IRC log of #meego for Saturday, 2011-02-12

pupnikmaemo's setup has better software00:00
GAN900anidel, except now Nokia's not going to be driving MeeGo's ecosystem and market development.00:00
dotblankWell app repos don't00:00
GAN900Which doesn't leave me much faith in its future.00:00
anidelIntel's focused on the Netbook (weird), still there's nothing on the Tablet side (even weirder) and now it depended on Nokia for the Handset side... hopefully, Nokia will deliver that at least!00:00
velopeI think (with my short experience) MeeGo started to look or feel something and maybe getting also a little bit hype (at least in point of view of developer)00:00
GAN900However much handwaving Intel may do.00:00
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anidelGAN900, MeeGo will continue to evolve as Moblin did so far... issue is: will there be MeeGo handset? will Intel step up and bring us hw for the handset UX?00:00
anidelin case Nokia decides to drop it, of course00:01
ahollerthere are still the car-manufacturer. I think they might have an interest in ivi00:01
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GAN900anidel, Intel sells to OEMs.00:02
anidelI don't really care about IVI, I can't bring my car to the office for a tweet :p00:02
fendelanidel: I see Plasma Netbook as something for the netbook00:02
DrGrovIntel. Could Intel make a phone perhaps?00:02
dotblankthere is also ubuntu and unity00:02
anidelsee, democracy :) too much choise, lack of focus00:02
dotblankI don't see the pooint of netbook meego00:02
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sivanganidel: hehe00:02
anidellook at what HP has now...00:02
GAN900IVI sounds really nice to me.00:03
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anidelit's more than Apple and Google have.. a scalable OS00:03
sivangGAN900: to me as well00:03
anidelthat should hve been Maemo first and MeeGo todat00:03
ahollerand the tablet-market might be a target for meego too00:03
sivangGAN900: wish there was more hardware for testing through the community though00:03
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MrCasedoes anyone of you know how to access the calendar on the n900, preferably via python (pyside)?00:03
fendeldotblank: I see the 2011/2012 netbook as a tablet with a keyboard. Mostly a tablet00:04
anidelIntel doesn't know how to make software..they lack a proper UI team... I don't see the first MeeGo handset UX (as we see it today) to be that fancy for example... I may not care, but people will00:04
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anidelI wished for a nice UI from Nokia.. they clearly did a great job on Maemo00:04
anideland I still think we'll see it00:04
sivanganidel: on the meego device later this year00:04
anidelafter all Nokia seems willing to play with THREE platforms00:05
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dotblankI think intel is talent starved for programmers00:05
dotblankfor linux and phone devs00:05
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MrCasewhat can i say, i buy AMD for reasons :).00:05
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anidelanother thing I blame on Nokia00:05
fendeldotblank: Intel have developers and manager that understand open source. One respected leader in Open Source do work for them. He also happens to have a MBA00:05
anidelwas to go DOWN to a mobile phone with the N90000:06
dotblankIntel advertises meego jobs all over my facebook page00:06
anidelinstead of keeping it as a tablet00:06
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anidelbut that is personal :00:06
GAN900dotblank, clearly they should be hiring from Nokia, then.00:06
fendeldotblank: He also looks like he might be in family with a guy that many finish people lives in Finland: Santa Claus00:07
anidelGAN900, :) indeed00:07
* GAN900 tries not to rage.00:07
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hirabayashitaroI'm listening to the Q&A of today's event... Is quite funny. Elop claims that nokia will continue to support symbian, but also meego, and focus on windows... if you are a software developer and you need to be sustained, please ask, there's room for everyone.00:08
sivangnokia has been advertizing meego jobs just as well00:08
sivanguntil today00:08
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anidelyup... that's why I think they'll do release a phone... for them is a "why not"?00:08
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dotblankall that R&D out the window00:09
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dotblankI don00:09
dotblank't think thats the case00:09
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sivangMrCase: will it play mp3's or all sorts of codecs? ogg? :)00:11
anidelbut this was because of Symbian.. the whole company was based on Symbian and now you drop it?00:11
MrCasesivang: :-)00:12
anidelthat means, I guess, that many will lose their job as those positions are now being outsourced to MS00:12
MrCasesivang: wondering what happened to ffmpeg ogg decoder on the n900.00:12
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sivangMrCase: stayst the same, mameo is in the hands of the community council thank god00:12
sivangMrCase: and there just bee community SSU started00:12
DrGrovI gotta get myself a N900 again00:13
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MrCasesivang: not sure i like the idea. the community SSU broke a couple of things from what i have read.00:13
sivangMrCase: so did nokia updates, updates break things sometimes :)00:14
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anidelMrCase, no they didn't... what did they break? it's working just fine here00:14
MrCaselet me look it up.00:14
pupnikGimme a N901 with 1500mAh and speakers that don't break00:15
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anidelwant mine? :)00:15
DrGrovhirabayashitaro: Where did you find the Q&A? on ?00:15
pupnikanidel: selling a n900?  what kbd layout?00:15
sivangpr3 at start broke something, I don't remember what00:15
anidelthey're normal bugs... where's the actual issue? PR1.3 had bug of itself.. so ?00:15
sivangwell not for all of people00:15
hirabayashitarono, it's just the video of the conference (?)00:15
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hirabayashitaroon nokia/press00:16
anidelpupnik, I was kidding :) but I may be tempted :P00:16
sivangMrCase: community SSU will be good trust me. I Know the guy behind it and he is very serious about it :)00:16
MrCaseanidel: okay. then "Product:Maemo 5 Community SSU" is misleading in the ticket system.00:16
sivanganidel: well, the packager00:16
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anidelyep.. he is.. I've have provided a patch myself and was just included for the next release...00:17
MrCasesivang: glad to hear that. tbh i just started using my n900 2 days ago properly. before it was not usable. but after applying some kernel settings found on it runs smoothly.00:17
blizzowSeeing Ballmer on youtube just makes the announcement that much more gut wrenching.00:18
anidelMrCase, also the CSSU is bringing to us many newer versions ot the modules, courtesy of Nokia.. they continued to fix issues for a while after PR1.300:18
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hirabayashitaroDrGrov: here: javascript:;00:19
sivangMrCase: what kernel settings?00:19
hirabayashitaroDrGrov: sorry..
sivangMrCase: what were the issues?00:20
MrCasesivang: device not responsive, prolly swapping too much.00:20
DrGrovThe recruit is on at #symbian. Interesting to say the least. Some Facebook stuff going on there00:21
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DrGrovPer_n900: I see you jumped the train to #symbian00:22
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Per_n900DrGrov: Yeah, thought I would check things out a little :)00:22
DrGrovPer_n900: That guy seems like a big joke though00:23
linuxplatformdid Nokia say anything about MeeGo's future?00:23
sivangIQ heheh00:23
DrGrovHe gotta be a retard with an IQ of 12,200:23
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DrGrovOr even perhaps 1,2200:24
sivanglinuxplatform: yes, it is a research project for the next disruptive technology00:24
linuxplatformpisses me of that they chose Microsoft!!00:24
sivanglinuxplatform: with phone releasedlater this year00:24
sivanglinuxplatform: so don't just through your hopes yet00:24
linuxplatformsivang, yeah?00:24
hirabayashitaroWhy Elop ended to be the CEO of Nokia? I must have missed something.00:24
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anidelThis seems like a good read :
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anidel[UPDATE: Former Microsoft exec Chris Weber has just been named President of Nokia Inc. (US). This is a coup, folks.]00:27
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hirabayashitaroanidel: thanks for the link00:29
anideldi niente00:30
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MrCaselet's do some live coding for the n900.00:30
MrCaseto celebrate this day.00:30
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fendelHow functional is a MeeGo phone as of today?00:34
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fendelCompared with Maemo00:34
thiago_homepeople who have the phone can't tell you about it00:35
thiago_homeand clearly it's not ready, or it would've been released00:36
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fendelNot so clear to me. A lot of reasons why a project stalls00:37
thiago_homehave you seen any project not release *after* they're ready?00:37
thiago_home"we're waiting for the right sign of the zodiac"00:38
hirabayashitarothiago_home: It's only my humble opinion, but I think meego on handset should be made ready for existing devices to abtract some attention on it, and thenperfected00:38
* simula guesses that's as close to thiago telling you he has a meego phone as you get00:38
thiago_homeyes, I have one00:38
thiago_homeI can't tell you anything about its state or technical details00:38
fendel - Clearly maemo components are coming to KDE00:39
Juozapasis it good ? :)00:39
thiago_homeI like it and I'll buy one when it's out00:39
fendelgstreamer, telepathy, pulseaudio, and so on00:39
GAN900i.e., never.00:40
hirabayashitarofendel: I have one, and tested meego on it. It's absolutely not usable for consumes use yet00:40
blizzowAnyone know when the E7 is coming to the US?00:41
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thiago_homeblizzow: this is not a nokia channel and the e7 is not a meego device00:42
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fendelhirabayashitaro: That is interesting as long as it is build on mostly the same components as maemo, gnome, and kde.00:43
blizzowwhat was I thinking asking such a question?00:43
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MrCase"ImportError: No module named QtDeclarative" is there some additional magic needed with pyside?00:44
MrCasei have installed the stuff from
mikhasMrCase, try "import silverlight" ;-)00:45
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MrCasehaha :)00:45
MrCaseno, thanks, i only do real c++ on windows.00:45
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sivangwhat is silverlight btw?00:45
sivangis it like WRT?00:45
hirabayashitarofendel: Well, I'm not aware of technical stuff, I see your point but cannot answer properly00:46
mikhassivang, the new future00:46
simulait's a stripped down version of wpf that is a browser plugin from ms00:46
MrCasesivang: competition for flash.00:46
simulawindows presentation framework... the successor to windows forms00:46
sivangbut nokia devices were among the few running flash natively and properly such that even iphone couldn't00:46
simulaa programming framework... kinda like Qt, but stuck on a single platform00:47
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sivangsimula: I see00:47
fendelhirabayashitaro: I see many potential issues regarding multitouch, touch friendliness, and so on. But I have not tried it00:47
simulaand c# instead of c++00:47
thiago_homeand a much more horrible markup language00:47
sivangI see00:47
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hirabayashitarofendel: I tryied it on an n900 phone, and found the graphics rough, had some problems with connection, and missing functionality to some basic services for a phone. I suppose you can find all you need by bugtracking tool00:48
sivangthiago_home: I just hope we will have the OVI sprint and qt dev days this year as last year. THis is my wish for tonight :)00:50
sivangthiago_home: I've never seen such an aspiring event to developers00:50
sivangthiago_home: educating and stiulating00:50
hirabayashitarofendel: At a system level I really can not judge, and I think that various software could be implemented easily due to the fact that everything shares some common components with other open source projects, but I'm not sure of it00:51
thiago_homemy wish too00:51
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hirabayashitaroI'm really sorry but... lol00:52
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fendelhirabayashitaro: :) I will test it myself. Thanks00:55
velopeI am new in the area but cannot properly understand what takes so long to make MeeGo releases.00:55
CosmoHillthat's a london phone number...00:55
fendelvelope: Me either. Could be management issues00:56
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fendelvelope: Maemo is a working phone. Basically the same communication components as MeeGo?  Qt has been used on phones before..00:57
thiago_homeI guess that if someone knew, they'd be making a lot of money now00:57
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velopeor MeeGo would be out and we happy.00:58
hirabayashitarofendel: I think it is due to the fact that maemo is not open source, and so many things has to be rewritten00:59
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fendelhirabayashitaro: Strange, but worth a look. :-) Thanks01:01
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sivanganybody watched the share value?01:02
phl0x81hm, I don't buy that shit from nokia today...01:03
phl0x81its been a microsoft event, with nokia beeing guest.01:03
DrGrovCould it be so that there is something even bigger coming up later?01:04
trumeethiago_home: are qt devs being let go too?01:04
fendelsivang, Down 14%01:04
thiago_homeno one is losing their jobs in our team01:04
trumeethiago_home: thats a relief.01:04
fendelNokia down 14%. Microsoft down 1%01:04
DrGrovthiago_home: Are you the person that resigned yesterday?01:04
DrGrovOh sorry01:05
thiago_homelet's not make rushed decisions01:05
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DrGrovI just thought I recognized the name01:05
thiago_homeqt lives on, and we'll need time to digest the news01:05
thiago_homeplease be patient with us01:05
sivangthiago_home: I wonder what it means for qt app devels if ovi is merged into ms's app stores..01:05
thiago_homesivang: again, we'll need time to map out the future01:05
DrGrovthiago_home: Can I ask a minor thing since you obviously are working for Nokia?01:06
thiago_homeDrGrov: you can ask01:06
thiago_homeI don't promise to answer01:06
fendelThe market response to the Microsoft deal:  Google up 1.3%.  MSFT down 0.91%.  Nokia down 13.97%01:06
phl0x81well, lets be honest, before 1.2 MeeGo isn't ready for anything.01:06
thiago_homefendel: the FT says it's because Elop said it's a 2-year changeover plan01:06
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phl0x81so nokia needs a solution, and obviously, MS is paying quite well for taking WP701:07
DrGrovthiago_home: Can consumers somehow make a mass complaint to Nokia for disrespectful comments?01:07
trumeethiago_home: how about the meego team, is there any downsizing there?01:07
thiago_homeDrGrov: huh?01:07
pupnikwouldn't that be disrespectful, DrGrov ? :)01:07
sivangthiago_home: that is the only hole forme with my theory this is just to buy time for when meego is ripe to be back :)01:07
DrGrovOh damn, sorry. Not intended to write it in that way.01:07
fendelthiago_home: Make sense to me. Uncertainty and change.01:07
thiago_hometrumee: I don't know of any decisions regarding them. All I know outside our org is what's been said in the public.01:07
phl0x81I don't think thiago_home knows anything about the planned layoffs.01:07
DrGrovthiago_home: I mean that complain to Nokia about being mistreated as a loyal customer01:08
pupnikhow've you been mistreated DrGrov ?01:08
phl0x81we have to wait on that one. thats just an announcement.01:08
thiago_homeDrGrov: you can do that.01:08
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thiago_homeDrGrov: you can also make your decision known by not buying more nokia devices01:08
DrGrovthiago_home: I can? Well that sounds like a very good idea.01:08
thiago_homeI personally plan on buying the nokia meego one when it comes out01:08
pupnikif it's anything like an improved n900, i'm all over it like a dog in heat01:09
phl0x81I've got from Nokia an N8, its shitty imho.01:09
fendelthiago_home: I would like a MeeGo phone01:09
phl0x81so only mobile I would buy from nokia, would be a MeeGo phone.01:09
DrGrovpupnik: I have been mistreated since I have bought all my phones on 1st day of release. The N97, N900 and N8 and still the consumer needs are not answered. Just ignored again and again01:09
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DrGrovthiago_home: This would be actually what I thought to do. No more Nokia devices unless there is a Meego device coming out.01:09
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phl0x81if its as free as the N900, so you can flash easily new SW for MeeGo.01:09
thiago_homeDrGrov: the n97 was a disaster, it's recognised publicly. The n900 is a developer device, so don't expect anything more than that.01:09
pupnikDrGrov: you buy devices, and then expect them to change?  that's like a woman expecting to change a husband. :)01:09
trumeethiago_home: MeeGo phone will be good, however will there be anybody around to do bug fixes for it in the future, is the question?01:09
sivangthiago_home: did you justsay that? :)01:10
fendelthiago_home: I not been a Windows desktop users since before 2000, but I can see myself buy a MeeGo phone01:10
mikhas... or will there be enough application developers for MeeGo ...01:10
openstandardsthe only way for me to buy another nokia would be if it was like the n90001:10
DrGrovthiago_home: Yes, the N97 was a complete disaster.01:10
pupnikme too openstandards01:10
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openstandardsbut meego driven...01:10
DrGrovthiago_home: But how about the future for the N8 then? Just dump and leave, that's it?01:10
sandst1n8 is what n97 should've been01:10
MilhouseAri's latest blog rubbing Nokias nose in it...01:10
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thiago_homeDrGrov: I can't tell you anything01:10
trumeeMilhouse: link?01:11
fendelopenstandards, What I want is a developer device01:11
DrGrovpupnik: Yes of course. No I don't expect the device to change but that Nokia will keep their god damn promises to their customers01:11
CosmoHillVodafone's selection for pay as you go customers is tantalisingly dull01:11
Milhouse"We have ambitious goals. We will make webOS a winning mobile operating system. We will create an exciting ecosystem with developers and other partners. We are very committed, we have products in the pipeline, and we do not hesitate. We control our own destiny, and that is what matters in life. Right?"01:11
