IRC log of #maemo-devel for Thursday, 2009-12-17

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ruskiehmm rox-filer seems to be a usable file manager for the n900 even without hildonization10:11
ruskiethough lacks a bit of things10:12
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ruskieBabelO, so how's it going with qlandkarte?10:36
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BabelOruskie, some progress, autobuilder miss some stuff i ve locally like mcd-dev11:51
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blubbihi all, I got my n900 a week ago and now I would like to propper port some of my favorite applications to Maemo. Just small stuff like the text editor Joe.12:31
ruskiethat should be easy enough12:32
blubbiIs there a howto/Guide how to do the packaging? I am a Gentoo user, so I never messed around with debian packages :-)12:32
ruskiesetup an SDK12:32
ruskieadd deb-src for etch|sid12:32
ruskieapt-get source joe12:32
ruskiecd joe*12:32
ruskiedpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot12:32
ruskieget the built package there12:33
ruskieshould work for most cli stuff generaly12:33
blubbihu, okay thats easy... would have crosscompiled it with /opt/ as prefix :_)12:33
blubbiruskie: Okay, I'll get my hands on one of these VM SDK and try my luck12:34
blubbiruskie: thanks a lot12:34
ruskieit isn't a VM :)12:35
ruskiethere's a script on the page or you can emerge the stuff... but you'll need to look it up12:35
ruskieas for /opt there's maemo-optify somewhere as well12:36
blubbiBut there are "Ubuntu VMS" with all SDK stuff preinstalled?12:36
ruskiefrankly I don't but then I did a repartition :)12:36
ruskieno clue12:36
blubbiruskie: you repartitioned the N900?12:37
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blubbiI thought the 200MB are located on OneNAND and therefore you can't extend this partition?12:38
ruskieyou can always mount /usr to emmc ;)12:40
ruskieI have a 5gb /usr that is a partition on the emmc12:41
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blubbiokay, thats a good idea12:43
ruskieit's documentod on t.m.o - just search for repartition12:43
ruskiethere's 3 different procedures at that12:43
blubbiBut i first have to get my hands on a 16GB Card to backup my data :) before messing around with the FS12:43
blubbiruskie: as long as maemo cant sync via GroupeDAV or MLsync over http I am stuck wich "local" backups :-(12:44
ruskieI'm wondering if I can use flasher to read the entire device12:45
blubbiruskie: t.m.o? What's that?12:45
blubbiwhy not use cat on /dev/{devices,list} to read the eintire device?12:47
ruskieand store it where?12:47
ruskieI don't have large SD cards :)12:47
blubbion the externam memory card12:47
blubbiruskie: ah okay12:47
ruskiehell I have no clue what to do with the 20gb I have for /home now12:47
blubbiokay, what yout sshfs or NFS12:47
ruskieI rarely have so much data I need with me12:48
blubbiruskie: ack12:48
blubbibut it would not be that harad to mount an external NFS/sshfs vie WLAN and then dump the stuff there12:48
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ruskieblubbi, I can do it with netcat if I really want ;)12:49
blubbimight not be the fastest way :-)12:49
ruskiebut a flash image would be nicer12:49
blubbiruskie: right12:49
blubbiuiii, there's dev-embedded/scratchbox-devkit-maemo3 in portage...12:53
ruskiethis being maemo512:53
ruskiesearch on t.m.o or wiki12:53
ruskieiirc there is some mention about it12:53
blubbiruskie: k, I'll keep on searching12:53
blubbiruskie: but how's the naming strategy if maemo3 is maem5?12:54
ruskieit isn't12:54
ruskiethat's old iirc12:54
blubbi1.0.3 the ebuild says12:54
blubbiI'll keep on searching (would rather stay on gentoo then using debian or redhat or something similar :-)12:55
blubbi nice "gentoo x86_64 SDK"12:59
blubbiruskie: thanks a lot12:59
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Stskeepsjebba900: publish your kernel with fbcon and so on somewhere?14:27
ruskiehmm isn't it mentioned on his wiki page?14:29
fnordiansliptrying to add a .desktop file and both desktop and package icons to my conky port.  any tips? i've tried adding a uuencoded 48x48 png to control, but the build says "dpkg-genchanges: warning: unknown information field `Xb-Maemo-Icon-26' in input data in package's section of control info file"14:30
