IRC log of #meego for Sunday, 2011-02-13

KypeliStskeeps: Yeah - the latter :)00:00
chouchounewe'll know who won in 2 or 3 years00:00
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KypeliStskeeps: But in the end, in itself has no value for Nokia - Nokia needed a smartphone they could ship. This didn't happen with or without Meego.com00:00
StskeepsKypeli: yeah00:00
KypeliBut having worked for MeeGo harmattan - I can only say that oh boy did they try their best :)00:01
Stskeepsa lot of fingers can be pointed at execution, for sure00:01
Stskeepsand choices, etc00:02
Stskeepsbut we're here now00:02
Stskeeps(denial phase or hope? hmm)00:02
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pupnikis there a decent htc phone with portrait keyboard that can run meego?00:03
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wmaronepupnik: sure, most will I believe. no accelerated 3D though00:07
pupnikthen useless!00:09
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sivang_LG_TOPpinchartl: agreed00:25
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CosmoHillwould meego run on a HTC Desire ?00:35
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lcukn900cosmohill, which night is topgear on?01:08
lcukn900cool, ta.01:09
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CosmoHillhaving a look at LG pop and cookie01:09
CosmoHillphysically they look nice, the specs are poop01:10
lcukn900there are a lot of shiney devices.01:10
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lcukn900its cool watching the guys bring meego up on them.01:11
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lcukn900I think vgrade has high score so far.01:11
CosmoHill3 or 4 I think01:11
CosmoHillmy nokia is literary falling to bits (me pulling on them can't help)01:12
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* lcukn900 can only file/chase/poke at bugs and awestruck by adaption teams01:12
lcukn900which nokia?01:12
CosmoHill6220 classic01:12
CosmoHillannoyingly it's not listed on the Nokia UK website01:12
lcukn900which OS does it run?01:12
lcukn900so what spec hardware is that?01:14
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CosmoHillI tried it for a week to see if I'd replace my SE K800i with it01:14
CosmoHillthat was about a year ago i think01:14
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lcukn900its quite powerful then :)01:15
CosmoHillso I shouldn't replace it with a £50 LG?01:15
lcukn900does it make calls?01:16
lcukn900does it do everything you need?01:16
CosmoHillmostly, battery dies mid call and only ever mid call01:16
lcukn900that is not good, perhaps replace battery as first step?01:17
CosmoHillit needs a new battery, case and I broke the keypad on wednesday01:17
CosmoHillone big problem I have is that I keep comparing all camera's to my DSLR01:18
JartzaI fixed my other N90001:19
lcukn900you would look funny holding dslr to your ear!01:19
CosmoHillfor a phone  it has a good camera tho01:19
Jartzanow I have two working ones01:19
lcukn900yayyy jartza01:19
JartzaI can dedicate the other to meego01:19
GAN900CosmoHill, that's a road fraught with disappointment.01:20
CosmoHillcomparing phones to DSLRs?01:20
Jartzaor should I try to install WP7 to my N900? *grin*01:20
CosmoHillwhen the phone wins it means it's time for a new camera01:20
CosmoHillI think I get windows mobile from uni01:21
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GAN900CosmoHill, yes.01:22
GAN900Phone really wont ever win.01:22
GAN900Sensor size and all.01:22
CosmoHillit's good for when I need to take a pic and I don't have my proper camera on me01:23
lcukn900gan900 we could use entire back of device as sensor01:23
MohammadAGCosmoHill, it's similar to the N95 right?01:23
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GAN900I wish you could get the N900's camera up fast enough for that.01:23
GAN900lcukn900, and where will you put the lens? :)01:23
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lcukn900gan900 you want a proper camera but with a fixed lens?  interchangable sir, interchangable!01:24
lcukn900clip on a telephoto one!01:24
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* lcukn900 vanishes for a bit. ttyl \o01:25
CosmoHillMohammadAG: no idea01:25
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CosmoHillvgrade: do you think meego could go on a 6220c?01:28
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CosmoHillhow does phones like the n900 perform if the user has sweaty / clammy hands?01:49
wmaronefine, in my experience01:50
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alteregoCosmoHill: yeah, fine for me, not sure what you mean :P01:51
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CosmoHillI was using my mates LG pop and pretty much stroking it trying to get it to scroll down01:57
sivangokay, so not all is lost:01:57
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sivangthank god for kde01:58
sivangand kde e.V01:58
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sivangCosmoHill: no capacitve display can ever come close02:21
sivangCosmoHill: I use it with complete wet hands or under heavy rain02:22
sivangCosmoHill: it does not even blink02:22
sivangunless I get an SMS :)02:22
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CosmoHillthe n900 or lg pop?02:22
sivangCosmoHill: n90002:22
sivangCosmoHill: my lg top has the worst keyboard and touchpad ever02:22
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sivangbut it runs linux amazingly and lasts for 10 hours without charge on ubuntu02:23
sivangCosmoHill: windows 7 c, 7 hours02:23
TSCHAKeeei get about 10 hours out of meego netbook from this eeePC 1005PEG02:24
sivangmeego is od as well02:24
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sivangmeego's boot time is amazing02:24
thiago_homesivang: the free qt foundation would kick in if nokia stopped releasing feature updates of Qt for 12 months02:24
thiago_homebut all that would get is Qt licensed as BSD02:24
TSCHAKeeesivang: indeed. I run a modified meego core on both my Archos 9 and Joggler02:25
TSCHAKeeesivang: to run our Orbiter software02:25
thiago_homequite frankly, if Qt were to live on as an independent OSS project, LGPL is better02:25
sivangthiago_home: right, I just realized02:25
thiago_homeforces people to contribute back their improvements -- see webkit02:25
sivangthiago_home: since then a vendor could take it close it give a copyright nice02:25
sivangand that's it02:25
sivangwe need to reopn the agreenemnt02:25
sivangand change it to GPL02:25
thiago_homeno need02:25
thiago_homeQt is already LGPL02:25
sivangeven if NOkia steps down?02:26
thiago_homeit's *already* LGPL02:26
berndhsthis version is LGPL, nothing anyone can do about it02:26
TSCHAKeeeone of the many reasons Microsoft hates the LGPL02:26
sivangwhen Richard visit Israelnxt month, I am going to kiss his beard02:27
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sivangwell, maybe just in spirit :)02:27
TSCHAKeeesivang: dude, he hasn't taken a bath in 47 years... ;)02:27
sivangTSCHAKeee: OL02:27
sivangsee up02:27
sivangTSCHAKeee: yes, I just gave thought to this and rephrased02:28
berndhsIsraelis are used to living in danger :)02:28
TSCHAKeeei see him from time to time here in Cambridge02:28
sivangberndhs: true true02:28
TSCHAKeeehe always...wears...the same clothes....02:28
sivangberndhs: we suffer and danger for a living02:28
sivangberndhs: were you the guy waiting with me to get hte meego idepad?02:28
sivangberndhs: that visited here and rented a car?02:28
berndhsno, never been anywhere near the place02:29
berndhs "Bernd" is a common name02:29
* CosmoHill normalised a database02:31
CosmoHillshame I can do the same to humans02:31
berndhsCosmoHill: normal people tend to be boring02:31
sivangCosmoHill: heh , I recall the databases course02:31
CosmoHillI'm still to go to a lecture drunk or with a hang over02:32
sivangbetter drunk02:32
sivanghung over is just a pain02:32
berndhsyeah i recommend drunk02:32
CosmoHilla pint a lunch should do it02:32
sivangplus relational algebra makes much more sense when you are drunk02:32
CosmoHilllosens  the mind to move the letters about02:33
TSCHAKeeei used to go to class with an irish coffee in my stomach.02:33
TSCHAKeeeit made class very enjoyable. ;)02:33
berndhsperhaps even makes relational algebra seem interesting02:34
TSCHAKeeeirish coffee == brilliant balance02:34
sivangI woner what nokia strategy this servers? I mean, qt runs nicely on windows right?
sivangheck, symbian development is only on windows if not using remote compiler :)02:35
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CosmoHillTSCHAKeee: eeeewwww, coffee02:35
TSCHAKeeeand you call yourself a coder?!02:35
CosmoHillif I go to uni with irish in my stomach people might get the wrong idea02:35
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sivangberndhs: heh right on02:36
smokuTSCHAKeee, coffe has a nice effect of removing dizzyness of alcohol ;-)02:36
EdLinsivang: it serves a very simple strategy, Microsoft doesn't want portability to other platforms, and Microsoft now owns nokia.02:37
smokuTSCHAKeee, I used to use beer+espresso combo :)02:37
EdLinsivang: Elop left Microsoft only in September of last year, after the announcement, he's replaced three executives with former Microsoft employees. This is not a partnership, it is a coup.02:38
sivangEdLin: this can't be it. I read on #kde-cafe that wp is not windows, it does not even have anative sdk02:38
smokuEdLin, if you look broader it may turn out to be better portability. Mono and friends are very compatible with miscrosoft APIs02:38
sivangso maybe it is an effort to port it here02:38
EdLinsmoku: mono and friends are in violation of several Microsoft patents, and Microsoft hasn't exactly been warm towards their efforts.02:39
smokuEdLin, Miguel has a different opinion :)02:39
EdLinMiguel has a lot of opinions that are... different.02:40
EdLinMiquel makes the same mistake Nokia is making, trusting Microsoft.02:41
smokuit's all just flexing muscles, until someone brings it to the court ;-)02:41
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smokuwell yesssss....02:42
smokuand in the end GNOME will rule the world :>02:42
EdLinsmoku: Mircrosoft is waiting until Mono becomes a greater part of the Linux ecosystem, they won't do too much damage as long as it's only a marginal part of it, so they're only saying they can sue, and not suing.02:43
EdLinsmoku: GNOME is not even going to rule Ubuntu, what makes you think it's going to rule the world? ;-)02:43
EdLinGTk, maybe, I'll grant you that. :-)02:44
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smokusuperior technologies olways win overall02:44
EdLinGNOME is a superior technology? in what way.02:44
sivangvery nice talk I liked in Munich02:44
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smokuEdLin, I'm not talking about gnome-desktop (especially with the crazy stuff they are doing in gnome3)02:45
EdLinbrb, nature calls.02:45
smokuEdLin, but yes, GTK+ and the other core gnome technologies.  that BTW are part of meego core :)02:45
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sivangI conclude that if it was easy to get qt to WP7 it would be allowd, since what does microsoft cares if more apps run on their platform?02:47
sivangand they have even easier transition path for symbian developers?02:48
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smokusivang, symbian developers are used to brain-dead APIs anyway ;-)02:49
ahollerms doesn't want qt because that free's you from their stuff02:49
smokusame thing Apple does02:50
smokubanning toolkits from their devices02:50
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sivangmicrosoft actually funds some open development, so I can't just buy this upfront02:51
sivangthey have been funding this open source development, sure for .net02:51
sivangbut it can use proper python not just .net02:52
sivangso not all is black or white for me02:52
wmaronemicrosoft is very selective on the open source code they support02:52
wmaroneand it always ties in with use of their platforms02:53
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EdLinsivang: are there any ironpython apps for WP7?02:54
EdLinWP7 only allows XNA or Silverlight apps as far as I know...02:54
sivangit runs under silverlight02:54
wmaronebut ironpython is moot, as they want you to use .NET02:54
wmaroneand the only viable set of .NET libraries are Microsoft's02:55
wmaroneMono is behind and will continue to be behind02:55
javispedroms dropped funding for ironpython some months ago iirc02:55
javispedronot to mention that it never worked on wp702:55
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sivangjavispedro: ah, bad02:56
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javispedro(the fact that they ever did is still an interesting point though)02:56
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sivangwhy did it never work on silverlight and how do you know this? :)02:57
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javispedrobecause I have had to ignore tens of "Please let me use ironpython on wp7"-like posts on the ms newsgroups02:58
wmaronejavispedro: well, interesting only in that it's not a microsoft language02:58
smokujavispedro, weren't some big universities teaching Python on computer science?02:58
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javispedrosmoku: probably, it is a very academical language design02:59
sivangamazing how many sleepless nights without actual work this announcement has caused :)02:59
smokujavispedro, maybe this is the answer.  (oh, you can do that on windows too)02:59
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sivangjavispedro: what were you doing on hose ms newsgroups?03:00
javispedro"real life" work03:01
sivangoh :)03:01
sivangjavispedro: now nokia can be part of it :p03:02
javispedrosmoku: yeah, but as per the link sivang just shared, they did the same with IronRuby. IronRuby on universities would be a surprise =)03:02
javispedrosmoku: so my guess is just goodwill PR generation03:02
sivangreal night now, cheers all, monday is almost here :)03:03
javispedrocya sivang03:03
sivangcheers javispedro :)03:03
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* javispedro --> bed too.03:04
CosmoHillI should go to bed03:04
CosmoHilldatabases and Young Frankenstien03:05
javispedroyeah, monday is mwc, also nokia's dev event :)03:05
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CosmoHillnight night03:17
