IRC log of #maemo for Tuesday, 2010-10-26

Jaco2khow smooth this thing is when it empty... *sigh*00:00
hawaii_Nokia/Ovi Maps stomps all over anything any other provider...provides to end users.00:00
javispedronot to mention that google gets to know everywhere you go...00:00
rokr1_use trekbuddy00:00
javispedro( is our local version of that, but at least _seems_ you can disable it)00:00
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rokr1_with offline google maps00:01
Jaco2know to install applications and actually make it slower again, as it is supposed to be! :)00:01
ieatlintjavispedro: uh... more like when i am in a big city, and want to find something quick, i don't want to sit 30s waiting for the maps to load00:01
ieatlintand then have an completely inadequate and oft-outdated business database00:01
ShadowJKsjk: the sdk is pretty hairy. I first just installed gcc on device instead, but you run out of diskspace on / in about 5 seconds.. then I juts started using the vmware/qemu images that contain ubuntu+preinstalled sdk, easyish enough to get to a compiler that way00:01
rokr1_GTG got the images00:01
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rokr1_abt to update the firmware00:02
rokr1_bye and TC00:02
sjkWhat about commercial apps? I have a Navigator application for the iPhone that I can use in my car. Are there such apps on maemo?00:02
Jaco2kpfffffff :D:D:D:D00:02
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javispedroieatlint: THEN, you use online maps... which, guess what.. YOU CAN.00:02
BCMMsjk: i don't know what that app does00:02
javispedro(even with ovi)00:02
Jaco2kAfter this update I got the PC Suite service layer going crazy :D00:02
BCMMsjk: is it a satnav sort of thing?00:02
sjkBCMM, GPS application, you know like a regular car gps device but on the phone00:02
sjkBCMM, yeah, exactly00:02
BCMMsjk: yeah, there are several of those00:03
ieatlintjavispedro: yeah, but if you think any of the (free) map solutions on the n900 are easy, fast and accurate... you're kidding yourself00:03
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ShadowJKsjk: There's Sygic Maps for N900. It's slightly buggy, crashes for me once every 200km :)00:03
sjkYou enter an adress and it gives you directions00:03
BCMMsjk: mappero even does voice00:03
BCMM(for free)00:03
sjkBCMM, but you'd have to purchase the maps somewhere, right?00:03
Jaco2kSygic 9.0 works fine00:03
ShadowJKcosts like 70 or 80Eiirc..00:03
javispedroieatlint: I do not think so. Ovi is useless (it's also not fully offline capable), and I've not tried sygic00:03
BCMMsjk: google doesn't charge :)00:03
Jaco2kit seems Sygic 10.0 is more buggy00:03
BCMMsjk: maperro gets routes and maps from google (yes, it requires a 'net connection)00:04
sjkShadowJK, interesting :)00:04
sjkBCMM, *nod*00:04
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njsf1BCMM: I can't get Mappero to do voice. yes I do have espeak installed and did configure it to use it, still no luck any suggestions ?00:04
hawaii_Sygic 9 is stable. 10 is horrid.00:04
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BCMMsjk: actually, it offers a choice of google, google satellite or openstreetmap00:04
sjkCan I deploy my application on the maemo without having to upload it to some app storage site?00:04
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sjkBCMM, ah00:04
ShadowJKOvi Maps on N900 is kinda crippled. It gives you directions as text, draws a red line to follow, and shows a red dot where you are. No Voice, and if you deviate from the red path it doesn't automatically recalculate route00:04
BCMMsjk: yes00:04
Jaco2kquite smooth so far...00:05
Jaco2krestored backup00:05
BCMMnjsf1: i'm using more recent versions of maperro from extras-devel, my advice is wait00:05
Jaco2kre-installing apps now00:05
Noobmonk3ywo0000ooop 85%!00:05
Noobmonk3ygo updater go!00:05
BCMMsjk: it's a regular linux machine00:05
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njsf1BCMM: So am I, though haven't tried in 3 weeks, but have not seen update more recent than that either00:05
BCMMsjk: no signing or DRM00:05
Jaco2kNoobmonk3y: Are you updating over dial-up or what?? :)00:06
BCMMnjsf1: it uses recordings, not speech synth00:06
Noobmonk3y10mbps wifi lol00:06
Noobmonk3ydownloaded in seconds00:06
Noobmonk3yupdating in years!00:06
BCMMsjk: you can even write stuff in python on the phone, then just run it00:06
Jaco2koho... did they revamp the app manager?00:06
Noobmonk3yJaco2k: what, it actually loads before you've made a cup of tea now?00:07
Jaco2kwell, right now there are no apps installed00:07
ShadowJKsjk: you can download the kernel sources, modify, compile your own into a deb package, and install it on your n900 and watch it flash itself with your modified kernel (and then if you fucked it up you get to fire up thne fkashing tool on your pc)00:07
Jaco2kbut I meant the UI00:07
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BCMMsjk: or you can manually install binaries if you really want00:07
Jaco2ksome subtle change to the fonts and graphics00:07
sjkThis sounds real good.00:08
BCMMsjk: more sensibly, you can package your application in a .deb and install that00:08
Noobmonk3yJaco2k: not reinstalled another theme you had before yet? :p00:08
Jaco2kit restored it00:08
Noobmonk3yooo 95%00:08
Jaco2kbut I use a default theme00:08
Noobmonk3yomg its almost done!00:08
sjkSome people are saying that the iPhone is "like a BSD machine", but that is so not true. Sure, it may be based on BSD, but it's all locked down00:08
BCMMsjk: i've been playing around with mine to learn some Qt, and i've tested stuff by just copying the binary over SSH and running it00:08
Jaco2kok, I am off to the couch to reinstall all the apps00:08
sjkAnd I don't like cracking things breaking aups etc00:08
Jaco2kl8r all and good luck00:08
sjkBCMM, that is cool00:09
Noobmonk3y98% yay!00:09
Jaco2kAh :D00:09
Noobmonk3yMohammadAG: its woken up and almost working!00:09
Jaco2kI know why it was looking different now :D00:09
Jaco2kI had Droid fonts installed :D00:09
MohammadAGNoobmonk3y, btw, QTextBrowser works now00:09
MohammadAGthanks to alterego00:09
Jaco2kit is reinstalling them now00:09
Noobmonk3ywtf 2 hours?!00:09
BCMMsjk: yeah, it's great to able to root your device with a single command, and without voiding anything :)00:09
Noobmonk3yie with an ssu patch update00:09
MohammadAGNoobmonk3y, no, just rearranged and changed how the code worked00:10
sjkSo what are the downsides of the N900/Maemo?00:10
Noobmonk3yw000r installed - time to go re-install all!00:10
MohammadAGinstead of styleSheets, it uses QPainter00:10
alteregoInteresting, I don't think I got the my nokia thing this time round.00:10
alteregoOh wait, there's a flag file in emmc isn't there00:10
MohammadAGdpkg -r cherry, muhahaha00:10
BCMMsjk: it really is just a proper debian-based distro - some bits are slightly unusual, like the partition scheme, but mostly it's totally standard00:10
sjkWould there be any reasons to keep the iPhone instead?00:10
ShadowJKsjk: once you've fired up on your N900, answering calls can be pretty sluggish ;)00:10
BCMMsjk: you can log in as root, it has a normal X server, etc.00:10
BCMMsjk: depends what you want00:11
alteregosjk: paper weight? :P00:11
MohammadAGnot being an asshole but, doesn't the iPhone have root?00:11
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Noobmonk3ysjk: you can run android, easydebian, and hopefully soon to be meego on it (Ish)00:11
Jaco2kit is a Debian distro, pretty much00:11
BCMMMohammadAG: yeah, but it voids the warrenty00:11
sjkMohammadAG, yes, but you have to crack it ("jailbreak")00:11
Noobmonk3ywarranty shmarranty00:11
MohammadAGNoobmonk3y, debian and ubuntu00:11
Noobmonk3yif you understand root, do you need a warranty?00:11
MohammadAGdidn't someone get gentoo working too?00:11
BCMMMohammadAG: and they keep trying to find ways to stop it00:11
alteregoMeeGo is mving a lot more rapid than nitdroid :P00:11
andyph666is there a way to find out what version im running? cant seem to find the update anymore on fap00:11
ShadowJKsjk: common complaints from iphone users is that scrolling isn't smooth, no vsync refresh, and no pinch to zoom00:11
Noobmonk3yMohammadAG51: dont forget dos, windows 3.11,95 and nt00:12
alteregoAnd MeeGo is much coole.r00:12
MohammadAGalterego, for obvious reasons, cough*nokia*cough00:12
MohammadAGNoobmonk3y, and Mac OS X00:12
javispedroNoobmonk3y: yes00:12
BCMMMohammadAG: iirc, the current way to do what you want with the iphone involves opening a PDF that exploits a vunerability in the PDF reader00:12
sjkShadowJK, oh! I like the pinch to zoom thing in the iPhone. :)00:12
javispedro(re root & warranty)00:12
Jaco2kalterego: I think that, just maybe, the amount of developers for Meego is ever so slightly bigger than for Nitdroid.. .;)00:12
BCMMsjk: yeah, we have no multitouch00:12
ShadowJKiphone does a better job of preventing the user from doing things that consume lots of resources00:12
Noobmonk3yno wonder it took 3 hours!00:12
chem|stBCMM: not in all countries00:12
Jaco2kand they don't need to reverse engineer nothing in Meego ;)00:12
Noobmonk3yits re-installed everything as was!!! (And i didnt touch a thing!)00:12
alteregoMohammadAG: I see the community putting more effort into the N900 adaptation.00:12
MohammadAGBCMM, if what you said is not BS... LOL00:12
sjkBCMM, I use my phone for texting, phoning, web surfing, email, music and SSH00:13
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BCMMShadowJK: that's a nice way to say that the iphone doesn't multitask00:13
ShadowJKin Maemo/N900 you can run as many apps you want in the background, to the point it goes into swap-hell just like a memory-starved desktop pc00:13
sjkIf I could I would create applications for my iPhone, but I don't have time nor energy to learn Objective-C00:13
BCMMsjk: an iphone?00:13
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sjkBCMM, yep00:13
javispedrosjk: so, have you used a GUI toolkit?00:13
BCMMsjk: what's the SSH client like?00:13
chem|stBCMM: most EU countries have a technical warranty of 2years and for 6 month no matter what00:13
chibi-taigahey guys there is an update for my phone but i cant press the install button00:14
BCMMMohammadAG: the stuff about the iphone, you mean?00:14
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BCMMMohammadAG: tell me where you get your news and i'll start reading it...00:17
sjkShadowJK, yes. I was using a SSH client earlier where the on-screen keyboard took up too much space, but then I got another client where the keyboard can go semi-transparent00:17
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Noobmonk3yMohammadAG: Wouldnt that mean no news then?00:17
BCMMMohammadAG: althought there is some schadenfreude in whatching their censorship fail00:18
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BCMMMohammadAG51: last i heard, they restrict applications that use interpreted languages, since having interpreters on the phone would risk users working out how to use them to run their own code00:18
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javispedroBCMM: they do not. they just restrict interpreters to running local code (not remote, not loaded by the user) for that reason00:19
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sjkShadowJK, mostly just small system utilities. I've made log parsers to use with openbsds packet filter, I've hacked some on the ircd for another irc network, etc. Just mostly small things that very few people use ;)00:19
javispedroBCMM: their methods are evil, but "an interpreter" is such a quite broad thing to be able to just say "excluded" from a set of single-sentence rules.00:19
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lcukit does 3.5g00:22
BCMMsjk: yes00:22
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BCMMlcuk: when it sahs 3.5G, it means HSDPA, right?00:22
sjkIs the framework used (to access gps, internet, etc etc) closed source?00:23
BCMMsjk: which bits do you mean?00:23
orospakrhmm, just did Maemo update.  Was that "PR3"?00:23
BCMMsjk: accessing the 'net is done in the normal linux way00:23
BCMMsjk: i mean, you can open xterm and ping stuff00:23
ieatlintsjk: are you in the us or canada though?00:23
BCMMsjk: i don't know if the cellular modem drivers are open or not00:23
Jaco2kBCMM: They are not00:24
ShadowJKsjk: the GPS is connected to the cellular modem. the cellular modem has its own processor and runs its own software/firmware which is closed00:24
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BCMMsjk: ditto the GPS driver may be propriatary, but it is simple for an open application to get the location00:24
sjkI mean the SDK00:24
pytherI reflashed my n900 and installed call notify and it keeps crashing when I try to set any settings. Does anyone have any idea how to fix this?00:24
sjkShadowJK, I see00:24
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BCMMsjk: anyway, there is no "framework" for internet access, it's just the regular linux network stack00:25
ShadowJKbsd sockets00:25
javispedroin fact00:25
javispedroif you could define maemo 500:25
javispedro"there's no framework for anything"00:25
BCMMsjk: for example, there is an xchat port, and i'd be willing to bet that the networking code is entirely unmodified00:25
sjkI'm reading maemo-quick-start-guide.pdf. "Currently C is the only official programming language for maemo". Woohoo!00:25
ShadowJKyou can use the extra maemo stuff to ask maemo to establish wlan or 3g connection.. but most of the time the damn thing stays always connected anyway00:26
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sjkBCMM, splendid!00:26
BCMMsjk: who cares what's official? qt and C++ work fine00:26
sjkBCMM, but I only know C. And perl. :)00:26
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sjkSo for me it sounds good. :)00:26
ieatlintthere is a framework in a sense... it handles the internet connections, including switches between wifi and modem00:26
BCMMsjk: did you say you'd developed on linux before?00:27
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ShadowJKParts of the GPS stuff is actually open source. I fixed a bug that made my external bluetooth gps receiver not work, and scp'd the new binary onto my phone :)00:27
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ieatlintsjk: you didn't answer my question about if you00:27
ieatlint're in the us/canada00:27
ShadowJKbut the low level driver for the internal gps is closed source00:27
ieatlintnote that if you are, and have an iphone, your current carrier will not support 3g on the n90000:27
BCMMieatlint: eh?00:27
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ieatlintatt and rogers use an incompatible set of umts frequencies00:28
BCMMsjk: you could skim for a rough idea of how easy it is to use stuff like the GPS system00:28
ShadowJKI'm guessing he's in scandinavia00:28
ieatlintjust good to verify :P00:28
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BCMMsjk: i particularly like how easy it is to use the accelerometer - you can just read a sysfs file for that00:30
alteregotmo is still hungover I see00:30
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sjkBCMM, yes, I have developed on Linux before, but I have only developed on BSD the last couple of years00:30
javispedroBCMM: i'd not say that's exactly the most easy way00:30
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sjkieatlint, sorry, I missed your question! I'm not in America :)00:30
sjk(I'm in Sweden)00:30
javispedroBCMM: in fact, having tried nearly every phone platform's way I'd say it's one of the worst (but it works well with the unix way though!)00:30
ieatlintok, just checking :)00:31
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sjkprgmrchris, :)00:31
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sjkieatlint, thanks for the tip, though!00:31
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alteregoQtMobility with the sensors API reads accel data nicely :P00:32
andyph666anyone else not getting the maemo update on hteir phone?00:32
javispedroyou'd guess.00:32
ieatlintjavispedro: i agree... but it is convenient for some basic scripts00:32
sjkI was travelling in India in 2007 (before the iPhone existed, or at least I hadn't heard of it back then) and I met a fellow who had something that must have been the N900's predecessor00:32
sjkAnd I remember being real impressed00:33
javispedro"sh scripts" is included in the "unix way"00:33
ieatlintand running fscanf(); rewind(); in a thread isn't that bad...00:33
sjkBut I think he said he had to crack it or re-flash it or something in order to get the Debian-ish system00:33
BCMM_sjk: the n900's predecessor wasn't a phone...00:33
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ShadowJKweren't* :000:33
ieatlintbut hardcoding the sysfs path feels wrong to me00:33
sjkAh, you're right, BCMM_!00:34
ShadowJK770, N800, N81000:34
ShadowJKand N810W00:34
sjkBut I remember that it looked like the N90000:34
BCMM_sjk: it was a device that was pretty much like the n900, other than lower specs and no GSM/3G/GPRS00:34
javispedroieatlint: I hope rewind() clears the implicit stdio read buffer....00:34
orospakrneat. Now to figure out how to do the MeeGo dual boot. :)00:34
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ieatlintit's worked in my experience, but if you want to fflush...00:35
sjkHm. I wonder if it's common that people get their phones hijacked00:35
javispedroieatlint: the equivalent fseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET) doesn't clear the buffer.00:35
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sjkI mean, it would be fairly easy to write programs that would fit well in an american cia/fbi/whatever spy movie00:36
ieatlintok, so fflush the stream00:36
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sjkBCMM_, oups, I didn't see your wiki link till now. Thanks! *looking*00:37
ShadowJKiirc I did open,read,close in a loop00:37
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javispedroShadowJK: that of course works00:37
ShadowJKwith a 1/400s sleep00:37
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andyph666does the maemo forums work for you guys?00:38
pytherandyph666: no, I think they are down00:38
pytherhow can I updated the sdk?00:38
andyph666ah thx00:39
crashanddiesjk: there is a movie where they used a ROT13 version of the Linux kernel (v1) when showing some "hacker tools"00:39
ieatlintShadowJK: as i understand it, that would end up mallocing and freeing a lot, which is a bigger system drain, especially if you're actually doing 400hz :P00:40
ShadowJKieatlint, it's still only 400/s, not 4 million per second like mozilla00:41
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ieatlinti'm wondering where the buffering occurs, and if using open() with a no buffering flag, and then fdopen() will work without needing to flush a buffer00:41
ShadowJKN900 is fast enough to do it in shell script00:41
javispedroieatlint: glibc has functions to disable input buffering00:41
javispedrosetvbuf -- that's what I used in preenv 0.100:42
ieatlintah... cool00:42
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ieatlintdidn't know that, and it's c89 so very good to know00:42
alteregoMohammadAG51: ping00:43
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sjkcrashanddie, haha! I was thinking like, it'd be easy to create a daemon that polls the GPS device for the phones position and libcurl posts it somewhere00:47
crashanddieyou really don't need to do that00:48
crashanddiefirst, it'll drain the battery00:48
ShadowJKsjk: about 20 lines in python i think00:48
crashanddiesecond, there's a "save me" app, or whatever it's called00:48
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crashanddieso you can actually get the phone location, + pictures if it's stolen00:48
ShadowJK... and the skype thing already puts yourr location in your statusline if you want..00:48
javispedro.... and javascript from the browser has access to your position if you install the geolocation plugin ...00:49
ShadowJKcrashanddie: oh so that's what it does :)00:49
ShadowJKOh yeah, you can click that thingy on and it goes to where you actually are00:49
sjkOh, is there a Skype app? The Skype app for iPhone was recently "unlocked" so that it can be used on 3G. Earlier it could only be used while being connected to to a wlan00:49
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crashanddiewell, it can also help you check if your gf cheats on you or not00:49
ieatlintsjk: built in support for skype00:50
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crashanddiesjk: skype is heavily integrated in the UI00:50
ShadowJKsjk: well it's not an "app!, it's integrated00:50
ieatlintno usage restrictions by the phone00:50
ieatlintincluding video calls :P00:50
sjkWhat about battery life?00:50
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ShadowJKwith skype on 3g? Yeah don't do that if you're going to be away from power outlet for more than 12 hours :)00:51
ieatlintmy average us gives me 10-12 hours00:51
javispedroaround 3h for continuos cpu+3d usage00:51
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ieatlintbut i tend to be near a computer with a usb port to steal power from00:51
ShadowJKWhen I traveled in Germany I had killed all internet access, skype, irc and everything, and battery lasted about 4 days.. but it was ni fun ysung it just as "phone"00:52
javispedroaround 2-3 days for idle usage with wifi on00:52
ieatlintthat said i carry spare battery in my jacket, and every few weeks i end up needing it00:52
GAN900Holy shit this phone is useless for calling the police.00:52
sjkShadowJK, ah, interesting00:52
GAN900Try to dial 911 and it asks me GTalk or Cellular. . . .00:52
ieatlintGAN900: lol00:53
orospakrGAN900, yeah, I don't care for Maemo's phone interface much.00:53
javispedroGAN900: that's a feature!00:53
DocScrutinizeryep, 3 days with WiFi a nd IRC00:53
orospakrJust getting to the dialpad is a bit of a journey depending on where you left the phone's state.00:53
ShadowJKgan900: what if you try 112? :)00:53
GAN900Good think the guy bought my fake conversation with the operator.00:53
alteregoYeah, what if you don't have cell coverage?00:53
ieatlintorospakr: press power button in any state where the screen is on, then press the "phone" button00:54
ieatlintif needed, then press dialpad button00:54
ieatlintnot that bad00:54
ShadowJKsjk: skype being p2p doesn't help. 3g is a battery killer in the sense that a single packet of data can keep the radio transmitter going at full tilty for 5 seconds.. very active IRC channels are also able to drain battery good00:54
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GAN900orospakr, went to desktop, Fn-91100:54
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ShadowJKso I usually myself switch to edge/2g with the 3g modeswitch applet, and then go to 3g when I need lots of fast data00:55
ShadowJKlike torrents or whatever00:55
GAN900Also: shortcutd long-press on the camera button.00:55
sjkShadowJK, ahh00:55
GAN900Doesn't work when you're filming somebody threatening you, though.00:55
ShadowJK(no ive actually never downloaded torrents on N900, but "there's an app for thatg")00:55
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sjkThe only negative thing about the N900 is that it's thicker than the iPhone. It would bulge in my pocket. ;)00:57
ShadowJKJust tell anyone who asks that you're just delighted to see them00:58
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sjkShadowJK, heehe00:58
ShadowJKI used the mugen 2400 mah battery, it doubles thickness..00:58
sjkHow do you zoom on the N900?00:59
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sjk(I'd pinch the iphone)00:59
dolpdouble tap00:59
bdogg64clockwise circle, double tap00:59
dolpuse volume controls00:59
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javispedrosjk: depends on the application, what do you think this is, some kind of integrated platform?01:00
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ShadowJKbrowser has all 3 methods01:01
DocScrutinizerBCMM: (can just read a sysfs file for that) forget it, you don't want to do that for anything except user triggered gesture recognition etc, like e.g N900fly. It's a batery killer otherwise, and the recommended way to handle accels is completely different - it's exploiting hw thresholds and filters and IRQ01:01
ShadowJKdouble-tab, twirl, hardware +/- buttons01:01
javispedrothe rest of applications, well..01:01
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ShadowJKimage gallery only works with hw buttons01:01
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ShadowJKthese kinda of details is what people mean by "unpolished"01:02
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sjkLooking at silly comp. tests on youtube now. Seems the iPhone wins when doing the key scratch test ;)01:03
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javispedrothis thing well self-scratch just by giving it a steady look01:04
nidOiphone4 will do, obviously01:04
nidOgorilla glass > standard capacitive glass > resistive plastic01:04
nidOiphone's at the left, n900's at the right01:04
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* javispedro is old enough to remember the days where palm advertised plastic as the better thing because it broke less01:05
nidOshatters less, but scratches more :>01:05
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javispedroalso, isn't the n97 resistive?01:06
accessI'm quite happy with the "cheap" plastic on the N900's display. I've seen enough shattered iphone screens lately >_<01:06
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ShadowJKif scratchproof glass exists id want to replace my car windshield01:06
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DocScrutinizeranybody got a pointer to source &/| name of function() to request and receive a kevent?01:07
DocScrutinizerI.E. content of some /sys/* file changed01:08
guille_Would it be inotify?01:09
DocScrutinizeraiui inotify isn't exactly what I need for that01:09
javispedrothis is the kind of question that triggers my "you shoult state your end goal" warning01:09
javispedro(even though I will probably know nothing about it either way)01:09
GAN900nidO, yeah, except do you ever see an iPhone user carrying without a case? :P01:10
* GAN900 has seen two shattered iPhone 4s today.01:10
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DocScrutinizerend goal: don't poll a /sys/*/switchBLA/state file - instead wait for a kevent to wake my process whenever the switch is pushed01:10
nidOnot really, but i know a couple of zune hd users who do01:10
nidOand their devices look like they were just unboxed01:10
chem|stShadowJK: it exists.... but you dont want to pay for it...01:10
nidOhighly scratch resistant glass != shatterproof glass when it's fitted to a frame that tensions it far too much01:11
javispedroDocScrutinizer: the "official" protocol for k -> user space events isn't "netlink"?01:11
toresbeIs there a way to enable RD mode without the USB cable?01:11
toresbeOr at least disable the farging watchdogs?01:12
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DocScrutinizerjavispedro: dunno, but I'd dare to say no. It's something next to uevent01:12
chem|sttoresbe: bootcycling?01:12
toresbechem|st: hmm?01:12
DocScrutinizertoresbe: no01:13
chem|sttoresbe: sounds like you want to stop the device rebooting after 20seconds...01:13
toresbetrying to get meego working from MMC01:13
chem|styou updated your device with apt-get dist-upgrade01:13
chem|stor aptget upgrade should helped it already...01:14
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DocScrutinizertoresbe: tickle the watchdogs and everything idle happiness01:14
toresbeI'm in the bootloader fiddling around. That's before the watchdog :)01:14
toresbe...gets fiddled01:14
javispedrotoresbe: why you don't buy a cable? =)01:14
javispedroit's a microusb <-> usb std $5 cable01:14
toresbebecause it's 00:14. And I'm really, really broke, too.01:15
DocScrutinizerouch, yes. chainloading to uBoot for example would cause trouble with watchdogs, unless uBoot is properly patched to deal with  them01:15
toresbeI actually do not have $5 at the moment. :)01:15
ShadowJKthe cable comes with n900..01:15
toresbemine was second-hand.01:15
DocScrutinizereven with N810 :-)01:16
DocScrutinizerso now I got 4 of them :-P01:16
javispedroI have thousands of these01:16
chem|sttoresbe: I bought 5 for 6eur and have one spare, where do you live?01:16
sjkIs N900 the latest mobile that runs maemo?01:16
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sjkOups, you said it was the only one.01:16
toresbeNorway. But I will become not broke in less than 24 hours.01:16
sjkSorry :)01:16
chem|stsjk: yes01:17
toresbeI just am impatient. :)01:17
chem|sttoresbe: hehe01:17
* DocScrutinizer muses about similarity between broke and broker01:18
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sjkNeat, it's got a FM transmitter as well :)01:19
Psihm.. i got two updates on my n900, just installed one and the 2nd has dissapeared :(01:19
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Psioh, its back, nevermind, just didnt wait long enough01:20
chem|stsjk: and a CIR (btw the transmitter is both, reciever and transmitter)01:21
sjkchem|st, what's CIR?01:21
DocScrutinizerCustom InfraRed01:22
jacekowskiConsumer IR01:22
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DocScrutinizersimply a flimsy IR-LED you can switch on and off01:22
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sjkSo, one could code a TV remote? :)01:22
alteregoquickly :P01:23
alteregoThat's what it's there for01:23
DocScrutinizeror install irreco :-P01:23
ShadowJKthe ir is transmit-only01:23
ShadowJKno ir receive01:23
alteregoWe've also got irreco for universal remote needs01:23
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DocScrutinizerno RX -> no IrDA01:24
kerioDocScrutinizer: thank god01:24
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chem|stsjk: CIR range is 4-5m FMTX is about the same01:24
kerioirda sucks balls compared to, say bluetooth01:24
ShadowJKi think irreco needs a slider so you could adjust the modulation a bit01:25
DocScrutinizerchem|st: I wish it'd be. some 2.5m IR range here01:25
chem|stkerio: not in a high voltage lab01:25
sjkWhat about syncing stuff with the laptop? I'm using an Apple laptop.01:25
Psii tried irreco, but i couldnt work out how to add raw remote timing and codes to the db01:25
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keriosjk: isync plugin01:25
ShadowJKI've had people at work report hearing my N900's fmtx at 30m :P01:25
chem|stDocScrutinizer: I got about 3.5 and the reciever is dusty :)01:25
ShadowJKkerio: what?01:25
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: there is a "slider": it's called CarrierFrequency=xxxx in /etc/lirc.conf or something like that01:26
ShadowJKbut it needs to be lcars interface01:26
chem|stShadowJK: nice01:26
sjkkerio, neato! And as for music, it's just filesystem based? No iTunes-ish stuff?01:27
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keriosjk: rsync "~/Music/iTunes/iTunes Music/Music/" and "~/Music/iTunes/iTunes Music/Audiobooks/"01:27
keriorsync is l33t01:27
kerioand efficient01:27
chem|stsjk: with the update of today we should have a drm-free musicstore attached01:27
* sjk nods :)01:27
ShadowJKI want lcars theme back. Being able to say "hold on let me modulate the signal" while sliding on the screen's lcars theme and then the tv or whatever magically obeying your phone, would be priceless01:27
sjkchem|st, would there actually be any music in it?01:28
DocScrutinizerPsi: check lirc website01:28
chem|stkerio: and has a resume function :)01:28
javispedrokerio: I am yet to find the shortcut to it01:28
DocScrutinizerkerio: !rsync == r33b.net01:28
ShadowJKWait we need the update for a drm-free musicstore?01:28
PsiDocScrutinizer: thanks01:29
chem|stShadowJK: need?01:29
ShadowJKyeah that's wtf?01:29
chem|stI don't need freaking ovi at all...01:29
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chem|stsjk: if the musicstore is like appstore there wont be much music available...01:30
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DocScrutinizerShadowJK: well we "needed" a "special" (==fsckdup) apt-get version to access ovi store :-P01:31
sjkchem|st, apples appstore?01:31
* javispedro wants STORE and can't find it01:31
DocScrutinizerso we wouldn't download nonfree software without being charged for it01:31
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DocScrutinizerso what do you think they did for ovi music?01:31
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chem|stsjk: no nokia appstore for maemo01:31
keriosjk: motherfuckin' apt, man!01:32
Jartzahmm. think I'm going to try PR1.301:32
sjkkerio, :)01:32
javispedroI'm having a _hard_ time checking if I've installed PR1.301:32
chem|stJartza: have fun01:32
javispedroup so far, I am yet to find a difference... maybe I should check the about box...01:32
DocScrutinizerI bet I had a even harder time to forget I did01:33
chem|stJartza: if it asks for pc-suite come back ;)01:33
Jartzawhoa :)01:33
CutMeOwnThroatchem|st, it did!01:33
chem|stCutMeOwnThroat: you need a solution or want attention?01:33
CutMeOwnThroatI thought that was a good moment to ask for a solution...01:34
javispedrothe solution is simple01:34
CutMeOwnThroatthis might even something you could put into the topic...01:34
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CutMeOwnThroatdon't tell me to install windows!01:34
javispedrouse fire to purify your n900 from -devel software01:34
SpeedEviluse n900fly01:34
chem|styou got something installed using libgles1-sgx-img or libqt4-test those two brake the upgrade01:34
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SpeedEvilOnce you hit 56m, it auto-uninstalls all extras-devel stuff01:34
CutMeOwnThroatright... it actually says so01:34
Psichem|st: do you just need to uninstall those first?01:35
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javispedroPsi: those, and all the software depending on them01:35
chem|stPsi: yeah and the depending games or apps01:35
DocScrutinizerjavispedro:  heretic! isn't that enough to adore new shiny PR1.3??01:35
chem|stjavispedro: you first :)01:35
pytherNice pulse audio isn't so skippy, but still skip when you unlock the screen01:35
chem|stI would write it into wiki but is letting me down01:35
Psii did apt-get remove libgles1-sgx-img   and it removed that plus ioquake301:35
javispedroDocScrutinizer: PC Suite SMS didn't work for me, and no way I am updating to the young hip stupid, buggy and featureless Ovi Suite01:36
javispedroalso, I have no Ovi Music shortcut.01:36
javispedroand the bugs I was monitoring weren't fixed.01:36
chem|stjavispedro: oh you remind me that I need to try that in NOS301:36
javispedroBasically, I wasted my time upgrading to it =)01:36
DocScrutinizer>>>makes it even easier to access and sync files and messages between your device and your desktop01:36
JartzaI don't have any "messages" on my desktop :)01:37
chem|stthe stupid skype video bugs show fixed and aren't01:37
sjkLads, thank you so much for the information. It's time for me to get some sleep.01:37
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chem|stDocScrutinizer: havent tried to install it with wine yet... maybe it does some magic there :)01:37
chem|stsjk: bb01:38
DocScrutinizerOH YEAH, *PLUS* yoghurt sport wifi01:38
javispedroDocScrutinizer: makes it easier to read sms... if you have ovi suite on your BillGates sponsored Windows workstation01:39
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chem|stDocScrutinizer: I was actually thinking about starting a serverclient-clientserver project... but then there happened delphi to me...01:39
CutMeOwnThroatoh, "healthcheck" pulled it in01:39
chem|stfor example01:39
CutMeOwnThroatwell.. slightly ironic01:39
chem|stCutMeOwnThroat: healthcheck, ioquake, gltron, tuxracer and so on01:40
trumeeGuys is "tweak flash" compatible with 1.3?01:40
trumeedescription says it is for PR1?2 only.01:40
DocScrutinizeryou tell us - oh, and what's tweak flash btw?01:41
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javispedroDocScrutinizer: a flash binary patcher GUI application, no less!01:41
CutMeOwnThroatwell, had none of the other buggers... wasn't interested01:41
trumeeDocScrutinizer, modifying  flash version to report as 1001:41
DocScrutinizerFSCK ME GENTLY01:41
ShadowJKdocscrutinizer: it changes the version string in the flash plugin binary, from 9.4 to 1001:41
trumeeso is it ok for 1.3?01:42
ShadowJKso obviously it will fail spectaculary if PR1.3 flash binary isn't bit-identical to the one in 1.2 :)01:42
trumeeShadowJK, crap01:42
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CutMeOwnThroatchem|st, so now it doesn't want to upgrade anything anymore after removing this?01:43
chem|stfsck.DocS --gentle --verbose01:43
ShadowJKDocScrutinizer: oh the awesome thing is someone on t.m.o. pasted an email from Nokia Support recommending him to use Tweak Flash :)01:44
DocScrutinizeris that notorious flash10 TI ARM binary somewhere on rapidshare or torrent or whatever meanwhile?01:44
chem|stCutMeOwnThroat: patience01:44
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: incredible01:44
CutMeOwnThroatwhy? will it magically remember in a week? :-P01:44
DocScrutinizer~hail nokia support01:44
* infobot bows down to nokia support and chants, "I'M NOT WORTHY!!"01:44
javispedroShadowJK: wtf01:44
trumeeDocScrutinizer, dont think so01:44
chem|stDocScrutinizer: nope last time I checked sources..01:45
Psiso, is there anything i should know before doing this update, ive already removed the conflicting libgles1-sgx-img01:45
CutMeOwnThroatah, all right01:45
chem|stdon't do update with apt if there are held back packages01:45
SpacedOutDarn, PR1.3 upgrade failed the reboot, now nogo with white background, black background backlight fades down and it sits there.01:46
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chem|st~tell SpacedOut about flashing01:46
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SpacedOutchem|st: I've done it before, darn annoying that I have to do it again, only this time I'm going to nuke the vfat partition since I won't have anything to loose.01:47
javispedrobtw, I'm quite sure that the Pre flashplugin would run...01:48
chem|stwho actually said that it is 9.4?01:49
chem|stadobe says
SpacedOutI was wondering if this was a common problem and if there were any other solutions than flashing away the rootfs?01:49
chem|stSpacedOut: before the upgrade yes01:50
chem|stSpacedOut: did you apt-get upgrade?01:50
