IRC log of #maemo for Thursday, 2007-08-23

Blacksitoxahavi ?00:00
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pupnikyou get a program working right - then you with there was a button to press for the maemo packaging00:07
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BlacksitoxtimelE61i, view
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rikis correct for OS 2007 version 4?00:30
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rikoh. no.00:33
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Stareasy question for most of you i guess :/ ... is there irc software for nokia 770?00:50
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milhouseitt forum is a bit sick tonight00:51
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milhousehmmm.... whats happend to _monkey...00:53
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erstaziwelcome back _Monkey01:01
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Tu13es_is ITT down?01:03
milhouseseems to be01:03
erstaziTu13es_: earlier it was01:03
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milhousethat or it's a DoS attack - up and down01:03
erstaziit's average ping is 148ms01:03
Tu13esI haven't been able to get there most of this afternoon01:03
milhousecould be a database issue01:03
erstazimilhouse: true on both01:04
Tu13esyeah, I think I got a db error msg earlier01:04
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Tu13esnow I get nothing01:04
erstaziwhy would someone want to DoS attack that site, unless its automated01:04
Tu13esoh well, I won't die01:04
milhouseit just hangs01:04
milhouseQ1 owners?01:04
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milhouseJealous of our pocket wonder...01:04
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sullyThe g/f really got sold on the tablet this weekend. Used it for all our e-mail/browsing from the bed and breakfast we were at, plus GPS duties.01:06
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Tu13esI bought a n770 on woot01:08
Tu13esloved it01:08
Tu13esgf was like "wow, that's awesome, I want it"01:08 here01:08
Tu13esso now she has it and I bought a n80001:08
erstaziTu13es: that is how my wife was01:08
Tu13esnow she wants a n80001:08
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pupnikheh i just was using the 770 in the park again today01:15
pupnikand after 8 months of owning it01:15
pupniki was like01:16
pupnik"This is AWESOME!"01:16
pupnikit's so slim!  and SOLID!  and linuxy!  and bright!  and hires!  and pretty fast!01:16
* sully nods01:17
pupnikand how is it possible that the screen got dirty many times01:19
pupnikbut i see no scratches?01:19
pupnikwhat is that substance?01:19
pupnikin this world full of ape-humans, we should be really thankful towards the smart people01:20
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sp3000hmm, fullscreen button crashed my browser :)01:24
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sp3000hrm, I think I ran out of space dumping core :(01:29
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milhouse <--- Tero Ojanperä talks about Nokia 770 at 22 minutes... doesn't say much very interesting other than Nokia are getting behind open source (and that "you can't develop open source inhouse" - genius). :)01:39
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milhousehmmm... that's actually quite an old podcast!01:42
milhousenot new at all... dates from oct 200601:42
milhousealthough it must be... he mentions the new N95 8GB phone which has only just surfaced... looks like the RSS feed details are out of whack01:43
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milhouseitt is back :)02:24
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_Monkeyniihau, kikka03:00
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kikkaSpricht hier wer Deutsch/Does here someone speak german?03:30
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NeoStriderhello folks03:59
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sullyAnyone have that issue with Maemo Mapper 1.4.7 where you try to load the program but nothing ever happens?05:35
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Darksmurfwhen trying to integrate BT Pan in the connection manager via the instruction on the maemo wiki the instructions say to install a d-bus script and it gives a link to a site. That site seems to be down. Anyone know where I could find these scripts?06:05
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unique311what is the name of this jack?06:52
unique311i need the name of the end it connects to really06:53
unique311which would be the male end i guess06:53
_Monkeyhmmm... anybody is Im here06:55
Piounique311, coaxial07:06
Piothe connector is called BNC07:06
Piothe cable is coaxial07:06
Pioacutally thats not a BNC07:06
Pioyeah i dunno :)07:07
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unique311i got it..07:24
unique311trying to make an antenna for my N80007:24
unique311almost donw07:24
erstaziunique311, what kind of antenna?07:25
erstazibluetooth I see07:25
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erstaziI am tired and I just need to go to sleep07:26
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unique311not bluetoot07:27
unique311just using the antenna part because i had it laying around.07:27
unique311but for the fm radio07:27
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unique311i stuck a metal stylus inside the headphone jack on the N800 and the  fmradio worked...07:29
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unique311so i had some shitty headphones and decided to make an antenna for the n80007:30
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pupnikfound a performance chewing bug in Ur-Quan Masters08:03
pupnikreally need to get some profiling info on the device though08:03
pupnikunique311: you around?08:04
unique311think i just screwed up one of my sd's08:05
pupnikzodttd said he was getting 1-2 fps in his first version of the psx emulator on the gp2x08:05
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unique311which is almost what you get on the 770 right?08:05
pupnikthen like three people worked over two years to optimize it08:06
pupnikthey're coming up with a new release soon08:06
unique311isn't the gp2x version right now using opengl08:07
pupnikand then he says he'll give me access to it08:07
pupnikit's all in software using a custom 3d engine08:07
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unique311so he should just hand over the gpu plugins source08:08
pupnikmost of his work was on the r3000 core08:08
unique311pretty much the only thing you need right08:08
pupnikthey optimised gpu, spu and core08:08
pupnikthe n800 might even be able to play sound smooth08:09
pupnikwhich the gp2x can't right now08:09
pupnikplus their cdr plugin can read compressed images which is really important08:09
pupnika number of psx games compress from 600MB down to around 300MB08:09
unique311still much, compressed08:10
unique311don't talk about size right now..08:10
unique311i just screwed up a 512 miniSD08:10
pupnikyeah and a lot of them hardly compress at all, so those 2-4 cd games will take 1-2.5 GB08:10
pupnikoh sorry08:10
pupnikat least sd is the best deal in flash now08:11
unique311those things are cheap now.08:12
unique311big news was 16GB sd november or october08:13
unique31132 in january08:13
Luriayeah 16gb for $3k or something nuts08:14
unique311should be half that price when it hits by xmas08:14
unique311or less08:15
Luriascratch that08:15
unique31116GB for 35008:15
Luriatoshiba is annouced it as $35008:15
unique31132 for something like 70008:15
Luriai was think about this08:15
unique311i doubt the value will hold by release.  who do they plan to sell those too.08:16
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Luriadid they say what class08:16
Luriaoh god this radio is complicated...08:18
unique311the n800?08:19
_Monkeythe n800 is much better than a desk phone :-)08:19
Luriai just ordered it08:20
Luriai figure by the time it comes, my amatuer radio license will be processed08:20
Luriaerrr... metathesis08:20
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unique311getting that my card is corrupted or not formatted..08:21
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unique311tried formatting it,08:21
unique311no go08:21
unique311how do i uncorrupt it.08:22
Luriafat32 on a desktop?08:23
Luriaand it's not working?08:23
unique311not working on phone08:23
Luriabad card perhaps?08:23
unique311or pc08:23
unique311shows up on pc08:24
unique311but doesn't want to format or open08:24
unique311shows up but give the corrupt and or not format error08:24
unique311on the ppc it doesn't show up at all08:24
Luriawait, you are trying to format from the pc via the n800 as a mass storage device?08:24
unique311because i'm not able to do it on the n80008:25
Luriauh... do you have a reader for the desktop08:25
Luriai dont know if you can do what you are trying to do08:25
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Luriai love the fcc questions that deal with "amateur space stations"08:29
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pupnikdid i mention i fixed the onscreen button logic last night?08:39
Luriaor better yet, exceptions dealing with "controlling a space station"08:39
pupnikwhat got you interested in HAM?08:40
pupnikit's kind of a throwback08:40
Luriaa slashdot post, actually.08:40
Luriasomeone mentioned that most geeks could pass the technician exam off the bat08:41
Luriaand he wasnt wrong08:41
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unique311is a license needed?08:42
Luriabut it's trivial, if you have common physics and common sense08:43
Luriafor the basic tech exam08:43
Luriageneral class is a little harder; extra is about as hard as a mid-level undergrad ee course08:44
unique311what will you be broadcasting?08:44
Luriabut, you can make it as complicated as you want; from desigining antennas to dsp circuits...08:44
Luriaor joining amsat :-)08:44
Luriayou cant broadcast :-)08:45
Luriabroadcasting is a specific term that is sehr verboten08:45
unique311just for communicating with others08:45
Luriafor non commercial purposes, yes08:45
Luriabut the cool thing is this08:45
Luriaevery other type of radio in the us, frs, cb, whatever08:46
Luriarequires you to buy hardware that is fcc approved.08:46
Luriaa ham license allows you to do whatever you want with a vfo, as long as it fits in the fcc regs08:47
Luriaand at 400x the power of off the shelf non-license user radios08:47
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unique311looking at the wikipedia08:50
unique311good stuff08:50
unique311i was thinking pirate radio.08:52
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unique311pupnik, did you check out faint on the garage...08:54
pupnikno, you said it was just a compile08:55
unique311guess someone is going to hildon it08:55
unique311well yeah..he uploaded the files08:55
pupnikcool, hopefully he can do that08:56
unique311guess he serious about hildonizing it. finally.08:56
pupnikthe memory bug on 770 needs to be fixed too08:56
unique311someone took notice of all these goodies.08:56
unique311well the 770 could do really nice with rgbpaint08:56
pupnikyeah that's an interesting bug with the pallettes08:57
unique311take a look at his mtpaint source after he hildon it, and try at rgbpaint08:57
* pupnik is playing final fantasy IX 08:57
unique311i love me some final fantasy08:58
unique311best game ever..08:58
pupnikincredible amount of work went into it08:58
unique311love 7 8 and 908:58
pupnikff7 was the best selling psx game afaik08:58
pupnikand each of those cost millions to make08:59
unique311i ended 7 and 808:59
Luriapupnik, google hildon ham08:59
pupnikwhat do you control with the nokia?  frequency?09:00
pupnikor is this about packet radio?09:00
Luriaonce you link the audio out to a transceiver09:01
Luriayou can do what you want09:01
pupnikok that's cool09:01
Luriaor rather, audio in/out09:01
Luriayou could build, for example, a cw (morse) transcriber/translator09:02
Luriaeven better if someone gets a bt rs-232 working09:03
Lurialook up aprs09:03
Luriaand winlink09:03
Luriatwo very cool things that lend themselves to the maemo platform09:03
pupniki can't be intere... whoah09:04
Luriaemails from the amazon with positioning data :-)09:05
Luriahmmm... wonder what that was09:05
pupnikbad smell from power supply nm09:07
