IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Sunday, 2011-10-30

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freemangordonDocScrutinizer - ping12:42
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DocScrutinizerfreemangordon: ^^^12:46
freemangordonHow do you think, is it a good idea CSSU camera-ui to support HD recording. Without breaking current functionality of course. i.e. if there is HD encoder then offer HD recording, otherwise keep it as stock.12:47
freemangordonDocScrutinizer ^^^12:52
DocScrutinizerwell, after we changed stock camera for nicocam (a move I deprecate), I don't see a problem with augmenting nicocam, except of course stability issues12:53
freemangordonnicocam lol . There should be no stability issues, changes are minor. TBH my patches should prevent recorded video stuttering which even stock camera-ui has.12:56
DocScrutinizerfreemangordon: anyway, I'll vote against *any* change except urgent bugfixes of existing patches, until we branched to stable13:02
DocScrutinizerwe *need* a stable branch finally13:03
freemangordonabsolutely agree. Anyway I was talking in general, should i aim CSSU (better option) or create a fork (stupid option). And for sure I will wait for "stable" CSSU before requesting merge of the above changes.13:06
freemangordonBTW I do not see a reason why what is currently on gitiorious to not make it as stable13:06
freemangordonThe question is who makes a decision13:07
DocScrutinizerso *who* going to "clone"(?) that to a stable branch? right now13:07
DocScrutinizerI do :-P13:07
freemangordonwell done13:07
DocScrutinizerclone it!13:08
freemangordonanyway, right now there is noone from "CSSU team" online. And I suspect we are waiting for famous PR 1.3.1 befor new update.13:09
DocScrutinizermore honestly - we heard any complaints / bug reports against .18?13:09
freemangordonyep, modest13:09
DocScrutinizerhmm, probably those are mostly very old?13:10
DocScrutinizeror were they introduced by .15-.18?13:10
freemangordonno, they aren't . But my latest patches seems to fix that.13:10
freemangordoneven before that13:10
freemangordonthey were introduced by modest upgrade, not sure to which version.13:11
DocScrutinizercan you point me to those bug tickets?13:11
freemangordonwill try13:11
freemangordonhold on a secod13:12
povbot`Bug 11961: Random email application (modest) crashes with CSSU13:13
freemangordonmaybe this is the same13:14
povbot`Bug 11861: Modest does not start13:14
freemangordonDocScrutinizer ^^^13:14
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freemangordonyep. And there are some Qt and camera0ui glitches (fixed on gitorious)13:18
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DocScrutinizerdoesn't help, as we won't go stable with untested patches, ever13:40
DocScrutinizermodest is a PITA according to the bug reports13:41
DocScrutinizerI'd actually kick modest out of cssu-stable13:42
DocScrutinizerthere've been zero bugfixes for all I can see, just implementation of (in my book useless) rotation etc13:43
DocScrutinizer>>quality / stability is of paramount importance in CSSU <<13:44
DocScrutinizeras long as a component in CSSU is *worse* than stock, we could as well forget about CSSU all together13:44
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freemangordonmy idea was - new update (which includes all those fixes) to be in a wild for a month or so, and if there are no new bugs to go to stable.13:48
freemangordonand TBH this update had to be ASAP as modest and camera-ui were fixed.13:49
DocScrutinizeranyway, what's the master plan? We probably should clone a stable branch *now* from .18, then feature frezze it, and try to fix the remaining mega bugs in it (like modest). I'd even suggest to not accept any patches for testing until the stable branch got ready for rollout13:49
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DocScrutinizerand bug fixes in stable shall not be "I reimplemented tinymail core, now it will be really cool", rather kick out modest all together rather than implement "bugfixes" that are actually introducing lots of new code13:52
freemangordondon't ask me, I really have no idea how the things work in "CSSU team"'s  heads. As i wrote above, if it was up to me, there would be .19 a month ago, with modest, Qt and camera-ui fixed.13:52
DocScrutinizerwell, moh left the boat it seems13:53
freemangordonno need to throw modest away, everything seems to work in latest (as latest on gitorious) version13:53
freemangordonyep :(13:54
