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pulsar_ | http://turrican.renoise.com/pulsar/pics/feedblender.png - mono and n800? pure fun untill now. | 01:44 |
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trevarthan | what's the best way to access smb from maemo? | 02:24 |
pulsar_ | there is a kernel module available | 02:28 |
pulsar_ | which enables the cifs filesystem. | 02:28 |
pulsar_ | you can use mount then | 02:28 |
pulsar_ | http://maemo.org/community/wiki/HowToAccessWindowsCIFS | 02:29 |
pulsar_ | there you go | 02:29 |
Sulis | that does actually work quite well, i don't know why i was suprised...but i was | 02:31 |
pulsar_ | yep, does a better job than all that upnp stuff | 02:32 |
trevarthan | nothing gui based? i was hoping to just transfer some mp3s. | 02:32 |
pulsar_ | trevarthan: use the usb cable then. | 02:32 |
pulsar_ | it it does not matter if you push or poll, you can use scp on your windows(?) box. | 02:33 |
pulsar_ | i recommend winscp | 02:33 |
pulsar_ | you need to install an ssh server on your nokia though | 02:33 |
trevarthan | hmmm. not a bad idea. i keep forgetting about that. thanks! | 02:33 |
trevarthan | i've got one. | 02:34 |
trevarthan | i just don't like sftp much. | 02:34 |
pulsar_ | well, i am sure you can get an ftp server up and running on your nokia. last time i checked pureftpd was pretty nice and compact. | 02:35 |
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pulsar_ | at least the transfer speed should be better when using ftp instead of sftp. | 02:36 |
pulsar_ | did not any benchmarks, but i presume that ssh encryption might lower your transferspeed due to limited cpu resources on the nokia | 02:36 |
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pulsar_ | let me know if you need it really bad, i could give it a try in the scratchbox if it compiles and works out of the box. | 02:38 |
trevarthan | i've got a working sdk too. trying to compile perl currently. | 02:55 |
pulsar_ | anything particular you need perl for? | 02:55 |
jumpula | pain | 02:56 |
pulsar_ | :D | 02:56 |
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trevarthan | yeah, i need libperl.a (armel) so i can build irssi with perl support. | 03:02 |
pulsar_ | ic | 03:02 |
trevarthan | sdk only comes with x86 libperl, afaik. | 03:02 |
pulsar_ | i did not miss perl support in irssi for years :) | 03:02 |
jumpula | perl is available in some maemo 2.X release, if i remember correctly | 03:03 |
trevarthan | need it so i can do custom beep notification. | 03:03 |
pulsar_ | well, you would not only need that libperl.a but rather major parts of the perl environment on your nokia if you actually want to use perl scripts in irssi | 03:03 |
trevarthan | perl is in the 3.1 sdk and the latest n800 firmware. just not libperl, i think. | 03:04 |
pulsar_ | oh, nice. | 03:04 |
trevarthan | i really wish this thumb keyboard would capitalize 'i' for me. i'm too lazy to hit the shift key. | 03:05 |
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trevarthan | so i just tried the usb cable and it won't let me see my 4gb sdhc card from the host machine. | 03:13 |
pulsar_ | huh? perhaps the Removeable Disk "emulation" cant handle sdhc. | 03:14 |
pulsar_ | winscp should though. | 03:14 |
pulsar_ | or sftp if you use gnome, i think its available as a vfs module by default. | 03:14 |
trevarthan | what is winscp? | 03:14 |
trevarthan | ah | 03:14 |
pulsar_ | scp client for windows, norton commander style. | 03:14 |
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pulsar_ | but as it appears to me you are on linux? | 03:15 |
jumpula | oeh noes. the hacker operating system. | 03:15 |
trevarthan | i use kde. i'll check for a kio slave for sftp or something. | 03:15 |
pulsar_ | hehe... so its already illegal in germany :) | 03:15 |
* jumpula calls bill gates | 03:15 | |
pulsar_ | trevarthan: i think it was fish:// on kio | 03:16 |
trevarthan | i don't want to install samba server on the n800 unless i can shut it off easily. | 03:16 |
pulsar_ | jumpula: our great goverment just made any kind of tools which could be used for hacking illegal. | 03:17 |
trevarthan | ok. i'll check kio. soon as my ravioli is done. :) | 03:17 |
pulsar_ | well, that includes every linux distibution including tcpdump i.E. :) | 03:17 |
pulsar_ | trevarthan: rsync shoudl also work over ssh if you need to sync your mp3 directories. | 03:17 |