pupnikyeah it's cool stuff you're getting into09:07
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Luriablown cap?09:13
pupnikthat's usually the smell09:15
pupniki just shut down and will replace psu09:15
pupniknot going to risk some bad shockyness on my drives09:15
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Luriabe super careful09:18
Luriai would ground and ware rubber shoes for a bad psu09:19
Luriaerr... wear09:19
Luriaif you electrocute yourself and die, do let us know.09:20
pupnikthis one scientist i know once woke up on the other side of the room from his workbench09:21
Luriahigh volt caps are scary09:23
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Luriahuh... i left my computer on at home!?!09:23
LynoureIs there some known good source for replacement screens for N770?09:24
pupnikyeah some people who use huge caps in car audio screw up and reverse polatiry09:24
pupnikLynoure: you can order replacement screens for about 150 euro09:24
pupniknokia parts shop online09:25
Lynourepupnik: is that Nokia price or component store price?09:25
Lynourepupnik: ah.09:25
pupniki just saw the link a couple of days ago09:25
Luriaor you could order a replacement 770 for 150usd09:26
Luriaactually less09:26
pupnikhow did you break yours?09:26
LynoureLuria: but then one needs to be careful not to have the same problem in them09:26
pupnikoh you have touchscreen errors?09:26
Lynourepupnik: I did not, it just lost touch sensitivity drasticly with time09:26
pupnikah i saw your picture09:26
pupniksorry to hear of it09:27
Lynourepupnik: well, as the result (I think), it was given to me09:27
LynoureSo not a loss of anything else than expectations =)09:28
Luriasounds like it should be retired to server duty09:29
Luriaj/k, somewhat09:29
LynoureLuria: it kinda can work for pdf reading, once I get the reader started. Is there some way to get to the application menu with just using the buttons?09:30
Luriayes, 2nd button from the bottom on the face09:32
Luriait looks like a drop down menu list09:32
LynoureOh, it works for that too... somehow did not think of it outside app-specific menus09:32
Luriathe equivalent of hitting alt(+f) on a windows box09:32
Luriai dont understand why you would replace the screen though, when a brand new one is less expensive09:33
Luriawith fresh battery, warranty, etc, etc.09:34
LynoureLuria: there are no brand new N770, are there?09:34
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Luriawell, there is new old stock09:35
Luriawhere are you?09:35
Luriacountry wise09:35
LynoureLuria: If I could get a component screen, that should not be more than ~70 euros, max09:35
_MonkeyFinland is closed in July due to holidays. Please come back later ;)09:35
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Luriasorry, they are remarkably cheap in the us now09:36
Luriaseen them as low as 129usd09:37
_MonkeyI haven't seen 'them', Luria09:37
Luria_monkey, forget them09:37
_MonkeyLuria, I didn't have anything matching them09:37
Luria_monkey, _Monkey?09:37
_Monkeyi am an annoying bot09:37
Luriadamn straight.09:37
LynoureLuria: I'm possibly buying a used one for ~100, but I'd rather first take a shot at fixing this one.09:40
Luriai understand09:41
Lynoure(100 euros, not dollars, unfortunately)09:41
Luria770 reliability kinda scares me, actually09:41
Luriaand i just ordered one09:41
Luria(i have an n800)09:41
pupnika percentage just have flaky touch screens09:42
Luriaplus WSOD09:42
LynoureThat seems how touchscreens go. Luckily new-new devices often come with 24 month warranty09:42
Gigabitesi've seen barely used 770s on craig's list  if you have such thing in your country09:42
Luriawhich is why i would avoid a used 770 unless it were $5009:43
Gigabitessome as low as $9009:43
Gigabitesmost people just wanna get rid of em09:43
Gigabitessince the 770 didn't live up to their expectations09:43
LynoureGigabites: I could no buy one without testing it first, but I know couple of people possible wanting to sell theirs09:44
Gigabitesi bought a new in box N800 for $250 and i tested it while I was there before paying for it, it's now my "just in case" back up"09:44
Luriai like the n80009:44
Luriaits almost my perfect device09:44
Gigabitesthat'sthe beaauty of craig's list, it's local, you go to it to buy it, so you can do a quick test09:45
LynoureI like the N770 shape better09:45
Gigabitesi bought my n800 for $230 new at compusa when they closed stores, I should have bought all of em and sold em for a small profit  heh09:45
Luriasomewhere between the n800 and
Lynourethe case is especially nicer than the eyeglasses-style pouch09:45
Luriayeah, though dont lose the case09:46
Luriai do think the n800 looks a lot better09:46
Luriai mean the 77009:46
Lynourethe camera is useless for me09:46
Gigabiteshahah hopefully closer to the n800, $4k for a tiny computer is a bit much09:46
LynoureI have camera in the phone and in the camera already :)09:46
LynoureBut, I better head to work now.09:47
Luriaread the review09:47
Luriathe coolest machine ever09:47
Luriaits like a modern version of my panasonic cf-m3409:47
Gigabitessure, but i don't need  $4k tiny pc09:48
Gigabites$300 for a n800 is good for what it is09:48
Luriaplus, the general dynamics logo looks like it came out of robocop09:48
Luriahey, no complaints here09:48
Luriabut i would love a rugged n80009:49
Gigabitessub $300 in my case09:49
Luriaand for the love of god, if not xflective, an outdoors readable screen09:49
Luriaits such a waste of battery power not to have it09:50
Gigabitessing maemo mapper in the car is a pain in the daytime09:50
pupnikyou want to compete with the sun, you need a big battery09:50
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Luriano, you dont09:50
pupniksunlight is bright09:50
Luriayou need to compromise on indoors contrast ratio09:50
pupnikpeople shining flashlights in the sun don't make sense09:51
Gigabitesi must say that the n800 has a much better rf for wifi than the 77009:51
pupnikpsion 5mx is readable in sun09:52
Gigabitesyeh but i don't care to own one09:52
Darksmurfunique311: around? that connector is a TNC09:53
Darksmurfgnight all...09:54
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Gigabitesman, wesnoth is the coolest game on n800 so far09:55
Lurianethack, foo!09:55
Gigabitesum different type of game09:55
Luriacoolness is coolnes09:56
Luriaerr... screwed the pooch on that tautology09:56
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Gigabitesnethack is cool if you like rpg that you can't really save your place, die way too fast, has no real storyline, etc09:56
pupnikin roguelikes you die often, it's a different game paradigm09:57
Luriasure, its a good hacker game09:57
Luriadie early, die often.09:57
Gigabiteswesnoth's fit and finish is much better, not so ... "i'm playing at the campus computer lab in the mid '90s"09:57
pupnikthe 90s ruled09:58
Luriawtf is with this 00's bs09:58
Gigabitesthe user made scenarious are cool too09:58
pupniki need to try wesnoth - does it require more than 64MB? (vm)09:59
Gigabitesthe '90s was fun, too bad the music suckede09:59
Luriamusic was fine.09:59
Gigabitespup, yes, 60 meg for the main game, and anywhere between 2-14 megs for scenarious09:59
pupnikthere was an explosion of new musical directions in the 90s09:59
Luriaeternal september sucked09:59
Gigabitesgrunge sucked10:00
Gigabitesand the whole boyband/girlband thing was a joke10:00
pupnikif you refer to pop music, that always sucks10:00
Luriawhich was remedied in the 00s... right?10:00
Luriagrunge didnt suck. some of it sucked.10:01
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Gigabitesno as a music genre and a fashion, it sucked10:01
Luriabed time, sorta10:01
pupnikbtw re: grunge, one of the inspirations for Nirvana was 'Meat Puppets' - early 90s pregrunge that rocked.  Also Pixies rocked (proto-grunge as well)10:02
Luriaor, brb after a subway ride10:02
Gigabitesloveed meat puppets  hated over rated nirvana10:02
pupniknice to meet you :)10:02
Gigabitesi wonder if they have wifi in subways?10:03
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Mikhohow does grunge differ from prog?10:12
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konttoriHey, does anyone know how to get dput for osx?10:35
keesjkonttori: you lucky bastard :p10:37
konttorihow so?10:37
konttoriI was just wondering about that so that I won't have to open linux virtual machine just for a few debian commands10:38
konttoriI'll also need debsign10:38
dpb_fink doesn't have it?10:38
dpb_it has dpkg and apt-get atleast10:39
konttorinot in default at least10:39
keesjyou have osx10:39
dpb_download dput sources and build it then :)10:40
konttorikeesj: ahh. yeah. I love it. Thoroughly recommended. Not looking back to horrible looking pc boxes. mac mini is completely silent and looks terrific.10:40
keesjdoes somebody know why we can not do it inside sbox?10:40
keesj(dput stuff)10:40
dpb_I love my MacBook <310:40
keesjI think I my next computer migt be a apple10:41
dpb_Which is weird for me because I love minimalistic WMs too.. dwm <310:41
* keesj is running wmii as window manager10:41
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keesjhmm its' the same10:42
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dpb_what's the same?10:43
konttoriahh.. I tried apt-get now, but it can't find dput. I suppose it's not provided by fink10:43
dpb_yeah, thought so..10:44
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keesjdwm == wmii10:47
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dpb_It's not.10:49
dpb_wmii is way too bloated. :)10:49
dpb_dwm is wmii's little brother, they're not the same.10:50
metratronno wifi in nyc subways11:01
metratronexcept for this little bit in 59th street, where you can catch a bit of the parkwifi ssid11:02
metratronif you are lucky, it will route to the internet.11:02
metratronwhich was tested with my n800, thus channel related (plus a response to Gigabites)11:03
_Monkeyand is xchat same to install11:03
metratron_Monkey, forget and11:03
_Monkeymetratron: I forgot and11:03
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pupnik_how do new yorkers feel about Guiliani in general?11:07
pupnik_listened to an interview with him and he seems mentally damaged11:08
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AD-N770good morning11:52
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floriangood morning12:00
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Helpi dont know whether iam right here or not12:15
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Helpcan someone help me?12:15
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xzui have a problem with my nokia 628012:17
xzui cant put it off anymore12:17
xzuand tomorrow i will fly with a plane -.-12:17
X-Fadexzu: What makes you think you are in the right channel for that? :)12:17
xzui googled Nokia Irc12:18
X-FadeHehe, well read the topic...12:18
xzuok this isnt the right channle?12:18
xzumy english is very bad12:18
X-FadeBut you can always remove your battery?12:18
X-FadeThat will turn it off..12:18
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xzumhhh ok12:19
xzuso thanks12:19
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red-zackpupnik_: are you there?12:25
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pellohello, which tool can i use to get photos from my mobile phone to n800 by bluetooth?12:37
X-Fadepello: Just use the filemanager?12:38
lardmanTurn bt on on the n800 (status bar icon), then just send them from the phone12:38
lardmanor that :)12:38
X-FadeYou have to pair your phone first for that to work though..12:39
pellook thanks12:39
lardmanAD-N770: Ah good, you got it working then. What kind of speed improvement do you get?12:39
AD-N770I want to do more testing before I'll talk about performance improvement, but are faster according oil-test12:41
AD-N770but oil-test uses small vectors and I want test it more to be sure about the improvement12:41
lardmanYou should talk to Siarhei Siamashka of mplayer fame, he's done lots of work optimising ARM asm for that project12:41
AD-N770I know, I wrote some libmpeg2 optimizations :)12:42
lardmanah, okay12:42
AD-N770ssvb: what do you think on use vfp to write memcopy  ?12:43
lardmanssvb: What kinds of memory crunching functions were you thinking about for the DSP?12:44
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konttori_So, now that even psp will get video conferencing, could n800 get it agin as well?