DocScrutinizeryou suffered the 11961 before? you used the fixes for >4 weeks now, and it's definitely fixed?13:54
freemangordonI've never had this bug, but about 5 or so users reported that after using fixed version there are no more crashes.13:55
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freemangordonI've attached .deb package on CSSU thread.13:55
DocScrutinizercool shit. Please clone to a ".19" as of your definition *now*13:55
freemangordonwhat do you mean?13:56
DocScrutinizerand btw, there *is no* CSSU team it seems13:56
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DocScrutinizerclone the recent .18 + your patches *only* to stable13:56
freemangordonyeah, that is why I am putting quotes ;)13:56
DocScrutinizer"we" are CSSU team (users of this chan)13:57
DocScrutinizer*active* users13:57
freemangordonHow am I supposed to do that, I don't have access to gitorious CSSU repos, neither to CSSU repos on
freemangordoncool, ain't?13:58
DocScrutinizerand I'm maybe going crazy now, I just say I'm willing to take the responsibility and flames of doing final decisions, but not any real coding work13:58
freemangordonI am ok with that, so my coding work won't go in vain ;)13:58
DocScrutinizer(final decisions and real coding never shall be same porson)13:59
freemangordoncontact concil?13:59
freemangordonthat is why I asked you about camera-ui and HD13:59
DocScrutinizercontact council, bash moh13:59
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DocScrutinizerI'll catch jaffa and moh as soon as I can get hold of them14:00
DocScrutinizerand I urgently suggest to augment the list of accounts to gitorius etc, and esp to maemo14:01
freemangordonwhy jaffa? because of admin rights?14:01
freemangordonand AIUI X-Fade is the one which holds the keys to maemo repos.14:02
DocScrutinizeryou're by far the most active contributor to CSSU during last few months, and it's not acceptable you have to beg for merges14:02
DocScrutinizeryes, x-fade is admin14:02
DocScrutinizeralas x-fade has me on his ignore list since I called aegis satan's child14:02
freemangordonthe other one is arcean, but it seems he is not as arrogant as I am, so maybe he surrended14:04
DocScrutinizerbasically I'm lacking some of the diplomatic skills for a project lead14:04
freemangordonme too14:04
freemangordonI will ask estel for help14:04
DocScrutinizergood plan, estel is a nice guy14:04
freemangordonyep, and IS diplomatic :D14:05
freemangordonBTW jaffa is online14:05
DocScrutinizerJaffa: ping14:05
DocScrutinizerJaffa: can you help reanimate CSSU?14:06
freemangordonis out of cigarettes, going to buy some, brb14:07
jonwilThose things will kill ya :P14:07
jonwilI should know, I have family who has undergone major heart surgery as a result of smoking those evil things14:08
* DocScrutinizer rolls the paper, licks it14:08
DocScrutinizer*cough* :-P14:08
DocScrutinizermoo jonwil, how's RE hacking today?14:09
jonwilIf I can get some help with gconf and if I can get some people to test my widget in the real world to see that it works properly in other situations, I should have operator-name-cbs-widget good enough for CSSU in the very near future14:09
jonwilAlready made a mailing list post about both things14:10
DocScrutinizeralas I know *nobody* expert for gconf14:10
DocScrutinizerit's even starting with g* UAERGH!14:10
DocScrutinizerlike gtk, and gnome, and err14:10
jonwilas for RE, I am not sure what to reverse engineer next14:11
DocScrutinizerif you don't find good RE target, I may suggest NOLO14:11
DocScrutinizerpreferably NOLO of N950/N914:11
jonwilThats not even on my radar screen14:12
jonwilI am only interested in reverse engineering userspace pieces and only for the N90014:12
jonwilif it wasnt so damn hard, I would find all the places where the cellular services daemon (and its plugins) talk to the outside world (i.e. dbus, gconf, disk files etc)  and document them on a wiki somewhere14:13
* DocScrutinizer shuts swearwords for some unknown process eating 100/200th of the dualcore14:13
DocScrutinizer40% xorg :-o14:15
jonwilMaybe I should see if I can use the info I already have and my newfound vigor for reverse engineering to create a 1:1 clone of the systemui tklock plugin for the slide-to-unlock screen14:15
freemangordonis back14:15
freemangordonso, whats the plan?14:15
DocScrutinizersmoking, moaning14:16
freemangordonno, thats not good14:16
freemangordonto be a pla :)14:16
jonwilme, I am trying to figure out what I should reverse engineer next after my success with the operator name widget and libconnui/libconnui_cellular14:16
