IRC log of #maemo for Thursday, 2007-09-13

sbzbedboi: for maemo or in general ? libelf :)00:01
bedboiin general.00:01
bedboisbz: dl_iterate_phdr?00:02
bedboiwhat about that?00:02
bedboisbz: i did ldd `which objdump` but libelf is not a dependency, so i was pretending that libelf does not have that feature00:03
sbzi never saw dl_iterate_phdr header, i can't bring to you more precisions about that00:04
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trevarthanscratchbox and distutils.core problem not finding gcc properly:  any ideas?00:19
dhdfoois there any way to get more feedback during the boot process on the N800?00:20
dhdfoothe inability to see what is actually going on is driving me crazy00:20
dhdfooI can never tell if it is actually going to boot or not00:20
Nermalhave faith :)00:21
dhdfooyeah :P00:21
NermalI wonder if you remove the splash image file00:21
dhdfooI have it set up to dual boot Sardine off an SD partition, but it only seems to be able to actually give me the boot menu every other time I power it on00:22
dhdfoootherwise it just sits at the "Kernel version" screen00:22
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dhdfoohmm, perhaps it is the case that rebooting it with 'shutdown -r now' just doesn't work00:22
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dhdfoothere must be some way to get a serial console or something off it...00:23
trevarthandhdfoo: not without soldering00:24
dhdfooohh I see, it involves soldering00:24
dhdfooyeah I just found it in the Wiki00:24
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* pupnik suggests following directions00:31
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DeformativeI cannot get gmail working.02:08
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DeformativeI need to find some way to get scratchbox working.02:15
DeformativeI don't want to recompile my kernel.02:16
DeformativeMaybe I could dual boot ubuntu or something.02:16
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pauliukasHeya y'all. I have a Nokia 770.02:22
pauliukasI heard that if I run the OS from the MMC card, it's twice as fast. Fact or fiction?02:22
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DeformativeI haven't heard of that.02:27
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pupnik"wengophone is an open-source alternative to skype"02:48
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_Monkeyhola, skler`03:05
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DeformativeHow should I get scratchbox working?03:15
DeformativeInstall another OS?03:15
celestehthere's a vmware and qemu image floating around03:15
* Deformative needs03:16
celesteh_monkey vmware?03:16
_Monkeyvmware is a Maemo Development appliance for vmware/vmplayer -
Deformative_Monkey qemu03:16
_Monkeyqemu is alpha for os x03:16
DeformativeI like qemu etter03:16
DeformativeI guess I will get vmware.03:18
celestehboth images are offered from the same website, so if you follow the vmware link, you should get to both03:18
celestehvmware is not free.  i have a 30 day evaluation and i don't think it's worth paying for.03:19
DeformativeIt is free.03:19
DeformativeIt is not free as in open source.03:19
celestehthe os x version is not, at least their website implies that it's not03:19
DeformativeWell, I know the linux is.03:19
pauliukasVMWare Server and Player is free.03:19
pauliukasEverything else is paid.03:19
DeformativeBut it is free as in $003:19
pauliukasNo. The Linux Workstation is over $10003:20
pauliukasI'm talking free as in beer, not OSS03:20
DeformativeI am talking about server03:20
DeformativeHmm, 770 doesn't come with maemopad03:20
DeformativeI had a vmware key but I lost it.03:21
DeformativeNow I need to get a new one.03:21
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celestehtime for bed for me03:22
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hennoDeformative: so I hazard a guess that an arch PKGBUILD for scratchbox will not be forthcoming :)03:24
DeformativeWell, I made a pkgbuild, but it is only useful if you recompile the kernel.03:24
DeformativeI hate compiling kernels.03:24
hennoso did my note about disabling vdso via a =0 flag or whatever achieve nothing?03:27
DeformativeDidn't work.03:27
DeformativeAnd the vmware image has no seaders.03:28
hennobummer and bummer03:28
hennothey should rename it scrath-your-head-box03:29
infobothenno meant: they should rename it scratch-your-head-box03:29
[31d1]i managed to get a severely broken scratchbox working nd i've been able to compile a few very simple things03:29
[31d1]i just compiled nvi03:30
DeformativeMaybe it is not working because I don't have port forwarding on.03:30
* [31d1] is loving that03:30
* Deformative checks03:30
hennomight be worth a look03:31
DeformativeCould it be flashed without scratchbox?03:31
DeformativeEither way.03:31
DeformativeThe image seems cool.03:31
DeformativeIt should have everything.03:31
DeformativeDownloading now.03:32
hennoif scrathbox needs 512mb/ram etc, I hate to think what it needs running inside vmware however03:32
[31d1]im excited for rxvt03:33
DeformativeI am considering making a full DE as well.03:33
DeformativeBut that is too far in the future to think about.03:34
[31d1]IDE - I03:34
DeformativeDesktop environment03:34
DeformativeWritten in D.03:35
DeformativeMaybe RushPL would want to help.03:35
hennoDeformative: can you link me a torrent file? I might seed myself a copy just in case03:35
[31d1]it would be nice to have another window manager03:35
DeformativeI am downloading the torrent on my laptop, not desktop.03:35
Deformative[31d1]: Yeah, I really like the design of the current one, but there are some minor things that can use work.03:36
[31d1]wmii would be awesome for a 770 imo - no idea how to go about porting shit like that though03:36
DeformativeThat would be very very easy.03:36
DeformativeBut at the same time useless.03:36
[31d1]you'd lose the keyboard and stuff right?03:36
Deformative[31d1]: well, depends.03:36
DeformativeProlly not.03:36
DeformativeAs long as all the apps still used GTK+03:37
Deformativehenno: I just followed the link posted here.03:37
Deformativehenno: You were the one getting the bluetooth keyboard, right?03:37
DeformativeHow is that working out?03:38
[31d1]why would wmii be useless then?03:38
hennoDeformative: I won't have it for a week or two03:38
[31d1]besides if you just don't like wmii, which is understandeable03:39
Deformative[31d1]: because, everything would be small.03:39
henno'tis on backorder at expansys03:39
