IRC log of #maemo for Friday, 2006-12-01

minrai wanted to paste poznac but in opera dragging the stylus over text moves the window00:00
spectYeah, it's quite annoying sometimes...00:01
spectI'm thinking about writing 'Guitarist's toolbox' for 770...00:01
spectAnd I didn't test canola yet... time to do it now :P00:03
revpeople are pumped about this canola thing00:05
* rev is working on his newton-inspired PDA environment for the 77000:05
arjwhat the deal with it not being open source? :(00:05
revit isn't? that's a bummer...00:05
spectYeah, so I want to check what is this rumour about :)00:06
revyesterday was the first i'd heard of canola, so forgive me on that one00:06
arjnp :)00:06
spectrev: more details about this env? :)00:07
arjyou can read it in their feature request section, regarding slimserver support00:07
arjI was to hack on it but ... well without the source it's quite hard00:07
revspect: it's sort of a niche thing... it's based on Squeak Smalltalk. a PDA environment portable to pretty much any and all desktop/tablet OSes, in addition to Linux (X11, /dev/fb, DirectFB, Qtopia) and WinCE-based OSes00:08
Jaffarev: newton-inspired env sounds interesting.00:08
revhere are a couple old screenshots00:08
revit's called dynapad. i'd worked on it steadily for a few years, from 2000-2003, and had made a lot of progress. then some stuff happened, and i'm just getting back into it now.00:09
revit's got a small suite of apps written for it specifically, as well as various apps from Squeak ported to running on a PDA-sized screen00:09
revthe Newton-inspired part is not so much how it looks or anything but more so that a) it's all written in an dynamic, reflective, and completely OO language b) it uses an object database for core storage [though it can do regular files as well] and c) is just as hackable as the newton OS00:10
revand by "hackable" i mean in a way that you can just sit down and hack the innards of the device's software right then and there, without having the overhead of needing to recompile C code on a desktop00:11
revwhich is the case with the Linux, Palm OS and WinCE systems00:11
revi know there are ports of gcc to CE and Linux/PDA, but there's no way you can recompile and reinstall the entire maemo system all on a stock n770 itself00:12
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revwhereas with Dynapad, the Newton OS and Squeak Smalltalk in general, you can make changes to even the most core part of the system, without having to use a desktop00:12
revlike i said it's niche- it's something a lot of hardcore linux types wouldn't want to use.  most hardcore linux c/c++ types don't like Smalltalk. that's their perogative. but for me, it gives me the power and extensibility of something like emacs, but with a real windowing environment and a much less cryptic way of doing things00:14
spectInteresting... but seems like a lot of work...00:14
myrenthe poitn is that its NOT a lot of work00:15
myrenits just scripting00:15
* rev used to use it as his windowing system on his desktop; running Squeak on framebuffer 0 and links2 w/ graphics support on fb2. no need for X1100:15
revmyren is almost correct00:15
myrenlinks2 /w graphics?  holy god.00:15
myrenway to go framebuffers00:15
revthe point is indeed that it wasn't all that much work- i'm building on a system that already exists, squeak smalltalk00:15
revso it's not like i implemented the windowing system or GUI toolkit or language or core libraries00:15
revthat's all there00:15
revit isn't scripting, imho00:16
myrenand you can modify it live00:16
revbut what is or isn't scripting depends on the programmer00:16
revsome people think anything that runs on a bytecode VM is scripting, some not00:16
revactually, links2 w/ graphics isn't that bad00:16
myrenwhoo java scripting?00:16
revyou can run it within X11 too00:16
myrenhow does it draw in X?00:16
revi prefer it to dillo anyday00:16
revwhat do you mean?00:17
myrenits a pity dillo never made the fltk transition they were planning00:17
revlike, what toolkit does it use?00:17
myrenthat wouldve been nice00:17
myrenyeah i guess.  does it still run inside an xterm?00:17
myrenor urxvt term00:17
revthat's the thing00:17