pupnikwhat promise DrGrov ?01:11
openstandardswhat sucks about the n900 is it would of been a fantastic enterprise driven phone01:11
phl0x81anything known about an Intel based MeeGo Phone? There were rumors about Aava...01:11
DrGrovpupnik: About Symbian and the future of Symbian that it still will be the choice for the future. This was said earlier already during the same time of the launch of the N8.01:12
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openstandardsno doubt just rumors...01:12
DrGrovthiago_home: I have to ask one thing though. You feel like you are working like a puppet for Nokia and now Microsoft?01:12
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sivangDrGrov: can you pleasestop?01:12
sivangDrGrov: that's out of code of conduct01:12
blizzowjust kick him.01:12
thiago_homeDrGrov: I will not commenton that.01:12
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aukesorry I took that long, I'm actually really busy today01:13
sivangthanks auke01:13
phl0x81Well, I just heared a Troll say (in Munich, October'10, Qt DevDays): "We make the software, to turn your (nokias) bricks into something useful" ;)01:14
fendelthiago_home: :-) Do not feel bad about your employers choice. It is their choice to change. It is your choice to reflect over that. Part of life :-)01:14
thiago_homeisn't that what all software does?01:14
sivangqt-qml ml just shown something sad :/01:14
thiago_homefendel: I don't have to like the decision to understand it.01:14
fendelthiago_home: :-) I perfectly agree01:14
jonnorphl0x81: Intel has stated that their silicon will be in a phone in 2011. It was in the announcement re meegos future, but they did not say if it was meego or not01:15
phl0x81nokia didn't say today that they gonna drop MeeGo. so...01:15
sivangthiago_home: indeed, I just figured OVI store change will be kept last, anyways stuff with OVI take lots of time , so that closes that hole :)01:15
phl0x81MWC next week :D01:15
thiago_homenokia said today that it will ship a meego phone this year01:15
phl0x81nokia said that last year too... ;)01:16
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ahollerthey said they may ship01:16
MrCasegoogle and hp hiring nokia devs.01:16
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fendelthiago_home: I read it as Nokia will ship a MeeGo device this year01:16
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jonnorthiago_home: a "meego-related device" *nitpicking*01:16
phl0x81well, as I said, with 1.2 in April, is the first MeeGo Version afaik, that is interesting in beeing shipped on devices.01:17
mikhasMrCase, logical. A lot of good guys will leave now.01:17
thiago_homejonnor: yes, harmattan. Just like before.01:17
MrCasemikhas: yes.01:17
openstandardsi thought nokia just wanted to produce a tablet with meego01:17
fendelA device might be anything from a GPS in a car to a pad01:17
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thiago_homeelop said that nokia may ship a tablet, using any OS (i.e. not windows)01:17
fendelopenstandards: A tablet can be OK. N810 was ok01:18
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openstandardsfendel: a tablet is no use for me thou01:19
tmztNew startegy for long-term success: announce a long-term strategic vision bianually.01:19
fendelBut I want a more general and portable communication device (phone)01:19
openstandardsfendel: same here01:19
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tmztWP7 kills off the rest of the communicator business01:19
tmztalternative, NOK bus DataVision and builds OviOffice01:19
thiago_homeokay... this is now back into the part that I must sit back and not talk01:20
fendelWhy do we still call a "smart phone" a "phone"? It is a PDA with some phone functionality or a pocket computer01:20
thiago_homeso I'll just go to bad01:20
openstandardsfendel: the only tablet i'd consider getting would be that one that has the same display as the olpc01:20
[Rui]fendel: IMHO smartphones are dumb computers01:20
openstandardsfendel: xda :P01:20
fendelopenstandards: The OLPC has a nice screen01:20
[Rui]nowadays limited interfaces like Android or iPhoney or winPhoney are the suxor01:20
[Rui]fendel: I love the olpc screen01:20
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openstandardsfendel: i like the fact its more like an e-ink display..readable in sunlight01:21
[Rui]I only wish I could get my hands on a olpc 1.5 board01:21
tmztor, Wayland compositor, Qt toolkit and phone api, ofono backend, Android compatibility01:21
fendel[Rui]: :). I am considering getting a OLPC 1.5 or so for my 2 year old01:21
[Rui]to upgrade my olpc 1 one.01:22
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fendel[Rui]: We have family 20+ hours travel from home. Would be nice as a "grandma communication device"01:23
Guest22234thiago_home: I do apologize for the question. It was not meant as a insult or a personal attack on you.01:23
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sivanganswered a post in meego-kernel that as encouraging01:25
sivangnow good night al and I Suggest others to do the same01:26
lollooOMG disgusting01:26
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niala1good night sivang01:27
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lollooGOD Damnit!!!01:28
lolloogoddamit Nokia!!!01:28
lolloowhat the hell!01:28
wmaronelolloo: chill out01:28
lollooi need chill pill01:28
GAN900Really makes one hate Nokia.01:28
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fendelLooks like a phone to me.01:29
GAN900Even if a MeeGo device comes out from them, I'm not sure I could bring myself to pay for it just on principle.01:29
velopebut would it be nicer with "MeeGo" logo instead of what winlogo?01:29
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lollooi feel i want to cry.01:30
wmaroneGAN900: hey, at least you'd know it was dead end ;)01:30
phl0x81wait a week for that.01:30
phl0x81maybe its the best that could happen.01:30
wmaronemaybe they'd be benevolent and release all of the sources, knowing they'll just leave it to rot (at microsoft's command)01:30
fendelGAN900: I buy hardware from Dell, HP, IBM, Lenovo, and so on. They also push Microsoft01:30
fendelGAN900: Nokia is now a Dell01:31
openstandardsyuck, not  liking...01:31
phl0x81Intel says, its not gonna drop MeeGo. HTC and other might now think different about the OS.01:31
fendelGAN900: But I do not run Windows01:31
openstandardsi think the colour ideas is a good idea but thats the only thing nice really01:31
lollooKeyboard please!01:32
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phl0x81yeah, since the n8 I know, why most Nokia Smartphones had a keyboard...01:33
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hirabayashitaroQuite sad to see that the only thing which is important in this world is money. It is not about Nokia, it's a tendency.01:33
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lolloohirabayashitaro, I agree totally.01:34
fendel:) Good night01:35
openstandardsin defense, money is what keeps a roof over your head and keeps a family fed01:35
lollooi owned nokia since when? 1998?01:35
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niala1night fendel01:35
lolloonight fendel01:36
[Rui]my last Nokia was a 2670 or something, after a 6600. and I only bought that one because I killed a long living 6600 with a 20 min swim :)01:36
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[Rui]and I didn't buy a better one because OpenMoko was about to be on sale01:36
phl0x81I have a bada phone, bada sucks in development, but I like it in its everyday usage.01:37
topeirathats sad:
hirabayashitaroI bought my phone inspired by the principles of community experience, collaboration, etc. Which I supposed to find on a linux based device. I was wrong. A product is a product.01:37
lollooI am telling the truth, I never bought other than nokia phones. just once I bought SE COPT for its camera.01:37
niala1hirabayashitaro: sadly +101:37
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openstandardsI was going to buy the neo freerunner but decided against it and ended up with a n90001:38
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hirabayashitaroopenstandards: sure money is important, but it is not the only thing one needs. And some years ago there were less roofs and more people under them01:38
hirabayashitaroopenstandards: not to mention the fireplace :P01:39
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lolloomoney is not a goal, its a path01:40
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velopeyes, unofortunately money has still too much power. maybe in future, communities like this gains more importance.01:41
tarantism_sorry for late question but what's the consensus here? Does Meego have a future?01:41
lollooyes it will continue01:42
tarantism_Who owns it?01:42
niala1velope: linux start with no vendor :)01:42
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wmaronetarantism_: no one owns MeeGo, though the name and trademarks are held by the Linux Foundation01:42
hirabayashitarololloo: and what is the goal?01:42
tarantism_Who wants it to succeed??01:43
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hirabayashitarotarantism_: me?01:43
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tarantism_me too01:43
wmaronetarantism_: I would think most people in here would want it to succeed01:43
tarantism_anyone else?01:43
lollooN9 is successor to N900 open source better power and cpu.01:43
tarantism_ok, most people in here - clear.01:44
phl0x81thinking about doing our own phone.01:44
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tarantism_we don't have a major handset mfr any more.01:44
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phl0x81what would it cost, lets say to get a MeeGo Phone with G3 (UMTS) made in China?01:45
tarantism_was inspired watching Egypt tonight01:45
tarantism_may need mass action01:45
tarantism_not kidding01:46
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phl0x81yeah, thought already about a revolution in Finland too...01:46
GAN900fendel, yes, but none of them have betrayed me like Nokia has.01:46
tarantism_don't be daft01:46
niala1anonymous-meego lol01:46
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phl0x81opmeego :)01:46
tarantism_talking about software revolution!!!01:46
hirabayashitaroWell, I can go bed I suppose, talk is degenerating01:46
wmaronephl0x81: talk to the OpenMoko people :)01:47
MrCasewait wait01:47
hirabayashitarosee you!01:47
tarantism_not trying to degenerate01:47
MrCasei am installing qt 4.701:47
MrCaseso there is hope!01:47
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niala1bye hirabayashitaro01:47
hirabayashitaroniala1: see you soon!01:47
tarantism_stay and talk01:47
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niala1hirabayashitaro: if elop dont kill me like freddy crueger01:48
niala1in mz dreams01:48
berndhsit's been a rough day. Nokia retreating seriously, my ISP keeps hanging up, my power fails.01:48
phl0x81they didn't actually retreat from MeeGo.01:48
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berndhsAt least I'm not one of Mubarak's buddies.01:48
tarantism_i thought nokia was going to push an open platofrm to mainstream01:49
berndhsNokia didn't quit MeeGo, but I would say they reduced their engagement.01:49
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wmaroneberndhs: I'm sure that engagement will end when Ballmer says "endit "01:49
berndhsoh probably01:49
tarantism_real open creativity needs an open platform01:49
tarantism_where will it come from?01:50
phl0x81lets see, if the sauna is not to hot for Mr. Elop ;)01:50
berndhsI don't really have a direct stake in it, but it's dissapointing still01:50
wmaronephl0x81: no sauna for him, he'll be in San Jose01:50
tarantism_open source NEEDS to join forces01:51
wmaroneerr, what do you mean by that?01:51
berndhsopen source also needs to remain diverse01:51
pupnikyou can work on whatever you want01:51
tarantism_there's a huge opportunity01:51
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tarantism_i don't like diverse01:52
tarantism_i like coordinated01:52
berndhsyou don't get progress without diversity01:52
phl0x81waiting for canonical to do the next move ;)01:52
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pupniki'd appreciate it if meego lawyers didn't sue me and my friends for porting meego to other devices01:52
niala1tarantism_: "open source NEEDS to join forces"  <--- but in fact every compagnie use linux kernel but they do all anything else01:52
[Rui]tarantism_: then you don't understand this thing.01:52
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phl0x81pupnik you getting sued?01:53
[Rui]tarantism_: it's as if you're asking for all nature to be coordinated.01:53
tarantism_rui please explain01:53
[Rui]tarantism_: wake up, it isn't and that's good.01:53
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[Rui]tarantism_: you can have organized groups, but you can't have an organized universe.01:53
pupnikphl0x81: the trademark lawyers are highly aggressive against anyone releasing anything even derivative of the 'meego' name01:53
[Rui]tarantism_: and even organized groups, unless you *pay* you can't exactly demand a special kind of organization01:53
pupniki suggest they get fired :)01:54
wmaronepupnik: because they want to reserve the meego name for devices that pass the compliance spec01:54
wmaronethat's completely reasonable, as that's the purpose of meego01:54
pupniki understand wmarone01:54
[Rui]tarantism_: that's why you have so many apps that do the same01:54
[Rui]tarantism_: that's why you have so many kinds of ants :)01:54
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[Rui]those best fit in the specific market will thrive better01:54
wmaronethey aren't stopping you from doing anything in terms of ports, so don't say that :P01:54
tarantism_no demand for organisation. Did I mention egypt01:54
phl0x81actually its kind of sad, that MeeGo may turn for Nokia Employees in YouGo... xD01:54
[Rui]phellarv: more than Meego employees, symbian ones. but those have had it coming for years....01:55
niala1phl0x81: not very funny01:55
tarantism_the point is (isn't it) that without an open platform we're all screwed (wanting to slow down and get a beer)01:55
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phl0x81tarantism_ great Idea, I already have a beer!01:56
berndhsthere's more to computing than phones :)01:56
phl0x81niala1 well, sometimes I'm a bit to sarcastic...01:56
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[Rui]tarantism_: there are really open platforms in development like FreeSmartphone (anti-vendor) ofono (pro-vendor, probably non-open when a device reaches an user's hands) and android (pro-vendor, normally non-open when a device reaches an user's hands)01:57
tarantism_unless the open platforms come together they will never compete01:57
niala1phl0x81: yes i understand don't want to blame you, just think of employees ( i m not)01:58
tarantism_i got interested in meego because i thought that was happenning01:58
[Rui]I like the way ofono and fso work because they allow you to have a powerful computer with long lasting battery that fits in your pant's pockets, all they need is really slick phone and pim apps01:58
phl0x81well, I'm selfemployed. could be working at nokia now, if I wanted, had an offer...01:58
[Rui]tarantism_: that's where you're very wrong, they can compete depending on the economic power of those in charge of it.01:58
openstandardsLG GW990 is the intel phone i think everyone has been talking about01:59
[Rui]tarantism_: eg, the less open of the three platforms I mentioned is the most successful one.01:59
phl0x81niala1 wanna quote offspring for a short one: "feeling, all those damn feelings, get out of my live..."01:59
phl0x81-v +f01:59
[Rui]phl0x81: in hindsight, I'm glad I never tried to go work for Nokia :)02:00
tarantism_isn't it that the best is most successful?02:00
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[Rui]tarantism_: lol02:00
[Rui]tarantism_: so Windows is the best?02:00
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tarantism_no way02:00
phl0x81Rui: oslo is to long to dark and cold for me...02:00
[Rui]tarantism_: that is true on a HUGE timeframe (centuries, millenia in biological terms).02:00
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tarantism_i've wasted huge amounts of time watiting for windows02:00
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rzr LG GW990 was shown a year ago right ?02:01
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pupnikrzr: the GW990 can't do tethering, right?02:01
tarantism_that's my problem02:01
[Rui]who knows how long it will take for the best to succeed in software... I know for sure it will be Free Software, but it may not even have been written yet.02:01
phl0x81rzr, I guess that was just a mockup.02:01
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pupnikrzr: i mean gw90002:01
[Rui]tarantism_: waiting for windows? lol... I haven't seen Windows on any computer of mine since 97 or so02:01
rzrpupnik: no idea02:01
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pupniki'd buy one if it could tether02:02
pupnik100 euro is cheap02:02
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phl0x81finally gonna move windows this year to a VM.02:02
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[Rui]pupnik: any phone can tether, if it's on a Free platform.02:02
[Rui]pupnik: only those in closed platforms need hacks02:02
tarantism_MEEGO can be02:03
[Rui]pupnik: just set ip_forwarding and apply some masquerade iptables rule02:03
[Rui]god knows I have used my Freerunner's GPRS several times :)02:03
[Rui]on my laptop02:03
tarantism_Apple/Google need a challenge02:03
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tarantism_How do we make it happen?02:04
[Rui]tarantism_: I expected Nokia to be a good backer, but apparently too much internal friction and civil war led to #elopcalypse02:04
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[Rui]Es vs Ns versus Maemo/Meego02:04
[Rui]now turned in WinPhoney (and rest is crap)02:05
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tarantism_rui - pick your head up02:05
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tarantism_need a plan02:05
pupnikthat sneak preview n9 picture was beautiful02:05
[Rui]tarantism_: then do a plan :) start it02:05
[Rui]tarantism_: convince people02:06
[Rui]I have to go to bed now :=)02:06
tarantism_i'd love to but i need help02:06
pupnikthe c8 is also gorgeous... put an 800x480 screen on it and maemo502:06
[Rui]tarantism_: as in that cornkevin costner movie, if you built it, they will come02:06
[Rui]tarantism_: *this* is a *key* thing on Free Software. Good things attract people.02:06
[Rui]but you can't expect someone to coordinate. either take the job or stfu :)02:07
Glavata :)02:07
pupniknokias designers can kick asia's butt02:07
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[Rui]bye bye!02:07
* [Rui] afks.02:07
niala1night [Rui]02:07
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tarantism_I don't believe in free software02:08
tarantism_only free platforms02:08
tarantism_i'll put all of my free time into helping to02:08
pupnikonly good looking thing from LG was designed in europe...