Deformativewmii isn't designed for a very small screen03:39
DeformativeWhere the current ui makes everything fullsize03:39
[31d1]on full screen it would still be useable i'd think - you'd need to use stacking mode, and tiles would be a bit silly i bet03:40
DeformativeDoes vmware still require a serial?03:40
DeformativeYeah it does.03:40
DeformativeJust read it03:40
[31d1]hmm does that maemo3.0 image support 770?03:42
DeformativeThat is a maemo 3 image.03:43
* Deformative is pissed03:43
[31d1]i thought 3.0 was 800 ... oh03:43
DeformativeI think it is.03:43
DeformativeI didn't know that image was for 3.003:44
[31d1]i couldn't tell you really but half the pain of scratchbox was finding the right version and tutorial for that version, and even then the tutorial had stuff to do in it that the version had onsoleted03:45
pupniki keep missing the chat where i can be of assistance03:46
pupniklol @ scratch-your-head box03:47
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[31d1]maybe that image and installing maemo 2 on it would be not that bad though03:48
DeformativeThat's true.03:49
[31d1]afaik it's just another target you have to add03:49
* [31d1] knows nothing03:50
pupnikyes you should be able to add a 2.2/gregale target03:52
pupnikafaik - i haven't added a bora target here yet03:52
DeformativeSo it would be easy to convert the 3.0 to 2.2?03:53
[31d1]you can add multiple targets, and you can switch between them03:54
DeformativeHow do I add a target then?03:54
[31d1]theres some tool03:54
[31d1]sb-menu ?03:54
[31d1]its interactive03:54
[31d1]you need a 'rootstrap' and i dont know what else - i just followed some greek to me tutorial03:55
DeformativeCan the vmware image ALSO flash my device?04:00
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pupnikyou can flash the device from a regular linux machine04:01
pupnikscratchbox/vmware not necessary04:02
DeformativeBut I didn't remember if vmware had access to usb04:02
pupnikit does04:02
pupnikbtw i don't think you need a key for the vmware player... iirc/afaik04:03
DeformativeI downloaded the server\04:03
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erstaziDeformative: yeah for the server, I think you do need a key, but for the free player, you don't04:19
erstaziDeformative: you can always try virtual box, its not half bad04:19
DeformativeWhat is virtualbox?04:28
pauliukasit's a box, but it's virtual04:28
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pupnikit's a newish open-source vmwareish thingy04:34
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DeformativeHmm, I am going to need to mod rxvt to use gtk04:52
DeformativeThat way it supports the keyboard04:52
DeformativeOr I can find another terminal that already uses gtk04:52
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DeformativeI cannot tell.05:04
DeformativeThis xterm doesn't seem derived from the origional xterm05:04
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pupnikDeformative: what?05:12
pupnikosso xterm uses the hildon input method05:13
DeformativeAnd I would need to make the rxvt do the same.05:13
DeformativeThis xterm looks so different.05:13
DeformativeMaybe I just need to read the source and see that it is indeed shitastically derived from xterm05:14
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dhrI'm reading to understand codenames of Maemo versions.  My 770 came with 3.2006.49-2.  That would seem to be "Bora" but isn't listed as such on the page.  Am I right?06:13
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[31d1]mistral i believe06:30
[31d1]cause of 200606:30
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dhrThanks [31d1].  Control panel: Device: About Product says: Internet Tablet OS 2006 edition, Version 3.2006.49-2.06:36
dhr3.2006.49-2 seems (according to the codenames page) be Maemo 3.x, and that, in turn, seems to be Bora.  I don't trust the page, but I don't have a better reference.  Do you?06:37
dhrI'm a cautions newbie, trying to find what makes sense to jam on my 770.06:38
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[31d1]770 is maemo2.x i know that much. 3.x is OS2007 for 80006:54
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Vertoodoes anyone have a snes emulator for their n800?07:45
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jendoes anyone know what the correct lines should be in my /etc/apt/sources.list for the stuff?08:48
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jenno one?08:53
_Monkeyrumour has it no one is on skype now08:53
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pbryanHmm. v=w2.999 no longer works.09:57
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phasecactusSo would it be presumptuous to just barge into the channel and announce my question like I'm the center of the universe?10:34
phasecactusTell me if I can make it better than that somehow, but basically I'm looking at an mce.ini that stops working any time I modify it at all.10:37
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AD-N770good morning11:39
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phasecactusDoes mce.ini need to remain the same size?12:29
phasecactusI just accomplished my first edit that took effect, out of something like 50 attempts.12:30
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Tilican we use Qt for GUI on N80012:32
janito some extend yes i guess.12:33
RushPLwhy not?12:34
RushPLpeople are running whole KDE12:34
janiis the vkb support ready yet for qt widgets?12:35
RushPLI'm still waiting for my Nokia, so I only know what people were talking here and what I've read.12:35
RushPLbut probably you can use some custom vkb12:36
RushPLQT supports "uim"12:37
RushPLUniversal Input Method12:37
TiliRushPL: issue could be memory. i am reading on forums and blogs12:38
RushPLTili: you can create a swap file, but yes, memory can be quite a problem.12:39
gla55_qt phone edition worked fine on 77012:39
RushPLjani: - I bet you could use that.12:40
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pupnikI can't wait to run Windows XP on the N80012:44
RushPLpupnik: please kill me before you do that :)12:45
suihkulokkipupnik: you could try compiling qemu for the n800, and run XP in it..12:46
RushPLfortunately N800 is still ARM, isn't it?12:46
RushPLor run XP over VNC12:46
pupnikRunning KDE on it is just slightly less silly. :)12:47
pupnikBut hey, whatever is fun for you.  More power to ya12:47
pupniksuihkulokki: qemu won't run - forgot exactly where the problem is12:48
suihkulokkipupnik: it's just C code.. fix it =)12:48
pupniki'm playing with dosbox atm12:50
