IRC log of #maemo for Friday, 2006-10-27

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revTak: nope, can't do vmware- i've got OS X w/ a PPC. i don't want to go buy a copy of virtual pc, but that'd be an option.19:37
Takhmm - there's no scratchbox for ppc?19:38
revwell, good question19:39
revi've not found any talk of anyone doing dev on a PPC OS X machine19:39
revi've not tried compiling it, though, so i can't say with any certainty if it works or not19:40
bedboianoyne evere used the bluetooth xkbd19:40
revthough i've had experience with the past using cross-dev SDKs on non-supported platforms that suggests to me that i shouldn't bother unless i want to deal with a bunch of annoying little bugs ... stuff that people just didn't expect  and dont' know what do wo with once i've discovered the problems. hence, i'd rather just be using a vanilla linux/x86 env.19:41
* Tak shrugs19:41
revi'll find a machine eventually. :)19:42
Takit's only gcc and a bunch of well-ported libs19:42
revif i wait long enough i'll have an intel mac, though not for a couple months still19:42
rev well19:42
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revlooks like scratchbox requires an x86 platform19:42
Takah - :-/19:43
_follower_rev: have you looked at Q/qemu?19:47
_follower_i got the Ubuntu 5.X live cd running on it the other day19:47
rev_follower_: not for a while... sounds painfully slow- my machine is only 1.33 ghz.19:47
_follower_(as an x86)19:47
revwell, it's worth a try, i suppose, eh?19:48
_follower_yeah, probably might be--i was running it on a 1.619:48
revor bochs for that matter, similarily godawfullyslow19:48
_follower_and it was "usable" for small values of usable19:48
_follower_but i don't know how scratchbox would go...19:48
revwell, i'd prolly axe the gui and be working out of the commandline19:48
revis this what you're using?
_follower_i'd think that should at least be passable in that case19:49
Takbochs is goofy, particularly the 2GB limit19:49
Takalthough I suppose you don't really need >2GB just for scratchbox19:49
_follower_Rev: yeah19:49
revTak: 2 GB FS limit?19:49
Taklast time I played with it19:49
revah ok19:49
revwell, like you said, that might not matter for me19:49
_follower_that frontend is quite a nice wrapper for it19:49
rev_follower_: it looks pretty nice19:50
_follower_and i've never gotten as far as running anything as far in bochs or previous versions of Q* i've tried19:50
revok... well, i'll try this one then first.19:50
_follower_i was quite impressed--and for the first time in a while could see a benefit in having a faster machine. :-)19:50
_follower_rev: i'd be interested to see if it was practical to develop on...19:51
rev_follower_: i'll let you know. i won't be doing very intensive development- mostly just compiling some small stuff. most of my 770 dev will be using squeak smalltalk- but i need to get some stuff added to the port of squeak19:51
revthat seems to be the sdk19:52
revbut an old one19:52
_follower_rev: cool. maybe post to the list if you have success...19:52
revif you need it yourself, _follower_19:53
revwill do19:53
* rev needs to clear up some diskspace!19:53
_follower_on a completely unrelated note: w00t i just got a 555 IC-based LED flasher working... :-)19:56
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Takvery nice19:56
_follower_(without blowing anything up--hardware makes me nervous :-) )19:56
revis that the stepping stone to something else, _follower_? perhaps adding usb to your nokia?19:57
_follower_i also discovered that trimpots don't fit into breadboards overly well (thus the cause of an initial non-functional result)19:57
rever :)19:57
_follower_rev: nothing specific, just another attempt to improve my hardware knowledge... who know what it'll lead too..19:58
_follower_funny the satisfaction a little blinking light can give :-D19:58
revah, cool19:58
revheh, i know the feeling19:58
revi taught myself simple electronics when i was a kid, and keep meaning to re-learn it19:59
revbut the thought of doing SMT kind of scares me19:59
revand SMT is what so many little kids contain these days19:59
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_follower_was that kids or kits? :-)19:59
revi wanted to build a little RF tracking device for a model rocket, but i know my soldering skills just aren't good enough for SMT19:59
_follower_in the back of my mind i've been thinking about the gumstix setups20:00
revthat'd be fun20:00
revi wish it were easier to make your PDA using one of those20:00
revget the exact screensize that you'd want, etc20:00
shaprI wish it were easier to build any kind of hardware at home.20:01
revi mean, i don't know what i mean by "i wish it were easier..." i don't expect them to make a kit for me- i just wish i had the skills and equipment to do that20:01
revshapr: indeed20:01
revthat is a serious barrier20:01
shaprRelated article -
_follower_yeah, it's easier to blow stuff up permanently which always makes me nervous...20:02
_follower_mistakes are a little more costly than in software...20:02
shaprBut that wouldn't be true if we had specs/docs for hardware.20:02
revyeah, it'd sure be nice if we had that for anything and everything20:03