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jumpula | pulsar_: sounds a lot like the new finnish copyright law established a while ago | 03:18 |
trevarthan | yeah, already using rsync for backups. http://www.guardiani.us/index.php/Nokia_n800#Network_Backups | 03:19 |
pulsar_ | what a wonderfull world we live in. | 03:19 |
trevarthan | i can't blind sync though. repo too big. rather pick and choose. | 03:19 |
pulsar_ | some weeks ago i went really nuts. i bought myself a new shiny dvd "Deja Vue" | 03:19 |
pulsar_ | well, the copy protection on this disc was so bad, i could not get it running my my htpc (pretty default software) | 03:20 |
pulsar_ | i needed to commit 2 german crimes to watch it on my tv. | 03:20 |
pulsar_ | 1. get an illegal version of anydvd | 03:20 |
Pio | downloading it from usenet would have just been one crime :) | 03:20 |
pulsar_ | 2. use andvd to get rid of that movie | 03:20 |
pulsar_ | 2 crimes vs. one like pio said. | 03:20 |
pulsar_ | i will consider tha latter the next time. | 03:21 |
pulsar_ | err, 2 would be cracking the copy protection of course. | 03:21 |
pulsar_ | maaan, that really pisses me off. no more dvds from buena vista then. | 03:21 |
trevarthan | pretty sure we have the same laws in the usa. it's just that very few people care. | 03:23 |
trevarthan | good movie, btw. | 03:24 |
pulsar_ | usually i do not care too, but what really buggs me that much is that i get punished for trying to follow the rules set up by the media industry. | 03:24 |
trevarthan | i have the same problem with audible.com. i bought a bunch of books from them and can't listen to them on my n800 because nothing exists for linux to play the file. i'm trying to get them to let me develop a linux player for them. | 03:28 |
pulsar_ | yeah, did the same mistake | 03:28 |
pulsar_ | switched over to free audiobooks | 03:28 |
pulsar_ | that one i bought on audible, i re-recorded id over the night. | 03:28 |
trevarthan | can't get rid of my stupid ipod until i have a solution. hate lugging around two devices. | 03:28 |
pulsar_ | got myself an "record-to-mp3" tool and did a "loopback" copy of that book. | 03:29 |
trevarthan | :) that's hardcore. i bet that took a while. | 03:29 |
pulsar_ | btw, there are some really great audiobooks available for free. | 03:30 |
pulsar_ | umm... i was so disappointed by audible so i did not download / buy anthing else. | 03:30 |
pulsar_ | the quality sucked big time and the price wasnt much cheaper than the audio-book cd itself. | 03:30 |
pulsar_ | it was only one book i needed to convert. | 03:31 |
trevarthan | i don't mind paying. i just want to be able to listen to the damn thing i bought. :( drm sucks. | 03:31 |
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pulsar_ | its no more drc | 03:31 |
pulsar_ | its consumer enablement or something like that :) | 03:31 |
pulsar_ | errr, drm... | 03:31 |
trevarthan | oh yeah? bashing the wrong acronym eh? | 03:32 |
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pulsar_ | yep :) you are really not up to date dude! :D | 03:32 |
pulsar_ | drm was yesterday. | 03:33 |
pulsar_ | http://blog.wired.com/business/2007/05/hbos_exec_dont_.html | 03:33 |
trevarthan | :) where have i been? | 03:33 |
pulsar_ | i wonder why people dont like drm. it was such an good invention! | 03:34 |
Pio | gotta love that pic | 03:34 |
pulsar_ | trevarthan: http://www.podiobooks.com, check out scott siglers work | 03:34 |
pulsar_ | right now i am working on a podcatcher client for maemo using mono. lets see how it works out. i am worried about the resources it might use, but cant be as bad as gPodder i hope :) | 03:36 |
trevarthan | wow. podio looks good. i'll have to check it out. | 03:41 |
pulsar_ | trevarthan: yeah, they do have high quality audio books podcasts. | 03:41 |
pulsar_ | as already mentioned, scott sigler does very good stuff. so does j.c. hutchins and tee morris. | 03:42 |
pulsar_ | just a few to mention. | 03:42 |
pulsar_ | variant frequencies is also a nice podcast. they feature small storries accros all genres. | 03:43 |
pulsar_ | http://variantfrequencies.libsyn.com/ | 03:43 |
trevarthan | does the sample player skip for you too? | 03:43 |
pulsar_ | skip? like audiojitter? | 03:44 |
pulsar_ | nope | 03:44 |
pulsar_ | there are dowload links available on each "detail" page, just scroll down. | 03:44 |