Termanapupnik, link for N9 preview?02:08
TermanaOr are you talking about the one that came out months ago (the prototype)?02:09
pupnikTermana: it's been floating around for months - that macbook-like device02:09
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TermanaAh right, the same one02:09
pupniksexy :D02:09
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CosmoHillffs you're kidding me, there is no option to order the product by price02:13
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tarantism_stand up02:16
tarantism_meego warriors02:16
tarantism_are there any here?02:16
wmaronenot all the time :P02:16
tarantism_why not?02:16
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tarantism_i guess its gonna be quiet02:18
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CosmoHillnokia and I'd imagine most meego people come from europe02:19
CosmoHillso it's kinda bed time for us02:20
tarantism_me too02:20
rzrwho will sleep02:20
tarantism_I'LL SLEEP WHEN I DIE02:20
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rzror you'll die if you fall asleep ...02:24
niala1 ipad publicity on tv ... :/02:24
rzrthere a some all over my town02:24
kaietarantism_, you never slept yet?02:26
niala1a computer with no keyboard.... incredible and people buy that!! ... i don't understand human :)02:26
rzrthis is just a giant remote control to pay contents02:26
Termanatarantism_, not to mention the 1500-or-so symbian Nokia workers that might have been interested in MeeGo, quitting their jobs.02:26
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niala1rzr: i m agree :)02:27
niala1rzr: and to make content you must buy another computer... and people are happy02:27
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rzrno need to make when you can buy02:28
rzrhi raster02:28
rzrpromising post on your homepage02:28
rzrthe future relly on you02:28
MeeGoExpertsEvening all02:29
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rasterrzr: moomooo!02:29
niala1hi MeeGoExperts02:29
rasterrzr: well not me... not sure "the future" is light enough for me to carry02:29
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rasterbut there's a lot of others helping it along02:30
MeeGoExpertswell :-/02:30
rzrthere are many pple to hire too :)02:30
rasterwell... if they all want to move to korea...02:31
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phl0x81 ;)02:33
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pupnikawesome phl0x8102:33
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CosmoHillhey MeeGoExperts02:36
rzrraster: will this X platform setup an online community website ?02:37
rasterrzr: yes.02:37
rzror offline website02:37
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rasterat some point02:38
raster cant say what and when02:38
Termanaoffline website.....02:38
rzrok tell us the url once it's ready :)02:38
* Termana troll face02:38
rasterbut it'd be stupidity NOT to have one02:38
rzrTermana: yes that the future of the internet :)02:38
rzrraster: stupidity is common these days02:38
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rzrTermana: look for dropbox02:39
rzrnot dropbox02:39
rasterthat level of stupidity doesn't get past me02:39
Termanaraster, anything (not a website) we might see in 2011?02:39
wmaroneraster: at least you have the authority to stop stupidity in its tracks :)02:39
rasteralready have one as such02:40
rasterit just has nothing major on it for what we are doing yet as its not quite the right time :)02:40
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rasterTermana: i'm afraid i can't give you timeframes02:40
rasteri'm one of the best peolpe at not giving timeframes so sammy is happy :)02:41
rzrlook at bada on this page :
Termanano problem, I'll just beat you within an inch of your life to get it out of you02:41
Termanakidding :p02:41
rasterwmarone: i do. and i actually hang out and listen to people02:41
rasteror try to in what time i can find02:41
rasterso if people bitch about doing something bad - i generally take note :)02:41
rzryou should lead nokia :)02:42
rasteri want to make as many people happy as i can02:42
rasteryou cant make everyone02:42
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rasterbut you can try02:42
MeeGoExpertsHi CosmoHill … Sorry, drifted into Twitter for a bit02:42
wmaroneraster:  better than nokia, who couldn't make anyone happy02:43
rasterrzr: dont think the shareholders would let me :)02:43
MeeGoExpertsHows things around here ? Everyone upbeat ?02:43
CosmoHilllooking at new phones, most websites seem to go "oh you're a pay as you go customer? here's a value selection"02:43
rastertho i have spent the last 2 days dropping idle speculation on nokia's potential moves02:43
MeeGoExpertsWho would have thought it.02:44
rasterand when i read last night what elop decided.. it was the "worst of the options" that he chose02:44
rasterits funny - the stockmarket and pretty much every comment forum around seems to agree02:44
rasterweird move if you ask me02:44
rasterhe should have put meego front and center as nokia's new primary os02:44
rasterthat would have been the smart money02:44
MeeGoExpertsI've only bumpted into 2 people that think it was a good idea. The rest thought it was a load of Bollocks02:45
wmaroneMeeGoBot: if you're feeling short on that, go read engadget02:45
MeeGoBotwmarone: Sorry, I've no idea what 'if you're feeling short on that, go read engadget' might be.02:45
MeeGoExpertsHe took the easy option02:45
rastersome people say "it was the only option"02:45
rasteri disagree\02:45
rzrwhen u think nokia will able to release a wm7 device ? 2012 ?02:45
wmaroneraster: no kidding, they're already in the 2012 timeframe02:45
rzrand if they do02:45
rasterrzr: i suspect they can manage one this year02:46
rzrthe week later they will announce that they'll drop win for android02:46
rasterif they dont try and over-customize02:46
wmaronerzr: no, Elop was probably put in place explicitly so this would happen02:46
MeeGoExpertsWarra bastard02:47
rzrwmarone: but someone can take his place ... let's convice shareholder that rasterman can do a better job :)02:47
rzrwell this is nonsense02:47
rastereither way02:47
rasternokia did need a major shift in its moves02:47
wmaroneoh they did, definitely02:47
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rasterand this was meegos best chance to go from sideline os to primary star02:47
rasterit lost out02:48
* araujo agrees with raster02:48
wmaronecleaning out the managerial space that crippled it would have helped02:48
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rasternow over time what theat means for meego, qt etc. etc. is not clear02:48
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wmaroneI doubt they would have walked out if he said "all you symbian people are now working on meego"02:48
araujomeego would be much long term profitable in my opinion ....02:48
MeeGoExpertsBut instead of trying to play for the long term strategic game with MeeGo he fucked off and partnered with another company that needed help02:48
rasterwmarone:  i would suspect so too02:48
niala1raster: meego is not nokia.... about qt i don't know and meego/qt ....02:49
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Robot101wmarone: Nokia's problems aren't just managerial - Elop's memo also spoke about an organisation-wide lack of accountability - everyone thinks the obvious screwups are someone else's to deal with02:49
rastermeg thats why the stockmarket has droped nokia stock - what? 10%? 14%? now02:49
rasterin 1 day?02:49
Robot101wmarone: and tbh, I've seen it myself sometimes too02:49
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rasterniala1: i know it isnt. but nokia was the FLAGSHIP vendor to put meego on handsets and in the pockets of millions and millions of people02:49
Robot101there are some truly brilliant engineers I've worked with there, real heros, and some people who just work their allocated hours and count down the days to the weekend02:49
niala1even traders have understand that windows is bullshit lol02:50
TermanaIt's not exactly like we didn'02:50
wmaroneRobot101: sure, but a shift of OSes won't fix that02:50
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Robot101wmarone: true, but firing shitloads of people might - and they might do that too :/02:50
niala1raster: yes :(02:50
psycho_oreosif nokia partnered with google and their android, this wouldn't have been so much of ruckus to begin with02:50
rasterif nokia shipped many meego devices and showed it to be a viable handset platform... it would gain momentum and others would ship hangsets and join02:50
TermanaIt's not exactly like we didn't REASONABLE suspect this might happen when Elop went from Microsoft to Nokia02:50
Robot101the graph showing R&D spend before and after symbian is kind of telling02:50
rasteri knwo full well that qt is open source, meego is, and so on -a nd that intel are still all in there for meego and you have amd, arm, Lg is playing around with it etc.02:50
rasterbut nokia joining in and makign meego with intel was a major feather in meego and qt's cap.02:51
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rasterthat feather is now a small fluff ball, it would appear02:51
niala1raster: LG play with meego ?02:51
rasterniala1: i believe so02:51
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berndhsif I look at bugzilla, most of the assignments are to people with intel addresses02:51
rasterthey were playng with atom and moblin02:51
Robot101I'm not sure that just peddling the status quo - MeeGo will be here soon and it will sort everything out - would've kept Nokia's investers happy02:51
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rasternothing has actually surfaced tho02:52
Robot101because the stock market have too short memories and don't understand how long a device takes to produce02:52
Robot101and, because Nokia announced MeeGo too soon, IMO02:52
* araujo agrees with Robot101 there02:52
Robot101when Elop's memo saying "Nokia is screwed, we have to change something radeically" leaked - Nokia's share price *rose*02:52
rasterRobot101:  what elop did made them very much unhappy02:53
niala1i hope in futur we can buy nokia and erase win7phone like we do when we buy a netbook.......02:53
niala1or n90002:53
Robot101I don't actually see it as a bad thing for Nokia02:53
wmaroneniala1: a better thing is to buy solutions that you don't have to fight02:53
* CosmoHill looks at sony phones02:53
rzrimagine the price fall if he did not announce the laid off :)02:53
rastersharemarket disagrees...02:53
rasterdown 14%02:53
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Robot101in terms of ecosystem, MS has a lot more to spend on WP7 (and has) and proven track record with developers, than Nokia's Ovi efforts so far02:53
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rasterand large companies - large caps like that .. if they move 14% in a day.. without a general stockmarket dump... says something big.02:54
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Robot101what do you think would've made them act differently?02:54
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rzri am surprised none talk about m$novel partnership too02:54
Robot101a "fuck yeah meego! one phone! later this year! it'll be great... honest... guys ... ?" announcement02:54
niala1wmarone: you re right.. i search hope... think how start linux.... but take too much time if the end of the world is in 2012 :) joke02:54
rastertbh - pushing meego front and center02:54
rasteras above02:54
wmaronehad nokia resolved its path and announced housecleaning02:54
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araujowhat I don't get is ... how this new strategy actually convinced shareholders (and everyone else) about a "brighter" future ... I just see it like a step back02:54
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* auke checks in for a second02:54
* wmarone waves at auke02:55
rasterandroid would not have made them happy either02:55
aukehow's the crowd? rowdy and asking for Mubarak's resignation?02:55
rasterboth turn nokia into an oem02:55
pupnikaraujo: well a lot of business clients want the synchronisation that windows-world supposedly offers02:55
rasterthey basically compete against a slew of other makers just trying to make cheaper and faster hw02:55
wmaroneauke: I am not so tied to Nokia02:55
Robot101raster: definitely - at least with WP7 Nokia stands to be a big piece of MS' pie02:55
Robot101for the moment02:55
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Robot101if/when that changes, you might see Nokia and MS' priorities shift02:55
rasterands the investors see that that will kill profitability02:55
rasterit wont kill nokia02:55
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rasterbut it means their profit margins will be slimmer than they could have been with alternative choices02:56
pupnikcould nokia just sell prototypes without-OS to us geeks? :)02:56
araujopupnik, a few minority behind the curtain? ..... who?,02:56
Robot101but they're not just viewed on profit, they're also viewed on volume02:56
Robot101and market %age02:56
araujoit is even evident with the stock market results of today02:56
wmaronepupnik: I'll be amazed if their unlocked retail sales survive02:56
rastercompanies are views on02:56
pupnikthe world is not = USA02:56
rasterPE ratios02:56
rasterand PE ratios tend to be high if your PROFIT is high02:56
pupnikalso expected profits02:57
pupnikstock prices are future-oriented02:57
rasterthe stock market prices you based on its BET on your future profitability02:57
raster(generally speaking - taking out the herd instinct thing like in stock market crashes etc.)02:57
pupnikalso very important02:58
pupnikapple has a herd02:58
rasteri'd say that a 14% drop in nokia stock price says that a large # of investors have now bet that nokias future profits, as of elops change in direction, have been reduced to what they could have been given alternative decisions02:58
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rasteri would agree with them02:58
pupnikwell stated02:58
pupniki think we need to look at the LG-GD880 for the future of featurephones02:59
aukeraster: interesting angle :)02:59
aukealright folks! don't do anything stupid while I'm gone! Please read the IRC guidelines and keep things tidy in here, thanks.03:00
pupnikraster's comments are informed investor viewpoints03:00
pupnikcheers auke03:00
* auke drives home.03:00
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rasterauke:  the stockmarket is all a big betting game03:00
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rasterits gambling03:00
rasterwith real money03:00
pupnikprediction != gambling03:00
rastergambling on the future outcome of the decisions and fortunes of organisations03:00
epxeverything in life is gambling anyway03:01
rasteryou can "win" at gambling if you predict the right outcome more often than most other people making the same bet03:01
rasterit is possible the market is wrong03:01
rasterand SOME people make thng now is a good time to buy nokia stock03:02
rasteras its cheap03:02
rasterand that most people are wrong in the bet that things will be worse03:02
rasterbut the money peolpe actually put on the line disagrees03:02
simulayou are convincing me to short the stock raster03:02
berndhsif you're a broker, you make money either way :)03:02
rasterberndhs:  thats true03:03
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niala1good night #meego03:17
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jonwilI have a proposal regarding N900 GPS and MeeGo, who should I talk to about it?03:42
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bluelfi checked meego website there is no documentation on how to start ?05:25
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pupnikyou guys want to know a bit of reality?06:28
pupnikwhen you get old, your eyes start to fail06:29
pupnikyou can no longer see06:29
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pupnikso let's do what we can...06:29
pupnikto make the world more full of goodness06:29
TSCHAKeeeit's a beautiful world06:30
TSCHAKeeefor you06:30
TSCHAKeeefor you06:31
TSCHAKeeefor you06:31
TSCHAKeeeit's not for me.06:31
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fungiwhen i get old im going to get cool robot eye implants06:33
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pupnikyou intel people have to understand something06:35
pupnikintel was evil06:35
pupnikthey pushed the 8088 on the world06:35
pupnikand that thing was designed in israel06:35
pupnikwas sick06:35
TSCHAKeeeonly because they couldn't make the iAPX-432 work correctly.06:35
TSCHAKeeebefore you start replying06:36
TSCHAKeeei do know what i'm talking about. ;)06:36
TSCHAKeeeyes, the 8086 was a stop gap06:36
TSCHAKeeeit was here for far too long06:36
TSCHAKeeebut it's what stuck.06:36
pupnikwell the world isn't perfect... i understand that06:36
pupnikit's full of path-dependence06:36
TSCHAKeeethe segmented memory architecture was an extension that allowed 8085 code to be reasonably hand ported.06:37
TSCHAKeeeironically, had the iAPX-432 been successful, (which was highly unlikely), it would have made the world a very bizarre place.06:37
TSCHAKeeeeven more bizarre than the 8086 left things. ;)06:38
pupniki was a child prodigy in 1981-2... and the intel thing made me very sad06:38
TSCHAKeee(you thought the VAX was a heavy instruction set? the 432 made the VAX instruction set look _SMALL_)06:38
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pupniki should have had more reasonable expectations06:39
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TSCHAKeeefull disclosure though, my favourite CPU is still the MOS 650206:39
pupnikthat was beautiful06:40
pupnik1/2 the transistors06:40
TSCHAKeeeyeah no multiply or divide, but, the instruction set was enough, and small enough to keep in my head.06:40
pupniknice to meet you06:41
pupnik lets be happy06:41
pupnikthe mobile world is at least unixy06:41
pupnikwe won06:42
pupnikpeople use tcp/ip06:42
pupnikmicrosoft wanted to kill tcp/ip06:42
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pupnikthose fuckers lost06:42
pupnikand we will kill them again06:43
pupnikone way or another06:43
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Yanksruleim gangsta07:21
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treebeen`pupnik: how did they want to kill tcp/ip?07:31
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pupniktreebeen`: they tried to ban it from windows07:38
treebeen`pupnik: ah, really? heh, TIL...07:39
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pupniktreebeen`: reality07:41
pupnikremember my name07:41
pupniki lived through it07:41
treebeen`pupnik: but you are right, we won, and MS will slowly die07:42
pupniklet's be steadfast07:42
pupnikand kill that shit07:43
pupnikone way or another07:43
treebeen`there's just no way the can compete anymore, before they were competing with OS/2 and the like, commercial products, they can't compete with free software07:44
treebeen`today, smart companies take the linux kernel and build their own OS07:45
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arvind_khadriHi, me and my friends are developing an multiprotocol IM for MeeGo.  We wanted to know if the application should be completely using Qt? Qt is basically a GUI toolkit right? And also yahoo has this lib called libyahoo2 which has to be used to use its API which is in C, so how do we go about it.08:14
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dD0Tarvind_khadri: Qt contains more than just gui components. And there is no problem with using c libs als long as they compile/work on your target platform. To get you started on Qt you can look at some of the material released by nokia. There's plenty :-)08:27
dmblong live nokia :(08:27
zmaElop said that Nokia will not propose bringing Qt on WP.08:28
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rayanonwhois Aparna08:35
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rayanonhello,i need help writing a chat client on meego. anyone?08:38
rayanonas in a multi-im client08:38
Ans5iif it's qt , you can also try from #t08:39
rayanonit s gotta be qt right?08:39
arvind_khadridD0T, thanks :)08:40
arvind_khadrirayanon,  Qt contains more than just gui components. And there is no problem with using c libs als long as they compile/work on your target platform. To get you started on Qt you can look at some of the material released by nokia. There's plenty :-)08:40
Ans5irayanon: Qt is the way to go08:40
rayanonHmm ...thanks :)08:41
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Aparnarayanon were you trying the whois irc command :)?08:59
rayanonAparna, yep :P08:59
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michaelwang2011how are you all!09:04
michaelwang2011How will meego go in the future?09:04
michaelwang2011any ideas about it?09:04
Ans5iand today is academic mm kyykkä09:04
Stskeepsmichaelwang2011: intel is still backing it and meego isn't completely dead from nokia side09:04
Stskeepsmichaelwang2011: so technically there might just be a reshuffle of resources and things will go on, contributions made09:05
Ans5imeego is almost ready for prime time09:05
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Ans5iand i wan't to buy one...09:05
michaelwang2011Stskeeps: great.09:06
StskeepsAns5i: hopefully MWC will show some devices09:06
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michaelwang2011will intel produce many kinds of devices running on meego in the future?09:07
Stskeepsmichaelwang2011: i think the idea is for hardware vendors to use both intel and ARM chips09:07
michaelwang2011Stskeeps: sure.09:07
Stskeepsand it'll be a cold day in hell when i personally give up on ARM in meego, so :)09:08
michaelwang2011Stskeeps: but how is the meego status now? Could it compete Android and iphone in the future potentially?09:08
Stskeepsmichaelwang2011: i personally think it is able to compete in many diferrent areas09:08
michaelwang2011Stskeeps: that will be great!09:09
Ans5ikewl :)09:09
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michaelwang2011[Rui]: Is that you?09:15
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TSCHAKeeeHowever, considering that Nokia itself is shifting away from MeeGo and using Windows Phone 7 OS for its smartphones, we wonder if this model makes sense for the company. Moreover, the MeeGo LifeBook MH330 was retailing at S$488 (US$380.33) during a sneak preview at Singapore's Tangs departmental store sale yesterday. That is only S$11 (US$8.57) less than the Windows 7 Starter model.09:21
TSCHAKeeewe'll be seeing that a LOT in the coming weeks09:22
michaelwang2011Stskeeps: Another question: What is the main focuses for meego? Netbook?09:27
Stskeepsmichaelwang2011: same as always, i think09:28
Stskeepsmeego core as central focus, UX'es on top09:28
Stskeepswith the qml switch, it should evolve a lot quicker09:30