DocScrutinizerfreemangordon: try to ping moh and X-Fade yourself14:16
DocScrutinizerX-Fade: ping14:16
DocScrutinizergoes unnoticed14:17
DocScrutinizerwell, I for sure will catch moh, you should contact X-Fade14:17
freemangordonok, but lets first try to reach mag and council14:17
freemangordonas we need some official backing14:17
DocScrutinizerwho's council nowadays? :-P14:18
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jonwilI for one intend to do whatever I can to make the N900 a better device14:18
freemangordonSD69, momchilo and jeremia (or something like that)14:18
jonwiland to make the stock software better14:18
DocScrutinizerjonwil: congrats, you just qualified for a seat in CSSU board yet to be founded14:19
freemangordonok, so you will contact mag. and I will contact estel for support and will try to make a non-angry post on council thread14:20
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DocScrutinizergood plan, please CC here14:20
jonwilAnyone who says "forget Fremantle, use MeeGo" is wrong, there is no way MeeGo-on-n900 can ever reach feature-parity with Fremantle IMO14:20
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DocScrutinizer100% ack14:20
DocScrutinizerI said that since err 12 months?14:21
jonwilAnd if people are willing to put in some effort and write some code, I see no reason we cant make Fremantle even better14:21
freemangordonthe only thing is that n900 needs a liitle overclock :p14:21
DocScrutinizeryes, and fremantle can have a long healthy life ahead14:22
freemangordonok, jokes aside, I have to leave, will try to do my part this evening. bb14:22
jonwilof course there are some components of Fremantle too complicated to clone, replace or fix14:23
jonwillike the dialer and messaging UI for example14:23
DocScrutinizerwon't be long until users on #maemo > users on #meego14:23
jonwilor the closed web browser bits14:23
DocScrutinizerfreemangordon: o/14:23
DocScrutinizerfreemangordon: and many thanks for your continuous contributions14:24
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mr_jrtI'm determined to take a serious look at the messaging ui one day, actually.14:26
jonwilwith the aim of cloning it?14:26
jonwila 1:1 clone or just a "hey, it does mostly the same things" clone?14:27
mr_jrtThat would depend on how successful I am at discovering all the secret things it currently does. :) The inital goal, as always, is 1:1, then add support. Though I strongly suspect I'd not implement the conversations using microb.14:29's little more than a staement of intent at this point.14:29
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DocScrutinizeractually it's hard to see role of microB in conversations. Render smilies?14:32
mr_jrtIt's utter madness that they built it using html....14:33
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jonwilI suspect the most difficult-to-clone part of the entire system would be the dialer UI14:34
mr_jrtDownside of couorse would be that it'd be harder for people to mod the view as they currently can using css. Small price to pay...and perhaps a good-enough alternative could be concieved (a-la the qtlockscreen replacement).14:35
mr_jrtReally? Why do you think so?14:35
jonwilIt seems to be the most complex closed-source part of the operating system14:36
jonwiland the one that does the most in terms of special crap and secret stuff14:36
mr_jrtIIRC (from reading), dialling is just a matter of a dbus call. The scret stuff is the pain...14:36
jonwildialing a phone # is simple. But the dialer does a LOT more than that14:37
mr_jrt....unless the dialler ui is the reciever of the dbus call i guess ;)14:37
jonwilnope, that dbus call probably goes to the cellular services daemon14:37
jonwila lot of the secret stuff is tied into the closed-source telepathy-ring14:38
jonwilas for the messaging UI, I think I might go through and find all calls it makes to other libraries and reverse engineer as many of the currently-undocumented ones as possible14:38
mr_jrtJust out of curiosity, do you have a couple of examples of things the dialler does?14:39
mr_jrt(aside from dial numbers ;) )14:40
jonwilamong other things, it has to handle calls other than cell calls (skype etc), storing and retrieving call history, conference calls, call waiting, emergency calls and dtmf tone sending (for automated phone menus)14:42
jonwilinterestingly, the largest closed source binary (by file size) on my N900 is the flash player binary14:45
jonwilI think the next biggest is the intellisync daemon14:45
