with that service did get my device to just reboot on its own lol05:32
Ar-rasis the stand the same size like the N800 stand?05:32
penguinbaitis usb port exposed or hidden by stand05:32
[pablo]no idea, i don't have an n80005:32
[pablo]it is hidden by the stand05:33
Ar-raspenguinbait why?05:33
Ar-rasso no dirt goes in it05:33
penguinbaitWell if I want to use it I have to have the stand open05:33
penguinbaitthats not always optimal05:33
[pablo]so far I have only found one situation you can use the usb port in, and having the stand open isn't to inconvenient while it's hooked up to a computer05:34
penguinbaitusb thumb drives, cdrom, dvd, usb hard drives05:35
TheFool2I would like to have it mounted in the car with a usb hard drive connected. That sounds like it would be a fairly common use05:36
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[pablo]nope, it doesn't do host usb05:36
[pablo]and it's microusb05:36
TheFool2bah sure it does...just need to do a bit of rewiring05:36
TheFool2already got it working on the 77005:36
penguinbaitand if you want to mount it in your car, you probably would have a holder, and it probably would not fit well with the stand open05:36
TheFool2just need to power it and have the right adapter05:37
TheFool2penguinbait: exactly why I would like not to have the stand open05:37
penguinbait770 was easy, and now n800 is easy too05:37
[pablo]that has potential for some serious hardware hacking heh05:37
TheFool2[pablo]:  its ridiculously simple...05:38
penguinbaitI just used gender benders, no hacking05:38
[pablo]to power the usb port?05:38
penguinbaitno hacking is needed05:38
TheFool2penguinbait: you need more than that you have to supply power the wrong way05:38
penguinbaiton 770 800, just buy the correct pieces05:38
Ar-ras[pablo] use your mobile nuclear plant05:38
* Ar-ras slaps [pablo] around a bit with a large trout05:38
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penguinbaitI know this, I use a split cable, a gender bender, a battery powered hub05:39
[pablo]mine went in for repair and never came back =/05:39
penguinbaitmine too pablo05:39
TheFool2powered hub doesn't work because the power needs to go to the n770 not just the device05:39
penguinbaitsplit usb cable05:39
penguinbaitit does work I used it05:39
TheFool2penguinbait: sounds cool05:39
TheFool2penguinbait: that would be a much nicer setup than my altoids can hack...05:40
bucky1is there a way to access the gps info with homebrew dev?05:40
penguinbaitI did not want to solder anything05:40
TheFool2penguinbait: how much did it cost you to do it that way?05:40
penguinbaitI always burn my fingers :)05:40
Ar-rasI would destroy my device05:41
[pablo]i wont lie, i would love to get host usb working on my n810, toss my extra 80GB WD passport in my car for my music library on my n810 while I drive05:41
[pablo]that would be sweeet05:41
penguinbait20$ for hub, 9$ split usb cable, 2$ gender bender05:41
TheFool2Ar-ras: you never actually mess with the device05:41
penguinbaitplus shipping 1005:41
penguinbaitpablo, it already works05:41
TheFool2hmm you wouldn't happen to have a link to the cable+gender bender would you?05:41
[pablo]on the n810?05:42
penguinbaitgive me a minute fool205:42
penguinbaitn810 its comes working pablo05:42
Ar-rasis there any easy method to get Samba on N800?05:42
penguinbaityou just need OTG cable05:42
TheFool2penguinbait: whats an OTG cable?05:42
penguinbaitor gender bender and use nokia cable05:42
[pablo]usb on the go05:43
penguinbaitI dont know, I dont have one, but yes on the go05:43
TheFool2hmm, I will just use the nokia cable and a gender bender...05:43
penguinbaitits a special cable, which will aloww the n810 to auto detect devices on usb05:43
Ar-rasare the drivers already in N800?05:44
penguinbaityou can also use a gender bender on the end of standard nokia cable and turn it on manually05:44
penguinbaitthis goes for n800 and n81005:44
Ar-rasor must you hack for every device the drivers?05:44
penguinbaiton 2008os05:44
penguinbaitthe mass storage came working05:44
Ar-raspenguinbait you mean DKE-2 whit gender bender05:44
penguinbaitso usb drives05:44
penguinbaitI compiled the kernel modules for CDROM and DVD and those now are also workign05:45
[pablo]i need to figure out how to get power to it in my car though, passports are powered over usb05:45
acydlordmodify a usb cable to use a car lighter adapter rated at 5v05:46
Ar-raspablo you have in your car 12 V05:46
Ar-rasyeah acydlord05:46
TheFool2a 5v outlet, cool.05:47
TheFool2lol I have only heard of 12v car outlets...05:48
[pablo]me too05:48
Ar-rasso was there any easter egg in the N810?05:48
[pablo]no, but there is a hard boiled egg that comes in the box you can decorate yourself05:50
Ar-rasTheFool2 you can buy for your mobilephones a car charger which uses the 12 V Car lighter05:50
Ar-rasAnd the power should be about 5 V05:50
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[pablo]so get a mini-usb phone car charger, chop off the end and put a USB female plug on it, attatch a split cable to plug into the HD and the n810?05:51
penguinbaitthere is the split y cable05:54
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[pablo]ok, but it has two type A usb, those wont plug into the n81005:55
[pablo]i need a mini to micro with a car adapter y coming off heh05:56
TheFool2penguinbait: so the mini to the n770/800/810 and a gender bender to get one into a usb drive and the other into a powered hub?05:56
Ar-ras[pablo] yes but be carefull, Nokia Mobilephones can take up to 9 V without damaging05:56
Ar-rasbut USB should be stailized05:57
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penguinbaiton 770 - the mini to the tablet, the main to a powered hub, the other able plugs into the hub to provide power05:57
penguinbaitnow polug your device into the hub05:58
Ar-rasI go to bed05:59
TheFool2interesting 8 bucks...not bad05:59
Ar-rasits 5 o'clock AM05:59
penguinbaityou will need gender bender female A to female A to plug in the hub to the usb cable05:59
Ar-rasgood night05:59
penguinbaitgood night05:59
penguinbaitfool you understand?05:59
TheFool2penguinbait: yea, totally ordering one06:01
penguinbaitgender changer06:01
penguinbaitI ordered mine, and I played with it on my 770 about 3 times, then I sent it in for repair06:03
[pablo]anyone know if they make car powered usb hubs? =P06:03
[pablo]i understand that setup heh06:03
penguinbaitnever got my 770 back from repair,bought a 800, and never could use any of it06:03
penguinbaitI may buy a 770 when I can get one for 50$ :)06:03
penguinbaityou only need the gender bender and your nokia cable06:04
penguinbaitthat last link06:04
[pablo]and just plug the drive straight into the n810?06:05
penguinbaitprobably $5 for shipping :)06:05
[pablo]i still don't have power to the drive though ...06:05
penguinbaitit depends pablo06:05
penguinbaitI ran thumb drive off n800 power06:05
penguinbaitI had to provide extra power for my usb hard drive06:06
[pablo]yeah, it would need extra power for sure, just trying to figure out how to do that in my car06:06
[pablo]is it feasable to buy a y cable for my portable drive and plug the extra usb into car power somehow06:07
penguinbaitperhaps a usb y cable and a powered hub, the powered hub could provide the extra power06:08
penguinbaitdo they have car powered usb hubs? 12v06:08
[pablo]not sure, i've been looking but haven't found one06:09
[pablo]another option I might have is a stereo with usb ports possibly06:09
[pablo]i know those are out there06:09
[pablo]and i'm sure they are powered06:09
[pablo]but then I could probably just plug the drive straight into the stereo and play it form there heh06:09
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penguinbaitI have a cigarette lighter charger for my iblue gps06:14
penguinbaitit plugs in the lighter, and has a usb female A output06:15
penguinbaitbut it would put out 12v would that fry everything?06:15
[pablo]not sure, you sure it's 12v?06:15
[pablo]it's not stepped down?06:16
elbyeah, I'd multimeter that06:16
elbif it plugs into a regular USB port, I'd hope it was 5v06:16
penguinbaitIt has a cable like the nokia, and charges the gps via a mini A port06:16
penguinbaitI suppose it could be dropping voltage06:16
[pablo]it should still be only 5v06:16
penguinbaitI will have to get my voltmeter out06:17
elbjust don't short the pins ;-)06:17
elbI blew a fan controller on a motherboard doing that, the other day :-P06:17
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elbit sucked, I was building an IR receiver for a mythtv box06:18
elbI had this sweet design, it was technically correct in its outputs, ran off a fan power plug, etc., it was beautiful06:18
elband TOTALLY didn't work06:18
elbso I just hacked some rad shack reciever part in to a drive power cable and wired it *directly* to the sound card for input ... and it worked fine06:19
elbI was pissed06:19
penguinbaitpablo, it says output 5.4volts06:20
