IRC log of #harmattan for Wednesday, 2013-04-24

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ZogG_laptopGeneralAntilles: got my strata :)08:40
ZogG_laptopbef0rd: why u not answering at wazapp ? :)08:47
bef0rdphone is at bedroom08:48
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ZogG_laptopu don08:53
ZogG_laptopu don't love me anymore08:53
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ZogG_laptop08:53   ZogG_laptop : u don't love me anymore08:57
bef0rdi saw it, that one disconnecting is the N908:58
bef0rdbefr0d has left IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)  <-08:58
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Elleo <-- some pebble stuff working :)15:09
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ZogG_laptopGeneralAntilles: ping20:04
GeneralAntillesZogG_laptop, pong.20:05
ZogG_laptopgot the watch :)20:05
ZogG_laptopthe angles are really soo poor :(20:05
GeneralAntillesYou get used to it really quickly20:05
ZogG_laptopit looks cool only in shadow :)20:05
GeneralAntillesThe nice thing about that is it makes it difficult for other people to read your messages and emails20:05
ZogG_laptopGeneralAntilles: the funny thing it didn't show time till i updated fw20:06
ZogG_laptopas sowatch has 12/24h and it supported only 12 h :)20:06
ZogG_laptopnot updated and no music control working :(20:06
ZogG_laptopnow i need to hack sowath and to check how to add widgets :)20:06
ZogG_laptopGeneralAntilles: can i clear notifications btw ?20:08
GeneralAntillesAs in, make them go away before the timeout?20:08
GeneralAntillesOr clean the counters on the main screen?20:08
infobotGeneralAntilles meant: Or clear the counters on the main screen?20:09
ZogG_laptopto clean them from notification widget20:10
ZogG_laptopin notifications you see list20:11
ZogG_laptopi can read one by one20:11
ZogG_laptopbut cant mark as read20:11
GeneralAntillesYou scroll with the bottom two buttons on the right20:11
GeneralAntillesClearing notifications is done on the phone only, I think.20:11
GeneralAntilles(seems like it would be simple enough to bind that to some button)20:12
ZogG_laptopok need to check20:12
ZogG_laptopyou said you use frame right?20:12
GeneralAntillesApparently it's not actually a FRAME20:13
GeneralAntillesI use the original digital20:13
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GeneralAntilleswhich looks a lot like the FRAME20:13
GeneralAntillesNot using either my STRATA or original digital right now since I'm using the Z10. :(20:13
loindoes anyone know how i can delete sms messages from outside the messaging app?20:14
ZogG_laptoploin: that means?20:14
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ZogG_laptopGeneralAntilles: bb10 doesn't support deamons yet :(20:15
loinZogG_laptop, i want to create a process that deletes old messages20:15
ZogG_laptoploin: i think there is some kind of api or client to do it20:16
ZogG_laptopor maybe not that but to make manpulations for sms20:16
ZogG_laptoptry to search for backup sms's client or script20:16
loinZogG_laptop, tried that, only came across MeegoSMSBackupRestore20:17
ZogG_laptophow does it restore20:18
GeneralAntillesZogG_laptop, nope.20:18
ZogG_laptoptry to delete opposite way20:18
ZogG_laptopGeneralAntilles: i pinged thier twitter for that several times.20:18
GeneralAntillesI'd take an always-open application, though.20:18
GeneralAntillesIn the mean time.20:18
ZogG_laptopGeneralAntilles: then start developing/porting one :)20:19
GeneralAntillesDon't have the skills to pay those bills20:19
loinZogG_laptop, it depends on a library whiich depends on another library and i dont like having 10 libraries to do something so trivial20:20
ZogG_laptopcheck how it does that20:29
ZogG_laptopGeneralAntilles: me either but that's the way to learn :)20:29
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ZogG_laptopGeneralAntilles: if i get LE (i was approved but not sure if i get one after all) then i may try but i'm noob and time is limited here20:30
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ZogG_laptopGeneralAntilles: the problem now with watch that i have sms's from work on fails and bugs and so on... so now i'm gonna feel it all day :)20:31
GeneralAntillesIt makes it very difficult to miss messages20:33
GeneralAntillesand you can keep your phone on silent/vibrate all the time.20:33
ZogG_laptopnice way at exams btw :)20:34
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qwazixloin maybe try searching for tracker sparql commands21:24
qwazixah, he left21:24
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loinanyone here knows where the sms database is stored?21:25
aardcommhistory, tracker21:26
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ZogG_laptopMohammadAG: ping22:53
MohammadAGYou rang?22:54
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ZogG_laptopMohammadAG: sup dog22:57
ZogG_laptopMohammadAG: i wanted to ask you, do you wnt to sell your extra n900?22:57
MohammadAGNot thinking about it tbh :/22:58
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ZogG_laptopMohammadAG: if you will talk to me23:06
ZogG_laptopnow sleep time23:06
MohammadAGZogG_laptop will do :)23:06
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