Stskeepsjebba900: it would be good to seperate getbootstate and /sbin/preinit, yeah14:31
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Stskeepsi'm finally free of my thesis hell at least for a month, so i'm back in my role14:51
jebbafnordianslip: that icon warning is just noise, should be fine.14:51
jebbawhat's your thesis?14:51
Stskeepsthat it's possible to improve rehabilitation with computer vision and mobility detection14:51
ruskiesounds interesting14:51
Stskeepsnot really14:52
fnordianslipjebba: cheers.  now i'm wondering what the easiest way to add the desktop and icon files is.  do i have to hack the makefile, or i can i do it in debian/control somehow?14:53
jebbatake a look at my burgerspace. 1 sec14:54
Stskeepsjebba: any interest in helping out with mer/n900 when time is?14:55
jebbathough there is an .xpm in in there that gets put in /usr/share/pixmaps that I need to rm14:55
fnordianslipcheers again14:55
jebbaStskeeps: ya, definitely14:55
jebbaStskeeps: my goal is 100% free n90014:55
Stskeepsand mine is 97% (some hw blobs), so we can probably follow most of the way :P14:55
* ruskie wants that as well14:55
ruskieI can live with binary firmware14:55
jebbabinary firmware for the lose14:55
ruskiefeel free to reverse engineer it :)14:56
ruskiebut apps should all be free :)14:56
jebbanot sure what needs binary firmware at this point. A quick glance at the wifi  i didnt see one (!) but i may have just overlooked it14:56
jebbayou know what other firmware it's using?14:56
jebbathe killer I see at this point is battery & GL video14:57
fnordianslipjebba: and you keep those resource files in the debian dir?14:57
jebbaso we may have to use openbox & 2D  ;)14:57
jebbafnordianslip: which resource files? sry? the icons?14:57
ruskiejebba, nahhh fvwm ;)14:57
fnordianslipicons and desktop files?14:57
ruskielighter and more configurable :)14:57
jebba.desktop files you can put in the debian/ dir14:57
ruskiecould probably make the current layout into a fvwm config easily :)14:58
Stskeepsjebba: at least once we get token repos going, some of those problems are fairly more sane to deal with :P14:58
Stskeepsbut GL drivers are -really- weird14:58
ruskieI do hope oFono once it's there will be available for the n900 to replace the current framework14:58
Stskeepssome claim TI allows redistribution of the SGX libs14:58
fnordianslipjebba: i see you have 64, 48  and 32 icons.  why?14:59
jebbaolder debian packaging CAN'T INCLUDE BINARY FILES! I found this very lame. So to include an icon (e.g. in the diff), you have to uuencode it (no shit), or re-tar the .orig.tar.gz (which I did in burgerspace, but is a bad approach IMHO).  The newer debian packaging can handle things like icons.  You may be able to do it if you set up your debian/ to use quilt for patches, but i've only just touched on that.14:59
ruskieStskeeps, why not ue the pandora work and get a driver out of that?14:59
jebba32 size icon cuz it is what came with burgerspace. WIll rm that one. "VDVsx: 48x48 for the app menu and 64x64 for the desktop shortcuts "15:00
jebbaofono seems to be very well advanced actually. I bet it could even make calls and such with the n900 now if someone bothered to go thru it all15:01
Stskeepsruskie: afaik that is just vaporware atm (libs)15:01
ruskieI hope the interest might pickup... to bad amd isn't in the embeded graphics market15:03
fnordianslipjebba: thanks.  your a useful guy to have around :)  sorry for all the questions15:04
jebbano problem at all.  :)15:04
jebbai gathered lots of this info bugging people on irc too. ehha.  especially  vdvsx, he helped a lot.15:05
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jebbaah, plus i don't really like the "RTFM" attitudes in some channels... I mean, it's not like we haven't all read enough fkn manuals. Nice to just get a quick answer about something like icons instead of wading through a dozen wiki pages with old info scattered about and trying to search for things like "debian icon patching the dirty ho" etc...15:07
jebbairc makes it easier  :)15:08
ruskiethough it also has the possibility of burnout15:08
fnordianslipits hard to find all of the bits of the manual, so its more like FTFM :)15:09