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berndhsmwichmann: !03:42
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sivangre all10:11
RST38hmoo Stskeeps10:11
sivanghey Stskeeps10:12
sivangcast our votes:
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djszapisivang: hehe android is the first currently :)10:19
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sivangdjszapi: it would have been the least detour from current strategy in my view10:25
sivangdjszapi: not to mention lighthouse which Nokia couldteam up with google to make it a standard on Android10:25
sivangdjszapi: I am sure many developer who prefer other apis than java would have chosen it10:26
thiago_homedo you think google wants that?10:26
thiago_homegoogle wants that as much as microsoft wants it on wp10:26
djszapiyeah :)10:26
sivangI thought they suported open source..10:28
sivangoh well10:28
thiago_homesupporting open source != shipping all of open source on their devices10:28
sivangthiago_home: still android would have been a better take while letting meego become better. plus I am sure meego team could have used knowledge learned customizing the android handsets for nokia10:28
Stskeepsandroid would have made sense from hardware adaptation POV, same skillset needed (linux kernel), at least10:29
thiago_homemanagement disagrees10:29
sivangI wonder if that why the deal did not work out with google, as Elop said Nokia wouldnot be able to differntiate itself10:29
thiago_homeand I agree with management10:29
thiago_homethere's no future in android10:29
sivangthiago_home: is there future in silverllight?10:29
thiago_homewe have to believe there is10:30
sivangthiago_home: or the struggling wp7 platform?10:30
thiago_homebefore the announcement, there was an article on FT saying operators want an option around iphone-android10:30
sivangI agreethat android devices are afectionaly called adnoird devices :)10:30
thiago_homenokia being another android player doesn't make a difference for them10:30
sivangah right, so not stronghold in us market10:30
Stskeepssivang: so, did you grab latest daily for n900?10:31
thiago_homelook at it from the operators' point of view: if all of the smartphone market is dominated by google and apple, they have no say10:31
sivangStskeeps: tried dopwnloading before I went to sleep, download stalled , lt me retry10:31
thiago_homeoperators defnitely want a third (and even a fourth and fifth) option, so they can play one against the other10:32
thiago_hometo differentiate one operator from the others10:32
thiago_homeso nokia becoming an android player probably wouldn't have support from operators10:32
sivangrealized that10:32
sivangjust now10:32
sivangIt is just not much of an option, and a very closed set of technologies that for Nokia after converting too almost impossibl to go back10:33
thiago_homenokia's option was to either bring others into what it was building or join what others were already doing10:33
thiago_homeI know, I know10:33
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thiago_homeI understand the reason and the strategy, I don't have to like it10:33
sivangthiago_home: yes :)10:34
sivangwe agreed on that10:34
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sivangso lighthouse is completely community driven? nofinancial backing?10:34
thiago_homelighthouse is backed by the company10:34
thiago_homeEmbedded Linux is still quite important for us10:35
thiago_homeit's also the path to wayland10:35
sivangStskeeps: trunk:testing or just trunk?10:35
ketaswhy operator should care about phones?10:35
djszapithiago_home: to Intel ?10:35
thiago_homedjszapi: huh?10:35
djszapiwhat does this wayland mean ?10:35
thiago_homereplacing X10:36
ketasisp's never care about computers people use10:36
sivangthiago_home: yes, but does microsoft want that?10:36
sivangthiago_home: to come from their newest and most promising partner?10:36
thiago_homeprobably not10:36
sivangthiago_home: I mean, wayland based embedded linux10:36
djszapithiago_home: k, but what is the reasonable other end of the wayland, intel ?10:36
sivangwayland looks sexy10:36
thiago_homebut I don't care what MS wants10:36
thiago_homehaven't cared for 14 years10:36
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sivangStskeeps: trunk for more qaing or :testing for more usable image? :)10:37
thiago_homeand I also think nokia needs to keep knowledge in-house to deliver a non-MS platform if it needs to10:37
thiago_homethe big problem is going to be retaining that talent10:37
ketasmaybe bunch of nokia workers start Renokia10:38
sivangagreed I hope this will be done regardless of my hope for the way forward with re-introducing MeeGo :)10:38
djszapithiago_home: I do not see right now how that could happen without Intel.10:39
ketas"reconnecting people"10:39
thiago_homedjszapi: why are you saying without intel?10:39
thiago_homeintel is committed to meego10:39
sivangStskeeps: what do I choose again ?
sivangStskeeps: -devel yes?10:40
Stskeepssivang: n900-devel is a big image, yeah10:40
djszapiI am also speaking about the Qt framework future and I think the last hope is Intel :P10:40
sivangStskeeps: with all inside, like qt and devel tools ?10:40
ketasthey start making phones too?10:40
Stskeepsqt isn't going anywhere, it seems10:40
Stskeepssivang: no10:40
Stskeepssivang: just a bigger image10:40
ketasintel'ligent phones10:40
sivangStskeeps: okay soincludes latest additions to core ?10:40
Stskeepssivang: right10:40
djszapiketas: hehe :)10:40
sivangStskeeps: k, downloading10:40
Myrttiketas: if you think that ISP's don't care what OS's their customers run, you're mistaken10:41
ketasthey care?10:41
ketaspoint out a isp10:41
Myrttiketas: if I had been given an ounce of gold every time I've had to pretend I run Windows when I'm calling to ISP helpdesk to get past the first tier "reboot your windows, did it fix the problem?" I'd be a rich lady living in the French Riviera10:42
sivangMyrtti: sameholds for ALL israeli ips, small and big10:42
djszapithiago_home: but I do not know how much Intel is committed to Qt and I cannot mention any reason in long term why Nokia would be committed to that.10:42
Myrttithough it's easier to pretend running a mac10:43
ketasmy isp's helpdesk once said how come your adsl connection even works without windows10:43
Myrttithat they can somehow relate to10:43
sivangMyrtti: have you rebooted windows? please etner safe mode , okay now let us connect directly using our dialer for windows..10:43
ketasbut it's changed now10:43
Myrttisivang: yeah, about six years ago10:43
Myrttithat's when I rebooted it last10:43
ketasheck, ubuntu is sold on laptops10:43
ketasand there are macs10:43
sivangall the rest are the same10:43
sivangUbuntu made an amazing thing forcing isps to start support it10:44
sivangeven in slow adopter like Israel10:44
Myrttiketas: I know, mine came with it. Although I nuked the installation immediately to install a newer version of Xubuntu, but oh well10:44
ketassupport what?10:44
Myrttican't have everything10:44
ketasdhcp runs everywhere10:44
ketasalso pppoe10:45
Myrttialthough I have to confess my ISP seems to have a clue and the higher tiers of support seem to understand when I tell them that I've run tracepath in my linux and I can tell the problem is in their end10:45
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* sivang will tryto avoid all thos companies he trie to promote into qt who said they don't trust nokia anymore and feel more safe betting on Android10:46
ketasmy isp is thankfully phasing out pppoe10:46
sivangcompanies == colleagues in them in decision making positions :)10:46
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sivangI even approached IMA to organize a qt event with meegoon my own, to which I was supposed to get a response sometime this week10:47
sivangI have a good friend contact there..10:47
Myrttichuggachuggachugga says the little home server, and renders minecraft world maps10:48
ketasservice providers should provide service _only_10:48
wmaroneketas: should10:48
wmaronebut here in the US, they're greedy and overreaching10:48
ketasthankfully i don't live there10:49
Myrttimy ISP has lately started to sell audiobooks and ebooks10:49
Myrttiwhich I find a nice addition10:49
ketasmine sells hardware too, tv's computers, but service is till there, not tied to anything10:49
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Tm_TMyrtti: that's Elisa, right?10:51
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MyrttiTm_T: yup10:51
ketasin finland?10:52
ketasare elisa good there?10:52
kyb3Rmost of the time10:53
Myrttipersonal life has recently come into my way of developing an audiobook player with QML... I wonder when I'll have energy for it...10:53
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ukasso whos coming to tampere for meego summit after fridays announcement?10:53
djszapieverybody :)10:53
* thiago_home had to cancel because it's too close to Easter10:53
thiago_homedid it before the announcement10:54
thiago_homebut I'll be in SF10:54
rmtWould love to see Meego be picked up by another company and made a success. :-)10:54
MyrttiI wish I knew where I'll be on Tuesday, can't predict up to the Tampere event anymore10:54
ukasi signed up for it, since it is in my hometown10:54
djszapithiago_home: SF ?10:54
thiago_homeSan Francisco10:54
ketasMyrtti: what other isps you have there?10:54
Myrttiketas: TPO, Sonera, Nebula, etc10:55
rmt... and NoPho7 enjoy moderate success before dying.10:55
ukasMyrtti: TPO O_o10:55
Myrttiukas: new marketing name for DNA, I suspect10:55
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Myrttiwell, Finnet (
ketasheck, n900 will be last of it's kind?10:56
ukasdidnt nokia promise one more meego device?10:56
RST38hDepends on what you mean by its kind10:56
ukasand that graph had nokia investing in meego in the future10:56
djszapiwell, there is a prototype at least :)10:57
bunkketas: Here in Helsinki Welho is good10:57
Myrttibunk: you mean DNA10:57
ukasi want meego, my E51 is breaking down :(10:57
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ketasi'm wondering if there will be wp7 devices with keyboard10:58
psycho_oreosnot the place to ask10:58
bunkMyrtti: yes, Welho was bought by DNA last your10:58
arketas: wp7 isn't even linux10:59
ukasi wonder will we get viruses for wp7 :P10:59
ketasof course10:59
kyb3Rukas: :)10:59
dotblank Ther are probably tons of security holes in it10:59
djszapialso in MeeGo.11:00
ukasexploit them all and prove how much wp7 sucks?11:00
dotblankproblem is we will never be able to look at them11:00
kyb3Rapple does not fall far from the tree11:00
dotblankand fix them11:00
arevery operating system that tries to be user friendly has security holes11:00
dotblanknot having passwords is user friendly11:00
ketaskyb3R: Apple you mean?11:00
ukaswhat is meego status really, ui wise?11:00
dotblankNot signing every email message I send with gpg is friendly11:01
ukasi havent tried it on n900 since last summer11:01
djszapiwell MeeGo security is not that bad with smack.11:01
velopeand the biggest security hole may be that WP7 is a "black box", you never know whats going inside11:01
ukasand back then it was really sluggish11:01
djszapithere will be a presentation about it on Wednesday in Helsinki.11:01
ketaswp7 is very closed imho?11:02
bunkMyrtti: But that doesn't make them the same as DNA (like e.g. Blue1 being an own brand, even though it's part of SAS).11:03
ukassaunalahti is owned by elisa but they are their own brand11:03
Myrttiukas: just that their services are slowly being migrated over to Elisa11:04
ukasyeah but according to some study, most of saunalahti customers are young people while for elisa it is families11:04
ukasthats why elisa implemented that police firewall while saunalahti didn't11:04
ketashere, elion & emt provide good service11:04
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ketassadly they're now owned by teliasonera11:05
psycho_oreosukas, I think the sluggish-ness is caused by the lack of SGX driver, and that's mostly closed source. Now I think there's some variants of the SGX driver that may work better than other11:07
ukasit was the first public release that i tried11:07
Stskeepspsycho_oreos: it's better now for sure11:08
Stskeepspsycho_oreos: we had sgx driver, it was just slower11:08
psycho_oreosI think the case still remains mostly the same, heavily dependent on the version chosen and tried11:08
psycho_oreosStskeeps, so now its faster with SGX or?11:08
Stskeepspsycho_oreos: it is, but now touchscreen is acting weird ;)11:08
psycho_oreosStskeeps, bleh, I'll continue to wait lol ;) afterall I want to get that 32GB class 10 micrSD so I can tinker around with my heart's content on ubooting (or so I hope)11:09
Stskeepsanyway, speculation wise11:11
Stskeepsit seems China Mobile is still interested in MeeGo11:11
psycho_oreoswhich would mean Huawei11:12
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sivangdjszapi: about meego , the presentatin ?11:16
psycho_oreoswonder how will that work, codes be copied? ;)11:16
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Venemo_N900good morning11:29
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Milhouse"3 man external team" developing MeeGo Handset UI... for real? :(11:36
jnwiI don't understand the operator part.  Surely a high return rate on the hinge would have been rejected internally as well.11:36
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jnwiAnd especially if the software wasn't ready anywa11:37
ukasplus nokia has expierence with making hinges like that11:37
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StskeepsMilhouse: that's my take, because nothing else makes sense about that quote11:41
Kaadlajkand also the quote talks about designing not developing11:43
Milhouseok ta, 3 people does sound ridiculous11:43
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StskeepsMilhouse: 3 people isn't even enough for a realistic lightbulb joke  ;)11:44
ukasmaybe thats why it will we succesfull, cause they cant switch lightbulbs11:46
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Paavothere's a nokia joke in there, all right11:47
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Paavosomething about managers A, B, C, D, E etc. in Nokia visioning on their global lightbulb strategy for a year, then outsourcing the changing of the lightbulb to three guys in Tieto.11:49
PaavoThe jokes write themselves.11:50
ukascan i pass that joke to elsewhere?11:51
ketasself-modifying joke11:51