pellothanks my photo are successfully uploaded12:54
konttori_ssvb: thanks for the jpeg out for the mplayer. Great stuff.12:54
pellolast question, how can i phone with my mobile phone from the n800?12:54
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Gigabitespello> rethink your question and ask again13:02
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lardmanpello: gnokii?13:02
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pellolardman: yep :)13:04
lardmanpello: Good good13:04
greygusbmh, i have plenty of way of phoning with my mobile phone from the n80013:06
greygusbone is voip via umts :)13:07
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lardmanCool, the DSP EAP_* stuff has been added to the wishlist :) hadn't noticed that before13:14
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pelloargggg phonelink crash13:20
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unique311where is the new fm radio13:33
Gigabitesi just used app mgr and clicked updates, new fm radio13:34
unique311not showing here'13:34
unique3111.2.0 still13:35
Gigabitesyou might not have the right reps?13:35
unique311which repo is it under13:36
unique311i have catalogue13:36
unique311which 1.2.0 is in13:36
Gigabitesi dunno, i have all reps13:37
Gigabitesmy fm radio is v 1.4.613:37
unique311can u check see what repo u got it from13:38
Gigabitesi dunno how13:38
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BOFH139I have a bit of a braindead q13:43
Nermalo ?13:43
BOFH139I'm tring to get air-crack working, I downloaded pre-compiled cx3110x.ko but where is the org umac.ko locatated on the N800?13:44
unique311strange its in the catalogue repo..13:45
unique311but it is not being updated on my device13:45
unique311manually i guess13:45
Gigabitesthe new "dowload a list of radio stations in  your area" feature is really cool13:45
Gigabitesis your n800 refreshing repos correctly?13:46
unique311says it is..13:46
unique311not sure now if it is.13:46
unique311i don't get any errors.13:46
NermalBOFH139: /lib/modules/<kernel version>/kernel/drivers probably13:47
Nermalor somewhere similar13:47
Nermalcan't you do a locate umac.ko or something ?13:47
* Nermal sadly can't get a 770 or afford an n800 so is guessing :|13:48
unique311should i be doing apt-get upgrades on my n800?13:48
unique311or even apt-get dist-ugrade13:49
ssvbAD-N770: I did not try to do anything with vfp yet, but memcpy is most likely limited with memory bus throughoutput but not with the type of instuctions that are used, the code should be scheduled so that the memory bus is always doing some transfer (flushing write buffer or prefetching new data), also TRM specifies different types of data transfer: 1 word, 4 words and 8 words, larger data transfer blocks mean faster throughoutput (using aligned LDM/STM)13:49
kulveunique311: imo, upgrades are a good thing. They can break things, but usually not..13:49
kulvejust check that it doesn't suggest doing anything too wild13:50
unique311well i never do them..13:50
kulvethe kernel modules are in /mnt/initfs/lib/..13:50
unique311just asking if i should be.13:50
kulveI am13:50
unique311my application manager seems to be broken.13:50
BOFH139Nermal: I don't have whereis or locate :/13:51
kulveBOFH139: 13:50 < kulve> the kernel modules are in /mnt/initfs/lib/..13:51
AD-N770ssvb, I'm thinking on use fldmia/fstmia for multireg load/save and not having to stack arm registers13:52
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AD-N770ssvb: I wrote some code using vfp for liboil13:53
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ssvblardman: I meant data crunching as using DSP for performing some computationaly heavy calculations or even the whole decoder while working with 'some input data buffer' -> 'some output data buffer' (via memory mapping) without any access to audio codec or even framebuffer13:53
kulvessvb: I have speex encoder doing that (not with mmap though). And it gets stucked after 30sec-90sec for unknown reason..13:54
ssvbAD-N770: both fldmia/fstmia and ldmia/stmia can transfer rather large blocks of data via a single instruction more than enough to keep memory bus busy, but benchmarking may really reveal some interesting details13:56
ssvbkulve: nothing is perfect, probably you encountered some bug13:56
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kikkaFunktioniert Maemo 3.0/2007 Edition auf dem n770?13:58
ssvbkulve: for example both 770 and N800 have some (minor) bugs in the framebuffer driver which affect mplayer, but they are probably never triggered from the standard nokia bundled software (xserver) so they were not detected by quality assurance staff13:59
ssvbkulve: the same probably affects dspgateway13:59
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kulvessvb: yeah. The dsp tasks made by nokia seems to be using mmap, so I'll try that next. (I'm not sure about the mmap.. At least they have .cmd file stating something about the memory regions. I haven't yet had the time to study that part.)14:00
kikkaI consider to buy me a n770. Is that worthwhile itself?14:00
Nermalif you can get hold of them14:01
dpb_There is no n770. It's just 770.14:01
Nermalonly place I've found them in stock in the uk now is on amazon with the gps navkit for 150 quid14:01
Nermalwhich if you consider the navkit is normally 80, isn;t too bad14:01
kikkaI'm in germany. It cost here 169€.. new.14:02
unique311k, i see the problem..14:02
unique311getting gpg errors for catalogue  tableteer repo14:03
kikkaFunctions Maemo 3,0 on that 770 (:P)?14:03
kulvekikka: not really14:03
unique311can anyone help me with the gpg keys for catalogue.tableteer, maemo-hackers, and tuomas.kulve.fi14:04
unique311getting gpg errors for those 314:04
kikkaMhm, what are the differents between maemo 2.0 an Maemo 3.0?14:04
kulveyou don't have my key probably there..14:04
kulveunique311: but is that really a problem?14:04
unique311not sure..14:04
unique311it is for catalogue probably.14:04
kulvekikka: maemo3.0 "Bora" is for n800. It has newer software..14:04
unique311its not refreshing.14:04
Gigabitesunique. yeh i'm seeing that error myself in my logs14:05
unique311had to install fm-radio manually14:05
maddlerdoh... looks like google* is almost unreachable...14:05
maddlerfrom Italy at least14:05
kikkakulve: Mhm, that's not the problem... I can work with older software.14:05
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mk8Hi to all14:05
Gigabites3 repos now has gpg errors14:05
unique311well thats not the problem then.14:05
kikkaI think,. i buy an 770. The 800 ist too expensively14:05
Gigabiteskikka, it all depends what you think you will get outta it14:06
Gigabitesif you are new to the whole IT thing, then the 770 is ok14:06
kulvekikka: if you don't want 100% stable stuff, there is a Hacker Edition of the newer stuff for 77014:06
Gigabitesyou will get your feet wet, so to speak14:06
unique311if Gigabites did the fm-radio update with the gpg errors, then thats not the problem.14:06
Gigabitesif you see what the n800 can do better, and you think it's woth the cost, go from there14:06
unique311Gigabites, do you have the headphones icon  on the fm-radio applet14:07
unique311Gigabites, do you have the headphones icon  on the fm-radio applet?14:07
kikkaI think the 770 is optimally for me.14:07
unique311mines seem to be MIA14:07
Gigabitesunique, my repo list was ok as of this afternoon (west coast US time), just now as I checked  i have errors14:07
kulvekikka: 770/n800 is perfect for ircin from anywhere :)14:08
lardmanssvb: I was wondering if you had something specific in mind?14:08
Gigabitesyes, i have headphone icon, speaker icon, it does the download list thing, and it's v1.4.614:08
kikkaircing? Internet Relay Chat?14:08
BOFH139Anybody know where I can get  aireplay for the N800?14:08
lardmanssvb: some particular bit of numbercrunching14:08
unique311well i have 1.4.6 installed14:09
Gigabitesi did like xchat for 770 , if you don't configure it14:09
unique311but the 4 icon on the applet is missing in action14:09
kulvekikka: jep14:09
kikkaMhm, fine. xchat :)14:09
lardmankulve: When you look at mmap, see if you can work out what shmem is in the mmapinfo struct in the task struct14:09
kulve"what shmem"..?14:10
lardmanp57 of the dspgateway spec14:10
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lardmanI don't know whether I need to define it, or if it's a global var provided by the dspgateway/bios14:11
Gigabitesanywhere with a wifi connection14:11
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kulvelardman: wild guess: it's global char shmem[0x1000];?14:13
kikka@770-users, are you contently with the 770 :D?14:15
floriankikka: I am... I have a N800 as well, but the 770 is still in use. Its nicer to carry around because it has a good cover.14:17
kikkaflorian: Du sprichst doch auch Deutsch?14:17
floriankikka: Ja...14:17
ssvblardman: implement some audio decoders (like you and kulve are trying), port some video decoder (libmpeg2 or theora for example), or implement something like xvmc but without using x protocol, and working with dsp tasks directly (accelerate some parts of video decoding such as motion compensation and idct)14:18
kikkaOk. :)14:18
lardmanssvb: The latter part, do you have some code you want put in a task to test with?14:18
kikkaAlso ich werde mir, auch weil ich als schueler nicht soviel Geld haben (^^''), das 770 kaufen :)14:18
maddlerand now is ebay turn...14:19
lardmankulve: Yes, good idea, I'd expected the shared region to be on the ARM side for some reason. Got to read the docs again14:19
maddlersomething strange going on...14:19
lardmanssvb: derf was talking about wanting to try theora on the dsp14:20
kulvelardman: hmm.. maybe it's somehow automatically exported since it's told in the dsptask struct?14:21
lardmankulve: What you say sounds okay, I think I'll need to set the location of that memory in the .cmd file - something new to try14:21
lardmankulve: So that it's in shared SDRAM14:22
kulvelardman: yeah, that's probably required. Please let me know, if you make any progress on that :)14:22
kulveI'll just cut'n'paste it then :)14:22
ssvblardman: that's great, btw access to the framebuffer from dsp is not needed at all, color conversion and scaling can be done by ARM core quite efficiently14:22
lardmankulve: I'll have some time on Sunday/Monday/Tuesday (Bank holiday) so I'll try it then14:24
lardmankulve: I need to copy the slab alloc code from speex first of all14:24