pupniktrying to get 0.72 running faster than 0.6512:52
suihkulokkisomeone recently moved a propiertary dos app from a aging 486 machine with linksys nslu-2 running dosbox12:54
suihkulokkiI found that quite amazing12:54
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lardmanmore licence queries - can one make BSD-like licensed code into GPL code?13:10
mgedminno, but you can combine BSD-licenced code and GPL-licenced code13:12
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lardmanBut what happens if you modify BSD-licensed code but want your changes to be GPL?13:15
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robtaylorlardman: just go ahead and license your code as gpl13:16
robtaylorlardman: the aggregate code would act as though its gpl13:16
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lardmanrobtaylor: Yes13:18
DeformativeBSD rather than Linux would be interesting.13:20
DeformativeOr solaris13:20
DeformativeSolaris might be a bit large though.13:20
DeformativeAnd I don't know if bsd supports jffs13:20
lardmanDeformative: There is BSD for the Zaurus, you might look there13:21
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DeformativeThere are more useful wastes of time though.13:21
suihkulokkiembedded bsd, jay, more locked devices!13:22
DeformativeI really like that nokia puts jffs on the 77013:23
DeformativeI have to go now.13:23
lardmanWhat else could they have used?13:23
lardmanlle2: pros and cons of both?13:24
lardmanignore me, on the web page13:24
lardmanoh no, broken link, question stands13:24
Deformativelardman: They could have been idiots and used fat3213:24
* lle2 ignores13:24
DeformativeLike every other flash vender does.13:24
lardmanDeformative: but then you have hardware wear leveling13:25
DeformativeDoubt it.13:25
lle2fat is just fine for media files13:25
DeformativeWell, I need to go to school, I guess Imma get to work on rxvt when I get back.13:26
lle2and we could've lived with a readonly fs just fine13:26
Deformative /tmp13:27
* Deformative leaves again13:27
lardmanyaffs doesn't do compression, doesn't work well on NOR, but other than that is smaller (mem overhead) and faster13:27
lle2but nooooo, we had to have rw13:27
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lle2even if nobody is able to upgrade the device without a full reflash13:28
lle2such a waste13:29
lardmanI think the plan is to allow incremental updates13:29
lardmanplus if we didn't have rw, we'd need to go back to the original system of installing things in odd places13:29
lle2i'll believe it when i see it13:30
lle2why would that be?13:30
lle2userdata in the fat, tmp as tmpfs13:31
lardmanyou wouldn't be able to install things to a ro filesystem13:31
lle2big loss, just let people who want to do that install them to sd cards using whatever filesystem they please, mount it on top of the regular root if needed13:32
lardmanUsing something like unionfs?13:33
lardmanWhich was buggy, and may still be13:33
lle2no, just plain regular mount13:34
lle2that root would need to have the full system13:34
lardmanin which case I can't install stuff to the standard directory - /usr/bin13:34
inzunionfs should work too, if the "real root" was ro13:35
lle2why not?13:35
lle2you would effectively boot from the sd13:35
lardmanah, I see what you mean, well why have the flash at all in that case?13:35
lle2same cruft there as in the built-in flas13:35
lardmanplus the cards are slow13:35
lle2not that slow13:36
lle2maybe by 50 percent or so13:36
lardmanthat's quite slow13:36
lle2but that should only affect load times13:36
suihkulokkistill faster than jffs2 =)13:36
lardmanfair enough13:37
suihkulokkithe bonus of having ro root is it so much harder for the user to brick it uninstallable13:37
lle2that too13:38
lardmanyes, but realistically it's not possible to brick the device anyway, even flashing it13:38
lle2and the sd cards are getting faster all the time13:38
Veggenlardman: that's one of the good designs of the tablets, I'd say.13:39
lardmanas long as users steer clear of a terminal, and sudo gainroot, then can't do much damage13:39
lardmanVeggen: yes13:39
lle2of the omaps to be precise13:39
lardmanshame part of that design wasn't to release technical manuals too!13:39
lle2but i think we're talking of different level of brickness13:40
suihkulokkibrickness level =)13:40
lardmansurely there is only one level, the level where it's only useful as a paperweight?13:41
lle2soft, virtual and hard brickness13:41
suihkulokkicurrently the user can put something funny in ~/.profile and find out his/her device no longer boots13:41
lardmansemi-baked brick?13:41
suihkulokkiand the only recourse is to reflash firmware13:41
lardmanok, so it's a flaw13:41
lle2hard means the rom code can't load anything over the serial and run it13:42
lle2virtual means the bootloader starts but can't do shit13:42
lle2soft is the normal case of reboot loops etc13:43
lle2my definitions =)13:43
lardmanHave a method of booting to a recovery console then, let that wipe the contents of ~/.profile etc.13:44
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lardmanThat's what the Zaurus cxxx(x) machines had13:47
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JaffaMorning, all14:16
lardmanmorning Jaffa14:18
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pupnikdid you ever find out whether you could get more DSP info if you signed a NDA lardman?14:21
lardmanI'm not sure it was an NDA, it was more the cost involved14:22
lardmanI think I emailed them back to ask, but no reply14:22
lardmanIn any case the DSP info is pretty good14:22
pupnikbut integrating into gstreamer and outputting to the dac are still problems, no?14:23
lardmanwell no, I could sit down (and do some learning) and write a codec driver14:24
lardmanbut then I would need to re-compile the DSP kernel, which means I'd loose Nokia's bits & pieces14:25
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lardmanso the existing dspsinks wouldn't work14:25
lardmanplus it seems like a lot of work really14:25
lardmanI understand that Nokia are thinking of moving towards stacking audio codecs anyway, so writing one that passes data back and forth to the ARM is not a bad thing14:26
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lardmanThe one thing I would like, is to be able to access the BT hardware directly, but hopefully Nokia will sort that (it would be a kernel recompile again)14:27
lardmanso you could decode mp3 -> pcm -> sbc14:27
lardmanthat sort of thing14:27
lardmanrather than monolithic dspsinks that do everything and then output on the dsp-side14:28