SpacedOutchem|st: The 'official' supported package manager upgrade doesn't work?01:52
chem|stthat should work01:52
SpacedOutWhat doesn't work that other people are having problems with?01:53
chem|stapt-get upgrade with held back packages uninstalls most of the systemUI but does not install them again cause of the held back packages01:53
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chem|stmost of the thime ham asks for using pc-suite to upgrade as some libs brake the dependencies01:53
DocScrutinizerSpacedOut: apt-get --dist-upgrade? don't do that01:54
CutMeOwnThroatany other surprises to wait for?01:54
SpacedOutI don't think I had any held packages.  I did have the power kernel, bash, and some other things.01:54
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chem|stCutMeOwnThroat: if ham is not showing I have no idea but trying to manualy update01:55
CutMeOwnThroatit's now...01:55
chem|stonce it showed in the download--all page but not in the upgrade one01:55
chem|stah ok then proceed01:55
DocScrutinizererrr powerkernel? hmmmmmmm01:56
chem|stCutMeOwnThroat: and make sure you backuped and charged enough this will take a while01:56
CutMeOwnThroatdoing so for some time now... we'll see what runs out first, the update, my patience or the battery :-P01:56
CutMeOwnThroatyou were reading my thoughts :)01:56
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chem|stDocScrutinizer: thought there was no powerkernel problem?! at least I had no nitdroid multiboot problem01:57
DocScrutinizerCutMeOwnThroat: heh, great idea to run flat the battery. Gives you a nice bootstrap problem01:57
CutMeOwnThroatit's not _flat_, just not freshly loaded01:57
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pytherIs there something that will notify me of missed messages/calls?01:58
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pytherDocScrutinizer: what might it be?01:58
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DocScrutinizerdunno the name, seen it in HAM01:59
DocScrutinizerfoo bar widget01:59
pytherDocScrutinizer: well maybe your thinkig of call notify01:59
pytherI need something tha buzzes if I have missed messages01:59
pythersadly call notify is broken01:59
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DocScrutinizerI always though my N900 actually *does* yell and vibrate on inbound SMS02:00
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pytherDocScrutinizer: it does, but sometimes with vibrate I don't feel it the first time02:00
DocScrutinizeroh so you want a longer notification?02:00
Psiyeah, it really should keep doing it every 10min if there is a sms waiting02:00
chem|stpyther: there might be a led at a corner of your device intensively blinking02:01
DocScrutinizerno problem, just edit the vib pattern in /etc/mce/mce.ini02:01
pytherchem|st: well I can't see leds through my pocket02:01
DocScrutinizeror *.cfg - whatever02:01
f0rkb0mbi have a the "nuclear launch detected" ringtone from starcraft, that always gets my or someone elses attention haha02:01
chem|stpyther: then make it vibrate02:02
chem|stDocScrutinizer: ini is right02:02
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pytherchem|st: is there anything that explains the syntax of said file?02:04
DocScrutinizerthough you might not believe it, it's really a linux system and a friggin lot of things are tweakable _without_ a cheesy foobar.exe to change things for you02:04
DocScrutinizerpyther: yep, the file comments02:04
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DocScrutinizeriirc the vibrator stuff is all the way down at bottom of file02:05
DocScrutinizerand has sme 20 lines comment, pretty much explaining every gory detail on how to edit the patterns02:05
chem|stpyther: there is a wiki page02:06
chem|stpyther: and the file comments02:06
infobotMCE = Machine Check Exception.  Mode Control Entity02:06
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jacktherippercould anyone 'dpkg -S /usr/sbin/browserd' ?02:06
jacktheripperI don't seem to have browserd xD02:07
pytherI can't seem to match up the comments with the numbers02:07
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chem|stjacktheripper: tablet-browser-daemon02:07
DocScrutinizerpyther: err? please elaborate02:08
jacktheripperchem|st, thanks :)02:08
DocScrutinizerwhich numbers?02:08
chem|stjacktheripper: that sounds like you had held back packages within your upgrade02:08
pytherDocScrutinizer: I found it in the wiki, nvm me02:09
pytherI'll play around with it when I have more free time02:09
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pytherDocScrutinizer: thanks02:09
chem|stjacktheripper: check if you got libgles1-sgx-img or libqt4-test installed02:09
jacktheripperchem|st, I didn't have enough rootfs, I uninstalled big packages not knowing what they were.02:09
DocScrutinizerpyther: yw02:09
chem|stjacktheripper: ouch02:09
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chem|stjacktheripper: less than 50mb?02:09
jacktheripperchem|st, it was about 2mb so yes :D02:09
chem|stjacktheripper: I was close to uninstall locales-archive02:10
jacktheripperchem|st, I remember I moved that to opt02:10
chem|stjacktheripper: doesn't brake anything?02:10
DocScrutinizerpondering my first linux system had 50MB HDD... X-P02:10
jacktheripperchem|st, and moved it back I think.02:11
jacktheripperchem|st, I don't remember, don't count on it02:11
sivanghey jacktheripper , upgraded already? :)02:11
* sivang dreads the conflicted packages02:12
jacktherippersivang, yeah!02:12
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jacktheripperwas this really PR1.3 or just a preparatory update ?02:12
trumeei cant find sharing-service-picasa in the repos!02:13
rtylerargh, anybody installed that maemo 5 update without needing a PC?02:13
trumeehas it been removed?02:13
jacktheripperrtyler, me, just apt-get update and apt-get upgrade.02:13
DocScrutinizerlcuk: who at Nokia is in charge of SSU scripts? I'd think they could get better, both on verbose error msgs and proper checking and handling of resources02:13
Psirtyler: mine seems to, it downloaded update, switched off and when i turned it back on it booted up and said "oppperating system updated successfully"02:14
rtylerjacktheripper: everything went better than expected?02:14
Psii removed the packages that were conflicting before i started02:14
javispedroDocScrutinizer: One thinks they could handle years long standing problems (gles1) first =)02:14
rtylerI'm scared, but also excited02:14
* rtyler clutches his blankie tight02:14
Psiit doesnt look any different so far02:14
jacktheripperrtyler, if you have enough rootfs space, yes :)02:15
DocScrutinizerPsi: hooray02:15
jacktheripperPR1.3 doesn't bring too much anyway, it's mostly performance.02:15
sivangjacktheripper: and it all worked well? no manual package removalneeded?02:15
sivangjacktheripper: in embedded, performance is everything :)02:15
javispedrowhat performance? :)02:16
rtylerfak, I forgot how to get to root02:16
DocScrutinizerdeveloper performance02:16
chem|stjavispedro: that was just in my mind...02:16
javispedroDocScrutinizer: good point :)02:16
jacktherippersivang, yes, it worked well. Apart from the pain I had recovering from 'no disk space' each 2 minutes of upgrading.02:16
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chem|strtyler: type root in a terminal02:16
trumeesharing-service-picasa is missing02:16
trumee cant find it02:17
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chem|sttrumee: thats an ovi package02:17
chem|stisnt it?02:17
DocScrutinizerrtyler: maybe install rootsh first02:17
f0rkb0mbyehaw, facebook and twitter bookmarks are on the desktop again... i love to delete those02:17
rtylerchem|st: derrr02:17
chem|stf0rkb0mb: ever heard of restoring backup?02:18
trumeechem|st, right. thanks02:18
f0rkb0mbthere wasnt much to backup so i dont bother02:18
* DocScrutinizer makes a postit notice to add a >rm facebook.desktop twitter.desktop foobar.desktop<< line to
chem|stf0rkb0mb: at least settings I do as everything else is stored in home anyway02:19
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f0rkb0mbhm true02:20
javispedroDocScrutinizer: those are actual packages, purge them instead of just its desktop files02:20
javispedrofacebook-installer iirc, etc.02:20
DocScrutinizeryeah :-O***02:20
* javispedro already sent them to their resting place02:21
javispedrohm.. seems openssh 5.2 -> 5.6 has enlarged a bit02:21
DocScrutinizerpkg?? wtf! can't be more than a *.desktop and a *.install02:22
DocScrutinizerreally bloated, compared to starhash-enabler :-P02:23
f0rkb0mbn900-fmrx-enabler - d-bus service for enabling the dsabled fm receiver hardware <- already installed, didnt we need to install it manually last time, cant remember02:23
rtylertime for a reboot02:24
rtylerdun dun dun02:24
chem|stjavispedro: true thats the first I do after a reflash, reinstall apps and remove the apt-get remove installer*02:24
trumeemediaplayer is really good in 1.3. No stuttering even under heavy cpu load02:24
DocScrutinizerwOOOt WOOOt reboot!02:24
f0rkb0mb*drum roll*02:24
rtylerI'M SO EXCITED02:24
DocScrutinizerwhat til that changes to state "upset"02:25
SpacedOutOkay, I've reflashed PR1.2 (that's what I had available), and I'm trying the PR1.3 upgrade again.02:25
DocScrutinizeror - worse- "bored"02:25
rtylerdoes this update include anything to make modest any faster?02:25
* rtyler grumbles02:25
sivangnight all!02:26
sivangrtyler: hehe02:26
sivangrtyler: we'd wish :)02:26
sivangI couldn't resist the comment :)02:26
rtylermodest feels like it was written in Java02:26
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DocScrutinizerwe'd wish we had a decent changelog even02:26
f0rkb0mbrtyler: no, but it makes you unresistable for women02:26
SpacedOut(If I thought it would take a 3rd try I would have pointed it to my caching squid proxy to save the 89MB download time).02:26
rtylerf0rkb0mb: I recently got married, I'm alread unresistable for women02:26
javispedrowhat's the sshd binary size with the extras openssh package?02:26
SpacedOutDocScrutinizer: has a bugzilla query for the fixed bugs.02:27
DocScrutinizermeh, a lie02:27
DocScrutinizerbut thanks02:27
f0rkb0mbnvmd then02:27
* rtyler chortles02:27
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f0rkb0mbmommy ?02:28
sivangDocScrutinizer: hahah02:28
sivangDocScrutinizer: downright!02:28
sivangseriously out now, bye all02:28
sivangbeen nice riding the 1.3 hype with you today02:28
Psivideo recording is still pretty jerky02:28
rtylerso there's really no 1.3 changelog?02:28
* rtyler wants to know what he just installed :P02:29
sivangperformance! performance! performance! (-Developers! Developers! Developers!)02:29
rtyleralso, developers!02:29
sivangrtyler: hehe:)02:29
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sivangrtyler: if you find a decent changelog02:29
rtylersivang: i'll sell it to the highest bidder :D02:29
sivangrtyler: please send it my way, it'd be muichly appreciated as I want to consult before I install02:29
sivangrtyler: something like that, yes02:30
sivangrtyler: and CC DocScrutinizer02:30
sivangrtyler: he'd be happy02:30
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rtylerso I run, I'm wondering if there is a need for an OMG! Maemo! site anytime soon ;)02:30
rtylersomebody to find this stuff out02:30
sivangrtyler: but modet did improve alot since 1.1, that you have to say02:30
rtylersivang: I've only had my n900 for a few months02:30
rtylerit's a step up from a Neo1973 in that I can make phone calls!02:31
sivangrtyler: it si a dream machine02:31
rtyleralso a step up from MeeGo, where you can barely run bash02:31
* rtyler grumbles02:31
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sivangseriously now, and modest can be sped quite alot using some tricks running at t.m.o02:31
sivangor so someone said02:31
sivanglike with using local mail proxy etc02:32
rtylert.m.o == :D02:32
sivangthat does the fetching itself and handles the proper header fetching in quciker times02:32
rtylerthat might be true02:32
sivangrtyler: I did not want to say that, but... ""02:32
* sivang apologizes to DocScrutinizer 02:32
rtylersivang: I know ;)02:32 sounds good, maybe the fact is interesting to you then: the wiki page on opensusue about maemo recently vanished from all the internets02:32
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javispedrotheoretically maemo's most installed geek-friendly extras package, rootsh, has a packaging bug.02:33
rtylerDocScrutinizer: IIRC02:33
rtylerwe had a wiki move this summer02:33
javispedromore exactly, a syntax error in its postrm02:33
rtylersivang: if I had something better than EDGE, modest wouldn't hurt so much I think02:33
rtylerit's still fairly CPU intensive though02:33
DocScrutinizerjavispedro: I bet it's about nuking edits in 01sudoers02:34
sivangrtyler: I take it edge is an alternative email cleitn?02:34
rtylersivang: EDGE is a crappy slow cellular data protocal02:34
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sivangthat EDGE02:34
javispedrook, now I'm getting uberlong delays in modest02:34
rtylertrapped on AT&T02:34
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sivangjavispedro: depends how much you downloaded, etc02:34
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javispedroI'm sick of this, I'm going postal on modest's gconf entries02:34
rtylerjavispedro: burninate the peasants02:35
sivangjavispedro: witha very strong 3G it works somewhat reasonable02:35
sivangjavispedro: postal?02:35
sivangjavispedro: for the non native speakers?02:35
rtylersivang: "murderous rage"02:35
DocScrutinizerjavispedro: gnhnhnhnhh :->02:35
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rtylersivang: it's an Americanism in reference to postal workers going crazy and shooting lots of people02:35
rtylersivang: typically other postal workers02:35
javispedrosivang: this is bug #11139, which was suposedly fixed, but clearly isn't02:36
povbotBug Long delays in email interface02:36
rtylersivang: so not a tremendous loss, since they're dead inside already02:36
sivanglike going "mental"02:36
sivangrtyler: hahaha02:36
javispedroas my modest gconf file is still in the mibibytes02:36
rtylerjavispedro: how many jiggabytes is that?02:36
Psina, its always 1.2102:37
accesswhat does uname -a say on PR1.3?02:37
sivanganywyam that about as much laughter I can take for one day02:38
sivanggood night people!02:38
rtylersivang: tschuessi02:38
sivangkeep the faith!02:38
javispedrog'nite sivang02:38
Psiaccess: mine says "Linux Nokia-N900 2.6.28-omap1 #1 PREEMPT Fri Aug 6 11:50:00 EEST 2010 armv7l unknown"02:38
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Psiand afaik im on 1.302:38
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f0rkb0mbsame here02:38
accessPsi: thanks… just wnated to check if my somewhat botched upgrade was correct or not :)02:38
javispedroyou should check if version number on your about screen starts with 20.xxxx02:38
javispedroI already checked that many times, since I'm yet to find any difference after the upgrade...02:39
rtylerI need an ebuild file for modest02:39
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Psimine is 20.1010.36-2.00202:39
rtylerrecompiled with -O3!02:39
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accessyeah, sys info (now) says the correct thing… I was impatient at first when the upgrade hit and did a dist-upgrade which fscked up a lot of things… think it's ok now though since i reinstalled the pr1.3 meta package02:40
javispedroI see02:40
Psierr, yeah, i meant to say 201002:40
javispedroit seems that for the modest bug to fix itself I need to get an email notification and clear it02:40
jacktheripperhow do i render something using mafw from the commandline ?02:40
javispedroIT WORKS!!!02:41
javispedrodelays are gone!02:41
javispedroit's PR1.3 after all!!02:41
javispedroit was worth it!02:41
accessosso-product-info => OSSO_PRODUCT_RELEASE_VERSION='20.2010.36-2'  so perhpas I'll skip the reflash I was planing on :)02:41
Psiwhich delay ?02:41
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mc_teothe maemo 5 update in the repo? what is it?02:42
mc_teonot pr1.3?02:42
Noma_yes it is02:42
infobotpr1.3 is, like, the latest (and probably last) software update for Fremantle, available since Monday October 25 2010. More information at -- see ~flashing for how to update, or
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* rtyler gets back to work02:43
javispedroPsi: bug #1113902:43
povbotBug Long delays in email interface02:43
infobotflashing is probably
dolppr1.3 + madde?02:44
Psijavispedro: ah02:45
jacekowskistill no SSU for UK?02:45
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jacktheripperdoes anyone know what packages are responsible for codecs/media ? I think I screwed up those too. Mediaplayer just skips all my tracks02:47
jacktheripperand I'm not able to launch it from the commandline, nothing happens02:48
jacekowskinot mounted card?02:48
jacekowskitry restarting02:48
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jacktheripperI mean normal codecs like mp3 actually.02:50
jacekowskitry restarting02:50
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jacktheripperwell I did restart a couple of times after the PR1.3 update, and I did remove some packages because I didn't have space on rootfs. Maybe I removed something essential ?02:51
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jacktheripperI tried `maemo-summoner /usr/bin/mediaplayer.launch` nothing happens02:51
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mc_teowont let me update OTA02:52
javispedrohow to root maemo without rootsh?02:53
mc_teomust flash it02:53
mc_teossh as root?02:53
javispedroextra condition: without access to extras?02:53
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javispedroposes an interesting problem I think02:54
javispedroI was wondering why we don't have a package in extras that just adds /bin/sh to sudoers02:54
javispedroinstead of the overcomplexity of rootsh02:54
chem|stmc_teo: does it tell to use pc-suite? then look closer, there are package conflicts02:55
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chem|stjavispedro: download the package by hand with another device and install02:56
DocScrutinizerjavispedro: no interesting problem, actually totally boring. install your own rootsh pkg from uSD02:56
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javispedroyeah, forgot pr1.2 enabled installation from file system02:57
javispedro(thank urho konttori for that :) )02:57
DocScrutinizerwith redpill mode this always worked afaik02:57
scifiHi, is 8GB microSD good enough (or more-than-enough) for future Meego and NITDroid installation?02:58
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javispedroDocScrutinizer: btw, you have /bin/sh in sudoers, use ssh root@localhost or use rootsh?02:58
DocScrutinizerjavispedro: anyway in postinstall you can do whatever you like, with root perms02:59
DocScrutinizerjavispedro: err, please rephrase02:59
javispedroDocScrutinizer: what do you use to become root, usually, on your N900?03:00
DocScrutinizerscifi: probably yes03:00
javispedroas I reflashed I am rebuilding everything but trying to rethink some stuff (for the better). This includes the root, rootsh "maemoisms".03:00
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scifiDocScrutinizer: thx03:01
DocScrutinizeron device - obviously ssh from desktop (the more frequently used method)03:01
javispedrotheoretically, if I were to add /bin/sh to sudoers, sudo -s would work, and I would not need to create bash alias everywhere03:01
javispedro(cause using root in some shells and sudo -s or su in other systems is painful)03:02
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DocScrutinizererrrrm, yes. agreed, it's a pita03:02
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rpgdudehey everyone03:02
* javispedro goes try to create such a rootsh-like package03:02
Aranel20.2010.36-2.002 is it the latest?03:02
rpgdudei tried updating to pr1.303:02
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rpgdudebut it wont let me03:03
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rpgdudeit says i must update from pc03:03
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* DocScrutinizer sighs and wonders if eventually anybody will update that friggin wikipage03:03
javispedrocheck how update it last time and start ddos'ing his email inbox03:04
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mc_teoseemingly it says that due to package conflicts03:05
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rpgdudeis there a way to fix it03:05
rpgdudeany way to resolve the conflict?03:05
mc_teowhen it says update03:06
mc_teoclick on details03:06
rpgdudeok trying03:06
mc_teoand under problems tab, it will tell you which package is conflicting03:06
mc_teounistall that and it should work okay03:07
DocScrutinizeruninstall these03:07
DocScrutinizerif you got enough free space on rootfs (maybe ~50MB)03:07
mc_teofor me its libqt4-test03:07
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mc_teowhich i dont recall ever installing03:07
mc_teoah, probably came with pyqt03:09
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DocScrutinizerpr1.3 is also
mc_teoDocScrutinizer: why do so many qt related packages conflict?03:10
DocScrutinizer~pr1.3 is also
infobotDocScrutinizer: okay03:10
* Hydroxide updates his N900 to PR1.3, fingers metaphorically crossed03:10
DocScrutinizermc_teo: no idea. probably because they changed something03:10
javispedrohey, the N900 icon is finally showing on Nautilus03:11
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javispedrothough I guess this might be caused because I reflashed the emmc and not pr1.303:11
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rpgdudemy conflict is libgles1-sgx-img03:12
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mc_teoheh, i was about to do that03:13
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infoboti guess pr1.3 is the latest (and probably last) software update for Fremantle, available since Monday October 25 2010. More information at -- see ~flashing for how to update, or, or
oshinno - before the dist-upgrade?03:15
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jpinx-eeepcToday my n900 decided to update the whole syste. Is this normal?03:23
rpgdudeok looks like my conflict are resolved03:24
rpgdudeare there any issues with bootmenu on the new firmware?03:25
SpeedEviljpinx-eeepc: no.03:25
SpeedEviljpinx-eeepc: most days it doesn't do that.03:25
rpgdudejpinx-eeepc: there is new firmware release03:26
jpinx-eeepcSpeedEvil: it lists just about every application in there and wants 85-oo MB spacev03:26
jpinx-eeepcshould I let it ?03:26
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javispedrodepends on wheter you have a backup and enough time at the moment03:26
javispedroas it will take around an hour03:27
jpinx-eeepcI'll need to do it overnight tonight, that's a marathon download for my connection03:27
jpinx-eeepcwtf can't they do these big jobs in stages? They expect everyone to be on a huge connection, not some crappy gprs03:28
javispedrowell, don't do it now.03:28
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jpinx-eeepcbut yea - thanks guys - I'll do it tonight...03:29
ebzzryHi! How much rootfs space is needed for the PR 1.3 OTA upgrade?03:29
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DocScrutinizertry 5003:36
DocScrutinizerreport if that worked for you - you'll be the first to bet on 50 :-)03:38
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DocScrutinizerin 9h 30min the one who got closest gets 1 karma point03:40
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javispedrohm.. wait for it, I have a better bet.03:40
javispedro35840 bytes03:41
javispedro35840 KiB03:41
javispedrohum, ridiculously low...03:41
DocScrutinizerjavispedro: you're aware bets a valid only together with a worked/too-low report for the value you bet on03:43
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andyph666gotta spend all day reinstalling now03:43
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DocScrutinizerjavispedro: you'd realy think Nokia could do better than a silly "free space too low". At least they could report actual and expected free space :-S03:45
andyph666gettin an iphone 4 from someone for free, shoudl i sell it?03:46
javispedroI'll but it for $0,1003:47
javispedroplace your bets, ladies and gentleman!03:47
DocScrutinizerI'd probably hack it til it's dead03:47
javispedro*buy it.03:49
DocScrutinizerI bet after you but it noone will buy it03:49
TermanaDocScrutinizer, the top two screws are suppose to be philips head screws aren't they?03:52
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DocScrutinizer514 are philips, 2 - for kbd - are torx03:59
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TermanaDocScrutinizer51, any way to forcibly remove the two top philips? They aren't coming out. I think my screwdrivers are just spinning around on the top of it, even though they are small enough04:00
SpeedEvilFind a proper screwdriver04:01
SpeedEvil_never_ try to use loose screwdrivers.04:01
SpeedEvilAnd apply lots of downforce04:01
DocScrutinizer51if you ruined them with a cheap screwdriver, then it starts getting really nasty04:01
SpeedEvilOther than that, drilling them out is your only option.04:01
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TermanaI don't think I *have* a drill part that small :p04:02
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DocScrutinizer51and I'd bet against you succeeding to do that properly04:02
SpeedEvilAlso, you really ideally want a left-hand-thread drill04:02
SpeedEvilAnd a good drill press, or a dremel and a _really_ steady hand04:02
CreamyGjust try a sharp knife or someting04:02
CreamyGjust dig the tip in a bit04:03
DocScrutinizer51oh yes, or a sledgehammer04:03
CreamyGwith a laser scope04:03
CreamyGprecision sledge04:03
* CreamyG goes to play fallout04:03
internetishardany progress on being able to attach flash drives to the n900?04:04
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infoboti heard hostmode is
javispedroand... PR1.3 is still redirecting Xorg .0.log to $HOME sometimes!04:07
DocScrutinizer51umm, what else should it do?04:08
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javispedronot creating it in the first place04:08
javispedropreviously, /var/log was quite empty04:09
javispedronow, there are log files all over the place on a freshly flashed system04:09
DocScrutinizer51err yes, there's a 'known bugs' note04:10
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javispedroaha, tmo already has a pr1.4 thread!04:12
wmaronejavispedro: no kidding, there's the log file :/04:12
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DocScrutinizer  >>Known issues and deficiencies in this release  >>Unnecessary warnings and debugging messages are printed out04:12
javispedroDocScrutinizer: nope, I quite know what warnings and debugging messages this item's talking about.04:12
DocScrutinizer>>... when   the hildon application framework is started04:13
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javispedro(install sdk and type start, if your terminal has enough backlog buffer to hold them all...)04:13
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DocScrutinizernevertheless I see a pattern04:13
javispedrobelieve me, not the same thing04:14
javispedrothe messages the sdk notes refer to are glib warnings/g_debugs, which on the device are redirected to syslog04:14
DocScrutinizernot same thing, but same cause/mindset04:14
andyph666will there even be a pr1.4? i wonder when they last updated the n810 or whatever hte previous phone was04:16
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dolpholy crap.. conversations just crashed04:16
dolpfirst time ever04:16
DocScrutinizern810 wasn't a phone, but anyway. No there's probably no 1.404:16
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johnxandyph666, last N810 update was maybe 2008 or so?04:18
johnxI'd believe there might be a PR1.3.1 or something, but I kinda doubt PR1.404:19
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andyph666really hope hte next meego phone doesnt have micro usb issues :o04:22
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Robot101dolp: do you have "automatic connections" installed?04:22
Robot101dolp: it confuses Conversations for me, unfortunately04:23
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DocScrutinizer51hi Robot10104:24
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Robot101DocScrutinizer51: evening04:26
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SpacedOutBug check, does anyone else have a password protected certificate with PR1.3?  I upgraded and now it says invalid password when logging onto WiFi and in the certificate manager, so I can't connect anymore.04:26
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DocScrutinizer51umm I'm amazed that ever worked04:28
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SpacedOutDocScrutinizer: What part?04:28
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DocScrutinizer51the whole certificate thing04:28
derfThe wifi authentication on Maemo always worked surprisingly well, considering how broken it is in Linux generally.04:28
DocScrutinizer51yep, and not only in linux04:29
njsf1I must say that PR1.3 feels much faster. it was a pain to reinstall everything after flashing, but it does seem like a smooth update. Good job nokia and maemo :)04:29
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SpacedOutCan anyone double check that passwords an certificates are broken in PR1.3 or if it's just something with my freshly flashed system?04:30
johnxa clean reflash (or even reboot) *always* feels faster :)04:30
derfExcept for the stupid Wi-Fi Protected Setup crap, of course.04:30
derfThere are a number of routers my N810 can connect to that my N900 can't because of that.04:30
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SpacedOutjohnx: Not when you have 8GB of ram and it can cache the entire file system metadata in memory, so there are exceptions.04:31
johnxs/t)/t) of the N900/g04:31
infobotjohnx meant: a clean reflash (or even reboot) of the N900 *always* feels faster :)04:31
SpacedOutderf: What I found is you set it up as if it was hidden, ie don't tell the N900 to search, then uncheck the hidden once you've connected.04:32
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Skyscraperanyone know how much space on rootfs is needed for pr1.3?04:41
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SpacedOutI have 92MB free after a reflash of PR1.2 and upgrade to PR1.3, and I haven't installed anything yet because it keeps rejecting my password for my certificate.04:43
SpacedOutI might just file a PR1.3 bug report and downgrade to PR1.2.04:43
Skyscraperive only 38 mb free on rootfs04:44
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SpacedOutMy first PR1.2 to PR1.3 upgrade failed the reboot so I had to reflash it.04:45
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Skyscrapersounds bad04:46
Skyscraperi DONT want to reflash^^04:47
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SpacedOutThat's what I thought, but I can't go back now, it's just a question of which is worse PR1.2 when PR1.3 is out or PR1.3 and no WiFi security.04:48
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SkyscraperPR1.3 no Wifi security?!04:48
Skyscraperwhat do you mean?04:48
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rpgdudeanyone know how to clear authorisation for facebook in hermes?04:50
SpacedOutI have WPA-EAP setup, the "enterprise" kind with a password protected certificate.  PR1.2 worked fine, PR1.3 keeps saying invalid password, so I can't get on anymore.04:50
Skyscraperhm i have wpa2 personal only04:50
Skyscraperis it a problemP04:51
SpacedOutI don't know, I hate to downgrade to that because of a software N900 upgrade.  :(04:51
njsfI have WPA2-PSK with no issues04:51
SpacedOutDoes anyone have a password protected certificate and PR1.3 to make me feel better that it isn't just me?04:52
njsfI do remember some issues with dual WPA/WPA204:52
Skyscraperoh it seems to work now with ~50 mb free rootfs04:53
njsfSorry SpacedOut not my config :/04:53
mtnbkranyone have a URL for the changelog from 1.2 to the new 1.3 release of maemo?04:53
Skyscraperit says "downloading 84,5 MB"04:53
Skyscraperi hope it will work O:-)04:54
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Skyscraperdoes PR1.3 really improve battery life??04:54
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njsfSkyscraper probably nobody will have robust data until a week from now04:55
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Skyscrapernjsf: PR1.3 is released today?^^04:55
rpgdudeupgrade worked for me xD04:56
njsfSkyscraper you missed all the scrollback heh ?04:56
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Skyscrapermy N900 flashed me "Softwareupdate available"... and i just wondered about "Maemo 5"... googled and found out PR1.3 released oO04:56
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Skyscraper50% downloaded ca05:00
infobothmm... pr1.3 is the latest (and probably last) software update for Fremantle, available since Monday October 25 2010. More information at -- see ~flashing for how to update, or, or
Skyscraperwhat? LAST update?05:01
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andrewfblackSkyscraper: Maemo is dead05:03
Skyscraperandrewfblack: why?05:03
njsflong live Maemo05:03
andrewfblackSkyscraper: Meego05:03
andrewfblackSkyscraper: 3 updates is about max we have ever goten for a version of Maemo05:03
Skyscraperandrewfblack: Meego isnt finished... i think its an alpha maybe.. xD05:03
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andrewfblackSkyscraper: your right its not finished but Maemo is05:04
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Skyscraperandrewfblack: you cant call with meego.. lol05:04
andrewfblackandrewfblack: well the Devs can but users can't05:05
Skyscraperandrewfblack: i've had a meego weekly build two month ago or so... - most apps were "placeholder for..." so.. nothing usable05:05
* raster perks up ... meego status eh?05:06
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andrewfblackSkyscraper: I'm not saying Meego is ready for us to use, I'm say Maemo will not get anymore updates becuase the work is focused on Meego now, Just like Diablo got no more updates because they had moved on to Fremantle05:06
Skyscraperother question: will there be a new phone after n900? n8 get symbian^3 oO05:07
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andrewfblackSkyscraper: Yes, Meego isn't designed to be sold on N900, it will be sold on new phones from both Nokia and Intel05:07
javispedrono, Nokia is going to announce tomorrow that they're going to merge with Volkswagen and start making cars intead of phones05:08
Skyscraperandrewfblack: but why they sold N8 with Symbian^3?05:08
Skyscraperjavispedro: LOL05:08
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ieatlintjavispedro: no, i heard vw was going to make phones with nokia05:09
ieatlintVolkshandy has a nice ring to it05:10
andrewfblackSkyscraper: Don't ask me ask Nokia why, but if I'm not mistaken Meego is going to be Multitouch so there will be a new phone05:10
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Skyscraperyeah... its very bad that n900 has resitive touchscreen -.-05:10
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ieatlintandrewfblack: qt has been multitouch for a while, and is the base for the entire meego ui05:10
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ieatlintyou can probably go look at libmeegotouch now and see how it intends to handle the events and such05:11
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Skyscrapermy brother has old google g1 and just told me he installed android 2.1 or stl... and now he has multitouch because the hardware can, the old android not...  - but i googled... an n900 CANT -.-05:11
andrewfblackieatlint: don't get me started on meegotouch I hate learning new theming methods all over again05:11
njsfso how exactly does one access the ovi store?05:11
DocScrutinizer51javispedro: "going to"? AIUI that's already finished05:12
njsfthe old link tells to upgrade to 1.3 (which I did)05:12
ieatlintlibmeegotouch was desperately needed to fix some broke ass shit05:12
njsfthe link on says the device is not supportd05:12
njsfis anyone else seeing this?05:12
ieatlintreimplementing standard qt widgets resulted in some weird stuff that was not pleasant05:12
Skyscraperhow long did the OTA update to pr1.3 to install?05:14
andrewfblackieatlint: I just get pissy everytime Maemo Updates because the UI is completly changed and I have to start my themes all over again, Software Devs just have to recomplie and tweak, sometimes do nothing and there software runs.05:14
javispedroandrewfblack: not for meego, you know.05:14
* andrewfblack is lazy which is why Maemo-org theme still isn't updated to Pr1.205:14
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ieatlinteh... maemo has a lot of hacked stuff... i believe that is one of the aims with meego... keep it standardised and don't break compatibility05:15
andrewfblackjavispedro: what not for meego?05:15
javispedroandrewfblack: rebuild & run on meego05:15
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andrewfblackieatlint: yeah Maemo Theming was really hacked together I just hope they pick a layout and stick with it on Meego, well really I guess since multiple hardware companys will be using Multiple UI themes themeing will still not be easy05:17
ieatlintheh, perhaps...05:18
ieatlinthere's to hoping it doesn't fracture as much as android though05:18
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andrewfblackOne thing Android does wrong with Fracturing is they allow new phones to be sold with old OS, Nokia did that right when they update to a new OS just let only Phones/OSes die.  People moan and grone for a while then they go buy a new device.05:23
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ieatlintwell, the way meego is done, it won't have the ability to prevent manufacturers from using only current versions05:26
ieatlintin fact, the only meego device currently being sold uses a hacked non-standard version of meego 1.005:26
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SpeedEvilmeego device?05:27
ieatlinttheir way to try and prevent fracturing is a certification program... anyone can use meego, but to be a meego certified device, it needs to meet preset qualifications, which will in theory help prevent too much customisation05:27