mr_jrtNone of those sound crazy-secret (i.e. at the same level as reverse engineering the graphics driver, for example). I could have sworn that the Maemo docs tell you how to initiate calls using any account (no idea if they just use the dialler ui though), call hsitory is dead easy, conference calls...hmm, call waiting....hmm, emergency calls....hmmm, and the tones should be easy.14:46
jonwilthe trick is getting all the little hidden things right14:47
jonwilactually, the second-largest closed-source binary is the file from Nokia Maps14:49
mr_jrtMy interest in opening things up is for bug fixing, mainly. That and filling-in the little feature gaps. The dialler's got no major problems AFAICT.14:49
jonwilWhats the interest in the conversations UI then?14:50
mr_jrtMy focus is on things like the messaging and contacts UIs because there are little details that really bug me. Like not having anythign to indicate the default number for a contact. Conversations...could be better. Support for all the types of messages, for a start. It supports contact cards sent by SMS...but not calaendar events. I'd also like to integrate fMMS's view into it14:53
mr_jrt...oh..and not havign a middle name field! ;)14:53
mr_jrtThe backend handles these things's all just UI.14:54
Lava_Croftand make it not be silly about several people sharing the same number!14:55
mr_jrtYes. That one too.14:55
mr_jrtThe simpliest solution to that (for me) is that when you look up the number, take all the contacts that have it, (say for a home land line): mum, dad, brother, sister14:56
mr_jrt...there's no way to choose between them, so the current behaviour is probably right14:57
Lava_Croftanother solution is just make a seperate contact14:57
mr_jrt...but, if one of the contacts returned ONLY has the number14:57
Lava_Croftnamed 'Parental Home' or whatever14:57
mr_jrtthen use that one14:57
Lava_Croftbut its not very elegant14:57
mr_jrtGlad we're on the same page :D14:57
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MohammadAGsorry, bouncer down14:58
mr_jrtSo I have "Parents", "Grandparents", etc14:58
MohammadAGalso, no possible CSSU updates this week I'm afraid14:58
Lava_CroftMohammadAG: came across your framebuffer kernel last night, thanks for it14:58
MohammadAGLava_Croft, you're welcome :)14:58
mr_jrtOnly downside is it makes find duplicate contacts merges a bit noiser than I would like14:58
Lava_Croftwhy is it not in the repos, i wonder?14:58
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: please see chanlog, contact freemangordon, try to get some things sorted regarding commit permissions etc for CSSU git and maemo repo14:59
MohammadAGPut it there once and fucked up stock kernel :P14:59
MohammadAGCSSU git is all merged14:59
MohammadAGI forgot my laptop charger 200km away15:00
Lava_Croftcarrying around laptop batteries has always been a chore15:00
MohammadAGcan only get it on thursday15:00
MohammadAGI'll go looking for a cheap charger today for the week15:00
DocScrutinizerfreemangordon needs full permissions to maintain CSSU15:01
freemangordonMohammadAG: great, and it is sitting there on gitorious for over a month, while modest continues to crash on users' devices15:01
DocScrutinizerand seems we should do a branch out or clone or what's the term, for .18 to stable right *now*15:01
MohammadAGfreemangordon, I've been waiting for Nokia's update ever since they emailed us15:02
jonwiloooh good, the messaging UI doesn't seem to make that many calls to undocumented functions15:02
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freemangordonWhy wating for nokia?15:02
MohammadAGfreemangordon, they mentioned the update would be out soon after the email15:02
freemangordonwe have critical bugs fixed on gitorious and we are wating Nokia fore some CPL UI?15:03
MohammadAGanyway, they said it should be out this week15:03
DocScrutinizerupdate for what? digifoolar?15:03
freemangordonthis week asin ?15:03
MohammadAGtomorrow? tuesday? idk15:03
DocScrutinizerplease clone .18(!) to stable *now*15:04
MohammadAGif you feel it's right to push an update now, I'll do that15:04
freemangordonI still don't get the relation between Nokia update and CSSU15:04
freemangordonGreat, but really, it should not be like that. If one look how old the "modest crashing" bug is he would assume that there will be an update ASAP the bug is fixed.15:05
freemangordonsame for camera-ui15:05
freemangordonwe have a DATA LOSS bug15:06
MohammadAGAgreed, we need a roadmap tbh15:06
