IRC log of #maemo for Thursday, 2007-03-08

ajturnermgedmin - how long should I have to do that, estimated?00:00
* ajturner is digging through the maemo list too00:00
maddlerajturner: from "a lot" to "more than a lot" IMHO00:01
ajturnerI mean, 1-2 mins00:01
ajturneror 10-20 mins?00:02
maddlerajturner: I have no idea...00:02
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ajturnerand what does "like crazy " mean00:02
ajturnerso any of the keys?00:02
ajturnerdpad 'nuff?00:02
maddlerbasically you have to supply some random data to kernel's entropy pool...00:03
maddlerrandomly pressing your pad...00:04
ajturnerI 'm in rdmode - would that make it not work?00:04
ajturnerjust tried twice00:04
maddleronce enough entropy will be gathered to dropbear it will complete generating keys or whatever and boot process will continue...00:05
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maddleronly twice?00:05
ajturnermaddler - should I wait until after the blue bar is finished?00:05
maddlerI'd say more than 50 :)00:05
ajturnerI tried mashing like crazy00:05
maddlerajturner: no idea...00:05
ajturner3 mins, gave up00:06
maddlerkeep generating entropy until the blue bar is gone... and hands shown...00:06
ajturnerthank gawd00:06
ajturnerthe third time there wasn't even a blue bar00:06
ajturnerfourth time the charm I guess00:07
ajturnerthat was painful00:07
ajturner2-3 days w/o N800 :(00:07
ajturnerindeed tigert00:07
derfThey warned you that installing 3rd party software could harm your device.00:07
tigertit still sucks00:08
tigertbut I must sleep now00:08
ajturnerI love hte N800, but the N800 w/o other s/w is not so much the useful00:08
derfI don't know why anyone would buy the thing and not install 3rd party software.00:08
ajturnerg'night tigert00:08
ajturnerderf - well, it's a nice disclaimer00:08
ajturnerallows you to say the warranty is void? ;)00:09
bill20r3can anyone reccomend an inexpensive bluetooth gps reciever?00:09
ajturnerwhen is the next release00:09
ajturnerbill2r3 - how inexpensive?00:09
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derf"Please don't abuse our tech support resources, we need them for people who don't actually know what they're doing."00:09
maddlertigert: see you dude...00:09
ajturnerbill20r3 > or < $100 ?00:09
maddlerderf: simply because they don't know about other software :)00:09
bill20r3$100 please.00:10
bill20r3err, <00:10
maddlerbill20r3: usaually inexpensive receivers won't even try to understand your location... ;)00:10
ajturnerthe Wbt-200 is very nice00:10
bill20r3I dont really need one, but it'd be fun to play with mapper, if I could find one cheap.00:10
* bill20r3 takes a look00:10
bill20r3cool, thanks.00:10
maddlerbill20r3: give a look at Holux 236, nice device...00:10
maddlernot sure price in $00:10
* bill20r3 googles00:10
maddlerajturner: btw... if it won't boot... simply reflash it! :)00:11
bill20r3looks like about $130us00:11
ajturnermadler, considered that - but it works00:11
ajturnerwhen is the next release?00:11
ajturneror how far along is... sardine?00:11
maddlernext release should arrive soon...00:12
StregI like my small, cheap and does the job00:12
ajturnerbill20r3, for a *really* nice bt gps, check out the NaviGPS - unlike the others it has a lcd display, but like 94 euro00:12
maddlerStreg: yep... holux 240 is nice too...00:12
maddlerStreg: but my 236 is small enough... :)00:13
ajturnerWBT-200 is like a postage stamp :)00:13
ajturneryay - dropbear updated00:13
maddlerajturner: link for NaviGPS?00:13
ajturnernow I can actually get down to dev00:13
Stregmaddler: well don't care so much about the size, but got a good deal on a brand new on on, straight from taiwan.00:14
ajturnerthe WBT200 & NaviGPS are great b/c they're loggers, which means you don't need you N800 around to log GPS00:14
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maddlerStreg: good...00:14
ajturnerthen d/l it via GPSBabel to GPX and view in MaemoMapper :)00:14
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Pioi got a cellink btg-7000.. it was like $45 USD :)00:15
maddlerajturner: yup... nice...00:16
maddlerlooking for NaviGPS in ebay... nothing... :(00:16
ajturneryeah, hard to get stateside unfor00:16
ajturnerUK & Taiwan00:16
ajturnerand limited quantities00:16
ajturnerbut very nice00:16 here btw00:17
ajturnerwell, same prob :) but maybe easier to get shipped00:17
ajturnerbtw - why is Wordpress available to install ?00:18
maddlerit should...00:18
maddlerI'm happy with pppblog btw...00:18
maddlerworks nice enough...00:19
ajturnerrunning off your N800?00:19
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dragornanyone ever have control panel no longer be able to use small icons?00:20
dragornoh, fun.  now it no longer draws them as categories, it draws them as one big list.  and it just crashed. :P00:22
maddlerajturner: right :)00:22
maddlerpretty fast, isn't it? :)00:22
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ajturnernot shabby00:22
ajturnerbut I'm curious - why?00:22
