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DocScrutinizer05 | Jonni: that sounds like 1:0 for the match jonni vs dj, in the extension time. And match finished now | 01:09 |
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valdur55 | Kill aegis in fun way: https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Grsecurity | 01:35 |
DocScrutinizer05 | how does that kill aegis? | 01:47 |
DocScrutinizer05 | it's just another more sane or rather less centralized and comprehensive MAC concept, aiui | 01:48 |
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valdur55 | It's first step to kill aegis in a funny way. | 12:43 |
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Lava_Croft | is there actually a mirror for http://repo.pub.meego.com/ | 13:08 |
valdur55 | ? skeiron | 13:09 |
valdur55 | ~skeiron | 13:09 |
infobot | it has been said that skeiron is the semi-official backup and emergency standin for all internet borne maemo resources: http://skeiron.org/tablets-dev/ http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?p=1315143#post1315143, or see: ~tabletsdev | 13:09 |
Lava_Croft | thank you! | 13:10 |
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valdur55 | np | 13:11 |
Lava_Croft | do you also happen to know how to overcome to insane lag when SSHing into my n9 | 13:12 |
Lava_Croft | a regression from maemo5, it seems | 13:12 |
valdur55 | it depends on your network connection. | 13:13 |
valdur55 | Which way are you conecting to mobile. | 13:13 |
valdur55 | Chekt htop process list. | 13:13 |
Lava_Croft | wifi and it works fine to n900 | 13:15 |
mschlens | what is that insane lag you speak of? | 13:20 |
mschlens | Care to quantify? | 13:20 |
mschlens | Are we talking about tens of milliseconds or seconds? | 13:20 |
valdur55 | But what about phone to mobile ? | 13:21 |
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Lava_Croft | mschlens: seconds | 13:40 |
Lava_Croft | i ssh from desktop box to n9, over wifi | 13:40 |
mschlens | nope, can't reproduce. | 13:40 |
Lava_Croft | strange | 13:40 |
mschlens | The N9's sshd is fine. No regressions. | 13:40 |
mgedmin | seconds for the ssh connection & login? | 13:40 |
mgedmin | or also seconds of lag while typing? | 13:41 |
Lava_Croft | yes, the latter | 13:41 |
mgedmin | ouch | 13:41 |
Lava_Croft | its pretty bad | 13:41 |
Lava_Croft | cant find anything on the n9 that might cause and its not on the desktop's end either, since it works fine to for example the n900 | 13:41 |
Lava_Croft | :< | 13:41 |
mschlens | have you tried traceroute to your N9? | 13:41 |
mgedmin | or ping | 13:41 |
trigpoint_n9 | have you tried a different computer or wifi network? | 13:43 |
Lava_Croft | pff, the n9 cannot even keep its wifi connection working | 13:45 |
mschlens | It can unless you have PSM activated. | 13:46 |
Lava_Croft | psm is disabled | 13:46 |
mschlens | I'd first check your settings before jumping to weird conclusions. | 13:46 |
Lava_Croft | theres nothing in the settings that i could have changed to cause this:) | 13:47 |
valdur55 | Lava_Croft: reflash your phone :) | 13:47 |
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Lava_Croft | its freshly flashed, last week | 13:48 |
Lava_Croft | that didnt change anything about the ssh lag or intermittent wifi connection:) | 13:48 |
valdur55 | or use mosh | 13:48 |
valdur55 | ~mosh | 13:48 |
* infobot bodyslams you to Danzig's "Mother"! | 13:48 | |
Lava_Croft | different router didnt help, different wif networks didnt help | 13:48 |
Lava_Croft | i wouldnt be surprises if nokia care ruined something | 13:49 |
Lava_Croft | the way they smacked the camera module in this shell is also quite the feat | 13:49 |
Lava_Croft | making the shell nearly crack | 13:49 |
valdur55 | Lava_Croft: http://www.infoq.com/news/2012/05/mosh | 13:50 |