danielsyou can still make mistake20:03
shaprI'd like to reverse engineer the cx3110x wifi chip in the 770, but am not brave enough to risk frying it.20:03
revsurely you could do that without killing your 770? maybe getting the chip and mounting it on some other dev board?20:03
revwhich isn't to say that it'd still cost more money and hassle than if you just had the specs20:03
_follower_(it's *still* blinking... :-) )20:04
rev_follower_: yay!20:04
_follower_yeah, that's the whole thing with reverse engineering20:04
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_follower_it's fun but it's also a little depressing that there's probably a file somewhere with all the infromation you need...20:04
_follower_rev: actually, now that i think of it, there was a slight connection, my long term idea is something like: 770 + (blutooth/wifi) + gumstix + electric toy car + webcam = fun...20:06
_follower_and i think i need to improve my electronic knowledge for the gumstix/car interface :-)20:06
daniels_follower_: not always.  at least, for video cards, there's one company that can write specs.  the others are not helpful at all.20:07
daniels_follower_: the longest part of radeon development has been trying to figure out the random undocumented errata (they used to get the windows dev team to document it, and told us; now they don't speak to us).  if you change the clocks on a certain asic revision, you have to wrap it in dummy register reads and writes, else the chip will lock up randomly later down the track.  so you have no idea that it was the clock changes ...20:08
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revwhy don't they speak to you anymore?20:09
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revwas there a falling out, or just because they're dicks?20:09
_follower_daniels: intersting...20:10
_follower_rev: heh, just thought of a gratuitous 770 connection: i could try to use the headfone output to trigger the flasher :-)20:11
danielsjerome spent six whole months working on one particular bug, where a certain revision of the radeon 9600 would lock up on boot.  he got 11mb of register-dump logs from windows startup, and spent the whole rest of the time isolating the differences.  in the end, it was one (undocumented) bit in one register, but working out which isn't exactly trivial ...20:11
danielsrev: six of these, half a dozen of the other20:12
* rev nods20:12
rev_follower_: just don't get some blowback and fry your 770!20:12
_follower_rev: yeah, well, there is that... :-/20:12
revdaniels: man, what a horrorstory20:12
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revi can't imagine having the willpower to work on something so ... not fun like that20:13
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danielsrev: that's why no-one did for a year ;)20:13
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_follower_so did jerome do it because he enjoyed it, needed it or some other reason?20:13
danielspartially because he enjoyed it and partially because it needed to be done.  just in his spare time.  dude's a ninja.20:14
revhe must be20:15
_follower_cool. i can understand the attraction of the challenge... :-)20:15
revyeah, it could be fun in a perverse way20:19
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littlefae /me yawns, then wakes up.20:56
revhey littlefae20:57
littlefaeWould you happen to know why maemo-mapper won't start up?20:57
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revno clue20:58
revrun it from a terminal20:58
revsee if it quits with an error20:58
littlefaeOooh, good point, didn't think about that20:58
keesjperhaps even start it command line?20:59
keesjI know there was a x.x.2 and now x.x.3 because there was a serious bug. make sure you have the latsed version21:00
littlefaeFound out, not very useful21:04
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littlefae"Segmentation Fault"21:04
_follower_ah, that'll be your problem then... :-)21:05
revthere you go! :)21:05
_follower_rev: apparently we two smart-asses think alike :-)21:05
littlefaeDOesn't slve anything though21:06
littlefaeStill won't start. ;p21:07
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littlefaeAnd this is the newest version21:07
rev_follower_: hehe, works for me... ;)21:10
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keesjany serial communication guru's in the house?21:20
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|paul|hello guys21:32
|paul|i got a bad news21:32
Takis the sky falling?21:33
|paul|this evening i have broken the display of nokia 77021:33
littlefaeI knew it21:33
littlefaeThey aren't very durable looking..  How'd you manage yours?21:33
|paul|a little more pression with the pencil and it's gone21:33
|paul|how can i solve the problem now ?21:34
|paul|it's not possible view nothing on the screen21:34
|paul|where can i buy the display ?21:34
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littlefaeNokia Authorised Repairs?21:34
|paul|anyone have had the same problem ?21:35
|paul|and how many euros ?21:35
|paul|i payd 377 euros21:35
TakI would think it'd be cheaper to get a new unit than to replace the display21:36