ajturnerI mean, web interface to the device - yay,00:22
ajturnerbut a blog?00:23
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maddlerit's useful to use as a way to share files with my workmates... :)00:23
maddleryes... I mean... something "easier" would have done th job as well...00:23
maddlere.g. a simple html page...00:23
maddlerbut this way I can also organize informations and so on...00:24
ajturnerright, I mean, could be super-cool00:24
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maddleryep... and also...00:24
maddlerwhich is the _main_ point...00:24
maddlerI'm a tegno-nerd! :D00:24
maddlerlet's face it! :D00:24
ajturnerso yeah, imagine that this had a nice "Web service", so a desktop app would make REST queries to your device00:24
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ajturnerfor getting photos, calendar, etc.00:24
ajturnerpull off an RSS feed from the N800 of photos, locations you've been00:25
ajturnermaddler, think URL calls, like http://your8000/?request=getphotos00:25
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ajturneror request=addevent&name=Dinner&time=...00:26
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ajturnerso really flexing the "device as a server of data"00:27
ajturnerwonder if I can run a rails app on my N800 ;)00:28
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maddlerhahaha... yep... that would be a nice point :)00:29
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b0unc3someone can do that : wc -l /home/user/.osso/menus/ ?00:52
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kkitohello :)01:01
kkitoi am running kde 3.5 on the n800 ;) and it runs... FAST!01:01
[mbm]that just sounds so wrong01:02
kkitoi amb browsing the web with konqueror...01:02
kkitodo you know where the flash plugin is?01:02
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[mbm]sd card dual boot, or what'd you do with the 2007?01:02
kkito[mbm], to me?01:02
[mbm]kkito: yeah01:03
kkitoi stopped the af-base-app and the window manager, and then startkde01:03
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[mbm]kkito: /usr/lib/browser/plugins01:04
kkitoit is faster than the default desktop enviorment...01:04
kkitoi am really impressed01:04
kkito[mbm], thx01:05
[mbm]thinking of installing debian on an sd card and either dualbooting or just chroot pivot into it01:06
kkito[mbm], n800 has enough power... if it can run kde 3.5 without problems....01:07
kkitoif it can run amarok it will be amazing :D01:08
kkitoamarok with the gstreamer backend01:08
[mbm]what's amarok?01:08
kkitothe best music manager/player01:08
Knirchs/the best//01:08
kkitoyes it is the best ;)01:10
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kkitoan kdepim is 100 times better than gpe pim...01:11
Knirchoh, sorry, I seem to have misplaced the memo that tonight was going to be trollingnight. Guess I'll go to bed instead. Cheerio01:11
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kkitooh the flash plugin doesnt run in konqueror01:23
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b0unc3the n800 can read an ext2 partition ?01:30
derfYou have to insmod the kernel module, though.01:31
[mbm]it gives you a lovely "mmc card corrupted" message if you insert an sd card before loading the ext2/3 modules01:33
b0unc3uhm... yes I see it ... seems that there are no modules for ext* support01:35
b0unc3by default01:35
kkitob0unc3, yes01:35
kkitothere are the modules01:35
kkitoinsmod /mnt/initfs/lib/modules/2.6.18-omap1/mbcache.ko01:36
kkitoinsmod /mnt/initfs/lib/modules/2.6.18-omap1/ext2.ko01:36
[mbm]for ext3 it's mbcache, jbd, ext301:37
b0unc3kkito: thanks.01:41
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maddlerb0unc3: hi pal!01:43
maddlerdamn... looks like I'll have to replace one of my server's motherboard...01:44
maddlerI hate that! :D01:44
kkitomaddler, good luck01:53
maddlerkkito: eh... just ordered new one...01:55
maddlerit will be here tomorrow morning...01:56
maddlermaybe a BIOS upgrade would solve the issue...01:56
maddlerbut being a server... I can't/won't take the risk... ;)01:56
maddlermaybe I'll just buy a new processor some time... and I'll keep it as last resort back-up ;)01:58
kkitooh you must to see how kde 3.5 runs on the n80001:59
maddlerI'd like to give this a try: INTEL CORE 2 DUO E6600 2.40GHz01:59
kkitoit time to build more kde apps! :)02:00
maddlerkkito: hehehe... what about an howto? :)02:00
maddleron how to make kde running on N800...02:00
kkitomaddler, oh, it is not so difficult, but you must to install a lot of new packages02:00
kkitoand some packages are a bit difficvult to build....02:01
kkitoanyways when i have a good kde app catalog i will make a tar.gz that you can extract on your sd card (ext2) and run a script to start a full kde enviorment :)02:02
maddlerkkito: cool...02:02
maddlerthat would be _nice_!02:02
maddlerwill you also have beryl running?02:03
kkitomaddler, jajaaj impossible!02:03
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kkitowe need opengl support with tfp extension for that....02:03