pulsar_ | that sample they offer is usually the first chapter, so you can drag the corresponding link to the mp3 file right into your mp3 player. | 03:45 |
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trevarthan | yeah, the sample flash player brings my n800 to it's knees. | 03:48 |
pulsar_ | yeah, a pitty. | 03:48 |
pulsar_ | conola can handle the rss feeds though | 03:48 |
trevarthan | do i have to use an rss feed? i'd prefer to just download a book. | 03:50 |
pulsar_ | no, you dont. | 03:51 |
pulsar_ | all mp3 files are liked at the bottom of a book pake | 03:51 |
pulsar_ | page | 03:51 |
pulsar_ | use "download them all" plugin for firefox then :) | 03:51 |
pulsar_ | it parses the liked elements on a page and lets you decide which file extensions you would like to download. | 03:51 |
pulsar_ | very handy | 03:52 |
trevarthan | oh. hoping to download right from my n800. | 03:53 |
pulsar_ | happy clicking :) | 03:54 |
pulsar_ | maybe some "wget | sed | wget" madness | 03:54 |
pulsar_ | w8... wget alone should be able to do that just nice. | 03:55 |
trevarthan | is there a player for maemo that will remember my position in a book? | 03:55 |
pulsar_ | no, i miss that too. | 03:55 |
pulsar_ | i miss stream skipping too | 03:55 |
pulsar_ | for some reason the gstreamer framework cant do skipping on network streams (not even on upnp streams) | 03:56 |
pulsar_ | sucks big time. | 03:56 |
trevarthan | yeah, chapter skip comes in handy sometimes too. | 03:56 |
trevarthan | you canola guys listening? :) | 03:58 |
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pulsar_ | oh, there are canola devs over here? | 04:02 |
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trevarthan | there was one earlier. probably gone now. | 04:05 |
pulsar_ | i wonder if they will ever open the source | 04:05 |
trevarthan | he said they're pushing for it. | 04:06 |
pulsar_ | yeah, please. i would really love to try adding some functionality. | 04:06 |
pulsar_ | especially bookmarks and stream skippng :) | 04:06 |
pulsar_ | although i think the audio layer would need to be re-implemented. | 04:06 |
pulsar_ | as it appears to me canola relies purely on gStreamer | 04:07 |
pulsar_ | and if gStreamer does not provide that functionality .... well, maybe it could be replaced using the mplayer as backend. | 04:07 |
trevarthan | yeah, i would add some stuff too. | 04:08 |
trevarthan | ever thought about drawing an ipod scroll wheel on the screen? | 04:09 |
pulsar_ | hehe | 04:09 |
pulsar_ | and let apple sue you? | 04:09 |
trevarthan | i saw a patent from apple about that, but i'm not sure how much it matters. | 04:10 |
pulsar_ | it always matters when its about money, so i presume it wont matter for a while :) | 04:10 |
trevarthan | i don't know if they actually got the patent, but surely the oss community could come up with something just as good. | 04:13 |
trevarthan | well, gotta put my son to sleep. nice chatting with you. | 04:15 |
pulsar_ | ugh.. i should do that to | 04:15 |
pulsar_ | 3am over here | 04:15 |
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Azabua | can someone plz send me a decent url for a repositoy in mapper? | 10:51 |
Azabua | http://mt.google.com/mt?n=404&v=ap.6&x=%d&y=%d&zoom=%d .... Gives error | 10:53 |
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guardian | morning | 13:14 |
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Jaffa | Morning, all | 13:27 |
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edistar_ | how can I tell mediastreamer the UPnP server IP? | 14:14 |
edistar_ | cause my ip is *.2.2 and server is *.1.197 | 14:15 |
edistar_ | but they have access | 14:15 |
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pulsar | edistar_: you usualy do not do that. the upnp servers use broadcasting to announce their availablity | 14:21 |
keesj | Hi | 14:21 |
pulsar | so if it does not show up on your nokia device you should check your netmasks and routes (if you are on linux, you probably need to add a broadcast route) | 14:21 |
keesj | pulsar: that could still work if the netmaks is or similar | 14:22 |
pulsar | yeah, exactly. but not if its /24 only | 14:22 |
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keesj | it' is possible to route mcast but I guess it's not the kind of things one wants to do :P | 14:23 |
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edistar_ | thx | 14:25 |