jebbaya, then you can just /igore or whatever, you're not obligated to answer the same question. But go into #openbsd and ask about default routes or somethign and shazang! you'll get lynched by 50 people who could all answer the Q in 1 sentence instead....15:10
jebbaya FTFM is exactly it. The wiki needs a bit of refreshing. I'm gonna organize my page into sub sections then eventually see where it should go in the main wiki.15:10
fnordianslipi think i've just groked that the rules file is just another makefile, isn't it?15:10
jebbafnordianslip: ya, more or less. That's where ./configure is run from if it exists, for example.15:11
ruskiejebba, not my opinion of the openbsd crowd.. but I did get that when I tried it on freebsd15:11
jebbait is like foo.spec if you've done .rpm packaging.15:11
ruskiethe rule file from what I can tell is a Makefile15:11
ruskiejust named differentely15:11
jebbai love openbsd, but i would sweat for like 5 days over manuals before i dared ask anything around htere....15:11
fnordianslipfor my sins, i've been doing stuff with Windriver Linux, which is rpm based, but has a bespoke build system15:12
jebbait's more like a shell script, but ya. Could be in makefile format too.15:12
ruskieI tend to ask after I do a search and I mention that15:12
ruskiejebba, it is a Makefile... se the bottom and the escapes and so on :)15:12
jebbai actually like RPM packaging by comparison and I always though apt way superior....15:12
ruskieI dislike all binary packaging :)15:12
jebbaruskie:  i think it can be either. Like if you go #!/bin/sh or /bin/makefile -f or whatever it is15:13
ruskieI prefer spells(ref: source mage GNU/Linux) :)15:13
fnordianslipwell, i am reading the wiki, but can't find everything that i'm looking for.15:13
jebbai *think*  (but not so well sometimes)15:13
ruskiejebba, shell doesn't have .PHONY target ;)15:13
ruskieand target: whatever15:14
jebbaruskie:   !/usr/bin/make -f    if it starts liek that, ya.15:14
jebbabut i think that is arbitary.  You could #!/bin/zsh if you want or whatever15:14
fnordianslipgood spot15:14
ruskiehmm I wonder15:15
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ruskieif it could be a script that would make packaging dead easy15:15
ruskieI wouldn't be suprised though if some dh script would complain about it somehow15:15
jebbaok, i shut up. every single rules file I looked at starts with #!/usr/bin/make -f    ;)15:16
jebbafnordianslip: this is something left out of my rules that i haven't fixed. It's a one-liner no doubt, but i don't knwo what it is, if you happen to stumble across it:  "Bug-tracker missing in package-desc/app"15:19
fnordianslipo you get that from the autobuilder?15:20
fnordianslipdo even15:20
fnordianslipexcuse my missing letters, i have a macbook pro15:20
jebbaa dude reviewed the package (quite well):
ruskiewhat is burgerspace?15:20
jebbathe greatest15:21
* fnordianslip has to wait again for maemo.org15:21
jebbawell, supertux is the greatest, but burgerspace is quite good. very cute for n900.15:21
ruskiebtw "Bug-tracker missing in package-desc/app" iirc that's an extra field to assign a bug tracker for each app15:21
jebbaya, but what bugtracker? bugs.m.o? I suppose i'd have to request it be added there or something.  I'm not gonna set up bz for this ;)15:21
fnordianslipdev/null should do it15:22
jebbaan actual haha15:22
jebbaan actual line for Bz: fnoo  or whatever would be convenient ahaha.15:22
ruskieor bugs@someemail15:22
fnordiansliponly joking15:23
jebbain the control file15:23
ruskieI guess that's what it's bothered about missing15:24
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DocScrutinizer51anybody got numptyphysics to work?15:31
fnordianslipman i loved that on the n800.  the bicycles were awesome15:31
jebbahrw: after you took off (last?) night i offered SDK space if you dont want to bother to set one up  (IIRC you had some issue with it)15:32
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ruskiegah need to find the time to hammer away at the Digital nature theme sometime15:33
ruskiemaybe this sunday... or next week when I'm on vacation15:34
DocScrutinizer51numptyphysics: failed to create user dir15:34
xorAxAxBabelO: can you document the RDS things on the wiki?15:36
hrwjebba: I am using maemosdk VM15:36
hrwtoo bad that sbox is still used15:41