maddlerhehehe... I know... just joking! :)02:03
MacSlowand a driver to boot ;)02:04
maddlerwell... beside that... it can be done!02:05
maddlerquote from: The young Frankenstein :D02:05
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Stregkde is nothing :) I'm actually using my N800 with mirc to post this message :)02:07
maddlerStreg: hahahaha...02:07
Streghad to try :)02:07
kkitojajaaj :)02:07
kkitobut kde ir sunning natively on the n80002:08
kkitois running02:08
maddlerI have to confess I've been trying rdesktop yesterday! :D02:08
Stregbut for a IM/widget/weather/news sideshow it could be useful02:08
maddlerFORGIVE ME!02:08
kkitoand man! linux 2.6 is better than any windows ;)02:09
maddlerI'm _very_ curious!02:09
maddlerkkito: hey! you can't compare gold with stones! ;)02:09
maddlerLinux is a real O.S.02:09
maddlerwindows is just a nice GUI! :D02:09
Stregtrue. Linux is better in most areas, I'm just lazy to make the final switch :)02:11
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kkitothe problem is 3rt party software...02:16
kkitomacromedia, adobe, and so...02:16
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kerwoodIs there anything special I need to do when installing scratchbox/maemo within OpenSuSE 10.2?02:18
maddlerkkito: yup... hopefully things will change... soon (I hope)02:18
maddlerhmmm... looks like MDK blog needs a good antispam :)02:18
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maddler[mbm]: ..02:35
[mbm]power management needs a lot of work :/02:37
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kkito[mbm], ?02:41
kkitois it using acpi?02:41
[mbm]kkito: thread here -
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maddlerhmmm... jsut realized I'm not getting maemo-devel mails...03:27
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maddler[mbm]: /wg 2203:41
maddlerwops! :D03:41
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nelsonIs there an audio recorder for 2007 like maemo-recorder?03:50
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Unique311did yaa try 2006 version of the recorder04:03
ajturneris there  way to rdesktop the n770?04:10
ajturneror n80004:10
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nelsonUnique311: yes, I did.  Worked nicely.04:14
Unique311i always try them unless i read somwhere it borkes tthe system04:15
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nelsonUnique311: oh!  I'm sorry ... I had tried the 2006 version on my 770.04:19
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kakosIs there any way to speed up the "Annotate PDF" feature in Xournal on the 770?04:30
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disqkakos: xournal is painfully slow on the 770 no matter what you do04:48
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Snelhestwhat is the easiest way i can sftp to my N800 ?05:33
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nelsonmaemo-blog seems to crash on 2007.  Anybody else using it?05:42
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WillySillyis there a ruby deb for os2007?05:47
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RocketHPCDoes anyone know the status of Bluetooth mouse support on the N800?05:56
RocketHPCI am interested in using a Mogo Mouse for playing Quake 205:56
nelsonlots of questions .... not many answers.06:01
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honwhat are the currently supported devices? I am considering buying a few ones06:48
Snelhesthon: hmm? N800 and 770 only i think06:51
honI want to use them as a test-bed. What is important for me is to be able to play with 802.11 module and other wireless modules (if there is any) as much as possible. Do you know what wireless modules are on the device?06:53
Snelhestnot sure06:53
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honwhat are the differences between 800 and 770?06:55
Snelhesthon: 800 are faster more ram06:55
Snelhestand alot more06:55
honI see. Where can I find the specs?06:56
Snelhesthon: nokia's webpage06:56
honsomehow I cannot access their page. is there a friendly place (wiki/...) on or I have to check the nokia's page?06:57
Snelhestno idea if the specs are in the wiki06:57
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honthanks a lot. I couldn't pass through the flash page07:40
honis there a similar page for N800? I cannot find anything in
hon(some parts of the page do not work properly, and also I couldn't find any technical specs)07:46
tchanat there are several links to reviews of the N800. I think the reviews list the tech specs for the N80007:46
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honwhat is N880? there is a link for N880 which turns out to be photos of N80007:49
honis it upcoming?07:49
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disqhon: "the 880" was the rumored name for the N800.07:52
Snelhesthon: no, i got one in front of me :)07:52
honEspecifically, I want to know if there is anything for 802.11n in the device (N800). The reviews are not so technical07:53