revyou can run regular links/links2 in an xterm00:17
myrenbut no graphics00:17
revbut running links2 w/ graphics support compiled in runs in a seperate X11 window00:17
* myren nods00:18
revi think it just uses base Xlib calls00:18
revit doesn't use gtk+, tk, motif whatever00:18
myreni wish terms exposed more to the clients00:18
myrento their apps00:18
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myrensuch taht links2 could just draw to/on top of the appropraite places inside the term00:18
myrenor your app could generate popup menus within the xterm00:18
revi think they implemented a trick like that00:18
revat one point00:18
myrenbut it was hacky insnae and only kidna sorta worked.  ;)00:19
myrenthat would be my wager00:19
revnot quite i guess... but i think they used a trick with bitmaps shoehorned into kanji characters00:19
revthis was a long time ago i read this00:20
JaffaThat was w3m IIRC00:20
revJaffa: ah ok, i wasn't sure if it was links- thanks00:20
revbut i thought that was a clever hack00:20
JaffaDodgy as hell, but clever.00:20
revcan't imagine it was very fast00:20
revmyren: just fyi, this is what links2 w/ graphics  looks like-
revmyren: as you can see, it doesn't use any widgets, as far as i can tell, from any toolkit00:21
minrawow i havent heard of sqeak since the early 90s, from my OO geek friends.00:21
myrenholllly god00:21
myrenOO will RULE YOU00:21
revminra: well, squeak is still very much alive, a pretty active community00:21
* rev loves smalltalk00:21
revbut it's a rare sentiment00:22
minrais there a .deb for links2 w/gfx?00:22
myreni love the principles00:22
revit doesn't fit in with the standard c/unix way of thinking00:22
myrennaked object systems are definately the way to fly00:22
myrenand when it comes down to it, its all about making that more accessible00:23
minrawell unix has evolved.  linux does object-based memory allocation, after all00:23
minraremember the MIT lisp machine?00:23
revminra: now sure. i've not run it for a few years, but i always had to compile it myself for lack of packages. and this was on a desktop. you could find links .debs, but not w/ graphics support compiled in00:23
revminra: i never used one... but i've been playing with the MIT lisp machine emulator00:23
JaffaAnother picture of Links running through SVGALib (IIRC):
myreni need to play with slate and,,, strongtalk?00:23
revminra: smalltalk has a similarily simple and powerful dev environment- nothing like the bloat of most IDEs- but i think there are some cool ideas we could steal from lisp machines00:24
myrenthere's some sun project i need to check out00:24
revthey finally open sourced the VM00:24
minrait sounds doable... but dillo is real nice00:24
revsun did i mean00:24
myrenlisp's "code is data" thing is kind of a lie though00:24
* rev never really like dillo00:24
myrenit betrays how useful that aspect is00:24
revi hate to cut out in a middle of a fun convo00:24
myrenthere's a lot of aspect stuff you cant do with lisp00:24
revbut i gotta go pick up my wife00:24
revbe back in a bit ...00:25
myrenheh, she's probably less lein to forgive you in this particular case00:25
minrawell it lets you do some strange things.  i actually applied lessons learned in scheme to a jobb situation once.  (ijust%'once)00:25
myrenprobably best pick her up00:25
* rev was all pumped to try to bring a couple of you guys over to the light side (smalltalk) ... hehe :)00:25
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myrenyou play with croquet at all?00:25
revmyren: just a tiny bit, not much00:25
revmyren: i'm into more ... regular-style coding, i don't do much of the fancy, 3D or direct manip stuff00:26
* rev goes00:26
* myren nods00:26
myrenalright, take care00:26
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JaffaRight, new Sylpheed up at ; ApplicationCatalog2006Wip updated; Subversion tagged. Probably time to go and watch some telly.00:29
myrenthere was a sweet 3d engine called sylpheed but the dev kinda messed upthe delivery00:31
JaffaReally? I've only heard of the email client...00:34
bstockanyone know why i can't download the maemo flasher util from
bstockor does anyone have a link to the flasher util00:35