ieatlintSpeedEvil: the wetab05:27
Skyscrapern900 says operating system successfully updated05:27
andrewfblackieatlint: First Nokia Device will be using a hacked up version as well not true Meego05:27
SpeedEvilThat's a silly name.05:27
SpeedEvilSkyscraper: :) How much space on / did you have before.05:28
ieatlintheh, so is meego05:28
ieatlintandrewfblack: oh?05:28
ieatlintthen you know more than has been announced :P05:28
SkyscraperSpeedEvil: 50,X MB before, 53,7 MB now :D05:29
andrewfblackieatlint: Only thing meego certified device thing would really be good for would be to like block devices from a central market but, I don't think there will be a central meego market not that I have heard.05:29
Skyscraperbut... UI is not FASTER than PR1.2 - its SLOWER i think... (first impression)05:29
DocScrutinizer51aiui first nokia device will use meego HE which actually is a maemo/meego bastard05:30
Skyscrapergrrr... internal error... program internet closed05:30
andrewfblackDocScrutinizer51: that is what I was refering to05:30
johnxieatlint, hmm, pretty sure I heard something similar05:30
johnxieatlint, basically, harmattan (sp?) was already far into development when Nokia and Intel put ink to paper for the MeeGo specs05:30
andrewfblackIf I'm not mistakened first version will still be using deb and not rpm for one05:31
Skyscraperf**ing phone is slower than pr1.2 -.-05:31
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SpeedEvilSkyscraper: possibly tracker kicking in?05:31
johnxandrewfblack, that and it won't quite line up with an 'official' meego release05:31
SkyscraperSpeedEvil: what?05:31
DocScrutinizer51SpeedEvil: yep05:31
ieatlintwow, that's all sorts of special05:31
johnxit will have features that fall someplace between 1.1 and 1.2, IIUC05:32
DocScrutinizer51Skyscraper: htop!05:32
ieatlinti mean, i assumed it would have hildon libs and such...05:32
ieatlintbut i expected it to have this much-touted meego cert05:32
johnxieatlint, it won't, (again, IIRC)05:32
johnxthe gtk+ hildon libs I mean05:32
ieatlintheh, go nokia..05:32
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johnxAPI breakage, thy name is Nokia05:32
andrewfblackIt would be Nokia unless they broke some stuff05:33
johnxkeep in mind, that most of this isn't the maemo/meego team's fault, but rather Nokia not giving them the resources really needed until very recently05:33
Skyscraper./usr/lib/tracker has 100% cpu?05:33
ieatlintwell, there's no good reason to break that api short of some vain attempt to force people to use just qt05:33
ieatlintafterall, it's definitely going to be running X, and the meego specs say gtk+ should be there05:34
johnxdo they? the meego handset specs?05:34
* johnx could be behind the times05:34
DocScrutinizer51and HONESTLY if this meego thing has madatory multitouch and you can't use it without... :-/ ho is that supposed to be used as a one hand operated phone then?05:34
Skyscraper./usr/lib/tracker/tracker-indexer  whats that?05:34
johnxDocScrutinizer, grow more fingers05:34
DocScrutinizer51yeah some more thumbs05:35
johnxor maybe another arm05:35
Skyscraperlol now /usr/libexec/gst-video-thumbnailerd has 100% cpu05:35
ieatlintjohnsu01: i definitely recall gtk+ being a required lib for meego cert05:35
johnxok, then I'm wrong. but is it the hildon gtk+ or the vanila gtk+?05:36
TermanaDocScrutinizer51, some corrosion on the board, but I think the issue is inside the screen (because the front light works, but the screen stays off)05:36
TermanaI found a lot of hair in there as well... I don'05:36
TermanaI don't even want to know how hair got in there...05:37
DocScrutinizer51ohoh, that's typical symtom of borked FPC connector05:37
ieatlint has "GTK+/Clutter" listed05:37
johnxTermana, can you hook it up to a TV and see if it boots?05:37
luke-jr_ieatlint: PM?05:37
ieatlintit's vanilla gtk+05:37
johnxheh. fun times :)05:37
ieatlinti just expected hildon support to be thrown in, as meego specs say you can add libs05:37
johnxhildonify your apps! now update to maemo 3, 4, 5! now unhildonify them or they won't work!05:37
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ieatlinti'm told there are already community hildon packages for meego05:38
johnxthe fun we hit in Mer was that Nokia had non-upstreamed patches to gtk+ itself to 'facilitate' hildon functionality05:38
Termanajohnx, as soon as I can get the damn ribbon to connect back up, I'll have a look :p05:38
TermanaFiddly thing05:38
johnxyeah, I hate those types of cable05:39
johnxI broke one on an older sub-notebook I was working on05:39
johnxI was sooo (#*$ing pissed at myself05:39
DocScrutinizer51Termana: also you seem to know better about needed period for drying than me. So good luck with your next device05:39
* andrewfblack put a bunch of his left over Mer Flyers, Stickers, and stuff from Conferances in trash yesterday05:39
johnxDocScrutinizer51, with it open it should dry in 24 hours in front of a heater05:40
johnxandrewfblack, heh. I have a pile of maemo amsterdam stickers :)05:40
TermanaDocScrutinizer51, what's drying going to do if the corrosion has already occurred?05:40
DocScrutinizer51johnx: unlikely05:40
luke-jr_johnx: ever seen FreeSWITCH? :P05:41
johnxDocScrutinizer51, ok. it sounds like we both have anecdotal evidence. so how should we settle it? rock, paper, scissors?05:41
johnxTermana, it's going to make it so your board doesn't short out :P05:42
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DocScrutinizer51bet on Termana's device being borked? :-D05:42
johnxluke-jr_, uhm, no?05:42
luke-jr_johnx: they bundle like 25 libraries almost all with non-upstreamed patching done ;)05:42
johnxTermana, had it in front of a space heater for 24 hours?05:42
johnxDocScrutinizer51, it could have blown fuses the second it hit water for all I know05:43
ieatlintwe should take bets on whether Termana's phone is dead05:43
luke-jr_ieatlint: I'll bet it's dead… at the moment XD05:43
luke-jr_anyhow, gotta run… should be back more soon though ☺05:44
luke-jr_gotta finish unpacking stuff first05:44
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njsfFound the issue with Ovi store link: Hide User agent... ;)05:44
andrewfblackTermana: what happened your N90005:44
Proteoushmm, 1.3 messed up my phone05:44
javispedronon-optified gdb in extras ...05:45
johnxProteous, how did you install it? and in what way is it 'messed up'?05:45
Proteousova install05:45
ieatlintluke-jr_: night05:45
johnxProteous, app manager or apt-get?05:46
Termanaandrewfblack, while I was sleeping, my young brother decided to put it in some water for an undetermined amount of time05:46
Proteouslooks like a lot of the system buttons are not there, just don't show up or show up as broken images05:46
Proteousapp manager05:46
andrewfblackTermana: how young is the brother?05:46
johnxProteous, are you using a 3rd-party theme?05:46
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ieatlintyoung enough that no one will notice he's gone?05:46
Proteousall the buttons in the browser controls, like stop, reload, laod05:46
Termanaandrewfblack, 505:47
Termanaieatlint, :p05:47
Proteousjohnx: no just one of the build in ones05:47
andrewfblackTermana: well I guess he gets to get away with it05:47
johnxif it was me, I'd try switching themes and rebooting, just for fun05:47
johnxbut first backup, just in case it gets worse/unbootable05:47
Proteouswhen I try switch themes the settings app crashes05:48
johnxProteous, backup05:48
Proteousroger that05:48
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Termanaandrewfblack, unfortunately :p But it's my birthday soon, so I'll use any birthday money I get and Christmas money, and hopefully I'll have enough to buy another one (since they are going cheap now :p)05:49
TermanaSo I guess at least he didn't do it during the start or middle of the year :p05:49
javispedroyou should be thankful05:50
javispedrooffer him in sacrifice to the gods in exchange for such good luck05:50
johnxTermana, this entitles you to dunk the first phone he buys with his own money, then to say "now we're even"05:50
Termanajohnx, the first phone he buys probably won't be $600 of hard earned cash :P05:51
ieatlintyes, i also support keeping a 10 year grudge and then reprising05:52
Termanaieatlint, but only because it's an N900. Anything else and you wouldn't be in favour.05:52
johnxmeh. doesn't have to be the first one, really. or even a phone at all. it's just important that he never see it coming05:52
ieatlintoh no, i lack any sense of ethics05:53
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johnxhuh. I wonder if even the most high-end phones will be the equivalent of $600, ten years from now05:53
Termanajohnx, it's looping at the dots05:53
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johnxieatlint, a fellow sysadmin?05:53
Termanajohnx, (with tv out)05:54
ieatlintjohnx: haha, nah.. but it seems all my friends and even SO are sysadmins, so i guess it's had some effect05:54
johnxstuck? or rebooting?05:54
Termanajohnx, and it tells me that all telephony functions are disabled due to a communications error05:54
johnxieatlint, read any BOFH?05:54
Termanajohnx, stuck05:54
johnxTermana, yeah, that doesn't sound great05:55
Termanajohnx, it's the only reason to read The Register05:55
johnxyou didn't answer me earlier: did you put it, open in front of a heater for 24h?05:55
ieatlintjohnx: not so much05:55
SpeedEvilAn unscrupulous person would get phone insurance, and wait a month.05:55
ieatlintSpeedEvil: they'd verify the imei05:55
Termanajohnx, I only just opened it05:56
johnxTermana, well, you might have just killed it05:56
SpeedEvilYou can - at least here - buy phone insurance for your purchased phone05:56
Termanajohnx, I had it in a bag of rice for 3 days before that05:57
TermanaSpeedEvil, that is what an unscrupulous person would do05:57
SpeedEvilRice does essentially nothin05:57
TermanaSpeedEvil, however I, unlike you and ieatlint, have ethics and morals05:57
johnxI've always been a fan of open it and apply warmth, but it's your phone :)05:57
ieatlintgive it time, they'll go away05:58
Termanajohnx, I think it's God's phone now05:58
johnxieatlint, yeah, I was halfway through typing that ...05:58
SpeedEvilTermana: I diddn't say I would do the above.05:58
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DocScrutinizerTermana: heh, is the connection good, to god?06:01
johnxieatlint, BOFH (bastard operator from hell), is basically the training manual for sysadmins. (start reading here if you're interested: )06:02
DocScrutinizerTermana: probably your brother had to drown the phone in holy water, otherwise it won't correctly connect to god's network06:02
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ieatlinthah, i've heard enough sysadmin horror stories to last me a while06:04
ieatlintand i've dealt with a number myself06:04
internetishardHey, can the n900 plug into usb flash drives yet?06:05
TermanaDocScrutinizer, heh06:05
TermanaI'm surprised no one has screamed at me to wait for the N9 instead of buying another N900 :p06:05
TermanaAt least some people have some sense06:05
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andrewfblackTermana: would send you my N900 if I owned it :)06:06
johnxTermana, your money :)06:08
johnxplus, the N9 sounds like 201106:08
Termanajohnx, 2011 is basically when I'll be getting the n900 anyway06:09
Termanaandrewfblack, thanks anyway ;)06:10
johnxyou should wait for the N906:10
Termanajohnx, you got to really scream it06:10
Termanajohnx, like you're from t.m.o06:10
andrewfblackGET N(!!06:10
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johnxthat smacks of effort06:10
rpgdudewhats better, witter or kweeteur?06:11
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Proteousjohnx, okay, backup completed, should I just reflash it? or do you think there is a way to fix it06:16
johnxno ideas off the top of my head ...06:16
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internetishard have any of you tried this hostmode? The biggest thread on it said it was continuing discussion "somewhere else"...06:17
johnxI seem to remember something about there being some way to regenerate the icon cache06:17
ProteousI keep getting popups that the calendar app closed06:17
johnxalso, might be worth trying a reboot, just for fun06:17
Proteousyeah, i did a reboot06:17
Proteousseems there is a lot of stuff that is fuxored06:17
Proteousthe browser loaded engadget super fast though06:18
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Proteouswhich is cool, lol06:18
johnxI could believe that some apps won't behave right without their icons06:18
DocScrutinizer51internetishard: see06:18
johnxbut yeah, reflashing is probably easiest in the long run06:18
infobotmethinks hostmode is
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internetishardyeah, exact post I'm on heh06:19
Proteouseven the stuff like the buttons/icons along the top of the home screen are not there06:19
johnxdid you do some optifying by hand before the upgrade?06:19
ProteousI don't have very many apps installed on it06:19
johnxcould you see if opt is even mounted?06:20
Proteouslooks like it is06:21
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johnxat this point, you could start digging around in the terminal (start in /usr/share/icons) or reflash06:22
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internetishardOkay, by the looks of h-e-n there hasn't been any progress since sep23rd06:26
* johnx sleeps06:29
prontono sleep!06:30
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DocScrutinizer51internetishard: which progress would you expect to see?06:38
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internetishardJust posts about what the people messing with it are getting06:41
internetishardI guess06:41
DocScrutinizeryou seen ?06:42
internetishardbut mostly the 100page thread, I'll reada through this one nwo06:43
DocScrutinizerforget the 100page thread06:43
internetishardI did, just read the last pages06:43
DocScrutinizerexcept if you're interested in joining the team and really understand how hostmode works06:43
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DocScrutinizerbtw my last edit in is of 2010-10-1806:44
internetishardhey, cool, thanks06:45
internetishardYou're joerg_rw?06:45
infobotrumour has it, joerg is a HW-developer and engineer of Openmoko, usually known as DocScrutinizer06:45
javispedrothe pulseaudio stuff is quite noticeable on pr1.306:45
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javispedrospecially when using otherwise cpu-bounded applications that have to go through PA (emulators, etc.)06:46
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DocScrutinizerjavispedro: define "noticeable"06:46
DocScrutinizerso a bad thing?06:46
javispedrono, in the good sense.06:47
javispedroPA's CPU usage has been reduced06:47
javispedrowith an improved mixing algorithm or some other black magic06:47
javispedroso, say, if PA uses 2% cpu less, my emu just got 2% more cpu time :)06:48
javispedronet result is: faster emu.06:48
SpeedEvilYou can see 2%?06:48
javispedroSpeedEvil: the 2% is invented06:48
javispedrowell, cya.06:49
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rokr1anyone home ??07:03
chxNo. I am at a Mexican restaurant, for example.07:03
rokr1Guys does BP-4L fit in N90007:04
rokr1N810 battery ??07:04
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chxyou only need to bend the rules of physics07:06
chxit's not a big deal07:06
chxthe BP-4L battery is bigger than the compartment.07:06
ieatlintchx: oooh, i want 3 carne asada tacos07:07
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ieatlinthrm... have strong urge to go to a taqueria now.. damn you.07:07
rokr1eat lint07:08
rokr1lint eater07:08
ieatlintdon't hate07:08
rokr1brute force you07:08
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rokr1i am still feeling sleepy07:09
ieatlintbah, you can't brute force me that well07:09
spinningcompassieatlint: That's what she said07:09
ieatlintspinningcompass: no, it's what he said at the bear bar07:09
* spinningcompass shudders07:09
rokr1do u know !! N900 has password generator07:10
ieatlintand he was wrong07:10
ieatlintso very wrong07:10
rokr1type apg (works in easydebian)07:10
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ieatlinti'm voting right now07:11
ieatlintapparently a judge that advocates racial profiling as an effective way to combat terrorism is up for re-election07:11
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Termanaieatlint, don't need to tell us which way you're voting then07:13
rokr1infobot :Combat Terrorism is a banned subject07:13
infobotokay, rokr107:13
spinningcompassrokr1: What about rainbows?07:13
ieatlintyeah, that was as far as i was going to take it actually :P07:13
rokr1thats artillery shell07:14
rokr1spinning compass07:14
rokr1or ICBM07:14
Termanarokr1, so tell me, is it Combat Terrorism that is banned or Combat(ing) Terrorism that is banned?07:14
rokr1hypothetical question07:15
spinningcompasssynthetic answer07:15
rokr1tell me07:15
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spinningcompassrokr1: Wait, are you asking me?07:16
TermanaIs that the question?07:16
TermanaOk, I'll tell me pvanhoof07:16
Termanarokr1, pvanhoof07:16
Termananow will answer the question? :p07:16
spinningcompassI'm so confused.07:17
rokr1go to sleep spinning GPS07:17
Termanaspinningcompass, that's what happens when you spin around so much07:17
spinningcompassTermana: Bah. I'm stationary. Y'all are spinning. The Catholic Church told me so.07:17
rokr1hey i thing they told u about our solar system07:18
spinningcompassrokr1: Solar system? Pin pricks in the firmament! Bah...07:18
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rokr1love the music in rouge assassin07:19
rokr1specific music07:19
infobotit has been said that religion is the opiate of the masses, or believing in invisible idiots in the sky07:20
Termanaspinningcompass, that's what I think of your Catholic Church07:21
rokr1good info07:21
* spinningcompass snickers07:21
rokr1no offence07:21
rokr1chill down we are a community07:21
Termanarokr1, someone stole the temperature gauge07:22
rokr1i know who07:22
rokr1but i wont tell07:22
Termanarokr1, beat them up. And take their lunch money too07:22
TermanaBecause we are just that nice07:22
rokr1i said community not mafia family07:23
TermanaWe'll even take the weight out of your pocket by removing the money from it07:23
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Termanarokr1, every community has a serial killer07:24
rokr1damn wats the difference between Pacifist and Optimist ??07:24
rokr1i guess u r one ofem07:24
Termanarokr1, the two are unrelated07:25
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Termanarokr1, a pacifist is someone who opposes war or violence. An optimist is someone who always takes a positive outlook on somethign07:26
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rokr1pacifist believes in no war (no border), Optimist believes that Pacifist can change the world07:26
DocScrutinizerMyrtti: now what's your diagnosis for that?07:26
TermanaDocScrutinizer, Myrtti: I don't know about me, but rokr1 has been smoking the peace pipe07:27
rokr1Noble cause for Noble prize :P07:28
rokr1these days these two words are for Nobel prizes07:28
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rokr1think of it when a person joins the room here...07:28
Termanaspinningcompass, snickers is a chocolate bar. You snigger, not snicker07:29
rokr1he would think is this a Maemo channel or wat07:29
Termanaspinningcompass, racist, just because snickers is black07:29
spinningcompassTermana: No, I snicker. Please don't try to correct my English unless you know what you're doing. :)07:29
DocScrutinizer~dict snicker07:29
infoboti could not get info from 'alarm at /home/ibot/infobot/src/Modules/ line 42.07:29
rokr1especially Mr.hardaker2 and budfive (oow)07:29
Termana~dict snigger07:29
spinningcompasstermana: You're very sweet, but 'snicker' is in the Oxford American English Dictionary.07:29
infoboti could not get info from 'alarm at /home/ibot/infobot/src/Modules/ line 42.07:30
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TermanaDesirespinningcompass: sweet? Like Snickers?07:31
spinningcompassTermanaDesire: If I wanted to confront a nutty little bar of chocolate, I'd ask your father to drop his pants. ;)07:31
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TermanaDesirespinningcompass: too bad my father is dead then isn't it ;)07:32
spinningcompassTermanaDesire: No, I mean your biological father.07:32
TermanaDesireYes he's dead07:32
spinningcompassTermanaDesire: Your mother didn't tell you, did she?07:33
spinningcompass(This is where you say, "She told me enough. She told me you killed him.")07:33
rokr1Now that spinningCompass is out of his mind TermanaDesire will hack spinningcompass and change his desktop wallpaper with stinkers07:34
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TermanaDesirespinningcompass: and then you say "luke^w^w termana I am your father"07:34
rokr1ohh, tears came out of my eyes07:35
* spinningcompass snookis07:35
TermanaDesirespinningcompass: I already knew what was coming ;p07:35
rokr1hey come on so termana and spinning have u guys installed the PR1.307:35
rokr1OTA or using flasher07:35
spinningcompassrokr1: I'm sorry, I haven't.07:36
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TermanaDesirerokr1: my n900 is dead at the moment. No PR nothing for me at the moment I'm afraid07:38
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rokr1bad wat did u do with the baby07:38
TermanaDesirerokr1: its not what I did its what my little brother did. Dunked it in water while I was asleep07:42
rokr1its a Intentional breach07:42
rokr1does u r little bro have a mobile07:42
rokr1For the sake of retaliation,................. do the same07:43
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TermanaDesirerokr1: he's 5 so no he doesn't07:44
rokr1oh so bad07:44
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rokr1did u do a CPR for the N90007:45
rokr1removing the battery bla bla bla07:45
TermanaDesirerokr1: yes I tried reviving it07:46
TermanaDesirerokr1: I did not blow into it and compress it's chest however07:46
rokr1if u have a CRT TV still like me keep the phone over its picture tube and be crouch potato07:47
rokr1sorry couch potato07:49
rokr1Autobot crouch its a bad word07:50
rokr1Activist : If a girl dont kiss u, First know that she cannot swim07:53
rokr1then plan a attack07:54
rokr1i am the most active person here07:54
rokr1have u guys tried SHR on N900 ??07:57
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ieatlintwow, the guy who made that video is a special kind of masochist08:00
rokr1N900 has potential08:00
rokr1now thats wat i call cooool08:01
rokr1still if it had multituch08:02
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rokr1there are just few good games on N90008:04
rokr1something like arcade08:04
rokr1need some action games08:04
rokr1native apps08:04
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ech0Asusanyone heard of firesheep? was wondering if it would be possible to have that ported for the n900's firefox? lol looks awesomely fun..08:05
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DocScrutinizerieatlint: why is toaster a masochist?08:18
ieatlinti guess i just have some interesting memories of shr08:19
ieatlintawesome hobbyist thing... but .. err.. yeah08:19
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DocScrutinizerwell, those ~6 hobbyists have done a marvelous job in a few weeks, especially when I compare this to meego pace and progress vs number of people working non-hobbyist on it08:23
ieatlintthat doesn't surprise me somehow08:23
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DocScrutinizernot starting to compare/compete SHR with Meego, but nevertheless08:24
ieatlintmany of the people working on openmoko were very awesome and competent08:24
AppiahI can't reach maemo talk >_>08:24
RST38hwhat hobbyists?08:24
wmaroneAppiah: it's down08:24
ieatlintdon't confuse me calling him a masochism with criticism08:24
RST38hOpenMoko hobbyists? Don't make me laugh...08:24
ieatlinterr, masochist, bleh08:25
RST38hmourning, Mohammad08:25
ieatlintRST38h: hey, come one, they've produced more linux phones than nokia has :P08:25
MohammadAG51mournin? lol08:25
RST38hieatlint: did any of those work?08:25
ieatlintdefine work :P08:25
DocScrutinizerieatlint: I doubt08:25
* RST38h sighs08:26
ieatlinti made phone calls, sent/received sms and used data on the freerunner08:26
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ieatlintoccasionally i even received phone calls08:26
Stskeepsonly good thing about the FR was it's gps chip08:27
* Stskeeps grabs his coffee08:27
ieatlintprovided you didn't have a µsd card in place :P08:27
DocScrutinizerfixed in 200808:27
ieatlintyeah yeah, it was fixed, i know08:27
ieatlintbut we're making cheap shots here08:28
DocScrutinizeryeah, and I make a cheap coffee to go to bed now08:28
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DocScrutinizerStskeeps: actually the best thing of FR was the wolfson audio codec08:30
rokr1yay, reflashed the firmware + eMMC08:31
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Stskeepsi liked the gps because i got a from-cold fix inside what i'd normally call impossible conditions :P08:31
DocScrutinizerStskeeps: and the battery :-P08:31
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RST38h...and it occassionally received calls, even!08:32
ieatlintyeah, it had some fun stuff08:32
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sejohmm is there a changelog for the latest update?08:32
DocScrutinizernope :-(08:32
ieatlintplus it was the second phone and first non-google phone to run android :P08:32
rokr1y is :P for08:33
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rokr1currently my phone i optifying08:33
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DocScrutinizerieatlint: and the official successor of Trolltech's greenphone08:34
ieatlintah... qtopia08:35
ieatlintfunny stuff08:35
rokr1its faster than before08:37
DocScrutinizerduh, HELL - they OC'd it :-P08:38
rokr1PR1.3 does it have flash 10??08:39
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sejodoes it contain the promised meego dual boot?08:40
DocScrutinizerthere's never been any such promise08:40
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ieatlintsejo: reliable sources indicate that a meego 1.1 image will be produced soon, and released for the n900 with an update u-boot package to allow dual booting -- however, meego 1.1 is not even out yet08:41
rokr1same words Doc08:41
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sejoieatlint: thx!08:42
ieatlintstill, no promises have been made, but i'd bet on it08:42
sejoDocScrutinizer: then i misunderstood08:42
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ieatlintrokr1: you can't trust an article that starts off with such a terrible pun like "ameegos"08:43
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DocScrutinizerPR1.3 comes with fixed kexec, to boot another linux. But meego is far ahead of this, planning to do chainloading into u-Boot and from there a *real* multiboot08:43
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rokr1emmc update added 1GB more08:46
DocScrutinizerin fact Nokia never even announced any kind of official meego for N900 - this effectively precludes any PRx.y coming with meego dual boot08:47
ScifiUpdated to PR1.3 today. There is no sound when I place or receive calls from N900. Other parties can't hear me, I can't hear them. But system sounds and music player etc are working fine.08:47
ScifiHow can I troubleshoot?08:47
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ohwhymedamn DocScrutinizer u still awake :p08:48
DocScrutinizerI'm never asleep08:48
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ohwhymei cant sleep i have to reinstall everyhing :o08:49
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sejobleh I updated but still can't access ovi store08:51
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sejomaemo installed version: 20.2010.36-208:54
sejois that the latest?08:54
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TermanaWho's been playing with the network cables again?08:54
DocScrutinizerur bro08:54
ZogGlol sms bug is funny08:55
ZogGnokia fails =)08:55
TermanaDocScrutinizer, I suppose he thought water would increase the connection speed08:55
ZogGX-Fade, ping08:55
DocScrutinizer51ZogG: ??08:55
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ZogG~bug 1145008:56
povbotBug The SMS log in conversations doesn't display last sms's08:56
ScifiFalse alarm, rebooting twice fixed the phone audio problem for me.08:56
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rokr1is there any way to recover if some one forgets the lock code ??08:59
andrewfblackStskeeps: Ping08:59
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Stskeepsam a little tired, be warned :)09:00
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andrewfblackStskeeps: Tried to update some of my themes but builder isn't working first ones I've done since Pr 1.2 the template should work fine right09:01
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povbotBug 11450: The SMS log in conversations doesn't display last sms's09:02
andrewfblackStskeeps: isn't it morning there09:02
Stskeepsandrewfblack: yes, but didn't sleep so well09:02
Stskeeps8am atm09:02
ZogGrokr1 flash i suppose09:02
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rokr1i did a thorough flash09:04
rokr1even emmc09:04
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Stskeepsandrewfblack: get me an error?09:04
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Stskeepsthere's something wrong with your debian/changelog09:08
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DocScrutinizer51ZogG: daily wtf09:09
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andrewfblackStskeeps: that is what I thought but there isn't much in there but a date name and version number09:10
Stskeepspastebin it09:10
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DocScrutinizer51ZogG: maemo QA seems suboptimal09:11
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DocScrutinizer51I really wonder if Nokia finally is going to adopt a less major release centric bugfix scheme09:13
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rasterbugs bah09:14
rasterdont worry about fixing bugs09:14
DocScrutinizer51raster: yeah, who cares. Even about such nonsense like SMS09:15
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rasterspeaking of bugs09:15
rasterdoes meego work yet?09:15
DocScrutinizer51no idea09:15
raster(as that seems to be your implication.. that meego *IS* the bugfix for maemo) :)09:15
DocScrutinizer51ask Stskeeps09:16
meceraster, depends on what you mean by "works"09:16
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Appiahmeego is for "developers only" so yes it "WORKS"09:16
rastermece: makes and receives calls.. without needing a cmd-line09:16
rastersends and gets sms's09:16
rasterdata sessions work09:16
rasterwifi works09:16
raster(all of these from the gui)09:16
meceraster, yes it does.09:16
Stskeepsexcept for data sessions09:16
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rasterand it does run like continental drift09:16
andrewfblackraster: would be cooler to make phone calls with cmd line I think09:17
Termanaraster, does?09:17
meceraster, not then builds I've been testing :D09:17
Termanaraster, don't you mean doesn't09:17
raster(ie things start up in fast/reasonable times and respond pretty well - not meaning totally optimised, but nicely usably fast)09:17
Appiahcan you make phone calls on maemo from cli?09:17
TermanaThe continental drift is slow09:17
Stskeepsandrewfblack: check debian/changelog to verify your form - maybe you have windows line endings09:17
Appiahif yes I'm gonna start sshing to my n900..09:17
rasterTermana: yeah09:17
rastermeant doesnt run like continental drift09:17
meceI was thinking of "steady"09:17
Termanamece, I this would be a case of slow and steady NOT winning the race ;) :P09:18
DocScrutinizer51Appiah: check phonecontrol09:18
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rastermece: so its working eh?09:18
andrewfblackStskeeps: I opened change log file on windows to change something, version number but normally that doesn't stop it in the past.  I'll remake file on ubuntu when I get home09:18
AppiahDocScrutinizer51: application? wiki? script? what? :)09:18
Stskeepsraster: want to see a video?09:19
Appiah got it09:19
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Stskeepsraster: fairly09:19
rasterjust was feeling curious as to where meego is at right now09:20
Appiahguess I'll write a wrapper..09:20
Stskeepsraster: <- app launch time is a bit slow still as we don't do any kind of startup time boosting and there's a known touchscreen issue we're investigating (n900 specific)09:20
meceraster,  Boot time:46s Browser start time:6.5s Audio player start time:4s Video player start time:4s09:20
rasteras it seems no phones for this year at least09:20
rasterStskeeps:  ok.09:20
meceCurrent 1.1 build has slower ui but faster app launch..09:21
Myrttiwelcome to #meego!09:21
rasterlooks to be doing much better than maemo 509:22
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rastertho 4s startup tim... thats far from impressive :(09:23
Stskeepsof course not, but we don't do any kind of optimization09:23
Stskeepsget stuff working first, then optimize09:23
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rasteri suspect your sgx drivers have had a bit of work done to them there09:24
Stskeepsit's newer sgx drivers with dri2 and vsync, yes09:25
rasterthat'd explain some of it09:25
Stskeepsthere's a problem with dri2 so it's not integrated yet09:25
rasterstill in a measly 16bpp?09:25
rasterdialler looks like arse tho :)09:25
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rasterwell its coming along09:26
rasternot there yet though09:26
DocScrutinizer51dialers MUST look like arse09:27
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DocScrutinizer51and so far everybody following this law09:27
Stskeepsraster: if you're a real man, you don't see/understand more than a max of 4-bit colors anyway, so pfft. :P09:28
rasterStskeeps: hahahahhahahahha09:28
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chxhrm really good question, how do i make a phone call on the n900 :P09:28
* raster huggles his 32bit pixels09:29
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DocScrutinizer51dithering FTW :-P09:29
DocScrutinizer51floyd steinberg09:29
rasternever use that09:29
rasternot for a live ui09:30
rasteru should always use ordered09:30
DocScrutinizer51just kidding09:30
rasterfor 16bpp u can get away witha  tiny ordered dither mask and not notice09:30
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rastertho a nice 128x128 mask makes orders LOOk like FS09:30
rasterwith some nice gaussian randomisation added to it09:30
rasterawesome trick09:30
rasterbut still09:30
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rasterdithering... cheating :)(09:31
kerioi want 32bpp!09:31
keriofull color plus alpha09:31
DocScrutinizer51and a PITA as well09:31
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infobotmethinks pr1.3 is the latest (and probably last) software update for Fremantle, available since Monday October 25 2010. More information at -- see ~flashing for how to update, or, or
chxoooo Pre games on our baby09:32
TriztFromWorkHate that OTA don't work09:35
meceTriztFromWork, ota works fine.09:35
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TriztFromWorkhasn't work for me on the last 1.2 nor 1.309:36
Appiahstrange, both for me09:36
Appiahwhat problems do you get?09:36
TriztFromWorkit just says OTA won't work when I have selecte update all09:37
Appiahif you just select maemo509:37
Appiahand not update all09:37
wmaroneprobably have a package conflict09:37
TriztFromWorkI can try09:37
Appiahmaybe you have some extra packages conflicting?09:37
Appiahit should say09:37
meceyou can see which packages conflicts in "details"09:38
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* TriztFromWork hates the slowness for checking update09:38
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TriztFromWorktried to just update maemo package, "Can't install this system update over the air." and only option is to "open backup"09:41
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TriztFromWorkHmm, Conflicts with perl 5.8.309:43
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TriztFromWorkanyone have a solution for the perl conflict?09:46
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RobbieThe1stOut of curiosity, has anyone gotten MicroB from Maemo5 working on a normal desktop Linux install? Like, for a tablet PC? I noticed there were i386 packages available and all...09:46
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TriztFromWorkI have perl 5.8.3-3osso10 installed and it seemns to conflict with the version coming with pr1.3, how do I temporarily downgrade perl?09:50
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RobbieThe1st1. uninstall it. 2. install pr1.3  3. install perl again09:52
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JackaLXI'm having a problem flashing a N810 with RX-44_DIABLO_5.2008.43-7_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin.  It says "Flashing bootloader... Sending request 0x50 failed!".  Googling found lots of people who got this error, but I didn't find any solutions.  Can anyone help me?09:52
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JackaLXcmdline I used... ./flasher-3.5 -F IMAGEFILE -f09:54
AppiahAre you running PR1.1 or PR1.2 ?09:56
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Appiah"I was using the wrong image!09:57
AppiahGot the right one and all is good."09:57
JackaLXAppiah: was that directed at me?09:57
Appiaha N810 :D09:57
JackaLXAppiah: ok, so how would I tell?09:57
Appiahno friggin idea about n810 and the OS there09:58
Appiahonly had the n900 sorry09:58
JackaLXthanks, anyway09:58
JackaLXanybody else?09:58
Appiahbut I think the problem still applies, you might just have downloaded the wrong image09:58
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LukasTHello, my N900 noticed new Maemo update, but it wants to connect to my PC through PC Nokia Suite09:59
JackaLXAppiah: any idea as to how I could tell if it is the right image or not?09:59
LukasTI'm on Linux Desktop09:59