Snelhesthon: i really dont think so07:55
honWe have some custom built devices (using VxWorks), and I want to switch to an open platform. Any sort of specs is very appreciated. (even e.g. lspci, cat /proc/cpuinfo, cat /etc/meminfo, ...)07:57
Snelhesthon: ok, 1sec07:58
honSnelhest: thanks a lot07:58
Snelhesthon: only /etc/cpuinfo worked though07:59
derfI don't know what you're using it for, but anything not using VxWorks would be an improvement.08:00
honSnelhest: sorry, can you also try cat /proc/meminfo (/etc/meminfo was my mistake)08:01
honthanks a lot. btw does it have java?08:03
Snelhest90% sure it doesnt08:03
* hon is curious what that "java" in the "Features" of the cpu is ...08:04
derfNo idea what the current status is, but that was the first Google result.08:05
JussiPYou mean Jazelle?08:08
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keesjHappy happy joy joy10:27
zuhkeesj: You found powervr drivers?10:30
keesj:) I read about it a bit yesterday on this channel. but no.10:31
acydlordaw crap, it's my birthday10:31
keesjit's just that I started my new jobs and I am very happy with that,10:31
zuhkeesj: cool10:32
zuhacydlord: Congrats! :)10:32
keesjI get to hack all day long, and they will pay me*I hope*10:32
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acydlordty zuh, i'm a quarter of a century old today10:32
zuhah, I remember the days...10:33
zuhWell, it _was_ only two years ago ;)10:33
zeenixkeesj: which job?10:34
keesjI never head anybody on irc tell where they where working10:35
keesjI don't know why10:36
keesjI get to work on the linux kernel group for an embeded device10:36
keesjI have been doing mostly java and such, my previous job was at
keesjhmm apperently they are searching to replace me
acydlordi applied for a job at godaddy but they denied me employment10:39
acydlordmight apply for a job at dell since they might be supporting linux soon10:39
sxpertdoesn't godaddy uses MS crap exclusively ?10:42
acydlordnah, godaddy uses linux servers10:43
acydlordthey have linux and ms10:43
acydlordand dell has ben using windows only on their systems, but the customers are requesting linux installs as an option10:44
keesjthere was a mail about power consuption yesterday10:44
keesjmy n800 really feels like a laptop It feels like I have to recharge it very often. this it not the case with my 770 running it2007-haxor , that one fels more like a phone that needs rechage once in a while at night10:45
keesjdo other feel the same?10:45
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Veggenkeesj: But I believe these are known problems, expected to be better in next release?10:47
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acydlordi have to recharge my n800 just about every 3 hours of use like clockwork10:51
Veggenmight be bugs that causes something to use 100% CPU at times?10:52
Veggen(have you checked top?)10:52
VeggenI don't think mine is that bad.10:52
[mbm]there's tons of says to drain the n800 battery10:52
keesjyes , I have removed the crawlers , canola and media-streamer10:53
acydlordi had to recharge my 770 every 4-5 hours of heavy use10:53
acydlordi'm almost always running xchat and gaim10:53
[mbm]wifi and bluetooth are probably the biggest drain10:53
keesjacydlord: Heavy use!10:53
acydlordwell the n800 i have to recharge after 3 of heavy use10:54
[mbm]but a loaded cpu (check your loadavg) and even an unused mmc card will drain10:54
keesjI also have the feeling it's hot sometimes at the top10:54
acydlordsd cards use less power than rs-mmc don't they?10:54
acydlordkeesj, it will get hot near the battery under heavy load10:55
[mbm]batteries get hot as they charge or discharge10:56
acydlordi wonder how hard it would be to undervolt the proc like i used to do in my laptop10:57
acydlordi used to get 6 hours out of a 3hr battery on my laptop that way lol10:57
* [mbm] has been screwing around with the power management stuff10:58
[mbm]best thing you can do is turn the device off when you're not using it, but that comes with the downside of waiting 30 sec for it to boot10:59
* acydlord has been fixing wordpress sqlite support10:59
inzacyd, how's it coming?11:00
[mbm]I've been putting mine into standby mode lately and getting decent battery11:00
acydlordpretty good so far inz11:00
acydlordhopefully i can get it to return 0 errors soon11:00
inzacyd, great!11:00
acydlordas of right now the only place it is giving me erros is the dashboard page11:01
zeenixkeesj: thats weird! at least me and zuh would tell where we work at :)11:02
acydlordi currently work in my apartment modding and building computers11:05
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AD-N770good morning11:28
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acydlordlol, i accidentally hit kill with no process selected11:31
acydlordrebooted the n80011:31
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[mbm]shocking huh?11:31
acydlordi know right?11:32
acydlordi meant to highlight grsync11:32
