IRC log of #maemo for Tuesday, 2007-07-17

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cbx33ping OgMaciel00:09
CountDowncbx33: Is that a suggestion for me?00:10
OgMacielcbx33: pong00:10
cbx33Did you point Lucas in my directoin?00:10
OgMacielcbx33: that I did00:11
cbx33I've done all I can to get his stuff looked at00:11
cbx33I've even offered to be his "official" mentor00:11
cbx33if ogra is busy00:11
cbx33as I see he's getting loads of help00:11
OgMacielcbx33: I figured you'd be the right person to look into this00:11
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cbx33I can but try00:11
cbx33got my scratchbox all set up now00:11
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OgMacielcbx33: that is better that what he ahd :)00:11
Piois it safe to change 'user's shell?00:11
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cbx33doko is looking into it tomorrow00:12
cbx33and I emailed leslie at google about it tii00:12
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Veggenhmm. Tempted by the commmunication beta thing...01:20
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CountDownAnyone know why /mnt/initfs/lib/modules/current is linked to /lib/modules/2.6.18-omap1, which doesn't exist?01:22
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CountDownXark: Thanks for the pointer for booting from the the MMC.  I just finished and it works great.01:47
Veggenhmmf. Gotta wait till tomorrow, atleast.for the communication beta-thing. Known bug.01:50
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Luriaare there any tools for maemo development on windows03:53
Luriaor do i have to use the dev vm?03:53
gla55_that everyone would recommend..03:53
gla55_i guess you could write python without as is03:54
Luriawhat i thought03:54
Luriano biggie03:54
SeRiis Konttori in?03:55
SeRidoes any body know  whar the file name for the top toolbar and the side toolbar in the main UI? I am trying to change my themes top and side img03:55
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SeRiany body?04:10
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pupnik  that looks like a decent calendar app..04:46
pupniki dunno what others are using04:47
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Vertoothanks, i have been trying to get a cal for awhile04:47
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pupnikI'd like to create a job position for myself at Nokia.  Description:  Surf the web and look for candidate apps to be integrated in the core it2006/2007 repository, send feedback to authors on packaging problems etc, fix what can be fixed quickly.04:53
Vertoolol. thats what they have the community for. we do it all for free04:55
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megabyte405Dates is kind of clumsy05:01
megabyte405I like the GPE calendar a lot better05:02
megabyte405and it syncs05:02
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Vertooyou got a link?05:03
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GeneralAntillesAnybody tell me how to show the cursor on the N800 for use with Synergy?05:22
GeneralAntillesScript on the garage doesn't seem to work.05:22
megabyte405Vertoo: np - if you find problems with the instructions, let me know - that's my web site05:23
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GeneralAntillesNevermind, fixed it. Thanks guys! :P05:26
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Luriahas there been any progress on the BT mouse front?05:32
Vertoomegabyte405: i dont need to sync anything, and im sure many others don't either. also have red pill set up and all, so a one click install at the top would be nice. from one devesigner to another, a button at the top, maybe a nice gel effect with mouse over effect. green with white would look good05:32
megabyte405The point of the page really is to get syncing05:32
megabyte405I suppose I could link more directly to the one-click install files05:32
megabyte405you don't need red pill for them05:32
Vertooya, cause just skimming through there i couldn't find a one click. and dont really have time to read the whole thing lol05:33
Luriaguess not :-/05:34
megabyte405Luria: never tried05:35
megabyte405there, now I put the link in the install gpe section in addition to the "what you need" section, for those low on attention or patience :D05:35
Vertoobesides that, you will find that people are as lazy as they can be. most wont get the most out of their nokias cause they dont wanna go through the trouble of finding apps and all. its a shame05:36
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Vertoois this your first website? or have you been developing for a while?05:42
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Vertoomegabyte405: ^05:43
megabyte405Vertoo: I've been developing for a while, but I didn't put a lot of effort into this because I needed to bootstrap it quick for Google Summer of Code05:43
megabyte405so it is certainly not my best work05:43
megabyte405I know it's a little wordy - but I wanted to get enough keywords in there so anybody searching would find the stuff - before I made that page, there was no N800 GPE sync instructions online05:44
Vertoogotcha. may i suggest something?05:45
megabyte405but do keep in mind, this is not my masterpiece - it's a working document05:45
Vertoosince your target audience will likely read that on their nokia, a simple anchor navigation would improve it alot, i a. browsing on mine, and still cant find that one click install just by browsing through it.05:46
pupnikGeneralAntilles: did you find the answer yet?05:47
megabyte405nokia is not my target market for the site05:47
megabyte405it's my personal web site/document storage - I just happened to write a page useful for nokia folks05:47
GeneralAntillesYes, it's working. Thanks.05:47
Vertooi understand the document style site, which is why navigation is essential.05:47
megabyte405I should add internal anchor navs to the site engine, though, that would be useful05:47
pupniki didn't know there is a script.  How did you get it working?  I would like an easy way to enable the cursor *only* when synergy is running05:48
pupnikbecause cursor breaks xsp pixel doubling when you touch the screen05:48
Vertooi didn't look at the site, just the page.05:48
* megabyte405 is using a mildly-to-heavily hacked up wiki engine05:48
* megabyte405 adds internal navs to the RFE list05:48
rhsanbornIs there a doc somewhere that explains the basic methods to compile software using the sk? (using indt image)05:48
megabyte405rhsanborn: same way you would on linux05:49
GeneralAntillespupnik, it can only be changed back and forth after a reboot, so I don't see any way to have it change only with Synergy activation.05:49
rhsanbornmegabyte405: great, thanks05:49
megabyte405easiest thing to do is to get debian source packages and do dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot inside of them05:49
Vertooexcuse me if i sound pretentious or come off rude. i have been designing for a few years, mostly personal stuff, but i have always appreciated others input05:49
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pupnikGeneralAntilles: so much to do, so little time05:50
megabyte405Vertoo: no, that's a good point05:51
megabyte405It would be relatively easy for me to add an automatic anchor at each heading05:51
megabyte405the harder part is coming up with a sane way to refer to it, but that's not too bad05:52
megabyte405I generally keep pages small enough that I don't need anchors, but it probably helps search engine stuff too, I bet05:52
Vertooya it does, plus when people can jump the page to exactly where they need to go they like it more.05:54
pupnikGeneralAntilles: you know about the hack to prevent the enter key from bringing-up the onscreen keyboard in synergy?05:59
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GeneralAntillesNope, what is it?06:01
pupnikmaemo-gtk-im-switch xim06:01
pupniki haven't found how to switch it back06:02
megabyte405pupnik: presumably you need to find out the input method name for the virtual keyboard, to replace "xim" (X Input Method) with the appropriate hildon one06:03
megabyte405does that help any?06:03
pupnik~ $06:05
infobotwell, $ is a dollar sign06:05
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pupnik maemo-gtk-im-switch osso-input-method06:05
pupnikhmm now i have them both working06:05
pupnikah no it's exclusive06:06
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megabyte405pupnik: right06:10
megabyte405you can only have one active input method at a time06:10
Luriaspeaking of input, is there a transparency hack for the keyboard?06:10
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GeneralAntillesThat would be SWEET06:12
Luriahmmmm my n800 is somehow connecting to a wep encrypted ap06:12
megabyte405Luria: without the key?  If it's "open system" it will connect but not get anywhere06:13
megabyte405and will probably report that it has a "link-local IP address"06:13
Luriano, nevermind06:13
Luriatwo with the same ssid06:13
pupnikif anyone's looking for a project, we could use a generic X keyboard that could be popped-up manually and generate x keyboard events... e.g. xvkbd06:14
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Luriahow is the example code on the maemo tutorial  licensed?06:37
Luriaoh never mind, gfdl, i see06:37
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rhsanbornhrm, you cant run a vmware image without a gui?06:43
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rhsanbornthats unfortunate06:43
rhsanborntrying to run it remotely through ssh06:44
megabyte405rhsanborn: get vmware server isntead of vmware player06:51
megabyte405still lowercase free06:51
CountDownHas anyone successfully used libusb on the N800 in USB host mode?06:51
CountDownIt worked fine on the 770, but I get a "file not found" sort of error on the N800.06:52
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XarkCountDown: Hello.  How are you connecting the USB device to the N800?  The "hub" method, or do you have a special cable?06:55
CountDownXark: I've hacked up a special cable that provides 5V from a 9V battery.06:56
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CountDownXark: It's the same set up I used on the 770.06:56
CountDownI've also enabled USB host mode through the flasher-3.0 program, just like on the 770.06:57
vertoo_Noob question, why do you need any V there at all? Isn't it just a usb to an already powered device?06:57
CountDownvertoo_: Most USB devices expect to be powered from the USB host.06:58
XarkCountDown: Hmm.  Have you read that the flasher option works on the N800 (or is that what you are experimenting for)?06:58
CountDownXark: I thought I saw that somewhere.  Maybe I should double check.  :)06:59
XarkCountDown: You are trying to access a USB flash drive?06:59
XarkCountDown: Since I have read that the USB hardware is different, it seems likely that there might need to be a driver/kernel change.06:59
CountDownXark: I'm trying to access a custom microcontroller device.06:59
CountDownXark: What's the latest version of the flasher?07:00
XarkCountDown: Neat.07:00
CountDownvertoo_: Also, if the host isn't powered, some kernels won't connect to devices unless they detect power on the USB port.07:00
vertoo_CountDown: I see, I've had problems with a few usb ports (esp on the front of cases with 6+ comming from factory) this is a nice work around for something like that where they can't support the power?07:00
CountDownXark: It was neat, until it stopped working!  :)07:01
XarkCountDown: The flasher you are using is the Nokia official one?  If so, 3.0 appears to be the latest.07:01
CountDownvertoo_: Could be a work around for that, yes.07:02
CountDownXark: Hmmm... the other differences are the versions of the software.07:02
CountDownOops, have to run.  I'll be back later.07:02
* Xark used "init_flasher3.1" (IIRC) for the MMC boot mod. That one appears to be a bit different (and non-official).07:03
XarkCountDown: OK, Take it easy.07:03
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vertoo_anyone got a good windows XP/Mac OS X solution for streaming media over the internet to be accessed like a internet radio station?07:46
GeneralAntillesQuicktime Streaming Server07:47
GeneralAntillesIf you can get your hands on it.07:47
vertoo_I have a domain pointing at my ip address and a slim server set up on there, but it didn't work07:47
GeneralAntillesNot sure of anything free, though.07:47
vertoo_And the quicktime solution didn't fare well either07:47
vertoo_The quicktime thing I found tried to stream through my mic07:47
vertoo_which is pretty dumb07:47
vertoo_it didn't have an option to stream files07:48
vertoo_it seems that anti-piracy laws make this feet much more difficult07:48
pupnikRe: SNES and speed: Transparency doesn't suck up all the speed, drawing all the background layers so it can find out what to make transparent does. Therefore, it can almost double the work of the gfx engine before it even gets to the "transparency" part (as the snes works by taking background layers and using a color subtraction or addition technique).  -Squidge07:49
vertoo_GeneralAntilles: How do you get music onto your IT? (as in you personally)07:56
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GeneralAntillesRhapsody and MP307:57
GeneralAntillesJust stick the SD card into the card reader and copy07:57
vertoo_Does rhapsody cost?07:57
vertoo_Ya, I know how to move files07:57
GeneralAntilles12.99/mo or something07:57
GeneralAntillesIt works for me07:57
vertoo_I think I will pursue my idea of streaming music07:57
GeneralAntillesI really like the standup stuff they have on there.07:57
vertoo_I think I am getting close07:57
GeneralAntillesiTunes 607:57
GeneralAntillesOr some reasonable UPnP solution07:58
vertoo_but can I access that easily from anywhere?07:58
vertoo_check this out07:58
GeneralAntillesOh, true.07:58
GeneralAntillesHow's your upstream bandwidth?07:59
vertoo_I don't know a Mb count07:59
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GeneralAntillesWhat does squeeze stream as?07:59
vertoo_but my downstream is at 6-8Mb07:59
GeneralAntillesDoes it work with the N800?07:59
vertoo_it streams as the file type it finds07:59
vertoo_but my library is all mp307:59
vertoo_so far it doesn't work at all07:59
vertoo_Ive gotten so far as it "thinking" its playing08:00
GeneralAntillesNice library. :D08:00
vertoo_but I have yet to get sound from it on my Mac, N800, windows, linux or a few other windows environments08:00
pupnikhere's the DrPocketSNES for Nokia 770 & 800 WIP.  Any questions just drop me a privmsg.
pupnikhere's the DrPocketSNES for Nokia 770 & 800 WIP.  Any questions just drop me a privmsg.