lardmanthat's my understanding anwyay14:28
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lardmanI've got a couple of compiler errors remaining on the dsp-side vorbis decoder, then I can try it and see if anything happens ;)14:31
lardmanthough I think I'll need to read the C54 to C55 migration docs as the asm was written for a C5414:31
lardmanequally it may not work at all14:32
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ArgirisIs maemo linux easy to create programmes?15:46
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Argirisis maemo extentionable?can I compile many programmes for maemo?Is maemo openSource?15:49
Argirisyes for all my questions?15:49
colinlyes :)15:49
colinlsee and for a start15:50
bherrmannwill maemo ever run on non nokia hardware?15:50
roope it can do so already?15:51
bherrmannIt can run in the scratchbox emulator... so I guess that's non nokia15:51
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dpb_scratchbox isn't an emulator15:52
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bherrmannoh, I thought the scratchbox enrionment included some way to pretty closely execute stuff intended to run on the ARM hardware15:54
lle2dpb_, :)15:54
bherrmannso scratchbox is more of a toolchain then15:54
lle2qemu would be the emulation part15:54
lle2with sb1 it's all tangled into one giant thing15:55
bherrmannso can you run something completely opensource, like sardine, on a i386 box and have it behave as if it is running on Nokia hardware?15:55
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red-zackyou guys count peas15:56
bherrmannand related, could somebody like Sharp suddenly show up with a box that runs Sardine?15:56
lle2sure it is possible somebody clones everything15:56
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lle2not very easy because it is such a mess15:57
janiisnt that allready happening with some nokia products ?15:57
janipirate factories are making fakes of real nokia products.15:57
jonekis it correct that scratchbox delegates execution of an ARMEL binary completely to quemu?15:57
lle2yeah, buut nokia is pretty good at hunting them down15:57
lle2jonek, yes, either qemu or through sbrsh to the target hw itself15:58
joneklle2: and if that app uses GUI and hardware keys?15:58
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lle2jonek, it won't work too well15:59
joneklle2: or audio15:59
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joneklle2: what does that mean?15:59
lle2jonek, it depends on too many things, sb just wants to run dumb configure tests that way, it's all these funny people who think it's an emulator who expect too much from it16:01
lle2jonek, qemu system mode is much better at solving the emu problem16:01
lle2jonek, i've been trying to get people understand this for years now16:02
lle2no success in sight, i'm afraid16:02
bherrmannIs there anykind of thinking about how Maemo is going to cope with or learn from the iphone?16:02
joneklle2: ok - should I run my audio+hardwarekeys+GUI app in the PC target (implies I compiled it under that target before) and hope my linux box plays audio, my xephyr shows the GUI and xephyr serves hardware keys then?16:03
lle2jonek, hmm, dunno. i would do the development on x86 with no scratchbox, just set LD_LIBRARY_PATH correctly etc16:04
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lle2jonek, then when it kinda works, cross compile it for maemo. but i'm not an app developer, i don't know why they do their things the way they do16:06
lle2to me it all looks highly painful16:06
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lardmanI never compile for x86, just compile for arm and try it on the device16:08
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lle2that's what i do as well, try to setup debugging on the real hw so easy that it's no issue16:11
jonek:-) it seems I've done all my development in scratchbox right only by accident then - seems I havent understood scratchOmagic correctly16:11
lle2it always helps to be lucky16:13
lle2if i'd have any say we would only hire very lucky people16:13
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lle2it would be easy to test too, just  flip a coin a five times and those who guess right are in16:15
celestehah, but it would be REALLY unlucky to guess right by a total fluke16:18
celestehas in, a break with normal luck16:18
celestehi have exceptionally good luck, but not at all with computers.  some laser printers don't work if i stand too close to them16:18
lle2seems to be quite common16:19
lle2i think laser printers don't operate when under pressure to perform16:19
celestehheh.  a friend and i spent all day trying to fix a printer at a non-profit.  finally we got it to work, but only when i left the offices16:20
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jonekI think maemo/scratchbox/PC target is there only for developers to not have to bother with wrong versions of libs but instead have exactly the same environment like in the ARMEL target. Isn't that an emulator then (when running in xephyr)?16:21
lle2kind of yes16:21
lardmanI guess if you're developing a GUI app then being able to run and see if on your PC is easier than copying across, etc.16:22
lle2just because something's there doesn't make it good though16:22
jonekok => PC target for emulation, ARMEL target just for cross compilation16:23
lle2there's no reason that couln't be done without sbox16:23
joneklardman: yep, it should give a speed up - I think that's what emulators a for in your development toolchain16:24
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lle2the problem with using sb as an emulator is that your emu environment is polluted with all the sbox tools in the path16:25
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lle2it's really very bad for purity, just witness what it has done to all the rootstraps16:26
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joneklle2: for me it has been easy enough with sbox and maemo rootstraps to do development right - I only stumbled over harddisk space once (my root partition was missing 1,5GB of space)16:27
lle2good for you ;)16:28
jonekI think it's a tradeoff between easyness and disc space :)16:28
Vertoodoes anyone have a snes emulator for their n800?16:30
lle2sb2 is easier and infinitely smaller, just too bad maemo is too broken due to sb1's influence at the moment16:30
RushPLVertoo: look for Snes9x16:30