brendandunno what's up with the download page00:37
bstockthx guy00:38
mateh I was about to ask the same question :)00:42
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myrenJaffa: yeah, it was a high performance python engine.00:50
myrensuprisingly it wasnt an ironic combination00:50
myrenerm, i mean, it actually managed to be performant00:51
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* rev is back01:00
|tbb|respect to the makers of canola01:00
bstockcanola's gotten a lot of attention today01:01
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myrenoh it got released yesterday didnt it01:01
revit's gotten a lot for the last few days01:01
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bstockit does add a nice interface to the nokia01:02
bstockfor A/V stuff anyway01:02
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|tbb|but still the n770 doesnt able to cook coffee :)01:03
florian|tbb|: give me two weeks for development and we fix this remaining issue ;)01:04
* |tbb| will think about it01:05
myrenis canola all volunteer work?01:05
myrenno nokia backing?01:05
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|tbb|florian i will give u 3 weeks but only if there later will be a "get french crossaints to ur coffee"  plugin will available!01:16
disqbstock: enable the canola desktop applet, there's a refresh media button there01:17
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|tbb|n8 all01:24
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myrenchoose the red pill02:17
myrenfrom #geo on oftc02:18
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Takhmm - fceu seems really slow today05:39
Takgrr, canola-conf is eating all my cpu05:43
disqand battery probably05:47
disqred pill mode? hey that's cool05:48
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GreySimfceu? As in the emulator? Is that actually fun to use on the 770? (I don't have one yet, just having a hard time imagining it with the button layout from what I've seen in pics.)06:26
TakGreySim: yeah06:30
TakI made onscreen buttons on the upper right side06:30
GreySimOh, cool. Makes my wait for a 770 that much more unbearable. :P06:32
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nelsonAnybldy else had their 770 (updated 2006) fail to screen-blank?08:59
disqhey nero has a upnp server, nero mediahome09:00
disqwill try09:00
disqnelson: mine works. tho i'm still running the 2006 beta09:00
disqerm, not the beta beta but the first release i guess09:00
nelsonja, mine has worked, mostly, but not right now.09:02
Takmine works fine09:04
Tak(2006 second release)09:05
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disqbtw i think my touchscreen is going bad/losing responsiveness09:12
nelsonOh, that would be disq-uieting.09:15
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Takeek @ touchscreen09:29
Takhow long is the warranty again?09:29
disqmy friend (who works at SonyE actually :P ) bought it from sweden so the warranty thing is kinda hard09:36
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konttoriHi! Anybody interested in theme maker 0.90?10:12
konttoriI don't have my 770 at the moment, so I haven't been able to test it yet. Anyone willing to help me out?10:13
roopeGood morning.10:15
konttorimorning roope10:15
konttoriHow come you never got around to making a theme for 770? With your sense of style, we could have a par-to-none theme for 770.10:19
konttoriOr do your NDAs prohibit you too much?10:22
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konttoriso, is everybody rocking with canolas today?10:38
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timelessi'm happily ignoring it since i don't believe in media10:52
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konttoriI'm ignoring it because I don't have 770 atm.10:58
konttoriAlthough I have been wondering that if it will become popular enough, perhaps I'll add support for it to theme maker.10:59
konttoribut... time will tell10:59
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spaetzI'm ignoring it, since I'd rather have an open solution11:07
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koenrumour has that media streamer will go OSS11:09