[pablo]nice, so something like that would be perfect, what was it for again?06:20
penguinbaitperhaps you could get a replacement part06:21
penguinbaitits a car chager for i-blue gps06:21
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elbmy local big lots has a bunch of cellular phone car charger power plugs06:22
elbfor $2.50 or something06:22
elbI bet one of them is USB06:23
penguinbaitmy razr is also miniusb charger, but its 12v06:24
[pablo]elb: this adapter has a female a usb end on it though06:24
penguinbaitno its not06:24
penguinbaitI am on somthing06:24
penguinbaitits also 5v06:25
[pablo]oh wow06:25
[pablo]that is sexy06:25
penguinbaitCar charger for a motorola razr v3 shoud do it06:25
elbI don't know if I'd use the word "sexy", exactly ;-)06:26
[pablo]what can I say, i'm freaky deaky haha06:26
penguinbaitthere you go06:26
[pablo]no seriously though, that is perfect06:26
[pablo]i can charge my n810, my phone, and my hard drive with that06:27
[pablo]so i just need that, a y cable, and a fem/fem adapter06:27
[pablo]$20 plus shipping it looks like06:28
[pablo]that's not bad =)06:28
[pablo]and then I should be able to just mount the HD like i would on my desktop?06:28
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penguinbaitwhat 20+06:28
penguinbaithey pablo, your gonna like this06:29
[pablo]the car charging thing, a y cable, and the fem/fem adapter06:29
penguinbaitthe hard drive will automount06:29
[pablo]haha friggin sweet =)06:29
penguinbaitah yes all together06:29
penguinbaitAlright I am headed out06:30
penguinbaitlet me know how it goes06:30
[pablo]thanks a lot =) have a good one06:30
[pablo]oh if it works i'll do a write up on it heh06:30
penguinbaityou too, cool06:30
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l7_hmm, h a n d W r itlng iS neat.06:41
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TheFool2I gave up on handwriting in about 30 secs06:42
l7_neeas l ra,ng,nq Ma7be06:42
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l7_yeah i caan see why06:43
GeneralAntillesAfter using a Newton, the HWR on the NITs is embarrassing.06:43
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l7_i wish the thumb pad was better with irc06:44
ShyBoyI got a quick question06:44
ShyBoyi downloaded the vmware image06:44
ShyBoyand my chinook environment is ready06:44
ShyBoyi need to compile the sources and test the app06:45
ShyBoyis there any tutorail out there somewhere?06:45
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l7_it's a bit clumsy to thumb then switch view06:45
ShyBoygoogle didn't bring anything useful06:45
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ShyBoyappriciate the help06:46
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* TheFool2 tries to poke some of the "real" devs awake06:46
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TheFool2ShyBoy: wish I could help, I have no clue.06:47
TheFool2GeneralAntilles: a Newton? as in that old apple PDA?06:47
ShyBoywell I am just wondering that when i run the xephyr my command prompt is holding it06:48
TheFool2GeneralAntilles: did it have good HWR?06:48
GeneralAntillesAside from the size, it's really the best PDA ever made.06:48
GeneralAntillesThe HWR was fantastic.06:48
TheFool2GeneralAntilles: or is it just that the IT's have such horrid HWR06:48
ShyBoyso should I close xephyr? in order to work on command prompt, so I can open another terminal?06:48
GeneralAntillesWell, both. :) The Newton was amazing and the ITs are horrid.06:48
l7_same here.  all i can do is gawk at this pretty screen06:48
ShyBoyif I open another terminal, do i have to login again in scratchbox? or I can jsut use the linux prompt to compile the stuff etc, and then need ot bring it in scratchnox?06:49
l7_you can run a newton emu on ITs i hear06:49
GeneralAntillesScreen is way too small for decent HWR on an emulated newton.06:50
TheFool2l7_: I would love to see someone use that to provide input for hildon...06:50
l7_TheFool2: too bad you'd need to own a newton to legally use the emu06:52
l7_And Its GUI Shortcomings From a Newton Developer's Perspective06:55
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TheFool2l7_: bah, I am sure I could pick one up for like $506:56
TheFool2GeneralAntilles: besides the HWR what makes the Newton so great?06:57
GeneralAntillesIt's basically the perfect PDA (minus the size)06:57
GeneralAntillesEverything about the OS is incredibly well thought-out.06:57
l7_the lasttime i considered buying a newton it was still 30006:58
elbit's typical Apple06:58
elb90% of it is amazing, but they have to suck at the last minute ;-)06:58
l7_itś´too bad they ccouldnt´sell em07:01
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l7_the mp 21OO was like a thousand dollars at launch iirc07:02
l7_thatÅ› five n800s!07:03
GeneralAntillesand $1000 in 1996 dollars.07:03
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l7_weird, i got stuck and couldnt´scroll down in irssi07:06
l7_this stowaway keyboard is quirky07:06
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l7_oh yeah... i forgot how weak these 2007 dollars are07:11
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l7_have to figure out how to remap the stowaway properly07:12
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joshin[pablo]: Seems like half of Phoenix is made up of people escaping Michigan07:18
[pablo]joshin: you too?07:20
joshinMy wife and her family lived outside Detroit (Farmington area).  Her parents retired to Phoenix and we moved here to be close to them (from Oregon)07:20
joshinWe're in Gilbert.  You?07:21
[pablo]downtown phoenix07:21
joshinYou mean people actually live in the downtown part.  :p07:21
[pablo]there's not much residence here I know07:23
[pablo]but there is a bit07:23
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[pablo]i wish there was more07:23
[pablo]phoenix is not nearly pedestrian enough for me07:23
joshinThere will be.  Someday.07:23
joshinWell, in the summer it is a touch hot to be walking around.07:23
joshinThough if they spent the $ on a whole city misting system instead of on light rail, it might be better.07:23
[pablo]yeah this lightrail business is rediculous07:24
[pablo]i would never describe something with a top speed of 28mph "light" anything07:24
TheFool2Is there a faster way to get the "right-click menu" then tapping and holding?07:25
[pablo]not taht I have found07:25
[pablo]but that would be very useful07:25
joshinIt describes the size of the tracks and how all our wallets will feel after it gets paid for.07:26
[pablo]it takes for ever, and sometimes doesn't register07:26
[pablo]joshin: lol07:26
joshinTheFool2: Nope.  Though it might be nice to figure a way to map a key combo to it.07:26
[pablo]surface level was a huge mistake too07:26
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TheFool2joshin: is such a thing possible? If so why on earth has no one done it?07:26
joshinYup but a subway would even be more expensive.07:26
GeneralAntillesThey're pushing that for Tampa, FL.07:27
[pablo]above ground wouldn't have been much more expensive07:27
GeneralAntillesI just don't buy it.07:27
joshinTheFool2: Its software so it is possible.  Maybe no one is as bothered by it as you.07:27
[pablo]could have gone much faster07:27
joshinI hope you don't have to buy it GeneralAntilles.07:27
GeneralAntillesSo do I, so do I.07:28
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TheFool2I can't imagine that, if I could just hit some button and then tap... I am thinking it's more that there is no real way to tye a key combo into a press and hold event with hildon07:28
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[pablo]FN + Click should be right click07:29
TheFool2and p to you as well07:30
l7_weird connecting the stowaway disabled the thumbboard07:31
TheFool2that makes sense07:32
TheFool2you just changed input methods07:32
l7_i wanted it toget07:32
TheFool2how does the stowaway work for you? does it work in every app?07:32
l7_to use both though07:33
TheFool2have you tried manually bringing up the thumboard?07:33
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l7_i havent tested every app07:33
TheFool2hmm well thats dumb07:34
l7_it wouldn't give me the thumbboard or onscreen kb til i disconnected07:34
TheFool2it should disable the act of bringing it up for text areas no disable it completely07:34
l7_the stowaway07:34
TheFool2wow reindexing 90gb of music takes some serious time07:35
l7_ hmm07:35
l7_now the stowaway is connected07:36
l7_it killed the onscreen kbs07:36
l7_i bet i could poke a hole in the bottom of the screen w/o getting an onscreen kb now07:37
l7_this is just in xterm though07:37
l7_hmm it seems to apply to all text input fields07:38
l7_what is worse is that i cant´seem to access cut and paste for those fields now07:38
TheFool2I am still trying to find a good method of on-the-go text input...I miss my zaurus's thumbpad07:38
TheFool2ack that is a problem07:38