DocScrutinizerthen freemangordon will apply his patches meant to fix the modest issue, and we call that a feature freeze and see if we can build a stable releaso on it15:06
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MohammadAGfreemangordon, the overwrite one?15:06
jonwilIMO camera-ui shouldnt have even been added to the CSSU15:06
MohammadAGI thought that wasn't fixed15:06
DocScrutinizeraah, and camera-data-loss bug fix patches, yes15:06
freemangordonnikolai fixed it a long ago15:06
MohammadAGI didn't know that15:06
MohammadAGDid he mention it anywhere? I don't get emails about git repo changes15:07
DocScrutinizerjonwil: absolutely15:07
MohammadAGI'll push a critical update today15:07
freemangordonI told you that abot 20 day ago, check irc logs. when I was talking about new update15:07
freemangordonStill, that should not be like that15:07
MohammadAGwhich bug are we talking?15:07
MohammadAGI'd remember if you pinged me and I saw it15:08
DocScrutinizerpretty please could we fork out a stable branch *NOW*, before we slam in another bunch of "critical fixes" and "cool new features"!15:08
freemangordonwant me to search irc logs and find it?15:08
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, I was planning a stable feature freeze15:08
MohammadAGwith Nokia's update15:09
DocScrutinizerwtf, this Nokia update is not even in testing yet15:09
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, I won't freeze on stable without it15:09
MohammadAGin case the update is released, CSSU is worthless without it15:09
MohammadAGusers on PR1.3.1 can't install it, current users will start breaking things15:10
MohammadAGfreemangordon, are you always free on Fridays?15:12
* DocScrutinizer says good bye to the idea of a stable CSSU15:12
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, why?15:13
freemangordonMohammadAG: why?15:13
MohammadAGfreemangordon, I was thinking we could agree on some meetings15:13
MohammadAGwhere, on Fridays, we'd review gitorious, if the changes are critical/a lot + stable, we push an update15:14
* Lava_Croft hears good stuff15:14
MohammadAGit'd be a weekly thing15:15
Lava_Croft < jonwil> interestingly, the largest closed source binary (by file size)15:15
Lava_Croft               on my N900 is the flash player binary15:15
Lava_Croftcurse you putty15:16
MohammadAGso freemangordon, should we agree on that?15:16
MohammadAGIf so, I'll push an email to maemo-developers and make a post on TMO15:17
freemangordonMohammadAG: ok15:17
MohammadAGanyone else?15:17
MohammadAGJaffa DocScrutinizer?15:17
MohammadAGThoughts on a weekly meeting where we review changes and decide if an update should be pushed?15:18
DocScrutinizerwhy? Nokia update into testing: now+2weeks | testing testing and quarantine: +4weeks=now+6weeks | fixing of new bugs introduced by new stuff and fund during quarantine/testing: +3weeks=now+9weeks; || evaluation what new "cool features" were merged into testing branch during those 9 weeks: +forever15:18
freemangordonMohammadAG: I still fail to see why we are wating Nokia for a CSSU release fixing lots of bugs. Otherwise i really like the idea of weekly meetings.15:20
MohammadAGfreemangordon, I'll release 16.9 tonight hopefully15:20
MohammadAGversion 17 aka stable should follow this week when Nokia pushes the applet15:21
Lava_Croftis there a place where one can see some kind of future-changelog, easily15:21
Lava_Croftkind of like the current changelog wiki page15:21
freemangordonAre you sure Nokia code is bug-free?15:21
MohammadAGthe applet? yes, the rest? should we care?15:21
MohammadAGwe're only pulling an applet, that probably got a single line of code changed15:21
freemangordonok, if you say so15:22
DocScrutinizerBS, version 17 can never be "stable", it's maybe "a good 'golden' testing release"15:22
DocScrutinizerthere are no stable releases in testing15:22
MohammadAG16.8 is far from stable15:22
freemangordonanyway, I really have to go, leaving doc to keep the fire :D.15:22
MohammadAGit's closer than any other release, but far from freezing it to stable15:23
MohammadAGfreemangordon, should we agree on a time?15:23
MohammadAGthat matches all timezones?15:23
DocScrutinizernah, I'm already afk basically15:23
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, so you got Speech to text? nice :p15:24
DocScrutinizerno, text is my native channel15:24
DocScrutinizerI got text to speech for occasional usage15:24
DocScrutinizerwell, ok for applet being low risk to introduce new major issues15:25
MohammadAGit can only read data, so it can't harm the system15:27