MilhouseWonder if it will ever come to market11:53
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aboyer_i've followed the instructions here to setup a SDK for meego. question: how can i track more recent sysroot releases (like daily or weekly releases)?12:11
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lbtmorning all12:15
Stskeepsmorn lbt o/12:15
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lbtso... trying to sort out the infrastructure IT change control... :)12:16
Stskeepslbt: well, i think all this depends on how nokia meego looks over time, so too early now12:17
lbtnah, this is just "business as usual"12:17
lbtmakin sure that when someone changes the damned firewall rules they document why and when12:18
lbtso the internal DNS doesn't foobar and stop reverse resolving 192.168.*12:18
lbtI still owe you an ircbot VM12:19
Stskeepslbt: was it dsa or rsa you wanted?12:19
Stskeepsi just thought about the same12:19
Venemo_N900Stskeeps: fujitsu launches a product with Linux? sounds good12:20
lbta unique rsa with a local phrase12:20
lbtFWIW I'm down a rabbit hole on that... but having the key'll be good. Private pmo jabber?12:21
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CosmoHillha sweet, dooderling last night with a database diagram I've done 10% of my assignment without knowing it12:49
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chouchouneVenemo_N900: yes, Meego netbook from Fujitsu I've read13:20
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velopeoops, wrong terminal ;)13:29
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Stskeepsafternoon achipa13:31
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lcuk\o Stskeeps13:32
achipa'noon Stskeeps13:32
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lcukdoes anyone know why this build fails:
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CosmoHillit says it can't fine -lliqbase but it says it's installed it13:39
niala1/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lliqbase13:39
niala1collect2: ld returned 1 exit status13:39
niala1uh CosmoHill13:39
CosmoHillinstalling libliqbase-0.3.67-6.113:39
CosmoHillinstalling libliqbase-devel-0.3.67-6.113:39
lcukhence my headscratching..13:40
CosmoHillther'es an error in the spec file at line 10, what's line 10?13:40
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lcukidk, timoph where is the related spec file?13:41
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Kaadlajkline 10 is BuildRoot13:43
niala1  i suppose13:43
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lcukKaadlajk, niala1 thx13:44
CosmoHillis it possible that libqbase installs outside of /usr and rpm only looks in /usr ?13:44
lcukCosmoHill, the lib installs to /usr/bin13:45
CosmoHillwait what?13:45
CosmoHillthat makes more sense13:45
* lcuk not awake yet13:45
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otwieraczAnyone tries Meego at n810?13:46
otwieraczIs it usable?13:46
LjLi don't think so yet13:46
CosmoHillthere's some dev stuff around13:47
niala1it reminds me i have an bug on privoxy.rpm. he search config file in /usr/local/etc instead of /etc13:47
niala1but works any idea CosmoHill ?13:47
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CosmoHillmaybe it's a symlink?13:47
CosmoHill/usr/local/etc -> /etc13:48
otwieraczSo, I will flash maemo.13:48
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otwieraczThanks for information.13:48
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ukasis that a meego tab?13:48
niala1CosmoHill: may be can i add this information to binaries? sort of /configure --prefix-conf=/etc ?13:49
ukasthat picture from mwc201113:49
lcukukas, same as ASCII 913:49
CosmoHillniala1: try ./configure --help13:49
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niala1CosmoHill: yes ;) i m just too lazy and i imagine you work for me :) hahaahhah13:51
lcukCosmoHill, how are you spending your Sunday?13:53
CosmoHillwatching youtube videos and databases13:53
lcukwe went feeding the ducks yesterday :)13:54
lcukdunno where to go today13:54
CosmoHillget some rice and find some pigdens13:54
CosmoHilltake an umbrella with you13:54
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lcukEvery day I grow more and more sure of the need for a verified spell check on IRC.13:56
CosmoHillfor me or you/13:56
* thiago_home remembers when Kopete's IRC spellchecker had a weird glitch13:56
lcukfor everyone.13:56
thiago_homeit would send the highlighting *to* IRC13:56
CosmoHillmy mac has one built in but I think I work it to hard13:56
arthiago_home: lol13:57
thiago_homeso misspelt words showed up red for everyone13:57
CosmoHillthiago_home: lol13:57
CosmoHillmy friend has a script that shows the weather in his area and it sets off my highlight >.<13:57
jnwiHmm... that sounds like an interesting social experiment13:57
lcukCosmoHill, red squiggles are not always noticed13:57
jnwiPeople might actually become better spellers if that glitch were a standard feature13:58
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CosmoHillyears ago I got so annoyed with MS I disabled the grammar checker13:58
CosmoHillso much green...13:58
lcukjnwi, I read many computery things now in my own handwriting.13:58
lcukYou would be amazed at just how much easier it is to see spelling and grammar mistakes it is.13:58
CosmoHilllcuk: I'm drawing my database plan, better than using the computer :)13:58
CosmoHillyou can't screw up a excel spread sheet and throw it into the bin13:59
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CosmoHillwell you can but by the time it's printed I've calmed down enough13:59
jnwilcuk: Handwriting?  What's that? ;)13:59
jnwilcuk: Yeah, I saw that earlier.  Interesting idea14:00
lcukjnwi, it will be even more interesting when it is usable in standard apps :)14:00
Kaadlajklcuk: the problem with the build seems to be that there is no /usr/lib/ file in liqbase-devel14:00
lcuksms messages and IRC and stuff14:00
lcuk:O Kaadlajk14:00
lcukthe -devel package does not need .so?14:01
lcukbecause it depends on libliqbase1 which has it14:01
jnwilcuk: Not so sure about IRC.  I think my brain would collapse parsing different handwriting styles on every line14:01
lcukjnwi, its not just your handwriting though.14:01
lcukit is the best exaple of each letter14:01
jnwiBut they'd still be different even if they weren't hard to read14:02
lcukmy own handwriting is not so neat when done by hand14:02
lcukbut when combined and selected and put together as shown, the effect is amazing14:02
CosmoHillhow else do you do your hand writing if not by hand?14:02
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lcukCosmoHill, that pic I just showed14:02
lcukread the last line14:03
CosmoHillyou has bread14:03
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lcuk"This document I am typing now will almost certainly be read using my very own handwriting"14:03
lcukclose up example:
lcuk(emphasis on *typing*)14:04
CosmoHillthat would be cool, when you read something you might not have to look at the nick if you reconise the hand writing14:04
lcukmy dad said the same14:05
lcukgetting letters via email14:05
CosmoHillor in my case you would have to look at the nick and ask me to type it in in Times New Roman14:05
jnwiI can see how it would be cool for 1-1 communication14:05
jnwiSerifed handwriting?  Interesting14:06
CosmoHillif you just see a large smudge, does it mean they're left handed and the screen is too sensative?14:06
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Kaadlajklcuk: yeah there is but file is needed by /usr/bin/ld to actually find the library14:06
lcukCosmoHill, if you can write each letter legibly then you can have your own sketch font :)14:07
CosmoHillcould you use pkg-config to locate the file for you, that way you won't have to hard code it into the spec file?14:07
lcukmy son can do it :)14:07
lcukKaadlajk, ahh :S how would I solve that14:07
CosmoHillthat's gonna take a while14:07
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lcukwell it only entered OBS 24hours ago, I have been testing it already on MeeGo for a bit14:07
CosmoHillmy website's logo is hand written:
CosmoHill (if you can't read svg)14:08
lcukheh cool14:08
CosmoHillnever been able to do that again14:09
Kaadlajklcuk: by looking at liqbase Makefile it does not install the only
lcukCosmoHill, in original liqbase on the N810, you could use any sketch to be the icon on any button14:09
Kaadlajklcuk: I assume when you compile liqbase it generates the .so file also14:09
lcukKaadlajk, yes, the thing is, its been happily building and installing all these components on Maemo for ages14:10
CosmoHillI can imagine a personalised dock right now14:10
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lcukKaadlajk, I gather the .so should be a symlink to the .so.1 ?14:10
Kaadlajklcuk: yes14:10
CosmoHillthe .so should be a link to the current / latest version14:11
lcukok, so in the makefile for libliqbase, I have an INSTALL section, do I just add the symlink thing in there?14:11
CosmoHilleg .so links to .so.3, but you also have .so.2 and .so.1 that are previous versions also installed on the system14:11
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lcukthose are compatability breaks CosmoHill ?14:11
CosmoHilli think so, not heard of the term before14:12
lcukCosmoHill, sorry, windows dlls14:13
milliamsI had an account on the beta-test OBS a while back. Will my account have been copied across to the new community OBS instance? Also, is there a way to reset my password?14:13
CosmoHilllcuk: I have a habbit of learning stuff but not it's name14:13
lcukme too14:13
* lcuk waves hands and stuff14:13
CosmoHilllcuk: :)14:14
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niala1CosmoHill: my website's logo is hand written:  <--- you tag uk streat too ? :p14:15
CosmoHillhaha, only if I have a tablet with em14:16
lbtmilliams: no - do you have a account14:16
milliamslbt: Yes I do14:16
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lbtmilliams ... OK14:17
CosmoHillmilliams: (he wants to know what it is)14:17
lbtuse your passwd14:17
lbtif you reset it it'll sync on the next hour14:17
milliamslbt: Thanks a lot :)14:17
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ayush_so meego is pretty much done, right?14:24
Stskeepsayush_: no, we're still very much here and a big MWC precense tomorrow14:24
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ayush_any idea when nokia's WP7 phones will start being available? and when that one meego phone will hit?14:27
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Stskeepsayush_: we're not a nokia channel sorry :) you'll have to ask on nokia.com14:28
Stskeepslo andrewfblack14:28
andrewfblackhey Stskeeps14:28
CosmoHillisn't this the text file you showed me last night?14:31
lcukbut your name is on it now :P14:31
CosmoHilloh  yes14:31
CosmoHillI missed that14:31
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CosmoHillIIRC I'm still not on the meego's who's who page even tho I edited it many months ago14:32
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lcukKaadlajk, I just did some reading up, does it sound like ldconfig is what is needed in postinst of the library to correctly setup the symlink?14:43
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Kaadlajklcuk: yeah ldconfig is needed, your .spec files in OBS already have that14:44
lcukKaadlajk, ahh right, I thought it may have been needed in the Makefile itself14:45
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lcuk(it builds locally without OBS too)14:45
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lcukCosmoHill, the first time I saw my handwriting, in 2008 using GPL test document, a sublime blend of technical and natural: :)14:52
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CosmoHilllooks like it's written by a gay kid :p14:52
lcukwell it was the first time I had tried to write :P14:53
lcukdidn't your handwriting used to look messy :)14:53
CosmoHillstill does14:53
lcukas for the pinkness, bah14:53
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lcukdo we have a menu editor for handset?   /me tries hunting around in repos15:04
Stskeepsit just takes .desktop , but i think it's possible to customize15:04
lcukyeah I thought so too15:05
lcukbut I cannot find anything current15:05
lcukI wonder if any of the Maemo editors would work15:05
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lcuk(since its .desktop manipulation15:05
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nickzxcvso i've read that meego is supposed to support lte in 1.3, are there supposed to be any lte handsets with meego coming out?15:14
nickzxcvi'd love to have a meego phone on at&t with lte in a year from now or so15:14
CosmoHillwhat is lte?15:14
CosmoHillah I see15:15
toninikkanenas in, seriously fast cellular (until everyone starts using it and hogs the bandwidth)15:15
CosmoHillI heard, iphone is awesome, the 3G network on the other hand has collapsed15:15
jnwiI don't care about the bandwidth, personally.  LTE is also supposed to improve latency.15:16
nickzxcvand it requires ipv6 :)15:16
nickzxcvapparently it uses sip for regular voice transport too15:17
nickzxcvwell, rtp i guess15:17
nickzxcvand sip for regular call setup instead of being outside of ip15:17
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CosmoHillI think my phone network just uses a bit network and a proxy server15:20
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ketasnickzxcv: all ip then?15:25
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CosmoHillhmm, £35 for a white board15:28
nickzxcvketas: i think its supposed to be all ip, yeah15:28
Aranelwhat's up to us from MWC '11? Anything new about MeeGo? A new device, AppUp, something else?15:29
CosmoHillisn't MWC next week?15:29
StskeepsAranel: seems we are in for a good meego mwc as per rumours and pics15:29
jnwiCosmoHill: Actually, Nokia has an event already today15:30
AranelStskeeps: oh? what pics? I didn't see them :O15:30
AranelCosmoHill: 8 hours remaining according to MWC website.15:31
StskeepsAranel: twitter15:31
AranelStskeeps: you mean that one?:
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CosmoHillI like the guys name :)15:33
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AranelStskeeps: is this Intel's stand for MeeGo?15:34
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CosmoHilldoes the nokia stand have armed guards?15:34
StskeepsAranel: thats what i think15:34