jebbathere is an "SDK+" which uses scratchbox2, fyi15:43
hrwhow much does it differ?15:44
jebbai haven't used it yet.  I gave it a quick glance, but it wouldnt install on 64bit15:44
jebbathere is a nice FAQ listing the changes, but garage is dogging, believe it or not...15:45
hrwgarage is working at nominal speed - sluggish one15:45
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blubbimmh, I have a general question about optification...16:38
blubbishould I place the entire package in /opt/16:38
blubbilike comiling the tool with /opt/TOOL as prefix16:38
blubbiso everything goes into /opt/TOOL/{etc,usr,var,...}16:39
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Stskeepsthat'll break16:43
blubbito the stuff has to go to /usr/bin16:43
Stskeepsyes, and optification will move it to /opt16:44
blubbiStskeeps: completely?16:44
Stskeepsyeah, and set up symlinks16:44
blubbiokay, I understand16:45
jebbaactually:   ~ $ supertux16:46
jebba-sh: supertux: not found16:46
jebba~ $ ls -l /opt/supertux/supertux16:46
jebba-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root       396560 Dec  9 21:34 /opt/supertux/supertux16:46
jebbaand then the .desktop file just runs /opt/supertux/supterux16:46
jebbanow if your package is `colordiff` or something you probably want that in the $PATH.   In supertux the only thing put in /usr is the icons & .desktop file16:47
Stskeepsjebba: anything with libs would be hell though :P16:47
jebbaI use supertux as a reference for GUI applications because i believe it was done correctly  because VDVsx appears to know WTF he's doing16:48
VDVsxno, I don't know :P16:48
VDVsxIMO for Apps that's the correct way, no need to create thousands of symlinks in the system for nothing16:49
VDVsxalso no need to use maemo-optify, just place everything into /opt (apart from libs of course)16:50
jebbaStskeeps: /opt/maemo/usr/lib   appears to work for a package that burgerspace depends on (libzebra)16:50
jebbaand I didn't do any extra $foo to make burgerspace find it there16:50
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jebbadunno if somewhere/time ldconfig /opt/maemo/libs is run--must be16:52
blubbiso is there any guide? Maemo file system guide?16:53
VDVsxblubbi, about /opt ?16:56
blubbiabout placing files16:56
blubbifor example i was looking at AccDisplay
blubbisome Python files go to /opt/accDisplay/16:57
VDVsxblubbi, my recommendation: new apps should put everything into /opt apart from the icons and .desktop file16:57
blubbibut the executable is in /usr/bin16:57
VDVsxblubbi, if you're using a .desktop file you can put the exc anywhere in the system16:58
blubbiso from what I read here the bin should also go to /opt/accDisplay/ and then should be symlinked16:58
VDVsxblubbi, if you want to use to have it in the console path,yes16:58
VDVsxs/use/have it16:58
DocScrutinizer51Seems reasonable16:58
blubbiVDVsx: okay, and the icons and Desktopfiles go where?16:59
VDVsxblubbi, normal places for maemo16:59
jebbablubbi: IMHO if it is a GUI app you expect people to launch by tapping at it, just leave it out of /usr/bin.   If it's a command line app you think  people will run from the xterm (e.g. some dev tool, git, diff, telnet or whatever)  then put a symlink in /usr/bin16:59
VDVsxyou can use symlinks to16:59
fnordianslipnice. i now have a cool picture of Conky himself for the conky icon16:59
blubbiVDVsx: thanks for the clarification17:00
blubbiVDVsx: I am just reviewing some apps I use on my phone and commenting them :-) Next step will be to port joe for maemo :)17:00
VDVsxblubbi, the desktop file is very small, IMO there no need to create a symlink, same for some icons17:00
DocScrutinizer51how about moving /usr and /var to eMMC?17:01
VDVsxDocScrutinizer51, fat3217:01
blubbiDocScrutinizer51: unneccessary if everyone sticks to the symlinking I would guess17:01
DocScrutinizer51not the whole eMMC is vfat17:01
blubbisecond it would slow down the access17:02
blubbiwouldn't it?17:02
DocScrutinizer51not significantly from what I heard17:02
* DocScrutinizer51 seems to remeber somebody's quote of NAND:15 eMMC:12 uSD:10 or similar ballpark17:09