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pupnik  DrPocketSnes / SNES Nokia 770 / 800 thread here08:19
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bigkahunaanyone know of a ported app like ettercap for the N800?08:40
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pupnikuntar it on root tree. no GTK support only shell. I have one problem with iptables, can't initialize iptables table NAT see /etc/etter.conf. Run it with --unoffensive tag for resolve iptables error.08:43
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bigkahunatried it... no luck08:47
bigkahunathink it has something todo with libnet08:50
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CountDownSo, according to it is possible to use the N800 in USB host mode, but it requires a kernel patch.  Has anyone successfully tried this?09:59
CountDownAlso, there is mention of the N800 USB chipset providing up to 100mA at 5V.  This would be a big improvement.  Has anyone verified this?10:00
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CountDownXark: Have you had any luck recompiling the kernel using the GCC toolchain on the N800?10:05
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XarkCoutDown: I haven't tried recompiling the kernel yet.  Haven't really felt a need so far.10:09
CountDownXark: I'll probably be feeling the need real soon, but I might set up the scratchbox dev environment instead.10:11
XarkCountDown: One thing I have found is that my unit isn't 100% reliable.  I notice that some of the Internal compiler errors I was experiencing are intermittant (I can try "make" again and it will work).  So I suspect either hardware problems or some kind of software corruption.10:11
XarkCountDown: I am wondering if you have seen any "flakey" behavior like that.10:12
XarkCountDown: Since I had similar problems when running from jffs, I don't suspect my MMC fs as the cause.10:12
XarkCountDown: What features are you missing in the stock kernel?10:13
XarkCountDown: USB stuff?10:13
CountDownXark: I haven't noticed anything flakey, but I only needed GCC to compile a single library and probably won't be using it again soon.10:15
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CountDownXark: I need to add a patch to the stock kernel so that USB host mode can be enabled.10:16
CountDownWhat I was hoping to be a one day effort looks like it will take closer to a week.10:16
XarkCountDown: Yeah, I haven't really noticed much else but gcc "randomly" die (not to say I haven't seen apps crash...).10:16
VeggenHmm. USB host mode on N800 is sort of interesting. I'd like to use it as a field upload device for my camera.10:18
XarkCountDown: You are trying to get your N800 to where you already had your N770 (with respect to your device)?10:18
Veggen(when on scout trips, for example. Parents like that, seeing what their kids do)10:18
CountDownXark: Yeah, that's what really gets me about this... it was working so well with the 770.10:19
XarkVeggen: That would be pretty handy.  Or more songs in the field for your DAP. :)10:19
VeggenXark: oh, I'd probably rather use the N800 for DAP ;)10:19
CountDownVeggen: I'm really surprised it's not in the stock kernel.10:20
VeggenCD: yes, it's rather annoying10:20
VeggenThey should also - at least as an add-on - provide a hub/cables that actually provided the N800s port with power.10:20
XarkCountDown: At least there seems to be pretty good doc for rebuilding the kernel (unlike rebuilding the toolchain). :-)10:21
Veggenbut, I think there's the business people, not the geeks, that decides what'll be in the stock install.10:21
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Veggenlooks definitely like t.10:21
CountDownVeggen: Ha!  I don't think business folk even know what a kernel is.10:22
CountDownVeggen: My guess is that the new chipset posed problems that they didn't have time to address.10:22
VeggenCD: oh, they'll need the input from the geeks. But pick random features that the geek tell them they can have, based on buzzwords?10:23
CountDownXark: Which doc are you referring to?10:23
VeggenCD: could also be an explanation ;)10:23
XarkCountDown: I think there was a wiki page on rebuilding the kernel.10:23
CountDownVeggen: True.10:23
CountDownXark: Thanks, I'll take a look.10:24
CountDownXark: Ah, great.  Thanks.10:25
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guardianmorning maemo10:32
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mk8Hi to all10:38
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pupnikhaven't found anyone to pick-up the pocketsnes project10:40
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* pupnik wonders how ARM9 bogomips match-up to x86 bogomips11:11
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saiamshould telepathy-modules work work right away with the N800 voip application after they've been compiled and installed?11:15
saiamis there any more documentation of the Mission Control? (or is it even essential to know anything about it)11:15
pupnikwhat are you talking about11:18
saiamif I compile some telepathy-module (eq. telepathy-sofiasip) and install it11:21
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saiamwhat will I have to do to get support for it into the UI?11:21
saiamIT OS 2007 IM and VoIP applications use Telepathy right? So you should just be able to compile your own telepathy component for some protocol and use it? Of course it probably isn't so straightforward.11:23
pupnikgoogle search and maemo-developers list11:23
JaffaMorning, all11:25
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janimorning ..11:35
lardmanpupnik: You've seen the table here: ?11:37
lardmanpupnik: What does the N800 say at boot?11:37
pupniki remember n800 being around 300 bogomips.  the n770 reports about 12511:38
pupnikequivalent to about a 75mhz pentium11:38
pupnikcat /proc/cpuinfo for details11:38
lardmanyou might be better running a benchmarking program than comparing bogomips11:39
lardmanrisc vs cisc etc11:39
Xarkpupnik: Feels close to a 486-100 or so to me. :)11:39
lardmanpupnik: some random ones here:
lardmanpupnik: Standard tests, so you should be able to compare against lists on the 'net, or compile them and run on x8611:40
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lardmanAnd for a more general comparison against a pentium-90 and an amd k6/233:
pupnikoh thanks - saves me time ty ty11:43
lardmanignore the n800 results on that page, I linked against a softfloat libm, hardfloat results here:
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lardmanlast but not least, a table of those resutls for different embedded processors:
matmohi, is the N770 a good buy at £70 and can it be updated to IT2007? I'm new to these things.11:46
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lardmanmatmo: 70GBP?11:48
pupnikIT2007 is unsupported on the N770.11:48
matmolardman: yep, on play.com11:48
lardmanmatmo: There's a thing called hacker edition, which attempts to bring some 2007 components to the 77011:48
lardmanmatmo: But you should accept that you need to be happy with it2006, or like hacking, or like being frustrated11:49
matmook, mainly I want to browse my own web server from another room (securely) - good for that?11:49
lardmanmatmo: Yes, certainly. My 770 now sits on my coffee table and is used for web browsing while I'm in front of the TV11:50
matmoand £70 is a good price?11:50
matmo(about to place an order ;-)11:50
pupniki paid 330 euro and was insanely happy11:50
pupnikdepends on your usage11:51
OkkoWhat was that stuff about Maemo 4.0?11:51
cbx33does vlc work on it os 200711:51
OkkoDoes it mean N800 will get a OS 2008 or that there will be N810 and N800 is down to hacker edition soon as well?11:51
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lardmanOkko: Depends on how long it takes for the next one to come out11:52
lardmanOkko: and whether Nokia want to invest the time, whether the chipset is the same (if they used an omap2420 the work would be reduced I imagine), etc.11:52
wumpusI don't think the N800 series is something they will release a new model of that soon11:54
wumpusbut that's just a gut feeling, it's kind of a side project and they don't want to put too much development costs into new models11:54
lardmanIt would be interesting to know how many units they have sold11:55
matmogulp, ordered one, hope I don't regret it, lol. Thanks for the answers11:55
lardmanmatmo: You won't, it's a cool device11:56
wumpusyeah very cool11:56
cbx33the n800 rocks11:56
lardmancbx33: Oh yes, but it's not 70GBP11:57
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cbx33so anyone know about vlc?11:58
cbx33i heard v4l is ok for the n80011:58
* pupnik snuffles at the OMAP343011:58
cbx33i wanted to stream data from the camera over the net11:58
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pupnikIt looks like the TI Omap 3420/3430 IVA2+ accelerator will encode/decode h.264 at a max res of 720x480.12:03
pupnikperfect match for the tablets12:03
inzthey're missing 80 pixels in width12:05
matmook I'm off but I'll be back when I get it (sometime after the 20th). See ya!12:07
pupnikenjoy matmo12:07
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pupnik  pic of 3d benchmark running on the N800 omap 242012:36
wumpusI suppose it's with a reason it doesn't show fps12:42
alteregoThe OMAP2420 has a pretty nifty 3D accelerator chip.12:44
alteregoThe OMAP2420 is used in the iPhone and the Nokia N95, which both take advantage of the graphics acceleration. Shame the N800 doesn't.12:45
alteregoSDL + OpenGL ES would be funky :D12:45
pupnikhmm a number of videos on youtube showing off the OMAP 2420 3d on the nokia n95 phone12:46
Veggenyay for iphone.12:46
pupniklooks good enough to be not-useless12:46
VeggenSeems that an iphone will do about 18k requests a second, or 10 Mbps bandwith, while on a wifi network.12:46
Veggenpupnik: That was a sarcastic "yay" :)12:47
jani  =)12:47
* pupnik isn't interested in fancy phones though12:48
pupniktablet + cheap phone = win12:48
Veggenpupnik: Not unless they're more open than today.12:49
Veggenpupnik: An N800 with builtin GSM *would* be interesting.12:49
Veggenbut failing that, N800 with a cheap phone is better than a not-so-open smartphone.12:49
pupnikseems to be 1/2 1/2 split among IT enthusiasts.  I'm in the 'no phone in the tablet' segment.12:50
janithat 18k requests per sec sounds a bit fishy to mee thou..12:50
Veggenjani: well, up to, in bursts, it seems.12:50
janiVeggen: is that from single phone or bunch of them ?12:51
Veggenno idea, but well.12:51
Veggenstill, it looks like it's broken, arp-wise.12:51
janidefinetly and in such place as campus where there's bound to be early adopters and techies thats a big problem but that number just sticks out abit12:53
janiand to be on the safe side, iphone sucks =)12:53
bedboijani: LOL12:53
Veggenjani: It'll appeal to the apple crows.12:53
Veggeneh, crowd.12:53
bedboijani: that link rules :)12:53
cbx33once flashed into R&D mode can you go back12:54
Veggenjani: I'm not an OSX fan myself, because I come from the unix side, and MacOS X is sort of "you know it's unix, but start digging into the OSX stuff, and none of it looks familiar at all".12:54
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pupniklooks like the OMAP 3430 / 3420 ARM Cortex A8 core might be able 2x faster than the N80012:55
infobotpupnik meant: looks like the OMAP 3430 / 3420 ARM Cortex A8 core might be about 2x faster than the N80012:55
Veggen(and I know a couple of people involved in making "desktop *nix concept" for the university, and MacOS X is significantly harder than OSX, management-wise)12:56
Veggeneh, *than Linux*12:56
lardmanpupnik: what articles did you get the photo from?12:57
pupniklost the link sorry12:58
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pupnikLardman, what do you think of this claim.. "The new ARM Cortex-A8 processor delivers up to 2,000 Dhrystone MIPS"13:01
pupniklardman: no it wasn't13:01
lardmanpupnik: hang on let me look at my results, and okay13:01
lardmanpupnik: Curious as my N800 manages 200000.0 dhrystones13:02
pupnikso 2000 dmips = 2,000,000,000 dhrystones?13:03
lardmanI guess so13:03
lardmanfactor of 100013:03
lardmanpretty impressive13:03
pupnikheh.  if the core is 2x as fast as the 2420, i'm sold13:05
janilardman: well, the image was 640x480 which sounds a bit fishy if its really is n800 ..13:05
lardmansupposedly there are faster versions on the omap242013:05
lardmanjani: I think pupnik's comment above was saying that it wasn't from an n800, just from an omap242013:05
pupnik"The ARM Cortex-A8 processor delivers up to 2,000 DMIPS. By comparison, current ARM 9 chips typically achieve around 150-300 DMIPS."13:06
lardmanyeah, strange that13:06
lardman ?13:06
lardmansee the last comment :D13:07
lardmanah, DMIPS isn't == dhrystones/1e613:10
pupnikhrm.  'd'=dishonest, deceptive... :/13:10
lardman, see the Results sectioon13:10
lardmanStrange wording there. Why just divide by an arbitrary number, surely they mean that the dhystone loops/s has to be divided by mips on the device in question13:12
lardmanah, perhaps one just multiplies the mips value by the arbitrary number and doesn't need to run dhrystone?13:13
sp3000lardman: you'd divide by an arbitrary factor to scale the dhrys to a kind of mips scale where it coincides at the 1mips machine mentioned13:14
lardmansp3000: But you gain little by doing it, other than normalising the data13:15
lardmansp3000: and it wouldn't work where mips are not proportional to dhrystone loops/s13:15
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sp3000taht just means your definition of work differs from that indended by the scaling13:16
pupnikwhat do you think the chances are that there will be an n800 successor?  and will it use omap3?13:16
lardmanIf we go by the numbers in the article, it appears it will be ~10x faster13:17
pupnikif it's 2x faster, it means dumb people like me will be able to port over a lot more games and emus13:18
* pupnik points to snes9x at 4-8 fps on the 770 without sound.13:18
gla55_though, if the 10x faster speeds are for over ghz13:18
lardmanwell if you divide my loops/s (200,000) by the DMIPS adjustment factor (1757) you get 113.8304 DMIPS13:20
lardmanSo it's in the right ball park, but a bit slower than the numbers given13:20
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pupnikaha the 'J' in ARMv5TEJ stands for Jazelle - Java JIT13:23
lardmanyep, though not jit, direct execution13:23
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AD-N770good morning13:29
pupnik"?Proving the extensibility of the OMAP 3 architecture, we are demonstrating the ARM Cortex-A8 processor running at speeds up to 1GHz on TI?s low-power 65-nanometer (nm) technology"13:32
pupniki wonder if they will have a fast solution for addressing a 800x480 display13:33
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X-Fade_I think that the problem we have now is because of the external LCD controller. That needs to be eliminated in a next version?13:34
pupnikyes from what i understand13:35
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Komarovhi all13:47
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KomarovTried to reinstall Python after updating firmware... went into red pill mode, went to into app catalog and clicked to a single click install file13:48
KomarovIt says it can't install Python because several libs missing: libglade2-0, libsdl-ttf2.0-0, libgdbm3, libreadline413:49
KomarovI have no idea where to install it from, can anyone help?13:49
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sKaBoyKomarov, click first on the install for the "base repository"13:51
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Komarovgreat, thanks!13:54
KomarovI actually try to send low-level escape sequences to bluetooth printer via bluez, it'd be great to find some guru in this field13:55
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ChebanÙî çà òåìà,ãà?14:08
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cbx33hey all14:13
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* pupnik fantasizes about omap 3430 + maemo + nokia tablet14:15
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* cbx33 bursts pupniks bubble14:32
bedboidamn i hate the n800 headphones ... the wire is too long and it twists and tangles too much14:33
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cbx33is it a mike too14:34
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pupnikI picked up some Ultimate Ears 5.1 headphones14:38
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disqinz: got my mail? what do you think?14:45
pupnik  (sfw)14:47
inzdisq, /me slaps gmail around a bit with a large trout14:58
disqcheck your spam folder :)14:59
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inzdisq, yeah, there it was, with 2 or 3 maemo-developers and one easytag mailing list message14:59
inzdisq, looks (c)lean, have you tested it?15:02
disqyeah i'm using it since yesterday15:03
inzdisq, do you want commit access?-)15:03
disqserves as a notifier for "wtf is this site so slow?" (the answer is usually flash banners)15:03
pupnik,2573,39,00.html  OMAP 3430 simulator+SDK :)15:04
disqi could commit it sure :)15:04
pupnikyou can also drop adlists into /etc/hosts15:04
disqi tested the three-part loop extensively (with a fopen to /tmp/ etc) and it's ok btw15:05
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alteregoAnyone know when we're likely to see hildon 1.0.0?15:29
alteregoThere are quite a few functions that 1.0.0 has that my current version does not. So I'm wondering whether to implement them in Ruby-Maemo or not.15:30
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keesjalterego: how is it going?15:31