l7_like if i wanted to cut and paste a URL07:38
TheFool2ctrl+c/shift+insert  on the stowaway maybe?07:39
l7_the zaurus thumbpad is like the treośs right?07:39
TheFool2haven't seen the treo's so I couldn't tell you07:39
l7_ah yes ctrl-c or x and v work07:40
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TheFool2it wasa nice slide out, very tactile07:40
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TheFool2I could type a good 20 wpm with it07:40
l7_it seems to assume you are in _laptop mode_07:41
l7_for want of a better term07:41
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l7_so you cant´switch fluidly between keyboarding and getting up and thumboarding07:41
TheFool2that is a shame, I really need an inbetween state...for when I want to pace and code...07:41
l7_unless you disconnect it07:42
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l7_yeah i want my robotech hybrid mode dammit ;-]07:43
GeneralAntillesAlso: edit menu, l7_.07:44
l7_i wonder how it goes with the n81007:45
l7_oh yeah07:45
TheFool2I hear the keyboard is nice but the top row is to close to the screen and you can't get your fingers in there right07:45
l7_yeah i read that review too07:46
l7_hey swiitch between peck mode and thumbboard is neat.  it seems to reduce fatigue07:48
TheFool2god I love mmpc07:48
l7_what's mmpc?07:49
TheFool2so elegant...07:49
TheFool2you know what mpd is?07:49
TheFool2it is basically a way to remote control your computers music playing from the tablet07:49
TheFool2it connects to a server called mpd07:50
l7_alas i am but a mere mortal07:50
TheFool2I spent about an hour trying to port an ncurses based client before I found that...07:51
l7_oh, i thought it was some arcane programing thing07:51
l7_ that sounds neat07:51
l7_i hope it works w/ songbird07:52
TheFool2yea, I basically have it hooked up so I can control my entire houses sound system from my 77007:52
TheFool2and I have a cron job to blast music as an alarm clock :)07:52
TheFool2l7_: it would work alongside songbird...07:52
TheFool2l7_: I really think songbird is a solution looking for a problem07:53
l7_man thats pretty sweet07:53
l7_i like its crossplatformness07:54
TheFool2I had an issue with songbird not resizing properly in linux...but hey its still alpha/beta07:55
l7_i havent really settled on a music player of choice yet07:55
TheFool2to be honest songbird could be it when it is further along07:56
TheFool2itunes like interface, cross platform... it just needs to add a few rather important features07:56
l7_it would be nice to see the firefox of open source media players07:57
l7_im tired of itunes, but it seems to have the best interface07:57
l7_which player do you use?07:58
TheFool2I still use itunes 7.2, even on linux...simple and nice DAAP implementation07:58
TheFool2after 7.2 apple locked down the DAAP pretty harshly07:59
kupesoftanyone got wireless tools (iwconfig!) working on os2008?07:59
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TheFool2kupesoft: what problem are you having with it?08:01
kupesoftTheFool2: Can't find a package!08:02
TheFool2kupesoft: I use 2007 so I can't help much, just curious08:02
TheFool2kupesoft: have you tried simply using an older package?08:02
kupesoftno ;p08:02
TheFool2there is a decent chance it might work...08:03
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TheFool2I have had no issues running 2006 apps on 2007 HE08:03
l7_im glad i still run itunes 7.108:05
TheFool2yea, it works great with canola08:06
l7_wish i had downloaded 7.2 though08:06
l7_that's the annoying thing about apple08:07
l7_i hope songbird develops quickly ;)08:08
TheFool2want it for windows or OS X?08:08
TheFool27.2 I mean08:08
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TheFool2anyways I am going to bed for the night...08:09
TheFool2 if you want to upgrade to an old version :)08:10
l7_ah awesome08:11
l7_i use windows and mac08:11
GeneralAntillesWhy in the world would you use Windows? :P08:13
l7_it came w/ the box?08:14
l7_i wanted a powerful server08:14
GeneralAntillesSo put Debian on there.08:14
l7_yeah, no itunes though08:15
sikahakkiis this windows and macintosh channel?08:15
l7_linux intimidates me08:15
sikahakkiI'm in the wrong channel08:16
l7_the n800 was supposed to be a was to get the hang of it08:16
sikahakkiI must then quit08:16
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l7_it was all related to the n80008:17
GeneralAntillesWeird one.08:19
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|R <- anyone know which micro-USB format is that?08:23
|RCan't find a cable for my headset with that format, though BlueAnt uses this on their V12 and Z9 headset claiming it's micro-USB...08:23
|Rfrom what i gathered, type-A and type-B micro-USB are different from this... didn't see any references to other types!08:25
|Roh, seems like there is a micro-AB... urhm08:27
l7_is that the top of your headset?08:28
|Rthat's a Z9, i have a V12 but it's the same plug08:28
|Rargh, i think it's proprietary...08:29
|Rthose asshole say it's micro-usb on the box!08:30
l7_                :/08:30
|RThe Z9 at least comes with that usb to plug cable... not my V12 and i can't find a spare part seller for it :|08:30
* |R doesn't want to travel with a bunch of AC adapters :P08:31
l7_the adaptor is for charging?08:32
l7_i cant´see any other reason for a headset to have a usb plug08:32
|Ryeah, they actually gave me an AC adapter and a car charger, but not the USB cable!08:32
|Rwell apparently the Z9 can also have firmware upgrade through that plug08:33
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l7_thatÅ› too bad, i wonder what incentive they have for going proprietary08:33
|Rno clue, and lying about it too :|08:33
l7_hrm firmare update, that is interesting08:33
l7_seems odd for a headset, but useful i suppose08:34
l7_my cheapo headset has some kind of weird adaptor tip as wel08:34
|Rhehe yeah, maybe it's to be able to release earlier buggy product...08:34
l7_i wish everyone would just use micro or mini usb08:35
|Rme too :|08:35
ShyBoyhey guys08:35
l7_does it decreas their costs to go proprietary?08:35
ShyBoyreally need your help08:35
l7_seems odd to me08:35
ShyBoyi m trying to compile some sources08:35
|Rmaybe there is a licensing cost to the standard body?08:35
ShyBoycan someone please guide me?08:35
|Rlike firewire had... and bluetooth i guess08:35
|RShyBoy : well... ask something, we'll see? :)08:36
ShyBoyi have chinook environment ready08:36
l7_hrm, good point08:36
ShyBoyi have xephyr running08:36
ShyBoyi have sources in linux box08:36
ShyBoyhow to compile it?08:36
ShyBoy1. when i run xephyr the command prompt have no control08:36
ShyBoyshould i open new terminal window?08:36
|Rin the scratchbox login envrionment from which you ran xephyr...08:37
|Ryou have your source code?08:37
ShyBoyi have my sources here /scratchbox/users/maemo/home/maemo/workspace08:37
|RThan you just choose the target with sbmenu i think and compile it like any other compilation08:37
|RBut i'm not expert yet, i just tried it once for now ;)08:38
ShyBoyso at that point, i don't need to run xephyr right?08:38
|Rno, i don't see why08:38
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ShyBoyhow do i know what targets are already installed08:40
ShyBoyi got the vmware image08:40
|Rnot too sure, sb-menu (sbmenu?) has a list somewhere08:40
|Rin setup or something08:40
|Rcan't remember08:40
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GeneralAntillesIs it just me, or does lopz say exactly two things a day, "hola" and "bye"?08:46
|Ra polite idler maybe :)08:48
ShyBoywhen I try to compile the sources in the target i get this error08:48
ShyBoyconfigure: error: cannot find install-sh or in . ./.. ./../..08:48
ShyBoy[sbox-CHINOOK_X86: ~/workspace/libquran-0.3] >08:48
ShyBoyi can see that install-sh file is there08:49
ShyBoyits not missing, y its complaning can't find?08:49
|Rurhm, no clue :(08:49
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[pablo]permissions correct?08:50
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ShyBoylrwxrwxrwx  1 maemo maemo     34 Dec  1 02:04 install-sh -> /usr/share/automake-1.9/install-sh08:50
ShyBoythats the permissions on that file08:51
[pablo]try setting them to something more reasonable like 75508:51
|Rthat's a link08:51
ShyBoythere is also a line there which I think maybe a problem08:51
ShyBoylrwxrwxrwx  1 maemo maemo     31 Dec  1 02:04 missing -> /usr/share/automake-1.9/missing08:51
|Rit's always going to be rwxrwxrwx08:51
|Rtake a look at the file in points to to be sure you have access08:52
[pablo]does /usr/share/automake-1.9/install-sh exist?08:52
ShyBoyi think i should do the apt-get for that08:52
[pablo]well there yougo =)08:53
[pablo]that may fix it yes08:53
ShyBoyhow do i get that08:53
ShyBoyapt-get install auto doesn't give me any list08:53
[pablo]apt-get install automake?08:53
[pablo]it's automake not auto08:53
ShyBoyReading package lists... Done08:54