edistar_ | what exactly is a broadcast route and do I need to set t in my router or on the server? | 14:26 |
pulsar | hehe... well, its not that easy. | 14:26 |
pulsar | how are the both subnets separated? | 14:26 |
pulsar | just a hub or do you have some routing between the subnets? | 14:26 |
edistar_ | routing, I connected my wifi router to the hub | 14:27 |
edistar_ | and as it can't act as an AP without crashing it routes | 14:28 |
keesj | edistar_: so perhaps it's not even routed but maskeraded two time? | 14:29 |
keesj | anyway I guess it's not really a question for this channel :p | 14:29 |
pulsar | masqueraded btw :) double nat sucks, but i dont think he has set up it this way. | 14:29 |
pulsar | yeah :) | 14:29 |
* edistar_ is not very knowledgeable :/ | 14:29 | |
edistar_ | sry then | 14:30 |
pulsar | one more hint | 14:30 |
edistar_ | just thought I could tell mediastreamer the ip;) | 14:30 |
pulsar | if the upnp server is running on linux, check your routes if the multicast network is set up | 14:30 |
pulsar | route add -net netmask eth1 | 14:30 |
pulsar | would enable broadcast on eth1 | 14:30 |
edistar_ | ok | 14:30 |
keesj | plug the pnp server to your wifi router | 14:30 |
pulsar | ifconfig eth1 allmulti | 14:31 |
pulsar | wont hurt afterwards | 14:31 |
pulsar | besides, i had very bad experience with upnp and the n800 | 14:31 |
edistar_ | I have the 770 | 14:32 |
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pulsar | same issues i presume. | 14:32 |
edistar_ | thanks! | 14:32 |
edistar_ | cu soon | 14:32 |
pulsar | browsing the media using the built in mediaplayer or filebrowser is painfully slow | 14:32 |
keesj | pulsar: what kind of problems? | 14:32 |
pulsar | slow like hell | 14:32 |
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pulsar | my music collection is rather big (about 40 gigs) | 14:33 |
keesj | hmm that works ok for me , it's more the streaming that is crappy | 14:33 |
pulsar | yeah, plenty of buffering time | 14:33 |
pulsar | i presume its gStreamer / vfs fault | 14:33 |
keesj | but even , all the players I have tried (canola,mediastreamer kikkali) all use the same stuff | 14:34 |
pulsar | gStreamer seems to suck pretty bad on the n800 when its about network streams. | 14:34 |
pulsar | yep | 14:34 |
pulsar | i wonder if there is bass or fmod available for armel / esd | 14:34 |
pulsar | imho way better backend for music stuff | 14:35 |
keesj | and non of them really gave me a hint on wha't wrong , canola is the most frustating with a message "ERROR" | 14:35 |
pulsar | hehe, yeah, i hate it too. | 14:35 |
keesj | pulsar: I must say I have only used gmediastreamer and that is not the recommended one | 14:35 |
pulsar | i will have a look once i am finished with my current project | 14:35 |
pulsar | http://turrican.renoise.com/pulsar/pics/feedblender.png | 14:36 |
pulsar | kinda education project, works quite well but might use too many resources. | 14:37 |
pulsar | i disliked gPodder, but my mono version has similar memory-hog issues... | 14:37 |
pulsar | although it was expected | 14:37 |
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keesj | I still don't know much about pods | 14:43 |
pulsar | i'm an addict :) | 14:43 |
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keesj | the current maemo.org has so many layout problems it' just not funny | 14:46 |
pulsar | yeah, the maemo-planet links still not clickable? | 14:47 |
pulsar | :D | 14:47 |
* trevarthan sighs | 14:51 | |
pulsar | whazzzup? | 14:51 |
trevarthan | canola isn't reading my id3 tags properly for some albums. | 14:51 |
pulsar | btw, any german coders here? | 14:51 |
pulsar | trevarthan: perhaps v1/v2 id3 tags issues? | 14:51 |
pulsar | use godfather to masstag your collection, i simply love that tool | 14:52 |
pulsar | http://users.forthnet.gr/the/jtclipper/ | 14:52 |
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tweg | hello, does anyone know how to play .m4a files on the N800 using gst-launch? | 17:11 |
tweg | (I can get it to work for .aac files using dspaacsink, but this doesn't seem to work for m4a files) | 17:16 |
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bedboi | hi there | 18:46 |
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|tbb| | hello all, is there a subversionclient available for bora? | 19:44 |
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