pupnikhah wow... N95 is 600 euro here15:31
alteregokeesj, very well :)15:32
alteregoI'll probably finish Hildon widgets tonight.15:32
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keesjare you using swig?, how's the runtime speed?15:33
alteregoThe runtime speed is pretty good. Though I've not tried it on the device yet.15:34
disqalterego: mmm, probably in chinook? (4.0) should ask nokia people15:35
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alteregokeesj, and no. I'm not using SWIG.15:35
keesjalterego: what are you using ?15:36
keesjemacs as code generator?15:36
alteregoI'm using some Ruby to auto generate stuff. But the guts I'm coding myself.15:37
keesjwhat is python hildon using?15:37
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keesjalterego: I am just interrested,15:37
alteregoI don't know.15:38
lmourakeesj, pygtk codegen15:38
disqbtw I committed a maxed cpu notification thingy to osso-statusbar-cpu. notifies with sound when the user cpu usage has been 90%+ for some time. if anybody's interested checkout (from maemo-hackers svn) and try15:38
VeggenI could see myself finding a nice ruby-using project for the N800 ;)15:38
alteregoI've got some great ideas for Ruby-Maemo.15:38
alteregoI'm gonna suprise you all I promise ;) Gonna be better than Python-Maemo ^_^15:38
VeggenBoth N800 development and ruby development is things I'm interested in, so it'll be a synergy, learning-wise :)15:38
keesjall the good looking apps are not using hildon!15:40
alteregoWell, I'm really enjoying this. It's a great project for me. Because I'm studying hildon and ruby gnome2 at the same time ^_^15:40
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alteregoGetting to see all the guts of the libraries and how they're implemented.15:41
keesjyes it must be fun15:41
keesjalterego: why did you not yet test on a device?15:41
alteregokeesj, don't know really. Just didn't see much point.15:42
keesjthe "fun" part?15:42
alteregoI'll probably test it on the device in a bit. When the battery is charged.15:42
keesjknowing how fast it it can be15:42
alteregoto be honest, I don't really care how fast it is. I want it anyway :)15:43
keesjwxruby was a bit slow to start15:43
alteregoAfter I've done this I'll maybe work on YARV/Ruby 1.9 to make sure we don't get left behind :)15:43
disqalterego: so? video out? :)15:44
alteregoI've actually not looked into that yet disq :)15:44
alteregoI think Ruby/Maemo is more important to me right now :D15:44
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disqalterego: that's what some people would call chickening out :P15:50
KomarovI actually try to send low-level escape sequences to bluetooth printer via bluez, it'd be great to find some guru in this field15:50
alteregodisq, I just think Ruby-Maemo is more important, to me and the community. TV-Out, if the device is capable will happen eventually regardless. But after the Ruby Maemo GSoC project got cancelled I thought I'd take it upon myself to do it.15:51
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Komarovwhat's the packet name of the ssh-server for N800?16:03
JaffaHmm, Chinook beta announced. "Break N800 compatibility". That doesn't sound entirely good.16:03
disqssh (or openssh?)16:03
Komarovit's a client16:03
disqit also installs the server16:03
JaffaAh, no, I misparsed. Chinook is "fully supported by the Nokia N800 Internet Tablet hardware". as is Diablo16:04
disqyes i was just reading that16:04
disqit's just the api break, and that's expected16:04
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Jaffadisq: indeed.16:07
KomarovI created a program but when I try to exec it, I receive "Permission denied message", even under root and after setting chmod a+x16:07
s-ndh-cKomarov: where is the file located?16:08
s-ndh-cfat32 is usualy mounted with noexec16:08
s-ndh-cwhich means you cant load shared objects from it nor can you execute binaries16:08
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Komarovin /media/mmc116:09
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KomarovMaybe that's because I have in the first line: #!/usr/bin/env python2.5 while I should have #!/usr/bin/python?16:09
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lmouraKomarov, are trying to run like ./helloworld?16:10
lmouraKomarov, try python2.5 helloworld.py16:10
pupniki don't think you can force exec on fat32 at all16:11
pupnikon the nokia (correct me if i'm wrong)16:11
Komarovgreat, it works!!16:11
Komarovyeah, I moved it to /home/user16:11
KomarovI also have an example from bluez lib site which I can't exec16:12
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KomarovI try line 'import dbus', it says:16:12
Jaffapupnik: edit noexec out of /etc/fstab and it'll work fine.16:12
Komarovbus = dbus.SystemBus()16:13
pyhimysHas anyone tried autoscan?16:13
KomarovAttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'SystemBus'16:13
pyhimysDoes it work on it2007?16:13
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pyhimysIt looks quite much like nessus to me.16:13
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Komarovshould I use osso insted of direct use of dbus?16:17
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pupnikJaffa: i edited noexec out of fstab and rebooted, my file has +x for uog.  i still get permission denied running from mmc1 (it2007he, n770)16:22
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Jaffapupnik: that's.... odd.16:23
bedboianyone knows if mpeg-2 plugin for gstreamer is available for maemo?16:24
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gpdI want to get my maemo mapper POI database into GPX|KML|other16:27
gpdI used an sqlbrowser to extract cvs of the table of points - now I just need to find a suitable format for gpsbabel16:27
gpdanyone done this to stop me reinventing the wheel?16:28
lardmaninteresting, two more toolchain releases supporting the n800, then a break (presumably) with elephanta (who makes up these names?)16:28
Veggengpsbabel has a csv format import.16:29
Veggen(and export)16:29
gpdVeggen: good idea - I"ll check it out16:29
lardmanAh, Elephanta is another wind16:29
eichiif i put the n800 with usb on the extern sd-card the same like as a cardreader? can i use it to formate it? ir can i formate with the 800 itself? help16:29
VeggenI have some success actually uploading a fsck.{dos,vfat}-binary to the device and actually fsck the system, to get it fixed.16:31
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VeggenI guess you could just find an arm mkfs.vfat-binary, and do it on the device.16:31
Veggen(hmm, what options do you have on the cards, in the file browser, again? Don't you have "format"?)16:32
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lardmanAnyone here running Sardine? Is it using glibc2.5 & gtk+2.10 already?16:32
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gpdgpsbabel -i unicsv -f poi.csv -o kml -F poi.kml <-- sweet16:35
Jaffalardman: let's hope the next few releases have some major UI enhancements corresponding IT OS releases which have better built-in apps.16:35
JaffaIntel's MID interface looks really interesting for a thumb-based device, using Hildon Desktop still16:36
inzlard, ACK on gtk+2.10(.12), no glibc2.5 (yet?)16:36
disqlardman:, so yes16:36
disqlibc still 2.3.616:36
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eichiVeggen: i dont know, if there is formate16:43
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timelessanyone here @guadec?16:45
timeless(or however it's spelled)16:46
disqyou spelled it right16:46
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timelessit's amusing to see how many hits there are on google for spelling it wrong :)16:47
timeless :)16:47
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disqari jaaksi has a keynote now afaik16:49
timelessso, no one's there? :(16:49
lardmaninz, disq, Jaffa: thanks16:49
lardmanAre the talks televised/internetised?16:50
disqno idea, looking around in though16:50
nomisari does the Q&A right now.16:50
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lardmanHmm, it's in Birmingham, if I'd realised I would have popped along to see what it's all about16:52
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timelessso what did air say?16:55
lardmanHe's scheduled to finish @ 15.0016:55
timeless(just goes to show you: the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing)16:55
timelesslardman: that's +5mins, no?16:56
lardmantimeless: yep (sorry should have said the timezone too)16:56
alteregoI wanted to go to GUADEC :(16:56
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disqquim said they were running late to ari's keynote (in the chinook announcement) so that's probably +5 mins16:56
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lardmanah well /me needs to do some work, will check back later & see if there's a video/summary about16:57
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cosmohas anyone run katix-efis successfully?17:01
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tigertkate herself, i guess :)17:08
tigertmail her for help?17:08
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timelesslardman: yep you should have :), it's ok17:09
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trevarthanpupnik: congrats on drpocketsnes!17:18
trevarthanHow's the frame rate? Better than snes9x?17:19
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pupnikit doesn't compile yet trevarthan i'm asking people to help17:19
trevarthanoh. I thought you had it working...17:20
pupnikI embarked on what might be a reasonable path17:20
pupnikI should have documented my work though17:21
trevarthanI'm still not sure why you think it's going to be faster than snes9x. I don't think you're going to get much faster than SDL on the n800/770.17:21
pupnikthe internals are much, much faster17:22
trevarthanWhat proof do you have of that?17:22
pupnikthe gp2x boards and benchmarks17:22
trevarthanpeople have run snes9x on the gp2x and drpocketsnes and drpocketsnes is faster?17:23
* Jaffa thought about going, since he lives about 30 miles from Birmingham, but couldn't justify the time off work.17:23
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trevarthanwhat are the chances that is just because drpocketsnes uses a framebuffer rather than X11 + SDL?17:23
eugenei wish someone from maemo know it by now that the planet maemo is very broken17:23
zuheugene: How is it broken?17:25
zuhLooks fine to me...17:25
eugenezuh: try to add the feed to a rss reader17:25
pupniktrevarthan: the snes ppu has to process many layers and do many additive effects, then there are transparency issues and in-scanline pallette changes and raster ops.  all of that consumes orders of magnitude more time than the final blit.17:25
tigertsure we are in guadec17:26
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X-Fade_eugene: Works for me[tm] ?17:28
X-Fade_What kind of problems are you seeing?17:28
Sho_hm, nice that the next two major versions of Maemo have been confirmed for the N80017:28
Sho_looks like they've learned from the N770 debacle17:28
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eugeneX-Fade_: the feeds keep repeating itself everyday instead of showing me the new blog postings.17:28
trevarthanpupnik: I want to believe you, but 1.) you don't have a working version to prove it and 2.) Nothing on the DrPocketSnes site or the pocketsnes site states that they are faster than snes9x and why....17:29
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X-Fadeeugene: Ok, I will keep an eye on it.17:29
eugeneX-Fade: i seen someone else complaining about this too. if you are using mugshot which aggregates the planet maemo's rss feed, it displays the same posts for the past couple of weeks... even though i read it like 14 times already.17:29
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pupniki can dig up some info... will get back to you17:30
eugenesame thing happening in google reader, and my n800 rss reader17:30
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eugeneso i don't think it's my readers problem.17:30
trevarthanok. thanks. I'm more likely to help out if you can prove that it's not wasted effort. :)17:30
sciboyIs a 770 still worth getting?17:30
pupnikput it this way sciboy - i don't think i'll ever sell mine17:31
X-Fadeeugene: I will look into it and file a bug if I notice this too..17:31
eugeneX-Fade: thanks a lot17:31
X-Fadeeugene: But the RSS feed source looks fine to me. No old articles that have a new date?17:31
Sho_IMO the N770 has always been too weak hardware-wise to do a lot of interesting things with it17:31
trevarthansciboy: I'd get an n800 if I were you.17:31
sciboyI would too if it wasn't going to cost me nearly a grand.17:32
trevarthanhuh? they only cost 400USD...17:32
eugeneX-Fade: monitor it for the next few days...17:32
alteregoOooo .. Hildon 1.0.0 is gonna be nice.17:32
eugeneX-Fade: you will get to read old articles everyday :)17:32
trevarthanFatal: :)17:32
sciboyThey do, but the only retailer I could find in australia has nicely inflated prices.17:32
eugeneX-Fade: listen what thoughtfix has to say, the same thing, everyday.17:33
trevarthanoh. that sucks. sorry to hear that.17:33
Fatalso only 700USD for me to get the promised functionality! \o/ Yay! :)17:33
eugeneoh yeah, good news, N770/800 is finally available in Singapore :)17:33
bedboiis usb networking working on n800?17:33
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sciboyeugene, IT IS?!?!17:33
eugenesciboy: yes :)17:34
sciboyeugene, I just got back from there.17:34
eugenesciboy: you can go to the Nokia shops here to buy one now :)17:34
eugenesciboy: really :)17:34
trevarthanbedboi: host mode? no, not yet. not working on linux yet. once that happens, maemo will follor.17:34
* sciboy bashes his head against the table.17:34
eugenesciboy: i got my n800 in US though :)17:34
X-Fadetigert: Yeah, I'm already fixing rendering problems :(17:34
sciboyeugene, Seen the prices?17:34
tigertyea. it has bugs, but google calendar works better17:35
eugenesciboy: N800 SGD$724.9517:35
tigertand google docs works too17:35
bedboitrevarthan: i'm not getting. i just want to make a connection between my pc and my n800 via usb cable17:35
bedboiit should be possilbe17:35
X-Fadetigert: Even that website has a rendering bug in our screenshot:
bedboii've done it for years using my iPaq17:35
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tigertbut sure there are bugs17:35
eugenesciboy: now i don't feel special anymore :)17:35
X-Fadetigert: But nothing too bad..17:36
trevarthanbedboi: yeah, client mode works. You can use the n800 as a mobile storage device. shows up like an sd card.17:36
X-Fadetigert: The thing that _is_ bad, is that the browser website itself doesn't work on Opera :)17:36
tigertx-fade, yeah :)17:36
bedboitrevarthan: i don't care about storage device17:36
tigertoh, it doesnt?17:37
bedboitrevarthan: nevermind17:37
trevarthanbedboi: so you're doing some custom protocol?17:37
tigertwhats important is the .install link anyway17:37
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sciboyAnyway, 770 is still much easier on my wallet.17:37
X-Fadetigert: Or just install microb-browser from the repositor :)17:37
infobotX-Fade meant: tigert: Or just install microb-browser from the repository :)17:37
* timeless looks back17:39
timelesswhat's wrong w/
timeless ?17:39
X-Fadetimeless: extra line above navigation..17:39
X-Fadetimeless: And planet etc really all get a lot of extra lines. Don't know yet why it does that..17:40
dpb_doesn't fit there horizontally17:41
Fatalfixed layouts..17:41
dpb_you'd think it would be fixed for the device ;)17:42
trevarthanOh sweet, maemo just got SIP support natively:
X-Fadedpb_: This mozilla engine renders it a few pixels wider.. Go figure ;)17:42
disqtrevarthan: hey how's it going with kagu?17:42
trevarthandisq: still plugging away. Just added scrolling titles last night. Updated screenshots a few days ago:
Fatalwoop, dark orange on slightly brighter orange <3 [downloads]17:43
timelessx-fade: it could be worse17:43
timelessthe browser web site temporarily had the install link on the second to last page17:43
timelessand you couldn't reach it w/ opera :(17:43
X-Fadetimeless: Scroll back :)17:43
X-FadeThat is what I told tigert :)17:44
timelesscan you be specific about extra line?17:44
X-FadeI noticed this problem this afternoon already.17:44
trevarthandisq: I keep adding things on the TTD in front of the really important items. :( I'll get to my release milestone eventually though. I'm going to be adding audiobook support next so it will remember your playback position. AFAIK nothing for maemo has that functionality yet.17:44
X-Fadetimeless: Do you have the bowser installed?17:44
timelesssorry, i'm stuck in scrollback17:44
timelessx-fade: only on about 6 devices17:45
timelessbut wirfi here is such a pain because they keep knocking over the wifi hotspots17:45
X-FadeOk.. follow me ;)17:45
disqtrevarthan: yeah no player has it yet. also maybe bookmark-position support? but it could be complicated in the ui17:45
X-Fadetimeless: the line about 5 pixels above the navigation bar, should not be there at all.17:46
disqtrevarthan: how about play mode support? repeat album, switch to next album, repeat one song17:46
disqcurrently i think it repeats the album indefinately17:46
trevarthandisq: I'm going to keep it real simple at first. 1.) Add PositionView. 2.) make all mp3s with audiobook* genre remember position by default.17:46
timelessyou bmean the one under ma[e]mo?17:46
X-Fadetimeless: And if you go to the 'intro' page from maemo.. between the orange word 'Inter' and 'Maemo provides...'17:47
timelessx-faade: fwiw, i'm the idiot responsible for the picture you were looking at17:47