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treebeen`TSCHAKeee: seeing what? windows starter is severly crippled btw09:32
michaelwang2011Stskeeps: What is qml switch?09:32
Stskeepsmichaelwang2011: rumours for the UX'es going qml09:33
TSCHAKeeetrebeen`: i know. the point being you're going to see peope say, "Why bother with MeeGo when Nokia dropped it for the handsets?"09:33
Stskeepshopefully MWC can help show that.09:33
michaelwang2011Stskeeps: coool, but what is MWC, sorry but I am a newbie.09:34
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Stskeepsmichaelwang2011: mobile world congress09:34
michaelwang2011I see09:35
dm8tbryes MWC can prove to be very interesting if things still are what they are09:36
treebeen`TSCHAKeee: yes, I see that. but Intel is still backing it, and we might probably see another company showing interest now that Nokia doesn't persue it fully anymore09:36
TSCHAKeeei wasn't saying that wasn't the case09:36
TSCHAKeeei'm merely pointing out the knee jerk response the media will take09:36
TSCHAKeeeand when i say knee jerk, i put emphasis on jerk.09:37
doc|hometreebeen`: the handsets thing was a big selling point on qt for me. Phones *and* multiple desktop platforms :/09:37
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michaelwang2011doc|home: why do you think so? what are the advantages of qt when it comes to handsets?09:40
treebeen`TSCHAKeee: ah well, the media, the hype WP7 but sales are a laugh09:41
Stskeepsmichaelwang2011: when you've played with qml for a bit, you'll understand it well09:41
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doc|homemichaelwang2011: it was going to work on symbian *and* maemo, as well as windows, linux and OS X. One language for all of them.09:41
doc|homeer, meego09:41
treebeen`balmer said WP7 has 8000 apps, hah, wow, probably half of them are written by MS themselves09:42
michaelwang2011what is qml?09:42
michaelwang2011a language?09:42
Stskeepsmichaelwang2011: "qt quick"09:43
doc|homemichaelwang2011: without wanting to sound like a ... ass.. may I suggest google :)09:43
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treebeen`RTFM ;)09:44
Ans5iqtquick would look good in qp709:45
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Ans5ii did not meant qt phone 7. ~ greenphone09:46
doc|homesure, but who wants to develop for wp7? screw that... :)09:46
Ans5ii'm thinking of downloading sdk09:47
timophI did and it made me feel dirty09:47
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slavikI know someone who had his iPhone stolen, then went to a store to get a WP7 phone, next day he came in with android09:47
Ans5iwell maybe i leave to mm kyykkä first let see after that :)09:48
Ans5ii don't just feel so well that i would like to start dev.09:48
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zmaI don't think adding Qt libraries on WP7 will happen09:51
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zmaMaybe separately installable, but they are not there by default09:51
timophthey said pretty clearly that ms technologies will be used09:52
michaelwang2011Hi, how do you guys see Qt compared to Android and iphone? will it be better potentially?09:53
timophmichaelwang2011: Qt is not a device. anyway, I'd write Qt over obj-c/java anyday09:54
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michaelwang2011timoph: yep, that is right. But how is the Qt UI structure? I heard it is more flexible then Android.09:55
Stskeepsmorn thiago_home09:55
timophit is09:55
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timophwrite something with it and you'll see09:56
michaelwang2011timoph: good to hear that. I have more confidence in meego.09:56
markattoalso, python bindings that are actually useful!09:56
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rmtNokisoft, yay!10:03
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RST38hQ: How do I send something to Steve Ballmer?10:04
bunkDoes anyone have an idea what I broke in a filesystem when -show-cursor stops working for all applications?10:04
zmaRST38h: You want to send him congratulations card?10:04
RST38hA: If you would like to send a letter or a parcel, the address is XXXXX. For bigger payloads, the coordinates are lat/lon.10:05
pupniki like the message from ari10:07
treebeen`basically Ballmer's reign at MS was one failure until now, and it will only get worse now... heh10:07
pupnikdon't let yourself get sucked into negative things10:07
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doc|homeRST38h: hahaha10:09
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[Rui]michaelwang2011: is that me what?10:32
michaelwang2011Are you from China?10:32
michaelwang2011[Rui]: ?10:32
[Rui]michaelwang2011: nope, more or less the opposite side globally, Portugal.10:33
michaelwang2011oh,  I see. I thought you are one of my colleagues haha10:33
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[Rui]michaelwang2011: well, I would like to learn mandarin or cantonese and visit one of those areas before I die :)10:35
[Rui]gotta go. bye!10:35
michaelwang2011welcome. sseee u.10:35
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Michael2011_hey guys, what is up?10:57
Michael2011_If I wanna develop app for meego, do I have to know Qt?10:58
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Stskeepsyes, qt or qt quick10:58
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Michael2011_are Ubuntu Distributions using Qt also?10:59
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Stskeepsa qt sdk exists too yeah10:59
sandst1Michael2011_: and for the interest, e.g. KDE is made with Qt11:00
Michael2011_great. Where can I download qt and its source code? Is it under git now?11:01
Michael2011_is it totally open software?11:01
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timophI'd use packages from the distribution of your choice11:04
timophinstead of compiling it from git11:04
sandst1Michael2011_: yeah, it's free & you can choose between gpl & lgpl.11:04
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Michael2011_sandst1: thanks a lot. Do I need to get the source code of qt if I develop apps for meego?11:07
sandst1Michael2011_: not necessarily, like timoph said, get the dist packages + devel libs. for qt quick, see
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JaffaMorning, all11:14
thiago_homemorning jaffa11:14
JaffaAnything interesting been happening...?11:14
thiago_homeslow morning11:15
thiago_homethat's good11:15
Michael2011_sandst1: thanks a lot.l11:15
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* thiago_home doesn't need more excitement11:15
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tarantism_what's the plan for a Meego paid app store?11:16
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Jaffathiago_home: :-/11:16
Jaffatarantism_: Ask Intel. There are plans for AppUp, IIRC11:16
Michael2011_how to change nick here?11:17
Michael2011_without logging out first.11:17
StskeepsMichael2011_: /nick newnickname11:17
Richrd_ /nick Newnick11:17
thiago_homeMichael2011_: type: /nick NewNicknameHere11:17
dm8tbr/nick fooblubb11:17
tarantism_is appup going to be open?11:17
Michael2011_thanks guys.11:17
Michael2011_I get it:)11:18
Richrd_no doubt :P11:18
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tarantism_AppUp is available for download for windows and moblin11:21
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tarantism_Do we know when it'll be available for meego?11:21
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Jaffatarantism_: IIRC, Intel had something to say about it during MWC11:24
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tarantism_hope that's going to be a good announcement11:25
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* Stskeeps hugs Texrat 11:26
* Texrat hugs Ststkeeps back11:26
TomaszDStskeeps, hello11:27
TomaszDStskeeps, did you get a chance to test the latest daily11:27
TomaszDthere's some weird behaviour with the touchscreen responses11:27
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TexratI thought there would be more activity ;)11:29
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tarantism_anyone know what % of meego devs are nokia employees?11:29
TomaszDthere was yesterday, people were moaning how their pet project was ignored and how a product that's already on the market sucks11:29
Texratwell that sums it up11:30
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StskeepsTexrat: everyone's hungover today11:31
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Texrathello thiago_home11:33
* thiago_home had to reboot11:34
thiago_homewireless driver crashed11:34
Richrd_hey guys, should I try meego handset on my N900?11:34
Richrd_is it in a usable state yet11:34
TomaszDlatest daily sort of works, but for some reason it decided that there's no wifi available11:35
TomaszDso it's not usable11:35
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Richrd_oh :/11:35
StskeepsTomaszD: UI believes that11:35
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Stskeepsit does actually work deep down, which is interesting11:36
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TomaszDI'm also wondering why are the strings still not in English, but engineering strings11:36
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StskeepsTomaszD: ah, that's normal, string freeze happens at some point11:37
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StskeepsTexrat: so, i don't know about you but i still see a lot of potential in MeeGo, if anything as the last bastion of real open mobile systems :P11:41
TexratI see potential, sure, but still feel in limbo for now11:42
StskeepsTexrat: as with everyone, but development still goes on11:42
TexratI was putting a LOT of work into conference presentations, projects, etc11:42
TexratDo I still?11:42
Stskeepsit'd be a loss for the project if you didn't11:42
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bzhbWhat will happen to the TSG ? Perhaps it is good time to think about making a more community-driven leading group, don't you think ? As a way to pass over this difficult time11:43
Texratdo I still go to Texas Linuxfest?  Will there be a May MeeGo conference?11:43
lbtyou know... the "only" thing MeeGo has lost with Nokia pulling out is manpower (and perhaps some important delivery focussed management ;) )11:43
StskeepsTexrat: conference still goes on, AFAIK11:43
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Texratbzhb, I have some thing maybe related11:43
TermanaAh I see.11:43
Texratdid you see my comment on twitter or blog about MeeGo brand refresh?11:44
TermanaNokia makes a big WP7 announcement11:44
Stskeepsbzhb: i don't really expect it to change, since Nokia isn't cutting all MeeGo away11:44
TexratIntel told me before Elop announcement11:44
Termanaand we get graced by the presence of Texrat and TomaszD11:44
bzhbStskeeps: not yet11:44
Texratgraced?  feh11:44
lbtTexrat: I was thinking the same thing myself mate ;)11:45
TexratIntel says MeeGo indetity undergoing change, will be more community-focused11:45
TexratI submitted policy bugs a while back...11:45
lbtTexrat: I personally think meego needs to establish a bit of an internal divide11:45
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TermanaDidn't they say Moblin would be community-focused as well... and that didn't work out?11:46
Texratand the subjects are all being reconsidered11:46
Texrathow so lbt?11:46
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dm8tbrTexrat: more community focused would be nice to see. so far the community focus is plain BS when it comes to hardware11:46
rzrmaemo community is still here :)11:46
lbtIt isn't supposed to be just another linux distro11:46
TexratI wasn't around for Moblin, just Maemo ;)11:46
bunkDoes anyone have an idea what I broke in a filesystem when -show-cursor stops working for all applications?11:46
lbtit's *supposed* to be a core to build devices on11:46
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lbtwe should have a core *and* a community distro built around it11:46
timophTexrat: I was actually thinking that MeeGo could be more of an open project after this11:46
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Venemo_N900good morning11:46
rzrbunk: repopulate /dev11:47
Stskeepstimoph: yeah, no big pressure on product launches11:47
lbtbut we still need to service the needs of device vendors11:47
Texrattimoph yes, that's what Intel hints at for sure11:47
lbtso focus on the bare minimum there11:47
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TexratI asked about a formal announcement, it should come soon11:47
lbtand allow a community distro to build around it11:47
Venemo_N900so, what was the big announcement yesterday? I've missed it. (was offline all day)11:47
bunkrzr: Can there anything go wrong that survives a reboot?11:47
StskeepsVenemo_N900: death to the infidels, basically11:47
lbtwith *much* easier access to the distro11:47
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Venemo_N900Stskeeps: what?11:48
StskeepsVenemo_N900: engadget.cm11:48
StskeepsVenemo_N900: seriously, go read it, and have a cup of coffee first11:48
Venemo_N900ok11:48 redirects to engadget.com11:48
rzrbunk: i cant tell11:48
timophor a beer11:48
TermanaStskeeps, Engadget were quicker than you! :p11:48
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Termana(at correction)11:48
TexratI just hope I can hang with you guys again :D11:49
dm8tbrI'd suggest to make it a strongly c2h5oh infused coffee11:49
Texratman we've had some fun, eh?11:49
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StskeepsTexrat: just stay around :)11:49
Stskeepsand see where things go11:49
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TermanaTexrat, are you trying to get rid of us?11:49
Texratfor now11:49
TermanaWe're not going anywhere :p11:49
timophlbt: IMO we should start putting up a wiki page for proposals for the changes we'd like too see in the project11:49
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StskeepsTexrat: i personally don't know if i'm out of a job, but i've grown to like meego because it's fun11:50
lbttimoph: just starting11:50
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Texratoh Stskeeps I saw kudos on your last presentation, good job11:50
TexratI am hoping to share the marketing stuff I've been working on11:50
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StskeepsTexrat: it wasn't my best and i didn't go deep enough, but that's a failure from me to not understand my audience too well11:51
Texrattrust me, I made the same mistake at Akademy 201011:51
Stskeepslike, thinking FOSDEM was just a small 1000 person conference ;)11:51
henanow's intels chance to hoard nokias share of smartphones ;)11:51
Texratoversold my subject11:51
djszapiTexrat: which presentation at akademy 2010 ? :P11:52
timophthe user engagement thing11:52
Texratdjszapi on customer feedback ecosystem11:52
Texratwhat timoph said11:52
TexratI had too much marketing shit in it11:52
Texratah well11:52
Texrataimed too broadly11:53
Texrathad fun with you and leinir on followup though timoph11:53
Venemo_N900so, nokia decided to be just another wp7 manufacturer11:53
Venemo_N900how sad11:53
Texrattoo bad we didn't have an audience!11:53
Venemo_N900what'll happen to Qt?11:53
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djszapiTexrat: with leinir ? :P That is awesome11:53
Texratleinir is a great guy11:54
Texratlove hanging with him11:54
Texratalmost as much fun as timoph11:54
timophVenemo_N900: read -> letter for developers (only official word on it that I could find)11:54
* timoph is too lazy to fetch the url :)11:55
StskeepsTexrat: but regarding MeeGo, timoph phrased it pretty well before: <timoph> yep. no way in hell that we're giving up11:55
StskeepsTexrat: worked too hard for this to go nowhere :)11:56
Texratthat's essentially how I was feeling11:56
Stskeepsand since meego is a open project, well, we can11:56
Texratshit, I have been SLAVING the past two months11:56
tarantism_good to hear11:56
Texratwanted to present stuff that would rock at conferences11:57
Texratstill hope to11:57
bzhbthe best thing that could happen is if nokia was to sold qt division to intel. But that is just wishfull thinking at this point.11:57
Texratso who is going to Linux Foundation collab summit?11:58
thiago_homebzhb: qt still has a lot of work to do11:58
thiago_homewe still support meego11:58
Stskeepsi think the path towards qt and wayland is definately one of importance11:58
djszapihe did not say you do not thiago_hme11:58
djszapi* thiago_home11:58
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thiago_homewe've got Qt working on wayland already11:59
thiago_homeour guys and intel's guys collaborating11:59
djszapiprety kool to hear :)11:59
djszapi* pretty11:59
thiago_homeand speaking of collaboration, I do want to go to the LCS -- if my travel is approved11:59
TexratI may be starting a new job, so not sure if I can :(11:59
Texratinterview Monday!!! :)12:00
StskeepsTexrat: good luck :)12:00
lbttimoph: ^^ so that was one of the things12:00
Texratand still waiting on freaking Nokia Siemens networks...12:00
lbtTexrat: ftw12:00
Texratthey are supposed to interview me for 2 positions, but keep delaying12:00
timophlbt: at least easier access to platform development12:01
Texratinterview Monday is with American Airlines.  Senior Operations Analyst12:01
lbttimoph: I think that will come12:01
Texratworking with Rolls Royce jet engine repair12:01
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timophcommunity visible UI/UX design12:01
StskeepsTexrat: yeah, RR jet engines aren't too popular atm are they? :P12:02
lbtheck I wanted to propose this at the next TSG in 2 weeks.... it's barely formed in my mind. The focus was on Apps initially12:02
lbttimoph: yes... the UX isn't part of core is it?12:02
lbtso lets establish chinese walls12:02
Stskeepslbt: +1 for writing a post that doesn't take 20 mins to read12:02
Texratand chinese fire drills!12:02
lbtStskeeps: deadlines keep it tight ;)12:02
Texratwas that a slap, Ststkeeps?12:02
TexratI was aiming for 30 :P12:03
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lbtTexrat: it was!12:03
lbta very +ve one ;)12:03
bzhbthiago_home: I suppose qt on wayland is too young for the nokia meego device. I'm wrong ?12:03
Stskeepswtf does +ve mean anyway..12:03
lbtsee your nearest battery terminal12:03
thiago_homebzhb: yes, too young12:03
bzhbbut it is the future12:04
tarantism_excuse me if I sound rude but12:04
tarantism_is there a project plan?12:04
Stskeepstarantism_: the requirements system is still up and running12:04
Stskeepshang on12:04
Stskeepstarantism_: and
tarantism_thanks. I'll take a look.12:05
djszapithiago_home: do you have a blog about the Qt project after this announcement ? I guess lots of people are interested in this question, what trolls think.12:05
timophlbt: better roadmaps and such things. basically the project's direction should be easier to figure out.12:06
timophdjszapi: I'm pretty sure they're not allowed to comment on those things (at least not yet)12:07
thiago_homedjszapi: we'll let you know when we know more12:07
djszapitimoph: obviosuly, I meant public opinions.12:07
thiago_homedjszapi: until then, please be patient12:07
djszapiokay, np.12:07
dm8tbrlbt: yes that post looks like a good direction IMO12:08
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lbtdm8tbr: timoph: I think the strategy for MeeGo has to be *NOT* a distro... otherwise why use it over a more established solution?12:10
timophStskeeps: btw, packaged joe last night in build.pub12:10
lbtI also feel that the coalition with another distro is now more important12:11
timophlbt: good point12:11
lbtand using opensuse as an upstream may make more sense12:11
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timophlooks like I need to read my mails..12:11
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TermanaOne thing I find a little strange is Nokia saying MeeGo was taking too long... but a WP7 Nokia phone won't be released until 2012... wtf? :p12:16
djszapiTermana: I think they mean that according to their purposes.12:17
ColKilkennynope, the transition takes next couple of years. wp7 phones are released earlier12:17
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lbtTermana: follow the money, not the logic ;)12:20
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djszapilbt: hehe :P12:20
timophyep. You find reasons for a lot of things just by following the money trail12:20
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dm8tbr - looking at the concepts the consumers are already drooling over it. sad but true, technology doesn't matter (that much).12:31
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tarantism_Stskeeps: How do you check whether you have enough resource to meet the scheduled release dates?12:32
thiago_homedm8tbr: wp7 is definitely not meego and this isn't a nokia channel. Please take it elsewhere.12:32
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dm8tbrthiago_home: cool it. I just tried to give some context.12:34
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thiago_homenot going to comment on the rumours, but on engadget: since I *know* that they're wrong very often, you should take their news with a grain of salt12:35
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timophachipa: o/12:51
achipatimoph: o/ mornin'12:51
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Stskeepstrinity: people are hungover, you should have seen last night13:55
trinityhahah... really13:56
NeOGeOhi to all from n90013:56
trinitywait until they get today's news...13:56
JaffaToday's news?13:57
trinityStskeeps... have you heard the news?13:57
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trinityyeah... Nokia dropped Meego ...13:57
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Stskeepstrinity: that was yesterday's news, and they didn't drop it fully13:57
Jaffatrinity: If you mean *yesterday's* news, yes - people are aware of it13:57
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NeOGeOnokia drpped Meego ?13:57
Stskeepsread engadget.com13:57
Stskeepsbut anyway13:57
RST38hdidn't drop what fully? =)13:57
Stskeepsthis is - we're still alive13:57
StskeepsRST38h: another good question13:58
trinityI think meego  netbook has great potential ...13:58
NeOGeOthey have decided to fault13:58
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velopeif I am understood right, Nokia is planned to zip one MeeGo device later this year?13:59
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milliamsYes, that's what they said14:00
NeOGeOquesti sono pazzi14:01
milliamsWhether it will be a phone, tablet or other is unknown14:01
Jaffatrinity: Given no-one seems to be actively working on MeeGo Netbook, I think your "great potential" may go unrealised.14:01
NeOGeOi have not bought a deside hd for waiting nokia N914:02
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JaffaNeOGeO: Buy an N900.14:03
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NeOGeOi'm using now n90014:03