LukasTdoes it work with Virtual Box?09:59
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Appiahwell where did you get the image JackaLX ?10:00
TriztFromWorkFYI: Someone else who would happen to get a perl conflict when upgrading to pt1.3 OTA, do an "apt-get install perl" and seem to resolve the conflict10:00
Appiah JackaLX been here?10:01
JackaLX to be precise10:01
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JackaLXAppiah: yup... nothing overly helpful there... tells you what to do, but not much about what to do if it goes pair-shaped :-)10:03
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* crashanddie twitches10:23
RobbieThe1stDangit, can't someone fix the broken backup script tying up
crashanddie"Thank you for your patiense"10:23
RobbieThe1stIt's getting annoying!10:23
crashanddieRobbieThe1st, I'm sure people are working on it10:24
phellarvAnyone: When I want a _completely_ fresh install of Maemo on my N900, I flash FIASCO, then eMMC without booting inbetween?10:24
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RobbieThe1stI'm hoping so10:25
RobbieThe1stphellarv:  Yea10:25
* TriztFromWork almost updated all the new packages, damn it takes time10:26
phellarvRobbieThe1st: Thought so, just wanted a confirmation - thanks.10:26
crashanddiephellarv, I can't confirm if that's the order10:26
crashanddiephellarv, I would've said emmc first, though.10:26
crashanddieDocScrutinizer, ping10:26
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phellarv"NOTE: Always flash the FIASCO image first, then the eMMC image immediately after that. Never boot up the device between flashing the FIASCO image and the eMMC image! When flashing eMMC always also flash FIASCO rootfs - NEVER boot the device between the two flashes."10:27
phellarvFound it10:27
crashanddieah, well there you go10:27
crashanddiegood on you for checking with another source though.10:27
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DocScrutinizer51nope, that's nonsense for pr1.3 and before10:28
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DocScrutinizer51emmc first is the better alternative10:28
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phellarvDocScrutinizer51: Uh?10:30
DocScrutinizer51there might be some PR4.22 for which it's mandatory to flash bootloader in COMBINED before flashing eMMC, but for now this isn't the case10:30
phellarvDocScrutinizer51: So eMMC -> Fiasco?10:31
DocScrutinizer51so flashing eMMC first has a lower probability to let you ruin your system by accidental boot10:31
ghostcubehi, is more than 50mb free space rquired for ota?10:31
DocScrutinizer51you'll tell us10:32
fluxghostcube, apparently people with 66M free have succesfully upgraded, but I've heard a rumor of 34M being sufficient :-)10:32
ghostcubehmm i got 49 thats why iam asking heh10:32
KhertanMorning all !10:32
ghostcubewill try the update later maybe, but i havent read something good about till now10:32
Khertan60Mo was enough for  me10:32
Khertanproblem was mainly conflicting package10:33
Khertanghostcube, qt4.710:33
ghostcubehmm ok10:33
Khertanghostcube, fix qt scrolling bug10:33
V-illeno idea how much is enough, wants pc suite10:33
Khertanin kinetic scrolling10:33
KhertanV-ille, if it ask for space ... most of the time it s lie, it s just that there are some conflicting package you install from extras-devel10:34
ghostcubehmm ok i will backup my stuff and my spbrainevo data :D and try t3h update later at home10:34
V-illeit's not asking for space, it says it wants pc suite10:34
Khertansame :)10:34
V-illeoh great10:34
ghostcubebtw why isnt apt-get dist-upgrade a good idea?10:35
V-illelet's see what apt-get says10:35
Khertanin HAM, in update10:35
Khertanclick on the Maemo 5 update then details10:35
Khertanand you will see which package cause conflict10:35
Khertanbut if you didn't install some package replacing some maemo part10:35
Khertanthe cause could be libqt4-test10:36
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Khertanapt-get remove libgles1-sgx-img10:37
Khertanapt-get remove libqt4-test10:37
V-illeso.. the update may have a conflict, but the update manager says "use pc suite"?10:37
V-illeis the moron who caused this still working, or did his ass get fired?10:37
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jacekowskiit's linux10:38
jacekowskidebian does worse things sometimes10:38
jacekowskior ubuntu10:38
ghostcubeV-ille: if such morons would be fired ubuntu wont have any devs at all10:38
KhertanV-ille, i think the moron say ... if user are able to install extras-devel ... he should be able to resolv conflict10:38
V-illedebian doesn't say "use pc suite"10:38
togglesV-ille are you using extras-testing/devel?10:38
ghostcubejacekowski: hehe10:38
V-illenokia code does10:38
jacekowskiwell, it's supposed to be user friendly10:39
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jacekowskii don't expect it to say - fix your dependencies manually10:39
njsfDocScrutinizer, how would I flash just the booloader  from a COMBINED image ?10:39
V-illeit's very friendly indeed to give error messages that have nothing whatsoever to do with the problem10:39
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DocScrutinizer51njsf: not how, WHY?10:39
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KhertanV-ille, yeah ... it s worse i know10:39
njsfgot a friend who was here earlier and his flashing of an image from Nokia on a N810 stopped at the bootloader10:40
meceV-ille, well it is nice enough to tell you which packages are conflicting,10:40
jacekowskiV-ille: it does10:40
jacekowskiV-ille: pcsuite will flash it and upgrade10:40
V-illepc suite won't do any of that, as it doesn't support the platform on my pc10:40
njsfI think it may be related to the fact the sw-release on the device is "no version" . Know any way to overcome that ?10:40
jacekowskiV-ille: because you have old version or something10:41
jacekowskiV-ille: my version can flash it10:41
njsfwould this be a cold flash with -c ?10:41
V-illebut of course the error message and whatnot is perfect, nokia never makes things hard to use10:41
jacekowskijust normal flash10:41
V-illejacekowski: it doesn't even run on linux, pc suite10:41
jacekowskiyou're looking for a problem where there is none10:42
jacekowskiyou have old pc suite10:42
jacekowskiupgrade and then flash it10:42
jacekowskior do it with flasher10:42
V-illeold pc suite?10:42
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infobotfrom memory, pr1.3 is the latest (and probably last) software update for Fremantle, available since Monday October 25 2010. More information at -- see ~flashing for how to update, or, or
jacekowskipc suite version i'm using ( and it's almost 6 months old ) can flash n90010:43
V-illewhere's the new one? why would I want to install it? does it run on linux?10:43
V-illeI don't need a pc suite to flash a device10:43
V-illeheh, the conflict was hildon-home-dbg10:43
jacekowskithese are not packages from standard repository10:44
togglesit appears he's the moron10:44
V-illeor someone else is, as there are ways to resolve such conflicts on the device without asking me to use apps that don't exist10:45
togglesi wonder how many times he clicked the "this package may break your device"10:45
* Khertan think he should port Khweeteur on ubuntu ... Gwibber is horribly slow ! 10:45
V-illelook, I know how to work around such problems, but the error message given was just daft10:46
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Khertanapt--get remove hildon-home-dbg10:46
Khertanapt-get remove hildon-home-dbg10:46
V-illeI know how to use apt-get10:46
Khertanso why did you ask ?10:46
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V-illeout of general amazement I suppose10:46
Khertanyou use experimental package10:46
Khertanso everything normal !10:47
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jacekowskiV-ille: that message isn't for users that use non-standard repositories10:47
jacekowskiV-ille: and for users that know how to use apt10:48
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V-illemaybe the device should try harder, instead of whining for a pc to help it?10:48
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togglesso what you're saying is you want an iphone?10:49
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jacekowskiit's using standard apt way of resolving dependencies10:49
V-illeso.. have the app manager slowdowns been fixed at all?10:49
jacekowskiif you are using non standard repositories ( SDK repository is one of them )10:49
V-illethus far it's been unusable10:49
jacekowskiand there was a lot of info how sdk repository breaks things10:49
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KhertanV-ille, you manually install a package ... so it didn't remove it automatically ... as you said you want it ... ham respect your choice10:50
jacekowskiso you fucked it up and now you blame it on others10:50
fralsham is fine if you only use extras and ovi, which i guess was the purpose of it... unfortunately it becomes crap with more repos enabled :p10:50
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V-illeit's slow as hell even with only the default repos10:50
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jacekowskiV-ille: that's because apt is slow10:51
V-illeno it isn't, it does apt-get updates when it shouldn't10:51
V-illethe app manager does that is10:51
jacekowskiit doesnt10:51
V-illesure it does10:51
jacekowskiit's using apt-worker for that10:51
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V-illewell, even so, it updates the package info every time you install something, apparently10:51
V-illeand the ui happily becomes completely unresponsive during it10:52
jacekowskijust every time you open it10:52
V-illeoh, why does it become braindead after package installation then?10:52
jacekowskibecause it's loading installable package list10:53
jacekowskiupdate != load10:54
V-illeyou seem to be slightly contradicting yourself :)10:54
jacekowskiupdate means pulling package list from repository10:54
jacekowskiloading installable package list means querying apt-worker for packages that are avaliable for installation10:54
Khertanand reading some information contain in the .deb file10:55
Khertanwhich is a compressed archive10:55
V-illeand freezing the UI :)10:55
Khertanlike reading the icons10:55
jacekowskiKhertan: it doesn't have .deb file10:55
jacekowskiKhertan: it's all read from Packages file10:55
Khertanoh yes !10:55
V-illeotherwise the device works fine, the app manager is an abomination10:55
V-illeit's downright embarrassing10:56
* Khertan need cofee10:56
jacekowskiV-ille: app manager on ubuntu works just as slow10:56
jacekowskiV-ille: but you have cpu that's 10x faster and more memory10:56
jacekowskiso problem isn't so easy to notice10:56
V-illeexcuses, excuses...10:56
jacekowskifacts, facts...10:57
Khertanjacekowski, anyway ... did you know how the apple store works ?10:57
Khertanit s seems faster10:57
jacekowskiyeah, it's all done server side10:57
Khertanthis explain that10:57
jacekowskiand then phone pulls ready .ipa package10:57
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jacekowskiunpacks it10:57
jacekowskithere is no dependencies atll10:57
jacekowskiat all10:57
jacekowskipackages are self contained10:58
Khertana really bad solution the server side and no depandancy10:58
jacekowskibut it's faster10:58
V-illefacts.. well, there's no need to freeze the UI nor actually reload the installable pkg list every time10:58
V-illeso it's a design decision, and it hurts usability quite a bit10:58
jacekowskiV-ille: there is10:58
TriztFromWorktimeless_mbp; is there a en_GB translation for pr1.3?10:58
jacekowskiV-ille: because list changes every time you install something10:58
romenis pr1.3 available outside UK?10:58
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Noma_it was first available in Finland, I think10:59
V-illejacekowski: well, we can just agree to disagree, the app manager doesn't need to be as bad as it is, regardless of whatever excuses people come up with10:59
jacekowskiyeah, it's crap10:59
romenlol, I'm in FInland and yesterday when I read the news I tried to update the package list and ham told me "no updates available" xD10:59
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jacekowskibut without abandoning dependencies and breaking it in other ways you can't make it a lot faster10:59
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fluxromen, is your phone bought from finland as well?11:00
jacekowskiKhertan: server side dependencies would be nice11:00
romenflux: yep11:00
jacekowskiKhertan: sort of agps stule11:00
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V-illeI can at least make it unintrusive. And I don't have to abandon dependencies.11:00
romenflux: but I'm using US locale11:00
jacekowskiV-ille: then fix it11:00
jacekowskiV-ille: sources are avaliable11:00
fluxromen, well, if it's any consolation, I got my update available today as well. but I haven't tried updating the package lists manually ;)11:00
jacekowskior use fapman11:01
Khertanjacekowski, server side depandancy is a no go... how did you do with external repositories ?11:01
granden_Anyone know where the different msn-plugins store there msn buddy icons?11:01
jacekowskiKhertan: if server can assist then server calculates all dependencies, or as much as server can11:01
romenflux: I'll try it later. Did things go smoothly in the upgrade?11:01
* TriztFromWork hates the default maemo English, hope that timeless will release a new community translation for pr1.311:01
fluxromen, I haven't upgraded yet11:01
Khertanjacekowski, i still didn't think it s a good idea11:01
timeless_mbpTriztFromWork: i've been asleep, i'll have to brush it off, i have a small set of changes i want to make11:02
TriztFromWorktimeless_mbp; nice11:02
jacekowskiKhertan: so phone would ask something like - dependencies for package-X? and then server answers with list of packages that this package needs + list of packages this server can provide11:02
timeless_mbpi've been just using the 1.2 set in 1.3, if you do it using OTA you get behavior which isn't bad11:02
Oli````are there any packages that, once installed, would stop PR1.3 showing in the update manager?11:02
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jacekowskiKhertan: and if server can't do it - then phone does it on it's own11:03
romenif both ham and fappm use apt in the background, how come ham is way slower than fappm?11:03
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TriztFromWorktimeless_mbp; you mean "symlink" the directory?11:04
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V-illejacekowski: I'd need a budgeted project for that, unfortunately :)11:04
Khertanjacekowski, but for cross server depandancies problem how did you do ?11:04
V-illefapman.. gotta try that, thanks11:04
jacekowskiKhertan: phone does that11:04
jacekowskiKhertan: ussualy package has all it deps on one server11:04
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Khertanjacekowski, this is the problem ;)11:05
V-illethe only problems with the device are the app manager and battery life11:05
jacekowskiV-ille: it's not as bad as on HTC devices11:05
jacekowskiV-ille: and use fapman11:05
V-illeit's still hands-down the best phone I've ever had11:05
Khertanjacekowski, you haven't the right to distribute a driver ... how did you depends on it in your external repository ?11:05
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V-illeand will likely continue to be so, given the direction harmattan is going11:05
romenif both ham and fapman use apt in the background, how come ham is way slower than fapman?11:06
Khertanromen, the both are slow ... fapman permit multiple selection to install or remove :)11:06
TriztFromWorktimeless; ignore what I asked, back on the pr1.2 translation again, I think11:06
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fralsfapman skips some of the additional checks ham is doing (last i heard) or has it been updated to include them?11:06
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Flyser_mobilewhat were the packages blocking PR1.3 OTA update again? libqt4-test and?11:06
Khertanjacekowski, i think things can be done faster ...11:06
romenKhertan: maybe it's just psycological, but to me it looks like updating and reloading package lists and even showing package lists is way faster in fapman11:07
Khertanjacekowski, without invoking server side11:07
V-illethere are of course things like the lack of vsync in the sgx driver, but that doesn't bother me much11:07
TriztFromWorktime to stop playing with the phone and begun working, battery already down on 50%11:07
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fralssomeone nuked from orbit again?11:08
V-illeit works erratically, but seems to load.. after some retries11:09
V-illemaybe everybody and their brother is accessing tmo :)11:09
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Appiahanyway to mark multiple mails as read/unread?11:10
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V-illethe photos load at once now11:10
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V-illebut it doesn't show that it's loading them :)11:10
V-illeit took a while before they appeared, with no indication11:11
crashanddieV-ille, which means the server is overloaded, but not the bandwidth11:11
V-illewell, that's minor, the photo app loads much better now11:11
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Khertancrashanddie, or the code is so badly done that server can't handle more than 2000 people simultaneously11:13
Sargun_Screenfinally, new maemo!11:13
crashanddieKhertan, well, it's apache, isn't? Apache's policy is to try and handle everyone, no matter how many connections there are11:13
crashanddieor at least it used to be, may have changed in this day and age of ddos11:13
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Khertancrashanddie, i didn't talk of apache :) but the things managing the forum11:14
* Myrtti shivers11:14
Khertanphpbb ?11:14
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* lcuk gets Myrtti a blanket11:14
MyrttiI guess I could put on my pink furry slippers11:14
Khertancrashanddie, apache isn't the pb here :)11:14
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Sargun_Screenso does this mean we see meego / n9 land soon!?11:18
infoboti heard meego is an opensource distribution for netbooks and mobile devices11:18
MyrttiN9? what's that, some new licorice?11:18
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crashanddieliquor ice?11:19
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lcukcrashanddie, o-rish11:19
crashanddielcuk, is that northern for "Irish"?11:20
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V-illen9 is the harmattan device11:20
MyrttiV-ille: says who?11:20
MyrttiI'll spank you with 3-feet piece of licorice11:20
V-illehaving an update for maemo doesn't really say much about the schedule of the next device11:21
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crashanddieMyrtti, the interwebs saids it11:21
crashanddieMyrtti, therefore, it must be truths11:21
Myrtticrashanddie: ah, the interwebs11:21
AppiahI'm googling that11:21
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MyrttiI'm blogging this11:21
lcukcrashanddie, the interwebs tell us elvis is working in a truckstop cafe11:21
AppiahMyrtti: i'll do it faster,  I'll twitter it11:22
crashanddie"V-ille", when pronounced in two words, "vee" and "isle", sounds like a frenchman trying to say a mix between "sieg heil" and "the isle"11:22
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Appiaherr tweet it11:22
Appiahor identi-ca it..11:22
crashanddieAppiah, you are entitled to a free ticket on the failbus.11:22
MyrttiAppiah: I was just about to comment that you are a freedom hater11:22
Appiahmay I sit in the front?11:23
AppiahMyrtti: :)11:23
Myrtti"twitter, why not identica!"11:23
Myrtti5 minutes of watching identica front page on autorefresh reminds me why I've lost faith in humanity11:23
KhertanMyrtti, mouarf11:23
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crashanddieMyrtti, so one could say... [puts on sunglasses] that you are Finnish'd? [yeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah]11:24
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Myrtticrashanddie: looking for a patch in Cambridgeshire to grow organic carrots on11:25
crashanddieorganic, near cambridge?11:25
Myrttiperhaps with a cottage or something to do website development and sewing and all kinds of crafts too11:25
crashanddieWith all the one-way roads in Cambridge, I'm surprised there isn't more pollution around there than London.11:25
Robot101I'd offer my garden but apparently there's cadmium and mercury in the soil here11:26
Myrtticrashanddie: north of Cambridge, akshully11:26
Myrttimidway to Peterborough11:26
crashanddieGood lord11:26
Robot101crashanddie: its cambridge's way of telling you to use a park & ride, or just cycle :P11:26
crashanddiestay away from Peterborough11:26
Robot101I'm with you on that one11:26
Myrtti_midway to_11:27
Myrttinot _in_11:27
crashanddieMyrtti, STILL TO F'ING CLOSE11:27
Robot101too loud for this time in the morning11:27
Robot101simmer down :P11:27
Myrttinothing wrong with Ramsey.11:27
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crashanddie[size=1]I'll be quieter from now on.[/size]11:28
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Myrtticould look up a spot next door to John Major's11:28
crashanddieApple to buy Sony? lolwut11:29
Myrtticould annoy him by throwing the greens of the carrots over the fence11:29
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crashanddieCompanies Apple could buy with their cash, today: EA, NetFlix, Facebook, Adobe, Sony.11:30
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crashanddieInteresting companies in that list for Apple: Netflix, Facebook, Sony.11:30
timeless_mbpdoes sony still have sony pictures and sony bmg?11:30
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Sargun_Screenwell, meego has landed on a consumer device (n900)11:31
Sargun_Screencrashanddie: why sony?11:32
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crashanddieSargun_Screen, massive manufacturing plants, good stores around the world, all over a company that has tried to remain expensive -- quality over quantity, etc.11:33
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Sargun_Screencrashanddie: but a lot of things apple would not be interested in.11:33
crashanddieselling it off isn't difficult11:33
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lcukcrashanddie, wheres the source article on this?11:34
timeless_mbpbased on their hints, i think netflix and facebook are better acquisitions11:34
Myrttiwell I'm glad I got my Sony eReader when I did11:34
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Sargun_Screentimeless_mbp: agreed11:34
crashanddietimeless, indeed11:34
timeless_mbpalthough i could imagine them raiding sony for the music + movie archives11:34
kerioapple buying netflix would be huge11:34
Sargun_Screentimeless_mbp: I hope they don't acquire netflix.11:34
timeless_mbpi'm pretty sure apple has little interest in the manufacturing side11:34
crashanddietimeless_mbp & Sargun_Screen: note the order I put those 3 names ;)11:34
Sargun_Screenapple buying facebook would be neat.11:35
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Myrttithen they could combine it and Ping11:35
crashanddieLooking at Apple TV, and the renting business model they're getting in, Netflix would be a hugely interesting purchase for Apple11:35
Myrttior rather, throw Ping away11:35
kerioleave it to apple to get something that works great and turn it into something greater11:35
keriodoes netflix use drm?11:35
crashanddiekerio, don't know, don't live in the US, never used netflix11:35
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keriome neither :(11:37
crashanddielcuk, it's just rumours based on rumours about speculation from would-be analysts11:37
keriono, wait, i can download movies for free11:37
crashanddielcuk, but still:
crashanddie"Shares of Sony Corp rose nearly 3 percent at one stage on Tuesday as traders cited media reports speculating that the Japanese electronics maker could be a potential acquisition target of Apple Inc."11:37
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crashanddieSargun_Screen, though, it would kill off Google TV pretty badly if Apple bought Sony.11:38
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Khertan crashanddie and the sony and apple philisophy is near ... making product wich work with high priced proprietary accessory :)11:39
MyrttiI can see why Apple would want to buy Sony, but I can't see why Sony would be sold11:39
crashanddieKhertan, how so? The PS3 isn't really high-priced, and you don't need stupid accessories for every game11:39
crashanddieMyrtti, +111:39
* Khertan can't see both11:39
crashanddieKhertan, either.11:40
Khertancrashanddie, ok i forgot ps3 is from sony11:40
Myrtticrashanddie: +1 ;-)11:40
Khertanbut did you forget their msstick11:40
crashanddieerhm, and it was different from SD, how exactly?11:40
Khertancrashanddie, size ... and price11:41
|187|hm anybody got a link for the system shock 2 boot video for the n900? i forgot to backup mine :|11:41
Khertanand only sony product use it11:41
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Khertantheir cam stupid cable11:41
crashanddieThe only difference is that SD/MMC/CF were sold to other companies a tiny bit before memory stick, which meant they had the market11:41
mc_teojust finished the update11:42
Khertaneveryone use mini usb ... sony use proprietary one11:42
crashanddieKhertan, or maybe you're going to say that Sony is a bastard company for inventing the CD? :P11:42
mc_teoshould i update the wiki page on troubleshooting or something?11:42
infobotwell, pr1.3 is the latest (and probably last) software update for Fremantle, available since Monday October 25 2010. More information at -- see ~flashing for how to update, or, or
Khertanwhy is an usb but with an other form11:42
MyrttiKhertan: in my Touch Reader it has the normal mini USB11:42
mavhcsony only ever won one media format war, bluray, just at the time when media became obsolete11:42
Khertancrashanddie, not for inventing it ... but for selling it has a long life support :)11:42
RST38hcrashanddie, Khertan:,14309/11:43
crashanddieKhertan, blu-ray turned out to be not so bad in the end -- maybe that's why Apple wants to buy Sony, so they can eradicate Blu-Ray off the face of the earth.11:43
romenwhat's netflix?11:43
Khertancrashanddie, don't know ... Never use blueray11:43
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RST38hApple wants to buy Sony? Have you got a new dealer, crash?11:43
Khertancrashanddie, i m not interesting to buy a film 30Euros11:44
MyrttiRST38h: Reuters11:44
Myrttiit's just rumours though11:44
Khertanand i didn't believe it s the answer to store data11:44
crashanddieKhertan, I bought two movies at 14.99 on Saturday, from Auchan.11:44
RST38hspeculation, ok11:44
Khertancrashanddie, yesterday i go to the cinema looking a film ... for me and my wife : 10 Euros11:45
Khertanbest screen11:45
Khertanbest sound11:45
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_berto_isn't Sony so much bigger than Apple?11:45
crashanddieKhertan, only 10 euros for a 3 hour rental?11:45
RST38hKhertan: you forgot the people11:45
KhertanRST38h, yep we were 10 in the room :)11:46
divanhi guys. does anyone know where is 'ar' archiver in fremantle repo?11:46
Khertancrashanddie, ?11:46
divanreally? thanks!11:46
Khertan5 Euro the place11:46
crashanddieKhertan, ouais, mais 10 euros pour matter un film, ca fait mal au cul... pour 15 je l'ai chez moi en HD, sur un putain d'ecran avec un putain de son aussi...11:47
Commander1024ghostcube, I rolled the update in just the classic debian way, apt-get update, apt-get upgrade, apt-get dist-upgrade11:47
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ghostcubeCommander1024: any probs?11:47
crashanddieKhertan, la difference est pas enorme, mais je paye rarement plus de 18e pour un film, qu'il soit blu-ray ou dvd11:47
ghostcubei wouldd like to to it the same way11:47
Commander1024do it in a screensession preferably via ssh for convenience11:47
Khertancrashanddie, ouais ... enfin faut tout de meme acheter l'ecran, le putain de son ... et motiver la femme pour mettre le film plutot que le truc en cours a la tv ... donc c'est achement plus simple d'allez au ciné :)11:48
crashanddieKhertan, seulement si t'as une femme qui ne comprends pas "RESPECT MA AUTHORITA"11:48
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MyrttiI need more coffee11:49
Khertancrashanddie, :)11:49
RST38hNOTE: Flames do sound better in French11:49
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Commander1024Myrtti, exactly!!11:50
KhertanRST38h, yeah flames sounds always better in other languages ...11:51
KhertanRST38h, but here there isn't :)11:51
Myrttitime to declare mailing list bancruptcy11:51
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infoboti guess pr1.3 is the latest (and probably last) software update for Fremantle, available since Monday October 25 2010. More information at -- see ~flashing for how to update, or, or
Khertanwhat is the problem with -dist-upgrade ?11:53
Myrtticould someone tinyurl or whatever the links11:53
crashanddieKhertan, breaks device, as usual11:53
Myrttiplz plz pretty plz11:53
Khertanreally ?11:53
crashanddieMyrtti, no11:53
Khertanhow it s possible ?11:53
Khertanby closing all apps and so xterminal ?11:53
mc_teoupdated the wili page11:54
chem|stMyrtti: ?11:54
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chem|stmc_teo: did you inlcude the showstoppers?11:54
crashanddieKhertan, take a good distribution, like debian (step 1), customize it until it's fucked (step 2), deploy an update, that doesn't follow any of the best practices of debian (step 3), watch everyone break their device due to unmet dependencies (step 4).11:54
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RST38hcrashanddie: sounds like fun11:54
chem|stcrashanddie: step 4 is uninstall all userland in a package without conflicts nor dependencies11:55
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Khertancrashanddie, hum ... step one is optionnal for meego ... :)11:55
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Chanioh. well. thank goodness I wandered by...11:56
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Chaniflashing FTL. :/ the backup restore thing doesn't quite restore everything...11:56
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mc_teochem|st: as in the conflicting packages? then yes11:56
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infobotrumour has it, pr1.3 is the latest (and probably last) software update for Fremantle, available since Monday October 25 2010. More information at -- see ~flashing for how to update, or, or
timeless_mbpChani: eh?11:57
Chanitimeless_mbp: last time I flashed the device I lost some odds and ends. passwords of some kind, iirc.11:58
chem|stmc_teo: nice.. I tried to do that yesterday but did not like me!11:58
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timeless_mbpChani: passwords used by Maemo platform apps or third party apps?11:58
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Chanitimeless_mbp: maemo11:59
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Chaniit was either wifi or the browser11:59
* timeless_mbp is pretty sure both of those are saved11:59
Khertandoes addblockplus work now on microb ?11:59
Khertanlast time i try i was able to set prefs :)12:00
Khertan(was a year ago)12:00
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* Chani is also irritated by the lack of password recovery for wifi. I mean, those aren't even real passwords most of the time. I typed them in, I should be able to get them out12:00
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Chanibut anyways... I'm procrastinating again...12:00
RST38hKhertan: It does but just barely12:00
timeless_mbpChani: eh?12:00
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RST38hKhertan: Not really recommended :(12:01
KhertanRST38h, can you define barely ?12:01
Robot101Chani: you can probably see them with gconftool12:01
chem|stChani: gconf-tools helps...12:01
KhertanRST38h, oh really ?12:01
RST38hKhertan: Well, it lets you set some settings and even acts on them, from time to time12:01
timeless_mbpless /var/lib/gconf/system/....12:01
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chem|stFSCK'ING NOKIA... they did send another SMS!12:03
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mc_teo`^^ the three links in ~pr1.312:04
chem|st25.10.10 15:56 72626 sent SMS / MMS 0:0112:05
mc_teo`or should i use tinyurl to get a more descriptive url12:05
timeless_mbpchem|st: did you reflash or do something similarly stupid?12:05
chem|stI had a msg window with that number12:05
chem|sttimeless_mbp: I had reflashed but that worked before without sending the sms again12:06
chem|stthought once activated it never tries again?!12:06
mc_teo`i just made an account in bit.ly12:06
timeless_mbpchem|st: complaints to Nokia Care. please.12:06
mc_teo`in IE912:07
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maybeWTFbut nokia doesn't care about us maemo people!12:07
mc_teo`and it comes up, do you wish chrome to remember this password12:07
RST38hThey do not have to. They are the Phone Company.12:07
chem|sttimeless_mbp: thats like telling someone to fsck off...12:07
RST38hchem|st <== perceptive12:07
chem|stRST38h: I love it when you do that ;)12:08
timeless_mbpmc_teo: ?12:08
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mc_teo` <-- the three ~pr1.3 links, shortened12:12
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ieatlintuh, didn't busybox on the n900 used to have wget?12:15
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lcukwget is a package on extras ieatlint:
alteregoieatlint: I think it used to be used for apt but not needed anymore12:16
ieatlintyeah, just installed it12:16
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ieatlintsomehow i recall having it before pr1.3 as part of busybox (very stripped down, etc)12:16
ieatlintbut i may just be on crack12:17
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ieatlintalso, it appears my cell provider just upgraded their towers here... i can now pull close to 4mbit on whereas i previously could only do about 1.5mbit12:18
infobothmm... flasher is
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infobotsomebody said flashing was
alteregoAny sign of a madde sysroot? :D12:19
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alteregoHas anyone updated their Nokia Qt SDK?12:32
RobbieThe1stUh... why?12:32
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alteregoBecause it'd be nice if someone could give me there ~/NokiaQtSDK/Maemo/cache/maemo*sysroot.tar.gz ..12:33
alteregoCan't find it on the internet and I don't use NokiaQtSDK :/12:33
alteregoThe PR1.3 sysroot that is ..12:33
RobbieThe1stNah, I don't have that.12:34
RobbieThe1stI have the QT builder IDE... which I used once..12:34
psycho_oreosisn't the madde qemu really slow for you guys?12:34
RobbieThe1stOn N900?12:35
alteregoDon't use it.12:35
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RobbieThe1stIt's an emulator. It's going to -have- to be slow12:35
psycho_oreosyeah I realised that but I was hoping if there would be possible tweaks one can use.. meh12:36
RobbieThe1stum... OC?12:37
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psycho_oreoslol nah, I think it'll work better if one has single core or if qemu can be multi-threaded oh well.. curiousity kills the cat12:39
fluxdoes HAM issue apt-get autoremove after you remove packages?12:39
flux(or equivalent)12:39
chem|stflux: something alike12:40
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fluxchem|st, ok, thanks12:40
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chem|stbut with close I guess12:40
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fluxI suppose I can just try and look with dpkg -l if the now-useless dependencies have been removed12:40
RobbieThe1stapt-get autoremove?12:41
chem|stflux: at least it does an autoclean after install12:41
fluxchem|st, well, it's not the same thing :)12:41
chem|stflux: yeah I know12:41
RobbieThe1stI don't see why -anyone- who comes into -this- chat actually uses HAM12:41
fluxrobbiethe1st, removes packages that have been installed as dependencies for other packages, when such manually installed have been removed12:41
chem|stbut it seems to uninstall at least some libs it installed with the package12:41
fluxrobbiethe1st, well, it's my gf's phone, she doesn't have even rootsh installed ;)12:41
RobbieThe1stwell, why not do so? she doesn't have to know or care12:42
chem|stRobbieThe1st: I will from now on try to not use apt anymore if not needed12:42
fluxI suppose it sort of a nice idea trying to do everything the 'official way'12:42
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fluxrobbiethe1st, to prove oneself that the system isn't broken ;)12:42
RobbieThe1stBut it is...12:42
fluxand the issue here is that to install pr1.3 is that it requires brainparty's dependency libgles1-sgx-img to be removed first12:43
chem|stRobbieThe1st: cause the upgrade made proof that it is not meant to be used12:43
chem|stat least not for upgrades12:43
RobbieThe1stUm... a pr1.3 OTA upgrade? why not just flash it, then restore content. Seems better and safer..12:43
fluxOTA is less hassle. and it's mostly 'clean' phone.12:44
chem|stRobbieThe1st: you ar out of the game now12:44
chem|stRobbieThe1st: pointing that anyone in here should not use ham and than asking for a flash anyway?!12:44
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RobbieThe1stI'm saying that: 1. HAM is slow. 2. upgrading OTA is dangerous. 3. command-line tools are excellent if you know the commands.12:45
RobbieThe1st#2 is especially a problem when you run into an issue after upgrading: Was it because of the unclean upgrade, or because of a bug in the new code.12:46
fluxhow is OTA any more dangerous than flashing, if you have a backup?12:46
chem|stthe last debian I installed was etch I am now at squeeze with aditional sid packages... if I would "reflash" my pc everytime there is something broke I would get tired from running my install backup scripts12:46
Kaadlajkalterego: there is fremantle-arm-sysroot-20.2010.36-2-slim.tar.gz12:48
chem|stRobbieThe1st: I installed a single program with apt... what I did not know is that the part just disappearing on my screens top edge was "held back packages" and "upgrade packages" as apt-worker automagically sets the new packages to upgrade12:48