mschlens | Lava_Croft: still waiting for ping or traceroute numbers. | 13:51 |
Lava_Croft | like i said, its wifi is intermittent | 13:51 |
valdur55 | Oh yea.. I should open my phone... USB plug is buggy | 13:51 |
Lava_Croft | i switched to 3g | 13:51 |
valdur55 | Connect your USB cable and use SDK mode. | 13:52 |
Lava_Croft | 1ms tracert1 | 13:53 |
Lava_Croft | directly to the n9's ip | 13:53 |
mschlens | 1ms? | 13:54 |
mschlens | Pinging my switch from a wired box takes longer. | 13:54 |
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Lava_Croft | haha that was a nice brainfuck typo | 13:57 |
Lava_Croft | i was looking at a different number than the one i wanted to type | 13:58 |
Lava_Croft | 2609ms | 13:58 |
Lava_Croft | directly to the n9's ip | 13:58 |
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teleshoes | hey folks, anyone have xmms2 working on the n9? a quick googling hasnt turned up anything | 18:56 |
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teleshoes | anyone know where to get a decent n9 battery? | 19:46 |
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teleshoes | all i can find are "genuine original nokia battery, may have different label, phone in many country" | 19:51 |
teleshoes | why doesnt nokia sell lumia 800 batteries on their woobsoot | 19:51 |
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qwazix_ | HtheB, sorry, I didn't manage to try yet, I haven't forgotten it though | 23:42 |
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HtheB_ | qwazix_: hi | 23:48 |
qwazix_ | hi | 23:48 |
HtheB_ | how are you? | 23:48 |
HtheB_ | qwazix_: do you know what the best method is to get the rootfs of a device? | 23:49 |
HtheB_ | dd or tar? | 23:49 |
qwazix_ | good, it's pretty hot here today though | 23:49 |
qwazix_ | I think tar gets into an infinite loop | 23:49 |
HtheB_ | qwazix_: what about if I exclude some files? | 23:50 |
qwazix_ | (and maybe has trouble with /proc/ or /sys/ | 23:50 |
HtheB_ | hmm | 23:50 |
qwazix_ | Maybe if you exclude /proc and /sys it might work but I'm not sure if anything is needed from there or everything is created at boot depending on device | 23:51 |
HtheB_ | so you say 'dd' is the way to go? :P | 23:51 |
qwazix_ | question: is the system running while you try to get the rootfs? | 23:51 |
HtheB_ | yes | 23:51 |
qwazix_ | then tar definitely has a problem. Didn't try dd | 23:52 |
qwazix_ | what rootfs are we talking about? | 23:52 |
HtheB_ | n950 proto :D | 23:52 |
HtheB_ | just want to play with an old build of harmattan | 23:52 |
HtheB_ | on a default n950 | 23:53 |
HtheB_ | with ubiboot | 23:53 |
qwazix_ | cool! Another solution is to install nemo on it with the dual boot moslo and copy the rootfs from within nemo | 23:53 |
qwazix_ | which should be okay with tar as the system is not running | 23:53 |
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HtheB_ | thedead1440 told me once how to get the rootfs | 23:53 |
qwazix_ | doesn't ubiboot provide a recovery shell? | 23:53 |
HtheB_ | but somehow, I actually forget to logout of my skype account :P | 23:54 |
HtheB_ | i want to have it as clean as possible | 23:54 |
HtheB_ | to be honest, I dont want to install anything on the proto device | 23:54 |
HtheB_ | thats why I want to use it on a normal n950 | 23:54 |
qwazix_ | yeah, that's wise | 23:54 |
qwazix_ | it might have different bootloader or sth | 23:54 |
qwazix_ | I think there is some advice on tmo on the guy that has "n950" username by some people that knew more than I do | 23:55 |
qwazix_ | s/on the/on the thread by/ | 23:56 |
infobot | qwazix_ meant: I think there is some advice on tmo on the thread by guy that has "n950" username by some people that knew more than I do | 23:56 |
HtheB_ | yeah, I couldn't find that thread | 23:57 |
HtheB_ | I remember those threads | 23:57 |
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