Takwow - are they a lot more expensive there, or is the difference VAT?21:36
|paul|for us in italy 20% of vat21:37
keesjmy 770 was 200euro :)21:37
revkeesj: where'd you buy it?21:37
Whizdev piece :D21:37
revahh ok21:37
|paul|yes, your a developer21:38
|paul|i not21:38
littlefaeYou know, the closest spec screen I can find, without the touch-panel, is almost 50% the cost of the device.. o.o21:38
keesjjust a normal shop in beverwijk21:38
|paul|so the display is more expensive tha the full nokia 770 ?21:38
littlefaeNot quite, but certainly a massive chunk though21:39
|paul|and my job that is inside ?21:39
|paul|i have not my job only on the mmc, but too on the memory of nokia 77021:40
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|paul|is there any possibility to read the memory of the nokia 77021:41
Takmine was ~250 eur21:41
Tak(bought in US)21:41
littlefaeI would've thought it possible to connect to the device using USB, without the mmc installed, as a 'mass storage device' provided nothing else is damaged.21:42
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|paul|for a moment left to stay the lcd21:43
|paul|i got the nokia 77021:43
|paul|with 64 vmb of ram21:43
danielsunfortunately that's not possible.  i think there's a solution for getting usb networking up, but that's it.21:43
Takdoes it still register clicks?21:43
Takyou could maybe connect the wifi, then ssh into it21:44
|paul|this is a stupid think21:44
|paul|i have not ssh installed on nokia 77021:44
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revi don't know why, but i had thought the 770 had usb host- it was one of the reasons i bought it instead of a zaurus (which has USB host)21:45
rev|paul|: no ssh, VNC, nothing?21:45
|paul|how many euro i can pay the lcd ?21:45
|paul|no, no one othis21:45
|paul|only vorbis and xchat21:46
danielsi doubt it's that easily available, it's a pretty specialised part.21:46
|paul|150 euro ? 200 euro ?21:46
keesjpaul . I don't understand , you need data that is stored on the nokia ( and not the mmc)21:46
smarcowtalking about parts, does anyone have a idea where to get a headphone-jack. the nokia repair center wont help me21:46
littlefaeShame the MMC doesn't support autorun.21:47
littlefaeCould've put a script on to copy the data off, on insertion21:47
|paul|never more i buy a dev nokia21:47
|paul|as nokia 77021:47
|paul|is not as imagine too much limits21:47
|paul|all thinks not free software that ask only ram21:48
|paul|no ffmpeg2theora21:48
littlefaeI love mine to bits, but I hope that won't end up literal. :S21:48
|paul|to see any movie21:48
tkodaniels, you must know, is there a bzr mirror for gtk somewhere?21:49
|paul|no gcc, no gdb, no emacs, no xterm, i must put xterm21:49
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danielstko: nope, launchpad hasn't imported it21:49
bedboianyone had success using the xkbd-bt (using n770 as a bluetooth keyboard)21:50
littlefaexterm is available, just wish telnet or tinyfugue was.21:50
|paul|x window sys is limited21:50
tkoso much for supermirror of everything everywhere21:50
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|paul|workplaces there are not21:50
|paul|is not multitasking21:50
danielstko: yeah, we were meant to have arch imports of the entire world by october 2004.  whoops ...21:50
tkooh well, I'll just keep on waiting for gnome to do the svn migration...21:50
|paul|you can't to do two things in the same time21:50
|paul|but only one for time21:50
danielstko: svn's a done deal?21:51
waitequick questoin I am having trouble finding an updated answer to.Is there a calendaring app that works well on the 770? I saw mixed reviews on GPE calendar21:51
littlefaebedbol: Going to try that now, to my Mac21:51
littlefaeAnd, walte, I love the GPE calendar. :)21:51
waitelittlefae, great does it support syncing?21:52
|paul|i must go to eat21:52
smarcowwaite, i liked "dates" most, it has a nice zoom and (very basic) scheduling21:52
danielstko: i don't know how automated the process is these days, but maybe it'll get imported if you put the details in at
tkodaniels, I consider it a first step to real version control :)21:52
|paul|and tomorrow there is the gnu/linux day21:52
waitesmarcow, URL?21:52
danielstko: although last i saw their import didn't do branches, only development along HEAD ...21:52
tko(once you have atomic commits, converting to any other system is more simple)21:52
danielstko: right21:52
|paul|for me it's as there is not21:52
littlefaeNot to my knowledge, but supports ics files, which my iCal uses21:52
smarcowwaite, check the application page on maemo.org21:52
danielstko: keithp's parsecvs does really well, though; it imported all of xorg (including branches) into git21:52
waitelittle,fae ok Thx I can always rsync21:52
danielstko: so i guess you could use parsecvs to git, then tailor from git to bzr ... kind of a hack though.21:53
|paul|i am paying internet now to chat with you21:53
smarcowit more like a monologue21:53
littlefaeWhere is this BT keyboard app, on garage or AppRep2006?21:53
waitesmarcow, I was looking at the 1.1 apps on that page. Now I see more.21:53