alteregoKaadlajk: yes, that's the file I want :)12:48
RobbieThe1stflux: see number 2. Do you want the possibility of extra errors? chem|st: Yes, true enough. But, most desktop distros are intended to be OTA upgraded. I don't trust Nokia's ability to make things work right all the time.12:49
chem|stso the freaking broken upgrade uninstalled most of the systemUI and restarted without further action, and then it was in a watchdog cycle where I wasn't fast enough in stopping the watchdog to prevent it from restarting12:49
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RobbieThe1stchem|st: Ah, you made a mistake. Yea, trying to do a dist-upgrade via apt is iffy at best if you know what you are doing. And the packages dependancys are all setup properly12:51
chem|stRobbieThe1st: I did not do a dist-upgrade12:51
RobbieThe1styou tried to upgrade to pr1.3, didn't you?12:51
chem|stI did a fsck'ing apt-get install <program>12:52
chem|stno I didn't12:52
RobbieThe1stThen, how the heck did you manage to install something that conflicted with everything? *blink*12:52
chem|stI overread that it is installing 30MB12:52
Kaadlajkalterego: do you have any place where i could upload it to? It is 193M and i dont have any place to put file that size12:53
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chem|stRobbieThe1st: I didn't it is part of this upgrade and the freaking package uninstalling systemUI is not conflicting with the known packages but the package installing the systemUI is...12:53
alteregoKaadlajk: erm, not realy, let me think about it for a moment.12:54
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chem|stKaadlajk: what does the slim mean in this case?12:54
RobbieThe1stUm... The only reason it'd uninstall a bunch of required packages is if one of the ones it needed to install ended up conflicting with a low-level package. Anything depending on that, then, got removed.12:54
Kaadlajkalterego: going to try dropbox, seems to upload at decent speed there12:54
Kaadlajkchem|st: no idea12:54
alteregoKaadlajk: thanks :)12:55
Kaadlajk2.6MB/sec, usually get like 100kB/s12:55
chem|stRobbieThe1st: I did a PR1.2 flash and watched the upgrade... it did just the same12:55
alteregoThat's nice12:55
RobbieThe1st..Yea, it should12:55
alteregoAmericans still sleeping ^.^12:55
RobbieThe1stBecause one of the packages/sets of packages you installed conflicted with something else. More than likely the dependancy being installed was from PR1.3 and got mixed into the rest. I've run into that before12:56
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chem|stand OTA doesn't brake anything not titans nor nitdroid12:56
RobbieThe1stRead: Add Debian repos to a Ubuntu system and try upgrading specific packages.12:57
RobbieThe1stNot a good idea12:57
RobbieThe1stAre you sure? I've seen a number of forum posts complaining about PR1.3 issues12:57
chem|stI was able to boot into nitdroid but there I had no proper chroot setup possible (didn't try that hard...)12:57
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chem|stRobbieThe1st: you dont do a dist-upgrade with dist-fiend repos active!12:58
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RobbieThe1stum... what?12:58
RobbieThe1stNot sure what you just said12:59
RobbieThe1stIf you mean I shouldn't have tried upgrading with Debian repos..? Yes. I know.12:59
chem|styou do not apt-get dist-upgrade with repos in your sources.list from another distribution12:59
chem|stlike maemo SDK repo...13:00
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RobbieThe1stActually, I didn't do dist-upgrade. I just tried to get one package, then all of its dependancies, then... I ended up replacing -all- of the system UI. I was lucky it still booted13:00
DocScrutinizeryou do not apt-get --dist-upgrade - period13:00
RobbieThe1stBut, my point was that that it's what -not- to do13:01
chem|stRobbieThe1st: ah you did the same as I did... I wasn't that lucky, it did boot but the watchdog made it restart after 15-20 seconds13:01
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RobbieThe1stchem|st: This was on my desktop, not my N90013:01
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chem|stRobbieThe1st: ah then you did not check the dependencies ;)13:02
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RobbieThe1stIn that case, it wasn't an issue. I knew exactly what I wanted, and -hoped- that the new packages(which were installed, BTW) would work. They didn't, quite.13:03
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RobbieThe1stPoint is, I ended up learning my lesson. Yea, I'd been told not to do it, but you always have to try these things out for yourself. :P13:03
chem|stDocScrutinizer: Rule 4? what is "You shall not have other devices beside me!"13:03
juozapaswhere i can find whats new" on pr1.3?13:04
chem|stRobbieThe1st: yeah thats the way I learned it, lucky me I have a netbook to try the stupid stuff ahead ;)13:04
chem|stjuozapas: afaik the changelog is missing13:05
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|187|hm did somebody find a solution to disable the splashscreen on boot @n900 ?13:05
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|187|removed the video but the 'nokia' i cant get rid off ;~13:05
chem|stjuozapas: but andre put a bugtracker collective link on the PR1.3 wiki page13:05
juozapask thx13:06
chem|sthi andre__13:06
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chem|standre__: I think I have to reopen some of those :( I will check some stuff the next weekend!13:07
chem|stor at least write some new ones13:08
andre__chem|st, just leave a comment (it's a bit weird but often Nokia prefers a new bug ticket instead)13:08
andre__ah, k13:08
chem|styeah I know13:08
chem|stas versions change it might be better to create new ones13:09
chem|stand link back from the old ones13:09
alteregoWho packages the libqt experimental stuff?13:11
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chem|stalterego: the devil13:12
alteregoJust wondering if they were planning on packageing mobility 1.1.0 too ..13:12
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chem|styou may ask one of the infected...13:12
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divanGuys, did you try Need For Speed Undercover on N900?13:30
SpeedEvilnot here.13:31
divannot where?13:31
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SpeedEvilI did not.13:32
divanah, ok :) I just wonder if someone could test this quick manual, to be sure that everything is safe:
divanIt works for me and for a couple other people who have tried, but I'd like to be sure.13:34
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crashanddiedivan, so you posted it before testing it?13:49
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munkiiiCan somebody help me regarding updating to PR1.3 ?13:50
munkiiii try using HAM and it tells me to use a pc13:50
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crashanddie~tell munkiii about flashing13:50
munkiiii don't wanna reflash13:50
munkiiii just want it to work OTA13:50
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crashanddiethen free space on rootfs13:51
munkiiii've tried using apt-get upgrade but it doean't upgrade meamo, just some apps13:51
crashanddieyou need 85 megs free13:51
munkiii85mb, ok13:51
crashanddiemunkiii, read the bloody topic13:51
munkiiii'm at work, i don't have time at the moment to read it all13:51
crashanddiewell piss off then13:51
Myrttithen do the update at home13:52
munkiiii just thought asking here would get me a quick answer, which it has done13:52
crashanddiemunkiii, flashing really is the best option13:52
Myrtti"there is no quick answer"13:52
munkiiithere is...13:52
munkiiithe quick answer was 85mb13:52
munkiiicheer the f..k up anyway, telling people to piss off isn't the best way to help...13:53
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infobotpr1.3 is, like, the latest (and probably last) software update for Fremantle, available since Monday October 25 2010. More information at -- see ~flashing for how to update, or, or
Myrttimunkiii: "About PR 1.3: DO NOT apt-get -dist-upgrade!"13:54
crashanddieand bouncing off every option condescendingly without providing all the information isn't helpful either.13:54
Termanapiss off, telling people is the best way to help.13:54
Termanatelling people to piss off*13:54
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crashanddieTermana, piss off13:54
SceltMyrtti: why?13:54
crashanddiecrashanddie, piss off, too13:54
MyrttiScelt: ask crashanddie :->13:54
crashanddiecrashanddie, no you13:54
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TermanaYou can't help someone unless they helped their bloody self13:55
crashanddieScelt, dist-upgrade will break the device13:55
* Stskeeps glares at crashanddie 13:55
Sceltmunkiii: 65 MB is enough, for me at least13:55
crashanddieStskeeps, yes my darling?13:55
Sceltcrashanddie: how?13:55
munkiiiScelp - thanks13:55
munkiiijust need to free 40mb rootfs now.13:56
crashanddiemunkiii, good luck13:56
munkiiipiss off13:56
crashanddieScelt, conflicting packages, unresolved dependencies. It has broken nearly every upgrade before, and I've seen 3 people here kill it again for PR1.3. Until I'm shown it works, I'm telling everyone to stick with the proven tracks.13:56
Sceltmunkiii: storageusage app is very useful for that. but remember to remove libqt4-test and libgles-sgx-something first13:56
Sceltmunkiii: libqt4-test and libgles1-sgx-img13:57
Sceltcrashanddie: oknp, I installed with dist-upgrade. Can't find any probs13:57
Sceltmunkiii: those two packages will not let pr1.3 install successfully13:57
* agi apt-get upgraded to 1.3, no problems noticed13:57
crashanddieScelt, really? That's surprising. How much space did you have available?13:57
Sceltcrashanddie: 65 MB13:58
crashanddieScelt, did those two packages block the install?13:58
crashanddieScelt, or did you remove them before trying?13:58
Sceltlet me tell you the whole story. takes a while to write13:58
grandenThe buddy icons, used by different conversations plugins like pecan, and haze etc. Where does they store the image file?14:01
Sceltcrashanddie: first I used app manager. it failed to let me install it. then I removed libqt4-test. Try again with app mgr, still nogo. Then I removed libgles1-sgx-img. App mgr shows the green light but I didn't want to get offline by surprise so I thought to use dist-upgrade to download the packages first. And I was at 3G so it took an hour or something so I prefered terminal over app mgr. After downloading those 1000 packages I ctrl+c the dist-upgrade and ...14:02
Scelt... tried again with app mgr. It still wanted to download 45 MB even I already downloaded everything. I said nothx and used dist-upgrade. Seemed to go fine. At least *#0000# gives right version and I can write lower case letter after dot again.14:02
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crashanddieScelt, apt and appmgr don't put the .deb files in the same directory14:03
crashanddieso you can't "cache" the downloads with apt for appmgr to use14:03
xDaReaperxi'm happy that Adobe finally decided to bring 10.1 to MeeGo14:03
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xDaReaperxthey didn't Mention Maemo though14:03
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Sceltcrashanddie: I figured it out but that's not the deal. dist-upgrade seemed to work fine14:04
crashanddiek, thanks for the feedback14:04
alteregoWell, my development environment is now setup perfectly :D14:04
Sceltcrashanddie: np14:04
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alteregoQt Creator (snapshot) + scratchbox + madde (latest) + maemo & meego toolchains and roots14:04
xDaReaperxaren't you guys happy that adobe deicides to bring 10.1  ?14:05
infobotextra, extra, read all about it, pr1.3 is the latest (and probably last) software update for Fremantle, available since Monday October 25 2010. More information at -- see ~flashing for how to update, or, or
alteregoIt has taken me a day to install ubuntu 10.10 and everything including this SDK stuff :D14:05
crashanddiewth does 10.1 mean?14:05
crashanddiexDaReaperx, or do you mean "flash 10.1"?14:05
xDaReaperxAdobe flash 10.1 update14:05
crashanddiecouldn't care less, tbh14:06
xDaReaperxyep :d14:06
xDaReaperxWhat about the webOS games being played on the N900 ?14:06
xDaReaperxthats cool14:06
alteregoThat does look cool14:06
alteregoHow do engadget know about that stuff before us?14:06
xDaReaperxi have no idea lol14:07
tybolltthey have (zomg!111) INSIDAAAARS!114:07
xDaReaperxthey have Sources14:07
xDaReaperxor maybe youtuber14:07
rmrfchikengadet knew all about iphone before appled oes14:07
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xDaReaperxyoutube *14:07
xDaReaperxlots of typo aigh ?14:07
alteregoI think, like flash, it's just a case of "Look what we've done, no you can't have it"14:08
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alteregoWell, my scratchbox install is only 3.1G14:09
alteregoNot bad14:09
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xDaReaperxBlueZ is something relating to bluetooth ?14:14
alteregobluez is the bluetooth stack and services14:15
SpeedEvilbluez is rthe linux bluetooth stack14:15
SpeedEvilthe user-mode side14:15
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xDaReaperxi was reading the release notes Tools content updates and found it14:16
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xDaReaperxif EA was with Nokia , we would have awesome games by now :D ..14:27
xDaReaperxsadly they broke up14:27
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divancrashanddie, no, I tested it myself two times, and a couple of my friends as well. But I won't to hear response from more people.14:28
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pigeonhmm, ota upgrade doesn't work? it prompts me to run the nokia pc suite anyway...?14:36
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steinexdo i really need to use Nokia PC Suite to be able to upgrade to PR1.3?14:37
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xkr47I just clicked "install updates" on the phone14:38
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xkr47i.e. in app manager "check for updates" and then install them14:38
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infobotsomebody said pr1.3 was the latest (and probably last) software update for Fremantle, available since Monday October 25 2010. More information at -- see ~flashing for how to update, or, or
xDaReaperxif it says to install using PC suite and you cant install OTA , remove some apps ... this is because they are conflicting with the update14:39
RobbieThe1stDarn. I was hoping for the old message. :P14:39
xDaReaperxand then try to install OTA again14:39
RobbieThe1stAnyway, I'm off. Bye14:39
pigeoni did that, it then asks me i must use the nokia pc suite on my pc14:39
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infobothmm... pr1.3 is the latest (and probably last) software update for Fremantle, available since Monday October 25 2010. More information at -- see ~flashing for how to update, or, or
xDaReaperxread this :
xDaReaperxit should help you solve the OTA update problems14:41
xDaReaperxread what mc_teo says14:41
pigeonright, thanks, sorry, a bit late here.14:42
xDaReaperxno problem14:43
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steinexis there some list of new features / fixed bugs for PR1.3?14:46
steinexis PR1.3 worth it?14:46
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togglessteinex doesn't cost anythign to upgrade14:47
togglesexcept time if you've been a bad boy and used non approved software14:48
jacekowskiDO NOT apt-get -dist-upgrade!?14:48
jacekowskiwhy not?14:48
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steinexdamn - when i'm trying to deinstall packages via apt-get, it just wants to upgrade almost everything :/14:50
steinexhow can i deinstall just one package?14:50
steinexah, dpkg -r14:51
psycho_oreosmaybe hold the rest and try removing it? not all the time will that work however14:51
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psycho_oreosor that :)14:52
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crashanddiesteinex, apt-get purge packagename14:59
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crashanddiesteinex, dpkg -r only removes said package, without checking for unused dependencies14:59
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fluxcrashanddie, mm, apt-get purge doesn't either?15:01
fluxcrashanddie, but purge does remove the configuration etc files15:01
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divanIs there something like zenity for maemo, but hildonized?15:04
divanI.e. which allows me to call from command line smth like "dialog --msgbox 'Hello, World""15:05
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sivangdivan: you can try pymameo or pyside, not as asy but is "hildonized"15:06
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divanThanks, but maybe something non-python?15:07
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grandenIs it possible to use the N900 as an FM-transmitter, for a second device, like an ipod?15:07
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xDaReaperxyes you can15:08
V-illeI used it with my home stereo, although that was just for kicks as I can use the cable there as well.15:08
V-illeBut the fm transmitter worked fine.15:08
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V-illesteinex: the update seems nice, it makes the photos load better at least15:09
V-illeno other observations yet, but apparently it has some performance fixes15:09
grandenI know i can play music from the N900, but I mean, using the n00 like a really really expensive FM-transmitter. Not having any music on the phone itself15:09
grandenI thought of pluging in a ipod or so in the 3,5mm output15:09
grandenand play music from that one.15:09
V-illeso.. the ipod would be the input, and n900 the transmitter?15:10
alteregoIt's possible15:10
Sceltjacekowski: crashanddie has some bad experiences about it. Worked fine for me though15:10
grandenAny application for that, or how would I set it up?15:10
V-illeI wonder if that works out of the box, or if some manual assembly is required15:10
alteregoNot really an app for that currently no.15:10
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grandenalterego: Any guide or similair I could follow? Or anything15:11
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alteregoErm, I'd look into how fmtx actually works.15:11
grandenSo it is possible, but I will probably make it work :)15:11
grandenprobably never*15:12
alteregoThen maybe you could just enable it then setup a gstreamer pipeline to feed input from the mic channel and output to ftmtx15:12
jacekowskialterego: ?15:12
jacekowskialterego: what are you doing with fmtx15:12
V-illedoes it have a line input, even?15:12
jacekowskialterego: i've done some research about it15:12
jacekowskialterego: quite a bit15:12
alteregoI'm not doing anything, he just wants to pipe the microphone headset channel to fmtx15:13
alterego"he" being V-ille :)15:13
V-illeno, not me, but granden15:13
grandenhe being me :)15:13
jacekowskiwell, not with nokia software15:13
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jacekowskiwhen you plug something into that socket fmtx will disable15:13
alteregoOh well, I'm glad we sorted that out ^.^15:13
jacekowskibut hardware can do it15:13
jacekowskiand with my modified fmtxd it's possible15:14
grandenjacekowski: So, is there any third party software to be used?15:14
grandenjacekowski: Where could I get your modified  fmtxd ?15:14
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* TriztFromWork don't think his gps really works, never really been working proeprly15:16
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grandenjacekowski: "It's provided as is and without any instructions how to install it." Mind giving some simple instructions here on irc :)15:17
TriztFromWorkif I disable agps, it never find where I'm, just keep on "Looking for GPS..."15:17
jacekowskigranden: read whole post15:18
jacekowskithere is a link on top of it15:18
jacekowskiis tmo down?15:18
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DocScrutinizer(<toggles> steinex doesn't cost anythign to upgrade) errhm, *cough* - -
povbotBug 11450: The SMS log in conversations doesn't display last sms's15:19
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DocScrutinizercosts only your proper working conversation SMS15:20
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DocScrutinizerI can't see me upgrading to pr1.3 any time soon15:20
grandenjacekowski: Can not access, talk.maemo.org15:21
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munkiiime neither15:23
jacekowskiX-Fade: wtf?15:24
jacekowskiX-Fade: it's down more often than it isn't15:24
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X-Fadejacekowski: ??15:25
X-FadePing reggie, that is hosted somewhere else.15:26
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DocScrutinizerusually a "HAHAHA akamei SUCKS!" is enough to make them trow additional iron & bandwidth on it. They seem to monitor the channel :-P15:27
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jacekowskiHAHAHAHAHA akamai sucks15:28
jacekowskistill down15:28
jacekowskiit's working15:28
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jacekowskiyeah, it's working15:29
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infobotmethinks pr1.3 is the latest (and probably last) software update for Fremantle, available since Monday October 25 2010. More information at -- see ~flashing for how to update, or, or
mecehee nice, engadget got informed of javispedro's shenanigans :)15:32
X-FadeYeah, that doesn't help tmo either.15:32
meceouch. no.15:32
meceI guess it has a limited capacity :)15:33
infobotfrom memory, flashing is
grandenjacekowski: Hmm, reading that blogpost it seams to be more about enabling greater FM-bandwith. Where could I read more about getting audio from 3,5 and transmitting on FM radio15:33
BCMMgranden: 3.5 as in 3.5mm jack?15:33
RST38hmece: they do seem to think you have to "jailbreak" n900 to play these games15:33
BCMMconfusion over having to install a package to "root" the n900 maybe?15:34
BCMMor maybe people are just used to that being how phones work by now :(15:34
meceyou don't have to "root" it though, you can use queenbee, can't you?15:34
mecemeh. anyway15:35
grandenBCMM: Yes15:35
BCMMso where is this engadget article?15:35
meceso are the games any good?15:35
BCMMgranden: i reckon you could probably do it with a simple gstreamer command line15:35
mece"article" is a bit of a strong word for engadget though :)15:35
meceooh well15:35
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BCMMgranden: i saw instructions somewhere for how to send audio from the onboard mic out through FM15:36
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BCMMgranden: i'm sure that could be adapted to use an external mic15:36
BCMMgranden: dunno where i saw it though; could ask google15:36
BCMMso are there practical differences between flashing from a PC and doing OTA for pr1.3? do both methods uninstall applications and so on?15:37
meceseems palm catalog doesn't work in Finland, so not a great chance of seeing someone with a pre that actually have some games15:37
meceBCMM, ota doesn't uninstall anything.15:38
jarkkomBCMM, no, you get to keep your apps and data if you do OTA update15:38
BCMMah, but you can't do that using a PC?15:38
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BCMMso what's deciding who sees the OTA update and who doesn't? are they just doing it a few devices at a time to avoid hammering their server?15:39
meceBCMM, are you not seeing the update?15:39
BCMMmece: well, i'm checking for updates again now15:39
BCMMi couldn't last night15:39
meceBCMM, I think UK was delayed again, are you in the UK?15:40
BCMMbut then again i only just notices that "slowly but surely" has gone since last night15:40
BCMMmece: yeah, UK15:40
grandenjacekowski: Anyhelp on how to ppe the input from the 3.5mm jack to the FM-transmitter?15:40
alteregoWe were the first for PR1.2 :P15:40
grandenBCMM: I dunno what to google for really, never get any good results.15:40
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alteregoAnyway, can someone paste their sources.list entry for extras-devel in scratchbox please?15:41
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BCMMgranden: try looking for the more general question of how to use gstreamer to pipe a sound input to a sound output15:42
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mecedeb fremantle free non-free15:42
BCMMmece: a friend who is also in the UK already has the update, offered last night...15:42
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meceBCMM, I guess it should be there then..15:42
mecedisable extras, testing and devel for speedier update checks15:42
mecealterego, did you need sources too?15:43
meceI don't seem to have that..15:43
meceperhaps it's the same15:43
meceonly deb-src15:43
BCMMare they rolling it out all handsets (in an area) at the same time, or doing some kind of trick to stagger the updates for their server's sake?15:43
timeless_mbpandre__: boy you're fast15:44
andre__timeless_mbp, and you should know better ;-)15:44
alteregomece: hrm, that's what I've got15:44
divanOkey.. The fastest way to show file selector dialog and return filename to the shell?15:44
alteregomece: thanks :)15:44
* alterego attempts to work out how to push his source to gitorious15:44
divanI'm not a fan of python, but anyway python-hildon seems to be obsoleted a bit, no?15:45
grandenHmm, totally lost dunno how to do this.15:45
timeless_mbpandre__: i just want it reported so i can point to it later15:45
timeless_mbpit's bloody annoying15:45
povbotBug 1695: Browser: Provide "open link in background"15:46
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DocScrutinizerwhatever "requires badgering" means, seems it's a process Nokia isn't exactly performing at15:50
merlin1991damn it, I seriously considered searching for some information on tmo, and now it's down15:50
DocScrutinizerit's not down, it's MIA15:51
merlin1991what's the difference doc?15:51
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DocScrutinizer[2010-10-26 14:27:47] <DocScrutinizer> usually a "HAHAHA akamei SUCKS!" is enough to make them trow additional iron & bandwidth on it. They seem to monitor the channel :-P15:51
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DocScrutinizer[2010-10-26 14:28:10] <jacekowski> HAHAHAHAHA akamai sucks15:52
DocScrutinizer[2010-10-26 14:29:44] <jacekowski> yeah, it's working15:52
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DocScrutinizermoo javispedro15:52
mecehola javispedro!15:53
MohammadAG51morning javispedro15:53
javispedrobtw, tmo is not Akamai for all I know :P15:53
DocScrutinizerit's not?? o.O15:53
meceakamai is ovi store15:53
meceerm.. vice versa15:53
alteregoYay, put my first project into gitorious :)15:53
javispedroand maemo.org15:54
mecealterego, yay, and which one is that?15:54
javispedro(but not
javispedroalterego: congrats :)15:54
MohammadAGalterego, have a bottle of beer15:54
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* MohammadAG gives alterego an empty bottle of beer15:54
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* merlin1991 wonders what "ovi suite support" from the update means in the real world15:54
javispedromerlin1991: seems that they made SMS listing work in Windows ovi suite15:55
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javispedronot on the traditional PC Suite, so it smells propietary protocol everywhere, but dunno.15:55
alteregoHrm ..15:55
alteregoI think I've done something wrong ..15:55
phrykI get a password prompt when attempting "sudo rootgain" on pr 1.3, i also can't change the pass using passwd.15:56
phrykwhat is the default password?15:56
MohammadAGalterego, you've killed us all!15:56
MohammadAGsudo gainroot...15:56
alteregoI've got duplicate project name.15:56
alteregoIn the url15:56
alteregoIs that right?15:56
javispedroalterego: yeah15:57
phrykMohammadAG: i just want to used it to do chmod +s su15:57
MohammadAGalterego, yeah, I think so15:57
javispedroalterego: suposedly second slug is "repository name", but IMHO this only starts to make sense with uber large projects15:57
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alteregoOh, okay15:57
alteregoRight, thanks :)15:57
MohammadAGthat way you can have subsections I think15:57
MohammadAGlike meego/bootloader15:58
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alteregoThe first is the normalised version of Maemo5 Media IM Status Updater I presume ^.^15:58
javispedroalterego: yep, "normalised"=slug (it actually asks you for it iirc)15:58
alteregoYeah, when I created "the project"15:58
alteregoNow, should I update that program or just leave it there ..15:59
* javispedro is a fan of unappropriated use of double quotes15:59
alteregoI've not touched it in months, I keep meaning to port the UI to Qt/C++ as Qt/Python is dog-slow15:59
MohammadAGPython is shit on maemo :P15:59
alteregoPython is fine, it's python modules that slow it down :P16:00
* javispedro 's always trying to make a C fmradio for this very reason16:00
alteregoQt/Hildon are massive modules ..16:00
alteregoWell, Hildon+Gtk16:00
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DocScrutinizerphryk: forget it, su is a symlink to messybox, and you can't +s symlinks16:00
infobotmessy... err busybox is meant for lean scripting. Regarding all the missing options and immanent limitations (see su) it's not really the interactive shell of choice. A lot of people hate busybox because a lot of system integrators don't understand the difference between busybox and a decent user interactive shell plus unix utils16:01
MohammadAGalterego, then port it :)16:01
javispedrooh, btw, I made that package I was talking about the other day16:01
javispedromaking sudo -s work16:01
MohammadAGalterego, what does your app set anyways16:01
alteregoYeah, think I will, can't be bothered to do anything else anyway.16:01
* MohammadAG has a suenabler package16:01
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javispedrothe only issue I found is that $HOME is set to /home/user16:01
MohammadAGenables sudo du16:01
MohammadAGsudo su16:01
SkyscraperPR1.3 crashed my conversations i think16:01
javispedroMohammadAG: ah, it was on extras?16:01
phrykDocScrutinizer: worked fine on 1.216:02
MohammadAGit's a sneaky way anyways16:02
javispedroMohammadAG: /etc/sudoers.d/suenabler.sudoers containing user: /bin/su ?16:02
MohammadAGnot the right way(TM)16:02
merlin1991for some reason I can do sudo whatever16:02
MohammadAGmerlin1991, same16:02
merlin1991but I dunno wich package enabled me todo that, didn't enable on purpouse16:02
Skyscraperanyone have the same problem since pr1.3? - conversations app shows the conversations... but when i open it theres nothing than a "blinking" grey/black background... cant read any messages16:03
MohammadAGmerlin1991, I'm trying to track down the package which does that16:03
phrykDocScrutinizer: If you meant busybox, I installed the gnu-coreutils16:03
MohammadAGmerlin1991, can you give  me a list of apps installed?16:03
MohammadAGpastebin the output of maemo-list-user-packages16:03
merlin1991easiest way to create such a list except by hand?16:03
merlin1991ah :D16:03
DocScrutinizerphryk: me too16:03
merlin1991and the file is where?16:03
Skyscrapercan anyone help me?16:03
MohammadAGmerlin1991, what file?16:04
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MohammadAGit outputs to stout :)16:04
phrykDocScrutinizer: So… still, what is the default pw?16:04
merlin1991thought its a file :D16:04
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DocScrutinizerIroN900:~# ls -l `which su`16:04
DocScrutinizerlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 7 2010-06-23 06:13 /bin/su -> busybox16:04
MohammadAGmaemo-list-user-packages > /home/user/MyDocs/packageslist16:04
DocScrutinizerand there IS NO default password16:04
javispedroMohammadAG: I do think we need to push a better rootsh package. The current one is unmaintained not to mention it doesn't not even purge correctly.16:04
DocScrutinizerthere is *NO* password by default :-P16:04
javispedroah, double negation!16:05
DocScrutinizerphryk: you really think you know what you're doing?16:05
Skyscraperanyone read my problem?16:05
MohammadAGjavispedro, qwerty12 wouldn't mind really16:05
alteregoWhat are "Labels" for in gitorious?16:05
phrykDocScrutinizer: Not anymore o_O16:05
phrykDocScrutinizer: but why the hell did it work before?^^16:05
javispedroMohammadAG: In fact, I think he MINDS that we still use his package ;)16:05
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infobotrumour has it, pr1.3 is the latest (and probably last) software update for Fremantle, available since Monday October 25 2010. More information at -- see ~flashing for how to update, or, or
javispedrothe sudo version on the n900 is too old, which is unfortunate16:06
MohammadAGjavispedro, nah, he's a good guy, even though he insulted most of the guys on maemo.org16:06
javispedroMohammadAG: and some guys from here ;P16:06
MohammadAGsmall list16:06
Skyscraperis down?16:06
MohammadAGjavispedro, they're on too :P16:06
crashanddiejavispedro, doesn't take away from the fact he's a good guy, who got burnt16:06
javispedrocrashanddie: yeah, not saying otherwise.16:07
crashanddiecould've happened to any one of us, really. Probably already has happened, just in less obvious and public ways.16:07
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TermanaDocScrutinizer, what is it suppose to mean if the front LED is purple?16:07
crashanddiewell, it happened to GAN900, too. He just became a PITA troll :P16:07
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alteregoHe's always been a pita troll :P16:08
crashanddienot true16:08
MohammadAGjust like Termana16:08
javispedrohm... pita...16:08
DocScrutinizer51Termana: in your particular case? broken device16:08
crashanddiehe used to be a tmo god16:08
MohammadAGpain in the ass :P16:08
alteregoWell, he's not been a pain in my ass16:08
sivangcrashanddie: who got burnt?16:08
alteregoI find GAN quite humourous tbh :)16:08
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MohammadAGmerlin1991, could be fmtx-faker16:08
crashanddiealterego, that's because you're not his cellmate :D16:08
sivangcrashanddie: what degree of burns? :)16:08
BRANEDYis there a fix for dropbox the PR 1.3 seems to have broken it16:08
MohammadAGor qole's easy-chroot package16:09
TermanaDocScrutinizer51, :p16:09
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merlin1991MohammadAG, sryl? that would be weird :D16:09
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SkyscraperHELP ;(16:09
TermanaDocScrutinizer51, I think it might be the only report of a purple LED though. Now I can sell it off as "rare n900"16:09
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javispedropurple LED!16:09
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javispedroTermana: ah, did you try to boot it already? did the screen work?16:09
* DocScrutinizer burps and looks at his purple breathing light16:09
MohammadAGthe N900 can show both purple and pink16:09
Termanajavispedro, no the screens not working16:10
TermanaTV Out is16:10
crashanddieTermana, sounds like the connector got loose?16:10
TermanaBut it doesn't boot and gives me an error at the dots16:10
RST38hMoo, all16:10
javispedromoo RST38h16:10
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Termanacrashanddie, nah, I have it open, the connectors on fine16:10
RST38hjavispedro: how is Per environment doing? =)16:10
DocScrutinizercrashanddie: not exaxtly as for unknown hw reasons without connector the TV out doesn't work it seems16:11
crashanddieTermana, sounds like you're stuffed, then.16:11
crashanddieDocScrutinizer, really?16:11
merlin1991MohammadAG, slightly more stuff :D16:11
javispedroRST38h: getting useful patches even, I'm impressed.16:11
Skyscraperno one with the same problem here?16:11
crashanddieDocScrutinizer, people checking grounding on outputs is bad.16:11
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javispedroRST38h: tmo seems to be worth it in the end if you can stand all the trolls16:11
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DocScrutinizercrashanddie: I suspect clock issues16:11
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crashanddiesar3th|away, gtfo with you nick changing16:12
Skyscraperhaha Nokia writes me sms ... that theres a softwareupdate for my .... - more of the msg i cannot read because i installed the f**ing software update already -.-16:12
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TermanaSkyscraper, phone is 5 dots16:12
RST38hjavispedro: I bet those patches come from people who joined before Sep 200916:13
javispedroRST38h: ... yes.16:13
SkyscraperTermana: what do you mean?16:13
crashanddieSkyscraper, "help" and "anyone have my problem?" isn't going to get people to help solve your problem. State your issue in a clear manner, and if people know, they will help16:13
Skyscrapercrashanddie: ive written whats the problem16:13
javispedroRST38h: well, make it jan 201016:13
* MohammadAG wonders where to get pre games without a pre16:13
TermanaSkyscraper, nevermind :p16:13
TermanaMohammadAG, search for ipk's16:13
Skyscrapercrashanddie: [15:03] <Skyscraper> anyone have the same problem since pr1.3? - conversations app shows the conversations... but when i open it theres nothing than a "blinking" grey/black background... cant read any messages16:14
MohammadAGwas thinking of something more... legal16:14
crashanddieSkyscraper, and as you've noticed, this channel evolves quickly, people don't read 10 lines up when joining, so feel free to repost your question ever 10 minutes or so.16:14
RST38hjavispedro: unusual16:14
TermanaMohammadAG, send them some money in the mail16:14
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* sivang thanks himself for not updating to 1.316:14
TermanaMohammadAG, then it's all smooth.16:14
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javispedroMohammadAG: there's no way that I know of.16:15
RST38hMohammad: There.16:15
Termanasivang, 1.3 is old skool now anyway.16:15
Termana1.4 is where it's AT dawg16:15
sivangTermana: HAHA16:15
sivangTermana: when will it be released?16:15
javispedroTermana: no, that's 1.5, aka Shitcake!16:15
infobothmm... 1.4 is coming tonight!!!16:15