wbremernokia doesnt have a stand this year15:35
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Aranelthey dont need one. they can share with Microsoft.15:36
JaffaNah, Nokia are just waiting by Microsoft's trash to pick up whatever shit they're throwing out.15:36
RST38hJaffa: You do know that they threw out Elop for destroying MS Office franchise?15:37
Aranelfrom top to the bottom, in one day. can't say I'm not surprised.15:37
RST38hJaffa: By inventing RIBBONS, no less15:37
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RST38hJaffa: So, that Elop guy has done more for open source adoption than many of us here acknowledge15:37
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Aranelwhat's the next MeeGo event after MWC? I really want to participate in one :)15:43
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JaffaAranel: MeeGo Summit FI and/or MeeGo Conference SF15:44
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AranelFinland? means sponsored by Nokia I guess?15:44
JaffaStskeeps: Phone design there does look like one from a major manufacturer. I also note the Gmail logo in the app icons15:45
Chanihmm, I ought to sign up for one of those...15:45
CosmoHillI got bored:
JaffaChani: Former is full (300 ppl only); latter isn't open for registration yet ;-)15:46
Chaniwhen is the latter, again?15:46
niala1arf 300 301 .... that not a ddos ...15:46
JaffaChani: End of May15:46
Chaniah. hmm.15:46
JaffaChani: 21-25 IIRC15:46
ChaniI may be anble to make that.. with luck15:46
* Chani need to graduate so stupid school schedules don't get in the way any more15:47
* Jaffa should book the time off work15:47
Chanithen again, once I graduate I have to, like, work or something :P15:47
JaffaMeh, it's overrated.15:47
* niala1 can't believe he download andro#%*! sdk ... 15:47
* Jaffa bought an Android tablet today. Mainly cos of the price, though, rather than Friday's news.15:48
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RST38hJaffa: Traitor! =)15:48
AranelLinux Foundation Collaboration Summit in San Francisco | do want!15:48
JaffaRST38h: Mostly for Mrs Jaffa as her N810 is randomly rebooting.15:49
Chanithat reminds me, I have an n810 collecting dust15:49
ChaniI keep telling myself I'll find a use for it soon15:49
AranelMWC event still in the "proposed" queue, what does it mean?15:50
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sivangStskeeps: image downloadedas it seems15:54
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sivangAranel: meego summit fi, I don't think it is sponsord by NOkia15:58
sivangAranel: I am not sure right now Nokia will sponsor SF meego conf to be honest15:58
Aranelsivang: maybe Intel could to that instead of them?15:59
Stskeepsa bit too hasty to speculate on that15:59
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sivangA bit too hasty Elop's decision :)15:59
Jaffasivang: Nah, it was either part of his pitch to the board for the job; or one of the requirements of the board when looking for an OPK replacement.16:00
sivangStskeeps: but sure. Anyway I have a very slow mSD card, but I don't mind waitng the boot time or has this improved with the fs bug solved?16:00
sivangJaffa: I'd ay the former16:00
Stskeepssivang: i use class 2-416:00
sivangStskeeps: so I hace class 2:)16:00
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sivang(I have the keyboard from hell, don't aslk)16:02
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* sivang notes that preapring meego for the handset installation is exciting16:12
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* sivang gets another "want to win an iPhone 4? Get in this site now!"16:13
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CosmoHillsivang: my junk mail says 8500 unread messages16:17
sivangCosmoHill: I have 100k of them16:18
CosmoHillyou win16:18
CosmoHillI actually have zero but due to a bug in the software it doesn't revert the counter until you click on it16:18
taps_Hi, What happens to MeeGo, after M$ Nokia deal ?16:19
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jonnortaps_: nothing special. Nokia has reduced their investment in Meego, but Intel and others have not announced any changes16:20
sivang :)16:20
javispedrosivang: that reads more like a MS page ;)16:21
taps_jonnor: thx, this means, that the project will be developed further.16:22
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jonnortaps_: of course16:23
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sivangjavispedro: hehe16:24
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AranelStskeeps: Engadget says that pic is really Intel's MeeGo booth :) and It's one of meego handsets.16:54
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arjavispedro: i suggest you do whois :)16:57
ukaswasnt nokia supposed to have something tonight?16:57
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ukasar: what does it say if you do whois?16:58
arukas: it looks like whoever owns the site, isn't affiliated with neither nokia nor ms16:58
wbremermsqt is just a funny fake :)16:59
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ChaniMSQt MSQuick17:00
Chanisomehow I keep reading that as McQuick17:00
Chanidamnit, now I'm thinking about chicken17:01
CosmoHillisn't that a tow company?17:01
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Chaninext they're gonna partner with mcdonalds to produce McQuicken ;)17:03
CosmoHillget a big mac with your big rig recovery17:04
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dominikb_will Qt stay the default API in MeeGo?17:07
CosmoHillI'd imagine so17:07
CosmoHilljust spent a year making it the default and replacing GTK+ with it17:07
CosmoHillwould seem stupid / a waste to replace it now17:08
dominikb_CosmoHill: right. just cannot imagine that Nokia will actively contribute to Qt, as it competes with .net.17:08
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CosmoHillaren't nokia working on putting Qt on Symbian?17:09
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ukasthey still have to sell 150 million symbian phones17:09
ukasso yeah they are not killing qt17:09
dominikb_they cannot kill Qt - it's LGPL ;)17:09
Jaffadominikb_: Qt is still a fantastic development environment for MeeGo, IMHO17:09
irzbut symbian will stay low priced small screen devices17:10
CosmoHillother companies also sell symbian phones and it would be great if Qt was on all of them17:10
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CosmoHillthen you could use Qt as well as Java for phone appilications17:10
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CosmoHillirz: I heard it was for "feature" phones17:10
dominikb_do not get me wrong. I am a big fan of Qt + PySide and my heart bleeds as the future of Qt/PySide is unclear.17:10
chouchouneCosmoHill: only Nokia is still selling Symbian17:10
CosmoHillso everything apart from the high end stuff17:10
CosmoHillchouchoune: oh really?17:11
CosmoHillwhat do other phones run on then?17:11
chouchouneother manufacturers retired for Android17:11
chouchounelike Sony Ericsson17:11
irzand company specific stuff like bada17:11
CosmoHilleven the cheap phones you get for your kids?17:11
chouchouneoh, you meant S40 ?17:12
chouchouneit's not having Qt17:12
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ukasdoesnt some japanese manufacturer make symbian phones?17:13
chouchouneand I don't know if it's used by others17:13
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thiago_homeukas: Fujitsu makes Symbian phones17:19
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ShadowJKWeren't there also japanese ... yeah fujitsu17:20
ukasdocomo or something?17:20
ukassharp also made symbian phones i think?17:20
ukasanyway read from somewhere that meego-harmattan will be release at mwc tonight by nokia17:21
ukasbut i guess you guys dont consider that true meego :>17:21
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ShadowJKI hope they'll sell the keyboard version even if operators didn't like :(17:26
ShadowJKBecause I'll never get another device without proper keyboard :P17:26
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Alison_Chaikenukas, it's hard to consider a distro built on debs as opposed to rpms true meego, not that I believe rpms are better than debs.   The package format change really drives a wedge in development. (Yeah I know I'm not exactly the 1st to note that.)17:28
Alison_Chaikendominkib_, I must say as a Nokia employee that I expected everything in last week's announcement except the Nokia adoption of MS development tools.    I fear that a Qt fork is inevitable.17:30
* thiago_home is working to avoid that17:30
ukasQt fork?17:30
ukaswould someone please explain what they mean by that?17:30
thiago_homethey who?17:30
ukaswell like you :)17:31
thiago_homeok, let's start over17:31
ukaswhy would Qt need to be forked?17:31
thiago_homewhat don't you get?17:31
ukassorry i'm kinda new17:31
thiago_homepeople fear that Qt development will stop inside Nokia17:31
thiago_homeor that it will be taken over by MS17:31
ukasso it needs to be taken outside17:31
thiago_homeit doesn't need to17:31
ukasbut MS cant do that since Qt is open source?17:32
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ukasah, you're trying to make sure it doesnt come to that17:32
thiago_homedespite rampant accusations, MS doesn't control Nokia17:32
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ukasit would be pretty crazy17:32
Alison_ChaikenI'm off right now to have coffee with a friend from my last job at Stanford.   He's spent the last 6 months learning Qt development on RHEL (for accelerator controls at Linear Accelerator Center) .    He is not, I suspect, in a good mood!17:32
ukasand i would like to think at least some board members would have enough balls and say something like that17:33
thiago_homewe're trying to figure out what will happen next, but early indications are that we will continue on17:33
thiago_homeAlison_Chaiken: your friend has nothing to fear17:33
thiago_homeall of this is blown out of proportion17:33
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thiago_homeQt is open source, has always been, will continue to be17:33
ukasi learned Qt during last fall, so i hope Qt doesnt die, Qt is easy and fun :)17:33
Alison_Chaikenthiago_home, I just don't know what to say to him.    Nokia does *own* Qt right?    Nokia should now give it to Linux Foundation, like MeeGo.   The fate of Symbian awaits it otherwise.17:34
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thiago_homeNokia can't prevent anyone from using Qt17:34
Alison_ChaikenNokia couldn't prevent anyone from using Symbian ;-)17:34
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thiago_homeNokia did a good job preventing17:35
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thiago_homeQt is different17:35
Alison_ChaikenSorry if you think I'm being nasty.   I feel bad about Qt developments, and wish I could help.17:35
thiago_homethe only thing people are certain of is that the Qt ecosystem story on smartphones is delayed17:35
thiago_homeI do too17:35
thiago_homebut I'm in a different stage of grief now17:35
Alison_ChaikenI have to run off.    My friend is already grouchy!17:35
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* thiago_home is mad at the speculations17:36
ukaslast two weeks were really crazy17:36
ukascause of the speculation17:36
miherosome hard facts would be nice17:36
thiago_homemihero: you'll know when we know17:36
irznew nokia us boss is a former ms guy, nuff said17:37
thiago_home(except for still-confidential developments)17:37
thiago_homeirz: that's exactly the kind of speculation I'm mad about17:37
miherothiago_home: yeah, I know. that wasn't the point17:37
irzbut nokia is forcing people to speculate instead of making some clear statements17:37
lcukthiago_home, I just posted a proposal for a new unique feature to be brought to Qt as well17:37
thiago_homeirz: it's called "running a business"17:37
thiago_homelcuk: cool17:37
miheromeant just that would be nice to now what to do next:)17:38
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lcukwell, "just" I got it out during FOSDEM17:38
niala1good afternoon guy/girls i ll take a cycle ride on sun, this should me calm down17:38
thiago_homeirz: can you point me to where Apple says when the iPhone 5 hits the stores? What the new features are?17:38
miherothis state of speculation is bit hard:)17:38
thiago_homeirz: how about their 2012 plans?17:38
irzthiago_home: apple is building their own stuff in a closed cellar17:38
thiago_homeirz: that's my point17:38
thiago_homeALL companies hold back information17:38
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irzwell, not when stuff depends on it like that17:39
irzwhen apple changes their os they atleast deliver a working sdk on time17:39
irzsame with google17:39
thiago_homeirz: don't try to justify it17:39
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thiago_homethings happen for a reason and this is how companies behave17:40
lcukthiago_home, I have posted a way to achieve:
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thiago_homeno matter how much you feel it's unfair to you (and you have my sympathies here, I feel it too)17:40
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bunkDoes anyone have an idea why with the handset UI in 1.1 fennec can connect only as root?17:43
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vljI know it's not the best moment to talk about MeeGo developpement but... does Meego handset ships with opencv or another image processing framework ?17:44
thiago_homevlj: you should be able to get the package listing from repo.meego.com17:44
thiago_homeand it is always the best moment to talk about development17:45
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vljMeego 1.1 does not feature camera shooting yet ?17:46
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irzwhat do you call "camera shooting" and on what hardware17:47
vljI mean, the ability to take photo with the camera17:48
vljit's planned for 1.2 ?17:48
ahiemstrahmm, doesn't meego 1.1 include qtmobility apis for that17:48
vljwell I don't speak of the API, but of the UI17:48
Stskeepsvlj: 1.2 n900 adaptation will have cam17:48
vljok thx17:49
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vljand the cam will rely on which software tools to process image ?17:50
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vljqt-mobility (if I'm right) does only allow to take picture, but it has no algorithm for noise reduction, ... ?17:51