DocScrutinizerbut we will need to test and "fix" and maintain stable branch anyway, so no really good reason to postpone the branching15:27
MohammadAGFYI, a rewrite to change that may be better15:27
DocScrutinizeronly downside: you'd have to apply the Nokia applet patch to both testing and stable branches then15:28
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DocScrutinizerstable is not a snapshot_to_build of testing, it's a true branch15:29
DocScrutinizerof all the patches that go to testing branch after the branching out of stable, you generally want to cherry-pick and backport to stable branch the ones considered tested and stable. That's what we should do with Nokia applet as well15:31
jonwilok, so far, the only closed things the messaging UI is talking to is the accounts ui client (which is closed library, open headers)15:32
DocScrutinizer*occasionally* you create a new stable branch from a aged and matured testing branch rev, if testing evolved so much that there are a lot of *new* things that never got backported to stable. Until then you maintain stable branch by cherrypicking and backporting bugfix patches15:33
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DocScrutinizerbottom line: creating stable branch from 16.8 now is better than waiting for testing-1715:35
DocScrutinizeras right now tessting-16.8 is kinda mature and stable15:35
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DocScrutinizerand I'm *not* suggesting to build a release from stable-16.8! I'm saying we shall *branch* right _now_15:36
DocScrutinizeractuall branch t-16.8 + freemangordon's patches, as he says they are tested for quite a time now and seem to fix major issues and didn't introduce new problems on at least 5 users15:38
DocScrutinizerthen apply Nokia applet patch to testing, test for a week, backport the patch to stable, and then we might consider doing a build of stable and test it on some 5 devels' devices. if it looks good _THEN_ we may prepare a release15:41
DocScrutinizerof stable-1715:41
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mr_jrt@jonwil Excellent to hear.16:13
jonwilstill checking16:13
jonwilso far found it calls the aformentioned accounts UI16:13
jonwilplus some g_web_xxx functions (some are in the headers, some are not)16:13
mr_jrtAFAICT quickly, the accounts UI looks just like the one I bring up in my code with a DBus call which invokes rtcom-accounts-ui16:15
jonwilthe accounts UI calls are documented anyway16:17
jonwilso thats no problem16:17
mr_jrtIncidentally: When I first saw the conversations view I thought all accounts got merged into one thread. I was a little dissappointed when I found out they don't, but no biggie. Seeing WP work that way though makes me want to have a go at achieving that for a second  pass of an open messaging UI ;)16:20
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DocScrutinizermr_jrt: .oO(¿¿merge all accounts into one thread? and then a SMS is sent to all your contacts concurrently??)16:27
mr_jrtNo, all accounts for a contact16:32
mr_jrtSo all the SMSes, MMSes and XMPP messages etc. all appear in a single conversation.16:32
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jonwilok, more functions found that are undocumented16:33
jonwilrtcom-messaging-ui calls neteal_*16:33
jonwilwhich are totally undocumented16:33
MohammadAG when?16:34
mr_jrtAny ideas which lib they're in?16:34
MohammadAGgrep neteal in /usr/lib16:34
MohammadAGisn't that the browser engine?16:35
DocScrutinizermr_jrt: then I fail to see how to select transport aka service aka account for posting an answer to that thread16:35
MohammadAGanyway, if you're thinking of reimplementing conversations16:35
MohammadAGusing the browser is something I suggest not using16:35
MohammadAGa C++ model + list is better imo16:35
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jonwilok, next up we have osso_abook16:36
jonwilclosed library, open headers16:36
MohammadAGthat's for contacts16:36
MohammadAGused for contact info + dialogs16:37
DocScrutinizermega PITA16:37
MohammadAGcontact info can be obtained via Qt Mobility16:37
MohammadAGa Qt dialog replacement can also be made, but the standard one may be better16:37
mr_jrt@DocScrutinizer, that's the trick, isn't it? Off the cuff, I'd suggest it uses the last recieved account, and if that's offline, work backwards until you've run out of accounts then try SMS/MMS, where it'll prompt which to use....or of course, letting you choose via a dropdown or somesuch.16:38
mr_jrtAnyway...that's a looooong way off. And there's always WP as an example f how well it works (or doesn't)16:39