lardmanssvb: Yep, it would be interesting to know why Nokia dropped framebuffer writing dsptasks though14:25
lardmanRight, got to pop out, bbl14:25
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ssvbkulve, lardman: some interesting example is dspfbsink for nokia 770, it moves some frame data into a shared memory and makes DSP scale and display it, it would be probably impossible to do that fast without shared memory mapping between arm and dsp14:26
ssvblardman: probably because nokia thinks that dsp in N800 is not good for video (it runs at 220Mhz, right?)14:27
kulvessvb: is the source for that somewhere?14:27
ssvbkulve: maybe in mistral repository, this dsp task is not used on N800 anymore14:29
kulvesources too? Not just some binary blob?14:29
kulveon the dsp side14:29
ssvbkulve: that's the source of gstreamer part of the bundle, dsp task is still closed source14:30
kulveI think the dsp side would be more interesting.. On ARM side it's just mmap()14:30
kulvemmap() + write()14:30
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kikkaMhm, there are many go software for 770... nice :-)14:34
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ssvbkulve: that dspfbsink is just a good proof that dsp<->arm communication via mapping is fast enough to handle video frames data in real time14:37
kulvessvb: hmm..14:38
kulvessvb: Maybe I'll do some measurements if I get it working14:38
kulvewe had some latency issues some years ago when we tested on omap1510 dev board14:38
kulvebut I think we didn't use mmap then14:38
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kulveon the other hand the latency wasn't about the data amount, but the time it took to transfer a byte there and back. And that needs to be done with mmap too14:39
ssvbkulve: so we can probably do video decoding on dsp and color conversion with video output on arm, yes benchmarks would be quite interesting14:39
ssvbkulve: do you remember some numbers for arm -> dsp -> arm turnaround time?14:40
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kulveit took some milliseconds. And we were encoden 20ms audio frames, so it was quite big percentage.14:41
kulvebut we could have had some bugs there. And the dspgw has improved since then14:41
ssvbkulve: for video it would really need to be order of magnitude lower than interval between frames14:41
kulvewell, I think it's not that bad anymore (hopefully)14:42
kulveI could try to drop the speex encode from my current task and just copy the 20ms data there and back and see how long it takes14:42
ssvbkulve: even if this time is bad, hopefully only the thread communicating with dsp is blocked and other threads are free to use cpu14:44
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greygusbmh, strange15:02
greygusbif i doubleclick some file in the n800 filebrowser, then the associated application starts but does not open the doubleclicked file15:03
kulvebuggy application15:03
greygusbjust happend with a .pdf file, doubleclicked it, evince started, but with no file opened15:03
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kulvehmm.. I think people have that working with evince15:03
greygusbsame happened with mp3's when i had kmplayer installed which then got launched instead of the shipped mediaplayer15:04
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rikanyone used a celluon laserkey bluetooth keyboard?15:28
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rikin fact, is there a good bluetooth keyboard we like? projector is good but not necessary.15:36
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kikkaDoom on 770? -__-16:03
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kulvekikka: doom1 runs just fine..16:10
kikkahm.. amarok? is there any amarok on 770? Or something else? MPlayer?16:11
pupnikcan we get source for dspfbsink for 77016:11
pupnikoh sry16:11
erstazikikka: amarok is quite big, and its a Qt app,... which is KDE, the Hildon DE on a 770 is a part-project of Gnome16:12
erstazipupnik: sorry for what?16:12
kikkaerstazi: Okay :)16:12
pupnikkikka yes mplayer16:13
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pupniki am very zufrieden with my 77016:13
kikkaAh, cool. :)16:13
pupnikkikka you know linux?16:13
TyborAre emacs and vim usable using a Bluetooth keyboard?16:13
erstaziTybor: I use vi and nano without a keyboard16:14
keesj_wrong kind of question , it depends on who you ask16:14
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erstazihello DaniloCesar16:14
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TyborI've heard they have problems with esc or ctrl or alt keys16:14
_Monkeyhello, DaniloCesar16:15
erstaziTybor: ah, that depends16:15
pupnikmy thinkoutside stowaway bt keyboard has no problems16:15
Tyborerstazi, on what?16:15
pupnikbusybox vi has bugs though so for serious editing install real vim16:15
erstaziTybor: on how much you want to load a whole operating system on your nokia (emacs) haha just playing (:16:15
Tyborerstazi, oh no worries: I loaded linux on Amigas, on low-end iBooks, on Psion 5mx. So I'm used to tight spaces16:16
erstaziTybor: heh, I am just playing though16:16
rwhitbyemacs, a great operating system abstraction layer :-)16:17
Tyborerstazi, does such keyboard allow sequenses like ALT-CTRL-%?16:17
erstaziTybor: I have seen many that do, I do not use a keyboard, for serious typing on my nokia, I just ssh16:17
Tyborok thanks!16:18
keesj_I really love the hackers osso-xterm in combo with irssi, the few buttons make it really healthy to work with16:18
Tyborgot to go... happy hacking16:18
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keesj_perhaps that for emacs you can map those keys to C-x stuff16:19
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mk8Hi to all ... I'm trying to update my maemo sdk from 3.1 to 3.2 so I try to follow this instruction but apt-get dist-upgrade tell me the the is not upgrade. Can anyone help me?16:23
kulve"the the is not upgrade"? iirc, there's not much to upgrade..16:24
kulvesomething ofc, but not much16:24
mk8kulve: from 3.1 to 3.2 something to upgrade must to be16:25
mk8atp-get tell me no upgrade ... :(16:25
erstazimk8: did you update your sources.list?16:26
infoboterstazi meant: mk8: did you change your sources.list?16:26
mk8I remove all the old lines (I comment it of course) and insert the line that the installer told me16:26
pupnikdid you run apt-get update?16:29
mk8from scratchbox. Both x86 and ARMEL enironment16:29
kikkacan i connect from ubuntu feisty to maemo?16:29
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erstazikikka: what kind of connection?16:30
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pupnikmk8 i do know an answer16:30
pupnik maemo is the application development platform for the Nokia Internet Tablets16:30
kikka<erstazi> kikka: what kind of connection? <- usb, bluetooth.16:31
kulvekikka: with usb at least16:31
pupnikyou can connect to the 770 tablet via ssh and vnc for example16:31
kikkaMhm... Datatranfer -> scp?16:31
pupnikyes also you can transfer files via usb16:31
kikkaOk. :D16:32
rikpupnik: do you use a bluetooth keyboard?16:32
rikwhich one?16:32
pupnikthinkoutside stowaway16:32
riki'm thinking about getting one...16:32
* rik googles.16:33
erstazipupnik, on your 770?16:33
rikoh. do you lke it?16:33
pupnikyes but mostly i chat and do unix commands with it - no programming16:33
pupnikthinkouside sierra has number row16:34
rikwould it be awkward for programming then?16:34
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pupnikyou need to get used to function-key combinations for the 4th row16:35
erstazilike most modern laptops16:35
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kikka<kulve> kikka: <- Thanks.16:35
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kulve< kikka> <kulve> kikka: np :)16:36
erstazioh no, bottom posting in irc16:36
rikhmm. thanks.16:37
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erstazipupnik: iGo Stowaway BT Keyboard or iGo Stowaway Ultra-Slim BT Keyboard?16:40
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pupnikdon't know16:45
erstazithat looks nice16:46
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lardmanssvb, kulve: I'll take a look at the gstreamer part of that task, the audio sinks also do mmap - I was looking at dsppcmsink17:03
lardmandis55 infact17:04
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* pupnik imagines opengl on DSP17:06
pupnikin userspace :P17:06
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lardmanopengl using the powervr mbx is more like it17:09
pupniknot for 770 :)17:09
lardmanah, true17:09
greygusbdid i really see some progress on the powervr driver situation17:10
lardmannor for the n800 ;)17:10
pupnikbut i am being silly - ogg decoding will save about 10-12% ARM cpu17:10
greygusbi remember seeing some links yesterday in a ps1 emulator thread, but did not click them as it already was way too late17:10
lardmangreygusb: There's a 2.6.x kernel driver (wrong version kernel) and opengl tarball somewhere on the Ti site17:10
lardmanon itt?17:10
greygusbone sec, i'll have a lok again17:11
pupniklardman: it is under the 'gaming' section17:11
* lardman fires up a browser17:11
pupniksorry greygusb17:11
greygusbnp, i just saw them and thought i have to have a look today17:11
greygusbof course i forgot :)17:11
pupnikit might theoretically be possible to run the GPU renderer on the DSP17:12
pupnikor the SPU17:13
pupnikbut there are a lot of synchronisation issues17:13
lardmaninteresting, sign up to the newletter with an option to notify about n800 drivers. That wasn't there when I signed up17:13
pupnikbut it would be easier than say running the SNES PPU on DSP17:14
kulvelardman: it's been there quite awhile and I haven't received a single mail there..17:14
pupnikthat would be practically impossible17:14
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lardmankulve: Well it's a step in the right direction hey?17:15
lardmanpupnik: What's the PPU?17:16
greygusbthats what i thought, the last time i checked the powervr issue all that was visible was some strange pepperpad drivers ...17:16
lardmanthey've been around for ages, different processor though17:17
pupnik'Pixel Processing Unit' - the device that does the sprites and layers and raster effects on SNES.  It is the most expensive part of snes emulation.17:18
greygusbyes, but compared to that for me now something has improved, information wise. not much, but someething. thats all i wanted to say ;)17:18