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RushPLVertoo: and ask pupnik_ if you want to get involved into something faster. He's working on something much better.16:31
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Jaffalle2: how practical is SB2 for Maemo dev? Anyone actually using it (I know you say you're not an app author). Similarly, AIUI, SB2 will make it easier for me on X86_6416:36
lle2jaffa, not very practical until there's a rootstrap with working dpkg and apt16:38
lle2any decade now16:39
suihkulokki..aka if the libraries on the rootstrap are enough for our development purposes, SB2 works for maemo development16:39
lle2many things build just fine16:41
lardmanJaffa: What's the problem with x86_64?16:41
zakxSB1 refuses to work on x86_6416:42
lle2but since all users first want to do apt-get install this-and-that, it's not useful for them16:42
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BlacksitoxComo se llama lo que cubre la pantalla del n800 ?16:42
Blacksitoxese pequeño plástico, para que no se raye la pantalla, hay para comprar eso verdad ?16:43
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lardmanzakx: If you don't have any 32bit libs you mean?16:43
zakxlardman: yep16:43
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zakxbut IIRC, even with the libs it just won't work16:43
lardmanzakx: Then again lots of things refuse to work without the 32bit libs, which is why I have them16:43
lardmanno, it does work16:43
lardmanI've not had any problems anyway16:44
lle2sb1 works on amd64, u just have to force the install of the debs or use the tarballs16:44
lardmanyes I had to force the install on my Core2 duo16:44
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Suvarov[work]I am trying to install libxml v2.6.16 into my Scratchbox environment so I can compile my application to work on a stock Nokia 800; I have tried to pin the package in my /etc/apt/preferences, but I can't find a repository with the package.  Can anyone help me?16:55
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lardmanAnyone know of a list of "I can't work out why my compiler is producing an error, try this" answers?17:05
lardmanas in a list of common mistakes that produce a compiler error that isn't easy to track down17:06
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lardmansee you later chaps17:14
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bherrmannwhat is the ".launch" files17:25
bherrmannis there docs on what they are and how to create them?17:25
bherrmannI presume it is used to describe an otherwise command line like process to the menuing system17:26
bherrmannlike provide an icon and stuff17:26
pupnik_bherrmann: see the porting guides17:27
pupnik_they describe how to create menu items, icons17:27
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pupnikHey linux!  It's 2007.  You might want to look into how to make a clipboard that works.17:29
pupnikthat was not meant seriously17:30
* mgedmin wonders what pupnik's problem is17:32
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pupnikspecific apps really - vnc, firefox17:38
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Suvarov[work]A note to anyone who noticed my previous post, but didn't know the answer: "apt-get upgrade" will *never* remove dependencies; therefore, if you pin a package to an older version you *must* "apt-get install <package>" if there are any dependencies on the current version of the package.17:42
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RushPLGOT my Nokia 770! Truly awesome!17:48
RushPLI instantly was able to hook up to the net through my phone, but unfortunately it didn't detect my wifi.17:48
RushPLAre there any special requirements for wifi?17:48
pupnikYou supressing essid?17:49
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pupnikor bssid whatever17:49
RushPLand I see all networks besides mine!17:49
RushPLpupnik: but you haven't told me that Nokia was so awesome ^^ And the default DE is not bad at all, at least at first glance.17:51
pupnikit does rule space and time17:52
TPCI just bought a N800 of an internet shop, should have it tomorrow :)17:52
TPCany fun/interesting uses for it you can recommend to a long-time linux geek?17:53
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pupnikkismet, irc, torrents, emulators, games17:54
pupnikmplayer and if you like rich feature media players - canola, kagu, ukmp17:54
RushPLpupnik: can I manually set up ap properties somewhere? (with GUI)17:55
TPCcan you get sshfs or similar to work, so I can play media easily without having to copy it to the device?17:55
RushPLI wonder, maybe it will work if I just pop the right data in.17:55
TPCis there a good e-book reader?17:56
TPCcan you get perl running on it?17:56
pupnikyou can run sshfs, smb and nfs17:56
TPCI guess nfs would be a bit ligher on cpu usage17:57
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unique311was a deb every release for wxpython?17:58
unique311see a couple of hits for it on google for maemo17:59
unique311but no debs17:59
unique311i want to compile this app for maemo, and the only dependencie i'm missing is wxpython17:59
pupnikso does the dependency compile18:00
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unique311i tried compiling wxpython with the instructions i found online for maemo18:05
unique311but is failing.18:05
bherrmannhumm.  On 2007 HE the osso-statusbar-cpu application doesnt seem to run.   Does anyone else have this issue?18:05
RushPLI need advice on wifi, should I use some specific channel/encyption for 770 to detect it?18:06
unique311tunapie should be a nice little app to run.18:06
bherrmannpupnik, porting guides - thanks18:06
RushPLI'm now trying to manually set up my AP18:07
unique311  <--- has wxpython working, but where is the deb,18:07
unique311or the working source file.18:08
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jonekmy N800 has lost its ability to read my 2GB rs-mmc card which was working before. how can I track down where the problem is? the mmc is working in my cardreader on the linux box18:09
RushPLhm, seems like Nokia supports up to WPA with EAP.18:09
unique311wpa2 also RushPL18:09
bherrmannI think the xmame stuff is cool....  the coin-op arcade version of pacman running on the 770 is wack18:12
pupnikyeah, and we can also try getting a faster xmame ported18:13
Ginmanxthe nes emulator would be nice if it were a bit different18:14
pupnikfaster and better sound too18:14
pupnikhow different?18:14
RushPLI added manually my connection and while it is visible in the edit connections page, it is not visible at the page where I can connect. What would be the reason?18:14