X-Fadetimeless: Tep..17:47
trevarthandisq: I'm all for it. I've just got bigger fish to fry right now. I want to improve the playlist functionality too.17:47
timelessso feel free to blame me :)17:47
disqtrevarthan: is it possible to add different player ui's without forking the code, in the current state?17:47
X-Fadetimeless: I told Ferenc already this afternoon..17:47
timelesshello world17:47
* timeless is timeless17:47
timelessall your bugs will belong to me17:47
timelesssomething like that :(17:48
X-Fadetimeless: And I do all css related stuff on ;)17:48
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trevarthanThemes? yes. there is nearly complete theme support right now. If by 'ui' you mean different widgets, then no, not yet. But I'm willing to accept any well designed widgets you create.17:48
timelessx-fade: nice to meet you17:48
disqtrevarthan: i mean a completely different player ui. gtk instead of images, etc17:49
trevarthanoh, no. kagu is and will always be a pygame app.17:49
trevarthanyou might take a look at pymp if you want a gtk player though.17:49
trevarthanit's simple, clean, and well designed.17:50
Jaffatigert: woohoo :-)17:50
jsmanriquethat "maemo-browser" looks promising17:51
disqi was thinking something in the lines of making different ui's, like a textmode ui, a gtk ui, and such17:51
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jsmanriqueafter years using minimo in differents devices, this looks really promising17:51
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jsmanriquecongratulations to developers17:52
trevarthandisq: that's a neat idea. Do you think kagu adds enough functionality to the basic mplayer backend to warrant such a thing?17:52
X-Fadetimeless: Just check the maemo website on your pc and on the N800. You will see gray lines at places you don't see them on your pc..17:52
lardman|afkbedboi: You can do ethernet over usb17:52
lardman|afkbedboi: Iirc, you need to enable it via the flasher, and it stops dynatick working, so your battery will go flat quickly17:53
disqtrevarthan: it has songdb, clean and proper code, etc17:53
X-Fadetimeless: also notice the rendering bug at the right bottom of the secondary navigation 'Documentation Tutorials Roadmap'17:53
lardman|afkbedboi: You need to insmod the kernel module17:53
trevarthandisq: when I started kagu, I had three goals in mind: 1.) Make a GUI for A2DP support  2.) Play with my iphone like intertial scroll widget idea   3.) create a player that handles audio books well for maemo.17:53
* Jaffa 's decided he'd love to be able to drag scroll any scrollable widget in its content area, and just use the scrollbar as a positional indicator. Preferably with a configurable (in Control Panel) amount of inertia too.17:53
trevarthandisq: I've accomplished #1. I'm very close to finishing #3, and #2 will follow shortly. :)17:54
jsmanriquewould "maemo-browser" work in a 770 device?17:54
lardman|afkbedboi: ignore my flasher comment, just modprobe/insmod the module. Got my wires crossed17:54
* timeless looks back17:55
trevarthandisq: unfortunately, for #2 I needed pygame. So that object structure is very pygame dependent with update loops and such. You don't need those with GTK. GTK is more callback based, I think.17:55
disqtrevarthan: with multiple ui's, after finishing with pygame you could try evas for instance. would need a configurator that lets the user choose ui-type and ui-theme.17:55
timelessoh, you mean you don't make maemo look special for mobile devices?17:55
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timelesswe made the browser page work special on most devices17:55
X-Fadetimeless: nope..17:55
timelesse.g. we made it look awful on ie6 :)17:55
timelessand we made it vritually unusable in opera for n800 :)17:55
timelessactually, a minor fix for that went in a few moments ago17:56
trevarthandisq: is evas more like pygame or more like gtk?17:56
disqtrevarthan: btw i still couldn't start the kagu-scanner pygtk thingy. messed around with osso-statusbar-cpu in my free time17:56
disqtrevarthan: not sure, i'm guessing pygame17:56
X-Fadetimeless: I make it work on Firefox, IE, Safari on Linux, Win and Mac..17:56
timelessx-fade: ah yes, i didn't worry about that :)17:56
X-Fadetimeless: Imagine the horror of that ;)17:56
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timelessi was happy that it showed garage, had a nice picture for carman17:56
trevarthanyeah, np. I wasn't expecting you to do much with it. But if you ever do, I'll really really appreciate it. Would save me a rather large step before I release a deb.17:57
timelessand kinda showed the word maemo w/o rendering glitches17:57
X-Fadetimeless: When will they open the 'browser' project on garage?17:57
JaffaIf it's based on Gecko 1.9, how's it support ACID 2?17:57
timelessx-fade: i opened it a few mins ago, 15-20?17:57
timelessis it still not open?17:57
timelessthe basic ui to open things seems broken17:58
disqtrevarthan: i'll do it by the time you finish with repeat-one, repeat-album, play-all-then-stop :P17:58
X-FadeAh.. old inforamation :)17:58
timelessso i used the admin one17:58
X-Fadetimeless: it is now..17:58
Sparrow-does anyone have experience syncing google calender with dates?17:58
trevarthandisq: I'm not opposed to the idea of multiple UIs. I've just got too much to do right now getting kagu ready for a release. Maybe after I've got a release I'll look into it.17:58
timelessi think it works better with figs17:58
trevarthandisq: sounds good. :)17:59
X-Fadetimeless: Can you post a news item on garage? That way the news will end up on the maemo frontpage :)17:59
timelessx-fade: explain how, i probably can18:00
trevarthanI'm gonna go play with maemo's SIP support. Always wanted a clean wifi asterisk sip phone... :)18:00
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disqtrevarthan: i'll be happy to start a pygtk ui if you decide that. i want a snappy ui, pygame will probably limit that18:00
* timeless finds approve/reject news18:00
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trevarthandisq: I've been toying with that idea myself. pygame can be a bit sluggish sometimes, and it certainly chews up gobs of CPU. My problem with GTK on the n800 is that I hate scroll bars. They're a massive pain when you're trying to use your finger.18:01
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disqtrevarthan: true18:03
trevarthandisq: feel free to do a fork of kagu to gtk if that's what you're interested in. That's what I did to ukmp. I wouldn't mind a bit, and if it ended up being superior to kagu-pygame then I would happily admit defeat. :) I've had fun playing with my scroll widget. But if something would work better then I want to use that.18:03
timelessx-fade: i'm not getting it18:04
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timelessx-fade: done?18:04
trevarthandisq: hell, if it works better than pygame then I'd even join you.18:05
disqtrevarthan: i would prefer making it run on a unified framework so there's no hassle to update the core back and forth, no duplicate work, etc18:05
X-Fadetimeless: Yeah, now let's wait for to sync up ;)18:05
timelessi think it's synced18:05
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timelessx-fade: being able to approve one's own news is nice18:06
timelessnot being able to figure out how to do it isn't18:06
* timeless is not a fan of this system18:06
disqtrevarthan: when i find the time i'll inspect your code throughly, see what modifications need to be made to further seperate the ui from the core, and try out some stuff. maybe even send in a patch18:06
timelessbtw: people are free to tell me to fix anything on any of this content, i'll gladly do it if i'm around18:06
X-Fadetimeless: Hehe, yeah GForge is a bit.... different :)18:06
trevarthandisq: I think in order to make that a reality I would have to abstract my pygame widgets even further until they had a completely gtk-like API. Having never worked with gtk in any real capacity, I simply don't have the experience to do that. I'm not qualified. The idea sounds great, but I just can't conceive of how to do it.18:07
timelessx-fade: "special"18:07
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timelessx-fade: do you have any problems staying logged into bugs.maemo?18:08
X-Fadetimeless: Don't even go into theming GForge :)18:08
X-Fadetimeless: Nope..18:08
trevarthandisq: if you can make it happen in a clean manner, I'll shut down my kagu code base and we'll switch to yours. It sounds like a really cool idea to me. But you'll have to make it clean in order to convince me. I'm a bit of a neat freak.18:08
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disqtrevarthan: btw you seen this? wonder if id3lib supports it18:09
X-Fadetimeless: Although I use Firefox on my pc for that.. Haven't used microb for that yet...18:09
timelessx-fade: i'm using minefield on a wXPsp2 laptop18:09
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disqtrevarthan: yeah, it would be a framework/base so it needs to be real clean anyways18:09
trevarthandisq: chapter support looks cool. I've been segmenting my audio books into multiple files as a work around. I didn't even know it existed.18:10
X-Fadetimeless: Haven't needed to logon for weeks now. And I'm using it every day..18:11
disqtrevarthan: bbc has an app to chapterize existing mp3's, though not many podcasts use it18:11
timelessx-fade: i got too many cookies and they were confusing bugzilla18:11
timelessit happens often, someday i need to figure out how to fix bugzilla to send a cookiereset to the browser :(18:11
trevarthandisq: I'm using mutagen for id3 reading, not id3lib. I don't *think* it has chapter support yet...
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trevarthanI'd have to read the id3v2 spec to see how easy it would be to implement. Harassing the mutagen folks might be faster...18:14
disqooh somebody opened an enhancement request for maemoscrobbler support in osso-mediaplayer. *flattered*18:15
db48xtimeless: yea, I hate it when that happens18:15
trevarthandisq: maemoscrobbler is awesome. you hit a real home run with that one. I love my recommendations.18:15
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disqi was meaning to do it for a long time (since n770) but the media players didn't have api to read song info18:17
disqeven mailed folks at nokia asking for info (if there are undocumented dbus calls to get the info, etc) they couldn't help me. seeing ukmp and kagu making so much progress decided to go with it anyways18:18
sciboySo with that screen size how easy is it to read an A4 PDF document?18:18
timelesswhat were you looking for?18:18
timelesssciboy: provide a url as a testcase18:18
disqbtw the new firmware announces "current song title" via a dbus signal (and you can read song position/length with a method call, too) but no artist/album info18:18
timelessask people "how easy is it to read <thisurl>"18:19
timelessamorphous generic questions are not a good way to get anywhere18:19
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timelesse.g. i might gladly load the url you link to and answer your question18:19
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timelessbut there's no way i'll go try to*find* an A4 document18:19
timelessi wouldn't recognize an A4 document if it tapped me on the shoulder18:19
trevarthanYeah, I'm hoping ukmp inspires a bit of a media player renascence for the maemo platform. I was baffled when I bought my n800 and all the media players were proprietary.18:20
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sciboyWhen you read this document do you have to zoom in and scroll from left to right?18:20
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timelessi can't seem to open that w/ my browser18:22
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disqtrevarthan: another crazy idea: since the player part and manager/ui/db is seperate, somebody could make a gmp client out of kagu :p though i'm no gmp fan18:22
trevarthandisq: what's gmp?18:23
disqtrevarthan: also, are you sure about the volumeview? it looks weird to me, also probably slow18:23
timelessi don't have to scroll from right to left18:24
disqtrevarthan: it's a server-client based media player model. the server has the files and the sound output, the clients connect and manage the playlist/volume18:24
timelessbut i have to tap and hold to go to the next apge18:24
timelessbecause the built in pdf reader is *stupid*18:24
timelessso while i can zoom one level to see all the content fit nicely18:24
timelessit causes horizontal scrollbars18:24
trevarthandisq: yeah, I like the volume view. It's only slow because of mplayer. I really need to figure out how to do all my mplayer calls in the background.18:24
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timelessand there's no way to pagedown in that mode18:24
timelesswhich reminds me that i need to bug the owner of that app about that point18:25
trevarthandisq: are you actually running the code? Or just looking at the screenshots?18:25
timelesscontinuous scrolling is such a logical solution18:25
sciboyI was just curious if you could read the text without having to scroll.18:25
sciboyCheers. =)18:25
X-Fadetimeless: You you how to switch between Opera and Microb as default browser on N800?18:25
trevarthandisq: got a link to gmp?18:25
disqtrevarthan: i have the volumeview code, my latest checkout was yesterday18:25
timelessx-fade: advanced menu18:25
timelessit requires you to restart the browser fwiw...18:26
sciboyOh, and is there any recommended manner for viewing pages offline?18:26
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sciboyI mean, web pages.18:26
timelesssciboy: "don't"18:26
timelessyou can try saving pages18:26
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trevarthandisq: update the code. I might have made some speed improvements since then. I can't remember. I've been in optimize mode for the last day or so.18:26
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disqtrevarthan: (sorry no "g")18:27
alterego[sgrant] maemo, even sounds small, like nano, and nemo mixed together.18:27
trevarthanI think I've mostly been optimizing the text scrolling though. I think the volumeview was stable yesterday.18:27
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disqtrevarthan: i will. each update i have to patch kaguscanner, add os.chdir("/home/user/kagu") to, so i'm not doing it very often18:27
X-Fadetimeless: advanced menu? Where should I find that ?18:28
timelesssciboy: modern web pages require internet access18:28
timelessx-fade: below the close menu in the app menu18:28
trevarthandisq: aren't you using svn? you should be able to run `svn update` and it'll merge your changes for you.18:28
X-Fadetimeless: I don't have that :)18:28
sciboytimeless, Does the browser support saving pages? Or will I have to use my desktop.18:28
timelessx-fade: um, "oops"18:28
timelesssciboy: the browser supports saving pages18:28
disqmm. haven't thought of that will try18:29
timelessbut i can guarantee it won't always work18:29
timelessi'm speaking as a developer for a major desktop browser18:29
timelesssaving just plain can't always "do the right thing"18:29
trevarthandisq: svn is great. we use it at work. learn it. I promise you'll love it.18:29
sciboyI'm not ripping ajax apps or anything, at best, a forum page or wikipedia article.18:29
timelesstrevarthan: svn is terrible18:29
X-Fadetimeless: I can't find any options to switch it ;) Pretty essential for me though :)18:29
timelesswe use it at work18:29
timelesslearn to hate it.18:29
timelessi promise you can learn why it sucks18:29
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timelessx-fade: hrm18:30
* timeless wonders18:30
disqi've been using it just for checkout and commit, update worked nicely18:30
trevarthandisq: and yeah, it looks like kagu would make an excellent mpd frontend.18:30
timelessmaybe they made us remove that option :)18:30
timelessx-fade: i presume you have sshd or xterm?18:30
trevarthantimeless: what do you prefer over svn then?18:30
X-Fadetimeless: Sure..18:30
timelesstrevarthan: if i were going to do something new today, it'd be Hg18:30
timelessbut to be honest, i prefer cvs over svn18:31
timelessbecause svn makes it a lot easier for people to make a very very big mess18:31
timelessit's a lot easier to screw up merges18:31
timelessit's a lot easier to leave branches all over the place18:31
X-Fadetimeless: Where does your bugzilla live? Which product?18:31
timelessit's a lot easier to have files in places no one will ever find them18:31
trevarthantimeless: sounds like you aren't using SVN properly.18:31
timelessx-fade: n800/browser (mozilla engine) , it's in the news article you made me post18:32
X-Fadetimeless: rtcomm has a separate product..18:32
zuhtimeless: a lot easier to delete directories ;)18:32
timelesstrevarthan: me?18:32
timelessyou mean, right?18:32
timelessi have 8gb of garbage from it18:32
disqrtcomm also brings avatar support to contacts (gtalk/jabber too) but the default avatar is so fugly18:33
timelesstimeless@swift:/export/home/svn/world-all/garage% df -h .18:33
timelessFilesystem             size   used  avail capacity  Mounted on18:33
timeless                       362G   8.2G   128G     7%    /export/home/svn/world-all/garage18:33
timelessbecause there's *no* way to figure out what a "trunk" is18:33
disqfortunately there's a switch to list view option somewhere in the menu18:33
joshinMoving my N770's / to a MMCmobile drive.  Is there a consensus on which is better to use on a flash device, ext2 or ext3?18:33
timelessbecause people *don't* consistently use a single directory structure18:33
zuhtimeless: I doubt it's really meant to check out the whole of garage though... :)18:33