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DocScrutinizer51on a system with only 256MB on bootdevice and as much as 32G elsewhere - with /fs filled at least 2/3 but easily 90% - I'd honestly stick to the classic partitoning/filesystem setup of a bare minimum (like /boot /etc /bin /sbin /lib /root) on bootdevice. And have all other dirs, particularly /home /usr /var /opt on extended storage own partition(s)17:14
blubbiDocScrutinizer51: would make sens17:15
blubbione might keep the UI on the OneNAND...17:16
DocScrutinizer51*g*. Not invented here. Probably kernigan and Richie invented that17:17
fnordianslip'm pretty sure that lvm doesn't work with MTDs and UBIFS, and its a shame though17:19
DocScrutinizer51blubbi: if you have files with really high demand for fast readout, and those files should have a path that places them on /usr or /opt etc. Then you might create a /speedstore dir on NAND and symlink back from /opt/foo to /speedstore17:20
fnordianslipi guess the problem is maintaining consistency when reflashing17:20
DocScrutinizer51fnordianslip: yep. that's an issue I guess17:21
blubbiDocScrutinizer51: good point17:24
* fnordianslip was thinking about the readonly-root mechanism in fedora, which provides a writeable overlay in a seperate partition, which gets populated by shadowing (only once) from the readonly rootfs, and uses bind mounts.17:25
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fnordianslipbut there's still the big issue of updating the writeable overlay when you reflash the rootfs17:26
DocScrutinizer51fnordianslip: I pondered along that line as well last few days17:26
fnordianslipthe fedora readonly-root stuff works nicely for me on a virtex4 fpga17:27
fnordianslipany idea  what time past the hour the extras-devel repo gets updated from the autobuilder?17:31
* fnordianslip guesses at 15:46z for devel repo update17:36
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fnordianslipwoohoo.  i was right :)17:48
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fnordianslipneed a new volunteer to try my latest conky package in devel.  this could be the one to go to testing.  has icons, a desktop file for launching, installs the default conf and droid-fonts as a dependency.17:54
fnordianslipjebba: could you be the lucky tester?17:54
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fnordianslipdon't all rush17:55
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jebbaok, i'll check it out17:56
fnordianslipcheers. should "just work" :)17:56
jebbafnordianslip: you check out burgerspace in -testing then  :P17:57
fnordianslipok.  optified i assume?17:57
jebbai min gotta go17:57
jebba1 min17:57
fnordianslipoh, its only small anyway17:57
fnordianslipwow just realised what time it is.  doing well as didn't sleep last night17:58
jebbahehe, best way to hack18:00
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fnordianslipi was watching films all night.  only started hacking this morning18:00
bobbydI notice that the scrolling of the backdrop on the desktop of the n900 isn't as smooth as, say, the eCoach map implementation.18:01
bobbydis there scope to optimise that, and if so, are the components that implement it open?18:01
jebbagah, i'm at 100%, gotta solve that first18:02
jebbai really dont have that many apps installed either...18:07
jebbai'm going to complain in the package reviews of the offenders now18:07
fnordianslipwhich are they?18:07
jebba-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root         1.3M Nov 18 20:07 x11vnc18:08
jebba that's the first one18:08
fnordianslippah.  vnc is for WIMPS18:08
fnordianslip^ pun. gettit?18:08
jebbaheh. I would if i knew what WIMPS wass heh18:10
fnordianslipah. odd. Conky doesn't have the right icon in the "app grid", but it does for the shortcut on the desktop.  wonder why?18:10
jebba152.0k Dec 16 12:58 vagalume    ciao vagalume18:10
fnordianslipWindows, Icons & Mouse Pointers18:10
fnordianslipor perhaps Menus and Pointers.  wikipedia will know for sure.18:11
jebbaman that cursor just spins submitting comments on packages.18:13
fnordianslipany idea on my icon issue ^^18:14
jebbaWTF is "app grid" ?18:14
jebbayou have both a 48x48 and 64x64?18:14
fnordianslipi dunno what else you call it, the thing under "More..."18:14
fnordianslipthere's a base-64 encoded 48  in the control file for the package, and a 64 referenced in the desktop file18:15