ShyBoyBuilding dependency tree... Done08:54
ShyBoyE: Couldn't find package automake08:54
ShyBoyi need to add the repository first i guess08:54
[pablo]what OS are you running that doesn't have automake?08:55
ShyBoylinux 2.6.x hosyt08:55
ShyBoyi think its ubuntu08:55
[pablo].. what distro?08:55
ShyBoywhat is the command to get that info08:56
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[pablo]ubuntu has automake08:56
ShyBoyver doesn't give me anything08:56
[pablo]well, did you install the OS on your computer?08:56
ShyBoyactually i downloaded the vmware image for chinook enviroment08:56
K`zanNight folks.08:57
ShyBoyit looks similar to ubuntu08:57
[pablo]i'm not familiar with it, but I would assume it's maemo built for x8608:57
TheFool2can't sleep...what calendar apps do you guys use?08:57
[pablo]TheFool2: i use google calendar and gpe calendar08:57
TheFool2why both? do they sync?08:58
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[pablo]i wish =/08:58
[pablo]i'm in transition mode08:58
TheFool2google calendar is nice, I just think the web app takes too long to make it a good scheduler...which way are you transitioning?08:59
[pablo]to gpe08:59
ShyBoyLinux maemo-sdk 2.6.22-14-generic #1 SMP Sun Oct 14 23:05:12 GMT 2007 i686 GNU/Linux08:59
TheFool2hmm then I shall start there08:59
[pablo]i've been using google calendar for years08:59
[pablo]but want to transition all my PIM functions to my n810 hopefully08:59
truentanyone have any idea how using dbus.. i can either change the current AP .. (a DUMMY type AP if that matters).. or how to bring up the connection manager connection dialog.. ive tried a couple things, ended up nowhere.. but i may be going about it the wrong way08:59
[pablo]syncing with gcal would be great08:59
[pablo]TheFool2: gpe is pretty good, it's got a basic todo application too, and an applet called gpesummary that's pretty useful09:00
TheFool2[pablo]: I can't find it in my repos. Do you have a repo for it?09:01
ShyBoy[pablo]: when i just type automake i see the response09:01
ShyBoy[sbox-CHINOOK_X86: ~/workspace/libquran-0.3] > automake09:02 version mismatch.  This is Automake 1.8.5,09:02 but the definition used by this AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE09:02 comes from Automake 1.9.5.  You should recreate09:02 aclocal.m4 with aclocal and run automake again.09:02 required file `./install-sh' not found09:02 required file `./missing' not found09:02 required file `./depcomp' not found09:02
ShyBoybut i guess i do have automake09:02
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[pablo]sounds like it09:02
[pablo]just a different version09:02
TheFool2yes, but an old version09:03
[pablo]have you tried doing what it says?09:03
[pablo]TheFool2: that was the repo ...
ShyBoywhen i just type automake09:03
ShyBoyi post the results above09:03
TheFool2sorry the old version comment was to ShyBoy.09:03
TheFool2[pablo]: thanks for the lionk09:03
ShyBoyhow do i update the new version TheFool209:04
[pablo]i'm gonna go on a smoke break, bbiaf09:04
TheFool2depends on what OS you are actually using. I am bafled that you are doing dev work without knowing your OS...09:04
TheFool2try apt-get, yum, emerge...tell me if any of those exist on your system if they don't you recompile automake from source09:05
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ShyBoyapt-get was not able to install or update09:14
ShyBoyyum emerge is not there eighetr09:14
ShyBoyi m trying to finding the deb file09:14
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TheFool2[pablo]: ok, I really like gpe-calendar thanks. And goodnight all09:18
doc|homeanyone noticed the the browser is really slow at zooming?09:19
[pablo]night TheFool209:20
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SignalN800hi there09:23
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SignalN800i have a problem with my new n80009:24
SignalN800i can't to see the flaspayer videoo09:25
SignalN800i guess .. i don't have the plugin intalled09:25
hugolpSignalN800:  I have the n800 and I could see the flashplayer right away09:26
SignalN800because i have checked for find it09:26
SignalN800but  .  nothing09:26
kulvezerojay: hups09:26
[pablo]SignalN800: i had the same problem you had I think09:26
SignalN800good for u09:26
[pablo]the plugin is most likely just disabled09:26
[pablo]which it will do automatically if you are low on memory for running apps09:27
SignalN800how can able it ?09:27
GeneralAntillesClick the magnifying glass.09:27
[pablo]in microb there should be a magnifying glass with a + on it in the lower right corner09:27
GeneralAntillesNo need to be rude, SignalN800.09:28
SignalN800i need to turn oncologiait09:28
[pablo]click on that and go to components09:28
GeneralAntillesThey're just trying to help.09:28
SignalN800ok  ty09:28
SignalN800i tryingg09:28
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SignalN800i don't found this09:33
SignalN800maybe . i don't understand09:34
[pablo]see in the lower right hand corner?09:35
SignalN800ty so much man09:36
hugolp[pablo]:  is that SO2008?09:36
[pablo]SignalN800: did it work?09:38
hugolpdont know if I like it more than the 2007 visually09:38
GeneralAntillesMeh, it's a theme.09:38
GeneralAntillesThemes can be changes.09:38
SignalN800but i don't have this browser09:38
SignalN800not yet09:38
hugolpSignalN800:  do you have 2008 or 2007 in your N800?09:38
GeneralAntillesPersonally, the default theme on OS2007 was ugly as all get out.09:38
GeneralAntillesPlankton was much nicer.09:38
hugolpGeneralAntilles:  yes09:38
[pablo]i stated using plankton theme and it looks a lot better09:38
SignalN800i need to install it09:39
GeneralAntillesI'm hoping alterego's theme for OS2008 turns into something interesting.09:39
SignalN800i try09:39
hugolpSignalN800:  I get youtube without problems with 2007 and N80009:39
[pablo]GeneralAntilles: what theme is that?09:39
hugolpGeneralAntilles:  do you know if 2008 for N800 is stable enough?09:39
GeneralAntillesThe one he's working on. ;)09:39
GeneralAntillesI would say so, yes, hugolp.09:39
SignalN800im glade for u man09:39
[pablo]GeneralAntilles: well then I hope it turns out good too =)09:41
GeneralAntillesThe youtube problems are basically gone from OS2008.09:41
[pablo]i still notice some choppiness here and there09:41
[pablo]but nothing major09:41
hugolpGeneralAntilles:  good enough for me to get rid of 2007 and install 2008?09:41
GeneralAntillesI'd say so, yes.09:42
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hugolpI really want to try maemomyth and watch live tv on my n80009:42
khertanand i want hildon-home python binding09:42
[pablo]slingbox player? =P09:43
kulvezerojay: I can't believe how I missed a bug like that, but it should be fixed now..09:43
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truentanybody mess with dbus on n800?09:45
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khertannice bug kulve :)09:46
hugolphey, im installing sdk4.0 and scratchbox script didnt work09:48
hugolpIm using Ubuntu gutsy, had sdk3.2 installed but renamed to scratchbox3, and get this message ~$ /scratchbox/login09:49
hugolpERROR: Scratchbox is not properly set up!09:49
kulvekhertan: well, not really ;) I hate doing bugs like that.. One should really test things at least decently before releasing anything, but that was so small thing, so I was a bit too hasty with it..09:50
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hugolpanyone can give some help?09:52
khertankulve: when i say nice ... i should say ... funny... ;)09:53
khertani ve see the screenshot with the osso infoprint :)09:53
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khertan"One should really test things at least decently before releasing anything" << I always say that too :) But it s take time ...09:54
kulveyeah it takes..09:54
kulvehas somebody else had problems logging to downloads.m.o to edit/add apps?09:56
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kulves,https,http, I assume..09:56
kulvetruent: mess?09:59
khertansame problem kulve10:02
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khertankulve: do u know if there is somewhere some python binding for hildon-desktop / hildon-home available ... ?10:04
khertanlucasr say that this should be inclued in chinook, but this is not inclued in the beta os2008 for n800 release10:05
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kulvekhertan: sorry, I don't10:08
truentkulve: im wondering if it works for anyone ;P anyone at all10:11
truenti can get a service, listing of object paths for that service.. i try to get one of those.. no go10:11
kulvetruent: well, at least my dbus-send works from commandline..10:13
SignalN800a see yah guys10:14
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kulvetruent: and about everything uses dbus on the device, so it's working at least on those parts..10:14