DocScrutinizerOMG please implement such scheme, to guarantee I have something to bash when I'm 12016:39
DocScrutinizeralso I bet it will buy you *lots* of friens when each sentence from you arrives them at a different channel16:40
mr_jrtWhy would it do that?16:40
MohammadAGthat'd be fun16:41
mr_jrt...just seems to me that what's important is the conversation, not the transport.16:41
MohammadAGnot really16:42
MohammadAGwhat if someone gave his password to his gf or sth16:42
MohammadAGand she's talking over his facebook with his account16:42
mr_jrtIt's anoying having to switch back and forth to follow the conversation because it started on facebook, then went to sms, then onto google talk and back to sms.16:42
MohammadAGbut he wants to talk to someone without her knowing16:42
MohammadAGover skype16:42
MohammadAGfor reading convos that may be fun16:43
DocScrutinizermr_jrt: exactly. You are supporting my point pretty good actually16:43
MohammadAGbut for replying, absolutely not16:43
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MohammadAGunless you have a checkbox/drop down box that shows the IM being used16:44
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MohammadAGand you switch between them16:44
DocScrutinizerand then the UI concept becomes EEEEW16:44
mr_jrtI'm not sayign they wouldn't be able to choose which transport to reply with...we're just discussing which it'd use without the user having to choose.16:44
MohammadAGsimilar to the current one16:45
MohammadAGbut instead the icon would be clickable16:45
MohammadAGthe one in the text box16:45
DocScrutinizertbh I think I never in my whole life switched channels during one discussion thread16:45
DocScrutinizerrather I had separate threads on separate topics via different channels with same peer concurrently16:46
jonwilok, next up we got some sms_xxx functions from libsms-utils.so16:46
mr_jrtNever arranged to meet someone on facebook chat, then gone out and sent a text to let them you you're there?16:47
DocScrutinizere.g IRCing while concurrently talking to the other end via phone16:47
mr_jrtAnyway. Can't be all things to all people. :)16:47
DocScrutinizeror deifferent concurrent chats on several IRC channels and also jabber or skype maybe16:48
DocScrutinizerit'd confuse the hell outa me if those threads got mixed and merged into one16:49
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jonwilnext up we have time_get_synced. Closed library, open header16:50
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mr_jrtI don't use IRC on my N900 - Do they show up as seperate conversations? I assumed that a Maemo conversation was any communication with a specific account. I agree that group chats in the general sense would would almost certainly probably be best kept seperate.16:53
jonwilok, so after completing my checks, the only undocumented functions used by the messaging ui are some g_web functions and neteal functions for the browser16:56
jonwilplus 4 sms_xxx functions in libsms-utils.so16:56
jonwilrtcom-call-ui uses a lot more undocumented stuff16:59
jonwilincluding a whole bunch of stuff in librtcom-call-ui16:59
mr_jrtKnowing what they do should help knowing how important they are:
mr_jrt...suggests there's no secret sauce to worry about.17:00
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jonwilfiguring out how to use the 4 libsms-utils functions probably wouldn't be that hard anyway if we really wanted dto17:03
* jonwil wishes more of the browser was open, or at least more of the headers17:04
mr_jrtI do still find it surprising how much effort Nokia seems to have put in to manage the legalities of getting a closed UI using a OSS browser engine.17:07
jonwilI am surprised Nokia was so determined to have a closed browser UI in the first place17:08
jonwilIts not like there is all that much that the browser does that is particularly novel17:08
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jonwilor interesting17:08
jonwilor worthy of keeping secret17:08
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mr_jrtIt's probably just the blanket UI=closed policy they have17:08
mr_jrtAs we see continued to harmatten17:08 a way it's handy, as it provides a commerical incentive to proper engineering practice : aka. seperating the functionality from the UI.17:09
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jonwilam I correct in thinking that Tablet-browser-daemon is what actually does all the work of loading and running and working with gecko?17:25