fnordianslipwhen you install conky you'll see what i mean18:16
jebbaok wait a few minutes. this may take like 30 minutes to sort out all this especially BECAUSE GARAGE IS SO asdfaskjdfsad well, you know18:17
jebbaerr, in this case not garage18:17
fnordianslipit fetched from devel repo ok18:18
jebbai mean for removing non optified packages and commenting on them as I go...18:18
jebbabrb people here18:18
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BabelOxorAxAx: wiki link please ? :)18:30
jebba801.5k Jan 26  2009 gpg18:32
BabelOjebba : when you add maemo-optify to rules file, what else it need to go under /opt ?18:32
jebbawell, if you use maemo-optify it pretty much figures it all out magickally.18:33
jebbaHmm, gnupg is actually part of default install. hrumph.18:33
BabelOjebba when i install package on scratchbox it does not install under /opt18:33
xorAxAxBabelO: create a new page18:34
xorAxAxBabelO: gives you karma as well :)18:35
BabelOxorAxAx: ok i will do18:35
jebbaBabelO: you can check the package like:  dpkg --contents foo.deb18:36
BabelOxorAxAx: i have 12 of farma but don't know from where it is18:36
jebbaalso   ` echo auto > foo-1.2.3/debian/optify `  BabelO18:36
BabelOjebba thanks18:37
BabelOxorAxAx: i ve to finish the packaging o qlandkartem18:37
BabelOthen do the wiki while i package my rds radio application18:37
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jebbawould be nice if removing packages actually freed up space... still says 100%, but no way.  need a reboot i suppose...18:38
fnordianslipgud luck then18:39
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ruskiejebba, tried apt-get clean yet?18:42
BabelOok it link to /opt/maemo/usr/bin18:42
BabelObut it does not put desktop file, grrrh qt build is not so easy18:42
BabelOwith debian18:42
jebbaruskie: heh  ya18:43
jebbaBabelO: /usr/share/applications/hildon/burgerspace.desktop   for .desktop18:43
BabelOjebba yes sure18:44
BabelOi ve setup my .pro file like the wiki says18:44
BabelOi think i miss something in rules file18:44
BabelOother thing, modest is locked with my mail for exchange sever and i don't know how to do :(18:45
ruskieopen a terminal and pkill -9 modest ?18:45
BabelOruskie: not that, it yscannotcng txxxxxxxooooooo18:46
BabelObluetooth keyboard :)18:47
BabelOit says cannot chnge to mailbox dir18:47
BabelOso i ve removed the mfe entry from modest18:47
BabelOand no i cannot add again my mfe server :(18:47
ruskiemmm AP is working18:47
BabelOand i still see in status bar the mfe error message18:47
BabelOi ve gmail mailbox setup and works well18:48
BabelOjust problem with mfe18:48
ruskietry what I said18:48
ruskiepkill -15 modest18:48
ruskieor -918:48
ruskieand then try launching it again18:48
BabelOalready done ,reboot phone shutdown phone18:48
BabelOall done18:48
BabelOit is like that since 1 week18:49
BabelOi have to ask some modest developper i think18:49
* ruskie hasn't been able to build his own modest yet18:49
BabelOeven removed the mfe profile, and now i can't add a new one18:50
ruskieconfigure always errors out with MODEST_GSTUFF not found or something along those lines18:50
ruskiecan't really help you18:50
BabelOruskie: i think i will build modest too, to add active directory contacts :)18:50
ruskieI removed mfe and skype and flash and other crap18:50
ruskiemodest will go as soon as I get an app that can manage mailto: dbus messages and open what I want18:51
BabelOso you have an iphone like :) without flash and crap18:51
BabelOi ve upgraded my scratchbox since  autobuilder require gconf2 and locally it don't ask with check deps18:53
jebbaStskeeps: dont feed the troll plz18:53
fnordianslipwrong room?18:54
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BabelOjebba: sudo /usr/bin/qlm18:59
BabelOis it normal to force sudo ?18:59
jebbawhat is qlm?  Not sure if it is normal to force sudo.  You got some pointers for your package?19:03
* jebba installing conky finally with 20M free! :)19:03
fnordianslipooh. 20MB.  i have 56MB free19:05
BabelOjebba: qlm is my application for GPS, see www.qlandkarte.org19:06
ruskiehmm is it in extras-devel yet?19:07
fnordianslipah.  i thought that was some kind of game driving carts - lol19:07
jebbaBabelO: looks cool.  You sure it has to run as root though?19:07