Termanajavispedro, :P16:16
crashanddie~forget 1.416:16
infobotcrashanddie: i forgot 1.416:16
infobot:), crashanddie16:16
MohammadAGjavispedro, is the preenv package in devel?16:16
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infobotPR1.4 has always been a ban'able subject16:16
javispedroMohammadAG: yeah, not user/* though16:16
MohammadAGand are palm pre games good?16:17
Skyscraperseems no one have an idea..16:17
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psycho_oreosThe secret is.. there's no 1.4. They are going to make the next release 2.0 in order to catch up with google android's version number ;)16:17
MohammadAGRST38h, it's ~6.6616:17
timeless_mbppsycho_oreos: i think we're going back to 1.1 or 1.216:17
timeless_mbpgoing up is old schook16:17
RST38hpsycho: current android version is 2.116:18
timeless_mbp(we can't spell school properly anyway)16:18
javispedroMohammadAG: they're the usual commercial mobile "quality". nice-looking, lacking depth, etc.16:18
infobotaw, gee, sivang16:18
MohammadAGuse kelvins instead of numbers :P16:18
psycho_oreostimeless_mbp, cool, I'll catch up with the old firmwares then :) all those leaked PR releases :)16:18
RST38hjavispedro: I.e. written by the same MIDP programmers? :)16:18
alteregoMohammadAG: have you done the Qt Creator + scratchbox integration yet? :)16:18
MohammadAGalterego, sure16:18
alteregoGood isn't it :)16:18
sivangTermana: don't be so loose !16:18
javispedroRST38h: did I tell you the part where certain big name publisher uses a JavaME->C++ code translator?16:18
psycho_oreosRST38h, I know but imagine if next release is versioned 2.0, it wouldn't be that far off from android's firmware version? :)16:18
MohammadAGawesome really, when it works16:18
alteregoOh, you have problems with it?16:19
MohammadAGI find Qt Creator keeps pointing out non existing typos16:19
Termanasivang, WHAT?16:19
sivangTermana: sorry16:19
sivangthat was menat for:16:19
sivangtimeless_mbp: Don't be so loose!16:19
javispedroRST38h: java::util::String implemented et all.16:19
alteregoYeah, it's not indexing the code.16:19
MohammadAGalterego, red/green lines under code16:19
javispedroRST38h: and dumping java exceptions to stdout, even.16:19
alteregoBecause it doesn't know where the headers are.16:19
sivangTermana: my aplogies for that mishap16:19
merlin1991btw whatabout the dualboot support that was roumored to come with pr1.3? (sry tmo is down :D)16:19
RST38hjavispedro: mindblowing16:20
RST38hjavispedro: Hell, I should write such a translator myself and sell it16:20
alteregoMohammadAG: I've got a nasty hack for that.16:20
Termanasivang, :P16:20
alteregoI'd be more interested to see a proper solution. I might look into it later.16:20
MohammadAGalterego, fire away :P16:20
sivangtimeless_mbp, Termana : :)16:20
alteregoMohammadAG: just add INCLUDEPATH=/scratchbox/*/*/usr/lib16:20
javispedroRST38h: I guess you're late, I don't think they made such a thing in-house.16:21
rokr1__ how to changed the operator logo manually ??16:21
alterego/usr/include even ..16:21
RST38hjavispedro: eh...16:21
Termanarokr1__, change sims16:21
psycho_oreosmerlin1991, if anything iirc, it was only better support for meego16:21
TermanaTa-da operator change16:21
RST38hjavispedro: android->c++ then.16:21
MohammadAGalterego, where?16:21
alteregoin the .pro file16:21
rokr1__that was curel answer termana16:21
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Termanainfobot, termana is curel16:21
infobotTermana: okay16:21
MohammadAGmakes it incompatible with other set ups I suppose :)16:22
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Skyscraper <- think he has same problem as me16:22
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alteregowell, it's ignored when it doesn't make any sense.16:22
psycho_oreosrokr1__, there's an app you cna get to change operator name, its in the repo16:22
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rokr1i donot want to do through app16:23
rokr1the hard way16:23
javispedroRST38h: ohnoes
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TermanaZogG, st stu stu stu stu stu stutt stutter stutters16:24
RST38hjavispedro; Well, the checked all the keywords - XML, VM, CLR, Java16:24
javispedrothinking the same16:24
RST38hjavispedro: Also XSLT, XQuery, and XPath16:24
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RST38hjavispedro: And .NET as well16:24
Skyscrapergrrr my n900 is blinking blue because i cant read sms16:25
rokr1termana u were trying to update firmware r8??16:25
javispedro"XMLVM"? How's that related to what the program does other than just trigger flashy keywords in Google Search?16:25
Termanarokr1, what?16:25
Skyscraperanyone have the same problem since pr1.3? - conversations app shows the conversations... but when i open it theres nothing than a "blinking" grey/black background... cant read any messagesanyone have the same problem since pr1.3? - conversations app shows the conversations... but when i open it theres nothing than a "blinking" grey/black background... cant read any messages16:25
RST38hjavispedro: apparently not related to LLVM (which may come useful in fact)16:25
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Termanarokr1, no?16:25
rokr1is ur N900 running 1.3??16:26
TermanaWhy would I be doing a firmware upgrade on a dead device?16:26
TermanaIt's not running at all16:26
TermanaIt has 1.2 flashed16:26
javispedroRST38h: yet another thing that's going soon the be a flashy keyword (LLVM). (not to underappreciate what it is, but marketing people is starting to "it's based on LLVM -> it's uber fast")16:26
javispedroexample: Apple.16:26
rokr1oops wrong guy16:26
javispedro(they made it after all)16:26
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xDaReaperxi'm having PR 1.316:27
RST38hjavispedro: sad16:27
xDaReaperxwhen i open mirror it shows the Red LED light16:27
Termanajavispedro, gcc > LLVM16:27
RST38hjavispedro: how do they make transition from LLVM to fast, anyway?16:28
xDaReaperxit shows the pic but16:28
javispedroTermana: I do think LLVM is a much better teaching tool16:28
Termanajavispedro, you know why LLVM suxors?16:28
javispedrogcc source is just..... well. no words.16:29
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Termanajavispedro, because it's under a BSD license rather than the LGPL or GPL.16:29
javispedroRST38h: possibly because of Jobs' RDF when he was talking about how it's going to revolutionize shaders16:29
pytherI ugraded to PR1.3 and have this is my apt listings, is it out of date?16:29
pythershould it be 1.3?16:29
javispedroTermana: IMHO it's not actually a minor option16:29
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djszapiwhen did the qtcore module get part of the Maemo architecture, in which release ?16:30
RST38hTermana: Does that GPL license arouse you? =)16:30
djszapi* the16:30
Termanajavispedro, Why do you think Apple supports it. Because they don't want to keep releasing their Objective-C changes for gcc.16:30
* RST38h sighs16:31
TermanaRST38h, yeah, I could have the GPL in bed all night long. You BSD devil!16:31
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RST38hApple supports it because it is the best way for them to have multiplatform binaries16:31
TermanaRST38h, burn in hell BSD man!16:31
RST38hI strongly doubt they have issues releasing ObjC changes16:31
RST38hConsidering that it is in their best interest to increasy ObjC popularity16:32
TermanaRST38h, but... but... but... but... /. told me so16:32
phrykDocScrutinizer: Is there a way to get a "real" su? (Also, shouldn't the gnu-coreutils supply that?)16:33
sivangthe A word arrived./.16:33
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sivangguys, we need to cheer a bit, please!16:33
pythercan someone on PR1.3 pastebin their /etc/apt/sources.list.d/hildon-application-manager.list, please?16:33
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Skyscraperanyone have the same problem since pr1.3? - conversations app shows the conversations... but when i open it theres nothing than a "blinking" grey/black background... cant read any messages16:34
TermanaSkyscraper, everyone is having that problem. Could you please file a bug report for us all16:34
SkyscraperTermana: lol no?16:34
jacekowskigranden: that's first thing you need16:35
jacekowskigranden: that modified fmtxd16:35
jacekowskigranden: so it will not switch off16:35
TermanaSkyscraper, then do me a favour16:35
jacekowskigranden: and then with some gstreamer trickery play audio from microphone16:35
pytherno one can pastebin their source file for me?16:35
phrykconversations app works fine for me…16:35
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TermanaThank you16:35
SkyscraperTermana: NO.. when FUCKING NOKIA brings out FUCKING UPDATES which DOESNT WORK then i WANT SUPPORT16:36
TermanaSkyscraper, then, ring Nokia. We aren't Nokia.16:36
MyrttiSkyscraper: but... this isn't Nokia channel16:36
TermanaWe aren't your free support hippy16:36
Skyscraperhow to downgrade to PR1.2?16:37
* pyther would like it if someone could pastebin their /etc/apt/sources.list.d/hildon-application-manager.list (since mine had old entries in it)16:37
javispedroTermana: RST38h: I could see his Jobness being partially interested in controlling the compiler16:37
Skyscraperpsycho_oreos: i dont want to loose all installed apps etc16:37
TermanaSkyscraper, flash everything back, but you need to use the newer 1.3 radio stuff16:37
javispedro(sounds like Jobless :P)16:38
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RST38hjavispedro: You have a choice between His Jobsness and His Jobsenesness16:38
psycho_oreosSkyscraper, you didn't do a system backup?16:38
jacekowskibtw. is new flash included in pr1.3?16:38
DocScrutinizerSkyscraper: this is NOT nokia support channel!16:38
Skyscraperand btw... Termana - crashanddie said i can repeat my problem every 10 minutes16:38
Termanajavispedro, right. I was joking about slashdot :p I believe he would argue that it is apart of the integrated experience.16:38
RST38hSkyscraper, you can do whatever you want here16:39
Skyscraperpsycho_oreos: ive done backup.. but backup doesnt backup apps?!16:39
RST38hSkyscraper: Just don't get offended when you get banned, ok?16:39
SkyscraperRST38h: its not spamming when i repeat it every 10 minutes because i'm ignored by all...16:40
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pytherRST38h: are you using PR1.3?16:40
TermanaNo one is ignoring you16:40
javispedroRST38h: btw, you still without Python on your N900? What you use for fmradio? I'm considering starting a C fmradio-clone.16:40
TermanaNo one has the same problem16:40
SkyscraperTermana: thats not right^^16:40
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crashanddieSkyscraper, highlighting me really wasn't a good idea16:40
SkyscraperHE has the SAME problem i think16:41
jacekowskiSkyscraper: bug is reported16:41
jacekowskiSkyscraper: no fix for now16:41
jacekowskiSkyscraper: stfu16:41
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RST38hpyther: yes16:41
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sobczykhi, where is the multimedia library located and how to access it? (photos, movies & music)16:41
DocScrutinizercrashanddie: yeah, goooo!16:41
javispedroSkyscraper: so, reported as bug. go there and keep hitting F5 for the next three millenia16:41
psycho_oreosSkyscraper, no but from what I've heard it as a list of user previously installed apps, so when you run HAM again I believe it will install all the normal apps from the normal repo.. I dunno about user added repos16:41
pytherRST38h: would you be so kind to post your apt sources?16:41
crashanddieDocScrutinizer, I can?16:41
RST38hjavispedro: Nah, removed python, too much of a mess. Not using radio either as it requires wired headphones (I have got bt)16:41
crashanddieDocScrutinizer, really?16:41
TermanaCan you smell that?16:41
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DocScrutinizera kicky16:41
TermanaIt smells like....16:41
RST38hpyther: Not right now: I cannot ssh there at the moment16:41
Skyscraperjavispedro: i dont have bug id -.-16:42
pytherRST38h: ok16:42
javispedroRST38h: it does not -- it's just a fmradio limitation (yet more reason)16:42
javispedro(re headphones)16:42
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RST38hjavispedro: Doesn't it have to use headphone wire as an antenna?16:43
timeless_mbptyping #0000#16:43
javispedroRST38h: with good enough signal, it doesn't16:43
RST38hjavispedro: nice =)16:43
timeless_mbpand then adding a * to the beginning of the string in Call16:43
javispedroRST38h: or with a natural antenna (buildings, etc.)16:43
timeless_mbpdoes not do the right thing â„¢16:43
Skyscraper#FAIL... no comment16:43
RST38hjavispedro: ...your finger stuck into headphone jack...16:43
javispedroSkyscraper: a suggestion: if you're kicked from a channel, don't return for at least a few minutes unless you want to be permanently banned16:44
jacekowskiSkyscraper: set autorejoin16:44
jacekowskifor 0.00000.1s16:44
Myrttijacekowski: on the webirc?16:44
Myrttidoubt it16:44
sobczykanyone knows where is the multimedia library located and how to access it? (photos, movies & music)16:45
Skyscraperjavispedro: i return when i want to.. and... when i get banned, then i reconnect my internet and come back :p - and: what im doing now? not said anything again from my problem16:45
javispedroah, a troll.16:45
RST38hand not a very clever one16:45
jacekowskiSkyscraper: then you will get banned again16:45
jacekowskiSkyscraper: it's simpler to ban you than it's for you to come back here16:45
LjLSkyscraper: evading bans is against this network's policy16:45
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Skyscraperjacekowski: then i will use another nickname... rofl16:45
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jacekowskiSkyscraper: then another nickname will be banned16:46
jacekowskiSkyscraper: unless you stfu16:46
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jacekowskiSkyscraper: but that was the target from the beggining16:46
Skyscraperjacekowski: theres no need to ban me because i do nothing16:46
jacekowskiso you lost16:46
RST38hSkyscraper: *!*@gateway/web/freenode/ip.80.228.*16:46
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RST38hand you are toast16:46
timeless_mbpsobczyk: eh?16:46
SkyscraperRST38h: proxys roxx :p16:46
RST38hProxys can be banned as well, but if you would like to play this game, go ahead.16:47
* javispedro /ignore16:47
timeless_mbpsobczyk: Photos are ~/MyDocs/DCIM or somethiing16:47
sobczyktimeless_mbp: the maemo5 library with media files used by the standard player, and photo viewer16:47
RST38hIt is kinda pointless though as we all know the outcome16:47
SkyscraperRST38h: Tor... many ips to ban :D16:47
sobczykis there some API for that?16:47
timeless_mbpsobczyk: hrm, do you mean the tracker database?16:47
timeless_mbpthere's a tracker database16:47
timeless_mbpyou could probably talk to it i suppose16:47
aquatixmaybe it's already spoken about here, but do you really need the Nokia Suite for the 1.3 update?16:48
Robot101Skyscraper: freenode masks all of the tor exit nodes into one conveniently bannable mask16:48
sobczyktimeless_mbp: it's this one ?16:48
Robot101so a channel can ban all tor users at once if it wants, quite convenient16:48
RST38haquatix: no16:48
Skyscraperbe cool.. i dont want to get banned^^16:48
DocScrutinizerSkyscraper: do you think it's smart to try and outsmart the chanops?=?16:48
RST38haquatix: apt-get install works just as well16:48
aquatixRST38h: a regular on-device backup should suffice?16:48
RST38haquatix: yes16:49
aquatixgood stuff, thanks16:49
RST38haquatix: do backup to the external sd card though16:49
aquatixheh, yeah16:49
aquatixgood point16:49
javispedroaquatix: you can also reflash (aka do what nokia suite does) from GNU/Linux just fine16:49
javispedroreflash=lose all data16:49
aquatixrather do an upgrade16:49
RST38hAll / data16:49
Skyscrapersorry i'm very frustrated... writing many sms a day and cant read anything now -.-16:49
* timeless_mbp kicks for its totally crappy domain scheme16:50
aquatixit's my wife's phone16:50
DocScrutinizerwe got it by now, Skyscraper16:50
sivangtimeless_mbp: it's working?16:50
sivangI thought t.m.o was missing in action16:50
steinexhm, damn16:50
SkyscraperDocScrutinizer: so can anyone give me the bug id number so i can read there if theres a fix?16:50
* timeless_mbp also kicks tracker for their totally stupid globally ambiguous choice of a common English word as a project name16:50
steinexi have removed all packages the upgrade manager complained about via "dpkg -r", but now it's still complaining... any hints?16:50
timeless_mbpi mean, only Microsoft can get away with that16:51
SkyscraperDocScrutinizer: then i'll leave and you dont have to ban me ^^16:51
javispedrotimeless_mbp: theoretically, it was called "Metatracker"16:51
sivangtimeless_mbp: heheh16:51
Termanatimeless_mbp, well, now that a Microsoft exec is at the head position in Nokia, that means Nokia is allowed too now right?16:52
DocScrutinizerSkyscraper: we neither are interested in users leaving, as we like banning :-D and we don't like users to come here thinking they are entitled to get *anything*16:52
timeless_mbpTermana: i'm told he was more of an Adobe or Macromedia guy16:52
* timeless_mbp shrugs16:52
DocScrutinizerit's not your problem, it's your attitude16:52
merlin1991aslo chanops are trolls too ;)16:52
DocScrutinizerthat gets everybody upset here16:52
timeless_mbpwe're already dying, so i don't see why he'd bother doing that16:52
DocScrutinizerSkyscraper: and no, I can't give you any big#, as the update is, like, 24h old16:53
timeless_mbpsobczyk: it is that tracker. please don't ask me how you're supposed to find the proper docs for maemo16:53
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timeless_mbpthere's an sdk page somewhere on maemo.org16:53
timeless_mbpyou could try to find it. i wish you the best of luck (you'll need it and more)16:54
sobczykI'm trying DBUS16:54
Arkenoiis there a fixed version of ussd widget? seems that modem api changed again so 1.2 version does not work anymore16:54
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timeless_mbpArkenoi: boy are we impatient16:55
merlin1991damn it, there should be an option in xchat to filter a channel to a new window reduced to a set of nicks16:55
SkyscraperDocScrutinizer: it this one right?16:55
povbotBug 11456: History of every conversation (sms,im) are empty after update.16:55
DocScrutinizertimeless_mbp: tracker<tab><tab> -> google16:55
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l0up_i still have conversations history after update16:56
DocScrutinizerhow the fuck should I know if that ticket descibes what you see on your device, Skyscraper ?16:56
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javispedroSkyscraper: why don't ya reflash?16:56
SkyscraperDocScrutinizer: i see nothing in "detail" window of a conversation... sounds like that bug16:56
Skyscraperjavispedro: dont want to reinstall all16:57
javispedroso, annoying and lazy16:57
javispedroeither way16:57
javispedrodon't reflash, just send your N900 to Finland, I'll guess that help eventually pinpoint the bug.16:58
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: is that another flavour of your black-on-black bug?16:58
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quanttromhey, if I am upgrading to PR 1.3 do I need to flash the MMC image as well?16:58
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DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: #1145616:58
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Khertant.m.o is really down :)16:59
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DocScrutinizerand cheers17:00
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MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, fixed that, it was triggered by styleSheets17:00
MohammadAGalterego, gave me code for  QPainter17:00
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MohammadAGjavispedro, ?17:00
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Khertanit s funny to see Need For Speed running on a n90017:01
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lardmanAnyone else having troubles with QtPlugin?17:01
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lardmanalso any thoughts on this error:
fcrochiklardman: it seems that anything that used plugins stopped working...17:02
lardmanfcrochik: ok, glad it's not just us17:02
Khertan:) ... my pyplugin still works :)17:02
fcrochiklardman: the funny (sad) thing is that it includes the libqtm stuff too17:02
lardmanis this in the bugtracker yet, or is it a generic Qt 4.7 problem?17:03
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fcrochikKhertan: it is python using qt, right?17:03
fcrochiklardman: I didn't look for it... just found out that two out of my two applications using libqtm stopped working :)17:04
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alteregoAre you sure you're not mixing 4.6 plugins with 4.7?17:04
lardmanalterego: all built after updating sb17:04
fcrochikalterego: shouldn't they be compatible?17:04
alteregolibqt4-opengl-dev (< 4.6.99) looks well suspect :P17:05
lardmanyeah we'll try chopping that17:05
lardmanbut that builds on my home machine, and plugins don't work17:05
javispedroKhertan: re nfs on n900: yeah :)17:05
alteregoWell, not sure then :/17:05
lardmannp thanks17:05
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D-manHey guys. Is it normal, that applet apps stopped working after update?17:06
fcrochiklardman: what was the idea you were working yesterday? the qrcode + vcard thing? I am playing with something similar and am curious... I am just trying to have a qrcode point to a url that will have a vcf file....17:08
andre__D-man, what are "applet apps"?17:08
Khertanfcrochik, yep :)17:08
Khertanjavispedro, unfortunatly blade require libsdl_net which doesn't seems to be "emulated" yet17:08
D-manum.. programs that show when you tap battery icon..17:08
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D-manI don't know what's the proper way to call them.17:09
javispedroKhertan: it might not need to be emulated -- just apt-get install the native one17:09
javispedroKhertan: but I woulnd't play net games with this, reported device ID is "0000" which is easy to ban17:09
Skyscraperbyebye have to go to work17:10
Khertanjavispedro, device id can be change for the real one17:10
andre__D-man, statusbar widgets?17:10
andre__what exactly do you see?17:10
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javispedroKhertan: yeah, next version will have some unique hash17:10
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D-manI guess.. well.. nothing.. like they're not installed at all..17:11
Khertanjavispedro, it s from you ? (can't verify as t.m.o is down)17:11
javispedroKhertan: yep, preenv is mine17:11
D-manFlashlight and easy brightness app to be specific..17:11
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Khertanjavispedro, i ve got the same idea when they announce native sdl17:12
lardmanfcrochik: sorry for the slow reply17:12
Khertanjavispedro, but never do it as i didn't know sdl :)17:12
Khertanjavispedro, thx !17:12
Khertanjavispedro, really nice idea17:13
lardmanfcrochik: yeah you can encode vCards, MECARDs, etc in a QR code barcode, so I want to be able to import that17:13
Khertanjacekowski, ouch not all game are using sl17:13
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javispedroyeah, lots of mojo games (chess, etc.)17:14
lardmanfcrochik: mBarcode can already handle the case you're talking about, it will open the browser and download the file and it will be opened by the mime handler17:14
jarkkomanyone know if n900 expects certain kind of partitioning from sd card? I've got meego image taking first 2 partitions and then rest as fat32 but n900 doesn't seem to like that17:15
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Khertanjavispedro, any idea of what is libpdl ?17:15
alteregojarkkom: I'm guessing it expects p1 to be fat3217:15
javispedrojarkkom: first partition has to be fat32, then it will be mounted17:15
javispedroKhertan: yes, closed source. I'm reimplementing it, most functions already made it.17:16
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Khertanjarkkom, first partition must be fat3217:16
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javispedrolet's say it's an equivalent to maemo's libosso, liblocation, libplayback in one single library17:16
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javispedroand they say we are unhelpful!17:17
fcrochiklardman: I tried mbarcode but it seems that the plugins stopped working after pr1.3.... do you know how much information you can encode on a qr code? would be even nicer if we could encode the actual "vcs" file... :)17:18
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Khertanjavispedro, blades seems working :)17:18
jarkkomok, I think I might be better off just buying cheapo 4GB sd card for meego/nitdroid testing17:19
derffcrochik: In theory about 3K, but in practice much less, given the resolution of the camera and quality of the optics.17:19
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lardmanfcrochik: yeah plugins have stopped working17:20
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lardmanfcrochik: how large a vcs file are you thinking?17:20
lardmanalso, vcs is not iirc handled by the mime handler17:21
lardmanI thought you were talking about vcf, my apologies17:21
fcrochiklardman: I didn't know you were the "mbarcode" parent... have to say: great job! the new interface looks great!17:21
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lardmanThat's dragly's doing actually, I don't know any opengl17:22
fcrochiklardman: sorry I was actually talking about vcf.... it is just that vcs would be next :)17:22
lardmanah sure17:22
javispedroKhertan: :) I only have two pre games to test with17:22
fcrochiklardman: I thought about a small "business card" basic information ...17:22
lardmanI'd also like to parse and add vcs files17:22
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lardmanbut yeah, mBarcode should (once the plugins are working again) be able to hand those sorts of things17:23
Khertanjavispedro, this is why i inform you that it seems to works :)17:23
Khertanjavispedro, nice jobs with a such limited test17:23
fcrochiklardman: it would be great to not have to depend on internet connection for this... that is why I thought about encoding the contents and not the url... of course I don't know if any application would support it17:24
javispedroKhertan: one thing I will do is request test cases, also the emphasize that preenv can be used to port games17:24
lardmanfcrochik: mBarcode will, assuming the barcode is small enough17:24
javispedroit's not an emulator, just a set of libraries, so you can link with them and release your game to ovi store, tc.17:24
lardmanI will add vcs parsing17:24
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lardmanvcf already works as I mentioned17:24
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lardmaneither as an encoded url or just the raw vcard in the barcode17:25
lardmanah, dragly, speak of the devil ;)17:25
fcrochiklardman: that is great! do you know if this is something that other applications that handle qr will understand too? I thought about adding it to my business card17:25
lardmanyeah most apps will handle encoded vcard17:26
draglyhi lardman!17:26
draglytrying to update the packages now to see if the dep change helped17:26
fcrochiklardman: how do you generate qr codes? I found this
madduckhas anyone come up with a way to display text/html parts referencing attached images?17:27
draglythere's also one here, which works, if I recall correctly:
Khertanjavispedro, except that ovistore require no external depandancies :)17:28
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madducksorry, ECHAN17:28
javispedroKhertan: *sigh*17:28
alteregoThis will be interesting, not used QtDBus before ..17:28
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Khertanjavispedro, this is why you will not see python apps, game in it :)17:28
fcrochikdragly: cool! thanks!17:29
jacktherippercan anyone give me a `dpkg --get-selections` on pastebin from a PR1.3 device ?17:29
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javispedroKhertan: stupid, stupid, stupid. as usual.17:29
Khertanjavispedro, nokia style17:30
Khertanthis is why every developpers say that ovistore sucks17:30
javispedrowhich is a clone of the apple style17:30
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Khertanhmmm in fact just one of the reasons :)17:30
Khertanthere is more17:30
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Khertanplenty more17:31
dreamerhmmm, too bad needs flash1017:31
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CreamyGdoes someone need to insert a quarter into
draglylardman: The repackaging of the mbarcode packages worked! :)17:33
jacktheripperpwetty pweathe ? `dpkg --get-selections` on pastebin from PR1.3 ?17:33
draglythat is, we have the webrequest plugin up and running again for mbarcode17:33
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draglyseems like the upgrade to Qt4.7 only created a binary incompatibility with the old builds. I'll repackage the rest of the plugins now :)17:34
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TriztFromWorkdreamer: do they use any of the features in flash10 or just been idiots and "require" the version while just using old features? if the later, install "Tweak Flash plugin"17:36
fcrochikdragly: webrequest working nice here! :) can't wait for the others...17:37
dreamerTriztFromWork: well, when I go to the pageit says I need flash, so I guess some requirement17:37
TriztFromWorkdreamer: you used "tweak flash plugin" and changed that your flash will identify itself as version10?17:38
dreameroh, nope17:38
dreameris that in the repos?17:38
TriztFromWorkit's in the extra I think17:39
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SWFuIs the anyway to extract the data from an n900 backup to a readable format? I lost my phone the other weekend and still waiting for the replacement.17:39
SWFuMAinly just the numbers I'm after for now17:40
SWFuI see what look like a table of numbers with a primary index on, not the name17:40
dreamerTriztFromWork: it says pr1.2 only, I have pr1.3 now17:40
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jacktheripper well, can anyone send me the output of 'dpkg --get-selections' on pastebin running PR1.3 or not ? :D pwease! it's easy!17:41
TriztFromWorkdreamer: I have it installed on my pr1.3 (updated today), but I did do install while it still was 1.217:41
hrw-udsSWFu: backup iirc is set of archives17:41
TriztFromWorkdreamer: seems it won't work on 1.317:41
dreamerTriztFromWork: hmm, I'll check, maybe it's still a comment from when pr1.2 just came out17:41
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dreamerTriztFromWork: ok, not?17:42
SWFuYeah I just wondered if theresany tools to get the data back out, I'm looking at a list of vcards now.17:42
chem|stjacktheripper: still?17:42
SWFuMaybe I'll just have to knock something together with Python to extract the namesand numbers17:42
TriztFromWorkdreamer; it modifies the flash plugin file and the flash plugin file in 1.3 isn't the same as in 1.217:42
jacktheripperchem|st, lost phone and messaging functionality XD17:42
dreamerTriztFromWork: can you use the player on dailyshow?17:42
lardmanfcrochik, dragly: sorry, had to talk to someone17:43
lardmandragly: do plugins work now?17:43
jacktheripperchem|st, so I'm just try to get a list to diff with mine and install whatever's missing.17:43
infobotjacktheripper meant: chem|st, so I'm just trying to get a list to diff with mine and install whatever's missing.17:43
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TriztFromWorkdreamer; sorry, the old plugin I had has been replaced, so I'm having the same trouble as you do, have to wait for an upgrade of "tewak flash plugin version"17:44
dreamerah, ok17:44
TriztFromWorkwasn't there a hack how to use the flashplugin from android?17:44
dreamerprobably just a recompile with the new headers or something?17:44
lardmanfcrochik: I posted another link in the TMO mBarcode thread recently, this one generates vCards, MECARDs, etc17:44
* dreamer afk17:44
jacktheripperchem|st, thanks a bunch, mate :)17:45
jacktheripperchem|st, it's incomplete actually :( could you output to a file and pastebin that ?17:45
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fcrochiklardman: the webrequest plugin works... I tried a vcard qr but mbarcode could not scan it when printed on a 1 x 1in area....on a larger area it worked...does it make sense?17:45
lardmanyeah, if the res is not high enough to resolve the individual blobs17:46
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fcrochiklardman: It seems that the issue is more with the focus (camera) then anything else... because I made both fit the entire are on the phone...17:47
draglylardman: Yep. At least the webrequest does.17:47
draglyDid you push a new version of QR Code at any time? I can't see any updates in the changelog.17:47
draglyOr was it only to SVN?17:47
lardmanonly to SVN17:48
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lardmanand nothing major - the mecard stuff isn't working yet17:48
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jacktheripperchem|st, supports file upload17:49
steinexmy application manager is still complaining about missing "libtelephaty-qt4-0", libtpsession, libgq-gconf0, though i HAVE uninstalled them via dpkg -r .... any hints?17:49
steinexthis is about upgrading to PR1.3 of course17:49
draglyok :) what plugins needs repackaging btw? isbn, qrcode, wifi, ii and webrequest that I know of. What about ExternalDBus, PythonQt and itemdb? Are they ready to be pushed?17:49
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lardmanitemdb can be removed from the repo, I'm re-writing that as a stand-alone to use ExternalDBus17:50
draglyah, ok17:51
lardmanExternalDBus and PythonQt need debugging17:51
lardmanwhich is where I stopped at lunch time with the plugins not working17:51
draglylardman: so no packaging for those then.17:51
lardmanno thanks17:51
javispedrogentleman, do you think sha256()ing the IMEI would be good as a unique device ID (potentially sent to third-parties?)17:51
lardman(they build, but just don't do anything yet)17:51
alteregoWow, now that is sweet.17:52
jacekowskijavispedro: not really17:52
jacekowskijavispedro: well, depends what do you need it for17:52
draglylardman: should itemdb be removed from svn too?17:52
jacekowskijavispedro: imei has limited number of combinations17:52
javispedrojacekowski: distinguish one device from another one, while also not giving the third party my imei number17:52
jacekowskijavispedro: on specific positions17:52
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javispedrojacekowski: I'm worried they could just create a rainbow table and deduce imei from hash17:53
jacekowskinot giving third party imei number is not going to happen17:53
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alteregoSo preenv is actually available in extras-devel17:53
X-Fadejavispedro: The imei range is pretty limited.17:53
* alterego gets a game off of his girls' phone17:53
alterego(I bought it I might as well try and play it) ^.^17:54
Appiaheveryone likes rainbows!17:54
jacekowskijavispedro: i would just crack it for fun17:54
X-Fadejavispedro: combination of imei + mac ?17:54
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javispedrojacekowski: I'd guess. What strategy?17:54
jacekowskibruteforce probably17:54
draglyAll right, all plugins pushed to extras-devel in one batch now. I wonder how the autobuilder feels about getting all at once...17:54
javispedroaka tables17:55
jacekowskiit's only 14 digits17:55
jacekowskibut then you have limits on things like country code17:55
javispedroX-Fade: sounds reasonable, and adds more input size17:55
jacekowskimanufacturer code17:55
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jacekowskimodel number17:56
Termanaalterego, 'your girl' has a palm pre?17:56
DocScrutinizer51wtf? you want to know my IMEI. can post a hunderd to pastebin17:56
jacekowskiso you limit search range a lot17:56
jacekowskithen you have check digit17:57
sobczykanyone tried android on n900?17:57
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jacekowskisobczyk: lot of people17:57
javispedrojacekowski: by "check digit" any secondary simpler hash (crc, check digit)?17:58
javispedro*you mean any secondary..17:58
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lcukjavispedro, why?17:58
sobczykis it heavily modifying the phone? or how easy to reverse17:58
lcukwhat do you need a UID for17:58
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jacekowskijavispedro: i mean that one of digits in imei is a check digit17:58
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javispedrojacekowski: ah17:58
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javispedrolcuk: implementing a GetUniqueID function. I got a patch that just returns IMEI which I'm not sure about.17:59
javispedrolcuk: for preenv.17:59
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jacekowskihow does it work on palm?17:59
lcukso this GetUniqueID() api method is used by certain pre games for whatever they need?18:00
javispedrojacekowski: closed source. it returns a 64-byte base64 string (which sounds like a 20-something-byte hash)18:00
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javispedrolcuk: yeah, I'd guess to be sent over a network.18:01
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jacekowskii would just create some one time programmable random value in cal18:01
jacekowskiand use it18:01
lcukthen return base64("4")18:01
jacekowskilcuk: 42!!!18:02
javispedrolcuk: I currently return "0000" =)18:02
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lcuki bet something like base64(md5(imei)) would be reasonable18:04
lcukas you suggested already18:04
X-FadeNah, that can pinpoint your imei exactly.18:04
Stskeepsyeah, just search the space and generate hashes..18:04
X-FadeOnly needs a 1M rainbow table, which is really small.18:04
jacekowskiusing non standard hash function would make it harder18:05
ZogGanyone had sms's bug - when not all sms's displayed in history of conversation box18:05
ZogGneed help with it18:05
jacekowskiZogG: known bug18:05
X-FadeJust add mac addresses.18:05
jacekowskiZogG: not fixed yet18:05
lcukhow does the pre game server know that its coming from an n90018:05