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acydlordcyrsync is not that great11:34
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maddlermorning all...13:24
florianhi maddler13:25
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maddlerflorian: hi13:27
tigert < great UI :)13:45
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florianhi herzi13:46
floriantigert: wah!13:46
herzihey florian13:47
floriantigert: i wonder if that would make a good wallpaper :-)13:51
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kkitodo you know how to install python python-dev on the scratchbox ?13:56
aCiDBaSeapt-get install python2.5-dev13:56
kkitoaCiDBaSe, i have a lot of dependency errors13:56
aCiDBaSedid you put the SDK and extra respositories in /etc/apt/sources.list and ran apt-get update?13:57
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kkitodeb bora free non-free extras13:58
kkitodeb-src bora free non-free extras13:58
kkitodeb bora free non-free13:58
kkitoi need more repositories?13:58
tigertflorian: it did :)14:01
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floriantigert: :-)14:01
kkitoaCiDBaSe, what repositories do you have on the scratchbox?14:01
aCiDBaSekkito: your source.list is ok...14:02
aCiDBaSekkito: can you send me the dependency problems?14:03
kkitoaCiDBaSe, yes one second :)14:03
kkitoanyways i am going to do an apt-get upgrade, perhaps that solves something...14:04
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kkitoa lot of dependency problems with an apt-get upgrade too... it claims that pkg-config it is not installable :/14:07
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kkitowel li installled using dpkg --forca-all ...14:19
Veggenkkito: uhm...busybox is14:21
Veggen*not* smart to upgrade.14:21
Veggenapt-get upgrade.14:21
Veggen(is dangerous)14:21
kkitowhy the hell the osso/hildeon desktop components are not freedesktop compatible....14:22
kkitothe window manager sucks14:22
kkitoit is linux, ok, but the desktop components are not linux standard (freedesktop) it is a headache to make linux/Desktop software to run ok under n80014:23
kkitoand the crappy Vkb implementation...14:24
spaetzIs it normal that Nokia service oes not reply within 3 days after writing them?14:25
spaetzmy headset broke and I need it replaced14:25
kkitospaetz, oh :( i dont know14:26
kkitosend another email14:26
acydlordusually perephials aren't covered under the warraunty14:26
kkitoor call :/14:26
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kkitohow is it the right mouse click implemented on maemo? is it gtk dependent ?14:40
acydlordholding the stylus in place for a second is right click14:41
kkitoacydlord, yes, i know, but how is it imlemented?14:41
kkitoon top of gtk? or on top of X?14:41
timeless"badly" ;-)14:42
acydlordother than that not exactly sure14:42
timelessnote that right clicking on a maemo system running on a desktop "works"14:42
jaityou mean the tap'n hold? i think it's in gtk14:42
timelessi.e. you get the "CSM" (whatever that is)14:42
suihkulokkiContext Sensitive Menu14:43
acydlordi think tap-menu works as well, not sure14:43
kkitobecause i installed kde 3.5.6, sll is working nice, i binded the buttons to kde, fullscreen, + - buttons etc...14:43
kkitobut if right mouse click is implemented on top of gtk... bad think, i must to instll kde mouse emulation ...14:44
kkitothing :P14:44
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kkitothe funny thing is that it is faster kde for me than the maemo desktop.....14:45
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kkitoan it runs ok without swap14:49
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zuhTap&hold is not right-clicking, it's a separate maemo-API in GtkWidget14:49
zuhThere was this gtk module, libstylus or something, that implemented right clicking with a long press. IMO it worked better than t&h but you don't get fancy animations etc with that...14:51
zuhBut that was implemented so that it matched right-click on desktop and thus wouldn't need maemo-specific code for context menus etc14:51
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kkitozuh, ?14:54
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s-ndh-cis there any effort from nokia`s side to provide some PIM application that can be easily synced with common desktop software like evolution or ms outlook?15:36
acydlordnokia is lazy, why do you think they made maemo open source?15:38
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maddleracydlord: hehehehe15:41
s-ndh-ci mean they have that in their smartphones too, why not on the tablets?15:42
acydlordthe tabletsuse evolution databases for the contacts and such15:42
s-ndh-cwhat i would love to have would be a mailclient which supports imap mailpush, and the option to easily sync calendar,contacts and todo information with my desktop15:44
acydlordwelcome to the club15:45
acydlordi would like a mail client that has more features than pine15:45