konttoriis that the nokias media player?11:14
konttoriThe name's a bit misleading one, as it plays local files as well, doesn't it?11:14
koenhaven't figured out how to do that11:15
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AD-N770good morning11:17
ferencAD-N770: morning11:18
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sxpert-workvidar: have the flasher-2.0 program handy ?11:50
sxpert-workbecause the darn page is still blank11:50
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jtrasomebody posted this link to flasher yesterday:
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X-Fadeferenc: Can you fix the d*.php files *again* :D11:54
dpbI thought it's illegal to redistribute the flasher..11:56
X-Fadeferenc: something seems to restore the 15 Nov, 0 bytes version over and over again.11:56
ferencX-Fade: just a sec11:58
X-Fadesxpert-work: It is fixed ;)11:59
ferencX-Fade: the problem is with our complicated replication and build system that puts the content from our internal server to maemo.org11:59
ferenci thought i fixed it yesterday, but seems not :(12:00
sxpert-workX-Fade: ok12:02
X-Fadeferenc: Some cron job is giving you a lot of work? :)12:02
ferenc X-Fade: no, it is not a cron job, but some other scripts. the sad thing that i wrote them :(12:03
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ferencX-Fade: but now I found the problem, really :)12:04
X-FadeHehe, well you've got to find the 15 Nov files and replace them?12:04
X-FadeAh :)12:04
ferencX-Fade: yep. when the content is built (from the forrest xml files) it is stored in a temp directory12:05
ferencwell, that damn directory still had those blank d*.php files.12:05
ferencthe build script show have cleaned this directory...12:06
timelessspeaking of which12:09
timelessthere's this one directory which has various interesting files12:09
timelessbut it's not linked from anywhere i can see12:09
timelessis there a link to it? :)12:09
X-Fadetimeless: Is that a riddle?12:13
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_matthias_anyone using syntax highlighting in vim on 77012:17
timelesssomething like that12:18
GreySimIs this an okay place to ask "can the 770 do this?" And similar questions? If not, anyone know a better place?12:19
timelessi think there are mailing lists12:19
timelessi doubt you'll be shot for asking12:19
Robot101(here is OK too)12:19
GreySimGood point. Thanks.12:19
timelessunless it's something like "can the 770 help me break into a bank"12:19
GreySimCan the 770 use a Bluetooth keyboard and VoIP headset, and especially at the same time?12:21
timelessship me a keyboard and headset, and i'll test :)12:22
* GreySim is new to Bluetooth stuff, so doesn't know much about it.12:23
timelessfor a normal system, it should work, and i don't think it'll hurt too much12:23
sxpert-worktigert: here's something to replace the google stuff in maemo mapper :
* tigert looks12:29
tigertlooks like I need to start wardriving :)12:29
tigertor recruit a bunch of folks to do that12:29
konttoriBy the way, do you know how the database law applies to maps?12:31
konttoriAt least in finland database copyright expires in 15 years12:32
_matthias_GreySim: it should i mean i can pair both with my 770 and the keyboard works12:32
konttoriThus... if that applies to maps as well (which are databases), then all over 15 years old maps are out of copyright12:32
konttoriwhich would be great for projects like the metacarta12:32
_matthias_though don't know if the headset works because the volume keys are broken on my headset12:32
konttoriAs e.g. street names and such don't really change that much over time.12:33
GreySimAh, good to know. Thanks _matthias_.12:33
tigertkonttori: hey12:33
konttoriEven if the images themselves would stay copyrighted, maybe just scanning and text rocognition would do the trick12:34
konttoritigert: hey12:34
onionkonttori: digiroad database would be an option here, but the pricing info is vague12:39
konttoriDo they have out-of copyright maps?12:39
konttoriOr what did you have in mind?12:40
onionkonttori: if it's not too pricy then converting the data for private use would be quite nice, even if not free12:41
bergiethe London map has at least some info...