trevarthantimeless: yeah, you. It sounds like you either aren't using it properly, or you've out grown it and you're refusing to upgrade. I've never worked on a project too large for SVN, but my projects usually only have less than 10 developers.18:34
timelesszuh: try building a source code cross reference without the source18:34
timelesstrevarthan: my projects have >100 developers18:34
timelessi work on mozilla, i use opensolaris, i work on maemo18:34
timelessi work in garage18:34
timelessi've worked on netbeans18:34
timelessi've played w/ open office18:34
trevarthantimeless: yeah, you probably need something a bit, err, bigger than svn.18:34
disqjoshin: not really. some use ext2, some use ext3. i use ext2.18:34
trevarthantimeless: SVN is great for small projects though.18:35
timelesstrevarthan: anyway, svn makes it easy for people to develop bad habbits18:35
disqjoshin: in fact recently there's another discussion about this in maemo-developers18:35
timelessand it's very hard to fix18:35
X-Fadetimeless: Bug 1669 it is ;)18:35
timelesssure someone could write a commit hook18:35
timelessx-fade: sorry18:35
timelessthis other guy distracted me18:36
timelessi was going to explain how to do it18:36
joshindisq: Yeah, I've been using ext2 on the thumbdrive I have on my nslu2.  I guess I'll just stick with that.18:36
X-Fadetimeless: No problem, still think it is a bug ;) A bit evil to hijhack default browser as a beta project ;)18:36
timelessopen /home/user/.browser18:36
timelessyou should see hidden=false18:36
sciboyWill the 770 take a 2GB RS-MMC?18:37
timelessmake it say hidden=true18:37
timelessx-fade: we tested it before the launch18:37
sciboyEverywhere says 1gb. =/18:37
timelessi specifically asked my neighbor because we weren't sure18:37
timelesshe said it worked18:37
timelesscourse, his device probably wasn't clean18:37
* timeless ponders18:37
timelessthe browser will let you save a file anywhere right?18:38
disqtrevarthan: looks like volumeview is noticably faster now18:39
timelessx-fade: please test?18:39
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X-Fadetimeless: The hidden=true?18:39
trevarthandisq: ok cool. it's still a bit slow, but that's all mplayer's fault.18:39
X-Fadetimeless: or saving anywhere?18:39
trevarthandisq: did svn update work well for you?18:40
timelesshidden=true for now18:40
timelessi'll figure out saving anywhere in a moment18:40
X-Fadetimeless: Hehe, it browser changes that setting back to hidden=false18:40
disqtrevarthan: it did, merged etc18:41
disqtrevarthan: did you try maemoscrobbler on the road? without a net connection I mean18:41
disqtrevarthan: not sure if it would accept more than a few songs, I didn't try it yet18:42
X-Fadetimeless: Ah and your project bugzilla configuration is hosed..18:42
trevarthandisq: yeah man. worked great. no hitches whatsoever.18:42
X-Fadetimeless: When filing the bug I saw your email and the assigned person..18:43
X-Fadenow they are gone..18:43
timelessi'm not the assignee18:43
timelessi watch the qa contact18:43
trevarthandisq: I didn't audit it afterward. I'll do that next time. Make sure it's adding absolutely everything I play in the car.18:43
timelessthat's intentional18:43
X-Fadeunassigned <>18:43
disqtrevarthan: currently i'm doing it 6 songs at a time, audioscrobbler api limit is 10, but it also says "not for batch update" or something along the lines of that in the api doc18:43
timelessthere's no trace of a connection between it and me18:43
timelessi designed it18:43
timelessi designed it for, i designed it for bugs.maemo.org18:43
timelessbelieve me, i know exactly what i'm doing18:43
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X-Fadetimeless: But I saw your gmail address when filing :)18:44
trevarthantimeless: that's what all the people who don't have a clue say.18:44
timelessso does *everyone* who files a bug in bugzilla.mozilla.org18:44
timelessx-fade: but if i stop caring about browser bugs18:44
timelessi don't have to remove myself as a cc from all browser bugs18:44
timelessnor do i have to reassign them to someone else18:44
timelessnor do i have to change the qa contact for all those bugs18:45
timelessi'm an interchangable cog18:45
X-Fadetimeless: Yeah, that is nice. Although not transparant for users..18:45
timelessnow why can't i get opera to log me into :)18:45
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X-Fadetimeless: But back to the mozilla->opera problem.. it doesn't work :)18:45
timelessx-fade: ok18:46
timelessthere's a line in that file that specifies the engine18:46
timelessyou can change it to engine=opera18:46
timelessyou can also do /usr/bin/browser --engine=opera18:46
trevarthandisq: what do you think about the scrolling text?18:46
disqtrevarthan: maybe nokia should leave the current sucky media player as is, leave it to developers and focus on the platform. it's good and all but we all know how much time they're going to lose if they implement all that changes we (mostly I) suggested in the bugzilla. metacrawler still sucks after two updates, i have it disabled. dives into my sardine partition and never comes back18:46
timelessdisq: last i checked the latest internal version of metacrawler doesn't reread files starting from each byte offset :)18:47
timeless(shipping versions did)_18:47
X-Fadetimeless: Doesn't work either. Something keeps overwriting that file with it's default settings..18:47
disqtrevarthan: it might need padding (1 or 2px) at both sides. maybe give it a little sinus wave? leave the track number unscrolling?18:47
timelessx-fade: is the browser running?18:47
trevarthandisq: yeah, I don't understand why they don't focus on the OS API and just package OSS apps like pidgin as the default chat client.18:48
disqby sinus i mean sine. sorry.18:48
* timeless curses18:48
X-Fadetimeless: Ah, it saves on close :)18:48
trevarthandisq: ok, padding. I'll do that. Track number. I'll do that too. What do you mean by sine wave?18:48
disqtrevarthan: make it scroll slow to fast to slow, or fast to slow to fast.18:49
X-Fadetimeless: So I changed the file, closed the browser :)18:49
timelessx-fade: :)18:49
timelesssorry, i suppose i should have mentioned that18:49
trevarthandisq: what, like every second or two?18:49
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X-Fadetimeless: Ok, with hidden=true I can now change it..18:50
trevarthandisq: what's the purpose of that? allow slow people to read, but allow impatient people to read fast too?18:50
disqtrevarthan: erm. no, when it's selected like now. instead of scrolling at a constant speed, start slow, get faster in the middle, etc. it might not be noticable on short song titles though18:50
disqeye candy18:50
X-Fadetimeless: Now I can see that the microb engine has causes a few rendering problems that opera doesn't have..18:50
trevarthandisq: ah. that's interesting. do you have an example player for win32 or linux that does that already? I'd like to see what it looks like.18:51
disqanother improvement in the songlist would be to skip the track number if there's only one track in the list. it could look better, not sure.18:51
trevarthandisq: I might be able to do that too. I mostly have full albums here. not a big one song guy.18:52
disqtrevarthan: not sure if any players implement it but i can find/write a js that does it18:52
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trevarthandisq: I think I can handle it. I've already got the speed clock limited so I'll just increase the step rate closer to the middle of the scroll.18:53
trevarthanyou know what? feel free to play with it though. :) if you want to code it then I'm fine with that. :) I'm trying to recruit help here.18:54
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disqi need to start finishing off some paid work (deadline imminent) but can't get myself to do it. instead i'm checking out the mailing lists, chatting on irc etc. :) i would feel bad if i got into it more. so, i will, but can't today :)18:56
trevarthandisq: me too. Alright, I've added those to the TTD:   I'm gonna get some real work done now. :)18:58
timelessx-fade: sorry, is there a "set engine" menu below "close"?18:58
X-Fadetimeless: Yeah..18:58
timelessx-fade: um...18:58
X-Fadetimeless: I have switched back and forth a few times now. Works great.18:58
timelesssoryr, that's how you switch :)18:58
timelesswas that not there when you started this game?18:58
sciboyAre packages still being maintained for the 770?18:59
trevarthananyone know where I can find libplayback-1.0? I'm trying to install rtcomm on my n800....    it isn't part of the new firmware, is it?19:00
disqtrevarthan: okay. btw, if you search at google you'll find wavy text (text baseline going up and down like a sine wave) it's not that one i'm talking about. the idea is to get the text scrolling speed (velocity, if you will) change depending on the closeness to the beginning/end.19:01
timelesssciboy; no :)19:01
X-FadeHmm found another microb bug.. Zooming in doesn't scale background images..19:02
trevarthandisq: yeah, I get it. take a look at widgets.Text.offset. That's the variable that will change depending on proximity to the edge of the text (or middle, depending on implementation).19:02
timelesstrevarthan: it is the new firmware19:02
disqtrevarthan: rtcomm installed fine for me. if you have gpe or openedhand pim repositories it would be wise to disable them though (the known bug about evolution* could be triggered by that)19:02
trevarthanit's a constant 10 right now. we should modulate it.19:02
timelessit's ok, you need the new firmware for microb too :)19:03
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trevarthantimeless: disq: aw man. I'm scared to try the new firmware. I don't want to brick my 4gb SDHC card!
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* timeless goes to read19:05
disqtrevarthan: i would try it, it's good. but of course back up the sdhc card just in case. (luckily the only sdhc card i own is in my camera)19:05
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timelessok, fwiw, don't expect anything on that before mid august19:05
timelessnokians have a tendency to vacation in july19:06
timelesssilly finnish custom19:06
trevarthanman.... risk bricking my sdhc card to get SIP support, or play it safe, foresaking SIP support, and safely continue development on kagu with my 4gb sdhc card?19:07
knipknaphow feasible is it to make an application that uses pigment and avahi-python on maemo/nokia 770? are these libraries available on maemo? is avahi already provided?19:07
trevarthantimeless: maybe I should just put my 4gb card in the internal slot? I haven't seen any complaints about the internal slot bricking anything....19:07
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disqtrevarthan: i don't think you can physically brick memory cards with the n80019:08
trevarthandisq: they haven't found a way to repair them.19:08
sciboyAsked the question so I don't have to ->
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timelesstrevarthan: having lost a 2gb card i worked hard to get to /something/19:09
timelessi'd personally not use any big cards that i bought w/ my own money :)19:09
* timeless sighs19:10
timelessthat bug report is useless19:10
timelessit's a bunch of rambling complaints19:10
timelessincluding a "Fixed" marker19:10
timelesswho chose to reopen it and why?19:10
disqi had similar (mount-ro-wtf) problems with my 2gb rsmmc in the external slot, with the prev firmware btw19:10
trevarthanthat dude with the sdhc patches needs to release another 3rd party kernel for the latest firmware so I don't have to worry about it.19:10
disqit went away after a format (lost some maps)19:11
* timeless reads19:11
disqtrevarthan: i agree19:11
timelessslightly better would be a kernel w/ mmc debug logging enabled19:11
trevarthantimeless: are you saying that 1204 is useless?19:12
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timelesstrevarthan: bugs need to be about a single specific problem19:12
timelessif someone fixes something, then unless the fix causes regressions, a new bug should be filed for new instances of similar problems19:13
disqtrevarthan: another player idea would be a portrait view. doable with pygame, not doable with gtk unless the user has a patched x server19:13
timelessyou can't know if the problem you're experiencing stems from the same problem19:13
timelessit is very easy for there to be 2 bugs that trigger corruption19:13
pupnikwell trev, i haven't seen fps numbers for snes9x on the gp2x.  just reports that 'it's slow' and that drpocketsnes and squidgesnes are 'full speed' or 'near full speed'.  The three main performance elements are 1) mmu hack which we can't apply to the nokias 2) PPU, Sound optimisations 3) FB rendering (which we could do on nokia)19:13
timelessif there are 10 different ways to trigger each of 2 bugs that trigger corruption19:13
timelessthen some of the ways are no longer relevant once the first bug is fixed19:14
trevarthantimeless: disq: here's the mailing list thread if you're interested:
disqanyway, need to dyson (my new word for vacuum cleaning) my carpet, brb.19:14
timelessbut sifting through bugs with general "it's dead" messages19:14
timelesswon't get anyone anywhere19:14
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trevarthandisq: yeah, I think I mention portrait view in the TTD. I talk about rotating things, I think.19:14
pupnikWhere does the crew of the Enterprise go to work-out?19:14
pupnik"The It's Dead Gym"19:14
disqtrevarthan: i'm read almost all of the posts in maemo-devel, sardine-devel and maemo-users (talk about free time)19:15
trevarthandisq: I'm *definitely* going to do a portrait view. But I'm going to do it after a release.19:15
disqtrevarthan: yeah. btw, you should have a list for the todo items before the first release and just focus on them19:16
trevarthanpupnik: ah. so we're only getting PPU optimizations on Nokia, unless we decide to go the FB route. Are you using SDL or FB?19:16
pupnikSDL, but i've looked at siarhei's (sp?) mplayer fb hack and that's doable19:17
disqtrevarthan: because the player is mostly good and usable right now. (add exit confirmation to esc key?)19:17
* timeless goes to read the other bug19:17
trevarthandisq: I do. It's the part of TTD before "- Place project on Maemo Garage."19:17
disqi think that's too much stuff19:18
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trevarthandisq: I definitely want to add gst support before I make a release. I don't think mplayer should be a requirement.19:18
disqpossible to make a slightly half assed but equal functioning release19:19
timelessso the original problem...19:19
timelessa certain Hama 4GB SD card had a CRC problem with a fast MMC clock frequency19:19
timelesslowering the frequency to 24MHz enabled a copy from the card to work19:20
trevarthandisq: I could add gst support and release now... I just don't have any motivation to. What would that buy me besides release-day headaches?19:20
timelessa Transcend MiniSD 4GB SDHC otoh.. which also had CRC errors19:20
disqmmm.. i shall make a lolcat-of-the-day-background-image-changer19:21
timelesswell, lowering the clock speed caused the CRC errors to disappear19:21
timelessbut the card then responded with command timeouts to block reads19:21
timelessanyway, that's all the information available internally19:21
disqtrevarthan: people are out there, starving for a good music player! :P though you're partly right, there are so much media players out right now. to stand out you need to offer a near complete release19:22
timelessthe 2gb micro sd card i had also was visible as timeouts iirc19:22
timelessthe guy i gave it to couldn't figure out what to do with it19:22
disqor so many. rather than so much.19:22
timelessif you or anyone else wants to hunt down the problem, you'll almost certainly need kernel mmc debugging enabled19:22
trevarthandisq: that's what I was thinking. those things on the list now are what I think I need in order for kagu to be really attractive to people and stand out. I don't think many people use A2DP. other than that, maemoscrobbler support is the only thing that kagu currently offers that ukmp doesn't offer.19:23
timelessit /might/ be possible to ship sd cards to nokia, however i suspect, at least from prior experience that there are enough already19:23
timelessnokia does actually have at least one such card19:23
timeless(the debugging output wasn't enough for the engineer to figure out a fix from a cursory inspection)19:24
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trevarthandisq: oh, I'd need a gui for ukmp-scanner and I'd need to add makefiles for the deb before a release too, so the number of things in front of those critical items isn't really that long.19:24
disqtrevarthan: btw have you considered downloading album covers from other sites? sniff itunes traffic? i'll work on that.19:24
trevarthandisq: nope. but go ahead. sounds good.19:24
Jaffatrevarthan/disq: does it currently use "cover.jpg" et al? Or just ID3 album art?19:25
trevarthanJaffa: yeah. it'll use cover.jpg and folder.jpg.19:25
trevarthanI think ukmp only uses cover.jpg right now.19:26
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Hyperion|n800when i try to download a file to mmc2 i get a 'not alllwed' error is there a way to fix this19:36
pupnikis the usb cable plugged-in?19:36
Hyperion|n800i can access files19:37
Hyperion|n800but not write them19:37
sciboy"More frequenty seen in the hands of high profile stock brokers and celebrities the Nokia 770 is avaialble up for grab here @ ebay !!!"19:38
timelessoh, x-fade: fwiw, the email address you see isn't actually the real address :)19:38
trevarthanHyperion|n800: Have you been bitten by this?