|paul|stupid think not use the full sys via shell21:53
tkodaniels, yeah, so I've heard.. but since the aim is at svn now (at somewhat stalled at that) I don't think it's a good idea to start suggesting other things21:53
bedboilittlefae: check the application catalog 200621:54
|paul|so first i must buy the new display21:54
bedboii have some problems compiling it on my desktop21:54
danielstko: parsecvs, then tailor from git to svn? ;)21:54
|paul|and then put the tools21:54
littlefaeOh, one of those is it?21:54
smarcowis anyone able to send files to your cell via blutooth? my 770 cannot detect the free mem on the cell and says "not enough free space".21:54
littlefaeI have to be frank, I don't compile..21:54
|paul|is easy i done many times21:55
|paul|from nokia 770 and cell phone21:55
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littlefaeWouldn't mind a gcc for the 770, so I could try compiling tinyfugue on this handheld21:56
bedboii didn't understood if the xkbd-bt should work without pairing with the device21:56
keesjxkbd-bt is different I think21:56
bedboikeesj: i had some problems compiling (i had to #if 0 a section of code)21:57
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|paul|bye bye21:58
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danielslittlefae: you can extract it from the development sbox bits, but you don't have enough space on the 770 rootfs21:59
keesjthe xkbt is for serial based communication right?21:59
keesjdaniels, sorry /me wrong22:00
bedboikeesj: the doc is not clear about how to set the PC side22:00
* keesj was confused with btkb22:01
bedboii would like to know if someone had success using it...22:01
bedboii would like to use that to go back and forth in my slides for tomorrow22:02
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florianhi mallum22:27
tkogetting crowded in here :)22:29
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tkomallum, did lemody mention my idea for matchbox taking care of closing menus? one hack less in gtk... =)22:31
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keesjhow should it happen if the app is not gtk based?22:34
keesjtko, where is the keyboard code located?22:34
tkokeesj, top s3cr1t, sorry22:35
danielswell, for bluetooth keyboards, the answer is the kernel, hidd, the x server, the x libraries, gtk, the input method, ...22:37
danielsso if we're going to better not answer your question, you'll have to be a little more specific ;)22:37
keesjyes, sorry for that , I was talking about the on-screen keyboard, who pop's that up it that in gtk , hildon, matchbox?22:38
tkohildon immodule for gtk working together with the vkb app - neither one is open source22:39
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keesjis there an api (some kind of readline)22:40
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littlefaeI can't get that xkbd-bt thing to install22:41
littlefaeIncompatible with OS 200622:42
littlefaeLeast thats what I'm being told22:42
bedboiyou have  to get the 2006 version22:43
keesjtko, thanks22:43
mallumhey florian, tko22:43
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danielsevening mr. allum22:55
littlefaeStill no luck22:56
littlefaeI surrender, and am going back to trying to pass Mah-Jongg. :p22:57
littlefaeAH, never mind22:57
littlefaeGoing to try Scummvm, I love mobile versions of my fave games.23:00
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littlefaeHow do I slow it down? o.O23:19
tkow00t? something is too *fast* on 770?23:20
littlefaeSeriously... Monkey Island 2, through ScummVM on 770 was running faster than the music, the whole intro screen took 1 second23:21
littlefaeMust've ben a fluke23:23
tkocan't recall such thing while playing it through, though I might've done it on IT2005.. I forget23:25
littlefaeI'm in heaven23:26
littlefaeMonkey Island takes me back to when I was lil23:26
* koen looks at the "monkey island bounty pack" on the shelf23:26
* koen looks at his 77023:26
vidarmonkey island rocks hard. :D23:27
vidari played through the whole series again a year or two ago. brought back memories.23:27
littlefaeIt's great on a handheld too, specially a touch-sensitive one.23:28
vidarday of the tentacle is also recommended, by the way.23:28
littlefaeI played it on my other Linux handheld, the GP2X23:28
littlefaeI want Maniac Mansion too23:28
koenand BASS of course23:28
littlefaeGot that23:29
* koen still doesn't own a legal copy of DOTT23:29
tkoI never really played monkey island.. the scary thing is that I could probably still play indy 3 and 4 through from memory :)23:29
tkoand dott23:29
koentko: I loved the "put ladder in jacketpocket" in indy423:29
tkoyeah, that was weird23:30
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tko :)23:34
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Kuphi :)23:47
Kupjust started working on it23:51
Kupor if you think about this theme, just look at internettablettalk forums23:52
Kupyou can download it there23:52
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koenhey ferenc23:53
ferenccheck out if you are interested some early stage of the new layout.23:59

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