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truenttry to get a connection dialog up.. serv:, obj: /com/nokia/icd_ui interface:     method is show_conn_dlg10:15
truenti cant get that to bring up anything..10:15
truentbut it will intercept later msgs10:15
truentto where i cant open it up normally any longer10:15
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[pablo]is there a libdbus1-2 for os2008? I have libdbus 1-2 but fceu is requiring 1-2 and wont install10:27
kulveseems to be 1-310:27
kulverecompiling should help..10:27
[pablo]man they have a lot of apps at that just don't work10:28
GeneralAntillesNo kidding10:29
GeneralAntillesIt needs some cleaning up.10:29
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[pablo]it shouldnt include stuff from extras-devel10:33
[pablo]all the broken apps I can find are from extras-devel10:34
khertanand we need also an real server for maemo ...10:36
khertana server that is not always down10:36
khertanand a mirror10:36
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GeneralAntillesIt seems more like they're running from a maemo DEVICE sometimes.10:38
[pablo]that would be interesting10:40
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* czr peeks11:03
[pablo]no peekign!11:03
[pablo]does anyone know why the time zone or 'home city' setting makes me pick a city that's 300 miles away and in a different time zone?11:07
GeneralAntillesBecause it doesn't like you?11:09
[pablo]that doesn't seem fair11:10
[pablo]it should list phoenix11:10
GeneralAntillesLife isn't fair.11:10
[pablo]our state has it's own timezone lol11:10
[pablo]it's different than everyone elses ... almost11:10
GeneralAntillesFile a bug.11:11
GeneralAntillesUnless that's already revelant.11:12
GeneralAntilles*erm, relevant.11:12
[pablo]sounds right11:15
[pablo]it's not so much a bug though as the way they implemented it in the UI as opposed to the system level11:15
GeneralAntillesThat's a bug. :P11:15
GeneralAntillesVote for it.11:15
[pablo]waitying on my password email11:17
[pablo]and wishing i knew how to type properly11:18
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JaffaMorning, all11:41
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trenkassvb: nice to meet you11:45
GeneralAntillesHowdy, Jaffa.11:45
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ssvbtrenka: hi, nice to meet you here too11:59
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czr[pablo], but I have still the essence of C64 in me. I need to peek once a while. Otherwise I'll explode.12:14
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[pablo]explosions are fun czr =)12:43
czr[pablo] exploding czrs are not :-)12:44
doc|homedepends on if there's a camera close by12:46
czrthe explosion will be dcc:d12:46
[pablo]don't knock it till you've tried it czr12:48
czr[pablo] I've tried it. Didn't like the results. Not enough glue to restore myself after that.12:49
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[pablo]how about I provide the glue?12:49
[pablo]I have an excess of gorilla glue12:49
czrpoor excess gorillas12:50
GeneralAntillesEverybody needs to start hyphenating everything when they're talking to czr. :P12:51
GeneralAntillesAlso: I wonder what a gorilla's excess looks like.12:51
czrbleh. I know when I've been doing something else for too long when I start forgetting hostnames12:52
GeneralAntillesYou should make them more memorable.12:52
czrthey are :-)12:52
czrI name weird hosts by using female-pop-"star"-names12:52
czror they're not even popstars always12:53
[pablo]like madonna?12:53
czrnah. no madonna yet.12:53
[pablo]how could you not start with madonna?12:53
[pablo]who did you start with? hillary duff?12:53
czrbritney & fergie are couple of apple cubes that are updating couple of NOC-screens, paris & nicole are couple of ia-64 machines I use for x-arch testing, and there's also christine for NOC-related stuff12:53
czrhillary wasn't too popular over here.12:54
[pablo]christine who?12:54
czroh sorry, christina :-)12:54
solmumahayou should have started with kikka12:54
czrsolmumaha, that'd just be too cruel :-)12:54
GeneralAntillesApple Cubes, eh?12:54
GeneralAntillesWho the hell has Apple Cubes these days?12:55
solmumahamay she rest in peace12:55
czrGeneralAntilles, they're nice when you don't need to do anything but update screens once a while. no fans.12:55
czrGeneralAntilles, and we had a surplus of them anyway.12:55
[pablo]i wonder which looks cooler, a surplus of cubes or a surplus of gorillas ....12:56
GeneralAntillesMiddling-range desktop performance at high-end laptop prices!12:56
GeneralAntillesSurplus gorillas get very smelly after a very short period of time.12:57
czrwell, considering they didn't cost anything, it isn't that bad12:57
GeneralAntillesI've got an old 128k that I've been meaning to do that to12:57
GeneralAntillesI just can't bring myself to lobotomize it.12:57
[pablo]haha that's cute =)12:58
czrseriously though. once you replace the internal drives with something more silent, the cubes are really nice12:59
czrit's not like you need a lot of memory just to display a webpage12:59
czr(they're running linux obviously)12:59
GeneralAntillesDepends on the page. ;)12:59
czrtrue that :-)12:59
czrbut this isn't some fancy AJAX-crap.13:00
czror actually one of the pages is. but it's pretty light for AJAX-crap.13:00 has Nokia N810 on 'pre order'
GeneralAntillesI had a dream last night that I had a dream that I got a free N810.13:07
czrthen you woke up but noticed that you're still dreaming13:08
* czr hates when that happens13:08
GeneralAntillesIt's always better when you know you're dreaming.13:08
GeneralAntillesThen you get to do whatever you want. ;)13:09
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czrI never quite managed to influence the dreams properly13:09
czrbut yeah, sometimes I know I'm dreaming. it's weird.13:09
GeneralAntillesIt's only started happening to me within the past year.13:09
GeneralAntillesIt's usually close to when I'm about to wake up.13:10
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GeneralAntillesIt clicks and it's like, "Oh, this is a dry" and go flying off somewhere or something.13:10
GeneralAntilles*dry = dream13:10
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* GeneralAntilles should read what he types.13:10
czrI really hate it when I wake up and can't levitate anymore.13:10
czrit's like "bleh, I just knew how to do that before, why doesn't it work, bleh"13:11
pupnik11:08 < czr> I really hate it when I wake up and can't levitate anymore.13:11
pupnikquote of the day13:11
czrpupnik :-)13:11
GeneralAntillesDreams, the ultimate escapism.13:12
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* czr approves13:13
* GeneralAntilles wonders when the VR people are going to use that approach.13:14
czrI've often wondered whether the mechanism of dreaming would be sufficiently close enough between diff people in order to record and transfer dreams13:14
czror whether memories are just a lump of highly personalized parameters which wouldn't make sense when interpreted out of the original context13:15
GeneralAntillesProbably the latter.13:15
pupniksome neural networks 'dream' when you turn off their inputs13:15
GeneralAntillesBut the brain is a very adaptable tool.13:15
czror probably both. some of the machinery is hard-wired anyway13:15
GeneralAntillesBut, since we know next to shit about how the brain really dreams. Who knows?13:16
* czr shrugs13:16
czrI'd think the parameters for pain and pleasure (at least the low-level kind) would be pretty universal. anything more higher-level would depend on the context13:17
* czr starts to modify his N810 into a low-level memory transfer device13:17
czradding stun-capabilities for the pain-part, hmmm..13:17
pupnikagree with czr13:18
GeneralAntillesTranslate memories into inputs.13:18
pupnikbut it might be possible to do Neuromancer- style sensory inputs13:18
czrpupnik, probably.13:19
czrbut recording and playing back memories would be restricted to personal use only13:19
czralthough that'd be pretty cool too13:19
czrunless of course playing back the memories will reinforce some paths that you'd rather forget about.13:19
czr"no, not the memory of last night.. nooooo"13:19
pupniki'd be happy with eyeglasses that could also have a heads-up display (laser, mirror), along with a pocketable device like the Nokia tablet13:20
pupnikthen maybe a little chording keyboard on a belt loop, or in a pocket13:20
czrI'd like to have a thought -> working code thingy. I don't care whether it's in the glasses or on the belt really.13:20
pupnikbut you know, a N810 is pretty cool too13:21
* czr shrugs13:21
pupniki just wish our societies would invest more money in cool tech and less in stupid stuff13:21
* czr agrees13:21
czralthough I'd rather solve the unsustainability problem first13:22
vegaihuh, 'cool stuff' is responsible of about 90% of the stupid stuff13:25
czrno. stupid people are responsible of the stupid stuff13:29