sciboyAnyone know the actual dimensions of the screen?19:39
Hyperion|n800trevarthan, seems so :x19:40
disqsciboy: high profile stock brokers? celebrities? well. i wouldn't buy from that seller :P19:40
disqhe's trying to sell the 770 as if it was a phone. also lying about it.19:41
trevarthanHyperion|n800: the funny thing is that we were just discussing that bug. timeless had a 4 page rant about it. The sad thing is that your mmc card might be bricked. Hopefully not. But maybe.19:41
sciboydisq, If I had much freedom to shop around elsewhere, I would.19:41
timelessodds are it's a brick19:41
timelessit's not funny19:41
timelessactually, the gmane list is kinda conufsed19:42
timeless54313 wasn't really about "file corruption"19:42
timelessit was about CRCs preventing file copies19:43
* timeless shrugs19:43
timelessi can't stick that into the bug now because it's morphed19:43
timeless(and this is why morphing bugs is bad)19:43
Hyperion|n800trevarthan, heh, ok19:43
timelessbtw, not that you'd like it, but i suspect that if you read the nokia handbook19:44
trevarthanNokia needs to recall that firmware.19:44
timelessit probably says something like "only use official nokia supported cards"19:44
timelessand then has a tiny list of nokia vendor cards19:45
timelessit'd be good if someone could get one of those corrupted :)19:45
timeless(much better leverage)19:45
Hyperion|n800also, is there any way to install the packages needed for skype all at once and not individualy?19:45
trevarthanI bet someone could. I suspect the problem happens regardless of vendor.19:45
timelesstrevarthan: i believe so too, just noting that it really can't be me19:46
timelessand really, at this point, that's about the only way to speed things up.19:46
timelesspractically speaking, nothing can happen before mid august19:46
trevarthanI wonder if calling Nokia tech support and bitching would help?19:46
timelessthe biggest change from my perspective in the firmware was a fix for dead touchscreens19:46
timelesstrevarthan: they log them like bean counters19:47
timelessif enough people overfill a bean bucket, it's noticed19:47
trevarthanyeah, that's what I figured. Hyperion|n800: please call Nokia and complain loudly because their firmware bricked your card.19:47
timelessbe sure to include some details19:48
trevarthanno f'ing way I'm upgrading. shame too. I really want to play with SIP and the touch screen fixes too.19:48
timelesslike it doesn't work in my nokia <specify phone> anymore19:48
Hyperion|n800heh ok19:48
timelessand the specific card19:48
timelessoops, oh=wrong window19:49
* timeless chuckles19:49
timelessyou're here to see that..19:50
timelessyou're stalking me!19:50
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db48xyou told me to come here!19:50
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timelessoh sure, likely story!19:50
db48xdon't make me dig up a log19:50
timelessyeah yeah, blame me for you following my advice19:51
db48xso anyway, here's a generic debian question19:51
timelessoh, someone asked about installing all the pieces of skype19:51
db48xis there a standard way to make dpkg-buildpackage use a different directory to create the package in?19:52
timelessyou can always make a trivial ;.install or .deb package with requirements to make it works19:52
Hyperion|n800ah ok19:53
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timelessyou probably want -V {something}19:53
Hyperion|n800timeless, it tells me that some of the packages are missing etc. do you now what repositories they might be in?19:54
timelessyou almost certainly need the latest version of the system :)19:55
timelessgive me the package names and i'll let you know19:55
timelesshyperion: ie the ones that will brick things19:55
disqtrevarthan: inspected, decided the sine wave scroll is not the thing for the song title. because it's best when the text is going back and forth (think knight rider effect) it's kinda pointless to use it with the song title wrapping around. it could be used in other places, like when the songlister scrolls (to get it to stop faster maybe, useful for fast scrolls)19:56
pupnikhehe @ knight rider19:56
Hyperion|n800timeless, I´ll deal with it later, thanks19:57
disqtrevarthan: the code is something like this: "math.sin((math.pi*current_step/2)/max_step)" this gives you a nonlinear number between 0.0 and 0.999 depending on current_step's location in max_step.19:57
db48xno, you mean it computes a nonlinear function, not that the resulting number itself is nonlinear19:58
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Hyperion|n800timeless, do you know which one the osso-bookmarks package is in?20:03
timelessis browser saying it wants it?20:04
timelessthe browser notes are very clear that you need the latest version of the os release20:05
timelessi know because i rewrote that line of the page20:05
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Hyperion|n800ah :)20:06
timelessyou're free to try to convince someone to steal it for you20:06
Hyperion|n800well as my card already seems to be bricked ....20:06
timelesswhich version of the os are you using?20:06
Hyperion|n800when was the latest OS version released?20:06
timelessit's listed in control panel/about or something20:06
timelesswell, if we go to the page...20:07
* timeless wonders if someone is hammering garage20:07
timelessMozilla based browser for maemo requires the latest version of Internet Tablet OS 2007 for Nokia N800 (4.2007.26-8).20:08
timelesswas the page unclear in any way shape or form?20:08
timelessdo i need to write the page in Finnish?20:08
Hyperion|n800no Im just outa the loop :)20:08
timelessit might be hard for me to get that done today20:08
Hyperion|n800dont worry about it ;)20:08
timelessbut i could probably find someone tomorrow :)20:08
db48xthat page is entirely non-transparent, timeless20:08
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Hyperion|n800english is native here20:09
timelesshyperion: i got stuck w/ the job of cleaning up the text because i'm a native speaker20:09
Hyperion|n800what you could do20:09
Hyperion|n800is put that as number 120:09
timelessi don't think we have a 6. picture :(20:09
Hyperion|n800so people see it20:09
Hyperion|n800ah well, if they dont20:10
teer2Hello guys - I have a quick question.  Is there a way to remove the address bar on the webbrowser fullscreen?  I am sure this is a common question.  By the way, I love my SSH server running.  It is wonderful to login to the functional Linux OS20:10
timelesswould a quote chracter in front of that work?20:10
Hyperion|n800theyĺl just come here and badger you20:10
Hyperion|n800ya it might20:10
timelesshrm, we do have a 6 picture20:10
timelesswhich would you prefer?20:10
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timelessseriously, i'll gladly change it, but you have to suggest which will work best :)20:11
Hyperion|n800go for the 620:12
teer2Hyperion|n800: I think I just saw a Shrike.20:12
Hyperion|n800teer2 herm?20:12
kaatis_that site looks like a powerpoint slideshow20:12
teer2Hyperion|n800: Referring to the Hyperion books.  :)20:13
Hyperion|n800ah ok, thanks20:13
* Hyperion|n800 still needs to read them20:13
db48xkaatis_: how does that make you feel?20:13
teer2I am looking for the best way to do ebook reading on the N80020:13
* timeless frowns20:14
Hyperion|n800teer2, I like evince personally if they are in pdf format20:14
teer2The address bar in the webbrowser was no fun.20:14
timelessok, so, just a straight list w/o any text explaining what this is?20:14
kaatis_db48x, i'd much rather read some simple page x)20:14
teer2I generally get ebooks in plain text or html because it is easier to manipulate20:14
timelessor a paragraph and then 1 as "Update to the latest version of Internet Tablet OS 2007 for Nokia N800 (...)20:14
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* timeless leans toward the latter20:14
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Hyperion|n800use a paragraph20:15
Hyperion|n800and then the 1. update to lates os (3.7007.26-4)20:15
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timeless Mozilla based browser for maemo requires the latest version of Internet Tablet OS 2007 for Nokia N800.20:17
timeless    * Update to Internet Tablet OS 2007 (4.2007.26-8).20:17
teer2Is the Mozilla based brower better?20:17
teer2I was going to try it to see if it did true fullscreen, but didn't want to fight with other bugs20:18
timelesswhat's true fullscreen?20:18
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Hyperion|n800wow, development has really kicked up a notch :)20:18
teer2timeless: The default webbrowser leaves the address bar on the screen in fullscreen mode.20:18
Hyperion|n800I finally have nano :D20:19
timelessyou can turn that off20:19
timelessapp menu(that's a hardware button)20:19
teer2I'd really like to know how.20:19
timelessshow toolbar>20:19
timeless[x] full screen20:19
teer2oooooh... thank you!20:19
timelessi bet it's even in help20:19
teer2I was looking under preferences20:19
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timelessmaybe it isn't20:20
Hyperion|n800is it strange that I have nothing in my /media/mmc2 folder?20:20
timelessand if it isn't, ill gladly yell at the help writers :)20:20
teer2Does the google pages (google documents, google calander, google reader) work any better in the mozilla browser?20:21
timelessteer2: yes20:21
timelessthey're the primary test pages20:21
teer2And what is the default browser?  I'd love to recommend work on the google pages to them.20:21
timelessinstalling microb changes the default browser20:21
timelessthere's supposed to be an appmenu>set engine> item20:22
timelessbut someone claimed it was missing20:22
Hyperion|n800<3 MASSIVELY for google docs20:22
Hyperion|n800oh, here is a question20:22
teer2timeless: Reallly - that's great to hear.  I do a lot of work with the Google tools.20:22
timelessteer2: i pretty much only work w/ google tools :)20:22
timelessi'm not really familiar w/ the web20:23
Hyperion|n800if I mounted my sd card over usb in linux, could permissions have gotten messed20:23
timelessi wouldn't miss only visiting * :)20:23
Hyperion|n800so that I can no longer write to it?20:23
timelesshyperion: sd cards tend to be fat20:23
timelesswhich means no permissions20:23
timelessin general at least from what i've seen, when an sd card goes bad, you're up a creek w/o a paddle20:23
timelessa friend had a camera which ate an sd card for him20:23
timelessno nokia devices involved20:24
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timelessjust a mac, a usb cable, and a camera not properly mode dialed20:24
timelesshyperion: reload browser.garage20:25
disqtimeless: too bad we can't use both browsers. like we do with minimo20:25
timelessjust in case you guys think that it requires20:25
timelessa nokia device to eat an mmc/sd card :)20:25
timelessdisq: so...20:25
timelessi've used QNX devices (Audrey)20:25
timelesswhich had a similar system20:25
timelessyou can in fact run two browsers if you like20:26
timelessthere's a TestGtkEmbed which you should be able to find in a dev package20:26
timelessi believe it's in the repository20:26
timelessthe reason embedders (Nokia, QSSL)20:26
timelessdon't do it is because their devices don't have enough ram (32mb audrey, who knows for the tablet)20:26
timelessso encouraging users to run two ram hungry applications is stupid20:27
timelessand it's also fairly confusing to have two nearly identical uis open20:27
timelessnot good for a "platform"20:27
timelessbesides, you can't do a proper side by side comparison that way20:27
dragornI've got an audrey20:27
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timelesshelp nokia employees out, buy a second device and do it right :)20:27
timelessmy audrey is sitting next to my cinema display for my mac20:28
Hyperion|n800looks good :)20:28
procto3com audrey?20:28
timelessunfortunately it has a us voltage adapter and i'm not in the us20:28
timelessprocto: correct20:28
proctoman, I remember those things :>20:28
disqtimeless: i mean, it's cool but what happens if the package gets broken somewhere along the development period? it's not even beta (which is a reserved word :p ). would uninstalling it revert to opera?20:28
Hyperion|n800im headed home20:28
timelessdisq: yes20:28
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disqthen np :)20:29
timelessdisq: note that you're supposed to be able to switch browser engines from the menu20:29
disqeven better20:29
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timelessmy devices are mostly too customized for me to be sure20:29
* timeless picks up personal device that doesn't have microb20:29
dragornthe amount of crap in my office means mine is somewhere in the basement20:30
proctotimeless: what's microb?20:30
disqprocto: it's the gecko/mozilla thingy20:31
disqcodename for it.20:31
timelesscodename that the project leader worked very hard to have as a public name20:31
proctomy n800 arrives tomorrow20:31
proctomy stowaway bt keyboard should be arriving today20:31
timelessonly to have management squish it at the last weekend20:31
disqso, i guess nokia is doing some useful stuff after all. last few weeks was very active20:32
timelessdisq: actually...20:32
timelessnokia's mostly on vacation :)20:32
teer2procto: N800 is awesome.20:32
proctoteer2: that's why I bought it :>20:32
timelessi think most of the releases are timed based on guadec20:33
* timeless sighs20:33
* timeless needs to kick someone20:33
teer2My only other issue (other than the address bar in fullscreen webbrowser that I just got fixed) is the WiFi losing connection.20:33
timelessteer2: care to be slightly more specific?20:33
timelessi can't fix vague bugs20:33
teer2Anyone else see this?  Oh thanks.20:33
disqfirmware (flash9, which was unexpected) then the rtcomm alpha (early release, great work, appreciated) then the chinook pre-sdk (always welcome) and now microb20:33
timelessdisq: flash9 had been long planned20:34
timelessoriginally it was going to arrive w/ microb20:34
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disqalso sardine is cooking nicely20:34
timelesswe slipped a bit :(20:34
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timelessthe things that were released in final were basically done early in the year (into spring) and took the last bits for testing and legal checks20:35
disqtimeless: great splash screen/page btw20:35
teer2timeless: I have a very recent Linksys WAP using encryption (hold on, I'll give you specifics), and the N800 connected to the network easily enough.  I also have it connected to my phone's bluetooth connection.  Occasionally, when I bring it online from standby, I have to "Change connection..." and choose the WiFi again20:35
timelessteer2: does the icon disappear in themenu that has change connection?20:36
disqit comes with ssl2 disabled though20:36
timeless(specific should include the linksys model including rev, they're as bad as nokia!)20:36
timelessdisq: is that a problem for a specific reason?20:36
teer2timeless: wireless stats: 802.11 B/G, channel 6, Wireless SSID Broadcasted, WPA Personal security mode, TKIP20:37
timeless=> disq20:37
disqthere's no specific reason, not even sure which sites use ssl2 and which don't20:37
timelessif you have a specific site, please file a bug into that tree20:37
timeless(don't file duplicates...)20:37
timelessdisq: you'll find out if any do when you get there :)20:37
disq:) thanks for the update20:38
teer2timeless: By icon, do you mean the WiFi four-bar meter that shows the signal strength?20:38
teer2timeless: I will document what I do/see next time it happens so I can get better information to you, since you are interested.20:39
Luriaare there any release notes/info for this microb browser?20:40
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disqmicrob loves times new roman.20:42