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konttoriyep. But if we could use maps that are out of copyright, we could easily and very quickly create the road instances to metacarta from existing maps using some nicely tuned ocr software. Then GPS could be used to verify the exact coordinates of key points.12:45
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konttoriOTOH even the scanning does take some work. But if allowed, it would be a good foundation for the gps data.12:46
onionbut that would not include direction data12:48
onionreminds me, I should upload my tracks and draw streets someday12:49
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* _matthias_ has lost his desk stand12:57
_matthias_cannot find replacements at nokia.co13:02
konttorionion: Indeed. Very true. Although, as I said, that would only be the start. But it would be a good reference for places where the gps streets haven't yet been excavated for the metacarta. For example, finland has almost no roads in metacarta13:14
konttoriand if I look at scotland, I see almost no roads there either.13:15
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inzkonttori, you mean there really are more than 4-5 roads in finland, I thought it was accurate =)13:28
konttoriYeah. We do have one railroad as well and I was pretty much complaining that that was missing.13:28
konttoriAnd one caravan trail13:29
konttoriBut that's one way13:29
inzAway from Turku?13:29
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tigert_matthias_: hey14:10
tigert_matthias_: I have an idea for you :)14:14
tigertthis rox0rs 10x better than the thing the 770 ships with14:19
tigertits a lot more stable even :)14:21
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lardmanOn the HowTo_GetStartedWithSardine page, it says "Some packages will be held back. Upgrade them manually with apt-get install.", is there a list of such packages for herring?14:24
koenapt-get outputs that list14:25
lardmankoen: So I need to scroll back through the output14:25
lardmanoh. The buffer's not large enough when using xterm14:26
lardmanah, run it again14:27
koentheir probably is another debian-approved way to get those14:27
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lardmanfingers crossed...14:36
lardmanah, something failed to start - reboot14:36
lardmanneed to head home to my linux box and using the flasher to disable that14:37
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_matthias_tigert: jeah .. i will try that ... really cool14:52
_matthias_but then .. i'll have to by an leatherman and bring my personal mc gyver (hope i spelled that right)14:53
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tigertjust use scissors15:14
lardmanAnyone here installed Octave? It's compaining about a missing dep -> gcc-3.4-base15:19
lardmanI'm curous to know whether it's my fault, or the deps are wrong15:20
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|tbb|what do i need to use svn co http:/blalba on my n77016:20
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|tbb|i mean the svn thing16:40
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AD-N770Hi xan17:53
xanhi :)17:54
xanAD-N770, can't write /msg, not registered :|17:54
AD-N770Are you in Finland now ?17:54
xanAD-N770, write some random channel in the query and I'll join ;)17:55
Takwhy not just register?17:56
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coryphohey, i have a nokia 770 with sed. i cannot install bash 3.0 what's wroing? everytime, it says "unable to install, package is incompatible with current softeware"?!20:28
inzIs the bash package meant for IT2005?20:30
coryphoi have the one of here.
coryphothere is only bash 3.0 i cannot say from which year20:31
coryphoyes it is! now i got it..only for 200520:32
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coryphobut probably i have the it 2000620:33
coryphoeh 200620:33
inzcorypho, the architecture is arm, so it's for IT2005.20:33
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inzcorypho, dunno if there's application manager installable bash for IT2006...20:33
coryphoinz: what should i do now? my bash doesn't work to install.20:33
coryphoinz: in case i should have bought an older it version?20:34
inzcorypho, there's bash for IT2006 on the application catalog 2006, see
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coryphoinz: yes..but the link is dead! jeehaw20:36
inzcorypho, doh20:40
coryphoinz: what should i do?20:40
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inzcorypho, if you add the repository to application manager, you should be able to install the bash-m package20:42
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inzcorypho, it should appear under Commandline20:43
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coryphoinz: yes, but they both say that they are not good or incompatible with the curren version20:46
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tko :)20:57