GeneralAntillesDamn them!13:29
* GeneralAntilles gets to purging the gene pool.13:30
czrdpkg --purge libgpool13:30
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czroh, you meant that you wanted to purge _some_ of the pool? well. you should've said so :-)13:30
Jiten_new weapon for parents to discourage their kids from drinking. replay the recordings when they're sober. :P13:30
czrJiten_, it would work on older age as well :-)13:31
Jiten_yeah, probably13:31
czralthough it would be way cooler if the memories could be somehow transferred into a 3rd person perspective13:31
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dnearyI have a problem with my N80015:37
dnearyIt's not booting - stuck in a constant boot cycle15:38
dnearyI never see that blue progress bar15:38
JaffaHave you a Linux or Mac OS X box available?15:38
dnearyI thought maybe I could boot it in singleuser mode if I plugged in the USB, maybe there's a special trick for that15:38
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dnearyDidn't work15:38
dnearyJaffa: Yeah - this is an Ubuntu laptop15:38
JaffaYou can disable the "lifeguard reset", that may do what you need.15:39
dnearySo now I'm downloading a firmware, with the intention of reflashing it :(15:39
dnearyJaffa: How do I do that?15:39
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dnearyThe question was going to be where I should download 2007.4 or 2008 beta 115:39
Jaffadneary: with the command line flasher. Also, reflashing should fix it at the cost of data loss15:39
dnearyOK - I have the flasher. Let me see what the interface is...15:40
dnearySo it's --enable-rd-mode?15:40
dnearyAny chance I can disable the boot image & see what the problem is behind? It's likely to be a failing fsck or something...15:41
JaffaNot sure.15:42
JaffaISTR there's a "--disable-lifeguard-reset"15:42
dnearyIt might be a hidden option - it's not in the help for flasher-3.015:42
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dnearyThere's a --set-rd-flags15:44
ed77Does anybody know how to check if hardware keyboard present on the device or not? I have an application which is impossible to use without keyboard and i need to check if it runs on N800 or N810.15:44
hugolpdneary:  Ive installed 2008 beta 1 today and had no problems15:44
hugolpand its a big improvement over 200715:44
hugolpnicer too15:44
dnearyOK, I'm in R&D mode, and have run " sudo ./flasher-3.0 --set-rd-flags 'no-lifeguard-reset'"15:48
dnearyIt doesn't seem to work, still cycling a reboot15:48
dnearyOK - query-rd-mode does something when you're in r&d mode15:49
dnearyGreen writing on the FB15:49
dnearyI could flash only nolo and the kernel...15:50
dnearySee if it's a kernel issue15:50
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tubithi all. :)15:52
tubitI just installed OS2008 - phew, this rocks. :)15:53
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tubitBut when I try to install UKMP from the maemo-extras, it complains about a missing library: libbz2-1.0 can't be installed - any idea which repository I have to add also?!15:54
sp3000ed, there's a /apps/osso/inputmethod/have-internal-keyboard = false I see on N800 with the beta, and a /system/osso/af/keyboard-attached = false15:55
sp3000ed77 ^^15:55
ed77sp3000: Thanks. I'll check it out.15:56
sp3000don't know how they behave but they sound possibly useful15:56
ed77# ls /system/osso/af/keyboard-attached15:57
ed77nelson: /system/osso/af/keyboard-attached: No such file or directory15:57
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ed77sp3000: /sys/class/input/input0/name is much better :)15:59
ed77on N800 it's retu-pwrbutton, on N810 - Internal keyboard15:59
ed77But i'm still not sure if it always input0 or I should check for all input devices.16:00
ed77sp3000: /sys/class/input/input2/name on N800 is also 'Internal keyboard' :(16:02
tubitno ideas regarding the repositoy issue with Os2008 and UKMP?!16:02
GeneralAntillesEnabling the bora repos should probably solve it, tubit.16:03
sp3000ed77: gconf pathc, sorry :)16:03
sp3000paths even16:03
tubitGeneralAntilles: i'll have to add it first I think. :) i'll try16:03
sp3000ed77: e.g. gconftool -R / for the whole tree16:04
tubitGeneralAntilles: nope. no it complains about libreadline4 (>= 4.3-1) and libdbus 1-2 (>= 0.61) + libbz2-1.016:05
tubitGeneralAntilles: have you tryed the installation of ukmp?16:06
ed77tubit: libbz2 is in chinook repo.16:06
tubited77: hmm, i believe.16:07
dnearyCan't remember all the additional software I installed :( Outside of an xterm, xchat, the photo app, tuxpaint...16:07
dnearyIf anyone has recommendations for stuff that's really useful, I'm all ears :)16:07
tubited77: i got / chinook / free non-free as a catalouge16:08
ed77tubit: it's chinook extras. libbz2 is in chinook.16:08
tubito damn16:09
tubit:-$ so blind16:09
tubit:-D i just thought i have all repositories added no it works as expected16:11
_berto_dneary: <-- useful stuff there :)16:12
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ed77sp3000: Thank you! gconftool shows that.16:14
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dnearyReflashed :(16:18
dnearyBack to 0 with my user config stuff16:19
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Andy80hi all16:20
pupnikSat Dec  1 14:18:27 UTC 200716:20
* pupnik refreshes16:20
tubitl8ter & thanks to help a blind man see. :-)16:23
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[pablo]is there a way to download maps for a given state in maemo mapper?16:48
GeneralAntillesFrame the state and download away.16:49
[pablo]can i specify zoom levels? i would like to not have to worry about having a network connection ideally16:51
GeneralAntillesManage maps . . .16:51
GeneralAntillesIt's in the menu.16:51
[pablo]yeah i've been in there, a bit confusing16:52
GeneralAntillesIt's simple: download by area, and check the zoom levels you want. :)16:54
GeneralAntillesIt'll pull the area from what you have framed in the view.16:54
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[pablo]wow that's a lot of data16:55
GeneralAntillesFewer zoom levels, then.16:55
[pablo]just one16:57
[pablo]one state at zoom level 4 is like 60 gigs16:57
GeneralAntilleszoom level 4 is tiny16:57
GeneralAntillesYou shouldn't be doing much lower than 10 for a whole state.16:58
GeneralAntilles4 is barely a few city blocks.16:58
[pablo]even just my city at 4 is 3 gigs16:58
GeneralAntillesYeah, like I said, 4 is way too low16:59
[pablo]4 is what i would use when driving16:59
GeneralAntilles6 is a better bet for detail of local areas.16:59
GeneralAntillesDid you use 1.4?16:59
[pablo]1.4 zoom level?16:59
GeneralAntillesNo, version 1.4 of mm16:59
GeneralAntillesgnuite added a bunch of zoom levels to 2.0, so 1.4 4 is 9 in 2.017:00
[pablo]oh, no .. 2.2 i believe17:00
[pablo]6 is far more reasonable in size17:02
[pablo]4 just seemed more natural i guess17:03
[pablo]oh well17:03
[pablo]thank you =)17:05
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fysacan you use maemo mapper without GPS?17:17
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zoranhey, alterego! remember talk about run levels on system V? the correct command is "who -r"17:39
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kulvefysa: at least you can use the "Map" in os2008 without gps..17:55
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edtanyone have plans to build pwsafe for os2008?18:05
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* pupnik ponders xrandr and xsp18:09
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hugolpkulve:  I installed os2008 this morning and "Maps" refuse to start because it cant find the memory card18:17
kulveit's stupid18:17
hugolpdo I need to download some maps or what?18:17
hugolpbtw, OS2008 is much better18:17
kulveit says also "downloading maps failed" if there's not enough space on the mmc18:17
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kulveand it also seems to be able to use only the internal card18:17
hugolpoh, I see18:18
zorando you have memory card in fstab?18:18
hugolpso I need to have the internal card to use maps18:18
hugolpyour right thats stupid18:18
kulvehugolp: yes (afaik)18:18
kulve(maybe a link would do also..)18:18
kulvebut now I'm off18:18
hugolpand anyone know how to jump in LXDoom?18:19
zorandoes app use hard coded target place to save maps?18:19
xanhugolp, there is no jump in Doom18:21
hugolpxan:  then how do you get out of the first screen?18:22
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zuhthrough the door?18:23
hugolpthe door thats behind you on the start?18:23
hugolpso how do I open doors? cause what Ive tried didnt work18:24
* halley wonders if this is a job for google.18:24
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xanhugolp, I'm fairly sure there's plenty of Doom walkthroughs if you look for them ;)18:26
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hugolpfound it :-P18:26
Siliciumhi there18:26