trinityi have an N900... great device with few exceptions including poor battery life14:03
* Chani wonders if the n9 could be their one meego device14:03
trinitycool .. i'm not sure Nokia will deliver on that one Meego device14:04
SpeedEvilI don't see poor battery life.14:04
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Chani(then again, with the rumours I'm hearing, I'm not so sure it'll be only one)14:04
thiago_homeChani: the device that will be relased has not been given any official name14:05
Chanihehe :)14:05
bzhbChani: what rumours?14:05
roadii guess there will no one. what will nokia with one meego phone the market; who will buy such single solution?!14:05
Chaniright, There Is No N914:05
trinityI had an E71 prior to the N900; I would normally recharge the E71 after 3 or 4 days... 1 or 2 days with the N90014:05
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* thiago_home raises his hand14:05
thiago_homeroadi: I'll buy it :-)14:05
milliamsroadi: other companies will be releasing Meego devices no doubt.14:05
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SpeedEvilI suspect there will be a n914:05
thiago_homeSpeedEvil: again, no name has been assigned to the device14:06
SpeedEvilIt's been announced that meego devices scheduled are having windows put on them14:06
roadithe other companies maybe - but where is meggo today?!14:06
thiago_homeSpeedEvil: no such thing has been announced14:06
trinitymaintaining the software for the one phone could be extraneous ... among other things14:06
NeOGeOnormaly 10 hours of life with my use14:06
ChaniSpeedEvil: depends how you use it, from what I've heard. and maybe the devices differ; when my friend put a sim card in his and wandered around town with that and the wifi on, it was dead within hours. by *my* n900 can go the whole day, unless I'm using it heavily14:06
roadiit isn't still there where it should be (for selling devices). pity.14:06
SpeedEvilthiago: yes it was - yesterday - press conference on
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StskeepsSpeedEvil: designs14:07
StskeepsSpeedEvil: which isn't unusual to switch14:07
SpeedEvilStskeeps: Indeed - by devices I meant designs for devices which were scheduled to have meego on them.14:07
JaffaSpeedEvil: Mine's generally fine, but if I'm away from a wifi hotspot and do a bit of browsing on 2.5G (say yesterday), it'll be dying by about 7pm (when I'm trying to get home)14:07
jonnorroadi: companies are free to put whatever they want on top of meego core. Don't think people will ship Meego Handset as-is14:07
JaffaSpeedEvil: But I don't have a problem when I'm connected to wifi most of the day and Bluetooth headphone for an hour each morning and on way home.14:08
SpeedEvilJaffa: Yes - data transfer over wireless - especcially 3G is unfortunately heavy.14:08
Chaniactually, if I'm not using my n900 much it can go 2-3 days without charging14:08
JaffaSpeedEvil: The problem is, I want to be always on, but also trust the device.14:08
SpeedEvilJaffa: I agree.14:08
trinityNe0Ge0: looks like you have all readio on all the time..14:08
JaffaSpeedEvil: I suppose I want a widget or status menu thing for quickly turning off auto-connect to GPRS14:08
SpeedEvilBetter policy framework.14:09
SpeedEvilWhat can/can't brig up the radio14:09
trinityit's not a perfect device, but I like the freedom it permits...14:09
SpeedEvilThere are already suitable infrastructures.14:09
SpeedEvilman quota14:09
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trinityit could probably be the last open-source device from Nokia... although I would hope I'm wrong...14:10
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trinityI just love Meego Netbook ... it needs a lot of refinement, but it has such a mondern UI, and finger tip friendly goo :)14:11
lcukI vs We.14:12
MohammadAGStskeeps, what was the tool you used to mount .raw files again? partx?14:12
velopetrinity, it may not be the last one if we make it shine :)14:13
StskeepsMohammadAG: kpartx14:13
SpeedEvilvelope: And buy 8 each.14:14
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lcukJaffa, could you read this short bit of text and see if this makes sense:
lcukJaffa, I have you marked specifically for your bright buttons, see:14:21
lcukkot         c low levelness, Linux tutoring, x86 consideration14:21
lcukseb         tag cloud14:21
lcukzack        textbox mon14:21
lcukw00t        c++guard14:21
lcukqwerty      install and hildon14:21
lcukstskeeps    late night chats14:21
lcukjohnx       ditto14:21
lcukdaniels     xvideo mode which liqbase uses14:21
lcuksimon       gst cam,detection talks14:21
lcukjaffa       bright buttons prototype14:21
lcukspyro       mic14:22
lcukkath        sheep,confidence14:22
lcuklbt         git14:22
lcuktammy       supercoder14:22
lcukrm_you      sleep technician14:22
lcukjott        advice, rotated thinking14:22
lcukkees        debian package advice14:22
Stskeepsstop flooding14:22
lcukjeremiah    debian package advice14:22
lcukqole        cheerleader14:22
lcukx-fade      builder14:22
lcukwazd        art critique!14:22
lcukadele       UX advice14:22
lcukvlad        live bg support for liqflow!14:22
roadi.oO( i am waiting for the kick )14:22
lcukciroip      clock14:22
lcukalban       alban art14:22
lcukryan        web layout14:22
lcuktimsamoff   chats and meegon14:22
lcukjussi       driving to hospital14:22
* timoph stabs lcuk 14:22
lcukquim        devices and conf14:22
lcukdanielw     all sorts of help14:22
lcukfrals       mms, walking through a non trivial app with me :)14:22
lcukvdvsx       chats14:22
lcukvgrade      doc formatting14:22
* lbt kicks lcuk14:22
lcukalterego    qml/widget considerations14:22
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lcukdawn        devices and conf14:22
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lcuk:$ apologies14:23
timophlcuk: o/14:24
alteregowas that your psych profile on meego members lcuk :P14:24
lcukalterego, that is the list of people who I can remember talking to who helped in some way with liqbase14:25
* lbt makes an addition to his file14:25
lcukthe book and Smile thing is what I want to do, but the rest is because of you guys14:25
lbtlcuk: err.... I want a "license" credit then!14:25
lbtmr closed source14:25
lcuklbt, put it on the wiki and flesh it out14:25
lcukthen I will use it in the next release14:25
lcuki am not very good at presenting anything14:26
lbtdo you recall the debates on GPL ?14:26
lcuklong and drawn out14:26
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timophlbt: would it be possible to generate a list of packages that are already in pub obs? some html generating script in a cronjob, etc..14:26
lbtaren't they all14:26
lbttimoph: yep...  we have REVS14:26
lbtwhich I'm thinking of deploying there14:26
lcuklbt, but my memory is poor and I regress into my shell too often to notice14:26
lcukwriting this does remind me of one thing14:27
lbtlcuk: I meant license discussions.... not "me" .... (in case Stskeeps starts poking fun at me again!)14:27
lcukour talks in BCN14:27
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lbtbut timoph, what's the point?14:28
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lbtpriming the ITP ?14:28
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timophautomating it14:28
jonwilso what would this list contain exactly?14:29
MohammadAGis the 8 February image broken?14:29
jonwila list of packages that are open source?14:29
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timophno. packages that are in
lbtand what's the scope? home: projects or Team?14:30
lcukjonwil, it contains a list of people who along the way have been begged, pushed, offered advice towards creating liqbase14:30
lbthome is a bit 'private'14:30
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MohammadAGor... not,  just shows a lot of errors at boot time14:30
jonwilwhats liqbase?14:30
timophhmmh. true14:30
lcukliqbase is a bottle of smiles14:30
lcukthe best intentions of the entire of the community14:31
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timophI think I need a lesson on how the community obs is supposed to be used14:31
lcukmy code is not very good and you have to squint a bit, but everyone who has ever seen me knows I just want the fastest shiniest slickest experience around14:32
lcukand it runs really well and always does new different things14:32
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timophlike if I think some package is ready to leave home, where do I send the sr14:32
lbttimoph: it's a reflection of the organisation of the community14:32
lbtwhich is... not well defined14:33
lbtbut should mirror core to some degree14:33
lbtit also isn't a single thing14:33
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lbteach Team: area supports a different project which may have their own rules14:33
lcuklbt, the documents I posted, who could write them up properly?14:34
timophyes. I see that there's only the "team" area there but no actual team projects14:34
lbttimoph: no one has asked for one with enough "thought" to justify being granted one14:35
lbtlcuk: which docs?14:35
timophin my case where I'm packaging random stuff every now and then the team project would't IMO make sense14:35
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lbttimoph: did you read
* timoph reads it14:36
lcuklbt, those notes I just wrote; and
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* jonwil is still getting nowhere with any of his reverse engineering efforts :(14:36
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arjonwil: what are you trying to reverse engineer?14:38
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jonwilA bunch of different things14:38
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jonwilStuff required to get Cell Broadcast working on my N900 for one.14:39
jonwilAlso GPS on N900 for maemo purposes14:39
jonwilI mean meego purposes14:40
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jonwilI still cant seem to get my head around listening to dbus signals :(14:43
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jonwilThere is no reason MeeGo cant get GPS on the N900 using a gpsd backend14:52
jonwilIts all a matter of Nokia being willing to release the details of the GPS related isi/phonet calls as they apply to the N900 cellmodem14:53
jonwilThey have already released cell modem API docs (including some stuff related to GPS) at www.wirelessmodemapi.com14:53
jonwilbut the GPS bits there dont match the N90014:53
* jonwil just needs to find someone who has an "in" at nokia to try and push for the release of the stuff he needs for his projects :)14:54
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lbtjonwil: you should be talking to #meego-arm people. The N900 is the reference device and they are/were supported by Nokia14:56
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lcuklbt, its so anti-tech its in my handwriting:
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lcukluke walked into the bed when he noticed it14:59
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lbtI just dl'ed liqbook too15:00
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aholleryou should change the background color ;)15:01
lcukaholler, no - I should release the package that uses the most awesome image select dialog in the world15:01
lcukto let you choose your ownbackground15:01
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pcman17I have a question!!!15:10
Stskeepsask instead of asking to ask15:10
lcukStskeeps, I believe that was more a statement.15:11
pcman17I 'd like to start and learn qt for meego15:11
timophlbt: good guestion on the post "what is the point of MeeGo?" I haven't actually given it that much though before. I agree with you that the core is the point. By having the core as the point makes MeeGo distro the surroundings.15:11
pcman17Is it worth it really or am I gonna waste my time????15:11
Stskeepspcman17: Qt development is fun.15:12
lcukpcman17, you learn Qt, whether it is running on Maemo or Meego or Windows or Mac or Ubuntu or wherever does not matter.15:12
timophpcman17: depends what you want to acvhieve15:12
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* timoph likes Qt15:12
pcman17Yes but a friend of mine is WP7 developer and tries to convince me on starting developing for windows15:13
timophlike I said. it really depends on what you want to achieve15:13
Stskeepspcman17: the true strength of a real programmer is one that can adapt15:13
chouchoune... I'm just opening IRC and see that sentence :(15:13
pcman17When i first learned about meego I was excited but now things have taken another way15:13
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pcman17Ok thanks for the answer!!!!!!!!! I 'll think about it15:14
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Jaffalcuk: Cool15:27
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lcukJaffa, :)15:27
MohammadAGdoes meego accept Qt daemons?15:27
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Stskeepsare they dbus activated?15:28
MohammadAGthey listen to dbus15:28
JartzaFinland has dramatic newspapers now :)15:28
MohammadAGsince I'm (slowly) cloning Nokia Bubbles, maybe it could go upstream? :P15:29
fralsMohammadAG: i think you need to describe the architecture and purpose a bit more than just asking it accepts [random] daemon15:29
Jartza"Lopun alku" == "Beginning of The End"15:29
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MohammadAGfrals, I'd assume saying cloning Nokia Bubbles that everyone would understand that it manages screen locks :P15:31
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lcukMohammadAG, lol15:32
MohammadAGanyway, the question was, can daemons be in Qt?15:32
* lcuk remembers tweeting about bubbles15:32
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MohammadAGI just hope Nokia doesn't sue me for cloning a concept and releasing it as open source :P15:33
lcukwell I made you bubbles py thing months ago15:33
lcukand released that15:33
lcukwell before we ever saw it emerge15:33
lcukand its yours to use15:33
* lcuk wrote it with your keylights in mind15:33
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RST38hMohammad: daemons can even be in bash15:35
MohammadAGlcuk, if you didn't see it, this is Nokia bubbles
lcukI did see it15:35
lcukreminds me of physics view from original liqbase15:35
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lcuklbt, did you read the part about Smiles?  it has a path to allowing even simple community work to be rewarded15:45
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riotso, is microsoft a ban word here, already? ;)15:49
lcukno riot, they have some of the best engineers on the planet!15:50
riot << yeah, right :P15:50
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CosmoHillhi .o/15:51
Jaffariot: Microsoft have talented engineers. The Kinect is amazing (although I don't have an Xbox 360). But talking about Microsoft's strengths and weaknesses is kinda off-topic for #meego15:51
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Jaffariot: The question is how does MeeGo evolve and adapt to one of the few (only?) consumer electronics manufacturers who'd made MeeGo part of their core strategy pulling out.15:52
riotJaffa: i thought the engineering part is what nokia was supposed to do?15:52
JaffaIntel can remain committed to MeeGo, but they don't develop stuff for consumers.15:52
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rioti'll have a kinect system here next week.. for trying out :>15:52
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rioti'll probably not like it *g*15:53
riotna, i work out on my bike *g*15:53
lcukJaffa, how about we make MeeGo so damned impressive that all the manufacturers will enable it15:53
lcukif we can bottle the same enthusiasm and best hope that exists inside liqbase and make real apps with it then we are winning.15:54
lcukthe collective smiles I have seen around the world can brighten even the coldest, darkest nights.15:54
berndhslcuk: how about making it run on more-or-less-arbitrary tablets15:54
CosmoHillI might go out on my bike later15:54
berndhsI might go shovel snow later15:55
Jaffalcuk: Who's doing the work, though? Visions are great, but putting out something that polished requires more work than community volunteers (unless you're willing to wait for the heatdeath of the universe)15:55
lcukJaffa, just like I have been doing with liqbase15:56
lcukit takes motivation and dedication and commitment15:56
lcukjust like I have spoken with you and most others and I have tried my best15:56
lcukif everybody tries their best, we will all win.15:56
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Stskeepsello haataja15:57
RST38hlcuk: You are one man motivational poster :)15:57
haatajahello Stskeeps15:57
* timoph likes lcuk's thinking15:57
lcukRST38h, liqbase in my own words:
lcukcompletely handwritten15:57
lcukfrom the ground up :P15:57
RST38hYes, I have seen liqbase15:58
lcukRST38h, the clock is live15:58
haatajanewbie question, is there instructions anywhere how I could have MeeGO and Ubuntu side by side in netbook?15:58
lcukand a real working one15:58
lcukbut its in my handwriting15:58
Jaffalcuk: The world doesn't work on optimism. Even something with the vision of Ubuntu needs bankrolling15:58
lcukjust like the original sketch15:58
Stskeepshaataja: you'd probably need to look on for 'grub'15:58
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lcukJaffa, read liqbook.15:58
CosmoHilllcuk: that's cool, I like seeing hand draw mock ups :)15:58
haatajaok, thanks15:58
lcukCosmoHill, but that is not a mockup.15:59
Jaffalcuk: What do you mean?15:59
lcukits live and runs on n900 and meego15:59
lcukand it goes at 60fps15:59
lcukand its smoother than an iphone15:59
timophlcuk: is that in
lcukand its different and distinctive15:59
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lcuktimoph, no, I am not very good15:59
lcukliqbook is on the itp15:59
lcukbut the other stuff I know nothing about, thats where lots of very very good people have spoken with me and tried to help16:00
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Jaffalcuk: Mentioning package names repeatedly doesn't enlighten me ;-)16:00
lcukJaffa, READ it.16:00
lcukits a short book16:01
lcukexplaining what I can do16:01
lcukand how if I had the money would do somethng about it16:01
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lcukits written in my handwriting and signed off by me16:01
lcukits the main part of liqbase that I want to achieve16:01
lcukthe rest comes because of the talks and discussions with everyone else16:02
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lcukI just added a new chapter to liqbook containing
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lcuktimoph, :) I showed my mum liqcalendar and she played tictactoe with Jacob.  :) I have waited literally years to use a computer without tearing my hair out.16:06
lcukwe even needed the torch!  the ideapad lights up the whole room16:06
lcukno LEDs on the ideapad, but liqtorch let us see when the lights went out.16:07
timophthe sources for it are in garage?16:07 and
timophI think I'll play with it a bit16:07
lcukits very messy, I am not a good programmer16:08
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lcukbut it has best intentions all over it.16:08
Jaffalcuk: WHERE can I read it?16:09
lcukJaffa, extras-devel on maemo16:09
CosmoHillfor what I tend to do with some stuff is that I'm fairly bad at starting it but I am very very good at taking someone else's work and improving it16:09
lcukI just uploaded 0.3 of it16:09
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JaffaRight. I'll wait till later since a) enabling extras-devel's a fiddle and b) got jobs to do ;-)16:09
CosmoHilllcuk: liqbook on github seems empty16:10
Jaffalcuk: Thanks for the pointer, tho16:10
* CosmoHill is amazing by the awesome 404 page16:10
lcukCosmoHill, git had a problem, latest source as uploaded 10 minutes ago is on autobuilder16:10
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* lcuk still struggles with many little things in liqbase16:12
lcukand the hardest part has been trying to break it up into digestable chunks16:13
lcukI am going offline for a bit, cyas later \o16:13
CosmoHillbye bye16:13
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lcukoh, I pushed liqtutor to extras-devel for maemo, it is branched from liqcalendar, but allows you to make handwritten fonts16:17
lcukits what I used to get Tracys handwriting in.  mine was done by taking sketches drawn manually and pieced together16:18
lcukhers was done using editor :)16:18
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jo-erlendwhat happens to MeeGo now that Nokia partners up with Microsoft?16:27
stondawait and see.16:27
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Stskeepsjo-erlend: we are continuing16:28
haatajaMeeGo continues as is.16:28
StskeepsMeeGo's a LF project and Intel is still going on - including inside Nokia16:28
Richrd_I'm just wondering who will develop the cutting edge hardware for meego to run on?16:29
RST38hStskeeps: That depends on what is meant by LF16:29
jo-erlendbut will Nokia sell mobile phones and MIDs for it?16:29
Richrd_Nokia had some good stuff going on like hdmi and usb otg etc.16:29
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RST38hStskeeps: Based on my limited experience with US business speak, he means "Start looking for jobs, we are closing your project, but slowly"16:29
RST38hSo, no, the "learning" part is not good at all.16:30
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StskeepsRST38h: not denying that, but let's see what happens in practice16:30
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RST38hYes, things may turn up in a variety of ways16:30
haatajaI think it will depend how MeeGo proceeds.16:31
RST38hNo, it will depend on how WP7 proceeds :)16:31
RST38hElop is barely acknowledging Meego existance.16:31
haatajaThat too, but less that.16:32
RST38hBUT if WP7 tanks (and there are all reasons for that to happen), things may start looking a bit different for investors, if not for Elop himself16:32
lcukRichrd_, I am just waiting for meego to run on iphone hardware.16:32
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lcuk(only because I want to see whether liqbase really is faster than iOS on same HW ;))16:33
haatajaYes, lets not forget that meego is much more for others than Nokia also.16:33
RST38hIf they manage to achieve some success with WP7 though, something they can showoff toinvestors, Meego is condemned.16:33
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RST38hWe are talking about it in Nokia context at the moment16:33
RST38hIf you want to talkabout others, the only "others" I know is Aava16:34
Stskeepshopefully MWC will show some more16:34
RST38hWhich is noteven claiming to produce a consumer handset16:34
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velopeMicrosoft may flop again in mobile business as it has done many times.
