I spent the last week participating in a PyPy sprint. It was fun. I've learned a lot of obscure Python tricks that I'll try to avoid in the future if I do not want my code to be obscure. I had the chance to see how graphviz and Pygame can be combined into a very easy and pleasant to use debugging tool for looking at intricate data structures. Best of all -- I met a number of fine Python programmers: Armin Rigo, Holger Krekel, Michael Hudson, Bob Ippolito, Christian Tismer, Laura Creighton, Jacob Hallen.

I'm glad that my intricate Machiavellian plot worked to perfection: I couldn't convince myself that I could afford the time and money to take a couple of weeks off and fly somewhere to participate in a PyPy sprint, so I dropped a few hints and in the end helped organize a sprint here in Vilnius1.

1 "Here in Vilnius" technically incorrect, since I'm now on a plane over Amsterdam, half way to London.