pupniknext-gen iphone-like user interfaces would also benefit from openGL - even if just for 2D scaling and layering17:19
lardmanpupnik: Where there;s a will there's a way, I'm sure you could get the PPU running on there if you really wanted to17:20
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pupnikyes, a very smart dedicated person with maybe 1 year time :)17:21
pupnikthe psx GPU is much more decoupled from cpu17:21
lardmanI guess it depends on how the commands are sent to it17:22
pupnikon SNES they need to be clock synced17:22
lardmanwhether you'd have to emulate the pipelines, etc., or if you could handle it at a higher level17:22
greygusbdoen't it mkae more sense to just port some native linux games to the device, i mean there are tons of them, and many don;t need 3d at all17:22
pupnikno clean API17:22
lardmanwell that's not the end of the world, as the CPU part it emulated too17:22
pupnikgreygusb: see for games :)17:22 is a great source, in case you don't know the page - its a time killer ;)17:23
pupniki have a long list of tasks if you want to work on any of them17:23
lardmanAnyway, gf just turned up, time to go. I'll be back after the weekend, and hacking on the Tremor/mmap problem to see where it goes17:23
lardmanhave a nice weekend all17:23
pupnikcheers!  awesome17:23
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greygusbpupnik: I'm not much of a coder (only perl/php and other interpreted stuff). If you need artwork or storylines though, just ask ;)17:24
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pupnikthere is a kind-of boring artwork job.  Secret Maryo Chronicles 0.97 needs bitmaps/sprites from the 1.0 version converted to it17:25
pupnikbecause 1.0 uses openGL17:25
pupnikbut i can do this - it's just processing17:26
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greygusbmh, converting, i was more talking about painting/designing ;)17:26
pupnikdo you have skills to do low-res pixel pushing for icons/sprites?  like 20x20 sprites?17:27
greygusbdid graffitti art some years ago, so comic like grafics are no problem ;)17:27
pupnikah ok17:27
greygusbmh, icons you mean?17:27
greygusbnot much experience, more bigger stuff17:27
greygusbi think I'd take longer than somebody who regulary does it to et usefull results17:28
greygusbbut yeah, something i'd try. Depends on how much of course, I'd not like to do the whole KDE icon set once more, but 10 - 20 should be fine ;)17:29
greygusbmh, i should not install the frodo emulator - i should not install the frodo .... too late17:30
* greygusb is now busy17:30
pupnikfrodo needs a 2x screen scaler mode - also frodo authors are slowly writing a SDL config frontend17:31
greygusbi just installed it, will try out later when at home17:31
pupnikok :)17:31
pupniki think i included a reasonable config for it17:31
greygusbjust love frodo, I'm an old C64 junkie - was my first computer :)17:32
pupnikgreat - you give feedback and i will make it better17:32
greygusbsure, just have to stay at work for at least like 5h or so17:32
pupnikover the next weeks i mean...17:33
greygusbi wonder if there is some organized testing for n800 apps, something like testopia or so would be cool17:33
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guaquaare wpa encrypted wifi nets supposed to work out-of-the-box with n800?17:34
||cwI believe so17:34
||cwIIRC, even the 770 has WPA support by default17:34
guaquai seem to be unable to connect to my fonera accesspoint17:35
guaquaor moreso to the private part of it17:35
kulveI have wpa working home just fine17:35
kulvewith preshared key or whatever..17:35
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greygusbmh, anyone knows some vector based drawing tool for n800?17:41
greygusbcan be simple, just for drawing some charts17:41
pupnikwhat do you normally use?17:42
_Monkeyit has been said that openoffice is too big.  try abiword and for spreadsheet i think gnumeric is ported17:42
greygusbnot because i like it, its just always installed17:42
greygusbi have gnumeric and abiword for spreadsheets and documents, i nedd something for simple charts17:43
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greygusbinkscape or karbon14 are others that come to my mind, something like that, can be way more primitive17:44
Nermal_Monkey: botsnack17:44
_Monkeythanks Nermal :)17:44
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greygusbdia - perfect -thanks !17:45
greygusbI'll also try sodipodi, should both satisy my needs17:47
greygusbI already don;t use my macbook anymore ... n800 is enough ...17:47
* pupnik points to lonely thinkpad on corner of desk17:47
greygusbI just pray that nokia will add some way of external mionitor connection to the next gen device, that would make me buy it as soon as it appears.17:49
pupnikfor presentations?17:49
Nermaluse a usb -> vga thing ?17:49
greygusbnope, to have it connected to a big monitor at home17:49
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pupnika cheap way to do that is run VNCserver on N80017:50
greygusbthe usb -> vga thing is my approach for now, but quite hackerish, and I'm still not sure the usb port is  full usb 2.0 spped capabe17:50
X-Fadegreygusb: There is still hope that there actually IS tv-out possible for the N800..17:50
greygusbthe usb vga driver needs that17:50
X-FadeThe N95 has tv-out on it's 4 pin jack. The N800 has the same hardware and that same jack..17:51
Nermaltv out on a phone17:51
X-FadeNermal: I even use it ;)17:52
gla55_it's pretty good quality..17:52
greygusbi also would use it17:52
Nermalcan you use it to talk to people too ?17:52
Nermalor have they scrapped that feature17:52
X-FadeCranky Geeks on tv ;)17:52
greygusbthats great info, did not hear about the 4 pin thinggy17:52
gla55_especially if you use it to watch hw decodd 640x480 flicks17:52
greygusbanyone tried to connect something to it ?17:52
X-Fadegreygusb: That doesn't do anything..17:52
X-FadeNeeds driver support..17:52
greygusbi see17:53
X-FadeBut even then it is not sure that the hardware is connected.17:53
greygusbmh, maybe same amoutn of work as getting usb-vga working17:53
greygusbthere is a driver for sis based usb-vga devices17:53
X-Fadegreygusb: Just export your display? Or use vnc.. That is the easy way..17:53
Nermalgreygusb: maybe ?17:54
greygusbhowever, needs full speed usb2.0 and its kernel and X driver. so i assume you have to patch the kernel, patch the mutated x and so on17:54
pellowhich tool do you use to browse samba/NT shares ?17:54
greygusboh, wow. nice schematics17:55
Nermaloops-  big "company confidential" on it :|17:56
greygusbups, i only read "customer care" lol17:57
greygusbI already have forgotten the url and never seen any pdf about nokia things - what are we talking about ?17:57
greygusbof course17:59
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pupnikheh you can just run xmkmf from the host side of sb :P18:30
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BenSwdoes anyone know where to find the Python2.4 binary for Maemo?18:33
BenSwor how to install python2.4.2 by scratch on the n800?18:34
pupnikapt-cache search python18:34
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_Monkeyi heard python was at!18:35
BenSwit is, but they have the 2.5 version18:35
BenSwsomething that is incompatible with my usb driver18:35
pupnikin gregale i see 2.4 and 2.518:35
pupnikpackage = python2.418:35
BenSwgregale is something like apt-get?18:36
BenSwapt-cache returns with only 2.518:36
BenSwpupnik, where can I get said gregale to download 2.4.218:38
pupnikgregale is a version of maemo18:39
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pupnikso if apt-cache search only returns python2.5 you may have to search for 2.418:39
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BenSwvia apt-get?18:40
BenSwerr apt-cache18:40
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timelE61ianyone here understand svn:mime-type?18:40
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pupnikmanually search BenSw - did that pymaemo link help?18:43
BenSwwhich link?18:43
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BenSwok, found a link for it18:45
BenSwinstalling via application manager18:46
BenSwuh oh18:46
BenSwgetting this error18:46
BenSw"Unable to install. Application package is incompatible with current software"18:46
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BenSwpupnik, any ideas?18:49
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pupnikBenSw: you can install with dpkg -i packagename.deb18:52
pupnikthe error means the package was not made for your OS18:53
pupnikbut an older python might work also -- *might*18:53
saaibMorning everyone18:54
saaibI tried to install a couple of packages from garage and suceeded, but when I uninstalled them, the software still shows up in the menu18:55
BenSwdpkg: status database area is locked by another process18:55
BenSwthats what i meant to say18:55
saaibBenSw, that happened to me yesterday, I had to reboot the tablet in order to even get the list of packages installed18:56
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BenSwyeah, does not match system18:58
BenSwdpkg: error processing pymaemo-runtime_1.1-1_arm.deb (--install):18:58
BenSw package architecture (arm) does not match system (armel)18:58
BenSwdo you know of a version of pymaemo 1.1.1 or python 2.4.2 that was created for n80019:00
BenSwi have a feeling that this one was out only for the n770, and when the n800 came out python2.5.1 was out already19:01
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pupnikBenSw: any arm binary will not run - you need armel19:08
pupnikit2005 = arm... do not use19:08
pupnikit2006 = armel, will usually run on it2007 (N800)19:09
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devBenSw: what "usb driver" do you want to use?19:10
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devBenSw: ?19:14
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BenSwwas out for a second19:17
BenSwone that I have made myself using pyusb and a special version of libusb19:17
BenSwcontrols a compass that I have made19:18
devand why can't you use 2.5 with it?19:18
BenSwit wont run under 2.519:19
BenSwit was built specifically for 2.4 and we have been able to get it to run only under 2.419:19
BenSwwhen I try to install by hand it says I dont have g++.... whats the easiest way to get that?19:23
devand you can't build pyusb against 2.5?19:23