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lcukvlj, there are a number of MeeGo image processing tools at your disposal17:52
lcukthank ab and RST38h and a load of other guys17:52
vljlibquill was developped for maemo or is it a general purpose library that was just ported ?17:53
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lbtjbos_bk:  hey.... have you registered on meego.com17:55
lbtand are you looking to develop opensource apps17:55
vljlcuk: does libquillimagefilter use an underlying linear algebra lib ?17:55
jbos_bkI do already,17:56
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jbos_bkcheck :)17:56
lbtmeego accont name jbos_bk?17:56
lcukvlj, IDK, ask the developers or read docs about it - just passing on good info :)17:56
jbos_bkwe are a small team, already having one guy with access to the obs, but he is pretty busy :D17:56
jbos_bkso better to have some backup17:57
lbtso I just need your account name17:57
jbos_bksee query :)17:57
lbtnot email ... :)17:58
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lbthave fun18:00
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abvlj, qt mobility camera API supposedly produces jpeg image for you18:06
abvlj, not all HW could give RAW data18:07
vljI think it is not possible to build a proper hdr algorithm if I cannot get raw images18:07
abvlj, we have enhancement requests for the API so that it could return YUV if possible (as QVideoFrame)18:07
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abvlj, quality will suffer, yes. Alternatively, you can try to use FCam directly18:08
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abthis will give you YUV18:08
vljand it is not possible to retrieve a 100% quality jpeg ?18:08
abMobility guys also were thinking on making FCam backend to Qt Mobility18:08
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vljalso a "loseless" jpeg18:09
vlj(if it is possible)18:09
CosmoHilljpeg is not loseless18:09
abno loseless18:09
vljnever ?18:09
vljso what is this "100%" quality supposed to be in jpeg standard ?18:09
abthat's the whole point of jfif.18:09
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CosmoHillWikipedia: "In computing, JPEG (pronounced /ˈdʒeɪpɛɡ/ JAY-peg) is a commonly used method of lossy compression for digital photography (image)."18:10
vljsadly it is so popular ...18:10
CosmoHillthat's why I've starting taking pictures in NEF (Nikon Raw format)18:10
vljbut why sensor does not always provide raw format by default ?18:11
vljI mean, it is more difficult to take an image, then to compress it, then return it, than to just take and return it ?18:11
CosmoHilldigital compares take the raw picture, apply settings (such as light balance) and produce a jpeg18:12
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abvlj, performance and quality wise, in embedded sensors it is not always straightforward. Almost all time such small sensors require additional processing before the data is returned anyway. Frontend camera on N900 is a good example18:12
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abconsider also that sensor is highly packaged in a constrained environment with many other elements -- including atennas which produce heat over time18:14
CosmoHillvlj: just found something called Jpeg XR, might support loseless18:14
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abthere were many attempts to use JPEG-like methods to compress images. Some are based on wavelets, some are on other techniques. None had took over for various reasons, including eagerness of inventors to get patent revenues.18:15
vljab: I know but I think that if the user requires the sensor to return raw data , the user (who know what he does ;)  ) can handle processing in a software manner18:15
lindi-for some cases 100% can be lossless it seems.18:16
lindi-$ printf "P2 8 8 255 $(seq 1 255)" > a.pgm; convert -quality 50 a.pgm a.jpg; convert a.jpg a2.pgm; convert a.pgm a3.pgm; cmp a3.pgm a2.pgm18:16
lindi-a3.pgm a2.pgm differ: char 16, line 418:16
lindi-$ printf "P2 8 8 255 $(seq 1 255)" > a.pgm; convert -quality 100 a.pgm a.jpg; convert a.jpg a2.pgm; convert a.pgm a3.pgm; cmp a3.pgm a2.pgm; echo $?18:16
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vljanyway there is FCam but I wished there was a more "portable" manner to do things18:18
vljFCam is provided in Meego too or is it just available in Maemo ?18:18
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abvlj, FCam hopefully will be part of MeeGo.18:20
vljthat means that a Meego shipping device should allow devs to access raw images18:20
abStskeeps, of course, that depends a lot on what someone like Intel would like to address in imaging area.18:20
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Venemo_N900hey meegoists :)18:21
abvlj, as I said, there are so many different sensors that simply don't provide RAW data.18:21
vljif Meego is to be pushed on handset, imaging aera is a main differenciator18:21
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vljab: yep but if FCam is in Meego, hardware manufacturer will have to choose a "raw compliant" sensor18:22
vljor it will break Meego API coherency18:22
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abvlj, nope. FCam is a tool to provide fine grained access to the imaging equipment but it cannot magically go over what is provided by the chipset18:22
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vljexcept if there is a "bool provide_raw()" function in fcam...18:22
CosmoHillshame cameras don't use PNG18:23
aboyer__ab: are there any current efforts to port FCam to Meego?18:23
n900mixalotHey all, proud to be here, happy to see people still going strong.18:23
ababoyer, barring obvious packaging issues, it should work on MeeGo/N900 already, hopefully. I haven't tried.18:23
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vljdoes aava still makes phone that can accept Meego on it ?18:24
ababoyer__, I have tried to get it into next Nokia's MeeGo-related device but we haven't finished yet so no comments :)18:24
abCosmoHill, PNG is not a holy grail18:25
vljit's better than jpeg for hdr though18:26
CosmoHilljust thinking, if my camera took loseless PNGs instead of NEF I wouldn't need to install software / buy software to view or edit them18:26
vljab: there is a linear algebra lib embedded in quilimagefilter ?18:27
abvlj, no18:27
abbut you can write a filter that uses one18:27
vljhdr relies on singular value decomposition for good result (on the mathematical aspect)18:28
vljthis is not a trivial algorithm so it needs to be provided by some algebra library18:28
vljyou're using fftw ?18:28
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aboyer__vlj: eigen.tuxfamily.org18:28
abvlj, yes, eigen would be the obvious choice18:29
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abas it also has explicit NEON optimizations18:29
vljI worked a bit on eigen too18:29
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ab(do not rely on implcit ones by compiler yet, btw)18:29
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aboyer__eigen 3 which is unreleased, has neon optimizations for arm18:30
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ababoyer__, yep, that's what I refer18:30
vljbut I though lapack was the "obvious" choice as it is standard, and intel provides an optimised routines for it18:30
abbeta3 has been released yesterday18:30
aboyer__ab: nice!18:32
aboyer__vlj: before going with lapack, take a look at eigen, it's really nice to work with...18:32
vljI know the api is clean and verbose18:33
abvlj, eigen has BLAS implemented on top of it18:33
aband partial LAPACK as well18:33
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abnot full but chances are that your relevant parts are covered18:34
vljI will look at it :)18:34
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Venemo_N900sivang: ping18:41
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irzlol, motorola xoom for 1200 at bb18:45
n900mixalota knee slapper18:45
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vljirz: with locked wifi ?18:47
irzseems free18:48
vlj  <= there is still hope18:49
irzim still missing amd here18:49
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vljlet them begin their work ;)18:50
vljthey're entering Meego to support their fusion chip18:50
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vljatm there is no fusion powered netbook available18:50
Venemo_N900vlj: so an Intel handset is it gonna be?18:51
vljmwc starts tomorrow18:51
chouchouneVenemo_N900: the device shows really looks like the HTC touch diamond 218:53
vljseems to be a "dev only" device18:54
ukas36 minutes till nokia show18:54
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vljlike previous aava phone18:54
vljI only hope it won't cost as much18:54
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lindi-ukas: is there live video somewhere?18:55
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ukaslindi-: wait a moment18:56
ukasdont know18:56
Venemo_N900chouchoune: the UX on the pics are really interesting though18:57
ukas it was only this site18:57
Venemo_N900chouchoune: I don't recognize it as any of the current reference UXes18:57
chouchouneVenemo_N900: yes, looks good18:57
chouchounemmmhhh, looks like tablet UX adapted to phones18:58
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lindi-ukas: ok I guess no video by nokia at least then18:58
Venemo_N900chouchoune: yeah. if they also shipped a 4-5" tablet, I'd be sold.18:58
chouchounesame for me ;)18:58
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Venemo_N900chouchoune: in this case, I wouldn't even care if nokia went bankrupt next week :P19:00
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Venemo_N900chouchoune: after what they've done, they deserve it19:00
chouchouneI agree19:01
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chouchouneand, if Nokia announced his Meego phone during MWC ? But it would be quite disturbing ...19:02
chouchounebut I canùt imagine how they could let other sell Meego Phones before them !!!19:02
odin_thiago, one point of concern is that Qt will indeed continue, much like MySQL is continuing inside Oracle, the problem is that waiting 3 years to see if it works out isn't what the rest of the world has in mind, so maybe an EGCS like fork is best and re-merge in a few years19:03
Venemo_N900chouchoune: well if they still continue with MeeGo as they planned then I may forgive them19:03
Stskeepsworst thing that can happen is a qt fork.19:03
StskeepsAPI compatibility is key.19:03
Venemo_N900well the Qt guys seem pretty convinced that Qt will live on19:04
jarkko^doesn't kde have even permission to relicense the whole thing if development does not continue?19:04
Stskeepsi'm quite convinced of that too by now19:04
jarkko^Should Nokia discontinue the development of the Qt Free Edition under these licenses, then the Foundation has the right to release Qt under a BSD-style license or under other open source licenses.19:04
Stskeepsjarkko^: licensing doesn't matter when you can't assume your qt app will work across implementations19:04
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Stskeepsfragmentation == ba19:04
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thiago_homehere we go again...19:04
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jarkko^yes but why do you assume that it would fragment as a community project?19:05
thiago_homebecause Qt only makes sense if it has one API19:05
jarkko^i see that similar situation as in xfree86 -> xorg19:05
Venemo_N900actually it would be nice if they bargained with M$ to port Qt to WP719:05
CosmoHillab & vlj: damn you both for distracting me and making look at photo software19:05
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Stskeepsjarkko^: if there's two qt impls going on, we have a problem19:05
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CosmoHillcoo, preview supports DNG giles19:06
jarkko^that's probably true, i agree..19:06
jarkko^is there even NDK like thing for WP7?19:06
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thiago_homejarkko^: no19:06
Venemo_N900jarkko^: no19:06
thiago_homethere will be no Qt on WP719:06
jarkko^wasn't it so that only selected vendors can do native19:06
thiago_homeforget it19:06
lcukStskeeps, also, if there are two, the license differences would prevent remerging at later date?19:07
jarkko^like adobe for flash19:07
Venemo_N900thiago_home: so what'll happen to Nokia's promise about Qt?19:07
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jarkko^sounds odd to not have ndk like thing19:07
thiago_homeVenemo_N900: Qt everywhere depends on the will of the OS vendors19:07
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thiago_homeVenemo_N900: MS doesn't want it, Apple probably doesn't want it either19:07
Stskeepsjarkko^: android didn't have ndk for long time19:07
jarkko^how game companies are going to use their investments for game engines just as an example19:07
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jarkko^if WP7 becomes major platform they will have to have ndk19:08
thiago_homewhen we were considering an Android port (yeah, we did consider it), it only made sense if someone shipped it and convinced Google to take it19:08
Venemo_N900thiago_home: and in exchange for Nokia giving up their own OS, MS shoul allow Qt port19:08
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odin_maybe the new MeeGo budget allocations inside Nokia will reveal, but devices/handset(s) is really the key thing I myself was hoping for (even if not a highly software polished as N900 was, at least there is a device with device support)19:08
jarkko^otherwise it is impossible to port games etc. to the platform19:08
thiago_homethat whas when there were a handful of device manufacturers and Google depended on them19:08
ahiemstrajarkko^: MS forces everyone who wants to make games to use XNA basically19:08
StskeepsVenemo_N900: yeah, but that didn't happen, that way very appearant19:08
thiago_homeVenemo_N900: not gonna happen. The deal is WP full package.19:08
thiago_homeVenemo_N900: I don't have to like it to understand it.19:08
Venemo_N900Stskeeps: still, it's sad19:09
StskeepsVenemo_N900: there's a lot of sad things about this, but it's reality19:09
thiago_homeodin_: there will be at least one MeeGo device this year19:09