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acydlordi mean even having images would be nice15:46
s-ndh-cand i would need alarm feature15:46
s-ndh-cseems like i would have to spend some freetime investigating how that could be accomplished15:48
* tigert just uses gmail happily15:48
tigertsync is for wimps anyway15:48
* tigert ducks15:48
acydlordi pretty much only use the onboard mail client to tell me when to go check gmail15:49
s-ndh-cwill gmail support imap any soon?15:49
jaebirdi would like to see a gmail app for N80015:50
acydlordi think it supports both imap and pop15:50
jwbacydlord, um... i don't think it does imap15:50
jwbunless that's a new development15:50
s-ndh-cno they only do pop315:50
s-ndh-ci allways wondered about that15:51
jaebirdthe java midlet google made is a nice way of getting mail on my phone...but a full featured client would be cool for the N80015:51
s-ndh-cevery freemailer supports imap, atleast all i know, except gmail15:51
acydlordimap is oldschool though :p15:52
s-ndh-cis there anything better?15:52
acydlordchuck norris roundhousing mail to you?15:52
maddlerimap oldschool? naaaa...15:55
maddlerit's the future! :D15:55
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jameyis there anyone here who maintains maemo scratchbox/tools/bin ?16:51
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jameybtw, yesterday I built and packaged cdbs, boost, flex, gmp, icu, python-central, python-support, python-defaults, twisted 2.4.0, and zope for N800.16:53
jameyI will make them available on a repository today.16:53
jameyalso packaged python-defaults and lsb16:54
nealisn't cdbs already part of the debian devkit?16:54
jameywasn't available for n800, or perhaps was too old for the packages I was building16:54
jameyI only built it because apt-get install didn't install it16:54
nealit's provided by scratchbox16:55
nealtry apt-get built-dep in the future16:55
jameyah, then it was too old for my needs16:55
nealand it worked?16:55
jameydpkg-buildpackage was unhappy, now happy :)16:55
jameyit worked16:55
nealthat's interesting because I needed a new version of dpkg16:55
nealand I couldn't get it to use that instead of the scrachbox one16:56
nealor, you just satisfied the dependencythat is a possibility16:56
nealand the build happened to work with the old version.16:56
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jameycould be that it used the old version. I changed control files in several packages to use debhelper 4 instead of 5 and it did not seem to cause problems in building packages for that either.16:57
jameyI would prefer scratchkit-devkit-debian not to be monolithic so I could upgrade components separately16:58
jameye.g., debhelper and cdbs16:58
jameyin order to get all this to work, I also removed scratchbox/tools/bin/python and edited the scripts in that directory to use /scratchboox/tools/bin/python2.3 instead. (Actually, they worked even using target python, but it was a little slow).17:00
derfFor most packages I have to go into debian/compat and change "5" to "4".17:01
derfTo get them to build on scratchbox.17:01
derfI haven't yet run across one that _actually_ needed something in 5.17:01
zuhkkito: nope, not that one17:04
kkitozuh, no?17:07
kkitozuh, where can i find the sources?17:07
zuhkkito: I think it is the libgtkstylus from openembedded, so the openembedded site is a good bet (but it's too confusing to quickly see where the sources are...17:09
kkitozuh, ah but if it depends on gtk....17:09
tigertwith Qt this also would be so much better! :)17:11
zuhkkito: Well, yes, as I said it was a Gtk+ module ;)17:11
kkitoit can be implemented without using toolkits17:11
kkitothat is the good way...17:11
kkitoand libstylus is on desgin, there are nothing usable17:12
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bill20r3can I flash IT2006 on to a N800?17:18
kkitobill20r3, why do you want that?17:19
bill20r3just because there's more apps for it.17:19
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spaetzbill20r3: I would guess no, but then I haven't tried.17:35
spaetzPretty sure actually17:36
mgedminbill20r3: you can't flash IT2006 on a N80017:36
bill20r3I'd hate to be the one to find out.17:36
mgedminwhat apps are you missing, specifically?17:36
mgedminthe flasher checks the device ID and refuses to flash a wrong OS17:36
bill20r3nothing specific, I was just going thru the repository and a lot of stuff wouldnt install.17:37
zuhAt least some of the ones that won't install only do so due to strict versions in the packaging (ie. they *would* work but the appmanager just refuses to install them...)17:39
* zuh has done dpkg --force-depends -i on some mistral packages, but don't try that at home ;)17:40
* mgedmin chose to never add mistral repos to his N800, and to recompile any packages he found missing17:41
zuh...and hopefully uploading them somewhere so others can get them too?-)17:43
bill20r3is it ok to install mistral packages, or just bora?17:45
mgedminsome mistral packages may work17:46
mgedminI tend to stick to bora17:46