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Luriawho doesnt love times new roman?20:43
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Luriadamn, is busy20:44
Luriaso why isnt this vm downloading quickly...20:44
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timelessi'm testing using apt-get install instead of application managerr20:45
timelessteer2: yes20:45
timelessteer2: i've had that icon go missing at times :)20:45
timelessluria: what do you want in them?20:45
disqtimeless: so, microb is a package that replaces eal, so it's essentially the same shell (/usr/bin/browser) with a different engine running?20:46
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timelessdisq: um, kinda20:46
timelessit is the same shell20:46
timelesssame way that qnx audrey's browser worked20:46
Luriai use apt-get and dpkg all the time. app manager is painful.20:46
timelessyou have 1 shell, an api layer, and n providers20:46
teer2timeless: Gotcha.  I will see what I can do.20:46
ctooleyThere used to be a simple step by step instruction document on using the Linux flasher to put new images on the 770's and 800's.  I can't seem to find it now.20:47
timelessyou install a provider and the shell uses whichever its default is20:47
disqtimeless: ah. currently is there any way (gconf, conf file, whatever) to change the default without an uninstall?20:47
timelessthere's supposed to be a menu item, but it seemsit might be missing20:47
timelessengine=opera | engine=microb20:48
disqah i see. great work20:48
Sparrow-ctooley: link to it can be found from Ari Jaaksi's blog20:48
disqDirty_State=true (so dirty)20:48
timelessdon't change the file while the browser is open20:48
timelessit won't work20:48
timeless(browser writes its prefs when it quits...)20:49
disqnoticed :)20:49
disqthanks for the help20:49
timelessif you set hidden=true you should definitely get an extra menu20:50
disqdid the installation also update the browser binary? i think previously it had an hack that got rid of the default theming margins, now they're back20:50
disqit's hildon theming's problem though :)20:51
timelesshildon theming *sucks*20:52
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ctooleythank you spaetz20:53
ctooleyerr Sparrow-20:53
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Hyperion2010hrm, so it seems that it is not a problem with the sd card at the moment since I can write to it from windows....20:56
gomiamHyperion2010: are you having problems reading a SD card in Maemo?20:58
infobotgomiam meant: Hyperion2010: are you having problems reading a SD card in N800?20:58
gomiamreinsert it and, if that doesn't work, restart the tablet20:58
gomiamit sometimes gets stupid and won't understand there's a perfectly valid card there.20:58
Hyperion2010well it will read, it just wont write20:59
Hyperion2010and I'm not running the 26-4 borked things20:59
disqsetting hidden=true showed the browsing engine selection menu20:59
gomiamdisq: ?20:59
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gomiamwhat browsing engine selection menu? >:-)21:00
Luriauhh anyone know if rtcomm is usable?21:00
Luriawould be nice not to have to run gizmo21:00
disqgomiam: you should read a few pages of scrollback21:05
gomiamoh, I should read _so_ many things. Exams take some precedence though21:07
disqgomiam: to sum it up: (and the hidden=true thingy is in /home/user/.browser, allows you to switch between opera and microb)21:07
gomiam! I may try it at some given time21:08
gomiamthanks for the info21:08
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trevarthandisq: how would math.sin((math.pi*current_step/2)/max_step) be used to compute a non-linear rate?21:09
gomiamwhat kind of non-linear rate would you want to compute, trevarthan?21:10
trevarthanI don't really. :) that's why I'm asking disq. It's his code.21:10
gomiamah :-D21:10
disqtrevarthan: you could multiply it with the max velocity. it would give you the velocity for step current_step21:11
trevarthanwhere max_step == max velocity?21:11
gomiamtrevarthan: nope.21:11
trevarthanyeah, sorry. terrible at rates....21:12
gomiamthe code you pasted gives you values between 0 and 121:12
disqno. max_step is the length of the "track". current_step is the animated item's position in that track21:12
gomiam(if 0<=current_step<=max_step)21:12
trevarthandisq: wouldn't that give you an always increasing rate though?21:13
disqfor instance you could use it to animate/slide the album cover image at the bottom, when the album changes. the cover image would start sliding from the bottom fast (or slow) and get slower (or faster) as it reaches its target position21:14
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trevarthanah. so that gives a non-linear rate, but it's up to you to set the limit.21:14
disqtrevarthan: the thing is it's supposed to increase in relation to a sine wave21:14
trevarthanI see.21:14
trevarthanI would probably use a spline for that same sort of thing, or a hyperbola....21:15
gomiamtrevarthan: I'm more partial to parabolae ;-P21:15
disqthough probably doing these kinds of things with evas should be much easier and even may not require any code. not sure, never used it21:16
Hyperion2010why is it that the nokia site change log is out of date?21:16
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Hyperion2010and/or where can I get the latest change log?21:16
trevarthangomiam: stop poking fun at the mathematically challenged. I get on with my crappy knowledge. I just have to google things more. :)21:17
trevarthanI had some good spline code a few years back when I was doing stuff with DirectX... I should dust that off and play with it.21:18
Hyperion2010trevarthan, as it turns out I'm not running the latest version (3.2007.26-4) yet my sd card still registers as read only21:19
Hyperion2010I checked fstab to see if anything was up with that21:19
Hyperion2010but it seems that it is not21:19
trevarthanthat's odd. I'm running 3.2007.10-7. I didn't know there was a version release between my firmware and the bad one.21:20
trevarthanyou sure 3.2007.26-4 isn't the latest?21:20
Hyperion2010apparnetly it is the 10-721:21
Hyperion2010cause thats what Im running21:21
* Hyperion2010 wonders what timeless was talking about21:21
trevarthanoh. you're running 10-7. ok. I get it. 26-4 is the bad one....21:21
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Hyperion2010I'm trying a restart now.... I've popped things in and out21:22
Hyperion2010nothing quite seems to work21:22
Hyperion2010I am using the >2gb kernel though....21:22
trevarthanI've heard mention that the external SD card slot on the n800 has different electrical characteristics than the internal slot. It's possible that is what is causing these problems. Perhaps the problem exists in all firmwares.21:23
trevarthanyou're running the SDHC kernel?21:23
trevarthanIf you can't get the n800 to shut off, pop the battery out. Happens to me all the time.21:23
Hyperion2010ah ok21:23
Hyperion2010ya, I never know if its actually turned all the way off or not....21:24
trevarthanIf you can't get the damn thing to boot, plug it into the wall while you're booting. I had that problem yesterday.21:24
Hyperion2010heh lol21:24
Hyperion2010which way does this thing pop?21:24
trevarthanIf you get a white screen while booting, then it reboots automatically, you're probably screwed. Ask me how I know.21:24
Hyperion2010from the end with the +- or the other end?21:25
trevarthanother end21:25
trevarthanI use the battery cover (the curved edge) to pop it out.21:25
Hyperion2010got my fingernail to work21:25
trevarthanyow. I did that a few times, but I have to do it so much during kagu development that it made them hurt.21:26
gomiamWhile you are talking about firmware versions you have mentioned 26-421:26
gomiamis that a development version? I ask because I have 10-7 and 26-8 from the Nokia site21:27
Hyperion2010blargh, still saying read only....21:27
Hyperion2010maybe it is 26-8 and I just miss typed21:27
gomiamHyperion2010: stupid question, is the card in the "read-only position"?21:27
Hyperion2010there's such a thing?21:27
Hyperion2010because it will write in windows21:27
trevarthansometimes, yeah21:27
Hyperion2010when it is hooked through the usb21:28
gomiamcheck the SD card and it could have a white sliding plastic21:28
timelessok, for kicks, we're installing microb on a much older os release :)21:28
gomiamwith a text that says "LOCK" nearby21:28
gomiamI have had some surprises with it21:28
Hyperion2010hr, the files on the card are marked read only21:29
Hyperion2010but the folders are not....21:29
trevarthansomething else you might try: can you format the card in windows? Perhaps formatting will hide the problem? (no clue if that's even possible)21:29
Hyperion2010no idea21:29
gomiamtrevarthan: yes, you should be able to reformat the card21:29
Hyperion2010its a fat 32 right?21:29
Hyperion2010I'll give it a shot21:29
teer2Who makes the default webbrowser?  Is it opera?21:30
trevarthanI have to wonder if one of the bits on the card just went bad or something....21:30
trevarthanyeah, opera.21:30
teer2trevarthan: Thanks21:30
gomiamHyperion2010: if you haven't started formatting, try creating a new file (if you didn't already)21:31
Hyperion2010I will21:31
Hyperion2010I'm backing stuff up atm21:31
Hyperion2010in windows all the files are check with "archive" anyone know if that is normal?21:32
gomiamHyperion2010: yup21:32
Hyperion2010k thanks21:32
gomiamwhen you copy files the already copied files are marked "Archive"21:32
gomiamat least, that used to be the way in MS-DOS21:32
gomiamand knowing the way MS develops software... :-D21:32
Hyperion2010we know vista is just a slightly tweaked xp with some drm and fancy graphics and new kernel D:21:34
gomiamHyperion2010: that's not the worst of it. It _all_ still runs on a 16 bit kernel ;-)21:34
gomiamjokes aside, you are right21:35
trevarthangomiam: even the 64 bit version?21:35
gomiamtrevarthan: well, they just put 4 16 bits kernels running concurrently21:35
gomiamand hope one of them stays alive when the other three crash21:35
Hyperion2010no luck creating a new folder gomiam21:35
Hyperion2010should I format through the usb connection21:36
trevarthanI hate mathematic notation. I don't understand a bit of it. I stopped thinking like that sometime after algebra because I started using computers....21:36
gomiam"format through the usb connection" as in "through a USB SD-card reader"?21:36
gomiamtrevarthan: ok, so what's it that is giving you problems now?21:37
Hyperion2010well I have a card reader in my monitor, but I'm not sure that will work21:37
Hyperion2010but when I plug the n800 into the usb21:37
trevarthangomiam: I'm not telling. You'll make fun of me again. :-P21:37
Hyperion2010it shows up as a drive which can be formatted21:37
gomiamtrevarthan: no (not much, at any rate :-P )21:37
gomiamno, really. What is it?21:38
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trevarthanthere's too much of it to communicate. I'll just look it all up.21:38
gomiamoh, pity. Good luck then21:39
Hyperion2010when is 4.2007 scheduled for release?21:39
gomiamHyperion2010: I have 4.2007 already installed21:39
gomiamat least 4.2007.26-821:40
Hyperion2010ah ok21:40
Hyperion2010will the nokia updater software grab that?21:40
gomiamit should21:40
gomiamthough I'm partial to downloading it directly and then upload it from disk21:40
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Hyperion2010I would boot into linux21:40
Hyperion2010but I'm here.....21:40
gomiamoh, you don't need to boot into linux to do it21:41
gomiamyou just tell the installer where the file is21:41
gomiamand it goes on happily21:41
Hyperion2010is there samba for the n800?21:42
gomiamboth client and server21:43
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Hyperion2010yes, I think I remember that, but since network wasnt showing up in file browser (god I would love a stripped down gnome for this thing) I figured I was just missing something21:43
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Hyperion2010I've asked around to see if people have been trying to use the "boot from mmc" kernel to stick something like gentoo on an sd card and boot from that :D21:44
Hyperion2010too bad portage takes up over a gig :x21:44
gomiamHyperion2010: you might want to precompile the packages somewhere else21:45
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killfillhi maemos!21:45
Hyperion2010haha, no kidding21:45
killfillim trying ot use my bluetooth mic/pseaker21:45
killfillis it possible?...21:45
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killfilli have it paired already.. bu sounts still goes ou thought integrated speaker21:45
Hyperion2010I've been considering procompiling my kernel and OS all before sticking the HD into my new computer when I build it :D21:46
X-Fadetimeless: Did you guys test a webcore backend too?21:46
gomiamIMO, recompiling is a bit overstated.21:46
gomiamIt may make sense in processor-intensive code21:47
killfillanyone have use theirh bluetooth earphones21:47
gomiamkillfill: I don't have those, so no, sorry.21:47
gomiamdoes the Bt microphone work, though?21:47
killfillfinnaly got SIPw roking in here.. :D~21:47
Hyperion2010hehe, well with quad cores I'm sure you could just have a core dedicated to it at all times :D21:47
trevarthanthere we go, there's some good bezier code:
killfillbu i need my earphone to work too.. :S21:48
killfillhm.. letme try21:48
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gomiamkillfill: let's go part by part. First check the mike and then we'll think about the speakers :-)21:48
killfillwell it doesnt work neither21:49
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killfillat least on the sip software (telephaty is its name?)21:49
gomiamok, let me google for a bit21:49
gomiamteorethically (these english writers, it should be theorically, shouldn't it?) there's a Human Interface Profile for Bluetooth on N80021:52
gomiamI would expect it to be something more than just Bluetooth keyboard support21:52
gomiambut perhaps it isn't21:52
Hyperion2010well it at least does data connection....21:53
killfillwell i notice when switching to the new OS2007 from april21:53
killfillthat all bt devices are visible.. before only phones21:53
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Hyperion2010ya, I pick up computers, phones, keyboards21:54
Hyperion2010sadly I dont think a bt mouse would work :(21:54
Hyperion2010that would rox21:54
gomiammmm... that might make sense. N770 needed a third-party Bluetooth driver to connect to keyboards.21:54
killfillHyperion2010: you dont happend to have a headset do you?.. :)21:55
Hyperion2010na, I rarely use my sound on it, though I've actually though about getting one :x21:55
Hyperion2010did you chekc internettablettalk?21:55
killfillthe forums?21:56
Hyperion2010btw, gomiam, format didnt work either :o21:56
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gomiamthat makes little sense21:57
Hyperion2010I'm going to update anyway21:57
gomiamsend the card to me, paid posts of course and I'll keep it :-P21:57
Hyperion2010it works fine in all other settins.....21:57
Hyperion2010ah well21:57
gomiamexcuses, excuses21:57
gomiamnow, get posting :-D21:57
Hyperion2010you have to ssh to get gainroot to work right?21:58
gomiammmm... no21:58
gomiamI think you only need to install osso-xterm and becomeroot21:58
disqtimeless: should test it in 2007HE21:58
Hyperion2010ah ok, well Im going to do the update now21:58
Hyperion2010and then if it continues to be borked21:59
Hyperion2010I will yell at them :)21:59
Hyperion2010since it will be akin to the problems others have had21:59
Hyperion2010but I think I'll take it out for the update...21:59
Hyperion2010also, does it matter if you switch the internal and external sd cards?22:00
Hyperion2010(my internal is swap space)22:00
gomiammaybe not22:00