lcukand why would it matter18:05
ZogGX-Fade hey18:05
ZogGX-Fade, Stskeeps here?18:05
jacekowskiX-Fade: mac adress is only 3 bytes long ( i mean significant bytes )18:05
lcukthats enough for salt18:06
javispedrolcuk: it currently knows because ID is "0000", and it will in the future also know when id is just "4" or "42"18:06
jacekowskifirst 3 bytes are manufacturer specific18:06
jacekowskiif you do it like that i WILL make public service to crack imei and mac adresses18:06
jacekowskijavispedro: use random number18:06
jacekowskijavispedro: stored in file/cal18:06
lcukjavispedro, what I mean is - if imei is good enough to pass to nokia, why isn't it good enough hashed up to be passed elsewhere18:07
javispedrojacekowski: you will crack 1M * 2^18 ?18:07
jacekowskijavispedro: yes18:07
lardmandragly: yes itemdb can be removed18:07
jacekowskijavispedro: it's not that much18:07
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javispedroI guess I am underrating current computing power :)18:08
* lardman changes status as people keep coming into the office to ask him questions18:08
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LynoureUh, seems my system has some cruft on / and even debfoster depends on something noninstallable18:09
alteregoTermana: yeah,18:09
jacekowskiwith imei you have like 6 significant digits  ( rest is manufacturer specific, model specific stuff )18:09
lardman|busydragly: did you see fcrochik's comment about not being able to scan a 1 inch square QR code on a business card?18:09
Lynoureas the result, no OTA upgrade for me. :(18:09
javispedrojacekowski: I guess I will go the imei+rand() number route, but ignore the cal part for now18:10
jacekowskiso that's 10^6*2^18+little bit more for some stuff in imei that's not exactly known but it's in very limited range18:10
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jacekowskiand that's including MAC18:11
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jacekowskiit could be cracked on n900 in minutes18:11
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lcukjavispedro, is it used by games for things like high scores and stuff?18:12
alteregojacekowski: I thought there was just manu specific, the model stuff is implied by a manufacturers database.18:12
javispedrolcuk: not sure.18:12
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alteregoBut I'm not sure tbh :)18:12
lcukjacekowski, I can crack my own IMEI on my n900 in seconds!   *#06#18:12
draglylardman|busy: yep, but I don't know what might cause it. I know small qr codes are a bit hard to read out, but I'll try myself.18:13
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* javispedro finds that, while reimplementing libPDL, he's creating a library that can be useful to nearly every Maemo commercial app developers18:13
draglylardman|busy: 1 inch isn't that small after all18:13
lardman|busydragly: quite18:13
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lardman|busydepends how much info was encoded though18:13
javispedroit's getting functions like, GetDeviceUserName(), getUniqueID() that so far on Maemo you have to link with god-knows libraries and call god-knows dbus functions18:13
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jacekowskialterego: yeah, but you know that it's either palm or nokia18:13
draglythat's true18:13
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lardman|busyam just updating, but what about this one:
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javispedro(basically something like qt-mobility...)18:14
alteregoOh ,I'm and idiot :D18:15
javispedroalterego: you are not doing it well18:15
lardman|busyhmm, well HAM is no faster in pr1.3 anyway18:15
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Thunderfesthello all18:16
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Thunderfestwell it seems Pr 1.3 OTA update killed my n90018:17
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ThunderfestI cannot get it to boot at all18:18
maybeArghis it me or did battery life improve with PR1.3?18:18
alteregoWow, that is cool18:18
Termanainfobot, tell Thunderfest about flashing18:18
alteregoJust played need for speed :D18:18
ThunderfestI know how to flash18:18
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TermanaThunderfest, sounds like you'll need it then18:18
maybeArghi'm still at about 4/5, normally it's way down 1/2 by now18:18
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Termanait, being - to flash18:19
Thunderfestyeah I know but I cannot get it to connect over usb18:19
lcukmaybeArgh, how did you update?18:19
Thunderfestholding u while boot makes no difference18:19
maybeArghtoo lazy for a complete reflash18:19
TermanaThunderfest, you're holding U while plugging the cord in?18:20
* lardman|busy prays that Meego has an installation method more akin to the bg stuff done on Android18:20
javispedrolcuk: (unique-id) at least it is used as a way to distinguish devices on a local network for a multiplayer game (as per the "bug report" I got)18:21
ThunderfestI have reflashed many times before..own an n800 and n810 and am generally well versed and ontop of nokia tables18:21
draglyThunderfest: I suppose this might be a silly question, but still: You've tried to charge it for at least 10 min before connecting? That is, with the regular charger.18:21
javispedrobut with the recent stats about "nearly every iPhone application sending imei out to the WWW in plain text" =)18:21
Thunderfestyes I charges it overnight18:21
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draglyAnd you've picked out the battery and placed it again? (I've experienced a couple of times that the device wasn't responding at all before I replaced the battery)18:22
alteregoSo, yesterday PR1.3 today preenv, wow :D18:22
alteregoMeeGo release on Thursday ^.^18:22
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jacekowskitomorrow androidenv18:22
Thunderfestyes I have reseated the battery many times over18:23
javispedroor iphoneenv18:23
jacekowskiand next iphoneenv18:23
DocScrutinizer51Thunderfest: still this symptom indicates low battery18:23
SwedeMikeafter the upgrade it went back to stock kernel instead of the power kernel I used to have, I wonder if I tried the power18:23
SwedeMike                   save settings too much, because phone feels much quicker. What are you all running, stock kernel or the power one?18:23
jacekowskii run power but with default settings18:23
jacekowskii mean default frequency stuff18:23
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DocScrutinizer51nobody needs power (unless he needs it)18:24
draglylardman|busy: all mbarcode plugins uploaded and built now. I'll test to see if they're all working as well.18:24
Thunderfestit starts to boot and I do see the nokia logo with no backlight but after about 1 second it restarts and shows the nokia logo for a few more seconds then seems to  power off and display a solid yellow light18:25
DocScrutinizer51low bat18:25
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer51: wifi AP18:26
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draglyThunderfest: Is the yellow light from the LED?18:26
lardman|busydragly: reckon that broken dep was pulling in Qt 4.6? They seem to be working now18:26
dRbiGmhm, what a big update for maemo, 85mb, scary :)18:26
DocScrutinizer51jacekowski: yep you qualify for 'need it'18:26
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Thunderfestyes from the LED18:27
DocScrutinizer51Thunderfest: you're in a pinch unless you manage to completely charge your bat18:27
lardman|busydragly: That QR code business card I linked to works fine, I'll have to ask fcrochik what he was trying to look at18:27
draglylardman|busy: Something like that. At least the libqt4-opengl-dev was unecessary. I dunno if a local build in SB would work now or wether the packages in autobuilder are newer?18:27
lardman|busyI'll test when I get home18:28
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lardman|busybut they should be the same....18:28
draglyother than that, the QR plugin needed a dep update with regards to libqtm-dev18:28
draglyyeah, I thought so too, but then its strange that you managed to build at all18:28
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draglyunless your libqt-opengl-dev still remained, but created some conflict.18:29
draglyDunno really, just glad i works now :)18:29
lardman|busysame here, thanks for sorting that out18:29
ThunderfestI had it pluged in charging all night last night..but it was a non-nokia made microusb don't think the nokia branded charger does anything different do you?18:29
draglyUpdating is slow as always, though... Still waiting for my device to get through the packages.18:29
lardman|busyyeah, mine took a few minutes18:30
draglyThunderfest: Worst case it might have delivered less power than needed. The symptoms are as DocScrutinizer51 says, very much like the ones of low battery.18:30
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lardman|busyand nearly killed a phone call that I received half way through18:30
draglyThunderfest: You don't happen to have a charger nearby though?18:30
ThunderfestYeah I just went and got my nokia charger18:31
lardman|busyI'm beginning to think that if HAM is running the phone should just go offline to save the pain of trying to use it at the same time18:31
draglylardman|busy: That's always fun! Phonecalls during software updates yield the most interesting results.18:31
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DocScrutinizer51Thunderfest: usual chargers often don't have the D+- short18:31
lardman|busystabbing touchscreen as the laggy rotation happens, etc.18:31
Thunderfestsee my wife has a blackberry that also uses microusb and she pick up my charger a few weeks ago and we had not yet till just now switched back18:32
DocScrutinizer51Thunderfest: so they make N900 "charge" @ 100mA18:32
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draglylardman|busy: Yep. Although, I'm very glad to see that the voice sending and recieving is routed around the CPU to avoid problems there. I guess that's on a completely different chip.18:33
DocScrutinizer51odds are it actually DIScharges while plugged to such charger18:33
jacekowskimy charger failed18:33
jacekowskinot working at all now18:33
lardman|busydragly: yes there's a separate gms chip18:33
DocScrutinizer51jacekowski: one of mine did as well18:33
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ZogG<jacekowski> ZogG: known bug // what you mean known? just reported yesterday and it's unconfirmed by maemo dev =(18:33
jacekowskiZogG: we had couple other people here with this problem18:34
jacekowskiZogG: today18:34
Thunderfestwell the other charger worked fine and did recharge my device quite well for multiple weeks but I guess I should not of tried to update using it18:34
ZogGStskeeps lcuk you are on hildon development as well - right?18:34
Stskeepsnot really18:34
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ZogGjacekowski so why the F they are not reporting, it's hard to report alone things like that, do you know who is it - so they help me with it?18:35
lcukZogG, whats the bug#18:35
ThunderfestI have it plugged into the nokia wall charger now but it still seems to be stuck in the same reboot loop18:35
jacekowskiZogG: it's reported once18:35
Thunderfestno flashing LED as if it were charging18:35
draglyThunderfest: Try leaving it there for about 10-20 mins, then try to reflash again.18:35
alteregoInteresting, I bzip'd a tar file and it came out bigger18:35
jacekowskiZogG: reporting it multiple times is not going to help18:35
MohammadAGany gpg geeks? :P18:36
DocScrutinizer51Thunderfest: told you you're in a pinch18:36
MohammadAGalterego, in soviet russia...18:36
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jacekowskiMohammadAG: i have gpg keys18:36
MohammadAGjacekowski, how do I get the key fingerprint from a public key18:36
ZogGwho is on hildon development? i thought to maintain hildon as separete package to extra-dev18:36
draglyI had a reboot loop some time back (after knowledgeless hacking) and it took some attempts to get it speaking with the USB again.18:36
MohammadAGextras-devel can't hold new packages for hildon18:37
ZogGjacekowski i reported it, noone excep me is there18:37
ThunderfestDocScrutinizer:  what if I just bought a replacement battery, it should ship with enough charge to reflash right?18:37
DocScrutinizer51Thunderfest: the recommendation to completely charge battery prior to flashing is no joke18:37
MohammadAGor any system packages18:37
DocScrutinizer51Thunderfest: usually yes18:37
ZogGjacekowski reported it straight after update18:37
MohammadAGan SSU can, which is why I've been working on it atm18:37
ZogGMohammadAG why not?18:37
lcukZogG, forget logistics of things, whats the bug number18:37
MohammadAGZogG, mp-fremantle-generic-pr18:37
lcukbug 1145018:38
povbotBug The SMS log in conversations doesn't display last sms's18:38
draglyMohammadAG: gpg --fingerprint ID18:38
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ZogGMohammadAG so? can it replace only part?18:38
ZogGdamn timeouts!! =(18:38
jacekowskiMohammadAG: gpg --fingerprint18:38
MohammadAGZogG, an SSU can, stay tuned18:38
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MohammadAGjacekowski, dragly it's not a local key18:38
* Arkenoi wonders why all "vertical" virtual keyboards are "phone"/t9 alikes. I never used "phone" keyboard for text entry and i find it extremely uncomfortable.18:38
jacekowskiMohammadAG: download it from server18:38
lcukZogG, thats not hildon-* anyway18:38
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ZogGMohammadAG i would like to help, but mostly i can be like monkey - make something once explained to me with no knolegde =)18:39
ZogGknowledge *18:39
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jacekowskiMohammadAG: gpg --recv-keys 9CF9F54A18:39
jacekowskijacekowski:~# gpg --fingerprint18:39
jacekowskipub   2048R/9CF9F54A 2010-07-16 Key fingerprint = 30A0 19DB 8E1B 12D2 30EE  9990 62E8 50E6 9CF9 F54A18:39
wazdJavispedro, ping? :)18:39
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ZogGMohammadAG btw matan's one should be forked18:40
ZogGi mean it shouldn't be hildo anymore18:40
ZogGholdon* as he added things18:40
wazdHello all18:40
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jacekowskiZogG: look18:40
povbotBug 9866: Revised display does not show most recent IM / SMS text18:40
* lardman|busy does like the way pr1.3 doesn't bother to show the phone ui after a call finishes and just locks itself18:40
MohammadAGconversations was epic on 1.018:40
javispedrowazd: pong18:40
ZogGjacekowski what is the number of bug reported - they should be marked as duplicated18:41
jacekowskiyeah, somebody has to do it by hand18:41
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povbotBug 11456: History of every conversation (SMS, IM) empty after update to PR1.318:42
povbotBug 11450: The SMS log in conversations doesn't display last sms's18:42
dolpi had a conversations crash yesterday... but not sure what i did :p18:43
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wazdJavispedro, I knew you're the man, but you're a goddamn MAN man :D18:48
javispedrowazd: thanks :P18:50
ZogGjacekowski those 3 different bugs18:50
Arkenoiquite strange, i had no porblems with history, though i did backup/restore, maybe it does matter?18:50
wazdI hope pr1.3 has fixred my "stop playing music after 2 minutes" bug :)18:50
wazdJavispedro: now I need to figure out where to get some Pre stuff in Russia :)18:51
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opdf2besides tweak flash, any other apps not compatible with 1.3 yet?18:52
mikki-kunbtw, is the current release really rated as pr1.3?18:52
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andre__wazd, ?18:54
povbotBug 10536: Media Player starts to play music with no user intervention18:54
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ThunderfestI just called a local battery store and he claims to have a machine that can recharge my battery he also has some replacements batteries in stock that he can sell me fully charged18:55
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wazdAndre, no, actually I have exactly the opposite problem :)18:55
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wazdAndre: media player stops playing the song exactly after 120 seconds18:56
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wazdAndre: not every song though18:57
infobotit has been said that pr1.3 is the latest (and probably last) software update for Fremantle, available since Monday October 25 2010. More information at -- see ~flashing for how to update, or, or
alteregoThunderfest: do you have any other Nokia handsets or internet tablets?18:58
infobotsomebody said flashing was
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wazdAndre: after 2 months of experiments I've figured out that it usually does that with "fresh" songs i.e. Songs that haven't been played after reboot18:58
Thunderfestalterego, here  at the moment I just have an n80018:59
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alteregoThunderfest: and you're looking for replacements of the N800?19:00
infobotalterego meant: Thunderfest: and you're looking for replacements for the N800?19:01
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Thunderfestno no I updated my n900 to PR 1.3 OTA last night and it failed now my n900 is stuck in a reboot loop and I cannot reflash19:01
ZogG<jacekowski> // that's mine19:02
povbotBug 11450: The SMS log in conversations doesn't display last sms's19:02
alteregoThunderfest: if you can physically put the N900 battery in the N800 with all three contacts connecting in the N800 (you can in the N810) you can charge the battery in the N80019:02
alteregoYou might need to bad the battery in with something to keep the contacts connected.19:02
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Thunderfestactualy I have an n810 here..your telling me I can use it to charge my n900 battery?19:03
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alteregoThunderfest: yup :)19:03
wazdThat's sorta cool :)19:05
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alteregoA friend of mine was doing it when his loaner usb fell out19:05
Thunderfesthrm connectors look right voltage is the same...looks like I will have to hold it in place though19:05
Myrttiisn't it the same battery one of the E7x phone has19:05
alteregoAnd the 580019:06
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wazdE7x has n800 battery19:06
wazdNot n90019:06
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ThunderfestI think it is pry a fairly common battery since my local battery shop has some in stock but no one around here sells n900s19:07
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Thunderfestnow if only I could find the n810 charger!19:08
* MohammadAG charges his N900 battery in an N9519:08
MohammadAGor a 580019:08
MohammadAGor an E66 :P19:08
sobczykwhy maemo update requires pc suite?19:08
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andre__sobczyk, what is the exact string? often happens when you have 3rd party apps installed that block an over-the-air update19:09
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* Myrtti stares at her N95 with a murderous look19:09
Thunderfestsobczyk: you get that message when you have some packages installed that conflict with the update19:09
MyrttiMohammadAG: _o/19:10
jauiwojauquestion: is it possible to change the default application to open certain file types. E.g. I want to open *.jpg files with the default browser instead of the standard image viewer...19:10
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jauiwojausystem: maemo 5 on N90019:10
MohammadAGthat's not something you see everyday :P19:10
MohammadAGand hi19:10
MyrttiMohammadAG: have you been living in a cave for the past years?19:10
Myrttiit's hardly a secret :-D19:10
sobczykTo update to the newest operating system, you have to use Nokia pc suite , available on PC. Connect device to pc and run the app - free translation19:10
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MohammadAGmy N900 called someone from my contact list when I opened contacts19:11
MohammadAGMyrtti, no, closet19:11
Myrttithat'd explain it19:11
sobczykThunderfest: is there a way to check what is causing the problem?19:11
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Myrttibetter wifi/3G reception in a closet than a cave, I imagine19:11
airare the maemo forums down for everyone for a majority of every day or just for me?19:12
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nax3000quick question: if I have an OC'd powerkernel, do I need to uninstall it before flashing to pr1.3?19:12
Myrttier, sorry19:12
Myrttiair: yes19:12
MohammadAG~isitdown is
infobotMohammadAG: okay19:12
ZogGMohammadAG are you nokia fanboy? so many phones19:12
MohammadAGZogG, no, I was going to leave Nokia after the N9719:13
MohammadAGthen the N900 came19:13
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Thunderfestsobczyk: tap the details button and it will list the conflicting packages on one of the tabs19:13
ZogGMohammadAG i used sonyerricson =)19:13
nax3000oh god erricon's are terrible19:13
airMohammadAG: nice site, thanks19:13
sobczykThunderfest: there is no details, next to message about pc suite there's only "backup" button19:13
MohammadAGmy dad has the E66, 58000 is a relative's, N86 is my mom's and the N95 is what I had and will never sell19:13
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nax3000if they didn't have sony on their phones they would have gotten bankrupt19:13
wazdMohammadAG, my n900 has called some random, but existing number being locked in my pocket one day19:14
keriothe n900 is perfect!19:14
* SpeedEvil realises the UK mobile network market is a quadropoly now.19:14
nax3000there was a guy riding on the bus with me every morning and I noticed he had a N90019:15
wazdMohammadAG, that was totally freaky : ))19:15
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nax3000today I saw him again and he pulled out an iphone19:15
Thunderfestsobczyk: idk look around a bit maybe go back a screen or two19:15
jauiwojauAnyone has an answer to my question? (Or is this a social chat room?)19:15
nax3000that was a terrible morning19:15
MohammadAGwazd, I don't mind it calling random people, I just find it difficult to explain that to the other person19:15
wazdNax3000, it was his twin bro, nm :)19:15
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mikki-kunjauiwojau: what was the question? (sorry, trying to multitask here and get my mind free)19:16
nax3000well, it's not for everyone19:16
jauiwojauquestion: is it possible to change the default application to open certain file types. E.g. I want to open *.jpg files with the default browser instead of the standard image viewer...19:16
jauiwojausystem: maemo 5 on N90019:16
nax3000but my gf gets a long with it so I guess that argument is invalid19:16
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jauiwojaumikke-kun: thanks for responding...19:16
nax3000also can anyone please answer this:19:16
nax3000quick question: if I have an OC'd powerkernel, do I need to uninstall it before flashing to pr1.3?19:16
wazdMohammadAG, I just don't understand how the hell it happened :)19:16
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mikki-kunjauiwojau: i guess there is... i've heard of it, but i haven't seriously taken it into account until now... *searching*19:17
jauiwojau mikki-kun: yea, had some trouble finding it on the Web.19:17
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mikki-kunif my interwebz would be faster i guess i could work more efficiently ^^19:18
andre__jauiwojau, I assume by setting another app for the mimetype. maybe in gconf19:19
MohammadAGnax3000, no, the kernel will be overwritten19:19
nax3000great, thanks19:19
jauiwojauandre__ that sounds plausible...19:19
kerioµ is Mooooo!19:19
mikki-kunmaemo seems having problems loading19:20
kerioinfobot: ...19:20
infobot[... = and your point is] or [... = go on]19:20
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sobczykThunderfest: I found on google though I can't read it (blocked by uni) and through webproxy it times out19:20
andre__jauiwojau, but I might be wrong :-P19:20
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mikki-kunohhh, could be emerge running the background which stresses my cpu... ^^19:21
nax3000so all pr1.3 does is add some new qt infrastructure?19:21
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nax3000or are there genuine bugfixes?19:21
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DocScrutinizer51there are, supposedly19:22
nax3000oh, so pulseaudio doesn't stutter now?19:23
javispedronax3000: pulseaudio is slightly improved, and modest no longer tries to remember&send a dbus message for every fscking time I've launched it in my life19:23
nax3000well, at least there's something19:23
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andre__nax3000, see link on
Thunderfestsobczyk: close the app manager, and restart it. when the updates first come up and it says maemo 5 and you click it, there should be a details button and an install button. click the details button and look through the tabs.19:24
dneary_"Application list partially received"19:24
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mikki-kunare the maemo-servers having difficulties lately?19:25
dneary_Does not work any more?19:25
mikki-kundneary_: here as well problems since last week monday i think19:25
nax3000"music stutters while multi-tasking, especially browsing web " - this is under "FIXE" so I guess it's gone now19:25
mikki-kunlet's hope it is...19:25
nax3000"Hardware T&K lock switch must be used twice to unlock dev... " FINALLY!!19:26
nax3000no idea19:27
nax3000but I hope it means what I think it means19:27
nax3000also I hope the lockup when you get a call is fixed19:28
javispedrodneary_: as that is akamai, I guess it will get fixed soon19:28
dneary_mikki-kun, Good to have confirmation19:28
javispedroI wonder if there are really so many N900 users that they slashdot'd,, ...19:29
RST38hjavispedro: there may be just a few really active trolls...19:29
ml-mobilelike PradaBrada?19:30
nax3000I'm going to make an assessment -19:30
nax3000worldwide there must be at least 100k19:30
jauiwojauquestion 2: is MicroB the default browser on the N900? Somehow there is no "about/version info" in the browser of the N900...19:30
nax3000lets say 30 percent of them have no idea about updates19:30
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ml-mobileyes, microB is the default browser19:31
nax3000so yeah, that's enough to crash a site19:31
sobczykThunderfest: libgles1-sgx-img -- isn't that standard for the device?19:31
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jauiwojauml-mobile: ah thanks19:31
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Thunderfestalterego: Thanks by jamming my n900 battery in the back on my 810 and holding it in place for 10 minutes I was able to get enough charge in to battery to reflash my n900 is saved!!19:32
MohammadAGbug 1061319:32
povbotBug screen glitches on incoming call19:32
mikki-kunhm, i guess i need to remake my n900...19:32
mikki-kunhave some cam-problems19:32
RST38hMohammad: Fixed, isn't it/19:32
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mikki-kunshould i go pr1.3 or still reinstall 1.2?19:32
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BCMMjavispedro: well, if there aren't many n900 users, they won't be set up for much traffic19:33
Thunderfestsobczyk: I had to remove that package too before I reflashed terminal do ->sudo gainroot  then  apt-get remove libgles1-sgx-img19:33
MohammadAGRST38h, see my last comment19:33
BCMMjavispedro: today, approximately their entire userbase are trying to use those sites at the same time19:33
jauiwojauis there a way to provide MicroB with command line parameters? Does it support these?19:33
mikki-kunjauiwojau: i read about these, there are19:34
RST38hMohammad: <facepalm>. Not observing it here though19:34
jauiwojaumikki-kun: I can't find them...19:34
mikki-kunsome are for tab-support, others for two-pane or multi-pane19:34
RST38hMohammad: And the app menu inertia is not configurable either?19:34
jauiwojauMicroB --help doesn't do anything.19:35
jauiwojausorry  microb --help19:35
mikki-kunjauiwojau: what did you expect? nokia scraped close to everything away in regards of "help" or such stuff in xterm -.-19:35
mikki-kunbusybox is most likely to be at fault though19:36
jauiwojaumikki-kun: strange. These help files wouldn't take much space I would think...19:36
mikki-kunjauiwojau: there is even a tool running which removes help-files and such stuff of every package...19:36
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ZogGchromium7 new xorg and transmission, sweet life =)19:37
mikki-kunsearch for it with "dpkg -l | grep remove" or such words19:37
mikki-kunso, should i reinstall pr1.2 or go 1.3?19:37
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jauiwojaumikki-kun: :-\ help files/man pages are my Bible...19:38
mikki-kunjauiwojau: mine as well19:38
mikki-kunespecially since my brain does not remember every f'ine parameter19:38
mikki-kunand i think removing those makes it harder to learn19:38
jauiwojaumikki-kun: exactly...19:38
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mikki-kunand saving those 5MB of rootfs... they removed documentation every other linux has and every linux should have19:39
mikki-kunor i don't know how much, but i guess not real killer19:40
jauiwojaumikki-kun: ah. Is there a quick way to restore this info. Or do you have to basically rebuild all packages?19:40
mikki-kuni don't know... i am myself more of a user rather then a dev...19:41
jauiwojaumikki-kun: ah. Ok.19:42
mikki-kuni just started with c++ due to university19:42
mikki-kunand i guess i will go from there into some direction19:42
mikki-kunbut not professionally...19:42
jauiwojaumikki-kun: Ah fun. I worked as a C++ programmer, 12 years ago...19:42
airmikki-kun: sorry to hear that19:42
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mikki-kunair: sorry to hear me learning c++?19:43
tripzeroanyone know if "usb-otg port falling off" is covered by warranty?19:43
mikki-kuntripzero: which usb-otg port?19:43
tripzerothe one on the n90019:43
airmikki-kun: ya, c++ and java are two of the worst programming languages19:43
SpeedEvilmikki-kun: proper manpages for the nokia binaries and ...I think would considerably have sped updevelopment of some widgets19:43
MohammadAGit's not otg19:44
tripzeroair, compared to?19:44
jauiwojauair: Ah, :-). Java is indeed very verbose.19:44
tripzeroblah, the usb port fell off19:44
Thunderfestjava is junk but I use c++ everyday19:44
tripzeroi know otg doesn't actually work19:44
mikki-kunair: c++ is imo pretty useful...19:44
MohammadAGit's not OTG19:45
MohammadAGhost mode != OTG19:45
DocScrutinizermikki-kun: jauiwojau: apt-get install man-db-n900 (15MB iirc, but not on rootfs)19:45
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RST38hair: and the best programming language is... ?19:45
jauiwojauThunderfest: but wrt to portability not many frameworks can beat java currently...19:45
mikki-kunDocScrutinizer: isn't that online-man though only?19:45
ml-mobileRST38h: C, of course ;)19:45
airRST38h: there is no perfect language but lisp, haskell, etc are far better than c++19:46
rokr1is it possible to install samba server in easy debian19:46
rokr1i get error message19:46
Thunderfestjauiwojau: c and c++ is just as portable it just needs to be recomplied..and is twice as fast19:46
rokr1because of dependencies!19:46
jauiwojauThunderfest: not completely true, if you work on another OS with other APIs.19:47
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Thunderfestair: lisp and haskell are very nice for writing down algorithms but not for building full systems19:47
MohammadAGmikki-kun, it's 15MBs for a reason19:47
V-illelisp is not all that portable either19:47
MohammadAGI was looking into disabling docpurge19:48
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MohammadAGbut then users would have to reinstall all packages19:48
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MohammadAGto get a simple manpage19:48
mikki-kunMohammadAG: does it mean it loads the mans down from the interwebz to the emmc?19:48
MohammadAGso I opted for a package, man-db-pages, which contains most useful stuff you need19:48
MohammadAGyes, man-db-pages install to /opt/man19:48
MohammadAGthen it calls mandb and creates a database19:48
MohammadAGwhich rapes your battery for 5 minutes, then man-db should work19:49
RST38hair: How many commercial oropen source applications written in lisp do you know?19:49
Thunderfestjauiwojau: you can write your c and c++ in a way that doesn19:49
ThunderfestRST38h: good question!19:50
jauiwojauThunderfest: Btw I graduated at a group where they tried to turn purely functional programming into an industrial strength programming language (
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jauiwojau(very similar to Haskell, as a matter of fact, the research groups know each other well)19:51
X-FadeBrrr, Clean. That brings back memories.19:51
javispedroRST38h: there's this issue in that "most commercial people" don't need a real language at all, but rather a VisualBasic-like "just select the .mdb and draw the form"-style app generator19:51
jauiwojauX-Fade: You know it!!!  How?19:51
RST38hjavis:actually, no19:51
Thunderfestjauiwojau: yes and my research advisor is trying to do the same
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RST38hjavis: you are talking of a limited set of apps, there are more sets19:52
X-Fadejauiwojau: I actually got classes during my education.19:52
jauiwojauThunderfest: who is he?19:52
javispedroRST38h: but it's clearly the "biggest" one in terms of raw numbers19:52
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jauiwojauX-Fade: where?19:52
airrst: the yahoo store code was written in lisp and sold to yahoo19:52
X-Fadejauiwojau: Crazy teacher who wrote an unbeatable Scrabble ;)19:52
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RST38hair: has yahoo dumped it already?19:53
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Thunderfestjauiwojau: Karl Abrahamson19:53
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RST38hjavis: yes,uis are dime a dozen19:53
mavhcapparently they've probably rewritten most of it in other languages19:53
RST38hno shit.19:54
airRST38h: not that i know of19:54
X-Fadejauiwojau: Paul de Mast was my teacher.19:54
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jauiwojauX-Fade: well functional programming requires some more abstraction. If you get that, it is so much more elegant...19:54
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X-Fadejauiwojau: Played with some MP3 id3 tags extracting in Clean.19:55
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Thunderfestjauiwojau: well dr. Abrahamson's language is more of a teaching tool then anything industrial strength but it does include an interesting mix of paradigms19:56
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jauiwojauX-Fade: fun I see him mentioned in a Google link Jan Kuper, who was in my Master's exam committee. The world is small...19:57
jauiwojauGoogle link WITH19:57
RST38hjauiwojau: Unfortunately, humans are not used to think in functionalprogramming terms19:57
jauiwojauRST38h: if that were true, it could not have been invented...19:57
RST38hjauiwojau: It is probably easier to teach students assembler than LISP19:57
javispedroit is19:57
RST38hjaui: Of course it could have been19:57
ThunderfestI wrote a suduku solver in haskell last week19:58
RST38hjaui: People invent allkinds of unnatural things19:58
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mikki-kuni guess teaching it might be easier, but understanding it will be a huge pita for most i assume19:58
RST38hSome of them are beautiful flights of fancy, but few are fit for public consumption19:59
RST38hmikki: not really19:59
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airyou know that logo was derived from lisp to teach kids to program?19:59
RST38hmikki: comes naturally to people who have not done any programming yet19:59
jauiwojauRST38h: well in this case it is not so unnatural. One of its basic constituents is reflection, and that is in fact a very intuitive notion.20:00
RST38hair: Yes. And nobody knows anything about Logo outside of that dumb turtle thing20:00
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mikki-kunhm... i guess it depends rather on how one thinks20:00
mikki-kunif one thinks like a pc then it might be easier20:00
RST38hjauiwojau: One of the basic constituents of a mirror room is reflection. Mirror rooms are very confusing.20:00
mikki-kunif not, meaning on higher levels, it can be difficult to "go down!20:01
RST38hmikki: Imagine that you do notknow C,C++, BASIC, and PASCAL20:02
jauiwojauRTS38h: :-) Analogies work both ways... Due to a mirror I can leave my house each morning tidy and well shaven... ;-)20:02
Thunderfesthere is the main difference between functional and imperative imperitive your telling the complier how to do something in functional you telling the compiler what something for things where you can exactly define them like quicksort functional is awesome and very elegant....but less great for whole systems20:02
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RST38hmikki: And somebody tells you that computer has those little registers with numbers and you can tell it what to do with numbers in simple steps20:02
RST38hmikki: Here is your assembly language20:02
RST38hmikki: Pointers come naturally there, as indices of memory cells in a huge pidgeonholes array20:03
jauiwojauok but I think we are going off-topic. We should go to #philosophyofprogramminglanguages... ;-)20:03
mikki-kunpascal?! *throws everything he has at it to destroy it*20:03
mikki-kuni hate pascal -.-20:03
RST38hSpeaking of weird phobias...20:03
ml-mobilehey now, pascal is better than BASIC as a first language20:04
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V-illeair: yahoo is no longer using the lisp stuff Paul Graham sold them, afaik20:04
airassembler is the best first language20:04
mikki-kunat some point nothing worked, even though i followed it by book >.<20:04
RST38hFE^HOCAL is the best first language20:04
jauiwojauthanks for the answers till so far. Nice to see that the community of N900 users are so deep into computer science/technology.20:04
* RST38h laughs evilly20:04