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Nermallo lo :)18:14
Ginmanxyou should just be able to change the screen to vertical so you can use the buttons instead of the on screen ones18:15
pupnikonly button you can use in an app is the esc (circle arrow)18:15
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pupnikgreets Nermal18:16
Nermalgot my n800 :)18:16
pupnikRushPL: sorry no ideas here18:16
* Nermal bounces 18:17
Ginmanxoh damn, it cant be changed so you can use the side buttons? thats kinda lame18:17
pupnikthe buttons on the top could be used18:17
Ginmanxhmm, that might not be so bad18:17
pupnikbut you can't press one of them while you have the dpad pressed18:18
Ginmanxi guess there really isnt a good solution then18:18
pupnik this would be what you want18:20
TPCNermal, monkey island on the N800?18:20
TPCohh, that alone makes the purchase worth it18:20
pupniksee Nokia?  people like to play games on their portable devices!18:22
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pupnikdon't matter that you call it an 'Internet Tablet'18:22
Ginmanxhahaha yeah, i've always wondered why there werent buttons on that side18:22
Ginmanxsince my other thumb is always right there18:23
suihkulokkipupnik: please send that question to maemo-devel.. nobody will see that line on irc18:24
pupnikthe devel guys know i am working on games18:24
pupnikwell.  not right now.18:26
TPCgames aren't that important18:27
suihkulokkipupnik: but I short specific mail about the biggest griefs for game developers (lack of buttons, pad) would be usefull to point people to18:27
TPCthey can be a fun distraction, but no one is buying a device like that because of the games, thats what a DS is for18:27
NermalTPC: aye - I was expecting 1 and 2 to work but not 3 - amazing :)18:27
pupnikit's been discussed on the ITT forums suihkulokki - hardware gripes don't belong on maemo-developers18:28
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Nermaldissapointed skype doesn't support the camera though18:28
Nermalwhich muppet thought of that :|18:29
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TPCI'm getting an N800 as a replacement for my palm, which I used as an e-book reader, for quick note taking, and a music/movie player, and occacionally as a larger screen for my digital camera18:30
TPCthe N800 should be able to handle all of those nicely, I'm especially excited about the high resolution screen18:30
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pupniki haven't taken my laptop on the go since getting the 77018:31
TPCand the fact that its linux based, so I can play around with my own scripts and things on it when I'm bored18:31
TPCthe internet part isn't that important18:31
Vertooanyone got a good maemo port of a snes/gba emulator?18:31
TPCaltought school campus has free wifi, so I will probably use it occacionally18:31
pupnikVertoo: not yet18:31
TPCby the way, what architecture is the N800? ARM?18:33
Nermalnot sure which endian it is though18:33
Nermalso not sure if standard debian arm packages will work on it18:33
unique311very small18:33
lardman|gonelittle endian18:33
Nermalbless it :)18:34
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TPCaccording to wikipedia it uses ARM11 which is based on ARM v618:35
TPCmy old pda used a ARM v5 chip, with the same clock frequency as the N80018:35
TPCwill be interesting to see the difference18:35
bherrmannIs there a book for nokia 770/800 developers ?   or is the wiki/web the only source of info?18:35
||cwbherrmann: I think it changes too frequently, new features and such, for a book to be much use18:36
bherrmannI suppose so.  I guess and pdf content could just be uploaded and printed via lulu.com18:38
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lardmanTPC: what was your old pda?18:44
TPClardman, a palm zire 7218:45
lardmanthere were some benchmark tests done a while back, and some more recently put up on a wiki - check out the openmoko mailing list18:46
lardmannot sure that was on there, but a variety of modern embedded processors and I added the omap data18:46
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lardmanyay, I can release the source for the vorbis dsp stuff18:49
RushPLpupnik: one advice, never set up your AP channel higher than 10, or else your Nokia won't detect it.18:50
RushPLUnprotected connection worked for me, WPA didn't .. still playing.18:50
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RushPLpupnik: yupi, thanks for giving me mental support. Somehow it works.18:58
RushPLnow I need a bluetooth keyboard19:00
RushPLanything cheap? :P19:00
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bherrmannDoes the 800 have usb?  no right?19:09
bherrmannThat is, it can't do master mode19:10
`0660it can19:11
inzBut it's really hard to get working ;)19:14
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Veggeninz: Has anyone actually got it working on n800 yet? Is it confirmed?19:19
inzVeggen, I think it is known that it's theoretically possible19:20
VeggenI could use it.19:20
Veggenbut even more, I can't believe noone has made a bluetooth-accesible card-reader thing.19:21
Veggenbut, home.19:27
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RushPLif I want terminal/ssh running really fast with a fresh Nokia, how would I do that?20:03
RushPLI found downloads on, but bash is for example not for download20:03
bherrmannDont you just add the extras repo20:06
bherrmannthen add osso-xterm20:06
bherrmannthen you get xterm20:06
bherrmannto get ssh, you need to either add dropbear or openssh20:07
RushPLplease be more specific, I have nokia running for about an hour.20:07
RushPLshould I find repo settings somewhere in config? or maybe I can add them via web browser?20:08
bherrmannYou might try looking into for searching on specifics20:08
RushPLoh sorry, I haven't mentioned, I have 770.20:08
bherrmannyea, or
bherrmannseems like their are lots of repositories20:09
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tsoheh, one for every "app" out there, more or less it seems...20:10
tsostill, interesting page :D20:10
bherrmannI have a 770 too, but I flashed the Hacker Edition 2007 on it, so usualy im installing n800 stuff20:10
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bherrmannor atleast stuff named "bora"20:10
RushPLi'm gonna do that too, now I am doing testing :)20:11
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tsoi dont want to go HE unless i know its fully workable so to speak20:12