BenSwI don't think that is the point... the code will only work under 2.4 by using the special libusb that was created for 2.419:24
BenSwWhen I talked to the guy who created it and suggested running it under 2.5 he blew up and said "IT MUST BE RUN UNDER 2.4"19:25
devdoesn't sound right19:26
devlibusb is just a library, it is independent of the python version19:26
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BenSwI know it doesn't sound right, but considering that we have to get 2.4 to run, what is the easiest way to do that19:27
BenSwWhen I try to manually install it fails because it doenst have g++19:27
devmaybe he talked about the python wrapper19:27
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melmothBenSw, are you sure he was not mentionning a 2.4 kernel ? with may be specific usb related entry in /proc or soemthing ?19:33
melmothbecause there are no python feature that are 2.4 and below only that i have heard of?19:34
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erstazihow is everyone?19:42
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saaibmorning erstazi, pretty good19:51
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pupnikwhat's the correct/easy way to rearrange menu shortcuts?20:16
erstazipupnik, I just edit the %gconf.xml file20:17
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pupnikthere are very many gconf.xml files20:18
pupnikaccording to find20:19
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ScorpioRisinghi guys, was wondering if anyone could help me with booting from my mmc card?20:20
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_Monkeyi guess multiboot is "LILO supreme being - 5th element - protect *you*"
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erstazipupnik: ~/.osso/menu/%gconf.xml20:22
erstazithats on OS200620:22
ScorpioRisingthanks, i'm actually working from that guide, I'm right near the end but it won't let me download 'tar'20:22
pupnikthanks erstazi !20:22
erstazithat *should* be correct but its off the top of my head20:23
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erstazihi user__20:23
ScorpioRisingthe following packages have unmet dependencies: busybox: conflicts: tar20:23
erstazihow are you?20:23
ScorpioRisingosso-applet-languageregional-l10n-mr0: depends20:23
pupnikhmm i have .osso/menus/ but no gconf20:23
ScorpioRisingosso-applet-languageregional-l10-es but it is not installable.20:23
erstazipupnik: ls -al20:23
erstazimaybe its somewhere else... let me verify20:23
ScorpioRisingI can't find the repositories for those files20:24
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erstazipupnik: I was wrong, its ~/.osso/menus/applications.menu20:25
erstaziwhich is xml based still20:25
ScorpioRisingI found this link containing similar files, but i don't know how to add it to my catalogue:
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pupnikgot it - thanks20:25
erstazino problem20:25
pupnikhard to read :/20:25
erstazipupnik: the real annoying part about it is, it single lined ):20:25
erstaziand every time I add new lines, it collapses it again20:26
erstazibrb loo20:26
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erstaziok back20:28
erstazihi pleemans, zwnj20:28
zwnjhi erstazi20:29
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ObeLisK_12183hey @ all =)20:51
ObeLisK_12183can somebody help me?=D  on this site here:
ObeLisK_12183thanks =))20:51
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nomisargh, probably another one of these "luring into clicking" things.20:56
nomis"bum game"?20:57
* nomis refuses to click.20:57
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zwnjhelp! i cannot find the default *lock code*.  i just installed 2007.4, but i cannot lock device... any idea?21:03
Protocol-zwnj: it's your wireless' card MAC address21:04
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zwnjProtocol-: oh, thanks21:04
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zwnjProtocol-: the lock code entry panel doesn't have anyway to input hex letters21:06
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* timelE61i waits to see who will notice...21:09
timelE61ihi gil21:09
qgilhi timelE61i - oh my, how many identities inside the same avatar!21:10
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* timelE61i futily puzzles that statement21:12
timelE61iYo no puede traducir.21:14
qgiltimelE61i: does your OS support poetry libraries?21:15
pupniki edit applications menu and it always breaks21:16
pupnikresults in no menu21:16
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pupnikdoes it require a reboot?21:18
timelE61iif you mean the s60 that runs on this phone. Yo no se.21:19
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timelE61iok, i'm hungry, it's after 9, where do i go?21:19
qgilpupnik: do you mean via control panel "Navigation"?21:19
timelE61iyo quiero taco bell?21:20
pupnikno i am editing in ~/.osso/menus21:20
qgiltimelE61i: in fact I was talking about your brain  :)21:20
pupnikrestoring from a backup restores the menu, so i doubt it's a reboot problem21:20
pupnikit'd be nice if vim could do some prettyformating of xml21:21
timelE61iQgil: very limited. Por que tu dices este pregunta?21:21
qgiltimelE61i: because each time I play with language in a non-dictionary way get a remark from you  :)21:22
qgillik gdb flags  :P21:23
* timelE61i puzzles21:23
qgiltimelE61i: btw, yesterday you came to visit but...21:24
qgiltimelE61i: and btw tomorrow I will deliver list of products and components changing, as agreed21:24
timelE61iYeah, i grabbed the shirt and sent it21:24
timelE61iit'll be blogged tomorrow21:24
* qgil sighs because these days everybody coming to visit him just want a maemo t-shirt :'-(21:25
timelE61iyou agreed!21:25
qgiltimelE61i: but still  ;)21:25
timelE61ii'm afew weeks late on that promise21:25
timelE61iesp. Since it still needs to  travel by post21:26
* qgil in facts want to get as many visits as shirts remaining so he can get rid of the boxes21:26
timelE61iwell, you were busy, so i didn't want to interrupt... Anyway, we think we found people to fix
qgilbtw guys & grrls, we have some maemo t-shirts like - any small idea not bringing (me) much thought/work is welcome21:27
timelE61ii'll gladly take a half dozen for future distribution21:28
qgilapproved. next.21:28
pupnikprettyxml for vim
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timelE61ii'll also drag my neighbors tomorrow to get them to take theirs, but i presume those are already budgetted21:29
qgilif Jonna wouldn't be on holidays I she would already made a call like with previous non-digital stuff distributed21:30
* timelE61i tosses a parser warning and moves on21:31
qgilyeah, I saw it21:31
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lle2timelE61i: what was your sb2 patch about? I've lost it21:32
pupnikerstazi: see that prettyxml link - it helped me edit menu without breaking it21:32
timelE61icalling some parsing fn that takes a non const w/ a const pointer21:34
timelE61ii can dig it up again later21:34
lle2hmm, I should clean things up some more I think21:35
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timelE61iI'm currently slightly lost a few blocks from home/work21:35
qgilfast poll: would be fair to offer maemo shirts to those helping *tonight* leaving empty? If you agree I will post here the basic rules of the game - no further distribution, only this chat room21:35
lle2last time I decided to clean a little bit I managed to throw away a couple hundred lines of crap21:36
timelE61iqgil: i generally support such things21:36
lle2helping tonight? what does that mean? is there a party I'm missing somewhere?21:36
qgilonline WikiEdit party21:37
timelE61iif bugs.maemo had more bugs, i'd suggest rewarding triagers. But it doesn't and i'm whacking it sunday anyway21:37
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qgilNokia employees don't count in the poll  :P21:38
timelE61iwe don't need the shirts either. C.f. Qgil ;-p21:39
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qgilso, if I get 10 ok's to a tshirts 4 WikiEdits party, then let's start it. If not, then no problem21:40
qgildelivered at home for free21:41
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lle2you should post that to ask slashdot21:41
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timelE61idear cmdr taco, how do you get your community to take out the trash?21:42
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timelE61ia. We don't, we use a firehose21:43
qgil(I'm secretly polling how many of the 222 people in room are idle)21:43
lle2they're all zombies21:43
timelE61ib. Trash is an endagered species and should be protected21:43
timelE61iit's something like 180-190 i think21:44
timelE61idolske isn't a zombie but he missed the shirt offer21:44
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melmothdid somebody mention free maemo t shirt ? :)21:44
erstaziwhat shirt offer?21:44
tigertqgil: heya21:45
qgilhelp leaving empty and you'll get a free maemo shirt delivered at home (with some conditions)21:46
lle2qgil: maybe you should edit the offer to all the wiki pages that need fixing? then whoever removes the offer from the page automatically qualifies21:46
timelE61ito be fair, you should topic the question21:46
melmothquite an impressing list21:46
erstaziyes it is21:46
qgillle2 good idea, pity that to solve a problem of 10 hours I should invest 5 more  ;)21:46
MoRpHeUzqgil: I think it would be fair.. =)21:47
erstaziis Midgard CMS like mediawiki?21:47
qgilMoRpHeUz: you say ok, 9 left21:47
dolskeAhh, good old d0bfd0be2dd180d183d181d181d0bad0b8. Sounds like a timeless filename. :P21:47
qgilI'm not talking about EDITING pages, I'm talking about triaging the orphans21:47
qgil9 "OK" more and I explain the basic rules of the game21:48
lle2that list depressed me21:48
MoRpHeUzqgil: when you say triage you mean deleting "old" content and keep the ones that deserves to ?21:48
erstazi"A process in which things are ranked in terms of importance or priority"21:49
tigertand probably making sure those get linked to from the correct place?21:49
MoRpHeUzok, got the point ^^^21:49
erstaziand categorized?21:49
MoRpHeUzqgil: at what time this will happen ?21:49
lle2I'd vote for just nuking them, if nobody could access them, they are not worth the trouble21:49
qgilbasically I say deleting what is useless for sure, linking the definitely useful at and the rest at the corresponding section of