Siliciumanyone have18:26
hugolpdidnt saw it this morning18:26
Siliciumanyone have18:26
Siliciumso :)18:27
derfI gave all my damns.18:27
Siliciumthe nokia server is so slow18:27
derfThere's probably a torrent if you search for it.18:27
Siliciumthis is not faster18:27
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svu_anyone seen subversion port for os2008 ?18:32
elbI would not expect a standard POSIX non-X11 utility to require a port,  as such18:35
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svu_elb: I tried installing os2007 deb - failed. rebuilding is a bit too much hassle for a moment. especially if there is a chance to find someone who already built that popular tool18:39
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elboh, just a package18:46
L0cutus_mmm i have rebuild the findutils for os2007, but they conflicts with the busybox findutils :-\18:52
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bmidgleyanyone using maemo mapper on hacker edition?18:56
bmidgleymaemo mapper 2.x won't connect to either of my gps units18:56
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pupnik  hahaha advertising the 770 for 349 euro :)19:02
pupnik$524 dollars19:03
truentsounds about right19:03
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truentanyone use libconic or dbus with ruby-maemo?19:07
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pupnik  /me watches... again19:10
shacka1anyone managed to download the maps with os2008 ?19:16
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shacka1it ivariably fails here after a couple of minutes19:16
pupnikmake sure you have plenty of free space19:18
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pupniki think the download might require 2x the map size free19:18
shacka1mm, I have 500+ Mb free, maps are 231Mb19:22
shacka1pupnik: 'maps' uses the internal card, right?19:23
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L0cutusanyone have ported mc (midnight commander) to os2007 ?19:27
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elbheh I didn't realize the 810 was quite *that* tiny19:31
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lardmanAnyone know of a way to check the abi used by a piece of code?19:32
pupnikworking on Ogl?19:33
lardmangetting rather confused by a certain function cal19:33
lardmanwondering if the code is actually eabi rather than oabi that I'd assumed from the libc age19:34
Jaffalardman: file(1) sometimes says. Perhaps objdump or something else from binutils?19:34
elbby abi, do you mean calling convention?19:34
elbif so, it's probably marked in some fashion in the ELF headers19:34
lardmanelb: yes19:35
lardmanI'll have to do some more looking at those19:35
elbif it's not, you can probably figure it out by dumping a few small functions and looking to see how they treat arguments/etc.19:35
elb(particularly if there are only a couple of possibilities)19:35
elbelfutils may help you19:35
elb(I assume the maemo stuff is actually ELF)19:36
lardmanhmm, looks like long longs are handled differently, but not sure about int/longs19:36
lardmanlooking at create_proc_entry(), which should take 3 inputs, they don't seem to line up19:37
Jaffaelb: it is ELF19:37
lardmanis the gcc compiler crafty enough to ldr a value which is actually an instruction?19:37
lardmanassuming the value is a constant19:38
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lardmane.g. LDR R1, =loc_xxxx, where loc_xxxx is actually a jump label19:41
lardmanhmm, thought that should actually load the address. Hmm, have to find my asm book19:42
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GNUtonis maemo garage down?19:46
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GNUtonmaemo garage seems down..19:48
GNUtoni can't commit my work on SVN! :( DAMN!19:48
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GNUtonTimed out19:51
pupnikhmm no bot action at all now19:52
halleyBots suck.19:52
rip__Hi :)19:52
GNUtonHi rip__!19:53
rip__does any one know if its possible to pass commands for making files in Mud ? aside from the Default make make install19:53
rip__for makefiles*19:53
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rip__EG. im trying to just build the plugins for OLSRd from the tarball which requires instead of , make && make install to be say - make libs && make install-libs19:56
rip__is that where the "<configure-append>…</configure-append>" comes into the package.xml ?19:58
rip__just questions if no know thats thats fine :D19:58
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svuwhat happened to svn indeed?20:15
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Ar-rasGot a problem with my N800 @ IT OS200820:16
Ar-rasI cant login anywhere20:16
Ar-rasskype,htaccess, normal password protected forums20:17
Ar-rasDoesnt work :(20:17
GNUtonswitch off Caps lock! :P20:18
Ar-rasCaps Lock and the shift team are at home20:19
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Ar-rasSeems to work if i use my bt keyboard20:24
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|RAr-ras : how is the typing any different with the onscreen keyboard? you use the small one? when you type a pass all the letter are correct before being masked (*) ?20:25
sp3000|R: there's a bug20:26
|Rsp3000 : oh? :|20:26
sp3000yeah, you actually get *s :)20:26
sp3000bug 226320:27
|Rthat's good... :P20:27
|Rhow is this a low priority? :P20:28
|Rsounds critical to me ...20:28
|Rbut anyway :)20:29
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sp3000meh, just imagine disused fields don't exist :)20:30
elbyeah, Pidgin users get all worked up over our priority field, too20:31
elbof course, every user thinks *their* bug should be highest priority, which is why we don't use that field ;-)20:31
|Rbut that's a core system issue...20:32
|Rjust replace low,medium, etc... by extas software, useful software, system software, core software..20:33
|R:P20:33 still exist ?20:34
khertani can't connect it ...20:34
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timelyxkhertan: what do you need?20:42
timelyxkhertan: were you the pymaemo consumer?20:42
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timelyxdid you get my note that python-hildon won't install :)20:43
Ar-rasso it is not only my problem?20:43
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timelyxGeneralAntilles: gecko likes to steal focus, but microb seems to be even more often20:47
timelyxbelieve me, it's annoying, if i can figure out how to make it stop, i will20:47
timelyxkaltsi: advertise instead20:49
timelyxit's much better for browsing the repository :)20:49
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timelyxczr: i cheated, svn up -N let me get README20:51
timelyxczr: actually, the maemo-all repository ran me out of quota space20:51
timelyxso some portions of maemo-all are svn switched to a virtually empty directory20:51
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* timelyx wonders if someone killed _monkey20:52
* timelyx reads the obituary20:53
|Rbut .... who... with what instrument... and in which room? taaad daaaaa!20:54
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soothsayerHow much space does a scratchbox installation + chinook development environment without debug packages take?20:55
lmouratimelyx, any problem with python-hildon?20:57
maddlerevening all20:57
|Rdu -scm /scratchbox/ -> 1937 MB20:59
zuhMine was 6GB the other day... ;)21:00
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timelyxds3: fwiw it's 770|n8[10]021:02
elbif you've run a scratchbox, you'll want to use -x on that du21:03
elbbecause /proc et al. can show up as quite large under some circumstances21:03
elb(that said, my scratchbox is also about 1.7GB for chinook x86 + arm)21:03
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elbhmmm my du seems to be smart enough to know that /proc has no size21:04
elb/dev does confuse it, still21:04
timelyxacydlord: how do you propose to test a program?21:04
timelyxi'll give you a "simple" example, ;-). suppose i want to upload "microb" or "minefield"21:04
timelyxhow do you "test" it? :)21:05
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mgbi've been searching around for ways to boot the n800 in runlevel 3, anyone know how to do this? i've looked at inittab but no clues, can someone help?21:17
trenkamgb: why do you need runlevel 3 ?21:18
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mgbi have no use for any graphical display, just want to boot to terminal - kismet development and i want to see if any power savings in a lower runlevel21:19
trenkan800 does not have framebuffer console21:20
trenkamoreover, 'runlevel 3' for non-X boot is a RedHat way21:21
khertantimelyx: i try to get21:21
trenkan800 has debian based system21:21
khertantimelyx: i try to get the current python binding for hildon-desktop21:21
khertanthe current svn developpment version21:22