bherrmannThats the same reason that I have tried Sardine20:13
tsoheh, seafood isnt my thing ;)20:14
bherrmannI meant this Sardine,, although I dont like sea food either20:14
tsosorry, my attempt at a joke20:15
tsooh man, what a logo :D20:15
bherrmannpretty fish20:15
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tsohmm, a bit anoying that pidgin isnt updated yet. i keep getting that "new version" window every time i start it20:17
tsobtw, anyone had any experience with the freedom universal bluetooth keyboard and the 770?20:18
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bherrmannfyi, on 2007 HE the osso-statusbar-cpu wasnt showing up until I went into the "control panel / Navigation / Status bar " and enabled it.20:25
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Vertooanyone got a good snes/gba emulator for the n800?20:28
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tsoi think there is a gba emulator available, dont know about snes20:41
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Vertooyou know the name?20:49
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tsohmm, is it me or are some in the industry becoming more humble?20:52
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lardmanNot sure it's a question of being humble or not, but nice to see that Nokia have listened to us and done something20:53
tsowell, they seems to be more able (apt?) to say they where wrong or something like that20:54
bherrmannwell, I think they need to focus like a laser on the iphone and continuting to do everything to build a software community20:55
bherrmannI think the HE 2007 is a good move for keeping the community in a happy place20:56
tsowell if they fully opend the development, things would be really interesting ;) isnt part of the HE closed?20:56
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bherrmannyea, they need to drop the closed stuff too... I should think should be obvious20:57
lardmanI think they are heading the right way20:57
bherrmannOpera for example... not to pick on them, but they arent the way to harness the community20:57
tsoheading yea, but long way to go for some20:57
bherrmannI'm interested in why the Agenda failed, wasnt it all opensource or was it a mix?20:58
tsohmm, opera is a nice and quick browser compared to gecko/mozilla on my 770. but i kinda miss the highlight on clicked links20:58
lardmanmicrob works okay, and it would appear Opera is on the way out wrt the N800/770, so this is again a step in the right direction20:59
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tsoyep it work ok, but seems to die a lot so far21:00
lardmanyes, not perfect, but then Opera is still available if you really want it. They are going the right way21:00
tsoalso, it seems to take longer and longer to start as the page history builds up21:00
lardmanbug report?21:00
tsoallready filed. wanted me to time under different history sizes21:01
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bherrmannagenda ...
tsohell, i dont think its even noticable on a N80021:01
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jufowondering what happened to webkit maemo port. latest news are atleast month old21:04
tsodont know, but the openmoko/gtk one seems to be doing full steam ahead21:06
tsohmm, thats most definetly the first time i hear about the VR3/agenda, and by the looks of the softfield page, its dead. irda or rs-232? come on!21:07
bherrmannyea... a 200Mhz ARM device running linux... crazy21:07
bherrmannwith everything opensource... they were nuts21:07
lardmanI wouldn't mind irda21:09
bherrmannback in 2000, usb and wi fi were a little less common21:10
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lardmanyeah, but irda stuff still exists, would be useful to have21:10
tso"A 33.6kb/s modem will be available" the memories!21:10
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tsoi suspect that it died, not because of the all gpl software, but because of the lack of mindshare...21:11
tso <- check out the part about marketing...21:12
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bherrmannYea, the iphone has some good marketing... and it's a slick product21:16
bherrmannIt would be interesting if you could some how tell how much of the product is good "technically" and how much is just robust "marketing"21:17
lardmanhmm, I can't really see why BSD-style licensed and then modified code can't be released as GPL21:17
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lardmanany thoughts?21:17
lardman for the license21:17
tsobingo, i guess thats why apple gets the press. they know how to play the media. jobs is one of those marketing savants imo21:17
tsooh crap, not that21:17
lardmantso: What my question?21:18
tsolets just say that theo is one of the people i want to attach to a russian rocket and aim for pluto21:18
tsobtw, anyone seen jobs do a nextstation tv add? hell, i had to pinch myself for not going "hey thats kinda cool"...21:19
RushPLi installed dropbear but it didn't provide me with ssh command hm, I need only client.21:20
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RushPL(for now)21:20
tsoand all he was showing of was how attachments was shown in the mail app21:20
tsoheh, allways fun to do replacement of core desktop parts while using it ;)21:21
tsolet me see you do that, windows21:22
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setyteany good ftp for n80022:05
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_Monkeyprivet, nisse-22:06
nisse-I just installed scratchbox22:06
nisse-and I just installed maemo-sdk22:07
nisse-in other words I ran maemo-scratchbox-install_3.1.sh22:07
nisse-and maemo-sdk-install_3.1.sh22:07
nisse-When I log in to scratchbox and try to download nokia EUSA binaries apt-get fails22:08
bherrmannis the "Python for Maemo tutorial" available as pdf somewhere ?22:09
setytewhats good ftp for n80022:12
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_Monkeyi heard maemoftp was not for n80022:16
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Nermallo lo22:21
Nermaltrying to set a lock code for my n800 (newly flashed today).  tried 12345 but that doesn't work :(22:21
Nermalany ideas ?22:21
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lardmankulve: Is this this too late in the evening for you?22:48
lardmankulve: You have any experience of struct packing on the dsp?22:48
nisse-Is it normal to have bunch of 'Failed to fetch'-nessages when I run apt-get update inside scratchbox22:49
_Monkeyi heard nsswitch was