melmothqgil it looks that all the nodes of the orphan tree are listed...woudl it not be easier to have only the root of the orphaned tree listed ?21:50
qgilthe content of the pages itself doesn't need to be touvhed - much better if you do but tonight the challenge would be to get rid of the orphans and the (nowadays) trash21:50
timelE61ioh right21:50
timelE61iquestion about wiki21:50
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timelE61ihow does one search it?21:50
MoRpHeUzqgil: tonight...what time at which time zone ?21:50
qgiltimelE61i: there is a search box on the top right21:51
* timelE61i tries searching for "reorganization"21:52
qgilMoRpHeUz: the party starts as soon as I get 1+9 OKs - tomorrow morning I will see if the list is empty and who helped21:52
lle2sounds like trying to assemble a raiding party in some online time-wasting game21:53
qgilmelmoth: I think I don't get your question about the orphans and the tree21:53
timelE61i. . . Slowly . . . Over 3g21:53
melmoththen i dont get the goal :) I though it was detecting orphan pages.21:54
qgilyou waste your time and you get a maemo t-shirt21:54
melmothbut several page listed are actually linked each to the others.21:54
qgilthey are detected, and we need to find either a mother or a trash bin21:54
qgilfor all of them21:54
timelE61iqgil: reorganisation .. No pages21:55
MoRpHeUzqgil: ok.. =)21:55
erstaziI can start from the bottom and work on the way up21:55
qgilmelmoth: these islands are not ehlpful at the moment, I want them to have them either in the wiki main page (the good content) or in the WikiReorg (the dubious/conflictive) or in the trash bin (all the rest i.e. all the QuimGil - like pages)21:55
lle2just cast them to a gobject and free it21:56
erstaziI can see some need to be reorganized and trashed21:56
melmothyep, but it would help having a list of only the root, to be able to, like move a whole subtree.21:56
timelE61iqgil: reorganization .. 3 old pages21:56
melmothi m thinking at several french pages that appears21:56
timelE61iqgil: expected results: page about bugs.maemo.org21:56
qgilerstazi: counting your OK we have 8 left21:56
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melmoththey seems to be all belonging to the same french subtree (root being most probably
qgilif a french page is good goes to Reorg, if it's trash goes to trash bin21:57
lle2how is anybody supposed to know if it's any good?21:57
qgiltimelE61i: have you found "reorgani*ation" in any page other than these?21:58
qgilif you are not sure you list it where appropriate in WikiReorg21:58
melmothwikipages...phear da judgment day :-)21:58
timelE61iqgil: i'm pretty sure it's in the wiki cleanup and bugs maemo pages21:58
lle2shouldn't that be WikiRevolution21:58
qgilhum, it sems the spider is not spidering as often as it should21:59
timelE61iqgil: root problem: i knew we had a page about bugs.maemo22:00
timelE61ibut i couldn't find it22:00
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timelE61ithankfully after i gave up, i happened to spot it linked from the main page22:00
qgilmelmoth: do I count you or not?22:01
keesj_timelE61i: that is the missing sitemap. I know it's old fashion22:01
melmothnope, i may help if i have time, but i use ot go to bed at tenish (in 59 mn)22:01
melmothso it sort of short.22:01
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timelE61ianyway, i'm trodging or trodding home, i'll attack pages using ethernet/dsl. 3g isn't good for wiki cleanup22:02
qgildelete 10 obvious pages and you get a shirt (i.e. MyName pages)22:02
timelE61ikeesj: i don't understand22:02
erstaziqgil: is there documentation (very little of what I found) for Midgard CMS?22:02
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MoRpHeUzqgil: how about having an online store with products from maemo (like tshirts, etc...) to support the community/events ?22:02
lle2we could also sell wiki pages there22:03
keesj_you where not able to finds but never mind I just joined and did not read the full story22:03
timelE61iQgil: anyway, "z" flavor is in bugsmaemo page22:03
qgilerstazi: this? or are you asking about the site specifically?22:03
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MoRpHeUzlle2: =P22:04
erstaziqgil: well, the former, I am familiar with mediawiki and the likes but not this, thank you22:04
timelE61ikeesj: i take it that you now understand my problem?22:04
qgilMoRpHeUz: I'm still asking someone to tell me how to donate the SoC money for community activity and nobody seems to bother/dare22:04
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MoRpHeUzqgil: nobody == somebody at nokia ?22:05, silly....22:05
melmothqgil: where do you list pages that you think are not enough /irrevelant and should be removed ?22:05
qgilI asked in the lists twice or three time, in maemo-developers22:05
MoRpHeUztimelE61i, qgil: missed that thread.... =/22:05
red-zackanyone know where to get the "new" os07 theme for 06 version on 770?22:06
timelE61imelmoth: i think we trust you to kill them22:06
red-zackthe black one, black/blue22:06
red-zackor isnt it possible?22:06
red-zackadria rulz22:06
timelE61isomeone could repackage it22:06
red-zacki have one of it, but it doesnt work22:07
timelE61ii'd offer you mine if that meant i'd never have to see it again :)22:07
red-zackdoes not work correctly22:07
melmothooh, wikireorg, thats  what i was missing22:07
red-zacki like this theme so much, must have it^^22:07
qgilMoRpHeUz: you see? not even offering maemo merchandising for free I'm getting enough OKs  sigh  :)22:07
timelE61itechnically i suspect the license isn't in your favor22:08
MoRpHeUzqgil: hehe, it's really hard... =(22:08
erstaziqgil: oks? I said ok22:08
MoRpHeUzqgil: anyway I'll take a look on those page at night.. =)22:08
timelE61iqgil: feel like abraham visiting lot in gemorah?22:08
red-zackmh, you mean its not good to use it?22:08
timelE61ii suspect that it's not listed as something customers may redistribute22:09
qgilMoRpHeUz, erstazi ... 8 ok's missing for the shirts4edits party22:09
red-zackok, you know someone who could do that?22:10
qgiltimelE61i: *now* I see the poetry inside you  :)22:10
erstaziqgil: so you need 8 more...22:10
qgilyes, I consider that 10 people can easily clean that - I don't want to exploit anybody22:11
qgiland at the end is just a piece of the game  :)22:11
keesj_what is Jussi Kukkonen 's irc nick?22:12
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erstaziqgil: can I pm you?22:12
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timelE61iqgil: i couldn't handle22:12
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ghello boys22:13
erstazihello g22:13
gi got a problem with ctorrent22:13
BenSwHas anyone tried running pyusb on maemo under python2.5?22:13
red-zacktimelE61i:  <- these themes ( os07 ) doent work correctly for my 77022:14
timelE61i... Portrait of the artist as a young man22:15
timelE61ibecause my biblical knowledge is limited to 5 books22:15
timelE61iand i wasn't that great w/ greco roman mythos22:16
red-zacktwo white stripes unter my icon navigation bar, and in control panel fonts are ... not correct too22:16
red-zackok, thanks for interesting22:16
qgilso, it seems that normal users don't have permissions to completely delete pages, which in fact makes sense22:17
qgilI will create a PagesToDelete page so you can link them from there22:18
qgilthis will take them out of the orphan pages and then I can go an delete in mode BRAIN=OFF22:18
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devBenSw: I've made a build with 2.5 a few minutes ago22:19
melmothqgil, is computed on the fly ?22:19
BenSwdev, and it works?22:19
BenSwwhen i try to run some of the sample code i get this error22:19
qgilI get notifications of all the edits, so it's easy to see who did what and earned a free maemo shirt delivered at home22:20
BenSw  File "", line 9, in <module>22:20
BenSw    busses = usb.busses()22:20
BenSwusb.USBError: No error22:20
melmothi just had a try adding a french link in , and it s still shows up as orphan (link is cartememoire)22:20
qgilmelmoth: I would say so, just shift.reload just in case the caching system is tricking you22:20
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melmothyop, shift reload did the trick.22:20
qgilMoRpHeUz, erstazi ... 8 ok's missing for the shirts4edits party22:21
qgilI mean22:21
melmothok, i ll try to list orphan french page then.22:21
qgilMoRpHeUz, erstazi, melmoth... 7 ok's missing for the shirts4edits party22:21
red-zackdamn, cant find this themes.22:21
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qgilred-zack, BenSw I can't believe you don't want to get a free maemo tshirt you can't get anywhere else22:22
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qgil(starting with the agressing marketing)22:22
red-zackqgil: sure, want this shirt too :P22:23
BenSwthat was not a link...22:23
qgilalright, with the permission of tigert I will make the topic even longer - wait22:24
red-zackfirst the theme, next the shirt ;)22:24
red-zackgive it to me baby, aha aha ;)22:24
erstazired-zack: there is a black theme out there for OS2006, I had it for a while22:25
erstaziI don't have the link currently22:25
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gnri would download any tracks of gnr22:25
gnri have used the terminal writing ctorrent -h22:25
gnrbut i have not undestood as download the tracks22:26
red-zackerstazi: you know where to get it now?22:26
gnrcould you help me ?22:26
red-zackah, see-22:26
* timeless wonders how to edit the wiki22:26
gnri would listen guns and roses22:26
red-zackerstazi: you know the name?22:26
gnrin their life they have just sold 90,000,000 of discs in the world22:26
gnrthen i would download in ogg22:26
timelessoh, does the wiki require js?22:26
gnra news for all22:26
gnrthere is not anymore nokia 77022:26
gnronly n 800 and last 3 ones was sent in Finland22:26
gnri have ask if it's possibile to buy22:26
gnrthey have said no !22:26
timelessok, how do i link to a wiki page?22:27
erstazione down22:28
erstaziis this correct: (I did xnest)22:29
erstazilast I knew xnest is part of development and thats a howto22:29
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timelesshow do i delete a page?22:30
erstazitimeless: if the url is like this: then do this [foo|bar]22:30
erstaziwhere bar is the text displayed for the link22:30
erstazitimeless: I believe there is a deletion page,...