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haatajaI've seen some other manufacturer devices, that integrated meego. Done by Neusoft.16:35
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haatajaThose were not phones/handhelds though.16:36
Richrd_the phone functionality is important though16:36
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haatajaMicrosoft clearly wants Nokia to be an OEM. Nokia can be that too, but I think for own future something 'original' is needed. Like the meego.16:37
berndhswhy is phone functionality important? because the phone market is the biggest ?16:37
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thiagossDo you want to have a 'handset' and a phone?16:42
haatajatablet and phone..16:43
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rishimikhas: Hey! Long time, no see. :)16:51
mikhashi rishi! how are you? still in HKI?16:52
rishimikhas: Yes.16:52
mikhasleft a week ago16:52
rishimikhas: Writing my thesis now. Almost done with my MSc.16:52
rishimikhas: You were in Helsinki?16:52
rishimikhas: Let me know if you come again. (Not likely, I guess :-))16:53
rishimikhas: How is Daniel? I gather he is busy with his studies.16:54
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mikhashaven't met him yet, he seems to be ok though16:54
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MohammadAGerr, what's /usr/lib/madde/linux-x86_64/targets/meego-core-armv7l-1.1/bin/qdbusxml2cpp: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/ undefined symbol: _ZN14QObjectPrivate15checkWindowRoleEv ?16:55
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StskeepsMohammadAG: a bug?\16:56
thiago_homeMohammadAG: it means you're mixing your build with that of your system16:56
thiago_homeyour system's libQtCore is interfering16:56
MohammadAGI see17:00
MohammadAGwhy is the sdk missing qdbusxml2cpp, it should be in the meego-sdk-libqt4-dev package but isn't17:00
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lardmanfiferboy: ping17:22
lcuklardman, you are mentioned
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lardmancheers lcuk17:24
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MohammadAGI used mic-chroot to get into the armel sysroot, then tried to use rpm to install the package, package augeas-libs-0.7.2-2.7.armv7l is intended for a armv7l architecture17:26
MohammadAGbut it's an arm chroot17:26
* CosmoHill wonders how to make text files wrap in firefox17:29
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lcukCosmoHill, they wrap nicely in liqbook :P lol17:30
CosmoHillrm_you      sleep technician ?17:32
lcukCosmoHill, he fell asleep stood up in mcdonalds whilst we were chatting in berlin17:33
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CosmoHillis he a cow?17:37
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lcukCosmoHill, lol, no he was propped up along the wall17:38
lcukand we were pretty much hammered17:38
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lcukjott and I could not stop laughing17:38
CosmoHilloh oh, I was imaging you two chatting in the middle of a queue17:39
lcukCosmoHill, in Germany where we were - the Mcdonalds do not have seats.17:39
lcukstanding around high tables.17:40
CosmoHillthat's one way to stop people shouting "get off your fat ass" at customers17:40
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lcuktimoph, if you need any help, just ask, many people know about it - if you need specifics, #liqbase has folks who might know even more.17:50
* lcuk goes to daisy nook to feed the ducks17:50
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CosmoHilllcuk: I've heard you talk about liqbase but never realised you were the creater17:55
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lcukCosmoHill, I have been creating it for years17:57
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CosmoHillyes but I've only known you for one17:59
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MohammadAG'meegotouchcp-bluetooth-libmeegobluetooth-devel' not found in package names. even though is in /etc/zypp/repos.d/ :/18:02
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Elop_May i say something? This community is acting like a bunch of grade schoolers who lost their toys. GET OVER IT !18:28
Elop_GET OVER IT !!!!18:29
SpeedEvilMany of the community have invested much unpaid time on this project. It's not hard to understand that they may feel somewhat perturbed.18:29
thiago_homeSpeedEvil: don't feed the troll18:29
SpeedEvilI'm sure it must be him. Why do you think it's a troll?18:30
thiago_homemore importantly, don't prove him right18:30
Elop_so stop bashing Elop because he didnt kiss the feet of the open source community18:30
thiago_homeSpeedEvil: for one thing, because the IP is not from Finland.18:31
Elop_you people exaggerate the importance and the relevance of meego18:31
MohammadAGIt's from Canada18:31
thiago_homeMohammadAG: yes18:31
CosmoHillMohammadAG: I just looked that up to18:31
thiago_homeand though Elop is from Canada, he was in London on Friday and he now lives in the Helsinki area18:32
CosmoHillalso why would the real Elop refer to himself in the third person?18:32
Elop_the whining and the complaining is ridiculous .... cheer up people18:32
thiago_homeand you can bet he's going to Barcelona on Monday18:32
MohammadAGAnyway, wouldn't a Nokian have the nat/nokia hostmask?18:32
CosmoHillMohammadAG: they wouldn't use the freenode web interface either18:32
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ElopManbetter now?18:32
CosmoHillah, MeeGoBoy18:32
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ElopManCosmoHill: hello mate18:33
CosmoHillbye bye18:33
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*** ElopMan was kicked by Stskeeps (please adhere to the IRC guidelines of this channel, in case you ever visit again.)18:33
daniel___I heared Nokia had an agreement with Microsoft18:33
daniel___is that true?18:33
daniel___to work on WM7?18:34
Stskeepsdaniel___: has all the information you need - it's a bit irrelevant for here :)18:34
CosmoHilldaniel___: have a look at the #meego chat longs, MS / nokia press release, and shorten your tail18:34 continues18:34
timophhmmh. infobot would be useful in answering this repeating thing18:35
MindWarperhey folks this channel is dead all hail the new #MSeego18:35
CosmoHillMindWarper: lol18:35
thiago_homeMindWarper: evidence speaks to the contrary. The channel is very much alive.18:35
StskeepsMindWarper: please, leave, this is a place for work, not trolling.18:35
StskeepsMindWarper: in fact we have had the biggest amount of people in here in ages :P18:36
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CosmoHillpeaked yesterday at about 60018:36
GAN900Stskeeps, probably because people are desperate for real information. :)18:37
MindWarpersorry just been reading osnews site18:38
GAN900Not because they're all ready to jump on the wagon.18:38
StskeepsMindWarper: and that gives you reason to go and troll in a channel where people do actual work? sorry, does not compute18:38
StskeepsGAN900: probably, but this was about the channel P18:38
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CosmoHillStskeeps: i think he was just making a joke, not trolling18:39
* Stskeeps sighs a bit18:39
CosmoHillI never said it was a good joke18:39
* MindWarper likes some black humor jokes18:40
velopesometimes the line between joke and troll is thin18:40
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velopeAt least I have been in a good situation as I have been payed for this and hopefully it continues.18:51
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Stskeepstreebeen`: we're not nokia, thank god19:03
treebeen`Stskeeps: just jokin19:03
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treebeen`Stskeeps: well, Nokia screwed it, I hope they go down together with WP7, and Meego will survive them, heh19:06
Stskeepstreebeen`: i hope the best for meego myself. its' a quite nice system19:06
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berndhsi hope the best for Qt, it is really nice to work with19:09
kulveI'm using meego sdk's "mad" command to build my qt app. But can I install the missing gstreamer dependencies somehow there?19:09
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thiago_homeberndhs: we're not dying19:25
thiago_homenot now anyway19:25
berndhsI hope Qt lives a long time, its so useful for many things19:25
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thiago_homewe're busy planning the plan B for world domination19:26
thiago_homedon't write us off just yet19:26
berndhsyeah that's it :)19:26
polteuswhat is plan B?19:26
CosmoHillI thought Plan B was to kill everyone19:27
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thiago_homedamn, our plan discovered! Let's start Plan C.19:28
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polteussince nobody is going to ship meego smartphone for now, maybe you should focus on porting meego on android devices. Any chance to get from qualcomm the sources needed to have working 3d hw acceleration on meego?19:31
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niala1meego on android.... that is stupid... why not meego on windows ?  :)19:31
pupnik_no, on the device19:32
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polteusmeego on android devices, niala119:32
niala1ahhhh ok sorry i m stupid :)19:32
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thiago_homepolteus: and you don't know if no one is going to ship19:32
thiago_homein fact, you know that nokia will ship19:32
pupnik_polteus: smoku has gotten meego running on the archos tablets19:33
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smokupupnik, and dell streak ;P19:33
berndhsI had the feeling there were some manufacturers hiding in Asia working on meego devices19:33
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thiago_homeif we give them something to put on their devices, they'll ship19:35
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niala1i think meego is a opportunity for little vendor.  the problems is now xhat about qt. Qt is an important part of meego19:36
thiago_homedo I have to repeat? Qt is not disappearing.19:37
thiago_homeqt existed before nokia and will continue to exist after it19:38
ColKilkennyqt is just fine. if you have to worry about something then worry about meego devices19:38
thiago_homeand we still have some cards left up our sleeves19:38
niala1berndhs: i m often here, and i rarely see asian people here19:38
berndhsmost of the bugs are assigned to people with chinese names19:38
gabrbeddniala1:  There are indeed several folks in asia working on MeeGo stuff.19:39
niala1berndhs: yes more on bugzilla19:39
niala1here is more a bar than a dev area19:39
lcukniala1, -->  #meego-bar does actually exist19:40
berndhsI was thinking that some no-name manufacturers in Asia probably have something shippable this year, if soemone wants to market it19:40
gabrbeddniala1:  E.g.
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gabrbeddniala1:  One nice thing about MeeGo for small vendors is that they can work on their products incognito, and only announce when they're ready to announce.19:41
smokugabrbedd, and this is specific to meego?19:41
RST38hthiago: Qt is not disappearing, but it is nolonger a framework for anything mass-marketed19:42
gabrbeddsmoku: well, no... :-)19:42
gabrbeddsmoku: but they don't even have to declare to the LF.19:42
RST38hthiago: Which, as I understand it, is the main reason of mass butthurt19:42
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chouchouneWe've also learned that Nokia's first MeeGo device, originally scheduled to be announced late last year, has been sent back to the drawing board by operators.19:43
chouchouneThe problem, says our source, is in relation to the "flimsy' hardware keyboard mechanism, which fell short of operator standards.19:43
Myrttirumours abound still19:44
niala1today I do paintball, guess who I thought was:)19:44
chouchounestrange one19:44
chouchouneInstead, a second (and possibly last) MeeGo smartphone on the roadmap - the N9-01 - sans physical keyboard will be pushed out first, as earlier reported by Engadget.19:44
chouchouneInterestingly, well-placed sources also tell us that the device won't feature the stock MeeGo UI but instead one designed by "a three person external team rather than any of Nokia's hundreds of internal designers." It could be announced as early as next week at Mobile World Congress.19:44
chouchounewould be more interesting19:44
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thiago_homeyou shouldn't trust everything you read19:45
Myrttithank you, we are perfectly capable reading the article - based on rumours and sources who shall remain anonymous - ourselves19:45
lcukquestion: providing what I read is true and that a Nokia MeeGo device is coming out - do we consider that one updatable?  ie as MeeGo is developed, the device can be updated?19:45
RST38hProbably bullshit19:45
chouchounethiago_home: I'm not trusting19:45
chouchounejust reporting rumours about meego19:45
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Myrttidon't you have anything better to do? like baking a cheesecake or playing Minecraft?19:46
MyrttiI vote for cheesecake myself19:46
gabrbeddGuys, how many phones did Apple develop last year?  ONE.19:46
lcukMyrtti, I have some cream in fridge, should I bring it over?19:46
chouchouneMyrtti: right now, no19:46
gabrbeddChill out about Nokia only making ONE MeeGo phone.19:46
gabrbeddIf it rocks, it'll rock.19:47
Myrttichouchoune: sounds like you need to be corrupted with the joys of cheesecake and/or minecraft then19:47
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gabrbeddOh, and thiago_home already rocks. :-)19:49
GAN900gabrbedd, except it's now a dead-end unsupported platform from Nokia's view.19:49
GAN900We're back to the 770 days19:49
GAN900But sans excitement about the future.19:49
RST38hGAN: You do not even know that19:49
GAN900Pretty bleak.19:49
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MyrttiGAN900 is our official pessimist19:50
* GAN900 waves.19:50
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Myrttiwe love you anyway19:50
Myrttimy sister especially loves you19:50
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GAN900Is that where it ended up, eh? ;)19:50
gabrbeddGAN900: So, if it's a successful phone... do you really think they'll can it?19:50
chouchouneMyrtti: I'll think about this, but would prefer to be corrupted by a pint of guinness19:51
gabrbeddMeanwhile, when do you think the first WP7 phone will ship?19:51
* GAN900 still has 6 hours to go until Guinness.19:51
jonnorgabrbedd: N8 was successful19:51
Myrttichouchoune: sorry, I don't drink myself so I can't corrupt anyone else with it19:51
jonnorwell, is19:51
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GAN900gabrbedd, it'd have to be awfully successful.19:51
gabrbeddGAN900: indeed.19:52
gabrbeddjonnor: Well, I never heard my friends chatting about playing angry birds on their N8. :-)19:52
henawife does that all the time19:53
timophgabrbedd: I have19:53
hirabayashitaroSorry for the "stupid" question. How is the licence of qt, is forkable or not?19:53
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chouchouneI've never heard anyone chatting about chatting angry birds at all by the way19:53
chouchounenot only with N819:53
polteushirabayashitaro: it's lgpl19:53
jonnorme neither19:53
timophhirabayashitaro: why do you want to fork it?19:53
timophI'm not seeing any reason for that19:54
gabrbeddhirabayashia: Yes, it's forkable... but it's too early to need to.19:54
smoku - any idea what may be causing this?19:54
hirabayashitaroI don't. because seems to be like an hot topic out there.19:54
henaif someone's gonna fork it, it's microsoft19:55
polteushirabayashitaro: one of the good things nokia did before elop was open sourcing qt. so yes, you can fork it :P19:55
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thiago_homepolteus: nokia didn't do that19:55
gabrbeddsmoku: I've seen that happen when the cable between the video card and the LCD goes bad.19:55
MeeGoExperts@smoku: Loose connection of some sort i'd say19:55
thiago_homeQt was open source long before Nokia19:55
hirabayashitarowell, so what's all this fear of Nokia about qt?19:55
thiago_homeQt was always open source, in fact19:55
henait was also proprietary long before it was open source :D19:56
gabrbeddsmoku: or loose, like MeeGoExpert said. :-)19:56
henano it wasn't19:56
smokuMeeGoBot, loose connection on Xephyr? :>19:56
MeeGoBotsmoku: Sorry, I've no idea what 'loose connection on Xephyr? :>' might be.19:56
hirabayashitaroand how Nokia can influence the development of qt?19:56
jonnorhirabayashitaro: you've never forked a big software project have you19:56
achipahena: wasn't always (L)GPL, but that's a different story19:56
achipa(those not being the only open source licenses)19:57
hirabayashitarojonnor: sure I have not. And I don't want to19:57
thiago_homehirabayashitaro: by paying 90%-95% of the people who work on it19:57
gabrbeddsmoku: I don't use Xephyr, so I don't know.19:57
jonnorhirabayashitaro: good. Cause its not just a matter of taking the code and say I'm the new upstream now. (and its usually not a very good idea either, best used as a last resort)19:58
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thiago_homewe don't want a fork19:58
thiago_homewe want to work with everyone to make sure a fork isn't *necessary*19:59
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thiago_homeit's not that we're stopping you. If you want to fork, you can.19:59
thiago_homewe want to make sure that you don't have to.19:59
hirabayashitaroI'm not proposing to fork qt, I'm just asking about the current situation. To have a more clear idea of what we are talking about19:59
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hirabayashitaroand in which way the situation has changed19:59
thiago_homewe're still trying to figure that out20:00
thiago_homeplease be patient with us20:00
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* thiago_home will post a blog as soon as he knows enough to blog about20:00
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hirabayashitarothiago_home: I know. But to consider the future of Qt I think we must consider it with at least 2 faces20:01
thiago_homewhich two faces?20:01
lcukthiago_home, if I wanted to put in new feature to Qt, where would I start?20:01
* thiago_home assumes that "two faces" is a Japanese way of saying "from two points of view"20:02
hirabayashitarothiago_home: one is qt as something that nokia have. the other is qt as anopensource thing, something that everyone have20:02
thiago_homelcuk: today? clone it, write the feature, create a merge request20:02
lcukthiago_home, I do not have skills20:02
thiago_homelcuk: soon, we'll have a different system and mailing lists, just like a regular open source project20:02
lcukI can barely write my own code20:02
thiago_homelcuk: you can always pay someone to do it for you20:02
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thiago_homelcuk: we also have a bugtracker that tracks feature requests20:03
roadithey cant close it; if they close it developers will run away20:03
lcukthiago_home, I have a kickass idea and feature that I want in Qt20:03
