IRC log of #maemo-bugs for Wednesday, 2010-01-27

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andre__Hmm. Best email today: "Thanks four hulp I want may BAsword bles hulp -- Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from du"12:30
andre__I think that's not spam after reading it three times...12:30
andre__I think I won't answer that one, as I expect four followup emails...12:52
andre__"To fix the problems with the infra, and some patches requiring reboots will be installed on the servers.12:55
andre__This will result in a couple of reboots during the next hours."12:55
GeneralAntillesFun times.13:15
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andre__okay, bugzilla down, as announced... time to buy lunch :)16:05
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andre__I hate it when I know a bug is a dup and I cannot find the original one. Garrr.18:34
GeneralAntillesandre__, our database is getting too big or somethnig.18:36
andre__or my brain is getting worse.18:37
andre__ has two dups already.18:37
povbotBug 8579: In ports selection interface the on-screen keyboard is not available18:37
GeneralAntillesCould be, although mine must be then, too. ;)18:37
andre__well, we're both getting older with the same speed, eh? ;-)18:38
GeneralAntillesYou don't even know.18:38
andre__strike! bug 6647 :)18:39
andre__don't tell me you're slowlier getting older than me, but if, share the secret!18:39
* andre__ finally got a response from his tax accountant, yay.18:41
andre__I know I'm OT :)18:41
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andre__what is an "interlocutor"?!?!23:31
povbotBug 8588: Interlocutor hear short noise with BH-904 bluetooth headset after answer23:31
andre__Aha. "the master of ceremonies of a minstrel show". Thanks Wikipedia.23:32
timeless_mbpplease do complain23:32
timeless_mbpthe word is jargon and doesn't belong in our bugzilla23:32
timeless_mbpas a native speaker i don't like it either23:32
andre__so what does it mean in jargon?23:33
* timeless_mbp wonders if the bug filer used a Foo=>English dictionary23:33
timeless_mbpYour interlocutor is the person with whom you are having a conversation. N-COUNT oft poss N formal23:33
timeless_mbpin this case, wikipedia mislead you23:34
timeless_mbp"the other party"23:34
timeless_mbpactually "caller"23:34
timeless_mbpis the proper word in this case23:34
timeless_mbpsince that's what the other party is (see step 2)23:35
andre__ah, thanks. that one I know23:35
andre__bah. I try to find a dup and mark it as such :-P23:35
* timeless_mbp sighs23:36
timeless_mbptranslation dictionaries are a mess23:36
andre__sigh, reading the marketing BS some people probably really even believe themselves internally makes me poke23:36
andre__err puke23:36
timeless_mbpdo me a favor: don't send that my way23:37
timeless_mbpi want to keep my dinner23:37
andre__nah, my laptop keyboard has a drainage exactly for such cases23:37
timeless_mbpyours might, mine doesn't23:39
wolf^andre__, 2: a person who takes part in a conversation23:40
wolf^andre__, from wordnet :P23:40
andre__haha, thanks23:40
timeless_mbpwolf^: a bit late, google's definition worked nicely :)23:40
timeless_mbpandre__: loquacious is probably the word you want to learn from this23:41
timeless_mbp    * adjective: talkative, garrulous, voluble, chatty, gabby, verbose, gossipy, long-tongued23:41
timeless_mbpbasically the latin root here is 'talk'23:41
wolf^andre__, you might want to look at dict.org23:42
timeless_mbploquacious is more useful than interlocutor23:42
andre__As I'm one of the folks pushing for French to become the official default language of the Gnome Desktop, I won't put much efforts into this English transition language23:42
timeless_mbpare you serious?23:43
timeless_mbpandre__: in this case, you might as well23:43
andre__It's like coding for the Maemo5 platform when Maemo6 has already a qt beta preview or sth like that :-P23:43
timeless_mbpLatin => French => English23:43
andre__no, I'm not. for reference,
andre__So interlocutor == the caller (me), or the person being called??23:50
andre__hmm. probably the second23:50
andre__hehehe.... "I know: true testers, users, people filing bugs on --- they are all not real users. The UI team knows what the "real" users want."23:54
GeneralAntillesToo bad nobody fitting that description actually exists.23:56
andre__internal comment by one of the Nokians being also active in bugs.maemo.org23:57

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