tkoand it even has "Pro Mode" ! :)20:57
TakI can't imagine any other way for a wget gui to look21:01
inzcorypho, you probably need some other repository for some dependencies21:03
inzcorypho, probably mistral free21:04
tkoTak, Url: |______| [Download]21:05
Takno point in using wget for a backend in that case21:05
coryphoinz: how can i start gpsd in the busybox?21:11
inzcorypho, I've no idea, but I'd guess the same way as in bash21:11
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MilhouseWhat kind of wireless transfer speeds are you all getting on the 770? I max out at ~350KB/s on a very good 11g connection when using scp21:34
MilhouseOh hang on, that is reading from a 1GB MMC so that could be the problem... will try a test on internal flash21:34
inzI get 400 kB/s with scp.21:36
Milhouse377KB/s when scp'ing the Discovery.avi off of the 77021:37
Milhousenot very impressive is it?21:37
Milhousethe link itself should be capable of 10x that - close to 4Mb/s... wonder what is holding it back on the 770... CPU?21:38
TakMB != Mb21:38
Tak377 KB/s is like 2.2 Mb/s21:38
mgedminthe 770's CPU usage is rather hight while scp'ing, IIRC21:39
mgedminyou may get higher speeds by choosing a cheaper cipher21:39
mgedminit would be nice to know for sure if that is so21:39
inz550+ kB/s using blowfish21:40
Takif it's just for file copy, why not ftp?21:41
inzTak, because I don't have ftp on the device ;)21:41
Takactually gftp could use a nice maemo port21:41
Takthen you'd have a gui for scp too21:42
Takhmm - does opera support upload via ftp?21:42
sp3001nc & cat :D21:42
Milhouseafter using canola, one issue seems to be streaming performance - wonder if that is due to poor wifi?21:42
Milhousei have mounted NFS, and that is just about usable21:43
Milhousewill run  some checks to see what kind of tranfer rate i'm getting21:43
coryphodoes anyobody now how i can run out gpsd on my nokia 770?21:43
mgedminwhen I used NFS on OS2005, I also noticed huge CPU loads21:44
mgedmincorypho: I think I saw the instructions on the wiki somewhere21:44
mgedmincorypho: you have to bind the device with rfcomm (or the bluetooth applet), then pass /dev/rfcomm0 as the device name to gpsd ... I think21:44
mgedminwhy would you want to use gpsd?21:44
Milhouseon top of scp, i guess you need to factor in wireless encryption - i'm using WPA/PSK21:45
inzYeah, I'm using WEP21:45
inz(I know it's shit)21:45
Milhousethat may be a little "cheaper" in terms of CPU overhead21:45
* Tak grumbles about WEP+PEAP21:46
Milhousewhich would contribute towards your improved 550+ performance21:46
mgedminI wonder if it would get any faster with an open access point21:46
Milhouse(this assumes WPA/WEP is handled by the CPU and not the WiFi chip)21:46
inzWith ftp I get 625 kB/s21:46
Milhousedefinately looking like it's a CPU issue...21:47
mgedminload-applet is good for seeing what is a cpu issue and what isn't21:48
mgedminalthough I wish it would also show i/o wait time21:48
mgedminand separated ram & swap instead of adding them together21:48
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Milhousewhen I installed the bluetooth applet along with the Wifi Detector, something had to go from my status bar, and load applet was the victim :)21:49
inzmgedmin, load-applet sucks, osso-statusbar-cpu is waaay better ;)21:50
inzmgedmin, (note that my opinion as the author of o-s-c may be a bit biased)21:50
mgedmininz: that's mostly true21:50
mgedminand I used it for a long time21:50
mgedminbut the load-applet + panel-clock combination is just prettier21:51
mgedminand I a sucker for prettyness21:51
inzI think load-applet is actually ugly, but that's just me21:51
Milhousei need a load applet type app that runs on the desktop not in the status bar :)21:51
inzo-s-c actually lies to you, if you let the display go blank.21:52
Milhousewhich one showed a graph of the cpu and memory?21:52
inzIt stops updating the graph21:52
Milhouseand could overlay the time?21:52
inzMil, o-s-c21:52
Milhousei used to like that... until i installed the BT plugin :(21:53
Milhouseone thing i never quite understood - the memory showed two shades of green... what were they?21:53
inzMilhouse, actually it shows three shades of green ;)21:53
Milhouseah... i must be colour blind :)21:54
inzMilhouse, no, there's just never enough memory for anything to be cached =)21:55
inzMilhouse, the darker green is "buffers"21:55
Takfree and top always tell me that like 1/2 my memory is cached21:56
inzTak, free actually doesn't show cached on the device21:57
* mgedmin installs rsync21:57
inzTak, but you're right, there's something wrong w/ my applet21:57
Takmy bad, just top then21:57
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inzTak, indeed it's the buffers that never get filled up, you're right22:03
inzTak, so the applet actually does work right, it's just my memory that is failing =)22:04
Takprobably because your buffers are full ;-)22:04