jonnorthiago_home: you really suggest people to do all the work before making sure you'd actually want it /accept it?20:03
thiago_homehirabayashitaro: we want those two to be one and the same20:03
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* gw280 waves20:03
thiago_homejonnor: no, I don't20:03
thiago_homejonnor: which is why we're opening up more and we'll have mailing lists20:03
jonnorthiago_home: very good :)20:04
thiago_homejonnor: so you can talk to developers and bounce ideas off before spending time writing code20:04
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Venemo_N900good afternoon MeeGoists :)20:04
jonnorthiago_home: but today there is no policy of using say the public bugtracker for this coordination?20:04
thiago_homejonnor: the bugtracker is the best place, today20:04
lcukVenemo_N900, \o20:04
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Venemo_N900hey lcuk :)20:05
MyrttiI just wish people would have time and patience to wait for the real information to come through - very seldom do CEO's tell anything worthwhile that will actually be good enough to make long term plans over. Even the other Steve leaves the technical details for better inclined people to tell...20:05
thiago_homejonnor: the big problem is that the current merge request system is inefficient and full of cracks through which things are lost20:05
thiago_homejonnor: we're working to fix all of that20:05
thiago_homejonnor: *I* am dedicating 100% of my time to this20:05
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RST38hMyrtti: Real state of things may take a few months to reveal itself20:05
RST38hMyrtti: No reasonable human will wait this long20:05
hirabayashitarothiago_home: I'll study something about licensing and come back. At this stage I'm not able understand the situation. Anyway thank you20:05
jonnorthiago_home: will this happen through improvements to gitorious?20:06
MyrttiRST38h: *MAY*20:06
thiago_homejonnor: we don't know20:06
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thiago_homejonnor: let me find a link for you20:06
Myrttihirabayashitaro: I'd be surprised if anyone really understood the situation20:06
RST38hMyrtti: MAY with very high probability20:06
* RST38h is looking at everything he can find about SLP in the meanwhile20:06
thiago_homejonnor: the two leading contenders are Gerrit (same as Android) and Crucible20:07
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thiago_homejonnor: those are the features we want20:07
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CosmoHillffs, why isn't my phone on
thiago_homegw280: is your employer now more willing to use meego? :-)20:10
jonnorthiago_home: thanks20:10
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thiago_homejonnor: by the way, join us in finding out more about the tools and what we'd like20:11
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gw280thiago_home: haha, you know I can't comment on such things :P20:15
gw280thiago_home: but QNX is a nice OS :)20:15
thiago_homegw280: I know you can't, but I'd like to tease you anyway :-)20:16
gw280thiago_home: just dropped by to see what all the commotion was about20:16
gw280thiago_home: helio's applied for a position with us I think20:16
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gw280go tease him :D20:17
thiago_homehelio applied for a position with us too20:17
* gw280 gasps20:17
gw280heliocastro: mercenary!20:17
thiago_homebut you guys aren't doing open source or qt, so I can't recommend you to any of my friends.20:18
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mikhashah, burned20:18
mikhasindeed, many companies fail to see that we want our work to be visible20:18
gw280thiago_home: we're doing a little bit, but yeah, it's kind of annoying20:19
mikhasmore intense motivation than money20:19
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gw280thiago_home: it's actually got a lot better since we joined... pmax is slowly changing the company around20:19
thiago_homegw280: that's great20:19
thiago_homehaven't talked to him in ages though20:20
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gw280he's been insanely busy20:20
thiago_homeevery now and then I see his name pop up in skype20:20
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gw280thiago_home: I think he sends like 100 emails an hour for work20:20
CosmoHillgw280: what company is this?20:20
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thiago_homegw280: well, at least that's what blackberries excel at :-)20:22
gw280he's addicted to them20:22
thiago_homehe must have a couple of torches20:23
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thiago_homebefore RIM, he already had at least 5 cell phones in every meeting we went to20:23
gw280thiago_home: if by a couple you mean 10 then yeah20:23
gw280thiago_home: he carries around a laptop bag full of phones these days20:23
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gw280thiago_home: I think he's normally got 20+ phones and 2+ tablets on him20:23
CosmoHillwouldn't a laptop be more useful?20:23
gw280he carries that around too20:24
thiago_homeCosmoHill: he probably gets a laptop for the bag alone :-P20:24
CosmoHillhe sounds' like a mugger's goldmine20:24
gw280thiago_home: I wonder what airport security think when he's going through20:25
gw280he flies /a lot/20:25
gw280like every few days20:25
thiago_homehe already flew a lot back in 2006/720:25
gw280yeah, he's cut down since then20:25
* thiago_home only spent 90 days out of the country last year20:26
* CosmoHill has never been out of the country20:26
thiago_home59 on business, the rest was vacation20:26
mikhasflying is so annoying20:26
gw280thiago_home: so, is Nokia going to dump Qt and then the Free Qt Foundation will kick in? :P20:26
gw2802 clause BSD!20:26
* RST38h has forgotten which country is "in" and which is "out"20:26
mikhasgw280, in a way, that'd be great. No legalese scan for code contributions.20:26
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mikhasonly one repo etc20:27
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gw280but but but that goes against the gitorious model of one repo for every user20:27
thiago_homeone central repo doesn't prevent you from having one20:28
mikhasand this silly "no it's not really a copyright assignment" could go, too20:28
* thiago_home has three20:28
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mikhasoh well, just dreams20:28
jonnorgw280: he's not referring to the multiple public repos20:28
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gw280jonnor: yes, I know, I was joking.20:29
CosmoHillthiago_home: are we talking about phones or repos now?20:29
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gw280I'm against Gitorious' crazy sandboxing model20:29
thiago_homeCosmoHill: repos20:29
gw280I think they'd do a lot better by have branch sandboxes in git20:29
gw280i mean, that's what git is good at20:29
smokugw280, replace Nokia by Microsoft in that Qt scenario, and it is very likely20:29
mikhasgw280, most people only have those gitorious repos because of merge requests20:30
mikhasthere is no other way ...20:30
gw280right, my point is that gitorious is badly designed for that sort of thing20:30
gw280it's a huge resource hog for no reason20:30
jonnorgw280: gitorious used git. Its just that at some point you want your work to be public, and then a public git repo makes sense20:30
mikhas(kinda silly that merge requests are part of the cloned repo. I once deleted some repos, guess what happened to all my merge requests ...)20:30
thiago_homehence the point in getting a new system20:30
thiago_homesee the requirements in the link I posted to jonnor half an hour ago20:31
jonnoractually git typically uses hardlinks internally for git clones20:31
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* CosmoHill looks at RIM jobs and see's "LFS" mentioned :)20:34
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naeshello all.  im trying to change the xterm launch command.  ive found meego-xterm.desktop and i changed the "Exec" line from "Exec=xterm" to "Exec=xterm -fg CadetBlue3 -bg grey20" but the colors dont change next time I run xterm... any ideas?20:40
jonnorHow do you run xterm?20:40
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CosmoHillStskeeps: you're still op'd20:41
naeswell, im new to meego. i run it by clicking the xterm link under Home -> Tools -> xterm Terminal20:41
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naesi did some googling and it "appears" as though the .desktop files in usr/share/applications controls these things20:42
jonnorThat is the standard method of controlling such, yes.20:42
naesfrom within xterm ive run "xterm -fg CadetBlue3 -bg grey20" and a new instance is created with the modified color shceme20:43
naeswait a second20:43
naesi just changed the Exec line to "Exec=navit" and it still runs xterm20:44
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naesis there a command i need to run to refresh things?20:44
naesit appears as though the side bar might read the .desktop files once on startup20:44
naesand not every time an app is run?20:44
jonnorthat is likely yes20:44
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naesgo it20:46
naeshad to then "pkill startivi"20:46
naesthanks for letting me bounce my problems off you hehe20:46
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sivanghi all20:50
sivanghow are things looking in meego world this saturday night?20:50
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Venemo_N900sivang: people are upset about nokia's decision from yesterday20:50
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sivangVenemo_N900: ah, so it was real. I thought it wasa bad bad nightmare20:51
Venemo_N900sivang: unfortunately20:51
sivangVenemo_N900: I actually woke up today and thought "wow I should stop the drugs"20:51
Venemo_N900lol sivang :D20:51
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sivangVenemo_N900: or the antibiotics, since the side effects said helucinations could be one of them20:53
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sivangVenemo_N900: I wish I was kidding20:53
Venemo_N900sivang: yeah20:53
sivanghey MohammadAG20:53
Venemo_N900sivang: well i wasn't online yesterday at all20:54
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sivangVenemo_N900: you were lucky20:54
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Venemo_N900sivang: reading this news was a very bad start for today though20:54
sivangyes, I am contemplating all weekend what to do now20:55
sivangI had so much plans and eneregy for the developers offering20:55
pupnik_what now20:55
sivangbut now, as it seems discussion of at least some of the people on the paid sude of the ecosystem say meego should be a core platform20:55
berndhssivang: maybe collect independent developers, and approach another manufacturer20:56
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sivangbrause: yes, I was thinking of writing Mark Shutteworth20:56
Venemo_N900sivang: I totally agree20:57
Myrttihe's not going to make hardware20:57
Venemo_N900sivang: who's Mark Shutteworth?20:57
MohammadAGhey sivang20:57
sivangVenemo_N900: and old friend of mine20:57
sivangVenemo_N900: (not kidding)20:58
Venemo_N900sivang: I believe, but I haven't heard about him20:58
pupnik_nice elop-devil20:59
berndhswhen you write Mark, be careful to spell his name correctly :)20:59
Venemo_N900elop-devil: very sad20:59
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gabrbeddVenemo_N900: In case you're serious... Shuttleworth is the head of Canonical (Ubuntu)20:59
Venemo_N900gabrbedd: thanks21:00
lpotterhmm I hought Shuttleowrth was some astronaut21:00
Venemo_N900gabrbedd: yes, I was serious21:00
berndhslpotter: he went on a vacation in space, same guy21:00
Venemo_N900sivang: and what would you write to him?21:00
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elop-devilyes: very sad, hope it only was an april fool's day joke but it's true21:01
elop-devilMicrosoft Buys Nokia for $021:01
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velopeelop-devil: maybe nokia but not us21:02
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sivangVenemo_N900: to buy qt dev frameworks, get HP or dell or better, LG and make sure qt lives for mobile development or so.21:03
sivangVenemo_N900: I can't see where qt fits in in the new order, and I am not sure a M$ strategy will let meego back into nokia even if it becomes that next best thing since sliced bread21:04
sivangand since symbian is scheduled for purge to window phone, and qt targetted for meego and symbian...21:04
sivangVenemo_N900: you get the picture?21:04
kraiskildon't Qt run on Windows too ;)21:05
roadiqt is more than a framework for mobile devices like the n900 or meego os.21:05
Chaniqt will go on :)21:05
roadiChani: thats it21:05
sivangroadi: it must have a commercial backing entity as nokia done so far21:05
sivangunfortunately, I took some courses in open economy and marketing during uni21:06
sivangso during the night, it hit me that under a M$ strategy qt will not get the same r&d  budget as before21:06
sivangwell, it is stated in reorg graphs21:06
sivangsee for yourself21:06
Chaniqt was getting a bit much r&d anyways21:06
Chanioh crap, I was supposed to be leaving21:07
lpotteryou mean not a bit much...21:07
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sivanglpotter: nokia did not invest money in qt at all?21:08
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Chaninokia was pushing qt to grow extremely fast.21:08
Jartzaand now it's killing it extremely fast :)21:09
lpotterwell, considering the size of Qt development...21:09
ChaniJartza: actually they're not killing it21:09
sivangalso, many contributors would not be interested to contribute anymore or use it to develop apps for it because it will be identified with Microsoft21:09
ChaniI'm not sure wtf they *are* doing, but .. well anyways they *can't* kill it21:09
lpotterQt has always run on windows21:09
elop-devilsivang: I agree21:09
Chanisivang: wtf?21:09
sivangChani: microsof has killed better things and better frameworks21:10
Chanisivang: we have the Free Qt Foundation, if worst comes to worst21:10
sivangChani: from experience and from peroinsla contact with inventors who got took over21:10
GAN900Problem with the "Full steam ahead" comments is that it seems to fail to take into effect the perception effect Nokia basically dropping MeeGo will have on MeeGo.21:10
sivangGAN900: the perception about anhytihng nokia has been doping21:10
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lpotternokia is not dropping meego21:10
Jartzaoh well21:10
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Chanioh right, I was leaving21:11
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Jartzaat least the interest to Qt vanished in one day, at least in education-business21:11
GAN900lpotter, well, it went from their primary platform to some R&D project21:11
sivangGAN900: you cannot preach open source for years and then pay royalities to M$ and expect you evelopers to follow you anymore21:11
Jaffalpotter: No, just branding it "experimental", "R&D" and planning to ship exactly one device at some point "this year"21:11
GAN900We saw how well that worked for Maemo.21:11
lpottermeego is it's "disruptive thechnology"21:11
GAN900lpotter, effectively the same thing to the market.21:11
Jartzanokia subsidiaries cancelled all qt-courses scheduled for this year \o/21:11
lpotterJaffa: this changes nothing, really21:11
Jaffalpotter: Ri-ight.21:12
smokulbt_, X-Fade, Is something wrong with community OBS?21:12
smokuTrying openSUSE Build Service server for rpm (MeeGo:current:Core), not found at
Jaffalpotter: I'm afraid I think that's so very wrong.21:12
sivanglpotter: please grasp reality21:12
elop-devilIts clear that nokia will abandon the ship of OSS and Meego without nokia would become a moblin with a different name, dont think?21:12
sivanglpotter: ask dneary about cancelled qt courses21:12
sivanglpotter: as me about active  leave from qt since app developers felt it has non stable future21:12
sivanglpotter: I can give you names of 10 contacts throughout EU who refused to let me help them in qt21:13
sivanglpotter: owners of companies21:13
jonnorelop-devil: no, Moblin was only for netbooks21:13
sivanglpotter: small one, yes21:13
JaffaNow, hopefully some relatively big names will have some MeeGo tablets lined up for MWC. That might salvage something, but their boards will be asking "why are we using MeeGo when one of its own founders considers it only an experimental project?"21:13
timophsmoku: I got the same. local builds didn't work but in the server they do21:13
jonnorelop-devil: and had fewer resources behind it21:13
smokutimoph, yeah. I wanted to fetch some packages to do local build21:13
lpottersorry to inform you , but meego has always been experimental R&D21:13
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Jaffalpotter: Source?21:13
elop-deviljonnor: and that is the final destiny of meego without nokia supporting it, dont think?21:14
sivangand it just hit me tat new microsoft lead nokia will not use meego for a disruptive technology the next time21:14
Venemo_N900sivang: will he be able to do that?21:14
lpottersource is me21:14
Jaffalpotter: Anyway, *Qt* was the platform. It now isn't.21:14
sivangbut a windows innovation21:14
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jonnorelop-devil: no, Meego targets other things that netbooks21:14
sivangso sometimes you just have to look at reality in the eyes21:14
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sivangbecause you also have to make a living21:14
jonnorJaffa: Qt is still the application platform for Meego21:15
Venemo_N900WP7's UI looks awful. if that's the direction, then no more nokia for me.21:15
Jaffajonnor: But it's not for Nokia.21:15
sivangthey will never change strategy again, because microsoft don't have any more vendors to screw like they did with the others21:15
elop-deviljonnor: yes, i know, but thats because nokia was supporting it... but now this seems that will change21:15
lbt_smoku: sorry, adsl drop21:15
sivangso this time this deal sticks21:15
sivangfor better or worse21:15
Jaffajonnor: And Nokia brought the mass-market devices to Qt/MeeGo (delete as appropriate)21:15
jonnorJaffa: Not in smartphones no. But it is in featurephones (ontop of Symbian)21:15
sivangand the Finnish givernment was already notified :)21:15
lbt_smoku: so... more details?21:16
Jaffajonnor: But that's the market that Nokia was losing ground in...21:16
Jartzaunfortunately Finnish government didn't get the message :P21:16
jonnorJaffa: Nokia has not brough anything yet :)21:16
mikhasJaffa, agree - Nokia's contribution to MeeGo wouldn't have been software as much - Intel did a better job there - but the devices ...21:16
Jartzathe prime minister was just commenting that "this is best for nokia and we believe that the company knows what it does..."21:16
Jaffajonnor: No; and no-one else has brought any either. So it's a nice base for IVI or an STB...21:16
sivangJartza: I gues if they did they would intervene in the process of making one of europes largest job provider to a steal factory21:16
mikhasfunny how a CEO with Microsoft shares is allowed to make such decisions though.21:16
pupnikthe company != the invaders21:17
Jartzaunfortunately, without Nokia Finland would be a dying ship21:17
smokulbt_, 'osc build' does not pull packages from MeeGo:current:Core. only from my home:smoku:* repos21:17