mgedminunless I see reports saying that a mistral version of some specific package worked on the n80017:46
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bill20r3how hard is it to set up the toolchain to cross compile stuff?  I'd like to get BitchX running.17:47
mgedminyou need a linux system (or vmware, to use the image someone built)17:50
mgedminubuntu or debian, preferably17:50
mgedminthen you install scratchbox (there are debs at and run the maemo 3.0 installer script17:50
mgedminmuch harder than a typical linux package installation, but not too hard17:51
mgedminor you could ask someone else to build bitchx for you17:51
bill20r3doesn't sound impossible.17:51
mgedminis there a package for os2006?17:51
mgedminI don't see it on http://downloads.maemo.org17:53
mgedminthere's irssi17:54
bill20r3does it have some special terminal needs?17:54
bill20r3I ran it and it complained about somehting, but it was late and I went to bed instead of figuring it out.17:54
TakI never bothered to install bitchx or irssi since I had ssh...17:55
* mgedmin uses x-chat17:56
TakI do too, now17:56
bill20r3does xchat run on the n800?17:56
bill20r3that'd be good.17:56
acydlordaye it does17:56
acydlordadd the maemo-hackers repo17:56
Takgood point17:58
mgedminno need to copy and paste repository urls manually17:58
* bill20r3 trys installing.18:04
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ajturnerwhen using VNC server on N800, "Return" hits the dpad button (so changes text input) - how to make it send a return?18:10
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dyncorpok today i will learn how to port apps to maemo18:50
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* osfameron has uninstalled Canola... regretfully18:52
osfameronit was keeping files open (I think for indexing) which meant that I couldn't mount the memory cards when I connected to my lappy18:53
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kkitoosfameron, i think that is the canola applet19:05
kkitoif you remove the canola applet from you desktop you can umount the memory card19:05
osfameronkkito: the control panel thingy?19:05
osfameronI think I tried to add it, and it was broken so I'd already removed it19:05
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tkowhew.. finally managed to get some sapwood documentation done. maybe tomorrow I'll make some noise about it19:24
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jkuIt seems that to monitor changes in internet connectivity I should use libconic (conicconnectionevent.h and friends). So far I've been working with python, but there doesn't seem to be a libconic module?19:32
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jkuAre there other approaches to the problem (connectivity events)? If not, is writing a python-wrapper for libconic a big job or should I abandon python?19:36
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dyncorp osso-app-killer: Depends: osso-bttools but it is not going to be installed20:33
dyncorpi see two people have had this issue in irc logs20:34
dyncorpidanok, if I only install vncviewer it doesn't complain about the osso thing20:35
dyncorpsame here20:35
dyncorpthis allows forced reinstall of a package said to be extant20:44
dyncorpapt-get -o DPkg::Options::="--force-confmiss" --reinstall install osso-bttools20:44
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dyncorperror remains though.  i do see this error after any package install /bin/sh: /usr/sbin/dpkg-preconfigure: not foun20:45
dyncorpSomething tried to execute /usr/sbin/dpkg-preconfigure, but this program is not available on Maemo. Apparently this eventuality is not fatal.20:47
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dyncorpapt-get -o DPkg::Options::="--force-confmiss" --reinstall install osso-app-killer    ... also successful20:49
dyncorpbut dist-upgrade still reports   osso-app-killer: Depends: osso-bttools but it is not going to be installed20:50
dyncorpE: Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages.20:50
dyncorpsomehow apt must be told that osso-bttools _is_ presently installed20:50
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dyncorpgoogle finds only two hits for the pkgProblemResolver error20:52
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dyncorpapt-get -o Debug::pkgProblemResolver=true dist-upgrade20:53
dyncorpthis yields much interesting output20:54
dyncorperr |grep broken |wc -l20:59
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b0unc3maddler: !21:13
tko"PHP was designed as an example of how not to name functions." :-)21:16
sp3000php was designed?21:21
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jkuwell, not all Designers are Intelligent...21:23
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dyncorpok there are no held packages either21:28
dyncorpi need to do a complete reinstall.  What's the maemo version of choice now (for best end-user app functionality) for a N770?21:29
dyncorpI heard 2007 was out, have old 2006 apps been compiled for it?21:30