whaq__Hey guys... Boot from SD: Aye\Nay?22:31
erstaziwhaq__: some people do that22:31
whaq__erstazi: why don't you then? :)22:32
*** qgil changes topic to "maemo is the application development platform for the Nokia Internet Tablets | Good questions deserve better answers | irc logs at | | login and fav! | HELP CLEANING THE WIKI ***TONIGHT*** AND GET A FREE maemo T-SHIRT!!!"22:32
erstaziwhaq__: um... is this a question about the wiki or a question about booting from SD?22:32
erstazimelmoth: heh22:33
whaq__erstazi: er.. the SD boot22:33
erstaziwhaq__: I could but I don't desire to22:33
whaq__It's supposed to be 2 times faster..22:34
whaq__lowered CPU usage..22:34
erstaziwhaq__: that is what people say, but I have the 770, not the n80022:34
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whaq__Doesn't the 770 get the same benefit? The extra space would be even more useful on 770's 64mb22:35
qgilbe careful, midgard is not very good at dealing with conflicting edits22:35
erstaziqgil: from being an svn user... I feared that22:35
erstaziqgil: PagesToDelete needs linked haha!22:36
erstaziI wonedered why they were not falling off the orphans list22:36
qgilfrom being a power user and admin of 4 different wiki engines, me too22:36
erstaziI will link that somewhere in
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erstaziqpil: ok22:37
qgil(the latter is not midgard'0s fault - squid to blame)22:37
timelesswhat's w/ [d09fd0bed0bcd0bed189d18cd09dd0bed0b2d0b8d187d0bad0b0d0bc] and friends?22:38 needs to use gzip compression22:38
qgilerstazi: I think it does22:38
qgiltimeless: trash22:39
qgilyou might want to pick different letters each and clean them completely (I went through A)  :)22:40
timelessqgil: and i can kill all pages for people?22:40
qgilthis way the chancess of stepping other's toes are smaller22:40
qgiltimeless: definitely22:40
erstaziqgil: I am going from the end of the list22:40
erstazitimeless: I did a few but thanks for noting that22:41
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kikka /clear22:41
qgilthe ones with more edits will get 2 shirts - one for each sex22:42
melmothi only have 1 sex :)22:42
qgilwe've got all sizes to choose from22:42
erstaziqgil: that sounds kinky22:42
erstazihow about Users* pages?22:42
qgilI can move back to 1 for everybody if you prefer22:42
erstazilike UserPittsburgh22:42
qgilerstazi: all deleted22:42
qgilwell, you might have a friend with different XX/XY that never got anything tangible from open source software...22:44
erstaziI am afraid of this non-locking environment22:45
erstazitimeless: since you mentioned you are going to delete people's user pages... lets both gather a list that is formatted and then both inform each other for when we are going to edit22:46
timelesserstazi: i'm not very systematic22:46
timelessi'm sorta running through a middle22:46
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erstaziwell I just don't want to be editing PagesToDelete at the same time as you or anyone else22:47
troozershowdo chaps n' chappettes....22:47
erstazihi troozers22:47
troozersanyone know where i can get "ar" for the N800?22:47
troozersdoesn't seem to be installed by default22:47
BenSwwait, so how do I get this t-shirt?22:48
erstazi_Monkey: ar?22:48
_Monkeyerstazi: no idea22:48
troozersarchive tool... allows you to unpack .deb files ;)22:48
erstaziGNU ar22:48
erstazitroozers: I know what it is, I thought the bot would have that information22:48
troozerslol - oops sorry22:49
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erstazitroozers: its ok, looking for you in a second22:49
BenSwso if i put a page on there i get a free t-shirt?:22:50
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erstaziBenSw: if it was that easy, then yes22:51
erstaziI think the agreement is 10 pages that are *needed* to be deleted22:51
BenSwI don't quite follow22:51
BenSwthats quite a few22:51
erstaziqgil: right?22:51
qgilBenSw: let's say that I will set a minimum tomorrow when I see how many people and how much... 1 edit looks like a bit cheap  ;)22:51
erstaziBenSw: have you ever used mediawiki/wikipedia and edited a page?22:52
qgilyeah, let's say that dealing with 10 pages could be a reference22:52
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erstaziBenSw: is all the pages needed to be linked *somewhere* appropriately22:52
BenSwwhat does said t-shirt look like?22:52
qgilnot only deleting, the most important part here is linking good pages in the index and the WikiReorg page22:52
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timelessbensw: it's on a blog i didn't post yet :)22:52
BenSwoh, thats nice :/22:53
timelessi was saving that blog post for tomorrow22:53
qgilbad pages orphaned is not that bad actually, since there is not easy way to reach them22:53
erstazitroozers: have you tried apt-get install ar22:53
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troozerscouldnt find package ar22:54
qgilBenSw: and more if you look for "guadec" in flickr22:54
MoRpHeUzqgil: ow...too outdated content... hehe22:54
qgilBenSw: I see you are doing this for the sake of the content quality  ;)22:54
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erstazitimeless: are you still doing user pages?22:58
MoRpHeUzerstazi: I finished a lot of user pages22:58
timelesserstazi: i did daf a moment ago22:58
MoRpHeUzjust a few remaining22:58
qgilalright, now I have to leave (time for GNOME call meeting) I hope everything is clear22:58
timelessbut not specificly22:58
timelessi'm trying to figure out Glossary22:58
timelesswhich is basically a pointer to Codenames22:58
melmoth10pm, good night :)22:59
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MoRpHeUzthe hardest part will be the "how to"s23:00
troozershehe - i cheated... ran 'ar' on my linux laptop and copied the results back to the n800 :P23:00
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timelessso um23:01
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timelesscan someone explain how either Delete or Orphans works?23:01
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erstazitimeless: basically orphans are pages that are not linked anywhere23:01
erstazitimeless: since the normal user does not have delete abilities... we just link the page in PagesToDelete23:01
erstazithen someone with those abilities can23:02
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infoboterstazi meant: then someone with those permissions can23:02
timelesswhy isn't daf in pagestodelete?23:02
* timeless put it there23:02
erstaziMoRpHeUz: are you on the howto page right now editing?23:03
MoRpHeUzerstazi: nops...just finished the "half-bottom" of names...23:03
MoRpHeUz(user pages)23:03
erstaziMoRpHeUz: awesome23:03
MoRpHeUzerstazi: how to's will be hard...23:03
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erstaziMoRpHeUz: I am working my way up from the bottom, but not the user pages23:04
MoRpHeUzneed to test/know if the content is still valid23:04
erstaziMoRpHeUz: I am working on those myself23:04
erstaziand I cam checking them23:04
MoRpHeUzgreat! =D23:04
MoRpHeUzerstazi: need to do some coding here..I'll be back in a moment to wiki editing =)23:04
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erstaziwb qgi123:18
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erstaziwho edited Really outdated pages in WikiReorg?23:19
erstazitimeless: should WiFiLocation not be there?23:21
timelessin  which?23:22
erstazioh, we might have crossed posted23:22
erstaziok nevermind23:22
erstaziit looks as if we did23:22
* timeless is napping23:23
erstazitimeless: I thought you removed one of my edits to WikiReorg23:23
timelessnot intentionally :(23:23
timelessi was probably in a lang section for too many seconds23:23
erstazitimeless: oh I know, thats why I wish we could lock files, are you messing with WikiReorg right now? if so, I can stop editing there23:24
timelessi'm watching highlander :)23:24
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erstazinaked bums23:25
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erstaziqgi1: anything about porting should be a priority, I think its one of the key reasons why I bought a nokia as many others have23:28
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erstaziok got a question... what is the difference between [/CompilingVariousBuildDirs] and [CompilingVariousBuildDirs]23:45
erstazidoing [/CompilingVariousBuildDirs] seems to be working but makes CompilingVariousBuildDirs an orphan23:45
erstaziwhich I see a lot23:45
erstaziany suggestions?23:46
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erstaziok, [/foo] is a mediawiki thing, and honestly I do not see a difference of how it changes anything for midguard CMS... I made them all [foo]23:58
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