BabelOruskie: i try to push it, if i did not miss more deps, now it should works19:07
BabelOjebba: time of qtopia qt application  need to run as root19:08
ruskiewhy does it need to run root?19:08
jebbaBabelO: huh? qt applications dont need to run as root.19:09
BabelOjebba: i have a grennphone it run as root19:09
BabelOthat' was like that19:09
ruskienothing user runnable should run as root19:09
BabelOi remove sudo19:09
BabelOand see19:09
BabelOok i ask qt-maemo19:10
jebbaBabelO: just try it withotu sudo. Sounds like an app that doesnt need sudo19:11
BabelOi know that19:11
jebbathey may have put in sudo in another distro because they didnt have perms to the GPS or something and did a cheap solution to that.19:11
BabelObut it was a qt deps but it was 2 year ago19:11
BabelOmaybe fixed now19:11
BabelOjebba: this was a work i do, with qtopia
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ruskiewhy do they always respond with: this doesn't need sources19:16
BabelOruskie:  ?19:16
ruskiea bug jebba filled for opening up something19:17
BabelOok qlm sent to builder queue :) cross finger19:17
BabelOshould be ok this time19:17
jebbafnordianslip: conky installed and working  :)19:17
fnordianslipjebba: right, so i'm guessing that you get a good icon in app man, and if you install a desktop shortcut, but a blue square if you look in the "app grid thingy"19:18
jebbafnordianslip: no icon, but you know that i assume19:19
hrwfnordianslip: thats known bug and got fixed now19:19
hrwlast installed app gets default icon19:19
jebbai didnt check app man, will do now19:19
hrwyou need to reboot or install something19:19
fnordianslipbut a desktop shortcut gets the right icon?19:19
hrwI reported it some time ago19:19
fnordiansliphrw: ok19:19
hrwfnordianslip: did not tested19:20
jebbawhat bug?19:20
jebbai dont think that's a bug. didn't happen to my app19:20
povbotBug 6931: After installation of software last icon in "More..." view has default icon instead of own one19:20
jebbafnordianslip: icon looks fine in app man19:20
hrwpovbot should also report component and status19:20
povbothrw: Error: "should" is not a valid command.19:20
jebbahrw: that may be because they are not updating the icon cache in postinst19:21
jebbai'll check midori source now to see what it does19:22
povbotBug 6729: gtk-update-icon-cache -f shouldn't say Failed to open file /usr/share/icons/hicolor/.icon-theme.cache : File exists19:22
Stskeepshrw: gtk-update-icon-cache is going away in next maemo gtk iteration it seems like19:23
Stskeepsturning it into a nullop19:23
fnordianslipjebba: if you add a desktop shortcut to conky, you get the icon, right?19:23
jebbayes, but in the list of icons to add, it's got a blue box19:24
jebbai didn't get the  "Failed to open file /usr/share/icons/hicolor/.icon-theme.cache : File exists" error, fwiw19:28
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jebbahrw: actually fnordianslip isnt calling gtk-update-icon-cache at all, so that's why it's not happening in his case  (he appears to have parted)19:30
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jebba(02:30:08 PM) jebba: hrw: actually fnordianslip isnt calling gtk-update-icon-cache at all, so that's why it's not happening in his case  (he appears to have parted)19:32
jebbafnordianslip: see this file for an example of how to update you icon:
fnordianslipweirder.  now i've installed gconvert to try and sort out the icon cache thing, and now both conky and gconvert's icons are default int he grid thingy, but ok when added as a shortcut19:33
fnordianslipjebba: cheers19:33
jebbagonvert does run gtk-update-icon-cache  but doesnt have a 48x48 icon19:34
fnordianslipfing typcial :)19:34
fnordiansliptypo fail19:34
jebbafnordianslip: too bad conky can't run on the desktop though, that would be rad19:35
jebbaor fullscreen or something19:35
fnordianslipi'll see what i can do, but not convinced i'd want it eating cycles on the desktop much19:35
jebbastill cool nonetheless thx  :)  i'll definitely keep this package  :)19:35
jebbaya, probably not by default, but if a user wants to eat cycles...19:36
jebbaalso, color would be cool if there was a better stock conky.conf19:36
fnordianslipfill yer boots19:36
fnordianslipyou should have seen the pink one19:36
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jebbamaybe it could even be run like:  "nice -n 10 conky"19:37