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tsoplaying around with claw mail here, and it seems to time out when trying to get my mail :(22:56
nisse-Is there any other good guides on the net for maemo developing other than the official?22:58
pupniknisse-: did you see the nsswitch link?  did that fix your apt-get problem?22:59
nisse-pupnik: Yes, but I did not konw that it was intended for me.23:01
nisse-But, thanks..23:01
nisse-I'll check it out now.23:02
erstazinisse-: you want to develop for maemo or port apps?23:06
nisse-erstazi: Develop maemo23:07
nisse-pupnik: It seems that it did fix the problem.23:07
nisse-pupnik: Thanks.23:08
erstazinisse-: scratchbox is a great application to test your apps23:08
_Monkeyscratchbox is, like, a cross-compilation toolkit for maemo application development.  Homepage:   Maemo 3.x (bora/N800) tutorial:  Maemo 2.2 (gregale/770) tutorial:  A walkthrough for 3.x:  Scratchbox Downloads:
sbzwith Xephyr to start a X server emulation of Maemo23:09
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nisse-I've allready got a working sb/Xephyr installation.23:11
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nisse-But thanks for advise23:12
nisse-So, I if it works on sb it works on maemo?23:12
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erstazinisse-: if you have your setup correct, yes23:14
erstazinisse-: have you ever used a debian-based distro?23:14
erstazinisse-: I am assuming so, but anyhow, yes, I usually just scp over to the device23:15
Nermalany ideas re my unlock code problem ?23:15
Nermaltrying to set a lock code for my n800 (newly flashed today).  tried 12345 but that doesn't work :(23:15
erstazioh I think the default for that is 12345623:15
pupnikI never locked the device, becuase ... i don't leave it lying around! :)23:15
erstazipupnik: heh23:15
NermalI'm thinking if it gets nicked23:16
erstazidoes 123456 work?23:16
Nermalerstazi: nope :(23:16
Nermalflashing a new image should reset any code that was on the device before yah ?23:16
nisse-erstazi: Yes I've used debian ...23:17
Nermalnot sure if there was one - don't think there was23:17
nisse-erstazi: long time:D23:17
erstaziNermal: there is, I am looking23:17
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erstaziok on OS2006 (you have OS2007) its 1234523:19
erstazilet me check for OS2007 now23:19
sbznisse-: read , then , prefer the installation script method23:19
pupniki thought nisse- already had scratchbox set up?23:19
nisse-Yes, I have one.23:19
erstaziNermal: "Everything not on the memory card will be gone and the device will behave as if just purchased with the single exception that any previously-set lock code will be kept and not reset to the factory-default of "12345" (even the code is not preserved on some images)."23:20
erstaziNermal: thats if you flash it, which you said you have23:20
Nermalugh - so the code stays ?23:21
erstaziNermal: *or* you can take it to an authorized Nokia support store and have the device unlock23:21
erstazior just take out the battery and put the battery back in and turn it back on23:21
erstaziat least that worked for me on my Nokia 77023:21
* erstazi means the latter23:22
Nermalwill that lose any other info though ?23:22
erstaziNermal: the first one will remove all info (except external drives) and the second will lose only data that you did not save23:22
erstazilike for say you have maemopad open and you didn't save what you typed/tapped23:23
erstaziI never taken it to an authorized nokia bla bla23:23
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Nermalso removing the battery clears nothing but the code ? that seems a bit strange23:24
erstazino no23:25
erstaziit doesn't reset the code23:25
erstazibut if you are stuck and cannot get out of the locked setting23:25
erstazior maybe I was drunk that night23:25
erstaziok, nevermind about the battery part23:25
Nermalah - no it's unlocked - but I don't know the code23:25
erstazi12345 is the default23:25
Nermalso I can't change it23:25
Nermalthat's not workin23:25
erstaziNermal: did you buy this off ebay or something?23:25
Nermalthe perils of buying off ebay :D23:26
* Nermal messages the seller to ask if he set one23:26
erstazicontact the buyer and ask them23:26
erstaziI mean not the buyer but seller23:26
NermalI flashed the latest image today but as you said it seems the code remains23:26
Nermalany lockout for entering the code incorrectly a number of times?23:26
nisse-My first moments with maemo have been quite nice.23:26
* erstazi *was* a seller (not a buyer) for a long time so I think of people as only buyers23:26
nisse-Thank you guys.23:26
erstazinisse-: no prob23:26
erstaziNermal: I never experienced it23:27
erstazibut good luck guessing that many combinations!23:27
NermalI'll wait for a response and hope he knows23:27
kulvelardman: yes, this usually is too late for me (but I read backlogs usually)23:27
erstaziI don't know the max allowed characters23:27
Nermala simple perl script surely ;)23:27
tsoperfect, i may have broken a file used to track the status of apt-get, and i cant do anything about it as i need to be root :(23:27
Nermalabout 823:27
kulvelardman: and no, I don't have a clue about packing..23:27
tsogrr, i dont want to reflash it23:27
erstaziNermal: 8 sounds about right, I haven't changed mine in ages23:28
pupniktso - yes you can fix dpkg-status23:29
tsothats what i get for never using debian :P23:30
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pupnik/var/lib/dpkg/status and a backup is in status-old23:30
tsoproblem is that i do not have becomeroot or similar at hand. didnt install it :(23:30
pupnikcan you ssh to the device?  ssh root@
Nermalmaybe it's on another partition23:31
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tsonot a option either :(23:32
Nermalwill changing the root / user password (because I'm installing sshd) affect anything ? (like gainroot etc)23:33
tsothat is unless i can install one of those even if the status is broken :P23:37
pupnikNermal: passwords should be set23:38
pupnikby you23:38
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tsohmm, sudo. can one run dpkg-status using sudo?23:44
Sho_btw: anyone ever tried connecting an external hard drive to the n800 via the USB port? should work, right?23:47
Sho_(provided the drive has its own battery power supply, etc)23:48
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lardmankulve: thanks23:49
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lardmanRight, any thoughts on the cause of these compiler errors?:

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