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jarkko^ahiemstra: but it is biggest app industry in the world and some of the hit games rely on complex technology stack that is usually done with native languages19:09
thiago_homeok, it's Harmattan, but should be good enough19:09
Venemo_N900but I don't understand what nokia gains for this19:09
jarkko^so i would be more than surprised if there wasn't launch of ndk19:09
thiago_homeVenemo_N900: gains WP19:09
thiago_homeVenemo_N900: gains an ecosystem that has started19:10
odin_but I agree fragmentation of the QT API is not good for the Nokia single-API approach, but I never care for Symbian myself, and I believe from media the Qt desktop aspects of the API trail behind and could do with some more energy19:10
thiago_homeVenemo_N900: as much as we believe in MeeGo and Qt, we're behind19:10
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thiago_homewe simply ran out of time19:10
ahiemstrajarkko^: yes, which means only games specifically created for wm7 will run on it, which means most popular games won't run on it by default19:10
wmaronethiago_home: on the contrary, I would say that you never had time from the moment Elop was elected19:10
wmaroneof course, that's pure conjecture19:10
Venemo_N900well if I wanted WP7, I certainly wouldn't buy from Nokia19:10
thiago_homewmarone: that is just not true19:10
Venemo_N900the only reason I bought Nokia stuff is becuase they offered a good alternative software19:11
odin_thiago, yes sure on the new device this year, but I was kind of hoping for one next year too :)  to early to say for sure ... maybe ideally _ALL_ Nokia hardware can have a MeeGo compatible bootloader :)  even if Nokia do not provide any polished OS19:11
thiago_homewmarone: I may not be privy to his decision making, but I know people who are. Stop spreading conspiracy theories.19:11
ahiemstrajarkko^: and then of course only the less-demanding ones19:11
thiago_homethey are just plain false.19:11
ahiemstrajarkko^: stuff like UE3 on wm7 will never be possible19:11
thiago_homeodin_: that would be great, but at this point the entire portfolio for 2012 is probably being reconsidered19:11
Venemo_N900thiago_home: as a Nokia employee, how do you personally feel about this?19:12
thiago_homeodin_: there were more meego devices planned, of course. What will happen to them, only time will tell.19:12
Venemo_N900thiago_home: I hope it doesn't threaten your job19:12
thiago_homeVenemo_N900: betrayed, like a dream being crushed.19:12
thiago_homeI'm moving on with my adapting to the news19:12
thiago_homeI'm in the angry-baragaining phase19:13
jarkko^thiago_home: same here :)19:13
Venemo_N900thiago_home: I feel sorry for all the people like you who feel this way. especially the ones who're going to be fired19:13
Stskeepsthere's a fitting youtube video about what we're all collectively feeling..19:13
* thiago_home is more worried about the subcontractors and ecosystem companies who made a bet on meego19:13
thiago_homehopefully intel and new partners will pick it up19:14
bunkodin_: IMHO it doesn't make sense for N to go with more than one of Symbian/MeeGo/WP7. What choice would have been best is hard to say.19:14
Venemo_N900thiago_home: oh yeah, heard about a bunch of them yesterday19:14
Aparnar there going to be new partners?19:14
thiago_homeAparna: we'll see19:14
Stskeeps <- got to love robot chicken19:14
Venemo_N900thiago_home: for example, 80% of Jartza's courses were cancelled19:14
thiago_homeAparna: I really don't know now. But stay tuned from news from MWC.19:14
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AparnaMWC stands for?19:15
thiago_homeMobile World Congress19:15
Aparnaah ok19:15
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Stskeepsthiago_home: the good news is that the new tablet UX is already causing buzz..19:15
Aparnayep waiting for something from there.19:15
thiago_homeI know of companies that were interested and were ready to adopt meego19:15
thiago_homewhether that has changed, this week will tell19:15
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Venemo_N900Stskeeps: do you know if it's going to be OSS?19:15
* Aparna wants "Long live Meego rather than long ago lived MeeGo19:15
StskeepsVenemo_N900: i hope so :/19:15
thpStskeeps: where's the tablet ux?19:16
Stskeepsthp: check meego twitter19:16
Stskeepssome funny things there19:16
Venemo_N900Stskeeps: we'll know tomorrow I guess... right?19:16
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Stskeepsif anything, meego isn't dead and i'll do my part to make sure it doesn't die, at least on MeeGo ARM side.19:16
Venemo_N900Stskeeps: thanks for that :)19:17
vljStskeeps: it seems that a nvidia engineer is working on a tegra port19:17
Stskeepsvlj: yeah, i know19:17
MurmurORWhat is MSQt library?19:17
MurmurORah ok :)19:17
bunkStskeeps: I guess ARM side is the most interesting question with Intel as main company...19:17
Venemo_N900Stskeeps: is there any sign that Nokia reduced MeeGo's funding?19:17
thpStskeeps: oh, just that one picture of the tablet?19:18
vljStskeeps: this may mean a lot of tegra powered Meego tablet next year19:18
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Venemo_N900thp: there was a pre-alpha video in the summer19:18
Venemo_N900thp: also beta some months ago.19:18
jmkvenemo_n900: yes there was, in investor announcement.19:18
odin_bunk, I agree... this is great for MS to be in a position to stagnate an opposing market, I read that Elop is 7th on the top shard holders of Microsoft, but it is very difficult to not see this motive if all these facts are true19:18
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thpVenemo_N900: yep, saw that video, but already forgot about it ;)19:18
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Venemo_N900jmk: that's bad news19:18
Venemo_N900thp: me too19:19
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StskeepsVenemo_N900: the interesting part is -when- this happens.19:19
Venemo_N900thp: if it's gonna be OSS and will run on a 4-5" tablet, I can totally imagine me buying it19:19
jmksomething will remain but with fraction of the budget19:19
bunkodin_: N has a history of changing it's main strategy every 1-2 years, so stay tuned for N switching to Android in 2012...  8-)19:20
thpVenemo_N900: yep, sure19:20
CosmoHillbastards, Adobe Fireworks won't read NEF or DNG formats19:20
Venemo_N900I guess the guys at Intel are very pissed19:20
jmkexcept that this strategy comes with vendor-lock-in :-/19:21
* Venemo_N900 has just read the past few day's MeeGo community mailing list19:21
jmkditch all own software assets, replace with single-supplier strategy. I really can't understand this....19:21
Venemo_N900jmk: noone can.19:21
Stskeepsso, how will each of you help to make MeeGo a success anyway?19:22
Stskeepsi mean, we can discuss to the end of the world about the failures :)19:22
odin_keep my mouth shut ?  haha19:22
n900mixalotunfortunatly, a law degree isn't going to do much19:22
Stskeepsodin_: work on ipv619:22
wmaroneStskeeps: depends on if the discussion on the mailing list proceeds down the "not open" path that I interpreted the discussion as having19:22
abStskeeps, the only thing we can do is to continue polishing Harmattan and Qt  in it.19:22
n900mixalotbut lobbying is all i can offer19:22
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Stskeepswmarone: errm.?19:23
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Venemo_N900Stskeeps: smoku and me are working on an actually usable UX.
wmaroneor was I just reading it wrong19:24
odin_re ipv6, sure I think the main thing I need to do now is look at the UI (all my other testing/checks indicate its good enough to slap some UI on it)19:24
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Stskeepsab: for instance, or help improve the reference uis in meego, etc19:25
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Venemo_N900Stskeeps: no offence, but lots of people dislike the direction of the handset reference ux19:25
StskeepsVenemo_N900: wait for tomorrow..19:25
Venemo_N900Stskeeps: what'll happen?19:26
wmaroneStskeeps: development behind closed doors?19:26
smokuVenemo_N900, will happen19:26
lbtjbos_bk: hi, currently we only do home: projects19:26
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lbtA few of us have started a CO team to address this19:27
Venemo_N900smoku: I think I've seen it19:27
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lbtessentially I've said a Team area needs some policy definition and process19:27
dm8tbrlbt: I'm still interested to do that project we talked about, just need to find out if I get the people to do it19:27
Stskeepswmarone: i need to read that closer..19:28
lbtdm8tbr: I expected as much :)19:28
Venemo_N900smoku: it doesn't really mean anything for us in the case if that ux is closed source19:28
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StskeepsVenemo_N900: i'm personaly hoping that intel does the 'right thing' in order to bootstrap meego.19:28
wmaroneif the UI is closed source it -will- be used against the whole project19:28
Venemo_N900Stskeeps: agreed :)19:29
lbtso jbos_bk, you mentioned that there's an upstream project and you are working on the MeeGo packaging/work here19:29
lbtthis seems like a typical and +ve use case19:29
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Venemo_N900wmarone: opposed to all other UXes, that one is not developed in the open19:29
Venemo_N900wmarone: so chances are that it's not gonna be oss... but who knows?19:29
Stskeepslong story short, big companies has open source approval processes which means that things take time to make it into open19:30
jbos_bkyes, so basically one guy of our team is right know doing more or less frequent builds in his home project19:30
wmaroneVenemo_N900: right, just gives oss-haters ammunition19:30
Venemo_N900wmarone: heh.19:30
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lbtjbos_bk: that's good19:30
jbos_bkwhat we would like is to provide our application to a bigger audience19:30
Venemo_N900Stskeeps: yeah, but handset ux was developed in the open from scratch19:30
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StskeepsVenemo_N900: errm.. no19:31
jbos_bkwithout haveing then first visiting our website and such19:31
lbtyep ... so I'm thinking about how to structure work like this19:31
jbos_bkbut having more visibility on meego.com19:31
StskeepsVenemo_N900: people aren't remembering handset day one19:31
Venemo_N900Stskeeps: hm.19:31
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Venemo_N900Stskeeps: oh, you are right19:31
lbtjbos_bk: remind me... what's the app/code19:31
Venemo_N900Stskeeps: it wasn't totally from scratch19:31
jbos_bkfind it here peregrine-communicator.org19:31
jbos_bkand code here:
TSCHAKeeeHandset was DROPPED in.. it didn't start in the open.19:32
lbtso Team:Peregrine would be an integration area for you ?19:32
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Venemo_N900TSCHAKeee: yeah, I get it19:33
lbthow would it be structured? what QA is there? who has rights to which areas? how do I handle the main people going AWOL19:33
lbthow do I know you're really from ;)19:34
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vljwhat is peregrine-communicator ?19:34
lbtthese are the kind of common sense minimal things I want to set as 'to be answered' before giving some random irc guy 'ownership' of your project's team area19:34
jbos_bki see that19:35
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lbtso... if you help me answer them and flesh them out ... you get a Team area19:35
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Venemo_N900after reading the mailing list, I agree with the guy who said that Red Hat should get involved with MeeGo19:36
abStskeeps, there will be bunch of meego demos by Novomok at the MWC19:37
Stskeepsab: yeah, i know19:37
jbos_bkok whats the best way to do this, I will write you a mail from my team account and prove that I'm really from the team :)19:37
lbtjbos_bk: actually ... what *I* care about is having a documented policy for MeeGo that you're following19:38
lbtluckily you get to write the policy.... then follow it19:38
lbtdepends how bad you want a Team: area ;)19:39
lbtwe will "get round to it" .... but if you help we get there quicker19:39
wmaronenokia MWC thing up on engadget19:39
Stskeepswmarone: yeah.. following19:39
Stskeepslet's watch it in the #meego-bar, less shop talk19:39
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jbos_bkwell i think it would be cool to have those team area so its just fair to help structuring it19:40
lbtthis is a new area ... this : explains some of my random thinking19:41
CosmoHillab: ouch, I see what you mean, I have an image that is 3.9MB DNG, 4.9MB NEF and 26.6MB PNG19:42
lbtjbos_bk: now has "Teams" link19:43
lbtnote that opensuse OBS has something a little like this19:43
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vljNokia is gaining revenues from advertising with WP719:44
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share1pool meego19:44
Stskeepsvlj: #meego-bar, please :019:44
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abCosmoHill, in addition to that, PNG design leaves you very little ways to optimize it in constraint environments like N90019:44
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abCosmoHill, it is horribly slow :)19:44
share1abandoned by nokia19:45
Aranelis it possible to watch Nokia @ MWC live?19:45
vljab: what is the "best" format to reduce memory footprint and that is lossless ?19:45
vljformat that is optimised for photo, ie 24 bits19:45
StskeepsAranel: #meego-bar and live blog ;)19:45
AranelStskeeps: okay ^^19:46
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abvlj, I wish I could say. DNG is nice, though.19:46
vljI guess it is an open format ?19:46
jbos_bkyeah, lot to read. so lets go lbt19:47
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abvlj, the spec is open by Adobe and it tries to get the format through ISO19:48
lbtjbos_bk: so... setting expectations, unless you write like a BSD mascot and we happen to totally agree on scope this is going to take at least a few days or longer. I'd like to see an outline/draft go on the wiki and then get to the ml19:49
jbos_bkyep ok than I would say, lets get started19:51
topeiraSo, Nokia didn't show a single image prototype in "meego phase", and now it shows with WP719:51
Stskeepstopeira: #meego-bar please :)19:51
topeiraStskeeps: sorry19:52
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share1meego-bar has less people.