jonnorJaffa: yes, this is true. I don't like it either21:17
Jartzain the same state as Greece or Ireland... or even worse21:17
sivangJartza: that what everybody there told me, but a cabbi told me that they will find something else asthey are smart.21:17
sivangJartza: and they are very very samrt21:17
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timophlbt: the same happens for me21:17
sivanguI Know, but I guess you need more than just technolgical lead to succeed in today's crewl world21:18
Jartzasivang: who are they?21:18
Jartzaor "they"21:18
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pupnikdesign phones ppl want to buy21:18
* pupnik spins the propellor on his beanie21:18
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sivangJartza: folks inventing technology in finland :)21:20
Jartzaoh. yes we are. but still it would hurt if we got 10000 unemployed it-persons21:20
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Jartzaas finland only has 5 million people :)21:20
pupnikfinland does a lot of cool stuff for being so small21:21
berndhstwice that many in silicon valley :)21:21
lbtsmoku: I'm kinda busy... I need to practically cut'n'paste stuff to reproduce. Can you log a bug with details please. I think we have the community OBS allocating to me now anyway21:22
Jartzapupnik: well we have a long history of being oppressed by "bigger ones", so we've found out ways to survive on our own :)21:22
Jartzathat also includes implementing and inventing a lot of stuff21:22
smokulbt, ok. no hurry ;-)21:23
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sivangJartza: Iknow, and this what hurts me the most in this situation. this is forgetting the company's expertise and letting someone else control your platofrm.21:25
Jartzaand it also affects quite a lot of others.21:26
Jartzanot just Nokia21:27
Jartzait also looks like I have to find another business21:27
shyoty_basically giving up the mobile+services ecosystem to ms doesnt look good21:28
sivangshyoty_: it is a move which would be very hard to reverse that is the problem21:29
shyoty_going back to something of nokia's own later will be even more late than now and not going to happen i guess21:29
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Jartzaas I have my own small training company, I mainly train Qt/maemo/MeeGO/Linux -stuff...21:30
Jartzaone week ago my work situation for this year looked promising21:31
Jartzayesterday, 80% of courses got cancelled21:31
Venemo_N900Jartza: I'm sorry :(21:31
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Jartzayeah, it's a bit painful as self-employed entrepreneur...21:33
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Jartzaeither I have to learn some new topics myself, or forget the whole thing21:33
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Jartzabut anyways it looks like I also have to find new customers21:33
Venemo_N900Jartza: :P21:33
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Jartzamost probably "Android Java" and Objective C :P21:34
pinchartlJartza: why would you want to learn that ?21:35
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shyotywhat good is nokia going to get from the deal, considering what it's giving up21:35
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Venemo_N900shyoty: nothing really, imo21:36
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Jartzapinchartl: to be able to train those subjects. at least it seems that there is an order for those courses.21:36
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shyotyyes that's what i think too21:36
Jartzaas training is what I'm good at21:37
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JartzaI would like to continue training qt/maemo/meego/linux -subjects, but at least at the moment it looks like no-go21:38
Jartzaand I'm pretty sure that monday will bring more cancellations21:38
pinchartlJartza: if suicide bombing was the next big thing, you wouldn't train for it :-)21:38
Jartzanope :)21:39
Jartzabut I have to live21:39
JartzaI pay my own salary21:39
pinchartlso do I21:39
pinchartland I'm a Nokia contractor working on MeeGo21:39
Venemo_N900Jartza: I also feel sorry for all the guys who're being fired by nokia21:39
Jartzaat the moment it looks like I'm going to starve as 80% of my clients cancelled :P21:39
JartzaVenemo_N900: me too.21:39
topeiraI think a lot of people will sue them...21:40
Jartzaalthough I already left Nokia at 200821:40
Jartzaor was it 2007 already21:40
Venemo_N900Jartza: :(21:40
Jartzabut I left voluntarily :)21:40
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Stskeepswell, or we can end up creating our own market ;)21:43
Venemo_N900Stskeeps: what do you mean?21:43
pinchartlStskeeps: I like that idea much better21:44
Stskeepsmeego's a quite nice platform and i definately feel there's room for meego-based products21:44
Stskeepsand interest, too21:44
Venemo_N900Stskeeps: I agree21:44
Venemo_N900Stskeeps: so how will we achieve this?21:44
TSCHAKeeethe problem is, the embedded market has a high barrier of entry for small entities21:45
TSCHAKeeecost of development hardware21:45
TSCHAKeeecost of prototyping21:45
JaffaSee OpenMoko, GP2X, Pandora, ...21:45
JaffaStskeeps: I'd love to have a big name come in and support MeeGo.21:45
velopemeego is interesting but maybe still too unfinished21:45
JaffaOooh, let's resurrect Psion :-)21:45
StskeepsTSCHAKeee: time to market even in embedded is key - if you don't have to reinvent your platform and just make a hardware adaptation on top of meego, that alone cuts a -lot- of time21:46
Venemo_N900Jaffa: let's get Archos to manufacture MeeGo tablets21:46
TSCHAKeeeStskeeps: and I do agree there.21:46
TSCHAKeeeStskeeps: my problem that I keep running into, is finding hardware where I can actually talk to somebody to get drivers for something as trivial as the graphics chip.21:46
StskeepsTSCHAKeee: Linaro helps this matter a lot :)21:46
TSCHAKeeei.e. the #(%#@%(#@ Mali20021:46
Venemo_N900Stskeeps: Linaro?21:46
StskeepsTSCHAKeee: i've seen mali packaged for meego21:47
JaffaVenemo_N900: Commoditising ARM Linux21:47
Venemo_N900Jaffa: commoditising?21:47
TSCHAKeeeStskeeps: I wish we could convince OpenPeak to sell one offs of their hardware... I have a Joggler here (OpenFrame basically), and it is _WONDERFUL_ hardware21:48
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JaffaVenemo_N900: Err, making cheap & easy. A commodity.21:48
Venemo_N900Jaffa: ah, okay21:48
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TSCHAKeeehmm guys, I have a package waiting to be submitted into OBS21:49
TSCHAKeeedid anyone notice?21:49
TSCHAKeeefor like, two days now.21:49
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CosmoHilllooking at google maps, London reminds me of the death star21:52
lindi-CosmoHill: is any better?21:55
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CosmoHillI mean you have london, a bit of green then a small city next to it21:55
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sivangStskeeps: we shold start approching a handset vendor or talk to Intel about this21:59
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Jartzaoh... more people from Microsoft :)22:00
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velopeJartza: yes, apple outsider mentioned it "it's a coup, folks", looks bad22:02
StskeepsJartza: could you tell me a bit more about your qt courses?22:02
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JartzaStskeeps: what about them? :)22:03
JartzaStskeeps: I mostly train people who already know C++ (mostly symbian-people) to Qt.22:03
Jartzausually 3-5 day courses22:03
Jartzaof course I also teach C++ if that's needed22:03
sivangJartza: oh nice22:03
Jartzaactually I should make an english homepage :)22:04
StskeepsJartza: bookmarked, ta22:04
Venemo_N900sivang: is there anything Intel has to say about this horseshit?22:04
StskeepsVenemo_N900: intel made a blog post earlier22:04
Venemo_N900Stskeeps: link please?22:04
Venemo_N900Stskeeps: thanks22:04
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JartzaI was just going to become Forum Nokia certified trainer.22:05
JartzaI don't know how advantageous that would be right now as I know close to nothing about windows :)22:05
JartzaI haven't used windows in like 6-7 years, unless forced to :D22:05
SpeedEvilOne of those trainers with lights in the heels?22:06
SpeedEvilxwindows is windows too!22:06
JartzaI don't know about the lights :)22:06
Jartzaexcept I went to boston to train Nokia people. During the course they got an announcement that the whole site was going to be shut down.22:07
Jartzaso I basically went there to shut down the lights :)22:07
sivangJartza: buston site?22:07
Jaffasivang: Well, it'd have to be managed carefully. "MeeGo Project runs around looking for hardware platforms and sponsors" isn't necessarily a positive headline.22:07
sivangJaffa: true22:07
sivangJaffa: that is why intel could take the lead on handset as well until another one comes22:08
Venemo_N900Jaffa: well Intel still has a hw platform and they're behing MeeGo also22:08
Jartzaor more closely, it was in Burlington22:08
JaffaVenemo_N900: Intel has a hardware platform, true. But no CE manufacturing arm22:08
Jartzaafter that I went to Vancouver site.22:08
tarantism_do handset vendors have to pay google for android?22:08
Jartzaagain, during the course they got an announcement22:08
Jartzathis time they only did shut down half of the jobs there.22:09
Stskeepstarantism_: you asked me a question last night and i didn't manage to answer before you left, could you re-iterate it?22:09
Jartzabut I got a bit afraid :D22:09
StskeepsJartza: angel of death?22:09
JaffaNow, true, Android made HTC a much more household name than they were before Android; so maybe MeeGo could do the same for another smaller manufacturer.22:09
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Venemo_N900Jartza: sound very bad22:09
Venemo_N900Jaffa: let's approach Archos?22:09
Jartzawell, not my fault of course, but just strange coincidences :)22:09
sivangJartza: precisly22:09
StskeepsJartza: how do you feel about visiting MS headquarters?22:09
JartzaStskeeps: :D22:09
JartzaI'd love to22:10
Venemo_N900Jartza: :D22:10
tarantism_stskeeps: I was trying to understand how the development programme worked. ie who manages the timescales?22:10
Jartzamaybe I could teach some Qt for them :D22:10
Venemo_N900Jartza: sure!22:10
sivangdin't elop said silverlight it is going to be?22:10
sivangor is thing part of the trnasition stage? :)22:10
Stskeepstarantism_: ok, so, generally, a feature is first accepted when someone commits to taking care of it - then, as release schedule slips, it's put onto a next release/reevaluated22:10
CosmoHillsivang: oh god22:10
CosmoHilltbh I wouldn't mind learning silverlight but they don't support my mac22:11
tarantism_stskeeps: so I guess it's not possible to have one huge gantt chart that tells you when everything will be done.22:11
sivangStskeeps: ms HQs ? :)22:12
Stskeepstarantism_: well, in a realistic world we have release targets for when a feature's supposed to be in22:12
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Jartzamaybe I'll send some email to MS that I'm more than willing to come over and organize few training sessions :)22:13
Jartza"if you just pay my flights... this is just for common good!"22:13
tarantism_stskeeps: thanks. just for my interest. i've never worked on something with this many moving parts.22:13
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Stskeepstarantism_: i've had to cut off reading about kernel and ivi, too much to follow :)22:16
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tarantism_stskeeps: understand. I'd imagined that you were in testing and bug fixing at this time.22:18
chouchouneVenemo_N900: why would Archos use Meego, they began a quite strong Android strategy22:18
Venemo_N900chouchoune: because right now everyone's making android tablets22:19
Venemo_N900chouchoune: they could make differece by making a MeeGo tablet22:19
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chouchouneright, but why Archos and not others ?22:19
Venemo_N900chouchoune: I didn't say 'not the others'22:20
chouchounewhat makes the thing easyer with Archos ?22:20
Venemo_N900chouchoune: they were just first to come to my mind, that's all22:20
chouchouneok, I thought you wanted to point that it would be maybe easyer with Archos than  others22:20
chouchouneok ;)22:20
Jartzaa friend of mine told that there's a lot of Qt/MeeGo -activities going on in Spain22:21
chouchounebut actually, Archos hasn't any phone22:21
Jartzamaybe I should go there to train.22:21
Venemo_N900chouchoune: also, Archos has opened up their tablets to allow running other OSes22:21
Venemo_N900chouchoune: yeah, they make tablets22:21
chouchouneand Intel announced some months ago that they partnered with Acer for a Meego tablet no ?22:21
chouchouneI don't know if it's still planned ...22:23
tarantism_acer might make a phone (speculation)22:24
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TSCHAKeeesigh, meego still the 3rd rate world for hardware people.22:27
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Stskeepspexi: this isn't #wp7, sorry :)22:34
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sivang_LG_TOPChani: here?22:46
sivang_LG_TOPChani: look at th graphs -
sivang_LG_TOPChani: and at the second page22:46
sivang_LG_TOPChani: this is partially what decision makers are reading, hence the problem22:47
sivang_LG_TOPnow I'm off.22:47
CosmoHillsivang: what phone do you have and what do you think of it?22:48
treebeen`pexi: whatever, who cares about nokia anymore? they will just make some wp7 phones now. i don't want wp7 anyway. and even if I wanted it, why should I buy a nokia device (when it's finally available)?22:48
pupnikWhy not fire elop now?22:48
pupnikHow many billions in value has he cost nokia?22:48
sivang_LG_TOPCosmoHill: I have a computer that has a call making app22:49
pexithey are still developing meego22:49
sivang_LG_TOPCosmoHill: that computer is RX-5122:49
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pexibut they need good smartphones for the masses22:49
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pupniksome analysis from the Register
Stskeepsyeah, was pasted above22:52
sivang_LG_TOPCosmoHill: this is just part of what I think of it, and only a small taste how better it will get with MeeGo:
CosmoHillit's a week of long URLs22:53
sivang_LG_TOPmaybe forum nokia move to sharepoint now so it will be better :P22:53
sivang_LG_TOPCosmoHill: I hope it does not sound sick, but I think I am inlove with this small computer who's a companion and a portal to the great world where ever I go.22:54
sivang_LG_TOPnow I 'm gone laters22:55
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n97anyone now which phone is best supported by meego? htc hd2 maybe?22:59
Stskeepsn97: n900, probably23:00
n97lets just say Nokia is no alternative these days23:00
n97I got burned by N770, N810 and so on23:01
Stskeepsyes, but you asked a question and i told you :)23:01
Stskeepshtc hd2 doesn't even have voice, afaik23:01
* TSCHAKeee rolls his eyes23:01
TSCHAKeee"burned" by the N770/N810 and so on???23:02
n97yepp, the hardware faulted on be right after the waranty whent out23:02
TSCHAKeeethat's funny. I have a 770 that still works, I bought in 2005.23:03
TSCHAKeeemy n800 and n810 still work as well, (I use my N810 as my pda, with GarnetVM installed)23:03
n97the N810 was solid as a rock, but the touch screen stopped working all of a sudden23:04
TSCHAKeeemy n900 is my primary carry around though.23:04
GAN900n97, the cables often came loose.23:04
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GAN900n97, you can open them up and reattach.23:04
n97is that possible to fix in a somewhat easy way?23:04
n97that was good news :)23:05
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CosmoHilln97: are you gonna change your nick when you get a new phone?23:05
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n97CosmoHill: I was hoping for n923:06
n97but you know...23:06
CosmoHillsomeone took your nick?23:06
CosmoHilltwo a guy 2 years to find out why I use my surname on this server but not another one23:06
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pupnik  [ The Windows MetaFile Backdoor ] - Trojan horse malware manufacturer coming soon, to a phone near you?23:27
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pinchartlI'm not sure if any CEO in the history of computer-related companies has ever delivered a "you're a worthless bunch unable to deliver proper software, I don't need you anymore" message to *all* his software developers23:31
pinchartlbut we "worthless bunch" ought to answer23:32
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Stskeepsthere's a lot of energy in anger ;)23:32
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pinchartlwhich is why we should use that energe to constructive means while it's there23:33
n97Stskeeps: are you the same as on and working on maemo 5 for N810?23:33
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Stskeepsn97: yes but no23:33
pinchartlTunisia, then Egypt, then Nokia ? :-D23:34
n97I have been lurking that board for a long time23:34
n97you make lots of good points from time to time23:34
pupnikindeed he does23:35
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Stskeepsalso a lot of bad ones ;)23:36
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irztunisia and egypt have lost a dictator, not gained one23:36
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pinchartlirz: I mean it's now time to follow that path, now that we got a dictator ;-)23:37
pinchartlfor all I know he might just be a puppet23:38
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bunkpinchartl: Getting rid of the dictator when he ruled 20+ years?23:48
pinchartlbunk: this one ruled for a couple of months only, but did an impressive amount of damage in such a short time23:49
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bunkpinchartl: I don't think it's only his fault. IMHO the problem is that N did two big strategical changes within less than 12 months.23:51
pinchartlbunk: management before him was bad as well. but this is the deadly blow23:51
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bunkpinchartl: Any of the 3 platform options (Symbian, MeeGo, Windows) sunds like a valid choice with advantages and disadvantages to me, but the huge overhead of switching strategies makes the frequent changes scary.23:53
chouchounein Egypt and Tunisia, the dictarors where seen as good leaders at the beginning : that's a big difference with Nokia ;)23:54
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bunkpinchartl: Another example is the engineering effort spent on (and the GTK+ engineers lost) in the GTK+ -> Qt transition, only for now ditching Qt.23:54
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KypeliMeeGo could not deliver so it was time for Nokia management to look for something that could.23:56
* bunk doesn't like Windows, but also sees possible advantages for N in the partnership with M$23:57
StskeepsKypeli: well, by MeeGo do you mean or Harmattan program23:58
Stskeepsfirst one isn't as bad as latter, probably :)23:58
danielvazwho won was android/google23:58

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