gomiamof course switching would require recreating the swapspace.22:00
Hyperion2010of course :)22:01
Hyperion2010i'll deal with that later22:01
Hyperion2010ah hang on....22:01
* gomiam hangs on...22:01
* gomiam feels his fingers slip...22:01
Hyperion2010trying the lock slider22:02
* gomiam falls to a dark, untimely and ultimately crunching death22:02
Hyperion2010but that really shouldnt have been the problem....22:02
Hyperion2010since I formatted it ffs22:02
Hyperion2010lol no beans22:03
Hyperion2010well it can make new folders now...22:03
gomiamtime to go see the big blue room before it gets dark22:03
Hyperion2010just no backup22:03
* Xark is quite impressed with the new mozilla based browser. I tad slowish, but very functional. (Woo-hoo! Google apps! - I missed Reader)22:05
Hyperion2010lulz, gomiam, that was infact, the problem :x22:06
* Hyperion2010 is brilliant22:06
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Hyperion2010anyone else get a very sligh screen flicker when using the lowest brightness setting?22:07
XarkHyperion2010: I have noticed that.  I am guessing the brightness is affected by wifi power use.22:08
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Hyperion2010ah ok22:08
* pupnik holds breath for 3430 or 3420 and starts turning blue22:09
pupnikmaybe spring/summer 2008?22:10
timelesscan someone explain how to do basic arithmetic using only tools that are included in a standard n800_22:11
timelessi only need addition and subtraction22:11
Hyperion2010isnt there a built in calculator?22:11
Hyperion2010utilites I think?22:11
timelessi need a command line thing22:11
timelessiC$m writing a complicated shell script like creature22:11
timelessfor someone else to run :)22:12
Hyperion2010heh, that you will have to get someone else to explain :x22:12
Xarktimeless: Like:   echo  $[2 + 2]22:14
timelessNokia-N800-10:/tmp# echo  $[2 + 2]22:14
timeless$[2 + 2]22:14
Xarktimeless: Works in bash, not sure about busybox...22:14
timelesswell, thatC$s a real device running a real standard release22:14
timelessnothing magical about it22:14
Xarktimebase: Yeah, mine too, but I installed bash on it. :)22:15
timelessyeah, but iC$m trying to write this for someone who is unlikely to do that22:15
timelesswell, actually, whatever22:15
timelessi don't want to depend on it22:15
GAN800Anybody try the new browser?22:16
GAN800Just installed, do I need to reboot.22:16
Hyperion2010GAN800, just restart the browser itself22:17
GAN800SWEEEEEET! Thanks! :D22:19
Xarktimeless: You could probably use awk (in busybox) for simple math.22:19
X-FadeNow we need to port Adblock to the new browser :) Downloading ads while on gprs isn't fun..22:20
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_Shurik_fellow tabloids22:29
_Shurik_I greet you22:29
GAN800This just in, Jessica Alba is a dirty whore!22:29
_Shurik_her hot water heater broke?22:30
_Shurik_(redundancy alert)22:30
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XarkDoes anybody know how to check the N800 battery level from a command line (via ssh)?22:34
_Shurik_I do not22:34
XarkOh well.  Can't find anyting in /proc...22:34
_Shurik_but it is a good question though22:35
XarkYeah, it would be handy.  I guess I will have to install vnc server. :-)22:35
_Shurik_Can't you just like bring n800 with you? :)22:36
dougskoyou might be able to use dbus to find the battery level22:36
Xark_Shurik_: Its just in the other room, I just don't want to leave it on charger all the time (so I want to know when it gets low).22:37
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Hyperion2010it safe to do a firmware update with the power cord plugged in?22:37
_Shurik_Xark, right, bring it with you to the other room :)22:37
_Shurik_Mine n800 goes everywhere I go :)22:37
Xark_Shurik_: Yeah, but I wanted it to send me mail when it gets low on power (since I will forget to check it).22:38
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_Shurik_interesting concept actually22:39
XarkNo biggie.  I will just have to listen for the "batter low noise", but it can be difficult mixed with techno music. :)22:39
_Shurik_problem is that I usually keep it offline when not in use22:39
_Shurik_so I need a software that will help n800 plug itself in when battery is low22:40
_Shurik_or switch it's own battery22:41
_Shurik_but then I'm risking owning a transformer22:42
XarkYeah, or spawning SkyNet. :)22:42
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_Shurik_mmm, liquid n80022:42
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X-FadeAh, tableteer doesn't recognize the N800 when using the new browser ;) I guess they don't recognize the user agent...22:51
_Shurik_anyting good on that site anyway?22:52
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gpdso I installed microb-browser - but nothing in the menus.22:55
X-FadeNah, but I was testing the browser. Finding rendering bugs..22:55
X-Fadegpd: It replaces the original one..22:55
X-FadeOr at least changes the engine to microb..22:55
gpdholy crap - you mean no more opera?22:55
_Shurik_I have no issues with opera22:55
X-Fadegpd: You can change it back :)22:56
gpdseems a little aggressive22:56
X-FadeI described it in this bug :)
gpdwhere do I change it back (lazy)22:56
disqgpd: edit ~/.browser, change hidden to true22:56
gpdwow - early days I guess22:57
disqgpd: then there'll be a menuitem in the browser to change it (or you could also change engine=microb to engine=opera) (make sure you don't have any browser windows open or it'll revert)22:57
gpdbut a nice addition nonetheless :D22:57
X-Fadegpd: It is _beta_ :)22:57
disqafaik it's pre-beta actually22:57
gpdinded - i accept graciously22:58
X-FadeWell certainly not for endusers..22:58
X-FadeBut it does a pretty decent job..22:58
zuhSeems to work fine with google calendar though, and seems faster to me than opera too22:58
gpdno danger of google gears until they release it for armel22:58
zuhBut I use the browser so little I could be wrong ;)22:58
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X-FadeZuh, it is a little slower than opera to me.. Resizing is way slower..22:59
zuhCould be, didn't actually test it that much yet22:59
zuhAnd that's the expectation anyway22:59
X-FadeAnd resizing is buggy. Hence bug 1671 ;)22:59
disqit hits the over 90% avg cpu mark easier than opera, whilst loading sites22:59
X-FadeBut still. It is not bad.23:00
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Xarkgpd: I think it has a "Set Engine" file menu option to switch back to Opera...23:01
_Shurik_I'd like for Opera to remember "optimized view"  settings on per site basis23:01
XarkShurik: Yes, since on some sites its a disaster and on others virtually required.23:02
zuhPerfectly adequate for my browsing on that thing, I dislike it in general so it's very rare (even more so since I don't have mobile net access anyway)23:02
_Shurik_I wonder if anyone entered this as a request23:02
_Shurik_but in general everyone is now going to start caring about low res devices all of the sudden23:03
_Shurik_not that long ago noone cared about 800x600 anymore when designing sites23:03
zuhYeah, and it shows23:03
_Shurik_although there are still people on that res... I wonder where they come from23:04
_Shurik_(non mobile I mean)23:04
XarkX-Fade: Yeah, its noticably slower than Opera, but much better functionality.  I'm pretty happy with it for a first release.23:04
_Shurik_Xarc: microb?23:04
XarkShurik: Yeah.23:04
X-FadeXark: Yep, few rendering bugs make my life a little harder. But hey, you can't have it all :)23:04
_Shurik_minimo had a good potential23:05
XarkX-Fade: I am very happy to get access to Google apps (without minimo which I wasn't too happy with).23:05
_Shurik_simply because I think mozilla renders html the way it was intended23:05
XarkShurik: Doesn't microb use the same rendering engine?23:06
_Shurik_I have no idea, I just heard about it few minutes ago :))23:06
_Shurik_haven't googled it yet... moving some files into production right now23:06
X-FadeXark: It uses Gecko. Just like Firefox does..23:06
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XarkShurik: My impression is that is a customized mozilla derivitave (or at least using Gekko rendering engine).23:07
_Shurik_very interesting23:07
_Shurik_is there a way to have it without it replacing opera?23:07
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Xark_Shurik_: There is a file menu to switch back to opera engine.23:07
X-FadeXark: It uses Gecko 1.9 which will also be in Firefox 3.023:07
unique311.browser file located in the user folder23:08
_Shurik_I hope it has a better support base then minimo23:08
XarkX-Fade: Renders pages pretty nicely (Opera always had a few oddities).23:08
unique311and change hidden:false to hidden:true23:08
_Monkeyunique311: that doesn't look right23:08
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unique311well i did it and i have the choice to use opera or microb now23:08
unique311there's a file called .browser located in /home/user/23:09
unique311hidden=false to hidden=true23:10
unique311make sure the browser is not in use23:10
unique311google maps doesn't seem to want to work in the new browser correctly...23:12
unique311switch back to opera and it works..23:12
X-Fadeunique311: Maps works for me?23:14
unique311sucks for me then....23:14
_Shurik_use maemo mapper :)23:14
_Shurik_for maps23:14
unique311maemo mapper doesn't offer street view23:15
Luriahas anyone tried the rtcomm patch?23:15
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_Shurik_unique: what do you mean street view?23:16
_Shurik_Luria: what's that for?23:16
unique311new feature from google maps...23:16
unique311shows you the streets..23:16
* _Shurik_ loading
unique311maybe you should check it out23:16
unique311major cities right now23:16
_Shurik_are you talking about traffic?23:17
Luria_Shurik_, rtcomm.garage.maemo.org23:17
_Shurik_Luria: looking23:18
Luriasip patch for n80023:18
unique311had to change settings..23:18
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unique311try it on your notebook or desktop23:20
timelessx-fade: you have 4.2007, right?23:20
X-Fadetimeless: Yep.23:21
_Shurik_they didn't have it for my not-so-major city23:23
onionbah, N800 owners get all the fun stuff :(23:23
unique311it works on the N80023:23
unique311shurik what city?23:23
_Shurik_I checked NY out, funkey23:24
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timelessx-fade: i'm walking home23:24
timelessin 20mins i can give you a script which will let you make non 4.2007 users happy23:24
_Shurik_timeless: watch out for that.... pole23:24
unique311street view is a goood add from it works on the n800...priceless...23:25
X-Fadetimeless: I have to get to bed :(23:25
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timelessx-fade: well, we'll see if someone else nibbles23:25
X-Fadetimeless: Will check the backscroll when I wake up :)23:25
timelessok :). i only have 200 lines, so ican't do that :)23:25
* timeless goes to check for 3 bugs23:26
X-Fadetimeless: irssi baby ;)23:27
timelessi can't afford more lines23:27
timelessi'd never get work done23:27
unique311_Shurik_, kinda shock atlanta is not considered a major city....23:31
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_Shurik_ no it is, but we just think that taking one's picture captures one's soul23:32
killfillgomiam: didnt find anything about the bt headset?.. :)23:32
Blacksitoxwhats IDE python on n800?23:32
unique311the google van didn't make its way down there yet..23:32
unique311thats all23:32
_Shurik_right :)23:32
_Shurik_Although we do have their regional hosting here. I even saw it once23:33
unique311so only a matter of time before it shows up...23:33
_Shurik_they just probably haven't come around to hacking into street cams yet23:33
unique311if you seen it down there...23:33
db48xthat'd be a cool mashup23:33
db48xlive traffic cams replacing google's street views23:34
unique311pretty sure they have plans to do so...23:36
unique311not sure how legal that would be...23:36
unique311helpful for the law..23:36
unique311not too good for the criminals out there..23:36
_Shurik_streetcam + crime23:36
unique311gotta look out for the criminals..they have rights too.23:37
_Shurik_I'M FEELING LUCKY23:37
unique311NYC already have enough camera's on the streets...23:37
unique311don't think you can go on any block without seeing a camera23:38
_Shurik_I would like to have more cameras pointing into the windows of NYC23:38
_Shurik_which is what google is doing anyway. I heard they patented tv with webcam. With google regime TV is watching YOU!23:39
db48xit'd be perfectly legal23:40
db48xanything that happens in the public can be recorded and displayed by anybody for any purpose23:40
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unique311says the individual who doesn't live in NY23:41
db48xanything that happens inside a private building but is nevertheless visible to someone in the public right of way is also fair game23:42
Luriahence the "public" thing23:43
unique311are you paparazzi db48x23:43
Luriathough it has its limitations... ir signatures, no matter how far they eminate into the "public" sphere are not fair game23:44
db48xyou mean like trademarks?23:44
db48xlogos and things?23:44
Luriaand nyc does not need more cameras23:44
Luriano, i meant IR23:44
db48xoh, right23:44
unique311should apply to anything..23:45
db48xthat is sort of a grey area23:45
unique311if i can pick up my neighbors wireless signal and surf..should be fair game23:45
unique311but no they want to give you 5 to 10 years...23:45
db48xyea, radio broadcasts are assumed to be publicly available, but not IR23:45
unique311if a girl is changing next door...and i happen to look from my window...23:46
unique311i can also serve some time...23:46
Lurianot grey23:46
unique311not sure about that public sphere part..23:46
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db48xLuria: that only adds one more situation where the police have to be doubly certain to get a warrant23:52
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db48xLuria: it has no effect on a private citizen23:52
Luriathat would have to be done by legislation23:52
timelessi've stuck a list of what people should do for filing microb bugs into bug 167223:53
timelessplease please read that bug before filing bugs23:53
db48xarrg, my build failed23:53
trevarthanok, I've read 'microb' about 20 times, and I still don't know what it is or does. Anyone?23:53
timelessit's the engine codename23:53
Luriagaah. this vm downloads so slowly on whoevers WAP this is23:53
_Monkeybadmonkey is a _Monkey that gets no biscuit!23:53
db48xheh, wrong bugzilla23:54
db48xtimeless: naturally I just typed bug 1674 into my browser23:54
trevarthantimeless: what engine?23:54
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timelesstrevarthan: Mozilla based browser for maemo23:55
guardiangood evening maemo23:55
Hyperion2010what button do I have to hold during boot to get into update mode (usb)?23:55
trevarthanoh. It's only for the new firmware too?23:55
timelessi'm running it on 3.2007-10 :)23:55
timelessi'll post an explanation after i walk home23:55
trevarthank. sounds good.23:55
trevarthanIt's Nokia... um.... packaged?23:56
disqmore people will be happy if it ran on 2007he23:56
disqtrevarthan: i see you added some padding :)23:56
trevarthanyeah. :) you like?23:56
disqdidn't update yet. browsing lolats23:57
trevarthanI'm in the process of trying to figure out how I'm going to extract the scrolling text part out of the Text widget so I can incorporate it into just a portion of the Song widget now. I think I'm going to make a new ScrollingText widget....23:57
trevarthanIt's only 5px of padding on each side. Looks better though.23:58
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Luriawow, did st:voyager suck. its like watching a car crash.23:59

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