inzMaybe I should add more features to my applet and make it all-in-one so it wouldn't get replaced by stupid other plugins ;P22:05
Takbtw, you're not the inz that used to hack on mono?22:05
inzI don't even use mono22:05
keesjHi, I am porting xmoto to the n770 , and now I would really like to know what part of the application needs performance improvements. Will running callgrind on the pc help in any way22:06
evilbitanyone have a link for updating the 770 under a linux host?22:11
mgedmininteresting: while apt-get is installing software, vmstat shows the cpu as 99% idle, zero I/O, but the interupts column shows 8-10 thousand22:11
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mgedminwhee, my vim segfaults22:13
revuse emacs?22:13
* rev ducks22:13
rev*someone had to say it*22:13
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mgedminnah, I'll just reboot22:14
revwell, to each their own22:14
mgedmindid anyone even port emacs to the 770?22:14
kenderso huge, isn't it?22:15
mgedmintyping . ./.profile with the vkb gets old really fast22:15
inzwhy ./.profile?22:16
mgedmineasier to type than ~/.profile22:16
mgedminand xterm starts up in ~22:16
inzoh, busybox's . doesn't look up in wd22:17
mgedminit was very surprising22:17
inzyes it was22:17
* sp3001 frequently finds busybox surprising22:17
revwell, there's been bigger things than emacs ported to the 77022:18
* rev just uses nano on the 77022:18
revor the editor in squeak22:18
revone of the reasons i bought the 770 was to play around with the Newton emulator, Einstein22:19
revbut einstein isn't OSS... and it's compiled for OS 2005.22:19
revso i'm SOL.22:19
mgedminboo for closed-source software22:19
revi have to wait til they get around to it22:19
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revindeed, boo-boo22:19
revi guess i could down-grace to OS 200522:20
revbut blech to that22:20
alpif that's a main reason for buying a 770, you have bigger issues than being stuck with OS 200522:21
revwlel, that's not m ymain reason for getting a 77022:22
revjust part of the excuse to22:22
revbut it was one of the reasons i explicitly said: i want a linux-based handheld again. Einstein will never support CE, because the developers don't care to port it to anything CE-based.  I've had a few Linux PDAs before, which were all very disapointing and far less useful than a CE or PPC device.22:23
revbut, thankfully, the 770 in my opinion is heads and shoulders above the Zaurus models I've owned22:23
revone of these days, i need to write/setup some sort of wireless file sync between my WM5 phone and my 770 for making sure the book i'm reading on my 770 is available on my phone too22:24
Taknow I don't feel bad about never having gotten a zaurus :-)22:25
Takkeesj: does it have sound?22:26
revit's a lot of little things added up, but the nokia 770 is so much better of a device22:26
revi was thinking of getting a zaurus again, because of the faster CPU when i was looking at the 770 recently22:27
revbut the bigger screen was just too much of a draw, and rightly so- it's a gorgeous screen. the VGA zaurus has a nice screen, but not as nice as the 770s.22:27
keesjTak, yes22:27
Takwhat method?  straightforward sdl?22:29
Milhousewhy not install OS2005 on to your MMC and dual boot between 2005 and 2006?22:29
keesjsdl mixer22:29
Takmight try esd or gstreamer?22:29
revMilhouse: huh, i had no idea one could do such a thing22:29
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inzrev, you probably can't, the it2005 probably doesn't like it2006 kernel (and vice versa)22:34
inzNot sure though, haven't tried22:34
revaww, bummer22:36
revoh well22:36
revnot a biggie... i'll just wait for einstein to be recompiled for 0622:36
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Takbest compiler error ever: "Syntax error."22:47
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keesjTak, removing sound really helped a lot , Where does such an educated guess come from?22:52
Takxmame sound quality improved by an order of magnitude when I enabled the esd driver; I haven't gotten around to writing one for fceu22:53
keesjTak, are you using pixel doubling? what kind of framerates can you get?22:55
Taktbh, I haven't been monitoring the framerates22:55
Takif the games are playable, I'm happy ;-)22:55
keesjfair :)22:56
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TakI haven't modified the blitting code for either, so I don't know yet if they're doing pixel doubling or what22:56
TakI've been meaning to look at fceu and see if it's doing screen flipping or clip updates, though22:57
keesjTime to find a Bluethooth joystick22:58
Takalthough I suspect there's no (straightforward) way to avoid flipping the whole screen22:59
sbaturziojust curious, wii joysticks are bluetooth? are they usable with something different than wii?22:59
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keesjdon't know23:01
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Guardiangood evening23:50
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