Tak2007 on 770 is still in development21:31
Takbut a lot of 2006 apps run with no modification21:32
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dyncorphi Tak :) good to see you...  i am going to get cracking on TOME now21:35
dyncorpi've got the x86 version modded to be presized to fit the 770 screen, with my tileset21:35
dyncorpwell i'll take the plunge and go for 200721:37
dyncorpthat way it will probably be easier to get going on the n800, right?21:38
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* Tak shrugs21:38
Taklike I said, most 2006 apps run on 2007 with no modification21:39
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maddlerb0unc3: aue`!21:52
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maddlerb0unc3: have you completed homeworks? :D21:52
b0unc3maddler: of course :)21:52
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maddlerb0unc3: :)21:57
b0unc3maddler: take a look :
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maddlerlemme see...22:01
b0unc3maddler: yes... but it still crash sometime ... :)22:03
derfWait, how did you get your clock into 24h time?22:03
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sp3000via his moon-man locale no doubt22:04
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derfI very much dislike that I can't customize regional settings individually.22:05
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derfI should just figure out where all that is stored and edit it manually.22:05
maddlerb0unc3: you still need to study... :D22:05
b0unc3maddler: I know...22:07
b0unc3maddler: would you like to try it?22:07
b0unc3only to see how the 'tabs' working22:07
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maddlerb0unc3: yep... need to put my daughter into the bed before... brb22:25
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dyncorpany guesses as to the percent of 770 users running Os2007?22:27
Pioim not yet..22:27
TakI would say few22:27
TakI'm not22:28
dyncorpmaybe i'd be better off putting 2.2 on the root, and eventually 2007 on the mmc22:28
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s-ndh-cdyncorp: yeah thats like i have it22:37
s-ndh-ci have itos2006 on the flash and 2007 on the mmc22:38
dyncorps-ndh-c: so you have os 2006 edition version 3.2006.49-2 (lastest on maemo downloads)22:38
dyncorpBugfix update #222:38
s-ndh-cdyncorp: no didnt upgrade yet22:38
dyncorpah ok22:38
dyncorpi don't see an initfs with that, is it independent of the kernel?22:39
s-ndh-cbut will do later22:39
dyncorpor is that the whole flash drive plus kernel22:39
s-ndh-cdyncorp: what?22:39
dyncorpheh just looking to see if i have to get install anything else22:40
dyncorphave SU-18_2006SE_3.2006.49-2_PR_F5_MR0_ARM.bin22:40
dyncorpbut there are a variety of kernel zimages i can download also22:41
s-ndh-cyeah this bin image has all22:41
s-ndh-cyou can donwload patched kernels with some additional stuff22:42
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dyncorpthanks s-ndh-c22:44
dyncorpthis is much harder than i expected22:45
dyncorp*mustering the courage to wipe my n770  ...22:46
s-ndh-ci just symlinked /home/user to a directory on the mmc22:47
s-ndh-cso i can flash the rootfs without losing any of my documents and stuff22:48
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s-ndh-cif i install the latest 2006 image23:25
s-ndh-cdo i have to change the distribution setting in from mistral to gregale for the maemo repos?23:25
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dyncorpMaemo 2.2 Package Repository23:37
dyncorp                deb gregale free non-free23:37
dyncorp                deb-src gregale free23:37
dyncorpaccording to :
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philn|homei'm trying to get a simple pygtk app working under scratchbox/xephyr, but it won't start: can't open display :223:43
philn|homedo i need to start xephyr from scratchbox or from outside of it?23:43
dyncorpquestion: is 2 the right number?23:43
ptmani started it from outside scratchbox23:43
ptmanthe right number is whatever you tell xephyr to listen on23:44
philn|homei'm following that doc:
philn|homeso yes it starts fine outside of scratchbox, but can't access it from my scratchbox session23:45
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philn|homeha it works now, cool :)23:47
philn|homeok now the fun part can start23:48
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rschuste1hi all23:49
rschuste1can anyone tell me where to find current/latest sources for the xserver-kdrive-omap (as used on n770)?23:50
rschuste1(or are the -omap changes already back in fd.o's version?)23:50
dyncorp tarent erwirkt Ordnungsgeld gegen SCO23:51
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cosmo_hm, mediaconverter failed to add subtitles :(23:52
cosmo_should it work?23:52
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rschuste1what kind of funny bot(?) is dyncorp23:56
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