Stskeepsshare1: yeah, but this is a place of work19:53
wmaronesomeone punt share119:54
share1oh~ sorry,I's leave and have a sleep now...19:54
share1because today is valentine's day19:55
abit will be quite interesting what people will dig out of what is being said the on stage19:55
RST38hIronically, it is very predictable what people will think19:56
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abRST38h, take for example the phrase of 6:55pm :)19:56
abRST38h, the above engadget's live from MWC19:57
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lbtab: please take it to #meego-bar19:57
RST38hab: He means "If you can change your mindset, kneel down and continue working, otherwise look for other job opportunities"19:58
ablbt, good idea, thanks.19:58
abRST38h, let's go to the bar :)19:58
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RST38hab: I will go play with the younger kid for a few minutes :)19:59
abRST38h, sure.19:59
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smokuhuh?  what happened to handset and netbook repos?20:13
Stskeepssmoku: we all merged into oss/non-oss20:14
timophthey're all in the same repo20:14
Stskeepssmoku: easier procedures20:14
Stskeepssmoku: and everything is built for both 86 and arm now20:14
smokuso both lines converged to the point we didn't have to separate?20:15
Stskeepssmoku: more like that there was no real reason not to mix20:15
vljStskeeps: does that mean I can have handset ux on my desktop computer ? ;)20:18
Stskeepsvlj: yes20:18
vljwith no issue at all ?20:18
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sivanghey mece20:21
mecewhat's up20:21
mecewasn't there suppose to be some elopocalypse event today?20:22
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Stskeepsmece: engadget, and we're talking over in #Meego-bar20:22
sivangmece: reading20:22
mecethanks sivang and Stskeeps20:23
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Venemohey guys20:54
Venemofirst pic of a Nokia device running WP7:
thiago_homeVenemo: wrong channel. This is #meego.20:54
GAN900Venemo, don't be hateful.20:54
Venemosorry, couldn't resist :P20:54
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javispedroVenemo: VNTFS.VXD? Me wants!20:55
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Stskeepsyeah.. hopefully that's a big bang we need in the middle of these bad news21:25
leinir*nods* Intel saying it is good, but intel /doing/ it, yes, that'd be even better :)21:25
leinirand... well, Fujitsu actually releasing a product, that is kinda nifty too ;)21:26
RST38hIntel does not produce devices. Donot forget it.21:26
leinirRST38h: They don't as such - they do, however, produce reference solutions :)21:26
JartzaStskeeps: I'm hoping so. if might bring me good news :)21:26
leinirwhich is roughly as good ;)21:26
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Jartzareference solution is good21:27
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javispedroreference "solution"?21:29
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hirabayashitarosome lines before it has been sad that "I can have handset ux on my desktop computer". This means also that hanset image can be virtualizen in standard virtualbox environment?21:37
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thiago_homeit's a plain, regular Linux21:37
Stskeepshirabayashitaro: provided it can do GLESv2/EGL21:38
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vljhi again21:38
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vljab: how can I run tests in quillimagesfilters ?21:38
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hirabayashitaroI'll try it. Some special things to to? Any wiki/guide or something?21:39
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abvlj, there is which parses tests.xml and runs tests21:40
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Stskeepswhat's the correct location for .mo files to be in? /usr/lib/locale or /usr/share/locale ?21:40
vljab: do I need libquill to run quillimagefilters ?21:40
abvlj, or you can run them from tests/bin/ manually, they are just normal qt test framework tests21:41
vlj(plz say no plz say no)21:41
abvlj, no, you don't21:41
vljthx :p21:41
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abvlj, libquill is for higher level things like multiple levels management21:41
vljmultiple level management ?21:41
abvlj, quill supports multiple preview levels per image21:42
vljho ok21:42
abvlj, you define them and then needed preview levels can be loaded and filters will be run on those21:42
vljab: tests can run on a x86 desktop computer ?21:42
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abso you can have full screen preview and full image, for example21:42
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vljwith no simulator at all ?21:43
abvlj, yes, all works there too21:43
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abvlj, however, quillimagefilters' tests (some of them) require quillmetadata library21:44
abas Qt imaging classes ignore metadata21:44
hirabayashitarowait a moment, where can I find the latest handset release to test on vbox?21:44
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Stskeepshirabayashitaro: repo.meego.com21:44
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Venemobye folks21:45
hirabayashitaroStskeeps: more specific hint? I'm really sorry (and stupid) but cannot manage to understand which is which21:45
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Stskeepshirabayashitaro: handset-ia32-mtf21:46
hirabayashitaroStskeeps: so this is what I'm searching for I suppose
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* vlj is compiling quilimagefilters project21:48
vljab: there is no facedetection algorithm yet ?21:48
pupnikthat's pretty advanced stuff21:49
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abvlj, no open source version yet21:50
abI guess almost every company has their own version :)21:50
npmgee and i thought MeeGo@Nokia was no more:
abnpm, these are jobs posted before, this is automated system21:50
Stskeepsnpm: meego isn't dead, nor at nokia21:51
npmposted 7 and 10 february!@21:51
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abnpm, so what, we didn't know about the deal before it was announced publicly21:52
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meegoer1hi. i have just installed meego on my netbook. i have problem- no wifi or wired connection. (need to install atheros and broadcom drivers)... but i need gcc to do this21:54
npmi should have added a smiley to "dead" Stskeeps... sorry.21:54
meegoer1the question is: where i can download packages for meego?21:54
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jonnormeegoer1: use your package manager21:55
jonnormeegoer1: zypper from the commandline, for instance21:55
meegoer1jonnor: YEAH,..21:55
meegoer1jonnor: no wifi, no wired connection. no wifi, no wired connection....21:56
jonnormeegoer1: sorry, didn't read though :)
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jonnormeegoer1: but I would consider trying 1.2 prelease before spending to much time on fixing 1.121:57
dvoid_is meego for netbooks dead?21:57
jonnordvoid_: define dead21:57
vljab: defaultfilter needs QuillimageMetadata21:57
dvoid_jonnor, not developed anymore21:57
abvlj, yep, as I said above21:57
npmthat's the thing i find an odd leap. did any of the announcements even mention netbook?21:57
vljab: it's not a test :)21:58
dvoid_i have read alot about the netbook version not being developed anymore21:58
jonnordvoid_: there has not been very much development on the standard netbook UX lately. There has been no announcements if this will pick up again though21:58
npmso why do people jump to that conclusion since nokia isn't into netbooks anyways21:58
meegoer1jonnor: why should i install it when you say that meego for netbooks is "dead"21:58
dvoid_(maybe because it uses gtk instead of qt)21:58
abvlj, we need that anyway, proper save filter needs to preserve metadata in images loaded through load filter21:58
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npmeven though a meego tablet with nice nokia build quality/design would be an ipad killer21:59
abnpm, netbook UX was part of moblin, i.e. coming from Intel21:59
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dvoid_would be nice with a qt based ui for netbooks ;)21:59
dvoid_maybe adapt the tablet ui21:59
jonnormeegoer1: the netbook UX is still supported, and that it has not gotten much love lately might just be temporary21:59
npmmy son had an assignment to write a business letter to a company executive. guess which executive he chose (he uses meego netbook)22:00
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vljab: do I need defaultplugin to build everything else ?22:00
meegoer1can meego run vmware?22:00
CosmoHilltop gear time22:00
meegoer1(not meego ON vmware, i'd like to consider installing vmware on meego for ie. winxp)22:01
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abvlj, default filters need quillimagefilter, quillmetadata, libjpeg22:01
npmwhy not qemu?22:01
jonnorMeego is pretty standard GNU/Linux, it can run most things you'd see on standard distros. VmWare does not support Meego afaik, but I see no reason why it would not work22:01
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abvlj, and quill metadata needs exempi itself22:02
abwe are going to switch to libtag from gstgreamer "soon" so it will be self-contained for both EXIF and XMP parsing22:02
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jonnornpm: qemu is not nice without kvm (few netbooks have the neccesary extensiosn). If you prefer an open source solution, consider VirtualBox22:02
abyes, libexif is needed there too yet22:02
dvoid_afaik meego netbook is tricky on vm's since it relies on compositing which is usualy not supported22:03
aball dependencies are mentioned in either debian/ or in rpm specs in MeeGo22:03
dwdjonner, I think some variants of vmware require virtualization support in the CPU, so that might be problematic. Also, vmware doesn't exist for ARM AFAIK.22:03
npmso is there a meego kvm?22:03
jonnornpm: what do you mean?22:03
npmyou said it's not nice w/o kvm...22:03
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npmbut what about a non netbook running meego.. like one w/ a intel i3/i5/i722:04
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jonnorkvm is a kernel feature, I believe it is enabled in the Meego kernel. But it requires hardware virtualizatione extensions which most netbooks don't have22:04
meegoer1I don't see gcc package in repo... please help22:05
npmwell you can get an athlonII or netbook these days22:05
vljab: there is a lot of missing shared lib when I try to run a test22:05
npmalas amd graphics not supported...22:05, ...22:05
vljis there an "easy" way to add shared libs to LD Library path ?22:05
thiago_homeLD_LIBRARY_PATH contains paths, not libs22:06
abvlj, LD_LIBRARY_PATH22:06
jonnorexport LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/somewhere/22:06
vljyep but it is not handled by qt somehow ?22:06
jonnorvlj: what do you mean?22:06
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vljsomething like "make test" command22:06
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meegoer1 <- which package have "make" command included??22:07
Stskeepsmeegoer1: 'make', liekyl22:07
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meegoer1Stskeeps: nope.22:08
jonnormeegoer1: it is likely that 1.2 has the drivers you need. Please consider going that route instead22:08
Stskeepsmeegoer1: it's in core/22:08
vljab: ut_crop test fails here :p22:08
vlj1 passed, 2 failed22:08
meegoer1i need broadcom 4313 drivers22:08
vljab: testFullImage and testPreview with qt 4.7.122:09
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meegoer1Stskeeps: ?22:11
Stskeepsno, releases/22:13
abvlj, building...22:15
meegoer1after installing 1.1 can I do upgrade to latest 1.2 ?22:15
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meegoer1netbook ux 1.1 works a lot faster on my atom d535 than ubuntu netbook version22:17
meegoer1would be great if I'd run wifi connection on it, and upgrade to 1.222:18
meegoer1okay, almost got gcc... 6MB to go22:18
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abvlj, it fails because it expects to load crop plugin from the system path (/usr/lib/qt4/plugins/quillimagefilters in my system)22:19
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bzhblobbying AAVA to make the phone available t end user :
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meegoer1how to install package from disk? sorry, but i don't have manuals22:22
meegoer1zypper packagename doesn't works22:22
abvlj, works for me if I specify QT_PLUGIN_PATH to a local path where quill image filters are installed22:23
abi.e.  LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.. QT_PLUGIN_PATH=../qt4/plugins/ ./ut_crop22:23
abvlj, when I'm in the debian/tmp/usr/lib/quillimagefilter-tests after dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot22:24
abit should work with 4.7.1 (I'm testing with 4.6.3 in Debian)22:24
vljab: how can I add a plugin ?22:26
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vljI created a *.pro file22:27
vljand hdrplugin.h and .cpp22:27