V-illejauiwojau: what do you expect, n900 users are all programmers :)20:05
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Thunderfestits true20:05
mikki-kunV-ille: not all ;) but a majority is20:05
V-illewho isn't?20:05
jauiwojauV-ille: yeah, it was sold as a "mobile computer for hackers" so I thought I got to get one...20:05
V-illedestroy the infidel20:05
jauiwojauSee you all. Bye!20:06
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V-illethe previous maemo devices were ok-ish, n900 seemed too good to be true20:06
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V-illea device that let's you do stuff and is a phone as well20:06
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airn810 is better than n90020:07
V-illeeasily the best device for a programmer like me, and will probably stay at the top for quite some time20:07
merlin1991I wonder how much users in here are not programmers in some way, gotta be close to 0 :D20:07
V-illemaybe it was a fluke, or freak accident for nokia :P20:07
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mikki-kunmerlin1991: i wasn't a programmer when i bought my n900...20:07
V-illeair: well, it could be, but it doesn't have a 3G network20:07
airmerlin1991: only programmers know how to use irc :)20:08
merlin1991air, not true look @ quakenet ;)20:08
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airmerlin1991: only programmers play quake ;)20:08
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sobczykanyone had a bug with every popup (ie maemo menu) appearing hardly visible in top left corner?20:14
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xDaReaperxhmm no20:15
sobczykok, reboot fixed it20:15
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RST38hhave you solved the problem of having to have the game in an executable filesystem?20:19
javispedrono, but.. is /tmp exec? =)20:20
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javispedroeither way, you should be able to put binary in /opt and symlink data files to MyDocs20:21
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RST38hprobably need some automated way to turn this into one-click startup20:21
MohammadAG/tmp is retarded20:22
MohammadAG1MB only afaik20:22
MohammadAGor was that /var/tmp20:22
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javispedroyeah, size=1024kb20:23
javispedroeven /dev/shm is 64MiB =)20:23
javispedro(probably because pulse uses it for its own dirty endeavors)20:23
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RevdKathyjust checking - am I here?20:38
RevdKathyahh thank you - That's all I wanted to know!20:39
RevdKathyOff to Far Flung Places tomorrow, and making sure everything is working on the netbook :-)20:40
RevdKathyOf course, IRC may well be blocked...20:40
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RevdKathybut it's working :)20:40
MohammadAGproxies ftw20:40
RevdKathyI shall have enough trouble getting online at all, probably20:41
RevdKathybut good to know it's all running20:41
MohammadAGany debian packaging experts?20:41
rokr1_any good pptp client supported by N90020:41
RevdKathynow just a few bookmarks/passwords20:41
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ZogGMohammadAG, your last psfreedom without emulator support?20:47
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lcukRevdKathy, packed the wellingtons for your paddington?20:47
RevdKathyNo, just made sure that Titch has his passport.20:48
RevdKathyis it me or are both forums down again?20:48
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RevdKathyHow am I supposed to ensure the passwords are right if they do that?20:48
ZogGMohammadAG ?20:48
lcukyeah, its been a bit heavy this week wth pr1.320:48
MohammadAGZogG, can't see any dev_xxxx stuff in it20:49
MohammadAGZogG, try hermes20:49
RevdKathyWhich hasn't been releaszed for the UK, apparently20:49
* RevdKathy snarls20:49
nid0global firmware's the way to go20:49
ZogGMohammadAG so PL3 without emulator? than need a patch as the priveous?20:49
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RevdKathythat means reflashing20:49
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RevdKathyand that I DON'T have time or energy to do before my hols20:50
ZogGRevdKathy it's always about reflashing20:50
MohammadAGKaKaRoTo, does PL3 need any patches for BD emulation?20:50
nid0load the global image onto a laptop, and youll have something to do to pass the time on the plane :)20:50
MohammadAGRevdKathy, ship me your N900, I love flashing20:50
RevdKathyYou know, I bet there'd be a market for people to reflash20:51
ZogGKaKaRoTo is here? lol20:51
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RevdKathyanyway, what am I missing in PR 1.3?20:51
tripzeroPR 1.3?20:51
nid0user-side, nothing really other than bugfixes20:51
infobotrumour has it, pr1.3 is the latest (and probably last) software update for Fremantle, available since Monday October 25 2010. More information at -- see ~flashing for how to update, or, or
RevdKathyDoubt I have anything that needs qt 4.720:52
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tripzeroyou *need* qt 4.720:52
slingrthis is the start of the end my friends20:52
slingrit was good knowing you20:52
* slingr smashes his n900 against the ground20:52
lcukslingr, tell us if you get an n900fly high score with that20:53
slingri was actually gonna say that20:53
slingrno joke20:53
RevdKathyI don't need qt4.7 until the apps start using it20:53
lcukRevdKathy, but the support is there :)20:53
tripzeroRevdKathy, all qt apps will use it if you have it installed20:53
nid0or they wont if you dont, and still work fine20:53
lcukand it fixes bugs in current apps20:53
nid0so no, theres no *need* for it until apps appear that require it20:53
tripzeroand probably runs things faster20:53
ZogGuse n900fly20:53
tripzeroand lets you install new qml apps20:54
RevdKathyBut I wobn't have it installed until they deign to release the UK version20:54
tripzerolike the ones i just wrote20:54
lcukRevdKathy, enjoy holiday and see if its out when you get back20:54
RevdKathyAnd I can't even check whether it's immanent as I can't access tmo20:54
RevdKathylcuk - that was ny thinking20:54
lcukNY thinking? you going to America? *grin*20:55
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RevdKathyI will a) bitch and b) reflash to generic if it's not out by 5th Nov20:55
RevdKathyAnd now I really need to go and pack20:55
nid0hm, thats only a week and a half away20:55
lcukyou could just go to a bonfire like everyone else :D20:55
nid0fat chance of it being out by then20:55
RevdKathyLater - possibly tomorrow. Or not20:55
RevdKathyBonfire? It's Diwali!20:56
sobczyk is there some reason graphical package managers do not display some packages? (apt-cache can)20:56
RevdKathySome of us will be doing proper firework type things20:56
nid0sobczyk, they dont display non-user packages20:56
lcuksobczyk, yes20:56
ZogGMohammadAG hmm. it seems not working =(20:57
RevdKathyRight: suitcase calls. May be back later if I get bored20:57
MohammadAGZogG, hermes?20:57
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lcukRevdKathy, well its the festival of lights :)20:57
MohammadAGshe got unbored :P20:57
sobczyknitdroid wiki suggests searching it in graphical manager, but it's not there (nitdroid-installer20:57
ZogGMohammadAG didn't try yet20:57
MohammadAGsearch for Nitdroid20:57
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sobczykMohammadAG: tried to search in default app manager and fapman - nothing. I can install using apt-get but I was wondering what could be the reason20:58
jewardHi, I accidentally hit ignore on the maemo update on my n900.  How do I apply it now?  Application manager says there are no updates.20:58
vltRwhat is working t.m.o link?20:58 is down 4 me ;{20:59
infobotextra, extra, read all about it, isitdown is
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fluxtmo must not have very good availability21:01
fluxare we talking three nines here?21:01
MohammadAGand so it starts.... "PR 1.3 LITTLE changes with HUGE DISAPPOINT!!!"21:01
RST38hWell can't argue with this...21:01
javispedrohey, I can finally update to post 1.1 modest, I'm happy21:02
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RST38hWhatever Nokia's release procedure is, it is completely broken.21:02
javispedrobtw, how you compare the current one to the Diablo SSUs one?21:03
javispedroI'm too young in Maemo to remember, I only got the last two Diablo SSUs.21:03
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Arkenoiswitching language while in terminal still causes some weird input21:04
jewardSo I should stick with 1.2?21:04
MohammadAGno, SSU to 1.321:04
MohammadAGI'll ask again21:05
sobczykhow do I know I have 1.3 if none of the repo links are for 1.3 (either fremntle or fremantle 1.2) and I did the big maemo5 update21:05
MohammadAGany debian packaging exdperts?21:05
togglesMohammadAG: not and expert but i can package21:05
MohammadAGI can package, but I need help in replacing a package21:07
jewardI accidentally hit ignore on the last maemo5 update.  How can I install it now?21:08
sobczykjeward: go to app manager21:08
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jewardApp manager says no updates avaiable.,21:08
MohammadAGyou can't ignore an update21:09
MohammadAGyou can only ignore the yellow notification21:09
jewardOh, now it shows up!  Thanks!21:09
X-FadeYou can.21:09
X-FadeWell yeah, what he says.21:09
MohammadAGanyone noticed that bug 10613 is still there, sorta21:09
povbotBug screen glitches on incoming call21:09
sobczyk20.2010.36-2 is pr1.3?21:10
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sobczykwhy they didn't simply write pr1.3? (or pr1.3-<number>)21:11
nid0why should they?21:11
tripzerowhy is the world round?21:11
nid0prx.x are simply unofficial patch names used by the community, not actual release numbers21:11
vltRto spin around21:11
MohammadAGtripzero, it's not round21:12
* tripzero gasps21:12
tripzeroi knew it!21:12
sobczyknot to confuse the users, repo names = release names; easier than figuring out what the number is for21:12
MohammadAGtripzero, the world doesn't exist21:12
MohammadAGYour mind, is the scene of the world21:13
nid0so because users decide to call releases by a shorthand name, nokia should change their release naming system to match it?21:13
nid0wheres the logic there?21:13
MohammadAGnid0, 1=121:13
MohammadAGbut the question is, does char 1 = int 1?21:13
ZogGtmo is always down lately21:13
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ZogGMohammadAG where does it keep modules and pls3 on n900 in your program21:14
sobczykif you define your own system for representing chars then char 1 = int 1 :)21:14
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sobczykwhich repor can be changed to fremantle-1.3? (I have extras, extras-devel, opera) don't know about the fremantle ones from nokia.com21:18
lcuksobczyk, afaik the repos get automagically updated as part of the upgrade21:18
lcukwhat makes you think its not21:18
sobczyklcuk: because I've upped them by hand a second ago, except ones from because I'm not sure21:19
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lcukso you are on pr1.3 by normal update mechanism?21:20
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lcukand it *didn't change the repos?21:20
RST38htmo is seriously lagging21:20
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sobczyknormal, and no update21:20
ml-mobiletmo is mostly unresponsive21:20
MohammadAGextras only I think21:20
MohammadAGI wonder if people on tmo know that kernel-power is old21:21
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sobczykI mean extras, extras-devel and opera have fremantle-1.3, so I was wondering about ones from, but I guess they don't need upgrade21:21
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MohammadAG-devel should be fremantle21:22
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sobczykprobably that's why the updater does not touch anything else21:22
sobczykMohammadAG: any particular reason? there is also fremantle-1.2 there21:23
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MohammadAGask Nokia :P21:24
CreamyGdid someone flash the firmware on TMO and it's stuck in a reboot loop?21:24
CreamyGmaybe we should switch to coral cache21:25
X-FadeI created fremantle-1.3, so if there someone messed up at Nokia, I could fix it.21:25
X-FadeBut there was no real need for it this time.21:25
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SpeedEvilI vote we just make it a news-server.21:26
SpeedEvilonly those that can work out how to post to moderated groups can post.21:27
CreamyGyeah haha i'd have to learn...21:27
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CreamyGsomeone want to test new version of conky? i give up on posting it on tmo21:31
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sobczykmultiboot-kernel-maemo will work for pr-1.2? I read that it's image for pr-1.2
sobczykI mean pr-1.3 ...21:32
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kopte3hi guys21:46
kopte3can somebody help me a little? :)21:47
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javispedro~hail libplayback documentation21:47
* infobot bows down to libplayback documentation and chants, "I'M NOT WORTHY!!"21:47
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infobotremember, there are no stupid questions, just stupid people. <>21:48
javispedrono, no that one :P21:48
infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.21:48
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MohammadAGremind me why tmo died again?21:50
javispedrocombined slashdotting of a million mindless pr1.3 upgrading zombies21:50
kopte3are you talking to me? :)21:51
MohammadAGthat was two days ago21:51
* MohammadAG smacks forehead21:51
javispedroBRAAAAAAAAAAINSSSSSSS.... (with Flash)21:51
kopte3i have a question about some settings for wifi connection21:51
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javispedrokopte3: the "Questions" part was for you, just ask21:51
Jaco2khi all21:51
javispedro~tell kopte3 about ask21:51
kopte3so, my question is21:52
kopte3i have a wifi on my university21:52
Jaco2krestoring backups... failling to restore my PR1.2 contacts backup after upgrade to PR1.321:52
Jaco2keverything else restores fine21:52
Jaco2kthe contacts even partially21:52
Jaco2kbut all phone numbers, etc. lost21:52
kopte3and i need to to set Security type: Shared21:52
Jaco2kany idea why or how to fix this?21:53
kopte3"Connect even if network is not broadcasting"21:53
javispedrokopte3: by "shared" they usually mean PreShared Key (or PSK)21:53
javispedrokopte3: and by "Connect even if network is not brdcstng" they usually mean "Hidden network"21:53
kopte3ah.. ok21:54
javispedrokopte3: so, when Maemo asks you for network type, set "WPA Preshared Key" or similar, and check the "Hidden network" checkbox21:54
kopte3so shared is wpa psk?21:54
javispedroit could be wep21:54
javispedrobut most often it is wpa psk21:54
kopte3ok, thanks21:55
rokr1_is there any way to install tinysmb in debian chroot ??21:55
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kopte3on more thing21:55
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kopte3i have to ask mu friend.. there is something messed up with that wifi.21:56
kopte3there are two different connections on the same ruters21:56
kopte3so many devices have a problem21:56
kopte3to connect21:56
javispedrothat's nothing uncommon21:56
maybeArghso... about tmo...21:56
kopte3yup, i know that, but there is something uncommon.. i will try to find that out these days21:57
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kopte3can i ask you again if this isn't going to work? :)21:57
javispedrono, wanted to mean the opposite:21:57
javispedroit is pretty common21:58
javispedro(double negative!)21:58
kopte3i get that21:58
kopte3but i wanted to say21:58
kopte3there is something more messed up21:58
kopte3which is uncommon :)21:59
javispedrowhat's up with the WWW today? everything's down21:59
javispedroI'm getting 500 errors even in slashdot21:59
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maybeArghskynet's taking over21:59
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kopte3so, if i choose wep in settings it will be wep with shared authentication?22:01
kopte3lol for skynet :)22:01
_trineif you chose WEP able to hack you in less than a minute22:02
_trine              ^ I22:02
javispedrokopte3: wep is by definition "shared"22:02
javispedrobut wpa-psk also uses a shared key22:02
kopte3i just found out, it's wep22:02
_trineWEP is shared with everyone22:02
kopte3a lot!22:03
kopte3now.. i just checked out my settings and everything was already that way (in phone)22:04
kopte3still, i can't connect22:04
DocScrutinizerkopte3: if your university's WiFi has hidden SSID, then please invite that admin here so he can receive the hard spanking he earned by this idiocy22:05
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jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: why?22:05
kopte3oh man22:05
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kopte3i wish i can find that idiot myself :D22:05
DocScrutinizerjacekowski: because I like spanking idiots22:06
jacekowskiweird way of spending free time22:06
_trineespecially female idiots22:06
kopte3it has hidden SSID22:06
kopte3and something is fckd up22:06
kopte3or whatever22:06
kopte3two of my friends have n900 too22:07
kopte3noone can connect22:07
kopte3symbian can, android can, ios devices can22:07
jacekowskimaybe it's using that windows thing22:07
jacekowskihmm, maybe not22:07
kopte3no.. i think even some android phones can't22:07
javispedrois it called "PAP"?22:08
kopte3if i can find what's wrong with that network22:08
DocScrutinizerthe one who kills that admin will inherit his job22:08
kopte3can you guys help me? :)22:08
javispedrokopte3: not really, basically, you would need to gather as much verifiable information about the network as possible22:09
DocScrutinizeron killing admin? probably not, unless you get us his address22:09
kopte3i can do that22:09
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kopte3i can find out pretty much everything about it22:10
KaKaRoToMohammadAG, no patches needed, no22:10
kopte3because there are a lot of students there..22:10
KaKaRoToZogG, ^^22:10
MohammadAGthanks KaKaRoTo22:10
DocScrutinizerlemme guess what subject this university is22:10
kopte3guess :)22:10
DocScrutinizerit's NOT CS22:11
javispedroDocScrutinizer: you'd be surprised in fscked setups in CS universities22:11
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DocScrutinizerlol, yeah I'm afraid you're right22:11
jacekowskijavispedro: it's not so easy to manage network that's used by couple thousands users22:11
jacekowskijavispedro: it's using different terminals22:11
jacekowskijavispedro: connecting loads of different things22:12
javispedrojacekowski: yes, but not following eduroam's own guidelines is just suicidal22:12
jacekowskiand very often every single device is different22:12
DocScrutinizernevertheless I would pick economics as one of three possibilities22:12
kopte3nope :)22:12
kopte3network is in the building with three tehnical faculties22:13
javispedroDocScrutinizer: well, you know it's not CS, you still have a hundred other majors =)22:13
kopte3and network is made by the guys22:13
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kopte3from my school of electrical engineering :D22:14
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kopte3yeah, i know22:14
kopte3i am studying software engineering22:14
javispedrooh, the irony.22:14
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zapAfter latest update if I open maemo browser, then close it browserd starts eating CPU (load ~60-90%) and battery. When I re-launch the browser, CPU usage goes to 0% again. Anybody has seen this?22:16
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kopte3we do learn about computer networks and information systems22:17
slonopotamusW: GPG error: diablo Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG E40DC434616730BD Extras repositories (Fremantle Extras) <>22:17
kopte3but.. almost none of the practical stuff22:17
kopte3practical stuff is more in programming, operating systems, algorythms etc22:18
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kopte3guys, thanks for the help, i'll try to find what's fckd up there, and address of the guy who fckd up. see you in a few days, thanks for the help, you're very kind!22:19
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merlin1991hail for eduoram22:22
merlin1991or pr1.2 since it didn't work before that one :P22:22
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javispedromerlin1991: if your eduroam network is using PAP, they are violating its guidelines22:24
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merlin1991nah it's doing the radius stuff22:24
javispedromerlin1991: with a captive portal????22:24
merlin1991captive portal?22:24
javispedroa weblogin or the like22:25
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merlin1991no weblogin22:25
merlin1991just wpa eap peap22:26
javispedroah, no pap.22:26
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merlin1991it's the technical university of vienna, gotta be something they do right :P22:27
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ZogGKaKaRoTo yeah, thanks - managed to work on gaia, though on backupmanager it doesn't work22:28
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marexhey ... if I dist-upgrade to PR 1.3, will power-kernel somehow interfere with it /22:28
zapdist-upgrade doesn't work22:29
marexwhy not ?22:29
zapdunno, somebody tried yesterday and apt failed22:29
KaKaRoToZogG, yeah, you need gaia22:29
ZogGmarex don't do it - killed my phone - lucky i had nitdroid to full the battery to charge22:29
ZogGKaKaRoTo, =*22:29
MercuryAnd the BSP files, no idea how hard it is to extract from those.  I used to know.22:30
ZogGyou are one of the guys i want raise child from =)22:30
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ZogGMohammadAG, so why can't you maintain hildon separetly?22:30
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marexZogG: killed ? how ?22:30
MohammadAGZogG, it's impossible on -devel22:30
marexZogG: why won't dist-upgrade work, it worked from 1.0 to 1.222:30
ZogGmarex it turned off in the middle itself22:31
ZogGand than i used ntroid so finished battery22:31
kopte3guys, is there a option for hexadecimal 128bit key?22:31
marexZogG: so your battery ran out ?22:31
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kopte3wireless network settings?22:31
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kopte3guys? :)22:37
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ZogGmarex after that, but when it turned off it was full22:37
ioanhi. trying to run "apt-get install preenv libgles1" I get: The following packages have unmet dependencies:22:38
ioan  libgles1: Depends: libgles1-sgx-img but it is not going to be installed22:38
ioanhow do I fix that? :-)22:38
ioanwhat repository do I need for that?22:38
javispedrodo not add libgles1 to apt-get install cmd line.22:38
ioanwith just preenv I get: preenv: Depends: libjson-glib-1.0-0 but it is not going to be installed22:40
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kopte3javispedro:  is there a option for hexadecimal 128bit key?22:42
marexZogG: that's strange22:42
marexZogG: how am I supposed to do the update ?22:42
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javispedrokopte3: try entering the hex key on the field22:43
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kopte3javispedro: on the field?22:44
JaizukeSorry to bother you guys but I have a quick question: Does Advanced Power not work or is it just me?22:44
MohammadAGinstinctiv is coming out well22:44
MohammadAGshame it's closed source :/22:44
javispedrokopte3: on the password field22:44
kopte3i tried that22:44
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kopte3javispedro: i tried that22:44
kopte3javispedro: is it done automatically when i put the hex key?22:46
javispedrokopte3: yes, afaik, it can detect that because of the length.22:46
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kopte3javispedro: can i manualy set it?22:46
javispedrovia gconf, which is a long topic.22:46
kopte3ok, thank you very much!22:47
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ioanok, apt-get -f install did the trick. now how do I download WebOS games? from where?22:47
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ZogGmarex in OTA22:50
ZogGsomwhere there is info about package and there there is problem list22:50
marexI don't trust it ...22:50
ZogGthe packages to delete before update22:50
marexit doesn't work22:50
ZogGdo makeup22:50
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ZogGthan delete, update and restore22:51
ZogGor the same with flashing22:51
infobotfrom memory, flashing is
marexI used the onboard backup application22:51
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zapjavispedro: Any reason why "preenv" doesn't launch the executable directly?22:53
PaulyHi, I have n900 and want to know which is best OS for file sharing with my n900. Windows 7 x64 or Ubuntu 10.10 x6422:53
zapPauly: Ubuntu, use NFS22:54
marexDebian Testing, use NFS ;-)22:54
Paulycool im downloading it now22:54
javispedrozap: submit a patch =)22:54
zapjavispedro: well, I just thought there was a real reason :)22:54
zapthank for the package btw, it is awesome22:55
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Paulyi know this question is off but is ubuntu good with like media streaming 720p with xbox 360?22:56
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zapPauly: try #ubuntu22:56
marex#debian :)22:57
Paulyahhh makes sence22:58
JaizukeUmm I have another question, can anybody help me?22:59
PaulyPR 1.3 is nice i think its a bit faster its cool i feel like i have a new tablet lol22:59
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JaizukeDoes Matan's modified Hildon Desktop still work with PR 1.3?23:00
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MohammadAGmine works, I think23:00
JaizukeNot sure?23:01
MohammadAGhaven't tried it, but it should worked23:01
wmaroneisn't the one it's built from essentially the same as what we have in PR1.3?23:01
MohammadAGsince it's based on the new version (actually newer) version23:01
Jaizukemmm.. I'm sorry but what does yours offer?23:01
MohammadAGit's the same one, but compiled for 1.323:01
JaizukeEverything as Matan's?23:01
MohammadAGit's his patches, can't take credit for those23:02
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Jaizukeah I see23:02
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MohammadAGnp :)23:02
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MohammadAGI have a version with thp's patches too :)23:02
MohammadAG dated 26-Oct23:02
Jaizukemm, whatever happened to that 'Boost N900' thread?23:02
MohammadAG ftw23:03
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MohammadAGfirst hit :P23:03
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JaizukeSorry, I meant what happened to SavageD, he posted his version, and then at the end he said it was unstable and told everyone to uninstall it and he would post one up soon(or that very day) and then the thread just died23:05
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alteregoUrgh, t.m.o is still being crap23:07
alteregoThere can't be that many visitors ..23:07
JaizukeYEah, just died on me23:07
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JaizukeApparently its people downloading the patch thats causing this23:08
wmaroneall the one time "I hate you Nokia" posters are slowly wandering away23:08
dolpalterego: anything bout madde and 1.3?23:08
alteregodolp: nokia qt sdk was updated with latest sysroot23:08
alteregoIf you've got it installed, run the update program and it should download the bits you need for PR1.323:08
alteregoI got someone to send me the two files I needed to install manually into madde23:09
alteregoAs I don't use te Nokia Qt SDK, I use the latest madde and a Qt creator snapshot :)23:09
dolpmmm.. i like to use madde only :P23:10
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alteregodolp: what version of madde do you use?23:11
alteregoI can point you to the files you need to set it up ;)23:11
alteregoOld :P23:13
marexZogG: heartbeatrate .. 120 :b23:13
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dolpyeah i know.. havent found windows binaries for newer version23:13
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alteregoHrm, I can't help you with the windows version :/23:14
djszapiI try to compile a project depending on opengl es, but I get this error message while compiling: -> What do I do wrong ?23:14
jacekowskidjszapi: read the error23:14
jacekowskiprobably some define missing23:15
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jacekowskior one of includes missing23:15
djszapijacekowski: what is your mean ?23:15
javispedrodjszapi: are you potentially including gl2ext.h _before_ gl2.h?23:15
AranelI think my filesystem is corrupt, recently I removed a 110mb file and It freed up only 39mb, Storage Usage says 1.7 in use but I got only 40mb free space in /home/user , how can I fsck it?23:16
nox-is pr1.3 safe to upgrate to if you have 56MB free in / and kernel-power installed?23:16
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djszapi  #include <GLES2/gl2.h>23:17
djszapi  #include <GLES2/gl2ext.h>23:17
javispedroso, no.23:18
javispedrowhere are you build this? which scratchbox SDK version?23:18
djszapiseems so23:18
alteregojavispedro: don't expect him to post in the right order :P23:18
alteregojavispedro: also, well done on the palm pre env stuff.23:18
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djszapiafter the change.23:19
javispedrodjszapi: that is the wrong way23:20
javispedroI meant yours was right already =)23:20
djszapiwhy did not it compile then ? :(23:20
javispedrowhere are you build this? which scratchbox SDK version?23:21
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jacekowskiis it normal that ham is not proposing an upgrade?23:22
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nox-nother try:  is 1.3 compatible with kernel-power?23:23
nox-and is 56 MB free in / enough?23:23
CreamyGmaybe... if it fails, just restart and apt-get upgrade -f23:24
CreamyGit will continue23:24
CreamyGthats what i did, installed with 45mb23:24
CreamyGand kernel power23:24
nox-hm ok23:24
CreamyGi would run the whole update from command line23:25
rokr1__ About PR 1.3: DO NOT apt-get -dist-upgrade! Type ~pr1.3 for more info.23:25
CreamyGi ran fapman and it crashed like half way through23:25
CreamyGbut the dpkg thing kept working away23:25
CreamyGwould have been nice to see the status23:25
infobot[pr1.3] the latest (and probably last) software update for Fremantle, available since Monday October 25 2010. More information at -- see ~flashing for how to update, or, or
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rokr1__bye guys23:26
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marexZogG: dist-upgrade completed ... now to the reboot23:26
marexZogG: it died for you during dist-upgrade, right ?23:26
ZogGnot only me23:26
ZogGsomeone also had this23:27
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marexpin ok23:28
marexnokia animation23:28
marexoh ...23:28
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marexPR1.3 is nice :)23:30
prontoi cant update to it -.-23:30
marexpronto: many years of embedded linux experience did the trick I think :)23:31
marexpronto: btw why not ?23:31
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prontoit wants to be plugged into the computer via a usb cable i lost, and i dont run windows23:31
marexme neither ... I'm a pure-blood debian user23:32
marexpronto: I disabled all the additional repositories (but those three nokia left there)23:32
marexthen ran xterm, apt-get update ; apt-get dist-upgrade23:32
marexit chocked a few times, but nothing apt-get -f install and dpkg --configure -a can't fix23:32
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marexso well ...1) I did apt-get dist-upgrade ...2) it chocked for not having enough space ... so I ran dpkg --configure -a ; apt-get -f install (it chocked again that it's lacking space ... goto 2) ... and at the end, I ran apt-get dist-upgrade to make sure it's all done23:34
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marextybollt: what ?23:37
_trineis there no UK PR 1.3 ?23:38
Turskii just noticed today that pressing power button freezes any audio for about two seconds in any state the device is in, can others reproduce this too?23:38
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DocScrutinizer  hail Nokia23:38
povbotBug 10353: result of USSD query should not be shown to user at all (If he wishes that)23:38
Turskidoesn't matter if it's maemo's mediaplayer or mplayer that is playing the audio23:38
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Turskiand i'm talking about PR1.323:39
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_trinewhich PR 1.3 version do I need for the UK ?23:40
djszapiis there different opengl package with khronos and imgtec for maemo ?23:40
andre___trine: .203 I guess.23:41
andre__probably not existing yet23:41
nox-hm talks about using `pcsuite' which i never used...  does that mean it has too little free?23:41
Turskiand i also noticed that the fm-transmitter is totally unusable with PR1.323:41
andre__DocScrutinizer: yeah, that sucks :-/23:41
wmaronenox-: that or you've got a package conflick (which is the most likely case)23:42
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_trineandre__, 203 is ver 1.1.123:42
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nox-wmarone, how can i see which package conflicts?23:42
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andre___trine, urgh. even worse.23:43
wmaroneif you start the upgrade process, there's a pop up that offers details23:43
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* wmarone should have taken screenshots23:43
marexanyone tried kernel-power on PR1.3 ?23:44
CreamyGyes its fine u just have to reboot23:44
nox-ah conflicts with perl23:44
djszapiwhich opengl package should I install inside the scratchbox ?23:45
djszapito get the khronos one, and not imgtec one ?23:45
tybolltmarex: I23:45
tybolltmarex: I'd also like to know - I need the hotspot app23:46
tybolltand I'm too much of a cheap fuck to pay for joiku ;)23:46
MohammadAGalterego, ping23:46
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alteregoMohammadAG: D?23:50
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marexok, powerkernel works ... that's good23:50
jacekowskican somebody show me theirs /etc/apt/sources.list.d/hildon-application-manager.list23:50
MohammadAGyou downgraded your kernel23:50
DocScrutinizermarex: you understand what powerkernel is? it's a compilation of a particular version of stock kernel - and it just has a different config (simplified image). So no, there's no powerkernel yet that's based on the pr1.3 stock kernel version. Installing powerkernel on PR1.3 means kernel downgrade23:50
DocScrutinizerjacekowski: eh?23:51
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: sources.list23:51
marexDocScrutinizer: I need iptables ... so well, this is ok with me23:51
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DocScrutinizerham.list? no pr1.3 here23:51
marexDocScrutinizer: btw. there's .28 one23:51
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: yeah23:51
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: i want 1.2 one23:51
DocScrutinizerk, np23:52
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MohammadAG jacekowski23:52
MohammadAGoh, 1.2, nvm23:52
MohammadAGshould be the same23:53
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DocScrutinizera minute, nstalling pastebinit23:53
jacekowski mine is not upgrading for some reason23:53
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MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, pastebinit doesn't work afaik23:54
DocScrutinizermeh, it's a nonsense file of marginal size anyway23:54
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DocScrutinizerprepare for impact...23:55
DocScrutinizerdeb ./23:55
DocScrutinizerdeb ./23:55
DocScrutinizerdeb ./23:55
DocScrutinizerdeb fremantle-1.2 free non-free23:55
DocScrutinizerdeb fremantle free non-free23:55
DocScrutinizerdeb fremantle free non-free23:55
DocScrutinizerdeb fremantle-1.2 free non-free23:55
DocScrutinizerdeb fremantle-1.2 free non-free23:55
DocScrutinizerdeb fremantle/tools free non-free23:55
tybollt~slap DocScrutinizer23:55
* infobot slaps DocScrutinizer, keep your grubby fingers to yourself!23:55
brikirc is the new pastebin?23:55
jacekowski  upstart: PreDepends: sysvinit-utils (>= 2.86.ds1-23) or23:55
jacekowski                       busybox (>= but it is not going to be installed23:55
SceltStskeeps: does meego already work as dual boot with maemo pr1.3?23:56
MohammadAGjacekowski, I get that too23:56
jacekowskihave you managed to work around it?23:56
MohammadAGnope, I'm on 1.323:56
MohammadAGI also got it on 1.1.1 and 1.223:56
MohammadAGso meh23:56
jacekowskiso how you managed to upgrade?23:56
MohammadAGScelt, meego works in a dual boot environment since 1.223:57
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MohammadAGjacekowski, flashed the leaked image, which has the same md5 as the final one23:57
MohammadAGso I upgraded a week ago23:57
tybolltMohammadAG: what is this dualboot in 1.3 and how's it work?23:57
MohammadAGthere isn't any damn dualboot23:57
MohammadAGit's only a kexec patched that was overhyped by some meego blog23:57
MohammadAGwhen uBoot is out, it gets chainloaded from NOLO23:58
MohammadAGthen if you have a bootable sd card, it boots from it23:58
DocScrutinizeryeah fsck, pastebinit is borked23:58
MohammadAGthat's it, it's not grub23:58
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DocScrutinizer(kexec, dualboot) seems also see:23:58
ShadowJKkexec means you don't need to connect the usb cable to your pc to boot meego, i think23:58
infobotsomebody said pr1.3 was the latest (and probably last) software update for Fremantle, available since Monday October 25 2010. More information at -- see ~flashing for how to update, or, or
SceltMohammadAG: so should I just wait for the better dualboot solution?23:59
MohammadAGShadowJK, kexec loads a kernel23:59
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DocScrutinizertybollt: there's never been any prom.... err I said this 2 or 3 times last 24h23:59

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