mgbso is runlevel 2 what i'm after - is it actually possible21:22
khertani ll come back in ten minute21:22
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pupnikdebian also uses runlevel 3 for console21:23
pupnik trenka> n800 does not have framebuffer console21:23
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pupnikso no 'runlevel 2' or 3 possible afaik21:24
timelyxzerojay: google browser sync handles bookmarks :)21:25
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khertanlmoura: it was down 10minutes before ...21:30
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ds3good point, there are no N710 or N700's ;)21:35
mgbthanks for the help21:35
mgbcan you buy n810 in the UK yet?21:35
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timelyxlmoura: it requires some version of hildonlibs i don't have21:37
timelyxmgb: you'll need to disable the lifeguard, flasher is probably your friend21:38
lmouratimelyx, what version? (Are you using bora/chinook/another one?)21:39
timelyxds3: it's Nokia 770, not Nokia N770 :(21:39
timelyxlmoura: an old 2006 :)21:39
timelyx2.2006.39-14 :)21:40
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timelyxcan anyone here log into
khertani can't21:46
khertanpfffff i can't compile nothing that require python on the vmware sdk .... ! And python2.5 is installed !21:47
lmourakhertan, check if python2.5-dev is installed21:48
khertantimelyx: i can't log into ... since 3 or 5 hours21:48
timelyxtry again now, i just got in21:49
timelyxlmoura: can you get me a version of python2.5-hildon that'll work on my 770? :)21:49
khertanlmoura: python21:49
khertanlmoura: python2.5-dev is installed ...21:49
khertanbut ./configure claim that no suitable python interpreter founf21:50
khertantimelyx: now i can log in ;)21:51
lmourakhertan, try PYTHON=python2.5 ./configure....21:51
lmouratimelyx, I don't have the 2.2 SDK installed here21:51
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khertanpython check passed now but i get many sem_post : Function not implemented and then checking for PYGOBJECT Package requirements were not met21:54
khertanso i think i ll wait 5 or 6 months before a binding for python-hildondesktop would be available.21:55
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lmourakhertan, that's a problem with qemu22:06
khertanlmoura: it s so borring to use the sdk ... i ll return to my python dev ... and waiting that the hildondesktop binding is available22:09
khertanbut thanks for your help22:09
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ds3timelyx: did not know the 'N' notation only applies to the newer ones22:16
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sp3000morning timelyx22:26
sp3000the max_entries tip in won't do a thing :)22:26
sp3000(with that link anyway)22:27
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timelyxoh brother22:30
sp3000apparently that had ui once and people set it to silly values22:30
timelyxyou mean like the geniuses we have ? :)22:30
sp3000or some ns7-age release caused it to be set to silly values when users installed random software on top of other random software22:31
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* timelyx goes fishing through a spam folder22:33
timelyxof 1000 messages, i've found 1 that i needed22:33
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hugolpanyone has tried the FM Radio desktop applet from OS2007 on OS2008 (N800)?22:44
hugolpnever mind22:45
hugolpis there any way to play the N800 fm radio on OS2008?22:45
timelyxthere's a python script floating around22:48
timelyxi'd try it if i cared22:48
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hugolptimelyx:  where about is floating around?22:51
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timelyxtry a bug complaining that the kernel doesn't support japanese radio ranges22:54
hugolpyeah right22:55
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hpg101hi all, just got my n800, am *nix savvy. can i ask some newbie questions here?22:57
kulvethere's a link to, which says "pyFMRadio is a pure Python module for controlling the tea5761 FM tuner chip on the Nokia N800 internet tablet. The other internet tablets Nokia 770 and Nokia N810 don't have a FM tuner chip."22:57
hugolpit wasnt a joke?22:57
kulvehpg101: don't ask if you can ask, just ask and hope somebody answers..22:58
kulvehugolp: no22:58
hugolphaha, though timelyx was joking about the japanese radio ranges...22:58
K`zanDoes that mean that there will not be an fmradio release for 2008?23:00
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* K`zan eagerly awaiting that :-)23:00
hpg101so i connect my n800 to my ibook via ucb, move a file onto the "noname" device, but can't then find it on the n800 with find in xterm. any idea where in the n800 file system the file went?23:01
kulvehpg101: /media/mmc1 (or mmc2)23:01
kulvethey are both shown to linux. Dunno which one ibook mounts by default..23:01
kulvehpg101: and that's not mounted in the n800 when the usb is connected23:02
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kulveso, the mmcX is shown in one computer at a time..23:02
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hpg101mmc2   --  i thought i checked there, thanx23:04
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hpg101i want to make my n800 as *nix-y as possible. is the advice to wait for os2008 official before loading up apps?23:06
shacka1what does *nix-y mean?23:07
hpg101linux, unix, etc23:07
shacka1yes, but what does it mean?23:08
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hpg101right. in addition to the maemo apps, i want to be able to drop back into a linux frame of mind. like i need a scripting language. my pref is perl. need text editor for such; prefer emacs. does that help23:12
hpg101i've got ssh so i can reach my university linux boxes when needed23:14
hpg101and if i got it right, maemo is the cross-platform development system, but does also refer to the n800 window manager as maemo?23:17
K`zanWe Got Snow!23:18
SignalN800hi guys ...23:19
K`zanRare here :).23:19
SignalN800where i can found osso-bookmark-menu   ??23:19
SignalN800i need it for mozilla browser23:19
SignalN800but, i don't found it :/23:20
SignalN800no idea?23:21
hpg101is there a way to get control chars in xterm?23:21
pupnikyes - under menu->terminal23:22
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hpg101thanx pupnik; a bit long-winded, but works23:24
pupnikto make your n800 more unix-y i recommend a bluetooth keyboard23:24
halleypupnik, to make an n800 more unix-y, just ssh into the thing ;)23:25
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pupnikpulling the 770 + keyboard out at my local bar always gets a conversation started23:26
K`zanpupnik: Which keyboard did you get?23:27
pupnikthinkoutside stowaway23:27
K`zanThanks!  Probably what I will get eventually.23:28
pupniknokia's looks pretty nice too - wish i could have tried a few23:28
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hpg101yes. just ordered the iGo Stowaway; hope it works23:28
K`zan$60 from amazon :)23:30
K`zanWow, FAT snowflakes, lovely :-)...23:33
K`zanJust floating around out there :)23:33
K`zanSomething we don't see in seattle often.23:33
K`zanLOTS of fat flakes :).23:34
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hpg101is there any way for the clock to put up a live time icon in perhaps the application switcher area23:39
acydlordit would b nice to replace "return to home" with the time23:40
acydlordcause i think we all know what homes does in the switcher23:40
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melmothanybody using python2.5 and gnome module for os2008 ?23:41
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melmothi have python2.5-gnome installed, but 'from gnome import gconf' fails with a "no module named gnome"23:42
melmoththis works on os200723:42
e-squizoand while we are in python... what do I have to install on scratchbox to get pygtk working?23:43
melmothe-squizo: be sure you ahve the extra-repository set23:44
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melmoththen apt-get install python2.5-runtime23:44
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melmoththis should install all you need23:44
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sbzhi melmoth23:44
lmouramelmoth, there was some problems with the gnome package, missing some files23:45
sbzit was long time, without seen you23:45
e-squizomelmoth: thanks!23:46
lmouramelmoth, touch /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/gnome/__init__.py23:47
sbzmelmoth: welcome back :)23:47
* pupnik refreshes23:47
melmothlmoura: works ! thanks23:48
soothsayerWhat are the Nokia EUSA binaries?23:52
hpg101in the standard browser, tap and hold on a google map scrolls the window. how do i tell my n800 to scroll the map23:56
zerojayUse the arrows displayed in the map.23:57

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