jonwilok, so if you closed tablet-browser-daemon and all it uses, couldn't you then bring in a newer gecko version?17:32
jonwilor is there something I am not seeing here?17:32
MohammadAGI don't see why gecko can't be upgraded17:32
MohammadAGunless it breaks existing APIs17:32
jonwilit looks like all the libs tablet-browser-daemon talks to are open source17:33
jonwilso its just tablet-browser-daemon itself thats closed17:33
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jonwilok, I think I am understanding how this browser works now. There are 4 parts, there is an open source set of libraries (including Gecko) that do all the real work, there is a closed-source daemon (browserd) that talks to those libraries, there is a pair of closed-source components (tablet-browser-view and browser-eal) that provide a web widget that can be embedded in apps like the conversations ap18:06
jonwilp  and then there is a set of UI and stuff that wraps a full browser around the widget18:06
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DocScrutinizerjonwil: have you copied this terse but mad useful sentence to some wiki or sth?18:18
jonwilnope :P18:19
jonwilin any case it looks like the most useful things to clone re the browser would be the tablet-browser-daemon package and the dev package for browser-eal18:19
jonwilthe first being that cloning it lets you totally replace the browser widget with something that presents the same dbus API18:20
jonwiland the second being that its the missing piece of the jigsaw if you want to embed microb engine in your program18:21
DocScrutinizer:nod: again18:21
jonwilpossibly also useful would be to clone browser-neteal itself (not just the -dev for it) and also tablet-browser-view18:21
jonwilThe rest of the browser is just wrappers for it18:22
jonwiland isnt much interesting to clone18:22
DocScrutinizernah, the GUI could as well use one or the other fix18:22
jonwilthe main thing for the browser UI packages would be to figure out anything they talk to thats not known (dbus etc)18:23
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jonwilok, after further thought I have decided that the hardest piece of closed-source-software to clone would be the PowerVR drivers18:44
jonwilwhich unfortunatly would also be one of the most useful :P18:44
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amiconnmr_jrt: As you seem to fiddling with messaging, including MMS - any chance to see some fMMS bugs fixed?19:05
JaffaDocScrutinizer: Reanimate how?19:09
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mr_jrt@amiconn That would depend on the bugs. Initially I'll only be reading/writing to fMMS' database, so I won't be editing its code at all. Next on the list after that is altering the fMMS backend to use the standard event DB, so that might be the time to look at fixing bugs.19:46
mr_jrtWhen it comes to the PowerVR drivers...I'm about 20 minutes down the road from Imagination Technologies. Could always try taking them cake and asking nicely ;)19:52
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mr_jrtThat said:
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* merlin1991 just read a part of the backlog and has some ideas20:09
merlin1991whatabout we create a stable branch, wich leaves out camera-ui and modest for now? everything else seems to work bug-free20:09
merlin1991and when we have a stable modest in testing + the camera-ui deployment and bugs fixed we inklude those into stable?20:10
merlin1991DocScrutinizer, MohammadAG, freemangordon ^^20:11
merlin1991I could maintain those stable builds and everything, since I have a replacement for my n900 now and can happily reflash every 20 mins to test20:13
merlin1991a suggestion for gitorious would be to create a branch "stable" in each repo and pull in changes that come along20:14
merlin1991no need to exactly copy the whole repository structure for the stable cssu20:15
merlin1991does anyone know if bug #12318 is fixed by now?20:19
povbot`Bug camera-ui open lid dialog has no close button20:19
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merlin1991DocScrutinizer: actually I think that forced-rotation isn't exactly a "stable" feature either20:26
merlin1991sure it "works" but from a system point of view it's not a stable fix I think20:27
merlin1991freemangordon: wich QT fixes did you mean when talking about them earlier?20:31
freemangordona segfault+diginotar fix, look at my MRs, really cannot talk right now, sorry20:35
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