vljand it says it does not find file quillimagefilter.h22:27
vljit seems there is something wrong with plugin.pri22:28
abvlj, did you install the library and headers (make install)?22:28
meegoer1jonnor: is there a .img for 1.2 prerelease?22:28
vljab: ho sorry I made a typo22:28
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valianholtHello guys, how to get Aava developer device?22:30
Jartzawith money22:30
valianholtIs there any market place for it?22:30
valianholtah I see:
thiago_homevalianholt: buy from them22:31
valianholtThank you for your interest in Aava's h-SDK. Due to the volume of orders we have received, we've closed this page temporarily; please check back with us in Q1 2011.22:31
valianholtso I can't right now22:31
thiago_homeI think it's $2500 each22:31
Jartzasomething like that22:31
Jartzaor was it $240022:31
Jartzaa bit over 2 grands anyway22:32
valianholtwhy this expensive22:32
thiago_homelow volume22:32
thiago_homethat's prototype prices22:32
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valianholtwell, let's see what they release on MWC 201122:32
sivaN900valianholt: who?22:33
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valianholtsivaN900: Aava Mobile22:33
chouchounevalianholt: I doubt they will release mass users devices22:34
sivaN900ah , yes22:34
valianholtsure they won't22:34
sivaN900aava uses atom right?22:34
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chouchounethe the price will be the same22:34
* sivaN900 goes back to meego arm setup22:34
valianholtyes, the new one which has to be presented on MWC, should be with Medfield atom22:34
valianholtwhich should be far better than current ARMs22:34
vljab: QuillImage store a single image ?22:35
vljhdr needs several image to work22:36
johnxvalianholt, saying "better" implies only one axis of comparison :)22:36
abvlj, yes, currently a single. Filter, however, may define own options. You can pass images through options and use the main one as a resulting one22:37
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abvlj, options' values are QVariant so anything that goes into QVariant and can be extracted from it by your filter is fine22:38
vljab : I can extract info with doxygen ?22:39
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abvlj, you mean documentation?22:39
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Stskeepsquestion to you guys: if you saw a device that instead of meego logo had MeeGo with a big R&D stamp over and the MeeGo figures were wearing helmets and other building gear, would you expect it to function as a normal meego device?22:40
abvlj, we use doxygen, yes22:40
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RST38hStskeeps: I would expect it to have lasers22:40
thiago_homeStskeeps: we? i think we'd accept it as a beta devices22:40
thiago_homeStskeeps: the rest of the world? not so much.22:40
dm8tbrmmmm, mount a meego device with lasers on a shark...22:41
miheromeego figures wearing village people gear would be better:)22:41
RST38hI would mount it on myself22:41
MyrttiStskeeps: I'd probably assume it's a decoy or fake22:41
Stskeepsthiago_home: we're discussing a bit how to seperate a development snapshot from a final meego release, also in terms of R&D projects, let's say a hardware adaptation under development22:41
vljab: sorry to ask so much simple question, I'm not used to quillfilter file hierarchy yet :)22:41
abvlj, yep.22:41
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Stskeepsthiago_home: and this is an initial idea on how to do that without seperating totally from meego22:42
Stskeepsand keeping compliance intact22:42
* Myrtti has grown suspicious and sceptic over the years22:42
abvlj, if your system does support deb, just build packages and then you'll have documentation22:42
vljI'm using opensuse22:42
abvlj, alternatively, you can take meego's rpms from trunk22:42
abI guess src.rpms from there would work on opensuse mostly22:43
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sivangStskeeps: define normal :)22:43
sivangdm8tbr: LOL22:44
sivangStskeeps: who are "we"?22:44
Venemohey sivang22:44
sivangVenemo: hey! you pinged me?22:44
Stskeepssivang: #wearemeego22:44
mecesivang, the illuminati, duh22:44
dm8tbrand the freemasons22:44
Myrttiand the cabal22:45
* sivang is not nativeenglish speaker22:45
Myrttisivang: FBI then22:45
sivangwhat has fbi to do whti this channel?22:45
dm8tbrsivang: the LBE TF is the answer to your question22:45
Myrttior NSA, they're hiding the MeeGo prototypes at the area 5122:45
Venemosivang: yes. I was wondering if you really wrote to Mark Shuttleworth :P22:45
dm8tbrMyrtti: but there is NoSuchAgency!!!11! ;)22:45
Myrttidiu diu diu diu <twilight zone/>22:46
sivaN900Stskeeps: we are meego is empty :)22:46
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vljab: is there a plugin that accept a QuillImage as a QVariant ?22:49
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sivangVenemo: I try to do most of the stuff I say, writing an email to an open sourcer friend is not hard.22:52
Venemosivang: so does this mean you did? :)22:53
sivangVenemo: yes, why ?22:53
Venemosivang: just out of curiosity22:53
d12nStskeeps: like opensuse factory?22:53
Venemosivang: I would be more than happy if a competent person could pick up MeeGo22:53
Venemosivang: I mean, a competent business person who knows how to deal with open source22:54
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abvlj, nope22:54
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abvlj, we'll be looking into multiple images per filter, at least this was a plan for future as FCam guys wanted it too for their algorithm developments in NRC Palo Alto22:55
sivangVenemo: well, we'll see what happens. At least I am interested at what he has to say about this and I ope he will post it in his hbd blog22:56
abvlj, however, our first priority is stability and speed for release. And here is a lot to do on some filters22:56
sivanganyway , back to install guide22:56
Venemosivang: :)22:56
sivangVenemo: :)22:57
Venemosivang: just ping me when you have some response :P22:57
sivangVenemo: will do :)22:57
vljab: I was wondering how I could retrieve a QuillImage from a QVariant22:57
Venemosivang: also I'd be happy to see Red Had involved22:57
JaffaAnother middleware company, though. Needs hardware!22:58
sivangJaffa: true, I think intel is going to pick that up this is my guess22:58
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Jaffasivang: Intel don't have the logistics to be a consumer manufacturer, though. The best they can do is reference designs.22:59
sivangJaffa: they can get one in a blink of an ey22:59
Venemoactually guys, this is why I was happy to see Intel behind MeeGo. I was somehow afraid that Nokia may not finish it :P22:59
sivanghmm, EMP distrubences whilke on th train22:59
sivangsudden halts22:59
sivangam I going through a black hole back in time?23:00
Stskeepsd12n: does it have different artwork?23:00
sivangmy lcd jittered like hell a ec a go23:00
Venemosivang: please go back in time and prevent the nokia decision23:00
thiago_homewhile you're at it, please bring a working meego back to january 201023:00
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sivangthiago_home: lol, I will try. but chances are more that the train might catch on ire23:01
sivangre the former23:01
sivangnot about working meego in 201023:01
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abvlj, you can register QuillImage type via Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(QuillImage) and then use:23:01
abQuillImage foo;23:01
valianholtanyone tried neither SHR and MeeGo?23:02
abQVariant bar = foo23:02
thiago_homeuneless QuillImage has operator QVariant() const23:02
abQuillImage newfoo = bar.value<QuillImage>();23:02
abthiago_home, yep23:02
d12nStskeeps: no, or it isn't obvious23:02
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vljab: do I need to declare it in my own header ?23:03
valianholtwhere to get IRC logs please? above link does not work23:04
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vljab: there will be no useless recopy ?23:05
abvlj, in your private header,
abvlj, no23:06
* ab off to sleep23:07
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* sivang holds fingers for mSD backup not to halt kernel or netbook. (copying over usb, having issues with usb module on this kernel)23:07
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sivangVenemo: I take that you read that?
sivangVenemo: old, but very interesting for qt23:15
Venemosivang: not yet23:15
sivangyay backu done!23:16
sivangthiago_home: I wonder if windows phone could run Joikuspot:)23:16
Venemosivang: hm, nice article23:16
sivangthiago_home: it is the fear of operators in this small country :)23:16
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sivangwhat an amazing company23:18
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vlji'm back23:29
Venemohey vlj23:29
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vljthiago_home: does bar.value<someType>() where bar is QVariant trigger an exception if the type cannot be converted ?23:32
vljor does it simply segfault ?23:32
thiago_homeit returns SomeType()23:32
* vlj is missing exceptions in Qt :p23:33
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sivangvlj: can you not just use c++ exceptions?23:36
* sivang does not know hence asking23:36
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thiago_homevlj: we don't use exceptions23:36
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vljI meant exception in c++ in Qt framework23:36
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vljthiago_home: I known because of bad exception handling with some compiler23:37
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thiago_homemostly a historical condition23:37
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thiago_homebut we've now made an API that doesn't use exceptions23:37
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thiago_homeexceptions are really bad when dealing with events or signals and slots23:37
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mikhasthiago_home, explain please23:40
thiago_homemikhas: simple disconnect of things23:40
thiago_homemikhas: all event handlers and all slots should never throw23:41
vljab: quillImage represents 3 channels 8 bits image only ?23:41
smokuis network connection detection broken in current trunk, or is it my installation broken?23:42
smokuupdate manager and evolution both say that the network is unavailable :/23:42
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vgradesmoku, we were having problems but I thought it was peculiar to my target which does not have a built in mac so needs extra configuration.  Have to toggle the network on each time23:49
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jozefkanybody using meego 1.1 on nokia n900? is that possible at all?23:52
jonnorjozefk: yes, it is possible23:52
ahiemstraits possible to run it, I don't know if its possible to /use/ it23:53
jozefkis it working fine?23:53
ahiemstraat least, last time I tried it was not really useable23:53
jozefknot usable?23:53
ahiemstrano, way too slow23:53
dm8tbrrecent weeklies are said to be much faster23:54
ahiemstramight be related to a slow sd card though23:54
jozefkwhich phone is good for 1.1?23:54
dm8tbrso 1.2 could be nice23:54
dm8tbrthe n90023:54
ahiemstradm8tbr: really? hm, sounds like I should try them then23:54
dm8tbrahiemstra: beware TS acts weird, better wait for this weeks image23:54
jonnorjozefk: weekly images leading up to 1.2 is available, you can use that instead23:55
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d12nstskeeps:from your R&D Meego question, I actually started wondering, how I could find the actual Meego version I am running in the GUI23:55
ahiemstradm8tbr: ok23:55
lcukvgrade, I gather once apps start to be available in community OBS, it becomes almost trivial to create images including them?23:55
dm8tbrd12n: good point, in the filesystem there is something in /etc/ though23:56
jozefkweekly images are kind of release candidates or some betas or something right? is that stable enough?23:56
d12nstskeeps: yes but is it accessible from the GUI?23:56
dm8tbrlcuk: that's how some of the community adaptations build23:56
dm8tbrd12n: well, xterm and then cat /etc/....23:56
lcukcool, so we can test a whole other aspect of meego once this gets into shape23:57
dm8tbrbut i agree that there should be a flashy ui for it ;)23:57
jonnorjozefk: they are weeklies :) weeklies from early in an release cycle can be considered experimental. As things progress it should turn alpha, beta, rc stability23:57
jonnorbut these are all just names anyhow23:57
jozefkys just names but usually not that stable I think23:58
d12nstskeeps: well I think it should be included in the GUI somewhere23:58
dm8tbrjozefk: if you are looking to replace maemo, come back when 1.3 gets released and have a look again.23:58
jbos_bkhey lbt, it took some time but i think I'm through all this Community App Links :)23:58
jozefkdm8tbr, yes that's what I was thinking about. when is 1.3 suppose to be released?23:59
jbos_bkso basically what I wonder, what is the current state. How far are we away of having a Community Driven Application Space23:59

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