jebbaon mine it is running 2 processes consuming about 2.5% cpu eat, fyi19:38
jebba(if i tap the screen a few times it "clicks" and pulseaudio shoots up to 7% cpu haha=19:38
fnordianslipyep same here19:39
fnordiansliphandy seeing the cpu clock too19:39
jebbafnordianslip: is there anyway to fullscreen it?19:42
fnordianslipnot as far as i know19:43
fnordianslipi noticed qwerty12 did an old build for chinook/diablo, so i might have a word with him19:43
fnordianslipjebba: i didn't hack anything out the build, so there may be a way, but i couldn't get it onto the desktop19:44
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jebbafnordianslip:    own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky19:52
fnordianslipooh.  what does that do? screenshot?19:52
jebbatry it19:53
jebbabasically full screen19:53
jebbaso more space to add more goodies19:55
fnordianslipah yes, still the status bar on top though19:57
jebba   my current config20:00
jebbaya, but it's still fine. I definitely think it's better that way at least.20:00
jebbathat status bar is transparent so nothing important is unreadable20:01
jebba  may be a cool app to package up:  "A command line tool to interact with an X Window Manager"   you can fuck around with window placement with it. Probably a good way to extract info about how the desktop works on this thing too20:02
fnordianslipcool.  just need to sort out the icon issue20:02
jebbathough not sure how "EWMH/NetWM compatible X Window Manager."    that the maemo window manager is.20:02
jebbawell doesn't appear to be ewmh compatible at all, but not certain20:05
BabelOruskie: ok app is available on extras-devel now, have to try once package is published20:05
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jebbawhat was i doing anyway? I think i got sidetracked from what i was sidetracked from20:06
fnordianslipyou may be back on the right track then20:07
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ruskiemod player? have it with xmms2 :)20:18
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ruskiegah... dnsmasq seems to cache nxdomain as well :(20:41
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jebbashit, i removed gnupg thinking it was something i added, not stock, but trying to grab it again:20:56
jebbaE: Package gnupg has no installation candidate20:56
jebbadumb dumb dumb20:56
ruskieshould be there20:57
ruskiecheck thesdk and tools repos20:58
ruskiemight be there20:58
fnordianslip once removed everything with apt-get, even busybox.  oops21:06
jebbai once, waaaay back when, removed /lib or /usr/lib or something that was a bit of a mess.21:07
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fnordianslipaptitude once asked me if i was sure i wanted to uninstall the running kernel21:08
fnordiansliprecovering within aptitude was easier than the devastation left by apt-get with no busybox to return to21:10
jebbaah cool was in SDK, thx for mentioning it ruskie21:11
fnordianslipjebba: postinst ftw with conky icons21:12
jebbacool!  hrw|gone  ^^^21:12
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ruskiehmm we need a bot in here that would report promotions, demotions, builds, publishes21:29
jebbawould be cool. Might get a bit noisy. But writing the bot....21:30
ruskieor a plugin to an existing one21:31
* ruskie has a rbot around but has no clue where to get the data21:31
ruskieis there a rss feed?21:34
jebbathere is a mailing list of successful builds. I have it in #random on my page21:34
ruskiehmm that could work21:34
ruskieI'll try to get something going21:35
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ruskiehmm still no qlm that I can see21:40
jebbamay need #maemo-noise heh21:40
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ruskieyay qlm installed22:21
ruskiethough not starting22:24
ruskieBabelO, doesn't start for me... just keeps starting22:24
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Anidelok :P23:25
Anidelso .. is here someone good enough with GTK?23:25
jebbanot me23:25
Anidelor at least with exp in GTK and GTK UI Manager23:25
Anidelcool :)23:25
Anidelwell  I solved it, but I don't like the solution.. there must be a better way23:26
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